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import re
def split_words(s):
# Split PascalCase or camelCase
s = re.sub("([A-Z][a-z]+)", r" \1", re.sub("([A-Z]+)", r" \1", s)).strip()
# Split snake_case or kebab-case
s = re.sub("[_-]", " ", s)
# Split numbers attached to strings
s = re.sub("([a-zA-Z])(\d)", r"\1 \2", s)
s = re.sub("(\d)([a-zA-Z])", r"\1 \2", s)
# Split the string into words based on spaces
words = s.split()
return words
def is_camel_case(s):
# The string must start with an uppercase letter, followed by zero or more sequences of an uppercase letter followed by zero or more lowercase letters.
return re.match(r"^[A-Z]+([a-z0-9]*[A-Z]*[a-z0-9]*)*$", s) is not None
def is_snake_case(s):
# The string must start with a lowercase letter, followed by zero or more sequences of an underscore followed by one or more lowercase letters.
return re.match(r"^[a-z0-9]+(_[a-z0-9]+)*$", s) is not None
def camel_to_snake_case(s):
# Add an underscore before every uppercase letter that is followed by a lowercase letter or digit and not preceded by an underscore, a hyphen or an uppercase letter
s = re.sub("(?<=[^A-Z_-])([A-Z])", r"_\1", s)
# Ensure there's an underscore before any uppercase letter that's followed by a lowercase letter or digit and comes after a sequence of uppercase letters
s = re.sub("([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z0-9])", r"\1_\2", s)
s = s.lower()
return s
import shutil
def print_dict(d, indent=0, indent_delta=4, max_chars=None):
max_chars = max_chars or shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] - 10 # Get terminal size if max_chars not set
indent_str = " " * indent
indent_delta_str = " " * indent_delta
for key, value in d.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
print_dict(value, indent=indent + indent_delta, max_chars=max_chars)
# Value is not a dict, print as a string
str_value = str(value)
line_width = max_chars - indent
# Split value by newline characters and handle each line separately
lines = str_value.split("\n")
for line in lines:
if len(line) + len(indent_str) + indent_delta > line_width:
# Split long lines into multiple lines
for i in range(line_width, len(line), line_width):
key = "" # Empty the key for lines after the first one
def nested_tuple_to_string(nested_tuple: tuple) -> str:
result = []
for item in nested_tuple:
if isinstance(item, tuple):
return "_".join(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Define test cases
test_cases = [
("example1", ["example", "1"]),
("exampleOne", ["example", "One"]),
("123example456", ["123", "example", "456"]),
("happyDay", ["happy", "Day"]),
("thisIsATest", ["this", "Is", "A", "Test"]),
("TestAI2023", ["Test", "AI", "2023"]),
("stringWith1Number", ["string", "With", "1", "Number"]),
("camelCaseExample", ["camel", "Case", "Example"]),
("snake_case_example", ["snake", "case", "example"]),
("snake_case2example3", ["snake", "case", "2", "example", "3"]),
("kebab-case-example", ["kebab", "case", "example"]),
("kebab-case2example3", ["kebab", "case", "2", "example", "3"]),
("PascalCaseExample", ["Pascal", "Case", "Example"]),
("Title Case Example", ["Title", "Case", "Example"]),
("Mixed1Example_case", ["Mixed", "1", "Example", "case"]),
("Mixed2Example-case", ["Mixed", "2", "Example", "case"]),
("Mixed3_Example-case", ["Mixed", "3", "Example", "case"]),
("lowercaseexample", ["lowercaseexample"]),
("mixedUPanddown", ["mixed", "U", "Panddown"]),
# Loop through test cases
for i, (input_string, expected_output) in enumerate(test_cases, 1):
# Apply function and check result
if split_words(input_string) != expected_output:
print(f"Failed on example {i}: {input_string}")
print(f"Expected: {expected_output}, but got: {split_words(input_string)}\n")
is_camel_case_test_cases = [
("isCamelCase", False),
("notCamelCase", False),
("camelCase", False),
("Notcamelcase", True),
("camel_Case", False),
("camelCase123", False),
("camelcase", False),
("CAMELCASE", True),
("camel-case", False),
("HFLoader", True),
for input_string, expected_output in is_camel_case_test_cases:
if is_camel_case(input_string) != expected_output:
print(f"Failed on is_camel_case: {input_string}")
print(f"Expected: {expected_output}, but got: {is_camel_case(input_string)}\n")
is_snake_case_test_cases = [
("is_snake_case", True),
("Not_snake_case", False),
("snake_case", True),
("snake_Case", False),
("Snakecase", False),
("snake-case", False),
("snake_case123", True),
("123snake_case", True),
("snakecase", True),
for input_string, expected_output in is_snake_case_test_cases:
if is_snake_case(input_string) != expected_output:
print(f"Failed on is_snake_case: {input_string}")
print(f"Expected: {expected_output}, but got: {is_snake_case(input_string)}\n")
camel_to_snake_case_test_cases = [
("camelToSnake", "camel_to_snake"),
("CamelToSnake", "camel_to_snake"),
("CamelToSnakeCase", "camel_to_snake_case"),
("camelToSnakeCase123", "camel_to_snake_case123"),
("123CamelToSnakeCase", "123_camel_to_snake_case"),
("camelTo_Snake_Case", "camel_to__snake__case"),
("camelTo-Snake-Case", "camel_to-_snake-_case"),
("camelToSnakeCASE", "camel_to_snake_case"),
("CAMELToSnakeCase", "camel_to_snake_case"),
("camelToSNAKECase", "camel_to_snake_case"),
("HFLoader", "hf_loader"),
for input_string, expected_output in camel_to_snake_case_test_cases:
if camel_to_snake_case(input_string) != expected_output:
print(f"Failed on camel_to_snake_case: {input_string}")
print(f"Expected: {expected_output}, but got: {camel_to_snake_case(input_string)}\n")