David Berenstein


AI & ML interests

Everything NLP and knowledge graphs



Posts 16

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πŸ¦€ Is your SQL a bit rusty? I just created theText To SQL Hub dataset explorer. To write SQL queries based on natural text input. Uses DuckDB, Llama 3.1 70B and the Hugging Face dataset-server API.

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Distilabel and synthetic data community interviews - the outcomes

We've been doing some interview with community members to understand the needs surrounding synthetic data. Many thanks to the participants. Note that, given they interviewees were sourced from our community, so the results will likely represent that.

Things distilabel does well
- security and reliability by caching generations and having serializable pipelines.
- scaling up generation by parallelising inference and Anyscale Ray
- solid implementations of state of the art research papers

Things to improve
- communication about the fact we support structured generation
- customization of existing prompt implementations are difficult
- creation of new tasks prove difficult
- arguments and parameters for tasks aren't available at first glance
- the learning curve can be steep
- more tutorials that represent real-life usage

Things to note
- create small scale and large scale dataset to Millions of records
- people use synthetic data to move away from frontier model providers
- people mostly use 7B or 70B models for generating

Participate here: https://github.com/argilla-io/distilabel/issues