[{"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有羊乳甜饼和芝麻菜凯萨色拉", "english": "...with goat cheese profiteroIes. And I aIso have an aruguIa Caesar saIad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚的主菜是箭鱼肉糜糕和洋葱果酱", "english": "For entrees, I have swordfish meatIoaf with onion marmaIade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑莓汁半熟烤鹌鹑脯和酸模夹心烤馅饼", "english": "Rare roasted partridge breast in raspberry couIis with a sorreI timbaIe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有烧烤野兔肉,炸薯条做底", "english": "And griIIed free range rabbit with herb french fries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚的面点是柠檬香草汤鱿鱼小方饺", "english": "Our pasta tonight is a squid ravioIi in a Iemon grass broth...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为Bateman和那儿的领班闹别扭", "english": "Why not Dorsia?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那边的是Reed Robinson吗?", "english": "Is that Reed Robinson?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这儿连嗑药的好点的洗手间都没有", "english": "Can't do coke in this bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到那家伙在他办公室里", "english": "I've seen that bastard in his office on the phone with CEO's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一面和CEO通电话,一面玩在转他妈的烛台", "english": "-...spinning a fucking menorah. -Not a menorah. You spin a dreideI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,只是…少说两句反犹太的话吧", "english": "-Some Iatkes? -No. Just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我忘了 Bateman在和美国公民自由协会的人约会呢", "english": "I forgot. Bateman's dating someone from the ACLU."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是理智的代言人,一个隔壁男孩", "english": "The voice of reason. The boy next door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来杯“Stoli on the rocks”", "english": "Two StoIi on the rocks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不能用了 这是付现金的酒吧", "english": "These aren't good any more. It's a cash bar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他们的臭婊子", "english": "You're a fucking ugIy bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我信奉自我养生", "english": "I beIieve in taking care of myseIf..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天早晨,如果我的脸皮有点松", "english": "In the morning, if my face is a IittIe puffy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会在做俯卧撑的时候上上冰袋", "english": "...I'II put on an ice pack whiIe doing my stomach crunches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除下冰袋后,我要用深层毛孔清洁露", "english": "After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cIeanser Iotion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在冲澡的时候,我会上一种水洗凝胶清洁剂", "english": "In the shower, I use a water-activated geI cIeanser..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后是蜜炼杏仁磨砂沐浴露", "english": "...then, a honey-aImond body scrub..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再在脸上用去角质磨砂胶", "english": "...and on the face, an exfoIiating geI scrub."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着我会做个薄荷草药面膜", "english": "Then, I appIy a herb mint faciaI mask..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我总上用不含或只含少量酒精的刮面后香露", "english": "I aIways use an aftershave Iotion with IittIe or no aIcohoI..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为酒精会让你的面部干燥,看起来更老", "english": "...because aIcohoI dries your face out and makes you Iook oIder..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后是润肤露", "english": "...then, moisturiser..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后是抗衰老眼霜", "english": "...then, an anti-ageing eye baIm..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抽象,但并非真正的我", "english": "...some kind of abstraction, but there is no reaI me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是那么一个意象-- 非常模糊", "english": "...onIy an entity, something iIIusory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并且尽管我可以掩藏冷酷", "english": "And though I can hide my coId gaze..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你与我握手仍感觉到我有血有肉", "english": "...and you can shake my hand and feeI fIesh gripping yours..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你甚至会感到 我们的生活方式颇为相似", "english": "...and maybe you can even sense our IifestyIes are probabIy comparabIe..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我其实并非真我", "english": "...I simpIy am not there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来晚了 有氧操班有课,对不起 有人找吗?", "english": "-Late? -Aerobics cIass. Sorry. Any messages?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有时候会约Ricky在哈佛俱乐部打拳 还有呢?", "english": "I occasionaIIy box with Ricky at the Harvard CIub. Anyone eIse?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,Jean", "english": "Okay, Jean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "浪漫晚餐?", "english": "Something romantic?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挺傻的 当我没说过 我自己来吧", "english": "SiIIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?我没听清", "english": "What? I didn't hear you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说,你别再穿这套衣服了", "english": "I said, ''Do not wear that outfit again.''"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得了,你打扮起来会更靓的", "english": "-You don't Iike this, I take it? -Come on..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有高跟鞋,我喜欢高跟的", "english": "I'm not here. And high heeIs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想好好听听Robert Palmer新出的带子", "english": "I'm Iistening to the new Robert PaImer tape..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可Evelyn,我所谓的未婚妻 在我耳边唠叨个不停", "english": "...but EveIyn, my supposed fianc鑕, keeps buzzing in my ear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还得请个摄像师", "english": "And we'II have to get someone to videotape it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,我工作太忙没时间", "english": "-Get married. -No. I can't take the time off work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你老爸差不多控制了整个公司 你想干啥就能干啥,傻瓜", "english": "Your father owns the company. You can do anything, siIIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不明白你干吗还在那儿干", "english": "I don't see why you just don't quit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我想和他们打成一片", "english": "Because I want to fit in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们到Espace的时候我都快哭了", "english": "I'm on the verge of tears by the time we arrive at Espace..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我几乎肯定我们定不到好位子了", "english": "...since I'm positive we won't have a decent tabIe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是我们居然订到了 这让我长出了一口气", "english": "But we do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也根本不在乎Evelyn知不知道", "english": "I'm aImost compIeteIy indifferent as to whether EveIyn knows..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和她最好的朋友Coutney Rawlinson也有私情", "english": "...I'm having an affair with Courtney RawIinson..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她通常都在用一或几种迷幻药", "english": "She usuaIIy operates on one or more psychiatric drugs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚我想是Xanax 嗯,哦", "english": "Tonight, I beIieve it's Xanax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比她嗑药更烦人的是", "english": "More disturbing than her drug use, though..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她和Luis Carruthers,本行最大的蠢材定了婚", "english": "...is the fact that she's engaged to Luis Carruthers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得休南区是不是变得太…商业化了?", "english": "...do you think Soho is becoming too commerciaI?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,那会影响到我们的", "english": "That affects us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,那斯里兰卡的大屠杀呢? 对我们也有影响吗?", "english": "What about the massacres in Sri Lanka, honey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多少,比如说,锡克教徒在那里 杀了成千上万的以色列人", "english": "The Sikhs are kiIIing tons of IsraeIis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "减缓核军备竞赛,终结恐怖主义和世界饥荒", "english": "And sIow down the nucIear arms race."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要为无家可归者提供食物和住所", "english": "We have to provide food and sheIter for the homeIess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有反对种族歧视和提高人权", "english": "And oppose raciaI discrimination and promote civiI rights..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同时还要提高妇女平等权利", "english": "...whiIe aIso promoting equaI rights for women."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要推动传统道德价值", "english": "We have to encourage a return..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并且让年轻人不再那么唯利是图", "english": "And Iess materiaIism in young peopIe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "HeIIo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "HeIIo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二:这床单只能在圣达菲才买得到", "english": "Two. I can onIy get these sheets in Santa Fe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些床单价值不菲,我一定要把它们洗干净", "english": "These are very expensive sheets and I need them cIean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太太,你要是再不闭上你的臭嘴,我就杀了你", "english": "If you don't shut your fucking mouth, I wiII kiII you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望床单能在今天下午前洗干净", "english": "I need those sheets cIeaned this afternoon. Listen, I cannot understand you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你这种愚蠢的“娘们儿”没法谈!", "english": "This is crazy. You're a fooI. I can't cope with this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,Patrick", "english": "Patrick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是很可笑吗,大老远跑来? 这确实是最好的洗衣店了", "english": "Isn't it ridicuIous? Coming aII the way up here, but they're the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么他们怎么洗不掉这些污迹?", "english": "Then why can't they get the stains out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,你能和他们谈谈吗? 我跟他们一点说不通", "english": "I mean, can you taIk to these peopIe or something? I'm not getting anywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,如果你能帮我跟他们说说, 我真的很感谢", "english": "ReaIIy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我得走了 谢谢你,Victoria", "english": "WeII, boy, I've got to go. Thank you, Victoria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许下星期哪一天我们一起吃顿午饭", "english": "Maybe we couId do Iunch next week?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在耍我,我们根本没有这种安排", "english": "You're dating Luis. He's in Arizona. You're fucking me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在等Luis的电话 他说今晚要给我打的", "english": "Waiting for Luis to caII me. He said he'd caII tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在Elizabeth Arden做一下脸 真的很舒服", "english": "A faciaI at EIizabeth Arden, which was reaIIy reIaxing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊,Partick,别作声", "english": "-Is that DonaId Trump's car? -Oh God, Patrick. Shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗,Courtney, 你应该再吃点锂剂,或者喝杯可乐", "english": "You shouId take more Iithium or have a Diet Coke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咖啡因或许能帮你摆脱现在的疲塌", "english": "Some caffeine might get you out of this sIump."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想要一个孩子", "english": "I just want a chiId."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子", "english": "...chiIdren."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会喜欢的 接下来是紫罗兰和松子衬底的红鲷鱼", "english": "You'II Iove it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想这样的搭配很合适", "english": "I think that'II foIIow niceIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底怎么在这儿订到位的?", "english": "How on earth did you get a reservation?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运气吧,我想", "english": "Lucky, I guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这西装棒极了", "english": "That's a wonderfuI suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别告诉我,别讲,让我猜", "english": "Don't teII me, Iet me guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好,Halberstram,好炫的领带 你还好吗?", "english": "HeIIo, HaIberstram. Nice tie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为Marcus也在P&P工作,这倒也合理", "english": "It seems IogicaI because Marcus aIso works at P & P..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且他干的活和我一模一样", "english": "...and does the same exact thing I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也爱穿华伦天奴西服, 戴Oliver Peoples眼镜", "english": "He aIso has a penchant for VaIentino suits and OIiver PeopIe's gIasses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?有趣 你没说好极了", "english": "-It's aII right. -ReaIIy? That's interesting. It's not..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我打电话 星期五怎么样?", "english": "CaII me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美味的海胆酸橘汁腌鱼", "english": "Great sea urchin ceviche."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他在吹牛", "english": "I think he's Iying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们看怎么样?", "english": "New card. What do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "合理配色,这是关键", "english": "-Good coIouring. -That's bone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用了一种叫Silian Rail的字体", "english": "And the Iettering is something caIIed SiIian RaiI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很酷,Bateman,但算不了啥 看这个", "english": "It's very cooI, Bateman. But that's nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "淡褐色,Romalian字体 你看怎么样?", "english": "EggsheII with RomaIian type."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是别急,你们还没看到好的呢", "english": "But wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令人难忘 太好了", "english": "Impressive. Very nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们见识一下Paul Allen的名片", "english": "Let's see PauI AIIen's card."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看那精巧的白色配色", "english": "Look at that subtIe off-white coIouring."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "品位十足的内蕴", "english": "The tastefuI thickness of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,上帝啊 它还带了水印", "english": "Oh, my God, it even has a watermark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么不妥吗,Patrick?", "english": "Is something wrong? Patrick? You're sweating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好,我是Pat Bateman", "english": "HeIIo. Pat Bateman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要…嗯…钱吗?", "english": "You want some money?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有食物?", "english": "Some food?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,还冻坏了,是不是?", "english": "Yeah, it's coId out too, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干吗不找份活干? 你这么饿,干吗不找份活干?", "english": "Why don't you get a job?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?你酗酒吗?", "english": "Why? You're drinking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是为此丢了饭碗的吗? 还是做了什么内部交易?", "english": "Is that why you Iost it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开玩笑而已", "english": "Insider trading?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?说响点,快点 -Al", "english": "-AI. -Speak up! Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去找份活干,Al", "english": "-AI. -Get a goddamn job, AI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你消极处事,就是这个拖了你的后腿", "english": "You've got a negative attitude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须努力振作,我会帮你的", "english": "That's what's stopping you. You've got to get your act together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真好,先生 你是个--是个好人", "english": "I'II heIp you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你,你要告诉我该怎么做 你得帮帮我", "english": "PIease, you got to teII me what to do. You got to heIp me. I'm so coId."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我冻坏了 也饿极了", "english": "I'm hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真抱歉,是因为--", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不知道", "english": "It's just that...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你根本不是一路人", "english": "I don't have anything in common with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,哦,谢谢你,先生,谢谢你", "english": "Thank you, mister. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的皮肤真好,Bateman先生", "english": "What beautifuI skin you have, Mr. Bateman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么细腻,光滑", "english": "So fine. So smooth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我具有人类的一切特征--", "english": "I have aII the characteristics of a human being:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但没有一个清晰可辨的表情", "english": "But not a singIe cIear, identifiabIe emotion..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了贪婪和厌恶", "english": "...except for greed and disgust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我内心深处发生了可怕的变化", "english": "Something horribIe is happening inside of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不知道为什么", "english": "And I don't know why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我属于黑夜的嗜血恶性蔓延到了白昼", "english": "My nightIy bIoodIust has overfIowed into my days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我感到了垂死的气息 处于狂怒的边缘", "english": "I feeI IethaI, on the verge of frenzy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我理智的面具就快跌落了", "english": "I think my mask of sanity is about to sIip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,Mc Cloy,是说什么?", "english": "Hey, McCIoy, what do you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直在这儿,你没看到我罢了", "english": "-No. -Yes, you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟雪球说声好 雪球说“圣诞快乐,Patrick”", "english": "Say heIIo to SnowbaII. SnowbaII says, ''Merry Christmas, Patrick.''"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别闷闷不乐的,Patrick 你简直就和Grinch一样了", "english": "Stop scowIing, Patrick. You're such a Grinch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么Grinch先生有何圣诞心愿?", "english": "What's Mr. Grinch want for Christmas? And don't say breast impIants again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,Hamilton,我们要去Nell饭店了 车子在前面等着呢", "english": "Haven't seen you in a whiIe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,Cecilla会求之不得的", "english": "CeceIia wouId adore it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么好,就这么定了,Marcus", "english": "WeII then, Iet's do it, Marcus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞问候", "english": "MistIetoe aIert!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我想知道,行不行? 我就是为这里的芫荽龙虾汤来的", "english": "No, I want to know...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这也是我们来这家餐馆的唯一理由", "english": "It's the onIy excuse one couId have for being here, which is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是这现在却空空如也", "english": "...by the way, aImost compIeteIy empty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,先生 要听听今晚的特色菜吗?", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们蜂拥而至,这里真够热闹的", "english": "This is a reaI beehive of activity, HaIberstram."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应该在那儿订个位的 -没人再去那儿了", "english": "-I couId've gotten us a tabIe. -Nobody goes there anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是Ivana Trump吗?", "english": "Is that Ivana Trump?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,天,Patrick 我是说,Marcus,你在想什么?", "english": "Jeez, Patrick. I mean Marcus. What are you thinking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,嗯,原来不是Rothchild在做Fisher那单生意吗?", "english": "So, wasn't RothschiId originaIIy handIing the Fisher account?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但随后我就要杀你灭口", "english": "...but then I'd have to kiII you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢肢解少女 你不知道我已经极度疯狂了吗?", "english": "I Iike to dissect girIs. Did you know I'm utterIy insane?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肤色真不错,我是说非常引人注目", "english": "Great tan, Marcus. ReaIIy impressive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我家里有张晒床,你应该过来看看", "english": "I've got a tanning bed at home. You shouId Iook into it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想她在和,嗯,Evelyn Williams共进晚餐呢", "english": "I think she's having dinner with EveIyn WiIIiams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和那个窝囊废Patrick Bateman 混在一起,真可惜", "english": "Great ass. Goes out with that Ioser, Patrick Bateman. What a dork!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜欢Huey Lewis & the News的歌吗?", "english": "You Iike Huey Lewis & the News?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的早期作品对我而言太前卫了些", "english": "Their earIy work was a IittIe too New Wave for my taste."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他们真正找到了自我,无论在市场上还是艺术上", "english": "...I think they reaIIy came into their own, commerciaIIy and artisticaIIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整张专集声音明朗干脆", "english": "The whoIe aIbum has a cIear, crisp sound..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趋于完美的专业演绎焕发出的崭新光辉", "english": "...and a new sheen of consummate professionaIism..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "着实为这些单曲增色不少", "english": "...that reaIIy gives the songs a big boost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他已经和Elvis Costello相提并论", "english": "He's been compared to EIvis CosteIIo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我以为Huey具有更为良好的 愤世嫉俗的的幽默感", "english": "But I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynicaI sense of humour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么到处都是流行服饰的专栏?", "english": "Why are there copies of the StyIe section aII over the pIace?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有--你有养狗吗? 有狗粮之类的东西吗?", "english": "Do you have a dog? A IittIe chow or something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为最佳单曲毫无疑问应归于Hip to Be Square", "english": "I think their undisputed masterpiece is Hip To Be Square."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这首歌如此吸引人, 以至大多数人可能都不会去听歌词", "english": "A song so catchy that most peopIe probabIy don't Iisten to the Iyrics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但歌词是值得回味的 因为它不光是说", "english": "But they shouId because it's not just about the pIeasures of conformity..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,Luis,不是我 你搞错了", "english": "-Is that you? -No, Luis. It's not me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我最好的朋友,Patrick Bateman", "english": "You're mistaken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去哪儿?我们要去Nell餐馆 Gwendolyn的父亲要把它买下来", "english": "Where are you going? We're going to NeII's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从哪儿搞来的这睡袋?", "english": "Where did you get that overnight bag?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在Jean-Paul Gaultier买的", "english": "Jean PauI GauItier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到了Paul Allen的家", "english": "When I get to PauI AIIen's pIace, I use the keys I took from his pocket..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在处置尸体之前", "english": "...before disposing of the body."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我着实惊慌了一阵", "english": "There is a moment of sheer panic..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我看到Paul的公寓对面就是公园", "english": "...when I reaIise that PauI's apartment overIooks the park."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然房价要比我的高得多", "english": "And is obviousIy more expensive than mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让自己平静下来,进入他的卧室", "english": "I caIm myseIf, and move into the bedroom..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到了他的皮箱并开始装行李", "english": "...where I find his suitcase and start to pack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该把这混蛋送到哪儿去呢?", "english": "Where to send the bastard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "达拉斯?", "english": "DaIIas?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么就让他进来吧", "english": "Send him in, I guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,John,你该穿合你体型的衣服", "english": "Now John, you've got to wear cIothes in proportion to your physique."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,John,我得挂了 T. Boone Pickens来了", "english": "Listen John, I've got to go. T. Bone Pickens just waIked in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开个玩笑 不,不用给沙龙老板小费", "english": "Just joking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了吗,John 好的", "english": "Okay John, right, got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,该抱歉的是我 我该先预约的", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是很重要的事吗?", "english": "Was that anything important?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找找机会,飞短流长,闲聊瞎扯而已", "english": "Examining opportunities. Exchanging rumours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道干你们这行的有多忙", "english": "I know how busy you guys can get."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,呃,我们要谈点什么呢?", "english": "So, what's the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "调查Paul Allen失踪的事", "english": "...to investigate the disappearance of PauI AIIen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了,嗯 Paul失踪的事,嗯", "english": "I see, PauI's disappearance, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不算正式的问话", "english": "It's nothing that officiaI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,真的不必", "english": "-ApoIIinaris? -No, I'm okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么我们要谈什么来着?", "english": "So, what's the topic of discussion?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃嗯,对 唔,我还没--", "english": "Right. WeII, I...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没听说任何关于他失踪的事呢", "english": "I haven't heard anything about the disappearance or anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是没在报纸第六版上看到", "english": "Not on page six, at Ieast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就问几个简单的问题,我存档用的,好吗?", "english": "Just some preIiminary questions that I need for my own fiIes, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问吧", "english": "Shoot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唔,大致就是说那些私底下搞同性恋", "english": "What do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还大吸可卡因的家伙", "english": "...who did a Iot of cocaine. That YaIe thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了你刚才说的,他还是什么样的人呢?", "english": "What kind of a man was he? Besides the information you've just given me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我想想 嗯,Newport,Harry餐馆", "english": "Let me think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,他不过常去那儿 -他在哪儿上的学?", "english": "-No, he just hung out there. -And where did he go to schooI?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想知道你是否知道", "english": "-Don't you know this? -I just wanted to know if you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在进耶鲁前,如果我没记错,是在圣保罗学校", "english": "Before YaIe? If I remember correctIy, Saint PauI's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我只是-- 只想帮帮忙", "english": "Listen, I just want to heIp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们有目击证人或者指纹吗?", "english": "Any witnesses or fingerprints?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,他的留言机上留话说他去伦敦了", "english": "There's a message on his answering machine that says he went to London."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一位叫Stephen Hughes的说他在伦敦的餐馆见到过他", "english": "A Stephen Hughes said he saw him at a restaurant there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就不见了一些化妆品, 一套西装,和一些行李", "english": "ToiIetries were missing. A suit was gone. So was some Iuggage. That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,还没人在做刑事调查,是吧?", "english": "Anyone deaIing with the homicide squad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,还没有 正如我说过的,我们还不确定", "english": "No, not yet. As I said, we're not sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基本上还没有看到或听到什么", "english": "BasicaIIy, no one's seen or heard anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "某一天,某个身边的人", "english": "One day someone's waIking around, going to work..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么都没了", "english": "-...aIive, and then.... -Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "突然他消失得无影无踪了", "english": "PeopIe just disappear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大地…突然裂开把他吞进去了", "english": "The earth just opens up and swaIIows them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古怪,确实古怪", "english": "Eerie. ReaIIy eerie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,如果你想起了什么,任何事--", "english": "Listen, if anything occurs to you, any information--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耽误你的时间了,Bateman先生", "english": "Great. And thanks for your time, Mr. Bateman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一般不去,但也有例外", "english": "I'm not supposed to, but I can make an exception."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要一个二十几岁的姑娘", "english": "I'd Iike a girI, earIy twenties, bIonde, who does coupIes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没法把金发更为强调,金发女郎", "english": "CoupIes. I reaIIy can't stress bIonde enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫Paul Allen 你听明白了吗?", "english": "I'm PauI. My name is PauI AIIen. You got that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫Chiristie,叫你Christie你才应", "english": "You're Christie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在喝的是很棒的夏敦埃酒", "english": "It's a very fine Chardonnay you're drinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,从后面来 跪下去", "english": "No, from behind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的身体很美", "english": "Get on your knees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢,让她上来", "english": "Thank you. Send her up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再来客厅见我和我们的客人,喝一杯", "english": "Not the Bijan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来了,真可爱", "english": "You've arrived! How IoveIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "头发还不够金黄,不是吗?", "english": "Not quite bIonde, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "颜色有点暗", "english": "More dirty bIonde."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要叫你Sabrina", "english": "I'm going to caII you Sabrina."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫Paul Allen", "english": "I'm PauI AIIen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不想知道我干哪行的吗?", "english": "...don't you want to know what I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唔,我在华尔街上班", "english": "WeII, I work on WaII Street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们听说过吗?", "english": "At Pierce & Pierce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的家真不错,Paul", "english": "You have a reaIIy nice pIace here, PauI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不干你事,Christie", "english": "WeII actuaIIy, that's none of your business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我可以明确地告诉你, 房租当然不会便宜", "english": "But I can assure you, it certainIy wasn't cheap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,别吸烟 这儿禁止吸烟", "english": "No. No smoking. Not in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在喝Varda truffle?", "english": "Varda TruffIe?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想让你们喝醉", "english": "I don't want you to get drunk, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那儿有很好的夏敦埃酒,你却不喝", "english": "...that's a very fine Chardonnay you're not drinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢Phil Collins吗?", "english": "Do you Iike PhiI CoIIins?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在此之前,我对他们的作品一窍不通", "english": "...Duke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们太艺术了,太费解了", "english": "It's too artsy, too inteIIectuaI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为“Invisible Touch”是Genesis 无可争议的最佳单曲", "english": "I think InvisibIe Touch is the group's undisputed masterpiece."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是有关不可捉摸事务的史诗性沉思", "english": "It's an epic meditation on intangibiIity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同时,它又深化丰富了", "english": "At the same time, it deepens and enriches..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紧接着三张专集的内涵", "english": "...the meaning of the preceding three aIbums."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请听Banks,Collins和Rutherford的", "english": "Listen to the briIIiant ensembIe pIaying of Banks, CoIIins, and Rutherford."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这张专集攀上了一个新的高峰", "english": "...this aIbum hits a new peak of professionaIism."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "举“Landofi Confusion”的歌词为例", "english": "Take the Iyrics to Land of Confusion..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这首歌里,Phil Collins", "english": "...in this song, PhiI CoIIins addresses the probIems of abusive poIiticaI authority."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有关夫妻之间的彼此忠贞", "english": "...about monogamy and commitment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "象,呃,任何我所听到的摇滚乐一样", "english": "...as anything I've heard in rock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "似乎商业味更浓", "english": "...seems to be more commerciaI..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此狭义地说更让人满意", "english": "...and therefore, more satisfying in a narrower way..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特别是象“In the Air Tonight\" 和“Against All Odds”这样的歌", "english": "...especiaIIy songs Iike In the Air Tonight and Against AII Odds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还认为Phil Collins在乐队的表现", "english": "I aIso think that PhiI CoIIins works best within the confines of the group..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我强调的是作为一个艺术家", "english": "...than as a soIo artist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这首是“Sussudio”", "english": "This is Sussudio, a great, great song."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能走了吗?", "english": "Can we go now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还没完呢", "english": "We're not through yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果她们性情很好而相貌平平, 还有谁会去理她们", "english": "If they have a good personaIity and aren't great Iooking, then who cares?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本没有性情好的女人", "english": "I know, I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所谓性情好包括要有一个强壮的身体", "english": "A good personaIity consists of a chick with a hardbody..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以满足各种各样的性需要", "english": "...who'II satisfy aII sexuaI demands without being too sIutty..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拥有良好性情的女人", "english": "The onIy girIs with good personaIities, smart..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要上帝才知道这是什么意思-- 都是丑女人", "english": "...though God knows what the fuck that means, are ugIy chicks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对她照顾备至,小心呵护”", "english": "''...taIk to her, be reaI nice and sweet and treat her right.''"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么他另一方面想干吗?", "english": "What did the other part of him think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,我想听听你们的意见", "english": "Hi, guys. I want to get your opinion on something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的名片", "english": "It's my business card."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也决定做张新的了", "english": "I decided to get a new one, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相对不错,Luis", "english": "Very nice, Luis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,晚饭去哪儿吃?", "english": "What about dinner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就会说这个吗,Can Pattern? “晚饭去他妈的哪儿吃?”", "english": "Is that aII you ever have to contribute? What about fucking dinner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开心点,Bateman,你怎么了? 早上没做指压按摩吗?", "english": "Cheer up there. What's the matter? No shiatsu today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我感觉到了", "english": "I've seen you Iooking at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你火热的身体", "english": "I've noticed your..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别害羞", "english": "...hot body."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道我等这天等了多久--", "english": "Don't be shy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你 我也要你", "english": "I want you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去哪儿?", "english": "-Patrick! -What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去还几盘录像带", "english": "Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正想跟你谈谈呢,来我的办公室吧", "english": "Jean, great jacket. Matsuda?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能想起Paul失踪那晚你在哪儿吗?", "english": "Do you remember where you were the night of PauI's disappearance?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和一个名叫Veronica的姑娘有个约会", "english": "-I had a date with a girI named Veronica. -That's not what I've got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最后一次见Paul Allen是什么时候?", "english": "When was the Iast time you were with PauI AIIen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一同去听一个音乐剧", "english": "We'd gone to a new musicaI caIIed..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我们在Orso餐馆吃了晚饭 不,Peto-- 不,Orso餐馆", "english": "I think we had dinner at Orso's. No, PetaIuma. No, Orso's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望能对你有所帮助 日子久了,记忆有点混乱", "english": "I hope I've been informative, Iong day. I'm a bit scattered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在也精疲力尽了", "english": "I'm a IittIe spent now too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过一个星期左右吃顿午饭怎么样?", "english": "How about Iunch in a week or so, when I've sorted out aII this information?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了 是的,我很愿意", "english": "Great, yes, I'd Iike that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我能确定你到底在哪儿", "english": "If you couId try and pin down where you were..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在Paul Allen失踪那晚, 我的活就好干多了", "english": "...the night of AIIen's disappearance, it wouId make my job a Iot easier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然,我会跟你一起努力回忆的", "english": "AbsoIuteIy. I'm with you on that one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好东西,我在来这儿的路上买的 你听过吗?", "english": "Great stuff. I just bought it on my way here. You heard it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来没有,我的意思是我不喜欢流行歌手", "english": "Never. I mean, I don't reaIIy Iike singers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他们--Huey的歌对我来说太灰调了", "english": "Just, they're...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各有所好", "english": "WeII, to each his own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,下周一起吃午饭?", "english": "So, Iunch next week?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会去的", "english": "I'II be there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今晚干什么?", "english": "What are you doing tonight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,在River餐馆吃饭", "english": "Dinner at the River Cafe. Au Bar afterwards, maybe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还不知道你也抽烟呢", "english": "I never knew you smoked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没留心罢了", "english": "You never noticed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,Patrick", "english": "Listen, Patrick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能谈谈吗?", "english": "Can we taIk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来…帅极了", "english": "You Iook marveIIous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事,Courtney?", "english": "Yes, Courtney?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我在复活节前见不到你", "english": "If I don't see you before Easter, have a nice one, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也是", "english": "You, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在有个说法-- 听我说", "english": "Listen to this, there's this theory now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在有个说法说 如果你因为和艾滋病人做爱", "english": "...that if you can catch AIDS through having sex..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而染上艾滋病, 那么你就有可能得任何一种病", "english": "...then you can catch anything!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老年痴呆,肌肉萎缩,血友病", "english": "AIzheimer's, muscuIar dystrophy, haemophiIia, Ieukaemia..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白血病,糖尿病,失语症", "english": "...diabetes, dysIexia...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不敢肯定,但我不认为 失语症是病毒引起的", "english": "I'm not sure, but I don't think dysIexia is a virus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可谁知道呢? 他们才不知道呢", "english": "Who knows? They don't know that. Prove it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这简直就是一小堆甜粉 我是要用它来High的", "english": "I want to get high off this, not sprinkIe it on my fucking oatmeaI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想如果我们多来点,也许会好些", "english": "CouId you keep it down, I'm trying to do drugs!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,哥儿们,激素的作用", "english": "Sorry, dude. Steroids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,我们来吧", "english": "Okay, Iet's do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,戈尔巴乔夫在楼下 McDermoctt去跟他签", "english": "WeII, Gorbachev is downstairs. McDermott went to sign a peace treaty..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是公开化政策的幕后策划人", "english": "He said he was in mergers and acquisitions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有,怎么会", "english": "No, not reaIIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问我个问题吧", "english": "Ask me a question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你是干什么的?", "english": "So, what do you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是,呃,基本上在 和杀人犯和死刑打交道", "english": "I'm into murders and executions mostIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唔,我认识的那些做股票的家伙 都不喜欢玩股票", "english": "WeII, most guys I know, who work in mergers and acquisitions..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你怎么猜到的?", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会认为我真的很笨吧?", "english": "-You think I'm dumb, don't you? -What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我才不呢", "english": "No. I reaIIy don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那没什么,我不在乎", "english": "That's okay. I don't mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你挺讨人喜欢的", "english": "There's something sweet about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在玩填字游戏?", "english": "Doing the crossword?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我帮忙吗?", "english": "You need any heIp?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能陪我吃顿晚饭吗?", "english": "WouId you Iike to accompany me to dinner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,如果你没事的话", "english": "That is, if you're not doing anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,不,我没事 我没任何安排", "english": "No. I don't have any pIans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "WeII..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是太巧了", "english": "...isn't this a coincidence?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们别管我想去哪儿 你到底想去哪儿?", "english": "Let's not think about what I want. How about anywhere you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道,Patrick 我没法做这样的决定", "english": "I don't know. I can't make this decision."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点,你想去哪儿?", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管想去哪儿,告诉我 我会设法安排的", "english": "Anywhere you want to. Just say it. I can get us in anywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去Dorsia怎么样?", "english": "...Dorsia?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唔,我不知道该去哪儿 你想去哪儿我就去哪儿", "english": "I don't know. No, we'II go wherever you want to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是Dorsia吗?", "english": "Dorsia, yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗?太好了", "english": "ReaIIy? That's great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事?", "english": "Yeah? You're..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有,Jean", "english": "And Jean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们出去前你最好换身衣服", "english": "You'II want to change before we go out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多好的风景啊", "english": "What a wonderfuI view."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "果汁冰淇淋?", "english": "Sorbet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢,Patrick 我想来点", "english": "Thanks, Patrick. I'd Iove some."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没必要减肥 在开玩笑,是吗?", "english": "You don't need to Iose any weight. You're kidding, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你体型好极了 很健康", "english": "You Iook great. Very fit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人总是想再瘦点,看起来更漂亮点", "english": "You can aIways be thinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,也许我们不该出去吃饭 我不想动摇你的意志", "english": "Maybe we shouIdn't go out to dinner. I don't want to ruin your wiIIpower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事,这没什么", "english": "No, it's aII right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本来就控制不住", "english": "I'm not very good at controIIing it anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听好", "english": "So Iisten..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一生真正想干的是什么?", "english": "...what do you reaIIy want to do with your Iife?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "简单说说,概括一下", "english": "Just briefIy summarise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有别跟我说你喜欢 看孩子之类的,好吗?", "english": "Don't teII me you enjoy working with chiIdren, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唔,我想旅游还有也许会学校念书", "english": "WeII, I'd Iike to traveI and maybe go back to schooI, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不能确定", "english": "...I don't reaIIy know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正处在最多选择的人生阶段", "english": "I'm at a point in my Iife where there seem to be so many possibiIities."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我--我不知道-- 我一点也不能确定", "english": "I don't know. I'm just so unsure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有男朋友吗?", "english": "Do you have a boyfriend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有合适的对象吗? 我是说真的", "english": "Are you seeing anyone? I mean, seriousIy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不知道,真的不知道", "english": "Not reaIIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有成就感吗?", "english": "Do you feeI fuIfiIIed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,你这一生?", "english": "I mean, in your Iife?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想有点吧 我专心工作已经很长时间了", "english": "I guess I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在我已经开始 考虑改变自我了,你知道的", "english": "But now, I've reaIIy begun to think about changing myseIf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发展一下自我", "english": "DeveIoping and growing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发展,很高兴听你这么说", "english": "Growing. I'm gIad you said that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗,呃,TedBundy的第一只狗", "english": "Did you know that Ted Bundy's first dog, a coIIie, was named Lassie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别管他了", "english": "Forget it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?", "english": "-What's that? -Duct tape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胶带,我用它来,呃,粘东西", "english": "I need it for taping something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有想过…让一个人快乐?", "english": "Have you ever wanted to make someone happy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?别! 把它放在垫子上", "english": "What? No! Put it in the carton."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有想过?", "english": "Have you ever wanted to?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在找寻,呃", "english": "I'm Iooking for...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想应该说我只想和某些特殊的人", "english": "You couId say, I just want a meaningfuI reIationship with someone speciaI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今晚要干什么? 是我,别想躲开我", "english": "It's me. Don't try to hide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望你不是在和什么路边找来的女儿鬼混 因为你是我的Bateman先生", "english": "I hope you're not with some woman you picked up, because you're mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的邻家男孩", "english": "My boy next door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管怎么说你一个电话也没给我打 尽管你答应过的", "english": "Anyway, you never caIIed me back. I'II Ieave a message for Jean, too..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还要给Jean也留个言,让她提醒你", "english": "...to remind you that we're having dinner with MeIania and TayIor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道Melania的 她去Sweet Briar了", "english": "You know MeIania, she went to Sweet Briar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会在Cornell俱乐部会面", "english": "We're meeting at the CorneII CIub. So, I'II caII you tomorrow morning, honey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明天早上会给你来电话的,亲爱的", "english": "Sorry, I know you hate that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见,Patrick 再见,大时代总裁先生,再见", "english": "Bye, Patrick. Bye, Mr. Big Time CEO. Bye-bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是Evelyn吗?", "english": "Was that EveIyn?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还和她约会?", "english": "Are you stiII seeing her?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,我没权这么问", "english": "I'm sorry. I have no right to ask that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我离开吗?", "english": "Do you want me to go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我会控制不住自己的", "english": "I don't think I can controI myseIf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白,我该离开的 我知道我总会和得不到的男人纠缠不清", "english": "I know I shouId go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说", "english": "I mean...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真要我走吗?", "english": "Do you want me to go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我会伤害你的", "english": "I think I might hurt you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不想受到伤害,是吗?", "english": "You don't want to get hurt, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,当然不", "english": "No, I guess not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想被打得鼻青脸肿的", "english": "I don't want to get bruised."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说的没错,你是该走了", "english": "You're right. I shouId go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,别忘了你明天中午要和Donald Kimbll 在Smith & Wolenski餐厅吃饭", "english": "Don't forget you have a Iunch date tomorrow with DonaId KimbaII..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这事我都忘光了", "english": "It sIipped my mind compIeteIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他失踪的那晚--", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是不能确定 唔,我冲了个澡", "english": "I'm not sure. I had a shower..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你把约会的人搞错了", "english": "But how?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根据他的记事本, 经他的秘书确证", "english": "According to his date book and this was verified by his secretary..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他和Marcus Halberstram一起吃的晚饭", "english": "...he had dinner with Marcus HaIberstram."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么Marcus有不在肠证人吗?", "english": "-WeII, does Marcus have an aIibi? -Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,你当时在哪儿?", "english": "Now where were you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没和Paul Allen在一起", "english": "-He wasn't with PauI AIIen. -Who was he with?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有…你在一起", "english": "...you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,对啦,是的 当然如此", "english": "Right. Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在等Paul Allen来", "english": "We had wanted PauI AIIen to come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他另有安排", "english": "But he had made pIans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我和Victoria吃饭是在第二天晚上", "english": "I guess I had dinner with Victoria the foIIowing night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我个儿以为,这家伙可能惹了点麻烦", "english": "PersonaIIy, I think the guy went a IittIe nutso."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此出去避避风头 也许他真去伦敦了,去闲逛喝酒什么的", "english": "SpIit town for a whiIe. Maybe he did go to London."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管怎么说,我相信他迟早会现身的 我的意思是,认为", "english": "Anyway, I'm pretty sure he'II turn up sooner or Iater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是这样吗,Patrick?", "english": "Isn't that right, Patrick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道我该不该去 上次出来我就进急诊室了", "english": "I'm not so sure about this. I had to go to Emergency after Iast time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次绝对不会象上次那样了,我保证", "english": "This won't be anything Iike Iast time. I promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不相信", "english": "I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快上车吧,我们就谈一分钟", "english": "Just come in the Iimo and taIk to me for a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "司机在这儿呢,你很安全的", "english": "The driver's here. You'II be safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝对不会象上次那样 我保证", "english": "-Nothing Iike Iast time, promise. -AII right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我朋友甚至跟我说我应该请个律师", "english": "My friend toId me I shouId maybe even get a Iawyer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这儿有张支票", "english": "Here's a check."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,现在一半,完事另一半", "english": "HaIf now, haIf Iater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你就叫Christie", "english": "Okay. Your name is Christie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要和我的一个朋友,Elizabeth会面", "english": "We're meeting a friend of mine, EIizabeth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她马上就会到我的新公寓来的", "english": "She'II be joining us in my new apartment shortIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会喜欢她的,她是个很好的姑娘", "english": "You'II Iike her. She's a very nice girI."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来真面熟 到过Dalton吗?", "english": "You Iook very famiIiar. Did you go to DaIton?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我在Surf酒吧遇到过你,对不对? 和Spicey在一起?", "english": "I think I met you at the Surf Bar, didn't I? With Spicey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唔,也许不是和Spicey,但肯定在Surf酒吧 你知道的,Surf酒吧", "english": "Maybe not, but definiteIy at Surf Bar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管怎么说,Surf酒吧现在糟透了,真糟", "english": "I went to a birthday party there for MaIcoIm Forbes. Oh my God, pIease."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这比你另外那个公寓还要好", "english": "This is nicer than your other apartment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,没那么夸张", "english": "It's not that nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你有白金卡,她就给你做口交 这娘们在日光沙龙干,你知道的", "english": "A pIatinum card got you a bIow job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干哪行的?", "english": "What do you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是…我侄女", "english": "She's my cousin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的电话呢?我得给Harley打个电话", "english": "Where's your phone? I've got to caII HarIey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在哪儿度暑假,南Hampton?", "english": "Where do you summer? Southampton?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这味道真怪", "english": "This tastes weird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要那玩意儿,笨蛋 不管怎么说,我在Paul Norman家,一会儿再给你打", "english": "I want the number, idiot. Anyway, I'm at PauI Norman's. I'II try again Iater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是明晚在Canal酒吧看不到你 我就会让我的理发师找你算帐", "english": "See you tomorrow night, or I'm gonna sick my hairdresser on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认识那个失踪的家伙吗?", "english": "Did you know that guy who disappeared?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不也在P&P工作吗? 他是你朋友吗?", "english": "Didn't he work at Pierce & Pierce? Was he your friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有可乐吗?或者Halcyon?", "english": "Do you have any coke or HaIcyon? I wouId take a HaIcyon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别来色的,我没心情讲荤段子", "english": "Let's not get Iewd. I'm in no mood for a Iewd conversation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说你从来没和女的搞过?", "english": "Are you teIIing me you've never done it with a girI?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有,我不是同性恋", "english": "No! I'm not a Iesbian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么认为我会干这个?", "english": "Why wouId you think I'd be into that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唔,你去找Sararh Lawrence就为了一件事", "english": "-You went to Sarah Lawrence, for one. -Those are Sarah Lawrence guys, Patrick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道", "english": "Did you know..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫做“Simply Whitney Houston\"", "english": "...caIIed simpIy, Whitney Houston..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包含了四首第一流的单曲?", "english": "...had four number one singIes on it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗,Christie?", "english": "Did you know that, Christie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底听不听Whiteny Houston的歌?", "english": "You actuaIIy Iisten to Whitney Houston?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有她的CD吗?", "english": "You own a Whitney Houston CD?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不止一张?", "english": "More than one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么多精彩的曲目里挑最好的相当困难", "english": "It's hard to choose a favourite among so many great tracks..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这首“Greatest Love of All” 是有史以来", "english": "...but The Greatest Love of AII is one of the most powerfuI songs ever written..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于自我尊严的维护", "english": "...about seIf-preservation and dignity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为,Elizabeth", "english": "Since..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们生活的这个世界 和别人同情连心是不可能的", "english": "...it's impossibIe in this worId we Iive in..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是很重要的一点 确实至关重要", "english": "It's an important message, cruciaI, reaIIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而它通过这张专集优美地传达出来", "english": "It's beautifuIIy stated on the aIbum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "臭婊子,竟敢打我的脸 你这个臭婊子!", "english": "You, piece of bitch trash!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想要一个确定的承诺", "english": "I want a firm commitment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想,呃,Evelyn 我们已经没什么共同语言了", "english": "I think, EveIyn, that we've Iost touch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?怎么了?", "english": "Why? What's wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但除此之外再没什么可以满足我的渴求", "english": "But I have no other way to fuIfiI my needs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别激动,别激动 我很抱歉又提起结婚的事", "english": "Touchy, touchy. I'm sorry I brought up the wedding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不谈这个了,好吗? 好,来杯咖啡吗?", "english": "Let's just avoid the issue, aII right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是认真的,我们已经完了 不是开玩笑", "english": "I'm fucking serious. It's fucking over, us. This is no joke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,我想我们以后都别再见面了", "english": "I don't think we shouId see each other any more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是你的朋友也是我的朋友 我的朋友也是你的朋友", "english": "But your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想这是不可能的 你是不是有点--", "english": "I don't think it wouId work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你的朋友也是我的朋友, 并且,呃,我都想过了", "english": "-You have a IittIe something-- -I know that your friends are my friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对我而言并不很重要", "english": "You're not terribIy important to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,不!", "english": "Oh, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我有时候… 行事古怪", "english": "I know my behaviour can be erratic sometimes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想让我怎么样? 你到底想怎么样?", "english": "What do you want me to do? What is it that you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你真想为我做点什么 现在就别这样惹人注目", "english": "If you reaIIy want to do something for me then stop making this scene, right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,上帝,我真不敢相信", "english": "Oh God, I can't beIieve this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要走了 我把事情都说清楚了,我该走了", "english": "I'm Ieaving now. I've assessed the situation and I'm going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可去哪儿?", "english": "But where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得去还几盘录像带", "english": "I have to return some video tapes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来,小猫咪", "english": "Here kitty, kitty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,上帝,你在干吗?", "english": "Oh my god! What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手", "english": "Stop that!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "熬夜加班吗,Smith先生?", "english": "Burning the midnight oiI, Mr. Smith?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,别忘了签字", "english": "Hey, don't forget to sign in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我的律师, 因为我想你该知道我杀了很多人", "english": "You're my Iawyer. I think you shouId know I've kiIIed a Iot of peopIe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在新城区的一间公寓里 杀了几个三陪女郎", "english": "Some escort girIs in an apartment uptown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把她扔在某家炸饼店 后面的停车场了", "english": "I Ieft her in a parking Iot behind a donut shop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用钉枪杀了Bethany, 我以前的女朋友", "english": "I kiIIed Bethany, my oId girIfriend, with a naiI gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有,还有,还有别的几个人 一些牵着狗的老芦柴棒", "english": "And some man, some oId faggot with a dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是迫不得已的,她差点就溜了", "english": "I had to, she aImost got away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有,呃,Paul Allen", "english": "She's dead, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的尸体在地狱厨房的浴缸里腐烂着呢", "english": "His body is dissoIving in a bathtub in HeII's Kitchen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把很多都录下来了", "english": "I have tapes of a Iot of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些姑娘还看过这些带子", "english": "Some of the girIs have seen the tapes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我甚至,呃", "english": "I even...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃了一些他们的脑子", "english": "I ate some of their brains..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想试试做点菜", "english": "...and I tried to cook a IittIe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚,我,呃--", "english": "Tonight I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被迫杀了很多很多人!", "english": "...just had to kiII a Iot of peopIe!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我逃不掉了…这回", "english": "I'm not sure..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此,呃--我是说", "english": "I mean...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,我想 我是个很变态的家伙", "english": "I'm a pretty sick guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你明天回来了", "english": "...if you get back tomorrow..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也许会去Harry酒吧", "english": "...I may show up at Harry's Bar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的", "english": "So, you know..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持清醒", "english": "...keep your eyes open."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在找…Paul Allen的家", "english": "I'm Iooking for..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肯定吗?", "english": "Are you sure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是在Time上看到了广告?", "english": "You saw the ad in the Times?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,是的 我是说,是的", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你该离开这儿了", "english": "I think you shouId go now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我想--", "english": "But I think...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道这里发生了什么事?", "english": "-I want to know what happened here. -Don't make any troubIe, pIease."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议你马上走", "english": "I suggest you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别回来", "english": "Don't come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会的", "english": "I won't. Don't worry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,上帝,你在说什么呀,蠢娘们?", "english": "What did you say, you dumb bitch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在哪儿,Patrick?出什么事了?", "english": "Where are you? What's wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我不能,Jean,去,呃", "english": "I don't think I'm gonna make it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "办公室了,今天下午", "english": "...to the office this afternoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别装出那么难过的样子了", "english": "Stop sounding so fucking sad!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪!", "english": "Jesus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,看,Bryce回来了 他在喝矿泉水", "english": "Bryce is back. And he's drinking mineraI water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他大变样了,可是他还是定不到位子", "english": "He's changed man, except he stiII can't get a reservation to save his Iife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没定好位子我哪儿也不去", "english": "I'm not going anywhere unIess we have a reservation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别脱衬衫,好像吊带松了", "english": "Keep your shirt on. Maybe Iose the suspenders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快给他们打电话,把电话给我,我来打 我会给你回电的", "english": "Just fucking caII them. Give me the phone, I'II do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴,Carnes,他们别想", "english": "Shut up, Carnes, they wiII not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,Harold,你听到我的留言了吗?", "english": "So, HaroId, did you get my message?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪,听到了,真够搞笑的 其实是你留的,对吧?", "english": "Jesus, yes. That was hiIarious. That was you, wasn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的留言啊 顺便问一下,Davis,Cynthia好吗? 你还和她约会,是吗?", "english": "The message you Ieft."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等-等,Harold,你什么意思啊?", "english": "Wait, HaroId, what do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,没什么 很高兴见到你", "english": "Excuse me. Nothing. It's good to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是Edward Towers吗?", "english": "Is that Edward Towers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,朋友,你犯了个致命的错误", "english": "But come on, man, you had one fataI fIaw:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无聊,没骨气,还没肌肉", "english": "...such a boring, spineIess Iightweight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你说是Bryce或者McDermott干的话… 不管怎么说,很搞笑", "english": "Now, if you'd said Bryce or McDermott...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请恕我失陪,我真的得走了", "english": "Otherwise, it was amusing. Excuse me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的干了,Carnes", "english": "I did it, Carnes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我杀了他", "english": "I kiIIed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是Patrick Bateman", "english": "I'm Patrick Bateman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把Allen的头砍下来了", "english": "I chopped AIIen's fucking head off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在留言里说的都是实话", "english": "The whoIe message I Ieft on your machine was true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,我真的得走了", "english": "Excuse me. I reaIIy must be going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是Davis,我就是Patrick Bateman", "english": "I'm not Davis, I'm Patrick Bateman!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们常在电话上聊天的", "english": "We taIk on the phone aII the time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认不出我来了吗?", "english": "Don't you recognise me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我的律师", "english": "You're my Iawyer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,Carnes,听我说", "english": "Now Carnes, Iisten."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我仔细听着", "english": "Listen very, very carefuIIy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我杀了Paul Allen", "english": "I kiIIed PauI AIIen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢这么干", "english": "...and I Iiked it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说得再清楚不过了", "english": "I can't make myseIf any cIearer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可这根本不可能 而且我也不觉得这有趣了", "english": "But that's simpIy not possibIe. And I don't find this funny anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这绝不是编出来的 为什么不可能?", "english": "It never was supposed to be! Why isn't it possibIe?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我和Pual Allen刚吃过两次饭", "english": "Because I had dinner with PauI AIIen twice in London..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我们意识到外交政策 不能光由一个委员会制定", "english": "We need to find a way to co-operate..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我相信越来越多的人开始认识到", "english": "I beIieve there's now the growing sense..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相互合作会让我们事半功倍", "english": "...that we can accompIish more by co-operating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而最终,这将是对已反伊朗事件面目出现的", "english": "And in the end, this may be the eventuaI bIessing in disguise..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "混乱局面顺利解决的最好祝福", "english": "...to come out of the Iran-Contra mess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎么能这样瞪着眼睛撒谎?", "english": "How can he Iie Iike that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,你们在哪儿定了座?", "english": "Now where do we have reservations at?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不饿,可我想在什么地方定个位子", "english": "I'm not hungry, but I'd stiII Iike a reservation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么能这么--", "english": "How can he be so fucking..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道该怎么说,对此这么冷血?", "english": "...I don't know, cooI about it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些人生来冷血,我想", "english": "Some guys are just born cooI, I guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快乐的不得了!", "english": "Rockin' and a-roIIin'!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他做出一副无辜的老头的样子, 可是骨子里--", "english": "He presents himseIf as a harmIess oId codger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是骨子里--", "english": "But inside..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是骨子里毫无所谓", "english": "But inside doesn't matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骨子里怎么样?相信吗, Bryce,我们真在听你说呢", "english": "Inside? Yes, inside? BeIieve it or not, Bryce, we're actuaIIy Iistening to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,Bateman,你怎么认为?", "english": "Come on, Bateman, what do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要苏格兰威士忌", "english": "I need a scotch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再没有什么障碍需要逾越", "english": "There are no more barriers to cross."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有桀傲不驯者,精神错乱者 作奸犯科者所共有的不安", "english": "AII I have in common with the uncontroIIabIe and the insane..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有我犯过的罪行造成的伤害", "english": "...the vicious and the eviI, aII the mayhem I have caused..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的痛苦恒久而深切", "english": "My pain is constant and sharp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不希望世界为任何人变得更好", "english": "And I do not hope for a better worId for anyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上,我要把我的痛苦加诸别人的身上", "english": "In fact, I want my pain to be infIicted on others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不希望谁能幸免", "english": "I want no one to escape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我无法逃脱我的罪罚", "english": "My punishment continues to eIude me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不能再更深地认识自我", "english": "And I gain no deeper knowIedge of myseIf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所说的再无新意可挖", "english": "No new knowIedge can be extracted from my teIIing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这番自白因此…毫无意义", "english": "This confession has meant nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞秋,给我看", "english": "Rachel, let me see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我家的花园", "english": "In my garden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁找到就是谁的", "english": "Finders keepers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯?", "english": "Bruce?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯!", "english": "Bruce?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈! 阿尔弗雷德!", "english": "Mom! Mr. Alfred!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又在做梦吗?", "english": "Did you have dream?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可怕的恶梦", "english": "Nightmare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比这地方更可怕?", "english": "Worse than this place?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要跟你打架", "english": "They are going to fight you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就在吃早餐前打死我吧", "english": "Can they kill me before breakfast?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "臭小子,你活在地狱", "english": "You are in hell, little man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我就是魔王", "english": "And I am the devil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是魔王", "english": "You're not the devil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我的沙包", "english": "You're practice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关到禁闭室", "english": "Solitary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进去", "english": "Get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么想打击罪犯…", "english": "Are you so desperate to fight criminals..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实我一共有七个对手", "english": "Actually, there were seven of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只算到有六个,韦恩先生", "english": "I counted six, Mr. Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道我的名字?", "english": "How do you know my name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管你有多么落魄潦倒", "english": "...no matter how deep he chooses to sink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敝姓杜卡 我是忍者大师的代言人", "english": "My name is merely Ducard, but I speak for Ra's al Ghul..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可以指引你一条明路", "english": "A man who can offer you a path."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你凭什么认为我需要指引?", "english": "What makes you think I need a path?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这种人是自愿来这种地方", "english": "Someone like you is only here by choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想深入了解罪犯的世界", "english": "You have been exploring the criminal fraternity..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管你的目的是什么", "english": "...but whatever your original intentions..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经迷失了方向", "english": "...you have become truly lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忍者大师能指引我走哪条路?", "english": "And what path can Ra's al Ghul offer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和他一样痛恨邪恶力量", "english": "The path of a man who shares his hatred of evil..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也希望能伸张正义", "english": "...and wishes to serve true justice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是影武者联盟之路", "english": "The path of the League of Shadows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你争我夺之中失利的人 才会变成以暴制暴的私刑者", "english": "A vigilante is just a man lost in the scramble for his own gratification."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会被击毁或遭囚禁", "english": "He can be destroyed or locked up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是…如果你能够超越自我极限", "english": "But if you make yourself more than just a man..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为一个崇高理想全心投入", "english": "...if you devote yourself to an ideal..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就无法阻止你", "english": "...and if they can't stop you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也将成为另一种人", "english": "...then you become something else entirely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么人?", "english": "Which is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传奇英雄,韦恩先生", "english": "Legend, Mr. Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天你将被释放", "english": "Tomorrow, you will be released."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "东边的山坡有一种罕见的蓝花", "english": "...there is a rare blue flower that grows on the eastern slopes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "摘下一朵蓝花", "english": "Pick one of these flowers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能把它带到山巅", "english": "If you can carry it to the top of the mountain..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许就能找到你当初在寻找的东西", "english": "...you may find what you were looking for in the first place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在寻找什么?", "english": "And what was I looking for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有你自己知道", "english": "Only you can know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去,你一定要回头", "english": "You turn back. You go back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忍者大师?", "english": "Ra's al Ghul?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "且慢", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在寻找什么?", "english": "What are you seeking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在寻找…", "english": "I seek..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打击犯罪、伸张正义的方法", "english": "...the means to fight injustice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让制造恐惧的恶徒…", "english": "To turn fear..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要让别人心生恐惧", "english": "To manipulate the fears in others..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就必须先战胜自己内心的恐惧", "english": "...you must first master your own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你准备开战了吗?", "english": "Are you ready to begin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我连站都站不起来", "english": "I can... I can barely stand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死神不会等你准备好", "english": "Death does not wait for you to be ready!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死神绝不手下留情!", "english": "Death is not considerate or fair!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你面对死神吧,不容有失", "english": "And make no mistake, here you face death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虎爪", "english": "Tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "柔术", "english": "Jujitsu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豹掌", "english": "Panther."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "身手不错,但这不是儿戏", "english": "You're skilled. But this is not a dance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你仍然害怕", "english": "And you are afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不是怕我", "english": "But not of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我,韦恩先生", "english": "Tell us, Mr. Wayne..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你害怕什么?", "english": "...what do you fear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯?", "english": "Bruce?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了,没事了", "english": "It's okay. It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会有事的", "english": "You'll be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爷,我要叫救护车吗?", "english": "Will we be needing an ambulance, Master Wayne?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先替他接骨,待会再照X光", "english": "No, I'll set the bone and take him for an x-ray later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,老爷", "english": "Very good, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跌得很惨,对吧,少爷?", "english": "Took quite a fall, didn't we, Master Bruce?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么跌倒,布鲁斯?", "english": "And why do we fall?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样才能学会站起来", "english": "So we can learn to pick ourselves up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是小跌了一下,轻微骨折而已", "english": "Just a little fall. It's just a small fracture."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又想到那些蝙蝠?", "english": "The bats again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道它们为什么攻击你吗?", "english": "You know why they attacked you, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每种生物都有恐惧", "english": "All creatures feel fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就连可怕的怪物也有?", "english": "Even the scary ones?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是可怕的怪物", "english": "Especially the scary ones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你看样东西", "english": "I got something to show you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不准赖床", "english": "No going back to bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸,高架铁路是你建造的吗?", "english": "Did you build this train, Dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥谭市对韦恩家族很好 但这城市日渐没落", "english": "Gotham's been good to our family, but the city's been suffering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "于是我们建造经济的大众交通工具 把全体市民连结在一起", "english": "So we built a new, cheap, public transportation system to unite the city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正中央就是…", "english": "And at the center..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦恩大楼", "english": "...Wayne Tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把公司交给了比我更好的人管理", "english": "I leave the running of our company to much better men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比我对做生意更有兴趣的人", "english": "...more interested men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以走吗?", "english": "Can we go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,我们走吧", "english": "Okay. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我想要出来透透气", "english": "I just needed some fresh air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歌剧听久了很累人,对吧?", "english": "A little bit of opera goes a long way. Right, Bruce?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们回家吧", "english": "Come on. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮夹和珠宝,快点", "english": "Wallets, jewelry. Come on, fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别紧张", "english": "Take it easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别冲动", "english": "Take it easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿去吧", "english": "Here you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系,没关系", "english": "It's fine. It's fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把皮夹拿去,放过我们", "english": "Now just take it and go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托马斯!", "english": "Thomas!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯", "english": "Bruce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要害怕", "english": "Don't be afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你父亲的大衣吗?", "english": "Is this your father's?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来", "english": "Come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿好了", "english": "There you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戈登", "english": "Gordon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好消息", "english": "Good news."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们逮到凶手了", "english": "We got him, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么都不用操心", "english": "You're in excellent hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会好好打理公司", "english": "We'll be watching the empire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等你长大了再让你接管", "english": "When you grow up, it'll be waiting for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我替你准备了晚餐", "english": "I thought I might prepare a little supper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是凶手一个人的错", "english": "It was him, and him alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想念他们,我好想念他们", "english": "I miss them, Alfred. I miss them so much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是,布鲁斯少爷", "english": "So do I, Master Bruce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "So do I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是认为是你害死你父母的吗?", "english": "And do you still feel responsible for your parents' death?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的愤怒比罪恶感更多", "english": "My anger outweighs my guilt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你学会了用愤怒代替罪恶感", "english": "You have learned to bury your guilt with anger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会教你接受它并面对事实", "english": "I will teach you to confront it and to face the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道怎么把自己藏起来 我可以教你怎么隐形", "english": "You know how to disappear. We can teach you to become truly invisible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忍者的隐形术全是靠耐心 和矫捷的身手", "english": "The ninja understands that invisibility is a matter of patience and agility."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耳听四面、眼观八方", "english": "Always mind your surroundings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戏剧效果和障眼法很有效", "english": "Theatricality and deception are powerful agents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀人就要偿命,不能姑息养奸", "english": "Justice. Crime cannot be tolerated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "社会漠不关心才会让治安败坏", "english": "Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父母的死不是你的错", "english": "Your parents' death was not your fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你父亲的错", "english": "It was your father's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能改变他不敢反击的事实", "english": "Anger does not change the fact that your father failed to act."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我接受过武术训练", "english": "I've had training."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是重点", "english": "The training is nothing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "决心才重要", "english": "Will is everything!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主动出击的决心", "english": "The will to act."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "投降吧", "english": "Yield."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你并没有打败我", "english": "You haven't beaten me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用力磨擦胸口", "english": "Rub your chest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的手可以帮你取暖", "english": "Your arms will take care of themselves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你比你父亲更坚强", "english": "You are stronger than your father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不了解我父亲", "english": "You didn't know my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我了解你内心的愤怒", "english": "But I know the rage that drives you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的愤怒让你暂时忘却伤痛 直到你无法承受", "english": "That impossible anger strangling the grief..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好让你的痛苦消失", "english": "...so you'd be spared your pain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不是一直都住在山上", "english": "I wasn't always here in the mountains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也有过一个妻子", "english": "Once, I had a wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一生的最爱", "english": "My great love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她惨遭杀害", "english": "She was taken from me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你一样学会不能纵容坏人", "english": "Like you, I was forced to learn there are those without decency..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对他们绝对不能手下留情", "english": "...who must be fought without hesitation, without pity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愤怒给了你很大的力量", "english": "Your anger gives you great power."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但若不学会控制,它会毁了你", "english": "But if you let it, it will destroy you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愤怒差点毁了我一生", "english": "...as it almost did me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这对我没有用", "english": "That's no help to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why, Bruce?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不为父母报仇?", "english": "Why could you not avenge your parents?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听证会后你要回普林斯顿大学", "english": "Will you be heading back to Princeton after the hearing, sir..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是你愿意多留一、两天?", "english": "...or can I persuade you to stay on for a day or two?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不要回去", "english": "I'm not heading back at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是校方不喜欢我", "english": "They just don't feel the same way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我睡我的房间就行", "english": "My room will be fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恕我直言,韦恩宅邸是你的", "english": "With all due respect, sir, Wayne Manor is your house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,这是我父亲的", "english": "No, Alfred, it's my father's house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我宁愿把它的一砖一瓦拆掉", "english": "If I have my way, I'll pull the damn thing down brick by brick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛在乎? 这又不是你家", "english": "Why do you give a damn, Alfred? It's not your family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我之所以在乎是因为一位好人…", "english": "I give a damn because a good man once made me responsible..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他心爱的独子", "english": "...for what was most precious to him..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托付给我", "english": "...in the whole world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "道斯小姐要载你到法院", "english": "Miss Dawes has offered to drive you to the hearing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她大概想劝你不要去", "english": "She probably hopes to talk you out of going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应该把过去也埋在地下吗?", "english": "Should I just bury the past out there with my parents, Alfred?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能告诉你该如何面对过去", "english": "I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do with your past, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还没放弃我,是吗?", "english": "Haven't given up on me yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远都不会", "english": "Never."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尔弗雷德一向都把炼奶放在最上面", "english": "Alfred still keeps the condensed milk on the top shelf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不知道你已长高、拿得到了吗?", "english": "Hasn't he noticed you're tall enough to reach now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜那是老习惯吧", "english": "Old habits die hard, I guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你母亲好吗?", "english": "How's your mom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她很怀念这地方", "english": "She misses this place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也一样", "english": "So do I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只可惜现在已经人事全非了", "english": "But it's nothing without the people who made it what it was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这场听证会总得有人…", "english": "Someone at this proceeding..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "代表我父母出席", "english": "...should stand for my parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都很爱你的父母", "english": "We all loved your parents, Bruce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他和卡麦·法康尼是牢友", "english": "In prison, he shared a cell with Carmine Falcone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他愿意出庭作证交换提前假释", "english": "He learned things, and he will testify in exchange for early parole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞秋,他杀死我父母", "english": "Rachel, this man killed my parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能忘记这件事", "english": "I cannot let that pass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你能了解我的心情", "english": "And I need you to understand that, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经济大萧条害齐利先生走投无路", "english": "The depression hit working people, like Mr. Chill, hardest of all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然他的罪行令人发指 但他是走投无路才铤而走险", "english": "His crime was appalling, yes, but it was motivated not by greed but by desperation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "侦办地检署最重大的案件", "english": "...with one of this office's most important investigations..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此我们要求让他假释出狱", "english": "...we strongly endorse his petition for early release."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "齐利先生?", "english": "Mr. Chill?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法官大人", "english": "Your Honor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我每天都为我做的事深感悔恨", "english": "...not a day goes by that I don't wish I could take back what I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时的确是走投无路", "english": "Sure, I was desperate, like a lot of people back then..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这不能改变我的所作所为", "english": "...but that don't change what I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天有一位韦恩家族成员在场", "english": "I gather there is a member of the Wayne family here today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有话要说吗?", "english": "Has he got anything to say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法康尼老大向你问好", "english": "Falcone says hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧,布鲁斯", "english": "Come on, Bruce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不必看到这一幕", "english": "We don't need to see this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要看", "english": "I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他一定是被法康尼老大收买了 让齐利公开露面", "english": "Falcone paid him off to get Chill out in the open."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我应该感谢他们才对", "english": "Maybe I should thank them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是该为我父母伸张正义", "english": "My parents deserved justice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是伸张正义而是报仇雪恨", "english": "You're not talking about justice. You're talking about revenge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伸张正义是为了维持社会和谐 报仇只是为了逞一时之快", "english": "Justice is about harmony. Revenge is about you making yourself feel better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想伸张正义就要忘却伤痛", "english": "You care about justice? Look beyond your own pain, Bruce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个城市已经沉沦腐败", "english": "This city is rotting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说经济大萧条已成历史,才怪", "english": "They talk about the depression as if it's history. It's not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老百姓的日子越来越苦", "english": "Things are worse than ever here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑帮老大法康尼趁火打劫、无恶不作", "english": "Falcone floods our streets with crime and drugs..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逼人走上不归路,满街都是齐利之辈", "english": "...preying on the desperate, creating new Joe Chills every day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也许没有亲手杀死你父母", "english": "Falcone may not have killed your parents, Bruce..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却毁了他们代表的一切", "english": "...but he's destroying everything that they stood for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想感谢他就去吧", "english": "You wanna thank him for that? Here you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是只要他继续为非作歹 就没有人动得了他", "english": "...and the good people scared, no one'll touch him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父母这种仗义执言的好人 找不到了", "english": "Good people like your parents, who'll stand against injustice, they're gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人挺身而出,哥谭市就完了", "english": "What chance does Gotham have when the good people do nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些年来我一直想杀他 现在没机会了", "english": "All these years, I wanted to kill him. Now I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父亲会以你为耻", "english": "Your father would be ashamed of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本人看来比报上的照片高大", "english": "You're taller than you look in the tabloids, Mr. Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没带枪? 真瞧不起人", "english": "No gun? I'm insulted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要告诉你并不是人人都怕你", "english": "I came to show you that not everyone in Gotham's afraid of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认识我的人才怕我", "english": "Only those who know me, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自己看,这里有两位市议员", "english": "Look around you. You'll see two councilmen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一位工会代表,两名警察", "english": "...a union official, couple off-duty cops..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和一位法官", "english": "...and a judge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这种权力是买不到的", "english": "Now, that's power you can't buy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是恐惧的力量", "english": "That's the power of fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不怕你", "english": "I'm not afraid of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自以为能完全豁出去", "english": "Because you think you got nothing to lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你没有想清楚", "english": "But you haven't thought it through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没想到在地检署工作 青梅竹马的女朋友", "english": "You haven't thought about your lady friend in the DA's office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有对你忠心耿耿的老管家", "english": "You haven't thought about your old butler. Bang!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像你这种人", "english": "People from your world..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有太多牵挂了", "english": "...have so much to lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为你爹娘被人一枪打死", "english": "Now, you think because your mommy and your daddy got shot..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就能了解人性的丑陋吗?", "english": "...you know about the ugly side of life, but you don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你根本就不知道民间疾苦", "english": "You've never tasted desperate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是哥谭市的天之骄子", "english": "You're... You're Bruce Wayne, the prince of Gotham."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别正气凛然地跑来当一个大英雄", "english": "So don't come here with your anger, trying to prove something to yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你完全不了解犯罪世界", "english": "This is a world you'll never understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不了解的事", "english": "And you always fear..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远会让你害怕", "english": "...what you don't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "动手吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我倒是很佩服你的胆识", "english": "Yeah, you got spirit, kid. I'll give you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你比你老子更带种", "english": "More than your old man anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说你老爸向他…", "english": "He said your father begged for mercy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跪地求饶", "english": "Begged."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像条狗一样哀号", "english": "Like a dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是小费给太少了", "english": "Should've tipped better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我吧,这件大衣不错", "english": "Hey, hey, hey. Let me have it. It's a nice coat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别被人看到你穿这件大衣", "english": "Be careful who sees you with that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个人", "english": "Everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这件…", "english": "It's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这件大衣真不错", "english": "It's a nice coat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你和坏人同流合污,会同情他们吗?", "english": "When you lived among the criminals, did you start to pity them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会的,当我第一次为了吃饭偷东西时", "english": "The first time I stole so that I wouldn't starve, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我突然失去了是非善恶的观念", "english": "I lost many assumptions about the simple nature of right and wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我到处闯荡", "english": "And when I traveled..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我嚐到犯罪前的恐惧", "english": "... I learned the fear before a crime..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及得手后的兴奋", "english": "... and the thrill of success."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我从来没变成坏人", "english": "But I never became one of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我管你叫什么,你只是个犯人", "english": "Fool. What do I care what your name is? You're a criminal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是犯人", "english": "I'm not a criminal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去和这批货的主人说吧", "english": "Tell that to the guy who owned these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为了克服内心恐惧 并洞悉犯罪心理而走遍全世界", "english": "You've traveled the world to understand the criminal mind and conquer your fears."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是罪犯的内心并不复杂", "english": "But a criminal is not complicated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真正害怕的是自己的内心", "english": "And what you really fear is inside yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你害怕你自己的力量", "english": "You fear your own power."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也害怕你内心的愤怒…", "english": "You fear your anger..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会逼你做出伟大或可怕的事", "english": "...the drive to do great or terrible things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须克服你的内心恐惧", "english": "Now you must journey inwards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了", "english": "You are ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吸气", "english": "Breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用力吸气", "english": "Breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你的恐惧吸进去", "english": "Breathe in your fears."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面对你的恐惧", "english": "Face them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要成为恐惧本身,才能克服它", "english": "To conquer fear, you must become fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须造成别人的恐惧", "english": "You must bask in the fear of other men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而大家都害怕看不见的东西", "english": "And men fear most what they cannot see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须让人想到你就害怕", "english": "You have to become a terrible thought."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成为死神化身", "english": "A wraith."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让坏人闻风丧胆", "english": "You have to become an idea!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感受恐惧如何模糊你的感官", "english": "Feel terror cloud your senses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让恐惧的力量扭曲你的身心", "english": "Feel its power to distort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掌控你的一切", "english": "To control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这股恐惧的力量才会属于你", "english": "And know that this power can be yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拥抱你最深层的恐惧", "english": "Embrace your worst fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和恐惧的黑暗力量融为一体", "english": "Become one with the darkness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全神贯注", "english": "Focus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全心投入", "english": "Concentrate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随心所欲控制你的全身", "english": "Master your senses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能露出你的行踪", "english": "You cannot leave any sign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并没有", "english": "I haven't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经消除你的恐惧", "english": "We have purged your fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以当这批勇士的首领", "english": "You are ready to lead these men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但首先要证明你矢志维护正义", "english": "But first, you must demonstrate your commitment to justice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是刽子手", "english": "I'm no executioner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是我们和他们的不同", "english": "It separates us from them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想打击犯罪,他就是杀人犯", "english": "You want to fight criminals. This man is a murderer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让贪污腐败的法官来审判?", "english": "Corrupt bureaucrats?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坏人根本没把法律放在眼里", "english": "Criminals mock society's laws."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你比任何人都清楚这一点", "english": "You know this better than most."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能率领他们", "english": "You cannot lead these men..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非你能不择手段打击犯罪", "english": "...unless you are prepared to do what is necessary to defeat evil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要率领他们到哪里?", "english": "And where would I be leading these men?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥谭市", "english": "Gotham."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是哥谭市的天之骄子", "english": "As Gotham's favored son..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有能力瓦解哥谭市的恶势力", "english": "...you will be ideally placed to strike at the heart of criminality."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就跟君士坦丁堡和古罗马一样", "english": "Like Constantinople or Rome before it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它无可救药,必须将它毁灭", "english": "It is beyond saving and must be allowed to die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是影武者联盟最重要的任务", "english": "This is the most important function of the League of Shadows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是我们数百年来的使命", "english": "It is one we've performed for centuries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥谭市…", "english": "Gotham..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要被摧毁", "english": "...must be destroyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会信这种鬼话吧?", "english": "You can't believe in this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忍者大师将我们从 内心最黑暗的角落拯救出来", "english": "Ra's al Ghul rescued us from the darkest corners of our own hearts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要求我们以勇气 行当行之事回报他", "english": "What he asks in return is the courage to do what is necessary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会回哥谭市对付这类坏人", "english": "I will go back to Gotham and I will fight men like this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我不会当刽子手", "english": "...but I will not become an executioner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯,别这样", "english": "Bruce, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要想清楚,你已不能回头", "english": "For your own sake, there is no turning back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会跟他说你救他一命", "english": "I will tell him you saved his life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦恩少爷,你消失好一阵子", "english": "Master Wayne, you've been gone a long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是有点脏", "english": "Apart from the mud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这次会待很久吗?", "english": "Are you coming back to Gotham for long, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要待多久就待多久", "english": "As long as it takes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要让哥谭市市民知道", "english": "I want to show the people..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经济大萧条期间你爸为了消弭贫穷", "english": "In the depression, your father nearly bankrupted Wayne Enterprises..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几乎倾家荡产", "english": "...combating poverty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他相信他能让有钱人共襄盛举 拯救哥谭市", "english": "He believed his example could inspire the wealthy of Gotham to save their city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他成功了吗?", "english": "Did it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算是吧", "english": "In a way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他惨遭谋杀,为有钱有势的人敲响警钟", "english": "Their murder shocked the wealthy and the powerful into action."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们的漠不关心 唯有戏剧性大逆转才能唤醒", "english": "People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "身为布鲁斯·韦恩做不了什么", "english": "I can't do that as Bruce Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是个血肉之躯", "english": "As a man..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是成为正义化身", "english": "But as a symbol..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就永远不会被击败", "english": "As a symbol, I can be incorruptible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一种原始的…", "english": "Something elemental..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可怕的化身", "english": "...something terrifying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你单枪匹马对抗犯罪集团", "english": "I assume that as you take on the underworld..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为这化身是会 保护你关心的人不被报复", "english": "...this symbol is a persona to protect those you care about from reprisals?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说的是瑞秋吗?", "english": "You're thinking about Rachel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实我说的是我自己", "english": "Actually, sir, I was thinking of myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人知道我回来吗?", "english": "Have you told anyone I'm coming back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对外宣布我死了?", "english": "You had me declared dead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实是厄尔先生,他要让公司上市", "english": "Actually, it was Mr. Earle. He's taking the company public."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也要把你的股票卖掉", "english": "He wanted to liquidate your majority shareholding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸好我把全部财产都留给你", "english": "Well, it's a good thing I left everything to you, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,少爷", "english": "Quite so, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的劳斯莱斯可以借你开 回来时别忘了加满油", "english": "And you can borrow the Rolls, if you like. Just bring it back with a full tank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为萨兹先生会试图自杀并危害他人", "english": "In my opinion, Mr. Zsaz is as much a danger to himself as to others..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的认为黑道杀手不该坐牢?", "english": "You think a man who butchers people for the mob doesn't belong in jail?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我若不这么认为,就不会替他辩护", "english": "I would hardly have testified to that otherwise, would I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被你送进精神疗养院", "english": "...and moved into your asylum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或是被收买", "english": "Or the corrupt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芬奇先生", "english": "Mr. Finch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好劝劝道斯小姐", "english": "You should check with Miss Dawes here..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是在保护你", "english": "FINCH: Looking out for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法康尼收买了一半的政府官员", "english": "Falcone has half the city bought and paid for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你对我好", "english": "That's sweet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不能接受", "english": "We've been through all that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又有一只蝙蝠飞进来", "english": "ALFRED: Blessed bat again, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们的巢穴一定在地底", "english": "They nest somewhere in the grounds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不帮你了,有人对我起疑心", "english": "No more favors. Someone is sniffing around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我替你们把货运进来", "english": "I'm bringing in the shipments."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有付你钱", "english": "We are paying you for that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "付钱并不算是帮我的忙", "english": "Maybe money isn't as interesting to me as favors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你并不怕我,法康尼先生", "english": "I am more than aware that you are not intimidated by me, Mr. Falcone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是等我的老板来了以后…", "english": "But you know who I'm working for, and when he gets here..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要来哥谭市?", "english": "He... He's coming to Gotham?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes, he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为了几个小混混危害我们的行动", "english": "...that you've endangered our operation just to get your thugs out of jail time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来是理想主义者", "english": "Idealist, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也有办法对付这种人", "english": "Well, there's an answer to that too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其它部门的业绩有稳健的成长", "english": "No, we are showing very healthy growth in these sectors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让公司变成军火制造商", "english": "...as a suitable cornerstone for our business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早安,厄尔先生办公室", "english": "Good morning, Mr. Earle's office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,他确定明天会出席晚宴", "english": "Yes, he's confirmed for the dinner tomorrow evening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早安,我来见厄尔先生", "english": "Good morning. I'm here to see Mr. Earle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请问贵姓大名?", "english": "Name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯·韦恩", "english": "Bruce Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托马斯也许不会让公司上市", "english": "Thomas would probably not have taken the company public."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们为了公司一定要这么做", "english": "But that is what we, as responsible managers, are going to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洁西卡?", "english": "Jessica?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洁西卡? 你在哪里?", "english": "Jessica? Where are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯? 你不是死了吗?", "english": "Bruce? You're supposed to be dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉让你失望了", "english": "I'm sorry to disappoint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新闻整天都在播,他回来了", "english": "It's been all over the news. He's back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请你了解这件事势在必行", "english": "I'm sure you realize I can't stop the big machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不想干涉公司行政", "english": "I'm not looking to interfere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想多了解我的家族企业", "english": "I just want to get to know the company that my family built."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想先进哪个部门?", "english": "Any ideas where you would start?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对应用科技部门有兴趣", "english": "Applied Sciences caught my eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "福克斯的部门", "english": "Fox's department."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟你爸长得很像", "english": "You look like him. Your dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是韦恩家族唯一的遗孤", "english": "You're the only one left of the Wayne family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你的家,欢迎回家", "english": "This is where you belong. Welcome home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全都是实验原型 并没有进入量产阶段", "english": "All prototypes. None in production."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是怎么跟你说这部门的?", "english": "What did they tell you this place was?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们什么都没说", "english": "They didn't tell me anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厄尔倒是跟我说得很明白", "english": "Earle told me exactly what it was when he sent me down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被打入冷宫", "english": "Dead end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好让我不在董事会上找麻烦", "english": "Place to keep me from causing the board any more trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我协助他建造高架铁路系统", "english": "Helped him build his train."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多功能强化防护带", "english": "Kevlar utility harness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汽动式磁力钩爪枪", "english": "Gas-powered, magnetic grapple gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爸设计的铁路系统很棒", "english": "Wonderful project, your dad's train."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一条路线都直达韦恩大楼 水电管线也直接连到这里", "english": "Routed it right into Wayne Tower, along with the water and power utilities."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让韦恩大楼成为哥谭市的命脉", "english": "Kind of made Wayne Tower the unofficial center of Gotham City."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厄尔却让它荒废,请看", "english": "Of course, Earle let it go to rot. Here we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克维拉纤维,强化护肘护膝", "english": "Kevlar biweave, reinforced joints."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么对这些感兴趣?", "english": "So, what's your interest in it, Mr. Wayne?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想借来用", "english": "I want to borrow it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要做洞穴探险", "english": "For spelunking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洞穴探险?", "english": "Spelunking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,到山洞探险", "english": "Yeah, you know, cave diving?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人会在山洞向你开枪吗?", "english": "You expecting to run into much gunfire in these caves?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦恩先生", "english": "Mr. Wayne..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我来说", "english": "...the way I see it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一切都是你的", "english": "...all this stuff is yours anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,试试看", "english": "Okay. Give it a try."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是个好地方", "english": "Charming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少你有很多同伴", "english": "At least you'll have company."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一定是东南厢房的地基", "english": "This must be the lowest foundation of the southeast wing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你曾祖父在内战时透过地下管道", "english": "Your great-great-grandfather was involved in the Underground Railroad..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秘密将黑奴运送来北方", "english": "...secretly transporting freed slaves to the North..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怀疑就是偷藏在这些洞穴", "english": "...and I suspect these caverns came in handy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尔弗雷德,过来看看", "english": "Alfred! Come up here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "头罩的主要零件来自新加坡", "english": "We order the main part of this cowl from Singapore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "透过傀儡公司进口", "english": "Via a dummy corporation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这零件则是向中国公司订购", "english": "...we place an order to a Chinese company for these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大量订购才不会让人起疑", "english": "They'll have to be large orders, to avoid suspicion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不分一杯羹吗?", "english": "Don't suppose you want a taste."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在想也许有一天你会学聪明", "english": "I just keep offering, thinking maybe someday you'll get wise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么做一点都不聪明", "english": "There's nothing wise in what you do, Flass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老詹,你不收贿让大家很紧张", "english": "Well, Jimbo, you don't take the taste, makes us guys nervous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会告密", "english": "I'm no rat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都被收买,我能向谁告状?", "english": "In a town this bent, who's there to rat to anyway?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是硕果仅存的好警察", "english": "You're a good cop. One of the few."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要干什么?", "english": "What do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法康尼每星期都进一批毒品", "english": "Carmine Falcone brings in shipments of drugs every week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么没人阻止他?", "english": "Nobody takes him down. Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他收买了警察和法官", "english": "He's paid up with the right people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该怎么做才能制止他?", "english": "What will it take to bring him down?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向斐登法官施压", "english": "Leverage on Judge Faden..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找一个有胆识的检察官", "english": "...and a DA brave enough to prosecute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞秋·道斯", "english": "Rachel Dawes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注意我的信号", "english": "Watch for my sign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只有一个人?", "english": "You're just one man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我们有两个人", "english": "Now we're two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们?", "english": "We?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站住!", "english": "Freeze!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么人?", "english": "What the hell was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是一个疯子", "english": "Just some nut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天你又要去洞穴探险吗?", "english": "Well, what is it today? More spelunking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,今天我要定点跳伞", "english": "No. Today it's BASE-jumping."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "定点跳伞?", "english": "BASE-jumping."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有轻质布料吗?", "english": "Do you have any lightweight fabrics?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正好有你要的布料", "english": "You know, I think I have just the thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这叫记忆布料,看到吗?", "english": "It's called memory cloth. Notice anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和一般布料一样轻柔", "english": "Regularly flexible..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是一旦通上电流", "english": "...but put a current through it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "军方又嫌太贵吗?", "english": "Too expensive for the Army?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没想到亿万富翁会有兴趣 去洞穴探险或定点跳伞", "english": "I don't think they tried to market it to the billionaire, BASE-jumping crowd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你觉得不妥…", "english": "If you're uncomfortable..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被问到就不必说谎", "english": "...when I'm asked, I don't have to lie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过别以为我是傻子", "english": "But don't think of me as an idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?", "english": "What's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那辆弹力车?", "english": "The Tumbler?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会有兴趣的", "english": "Oh, you wouldn't be interested in that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是造桥用的越野车", "english": "She was built as a bridging vehicle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作战时可以拉着缆绳跳过河流", "english": "During combat, two of these would jump over a river, towing cables."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它就能越过任何障碍 不要乱来!", "english": "This will boost you into a rampless jump... Not now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小子,别乱来", "english": "Not... Not now, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关闭再燃装置", "english": "Afterburner disengaged."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一直没办法造桥", "english": "We never could get the damn bridge to work..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过这辆车性能超强", "english": "...but this baby works just fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得怎样?", "english": "So, what do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有黑色车款吗?", "english": "Does it come in black?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你星期四到码头", "english": "I need you at the docks Thursday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说有一位检察官在找你麻烦", "english": "Word on the street is you got a beef with somebody in the DA's office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想说什么,佛莱斯警官?", "english": "So, what's your point, Mr. Flass?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看过那女孩吗?", "english": "Have you seen the girl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是个美女助理检察官", "english": "It's a cute little assistant DA."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时候就是会莫名其妙走霉运", "english": "Sometimes... Sometimes things just go bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这批货的石墨含量太高", "english": "It's a problem with the graphite, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么选择蝙蝠?", "english": "Why bats, Master Wayne?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝙蝠让我感到恐惧", "english": "Bats frighten me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也要让敌人一样畏惧我", "english": "It's time my enemies shared my dread."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是干嘛?", "english": "What is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续干活吧", "english": "Continue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来没问题", "english": "Looks fine out there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩具熊直接交给毒贩吗?", "english": "The bears go straight to the dealers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,玩具兔要运到奈何岛", "english": "Yeah, and the rabbits go to the man in the Narrows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小史?", "english": "Steiss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干嘛?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么?", "english": "What the...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最好去看看", "english": "I better check it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大事不妙,你最好闪人", "english": "There's a problem out here. You better bail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在哪里?", "english": "Where are you?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快开车,哦,要命!", "english": "Take a ride. Oh, shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是什么东西?", "english": "What the hell are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是蝙蝠侠", "english": "I'm Batman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好帅的大衣", "english": "Nice coat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢了", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别过来", "english": "Hold it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我滚远一点", "english": "That's right, you better run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法康尼派他们来杀你", "english": "Falcone sent them to kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像你一样", "english": "Someone like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想要伸张正义的人", "english": "Someone who'll rattle the cages."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐,你没事吧?", "english": "Ma'am? Everything okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法康尼一样有办法脱身", "english": "We'll never tie him to it anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次他脱不了身", "english": "I wouldn't be too sure of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么回事?", "english": "What the hell is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他放下来", "english": "Cut him down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不可原谅", "english": "Unacceptable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不管他是帮派死对头、守护天使", "english": "Now, I don't care if it's rival gangs, Guardian Angels..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或是什么救世主", "english": "...or the goddamn Salvation Army..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他抓起来,别让他出风头", "english": "...get them off the street and off the front page."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说他是一个人,或是一个怪物", "english": "They say it was just one guy. Or a creature."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只是奇装异服的怪胎", "english": "It was some asshole in a costume."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "势力最大的黑帮老大", "english": "...one of the city's biggest crime lords."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人能在我的辖区动私刑", "english": "No one takes the law into their own hands in my city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白吗?", "english": "Understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算他们作证说是大蝙蝠干的", "english": "Even if these guys will swear to being thrashed by a giant bat..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法康尼还是被逮个正着", "english": "...we've got Falcone at the scene."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就起诉他吧", "english": "Okay. Let's do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是过双重生活的代价", "english": "The price for leading a double life, I fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你制造的戏剧效果很唬人", "english": "Your theatrics made an impression."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戏剧效果和障眼法…", "english": "Theatricality and deception..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能打击犯罪 这是好的开始", "english": "...are powerful weapons, Alfred. This is a good start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你以后会一直受伤", "english": "If those are to be the first of many injuries to come..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就要找很好的藉口", "english": "...it would be wise to find a suitable excuse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如说打马球", "english": "Polo, for instance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又不会打马球", "english": "I'm not learning polo, Alfred."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无缘无故受伤,缺乏社交生活", "english": "Strange injuries, a nonexistent social life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家一定会怀疑", "english": "These things beg the question..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯·韦恩大少爷都在搞什么鬼", "english": "...as to what exactly does Bruce Wayne do with his time and his money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像我这种人都做什么?", "english": "What does someone like me do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开名贵跑车,泡漂亮女星", "english": "Drive sports cars, date movie stars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "买一些别人买不起的东西", "english": "Buy things that are not for sale."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦恩少爷,当你假装找乐子", "english": "Who knows, Master Wayne, you start pretending to have fun..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许真的会找到快乐", "english": "...you might even have a little by accident."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海巡队昨晚发现我们的货轮", "english": "The Coast Guard picked up one of our cargo ships last night..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "船身受损,船员失踪 大概全都丧命", "english": "...heavily damaged, all crew missing, probably dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是用来进行沙漠战争的", "english": "It's designed for desert warfare, but it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是看起来有人…", "english": "It looks like somebody..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启动了它", "english": "...turned it on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它能发射微波蒸发敌人的供水", "english": "It uses focused microwaves to vaporize the enemy's water supply."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那具武器也…", "english": "The weapon itself is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不见了?", "english": "Missing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦恩先生", "english": "Mr. Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这辆车好酷", "english": "Nice car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的另一辆车更酷", "english": "You should see my other one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他逮到警方抓不到的大坏蛋", "english": "He's done something the police never have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少他在打击犯罪", "english": "Well, at least he's getting something done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯,你来评评理", "english": "Bruce, help me out here. -Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个扮成蝙蝠的人一定有毛病", "english": "Well, a guy who dresses up like a bat clearly has issues."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是他把法康尼关起来", "english": "But he's put Falcone behind bars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警方并不领情,那代表什么?", "english": "Now the cops want him. What does that tell you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那代表他们嫉妒他", "english": "They're jealous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水池是装饰用的", "english": "Sir, the pool is for decoration..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她们是欧洲豪放女", "english": "Well, they're European."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要请你们离开", "english": "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你给我再多小费也没用", "english": "It is not a question of money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看着…", "english": "Well, you see..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要买下这家饭店", "english": "...I'm buying this hotel..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新规定,从今以后水池可以游泳", "english": "...and setting some new rules about the pool area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得应该颁奖给蝙蝠侠", "english": "I think the Batman deserves a medal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他送进疯人院才对", "english": "And a straitjacket to pin it on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯?", "english": "Bruce?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞秋?", "english": "Rachel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听说你回来了", "english": "I'd heard you were back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干嘛?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是泡泡水,见到你真好", "english": "Just swimming here. Wow, it is good to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你离开了好久", "english": "You were gone a long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工作越来越辛苦", "english": "Job's getting worse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光靠自己是不能改变世界的", "english": "Can't change the world on your own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没有别的选择", "english": "What choice do I have..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只会忙着和辣妹泡水", "english": "...when you're too busy swimming?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞秋,这…", "english": "Rachel, all of..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一切", "english": "All this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是真正的我", "english": "It's... It's not me. It's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实我的内心…", "english": "Inside, I am..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并没有这么肤浅", "english": "I am more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快来嘛,布鲁斯", "english": "Come on, Bruce. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们再去多买几家饭店", "english": "Bruce, we have some more hotels for you to buy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯", "english": "Bruce..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你内心深处仍是那个正直的小孩", "english": "...deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是在你外表底下是谁并不重要", "english": "But it's not who you are underneath..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的所作所为才重要", "english": "...it's what you do that defines you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱恩医师,谢谢你来访", "english": "Dr. Crane, thanks for coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不客气,他想割腕自杀?", "english": "Not at all. He cut his wrists?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是保险一点比较好", "english": "Of course, better safe than sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我受不了了,我快发疯了", "english": "Yeah, Dr. Crane, I can't take it anymore. It's all too much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再吃几天牢饭我真的会发疯", "english": "A couple of days of this food, it'll be true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么都不知道", "english": "About what? You don't know anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你怕警方仔细查那批毒品", "english": "I know you don't want the cops to take a closer look at the drugs they seized."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也知道你替囚犯进行人体实验", "english": "And I know about your experiments with the inmates of your nut house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你找来的打手", "english": "And those goons you used."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直替你把货运进来", "english": "Now, I've been bringing your stuff in for months..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的老板一定想大干一票 要算我一份", "english": "...so whatever he's planning, it's big, and I want in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道他会怎么说", "english": "Well, I already know what he'll say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们应该杀了你灭口", "english": "That we should kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在我的地盘动不了我", "english": "Even he can't get me in here. Not in my town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想看我的面具吗?", "english": "Would you like to see my mask?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用它来做实验", "english": "I use it in my experiments."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这大恶人不会觉得可怕", "english": "Now, I'm probably not very frightening to a guy like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过疯子就会被吓死", "english": "But these crazies, they can't stand it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来疯人院是你这疯子开的", "english": "So when did the nut take over the nut house?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都跟你一样", "english": "They scream and they cry..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他这次并不是装疯", "english": "Well, he's not faking. Not that one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会和法官谈谈 把他送到我的精神病院", "english": "I'll talk to the judge and see if I can get him moved..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一场大风暴即将来临", "english": "Storm's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你逮到法康尼让黑道很紧张", "english": "The scum is getting jumpy because you stood up to Falcone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有时候也帮黑道办事", "english": "Well, he moonlights as a low-level enforcer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他一定会跟我说", "english": "He'll talk to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗柏局长成立专案小组追捕你", "english": "Commissioner Loeb set up a massive task force to catch you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为你想尽力帮忙", "english": "I think you're trying to help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过有时候我会看错人", "english": "But I've been wrong before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点,别慢吞吞", "english": "Come on, I ain't got all night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托,我有小孩要养", "english": "Flass, I have kids to feed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不爱吃三明治吗?", "english": "What, they don't like falafel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一批毒品在哪里?", "english": "Where were the other drugs going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直都不知道", "english": "I don't... I don't know. I never knew. Never."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在毒品里加了其它的料", "english": "There was something... Something else in the drugs..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只知道那批货被送到奈何岛", "english": "I never went to the drop-off point. It was in the Narrows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No...!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不敢查法康尼老大的货柜", "english": "Listen, counselor, we don't wanna know what's in Mr. Falcone's crate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在情况不同了,快打开来", "english": "Things are working a little differently now. Open it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这到底是什么?", "english": "What the hell is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快进来!", "english": "Get in here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别的小朋友一定不相信的", "english": "The other kids won't believe me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "湮灭所有证据", "english": "Get rid of all traces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不舒服吗?", "english": "Having trouble?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下来,喝口水", "english": "Take a seat. Have a drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得你应该降降火气", "english": "Do you want my opinion? You need to lighten up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尔弗雷德? 帮帮我", "english": "Alfred, help me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我中了毒…替我验血", "english": "Blood. Take. Take poison. Blood poison."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中毒,中毒了", "english": "Poisonous. Poisonous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯", "english": "Bruce..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯,我们为什么跌倒?", "english": "... why do we fall?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天是你生日", "english": "It's your birthday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你生日幸福快乐", "english": "Many happy returns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有过这种经验,这次更强烈", "english": "I've felt these effects before, but this was so much more potent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一种迷幻药 被做成喷剂当作武器", "english": "It was some kind of hallucinogen, weaponized, in aerosol form."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是在夜店被人下了药", "english": "You have been hanging out in the wrong clubs, Mr. Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我替你验血,把接受体合成物 和蛋白质催化素分离出来", "english": "I analyzed your blood, isolating the receptor compounds and the protein-based catalyst."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能不能说白话?", "english": "Am I meant to understand any of that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以,我费了好一番功夫", "english": "Not at all. I just wanted you to know how hard it was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总是有被下迷幻药的风险", "english": "...someone's passing around the weaponized hallucinogens..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把手上有的给你 注射抗体后就不怕被下药", "english": "I'll bring what I have. The antidote should inoculate you for now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尔弗雷德,很高兴见到你", "english": "Alfred, always a pleasure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卢修斯", "english": "Lucius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞秋?", "english": "Rachel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道,今晚我不能来 我只是来送礼物", "english": "I know. I'm sorry I can't come tonight. I was just dropping off your present."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞秋·道斯", "english": "Rachel Dawes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁下的命令? 无论如何都要把克莱恩找来", "english": "Who authorized that? Get Crane down there now. Don't take no for an answer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱恩把法康尼送到精神病院", "english": "Dr. Crane moved him to Arkham Asylum on suicide watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿卡姆精神病院在奈何岛, 你现在要去?", "english": "You're going to Arkham now? It's in the Narrows, Rachel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去狂欢吧,布鲁斯", "english": "You enjoy your party, Bruce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生日快乐", "english": "Happy Birthday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁我回来之前", "english": "Keep them happy until I arrive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说笑话给他们听", "english": "Tell them that joke you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩得开心吗?", "english": "Having fun?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比尔? 你这大人物怎么会跑来这里?", "english": "Bill? Now, what's a big shot like you doing in a place like this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要一些资料", "english": "I need some information."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说被实验用来在空中散播化学物", "english": "Rumor was they tested dispersing water-based chemicals into the air..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是不合法吗?", "english": "...but isn't that illegal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立刻把备份档案和文件送来", "english": "...all data, files, backup disks, on my desk right away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你弄丢了吗?", "english": "Did you lose one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要把这部门和档案部合并", "english": "I'm merging your department with Archives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也要开除你", "english": "And I am firing you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没收到通知吗?", "english": "Didn't you get the memo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稻草人", "english": "Scarecrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稻草人", "english": "Scarecrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稻草人", "english": "Scarecrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "道斯小姐,你不必来这里", "english": "Miss Dawes, this is most irregular."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么会在起诉前突然完全精神崩溃?", "english": "...to have a psychotic breakdown just when he's about to be indicted?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都会幻想被外在力量迫害", "english": "...on an external tormentor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的幻觉是稻草人", "english": "In this case, a scarecrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我强烈支持用药物控制精神疾病", "english": "I'm a strong advocate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在外面呼风唤雨", "english": "Outside, he was a giant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里只能乖乖听话", "english": "In here, only the mind can grant you power."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很得意,对吧?", "english": "You enjoy the reversal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为精神胜于肉体", "english": "I respect the mind's power over the body."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我专门治疗精神病患", "english": "It's why I do what I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我专门把坏人关进牢里 不是住在疯人院", "english": "I do what I do to keep thugs like Falcone behind bars, not in therapy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要另外请医师为他进行诊断", "english": "I want my own psychiatric consultant to have full access to Falcone..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包括验血 查出你到底给他吃什么药", "english": "...including blood work. Find out what exactly you put him on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经通知了李曼医师", "english": "I've already paged Dr. Lehmann at County General."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随你便", "english": "As you wish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要给你看样东西", "english": "There's something I think you should see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里是我们的药厂", "english": "This is where we make the medicine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也该吃一点药,让头脑清醒", "english": "Perhaps you should have some, clear your head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道你来这里?", "english": "Who knows you're here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道?", "english": "Who knows?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在这里", "english": "He's here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁?", "english": "Who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝙蝠侠", "english": "The Batman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察拿我们没办法", "english": "At this point, they can't stop us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他逼出去,让警察毙了他", "english": "Force him outside, the police will take him down. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我下的药很强 她撑不住的,快去吧", "english": "I gave her a concentrated dose. The mind can only take so much. Now go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他真的会飞吗?", "english": "Can he really fly?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听说他能隐形", "english": "I heard he can disappear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们很快就会知道", "english": "Well, we'll find out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吗?", "english": "Won't we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下你要自食其果了", "english": "Taste of your own medicine, doctor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这里搞什么鬼?", "english": "What have you been doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你替谁工作?", "english": "Who are you working for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忍者…忍者大师", "english": "Ra's... Ra's al Ghul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忍者大师死了,你替谁工作?", "english": "Ra's al Ghul is dead. Who are you working for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱恩?", "english": "Crane."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱恩医师不在", "english": "Dr. Crane isn't here right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你想预约挂号…", "english": "But if you'd like to make an appointment..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝙蝠侠,放下武器投降", "english": "Batman, put down your weapons and surrender."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你被包围了", "english": "You're surrounded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霹雳小组正赶来,如果你想冲进去…", "english": "SWAT's on the way. But if you wanna go in now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会跟着你", "english": "...I'll be right behind you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等霹雳小组来了再说", "english": "SWAT's on the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她被克莱恩下了迷幻药 引发严重的恐慌症", "english": "Crane poisoned her with a psychotropic hallucinogen, a panic-inducing toxin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把她抱下去,在小巷等我", "english": "Get her downstairs. Meet me in the alley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也在哥谭市的自来水管下药", "english": "...and they're dumping it into the water supply."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他替法康尼工作吗?", "english": "Was he working for Falcone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他提到另一个更可怕的人", "english": "He mentioned someone else, someone worse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么声音?", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去开车", "english": "I'll get my car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我开了我的车", "english": "I brought mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的车?", "english": "Yours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也要弄一辆这么炫的车", "english": "I've gotta get me one of those."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是辆黑色的…", "english": "It's a black..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "装甲车", "english": "...tank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持冷静", "english": "Stay calm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你中毒了", "english": "You've been poisoned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我追上去了", "english": "I'm on him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢慢呼吸", "english": "Breathe slowly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撑着点", "english": "Hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙到底是谁?", "english": "Who is this guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在屋顶上开车", "english": "He's flying on rooftops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的车到底长什么样子?", "english": "At least tell me what it looks like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "追上了", "english": "Got him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就跟在他后面", "english": "Coming right up on his butt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去前面查查看", "english": "We'll loop back to check the frontage road."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启动秘密行动模式", "english": "Stealth mode activated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持清醒", "english": "Stay with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在那里", "english": "What...? There he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撑着点", "english": "Just hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞秋!", "english": "Rachel!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通知自来水厂,一定有办法… 全市的供水系统都被下药", "english": "-Notify the water company. There's gotta be a way to isolate it. -No. They put it all in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们一定花了几个星期下药", "english": "They must've been at this for weeks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经溶入全市的供水系统了", "english": "Gotham's entire water supply is laced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么没中毒?", "english": "Why haven't we felt the effects?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你感觉如何?", "english": "How do you feel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是那里?", "english": "Where are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戈登警官是你的朋友吗?", "english": "Is Sergeant Gordon your friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能有任何朋友", "english": "I don't have the luxury of friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你打镇定剂 你醒来后就会在你家", "english": "I'm gonna give you a sedative. You'll wake up back at home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后你要把这些交给戈登 千万不要相信别人", "english": "When you do, get these to Gordon, and Gordon alone. Trust no one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大量制造?", "english": "Mass production?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱恩只是爪牙,我们要准备应战", "english": "Crane was just a pawn. We need to be ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你说你想拯救哥谭市", "english": "When you told me your grand plan for saving Gotham..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没把你送进疯人院是因为…", "english": "...all that stopped me from calling the men in white coats..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说你不是为了追求刺激", "english": "...was when you said it wasn't about thrill-seeking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一手创造了一个怪物", "english": "You're getting lost inside this monster of yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我利用这个怪物帮助人们 就跟我父亲一样", "english": "I'm using this monster to help other people, just like my father did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是为了证明给任何人看, 包括他自己", "english": "...wasn't about proving anything to anyone, including himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是为了瑞秋,她中了毒", "english": "It's Rachel, Alfred. She was dying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她就在楼下,请你送她回家", "english": "She's downstairs, sedated. I need you to take her home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都很关心瑞秋 但你已失去控制", "english": "Well, we both care for Rachel, but what you're doing has to be beyond that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了徇私,就会变成恶徒", "english": "It can't be personal, or you're just a vigilante."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要把这些客人赶走", "english": "We need to send these people away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能毁了布鲁斯·韦恩的名誉", "english": "Those are Bruce Wayne's guests. You have a name to maintain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不在乎我的名誉", "english": "I don't care about my name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不只是你,也是你父亲的名誉", "english": "It's not just your name, sir. It's your father's name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只留下他的名誉", "english": "And it's all that's left of him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "千万别毁了他的名誉", "english": "Don't destroy it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公司的股价如何?", "english": "How did the stock offering go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "涨停板", "english": "Prices soared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "股票都是谁在买?", "english": "Who was buying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基金和证券公司", "english": "All kinds of funds and brokerages."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会懂的", "english": "It's a bit technical."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她只是喝多了几杯", "english": "A little the worse for wear, I'm afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的计划是什么?", "english": "What was the plan, Crane?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么把毒药释放在空气中?", "english": "How were you gonna get your toxin into the air?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稻草人,稻草人", "english": "Scarecrow. Scarecrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太迟了", "english": "Oh, it's too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你阻止不了他", "english": "You can't stop it now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿去", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你的那样东西", "english": "And thank you for that item."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不客气", "english": "You're welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果要大量制造要多久时间?", "english": "How long would it take to manufacture on a large scale?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几个星期,为什么问?", "english": "Weeks. Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自来水不能让人吸入毒素", "english": "The water supply won't help you disperse an inhalant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弄丢了?", "english": "Misplaced?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我公司的保全卡被没收了", "english": "My security clearance has been revoked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定会有办法,对吧?", "english": "That wouldn't stop a man like you, would it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜是吧", "english": "I suppose not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听听我念得对不对…", "english": "Now, am I pronouncing this right..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忍者大师?", "english": "...Mr. Ra's al Ghul?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才不是忍者大师", "english": "You're not Ra's al Ghul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我亲眼看到他死", "english": "I watched him die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许忍者大师不会死?", "english": "But is Ra's al Ghul immortal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许他有特异功能?", "english": "Are his methods supernatural?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许你才是真正的忍者大师吧?", "english": "Or cheap parlor tricks to conceal your true identity, Ra's?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该不会怪我有双重身分吧?", "english": "...wouldn't begrudge me dual identities."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我救了你一命", "english": "I saved your life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我教过你不能对敌人手下留情", "english": "I warned you about compassion, Bruce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要对付的是我", "english": "Your quarrel is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放过这些人", "english": "You let these people go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位", "english": "Everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位来宾请听我说", "english": "Everybody?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我…", "english": "I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说真的", "english": "No, really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像我这种亿万大富翁", "english": "There's a thing about being a Wayne..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "免不了会有很多人来白吃白喝", "english": "...that you're never short of a few freeloaders, like yourselves..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这些…", "english": "To all of you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这些伪君子 你们这些酒肉朋友", "english": "All of you phonies, all of you two-faced friends..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请你们别再来烦我", "english": "...please, leave me in peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请你们走吧", "english": "Please go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是开玩笑,快走吧", "english": "Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派对结束了,快滚", "english": "The party's over, get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你丢尽了你父母的脸,韦恩先生", "english": "The apple has fallen very far from the tree, Mr. Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很有意思", "english": "Amusing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是没有用 这些人都活不久了", "english": "But pointless. None of these people have long to live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对疗养院的注意 逼我不得不提早行动", "english": "Your antics at the asylum have forced my hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱恩果然是为你做事", "english": "So Crane was working for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后做成化学武器", "english": "He was able to weaponize it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不是影武者联盟成员?", "english": "He's not a member of the League of Shadows?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然不是 他以为我们要勒索哥谭市", "english": "Of course not. He thought our plan was to hold the city to ransom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后看着市民因为恐惧自我毁灭", "english": "Then watch Gotham tear itself apart through fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你打算害死数百万条人命", "english": "You're gonna destroy millions of lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们饱受犯罪荼毒", "english": "Crime. Despair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活着还有什么意思呢?", "english": "This is not how man was supposed to live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "数千年来我们影武者联盟都在…", "english": "The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "清除人间败类", "english": "...for thousands of years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在古罗马制造瘟疫", "english": "We sacked Rome. Loaded trade ships with plague rats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把伦敦夷为平地", "english": "Burned London to the ground."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就会将它毁灭", "english": "...we return to restore the balance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥谭市还有得救", "english": "Gotham isn't beyond saving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再给我时间,这里还有好人", "english": "Give me more time. There are good people here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个城市无药可救了 我们渗透了每一个阶层", "english": "You're defending a city so corrupt we have infiltrated every level of its infrastructure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该出去玩了", "english": "Time to play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在牢里看到你时,你迷失了自我", "english": "When I found you in that jail, you were lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我相信你", "english": "But I believed in you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我消除你的恐惧,指引你方向", "english": "I took away your fear, and I showed you a path."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我最好的徒弟", "english": "You were my greatest student."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该站在我身边拯救世界", "english": "It should be you standing by my side, saving the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要站在你面前", "english": "I'll be standing where I belong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阻止你屠杀哥谭市市民", "english": "Between you and the people of Gotham."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人救得了哥谭市", "english": "No one can save Gotham."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们使用的方法越来越成熟", "english": "Over the ages our weapons have grown more sophisticated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们曾经造成经济大萧条", "english": "With Gotham we tried a new one. Economics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我们低估了像你父母这种…", "english": "But we underestimated certain of Gotham's citizens..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "善心人士的力量", "english": "...such as your parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果他们竟被帮助的对象打死", "english": "Gunned down by one of the very people they were trying to help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老百姓没饭吃被迫当强盗", "english": "Create enough hunger and everyone becomes a criminal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父母的死让哥谭市民心连心", "english": "Their deaths galvanized the city into saving itself..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要来完成任务", "english": "We are back to finish the job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次不会有理想主义者碍事", "english": "And this time no misguided idealists will get in the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有人敢阻止我们伸张正义", "english": "If someone stands in the way of true justice..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就从背后捅他们一刀", "english": "...you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耳听四面、眼观八方", "english": "...to mind your surroundings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正义就是有仇必报", "english": "Justice is balance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你烧了我房子,差点害死我", "english": "You burned my house and left me for dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下我们算扯平了", "english": "Consider us even."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确定没有人活着出来", "english": "No one comes out. Make sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都逃出去了?", "english": "They're all gone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连环杀手、强暴犯", "english": "Serial killers, rapists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把桥梁升起,别让他们进城", "english": "Raise the bridges. We don't want any getting off the island."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,就这么办", "english": "I'll raise the bridges..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等支援警力来把那些神经病抓走", "english": "...when I get every available unit out here to catch the homicidal maniacs..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望你不是消防队员", "english": "I hope you're not a member of the fire brigade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到底做了什么?", "english": "What have I done, Alfred?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲的心血…", "english": "...my father, built..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦恩家族的精神不只是砖块瓦砾", "english": "The Wayne legacy is more than bricks and mortar, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想要拯救哥谭市", "english": "I wanted to save Gotham."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我失败了", "english": "I failed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么跌倒?", "english": "Why do we fall, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样才能学会站起来", "english": "So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是没放弃我,是吗?", "english": "You still haven't given up on me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远都不会", "english": "Never."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴下来", "english": "Down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察暴力,警察动粗", "english": "Harassment! I see harassment!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想看真正的警察暴力吗?", "english": "Maybe you'd like to see some excessive force?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿了枪的疯子", "english": "Madman with a gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "市民对警方镇压行动…", "english": "With residents furious..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要把桥梁升起来", "english": "We're about to raise these bridges."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戈登,有人来找你", "english": "Hey, Gordon. Somebody here to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望你用不着", "english": "Hopefully you won't need it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非有人把毒药释放在空气中", "english": "Not unless he's got some way of getting that crap into the air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,不准过桥了", "english": "All right, last one across."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三分钟内就要把桥梁升起来", "english": "People, they want this bridge up in no more than three minutes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走吧", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找不到我妈妈", "english": "I can't find my mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂!", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该行动了", "english": "...time to spread the word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要引起一阵…", "english": "And the word is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大恐慌", "english": "...panic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在那里", "english": "Right there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是奈何岛的地下水管", "english": "That water main is right under the Narrows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说话啊!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗局长,我是戈登", "english": "Loeb, Loeb. This is Gordon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底发生什么事?", "english": "What the hell is going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要支援,镇暴警察、霹雳小组", "english": "We need reinforcements. TAC teams, SWAT, riot cops!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了,没人会伤害你", "english": "It's okay, it's okay. No one's gonna hurt you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就会伤害你", "english": "Of course they are!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戈登", "english": "Gordon..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只剩下我一个人?", "english": "So I'm on my own?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奈何岛陷入一团混乱", "english": "The Narrows is tearing itself to pieces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他们将毒药释放到全市", "english": "This is just the beginning. If they hit the whole city..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就会引起哥谭市的大恐慌", "english": "...there's nothing to stop Gotham tearing itself apart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自来水管沿着轨道到韦恩大楼底下", "english": "The monorail follows the water mains to the central hub beneath Wayne Tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要在韦恩大楼发射微波", "english": "If the machine gets to the station..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让哥谭市充满毒气", "english": "Covering Gotham in this poison."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们在这里", "english": "There you are!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了恐惧本身", "english": "There is nothing to fear..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么好怕的", "english": "...but fear itself!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来帮你们…", "english": "I am here to help you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝙蝠侠会来救我们", "english": "Batman will save us. He'll come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是戈登,把桥放下来", "english": "This is Gordon. Prepare to lower the bridge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就说他一定会来", "english": "I told you he'd come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很可能没命", "english": "You could die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少告诉我你是谁", "english": "At least tell me your name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在外表底下是谁并不重要", "english": "It's not who I am underneath..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的所作所为才重要", "english": "...but what I do that defines me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯?", "english": "Bruce?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的听我的话,扮成一个怪物", "english": "Well, well. You took my advice about theatricality a bit literally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要对付的是整个哥谭市", "english": "My fight, however, lies with the rest of Gotham."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恕我失陪,我要摧毁这座城市", "english": "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a city to destroy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全球定位系统连线", "english": "GPS online."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁下令把桥放下来?", "english": "Who the hell authorized this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "距离韦恩大楼三英哩", "english": "Distance to Wayne Tower, three miles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果波及自来水厂", "english": "If that pressure reaches us..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在下一个街口右转", "english": "At the next intersection, turn right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你永远都学不会", "english": "You will never learn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您已抵达目的地,韦恩大楼", "english": "You have arrived at Wayne Tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快疏散整座大楼", "english": "Evacuate the building."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "楼下的自来水厂会爆炸", "english": "We're on top of the main hub and it's gonna blow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启动武器系统", "english": "Weapons system activated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好厉害的车", "english": "Nice ride."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备攻击", "english": "Armed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要怕,布鲁斯", "english": "Don't be afraid, Bruce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,来吧", "english": "Come on. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只是穿着披风的凡人", "english": "You are just an ordinary man in a cape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁说我要阻止列车?", "english": "Who said anything about stopping it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太帅了", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你学不会耳听四面、眼观八方", "english": "You never learned to mind your surroundings!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你终于学会狠下心来了?", "english": "Have you finally learned to do what is necessary?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会杀你", "english": "I won't kill you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我也不必救你", "english": "...but I don't have to save you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "福克斯,我炒了你鱿鱼", "english": "Fox, I seem to remember firing you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "You did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找到新工作", "english": "I got another job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的工作", "english": "Yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁有这个权力?", "english": "On whose authority?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝙蝠侠上了头版新闻", "english": "Batman may have made the front page..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁斯·韦恩只上了第八版", "english": "...but Bruce Wayne got pushed to page eight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是布鲁斯·韦恩", "english": "Bruce Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公司一星期前上市", "english": "The company went public a week ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我透过各种基金…", "english": "And I bought most of the shares."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的公司的未来很稳定", "english": "... is that my company's future is secure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对吧,福克斯先生?", "english": "Right, Mr. Fox?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一点也没错", "english": "Right you are, Mr. Wayne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没收到通知吗?", "english": "Didn't you get the memo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我才要道歉", "english": "...I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "齐利被枪杀那天", "english": "The day that Chill died, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对你说了重话", "english": "I said terrible things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那也是真话", "english": "But true things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时是个懦夫", "english": "I was a coward with a gun..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正义不代表报仇,我要谢谢你", "english": "...and justice is about more than revenge, so thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直在想着你", "english": "I never stopped thinking about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有我们", "english": "About us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听说你回来", "english": "And when I heard you were back, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就抱着希望", "english": "I started to hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是后来我发现你的面具", "english": "But then I found out about your mask."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝙蝠侠只是我的化身", "english": "Batman's just a symbol, Rachel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你的面具", "english": "...is your mask."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我深爱的人", "english": "The man I loved..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曾经离开我的人", "english": "...the man who vanished..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他根本就没有回来", "english": "...he never came back at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还在世界某个角落", "english": "But maybe he's still out there somewhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天哥谭市不再需要蝙蝠侠", "english": "Maybe someday, when Gotham no longer needs Batman..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我会再见到他", "english": "...I'll see him again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父亲会以你为荣", "english": "Your father would be very proud of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我一样", "english": "Just like me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你接下来有什么打算?", "english": "What will you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新开始", "english": "Rebuild it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一砖一瓦重建家园", "english": "Just the way it was, brick for brick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就跟以前一样吗?", "english": "Just the way it was, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,怎么样?", "english": "Yeah, why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加强地基的部分", "english": "...improving the foundations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你改变了现状", "english": "You really started something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坏警察不敢再乱来", "english": "Bent cops running scared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们也充满希望", "english": "Hope on the streets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会抓到他们的", "english": "We will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以拯救哥谭市", "english": "We can bring Gotham back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察开始用半自动步枪 歹徒就买自动步枪", "english": "We start carrying semiautomatics, they buy automatics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们穿防弹衣,他们用达姆弹", "english": "We start wearing Kevlar, they buy armor-piercing rounds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就拿这家伙来说", "english": "Now, take this guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀人放火、无恶不作", "english": "Armed robbery, double homicide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他跟你一样爱玩变装秀", "english": "Got a taste for the theatrical, like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "犯案后都留下名片", "english": "Leaves a calling card."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会查查他的底细", "english": "I'll look into it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直没谢谢你", "english": "I never said thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也永远不用谢我", "english": "And you'll never have to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这啥玩意儿 怎么是蓝的", "english": "What is this? It's blue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们改了下化学制程 不过纯度还是一样的", "english": "We used a different chemical process,but it is every bit as pure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别看它是蓝的 吸着一样赞", "english": "May be blue, but it's the bomb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赞 赞 太赞了", "english": "Tight, tight, tight... Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么蓝的黄的...", "english": "Blue, yellow, pink..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "管它什么颜色 就要这样的货色", "english": "Whatever man.Just keep bringing me that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好好干 大家一起挣大钱", "english": "You're all right. We're gonna make a lot of money together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我记住你们在给谁干活", "english": "Just remember who you're working for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么", "english": "What did you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就告诉他们 该明白他们在替你干活", "english": "I'm just saying, they gotta know that they're working for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为他们不明白吗", "english": "Like they don't already know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说他们很蠢是吧", "english": "Are you saying that they're stupid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 我就说说而已", "english": "No, I'm just saying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你不是在说他们蠢", "english": "Oh yeah, so you're not saying that they're stupid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我就不明白了 你是在说我蠢吗", "english": "So, I don't understand.Are you saying that I'm stupid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗", "english": "Is that it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是这个意思", "english": "Is that what you're doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屠库", "english": "Tuco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们大家都...", "english": "Why don't we all just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松一下", "english": "Relax?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海森堡说了 放松一下", "english": "Heisenberg says, \"relax.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很放松 我很放松", "english": "I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我非常放松", "english": "I'm relaxed..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的 看看这个 看看", "english": "Damn, man!Look at that! Look!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真他妈混蛋", "english": "Yeah. That's messed up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了 海森堡", "english": "Okay, Heisenberg!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下周见", "english": "Next week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "考虑到通货膨胀", "english": "Adjusting for inflation..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的州立大学 考虑到通货膨胀影响", "english": "Good state college,adjusting for inflation,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活费", "english": "Cost of living,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃的 穿的 水电煤气什么的", "english": "food, clothing, utilities,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算它每月两千", "english": "Say two grand a month,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实还可以少算点的", "english": "And that should put a dent in it,anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这个数", "english": "That's what I need."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可行的 绝对可行的", "english": "It's do-able.Definitely do-able."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海森堡", "english": "Heisenberg!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底怎么了 他怎么回事", "english": "What the hell?What's wrong with him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈怎么回事", "english": "What's the matter with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么不经揍是吧 妈的", "english": "You can't take an ass-beating,bitch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "脉搏停掉了", "english": "There's no pulse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该叫救护车把他送医急救", "english": "He needs an ambulance.He needs a hospital."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干点什么 你不是很聪明的吗", "english": "Do something!You're smart, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给他做 做那个", "english": "Do that... Do that thing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 没什么用", "english": "No, there's... There's nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给他做人工呼吸", "english": "Breathe into his mouth!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动", "english": "No"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他处理掉", "english": "Get rid of him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大 我们不能这么对他", "english": "We can't do him like that, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能像处理掉个秃鹰或老鼠什么的", "english": "Buzzards and rats and all that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 我们可是基督教徒 不能这么干的", "english": "I'm just saying, you know?It's not very Christian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这是在违抗命令吗", "english": "It sounds like arguing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怪诞 快点", "english": "Gonzo, hurry up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么急着走干嘛", "english": "What's the big hurry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是以为 这儿没我们什么事了", "english": "I just think we're done here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你们完事儿了", "english": "Well...you're done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在后边呢", "english": "Hey, I'm back here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗", "english": "Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃尔特 听到我讲话了吗", "english": "Walt...Didn't you hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃尔特", "english": "Walt..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃尔特", "english": "Walt..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫你的时候你不能答应一声吗", "english": "What, you can't answer when I'm calling you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吧", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新帽子", "english": "New hat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在艾伯森食品店买了点烤鸡", "english": "I got some grilled chicken at Albertson's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要帮你热一下吗", "english": "You want me to heat some up for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去哪了", "english": "Where've you been?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看看 我脸上还涂着这玩意儿", "english": "Do you know what,I've got all this crap on my face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我先洗掉吧 好吗", "english": "Let me clean up first, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小沃尔特随时会回来 所以", "english": "You know, Walter Junior's gonna be home any minute, so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 好 够了", "english": "Ok just...enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Hold up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下", "english": "Stop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下", "english": "Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你心里害怕", "english": "I know you're scared,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你愤怒又沮丧 我也知道老天对你不公", "english": "And you're angry,and you're frustrated.And I know none of this is fair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你不能拿我出气", "english": "But you cannot take it out on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我回来了", "english": "Hey, I'm home!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们死定了", "english": "We are dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死定了", "english": "Dead, man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挂了 完了 不管你TM怎么说", "english": "Muerto! Ormuerte! However the hell you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 瞎猜是没有用的", "english": "Yes. And conjecture isn't helping."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在瞎猜吗 好吧", "english": "My conjecture isn't helping. Fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我听着 首先", "english": "Facts then. Fact A:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的电话 昨晚响了七八次", "english": "My phone rang, like, eight times last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次都不说话 接起来就挂了", "english": "Dead air, hang ups every time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他真想杀我们", "english": "If he wanted to kill us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在废车场那会早就动手了", "english": "He would've done it at the junkyard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那算什么 瞎猜", "english": "What is that? Conjecture?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有啥根据 你是觉得他脑筋正常", "english": "Are you basing that on that he's got a normal,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没看到他打死个人 一点不当回事吗", "english": "Did you not see him beat a dude to death for, like, nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有 还有他死瞪着我们说", "english": "And that way... that way he just kept staring at us,saying,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们完事儿了", "english": "\"You're done.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么叫你们完事儿了", "english": "\"You're done\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想知道吗 我来告诉你那什么意思", "english": "You wanna know what that means?I will tell you what that means."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是说你们玩完了", "english": "That means exactly how it sounds, yo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下好了 我们是目击证人 需要好好收拾", "english": "All right. We are witnesses.We are loose ends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 屠库正想着 是啊", "english": "Right now, Tuco's thinking,\"Yeah, hey,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的货做得不错 但他们可信吗", "english": "\"they cook good meth,but can I trust them?\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当他觉得咱不可信的时候他会怎么着", "english": "What happens when he decides no?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是他死就是我们亡 明白吗 你自己选吧", "english": "It's him or us! You understand?It is him or us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想怎么做", "english": "How would you do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想怎么做 一步一步说", "english": "How would you do it? Step by step."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以这样...", "english": "Say we..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要他不在此之前废了我们", "english": "He doesn't decide to waste us before then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次我们带了新货 他总会", "english": "Every time we bring in a new batch,he always..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先验货对吧 所以", "english": "Tests the product, right? So,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁他低头 深吸一口的时候 砰 砰 砰", "english": "As his head is down...you know, just giving it a snort..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "砰 砰 砰 三枪搞定吗", "english": "So three shots?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想搞清楚到底怎么才行", "english": "I'm just trying to understand how this works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 这个晚点再议 不过在此之前", "english": "All right. We'll providing in that.But by now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个大块头 怪诞 他会对付你 是吧", "english": "The big guy, Gonzo... he's probably coming at you, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后你瞄准他 对他要开几枪", "english": "So you turn toward him...How many shots for him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他块头很大 是吧 对他得开几枪才行呢", "english": "He's a big guy, right?How many shots does that take?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屠库和怪诞 这两个干掉了 那么 还有别人吗", "english": "Tuco and Gonzo. Two men down.Now, is there anyone else there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 屠库通常都会带上其他人 是吧", "english": "I mean, Tuco is usually with someone else, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能会带好几个 他的同伙 手下", "english": "Maybe even a couple of guys.His dealers, his posse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个我们也暂且不论", "english": "So we'll put a pin in that one, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 你一共开了几枪了", "english": "Now, at this point,how many shots have been fired?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "子弹还有剩吗 你那枪能装几颗子弹", "english": "You've gotta be running low.How many bullets does that gun take?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你连个弹匣都打不开", "english": "How can you suggest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没那么容易 是吧", "english": "It's not that easy, is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 沃尔特 你就杀过", "english": "Hey, man, Walt, you did it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼叫斯凯勒", "english": "Call Skyler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 这里是沃尔特 斯凯勒 小沃尔特的家", "english": "Hey, there. You've reached Walt,Skyler, and Walter Junior."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在没法接听您的电话 有事请留言", "english": "We can't come to the phone right now,so please leave us a message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们还真是早起的鸟儿啊 一早就出去了", "english": "Well, aren't you early bird,up and out already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和大笨猪今晚想去试试", "english": "The big lug and I are gonna go try"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新墨西哥大学那儿新开的餐馆", "english": "That new restaurant over by UNM tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果想\"嗨皮\"就一起吧", "english": "So let me know if you guys wanna hang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听听我说的 \"嗨皮\"", "english": "Listen to me. \"Hang.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小沃尔特肯定会很骄傲", "english": "Walt Junior would be proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我连这都知道", "english": "I know the lingo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还挺时髦的", "english": "I'm still hip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是家中餐馆", "english": "It's Chinese... the restaurant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道为什么 我就是喜欢中餐", "english": "I don't know.I just feel like Chinese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也会喜欢西餐吗", "english": "Ever just feel like American?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 他们会不会", "english": "You know, and they go out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如土豆泥烤肉饼什么的", "english": "With mashed potatoes and meat loaf,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会不会学着用小刀小叉", "english": "And try and figure out how to use the little knives and forks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很好奇会不会有这样的事", "english": "I wonder if that ever happens."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 不废话了 给我回电话", "english": "All right. I'll let you go.So call me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯凯勒没接电话吗", "english": "Skyler didn't pick up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她肯定不在家", "english": "Obviously she's not home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚说什么中餐馆来着", "english": "What was that about Chinese?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就新开的那家 想今晚去吃", "english": "Dinner tonight.That new place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没约今晚啊", "english": "Not tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还记得最后他们怎么为你改期了吗", "english": "Remember how, at the last minute,they changed it around for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不去的话会罚款的", "english": "They were gonna charge us a penalty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝 只剩下六次治疗了", "english": "Look, baby,you only got six more sessions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是你要是约错了时间 那我就没办法了", "english": "I can't help it if you got your days of the week wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心", "english": "Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 施拉德先生", "english": "Sorry, Mr. Schrader!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是觉得", "english": "Look, it's... You know, it's just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得戴夫真的对你很有帮助", "english": "I think Dave is...really helping you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她有点", "english": "She's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要打电话", "english": "Where's my phone call?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沙地上撂倒两个 树林里再撂倒一双", "english": "Hits two in the sand,two in the forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么新线索没有", "english": "What do you got for me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿进来 动作要快", "english": "Come on. Chop-chop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一大早的 催命鬼似的", "english": "Good morning to you, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是这么说的", "english": "So they tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士·邦德经常会用到这招", "english": "Kind of stuff you see on a James Bond movie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不错嘛", "english": "Nice!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两个家伙挺懂行的嘛", "english": "Guys who know their trade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 我收回刚才的话", "english": "Wait. I take that back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就没想过顺手偷个手推车吗", "english": "What, they didn't think about stealing a hand truck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以推着走的 笨蛋 那是个桶", "english": "Try rolling it, morons!It's a barrel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以用滚的 老天", "english": "It rolls. Jesus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在用老式的学院派方式制毒", "english": "They're cooking old-school biker meth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底谁TM还在用这办法", "english": "Who the hell still does that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道的老家伙们死的死抓的抓", "english": "All the old-timers I know are either dead or in prison."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近原料短缺", "english": "Pseudo's in short supply,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以这俩家伙想改进配方", "english": "So these two make do by changing up the formula."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道这个还有铝热剂", "english": "That and the thermite..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不得不承认他们挺懂行的", "english": "I'd say these two know their chemistry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但说到做贼的水平", "english": "But ranking them as burglars?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三脚猫都不算 连特奥会都轮不上他们", "english": "Shit! I wouldn't trust these two to break into the Special Olympics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空有理论知识 没有实战经验", "english": "They got book learnin' but no street skills."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许他们就是学生", "english": "Maybe they're college kids..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "化学系的 想得个高分", "english": "Chem students trying to make a big score."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧", "english": "Maybe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这分数高的 他们也不怕被人盯上", "english": "That big a score, they're gonna wind up stepping on some toes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我说", "english": "Tell you what,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们最好祈祷赶紧让我们逮着", "english": "They better pray it's us who catches up to them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别给那帮墨西哥佬盯上咯", "english": "And not those boys from Juarez."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你女儿迫不及待想出来呢", "english": "Your daughter wants out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hey, there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里是沃尔特 斯凯勒 小沃尔特的家", "english": "You've reached Walt, Skyler,and Walter Junior."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在没法接听您的电话", "english": "We can't come to the phone right now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我", "english": "Hey, it's me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想这次该早点打给你", "english": "I thought I'd try you earlier this time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁你们还没出去开始新一天的时候", "english": "Before you go out and, you know,face the day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在接电话肯定要慢好多了", "english": "It probably takes you a little longer to get to the phone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毕竟挺着个大肚子嘛...", "english": "Owing to the extra baby weight..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的", "english": "Hey, sweetie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃尔特 你整个晚上都站在那吗", "english": "Walt, did you spend the entire night out here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 不是一整晚", "english": "No, no.Well, not all of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我确实觉得 胃有点痛", "english": "Oh, yeah. I did have a touch of...my stomach, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定会翻来覆去睡不着 我只是不想吵醒你", "english": "I knew I was gonna be up and down,so I just didn't want to wake you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎么会知道我住哪的", "english": "How would he know where I live?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉过他我的名字住址什么的吗", "english": "Did you ever tell him my name,where I live or anything..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那怪诞呢 死掉的那个呢", "english": "What about Gonzo, or the dead one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屠库肯定是想探探你的底", "english": "Tuco must've put out,like, you know, feelers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他自有他的路子和办法", "english": "He's got his ways and means, yo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有人脉的好吧 他正步步紧逼", "english": "Sources, all right? He's closing in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要是发现我小舅子是缉毒署的 那怎么办", "english": "And what happens when he finds out that my brother-in-law is a DEA agent?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 那怎么办", "english": "Oh, God. What happens then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我总算搞清楚了怎么", "english": "I finally figured out how to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假设我们再去搞把枪给你", "english": "Say we get a second gun,right, for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的胜算不是加倍了吗", "english": "I mean, don't we, like,double our chances?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 从数量上来看", "english": "I mean, mathematically."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有个更好的主意", "english": "I've got a better idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢天谢地", "english": "Thank God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么 怀特先生 快说快说", "english": "All right.What is it, Mr. White?Lay it on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豆子", "english": "Beans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豆子", "english": "Beans?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是蓖麻豆", "english": "They're castor beans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是用来干什么吃的", "english": "So what are we gonna do with them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为这是《杰克与魔豆》的故事 是吗", "english": "Are we just gonna grow a magic beanstalk, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顺着豆茎往上爬就能逃出生天", "english": "Climb it and escape?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要用这提炼出蓖麻毒素", "english": "We are going to process them into ricin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓖麻毒素", "english": "Ricin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所需剂量很小", "english": "It's toxic in small doses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尸检的时候也很容易被忽略掉", "english": "Also fairly easy to overlook during an autopsy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 说真的 你真的能从豆子里提炼出毒来", "english": "Wait. Seriously,you can get poison from beans?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓖麻毒素曾被用来暗杀一名保加利亚记者", "english": "Ricin was used to assassinate a Bulgarian journalist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克格勃间谍改造了一下伞尖", "english": "The KGB modified the tip of an umbrella"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用它在那人腿上注入了那么一点", "english": "To inject a tiny pellet into the man's leg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我们只要想出怎么给他下毒", "english": "Now we just need to figure out a delivery device,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后 就没屠库这个人了", "english": "And then...no more Tuco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近怎样", "english": "How you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来的不是时候吗", "english": "Is this...This a bad time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 进来吧", "english": "No, come on in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我该先打个电话的", "english": "I should've called first.I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么事吗", "english": "What can I do for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我们该...", "english": "Maybe we ought..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想先坐下聊吗", "english": "You want to sit down first?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 汉克", "english": "I don't know, Hank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得看你要聊的是不是玛丽的事", "english": "Depends on whether or not this is gonna be about Marie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她让你来的吗", "english": "Did she send you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是的", "english": "Hell, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她都不怎么跟我讲话了", "english": "She's barely even talking to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我才来找你 好吗", "english": "That's why I'm here, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为求自保", "english": "Self-preservation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刻不容缓", "english": "Big time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你们姐妹俩时好时坏的", "english": "Look,I know you gals have your ups and downs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我搅合进来是因为 我也有生理需要的嘛", "english": "And I need to get involved like I need a second hole in my ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看我的面子上 帮我个忙 给她回个电话吧", "english": "But if you could do me this huge favor and just return her phone calls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还不", "english": "I don't..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的 沟通 沟通万岁 对吧", "english": "You know, communication.Communication, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退一步海阔天空 拜托了", "english": "The back, the forth.Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯凯勒 看我的面子上 求你了", "english": "Sky, do this for me, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以冲她吼几句", "english": "You can yell at her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就回个电话给她吧", "english": "Just call her back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛丽她入店行窃了 汉克", "english": "Marie is a shoplifter, Hank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这样", "english": "That's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记得婴儿送礼会上她送的那个头饰", "english": "That \"Baby Shower\" she gave me at the shower?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是她在圣扎迦利婴儿用品店偷来的", "english": "She stole it from Gertrude Zachary's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去退货的时候差点被抓起来", "english": "I almost got arrested when I went back to return it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛丽她倒好 她不肯承认", "english": "And Marie won't admit it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更不肯道歉", "english": "She won't apologize."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我知道你会去退货的话 我就不会", "english": "If I thought you were gonna return it, I would have never..you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些你早就知道了", "english": "You knew about this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正在想办法", "english": "We're working on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 她去找了个心理治疗师 戴夫", "english": "I mean, she's got this therapist, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这是个渐进的过程 斯凯勒", "english": "But it's an ongoing process, Sky,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 我们该 我们该", "english": "You know? I mean, we've gotta... You know. We've gotta..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要帮助的人是我", "english": "I need support."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我", "english": "Me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挺着这么个大肚子", "english": "With the surprise baby on the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丈夫又得了肺癌", "english": "And the husband with the lung cancer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还整天不知所踪 鬼才知道他去哪了", "english": "Who disappears for hours on end,and I don't know where he goes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反正他也不怎么跟我说话了", "english": "And he barely even speaks to me anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有个喜怒无常的儿子 跟他老爸一个德性", "english": "With the moody son who does the same thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "存款账户早就透支了", "english": "And the overdrawn checking account."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "家里的热水器烧不了热水 还总往下漏锈水", "english": "And the lukewarm water heater that leaks rusty-looking crap"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "储藏柜的底都快给它烂掉了", "english": "And is rotting out the floor of the utility closet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们甚至连修理费都付不起了", "english": "And we can't even afford to fix it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 我明白", "english": "But, oh, I see!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我该说的是 汉克 求你了", "english": "Now I'm supposed to go,\"Hank, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能做点什么好呢 怎么才能帮上忙", "english": "\"What can I possibly do to further benefit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我那妹妹 虽然娇生惯养 偷窃成癖", "english": "\"My spoiled, kleptomaniac bitch sister"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但谁让她到哪都是大家关注的焦点呢", "english": "\"Who somehow always manages to be the center of attention!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天明鉴 她才是那个", "english": "\"'Cause God knows she's the one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "制造麻烦的人呢", "english": "\"With the really important problems!\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我帮你看看那个储藏柜吗", "english": "Want me to take a look at that utility closet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样就可以了吗", "english": "That's all it takes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样就可以了", "english": "That's all it takes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 现在怎么办", "english": "So, now what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 我们安排下次交易", "english": "Now, we arrange our next meet,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次要找个公共场所 舒适又安全的地方", "english": "In a public place this time.Nice and safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "装得若无其事的样子", "english": "Business as usual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后 我们把这个拿出来", "english": "Then we'll pull this out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有件事 屠库", "english": "\"By the way, Tuco,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们研制出来的新配方", "english": "\"The new meth formula we've been working on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有没有兴趣一试", "english": "\"Would you care to try it?\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 那么 新货在哪里", "english": "Okay, well, what's new about it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 以防万一 他问起的话我们怎么说", "english": "I mean just in case he asks. What do we say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 随便扯点什么", "english": "I don't know.Whatever you want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就说抽了会爽到颠", "english": "It gets the user insanely high."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这又不需要什么销售技巧", "english": "I mean, how much salesmanship do we really need?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那变态逮到啥都会往鼻子里面吸的", "english": "That degenerate snorts anything he gets his hands on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 说辞我们也暂且不论", "english": "Okay, well, we'll just put a pin in that, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会死得像自然死亡那样", "english": "It'll look like natural causes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么死 心脏病那样吗", "english": "What, like a heart attack?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者 禽流感什么的", "english": "Or the flu, maybe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的手下不会发现任何异常", "english": "His associates won't know any differently,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我们也不会被怀疑", "english": "And we'll be in the clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要屠库不先对我们下手", "english": "Not if Tuco kills us first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汉克 有事吗", "english": "Hey, Hank. What's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄", "english": "Hey, buddy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你回过家了吗", "english": "You been home yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还没 怎么了", "english": "No.Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把事情搞砸了", "english": "'Cause I really screwed up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶在斯凯勒对你大发牢骚之前 我先跟你道歉", "english": "I apologize in advance for the earful you're gonna hear from Skyler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本意是想让她和玛丽合好如初", "english": "I'm just trying to get her and Marie talking again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我大错特错了 我就不该卷进去的", "english": "Big mistake.I should have just kept out of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 没事", "english": "Yeah, well, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是个大嘴巴", "english": "Me and my big mouth, I guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也不是有意的 没问题的 别担心了", "english": "Well, that happens.It's no problem.No worries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 兄弟 我很感激", "english": "Well, thanks, man.I appreciate that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是的 这些女人哪", "english": "Jesus, the wives, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汉克 很不巧", "english": "Hank, unfortunately,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实上 我也在忙呢", "english": "Actually, I'm at work, so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了 想开开眼戒吗", "english": "You wanna see something really freaky?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和格米就在这个凶案现场呢 你真该见识一下 等等", "english": "You gotta check out this crime scene me and Gomie are at. Just a second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先别挂 照片马上就发过去了", "english": "Hang on, hang on.It should be coming through right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没你想象得那么糟吧", "english": "Guess it could be worse, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说不定哪天我们也跟这俩家伙一样了", "english": "We could be having a day like these two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个本地帮派的冲头", "english": "A couple of local bulletheads."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "估计是惹错人了", "english": "Guess they pissed off the wrong guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃尔特 你在听吗", "english": "Walt, you there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 你逃得远远的就不需要枪了", "english": "No, you don't!Not if you leave town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快离开这儿", "english": "Get out of here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屠库既然杀了怪诞 下一个肯定会来找我们", "english": "Tuco killing Gonzo means he's coming after us next."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得先回家 我有家人要顾", "english": "I've gotta get home. My family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小沃尔特去哪了", "english": "Where's Walter Junior?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "估计是去路易斯家吃晚饭去了", "english": "Having dinner at Louis's house.Supposedly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整整一天 我一个人守着这个空房子", "english": "All day, I've had the whole house to myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次 你又去哪了", "english": "So where have you been this time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃尔特 过来跟我说说话好吗", "english": "Walt, will you come in here and talk to me please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我马上过去", "english": "I'll be right there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认得这两个家伙", "english": "I recognize these two knobjobs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是屠库·塞拉曼加这个变态的手下", "english": "Known associates of a psychotic piece of shit named Tuco Salamanca."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大块头的死亡时间要晚点", "english": "The big one smells fresher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到致命伤了吗", "english": "You guys find a death wound?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "血倒是流了很多 但没看到弹孔", "english": "I see lots of blood,but no bullet holes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照片都拍好了吗", "english": "You done taking pictures?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 把他放平了准备尸检吧", "english": "All right.Let's lay them out flat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是给你们让个道吧", "english": "Let me get out of your way here, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见鬼", "english": "Oh, snap!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞奇 给验尸官留点能解剖的东西吧", "english": "Damn, Ricky. Leave something for the coroner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个太赞了", "english": "Oh, this is beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能上杰·雷诺的节目了[著名脱口秀主持人]", "english": "Hey, someone call Jay Leno."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们碰上了世上最笨的罪犯", "english": "We've got the world's dumbest criminal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙不是被杀的 看看这里", "english": "This guy wasn't murdered.Look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大块头是到这搬这家伙的尸体", "english": "Big Stuff, here,was moving this guy's body,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定是动到了上面那堆东西", "english": "When the stack must have shifted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "砸在他手臂上 把他钉在了这儿", "english": "Crushed his arm, pinned him here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是失血过多挂掉的", "english": "And he bled out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天有眼啊 我爱死它了", "english": "Poetic justice.Oh, I love it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可不是嘛", "english": "Don't you just?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我和这家伙来张合影", "english": "Get a photo of me with this guy, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拍这个大胖墩 记得要把大胖墩一起拍进去", "english": "Old Stumpy, here. Make sure you get the stump in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃尔特 跟我说说话吧 求你了", "english": "Walt,would you talk to me, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知该从何说起", "english": "I don't know where to begin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你TM到这来干嘛", "english": "What the hell are you doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上车", "english": "Get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上车", "english": "Get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开车", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并将被关进隆波克最高设防监狱", "english": "at the Lompoc Maximum Security Prison system"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有提前假释的机会", "english": "without the possibility of early parole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们目前知道是...", "english": "Here's what we know so far."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里就是一场大胆策划...在光天白日下劫囚的事故现场", "english": "This is all the aftermath of a daring, daylight breakout."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了多米尼克·托雷托", "english": "except for one, Dominic Toretto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警方公布他们认为是...", "english": "Police have just released the identity"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前联邦探员布莱恩·奥康纳", "english": "He is former federal agent, Brian O'Conner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前当局正积极的在缉捕三名逃犯", "english": "A fierce manhunt is underway for three fugitives tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多个联邦及地方单位通力合作...", "english": "Multiple federal and local agencies have joined forces"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "追捕多米尼克·托雷托", "english": "in the search for Dominic Toretto"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及他的共犯...", "english": "and his accomplices"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布莱恩·奥康纳和米娅·托雷托", "english": "Brian O'Conner and Mia Toretto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是他们的行踪依然成谜", "english": "where Toretto and O'Conner are now is anyone's guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是这里,对吧?", "english": "It's got to be it, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧", "english": "- Let's get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别紧张,她是我的朋友", "english": "Easy, friends. She's with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米娅", "english": "Mia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文斯", "english": "Vince."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "臭小子", "english": "Buster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆还在这吗", "english": "Dom here yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不在", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上次是几时和他联络", "english": "When was the last time you heard from him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两星期前在厄瓜多尔", "english": "A couple of weeks ago. Up in Ecuador somewhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉如何", "english": "How does it feel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思", "english": "What's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从警探变成通缉犯", "english": "To be on the other side of a wanted poster?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会露面的", "english": "He'll show up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆的朋友?", "english": "Dom's?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该睡了,小乖乖", "english": "Time for bed little one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以让我来吗?", "english": "Can I bring him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Excuse me, sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么在里约落脚,文斯?", "english": "Why Rio, Vince?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说你在洛杉矶把我们害惨以后?", "english": "You mean after you screwed everything up in LA?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是遇到萝莎我还会一直下去", "english": "Wouldn't have kept on going if not for Rosa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他知道吗?", "english": "Does he know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听好了...", "english": "So, listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我接下来有个工作...", "english": "There is a job coming up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望多姆现在就在这里", "english": "I was hoping Dom was going to be here by now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这一次很容易,没有他也行", "english": "but this one is clean enough we can do it without him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赚头不少", "english": "It's a good gig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两辆名贵跑车,非常容易得手", "english": "Couple of high-end cars, easy targets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的一哥们正在组织这票活", "english": "Guy I know is putting together a team to swipe them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但还需要几个帮手", "english": "Just need a few more willing bodies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里的窃车市场很大", "english": "Look, the way the car scene is down here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快就能脱手,大赚一笔", "english": "we can unload them quick and get top dollar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是快钱", "english": "It's easy money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在看什么?", "english": "What are you reading?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "旅游指南", "english": "Travel guide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗", "english": "Yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "东京", "english": "Tokyo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莫斯科", "english": "Moscow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "果亚", "english": "Goa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想知道这些地方有什么相同点吗", "english": "You want to know what all of these places have in common?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不需要引渡", "english": "No extradition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行动吧", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Excuse me, buddy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到了", "english": "Hey, we've found them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒数第二节车厢", "english": "Yeah, second-to-the-last freighter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么", "english": "What... what is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "缉毒局标签,这些车是被充公的", "english": "DEA tags. These cars have been seized."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看是谁来了", "english": "Look who showed up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,你没事就好", "english": "God, I'm so happy you're okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是叫你低调一点吗", "english": "I thought I told you to lay low."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹尽粮绝,不得不出来干一票", "english": "Been running on fumes. Had to make a call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,废话少说,我们只有两分钟", "english": "Hey! Quit talking. We only got the two-minute window."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "动手吧,文斯", "english": "Let's go, Vince."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士优先", "english": "Ladies first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这辆车更适合我", "english": "This car suits me better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回头见,宝贝", "english": "See you, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心,反正要再碰头", "english": "It's okay... we're all going to the same place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到时候再抢回来", "english": "We'll get the car there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "计划有变,等我电话", "english": "Change of plans. Wait for my call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始吧!", "english": "Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她要去哪里", "english": "Where is she going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她要去哪里", "english": "- Where is she going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们被抢了!无论发生什么,千万别停车", "english": "We're being robbed! Whatever happens, don't stop the train!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟着那个妞", "english": "Go after the girl!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点!", "english": "Hurry up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门锁卡!快拿门锁卡!", "english": "Access card! Get the access card!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可恶", "english": "Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "桥!前面有座桥!", "english": "Bridge! There is a bridge!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行李车厢安全", "english": "Luggage car is clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一名抢匪倒在这里", "english": "One of them down"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动", "english": "Freeze!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惨了", "english": "Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不得不干一票,哈?", "english": "You had to make a call, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干个毛阿,奥康纳", "english": "Shitty call, O'Conner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干个毛", "english": "Shitty call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们两个今天惹了一点小麻烦", "english": "You two stirred up quite a bit of trouble today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我死了三个手下", "english": "Three of my men dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三个缉毒局特工也跟着死了", "english": "Three DEA agents along with them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了,这是做生意", "english": "Of course, this is business"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只在乎那辆跑车", "english": "All I care about is the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我车在哪,我就让你们走", "english": "Tell me where it is, and I'll let you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看这房子,你这黑道大哥当得真窝囊啊", "english": "This roofing plastic says you're full of shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你们那里的人怎么做生意", "english": "I don't know how you guys do business in your part of the world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是在里约...", "english": "but here in Rio,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢让别人知道是在和谁做对", "english": "I like it when all parties know what they're up against."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真好笑", "english": "That's funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着", "english": "You know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说你老妹很漂亮", "english": "I hear your sister is very beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管她躲在哪里...", "english": "Wherever she hides"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都会找到她", "english": "I will find her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国逃犯在抢劫火车时...", "english": "The American fugitives killed three DEA agents"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "枪杀了三名缉毒局特工", "english": "during a train robbery..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警方指出他们拥有武器,极度危险", "english": "...Police warn they are armed and extremely dangerous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何获知相关消息者请立即通知执法部门", "english": "Anyone with information should contact law enforcement immediately..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米娅?", "english": "Mia?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吧", "english": "You okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也好吧", "english": "Yeah, you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不愧是我老妹", "english": "Just like a Toretto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文斯呢?", "english": "Where's Vince?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会来的", "english": "He'll be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟们,我们上新闻了", "english": "Guys, we're all over the news."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说是我们杀了火车上缉毒特工", "english": "They're blaming us for the killing of those DEA agents on the train."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这意味关我们一下子成了头号通缉犯", "english": "Which means we just jumped to the top of the wanted list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会派出联邦特工尽一切手段找到我们", "english": "The feds have got to show everyone their agents are off limits"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且一定是最棒的特工", "english": "and they're going to send their best guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得赶快离开", "english": "We got to get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能确定一件事...", "english": "One thing we know for sure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要这辆跑车", "english": "is that they wanted this car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里面有他们要的东西", "english": "Because something is in it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们能够找到,就知道我们的对手是谁了", "english": "If we find out what it is, we'll know what we're up against."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,听我说,我们追捕的是职业逃犯", "english": "All right, listen up! The men we're after are professional runners."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们喜欢飙车而且无所不用其极", "english": "They like speed and are guaranteed to go down the hardest possible way"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到他们", "english": "We find them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逮捕他们,再把他们带回来", "english": "we take them as a team, and we bring them back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最重要的是...", "english": "And above all else,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝对不能让他们有机会开车", "english": "we don't ever, ever let them get into cars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍布斯探员,我是警察局长约翰·奥梅达", "english": "Agent Hobbs! Chief of Police, Joo Alemeida."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是卢克", "english": "Luke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的手下遇害我很遗憾", "english": "Sorry to hear about the loss of your men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓两个人需要这么大阵仗吗", "english": "Is all this really necessary to apprehend two men?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我告诉你这两个人的情况", "english": "Let me tell you something about these two men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他熟悉你们抓他的每一个手法", "english": "He knows every way you're going to come for him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大半辈子都在躲避你这样的家伙", "english": "spent half his life on the run avoiding folks like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有什么我们能够帮得上国安局...", "english": "Well, if there's anything we can do to help the DSS..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两件事,首先,我需要一名翻译", "english": "Two things. One, I need a translator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一名巡警?", "english": "A patrol officer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是她", "english": "You heard me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么是她?我们有经验更丰富的人选", "english": "But why? We have many more experienced people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢她的笑容", "english": "I like her smile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二件事呢", "english": "What's the second thing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要挡我的路", "english": "Stay the fuck out of my way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有件事要告诉你", "english": "I have something I have to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可恶", "english": "God damn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们搞砸了", "english": "What a mess!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去哪儿了", "english": "Where you been, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说话小心点", "english": "You better check that tone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "够了,你们俩", "english": "Stop it! Both of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去了哪里,文斯?", "english": "Where were you, Vince?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有伙人在贫民窟到处找你", "english": "Guys all over the favelas asking about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我无法脱身,怕把他们引向你们...", "english": "Couldn't get out of there without leading them straight to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得等他们离开", "english": "Had to wait them out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说的都是屁话", "english": "That is such horseshit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了,奥康纳", "english": "Enough, O'Conner!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他说他没干,那他就没干", "english": "If he said he didn't do it, he didn't do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去走走吧", "english": "Go walk it off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我想将我的运营扩展到你的国家", "english": "Look, I would love to expand my operations into your countries"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,坦白说...", "english": "but, quite frankly,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们商业手腕太暴力了", "english": "your business methods are too violent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你讲一个真实的故事", "english": "Let me tell you a true story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葡萄牙人和西班牙人来到这里", "english": "the Portuguese and the Spanish came here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都想从土著人手中抢走这个国家", "english": "each trying to get the country from their natives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西班牙人带着枪炮大开杀戒", "english": "The Spaniards arrived, guns blazing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想证明谁才是老大", "english": "determined to prove who was boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果土著人杀了所有西班牙人", "english": "The natives killed every single Spaniard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "个人而言,我更喜欢葡萄牙人的作风", "english": "Personally, I prefer the methods of the Portuguese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们带着礼物来这里", "english": "They came bearing gifts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "镜子,剪刀,珠宝...", "english": "Mirrors, scissors, trinkets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土著人自己无法获得的东西", "english": "Things that the natives couldn't get on their own,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是要继续得到这些", "english": "but to continue receiving them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就要替葡萄牙人干活", "english": "they had to work for the Portuguese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是巴西人现在说葡萄牙语的原因", "english": "And that's why all Brazilians speak Portuguese today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,如果你用暴力控制人们", "english": "Now, if you dominate the people with violence,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们肯定会以暴制暴,因为他们光脚不怕穿鞋的", "english": "they will eventually fight back because they have nothing to lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才是关键", "english": "And that's the key."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去贫民窟", "english": "I go into the favelas"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给他们值得珍惜的东西", "english": "and give them something to lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小孩念书的学校", "english": "school rooms for their kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给他们更好的生活", "english": "And for that taste of a better life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就属于我", "english": "I own them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们", "english": "Gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷耶斯老大,我能跟你谈谈吗", "english": "Seor Reyes, may I speak with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到他们了", "english": "We've found them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "失陪了,各位", "english": "Pardon me, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我差点没看见", "english": "Almost wish I didn't see that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就差一点", "english": "Almost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,多姆", "english": "Wait, Dom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米娅在火车上,那可是我妹妹!", "english": "Mia was on that train. My sister!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不知情,我绝对不会伤害她", "english": "I didn't know. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一票是你安排的", "english": "You set up the deal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为他们要的是车子", "english": "I thought the job was for the cars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不知情,原来他们要的是芯片", "english": "I didn't know. All they want is the chip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可恶", "english": "Damn!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该说实话", "english": "You should've come clean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么回事", "english": "What's going on out here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托了,多姆,让我拿着芯片吧,我带着去见他们", "english": "Please, Dom, just let me have the chip. I can take this to them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会交给雷耶斯,然后事情就解决了", "english": "They'll give it to Reyes and set things right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去", "english": "Get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚出去!", "english": "Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从来都不听我的", "english": "You never listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉你他是个警察你不信", "english": "Not when I told you he was a cop,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在还是不信", "english": "and not now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从来都不相信我", "english": "You never trust me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看我们落到什么下场", "english": "and look where it's gotten us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看我们一家人", "english": "Look at our family now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有家不能回", "english": "I can't go home!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妹妹流离失所", "english": "Your sister is stuck in this life!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱蒂在哪,多姆?", "english": "Where's Letty, Dom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱蒂在哪里", "english": "Where's Letty?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等离子切割机", "english": "Plasma cutter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贩售压缩气瓶的店家名单", "english": "that distributes compressed gas tanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把载货清单给我", "english": "Pass me that manifest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "内维斯警官,我正等你呢", "english": "Officer Neves. Been waiting for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你调我来的?", "english": "You asked for me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请问为什么", "english": "May I ask why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的笑容没那么好看", "english": "My smile is not that great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先生是警察,在贫民区被枪杀", "english": "Your husband was an officer who was gunned down in the favela."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "半年后你重新振作并加入警局", "english": "Six months later, you upped and joined the force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是有动机的", "english": "You're motivated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有,我认为你是里约唯一不会被收买的人", "english": "Plus, I figure you're the only one in Rio who can't be bought."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的对吗", "english": "Am I right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当然是对的", "english": "Of course I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个好消息和坏消息", "english": "Good news, bad news."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我喜欢先听好听的", "english": "You know I like my dessert first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按照你的吩咐,我查了火车路线", "english": "Back-checked the rail line like you asked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到了两处他们卸车的地点", "english": "Found a couple of spots where they unloaded the cars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一辆往西开走", "english": "One set of tracks headed west"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开到高速公路就不见踪影", "english": "until it hit the main highway, then disappeared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很难不留下胎印", "english": "Can't move without leaving a sign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坏消息是什么", "english": "Give me the damn veggies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后来开上公路,我们也跟丢了", "english": "The ground rolls into a hardpack and we lost that track, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那条路直通山上的贫民窟", "english": "That road heads up through the hills into the favelas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几年前,被暴风雨冲毁", "english": "Couple of years ago, it was washed out by a storm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离你来的地方一英里全是泥路", "english": "It's all dirt a mile from where you were."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他们是朝着那个方向走,就能找到他们的踪迹", "english": "If they headed that way, we'll pick up their tracks there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是有备而来啊", "english": "You come prepared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是有动机的", "english": "I'm motivated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们去找那辆车", "english": "Let's find ourselves a car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得是啥", "english": "What do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这绝对是特别订做的芯片", "english": "Well, it's definitely a custom chip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看这些侧边菜单,都是为了输入数据的", "english": "Look at all these side menus here for data entry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们来看看这个", "english": "Let's check this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们看", "english": "Look at that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同一栋大楼,每周同样的订单", "english": "Same building, same order every week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是交货时间表", "english": "It's a delivery schedule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毒品?", "english": "Drugs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,那是现金袋", "english": "No. That's a dealer pack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑道老大都会称钞票的重量", "english": "See, most major players, they weigh their money"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样就不必一直数钞票", "english": "so they don't have to constantly count it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早就知道", "english": "I thought so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么", "english": "So what is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就是这样避开警方追踪的", "english": "That's how he keeps it off the grid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想为了安全起见,雷耶斯一定很想拿回芯片", "english": "I think it's safe to say that Reyes is smart to want this back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是他的全部网点,就存在一枚芯片里", "english": "It's his whole network right there, just laid out on a chip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威尔克斯,弗斯科,走中路", "english": "Wilkes, Fusco, up the middle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦克,乔多,从北边包抄", "english": "Mac, Chato, flank north."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原地待命", "english": "Stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去那边,墙外再去两个人", "english": "Go that way! The other two went over the wall!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走,快走!", "english": "Come on, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我逮到了托雷托,在你以北四个街区...", "english": "I got Toretto. Four blocks north of your..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们已经知道你是什么人了", "english": "They already know who you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "解除警戒", "english": "All clear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到", "english": "Clear!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "You okay here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事,谢谢你", "english": "Yeah. I'm good. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得分开来", "english": "We need to split up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和米娅向南,我把他们引开", "english": "You and Mia head south, I'll lead them away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆说的对", "english": "Dom is right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们刚才算走运,下次就不好说了", "english": "Look how lucky we just got. What happens next time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了分开别无选择", "english": "We have no choice but to split up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怀孕了", "english": "I'm pregnant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经失去过一次家人", "english": "I already lost my family once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不想再发生第二次", "english": "I'm not going through that again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在开玩笑吗", "english": "Are you kidding me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没开玩笑", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哪儿都不会去", "english": "I'm not going anywhere. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥,答应我,我们要在一起", "english": "Dom? Promise me we stick together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我答应你", "english": "I promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的家族又壮大了", "english": "Our family just got bigger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有点儿不对劲儿啊", "english": "Something doesn't add up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托雷托和奥康纳", "english": "Toretto and O'Conner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们该逃的时候没有逃", "english": "They stay when they're supposed to run,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "偷了油罐车又大放送", "english": "they steal gas then give it away?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在却忽然杀联邦探员?", "english": "Now they're killing federal agents?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一点也说不通啊", "english": "It doesn't make any sense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我告诉你吧", "english": "Here's what makes sense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都是通缉犯", "english": "All these guys are is names on a list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们逃,我们就追", "english": "They come up, we take them down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用怀疑,不择手段", "english": "Not a phone call more, not a bullet less."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威尔克斯,找到什么?", "english": "Wilkes, we get anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "常规证据", "english": "Standard forensics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鞋印、毛发和纤维", "english": "Shoe prints, hair and fiber."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车上全是指纹", "english": "Prints are all over the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有什么", "english": "Anything else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有,我们追查到了车主的身份", "english": "Yeah, we tracked the owner off the vehicle ID."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是最后我们追查到一个集团", "english": "but we finally traced it back to a corporation"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板是一名叫荷南·雷耶斯的投资家", "english": "owned by an investor down here named Hernan Reyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "投资家?", "english": "Investor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果里约有什么非法勾当,雷耶斯都有份儿", "english": "If there's anything illegal happening in Rio, Reyes is involved."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,盯紧他", "english": "Okay, then so are we."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他能让我们更了解这些家伙,就要查清楚他的底细", "english": "If he could get us any closer to our guys, I want everything on him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乔多,到屋顶盯梢", "english": "Chato, you're on the roof."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦克,查清楚雷耶斯的底细", "english": "Mac, give me a cross-check on Reyes, full specs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题,老大", "english": "You got it, boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威尔克斯,弗斯科", "english": "Wilkes, Fusco!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新组装这辆跑车", "english": "Let's put all this mess back together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那得花一点时间", "english": "That's going to take a while."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你最好马上开始", "english": "Then you better get started."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们拆解这辆车一定有原因", "english": "They were taking this car apart for a reason."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新组装就知道有什么不见了", "english": "Let's put it back together and find out what's missing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆,你还记得你父亲的事情吗", "english": "Hey, Dom, what do you remember about your father?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲...", "english": "My father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他以前...", "english": "He used to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每周日去完教堂都会搞个烤肉会", "english": "He used to have a barbecue every Sunday after church."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让街坊邻居都参加", "english": "For anybody in the neighborhood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不去教堂就吃不到烤肉", "english": "If you didn't go to church, you didn't get any barbecue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天白天他都在店里,到了晚上", "english": "Every single day he was in the shop, and every single night,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就陪米娅坐在餐桌旁", "english": "he was at the kitchen table with Mia,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算她去睡了", "english": "Even after she went to sleep,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还是会待上几个小时", "english": "he'd stay up for a few more hours"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学会下一课,隔天继续陪她做功课", "english": "so he could learn the next chapter and help her the next day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得我爸的一切", "english": "I remember everything about my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正好相反", "english": "That's just it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一点都不记得我爸", "english": "I don't remember shit about my dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不记得他大吼", "english": "I don't remember him yelling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不记得他大笑", "english": "I don't remember him smiling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说真的我连他长什么样都不记得", "english": "To be honest with you, I don't even remember what the hell he looked like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我啥都不记得,他...", "english": "I don't remember. He just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他好像从来就不存在", "english": "He was just never there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会像他那样的,布莱恩", "english": "You ain't going to be like that, Brian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能一直逃亡,多姆", "english": "We can't keep running, Dom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得金盆洗手了", "english": "We got to get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就趁现在", "english": "We got to get out now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说的对", "english": "You're right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有一个打算", "english": "Here's how we're going to do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要利用这个玩意儿", "english": "We're going to use this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干下最后的一票", "english": "We're going do one last job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿走雷耶斯所有的钱", "english": "We're going to take all of Reyes' money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他一毛不剩", "english": "Every dime of it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后销声匿迹", "english": "and disappear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "隐退江湖", "english": "Forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全新的护照", "english": "New passports."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全新的人生", "english": "New lives"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再也不用提心吊胆", "english": "with no more looking over our shoulder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要用钱买回自由", "english": "And we're just going to buy our freedom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里约最有权力的黑道老大吧?", "english": "the most powerful guy in all of Rio?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "Yes, we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要一个团队", "english": "Then we're going to need a team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先从基本的说起,需要谁?", "english": "Let's run through the bases real quick. Who do we got?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要一个变色龙", "english": "First we're going to need a chameleon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随时可以融入周围环境", "english": "Someone who can blend in anywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有呢", "english": "What else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个吹牛大王", "english": "A fast talker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有人选", "english": "I got that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷耶斯一定有很多监视设备", "english": "This guy is going to have a lot of surveillance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要一个电子高手", "english": "We're going to need someone who's good with circuits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的电脑系统一定有防火墙", "english": "And with those circuits, Reyes is going to have walls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要一个电脑黑客", "english": "We're going to need guys to punch through those walls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有呢", "english": "What else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随时能支援每个人", "english": "Someone to back up every position."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还需要什么人", "english": "BRIAN: Yeah, what else do we need?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最重要的是...", "english": "DOM: Most importantly,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要两名飚车高手", "english": "we're going to need two precision drivers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泰山崩于前而色不改", "english": "Guys that don't crack under pressure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从未失手过", "english": "Guys that never lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就非我们莫属了", "english": "You know we got that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,天呐,不是吧", "english": "Aw, hell, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们真的是矬子里拔大个儿了,对不?", "english": "I see they really scraped the bottom of the barrel, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得也是,一看到你就知道了", "english": "I guess they did, since your ass is here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快把那辆老爷车还给马丁·路德·金吧", "english": "(马丁·路德·金,美国黑人运动领袖)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等你把里克·詹姆斯的夹克送回去再说吧", "english": "As soon as you give Rick James his jacket back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近怎么样,哥们", "english": "- What up, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Hmm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好性感的双腿,小美眉", "english": "Sexy legs, baby girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓬门何时为君开", "english": "What time do they open?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门开之日就是你命丧之时", "english": "They open the same time as I pull this trigger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您说还开吗", "english": "Want me to open them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉过你,瘦鸡才下蛋嘛", "english": "I told you the skinny chick had balls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来,她没等我们就先开派对", "english": "Looks like she started the party without us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿哥们,用西班牙语骂娘很了不起啊", "english": "Hey, anybody can talk shit in Spanish, homie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙在说什么", "english": "What's this guy saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管说什么话,丑男还是丑男", "english": "Ugly is still ugly in Spanish or in English."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两个小丑是谁", "english": "Who are these clowns, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马戏团的", "english": "Circus clowns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为斗鸡在巴西是非法的", "english": "I thought cockfights were illegal in Brazil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来你们都认识了", "english": "I see you all have met."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好久不见", "english": "Long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想死你了,哥们", "english": "I missed you, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见到你真好", "english": "Good to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好兄弟", "english": "Brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近怎么样", "english": "What's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来认识一下,这是泰吉", "english": "Yo, check this out. This is Tej."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "东海岸顶级的电子专家", "english": "Best circuit man on the East Coast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的死党,罗曼·皮尔斯", "english": "And this is my boy, Roman Pearce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是老相识了,在少管守所就认识了", "english": "We go way back, I met this guy in juvie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迈阿密那一票就是跟他干的", "english": "I pulled that job with him in Miami."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早有耳闻", "english": "I've heard about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里挺高档的嘛", "english": "Nice digs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,丽兹酒店客满了", "english": "Yeah, well, the Ritz was sold out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么回事,多姆", "english": "So what's this all about, Dom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,干嘛大老远把我们找来", "english": "Yeah, man, why did you drag us halfway around the world?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我们要干一票", "english": "Because we got a job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听好了,我们的目标是赫南·雷耶斯", "english": "All right, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是这里的大毒枭", "english": "And he runs the drug scene down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他从来没栽, 因为他从未开户", "english": "He's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有户头就意味着没有银行", "english": "No paper trail means no banks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有银行就意味着金库", "english": "And no banks means cash houses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错,确切的说,总共十个据点", "english": "That's right. Ten of them, to be exact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "散布于整个城市", "english": "Spread throughout the city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要把他们都端了", "english": "And we're going to hit them all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来太疯狂了", "english": "That sounds crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把我们大老远找来", "english": "You bring us to a whole other country"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就为了抢这里的黑道老大?", "english": "so we can rob the dude who runs it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本以为是笔大买卖", "english": "I thought this was business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来更像私人恩怨", "english": "Sounds personal to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是这样?", "english": "Is that what this is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你们所有人", "english": "I got love for y'all,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但私人恩怨不是什么好买卖", "english": "but personal ain't good business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我干不了,哥们", "english": "I can't do this, homie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说啥?", "english": "You say what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一亿?", "english": "Hundred..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞧,我这人有时是有点儿多虑", "english": "See, sometimes I be over-thinking, man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我们才刚认识,但是你刚刚...貌似...说...", "english": "and I know we just met, but you just, kind of, got to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抢来的一切,都会平分", "english": "and everything we take, we split even."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我干了", "english": "I am done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也干", "english": "I'm in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听上去像是无数的女人向我涌来", "english": "Sounds like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做不来的", "english": "You just can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦抢了第一个...", "english": "As soon as we hit the first one,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就会全力保护其他的据点", "english": "they're going to do everything they can to protect the rest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都别动!", "english": "Nobody move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全都在这里", "english": "That's all of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你死定了", "english": "You a dead man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们全都死定了", "english": "You're all dead men!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们无处可藏了", "english": "You don't have a place to hide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁说要藏了", "english": "Who's hiding?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了吗", "english": "Are you crazy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "疯了吗", "english": "Are you crazy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知不道这是谁的地盘", "english": "Do you know whose house this is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们偷的是谁的钱", "english": "Whose money are you stealing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不偷", "english": "We ain't stealing it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉你老板到底是谁干的", "english": "You tell your boss exactly who did this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他这还没完呢", "english": "Tell him there's more coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看吧", "english": "Voila"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发动引擎", "english": "Turn it over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "八个汽缸运转正常,都没问题", "english": "She's running on all eight. Checks out fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续找", "english": "Keep looking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大,如果少了什么,我们一定知道", "english": "Boss, if something was missing, we'd know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干脆加装霓虹灯算了", "english": "You may as well slap neon lights on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们拿走了芯片", "english": "They took the chip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们拦截到警方无线电", "english": "We got a hit on the police scanner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里伯龙一所房屋发生持械抢劫", "english": "Armed robbery at a house in Leblon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,如果是我们要找的人", "english": "All right, if that's our guys"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是芯片里的资料让他们找到那里", "english": "then whatever was on that chip led them directly to that house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他们,没错", "english": "It's them, for sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道", "english": "How do you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在里约没有人会笨到抢雷耶斯的钱", "english": "Because no one else in Rio is stupid enough to rob Reyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说清楚些", "english": "Explain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们突袭里伯龙区的据点", "english": "They invaded the Leblon house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对方是谁", "english": "Who invaded?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抢火车的那一票人", "english": "The men from the train."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们抢走多少钱", "english": "How much did they take?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没有抢钱", "english": "They didn't take anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们把钱烧掉了", "english": "They burned it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把钱烧了?", "english": "They burned my money?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,他们还说不会罢手", "english": "Yes. And said there's more coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样的话...", "english": "Then this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就这样做", "english": "...is what we're going to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把钱都移走", "english": "Clean the houses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你把钱都集中封锁起来...", "english": "I want that money under lock and key..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在一个小时以内,明白吗", "english": "...within an hour. Understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一号车开走了", "english": "Number One is on the move, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二号车开走了", "english": "Two is on the move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这辆也开走了", "english": "I got mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正盯着五号车", "english": "I got eyes on Five."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们真的把钱集中在同一个地方,不过...", "english": "I know y'all said they were consolidating the money somewhere, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不会相信藏在哪里", "english": "y'all ain't going to believe this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一票愈来愈困难了", "english": "Well, this job just got a lot harder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能把钱转移到警局", "english": "If he's moving it into a police station"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙还真有两下子", "english": "he's got some serious brass in his pocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来这次旅途比我想的要短很多", "english": "Looks like this is going to be a shorter trip than I thought..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真该死,我们搞不定啊", "english": "Hell, yeah, we can't do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞不定?你是说不该做吧", "english": "\"Can't\"? You mean, \"shouldn't.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想都是一个意思", "english": "I think this doesn't change a thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还按原计划进行", "english": "I say we stick to the plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说啥", "english": "You say what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在的任务由“无法完成”...", "english": "This just went from Mission: Impossible"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变成了“脑残送死”", "english": "to Mission: In-freaking-sanity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随你怎么说,哥们", "english": "Whatever, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是害怕", "english": "I ain't scared,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想让你们知道,疯子才会抢警局", "english": "I'm just letting you all know, going in that building is crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会搞定他", "english": "I got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抢劫案什么时候发生的", "english": "What time was the robbery?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到了", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都戴了面罩", "english": "Their faces are covered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通过联邦储备系统查查看", "english": "Run it through FRS."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵呵,原来是你这兔崽子", "english": "Well, hello, you son of a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威尔克斯,用托雷托和奥康纳同伙的照片", "english": "Wilkes! Run the photos of known associates of Toretto and O'Conner"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比对两星期内进入巴西的旅客", "english": "against customs entries into Brazil in the last two weeks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了宇宙飞船以外,飞机、火车、轮船都给我查", "english": "Check planes, trains, boats, everything short of the goddamn space shuttle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可以改名换姓,但却不能换脸", "english": "They can change their names but they can't change their faces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要干一票大的", "english": "Something big is going down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗斯科,把这些上载到资料库", "english": "Fusco! Upload these specs into the database."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后面的货车也要监控", "english": "the van behind it, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果这些车出现在里约的街道上,立即通知我", "english": "If these vehicles move in the streets of Rio, I want to know about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切顺利吧", "english": "Everything okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切顺利", "english": "Everything is okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍布斯是谁,这位联邦探员下乡了?", "english": "Who is this Hobbs? This Federal Agent running around town?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几个美国牛仔", "english": "Some American cowboy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在掌控之中", "english": "He's handled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他看好一点", "english": "Handle him better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞧...", "english": "Look..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要了一名新任巡警当他的助手", "english": "He requested a rookie patrol officer as his assistant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不是问题", "english": "They won't be a problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全都在这里吗", "english": "It's all here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托雷托和奥康纳呢,有消息吗", "english": "What about Toretto and O'Conner? Where are they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还没有", "english": "Nothing yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我已派所有警力搜捕他们", "english": "But I have all our officers searching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这还不够", "english": "Not good enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "悬赏金要够高...", "english": "High enough..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让城里的每双眼睛都想找到他们", "english": "...to get every pair of eyes in the city searching for them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "政府大楼的妙处", "english": "The beauty of public offices"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是有公共档案", "english": "Public records."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就把钱放在这里", "english": "This is where he's keeping the money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "物证室的金库", "english": "The vault in the evidence room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人在听我说吗,在听吗?警察...", "english": "Is anyone listening to those words? Anybody? Popo..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "条子,一根筋,蠢猪...", "english": "Five-O. One-time. Pigs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是我们不喜欢的人", "english": "People we don't like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都懂,警察局是设计用来关人的,不是放人的", "english": "You know, police stations are designed to keep people in, not out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以这是个秘密行动", "english": "That's why it's a stealth mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们进去出来要做到神不知鬼不觉", "english": "We'll be in and out before they even know we were there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要有人进去勘察", "english": "Well, we'll need to get eyes in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少要查出金库的型号", "english": "At least to find out the make and model of that vault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先是金库,还有...", "english": "So the vault and then, so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太疯狂了", "english": "It's crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁适合做这个呢", "english": "Who's supposed to do all this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这是什么意思", "english": "What do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么是我", "english": "Why me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你是吹牛大王", "english": "Because you got the biggest mouth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那倒是真的", "english": "That's for damn sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Ooh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊,美女", "english": "Hello, beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你的酒窝,真性感", "english": "Look at those dimples. Sexy, sexy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢这副眼镜,在哪儿搞到的", "english": "Love those glasses. Where did you get them from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不懂英语?", "english": "No English?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不...不...该死", "english": "No, no, no. Damn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好,先生", "english": "How are you, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特工奥康纳,美国联邦调查局", "english": "Special Agent O'Conner. US Federal Bureau of Investigation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这上面是个白人", "english": "It says Caucasian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是晒黑的,明白吗,晒黑的", "english": "That's a tan. You know, a tan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我在办案,搜到一些物证需要保管", "english": "Look, I'm working this case and I got some evidence here to be held."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我得先进去检查一下你们的贮藏设施", "english": "But I need to get in and check your storage facility first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行", "english": "Nope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我知道你是尽职的人,我尊重你,真心话", "english": "Look, I know you're a true professional, and I respect you, I promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我只是尽我的职责", "english": "Look, I'm just trying to do my job, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上司派我来只是为了确保一切安全", "english": "My boss sent me here to just make sure that everything was safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里很安全", "english": "It will be safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就让我进去看一眼就行", "english": "OK, let me just come in and take a quick peek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行", "english": "Nope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托,老兄,帮兄弟个忙", "english": "Come on, man. Hook a brother up, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,你也不是我兄弟", "english": "Nope. And you're not my brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四海之内皆兄弟", "english": "Brother from another mother?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听好,除了经过物证所授权,任何人都不能进入", "english": "Look! No one enters the facility but authorized evidence personnel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别浪费我的时间", "english": "Now stop wasting my time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要通知大使馆了", "english": "I'm going to call the embassy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别别别,不用了,算了", "english": "No, no, no! No, we're good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没必要打给他们,何必呢,算了", "english": "We don't need to call them. For what? We're good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把盒子放这儿了,好吧", "english": "Here, I got the box. We're all good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我保证,非常谢谢,耽误你时间了", "english": "I promise you. Thank you so much for your time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向上帝发誓,要不是你在里面", "english": "Swear to God, if you were on the other side of that glass"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就抽得你满脸桃花开,叫你听不懂", "english": "I'd bust your damn face in. Now translate that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞定了,你瞧,我觉得我干特工比你强多了", "english": "It's done. See, I think I make a better special agent than you ever did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗,这要看你如何定义“特”字了", "english": "Well, that depends on how you define \"special.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,看看都有啥", "english": "Come on, now. Let's see what we got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一点都不好笑", "english": "Not funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,开始吧", "english": "All right, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄,你还是不会开车", "english": "Dawg, you still can't drive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在明白为什么你老是出车祸了", "english": "Now, I see why you're always getting into accidents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你连遥控车都不会开", "english": "You can't even drive a damn remote control car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在需要的就是你赶紧闭嘴", "english": "I'm going to need you to shut up right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不会闭嘴...", "english": "I'm not going to shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴", "english": "Shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用安全带把他的嘴堵上", "english": "Strap him in his safety belt, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把遥控器给我,伙计,往左", "english": "Give me the remote, dawg. Go left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像左边那里有什么东西,那是什么?", "english": "It looks like something right over there to the left. What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到了", "english": "Bingo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里面包着隔热铜芯,防止电焊切割", "english": "with a insulated copper core to protect against thermal lance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道,你是怎么懂这些的", "english": "Do I want to know how you know all that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认识你之前我也有自己的生活,奥康纳", "english": "I had a life before you knew me, O'Conner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是就此打住吧,好吧", "english": "Let's just leave it at that, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然她是个美人", "english": "She is a beauty, though, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管我如何爱抚她...", "english": "Then, no matter how much I caress her,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管我有多爱她...", "english": "no matter how much I love her,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后她还是不愿缴械投降", "english": "in the end, she still ain't going to give up that ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非我们事先排演", "english": "And we ain't gonna go get anywhere with it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以确定", "english": "Bet that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算你们能突破安全线", "english": "So assuming you'll breach the safe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们怎么进去呢", "english": "how do we get in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,我一直在想怎么进去", "english": "Yeah, I've been thinking about the way in"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通向保安室的墙上", "english": "The wall to the evidence room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有警报器", "english": "That's alarmed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以这条路行不通", "english": "So, that's not happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边还有一个目标", "english": "Then we got this one here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是外面是护卫", "english": "But there's a guard shack outside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以也不行", "english": "So that's no good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是这边", "english": "But this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和洗手间只隔了一堵墙", "english": "This one shares a wall with the basement bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些钱怎么办", "english": "So, what about the money?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到时候肯定很难搬", "english": "That's gonna be some heavy shit to move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且是整整五吨重的现金", "english": "And you're talking about five ton cash weight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错,这时候洗手间就能派上用场了", "english": "Yeah, but that's the thing about the bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洗手间里有一通往车库的通风口", "english": "It's got a vent that leads to the parking garage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就通过那个通风口", "english": "All we gotta do is pop that vent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把钱直接转移到外面等着的车里", "english": "and then pass the money through to some waiting cars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里奥,桑托", "english": "Leo, Santo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开动了", "english": "You're up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打赌你会炸错管路", "english": "Two to one says you blow the wrong pipe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛每次都往坏处想", "english": "Yo, why you got to be so negative all the time, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是很确定你会搞砸", "english": "I'm just positive you're going to mess it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟你说,你有毛病", "english": "I'm telling you, man, you got issues."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是下次没有电梯,我就不来了", "english": "Next time if there's no elevator, I'm not coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得学会放轻松,兄弟", "english": "You need to learn to relax, loco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好快点,我们只剩不到一分钟了", "english": "You better hurry up, we got less than a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么你每次都把时间设得这么紧?", "english": "Why do you always set the timer so short?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望你知道我们在往哪走", "english": "I hope you know where you're going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道,放松点,老兄", "english": "I got this. Relax, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松", "english": "Relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是警察局了", "english": "...a police station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松", "english": "Relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你炸药又用多了", "english": "You used too much explosive! Again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多点,少点...", "english": "Too much, too little..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不都是一样", "english": "It's all the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是在牢里读过什么狗屁佛经", "english": "That's some Buddha shit you learned from a book in the prison library, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有你对着墙做的这些...", "english": "And what you're doing there on the wall..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是从那本书里学的?", "english": "You got that from the same book, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你老是往坏处想,兄弟", "english": "You're so negative, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来照一下", "english": "Can I have some light?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到了,收到讯号了", "english": "Got it. We got it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们看到了四个监视器", "english": "Yeah, we're looking at four cameras."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唷,都是高档货", "english": "Yo, that's some high-end shit, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光学成像系统", "english": "Marker optics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一百度的视角", "english": "Hundred-degree field-of-view."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十秒的扫瞄速度", "english": "Ten seconds oscillation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,时间太短了,伙计", "english": "Yeah, that's a narrow window, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不能切进系统用图像替换?", "english": "Can't we just tap in and replace the image?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,它驳接了数字同步系统", "english": "No, it's hooked into a digital sync."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一侵入就会被察觉", "english": "They would know we were in the system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们顶多就能偷看一眼", "english": "The best we can do is peek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车速要够快才能躲过这玩意儿", "english": "We're going to need some real fast cars to get through this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不只是要够快", "english": "Not just fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "右侧有个急转弯", "english": "You got a hard right and a hairpin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要足够灵活才行", "english": "We're going to need something agile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们做出模拟车道", "english": "You guys mock up a track."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥康纳", "english": "O'Conner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去弄几辆车", "english": "Let's go get some cars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了", "english": "Nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家的感觉真好", "english": "Home sweet home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者那一辆...", "english": "Or that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那一辆如何", "english": "How about that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马力够强,不用调教", "english": "All motor, no tuning issues."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直想要一辆", "english": "I always wanted one of those."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在这条街保持了三年的飚车记录", "english": "Held the record on the Avenida three years running."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我靠,老兄", "english": "Damn, bro..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真有胆想把麻烦带到这,托雷托", "english": "You got a lot of balls to bring your problems here, Toretto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还带了一个条子", "english": "Not to mention a cop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,我们最好低调一点", "english": "Yeah, we can keep that on the low."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道以为我们认不出你俩?", "english": "You didn't think we'd recognize you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系,我们就指望它了", "english": "No, we're kind of counting on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那台小车也许在这儿很威风", "english": "That little coupe may run the streets around here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我那台怪物...", "english": "but that monster"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来没有", "english": "Ever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗,她今天就会了", "english": "Well, she's about to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多米尼克·托雷托的车放进我的车库", "english": "Dominic Toretto's ride in my garage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那...才会是最屌的奖杯", "english": "Now that... will be a nice trophy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,传奇车手", "english": "Let's go, legend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用车赌车", "english": "Car for car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用车赌车", "english": "Car for car?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要,那就来拿吧", "english": "You want it, come and get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看他们弄到什么车了", "english": "Let's see what they got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吧", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们从哪儿搞到的,蓝精灵爸爸送的?", "english": "Where did you get that from? Papa Smurf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥康纳,拿出你的看家本事来吧", "english": "Okay, O'Conner, give it your best shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "摄像头拍到你了", "english": "Camera caught you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错,的确拍到你了", "english": "Yeah, it still caught you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我连吃奶的劲都用上了", "english": "Man, I was milking the hell out of that thing, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要一辆更快的车", "english": "We're going to need a faster car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想要那笔钱啊,伙计", "english": "I want my money. Come on, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶!", "english": "Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定能行,瞧好吧", "english": "Ha! Let's get it! Watch this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就验证了你真的不会开车", "english": "That's exactly why your ass ain't been driving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我爱上她了", "english": "I think I'm in love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还真有两下子...", "english": "That was real solid work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再来一次", "english": "Let's do it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你订的存钱罐", "english": "That's the piggy bank you ordered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别开玩笑了", "english": "You're kidding me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "Yep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们是从哪儿弄来的这个东西?", "english": "Where in the hell did y'all get one of these?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在认识你之前,我们也有自己的生活", "english": "Well, we had a life before you met us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会好好研究这个电子锁,不过...", "english": "All right, I'll get to work on the electronic tumbler, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是有一个问题", "english": "there's still another problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掌纹扫瞄仪", "english": "Palm scanner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有雷耶斯的掌纹...", "english": "And without Reyes' handprint,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就连魔术大师霍迪尼也打不开这玩意儿", "english": "Houdini himself couldn't open this bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道是雷耶斯的掌纹", "english": "How do you know it's Reyes' handprint?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又开始往坏处想了", "english": "Now there you go with that negativity, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样下去会要了你的命的", "english": "That shit is eating you alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该怎么弄到雷耶斯的掌纹", "english": "How are we supposed to get Reyes' handprint?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小韩,该你上场了", "english": "Han. You're up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题,小事一桩", "english": "Sure. Nothing like the easy stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧,我开车", "english": "Let's go. I'll drive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到六个保镖", "english": "I make six bodyguards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "七个", "english": "Seven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为戴腰包的家伙是游客?", "english": "You think that guy with a fanny pack is a tourist?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当了多少年兵?", "english": "So, how long were you in the army?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你用拇指拨开枪栓", "english": "Thumb-racking the slide?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉就是摩萨德的路子", "english": "(摩萨德:以色列情报局)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我离开军队的时候...", "english": "I got out of the military"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差不多是你戒烟的时候", "english": "probably the same time you quit smoking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一直在吃薯片...", "english": "The amount of chips you eat,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样你就可以让手和嘴巴不闲着", "english": "the way you always have to keep your hands and mouth busy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以前肯定是个每天两包的烟鬼", "english": "you were a two-pack-a-day man for sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是不带滤嘴的", "english": "Unfiltered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下没搞头了", "english": "Well, this is a bust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在这里弄不到他的掌纹", "english": "We're not going to be able to get his fingerprints out here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得多做点侦查工作,再多叫上几个人", "english": "We need to do some more recon, call in a couple of extra guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实...", "english": "Or"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女人的活用不着男人插手", "english": "you don't send a man to do a woman's job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们马上就会搞定,我保证", "english": "We're going to figure this out, I promise you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么样了", "english": "What's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你很放得开呢", "english": "I thought you were more of a thong man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们拿到掌纹了", "english": "We got the print."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪", "english": "Where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,这太夸张了", "english": "Okay, that's crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那他只是拍了一下你的屁股...", "english": "So, did he just slap that ass"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是抓着不放?", "english": "or did he grab and hold on to it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,这肯定可以", "english": "Hey, this will work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真了不起", "english": "I'm impressed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了吗", "english": "Got it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了", "english": "Got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是你还是没回答他的问题", "english": "But you still didn't answer the question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦不", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟们,大势不妙", "english": "Guys, guys! Guys, we have a problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的身份全都曝光了", "english": "The whole team just got burnt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都被通缉了", "english": "Now we're all wanted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么会这样?", "english": "How did this happen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国外交安全局发出的通缉令", "english": "US Diplomatic Security Service issued the warrants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍布斯探员", "english": "Agent L. Hobbs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,多姆", "english": "Hey, Dom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你在贫民区看到的家伙吗", "english": "Is that the guy you saw in the favela?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍布斯是外交安全局精英特遣队的队长", "english": "Hobbs is the leader of the elite task force for the DSS."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他很厉害啰", "english": "So he's good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他从来没有失过手", "english": "Because he never misses his mark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个家伙...是个保守派", "english": "This guy is... he is Old Testament."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充满杀气,荷枪实弹,替天行道,这就是他的风格", "english": "Blood, bullets, wrath of God. That's his style."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在他在追捕我们?", "english": "And right now he's hunting us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆,我们得提前行动", "english": "Dom, we got to move up our timeline."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,该怎么做", "english": "Yeah, but how?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这情况即便没有这位执法悍将,也够伤脑筋的了", "english": "This thing's already been difficult without Wyatt Earp on our asses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要说需要的话,那就是更多呼吸的空间", "english": "If anything, we need more room to breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗曼说的对", "english": "Roman's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们真的需要呼吸些新鲜空气了", "english": "Think we need to get some fresh air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上行动", "english": "Let's get a move on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在亚特兰克大街向东行驶", "english": "Eastbound on Avenida Atlantica."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它停下了,就在前面那条街", "english": "It stopped about a block ahead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停车,我们走过去", "english": "Park it. We're going on foot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,托雷托", "english": "Hey, Toretto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你被捕了", "english": "You're under arrest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被捕了?", "english": "Arrest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么没有被捕的感觉呀", "english": "I don't feel like I'm under arrest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呢,布莱恩", "english": "How about you, Brian?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,没感觉", "english": "No, not a bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一点感觉都没有", "english": "Not even a little bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过会儿就有感觉了", "english": "Just give it a minute. It'll sink in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没杀联邦探员,是雷耶斯的手下干的", "english": "We didn't kill those feds. That was Reyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不管这么多", "english": "I don't give a shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是依法缉拿两名混蛋归案", "english": "I'm just here to bring in two assholes whose names hit my desk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是嘛,听上去像个真正的英雄", "english": "Yeah, that sounds like a real hero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真有意思", "english": "That's funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这话竟出自曾为警察,却背叛自己誓言的人", "english": "From a guy who took the oath of a cop, then went against everything it stood for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有这位想要充当硬汉的...", "english": "Or some wanna be tough guy prick"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用扳手把人打个半死的鸟人", "english": "who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对...确实够硬", "english": "Yeah, real tough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看不必吧", "english": "I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你觉得还有得选,那就错了", "english": "Your mistake is thinking you got a goddamn choice, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你弄错了吧", "english": "And your mistake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为这是在美国啊", "english": "Thinking you're in America."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你离老家远着呢", "english": "You're a long way from home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里可是巴西", "english": "This is Brazil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了老大,改天吧", "english": "Come on, boss. Another day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧,霍兄,对方人多势众", "english": "Come on, H, it's a lot of heat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还会再见的,托雷托", "english": "I'll see you soon, Toretto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很期待,长官", "english": "I look forward to it, cop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂", "english": "Yep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "追踪器启动了", "english": "Tracker's on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到讯号了", "english": "Got them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不明白你干嘛冒险来这儿", "english": "I don't understand. Why come here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为它值得我冒险", "english": "Because it's worth it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该赶紧逃", "english": "You should run, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍布斯会找到你的", "english": "Hobbs will find you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没有理由不离开", "english": "You have every reason to leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么留下?", "english": "Why stay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你呢", "english": "Why do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我丈夫曾是名优秀的警察", "english": "My husband was a good police officer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个正直的男人", "english": "An honest man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都在这里长大", "english": "We both grew up here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两年前他在大街上被枪杀了...", "english": "Two years ago he was murdered in the street"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在我家门口", "english": "right outside our door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷耶斯掌控了贫民区", "english": "Reyes owns this favela now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他给人们发放东西", "english": "He gives things to people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是天下没有免费的午餐", "english": "But everything has a price."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里的人需要新的生活", "english": "The people here need a new start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们需要获得自由", "english": "They need to be free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没杀火车上的探员...", "english": "You didn't kill those men in the train,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对吧", "english": "did you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么要相信我说的话", "english": "Now, why would you believe anything I would tell you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她对你来说这么特别?", "english": "Was she so special to you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从未期望有人理解她对我有多重要", "english": "I never thought anyone could understand how much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你理解", "english": "But you do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好!", "english": "Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很接近,但还是差点", "english": "Close, but not enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆,时间实在太短了", "english": "Dom, the window is too small, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要想战胜摄像头,只有开隐形车了", "english": "Only way we're going to beat the cameras is with invisible cars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正好想到上哪搞隐形车去", "english": "And I know just where to get them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱去兜风吧,伙计们", "english": "Let's take a ride, boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都小心点儿", "english": "Don't hurt yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是第一次坐在前排", "english": "First time I've ever been in the front seat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗曼,你怎么这么久", "english": "Hey, Rome, what took you so long?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真搞笑", "english": "Real funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都穷得屁股开花了,哪来的十万美元", "english": "Yeah, your broke ass has got a hundred grand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干了这一票我就会有", "english": "If we pull off this job, I will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑完两个红绿灯...", "english": "The next two lights."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十万美元", "english": "Hundred thousand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不拿下这一票的话大概都活不成了", "english": "We don't pull this job off, we're probably dead anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赌一百万吧", "english": "Let's make it a million."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那好吧", "english": "All right, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人生只有一次,就这样吧", "english": "You only live once. Let's do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说呢,多姆", "english": "What do you say, Dom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能光说不练", "english": "We talking or we racing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次可别作弊", "english": "Just don't cheat this time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该忘记的就忘记吧", "english": "Got to let that go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶!", "english": "Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又来这一套", "english": "Typical, Roman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次我赢定了,我有强烈的预感", "english": "I'm going to get this money. I'm hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别让我赢得太轻松,伙计们", "english": "Don't make it too easy for me, boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这回可不行,多姆", "english": "Not this time, Dom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要有好胜心才行,布莱恩", "english": "You got to want it, Brian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶!赢你了,赢你了!", "english": "Yeah! Owned you! Owned you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开得不错,奥康纳", "english": "Good race, O'Conner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢,多姆", "english": "Thanks, Dom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道这一刻我等了多久吗", "english": "Do you know how long I've been waiting for that shit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就说他不知道", "english": "I told you he didn't see it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说你赢了他?", "english": "Your man right there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在冲刺的时候松油门了", "english": "He let off the throttle at the line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你根本就没赢", "english": "You didn't do nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他让你赢的", "english": "He let you win."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胡扯", "english": "Bullshit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文斯,你要干嘛?", "english": "Vince, what are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小点声,他们在跟踪你", "english": "Quiet! They've been tracking you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道她在这儿", "english": "I know she's here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到她", "english": "Find her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快,快!", "english": "Go! Go! Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷耶斯的人在菜市场那边蹲我", "english": "Reyes' guys were waiting for me at the market."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文斯救了我", "english": "Vince saved my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "饿了吗?", "english": "DOM: You hungry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah, sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你要说祷词", "english": "Because you're saying grace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢了,文斯", "english": "Thanks, Vince."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把肉烤焦了", "english": "Yo, you burned it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我妈妈就是这么烤的,别激动", "english": "Yo, this is how my momma does it. Relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,不过你妈是世上最烂的厨师", "english": "Yeah, but your mom is the worst cook in the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不准你说我妈的坏话", "english": "Yo, don't you be talking about my momma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧伙计们,享受生活吧", "english": "Yeah, come on, baby. Who's good living?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敬你们,兄弟,干杯", "english": "To you, bro. Cheers, cheers, cheers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们既然在巴西,就得享受这里的好生活", "english": "So, we in Brazil. It's the good life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我?", "english": "Me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老实说,我想回老家开家修车行", "english": "Actually, man, I been thinking about opening up a garage back home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你懂我的意思吧", "english": "You know what I mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的梦想就是开始一份新工作?", "english": "So, your dream is to start a day job?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那可真蠢,你怎么不...", "english": "That's stupid. Like, why would..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,一点都不蠢,我喜欢修车", "english": "No, it's not stupid at all. I love what I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一点都不理解", "english": "That don't make no sense to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我要怎么花这笔钱", "english": "I know what I'm going to do with my money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "花钱让我的兄弟上厨艺班", "english": "Buying some cooking lessons for my man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了吧,看到了吧?", "english": "See? See?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你了解我,钱乃身外之物", "english": "You know me. Money ain't a goddamn thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想学好厨艺,光有钱是不行的", "english": "It's going to take a little more than money to learn how to cook."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这确实很糟糕", "english": "That's horrible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我听说动物收容所正在招厨师", "english": "But I heard they was looking for a chef down at this animal shelter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以去...", "english": "You might want to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识那个经理", "english": "I know the manager."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,多姆", "english": "Hey, Dom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说...", "english": "Listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道明天这一票都安排好了,不过...", "english": "I know that you're all set for this job tomorrow, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你还需要人手,我可以...", "english": "if you need an extra man, I could..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以加入", "english": "You're in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大门永远向家人敞开", "english": "There's always room for family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃点东西吧", "english": "Get something to eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米娅竟然说这车不吉利", "english": "Can you believe Mia calls this a curse?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许她说的对", "english": "She might be right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很喜欢玩枪是吗", "english": "You really like doing that stuff, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你的生命随时有危险...", "english": "When your life is on the line"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才会更了解自己", "english": "that's when you learn about yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这倒是个挺对的说法", "english": "That's a fair deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是我们一生中最大的庆典", "english": "from the biggest celebration of our life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们得再来一杯,这次是来真的", "english": "Y'all need a refill. This is serious stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不喝了,谢谢", "english": "I'm good. No, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,她不能喝", "english": "No, she can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思", "english": "What do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不能喝酒", "english": "She can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不能喝是啥意思?", "english": "What do you mean she can't?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说真的?", "english": "Are you serious right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是给宝宝的彩礼", "english": "That was a baby gift."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,你搞错了", "english": "No, that's messed up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我是真的赢了他", "english": "No, you're not taking that from me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等...等一下", "english": "Wait, wait, hold on a second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他是拍你屁股...", "english": "So, did he just smack the ass"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是抓着不放?", "english": "or did he grab and hold on to it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底是哪种?", "english": "Which one was it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么可以瞒着大家呢", "english": "How can you keep this a secret?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很疯狂是吧", "english": "Crazy, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那可是你的孩子啊", "english": "It's your boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这种事你干嘛瞒着我不说", "english": "Why would you keep something like that away from me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝宝的彩礼?", "english": "Baby gift, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我根本不知道他们在说什么", "english": "I have no idea what they're talking about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你忘了拔出来再射吗?", "english": "What happened to the pull-out method, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干杯", "english": "Toast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都知道,钱财生不带来,死不带去", "english": "Money will come and go. We know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人生最重要的事情大家能够聚在一起", "english": "But the most important thing in life will always be the people in this room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在此地", "english": "Right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在此时", "english": "Right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我准备好了", "english": "I'm all set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "桑托,货车准备好了吗", "english": "Yo, Santo. Van good?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们早就准备好了", "english": "You know we're always good, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍布斯在市区的另一边", "english": "Hobbs is on the other side of the city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有比这更好的机会了", "english": "We're not going to get a better window."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,伙计们,好戏开始", "english": "Okay, guys, it's show time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一组就位,准备出发", "english": "First team in position, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来,咱们大干一场", "english": "Come on, let's do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,多姆", "english": "Hey, Dom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会保护米娅的", "english": "I got eyes on Mia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莫斯科,巴厘岛,果亚,香港", "english": "Moscow, Bali, Goa, Hong Kong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们有什么共同点", "english": "And what do they all have in common?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有引渡条约", "english": "No extradition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一小时后就能共度余生了", "english": "We're one hour away from the rest of our lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "条子!", "english": "Cops!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Come on. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚犯了一个天大的错误", "english": "You just made a big mistake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找追踪器费我了不少劲", "english": "Took me a while to find that tracking chip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但找接收器就简单得多了", "english": "But not as long to flip the receiver."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跑不了了,托雷托", "english": "You're going down, Toretto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就在这里", "english": "I'm right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆!", "english": "Dom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退后,让我来", "english": "Stand back. I got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手!", "english": "Pull off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆!求你了,住手", "english": "Dom! Please, stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆!", "english": "Dom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆!", "english": "Dom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们马上就到", "english": "We're coming in now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有埋伏!", "english": "Ambush!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威尔克斯,压制火力,干掉他们", "english": "Wilkes, suppression fire. Shut them down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交叉前进,掩护我", "english": "Stagger-step. Cover me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看好他们", "english": "Watch them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放开我们", "english": "Cut us loose!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点,放开我们", "english": "Come on! Cut us loose!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,多姆", "english": "Hey, Dom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去看看我的儿子", "english": "You've got to meet my son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼克", "english": "Nico."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会的", "english": "I will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个乖孩子", "english": "He's a good kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们用你的名字给他取名", "english": "You know, we named him after you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多米尼克", "english": "\"Dominic.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向你保证,文斯", "english": "You've got my word, Vince."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你永远都是我的兄弟", "english": "You were always my brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会照顾尼克", "english": "I got eyes on Nico now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得行动了,时间不多了", "english": "We need to move. We don't have that much time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我订了机票", "english": "I got us a flight out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五小时后我们就可以离开里约了", "english": "We can leave Rio in the rearview in the next five hours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不能逃走...", "english": "Not to run away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先把活干完", "english": "To finish the job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了吗,多姆,我们不干", "english": "Are you crazy, Dom? We can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这可是自杀式任务", "english": "It's a suicide mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的兄弟倒在桌子上了", "english": "That's your man over there on the table."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整个计划泡汤了", "english": "The plan is busted!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是胡闹,雷耶斯知道我们要来", "english": "This is bullshit, man. Reyes knows we're coming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说的对", "english": "He's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警局的警力多了三倍", "english": "They tripled the detail at the police station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迎接我们的是枪林弹雨", "english": "It's going to be a wall of gunfire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会放过雷耶斯", "english": "Reyes doesn't get away with this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是陷阱", "english": "It's a trap, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很清楚", "english": "You know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆,听他们的", "english": "Dom, listen to them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁现在还来得及,快走吧", "english": "Run, before it's too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离开里约", "english": "Leave Rio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就自由了", "english": "You can be free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逃走不等于自由", "english": "Running ain't freedom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该了解这一点", "english": "You should know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我加入", "english": "I'm in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟你一起去,托雷托", "english": "I'll ride with you, Toretto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少先干死那个狗杂种", "english": "At least until we kill that son of a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什么计划,多姆?", "english": "So what's the plan, Dom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能再东躲西藏了", "english": "We can't just go sneaking around anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不躲了", "english": "We don't sneak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他唯一在乎的就是他的钱", "english": "The only thing he cares about is his money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们拿到他的钱...", "english": "We pull that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧", "english": "See?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我召集了全局的所有警察", "english": "I called in every cop on our payroll."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里戒备森严", "english": "We're covered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每道出口都有武装小组把守", "english": "We've got every entrance covered with weapons teams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使是上帝也别想拿走你的钱", "english": "God Himself couldn't get at your money if He wanted to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我担心的不是上帝", "english": "God isn't my worry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗", "english": "You ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了", "english": "I'm ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What's happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要抢金库", "english": "They're taking the vault!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金库", "english": "The vault!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来,快!", "english": "Follow me! Quickly!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站住", "english": "Don't move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴地上", "english": "Stay down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼叫米娅", "english": "Call it out, Mia!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "右转", "english": "Go right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白", "english": "Got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,计划奏效了", "english": "Well, the plan is working."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里约的所有腐败警察都在追你们", "english": "You guys have every corrupt cop in Rio on your tail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们必须开快点", "english": "You guys have to move fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最佳路线是哪条", "english": "What's the best route?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续直行半英里,到丰塞卡路...", "english": "Okay, keep going straight another half-mile onto Rua Fonseca,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来行不通", "english": "That ain't going to work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前方有钉刺带,多姆,钉刺带", "english": "Spikes ahead, Dom. We got spikes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得右转", "english": "We're going right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,太窄了,转不过去", "english": "No, it's too tight, we're not going to fit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别无选择,快!", "english": "We've got no choice. Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死", "english": "Shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真该死", "english": "Holy shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们,我听着怎么这么吵", "english": "Guys, I am hearing all this chatter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们是不是把银行拖出来了", "english": "Did you just take out a bank?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两辆警车", "english": "Two inbound!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,前方左拐有一条小胡同", "english": "All right, there's an alley coming up on your left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这小兔崽子", "english": "You little bastard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干得好,多姆,右转,就现在,向右转", "english": "All right, good job, Dom. Right-hander, right here, right-hander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们,有大队人马从南边朝你们过去了", "english": "Guys, there's a big group coming at you from the south."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们得快想办法", "english": "You have to do something now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分开点", "english": "Hey, go wide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶!", "english": "Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好,警官", "english": "Good afternoon, officer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请出示驾照进行车辆登记", "english": "License and registration, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才是纯爷们儿干的事情", "english": "Yes! This is big-boy stuff!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟", "english": "Oh, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你们", "english": "Thanks guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别客气", "english": "Any time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好把握", "english": "Make it count!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点,跟上他们", "english": "Zizi, stay on them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不可能在桥上甩掉我们", "english": "They can't outrun us on the bridge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死", "english": "Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们无路可走了", "english": "They have no way out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们人太多了", "english": "There's too many of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们人太多了,我们过不去", "english": "Hey, there's too many of them. We're not going to make it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对,我们过不去", "english": "You're right, we aren't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你可以", "english": "You are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢下金库,赶快逃", "english": "Just let the vault go. Get out of there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在是个父亲了,布莱恩", "english": "You're a father now, Brian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我不会丢下你,要按计划行事", "english": "No, I'm not leaving you. Now you stick with the plan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一直就是我的计划", "english": "It was always the plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照顾好米娅", "english": "Take care of Mia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多姆,听我说好吗", "english": "Dom, you listen to me now. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上割断缆绳", "english": "You cut loose right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在干嘛?", "english": "Hey, what is he doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们逮到他了", "english": "We've got him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快想办法呀,笨蛋", "english": "Do something, asshole!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了他,该死!", "english": "Kill him, damn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快杀了他", "english": "Kill him now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是叫你接着开吗", "english": "I thought I told you to go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,我总得有个交待啊", "english": "Yeah, I had to make a call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救救我", "english": "Help me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两枪是为了我的队员,你个狗杂种", "english": "That's for my team, you son of a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是够乱的", "english": "It's a hell of a mess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah, it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我不能放你俩走", "english": "You know I can't let you two go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会那样做", "english": "I ain't made that way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过,钱要留下来", "english": "The money stays, though."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我是你,我会充分利用这段时间", "english": "If I were you, I'd use the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟你的狐朋狗友好好相处", "english": "Make peace with whatever demons you got left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为等到明天...", "english": "Because come tomorrow,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就会继续追捕你们", "english": "I will find you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托雷托", "english": "Toretto!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后会有期", "english": "I'll see you soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,后会无期了", "english": "No, you won't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢了,伙计们", "english": "Thanks, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好把握", "english": "Make it count!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧宝贝", "english": "Come on, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别耍大牌", "english": "Don't be mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你确定吗", "english": "You sure about this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你了解我的", "english": "You know I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要这么做", "english": "You don't need to do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是硬要往坏处想", "english": "Bro, I'm not trying to be negative,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但赌场就是专门赢我们这种人的钱的", "english": "but casinos are the kinds of places designed to take money from guys like you and me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我赢了钱...", "english": "When I win here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会替你买一辈子的抗抑郁药", "english": "I'm buying you a lifetime supply of antidepressants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别把一千万全押在红色", "english": "You don't put ten million on red!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要押在黑色", "english": "You put it on black."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停止下注", "english": "No more bets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边请,亲爱的", "english": "Right this way, my dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这里等着,我马上回来", "english": "You stay right here, I'll be right back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是你的梦想?", "english": "So, this is your dream, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我来说就够了", "english": "It's enough for me, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是你的梦想", "english": "I take it that's your dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必须的,最近怎么样,兄弟", "english": "Absolutely. What up, boy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切顺利吧", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也不错吧", "english": "You good?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好,很好", "english": "Yes, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道最棒的是什么吗", "english": "You know what's crazy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那款跑车全世界只有四辆", "english": "There's only four of those cars in the whole world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拥有西半球唯一的一辆", "english": "Yeah, I got the only one in the Western Hemisphere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向阿布扎比酋长", "english": "I made a sheikh in Abu Dhabi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给出他无法拒绝的价格", "english": "an offer he could not refuse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个美女也相当漂亮哈", "english": "Huh. That's a nice lady you got there, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那当然了", "english": "Absolutely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得走了,兄弟,有生意要做", "english": "We got to go, man. Let's do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我来开车", "english": "Okay, I'll drive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这破车?拜托,兄弟,算了吧", "english": "In that? Come on, man, no way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不是这辆", "english": "No, no. Not in this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是那辆", "english": "In that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计,这简直太牛了", "english": "Man, this is crazy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,我想现在西半球有两辆这款跑车了", "english": "Yes, I guess that means there are two in the Western Hemisphere, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这吹牛大王还想跟我吹吗", "english": "What's your smart ass got to say now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们以后可以一起拉风嘛", "english": "We can always shine together, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快换衣服,兄弟,我们还有生意要谈呢", "english": "Get dressed, man, we got things to do!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在要去哪里?", "english": "So, where to now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道...", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没去过马德里", "english": "Never been to Madrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你想去东京", "english": "I thought you wanted to go to Tokyo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会去的...", "english": "We'll get there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总有一天", "english": "Eventually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天", "english": "Oh My God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这真是个惊喜", "english": "Nice surprise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很不可思议吧", "english": "Crazy, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从没见过我妹妹这么开心", "english": "This is the happiest I've ever seen my sister."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我们自由了", "english": "It's because we're free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想和你再赛一次车", "english": "You know, I want another shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的?", "english": "Yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有赌注,没有别人", "english": "No wagers, nobody else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就你和我,一战决胜负", "english": "Just you and me, once and for all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能吗", "english": "Are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,奥康纳", "english": "All right, O'Conner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我见识一下你的真本事", "english": "Let's see what you got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得看看这个", "english": "You need to look at that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一群车手抢劫了军事护送车队", "english": "A team of drivers hijacked a military convoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是托雷托?", "english": "Toretto?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "Nope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没兴趣", "english": "I ain't interested."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会有兴趣的,看一下", "english": "Yes, you are. Keep looking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你信不信有鬼", "english": "Do you believe in ghosts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能放你出来 海德薇", "english": "I can't let you out, Hedwig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能在校外使用魔法", "english": "I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下可好了", "english": "Now you've done it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在屋里 弗农", "english": "He's in there. Vernon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我警告你 管不住那死鸟 我就赶走它", "english": "I'm warning you, if you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她憋坏了", "english": "But she's bored."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪怕放她出来一两个小时也行", "english": "If I could only let her out for an hour or two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮你和你的怪胎朋友通信吗 别想了", "english": "So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是根本没人和我联系", "english": "But I haven't had any messages from any of my friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个都没有", "english": "Not one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整个暑假都是", "english": "all summer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁愿意做你的朋友", "english": "Who would want to be friends with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得你应该知恩图报", "english": "I should think you'd be a little more grateful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把你从小拉扯大", "english": "We've raised you since you were a baby,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还把达力的次卧给你", "english": "purely out of the goodness of our hearts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别急 小宝贝 还得等梅森先生", "english": "Not now, pumpkin. It's for when the Masons arrive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们随时会到", "english": "Which should be any minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩尼 梅森夫妇来的时候 你应该在", "english": "Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 达力 那你呢", "english": "Good. And, Dudley, you will be...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在门前 等着开门", "english": "I'll be waiting to open the door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好", "english": "Excellent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呢", "english": "And you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我待在卧室", "english": "I'll be in my bedroom,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算你聪明", "english": "Too right, you will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次要是谈成 我的事业就更上一层楼了", "english": "With any luck, this could be the day I make the biggest deal of my career..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可不许给我添乱", "english": "and you will not mess it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特 真是太荣幸了", "english": "Harry Potter, such an honor it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我无意冒犯", "english": "Not to be rude or anything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 先生 多比完全理解", "english": "Yes, sir. Dobby understands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是多比必须要告诉你", "english": "It's just that Dobby has come to tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很难启齿 先生 多比不知道从何说起", "english": "It is difficult, sir. Dobby wonders where to begin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 多比 我不是想冒犯你", "english": "Dobby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冒犯多比", "english": "Offend Dobby?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比虽然听说你很伟大 先生", "english": "Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但还没有巫师请多比坐下来过 把我平等对待", "english": "but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你没有遇到好巫师", "english": "You can't have met many decent wizards then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 没遇到过", "english": "No, I haven't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真不该这么说", "english": "That was an awful thing to say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比 拜托了 快停下", "english": "Dobby, please, stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么 是猫的声音", "english": "Don't mind that. It's just the cat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "Are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比必须惩罚自己 先生", "english": "Dobby had to punish himself, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比差点说了主人家的坏话 先生", "english": "Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比只能永远服侍一个家庭", "english": "Dobby is bound to serve one family forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万一他们知道了多比在这", "english": "If they ever knew Dobby was here..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是多比必须来", "english": "But Dobby had to come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比必须保护哈利·波特 要警告他", "english": "Dobby has to protect Harry Potter. To warn him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特今年不能", "english": "Harry Potter must not go back to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一个阴谋 会有很恐怖的后果", "english": "There is a plot, a plot to make most terrible things happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么恐怖后果 谁是幕后黑手", "english": "What terrible things? Who's plotting them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能说", "english": "Can't say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当他们打到第九洞的时候", "english": "So when they arrive at the ninth hole..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把台灯给我", "english": "Give me the lamp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比 停下", "english": "Dobby, stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚要讲到笑点 就被你毁了", "english": "You just ruined the punch line of my Japanese golfer joke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再吵我就让你生不如死 小子", "english": "One more sound and you'll wish you'd never been born, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白我为什么要回去了吧", "english": "See why I've got to go back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不属于这里 我属于你的世界 属于霍格沃兹", "english": "I don't belong here. I belong in your world, at Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有在那里我才有朋友", "english": "It's the only place I've got friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连信都不给你写的朋友吗", "english": "Friends who don't write to Harry Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜 他们应该有点忙", "english": "Well, I expect they've been..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 你怎么知道他们没给我写信", "english": "Hang on. How do you know my friends haven't been writing to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特可不要生多比的气", "english": "Harry Potter mustn't be angry with Dobby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比想 如果哈利·波特以为他朋友忘了他", "english": "Dobby hoped if Harry Potter thought his friends had forgotten him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那哈利·波特也许就不想回学校了 先生", "english": "Harry Potter might not want to go back to school, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比 给我回来", "english": "Dobby, get back here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比 拜托了 不要", "english": "Dobby, please, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特必须保证不回学校", "english": "Harry Potter must say he's not going back to school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能 霍格沃兹是我的家", "english": "I can't. Hogwarts is my home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不要怪多比了 先生 这是为了你好", "english": "Then Dobby must do it, sir, for Harry Potter's own good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个水管工说 快看这水", "english": "One plumber said, \"Look at all that water. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一个水管工说 没错 这还只是最上面的水", "english": "The second plumber said, \"Yes, and that's just the top of it. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 那是我的外甥 他脑子有问题", "english": "I'm so sorry. It's my nephew. He's very disturbed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他一看到陌生人就慌张 所以我把他锁在楼上", "english": "Meeting strangers upsets him. That's why I kept him upstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你休想回到那学校了", "english": "You're never going back to that school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再也别想见你那些怪胎朋友了 永远别想", "english": "You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 哈利", "english": "Hiya, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 弗雷德 乔治 你们怎么来了", "english": "Ron. Fred. George. What are you all doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然是来救你 快点 收拾行李", "english": "Rescuing you, of course. Now, come on, get your trunk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好往后站一点", "english": "You better stand back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点行动", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特", "english": "Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 怎么回事", "english": "Dad, what's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快 快", "english": "Go. Go. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 快一点", "english": "Dad, hurry up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩妮 他要逃走", "english": "Petunia, he's escaping!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你别想带着哪只死鸟走出这", "english": "You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 这就开", "english": "Right. Right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 不", "english": "No! No! No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸", "english": "Dad!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死", "english": "Damn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差点忘了 哈利 生日快乐", "english": "By the way, Harry, happy birthday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进来 轻一点", "english": "Okay, come on. Shh, shh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 进来", "english": "Okay, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃点这个没关系吧", "english": "Think it'd be all right if we had some?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 妈不会注意的", "english": "Yeah, Mum will never know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然简陋了点 但总是个家", "english": "It's not much, but it's home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得这里太棒了", "english": "I think it's brilliant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们死哪去了", "english": "Where have you been?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 见到你真好 亲爱的", "english": "Harry, how wonderful to see you, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "床空了 不说一声 还开走了车", "english": "Beds empty. No note. Car gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们可能会死掉 或者被人看到", "english": "You could have died. You could have been seen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 不是责怪你 亲爱的哈利", "english": "Of course, I don't blame you, Harry, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们想饿死他 妈妈 还封了窗户", "english": "They were starving him, Mum. There were bars on his window."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心我封了你的窗户 罗恩·韦斯莱", "english": "Well, you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 哈利 该吃早餐了", "english": "Come on, Harry, time for a spot of breakfast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃吧 哈利 别客气", "english": "Here we are, Harry. Now, tuck in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 多吃点", "english": "That's it. There we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做错什么了", "english": "What did I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮 她一暑假都在说你 真是烦人", "english": "Ginny. She's been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying, really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸在魔法部上班", "english": "Dad works in the Ministry of Magic,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禁止滥用麻瓜物品办公室", "english": "in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸超爱麻瓜 简直着了魔", "english": "Dad loves Muggles, thinks they're fascinating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃吧吃吧", "english": "Well, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又是哪位", "english": "And who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 先生 我是哈利 哈利·波特", "english": "Oh, sorry, sir. I'm Harry, sir. Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天呐 真是你吗", "english": "Good Lord. Are you really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 你的情况我们都了解", "english": "Well, Ron has told us all about you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩说的 他什么时候到的", "english": "of course. When did he get here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天早晨", "english": "This morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的宝贝儿子们昨晚开车去萨里接来的", "english": "Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗 车子怎么样", "english": "Did you really? How did it go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 你们真是不应该 太过分了", "english": "I mean that was very wrong indeed, boys. Very wrong of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 麻瓜你非常了解吧", "english": "Now, Harry, you must know all about Muggles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我 橡皮鸭子到底是干什么用的", "english": "Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个", "english": "Oh, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是埃罗尔送信来了", "english": "Well, that'll be Errol with the post."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "珀西 把信取来好吗", "english": "Fetch it, will you, Percy, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看 是霍格沃兹的信", "english": "Oh, look, it's our Hogwarts letters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们把哈利的信也送来了", "english": "They've sent us Harry's as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多一定知道你在这 他无所不知", "english": "Dumbledore must know you're here. Doesn't miss a trick, that man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光是咒语书就很贵", "english": "The spell books alone are expensive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交给我们吧", "english": "We'll manage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要买这些 只有一个地方可去 对角巷", "english": "There's only one place we're going to get all of this. Diagon Alley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 哈利 你先来", "english": "Here we are, Harry. You go first, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是哈利从来没用过飞路粉 妈妈", "english": "But Harry's never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么飞路粉", "english": "Floo powder?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进去", "english": "In you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这样", "english": "That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对角巷", "english": "Diagon Alley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了吧 很简单 别怕 来吧", "english": "You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来呀", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进去吧 别碰着头", "english": "In you go. That's it. Mind your head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 现在 抓一把飞路粉", "english": "That's right. Now, take your Floo powder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好很好", "english": "That's it, very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 别忘记一定要说的非常清楚", "english": "Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对脚香", "english": "Diagonally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听也是", "english": "I thought he did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没迷路吧 亲爱的", "english": "Not lost, are you, my dear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很好 谢谢 我要去", "english": "I'm fine, thank you. I was just going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我们来 我们帮你回去", "english": "Come with us. We'll help you find your way back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这鬼地方干什么 过来", "english": "What do you think you're doing down here? Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来真糟 哈利", "english": "You're a mess, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在翻倒巷这破地方乱逛吗", "english": "Skulking around Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可别让人在那看到你", "english": "Don't want no one to see you there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们会怀疑你在做坏事", "english": "People will think you're up to no good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我迷路了 那个", "english": "I was lost, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 那你又在那里干什么", "english": "Hang on. What were you doing down there then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我吗 我在找食肉鼻涕虫的杀虫剂", "english": "Me? I was... I was looking for Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学校的卷心菜都快被吃光了", "english": "They're ruining all the school cabbages."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 海格", "english": "Harry. Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊 赫敏", "english": "Hello, Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的眼镜又怎么了", "english": "What did you do to your glasses?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恢复如初", "english": "Oculus Reparo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个咒语我得记住", "english": "I definitely need to remember that one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在没事了 哈利 我可要走了", "english": "You'll be all right now then, Harry? Right. I'll leave you to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 大家都担心坏了", "english": "Come on, everyone's been so worried."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔 哈利", "english": "Oh, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢天谢地 你总算没有走太远", "english": "Thank goodness. We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate too far."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们先生们,有请吉罗德·洛哈特", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他总算来啦", "english": "Here he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈超爱他", "english": "Mum fancies him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借过一下 谢谢 让我过去 谢谢", "english": "Make way there, please. Let me by, madam. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借过 小女孩 《预言家日报》的", "english": "Excuse me, little girl. This is for the Daily Prophet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会吧 哈利·波特", "english": "It can't be. Harry Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 女士", "english": "Excuse me, madam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笑开心点 哈利 咱俩可是要上头版的", "english": "Nice big smile, Harry. Together, you and I rate the front page."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们先生们 多么激动人心的一刻", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来买我的自传《会魔法的我》时", "english": "to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他绝不会想到 也不会相信", "english": "he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会把我的全套著作", "english": "with my entire collected works"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "免费送给他", "english": "free of charge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来签名吧", "english": "Now, ladies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 把书给我 我来要签名", "english": "Harry, now you give me those, and I'll get them signed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们全都去外面等", "english": "All of you wait outside. That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肯定挺享受 是吧 波特", "english": "I'll bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大人物哈利·波特 逛个书店都要上头版", "english": "Famous Harry Potter. Can't go into a bookshop without making the front page."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离他远点", "english": "Leave him alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎哟 波特 你有女朋友啦", "english": "Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啦 德拉科 友好一点", "english": "Now, now, Draco, play nicely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特先生", "english": "Mr. Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在下卢修斯·马尔福 终于见面了", "english": "Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请原谅", "english": "Forgive me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的伤疤是个传奇", "english": "Your scar is legend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 给你留下伤疤的那个人也是", "english": "As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔杀害了我的父母", "english": "Voldemort killed my parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只是个杀人犯", "english": "He was nothing more than a murderer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你敢直呼他的名字 真是大胆", "english": "You must be very brave to mention his name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者说是愚蠢", "english": "Or very foolish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惧怕他的名字 只会更加惧怕他本人", "english": "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是 格兰杰小姐", "english": "And you must be Miss Granger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 德拉科说起过你 还有你的父母", "english": "Yes, Draco has told me all about you. And your parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是麻瓜 没错吧", "english": "Muggles, aren't they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜猜 红头发 面无表情", "english": "Let me see. Red hair, vacant expressions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破旧的二手课本", "english": "tatty, secondhand book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们就是韦斯莱一家了", "english": "You must be the Weasleys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子们 这里太乱了 我们出去吧", "english": "Children, it's mad in here. Let's go outside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法部一定很忙吧 成天突击搜查", "english": "Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望你有加班费", "english": "I do hope they're paying you overtime"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕就目前的状况看来 还没有", "english": "but judging by the state of this, I'd say not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法部都不给你份好薪水", "english": "What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就不要再给巫师蒙羞了吧", "english": "if they don't even pay you well for it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来我们对蒙羞的理解", "english": "We have a very different idea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然", "english": "Clearly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的家族还能够再堕落一点吗", "english": "And I thought your family could sink no lower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工作时见", "english": "I'll see you at work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火车马上就要出发了", "english": "The train will leave soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德 乔治 珀西 你们先过", "english": "Fred, George, Percy, you first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的 你先请", "english": "After you, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "动作快点 金妮 给你找个座", "english": "Come on, Ginny, we'll get you a seat. Hurry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩怎么回事", "english": "What do you two think you're doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 如果我们穿不过去", "english": "Harry, if we can't get through"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸妈妈也就回不来了", "english": "maybe Mum and Dad can't get back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是去车旁边等着吧", "english": "Maybe we should just go and wait by the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有车", "english": "The car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 我得提醒你一下", "english": "Ron, I should tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大多数麻瓜都没见过飞车", "english": "most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有道理", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟糕 隐形助推器出故障了", "english": "Oh, no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须得赶上火车", "english": "All we need to do is catch up with the train."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该不远了吧", "english": "We can't be far behind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢着", "english": "Hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挺住", "english": "Hold on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住我的手", "english": "Take my hand!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓牢啊", "english": "Hold on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太滑了 你的手都是汗", "english": "I'm trying. Your hand's all sweaty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎回家", "english": "Welcome home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上升 上升", "english": "Up! Up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向上 罗恩 当心前面的树", "english": "Up! Ron, mind that tree!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停住 停住 停住", "english": "Stop! Stop! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的魔杖 它断了", "english": "My wand. Look at my wand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该庆幸不是你的脖子", "english": "Be thankful it's not your neck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快开车", "english": "Come on, go! Fast!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斑斑 你没事吧", "english": "Scabbers, you're okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的车", "english": "The car!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸肯定要宰了我", "english": "Dad's gonna kill me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回头见 海德薇", "english": "See you, Hedwig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先是家养小精灵去我卧室", "english": "So a house-elf shows up in my bedroom"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后又差点被树砸死", "english": "we almost get killed by a tree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然今年有人不想让我来学校", "english": "Clearly someone doesn't want me here this year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多看看吧 小伙子们", "english": "Well, take a good look, lads."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚也许就是你们在城堡的最后时光", "english": "This night might well be the last you spend in this castle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的 有人有麻烦了", "english": "Oh, dear, we are in trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少有七个麻瓜看到了你们", "english": "You were seen by no less than seven Muggles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知不知道这事有多严重", "english": "Do you have any idea how serious this is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们险些让巫师世界暴露", "english": "You have risked the exposure of our world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它可是比你们的年龄还大", "english": "that's been on these grounds since before you were born."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恕我直言 斯内普教授", "english": "Honestly, Professor Snape,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它对我们的伤害更大", "english": "I think it did more damage to us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴", "english": "Silence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你们是斯莱特林学院", "english": "I assure you that were you in Slytherin,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以任我处置", "english": "and your fate rested with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今晚就让你们坐火车回家", "english": "The both of you would be on the train home tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授 麦格教授", "english": "Professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无视未成年巫师限制法令", "english": "Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多都是我草拟的", "english": "having written quite a few of them myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是让格兰芬多的院长", "english": "However, as head of Gryffindor house"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦格教授", "english": "it is for Professor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们马上去收拾行李", "english": "We'll go and get our stuff, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在说什么 韦斯莱先生", "english": "What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是要开除我们吗", "english": "You're going to expel us, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天不会 韦斯莱先生", "english": "Not today, Mr. Weasley,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我必须让你们", "english": "but I must impress on both"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "深刻认识错误的严重性", "english": "of you the seriousness of what you have done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚我就给你们家里写信", "english": "I will be writing to your families tonight,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩都要关禁闭", "english": "and you will both receive detention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家早上好", "english": "Morning, everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎各位二年级同学来到第三温室", "english": "Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家靠近一点", "english": "Gather around, everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天我们学习如何给曼德拉草换盆", "english": "Today we're going to re-pot Mandrakes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁能告诉我曼德拉根茎的特点", "english": "Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰杰小姐", "english": "Yes, Miss Granger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼德拉 也叫曼德拉草", "english": "Mandrake, or Mandragora,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以用来治疗", "english": "is used to return those"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本身也是危险物种", "english": "It's also dangerous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼德拉草的哭声可以取人性命", "english": "The mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里的曼德拉草还只是幼苗", "english": "Now as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哭声不足以致命", "english": "their cries won't kill you yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但也可以让人晕厥", "english": "But they could knock you out for hours,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我给你们发了耳罩", "english": "which is why I have given you earmuffs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用来保护自己", "english": "for auditory protection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紧紧扣上 看清楚我的动作", "english": "Flaps tight down, and watch me closely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看清楚了没", "english": "Got it? And..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后种到另一个花盆里", "english": "now you dunk it down into the other pot"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶紧填土 不要让它们受凉", "english": "and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 夫人 他是吓晕了", "english": "No, ma'am, he's just fainted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 先让他躺会吧", "english": "Yes, well, just leave him there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们继续 这里有很多盆栽", "english": "Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓牢 然后拔出来", "english": "Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差点没头的尼克", "english": "There's Nearly Headless Nick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 珀西 克里瓦特小姐", "english": "Hello, Percy, Miss Clearwater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 尼古拉斯爵士", "english": "Hello, Sir Nicholas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认了吧 我完了", "english": "Say it. I'm doomed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是科林·克里维 也在格兰芬多", "english": "I'm Colin Creevey. I'm in Gryffindor too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 科林 很高兴认识你", "english": "Hi, Colin. Nice to meet you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这鸟真是蠢到家了", "english": "Bloody bird's a menace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家快看 韦斯莱收到了封吼叫信", "english": "Look, everyone. Weasley's got himself a Howler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拆开吧 罗恩 我有次没理奶奶的吼叫信", "english": "Go on, Ron. I ignored one from my gran once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后果...很恐怖的", "english": "It was horrible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗纳德·韦斯莱", "english": "Ronald Weasley!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么敢擅自偷走汽车 我真是气疯了", "english": "How dare you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爸现在要接受魔法部的调查", "english": "Your father's now facing an inquiry at work"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这都是你的错", "english": "and it's entirely your fault!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是敢再惹是生非", "english": "If you put another toe out of line,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们马上把你弄回来", "english": "we'll bring you straight home!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的金妮 恭喜你进了格兰芬多", "english": "And, Ginny, dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸和我都为你骄傲", "english": "Your father and I are so proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请允许我介绍", "english": "Let me introduce you to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们新的黑魔法防御术老师 也就是", "english": "your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本人", "english": "Me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉德罗·洛哈特", "english": "Gilderoy Lockhart,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅林爵士团三等勋章", "english": "Order of Merlin, Third Class,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反黑魔法联盟荣誉会员", "english": "honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但低调的我从不张扬", "english": "But I don't talk about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不是靠微笑驱逐万伦女鬼的", "english": "I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事先说明", "english": "Now, be warned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的职责是在这间教室里里", "english": "It is my job to arm you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教会你们对抗最邪恶的魔法生物", "english": "against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然只要有我在 你们就会毫发无损", "english": "Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请大家不要惊声尖叫", "english": "I must ask you not to scream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那样会激怒它们", "english": "It might provoke them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "康沃尔郡小妖精", "english": "Cornish pixies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚刚抓来的康沃尔郡小妖精", "english": "Freshly caught Cornish pixies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽情笑吧 斐尼甘先生", "english": "Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnegan"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狡猾的小妖精可是非常难缠的", "english": "but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你们怎么对付它们", "english": "Let's see what you make of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶到一起 他们不过是些小妖精", "english": "Come on now, round them up. They're only pixies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恼人害虫全部消失", "english": "Peskipiksi Pesternomi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我指派你们三个", "english": "I'll ask you three to just"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把剩下的小妖精抓回笼子里", "english": "nip the rest of them back into their cage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全部定身", "english": "Immobulus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么总是我", "english": "Why is it always me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个暑假我设计了新的魁地奇训练套路", "english": "I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得尽早训练 加大强度 加长周期", "english": "We're gonna train earlier, harder and longer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 不会吧", "english": "What? I don't believe it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们要去哪里 弗林特", "english": "Where you think you're going, Flint?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魁地奇训练场", "english": "Quidditch practice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天格兰芬多包场", "english": "I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那又怎么样 伍德 我有特令", "english": "Easy, Wood. I've got a note."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有点不对劲", "english": "Uh-oh. I smell trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本人 西弗勒斯·斯内普教授", "english": "\"I, Professor Severus Snape,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特许斯莱特林队今天使用场地", "english": "do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新的找球手 谁", "english": "You've got a new Seeker. Who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马尔福", "english": "Malfoy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的扫帚已经过时了", "english": "And that's not all that's new this year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉科的父亲送的", "english": "A gift from Draco's father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦斯莱 不像某些人", "english": "You see, Weasley, unlike some,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸再好的装备都能搞定", "english": "my father can afford the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰芬多队员可不是花钱入选的", "english": "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠得是真正的实力", "english": "They got in on pure talent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人跟你说话", "english": "No one asked your opinion,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你个肮脏的小泥巴种", "english": "you filthy little Mudblood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你太过分了 马尔福", "english": "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃鼻涕虫", "english": "Eat slugs!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事吧 罗恩", "english": "You okay, Ron?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说话啊", "english": "Say something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好恶心 能把他转过身来吗 哈利", "english": "Wow! Can you turn him around, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 科林 让开", "english": "No, Colin, get out of the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们带他去找海格", "english": "Let's take him to Hagrid's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他知道该怎么办", "english": "He'll know what to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这得需要专业设备", "english": "This calls for a specialist's equipment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能等它自己消停了", "english": "Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩要给谁念咒", "english": "Who was Ron trying to curse, anyway?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马尔福 他叫赫敏什么", "english": "Malfoy. He called Hermione..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不知道那是什么意思", "english": "Well, I don't know exactly what it means."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他叫我泥巴种", "english": "He called me a Mudblood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会吧", "english": "He did not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泥巴种是什么意思", "english": "What's a Mudblood?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "意思是肮脏的血统", "english": "It means \"Dirty blood. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泥巴种是对麻瓜出身孩子的蔑称", "english": "Mudblood's a foul name for someone who's Muggle-born."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父母都不会魔法 比如说我", "english": "Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是这样 哈利", "english": "See, the thing is, Harry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些巫师 比如马尔福家族", "english": "there are some wizards, like the Malfoy family"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "觉得所谓的纯血统", "english": "who think they're better"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是可恶", "english": "That's horrible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太恶心了", "english": "It's disgusting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么肮脏血统 一派胡言", "english": "And it's codswallop to boot. Dirty blood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在的巫师", "english": "Why, there isn't a wizard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关键是 咱们的赫敏", "english": "More to the point, they've yet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来 孩子", "english": "Come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别想那些 赫敏", "english": "Don't you think on it, Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗", "english": "Aye?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 哈利 哈利", "english": "Harry, Harry, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在有幸帮我", "english": "Can you possibly imagine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一起回粉丝的信", "english": "a better way to serve detention"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有比这更惬意的禁闭吗", "english": "than by helping me to answer my fan mail?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名声是个反覆无常的朋友 哈利", "english": "Fame is a fickle friend, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名人就该有名人的做派", "english": "Celebrity is as celebrity does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住这一点", "english": "Remember that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来", "english": "Come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来", "english": "Come"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这里", "english": "to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来我这里", "english": "Come to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么", "english": "Sorry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有声音", "english": "That voice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "声音", "english": "Voice?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没听到吗", "english": "Didn't you hear it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在说什么 哈利", "english": "What are you talking about, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得你有点困了", "english": "I think you're getting a bit drowsy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 怪不得 时候不早了", "english": "And great Scott, no wonder. Look at the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都写了四个小时了", "english": "We've been here nearly four hours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢乐的时光总是过的飞快 挺可怕的", "english": "Spooky how the time flies when one is having fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可怕", "english": "Spooky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "血腥", "english": "Blood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我闻到血腥味", "english": "I smell blood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要撕裂你", "english": "Let me rip you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要杀了你", "english": "Let me kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了你", "english": "Kill!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了你", "english": "Kill!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最初在洛哈特办公室听见", "english": "I heard it first in Lockhart's office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在又有了", "english": "And then again just-"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时候已到", "english": "It's time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它在移动 它要去杀戮了", "english": "It's moving. I think it's going to kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀戮", "english": "Kill?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 等等 跑慢点", "english": "Harry, wait! Not so fast!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇怪", "english": "Strange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从没见过蜘蛛这样爬行", "english": "I've never seen spiders act like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我讨厌蜘蛛", "english": "I don't like spiders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么", "english": "What's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继承者的敌人们 当心了\"", "english": "Enemies of the Heir... beware. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是用血写的", "english": "It's written in blood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是费尔奇的猫", "english": "It's Filch's cat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛丽丝夫人", "english": "It's Mrs. Norris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一个就是你了 泥巴种", "english": "You'll be next, Mudbloods."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了什么事 让开 让开", "english": "What's going on here? Go on. Make way, make way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特", "english": "Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什...", "english": "What are you...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛丽丝夫人", "english": "Mrs. Norris?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要杀了你", "english": "I'll kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要杀了你", "english": "I'll kill you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿格斯", "english": "Argus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿格斯 我", "english": "Argus, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人 除了", "english": "Everyone except..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们三个", "english": "... you three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉文克劳的同学 跟我来", "english": "Ravenclaws, follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它没死 阿格斯", "english": "She's not dead, Argus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是被石化了", "english": "She has been Petrified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道", "english": "Ah. Thought so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真可惜当时我不在场", "english": "So unlucky I wasn't there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但它是如何被石化的 就不好说了", "english": "But how she has been Petrified, I cannot say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问他 就是他干的", "english": "Ask him. It's him that's done it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们看见他在墙上写的字了", "english": "You saw what he wrote on the wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是这样的 先生 我发誓", "english": "It's not true, sir. I swear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我根本没碰洛丽丝夫人", "english": "I never touched Mrs. Norris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许 波特和他的朋友", "english": "Perhaps Potter and his friends"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是在错误的时间出现在了错误的地点", "english": "were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是", "english": "However,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确实存在一些疑点", "english": "the circumstances are suspicious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如我晚餐时就没见过波特", "english": "I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕这是因为我 西弗勒斯", "english": "I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上 哈利是在帮我回复粉丝来信", "english": "You see, Harry was helping me answer my fan mail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我和罗恩才去找他 教授", "english": "That's why Ron and I went looking for him, Professor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到他的时候 他说...", "english": "We'd just found him when he said..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们发现洛丽丝夫人时", "english": "We were heading back to the common room"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在回公共休息室的路上", "english": "when we found Mrs. Norris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有证据 就是无辜的 西弗勒斯", "english": "Innocent until proven guilty, Severus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的猫被石化了", "english": "My cat has been Petrified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得有人受到惩罚", "english": "I want to see some punishment!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以治好它的 阿格斯", "english": "We will be able to cure her, Argus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就我所知", "english": "As I understand it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯普劳特夫人培植了曼德拉草", "english": "Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等它们成熟 就能配制魔药", "english": "When matured, a potion will be made"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "治好洛丽丝夫人了", "english": "which will revive Mrs. Norris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在此期间", "english": "And in the meantime,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望大家小心行事", "english": "I strongly recommend caution"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都是", "english": "to all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先是你听见那种声音 别人都听不见", "english": "You hear this voice, a voice only you can hear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着洛丽丝夫人就被石化了", "english": "and then Mrs. Norris turns up Petrified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太奇怪了", "english": "It's just strange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们说我应该告诉他们吗", "english": "Do you think I should have told them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多和其他老师", "english": "Dumbledore and the others, I mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了吗", "english": "Are you mad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 哈利 即使在魔法世界", "english": "No, Harry. Even in the wizarding world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听见奇怪的声音 也不是个好兆头", "english": "hearing voices isn't a good sign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她说得对", "english": "She's right, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请大家注意一下", "english": "Could I have your attention, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天 我们要学习如何把动物", "english": "Now, today, we will be transforming animals"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变成高脚杯", "english": "into water goblets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像这样", "english": "Like so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三 外形剧变", "english": "One, two, three. Vera Verto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在看你们的了", "english": "Now it's your turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁愿意先来", "english": "Who would like to go first?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦斯莱先生", "english": "Mr. Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三 外形剧变", "english": "\"One, two, three. Vera Verto. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外形剧变", "english": "Vera Verto!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该换根魔杖了 韦斯莱先生", "english": "That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您能不能和我们说说", "english": "I was wondering if you could tell us about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "密室是怎么回事呢", "english": "the Chamber of Secrets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都知道", "english": "You all know, of course,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍格沃茨于一千多年前建校", "english": "that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "创办者是当时最伟大的四位巫师", "english": "by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戈德里克·格兰芬多 赫尔加·赫奇帕奇", "english": "Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗伊纳·拉文克劳 和萨拉查·斯莱特林", "english": "Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其中三位创办者相处融洽", "english": "Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨拉查·斯莱特林希望霍格沃茨", "english": "Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "招收学生时更挑剔一些", "english": "about the students admitted to Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他认为魔法教育", "english": "He believed magical learning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只应限于魔法家庭", "english": "should be kept within all-magic families."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是 纯血统巫师", "english": "In other words, pure-bloods."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他无法改变其他三人的看法", "english": "Unable to sway the others,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "于是决定离开学校", "english": "he decided to leave the school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱特林在这城堡中建了一个隐秘的房间", "english": "Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过 他在离开前不久 封闭了密室", "english": "Though, shortly before departing, he sealed it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等待他真正的继承人回到学校", "english": "until that time when his own true Heir returned to the school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有这个继承人", "english": "The Heir alone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "释放其中恐怖的东西", "english": "and unleash the horror within,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样就能净化学校", "english": "and by so doing purge the school"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "清除那些", "english": "of all those who"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在斯莱特林看来 不配学习魔法的人", "english": "in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麻瓜出身", "english": "Muggle-borns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人发现密室", "english": "No such chamber has been found."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传说有没有告诉我们 密室里是什么呢", "english": "What exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据说 密室里住着的东西", "english": "The Chamber is said to be home to something"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有斯莱特林的继承人才能控制", "english": "that only the Heir of Slytherin can control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人说 里面住着的", "english": "It is said to be the home"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一种怪兽", "english": "of a monster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们觉得是真的吗", "english": "Do you think it's true?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们说 真有这么个密室吗", "english": "Do you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 你还看不出来吗", "english": "Yes. Couldn't you tell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦格教授很担心 所有的老师都是", "english": "McGonagall's worried. All the teachers are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果真的有个密室", "english": "If there really is a Chamber of Secrets,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且已经打开 那就意味着", "english": "and it has been opened, that means..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱特林的继承人已经回到霍格沃茨了", "english": "The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问题是 是谁呢", "english": "The question is, who is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想一想", "english": "Let's think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最蔑视麻瓜出身的是谁", "english": "Who do we know who thinks all Muggle-borns are scum?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你说的是马尔福...", "english": "If you're talking about Malfoy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然是他 你听见他说的了", "english": "Of course. You heard him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听见了", "english": "I heard him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可马尔福能是斯莱特林的继承人吗", "english": "But Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许罗恩是对的 赫敏", "english": "Maybe Ron's right, Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看他们那家人", "english": "I mean, look at his family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们家族几个世纪都在斯莱特林", "english": "The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉布和高尔一定知道", "english": "Crabbe and Goyle must know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我们可以骗他们说出真话", "english": "Maybe we could trick them into telling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们也不会蠢到那个地步", "english": "Even they aren't that thick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过也许还有别的办法", "english": "But there might be another way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提醒你们 会很难", "english": "Mind you, it would be difficult."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且这方法很危险", "english": "And it'll be dangerous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常危险", "english": "Very dangerous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里 \"复方汤剂\"", "english": "Here it is. The Polyjuice Potion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变成另一个人的样子\"", "english": "into the physical form of another.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说 如果我和哈利喝了这东西", "english": "You mean if Harry and I drink that stuff,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是很有难度", "english": "But it's tricky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从没见过这么复杂的配方", "english": "I've never seen a more complicated potion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个月", "english": "A month?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是赫敏", "english": "But, Hermione,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果马尔福真是斯莱特林的继承人", "english": "if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时候 他都干掉一半麻瓜出身的学生了吧", "english": "he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们没别的办法了", "english": "But it's the only plan we've got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱特林队又进一球", "english": "Another goal for Slytherin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊", "english": "Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊", "english": "Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还好吧 疤头", "english": "All right there, Scarhead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当心点 哈利", "english": "Watch yourself, Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伍德 小心", "english": "Wood, look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 哈利被失控的游走球盯上了", "english": "Blimey! Harry's got himself a rogue Bludger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定是被谁动了手脚", "english": "That's been tampered with, that has."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来阻止它", "english": "I'll stop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 即便是正常的魔杖 也太冒险了", "english": "No! Even with a proper wand, it's too risky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能会击中哈利的", "english": "You could hit Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "练芭蕾舞呢 波特", "english": "Training for the ballet, Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你追不上我的 波特", "english": "You'll never catch me, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特抓住了金色飞贼", "english": "Harry Potter has caught the Snitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰芬多队胜利", "english": "Gryffindor wins!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不太好 我的胳膊好像断了", "english": "No. I think my arm is broken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心 哈利", "english": "Not to worry, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我马上治好你的胳膊", "english": "I will fix that arm of yours straightaway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 你别", "english": "No. Not you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这孩子都语无伦次了", "english": "Boy doesn't know what he's saying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一点都不疼的", "english": "This won't hurt a bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前臂修复", "english": "Brackium Emendo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 没错 有时候是会这样", "english": "Yes, well, that can sometimes happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但重点是", "english": "But the point is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会觉得痛了", "english": "you can no longer feel any pain,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且显然 一根骨头都没断", "english": "and, very clearly, the bones are not broken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没断 他骨头都没了", "english": "Broken? There's no bones left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是更灵活了", "english": "Much more flexible, though."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马尔福先生 别这么大惊小怪的", "english": "Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以走了", "english": "You can go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该直接来找我的", "english": "Should have been brought straight to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我眨眼的功夫就能把骨头修好", "english": "I can mend bones in a heartbeat,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可要让它们长回来...", "english": "but growing them back..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您也能做到 对吗", "english": "You will be able to, won't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当然能做到 但是会很疼", "english": "I'll be able to, certainly. But it'll be painful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一晚上会比较难熬 波特", "english": "You're in for a rough night, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长骨头可不怎么好受", "english": "Regrowing bones is a nasty business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还当是南瓜汁吗", "english": "What do you expect? Pumpkin juice?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀人", "english": "Kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀人", "english": "Kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该杀人了", "english": "Time to kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比", "english": "Dobby?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特应该听多比的话", "english": "Harry Potter should have listened to Dobby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特没赶上火车 就应该回家", "english": "Harry Potter should have gone back home when he missed the train."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来是你", "english": "It was you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你封死了隔墙 不让我和罗恩过去", "english": "You stopped the barrier from letting Ron and me through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 先生", "english": "Indeed. Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你差点害我和罗恩被开除", "english": "You nearly got Ron and me expelled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少能让你远离这里了", "english": "At least you would be away from here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特必须回家", "english": "Harry Potter must go home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比以为他的游走球", "english": "Dobby thought his Bludger"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定能让哈利·波特明白...", "english": "would be enough to make Harry Potter see-"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的游走球", "english": "Your Bludger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你让那个游走球来追我的", "english": "You made that Bludger chase after me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比感到非常难过 先生", "english": "Dobby feels most aggrieved, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比只得用熨斗烫自已的手", "english": "Dobby had to iron his hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁我骨头还没长好 你赶紧走", "english": "You better clear off before my bones come back,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心我掐死你", "english": "or I might strangle you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比已经习惯了死亡的威胁 先生", "english": "Dobby is used to death threats, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比在家每天都要被威胁五次", "english": "Dobby gets them five times a day at home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜你不会告诉我", "english": "I don't suppose you could tell me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么这么想害死我吧", "english": "why you're trying to kill me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是害你 先生 绝对不是", "english": "Not kill you, sir. Never kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比记得", "english": "Dobby remembers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特战胜连名字都不能提的魔头之前", "english": "how it was before Harry Potter triumphed over"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都是什么样的", "english": "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们家养小精灵被视为害虫 先生", "english": "We house-elves were treated like vermin, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 多比现在还是被当做害虫", "english": "Of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么穿着那东西 多比", "english": "Why do you wear that thing, Dobby?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个吗 先生", "english": "This, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是家养小精灵奴隶身份的象征", "english": "It is a mark of the house-elf's enslavement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有主人给多比衣服", "english": "Dobby can only be freed if his master"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比才能获得自由", "english": "presents him with clothes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着", "english": "Listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着", "english": "Listen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍格沃茨即将发生可怕的事", "english": "Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特一定不能待在这", "english": "Harry Potter must not stay here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为历史即将重演", "english": "now that history is to repeat itself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说 以前也发生过吗", "english": "You mean this has happened before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不该说出来的", "english": "I shouldn't have said that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下 多比", "english": "Stop it, Dobby!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我 多比", "english": "Tell me, Dobby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过去什么时候发生过 现在又是谁干的", "english": "When did this happen before? Who's doing it now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比不能说 先生", "english": "Dobby cannot say, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比只希望哈利·波特能平安无事", "english": "Dobby only wants Harry Potter to be safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 多比 告诉我 是谁", "english": "No, Dobby. Tell me. Who is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他放在这儿", "english": "Put him here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又是一起攻击事件", "english": "There's been another attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他是被石化了 庞弗雷夫人", "english": "I think he's been Petrified, Madam Pomfrey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧 或许他拍下了攻击者的照片", "english": "Look. Perhaps he managed to take a picture of his attacker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这意味着什么 阿布思", "english": "What can this mean, Albus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "意味着", "english": "It means"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的学生 现在处境十分危险", "english": "that our students are in great danger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他们 霍格沃茨不再安全了", "english": "Tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正如我们害怕的那样 米勒娃", "english": "It is as we feared, Minerva."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说 密室以前也被打开过", "english": "You mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 你还不明白吗", "english": "Of course. Don't you see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是卢修斯·马尔福在这上学时干的", "english": "Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等复方汤剂好了 我们就能知道了", "english": "We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁能告诉我", "english": "Enlighten me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么要大白天熬制复方汤剂", "english": "Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还要在女生盥洗室里", "english": "in the middle of the girls' lavatory?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不怕被人发现吗", "english": "Don't you think we'll get caught?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会的 没人会来这里的", "english": "No. No one ever comes in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁", "english": "Who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哭泣的桃金娘", "english": "Moaning Myrtle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哭泣的桃金娘是谁", "english": "Who's Moaning Myrtle?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是哭泣的桃金娘", "english": "I'm Moaning Myrtle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不指望你知道我呢", "english": "I wouldn't expect you to know me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁会想起难看的 可怜的", "english": "Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闷闷不乐的哭泣的桃金娘呢", "english": "moping Moaning Myrtle?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她有点多愁善感", "english": "She's a little sensitive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家过来", "english": "Gather round!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都过来", "english": "Gather round."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都看得见我吗", "english": "Can everybody see me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听得见我说话吗", "english": "Can you all hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鉴于近几周发生的黑暗事件", "english": "In light of the dark events of recent weeks,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开办这个决斗俱乐部", "english": "to start this little Dueling Club"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藉机训练大家", "english": "to train you all up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你们有一天能像我一样", "english": "in case you ever need to defend yourselves"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完整细节 详见我的书", "english": "For full details, see my published works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我介绍一下我的助手", "english": "Let me introduce my assistant,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普教授", "english": "Professor Snape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他慷慨的同意帮我做个示范", "english": "He has sportingly agreed to help with a short demonstration."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "示范过后 我会把你们的魔药课老师", "english": "You'll still have your Potions master"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完好地还给你们的", "english": "when I'm through with him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别害怕", "english": "Never fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一", "english": "One."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二", "english": "Two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意图其实很明显", "english": "it was pretty obvious what you were about to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我要阻止你 是不费吹灰之力的", "english": "If I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看最好还是先教学生们", "english": "Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎样阻挡恶意的咒语 教授", "english": "to block unfriendly spells, Professor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这提议太好了 斯内普教授", "english": "An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请两位同学上来", "english": "Let's have a volunteer pair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特 韦斯莱 你们来吧", "english": "Potter, Weasley, how about you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦斯莱的魔杖 施最简单的咒语都会出问题", "english": "Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没准我们得把波特装在火柴盒里", "english": "We'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "送到医院去", "english": "in a matchbox."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能从我的学院里找人吗", "english": "Might I suggest someone from my own house?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马尔福 可以吗", "english": "Malfoy, perhaps?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔杖就位", "english": "Wands at the ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒数三下", "english": "On the count of three,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "施咒解除对方的武器 只是解除武器", "english": "cast your charms to disarm your opponent. Only to disarm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不希望出事故", "english": "We don't want any accidents here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咧嘴呼啦啦", "english": "Rictusempra!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了 只是解除武器", "english": "I said disarm only."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乌龙出洞", "english": "Serpensortia!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动 波特 我来把它弄走", "english": "Don't move, Potter. I'll get rid of it for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我来吧 斯内普教授", "english": "Allow me, Professor Snape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "插翅升天", "english": "Alarte Ascendare!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蛇影无踪", "english": "Vipera Evanesca."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在玩什么把戏", "english": "What are you playing at?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个蛇佬腔 怎么都不告诉我们", "english": "You're a Parselmouth? Why didn't you tell us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 一次无意中", "english": "I know. I mean, I accidentally"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把一条巨蟒放出来攻击我表哥达力", "english": "set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就一次 那又怎么样", "english": "Once. But so what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打赌这里很多人都能做到", "english": "I bet loads of people here can do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 他们不能", "english": "No, they can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这天赋很不寻常 哈利", "english": "It's not a very common gift, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很不好", "english": "This is bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么不好的", "english": "What's bad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是我让那条蛇别攻击贾斯廷", "english": "If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来你在和它说这个", "english": "That's what you said to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就在旁边 你也听见了", "english": "You were there. You heard me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听见你说的是蛇佬腔 那是蛇的语言", "english": "I heard you speaking Parseltongue. Snake language."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了另一种语言", "english": "I spoke a different language?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我完全不知道", "english": "But I didn't realize..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么可能会一种语言 自己却不知道呢", "english": "How can I speak a language without knowing I can?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 哈利", "english": "I don't know, Harry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但听起来 你像是在怂恿那条蛇", "english": "but it sounded like you were egging the snake on or something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 听我说", "english": "Harry, listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱特林的象征是一条蛇 这是有原因的", "english": "There's a reason the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨拉查·斯莱特林就是蛇佬腔", "english": "Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也能和蛇交流", "english": "He could talk to snakes too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 整个学校都要认为", "english": "Now the whole school's gonna think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是他的曾曾曾孙还是什么了", "english": "you're his great-great-great grandson or something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我不是", "english": "But I'm not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会吧", "english": "I can't be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是一千年前的人", "english": "He lived a thousand years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就我们所知 你很可能是", "english": "For all we know, you could be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回头公共休息室见", "english": "I'll see you back in the common room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要血", "english": "I want blood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都得死", "english": "They all must die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀人", "english": "Kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀人", "english": "Kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀人", "english": "Kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该杀人了", "english": "Time to kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓个现行", "english": "Caught in the act."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次一定要开除你 波特", "english": "I'll have you out this time, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住我的话", "english": "Mark my words."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 费尔奇 不是这样的", "english": "No. Mr. Filch! You don't understand..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发誓不是我干的", "english": "I swear I didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这事我可管不了 波特", "english": "This is out of my hands, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授在等你", "english": "Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰镇柠檬汁", "english": "Sherbet Lemon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授", "english": "Professor Dumbledore?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事情想不明白吗 波特", "english": "Bee in your bonnet, Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想知道", "english": "I was just wondering"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自己是不是分错了学院", "english": "if you put me in the right house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我还是坚持去年的说法", "english": "But I stand by what I said last year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在斯莱特林会很出色的", "english": "You would have done well in Slytherin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你错了", "english": "You're wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他好多天一直是这副样子", "english": "He's been looking dreadful for days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真遗憾 你在涅盘日见到它", "english": "Pity you had to see him on a burning day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "福克斯是只凤凰 哈利", "english": "Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们将死的时候 就会自焚", "english": "They burst into flame when it is time for them to die"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后它们", "english": "and then they are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从灰烬里重生", "english": "reborn from the ashes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凤凰是奇妙的生物", "english": "Fascinating creatures, phoenixes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们负重能力超群", "english": "They can carry immensely heavy loads."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授 等等 听我说", "english": "Professor Dumbledore, sir! Wait! Listen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授 不是哈利", "english": "Professor Dumbledore, sir, it wasn't Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格", "english": "Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷静", "english": "Relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不认为", "english": "I do not believe..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 那我", "english": "Right. Well, I'll..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为不是我吗 教授", "english": "You don't think it was me, professor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 哈利", "english": "No, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为不是你", "english": "I do not think it was you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我得问你", "english": "But I must ask you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有什么事情想告诉我", "english": "is there something you wish to tell me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 先生", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么也没有", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以走了", "english": "Off you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切就绪", "english": "Everything's set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只需要一点变形目标的东西", "english": "We just need a bit of who you're changing into."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉布和高尔的", "english": "Crabbe and Goyle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还得确保 在问马尔福时", "english": "We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的克拉布和高尔不会闯进来", "english": "can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在这里面放了催眠药", "english": "I filled these with a simple Sleeping Draught."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很普通 但很强力", "english": "Simple, but powerful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们一睡着", "english": "Now, once they're asleep"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就把他们藏在扫帚柜里", "english": "hide them in the broomstick cupboard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拔下他俩的几根头发", "english": "and pull out a few of their hairs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿上他们的袍子", "english": "and put on their uniforms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米里森·伯斯德 斯莱特林的", "english": "Millicent Bulstrode. Slytherin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从她袍子上摘下来的", "english": "I got this off her robes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去检查一下复方汤剂", "english": "I'm going to go check on the Polyjuice Potion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要让克拉布和高尔发现", "english": "Make sure that Crabbe and Goyle find these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 还是我来吧", "english": "Ron, maybe I should do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 好吧", "english": "Yeah. Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨", "english": "Wingardium Leviosa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了", "english": "Cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是有多蠢", "english": "How thick could you get?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 快动手", "english": "Come on, let's get them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把头发加进去", "english": "Add the hairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉布的精华", "english": "Ugh. Essence of Crabbe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干杯", "english": "Cheers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "Me too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩", "english": "Ron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊", "english": "Bloody hell!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们声音没变", "english": "We still sound like ourselves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得学出克拉布的声音", "english": "You need to sound more like Crabbe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能去了 你们快走吧", "english": "I don't think I'm going. You go on without me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏 你没事吧", "english": "Hermione, are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧 别浪费时间", "english": "Just go. You're wasting time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想斯莱特林的公共休息室在这边", "english": "I think the Slytherin common room's this way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这做什...", "english": "What are you doing down..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 你在这做什么", "english": "I mean, what are you doing down here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可是个级长", "english": "I happen to be a school prefect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你们两个", "english": "You, on the other hand,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们叫什么来着", "english": "What are your names again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫...", "english": "I'm..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉布 高尔 你们去哪了", "english": "Crabbe, Goyle, where have you been?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直在礼堂里大吃大喝吗", "english": "Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么还戴眼镜", "english": "Why are you wearing glasses?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这做什么 韦斯莱", "english": "And what are you doing down here, Weasley?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注意你的态度 马尔福", "english": "Mind your attitude, Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下吧", "english": "Well, sit down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "韦斯莱居然是纯血统", "english": "You'd never know the Weasleys were pure-bloods,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧瞧他们那德行", "english": "the way they behave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是巫师界的耻辱 他们都是", "english": "They're an embarrassment to the wizarding world. All of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么了 克拉布", "english": "What's wrong with you, Crabbe?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肚子疼", "english": "Stomachache."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有报道攻击事件", "english": "hasn't done a report on all these attacks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是邓布利多把事情压住了", "english": "I suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸总是说邓布利多当校长", "english": "Father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算是这学校最倒霉的事", "english": "that ever happened to this place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你胡说", "english": "You're wrong!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说得好 高尔", "english": "Good one, Goyle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣人波特", "english": "Saint Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "竟然有人当他是斯莱特林的继承人", "english": "And people actually think that he's the Heir of Slytherin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你肯定知道幕后真凶是谁", "english": "But then you must have some idea who's behind it all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明知我不知道 高尔 我昨天说过", "english": "You know I don't, Goyle. I told you yesterday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你的吗", "english": "Is this yours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我爸说过", "english": "But my father did say this:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不告诉我是谁打开的", "english": "He wouldn't tell me who opened it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只知道那个人被开除了", "english": "Only that they were expelled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个泥巴种死了", "english": "a Mudblood died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以这次迟早", "english": "So it's only a matter of time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我", "english": "As for me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望死的是格兰杰", "english": "I hope it's Granger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们两个怎么回事", "english": "What's the matter with you two?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉好奇怪", "english": "You're acting very odd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他肚子疼", "english": "It's his stomachache."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷静点", "english": "Calm down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伤疤", "english": "Scar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "头发", "english": "Hair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们要去哪", "english": "Hey! Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏 出来吧", "english": "Hermione, come out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有好多事要告诉你", "english": "We've got loads to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走开", "english": "Go away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们自己看 很可怕", "english": "Wait till you see. It's awful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏", "english": "Hermione?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们还记得吗 我说过", "english": "Do you remember me telling you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "复方汤剂只能用来给人类变形", "english": "that the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从米里森·伯斯德的袍子上", "english": "It was cat hair"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看我的脸", "english": "Look at my face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你的尾巴", "english": "Look at your tail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和赫敏谈过吗", "english": "Have you spoken to Hermione?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恶心", "english": "Yuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像是哭泣的桃金娘把盥洗室淹了", "english": "Looks like Moaning Myrtle's flooded the bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又要拿什么东西砸我", "english": "Come to throw something else at me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我为什么要拿东西砸你", "english": "Why would I throw something at you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别问我 当时我在这 思考自己的问题", "english": "Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人觉得往我身上扔书挺好玩的", "english": "and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但即使有人扔东西砸你 你也不会痛啊", "english": "But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该会径直穿过去吧", "english": "I mean, it'll just go right through you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 大家一起拿书砸桃金娘吧", "english": "Sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反正她感觉不到", "english": "because she can't feel it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底是谁砸的你呢", "english": "But who threw it at you, anyway?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 我没看见", "english": "I don't know. I didn't see them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就坐在马桶圈上 想着死亡", "english": "I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "书就砸到了我脑袋上", "english": "and it fell through the top of my head. Uh-huh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔", "english": "\"Tom Marvolo Riddle. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫", "english": "My name is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特", "english": "Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于密室的", "english": "about the Chamber"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事情吗", "english": "of Secrets?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能", "english": "Can you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我吗", "english": "tell me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打扰一下 你能告诉我这是怎么回事吗", "english": "Excuse me. Could you tell me what's going on here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是汤姆·里德尔吗", "english": "Are you Tom Riddle?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 听得见吗", "english": "Hello, can you hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里德尔", "english": "Riddle!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来", "english": "Come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授", "english": "Professor Dumbledore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多", "english": "Dumbledore?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么晚在外闲逛可不好 汤姆", "english": "It is not wise to be wandering around this late hour, Tom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 教授 我想...", "english": "Yes, professor. I suppose I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得亲自看看谣言是不是真的", "english": "I had to see for myself if the rumors were true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕是的 汤姆 是真的", "english": "I'm afraid they are, Tom. They are true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于学校的谣言也是吗 我无家可归", "english": "About the school as well? I don't have a home to go to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不是真要关闭霍格沃茨吧 教授", "english": "They wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they, professor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我理解你 汤姆 不过恐怕", "english": "I understand, Tom, but I'm afraid"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迪佩特校长也没办法", "english": "Headmaster Dippet may have no choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 如果事情了结了", "english": "Sir, if it all stopped,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是有什么事", "english": "Is there something"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要告诉我", "english": "you wish to tell me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 先生 没事", "english": "No, sir. Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你可以走了", "english": "Very well, then. Off you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 先生", "english": "Good night, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不告发你了", "english": "I'm going to have to turn you in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你不是故意杀人", "english": "I don't think you meant it to kill anyone..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要 你不明白", "english": "You can't. You don't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个死去的女生 她父母明天就来", "english": "The dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把害死他们女儿的东西正法", "english": "that killed their daughter is slaughtered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是他", "english": "It wasn't him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉戈克从没杀过人 从没有", "english": "Aragog never killed no one. Never."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怪兽可不能当宠物 海格", "english": "Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝藏现身", "english": "Cistern Aperio!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重击巨蛛", "english": "Arania Exumai!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉戈克", "english": "Aragog!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉戈克", "english": "Aragog!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能放你走", "english": "I can't let you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会没收你的魔杖 海格", "english": "They'll have your wand for this, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会被开除", "english": "You'll be expelled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格", "english": "Hagrid!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格", "english": "Hagrid!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能是海格 不可能", "english": "It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们根本不认识这个汤姆·里德尔", "english": "We don't even know this Tom Riddle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着就像个讨厌又恶心的告密鬼", "english": "He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那怪物杀了人 罗恩", "english": "The monster had killed somebody, Ron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "换成我们会怎么办", "english": "What would any of us have done?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是海格是我们的朋友", "english": "Look, Hagrid's our friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么不直接去问他呢", "english": "Why don't we just go and ask him about it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定非常开心 你好 海格", "english": "That would be a cheerful visit. \"Hello, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我们 你最近有没有", "english": "Tell us, have you been setting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把什么又狂暴又毛茸茸的东西放进城堡", "english": "anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狂暴 毛茸茸 你们不会是在指我吧", "english": "Mad and hairy? You wouldn't be talking about me, now, would you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你手里拿的是什么 海格", "english": "What's that you've got, Hagrid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是鼻涕虫杀虫剂", "english": "It's Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为曼德拉草准备的", "english": "For the Mandrakes, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据斯普劳特教授所说", "english": "Now, according to Professor Sprout,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们还得再长一段时间", "english": "they've still got a bit of growing to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等他们的粉刺消失", "english": "But once their acne's cleared up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就把他们切片熬汁", "english": "we'll chop them up and stew them..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让医院里被石化的人", "english": "... and then we'll get those"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这期间 你们三个", "english": "In the meantime, though, you three..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊 纳威", "english": "Hello, Neville."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 我不知道是谁干的", "english": "Harry, I don't know who did it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你最好来看看 快点", "english": "but you'd better come. Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是格兰芬多的人 外人不知道口令", "english": "It had to be a Gryffindor. Nobody else knows our password."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非下手的人不是学生", "english": "Unless it wasn't a student."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管是谁干的 他们一定在找什么东西", "english": "Whoever it was, they must have been looking for something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们已经找到了", "english": "And they found it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤姆·里德尔的日记不见了", "english": "Tom Riddle's diary is gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 大家听好了", "english": "All right, listen up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打出我们的风格 赫奇帕奇不是对手", "english": "We play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们更强 更快 更聪明", "english": "We're stronger, quicker and smarter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且他们都被哈利吓破胆了", "english": "Not to mention they're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别说话 伍德", "english": "Silence, Wood. You and your"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在带着队友回格兰芬多学院", "english": "teammates will go to Gryffindor Tower. Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特 你和我去找韦斯莱先生", "english": "Potter, you and I will find Mr. Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有件事你们两个必须知道", "english": "There's something the both of you have to see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要提醒你们 可能有些震惊", "english": "I warn you. This could be a wee bit of a shock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏", "english": "Hermione!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在图书馆附近发现的", "english": "She was found near the library..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她手里拿着这个", "english": "... along with this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道这是怎么回事吗", "english": "Does it mean anything to either of you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鉴于最近发生的事件", "english": "Because of recent events,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "制订以下新条例 即刻生效", "english": "these new rules will be put into effect immediately:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有学生上课必须有老师陪同", "english": "All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无一例外", "english": "No exceptions. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不说", "english": "I should tell you this:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则学校可能要关门了", "english": "... it is likely the school will be closed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得找海格谈谈 我不相信是他", "english": "We've got to talk to Hagrid, Ron. I can't believe it's him..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果上次真的是他放走了怪物", "english": "... but if he did set the monster loose last time..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那他一定知道", "english": "... he'll know how to get"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎样进入密室 从这点着手", "english": "inside the Chamber of Secrets. That's a start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是麦格说了", "english": "But you heard McGonagall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非去上课 否则我们不能离开学院", "english": "We're not allowed to leave the tower except for class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就用我爸爸的隐形斗篷吧", "english": "I think it's time to get my dad's old cloak out again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗", "english": "Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗", "english": "Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了 进来吧 我刚泡了壶茶", "english": "It doesn't matter. Come on in. I just made a pot of tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格 你没事吧", "english": "Hagrid, are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 我好得很", "english": "I'm fine. I'm all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏的事你听说了吗", "english": "Did you hear about Hermione?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我们有事想问你", "english": "Look, we have to ask you something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道是谁打开了密室吗", "english": "Do you know who's opened the Chamber of Secrets?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 穿上斗篷", "english": "Quick, under the cloak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别说话 你们两个藏好了", "english": "Don't say a word. Be quiet, both of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能进来吗", "english": "I wonder, could we...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然可以 进来 进来", "english": "Of course. Come in. Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我爸爸的上司", "english": "That's Dad's boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法部长康奈利·福吉", "english": "Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况很糟 海格 非常糟", "english": "Bad business, Hagrid, very bad business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定得来", "english": "Had to come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三起麻瓜出身的袭击事件 事情闹得太大", "english": "Three attacks on Muggle-borns. Things have gone far enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道不是我 教授", "english": "You know I never, professor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "康奈利 我得告诉你", "english": "I want it understood, Cornelius..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对海格", "english": "... that Hagrid..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿布思 海格的记录对他很不利", "english": "Albus, look, Hagrid's record is against him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去哪儿 不会是阿兹卡班吧", "english": "Take me where? Not Azkaban prison."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我别无选择 海格", "english": "I'm afraid we have no choice, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经到了啊 福吉", "english": "Already here, Fudge?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来这儿干嘛 滚出我的房子", "english": "What are you doing here? Get out of my house!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话", "english": "Believe me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一点也不想走进你的这个", "english": "... I take absolutely no pleasure being inside your..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这也能算是房子", "english": "You call this a house?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是来找你的", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是有事来学校", "english": "I simply called up the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而他们告诉我校长在这儿", "english": "school and was told the headmaster was here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你找我到底有何贵干", "english": "Well, what exactly is it that you want with me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和其他的董事一致认为", "english": "The other governors and I"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们觉得你已经无法控制大局", "english": "I'm afraid we feel you've rather lost your touch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果袭击事件继续下去", "english": "Well, what with all these attacks..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麻瓜出身的学生恐怕就一个不剩了", "english": "... there'll be no Muggle-borns left at Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对学校来说无疑是个损失", "english": "an awful loss that would be to the school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不能赶走邓布利多教授", "english": "You can't take Professor Dumbledore away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没了他谁来保护麻瓜出身的学生", "english": "Take him away and the Muggle-borns won't stand a chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住我说的话 还会发生命案的", "english": "You mark my words, there'll be killings next!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么想吗", "english": "You think so?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷静点 海格", "english": "Calm yourself, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果董事们希望我离职", "english": "If the governors desire my removal..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我只好让位", "english": "... I will, of course, step aside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是请记住", "english": "However..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在霍格沃茨 只要有人请求帮助", "english": "... you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就一定会得到援助", "english": "... to those who ask for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是太感人了", "english": "Admirable sentiments."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Shall we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "福吉", "english": "Fudge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧 海格", "english": "Come, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗", "english": "Well?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果", "english": "If..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说如果有人想找东西的话", "english": "If anybody was looking for some stuff..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 这样走就对了", "english": "Yep. That would lead them right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想说的就这么多", "english": "That's all I have to say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不在的时候 请帮我喂牙牙", "english": "Oh, and someone will need to feed Fang while I'm away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好孩子", "english": "Good boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格说的对", "english": "Hagrid's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多不在了 每天都会有袭击发生", "english": "With Dumbledore gone, there'll be an attack a day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看", "english": "Look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧 牙牙", "english": "Come on, Fang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去哪儿", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没听到海格的话吗 跟着蜘蛛走", "english": "You heard what Hagrid said. \"Follow the spiders. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们可是去禁林啊", "english": "They're heading to the Dark Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么是蜘蛛呢 就不能跟着蝴蝶走吗", "english": "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be \"Follow the butterflies\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 我不喜欢这里", "english": "Harry, I don't like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在回去好吗", "english": "Can we go back now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟上", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁", "english": "Who is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要惊慌", "english": "Don't panic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格", "english": "Hagrid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你吗", "english": "Is that you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是海格的朋友", "english": "We're friends of Hagrid's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是 你是阿拉戈克 是吗", "english": "And you? You're Aragog, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格以前从没派人来找过我", "english": "Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他遇到麻烦了 学校里发生了袭击事件", "english": "He's in trouble. Up at the school, there have been attacks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们认定是海格干的", "english": "They think it's Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们认为是他打开了密室 像以前一样", "english": "They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Like before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格从来没打开过密室", "english": "Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个怪物是在城堡里出生的", "english": "The monster was born in the castle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是出生在他乡", "english": "I came to Hagrid from a distant land"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被旅人带过来的", "english": "in the pocket of a traveler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不是那怪物", "english": "But if you're not the monster,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们对它绝口不提", "english": "We do not speak of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们蜘蛛最惧怕它", "english": "It is an ancient creature we spiders fear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一种古老的生物", "english": "above all others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你见过它的样子吗", "english": "But have you seen it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了装我的盒子", "english": "I never saw any part of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我根本没见过城堡", "english": "the castle but the box in which I was kept."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那女孩死在盥洗室里", "english": "The girl was discovered in a bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们认为是我 海格就把我带到这", "english": "When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 谢谢你", "english": "Well, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该走了", "english": "We'll just go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走", "english": "Go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是留下吧", "english": "I think not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的子女们听我的话", "english": "My sons and daughters"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是送上门的美餐", "english": "But I cannot deny them fresh meat..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一路走好 海格的朋友", "english": "Goodbye, friend of Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在可以慌张了吗", "english": "Can we panic now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么咒语可用吗", "english": "Know any spells?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一个 不过蜘蛛太多了", "english": "One, but it's not powerful enough for all of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要赫敏的时候她却不在", "english": "Where's Hermione when you need her?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重击巨蛛", "english": "Arania Exumai!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了 我们出来了", "english": "Glad we're out of there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重击巨蛛", "english": "Arania Exumai!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快离开这儿", "english": "Get us out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快 再快一点", "english": "Come on! Come on, move faster!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 跑", "english": "Come on! Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞到天上去", "english": "Get us in the air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞行装置卡住了", "english": "The flying gear's jammed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟着蜘蛛走 跟着蜘蛛走", "english": "Follow the spiders. Follow the spiders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等海格从阿兹卡班出来 我就宰了他", "english": "If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他让我们去那干什么", "english": "I mean, what was the point of sending us in there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格从没打开过密室", "english": "Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是无辜的", "english": "He was innocent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真希望你也在那 赫敏", "english": "Wish you were here, Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你", "english": "We need you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比任何时候都需要", "english": "Now more than ever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏被袭击那天去图书馆就是为了这个", "english": "This is why Hermione was in the library the day she was attacked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在陆地上生活的诸多可怕野兽中", "english": "\"Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它的寿命长达数百年", "english": "Capable of living for hundreds of years..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蜘蛛见到它落荒而逃 这就对了罗恩", "english": "Spiders flee before it. \" Ron, this is it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怪不得我能听到它说话 那是一条蛇", "english": "That's why I can hear it speak. It's a snake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果和它对视就会送命", "english": "But if it kills by looking people in the eye,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么那些人都没有死", "english": "why is it no one's dead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为没人跟它对视过", "english": "Because no one did look it in the eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少不是直接对视", "english": "Not directly, at least."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科林透过他的相机看到了它", "english": "Colin saw it through his camera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾斯廷 贾斯廷一定是透过", "english": "Justin- Justin must have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差点没头的尼克爵士看到了它", "english": "seen the basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼克看得一清二楚", "english": "Nick got the full blast of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是他是鬼魂 不可能再死一次", "english": "But he's a ghost, he couldn't die again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏 手里有镜子", "english": "And Hermione had the mirror."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打赌 蛇怪出现时", "english": "I bet you she was using it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她正在用镜子观察四周的角落", "english": "to look around corners in case it came along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那洛丽丝夫人呢", "english": "And Mrs. Norris?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她肯定没有相机或者镜子 哈利", "english": "I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是水", "english": "The water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天晚上地上有水", "english": "There was water on the floor that night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她看到的只是蛇怪的倒影", "english": "She only saw the basilisk's reflection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么条恶心的大蛇 一定会被人看到", "english": "A dirty, great snake. Someone would have seen it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个问题赫敏也回答了", "english": "Hermione's answered that too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "管道 它利用了水管", "english": "Pipes? It's using the plumbing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她死在盥洗室里 她会不会没离开过", "english": "She died in a bathroom? What if she never left?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哭泣的桃金娘", "english": "Moaning Myrtle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有学生", "english": "All students"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有教师立即在二楼走廊集合", "english": "All teachers to the second-floor corridor immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都看到了", "english": "As you can see,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱特林的继承人又留下了一条信息", "english": "the Heir of Slytherin has left another message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们最担心的事发生了", "english": "Our worst fear has been realized."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必须立刻遣送学生回家", "english": "The students must be sent home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕霍格沃茨要关门大吉了", "english": "I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 打了个瞌睡 没错过什么吧", "english": "So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个女孩被怪物抓走了", "english": "A girl has been snatched by the monster,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛哈特 你大显身手的机会来了", "english": "Lockhart. Your moment has come at last."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说自己早就知道", "english": "... that you've known all along"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么定了", "english": "That's settled. We'll"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打怪兽的任务交给你了 吉德罗", "english": "leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毕竟 你的本领出神入化", "english": "Your skills, after all, are legend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题", "english": "Very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先回办公室去", "english": "I'll just be in my office getting..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备一下", "english": "Getting ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怪物抓走了谁 米勒娃", "english": "Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮·韦斯莱", "english": "Ginny Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮", "english": "Ginny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算洛哈特是个废物", "english": "Lockhart's maybe useless,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少把我们的发现告诉他", "english": "At least we can tell him what we know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教授 我们有些事情要告诉你", "english": "Professor, we have some information for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这是要出远门吗", "english": "Are you going somewhere?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 急事 没办法 非走不可", "english": "Well, yes. Urgent call. Unavoidable. Got to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妹妹的不幸遭遇 我深表同情", "english": "As to that, most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可是黑魔法防御术老师", "english": "You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么能这个时候撇下我们", "english": "You can't go now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得说 我受聘时", "english": "I must say, when I took the job,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你打算逃跑", "english": "You're running away?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不让人相信那些都是我做的", "english": "My books wouldn't have sold as"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个骗子", "english": "You're a fraud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把其他魔法师的英雄事迹算在自己头上", "english": "You've been taking credit for what other wizards have done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底会点什么", "english": "Is there anything you can do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说到这里 我最擅长的是遗忘魔咒", "english": "Yes, now you mention it. I'm rather gifted with Memory Charms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然一旦那些人说漏了嘴", "english": "Otherwise, all those wizards would have gone blabbing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的书就卖不掉了", "english": "I'd never have sold another book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实呢", "english": "In fact,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不让你们也失忆", "english": "I'm going to have to do the same to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想都不要想", "english": "Don't even think about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 哈利", "english": "Hello, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来这儿干嘛", "english": "What do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想问问你是怎么死的", "english": "To ask you how you died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时很恐怖", "english": "It was dreadful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥利弗·洪贝取笑我的眼镜 我就躲在这里", "english": "I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在哭 突然听到有人进来", "english": "I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁 桃金娘", "english": "Who was it, Myrtle?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 我当时心烦意乱", "english": "I don't know. I was distraught!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说了些奇怪的话 似乎是一种语言", "english": "But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听出那是个男孩", "english": "And I realized it was a boy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我开门出来告诉他滚远点 然后", "english": "so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有双巨大的黄色眼睛", "english": "... over there by that sink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这里", "english": "This is it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这里 罗恩", "english": "This is it, Ron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说点什么 哈利 用蛇语说点什么", "english": "Say something. Harry, say something in Parseltongue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真厉害 哈利 干得好 那我就先", "english": "Excellent, Harry. Good work. Well, then, I'll just be..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我留下也没什么用", "english": "There's no need for me to stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然有用", "english": "Yes, there is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先下去探探路", "english": "Better you than us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 显然 好吧", "english": "But- Obviously, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们确定不先下去看看吗", "english": "Sure you don't want to test it first?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你死了 欢迎和我共用一个马桶", "english": "If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 桃金娘", "english": "Thanks, Myrtle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 大家记住 如果听到响动", "english": "Now, remember: Any sign of movement,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走啊", "english": "Go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边", "english": "This way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他胆子可真大", "english": "Heart of a lion, this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冒险到此结束 孩子们 但是别担心", "english": "The adventure ends here, boys. But don't fret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们会知道我们的事迹", "english": "The world will know our story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来迟一步 没能救下姑娘", "english": "How I was too late to save the girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们两个见到她血肉模糊的尸体", "english": "How you two tragically lost your minds..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惊恐交加 失去理智", "english": "... at the sight of her mangled body."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先请吧 波特先生", "english": "You first, Mr. Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你的记忆永别吧", "english": "Say goodbye to your memories."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一忘皆空", "english": "Obliviate!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我又是谁", "english": "And who am I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛哈特的遗忘咒反弹了", "english": "Lockhart's Memory Charm backfired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不知道自己是谁", "english": "He hasn't got a clue who he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这地方真古怪 是吧", "english": "It's an odd sort of place, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你住在这里吗", "english": "Do you live here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想法把石块搬走", "english": "... and try and shift"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我们回来时好出去", "english": "some of this rock so we can get back through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮", "english": "Ginny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮 金妮 求你别死 醒醒 醒醒", "english": "Ginny! Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up, wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你快醒来", "english": "Please wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不会醒的", "english": "She won't wake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤姆 汤姆·里德尔 你为什么说她不会醒", "english": "Tom. Tom Riddle. What do you mean, she won't wake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她冷得像冰 金妮 不要死 醒来吧", "english": "She's cold as ice. Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得帮我 汤姆 这里有蛇怪", "english": "You've got to help me, Tom. There's a basilisk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人召唤的话 它不会出现", "english": "It won't come until it's called."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得离开这里 我们得救她", "english": "We've got to go. We've got to save her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我不能救她", "english": "I'm afraid I can't do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮越虚弱 我就越强大", "english": "You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 哈利 是金妮·韦斯莱", "english": "Yes, Harry, it was Ginny Weasley"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不可能 她不会这么做", "english": "No. She couldn't. She wouldn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是金妮放出蛇怪 猎杀泥巴种和费尔奇的猫", "english": "Ginny set the basilisk on the Mudbloods and Filch's cat..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她还在墙上留下恐吓的消息", "english": "... Ginny wrote the threatening messages on the walls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我其实很擅长说服别人", "english": "You'll find I can be very persuasive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然她也不知道自己在干什么", "english": "Not that she knew what she was doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她 可以说 被催眠了", "english": "She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且 日记的力量令她感到恐惧", "english": "Still, the power of the diary began to scare her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "于是她把日记丢在女厕所里", "english": "She tried to dispose of it in the girls' bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁能想到竟被你捡到", "english": "And then who should find it but you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这世上我最想见的人", "english": "The very person I was most anxious to meet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么想见我", "english": "And why did you want to meet me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道一定要和你说上话 能见面更好", "english": "I knew I had to talk to you, meet you if I could."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我决定让你看到我告发", "english": "So I decided to show you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个大笨蛋海格的回忆", "english": "my capture of that brainless oaf Hagrid..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你陷害的他 对吗", "english": "And you framed him, didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人相信海格", "english": "It was my word against Hagrid's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有邓布利多觉得他是无辜的", "english": "Only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜邓布利多早看透你了", "english": "I'll bet Dumbledore saw right through you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那之后 他确实对我严密监视", "english": "He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道自己再留在学校", "english": "I knew it wouldn't be safe to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开密室已经不现实了", "english": "open the Chamber again while I was at school..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "于是我决定留下一本日记", "english": "... so I decided to leave behind a diary..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以便他日可以引导别人", "english": "... so that one day I would be able to lead another..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完成萨拉查·斯莱特林的崇高事业", "english": "... to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这次不会得逞的", "english": "Well, you haven't finished it this time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几小时后 曼德拉草药汁就会配好", "english": "In a few hours, the Mandrake Draught will be ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有被石化的人都会得救", "english": "And everyone who was Petrified will be all right again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没告诉过你吗", "english": "Haven't I told you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀死泥巴种 对我已经不再重要了", "english": "Killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几个月以来 我的新目标就是你", "english": "For many months now, my new target has been you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个毫无出众魔法天赋的婴儿是怎么", "english": "How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "击败有史以来最伟大的巫师呢", "english": "... was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎能全身而退 只留一道伤疤", "english": "How did you escape with nothing but a scar..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而伏地魔的魔力却被摧毁呢", "english": "... while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么关心我怎么逃脱的 你那时伏地魔还没出现", "english": "Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔是我的过去 现在 和未来", "english": "Voldemort is my past, present and future."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你 你是斯莱特林的继承人", "english": "You. You're the Heir of Slytherin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会保留我那麻瓜父亲的肮脏姓氏吗", "english": "... I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father's name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我给自己重新取名", "english": "No. I fashioned myself a new name,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "待我成为世上最伟大的巫师", "english": "a name I knew wizards everywhere..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有巫师都要对这个名讳", "english": "... would fear to speak when"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿布思·邓布利多才是世上最伟大的巫师", "english": "Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用记忆就把邓布利多", "english": "Dumbledore's been driven"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从这座城堡驱逐了出去", "english": "out of this castle by the mere memory of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还会回来的", "english": "He'll never be gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要这里还有人忠诚于他", "english": "Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "福克斯", "english": "Fawkes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多就拿这个帮助他的拥护者", "english": "So this is what Dumbledore sends his great defender."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一只会唱歌的鸟和一顶破帽子", "english": "A songbird and an old hat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们来一较高下 萨拉查·斯莱特林的继承人", "english": "Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对阵大名鼎鼎的哈利·波特", "english": "... against the famous Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蛇佬腔可帮不了你 波特 它只服从我", "english": "Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter. It only obeys me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算啄瞎蛇怪的眼", "english": "Your bird may have blinded the basilisk,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它仍然能听声辨位", "english": "but it can still hear you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 波特 马上大功告成", "english": "Yes, Potter. The process is nearly complete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再过几分钟 金妮·韦斯莱就会死去", "english": "In a few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我将不再是回忆", "english": "and I will cease to be a memory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔将会卷土重来", "english": "Lord Voldemort will return..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起死回生", "english": "... very much alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮", "english": "Ginny?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多么不可思议啊", "english": "Remarkable, isn't it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蛇怪的毒液竟能如此迅速地游遍全身", "english": "... how quickly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你活不过一分钟了", "english": "I'd guess you have little more than a minute to live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你马上就能和亲爱的泥巴种母亲团聚了 哈利", "english": "You'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有意思 在愚蠢的小女孩手里", "english": "Funny, the damage a silly little book can do..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这又蠢又小的本子居然有这么大威力", "english": "... especially in the hands of a silly little girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要干什么", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手 不", "english": "Stop. No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮", "english": "Ginny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我干的 但我发誓 我不是故意的", "english": "It was me. But I swear, I didn't mean to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是里德尔强迫我的 还有", "english": "Riddle made me, and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 你受伤了", "english": "Harry, you're hurt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心", "english": "Don't worry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮 你得想办法出去", "english": "Ginny, you need to get yourself out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出密室一路走下去 就能找到罗恩", "english": "Follow the Chamber and you'll find Ron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真厉害 福克斯", "english": "You were brilliant, Fawkes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我反应不够快", "english": "I just wasn't quick enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凤凰的眼泪能疗伤", "english": "Phoenix tears have healing powers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了 金妮", "english": "It's all right, Ginny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都结束了", "english": "It's over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过是场回忆", "english": "It's just a memory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不可思议 简直像魔法一样", "english": "Amazing! This is just like magic!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们两个应该知道", "english": "You both realize, of course..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在过去的几小时中", "english": "... that in the past few hours,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们违反了无数条校规", "english": "you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 校长", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的所作所为足以被开除", "english": "There is sufficient evidence to have you both expelled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以 你们都将", "english": "Therefore, it is only fitting..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对学校的特殊贡献奖", "english": "... Special Awards for Services to the School."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢您 校长", "english": "Thanks, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 韦斯莱先生 请让猫头鹰", "english": "Now, Mr. Weasley, if you would..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把出狱证明送到阿兹卡班", "english": "... have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想 我们的猎场看守该回来了", "english": "I believe we want our gamekeeper back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先 我想感谢你 哈利", "english": "First, I want to thank you, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在密室中一定表现了对我的绝对忠诚", "english": "You must have shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才能将福克斯召唤过去", "english": "Nothing but that could have called Fawkes to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另外", "english": "And..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其次", "english": "... second..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我感觉有事困扰着你", "english": "... I sense that something is troubling you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说得对吗 哈利", "english": "Am I right, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是", "english": "It's just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "校长 我注意到", "english": "You see, sir, I couldn't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤姆·里德尔和我的相似之处", "english": "Certain similarities between Tom Riddle and me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白", "english": "I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会说蛇语 哈利 这是为什么", "english": "You can speak Parseltongue, Harry. Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我没猜错的话 哈利", "english": "If I'm not mistaken, Harry..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在给你留下伤疤时", "english": "... he transferred some of his powers to you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也将一部分魔力转移到了你身上", "english": "... the night he gave you that scar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔把自己的魔力转移给我", "english": "Voldemort transferred some of his powers to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他并非有意", "english": "Not intentionally..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但事实如此", "english": "... but yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以分院帽是对的 我应该去斯莱特林", "english": "So the Sorting Hat was right. I should be in Slytherin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 你身上有很多", "english": "It's true. You possess many"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔本人欣赏的品质", "english": "of the qualities that Voldemort himself prizes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "心志坚定 足智多谋", "english": "Determination, resourcefulness..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另外 恕我直言 还有不循规蹈矩", "english": "... and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 为什么分院帽把你分到格兰芬多呢", "english": "Why, then, did the Sorting Hat place you in Gryffindor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是你和伏地魔的区别", "english": "Which makes you different from Voldemort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的本性不由能力决定", "english": "It is not our abilities that show what we truly are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而在于我们的选择", "english": "It is our choices."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你想确定自己是否属于格兰芬多", "english": "If you want proof why you belong in Gryffindor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议你仔细看看这个", "english": "... then I suggest you look more closely at this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戈德里克·格兰芬多", "english": "Godric Gryffindor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有真正的格兰芬多人才能拔出这把剑", "english": "It would take a true Gryffindor to pull that out of the hat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比", "english": "Dobby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的主人就是他 你服侍马尔福家", "english": "So this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "待会再和你算账", "english": "I'll deal with you later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别挡路 波特", "english": "Out of my way, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来是真的 你回来了", "english": "So it's true. You have returned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当董事们得知亚瑟·韦斯莱的女儿", "english": "When the governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被抓进密室 他们觉得该请我回来", "english": "... was taken into the Chamber, they saw fit to summon me back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真可笑", "english": "Ridiculous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇怪的是 卢修斯 几位董事", "english": "Curiously, Lucius, several of them..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不同意驱逐我", "english": "that you would curse their families..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就会诅咒他们的家人", "english": "... if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这所学校的利益 和学生", "english": "... the welfare of this school..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一点不会改变", "english": "... and, of course, its students."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想 罪魁祸首已经查明了吧", "english": "The culprit has been identified, I presume?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Oh, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么", "english": "And?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁", "english": "Who was it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔", "english": "Voldemort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是 这次他选择通过这本日记", "english": "Only this time he chose to act through somebody else..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操纵他人", "english": "... by means of this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我了解了", "english": "I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所幸 他的把戏被年轻的波特先生识穿", "english": "Fortunately, our young Mr. Potter discovered it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要再落入无辜的人手中了", "english": "... should find their way into innocent hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将严惩不贷", "english": "... severe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特先生永远都能及时赶到 力挽狂澜", "english": "... that Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心 我能", "english": "Don't worry. I will be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟上 多比 走了", "english": "Come, Dobby. We're leaving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "校长 这本日记可以给我吗", "english": "Sir? I wonder if I could have that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马尔福先生", "english": "Mr. Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马尔福先生", "english": "Mr. Malfoy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你的东西", "english": "I have something of yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的 我听不懂你在说什么", "english": "Mine? I don't know what you're talking about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你心知肚明 先生", "english": "I think you do, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜那天在对角巷 你故意把这本日记", "english": "I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放到金妮·韦斯莱的坩埚里", "english": "... that day at Diagon Alley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什么证据", "english": "Why don't you prove it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧 多比", "english": "Come, Dobby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开它", "english": "Open it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比", "english": "Dobby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人给了多比一只袜子", "english": "Master has given Dobby a sock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 我没给你", "english": "What? I didn't give-"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人给了多比衣服", "english": "Master has presented Dobby with clothes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多比自由了", "english": "Dobby is free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你害我丢了仆人", "english": "You lost me my servant!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不准你伤害哈利·波特", "english": "You shall not harm Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和你的父母一样 是爱管闲事的傻瓜", "english": "Your parents were meddlesome fools too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住我的话 波特 总有一天", "english": "Mark my words, Potter. One day soon..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也会和他们下场一样", "english": "... you are going to meet the same sticky end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特给了多比自由 多比该怎么报答他呢", "english": "Harry Potter freed Dobby. How can Dobby ever repay him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再不要想着救我了", "english": "Never try to save my life again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 是赫敏", "english": "Harry. It's Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝贺你们 真不敢相信你们竟然成功了", "english": "Congratulations. I can't believe you solved it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸亏有你帮忙", "english": "We had loads of help from you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚宴开始前", "english": "Before we begin the feast..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请大家对斯普劳特教授", "english": "... let us have a round of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和庞弗雷夫人鼓掌致谢", "english": "applause for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多亏了他们的曼德拉草药汁", "english": "... whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被石化的人才能得救", "english": "... to all who had been Petrified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另外 鉴于学校近期发生的事件", "english": "Also, in light of the recent events..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学校决定", "english": "... as a school treat..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "取消所有考试", "english": "... all exams have been canceled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要啊", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉我来晚了", "english": "Sorry I'm late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我送出狱证明的", "english": "The owl that delivered"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是只叫埃罗尔的笨鸟", "english": "Some ruddy bird called Errol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是你们 哈利 罗恩", "english": "if it hadn't been for you, Harry, and Ron..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然还有赫敏", "english": "... and Hermione, of course..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在还得呆在阿兹卡班", "english": "... I would still be you-know-where..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想说 谢谢你们", "english": "... so I'd just like to say thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍格沃茨不能没有你 海格", "english": "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这帮该死的孩子", "english": "Bloody kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是越来越挑剔了 虫尾巴", "english": "How fastidious you've become, Wormtail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得 你原来可是住下水道的", "english": "As I recall, you once called the nearest gutter pipe home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不乐意伺候我了", "english": "has become wearisome for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不是 伏地魔大人", "english": "Oh, no. No, no, my Lord Voldemort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想", "english": "I only meant..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用那个男孩也可以", "english": "perhaps if we were to do it without the boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 他是关键", "english": "No! The boy is everything!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这件事必须按我说的办", "english": "And it will be done. Exactly as I said."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先要召集我们的老朋友", "english": "First, gather our old comrades."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发个信号提醒他们", "english": "Send them a sign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纳吉尼说 有个麻瓜老管家", "english": "Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别挡着门 虫尾巴", "english": "Step aside, Wormtail,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我好好欢迎一下客人", "english": "so I can give our guest a proper greeting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿瓦达索命", "english": "Avada Kedavra!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "Are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏 我做噩梦了", "english": "Hermione. Bad dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨天晚上", "english": "Last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒 醒醒 罗恩", "english": "Wake up! Wake up, Ronald!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天啊", "english": "Bloody hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点穿衣服吧", "english": "Honestly, get dressed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可别再睡着了", "english": "And don't go back to sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 罗恩 你妈妈说早饭都做好了", "english": "Come on, Ron! Your mother says breakfast's ready!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跟上", "english": "Keep up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚瑟", "english": "Arthur!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你终于到了", "english": "It's about time, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 阿莫斯 有人不太愿意起床", "english": "Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 这就是阿莫斯·迪戈里", "english": "This is Amos Diggory, everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我在部里的同事", "english": "Works with me at the Ministry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这帅小伙一定是塞德里克吧", "english": "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 先生", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边走", "english": "This way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅林的胡子啊 你就是哈利·波特吧", "english": "Merlin's beard! You must be Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迟到了可不好", "english": "We don't want to be late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 快到时间了 大家各就各位", "english": "Come on. Nearly there now. Get yourself into a good position."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么都围着那只破鞋", "english": "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该走了", "english": "Time to go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门钥匙是什么", "english": "What's a Portkey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "松手 孩子们", "english": "Let go, kids!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "青草的气味好闻吧", "english": "I'll bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快来看哪", "english": "Go on, look at that!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子们 欢迎来到魁地奇世界杯", "english": "Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别走散了 跟上 姑娘们", "english": "Stay together! Keep up, girls!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看哪", "english": "Look!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟上 姑娘们", "english": "Come on! Keep up, girls!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Blimey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各回各家吧 老伙计", "english": "Parting of the ways, I think, old chap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见了 塞德里克", "english": "See you later, Cedric."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "终于到家了", "english": "Home sweet home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吧", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姑娘们 选个床铺安顿下来吧", "english": "Girls, choose a bunk and unpack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 别在厨房里转悠了 我们都饿了", "english": "Ron, get out of the kitchen. We're all hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 别在厨房里转悠了", "english": "Yeah, get out of the kitchen, Ron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把脚放下来", "english": "Feet off the table!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把脚放下来", "english": "Feet off the table!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有魔法真棒", "english": "I love magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快来买本魁地奇世界杯比赛说明吧", "english": "Get your Quidditch World Cup programs here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 老爸 我们的座位到底有多高", "english": "Blimey, Dad. How far up are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么说吧", "english": "Well, put it this way:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果下雨", "english": "If it rains"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肯定头一个知道", "english": "you'll be the first to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和父亲坐在部长包厢", "english": "Father and I are in the minister's box"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "康奈利·福吉部长亲自邀请我们的", "english": "by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要吹嘘 德拉科", "english": "Don't boast, Draco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟这些人也没必要", "english": "There's no need with these people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁着还有机会", "english": "Do enjoy yourself, won't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好享受吧", "english": "While you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快上来就座了", "english": "Come on up. Take your seats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了 这么好的座位 等多久都值", "english": "I told you these seats would be worth waiting for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是爱尔兰队 那是特洛伊", "english": "It's the Irish! There's Troy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱尔兰 爱尔兰 爱尔兰", "english": "Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是谁", "english": "Who's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妹妹 那可是全世界最棒的找球手", "english": "That, sis, is the best Seeker in the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆 克鲁姆 克鲁姆", "english": "Krum! Krum! Krum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆", "english": "Krum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位晚上好", "english": "Good evening!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为魔法部长", "english": "As Minister for Magic"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我万分荣幸地在此", "english": "it gives me great pleasure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎各位的到来", "english": "to welcome each and every one of you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比赛现在", "english": "Let the match"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始", "english": "begin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆 克鲁姆 克鲁姆", "english": "Krum! Krum! Krum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆无人可及", "english": "There's no one like Krum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他像鸟一样 乘风驾云", "english": "He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "简直是位艺术家", "english": "He's an artist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威克多尔 我爱你", "english": "Viktor, I love you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的爱你", "english": "Viktor, I do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每当我们分开 我的心只为你跳动", "english": "When we're apart. My heart beats only for you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱尔兰人闹得好开心", "english": "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下 都别闹了", "english": "Stop! Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是爱尔兰人", "english": "It's not the Irish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得赶紧离开 快点", "english": "We've gotta get out of here. Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑啊 食死徒来了", "english": "Get out, it's the Death Eaters!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家回到门钥匙那里去 别走散了", "english": "Get back to the Portkey, everybody, and stick together!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德 乔治 金妮就交给你们了", "english": "Fred, George! Ginny is your responsibility."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 哈利", "english": "Harry! Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尸骨再现", "english": "Morsmordre!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找了你好久", "english": "We've been looking for you for ages!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还以为你走丢了呢 伙计", "english": "Thought we lost you, mate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昏昏倒地", "english": "Stupefy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我儿子", "english": "That's my son!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 哈利 赫敏 你们没事吧", "english": "Ron, Harry, Hermione, you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们返回来找哈利的", "english": "We came back for Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们谁施的咒语", "english": "Which of you conjured it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么罪案", "english": "What crime?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是黑魔标记 哈利 是他的符号", "english": "It's the Dark Mark, Harry. It's his mark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁 伏地魔吗", "english": "What, Voldemort?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚那些蒙着脸的 也是他的人吗", "english": "Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是食死徒", "english": "Death Eaters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往那边走了", "english": "There!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家这边走", "english": "All of you, this way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个人吗 哈利", "english": "A man, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁", "english": "Who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没看到他的脸", "english": "I didn't see his face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "买点吃的吗 亲爱的", "english": "Anything from the trolley, dears?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要一袋吹宝泡泡糖", "english": "Packet of Drooble's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再要一根甘草魔杖", "english": "... and a Licorice Wand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了 只要吹宝吧", "english": "On second thought, just the Drooble's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 我来付吧", "english": "It's all right, I'll get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吹宝就够了 谢谢", "english": "Just the Drooble's. Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个南瓜馅饼", "english": "Two Pumpkin Pasties, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要吃甜品吗 亲爱的", "english": "Anything sweet for you, dear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用了 我不饿 谢谢", "english": "Oh, no, I'm not hungry. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太恐怖了", "english": "This is horrible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么连魔法部都查不出是谁", "english": "How can the Ministry not know who conjured it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就没有什么安保措施吗", "english": "Wasn't there any security or...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多着呢 我爸说的", "english": "Loads, according to Dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在他们眼皮子底下", "english": "Happened right under their noses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伤疤又开始疼了 是不是", "english": "It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事", "english": "I'm fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小天狼星希望你写信告诉他的", "english": "You know Sirius will want to hear about this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世界杯上的事和你的梦", "english": "... what you saw at the World Cup and the dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海德薇 走吧", "english": "Hedwig. There we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让开跑道", "english": "Clear the runway!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这景致可不是天天有", "english": "Well, there's something you don't see every day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在大家都安顿好了", "english": "Well, now we're all settled in and sorted,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想宣布一件事情", "english": "I'd like to make an announcement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今年 这座城堡不仅是你们的家", "english": "This castle will not only be your home this year,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还将迎来一些特别的客人", "english": "but home to some very special guests as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍格沃茨被选中...", "english": "You see, Hogwarts has been chosen...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了", "english": "Yes, what is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他们稍等一等 等一等", "english": "Tell them to wait. Tell them to wait. Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚说到 霍格沃茨被选中", "english": "So Hogwarts has been chosen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主办一项传奇赛事", "english": "to host a legendary event:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三强争霸赛是在三所学校间", "english": "... the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "展开的一系列魔法竞赛", "english": "for a series of magical contests."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每所学校只选一名学生参赛", "english": "From each school, a single student is selected to compete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事先说明", "english": "Now let me be clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦被选中 你将孤军奋战", "english": "If chosen, you stand alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经受不起打击的 参赛前请三思", "english": "these contests are not for the faint-hearted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过这些可以日后再说", "english": "But more of that later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在请与我一同欢迎", "english": "For now, please join me in welcoming"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来自布斯巴顿魔法学院 美丽的姑娘们", "english": "the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和她们的校长马克西姆夫人", "english": "and their headmistress, Madame Maxime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天啊", "english": "Bloody hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 这女人个头真大", "english": "Blimey. That's one big woman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有我们来自北方的朋友", "english": "And now our friends from the north."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来自德姆斯特朗的骄子们", "english": "Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和他们的校长 伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫", "english": "and their high master, lgor Karkaroff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是克鲁姆", "english": "Oh, it's Krum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 真的是他", "english": "Blimey, it's him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威克多尔·克鲁姆", "english": "Viktor Krum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿布思", "english": "Albus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊戈尔", "english": "Igor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授 我的马匹一路辛劳", "english": "Professor Dumbly-dorr, my horses have traveled a long way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的猎场看守海格一定能照顾好", "english": "Our gamekeeper, Hagrid, is more than capable of seeing to them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格先生 你得知道", "english": "But you know, Monsieur Hagrid"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们只喝纯麦芽威士忌", "english": "they drink only single-malt whiskey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这蠢货", "english": "You idiot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请大家注意", "english": "Your attention, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有几句话要说", "english": "I'd like to say a few words."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永恒的荣耀", "english": "Eternal glory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赢得三强杯的学生", "english": "who wins the Triwizard Tournament."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但要获得这荣耀 必须完成三项任务", "english": "But to do this, that student must survive three tasks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这三项任务都异常艰险", "english": "Three extremely dangerous tasks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "够狠", "english": "Wicked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此 魔法部决定引入新的规则", "english": "For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面将由", "english": "To explain all this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国际魔法合作司司长", "english": "we have the head of the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向大家解释这个新规则", "english": "Department of lnternational Magical Cooperation"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴蒂·克劳奇先生", "english": "Mr. Bartemius Crouch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 是疯眼汉穆迪", "english": "Bloody hell. It's Mad-Eye Moody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "专抓黑巫师的", "english": "Dark-wizard catcher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿兹卡班一半的人都是他扔进去的", "english": "Half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说他最近疯疯癫癫的", "english": "He's supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得他喝的是什么", "english": "What's that he's drinking, do you suppose?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 肯定不是南瓜汁", "english": "I don't know, but I don't think it's pumpkin juice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经过深思熟虑", "english": "After due consideration,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了学生自身安全 魔法部决定", "english": "the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不得报名参加三强争霸赛", "english": "to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是胡扯 简直是胡闹", "english": "That's rubbish! You don't know what you're doing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想参加三强争霸赛的同学", "english": "Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只需将姓名写在一张羊皮纸上", "english": "need only write their name upon a piece of parchment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提交前请仔细考虑", "english": "Do not do so lightly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦选中 就不能反悔", "english": "If chosen, there's no turning back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三强争霸赛自此拉开序幕", "english": "As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉斯托·穆迪", "english": "Alastor Moody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前傲罗", "english": "Ex-Auror,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法部的叛逆者", "english": "Ministry malcontent,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们黑魔法防御术课的新老师", "english": "and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应邓布利多邀请而来", "english": "I am here because Dumbledore asked me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有问题吗", "english": "Any questions?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我更相信实践出真知", "english": "I believe in a practical approach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过首先 谁能告诉我", "english": "But first, which of you can"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可饶恕咒一共有几个", "english": "tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为它们不可饶恕 使用任何一个", "english": "Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就别想出阿兹卡班了 没错", "english": "Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法部觉得这些咒语少儿不宜", "english": "The Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不这么想", "english": "I say different!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得知道对手能做出什么", "english": "You need to know what you're up against!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得时刻做好准备", "english": "You need to be prepared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得另找个地方粘你的口香糖", "english": "You need to find another place to put your chewing gum"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许粘在课桌下面 斐尼甘先生", "english": "besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吧", "english": "No way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这死老头居然能看到脑袋后面", "english": "The old codger can see out the back of his head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还能听到后面呢", "english": "And hear across classrooms!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么先展示哪个呢", "english": "So which curse shall we see first?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起来", "english": "Stand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说个咒语吧", "english": "Give us a curse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸曾经跟我讲过一个", "english": "Well, my dad did tell me about one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 你父亲肯定知道那个咒语", "english": "Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当年可是给部里惹了不少麻烦", "english": "Gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你解释下为什么", "english": "Perhaps this will show you why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂亮的小美人", "english": "Lovely little beauty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "速速变大", "english": "Engorgio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魂魄出窍", "english": "Imperio!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心 她不会伤人的", "english": "Don't worry. It's completely harmless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但要是她咬一口", "english": "If she bites"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就死了", "english": "she's lethal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你笑什么呢", "english": "What are you laughing at?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快拿开", "english": "Get off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她真有才 是不是", "english": "Talented, isn't she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面该让她做什么呢 从窗户跳出去", "english": "What should I have her do next? Jump out the window?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把自己淹死", "english": "Drown herself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因为受了夺魂咒的控制", "english": "under the influence of the Imperius Curse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但问题是", "english": "But here's the rub:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们怎么知道谁在撒谎", "english": "How do we sort out the liars?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有谁 再说一个", "english": "Another, another."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 来吧", "english": "Up, up. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是隆巴顿吧", "english": "Longbottom, is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起来", "english": "Up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯普劳特教授告诉我", "english": "Professor Sprout tells me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很有草药学的天赋", "english": "you have an aptitude for herbology."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一个", "english": "There's the...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫钻心咒", "english": "The Cruciatus Curse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个特别惨", "english": "Particularly nasty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "折磨人的咒语", "english": "The torture curse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钻心剜骨", "english": "Crucio!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快停下 你没看到他受不了吗", "english": "Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后一个不可饶恕咒", "english": "Perhaps you could give us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就你由来告诉大家吧 格兰杰小姐", "english": "the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不愿意", "english": "No?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿瓦达索命", "english": "Avada Kedavra!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被施咒的人 只有一位逃过一死", "english": "Only one person is known to have survived it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他此刻就坐在这间屋子里", "english": "and he's sitting in this room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他真是棒极了 你不觉得吗", "english": "Brilliant, isn't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但脑子绝对有问题", "english": "Completely demented, of course,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟他同处一室也挺可怕的", "english": "and terrifying to be in the same room with,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他真是见过世面的人", "english": "but he's really been there,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可是亲身经历过的", "english": "you know? He's looked evil in the eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可饶恕咒这个名字不是白来的", "english": "There's a reason those curses are unforgivable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "居然在教室里演示", "english": "To perform them in a classroom...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看纳威的脸色", "english": "I mean, did you see Neville's face?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纳威", "english": "Neville?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子", "english": "Son?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗", "english": "You all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 来喝杯茶", "english": "Come on. We'll have a cup of tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有东西给你看", "english": "I want to show you something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要迟到了", "english": "We're gonna be late!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油 塞德里克 放进去", "english": "Come on, Cedric. Put it in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永恒的荣耀 想想就很棒", "english": "Eternal glory. Be brilliant, wouldn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去吧 我可不去", "english": "Yeah, rather you than me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成了", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 谢谢", "english": "Thank you, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会管用的", "english": "It's not going to work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到没 这是年龄界线", "english": "You see this? This is an Age Line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多亲自画的", "english": "Dumbledore drew it himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那又怎么样", "english": "So?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像邓布利多那样的天才怎么可能被", "english": "So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "增龄剂这种破玩意骗过去", "english": "...by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破玩意才高明", "english": "But that's why it's so brilliant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破玩意他才想不到", "english": "Because it's so pathetically dimwitted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗 弗雷德", "english": "Ready, Fred?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了 乔治", "english": "Ready, George."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗", "english": "Ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是老一套吗", "english": "We're \"Old school,\" Right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 但是没你老", "english": "Yeah, but you look older!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是万众期待的时刻", "english": "Now the moment you've all been waiting for:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德姆斯特朗的勇士是威克多尔·克鲁姆", "english": "The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布斯巴顿的勇士是", "english": "The champion for Beauxbatons..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芙蓉·德拉库尔", "english": "...is Fleur Delacour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍格沃茨的勇士 塞德里克·迪戈里", "english": "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了 现在三位勇士都选出来了", "english": "Excellent! We now have our three champions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但最后 只有一位能载入史册", "english": "But in the end, only one will go down in history."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有一位可以举起这冠军之杯", "english": "Only one will hoist this chalice of champions..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这胜利之杯", "english": "...this vessel of victory..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不", "english": "No. No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧 哈利", "english": "Go on, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他作弊", "english": "He's a cheat!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没把名字投进火焰杯吧", "english": "Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 先生", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有请年纪大一点儿的同学", "english": "Did you ask one of the older students..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火焰杯是法力十分高强的法器", "english": "The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要特别强大的混淆咒", "english": "Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四年级的孩子可没这个能力", "english": "Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好像动了不少脑筋呢 疯眼汉", "english": "You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前的工作", "english": "It was once my job"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必须用黑巫师的方式思考 卡卡洛夫", "english": "to think as dark wizards do, Karkaroff..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该没忘", "english": "...perhaps you remember."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别说没用的 阿拉斯托", "english": "This doesn't help, Alastor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来决定吧 巴蒂", "english": "Leave this to you, Barty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须遵守章程", "english": "The rules are absolute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火焰杯的选择有魔法约束着", "english": "The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特先生没有选择", "english": "Mr. Potter has no choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从今晚开始 他就是", "english": "He is, as of tonight..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三强杯的勇士", "english": "...a Triwizard champion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能再这么下去了 阿不思", "english": "This can't go on, Albus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先是黑魔标记 现在又来这个", "english": "First the Dark Mark. Now this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得我们该怎么做 米勒娃", "english": "What do you suggest, Minerva?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结束它", "english": "Put an end to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别让波特参赛", "english": "Don't let Potter compete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴蒂说了 必须遵守章程", "english": "You heard Barty. The rules are clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让巴蒂和他的章程去死吧", "english": "Well, the devil with Barty and his rules."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "校长 我也认为", "english": "Headmaster, I, too, find"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 如果我们", "english": "However, if we are to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "静观其变", "english": "...let them unfold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 什么都不做吗", "english": "What--? Do nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿他当诱饵", "english": "Offer him up as bait?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特是个孩子 不是块肉", "english": "Potter is a boy, not a piece of meat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我同意西弗勒斯", "english": "I agree. With Severus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉斯托 看着点哈利 好吗", "english": "Alastor, keep an eye on Harry, will you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上面对的挑战", "english": "He must be anxious enough as it is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就够他头疼的了", "english": "...knowing what lies ahead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们又何尝不是", "english": "Then again, we all are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么做到的", "english": "How did you do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了 不重要", "english": "Never mind. Doesn't matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过还是跟好哥们说一声的好", "english": "Might've let your best friend know, though."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又不想这样 罗恩", "english": "I didn't ask for this to happen, Ron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩·韦斯莱 哈利·波特的白痴朋友", "english": "Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's stupid friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没把名字投进高脚杯", "english": "I didn't put my name in that cup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想要什么永恒的荣耀 我只想", "english": "I don't want eternal glory. I just wanna be...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道今晚是怎么了", "english": "Look, I don't know what happened tonight,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也不知道为什么", "english": "and I don't know why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但就是这样", "english": "It just did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚吧", "english": "Piss off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多好的四人组啊", "english": "What a charismatic quartet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是丽塔·斯基特", "english": "I'm Rita Skeeter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为《预言家日报》供稿", "english": "I write for the Daily Prophet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这你们都知道了吧", "english": "But of course you know that, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在要让大家知道你们", "english": "It's you we don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们最有料", "english": "You're the juicy news."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这张粉嘟嘟的小脸蛋迷倒了多少人", "english": "What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这身肌肉又掩盖了多少秘密", "english": "What mysteries do the muscles mask?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这卷发下的小脑袋里有多少勇气", "english": "Does courage lie beneath those curls?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "简而言之 怎么才能成为勇士", "english": "In short, what makes a champion tick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的专栏想了解 疯狂的读者们更想知道", "english": "\"Me, Myself & I\" want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么谁想谈谈", "english": "So who's feeling up to sharing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从最小的开始 就这么定了", "english": "Shall we start with the youngest? Lovely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真\"舒服\"", "english": "This is cozy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是放扫帚的隔间", "english": "It's a broom cupboard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肯定特别熟悉", "english": "You should feel right at home, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不介意我用速记羽毛笔吧", "english": "Don't mind if I use a Quick-Quotes Quill, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不介意", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 哈利", "english": "So tell me, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就要和三个学生竞争", "english": "--about to compete against three students..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不仅情感上远比你成熟", "english": "...not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还掌握了你做梦都不敢想的", "english": "...but who have mastered spells that you wouldn't attempt..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你紧张吗", "english": "Concerned?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 我没想过这些", "english": "I don't know. I haven't really thought about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别管那支笔", "english": "Just ignore the quill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过 当然", "english": "Then, of course,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是否认为 是你过去所受的创伤", "english": "Do you think it was the trauma of your past..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你渴望报名 来冒这个险吗", "english": "...that made you so keen to enter such a dangerous tournament?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没有报名", "english": "No, I didn't enter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然没有", "english": "Of course you didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都喜欢叛逆 哈利", "english": "Everyone loves a rebel, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "划掉上一句", "english": "Scratch that last."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说到你的父母 如果他们还活着的话", "english": "Speaking of your parents, were they alive,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得他们现在会怎么想", "english": "how do you think they'd feel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骄傲 还是担心", "english": "Proud? Or concerned..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你的做法", "english": "...that your attitude shows,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往好了说 是病态地渴求关注", "english": "at best, a pathological need for attention..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往坏了说 就是不想活了", "english": "...at worst, a psychotic death wish?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的眼睛可没有", "english": "Hey, my eyes aren't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 我不能冒险用海德薇", "english": "Harry, I couldn 't risk sending Hedwig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世界杯之后", "english": "Since the World Cup,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法部一直在拦截猫头鹰", "english": "the Ministry's been intercepting more and more owls..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海德薇太显眼了", "english": "...and she 's too easily recognized."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要当面谈谈 哈利", "english": "We need to talk, Harry, face-to-face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "务必单独见我", "english": "And make sure you 're alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小天狼星", "english": "Sirius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又及 那只猫头鹰会咬人", "english": "P.S. The bird bites."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小天狼星", "english": "Sirius?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位疑云密布的参赛者", "english": "...suspect entrant in the Triwizard Tournament."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "双眼饱含过去的阴影", "english": "His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "压抑着泪水", "english": "...and choking back tears...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小天狼星 你怎", "english": "Sirius. How--?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有把你的名字投进火焰杯里", "english": "Did you or did you not put your name into the Goblet of Fire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我总得问一下", "english": "I had to ask."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你提到了虫尾巴和伏地魔", "english": "You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "房间里另一个人是谁", "english": "But who was the third man in the room?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔给他安排了任务 很重要的事", "english": "Voldemort was giving him a job to do. Something important."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想要", "english": "He wanted..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我", "english": "...me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道为什么", "english": "I don't know why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要通过那个人接近我", "english": "But he was gonna use this man to get to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 这只是个梦 不是吗", "english": "But, I mean, it was only a dream, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这只是个梦", "english": "It's just a dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 哈利", "english": "Look, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世界杯上的食死徒", "english": "The Death Eaters at the World Cup,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你被火焰杯选中", "english": "your name rising from that Goblet..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这可不是巧合 霍格沃兹已经不安全了", "english": "...these are not just coincidences. Hogwarts isn't safe anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么意思", "english": "What are you saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说这里就有敌人 伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫", "english": "I'm saying the devils are inside the walls. Igor Karkaroff?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他以前是个食死徒", "english": "He was a Death Eater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有一个食死徒可以改邪归正", "english": "And no one, no one stops being a Death Eater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有巴蒂·克劳奇", "english": "Then there's Barty Crouch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "铁石心肠 把自己的儿子送进了阿兹卡班", "english": "Heart of stone. Sent his own son to Azkaban."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得是他们把我的名字放进火焰杯的吗", "english": "You think one of them put my name in the Goblet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是不管是谁 一定不怀好意", "english": "...but whoever did is no friend to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "争霸赛一直都有人丧生", "english": "People die in this tournament."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在跟谁说话呢", "english": "Who were you talking to?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是", "english": "You're probably just"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太神奇了", "english": "Amazing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穆迪给我的 那天我们喝茶的时候", "english": "Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传这么多人累不累", "english": "It's already been through enough people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 这是你自己的问题 不是我的", "english": "Ron, this is your problem, not mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我说什么来着", "english": "What do you want me to say again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧", "english": "Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩要我告诉你 西莫说", "english": "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听见帕瓦蒂告诉迪安 海格在找你", "english": "...that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帕瓦蒂告诉迪安", "english": "Dean was told by Parvati that...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你别让我再说一遍了", "english": "Please don't ask me to say it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格在找你", "english": "Hagrid's looking for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有听我的 带着隐形衣", "english": "Did you bring your father's cloak, like I asked you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带着呢 海格 我们这是去哪", "english": "Yeah, I brought the cloak. Hagrid, where are we going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上你就知道了", "english": "You'll see soon enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注意力集中点 这很重要", "english": "Now pay attention, this is important."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "花是干嘛的", "english": "What's with the flower?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格 你是不是梳头了", "english": "Hagrid, have you combed your hair?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格", "english": "Hagrid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "隐形衣 披上隐形衣", "english": "The cloak! Put the cloak on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为你不来了 我还以为", "english": "I thought perhaps you weren't coming. I thought perhaps..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经忘记我了", "english": "...you had forgotten me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么会忘记你 奥利姆", "english": "Couldn't forget you, Olympe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想给我看什么", "english": "What is it you wanted to show me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们之前说话的时候 你听着", "english": "When we spoke earlier, you sounded so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很兴奋", "english": "...exhilarated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会失望的 相信我", "english": "You'll be glad you came. Trust me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不得了[法语]", "english": "Ah, c'est magnifique."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能靠近点吗", "english": "Can we get closer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火龙", "english": "Dragons?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是第一个项目", "english": "That's the first task?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过 说实话", "english": "Although, I have to admit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只树蜂是真不好对付", "english": "that Horntail is a right nasty piece of work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小罗恩看到了差点晕过去", "english": "Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing him, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他哥哥查理把龙从罗马尼亚带过来的", "english": "His brother Charlie helped to bring him over from Romania."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩没告诉你吗", "english": "Didn't Ron tell you that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 没有", "english": "No, he didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他什么都没跟我说", "english": "He didn't tell me a thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你作弊 波特", "english": "You cheat, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是臭大粪 波特", "english": "You stink, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢这徽章吗", "english": "Like the badge?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让一下", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看徽章 波特", "english": "Hey! Read the badge, Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借一步说话", "english": "Can I have a word?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特 你真是臭大粪", "english": "Potter, you stink!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特臭死了", "english": "Harry Potter smells!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火龙 那是第一个项目", "english": "Dragons. That's the first task."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肯定吗", "english": "Are you serious?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芙蓉和克鲁姆 他们", "english": "And Fleur and Krum, do they--?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我故意要搞砸的", "english": "It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么发生了", "english": "It just happens a fair bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是个白痴 知道吗", "english": "You're a right foul git, you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有事吗", "english": "Anything else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是波特 作弊", "english": "There's Potter. Cheat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么紧张干什么 波特", "english": "Why so tense, Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟我爸打了个赌", "english": "My father and I have a bet, you see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不同意 他说最多五分钟", "english": "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不管你爸怎么想 马尔福", "english": "I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他卑鄙 残忍 而你可悲到家了", "english": "He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最看不惯在背后攻击别人的人", "english": "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肮脏 卑鄙 胆小鬼", "english": "You stinking, cowardly, scummy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是 那是个学生吗", "english": "Is that a--? Is that a student?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "严格来说 是只白鼬", "english": "Technically, it's a ferret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道的你爸的事", "english": "I could tell you stories about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保管让你听了寒毛直竖", "english": "your father that would curl even your greasy hair!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们从不使用变形作为惩罚", "english": "We never use transfiguration as a punishment!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多肯定告诉过你", "english": "Surely Dumbledore told you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他大概也许说过吧", "english": "He might've mentioned it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 跟我来", "english": "You. Come with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我的照妖镜", "english": "That's a Foe-Glass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我时刻警惕敌人", "english": "Lets me keep an eye on my enemies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我能看到他们的眼白", "english": "If I can see the whites of their eyes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我就得小心了", "english": "they're standing right behind me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就不告诉你里边是什么了", "english": "Wouldn't even bother telling you what's in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说了你也不信", "english": "You wouldn't believe it if I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "Now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你准备怎么对付你的火龙", "english": "...what are you going to do about your dragon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个 我觉得应该", "english": "Well, you know, I just thought l'd...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下", "english": "Sit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说 波特", "english": "Listen to me, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的哥们迪戈里", "english": "Your pal Diggory?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像你这么大的时候 已经能把口哨", "english": "By your age, he could turn a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变成能唱歌报时的手表了", "english": "whistle into a watch and have it sing you the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉库尔小姐", "english": "Miss Delacour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可绝对不是花瓶", "english": "She's as much a fairy princess as I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至于克鲁姆 他满脑子都是浆糊", "english": "As for Krum, his head may be filled with sawdust..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是卡卡洛夫不一样", "english": "but Karkaroff's is not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会想出战术的", "english": "They'll have a strategy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来帮助克鲁姆发挥他的优势", "english": "And you can bet that it will play to Krum's strengths."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想 波特", "english": "Come on, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的优势是什么", "english": "What are your strengths?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我会飞 而且飞得不错 可是", "english": "Well, I can fly. I mean, I'm a fair flyer. But l...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听到的可不只是不错啊", "english": "Better than fair, the way I heard it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是不让用扫帚", "english": "But I'm not allowed a broom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以用魔杖", "english": "You're allowed a wand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下注了 下注了", "english": "Bets! Place your bets!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下注了 快下注了", "english": "Bets taken! Bets taken here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 想来赌一赌今天大战的胜出者吗", "english": "Step up, folks! Who fancies a flutter in today's bloodbath?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆胜算高哟 有人要下注吗", "english": "Smart money's on Krum to survive! Any bets?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您好 先生", "english": "Yes, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天各位要大饱眼福了", "english": "This is a great day for all of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次的三个任务 每一个都危机四伏", "english": "Each of the three tasks involves very considerable danger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请大家不要离开你们的座位", "english": "Please keep your seats at all times."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信 我们大家都希望三位选手", "english": "I'm sure we all wish our champions..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要专心 之后你只需要", "english": "The key is to concentrate. After that, you just have to--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和一只龙战斗", "english": "battle a dragon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好一对小情侣", "english": "Young love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是", "english": "How..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "热血沸腾啊", "english": "stirring."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你遇到了什么不测", "english": "If everything goes unfortunately today..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们两个就能上头条了", "english": "you two may even make the front page."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里没你的事", "english": "You have no business here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个帐篷是为参赛者", "english": "This tent is for champions..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和他们的朋友准备的", "english": "and friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 我们已经拿到想要的了", "english": "No matter. We've got what we wanted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勇士们好啊 请过来一下", "english": "Good day, champions. Gather round, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们等待着 好奇了许久", "english": "Now, you've waited, you've wondered,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在终于到来了", "english": "and at last the moment has arrived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有你们四个有机会享受这一刻", "english": "A moment only four of you can fully appreciate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这做什么 格兰杰小姐", "english": "What are you doing here, Miss Granger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我还是走吧", "english": "Sorry, I'll just go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴蒂 袋子呢", "english": "Barty, the bag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "选手们 在我身边围成一圈", "english": "Champions, in a circle around me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉库尔小姐 这里来 克鲁姆先生", "english": "Miss Delacour, over here. Mr. Krum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有波特 波特先生 站这边 好的", "english": "And, Potter, Mr. Potter, over here. That's right. Now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉库尔小姐 你先来", "english": "Miss Delacour, if you will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威尔士绿龙", "english": "The Welsh Green."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆先生", "english": "Mr. Krum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞典短鼻龙", "english": "The Swedish Short-Snout."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匈牙利树蜂", "english": "The Hungarian Horntail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外面有四条真正的龙", "english": "These represent four very real dragons..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每条都守护着一颗金蛋", "english": "each of which has been given a golden egg to protect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的任务很简单", "english": "Your objective is simple:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿到金蛋", "english": "Collect the egg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必须要拿到手 因为每只蛋里", "english": "This you must do, for each egg contains a clue..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有什么问题吗", "english": "Any questions?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 祝你们好运 选手们", "english": "Very well. Good luck, champions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迪戈里先生 炮声一响 你就", "english": "Mr. Diggory, at the sound of the cannon, you may--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迪戈里 迪戈里 迪戈里", "english": "Diggory! Diggory! Diggory!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经有三位选手通过了龙的考验", "english": "Three of our champions have now faced their dragons..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在有请我们的第四位 也是最后一位选手", "english": "And now our fourth and final contestant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 哈利 哈利", "english": "Harry! Harry! Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用你的魔杖 哈利 用魔杖", "english": "Your wand, Harry! Your wand!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火弩箭飞来", "english": "Accio Firebolt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好样的", "english": "Yes! Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好样的 哈利", "english": "Yes, Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道你不会死 哈利 缺条腿", "english": "Knew you wouldn't die, Harry. Lose a leg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 哈利 线索是什么", "english": "Go on, Harry. What's the clue?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么鬼叫", "english": "What the bloody hell was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 各位 都各忙各的去吧", "english": "All right, everyone! Go back to your knitting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使没有我们在", "english": "This is gonna be uncomfortable"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们两个也够尴尬的了", "english": "enough without all you nosy sods listening in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得 除非你疯了", "english": "I reckon you have to be barking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则不会把名字投进火焰杯里", "english": "mad to put your own name in the Goblet of Fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "花了这么久 你终于想明白了啊", "english": "Caught on, have you? Took you long enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不只有我一个人这么想", "english": "I wasn't the only one who thought you'd done it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家背后都这么说你", "english": "Everyone was saying it behind your back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了 这让我觉得好受多了", "english": "Brilliant. That makes me feel loads better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少我还提醒过你龙的事", "english": "Least I warned you about the dragons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是海格告诉我的", "english": "Hagrid warned me about the dragons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 是我", "english": "No, no, no, I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 你不记得了吗 我让赫敏跟你说", "english": "No, don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西莫告诉我", "english": "that Seamus told me that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听见帕瓦蒂跟迪安说 海格在找你", "english": "Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实不是西莫跟我说的", "english": "Seamus never actually told me anything,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我想告诉你", "english": "so it was really me all along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想 你要是想明白了", "english": "I thought we'd be all right, you know..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱俩就能和好了吧", "english": "after you'd figured that out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊 谁说不是呢", "english": "Yeah. Isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时肯定疯了", "english": "I suppose I was a bit distraught."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男生啊", "english": "Boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秋 哈利在看你呢", "english": "Cho, Harry's looking at you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不敢相信 那个女人又在胡扯了", "english": "I can't believe it! She's done it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "似乎很喜欢勾搭一些有名的巫师", "english": "seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有消息称 她最近盯上了", "english": "Her latest prey, sources report..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保加利亚小甜甜 维克多·克鲁姆", "english": "is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前 哈利·波特对这场", "english": "No word yet on how Harry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情感危机还没有什么表示\"", "english": "Potter's taking this latest emotional blow.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有你的包裹 韦斯莱先生", "english": "Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 奈吉尔", "english": "Thank you, Nigel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在不方便 奈吉尔 等会儿", "english": "Not now, Nigel. Later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧", "english": "Go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我答应给他哈利的签名", "english": "I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看 妈妈给我寄东西了", "english": "Oh, look, Mum's sent me something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她给我寄了条裙子", "english": "Mum sent me a dress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 颜色跟你眼睛挺搭 是不是还有女帽", "english": "Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿开 哈利", "english": "Nose down, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金妮 一定是给你的", "english": "Ginny, these must be for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不穿 丑死了", "english": "I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你笑什么", "english": "What are you on about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是给金妮的", "english": "They're not for Ginny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是给你的", "english": "They're for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞舞会", "english": "The Yule Ball..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自三强争霸赛设立之初 就是", "english": "has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传统项目", "english": "since its inception."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在平安夜的时候 我们和客人们一起", "english": "On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在大礼堂里", "english": "gather in the Great Hall..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为东道主的代表", "english": "As representatives of the host school..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望大家能够", "english": "I expect each and every"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我之所以这么说", "english": "And I mean this literally, because..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因为圣诞舞会需要大家", "english": "the Yule Ball is, first and foremost..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "翩翩起舞", "english": "a dance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安静", "english": "Silence!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "近千年来 戈德里克·格兰芬多学院", "english": "The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不希望你们在舞会上", "english": "I will not have you, in the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞出什么有损学院英名的事", "english": "course of a single evening, besmirching that name..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要胡言乱语 莽莽撞撞 像群狒狒一样", "english": "by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "试试能不能用五倍速说出来", "english": "Try saying that five times fast, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说到舞蹈", "english": "Now, to dance..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是一个让身体呼吸的过程", "english": "is to let the body breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个女孩的身体里都沉睡着", "english": "Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一只想要翩翩起舞的天鹅", "english": "Ionging to burst forth and take flight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不觉得爱洛伊丝·米德根体内", "english": "Something's about to burst out of Eloise Midgen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一只天鹅", "english": "but I don't think it's a swan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个男孩的体内也都有一只准备奔腾的雄狮", "english": "Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "共舞一曲吧", "english": "Will you join me, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 把你的右手放在我的腰上", "english": "Now, place your right hand on my waist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胳膊伸直", "english": "And extend your arm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "费尔奇先生 请放音乐", "english": "Mr. Filch, if you please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三", "english": "One, two, three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三 一 二 三", "english": "One, two, three. One, two, three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你俩要笑话他一辈子吧", "english": "Never gonna let him forget this, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都过来 男生们请起立", "english": "Everybody come together. Boys, on your feet!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她们怎么总是成群结队的", "english": "Why do they have to travel in packs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来不落单 让我们怎么邀请", "english": "How are you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 哈利 龙你都能赢", "english": "Blimey, Harry. You've slayed dragons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还怕找不到舞伴吗", "english": "If you can't get a date, who can?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我宁愿再和龙战一场", "english": "I think I'd take the dragon right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我像我妈妈", "english": "I take after my mum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不是当妈的料", "english": "No, not the maternal sort, her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伤透了我爸爸的心 我爸爸是个小矮人", "english": "Broke me dad's heart, though. He was a tiny little fella, my dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我六岁的时候就可以", "english": "I could pick him up at the age"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他总是笑个不停", "english": "He laughed so hard at that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真有趣", "english": "Very funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚上学没多久他就死了", "english": "And then he died just when I started school, so...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我必须自己照顾自己", "english": "So I sort of had to make me own way, as it were."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是这样 你呢", "english": "But enough of me. What about you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我快疯了 照这样下去", "english": "This is mad. At this rate,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕就剩咱们俩找不到舞伴了", "english": "we'll be the only ones in our year without dates."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了我们还有纳威", "english": "Well, us and Neville."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊 至少他还能自己一个人跳", "english": "Yeah, but, then again, he can take himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们还不知道吧 纳威已经找到舞伴了", "english": "It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下真的绝望了", "english": "Now I'm really depressed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你的舞伴是谁啊", "english": "Who you going with, then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你愿意和我一起参加舞会吗", "english": "Do you wanna go to the ball with me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去舞会吗", "english": "To the ball?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了 赫敏", "english": "Oi, Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个女生", "english": "You're a girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你眼神真好", "english": "Very well spotted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们两个里选一个吧", "english": "Come with one of us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女生没有就太悲哀了", "english": "For a girl, it's just sad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会一个人去 因为", "english": "I won't be going alone, because,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管你信不信 已经有人邀请我了", "english": "believe it or not, someone's asked me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我答应了", "english": "And I said yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吧", "english": "Bloody hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是骗人的吧", "english": "She's lying, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧", "english": "If you say so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我们一定要加把劲", "english": "Look, we've just gotta grit our teeth and do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚 等我们回到休息室的时候", "english": "Tonight, when we get back to the common room,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都要找到各自的舞伴 好吗", "english": "we'll both have partners. Agreed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上楼梯的时候小心点 上面有冰", "english": "Watch yourself on the stairs. It's a bit icy at the top."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 谢谢", "english": "Okay, thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秋", "english": "Cho?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想问你", "english": "Well, I just wondered if you--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想问你愿不愿意和我一起参加舞会", "english": "I wondered if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我没听清", "english": "Sorry, I didn't catch that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你愿不愿意 和我一起参加舞会", "english": "maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 可是已经有人邀请我了", "english": "I'm sorry, but someone's already asked me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且", "english": "And...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经答应他了", "english": "Well, I've said I'll go with him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了 没关系", "english": "Fine. No problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 很好", "english": "Okay. Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的", "english": "I really am..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉", "english": "sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 罗恩", "english": "It's all right, Ron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的 罗恩 没关系的", "english": "It's okay, Ron. It's all right. It doesn't matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么了", "english": "What happened to you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他刚才去邀请芙蓉·德拉库尔了", "english": "He just asked Fleur Delacour out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然没戏了", "english": "No, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她刚好走过 你也知道我喜欢看她们走路", "english": "There she was, walking by. You know how I like it when they walk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情不自禁就问出来了", "english": "I couldn't help it. It just sort of slipped out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实 他是跟人家喊出来的 太吓人了", "english": "Actually, he sort of screamed at her. It was a bit frightening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之后你是怎么做的", "english": "And what did you do then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还能怎么做 当然是撒腿跑了", "english": "What else? I ran for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的搞不定 哈利 我天生不是这块料", "english": "I'm not cut out for this, Harry. I don't know what got into me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我总喜欢在后面看她们走", "english": "I always liked looking at them from behind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她肯定不会原谅我", "english": "She's never gonna forgive me, ever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Bloody...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh, bloody...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么 你穿的什么", "english": "What are those? What are those?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没蕾丝 没有大翻领", "english": "No lace. No dodgy little collar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的风格比较传统", "english": "Well, I expect yours are more traditional."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还传统 一万年前的吧", "english": "Traditional?! They're ancient!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着像我的老姑婆", "english": "I look like my Great Aunt Tessie!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了我吧 哈利", "english": "Murder me, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别乱弄了", "english": "Leave it alone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真可怜 她肯定一个人躲在房间里哭呢", "english": "Poor kid. I bet she's alone in her room, crying her eyes out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 不然她", "english": "Come on, Harry, why do you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么不说她的舞伴是谁呢", "english": "think she wouldn't tell us who she's coming with?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为她怕说了被我们笑", "english": "Because we'd take the mickey out of her if she did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人邀请她", "english": "Nobody asked her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是她不那么骄傲的话 我倒是不介意", "english": "Would've taken her myself if she wasn't so bloody proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来也太", "english": "Don't you look..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时髦了吧", "english": "dashing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该你了 波特 你和佩蒂尔准备好了吗", "english": "There you are, Potter. Are you and Miss Patil ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次是四位 需要领舞", "english": "three champions-- Well, in this case, four."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是舞会的传统", "english": "are the first to dance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 那你现在知道了", "english": "Well, now you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至于你 韦斯莱先生", "english": "As for you, Mr. Weasley,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和佩蒂尔小姐先去大礼堂吧", "english": "you may proceed into the Great Hall with Miss Patil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 走吧", "english": "Oh, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们已经迟到了", "english": "Oh, you are very late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边请 这边请 来", "english": "This way. This way. Come along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可真美", "english": "She looks beautiful!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 真美", "english": "Yeah, she does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是赫敏·格兰杰吗 和维克多·克鲁姆", "english": "Is that Hermione Granger? With Viktor Krum?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是 绝对不可能", "english": "No. Absolutely not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 搂着我的腰", "english": "Harry, take my waist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗", "english": "Are you ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪怕笨得像巨怪", "english": "Move your body like a hairy troll"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也要摇滚起来", "english": "Learning to rock and roll"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像精灵一样狂舞", "english": "Spin around like a crazy elf"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跳出自己的路", "english": "Dancing by himself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟着独角兽摇又扭", "english": "Boogie down like a unicorn"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不见日出不罢休", "english": "No stopping till the break of dawn"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家把手举起来", "english": "Put your hands up in the air"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来学放纵的食人怪", "english": "Like an ogre who just don't care"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鹰头马身飞起来", "english": "Can you dance like a Hippogriff?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看他长得就像个蠢货", "english": "Ruddy pumpkinhead, isn't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就说他去图书馆不是为了看书", "english": "I don't think it was the books that had him going to the library."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以共舞一曲吗", "english": "May I have your arm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "共舞一百曲都行", "english": "Arm. Leg. I'm yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好热啊", "english": "Hot, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维克多去拿饮料了 一起来吗", "english": "Viktor's gone to go and get drinks. Would you care to join us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我们就不打扰了", "english": "No, we'd not care to join you and Viktor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这是抽什么疯呢", "english": "What's got your wand in a knot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是德姆斯特朗的 你这是在通敌", "english": "He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternizing with the enemy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通敌 当初是谁想要他的签名的", "english": "The enemy? Who was it wanting his autograph?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且 这次比赛的主旨就是要", "english": "Besides, the whole point of the tournament..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "推动国际间的魔法合作", "english": "is international magical cooperation..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以此结识更多朋友", "english": "...to make friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看他可不只想交朋友", "english": "I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底要不要请我跳舞", "english": "Are you going to ask me to dance or not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再说我能照顾好自己", "english": "Besides, I can take care of myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说不准 他都一把年纪了", "english": "I doubt it. He's way too old."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 你就是这么想的", "english": "What?! What? That's what you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 我就是这么想的", "english": "Yeah, that's what I think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你肯定知道要怎么办了", "english": "You know the solution then, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勇敢点 赶在别人之前邀请我", "english": "...pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别最后才想到我", "english": "And not as a last resort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去哪了", "english": "Where have you been?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了 你们俩都回去睡大觉吧", "english": "Never mind! Off to bed, both of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女人真是越老越可怕", "english": "They get scary when they get older."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 一切都被你毁了", "english": "Ron, you spoiled everything!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么回事", "english": "What's this about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让这魔法", "english": "No, don't let"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永不消散", "english": "This magic die"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答案就在那里", "english": "The answer's there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再让我看一眼", "english": "Let me see it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时机就要到了", "english": "Yes, the time is close now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 终于来了", "english": "Harry, at last!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别挡着门 虫尾巴 让我好好欢迎一下客人", "english": "Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧 哈利", "english": "You all right, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚回来", "english": "I just got in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我", "english": "Me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 几个星期前", "english": "Harry, you told me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就说把金蛋弄明白了", "english": "you'd figured the egg out weeks ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有两天任务就开始了", "english": "The task is two days from now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗 我都不知道", "english": "Really? I had no idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜威克多尔已经弄明白了", "english": "I suppose Viktor's already figured it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 我们其实不怎么说争霸赛的事", "english": "Wouldn't know. We don't actually talk about the tournament."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实连话都很少说", "english": "Actually, we don't really talk at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说他不怎么健谈", "english": "I just mean he's not particularly loquacious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他总是看着我学习", "english": "Mostly, he watches me study."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实还挺烦人的", "english": "It's a bit annoying, actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是在努力弄明白金蛋 是吗", "english": "You are trying to figure this egg out, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "意思是这些任务都是用来考验你们的", "english": "It just means these tasks are designed to test you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "方式很严苛 甚至残酷", "english": "...in the most brutal way. They're almost cruel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而...", "english": "And..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很担心你", "english": "...I'm scared for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "龙那一关 你是靠勇气过的", "english": "You got by the dragons mostly on nerve."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道这次还行不行", "english": "I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 你还好吗", "english": "How--? How are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好", "english": "Spectacular."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发现你提醒我第一关是龙之后", "english": "I realize I never really thanked"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 换你也会那么做的", "english": "Forget it. I'm sure you would've done the same for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道五楼的级长浴室吗", "english": "You know the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是个洗澡的好地方", "english": "It's not a bad place for a bath."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带上你的金蛋", "english": "Just take your egg..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在热水里好好思考一番", "english": "...and mull things over in the hot water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我肯定是疯了", "english": "I must be out of my mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我是你 就把它放进水里", "english": "I'd try putting it in the water if I were you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "桃金娘", "english": "Myrtle!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊 哈利", "english": "Hello, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好久没见了", "english": "Long time no see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之前我在一个堵塞的下水道里", "english": "I was circling a blocked drain the other day..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会又是你干的吧 哈利", "english": "Not being a bad boy again, are you, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "复方汤剂", "english": "Polyjuice Potion?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早就不做这种事了 桃金娘", "english": "Kicked the habit. Myrtle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是说\"把它放进水里\"", "english": "did you say, \"Try putting it in the water\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就是那么干的", "english": "That's what he did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一个", "english": "The other boy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长得挺帅的", "english": "...the handsome one..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞德里克", "english": "...Cedric."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别犹豫 打开啊", "english": "Well, go on. Open it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寻找我们吧 在我们声音响起的地方", "english": "Come seek us where our voices sound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在地面上无法歌唱", "english": "We cannot sing above the ground"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只有一个钟头的时间", "english": "An hour long you'll have to look"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到被我们拿走的宝贝", "english": "To recover what we took"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "桃金娘", "english": "Myrtle..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞德里克好久才想明白", "english": "It took Cedric ages to riddle it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 你再说一遍", "english": "Harry, tell me again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很显然是大湖", "english": "The Black Lake, that's obvious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然是一个小时 不过应该很困难", "english": "Again, obvious. Though, admittedly, potentially problematic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在水下憋气", "english": "When's the last time you held"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能憋一个小时吗 赫敏", "english": "your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 我们可以的", "english": "Look, Harry, we can do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们三个肯定能想到办法", "english": "The three of us can figure it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉打扰你们", "english": "Hate to break up the skull session."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦格教授要你们去她办公室", "english": "Professor McGonagall wants you in her office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不用 波特 只要韦斯莱和格兰杰", "english": "Not you, Potter, just Weasley and Granger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是 第二个任务就剩几个小时了", "english": "But, sir, the second task is only hours away, and--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 我猜波特已经准备好了", "english": "Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该好好睡一觉了", "english": "...and could do with a good night's sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去吧", "english": "Go. Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "隆巴顿", "english": "Longbottom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你帮波特把书放回去", "english": "Why don't you help Potter put his books back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你对植物感兴趣的话", "english": "You know, if you're interested in plants..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该看《戈沙克草药指南》", "english": "...you'd be better off with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道在尼泊尔有个魔法师", "english": "Do you know there's a wizard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在种不受地心引力影响的树吗", "english": "in Nepal who's growing gravity-resistant trees?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纳威 我没有恶意 不过我真的", "english": "Neville, no offense, but I really don't care..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对植物不感兴趣", "english": "...about plants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非能有根", "english": "Now, if there's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么西藏萝卜能让我", "english": "...a Tibetan turnip that will"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那还可以 不然的话...", "english": "...then great. But otherwise--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萝卜我倒不知道 不过你可以用鳃囊草", "english": "I don't know about a turnip. But you could always use gillyweed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下注吧 朋友们 别害羞", "english": "Step up, mates! Don't be shy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这么毒舌", "english": "Don't be so mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基本没问题", "english": "Most likely?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它在淡水和咸水中的差异", "english": "Well, there is some debate among herbologists..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在才说 开什么玩笑", "english": "You're telling me this now? You must be joking!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想帮个忙", "english": "I just wanted to help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们到底去哪了", "english": "Where are they anyway?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到第二项任务", "english": "Welcome to the second task."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚 几位选手都被偷了一样东西", "english": "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都很宝贵", "english": "A treasure of sorts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四位选手的四样宝贝", "english": "These four treasures, one for each champion..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要想赢得此次任务", "english": "In order to win..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每位选手只需", "english": "...each champion need only"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到各自的宝贝 回到岸上", "english": "find their treasure and return to the surface."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们只有一个小时的时间 只有一小时", "english": "They will have but one hour to do so, and one hour only."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "超时了 就拿不回来了", "english": "After that, they'll be on their own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么魔法都救不了", "english": "No magic will save them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "炮声一响 任务就开始", "english": "You may begin at the sound of the cannon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 我害死了哈利·波特", "english": "Oh, my God. I've killed Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了", "english": "Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉库尔小姐不幸退出", "english": "...has unfortunately been forced to retire..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可她也是我朋友", "english": "But she's my friend too!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能救一个", "english": "Only one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们下去", "english": "Let's get down below."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆 克鲁姆 克鲁姆", "english": "Krum! Krum! Krum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "升升降", "english": "Ascendio!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没事", "english": "He's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没事 巴蒂", "english": "He's all right. Barty!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你救了她 虽然你的目标不是她", "english": "You saved her, even though she wasn't yours to save."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有你 你也帮了忙", "english": "And you! You helped."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 帮了一点", "english": "Well, yeah, a bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Merci."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧 肯定冻坏了", "english": "Are you all right? You must be freezing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得你表现得非常好", "english": "Personally, I think you behaved admirably."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是最后一名 赫敏", "english": "I finished last, Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒数第二 芙蓉都没通过格林迪洛", "english": "Next to last. Fleur never got past the Grindylows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆 克鲁姆 克鲁姆", "english": "Krum! Krum! Krum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "优胜者是迪戈里先生", "english": "The winner is Mr. Diggory..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠着自己对泡头咒的熟练掌握", "english": "...who showed innate command of the Bubble-Head Charm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过 波特先生本该第一个完成", "english": "However, seeing as Mr. Potter would have finished first..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但因为他决定", "english": "...had it not been for his"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在救出韦斯莱先生的同时", "english": "determination to rescue not only Mr. Weasley..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也救出其他人 所以我们一致同意他为", "english": "...but the others as well, we've agreed to award him..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二名", "english": "...second place..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以此嘉奖他的高尚道德品行", "english": "...for outstanding moral fiber!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时候虽然犯了错 却有好结果", "english": "Blimey. Even when you go wrong, it turns out right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干得好 孩子", "english": "Well done, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格家见 哈利", "english": "See you at Hagrid's, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真可惜之前我们从没讲过话", "english": "I'm sorry we haven't spoken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毕竟你的故事我耳熟能详", "english": "After all, your story is one I've heard so many times."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很不寻常 当然也很不幸", "english": "Quite remarkable, really. Tragic, of course..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "失去了亲人", "english": "...to lose one's family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人生再也不美满了", "english": "Never whole again, are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过 生活还要继续", "english": "Still, life goes on..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们也走到了现在", "english": "...and here we stand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父母肯定会以你为荣 波特", "english": "I'm sure your parents would be very proud of you today, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会是在引诱波特", "english": "Not trying to lure Potter into"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上一个去神秘事务司的学生", "english": "The last boy who went into"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还说我疯了呢", "english": "And they say I'm mad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还记得第一次见你们的时候", "english": "Now, I remember-- I remember when I first met you all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我见过的最不合群的新生", "english": "Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们让我想起了自己小时候", "english": "Suppose you remind me of meself a little."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一晃已经四年了", "english": "And here we all are, four years later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在还是不合群", "english": "We're still a bunch of misfits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧 不过现在我们有彼此", "english": "Well, maybe, but we've all got each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然还有哈利", "english": "And Harry, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他即将成为史上最年轻的三强争霸赛冠军", "english": "Soon to be the youngest Triwizard champion there's ever been!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了", "english": "Hooray!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍格沃茨 霍格沃茨 霍格沃茨", "english": "Hogwarts, Hogwarts Hoggy Warty Hogwarts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请教给我们知识[校歌]", "english": "Teach us something, please"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克劳奇先生", "english": "Mr. Crouch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经死了一个人 福吉", "english": "A man has died here, Fudge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不会是最后一个 你必须采取措施", "english": "And he won't be the last. You must take action."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能", "english": "I will not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这种时候 整个魔法界", "english": "In times like these, the wizard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都要从领袖身上汲取力量 邓布利多", "english": "world looks to its leaders for strength, Dumbledore!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你就展示点勇气", "english": "Then for once show them some!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会让大家觉得我是懦夫", "english": "I will not be seen as a coward!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真正的领袖只做正确的事 不管别人怎么想", "english": "A true leader does what is right, no matter what others think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么 你刚说什么", "english": "What did you say? What did you say to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打断一下 先生们", "english": "Excuse me, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Oh, Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 真高兴又见面了", "english": "Harry, how good to see you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以晚点再过来 教授", "english": "I can come back later, professor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用了 哈利", "english": "Not necessary, Harry. The"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "部长和我已经谈完了 我马上回来", "english": "minister and l are done. I'll be back in a moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "部长 你请吧", "english": "Minister, after you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给 你的帽子", "english": "There you are. Your hat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 我不在的时候", "english": "Oh, Harry, do feel free to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我得提醒你 味道有点冲", "english": "But I have to warn you, they're a wee bit sharp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫 你请求", "english": "Igor Karkaroff, you have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向本会提供证据", "english": "...to present evidence to this council."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能提供有力证词", "english": "Should your testimony prove consequential..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "委员会可以将你立即释放", "english": "...council may be prepared to order your immediate release."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在此之前 你的身份", "english": "Until such time, you remain in"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仍然是一名在押食死徒", "english": "the eyes of the Ministry a convicted Death Eater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你接受这些条款吗", "english": "Do you accept these terms?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有名单 先生", "english": "I have names, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个叫罗齐尔的 埃文·罗齐尔", "english": "There was Rosier, Evan Rosier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还不知道", "english": "I didn't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有卢克伍德 他是个间谍", "english": "There was Rookwood! He was a spy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥古斯都·卢克伍德 神秘事务司的那个", "english": "Augustus Rookwood? Of the Department of Mysteries?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 就是他", "english": "Yeah, yeah, the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他把魔法部的内部信息", "english": "He passed information to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 委员会会予以考虑的", "english": "Very well. Council will deliberate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 你要回到阿兹卡班", "english": "In the meantime, you will return to Azkaban."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还有 斯内普 西弗勒斯·斯内普", "english": "I have more! What about Snape? Severus Snape?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "委员会都知道这件事我已经证明过了", "english": "As the council is aware, I've given evidence on this matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西弗勒斯·斯内普的确曾是食死徒", "english": "Severus Snape was indeed a Death Eater and,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在伏地魔失势前 冒着极大的危险", "english": "prior to Lord Voldemort's downfall..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他和大家一样 根本不是食死徒", "english": "Today he's no more a Death Eater than I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普依然对黑魔王忠心耿耿", "english": "Snape remains faithful to the Dark Lord!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安静", "english": "Silence!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么这次庭审到此结束", "english": "...this session is now concluded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不", "english": "Oh, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还听说过一个", "english": "I've heard about one more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个人参与了劫持", "english": "...this person took part in the capture..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "折磨了傲罗弗兰克·隆巴顿和他妻子", "english": "...torture of the Auror Frank Longbottom and his wife!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名字 把那个混蛋的名字告诉我", "english": "The name. Give me the wretched name!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴蒂·克劳奇", "english": "Barty Crouch..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二世", "english": "...Junior."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按住他", "english": "Hold him down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你的脏手从我身上拿开 可怜的家伙", "english": "Get your filthy hands off me, you pathetic little men!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊 父亲", "english": "Hello, Father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是我儿子", "english": "You are no son of mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好奇不是罪 哈利 但你得小心", "english": "Curiosity is not a sin, Harry. But you should exercise caution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是冥想盆", "english": "It's a Pensieve."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很有用 如果你和我一样觉得脑子不够用", "english": "Very useful if, like me, you find your mind a wee bit stretched."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "某个很小的细节", "english": "...some small detail..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个之前可能被我忽略", "english": "...something I might have overlooked..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次我快找到答案的时候 它就溜走了", "english": "Every time I get close to an answer, it slips away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真让人恼火", "english": "It's maddening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教授 克劳奇先生的儿子", "english": "Sir? Mr. Crouch's son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他到底发生了什么事", "english": "What exactly happened to him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他被关进了阿兹卡班", "english": "He was sent to Azkaban."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这件事对巴蒂打击很大", "english": "Destroyed Barty to do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可他只能这么做 证据确凿", "english": "But he had no choice. The evidence was overwhelming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我梦到过他", "english": "I had a dream about him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是在夏天 开学之前", "english": "It was in the summer, before school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梦里 我在一所房子里", "english": "In the dream, I was in a house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔也在 不过不是人形", "english": "And Voldemort was there, only he wasn't quite human."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虫尾巴也在 还有克劳奇先生的儿子", "english": "And Wormtail was there too. And Mr. Crouch 's son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总是一样的", "english": "Always the same one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教授 这些梦", "english": "Sir, these dreams..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所看到的 应该不会", "english": "...what I see, you don't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的在发生吧 对吗", "english": "think it' s actually happening, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是不要抓着梦境不放 哈利", "english": "I think it's unwise for you to linger over these dreams, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忘了它们", "english": "...cast them away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是预兆 西弗勒斯", "english": "It's a sign, Severus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你心里清楚这意味着什么", "english": "You know what it means as well as I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特", "english": "Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "急匆匆地去哪", "english": "What's your hurry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在大湖的表现非常鼓舞人心", "english": "your performance in the Black Lake was inspiring."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鳃囊草 我说对了吗", "english": "Gillyweed, am I correct?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 先生", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真聪明", "english": "Ingenious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鳃囊草是非常罕见的", "english": "A rather rare herb, gillyweed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个也是", "english": "Nor is this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道这是什么吗", "english": "Know what it is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泡泡油吗 先生", "english": "Bubble juice, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吐真剂", "english": "Veritaserum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神秘人也要把他最黑暗的秘密说出来", "english": "You-Know-Who himself would spill his darkest secrets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很遗憾 不能在学生身上用 但是", "english": "The use of it on a student is, regrettably, forbidden. However"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要再敢从我的私人储备里偷东西", "english": "should you ever steal from my personal stores again"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就\"失手\"倒进你的南瓜汁里", "english": "my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "腮囊草就算了", "english": "Gillyweed may be innocuous,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非洲树蛇皮和草蜻蛉呢", "english": "but boomslang skin, lacewing flies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和你的小伙伴们", "english": "You and your little friends"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在熬制复方汤剂 告诉你", "english": "are brewing Polyjuice Potion, and believe me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定查个水落石出", "english": "I'm going to find out why!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "声音洪亮", "english": "Sonorus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天早些时候 穆迪教授", "english": "Earlier today, Professor Moody"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把三强杯放进了迷宫深处", "english": "placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有他知道确切位置", "english": "Only he knows its exact position."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由于迪戈里先生", "english": "Now, as Mr. Diggory"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和波特先生", "english": "and Mr. Potter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们将率先进入迷宫", "english": "they will be the first to enter the maze,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之后是克鲁姆先生", "english": "followed by Mr. Krum"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁姆 克鲁姆", "english": "Krum! Krum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最先触到奖杯的 就是冠军", "english": "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位教职工在周边巡逻", "english": "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何时候", "english": "Should, at any point,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果哪位选手想退出比赛", "english": "a contestant wish to withdraw from the task,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "选手们 都过来 快点", "english": "Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迷宫里虽然没有龙或是水怪", "english": "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迷宫会改变人心", "english": "You see, people change in the maze."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽你们所能找到奖杯吧", "english": "Oh, find the cup if you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但要小心 别在里面迷失了自我", "english": "But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你好运", "english": "Good luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我数三声 一...", "english": "On the count of three. One--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芙蓉", "english": "Fleur?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芙蓉", "english": "Fleur."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "危险标记", "english": "Periculum!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴下", "english": "Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴下", "english": "Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除你武器", "english": "Expelliarmus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别 快住手 他中咒了 塞德里克", "english": "No, don't! Stop! He's bewitched, Cedric!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "粉身碎骨", "english": "Reducto!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为你要撇下我", "english": "I thought you were gonna let it get me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有那么一会 我也这么以为", "english": "For a moment, so did I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这比赛真够呛", "english": "Some game, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是够呛", "english": "Some game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 拿去吧 你救了我 快拿", "english": "Go on, take it. You saved me, take it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是哪儿", "english": "Where are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来过这", "english": "I've been here before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是个门钥匙", "english": "It's a Portkey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在梦里", "english": "in a dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞德里克 我们得马上回奖杯那去", "english": "Cedric! We have to get back to the cup. Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快动手 快点", "english": "Do it! Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父亲的骨", "english": "Bone of the father"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无意中捐出", "english": "unwillingly given."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仆人的肉", "english": "Flesh of the servant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "强行取出", "english": "forcibly taken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑魔王即将", "english": "The Dark Lord shall rise"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重生", "english": "again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的魔杖 虫尾巴", "english": "My wand, Wormtail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胳膊伸出来", "english": "Hold out your arm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人", "english": "Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢您 主人", "english": "Thank you, master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一只胳膊 虫尾巴", "english": "The other arm, Wormtail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎 朋友们", "english": "Welcome, my friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看眼前的你们 恍如昨日", "english": "here you stand before me as though it were only yesterday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不说", "english": "I confess myself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很失望", "english": "disappointed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们没有一个人来找过我", "english": "Not one of you tried to find me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉布 麦克尼尔", "english": "Crabbe! Macnair!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高尔", "english": "Goyle!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连你也没有", "english": "Not even you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卢修斯", "english": "Lucius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人 倘若我觉察过任何征兆", "english": "My Lord, had I detected any sign,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或是传言 透露出您的下落...", "english": "a whisper of your whereabouts--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "征兆有的是 狡猾的朋友", "english": "There were signs, my slippery friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且不仅是传言", "english": "And more than whispers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向您保证 主人 我从未背弃过去", "english": "I assure you, my Lord, I have never renounced the old ways."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在人前展示的", "english": "each day since your absence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是假象", "english": "that is my true mask."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我回来了", "english": "I returned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为害怕 而不是忠诚", "english": "Out of fear, not loyalty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是派上用场了 虫尾巴", "english": "these past few months, Wormtail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢您 主人", "english": "Thank you, master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢您", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我差点把你忘了", "english": "I'd almost forgotten you were here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站在我父亲的尸骨之上", "english": "Standing on the bones of my father. Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本想介绍一下你", "english": "I'd introduce you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但听说如今你的名气要赶上我了", "english": "but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大难不死的男孩", "english": "The boy who lived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的传奇是谎言堆砌的 哈利", "english": "How lies have fed your legend, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "揭露一下 我是如何丧失力量的", "english": "Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因为爱", "english": "It was love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可爱的莉莉·波特", "english": "You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为唯一的儿子牺牲了生命", "english": "gave her life for her only son"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也给了他最强大的保护", "english": "she provided the ultimate protection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我不能碰他", "english": "I could not touch him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是种古老的魔法", "english": "It was old magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本该预见到的", "english": "Something I should have foreseen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在都不重要了", "english": "But no matter, no matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都变了", "english": "Things have changed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 我可以碰你了", "english": "I can touch you now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神奇吧 哈利 你的血作用这么大", "english": "Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do, eh, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "捡起你的魔杖 波特", "english": "Pick up your wand, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了 捡起来 起来 起来", "english": "I said, pick it up! Get up! Get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你学过怎么决斗吧 是吗", "english": "You've been taught how to duel, I presume, yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先 我们要互相鞠躬", "english": "First, we bow to each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 哈利 礼节还是要遵守的", "english": "Come on, now, Harry. The niceties must be observed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多可不希望你丢了风度 是吧", "english": "Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners, would he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让你鞠躬", "english": "I said, bow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钻心剜骨", "english": "Crucio!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钻心剜骨", "english": "Crucio!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好样的 哈利", "english": "Attaboy, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父母会为你骄傲的", "english": "Your parents would be proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特别是你那肮脏的麻瓜母亲", "english": "Especially your filthy Muggle mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除你武...", "english": "Expelliar--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要杀了你 哈利·波特", "english": "I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要毁了你", "english": "I'm going to destroy you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚过后 再也不会有人质疑我的力量", "english": "After tonight, no one will ever again question my powers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚过后 再有人说起你", "english": "After tonight, if they speak of you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只会记得 你是如何", "english": "they'll speak only of how you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求着我杀了你", "english": "begged for death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我 出于仁慈", "english": "And I, being a merciful Lord,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成全了你", "english": "obliged."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起来", "english": "Get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别把背对着我 哈利·波特", "english": "Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你看着我杀掉你", "english": "I want you to look at me when I kill you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要看着光从你眼里消失", "english": "I want to see the light leave your eyes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就听你的", "english": "Have it your way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们别动 我要亲手结果他", "english": "Do nothing! He's mine to finish!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲手结果他", "english": "He's mine!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 连接断开后", "english": "Harry, when the connection is broken,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得回到门钥匙那去", "english": "you must get to the Portkey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以待一会 为你争取时间", "english": "We can linger for a moment to give you some time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但只有一小会 明白吗", "english": "but only a moment. Do you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 把我的尸体带回去 好吗", "english": "Harry, take my body back, will you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带给我的父亲", "english": "Take my body back to my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放手吧", "english": "Let go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的 可以放手了", "english": "Sweetheart, you're ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放手 放手", "english": "Let go! Let go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奖杯飞来", "english": "Accio!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他成功了", "english": "He did it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 别", "english": "No! No! No, don't!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 邓布利多 怎么回事", "english": "For God's sake, Dumbledore, what's happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他回来了 他回来了", "english": "He's back. He's back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔回来了", "english": "Voldemort's back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞德里克要我把他的尸体带回来", "english": "Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能把他留在那", "english": "I couldn't leave him, not there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了 哈利 没事了", "english": "It's all right, Harry. It's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他回来了 你们都回来了", "english": "He's home. You both are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让大家都坐回去 有个男孩死了", "english": "Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just been killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得找人把他弄走 邓布利多 人太多了", "english": "The body must be moved, Dumbledore. There are too many people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我过去", "english": "Let me through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我过去", "english": "Let me through!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我过去", "english": "Let me through!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的儿子", "english": "That's my son!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的孩子", "english": "That's my boy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的孩子", "english": "It's my boy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在不该待在这 走吧", "english": "This is not where you want to be right now. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了 有我在", "english": "It's all right, I got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有我在", "english": "I got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 冷静点", "english": "Come on. Easy, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗 波特", "english": "Are you all right, Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "疼吗 胳膊上", "english": "Does it hurt? That?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在不那么疼了", "english": "Not so much now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奖杯是个门钥匙", "english": "The cup was a Portkey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被人施咒了", "english": "Someone had bewitched it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉怎么样", "english": "What was it like?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑魔王", "english": "The Dark Lord."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站在他面前 是什么感觉", "english": "What was it like to stand in his presence?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉就像 掉进了一场梦里", "english": "It was like I'd fallen into one of my dreams,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是一场噩梦", "english": "into one of my nightmares."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有别人吗", "english": "Were there others?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "墓地里还有别人吗", "english": "In the graveyard, were there others?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我...", "english": "I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好像没提过墓地的事吧 教授", "english": "I don't think I said anything about a graveyard, professor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说那个可怜的蠢货", "english": "Did you think that miserable oaf"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么可能想到带你去看火龙", "english": "would've led you into the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不是我向他建议的", "english": "if I hadn't suggested it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说塞德里克·迪戈里", "english": "Do you think Cedric Diggory"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么要告诉你 在水下打开金蛋", "english": "would've told you to open the egg underwater"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不是我先告诉他的", "english": "if I hadn't told him first myself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有纳威·隆巴顿那个白痴", "english": "Did you think Neville Longbottom, the witless wonder"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么能想到帮你找腮囊草", "english": "could've provided you with gillyweed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不是我给了他一本书 他才开窍的", "english": "if I hadn't given him the book that led him straight to it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来一直都是你", "english": "It was you from the beginning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你把我的名字放进了火焰杯", "english": "You put my name in the Goblet of Fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的胜利是我精心策划的 波特", "english": "You won because I made it so, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是安排好的", "english": "because it was meant to be so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在大功告成", "english": "And now the deed is done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也在黑魔王身上流淌", "english": "runs within the Dark Lord."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想一想 要是他知道我除掉了", "english": "Imagine how he will reward me when he learns"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "了不起的哈利·波特", "english": "that I have once and for all"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除你武器", "english": "Expelliarmus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西弗勒斯", "english": "Severus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 咽下去", "english": "That's it, take it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在这房间里吗 在吗", "english": "Is he in this room? Is he in this room?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 让一让", "english": "Harry, away from there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是穆迪 那这个是...", "english": "That's Moody. But then who's--?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "复方汤剂", "english": "Polyjuice Potion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在知道是谁在偷你东西了 西弗勒斯", "english": "Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们马上把你弄上来", "english": "We'll get you up in a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小巴蒂·克劳奇", "english": "Barty Crouch Junior."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你的给我看看 我的也给你看", "english": "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的手臂 哈利", "english": "Your arm, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道这意味着什么吧", "english": "You know what this means, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他回来了", "english": "He's back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔大人回来了", "english": "Lord Voldemort has returned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 先生 我也没办法", "english": "I'm sorry, sir. I couldn't help it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派只猫头鹰去阿兹卡班", "english": "Send an owl to Azkaban."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他们有个囚犯逃出来了", "english": "I think they'll find they're missing a prisoner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我可没时间招待英雄", "english": "Personally, I've never had much time for heroes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天 我们承受了", "english": "Today, we acknowledge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巨大的损失", "english": "a really terrible loss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家知道 塞德里克·迪戈里", "english": "Cedric Diggory was, as you all know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最重要的是", "english": "and, most importantly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是位善良 忠诚的朋友", "english": "a fierce, fierce friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家有权知道 他死去的真相", "english": "you have the right to know exactly how he died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀死塞德里克·迪戈里的凶手", "english": "You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是伏地魔", "english": "by Lord Voldemort!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法部不希望我告诉你们", "english": "The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想 隐瞒真相就是对他的侮辱", "english": "But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提醒着我 也提醒大家", "english": "reminds me and reminds us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然我们来自不同地域", "english": "that while we may come from different places"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们的心紧紧相连", "english": "our hearts beat as one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鉴于最近发生的事件", "english": "In light of recent events"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在这一年结下的深刻情谊", "english": "the bonds of friendship we've made this year"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会显得愈发宝贵", "english": "will be more important than ever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住这些 塞德里克·迪戈里就不会白白死去", "english": "Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住这些", "english": "You remember that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们一同怀念一个", "english": "and we'll celebrate a boy who was"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "善良 诚实", "english": "kind and honest and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勇敢 真诚 正气凛然的男孩", "english": "brave and true, right to the very end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直不喜欢这些帷幔", "english": "I never liked these curtains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四年级的时候还把它们点着了", "english": "Set them on fire in my fourth year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 是个意外", "english": "By accident, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今年让你身处险境了 哈利", "english": "I put you in terrible danger this year, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在墓地的时候 有一刻", "english": "when I was in the graveyard, there was a moment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和伏地魔的魔杖 好像连接在了一起", "english": "when Voldemort's wand and mine sort of connected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看见你的父母了 是不是", "english": "You saw your parents that night, didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们回来了", "english": "They reappeared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有咒语能让人起死回生 哈利", "english": "No spell can reawaken the dead, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该知道", "english": "I trust you know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前方的路充满黑暗和艰难", "english": "Dark and difficult times lie ahead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快 我们就要做出选择", "english": "Soon we must all face the choice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是选择坚持 还是选择逃避", "english": "between what is right and what is easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里有你的朋友", "english": "you have friends here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你并不孤单", "english": "You're not alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏", "english": "Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你的", "english": "This is for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我写信 一定要", "english": "Write to me. Promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见", "english": "Bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见 罗恩", "english": "Au revoir, Ron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱就不能在霍格沃茨安稳地过一年吗", "english": "Do you think we'll ever just have a quiet year at Hogwarts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看不可能", "english": "No, I didn't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是 要是没有麻烦 那多没意思", "english": "Oh, well. What's life without a few dragons?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都要变了 是吧", "english": "Everything's going to change now, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暑假一定给我写信 你们俩都是", "english": "Promise you'll write this summer. Both of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不写 你知道我不会写的", "english": "I won't. You know I won't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更多影视更新", "english": "www.YYeTs.com"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我早该料到你会来 麦格教授", "english": "I should've known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好 邓布利多教授", "english": "Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传闻是真的吗 阿布思", "english": "Are the rumors true, Albus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很遗憾 是的 教授 好的坏的都是", "english": "I'm afraid so, professor. The good and the bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么重要的事情交给海格合适吗", "english": "Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教授 我可以把性命托付给他", "english": "Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好 邓布利多教授 麦格教授", "english": "Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小家伙在布里斯托上空睡着了", "english": "Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别吵醒他", "english": "Try not to wake him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得把孩子交给这些人安全吗 阿布思", "english": "Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving him with these people?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我观察他们一天了 他们真是差劲的麻瓜", "english": "I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的名字在我们的世界将会无人不知", "english": "He'll be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以最好让他远离这种影响", "english": "He's far better off growing up away from all of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到他准备好", "english": "Until he's ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 好了 海格 又不是永别", "english": "There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你好运", "english": "Good luck"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起床 快起床", "english": "Up. Get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒 表弟 去动物园啦", "english": "Wake up, cousin! We're going to the zoo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快做早饭 别再把什么东西点着了", "english": "Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为是乖儿子的生日", "english": "for my Dudley's special day!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是很棒啊 宝贝", "english": "Aren't they wonderful, darling?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就这么办吧", "english": "This is what we're going to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一会再给你买两件新礼物 怎么样 心肝儿", "english": "We're going to buy you two new presents. How's that, pumpkin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这好天气去动物园太棒了", "english": "It should be a lovely day at the zoo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是无比的期待", "english": "I'm really looking forward to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我警告你 小子", "english": "I'm warning you now, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天再给我搞怪 不管是什么", "english": "Any funny business, any at all..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就一个礼拜不给你饭吃", "english": "and you won't have any meals for a week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上车", "english": "Get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快让它动", "english": "Make it move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快动", "english": "Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没意思", "english": "He's boring."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Sorry about him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着人们把丑脸贴上来", "english": "watching people press their ugly faces in on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能听到我说话", "english": "Can you hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是 以前我从没和蛇说过话", "english": "It's just, I've never talked to a snake before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呢", "english": "Do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你常常和人交谈吗", "english": "Do you talk to people often?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从缅甸来 对吧 那里好玩吗", "english": "You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想念你的家人吗", "english": "Do you miss your family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了 我也一样 从没见过父母", "english": "I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿意效劳", "english": "Anytime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有蛇啊", "english": "Snake!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈 妈妈 快救我", "english": "Mum! Mummy! Help me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的心肝宝贝 你怎么进去的", "english": "My darling boy! How did you get in there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁干的 你怎么进去的 蛇还在里面吗", "english": "Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的 宝贝儿子", "english": "It's all right, sweetheart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来给你换了湿衣服", "english": "We'll get you out of these cold clothes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玻璃本来好好的 突然不见了 像魔法一样", "english": "The glass was there and then it was gone, like magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本没有什么魔法", "english": "There's no such thing as magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去取邮件 赶紧", "english": "Go get the post. Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔 玛姬吃了个坏油螺生病了", "english": "Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的 谁会给你写信啊", "english": "Yours? Who'd be writing to you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看你怎么收信", "english": "No more mail through this letterbox."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你工作愉快 老公", "english": "Have a lovely day at the office, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去去 快滚", "english": "Shoo! Go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星期天真是好啊", "english": "Fine day, Sunday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "依我看 一周最好的就是今天 达力 为什么呢", "english": "In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星期天没人送信", "english": "No post on Sunday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有该死的信了 没了", "english": "No blasted letters today! No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一封该死的信也没有 没有", "english": "Not one single bloody letter. Not one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没那些该死的 恶心的", "english": "No, sir, not one blasted, miserable..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快停下来", "english": "Make it stop, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下来", "english": "Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈 发生什么事了", "english": "Mummy, what's happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我 把那封信给我", "english": "Give me that! Give me that letter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放开我", "english": "Get off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我的信 放开我", "english": "They're my letters! Let go of me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我受够了 我们离开这", "english": "That's it! We're going away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走的远远的 谁也找不到", "english": "Far away, where they can't find us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸是不是疯了", "english": "Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "许个愿吧 哈利", "english": "Make a wish, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁在外面", "english": "Who's there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不好意思", "english": "Sorry about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要求你马上离开 你这是私闯民宅", "english": "I demand that you leave at once. You are breaking and entering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴吧 德斯礼 你这个老混蛋", "english": "Dry up, Dursley, you great prune."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次见你时你还是个小不点 哈利", "english": "I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你比我想像中长得结实嘛", "english": "You're a bit more along than I expected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是那小肚皮", "english": "Particularly in the middle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是哈利", "english": "I'm not Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有东西给你", "english": "Got something for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不小心坐了一下 但应该还是挺好吃的", "english": "Afraid I sat on it, but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己烤的 还写了字", "english": "Baked it myself, words and all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思 你是哪位", "english": "Excuse me, but who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁伯·海格 霍格沃兹的场地和钥匙保管员", "english": "Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从没想过你爸妈在哪儿学会的吗", "english": "Didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学会什么", "english": "Learned what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个巫师 哈利", "english": "You're a wizard, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是个厉害巫师 只要你好好学习", "english": "A good one, I'd wager, once you're trained up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你搞错了 我是说", "english": "No, you've made a mistake. I mean"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么会是巫师", "english": "I can't be a wizard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是哈利 只是个小男孩", "english": "I mean, I'm just Harry. Just Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 哈利 你生气或害怕的时候", "english": "Well, Just Harry, did you ever make anything happen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有没有做出过你自己也无法解释的事情", "english": "Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的波特先生 很荣幸通知您", "english": "\"Dear Mr. Potter, We are pleased to accept you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您已被霍格沃兹魔法学校录取", "english": "at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在收留他的那天 我们就发誓要阻止这一切", "english": "We swore when we took him that we'd put a stop to all this rubbish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道 怎么从来没告诉过我", "english": "You knew? You knew all along and you never told me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们当然知道 你也是那种货色", "english": "Of course we knew. How could you not be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我那姐姐一个样子", "english": "My perfect sister being who she was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸妈在她收到信那天多么自豪", "english": "My mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们家出了个女巫 真是太棒了", "english": "\"We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful?\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有我才知道她的底细", "english": "I was the only one to see her for what she was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是个怪胎", "english": "A freak!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后她认识了那个波特 又有了你", "english": "Then she met that Potter, and then she had you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道你也是那种货色", "english": "and I knew you would be the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一样奇怪 也是怪胎", "english": "Just as strange, just as abnormal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后她就把自己炸死了 我们只能收留你", "english": "And then she went and got herself blown up, and we got landed with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "炸死 你说我爸妈死于车祸", "english": "Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么车祸 车祸能杀了莉莉和詹姆斯吗", "english": "A car crash? A car crash killed Lily and James Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他才不会去呢", "english": "He'll not be going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么麻瓜", "english": "Muggle?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会魔法的人 这孩子刚出生就注定要去", "english": "Non-magic folk. This boy's had his name down since he were born."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在的校长", "english": "He'll be under the finest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是霍格沃兹有史以来最好的 阿布思·邓布利多", "english": "headmaster Hogwarts has seen, Albus Dumbledore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不会付钱让一个老糊涂去教他变戏法呢", "english": "I will not pay to have a crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许你在我面前", "english": "Never insult Albus Dumbledore"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "侮辱邓布利多", "english": "in front of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请不要告诉霍格沃兹的任何人", "english": "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要迟到了 得快走", "english": "We're a bit behind schedule. Best be off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 除非你想留在这", "english": "Unless you'd rather stay, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有的学生都必须准备", "english": "All students must be equipped with"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一只猫头鹰 猫或是蟾蜍", "english": "either an owl, a cat or a toad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在伦敦能找到这些东西吗", "english": "Can we find all this in London?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你找对地方", "english": "If you know where to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来啦 海格 还是老样子吗", "english": "Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢了 汤姆 今天要替霍格沃兹办正事", "english": "No, thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在帮小哈利买学习用品呢", "english": "Just helping Harry buy his school supplies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的老天爷 是哈利·波特", "english": "Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎回来 波特先生 欢迎", "english": "Welcome back, Mr. Potter. Welcome back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是桃丽丝·克罗克福德 见到你太荣幸了", "english": "Doris Crockford. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特 我的荣幸之情无法言喻", "english": "Harry Potter. Can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 教授 差点没看到您", "english": "Hello, professor. I didn't see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 这是奇洛教授", "english": "Harry, this is Professor Quirrell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴见到你", "english": "Oh, nice to meet you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇妙又可怕的学科", "english": "Fearfully fascinating subject."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过你用不着学 是吧", "english": "Not that you need it, eh, Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 该走了 好多东西要买", "english": "Yes, well, must be going now. Lots to buy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见", "english": "Goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家为什么都知道我是谁", "english": "All those people back there, how is it they know who I am?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由我来告诉你可能不太合适 哈利", "english": "I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 欢迎来到对角巷", "english": "Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里可以买鹅毛笔和墨水", "english": "Here, you get your quills and ink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那边 可以买到捣鼓魔法的各种小玩意", "english": "Over there, all your bits and bobs for doing wizardry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这可是世界级的飞天扫把", "english": "It's a world-class racing broom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是最快的扫帚了", "english": "It's the fastest model yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是我拿什么买呢 海格 我又没有钱", "english": "But Hagrid, how am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的钱在那 古灵阁 巫师银行", "english": "There's your money. Gringotts, the wizard bank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要存东西 那里最安全 当然除了霍格沃兹", "english": "Ain't no safer place, not one. Except perhaps Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格 那些是什么东西", "english": "Hagrid, what exactly are these things?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是妖精 哈利", "english": "They're goblins, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好跟紧我", "english": "Best stay close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特先生想取一些钱", "english": "Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 哈利·波特先生带钥匙了吗", "english": "And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下 我看看放哪了", "english": "Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这 这小玩意", "english": "Ha! There's the little devil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授给了我这个", "english": "Professor Dumbledore gave me this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是在那个金库的那个东西", "english": "It's about You-Know-What in vault you-know-which."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那好吧", "english": "Very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请给我灯", "english": "Lamp, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会以为你父母什么都不给你留吧", "english": "Did you think your parents would leave you with nothing, did you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无可奉告 霍格沃兹公务 最高机密", "english": "Can't tell you. Hogwarts business. Very secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这事最好不要告诉任何人 哈利", "english": "Best not to mention this to anyone, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还需要 一根魔杖", "english": "I still need a wand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔杖的话 去奥利凡德吧 最好的魔杖店", "english": "A wand? You want Ollivanders. There ain't no place better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去那里买吧 然后等着", "english": "Why don't you run along there and wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还有别的事 不会太久", "english": "I just got one more thing I got to do. It won't be long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗", "english": "Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗", "english": "Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "终于见到您了 波特先生", "english": "I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当年你的父母", "english": "It seems only yesterday"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是在这买的第一根魔杖", "english": "...that your mother and father"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "试试这根", "english": "Here we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挥一下试试", "english": "Give it a wave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来这根不行", "english": "Apparently not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许", "english": "Perhaps..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这根能行", "english": "...this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 绝对不行 没关系", "english": "No, no, definitely not. No matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兴许是这根", "english": "I wonder..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇妙", "english": "Curious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是太奇妙了", "english": "Very curious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 什么地方让您觉得奇妙", "english": "Sorry, but what's curious?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我卖出的每一根魔杖我都记得 波特先生", "english": "I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "碰巧这根魔杖", "english": "It so happens that the phoenix..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是同一只凤凰身上的羽毛", "english": "Just one other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇妙之处在于这根魔杖竟选择了你", "english": "It is curious that you should be destined for this wand..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为它的兄弟给了你那道伤疤", "english": "...when its brother gave you that scar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那根魔杖的主人是谁", "english": "And who owned that wand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们从不提起他的名字", "english": "We do not speak his name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是魔杖选择巫师 波特先生", "english": "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原因向来无法解释", "english": "It's not always clear why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会成就一番大事业的", "english": "...that we can expect great things from you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毕竟 连名字都不能提的那个人", "english": "After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也大有成就", "english": "...did great things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管可怕", "english": "Terrible..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却还是大事", "english": "...yes, but great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 哈利", "english": "Harry! Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生日快乐", "english": "Happy birthday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗 哈利 怎么不吭声", "english": "You all right, Harry? You seem very quiet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他杀了我父母 对不对", "english": "He killed my parents, didn't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我留下这道伤疤的人", "english": "The one who gave me this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的 海格 你一定知道", "english": "You know, Hagrid. I know you do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先你要知道一件很重要的事", "english": "First, and understand this because it's very important:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巫师并不一定都是好人", "english": "Not all wizards are good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些巫师会变坏 几年前", "english": "Some of them go bad. A few years ago..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个巫师变得很坏很坏", "english": "...there was a wizard who went as bad as you can go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的名字叫伏...", "english": "And his name was V..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不了 我不会写", "english": "No, I can't spell it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是段黑暗的日子 哈利 太黑暗了", "english": "It was dark times, Harry. Dark times."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时伏地魔聚集了一批爪牙", "english": "Voldemort started to gather some followers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉拢他们投靠邪恶势力", "english": "Brought them over to the Dark Side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反抗他的人都被杀害了", "english": "Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的父母奋起反抗", "english": "Your parents fought against him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凡是他决意要杀的人 都活不下来", "english": "But nobody lived once he decided to kill them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无人幸免", "english": "Nobody, not one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了你", "english": "Except you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我吗 伏地魔想要杀我吗", "english": "Me? Voldemort tried to kill me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 你额头的伤疤可不寻常 哈利", "english": "Yes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有咒语才能", "english": "A mark like that only comes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留下这种伤疤 而且是很邪恶的咒语", "english": "from being touched by a curse, an evil curse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那伏...那个神秘人后来怎么样了", "english": "What happened to V...? To You-Know-Who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些人说他死了", "english": "Well, some say he died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "简直是一派胡言", "english": "Codswallop, in my opinion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得他还活着", "english": "Nope, I reckon he's out there still..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是没力气再回来了", "english": "...too tired to carry on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有一件事很肯定", "english": "But one thing's certain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天晚上你一定让他元气大伤", "english": "Something about you stumped him that night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你才这么有名 所以大家都认识你", "english": "That's why you're famous. That's why everybody knows your name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是大难不死的男孩", "english": "You're the boy who lived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊呀 已经这个点了", "english": "Blimey, is that the time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 哈利 我得先走了", "english": "Sorry, Harry, I'm gonna have to leave you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多等着要他的...", "english": "Dumbledore will be wanting his..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他等着要见我", "english": "Well, he'll be wanting to see me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你的票 把票收好 这很重要", "english": "Here's your ticket. Stick to your ticket, that's very important."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是海格 票上写错了吧", "english": "But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本没有这种站台 对吧", "english": "There's no such thing, is there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Excuse me. Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往左走", "english": "On your left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每年都一样 挤满了麻瓜", "english": "It's the same every year, packed with Muggles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 珀西 你先来", "english": "All right, Percy, you first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德 你接着", "english": "Fred, you next."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他才不是弗雷德 我才是", "english": "He's not Fred, I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亏你还是妈妈 连你都分不清", "english": "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 乔治", "english": "I'm sorry, George."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我开玩笑的 我是弗雷德", "english": "I'm only joking. I am Fred."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请问该怎么", "english": "Could you tell me how to...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么去站台吗 别担心亲爱的", "english": "How to get onto the platform? Not to worry, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩也是第一次去霍格沃茨", "english": "It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉我能坐这里吗 别的车厢都坐满了", "english": "Excuse me. Do you mind? Everywhere else is full."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐吧", "english": "Not at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫罗恩 罗恩·韦斯莱", "english": "I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫哈利 哈利·波特", "english": "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "果然是真的", "english": "So... So it's true!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Oh, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帅呆了", "english": "Wicked!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不要买点东西吃啊 孩子们", "english": "Anything off the trolley, dears?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 谢了 我自己带了", "english": "No, thanks. I'm all set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们全要了", "english": "We'll take the lot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么是比比多味豆", "english": "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是各种口味都有", "english": "They mean every flavor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有巧克力味的和薄荷味的", "english": "There's chocolate and peppermint and also..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有菠菜 肝脏 牛肚味", "english": "...spinach, liver and tripe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乔治说他有次吃到过鼻屎味的", "english": "George sweared he got a booger-flavored one once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是真的青蛙吗", "english": "Are they real frogs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这只是个咒语 主要是收集卡片用的", "english": "It's a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每包附有一张著名巫师的卡片", "english": "Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看好它", "english": "Watch it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运气真背 它们只能跳那一下", "english": "That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不见了", "english": "Hey, he's gone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你总不能让他一直呆在卡片里面吧", "english": "You can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是斑斑 它真可怜 对吧", "english": "This is Scabbers. Pathetic, isn't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还好吧", "english": "A little."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德教了我一个咒语能把它变成黄色", "english": "Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们有看见一只蟾蜍吗", "english": "Has anyone seen a toad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这是要施魔法吗 让我们来瞧瞧吧", "english": "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阳光 雏菊 甜奶油", "english": "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这只傻乎乎的肥老鼠变黄", "english": "Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你确定那个真的是咒语吗", "english": "Are you sure that's a real spell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来不怎么样 是吧", "english": "Well, it's not very good, is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也试过几个简单的咒语", "english": "I've only tried a few simple ones myself..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "举个例子", "english": "For example:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "修复一新", "english": "Oculus Reparo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好多了 是不是", "english": "That's better, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天 你是哈利·波特", "english": "Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫赫敏·格兰杰 你呢", "english": "I'm Hermione Granger. And you are...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩最好把袍子都穿上", "english": "You two better change into robes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你鼻子上有块东西 你知道吗", "english": "You've got dirt on your nose by the way. Did you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这儿", "english": "Just there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 新生 别害羞 快点快点", "english": "Come on, first years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 走这边上船 快点 跟着我", "english": "Right, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帅呆了", "english": "Wicked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到霍格沃茨", "english": "Welcome to Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再过一会你们就会", "english": "Now, in a few moments you'll pass"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走过这扇门和其他同学共聚一堂", "english": "through these doors and join your classmates."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在你们到餐厅入席之前", "english": "But before you take your seats,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要先为你们分派学院", "english": "you must be sorted into your houses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分别有格兰芬多 赫奇帕奇", "english": "They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉文克劳以及斯莱特林四个学院", "english": "...Ravenclaw and Slytherin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在校期间 学院就是你们的家", "english": "While you're here, your house will be like your family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的出色表现会为学院赢得加分", "english": "Your triumphs will earn you points."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而任何违规行为则会给学院减分", "english": "Any rule-breaking and you will lose points."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在年终时", "english": "At the end of the year,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "获最高分的学院可获得学院杯", "english": "the house with the most points wins the house cup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱福", "english": "Trevor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分院仪式马上就要开始了", "english": "The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火车上的传闻果然是真的", "english": "It's true then, what they're saying on the train."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特来霍格沃茨了", "english": "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是克拉布和高尔", "english": "This is Crabbe and Goyle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是马尔福", "english": "And I'm Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉科·马尔福", "english": "Draco Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "觉得我的名字很好笑是吗", "english": "Think my name's funny, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一眼就知道你是谁", "english": "I've no need to ask yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "红头发和旧长袍 想必是韦斯莱家的人", "english": "Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很快会发现有些巫师家族就是要高级些", "english": "You'll find out some wizarding families are better than others, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会想和这种货色交朋友的", "english": "You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我倒是可以做你朋友", "english": "I can help you there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切准备就绪了 跟我走", "english": "We're ready for you now. Follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个屋顶不是真的", "english": "The ceiling isn't real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它被施了魔咒所以看上去像夜空一样", "english": "It's bewitched to look like the night sky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在《霍格沃茨 一段校史》里读到过", "english": "I read about it in Hogwarts, A History."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请你们先在这里等着", "english": "Will you wait along here, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 在我们开始前", "english": "Now, before we begin..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多校长有几句话要说", "english": "...Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要先宣布几条新学期必须注意的事项", "english": "I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一年级新生们请注意", "english": "The first years, please note..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另外 我们的管理员", "english": "Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "费尔奇先生要我提醒各位", "english": "has asked me to remind you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不想死的很惨的话", "english": "...that the third-floor corridor is out of bounds..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就不要进入三楼右手边的走廊", "english": "...to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我叫到你的名字时 请上前来", "english": "When I call your name, you will come forth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会给你戴上分院帽", "english": "I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏·格兰杰", "english": "Hermione Granger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 放松", "english": "Oh, no. Okay, relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉你 那人脑子绝对不正常", "english": "Mental, that one, I'm telling you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 格兰芬多", "english": "Okay. Gryffindor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉科·马尔福", "english": "Draco Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱特林", "english": "Slytherin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些变坏的巫师都是斯莱特林出身的", "english": "Every wizard who went bad was in Slytherin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏珊·博恩斯", "english": "Susan Bones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 怎么了", "english": "Harry, what is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 我没事", "english": "Nothing. Nothing, I'm fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我想想", "english": "Let's see..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了 赫奇帕奇", "english": "I know! Hufflepuff!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩·韦斯莱", "english": "Ronald Weasley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又一个韦斯莱 我知道该把你分到哪了", "english": "Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰芬多", "english": "Gryffindor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看得出很有勇气 心地也不坏", "english": "Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且很有天赋", "english": "There's talent, oh, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "急切的想要证明自己", "english": "And a thirst to prove yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该把你分去哪个学院呢", "english": "But where to put you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不去斯莱特林 不去斯莱特林", "english": "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不去斯莱特林 你确定吗", "english": "Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能成大器 你的小脑瓜里都写着呢", "english": "You could be great, you know. It's all here, in your head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱特林能帮你", "english": "And Slytherin will help you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走向辉煌 这是毫无疑问的", "english": "on the way to greatness, no doubt about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要嘛 既然你决心已定", "english": "No? Well, if you're sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就去", "english": "Better be..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰芬多吧", "english": "...Gryffindor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特来这了", "english": "We got Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宴会开始", "english": "Let the feast begin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是混血", "english": "I'm half and half."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸是麻瓜 我妈是女巫", "english": "Me dad's a Muggle. Mum's a witch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸知道的时候吓了一大跳", "english": "Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "珀西 在和奇洛教授交谈的那个老师是谁", "english": "Percy, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是斯内普教授 斯莱特林的院长", "english": "Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他最感兴趣的是黑魔法防御术", "english": "But he fancies the Dark Arts Defences."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他觊觎奇洛教授的位子很多年了", "english": "He's been after Quirrell's job for years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家好 你好啊", "english": "Hello! How are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到格兰芬多", "english": "Welcome to Gryffindor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是血人巴罗", "english": "It's the Bloody Baron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 尼可拉斯爵士", "english": "Hello, Sir Nicholas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暑期过得愉快吗", "english": "Have a nice summer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不开心 我想参加", "english": "Dismal. Once again, my request"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无头骑士狩猎 但又一次被拒绝了", "english": "to join the Headless Hunt has been denied."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 你是“差点没头的尼克”", "english": "I know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我更喜欢别人叫我尼古拉斯爵士", "english": "I prefer Sir Nicholas, if you don't mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差点没头 你怎么能差点没头呢", "english": "\"Nearly\" Headless? How can you be nearly headless?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像这样", "english": "Like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰芬多的同学请跟我来", "english": "Gryffindors, follow me, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家跟上 谢谢", "english": "Keep up. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉文克劳的同学跟我来 这边走", "english": "Ravenclaw, follow me. This way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是通往宿舍最直的路径", "english": "This is the most direct path to the dormitories."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留神那些楼梯 它们随时会变", "english": "Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请大家跟紧了 跟我走", "english": "Keep up, please, and follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走快点 快点 快点", "english": "Quickly now, come on. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那幅画在动", "english": "That picture's moving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到霍格沃茨", "english": "Welcome to Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "口令", "english": "Password?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家跟我来 都跟上 快点", "english": "Follow me, everyone. Keep up. Quickly, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里集合", "english": "Gather around here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到格兰芬多的公共休息室", "english": "Welcome to the Gryffindor common room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男生宿舍在楼上左手边", "english": "Boys' dormitory is upstairs to the left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女生的在楼上右手边", "english": "Girls, the same on your right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的行李已经被送到楼上了", "english": "Your belongings have already been brought up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶上了", "english": "Made it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能想像老麦格知道我们迟到了", "english": "Can you imagine the look"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是太厉害了", "english": "That was bloody brilliant!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢夸奖 韦斯莱先生", "english": "Thank you for that assessment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许把波特先生和你变成怀表", "english": "Perhaps it'd be more usefully"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没准你们就知道准时的意义了", "english": "Then one of you might be on time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们迷路了", "english": "We got lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我该把你们变成地图喽", "english": "Then perhaps a map?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信找到你们自己的座位不需要地图吧", "english": "I trust you don't need one to find your seats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我的课上", "english": "There will be no foolish"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不准乱挥魔杖 不准乱念咒语", "english": "wand-waving or silly incantations in this class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就个人而言 我不指望你们中大多数人", "english": "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能够领会魔药学中的技术与奥妙", "english": "...the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过 对那极少数", "english": "However, for those select few..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以教你们如何迷惑人的心智", "english": "...I can teach you how to bewitch the mind..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "囚禁人的感官", "english": "...and ensnare the senses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以教你们如何罐藏名声", "english": "I can tell you how to bottle fame"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "酿造荣誉", "english": "brew glory"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至长生不死", "english": "and even put a stopper in death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还要重申", "english": "Then again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许有人觉得在霍格沃茨", "english": "maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "觉得可以不专心听讲", "english": "...to not pay attention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特先生", "english": "Mr. Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新生代的名人", "english": "Our new celebrity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果将水仙根粉末", "english": "What would I get if I added"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加入艾草浸液中会得到什么", "english": "root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道 那我们换个问题", "english": "You don't know? Let's try again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果要找牛黄你应该从哪里着手", "english": "Where would you look if I asked you to find a bezoar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 先生", "english": "I don't know, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "舟形乌头和狼毒乌头有什么区别", "english": "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 先生", "english": "I don't know, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真遗憾", "english": "Pity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然 名声不代表一切", "english": "Clearly, fame isn't everything..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对吗 波特先生", "english": "...is it, Mr. Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兔眼晶晶 竖琴幽幽", "english": "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这清水变美酒", "english": "Turn this water into rum"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兔眼晶晶", "english": "Eye of rabbit..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西莫想对那杯水做什么", "english": "What's Seamus going to do to that glass of water?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它变成酒 昨天确实成功变出了淡茶", "english": "Turn it to rum. Actually managed a weak tea yesterday,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过后来就...", "english": "before..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来邮件了", "english": "Mail's here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能借来看看吗 谢谢", "english": "Can I borrow this? Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看啊 纳威收到个记忆球", "english": "Look, Neville's got a Remembrall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在书里读到过", "english": "I've read about those. The"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你忘记了事情 烟会变成红色", "english": "smoke turns red when you've forgotten something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问题是 我不记得忘记了什么事情", "english": "The problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人非法闯入了古灵阁 听这里", "english": "Somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信是不明身份的黑巫师所为", "english": "\"Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古灵阁的妖精承认有人闯入", "english": "...Gringotts goblins acknowledge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是强调什么都没有失窃", "english": "the breach but insist nothing was taken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在当天早些时候已空无一物", "english": "had been emptied earlier that same day. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇怪 我和海格去的就是这个金库", "english": "That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好 同学们", "english": "Good afternoon, class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好 霍琦夫人", "english": "Good afternoon, Madam Hooch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好 阿曼达 下午好", "english": "Good afternoon, Amanda. Good afternoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎参加你们的第一堂飞行课", "english": "Welcome to your first flying lesson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们还在等什么 站到飞天扫帚左边去", "english": "What are you waiting for? Step up to the left side of the broomstick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来啊 动作快点", "english": "Come on now, hurry up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把右手放在扫帚的正上方说 起", "english": "Stick your right hand over the broom and say, \"Up. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起", "english": "Up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起", "english": "Up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起", "english": "Up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起 起", "english": "Up. Up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带点感情", "english": "With feeling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴 哈利", "english": "Shut up, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿到扫帚的同学 现在我要你们骑上去", "english": "Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我吹响哨子", "english": "When I blow my whistle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你们每一个人都用力蹬地", "english": "I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你们的扫帚飞起来 在空中停一会儿", "english": "Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后微微前倾 回到地面", "english": "...then lean forward slightly and touch back down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "隆巴顿先生", "english": "Mr. Longbottom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纳威", "english": "Neville!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没事吧", "english": "Is he all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 手腕骨折了", "english": "Oh, dear, it's a broken wrist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可怜的孩子 来吧 站起来", "english": "Poor boy. Come on now, up you get."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我送他去医疗室期间", "english": "Everyone has to Keep his feet firmly on the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都老老实实地呆在地上", "english": "ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听明白了吗 不要让我看到天上有扫帚", "english": "Understand? I see a single broom in the air..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们看到他的脸了吗", "english": "Did you see his face?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他抓着这个", "english": "If he had squeezed this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就会记得用屁股着陆", "english": "he'd have remembered to fall on his arse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它给我 马尔福", "english": "Give it here, Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我要藏起来让隆巴顿去找", "english": "No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏在屋顶上怎么样", "english": "How about on the roof?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了波特 够不着吗", "english": "What's the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利别去 想想霍琦夫人说的话", "english": "Harry, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你还不知道怎么飞", "english": "Besides, you don't know how to fly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大傻瓜", "english": "What an idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它给我 不然我把你打下去", "english": "Give it here or I'll knock you off your broom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就这点本事吗", "english": "Is that so?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要的话就自己去拿吧", "english": "Have it your way, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接得好 哈利", "english": "Nice going, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了 哈利", "english": "That was wicked, Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来", "english": "Follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这儿等着", "english": "You wait here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 奇洛教授", "english": "Professor Quirrell, excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能让伍德出来一下吗", "english": "Could I borrow Wood for a moment?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然可以", "english": "Yes, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波特 这位是奥利佛·伍德", "english": "Potter, this is Oliver Wood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伍德 我给你找到个找球手", "english": "Wood, I have found you a Seeker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听说了吗", "english": "Have you heard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特成了格兰芬多新的找球手", "english": "Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道他准行", "english": "I always knew he'd do well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找球手 但是新生从来没入选过院队", "english": "Seeker? But first years never make the house teams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是最年轻的魁地奇选手", "english": "You must be the youngest Quidditch player in..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "百年来最年轻的 麦格说的", "english": "A century, McGonagall says."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好样的哈利 伍德都告诉我们了", "english": "Well done, Harry. Wood's just told us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德和乔治也在队上 他们是击球手", "english": "Fred and George are on the team,too. Beaters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的任务就是保护你不要被揍得太惨", "english": "Our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up too bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打不了包票 魁地奇很野蛮", "english": "Can't make any promises. Rough game, Quidditch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是从来没有死过人 偶尔有人会消失", "english": "But no one's died in years. Someone vanishes occasionally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过一两个月后就会出现", "english": "But they'll turn up in a month or two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧哈利 魁地奇很带劲", "english": "Go on,Harry. Quidditch is great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好玩的运动 你也会成为最棒的", "english": "Best game there is, and you'll be great too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没打过 要是出洋相了怎么办", "english": "I've never played. What if I make a fool of myself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才不会出洋相呢 有家族遗传", "english": "You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从没说过你爸爸也是个找球手", "english": "You never told me your father was a Seeker too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I didn't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实话实说 这事挺玄乎的", "english": "I'm telling you, it's spooky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于你的事 赫敏知道的都比你多", "english": "She knows more about you than you do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁都比我多", "english": "Who doesn't?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出什么事了", "english": "What's happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "楼梯自己会变 记得吗", "english": "The staircases change, remember?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有没有人觉得我们走错地方了", "english": "Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不该进来的", "english": "We're not supposed to be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们离开这儿", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 躲到那扇门后面去", "english": "Quick, let's hide through that door!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闪开", "english": "Move over!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉霍洞开", "english": "Alohomora."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进来", "english": "Get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉霍洞开?", "english": "Alohomora?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "标准咒语手册 第七章", "english": "Standard Book of Spells, chapter seven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人进来了吗 亲爱的", "english": "Anyone here, my sweet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们到底想干嘛", "english": "What are they doing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这样的东西关在学校里", "english": "keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你眼睛是用来干嘛的", "english": "You didn't use your eyes, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没看到它站在哪儿吗", "english": "Didn't you see what it was standing on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没看它的脚 我光顾着看它的头了", "english": "I wasn't looking at its feet! I was preoccupied with its heads."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许你没有注意到 它有三个头", "english": "Or maybe you didn't notice. There were three!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它站在一个暗门上 这肯定不是巧合", "english": "It was standing on a trap door. It wasn't there by accident."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 现在 如果你们俩不介意", "english": "That's right. Now, if you two don't mind,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去睡了 免得你们两个想出什么妙计", "english": "I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another idea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "害我们送命", "english": "to get us killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没准更糟 被开除", "english": "Or worse, expelled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她哪个更糟都分不清吗", "english": "She needs to sort out her priorities."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "追球手手持鬼飞球", "english": "The Chasers handle the Quaffle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它扔进其中一个铁环", "english": "and try to put it through one of those hoops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我作为守门员要守住铁环 明白了吗", "english": "The Keeper, that's me, defends the hoops. With me so far?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了 那这些是什么", "english": "I think so. What are those?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿好这个", "english": "You better take this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心点 它回来了", "english": "Careful now, it's coming back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干得不错 波特", "english": "Not bad, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做击球手也不赖", "english": "You'd make a fair Beater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那到底是什么", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "游走球 淘气的小家伙", "english": "Bludger. Nasty little buggers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过你是个找球手", "english": "But you are a Seeker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你唯一要关心的是这个球", "english": "The only thing I want you to worry about is this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金色飞贼", "english": "The Golden Snitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等着瞧 它飞得超快 快得都没影了", "english": "Just wait. It's wicked fast and damn near impossible to see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该怎么做", "english": "What do I do with it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶在对方的找球手之前抓住它", "english": "You catch it. Before the other team's Seeker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓到它 比赛就结束了", "english": "You catch this, the game's over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓到它 波特 我们就赢了", "english": "You catch this, Potter, and we win."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是基础咒语之一", "english": "is levitation..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是让物体飞起来", "english": "...or the ability to make objects fly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都拿到羽毛了吗 很好", "english": "Do you have your feathers? Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 不要忘记我们刚才练习过的", "english": "Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正确的魔杖挥舞手势", "english": "we've been practicing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一挥一抖 大家一起来", "english": "The swish and flick. Everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一挥 再一抖", "english": "The swish and flick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做得很好 再念动咒语", "english": "Good. Oh, and enunciate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 你们来试试", "english": "Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨", "english": "Wingardium Leviosa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨", "english": "Wingardium Leviosa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 停 停 停", "english": "No, stop, stop, stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都要戳到别人的眼睛了", "english": "You're going to take someone's eye out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你的咒语也念错了", "english": "Besides, you're saying it wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是勒维“奥”萨 而不是勒维奥“萨”", "english": "It's Leviosa, not Leviosar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那么聪明 你倒是试试看啊 来啊", "english": "You do it then, if you're so clever. Go on, go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨", "english": "Wingardium Leviosa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做得很好 大家看啊", "english": "Well done! See here, everyone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰杰小姐做到了", "english": "Miss Granger's done it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了", "english": "Splendid!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做得好 亲爱的", "english": "Well done, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教授 我想我们这儿还需要一根羽毛", "english": "I think we're going to need another feather over here, professor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是勒维“奥”萨 而不是勒维奥“萨”", "english": "\"It's Leviosa, not Leviosar. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实话实说 她就是个噩梦", "english": "She's a nightmare, honestly!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难怪她交不到朋友", "english": "No wonder she hasn't got any friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想她听见了", "english": "I think she heard you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏去哪儿了", "english": "Where's Hermione?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帕瓦蒂说她一直待在浴室里不出来", "english": "Parvati said she wouldn't come out of the bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巨怪 在地下室", "english": "Troll in the dungeon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地下室有巨怪", "english": "Troll in the dungeon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该告诉你们一下", "english": "Thought you ought to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安静", "english": "Silence!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请大家不要惊慌", "english": "Everyone will please not panic!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在", "english": "Now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "级长带领各自学院的同学回到宿舍", "english": "prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老师们跟我去地下室", "english": "Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰芬多的同学 请跟上 保持警惕", "english": "Gryffindors, keep up, please, and stay alert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巨怪怎么会在学校出现", "english": "How could a troll get in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定是被放进来的 巨怪都是大笨蛋", "english": "Not on its own. Trolls are really stupid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许是有人在恶作剧吧", "english": "Probably people playing jokes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来巨怪不在地下室", "english": "I think the troll's left the dungeon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它要进女生盥洗室", "english": "It's going into the girls' bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏 快跑", "english": "Hermione, move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救命 救命", "english": "Help! Help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边 大笨蛋", "english": "Hey, pea brain!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救命", "english": "Help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别愣着不动啊", "english": "Do something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨", "english": "Wingardium Leviosa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太帅了", "english": "Cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它死了吗", "english": "Is it dead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看不像 是晕过去了", "english": "I don't think so. Just knocked out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好恶心的鼻涕", "english": "Troll boogers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 都给我解释清楚这是怎么回事", "english": "Oh, my goodness! Explain yourselves, both of you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事情是这样的...", "english": "Well, what it is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是我的错 麦格教授", "english": "It's my fault, Professor McGonagall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰杰小姐", "english": "Miss Granger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找巨怪来了", "english": "I went looking for the troll."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以为自己搞得定它", "english": "I thought I could handle it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果我错了", "english": "But I was wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是哈利和罗恩及时出现", "english": "If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可能已经死了", "english": "I'd probably be dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使是这样 这也是件傻事", "english": "Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想不到你这么冒失", "english": "I expected more rational behavior"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你严重的判断失误", "english": "Five points will be taken from Gryffindor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至于你们两位先生", "english": "As for you two gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要记住你们这次纯属走运", "english": "I just hope you realize how fortunate you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是每个新生都能面对巨怪", "english": "Not many first-year students could take on a troll"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全身而退的", "english": "and live to tell the tale."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个人", "english": "Five points"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算是为你们的狗屎运", "english": "for sheer dumb luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们该走了 巨怪马上就要醒了", "english": "Perhaps you ought to go. It might wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再吃点面包吧 哥们", "english": "Take a bit of toast, mate. Go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩说得没错 今天你需要消耗体力", "english": "Ron's right. You'll need your strength today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不饿", "english": "I'm not hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你今天好运 波特", "english": "Good luck today, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魁地奇比赛更是不在话下", "english": "A game of Quidditch should be easy work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪怕对手是斯莱特林", "english": "Even if it is against Slytherin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得昨晚斯内普用巨怪声东击西", "english": "Last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乘机闯过守护犬", "english": "so he could get past that dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但被咬了 所以跛了", "english": "But he got bit, that's why he's limping."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他干嘛要招惹三头犬", "english": "But why would anyone go near that dog?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格在古灵阁取出一件东西", "english": "At Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of the vault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说这是霍格沃茨的公事 高度机密", "english": "Said it was Hogwarts business, very secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意思是", "english": "You're saying..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是三头犬守护的东西", "english": "That's what the dog's guarding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普想偷走", "english": "That's what Snape wants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么早就送邮件吗", "english": "Bit early for mail, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都没人给我寄过包裹呢", "english": "But I never get mail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开瞧瞧", "english": "Let's open it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞天扫帚", "english": "It's a broomstick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是普通的飞天扫帚 哈利", "english": "That's not just a broomstick, Harry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这是谁...", "english": "But who...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怕不怕 哈利", "english": "Scared, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一点点", "english": "A little."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很正常 我第一次上场也是这样的", "english": "It's all right. I felt the same way before my first game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后来呢", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两分钟 我被游走球击中脑袋", "english": "I took a Bludger to the head two minutes in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在医院昏迷了一个星期", "english": "Woke up in hospital a week later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家好 欢迎观看霍格沃茨本学期首场魁地奇比赛", "english": "Hello. Welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天的比赛 由斯莱特林对战格兰芬多", "english": "Today's game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "球员们各就各位", "english": "The players take their positions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍奇夫人步入球场 宣布比赛开始", "english": "as Madam Hooch steps onto the field to begin the game!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望今天的比赛", "english": "Now, I want a nice, clean game"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公正 又精彩", "english": "from all of you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "游走球升空了 紧跟着的是金色飞贼", "english": "The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找球手逮住它 比赛就结束", "english": "The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鬼飞球上天 比赛开始", "english": "The Quaffle is released and the game begins!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂亮", "english": "Well done!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱特林得球", "english": "Slytherin takes the Quaffle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布莱奇传球给马库斯·弗林特队长", "english": "Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抢占那边", "english": "Take that side!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利的扫帚怎么回事", "english": "What's going on with Harry's broomstick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普在给扫帚下霉咒", "english": "It's Snape. He's jinxing the broom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 赫敏", "english": "Come on, Hermione!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火 你身上着火了", "english": "Fire! You're on fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冲 冲 冲", "english": "Go, go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他好像要吐了", "english": "Looks like he's gonna be sick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他逮住金色飞贼了", "english": "He's got the Snitch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰芬多胜出", "english": "Gryffindor wins!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别乱说 斯内普干嘛要给哈利的扫帚下咒", "english": "Nonsense! Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道 他为什么要惹三头犬", "english": "Who knows? Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那东西还有名字吗", "english": "That thing has a name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 那可是我的宠物", "english": "Of course he has a name. He's mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从爱尔兰人手里买下的", "english": "I bought him off an Irishman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是最高机密", "english": "That's top-secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管路威在看守什么", "english": "But whatever Fluffy's guarding,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是斯内普要偷的东西", "english": "Snape's trying to steal it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胡说八道 斯内普教授可是霍格沃茨的老师", "english": "Codswallop. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道 反正我看到他在下咒语", "english": "Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在书里读到过", "english": "I've read all about them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要眼睛紧盯目标 斯内普就没眨过眼", "english": "You've got to keep eye contact, and Snape wasn't blinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们三个听我说", "english": "Now, you listen to me, all three of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这件事太危险", "english": "You're meddling in things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狗狗看护的东西", "english": "What that dog is guarding"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只和邓布利多及尼古拉斯·勒梅有关", "english": "is between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼古拉斯·勒梅", "english": "Nicholas Flamel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁是尼古拉斯·勒梅", "english": "Nicholas Flamel. Who's Nicholas Flamel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐 圣诞快乐", "english": "Merry Christmas Merry Christmas"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍格沃茨的钟声响起", "english": "Ring the Hogwarts bell"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐 圣诞快乐", "english": "Merry Christmas Merry Christmas"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "轻施一个圣诞魔法", "english": "Cast a Christmas spell"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巫师象棋就是这样", "english": "That's wizard's chess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经打包好行李了", "english": "I see you've packed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可没有", "english": "I see you haven't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去罗马尼亚看望我哥查理去了", "english": "go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在那里研究火龙", "english": "He's studying dragons there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也好 你可以协助哈利", "english": "Good. You can help Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他正在图书馆寻找尼古拉斯·勒梅的信息呢", "english": "He's going to the library to look up Nicholas Flamel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都翻遍了 还是一无所获", "english": "We've looked a hundred times!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别忘了还有禁书区", "english": "Not in the restricted section."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐", "english": "Happy Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得咱们会被她带坏的", "english": "I think we've had a bad influence on her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 醒醒 快来看 哈利", "english": "Harry, wake up! Come on, Harry, wake up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐 哈利", "english": "Happy Christmas, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐 罗恩", "english": "Happy Christmas, Ron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你穿的是什么", "english": "What are you wearing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈织的毛衣 好像你也有一件", "english": "Oh, my mum made it. Looks like you've got one too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这个", "english": "There they are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今物归原主 请妥善使用”", "english": "It is time it was returned to you. Use it well. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么东西", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像是斗篷", "english": "Some kind of cloak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不错 穿上瞧瞧", "english": "Well, let's see, then. Put it on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的身体不见了", "english": "My body's gone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道了 这是件隐形斗篷", "english": "I know what that is. That's an invisibility cloak!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我隐形了", "english": "I'm invisible?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这可是稀有宝贝", "english": "They're really rare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇怪 谁寄给你的", "english": "I wonder who gave it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有署名 只是写着“请妥善使用”", "english": "There was no name. It just said, \"Use it well. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勒梅 尼古拉斯·勒梅 你在哪里", "english": "Flamel. Nicholas Flamel. Where are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你在里面 躲不了的", "english": "I know you're in there. You can't hide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁 快点现形", "english": "Who is it? Show yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西弗勒斯 我...", "english": "Severus, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不希望我和你对着干吧 奇洛", "english": "You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不清楚你在说什么", "english": "I don't know what you mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恰恰相反 你很清楚", "english": "You know perfectly well what I mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好聊聊你究竟在替谁做事", "english": "When you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教授们 我在禁书区发现了这个", "english": "Professors. I found this in the restricted section."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还烫手呢 显然有学生溜出寝室了", "english": "It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所显示的不是你的脸 而是你心里的渴望", "english": "\"I show not your face but your heart desire\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈", "english": "Mum?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸", "english": "Dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 你得看看这个 一定得看看", "english": "Ron, you've really gotta see this! Ron, you've gotta see this!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 快点起床", "english": "Ron, Ron, come on, get out of bed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快点 看 这是我父母", "english": "Come on! Come! Come look, it's my parents!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只看到我们俩", "english": "I only see us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对准角度再看 站这里", "english": "Look in properly. Go on, stand there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且赢了魁地奇杯", "english": "And I'm holding the Quidditch Cup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天呐 我还是魁地奇队长", "english": "And bloody hell! I'm Quidditch captain too!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看上去帅呆了", "english": "I look good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 你觉得镜子显示的是未来么", "english": "Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么可能 我父母都已经过世了", "english": "How can it? Both my parents are dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又来了吗 哈利", "english": "Back again, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和以前那些人一样", "english": "I see that you, like so many before you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在厄里斯魔镜中找到了乐趣", "english": "have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想现在你应该知道它的作用", "english": "I trust by now you realize what it does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你点提示", "english": "Let me give you a clue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有世上最快乐的人", "english": "The happiest man on earth"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才会在镜子中会看到", "english": "would look in the mirror and see only himself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现实中的自己", "english": "exactly as he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 这是一面显示我们欲求的镜子", "english": "So then, it shows us what we want. Whatever we want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 也不是", "english": "Yes. And no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它反映的其实是", "english": "It shows us nothing more or less"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对于你 哈利 你从没见过家人", "english": "Now you, Harry, who have never known your family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以看到了他们在你身边", "english": "You see them standing beside you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但记住 哈利", "english": "But remember this, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这块镜子不会给我们知识", "english": "This mirror gives us neither knowledge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和真相", "english": "or truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们只会在它前面虚度光阴 甚至发疯", "english": "Men have wasted away in front of it. Even gone mad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我明天要把它挪个地方", "english": "That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我告诉你", "english": "And I must ask you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要想着找它了", "english": "not to go looking for it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人不能活在梦里", "english": "It does not do to dwell on dreams"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而忘记生活", "english": "and forget to live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让你们找错了地方", "english": "I had you looking in the wrong section."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么会那么笨呢", "english": "How could I be so stupid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几周前我接了这本书解解闷", "english": "I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这能解闷吗", "english": "This is light?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 就是这个", "english": "Of course! Here it is!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼古拉斯·勒梅是", "english": "Nicholas Flamel is the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唯一已知的魔法石制作者", "english": "only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么东西", "english": "The what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道你们俩从来不看书吗", "english": "Honestly, don't you two read?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一种具有超凡魔力的传奇物品", "english": "is a legendary substance with astonishing powers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还能制作长生不老药", "english": "and produces the Elixir of Life"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道是什么意思", "english": "I know what it means!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "归尼古拉斯·勒梅先生所有", "english": "belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位著名的炼金术士", "english": "the noted alchemist who last year"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "路威在三楼守护的就是这东西", "english": "That's what Fluffy's guarding on the third floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那活板门里面就是这个 魔法石", "english": "That's what's under the trap door. The Philosopher's Stone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 无意冒犯", "english": "Sorry, don't wish to be rude,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是今天我不能陪你们玩了", "english": "but I'm in no fit state to entertain today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们知道魔法石的事了", "english": "We know about the Philosopher's Stone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们认为斯内普想偷它", "english": "We think Snape's trying to steal it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普 你们不会还在怀疑他吧", "english": "Snape? Come on, are you still on about him, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格 我们知道他想得到魔法石", "english": "Hagrid, we know he's after the stone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是不知道什么目", "english": "we just don't know why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普是保护魔法石的老师之一", "english": "Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不会去偷它的", "english": "He's not about to steal it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 你们快走吧 我今天有点忙", "english": "You heard. Alright, come on now, I'm a bit preoccupied today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就对了", "english": "Of course!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有其他东西在保护着魔法石 对吧", "english": "There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我说简直是浪费时间", "english": "Waste of bloody time, if you ask me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人能过得了路威这一关", "english": "Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁都不知道方法 除了我和邓布利多", "english": "Ain't a soul knows how, except for me and Dumbledore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不该告诉你们的 我不该多嘴的", "english": "I shouldn't have told you that. I should not have told you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格 那到底是什么", "english": "Hagrid, what exactly is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个吗 是个 是个", "english": "That? It's a...it's um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道那是什么", "english": "I know what that is!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是海格 你是怎么弄到的", "english": "But, Hagrid, how did you get one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从酒吧里的一个陌生人那里赢来的", "english": "I won it. Off a stranger I met down at the pub."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话 那人好像巴不得送走它", "english": "Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是", "english": "Is that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一条龙吗", "english": "a dragon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那可不是普通的龙", "english": "That's not just a dragon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是一条挪威脊背龙", "english": "That's a Norwegian Ridgeback."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哥哥查理就在罗马尼亚研究它们", "english": "My brother Charlie works with these in Romania."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不觉得他很漂亮吗 上帝保佑他", "english": "Isn't he beautiful? Oh, bless him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快看 找妈妈来了", "english": "Look, he knows his mummy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 诺伯", "english": "Hello, Norbert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺伯", "english": "Norbert?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊 他总得有个名字吧", "english": "Yeah, well, he's gotta have a name, don't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对吧 诺伯", "english": "Don't you, Norbert?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 他还是有点缺乏教养", "english": "He'll have to be trained up a bit, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是谁", "english": "Who's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马尔福", "english": "Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好了", "english": "Oh, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格一直想养一条龙", "english": "Hagrid always wanted a dragon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一次见到我的时候就跟我说过", "english": "Told me so the first time I ever met him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太疯狂了 更糟的是 马尔福知道了", "english": "It's crazy. And worse, Malfoy knows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论如何 我重复 无论如何", "english": "Nothing, I repeat, nothing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学生都不能半夜里在学校里闲逛", "english": "gives a student the right to walk about the school at night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此 作为对你们的惩罚", "english": "Therefore, as punishment for your actions,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了确保这种事不再发生", "english": "And to ensure it doesn't happen again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们四个都要留堂", "english": "all four of you will receive detention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 教授 也许我听错了", "english": "Excuse me, professor, perhaps I heard you wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚说我们四个", "english": "I thought you said the four of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我就是那么说的 马尔福先生", "english": "No, you heard me correctly, Mr Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管你的出发点是好的", "english": "You see, honorable as your intentions were,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你也半夜跑出来了", "english": "but you too were out of bed after hours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要跟你的同学们一起受罚", "english": "You will join your classmates in detention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前的惩罚方式废除了 真可惜", "english": "A pity they let the old punishments die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都要倒挂在地牢里", "english": "hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真怀念那惨叫声", "english": "God, I miss the screaming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚你们和海格一起留堂", "english": "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要到禁林里办点事情", "english": "He's got a little job to do inside the Dark Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "调皮虫们来了 海格", "english": "A sorry lot, this, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 伙计", "english": "Oh, good God, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还在对那条龙念念不忘吗", "english": "You're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺伯走了", "english": "Norbert's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多把他送到罗马尼亚的栖息地了", "english": "Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是好事 不是吗", "english": "Well, that's good, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他能和同类在一起了", "english": "He'll be with his own kind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万一他不喜欢罗马尼亚呢", "english": "Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果其他的龙欺负他怎么办", "english": "What if the other dragons are mean to him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他毕竟才那么小", "english": "He's only a baby after all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要进林子里去的", "english": "You're going into the Forest after all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "头脑最好保持清醒", "english": "Got to have your wits about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禁林 我以为你在开玩笑", "english": "The Forest? I thought that was a joke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能进去", "english": "We can't go in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学生不准进去的", "english": "Students aren't allowed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且里面有", "english": "And there are..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那林子里可不止有狼人", "english": "Oh, there's more than werewolves in those trees, eh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这点可以肯定", "english": "You can be sure of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我们走吧", "english": "Right. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格 那是什么", "english": "Hagrid, what is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们来的目的 看到了吗", "english": "What we're here for. See that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是独角兽的血", "english": "That's unicorn blood, that is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几星期前我发现有一头死掉了", "english": "I found one dead a few weeks ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的任务", "english": "So, it's our job"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是找到那可怜的家伙", "english": "to go and find the poor beast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 赫敏 你们跟着我", "english": "Ron, Hermione, you come with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Ok."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 你跟马尔福一起", "english": "Harry, you'll go with Malfoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 那我要牙牙", "english": "Okay. Then I get Fang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行 要知道 他胆小的很", "english": "Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我回去告诉我爸 走着瞧", "english": "You wait till my father hears about this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是仆人干的活", "english": "This is servant's stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我看错了 德拉科", "english": "If I didn't know better, Draco,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是害怕了", "english": "I'd say you were scared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不害怕 波特", "english": "I'm not scared, Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听到了吗", "english": "Do you hear that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 牙牙", "english": "Come on, Fang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说我害怕", "english": "Scared!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了 牙牙", "english": "What is it, Fang?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特 你必须离开这里", "english": "Harry Potter, you must leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里很多生物都认识你", "english": "You are known to many creatures here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这时候的禁林不安全 尤其对于你来说", "english": "The Forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你赶走的那个是什么东西", "english": "But what was that thing you saved me from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屠杀独角兽是很可怕的罪行", "english": "It is a terrible crime to slay an unicorn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝了独角兽的血会延续你的生命", "english": "Drinking the blood of an unicorn will keep you alive"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使你已经苟延残喘", "english": "even if you are an inch from death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是要付出很大的代价", "english": "But at a terrible price."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀掉这么纯洁的生物", "english": "For you have slain something so pure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从它的血液碰到你嘴唇的那一刻起", "english": "that from the moment the blood touches your lips,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就半生半死了", "english": "you will have a half-life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一辈子被诅咒", "english": "A cursed life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是谁会选择这样活着", "english": "But who would choose such a life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想不到吗", "english": "Can you think of no one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意思是杀了这独角兽的", "english": "Do you mean to say that thing that killed the unicorn..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个喝了它的血的", "english": "that was drinking its blood,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是伏地魔吗", "english": "that was Voldemort?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道此时此刻在学校里", "english": "Do you know what is hidden in the school"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏着什么东西吗 波特先生", "english": "at this very moment, Mr. Potter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利", "english": "Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊 费伦泽", "english": "Hello there, Firenze."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来你见过波特了", "english": "See you've met our young Mr. Potter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吧 哈利", "english": "You all right there, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特 我就送你到这里", "english": "Harry Potter, this is where I leave you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在安全了 祝你好运", "english": "You're safe now. Good luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说 神秘人在禁林里吗", "english": "You mean, You-Know-Who is out there right now in the Forest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他很虚弱 靠喝独角兽的血为生", "english": "But he's weak. He's living off the unicorns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不明白吗 我们之前错了", "english": "Don't you see? We had it wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普偷魔法石不是为了自己", "english": "Snape doesn't want the Stone for himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是为伏地魔偷的", "english": "He wants the stone for Voldemort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有了长生不老药 伏地魔就能再次崛起", "english": "With the Elixir of Life, Voldemort will be strong again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会", "english": "He'll..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会回归的", "english": "He'll come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是如果他回归了", "english": "But if he comes back,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是不是要来杀了你", "english": "you don't think he'll try to kill you, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他有机会 也许今晚就动手了", "english": "If he'd had the chance, he might have tried tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还担心魔药课期末考呢", "english": "And to think I've been worrying about my Potions final."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 我们忘记了一点", "english": "Hang on a minute. We're forgetting one thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔唯一害怕的人是谁", "english": "Who's the one wizard Voldemort always feared?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多", "english": "Dumbledore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要邓布利多在这里 哈利 你就是安全的", "english": "As long as Dumbledore is around, Harry, you're safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要邓布利多在这里 没有人伤得了你", "english": "As long as Dumbledore is around, you can't be touched."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直以为霍格沃茨的期末考很难", "english": "I'd always heard Hogwarts' end-of-year exams were frightful,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是却觉得挺轻松的", "english": "but I found that rather enjoyable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你 你还好吧 哈利", "english": "Speak for yourself. All right there, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的伤疤 一直在灼烧", "english": "My scar. It keeps burning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之前也发生过", "english": "It's happened before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次不一样了", "english": "Not like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许你该去校医院看一下", "english": "Perhaps you should see the nurse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想这是个警告 危险要到来了", "english": "I think it's a warning. It means danger's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不觉得有点奇怪吗", "english": "Don't you think it's a bit odd"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格最渴望的东西就是一条龙", "english": "that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果刚好那个陌生人就有一条", "english": "and a stranger turns up who just happens to have one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有多少人会揣着龙蛋", "english": "I mean, how many people wander around"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我之前怎么就没想明白呢", "english": "Why didn't I see it before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格 那龙蛋是谁给你的", "english": "Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他长的什么样", "english": "What did he look like?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 一直没看到他的脸", "english": "I don't know, I never saw his face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他戴着兜帽", "english": "He kept his hood up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个陌生人 你们肯定谈过话", "english": "This stanger though, you and he must have talked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟他说 我说 “养过路威", "english": "I told him, I said, \"After Fluffy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "养一条龙简直是小意思”", "english": "a dragon's gonna be no problem.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那他对路威感兴趣吗", "english": "Then is he interested in Fluffy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他当然对路威感兴趣", "english": "Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有多少人见过三头犬", "english": "How often do you come across a three-headed dog?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪怕你是倒卖这个的", "english": "Even if you were in the trade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我跟他说 我说 我说", "english": "But I told him, I said, I said that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是要安抚它”", "english": "is to know how to calm him.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿路威说吧", "english": "Take Fluffy, for example."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不该告诉你们", "english": "I shouldn't have told you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们要去哪 等等", "english": "Where are you going? Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要见邓布利多教授 马上", "english": "We have to see professor Dumbledore. Immediately!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邓布利多教授不在这里", "english": "I'm afraid professor Dumbledore is not here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法部有点紧急的事情", "english": "He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他走了 但是这事很重要", "english": "He's gone? But this is important!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你们三个是怎么知道魔法石的", "english": "I don't know how you three found out about the Stone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我保证它现在很安全", "english": "but I assure you it is perfectly well protected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们回宿舍去吧 安静点走", "english": "Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海格碰到的不是陌生人 对吧", "english": "That was no stranger Hagrid have met, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是斯内普", "english": "It was Snape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是说他知道怎么绕过路威了", "english": "Which means he knows how to get past Fluffy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么好的天气 你们三个小格兰芬多", "english": "Now, what would three young Gryffindors such as yourselves"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在室内待着干什么呢", "english": "be doing inside on a day like this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别人会以为你们", "english": "People will think you're..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图谋不轨", "english": "up to something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该怎么办", "english": "Now what do we do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们穿越活板门 就今晚", "english": "We go down the trap door. Tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱福", "english": "Trevor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱福 走开 你怎么在这", "english": "Trevor, go! You shouldn't be here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们怎么在这", "english": "Neither should you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们又要偷偷溜出去 对吧", "english": "You're sneaking out again, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纳威 听着 我们", "english": "Now, Neville, listen. We were..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我不会放你们走的", "english": "No, I won't let you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们又会给格兰芬多带来麻烦的", "english": "You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟你们拼了", "english": "I'll fight you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "统统石化", "english": "Petrificus Totalus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有时候挺吓人的 你知道吗", "english": "You're a little scary sometimes, you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很棒 但是也挺吓人", "english": "Brilliant, but scary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你踩到我的脚了", "english": "You stood on my foot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉霍洞开", "english": "Alohomora."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 他在", "english": "Wait a minute. He's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打呼噜", "english": "snoring."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普已经来了", "english": "Snape's already been here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他对这竖琴施了咒语", "english": "He's put a spell on the harp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它的口臭真重", "english": "It's got horrible breath."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 推一把", "english": "Okay. Push."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先进去 等我给你们信号再下去", "english": "I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果遇到了麻烦 你们就赶紧离开", "english": "If something bad happens, get yourselves out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们觉不觉得有点安静", "english": "Does it seem a bit quiet to you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "竖琴", "english": "The harp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它停止弹奏了", "english": "It's stopped playing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跳", "english": "Jump!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸好有这种植物在", "english": "Lucky this plant thing's here, really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动 你们俩 这是魔鬼之网", "english": "Stop moving, both of you. This is Devil's Snare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们必须要放松 不然的话", "english": "You have to relax. If you don't,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会死得更快", "english": "it will only kill you faster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死得更快 这叫我怎么放松", "english": "Kill us faster? Oh, now I can relax!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏", "english": "Hermione!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏 你在哪里", "english": "Hermione, where are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按我说的做 相信我", "english": "Do what I say! Trust me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "草药课上好像读到过", "english": "I remember reading something in Herbology."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔鬼网 魔鬼网 魔网致命", "english": "Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare. It's deadly fun"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明亮如昼", "english": "Lumus Solem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸好没有慌张", "english": "Lucky we didn't panic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸好赫敏草药课听讲了", "english": "Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么声音", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 像是翅膀的声音", "english": "I don't know. Sounds like wings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇怪 我从来没见过这种鸟", "english": "Curious. I've never seen birds like these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是鸟 是钥匙", "english": "They're not birds. They're keys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定有一把是开那扇门的", "english": "And I'll bet one of them fits that door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇怪", "english": "Strange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿拉霍洞开", "english": "Alohomora!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "试试总没错吧", "english": "Well, it was worth a try."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么办 有上千把钥匙呢", "english": "What will we do? There must be a thousand keys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要找一把古色古香的大钥匙", "english": "We want a big, old-fashioned one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像把手一样 可能生锈了", "english": "Probably rusty like the handle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到了 翅膀受伤的那把", "english": "I see it! The one with the broken wing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了 哈利", "english": "What's wrong, Harry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太简单了", "english": "It's too simple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油 哈利", "english": "Go on, Harry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果斯内普都能骑着旧扫帚抓住它", "english": "If Snape could catch it on that old broomstick,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你也能", "english": "you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可是一个世纪以来最年轻的找球手", "english": "You're the youngest Seeker in a century."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来没那么简单", "english": "This complicates things a bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接住钥匙", "english": "Catch the key!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Hurry up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不喜欢这里 一点也不喜欢", "english": "I don't like this. I don't like this at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在哪 墓地吗", "english": "Where are we? A graveyard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是墓地", "english": "This is no graveyard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是个棋盘", "english": "It's a chessboard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门在那边", "english": "There's the door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我们怎么办", "english": "Now what do we do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这还不明显吗", "english": "It's obvious, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得下棋才能走到屋子的那边", "english": "We've got to play our way across the room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 哈利 你去那个主教的位置[就是相]", "english": "Alright, Harry, you take the empty bishop's square."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏 你当皇后边上的车", "english": "Hermione, you'll be the queen-side castle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至于我 我要做个骑士[也就是马]", "english": "As for me, I'll be a knight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后", "english": "And then"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看我们的", "english": "we play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下真正的巫师棋吧 是吗", "english": "real wizard's chess, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 赫敏", "english": "Yes, Hermione."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我走完下一步 皇后会吃掉我", "english": "Once I make my move, the queen will take me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就可以把国王将死了", "english": "Then you're free to check the king."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 一定还有别的办法", "english": "No, you can't, there must be another way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底想不想阻止斯内普偷魔法石", "english": "Do you wanna stop Snape from getting that Stone or not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 你一定要继续下去 我知道", "english": "Harry, it's you that has to go on. I know it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我 也不是赫敏 是你", "english": "Not me. Not Hermione. You."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将军", "english": "Check."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩", "english": "Ron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 别动", "english": "No, don't move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别忘了 棋局还没结束", "english": "Don't forget, we're still playing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照看好罗恩 然后去猫头鹰棚屋", "english": "Take care of Ron. Then go to the owlery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给邓布利多送信 罗恩说得对", "english": "Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得继续", "english": "I have to go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会没事的 哈利", "english": "You'll be okay, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个了不起的巫师 真的", "english": "You're a great wizard. You really are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不如你出色", "english": "Not as good as you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我 不过是死读书 再耍点小聪明", "english": "Me? Books and cleverness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有更重要的东西", "english": "There are more important things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是友谊和勇气", "english": "Friendship and bravery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 你要小心", "english": "And, Harry, just be careful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你?", "english": "You?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不可能 斯内普 是他...", "english": "No, it can't be. Snape, he was the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 他确实像个坏人 不是吗", "english": "Yes, he does seem the type, doesn't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有他在 谁还会怀疑", "english": "Next to him, who would suspect"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可怜的 结结巴巴的奇洛教授", "english": "poor, stuttering Professor Quirrell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是那天 魁地奇比赛上", "english": "But that day, during the Quidditch match,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普想杀了我", "english": "Snape tried to kill me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 亲爱的 是我要杀你", "english": "No, dear boy. I tried to kill you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我 要不是斯内普的斗篷着火了", "english": "And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我撞翻了", "english": "and broken my eye contact"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本可以成功的", "english": "I would have succeeded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普再念反咒也没用", "english": "Even with Snape muttering his little countercurse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯内普是在救我吗", "english": "Snape was trying to save me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从一开始就知道你对我是个威胁", "english": "I knew you were a danger to me right from the off,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是万圣节后", "english": "especially after Halloween."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你把巨怪放进来的", "english": "Then you let the troll in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好 波特 是的", "english": "Very good, Potter, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒霉的是 斯内普起了疑心", "english": "Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他直接赶到四楼阻拦我", "english": "he went to the third floor to head me off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 他再也不相信我了", "english": "He, of course, never trusted me again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他很少让我单独一人 但是他不知道", "english": "He rarely left me alone. But he doesn't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来都不是一个人 不是", "english": "I'm never alone. Never."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这面镜子是怎么回事", "english": "Now, what does this mirror do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到了我的渴望", "english": "I see what I desire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到我拿着魔法石", "english": "I see myself holding the Stone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我是怎么得到的呢", "english": "But how do I get it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "利用那个男孩", "english": "Use the boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来 波特 快点", "english": "Come here, Potter! Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我 你看到了什么", "english": "Tell me, what do you see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么样 你看到了什么", "english": "What is it? What do you see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在跟邓布利多握手", "english": "I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我赢得了学院杯", "english": "I've won the house cup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在说谎", "english": "He lies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话 你看到了什么", "english": "Tell the truth! What do you see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我跟他说", "english": "Let me speak to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人 你的体力还不够", "english": "Master, you are not strong enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这点力气还是有的", "english": "I have strength enough for this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特", "english": "Harry Potter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们又见面了", "english": "we meet again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔", "english": "Voldemort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 你看我变成什么样子了", "english": "Yes. You see what I've become?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看我怎样苟延残喘", "english": "See what I must do to survive?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活在别人的身体里 当个寄生虫", "english": "Live off another. A mere parasite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独角兽的血给了我些体力", "english": "Unicorn blood can sustain me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却不能给我躯体", "english": "but it cannot give me a body of my own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是有一样东西可以", "english": "But there is something that can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那东西 正好就在你的口袋里", "english": "Something that, conveniently enough, lies in your pocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拦住他", "english": "Stop him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别犯傻了", "english": "Don't be a fool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "何苦自寻死路", "english": "Why suffer an horrific death"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不如共享永生", "english": "when you can join me and live?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休想", "english": "Never!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勇气可嘉 你父母也是如此", "english": "Bravery. Your parents had it too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我 哈利", "english": "Tell me, Harry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想不想再见到你的父母", "english": "would you like to see your mother and father again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们联手", "english": "Together"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以让他们起死回生", "english": "we can bring them back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只要一点点回报", "english": "All I ask is for something in return."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 哈利", "english": "That's it, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世上本无善恶", "english": "There is no good and evil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有权力", "english": "There is only power"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和无力追逐权力的人", "english": "and those too weak to seek it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们联手 可以成就大事", "english": "Together, we'll do extraordinary things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把魔法石给我", "english": "Just give me the Stone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你撒谎", "english": "You liar!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了他", "english": "Kill him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么魔法", "english": "What is this magic?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蠢货 快去抢魔法石", "english": "Fool, get the Stone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好 哈利", "english": "Good afternoon, Harry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和奇洛教授", "english": "What happened in the dungeons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在地下室里的故事 是个秘密", "english": "between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秘密总是不胫而走 全校都知道了", "english": "So, naturally, the whole school knows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮你打开了巧克力蛙", "english": "the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩来过吗 他还好吗 赫敏呢", "english": "Ron was here? Is he all right? What about Hermione?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 他们都很好", "english": "Fine. They're both just fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法石已经被毁掉了", "english": "The Stone has been destroyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和朋友尼可谈了谈", "english": "My friend Nicholas and I have had a little chat"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一致认为这样最好", "english": "and agreed it was best all around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那样的话 勒梅会死的 不是吗", "english": "But then, Flamel, he'll die, won't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有足够的长生不老药来料理后事", "english": "He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 他会死", "english": "But yes, he will die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是怎么拿到魔法石的 先生", "english": "How is it I got the Stone, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看 必须是", "english": "You see, only a person"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想要找到魔法石 找到它", "english": "who wanted to find the Stone, find it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不利用它的人 才能得到它", "english": "but not use it, would be able to get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的妙计之一", "english": "That is one of my more brilliant ideas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别跟别人说 我的妙计厉害吧", "english": "And between you and me, that is saying something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是说 魔法石被毁掉了", "english": "Does that mean, with the Stone gone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏地魔就永远消失了", "english": "that Voldemort can never come back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕", "english": "I'm afraid"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还会想办法卷土重来", "english": "there are ways in which he can return."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利 你知道为什么", "english": "Harry, do you know why"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇洛教授不能让你碰他吗", "english": "Professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你的母亲 她为你牺牲了自己", "english": "It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那种牺牲留下了印记", "english": "And that kind of act leaves a mark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 是看不见的印记", "english": "No, this kind of mark cannot be seen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱 哈利 是爱", "english": "Love, Harry. Love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我年轻时真倒霉", "english": "I was most unfortunate in my youth"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃到了颗呕吐味的", "english": "to come across a vomit-flavored one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从那以后 我就不喜欢豆子了", "english": "And since then, I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我想 来一颗太妃糖味的", "english": "But I think I could be safe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总没问题", "english": "with a nice toffee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒霉", "english": "Alas!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耳屎味", "english": "Earwax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 赫敏呢", "english": "All right. Hermione?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再好不过了", "english": "Never better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又一年过去了", "english": "Another year gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没记错的话 现在要颁发学院杯", "english": "And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得分情况为", "english": "And the points stand thus:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一名的是", "english": "And in first place"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干得好 伙计", "english": "Nice one, mate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 表现很好 斯莱特林 很好", "english": "Yes, well done, Slytherin. Well done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然而 最近发生的几件事也要计算在内", "english": "However, recent events must be taken into account."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最后还要奖励一些分数", "english": "And I have a few last-minute points to award."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赫敏·格兰杰小姐", "english": "To Miss Hermione Granger,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当大家身处险境时", "english": "for the cool use of intellect"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做得好", "english": "Good job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二项 给罗恩·韦斯莱先生", "english": "Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你赢下了霍格沃茨", "english": "for the best-played game of chess"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "许多年来最精彩的一盘棋", "english": "that Hogwarts has seen these many years,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第三项", "english": "And third"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利·波特先生", "english": "to Mr. Harry Potter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为你无畏的胆量和过人的勇气", "english": "for pure nerve and outstanding courage"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们和斯莱特林打平了", "english": "We're tied with Slytherin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后还有 对付敌人", "english": "Finally, it takes a great deal of bravery"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要很大的勇气", "english": "to stand up to your enemies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在朋友面前坚定立场", "english": "but a great deal more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要更大的勇气", "english": "to stand up to your friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给纳威·隆巴顿先生", "english": "to Neville Longbottom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得这里的装饰需要改变一下", "english": "I believe that a change of decoration is in order."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格兰芬多赢得了学院杯", "english": "Gryffindor wins the house cup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 快点 该迟到了", "english": "Come on, now. Hurry up, you'll be late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火车就要开了 快走 快点", "english": "Train's leaving. Go on. Come on, hurry up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还以为你不告别就要走了呢", "english": "Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, did you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个给你", "english": "This is for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 海格", "english": "Thanks, Hagrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你那个蠢货表哥达力欺负你", "english": "If that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you any grief"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给他变一副猪耳朵 配他的尾巴", "english": "with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是海格 我们离开霍格沃茨", "english": "But Hagrid, we're not allowed to do magic"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不能施魔法的 你知道的", "english": "away from Hogwarts. You know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 但是你的表哥不知道 对吧", "english": "I do. But your cousin don't, do he? Right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家的感觉有点奇怪 不是吗", "english": "Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是回家", "english": "I'm not going home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不算是", "english": "Not really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "問哥 就是這里了", "english": "Here we are, Brother Ip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耽誤你工作了 真的是很不好意思", "english": "Sorry for all the hassle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別這么說 都是老鄉嘛", "english": "Not at all. We're from the same village."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這里只是剛好閑置了幾個月", "english": "It's been vacated fora few months only."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟街坊們已經打好招呼了", "english": "I talked to the neighbors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們人不錯的", "english": "They're very nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麻煩你了 根哥", "english": "Thanks so much, Kan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看這里合不合適教拳", "english": "See if it's suitable foryour martial club."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這里真的好大 夠不夠用?", "english": "It's pretty spacious.Is it big enough?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夠 夠", "english": "Enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好寬敞啊", "english": "It's very spacious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅", "english": "Master Ip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今天還沒收到徒弟吧?", "english": "You haven't recruitedany pupils today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事? 三姑", "english": "What's the matter, Auntie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看你這地方挺大的", "english": "It's a big space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想借你這地方晾晾衣服", "english": "Can I dry my clothes here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永成", "english": "Wing Sing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都跟你說過了 這些活我來干嘛", "english": "I told you to leave the heavy stuff to me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等你回來 都沒水用了", "english": "There'd be no more waterhad I waited for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那下次我就早點回來 這些都交給我", "english": "Next time I'll be back sooner,all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都說過不讓你做這些事了", "english": "I told you not toexhaust yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么樣? 好點沒有?", "english": "Are you all right? Feeling better?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媽媽 就要交學費了", "english": "Mom, I need to pay my schoolfees in two days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰啊?", "english": "Who is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交房租了 葉先生 葉太太!", "english": "Time to pay your rent! Mr Ip! Mrs Ip!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "錢不夠了 不要開門", "english": "I don't have the cash. Don't open the door!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉先生 葉太太!", "english": "Mr Ip! Mrs Ip!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅 今天還沒收到徒弟呀?", "english": "No pupils yet today, Master Ip?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去晾衣服", "english": "I'll dry my clothes then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三姑", "english": "Auntie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 我幫你", "english": "Let me help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幫我?", "english": "You help me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒什么 我來", "english": "It's no big deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝啊", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是教詠春的?", "english": "You teach Wing Chun?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅!", "english": "Master Ip!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人來找你學拳了!", "english": "Someone wantsto learn martial arts!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都不知道什么是詠春", "english": "I don't know whatWing Chun is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我先跟你介紹一下 其實我們詠春拳", "english": "Let me give youan introduction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我們南方貼身短打的一種...", "english": "is a close combat stylefrom the South..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不用跟我說那么多了", "english": "No need to tell meall these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟我打一場 輸了我就交學費", "english": "Let's fight. I'll pay youschool fees if I lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "OK."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詠春 葉問", "english": "I'm Ip Man of Wing Chun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么樣?", "english": "So?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又沒贏我", "english": "You haven't beaten me yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "服什么?", "english": "Ready for what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都不知道你在干什么", "english": "I've no idea what you're doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在知道了?", "english": "Do you have some idea now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅 看不出來你這么厲害", "english": "Master Ip, I never knew you're so great!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真了不起呀!", "english": "Incredible!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "年輕人 還不趕緊拜師父?", "english": "Young man, hurry and accept him as your master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看現在可以交學費了?", "english": "You can pay me the school fees now, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那小子怎么走了", "english": "Why are you leaving, young man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅 怎么辦?", "english": "What to do now, Master Ip?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好不容易有個徒弟", "english": "You finally gota potential pupil"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眼睛一眨 沒了", "english": "but now he's gone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是他", "english": "That's him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這位大叔的功夫能有多厲害呀?", "english": "Can this uncle be that good in martial arts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會騙你嗎?", "english": "Are you kidding me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看他的樣子 打人都未必會痛的", "english": "He looks totally harmless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要不說 我還以為他是洗衣服的呢", "english": "He actually resembles a laundry man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們不是真心來學功夫的", "english": "You're not really here to learn martial arts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Go away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊 那我們今天就向你挑戰", "english": "OK! We're challenging you to a fight!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用脫了", "english": "No need to take it off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒什么", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都說不用脫衣服了", "english": "I told you not to take your clothes off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父!", "english": "Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫黃梁 請受徒弟一拜!", "english": "Please accept me, Wong Leung, as your pupil!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫徐世昌", "english": "I'm Tsui Sai-cheung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先拜師的 要叫大師兄", "english": "I'm his first pupil. You call me Big Bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還不趕緊給師父敬茶?", "english": "Pour some tea for the Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用這么麻煩了", "english": "Forget the ceremony!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們詠春拳呢 是攻守合一的", "english": "Wing Chun combines defense and attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一攻一打", "english": "You attack and fight"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是以最短的時間去擊倒對方的", "english": "to beat your opponentas quickly as possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看 這就是攤打", "english": "Look! This is \"Dispersing Hand.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "連消帶打 日字沖拳", "english": "Simultaneous defense and attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了嗎?", "english": "Got it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰是葉師傅?", "english": "Who is Master Ip?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿梁", "english": "Leung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又是你叫來的?", "english": "Did you ask them to come?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父 你說你一個人... 能打得過十個人嗎?", "english": "Master, can you beat ten menat the same time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好不要打架", "english": "It's better not to fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是真的有那么多人拿著武器來打你 怎么辦?", "english": "What if so many men reallycome with weapons?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑嚕", "english": "Run away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該跟他們收學費了", "english": "You should collect school fees from them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你每次都這么說", "english": "You say that all the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一會去收", "english": "I'll collect later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們大家該交學費了", "english": "It's time to pay your school fees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰有錢 就先交了吧", "english": "Whoever with cash can pay me first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是我的", "english": "Master, this is mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我媽媽有點 要用錢", "english": "My mom is... short of cash."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以 下次我再還上吧", "english": "So I'll pay the rest next time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下次交吧 下次下次", "english": "Next time, then..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去吃飯吧", "english": "Go home and eat!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝師父 我們走了", "english": "Thank you, Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這么少 那我們怎么辦?", "english": "So little! What should we do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒辦法", "english": "I can't help it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也知道 現在經濟條件不太好", "english": "You know the economy is bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "徒弟既然開了口", "english": "When my pupils ask me to help out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身為師父 難道不幫忙嗎?", "english": "as their master, I can only agree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就讓房東太太幫一下忙了", "english": "We better ask the landlady to cut us some slack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幫來幫去就都會過去的 對不對?", "english": "Everything will be Ok, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麻煩你 給我兩塊蛋糕", "english": "Excuse me, two pieces of cake, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蛋撻要不要?", "english": "Do you want an egg tart?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要了", "english": "No thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別跑!", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站住!", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "偷燒鴨 你這個臭要飯的", "english": "You dared to steal a roast duck? You asshole!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要打了 不要打我老爸", "english": "Stop beating him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你給錢啊", "english": "Pay up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錢? 沒錢抓你老爸!", "english": "I'll take your dad if you don't pay up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們別抓他 你們放了他吧", "english": "No, please let him go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們放了他吧", "english": "Please let him go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手! 住手!", "english": "Stop it! Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要打他 發生什么事?", "english": "Stop beating him! What's the matter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他搶我們燒鴨!", "english": "He stole our roast duck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我替他付", "english": "I'll pay for him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "清泉", "english": "Quan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "問叔 我知道老爸在哪兒", "english": "Uncle Man, I know where my dad is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶我去 帶我去", "english": "Take me to him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在這兒", "english": "He's here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他已經認不清人了", "english": "He can't recognize anyone, Uncle Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我老爸的頭被日本人打了一槍", "english": "The Japanese had puta bullet in his head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他認不出你是誰了", "english": "He can't recognize who you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "清泉", "english": "Quan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "清泉 我是阿葉 清泉", "english": "Quan, I'm Ip Man. Quan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小日本走! 小日本走!", "english": "Scram, you Jap!Quan. Scram, you Jap! Scram!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "清泉 我是阿葉!", "english": "Quan, I'm Ip Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "問叔 我們走吧", "english": "Let's go, Uncle Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我連累了你", "english": "It's my fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸現在寧愿睡在街上都不跟我走", "english": "He rather be homeless than comes with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我在這兒陪他", "english": "So I stay here to keep him company."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "運氣好 我可以在餐館做些雜工", "english": "When I manage to work at a restaurant,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿一些剩菜剩飯回來給他吃", "english": "I can give him some left overs to eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "運氣不好 就要挨餓", "english": "Otherwise, he would have to starve."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你放心 光耀", "english": "Don't worry, Yau."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以后我會跟和你一起照顧你爸爸", "english": "We'll take care ofyour dad together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "問哥介紹的 我一定請", "english": "I'll employ anyone recommended by Ip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小子 要是你愿意拿一半工錢幫我寫稿子", "english": "If you can work for me for half the wages,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就馬上開工", "english": "you can start right away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒問題", "english": "No problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你先坐一下 我去找人給你安排工作", "english": "Sit. I'll find someoneto give you some work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "問哥 你先別走", "english": "Please stay, Ip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一會兒請你喝茶", "english": "Let's have some tea later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托你了", "english": "Thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要客氣 先坐坐", "english": "You're welcome. Take a seat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就好了", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多謝你 問叔", "english": "Thank you, Uncle Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光耀 現在你要用心工作", "english": "You better work hard, Yau!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會的", "english": "I will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想學拳? 等一下我帶你去", "english": "Wanna learn martial arts? I take you there later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我學洪拳的 還跟你學拳?", "english": "I practice Hung Kuen.Learning from you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "既然不想學拳 干嘛要撕我的傳單?", "english": "If not, then why did you tear off my bill?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我管你什么春什么東西", "english": "I don't care who you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亂張貼 擋住我的海報了!", "english": "Your bill was on top of my poster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想知道什么是詠春嗎?", "english": "Want to know what Wing Chun is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是找死啊", "english": "You want me to beat you up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會欺負你 一對一", "english": "One on one. I'm not going to bully you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們別幫忙", "english": "You guys don't interfere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Ok."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有 不要插眼鎖喉...", "english": "And no eyes or throat!..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要說那么多了 我趕時間", "english": "Cut the bullshit. I'm in a hurry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你攤手不能夠離開這條中線", "english": "The Dispersing Hands should stayin the center."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松點", "english": "Relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再放松點", "english": "Relax more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰是葉問?", "english": "Who is Ip Man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你徒弟黃梁打傷我們兄弟", "english": "Your pupil Wong Leung has injured our man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在在我們手上", "english": "He's in our hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿錢到魚檔的李洪記去贖人", "english": "Go pay your ransom in the fish market Lee Hung Kee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基哥", "english": "Kei!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是他的師父?", "english": "You are his master?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯", "english": "Correct."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這位大哥", "english": "Mr..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想這次應該純粹是一場誤會而已", "english": "I think it's justa misunderstanding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事慢慢說嘛", "english": "Let's talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可不可以先把我徒弟給放了?", "english": "Can you release my pupil first?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放他出來", "english": "Take him out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿梁 你沒什么事吧?", "english": "Leung, are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事", "english": "I'm fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么打傷人了?", "english": "Why did you injure him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他跟我講手切磋 卻不夠我打", "english": "He wanted to fight but wasn't as good as me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說什么啊? 我打不過你?", "english": "What did you say? I'm not as good as you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要太沖動", "english": "Take it easy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們都是年輕人", "english": "You're both young men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有時候互相切磋 少不了會有一點點損傷的", "english": "Injuries are inevitable in friendly fights."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "改天我專程拜訪你師父 跟他交代清楚", "english": "I'll visit your masterand explain to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請問你師父是哪位?", "english": "May I know who is your master?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你管我師父是誰 總之比你厲害", "english": "Doesn't matter. He's better than you anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說那么多 有沒有帶錢來?", "english": "By the way, did you bring the ransom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要這么沖動", "english": "Take it easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父", "english": "Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來! 上!", "english": "Come!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿梁!", "english": "Leung!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父 師父! 我在這兒!", "english": "Master! I'm here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父 原來你真的能一個人打十幾個", "english": "Master, you really can fight ten men at once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要跟緊我", "english": "Follow me closely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走!", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金山找?", "english": "Jin Shanzhau?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不許亂動!", "english": "Don't move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干什么?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅", "english": "Master Ip,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們走吧", "english": "you guys go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麻煩你了", "english": "Thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找死啊你!", "english": "Screw you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干什么?", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父!", "english": "Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有 師父", "english": "No, Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟他切磋", "english": "We were fighting..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他帶他師父來鬧事", "english": "and he brought his Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金山找", "english": "Jin Shanzhau!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有...沒有", "english": "Not at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪大哥 有事慢慢商量", "english": "Mr Hung, let's talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你帶著刀來跟我商量什么?", "english": "You're armed but you want to talk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是不是", "english": "It's not that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個王八蛋 在我地盤鬧事", "english": "This asshole stirred things up on my turf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我才...", "english": "That's why I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪里是你的地盤?", "english": "Where's your turf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這路是我的 你那塊破地都是我的", "english": "This road is mine, so is that piece of dump."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 你再說一次", "english": "Come, say it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這里是誰的地盤?", "english": "Whose turf is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是洪大哥的", "english": "It's all Mr Hung's!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你走開 沒你的事", "english": "Get away! None of your business here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是哪門哪派?", "english": "Which school are you from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅 你好", "english": "How are you, Mr Hung?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小弟葉問", "english": "I'm Ip Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佛山詠春派", "english": "from Foshan Wing Chun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這件事的起因是這樣的", "english": "That's how it happened..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我徒弟跟你徒弟切磋", "english": "Your pupil and minehad a friendly fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我徒弟的的確確出手重 打傷了你徒弟", "english": "My pupil was too strong and injured yours,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不過他...", "english": "but he..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意思是我洪拳打不過你詠春嗎?", "english": "You mean Wing Chun isbetterthan Hung Kuen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不是這個意思", "english": "I didn't mean that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不是這個意思 洪師父", "english": "I didn't mean that, Master Hung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知不知道規矩?", "english": "Do you know the rules?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的不知道有什么規矩", "english": "I really don't know the rules."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道是吧? 那我現在告訴你", "english": "You don't know? Let me tell you then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得站出來 接受各門派挑戰", "english": "You are to be open to anyone's challenge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在一炷香之內你沒有倒下", "english": "If you aren't beaten when the incense burns out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才有資格教拳", "english": "then you are qualified to teach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些就是開武館的規矩", "english": "Those are the rules of the martial clubs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在知道了?", "english": "You got it now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別說這么多了", "english": "Cut the speech."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "武館有武館的規矩 警局有警局的規矩", "english": "Martial clubs have rules, so do police stations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二", "english": "One, two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兩個渾球 鎖上帶走!", "english": "Cuff these two bums and take them back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我手上還有一副 把他也帶走", "english": "I have another pair here. Take him too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我?", "english": "Me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走!", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走啦", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿好你的東西進去 鬼頭等著呢", "english": "Take your stuff. The foreigner is waiting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官!", "english": "Sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的朋友!", "english": "My friends!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歡迎你們 坐", "english": "Welcome! Have a seat!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要的東西帶來了嗎?", "english": "You have a little something for me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的錢有一陣腥臭味", "english": "Your money stinks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我喜歡錢", "english": "But I like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們賣出了很多門票", "english": "We sold a lot of ticket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常賣座 沒問題", "english": "It sells very well, no problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干得好!", "english": "Well Done!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人手和保安方面怎樣?", "english": "What about man power and security?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鬼頭問你場地的人和保安安排如何", "english": "He asked you about man power and security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都安排好了 沒有問題", "english": "All taken care of. No problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好! 謝謝!", "english": "Great! Thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這次比賽 不知道我可以分多少?", "english": "What will be my cut in this competition?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先出去吧", "english": "Leave us first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放心 我知道怎么談 我跟他談", "english": "Let me handle it. I know how to negotiate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大 分多少給他?", "english": "How much should we give him, boss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告訴我 我轉告洪師傅", "english": "You tell me. I'll tell Master Hung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我現在不想談這個", "english": "I'm not gonna talk about that now, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做得很好 就這樣", "english": "You've done well, that's all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說啊! 你到底說不說?", "english": "Are you gonna tell me the truth or not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別擔心 這些警察擺擺樣子罷了", "english": "Don't worry. The cops are just showing off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "待會保釋了 就沒事了", "english": "Everything will be fine after the bail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金師傅 今天連累你 不好意思", "english": "Master Jin, so sorry to have you involved today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天我連累你 真的不好意思", "english": "So sorry to have you involved today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我這耳朵 中你一棍之后 聽不到了", "english": "This ear has been deaf since it's hit by your rod."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說什么?", "english": "What did you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說 今天連累你 我不好意思", "english": "I said so sorry to have you involved today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事 沒事", "english": "That's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是當年 在棉花廠...", "english": "If you hadn't hit me with a rod..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一棍把我打醒了", "english": "at the cotton mill that year,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我現在在香港不知道干什么呢", "english": "who knows what I'd be doing in Hong Kong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察 開門", "english": "Police! Open up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開門!", "english": "Open up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉問家人在不在?", "english": "May I speak to Ip Man's family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是他太太", "english": "I am his wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你老公涉嫌斗毆傷人 被我們帶回警察局了", "english": "Your husband's arrested for injuring others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你盡快帶錢去保釋他吧", "english": "Please bail him out as soon as possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梁先生", "english": "Mr Leung!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梁先生", "english": "Mr Leung!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梁先生", "english": "Mr Leung!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了 嫂子?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定要救救我老公", "english": "You have to savemy husband."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我湊不夠錢 不夠錢保釋他", "english": "I'm short of cash... to bail him out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你等等我", "english": "Wait for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在香港開武館 很麻煩的", "english": "It's a pain to open martial clubs in Hong Kong!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "門派多 師傅多 條件又多", "english": "Too many schools, masters, and rules."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有那個洪振南", "english": "And then there's this Mr Hung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他兄弟多 徒弟多 錢又多", "english": "He has too many men, pupils, and money!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多又怎么樣? 你看著吧", "english": "So what? You wait and see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定會報仇的", "english": "I'll have my revenge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去我就把他的魚檔砸了", "english": "When I'm out,I'll smash his fish stalls"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他的魚全都毒死", "english": "and poison all his fish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說這種話", "english": "Don't you see..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那跟他們有什么區別?", "english": "you sound exactly like them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小孩", "english": "Kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我剛剛看你打的還挺狠的", "english": "You were quite fiercewhen you fought."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰是小孩?", "english": "Who's the kid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不可以用這種語氣", "english": "Watch your attitude!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金師傅是你的長輩", "english": "Master Jin is your senior."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事沒事 年輕人嘛", "english": "That's OK.He's a young man after all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到他就跟我當年一模一樣", "english": "Look at him.He's just like me in the past."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要想把他教好的話 給他介紹個老婆", "english": "If you want him to be good, find him a wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我一樣", "english": "Like me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有了家庭 有老婆有孩子", "english": "a family with a wife and kids"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人就變踏實了", "english": "will make one down to earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想保釋我老公", "english": "I want to bail my husband out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你老公叫什么?", "english": "Who's your husband?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉問", "english": "Ip Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有 有", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉問", "english": "Ip Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以走啦", "english": "You can go now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點", "english": "Hurry up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我來保釋金山找", "english": "I'm here to bail out Jin Shanzhau."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老婆", "english": "Honey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄 幫我開門 開門", "english": "Brother, open the door for me, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快快快", "english": "Hurry up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我老婆", "english": "My wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿梁", "english": "Leung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你家里有人來接你嗎?", "english": "Is your family going to bail you out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅 你就放心吧", "english": "Don't worry, Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們關我兩天就會把我放出去的", "english": "They will release me in a couple of days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走吧 快走吧", "english": "Go first. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就不出去送你了", "english": "I won't see you off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根哥", "english": "Kan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又想麻煩你", "english": "I need to bother you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想保釋我徒弟", "english": "I want to bail my pupil out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道你方不方便?", "english": "Is that all right with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "問哥 我的錢不夠", "english": "Brother Man, I... don't have enough money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅!", "english": "Master Ip!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅 你等等", "english": "Wait, Master Ip!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老婆 你有沒有錢?", "english": "Honey, do you have cash?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又要錢干嘛?", "english": "What do you need cash for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "江湖救急嘛", "english": "It's emergency."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總是這個樣子 沒有", "english": "You're always like that. No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幫幫忙吧 老婆", "english": "Help me, Honey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那最后一次", "english": "Last time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媽媽最好了", "english": "You're the best, Mommy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅 錢拿去用吧", "english": "Take the cash, Master Ip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會盡快還給你的 謝謝了 謝謝了", "english": "I'll pay you back as soon as I can. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒關系 沒關系", "english": "Don't worry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在香港開武館這么麻煩", "english": "It's such a pain to open a martial clubin Hong Kong,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不如不要教拳了", "english": "let's forget about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是拜訪一下其他師傅 沒事的", "english": "Just visiting other masters. No big deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想跟以前一樣 天天都要擔心", "english": "I don't wanna fret over you, like before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打仗的時候 我們什么都熬過了", "english": "We've gone through everything during the war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么好擔心的 對吧?", "english": "There's nothing to worry about, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要想那么多了 你操勞了一整天了", "english": "Don't worry too much. You had a busy day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早點睡吧", "english": "Go to sleep now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣的擂臺 我以前打過幾+次了", "english": "I fought in similar aren as many times before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不過下面不是凳子", "english": "But it wasn't stools underneath."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全部是刀啊", "english": "It was all knives!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉問", "english": "Ip Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽這個名字就知道沒戲了", "english": "The name sounds so lame."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒聽說過", "english": "No, I haven't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說厲害 誰能比得上你羅師傅", "english": "Who can be better than Master Luo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼此彼此吧 鄭師傅", "english": "You're being modest, Master Cheng."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "待會你上不上去?", "english": "Are you going up later on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要上我也上", "english": "If you'll go, I'll go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用說這么多了 喝茶 喝茶", "english": "Let's stop talking and have some tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父", "english": "Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他來了", "english": "He has arrived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位師傅...", "english": "Masters..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個就是葉問", "english": "this is Ip Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想在香港開宗立派", "english": "He wants to teach martial artsin Hong Kong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以在這里以武會友 接受大家的挑戰", "english": "So here he is to welcome to your challenge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉問", "english": "Ip Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你投降算輸 掉到桌子外算輸", "english": "If you surrender or fall off the desk, you lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一炷香燒完 如果你還站在桌子上的話", "english": "If you can stay put when the incense burns out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就喊你一聲葉師傅", "english": "I'll call you Master Ip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒問題的話 就開始了", "english": "If there's no question, let's start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會吧 就這么走上去", "english": "No way, walking up like that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不咋地嘛", "english": "No style at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位師傅 你們好 在下葉問", "english": "Hello, masters! I'm Ip Man..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佛山詠春派 師承陳華順", "english": "of Foshan Wing Chun,pupil of Chen Huashun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請各位師傅多多指教", "english": "I'm honored to meet you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有哪位是師傅想上去玩兩手?", "english": "Which master wants to play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看有沒有人先上", "english": "Let's see who wants to go first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 那我就去先搶個頭彩", "english": "OK, I'll go first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拳腳不長眼 小心點兄弟", "english": "Be careful, brother!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羅師傅 沒事吧?", "english": "Master Luo, are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果下面是刀 已經死了", "english": "If it were knives, it would have been death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是這樣打的", "english": "One shouldn't fight like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走開!", "english": "Go away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這桌子真的很滑", "english": "That desk is very slippery indeed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來呀 別讓他停下來", "english": "Come on! Don't let it stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鄭師傅 輪到你了", "english": "Master Zheng, your turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鄭師傅 上吧", "english": "Master Zheng, going up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上啊", "english": "Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鄭師傅 這桌子很滑的", "english": "Master Zheng, the desk is very slippery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好!", "english": "Good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好! 好!", "english": "Good! Good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好!", "english": "Good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多謝手下留情", "english": "Thanks for sparing me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有哪位師傅有興趣來?", "english": "Who else is interested?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅", "english": "Master Ip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅", "english": "Master Hung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歡迎你成為武術界的一份子", "english": "Welcome to the martial arts society."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記得每個月月初交會費", "english": "Don't forget to pay your monthly fees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交什么會費?", "english": "What monthly fees?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是規矩而已 每個人都得交", "english": "It's a rule. Everyone has to pay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果還有哪位師傅覺得我不夠資格的", "english": "If anyone still thinks I'm not qualified,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果只是為了滿足你的個人利益", "english": "But if it's only to satisfy your personal gain,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能夠接受", "english": "I cannot accept it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那隨便你了", "english": "It's up to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以后有麻煩不要來找我", "english": "Don't look me up when you have trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以走了", "english": "You can leave now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想找死啊 在我的報紙上畫小人?", "english": "You wanna die? Drawing on my newspaper?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想讓讀者多了解一些內容", "english": "I just want the readers to know the content better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個反應很差?", "english": "Has the response been bad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在全香港的人都在講詠春戰洪拳", "english": "Everyone in Hong Kong is talking about Wing Chun Vs Hung Kuen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有 繼續以這樣的方式寫下去", "english": "Keep writing in this style."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我這報紙全靠你了", "english": "My paper depends on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大妹 別做功課了 吃飯吧", "english": "Don't do your homework, have meal first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先吃飯吧", "english": "Let's eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老婆 給我來碗粥", "english": "Please give me some congee, honey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這段時間你吃得少 快來多吃點", "english": "You've been eating less recently, should have more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃了它", "english": "Have this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去哪里呀?", "english": "Where're you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒看見呀?", "english": "Didn't you see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要到樓上去洗臺布", "english": "I'm going upstairs to wash the table cloth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是真的去洗臺布嗎?", "english": "You're really going to wash the table cloth?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么大一個盆 當然是洗臺布", "english": "Of course, why else this big bowl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "難道是洗頭啊?", "english": "You think I'll wash my hair?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "學詠春拳", "english": "To learn Wing Chun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "學詠春? 這里什么春都沒有!", "english": "Wing Chun? There's nothing here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "報紙上說有的", "english": "According to the newspaper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有啊! 走開!", "english": "Nothing! Scram!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要學就學洪拳!", "english": "You better learn Hung Kuen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這幫混蛋 不讓人上來學拳?", "english": "The scumbags won't let others learn Wing Chun?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你個王八蛋 下來呀", "english": "Scumbags, I dare you to come down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們干什么?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽不見嗎?", "english": "Didn't you hear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下來呀", "english": "Come down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有種現在上來! 敢嗎? 上來呀!", "english": "Come down if you have guts!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有種就下來 跟我比試比試", "english": "Come down if you dare!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "砸不死你們的", "english": "Are you crazy? You wanna die?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有種你就下來神經病啊", "english": "Dare you come down? Idiot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們下來了", "english": "They've come down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出來呀! 來呀!", "english": "Come out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天這件事 真的影響到那些街坊", "english": "This incident affected our neighborhood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白", "english": "I understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以大家都決定 不能再借這個天臺給你", "english": "We've decided not to lend you the roof top."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白", "english": "I understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起 真的不好意思", "english": "I'm sorry. Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先走了", "english": "I got to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先走了", "english": "Farewell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢走 根哥", "english": "Bye, Kan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父", "english": "Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父", "english": "Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想大家都知道了吧", "english": "I guess you know already?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以后我們不能在這練拳了", "english": "We can't practice here anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父 不關我們的事", "english": "Master, it's not our fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他們先惹我們的", "english": "They started it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他們先打大頭 我們才下去的", "english": "They provoked us to go down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父...", "english": "Master..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把這里收拾干凈再走", "english": "Tidy up the place before you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "木人樁搬我家去", "english": "Move the wooden stakes to my place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿基", "english": "Kei."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近搞拳賽大家都很辛苦", "english": "Everyone's worked hard for the competition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些分給兄弟", "english": "Share this with everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝師父", "english": "Thank you, Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辛苦大家了", "english": "Thanks for your hard work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今天來找你們的師父", "english": "I'm here for your master today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿基", "english": "Kei."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們先回去休息", "english": "Go back and take a break."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么樣?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "武館有麻煩嗎?", "english": "Trouble at the martial club?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我來是為了告訴你 雖然我沒了這間武館", "english": "I'm here to tell you though I've lost my club,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是拳 我會繼續教", "english": "I will continue to teach martial arts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "錢我是一定不會給!", "english": "I'm not doing to pay a penny to you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以后別再騷擾我徒弟", "english": "Don't harass my pupils"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也不要再把麻煩帶給其他人", "english": "or cause others trouble!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在是你把麻煩給我了", "english": "It's you who's causing me trouble now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你不守規矩!", "english": "You don't follow the rules!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不是我跟洋人疏通", "english": "Without me as the go-between with the expats,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全香港那么多武館 能平平安安的教拳嗎?", "english": "how can martial clubs here exist in peace?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你自己選擇向洋人妥協", "english": "You choose to compromise with the expats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉問", "english": "Ip Man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只知道想著自己", "english": "you only care about yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你當然不用看洋人的臉色 當然可以裝清高了", "english": "You can ignore the expats and play noble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白你的心情 大家都是為了生活", "english": "I know your feelings. We're trying to survive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我們作為人家的師父", "english": "But as master,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是應該先好好管教自己的徒弟?", "english": "shouldn't we teach our pupils well first?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我問心無愧!", "english": "My conscience is clear!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么說都行", "english": "At any rate..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以后對我有什么不滿的 你直接來找我", "english": "if you got any complaints, come to me directly!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上來放完狗屁就想走?", "english": "You think you can leave just like this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你想怎么樣?", "english": "Then what do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次沒打完 這次來決勝負吧", "english": "We were not done last time. Let's carry on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老公 我們下面等你吃飯等很久了", "english": "Honey, we've been waiting here for a while."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們都餓了", "english": "The kids are hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和朋友還有事情要談嗎?", "english": "Are you guys done with your discussion?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅", "english": "Master Hung,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你認為分勝負重要...", "english": "is it more important to win..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還是跟家里人吃飯重要?", "english": "than to have dinner with your family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們想吃什么?", "english": "What do you want to eat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們想吃雪糕!", "english": "We want ice cream!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃完飯再帶你們吃雪糕", "english": "I'll buy you ice cream after dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我不妨礙你們了 洪師傅", "english": "I won't hold you anymore, Master Hung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就不送了", "english": "Farewell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進來吧", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進來", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放在那里", "english": "Put them there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 放在那兒", "english": "Come, Put them there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么搬了個樁回來?", "english": "Why did you bring the wooden stakes back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事 天臺馬上就要租給別人", "english": "They've rented the roof top to someone else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以 先拿回來放著吧", "english": "So I'm storing them here for the time being."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "OK,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早點休息吧", "english": "go back and rest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明早呢 都來這里練功", "english": "Come here to practice tomorrow morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這里練功?", "english": "Come here to practice?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對 明天早點來", "english": "Yes! Come earlier tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父 我們先走了", "english": "Goodbye, Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父", "english": "Master,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有話想跟你說", "english": "can I have a word with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿梁 先喝杯茶", "english": "Leung, have a cup of tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父 是我沖動", "english": "Master, my impulsiveness"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "連累你失去了武館 對不起", "english": "has cost you your martial club. I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來", "english": "Come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先起來 來", "english": "Get up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起來", "english": "Get up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 坐下慢慢說 來", "english": "Sit down and we'll talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿梁", "english": "Leung,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你覺得我是不是很能打?", "english": "how's my martial arts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你當然能打了", "english": "Of course it's great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以一個人打那么多人", "english": "You can beat so many people by yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二十年之后 你隨時都能打倒我", "english": "In twenty years, you can beat me easily."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人總是會老的嘛", "english": "Everyone will get old."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其實阿梁你是一個...", "english": "Leung, you have great potential..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "練武的人才", "english": "for martial arts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不過你所追求的", "english": "But you only focus on..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是武功上的拳腳招式", "english": "techniques."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想你學的是中國的武術", "english": "I want you to learn Chinese martial arts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為中國武術 包含了我們中國人的精神", "english": "because they incorporate the Chinese spirit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白嗎?", "english": "Do you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在想", "english": "I'm digesting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想不想聽個故事?", "english": "You want to hear a story?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個金山找 金師傅", "english": "That Jin Shanzhao, Master Jin..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用一根雞毛撣子 打過他屁股", "english": "I whipped his ass with a broomstick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個時候在佛山 他到我家來挑戰", "english": "He came to my house in Foshan to challenge me to a duel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還把我家東西都砸爛了", "english": "And he broke everything,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你師母都氣得冒煙", "english": "making my wife really mad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在練功夫啊?", "english": "Are you playing martial arts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對呀", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以后你們長大了 叔叔也教你們", "english": "Uncle will teach you when you grow up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧 弟弟", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父", "english": "Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "繼續練", "english": "Carry on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "路過這里", "english": "Just pass by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其實你想怎么樣 洪師傅?", "english": "What do you want, Master Hung?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其實我多了幾張票", "english": "I have extra tickets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道你有沒有興趣去看?", "english": "Do you want to go have a look?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是西洋拳術", "english": "It's western boxing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告辭了", "english": "Goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅", "english": "My Hung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的眼睛紅了 沒什么事吧?", "english": "Your eyes are red, are you OK?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道為什么 今天起來就這樣", "english": "They've been like that since I woke up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能是肝火旺 喝杯涼茶就沒事了", "english": "Perhaps it's the heat. I'll drink some cool tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搬到這兒 擺三排", "english": "Move them over here in three rows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點 快點", "english": "Hurry up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是這里了", "english": "So here we are!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅 過來打個招呼吧", "english": "Master Hung, come say hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "介紹拳王給你認識", "english": "I'll introduce you to the boxing champion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "龍卷風先生", "english": "Mr Twister."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是中國功夫的師傅 洪師傅", "english": "He's Chinese kung-fu master, Master Hung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這洋人喜歡亂扔東西 不用理他", "english": "The foreigner is throwing things. Ignore him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟洋人談得怎么樣?", "english": "How's your talk withthe foreigner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們的錢 他什么時候給?", "english": "When are we getting our money?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一說到錢 洋鬼子眼睛瞪得像燈籠那么大", "english": "He glared whenever I touched on money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說讓你這一次做義工", "english": "He asked you to be a volunteer this time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做義工?", "english": "Volunteer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的兄弟 把魚檔生意都停下來干活", "english": "We closed our fish stalls to work here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你別生氣", "english": "Don't be mad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得罪了他 大家都不好過", "english": "We can't afford topiss him off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就當是少吃點減肥了", "english": "Just treat this as a diet and lose some weight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這不是第一次了", "english": "That's not his first time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅", "english": "Master Hung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不給我錢可以 但是我的兄弟要吃飯", "english": "but my men need to eat, so you better pay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你總得付錢啊", "english": "You can refuse to pay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你現在不要跟我談錢", "english": "Don't discuss money with me now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不跟你談錢 難道跟你談心嗎?", "english": "What else can I discuss with you? Love?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以為你是誰?", "english": "Who do you think you are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只負責替我收錢 不是跟我分錢", "english": "You collect money for me, you don't share it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓你做啥就做啥 你沒資格跟我討價還價!", "english": "you are not qualified to make deals with me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來", "english": "Come!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起 我會安排裁判坐在...", "english": "Sorry, so I'll have judges..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別再說了 鬼頭發火了", "english": "Stop it. The foreigner devilis pissed off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不給錢 大不了不干!", "english": "If he doesn't pay, we'll just quit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要不干 魚檔生意也不用干了", "english": "If you quit, you quit that fish business too!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我隨時可以找人代替你!", "english": "I can get anybody to take care of it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 沒問題", "english": "OK! No problem!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不干 鬼頭連魚檔都不讓你做 忍忍吧", "english": "If you quit, he'd take away your fish stalls. Just hang in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么忍? 我已經忍他好多次了!", "english": "No way! I've tolerated him many times!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰能把這坨黃色肥肉弄出去?", "english": "Will somebody get this yellow piece of fat out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說人話! 別說鬼話你!", "english": "Are you speaking the Devil's tongue?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你滾出去!", "english": "You! Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好! 我們走!", "english": "OK! We go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看 運氣好聽不到鬼叫了", "english": "I can't hear the Devil's squeal. Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們都不干了! 走!", "english": "We're quitting. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等!", "english": "Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看 很多人跟你吃飯", "english": "Look, many livesdepend on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們留下來干活", "english": "Stay and work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干活吧", "english": "Come,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧", "english": "let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別那么生氣 我們等著瞧", "english": "Don't be mad. Let's wait and see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看那混蛋怎么倒霉吧", "english": "where that asshole will end up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你那幾張票", "english": "Thanks for your tickets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一會兒各個門派都會上去表演武術", "english": "The other schools will have demos later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也叫徒弟們上去露兩手", "english": "Ask your prentices to demonstrate their kung fu"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁機會 讓更多人知道你們詠春", "english": "so more people will know about Wing Chun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊", "english": "Sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你忙你的", "english": "I won't be holding you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥們兒好!", "english": "Hi, fellas!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 泰萊", "english": "Hello there, Taylor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比賽前我們為你準備了節目", "english": "Congratulations! Barely broke into a sweat!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們兩個都上", "english": "You go too, both of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們也上去練一下", "english": "Go up and demonstrate shaking hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣不是挺好", "english": "It's quite good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就當是你出錢為武術界作宣傳", "english": "Suffer some losses to publicize martial arts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么 英式啞劇?", "english": "What's all this, pantomime?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們為什么在跳舞叫囂?", "english": "Why are they dancing and screaming?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泰萊 那不是啞劇", "english": "It's not pantomime, Taylor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是中國武術", "english": "This is Chinese boxing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們相信 叫囂會令他們更有力量", "english": "They believe the screaming gives them strength."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是嗎?", "english": "Oh, yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我去給他們一個驚叫理由 好嗎?", "english": "Well let's go and give them something to scream about, ain't I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧", "english": "Go for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中國武術", "english": "Chinese boxing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士們 先生們 看來龍卷風躍躍欲試", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like Twister wants to get in on the action."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拳王好像對中國武術很有興趣", "english": "Boxing Champion seems really interested in Chinese Kung-fu!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝 謝謝!", "english": "Thank you! Thank you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好!", "english": "Very nice!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打我吧", "english": "Punch me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打我一拳", "english": "Punch... me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打 我", "english": "Hits me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用點勁 來吧!", "english": "More power! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧! 來吧!", "english": "Come on! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是中國武術?", "english": "So this is Chinese boxing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們還是回去跳舞吧", "english": "You should stick to dancing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拳王說你們中國武術沒用", "english": "The Champion said Chinese Kung-fu was useless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去跳舞吧", "english": "Go back to dancing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來呀!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來呀! 打呀!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要打了! 不要打了!", "english": "Stop beating him! Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要打! 不要打了!", "english": "Stop fighting! Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肥波 不用緊張 坐著看戲吧", "english": "Relax Fatso! Enjoy the show!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要打! 大家別打!", "english": "Stop fighting! Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不準打!", "english": "Stop fighting!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家住手! 別打!", "english": "Back off! Everybody, stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都住手! 冷靜一點!", "english": "Stop fighting! Calm down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手! 冷靜! 大家冷靜一點!", "english": "Stop it! Calm down everyone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿梁", "english": "Leung."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父", "english": "Master"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先扶他下去", "english": "Carry him down first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿鑫 幫忙!", "english": "Help me, Cham."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢點 慢點", "english": "Slowly, slowly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不喜歡看 可以走!", "english": "If you didn't like it, you could have left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你出手傷人 就應該向我們道歉!", "english": "But you should apologize for injuring us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要你道歉", "english": "He wants you to apologize."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么? 道歉?", "english": "What? Apologize?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是什么愚蠢的中國傳統?", "english": "What is this some stupid Chinese tradition,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勝利者要向失敗者道歉?", "english": "that winners have to apologize to the losers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真要這樣 我豈不是每天都要道歉?", "english": "If I have to do that, I'd be apologizing every day!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老頭 你要我道歉是嗎?", "english": "You want an apology from me, old man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你現在得在擂臺上打敗我", "english": "Then you beat mein a fight right now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才會道歉", "english": "then I'll apologize."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說 如果洪師傅打贏他的話", "english": "He said, if Master Hung can beat him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就道歉", "english": "then he'll apologize."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我跟他打!", "english": "Let me fight with him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打得他滿地找牙 打得他跟我道歉!", "english": "I'll beat him till he apologizes to me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打死這個洋鬼子!", "english": "Slay that Foreign Devil!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位師傅 這件事情讓我來處理", "english": "Masters, let me handle this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麻煩大家都先下去", "english": "Please get down for the moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好! 我們先下去", "english": "OK! Let's get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打!", "english": "Fight!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停! 回你的繩角!", "english": "Stop! To your corner!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去! 回去...", "english": "Break! Break!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打得好", "english": "Very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅 阿梁沒事 正在里面休息", "english": "Master Ip. Leung is all right. He's resting inside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你", "english": "Thanks!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅 洪師傅", "english": "Master Hung!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還可以嗎?", "english": "Are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒問題", "english": "I'm fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不然下一個回合 洪師傅", "english": "In the next round, Master Hung,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要跟他拼拳 嘗試切他中路", "english": "instead of combating with him, test his midrib."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會那么容易的", "english": "It's not that easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 去吧", "english": "OK. Go get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "踢死這洋鬼子!", "english": "Kick the Foreign Devil down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "龍卷風 打得好!", "english": "Wow! Twister!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三 四", "english": "One, two, three, four..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五 六 七", "english": "five, six, seven..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒事吧? 看著我", "english": "Are you Ok? Look at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還好嗎?", "english": "Are you Ok?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我? 可以", "english": "Me? Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分開", "english": "Break."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三 四 五", "english": "One, two, three, four, five..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "壞了 師父氣不夠了", "english": "Shit! Master is out of breath."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂亮", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他累了 好了", "english": "He's just getting tired. OK."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別再打了 洪師傅", "english": "Stop fighting, Master Hung!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能叫洋人看不起我們", "english": "I can't let the Foreign Devil look down on us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要為了出口氣而受傷", "english": "Don't get hurt for your ego!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為生活 我可以忍", "english": "I can abide in order to survive,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但侮辱中國武術就不行!", "english": "but I can't let him insult Chinese martial arts!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父! 師父...", "english": "Master! Master..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三...", "english": "One, two, three,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四", "english": "four,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五", "english": "five,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六", "english": "six,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "九", "english": "nine!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還行嗎?", "english": "Are you OK?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放手啊!", "english": "Let go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父!", "english": "Master..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家吧 小鬼!", "english": "Go home, boys!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅", "english": "Master Hung,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我葉問一生最敬重的師傅", "english": "you're my most respected master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "華萊士 你看到本地報紙上怎樣說我們嗎?", "english": "Wallace! You've seen what the local newspapers saying about us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是要你辦一場拳賽而已", "english": "I ask you to organize one, one boxing competition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看你把我們卷入多大的麻煩里面", "english": "And look at the trouble you got us in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起 長官 我知道該怎么做", "english": "I'm sorry, Sir. I know what to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會處理", "english": "I'll take care of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會處理?", "english": "You'll take care of it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好知道怎么處理!", "english": "You'd better take care of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想再被輿論抨擊我們欺壓中國人", "english": "I do not want to be in the newspaper once more for bullying the Chinese!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒問題 長官", "english": "It's alright, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我保證 從現在起不會再有任何麻煩", "english": "I promise. We will have no further trouble from them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪位是總編?", "english": "Who's the editor-in-chief?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶他回去", "english": "Take him back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官!", "english": "Sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開閘!", "english": "Open up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好好記住 這就是跟我作對的后果", "english": "You'd better remember that this is what happens to people who mess with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按住他的手!", "english": "Hold his hands!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按緊點!", "english": "Hold him tight!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官 長官", "english": "Sir... Sir..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣打對你沒好處", "english": "It's not wise to beat him like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他回去肯定亂寫你", "english": "He will write a scathing report on us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我說 直接把他給做了", "english": "We better waste him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道怎么做 交給我吧", "english": "I know what to do. Let me handle it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肥波 你要搞定他", "english": "Fatso! You take care of him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "OK."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "近日社會上流傳許多謠言", "english": "There had been a lot of rumors in Hong Kong recently."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是由于較早前舉行的一場拳賽中", "english": "This is due to a boxing competition that had been arranged."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一名中國武術師過于高估自己的實力", "english": "Unfortunately, a Chinese boxerrather over-estimated himself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向我們的拳王挑戰", "english": "and challenged our champion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "龍卷風勉為其難的接受了他的挑戰", "english": "Twister reluctantly acceptedthe challenge,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且在比賽中盡量讓步 手下留情", "english": "and although he held back during the fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但很不幸 該名中國武術師傅實在太弱", "english": "Unfortunately the Chinese boxer was so weak"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抵擋不住拳王的攻擊", "english": "that he couldn't stand upto Twister's fists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被拳王擊中數拳后 不幸傷重身亡", "english": "And after a few punches, he tragically died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們對這次意外深表遺憾", "english": "We are sorry for this regretable accident."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為了還龍卷風一個公道", "english": "In order to give Twister justice,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "龍卷風將會在擂臺上與中國挑戰者公平比試", "english": "Twister will fight the Chinese people in a fair manner on the stage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我同意接受任何中國人挑戰", "english": "I've agreed to fight any Chinese person."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "據我所知", "english": "Now from what I hear,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中國人比武喜歡采用這個來計時", "english": "the Chinese like to use this!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很樂意遵從這個習俗", "english": "And I would like to stick to that tradition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我會跟任何挑戰者比試", "english": "So I've agreed to fight any challenger"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直至這根香燒完為止", "english": "for as long as this thing burns!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會有足夠時間讓任何人上臺挑戰我", "english": "so it's gonna give plenty of opportunity for any challenger to come forward."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我先警告你們", "english": "But be warned!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會再手下留情", "english": "I would not hold back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這根香燒完之前", "english": "By the time this thing has burnt to the end,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事實上 可能根本用不著這根東西", "english": "In fact I don't even think that we're gonna use this thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為我很懷疑 究竟有沒有中國人...", "english": "because I doubt that there is any Chinese fella"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有膽量上擂臺挑戰我!", "english": "that has the guts to get in the ring with me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎么這么說話呀 太不像話了", "english": "How can he say that? What a nonsense!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中國人燒香 不只是為了算時間", "english": "Chinese burns incense not only to count time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中國人燒香這種習俗", "english": "Burning incense represents our modesty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是它包含了我們的謙遜", "english": "about the Chinese tradition of incense burning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米勒先生", "english": "Mr Miller,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要向你挑戰!", "english": "I'm challenging you to a fight!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你這個決定真是大錯特錯", "english": "You're making a big mistake!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿準 快點吃", "english": "Zhun, hurry up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要讓房東太太等太久", "english": "Don't let the landlady wait too long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一會兒我送你們過去", "english": "I'll take you there in a moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媽媽 為什么我們要去房東太太那里住呀?", "english": "Mom, why are we staying with the landlady?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸要練功 會影響弟弟的", "english": "Dad's practice will affect your brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 讓我來吧", "english": "Come, let me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是不好意思 包租婆", "english": "I'm so sorry for the hassle, Landlady."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小的讓阿準拿吧", "english": "Let Zhun carry the small one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉先生 你一定要打敗那個洋鬼子!", "english": "Mr Ip, you must defeat the Foreign Devil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我先拿上去", "english": "I'll carry it up first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不用擔心我們 好好練功", "english": "Don't worry and practice well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不要練得太晚", "english": "But don't practice till too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定要贏", "english": "You have to win."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走吧", "english": "We have to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去吧", "english": "Go back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "平常就我一個人住", "english": "I live by myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們就把這里當成家好了", "english": "Make yourselves at home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們就睡在這兒", "english": "You can sleep here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用怕 繼續寫", "english": "Don't be scared. Keep writing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫你們繼續寫 明天照樣出!", "english": "Keep writing! I'll still publish it tomorrow!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察!", "english": "Cops!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還寫啊?", "english": "Still writing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打不死你呀?", "english": "You're not afraid to die?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣寫好嗎?", "english": "Is that good?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么不敢寫\"西洋狗必遭慘敗\"呀?", "english": "Why not \"Western Dog Will Be Demolished\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有良心而已 你有真相嗎?", "english": "You have conscience, but do you have the truth?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有!", "english": "I do!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你膽大 視死如歸", "english": "You don't fear to die, You've guts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我給你真相 你寫死他!", "english": "I tell you the truth. You ruin him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個鬼頭呢", "english": "This Foreign Devil..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最恨中國人 看不起中國人", "english": "detests and despises Chinese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我來爆料 你如實報 我保他完蛋", "english": "I give you the materials. You disclose him, I guarantee he'll be over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉太太 你怎么了?", "english": "Mrs Ip, what's the matter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唉喲 快生了!", "english": "You're in labor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿準 趕快叫你爸爸來", "english": "Zhun, call your dad right away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿準...", "english": "Zhun..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想他分心", "english": "Don't distract him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我叫六婆來 好不好?", "english": "I'll ask Auntie to come then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿準 你好好看著你媽媽", "english": "Zhun, watch over your mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "香港武術界的盛事 華洋拳賽馬上就要舉行了", "english": "The Chinese-Western Boxing Matchis about to commence!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在場地里已經擠滿了華人和洋人的觀眾", "english": "The hall is packed with locals and expats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "場面非常熱鬧", "english": "It's bustling with excitement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "值得一提的是 這次的裁判團里有華人裁判", "english": "There are both Chinese and Western umpires."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信會是一場真正的公平 公正 公開的比賽", "english": "I believe the match will be fair, just and open."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位聽眾 千萬不要走開", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen,do not leave your radio!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是為了自己 還是為了中國武術而戰?", "english": "Master Ip, are you fighting for yourself? Or in defense of Chinese martial arts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位先生女士", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen! And now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "期待已久的華洋拳賽現在開始", "english": "for the long-awaited Chinese-Western boxing tournament,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歡迎世界拳王", "english": "the Twister!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "龍卷風出場了!", "english": "Twister has come on stage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是最好的", "english": "You are the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 請回到你的繩角", "english": "Excuse me, sir, to your corner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請回到你的繩角", "english": "Here, get to your corner, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退回去", "english": "To your corner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉問很心急 想把他打倒 好啊!", "english": "Ip Man was eager to knock him down. Good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "龍卷風 龍卷風 龍卷風...", "english": "Twister. Twister. Twister..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父", "english": "Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二位 我要一個公平的比賽", "english": "Gentlemen, I want a clean fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要一個公平的比賽", "english": "I want a clean fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說打 你們就打", "english": "When I say \"fight\", fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說打就打", "english": "When I say \"fight\", fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說分開 你們就要分開", "english": "When I say \"break\", break."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分開就分開", "english": "When I say \"break\", break."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何時候都要遵從我的指示 清楚嗎?", "english": "You have to follow my instructionsat all time, is that clear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我兩拳就能把你放倒", "english": "I can finish you off in two punches!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請回到繩角去", "english": "Return to your corners!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贏這場比賽應該不費吹灰之力吧?", "english": "This should be a piece of cake, mate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上臺宰了他吧", "english": "Just go out of there and get him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅 你就像打我一樣", "english": "Master Ip, punch him like you punched me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒他就對了!", "english": "Just beat him down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在兩人都在不停試探對方", "english": "They keep testing each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來啊", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來啊", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回繩角 回繩角", "english": "To your corner. To your corner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父!", "english": "Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅中拳倒地 現在裁判過去讀秒了", "english": "Master Ip was knocked down! The umpire's counting!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父!", "english": "Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知葉師傅能不能站起來", "english": "Can Master Ip stand up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四 五", "english": "Four, five..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六 七", "english": "six, seven..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅沒事 站起來了", "english": "Master Ip is Ok! He's stood up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好!", "english": "Good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好!", "english": "Good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打.", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅一記朝天腳 踢翻了拳王", "english": "Master Ip has kicked the Twister down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五 六", "english": "five, six..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這才是拳王", "english": "Good boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還行嗎?", "english": "Are you OK?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯 這下你明白了", "english": "Exactly. You've got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父打得好", "english": "Master! Good fight!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這死洋鬼子真能熬", "english": "That Foreign Devil has stamina."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅打他這么多拳 他都沒事", "english": "He's endured many of the Master's punches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅用他的連環快拳搶攻", "english": "Master Ip attacked with a volley of punches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅! 葉師傅...", "english": "Master Ip! Master Ip..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父!", "english": "Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洋鬼子 時間過了還打人", "english": "Foreign Devil! Still hitting after time's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退后 退回繩角", "english": "Back, back to your corner!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有沒有搞錯? 鐘聲響了還打人!", "english": "Are you deaf?! Kept hitting after time's up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "過來 給點水", "english": "Come on, give me some water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父! 師父...", "english": "Master! Master..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們討論一下 該怎么辦?", "english": "Talk about it. What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行 給我點時間", "english": "OK. Give me one moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "畢特 請你過來一下", "english": "Brad, please, could you come?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟那中國人說 不許再踢腳", "english": "Please tell the Chinese guy, no more kicks like these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "經過裁判團的商議", "english": "According to the decisions by the judges,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這場比賽不能踢腳", "english": "kicking is prohibited in this match."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "經過裁判團的商議", "english": "According to the decisionsby the judges,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這場比賽不能再踢腳", "english": "kicking is prohibitedin this match."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不同意 可以棄權", "english": "If you don't agree, you forfeit the match."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拳王將會自動勝出 明白嗎?", "english": "And Twister will be announced the winner. Is that clear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不同意 可以棄權", "english": "If you don't agree, you forfeit the match."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拳王將會自動勝出", "english": "And Twister will be announced the winner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明不明白?", "english": "Is that clear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你再踢腳 就會被取消資格", "english": "One more kick, you'll be disqualified!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白嗎?", "english": "Understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟了! 葉師傅中了龍卷風一記重拳 倒地不起了", "english": "Master Ip was felled by Twister's right punch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父! 起來呀", "english": "Stand up! Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起來 起來 起來呀!", "english": "Get up! Get up! Get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能讓洋人看不起我們", "english": "I can't let the Foreign Devil despise us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為生活 我可以忍", "english": "I can abide in order to survive,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但侮辱中國武術就不行!", "english": "but I can't tolerate insults to Chinese martial arts!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五 六", "english": "five, six..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師父!", "english": "Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還行嗎?", "english": "Are you Ok?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以繼續嗎?", "english": "Are you OK?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開打", "english": "Fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洪師傅 不要跟他拼拳", "english": "Instead of combating with him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘗試切他中路", "english": "test his midrib."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會那么容易的", "english": "It's not that easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一", "english": "One!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二", "english": "Two!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四", "english": "Four!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五", "english": "Five!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六", "english": "Six!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "九 十!", "english": "Nine, Ten!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸贏了! 爸爸贏了! 好呀!", "english": "Dad has won! Dad has won! Fantastic!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我認識葉問", "english": "I know Ip Man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這里有誰不認識葉問?", "english": "Who doesn't here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍元甲 黃飛鴻 葉問 我", "english": "Fok Yuen Kap, Wong Fei Hung, Ip Man and I!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停", "english": "Stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肥波已經把你的罪行全都告訴我", "english": "Fatso has told me everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的行為令全香港警隊蒙羞", "english": "Your actions embarrassed the entire Hong Kong Police Force!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逮捕他!", "english": "Arrest him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好樣的 葉師傅", "english": "Good fighting, Master IP!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們贏了", "english": "We won!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說 你好", "english": "He says \"Hello\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天的勝負", "english": "By fighting this match,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是想證明我們中國的武術", "english": "I'm not trying to prove Chinese martial arts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比西洋拳更加優勝", "english": "are better than Western boxing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人的地位 雖然有高低之分", "english": "though people have different statuses in life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是人格 不應該有貴賤之別", "english": "everybody's dignity is the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很希望 從這一刻開始", "english": "I hope that from this moment on,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們大家可以學會懂得怎樣去互相尊重", "english": "we can start to respect each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說 他今天來不是為了證明", "english": "He says he didn't come here today to prove..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中國武術還是西洋拳術比較優勝", "english": "which is better, Chinese or Western boxing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雖然人的地位各有不同", "english": "Although people have different status in life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他希望我們可以學會互相尊重", "english": "He hopes that we can start to respect each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完了 謝謝", "english": "That's all, thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說完了 謝謝", "english": "That's all, thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葉師傅 葉師傅", "english": "Master Ip! Master Ip..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請問你現在最想做什么?", "english": "What would you want to do most right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我現在最想回家", "english": "I want to go home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長得像你", "english": "He looks like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "取個名字吧", "english": "Name him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫葉正怎么樣?", "english": "How about Ip Ching?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要他當堂堂正正的人", "english": "I want him to become a righteous man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊", "english": "Good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "問叔 我認識了個新朋友", "english": "Uncle Man, I just made a new friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想跟你學功夫 我帶他來見你", "english": "He wants to learn kung fu, so I brought him to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進來", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想跟你學拳 要多少錢?", "english": "How much to learn martial arts from you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什么名字?", "english": "What's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫李小龍!", "english": "Bruce Lee!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你為什么想學拳?", "english": "Why do you want to learn martial arts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到不順眼的人 我就要打他", "english": "I wanna beat up people I don't fancy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等你長大了 再回來找我吧", "english": "Come back when you've grown up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们总会亲手种下自己的祸根", "english": "We create our own demons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁说的这句话 它又是什么意思", "english": "Who said that? What does that even mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不重要 我这么说是因为他这么说了", "english": "Doesn't matter, I said it cause he said it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "既然他也是个名人", "english": "So now he was famous"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那这话现在就有两个名人说过了", "english": "and that's basically get said by two well known guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不 还是重讲一遍吧", "english": "I don't, uh...I'm gonna start again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切还得从最开始说起", "english": "Let's track this from the beginning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有半小时就到新年了", "english": "Half hour till the ball drops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我最爱的风格 百试不爽", "english": "It's my favorite kind, a winning combo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在去哪", "english": "Where are we going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爽一炮吧 去你房间就行", "english": "Uh...to town on each other, probably back in your room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还想看看你的研究成果", "english": "Cause I also wanna see your research."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 研究成果可以给你看", "english": "Okay, you can see my research,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过那件事你就不要妄想了", "english": "but thats... I'm not gonna show you my town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯塔克先生 我是侯殷森", "english": "Mr. Stark, Ho Yinsen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "终于遇到一个姓侯的人了 过来", "english": "Oh, I finally met a man called Ho. Come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向您介绍一下我们的客人 吴医生", "english": "I would like to introduce you to our guest, Dr. Wu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是心脏科医生", "english": "You're a heart doctor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她一会就爽到需要看医生了", "english": "She's going to need a cardiologist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从未料到当时的举动会招致如此后果", "english": "I never thought they'd come back to bite me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么会知道呢", "english": "Why would they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼 我是阿德里奇·基里安", "english": "Hey, Tony! Aldrich Killian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是您的研究的大粉丝", "english": "I'm a big fan of your work!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过汉森小姐", "english": "But, Miss Hansen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们组织自您在麻省理工读大二时", "english": "my organization been tracking your research"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就开始关注您的研究了", "english": "since year two of MIT."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电梯满员了", "english": "Yeah, we're full."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他真棒 居然塞进来了", "english": "Oh, wow. He made it. He made the cut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要去哪一层 伙计", "english": "What floor are you going to, pal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有意创建一番事业 我有个提议", "english": "The ground floor, actually. I've a proposal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我自己策划的", "english": "I'm putting together with myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是私人集资的智囊机构", "english": "It's a privately funded think tank called,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫尖端创意科技", "english": "Advanced Idea Mechanics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两张都给她 一张扔了另一张留着攒灰", "english": "She'll take both. One to throw away and one to not call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尖端创意科技 简称AIM 明白吗", "english": "Advanced Idea Mechanics, or AIM for short. Do you get it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了 你T恤上就有", "english": "I see that, cause it's on your t-shirt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们 跟着那个鲻鱼头", "english": "Ladies, follow the mullet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士优先", "english": "Ladies first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 我会联系你的", "english": "Thank you, I'll call you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 小丑兄 我五分钟后到楼顶找你", "english": "Yeah, cheese clown. I'll see you up on the roof in five minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一会儿楼顶见", "english": "I'll see you up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不见不散", "english": "Damn betcha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会吧 我以为这只是个设想呢", "english": "Come on! I thought that was just a theory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原本是", "english": "Well, it was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我计算正确 我们可以进入", "english": "If I'm right, we can access the area of the brain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大脑掌管自愈功能的区域", "english": "that governs repair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并以化学方式对其重编码", "english": "And chemically recode it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可思议", "english": "That's incredible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是说你能破解", "english": "Essentially you're hacking into"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能不能 抱歉", "english": "Can you... Excuse..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不喜欢这样 她更喜欢", "english": "It's not... she doesn't like it. She prefers..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧 到卧室去", "english": "Come on. Let's go in the bedroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈皮", "english": "Happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动她的盆栽了", "english": "Leave her ficus alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为 你真的最好别碰", "english": "Because... No, seriously don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是从植物入手的", "english": "So you're starting with plants?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前为止 是的 我称之为绝境病毒", "english": "For now, yeah. I'm calling it Extremis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在人身上应用", "english": "Human application."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全正确 它能用于激活坏死组织", "english": "Exactly! Exactly. It's dentra-degree vitalization."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "革命性的成果", "english": "It's revolutionary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "疾病防治", "english": "Disease prevention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我遇到的最有才华的女性", "english": "You're the most gifted woman I've ever met."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仅限于瑞士", "english": "In Switzerland."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这还差不多", "english": "Mm, that's better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你差点就买账了 对吧", "english": "You almost bought it, didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的就是这个小问题", "english": "This is what I'm talking about, the glitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "检查过端粒算法了吗", "english": "Have you checked the telomerized algorithm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "The what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴下 别动", "english": "Stay down, stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你正趴在我身上呢 我没死", "english": "You're...you're right on me. I made it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚才怎么了", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她正讲到这个小问题呢", "english": "Look, she was just talking about glitches happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在外面等你", "english": "I'll be right outside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我要讲这一段呢", "english": "So why am I telling you this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我刚种下了自己的祸根", "english": "Because I had just created demons,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我完全没意识到", "english": "and I didn't even know it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 那段时光确实美好", "english": "Yeah, those were the good times."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我就一路向前", "english": "Then I moved on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在阿富汗一个洞穴里玩乐了一通后", "english": "After a brief soiree in an Afghan cave,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再也没参加过派对", "english": "I said goodbye to the party scene."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也忘掉了瑞士的那一夜", "english": "Forgot that night in Switzerland."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我已然脱胎换骨", "english": "These days I'm a changed man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已今非昔比 我是 你知道我是谁", "english": "I'm different now. I'm well...you know who I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 能让我先花几个小时来校准...", "english": "Sir, please may I request just a few hours to calibrate..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如你所愿 先生", "english": "As you wish, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还准备了供你直接忽略的安全细则", "english": "I've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就忽略它 开始吧", "english": "Which I will. Right, let's do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆呆 呆呆", "english": "Dummy. Hi, Dummy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你头上那顶帽子真不是白给的 名副其实", "english": "How did you get that cap on your head? You earned it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在那逍遥什么呢", "english": "What are you doing round in the corner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干了啥自己清楚 把垫子上的血擦干净", "english": "You know what you did. Blood on my mat, handle it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 容我提醒一下", "english": "Sir, may I remind you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请看这里 女士们 晚上好 欢迎来到产房", "english": "Focus up, ladies. Good evening, and welcome to the birthing suite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴宣布你们即将多出一位", "english": "I'm pleased to announce the imminent arrival"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活泼乱跳 狂拽酷炫的小弟弟", "english": "of your bouncing, bad-ass, baby brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先给特写再拉远 打上日期时间", "english": "Start tight and go wide, stamp in time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯 放音乐", "english": "Jarvis, drop my needle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死", "english": "Crap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 我看行 发射所有部件", "english": "Alright, I think we got this. Send 'em all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像有点太快了 慢一点 一点点", "english": "Probably a little fast, slow it down. Slow it down just a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢慢来行吗 贾维斯", "english": "Cool it, will you, Jarvis?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放马过来 我可不怕你", "english": "Come on. I ain't scared of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是天才", "english": "I'm the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一如既往 先生 看您工作总是乐趣多多", "english": "As always, sir, a great pleasure watching you work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许三天不打盹也不算很长", "english": "And I guess seventy-two hours isn't a long time between siesta's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没觉得情况会更糟了", "english": "Didn't think it could get any worse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我非得去打开电视", "english": "Then I had to go and turn on the TV."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "于是我看到了他", "english": "That's when he happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人叫我恐怖分子", "english": "Some people call me a terrorist,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我则自认为是位老师", "english": "I consider myself a teacher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国", "english": "America,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好好上一课吧", "english": "ready for another lesson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美军待友善的夏安部落的勇士", "english": "the U.S. Military waited till the friendly Cheyenne braves"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出门打猎后", "english": "all gone hunting,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惨绝人寰地屠戮了部落里剩下的老弱病残", "english": "waited to attack and slaughter their families left behind,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并侵占了他们的土地", "english": "and claim their land."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿里·萨利姆空军基地遭袭", "english": "in Kuwait was attacked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是...是我干的", "english": "I...I...I did that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一座住满妇孺的古朴的军事教堂", "english": "A quaint military church filled with wives and children, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "士兵们都在外演习", "english": "The soldiers were out on maneuver,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勇士们都不在", "english": "the braves were away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃利斯总统", "english": "President Ellis,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你执意拒绝接受我的教诲 先生", "english": "you continue to resist my attempts to educate you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而现在 你又一次与我失之交臂", "english": "And now, you've missed me again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我是谁", "english": "You know who I am,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不知道我在哪", "english": "you don't know where I am,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更无法预见我的到来", "english": "and you'll never see me coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信号似乎恢复了 来回顾一下可怕的...", "english": "Now that we seem to be back, let's recap some of the frightening..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国广播频道被劫持", "english": "American Airwaves were hijacked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国家进入高度戒备状态", "english": "The nation remains on high alert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有对满大人的缉捕行动俱告失败", "english": "All attempts of finding Mandarin have so far proved unsuccessful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本政府对此次恐怖活动最主要的回应", "english": "Central to my Administration's response to this terrorist event,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是刚研发出新军事资源", "english": "is a newly minted resource."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所认识的詹姆斯·罗德上校", "english": "I know him as Colonel James Rhodes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即将成为美国人尽皆知的钢铁爱国者", "english": "the American people will soon know him as the Iron Patriot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃利斯总统是如何回应的呢", "english": "And how is President Ellis responding?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这个被称为战争机器的家伙", "english": "By taking the guy they call War Machine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新刷了遍漆", "english": "and giving him a paint job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同一套战衣 但是漆上了红白蓝三色 看看", "english": "Same suit, but painted red whit and blue. Look at That."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还重新命名为钢铁爱国者", "english": "And they also renamed him Iron Patriot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为这颜色实在太内涵了", "english": "You know, just in case the paint was too subtle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "焦点小组的反馈结果很好 好吗", "english": "It tested well with focus groups, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是钢铁爱国者", "english": "I am Iron Patriot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个给人感觉好多了", "english": "This sends a better message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底是怎么回事", "english": "So what's really goin' on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个满大人", "english": "With Mandarin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说正经的 能谈谈这家伙吗", "english": "Seriously, can we talk about this guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 发生了九起爆炸案件", "english": "Okay, there have been nine bombings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "九起", "english": "Nine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公众只知道其中三起", "english": "The public only knows about three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人能找到起爆装置", "english": "nobody can ID a device."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现场没有任何炸弹遗留痕迹", "english": "There's no bomb casings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我能帮上忙 你开口就行", "english": "You know I can help, just ask."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有一堆高科技 还有一件缠卷者战衣", "english": "I got a ton of new tech, I got a prehensile suit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还有 我还有新除弹装置", "english": "I got a... I got a new bomb disposal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能将爆炸控制在空中", "english": "Catches explosions mid-air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你多久没有好好睡过了", "english": "When's the last time you got a good night's sleep?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱因斯坦一年才睡三小时 看看他干了什么", "english": "Einstein slept three hours a year. Look what he did?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们都很担心你 托尼", "english": "People are concerned about you, Tony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也很担心你", "english": "I'm concerned about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这是要对我说教吗", "english": "You're gonna come at me like that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唠叨", "english": "tator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您能在我的画上签个名吗", "english": "Do you mind signing my drawing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要理查德不介意", "english": "If Richard doesn't mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不介意吧 迪克", "english": "You alright with this, Dick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题", "english": "Fine with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什么名字", "english": "What is your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾琳", "english": "Erin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了 我超喜欢你演的《圣诞故事》", "english": "I loved you in A Christmas Story, by the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五角大楼已经陷入恐慌", "english": "Listen, the Pentagon is scared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经过了纽约事件 外星人什么的", "english": "After New York... aliens, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们需要展现力量", "english": "They need to look strong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阻止满大人是首要任务 但那不是", "english": "Stopping the Mandarin is priority, but it's not..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是超级英雄的事", "english": "It's superhero business,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是美国的事", "english": "It's American business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说过我懂了", "english": "That's why I said I...got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把蜡笔折断了", "english": "I broke the crayon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧 斯塔克先生", "english": "Are you okay, Mr. Stark?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松点 托尼", "english": "Take it easy. Tony..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您怎么从虫洞里逃出来的", "english": "How did you get out of the wormhole?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下 托尼", "english": "Wait a minute! Tony!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我得查一下战衣...确保 好吧", "english": "Sorry. Have to check on the suit... make sure... okay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "检查心脏 检查那个 是不是大脑出问题了", "english": "Check the heart, check the... check the... is it the brain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有心脏或大脑异常的迹象", "english": "No sign of cardiac anomaly or unusual brain activity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 那我被下毒了吗", "english": "Okay, so I was poisoned?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的诊断是 你刚经历了严重的惶恐发作", "english": "My diagnosis is that you've experienced a severe anxiety attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我", "english": "Me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 老兄 这样子可不雅观 打开吧", "english": "Come on, man. This isn't a good look, open up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我得走了", "english": "Sorry, I gotta split."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门卡", "english": "Badge..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴门卡", "english": "badge..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门卡", "english": "badge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门卡 伙计们", "english": "Badge, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在厕所都放了告示 拜托", "english": "I put a memo in the toilet, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼把它们搁在地下室了", "english": "Tony has got them in his basement,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还给它们带了派对帽", "english": "they're wearing party hats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们应该把这个资产利用起来", "english": "This is an asset that we can put to use."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么说 你在建议我", "english": "So, you're suggesting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把门卫全部都换成机器人吗", "english": "that I replace the entire janitorial staff with robots?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的意思是我们最大的软肋", "english": "What I'm saying is that the human element of Human Resources"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是人力资源中的人力部分", "english": "is our biggest point of vulnerability."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们应该尽快剔除这部分", "english": "We should start phasing it out immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚说的是认真的吗", "english": "Did you just say that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴好徽章", "english": "Security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈皮 好吧", "english": "Happy? OK."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你上任安保主管 我很替你高兴", "english": "Okay, I am thrilled that you're now the Head of Security, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然而", "english": "However..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不胜感激", "english": "I do appreciate it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不必谢我", "english": "You don't have to thank me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的员工投诉率提高了三倍", "english": "we've had a rise in staff complaints of three hundred percent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是在夸你", "english": "That's not a compliment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是夸奖吗 这值得夸奖", "english": "That's not a compli...? It is a compliment!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和我核查过这个人了吗", "english": "Did you clear this four o'clock with me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈皮 我们以后再谈这个", "english": "Happy, we'll talk about this later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在得去处理这件麻烦事", "english": "But right now I have to go deal with this very annoying thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么讲", "english": "How so?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和他共事过", "english": "I used to work with him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他总想约我出去", "english": "and he used to ask me out all the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以有点小尴尬", "english": "So it's a little awkward."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派珀", "english": "Pepper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基里安", "english": "Killian?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你气色不错 真的非常好", "english": "You look great. You look really great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 你看起来 也很棒", "english": "God, you look...you look great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我无法...", "english": "I... I... I can't..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这几年都做了什么", "english": "What on earth have you been doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么大事", "english": "Nothing fancy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是让理疗师收拾了五年", "english": "just five years in the hands of physical therapists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有 叫我阿德里奇吧", "english": "And please, call me Aldrich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该拿到了门禁卡吧", "english": "You were supposed to be issued a security badge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见到你真高兴 基里安", "english": "It's very nice to see you, Killian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计", "english": "Hey, guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐", "english": "Merry Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么多年来规避着总统的", "english": "After years dodging the president's ban"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不道德生物研究禁令", "english": "on \"immoral biotech research\","}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的智囊团终于有所突破了", "english": "my think tank now has a little something in the pipeline."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把这个点子称为绝境病毒", "english": "It's an idea we like to call Extremis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我把灯关一下", "english": "I'm gonna turn your lights down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请看人类的大脑", "english": "Regard the human brain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 暂停一下", "english": "Wait. Hold on, hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是宇宙的图像 我的错 让我按一下", "english": "That's...that's the universe, my bad. But if I do that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才是大脑", "english": "That's the brain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们惊人地类似 不是吗", "english": "Strangely mimetic though, wouldn't you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太不可思议了", "english": "Wow, that's amazing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢 那是我的大脑", "english": "Thanks, it's mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的大脑内部 这是个", "english": "This...you're inside my head. It's a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实况转播", "english": "It's a live feed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站上来 我证明给你看", "english": "Come on up, I'll prove it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 掐我胳膊", "english": "Now, pinch my arm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我受得了 掐吧", "english": "I can take it. Pinch me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是初级躯体感觉皮层", "english": "It's the primary somatosensory cortex."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大脑中感知疼痛的部分", "english": "It's the brain's pain center."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才是我想给你看的", "english": "But this is what I wanted to show you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝境病毒开发了我们的生物潜能", "english": "Now, Extremis harnesses our bioelectrical potential"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在看 这里", "english": "And it goes...here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这基本上是个空槽", "english": "This is essentially an empty slot,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这说明我们的大脑", "english": "and what this tells us is that our mind,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实是我们的整个DNA", "english": "our entire DNA in fact,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注定该被升级", "english": "is destined to be upgraded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是安保额头吗", "english": "Is this forehead of Security?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我有正事呢 你有什么事", "english": "You know, look, I got a real job. What do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在工作 现在有情况", "english": "I'm working, I got something going on here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么情况 骚扰实习生吗", "english": "What? Harassing interns?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉你一件事", "english": "Let me tell you something,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我告诉大家我曾是钢铁侠的保镖时", "english": "you know what happened when I told people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道他们什么反应吗", "english": "I was Iron Man's body guard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们无情地嘲笑我", "english": "They would laugh in my face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只能带着最后一丝尊严离开", "english": "I had to leave while I still had a shred of dignity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我有了真正的工作 照顾派珀", "english": "Now I got a real job, I'm watching Pepper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了什么 告诉我", "english": "What's going on? Fill me in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 她在会见一个科学家", "english": "Alright, so she's meeting up with this scientist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一开始没认出他来", "english": "I couldn't make his face at first, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也知道我认人最在行了", "english": "You know I'm good with faces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 你是个中翘楚", "english": "Oh, Yeah, yeah. You're the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是 然后我查了他的信息", "english": "Yeah. Well, so I run his credentials,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才认出他 阿德里奇·基里安", "english": "I make him Aldrich Killian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们以前其实见过他", "english": "We actually met the guy back in..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在瑞士", "english": "Switzerland."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 没错 就是那儿", "english": "Right, right, exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基里安 不 我不记得那家伙", "english": "Killian? No, I don't remember that guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当然不记得 他又不是金发大波妹", "english": "Of course you don't. He's not a blond with a big rack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一开始还好 他们只是谈生意", "english": "At first it was fine, they were talking business,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在有点蹊跷了", "english": "but now it's like getting weird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他正在给她看他的大大脑", "english": "He's showing her his big brain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的什么", "english": "His what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放大的大脑 她也乐在其中", "english": "Big brain, and she likes it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我给你看", "english": "Here, let me show you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下 看到了吗", "english": "Hold on. See?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到什么 看到你在偷窥吗", "english": "Look at what? You watching them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把屏幕翻过去我才能看到", "english": "Flip the screen and then we can get started."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又不是你这种科学天才", "english": "I'm not a tech genius like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我 快过来吧", "english": "Just...just trust me, get down down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "翻转屏幕 让我看到他们在做什么", "english": "Flip the screen, then I can see what they're doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会 我不会翻转屏幕", "english": "I can't! I don't know how to flip the screen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再那样对我说话了", "english": "Don't talk to me like that anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可不是我老板", "english": "You're not my boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又不为你工作", "english": "Alright, I don't work for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不信任这家伙", "english": "Now I don't trust this guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还带了个鬼鬼祟祟的家伙", "english": "He's got another guy with him, he's shifty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是让你守住周边", "english": "I'm just asking you to secure the perimeter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他出去喝一杯什么的", "english": "Tell him to go out for a drink or something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗 你真的应该", "english": "You know what? You should take more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好关注一下事态发展", "english": "of an interest in what's going on here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这女人是你生命中最美好的际遇", "english": "This woman... this woman's the best thing that ever happened to you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你呢 你却不知珍惜", "english": "and you... you're just ignoring her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巨型大脑吗", "english": "A giant brain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 巨型大脑 还有个鬼祟之徒", "english": "Yeah, there's a giant brain, there's a shifty character."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去跟着他", "english": "I'm gonna follow this guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "查他的车牌 要是他来硬的 那就来吧", "english": "I'm gonna run his plates and if it gets rough, so be it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想念你 哈皮", "english": "I miss you, Happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也想念你", "english": "Yeah, I miss you too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是想念以前的样子", "english": "But the way it used to be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你都跟超级英雄朋友泡在一起", "english": "Now you're off with the 'superfriends',"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都不知道你什么情况了", "english": "I don't know what's going on with you anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世界越来越奇怪了", "english": "The world's getting weird..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我得挂断你了", "english": "Hey, I... I'd hate to cut you off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人力资源部好像有个女孩", "english": "I think there's a gal in HR"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在试图偷打印机墨水", "english": "who's trying to steal some printer ink,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该过去教训她一下", "english": "you should probably go over there and zap her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了", "english": "Yeah, nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想象一下 如果你可以侵入", "english": "Imagine if you could hack into the hard drive of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何生物体的\"硬盘\" 然后重组其DNA", "english": "any living organism and recode its DNA."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那太惊人了", "english": "It would be incredible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不幸的是 听起来也很有武器化前途", "english": "Unfortunately, to my ears it also sounds highly weaponizable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如改造士兵 和私人军队 托尼他...", "english": "As in enhanced soldiers, private armies, and Tony is not..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼 托尼", "english": "Tony. Tony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他拒绝了", "english": "he turned me down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在我发现", "english": "But something tells me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掌权的是另一个天才", "english": "now there is a new genius on the throne"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不必向托尼汇报", "english": "who doesn't have to answer to Tony anymore,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的答案是不 阿德里奇", "english": "It's gonna be a no, Aldrich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我虽然非常想帮你", "english": "As much as I'd like to help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我确实有点失望", "english": "Well, I can't say that I'm not disappointed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但正如我父亲曾说的", "english": "But then as my father used to say,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "透过失败的迷雾 才能窥见胜利的光辉", "english": "'Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph.'"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很有深度", "english": "That's very deep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不知道是什么意思", "english": "And I have no idea what it means."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不懂 我爸就是个傻瓜", "english": "Well, me neither. He was kind of an idiot, my old man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一定会再见的 派珀", "english": "I'm sure I'll see you again, Pepper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈皮", "english": "Happy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车备好了 你准备好出发了吗", "english": "The car is ready, if you're ready to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯 我只是...", "english": "Yes. I just um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忘了点什么东西 我得去...", "english": "God, I forgot my other thing, so I'm just gonna..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉我来晚了 我刚才在 这是什么", "english": "I'm sorry I'm late. I was... What the...? What is that?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在屋里也要穿了吗", "english": "You're wearing this in the house now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯 差不多吧", "english": "Yeah. Something like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人总得有个爱好", "english": "You know everybody needs a hobby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你非得在客厅里穿着你的爱好吗", "english": "And you have to wear your hobby in the living room?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新衣服要适应", "english": "Just breakin' it in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白吧 裤裆那里总是有点紧", "english": "You know, it's always a little pinchy in the gooey bag at first, so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看到你的圣诞礼物了吗", "english": "Did you see your Christmas present?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了", "english": "Yes, I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没办法错过那么大的圣诞礼物", "english": "I... I don't know how I could have missed that Christmas present."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个问题问得好", "english": "Well actually, uh...it's a good question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天我叫了一队人来", "english": "I got a team of guys comin' tomorrow,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天忙不忙 还是挺好", "english": "So, uh... tense? Good day?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按摩一下肩吧 你这个调皮的小女孩", "english": "Ooh shoulders, a little naughty. Naughty girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想啰嗦 不过你喜欢那订制的兔子吗", "english": "I don't wanna harp on this, but did you like the custom rabbit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢吗", "english": "Did I like it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俘虏了你的心 对吧", "english": "Nailed it, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很感激你的心思", "english": "I appreciate the thought very much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不掀起面罩 给我一个热吻呢", "english": "So why don't you lift up that face mask and give me a kiss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎呀 该死 打不开", "english": "Yup, dammit. No can do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要不要亲在...", "english": "You wanna just kiss it on the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面罩缝上", "english": "The facial slit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不如我去车库", "english": "Well, why don't I run down to the garage"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撬棍 真棒", "english": "Crowbar. Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是车库...那个 辐射泄漏了", "english": "Oh, except there's been a...uh...A radiation leak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愿意冒这个险", "english": "I'll take my chances."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太危险了", "english": "That's risky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少让我给你找件防护衣", "english": "At least let me get you like a Hazmat suit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或是盖革计数器之类的东西", "english": "or a Geiger counter or something like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被发现了", "english": "Busted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是无聊到新境界了", "english": "This is a new level of lame."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚是约会之夜 你不等我就吃了", "english": "You ate without me, already? On date night?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 我是说我们 只是在招待你", "english": "Well, yeah. I mean we were just... just hosting you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做完了点工作", "english": "While I finished up a little work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以就吃了一点东西", "english": "And yes, I had a quick bite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你回不回家", "english": "I didn't know if you were comin' home"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是跟阿德里奇·基里安喝酒去了", "english": "or if you were having drinks with Aldrich Killian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿德里奇·基里安 你还查我岗吗", "english": "Aldrich Killian? What are you checking up on me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈皮觉得担心", "english": "Happy was concerned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去睡觉了", "english": "I'm going to bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 别走 小派", "english": "Hold on. Come on. Pep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我承认是我错了 对不起", "english": "Hey, I admit it! My fault. Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最近一团糟", "english": "I'm a piping hot mess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有段时间了 我一直没告诉你", "english": "It's been going on for a while, I haven't said anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纽约事件后 一切都变了", "english": "Nothing's been the same since New York."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗 我可完全没有注意到", "english": "Oh really? Well, I didn't notice that, at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你经历了一些事", "english": "You experience things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事情过去后 你还是没法解释清楚", "english": "and then they're over and you still can't explain 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神 外星人 其他空间", "english": "Gods, aliens, other dimensions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是一个躲在铁壳里的人", "english": "I... I'm just a man in a can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我至今还没有崩溃的原因", "english": "The only reason I haven't cracked up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大概就是因为你搬来和我一起住", "english": "is probably because you moved in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太好了 我爱你 我很幸运", "english": "Which is great. I love you, I'm lucky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 宝贝 我睡不着", "english": "But, honey, I can't sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你睡着了 我就下来", "english": "You go to bed, I come down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做我熟悉的事", "english": "I do what I know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敲敲打打", "english": "I tinker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是危险即将来临", "english": "But threat is imminent,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必须保护我唯一不能失去的东西", "english": "and I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是你", "english": "That's you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的战衣 它们只是", "english": "My suits, they're uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器而已", "english": "Machines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但它们是我的一部分", "english": "But they're part of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这只是个消遣", "english": "A distraction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧", "english": "Maybe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去洗个澡", "english": "I'm gonna take a shower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也一起来吧", "english": "And you're gonna join me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更好了", "english": "Better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼", "english": "Tony!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼 托尼", "english": "Tony! Tony!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼", "english": "Tony..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关闭电源", "english": "Power down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定是在睡梦中启动了它", "english": "I must have called it in my sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这事不应该发生的", "english": "That's not supposed to happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会重新校准一下传感器", "english": "I'll recalibrate the sensors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能不能 让我", "english": "Can we just... just let me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我先喘口气好吗", "english": "just let me catch my breath, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别走 好吗 派珀", "english": "Don't go, alright? Pepper?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去楼下睡 你去敲打那个吧", "english": "I'm going to sleep downstairs. Tinker with that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你扛得住吗", "english": "Can you regulate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确定", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这批货不错", "english": "It's a decent batch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别说我不为你着想", "english": "Don't say I never did nothin' for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 伙计", "english": "I'm sorry, buddy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干什么呢 伙计 自己出来的吗", "english": "What are you doin', buddy? You out by yourself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "约会之夜吗 看你最喜欢的言情片", "english": "A little date night? Watching your favorite chick flick maybe?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 一部叫做《派对结束》的电影", "english": "Yeah, a little movie called \"The Party's Over\","}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主角是你和你嗑药的女朋友", "english": "starring you and your junkie girlfriend,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是电影票", "english": "and here's the ticket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开玩笑吧 那不是你的东西", "english": "No kidding? That doesn't belong to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨文", "english": "Savin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救救我 救救我", "english": "Help! Help me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们看上去像来自中国", "english": "They look Chinese,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听上去也像", "english": "they sound Chinese,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但其实它们是美国制造", "english": "but they're actually an American invention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以它们是空心的", "english": "Which is why they're hollow,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充满了谎言", "english": "full of lies,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还会在嘴里留下恶心的味道", "english": "and leave a bad taste in the mouth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的门徒刚摧毁了又一个廉价的美国山寨", "english": "My disciples just destroyed another cheap American knock-off,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中国剧院", "english": "The Chinese Theater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统先生 我知道这一定很令人沮丧", "english": "Mr. President, I know this must be getting frustrating,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是这一季度的恐怖事件已经接近尾声了", "english": "but this season of terror is drawing to a close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心 好戏还在后头呢", "english": "And don't worry, the big one is coming;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的毕业典礼", "english": "your graduation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别关电视行吗", "english": "Mind leaving that on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "周日晚上的固定节目《唐顿庄园》", "english": "Sunday night's PBS 'Downtown Abbey'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他最喜欢看这个 他觉得很高雅", "english": "That's his show, he thinks it's elegant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有 让所有人都带上门卡", "english": "One more thing... make sure everyone wears their badges."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他对这种事情特别固执", "english": "He's a stickler for that sort of thing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然我的人不会让进的", "english": "plus my guys won't let anyone in without them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在等待托尼·斯塔克的到来", "english": "We're awaiting the arrival of Tony Stark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望他能就刚刚发生的袭击事件", "english": "We're hoping he'll give us the reaction..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我们一些回应", "english": "his reaction to the latest attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯塔克先生 斯塔克先生", "english": "Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这又是一次满大人发动的袭击事件", "english": "this is another Mandarin attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您对此怎么说", "english": "Anything else you can tell us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯塔克先生", "english": "Mr. Stark!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么时候才会有人杀了这家伙", "english": "When is somebody gonna kill this guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就说说", "english": "Just sayin'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就想听这个吗", "english": "Is that what you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我早想给满大人", "english": "Here's a little holiday greeting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个小小的节日问候", "english": "I've been wanting to send to the Mandarin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫托尼·斯塔克 我不怕你", "english": "My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你是个懦夫", "english": "I know you're a coward,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我决定 你是死人了 伙计", "english": "so I've decided that you just died, pal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会亲自去收尸", "english": "I'm gonna come get the body."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有老式的复仇", "english": "it's just good old-fashioned revenge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无关五角大楼", "english": "There's no Pentagon;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有你和我", "english": "it's just you and me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你还是个男人", "english": "And on the off-chance you're a man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记着我家地址", "english": "here's my home address:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的房门时刻大开", "english": "I'll leave the door unlocked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就想要这个 是吧", "english": "That's what you wanted, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我赔你", "english": "Bill me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经把满大人的资料整理好了 先生", "english": "I've compiled a Mandarin database for you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来源是神盾局 联邦调查局", "english": "Drawn from S.H.I.E.L.D., F.B.I.,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和中情局侦听处", "english": "and C.I.A. intercepts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在进行虚拟犯罪现场重建", "english": "Initiating virtual crime scene reconstruction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我看看", "english": "what do we got here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的名字源于一位中国古代的战争军师", "english": "His name is an ancient Chinese war mantle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "意思是皇帝的顾问", "english": "meaning \"Adviser to the King\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "熟悉南美的叛乱战略", "english": "South American insurgency tactics,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说话像浸礼会的传教士", "english": "talks like a Baptist preacher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不少好戏", "english": "lots of theater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关闭", "english": "Close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中国剧院方圆三英里内", "english": "No bomb parts found in a three mile radius"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有发现炸弹碎片", "english": "of the Chinese theater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 先生", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我 哈皮", "english": "Talk to me, Happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么是炸弹又不是炸弹呢", "english": "When is a bomb not a bomb?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有军人伤亡吗", "english": "Any military victims?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有任何公共记录 先生", "english": "Not according to public records, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把热源显像图再调出来", "english": "Bring up the thermogenic signatures again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把三千度也算进去", "english": "factor in three thousand degrees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甲骨文云计算分析完成", "english": "The oracle cloud has completed analysis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将最近一年的热源产生绘制成图", "english": "plotting the last twelve months of thermogenic occurrence now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除去所有满大人袭击过的地方", "english": "Take away everywhere that there's been a Mandarin attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个不是", "english": "Nope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个 你确定那不是他的袭击吗", "english": "That. You sure that's not one of his?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个早于任何一次已知满大人袭击事件", "english": "It predates any known Mandarin attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一起自杀式炸弹袭击", "english": "The incident was the use of a bomb to assist a suicide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个军人了", "english": "That's two military guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去过田纳西州吗 贾维斯", "english": "Ever been to Tennessee, Jarvis?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在安排飞往田纳西州的计划", "english": "Creating a flight plan for Tennessee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在还允许人来访吗", "english": "Are we still at \"ding-dong\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在应该是高度戒严状态", "english": "We're supposed to be on total security lock down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 我刚威胁了一个恐怖分子 那是谁", "english": "Come on, I threatened a terrorist. Who is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对此无能为力 先生", "english": "There's only so much I can do, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你把地址给了全世界的记者", "english": "when you give the world's press your home address."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站在那儿别动", "english": "Right there's fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是满大人 对吧", "english": "You're not the Mandarin, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对吧", "english": "Are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不记得了 我怎么都不惊讶呢", "english": "You don't remember. Why am I not surprised?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别往心里去", "english": "Don't take it personally,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都不记得我早餐吃了什么", "english": "I don't remember what I had for breakfast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无麸质华夫饼 先生", "english": "Gluten-free waffles, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我要和你单独谈谈", "english": "Okay, look, I need to be alone with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别在这里 是要紧事", "english": "Some place not here, it's urgent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一般不会拒绝这种事的", "english": "Normally, I'd go for that sort of thing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在我有了个正式的女朋友", "english": "but now I'm in a committed relationship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是她", "english": "It's... with her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼 有客人吗", "english": "Tony, is somebody there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 是玛雅·汉森", "english": "Yeah, it's Maya Hansen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个植物学家老朋友 不太熟", "english": "Old botanist pal that I used to know, barely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别告诉我有个我从没见过的", "english": "Please don't tell me that there is a twelve year-old kid"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别傻了 我需要你的帮助", "english": "And no, I need your help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮什么 为什么是这时候", "english": "What... what for? Why now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我读了报纸 而且", "english": "Because I read the papers, and,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坦白说 我觉得你活不过这周了", "english": "frankly, I don't think you'll last the week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会没事的", "english": "I'll be fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 哈皮住院了", "english": "I'm sorry. With Happy in the hospital,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道会有客人来", "english": "I didn't know we were expecting guests."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是客人", "english": "We weren't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是 顶多就是一夜情", "english": "No, not really. It... it was just one night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Yep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "果然是你的风格啊", "english": "That's how you did it, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们要出城去躲躲", "english": "We're going out of town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们谈过了 不可以", "english": "Okay, we've been through this. Nope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以", "english": "Yep!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男人说了不可以", "english": "The man says no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好主意 咱们走吧", "english": "Great idea. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 这是个糟透了的主意", "english": "I'm sorry. That's a terrible idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正常人都会这么做", "english": "this is how normal people behave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在外面我没法保护你 我挑衅了...", "english": "I can't protect you out there. I challenged..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个正常吗", "english": "Is... is that normal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个特别正常", "english": "is very normal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只是个大兔子 别大惊小怪的", "english": "It's a big bunny, relax about it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷静点", "english": "Calm down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我送给你的", "english": "I got this for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜欢它", "english": "that you liked it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得离开这个房子", "english": "we are leaving the house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是不是要担心一下那个", "english": "Do we need to worry about that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我保护你", "english": "I got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我先保护你的", "english": "I got you first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我说的 我们不能待在这儿了", "english": "Like I said, we can't stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 我就来", "english": "Move! I'm right behind!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带她走 我自己想办法出去", "english": "Get her, I'm gonna find a way around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别停下 去找她 带她走", "english": "Stop stopping! Get her, get outside!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊 托尼", "english": "Oh my God. Tony!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 波茨小姐已经安全离开了", "english": "Sir, Miss Potts is clear of the structure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯 我的飞行能量呢", "english": "Jarvis, where's my flight power?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在处理 先生 这只是一件原型机", "english": "Working on it, sir. This is a prototype."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "解决一架", "english": "That's one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 这套战衣还不能用于战斗", "english": "Sir, the suit is not combat-ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二架", "english": "That's two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼", "english": "Tony!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 请深呼吸", "english": "Sir, take a deep breath."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞行能量已恢复", "english": "Flight power restored."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 先生", "english": "Sir. Sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关掉警报 我知道了", "english": "Alright, kill the alarm. I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是紧急警报", "english": "That's the emergency alert"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是在下雪吧", "english": "It's snowing, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在哪 州北吗", "english": "Where are we, upstate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在田纳西州玫瑰山外五英里处", "english": "We're five miles outside of Rose Hills, Tennessee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么", "english": "Why?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯", "english": "Jarvis!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没说要来这里", "english": "Not my idea!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么来这里 差了十万八千里", "english": "What are we doing here? This is thousands of miles away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得去找派珀 我得...", "english": "I gotta get Pepper, I gotta..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我准备了一份飞行计划 这里是目的地", "english": "I prepared a flight plan. This was the location."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁叫你做的 把盔甲打开", "english": "Who asked you? Open the suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好像出故障了 先生", "english": "I... I think I may be malfunctioning, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹射打开", "english": "Open eject."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才爽", "english": "That's brisk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是进去待一会儿吧", "english": "Maybe I'll just cozy back up for a bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我现在得睡了 先生", "english": "I actually think I need to sleep now, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯", "english": "Jarvis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯", "english": "Jarvis?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别丢下我 伙计", "english": "Don't leave me, buddy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯塔克安全服务器", "english": "Stark Secure Server:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现正向所有已知接收者转接", "english": "Now transferring to all known receivers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派珀 是我", "english": "Pepper, it's me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有很多抱歉要说", "english": "I've got a lot of apologies to make"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是时间有限 首先", "english": "and not a lot of time. So first off,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉让你处于危险的境地", "english": "I'm so sorry I put you in harm's way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那很自私也很愚蠢 以后再也不会了", "english": "That was selfish and stupid and it won't happen again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有 现在是圣诞 那兔子太大了", "english": "Also, it's Christmas time, the rabbit's too big."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这样 对不起", "english": "Done. I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还要预道歉 因为", "english": "And I'm sorry in advance because..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还不能回家", "english": "I can't come home yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得找到那家伙 你要注意安全", "english": "I need to find this guy. You gotta stay safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就想说这个", "english": "That's all I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚从一个印第安木人身上偷了一件斗篷", "english": "I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐舒服点", "english": "Let's get you comfy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在开心了吧", "english": "You happy now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下", "english": "Freeze!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动", "english": "Don't move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被你抓住了", "english": "You got me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豆枪不错", "english": "Nice potato gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是枪管有点长", "english": "Barrel's a little long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又长又粗的话 会减弱它的攻击力", "english": "Between that and the wide gauge, it's gonna diminish your FPS"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你还没弹药了", "english": "And now you're out of ammo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你胸口上那个东西是什么", "english": "What's that thing on your chest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是个电磁体 你应该懂的", "english": "It's a electromagnet. You should know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这里有一整盒呢", "english": "you've got a box of them right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是给什么供电的", "english": "What does it power?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊", "english": "Oh my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个", "english": "That..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是", "english": "that's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是钢铁侠吗", "english": "Is that Iron Man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实 我才是", "english": "Technically, I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实 你已经死了", "english": "Technically, you're dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有道理", "english": "A valid point."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎么了", "english": "What happened to him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活艰辛", "english": "Life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建造了他 我照顾他", "english": "I built him, I take care of him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我要修好他", "english": "I'll fix him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像机械师那样吗", "english": "Like a mechanic?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果是我在造钢铁侠和战争机器的话", "english": "If I was building Iron Man and War Machine..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在叫钢铁爱国者了", "english": "It's Iron Patriot now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样酷多了", "english": "That's way cooler!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才不是", "english": "No, it's not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 是我的话就加上 那个逆...", "english": "Anyways, I would have added in um... the retro..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逆反射板吗", "english": "Retroreflective panels?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他可以隐形", "english": "To make him stealth mode."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要隐形吗", "english": "You want a stealth mode?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多酷啊 不是吗", "english": "Cool, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这主意不错 也许我会造一套", "english": "That's actually a good idea. Maybe I'll build one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这主意就不好了 你在干什么", "english": "Not a good idea! What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把他的手指掰下来了", "english": "You're gonna break his finger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他很痛苦 他受伤了 别动他", "english": "He's in pain, he's been injured. Leave him alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗", "english": "Are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 我会修好的", "english": "Don't worry about it, I'll fix it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个 谁在家", "english": "So, uh, who's home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我妈妈出去吃饭了", "english": "Well, my mom already left for the diner"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜他中奖了 因为那是六年前的事了", "english": "I guess he won, 'cause that was six years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很正常 好多老爸都出走", "english": "Which happens, dads leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用那么计较", "english": "No need to be a pussy about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要一些东西", "english": "Here's what I need:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一台笔记本电脑", "english": "a laptop,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一块电子表 一台手机", "english": "a digital watch, a cell phone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有你那火箭筒的气动螺旋管", "english": "the pneumatic actuator from your bazooka over there,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一份小镇地图 一个大弹簧", "english": "a map of town, a big spring,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和一个金枪鱼三明治", "english": "and a tuna fish sandwich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有我什么好处", "english": "What's in it for me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救赎 他叫什么", "english": "Salvation. What's his name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁", "english": "Who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在学校里欺负你的小孩 他叫什么", "english": "The kid that bullies you at school, what's his name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道的", "english": "How'd you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚好有你需要的东西", "english": "I got just the thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是小孩玩的彩罐 开玩笑的", "english": "This is a pinata for a cricket. I'm kidding,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是很厉害的武器 别对着自己", "english": "it's a very powerful weapon. Point it away from your face,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按下上面的按钮 能吓跑欺负你的人", "english": "press the button on top. It discourages bullying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非致命武器 只是用来脱身", "english": "Non-lethal, just to cover one's ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成交吗", "english": "Deal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成交吗 怎么样", "english": "Deal? What'd you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成交了", "english": "Deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成交", "english": "Deal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什么", "english": "What's you're name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈里 你叫", "english": "Harley. And you're..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机械师", "english": "The mechanic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼", "english": "Tony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道我一直在想什么吗", "english": "You know what keeps going through my head?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的三明治呢", "english": "Where's my sandwich?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯塔克安全服务器 视网膜扫描已认证", "english": "Stark Secure Server: retinal scan verified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派珀 是我", "english": "Pepper, it's me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有很多抱歉要说 但是时间有限", "english": "I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先 很抱歉让你处于危险的境地", "english": "So first off, I'm so sorry I put you in harm's way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那很自私也很愚蠢 以后再也不会了", "english": "That was selfish and stupid and it won't happen again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今晚来家里干什么", "english": "Why were you at the house tonight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什么如此重要的事非要跟托尼说", "english": "What was so important that you had to speak to Tony?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我的老板效力于满大人", "english": "I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你还想继续谈的话", "english": "So if you still want to talk about it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议找个安全一点的地方谈", "english": "I suggest that we get ourselves someplace safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得你的老板效力于满大人吗", "english": "Your boss works for the Mandarin, you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但托尼说你是个植物学家 那么", "english": "But Tony says you're a botanist, so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难怪了 其实我是个", "english": "That figures. What I actually am is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个管理四十人小组的基因编码员", "english": "a biological DNA coder running a team of forty"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "受雇于一个私人智囊团", "english": "out of a privately-funded think tank,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过你确实可以说我是个植物学家", "english": "but sure you can call me a botanist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的老板 叫什么名字", "english": "This boss of yours, does he have a name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫阿德里奇·基里安", "english": "Yeah, Aldrich Killian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把房子炸掉了 先生", "english": "Well, we took the house down, sir..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是没有发现尸体", "english": "But there's no sign of a body."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得挂了", "english": "I have to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大师要开始录像了 他有点", "english": "The Master is about to record and he's a little..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道他的", "english": "Well, you know how he gets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚的约会别忘了 完事了打给我", "english": "Keep your appointment tonight and call me when it's done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了各位 不要说话 不要看他的眼睛", "english": "Alright everybody. No talking and no eye contact,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非你想被一枪崩掉", "english": "unless you wanna get shot in the face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "报告情况", "english": "Report in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屋内安全", "english": "The house is clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大师进来了", "english": "The Master is traveling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我们还在等什么", "english": "Well then, what are we waiting for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三明治还行 弹簧有点生锈了", "english": "The sandwich was fair, the spring was a little rusty,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剩下的材料 我能凑合着用", "english": "the rest of the materials, I'll make do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了 你说你妹妹有块手表时", "english": "By the way, when you said your sister had a watch,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她才六岁 再说这是个限量版", "english": "She's six! Anyway, it's limited edition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们什么时候能聊聊纽约的事", "english": "When can we talk about New York?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能永远不会 别去想了", "english": "Maybe never, relax about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那复仇者联盟呢", "english": "What about The Avengers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 让我喘口气", "english": "Hey kid, give me a little space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "官方说法是什么", "english": "What's the official story here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像是个叫查德·戴维斯的人", "english": "I guess this guy named Chad Davis,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前住在附近", "english": "used to live roundabouts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在军队里获得了很多勋章", "english": "won a bunch of medals in the army."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天人们说他疯了", "english": "One day, folks said he went crazy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后做了一个...炸弹", "english": "and made, you know, a bomb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他在这里把自己炸飞了", "english": "Then he blew himself up right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死了六个人 对吗", "english": "Six people died, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包括查德·戴维斯吗", "english": "Including Chad Davis?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗 这没道理啊", "english": "Yeah. That doesn't make sense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想看 六个人死了 只有五个阴影", "english": "Think about it. Six dead, only five shadows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们说这些阴影", "english": "Yeah, people said these shadows are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是升入天堂的灵魂的烙印", "english": "like the mark of souls gone to Heaven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了那个人弹", "english": "Except the bomb guy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没有阴影 所以他下了地狱", "english": "he went to Hell on account of he didn't get a shadow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以只有五个", "english": "That's why there's only five."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你信吗", "english": "Do you buy that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都这么说的", "english": "That's what everyone says."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道这个坑让我想起什么吗", "english": "You know what this crater reminds me of?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 我不...我不在乎", "english": "No idea. I'm not...I don't care."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个巨大的虫洞 在纽约", "english": "That giant wormhole, in um...in New York."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有同感吗", "english": "Does it remind you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这是想套话 我不想谈", "english": "That's manipulative. I don't want to talk about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会回来吗 那些外星人", "english": "Are they coming back? The aliens?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧 你闭嘴行吗", "english": "Maybe. Can you stop?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记不记得我跟你说", "english": "Remember when I told you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个话题让你 焦躁吗", "english": "Does this subject make you...make you edgy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是有一点", "english": "Yeah, a little bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不能让我喘口气", "english": "Can I just catch my breath for a second?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玫瑰山有坏人吗", "english": "Are there bad guys in Rose Hills?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要用塑料袋呼吸吗", "english": "Do you...do you need a plastic bag to breathe into?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要吃药吗", "english": "Do you need to be on it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧", "english": "Probably."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要...失去理智了吗", "english": "Are you...are you going completely mental?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以闭嘴 你要我闭嘴吗", "english": "I can stop, do you want me to stop?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我闭嘴吗", "english": "Do you want me to stop?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记得我说过叫你闭嘴吗", "english": "Remember when I said to stop doing that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊 你快把我弄崩溃了", "english": "I swear to God, you're going to freak me out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你成功了 不是吗 现在开心了吧", "english": "Ah man, you did it, didn't you? You happy now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了什么", "english": "What did I say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等我 等等", "english": "Hey, wait up! Wait, wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这是怎么了", "english": "What the hell was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是你的错 你害我抓狂了", "english": "Your fault, you spazzed me out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回归正题 我们说到哪了", "english": "Okay, back to business. Where were we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个死者 有亲戚和妈妈吗", "english": "The guy who died...relatives? Mom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴维斯太太 她在哪里", "english": "Mrs. Davis, where is she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你才帮上忙了", "english": "See, now you're being helpful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士 这是", "english": "Lady, this uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发型不错 很适合你", "english": "Nice haircut, suits you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "手表不错", "english": "Nice watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 限量版的", "english": "Yeah, limited edition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好好玩", "english": "Well, have a good evening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴维斯太太 介意我坐下吗", "english": "Mrs. Davis, mind if I join you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自由国家嘛", "english": "Free country."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确实", "english": "It sure is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "Alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想从哪说起", "english": "Where'd you like to start?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想说我为您丧子感到难过", "english": "I just want to say I'm sorry about your loss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道你觉得发生了什么", "english": "I want to know what you think happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你带来了资料 你拿了就走吧", "english": "Look, I brought your damn file. You take it and go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论里面是什么他都不想与之有任何瓜葛", "english": "Whatever was in here, he wanted no part of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明显你是在等其他人", "english": "Clearly, you're waiting for someone else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对吧 约好在这里见吧", "english": "Yeah? Supposed to meet somebody here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴维斯太太 您儿子没有自杀", "english": "Mrs. Davis, your son didn't kill himself,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向您保证", "english": "I guarantee you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没有杀任何人", "english": "He didn't kill anyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人利用了他", "english": "Someone used him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人把他当做了武器", "english": "As a weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是给我打电话的那个人 对吧", "english": "You're not the person who called me after all, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实 那是我", "english": "Actually, I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What's all this about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了什么事", "english": "What the hell's going on here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在抓人", "english": "It's called an arrest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是警长吧", "english": "Sheriff, is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 我是警长 你是谁", "english": "Yes, ma'am, it is. And you are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国土安全局", "english": "Homeland Security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有什么问题吗", "english": "We good here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好把来龙去脉讲清楚", "english": "I need a little more information than that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你去联系下纳什维尔[田纳西首府]", "english": "Yeah, well, why don't you get on the horn to Nashville and uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我升升级吧", "english": "upgrade me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你知道吗", "english": "Alright, you know what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本希望能和平解决的 但是", "english": "I was hoping to do this the smart way, but uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好玩的方法总是更奏效", "english": "the fun way's always good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警官 把这个女人抓起来", "english": "Deputy, get this woman and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辣妹 想玩玩吗 就你和我 走吧", "english": "Hey hot wings, you wanna party? You and me, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很疯狂吧", "english": "Crazy, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看好了", "english": "Watch this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你算是找对人了", "english": "You walked right into this one,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我泡过比你更火辣的妞", "english": "I've dated hotter chicks than you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就这点本事吗 耍花招说冷笑话", "english": "That's all you got? Cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的 我的自传可以起这个名字", "english": "Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救命", "english": "Help me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 你要想什么圣诞礼物", "english": "Hey kid, what would you like for Christmas?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想说的应该是 我要那份文件", "english": "I think he was trying to say 'I want my goddamn file.'"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是你的错 孩子", "english": "It's not your fault, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记得我说过被人欺负时该怎么做吗", "english": "Remember what I told you about bullies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢吗 乡巴佬", "english": "You like that, West World?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聪明人就这样 总有办法保护自己", "english": "That's the thing about smart guys, we always cover our ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用谢", "english": "You're welcome!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢什么 我错过了什么", "english": "For what? Did I miss something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我救了你", "english": "Me saving your life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 是我先救了你 二 谢就谢", "english": "Yeah, A: Saved you first, B: Thanks, sort of,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三 如果你帮助了别人", "english": "and C: If you do someone a solid,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别那么烦人 明白吗", "english": "don't be a yutz, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "淡定一点 不然会让人觉得浮夸", "english": "Just play it cool otherwise you come off grandiose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就没这样吗", "english": "Unlike you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "承认吧 你需要我 我们心有灵犀", "english": "Admit it, you need me. We're connected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只要你乖乖回家", "english": "What I need is for you to go home,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好陪你妈 什么都别说 看好战衣", "english": "be with your mom, keep your trap shut, guard the suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打给你 你就得接 好吗", "english": "because if I call, you better pick up. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了吗", "english": "Can you feel that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再跟着我了", "english": "We're done here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让开 不然从你身上碾过去", "english": "Move out of the way or I'm gonna run you over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见 孩子", "english": "Bye, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 孩子", "english": "I'm sorry, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做得很好", "english": "You did good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在要像我爸那样丢下我吗", "english": "So now you're just gonna leave me here, like my dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 你是在装可怜吗", "english": "Wait, you're guilt-tripping me, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好冷", "english": "I'm cold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看得出来 知道我为什么看得出来吗", "english": "I can tell. You know how I can tell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我们心有灵犀", "english": "Cause we're connected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "试试也好", "english": "It was worth a shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 这款圣诞树价廉物美", "english": "You get this, it's affordable, it's gorgeous,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能搭配任何家居装饰", "english": "it goes with any decor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得启用超驰控制", "english": "We'll go to override it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这种事怎么又发生了", "english": "How is this happening again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信号是从哪里来的", "english": "Where's the feed coming from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 所有接收器里都是", "english": "I don't know, it's in all of our receivers and I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整个东海岸", "english": "We entire east coast,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卫星都中断了", "english": "the satellites are down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不只是我们这里", "english": "not just our station..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启用紧急方案", "english": "Move up back-up manual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一个未经授权的节目...", "english": "We have an unauthorized broadcast cutting..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "副总统先生 您得看看这个", "english": "Mr. Vice President, I think you should see this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 又来了", "english": "Oh my God, not again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统也在看吗", "english": "Is the President getting this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统先生 还剩最后两节课", "english": "Mr. President, only two lessons remain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打算在圣诞节早上前把课讲完", "english": "And I intend to finish this before Christmas morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位是托马斯·理查兹", "english": "Meet Thomas Richards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名字响亮 工作也好", "english": "Good strong name, good strong job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位托马斯是罗克森石油公司的会计", "english": "Thomas here is an accountant for the Roxxon Oil Corporation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信他是个好人", "english": "And I'm sure he's a really good guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在直播电视上 一枪打爆他的头", "english": "live on your television, in thirty seconds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这台电话的号码已经发到你手机上", "english": "The number for this telephone is in your cell phone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很刺激吧", "english": "Exciting, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想号码是怎么发过去的吧", "english": "Imagining how it got there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国 如果你的总统在半分钟内打给我", "english": "America, if your president calls me in the next half-minute,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就饶他不死 计时开始", "english": "Tom lives. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎么黑进我手机的", "english": "How did he hack my phone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能对恐怖分子言听计从", "english": "We can't allow terrorists to dictate..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这通电话我必须打", "english": "I have to make this call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能见死不救", "english": "This is the right thing to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还剩最后一节课 埃利斯总统", "english": "There's just one lesson left, President Ellis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逃吧 躲起来吧 和你的孩子告别吧", "english": "So run away, hide, kiss your children goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为谁也救不了你 你的军队", "english": "Because nothing, not your army,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那红白蓝三色的攻击犬都不行", "english": "not your red, white and blue attack dog can save you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫罗德立刻找出这个疯子", "english": "Tell Rhodes, find this lunatic right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统先生 我们追踪了广播的信号", "english": "Sir, we tracked the broadcast signal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信号源可能位于巴基斯坦", "english": "We have a possible point of origin in Pakistan"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱国者已准备出击", "english": "and the Patriot is ready to strike."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上出击", "english": "Right now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许动", "english": "Don't move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你试过被妹子骑在身上的时候抬头一看", "english": "Did you ever have a chick straddling you and you look up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她突然从内向外地发光", "english": "and suddenly she's glowing from the inside out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变成亮橙色吗", "english": "kind of a bright orange?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我 兄弟 上次我失踪的时候", "english": "It's me, pal. Now last time I went missing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我没记错的话", "english": "if I remember correctly,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来找我了 你在干什么呢", "english": "you came looking for me. What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在巴基斯坦敲门谈话交朋友", "english": "A little knockin' talking, making friends in Pakistan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什么", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是AIM重新设计了你的战衣吗", "english": "Your re-design, your big re-brand, that was AIM, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得找个大通讯卫星 需要你的账号", "english": "I'm gonna find a heavy-duty comsat right now, I need your login."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次被你黑了我都得改密码 托尼", "english": "Well, look, I gotta change it every time you hack in, Tony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争机器牛逼闪闪 全部大写", "english": "War Machine Rox with an X, all caps."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽情地笑吧", "english": "Yeah, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这比钢铁爱国者好多了", "english": "That is so much better than Iron Patriot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 很好", "english": "Very nice, very nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请回答问题", "english": "One question for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今年想要什么圣诞礼物", "english": "What would you like for Christmas this year?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正在现场直播", "english": "We're broadcasting live..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再来一次 这次面向所有人", "english": "One more time, this time is for everybody, all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 先生 我不知道", "english": "Excuse me, sir. I don't know who..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈 我等会儿再打给你 奇迹出现了", "english": "Mom, I need to call you back, something magical is happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼·斯塔克在我的车里", "english": "Tony Stark is in my van."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小点声", "english": "Keep it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼·斯塔克在我的车里", "english": "Tony Stark is in my van!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认错人了", "english": "No, he's not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道你还活着", "english": "I knew you were still alive!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能说句话吗 先生", "english": "Wow, can I just say, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你的超级脑残粉", "english": "I am your biggest fan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先问个问题 这是你的车吗", "english": "Okay. First, is this your van,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会不会有其他人进来", "english": "is anyone else gonna come in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不 没人会进来", "english": "No, no, no. It's just us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什么名字", "english": "What's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加里", "english": "Gary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加里", "english": "Gary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持距离", "english": "Right there's fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我经常遇到激动的粉丝 放松点", "english": "I get a lot of this, it's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我能说句话吗", "english": "Oh, good. Can I just say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想说 说吧", "english": "What do you... yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道你能不能看出来", "english": "I don't know if you can tell, but I have like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我在模仿你的造型", "english": "patterned my whole look after you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我得给你看这个", "english": "but I do have to show you... boom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西班牙版的斯科特·拜奥", "english": "A Hispanic Scott Baio?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 这是我吗", "english": "Oh, I'm sorry. Is that me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 这是照着我做的娃娃文上去的", "english": "Yeah. It's uh... I mean, I had them do it off a doll that I made,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以跟照片不太像 有点", "english": "so it's not like it's off a picture. So it's a little bit..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加里 听我说", "english": "Gary, listen to me, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想泼你冷水", "english": "I don't wanna clip your wings here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都有点兴奋过头", "english": "we're both a little over-excited."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有事 我在追查坏人", "english": "I got an issue. I'm chasing bad guys,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想从加密数据文件里找到线索", "english": "trying to grapple with something from some hard-crypt data files."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这里网速不够", "english": "I don't have enough juice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新校准综合业务数字网", "english": "Recalibrate the ISDNs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼需要加里", "english": "Tony needs Gary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得你这辈子的决定性时刻是什么时候", "english": "What would you regard as the defining moment of your life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我下定决心要战胜伤痛的那天", "english": "I think that'd be the day I decided not to let my injury beat me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请对着摄像机说出你的名字", "english": "Will you please state your name for the camera?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦·布兰特", "english": "Ellen Brandt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许喝酒或吸毒", "english": "Addiction will not be tolerated"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能自律的人将被赶出项目", "english": "and those who cannot regulate will be cut from the program."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们曾经是局外人 残疾人", "english": "Once misfits, cripples..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在将成为人类进化的下一阶", "english": "you are the next iteration of human evolution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家好 开始之前 我向大家保证", "english": "Hi, everybody. Before we start, I promise you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你们回首往事", "english": "looking back at your life"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最追悔莫及的将莫过于出于慎重", "english": "there will be nothing as bitter as the memory of that glorious risk"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而决定放弃的美妙冒险", "english": "that you prudently elected to forego."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天就是你们的荣耀之日 开始", "english": "Today is your glory. Let's begin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得离开这里 快离开这里", "english": "We gotta get out of here! Gotta get out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带他们走 带他们出去", "english": "Get 'em out! Get 'em out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果只是走火 就不算是炸弹了", "english": "A bomb is not a bomb when it's a misfire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这东西并不总是好用 是吧 老兄", "english": "This stuff doesn't always work, right, pal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它有缺陷 但你找到了买家 是吧", "english": "It's faulty, but you found a buyer, didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卖给了满大人 抓到你了", "english": "Sold it to the Mandarin. Got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底怎么回事", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很有趣的事情", "english": "Fun fact:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在为纳粹制造火箭以前", "english": "before he built rockets for the Nazis,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理想主义的维尔纳·冯·布劳恩", "english": "the idealistic Werner von Braun"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幻想着航天旅行", "english": "dreamed of space travel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他喜欢仰望星空", "english": "he stargazed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭运行得很完美", "english": "The rocket performed perfectly,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它只是落在了错误的星球上", "english": "it just landed on the wrong planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们开始时都很天真", "english": "See we all begin wide-eyed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纯粹的科学", "english": "pure science."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后自大心开始作祟 变得痴迷", "english": "And then the ego steps in, the obsession. And..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抬头看时", "english": "you look up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经偏离了很远", "english": "you're a long way from shore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不要对自己太苛刻了 玛雅", "english": "You can't be too hard on yourself, Maya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把自己的研究交给了一个智囊团", "english": "I mean you gave your research to a think tank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 但基里安是靠军事合同建了那个智囊团", "english": "Yeah, but Killian built that think tank on military contracts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们以前也这么做 别自责了", "english": "That's exactly what we used to do, so don't judge yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 派珀", "english": "Thank you, Pepper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的很感激", "english": "I really appreciate that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛雅 快跑", "english": "Maya, run!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 派珀", "english": "Hi, Pepper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你打算告诉我", "english": "So you want to tell me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你昨晚为什么会去斯塔克大宅吗", "english": "why you were at Stark's mansion last night?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是想解决问题", "english": "I'm trying to fix this thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又不知道你和大师打算把那里炸掉", "english": "I didn't know you and the Master were gonna blow the place up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白了 所以你是想去救斯塔克", "english": "Oh, I see. So you were trying to save Stark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管他威胁了我们", "english": "when he threatened us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了 基里安 我们可以利用他", "english": "I told you, Killian, we can use him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派珀 派珀 派珀", "english": "Pepper, Pepper, Pepper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们想在明年推出产品的话", "english": "Look if we wanna launch product next year,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要斯塔克", "english": "I need Stark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只是缺一个合适的动机 现在他有了", "english": "He just lacked a decent incentive. Now he has one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向您发送疑似满大人信号发出点坐标", "english": "sending coordinates for suspected Mandarin broadcast point of origin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到", "english": "Copy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许动", "english": "Nobody move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非满大人对美国的下场攻击", "english": "unless the Mandarin's next attack on the U.S."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与廉价运动装有关", "english": "involves cheaply-made sportswear,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则我认为你们又搞错了", "english": "I think you messed up again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 你们自由了", "english": "Yes, you're free, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果之前不自由的话", "english": "if you weren't before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 是 女士", "english": "It's...of course. Yes ma'am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钢铁爱国者执行任务 很乐意帮助您", "english": "Iron Patriot on the job. Happy to help,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用谢我 我很荣幸", "english": "no need to thank me, it's my pleasure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨文 我拿到了爱国者战衣", "english": "Savin, I've acquired the Patriot armor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要这套战衣", "english": "You want this suit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得先杀死我 把我从里面撬出来", "english": "You're gonna have to pry my cold, dead body out of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "计划就是这样的 上校", "english": "That's the plan, Colonel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈里 告诉我进行的怎么样了", "english": "Harley, tell me what's happening,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要听详细报告", "english": "give me a full report."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我继续吃吗", "english": "do you want me to keep eating it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你吃了多少", "english": "How much did you have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两三盆吧", "english": "Two or three bowls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还能看清吗", "english": "Can you still see straight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差不多", "english": "Sort of."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说明你没事 电话给贾维斯", "english": "That means you're fine. Give me Jarvis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯 情况怎么样", "english": "Jarvis, how are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全没问题 先生", "english": "It's totally fine, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在句子结尾的时候", "english": "and then at the end of the sentence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说错了蔓越莓", "english": "I say the wrong cranberry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有 先生 你是对的", "english": "And, sir, you were right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把AIM下行设施考虑进去后", "english": "Once I factored in available AIM downlink facilities,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就定位到了满大人的广播信号", "english": "I was able to pinpoint the Mandarin's broadcast signal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大概在哪里 远东 欧洲", "english": "What're we talkin'? Far East, Europe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "北非 伊朗 巴基斯坦 叙利亚 在哪", "english": "North Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, where is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上 先生 在迈阿密", "english": "Actually, sir, it's in Miami."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 我得一步步教你", "english": "Kid, I'm gonna have to walk you through"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重启贾维斯的语音驱动", "english": "rebooting Jarvis' speech drive,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过现在不行", "english": "but not right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈里 他到底在哪", "english": "Harley, where is he really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看一下屏幕 告诉我位置", "english": "Just look on the screen and tell me where it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显示的就是佛罗里达迈阿密", "english": "It does say Miami, Florida"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 先说重要的 我需要战衣", "english": "Okay, first things first, i need the armor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它现在怎么样了", "english": "Where are we at with it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充不了电", "english": "It's not charging."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上 先生 是在充电", "english": "Actually, sir, it's charging,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 这是我的战衣", "english": "Alright, it's my suit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能...我不要...", "english": "and I can't... I'm not gonna..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想", "english": "I don't wanna..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又发作了吗", "english": "Are you having another attack?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都没提到纽约呢", "english": "I didn't even mention New York."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你刚刚说出来了", "english": "Right, and then you just said it, by name,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还说你没说", "english": "while denying having said it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 我怎么办", "english": "Oh, God. What am I gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "深呼吸 真的 深呼吸", "english": "Just breathe. Really, just breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是机械师 对吧", "english": "You're a mechanic, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是这么说的", "english": "You said so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 没错", "english": "Yes, I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你为什么不造点东西呢", "english": "Why don't you just build something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢 孩子", "english": "thanks kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里怎么这么热", "english": "Why is it so hot in here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又是我的错 告诉你 亲爱的", "english": "My fault again. Let me tell you something sweetheart,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是你的个人", "english": "I am not your personal..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Well,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 你们俩谁是凡妮莎", "english": "Now, which one of you is Vanessa?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我", "english": "That's me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妮茜 你知不知道", "english": "Ah, Nessie! Did you know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "福饼不是中国发明的", "english": "that fortune cookies aren't even Chinese?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那边有个男人", "english": "There's some guy over here..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们是美国人做的", "english": "They're made by Americans,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根据日本食谱做的", "english": "based on...based on the Japanese recipes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完蛋了 完蛋了", "english": "Bloody hell. Bloody hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许动", "english": "Don't move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没动 你想要什么就拿走吧", "english": "I'm not moving. If you want something, take it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过这些枪都是假的", "english": "although the guns are all fake"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为那些贱人不相信我 不肯给真的", "english": "because those wankers wouldn't trust me with the real ones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两个小妞你喜欢哪个吗", "english": "Hey, do you fancy either of the birds?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "够了 你不是他", "english": "Heard enough. You're not him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的满大人 他在哪", "english": "The Mandarin, the real guy, where?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "满大人在哪 他在哪", "english": "Where's the Mandarin?! Where is he?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就在这 就在这", "english": "He's here. He's here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但又不在这 他在这 又不在这", "english": "But he's not here. He's here, but he's not here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就说清楚 女士请出去", "english": "Uncomplicate it. Ladies out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从床上下来 到洗手间去", "english": "Get out of the bed, get in the bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下", "english": "Sit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫特雷夫 特雷夫·斯拉特里", "english": "My name is Trevor, Trevor Slattery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是什么人", "english": "What are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幌子吗 你是个替身吧", "english": "What're you a decoy? You're a double, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 就像替补演员吗 当然不是", "english": "What? Like an understudy? No, absolutely not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别打脸 我是个演员", "english": "Don't hurt the face! I'm an actor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还剩一分钟的命 好好说", "english": "You got a minute to live, fill it with words."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是个角色", "english": "Just a role."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "满大人 是虚构出来的", "english": "'The Mandarin', see, it's not real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你是怎么到这的 特雷夫", "english": "Then how did you get here, Trevor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滥用药物什么的 结果", "english": "substances, and I ended up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做了些没办法的事", "english": "doing things, no two ways about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "街头交易 男人不该做的事", "english": "In the street that a man shouldn't do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着说", "english": "Next!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后", "english": "And then,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们找到了我来扮演这个角色", "english": "they approached me about the role"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们也知道毒品的事", "english": "and they knew about the drugs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们怎么说的 帮你戒掉吗", "english": "What did they say they'd get you off 'em?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说会给我更多", "english": "Said they'd give me more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们给了我很多东西 给了我这座宫殿", "english": "They gave me things,they gave me this palace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我整了容 给了我好多东西", "english": "They gave me plastic surgery. They gave me things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是睡着了吗", "english": "Did you just nod off?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 还有一艘不错的快艇", "english": "No! And a lovely speedboat!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "条件就是", "english": "And the thing was,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他需要个人", "english": "he needed someone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他", "english": "He?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "量身定制的恐怖威胁", "english": "Custom-made terror threat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 没错", "english": "Yes! Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他的智囊团想出来的", "english": "His think tank thinked it up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连环杀手的病态心理", "english": "the pathology of the serial killer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好再上一课了吗 诸如此类的", "english": "Ready for another lesson? Blah blah blah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 我的表演让这满大人栩栩如生", "english": "Of course, it was my performance that brought the Mandarin to life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的表演", "english": "Your performance?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还杀人呢", "english": "Where people die?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没死", "english": "No, they didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看这一切啊", "english": "Look around you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话 片子里一半的戏我都没到场", "english": "Oh, honestly, I wasn't on location for half this stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有我的时候 是电影特效嘛 亲爱的", "english": "When I was, it was movie magic, love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 不过我有个铁哥们正在昏迷中", "english": "I'm sorry, but I got a best friend who's in a coma"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许醒不过来了", "english": "and he might not wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你得为此负责", "english": "So you're gonna have to answer for that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是要付出代价 哥们 你明...", "english": "You're still going down, pal. You under..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 特雷夫 你跟他说什么了", "english": "Okay, Trevor, what'd you tell him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我什么都没说", "english": "I didn't tell him anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么都没说", "english": "Nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该按应急按钮的", "english": "You should've pressed the panic button."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是急了会儿 但我应付下来了", "english": "Well I panicked, but then I handled it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就跟以前一样 对吧", "english": "Just like old times, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 束线带绑着 真好玩", "english": "Oh yeah, with zip-ties. It's a ball."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是我的主意", "english": "It wasn't my idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来你真收下了基里安的名片", "english": "Okay, so you took Killian's card."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿了他的钱", "english": "I took his money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是 是你困在地牢里 我想走就能走", "english": "No, you're in a dungeon. I'm free to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了很多事 托尼 不过我快成功了", "english": "A lot's happened, Tony, but I'm close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝境病毒已经很稳定了", "english": "Extremis is practically stable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我它并没有", "english": "I'm telling you it isn't!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去街上看过 很多人都爆炸了", "english": "I'm on the street, people are going 'bang',"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "溅了一墙血 玛雅 你是在欺骗自己", "english": "they're painting the walls. Maya, you're kidding yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就帮我修好它", "english": "Then help me fix it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我写的", "english": "Did I do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得那天晚上 但不记得早上了", "english": "I remember the night, not the morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是为了这个吗", "english": "Is this what you've been chasing around?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不记得了", "english": "You don't remember?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮不了你", "english": "I can't help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以前是有道德心", "english": "You used to have a moral psychology."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想帮助别人", "english": "You wanted to help people,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你现在", "english": "now look at you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在每天早上陪我醒来的人", "english": "I get to wake up every morning with someone who..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是有灵魂的", "english": "still has her soul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮我出去", "english": "Get me out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托了", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我老爸以前是怎么跟我说的吗", "english": "You know what my old man used to say to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他最喜欢说的一句话是", "english": "One of his favorite of many sayings,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早起的鸟儿有虫吃", "english": "'The early bird gets the worm,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是第二只老鼠有奶酪吃", "english": "but the second mouse gets the cheese.'"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是还在为瑞士的事生气吧", "english": "You're not still pissed about the Switzerland thing, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么能生你的气呢 托尼", "english": "How can I be pissed at you, Tony?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是来感谢你的", "english": "I'm here to thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你送了我一份这辈子最棒的礼物", "english": "You gave me the greatest gift that anybody's ever given me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回想一下在瑞士的时候", "english": "If you think back to Switzerland,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说会去楼顶找我 是吧", "english": "you said you'd meet me on the rooftop, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真以为你会来", "english": "I actually thought you'd show up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接下来的一小时里", "english": "And the next hour, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跨出一步 走近路去大堂", "english": "one step shortcut to the lobby,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白我的意思吗", "english": "if you know what I mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坦白说 我还在想", "english": "Honestly, I'm still trying to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一只老鼠发生了什么事", "english": "figure out what happened to the first mouse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过当我俯瞰那座城市时", "english": "But as I looked out over that city,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人知道我在那里", "english": "nobody knew I was there,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人看得见我 甚至没人在看", "english": "nobody could see me, no one was even looking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我冒出了一个今后引导了我多年的想法", "english": "I had a thought that would guide me for years to come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是隐姓埋名 托尼", "english": "Anonymity, Tony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多亏了你 这从此成了我的准则 对吧", "english": "Thanks to you, it's been my mantra ever since, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只需要在幕后运筹帷幄", "english": "You simply rule from behind the scenes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为一旦你赋予了邪恶一副面孔", "english": "Because the second you give evil a face,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本·拉登 卡扎菲 或是满大人", "english": "a Bin Laden, a Gaddafi, The Mandarin,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就给了人们一个靶子", "english": "you hand the people a target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真不是一般人", "english": "You're something else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经见过他了吧", "english": "You have met him, I assume?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 影帝先生", "english": "Yeah, Sir Lawrence Olivier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道他有时候有点夸张", "english": "I know he's a little over the top sometimes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不能怪我", "english": "It's not entirely my fault,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他比较...他是个舞台剧演员", "english": "he has a tend...he's a stage actor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据说他演的李尔王在克罗伊登很受欢迎 管他呢", "english": "They say his Lear was the toast of Croydon, wherever that is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总之 重点是", "english": "Anyway, the point is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自从那个拿锤子的大块头从天而降之后", "english": "ever since that big dude with the hammer fell out of the sky,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "低调就不流行了", "english": "subtlety's kinda had its day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你接下来打算做什么", "english": "What's next for you in your world?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想回馈给你", "english": "Well, I wanted to repay you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是直播", "english": "Now, this is live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不确定你是否了解状况", "english": "I'm not sure if you can tell,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "此刻她的身体正在试图决定", "english": "but at this moment the body is trying to decide"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是接受绝境病毒还是直接放弃", "english": "whether to accept Extremis or just give up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果她放弃了 我只能说那场面", "english": "And if it gives up, I have to say the denotation is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是相当震撼的", "english": "it's quite spectacular."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过在做出决定之前 只有巨大的痛苦", "english": "But until that point, it's really just a lot of pain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还没讨论过薪酬呢", "english": "We haven't even talked salary yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放开他", "english": "Let him go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稍等 稍等", "english": "Hold on, hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛雅", "english": "Maya..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了放了他", "english": "I said let him go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在做什么", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛雅 把注射器给我", "english": "Maya, give me the injector."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基里安 我要是死了你的士兵们会怎样", "english": "If I die, Killian, what happens to your soldiers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的产品又会怎样", "english": "What happens to your product?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们用不着这样 好吗", "english": "We're not doing this, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自己会怎样 要是你过热了怎么办", "english": "What happens to you? What happens if you go too hot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好消息是 高层现在有一个空职了", "english": "The good news is, a high level position has just been vacated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是个疯子", "english": "You're a maniac."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "错 我是个远见家", "english": "No, I'm a visionary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我手下的确有个疯子", "english": "But I do own a maniac,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚就看他的表演了", "english": "and he takes the stage tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦钢铁爱国者成功登机", "english": "Once we get the Patriot installed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只要九到十分钟就能搞定", "english": "it'll take me nine...ten minutes for a take down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那太好了", "english": "Well, that's great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是上一次看到它里面还有人呢", "english": "But the last time I looked there was somebody inside of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好 先生们", "english": "Afternoon, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 上校", "english": "Hello, Colonel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都让开", "english": "Step aside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会让你出来的 别担心", "english": "We'll get you out of there, don't worry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样会破坏战甲的", "english": "You'll damage the armor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yes, I will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你会修好的 对吗", "english": "But you can fix it, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要带战衣去基地", "english": "I'm gonna take the suit up to base camp,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波茨也跟我一起去", "english": "and I want Potts with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听不懂我说的话吗", "english": "You're not going deaf, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心点 那可是限量版", "english": "Careful there, it's a limited edition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小马尾快递", "english": "Ponytail Express."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好", "english": "Very nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我比较擅长这个", "english": "I'm good like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能 把那玩意儿停掉吗", "english": "Can you, uh...stop that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弄坏了你就赔", "english": "Break it, you bought it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我赔就是了", "english": "I think I bought it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我朋友的妹妹的", "english": "That belongs to my friend's sister,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我等会要先杀你", "english": "and that's why I'm gonna kill you first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在被绑在一张床上", "english": "You're zip-tied to a bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像这样", "english": "This."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像那样", "english": "That."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你打算出来了吗", "english": "Are you comin' out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要打开 不要打开", "english": "Do not open, do not open!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别打开 别打开 别", "english": "Don't open, don't open, don't...!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那还是出去吧", "english": "Alright, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还能喷火", "english": "You...you breathe fire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是美妙的一天 萨文", "english": "It's a glorious day, Savin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天这个时候", "english": "This time tomorrow,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整个西方最有权力的领导人", "english": "I'll have the West's most powerful leader in one hand,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及最可怕的恐怖分子都会在我手里", "english": "and the world's most feared terrorist in the other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会控制整个反恐战争", "english": "I'll own the War on Terror."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为这个世界创造供需", "english": "Creates supply and demand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了你和你的兄弟姐妹们", "english": "for you and your brothers and sisters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我", "english": "Trust me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们距离倒在血泊中还剩", "english": "you're gonna be in a puddle of blood on the ground"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五 四 三 拜托 二", "english": "in five, four, three...come on! Two..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们怎么会摊上这个傻逼", "english": "How did we get this shit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你们个机会现在就逃", "english": "Alright, I'm gonna give you a chance to escape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把自己绑在椅子上", "english": "tie yourselves to those chairs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就不杀你们 还有五 四", "english": "I'll let you live. In five, four...bang!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那还真是", "english": "That was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们应该死了", "english": "You should be gone by now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这会就该上西天了才对", "english": "you should have already been gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是要吓尿了", "english": "I am just beyond terrified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴", "english": "Shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五 四 三 二 一", "english": "Five, four, three, two, one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早跟你说了", "english": "Told ya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剩下的部分呢", "english": "Where's the rest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话 我讨厌在这工作", "english": "Honestly, I hate working here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是群怪胎", "english": "They are so weird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚了总比不来好", "english": "Ah, better late than never."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次不要 别撞脸", "english": "Not this time. Not the face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回来真好 对了 你好", "english": "Phew, it's good to be back. Hello, by the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 先生", "english": "Oh, hello sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全体注意 斯塔克已逃脱", "english": "All personnel, Stark is loose"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在院子里某处", "english": "and somewhere in the compound."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重复 斯塔克已逃脱", "english": "Repeat, Stark is loose"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在院子里某处", "english": "and somewhere in the compound."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死", "english": "Ah, crap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼", "english": "Tony..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗德 那是你穿着战衣吧", "english": "Rudy, tell me that was you in the suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是 你拿到你的了吗", "english": "No. You got yours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算是吧 尽快赶到主屋去", "english": "Kind of. Main house as fast as you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要介绍个人给你认识", "english": "Somebody I'd like you to meet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 你 还有你 出去 快滚", "english": "You, you, move! Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "房间安全 已看到满大人", "english": "The room is secure. I have eyes on the Mandarin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么 我赢了", "english": "What's this? I had winner's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你扮成了什么", "english": "What've you come as?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你敢动一下我就打爆你的脸", "english": "You make a move and I'll break your face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来不知道有人受了伤 他们骗了我", "english": "I never thought people had been hurt. They lied to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是满大人", "english": "This is the Mandarin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 这...太丢人了", "english": "I know, it's...it's...it's embarrassing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是特雷夫 特雷夫·斯拉特里", "english": "Hi, Trevor. Trevor...Slattery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 我本人有点矮 有点瘦", "english": "I know, I'm shorter in person, bit small,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个人都这么说 但是", "english": "everyone says that. But..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你们是来抓我的", "english": "if you're here to arrest me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我乐意马上供出一些人来", "english": "there are some people who I'd like to roll on. Immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来跟你说明下状况 梅姨", "english": "Here's how it works, Meryl Streep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉他派珀在哪 我才会停下", "english": "You tell him where Pepper is and I'll stop doin' it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下什么", "english": "Doing what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我懂了 好疼 我懂了 我懂了", "english": "Oh, I get it! Ow! That hurt! I get it! I get it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道派珀是谁", "english": "I don't know about any Pepper,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道他们把我的战衣怎么了吗", "english": "Do you know what they did to my suit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 不 但我知道地点是在海岸", "english": "What? No. But I do know what's happening off the coast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟一艘大船有关", "english": "Something to do with uh...A big boat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以带你们过去", "english": "I can take you there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼 我发誓 我一定要打烂他的脸", "english": "Tony, I swear to God. I'm gonna blow his face off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且这事还跟副总统有关系", "english": "Oh, this next bit may include the Vice President as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个重要吗", "english": "Is that...is that important?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算是吧", "english": "Somewhat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挺重要的", "english": "Yeah, a little bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么样", "english": "So?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们怎么办 没有交通工具", "english": "What are we gonna do? I mean, we don't have any transport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "林戈 你是不是提过有一艘不错的快艇", "english": "Ringo. Didn't you say something about a 'lovely speedboat'?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他说的地点没错", "english": "If he's right about the location,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们还得搞清楚副总统的事 对吧", "english": "But we also have to figure out this Vice President thing, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 猜我正在打给谁", "english": "Right. I wonder who I'm calling right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是托尼·斯塔克", "english": "Sir, this is Tony Stark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有理由相信", "english": "We believe you're about to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您可能会被卷入满大人的袭击事件", "english": "drawn into the Mandarin campaign,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得尽快将您转移到安全地点", "english": "and we gotta get you somewhere safe as soon as possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯塔克先生 我正准备在精英特工的保护下", "english": "Mr. Stark, I'm about to eat honey roast ham"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而总统和罗德上校在空军一号上", "english": "The President's safe on Air Force One with Colonel Rhodes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为我们都很安全", "english": "I think we're good here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 我是罗德上校", "english": "Sir, this is Colonel Rhodes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们打算用钢铁爱国者做木马", "english": "They're using the Iron Patriot as a Trojan Horse,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得立刻警告机组", "english": "We have to immediately alert that plane."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 我会让安保人员马上行动", "english": "Okay, I'm on it. I'll have security lock it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 上校", "english": "Thank you, Colonel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗德和斯塔克结束通话", "english": "Rhodes and Stark out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么问题吧 先生", "english": "Everything okay, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全没有", "english": "Couldn't be better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你 宝贝", "english": "I love you, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗德上校 你能过来真是太好了", "english": "Colonel Rhodes. Glad to see you could make it, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这就感觉安全多了", "english": "I feel safer already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得做个决定", "english": "We gotta make a decision."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统和派珀只能救其一", "english": "We can either save the President or Pepper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没法同时救两边", "english": "We can't do both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 马里布那边有新情况", "english": "Sir, I have an update from Malibu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起重机总算到达了现场", "english": "The cranes have finally arrived"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身上的战衣现在什么状态", "english": "And what about the suit I'm wearing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也只能凑合用了", "english": "That's gonna have to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他过来了 他过来了 给我来张合照", "english": "Oh, here he comes, here he comes, get a quick picture."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题", "english": "Sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切正常吧 上校", "english": "Everything all right, Colonel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是荣幸啊 总统先生", "english": "It is an honor, Mr. President."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要动手 就动手吧", "english": "If you're gonna do it, do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别着急啊 先生", "english": "Cool your boots, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这可不是满大人的作风", "english": "That's not how the Mandarin works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 空军一号陷入危急状态", "english": "Sir, Air Force One's been compromised."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "内部发生射击 温度骤升", "english": "Internal shots, temperature spikes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快把画面调出来", "english": "Get me eyes on it now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "画面出来了 长官", "english": "Image coming through now, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是罗德吗", "english": "Was that Rhodes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统呢", "english": "The President."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快说", "english": "Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不在这里", "english": "He's not here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去享受喷流吧", "english": "Try the jet stream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说到气流 去捞鱼吧", "english": "Speaking of which, go fish!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看这个伤口还愈合得了吗 狗娘养的", "english": "Walk away from that, you son of a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面有多少人", "english": "How many in the air?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一次能带几个", "english": "How many can I carry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四个 先生", "english": "Four, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢点 慢点 放松 你叫什么", "english": "Slow down, slow down. Relax, what's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希瑟", "english": "Heather..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说 看到那个人了吗", "english": "Listen to me. See that guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会飞过去 然后你抓住他", "english": "I'm gonna swing by and you're just gonna grab him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会让你的手臂通上电", "english": "I will electrify your arm,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样你就松不开手了", "english": "you won't be able to open your hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能做到的 希瑟", "english": "You can do this, Heather."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记不记得有个叫猴子冒险的游戏", "english": "Remember that game called Barrel of Monkeys?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就那么玩", "english": "That's what we're gonna do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高度一万八千英尺", "english": "Eighteen thousand feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家加油 每个人都抓好自己的猴子", "english": "Come on, people! Everybody, grab your monkey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂亮", "english": "Nice!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一万英尺", "english": "Ten thousdand feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六千英尺", "english": "Six thousand feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家加油", "english": "Come on, people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油 加油 加油", "english": "Come on, come on, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一千英尺", "english": "One thousand feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四百英尺", "english": "Four hundred feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两百英尺", "english": "Two hundred feet, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是只胖猴子 抓住他", "english": "It's a chunky monkey, let's get him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干得漂亮", "english": "Nice work, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了 大家配合得很好", "english": "Excellent. Good team effort all around. Go us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯 这才算完成一半", "english": "Alright, Jarvis, but it's only half done,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还得去找派珀", "english": "we still gotta get Pepp..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从哪冒出来的", "english": "That came out of nowhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我说点好消息", "english": "Give me some good news, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全部获救了", "english": "I think they all made it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢天谢地", "english": "Oh, thank God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是总统被抓走了", "english": "Yeah, but I missed the President."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有战衣都救不了总统", "english": "You couldn't save the President with the suit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们什么都没有怎么救派珀", "english": "how are we gonna save Pepper with nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯 时间到了吗", "english": "Say, Jarvis, is it that time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是家庭聚会规程吗 先生", "english": "The 'house party' protocol, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Correct."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为他会帮你吗", "english": "You think he's gonna help you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能", "english": "He won't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你抓来不单是刺激托尼·斯塔克", "english": "Having you here is not just to motivate Tony Stark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实还有更尴尬的目的", "english": "it's um...it's actually more embarrassing than that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这里是我的", "english": "You're here as my, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战利品", "english": "Trophy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好 先生", "english": "Good evening, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎上船 总统先生", "english": "Welcome aboard, Mr. President."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说过大象墓地吗", "english": "Ever hear of an elephant graveyard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这艘驳船就是大象", "english": "the elephant in the room was this scow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是罗克森诺克号", "english": "This is the Roxxon Norco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当然记得了", "english": "And of course you'll remember"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它在彭萨科拉附近泄露了一百万加仑原油", "english": "that when she spilled a million gallons of crude off Pensacola,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜您所赐 没有一个富人受到法庭审判", "english": "thanks to you, not one fat cat saw a day in court."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我怎么样", "english": "What do you want from me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不怎么样 先生", "english": "Nothing, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是需要个在电视上处决你的好借口", "english": "I just needed a reason to kill you that would play well on TV."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经向前看了", "english": "You see, I've moved on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找到了新政治靠山", "english": "I've found myself a new political patron,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天这个时候 他将接替你的职位", "english": "and at this time tomorrow, he'll have your job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绑起来", "english": "String him up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会突然抓狂吧", "english": "You're not gonna freak out on me, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望不会", "english": "I hope not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他被吊在油罐上面", "english": "He's strung up over the oil tank,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要点火烧死他 老兄", "english": "they're gonna light him up, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维京葬礼 公开处决", "english": "Viking funeral. Public execution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 用油烧死", "english": "Yeah, death by oil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 镜头从A切换到E", "english": "Okay, that's good. Now give me cameras A through E"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "枪举好了吗", "english": "Is your gun up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我要干嘛", "english": "Yep. What do I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了吗 搞定", "english": "You see that? Nailed it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 你把灯泡打爆了", "english": "Yeah, you really killed the glass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我瞄的就是灯泡 这么远你肯定打不准", "english": "I was aiming for the bulb! You can't hit a bulb at this distance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没弹药了", "english": "I'm out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不通用的 托尼", "english": "They're not universal, Tony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我在干嘛 我造这玩意的", "english": "I know what I'm doing, I make this stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没有适合那把枪的", "english": "I don't have one that fits that gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有五个呢 好吧", "english": "You've got like five of 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样吧 我来侦查 准备好了吗", "english": "Alright, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna spot. Ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看到什么了", "english": "What'd you see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太快了 什么都没看到", "english": "Too fast, nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再来一次", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三男一女 有武器", "english": "Three guys, one girl, all armed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝 我现在想死战衣了", "english": "God, I'd kill for some armor right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说得没错 我们需要支援", "english": "You're right, we need backup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大批支援", "english": "Yeah, a bunch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐 老兄", "english": "Merry Christmas, buddy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯 定位绝境病毒热信号", "english": "Jarvis, target Extremis heat signatures."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还等什么 圣诞节到了", "english": "What are you waiting for? It's Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "送他们上天堂", "english": "Take 'em to church."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们", "english": "Gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来了", "english": "Incoming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯 让伊戈尔去撑住", "english": "Jarvis, get Igor to steady this thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你休息的时候就在干这个", "english": "This is how you've been managing your downtime, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人总得有点爱好", "english": "Everybody needs a hobby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "碎心者 去帮帮红鲷鱼", "english": "Heartbreaker? Help Red Snapper out, will ya?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间刚刚好", "english": "Nice timing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真棒 给我也来一套", "english": "Oh yeah, that's awesome. Give me a suit, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 它们只能由我操控", "english": "Oh, I'm sorry. They're...they're only coded to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思", "english": "What's that mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让人掩护你", "english": "I got you covered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好 上校 要我载你一程吗", "english": "Good evening, Colonel. Can I give you a lift?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真好笑", "english": "Very funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 我已找到波茨小姐", "english": "Sir, I've located Miss Potts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可算啊", "english": "About time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你和我前女友出去的后果", "english": "See what happens when you hang out with my ex-girlfriends?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是个混蛋", "english": "You're such a jerk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啦 晚餐时再聊这个", "english": "Yep. We'll talk about it over dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "手伸过来 过来点 宝贝", "english": "Come on. A little more, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙在骚扰你吗", "english": "Is this guy bothering you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别起来", "english": "Don't get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样热吗", "english": "Is that hot in there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能动了 是不是", "english": "Stuck? Feel a little stuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像只小海龟 要在龟壳里烤熟了", "english": "Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼", "english": "Oh, Tony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她看着呢", "english": "She's watching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得你应该闭上眼睛 闭上眼睛", "english": "I think you should close your eyes. Close your eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭上眼睛 你不想看到的", "english": "Close your eyes, you don't wanna see this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不着急 慢慢来", "english": "Yeah, you take a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯 给我一套战衣", "english": "Jarvis, give me a suit right now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统先生 坚持住 我来了", "english": "Mr. President! Just hold on,alright? I'm coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坚持住 坚持住", "english": "Just hold on. Hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "OK."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见了", "english": "Bye-bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做好准备", "english": "Brace yourself!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你帅爆了 总统先生", "english": "You look damn good, Mr. President,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我得要回我的战衣", "english": "but I'm gonna need that suit back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统安全了 托尼 我得带他离开", "english": "The President is secure, Tony. I'm clearing the area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做得好", "english": "Nice work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗 先生", "english": "Ready sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小派 我来了 放松 我接着你", "english": "Pep, I got you. Relax, I got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着我", "english": "Just look at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝 我伸不了更远", "english": "Honey, I can't reach any further,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能待在那儿 好吗", "english": "and you can't stay there, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得放手", "english": "You gotta let go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放手 我保证能接住你", "english": "You gotta let go! I'll catch you, I promise!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真可惜", "english": "What a shame,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我就能接住她", "english": "I would have caught her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹出", "english": "Eject."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们终于在屋顶碰面了", "english": "Well here we are, on the roof."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "浪子归来了", "english": "The prodigal son returns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了", "english": "Whatever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的配不上她 托尼", "english": "You really didn't deserve her, Tony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真遗憾 我就要把她改造得 完美了", "english": "It's a pity, I was so close to having her... perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对", "english": "You're right,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我配不上她", "english": "I don't deserve her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你错了 她本就很完美了", "english": "Here's where you're wrong, she was already perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再戴面具了", "english": "No more false faces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说你想找满大人", "english": "You said you wanted the Mandarin,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直都是我 托尼 从一开始就是", "english": "It was always me, Tony, right from the start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是满大人", "english": "I am the Mandarin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说不出话", "english": "I got nothin'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "解除武装", "english": "disengage!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么 生我气了吗", "english": "What? Oh, what, are you mad at me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝", "english": "Honey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚刚好暴力", "english": "That was really violent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你吓死我了 我还以为你", "english": "You just scared the devil out of me. I thought you were..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死了吗 为什么", "english": "I was dead. Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是谁一团糟了", "english": "Who's the hot mess now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有待讨论", "english": "It's still debatable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你何不在家也这么穿", "english": "Why don't you dress like this at home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运动文胸什么的", "english": "Sport bra, the whole deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不肯放弃这些战衣了", "english": "why you don't want to give up the suits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还能抱怨什么呢", "english": "What I am gonna complain about now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对于我", "english": "Well, it's me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你总能想到的", "english": "You'll think of somethin'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不 不会的", "english": "No, no, you're not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看 不烫", "english": "See. Not hot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会没事吗", "english": "Am I gonna be okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 你在和我谈恋爱", "english": "No, you're in a relationship with me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总是会有事的", "english": "everything will never be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我觉得这我搞得定", "english": "But I think I can figure this out, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我能让你好起来", "english": "I think I can get you better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就擅长这个 修理东西", "english": "That's what I do, I fix stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的那些\"消遣\"呢", "english": "And all your distractions?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾维斯", "english": "Jarvis?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都结束了 先生 还有事吗", "english": "All wrapped up here, sir. Will there be anything else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道该怎么做", "english": "You know what to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "库存清理规程吗 先生", "english": "The 'clean slate' protocol, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管了 圣诞节嘛 是的", "english": "Screw it, it's Christmas. Yes, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还行吧 你喜欢吗", "english": "Okay so far? You like it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就行了", "english": "It'll do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随着圣诞节早晨的到来", "english": "And so, as Christmas morning began,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的旅程也到达终点", "english": "my journey had reached its end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你始于纯粹的初衷", "english": "You start with something pure,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令人兴奋的想法", "english": "something exciting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随之而来的是犯错", "english": "Then come the mistakes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为自己埋下祸根", "english": "We create our own demons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我如约稳定了派珀体内的绝境病毒", "english": "As promised, I got Pepper sorted out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "花了些功夫", "english": "It took some tinkering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我又想 何必止步于此", "english": "But then I thought to myself, \"Why stop there?\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 有人会说 前进有风险", "english": "Of course, there are people who say progress is dangerous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我敢打赌那些傻瓜", "english": "But I'll bet none of those idiots"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用带着一胸腔的弹片生活", "english": "never had to live with a chest full of shrapnel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 我也不用了", "english": "And now...neither will I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉你 这是我这些年睡得最好的一次", "english": "Let me tell you, that was the best sleep I'd had in years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了 没事了", "english": "It's ok, it's ok, it's ok."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果要我给这一切加个好结尾", "english": "So if I were to wrap this up tight with a bow or whatever,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜我会说我的战衣", "english": "I guess I'd say my armor,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从不是什么消遣或爱好", "english": "it was never a distraction or a hobby,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是茧", "english": "it was a cocoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 我破茧成蝶了", "english": "And now, I'm a changed man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以拿走我的房子 花招和玩具", "english": "You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一样东西你永远拿不走", "english": "One thing you can't take away..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是钢铁侠", "english": "I am Iron Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 听我说了这么多", "english": "You know, and thank you, by the way, for listening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而不是憋在心里", "english": "instead of holding this in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则人会生病的 是吧", "english": "I mean, this is what gets people sick, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都不知道你是个这么好的倾听者", "english": "Wow, I had no idea you were such a good listener."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和经历与人分享", "english": "and my experiences with someone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像蛇吞食自己的尾巴", "english": "It's like a snake swallowing its own tale."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都圆满了", "english": "Everything comes full circle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我神游了", "english": "I... I was... I... I... I drifted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在哪睡过去的", "english": "Where did I lose you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑞士的电梯", "english": "Elevator in Switzerland."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是说你什么都没听到", "english": "So you heard none of it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我不是那种医生", "english": "I'm sorry, I'm not that kind of doctor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是治疗师 这不是我的长项", "english": "I'm not a therapist, it's not my training."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 时间吗", "english": "What? The time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个性子", "english": "Temperament."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太奇怪了", "english": "That was weird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人人影视", "english": "YYeTs.com"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么说你是在动物园里长大的", "english": "So, you were raised in a zoo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是在本地治里出生长大的", "english": "Born and raised...in Pondicherry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时那里属于法属印度", "english": "in what was the French part of India."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲是动物园园主", "english": "My father owned the zoo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我出生的时候 还是一位爬虫学家临时接生的", "english": "And I was delivered on short notice by a herpetologist,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他原本是来检查孟加拉巨蜥的", "english": "who was there to check on the Bengal monitor lizard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好在母子平安", "english": "Mother and I were both healthy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可惜那只蜥蜴却溜了", "english": "but the poor lizard escaped,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果惨死在某个体型巨大的物种脚下", "english": "and was trampled by a frightening category."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是因果报应吧", "english": "The way of Karma, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是神的意志", "english": "The way of God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这故事挺不错的", "english": "That's quite a story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光看你名字", "english": "I'd assumed your father"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为你父亲是位数学家", "english": "was a mathematician, because of your name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差不多吧 我这名字取源于一个泳池的名字", "english": "Not far from it, I was named after a swimming pool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有叫\"派\"的游泳池吗", "english": "There was a pool named \"Pi\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "话说我叔叔弗朗西斯", "english": "You see, my uncle Francis"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚出生时肺积水很严重", "english": "was born with too much water in his lungs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听人说医生抓住他脚踝", "english": "They say the doctor swung Francis"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒过来晃来晃去 才把水给清干净", "english": "around by the ankle, to clear the water out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也正因为这样", "english": "And that's what gives him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他才四肢纤细却有着硕大的胸肌", "english": "his huge chest and skinny legs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他靠着身材成了游泳健将", "english": "that made him such a great swimmer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗朗西斯是你亲叔叔吗", "english": "Is Francis actually your uncle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说自己只是你父亲的朋友罢了", "english": "he said he was friend with your father?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们亲如叔侄 我叫他\"玛玛吉\"", "english": "Well, he's my \"Honorary\" Uncle. I call him \"Mamaji\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是我父亲的挚友 也是我的游泳导师", "english": "My father's best friend, my swimming guru."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟着他去进修所游三次", "english": "I trained with him three times a week at the ashram."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的谆谆教导最后救了我一命", "english": "His lessons would save my life in the end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呛几口水倒死不了", "english": "A mouthful of water will not harden you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慌了就完了", "english": "But panic will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好孩子", "english": "Good boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我吃素食 你不介意吧", "english": "I hope you don't mind vegetarian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 不介意", "english": "No, no. Not at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚打算说你名字的由来", "english": "You were going to tell me how you got your name, I think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了", "english": "Oh yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这名字是玛玛吉跟我父亲说起的", "english": "I got it from something Mamaji once told my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一般人出游收集明信片", "english": "You see, most travelers collect postcards"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "茶杯 珠宝之类的东西", "english": "or tea cups and their jewelries,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但玛玛吉不同", "english": "but not Mamaji."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他喜欢收集游泳池", "english": "Mamaji collects swimming pools."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每到一处 他就去当地的泳池游泳", "english": "He swims in every pool he comes upon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天 玛玛吉对我父亲说", "english": "One day, Mamaji said to my father,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放眼世界各地的游泳池", "english": "that of all the pools in the world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当属巴黎的一个公共游泳池最美", "english": "the most beautiful was a public pool in Paris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那里的水清澈至极", "english": "That the water there was so clear,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你甚至可以拿里面的水煮早咖啡", "english": "you could make your morning coffee with it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这次游泳改变了他一生", "english": "That a single swim there changed his life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我出生之前 他说道", "english": "Before I was born, he said:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就要带他去莫利托公共泳池游泳", "english": "you must take him one day to swim in the \"Piscine Molitor\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直没搞懂父亲为何对这句话如此上心", "english": "I never understood why my father took this so much too heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但事实如此", "english": "But he did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我就被取名为\"皮辛·莫利托·帕特尔\"", "english": "And I was named \"Piscine Molitor Patel\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想想 光解释名字就够累的", "english": "Imagine me trying to explain that name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在小便吗", "english": "Are you pissing right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧 他在小便呢", "english": "Look at him, he is pissing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一字之别", "english": "With one word,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的名字就从优雅的法国泳池名", "english": "my name went from an elegant French swimming pool"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沦为了肮脏的印度公厕", "english": "to a stinking Indian latrine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到哪儿都成了\"小便\"", "english": "I was \"Pissing\" everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操场里不准随地小便", "english": "No pissing in the schoolyard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就连老师也这么叫", "english": "Even the teacher started doing it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 他不是故意的", "english": "Not deliberately, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么...", "english": "So then..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么让壶里的气体快速蒸发呢", "english": "What made the kettle to release gas too quickly?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小便", "english": "Pissing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听啊 老师也叫他小便", "english": "He said pissing, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小便", "english": "Pissing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我早有准备", "english": "I was prepared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮辛·帕特尔", "english": "Piscine Patel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好", "english": "Good Morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我名叫皮辛·帕特尔", "english": "I am Piscine Molitor Patel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都叫我", "english": "Know to all as:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也在数学领域用来表示", "english": "Which is also used in mathematics to represent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一个无限不循环小数", "english": "An irrational number of infinite length,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "常取小数点后两位", "english": "usually rounded to three digits,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很有意思...派", "english": "Very impressive... Pi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回座吧", "english": "Now sit down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之后你就成了\"派\"吗", "english": "And from then on, you were Pi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也不尽然", "english": "Well no, not quite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得了吧 小便", "english": "Nice try, Pissing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我还有一整天时间", "english": "But I still had the whole day ahead of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着是法语课", "english": "French class was next."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫皮辛·莫利托·帕特尔", "english": "Je m'appelle Piscine Molitor Patel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着是地理课", "english": "Then geography."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是\"派\"小数点后前二十位", "english": "These are the first twenty decimal places of Pi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后一堂课是数学", "english": "My last class of the day was mathematics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 他真背出来了", "english": "It's right! He's really doing this!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等放学的时候", "english": "By the end of that day,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就成了学校的传奇人物\"派·帕特尔\"", "english": "I was \"Pi Patel\", school legend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛玛吉跟我说你有段传奇航海经历 是吗", "english": "Mamaji tells me you're a legend among sailors, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个人漂洋过海", "english": "Out there, all alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再说我也不是一个人 还有理查德·帕克", "english": "And I wasn't alone out there, Richard Parker was with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克", "english": "Richard Parker?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛玛吉没跟我细说", "english": "Mamaji, he didn't tell me everything,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只说让我回蒙特利尔的时候来找你", "english": "he just said I should look you up when I got back to Montreal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你在本地治里的时候都干些什么呢", "english": "So what were you doing in Pondicherry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顺带一提 我很喜欢你第一部小说", "english": "By the way, I enjoyed your first book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新书打算以印度为背景吗", "english": "So this new one is set in India?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实是葡萄牙", "english": "No, Portugal actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在印度待着可以省些开销", "english": "But it's cheaper living in India."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我很期待你的新书", "english": "Well, I look forward to reading it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等不到了", "english": "You can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我放弃了", "english": "I threw it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我花了两年时间构思小说", "english": "Two years I was trying to bring these things to life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果它残喘了没多久就胎死腹中了", "english": "and they one day... Sputtered caughed and died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "节哀顺变", "english": "Oh, I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一天下午", "english": "So I was sitting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就坐在本地治里的咖啡屋", "english": "in this coffee house in Pondicherry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怀念我那早逝的小说", "english": "one afternoon mourning my lost,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在那时", "english": "when this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一位旁桌的老伙计跟我攀谈起来", "english": "old man at the table next to me, struck up a conversation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛玛吉就喜欢这样", "english": "Yeah, Mamaji he does that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说起了那本没写成的小说 他说道", "english": "When I told him my abandoned book, he said:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到那里搜集故事", "english": "and search for a story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计 我有个印度朋友", "english": "Well, my friend, I know an Indian"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就住在加拿大法语区", "english": "in French Canada,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的故事那叫一个精彩", "english": "with the most incredible story to tell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你俩真是命中注定要相遇啊\"", "english": "It must be fate that the two of you should meet.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经好多年没说起过理查德·帕克的事了", "english": "Well I haven't spoken about Richard Parker in so many years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛玛吉都跟你说了些什么", "english": "So what has Mamaji already told you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说听了你的故事 会让我相信神的存在", "english": "He said you had a story that would make me believe in God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "依着他 吃顿好菜也能让人信上帝", "english": "He would say that about a nice meal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至于信不信神 我只负责讲故事", "english": "As for God, I can only tell you my story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信不信由你自己决定", "english": "You'll decide for yourself what you believe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 从哪儿说起呢", "english": "Let's see then. Where to begin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本地治里...", "english": "Pondicherry..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时为法属印度", "english": "is the French Bureau of India."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为这地方离海最近", "english": "In this place, closest to the ocean,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若置身其中 你会误以为身处法国南部", "english": "you might think you are in the south of France."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几个街区后有条运河", "english": "A few blocks inland, there's a canal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过了运河 就是印属本地治里", "english": "Just beyond that, is Indian Pondicherry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往西就是穆斯林地区", "english": "And the Muslim quarter is just to the west."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲很有商业头脑", "english": "My father was a clever businessman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想到了生财之道", "english": "He came up with one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他本来着经营旅馆 突然灵光一现", "english": "He ran a hotel, and he got the idea to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "决定关掉旅馆 在植物园里开了一间动物园", "english": "open a zoo in the local botanical gardens instead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是无巧不成书", "english": "As it also happened,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我母亲当时是园子里的植物学家", "english": "my mother was a botanist in the gardens."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就那样相识 结为连理", "english": "They met, married, and a year later,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一年后 我哥哥拉维出生了", "english": "my brother Ravi was born."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两年后我出生了", "english": "I came two years after that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来真不可思议 生长在...", "english": "Sounds magical. Growing up in..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿门", "english": "Amen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 吃吧", "english": "Yeah, let's eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没想到印度教徒会说阿门", "english": "I did not know Hindus said Amen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天主教派的印度教徒就会这样", "english": "Catholics Hindus do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有天主教派的印度教徒吗", "english": "Catholic Hindus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神不止一个 成百上千的神", "english": "We get to feel guilty before hundreds of gods,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都需要敬畏", "english": "instead of just one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你最先信奉的是印度教", "english": "But you're a Hindu first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都是经引荐接近神", "english": "None of us knows God until someone introduces us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引我入门的是印度教", "english": "I was first introduced to God as a Hindu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎会不略知一二呢", "english": "How can I not come to know a few of them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先认识的是黑天", "english": "I met Krishna, first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "众神就是我心中的超能英雄 队伍不断壮大", "english": "The gods were my superheroes, growing up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猴神哈奴曼", "english": "Hanuman, the monkey god,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了救朋友拉希米抬起了整座山", "english": "lifting an entire mountain to save his friend, Lakshmi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "象鼻神伽内什", "english": "Ganesh, the elephant headed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了母亲帕尔瓦蒂不惜以命相搏", "english": "risking his life to defend the honor of his mother, Parvati."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至高之灵毗湿奴", "english": "Vishnu, the supreme soul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传说毗湿奴入睡 漂浮于无边的浩瀚宇宙", "english": "Vishnu sleeps, floating on the shoreless cosmic ocean,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我们不过是他梦境的产物", "english": "and we are the stuff of his dreaming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是奇观", "english": "Spectacle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别被这些故事和谎言给忽悠了 孩子们", "english": "Don't let the stories and pretty lies fool you, boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宗教都很蒙昧", "english": "Religion is darkness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敬爱的父亲认为自己算是个新印度人", "english": "My dear Apa believed himself part of the new India."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他小时候得过小儿麻痹症", "english": "As a child, he'd had polio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前躺在床上疼痛难忍的时候", "english": "He used to lie in bed wracked with pain,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就会想 神在哪里", "english": "wondering where God was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最终 神没能救他", "english": "In the end, God didn't save him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救他的是西方医学", "english": "Western medecine did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我母亲读过大学", "english": "My Amma went to college"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也觉得我们算是新印度人", "english": "and thought our familly was part of the new India as well,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但她和自己的父母断绝了往来", "english": "But then her parents cut her off,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他们觉得父亲配不上她", "english": "because they thought she was marrying beneath her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宗教是她与过去的唯一联系", "english": "Our religion was the only link she had to her past."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时我们去蒙纳的匹格鲁斯一家串亲戚", "english": "We were visiting relatives, Pigroes in Monar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到了第三天 拉维和我无聊至极", "english": "It was a third there, Ravi and I were terribly bored."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你敢不敢跑进那座教堂偷喝圣水", "english": "Run into that church, and drink the holy water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想必你是口渴了吧", "english": "You must be thirsty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你带了杯水", "english": "I brought you this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝为什么要这样", "english": "Why would a God do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么把自己的儿子下放人间", "english": "Why would he send his own son"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为凡人的罪受难呢", "english": "to suffer for the sins of ordinary people?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为上帝爱世人", "english": "Because he loves us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给世人接近祂的机会", "english": "God made himself approachable to us -- human,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们了解上帝", "english": "so we could understand him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们无法理解上帝 抑或祂的完全", "english": "We can't understand God nor his perfection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们可以理解上帝的儿子", "english": "But we can understand God's son,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "了解他的苦难 就如手足一般", "english": "and his suffering, as we would of brothers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这说不通啊", "english": "That made no sense!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让无辜者牺牲 以此救赎罪人", "english": "Sacrificing the innocent, to atone for the sins of the guilty,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这算哪门子爱", "english": "what kind of love is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但圣子的说法 一直萦绕在我心里", "english": "But this son, I couldn't get him out of my head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果上帝如此完全 而我们却不完美", "english": "If God is so perfect, and we are not,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝又为何要创造这一切呢", "english": "why would he want to create all this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又为什么要我们存在呢", "english": "Why does he need us at all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只需知道上帝爱世人", "english": "All you have to know is that he loves us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝爱这个世界 可以为此牺牲自己唯一的儿子", "english": "God so loved his world that he gave his only son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听牧师说得越多", "english": "The longer I listened to the priest,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就越发喜欢圣子", "english": "the more I came to like the son of God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你毗湿奴 是你让我认识了基督", "english": "Thank you Vishnu, for introducing me to Christ."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "印度教给我了宗教启蒙", "english": "I came to faith through Hinduism,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又通过基督发现神的爱", "english": "and I found God's love through Christ."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但神与我之间的故事还未完结", "english": "But God wasn't finished with me yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神的显现变幻莫测", "english": "God works in mysterious ways."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他又以不同的身份出现在我面前", "english": "And so it was he introduced him to me again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次的形象是真主", "english": "this time by the name of Allah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我阿拉伯语一直不太好", "english": "My Arabic was never very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那种音调却让我感觉与上帝更接近", "english": "But the sound and feel of the words brought me closer to God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做礼拜时 我触碰的地面成了圣地", "english": "In performing \"Salah\", the ground I touched became holly ground,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从中感受到一丝宁静与手足之情", "english": "and I found a feeling of serenity and brotherhood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这羊肉真是棒极了", "english": "This lamb is exquisite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "桌上就这个最好吃了", "english": "It's the best dish on the table."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不吃就错过了", "english": "You're all missing out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天都能过不同的节了", "english": "and you'll spend your life on holiday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶稣大人 你今年要去麦加吗", "english": "Are you going to Mecca this year, Swami Jesus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是打算去罗马加冕当教皇啊", "english": "Or to Rome for your coronation as Popeius?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜欢板球 派也有自己的兴趣", "english": "Just like you like cricket, Pi has his own interest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道吗 吉塔 拉维说得在理", "english": "No, Gita. Ravi has a point, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮辛 你不能同时信三种不同的宗教", "english": "You cannot follow three different religions at the same time, Piscine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么不行", "english": "Why not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就跟什么都不信一样", "english": "is the same as not believing in anything at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "桑托什 他还小 还在摸索中", "english": "He's young, Santosh. He's still finding his way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他如果不选定道路", "english": "And how can he find his way,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又怎能摸索出路呢", "english": "if he does not choose a path?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 与其在各种宗教中举棋不定", "english": "Listen, instead of leaping from one region to the next,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不如选择信奉理性", "english": "why not start with reason?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科学引领我们了解宇宙的深度", "english": "science has taken us farther in undertanding the universe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就已经远超宗教几千年的成果", "english": "than the regilon has in ten thousand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这话在理", "english": "That is true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父亲说得没错", "english": "Your father is right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科学能帮助我们了解外在的事物", "english": "Science can teach us more about what is out there,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但内在世界却不行", "english": "but not what is in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确实 有人吃肉 也有人吃素", "english": "Yeah. Some eat meat, some eat vegetable,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不奢望大家什么都意见一致", "english": "I do not expect us to all to agree about everything,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你信奉一种我不接受的宗教", "english": "they'll have you believe in something I don't agree with,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也不愿意你盲目信奉一切", "english": "than to accept everything blindly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就需要你从理性思考开始", "english": "And that begins with thinking rationally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听懂了吗", "english": "You understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么说...", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你既是基督教徒 又是穆斯林教徒", "english": "you're a Christian, and a Muslim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是个印度教徒", "english": "And an Hindu, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜还是犹太教徒吧", "english": "And a Jew, I suppose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我确实在大学里也教授犹太哲学", "english": "Well I do teach the course on the Kabala at the University."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么不行呢", "english": "And why not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信仰就像一栋房子 里面有许多房间", "english": "Faith is a house with many rooms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但没有怀疑的房间吗", "english": "But no room for doubt?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多的是 每层楼都有", "english": "Oh, plenty. On every floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怀疑很有益处", "english": "Doubt is useful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怀疑使得信仰充满生机", "english": "It keeps Faith a living thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毕竟只有经过考验", "english": "After all, you cannot know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才能明确自己的信仰是否足够坚定", "english": "the strength of your faith until it has been tested."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索森呢 他不在我们不该进来的", "english": "Where's Sothom? We shouldn't be in here without him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心", "english": "Stop worrying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都观察过无数次了", "english": "I have seen him do this a thousand times."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想看看新来的老虎", "english": "I want to meet our new tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派", "english": "Pi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克 你在吗", "english": "Hello? Richard Parker?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老虎吗", "english": "Tiger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克是只老虎吗", "english": "Richard Parker was a tiger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 这名字的由来纯属笔误", "english": "Yeah, he got this name through a clerical error."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猎人趁它在河边饮水时把它抓住了", "english": "A hunter caught him drinking from a stream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它当时还是个幼崽", "english": "when he was a cub,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等\"口渴\"长大了", "english": "When Thirsty got too big,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猎人就把它卖给了动物园", "english": "the hunter sold him to our zoo,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但记录的时候阴差阳错", "english": "but the name got switched on the paperwork."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而老虎成了理查德·帕克", "english": "and the tiger was called Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都笑得不行", "english": "We laughed about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名字就这样沿用下了", "english": "And the name stuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Let's go..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再不走该出事了", "english": "Before we get into trouble!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想好好瞧瞧他", "english": "I want to see him closer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当自己是游客啊", "english": "You're not the zoo people!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克 来吧", "english": "That's it Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是给你吃的", "english": "It's for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么想的", "english": "What are you thinking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你忘了我以前跟你说的话了吗", "english": "You just ignored everything I've ever taught you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我...我只想跟它打声招呼", "english": "I-I just wanted to say Hello to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当老虎是你朋友吗", "english": "You think that tiger is your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是野兽 不是玩伴", "english": "He's an animal, not a playmate!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "野兽也有灵魂的", "english": "Animals have souls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从它们眼里能看出来", "english": "I have seen it in their eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫塞尔维过来", "english": "Find Selvan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记不住这一点 就会闹出人命", "english": "People who forget that, get themselves killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只老虎不是你的朋友", "english": "That tiger... is not your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在它眼里看到的", "english": "When you look into his eyes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没别的", "english": "Nothing else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笨蛋 还不快承认错误", "english": "You stupid. Say \"I'm sorry.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干什么了 皮辛", "english": "What have you done, Piscine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I am sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是想", "english": "I was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想干什么", "english": "What are you thinking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们父子之间的事", "english": "This is between a father and his sons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞尔维 放", "english": "Selvan, cut away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他都知道错了 你这样会吓着他的", "english": "He said he's sorry. You'll just scare them for life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这能吓着他? 他差点连胳膊都没了", "english": "Scare them? That boy almost lost his arm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他还只是个孩子", "english": "But he's just a boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也当不了几年孩子了", "english": "He will be a man sooner than you think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次的教训我要让他一辈子都记着", "english": "And this is a lesson I do not want them ever to forget!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞尔维", "english": "Selvan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宣布国家进入紧急戒备状态", "english": ".. and so has placed the country in a state of emergency"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从那以后 一切都变了", "english": "Things changed after the day of Apa's lesson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉世上的某种美好被抹去了", "english": "The world had lost some of its enchantment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学校里功课很无聊 无非是些公理 分数还有法语", "english": "School was a bore, nothing but facts, fractions and French."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "单词和语法像是没有穷尽", "english": "Words and patterns that went on and on without end,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像无理数\"派\"一样", "english": "just like my irrational nickname."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我整日烦躁不安", "english": "I grew restless,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搜寻着让我觉得", "english": "searching for something"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活着还有意义的事物", "english": "that might bring meaning back into my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在这时 我遇到了阿南蒂", "english": "And then, I met Anandi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "母亲让我学习音乐", "english": "Mother made me study music."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天 我的老师得了流感病倒了", "english": "And one day, my teacher came down with the flu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他问我能不能替他", "english": "He asked if I could take his place,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给舞蹈班打节奏", "english": "playing rhythms for the dance class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "错了", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你们跳舞不专心的话", "english": "If you do not concentrate,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就不能传递对神的敬爱", "english": "you cannot express your love of God through dance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感受你们脚底的大地", "english": "Feel the ground beneath your feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开你的\"吉桑\" 放平", "english": "Open your 'Gisauthon' to the horizon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让那股精神力量穿透全身", "english": "Let that spiritual energy pass through you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通过\"巴尼亚\"散发到", "english": "and out into the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿南蒂 到前面来领舞", "english": "Anandi, come to the front, lead them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么跟踪我", "english": "Why are you following me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚才跟踪我", "english": "You were following me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这动作是什么意思", "english": "What does this mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那支舞里面 你先做了\"巴探戈\"", "english": "In the dance, you went from 'batanka',"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "代表着森林", "english": "which means the forest,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后你做了 你做了", "english": "And then you did... and you did..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着你又这样", "english": "Now for that you did this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后你又做了\"查图拉\"", "english": "And then you did 'Chatura'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是在最后面 你做了这个动作", "english": "But at the very end, you did... this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他女孩都没这么做", "english": "None of the others dancers did that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这表示什么意思 爱神躲在森林里吗", "english": "What did you mean, the God of love is hiding in the forest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是 那个动作也代表莲花", "english": "No, that also means 'the Lotus flower'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏在森林里的莲花", "english": "Lotus flowers hiding in the forest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么莲花要藏在森林里", "english": "Why would a Lotus flower hide in the forest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是理查德·帕克", "english": "This is Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快看它转头的样子", "english": "Look at the way he's turning his head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耀武扬威的 就像舞者一样", "english": "Showing off... like a dancer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不对 它听到什么了", "english": "No. He heard something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞧 它正在听", "english": "He is listening, you see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们讨论挺长时间了", "english": "We have talked about it for some time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我什么意思吧", "english": "Do you understand what I'm saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派", "english": "Pi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 你刚说你很", "english": "Uh sorry, you've been..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "担心", "english": "Worried."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "担心我们的家业", "english": "For my family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果镇政府不补贴我们了", "english": "And if the town council stops supporting us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就要自寻生路了", "english": "I don't know where we will be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我们要另谋生路", "english": "So it is what we have to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白吗", "english": "Do you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 你在说什么", "english": "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要离开印度了", "english": "We are leaving India."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要卖掉动物园", "english": "We are selling the zoo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "动物园本来就不是我们的 土地都是国有的", "english": "The zoo was never ours to sell, the land belongs to the town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是动物是咱们的", "english": "But the animals are ours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卖了它们足够我们开始新生活", "english": "and if we sell them, we will have enough to start a new life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要去哪", "english": "But where will we go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的一切都在这里 阿爸", "english": "Our life is here, Apa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加拿大", "english": "Canada."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在温尼伯有个工作机会", "english": "I have some opportunities for work in Winnipeg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打算把园子里大部门动物装船去北美卖掉", "english": "I'll be shipping most of the animals for sale in North America,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以 就这么决定了", "english": "So... It's settled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像哥伦布一样去远航", "english": "We will sail like Columbus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但哥伦布出海就是为了找印度", "english": "But Columbus was looking for India!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "清理动物园要花很多功夫", "english": "It takes a lot of work to set a zoo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离开前 阿南蒂和我", "english": "Before we left, Anandi and I"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有足够的时间去依依惜别", "english": "had time enough to break each other's heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 我许诺我总有一天会回来", "english": "Of course, I promised I would come back one day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有意思的是", "english": "It's funny..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能记起离开那天所有的事", "english": "I remember everything else about our last day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是就是不记得我们怎么道别的", "english": "But I don't remember saying goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派", "english": "Pi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮辛", "english": "Piscine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的人生还长着呢", "english": "You have a whole life ahead of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们也是为了你和拉维好", "english": "We are doing this for you and Ravi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "素餐 谢谢", "english": "Vegetarian, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我儿子和我吃素", "english": "Oh, my sons and I are vegetarians."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要肉汁", "english": "Not for gravy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不想要肉汁?", "english": "You don't want gravy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们佛教徒很好打发", "english": "I am happy Buddist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我吃浇肉汁的米饭", "english": "So I eat rice next to gravy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我吧 肉汁不算肉", "english": "I'm sure, gravy is not meat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算调味品 尝尝吧", "english": "It's taste. You try?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心", "english": "Don't worry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在马尼拉停靠的时候会有新鲜供给的", "english": "We will have plenty of fresh supplies after we stop in Manila."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么给橙汁吃镇定剂", "english": "Why give Orange Juice tranquilizers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还可以防止晕船", "english": "and it helps with the sea sickness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可不想给晕船的猩猩", "english": "We don't want to be cleaning up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吧", "english": "Do we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父亲以前算是个生意人", "english": "My father was a businessman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他以前从不亲自照料动物", "english": "He had never attended the animals himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这才意识到离开印度", "english": "I realized leaving India must"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他肯定比我更难过", "english": "have been harder for him than it was for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后呢", "english": "So?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说漏了什么吗", "english": "Yeah, have I forgotten anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你是在做铺垫", "english": "I think you set the stage,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讲到这里 就是一个和法国游泳池同名的男孩", "english": "So far, we have an Indian boy named after a French swimming pool,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐着一艘塞满动物的日本轮船驶向加拿大", "english": "and a Japanese ship full of animals, heading to Canada."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接下来就要讲到", "english": "Now we have to send our"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男孩乘船驶入太平洋中央 然后", "english": "boy into the middle of the Pacific, and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后让我相信神的存在", "english": "And make me believe in God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 会讲到那儿的", "english": "Yeah. We'll get there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们离开马尼拉后第四天 船开到了马里亚纳海沟上", "english": "It was four days out of Manila, above the Mariana trench,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是世界上最深的海沟", "english": "the deepest part on earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的船 新宋号", "english": "Our ship, the Simsum, pushed on,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "平稳地航行在异域上", "english": "polishly in different surroundings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "载着对另一个大陆的殷切期盼", "english": "It moved with the slow massive confidence for continent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听到了吗 拉维", "english": "Did you hear that, Ravi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听到了 你又在想什么", "english": "Yes, what do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暴风雨来了 我们出去看看吧", "english": "It's a thunderstorm, let's go and watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了吧", "english": "Are you crazy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会被雷劈到的", "english": "We will get hit by lightning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会的 雷会先劈到舰桥上的", "english": "No, we won't, it'll hit the bridge first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别拿雷神开玩笑 派", "english": "Don't tempt the storm, Pi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再大点 再大点", "english": "More rain! More rain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神赐暴雨", "english": "God's storm!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿妈", "english": "Ma!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿爸", "english": "Apa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉维", "english": "Ravi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快出来 快出来", "english": "Get out! Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮帮我", "english": "Help me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快救救我的家人", "english": "Please save my family!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别害怕 好吗 待在这", "english": "Don't scare, okay? Stay here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救救我家人", "english": "You have to help my family!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必须得救他们", "english": "We have to help them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的家人还在那", "english": "My family is back there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Leave now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得走了", "english": "We have to go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁把动物放出来了", "english": "Who let all the animals out, uh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得带上他", "english": "He's got to go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那 快看那", "english": "There! Look there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斑马 斑马", "english": "Zebra! Zebra!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这 在这", "english": "Over here! Over here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克", "english": "Richard Parker?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 走开 走开", "english": "No! Go away! Go away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿妈", "english": "Ama!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿爸", "english": "Apa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉维", "english": "Ravi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎乘坐派的方舟", "english": "Welcome to Pi's ark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的孩子呢 橙汁", "english": "Where is your boy, Orange Juice?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心 他们肯定跟我爸妈在一起", "english": "Don't worry. I bet mother and father found it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们很快就会赶上的", "english": "They'll all be here soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗", "english": "Hello!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗", "english": "Hello!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗", "english": "Anybody!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下 停下 快停下", "english": "Stop it! No! Stop it! Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 橙汁", "english": "Sorry, Orange Juice,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想起来了", "english": "It's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想起来了", "english": "It's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要这样", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来呀", "english": "Com'on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来呀", "english": "Com'on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来呀", "english": "Com'on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫派·帕特尔", "english": "My name is Pi Patel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我遭遇了海难", "english": "I have been on a ship wreck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在孤身一人在救生筏上", "english": "I am on a lifeboat, alone..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一只老虎", "english": "with a tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请求救援", "english": "Please send help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神啊", "english": "God..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我将自己都交给您", "english": "I give myself to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是您的奴仆", "english": "I am your vassal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还会怎样 告诉我吧", "english": "Whatever comes, I want to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我神谕吧", "english": "Show me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本就看不出水流方向", "english": "There are no lines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安顿好你的船 准备打场持久战", "english": "Set ??your house in order, and dig in for the battle to survive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "建立严格的每日用食计划", "english": "Establish a strict schedule for eating,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不断观望 保证休息", "english": "keeping watch, and getting rest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "严禁饮用尿液和海水", "english": "Do not drink urine or seawater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找点事做 但不要耗费过多精力", "english": "Keep busy, but avoid unnecessary exertion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "合唱是另一种振作精神的好方法", "english": "Community singing is another sure fire way to lift the spirit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总之 不要失去希望", "english": "Above all, don't lose hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有什么比晕船更让人丧失斗志了", "english": "Few things can sap the spirit faster than sea sickness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当船侧对着海浪时", "english": "Waves are more strongly felt"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海锚能起到拖拽的作用", "english": "A sea anchor is used as"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恰当的使用会让船保持平稳", "english": "Proper use of them can increase control,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若遇难者必须与", "english": "For castaways who must share"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大型肉食动物共用救生艇", "english": "their lifeboats with large dangerous carnivals,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "选择海浪中等但比较规律的一天", "english": "Choose a day when waves are moderate, but regular."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让救生艇迎着浪头", "english": "With the lifeboat facing into the waves,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽可能让船行得平稳舒适", "english": "making the ride as comfortable as possible,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后缓缓地吹着口哨", "english": "blow your whistle soothingly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之后让船侧冲着浪头", "english": "Turn the lifeboat sideways to the waves,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并尖锐有力地吹着口哨", "english": "accompanied by harsh, aggressive use of the whistle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重复次数达到一定程度", "english": "With sufficient repetition,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就会条件反射产生晕船感", "english": "with the discomfort of sea sickness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马戏团就长期用类似的方法训练猛兽", "english": "Similar methods have long been used by circus trainers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管他们一般不会真的身处大海", "english": "though they generally lack access to rough seas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拭目以待吧", "english": "Prepare to be amazed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎大家莅临指导观赏", "english": "Organized for your enjoyment, and instruction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这场会让您终身难忘的表演", "english": "The show you've been waiting for all you life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即将开始", "english": "will soon begin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好一起见证奇迹了吗", "english": "Are you ready for the miracle event?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稍安勿躁 马上呈上", "english": "Well then, I give to you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令你大开眼界的孟加拉虎", "english": "the astounding Bengal tiger!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊 理查德·帕克", "english": "Hello, Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉让你这么颠簸", "english": "Sorry for the choppy ride."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的地盘 明白吗", "english": "Mine! You understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的地盘 我的地盘", "english": "Yours! Mine!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听明白了吗", "english": "You understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来 理查德·帕克", "english": "Here, Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你准备了些水喝", "english": "I got some water for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在动物园里", "english": "In the zoo, we fed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老虎每天要吃五公斤肉", "english": "the tigres in average of five kilos of meat a day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克很快就会饿的", "english": "Richard Paker will getting hungry soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老虎是游泳健将", "english": "Tigres are powerful swimmers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果它饿极了", "english": "and if he gets hungry enough,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕这么一水之隔", "english": "I'm afraid the little bit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就很难保我一条命了", "english": "of water between us won't be any protection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得想办法喂饱它", "english": "I need to find a way to feed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以吃饼干 但老虎生来就是吃肉的", "english": "I can eat the biscuits, but God made tigers carnivores,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我必须学会捕鱼", "english": "So I must learn to catch fish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果学不会", "english": "If I don't,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后被吃掉的估计就是瘦骨嶙峋还吃素的我了", "english": "I'm afraid his last meal will be a skinny vegetarian boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有点耐心", "english": "Patience!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都做了些什么", "english": "What I'm doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 正在想呢", "english": "Wait! Thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实在对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感谢您 毗湿奴", "english": "Thank you, Lord Vishnu!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感谢您化身为鱼 救了我们的命", "english": "Thank you for coming in the form of a fish and saving our life!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢您", "english": "Thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把所有的饼干和饮用水", "english": "Of course, I brought all"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搬到了我的木筏上", "english": "the biscuits and water on the raft with me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以免被老虎吃掉", "english": "to keep them safe..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是笨蛋", "english": "Idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "饥饿会改变一切", "english": "Hunger can change everything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你永远都想不到自己会变成什么样", "english": "you ever thought you knew about yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我的", "english": "It's mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能每次都冒生命危险", "english": "I can't risk my life every time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也该有个了断了", "english": "It's time to settle this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "既然要共存 我们就得学会沟通", "english": "If we're going to live together, we have to learn to communicate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我们不能成为朋友", "english": "Maybe Richard Parker can't be teamed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但好在还可以驯服", "english": "But with God's will, he can be trimmed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不对", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乖", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进去 理查德·帕克 快进去", "english": "Go, Richard Parker. Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回窝里去吧 我不会打搅你的", "english": "Go on home, I'll leave you alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会烦你 我保证", "english": "I'll respect that, promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进去 快点", "english": "Go! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没有想到", "english": "I never thought a small"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这点东西却带给我如此多的快乐", "english": "piece of shit could bring me so much happiness,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没想到一袋工具 一个空桶 一把小刀 一支铅笔", "english": "that a pile of tools, a bucket, a knife, a pencil,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会是我最丰厚的宝藏", "english": "might become my greatest treasures,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没想到理查德·帕克的陪伴竟会让我感到安心", "english": "or that knowing Richard Parker was here might ever bring me peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每当这时", "english": "In times like these,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就会想起 他和我一样", "english": "I remember that he has as"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对现实世界的认知寥寥无几", "english": "little experience of the real world as I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都在动物园中被同一个主人养大", "english": "We were both raised in a zoo by the same master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而现在我们都成了孤儿", "english": "Now we've been orphaned,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被弃在这里共同面对我们最高的主上", "english": "left to face our ultimate master together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有理查德·帕克 我根本活不到现在", "english": "Without Richard Parker, I would have died by now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对他的恐惧让我时刻保持警惕", "english": "My fear of him keeps me alert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要满足他的各种需要 也让我有点事做", "english": "Tending to his needs gives my life focus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海豚", "english": "Dolphins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克", "english": "Hey, Richard Parker!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总之 不要失去希望", "english": "Above all, don't lose hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五 零 六 六 零 八 零 一 三 六", "english": "Five, zero, six, six, zero, eight, zero, one, three, six..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在看什么", "english": "What're you looking at?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我说说", "english": "Talk to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说说你看到了什么", "english": "Tell me what you see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我仅剩下一具凡身在苦苦支撑", "english": "Mortal, all I have left and hang on to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切仿佛都静止了 都变得支离破碎", "english": "Everything make stopped, fragmented."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分不清黑夜白天 也分不清梦境现实", "english": "Can't tell day dreams, night dreams from reality anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "风暴来了 理查德·帕克", "english": "A storm, Richard Parker!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊 基督需要您", "english": "Christ needs you, God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在等待您的教诲", "english": "Longing for his words!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仁慈的主 慈悲的主啊", "english": "The compassionate! The mercyful!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显灵吧", "english": "Come out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克 出来 出来看那", "english": "Richard Parker! Come out, you have to see this!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太美了", "english": "It's beautiful!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别躲着 上帝显身了", "english": "Don't hide yourself! He's come to us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是神谕", "english": "It's a vision!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 上帝显灵了 理查德·帕克", "english": "Come on, this is God, Richard Parker!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么要吓唬他", "english": "Why are you scaring him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经失去了家人", "english": "I've lost my family,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经失去了一切", "english": "I've lost everything!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我完全屈服了 您还想怎样", "english": "I surrender! What else do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 理查德·帕克", "english": "I'm sorry, Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要死了 理查德·帕克", "english": "We're dying, Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿妈", "english": "Amma..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿爸 拉维", "english": "Apa, Ravi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿爸 拉维 我们很快就能团聚了", "english": "Apa, Ravi, I'm going to see you soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你感觉到下雨了吗", "english": "Can you feel the rain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊", "english": "God..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感谢您赐予我生命", "english": "Thank you for giving me my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我准备好了", "english": "I'm ready now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克", "english": "Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让一下", "english": "Excuse me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让一下", "english": "excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离我远点", "english": "Hey. Get rid of me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的床", "english": "It's my bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是人的牙齿", "english": "It was a human tooth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看不出这个岛会吃人吗", "english": "Don't you see the island was carnivorous?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃人 像捕蝇草那样吗", "english": "Carnivorous? Like a Venus Fly trap?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 整个就是个食人岛", "english": "Yes. The whole island."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有的植被 水源 池塘 和岛屿本身", "english": "The plants, the water and those pools, the very ground itself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白天 池塘里都是清澈的水", "english": "During the day, those pools held fresh water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但到夜里 池子里的水", "english": "But at night, some chemical process"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通过了某种化学变化变成了酸液", "english": "turned the water in those pools into acid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些酸液溶解了池子里的鱼", "english": "Acid that disolved those fish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吓得海岛猫鼬爬上了树", "english": "That send meerkats scaring to the trees,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克也吓得跑回船上", "english": "and Richard Parker running to the boat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这颗牙是哪儿来的呢", "english": "But where'd the tooth come from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "估计以前有个像我一样的倒霉蛋", "english": "Years ago, some poor fellow just like me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和我一样觉得自己会在岛上度过余生", "english": "And like me, he thought he might stay there forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他白天从岛上拿到的一切", "english": "But all that the island gave him by day,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上统统会被收回", "english": "it took away again by night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想他在只有海岛猫鼬为伴的", "english": "To think how many hours he spent,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况下待了多久", "english": "with only meerkats for company."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会感到多么孤单寂寞", "english": "How much loneliness taken on him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只知道最后他死了", "english": "All I know is that eventually he died,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "岛屿消化了他的血肉", "english": "and the island digested him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只留下一颗牙齿", "english": "leaving behind only his teeth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我预见到了自己继续待在岛上的下场", "english": "I saw how my life would end, if I stayed on that island."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孤独寂寞 被世间遗忘", "english": "Alone, forgotten."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定要重返人世 不成功便成仁", "english": "I had to get back to the world, or die trying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二天我便着手整备船只", "english": "I spent the next day preparing the boat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用海藻拼命把肚子填满", "english": "ate sea weed until my stomach could take no more,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了解决理查德·帕克的果腹问题", "english": "and brought as many meerkats as I could fit into"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还把储物柜里塞满了海岛猫鼬", "english": "the storey's locker for Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当然不能把他丢下", "english": "I couldn't leave without him, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会死在这儿的", "english": "It would be killing him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我等他归来", "english": "And so I waited for his return."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道他不会迟到", "english": "I knew he wouldn't be late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克", "english": "Richard Parker!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从那以后再没人见过这个漂浮的小岛", "english": "No one has seen that floating island since."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也没有文献记载过那种树", "english": "And you won't read about those trees in any nature book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果不是那次停靠 或许我早就死了", "english": "And yet, if I hadn't found those shores, I would have died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而如果没有发现那颗牙齿", "english": "And if I hadn't discovered that tooth,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也会迷死自我 孤独终老", "english": "I would have been lost, alone forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时上帝看似抛弃了我 但他都看在眼里", "english": "Even when God seemed to have abandoned me, he was watching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看似对我的苦难漠不关心 但他都看在眼里", "english": "Even when he seemed indifferent to my suffering, he was watching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我彻底放弃希望的时候", "english": "And when I was beyond all hope of saving,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他赐予了我安宁", "english": "he gave me rest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并喻示我重新启程", "english": "And gave me a sign to continue my journey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我们到达墨西哥海岸时", "english": "By the time we reached the Mexican shore,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都不敢放手让小船自己漂走", "english": "I was afraid to let go off the boat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经精疲力尽 奄奄一息", "english": "My strength was gone, I was so weak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怕自己会淹死在这浅浅两尺的海水中", "english": "I was afraid that in two feet of water,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而希望之光就在这么近的前方", "english": "so close to deliverance, I would drown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我挣扎着上了岸 一头栽倒在沙滩上", "english": "I struggled to shore, and fell upon the sand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沙子很温暖 很柔软", "english": "It was warm and soft,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就如同贴上了上帝的脸颊一般", "english": "like pressing my face against the cheek of God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在某个地方 定有一双眼睛含着满意的笑", "english": "And somewhere, two eyes were smiling, that having me there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我虚弱得动弹不得", "english": "I was so spent, I could hardly move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以理查德·帕克走在了前面", "english": "And so Richard Parker went ahead of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他伸展了一下四肢 沿着海岸走去", "english": "He stretched his legs, and walked along the shore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在丛林的边缘 他止住了脚步", "english": "At the edge of the jungle, he stopped."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为他一定会回眸看我一眼", "english": "I was certain he was going to look back to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骄傲地捊平自己的耳朵", "english": "Flatten his ears to his head, proud,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为这段旅程画上一个句号", "english": "that he would bring our relationship to an end in some way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他却头也不回地走进了丛林", "english": "But he just teared ahead into the jungle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克 我凶猛的同伴", "english": "And then, Richard Parker, my fierce companion,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我生存下来的恐怖伴侣", "english": "the terrible one who kept me alive,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这样从我的生命中永远地消失了", "english": "disappeared forever from my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几个小时后 我被一个同类发现", "english": "After a few hours, a member of my own species found me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不久后他带来一帮人救走了我", "english": "He left and returned with a group who carried me away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我像个小孩一样嚎啕大哭", "english": "And I wept like a child,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是因为获救的激动 虽然这也是事实", "english": "not because I was overwhelmed of having survived, altough I was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是因为理查德·帕克离开了我", "english": "I was weeping because Richard Parker left me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就那么走了", "english": "so unceremoniously."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我伤透了心", "english": "It broke my heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲说得对", "english": "You know, my father was right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理查德·帕克从来没把我当朋友", "english": "Richard Parker never saw me as his friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即便一起经历了那么多 他还是头都没回就走了", "english": "After all we had been through, he didn't even look back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我还是相信 他们的眼里", "english": "But I have to believe there was more in these eyes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一些倒影之外的东西", "english": "than my own reflection staring back at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我确定 我能感受到", "english": "I know it, I felt it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使我无法证明", "english": "Even if I can't prove it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我失去了那么多", "english": "You know, I've left so much behind,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的家人 动物园 印度 阿南蒂", "english": "my family, the zoo, India, Anandi..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在印度的那段人生就像是一幕剧 剧终人散", "english": "I suppose India and the whole of life becomes an act of letting go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但最让人的心痛的是", "english": "But what will always hurt the most,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没能好好道别", "english": "is not taking a moment to say goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再也没有机会感谢父亲 感谢他教我的一切", "english": "I was never able to thank my father, for all I know from him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他 如果没有他的教诲", "english": "To tell him without his lessons,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我恐怕就活不了了", "english": "I would never have survived!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然理查德·帕克是一只老虎 但是", "english": "I know Richard Parker's a tigre, but"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我多想告诉他 \"都结束了 我们活下来了", "english": "I wish I had said: \"It's over, we survived..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感谢你救了我的命 我爱你 理查德·帕克", "english": "thank you for saving my life. I love you, Richard Parker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会永远活在我的心里", "english": "You'll always be with me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我没办法再陪你了\"", "english": "But I can't be with you.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道该说什么", "english": "I don't know what to say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很难相信 对吧", "english": "It's hard to believe, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得慢慢消化", "english": "It is a lot to take in"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才能明白其中更深的含义", "english": "to figure out what that all means."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 事情就是这样", "english": "No, if it happened, it happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么要求一切都有深意呢", "english": "Why should it have to mean anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但某些部分还是难以置信", "english": "But some of it is pretty incredible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是船难中唯一幸存下来的人", "english": "See, I was the only one who survived the ship wreck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个日本的航运公司派了两个人来找我问话", "english": "The Japanese shipping company sent two men to talk to me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在我休养的那家墨西哥医院里", "english": "in the Mexican hospital where I was recovering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在还留着那次报告的复印件", "english": "I still have a copy of the report."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为有些保险理赔的事务要处理", "english": "There are insurance claims to settle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们想弄清那艘船沉没的原因", "english": "They wanted to find out why the ship sank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他们却不相信我的故事", "english": "They didn't believe me, either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成千上万的海岛猫鼬", "english": "Thousands of meerkats,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活在一个无人知晓的食人浮岛上", "english": "on an floating carnivorous island, and no one has ever seen it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 正如我所说", "english": "Yes. Just like I told you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "香蕉可不会浮在水上", "english": "Bananas don't float."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说那只红毛猩猩是坐在", "english": "You said the orangutan floated to you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一捆浮在水上的香蕉来到你船上的", "english": "on a bundle of bananas,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但香蕉是不会浮在水上的", "english": "but bananas don't float."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会的 你自己试试就知道了", "english": "Of course they do, you try it for yourself!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不论如何 香蕉和海岛猫鼬也不是重点", "english": "In any case, we are not here to talk about bananas or meerkats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚说完一个很长的故事 我累了", "english": "Look, I just told a long story, and I'm very tired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找你是为了查清那日本货轮", "english": "We are here because a Japanese cargo ship"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在太平洋沉没的原因", "english": "sank in the Pacific!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我永远不会忘记这件事", "english": "Something I'll never forget."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我失去了所有家人", "english": "I lost my whole family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们也不是要逼你", "english": "We don't mean to push you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们对你的遭遇表示同情", "english": "And you have our deepest sympathies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们千里赶来", "english": "But we have come a long way,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却没弄清船难发生的原因", "english": "and we are not closer to understanding why the ship sank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我不知道", "english": "Because I don't know!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时我睡着了 被什么东西吵醒了", "english": "I was asleep, something woke me up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能是爆炸声 我也不确定", "english": "it could have been an explosion, I can't be sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后船就沉了", "english": "And then the ship sank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还想从我这儿问出什么", "english": "What else do you want from me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个合理的说法 而不是天方夜谭", "english": "A story that won't make us look like fools."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要一个简单的故事来交差", "english": "We need a simpler story for our report."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个公司能看懂的故事", "english": "One our company can understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个大家都相信的故事", "english": "A story we can all believe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要那些闻所未闻的东西", "english": "So a story without things you've never seen before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要千奇百怪的事 也不要动物的浮岛", "english": "Without surprises, without... animals or islands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 我们要真相", "english": "Yes. The truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么跟他们说的", "english": "So... what did you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给他们说了另一个故事", "english": "I told them another story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有四个人幸存下来", "english": "Four of us survived,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时厨子和水手已经登上了救生艇", "english": "the cook and the sailor were already aboard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厨子丢给我一个救生圈 把我拉上船", "english": "The cook threw me a life buoy and pull me aboard,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我母亲也抓着一捆香蕉上了救生艇", "english": "and Mother held on on some bananas and made it to the life boat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那厨子品行极为恶劣", "english": "The cook... was a disgusting man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他吃了一只老鼠", "english": "He ate a rat!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "船上的应急食品够吃好几周了", "english": "We had food enough for weeks,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才过了几天 他抓到一只老鼠就吃了", "english": "but he found the rat in the first few days and he killed it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他把它晾干就这么吃了", "english": "he dried it in the sun and ate it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽兽不如", "english": "Just a brute bad man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他也很有办法", "english": "But he was resourceful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他提出造一艘木筏来捕鱼的主意", "english": "It was his idea to build the raft to catch fish,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是他 我们估计撑不了几天", "english": "we would have died in those first few days without him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个水手就是之前", "english": "The sailor was the same man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "端着肉汁拌饭过来的佛教徒", "english": "who brought rice and gravy, the buddhist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不太能听懂他说的话", "english": "We didn't understand much what he said,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了他痛苦的哀嚎", "english": "only that he was suffering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他跳上救生艇的时候 摔折了腿", "english": "He'd broken his leg horribly in the fall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们尽力处理了伤口", "english": "We tried to set it best we could,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他的腿伤还是逐渐感染了", "english": "but the leg became infected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厨子说我们得给他截肢 不然他会死的", "english": "And the cook said that we had to do something, but he... died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厨子说他来动手", "english": "The cook said he'd do it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "母亲和我则负责按住那个水手", "english": "but Mother and I had to hold the man down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信了 只有这样才能救他", "english": "And I believed him, we needed to do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "于是", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不断地说 \"对不起 对不起\"", "english": "I kept saying \"I'm sorry, I'm sorry\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而他只是看着我 他的眼神真的...", "english": "He just kept looking at me, his eyes were so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我永远都不明白 为何要让他受这般折磨", "english": "I'll never understand the point of that man suffering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我耳边还会响起他那句", "english": "I can still hear him:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们最终还是没救活他 他死了", "english": "We didn't save him, of course. He died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一天早晨 厨子第一次钓到了金枪鱼", "english": "The morning after the cook caught his first Dorado"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一开始我还不知道他搞了什么花样", "english": "and I didn't understand what he'd done at first,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但母亲明白了 我从来没见过她那么生气", "english": "but Mother did, and I had never seen Mother so angry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你害死他就是为了拿他当鱼饵 禽兽”", "english": "You let that poor boy dying only to get bait, you monster!\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他突然疯了似的举起拳头向她冲去", "english": "He's got furious, he started towards her with his fists raised,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而母亲重重地抽了他一耳光", "english": "And Mother slapped him hard right across the face!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愣住了", "english": "I was stunned!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时我以为他会立刻杀了她", "english": "I thought he was gonna kill her right then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他没有", "english": "He didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他继续用水手的尸体作饵捕鱼", "english": "The cook didn't stop with bait either, no..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个水手", "english": "The sailor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的下场和那只老鼠一样", "english": "he went the same way as the rat went."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厨子是个诡计多端的人", "english": "The cook was a resourceful man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一周之后他又", "english": "It was a week later that he..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都怪我", "english": "because of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怪我没抓住一只该死的乌龟", "english": "Because I couldn't hold on this stupid turtle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它从我手上滑走了", "english": "It slipped out of my hand and swam away,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厨子过来就朝我的侧脸揍了一拳", "english": "and the cook came up, and he punched me on the side of my head,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一拳打得我眼冒金星 嘴里牙齿叮当作响", "english": "and my teeth clacked and I saw stars,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为他会继续揍我", "english": "I thought he was gonna hit me again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但母亲开始拼命地打他", "english": "but Mother started pounding on him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "满面狰狞地吼叫着 \"禽兽 禽兽\"", "english": "with her face screaming \"Monster, monster!\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她拉着我往木筏游去", "english": "She held with me go to the raft."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为她会一起来 不然我绝对会留下", "english": "I thought she was coming with me, or I'd never have!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道当时我为什么没让她先走", "english": "I don't know why I didn't make her go first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我每天都在想这个问题", "english": "I think about that every day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我纵身一跃 回头正好看到厨子拿出了刀", "english": "I jumped over and turned back just as the knife came out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我却无能为力", "english": "There wasn't anything I could do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能看着", "english": "Couldn't look away..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他把她的尸体扔到海里", "english": "He threw her body overboard,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲨鱼循着血迹游过来", "english": "and then the sharks came."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看见 它们 看见", "english": "And I saw, they... saw..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二天 我杀了他", "english": "Next day, I killed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没有还手 他知道自己太过分了", "english": "He didn't even fight back, he knew he'd gone too far."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即便是他 也觉得太过分了", "english": "Even by his own standards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他把刀子放在了船舷边上", "english": "He left the knife out of the bench,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像他对水手一样 我也那么处理了他", "english": "and I did to him what he did to the sailor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他很丑恶 但始终是个人", "english": "He was such an evil man, but was still hum..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他引出了我内心的恶魔", "english": "He brought the evil out of me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只能忍受着恶魔的折磨", "english": "And I have to live with that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救生艇上就我一个人", "english": "I was alone in the lifeboat,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂越了整个太平洋", "english": "drifting across the Pacific ocean,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我活了下来", "english": "and I survived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说完之后 他们也哑口无言了", "english": "After that, they had no more questions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那两个调查员似乎不喜欢这个故事", "english": "The investigators didn't seem to like the story, exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们向我致谢 祝我早日康复", "english": "They thanked me. They wished me well,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之后就离开了", "english": "and they left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是说", "english": "So the story is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斑马和水手都摔断了腿", "english": "Both the zebra and the sailor broke their leg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鬣狗咬死了斑马和红毛猩猩", "english": "And a hyena killed the zebra and the orangutan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以说", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厨子就是那只鬣狗", "english": "The hyena is the cook,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水手是那只斑马", "english": "the sailor is the zebra,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你母亲则是那只红毛猩猩", "english": "your mother is the orangutan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那", "english": "And..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是", "english": "you're..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老虎", "english": "the tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能问个问题吗", "english": "Can I ask you something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海上的故事我讲了两个版本", "english": "I told you two stories about what happened out in the ocean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两个故事都没有阐明货轮失事的原因", "english": "Neither explains what cause the sinking of the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且没有人能证明它们孰真孰假", "english": "And no one can prove which story is true and which is not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个故事中 船都沉了", "english": "In both stories, the ship sinks,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都失去了家人而且备受折磨", "english": "my family dies, and I suffer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确实", "english": "True."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你更喜欢哪个故事", "english": "So which story do you prefer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有老虎的那个", "english": "The one with the tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个好多了", "english": "That's the better story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它也更接近上帝的旨意", "english": "And so it goes with God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛玛吉说得对", "english": "Mamaji was right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是个神奇的故事", "english": "It's an amazing story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你愿意让我写下它吗", "english": "Will you really let me write it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不就是玛玛吉让你来这儿的原因吗", "english": "Isn't that why Mamaji sent you here, after all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我妻子回来了", "english": "My wife is here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留下来吃晚饭吗 她的厨艺没话说", "english": "Do you want to stay for dinner? She's an incredible cook!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来你还娶了老婆", "english": "I didn't know you had a wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一只猫和两个孩子", "english": "And a cat and and two children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你的故事还算有个圆满的结局", "english": "So your story does have an happy ending."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就取决于你了", "english": "Well... that's up to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个故事现在归你了", "english": "The story is yours now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "承载着无比的勇气和坚韧", "english": "Of courage and endurance,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在海运史上也可谓凤毛麟角", "english": "unparalleled in the history of shippings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几乎无人能在海上生存如此之久", "english": "Very few can claim to have survived so long at sea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更别说在一只成年孟加拉虎的陪伴之下\"", "english": "And none in the company of an adult Bengal tigre."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "家里来客人了 给你介绍一下", "english": "We have a guest, let me introduce you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 很高兴见到你", "english": "Hi. Very nice to meet you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是阿蒂卡", "english": "Adika."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是拉维", "english": "Ravi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "切", "english": "- I'm with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一直很美", "english": "You know you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板来了", "english": "Boss is here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都听见了吧? 老板来了", "english": "Y'all hear that? The boss is here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有些小事要处理", "english": "I've got to handle some details."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你雇的那些人干嘛?", "english": "Don't you have people for that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这叫 \"客户服务\" 塔莎", "english": "It's called \"customer service,\" Tasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这事我亲力亲为", "english": "I do this part myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 我要更多香槟", "english": "Excuse me, more champagne,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏特加 还有更多其它的就酒", "english": "more vodka, more everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 等等 别走", "english": "Mm, wait, wait, hold up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再来些鸡尾酒和龙舌兰酒", "english": "Bring some henny and bring some patron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以如果着火 我们就死定了", "english": "so if he shows up, we're fucked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里人山人海", "english": "Place is fucking bananas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是值得冒这个险的", "english": "You might be worth the risk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说过 这事交给我没问题 现在我做到了", "english": "I told you, that's all behind me now, and I delivered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是今年最棒的的夜店开业庆典", "english": "This is the best goddamn nightclub opening"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了这事我绞尽脑汁 动用了一切关系", "english": "the whole year. My whole database turned out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 你功不可没 找对了人", "english": "Yeah, you know the right people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天是个开门红 但我们还是要认真做生意", "english": "And it's bangin' tonight, but we stay in business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火辣音乐 性感女郎", "english": "We keep the music hot, the women hot,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有千万别让人靠近这扇门", "english": "and make it damn near impossible to get in this fucking door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的VIP们也不行?", "english": "Even for my VIP's?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 去你的VIP们", "english": "Come on, fuck your VIP's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要重新定义这个词", "english": "We gonna redefine the word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板", "english": "Boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 老板 他们想你去次楼下", "english": "Hey, boss, they want you downstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也要去吗?", "english": "Should I come too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在车里等着", "english": "You wait in the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得你能他妈的从我这偷了东西", "english": "You think you can fucking steal from me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还能毫发无伤地远走高飞?", "english": "and then just walk the fuck away?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我什么也没做 大哥!", "english": "I didn't do anything, man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她毫不知情!", "english": "She don't know nothing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧! 嘿 嘿 是我偷的", "english": "Okay, look! Hey, hey, look! Hey, I stole from you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗 是我偷的 求求你", "english": "Okay, it was me. Look, please, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗 这不是她的错", "english": "Okay, it's not her fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说对了 米格尔", "english": "You're right there, Miguel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是玛丽亚的错 是你的", "english": "It's not Maria's fault, it's yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有机会改正错误的", "english": "You have your opportunity to make this right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只要告诉我你把我的东西藏哪了", "english": "All you have to do is tell me where you hid my shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能 我不能", "english": "I can't. I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他根本没听懂我的话 玛丽亚", "english": "He's not listening to me, Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 你来对他说", "english": "Here, you talk to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他妈的发生什么事了?", "english": "What the fuck is going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵 见见米格尔·阿尔瓦雷斯", "english": "Ghost, meet Miguel Alvarez"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和他的未婚妻玛丽亚", "english": "and his fiancee Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁兹照例开车干活 这狗娘养的截了他的车", "english": "Cruz was driving his route when this motherfucker jumped him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还朝他脑袋开了一枪", "english": "shot him in the head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克鲁兹 所以他拿了...", "english": "Cruz, so he got..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钱! 一天的所有收入", "english": "the money! A whole day's paper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在维克多找到他之前 他已经脱手了", "english": "He handed it off before Victor tracked him down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了他真是便宜他了", "english": "Wasn't enough to kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个贪心的崽子还偷了克鲁兹的手机", "english": "This greedy motherfucker stole Cruz's phone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我们引到他的家里", "english": "led us right to his place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现他正和他女人在床上", "english": "Found him in bed with her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这蠢货还以为自己自由了", "english": "Moron thought he was home free,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正要和他女人做爱庆祝", "english": "about to have his celebration fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你他妈的把他带到这来干嘛?", "english": "Why the fuck would you bring him here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "楼上人满为患", "english": "I got a full house upstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你想亲自教训教训这个狗娘养的", "english": "I thought you'd want to teach this motherfucker a lesson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那那个女的?", "english": "And the girl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要用她来逼他开口", "english": "He needed some persuasion to talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得放了那个女的", "english": "We got to let her go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米 用脑子想想", "english": "Tommy, think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这女的有兄弟姐妹", "english": "This girl has brothers, cousins,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一些关心在乎她的人", "english": "someone who gives a fuck about her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把她卷进来 她家里人就会到处找她", "english": "You fuck with her, they come running, looking for her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泰诺人兄弟, 索尔达多族", "english": "Hermanos Tainos, Soldado Nation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们打交道的 或更糟 我们没交情的", "english": "People we deal with, or worse, people we don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和玛丽亚说再见 米格尔", "english": "Say good-bye to Maria, Miguel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 米格尔", "english": "Oh, Miguel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 对不起", "english": "Hey, I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米格尔 求求你说了吧", "english": "Miguel, por favor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米格尔 宝贝! 米格尔! 米格尔!", "english": "Miguel, baby! Miguel! Miguel!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家 洗个澡", "english": "Go home, take a shower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会派我的人送你回去 好吗?", "english": "I'll send my man here with you, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把那些衣服给他 然后你第二天照常去上班", "english": "You give him these clothes. You go to work tomorrow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像什么事也没发生过 如果有人问起", "english": "like nothing happened. If somebody ask you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就说你和米格利图分手了 明白?", "english": "you and Miguelito broke up, understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从没来过这", "english": "You were never here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 好的!", "english": "Si. Si!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛丽亚 对不起!", "english": "Maria! I'm sorry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米格尔!", "english": "Miguel!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你", "english": "You and me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个都不想呆在这的人", "english": "two men who would rather be anywhere but here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本来还有别的事 你呢?", "english": "I know I had other plans. How 'bout you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你有计划 米格尔", "english": "I know you had a plan, Miguel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是偶然杀了负责帮我收钱的人", "english": "You didn't hit my money man by chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人告诉你 去哪 杀谁", "english": "Someone told you where to go, who to hit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一个字也不会告诉你的", "english": "Man, I ain't gonna tell you shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米拉...米拉 我们把玛丽亚放了", "english": "Mira...Mira. We let Maria go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只要告诉我们谁指使你的", "english": "Tell me who set this up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也会放了你", "english": "and I'll let you go too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能 我不能 我不能", "english": "I can't. I can't. I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你 求求你 好吗?", "english": "Pl... please, man. Please, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发誓了不能说 我发誓了 噢我的天呐", "english": "I swear to God. I swear to God. Oh, God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都知道会怎么样", "english": "We both know how this ends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人能开开心心地走出这扇大门 不是吗?", "english": "Neither one of us walks out of here a happy man, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想背信弃义 我不想", "english": "I don't wanna rat. I don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣帕特里克夫人 你看到过老板吗?", "english": "Mrs. St. Patrick. You seen the boss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想给他看今晚目前入场的人数", "english": "I want to show him the numbers so far tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令人难以置信", "english": "We're killing it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 但你可以给我看", "english": "No, but you can show them to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道老板会不会同意", "english": "I don't know if I'm supposed to do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以给我看", "english": "You can show them to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚棒极了 人满爆棚", "english": "We're having an amazing night. Off the charts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说是就是", "english": "If you say so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他长得真帅", "english": "He's cute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米格尔 你的问题是", "english": "Your problem is, Miguel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为了你的愚忠而经受不必要的痛苦", "english": "you suffer from a serious case of misplaced loyalty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你今晚去偷一群不该惹的人", "english": "the wrong motherfuckers tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许他们高估了你 或许他们低估了我们", "english": "Either they overestimated you or they underestimated us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他们选择让你背黑锅 小伙伴", "english": "But they left you hanging out to dry, partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我谁雇了你", "english": "Tell me who hired you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后你可以跟着我们混", "english": "And then you can come work for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚你还能回你的床上睡", "english": "Tonight, you sleep in tu cama."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还有一次机会 米格利图", "english": "You still have a choice, Miguelito."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不怕死", "english": "I'm not afraid to die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我也不怕杀了你", "english": "And I'm not afraid to kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这里清理干净", "english": "Clean that up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要这里弄得一干二净", "english": "I want the shit spotless,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像她妈的什么都没发生过!", "english": "like it never fucking happened!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这人完全没用", "english": "This shit makes no sense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能在那卖", "english": "Had to stay on to deliver."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在克鲁兹带着一整天赚得钱的时候 杀了他?", "english": "when he's holding the money from all the day runs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有我们今晚要用的", "english": "Plus we did that brick drop tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以克鲁兹今天拿的现金", "english": "So Cruz is carrying today's cash"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他妈的我们整个组织的钱 汤米", "english": "from our whole fucking organization, Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在他房里做完买卖再到这", "english": "after he's made the drop at the house,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们一个子也拿不到 你明白吗?", "english": "they get nothing. What does that tell you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那混蛋跟我们的人勾结", "english": "Asshole was working with one of our people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假如有人知道了我们的事怎么办?", "english": "What if it's someone who knows our fucking business?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泰诺人 洛克街女杀手 索尔达多族.", "english": "Tainos, Rock Street Killahz, Soldado Nation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们为何要恩将仇报呢?", "english": "Why would they bite the hand that feeds them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我们作对 他们就没渠道了", "english": "They fuck with us, they lose their distro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为是人都厌恶中间人 伙计", "english": "Because everybody hates middle management, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许他们想要直接跟货源接洽", "english": "Maybe they wanted to go straight to the source."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操 没人有本事直接向洛沃斯", "english": "Shit, none of these guys got the stones"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 Soldados或泰诺人兄弟", "english": "Still, the Soldados or Hermanos Tainos"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要想搞垮我们 就得将我们斩草除根", "english": "wanted to take us down, they'd hit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非他们一击即中", "english": "all our people, all at once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是说现在我们所有人", "english": "Which means we have to take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要撤出这条街", "english": "everybody off the street, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们经不起第二波袭击了", "english": "We can't afford to get hit again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都不知道幕后黑手", "english": "we don't know who they're working with."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们取消圣诞活动", "english": "We're canceling Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立刻全部停止", "english": "Shut it all down, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "买足够多的药让姑娘们亢奋", "english": "Just buy enough to keep the girls happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄? 我不差钱", "english": "Dude? I'm the best man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这些放回吧台 然后", "english": "Take that back to the bar, and when you're done,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都要点下一轮了", "english": "They all need to order another round."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他们喝酒慢了下来", "english": "I think they're slowing down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就让他们起身出去 上帝 外面大把人", "english": "Then get them up and out, holly... we got people outside"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想进来消费呢 快去", "english": "who want to give us their money. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 老天 真尽兴", "english": "Oh, my God, I had so much fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是 姑凉", "english": "I know, me too, girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢捧场", "english": "Thanks for coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 宝贝 电话联络", "english": "All right, babe. Call me later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗? 招待宾客?", "english": "You good? Entertaining our guests?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在很晚了 宝贝 我们回家吧?", "english": "It's late, baby. Why don't we go home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以单独庆祝一下", "english": "You know, we could do a little celebrating of our own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去拿车 送你回去后让肖恩再来找我", "english": "You take the car. Send Shawn back for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请你护送我老婆出门", "english": "Can you please escort my wife to the door?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 小T", "english": "Night, T."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再转转", "english": "I'm sticking around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在回去吗 圣帕特里克夫人?", "english": "Going home now, Mrs. St. Patrick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还能去哪呢?", "english": "Where else would I go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了吗 老爸?", "english": "See that, pop?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做到了", "english": "I did it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你儿子做到了", "english": "Your boy did it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个人都没嫌疑", "english": "Everyone got clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题 没人干坏事", "english": "No problems. Nobody tried shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直忙忙碌碌 打拼工作", "english": "All the hustling, all the work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从一开始为布雷兹和卡南管理堂口", "english": "From working the corner for Breeze and Kanan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白的 汤米 像我们这样长大的傻瓜", "english": "You know, for two knuckleheads that grew up like us, Tommy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能在城里立足 不是一件容易的事", "english": "to make it in the city, man, ain't no small shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加上由此引发的损失", "english": "Plus whatever we lost since."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卖酒水来弥补损失吗?", "english": "We make up for that selling drinks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钱不是真正的问题所在", "english": "The money ain't the real problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 真正的问题是...我们要找出", "english": "No, the real problem... we need to find out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚米格尔为了保护他们而死", "english": "Miguel died tonight to protect them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要找到答案", "english": "We need answers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽快", "english": "Quick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是告诉洛沃斯我们遭袭后", "english": "Especially after we tell Lobos we got hit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈的 我说我们不要告诉他吧", "english": "Shit, I say we don't tell him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他无须知道此事", "english": "He ain't gotta know about this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们付钱给他", "english": "We pay him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得预先就解除麻烦", "english": "We gotta get out in front of it, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只为他效劳六个月", "english": "Only six months we're working for him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯察觉此事后 发现我们瞒报?", "english": "Lobos finds out about this, and we ain't say shit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管怎么说是我们的责任 我们把", "english": "It's our ass anyway. We got his product sitting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的货放在集装箱", "english": "in a goddamn shipping container"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一分一秒钱都在流失", "english": "losing money by the minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可能又睡不着了", "english": "She probably can't fucking sleep again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是说洛沃斯到处惹事", "english": "I'm just saying, Lobos sets fire to people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计 那人跟他妹妹搞在一起", "english": "That guy was fucking his sister, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要给他他的那份钱...现金", "english": "We gotta give him his money... cash."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 我有一半 但在我妈那", "english": "Yeah. I got half. But it's out at my mother's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明天带过来", "english": "I'll bring it tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 我听到反馈了 E.O.那边那家伙?", "english": "Hey, I heard back from drift. That guy over in E.O.?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想下周和我们接头", "english": "He wants to get up with us next week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谈论从我们这买进", "english": "Talked about buying from us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得拖住泽西那边", "english": "Nah, we gotta hold off on Jersey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直道我们查出怎么回事", "english": "Not till we find out what the fuck's going on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要火中取栗", "english": "Can't expand under fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提一句 你找了群身材很正的妞", "english": "You got some fine-ass-looking girls"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其中一位...红发 高挑", "english": "There was this one... red hair, tall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敢问芳名?", "english": "What's her name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 是 是 是 是啊 是啊", "english": "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别碰...好吧", "english": "Don't touch the... okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会对红发念念不忘?", "english": "You ever gonna get over that red hair shit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能会", "english": "Probably not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么时候回来的?", "english": "When did you get home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很晚了", "english": "Late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以让你放松下来...", "english": "You know, I could help you relax..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你放手于我", "english": "If you let me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 别 塔什", "english": "Oh, come on, Tash."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我来", "english": "Let me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能 拜托了", "english": "I can't. Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你了 大哥", "english": "Please, man. Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不怕死", "english": "I'm not afraid to die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我也不介意杀了你", "english": "And I'm not afraid to kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷娜 你在干嘛?", "english": "Raina, what are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她在排练 妈妈", "english": "She's rehearsing, mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "低年级的学校剧试音会", "english": "The auditions for the lower school"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将在一个月后 我想好好准备", "english": "play in a month, and I want to be prepared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的是你的衣服", "english": "I'm talking about your outfit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝 这一点都不衬你身材", "english": "It's not flattering in your shape, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你买的那件裙子呢?", "english": "How about that nice dress I bought you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人穿裙子去学校 外婆", "english": "Nobody wears dresses to school, big mama."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸的乖女儿", "english": "Daddy's little girly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早 埃斯特尔", "english": "Morning, Estelle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好", "english": "Good morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要举办茶花会", "english": "We're gonna have a tea party"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉罗", "english": "Claro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我周二得交西班牙语作业", "english": "So I got Spanish homework due Tuesday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 你得自己做作业", "english": "You have to do your own work, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管怎么说他怎么会西班牙语的?", "english": "How does he know Spanish anyway?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 塔莎 他怎么懂西班牙语的?", "english": "Yeah, Tasha. How does he know Spanish?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们认识前 他就学过", "english": "He learned before we met."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好 圣帕特里克夫人", "english": "Morning, Mrs. St. Patrick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔里克 近来可好 少年?", "english": "Ah, Tariq, what's up, boy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们什么时候去打球 肖恩?", "english": "When we gonna hoop, Shawn?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都求你好久了", "english": "I've been begging you forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 放过他吧", "english": "Boy, leave him alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔里克 他很忙的", "english": "Tariq, he's busy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有大事要做", "english": "Got a big job now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你吃早饭吗?", "english": "You want some breakfast?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "桌子上吃的足够", "english": "There's more than enough to go around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快来 看这个 是你的吸管杯", "english": "Come on, here. Here's your sippy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肖恩", "english": "Shawn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次的历史报告怎么样? 晚点儿读给我听?", "english": "How's that history report? Give me a read later?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 我爱您", "english": "Daddy loves you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再吃些 好吗?", "english": "Keep working on it, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "代我向你妈妈问好", "english": "Tell your moms I said hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她身体越来越差了 你知道的", "english": "She's getting worse, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能一天都在外面", "english": "I can't be out there all the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯?", "english": "Lobos?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好别他妈的再改时间了", "english": "Better not be changing the fucking time again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说起来 我又在想", "english": "By the way, I'm rethinking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你提议 告诉洛沃斯我们被袭击了的事儿", "english": "this whole \"tell Lobos we got hit\" idea of yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坎托斯打来的", "english": "It's Kantos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧瞧他想干什么", "english": "Let's see what he wants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道西蒙·斯特恩吗?", "english": "You recognize the name Simon stern?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那家伙开赌场 出版社 糖浆厂", "english": "The cat that owns parlay, verbatim, syrup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 而且 还有五家俱乐部", "english": "Yeah, plus, like, five other clubs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是纽约最大夜店投资者之一", "english": "He's one of the biggest nightlife investors in New York."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他公司打电话来了", "english": "His office called."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想找地方和我聊聊", "english": "Wants to sit down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这里还有烂摊子要收拾", "english": "I got a lot of shit on my plate at the moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们晚点再说", "english": "We'll talk later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是件大事", "english": "It's a big deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只找大佬们谈生意", "english": "He only talks to the major guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 有Stern当我们的靠山", "english": "Look, with Stern behind us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明年年底 我们就可以在迈阿密和维加斯", "english": "we can open up clubs in Miami and Vegas"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开几家夜店", "english": "end of next year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会给你回电话的 伙计", "english": "I'll call you back, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有什么问题?", "english": "What's his problem now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过呢 别管他", "english": "You know what, never mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有正事儿要办", "english": "We got real shit to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵 汤米 很高兴再次见到你们", "english": "Ghost, Tommy. Good to see you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的钱带来了吗?", "english": "You have my money, of course?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三 四 五 六...", "english": "Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全都在这里 所有的", "english": "It's all there. Todo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有的", "english": "Todo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩德罗", "english": "Pedro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以了", "english": "Orale."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在把生意上的事儿解决了", "english": "Now that the business is out of the way,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以尽情吃喝玩乐 好吗?", "english": "we can eat and enjoy ourselves, eh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近怎么样?", "english": "How are things?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马马虎虎虎", "english": "Just fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些事得和你说", "english": "Something you need to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事?", "english": "Hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们昨晚被袭击了", "english": "We got hit last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听说了", "english": "So I heard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他知道袭击的时间 地点和对象", "english": "He knew who to hit, where and when."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以在知道是谁指使他之前 敌暗我明", "english": "So until we know how he got his information, we're exposed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把你的人从街上撤走了", "english": "You took your men off the street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没办法 必须撤走", "english": "Had to. No choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还好你没有让这些事", "english": "It's good to see that you knew enough"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "影响我们保护费金额", "english": "not to let it affect our pay schedule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六个月前我聘用你当我的纽约代理商时", "english": "When I hired you six months ago to be my New York distributor,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你向我保证提供高水准服务", "english": "you guaranteed me a certain level of professionalism."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉我那些公司 像国王团啊", "english": "You told me that the kings,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敢死党啊 还有DDP...", "english": "the bloods, the DDP..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都不值得我浪费时间", "english": "that none of them were worth my time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信你说的", "english": "I believe the exact words were,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不过是小喽罗 我们才是生意人", "english": "\"They're gangs. And we're a business.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还告诉我只有你可以保证", "english": "You also told me that only you could guarantee me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道这个行业 是没有保证的", "english": "You know in this business, there's no guarantees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经有应对计划了", "english": "We have a plan to fix this situation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你们没有时间吃中午饭了 下午好 先生们", "english": "Then you don't have time for lunch. Good afternoon, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Si."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去找鲁伊斯", "english": "I'll go see Ruiz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你负责去问阿尼巴尔和罗拉 好吗?", "english": "You get Anibal and Rolla, deal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都搞好了吗? 包括后备箱?", "english": "Full detail, right? Even the trunk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我讨厌血腥味", "english": "I hate the smell of blood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他向您问好", "english": "He sends his regards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会玩牌吗?", "english": "You play Dominoes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是社交见面 阿尼巴尔", "english": "This is not a social visit, Anibal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们昨晚都被袭击了", "english": "We got hit last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的错 我之前没听到什么消息", "english": "My bad, I ain't hear that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一点风声都没有?", "english": "Not a word?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一点都没有", "english": "Nada."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 干的那么大一票", "english": "Yeah, well, a score like that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总有人会提前吹牛的", "english": "somebody will brag about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肯定知道什么的", "english": "You hear something,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他对你们那么重要吗?", "english": "Means that much to you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他是你的人 你可以亲自杀了他", "english": "If it's one of your men, you can kill him yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只要看着就行", "english": "We just want to watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我知道是谁干的 我早就杀了他们了", "english": "If I knew who ordered it, yeah, they'd be dead already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的损失和你的一样多 哥们", "english": "My money guy, same as yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们打死了我手下 天使", "english": "They shot my boy, angel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我知道 你跟着其它帮派", "english": "Look. I know, okay, you work with other crews."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得事情变得更糟前制止它", "english": "You have to stop this before it goes any further."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能借你几个人保护你", "english": "I could lend you men, extra protection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 如果他们知道我们并肩作战", "english": "Nah, if they know we ride"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就会失去泰诺人和洛克街的信任", "english": "together, I lose trust of the tainos and rock street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米和我是中立的", "english": "Tommy and I are neutral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的 爸爸", "english": "Tu sabes eso, papa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Bueno."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说不定我们现在还能再干点什么", "english": "Maybe there's something else that we could work out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是冠军 汤米叔叔", "english": "It's the lead, uncle Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果是我夺冠的话 这绝对是件大新闻", "english": "If I get it, it'll be like a huge deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我才五年级", "english": "'Cause I'm only in the fifth grade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敢肯定 你唱的歌一定是", "english": "I'm sure you got the best singing voice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好听的 小丫头", "english": "in the whole place, baby girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么时候才能不叫我小丫头啊?", "english": "When are you gonna stop calling me that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是小孩了 茉莉才是", "english": "I'm not the baby anymore. Jasmine is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我眼看着你出生", "english": "I was there when you were born."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在我心里永远都是小丫头", "english": "You'll always be baby girl to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们心里都是", "english": "To all of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯嗯 哦 嗯嗯 谢谢啦 T", "english": "Mmm, oh. Mmm. Thanks, T."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你要是遇到一个会做饭的姑娘", "english": "You know, if you meet a girl who can cook,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜我们就再见不到你了", "english": "I bet we'd never see you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能 绝对不会的", "english": "No way that'll ever happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会回来 去学校接塔里克", "english": "I gotta come over here and school Tariq in Call of Duty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你知道你本不该玩", "english": "because you know you're not supposed to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 都是我不好", "english": "Oh, my bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我掌上明珠的星星", "english": "Stars for my little star."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续努力你的试音吧", "english": "Keep working hard on that audition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 爸爸 这是真钻石吗?", "english": "Wait, daddy. Are these real diamonds?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你总这样 你会把她惯坏的", "english": "If you keep this up, you're gonna spoil her rotten."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我送你礼物的时候你咋不说呢", "english": "And you don't complain when I do it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我准备一个盘子 好吗?", "english": "Fix me a plate, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米和我要在办公室谈事情", "english": "Tommy and I are gonna talk in the office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有活儿干了", "english": "We got work to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我看看这些钻石 小宝贝儿", "english": "Let me see them diamonds, baby girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索尔达多族也遭劫了", "english": "Soldado Nation got hit too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会吧", "english": "No shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁伊斯通过他佛罗里达州那边的关系", "english": "Ruiz got a full shipment of weapons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上周得到了一船的武器", "english": "from his c connect last week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全面动员我们的司机直到把事情解决", "english": "Our drivers can have full use till the shit blows over"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到抓到那个王八蛋", "english": "or until we catch the motherfucker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他提出派他们的人和我们一起", "english": "He offered to have his people ride with ours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管枪杆子底下出政权", "english": "The guns, though, that could work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你不喜欢这种方式", "english": "I know you don't like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察禁止司机", "english": "Police stop a driver"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运输消遣性货物及现金", "english": "carrying recreational weight and some cash,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米 不能掉以轻心", "english": "Tommy, that's one thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车里有枪 你要看动机", "english": "But a gun in the car,you're looking at intent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有更好的主意吗?", "english": "You got a better idea?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我们要开店不然洛沃斯就会撇下我们", "english": "because we gotta open up the store or Lobos will move on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更不用说我们的人没活儿干了", "english": "Not to mention our people off the clock,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的客户都会另辟蹊径", "english": "and our customers will find new places to cop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假使说我们找到了那个混蛋", "english": "Let's say we find the motherfucker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而他是阿尼巴尔的人", "english": "And it is one of Anibal's people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者是洛克街女杀手或者爱谁谁", "english": "or Rock Street Killahz or whoever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们就拿下他妈的整个团伙", "english": "Then we take down the whole fucking crew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们向他们展示 向所有人展示", "english": "We show them. We show everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不能像以前那样跟我得瑟", "english": "You can't fuck with us, like the old days"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在卡南成为局内人之前", "english": "before Kanan went inside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们那时太年轻 摇摆不定", "english": "We were young then. Mobile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我有太他妈多事忙了", "english": "I got too much shit going on now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太多事要隐瞒", "english": "to go into hiding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 夜总会...", "english": "The kids, the club..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下 所以现在夜总会迫使我们", "english": "oh, wait, so now the club dictates"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干点儿正经买卖", "english": "what we do with the real business"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而不是旁门左道?", "english": "instead of the other way around?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们开这个自助洗衣店来洗钱", "english": "And we opened up the laundromats to clean the money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得挺好的", "english": "I was fine with that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你却说\"我们开个夜店", "english": "But then you said, \"let's open up a nightclub."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样我们能藏更多\"", "english": "So we can hide even more.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "于是我就同意了...藏钱", "english": "So I agreed... to hide the money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "句号", "english": "Period."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是这就是我们的退休计划呢?", "english": "What if it's our retirement plan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意思是我们不小了 走合法道路", "english": "You mean we grow up, go legit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉...", "english": "I'm sor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一直在一起拼搏忙碌", "english": "We've been hustling together our whole lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我热爱我们干的这行 你也是", "english": "I love this shit and so do you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全神贯注", "english": "Focus up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说我们接受鲁伊斯的提案", "english": "I say we take Ruiz up on his offer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把兄弟们布置回大街小巷", "english": "We put the boys back on the street,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁敢捣乱", "english": "and if anyone steps,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就会把这王八蛋揪出来", "english": "they light that motherfucker up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同意不?", "english": "Agreed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚我出去到鲁伊斯那拿枪", "english": "We'll go out and get the guns from Ruiz tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去布置", "english": "I'll set it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不跟你去了 你带上胡里奥", "english": "Go without me. Take Julio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去夜总会办点儿别的事", "english": "I gotta handle a few things at the club."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要一个长期洗钱的地方", "english": "You want a place to clean our money long-term,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得保证她营业 对吧?", "english": "it's gotta stay open, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才是我说的一起他妈的奋斗", "english": "Now that's the motherfucking hustler I know talking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我走了", "english": "I'm going now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚确保所有事都搞定", "english": "Gotta make sure everything's settled for tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个新来的白人不能做吗?", "english": "Can't that new white boy do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你给他开的不少", "english": "You pay him enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是生意 亲爱的", "english": "It's a business, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵 怎么了?", "english": "Ghost, what's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和汤米关着门", "english": "You and Tommy behind closed doors,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一直在夜总会转悠", "english": "you running around with this club."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没事吧?", "english": "We okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们认识时", "english": "When we met,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为我会变成什么样的人?", "english": "who'd you think I was gonna be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全纽约最他妈大的", "english": "The biggest goddamn drug dealer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从没想过更多吗?", "english": "You never thought about more?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么更多?", "english": "What more?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说的夜总会就是更多吗?", "english": "You talking about the club as more?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看见了你昨晚赚的钱", "english": "I saw the money you made last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是更多 是至少", "english": "That's not more, it's less."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很擅长你所做的事", "english": "You are the best at what you do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们什么都有", "english": "We have everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就想要这样", "english": "I just want it to stay this way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚当你进入夜总会时", "english": "When you come to the club tonight,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要看起来像拥有这个地方", "english": "you need to look like you own the place,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而不是像试图要免费进去", "english": "not like you trying to get in for free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿那件上个月我给你的紫色裙子", "english": "Wear that purple dress I got you last month."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 亲爱的 我喜欢这件", "english": "But, baby, I like this dress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我派肖恩回来 给你时间换衣服", "english": "I'll send Shawn back, give you time to change."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看见我老公没?", "english": "Have you seen my husband?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人看见老板了吗?", "english": "Anybody got eyes on the boss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板现在在准备DJ", "english": "The boss is prepping the DJ now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我带你上楼", "english": "I'll take you upstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道哪儿能让他快点儿见到我", "english": "I know where he'll get to me a little sooner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些舞者不在合同里", "english": "who are not in the contract."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我们手头有特别出色的吗?", "english": "Well, we got extra spotlights on hand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能找到", "english": "We could find them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找人给他们安排食宿", "english": "Have the guys put them up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板 你去哪?", "english": "Boss, where you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安琪", "english": "Angie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们多久没见面了?", "english": "How long has it been?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差不多...", "english": "Almost..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是老样子", "english": "You look the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了吧 这证明我们都老了", "english": "Well, that's proof we've gotten older."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你度数涨了吧", "english": "Your eyesight's going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我眼神儿老好了", "english": "My eyes work just fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不确定 比较简短", "english": "Not sure there's a short answer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高中 大学 法学院...", "english": "Choate, college, law school..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法学院?", "english": "law school?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一如既往还是那个简单的女孩", "english": "I'm still the same \"round the way\" girl I always was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和以前一样? 不见得吧", "english": "Same girl, huh? Not exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不记得这件裙子了", "english": "I don't remember that dress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是呀 我也不记得这西装了 土豪", "english": "Well, I don't remember that suit either, uptown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在忙什么呢 杰米?", "english": "What have you been up to, Jamie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些年你一直干嘛呢?", "english": "What have you been doing all these years?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板 新来的DJ要开始了", "english": "Boss, the new DJ's gonna start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 他刚才叫你问\"老板\"?", "english": "Wait, did he just call you \"boss\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这地方是我的", "english": "I own this place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坎托斯说他现在就要和谈谈", "english": "Kantos said he needs to talk to you now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我得...", "english": "Sorry, I gotta..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得管理你的夜总会", "english": "You got a nightclub to run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白", "english": "I get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴见到你", "english": "it was good to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "You too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你的电话号码给我", "english": "You know what, give me your number."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次我不会这么容易让你逃跑的", "english": "I ain't gonna let you get away that easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会打给你的", "english": "I'll call you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣帕特里克夫人 你现在就要走了吗?", "english": "Mrs. St. Patrick, you're not leaving, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新的DJ马上就要开始了", "english": "The new DJ starts in a few minutes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大一定也很想看到你", "english": "and I'm sure the boss wants you to be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肖恩 到门口接我", "english": "Shawn, meet me out front."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我准备走了", "english": "I'm leaving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 这次是个大生意", "english": "Yeah, a big shipment this time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Bueno."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些都是免费送的吗?", "english": "We're really giving this away for free?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有这一次", "english": "This time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们到那儿之后 你待在车里", "english": "When we get there, you stay in the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和庞曹去完成交易", "english": "Me and Poncho will handle the drop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经约好了跟那个家伙见面", "english": "I set up the meeting with the guy you asked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚饭前回来 我要带你去你妈妈那 知道吗?", "english": "Be home by dinner, so I can take you to your mom's, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了 爸爸", "english": "Okay, pa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威姆诺斯 走吧 我们要迟到了", "english": "Vamonos. Let's go, we're late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胡里奥有没有让他们检查一下这些枪?", "english": "Julio tell them to check the guns?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一开始就跟他说了", "english": "First thing I said to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些人根本不知道自己在为谁卖命 不是吗?", "english": "Think it bothers them they don't know who they're working for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为汉堡王的煎炸厨师", "english": "You think the fry cook at burger king"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认识他们的总裁吗?", "english": "knows the fucking ceo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板进来店里要番茄酱的时候", "english": "They wouldn't know that motherfucker"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别忘了", "english": "Don't forget."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让克鲁兹第一个被突袭的人", "english": "One of these people might be the reason"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能就在这些人中间", "english": "Cruz got jumped in the first place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道 希望这次这个家伙是个怕死鬼", "english": "Yeah, well, let's hope he or she is afraid to get shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们马上就会知道了", "english": "We'll know soon enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的士兵们都已经有装备了", "english": "Our soldiers are strapped now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们也应该有", "english": "We should be too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事情已经这样了", "english": "All this shit going on,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再让你这样手无寸铁地到处溜达", "english": "how am I gonna explain to Tasha"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到时候我怎么跟塔莎解释啊?", "english": "I let you run around with no piece?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他们都叫出去吧", "english": "Let's get 'em out on the street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是时候让我们的厨师做甜甜圈了", "english": "Time to make the doughnuts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格雷格", "english": "Greg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 睡美人", "english": "Hey, sleepyhead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今天早上怎么没有一起跑步", "english": "You missed our run this morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没过来 也没有接电话", "english": "When you didn't show up and you didn't answer your cell,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你出什么事了", "english": "I thought maybe something was wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死", "english": "Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来的时候你在洗澡", "english": "Got here and you were in the shower,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就自己找早餐吃了", "english": "so I thought I'd grab breakfast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格雷格 我记得我说过给你钥匙是为了应付紧急状况", "english": "Greg, I thought we said the key was just for emergencies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是紧急情况啊", "english": "Which this could've been."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这让我感觉有点...", "english": "This just feels a little..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没有必要时时刻刻看着我", "english": "You don't need to check on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这样 安吉拉 我想大部分女人", "english": "Come on, Angela, I think most women"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道有人担心自己都会很开心的", "english": "would be happy to know that someone's looking out for them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对 抱歉", "english": "You're right. I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是被你吓了一跳", "english": "You just startled me is all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得走了", "english": "I gotta go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "待会儿见", "english": "See you later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安吉拉·巴尔德斯昨天晚上到俱乐部来了", "english": "Angela Valdes came into the club last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高中的那个?", "english": "From high school?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她看起来怎么样?", "english": "How'd she look?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有那么好吗?", "english": "That good, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她结婚了没 有孩子吗?", "english": "She married now, she got kids?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没戴戒指 也没有谈到孩子", "english": "No ring, didn't say nothing about kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你有没有跟她谈起你的孩子?", "english": "You tell her about yours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只聊了一会儿", "english": "Well, we didn't talk that long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的意思是你到底在想什么?", "english": "What that means is what are you thinking about doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那女的离开的时候 她就已经把你给甩了", "english": "When that girl moved away, she seriously fucked you up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那已经很久之前的事了", "english": "That was a long time ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎是个好女人 兄弟", "english": "Well, Tasha's a good woman, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你之前从来没有乱搞过", "english": "You ain't never fucked around on her before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在怎么会想起来高中的女朋友了", "english": "Why do you want to go sniffing around pussy from high school?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米 首先 我真是不敢相信", "english": "Tommy, first of all, I can't believe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要乱搞这种话会从你的嘴里出来", "english": "you starting some shit about monogamy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自己都不知道跟多少个女人发生关系了", "english": "You got more bitches than a goddamn pound,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二 我知道我跟塔莎什么问题都没有", "english": "but second, I know me and Tasha got a good thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也没有想过要搞砸我们的婚姻", "english": "I'm not trying to fuck that up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是这让我想起了", "english": "It's just got me thinking, you know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当初错过的一些东西", "english": "about the road not traveled, that's all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经是一个富有的成功人士", "english": "You are a rich, successful motherfucker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还有什么想要的?", "english": "What more do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道她现在变成什么样了", "english": "I want to see how Angela turned out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在已经知道了", "english": "No, you already saw how she turned out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他的一切都只是你试图治愈幼年的伤痛", "english": "Anything else is just you trying to heal wounds from childhood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看你别再去看尔骗子菲尔医生了", "english": "You gotta stop watching that Dr. Philshit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他真是什么事都知道", "english": "That man knows what he's talking about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴 停车", "english": "Shut up. Sit down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才闭嘴", "english": "You shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你闭嘴", "english": "No, shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都没有问过我那天晚上的事", "english": "You didn't ask about that thing we did the other night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你按我说的处理干净了吗?", "english": "You clean it up like I said?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我就没什么好问的了", "english": "Then there ain't nothing to ask about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个能借我吗?", "english": "Can I borrow this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 那是新的", "english": "No way, girl. That's new."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是Gucci的那件可以给你", "english": "But the Gucci, you can have that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天呐 你简直要被幽灵宠坏了", "english": "Damn, girl. Ghost keeps you laced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不管这么多", "english": "Yo, I don't care."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什么不要的", "english": "I'll take your hand-me-downs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全部扔给我好了", "english": "as long as you're giving them out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才是真正的幸福生活啊", "english": "So this is what happily ever after looks like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是中大奖了", "english": "You hit the lottery, girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑人结婚可不是这样", "english": "Niggas ain't getting married like that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且一定也不是富有的黑人", "english": "and certainly not rich niggas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识他的时候他也是个穷光蛋", "english": "He wasn't rich when I met him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗 凯莎", "english": "You know, Keisha,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有衣服和包包当然很好", "english": "clothes and bags are nice,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但幽灵有些事情你也不知道", "english": "but there are some things about ghost you can't see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟我就不用装了 塔莎", "english": "You don't gotta play modest with me, Tasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更不用说你还有这么多靴子", "english": "especially if you're through with these boots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下 你穿多大码的鞋子?", "english": "Hold up, what size you wear again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欧洲的这些鞋码我一直搞不懂", "english": "You know I don't get all this European shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 亲爱的", "english": "Hey, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟闺蜜出去逛街了吗?", "english": "You out shopping with Lakeisha yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在家里烤箱里放了个东西 你帮我保管一下", "english": "I got something in the oven I need you to take care of."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎 你听到没?", "english": "Tasha, you heard me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你在它被烧成灰之前把它拿出来", "english": "I need you to take it out before it burns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我知道了", "english": "Yes, I'm on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 亲爱的", "english": "Thank you, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事?", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他给我留了些钱去购物", "english": "He left me some extra money to go shopping."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在去拿 马上回来", "english": "I'll just go get it. I'll be right back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你知道我说的什么意思吧?", "english": "You see what I mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是中大奖了", "english": "You hit the motherfucking lottery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈的", "english": "Damn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说过这一次不会让你逃跑了", "english": "I told you I wasn't gonna let you get away again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是认真的", "english": "and I meant it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今天要在全体同僚面前做一个报告", "english": "I have a presentation in front of my whole office today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 我知道你的", "english": "Yeah, and if I know you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都学那破玩意好几周了", "english": "you've been studying on that shit for weeks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 美女 你总要吃饭吧", "english": "Come on, girl. You gotta eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪?", "english": "Where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和黑人做生意", "english": "I do business with niggers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Bueno."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Bueno."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纽约大不一样了啊", "english": "New York's so different now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "城市自行车 时代广场上没有了汽车", "english": "Citi bikes, no cars in Times Square."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白人住在富人区", "english": "White people living uptown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没离开多久", "english": "You been gone a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你终于有自己的夜店了", "english": "You finally got your nightclub."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爸爸要是在一定会为你骄傲的", "english": "Your dad would've been proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还和你说我爸的夜店了?", "english": "I told you about my father's nightclub?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在咱俩认识之前他的店就没了", "english": "He lost the place before we met."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不记得我和你说过", "english": "I didn't remember I told you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们最后一次吃午饭的时候 我很确定", "english": "The last time we had lunch, I'm pretty sure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不记得有椅子", "english": "I don't think we had chairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在雷的餐厅柜台上拿吃的", "english": "We grabbed a slice at the counter at Ray's on Sutphin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一直在给你的可乐续杯", "english": "You kept refilling your coke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经理用邪恶的表情看着你", "english": "The manager was giving you that evil-ass look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你依然不为所动", "english": "You kept going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那牌子写着 \"免费续杯\"", "english": "The sign said, \"free refills.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时想让你多待会", "english": "I was trying to get you to stay longer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我差点就误了我的火车", "english": "I almost missed my train."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那正是我的用意", "english": "That was the idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那正是我的用意", "english": "That was the idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乔特是难得一遇的机遇", "english": "Choate was the opportunity of a lifetime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那不代表离开很容易", "english": "But that doesn't mean it was easy to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰米 对不起", "english": "Jamie, I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起我当时那样离开", "english": "I'm sorry I left the way I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父母逼你走的", "english": "Your parents made you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我也没反抗他们", "english": "But I didn't fight them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说你圣诞节会回来", "english": "You said you'd be back for Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我走之后我家就搬到了Sunnyside", "english": "My family moved to Sunnyside after I left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还住在原来的地方", "english": "I had the same number."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你就这么...", "english": "But you were just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走了", "english": "Gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后来我父亲去世了", "english": "And then when my pops died,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时想 至少", "english": "I thought then, at least,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会联系我", "english": "you would reach out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时应该陪你的", "english": "I should've been there for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我知道如果我打电话给你", "english": "But I just knew that if I called,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我听见你的声音", "english": "if I heard your voice,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就会回来", "english": "I would go back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会为你放下一切", "english": "I would've dropped everything for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父母所有的努力", "english": "Everything my parents worked for,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所有的努力...", "english": "everything I'd worked for..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我做出了选择", "english": "So I made a choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会叫你回来", "english": "I wouldn't have asked you to come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不属于那里", "english": "You didn't belong in the hood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过现在我们都离开那里了", "english": "But now we're both out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我们一直以来打算的那样", "english": "just like we always planned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确切地说不是我们打算的那样", "english": "Not exactly how we planned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得回办公室了", "english": "I gotta get back to the office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜", "english": "Bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们什么时候还能再出来?", "english": "When can we do this again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会给你打电话", "english": "I'll call you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先别填总数", "english": "Don't fill out the total."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么不?", "english": "Why not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要在银行里核对你的总数", "english": "I'm gonna confirm your count at the bank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来拿着那个", "english": "I'll take that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所管理的所有俱乐部 都是我负责存钱", "english": "Every club I've ever managed, I always do the deposit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凡事都有第一次 存款单", "english": "There's a first time for everything. Deposit slip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经签字了 要张新的么", "english": "I already signed it. Want a fresh one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我确定你这张没问题", "english": "Nah, I'm sure yours will turn out fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我们雇你是因为你有关系", "english": "Look, we hired you for your contacts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而不是因为你的声誉", "english": "not your reputation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 关于这事...", "english": "Hey, about that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板从来都不告诉我你是怎么知道的", "english": "boss never told me how you found out about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要问我是怎么知道的", "english": "None of your fucking business how we know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你给我们工作 事就这样", "english": "As long as you work for us, this is how it goes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们之间没问题了吧?", "english": "We don't have a problem, do we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "No, we don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正打算派个搜查组去找你", "english": "Was just about to send out a search party for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 午饭吃太久了", "english": "Sorry. Lunch ran long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗兰基 我知道你帮我担了风险", "english": "Frankie, I know you went out on a limb for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会搞砸的", "english": "I'm not gonna blow it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是搞砸 我们都惨了", "english": "If you do, it's both our asses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恭喜你升职 巴尔德斯", "english": "Congrats on the promotion, Valdes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 萨克斯", "english": "Thanks, Saxe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我请求再分配 他们会问原因", "english": "If I request reassignment, they're gonna ask why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是弗朗西斯卡·拉瓦罗", "english": "I'm Francesca Lavarro,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刑事部门主管", "english": "chief of criminal division"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有我的副主管 美国陆军协会 安吉拉·巴尔德斯", "english": "along with my deputy, A.U.S.A. Angela Valdes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会领导这项特殊任务", "english": "I'll be leading this task force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最臭名昭著的毒品交易案的原告", "english": "drug traffickers in our hemisphere,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "墨西哥国籍的费利佩·洛沃斯", "english": "Mexican national Felipe Lobos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯残忍狠毒的本性", "english": "Lobos's brutality and vicious nature"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是有证可依的", "english": "are well documented."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了保证大家的安全", "english": "For everyone's safety,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请牢记这项特殊任务是高级机密", "english": "please remember the task force is top secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能有别人 包括你们的家人", "english": "And no one, not even your families,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道这次侦查目标的名字", "english": "can know the name of the target of this investigation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦迪纳特工 你能否向大家介绍", "english": "Agent Medina, can you please bring everybody up to speed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯这周在纽约的最新动态?", "english": "on Lobos's movements in New York this week?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯这周二空降蒂特波罗机场", "english": "Lobos landed at Teterboro airport on Tuesday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一年一度 他来纽约", "english": "Once a year, he comes to New York"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见他的庄家和他的美国律师", "english": "to meet with his banker and his American attorneys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 他都见完了 但是我发现还有第三个", "english": "Now, he did make those meetings, but I followed him to a third,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和他的人...卡洛斯比沃拉鲁伊斯见面", "english": "to meet this man... Carlos \"Vibora\" Ruiz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索尔达多族黑帮在本地的头头", "english": "Leader of the due loco set of the soldado nation gang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们知道 第一 洛沃斯有一个", "english": "We learned that, one, Lobos has one single distributor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给纽约供货的批发商", "english": "for his product in New York City."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二 他对他的经销商不是很满意", "english": "Two, he's not entirely happy with his distributor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第三 索尔达多族和鲁伊斯", "english": "And three, soldado nation and Ruiz"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都在低价为洛沃斯工作", "english": "are too low-rent for Lobos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的关系还没铁到可以为他发货", "english": "They're not organized enough to distribute his product."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且他也不介意告诉鲁伊斯", "english": "And he was not shy in telling Mr. Ruiz"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他屁都不在乎", "english": "he did not give a fuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得到了墨西哥政府", "english": "We have permission from the Mexican government"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拘留和诉讼洛沃斯的许可", "english": "to detain and prosecute Mr. Lobos"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们想对他建立有力的调查", "english": "if we can build a compelling case against him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就不能惊动它", "english": "We can't touch him unless we know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到我们确定可以逮捕他", "english": "we can put him in jail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁能给我们提供能给洛沃斯判罪相关的", "english": "Who can give us the names, places, and dates"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人名 地点 和日期?", "english": "we need to convict Lobos?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在纽约的批发商", "english": "His New York distributor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很不幸我们不知道那是谁", "english": "Unfortunately we have no idea who that is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有一份我们所需要的", "english": "We do have a profile of the type of criminal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于这个嫌疑人的介绍", "english": "we're looking for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个十分有条理的人", "english": "He's a highly organized individual"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拥有已经建立好的关系网络", "english": "with an established network in place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他已经了解怎么将钱在系统中转移", "english": "He already knows how to move money through the system,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "足够暴力能控制它的领地", "english": "is violent enough to control his territory,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他还有可被掌控的一些地方", "english": "but still has something to lose..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一些洛沃斯可以威胁让他乖乖听话的理由", "english": "something Lobos can threaten to keep him in line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以为什么洛沃斯想要换掉他?", "english": "So why is Lobos looking to replace him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了什么问题?", "english": "What could've gone wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定有些因素他无法掌控", "english": "There must be some element out of his control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管因为什么 这个洛沃斯和他当地人", "english": "Whatever the reason, this problem"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正是我们所要查明的", "english": "is exactly what we need to exploit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我们要找的这个人已经陷入", "english": "because the man we're looking for is in grave danger..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来自洛沃斯和我们的严峻危险...", "english": "from Lobos and from us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以给他一条生路", "english": "We can give him a way out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但只有当他决定接受的时候", "english": "but only if he decides to take it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米什么事? 我这就去", "english": "Tommy, what's up? I'm on my way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不得不说 我对此印象深刻", "english": "I have to admit I'm impressed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把这里打理得很好", "english": "You run a smooth operation here, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们相遇时 你觉得我会成为什么样的人?", "english": "When we met, who'd you think I was gonna be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天你来夜店肯定有什么事", "english": "Must be a reason you came in the club the other night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你看一样东西 我给我们各拿了一个", "english": "I got you something, one for each of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁能提供人名 地名或者日期", "english": "Who can give us the names, places, and dates"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来指控洛沃斯?", "english": "we need to convict Lobos?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得营业 否则洛沃斯就会采取行动", "english": "We gotta open up this store, or Lobos will move on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发了通缉令逮捕鲁伊斯的助手", "english": "I issued a warrant for a Ruiz Lieutenant,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马·阿奇斯罗", "english": "Nomar Arcielo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想让我背叛费利佩·洛沃斯?", "english": "You want me to rat on Felipe Lobos?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到你听到诺马还打给谁了", "english": "Wait till you hear who else Nomar called."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊莎贝尔·鲁伊斯", "english": "Isabel Ruiz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊莎贝尔·鲁伊斯的女儿?", "english": "Isabel Ruiz's daughter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们办得干净利落 我们就能高枕无忧", "english": "We do it right, it'll shut this shit down for good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为梦想献身", "english": "Livin' the dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚刚把另一袋现金锁进保险柜", "english": "And I just took another bag of cash to the safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是今晚第三次了", "english": "Third time tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和周六晚上比如何?", "english": "How's that compare to saturday night?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那倒比不上", "english": "I mean, it doesn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话 这只是周二", "english": "To be fair, though, it's a tuesday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去找点毒品 好吗?", "english": "I'm gonna go find us some blow, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们嗨起来", "english": "Get this party started."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是不是在哪见过你?", "english": "I know you, don't I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是演员或者模特?", "english": "Are you an actress or model?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我登上了上个月的《Maxim》杂志", "english": "I was in Maxim last month."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有两页通版的珠宝广告", "english": "Just a two-page spread, accessories."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得 我很喜欢", "english": "I remember. I liked it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是很想嗨起来?", "english": "So you really wanna party?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不要过来玩?", "english": "Wanna come through?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你带了你要的", "english": "Grabbed that org chart"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯贩毒集团的组织关系结构图", "english": "of the Lobos cartel you asked for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想先吃还是先干活?", "english": "You wanna eat or work first?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每年只见他的经销商两次?", "english": "twice a year?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再好好研究联邦调查局的记录", "english": "at the Federales' records."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还有第三种选择", "english": "You're inspiring a third option."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么不对吗?", "english": "What's wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗兰基希望我能集中精力", "english": "Frankie warned me to stay focused."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯 我们一会再做", "english": "Mm-hmm. We will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过一会", "english": "After."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得", "english": "I was thinking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯肯定有个代理人帮他...", "english": "Lobos must be using a proxy for his..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进行定期联络通信", "english": "Regular communication."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那让我试试", "english": "So move over then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啦 等等 马上就到你了", "english": "All right, hold on. Wait your turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我琢磨着", "english": "But I was thinking,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们增加到每周开五个晚上", "english": "if we open up a fifth night every week,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们能赚更多 得到更多曝光", "english": "it's that much more money, that much more exposure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太多曝光 就变成过度曝光", "english": "Too much exposure. It's called over-exposure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去", "english": "Out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把人带到楼上女士休息室", "english": "Redirect traffic to the women's room upstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝 听着 听我说", "english": "Sweetheart, listen to me. Listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她吃了什么?", "english": "What did she take?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吸了可卡因 但她就吸了两条", "english": "Blow. Coke. But she only did two lines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你确定?", "english": "Are you sure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可卡因 混了些别的东西", "english": "Cocaine, cut with some bad shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒 醒醒!", "english": "Wake up, wake up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进行胸部按压", "english": "Start compressions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉姆 把救护车叫来", "english": "Yo, Jim, bring an ambulance around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 听我说", "english": "Okay, listen to me. Look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "楼下会有救护车等着你们", "english": "There's gonna be an ambulance downstairs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩都去医院 好吗?", "english": "it's gonna take both of you to the hospital, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等你到了医院", "english": "When you get to the hospital,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会问你怎么回事", "english": "they're gonna ask you what happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不!", "english": "No. No, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我什么也不能说 她妈妈会杀了她的", "english": "No, I can't say anything because her mom will kill her,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不说实话 她也会死", "english": "If you keep your mouth shut, she'll die anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因为劣质可卡因", "english": "It was bad coke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这么回事 你就这么告诉他们", "english": "That's what happened. That's all you have to tell 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你说了我们这些急救医疗技术员请得值", "english": "Told you having our own emts was worth every penny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十分钟内她早死了", "english": "she'd be dead already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "此外 没警察 没狗仔 简直不能更明智", "english": "Plus, no police, no press. No one's the wiser."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有你 都是劣质可卡因那一套?", "english": "And you, all that bad coke shit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是绝了", "english": "Impressive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你来一杯 老板", "english": "Let me grab you a drink, boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上一次你救了一条人命是什么时候?", "english": "When's the last time you saved a life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去", "english": "Fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞧 安多芬让世界变得更美好", "english": "See, endorphins make everything better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安多芬不能帮我们抓住洛沃斯", "english": "Endorphins don't help catch Lobos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你半裸着还能思考工作", "english": "And you're half-naked and still thinking about work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道是该郁闷还是应该佩服你好", "english": "I don't know whether to be offended or impressed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你之前没接警署打来的电话", "english": "You got a relay call from the office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在轮到我了", "english": "There goes mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来我们得赶紧起床", "english": "Looks like we're up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 宝贝", "english": "Hey, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我孤枕难眠", "english": "Bed's awfully empty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很快就回家吗?", "english": "You coming home soon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 很快", "english": "Yeah, soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚有些离谱 有个女的吸食了劣质可卡因", "english": "Had a crazy night here. Girl got some bad coke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她死里逃生 但是...", "english": "She lived, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我们的货", "english": "Not our product."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎 我们不在这卖货", "english": "Tasha, we don't do that here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那还有啥问题? 快回家来", "english": "Then what's the problem? Come home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我这里的事一处理完 我就马上赶回家", "english": "Yeah. Soon as I'm done here, I'll come straight home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 再见 宝贝", "english": "Okay. Bye, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真他妈老古董 他希望在这里和我们碰头?", "english": "Fucking classic. He wanted to meet us here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你有你的任务", "english": "I know it's your task force,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但严格来说他还是我的线人", "english": "but he's technically my C.I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有条约的", "english": "There's a protocol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以一会我来问 我来写报告", "english": "So I'll lead the interview, write the report."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在暗示什么?", "english": "What are you insinuating?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没暗示什么 小姑娘", "english": "Not insinuating anything, cowgirl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说我们都心知肚明", "english": "I'm saying we both know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会走捷径并取得成功", "english": "you'll cut corners to get a win."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在法庭上 这没问题", "english": "In the courtroom, it's fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人来了", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基佬", "english": "Maricon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见到你真高兴 宝贝", "english": "Good to see you too, homey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有什么信息可以提供给我们的?", "english": "What do you got for us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说他不会告诉你的", "english": "He says he's not talking to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯 我猜到了 谢谢", "english": "Mm. Yeah, I got the gist, thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你打电话给我们", "english": "You called us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你会提供些费利佩·洛沃斯的消息", "english": "So I assume you have some information on Felipe Lobos..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一些视频 音频之类的", "english": "you know, some sort of video, audio recording,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许一两张照片 或者...", "english": "maybe a photograph or two, or..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个消息... 谁帮洛沃斯卖毒品", "english": "A tip... who sells Lobos' drugs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么时候卖 怎么卖", "english": "and when and how it happens."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈去哪了 ?", "english": "Where the fuck you been?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还以为你死在那里了呢", "english": "Thought you died in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狂野之夜啊 伙计", "english": "Wild night, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得谈谈 正经事", "english": "We got business to discuss, real business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 说吧", "english": "Okay, go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自从我们把尸体碎片送到城里", "english": "Retail side's been locked up tight"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个大单", "english": "day after next."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毒品交易点那边怎么样?", "english": "How are the corners?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老他妈安静了", "english": "Pretty fucking quiet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都知道我们重新上位 又回来了", "english": "Everyone knows a re-up's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会一直盯着我们", "english": "They'll be watching us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是时候了 告诉胡里奥", "english": "It's time. Tell Julio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去兜兜风 你亲自告诉他吧", "english": "Let's take a ride. Tell him yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得回家了 塔莎在等着我呢", "english": "Nah. Gotta get home. Tasha's expecting me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得换掉那个被邮差砍伤的姑娘", "english": "Oh, we gotta replace the girl who got slashed, the courier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胡里奥已经搞定了 白人小妞 声音像黄雀", "english": "Julio already handled it. White chick, nice tits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那天晚上看砍人被吓到了", "english": "at the chop shop the other night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还好", "english": "I was good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我第一次见到砍人", "english": "First chop shop I saw,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个家伙的头掉了 就在地上滚啊滚", "english": "dude's head fell, rolled across the floor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像他妈的保龄球", "english": "like a goddamn bowling ball."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我都吓尿了", "english": "It scared the shit out of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实承认你被吓到了也没关系的 肖恩", "english": "It's okay to admit it fucked you up for a minute, Shawn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时他就这样对我说", "english": "And he said it to me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以现在我也这样告诉你", "english": "so I'm saying it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是卡南教我如何掌控这样的场面", "english": "It was Kanan who taught us how to hold a saw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他教你的? 天呐", "english": "He did? Jesus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道他竟然和汤米一样", "english": "I didn't know he was like Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停到路边", "english": "Pull over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着我", "english": "Look at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人和汤米一样", "english": "Ain't nobody like Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会和他说的", "english": "I'll talk to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想让你也成为这样的人", "english": "I don't need you being a part of the game like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉你爸我会照顾你的", "english": "Told your father I'd take care of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我老爸从来都他妈的不知道照顾我", "english": "My pops doesn't know shit about taking care of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得去看看他 孩子 别随便下结论", "english": "You need to go see him, kid. Don't judge him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡南为了生存必须那样做", "english": "Kanan did what he had to do to survive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都是", "english": "We all do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我今天不能和你一起去了", "english": "Yeah, I can't go with you today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚那两个女孩", "english": "The thing that happened last night"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在俱乐部发生的事情...", "english": "at the club with the girl..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你不是认真的", "english": "I know you ain't serious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们穿着得体 走进去 都有记录可查", "english": "We dress nice, we go in, all on the books."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去见银行家们", "english": "We meet with the bankers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个布莱克夫妇企业的烂主意是你出的", "english": "This Mr. and Mrs. Black enterprise shit was your idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 但是我觉得你可以搞定 数学队", "english": "Yeah, but I think you can handle it now, math team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的人穿制服吗?", "english": "Did you guys wear uniforms?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就不应该告诉你这事的", "english": "I should've never told you about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会一直提起的", "english": "You can never let it go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 幽灵 我们总是一起去的", "english": "Come on, Ghost, we always go together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想一个人", "english": "I don't wanna go alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得去俱乐部 宝贝儿", "english": "I gotta go to the club, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个聪明的女孩", "english": "You are a smart girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能搞定的", "english": "You got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和诺克斯特工一起", "english": "I accompanied agent Knox"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见了我们的线人诺马·阿奇斯罗", "english": "to meet with our C.I. Nomar Arcielo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为他是我们调查", "english": "I think he's gonna be a great asset"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯经销商的绝佳突破口", "english": "in our search for Lobos' distributor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他看起来不可靠", "english": "He seemed evasive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他需要些激励 是这样的", "english": "He need encouragement, sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奖励是不起作用的", "english": "Encouragement isn't gonna do anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像诺马这样的街头混混 啥都不知道", "english": "Street soldier like Nomar doesn't know shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们应该从普莉美拉成员下手", "english": "We should be honing in on the Primeras"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们才有洛沃斯的货", "english": "who get Lobos' product."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只知道鲁伊斯是普莉美拉的成员", "english": "The only Primera we know is Ruiz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 不过还有很多", "english": "Yeah, but there are more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到他们 就可以找到经销商", "english": "We find them, they lead us to the distributor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺克斯特工 跟踪诺马", "english": "Agent Knox, follow up with Nomar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还值得再找他一次 说不定还能榨出些什么", "english": "It's worth one more visit if we can squeeze something out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们继续跟进", "english": "We're on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你们俩对开始钓大鱼", "english": "If you two are so confident,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就看看你们能找到些什么吧", "english": "See what you can unearth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在\"肉库区新开的最火的夜店\"吸白粉", "english": "\"almost died while powdering her nose"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我说过室内吸粉", "english": "I know I said having in-house medics"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以缓解我们过大的压力", "english": "would help us to avoid bad press,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是卫生间里到处都是喝醉了的女人", "english": "but the bathroom was full of drunk women."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我倒想知道 谁在我的店里卖粉给她?", "english": "What I wanna know is, who sold her blow in my club?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是不纯的 超差 廉价粉", "english": "Bad, fucked-up, stepped-on blow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吸毒是夜生活的一部分 老板", "english": "Drugs are part of the game, boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们都想要派对 要嗨", "english": "People wanna get high and party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们尽力去控制", "english": "We do our best to control it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是这就是这生意的一部分", "english": "but it's part of the business we're in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要控制进来的人 还有时间", "english": "You need to control who gets in here, period."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在那些警察知道这里卖白粉", "english": "So now that the cops know drugs are getting sold in here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会直接派人来", "english": "will they send 'em in straight up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是便衣先来调查 还是别的", "english": "or plainclothes cats or what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你了解他们的工作流程", "english": "I know you know how they work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们 呃...", "english": "They, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通常是直接来", "english": "Come in the front door, usually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四处搜查 跟我们扯皮", "english": "Sniff around, they mess with us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说我们对公众健康造成威胁 让我们关门", "english": "call us a public health menace, we get shut down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们和辛西娅·谢里丹签约之前", "english": "Before we get Cynthia Sheridan to sign a contract,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就关门了 人们继续生活 休想", "english": "we get shut down, people move on, no way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板 就像你说的一样 我知道警察怎么办事", "english": "Like you said, boss, I know how the cops work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我给你看点东西", "english": "Let me show you something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明早你和维克多出货", "english": "Shipment tomorrow morning, you and Victor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚才走进去的是莉莉安娜吗?", "english": "That's Liliana who just walked in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还真他妈的是个笨蛋啊", "english": "That is one fucked-up grill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 朋友 不过她收银干的不错 伙计", "english": "Hey, Dog, she's doing good with the count, though, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真高兴她还能有件事干的不错", "english": "Glad she's good at something,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为没有人还想和她来一发了", "english": "'cause ain't no one gonna fuck her again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敢打赌 有一天她会告密的", "english": "I'd bet my dick she's gonna snitch someday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想我现在就把她带走吗?", "english": "Yo, you want me to take her out right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用", "english": "Nah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们自己找运货人", "english": "We find the dealer ourselves"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直接把他送货到纽约警察局", "english": "and deliver him straight to the NYPD."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不屌那些条子", "english": "I don't fuck with cops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 不过你应该理他们的", "english": "Yeah, but maybe you should."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们支援他们工作 他们抓到犯人", "english": "We save them work, they get an arrest,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后放我们一马", "english": "and they leave us alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么?", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有每个来真相人的名字", "english": "I've got the names of everyone who's stepped foot in Truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进门的时候我们就扫了他们的驾照", "english": "We swipe their licenses at the door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吧", "english": "No shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名字 生日 身高 体重 发色", "english": "Name, birth date, height, weight, hair color."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "驾照上的所有信息", "english": "Anything on a driver's license."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在找有没有熟悉的名字", "english": "I was looking for any familiar names"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来缩小我们的搜索范围", "english": "to narrow down our search."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天我知道了很多毒贩子", "english": "I know a lot of dealers from back in the day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是从开业那天开始的吗?", "english": "This go all the way back to opening night?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 知道我们知道那个家伙", "english": "Yup, so until we find this guy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我们咨询下律师", "english": "I think we should consult a lawyer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 我不想这女孩读到这篇报道", "english": "I mean, I don't want this girl to read the post,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到了发薪日 就想要起诉", "english": "see a payday, and try to sue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有个人选 要预付定金...", "english": "I got a guy on retainer, and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识一个律师", "english": "I know a lawyer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他很擅长处理这类事情", "english": "My guy specializes in this stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道了", "english": "I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你用我们的钱买的科技股...", "english": "That tech stock you bought with our money..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太冒险了 不是吗?", "english": "risky move, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 考虑到你的投资组合规模", "english": "Yeah, well, given the size of your portfolio,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我并不担心", "english": "I wasn't really so worried."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些清洗工作似乎让你和圣帕特里克先生", "english": "Those wash 'n folds really seemed to pay off for you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "获益匪浅", "english": "and Mr. St. Patrick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是这个生意的成功之处 亚历克斯", "english": "That's why it's a great business, Alex."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们总有不可告人的秘密", "english": "People always have dirty laundry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎 圣帕特里克夫人", "english": "Welcome, Mrs. St. Patrick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请签名", "english": "Please sign in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么啊?", "english": "What the fuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都还满意...", "english": "If everything's satisfac..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "调出那该死的签名记录", "english": "pull up that goddamn log."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坎托斯说他认识一位律师", "english": "Kantos said he knew a lawyer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉他 我有更好的选择", "english": "I told him I had a better option."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我通常不做面对面的咨询", "english": "I don't usually do in-person consultations,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但仅此一次 我会破例", "english": "but just this once I'll make an exception."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对那天的事感到很抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry about the other day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要工作 我了解", "english": "You had to work. I get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但确实感觉你总是逃去某个地方", "english": "But it does feel like you're always running off somewhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会觉得我现在已经习以为常了", "english": "You'd think I'd be used to it by now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会让我轻易逃掉 对吗?", "english": "Not gonna let me off that easy, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Nope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你觉得那女孩真的有案件发生?", "english": "So you think the girl really has a case?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要用\"案件\"来形容", "english": "Let's not use the word \"case.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为一名律师 我根本不应该在这", "english": "Look, as a lawyer, I shouldn't be here at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但作为朋友 我想说", "english": "But as your friend, I'd say,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人在你的俱乐部过度用药 你的责任有限", "english": "someone ods in your club, you have limited liability"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非你提供毒品 但很明显你没有", "english": "unless you provided the drugs, which obviously you didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以但我走进那...", "english": "So when I get in there..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你该和她谈谈", "english": "I think you should talk to her,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问她现在感觉如何", "english": "ask her how she's doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向她展示关怀", "english": "Show her you care."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的经理觉得我们应该和警察合作", "english": "My manager thinks we should work with the cops"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到贩毒者 但是 你知道", "english": "to find the dealer, but, you know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来自我们的\"邻居\"", "english": "coming from our neighborhood,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这并不是个好主意 对吧?", "english": "that's a terrible idea, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些徽章特许他们能够杀人", "english": "That badge gave them license to kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们看到警察来了 就会逃跑", "english": "We'd see the cops coming, and we'd run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使我们只在贩售毒品的街角闲逛 记得吗?", "english": "Even if we were just hanging on the corner, remember?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得", "english": "I remember."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但并不是所有的警察都那样", "english": "But not all cops are like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让其中一些站在你这边未尝不可", "english": "It's not a bad idea to have a few on your side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那会让整件事跑偏的", "english": "The whole thing goes sideways"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果她觉得你带个律师来掩饰罪行", "english": "if she thinks you brought a lawyer to cover your ass,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管你稍微这样做了", "english": "even though you kind of did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也对", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许我们可以在电话里聊聊这件事", "english": "Guess we could've done this on the phone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的意思是 你为那间俱乐部尽心尽力", "english": "I mean, you've worked so hard for the club,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想确保付出的能有回报", "english": "I wanna make sure it all works out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夏敦埃酒在较低级的酒吧间供应", "english": "Chardonnay at the lower bar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "香槟供应在最上层 靠近贵宾室", "english": "Do champagne up top, near VIP"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他出去了", "english": "He went out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我告诉他 你来过吗?", "english": "You want me to let him know you stopped by?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这件事你不用管了 我会在他办公室等他", "english": "Don't worry yourself about it. I'll wait in his office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "办公室可能上锁了", "english": "It's probably locked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就给我钥匙吧", "english": "Then I'll need the key."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是詹姆斯·圣·帕特里克", "english": "I'm James St. Patrick,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是你...的夜总会的老板", "english": "the owner of the nightclub where you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你感觉如何?", "english": "How you feeling?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我母亲正从乌克兰飞往这里", "english": "My mother is flying in from the Ukraine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的代理机构 他们想我去戒毒", "english": "My agency, they want me to go to rehab."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不敢相信竟然发生这样的事", "english": "I can't believe this happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是第一个嗑药的人", "english": "You're not the first person to use drugs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你也不是第一个", "english": "And you're not the first person"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从混蛋手里买到毒品的人", "english": "to buy bad drugs off an asshole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得好愚蠢", "english": "I feel pretty stupid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这类的糟糕事", "english": "This kind of a bad thing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始朝好的方向发展的驱动力", "english": "heading in a better direction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个混账卖药的 你知道他的名字吗", "english": "This asshole dealer, you happen to remember his name,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想这类事情发生在其他人身上", "english": "I don't want this to happen to anyone else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 你 你看见詹姆斯了吗?", "english": "Hey, there. Have you seen James?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大老板不在这里", "english": "Big boss isn't here yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大老板? 那我成了什么?", "english": "Big boss? What's that make me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 你叫什么名字?", "english": "Hey, what's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想更了解你 仅此而已", "english": "I want to know more about you. That's all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想上我", "english": "You want to fuck me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不需要为此而知道我的名字", "english": "Don't need to know my name for that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 那我该怎么说?", "english": "Hey, listen, what do I need to say here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 想到什么其他的吧", "english": "I don't know. Come up with something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见 老板", "english": "See you later, boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她到底是怎么回事?", "english": "What the fuck is her problem?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是个贱人", "english": "She's a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你也是我们其中一个老板?", "english": "So you one of my bosses too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是汤米 你的名字是?", "english": "Tommy. And your name is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么你喜欢在这工作吗 多米尼克?", "english": "So you like working here, Dominique?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 她现在满脑子只剩下起诉了", "english": "Yeah, suing was the last thing on her mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她只是个受惊的孩子", "english": "She's just a scared kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说跟她谈谈是对的", "english": "You were right about talking to her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住院护士 请回复", "english": "Resident nurse, please page out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为感谢 让我请你吃午餐吧", "english": "Let me buy you lunch as a thank-you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能 我要走了", "english": "I can't. I gotta go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工作上的事情出问题了", "english": "Things are blowing up at work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又是这样", "english": "Again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我老板告诉我不要分心了", "english": "My boss told me not to get distracted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不知为何 一扯上你...", "english": "But somehow, when it comes to you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就留下啊", "english": "Well, then stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧", "english": "Let's just go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们独处一会儿", "english": "Be alone for a while."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也想 但是...", "english": "I want to, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见 杰米", "english": "bye, Jamie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们想我们该转移一下注意力", "english": "We thought we'd shift our focus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尼巴尔·桑塔利斯是泰诺人兄弟", "english": "Anibal Santalises is a Primera"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "创立的Sangre Fuerte下的一员", "english": "of the Sangre Fuerte set of Hamanos Tainos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被我们盯上是因为上星期", "english": "Came onto our radar because last week"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他收到了一个特别的投递", "english": "he received a special delivery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一只断裂了的人脚", "english": "Severed human foot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一个礼拜都在讨论这个?", "english": "You sat on this for a week?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的情报人员才刚回来", "english": "My contact just got back to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这上面写满关于洛沃斯的事", "english": "This has Lobos written all over it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只是纯粹的推断", "english": "That's pure speculation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在街上的情报人员", "english": "My contacts on the street"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信鲁伊斯也收到同样的附属肢体", "english": "believe that Ruiz got sent an appendage too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都知道鲁伊斯跟洛沃斯有关系", "english": "We know Ruiz is connected to Lobos,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许阿尼巴尔也是", "english": "so maybe Anibal is too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太荒谬了 我不会批准这个的", "english": "This is ridiculous. I didn't authorize this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我批了", "english": "I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然这是推测 但值得采取进一步行动", "english": "It's speculation, but it's worth following up on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做得好", "english": "Nice work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能跟弗兰基独处一会吗?", "english": "Could Frankie and I have the room?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的很希望你先告诉我你批准了这件事", "english": "I really wish you told me you authorized this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必须加入这场调查的环节当中去", "english": "I need to be in the loop on this investigation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这 正式来说 你参与每个环节", "english": "You're here. You're officially in all loops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我来问问你 你在这的目的是什么?", "english": "Let me ask you this. What is your goal here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你机会去说", "english": "I gave you an opportunity to say,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这不是为了抨击萨克斯和萨克斯", "english": "You're not here to beat Saxe or Saxe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都在这 我们所有人一起", "english": "We're here together, all of us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把那个该死的贩毒者送进监狱", "english": "to put a fucking drug dealer in jail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何一个让我们接近这个结果的行动", "english": "Any move that gets us closer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马那边呢 你有得到什么新信息吗?", "english": "And with Nomar, you have anything new?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是我所想的", "english": "That's what I thought."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗?", "english": "Ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扁平足真是可恶", "english": "Flat feet are a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该庆幸遗传了你妈的", "english": "You're lucky you got your mama's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的医生跟你说什么了吗?", "english": "So you got any news from that doctor you been seeing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是那一套", "english": "Nothing new."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说了什么?", "english": "Well, what'd he say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有进展", "english": "No improvement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "治疗没有用 我的膝盖永远粉碎了", "english": "The treatment didn't work. My knee's busted for good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就换个医生 这才六个月", "english": "Then find another doctor. It's only been six months."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我总得面对现实 爸 我再也不能打篮球了", "english": "I gotta face it, pops. I can't ball anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也要面对这一点", "english": "So you gotta face it too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你别的还忙什么?", "english": "So what you doing instead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找了份新工作", "english": "I got a new job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给幽灵叔叔开车", "english": "Driving Uncle G."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了 他要我向你带个好", "english": "And he says hey, by the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你出去后", "english": "When you get out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他给你的经销权都准备好了", "english": "he's got a whole franchise all ready for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直 我一直知道这一天会来的 伙计", "english": "I always... I always knew this day would come, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他对你好吗?", "english": "He treat you right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挺好的", "english": "Yeah, he does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也总是跟我讲你的事...", "english": "He keeps telling me about you too..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你教会他的东西", "english": "what you taught him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们以前多么亲密", "english": "how close y'all were."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜我还有很多要学的", "english": "I guess I got a lot to learn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能对幽灵讲", "english": "some shit you can't tell Ghost,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纵火者 守卫们不让我闲着", "english": "burner. Guards keep me stoed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道你会让我骄傲的 儿子", "english": "I know you gonna do me proud, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 咱们走", "english": "All right, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要么过来搭把手 要么滚一边去", "english": "Help the fuck out, or fuck the fuck off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得我们今天早上", "english": "What, do you think we're hosting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这儿是开派对的吗?", "english": "a party here this morning?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 我上了个卖甜甜圈的妞", "english": "Nah, I'm fucking the doughnut chick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能搞到免费的甜甜圈?", "english": "And you get free doughnuts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有啊 想要多少有多少", "english": "Shit, yeah. As many as I want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也能跟她来一发吗?", "english": "Think I could bang her too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 我猜也是", "english": "All right, bet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甜甜圈很好吃的 兄弟", "english": "Doughnuts are good, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计 你和那些该死的甜甜圈 还有狗", "english": "Man, you and those fucking doughnuts, dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "举起手来", "english": "Hands up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下枪", "english": "Put it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下枪", "english": "Put it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也滚出来 站到墙边", "english": "You too, get the fuck out. By the wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啦 兄弟 冷静一点行吗?", "english": "All right, man, hey, calm the fuck down, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你给我闭嘴", "english": "Shut the fuck up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转过去", "english": "Turn around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想用车 不会害人的", "english": "I just want the van. Nobody's got to get hurt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不这么看", "english": "That's not the way I see it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "依我看来 你会饱受摧残", "english": "The way I see it, you're gonna get hurt real bad,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非说出我需要的信息", "english": "unless you tell me what I need to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马·阿奇斯罗有没有打电话? 我...", "english": "Has Nomar Arcielo called in? He hasn't answered my..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺克斯特工刚才联系了他几次 他都没接", "english": "agent Knox's last few attempts to make contact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他肯定认识这个号码", "english": "Of course he recognizes the number."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只不过故意不理睬", "english": "He's ignoring us on purpose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马 马上接电话", "english": "Nomar, call in now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去死吧 该死的协议", "english": "Fuck this. Fuck protocol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到那个人了 维克多货已到手", "english": "Got the guy. Victor's got the product."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要知道是谁 谁派他来的", "english": "Okay, we need a name, who sent him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们怎么知道在哪儿能找到我们", "english": "how they knew where to find us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在办", "english": "I'm on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没带肖恩一起去 对吗?", "english": "You don't got Shawn with you, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道在仓库里", "english": "I know you liked popping his cherry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想让他染指杀人的活", "english": "on the wet work in the warehouse,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想让你暂时别这么做", "english": "but I want you to lay off for a while."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还想让你把那个叫多米尼克的姑娘", "english": "And I want you to move that Dominique girl"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "划入俱乐部贵宾之列", "english": "to the VIP Section at the club."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她很棒", "english": "She's good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪方面?", "english": "Good at what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说过别招惹推销员 汤米", "english": "I told you not to touch the merchandise, Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵 我们得谈谈", "english": "Ghost, we need to talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得去俱乐部了 宝贝", "english": "I got to get to the club, babe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "超级惊喜", "english": "Big surprise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想知道我要干什么吗?", "english": "You want to know what's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去找到那个卖药的", "english": "I'm trying to find the dealer that sold that girl"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他卖给那姑娘的破玩意差点要了她的命", "english": "the bad shit that almost killed her,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以把他交给警方", "english": "so we can turn him over to the cops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在成了告密者?", "english": "So now you're a snitch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是你所在意的?", "english": "That's what you take from all that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要管公司... 我们得让警察高兴", "english": "I got a business to run... we keep the cops happy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就不会找我们麻烦了 就这样", "english": "which keeps 'em off our backs, that's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从你认识你以来", "english": "As long as I've known you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从来没有担心过惹到警察", "english": "you ain't never been worried about keeping no cops happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在想这么做吗?", "english": "You want to do this right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不想", "english": "Nah, I don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 宝贝", "english": "Okay, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 小甜心", "english": "Come on, honey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们去找外婆", "english": "Come on, let's go find big mama."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要处理点事情", "english": "I got some business to take care of."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道吗 每次我说这种话", "english": "Every time I say something like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都觉得自己在演老电影", "english": "I feel like I'm in an old movie, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像他妈的阿尔·卡彭在那边", "english": "It's like fucking Al Capone over here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最喜欢哪个黑帮?", "english": "Who's your favorite gangster of all time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卢西亚诺吗?", "english": "Luciano?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是埃斯科瓦尔吧?", "english": "Escobar, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人人都爱看经典", "english": "Everybody loves the classics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么", "english": "Okay, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老实交代你的幕后主使", "english": "Tell me who you're working for,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然的话我们就来玩一玩", "english": "or we're gonna have a little fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hola."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只用监视", "english": "All I had to do was look"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离你家最近的天主教学校", "english": "for the closest catholic school to your house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我在找你", "english": "You know I've been looking for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下", "english": "Stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 汤米 伙计 算了吧 朋友", "english": "Hey, yo, Tommy, man, come on, dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要干嘛?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再等一秒钟", "english": "Give him another second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把我们赶下车后", "english": "What were you supposed to do with the van"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备做什么?", "english": "once you got it off us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应该把它开到布鲁克林的一个停车场", "english": "I was supposed to drive it to a parking lot in Brooklyn,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停车走人", "english": "park it, and walk away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁会来把它开走?", "english": "Who was supposed to pick it up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得了 赶紧说", "english": "Hey, yo, man, talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你十秒钟", "english": "You got ten seconds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一 二 三 四...", "english": "One, two, three, four..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五 六 七...", "english": "Five, six, seven..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好", "english": "Okay, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好好", "english": "Okay, okay, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她说...", "english": "She said..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她? 还是个女的?", "english": "she? It was a woman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她... 她说我们在为某个家伙干", "english": "Sh... she says we were doing it for some guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道他叫什么", "english": "I don't know his name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就向你的小伙伴告别吧", "english": "Then say good-bye to your little friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看见我在那边做的事了吗? 疤瘌脸", "english": "You see what I did there? Scarface."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她叫他大胖子", "english": "She called him El Gordo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是阿尼巴尔", "english": "That's Anibal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是个有证的女巫", "english": "I am a bruja with a badge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要继续和我胡闹 我可以很冷血地", "english": "You keep fucking with me, I can shoot you in the street,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你当街射杀 然后说是正当防卫", "english": "in cold blood, say it's self-defense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人会他妈眨一下眼睛", "english": "No one will bat a fucking eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你得和我说说上周", "english": "So you're gonna talk to me about this guy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个收到一个包裹里面有只脚的人", "english": "who got a fucking foot in the mail last week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必须知道这是他妈的什么事 诺马", "english": "I need to know what the fuck is going on, Nomar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要知道我在应对什么", "english": "I need to know what I'm dealing with."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个人收到了一只脚?", "english": "That guy got a foot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听说鲁伊斯收到了一个头", "english": "I heard Ruiz got a head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根据受害者说", "english": "According to the victim,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个卖药的是个深色头发 五官鲜明 高个", "english": "our dealer is dark-haired, clean-cut, tall..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的名字是斯科特 好了 事情就是这样", "english": "His first name is Scott. All right, here's the deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要每个人都睁大你们的双眼 每个人", "english": "We need everybody to keep their eyes open. Everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姑娘们 如果你们有看到有谁", "english": "Ladies, if you catch this piece of shit in action"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里卖这种东西 把他交给我", "english": "selling this bullshit in here, you hand him over to me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我会给你们一笔很优厚的报酬", "english": "and I hand you back a big, fat bonus check."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一夜工资的双倍", "english": "Double a night's pay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 还有 不择手段 这没有规则", "english": "Oh, and do whatever it takes. There are no rules."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都听到了吧", "english": "You heard him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 去干活吧 开门迎客...", "english": "All right, let's get to work. Open the doors..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不择手段 啊?", "english": "do whatever it takes, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜你终究还是没变啊", "english": "Guess you haven't changed after all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要谈谈 就现在", "english": "We need to talk. Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎 不管你想了到什么", "english": "Tasha, whatever's gotten into you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还是回家再谈吧", "english": "we're gonna talk about it at home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我工作的地方", "english": "This is my place of business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你工作的地方是我唯一能抓住你注意的地方", "english": "Your business is the only place I can get your attention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去了银行", "english": "I went to the bank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看了金库", "english": "I saw the vault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为我会注意不到?", "english": "Did you think I wouldn't notice?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得我会注意不到你拿了什么?", "english": "Did you think I wouldn't notice what you took?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要花这笔钱开夜店", "english": "I had to use that money to open the club."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这必须要是我们合法账户里的现金支票", "english": "It had to be a cashier's check from our legit account."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总不能给那些国家机关的酒囊饭袋", "english": "Couldn't give the state liquor motherfucker"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用可卡因换来的灰色收入", "english": "a stack of hundreds covered in coke dust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且事实是 塔莎 那是我的钱", "english": "And truth is, Tasha, it's my money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你竟然说这种蠢话 幽灵", "english": "Don't you dare start that shit, Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我帮你挣了每一分钱", "english": "I helped you earn every goddamn penny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本可以预先告诉我", "english": "You could've told me up front"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个俱乐部会花多少钱", "english": "how much this club would cost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本该说清楚的", "english": "You could've said something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你让我像个傻瓜一样去银行", "english": "But you sent me into that bank like boo-boo the fool"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却不知道你在做什么", "english": "don't know shit about what you're doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看到了我们在那里赚了多少钱", "english": "You saw how much money we got in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不是没有破产的危险", "english": "We ain't in no danger of going broke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这和钱没关系", "english": "It ain't about the money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么时候开始对我说谎了?", "english": "Since when do you lie to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么时候开始对我有所隐瞒了?", "english": "Since when do you hide shit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得你不会理解", "english": "I didn't think you'd understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不试试?", "english": "Why don't you try me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是一个聪明的女人 记得吗?", "english": "I'm a smart girl, remember?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这么做是为了我们所有人", "english": "I'm doing this for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 那些年老的毒贩", "english": "I don't know any old, wrankled drug dealers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要么死了 要么牢里去了 塔莎", "english": "They're either dead or inside, Tasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没觉得怕吗?", "english": "That doesn't scare you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他们不是你", "english": "Because they're not you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没你优秀", "english": "They're not as good as you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这间夜店就是一个梦想", "english": "This club is the dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能脱身 我们能拥有一切", "english": "We can get out. We can have it all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经拥有一切了", "english": "We already have it all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 我 还有孩子们", "english": "You, me, the kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在的情况和生活 就是我的梦想", "english": "The way things are now, it is my dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我们找到他了 老板 那个斯科特", "english": "I think we got him, boss. Scott."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得走了 塔莎", "english": "I gotta go, Tasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他符合基本描述", "english": "He fits the physical description,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是对相同类型的女孩下手", "english": "is preying on the same type of girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经检查过他的身份证刷卡记录了", "english": "Already checked his I.D. swipe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他那天晚上在这里", "english": "He was here that night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别废话", "english": "No shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 一旦他卖 我们就抓住他", "english": "All right, well, as soon as he does, we'll grab him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好过来一下", "english": "You better get your ass out here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 我要走了 伙计", "english": "Yeah. I got to go, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你要我怎么做?", "english": "Well, what do you want me to do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍莉 给我盯着那个家伙", "english": "Holly, I want you keep your eye on that prick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "试着让他卖药给你", "english": "Try to get him to sell to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会搞定的", "english": "I'm on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打电话给我", "english": "Call me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦他有任何分吹草动 电话我", "english": "Soon as he makes a move, call me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "了解", "english": "Got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不肯告诉我他为谁工作 现在我们知道了", "english": "He wouldn't tell me who he was working for. Now we know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把我叫醒 拖我出屋子 为了什么?", "english": "You wake me up, drag me out my house, for what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你雇了这个混蛋来偷我东西?", "english": "You hire this motherfucker to boost my product?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然不是 我从没见过他", "english": "Fuck no. I never seen him before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说过你不知道", "english": "You told me you didn't know nothing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么受袭", "english": "about us getting hit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尼巴尔 你当着我的面说过", "english": "Anibal, you said it to my face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我们从这个\"香酥牛肉\"听到的可不一样", "english": "We're hearing a different story from crispy beef here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果是一直都是你幕后操控的", "english": "Turns out you were behind it the whole fucking time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 我干嘛要这么做?", "english": "Yo, why the fuck would I do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 幽灵 你了解我的 伙计", "english": "Yo, Ghost, you know me, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你准备因为这个畜生的话", "english": "You gonna do me like this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你把一个人点着了 他会用一种", "english": "People have a funny way of telling the truth"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很滑稽的方式告诉你真相", "english": "when you light 'em on fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 阿尼巴尔", "english": "Nighty night, Anibal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 幽灵 你知道 要是我", "english": "Yo, Ghost, you know that if I'm gonna"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想算计你 我应该用我最得力的人", "english": "fucking step to you, I'ma use my best men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这畜生不是泰诺人", "english": "This motherfucker ain't Taino."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是被冤枉的", "english": "Yo, I'm being set up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用我的孩子们发誓 伙计", "english": "Yo, I swear on my kids, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在浪费时间 做了他", "english": "We're wasting time. Do him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米 要是你雇人来干这样的活", "english": "Tommy, if you hire a hitter to pull off a job like this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要确保他是把好手", "english": "you gotta make sure it's someone good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米格尔隐瞒实情 然后说是这孩子干的", "english": "Miguel hid the shit and then talked, this kid broke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 我吃一堑长一智", "english": "Yeah, well, I learn from my mistakes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧 胡里奥 把他弄醒", "english": "Maybe. Julito, wake him the fuck up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后问再问问他怎么接到这活的", "english": "and ask him again how he got the job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 老板?", "english": "Yo, boss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为我让他四分熟", "english": "I thought I cooked him medium rare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发誓我没做过", "english": "I swear I didn't do nothing, yo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁伊斯讨厌我 因为我是多明尼加人", "english": "Ruiz hates me 'cause I'm Dominican."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非我有证据证明他出卖了我", "english": "unless I got proof he's crossed me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是阿尼巴尔在这里被冤枉了", "english": "If Anibal's being set up here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们也被人算计了 挑起争端", "english": "so are we, to start a fucking war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我另有计划", "english": "I got another plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要开一个会", "english": "We have us a meeting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我坐在桌子对面", "english": "I sit across the table,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要看着所有人的眼睛", "english": "I look all those motherfuckers in the eye,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后找出是谁打压我 一劳永逸", "english": "and I find out who's hitting me, once and for all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在此之前 没人能拿到货", "english": "Until then, no one gets product."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵 我们不能光停下批发业务", "english": "Ghost, we can't just shut down the wholesale business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能让那个胖子就这么一走了之", "english": "We can't just let fat Albert go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们想怎么样还能办不成吗", "english": "We can do anything we want to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要证据 汤米", "english": "We need proof, Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但要是阿尼巴尔从头到尾搞的鬼", "english": "But if I find out it was Anibal all along,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我保证亲手了结他", "english": "I promise you, I'll cut his throat myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没打电话", "english": "You didn't call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那妹子钓了他一晚上 他也不搭茬", "english": "The girl was on him all night. He never dealt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是条子打电话来 我们好好表现", "english": "Look, if the cops call, we play nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能抓住掮客则锦上添花 前程一片大好", "english": "Grabbing the dealer was icing. It'll all work out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍莉 要不要帮你打车?", "english": "Hey, holly. Can I get you a cab?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 谢谢", "english": "Yes, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不要送你回家?", "english": "You want a ride home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但还不至于走不动路", "english": "Getting down on my knees ain't gonna happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是那样的 霍莉", "english": "It's not like that, Holly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哟呵 你不辞辛苦终于知道我的名字了", "english": "Mm, you took the trouble to learn my name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厉害吧?", "english": "You impressed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "个屁", "english": "Nope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上次跟妹子约会是什么时候啊?", "english": "When was the last time you asked a girl out on a real date?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底知不知道怎么约?", "english": "Do you even know how?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能不能带你去吃早点 霍莉?", "english": "Can I take you to get some breakfast, Holly?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大", "english": "Boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚上又是一大波电话", "english": "Bunch of calls went out late last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "线人说要开会", "english": "Connect called a meeting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "线人叫什么名字?", "english": "You got a name for the connect?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么性质的会?", "english": "What kind of meeting?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当年跟一个泰诺兵是过命的交情", "english": "I was inside with a Taino soldier a few years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他欠我一条命", "english": "He owes me one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说你的弟兄 阿尼巴尔", "english": "He says your guy, Anibal,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽说不知道是不是他召集的", "english": "don't know if he called the meeting,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是他一准会到场", "english": "but he's gonna be there for sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下爽了吧?", "english": "Are you happy now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爽翻了", "english": "Yes, I'm happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得给我弄清楚", "english": "I need you to find out when and where"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会议的时间和地点", "english": "this meeting's gonna be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马·阿奇斯罗已经确信鲁伊斯 阿尼巴尔", "english": "Nomar Arcielo confirmed that Ruiz, Anibal,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及其他洛沃斯在纽约分舵人员", "english": "and other members of Lobos' New York network"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应经销商之请要召开会议", "english": "will be convening at the distributor's behest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是说阿尼巴尔脱不开干系?", "english": "So Anibal is involved?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们什么时候能得知", "english": "We'll know how exactly when we get"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确切的会议时间和地点", "english": "the when and where of the meeting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的线人在办这件事", "english": "My C.I. is on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说的是诺克斯探员的线人", "english": "You mean agent Knox's C.I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马已经回应安吉拉的号召了", "english": "Nomar's been responsive to Angela,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以她得陪我去碰头", "english": "so she's been accompanying me on meet-ups,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就跟今天早上一样", "english": "like the one this morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实证明对付诺马就不能来善的 想想看吧", "english": "Turns out Nomar likes the bad cop. Go figure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在会上抓住经销商 用他来扣洛沃斯", "english": "We catch the distributor at this meeting, flip him on Lobos,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "献给柯林斯的漂亮一击 一网打尽", "english": "nice little package for Collins, all wrapped up with a bow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩干得不错", "english": "Great work, you two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你帮我圆场", "english": "Thank you for covering for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马对你知根知底", "english": "Nomar knows your real name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你家住哪 在哪工作", "english": "How hard would it be to find out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想查到不是手到擒来的事情吗?", "english": "where you work, where you live?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我家有枪", "english": "I have a gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有枪管啥用 我还有炮呢", "english": "Oh, f... what, you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有把这玩意放在办公室的许可", "english": "you have permission to have it at the office"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我得在你那儿住一阵子", "english": "Maybe I should stay at your place for a while,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得写份报告 我们在哪见诺马?", "english": "I gotta write this report, so where did we meet Nomar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次能待多久离开?", "english": "So how long before you have to split?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老娘干了一早上的活", "english": "I had a good morning at work,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以奖励自己一下 跟你一起吃薯条", "english": "so I'm rewarding myself with these fries and with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我出了什么事吧", "english": "So tell me what happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我实况播报会议内容吗?", "english": "A play-by-play of my meeting?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你要多喝点咖啡来保持清醒", "english": "Hmm, you better get more coffee to stay awake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有那么枯燥吗?", "english": "That bad, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那边呢? 那个经手人抓到没?", "english": "What about you? Did you catch that dealer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像昨天那样的情况 安琪 我是说", "english": "Days like yesterday, Angie, I mean..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼玛", "english": "Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我在想这一切是不是在自己捉弄自己", "english": "Makes me wonder if I'm kidding myself doing all this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为有今天的成就所做的一切决定", "english": "All the choices I've made to get here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说", "english": "Listen, hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道经营夜店要怎么样", "english": "I don't know what's involved in running a club,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我知道我的工作就是这样 简而言之", "english": "but I know that at my job, let's just say,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天万人敬仰", "english": "one day I'm the hero,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天就可能万人唾骂", "english": "the next day I'm knee-deep in shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是这么想的", "english": "That's exactly how I feel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我还不至于放弃 你懂吗?", "english": "That doesn't mean I give up, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些人无需付出努力 一切都能手到擒来", "english": "Some people get everything handed to them on a platter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此这般只要花点小钱", "english": "All they have to do is count their money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我从来不是这样的人", "english": "That's never been me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来没人送我钻石或者给我付租金", "english": "No one's ever bought me diamonds or paid my rent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我曾经自己买了个手镯", "english": "I bought myself a bracelet once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帕斯却已经有人买好给她了", "english": "Some guy got one for Paz,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我买不起真正的手镯", "english": "but I couldn't afford the real version."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带着那玩意把我的手都变绿了", "english": "Turned my whole arm green."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我一直戴着那个手镯 直到它碎掉", "english": "But I wore it till it fell apart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你一样 从来都是自力更生", "english": "I've always done everything for myself, like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们靠着自己才爬到今天的地位", "english": "We got ourselves where we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是所有人都能理解我们的 杰米", "english": "Not everybody understands us, Jamie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这也是我坐在这里陪你的原因 安琪", "english": "Guess that's why I'm sitting here right now with you, Angie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安琪 巴尔德斯", "english": "Angie Valdes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在不孤单了吧?", "english": "You don't feel lonely now, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不了", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得这次是我要孤单了 不 是你要孤单了", "english": "I think maybe this time I did. No, you did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事?", "english": "What happens now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次你跑不了", "english": "But I'm not letting you go again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事电话联系", "english": "I'll call you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打不打还难说呢", "english": "You better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿着这个", "english": "Here, take this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我老爸向你问好", "english": "My pops said hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗? 看到他感觉怎样?", "english": "Yeah? How was it seeing him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还可以", "english": "Fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该说挺好的吧", "english": "Maybe good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我九岁的时候他就进局子了", "english": "He's been in since I was nine,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这件事让我耿耿于怀", "english": "and I always hated him for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是今天我觉得很愧疚", "english": "But after today, I feel guilty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然现在跟你一起工作", "english": "But now that I'm working with you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲则不一样", "english": "I see my dad differently."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他虽然不甚完美 但还是我爹", "english": "Sure, maybe he's not perfect, but he's my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜你大概就是那个意思吧?", "english": "I mean, isn't that what you meant?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家吧", "english": "Head uptown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提前回家了啊", "english": "You're home early."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你骗我 幽灵 这玩意什么也弥补不了", "english": "You lied to me, Ghost. These don't make up for shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就还回去呗", "english": "Give 'em back, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚斯明睡着了 替我看着她", "english": "Yasmine's down for her nap. Keep an eye on her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎", "english": "Tasha!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了? 到底啦?", "english": "What is it? What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝 宝贝", "english": "Baby, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我 这是什么?", "english": "Give me. What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事了", "english": "You're okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她嘴里是什么鬼玩意?", "english": "What the hell is that in her mouth?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都没事了 没事了 宝贝", "english": "It's okay, baby. It's okay. It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈在 没事了", "english": "I got you. I got you. It's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了", "english": "It's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是安吉拉·巴尔德斯?", "english": "You Angela Valdes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里签字", "english": "Sign here, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我勒个去 这是", "english": "My God. Oh, my..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘘 没事啦 有我呢", "english": "shh. We're fine. I got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有我在呢", "english": "I'm here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们初见时 你觉得我会成为什么样的人?", "english": "When we met, who'd you think I was gonna be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不认识任何满脸褶的 老毒枭", "english": "I don't know any old, wrinkled drug dealers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不是死了 就是在监狱了", "english": "They're either dead or inside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从什么时候开始骗我了?", "english": "Since when do you lie to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么时候开始对我有所隐瞒了?", "english": "Since when do you hide shit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也是时候改变了", "english": "so now it's time for you to do the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愿意为你改变自己", "english": "I want to change my life for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想破坏你的家庭", "english": "I don't want to break up your marriage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜欢我陪你在身边 不是吗?", "english": "You like having me around, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发现你不忠的时候 我就把它给切了", "english": "The moment I detect disloyalty, I cut it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于罗拉 你说的对", "english": "You was right about Rolla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉 事情会变成这样 幽灵", "english": "I'm sorry it turned out like this, G."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是卡南告诉你的 对吗?", "english": "It was Kanan, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么多年了 你们关系还是这么铁", "english": "You were still tight after all these years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你的朋友", "english": "I am your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗拉死了 你欠我钱", "english": "Rolla's dead. You owe me money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你还欠我几条人命", "english": "And you owe me bodies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得保证 你杀人的时候 我儿子不会死", "english": "You make sure my son ain't dead when you do it neither."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去之前 我要你杀了幽灵", "english": "I want Ghost dead before I get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你的朋友", "english": "I'm your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我们该行动了", "english": "I guess we should get to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你的朋友", "english": "I am your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据说今晚会下十英尺雪", "english": "They say we supposed to get ten inches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你的朋友", "english": "I'm your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杯子是空的", "english": "Glass was empty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在罗拉的胃里发现了威士忌", "english": "The coroner found whiskey in Rolla's stomach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不论是谁杀了他 都让他喝了最后一杯", "english": "So whoever killed him gave him a last drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干的漂亮", "english": "That's classy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听说你拒绝加入底特律的", "english": "So I hear you turned down the new Border Task Force"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "边防专责小组", "english": "in Detroit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜你会调查到底?", "english": "Guess you'll be sticking around?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗拉被谋杀是一条新线索", "english": "Rolla's murder is a new lead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 但是随着洛沃斯在加州被起诉", "english": "Sure, but we have no money to follow it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没经费再调查下去了", "english": "With Lobos being prosecuted in California,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们已经要我们结案了", "english": "they've shut us down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗拉谋杀案是纽约警察局的案子", "english": "Now Rolla's death is officially an NYPD case,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作案手法和阿尼巴尔的案子相同", "english": "just like Anibal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能是同一个凶手", "english": "Might be the same hitter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不这么认为", "english": "I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还喝了最后一杯酒", "english": "He had a drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被枪击后 他直接从椅子", "english": "At the kill shot, he fell right out of his chair"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "摔到地板上", "english": "on to the floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有打斗的痕迹 没有反抗的迹象", "english": "No defensive wounds, no sign of struggle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认识他认识人干的", "english": "You think it was someone he knew?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没想到会被杀", "english": "And he didn't see it coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他信任那人", "english": "He trusted the person."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得是那个分销商干的?", "english": "You think it was the distributor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为是幽灵干的", "english": "You think it was Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没准你是对的", "english": "You could be right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是已经不重要了", "english": "But it doesn't matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这周末卡利就会起诉洛沃斯", "english": "Cali will have Lobos indicted by the end of the week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是时候放弃调查了 牛仔女郎", "english": "It's time to let it go, Cowgirl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还有新的案子", "english": "We'll get the next one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去倒点水", "english": "I'm gonna get some water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会带走了床的温度的", "english": "Bed gets cold when you leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次都是", "english": "It always does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好喜欢你这个样子啊", "english": "I like it when you're like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天晚上你吓到我了", "english": "You kind of scared me the other night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵已经完成了我们讨论的那件事", "english": "Ghost did that thing we talked about,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我们现在和好了", "english": "so I'm all good now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁是幽灵啊?", "english": "Who's Ghost?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆斯", "english": "James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵是...", "english": "Ghost is a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昵称 就像...", "english": "nickname, like..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有我这么叫他", "english": "just between me and him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么叫\"幽灵\"呢?", "english": "Why \"Ghost\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们小时候就发现这家伙走路\"轻飘飘\"的", "english": "We knew this guy \"Breeze\" when we were kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像幽灵一样", "english": "He came up with Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说那孩子会隐身术", "english": "He said the kid had the ability to disappear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来不知道他何时出现 何时消失", "english": "Never saw him coming, you never saw him leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过现在他穿的他妈的高档鞋子出卖了他", "english": "Those expensive-ass shoes he wears now changed all that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就他妈的咔嗒 咔嗒响不停", "english": "clickety-fucking-clack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有天晚上我听到他的声音了", "english": "I heard him the other night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他来过 对吗?", "english": "He was here, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你还醒着", "english": "I didn't know you were awake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈的 你早点说啊", "english": "Holly, you shoulda said something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米 没关系的", "english": "Tommy, it's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以相信我", "english": "You can trust me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你说过", "english": "I told you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵有塔莎在身边", "english": "Ghost has Tasha in his corner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她知道所有事 对吗?", "english": "She knows everything, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她会支持他", "english": "And she's got his back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也这样做", "english": "Maybe I can be like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个人在你身边 默默支持你", "english": "Someone in your corner, just for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是能见到你 就会好多了", "english": "I'll be better when I see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也希望你现在就在我身边", "english": "Yeah, I wish you were here with me right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的", "english": "You know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在萨顿开派对那天晚上 我没什么事", "english": "I'm free the night of the Sutton place party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几周前塔莎已经知道这个派对的事了", "english": "Tasha's known about it for weeks now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要她过去", "english": "I told her she could come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 当然", "english": "Yeah, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 安琪宝贝 我保证 都会好的", "english": "Look, Angie baby, I promise, all right,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会改变现在的生活", "english": "I'm gonna change my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以后只有俱乐部 我的孩子 还有你", "english": "It's gonna be my club, my kids, and you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今天能见到你吗?", "english": "Could I see you today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去看雷娜的演出 她扮演安妮", "english": "I've got Raina's play. She's Annie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你的家人在一起吧", "english": "Be with your family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安琪", "english": "Angie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得挂了", "english": "I got to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好 圣帕特里克夫妇", "english": "Hi, Mrs. St. Patrick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十分感谢你", "english": "Thank you so much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我为你感到骄傲", "english": "I'm so proud of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的大明星", "english": "My superstar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸爱你", "english": "Oh, daddy loves you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都把感动我哭了", "english": "You made me cry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 告诉你妹妹 她又多棒", "english": "Hey, tell your sister how good she did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐 我有一个惊喜要给你哦", "english": "I have a special surprise for you, Miss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以邀请四位女生和我们一起回家", "english": "You can invite four girls to come home with us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且她们还可以住在家里哦", "english": "and they can sleep over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们可以呆在一起 好好玩", "english": "You can stay up, have a good time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看部电影", "english": "watch a movie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去问问她们的妈妈 可不可以", "english": "Go ask their moms if it's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗 妈妈?", "english": "Really, Mom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔里克 我也问过欧文的妈妈了 好吗?", "english": "Tariq, I already asked Owen's mom if it's okay too, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你问过了?", "english": "You did?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姑娘们来了 你们俩可以在你的房间里", "english": "You guys can be in your room while the girls have the den."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在最好回家 帮我一起组织这事", "english": "Now you better come home, and help me with this shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不用现在就回俱乐部吧", "english": "You don't have to go back to the club right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个大日子里 雷娜需要她爸爸", "english": "Raina deserves her daddy on her big day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您好", "english": "Hello, hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷娜今天表现棒极了", "english": "Raina was excellent today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 该谢谢你们", "english": "No, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的慷慨捐助 会让新的操场", "english": "Your generous donation will get that playground finished"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在几个月之后就建好", "english": "in just a couple of months."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都感到非常兴奋", "english": "We're all very excited about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们应该感到非常骄傲", "english": "You both should be very proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你们", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慷慨捐助?", "english": "Generous donation?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看到她有多棒了 对吗?", "english": "You see how great she was, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇 塔莎", "english": "Wow, Tasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷娜 和爸爸说再见", "english": "Raina, tell Daddy good-bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见 宝贝 我真以你为荣", "english": "See you, baby. Mm, I'm so proud of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝", "english": "Babe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还要再加点迷迭香", "english": "Needs more Rosemary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这酒有点淡", "english": "And it's flat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在最后确认一下细节", "english": "Just checking in on a few final details."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在这味道对了", "english": "Now, that works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并且我希望 这只是", "english": "And I'm hoping this is just the beginning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们合作的一个开端", "english": "for our working relationship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前和你提过 现在我再说一次", "english": "I've told you before, and I'll say it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的生意只不过是", "english": "Your business is just the springboard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想缔造的夜店帝国的跳板", "english": "for the kind of nightlife empire I'm trying to build."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信你会成功", "english": "And I am sure you'll do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是能得到自己想要的东西的人", "english": "You seem like the kind of guy that gets what he wants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你能保证明年的派对还在我这开", "english": "I want your word that I'll get this party again next year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管想到能与你合作很令我心动", "english": "As tempting as the idea of spending more time with you is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆斯 你应该知道我保证不了", "english": "James, you know I can't promise that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当然可以", "english": "Sure you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在巴塞尔艺术展办周末派对", "english": "at Art Basel weekend next year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准确的说 挖掘一下国外顾客的价值", "english": "Exactly, capitalizing on the international crowd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯特恩准备在滨海大道开分店", "english": "Stern's opening a club on Ocean Drive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纽约已经是鸡肋", "english": "We've done New York to death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里太冷", "english": "It gets so cold here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一会会我就觉得四肢僵硬", "english": "I feel trapped after a while."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迈阿密很温暖 阳光普照...", "english": "Miami, it'd be warm, sunny..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新的开始", "english": "Fresh start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个新开始", "english": "A fresh start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辛西娅·谢里丹签了派对的最终合同", "english": "Cynthia Sheridan signed the final contracts for the party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再有客人吐在沙发上", "english": "Any of the guests puke on the banquettes again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她就自掏腰包来维护翻新", "english": "she'll pay for re-upholstery herself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "合同都打印出来了", "english": "Have it in print."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真有趣", "english": "That's funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧 老板?", "english": "You okay, boss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看上去并不怎么高兴", "english": "Doesn't seem like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说到辛西娅 她有没有告诉过你", "english": "Speaking of Cynthia, did she tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明年派对会在迈阿密开?", "english": "next year's party's gonna be in Miami?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见鬼", "english": "No shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在西蒙·斯特恩的分店里开", "english": "One of Simon Stern's clubs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么到处都有这狗杂种的店", "english": "That motherfucker's everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "南海岸很抢手", "english": "South Beach is hot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在那做过几年推广顾问", "english": "I worked as a promoter there a couple of winters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在那还认识什么人嘛?", "english": "You still know people down there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认识啊 怎么啦?", "english": "Yeah, I do. Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们要乘热吃", "english": "Get your food while it's hot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姑娘们 快来吃", "english": "Come on, girls, eat up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个人都有份", "english": "There's plenty for everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别忘了拿张餐巾纸 好吗?", "english": "And make sure you take a napkin, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当心点 别把吃的掉在沙发上", "english": "Be careful, don't spill anything on the couch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没有为你做过这些", "english": "I never did anything like this for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你为了这些孩子努力做得更好", "english": "I see you trying to do better by these kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想要做个好...", "english": "I'm just trying to be a good..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆斯去哪了?", "english": "Where's James?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他和别的女人在一块", "english": "He's with another woman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早就和你说了那个夜店是个麻烦", "english": "Told you that club was trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "模特还是别的女人?", "english": "Some model or something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果真是这样倒好了", "english": "I wish it was like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肖恩告诉我她的名字叫安吉拉", "english": "Shawn told me her name is Angela."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被你说中了", "english": "You were right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在开心了?", "english": "You happy now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我留不住他", "english": "I couldn't keep him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当然不开心", "english": "Of course I'm not happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还记得这种感觉", "english": "I remember how this felt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爸每次回家都会洗澡", "english": "Your father would come home, take a shower,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后上床睡在我的旁边 好像什么事都没有", "english": "and get in bed next to me like it was nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后来他回来也不洗澡了", "english": "Then he stopped taking that shower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和拉凯莎说过这事", "english": "I talked to Lakeisha about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我准备找个律师", "english": "I'm just gonna get a lawyer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我肯定能获得孩子们的抚养权", "english": "and I'm sure I'll get custody of the kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉凯莎太过简单没有城府", "english": "Lakeisha is as simple as two plus two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你嫁得是个毒贩子 塔莎", "english": "You are married to a drug dealer, Tasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵绝不会伤害我", "english": "Ghost would never hurt me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你今晚就必须离开你该怎么办?", "english": "What would you do if you had to leave tonight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "合法账户的户主是我们俩", "english": "The legit accounts are in both our names."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以分到一半", "english": "I can get half of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我早和你说过", "english": "I done told you before,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿不到他的非法所得", "english": "you ain't got no legal claim on his illegal money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到时候你拿什么过活", "english": "That's what you need to survive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得为自己好好打算", "english": "You've got to have a plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要三思而后行 宝贝", "english": "You got to look before you leap, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有东西要给你 安琪", "english": "I have something for you, Angie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰米 别再送我礼物 别再送我内衣裤", "english": "Jamie, no more gifts, no more lingerie,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也别送我鞋子", "english": "no more shoes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只要你", "english": "Just you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 只有我", "english": "Okay, me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们这周末准备去迈阿密", "english": "We're going to Miami for the weekend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我之前说过 我要在那开分店", "english": "I'm gonna open a Truth down there like I said I would."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为跟斯特恩的生意还摇摆不定呢", "english": "I thought everything with Stern went sideways."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实的确如此 所以我准备自己大干一场", "english": "It did go sideways so I'm gonna do it on my own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坎托斯在那认识人", "english": "Kantos knows some people down there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会替我安排一些碰面", "english": "He's gonna arrange some meetings for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想去那里看看租个场地", "english": "I'm gonna look at rental space while I'm there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要你的建议", "english": "I want your opinion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想让你在我身边", "english": "I want you to be with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想 海滩 阳光", "english": "Think, the beach, the sun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你认真考虑一下我的提议 好吗?", "english": "But I don't want you to think about all that, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陪我一起去", "english": "Just come with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陪我一起去迈阿密", "english": "Just come with me to Miami."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愿意", "english": "I would love to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得小心点", "english": "We have to be careful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个真漂亮", "english": "That's so cute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今天看到它 觉得和你很配", "english": "I saw it today and thought of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴好了", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很喜欢", "english": "I love this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要车子在机场接我们", "english": "Need a car to meet us at the airport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们住在枫丹白露酒店", "english": "We're staying at the Fontainebleau."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 我叫圣帕特里克", "english": "Uh, sure, it's St. Patrick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟 搞毛线啊?", "english": "Yo, man, what's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米?", "english": "Tommy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们 我为这戏剧性的绑架表示诚挚歉意", "english": "Gentlemen, I apologize for the theatrics,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你们政府盯得我很紧", "english": "but your government has been observing my every move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我不得不小心为上", "english": "So I am gonna take every precaution necessary"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除此之外...", "english": "Besides..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我们需要放松...", "english": "Now we all just get to relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得如果我们没被绑起来", "english": "I think we'd relax a lot better"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会更放松 头儿", "english": "if we weren't tied up, Jefe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "貌似你解决问题的办法", "english": "It seems like your plan to solve your problem"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要杀了你组织里的所有成员", "english": "required the killing of everybody in your organization."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要时间来找出来为此负责的人", "english": "Took some time to find the man responsible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他亲自解决的", "english": "He handled that personally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是我的一个朋友 头儿", "english": "He was a friend of mine, Jefe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我欠他太多了", "english": "I owed him that much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了 幽灵 嗯?", "english": "Bravo, Ghost, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是个老顽固 伙计", "english": "That is old school, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经联系到了RSK的新首脑", "english": "We're already in touch with the new leader of the RSK's,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泰诺人回来了", "english": "the Tainos are back in the fold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家齐心协力", "english": "Everybody's getting in line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 因为从现在起", "english": "That's good, 'cause from now on,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要你来配送双倍的货", "english": "I need you to distribute double the amount of product."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被背叛了", "english": "I was betrayed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在加利福尼亚的经营危在旦夕", "english": "My operation in California has been irretrievably compromised."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在局面被挽回之前", "english": "And until that situation is resolved,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我们已经得到了多方联系", "english": "Oh, no, we got more than enough contacts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来加倍我们的输出", "english": "to double our output."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我们需要来组织工作 这需要时间", "english": "But we have to work out the logistics, which takes time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得到了... 我们已经准备好了", "english": "We got... we're ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么你如此不确定?", "english": "Why are you so unsure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非我能保证配送", "english": "I just don't want to give you my word, Jefe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然我不想给你承诺 头儿", "english": "unless I can guarantee your distribution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你拒绝 那就会...", "english": "Saying no would be..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 我们不会拒绝的", "english": "Oh, we're not saying no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只是需要时间来制定一个计划", "english": "We're just saying that we need some time to set up a plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来给你配送", "english": "To move your weight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为你提供机会核准人员", "english": "Allow you the opportunity to approve personnel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会等着听你的计划", "english": "I will wait to hear your plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我们的生意的威胁已经解除了吗?", "english": "To our business is over?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵 你找对人了吗?", "english": "Fantasma, did you get the right guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不说 我很欣慰", "english": "I have to say, I'm so relieved"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能达成共识", "english": "that we were able to work this out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是今天不得不杀了你们 我会讨厌那样做", "english": "I would have hated to have to kill you today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵 我会等你的电话 嗯?", "english": "Fantasma, I'll be expecting your call, hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太疯狂了 伙计!", "english": "That was bananas, man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今早醒来的时候 打死我也想不到", "english": "Who would have thought when we woke up this morning,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个狗日的居然会对我们做出这种事情来!", "english": "that crazy mother fucker'd do us like this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我会严肃对待的 真的 我会严肃对待的", "english": "I'll take it though, for real. I'll take it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "翻倍我们的供货 量很大啊", "english": "Twice our product, this is huge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚才他妈的都发生了什么?", "english": "What the fuck was that back there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他本可能杀了我们", "english": "He could have killed us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们搞砸了 那我们只是推迟了死期", "english": "If we fuck it up, we're only delaying the inevitable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯说什么并不重要", "english": "Don't matter what Lobos says."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "双倍的货物意味着双倍的人员", "english": "Twice the product means twice the personnel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "双倍的曝光率", "english": "twice the exposure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这正是我们等待的时刻", "english": "This is the moment we waited for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "危险也同样翻倍了 汤米", "english": "Twice the fucking risk, Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们总是想扩大生意", "english": "We always wanted to expand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 机会自己找上门来", "english": "Now, we ain't got to beg for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯需要我们为他做事", "english": "Lobos needs us to move this shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你总是说\"机会是运气加上...\"", "english": "You always said \"opportunity is luck plus...\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运过那么大的量", "english": "this big before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得准备好 伙计", "english": "We got to be prepared, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得先想一想 好吗?", "english": "We got to think first, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能想太久 洛沃斯是不会等的", "english": "Can't think too long. Lobos won't wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 伙计", "english": "Hold on, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴你终于搞清事情的轻重缓急了", "english": "Glad to see you finally got your priorities in order."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一件好事情 幽灵", "english": "This is gonna be a good thing, Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去见鲁伊斯 去获得支持", "english": "I'm gonna go see Ruiz, get it shored up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会把你半路放下来", "english": "I'll drop you off on the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更大的势力范围 更多的敌人", "english": "More territory, more enemies,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们要怎样在这种条件下生存?", "english": "how are you gonna survive that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意思是 我们要怎样在这种条件下生存", "english": "How are we gonna survive that, you mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为如果我运得多", "english": "Because if I'm moving more,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么我就要靠你做同样的事情", "english": "I'm gonna be leaning on you to do the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一起让他妈的钱包鼓起来", "english": "Line both our mother fucking pockets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很感激 但是说实话", "english": "And I appreciate that, but let's be honest,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们已经被攻击好几个月了", "english": "you've been under attack for months."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经处理了 事情结束了", "english": "We handled that shit. It's over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了重建 你们得保护好自己", "english": "But you need to protect yourselves in order to rebuild."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非你乐意那样做", "english": "Unless you're willing to do that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索尔达多族如果找别人合作的话", "english": "than perhaps the Soledado Nation will be better off"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别闹了 鲁伊斯", "english": "That's fucked up, Ruiz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这个价格来说没人能比我们供得货更好", "english": "Nobody's getting you better shit than us for the price."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为罗拉的婊子由于醉酒而没刺中我的心脏", "english": "because Rolla's bitch missed my heart by a dog's hair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我为你们做事得经历这些", "english": "If I'm gonna get into something like this with you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要安全感", "english": "I need to feel secure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是从弗罗里达拿到枪吗?", "english": "You still get your guns out of Florida?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以拿到更多的枪 但是得付款", "english": "I can get more guns, but they need to be paid for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会付的", "english": "We'll pay for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从现在起 你为整个组织进口枪支", "english": "From now on, you import guns for the entire organization."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你赚的钱会比我们任何一个手下都多", "english": "You'll make more money than every other primera under us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的安全也会得到保障", "english": "and your security is guaranteed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来不错 但是幽灵是永远不会同意的", "english": "Sounds good, but Ghost will never agree to that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的话还不够有分量吗?", "english": "My word's not good enough?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈盯着看什么 混蛋?", "english": "What the fuck you staring at, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么 伙计 没什么", "english": "Nothing, man. Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放轻松", "english": "Relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女巫 我要见你", "english": "Bruja, I need to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马 现在不是胡扯的时候 好吗?", "english": "Nomar, now's not a good time for bullshit, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我见到经销商了 是真人", "english": "I saw the distributor, Mami."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不认识 你给我看的画像簿里没有他", "english": "Nah, and he wasn't in that book you showed me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 我要你马上去找素描画家", "english": "Okay, I need to get you with the sketch artist right away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我们得先谈谈 女巫 好吗?", "english": "No, we got to talk first, Bruja, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "证人保护", "english": "Witness Protection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我指认这个家伙 那么我死定了", "english": "If I I.D. this guy, I'm a dead man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在确认我是安全的之前 我是不会告诉你的", "english": "I ain't telling you shit unless I know I'll be safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马打了电话给我", "english": "Nomar called."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他昨晚看见了经销商", "english": "He saw the distributor last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗兰基 我们可以结案了", "english": "Frankie, we could close this case."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们正在把我们的文档运到洛杉矶去", "english": "They're shipping our files off to L.A."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "满怀感激", "english": "With their thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我不能给你诺马·阿奇斯罗的证人保护", "english": "No, I can't get you witness protection for Nomar Arcielo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安吉拉 都结束了", "english": "Angela, it is over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续干活吧", "english": "Move on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个经常在外面的家伙在哪里?", "english": "Where's the guy who's usually outside?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪个家伙?", "english": "What guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电话车里面的那个", "english": "The guy in the telephone truck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是他现在不在那里", "english": "But he's not there now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧 我们有一个资金问题", "english": "Look, so we're having a funding issue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "政府破产了 但是没人知道你在这里", "english": "Government's broke, but no one knows you're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是安全的", "english": "You're safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卧槽", "english": "Fuck that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我走了", "english": "I'm out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你顺利找到blanquito", "english": "Good luck finding your fucking blanquito."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要离开这座城市", "english": "I'm leaving town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马 我会给你应有的联邦证人保护", "english": "Nomar, I got you WITSEC."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目击证人保护?", "english": "Witness Protection?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我上司今早刚批准的", "english": "My boss approved it this morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你必须呆在这里直到我能找到警察", "english": "But you got to stay here until I can get the Marshals"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带你去一个安全的地方", "english": "to take you into custody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必须和一些人道别", "english": "Nah, I got to say good-bye to some people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会让警察安排你和家人告别的", "english": "I'll arrange a farewell with the Marshals for your family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这之前 不要告诉任何人 可以吗?", "english": "Until then, don't talk to anyone, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁伊斯参与吗?", "english": "So Ruiz in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想要给我们提供枪支", "english": "He wants to bring in guns for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次我们提供财力", "english": "We put up the money this time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就会援助我们整个帮派", "english": "he straps our whole crew,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但主要问题是扩张", "english": "but the real problem is expansion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得应该去找塞尔维亚人和漂流", "english": "I say we go to the Serb and Drift,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找些他们的朋友帮忙", "english": "some of their friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加强北泽西和斯塔顿岛的防守", "english": "We get North Jersey and Staten Island on lock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用 他们有自己的手段去运输枪药", "english": "No, they got their own connect bringing the product."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了诱惑他们 我们必须降低价格", "english": "To lure them away, we got to lower our fucking price."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不...", "english": "No wa..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者杀了那个混蛋", "english": "Or we kill that mother fucker,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们就手到擒来了", "english": "and make ourselves the best option."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先让我把这个弄明白", "english": "So let me get this straight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说我们和鲁伊斯进行枪支交易", "english": "You're saying that we run the gun deal with Ruiz,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们袭击那个主要连接点", "english": "we hit a major connect,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很可能会引发战争", "english": "possibly starting a war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该去相信我 幽灵", "english": "You got to start trusting me, Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗拉那事我就做对了 是吧", "english": "I was right about Rolla, wasn't I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你的朋友", "english": "I'm your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦发现了二心", "english": "The moment I detect disloyalty,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就会像治疗恶性肿瘤一样彻底根除它", "english": "I cut it out like a cancer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是对的 汤米", "english": "You're right, Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是对的", "english": "You're right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没顾全大局", "english": "I got distracted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接下来你要采取行动", "english": "And then you stepped it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你一直像这一次这样坚持的话", "english": "If you hadn't been about it all this time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就不会走到如今重建的地步", "english": "we wouldn't be in this position to rebuild."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我早听你的话就好了", "english": "I shoulda listened to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咎由自取 你是应该听我的", "english": "Damn straight, you shoulda listened to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以现在我在听", "english": "So now I'm listening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想和鲁伊斯交易枪支?", "english": "You want to do the gun deal with Ruiz?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有街头战士 然后我们就可以发展", "english": "We get street soldiers, then we expand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有RSK 泰诺人", "english": "We get the RSK's, the Tainos,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还有鲁伊斯做同盟 海地人 塞尔维亚人", "english": "I get Ruiz back in line, the Haitians, the Serbs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至还有中国人", "english": "maybe even the Chinese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "筹集这些最快得多长时间?", "english": "How fast can we make this happen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你同意 我立刻打电话", "english": "You say the word, I'll make the calls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不需要我的同意", "english": "You don't need me to say the word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次 应该由你去带领", "english": "I think you should take the lead on this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去做一个领头人", "english": "be the authority on the streets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么意思? 我们总是一起去做这些事的", "english": "What you mean? We always done this together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哪也不去", "english": "I ain't going anywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是如果我们要赚双倍的钱的话", "english": "But if we're making twice the amount of money,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见鬼 或许我应该再开一个俱乐部", "english": "hell, maybe I should open a second club"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去洗白这些钱 不是吗?", "english": "to clean that money, hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许你应该", "english": "Maybe you should."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你在这里得到你应得的尊重", "english": "I want you to get the respect you deserve on the streets,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米 其实他们问的不是我的想法", "english": "Tommy, so people don't ask me what I think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "异口同声", "english": "Two men, one voice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢这样", "english": "I like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们得到所有的承诺后 你就去安排", "english": "So after we get all the commitments, you make the calls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他们我们准备好了", "english": "Tell'em we're good to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米 还有一件事", "english": "Tommy, one more thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能超出这个限度 好吗?", "english": "We can't expand beyond this, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这大概是我们的极限了", "english": "Probably the most weight we can handle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们走着瞧", "english": "We'll see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸?", "english": "Dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要你做点事情", "english": "I need you to do something for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "悉听尊便", "english": "Yeah, anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不可以告诉你的叔叔幽灵 汤米以及任何人", "english": "You can't tell your uncle Ghost, Tommy, nobody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要知道我可以相信你", "english": "I need to know I can trust you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要让诺马得到联邦证人的保护许可", "english": "I need to get Nomar into WITSEC."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前几天夜里他看见了那个毒枭", "english": "He saw the distributor the other night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他看见了幽灵 除非他的安全能得到保证", "english": "He saw Ghost, but he won't sit down with a sketch artist"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则他不会让素描画家画出幽灵的样貌的", "english": "until I give him to the Marshals."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 通常不会花多长时间", "english": "Well, it usually doesn't take that long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗兰基不同意", "english": "Frankie said no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特别工作组已经撂摊子了", "english": "The task force is done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让他躲在一个安全的地方", "english": "I've got him holed up at the safe house,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我必须拿到许可 否则他就要跑路了", "english": "but I got to get results, or he's gonna run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你那边有人", "english": "I know you have friends over there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以打个电话", "english": "You can make a call,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "团伙暴力犯罪 走私枪支弹药 儿童色情物品", "english": "Gang violence, gun possession, kiddie porn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何一个都能让诺玛获得联邦证人保护许可", "english": "Anything that would support Nomar's WITSEC application."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我为你通融过好几次了", "english": "I have bent the rules for you more times"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "数都数不清", "english": "than I can possibly count."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坦白说 我已没什么理由这样做了 所以", "english": "Frankly, my incentive to do so has disappeared, so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他看见了幽灵的脸", "english": "He saw Ghost's face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格雷格", "english": "Greg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打电话过去 看看他们有没有可行的理由", "english": "I'll call over there, see if they have anything current"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去满足诺马的申请", "english": "where Nomar's information might apply."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会尽力而为 事成之后", "english": "If I get them to do it, if I get them to do it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请我喝酒", "english": "drinks are on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成交", "english": "Deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿了些能让你高兴的东西", "english": "Got something to cheer you up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她把这些东西还给你了 哼?", "english": "She gave them back to you, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的是她的", "english": "I got those for her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些是给你的", "english": "Bought these for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定很爱她", "english": "You must really love that girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些可不便宜", "english": "These ain't cheap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想让我们成为一家人", "english": "I want us all to be a family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和霍莉和好 幽灵变回原来的样子", "english": "You and Holly getting along, Ghost back to normal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 他变回原来的样子", "english": "Oh, he's back to normal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 全部恢复正常轨道", "english": "Yeah, totally back on track."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他现在知道什么重要了", "english": "He knows what matters now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是这么想的?", "english": "You think that's what happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认为他...", "english": "Think he..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是忘记了什么重要的东西?", "english": "Forgot what matters?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大概只是一分钟", "english": "I think maybe for a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他现在又恢复了判断力", "english": "But he's back in his senses now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都会好起来的", "english": "Everything's gonna be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都会像原来那样 T", "english": "It's gonna be like it always was, T."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与世界为敌的我们三人", "english": "The three of us against the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在还有霍莉", "english": "Plus Holly now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸! 还给我!", "english": "Papi! Give it back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做完作业 然后就还给你", "english": "Do your homework, then you get it back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经做完了", "english": "I did it already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我看看", "english": "Show me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格雷格 听到后尽快回我电话", "english": "Greg, call me as soon as you hear anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要诺马被监护起来", "english": "I want Nomar in custody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天我就要登机了", "english": "I'm supposed to get on a plane tomorrow,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果没搞定的话 我就要取消旅行了", "english": "and if we can't get it done, I should cancel my trip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽快告诉我", "english": "Let me know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 美人", "english": "Hey, Mamita."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 嗨 Paz", "english": "Oh, hey, Paz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迈阿密", "english": "Miami."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要在工作上做些调整", "english": "They're gonna be doing some reassignments at work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去南弗罗里达办公室那边看看", "english": "I'm looking at the Southern Florida office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么? 真荒谬", "english": "What? That's ridiculous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边也有事要忙", "english": "There's got to be something closer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的上司是女的吧?", "english": "You have a lady boss, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉她关于爸爸的事了么?", "english": "Did you tell her about Papi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了 但是...", "english": "I did, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是出差 哈?", "english": "A work trip, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是和杰米一起出去", "english": "I'm going with Jamie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想在迈阿密南海岸开一家俱乐部", "english": "He wants to open up a club in South Beach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他这样做 也许我也可以去看看", "english": "If he does, maybe I'll see if there's a position"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那边是否有我这个级别的闲置位置", "english": "at my level open in the Miami office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己也不清楚", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们打算一起过周末", "english": "We're going for the weekend,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们想让我俩的相处更长久", "english": "but we want to make it more permanent,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以迈阿密应该可以让我们这样在一起", "english": "so maybe Miami's how we do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许他告诉你的原话是", "english": "Maybe that's what he's telling you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他想一直干你", "english": "because he wants to keep fucking you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰米是爱我的", "english": "Jamie loves me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他告诉我他打算去那里把事情都安排好", "english": "He told me he's gonna make things work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信他", "english": "I believe him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你变了 安吉拉", "english": "This is changing you, Angela."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你居然当着我的面对我撒谎", "english": "You just lied to my face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我撒谎 是因为我知道你不会支持我", "english": "I lied, because I knew you wouldn't support me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因为打心眼里 我觉得你根本就是", "english": "because deep down, I think you want me to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想让我和你一样孤独痛苦", "english": "as alone and unhappy as you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也许过得孤独又痛苦", "english": "I might be unhappy and alone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但至少我不是一个小三", "english": "but at least I'm not a chilla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你难道看不到 他正把你变成和他一样的撒谎者 骗子吗?", "english": "Can't you see he's making you like him: A liar, a cheat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉过你 杰米和我是相爱的", "english": "I told you, Jamie and I are in love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你为我感到高兴", "english": "I need you to be happy for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不打算对你袖手旁观 眼睁睁地看着你毁掉你的生活", "english": "I'm not gonna stand by and watch you ruin your life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么我希望你把我房子的钥匙还我", "english": "Then I need you to give me the key to my place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰米现在需要一把 而你不需要", "english": "Jamie needs one now, you don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以现在 我们走私毒品和军火?", "english": "So now we're running drugs and guns?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死 根据我对于幽灵的了解", "english": "Shit, as long as I've known Ghost,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他绝对不会容忍走私军火这种事", "english": "he hasn't been cool with moving heat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他同意了吗?", "english": "He agreed to that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他同意 但是是从现在起 我无需再去询问幽灵的意思了", "english": "He did, but from now on, I ain't got to ask Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他信任我去贩卖毒品", "english": "He trusts me to make moves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在街上混 他洗钱", "english": "I run the streets, he cleans the money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样分工很好", "english": "It's all good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 我等会儿再来?", "english": "Oh, should I come back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用 胡里奥马上就走", "english": "No, Julio was just leaving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍莉 这是胡里奥 胡里奥 这是霍莉", "english": "Holly, Julio. Julio, Holly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全在这里了", "english": "It's all there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯会像以前一样 给我们提供火药", "english": "Lobos is gonna deliver the powder, same as always,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们必须想想 如何从Elizabeth那里搞到枪", "english": "but we got to figure out how to get the guns up from Elizabeth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会让维克多和达里恩准备好的", "english": "I'll get Victor and Darien ready to make the runs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是给你干活的?", "english": "Does he work for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 天呐 你闻起来真好", "english": "Ooh, God, you smell good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好", "english": "That's nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死", "english": "Fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你欠我情了", "english": "You owe me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常大的人情", "english": "Big."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你朋友把诺马编排进去了?", "english": "Your friends got Nomar into the program?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们正在去跟诺马面谈的路上", "english": "They are on their way to get Nomar now for an interview,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另外还有一个素描画家同行", "english": "and a sketch artist too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 格雷格!", "english": "Thank you, Greg!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的很感谢你", "english": "Thank you so much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这将会成为我们寻找的突破口", "english": "This could be the break we're looking for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 你想来一杯庆祝一下吗?", "english": "So you want to get that drink to celebrate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能", "english": "I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在等一个电话", "english": "I'm waiting for a call from a friend"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一个南弗罗里达办公室那边的朋友", "english": "in the Southern Florida office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事 新案子?", "english": "What, new case?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个和我同样级别的检察官因公离职了", "english": "A prosecutor at my level is leaving for corporate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道该怎么打发洛沃斯离开", "english": "You know how you said to let Lobos go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管那个诺马马上就要进监狱", "english": "Although now that Nomar's gonna be in custody,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但也许会有些不同的线索出现", "english": "maybe something can come of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 你说什么?", "english": "Wait, what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要去迈阿密?", "english": "You're going to Miami?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父亲在这里 你说过你...", "english": "Your father's here. You said you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定有一个男的", "english": "There is a guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自始自终都在", "english": "Was all along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是...", "english": "Is that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是你这次要去的地方", "english": "Is that where you're going with this trip,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也会一起去?", "english": "you're going with him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是那样的 格雷格", "english": "It's not like that, Greg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的 你完全可以承认", "english": "You know, you could have just said it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来", "english": "I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 我来 我来", "english": "Oh, I got it, I got it, I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来 我来 我来", "english": "I got it, I got it, I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你穿这个看起来真火辣", "english": "You look really hot in this thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这正是我要的目的", "english": "That's the idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火辣等同于暗示", "english": "More ass equals more tips."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你勾引得那些男人夜夜流连在你身上", "english": "You got guys all over you there, every night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一份好工作", "english": "It's a good job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我赚了很多钱", "english": "I make good money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在跟了我", "english": "You're with me now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不需要钱", "english": "You don't need money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉坎托斯你要辞职", "english": "Tell Kantos you quit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来没有人这样对我", "english": "I've never had anybody take care of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对此并不适应", "english": "I wouldn't be good at it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是也许我能为你工作", "english": "But I could work for you maybe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以在一起工作", "english": "We'd be in it together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁伊斯 很高兴你打电话给我", "english": "Ruiz, glad you called."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你今晚把这事给我做了", "english": "We could be blood brothers for life"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以做一辈子的生死兄弟", "english": "if you do this for me tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定帮你 你加入我?", "english": "I do a favor for you, and you're in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 那么你有什么要求 伙计?", "english": "Good, what you need, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我手下一个家伙 名字叫做诺马", "english": "One of my soldiers: name is Nomar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他居然敢干我的宝贝女儿", "english": "Been fucking my little girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给她发他下面玩意的照片", "english": "Sent her a picture of his goddamn dick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操他妈的", "english": "That's fucked up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会给胡里奥打电话派他去", "english": "I'll call Julio and send him over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不要派任何拉丁血统的人跟踪诺马", "english": "No, don't send no Latino after Nomar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他怀疑我知道他和伊莎贝尔的事", "english": "If he suspects that I know about him and Isabel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会去留神那些波多黎各人... 那种我一般会派遣的人", "english": "he'll be looking for PRs... Somebody that I would send..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他想不到会有白人", "english": "But he won't be looking for a white guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在哪儿能找到他?", "english": "Where can I find him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坎托斯在迈阿密有些关系", "english": "Kantos has some contacts in Miami."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我今晚就去选个地方租下来", "english": "So I'm going tonight to look at rental space"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再开一间夜总会", "english": "for a second club."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坎托斯打算去那边经营那个俱乐部?", "english": "Kantos gonna move down there and run it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会去那边从头开始发展", "english": "I'll get things started there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他负责经营这边的", "english": "He'll run things here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 因为他有三个孩子需要照顾", "english": "Oh, 'cause he got three kids to look after."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎 如果我也需要 那我也会照看孩子", "english": "Tasha, if this happens, I'll see the kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然如果有必要的话 我也会飞回来再回去", "english": "I'll fly back and forth if I have too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天才想到的而已", "english": "Well, it just came up today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以和你一起去", "english": "I could go with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姥姥能照顾好孩子", "english": "Big Mama can watch the kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是夜总会生意上的事 塔莎", "english": "It's club business, Tasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从来都不想去听这些事 不是么?", "english": "You don't want to hear about it, remember?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自从你开了夜总会", "english": "Ever since you've opened that club,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就变了 幽灵", "english": "you've been different, Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就好像我再也不认识你了", "english": "It's like I don't know who you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有试图让你理解 塔莎", "english": "I've been trying to tell you, Tasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你没有听", "english": "You ain't been listening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我从迈阿密回来 我们需要好好谈谈", "english": "When I get back from Miami, we should talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她说了什么?", "english": "What'd she say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她没说什么 我想她已经知道了", "english": "She didn't say much. I think she knew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们之间早就出现了裂痕 安琪", "english": "We've been growing apart for a long time, Angie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你并不是导致这个情况的唯一原因", "english": "You're not the only reason this happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这让我感觉不太好", "english": "That doesn't make me feel better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样呢?", "english": "Does this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在完全是你的了", "english": "I'm all yours now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快我就会彻底自由了", "english": "And soon I'll be totally free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟你说过我能办到", "english": "Told you I'd come through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说过 而且你做到了", "english": "You did, and you did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了", "english": "I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要一个支票账户和一张借记卡", "english": "I need a checking account with a debit card."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借记卡只署我的名字", "english": "One debit card, my name only."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有银行账单都寄到长岛市的这个地址", "english": "I need all the bank statements sent to this address"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转交给La凯莎 Grant", "english": "in Long Island City, care of Lakeisha Grant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有什么事吗 圣帕特里克夫人?", "english": "Is there anything else, Mrs. St. Patrick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有 还有一件事", "english": "Yes, just one thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我老公 圣帕特里克先生", "english": "My husband, Mr. St. Patrick,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能让他知道这个账户 好吧?", "english": "can't know about this account, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答应我你什么都不会说?", "english": "Promise me not to say anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当然不能说", "english": "I actually can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法律也不允许我说 所以我会保守你的秘密的", "english": "By law, I'm not allowed to, so your secret is safe with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚历克斯 你真好", "english": "Alex, you're so sweet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你能让我进去看看保险箱吗?", "english": "Can you let me into the safety deposit box now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要杀了我 请求支援", "english": "He's gonna try to kill me. Send help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你", "english": "I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈的", "english": "Fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操操操操", "english": "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望尽快见到你", "english": "See you soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快", "english": "Real soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要杀了我", "english": "He's gonna try to kill me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请求支援", "english": "Send help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格雷格 诺马被连累了", "english": "Greg, Nomar's been compromised."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须立刻去皇后区", "english": "We have to get to Queens now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜欢上小女孩是吧?", "english": "You like to fuck little girls, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠", "english": "Fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁伊斯说要提你的老二去见他", "english": "Ruiz said to bring him your dick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵", "english": "Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么?", "english": "What did you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马?", "english": "Nomar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马?", "english": "Nomar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺马?", "english": "Nomar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死!", "english": "Shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是检察官 安吉拉 Valdez", "english": "This is A.U.S.A. Angela valdez."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的线人被刺伤了", "english": "My C.I.'s been stabbed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在需要救护车和支援", "english": "I need an ambulance and backup now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "疑犯可能还在这个区域", "english": "The suspect might still be in the area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不 诺马", "english": "No, no, no, Nomar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这样", "english": "Stay with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆斯 詹姆斯", "english": "James, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是棒极了", "english": "This is great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都玩得很开心", "english": "Everyone's having a wonderful time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是为了整个迈阿密艺术博览会的事", "english": "You know, if it weren't for the whole Miami Art Basel thing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我确信明年能让我的客户", "english": "I'm sure I could get my clients to bring this party back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还在真理夜总会开趴", "english": "to Truth next year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可能没有选择", "english": "Well, you might not have to choose to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做了些调查", "english": "I did some research."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我说要在迈阿密开一间夜总会", "english": "And what would you say, Cynthia,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 如果你能及时开业", "english": "Okay, if you can get it open in time..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天 我本不该这么说 就这么定了", "english": "God, I shouldn't be saying this... it's a date."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩开心点", "english": "Have fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍莉 你留在楼下", "english": "Holly, I need you to stay downstairs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "招待主酒吧", "english": "and serve the main bar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我宁愿在楼上", "english": "I'd rather work upstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有好人都在贵宾室", "english": "All the good people are in V.I.P."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照我说的做 好吧?", "english": "You do what I say when I say it, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不管你是否跟汤米上床", "english": "I don't care if you're sleeping with Tommy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你不辞职你就是在给我工作", "english": "You still work for me until you fucking don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上今晚是我最后一天上班", "english": "Well, actually, tonight's my last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汤米不想让我再在这里工作了", "english": "Tommy doesn't want me working here anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要跟他一起从事你们的其他生意", "english": "I'm gonna work with him in your other business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要做什么?", "english": "You're gonna do what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在是搭档了 幽灵", "english": "You and I are partners now, Ghost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫我什么?", "english": "What'd you call me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天爷! 老天爷!", "english": "Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没告诉别人", "english": "You ain't tell nobody"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今晚出来 对吧?", "english": "I was getting out tonight now, did you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我想给大家个惊喜", "english": "'Cause I want it to be a surprise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在对我最忠诚了 对吧?", "english": "Your loyalty's to me first now, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安吉拉 Valdez", "english": "Angela Valdez."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 我是吉姆 McClure", "english": "Hey, this is Jim McClure,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要求与诺马·阿奇斯罗共事的", "english": "the sketch artist you requested"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Yeah, hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 关于那个...", "english": "Listen, about that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没付给我报酬", "english": "They didn't pay my hours,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事关即将结案的案子", "english": "something about the case being closed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不明白", "english": "I don't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都没见过诺马 付什么钱?", "english": "You never met with Nomar. What hours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 格雷格·诺克斯给了我阿奇斯罗先生的号码", "english": "No, I got Mr. Arcielo's number from Agent Greg Knox."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们打过电话", "english": "We spoke on the phone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我要见到他本人以获取更多细节", "english": "But I need to see him in person to get more details."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发给我", "english": "Send it to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有我邮箱吗?", "english": "You have my email?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己掏腰包 马上发给我", "english": "I'll pay for it out of my own pocket, just send it to me now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉姆my 很高兴再次见到你", "english": "Jimmy, good to see you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不告诉你", "english": "I hate to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另行通知以前我们要关闭真理夜总会", "english": "We're gonna have to close Truth down until further notice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也可能是一年", "english": "Could be a year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些事比较费时间还烧钱", "english": "These things take time and money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持联系", "english": "We'll be in touch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幽灵", "english": "Fantasma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都要放弃你了", "english": "I was about to give up on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛沃斯 我们加入", "english": "Lobos, we're in,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不是双倍的 我要你所能发出的全部", "english": "but not for double the weight. I need all the product you can send."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有的", "english": "All of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴你克服了自己的犹豫", "english": "I'm glad to see you overcame your hesitation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有突发需求 要更大笔现金流", "english": "I have a sudden need for a larger influx of cash."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能完成 就会有丰厚的回报", "english": "If you come through, the rewards will be massive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要成为纽约最大的毒枭", "english": "I'll be the biggest goddamn drug dealer in New York City."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名字", "english": "Name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 晚上好", "english": "Good evening..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到《谁想成为百万富翁》节目现场", "english": "Welcome to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了?", "english": "Are you ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚的第一位挑战者…", "english": "To our very first contestant of the night..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来自我们孟买本地的 贾马尔·马利克!", "english": "Jamal Malik, from our very own... amchi Mumbai!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧 开始玩了", "english": "Chalo, let's play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "微笑,你行的", "english": "Smile. You'll be fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姓名", "english": "Name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姓名 贾马尔…马利克", "english": "Name. - Jamal... Malik."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有名字 很好", "english": "You have a name. Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不准哭", "english": "Stop crying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢,谢谢", "english": "Thank you. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 谢谢 非常感谢", "english": "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔…跟我介绍一下你自己", "english": "So, Jamal...tell me something about yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在呼叫中心工作 在乔合", "english": "I work in a call center. In Juhu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是个接线员", "english": "A phone basher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么样的呼叫中心?", "english": "And what type of call center would that be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 这么说 你是每天给人打电话推销手机服务的 对吧?", "english": "Oh.So you're the one who calls me up every singleday of my life with special offers,huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 实际上 我只是个助理", "english": "No. Actually, I'm an assistant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接线员助理是做什么的?", "english": "And what does a assistant phone basher do exactly?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给人泡茶…", "english": "I get tea for people and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "茶水工 一个茶水工!", "english": "Chai wallah. A chai wallah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们 先生们…", "english": "Well, ladies and gentlemen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来自孟买的贾马尔·马利克", "english": "Jamal Malik..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有没有认罪?", "english": "So, has he confessed yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了名字 什么也没问出来", "english": "Except his name, I could not get anything out of the runt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈一晚上都干什么了 斯里涅瓦斯?", "english": "You have been here a whole bloody night, Srinivas. What have you been doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个硬骨头", "english": "He's a tough guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给他来点电 他会松口的 快", "english": "A little electricity will loosen his tongue. Give him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,长官", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快说 是不是有人帮你作弊?", "english": "Okay. So, were you wired up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用手机 传呼机?", "english": "Mobile or a pager?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扮现场观众,咳嗽提示?", "english": "A coughing accomplice in the audience..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是身上装了微芯片?", "english": "or a microchip under the skin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里没芯片 - 没有? - 没有 - 行了 别管芯片了", "english": "The chip is not here.Not here? No.Okay. Leave the chip. Leave the chip. Leave the chip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天这么热…我老婆又跟我过不去…", "english": "It's hot...and my wife is giving me hell..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天还要面对杀人犯 强奸犯 勒索犯", "english": "and I've got a desk full of murderers, rapists,extortionists,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "流氓抢劫犯 还有你", "english": "bum bandits and you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看我们还是为彼此 都省点时间吧", "english": "So why don't you save us both a lot of time..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快说你是怎么作弊的", "english": "...and tell me how you cheated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电完了 长官", "english": "I'm done, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又晕过去了 这有什么用?", "english": "He's unconscious, Juti. What good is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟你说了多少次了 斯里涅瓦斯?", "english": "How many times have I told you, Srinivas?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 长官", "english": "I'm sorry, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国际特赦组织看到了 又要被这里的人权吓得屁滚尿流了", "english": "Amnesty International here next, peeing in their pants about human rights."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 我在想…", "english": "Sir, I was thinking, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万一他真的知道答案呢?", "english": "what if he did know the answers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穷小子他妈的知道什么?", "english": "slumdog possibly know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道答案", "english": "the answers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道答案", "english": "I knew the answers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起…", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,对不起", "english": "Sorry. Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重复一遍 “你找我 长官”埃索斯说", "english": "Repeat it. \"You have sent for me, sir, '\"said Athos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么样…", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马利克先生", "english": "Mr. Malik..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的万事通…说吧", "english": "the man who knows all the answers …Talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫你说话呢", "english": "Talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔…", "english": "So, Jamal..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐着答个问题就能拿钱 还不错吧", "english": "Not bad money to sit on a chair and answer a question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比给人泡茶好赚吧 不是吗?", "english": "Better than making tea, no?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,不是", "english": "Yes. No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是、是、不是?", "english": "No? Yes? No?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是你的最终答案吗?", "english": "Is that your fiinal answer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住 你有三次求助机会", "english": "So, remember, you have three lifelines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请教现场观众", "english": "Ask the audience,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给朋友打电话", "english": "phone a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿密塔?", "english": "Amitabh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿密塔·巴查!", "english": "Amitabh Bachchan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨利姆!", "english": "Salim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿密塔·巴查!", "english": "Amitabh Bachchan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿密塔!", "english": "Amitabh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不一定要是个天才", "english": "You don't have to be a genius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也知道是阿米达·巴查", "english": "I knew it was Amitabh Bachchan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说过,不一定要是个天才", "english": "Like I said, don't have to be a genius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是全印度最出名的人", "english": "He's the most famous man in India."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面写着什么?", "english": "What is written underneath?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答案是什么 贾马尔?", "english": "What do you think, Jamal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我国最有名的名言", "english": "The most famous phrase of our country."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要给朋友打电话吗?", "english": "Would you like to phone a friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求助现场观众", "english": "Ask the audience."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们 先生们 帮帮这个可怜人吧", "english": "Put the poor man out of his misery, ladies and gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连我五岁的女儿都知道", "english": "My five-year-old daughter can answer that question,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你不知道", "english": "but you couldn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对一个赢得百万奖金的天才来说 是不是有点奇怪呀", "english": "That's strange for a millionaire genius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?你的同伴溜出去上厕所了?", "english": "What happened? Your accomplice nip out for a piss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在焦佰蒂街哈里什店里的 巴里布里多少钱一个?", "english": "How much is pani puri at Harish's stall on Chowpatty?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴里布里 一盘 多少钱?", "english": "Pani puri. One plate, how much?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十卢比 错", "english": "- Ten rupees. - Wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "排灯节以来十五卢比了", "english": "Fifteen since Divali."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上星期四在圣克鲁斯车站是谁偷了康斯特·万马斯的自行车?", "english": "Who stole Constable Vermaas's bicycle outside Santa Cruz station last Thursday?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道是谁吗?", "english": "You know who that was?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在乔合所有人都知道", "english": "Everyone in Juhu knows that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包括五岁小孩", "english": "Even five-year-olds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宗教,很有趣", "english": "Religion.Interesting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在关于先神罗摩的描述中…", "english": "In depictions of God Rama..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他右手中握着的是什么?", "english": "he is famously holding what in his right hand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 贾马尔", "english": "Hey, Jamal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔", "english": "Jamal..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天早上醒来 我都希望自己不知道这个问题的答案", "english": "I wake up every morning wishing I didn't know the answer to that question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是罗摩和阿拉…", "english": "If it wasn't for Rama and Allah..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我妈妈也不会死", "english": "I would still have a mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是弓和箭", "english": "A bow and arrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最终答案?", "english": "Final answer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最终答案", "english": "Final answer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯 啊 电脑锁定答案D", "english": "Hmm. Ah. Computer-ji, \"D'\"lock kiya-jaye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答得不错 我的朋友", "english": "Well done, my friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面进一段广告 不要走开", "english": "Time for a commercial break. Don't go away now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运气不错 啊?", "english": "You got lucky, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我是你 我就拿上钱走人了", "english": "If I were you, I would take the money and run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一题你肯定答不对的", "english": "You're not gonna get the next one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请回位控制现场 谢谢", "english": "Can you come and do the controls, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨利姆", "english": "Salim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎回到《谁想成为百万富翁》节目现场", "english": "Welcome back to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天的挑战者 来自孟买的接线员贾马尔·马利克…", "english": "Our contestant, Jamal Malik, call center assistant from Mumbai..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向现场观众求助", "english": "ask the audience."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朋友 奖金越来越可观了", "english": "So, my friend, you're into serious money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歌曲《让我看看你》 是哪个著名印度诗人写的词?", "english": "The song \"Darshan do Ghanshyam\" was written by which famous Indian poet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天气热吧?", "english": "It's hot, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶", "english": "Yea!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨利姆", "english": "Salim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊?", "english": "Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨利姆", "english": "Salim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔", "english": "Jamal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布诺斯", "english": "Punnoose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔", "english": "Jamal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔", "english": "Jamal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨利姆!", "english": "Salim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨利姆!", "english": "Salim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔!", "english": "Jamal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔!", "english": "Jamal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉蒂卡", "english": "Latika."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉蒂卡", "english": "Latika."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉蒂卡", "english": "Latika"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨利姆!", "english": "Salim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏达斯", "english": "Surdas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏达斯?", "english": "Surdas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏达斯?", "english": "Surdas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你确定吗?", "english": "apka fiinal answer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你猜怎么样?", "english": "Guess what."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回答正确!", "english": "You're right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那女孩怎么样了? 他们把她也弄瞎了?", "english": "What happened to the girl? They blinded her too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们还有别的手段 我也是很久以后才发现的", "english": "They had other plans.It took me a long time to find out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见!", "english": "Bye Bye!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萨利姆! 萨利姆!", "english": "Salim! Salim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们上天堂了?", "english": "Is this heaven?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还没死呢 贾马尔", "english": "You're not dead, Jamal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么地方?是酒店吗?", "english": "What is it? Some hotel, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泰姬陵被公认为莫卧儿建筑的 最杰出代表作", "english": "The Taj Mahal is considered the fiinest example of Mogul architecture."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一批参观什么时候开始?", "english": "What time is the next tour?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午还要去看德里红堡", "english": "Have to see the Red Fort this afternoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不能现在带我们进去?我们知道只带我们两个", "english": "would it be possibleto show us around now? Obviously we understand that it costs more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "费用会贵一点", "english": "for just the two of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然可以 夫人", "english": "But of course, madam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请跟我来", "english": "Please follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泰姬陵是可兰国王…为他的妻子蒙泰姬而建的", "english": "The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Khurram...for his wife Mumtaz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是世界上最美的女人", "english": "Was the maximum beautiful woman in the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以 她去世以后 国王就决定要建造这个…", "english": "So, when she died, the emperor decided to build this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五星级的大酒店 给所有来看她的人住", "english": "fiive-star hotel...for everyone who'd like to visit her too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时酒店的房间和电梯都还没建好", "english": "before any of the rooms were built or any of the lifts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你们所见到的游泳池…", "english": "But the swimming pool, as you can see..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却按时以最流行的设计完成了", "english": "was completed on schedule, in top-class fashion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说的这些导游手册上都没有的", "english": "There's nothing of this in the guidebook."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "导游手册都是又懒又笨的叫花子写的", "english": "The guidebook was written by a bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing Indian beggars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这儿 先生太太 就是蒙泰姬的墓室了", "english": "And this, lady and gentleman, is the burial place of Mumtaz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是怎么死的?", "english": "How did she die?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连环撞车", "english": "Maximum pileup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是生孩子死的吧", "english": "I thought she died in childbirth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 先生 她就是在去医院的路上出车祸的", "english": "Exactly, sir. She was on the way to hospital when it happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了? 不要动", "english": "Ready? Don't move an inch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "微笑", "english": "Smile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泰国硬木 --您拿好 买鞋子了!", "english": "Unbreakable Thailand wood. -You take. Shoes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鞋!美国名牌", "english": "American brands! Shoes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴维德先生 这是全印度最大的 露天手工洗衣厂", "english": "This, Mr. David, is the biggest dhobi ghat in the whole of India."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真了不起", "english": "That's amazing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人说北方邦的每个人…", "english": "They say that every man in Uttar Pradesh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "身上穿的衣服 都至少在这洗过一次", "english": "is wearing a kurta that has been at least washed once out here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一级方程式! 一级方程式!", "english": "Formula One! Formula One!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注意进站速度! 要有舒马赫风格!", "english": "Pit stop ka speed! Schumacher ka style!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 见鬼", "english": "Oh, shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这他妈怎么回事?", "english": "What the hell happened here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了", "english": "Okay..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了 行了", "english": "Okay! Okay!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手 住手 听到没?我的天 你买了保险的嘛", "english": "Cool it! Cool it, will ya? Jesus.,You got insurance,don't ya?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧?", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想看真实的印度 这下看到啦", "english": "You wanted to see a bit of real India, here it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 对了 对了 天呐", "english": "Oh. Yes, yes. Jesus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿着", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操", "english": "Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的内心告诉我 你会赢更多,", "english": "My heart says you're gonna win more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "服务员!", "english": "- Service!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接待员", "english": "- Reception!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到些 - 等会儿", "english": "- Found something. - Stay there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转过头去", "english": "Look away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴迪", "english": "Bardi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔?", "english": "Jamal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下 要是头儿来了 你就假装是在接电话做升级", "english": "Sit here. If the team leader comes just pretend you are on a call doing an upgrade for..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时他们开始接线", "english": "- That's when they open the lines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在你家那条路上 麦金托什夫人 呃, 就在湖的后面", "english": "Uh, just down the road from your house, Mrs. Mackintosh.Uh, next to the loch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂?", "english": "- Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔?", "english": "Jamal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "牛津和剑桥有一个划艇比赛", "english": "And there's a rowing race between Oxford and Cambridge,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你紧张吗?", "english": "- Are you nervous?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "- What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几小时前…", "english": "- A few hours ago..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骗人!", "english": "- Liar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么卡?", "english": "- What for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她走了 弟弟 早就走了", "english": "She's gone, Brother. Long gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走吧", "english": "Now go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?不行!", "english": "- What? No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔…", "english": "So, Jamal,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪位板球手跑出了…历史上最精彩的百分跑?", "english": "which cricketer has scored...the most fiirst class centuries in history?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就什么都没了", "english": "you lose everything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像这样", "english": "- just like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好样的 贾马尔!", "english": "That's the way, Jamal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉蒂卡!", "english": "Latika."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉蒂卡!", "english": "Latika."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉蒂卡!", "english": "Latika."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉蒂卡…", "english": "Latika."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还可以和我一样…", "english": "And as rich as"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有钱", "english": "me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道他作弊?", "english": "- How do you know he's cheating?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果说一个选手一路过关斩将…直接杀入最后一关 还不够戏剧化的话", "english": "And if there wasn't enough drama in a contestant reaching the fiinal question,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贾马尔·马利克…昨晚被捕,- 警方怀疑他作弊", "english": "Jamal Malik...was last night arrested...- On suspicion of fraud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个家伙……他是从不会放弃的", "english": "- That guy...He will never give up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "- Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是…", "english": "- But..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以很肯定地说 今晚…将是你我人生中最重大的一个夜晚", "english": "I can safely say that tonight...is the biggest night of both our lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二千万卢比就全看你的回答了", "english": "Twenty million rupees ride on your answer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在哪里?", "english": "- Where are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的问题是在大仲马的小说里第三个火枪手的名字是什么", "english": "You were asked who the third musketeer was In the novel by Alexander Dumas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正确的回答!", "english": "the right answer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很久很久以前 火种魔方就已经存在了", "english": "Before time began, there was the Cube."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不知道它从哪里来", "english": "We know not where it comes from,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只知道它拥有创造世界和生命的力量", "english": "only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们这个种族就是这样诞生的", "english": "That is how our race was born."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一直和谐地生活着", "english": "For a time, we lived in harmony,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像其它巨大的能量一样 人们使用的动机有善有恶", "english": "but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以战争开始了", "english": "And so began the war,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一场使我们的星球毁灭的战争", "english": "a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种魔方也失落在浩瀚的宇宙里", "english": "and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们搜寻了整个银河 希望可以找到它来重建我们的家园", "english": "We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寻找每一个星球 每一个世界 的角落", "english": "searching every star, every world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就当我们都失去希望时 新的线索把我们带到了一个未知的行星", "english": "And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还是晚了一步", "english": "But we were already too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现代 卡塔尔", "english": "Qutar"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都等不及要回家了", "english": "I can't wait to get a little taste of home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很想念我妈妈煮的鳄鱼肉", "english": "A plate of mama's alligators etouffee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能理解", "english": "I understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西班牙崽儿 说国语", "english": "English, please. English."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说过多少次了... 咱们听不懂番话", "english": "I mean, how many times have we... We don't speak Spanish. I told you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别破坏我自己的传统 行不?", "english": "Why you got to ruin it for me, man? That's my heritage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随便你吧 受够了", "english": "Go with the Spanish. Whatever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还记得我们是怎么过周末的吗 在芬维公园看红袜队的比赛", "english": "Hey, you guys remember weekends? Huh? The Sox at Fenway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呢 上尉 你也有完美的一天吗", "english": "What about you, Captain? You got a perfect day?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经等不及去抱抱我的女儿", "english": "I just can't wait to hold my baby girl for the first time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴", "english": "Shut up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都准备好了", "english": "Hey, I'm ready to do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有种的就来操场 我等你们", "english": "Hey, any of y'all grow some balls, come see me on the court, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧我的胯下运球", "english": "Watch this crossover, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像乔丹全盛时期一样 穿梭于锋线间", "english": "Like Jordan in his prime, pushing through the front line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "介意搭个手搬点东西不?", "english": "Are you gonna help me with the gear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不明身份的飞机 你现位于美军管制空域", "english": "Unidentified aircraft, you are in restricted US military airspace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请表明身份并 向东飞行离开美军的领空", "english": "Squawk ident and proceed east out of the area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不明身份的飞机 我们会护送你到美军索克特森空军基地", "english": "Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不遵从 我们会使用致命的武力", "english": "If you do not comply, we will use deadly force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现目标", "english": "Copy the bogie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有一个朋友就在那架直升机上", "english": "A friend of mine was on that chopper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不明身份的飞机 我们会护送你到索克特森空军基地", "english": "Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看她的小脸 真想去亲一口", "english": "Look at those cheeks. I just wanna chew on them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的孩子真是漂亮", "english": "Baby, we made a good-Iooking kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道人们总是这么说", "english": "I know that people say that all the time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们生了一个漂亮的孩子 干得好", "english": "but, wow, we made one good-looking kid. Nice work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她笑得真像你", "english": "She has your laugh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你确定她刚刚没有放屁吗", "english": "You sure she didn't just fart?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 人家可是淑女哦", "english": "No, she's a lady."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她还不认识你 但是她会的", "english": "She doesn't know you yet, but she will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目标着陆了", "english": "Bogie's on the deck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷达被干扰了", "english": "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Radar's jammed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直升机是干扰源", "english": "It's coming from the chopper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉 如果你能听见我 我爱你 我很快就会回家", "english": "Hey, Sarah, if you can hear me, I love you and I'll be home soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉 如果你能听见我 我爱你 我很快就会回家", "english": "Hey, Sarah, if you can hear me, I love you and I'll be home soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你的机组人员下机 不然我们开枪了", "english": "Have your crew step out or we will kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天", "english": "My God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们炸了通讯天线 我们被攻击了", "english": "They bombed the antenna farm! We're under attack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们的目的是这些机密文件", "english": "It's going after the files!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "切断总电源", "english": "Cut the hard lines!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我钥匙 锁上了", "english": "I need a key! It's locked!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快逃", "english": "Move! Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边走 这边走", "english": "Here, come here! Come here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "躲这里 先", "english": "Here, hide in here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊", "english": "Oh, my God. Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么...", "english": "What the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃普斯 快走", "english": "Epps, let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维特维奇先生 该你了", "english": "Okay, Mr. Witwicky, you're up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我带了很多东西", "english": "Sorry, I got a lot of stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着", "english": "Watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对于我们家族...", "english": "For my family..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁干的 谁干的 同学们 要有责任感", "english": "Who did... Who did that? People! Responsibility."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对于家族史这个报告", "english": "So, for my family genealogy report,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打算讲我的曾曾祖父", "english": "I decided to do it on my great-great-grandfather,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传说中的 阿奇伯尔德·维特维奇船长", "english": "who was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "著名的探索家", "english": "Very famous explorer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是历史上不畏艰险 勇闯北极的第一人", "english": "In fact, he was one of the first to explore the Arctic Circle, which is a big deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家加把劲阿 敲阿 举起来阿", "english": "Move faster, men! Move! Chop! Heave!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结冰的速度比破冰还快 大家再加把劲", "english": "The ice is freezing faster than it's melting! Chop faster! Heave, men!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有付出就没有胜利", "english": "Heave! No sacrifice, no victory!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小的们 我们一定能到达目的地", "english": "We'll get to the Arctic Circle, lads!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是我要讲的故事", "english": "So that's the story, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些都是要卖的", "english": "It's all for sale, by the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最酷的登场 哈哈 我曾曾祖父的眼镜", "english": "These are pretty cool. These are my grandfather's glasses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还没给它估价 它见过很多有趣的事", "english": "I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet, but they've seen many cool things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我买他的肝 请问怎么卖", "english": "Are you going to sell me his liver?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你的祖父不会", "english": "I don't think your grandfather would be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为你所作所为感到骄傲的", "english": "particularly proud of what you're doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 都是为了我的汽车基金而集资", "english": "I know. I'm sorry. I just, you know, this is all going towards my car fund."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以帮我宣传下 我在易趣也开了店", "english": "You can tell your folks. It's on eBay. I take PayPal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接受贝宝和现金支付", "english": "Cold hard cash works, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指南针是一个很好的哥伦布节的礼物", "english": "And the compass makes a great gift for Columbus Day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不幸的是 我的曾曾祖父", "english": "Unfortunately, my great-great-grandfather,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他瞎了又疯了 还给关进精神病院", "english": "the genius that he was, wound up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "画这些奇怪的符号", "english": "drawing these strange symbols"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说一些关于他所发现的", "english": "and babbling on about some giant ice man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巨大的冰人的事情", "english": "that he thought he'd discovered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许明天会有考试 也许不会", "english": "Okay. Might be a pop quiz tomorrow. Might not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很不错 对吗", "english": "Okay. Pretty good, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想 良下 算个好成绩", "english": "I'd say a solid B-."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "良下?", "english": "A B-?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在说一些关于你曾曾祖父的无聊的事情", "english": "You were hawking your great-grandfather's crap"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧窗外 望过去 看到我父亲了吗", "english": "Can you look out the window for a second? You see my father?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要告诉你一个梦想 一个男孩的梦想", "english": "Okay, I wanna tell you about a dream. A boy's dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个男人答应那个男孩", "english": "And a man's promise to that boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他看着我的眼睛说 \"儿子 我会给你买一辆车\"", "english": "He looked at me in the eye. He said, \"Son, I'm gonna buy you a car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的梦想 你的\"良下\"把梦想破灭了", "english": "Okay? Here's the dream. Your B-. Dream gone. Kaput."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老师您自问一下 如果您是耶稣基督 会怎么做", "english": "Sir, just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了", "english": "Yes! Yes, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么样", "english": "So?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "优下 也算是优吧", "english": "A-. It's an A, though."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一等 我看不清楚 是个优 没问题的", "english": "Wait, wait, wait. I can't see. It's an A."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小小的惊喜", "english": "Yeah, a little surprise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吧 不是吧 老爹", "english": "No. No, no, no, no. Dad!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 我是在开玩笑 不给你买保时捷", "english": "Yeah. I am. You're not getting a Porsche."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一辆车就是保时捷?", "english": "a Porsche for your first car?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以后不会再和你说这件事了", "english": "I don't want to talk to you for the rest of this whole thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他热得发晕了", "english": "He's having a heat stroke again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吓坏了白人客户", "english": "Scaring white folks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很热 妆要化了 我眼睛疼", "english": "I'm hot! Makeup's melting. It hurts my eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爹 这是什么玩意儿 你许诺的是半辆车哦", "english": "Here? No, no, no, what is this? You said... You said half a car,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而不是半辆破烂", "english": "not half a piece of crap, Dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我像你这么大时 能有辆车就很开心了", "english": "When I was your age, I'd have been happy with four wheels and an engine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我道来 听我道来", "english": "Okay, let me explain something to you. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们", "english": "Gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲍比·玻利维亚 就像那个国家 除了逃亡者", "english": "Bobby Bolivia, like the country, except without the runs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想要点什么", "english": "How can I help you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我儿子要买他的第一辆车", "english": "Well, my son here, looking to buy his first car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们就是一家人了 你可以叫我鲍比·B 简称B叔叔", "english": "That practically makes us family. Uncle Bobby B, baby. Uncle Bobby B."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来告诉你个真理 不是驾驶员挑车", "english": "Let me tell you something, son. A driver don't pick the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是车挑驾驶员", "english": "The car'll pick the driver."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是人类和汽车间的缘分", "english": "It's a mystical bond between man and machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 我本事很大的 吹牛除外", "english": "Son, I'm a lot of things, but a liar's not one of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其不在我妈妈面前 那就是我妈妈 嘿 妈咪", "english": "Especially not in front of my mammy. That's my mammy. Hey, Mammy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贱人 要是有块板砖 我头都给你拍烂", "english": "Don't be like that. If I had a rock, I'd bust your head, bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉你 伙计 她是聋子", "english": "I tell you, man, she deaf, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这辆不错", "english": "This ain't bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有条纹...", "english": "It got racing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这车哪里冒出来的", "english": "Yeah, what's this? What the heck is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是谁的车 去查一下", "english": "What is this? This car! Check it out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 老板 我以前没见过", "english": "I don't know, boss! I've never seen it! That's loco!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啰嗦屁阿 快去查查", "english": "Don't go Ricky Ricardo on me, Manny! Find out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉不错", "english": "Feels good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及特殊的喷漆和工艺...", "english": "with the slick wheels and the custom paint job..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特殊的掉色漆?", "english": "It's custom faded?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小弟 所谓外行看热闹 内行看门道 一口价", "english": "Well, this is your first car. I wouldn't expect you to understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 从车里出来", "english": "Kid, come on, get out. Get out the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还没... 你说车挑驾驶员的", "english": "No, no, no. You said cars pick their drivers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "驾驶员有一个抠门的父亲则另当别论 快下车", "english": "Well, sometimes they pick a driver with a cheap-ass father. Out the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不要那个破烂的甲壳虫", "english": "No, I don't want a Fiesta with racing stripes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这车有一个经典的引擎", "english": "This is a classic engine right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前几天才卖一辆", "english": "I sold a car the other day..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 宝贝", "english": "Gee. Holy cow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去弄个大锤把这个敲下来 曼尼 出来", "english": "I'll get a sledgehammer and knock this right out. Hey, hey, Manny!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你表弟弄些锤子来", "english": "Get your clown cousin and get some hammers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这东西敲下去", "english": "and come bang this stuff out, baby!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那辆我最喜欢 一路从阿拉巴马州开过来", "english": "That one's my favorite, drove all the way from Alabammy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史蒂文", "english": "Steve."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 部长先生", "english": "Hello, Mr. Secretary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们太年轻了", "english": "They're so young."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可是最好的分析专家", "english": "They're the top subject matter experts, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这几年国安局都直接从高中招人", "english": "NSA's recruiting right out of high school these days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同伴们 看 国防部长", "english": "Guys, that's the Secretary of Defense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我穿的衣服真不适合这个场合", "english": "I am so underdressed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们 先生们 国防部长", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, the Secretary of Defense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敝人约翰·凯勒", "english": "I'm John Keller."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们应该想知道你们为什么会在这里", "english": "Obviously, you're wondering why you're here, so these are the facts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在卡塔尔的索克特森 美军基遭到袭击", "english": "the SOCCENT Forward Operations Base in Qatar was attacked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "具目前所了解的资料看 没有幸存者", "english": "So far as we know, there were no survivors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攻击的目的是为了侵入军方的电脑网络", "english": "The objective of the attack was to hack our military network."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前还不知道他们要找什么", "english": "We're not sure exactly what they're after,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我们知道他们的侵入被阻止了", "english": "but we do know that they were cut off during the assault,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我们认为他们会再次袭击", "english": "which would lead us to assume that they're going to try it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前尚未有人为该事件负责", "english": "Now, no one's taken responsibility for the attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在唯一的线索是这个声音", "english": "And the only real lead we have so far is this sound."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即侵入我们系统的信号", "english": "That's the signal that hacked our network."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国家安全局正在全力分析", "english": "NSA's working at full capacity to analyze it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望能拦截未来的通讯", "english": "and intercept further communications,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此需要你们来找出谁是幕后黑手", "english": "but we need your help to find out who did this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统已经派出航母战斗群", "english": "The President has dispatched battle groups"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前往波斯湾和黄海 再也不会比这更严重了", "english": "to the Arabian Gulf and Yellow Sea. This is as real as it's ever gonna get."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们会由负责的官员领导", "english": "Now I'm gonna leave you to your officer-in-charge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "领队们会把你们分成小组开始工作", "english": "You'll break up into teams and you'll start your work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝我们好运", "english": "Good luck to us all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小麻鸡 我有车了 还得找个靓妞", "english": "All right, Mojo. I got the car. Now I need the girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再弄些钱带妞出去爽一圈", "english": "I need money to take out the girl is what I need."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "零个竞标", "english": "Zero bids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安逸 身无分文", "english": "Great. Broke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小麻鸡 嗑药时间到了", "english": "Come on, Mojo. You want your pain pills?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还没熟透", "english": "No. Premature."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好吗", "english": "Good. What's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么 只是开车而已 开我的车", "english": "Nothing. You know, just driving my car. Driving my car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像是时钟发条", "english": "It's like clockwork."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道这东西让你爽歪了", "english": "All right, I know you get wasted on these things,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你要是再在我床上撒尿 就到外面睡去 你的明白?", "english": "but if you piss in my bed again, you're sleeping outside. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天到此为止了 别吃了 瘾君子", "english": "That's it for today. No more. Crackhead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这块要掉了", "english": "This one is wobbly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想在我的草坪上看到脚印", "english": "I do not like footprints on my grass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不从草地移到石子路上来", "english": "So why don't you go from my grass onto my path, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把女性的饰品戴在一条公狗身上", "english": "-You're putting girl jewelry on a boy dog. -What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为一条吉娃娃犬 他有严重的自信心问题", "english": "He's got enough self-esteem issues as a Chihuahua, Mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是他的首饰", "english": "That's his bling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看在上帝的份上 小心开车", "english": "Please, for the love of God, drive safely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "系上安全带", "english": "Seat belt on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔 你可真小气", "english": "Wow. You are so cheap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是他的第一辆车 应该是这样的", "english": "Well, it's his first car. Supposed to be like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前我们无法确认是否有幸存者存在", "english": "At this time, we can't confirm whether there were any survivors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已启动三级战备状态为目前", "english": "Our bases worldwide are, as of now, at DEFCON Delta,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最高警戒水准", "english": "our highest readiness level."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们面对着一个从未见过的", "english": "We're dealing with a very effective weapons system"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常强大的武器系统", "english": "that we have not come across before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会为那些勇敢的士兵祈祷", "english": "But our prayers are with the families of the brave men and women..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸会没事的", "english": "Honey, Daddy's gonna be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前从未见过这种武器系统", "english": "I've never seen a weapons system like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "热成像显示在它的外骨骼结构周围", "english": "The thermal shows this weird aura around the exoskeleton"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不可能 根本没有什么无形的能量罩", "english": "That's impossible. There's no such thing as invisible force fields"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当这是放动画片呢?", "english": "except in, like, comic book stuff, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我老妈 她有种天赋", "english": "My mama, she had the gift, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我妈妈可以看见未来 我有她的遗传", "english": "She saw things. I got the gene, too,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个攻击我们的家伙 我肯定它还会回来的", "english": "and that thing that attacked us? I got a feeling it ain't over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 伟大的法师 麻烦你开个传送门", "english": "How about you use those magic voodoo powers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让大伙回主城去如何?", "english": "and get us the hell out of here, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我照相的时候 我想它看到我了", "english": "When I took that picture, I think it saw me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它盯着我看", "english": "It looked right at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要马上把它送到五角大楼", "english": "All right, we got to get this thing back to the Pentagon right away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "军方得知道我们的敌人是什么", "english": "They got to know what we're dealing with here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无线电失灵了", "english": "My radio's fried."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 我们走", "english": "All right, let's hit it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你确定我们被邀请去这个聚会了吗", "english": "Dude, are you sure we're invited to this party?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了 迈尔斯 那是一个湖 是公共场所", "english": "Of course, Miles. It's a lake. Public property."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊 梅卡拉在这 你丫别发蠢 听见没", "english": "Oh, my God, dude, Mikaela's here. Just don't do anything weird, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Oh, hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的车不错阿", "english": "Hey, bro. That car. It's nice. Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们来这里干什么", "english": "So, what are you guys doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们来这里 爬这棵树", "english": "We're here to climb this tree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看见了 很有趣", "english": "I see that. It looks... It looks fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去年参加过橄榄球队的预选 对吧", "english": "You tried out for the football team last year, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去找你的妈妈", "english": "Let's go call your mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不是 我并不是想参加预选", "english": "Oh, no, no, that... No. That wasn't like a real tryout."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是在为写书收集资料", "english": "I was researching a book I was writing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于什么的 一塌糊涂的体育运动", "english": "Yeah? What's it about? Sucking at sports?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 是关于橄榄球和脑损伤的", "english": "No, it's about the link between brain damage and football."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是本好书 你的朋友会喜欢它的", "english": "No, it's a good book. Your friends'll love it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是好笑", "english": "That's funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去参加聚会吧", "english": "Hey, guys, I know of a party. Let's go, let's head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猴头 快下来了 拜托拜托", "english": "Just get out of the tree right now, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什么", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看见我的英姿了没 迷倒多少娘们", "english": "Did you see that dismount? All the chicks were watching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蠢货 你丢死人了 搞得我们像白痴一样", "english": "You're making me look like an idiot. We both looked like idiots just now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可爱的小白兔为什么不跳到后座上去", "english": "Why doesn't my little bunny just hop in the back seat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会来找我的", "english": "You'll call me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚谁驱车送你回家", "english": "Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的收音机怎么了", "english": "Hey, man, what's wrong with your radio?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可是个小骚货 伙计 让她去搭车吧", "english": "She's an evil jock concubine, man. Let her hitchhike."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把她放在后座 我会安静的", "english": "All right. We'll put her in the back. I'll be quiet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会让她坐后面 你得下车", "english": "I'm not putting her in the back. You got to get out of my car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能重色轻友", "english": "Bros before hos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迈尔斯 别搞了 快下去", "english": "Miles, I'm begging you to get out of my car. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能这样对我", "english": "You can't do this to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你受伤时谁陪在你身边", "english": "Who's gonna come around when you break?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅卡拉 我是山姆", "english": "Mikaela! It's Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维特维奇", "english": "Witwicky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望没有让你觉得太尴尬", "english": "I hope I didn't get you stranded or anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吧", "english": "You sure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说我开车送你回家", "english": "I mean, give you a ride home in my car, to your house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上车吧", "english": "There you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么...", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真不敢相信我现在坐在这里", "english": "I can't believe that I'm here right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以把头低下 我不会感到难过的", "english": "You can duck down if you want. I mean, it won't hurt my feelings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是说和你在一块", "english": "Oh, no, no, no. I didn't mean here with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 我想我是 对肌肉男有特殊的喜好", "english": "'Cause, I don't know, I guess I just have a weakness for hot guys,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那种紧紧的肌肉 结实的臂膀", "english": "for tight abs and really big arms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结实的臂膀", "english": "Big arms?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚刚装了个灯", "english": "Like, I just put in that light there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是新生吧 今年第一年来我们学校念书", "english": "Are you new to school this year? It's your first year here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不", "english": "Oh, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们从一年级开始就在同一所学校", "english": "We've been in the same school since first grade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是比较久了", "english": "Yeah, a long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有同堂的课吗", "english": "Well, do we have any classes together?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "历史 语言文学 数学 自然", "english": "History. Language arts. Math. Science."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不要 拜托", "english": "No, no, no. No. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我才刚刚修过 这是辆新车", "english": "Sorry, I'm just working out the kinks. You know, it's a new car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当欲望来时 性爱疗法是我所需", "english": "When I get that feeling I want sexual healing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这收音机 也是个二手的", "english": "This radio is, like, you know... It's an old radio, too, so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "性爱疗法", "english": "Sexual healing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不知道为什么", "english": "Look, this isn't something that I, you know..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没法关掉收音机 我不是故意的", "english": "I can't get this radio to stop. Look, I wouldn't try this on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这有点罗曼蒂克 我不想这样的", "english": "Cause this is like a romantic thing that I'm not trying to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是个罗曼蒂克的朋友 罗曼蒂克的朋友才这样", "english": "I'm not a romantic friend. Romantic friends do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说 我不是那种朋友 我们...我可以是的", "english": "I mean, I'm not that friend. I mean, we... I could be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我感觉不错", "english": "I feel good"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开引擎罩", "english": "Just pop the hood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "缸头真不错", "english": "Whoa, nice headers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "印象深刻 山姆", "english": "That's pretty impressive, Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汽油进的更快 速度也就可以更快", "english": "It squirts the fuel in so you can go faster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢飙快车", "english": "I like to go faster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来你的配电盘封盖有些松了", "english": "And it looks like your distributor cap's a little loose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗 你是怎么知道的", "english": "Yeah? How'd you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸是个汽车机械师 他教我的", "english": "My dad. He was a real grease monkey. He taught me all about this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以把整车拆成零件 清洗一下 再装起来", "english": "I could take it all apart, clean it, put it back together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真奇怪 我一定不会花钱请你当修车工", "english": "That's weird. I just wouldn't peg you for mechanical."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你放心了 我不会说出去的", "english": "Well, you know, I don't really broadcast it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男人不喜欢女人比他们更懂车", "english": "Guys don't like it when you know more about cars than they do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特别是崔恩 他讨厌这些", "english": "Especially not Trent. He hates it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女人来修引擎 我不介意的", "english": "Yeah, no, I'm cool with, you know, females working on my engine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上 我挺喜欢", "english": "I prefer it, actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果崔恩是个混蛋 你为什么还和他在一起", "english": "You know, if Trent's such a jerk, why do you hang out with him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了...我还是走路回去", "english": "You know what? I'm just... I'm gonna walk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你的车好运", "english": "Good luck with your car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走路有益健康 是吧", "english": "Walking's healthy, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 上帝 别 别 别", "english": "Oh, God, no, no, no, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝回来吧 傻瓜都看得出来", "english": "Baby come back any kind of fool could see"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝回来吧 你可以怪我的", "english": "Baby come back you can blame it all on me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Wait a second!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今天很高兴 感谢你听我发牢骚", "english": "I had fun. So, you know, thanks for listening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得你...不 不 不", "english": "I think you're... No, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得 你并非徒有其表", "english": "I think there's a lot more than meets the eye with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真傻的台词", "english": "That was a stupid line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 上帝", "english": "Oh, God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 上帝 我喜欢这车", "english": "Oh, my God. I love my car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们 我想另一个小组找出原因了 伊朗人", "english": "Hey, guys, I think the other team figured it out. Iran."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 伙计 伊朗科学家长了火星人大脑了?", "english": "Come on, man. This is way too smart for Iranian scientists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不太像 这和中国所用的技术一点也不像", "english": "No way. This is nothing like what the Chinese are using."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只要能确定敌人", "english": "We will hunt down this enemy. And when we do,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就能制定对付的方法", "english": "we'll know just what to do with them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明显 幸存者很少", "english": "Apparently, there are very few survivors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统先生", "english": "Yes, Mr. President?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我拿一点点心来好吗 亲爱的", "english": "Yeah, can you wrangle me up some Ding Dongs, darling?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我加入空军就是给他拿点心的 我去储藏室", "english": "I joined the Air Force to bring the man Ding Dongs. I'll be in storage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的", "english": "Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好难吃", "english": "Gross."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们听到了吗", "english": "Do you hear that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们听到了吗", "english": "Are you getting this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他们又在入侵军事网络了", "english": "I think they're hacking the network again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现信号", "english": "Detected"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现冰人项目", "english": "Found"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听 这个和卡塔尔的信号完全一致", "english": "Oh, my God. This is a direct match to the signal in Qatar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现病毒", "english": "Virus"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文件上传中", "english": "Uploading"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来人 它们正在黑入空军一号的网络", "english": "Someone! They're hacking into Air Force One!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要一个高级分析师", "english": "We need a senior analyst."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同时还从我们系统上 窃取了大量的信息", "english": "and stealing a whole lot of data from your system at the same time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "红色警报 网络被入侵了", "english": "Code Red. We have a breach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空军一号 有人正在入侵军事网络", "english": "Air Force One, someone onboard has breached the military network."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请求立即切断防御网络", "english": "Permission to take down the Defense Network."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人动过这里的主机", "english": "Someone's tampered with the POTUS mainframe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么...", "english": "What the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "底舱有人开枪 重复 有人开枪", "english": "Shots fired in the underdeck. Repeat, shots fired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机组 准备紧急降落", "english": "Crew, prepare for emergency descent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要总统现在就进入地下掩体", "english": "I want our President in that bunker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要在他安全后再讨论现在这个问题", "english": "And I don't want to discuss a damn thing other till that becomes reality."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空军一号已经降落了", "english": "Air Force One is on the ground."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 上帝 不 不 不", "english": "Oh, God. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我的车", "english": "That's my car!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不", "english": "No, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 报警", "english": "Dad, call the cops!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在追他 把所有人都叫来", "english": "I'm in pursuit! Right? I need all units, the whole squadron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把所有人都叫来 别问我问题", "english": "Bring everyone! No, don't ask me questions, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸是邻居保安计划主管", "english": "My father's the head of the neighborhood watch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 上帝", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫山姆·维特维奇", "english": "My name is Sam Witwicky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有幸看到这个的人 我的车变成活人了 瞧", "english": "Whoever finds this, my car is alive, okay? You saw that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的临终遗言 爸爸妈妈 我爱你们", "english": "Since this is my last words on Earth, I just wanna say, Mom, Dad, I love you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你们从床下找到色情杂志 那不是我的", "english": "and if you find Busty Beauties under my bed, it wasn't mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是替迈尔斯保管的 不 等等...", "english": "I'm holding it for Miles. No, no, wait that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "色情书是我的 查尔叔叔给我的", "english": "Okay, that's not true. It's mine and Uncle Charles gave it to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 小麻鸡 我爱你", "english": "I'm sorry. Mojo, I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是好人 我是好人", "english": "No! No! No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝 救命", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好狗乖 好狗乖 好狗儿乖乖", "english": "No, you're a good dog! Good dog! Good dog!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 上帝", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钥匙给你了 车我不要了", "english": "I'm sorry! Take the keys! I don't want them! Car's yours!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 听着 听着", "english": "Listen, listen, listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把头顶到引擎罩上", "english": "Put your head on the hood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们终于还是侵入了我们的防卫网", "english": "Whoever did this finally managed to infiltrate our defense network,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们当时尝试侵入我们的卡塔尔基地 不过这次他们得逞了", "english": "which is what they tried to do in Qatar, only this time it worked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还不了解它的作用 不过有可能会侵害我们的系统", "english": "We're not sure what it's going to do, but it may cripple the system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它就会变种躲避 好像不单纯是一种病毒了", "english": "it adapts and speeds up. It's like it's not a virus anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变成了某种系统", "english": "It's become the system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明显 这是大规模反美攻击的第一阶段", "english": "Obviously the first phase of a major attack against the US."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俄罗斯 朝鲜 也许中国也帮忙了", "english": "are Russia, North Korea, maybe China."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没留意你在场 你是...", "english": "I didn't see you standing there. You would be who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我侦测到他们的攻击", "english": "I'm just the analyst who detected the hack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下 是你侦测到的", "english": "Hold on. It was you? You did it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算是最尖端最具攻击性的计算机", "english": "Okay. Even a supercomputer with a brute force attack"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么请你给我解释来听听 卫星显示", "english": "Maybe you can explain, then, how our latest satellite imagery"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝鲜确实加强了他们的国防力量", "english": "shows North Korea doubling its naval activity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许这只是他们的防护措施 我们不是也一样", "english": "Maybe it's a precaution, because isn't that what we're doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信号图像正在不断发展 他们具有自发进化的能力", "english": "The signal pattern is learning. It's evolving on its own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是线性变换 所能解释的了", "english": "And you need to move past Fourier transfers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经提升到量子力学的范畴", "english": "and start considering quantum mechanics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像地球上并不存在如此复杂的东西", "english": "There is nothing on Earth that complex."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么有机体呢 具有生命能力的有机体", "english": "What about an organism? A living organism?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "例如DNA构成的计算机 有生命的", "english": "Maybe some kind of DNA-based computer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六层楼的专家们 正在协力分析调查", "english": "We have six floors of analysts working on this thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能找到证据来支持你的观点", "english": "Now, if you can find proof to back up your theory,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我乐意听取 可是如果你继续在这里信口开河", "english": "I'm gonna be happy to listen to you. But if you don't get a filter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时非常清醒 简直\"清澈见底\"", "english": "Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇...好恐怖哦", "english": "Wow. That's really neat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 这个拿去", "english": "Okay, chiefie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这个灌满 别滴的到处都是", "english": "Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你嗑的什么药", "english": "What are you rolling?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "氧化亚氮 巴比妥盐 还是少许大麻?", "english": "Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你口袋里找到的 \"小麻鸡\"", "english": "Found it in your pocket. \"Mojo.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在的古惑仔流行吃这个\"小麻鸡\"?", "english": "Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mojo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想试试 那你就来试试看", "english": "You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明确的告诉你 保证你开花", "english": "Cause I promise you I will bust you up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是药嗑多了?", "english": "Are you on drugs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但愿这条电话线还管用", "english": "Let's hope this telephone line works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 躲开 躲开", "english": "Hey, heads up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心 嘿 小心", "english": "Heads up! Hey! Heads up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小崽 说国语", "english": "English, dude. English."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔", "english": "Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当心", "english": "Watch out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈呀 什么鸟玩意", "english": "Whoa, mother... What the hell is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快起来 快跑", "english": "Get up! Get up! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑", "english": "Go! Move it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找掩护", "english": "Take cover!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菲格 你断后", "english": "Fig! Cover the rear!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "躲避找掩护 菲格 埃普斯 你们断后", "english": "Cover fire! Move it! Fig, cover the rear! Epps! Cover the rear! Move it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 给我把机枪", "english": "Come on! Give me a mag!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爸爸呢 你爸爸呢", "english": "Where's your papa? Where's your papa?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸", "english": "Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 我们需要电话", "english": "Sir, we need... I need a telephone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 我给我把机枪", "english": "Hey, I need a mag! Give me a mag!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开火", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮我接五角大楼 紧急电话 听到吗", "english": "This is an emergency Pentagon call! I need you to... Do you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没有信用卡", "english": "I don't have a credit card!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 你的态度根本无法提高办事效率", "english": "Sir, the attitude is not going to speed things up any bit at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在打仗 这真他妈荒唐", "english": "I'm in the middle of a war! This is frigging ridiculous!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹药", "english": "Ammo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要张信用卡", "english": "I need a credit card!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 是VISA卡", "english": "Okay, it's Visa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 您听说过我们的\"至尊全球服务\"超值套餐吗", "english": "Also, sir, have you heard about our premium plus world-service gold package?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不要什么扯蛋套餐 埃普斯 接五角大楼", "english": "No, I don't want a premium package! Epps! Pentagon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "报告情况", "english": "Give me a status."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 我们追踪到一支 在卡塔尔遭受攻击的特种部队", "english": "Sir, we're tracking a Special Ops team under fire in Qatar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说是基地袭击的幸存者", "english": "They say they're survivors of the base attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸存者", "english": "Survivors?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这辈子还没见过这东西", "english": "I ain't never seen this in my life!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要大型火力支援", "english": "Need gunships on station ASAP!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掠食者马上赶到", "english": "Predator's coming up in a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正联系最近的空中预警机", "english": "We're linking the call to the nearest AWACS."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 伙计 我不... 伙计 如果你看到这玩意儿...", "english": "Unknown, man. I don't... Man, if you seen this shit..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掠食者预计两分钟后到达", "english": "Predator ETA two minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让路 让路", "english": "Hey! Make way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "急需空中支援 急需", "english": "We need air support and we need it now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不明物体进行密集型致命打击", "english": "Roll in strike package Bravo on unknown target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有空军注意 这将是次危险的近距离攻击任务", "english": "Attention, all aircraft. This will be a danger close-fire mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "武器 我刚刚接到猎鹰特种队的电话", "english": "Weapons, I just got a call from Falcon Ops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁离目的地比较近", "english": "Who's closer to Kill Box One Alpha?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贪婪者 长官", "english": "Send the Hogs, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 派贪婪者去 这是次危险的...", "english": "Okay, send the Hogs over to Kill Box One Alpha. It's a danger close..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目标在地面", "english": "Friendlies in the area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到达指定区域 可以攻击", "english": "Received Kill Box One Alpha. Engage hostile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攻击 报告贪婪者的情况", "english": "Strike, tell me status of Hog right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贪婪者一号 暗星一号 报告情况", "english": "Hog One-One Dark Star status."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "激光制导 标记目标", "english": "We got a beam-rider incoming! Laze target!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在目标附近受到雷达干扰", "english": "Receiving radar jamming in vicinity of target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他妈没办法干掉那东西了", "english": "No frigging way that thing's still not down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干掉了吗", "english": "Did we lose them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "费格在哪", "english": "Where's Fig?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找医生来", "english": "Get a medic!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生来了 坚持住 他脉搏很微弱", "english": "We'll get a medic. Just hold on. He's got a pulse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要医疗直升机 一人重伤 需要立即治疗", "english": "We need a medevac. One man down. Patient care category urgent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带他们回家", "english": "Bring them home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立即带他们回本土", "english": "You get those men stateside right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这世上只有一个黑客能破解这代码", "english": "There's only one hacker in the world who can break this code."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 停下来", "english": "Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉打搅你", "english": "I am sorry to bother you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 这是我的私人场所 我的禅静之所", "english": "No! This is my private area, my place of Zen and peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴 奶奶", "english": "Shut up, Grandma!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奶奶 喝你的果汁去吧", "english": "Grandmama! Drink your prune juice!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心 老大来了 首领登场", "english": "Oh, here come the matrix! Here come the matrix!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格伦 说真的 你不是想看\"机密\"吗", "english": "Glen, seriously, don't you want to see something classified?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶 低点", "english": "Yeah. Get low."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就几分钟", "english": "Hey. I need a moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 伙计 帮我存档", "english": "Hey, man, save my game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有多机密", "english": "How classified?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是那种我要是给你看了 我就得坐一辈子牢的机密", "english": "Like \"I will go to jail for the rest of my life for showing you\" classified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶 就看一眼", "english": "Yes! One quick peek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袭击我们卡塔尔基地的怪物 被我们的特种部队拍了照", "english": "Special Ops got a thermal snapshot of whatever hit the base in Qatar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工作人员正在尝试修复相机", "english": "The rangers are en route with the imager,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们现在还有个安全隐患", "english": "but we also have a security issue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信号编码率相当高 你说你从哪弄到的?", "english": "The signal strength is through the roof. Where did you say you got this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这东西用了不到一分钟的时间 黑掉了国家军事安全防卫系统", "english": "It hacked the national military air-guard frequency in less than a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看上去在这信号中还暗藏着信息 我终于可以大显身手了", "english": "Looks like there's a message embedded in the signal. Let me work my magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又在玩电子游戏了?", "english": "Are you playing those video games again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察 警察", "english": "Cops! Cops!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他抓住 把他抓住", "english": "Lock it down! Lock it down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察", "english": "Cops!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他抓住", "english": "Lock it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 我是无辜的 我是...", "english": "Wait! I'm just a cousin! I'm just a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别踩我奶奶的地毯 她不喜欢人踩她的地毯", "english": "Get off my Grandmama's carpet! She don't like nobody on the carpet!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是警察", "english": "Especially police!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目的地尚未获知", "english": "We're not told where they're going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好", "english": "Morning, Mo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "政府方面对于发生的情况也是三缄其口", "english": "The government has been very quiet about what's going on but in our..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝鲜方向前进", "english": "towards North Korea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这么早就开始叫唤 好吗 小麻鸡", "english": "Stop with the barking, Mojo. It's too early. Please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迈尔斯 迈尔斯 听着", "english": "Miles? Miles, listen to me. Listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才买的那两二手车追着我不放", "english": "Satan's Camaro. In my yard. It's stalking me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不", "english": "No, no, no, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 我的天", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这个...很有型啊", "english": "That was... That was really awesome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正被我的车追呢 我得跑路了", "english": "I'm getting chased by my car right now. I got to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了 是警察", "english": "Oh, great. Cops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Officer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说", "english": "Listen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 真疼", "english": "Oh, that hurt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说", "english": "Listen to me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感谢上帝 你在这里 我从没这么惨过", "english": "Thank God you're here! I've had the worst day ever!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我骑着我妈的自行车 被一路追踪到这里", "english": "I've been... I've been followed here on my mother's bike! Right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的车就在那儿 它一路追着我到这里", "english": "And my car's right there and it's been following me here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下车 不 停下 啊 上帝 好吧 够了", "english": "So get out of the car! No! Stop! Oh, God. Okay, okay! Okay, all right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "够了 对不起 我... 我没想撞你的车", "english": "Okay! I'm sorry! I'm... I didn't mean to hit your car! Look!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 听着 停下 停下", "english": "Okay, look, look, look! Stop, stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这样 你想要什么", "english": "Please! Okay, what do you want from me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 上帝 不 不", "english": "Oh, God, no! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 该死 啊 该死 上帝 该死", "english": "Oh, shit! Oh, shit, shit, shit! Oh, God! Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是噩梦", "english": "It's a bad dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退后", "english": "Get back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停车", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝", "english": "God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么毛病? 山姆", "english": "What is your problem, Sam?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那里有个怪物 刚刚袭击了我", "english": "Okay, there's a monster right there! It just attacked me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又来了 快起来 起来快跑 你快跑", "english": "Here he comes! All right, get up. Get up and run! You have to run! Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 那个是什么", "english": "Sam, what is that thing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上车 快 快 快", "english": "Get in! Go, go, go, go, go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快 快", "english": "Go, go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝 我们死定了 我们死定了", "english": "Oh, God! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会的 我们不会死", "english": "No, we're not. No, we're not gonna die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 我的天 不", "english": "Oh, my God! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要死了", "english": "We're gonna die!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 我的天", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们被锁在里面了", "english": "We're locked in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车也无法发动 至少我们躲开了怪物 对吧", "english": "The car won't start. At least we ditched the monster, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时机到了", "english": "Time to start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要抓住我了 上帝", "english": "He's got me! Oh, God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会杀了我的", "english": "He's going to kill me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不", "english": "No. No, no, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下来", "english": "Get off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了它 杀了它", "english": "Kill it! Kill it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "砍死它 砍死它 砍死它", "english": "Get it, get it, get it, get it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没了头就不行了吧", "english": "Not so tough without a head, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 过来", "english": "Here, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是机器人", "english": "It's a robot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是像...", "english": "But like a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是另一种... 超级先进的机器人", "english": "Like a different... You know, like a super-advanced robot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大概是日本机器人", "english": "It's probably Japanese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 肯定是日本的", "english": "Yeah, it's definitely Japanese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛呢?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他要伤害我们 早就动手了", "english": "I don't think it wants to hurt us. It would have done that already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗 你还会讲机器人语?", "english": "Really? Well, do you speak robot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他们俩刚刚进行了一场生死决斗", "english": "Because they just had, like, a giant droid death match."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为另外一个跟我提过我的易趣店铺", "english": "Well, 'cause the other one was talking about my eBay page."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我见过的最最神经的疯子", "english": "You are the strangest boy I have ever met."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "数字广播系统...哥伦比亚广播系统...", "english": "Digital cable brings you... ...Columbia Broadcasting System..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来 你用收音机讲话", "english": "So you... You talk through the radio?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那...昨晚是怎么回事 那是什么", "english": "So, what was that last night? What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来自浩渺宇宙的... 星河舰队长官的讯息...", "english": "Message from Starfleet, Captain...Throughout the inanimate vastness of space..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太空访客会如天使般成群降临 哈利路亚", "english": "Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太空访客 什么...", "english": "Visitors from heaven? What..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是什么 是外星人还是...", "english": "What are you, like, an alien or something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有别的问题吗", "english": "Any more questions you want to ask?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要我们上车", "english": "He wants us to get in the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是去哪儿呢", "english": "And go where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开得一手的好车呢", "english": "This car's a pretty good driver."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不坐在驾驶位上", "english": "Why don't you go sit in that seat, there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不要坐那 他在开呢", "english": "I'm not going to sit in that seat. He's driving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对", "english": "You're right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里只有一个安全带 安全第一嘛", "english": "Well, I have the only seat belt here. You know, safety first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看 好多了吧", "english": "There, see? That's better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这个\"安全带\"之计还使得蛮圆滑嘛", "english": "You know, that seat belt thing was a pretty smooth move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他既然是个超级先进的机器人", "english": "Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么还要变回这么个破烂车", "english": "does he transform back into this piece-of-crap Camaro?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇 哇", "english": "Whoa! Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惹他生气 这下高兴了?", "english": "Oh, see? No. Get... No, that doesn't work. See?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚吧 你个混蛋", "english": "Move it, you moron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下好了...高兴了?", "english": "Great, now... See?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把他气跑了", "english": "Now you pissed him off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个车很敏感的", "english": "That car is sensitive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你...", "english": "This is you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天塌了", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上来 我们走", "english": "Come on, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我见过最酷的事情 到处都在爆炸", "english": "This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Explosions everywhere!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比 世界末日 劲爆一百倍 我对天发誓", "english": "This is easily a hundred times cooler than Armageddon. I swear to God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "着火了 着火了", "english": "Fire, fire, fire, fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄 我希望这家伙买了陨石撞击保险", "english": "Oh, dude, I hope this guy's got asteroid insurance,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是人间惨剧", "english": "'cause he is so boned!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "树上有东西 伙计", "english": "There's something in the tree, dude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们能给我一块陨石吗", "english": "Could you guys just give me a space rock?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 请问你是不是牙仙", "english": "Excuse me, are you the tooth fairy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝 你怎么一个人在这儿", "english": "Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing out here by yourself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天哪 游泳池怎么了", "english": "Holy God! What happened to the pool?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是山姆·詹姆斯·维特维奇 阿奇伯尔德·维特维奇的子孙", "english": "Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendent of Archibald Witwicky?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们知道你的名字", "english": "They know your name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们知道你的名字", "english": "They know your name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫擎天柱", "english": "My name is Optimus Prime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是来自塞伯坦星球的机械生命体", "english": "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来这地方挺有型", "english": "This looks like a cool place to kick it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你哪里学来的这种调子", "english": "What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们从互联网上学到地球人的语言", "english": "We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的武器专家 铁皮", "english": "My weapons specialist, Ironhide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开玩笑啦 只是想给他秀一下我的大炮", "english": "Just kidding. I just wanted to show him my cannons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的医学专家 救护车", "english": "Our medical officer, Ratchet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你身上的激素水平显示 你想跟这位女士交配", "english": "The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位是你的守护者 你已经认识了 大黄蜂", "english": "You already know your guardian, Bumblebee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 对吧", "english": "Bumblebee, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "检测系统 嗯 挺好的", "english": "Check on the rep Yep, second to none"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是我的守护者 哈", "english": "So you're my guardian, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的发声系统在战斗受到破坏 我在想办法把他修好", "english": "His vocal processors were damaged in battle. I'm still working on them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们为什么在这里", "english": "Why are you here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是来找火种源的 而且我们一定要先威震天一步找到他", "english": "We are here looking for the All Spark. And we must find it before Megatron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威什么?", "english": "Mega-what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的星球曾是一个强大的帝国 平静祥和", "english": "Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到有一天 霸天虎阵营领袖 威震天出卖了我们", "english": "until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不服从他的势力都被消灭", "english": "All who defied them were destroyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我们的星球也在战争中消逝殆尽 火种源也消失在星际之间", "english": "Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天尾随它来到地球 正是在那里维特维奇船长发现了他", "english": "Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的曾祖父", "english": "My grandfather."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是一个意外 却把我们的命运纠缠在一起", "english": "It was an accident that intertwined our fates."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回来", "english": "Come back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他好像找到了什么", "english": "I think the dogs have found something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰面开裂了", "english": "The ice is cracking!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "船长 抓住绳子 船长", "english": "Captain! Grab my rope, Captain!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事 伙计们", "english": "I'm all right, lads!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要给你扔条绳子吗 船长", "english": "Can we throw you a rope, Captain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天在拿到火种魔方之前 坠落到地球上了", "english": "Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们 我们有个重大发现", "english": "Men! We've made a discovery!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他无意中启动了它的导航系统", "english": "He accidentally activated his navigation system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种魔方在地球上的座标 由此印在了他的镜片上", "english": "The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道眼镜的", "english": "How'd you know about his glasses?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果霸天虎们找到了火种源", "english": "If the Decepticons find the All Spark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就会用它的能量转换地球上的机器 建立新的军队", "english": "they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "届时人类便会灭亡", "english": "And the human race will be extinguished."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆·维特维奇 地球的存亡就掌握在你的手上了", "english": "Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这简直就是个能自我修复的装甲", "english": "It's like a self-regenerating molecular armor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看脱壳穿甲弹打的弹孔 直穿而过", "english": "Look at the scorch mark where the sabot round hit.Melted right through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很接近 能熔化坦克装甲", "english": "Close to it. It melts tank armor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此他的金属表面一定会在 极高温下有反应", "english": "So this metal skin must react to extreme heat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是说这鬼东西已经死了吗", "english": "I thought you said that thing was dead, man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绑住他 捆绑住 这东西很邪门", "english": "Strap it down! Strap it! This thing is wicked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他们我们的有效武器是高温穿甲弹", "english": "Tell them that our effective weapon is high-heat sabot rounds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "建议所有的直升机都配备这种弹药 去吧", "english": "Recommend we load them on all the gunships. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这块你要不要", "english": "You want that piece?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛吉 你听我说 我告诉你接下来会怎样", "english": "Okay, Maggie, look. Let me break it down to you how it's gonna happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下进来的家伙 一个唱黑脸 一个唱白脸", "english": "They gonna come through that door and be good cop, bad cop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别中圈套 所以我才吃这些东西", "english": "Don't fall for that, all right? That's why I ate their food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们把吃的放这儿 是要试探你是不是心虚", "english": "See, they put the plate of donuts out here to test your guilt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不吃 就说明你心虚", "english": "If you don't touch it, you're guilty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我整盘都吃啦 整盘", "english": "I ate the whole plate. The whole plate. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就咱俩", "english": "It's me and you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们进来时 你什么也别说", "english": "They walk through that door, you don't say nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我举报 都是她干的 她才是你们要抓的人", "english": "She did it! She did it! She's the one you want! All right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是在家看卡通片", "english": "I was just sitting at home watching cartoons,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有跟我堂弟玩游戏而已 然后她闯了进来", "english": "playing video games with my cousin, and she came in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不会因为你或任何人去坐牢", "english": "Hey! I am not going to jail for you or anybody else!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这辈子从来没干过坏事 老兄 我还是童子身呢", "english": "I have done nothing bad my entire life! Hey, man, I'm still a virgin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "童子 那又怎样", "english": "Okay, so what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 我是从互联网上下载了几千首歌", "english": "I've downloaded a couple of thousand songs off the Internet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是谁没有呢", "english": "Who hasn't? Who hasn't?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才闭嘴 别跟我说话 不要跟我说话 你这个坏人", "english": "No, you shut up! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me, criminal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她都说了 我能回家了吗", "english": "See? So can I go home now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管是谁黑了你们的防卫系统 并且下载了一个文件", "english": "Okay, whoever hacked into your military system downloaded a file, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该是跟一个名叫维特维奇的人有关", "english": "It was something about someone named Witwicky"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一个政府组织 叫做第七防区组织", "english": "and some government group, right? Named Sector Seven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请你让我先跟国防部长谈谈", "english": "You have to let me talk to Defense Secretary Keller"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则你们很可能会误伤不该激怒的国家", "english": "before you go to war with the wrong country!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他没有晚 我就不能禁他 对吧", "english": "Well, I can't ground him if he's not late, can I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就呆在这儿 知道吗", "english": "I need you to stay here, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呆在这儿看着他们", "english": "You got to stay here and you're gonna watch them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 石子路 对不起 我忘记了", "english": "The... Oh, the path. I'm sorry. I forgot about the path."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活简直无与伦比 太棒了", "english": "Life... Life is fantastic, is how good it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 还有垃圾筒 对不起 爸爸 我马上去倒", "english": "It's so... Oh, the trash cans. Sorry, Dad. I'm gonna do the trash cans now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 我不想累坏你", "english": "No, no, I don't want you to strain yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不会的 爸爸", "english": "No, no, I won't strain myself, Dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 我会去做的", "english": "No, no, no, I'm gonna do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去倒了垃圾 再把烤架擦洗干净", "english": "I'm gonna do the trash cans and I'm gonna scrape the grill"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我马上就去打扫整个屋子", "english": "and I'm gonna... I'm gonna sweep up the whole house right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那...", "english": "The..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你 爸爸 我此时此刻真是太爱你了", "english": "I love you. God, I love you just so much right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妈妈要我把你关在家呢", "english": "You know, Mom wanted me to ground you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 你看 你又为我做了一件事 爸爸", "english": "Oh, well, just another thing you did for me, Dad,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是太好了", "english": "because you're such a swell guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又一件事 哈", "english": "One more thing, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我爱你 睡个好觉 帅哥", "english": "All right, I love you! Sleep good, handsome man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛 你这是干嘛", "english": "What are you doing? What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 注意门径 注意门径 注意...拜托 拜托 拜托", "english": "No, watch the path! Watch the path! Watch the... Please, please, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 等等 不 不", "english": "No, no, wait. No, no, no! Oh, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么连五分钟... 你怎么连五分钟都等不了", "english": "You couldn't wait for five... You couldn't wait for five minutes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了 呆在那儿 呆在那儿 上帝", "english": "I told you to just stay! Just stay! God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小麻鸡 小麻鸡 别靠近机器人", "english": "Mojo, Mojo! Off the robot! God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手 住手 这是小麻鸡 是我的宠物", "english": "Hold on! Hold! This is Mojo. This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是宠物 明白 如果你能收起你的武器...", "english": "He's a pet. Okay? That's all. If you could just put the guns away..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 它不是啮齿动物 它只是吉娃娃", "english": "No, no, no, no. He's not a rodent, he's a Chihuahua."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的吉娃娃 我们都爱吉娃娃 对不对", "english": "This is my... This is my Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas! Don't we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他撒了我满脚润滑剂", "english": "He's leaked lubricants all over my foot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 它只是想表明这是它的领地", "english": "I'm sorry. He's got a male dominance thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仅此而已", "english": "That's all it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汽车人 进行侦察", "english": "Autobots, recon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望他没事 他正在厨房里", "english": "I hope he's okay. He's in the kitchen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在往他的鼻子上敷冰呢", "english": "Got some ice on his nose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚刚小小地教训了他一下", "english": "I had to slap him around a little bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才没有呢", "english": "You did not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在哪里 不 不 不", "english": "Where are they? No, no, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 拜托", "english": "Come on, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眼镜在袋子里", "english": "My glasses were in the bag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袋子在我背包里 但背包不在这里", "english": "They were in the backpack and now the backpack isn't here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们肯定不会高兴的 现在怎么办", "english": "Well, they're gonna be pissed, so what do you wanna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该清查下整个... 这里每个角落", "english": "You should check this whole... This whole section here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你帮我仔细找找 我找这边的角落", "english": "Just give it a clean sweep, and I'll get the corner here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 那里不要 那边是我私人的...", "english": "Yeah, no, no, no. Not there. That's my... That's my private..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我没叫你翻我的藏宝箱", "english": "but I didn't mean to look inside of my treasure chest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该讲清楚 不然我又会找错地方...", "english": "You should be way more specific so I don't get in trouble in your room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经都快崩溃了", "english": "I'm already stressed out enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又怎么了", "english": "Okay. What now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不", "english": "No. No, no. No, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这算什么躲藏 这里是我家后院 可不是公路休息站", "english": "This isn't hiding. This isn't hiding. This is my backyard, not a truck stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 上帝 啊", "english": "Oh, God. Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到有不明飞行物体在此着陆 但现在不见了", "english": "Okay, I saw it. The UFO landed right here and now it's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的摩托给压成饼干了 伙计 谁来赔我钱", "english": "My moped's under there, man! Who's gonna pay for that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 山姆", "english": "Sam? Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 不 不", "english": "What? Oh, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我妈的花园", "english": "-This is my mother's flower... -Oops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我父母出来看到了你们 他们会吓坏了的", "english": "If my parents come out here and see you, they're gonna freak out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我妈脾气很不好", "english": "My mother's got a temper, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须拿到那副眼镜", "english": "We must have the glasses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你需要那副眼镜 我已经找遍所有地方", "english": "I know you need the glasses. I've been looking everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们不在这里 很明显不在这里", "english": "They're not here. They're definitely not here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你们安静五分钟", "english": "I need you to be quiet for five minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或十分钟 好吗", "english": "Ten minutes. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 我求你们了 你们要... 你们太吵了", "english": "Please, I'm begging you. You got to... You're making a racket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能专心 你们要我找 我却听到...", "english": "I can't concentrate. You want me to look and I'm hearing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷静 冷静", "english": "Calm down, calm down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗 好吗", "english": "Good? Good? Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们怎么回事 就不能安静下吗", "english": "What's the matter with you? Can't you be quiet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要我们安静", "english": "He wants us to be quiet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么那么快就跑到那里", "english": "How did you get over there so fast?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开灯干什么 把灯关掉", "english": "What's with the light? You gotta stop the light."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事 把灯关掉 让他把灯关掉", "english": "What's going on? Turn it off. You gotta tell him to shut it off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为何门是锁着的", "english": "How come the door's locked?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道规矩的 不许在这家里锁门", "english": "You know the rules. No doors locked in my house!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 天哪", "english": "Oh, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我年轻啊 你懂得 青少年", "english": "I'm a child. You know, I'm a teenager."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们听到有人声和噪音 我们以为你...", "english": "We heard voices and noises and we thought maybe you were..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们怎么想不重要 刚才那灯光是什么", "english": "It doesn't matter what we thought. What was that light?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没阿 什么灯光? 没有灯光阿 老爸 你看花眼了", "english": "No, what light? What? There's no light, Dad! There's no light!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们手上不就有两个手电筒 光是从你们这里来的", "english": "You got two lights in your hand! That's what it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们...你们不能就这么闯进我的房间里来", "english": "Look, you can't... You can't just bounce into my room like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该先敲门 先沟通", "english": "You got to knock. You got to communicate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们过分干涉我了", "english": "This is repression, what you're doing here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你太过激了 你在手淫吗", "english": "You are so defensive! Were you masturbating?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说如果你不喜欢这个词的话", "english": "I mean, you don't have to call it that word if that makes you uncomfortable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以称它为\"山姆的快乐时间\"", "english": "You can call it Sam's happy time or..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚有点不自在 我稍微喝了点酒", "english": "It's just been a weird night. I've had a little bit to drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 父母来了", "english": "Oh, parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道在哪儿 但我的确看到了", "english": "I don't know where it was, but we saw it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地震 又来了 又是地震 回到走廊里", "english": "Earthquake! It's another one! Another earthquake! Get in the doorway!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不喜欢地震", "english": "Oh, I hate these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不觉得保命很重要的", "english": "Can't you take safety seriously?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 不 你看院子 都毁了", "english": "Oh, no! Look at the yard. The yard is destroyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "茱蒂 打给电力局 变压器好像爆了", "english": "Judy? Better call the city. We got a blown transformer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电杆火星四射...天哪", "english": "Power pole's sparking all over the place!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "院子被毁了", "english": "Oh, man. Yard's a waste."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一塌糊涂 完了", "english": "Trashed. Gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这对父母真烦人", "english": "The parents are very irritating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "铁皮 你知道我们不能伤害人类的", "english": "Ironhide, you know we don't harm humans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在想什么", "english": "What is with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是说我们是可以 只是一个建议", "english": "Well, I'm just saying we could. It's an option."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们听到你和别人在说话 山姆", "english": "We heard you talking to somebody, Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 我是梅卡拉", "english": "Hi. I'm Mikaela."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是山姆的朋友", "english": "I'm a... I'm a friend of Sam's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 你真漂亮 美若天仙 不是吗", "english": "Gosh, you're gorgeous. Isn't that the prettiest girl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 真抱歉让你听到我们的家庭讨论...", "english": "Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry you had to hear our little family discussion about..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妈人真好", "english": "Your mom's so nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你帮我分散我父母的注意", "english": "I want you to distract my parents"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就能溜出去把眼镜交给他们 好吗", "english": "while I slip out and get these glasses to them, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是政府机关 第七防区的", "english": "We're the government. Sector Seven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你儿子是阿奇伯尔德·维奇提的曾孙子 对不对", "english": "Your son's the great-grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是维特维奇", "english": "It's Witwicky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能进屋吗 先生", "english": "May I enter the premises, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "荣恩 前院有好多人", "english": "Ron, there's guys all over the front yard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底是怎么回事", "english": "What the heck is going on here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你儿子昨晚举报有人偷车", "english": "Your son filed a stolen car report last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们认为这关系到国家的安全", "english": "We think it's involved in a national security matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 荣恩 到处都是他们的人", "english": "My God, Ron, they're everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可不可以别踩我的草坪", "english": "Could you stay off the grass?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我采取一些同位素的样本", "english": "Get me a sample and some isotope readings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天 不许他们碰我的花", "english": "Good Lord! They've got to get their hands off my bush!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可是带着武器的", "english": "I'm carrying a loaded weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好叫你的人离开我的花园", "english": "But you'd better get those guys out of my garden"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则我会狠狠修理他们", "english": "or I am gonna beat the crap out of them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是否有流感的症状 关节疼痛 发烧", "english": "Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching joints? Fever?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好呀 小子 你叫山姆吗", "english": "How you doing, son? Is your name Sam?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 那可不行", "english": "Whoa, way out of line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 我这已经很客气了 退下", "english": "Sir, I am asking politely. Back off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想和我们硬碰硬", "english": "You gonna try to get rough with us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 但我会打电话报警", "english": "No, but I'm gonna call the cops"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有扣皮带的狗 整个组织都有蹊跷", "english": "your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为是直接接触", "english": "I think direct contact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找对人了 把他们贴上标签卷走", "english": "Bingo! Tag them and bag them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你敢伤害我的狗 我揣烂你屁股", "english": "If you hurt my dog, I'll kick your ass!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽快取得植被上的样本", "english": "Get me a sample on that vegetation ASAP!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 不要开口", "english": "Sam! Do not say anything, Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "So,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你的易趣帐号名称 对吧", "english": "That is your eBay username, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 我打错字了 不过就将错就错", "english": "Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo and I ran with it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那这是什么", "english": "What do you make of this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫山姆·维特维奇 知道吗 我的车...", "english": "My name is Sam Witwicky, okay? And my..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你吗", "english": "Is that you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 那听起来像万人迷先生", "english": "Yeah, that sounds like LadiesMan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚在警局你说你的车变形了", "english": "Last night at the station, you told the officer your car transformed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我车被偷的这一切都是个误会", "english": "'Cause this is a total misunderstanding that my car had been stolen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在没事了 因为它回来了 已经回来了", "english": "but it's fine now because it's back! It came back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为车子不会自己回来 因为那太荒唐了", "english": "Because cars don't do that because that would be crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们两个对外星人了解多少", "english": "So what do you kids know about aliens, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说火星人 ET? 不知道", "english": "Oh, you mean, like a Martian? Like what, E. T? No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道这是什么吗", "english": "You see this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有了这个徽章 我就可以为所欲为", "english": "This is an l-can-do-whatever-l-want and-get-away-with-it badge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天 我告诉你 别听他的", "english": "Oh, God. You know what? Don't listen to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他生气是因为他回去后 就得去作购物中心的保安", "english": "He's just pissy 'cause he's got to get back to guarding the mall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这穿着运动胸罩的 别惹我", "english": "You, in the training bra, do not test me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其你爸的假释期快到了", "english": "Especially with your daddy's parole coming up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 假释期", "english": "What? Parole?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是这样 我爸以前教我修的车", "english": "You know those cars my dad used to teach me to fix?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并不...并不全是他的", "english": "Well, they... They weren't always his."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们偷车", "english": "You stole cars?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前有些时候 请不起保姆", "english": "Well, we couldn't always afford a babysitter,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时他就会带我一起去", "english": "so sometimes he had to take me along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她也有少年犯罪前科的", "english": "She's got her own juvie record to prove it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是个罪犯 火辣的罪犯", "english": "She's a criminal. Criminals are hot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你不合作而让他 下半辈子待在监狱不太好吧", "english": "That'd be a real shame if he had to rot in jail the rest of his natural life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该说实话了", "english": "It is time to talk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快 快 快", "english": "Go, go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "够了 够了", "english": "All right! All right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鸡巴们 你们麻烦大了", "english": "You Ass-holes are in trouble now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们 让我向你们介绍 我的朋友...", "english": "Gentlemen, I want to introduce you to my friend,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱", "english": "Optimus Prime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带走这些孩子是错误的选择", "english": "Taking the children was a bad move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汽车人 卸下他们的武器", "english": "Autobots, relieve them of their weapons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要动", "english": "Freeze!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hi, there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好像不怕我们 难道你们看到我们不觉得惊讶吗", "english": "You don't seem afraid. Are you not surprised to see us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第七防区有规定 知道吗", "english": "Look, there are S-Seven protocols, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过除了告诉你 \"我不能和你交流\"", "english": "except to tell you I can't communicate with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的好的 下车", "english": "All right, all right. Get out. Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我在下了 在下了 看到没", "english": "All right, I'm... I'm getting out. I'm getting out. You see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能那么放下我们却不让我们受伤 不错", "english": "Very nifty how you put us down without really killing us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对手铐也很在行吧", "english": "You're good with handcuffs, too, now, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好吗", "english": "How you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听好 如果我准备和他开战 \"妈妈\"就是密语 知道吗", "english": "Now, listen. If I choose to engage with him, mum is the word, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 我那前科是因为我不肯供出我爸", "english": "Sam, I have a record because I wouldn't turn my dad in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你完美的人生里 有过不得不作出牺牲的时候吗", "english": "When have you had to sacrifice anything in your perfect little life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家伙 拿大炮的大家伙 嗯", "english": "Big guys. Big guys with big guns, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第七防区是什么 回答我", "english": "What is Sector Seven? Answer me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里有权利发问的是我 不是你 小伙子", "english": "I'm the one who asks questions around here. Not you, young man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是碰我 就触犯了联邦法律", "english": "Hey. You touch me, that's a federal offense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要以为你现在有外星人撑腰 就大胆起来了", "english": "Yeah. Brave now all of a sudden, with his big alien friend standing over there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 停止润滑他", "english": "Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别闹了 好不好", "english": "Get that thing to stop, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你威胁我爸", "english": "For threatening my dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姑娘 这是你生命终结的序曲", "english": "Little lady, this is the beginning of the end of your life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个罪犯", "english": "You're a criminal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面对现实吧 上梁不正下梁歪", "english": "Let's face facts. It's in your gene pool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不错啊 站到路灯后面", "english": "Those are nice. Now get behind the pole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这样做犯了很严重的罪", "english": "This is such a felony, what you're doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱 敌人入侵", "english": "Optimus! Incoming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出发", "english": "Roll out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上来", "english": "Up you get."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我们要行动了", "english": "Okay, we're dropping in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们下方辐射指数很高 他在那儿", "english": "Really strong readings right down below us. There he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了 在那儿 锁定他 锁定他", "english": "That's it, right there. Mark him, mark him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我在跟踪她 找到了", "english": "Okay, I'm tracking him. I've got him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他正沿着街道移动", "english": "Got him going down the street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他去哪儿了 我找不到他 失去红外信号 他去哪儿了", "english": "Okay. Where'd he go, guys? I lost him. Got no IR signature. Where'd he go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信号丢失 信号丢失", "english": "Okay, I lost him. I lost him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们这就赶过去", "english": "Okay, we're coming around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心点 你们俩", "english": "Easy, you two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 山姆 山姆 别放手", "english": "No! No! No, Sam! Sam, don't drop me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 不要 我在往下滑", "english": "Sam, don't! Sam, don't! I'm slipping! I'm slipping!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到了他了 目标锁定在河上", "english": "All right, we've got him pinned. We've got him pinned in the river."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进入射击范围", "english": "I'm in for the shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手 住手", "english": "Stop! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 不要", "english": "Wait! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要 住手", "english": "No! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 好的", "english": "What? Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看啊 他没有还手", "english": "Look, he's not fighting back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冻住它 冻住它", "english": "Freeze it! Freeze it! Freeze it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要伤害他", "english": "Stop hurting him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他别动", "english": "Don't let him move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我抓住他了", "english": "I got him here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到我开不开心", "english": "Happy to see me again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他和他的罪犯朋友关到车子里", "english": "Put him in a car with his little criminal friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把那东西冷冻起来准备运送", "english": "I want that thing frozen and ready for transport!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退后 我去侦查一下", "english": "Hang back. Let me check it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大", "english": "Optimus,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就待在这儿什么都不做?", "english": "are we just gonna stand here and do nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没办法营救大黄蜂而不伤害人类", "english": "There's no way to free Bumblebee without harming the humans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中国和俄国 非常接近我们的西太平洋作战区", "english": "The Chinese and the Russians are nearing our area of operations in the western Pacific."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这局势我们控制不了多久", "english": "We feel like this could get out of hand real fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接下来数小时就看他们总统怎么做了", "english": "But the next couple of hours may just define his presidency."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉航母指挥官 除非对方先进攻 否则保持沉默", "english": "Tell the strike group commander that he's not to engage unless fired on first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是第七防区先进研究部的汤姆·班尼切克", "english": "Tom Banachek. I'm with Sector Seven, Advanced Research Division."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从没听说过 我现在很忙 汤姆 我想你也看得出来", "english": "Never heard of it. I'm a little busy, Tom. I think you can see that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况通报员 出来说句话", "english": "Sit rep! Talk to me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "病毒是用来中断所有作业的", "english": "The virus was coded to shut us down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中止作业是什么意思", "english": "What do you mean, \"shut us down\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们利用我们的网络把病毒散布出去", "english": "They used our network to spread out to the whole world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全球性的网络", "english": "The blackout's global."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们与全球的卫星 互联网连接都中断了", "english": "We have no communications, satellite and land lines are dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你意思是 我无法用这台电话打回家?", "english": "You mean to tell me that I cannot pick up this telephone and call my family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "部长先生 我是奉总统之命而来", "english": "Mr. Secretary? I'm here under direct order from the President."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要看看我这手提箱里的东西", "english": "You really need to see what I have in the case."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你无法立即了解", "english": "you won't understand right away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第七防区是政府内一个特殊部门", "english": "Sector Seven is a special-access division of the government"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们告诉他们将整件任务宣告失败 其实不然", "english": "We told them to report the mission a complete failure. It wasn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比最高机密还要机密的 机密", "english": "This was classified above top secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火星上不是只有石头", "english": "More than just a pile of Martian rocks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是火星上传来的影像", "english": "This is the image from Mars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是您的特种部队 在基地被袭击时拍得的影像", "english": "Here's the image your Special Ops team was able to retrieve from the base attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们相信这是相同的外骨骼结构", "english": "We believe they are of the same exoskeletal type,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很显然并非俄国或朝鲜能有的", "english": "and obviously not Russian or North Korean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说外星人入侵?", "english": "Are we talking about an invasion?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们拦劫了您的特种部队传来的讯息", "english": "We intercepted the message from your Special Ops team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些东西知道他们也能被我方武器损伤的", "english": "These things can be hurt by our weapons and now they know it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他们用病毒使军事指挥陷入瘫痪", "english": "That's why the virus shut us down,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好让我们无法组织防备他们下一波攻击", "english": "so we can't coordinate against their next attack,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敢用我的政府薪金打赌 下一波攻击绝对会很快来临", "english": "which I would bet my ridiculous government salary is coming soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用国民警卫队的频道通知舰队指挥官", "english": "Get word to our fleet commanders over the National Guard frequency."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫他们调转船头 迅速赶回来", "english": "Tell them to turn their ships around and come home. ASAP!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通知各司令部 抵抗即将发生的攻击", "english": "And inform all commands to prepare for imminent attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兰诺克斯上尉 请带你的部队跟我们来", "english": "Captain Lennox, we need you and your team to come with us right now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走", "english": "Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她在这里", "english": "She's in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟我来", "english": "You're coming with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是谁", "english": "Who's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我买了辆车...结果是个外星机器人", "english": "I bought a car. Turned out to be an alien robot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帅", "english": "Wow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道呢", "english": "Who knew?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走直线 小心你身后", "english": "Make a hole! Watch your back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 希望有用", "english": "Please, let this work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启动吧 老大", "english": "Fire it up, Optimus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "代码", "english": "The code."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我感觉到霸天虎已准备开始行动了", "english": "I sense the Decepticons are getting ready to mobilize."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们一定也知道火种源在这里", "english": "They must know it's here, as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂怎么办", "english": "What about Bumblebee?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能就这么眼睁睁的被他们当作试验品", "english": "We can't just leave him to die and become some human experiment!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们不完成任务的话他的牺牲就白费了", "english": "He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄峰是名勇敢的战士 这会是他所希望的", "english": "Bumblebee is a brave soldier. This is what he would want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为何我们为拯救人类而战", "english": "Why are we fighting to save the humans?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是个原始且残暴的种族", "english": "They're a primitive and violent race."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不也是吗", "english": "Were we so different?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是个年轻的种族 还有很多要学", "english": "They're a young species. They have much to learn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我看到过他们的优点", "english": "But I've seen goodness in them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自由是所有有情感的生物之希望", "english": "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都知道结束这战争只有一个方法", "english": "You all know there's only one way to end this war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须消灭火种魔方", "english": "We must destroy the Cube."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果其它方法都失败的话 我会将它与我胸中之火光结合", "english": "If all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是自杀行为", "english": "That's suicide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种魔方的能源非常不稳定 你会和他同归于尽的", "english": "The Cube is raw power. It could destroy you both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了这星球的和平 牺牲在所难免", "english": "A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能让人类为我们的错误而偿命", "english": "We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很荣幸与你们共战至今", "english": "It's been an honor serving with you all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稍息 上尉 得到你的情报了 干得好", "english": "At ease. Captain, Sergeant. Got your intel. Excellent work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有机炮上加装了脱壳穿甲弹", "english": "They're being retrofitted with sabot rounds now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他们再来袭击 没问题的", "english": "If they hit us again, we'll be ready for them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 小崽", "english": "Hey, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我们之前有点误会", "english": "I think we got off to a bad start, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定饿了吧", "english": "You must be hungry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的车呢", "english": "Where's my car?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里人们的生命有危险", "english": "People can die here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须马上告诉我们你所知道的一切", "english": "We need to know everything you know. We need to know it now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成交", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你得先把我的车和我父母还我 全部要书面保证", "english": "But first, I'll take my car, my parents. Maybe you should write that down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有 她的前科也必须删除 永久地", "english": "Oh, and her juvie record. That's got to be gone. Like, forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来 我们谈谈你的车", "english": "Come with me. We'll talk about your car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "职业勒索犯", "english": "The man's an extortionist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况是这样的", "english": "All right, here's the situation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都曾直接接触过NBEs", "english": "You've all had direct contact with the NBEs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说国语", "english": "NBEs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们即将看到的是最高度机密", "english": "What you're about to see is totally classified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 这是什么", "english": "Dear God. What is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 这是什么", "english": "Dear God. What is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们认为 当他飞越北极时", "english": "We think when he made his approach over the north pole,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球极点的磁极 扰乱了他的导航系统", "english": "our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他坠落到冰层里 大概是几千年前的事", "english": "He crashed in the ice, probably a few thousand years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他叫 威震天", "english": "but, I mean, that's Megatron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸天虎的阵营领袖", "english": "He's the leader of the Decepticons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的曾曾祖父发现了", "english": "Your great-great-grandfather made"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你所看到的就是现代化的来源", "english": "Fact is, you're looking at the source of the modern age,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "微处理器 激光 航天飞机 汽车... 都是对它进行逆向工程所习得的成果", "english": "the microchip, lasers, spaceflight, cars, all reverse-engineered by studying him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把这么大一台机器人冰冻在地下室吗?", "english": "that you're keeping a hostile alien robot frozen in the basement?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在最近发生的事件之前 我们并不认为 它的存在对国家安全产生任何危害", "english": "Until these events, we had no credible threat to national security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在问题可大了", "english": "Well, you got one now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种源 那是什么", "english": "All Spark? What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在找一个立方体似的东西", "english": "Well, yeah, they came here looking for some sort of cube-looking thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是死亡的使者 想利用火种魔方", "english": "who's pretty much the harbinger of death, wants to use the Cube"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是他们的计划", "english": "That's their plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道那东西在哪里 是不是", "english": "You guys know where it is, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来", "english": "Follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们将看到的东西是终极至宝", "english": "You're about to see our crown jewel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们知道这是外星物体 因为它表面的烙画", "english": "They knew it was alien because of the matching hieroglyphics on the Cube"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胡佛总统因此建造了水坝将它隐藏于其中", "english": "President Hoover had the dam built around it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四个足球场厚度的水泥...", "english": "Four football fields thick of concrete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何人或外面的任何外星种族", "english": "A perfect way to hide its energy from being detected by anyone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都无法侦测出它所散发的能量", "english": "or any alien species on the outside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种源位置确定", "english": "spark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是红蜘蛛 所有霸天虎 准备行动", "english": "starscream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "路障上路", "english": "barricade"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吵闹报到...", "english": "devastator"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袭击出发...", "english": "bonecrusher"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眩晕入列...", "english": "blackout"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天万岁", "english": "all hail"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 你说水坝隐藏了他的能量", "english": "Wait, back up. You said the dam hides the Cube's energy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请进来 他们会把我们反锁在里面", "english": "Please step inside. They have to lock us in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佛瑞迪来过这里吗? (半夜鬼上床里的坏人)", "english": "What's that? Freddy Krueger done been up in here or something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不对", "english": "Oh, no, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佛瑞迪有四根爪子 三根爪子的是金刚狼(X战警)", "english": "Freddy Krueger have four blades, man. That's only three. That's Wolverine!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁有电子产品 黑莓 电子钥匙 手机", "english": "Anybody have any mechanical devices? BlackBerry? Key alarm? Cell phone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有个手机", "english": "I got a phone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺基亚真是酷毙了", "english": "Nokias are real nasty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日本人真厉害 他们将武士道发挥地淋漓尽至", "english": "You've got to respect the Japanese. They know the way of the samurai."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弱智 诺基亚是芬兰厂家", "english": "Nokia's from Finland."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 但他 有点奇怪 有点奇怪", "english": "Yes, but he's, you know, a little strange. He's a little strange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把火种魔方的能源传送到这箱子里", "english": "We're able to take the Cube radiation and funnel it into that box."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像装了劲量的兔宝宝一样 (装了电池的玩具兔子一直打鼓走个不停)", "english": "Kind of like the itty-bitty Energizer Bunny from hell, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "箱子要给打破了", "english": "He's breaking the box."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行动 行动", "english": "Go! Go! Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出发", "english": "Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 他们知道火种魔方在这里", "english": "Gentlemen, they know the Cube is here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "班尼切克 发生什么事了", "english": "Banachek. What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天 威震天 威震天", "english": "Megatron! Megatron! Megatron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带上保安人员...", "english": "I'll bring security to the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们在攻击我们的发电机", "english": "They're popping our generators!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天的冰在融化", "english": "Megatron melting!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各就各位", "english": "Stand by! Set!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须带我去我的车 你必须带我去我的车", "english": "You got to take me to my car. You have to take me to my car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它知道怎么处理火种魔方", "english": "He's gonna know what to do with the Cube."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不知道让它接近能源体会发生什么事", "english": "We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你习惯坐以待毙呢 还是躺以待毙?", "english": "You just wanna sit here and wait and see what happens?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多人的生命掌握在我们手上", "english": "I have people's lives at stake here, young man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带他去见他的车", "english": "Take him to his car!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器", "english": "Drop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷静 冷静 冷静", "english": "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下你的武器 战士", "english": "Drop your weapon, soldier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外星人已经发动战争了 而你却要杀我", "english": "There's an alien war going on and you're gonna shoot me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没必要杀你", "english": "You know, we didn't ask to be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以第七防区的权力命令你放手", "english": "I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第七防区并不存在", "english": "S-Seven don't exist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会听命一个不存在的组织", "english": "Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会照他说的做 他们的字典里没有失败二字", "english": "I'd do what he says. Losing's really not an option for these guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 好吧", "english": "All right. Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想把世界的命运交给这小子的车 那好吧", "english": "Hey, you want to lay the fate of the world on the kid's Camaro? That's cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手 住手", "english": "No, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手 住手 住手 放开他", "english": "No, no, stop, stop, stop! Let him go! Let him go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吗", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没伤你吧", "english": "They didn't hurt you, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说 火种魔方在这里 霸天虎已经来了", "english": "Listen to me. The Cube is here and the Decepticons are coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不会伤你的", "english": "They're not gonna hurt you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退后一点 他没有恶意", "english": "Just back up a little bit. He's friendly. He's fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下枪 他们不会伤害你的", "english": "Okay, come on. Put the guns down. They're not gonna hurt you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来 我带你去看火种源", "english": "Here, come with me. I'm gonna take you to the All Spark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这个带走 上尉", "english": "Let's get to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说的对 我们留下来就死定了 因为威震天就在隔壁的机棚里", "english": "He's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把火种魔方带出去", "english": "We're gonna sneak that Cube out of here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 就这么做", "english": "Good! Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们需要空军的帮忙", "english": "But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这地方一定有无线电装置吧", "english": "This place must have some kind of radio link!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 你一定要想办法传递消息出去 我们走", "english": "Sir, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them. Let's move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是非常旧的仪器", "english": "In the alien archive, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "部长先生 请继续试着联络空军", "english": "Mr. Secretary! Get our birds in the air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我们到了城市我们再找个无线电", "english": "When we get to the city, we're gonna find a radio,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让埃普斯无线电导引", "english": "and I'll have Epps vector them in, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "检查备用系统", "english": "Check that backup system!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点逃出这里", "english": "Come on! Get out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抬头 小心", "english": "Heads up! Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家帮黄车开一条路", "english": "Set a perimeter around the yellow vehicle!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是威震天", "english": "I am Megatron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "系上安全带", "english": "Well, put the seat belt on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弄到他身上", "english": "Pour it on him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很荣幸为您效劳 威震天", "english": "I live to serve you, Lord Megatron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种魔方呢", "english": "Where is the Cube?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被人类拿走了", "english": "The humans have taken it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又让我失望了 红蜘蛛 抓住他们", "english": "You fail me yet again, Starscream. Get them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这边 先生", "english": "Over here, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦克风", "english": "Mikes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 不", "english": "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快找找", "english": "Let's find them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要怎么传出讯号 我们怎么联络空军", "english": "How do we get the signal out? How do we call the Air Force?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格伦 你能否把这台电脑接上无线电 然后送出讯号", "english": "Can you hotwire this computer to transmit a tone through the radio?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那有什么用", "english": "What good is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以把这台电脑连上无线电 然后传送莫尔斯电码", "english": "Morse code! You can use this to transmit it through that!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 好 我可以 快点 我看看", "english": "Okay, I'll do it! Turn it around. Okay, let's see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西门斯 给我个螺丝刀", "english": "Simmons, I need a screwdriver!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱来了", "english": "There's Optimus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快好了", "english": "Almost done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么玩意", "english": "What the hell was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把门堵住", "english": "Barricade the door!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全局搜索...", "english": "Master search."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞好了 可以发送", "english": "I got it! We're transmitting!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照我说的写", "english": "Send exactly what I say!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国防部长凯勒... 致电北方司令部", "english": "\"This is Defense Secretary Keller. Get me NORTHCOM commander.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么东西?", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 我们确认国防部长 的空袭命令", "english": "Sir, I have an authenticated air strike order from Sec Def."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是那辆警车 挡住他们", "english": "It's the same cop! Block them, block them, block them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真酷 妈妈", "english": "Cool, Mom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况不妙", "english": "This is so not good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在柱子后面", "english": "He's behind the pillar!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "烧死你 杂碎", "english": "Sucker, burn!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 糟糕", "english": "Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攻击机群整队", "english": "Strike and Dark Star roll call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用它联系 只有这个了", "english": "Well, use them! It's all we got!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼叫城市上方的飞机", "english": "Are there any aircraft orbiting the city?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑鹰直升机运送火种魔方", "english": "to extract that Cube. You got it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空军到了 放烟雾信号", "english": "Air Force has arrived! Pop smoke!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猛禽猛禽 能否听到", "english": "Raptor, Raptor, do you copy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能看到你们", "english": "We have you visual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "标记是绿色烟雾", "english": "Green smoke is the mark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请提供空中掩护 黑鹰机来接我们", "english": "Provide air cover and vector Black Hawks for extraction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是红蜘蛛", "english": "It's Starscream!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退后 掩护 大黄蜂", "english": "Back up! Take cover! Bumblebee!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 加把劲", "english": "No, no, no, no, no! Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来了", "english": "Incoming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 你的腿", "english": "Bumblebee? No. Your legs!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的腿", "english": "Your legs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 大黄蜂 快起来", "english": "Please get up. Bumblebee? Get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救护车", "english": "Ratchet!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思 他们向我们开火", "english": "What do you mean, what am I talking about? They shot at us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚才那个是外星人 不是自己人", "english": "That's alien. That ain't friendly!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要站起来 你没事的", "english": "You got to get up. You're okay. You're okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直升机接近中 请提供确切方位", "english": "Army Black Hawk inbound to your location. Over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会离开你的", "english": "I'm not gonna leave you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来啊 霸天虎坏蛋", "english": "Come on, Decepticon punk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 天啊", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 快点", "english": "Come on. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天", "english": "Megatron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是威震天 快撤退", "english": "It's Megatron! Retreat! Move! Fall back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撤退", "english": "Fall back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快让我们的人离开这 快", "english": "Get our guys out of the way! Get out of here! Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要空中支援 马上要", "english": "We need air cover down here now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 过来帮我", "english": "Sam, help me with this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想尝尝厉害么", "english": "You want a piece of me? You want a piece?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来个双份的", "english": "No! I want two!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 那坦克又起来了", "english": "Sir! That tank thing's getting back up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 这些家伙怎么不死呢", "english": "Oh, these things just don't die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们惨了", "english": "Oh, we're so dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种魔方呢", "english": "Where's the Cube?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它拿过去绕在底盘", "english": "And take that and wrap it around"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那座楼", "english": "That building."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能让我的人留在那 你拿着信号弹", "english": "All right, I can't leave my guys back there, so here, take this flare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那边有个白色大楼 上面有雕塑的", "english": "Okay, there's a tall, white building with statues on top."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 你现在是个战士 我要你带走火种魔方", "english": "Listen to me! You're a soldier now! All right? I need you to take this Cube."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "送回军方手里 这里我们顶着", "english": "Get it into military hands while we hold them off,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则会死很多人的", "english": "or a lot of people are gonna die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂不走 我就不能走", "english": "till I get Bumblebee out of here, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼叫黑鹰直升机", "english": "Army Black Hawk requested."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请求立刻送走一个男孩和重要物品", "english": "Immediate evac for civilian boy with precious cargo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在房顶上 有信号弹", "english": "Headed to rooftop marked by flare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论结局会怎样 我都很高兴那天上了你的车", "english": "No matter what happens, I'm really glad I got in that car with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心", "english": "Watch out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天", "english": "Megatron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱", "english": "Prime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人类不配活着", "english": "Humans don't deserve to live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这要由人类自己决定", "english": "They deserve to choose for themselves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟他们一起去死吧", "english": "Then you will die with them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续跑 山姆", "english": "Keep moving, Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别停", "english": "Don't stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 快去大楼", "english": "Sam, get to the building!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把火种魔方给我 孩子", "english": "Give me that Cube, boy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个臭小子不会把我车撞瘪了吧", "english": "Did that jerk just dent my car?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你抓不到我的 你抓不到我的", "english": "You're not gonna get me. You're not gonna get me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我闻到你的气味了 臭小子", "english": "I smell you, boy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小杂种", "english": "Maggot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 不", "english": "Oh, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我开车 你开枪", "english": "I'll drive! You shoot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况不妙", "english": "This isn't going well!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开枪 开枪", "english": "Shoot! Shoot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打得好", "english": "Nice shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 我在这", "english": "Hey! I'm over here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到男孩了", "english": "We've got the boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心", "english": "Watch out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "导弹", "english": "Missile!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撑住 山姆", "english": "Hang on, Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这到底是恐惧还是勇气控制着你", "english": "Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshling?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该怎么办", "english": "Where do I go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把火种源给我 我饶你不死 当我的宠物", "english": "Give me the All Spark and you may live to be my pet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 不", "english": "Oh, no, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我绝对不会把魔方给你", "english": "I'm never giving you this All Spark!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孺子不可教也", "english": "Oh, so unwise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接住了", "english": "I got you, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱紧魔方", "english": "Hold on to the Cube!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你用你的生命保护了火种魔方", "english": "You risked your life to protect the Cube."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有付出", "english": "No sacrifice,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定要把火种魔方塞入我的胸膛", "english": "you must push the Cube into my chest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会牺牲自己 与它同归于尽", "english": "I will sacrifice myself to destroy it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "躲到我身后去", "english": "Get behind me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有你我两个的决斗了 威震天", "english": "It's you and me, Megatron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 只有我 擎天柱", "english": "No, it's just me, Prime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你仍然在为弱者而战 所以你必输无疑", "english": "You still fight for the weak! That is why you lose!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两派机器人都有 我们会用激光标记敌人", "english": "We got friendlies mixed with bad guys. Targets will be marked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼叫空袭 明白", "english": "Bring the rain. All right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们来消灭这些东西", "english": "All right, let's kill these things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盔甲的弱点在胸部下面", "english": "Armor's weak under the chest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目标已被标出 等待中", "english": "Target marked. Still waiting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Move out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来了", "english": "Incoming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "武器就绪 目标绿色", "english": "Weapons armed. Status green."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Run! Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二波来了", "english": "Second wave's on approach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是谁 小心", "english": "What is that? Break off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盯住他 别让他跑了", "english": "Stay on him. Keep him in your sights."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他带走", "english": "Take him out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要杀了你", "english": "I'll kill you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种源是我的", "english": "Mine! All Spark!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 快把魔方塞入我的胸膛", "english": "Sam! Put the Cube in my chest! Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 山姆", "english": "No, Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要开火", "english": "Hold up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你逼得我别无选择 老兄", "english": "You left me no choice, brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 我欠你一条命", "english": "Sam, I owe you my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都欠你的情", "english": "We are in your debt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱 我们没能救他", "english": "Prime, we couldn't save him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爵士", "english": "Jazz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们失去了一位杰出的战友", "english": "We lost a great comrade"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但也结识了新的战友", "english": "but gained new ones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢大家", "english": "Thank you, all of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们敬佩你们的勇敢", "english": "You honor us with your bravery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有话要说 长官", "english": "Permission to speak, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能说话了", "english": "You speak now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望和男孩呆在一起", "english": "I wish to stay with the boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他同意的话", "english": "If that is his choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同意", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统已经下令将第七防区组织解散", "english": "Gentlemen, the President has ordered Sector Seven be terminated"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球上最深的地方", "english": "deepest place on our planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会把尸体压扁", "english": "would crush and entomb them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不留任何蛛丝马迹", "english": "leaving no evidence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种源被摧毁 我们已经无法回到自己的星球", "english": "With the All Spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在有了一个新家叫做地球", "english": "a new world to call home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经和这里的人民共同生活 藏在他们眼皮之下", "english": "We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也在悄悄地地保护他们", "english": "but watching over them in secret,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等待 保护", "english": "waiting, protecting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我目睹了他们的勇气", "english": "I have witnessed their capacity for courage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管和我们来自不同世界", "english": "And though we are worlds apart,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但像我们一样 他们也不可貌相", "english": "like us, there's more to them than meets the eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是擎天柱", "english": "I am Optimus Prime"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在宇宙中流亡的汽车人", "english": "taking refuge among the stars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在地球", "english": "We are here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迎接大家", "english": "We are waiting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道最近这个地方有 所谓的外星人活动吗", "english": "Can you shed any light on the recent, so-called alien activity in the area?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗 我想如果真有外星人...", "english": "Do you know what? I think that if there was some sort of an alien"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们 政府 会第一个让我们知道", "english": "They, the government, would be the first to let you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "政府会让我们知道的", "english": "The government would let us know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正因为那样 我们才知道 我们生活在一片自由的土地上", "english": "You know, that's how we know we live in a free land,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为没有秘密", "english": "because there's no secrets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会说\"快卧倒 找掩护\"", "english": "They'd say, \"Hey! Duck and cover.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你脑袋的尺寸和电视上看见的 好像有点不一样", "english": "Your head is kind of a different size than it is on television."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球 人类的发源地", "english": "Earth. Birth place of the human race."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人类和我们非常相似", "english": "A species much like our own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也充满了暴力", "english": "and great violence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们试图保护人类的同时", "english": "For in our quest to protect the humans,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个更大的秘密昭然若揭", "english": "a deeper revelation dawns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们曾有过交集", "english": "Our worlds have met before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里 在这里", "english": "Here, here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上海最新消息", "english": "Breaking news at Shanghai."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上海市中心发生了一起毒气泄露事件", "english": "There's been a major toxic spill on the Shanghai central district."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为您报道此次事态的进展", "english": "our topic is a developing story for you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会随时报道最新消息", "english": "we will bring you any new information as we get it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 还有三分钟疏散才能结束", "english": "Three minutes until evacuation's complete, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中国领空方圆一英里已经封锁", "english": "Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed. One mile radius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 命令基地部队行动", "english": "Alright, give Nest team the go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑鹰 可以着陆", "english": "Black hawks, clear to land."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叮铃铃 出来吃冰激淋", "english": "Ding-a-ling, come out and get your ice cream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在过去的两年里 新生代博派的先遣队", "english": "For the last two years, an advanced team of new autobots"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我的带领下来到地球避难", "english": "has taken refuge here under my command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尔西 准备出发", "english": "Arcees, get ready to launch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经整装待发", "english": "We're locked and loaded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同时 我们和人类结盟", "english": "Together, we form an alliance with the humans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是一群秘密又勇敢的战士", "english": "A secret, a brave squad of soldiers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 就到这里", "english": "Alright, that's enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媒体报道说是有毒物质泄露", "english": "Time discovered story in this one is toxic spill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们清空这片区域方便搜救", "english": "They had to evac the area for search and rescue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要保证这次行动不被大众知道", "english": "We gotta make sure this one does not get out the public axe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以严格保密", "english": "So keep it tight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这支秘密部队代号基地", "english": "A classified strike team called Nest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们搜寻剩余的死敌霸天虎", "english": "We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们隐藏在世界上不同国家", "english": "hiding in different countries around the globe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根据反射波指示飞往阿尔法地区", "english": "Rolling alpha through echo now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 铁皮", "english": "Alright, Ironhide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们侦测到敌人反射波逃窜", "english": "We got echo's vamos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在这儿", "english": "He's here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我嗅到了", "english": "I smell him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很近了 正在接近", "english": "It's close. It's heading closer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了", "english": "How are ya?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有三个敌人", "english": "It's three ripple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 各位 镇定", "english": "Alright, everybody, be steady."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就在它近前", "english": "We're right on top of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请求支援", "english": "Ease on fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "武装直升机已就位 正在路上", "english": "Gunships on station. Rolling hot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们刚路遇一名霸天虎", "english": "We intersected a Decepticon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尔西姐妹 目标向你们去了", "english": "Arcee twins, target coming your way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当心", "english": "Watch out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我搞砸了 还好 没大事", "english": "I screwed that up. I'm okay, I'm alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计 这样可部队 你什么毛病", "english": "This is kinda bad, man. What's wrong with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里面有三个", "english": "Three insides white."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白 马上搞定", "english": "Clear and fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真他妈强", "english": "Damn, I'm good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空中支援 我们需要大个子空降上场", "english": "Air support, we need big booter delivered and dropped now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博派众将 我来追他", "english": "Autobots, I'm in pursuit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我靠边", "english": "Pull over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蠢货霸天虎", "english": "Punk-ass Decepticon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么遗言吗", "english": "Any last words?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个星球不是你说了算", "english": "This is not your planet to rule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚会卷土重来", "english": "The fallen shall rise again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来挺麻烦", "english": "That doesn't sound good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不是今天", "english": "Not today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 出发了 都出来了", "english": "Come on, let's go. All hands on deck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗兰克 魔咒 快出来", "english": "Frankie, Mojo, out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 小伙子 我们得准时", "english": "Come on, kiddo, We're on a schedule here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 老爸 为什么急着撵我走啊", "english": "Slow down, dad. Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经把我的房间租出去了吗", "english": "Did you rent the room out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 我对你的房间另有打算", "english": "No, I got other ideas for your room"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会把它改造成一个家庭影院", "english": "And it rhymes with home theater."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看我找到了什么 你小时候婴儿鞋", "english": "Look what I found. It's your little baby booties."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈...", "english": "Oh, ma..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的宝贝儿子 真不舍得你走", "english": "Oh my little baby, booty boy, you can't go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了吗 老爸", "english": "You see this? Dad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲生儿子就要踏入社会了", "english": "That's how you're supposed to react"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行吧", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行 我的心都碎了 上大学真郁闷", "english": "Yeah, my heart broke. please treat it about college, bummer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你假期都要回来啊", "english": "You have to come home every holiday,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小的假期也要回来啊", "english": "Not just big ones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万圣节也要回来啊", "english": "You have to come home for Halloween."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我万圣节回不来 妈妈", "english": "I can't come home for Halloween, mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不能让你儿子喘口气 不要一直哭", "english": "Would you let the kid breathe, for crying out loud?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 去装行李", "english": "Come on, go, pack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样你可没法打包一个月的行李", "english": "There's no way you can packed For a month long trip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 快点 我们要走了", "english": "Come on! Chop-chop. Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点动 小妞儿", "english": "March, young lady."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这老不正经的", "english": "you dirty, old man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还没见识别的呢", "english": "Nah, you ain't seen nothing yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爸 我还在这儿看着呢 注意场合", "english": "I'm watching what you're doing, dad. It's not a rap video."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过就像教练那样而已 你知道的", "english": "Just like a coach thing, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚才你的动作真让我起鸡皮疙瘩 老爸", "english": "That's a really creepy move just now, dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 你是英雄", "english": "Look, you're the hero, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你妈妈真的为你感到骄傲", "english": "Your mother and me are really, really proud of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是威特维基家第一个上大学的", "english": "You're the first Witwiky ever to go to college."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又想哭了 真是的", "english": "Now I'm crying again. This sucks!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会没事的 老妈", "english": "You're gonna be okay, ma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对她来说 你知道的 很难接受", "english": "Now this is going to be, uh....You know, hard for her to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自己的儿子长大了", "english": "Accept that her boy's all grown up, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要离开去独自闯世界", "english": "Going out to handle the world on its own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔咒别欺负弗兰克", "english": "Mojo, no dominating Frankie!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚沙发下面去 你这下流坯子", "english": "Get the hell of the couch, ya filthy beasts!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇", "english": "Wow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这场景大学里也很常见", "english": "You see a lot of that in college too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么啊 老爸", "english": "What are you talking about, dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那里会有很多女孩子", "english": "There's gonna be a lot of women there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我是一个专情的人", "english": "Yeah, well, I'm the one-woman kind of guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米凯拉是很好", "english": "Look, Mikaela is the greatest,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可你们要给彼此空间来发展 明白吗", "english": "But you gotta give each other room to grow, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们和同龄的其他伴侣没什么差别", "english": "You're no different than any other couple your age."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们一起发现过外星人", "english": "Till we discovered an alien race together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看你这个理由还能撑多久", "english": "How long are you gonna be riding that scooter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爸 我知道其他人会怎样", "english": "Dad, listen, I know the others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是例外 知道吗", "english": "We're the exception, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等会儿...", "english": "Wait a second..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 美人", "english": "Hey, beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你确定 我听到过你这样说过很多次了", "english": "Sure? I hear a lot of conviction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次是认真的 明白吗", "english": "Well, I am, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以没有理由我再来送别你了", "english": "So there's no reason for me to come say goodbye to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这次听起来很认真啊", "english": "Wow, you almost sounded serious that time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道吗", "english": "Guess what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要给你一套异地恋爱装备", "english": "I made you a long-distance relationship kit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何时候我都在你身边", "english": "All Witwicky all the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一些录音 蜡烛什么的", "english": "Some mixes and candles and stuff..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来不错 我都等不及了", "english": "Sounds cute, I can't wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 嘿", "english": "Oh, hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次作战的那件破上衣要吗", "english": "You want the infamous d-day shirt?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还留着那些又破又脏的衣服啊", "english": "You kept your nasty, shredded clothes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是当然 我一直留着的 米凯拉", "english": "Yeah, of course I kept it, Mikaela."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这可是我的战袍 还沾着我的血呢", "english": "It's like my superbowl jersey. I bled in this thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 当然不是", "english": "No, it's not that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是我的低自尊心空前高涨了一次", "english": "It's just that my low self-esteem's at an all-time high."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该和我一起走的", "english": "You really should come with me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "校园里有廉价的公寓出租", "english": "They got cheap apartments in campus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是不可能的", "english": "Well, that's not gonna happen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非我那个刚从监狱里出来长不大的爸爸能独立", "english": "Until I get my man child father rushed out of prison back on his feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听见了", "english": "I heard that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把离合器盖子放哪啦", "english": "Where did you put the clutch covers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凸轮轴旁边", "english": "Next to the cam shafts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢你说这个词 再和我说一遍", "english": "I love it when you say cam shafts. whisper it to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凸轮轴", "english": "Cam shafts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没法恨你", "english": "Can I hate you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是威特维奇家的魅力", "english": "It's my Witwicky charm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等会儿 别挂 等一会儿", "english": "Wait, hold on. wait, hold on a second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我们是不会分手的", "english": "I guess we're not breaking up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米凯拉", "english": "Mikaela..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我衬衫里有一小块能量源碎片", "english": "I got a sliver of cube stuck on my shirt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 着火了", "english": "Oh god! It's a fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爸 着火了", "english": "Dad, we got a fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "着火了", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 你知道我会这么...", "english": "Ron, did you know it was gonna be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道吗 我不想和你一起去任何地方", "english": "You know what? I don't wanna go anywhere with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不会和你一起去法国", "english": "I don't wanna go to France with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连街角都不会和你一起去", "english": "I don't wanna go around the corner with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会从巴黎打电话给你的", "english": "I'll call you from Paris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么这么吵啊", "english": "What is all the racket?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂", "english": "Bumblebee!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 快回车库", "english": "Bumblebee! Get in the garage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快回车库 静静的 快点", "english": "Just go in the garage, quietly please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的妈呀", "english": "Holy mother!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Oh, my god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停车 警察快来啊", "english": "Power's out! Get the cops out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 你们还在等什么", "english": "Come on, you guys. what are you waiting for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我房子着火了", "english": "My house is on fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我要你保管这块能量碎片", "english": "Listen, I need you to take the cube sliver."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快把它放到你包里", "english": "Put it in your purse, right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这儿都烧秃了", "english": "I have a bald spot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你走的时候 他也得走", "english": "When you go, he goes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不想我车库里有个神经病的外星人", "english": "I cannot live with this psychotic alien in my garage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱迪 小声点", "english": "Judy, shh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国家机密", "english": "National security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我们保持沉默 他们就会搞定一切", "english": "Look, if we stay quiet, they're gonna take care of everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就当是政府帮我们装修吧 好吗", "english": "Just consider this the official start of a remodel, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 如果政府出钱 我要个游泳池...", "english": "Fine. If the government's paying, I want a pool..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还要在里面裸泳 你不能说个不字", "english": "And I'm gonna skinny-dip and you can't say shit about it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你知道你就是个麻烦", "english": "Yeah, you know you're a trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 我想和你说我上大学这事 好吗", "english": "Bee, I want to talk to you about the college thing, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太激动动了", "english": "I'm so excited"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能带你一起去", "english": "I'm not taking you with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在外面等你", "english": "I wanna wait outside, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本来想早点告诉你的", "english": "I wanted to tell you about this earlier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新生不允许有车", "english": "Freshmen aren't allowed to have cars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我说了算 我会带你去 可不是 大黄蜂", "english": "I know, and if it was up to me, I'd take you with me, but it's not, bee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个汽车人", "english": "Look, you're an autobot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本不该住在我爸的车库里", "english": "You shouldn't be living in my dad's garage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说这里太委屈你了", "english": "I mean, you're suffocating in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该有比这更好的地方", "english": "You deserve better than this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经很难受了 伙计", "english": "This is hard enough, man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再让我难受了 看着我行吗 伙计", "english": "Don't make it harder. Can you just look at me, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 大家伙", "english": "Come on, big guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "护卫工作结束了 你做得很棒", "english": "Look, the guardian thing is done, okay? you did your job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看 我现在是多么安全", "english": "Look, I'm safe now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该回到擎天柱和你其他伙伴中间", "english": "You need to go be with Optimus Prime and the others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想做一个正常人 大黄蜂", "english": "I just want to be normal, Bee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我才会上大学", "english": "That's why I'm going to college."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能再带着你了", "english": "I can't do that with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这也不会是我最后一次见你 大黄蜂", "english": "It's not the last time I'm gonna see you, you know, Bee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别那样 伙计 这让我难过至死 大黄蜂", "english": "Come on, don't do that. Bee. You're killing me, Bee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你永远都是我的第一辆车", "english": "But you'll always be my first car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你 大黄蜂", "english": "Love you, Bee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论作为国营农场还是纳税人 我们都会得到赔偿的", "english": "Between state farm and the taxpayers, we're all taken care of."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看啊", "english": "Well, look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得没我的帮助你也能在大学取得成功", "english": "So you think you can make it through those east coast winners without me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且", "english": "And?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不错 他爸", "english": "Nice timing, dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我...喜欢你", "english": "I... adore you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是我现在想听的词", "english": "That's not the word that I wanna hear really now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个词和另外一个是一样的", "english": "It's the same word as the other word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是你强迫的 这样没有意义", "english": "You forced me to say won't mean anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有 那个词你也没有说过", "english": "Plus, you haven't said it either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以不要因为没有说那词就冲我发火", "english": "So don't get mad at me for not saying it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 但我还没有说过", "english": "Yeah, but I haven't said it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为一般如果我先说男生就会逃跑", "english": "Because guys always run when you say it first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 其实女孩也是一样的", "english": "Yeah, well, so do girls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特别是 像你这样有很多人追的女孩", "english": "Especially, girls like you with options."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么这就是你留住我的精心计划", "english": "So this is all part of your elaborate plan to keep me interested?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能吧", "english": "Can be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吻一下", "english": "Have a kiss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会在一起的 我保证", "english": "We'll make it work, I promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那女孩拿着能量块碎片", "english": "The female has the cube fragment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "声波注意 跟着她", "english": "Soundwave acknowledges. Pursue her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夺回碎片", "english": "Retrieve it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秘密基地 迭戈·加西亚岛 印度洋", "english": "Secret operations, Diego Garcia, indian ocean"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博派双胞胎 到三号车库报到", "english": "Autobot twins, report to hangar three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思 请让一下", "english": "Excuse me, excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多美妙的一夜 是啊宝贝 车该升级了", "english": "Hello. What a night. Yeah, baby, it's upgrade time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 看这 来吧 我要变这样的", "english": "Yes, oh, yeah. Look here. Come on, let me call right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该变得漂亮点了", "english": "Time to get my sexy on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要绿的 我知道", "english": "Green, I know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要绿的 我要变绿的", "english": "Green is mine, I call green"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经是我的", "english": "Be my body"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然疼了 摔的就是你", "english": "It's supposed to hurt. It's an ass kicking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖勒威顾问 幸会", "english": "Director Galloway, what an honor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本想带你参观一下", "english": "Let me show you around"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你不能进入绝密区", "english": "But you gotta be in the classified access list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在可以了", "english": "I am now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统亲自授权 少校", "english": "Presidential order, major."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你那些神秘的外星朋友带了个信", "english": "I got a message for your classified space buddies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们在上海的行动搞砸了", "english": "You guys made a mess at Shanghai."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里就是我们和参谋长联系的地方", "english": "Alright, so this is where we communicate with the JCS."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和参谋长联系上了 少校", "english": "Secured line to JCS is up, Major."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国军用卫星", "english": "Us military satellite"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在连接五角大楼", "english": "Secured line to the pentagon now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看上海的行动 真是一团糟", "english": "Saw the shanghai op. It was a rough day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 长官", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有重要的情报要直接汇报", "english": "We have wintel but I believe warns an immediate debrief."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经过您的允许 不能让您看见他", "english": "Now with your permission, I can't let you see him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我可以让您和博派首领直接通话", "english": "But I would like you to hear from the leader of the autobots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始吧", "english": "Proceed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到奇迹了吧", "english": "You gotta wonder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神用自己的形象创造了我们 可谁创造了他", "english": "God made us in his image. Who made him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次都在不同的大洲", "english": "Each on a different continent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明显 他们在寻找什么东西", "english": "They're clearly searching around the world for something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但昨晚狂派却警告说", "english": "But last night's encounter came with a warning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚将会卷土重来", "english": "The fallen shall rise again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚 什么意思", "english": "\"The fallen.\" Meaning what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们变形金刚", "english": "They only recorded"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唯一的历史记录在火种里", "english": "History of our race was contained within the all-spark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种被摧毁了 历史也就无人知晓", "english": "Lost with its destruction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我插句话", "english": "Excuse me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你们所谓的火种被摧毁了", "english": "If this so-called \"all-spark\", now destroyed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那为什么敌人不像你想的那样", "english": "Why hasn't the enemy left the planet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖勒威顾问 国家安全顾问", "english": "Director Galloway, our national security advisor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统刚刚任命他负责联络", "english": "The president just appointed him liasion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉打断您的谈话 将军 不好意思", "english": "Forgive the interruption, general. Excuse me, coming through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思 借过", "english": "Excuse me, excuse me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次的行动对上海造成了巨大的破坏", "english": "After all the damage in Shanghai,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不得已声称行动成功", "english": "Hard-pressed to say the job's getting done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们同意和我们共享你们的情报", "english": "You are agreeing to share your intel with us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但却没有共享你们的先进装备", "english": "But not your advancements in weaponry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经看到了你们人类好战的本性", "english": "We've witnessed your human capacity for war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "共享武器 无疑将是弊大于利", "english": "It would absolutely bring more harm than good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁 凭什么对我们指手画脚", "english": "But who are you to judge what's best for us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并肩作战两年多了", "english": "In the field for two years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大兵 你的职责是打仗 不是插话", "english": "Soldier, you're paid to shoot; not talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用你说", "english": "Don't tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且", "english": "And the, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公开邀请他们来地球", "english": "An open invitation to come to earth,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但从未和政府打过招呼", "english": "Embedded by no one at the White House."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得打断一下 盖勒威先生", "english": "Let me stop you right there, Mr. Galloway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "审核就在这进行", "english": "It was bedded right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且据我所知 论诺克斯少校和他的队伍", "english": "And in my experience, the judgement of both Major Lennox and his team,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所做的判断都是准确的", "english": "Has always been above reproach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眼下的国家安全受到威胁", "english": "That when our national security is at stake,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人能做到完美", "english": "No one is above reproach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来看看我们都知道些什么", "english": "Now, what do we know so far?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们知道 敌人的领袖", "english": "We know that the enemy leader,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经变成一堆废铁", "english": "Is resting in peace"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被扔到了劳伦森海沟深处", "english": "At the bottom of the Laurentian abyss,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且它还被声纳监听系统", "english": "Surrounded by societs detection nets"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和潜艇全天候监控", "english": "And a full-time submarine surveillance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还知道", "english": "We also know that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们盟友所谓的火种的唯一碎片", "english": "The only remaining piece of your alien all-spark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被保存于全世界最安全的海军基地的", "english": "Is locked in an electromagnetic vault,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狂派们 我们已经找到了火种碎片存放地", "english": "Decepticons, we have located the shard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然没有人知道", "english": "And since no one..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌人究竟在寻找什么", "english": "Can seem to tell me what the enemy is now after,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但至少有一个明显的答案", "english": "Well, there--there's only one clear clusion"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是你们博派", "english": "You. The Autobots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是来追杀你们的", "english": "They're here to hunt you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除此之外他们还能为了什么", "english": "What's there to hunt for on earth besides that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚将会卷土重来", "english": "\"The fallen... shall rise again\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来好像是有什么事要发生", "english": "Sounds to me like something's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我有个问题 如果我们最终决定", "english": "So let me ask if we ultimately conclude"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有你们离开我们的地球", "english": "That our national security is best served"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才能确保地球的安全", "english": "By denying you further asylum on our planet,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们会和平的离开吗", "english": "Will you leave peacefully?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自由是你们的权利", "english": "Freedom is your right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你们做出决定 我们会尊重你们的要求", "english": "If you make that request, we will honor it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是在你们的总统决定之前 请问问他", "english": "But before your president decides, please ask him this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们走了 而你们又错了 你们怎么办", "english": "What if we leave and you're wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊", "english": "Oh, my god,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看这个地方", "english": "Just look at this place!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得自己都变聪明了", "english": "I feel smarter already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 你闻到了吗", "english": "Ron, can you smell it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真抠门", "english": "Okay, Cheapo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去吧 我来帮你搬", "english": "Go ahead, we'll, uh... we'll get your stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去看看自己的房间", "english": "Just go ahead and check out your room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是山姆 对吧 我是里奥", "english": "You must be Sam, right? I'm Leo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思我已经占了里面小间", "english": "Uh, sorry, I already set up the crib."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要这边还是那边", "english": "Do you want this side or that side?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么意思 想让我难堪吗", "english": "You know what this is? This is the awkward moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是想看看我是不是正常", "english": "Yeah, so you're trying to see if I'm a normal guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还怕你不正常呢", "english": "I'm trying to see if you're a normal guy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讲究卫生 别在我睡觉的时候打扰我", "english": "Good personal hygiene won't stab me in my sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无犯罪记录 不会偷东西", "english": "Good criminal record won't steal anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢电脑吗", "english": "You're a techie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Sweet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经连接了", "english": "It works up and running."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂亮 我就想听这个", "english": "Beautiful; that's what I like to hear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的IT顾问", "english": "My i.t. gurus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到我的帝国 活计 真实的世界网站", "english": "Welcome to my empire, Bro. Therealeffindeal.com."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我办的 你一定听过", "english": "That's me, I'm sure you've heard of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实挺俗气的 我想成为少年百万富翁", "english": "Call me Gross, I wanna be a baby billionaire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小猫日历", "english": "Kitten calendars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从这起家的 现在看看我", "english": "It's where it started. Look at me now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人要有梦想 伙计", "english": "Got our dreams, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里奥 有个坏消息从上海传来", "english": "Leo, we got some bad news in Shanghai."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发在网上 快 快 添料", "english": "Post it, baby. go, go, go! ftj, ftj!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "官方却称是燃气泄露", "english": "Gets rigged when china says gas leak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定是骗人的", "english": "Don't believe the hype, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两年前洛杉矶出现的外星机器人也没报道", "english": "Just like the alien robots in LA two years ago that everyone covered up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 我看到了那些机器人", "english": "Yeah, I saw these robots and they did this, like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟 不是假造的 网络是真实的", "english": "Dude, it's not fake. the internet's pure true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没 我亲眼所见 那些机器人像这样", "english": "No, man, I've seen them. They are like these, uh, robots..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 听着 那都是假的 谁都可以用电脑伪造", "english": "Look, look, look, it's fake. Anybody can do on any computer, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时我不在场", "english": "And I wasn't, uh... there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我不能评论或推测", "english": "So I can't comment or speculate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要被圈养吗", "english": "We're supposed to go habitate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 听着 别被蒙在鼓里 伙计", "english": "No, listen, okay. Don't be sucking the sack, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在欺骗我们", "english": "They're lying to us, alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来", "english": "Follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里奥 不好了 我们动手晚了", "english": "Uh-oh. uh, Leo. bad news, we just got scooped."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别的网站上已经有视频了", "english": "The video's already up on geoboard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的", "english": "Damn... no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有一个主要竞争对手 很阴险", "english": "Robo-warrior is a main competition, our conspiracy step."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这他妈是我的主意 他偷了", "english": "Effing was my effing idea. He stole it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他访问我的网站 疯狂抄袭稿件", "english": "He's been looking to my site and thieving hits for ever!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有 我看过你的档案", "english": "By the way, I read your file."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我穷 你也穷 我们一起致富 如何", "english": "I'll poor, you'll poor... we're gonna fix that, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在为我工作", "english": "You work for me, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我为你工作", "english": "I work for you now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难以置信 我上大学的第一天", "english": "That's incredible. It's first day of college,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就要供职于一家破网络公司", "english": "I got a career, a dinky internet firm,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且老板还是个如此自大的人", "english": "With a boss who is made up of just pure champion stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在嘲笑我毕生的心血 塞缪尔 是吗", "english": "You're mocking my life's work, Samuel? huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别惹我 不然我盗了你的帐户", "english": "Don't make me that fast.... 'cause I'll do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不退不换 别老皱着眉头了", "english": "No switching, no treating. Let's turn that upside-down, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们来了", "english": "Oh, here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真像像霍格沃茨魔法学校", "english": "It's just like Hogwarts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里男女混住吗 男女混住", "english": "Is this co-ed? This is a co-ed dorm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们想见见我的室友吗", "english": "Do you guys want to meet my roommates?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你儿子很棒 真的很棒", "english": "Hey, you have a great son. You really do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他真的很乖 老妈", "english": "He's real sweet, ma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顺便问下 你手里拿的什么", "english": "What is that in your hand, by the way?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在保护环境义卖那里买的", "english": "Oh, I got this at the bake sale for the environment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些男孩做的", "english": "That those boys were having."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道 留辫子的白人", "english": "You know, you don't often see white boys"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可不多见", "english": "With the dreadlocks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 他们在里面加了大麻", "english": "Yeah, then they baked it with reefer in it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天我作主 想吃什么都可以", "english": "Hey! It's my cheap day. I can eat whatever I want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊 我要疯了 赶紧管管她 老爸", "english": "Please god, I'm gonna freak out. Please do something right now, Dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别挡路 你这野小子", "english": "Out of my way, you wild hair!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想吃什么都可以", "english": "I can eat all the freaking brownies I want!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思 各位", "english": "Sorry, fellas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思 别客气", "english": "I'm sorry and you're welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沙士其修改了住宿分配系统 调来全部美女", "english": "Sharsky hacked campus house and stacked the dorm with pretty beddies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊 是她", "english": "Oh, my god. It's her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她来了 她在看我 她在看我", "english": "She's coming. She sees me, She sees me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是我最喜欢的女孩", "english": "She's tight for me on one on my to-do list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可不许抢 听见了吗", "english": "Do not bird-dog my credit, you hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美女们", "english": "Pretty girls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉你 我儿子住在这个房间", "english": "Hey, you. My son lives in this dorm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该去和他交个朋友", "english": "You should go make friends with him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不知道当时我在房间里", "english": "He didn't know I was in the house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我全听到了", "english": "I heard it all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是他", "english": "There he is!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们能告诉他我说了什么吗", "english": "Oh, will you give him my closet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的车还是个会说话的机器人", "english": "Hey, and his car is a talking robot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 那只是个 导航仪", "english": "No, like a... like a gps, all-star."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 老爸", "english": "No, dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爸 你不能让她满学校的乱跑", "english": "Dad, you're just gonna let her run around school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "Are you alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我", "english": "Give me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了吗", "english": "Are you crazy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱迪 朱迪 放下 放下", "english": "Judy, Judy. Just--Just put it. Just put it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得看好你妈妈", "english": "You gotta control your mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不想这样", "english": "I wasn't doing this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教授 只要给我A 做什么都行", "english": "Hey, professor. I'd do anything for an A."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题 美人", "english": "Alright, Grace..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来我们得上车去了 我们走", "english": "Looks like we got some snacks in the car. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿到那双鞋了吗", "english": "Did you get the booties?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 爸爸 我拿到了", "english": "Yes, dad, I got the booties!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑狮射线 我是黑狮探戈", "english": "Black lion in x-trait. This is black lion in tango."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 快 快", "english": "Go, go, go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种碎片不见了", "english": "The shard is gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干掉他", "english": "Take him down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一次聚会是男孩的好机会", "english": "The first frat party's the game change of boys,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是猎妞时间 准备好参加聚会吧", "english": "We're hunting in the wild now, so get your game faces on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能待太久 我还要和女友视频约会", "english": "I can't stay long, I have a webcam date with my girlfriend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你回去抱着笔记本相会吧", "english": "While you are making up with his Macbook,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们 我们去泡妞了", "english": "We're, uh... we're hunting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们第一次联线 以前还从没做过", "english": "This is our first live chat date. Never done it before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还真有点紧张", "english": "I'm kind of nervous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是拿个垫杯子的餐巾", "english": "I was getting a napkin for my drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 干杯", "english": "Thanks. Cheers!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想跳舞", "english": "I wanna dance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜欢跳舞", "english": "Like--like dancing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经有女朋友了", "english": "'cause I'm in a permanently, semi--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想找点乐子", "english": "I just want to have some fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们玩跳棋吧 你可以坐那边", "english": "Let's play some checkers. You can sit over there, and, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我假装是你女朋友 你假装是我男朋友", "english": "You pretend I'm your girlfriend and I pretend that you're my boyfriend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁把个破黄色卡马洛跑车停在门外了", "english": "Hey! Who broke the frickin' yellow camaro?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车子还发动着", "english": "Huh? There's a car on the run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来干吗", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休斯顿 我们有麻烦了", "english": "Houston, we have a problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 是我朋友的 他刚去", "english": "No, there's a friend of mine who just went to a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去给你拿限量版衬衫", "english": "Who went to get you a tighter shirt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么限量版衬衫 我们查过了", "english": "There isn't a tighter shirt. We checked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想让我用脚踢你屁股吗", "english": "Now how about I park my foot in your ass?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你穿几码鞋", "english": "What size shoe do you wear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真要找揍", "english": "Are you--are you want to try?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在就把它开走", "english": "I'm gonna back it up right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有车", "english": "You have a ride?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "居然不告诉我们", "english": "Bro, why you holding onto us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这会彻底改变我们的生活", "english": "This is gonna really change our lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不明白", "english": "You have no idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢卡马洛跑车", "english": "I love camaros."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh, god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加满油以后", "english": "Fuel-injected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引擎的咆哮声让我浑身兴奋", "english": "The roar of the engine, it just, tickles me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没发展到互诉心声的地步吧", "english": "To each other at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 山姆 我只是搭个车", "english": "Come on, sam, just one ride..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下 停下", "english": "Don't. don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收音机坏了吗", "english": "Is your radio broke?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在还没", "english": "Not yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么了", "english": "Something wrong here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 你没事吧", "english": "Ow! oh, god! you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不知道怎么告诉你", "english": "I really don't know what to tell you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这车 有很多毛病", "english": "This car-- it just has a lot of problems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多毛", "english": "A lot of prob--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 进我嘴里了", "english": "Oh, god. oh, it's in my mouth. oh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有湿纸巾 我拿湿纸巾给你擦脸", "english": "I got wetnaps. I got wetnaps for your face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真对不起", "english": "I'm so sorry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想干吗", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一天都不让我安宁 是吧", "english": "You won't give me a day, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但火种源最后一块残片还是被偷了", "english": "But the last fragment of the all-spark was stolen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么 是霸天虎干的吗", "english": "Like what? like decepticon-stolen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们应政府的要求将残片交给人类保管", "english": "We placed it under human protection at your government's request."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我需要你的帮助 山姆", "english": "But I'm here for your help, sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你们的领袖认为 我们把仇恨带到了地球", "english": "Because your leaders believed we brought vengeance upon your planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们或许是对的", "english": "Perhaps, they are right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此必须有个双方都信任的人", "english": "That is why they must be reminded by another human"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来不断提醒他们", "english": "Of the trust we share."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但很快就有关了", "english": "But I fear it soon will be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球一定不能像塞伯坦星球那样", "english": "Your world must not share the same fate as cybertron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有种族都失去家园", "english": "Whole generations lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 我 我也想帮你 真的", "english": "I know and I-I want to help you. I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我不是你们驻地球的大使", "english": "But I'm not some alien ambassador."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是个有着寻常烦恼的普通孩子", "english": "You know, I'm a normal kid with normal problems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做我该做的事", "english": "I am where I'm supposed to be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我", "english": "I'm sorry, I--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的对不起", "english": "I really am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 我们的大多选择不是由于命运的召唤", "english": "Sam, fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是擎天柱 你不需要我", "english": "You're optimus prime. You don't need me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们比你认为的还需要", "english": "We do... more than you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况不对 他们下潜的很快很深", "english": "There's something. They dive that deep, that fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 我们有麻烦了", "english": "Then, people, we've got a problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拆掉最小的那个", "english": "Kill such little one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有碎片就有能量", "english": "Sea shard, make energon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快离开这儿", "english": "Let's get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天使六号", "english": "Angel six,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有六个敌人进犯", "english": "We got six hostiles coming down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备防撞", "english": "Brace for impact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "红蜘蛛 我回来了", "english": "Starscream, I'm home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天殿下 听说您复活", "english": "Behold, megatron, I was so relieved"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你居然见死不救 你这可怜虫", "english": "You left me to die, you pathetic insect!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全是为了扩充新的队伍", "english": "Only to help spawn our new army,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让堕落金刚消耗了不少 而且你不在", "english": "The fallen decreased it, after all, in your absence,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总得有人来统领大局吧", "english": "Someone had to take command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你", "english": "You..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太让我失望了", "english": "Are so disappointing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即便我死了 也轮不到别人发号施令", "english": "Even in death, there's no command but mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的主人 在地球上我辜负了你", "english": "My master, I failed you on earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火种源被摧毁了", "english": "The all-spark is destroyed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有它 我们的种族迟早灭亡", "english": "And without it, our race will perish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还有很多要学 徒弟", "english": "You have much to learn, my disciple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "方块只不过是个容器", "english": "The cube is merely a vessel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它的能量和真谛不可能被摧毁", "english": "It's power, it's knowledge can never be destroyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只不过变换了形态", "english": "It can only transform."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被那男孩吸收了", "english": "By the human child."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拯救我们种族的关键就在他的大脑里", "english": "The key to saving our race now lies within his mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就让我把他的大脑生生给拿出来", "english": "Well then, let me strip the very flesh from his body."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会的 我的徒弟", "english": "And you will, my apprentice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "千年来 我一直梦想回到", "english": "In time. for millenia, I have dreamed of my return"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那该死的星球 在那我也被", "english": "To that wretched planet, where I too was once betrayed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曾经情同手足的首领们背叛过", "english": "By the primes I call my brothers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有首领才能打败我", "english": "Only a prime can defeat me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且现在仅存一位", "english": "And now only one remains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是擎天柱 他在保护那个男孩", "english": "Optimus. he protects the boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这男孩可以带我们找到他", "english": "Then the boy will lead us to him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那男孩跑不掉的 他一直在我们的监视下", "english": "The boy will not escape us. We have him in our sights."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不补充能量的话 这些新生儿就会死掉", "english": "Without more energon, hatchlings will keep dying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空间 时间 地心引力", "english": "Space, time, gravity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天我和你们要开始一段旅程", "english": "We're going on a journey together, you and I, today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这些渴望成熟刚进入成年期的年轻人", "english": "All you, eager nubile young minds on the very cusp of adulthood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你们的伙伴 是指路人", "english": "And I shall be your consort, your guide,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是监护人 带领你们进入黑暗的中心", "english": "Your chaperone, into the heart of darkness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们对星星的了解有多少", "english": "For what do we know about the stars?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "室女座 也就是处女座", "english": "Virgo... the virgin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猎户座 也就是伟大的猎人", "english": "Orion, the great hunter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可它们没有闪耀的钻石", "english": "These are no mere twinkling diamonds"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "供纯情少女们日思夜想", "english": "For lovely maidens to wish upon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 它们就是钻石 充满了", "english": "No, they are diamond, filled with a throbbing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惊人的 随时要喷发的能量", "english": "Savage and hemped-up energy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的理论", "english": "Behold the work of Albert Einstein,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那位像我一样的教授的理论", "english": "A professor once, like moi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "年轻人 请在我讲到高潮后", "english": "Young man, there are no questions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚看完你的书 发现了一个问题", "english": "I've just finished your book. There's only one problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱因斯坦错了", "english": "Einstein's wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这个维度里 能量不等于质量乘以光速的平方", "english": "Energy doesn't go mass times velocity light square in this dimension."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 没人同意我说的吗", "english": "Come on, guys, I can't be the only one in class--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小伙子 你不能在系主任面前羞辱我", "english": "Young man, I will not be punked in front of the dean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里我说了算 明白吗", "english": "No, this is my universe here. Do you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大骨头", "english": "Hi, bones. hi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是个乖孩子", "english": "Hi! oh yes, that's a good boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今天真乖 太乖了", "english": "Oh, what a good boy, you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大骨头", "english": "Hey, bones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不敢相信 第一次视频约会你就放我鸽子", "english": "I can't believe you're gonna stand me up on our first web chat date."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别笑了 认真点", "english": "Stop laughing. this is serious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的曾曾祖父 阿基保尔·威特维奇", "english": "My great-great-grandfather, archibald witwicky?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米凯拉 我说过我的曾曾祖父去过北极 对吧", "english": "Mikaela, okay, my great-great-grandfather went to this arctic mission, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他看到了威震天 威震天击中了他", "english": "And he saw megatron, megatron zapped him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他开始看到一些些古怪的符号", "english": "And he started seeing these crazy symbols, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我也看到了 对不起", "english": "Well, now I'm seeing them too. excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到符号了 自从我", "english": "I am seeing symbols ever since I--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "东西在吧", "english": "Do you have it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 我放在店里的保险箱里了 很安全", "english": "Yeah, I have it in the shop safe? It's fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米凯拉 不要碰它 好吗 别碰它", "english": "Mi--mikaela, do not touch it, okay? don't touch it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会碰它", "english": "I'm not gonna touch it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 它很安全 锁着呢 没人知道在哪", "english": "Sam, it's fine. it's locked away, no one knows where it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我知道了", "english": "But I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你性感 但你很笨", "english": "You're hot, but you're ain't too bright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开工了", "english": "There we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看什么看 流口水的傻姑娘", "english": "What are you looking at, slobber puss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这地方简直太可怕了", "english": "This is a fricking house of horrors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就会用火钳夹是吧", "english": "Is that the best you got, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么点能耐吗", "english": "Is that the best you can do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想干什么 你这小怪物", "english": "What are you doing here, you little freak?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的眼睛 你这疯婆娘", "english": "Ow, that's my eye, you crazy bitch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不快交代", "english": "You gotta talk now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚叫我找方块里的真谛", "english": "I... I seek knowledge of the cube. The fallen demands me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么真谛", "english": "What knowledge?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有碎片 我要碎片 给我碎片 我要碎片", "english": "You got the shot, I need the shot, give me the shot, I need the shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我碎片 不然他们会劈了我", "english": "Give me the shot, they're gonna whack me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿不到碎片他们会杀了我", "english": "I'm gonna be dead without that shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松 女战神 我只是个卖命的小苦力", "english": "Easy warrior goddess, I'm just a little salvage scrap drone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那遇上我是你倒霉", "english": "Then I'm your worst nightmare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电话里不方便说", "english": "Just not on open phone line, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在就去机场 今天下午就能到了", "english": "I'm gonna get on a plane right now. I'll be there later this afternoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心点 山姆", "english": "Just be careful, Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天有没有陌生人让你带可疑物品", "english": "And have any stranger giving you anything suspicious to carry on today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有 一大箱子", "english": "Yeah, a large box!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "少校 博派发来求救信号", "english": "Major, incoming sos from autobots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多个霸天虎在行动", "english": "Multiple decepticon contacts in motion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在美国东部附近 长官", "english": "Vicinity eastern united states, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点弄清楚", "english": "Well, get clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博派出动了 他们分成两个小分队 长官", "english": "Autobots on the move. splitting them into two teams, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们不回应呼叫 在向纽约和费城开进", "english": "Unanswer our calls, somewhere heading to new york and philadelphia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱丽丝 亲爱的 来份超大比萨怎么样?", "english": "M'amor , can I interest you in mayteam zookeeper's special?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是素食者 好吧 太好了 我也是", "english": "Oh, so you're a vegetarian. alright, it's cool. I am too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆在吗", "english": "Is sam home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 死了吧 我们看看去", "english": "Sam... I think he died but, why don't we check?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们有过脑子里总是反覆放同一首歌", "english": "Have you had a song stuck in yours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很难听 但你却忍不住", "english": "It's like the worst song ever, but you can't help"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直哼着 就像是 来回放", "english": "Whistle it or sing it. it's like, repeats itself,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来回放 猫咪日历 猫咪日历", "english": "Repeats itself... kitten calendar, kitten calendar,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你要崩溃 别崩溃 别崩溃", "english": "I know you're freaking out. don't freak out, don't freak out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很容易解决 我脑子里都是代码 我都写墙上了", "english": "Easy fix. puzzle, code, in my head. now it's on the walls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都好", "english": "Everything is good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 刚才你说啥", "english": "Okay, what were you saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱丽丝 对不起把你吓着了 我们走", "english": "Alice, I'm horrified you had to see this. let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不说话 我吃比萨", "english": "I-I'll eat my pizza quietly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 我知道你有非同常人之处", "english": "Sam, I knew there were something special about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一男一女同处一室会发生什么", "english": "When two people in the room get together..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在床上让人无比...惊异", "english": "They're genuinely amazing... in bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh, jeez!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聊聊经济吧 很疯狂 是吧", "english": "Uh, what about this economy? It's crazy, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想来点烘干肉卷吗", "english": "You want some jerky meatloaf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米凯拉", "english": "Mikaela."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你女朋友吗", "english": "Is that your girlfriend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前女友", "english": "Ex."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米凯拉 等等 听我解释", "english": "Mikaela, wait... I can explain every..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 你的床友 爱丽丝", "english": "Sam, your bed-buddy, alice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 难以置信 我做春梦还梦到她", "english": "Oh my god, I can't believe I once had sex with her in my dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可真是想念我啊 山姆", "english": "I can tell that you really missed me a lot, sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是我的错 好吗", "english": "Look, it's not my fault, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我是受害者", "english": "Listen, listen. I'm a victim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是受害人 受什么害", "english": "Oh, you were a victim? Of what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像被头野公牛给上了一样", "english": "It's like getting humped in the neck by a mountain ox."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不该把舌头放她嘴里", "english": "You didn't have to put your tongue in her mouth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我来说可不好玩 米凯拉", "english": "It's not fun for me, okay, Mikaela."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在先安静十秒", "english": "You have ten seconds of silence, right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能不理我 知道吗", "english": "No, you can't give me the silence. you know what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随你便 但是你不能不让我说", "english": "All you want but you can't give me the talking..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想说什么", "english": "W-what were you gonna say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你玩的开心", "english": "I hope you had a lot of fun because this--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我们俩结束了", "english": "This is over!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她最后是不是让你就范了", "english": "Did she finally led you to orbits?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她把脏舌头伸到你嘴里了 真伸进去了", "english": "You threw a broom? she did it, she went in it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肚子会有小外星人的 你得马上吐出来", "english": "...gestating in that inside of you. you're going right now, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上吐出来 吐 快吐", "english": "You need to vomit right now. yak it, yak it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是唯一能让他吐出来的人 好吗", "english": "I am the only one who everybody can spit, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我是关键人物", "english": "I'm the key to this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外星人要抓我是因为我的网址", "english": "Aliens; they want me because of my site."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑", "english": "Run!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米凯拉", "english": "Mikaela!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心点 我们进去", "english": "Watch out. we get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是炸弹", "english": "It's a bomb!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得拿那个盒子", "english": "We gotta get that box."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边", "english": "This way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放我出去 放我出去", "english": "Hey, let me out, let me out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 你知道用火线发动车?", "english": "Oh my god, you know to hot-wire a car?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她在那 她在那", "english": "She went there, she went there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "W-wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们能", "english": "They can...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快快快", "english": "Cut, cut, cut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝啊", "english": "Oh god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看这下子 臭女人", "english": "Kiss this, bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们是不是没告诉了细节", "english": "Did you guys just mess with the minor details?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚才看到的那只是小喽啰", "english": "Thing you saw back there. that was a little babe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住", "english": "Hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想死 我们要玩完了 我的天啊", "english": "I don't want to die! we're going to die! oh my god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来 小子", "english": "Come here, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再近点", "english": "Closer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一个逮住你感觉真好", "english": "It feels good to grab your first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要杀掉你 慢慢地 痛苦地", "english": "I am going to kill you, slowly, painfully."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们先来点精细活", "english": "But first, we have some delicate work to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能将你的肋骨掰下来", "english": "I could snap your ribs off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生 检查这个外星物种", "english": "Doctor, examine this alien specimen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先看看你的脸", "english": "Sick of your face now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边来", "english": "Go that way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些虫子很暴躁", "english": "A wormy that's crabby--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些符号能使我们找到能量之源", "english": "These symbols can lead us to the energon source."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把他脑子拆开看看", "english": "We must tear the brain!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大脑 关我大脑什么事", "english": "Brain? what does he mean by my brain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你脑子里有东西", "english": "Well, you have something on your mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你生气了", "english": "I know you're pissed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是有人要杀我 我也会很伤心", "english": "Somebody tried to kill me, I'd be upset too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我们有个机会", "english": "I think that we have an opportunity here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新开始建立我们之间的关系", "english": "To start a new and--and develop our relationship,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看我们的发展会怎样 好吗", "english": "And--and, see where it leads us, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你就让医生助手", "english": "So you just call doctor stop inspection,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你和我说一会话", "english": "I'll let you talk in five seconds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "W-wait..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑 快", "english": "Go, go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑 跑 快跑", "english": "Go, go, go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑 快 快", "english": "Go, go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他来了", "english": "Here he comes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏起来 山姆 藏起来", "english": "Hide, Sam! hide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "懦夫", "english": "Weak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "废物", "english": "Puny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行尸走肉", "english": "Voiced-up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "废物一堆", "english": "Junkyard drone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸天虎", "english": "Decepticons!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出来 小子", "english": "Come here, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一个能量源隐藏在这个星球上", "english": "There is another source of energon hidden on this planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这孩子可以带我们找到它", "english": "The boy can lead us to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱", "english": "Optimus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道我们种族的未来还不如一个人类重要吗", "english": "Is the future of our race not worth a single human life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱 站起来", "english": "Op, get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不可能杀一个人就罢手", "english": "You'll never stop at one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能放过你们", "english": "I'll take you all alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 你在哪", "english": "Sam, where are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不行了", "english": "You are so weak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "领袖终于死了", "english": "At last, prime is dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 快跑", "english": "Sam, run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博派 进攻", "english": "Autobots, attack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 带他们走", "english": "Bumblebee, get them out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是论诺克斯", "english": "This is Lennox."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干得比不错", "english": "That went well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人 男孩丢了", "english": "Lost the boy, master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定是博派把信号屏蔽了", "english": "The autobots must be shielding the signals."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连个草履虫都搞不定", "english": "What a simple insect!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大海捞针啊", "english": "It could be anywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就逼着人类帮我找到他", "english": "Then we will force them to find him for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是时候让世人知道我们了", "english": "It's time for the world to know of our presence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再不伪装 毫无仁慈", "english": "No more disguises, no mercy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该轮到我主人出场了", "english": "Time has come for my master's arrival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸天虎 出发", "english": "Decepticons, mobilise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间到了", "english": "It is time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "单身真好", "english": "Oh, that single's good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说法语很有意思", "english": "Speaking french is so exciting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 这又是谁", "english": "Oh god, who is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 我是说 你好(法语)", "english": "Hello-- I mean, uh, bon--bonswa !"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 你是谁", "english": "What? who is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你了", "english": "Oh, for Pete's sakes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纽约市", "english": "New york city"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Oh, Jeez."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你侵犯我私人空间 小心我揍扁你", "english": "You are invading my space. I'm gonna have to drop you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你了 赶紧把那什么动物的尾巴吃完", "english": "Come on. In your way just finish the nails."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想吃点新菜", "english": "We're gonna try new things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像加拿大天鹅粪", "english": "Looks like candian goosepoop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真恶心", "english": "It's nasty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要报仇", "english": "Revenge is mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五角大楼 华盛顿", "english": "Pentagon, Washington D.C."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "港口事故可能是恐怖袭击或更糟糕的袭击", "english": "...port accident for a terrorist attack, or worse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是 防空司令部确定", "english": "Negative.NORAD confirmed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "投放物来自大气层以外", "english": "Project came from beyond our atmosphere"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球上的人类", "english": "Citizens of the human hive,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的领导掩盖了事实", "english": "Your leaders have withheld the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们在这个宇宙中并不孤单", "english": "You are not alone in this universe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就在你们当中", "english": "We have lived among you, hidden..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但再也不隐藏了", "english": "But no more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都看到了", "english": "As you've seen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能随意摧毁你们的城市", "english": "We can destroy your cities at will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非你们交出这个男孩", "english": "Unless you turn over this boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们胆敢反抗", "english": "If you resist us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必将摧毁整个世界", "english": "We will destroy the world, as you know it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这段讲话通过非法入侵卫星得以播出", "english": "The world broadcast is a satellite hacking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全防御级别已升至三级", "english": "They have assumed condition delta,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统奥巴马已飞抵美国中部的", "english": "President Obama is being flown to a bunker,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以应对此次全球同一时间", "english": "In the phase of the worst simultaneous attacks ever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遭受的袭击", "english": "Around the globe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国罗斯福号航空母舰在美国东海岸沉没", "english": "The aircraft carrier, USS roosevelt, goes down off the east coast"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无一人生还", "english": "All hands lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但数字仍在暴涨", "english": "But that number could implode."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们想知道 敌方是谁 为什么攻击", "english": "What we need to ask now, is who and why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联邦调查局仍在寻找这个叫山姆·威特维奇男孩", "english": "The FBI is still trying to locate the boy, Sam Witwicky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们应该知道整个袭击的内幕", "english": "Within deep, they have information about this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联邦调查局 中情局 国际刑警组织", "english": "The FBI, CIA and interpol"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都在寻求各国司法部门的相关协助", "english": "Are all seeking the cooperation of worldwide law enforcements."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们完了 老兄 联邦调查局 中情局正在通缉我们", "english": "We're dead, bro. FBI, CIA, we're wanted fugitives now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能不能听我说一分钟", "english": "I just need you to focus just one minute, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在整个事件已经升级 对吗", "english": "This thing is blowing to a whole another level, alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可以追踪到我们 你知道吗?", "english": "They can track us. do you see this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以追踪到我们", "english": "They can track us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像卫星跟踪我们一样", "english": "Like satellite-track us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都不和你们是一伙的", "english": "I'm not even with you guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上我就是人质 这是绑架 够了", "english": "Technically, I'm like a hostage. this is kidnapping. enough--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挡泥板", "english": "Hey, mudflap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该怎么处理这个大虾玉米卷", "english": "What are we going to do with this shrimp taco?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心点 我听得见 好吗", "english": "Check it out. I'm hearing you, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在这听你们说呢", "english": "I'm right here and I can hear you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再刺激我了 行不", "english": "No one's popping any caps in any asses, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经很倒霉了", "english": "I've had a hell of a day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么不去找你的女人整个发型", "english": "Why don't you get a haircut with your bitch ass?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去和山姆理论吧", "english": "Go whine to your boyfriend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着山姆 我知道该做什么", "english": "Listen sam, I know what I'm gonna do, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是从犯", "english": "I'm an accomplice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你自愿的 对吗 你想知道真相", "english": "You wanted this, right? you wanted the real deal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是 醒醒吧 你已经脱不了干系", "english": "'cause that's what this is. wake up! you're in the middle of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想走你就走 没有人拦你", "english": "You wanna run, go ahead, no one's stopping you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再抱怨了", "english": "Stop complaining."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么意思", "english": "What is the meaning of this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你竟敢用枪指着我", "english": "You dare point your gun at me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你敢动我跟汗毛 我就把你们撕碎", "english": "You want a piece of me? I will tear you apart!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器 放下武器", "english": "Drop your weapons! drop your weapons!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和他谈谈", "english": "Talk to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国军队解散 少校", "english": "US teams deactivated, major."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要停止一切对抗霸天虎的行动", "english": "You are decease anti-Decepticon operations,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "返回迪戈加西亚待命", "english": "And return to Diego Garcia. any further orders?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只直接听从莫苏华将军的指令", "english": "No. we take our orders direct from chairman Morshower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我参加参谋首长联席会见到你的将军", "english": "Well, I'll see your chairman and the joint chiefs of staff"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我现在命令你听从总统的", "english": "But I will raise you a president of the united states."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外星人的仇恨已经殃及我们", "english": "An alien blood feud has been brought to our shores"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们的士兵付出代价", "english": "For which our soldiers are paying the price."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真相大白 这不关我们的事", "english": "The secret is out. this is our war now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还要像往常一样 运用联合的军事战略", "english": "And we will win it as we always have,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个蠢货完全被骗了", "english": "This fool is terribly misinformed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以得到所有需要的支援", "english": "You're gonna get every assets that you've got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要的是制定战争策略", "english": "What we need is to draw our battle plans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要想出任何可行的外交策略", "english": "What we explore every possible, diplomatic solution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交出孩子吗", "english": "Handing over the kid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何可行的策略都要一试", "english": "All options are being considered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论霸天虎要干什么", "english": "Whatever the Decepticons are after,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这只是开始", "english": "This is just the start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 决不能和他们谈判", "english": "Wait, there is no negotiating with them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我命令你解除战备状态", "english": "I'm ordering you to stand down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不再需要这个了", "english": "You won't be needing this any more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你的部队带回基地", "english": "Get your assets back to base."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有那堆废铜烂铁也带走", "english": "Take that scrap metal back to Diego Garcia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙真讨厌", "english": "I really don't like that dude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是个混蛋", "english": "He's a asshole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博派 回车库进行转移", "english": "Autobots, report to hangar for transport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "铁皮 我们该离开这个星球", "english": "Ironhide, we should leave this planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱绝不想让我们离开", "english": "That's not what optimus would want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 如果你恨我 我可以理解", "english": "Bee, if you hate me, I understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我搞砸了", "english": "I messed up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小伙子 你是我一生中最在意的人", "english": "young fella, you are...person I care about most in my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你需要 我不会离开", "english": "if there's anything you need...I won't be far away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是因为我死的", "english": "He's dead because of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他保护了我 自己却死了", "english": "He came in to protect me instead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世界上有些事是无法改变的", "english": "There's some things you just can't change."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能白白算了 哈利路亚", "english": "Will not have been in vain, hallelujah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要亲自改正这错误", "english": "We make it right when we turn myself in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我们要团结一致", "english": "But we, we've got to stick together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会来真的吧", "english": "You're not gonna do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes, I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们以前一切的努力会在", "english": "Everything we worked for will be wiped out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一天内全部消失", "english": "In one day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道这些象形文字吗", "english": "Hey, you know the glyphs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是很老的字体", "english": "That's old school, yo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像是塞博坦文", "english": "That's like-- that's Cybertonian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那可是很高深的东西", "english": "Oh, that's some serious stuff in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些应该代表什么 比如信息", "english": "They gotta mean something, like a message..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者地图", "english": "Or, like a-- like a map!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通向能量之源的地图", "english": "Like a map to an energon source."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能读懂吗", "english": "Can you read this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们认的字太少了", "english": "No, we--we don't really do much reading."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就要去找人解读", "english": "We gotta find somebody who can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看谁走了又回来了", "english": "Oh, look, who came stashing and back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "头发长得像土豆丝 瞧瞧", "english": "Hair grown like a chip, there, look it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我之前只是有点小小的恐慌 好吗", "english": "I had a bit of a mild panic attack earlier, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你就像个女人似的", "english": "That's 'cause you're a pussy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想我经历的事情 我的反应也可以理解", "english": "I think I'm allowed that considering what I've been through"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我听说你们遇到麻烦", "english": "And... I heard you have a problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道有个人可以帮忙", "english": "I think I know someone who can help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "林肯公园", "english": "Linkin park"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙 机器战士", "english": "This guy, Robo-warrior..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有外星人的信息他都知道", "english": "Everything about anything alien, he's supposed to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前我们黑过他的网站", "english": "One time we hacked this site"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我看到过你那些外星人的标志", "english": "And maybe, I saw some of your, uh... alien drawings or whatever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这里", "english": "This is it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "熟食店 很不错的掩护", "english": "Yep, deli. good front."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这等着 我招呼你们再进去", "english": "Alright, wait here. I'll give you the go/no go, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈 你要折腾死我吗", "english": "Ma, you want me to cut my handle off or what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你订了条垃圾一样的鱼", "english": "You order a terrible piece of fishing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就像个带刀的忍者", "english": "I'm like a ninja, with a blade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚出去", "english": "Get out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按号排队 小伙子", "english": "Take a number, young man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器战士", "english": "Robo-warrior."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认识吗", "english": "Know him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "压根没听过", "english": "I never heard of him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没听过真实世界网站", "english": "You never heard of therealeffingdeal.com?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说的是那个大外行博客组织吧", "english": "You must be talking about that amateur blog operation"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "防火墙不堪一击", "english": "With gameboy level security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器战士", "english": "Robo-warrior."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是他 就是他 他就是那个人", "english": "It's him. it's him! that's the guy right there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是他", "english": "That's him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会吧", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开什么国际玩笑", "english": "You gotta be kidding me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本店打烊了 所有人出去", "english": "Alright, meat store's closed. everybody out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去 都出去", "english": "Go, right now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢着 你认识他", "english": "Wait a minute, you know this guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没安保许可 也没退休金 一无所有", "english": "No more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是因为你 和这个少年犯女友", "english": "All 'cause of you, and your little criminal girlfriend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在她可长大了", "english": "Look at her now, so mature."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蠢货 肉哪里去了", "english": "Moron, where's the wifresh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别拿死猪碰我", "english": "Don't catch me with the big."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再不滚年底分红就取消", "english": "You don't get christmas bonus just standing around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想买电视商城里的那口好牙吗", "english": "You want those new teeth you saw in skymall?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差别可大了", "english": "It's a big difference."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电视上到处是你的照片 外星人", "english": "They got your face all over the news, alien boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "How did that happen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别回答 我不知道你耍什么把戏", "english": "Don't answer. I don't know what you're hiding,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后会无期 你只当没见过我", "english": "So, goodbye, you never saw me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要给施密特送百吉饼", "english": "I got bagels to Schmidt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 我需要你帮忙", "english": "Look, hold on, I need your help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我帮忙 真的", "english": "Really, you need my help?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要—", "english": "I need--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我快神智不清了 好吧", "english": "Look, I am slowly losing my mind, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个小型螃蟹似的机械人", "english": "I had a little crabbot, placed the device"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我的脑软组织深层植入设备", "english": "Deep into the soft tissues of my brain,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "映射出一堆外星符号", "english": "And started projecting little alien symbols"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活像放惊悚片", "english": "Like a whole freaking movie"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撇开这不说 我还是个通缉犯", "english": "And on top of that, I'm a wanted fugitive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得这还不够受吗", "english": "So you think you got it rough?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说他能映射你的脑内图像", "english": "You said it projected images of your brain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去冷藏室 快", "english": "Meat locker, now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你们看的 都是最高机密", "english": "What you're about to see is top secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "千万别告诉我妈", "english": "Do not tell my mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死猪 猪流感", "english": "Dead pigs, swine flu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下次你们吃肉的时候", "english": "Next time, you eat a goat or a pig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想下面的故事吧", "english": "There's a story behind this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 还有故事呢", "english": "Yeah, there's a story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你相信有外星人存在吗", "english": "...you're saying you believe in aliens?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文件 文件", "english": "Okay, files, files."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要找符号", "english": "We're talking about symbols."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别碰 那有放射性的", "english": "Hey! still radioactive. hands off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 傻小子", "english": "Okay, cube-brain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是哪来的", "english": "Where did you get these?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我离职前查的", "english": "Before I got fired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变形金刚们 很早以前就来过地球", "english": "The transformers; they've been here a long, long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么知道", "english": "How do I know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "考古学家在全球找到这些", "english": "Archaeologists found these unexplained markings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难以解释的印记和古老的符号", "english": "And ancient runes all over the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中国 埃及 希腊", "english": "China, egypt, greece."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么不同地方会有相同的符号", "english": "So, tell me, how did they end up all drawing the same thing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为是外星人画的", "english": "Aliens."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为 有外星人留下来了", "english": "And I think some of them stayed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧瞧这个", "english": "Check this out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黑刃计划", "english": "Project black knife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伪装过的机器人", "english": "Robots, in disguise. hiding here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直都藏在这里", "english": "All along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在全国各地检测出放射源", "english": "We detected radioactive signatures all across the country."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他们说数据量不足挂齿", "english": "But they said the readings were infintesimal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说我疯了", "english": "That I was obsessed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说我 你相信吗", "english": "Me, can you imagine that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 我脑中这些符号就是", "english": "Okay, and that these symbols,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指向能量源的地图", "english": "The maps in my head would lead him there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉那些博派朋友了吗", "english": "Should you talk to your autobot friends?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 能量源是早前的", "english": "No, no, no, the source is before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管是什么能量 都诞生于他们之前", "english": "Whatever the energon source is, it predates them. it's before them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 报告...", "english": "Well then, report..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非能问到一个霸天虎", "english": "Unless we can talk to a decepticon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然 也不知道详情", "english": "I mean, I'm not on speed terms or whatever..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实 我有一只霸天虎", "english": "Actually, I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放我出去", "english": "Let me out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要找一帮霸天虎打扁你", "english": "I'm gonna so many decepticons on your butt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老实点", "english": "Behave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我花费一生 寻找外星生物", "english": "I spent my whole adult life, coming a plan of aliens."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像牵着吉娃娃遛狗一样", "english": "What are you supposed to make a little chihuahua."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想打架吗 你个卷毛头", "english": "Wanna throw it down, you pubic fro-head?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我弄瞎你的眼睛了", "english": "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry about your eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果你乖乖的", "english": "You know, but if you're a good boy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就不弄瞎另一只", "english": "Then I'm not gonna torch your other eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗 我不折磨你了", "english": "Okay? I'm not gonna torch it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我这些符号什么意思就行", "english": "Just tell me what these symbols are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你了", "english": "Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些是古代领袖的语言", "english": "Oh, I know that. that's the language of the primes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不懂 但这些家伙们...", "english": "I don't read it, but uh, these guys..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么搞到这些照片的", "english": "Where the frick did you find photos of these guys?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猎隼是古早的领袖之一", "english": "Sakers, pal. oldest of the old."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们千年前就来到地球", "english": "Oh, they've been here for thousands of years,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道是什么 没人告诉我", "english": "I don't know what, nobody tells me nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人明白符号的含义", "english": "Oh, they'll translate those symbols for ya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道去哪儿找他们", "english": "And I know where to find them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我们", "english": "Show us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近的地点是华盛顿", "english": "Closest one's in washington."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国航空博物馆", "english": "Smithsonian air and space museum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梦想的国度啊", "english": "Land of dreams in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我曾经一心想当宇航员", "english": "All I ever want to be was an astronaut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基杨姆这骗子也这么干 棒球队员都这么干", "english": "So does jeamby, cheater. it's a baseball thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万一被抓 记得请律师 千万别把我供出去", "english": "You get caught, demand an attorney and don't ever say my name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏舌头下面", "english": "Slip it under your tongue,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是放在奥利奥饼干里的高能浓缩聚合体", "english": "It's a high-concentrate polymer they put in oreo cookies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骗测谎仪屡试不爽", "english": "Fools the polygraph, everytime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是外星赏金猎人", "english": "I'm not some alien bounty hunter, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你敢打退堂鼓 我就要你死得好看", "english": "You compromise this mission, you are dead to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在看着我的眼睛 加强信心", "english": "Now look into my eyes, and tighten up that spare tank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博物馆已关闭", "english": "The museum is now closing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄 厕所没纸", "english": "Papa, bad news, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要闭馆了", "english": "The museum is closed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我明白 但是你看到了 没纸不行", "english": "Listen man, I understand that, but as you can see, this is important."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞定我就走人 好吧", "english": "Dumper-dumper. I gotta go, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 别光着屁股到处跑", "english": "Sir, you are a grown naked man around showing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿到纸巾了吗", "english": "You got that paper, right, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真该羞耻", "english": "You should be embarassed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里是家庭式博物馆", "english": "This a family museum, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生什么事", "english": "What is going on here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道小弟弟被电多少次之后", "english": "How many times can you get tased in the nuts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就生不了孩子了", "english": "So you can not have kids, huh, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是外行 大外行", "english": "You're an amateur man, a rank amateur."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要拿检测仪 好了", "english": "I gotta get the tracker, alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它知道怎么走", "english": "He knows where he's going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它有线索", "english": "He knows something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乌鸫号", "english": "Blackbird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是它了", "english": "There he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是传奇人物 地位相当于董事长", "english": "This guy's a legend, like--like the chairman of the board."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 菜鸟 放上碎片", "english": "Yo, freshman, put the shard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等着看魔术吧", "english": "And watch the magic happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟 它是霸天虎", "english": "Oh shit, it's a decepticon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快找掩护", "english": "Find the main tail!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虾兵蟹将都给我滚出来", "english": "Semi pulls and days, show yourselves!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然让你们死无葬身之地", "english": "Or suffer my infinite wrath!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 脊柱被称为基础组织", "english": "W-wait, old spinal called based organisms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他妈的", "english": "Bugger!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看清我天火永恒的光辉", "english": "Behold the eternal glory of jetfire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟你说 这家伙还真不显老", "english": "I tell you, this guy did not age well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开火", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说 开火", "english": "Oh, I said, fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真没用", "english": "Bollocks"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来打烂这些没用的...", "english": "Break that, these worthless--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屁股生锈 又痒又难过", "english": "Itching, wretching, rust in my arse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博物馆的人要疯了", "english": "Oh, the museum's gonna be very angry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要疯了 我们得抓住那架飞机", "english": "Very angry. we gotta catch that plane!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身负重任", "english": "I'm on a mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要干嘛", "english": "what do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得谈谈", "english": "Look, we just want to talk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没时间说话 我有任务", "english": "I've no time to talk, I'm on a mission!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是残酷的雇佣兵", "english": "I'm a mercenary goon-bringer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球 什么垃圾名字", "english": "Earth? terrible name for a planet,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干脆叫\"土球\"算了", "english": "Might as well call it \"dirt\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "满星球的土", "english": "Planet dirt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我 机器人内战还打吗", "english": "Tell me, is that robot civil war still going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我换阵营到博派了", "english": "Well, I changed sides to the autobots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是种选择", "english": "It's a choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这完全是个人决定 那边太消极", "english": "It's intensely personal decision. so much negativity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁想一辈子活在仇恨里啊", "english": "Who wants to live a life filled with hate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "悲惨的 古怪的霸天虎干了", "english": "Miserable, freaking decepticons?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他们一直那样 宇宙会被毁灭的", "english": "If they set on their way, they destroy the whole universe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要换阵营 我要换阵营 女战神", "english": "I'm changing sides, I'm changing sides, warrior goddess!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫我小车轮", "english": "Name's wheelie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫我吧 叫我吧", "english": "Say my name, say my name!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就任它在你腿上乱来", "english": "What are you allowing to happen to your foot just now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少它专一 山姆", "english": "At least he's faithful, sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 它不但专一 还够不要脸的", "english": "Yeah, well, he's faithful, and he's nude and he's perverted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能停下来不", "english": "Can you just-- can you stop?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚才说什么", "english": "What were you saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说我的名字叫天火 别总惹我", "english": "I told you my name was jetfire! Stop charging me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人早上起来就不爽", "english": "Wow, someone shit in the bed this morning?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很暴躁但是我妈遗传的", "english": "I am ambitious my own but it is from my mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的先祖数千年前来到这里", "english": "My ancestors have been here for centuries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的父亲 有着第一个轮子 第一个轮子啊", "english": "My father, one was a wheel! the first wheel!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么都变不了 但是他死得光荣 死得其所", "english": "Nothing! but he did so with honor, dignity and--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死 我的助推器坏了", "english": "My boosters are fried."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们应该互相帮助", "english": "I thought we could help each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我不知道的 我知道你不知道的", "english": "You know things I don't know. I know things you don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老实讲我不知道", "english": "Honestly, I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些鲜明的符号", "english": "These vivid symbols,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽说是符号 但已深刻在我脑海", "english": "They're symbols but they are in my mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我脑子里就这些", "english": "You see, all this is in my mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威震天就是想要这些符号", "english": "And megatron wants what's in my mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们叫他堕落金刚", "english": "Him and someone called the fallen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚 我知道那家伙", "english": "The fallen? I know him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他让我在这儿生锈", "english": "He left me here to rust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸天虎的创始者", "english": "The original decepticon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个霸天虎不好共事", "english": "He's terrible to work for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "满脑子都是毁灭 混乱 危机", "english": "he's always apocalypse, chaos..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些符号也是我任务的一部分", "english": "His suspects, they were a part of my mission"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚要找 想起来了", "english": "The fallen search, I remember now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要找匕首之尖和一把钥匙", "english": "Of a dagger's tip and the key!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 慢点 什么匕首之尖 钥匙", "english": "Slow down. the dagger's tip, the key,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都抓紧了", "english": "Hold on, everybody!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况还没那么糟", "english": "Well, that wasn't so bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次还在地球上", "english": "I was overseeing the wrong planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh, my god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天", "english": "Oh, god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪 你真漂亮 真是个完美时刻", "english": "Oh, my god! you beautiful face, this will be a perfect moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过你砸在我蛋蛋上了", "english": "Except you landed on my testicles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快起来", "english": "Please get off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的蛋蛋啊", "english": "My balls!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是哪儿 西蒙斯", "english": "Where are we? simmons!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天哪", "english": "Oh, my god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是哪儿 拉斯维加斯", "english": "What is this? it's vegas!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想是到拉斯维加斯了", "english": "Hey! I think we're in vegas!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很走运 我没伤着", "english": "You're just lucky that I didn't get hurt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了要架个时空桥梁", "english": "I told you I was opening the space bridge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么啦 你什么都没说", "english": "What did you tell us? you didn't tell us anything!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么都没说 我们为啥来埃及", "english": "You didn't tell us anything. why are we in egypt?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别插话 乳臭未干的小子", "english": "Don't you dare slip in with me, fleshwing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别跑题 能告诉我为什么来埃及吗", "english": "Can you focus? can you tell us why we're in egypt"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们种族以前就来过这个星球", "english": "This planet was visited by our race once before"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一代祖先百万年前就来过", "english": "By our earliest ancestors a millenium ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的使命是收集能量块", "english": "They were on an exploratory mission to harvest energon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们种族的生命之源", "english": "The life blood of our race."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有它我们会腐烂氧化生锈", "english": "Without it, we'll all perish, oxidize and rust,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看我这样子多可怜", "english": "Let my wretched self."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不知道慢慢腐朽而死的滋味", "english": "Do you have any idea what is like a slowly fall of parton die?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您别总跑题行吗 老先生", "english": "Let's not get episodic, okay? old-timer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从头到尾简要把事实和结果说清楚", "english": "Beginning, middle, end. facts, details, condense, plot, tell it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的祖先在沙漠的某一处地方", "english": "Somewhere buried in this desert,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "建了个巨型机器", "english": "our ancestors built a great machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通过摧毁恒星来获得能量块", "english": "It harvests energon by destroying suns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 最开始 曾经有七位领袖", "english": "Yes. you see, in the beginning, there were seven primes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的第一批领袖", "english": "Our original leaders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们进入宇宙寻找遥远的恒星去采集能量", "english": "And they set out in the universe seeking distant suns to harvest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "领袖们规定", "english": "The primes set out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能摧毁有生命的行星", "english": "Never destroy a planet with life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后来其中的一位违背了这条规则", "english": "Until one of them tried to defy this rule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的名字就叫 堕落金刚", "english": "And his name, for ever more, was the fallen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不顾人类死活", "english": "He despised the human race."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想启动那个机器来消灭人类", "english": "And he wanted to kill you all by turning on that machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而唯一能激活它的 就是传说中的钥匙", "english": "The only way to activate it is with a legendary key"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是我们所说的领导之源", "english": "Called the matrix of leadership."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了抢能量源发生了一场大战", "english": "A great battle took place over possession of the matrix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚比其他超级领袖更强大", "english": "The fallen who was stronger at his will did,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他超级领袖只能偷出原能矩阵藏起来", "english": "Surrendered no choice, but to steal and hide it from him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们做了最后的牺牲", "english": "In the ultimate sacrifice,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以生命为代价将能量源封藏", "english": "they gave their lives to seal the matrix away"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏于用他们遗体铸成的坟墓里", "english": "In a tomb made of their very own bodies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这座墓没有人知道", "english": "A tomb we cannot find."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这儿 就在这沙漠某处", "english": "Somewhere, buried in this desert,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那座死亡机器还在", "english": "That deadly machine remains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚知道位置", "english": "The fallen knows where it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他找到了领袖们的墓", "english": "And if he finds the tomb of the primes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的世界将不复存在", "english": "your world will be no more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们怎么阻止他", "english": "Okay so how do we stop it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有领袖能打败堕落金刚", "english": "Only a prime can defeat the fallen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如擎天柱", "english": "Optimus prime?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你遇到过领袖吗", "english": "So you met a prime?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你遇到的肯定是个很强大的后代", "english": "You must have met a great descendant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还活着", "english": "Is he alive?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这 这个星球上吗", "english": "Here? on this planet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他为了救我而牺牲了自己", "english": "He sacrificed himself to save me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么他死了", "english": "So he's dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有领袖就不可能了", "english": "Without a prime, it's impossible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人能阻止堕落金刚", "english": "No one else could stop the fallen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果这种能量能重启那台机器", "english": "So the same energy that's going to be used to reactivate the machine..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他死而复生吗", "english": "And bring him back to life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能量源不是为这个设计的", "english": "It was never designed for that purpose,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是这种能量非比寻常", "english": "But it's an energy, like no other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在霸天虎抓到我之前", "english": "So then how do you get us to the matrix"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您怎么带我们找到能量源", "english": "before the decepticons get to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用你的脑子里的地图 符号", "english": "Follow your mind, your map, your symbols,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在沙地上写的就是线索", "english": "What you got in the sand, it's your bloom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当曙光照耀在匕首之尖", "english": "When dawn alights the dagger's tip,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三位国王将打开入口", "english": "Three kings will reveal the doorway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到那入口", "english": "Find the doorway!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去", "english": "Go now, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的使命 现在也是你的使命了", "english": "That was my mission. it's your mission now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要在霸天虎找到你我之前", "english": "Go before the decepticons find me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先找到入口", "english": "And find you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中情局有线人说", "english": "That was my cia contact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原始闪族人称亚喀巴海湾为", "english": "Says ancient sumerian used to call the gulf of aqaba"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像刀刃一样 将埃及和约旦分开", "english": "It divides egypt and jordan like the tip of a blade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这儿", "english": "There it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先得把擎天柱给弄过来", "english": "Okay, first thing we gotta do is get optimus to dagger's tip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么把他从地球对面弄过来", "english": "How are you gonna get him halfway around the world?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要打个电话", "english": "We're gonna make a call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有警察追过来", "english": "We got the cops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想进监狱 哥们", "english": "I can't go to prison, guys!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 你得离开这条路 避一避", "english": "Sam, you gotta get off this road and lay low."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这帮白痴警察", "english": "Man, they'll picked cops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是忍者的伪装术", "english": "This is just called blending in like a ninja."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要尿在你脸上了", "english": "How about I'll lay my piss in your face?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们走了", "english": "They're gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没时间了", "english": "Wait another time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去打电话给论诺克斯", "english": "I got to make the call to lennox"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知不知道", "english": "You and the worldwide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可以追踪全世界任意一个基站", "english": "what, they're gonna trackling in one base?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后马上就可以追踪到你", "english": "They'll track you here in seconds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遍地都是中情局的人", "english": "Cia is all over this place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你来打", "english": "You're gonna call?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好主意 主意不错", "english": "Okay, that's--that's a good idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想起了别的", "english": "My mind in other things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新泽西州", "english": "New jersey"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么我们要返回基地了", "english": "So we're shipped in back to base."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是个致命错误", "english": "This is central at stake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伦诺克斯少校 电话", "english": "Major lennox, phone call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伦诺克斯 我和那孩子在一起 那孩子 明白吗", "english": "Lennox, I'm with the kid. the kid, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特有个性那个 知道吧", "english": "One with the attitude, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要卡车 卡车", "english": "I need the truck. the truck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这儿 我们可能让它重新工作", "english": "We got a possible resurrection going on over here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想不到我们在哪儿", "english": "You're not gonna believe where we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暗语 小孩找到了图坦卡门法老", "english": "Code tot has an king tutankhamen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听到了吗 写下来 写下啦", "english": "Get it. write it down, write it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天哪", "english": "Oh, my god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得走了 我恨警察", "english": "I gotta go, okay. I hate the cops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 你是谁", "english": "W-wait, who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我 里奥 里奥", "english": "Wait, it's me. leo, me, leo, leo. leo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察来了 快走 快 我们走", "english": "The cops are coming right now. we need to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "红海之端 亚喀巴海湾", "english": "Tip of the red sea, gulf of aqaba."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是埃及", "english": "Egypt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真要这么干", "english": "Are you serious?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使我们真能这大家伙运到那儿", "english": "Even if we could figure out a way to get big man over there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们得相信他", "english": "But we gotta trust him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我们再想一遍", "english": "Okay, let's go over it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当曙光照耀在匕首之尖", "english": "when the dawn arise the dagger's tip,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三位国王 -将打开入口", "english": "- the three kings... - ...will reveal the doorway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是他原话 知道意思吗", "english": "That's what he said. you know what that means?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没带护照", "english": "I don't have my passport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "护照 快点拿出护照来", "english": "Passport. idiota !"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上面有摄像头", "english": "They have cams at top."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就是他们要找的那个人", "english": "He's the one that they want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 放松 态度好点", "english": "Alright, chill. let's be nice to them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能搞定 这都是我的族人", "english": "I can handle it. these are my people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真好 一个矮冬瓜", "english": "Oh great, a frickin' munchkin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小个子都自卑 告诉他 他很高", "english": "Oh, little people are mean. tell him he's tall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首之尖对吧", "english": "The dagger's tip, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃及 约旦 我们想去那儿", "english": "Egypt, jordan. we wanna go there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和家人一起 这是我们全家", "english": "Me and my family. this is my family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是来旅游的 从纽约来", "english": "We're tourists from new york."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要尝尝你们特色菜 谢谢", "english": "We're going to get one of your falafels, thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我们不是中情局的", "english": "No, we do not work for the cia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有霸天虎 男孩的位置", "english": "Decepticons, voice location."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经探明", "english": "Detected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "红蜘蛛 已经出发", "english": "Starscream in pursuit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真壮观", "english": "Awesome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该是外星人建的", "english": "I think aliens built that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安静点 别一惊一乍的", "english": "Low-profile, don't make a scene, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有活儿要干啦", "english": "Yeah, some of us got work to do!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笨蛋汽车人", "english": "Dumb autobots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做我女朋友其实挺危险", "english": "Being my girlfriend is hazardous to your health."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 女孩就喜欢爱冒险的男生", "english": "Yeah, well, girls like dangerous boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是说出来吧", "english": "Why don't you say it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士优先", "english": "Ladies first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒挺有风度的", "english": "You're really chivalrous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时那么生气", "english": "Why are you mad at me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗 宝贝", "english": "You know what? baby, I'm not..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没有生气", "english": "I'm not mad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁还能当你女朋友", "english": "Who else could be your girlfriend too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看我所经历的一切", "english": "Look at the things that go through with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在在这美丽的月光下", "english": "And now we're underneath the moon and the stars"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "旁边还有地球上三个最漂亮的金字塔", "english": "And the three most beautiful pyramids on the planet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还是不肯说出你爱我", "english": "And you still can't even tell me that you love me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西蒙斯 里奥 快醒醒", "english": "Simmons, leo, wake up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不记得 我只上了两天大学而已 你记得吗", "english": "No, no, I was only in college for two days, you remember that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看见那三颗星星了吗", "english": "Can you see those three stars?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最下面一颗贴着地平线", "english": "You see how the last one touches the horizon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是猎户座", "english": "That's orion's belt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得名于三位埃及国王", "english": "The three egyptian kings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "专门在吉萨建造了金字塔", "english": "who built the pyramids in giza built them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来对应那三颗星星", "english": "To mirror those stars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们像条箭头一样摆在我们面前", "english": "So it's like an arrow staring straight in the face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们指向东方的约旦", "english": "They all point due east towards jordan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指向佩特拉的群山", "english": "The mountains of petra."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引擎发生故障 我们必须减轻负重", "english": "We got a seatbelt malfunction. we gotta have to divert..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "低空飞行 准备跳伞", "english": "Flight in lower, prepare for bail-out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 所有人 背好降落伞", "english": "Alright, team, grab your shoots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跳伞", "english": "Bail-out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然没有 我以前没跳过民航飞机", "english": "Of course not. I've never jumped out of a publicly good airplane Before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是捉弄我吧", "english": "You're behind this, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机长不是刚说完吗 那帮家伙是不会乱讲的", "english": "You heard the pilot. These guys don't mess around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是工作流程 我只是奉命行事", "english": "This is standard procedure. I'm just following orders to the letter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这话不是你说的吗", "english": "Do you know what you said?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况不妙", "english": "That's not good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不敢从飞机上跳下去", "english": "I can't jump out of an airplane."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边来 来啊", "english": "Come here. Come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先我要确保重要人物的安全", "english": "Because I have to secure the vips first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 我希望您非常仔细地听", "english": "Okay, I want you to listen very carefully."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要记清楚我讲的每句话", "english": "Remember as everything that I say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起跳时会遇到机身产生的气流冲击", "english": "When the plane that shoot inflates into the air,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这时要拉气栓放些气", "english": "Pull the pin and open some air,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可要使点儿劲拉", "english": "I need you to pull it really hard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别现在拉 现在还没起跳呢 白痴", "english": "Not right now. We're on the plane, you dumbass!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说再见了吗", "english": "Did he say goodbye?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 没来得及", "english": "No, he didn't even say goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将军 已准备就绪", "english": "General, we're loaded and ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您一下令 五分钟后开始行动", "english": "You give us the go, and we'll be ready to press in five minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您看下这个", "english": "You need to see this. Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "查出坐标位置了吗", "english": "Have we checked these coordinates?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃及 他们在那里空降", "english": "Egypt, sir. They're air-dropping in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开什么玩笑", "english": "You gotta be kidding me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他肯定有理由", "english": "He knows something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须支援他 以防事态升级", "english": "We need to be ready to back him up, if this thing goes hot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到", "english": "Copy that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "距伦诺克空降点一百公里", "english": "CIA just got a hit on the boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中情局得到那男孩的线报", "english": "Hundred miles from the location on that little map there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "越来越棘手了", "english": "It's getting hotter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该就在这儿...附近", "english": "It's gotta be... Around here somewhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这儿附近 大伙", "english": "It's here somewhere, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "何以见得", "english": "Oh yeah, why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只能相信黑鸟爷爷", "english": "'Cause we're trusting grandpa Blackbird"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管他都不知道自己在哪儿", "english": "Who doesn't even know what planet he's on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "话说回来 这是我这辈子", "english": "On his defense, this is the biggest doorway"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见到的最大的入口", "english": "I've ever seen in my entire life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥都没", "english": "Nope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么都没有", "english": "There's nothing here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活免不了痛苦和绝望 孩子", "english": "You realise it's heart-break, despair, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天还是会捉弄你一下", "english": "And the leprechauns went and booby-trapped it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好意思说我 你连你妈都离不开", "english": "I'm listening to you; you live with your mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为啥还听你这个小屁孩的", "english": "Why are we still listening to your little punk-ass?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪个傻瓜赞成我的主意", "english": "I mean, what kind of dumbfucks accept ding my rim?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了威震天 咋样", "english": "Kill megatron. How about that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没完成心愿 所以要回来", "english": "Well, he doesn't get the job done, you know, I mean,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怕吗 我就怕你那张丑脸", "english": "Well, scared? Scared of your ugly face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说我丑 咱俩是双胞胎 蠢材", "english": "I'm ugly? Well, we twins, you stupid genius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟们", "english": "Guys! Oh, hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要起来", "english": "I'm getting up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太粗鲁了", "english": "Now that's rude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 轰开这里", "english": "Bee! Shoot it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是老天火说的地方", "english": "This is the part what jetfire mentioned"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能量源", "english": "The matrix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "历经千年 灰飞烟灭", "english": "Thousands of years turned to dust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果不该是这样", "english": "This isn't how it's supposed to end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听到了吗", "english": "Hear that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱救不活了 山姆 什么都没了", "english": "You can't bring it back, Sam, there's nothing left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看周围", "english": "Look, look around you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这还不能算结束", "english": "They just haven't end like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们到这里必有因", "english": "There is a reason that we're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我脑袋里的符号和声音把大家领到这儿", "english": "The voices and the symbols in my head led us here..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只为一个目的", "english": "For a purpose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都因为我知道的事情追捕我", "english": "Everyone's after me because of what I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我所知道的是 这肯定有用", "english": "And what I know, is that this is going to work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道这有用", "english": "How do you know it's going to work?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我相信", "english": "Because I believe it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好赶快让我下飞机", "english": "Best put me out of this plane."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放大家伙了 山姆", "english": "He's dropping the big one. Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是真认为那堆土能救活他吧", "english": "You think you can bring him back to life with that pixie dust?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定能 走吧", "english": "Absolutely. Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住不扰平民", "english": "Remember your friendly!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把擎天柱隐蔽起来", "english": "Cover Optimus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全村警戒 把弹药放到这来", "english": "Secure the village. Get those cases down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "部署狙击手 安置导弹", "english": "Get snipers and stingers up high."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这十吨重的机器人", "english": "So he just dropped off ten tonnes of dead robot"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运到这不毛之地", "english": "In the middle of nowhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但愿这孩子心里有数", "english": "Hope this little kid know what he's doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也这么想", "english": "Yeah, me too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现大黄蜂 四公里外", "english": "Got a visual! Yellow tee, four klicks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发信号弹", "english": "Hot-flare!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在那儿 看到信号了吗", "english": "That's them right there. You see the flare?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在那儿 看到没", "english": "Right over there! See it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神啊 救我", "english": "Oh god, please god,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他别叫唤就好了", "english": "Just stop screaming right now. That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "受不了这家伙", "english": "Can't take that guy anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分头行动", "english": "We gotta split up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂 你上去引开霸天虎 好吗", "english": "Bumblebee, you are the decoy. You lead the decepticons away, Alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去救擎天柱", "english": "I'm gonna get Optimus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我帮忙吸引火力", "english": "I'll help throw their fire away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们去找大兵", "english": "You get to those soldiers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真希望那堆土能管用 孩子", "english": "I hope that dust works, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他转回来了", "english": "It's turning around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他回来了 他回来了", "english": "It's coming back, it's coming back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交给我了", "english": "It's up to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孤胆英雄 精忠报国却不受重用", "english": "One man, alone, betrayed by the country he loves,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "危难时刻却成为最后的希望", "english": "Now its last hope in the final hour of need."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "待一代宗师驾驭你吧", "english": "The pants are to be driven like never before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大师风范", "english": "Under my skin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪儿也别去 别走", "english": "Hey, hey, hey! Don't go nowhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光有勇气是不够的", "english": "Bravery will only get you so far."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你电晕过我 对吗 你欠我的", "english": "You tased me, okay? You owe me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是考验你的 你过关了 成了吧", "english": "That was a test. You passed, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那家伙带着霸天虎的标志", "english": "Thing's got alien tattoos all over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是空军", "english": "That ain't air force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁", "english": "Who's up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "废了没用了", "english": "It's dead. Counter that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电磁脉冲干扰", "english": "Emp-burst."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看今天这鬼地方会发生什么", "english": "Let's see how this day is going in this godforsaken desert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "论诺克斯少校让我给你打电话", "english": "Major Lennox told me to pull the cord."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个...我...我现在在哪个国家", "english": "W-which, what country am I in right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美利坚", "english": "United states."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不...不是 我就是从美利坚来的", "english": "No, no, not the united states. I'm from the united states,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鬼知道这是什么地方 四周都是羊", "english": "I'm in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by goats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我们的好朋友盖勒威", "english": "Well, that was our good friend, Galloway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来 他有点不高兴", "english": "He's less than pleased."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怪了 我们联系不到自己人", "english": "How is it that we can't reach our men,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他却能在那片埃及沙漠里联系到我们", "english": "But he can reach me from some random egyptian desert?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没用", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发求救信号 请求空中他方援助", "english": "Mike, put an sos, let the eye in the sky know we need some help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遵命 长官", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再放信号弹 好让那孩子找到我们", "english": "Pop some more flares so that the kid can find us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就是那儿 还有几里路", "english": "There he is. We got a couple of miles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗诺克斯的队伍拥有", "english": "Lennox's team has"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最先进的量子通讯器材", "english": "the latest in quantum crypto gear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁能告诉我 为什么我们之间", "english": "Can somebody tell me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连简单的通信连接都不能够建立呢", "english": "Why we can't establish simple radio contact?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正尝试所有可用的频段和模式 长官", "english": "We're hailing them on every frequency and mode in the book, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个区域的卫星已经不能工作了", "english": "Our satellites in the area have gone blind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在整修中", "english": "We're working it, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活见鬼", "english": "Dammit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联系约旦军方 看他们有什么情报", "english": "Contact the Jordanians, see what their assets they've got in the Area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联络埃及萨拉姆将军", "english": "And get egypt's general Salaam,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请他派出无人机侦查那片领空", "english": "Ask him to clear some usv over-flights in egyptian airspace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在需要各方帮助看清状况 要快", "english": "We need an assist in confirming visuals now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无人机起飞", "english": "Scramble predators now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "东边几英里吧", "english": "East on the mile that way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边", "english": "This way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还在车里呢 你算不上孤胆", "english": "I'm in the car, okay? You're not alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松 小子你有点进步", "english": "Just relax, you're looking nice well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得...他们已经被甩掉了", "english": "I...I don't think he's still following us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你一厢情愿", "english": "That's what you think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人 很遗憾告诉您个坏消息", "english": "Master, sorry to be the bearer of bad news,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们把擎天柱运来了", "english": "But the soldiers brought the body of prime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那男孩肯定找到能量源了", "english": "The boy must have the matrix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能让他接近擎天柱", "english": "We cannot let him reach Optimus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸天虎们", "english": "Decepticons!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始攻击", "english": "Begin our assault!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遭到袭击", "english": "We got incoming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不吉利 不吉利啊", "english": "This ain't good. This ain't good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这场仗可真是难打呀", "english": "We 'bout to get our asses whooped."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些霸天虎正在寻找山姆", "english": "Alright, those decepticons are searching for Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管那孩子找到什么", "english": "Whatever he has,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他认为那东西能够救活擎天柱", "english": "He thinks it'll bring Optimus back to life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们任务就是找到山姆 带他去擎天柱那里", "english": "So our mission is to find him and get him to Optimus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我们由左翼吸引火力", "english": "Alright, we're gonna draw fire from the left flag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要侦察队", "english": "I need a scout team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我带队 同阿尔茜和铁皮从中路上", "english": "We'll walk through the middle with Arcee and Ironhide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就放绿色烟雾 然后回到柱子那边", "english": "I want you to pop green smoke and come back to those pillars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们打个伏击战", "english": "We'll have the ambush set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 出发 快", "english": "Alright, let's go, move out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看过五七年那部经典枪战片吗", "english": "Did you see that film gunfire aero-kay karao?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们和他们处境一样", "english": "Looks like we're right in the middle of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结局好吗", "english": "Is that good?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多人都死了", "english": "Lot of people died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神呐", "english": "Oh my god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 山姆", "english": "Sam, Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蹲下 蹲下", "english": "Get down, get down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只说一遍 听好 我们要跑到擎天柱那", "english": "Once, it's clear, we'll run for Optimus"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能跑多快跑多快", "english": "As fast we can, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是不行怎么办", "english": "And what if it doesn't work?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定能行", "english": "This will work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定能行", "english": "It'll work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备跳", "english": "Ready to show."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有半英里", "english": "We got a half a mile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大兵们应该不知道我们在这儿", "english": "I don't think the soldiers know we're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撤退", "english": "Fall back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "铁皮 到中间来", "english": "Ironhide, up for middle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "铁皮快走", "english": "Ironhide, move it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走 快快快", "english": "Go! Go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没路可逃 我们要被困死了", "english": "There's no way to go. We're gonna die!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 即便要死 也得像个爷们", "english": "Listen, we're going out. We're going out like men, understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞧这该死的大力神", "english": "Look at this motherf--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真够恶心的", "english": "Mean robots suck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回来", "english": "Get back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住了 被别吸进去", "english": "Grab it! Don't let go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坚持住 老兄 我抓住了", "english": "Hang in, man, I got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想死", "english": "I don't wanna die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住了 老兄 抓住了", "english": "Careful grip, boy. Careful grip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他做到了 满嘴都是垃圾", "english": "He did. He got so waste."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道山外有山 人外有人了吧", "english": "Who's your daddy now, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥都被他吞了...", "english": "He got all these..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最保命的地方就是他的下面", "english": "Well, the safe place is right under it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑到他脚底下去", "english": "Run it. Run for his feet!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你吃我 我要砸烂你的脸", "english": "You're never eating me. I'm gonna bust your face up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我斗 别不要脸了", "english": "Nobody's tested me. In your face!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算我一个 挡泥板", "english": "Take five, Mudflap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人能惹得起双胞胎兄弟", "english": "Nobody messes with the twins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我抓到你了", "english": "I got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄 你射到我的脸了", "english": "Ow, man, you shot me in the face!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狂暴 带人质", "english": "Rampage, set up the trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱迪", "english": "Judy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 山姆", "english": "Sam! Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Wait! Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑快跑", "english": "I want you to run! Run!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天 等下", "english": "Oh god, wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要的是这个 别伤害他们", "english": "This is what you want. You don't want 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识你", "english": "I know you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 快走", "english": "Just go! Just go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你要的是我", "english": "And I know what, you need me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看 因为我知道能量源", "english": "Because I know about the matrix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们还是会杀光我们的", "english": "They're gonna kill us all anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要的东西就在这儿", "english": "This is what you want. I'm here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂", "english": "Bumblebee!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救命", "english": "Help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了他 大黄蜂", "english": "Kill him, bee. Kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 进去", "english": "Come on, get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂", "english": "Bee?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞不懂是哪儿 反正还得跑", "english": "Hey! I don't know what's going on, but we gotta move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟紧了 到里面来", "english": "Buckle up, buckle up! Get in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂", "english": "Bee! Bumblebee!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要把我爸妈带到安全的地方 明白吗", "english": "You get them somewhere safe, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们到车里去 那里安全", "english": "You gotta get in the car. You can be safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 现在还争什么争", "english": "No, listen to my discussion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸别说了 好吗 你们快上车", "english": "Dad, stop, okay? Get in the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大黄蜂会把你们带到安全的地方 只管跑", "english": "He's gonna get you to safety. You don't, you run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别停下 也别躲 使劲跑 听懂了吗", "english": "You don't stop, you don't hide, you run. You hear what I'm saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一家人活着才能团聚", "english": "Okay? I'll find you when you're safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗恩 随他去吧", "english": "Ron, ron! Let him go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要回来呀", "english": "Just come back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米凯拉 米凯拉", "english": "Mikaela, Mikaela!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事吧大兵", "english": "You okay, soldier?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是来帮你的", "english": "We're gonna help you, soldier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们还要军民同心打铁鸟呢", "english": "Let's get being moon and clear the birds!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动 别动 先别动", "english": "Stay still, stay still. Don't move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗 孩子", "english": "You alright, young man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 咱爷俩处的不错", "english": "Hey kid, it's been nice knowing you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住大叔为祖国所做的", "english": "Remember what I did for my country."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该我上场了", "english": "This is my moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了", "english": "You're crazy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟糕 被包围了", "english": "Oh shit, it's a trick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海军陆战队准备出发", "english": "Fast course river. Execute lightly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "铁皮", "english": "Ironhide!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我们到柱子那边 去找擎天柱", "english": "Follow us to the pillars. We'll take you to Optimus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当心", "english": "Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 到柱子那边", "english": "Sam, get to the pillars!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 看来金字塔下面就是机器", "english": "Oh god, this is it. The pyramids built right over the machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器一旦被启动", "english": "They turn that machine on..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太阳就没了", "english": "No more sun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那得先过我这关", "english": "Not on my watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我绝对不答应", "english": "Not on my watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在看气象频道吗", "english": "What, you're on a weather channel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是体育新闻 情景喜剧什么吗", "english": "Sports center, high-dreaming tv or something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天上几百个卫星顶屁用", "english": "We get a pretty hundred satellites up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的人 都在哪儿", "english": "Where the hell are all our men?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请报上您的身份", "english": "Identify yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什么 水手", "english": "What is your name, sailor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怀尔德 我是斯滕尼斯号航母的舰长", "english": "Wilder, captain of the uss john c. Stennis aircraft carrier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 怀尔德舰长", "english": "Okay, captain Wilder,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是第七区特工头领西蒙·西蒙斯", "english": "This is agent Seymour Simmons, head of the sector seven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在一个外星来的合体机器人", "english": "There is a mother of all non-biologicals"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正准备摧毁太阳", "english": "Getting ready to blow up our sun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是要继续跟我争论是否有许可", "english": "You want to have fooled down about my lack of clearance,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是去拯救亿万人的性命呢", "english": "Or you want to help save a gazillion lives?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 西蒙斯 我听你的", "english": "Alright, agent Simmons. I'm listening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海湾以西五公里", "english": "Five klicks.West of the gulf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在大力神正在摧毁金字塔", "english": "We got ourselves a dalion remodelling a pyramid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唯一的希望就是那门轨道炮", "english": "I want hopes of prototype weapon pull a rail gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那有关国家机密", "english": "That's classified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别跟我谈什么国家机密", "english": "Don't talk to me about classified, alright?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你的船到了海湾", "english": "Now if you've got a battleship in the gulf"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就叫他们准备发射轨道炮", "english": "You tell him to ready that weapon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼叫驱逐舰 基德号", "english": "Contact destroyer, uss kit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里 过来", "english": "This way! Move it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走走走", "english": "Let's go! Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把无线电给我", "english": "Give me your talk. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱普斯接着", "english": "Epps!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们请求空中支援", "english": "Right now, we need air support."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子马上出现", "english": "Precious cargo's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走", "english": "Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现山姆", "english": "Spotted Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掩护我们", "english": "Cover for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持火力 我们正在营救那两个人", "english": "Okay, air strike. We'll rescue the civilians."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走 起来", "english": "Come on. Get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧瞧这是谁呀", "english": "Oh look who showed up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我们调这儿来 你最好给个充分的理由", "english": "You better have a good reason for us to be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱呢", "english": "Where's Optimus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我就去找他", "english": "I got to get to him right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 空袭正在逼近", "english": "No, we got an air strike coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必须马上见到他", "english": "I have to get to him right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来 过来", "english": "Come here, b-back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老子来啦", "english": "Incoming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧瞧我天火的英姿吧", "english": "Behold to the only jetfire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老啦老啦 不顶用了", "english": "Too old for this crap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就在大力神的裤裆下面", "english": "I am directly below the enemy's scrotum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "双轨放射", "english": "Killing track two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持锁定 发射", "english": "Lock. Fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们跟在我身后", "english": "You stay on my ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为啥这么说", "english": "Yeah, why is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉他们橘红色烟雾是打击目标", "english": "I told them to hit the orange smoke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说橘红色的烟雾吗", "english": "You mean that orange smoke?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我扔得太近了", "english": "It wasn't my best toss, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来了", "english": "Incoming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去死", "english": "Die!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让开 腹压抢救", "english": "Get out! Get me an evac."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这能救活他吗", "english": "Can't you do something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 我们得到旁边来", "english": "Come on, we got to move. We got to move! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sammy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备 电击 准备 电击", "english": "Clear! Take a shot. Clear! Take a shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说 我爱你 我需要你", "english": "Okay, listen to my voice. I love you and I need you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回到我身边 求你了 山姆 我爱你", "english": "Please, please come back to me. Sam, please! I love you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我死了吗", "english": "Am I dead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一直在注视你 很久了", "english": "We have been watching you. A long, long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为擎天柱而战斗", "english": "You have fought for Optimus,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们唯一的后人 英勇无比 不怕牺牲", "english": "Our last descendant, with courage and with sacrifice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "具有领袖气魄", "english": "The virtues of a leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "值得我们将秘密托付给你", "english": "A leader worthy of our secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "领袖之源不是被发现的", "english": "The matrix of leadership is not found."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是通过努力得来的", "english": "It is earned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回到擎天柱身边", "english": "Return now to Optimus,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将能量源和他的火种融合", "english": "Merge the matrix with his spark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是你一生的使命", "english": "It is, and always has been, your destiny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆", "english": "Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你", "english": "I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 你为我回来", "english": "Boy, you returned for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个活生生的领袖", "english": "A living prime!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真难以置信", "english": "I don't believe it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能量源是我的", "english": "My matrix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起来 起来 起来", "english": "Get up, get up, get up, get up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起来 擎天柱", "english": "Get up, prime!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阻止他 快起来", "english": "You gotta stop him. Get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱", "english": "Optimus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堕落金刚 我的主人", "english": "Fallen, my master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他金刚弟兄都不能阻挡我", "english": "My brothers could not stop me from this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌方目标 金字塔顶", "english": "Enemy target, top of pyramid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快我们的能力会更加强大", "english": "In moments, we'll be at siren strength."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这辈子没干过有意义的事", "english": "I never did a thing worth doing until now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擎天柱 收下我的火种", "english": "Optimus, take my parts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这能量之强大 你无法预料", "english": "And you'll have a power you've never known."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完成你的使命", "english": "Fulfill your destiny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "摇摆 上电 救护车 拆卸黑鸟", "english": "Jolt, electrify! Ratchet,unset the birds!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出发", "english": "Let's roll."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火力瞄准金字塔", "english": "Fire. Take it off to the pyramid!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个星球将永远陷入黑暗中", "english": "This planet will be dark forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像你兄弟一样死去吧", "english": "Die like your brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们也是你的兄弟", "english": "They were your brothers too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大", "english": "First gra--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你选错星球了", "english": "You picked the wrong planet!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尝我一拳", "english": "Give me your face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你失败了", "english": "I rise. You fall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No. No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想劝您做胆小鬼 主人", "english": "Not to call you a coward, master, but sometimes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过好死不如赖活着", "english": "Cowards do survive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不算完", "english": "This isn't over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经历了这么多你才想说爱我吗", "english": "You took all of this for you to tell me that you love me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先说的", "english": "You said it first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 山姆 你救了我的命", "english": "Thank you, Sam, for saving my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别客气", "english": "You're welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你信任我", "english": "Thank you for believing in me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的种族 因一段遗忘的过去团结起来", "english": "Our races united by a history long forgotten."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "齐心协力面对未来", "english": "And a future we shall face together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是擎天柱 在此发出倡议", "english": "I am Optimus prime, and I send this message"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让这段历史流传下去", "english": "So that our past will always be remembered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记忆若能永存 生命才能不息", "english": "For in those memories, we live on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎你来听课 爱因斯坦教授", "english": "So glad you join us, professor Einstein."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 最近有点忙", "english": "Yeah,I am kinds of busy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "OK."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说我们没达标", "english": "They say we fell short."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁说的", "english": "Says who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坎恩少将", "english": "Admiral Cain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无人机骑兵", "english": "The Drone Ranger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要为无人机计划挪用我们的预算", "english": "He wants our budget for his unmanned program."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在正赶来亲自终止今天的试飞", "english": "He's on his way to kill the test and shut us down personally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还没到", "english": "Well he isn't here yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样计划就可以继续下去", "english": "That should keep the program alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不喜欢你这个表情", "english": "I don't like that look Mav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只有这一号表情", "english": "It's the only one I got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是控制中心 收到了 你呢", "english": "Darkstar Control. Loud and clear. How me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启动辅助动力", "english": "Ready for APU start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启动左引擎", "english": "Ready left engine start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启动右引擎", "english": "Ready right engine start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滑行准备", "english": "Thumbs for taxi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始滑行", "english": "We are ready for taxi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔台 这是暗星 我正准备滑行", "english": "Tower this is Darkstar. We are taxiing with information Alpha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暗星 可以滑行", "english": "Darkstar you are clear to taxi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "切斯特坎恩少将", "english": "Rear Admiral Chester Cain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠 坎恩到了大门", "english": "Maverick Cain just pulled up to the gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喊卡还来得及", "english": "It's not too late to stop buddy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道不这么做大家都会失业", "english": "I know what happens to everyone else if I don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暗星准备起飞", "english": "Darkstar is ready for takeoff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大伙儿", "english": "Everyone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备起飞 先从引擎开始", "english": "go for takeoff starting with engine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "控制面 行", "english": "Control surfaces go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后一次飞行", "english": "one last ride."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "少将", "english": "Admiral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以解释吗", "english": "You care to explain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "切换到超音速燃烧冲压引擎", "english": "Transitioning to scramjet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坎恩少将要求…", "english": "Mav Admiral Cain is asking--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爬升至六…", "english": "...within six..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为地球曲面差 这叫地球隆起", "english": "It's the Earth's curvature. It's called \"Earth Bulge.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人替你倒咖啡吗", "english": "Did anyone offer you a coffee?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "油温升高 引擎仍然稳定", "english": "Temperature's climbing. Response is still stable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉很好", "english": "We're feeling good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是世上最快的人", "english": "He's the fastest man alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆头鹅 看到了吗", "english": "Talk to me Goose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接近超高音速", "english": "Approaching high hypersonic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "风挡过热警示", "english": "Windshield hot caution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机身温度升高", "english": "Surface temp rising."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快啊 宝贝 再快一点", "english": "Come on sweetheart just a little more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只差一点了", "english": "Just a little."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快啊", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快啊", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它放回你的国防预算中", "english": "Put that in your Pentagon budget!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要…", "english": "Just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再加一把劲", "english": "a little push."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惨了", "english": "Holy shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为飞官你很带种", "english": "You got some balls stick jockey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不承认", "english": "I'll give you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 惨了", "english": "Oh shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠", "english": "Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠", "english": "Maverick!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在哪里", "english": "Where am I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球", "english": "Earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠", "english": "Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三十多年的军旅生涯", "english": "Thirty-plus years of service."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战功勋章", "english": "Combat medals."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奖项无数", "english": "Citations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰出服役勋章", "english": "\"Distinguished.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰出服役勋章 杰出服役勋章", "english": "\"Distinguished.\" \"Distinguished.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你却升不了官 也不肯退役", "english": "Yet you can't get a promotion you won't retire"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管多次出生入死 却又死不了", "english": "and despite your best efforts you refuse to die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早就该成为二星少将 或是参议员", "english": "You should be at least a two-star admiral by now if not a senator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你仍留在这里", "english": "Yet here you are:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校", "english": "Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么", "english": "Why is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人生就是如此难解 长官", "english": "It's one of life's mysteries sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是笑话 我在问你问题", "english": "This isn't a joke. I asked you a question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的归属 长官", "english": "I'm where I belong sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海军不这么认为", "english": "Well the navy doesn't see it that way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不再是如此", "english": "Not anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校", "english": "Captain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迟早有一天不再需要飞行员", "english": "one day sooner than later they won't need pilots at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要吃喝拉撒睡的飞行员", "english": "Pilots that need to sleep eat take a piss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "违反命令的飞行员", "english": "Pilots that disobey orders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只是为其他人争取一些时间", "english": "All you did was buy some time for those men out there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未来近在咫尺", "english": "The future is coming"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你不会参与其中", "english": "and you're not in it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他带出基地", "english": "Escort this man off the base."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一小时内出发前往北岛航空站", "english": "I want him on the road to North Island within the hour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "北岛航空站", "english": "North Island sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一通电话来得时机刚刚好", "english": "Call came in with impeccable timing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在我准备罚你永远禁飞之前", "english": "right as I was driving here to ground your ass once and for all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很不想说 但是…", "english": "It galls me to say it but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有老天爷和你的守护天使知道原因", "english": "for reasons known only to the Almighty and your guardian angel..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又被召回捍卫战士学校", "english": "you've been called back to TOPGUN."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结局是无可避免的 独行侠", "english": "The end is inevitable Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这种飞官总有一天会被淘汰", "english": "Your kind is headed for extinction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧 长官", "english": "Maybe so sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不是今天", "english": "But not today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得“独行侠”米契尔上校", "english": "Captain Pete \"Maverick\" Mitchell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的声名远播", "english": "Your reputation precedes you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 长官", "english": "Thank you sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是赞美", "english": "Wasn't a compliment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是博尔辛普森中将", "english": "I'm Admiral Beau Simpson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "航管指挥官 你认识贝兹少将", "english": "I'm the Air Boss. I believe you know Admiral Bates."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "术士 长官", "english": "Warlock sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这叫做命令 独行侠", "english": "They're called orders Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩有个共通点", "english": "You two have something in common."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实我只是第二名", "english": "Actually sir I finished second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别对我期望太高", "english": "Just want to manage expectations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一座违反多方北约协议", "english": "is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未经批准的铀浓缩工厂", "english": "built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "制造的铀对该地区的盟国", "english": "The uranium produced there represents a direct threat"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "造成直接威胁", "english": "to our allies in the region."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在工厂运作前摧毁它", "english": "before it becomes fully operational."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工厂建在位于 这座峡谷尽头的地下碉堡", "english": "The plant sits in an underground bunker at the end of this valley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那座峡谷无法以GPS定位", "english": "Said valley is GPS-jammed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也受到多座地对空飞弹炮台防卫", "english": "and defended by an extensive surface-to-air missile array"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是只有我们保留了老古董", "english": "Seems like we're not the only ones holding on to old relics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校 你有什么想法", "english": "What's your read Captain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但无法以GPS定位就没辙", "english": "but the GPS-jamming negates that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为…", "english": "I figure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最少要投掷两枚精准炸弹", "english": "two precision bombs minimum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两架一组 出动四架战机", "english": "Makes it four aircraft flying in pairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞离峡谷必须垂直爬升", "english": "That is one hell of a steep climb out of there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暴露在地对空飞弹攻击范围内", "english": "exposing you to all the surface-to-air missiles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算成功爬升", "english": "You survive that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回程也得一路和敌机交战", "english": "it's a dogfight all the way home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并不全在同一项任务中", "english": "Not in the same mission sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人会无法活着回来", "english": "No someone's not coming back from this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底可不可行", "english": "Can it be done or not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三周后 也许更早", "english": "Three weeks. Maybe less."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不确定能信任另外三名飞行员", "english": "I'm not sure who I'd trust to fly the other three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我会想出办法", "english": "But I'll find a way to make it work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不要你飞 而是要你当教官", "english": "We don't want you to fly it. We want you to teach it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "教官", "english": "Teach sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要从中细选出六名飞行员", "english": "We want you to narrow that pool down to six."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他们执行任务", "english": "They'll fly the mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校 有问题吗", "english": "Is there a problem Captain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明知道有…长官", "english": "You know there is sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布莱德利布雷德萧 也就是公鸡", "english": "Bradley Bradshaw aka \"Rooster.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和他老爸曾是搭档", "english": "I understand you used to fly with his old man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的呼号是什么", "english": "What was his call sign?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的死是很不幸", "english": "Tragic what happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米契尔上校被裁定没犯错", "english": "Captain Mitchell was cleared of any wrongdoing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆头鹅的死是意外", "english": "Goose's death was an accident."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是这么想吗", "english": "Is that how you see it Captain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆头鹅的儿子也是这么想吗", "english": "Is that how Goose's son sees it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恕我直言 长官 我不是教官", "english": "With all due respect sir I'm not a teacher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当过捍卫小组教官", "english": "You were a TOPGUN instructor before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不属于那里", "english": "It's not where I belong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就老实跟你说吧", "english": "Then let me be perfectly blunt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是我的首选 其实根本不在名单上", "english": "You were not my first choice. In fact you weren't even on the list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "举荐你的人是卡赞斯基上将", "english": "You are here at the request of Admiral Kazansky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他认为你对海军仍能有所贡献", "english": "and he seems to think that you have something left to offer the navy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想不出是什么", "english": "What that is I can't imagine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不必接下这工作", "english": "You don't have to take this job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但恕我直言", "english": "But let me be clear:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这会是你最后一项任务", "english": "This will be your last post Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当学校的教官 不然就退出海军", "english": "You fly for TOPGUN or you don't fly for the navy ever again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得", "english": "Pete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "潘妮", "english": "Penny?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这次又惹毛了谁", "english": "Who'd you piss off this time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一位少将", "english": "Another admiral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就对了", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没办法一直生你气 那就是问题", "english": "I can never stay mad at you. That's the problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得说…", "english": "I got to say"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为永远不会在北岛航空站碰到你", "english": "North Island is the one place I thought for sure I'd never run into you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在你惹毛另一位少将", "english": "Not long after you got shipped off to the desert"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被派去沙漠之后", "english": "for pissing off that other admiral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是三年前的事", "english": "That was three years ago?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定惹上大麻烦", "english": "You must be in a lot of trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则不会自愿回来这里", "english": "No way you'd come back here willingly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过呢…", "english": "Well"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会想办法解决", "english": "you'll sort it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我想…", "english": "No I think..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识你以后你就一直这么说", "english": "You've been saying that as long as I've known you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没过多久你就被派去波斯尼亚", "english": "Then the next thing I know you're off to Bosnia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后去伊拉克 两次都有去", "english": "Then Iraq. Both times."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你每次惹上麻烦…", "english": "You get yourself in trouble"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要冰人打通电话你又能飞", "english": "Iceman makes a call and you're back in the air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "潘妮 这次不同", "english": "Penny this is different."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得 相信我", "english": "Pete trust me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许现在看似不可能", "english": "as improbable as it seems right now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你一定会再坐上战机出任务", "english": "somehow you'll be back in a fighter plane with your tail on fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本来要问我几点下班", "english": "You were about to ask me what time I get off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别用那副表情看我", "english": "Don't give me that look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没用什么表情看你 我发誓", "english": "I'm not giving you any look. I swear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们每次的结局都一样 彼得", "english": "It always ends the same with us Pete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次就别再来一次", "english": "Let's not start this time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来挺好的", "english": "You look good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢了 老兄", "english": "Much appreciated pal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生什么事", "english": "What am I missing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就得请一轮酒”", "english": "\"...and you buy a round.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请每一个人", "english": "For everyone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是规矩 幸好时候还早", "english": "I'm afraid rules are rules. You're lucky it's early."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Oh come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看谁来了", "english": "What do we have here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来是凤凰", "english": "If it ain't Phoenix!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为我们全是菁英 郊狼", "english": "And here I thought we were special Coyote."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没想到连逊咖都被找来", "english": "Turns out the invite went to anyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大伙儿 这是捕手", "english": "Fellas this here's Bagman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可是唯一一名海军飞行员", "english": "You're looking at the only naval aviator on active duty"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曾在空战击落敌机", "english": "with a confirmed air-to-air kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别说了", "english": "Stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过对方开的是韩战时期的古董战机", "english": "Mind you the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean War."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是这个世纪", "english": "Not this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你朋友是谁", "english": "Who are your friends?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你几时进来的", "english": "When did you get in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直都在这里", "english": "I've been here the whole time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是武器系统操作官", "english": "Weapons systems officer actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毫无幽默感", "english": "With no sense of humor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们叫你什么", "english": "What do they call you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴布", "english": "Bob."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的呼号啦", "english": "No your call sign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴布", "english": "Bob."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴布佛洛伊德", "english": "Bob Floyd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是我新的武器官", "english": "You're my new backseater? From Lemoore?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来是这样 对啊", "english": "Looks like it. Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打一场撞球", "english": "Nine-ball Bob."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把球排好", "english": "Rack 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再来四杯啤酒 老头子请客", "english": "I'll have four more on the old-timer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布雷德萧", "english": "Bradshaw!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你吗", "english": "Is that you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊 我想给你个惊喜", "english": "Yeah I just thought I'd surprise you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也给你个惊喜", "english": "I guess I surprised you back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁人少的时候帮我结账吧", "english": "How about ringing me up before the evening rush?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布雷德萧", "english": "Bradshaw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没想到你会来", "english": "As I live and breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刽子手", "english": "Hangman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来…还不赖", "english": "You look... good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是很厉害 公鸡", "english": "Well I am good Rooster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我超厉害的", "english": "I'm very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老实说", "english": "In fact"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我厉害到没人信", "english": "I am too good to be true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以…", "english": "So"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人知道为什么把我们找回来吗", "english": "anybody know what this special detachment is all about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任务就是任务 我不问为什么", "english": "No mission's a mission. They don't confront me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想知道 谁会是队长", "english": "What I want to know: Who's gonna be team leader?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又有哪几个够资格跟我出任务", "english": "And which one of y'all has what it takes to follow me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刽子手 跟你只会提早进棺材", "english": "Hangman the only place you'll lead anyone is an early grave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就像只公鸡 对吧", "english": "But that's just you ain't it Rooster?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只会窝在驾驶舱", "english": "You're snug on that perch"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等着永远都不会来的…", "english": "waiting for just the right moment..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大好机会", "english": "that never comes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我超爱这首歌", "english": "I love this song!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他一点都没变", "english": "Well he hasn't changed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 还是老样子", "english": "Nope. Sure hasn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们看", "english": "Check it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又来了一群", "english": "More patches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈佛 耶鲁 奥马哈 靠 那是费兹", "english": "That's Harvard Yale Omaha. Shit that's Fritz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都是顶尖高手", "english": "Everyone here is the best there is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁能当我们的教官", "english": "Who the hell are they gonna get to teach us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信用卡刷不过", "english": "It's been declined."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在开玩笑", "english": "You're kidding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大伙儿 来吧", "english": "Hey guys. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不如付…", "english": "How about..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "规矩就是规矩 彼得", "english": "I'm afraid rules are rules Pete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢出去…丢出去…", "english": "Overboard! Overboard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真假", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢出去…丢出去…", "english": "Overboard! Overboard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见到你真好 彼得", "english": "Great to see you Pete!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢出去…丢出去…", "english": "Overboard! Overboard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢了 随时再回来", "english": "Thanks for the beers! Come back anytime!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你让我意乱神迷 神魂颠倒", "english": "You shake my nerves And you rattle my brain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太多的爱让人精神错乱", "english": "Too much love drives a man insane"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你害我理智断线 欣喜若狂", "english": "You broke my will but what a thrill"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱就像一团大大的火球", "english": "Goodness gracious great balls of fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我嘲笑爱情 以为那很可笑", "english": "I laughed at love 'Cause I thought it was funny"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你姗姗而来 打动我的心", "english": "But you came along and you moved me honey"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令我领悟到 爱情的美好", "english": "I changed my mind this love is fine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱就像是一团大大的火球", "english": "Goodness gracious great balls of fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吻我吧 宝贝", "english": "Kiss me baby"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱就像是一团大大的火球", "english": "Goodness gracious great balls of fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆头鹅 我抓不到弹射手把", "english": "Goose I can't reach the ejection handle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹射…弹射…", "english": "Eject eject eject!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆头鹅 不", "english": "Goose! Oh no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他真的很爱跟你飞行 独行侠", "english": "God he loved flying with you Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早安", "english": "Morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下来", "english": "Be seated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是贝兹少将 航空作战中心指挥官", "english": "I'm Admiral Bates NAWDC commander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都是捍卫小组毕业生", "english": "You're all TOPGUN graduates."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顶尖飞行员", "english": "The elite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菁英中的菁英", "english": "The best of the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是过去式", "english": "That was yesterday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌人全新的第五代战机赶上我们", "english": "The enemy's new fifth-generation fighter has leveled the playing field."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "细节不多 但要知道", "english": "Details are few but you can be sure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不再拥有科技的优势", "english": "we no longer possess the technological advantage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "取决于驾驶舱内的男女飞行员", "english": "comes down to the man or woman in the box."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们有一半会入选", "english": "Half of you will make the cut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其中一个会是任务队长", "english": "One of you will be named mission leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一半则是储备飞官", "english": "The other half will remain in reserve."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的教官是你们的学长", "english": "Your instructor is a TOPGUN graduate"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他拥有你们必须掌握这次任务的", "english": "with real-world experience in every mission aspect"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实战经验技巧", "english": "you will be expected to master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的丰功伟业是传奇事迹", "english": "His exploits are legendary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且是这项计划有史以来", "english": "And he's considered to be one of the finest pilots"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "训练出来最优秀的飞行员", "english": "this program has ever produced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他能够教导你们的", "english": "What he has to teach you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "极可能会关乎你们的生死", "english": "may very well mean the difference between life and death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "容我介绍彼得米契尔上校", "english": "I give you Captain Pete Mitchell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼号是独行侠", "english": "Call sign: \"Maverick.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜你们都背得滚瓜烂熟", "english": "I'm assuming you know the book inside and out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对", "english": "You got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌人也都知道", "english": "So does your enemy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他又来了", "english": "And we're off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌人不知道的…是你们的极限", "english": "But what the enemy doesn't know is your limits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打算找到它们", "english": "I intend to find them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "测试它们", "english": "test them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逼你们超越极限", "english": "push beyond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天就先从…你们自以为知道的开始", "english": "Today we'll start with what you only think you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我看看你们的能耐", "english": "You show me what you're made of."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡", "english": "Rooster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布雷德利", "english": "Bradley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布雷德萧中尉", "english": "Lieutenant Bradshaw!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 长官", "english": "Yes sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们之间没必要这样", "english": "Let's not do it like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会把我刷下来吗", "english": "You gonna wash me out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那要看你 不是看我", "english": "That'll be up to you not me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以走了吗", "english": "Am I dismissed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早安 飞行员 我是你们的上校", "english": "Good morning aviators. This is your captain speaking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎参加基本飞行训练", "english": "Welcome to basic fighter maneuvers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天要演练空中缠斗", "english": "As briefed today's exercise is dogfighting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只用机关枪 不用飞弹", "english": "Guns only no missiles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两架战机一组 将我击落 否则…", "english": "Working as a team you have to shoot me down or else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要击落一架战机 两架都算输", "english": "If I shoot either one of you down you both lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙太臭屁了", "english": "This guy needs an ego check."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会让他吃瘪", "english": "We'll see to that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大伙儿 很多下耶", "english": "Guys. That's a lot of push-ups."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "训练不是叫假的 长官", "english": "They don't call it an exercise for nothing sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开战了 拼了啦", "english": "Fight's on. Let's turn and burn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "粉弟 看到他吗", "english": "Fanboy you see him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死", "english": "Shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这么冲 独行侠", "english": "Easy Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别在第一天就被炒鱿鱼", "english": "Let's try not to get fired on the first day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看见目标…独行侠逼近 向左急转", "english": "Tally tally tally! Maverick's coming in! Break left!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向左急转", "english": "Breaking left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "复仇者 你的僚机呢", "english": "Payback where's your wingman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来了 撑着点 撑着点", "english": "I'm coming. Hang in there. Hang in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 兄弟 快点", "english": "Hurry up man! Hurry up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡救了你们 但他会付出代价", "english": "Rooster just saved your life fellas. But it's gonna cost him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次不会 老头", "english": "Not this time old man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别被他激怒 独行侠", "english": "Don't let him get to you Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 你飞得太低 快爬升 你快到限低了", "english": "Rooster you're too low! Pull up! You're hitting the hard deck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你被击落了", "english": "That's a kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那应该是我们", "english": "That should be us down there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但并不是", "english": "But it's not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你们也知道公鸡会牺牲自己", "english": "And now you know a little something about Rooster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拍一张 大伙儿", "english": "Get in there boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚才自拍得很爽嘛 伏低", "english": "It was all fun and games in that selfie wasn't it? Down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 凤凰", "english": "Say Phoenix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不如告诉大家“巴布”是别的小名", "english": "How's about we tell everybody \"Bob\" stands for something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想知道他为什么叫刽子手吗", "english": "Want to know why we call him Hangman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想到了 “巴布叭噗”", "english": "I got it. \"Baby On Board.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠", "english": "Shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位飞官好 开战了", "english": "Greetings aviators. Fight's on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凤凰 把这家伙击落", "english": "All right Phoenix let's take this guy out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心后方 凤凰", "english": "Watch your back Phoenix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他去哪儿", "english": "Where's he going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢下你的僚机", "english": "Leaving your wingman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很久没看过这一招了", "english": "There's a strategy I haven't seen in a while."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在笑你 你忍得了吗", "english": "He called you a man Phoenix. You gonna take that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要他当你就忍得了", "english": "So long as he doesn't call you a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴布 独行侠在哪", "english": "Talk to me Bob. Where's Maverick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 他已经绕回来了", "english": "Jesus his nose is already coming around!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮我甩掉他 刽子手", "english": "Get him off me Hangman!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位听众 我要埋了这化石", "english": "For all you folks at home this is how you bury a fossil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开战了", "english": "That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恶魔散退 刽子手来也", "english": "Evil be gone. Hangman's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得承认 你很行", "english": "Yeah you're good. I'll give you that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠 看不到他 我离他多近", "english": "Shit. Phoenix I can't see him. How close am I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下辈子再见 捕手", "english": "See you in the afterlife Bagman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在哪 他在哪", "english": "Where is he? Where is he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你死了", "english": "That's a kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开战吧 下一个是谁", "english": "Let's go. Who's next?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 能问个私人问题吗", "english": "So Rooster mind if I ask you a personal question?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能说不能吗", "english": "Would it matter if I did?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和独行侠有什么过节", "english": "What's the story with you and Maverick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他到底在哪里", "english": "Now where the hell is he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直都在这里", "english": "Been here the whole time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇哩咧", "english": "Holy shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到我了吗", "english": "You see me now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 速战速决", "english": "Come on let's get it over with."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开战了", "english": "Fight's on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那两个人到底是怎么回事", "english": "What is with these two?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你逼我们盘旋俯冲 要怎么解套", "english": "All right you put us here. How you gonna get yourself out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你随时都能撤", "english": "You can bail out anytime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 你想俯冲到多低", "english": "How low you want to go Rooster?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过去的就让它过去", "english": "What's past is past. For both of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高度", "english": "Altitude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高度", "english": "Altitude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高度 高度", "english": "Altitude. Altitude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爬升…爬升…", "english": "Pull up! Pull up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你行的 别犹豫 放手去做", "english": "You got it. Don't think just do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你逮到他了 飞低然后射击", "english": "Come on Rooster you got him! Drop down and take the shot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太低了", "english": "It's too low."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太迟了 你错过机会", "english": "Too late. You had your chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你被击落 玩完了", "english": "That's a kill. Knock it off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可恶", "english": "Damn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是老样子", "english": "Same old Rooster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去找宏多做伏地挺身", "english": "Go see Hondo about your push-ups."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想要出这项任务", "english": "Look I'm going on this mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你被踢走 我就得和刽子手合作", "english": "But if you get kicked out you leave us flying with Hangman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他拿掉我海军官校的申请书", "english": "He pulled my application to the Naval Academy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "害我浪费了四年", "english": "Set me back four years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他为什么要这么做", "english": "Why would he do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不只是为了飞行员的安全", "english": "A parameter is set not just for the safety of our pilots"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是为了战机的安全", "english": "but for the safety of their aircraft."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这项任务的限低会更低", "english": "The hard deck will be much lower for the mission sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没我的允许不准更改", "english": "And it will not change without my approval!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是在演练空战的时候", "english": "Especially not in the middle of an exercise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那招眼镜蛇机动", "english": "And that Cobra maneuver of yours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想再看到那种屁事", "english": "I never want to see that shit again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们虽然很优秀 但还有得要学", "english": "That as good as they are sir they still have something to learn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有空战的经验", "english": "with little to no dogfighting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "执行过的任务", "english": "they have never encountered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只有不到三周要教会他们团队合作", "english": "Okay you have less than three weeks to teach them how to fight as a team"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有击中目标", "english": "and how to strike the target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也要活着回来", "english": "And how to come home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必须活着回来 长官", "english": "And how to come home sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每项任务都有风险", "english": "Every mission has its risks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些飞行员都能接受", "english": "These pilots accept that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不接受 长官", "english": "I don't sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从今天起 每天早上", "english": "Every morning from this day forward"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要书面报告你的教战计划", "english": "you will brief us on your instructional plans in writing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有我的允许不准做出更动", "english": "And nothing will change without my express approval."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么", "english": "What is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要求降低限低 长官", "english": "It's a request to lower the hard deck sir"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有关时机的掌控要多注意点 上校", "english": "You could learn a thing or two about timing Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唷 郊狼", "english": "Yo Coyote."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传奇人物 就是他", "english": "The man the legend. There he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是啦 他旁边那个", "english": "No no no. Next to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这什么情况", "english": "What have we here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布雷德萧", "english": "Bradshaw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不敢相信", "english": "As I live and breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弟欧…你长大了", "english": "Hey Theo you got big."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 独行侠", "english": "Hey Mav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃米莉雅", "english": "Amelia?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 我长大了", "english": "I know. I got big."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是来还钱的", "english": "No I just came by to pay off a debt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈", "english": "Mom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈", "english": "Mom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠说他欠你钱", "english": "Mav says he owes you money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢了 上校 酒帐还清了", "english": "Thank you Captain. Consider your tab closed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是上校", "english": "Captain? Still?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战功彪炳的上校", "english": "A highly decorated captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做完功课", "english": "Finish up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得把帆船开到船坞", "english": "We have to get the boat to the yard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天要抽考 我得用功读书 他们今天才通知我们", "english": "Test tomorrow. I have to study. They only told us today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能一个人开船", "english": "Well I can't sail her alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用引擎啊", "english": "Just use the engine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么要开到船坞", "english": "Why are we taking her to the yard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "修理引擎", "english": "To fix the engine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能帮忙", "english": "I can help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉住控帆索 减低风力", "english": "Pull on the backstay. We'll de-power the sails."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那什么意思", "english": "What does that mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会航船 只会降落在航母", "english": "I don't sail boats Penny. I land on them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要怎么做", "english": "So how do I do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉住那条绿绳索", "english": "You pull on that green line up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绿绳索", "english": "Green line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 用力拉", "english": "Yep. Pull it hard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 用力转那个曲柄", "english": "Yep. Crank that winch right there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉紧三角帆", "english": "tighten the jib."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在…", "english": "Now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗", "english": "you ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好什么", "english": "For what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉起风帆", "english": "The afterburner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你才算是海军", "english": "Now you're in the navy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天谢谢你帮忙", "english": "Thanks for helping out today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好像没帮到什么", "english": "I'm not exactly sure I helped."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别那副表情", "english": "Don't give me that look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么表情", "english": "What look?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那副表情", "english": "That one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 彼得", "english": "Good night Pete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 潘妮", "english": "Night Penny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈 是你吗", "english": "Mom is that you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我替你做晚饭", "english": "I'll make you dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间…是最大的敌人", "english": "Time is your greatest enemy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任务第一阶段是低空进入", "english": "Phase one of the mission will be a low-level ingress"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两架战机一组进行攻击", "english": "attacking in two-plane teams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沿着狭窄的峡谷飞至目标", "english": "You'll fly along this narrow canyon to your target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷达导引地对空飞弹防卫该地区", "english": "Radar-guided surface-to-air missiles defend the area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些飞弹…极度致命", "english": "These SAMs they're lethal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为敌人知道", "english": "That's because the enemy knows"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人会疯狂到飞进峡谷", "english": "no one is insane enough to try and fly below them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是要训练你们这么做", "english": "That's exactly what I'm gonna train you to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "超过这高度就会被雷达侦测…", "english": "You exceed this altitude radar will spot you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就死定了", "english": "and you're dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最低速度", "english": "minimum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抵达目标时间是两分半钟", "english": "Time to target: two and a half minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为第五代战机在附近军用机场待命", "english": "That's because fifth-generation fighters wait at an air base nearby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们得飞进峡谷 击中目标", "english": "That's why you need to get in hit your target and be gone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁那些战机尚未抵达时飞离敌区", "english": "before these planes even have a chance of catching you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间就变得至关重要", "english": "This makes time your greatest adversary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们要照着模拟峡谷的航道飞行", "english": "You'll fly a route in your nav system that simulates the canyon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肺部受到挤压", "english": "compressing your lungs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "减低判断及反应时间", "english": "impairing your judgment and reaction time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝好运", "english": "Good luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得快点 郊狼", "english": "We got to move Coyote."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到 加速中", "english": "Copy. Increasing speed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 靠", "english": "Oh shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们怎么会死", "english": "Why are they dead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不对 他们怎么会死", "english": "No. Why are they dead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我减速却没警告她 是我的错", "english": "I slowed down and didn't give her a warning. It was my fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在专心…", "english": "I was focusing on--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说出家属在葬礼能接受的理由", "english": "One that their family will accept at the funeral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没有 长官", "english": "None sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你熟知地形 怎么不知道要急转", "english": "Why didn't you anticipate the turn? You were briefed on the terrain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别告诉我 告诉他的家属", "english": "Don't tell me. Tell it to his family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刽子手 慢点 峡谷越来越窄", "english": "Hangman ease up. The canyon's getting tighter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 复仇者 你要加速", "english": "Negative Payback. Increase your speed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快减速 我无法留在航道", "english": "Damn it slow down! I can't stay on the course!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像是火烧屁股一样", "english": "Kind of like my ass depended on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你危及到队友 僚机也挂了", "english": "And you put your team in danger and your wingman's dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们跟不上我", "english": "They couldn't keep up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题 速度可以", "english": "We're fine. Speed is good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还活着 直飞时再赶进度", "english": "We're alive. We'll make up time in the straightaway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会来不及", "english": "We are not gonna make it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我 保持速度 赶得到的", "english": "Just trust me. Maintain your speed. We can make it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么会死", "english": "Why are you dead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 只有他抵达目标", "english": "Sir he's the only one who made it to the target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迟了一分钟", "english": "A minute late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他给敌机时间击落他", "english": "He gave enemy aircraft time to shoot him down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们成功抵达目标", "english": "We made it to the target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更优越的敌机在返航时拦截你", "english": "And superior enemy aircraft intercepted you on your way out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关键不是在战机…而是飞行员", "english": "It's not the plane sir it's the pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一点也没错", "english": "Exactly!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "执行这任务有别的方法", "english": "There's more than one way to fly this mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的没搞懂", "english": "You really don't get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "执行这任务就得像独行侠那样飞", "english": "On this mission a man flies like Maverick here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则就不可能回来", "english": "or a man does not come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无意冒犯", "english": "No offense intended."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你却老是惹毛我们", "english": "Yet somehow you always manage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是批评你 只是你太保守了", "english": "Look I don't mean to criticize. You're conservative that's all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们将进行… 没有飞行员尝试过的空战", "english": "We're going into combat son on a level no living pilot's ever seen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就连他也没有过", "english": "Not even him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没时间纠结过去的事", "english": "That's no time to be thinking about the past."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都知道他老爸和独行侠一起飞过", "english": "I can't be the only one that knows that Maverick flew with his old man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 别这样", "english": "Hey come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事 嘿嘿嘿", "english": "I'm cool I'm cool. Hey hey hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明明知道", "english": "You know it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我是对的", "english": "You know I'm right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全员解散", "english": "You're all dismissed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠", "english": "Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又复发了", "english": "It's come back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人知道", "english": "No one knows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生也无能为力", "english": "There's nothing else they can do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他连说话都很痛苦", "english": "Even speaking is painful now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉 真的很抱歉", "english": "Sarah I'm so sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上将", "english": "Admiral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的僚机驾驶员还好吗", "english": "How's my wingman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事…别替我担心", "english": "Please don't worry about me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能做什么", "english": "What can I do for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡还在为我做的事生气", "english": "Well Rooster's still angry with me about what I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为他有一天能理解", "english": "I thought eventually he would understand why."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也希望他能原谅我", "english": "I hoped he'd forgive me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任务只剩下不到三礼拜", "english": "The mission is less than three weeks away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那孩子没准备好", "english": "The kid's not ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰人 拜托", "english": "Ice please"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别要求我派别人去赴死", "english": "don't ask me to send someone else to die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这么做", "english": "Please don't..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别要我派他去", "english": "Don't ask me to send him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派我去", "english": "Send me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道该如何放手", "english": "I don't know how."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是教官 冰人", "english": "I'm not a teacher Ice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是战机驾驶员", "english": "I'm a fighter pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海军飞行员", "english": "A naval aviator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不仅仅是工作职称", "english": "It's not what I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是我与生俱来的能力", "english": "It's who I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该怎么教这种事", "english": "How do I teach that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算可以 也不是公鸡要的", "english": "Even if I could teach it it's not what Rooster wants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更不是海军要的", "english": "It's not what the navy wants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以上次我才会被开除", "english": "That's why they canned me the last time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我之所以还能在海军是因为你", "english": "The only reason I'm here is you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我派他出这项任务", "english": "If I send him on this mission"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可能就此一去不回", "english": "he might never come home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但若不派他去", "english": "And if I don't send him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他绝对不会原谅我", "english": "he'll never forgive me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管怎样 我都将永远失去他", "english": "Either way I could lose him forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海军…需要独行侠", "english": "The navy needs Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那孩子需要独行侠", "english": "The kid needs Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是为什么我极力为你争取", "english": "That's why I fought for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这也是为什么你仍然在这里", "english": "That's why you're still here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 冰人", "english": "Thank you Ice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为我所做的一切", "english": "for everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后一件事", "english": "One last thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁是比较厉害的飞行员", "english": "Who's the better pilot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你或我", "english": "You or me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在气氛正好 别破坏了", "english": "This is a nice moment. Let's not ruin it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同时进攻和防守", "english": "Offense and defense at the same time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁领先", "english": "Who's winning?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们早就没在计分了", "english": "I think they stopped keeping score a while ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这批特遣队还需要训练 上校", "english": "This detachment still has some training to complete Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那为什么还在打球", "english": "So why are we out here playing games?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说要团队合作 长官", "english": "You said to create a team sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是你的团队", "english": "There's your team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该趁埃米莉雅回来前走吗", "english": "Should I go? Before Amelia gets back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和埃米莉雅看起来…", "english": "You and Amelia you seem..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个嘛…", "english": "Well"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的 她一直要我给她更多的自由", "english": "you know she always wanted more freedom than I thought she was ready for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道这一点是遗传到谁", "english": "Where'd she get that from I wonder?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜我发现…", "english": "I guess I realized"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也必须信任她", "english": "I also had to trust her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这决定不容易", "english": "Not an easy choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和公鸡是怎么回事", "english": "Is that what happened with Rooster?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿掉他的海军官校申请书", "english": "I pulled his papers from the Naval Academy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "浪费了他几年时间", "english": "Took years off his career."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆头鹅死后 他母亲不希望他当飞官", "english": "His mother never wanted him to fly not after what happened to Goose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她死前要我答应她 所以…", "english": "She made me promise before she died so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡知道吗", "english": "Does Rooster know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他永远会为这件事恨我", "english": "He will always resent me for what I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没必要让他也恨她", "english": "Why should he resent her too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这决定不容易", "english": "Not an easy choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我试着当他失去的父亲", "english": "I was trying to be the father he lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是…", "english": "I just--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望能做得更好", "english": "I wish I would've done it better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是…事实是", "english": "But the truth is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为他还没准备好", "english": "I didn't think he was ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在呢", "english": "Is he ready now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈 我回家了", "english": "Mom I'm home!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你要在凯伦家过夜", "english": "I thought you were staying at Karen's tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯伦生病 我有功课要做", "english": "Karen's sick. And I've got homework to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 我做给你吃", "english": "No it's okay. I'll make you something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上就下去", "english": "I'll be down in a sec!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得当个好榜样", "english": "Look I have an example to set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能第一次约会就带男人回家", "english": "I can't be bringing guys home on a first date."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是第一次约会", "english": "This is not our first date."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你懂我的意思", "english": "You know what I mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我最后一次跳出你家窗户", "english": "But this is the last time I go out your window."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再说吧", "english": "We'll see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说真的", "english": "No. No I mean it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我永远不会再离开你", "english": "I'm never gonna leave you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴啦", "english": "Oh shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的目标铀浓缩工厂", "english": "The uranium enrichment plant that is your target"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天然铀在十天内会送到工厂", "english": "Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in ten days' time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你们的任务也提前一星期", "english": "As a result your mission has been moved up one week"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 这里没人成功完成 低空航道飞行", "english": "Sir no one here has successfully flown a low-level course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你们仍被命令继续下去", "english": "Nevertheless you've been ordered to move on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校", "english": "Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只剩一星期进行第二阶段演练", "english": "We have one week left to focus on phase two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是这项任务最困难的阶段", "english": "It's the most difficult stage of the mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是俯冲突袭行动", "english": "It's a pop-up strike with a steep dive"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "团队合作", "english": "Teamwork."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞行的精准度是这项任务成功…", "english": "Precise coordination of these aircraft is essential"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工厂坐落在两座山脉之间", "english": "As you know the plant rests between two mountains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是唯一的攻击角度", "english": "and the only possible attack angle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两人座战机将以雷射标示靶点", "english": "The two-seat aircraft will paint the target with a laser bull's-eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一组将发射雷射引导飞弹", "english": "The first pair will breach the reactor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这会为第二组制造空档", "english": "This will create an opening for the second pair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是第一个奇迹", "english": "That's miracle number one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将做出必杀一击", "english": "will deliver the kill shot"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彻底摧毁目标", "english": "and destroy the target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是第二个奇迹", "english": "That's miracle number two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两组都没有命中目标…", "english": "If either team misses the target..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未命中", "english": "That's a miss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞离时必须垂直爬升 以免撞到山壁", "english": "Egress is a steep high-G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是可接受的极限", "english": "That's the accepted limit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想活着回来就得超越极限", "english": "To survive this mission you'll pull beyond that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算必须折弯机身", "english": "even if it means bending your airframe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "头盖骨会挤压脊椎", "english": "your skull crushing your spine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像被一头大象坐在胸口挤压肺部", "english": "your lungs imploding like an elephant's sitting on your chest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你们最脆弱的时刻", "english": "And this is where you'll be at your most vulnerable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是棺材角", "english": "This is Coffin Corner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也会爬升到敌军雷达范围内", "english": "you'll climb straight up into enemy radar"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这时候将遇到敌军飞弹攻击", "english": "Within seconds you'll be fired upon by enemy SAMs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都承受过重力 但这次…", "english": "You've all faced sustained G's before but this--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将把你们和战机逼到临界点", "english": "this is gonna take you and your aircraft to the breaking point."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官 有可能成功吗", "english": "Sir is this even achievable?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个问题的答案…", "english": "The answer to that question"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "取决于驾驶舱内的飞行员", "english": "will come down to the pilot in the box."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 那是谁", "english": "Wait who's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓝组 你们被侦测到", "english": "Blue Team you've been spotted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是来拦截的敌机 你们要怎么办", "english": "I'm a bandit on course to intercept. Blue Team what are you gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你决定 你要怎么做", "english": "Your call. What do you want to do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续下去 就快接近目标了", "english": "Continue. We're close. Stay on target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓝组 敌机逼近中", "english": "Blue Team bandit is still closing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回报状况 巴布 独行侠呢", "english": "Talk to me Bob. Where's Maverick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在五哩外 快速逼近", "english": "He's five miles out. He's coming fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无法瞄准…抱歉 无法锁定目标", "english": "Deadeye! Deadeye! It's no good. Sorry I can't get a lock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来不及了 我要盲投炸弹", "english": "We're out of time. I'm dropping blind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死 没命中", "english": "Damn it missed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠 我们挂了", "english": "Shit! We're dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓝组 任务失败 停止爬升", "english": "Blue Team that's a fail. Level out Coyote."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "郊狼 收到吗", "english": "Coyote? Do you copy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "郊狼 回答", "english": "Coyote come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "郊狼 拉直", "english": "Coyote level wings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 他进入重力昏迷", "english": "Oh God. He's in G-LOC."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "郊狼 郊狼", "english": "Coyote? Coyote?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快醒醒 郊狼 快啊…", "english": "Snap out of it Coyote. Come on! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油 郊狼 快啊 快啊", "english": "Come on Coyote come on. Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "郊狼 没事吧", "english": "Coyote you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事", "english": "I'm okay. I'm good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就好 今天演练够了", "english": "Good. Good. That's enough for today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好险喔", "english": "That was close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太危险了", "english": "Too close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "右引擎故障", "english": "Right engine is out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "涡轮还在旋转 试图重新启动", "english": "It's still spinning. Trying to restart it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊", "english": "Oh my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凤凰 巴布 快弹跳 快弹跳", "english": "Phoenix Bob punch out punch out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警示灯都亮着 液压系统失灵", "english": "Warning lights everywhere! Hydraulic failure!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要坠机了 凤凰 我们要坠入山谷了…", "english": "We're going down Phoenix! We're going in! We're going in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没救了 快弹跳…", "english": "You can't save it. Eject eject!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹跳…弹跳…", "english": "Eject eject eject!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高度 高度", "english": "Altitude. Altitude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凤凰和巴布要在医院过夜接受观察", "english": "They'll keep Phoenix and Bob in the hospital overnight for observation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不会有事", "english": "They're gonna be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就好", "english": "That's good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从未失去过僚机", "english": "I've never lost a wingman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很幸运", "english": "You're lucky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞得够久 就会发生", "english": "Fly long enough it'll happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会有其他人", "english": "There will be others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得倒容易 没有老婆", "english": "Easy for you to say. No wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有小孩", "english": "No kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挂了也不会有人悼念你", "english": "Nobody to mourn you when you burn in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家吧", "english": "Go home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好睡个觉吧", "english": "Just get some sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么拿掉我官校的申请书", "english": "Why'd you pull my papers at the Academy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么挡我的路", "english": "Why did you stand in my way?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当时还没准备好", "english": "You weren't ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好什么", "english": "Ready for what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备忘记书本里的规则", "english": "Ready to forget the book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信直觉 别犹豫 放手去做", "english": "Trust your instincts. Don't think just do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要犹豫就会死 相信我", "english": "You think up there you're dead. Believe me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸相信你", "english": "My dad believed in you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不会犯同样的错", "english": "I'm not gonna make the same mistake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠", "english": "Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "预备 瞄准 射击", "english": "Ready aim fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "预备", "english": "Ready"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞄准", "english": "aim"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "射击", "english": "fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "预备", "english": "Ready"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞄准", "english": "aim"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "射击", "english": "fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我无法体会你现在的感受", "english": "I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想休息几天就休息几天", "english": "Take some time. Whatever you need."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会接手训练他们", "english": "I'll be taking over the training from here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都知道你不想要这工作", "english": "We both know you didn't want this job Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们必须相信能达成这项任务", "english": "Sir they have to believe that this mission can be flown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你却只让他们认为任务会失败", "english": "And all you've managed to do is teach them that it can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远禁飞", "english": "Permanently."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听说了", "english": "I heard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很遗憾", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什么打算", "english": "What are you gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰人走了", "english": "Ice is gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还能有什么选择", "english": "What choice do I have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会找到继续飞的方法", "english": "You'll have to find a way back on your own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 潘妮", "english": "No Penny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已出局", "english": "I'm out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "军旅生涯结束了", "english": "This is over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得…", "english": "Pete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算失去你的僚机", "english": "If you lost your wingman up there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是会继续奋战", "english": "you'd keep fighting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是你的飞行员", "english": "Those are your pilots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是他们出事…", "english": "If anything happens to them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会永远无法原谅自己", "english": "you'll never forgive yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道该怎么做", "english": "I don't know what to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会找到方法的", "english": "But you'll find a way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定会的", "english": "I know you will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米契尔上校不再是你们的教官", "english": "Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从今天起有新的任务参数", "english": "And as of today there are new mission parameters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抵达目标时间是四分钟", "english": "Time to target is now four minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们将减速平飞进入峡谷", "english": "You'll be entering the valley level at reduced speed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌机不就有时间进行拦截", "english": "Sir won't we be giving their planes time to intercept?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从更高的高度攻击目标", "english": "level with the north wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这会更难以雷射标示目标", "english": "Gonna be a little harder to keep your lase on target"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但能避免高重力爬升", "english": "but you will avoid the high-G climb out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌方飞弹会击落我们", "english": "We'll be sitting ducks for enemy missiles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠呼叫控制中心 进入A点", "english": "Maverick to Range Control. Entering Point Alpha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请确认安全", "english": "Confirm green range."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是控制中心…", "english": "Maverick Range Control"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没看到你的演练行程", "english": "I don't see an event scheduled for you sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是要去", "english": "Well I'm going anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水啦", "english": "Nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠飞往最终攻击点", "english": "Final attack point. Maverick's inbound."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒数三 二 一 爬升", "english": "Popping in three two one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "投掷炸弹", "english": "Bombs away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正中目标 哇靠", "english": "Bull's-eye! Holy shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厉害", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帅", "english": "Damn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一方面示范了任务的可行性", "english": "On the one hand you have demonstrated that this mission can be flown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许是唯一存活的方法", "english": "Perhaps the only way it can be survived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一方面…", "english": "On the other hand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你偷开走一架数百万美金的战机", "english": "you did it by stealing a multimillion-dollar military aircraft"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它操到可能永远无法再飞行", "english": "and flying it in such a manner that it may never be airworthy again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰人不能再保护你了", "english": "Iceman is no longer here to protect you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我大可以把你送去军事法庭", "english": "I have everything I need to have you court-martialed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你不荣誉退伍", "english": "and dishonorably discharged."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该怎么做", "english": "So what do I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冒着飞行员阵亡和任务失败的风险", "english": "Risk the lives of my pilots and perhaps the success of this mission"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或是", "english": "or..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿我的军旅生涯赌一把", "english": "risk my career"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任命你为任务队长", "english": "by appointing you team leader?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官…", "english": "Sir--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该怎么办 呆头鹅", "english": "Talk to me Goose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米契尔上校", "english": "Captain Mitchell!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你属于这里", "english": "You're where you belong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们以你为荣", "english": "Make us proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很荣幸能与你们飞行", "english": "It has been an honor flying with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一位都是菁英中的菁英", "english": "Each one of you represents the best of the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这项任务非常艰巨", "english": "This is a very specific mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的选择完全是针对任务", "english": "My choice is a reflection of that and nothing more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挑选两组F小队队员", "english": "Choose your two Foxtrot teams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "复仇者和粉弟", "english": "Payback and Fanboy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凤凰和巴布", "english": "Phoenix and Bob."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的僚机驾驶员", "english": "And your wingman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡", "english": "Rooster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的目标是迫切的威胁", "english": "Your target is a clear and present threat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "受到敌国掌控的秘密铀浓缩工厂", "english": "A secret uranium enrichment site under rogue state control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "位于地下碉堡", "english": "It's an underground bunker"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐落在这两座山脉之间", "english": "tucked between these two mountains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进攻航道受到多个防空炮台防卫", "english": "Your route of ingress is heavily defended by surface-to-air missiles"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另有第五代战机支援", "english": "backed up by fifth-generation fighters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就会同步发射战斧飞弹攻击这座机场", "english": "will launch a synchronized strike on the enemy's airfield here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "炸毁那里的跑道", "english": "This will knock out their runway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你们还得对付已经升空的战机", "english": "But you'll have to contend with any planes already in the air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战斧飞弹击中后 敌方就知道你们来了", "english": "The moment those Tomahawks hit the enemy will know you're coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没被击中的战机攻击", "english": "to any aircraft the Tomahawks may have missed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你们受训的目的", "english": "This is what you've all been training for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全回来", "english": "Come home safely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他们好看", "english": "You give 'em hell!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我…", "english": "I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想说…", "english": "I just want to say--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等安全回来…", "english": "We'll talk"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们再聊", "english": "when we get back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 布雷德利 布雷德利", "english": "Hey Bradley! Bradley!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你行的", "english": "You got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠", "english": "Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠", "english": "Maverick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在吧", "english": "Hey you with me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不喜欢那副表情", "english": "I don't like that look Mav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只有这一号表情", "english": "It's the only one I got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我不能再见到你 宏多…", "english": "If I don't see you again Hondo"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的荣幸 上校", "english": "It's been an honor Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首一号 准备弹射", "english": "Dagger One up and ready on Catapult One."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首候补 待命中", "english": "Dagger Spare standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首四号 准备好了", "english": "Dagger Four up and ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首三号 准备好了", "english": "Dagger Three up and ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号 准备好了", "english": "Dagger Two up and ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "支持军机起飞 攻击小队准备好了", "english": "Support assets airborne. Strike package ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出发", "english": "Send them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号 起飞", "english": "Dagger Two away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首三号 起飞", "english": "Dagger Three away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首四号 起飞", "english": "Dagger Four away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "侦察机 匕首一号报到", "english": "Comanche Dagger One. Standby check in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空域安全 建议匕首小队继续任务", "english": "Picture clean. Recommend Dagger continue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到 匕首小队低空飞行", "english": "Copy. Daggers descending below radar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前方是敌方领地", "english": "Here we go. Enemy territory up ahead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到", "english": "Copy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "展开攻击", "english": "Dagger attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战斧飞弹已经发射", "english": "Tomahawks airborne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有回头路了", "english": "No turning back now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首小队 组成进攻队形", "english": "Daggers assume attack formation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四号计时开始", "english": "Four mark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进入峡谷", "english": "Going in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞过第一个炮台", "english": "First SAM site overhead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没被雷达侦测到", "english": "Looks like we're clear on radar Mav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更多炮台 三点钟方向", "english": "More SAMs! Three o'clock high!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们落后几秒 公鸡 得快点", "english": "We're a few seconds behind Rooster. We got to move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首小队", "english": "Dagger Comanche."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们的航向是什么", "english": "Comanche what's their heading?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们没看到我们 飞走了", "english": "They're headed away from us. They don't know we're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战斧飞弹一击中空军基地", "english": "The second those Tomahawks hit the air base"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌机就会折返防卫目标", "english": "those bandits are gonna move to defend the target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会跟上 别等我", "english": "We got you Mav. Don't wait for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号和四号进度落后", "english": "Sir Daggers Two and Four are behind schedule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战斧飞弹将于三 二…", "english": "Tomahawk impact in three two..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "击中目标 机场跑道全毁", "english": "Impact. Enemy runway is destroyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们知道我们来了", "english": "They know we're coming now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌机转向前去保护目标", "english": "Bandits are switching course to defend the target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 你在哪里", "english": "Rooster where are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心 凤凰", "english": "Heads up Phoenix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌机距离目标两分钟", "english": "Sir bandits are two minutes from target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首小队一分钟", "english": "Daggers are one minute from target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快啊 公鸡 不快点就会死", "english": "Come on Rooster. Move it or lose it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们落后了 真的得加速", "english": "Guys we're falling behind. We really got to move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌机就会在目标那里等着我们", "english": "those bandits are gonna be waiting for us when we reach the target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸 该怎么做", "english": "Talk to me Dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油 你行的 别犹豫", "english": "Come on kid you can do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放手去做", "english": "Don't think just do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 别那么快", "english": "Jesus Rooster not that fast!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就对了 咱们上吧", "english": "That's it kid that's it. All right let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死 公鸡 慢一点", "english": "Damn Rooster take it easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号赶上来了", "english": "Sir Dagger Two is reengaging."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 击中目标就回来", "english": "All right now hit your target and come home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷射待命中", "english": "Laser is a go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇靠", "english": "Holy shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首三号就位", "english": "Dagger Three in position."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒数三 二 一 爬升", "english": "Popping in three two one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "击中了 确认命中目标", "english": "We've got impact! Check direct hit! Direct hit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是第一个奇迹", "english": "That's miracle number one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号 回报", "english": "Dagger Two status."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就快到了 独行侠 就快到了", "english": "Almost there Mav. Almost there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "粉弟 雷射咧", "english": "Fanboy where's my laser?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 没时间了 快点搞定", "english": "Come on guys we're running out of time. Get it online!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就快好了 快好了", "english": "Nearly there! Nearly there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二个奇迹", "english": "Miracle number two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们飞到棺材角", "english": "Now they're in Coffin Corner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家小心", "english": "Here it comes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞弹来袭 凤凰 向右急转", "english": "Radar warning! Smoke in the air. Phoenix break right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又来一枚飞弹", "english": "Here comes another one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首一号发射诱弹", "english": "Dagger One defending."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 回报", "english": "Rooster status."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Oh my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞弹来袭", "english": "Smoke in the air!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 又来了", "english": "Oh my God here they come!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 飞弹在你正后方", "english": "SAM on your six Rooster!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发射反制火焰弹", "english": "Deploying countermeasures."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没被击中", "english": "Negative contact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首一号进行回避", "english": "Dagger One defending."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "九点钟方向 九点钟方向", "english": "Nine o'clock! Nine o'clock!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 两枚在你正后方", "english": "Rooster two more on your six."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号发射诱弹", "english": "Dagger Two defending."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到了", "english": "I see it, i see it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号发射诱弹", "english": "Dagger Two defending."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠 我没诱弹了", "english": "Shit I'm out of flares!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 回避", "english": "Rooster evade evade!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甩不掉它们 它们锁定我了 它们锁定我了", "english": "I can't shake 'em! They're on me! They're on me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠 不", "english": "Mav! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首一号中弹 重复 匕首一号中弹", "english": "Dagger One is hit! I repeat Dagger One is hit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠被击落", "english": "Maverick is down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首一号 回报", "english": "Dagger One status."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回报", "english": "Status!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得绕回去", "english": "We have to circle back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "建议匕首小队往南飞", "english": "Recommend Dagger flow south."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一分钟后拦截", "english": "One minute to intercept."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快叫他们飞返航母", "english": "Get 'em back to the carrier now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌机来袭 匕首小队飞返基地", "english": "All Daggers flow to ECP. You have bandits headed for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠呢", "english": "What about Maverick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首后备要求进行空中支持", "english": "Dagger Spare request permission to launch and fly air cover."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "命令他们回来", "english": "Get 'em home now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首小队 不准救援", "english": "Dagger you are not to engage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重复 不准救援", "english": "Repeat do not engage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号飞返航母 确认", "english": "Dagger Two return to carrier. Acknowledge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 敌机逼近 不能回去", "english": "Rooster those bandits are closing. We can't go back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 他死了", "english": "Rooster he's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠死了", "english": "Maverick's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 不…", "english": "Oh no no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号被击中", "english": "Dagger Two is hit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号被击中", "english": "Dagger Two is hit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号 回报", "english": "Dagger Two come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号 收到吗", "english": "Dagger Two do you copy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "匕首二号 回报", "english": "Dagger Two come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "You all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事 你呢", "english": "Yeah I'm good. You all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么鬼", "english": "What the hell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我替你挡飞弹不是让你也落难", "english": "You think I took that missile so you could be down here with me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你早就该飞返航母了", "english": "You should be back on the carrier by now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我救了你一命", "english": "I saved your life!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我救了你 那才是重点", "english": "I saved your life. That's the whole point."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底在想什么", "english": "What the hell were you even thinking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫我不要想", "english": "You told me not to think!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样嘛…", "english": "Well"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见到你真好", "english": "it's good to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么计划", "english": "So what's the plan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在开玩笑吧", "english": "You've got to be shitting me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我开那玩意击落三架米格机", "english": "I shot down three MiGs in one of those."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那古董能不能飞都不知道", "english": "We don't even know if that bag of ass can fly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会打信号要你充气", "english": "Once I give you the signal for air"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引擎启动后", "english": "When the engine starts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好耶", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一上去就收起梯子", "english": "Once I'm up stow the ladder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 哇塞", "english": "Okay. Wow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很久没开了", "english": "It's been a minute huh Mav?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 这玩意超老旧的", "english": "Oh my God. This thing is so old."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两条跑道都被炸毁", "english": "Both runways are cratered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该怎么让这老古董起飞", "english": "How we gonna get this museum piece in the air?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么延展机翼", "english": "Why are the wings coming out Mav?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是滑行道 不是跑道", "english": "Mav this is a taxiway not a runway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且是很短的滑行道", "english": "This is a very short taxiway Mav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐好了", "english": "Just hang on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇咧", "english": "Holy shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指针能运作", "english": "Needle's alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Holy shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他进入超音速", "english": "He's supersonic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在飞行", "english": "He's airborne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能 不可能", "english": "Can't be. It can't be!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是独行侠", "english": "Maverick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在试", "english": "I'm working on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无线电失效 没有雷达 一切都故障", "english": "Radio's out. No radar. Everything's dead back here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开…", "english": "Throw the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "试试看", "english": "Try that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 那是你爸的领域", "english": "I don't know. That was your dad's department."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会想办法", "english": "I'll figure it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该怎么办", "english": "What do we do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听好 冷静点", "english": "Okay listen. Just be cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们若是暴露了身分早就死了", "english": "If they knew who we were we'd be dead already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们来了", "english": "Well here they come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住 我们是同一国的", "english": "Remember we're on the same team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挥手和微笑", "english": "Just wave and smile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挥手和微笑", "english": "Just wave and smile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那什么信号 他在说什么", "english": "What's that signal? What's he saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道他在说什么", "english": "No idea. I have no idea what he's saying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠 他的僚机进入攻击位置", "english": "Oh shit. His wingman is moving into weapons envelope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一下令你就抓住头上的圆环", "english": "When I tell you you grab those rings above your head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是弹跳把手", "english": "That's the ejection handle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能逃离他们吗", "english": "Mav can we outrun these guys?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们有飞弹和机关枪", "english": "Not their missiles and guns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就要空战啰", "english": "Then it's a dogfight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关键不在飞机 而是飞行员", "english": "It's not the plane it's the pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不在你肯定会迎敌", "english": "You'd go after 'em if I wasn't here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你在啊", "english": "But you are here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 独行侠", "english": "Come on Mav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别犹豫", "english": "Don't think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放手去做", "english": "Just do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到飞弹就告诉我", "english": "Tell me when you see smoke in the air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好耶 击落了一架 击落了一架", "english": "Yeah Mav! Splash one! Splash one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又来一枚飞弹", "english": "Here comes another one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公鸡 发射诱弹", "english": "Rooster flares! Now now now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绕回去", "english": "Coming around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发射飞弹", "english": "Taking the shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么", "english": "What the--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐好了 我要低飞", "english": "Hang on. We got to get low."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "峡谷会干扰他的瞄准器", "english": "The terrain will confuse his targeting system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他来了", "english": "Here he comes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回报状况 他在哪里", "english": "Talk to me Rooster. Where is he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他紧追不舍", "english": "He's still on us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇咧", "english": "Holy shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "锁定他 发射飞弹", "english": "I got tone. Taking the shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可恶", "english": "Damn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没飞弹了 改用机关枪", "english": "Out of missiles. Switching to guns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快啊 快啊", "english": "Come on Mav come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好耶 击落第二架", "english": "Yes! Splash two!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Oh my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这家伙在哪里", "english": "Where the hell is this guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在正前方", "english": "He's on our nose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹药用完了", "english": "Damn it we're out of ammo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞弹来袭 公鸡 发射诱弹", "english": "Smoke in the air! Rooster flares!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好险啊", "english": "That was close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有诱弹了", "english": "We're out of flares Mav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠 他已经追上来了", "english": "Shit he's already on us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况不妙", "english": "This is not good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能再被击中了", "english": "We can't take much more of this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我下令就拉下弹跳把手", "english": "Pull the ejection handles the second I tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹跳…弹跳…", "english": "Eject eject eject!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快拉把手 弹跳", "english": "Rooster pull the handle! Eject!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把手拉不动", "english": "It's not working."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠", "english": "Mav!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 呆头鹅", "english": "I'm sorry Goose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请系好安全带", "english": "Please fasten your seat belts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刽子手 你看起来不赖", "english": "Hey Hangman you look good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很厉害 公鸡 非常厉害", "english": "I am good Rooster. I'm very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我顺风飞行", "english": "Maverick is downwind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有起落架或尾钩 收起阻拦索 架起护网", "english": "No front landing gear. No tailhook. Pull the cable and raise the barricade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紧急迫降 架起护网", "english": "Foul deck! Raise the barricade!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快架起", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别告诉我引擎失效了", "english": "Please don't tell me we lost an engine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还好吧", "english": "You good?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很好", "english": "Yeah. I'm good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独行侠击落五架 他才是王牌", "english": "Mav has five. Makes him an ace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你救我一命", "english": "Thank you for saving my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸也会这么做", "english": "It's what my dad would've done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 独行侠", "english": "Hey Mav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉米", "english": "Jimmy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "潘妮在吗", "english": "Is... Is Penny around?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她带埃米莉雅去航船", "english": "She took Amelia on a sailing trip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有说几时回来吗", "english": "Did she say when she'd be back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她没说喔", "english": "You know she didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要喝什么吗", "english": "Can I get you anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进去吧", "english": "Get in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他人呢?", "english": "Gdye vashy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是一个人", "english": "I'm alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们谁不是?", "english": "Aren't we all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得去上厕所", "english": "-l had to stop in the bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又准备拯救世界吗?", "english": "-Ready to save the world again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士…", "english": "-James..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为英国,艾力克", "english": "-For England, Alec."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太容易了", "english": "-It's too easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有事情 一半都是靠运气,詹姆士", "english": "-Half of everything is luck, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一半呢?", "english": "And the other half?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠命运", "english": "Fate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开枪!", "english": "Fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打烊了,詹姆士!", "english": "-Closing time, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是巫上校 举起双手出来!", "english": "This is Colonel Ourumov. Come out with your hands up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个人都知道", "english": "How original."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾力克,关门! 有风进来!", "english": "Shut the door, Alec. There's a draught."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾力克", "english": "Alec?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快完成任务,干掉他们!", "english": "-Finish the job, James. Blow them to hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你十秒钟", "english": "-You have ten seconds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十…", "english": "Ten,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会打到瓦斯桶", "english": "You'll blow the gas tanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你最后机会", "english": "This is your last chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "举起手出来…", "english": "Come out with your hands..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等!", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你赢不了", "english": "You can't win."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走!", "english": "Move it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要开火!", "english": "Hold your fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等!", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士,你真的有必要开得这么快吗?", "english": "-James, is it necessary to drive so fast?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比你预想的要经常多了", "english": "-More often than you'd think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也像别的女孩一样爱坐飞车 不过…", "english": "l enjoy a spirited ride as much as the next girl, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是谁?", "english": "-Who's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别的女孩", "english": "-The next girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士,别这样!打住!", "english": "James, stop this. Stop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们开车寻开心 你却来这套心理分析", "english": "We're having a pleasant drive and you bring psychology into it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我奉命来评估你", "english": "-l was just sent here to evaluate you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还是别想公事了", "english": "-Let's put that behind us, shall we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士优先", "english": "Ladies first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我完全能连守女上司的命令", "english": "l have no problem with female authority."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士,你真是无药可救", "english": "James, you're incorrigible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,为你的评估 干杯好吗?", "english": "Let's toast your evaluation, shall we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安,邦德先生 欢迎再次光临", "english": "Bonsoir, Monsieur Bond. Tres heureux de vous revoir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安,皮耶 你好吗?", "english": "-Bonsoir, Pierre. Ga va bien?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊,很好,你呢?", "english": "-Tres bien. Et vous?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士赢了", "english": "Madame wins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人下注?", "english": "-No players?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来", "english": "-Banco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来我们兴趣相投", "english": "lt appears we share the same passions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只不过三种", "english": "Three, anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为两种:", "english": "l count two"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开车和玩牌", "english": "-motoring and baccarat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "七点,女士赢了", "english": "Seven. Madame wins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望第三种 是你真正的看家本领", "english": "l hope the third is where your real talent lies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要牌", "english": "Carte."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士手上有五点", "english": "Madame stands with five."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六点,女士输了", "english": "-Six. Madame loses. -Buliatch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "及时行乐吧", "english": "-Enjoy it while it lasts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我的座右铭", "english": "-The very words l live by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的座右铭是什么?", "english": "And what words do you live by?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这本事我可学不来 不如你教我别的", "english": "Perhaps you'll show me how it's done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伏特加,马丁尼 用摇的,不要搅的", "english": "Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一样", "english": "The same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么喝?", "english": "How do you take it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不加冰…", "english": "Straight up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢,先生您是…", "english": "Thank you, Mr..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫邦德", "english": "The name's Bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士邦德", "english": "James Bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎妮安娜拓", "english": "Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是乔治亚人?", "english": "-Your accent... Georgian?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好,邦德先生 你去过俄国?", "english": "-Very good, Mr Bond.-You've been to Russia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近没有,以前偶尔去一去", "english": "-Not recently.l used to drop in occasionally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快进快出", "english": "Shoot in and out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在大不相同了 一个冒险家乐园", "english": "It's very different now. A land of opportunity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "家家车库停着新的法拉利?", "english": "With a new Ferrari in every garage?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那倒不是 这车是朋友的", "english": "No, not quite. That belongs to a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你朋友个建议:", "english": "A tip for your friend:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仿造的也一样", "english": "Even the counterfeit ones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邦德先生?", "english": "Mr Bond?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们走吧?", "english": "Shall we go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位是上将", "english": "This one is an admiral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢女人比官阶", "english": "l like a woman who enjoys pulling rank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸会,邦德先生", "english": "Nice to meet you, Mr Bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎妮安娜拓 前苏联战斗机驾驶", "english": "Onatopp, Xenia. Ex-Soviet fighter pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该嫌犯与圣彼得堡的亚努犯罪 组织有联系", "english": "Current suspected links to the Janus crime syndicate, St Petersburg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钱班霓,传送完毕 晚安,詹姆士", "english": "End of transmission. Moneypenny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎妮,我不能呼吸了!", "english": "Xenia, l can't breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向您致敬,上将!", "english": "My respects, Admiral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位女士们先生们…", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们看到的将是欧洲 对电子战的答案", "english": "What you are about to see is Europe's answer to the electronic battlefield:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不仅使用特殊灵活的 “隐形”科技…", "english": "Uniquely manoeuvrable, the Tiger not only uses Stealth technology,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从你们基地那里的朋友 带给你们一个小小的惊喜", "english": "l have a small surprise from your friends at the barracks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我走运了", "english": "l think l've gone to heaven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还没有呢", "english": "Not yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在请欢迎驾驶员", "english": "Please welcome the pilots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自动绘图投射", "english": "Orthographic projection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "计算拦截第二测地卫星距离 输入密码", "english": "Compute possible intercept with second-stage geo-sat two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜?", "english": "Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "既便是女人投怀送抱 他都无法接受", "english": "He wouldn't know a woman if one came up and sat on his head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波洛?", "english": "Boris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得我不是登在 网路上了吗?", "english": "l thought I'd post it on the lnternet, no?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次我写个简单的 就连你都能破译 真是笨蛋一个", "english": "Even you should be able to break it, borscht-for-brains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真讨厌!", "english": "You're such a geek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好棒!我进入了!", "english": "Yes. I'm in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经闯入了美国司法部", "english": "You've hacked into the US Department of Justice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道被追查到的后果吗?", "english": "What if they trace it here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝对查不到我的", "english": "They'll never detect me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说他们很笨?", "english": "You were saying, slug-head?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人敢惹我葛波洛", "english": "Nobody screws with Boris Grishenko."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破坏他们!", "english": "-Spiked them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才不!我破坏他们了!", "english": "No way. l spiked them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不告诉你 让我猜猜", "english": "OK. Let me guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是在我前面吗?", "english": "It's not in front of me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能坐在上面 却不能带走", "english": "You sit on it, but you can't take it with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的程式能够拦截 任何追踪我的电话", "english": "My program seizes the phone line of whoever's tracing me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干扰数据机 他们无法挂断", "english": "and jams their modem so they can't hang up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在猎物变成猎人了", "english": "Now the hunted becomes the hunter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你下次好运,笨蛋!", "english": "\"Better luck next time, \"slug-heads.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成功了!", "english": "Bang. Gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所向无敌!", "english": "l am invincible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是也过瘾吗?", "english": "Was it good for you, too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去喝咖啡", "english": "I'm getting some coffee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去抽一支烟", "english": "I'm going for a cigarette."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿凯蒂巫洛莫将军", "english": "General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太空部负责人", "english": "head of Space Division."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要试发黄金眼 请报告", "english": "We are going to test-fire GoldenEye. Report your status."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在计时", "english": "l am timing you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "设定目标", "english": "Set target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞维亚", "english": "Severnaya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞维亚", "english": "Severnaya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备武器", "english": "Arm the weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "武器就绪", "english": "Arm the weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确认!", "english": "Check it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事了 我得清理掉一个人", "english": "It's clean. l had to ventilate someone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安,钱班霓", "english": "-Good evening, Moneypenny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安,詹姆士", "english": "-Good evening, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没有下班后见过你 真漂亮", "english": "-Never seen you after hours. Lovely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要去迷倒众生?", "english": "Dressing to kill?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是坐在家里为国际 事件祈祷…", "english": "but l don't sit at home praying for an international incident"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我盛装赶来 让詹姆士邦德开眼", "english": "so l can run down here all dressed up to impress James Bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟一位绅士有约 一起去看戏", "english": "l was on a date with a gentleman. We went to the theatre."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "钱班霓,我好伤心", "english": "Moneypenny, I'm devastated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "失去你,我怎么办?", "english": "What would l ever do without you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就我的记忆里,詹姆士", "english": "As far as l can remember, James,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从没得到过我", "english": "you've never had me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有希望才有无限春梦", "english": "Hope springs eternal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道,这种行为 算是性骚扰", "english": "This sort of behaviour could qualify as sexual harassment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗?", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总有一天你得实现 你的讽刺话", "english": "Someday you have to make good on your innuendoes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先请,钱班霓", "english": "-After you, Moneypenny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我坚持…", "english": "-No, l insist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看卫星拍的照片", "english": "-We found a match."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到了失踪的 “猛虎”直升机", "english": "Your missing Tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在北俄罗斯中部吗?", "english": "-ln the middle of northern Russia?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可惜你的邪恶的女上司 不让你玩", "english": "Too bad the evil queen of numbers wouldn't let you play it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说的是…?", "english": "-You were saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有,我只是…", "english": "-No, no. l was just...just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如我想听挖苦的话 找我的孩子就行了,多谢", "english": "Because if l want sarcasm, l'll talk to my children, thank you very much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请开始简报,丹诺先生", "english": "Proceed with your briefing, Mr Tanner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求救讯号后 直升机就起飞", "english": "Yes, after the distress signal, your helicopter took off"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俄军派三架米格机拦截", "english": "and the Russians had three MiGs intercept it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俄国人用这基地做什么?", "english": "What do you think the base is used for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前我们怀疑那也许是…", "english": "We suspected it might be the ground station"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的分析显示对方 既无财力…", "english": "Our statistical analysis saw they had neither"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我毫无数字观念", "english": "Numbers were never my strong suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些图片是立即传送的?", "english": "Are these pictures live?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们和美国政府不一样 不喜欢从CNN上得到坏消息", "english": "Unlike the American government, we prefer not to get our bad news from CNN."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前并无异状 一切正常", "english": "Negative so far. Everything seems normal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这到底是怎么搞的?", "english": "What the bloody hell was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娜坦雅席蒙娜", "english": "Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的卫星被破坏了", "english": "Our satellite is knocked out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另外两枚美国的也是", "english": "So are two of the Americans'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还有另一枚正在进入轨道", "english": "We have another,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在正在传送影像", "english": "coming into range now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天!", "english": "Good God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两架米格机坠毁", "english": "Two of the MiGs are down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第三架撞到卫星天线", "english": "lt looks like the third went into the dish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得如何?", "english": "What do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有灯光", "english": "No lights."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电磁波?", "english": "-EMP?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电磁波,是一项 美苏两国在冷战中…", "english": "-Electromagnetic pulse.-A satellite weapon developed by the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看过简报", "english": "l've read the brief."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "广岛核爆后发现的", "english": "Discovered after Hiroshima."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会产生激波", "english": "Creates a pulse,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中断对方通讯", "english": "before they can retaliate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以黄金眼确实存在", "english": "So, GoldenEye exists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为直升机遭窃", "english": "For stealing the GoldenEye,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是运送黄金眼的最好工具", "english": "it was the perfect getaway vehicle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚努一伙?", "english": "-The Janus group?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能跟直升机有关", "english": "-lt may be linked to the helicopter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道俄国的安全措施", "english": "l know the Russian fail-safe systems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能随便进去 取得炸弹的钥匙", "english": "You just don't walk in and ask for the keys to the bomb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必须要有密码", "english": "You need the access codes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是有内贼", "english": "There had to be an insider."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少有一个人知道是谁", "english": "At least one person probably knows who it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好,谢谢 晚安", "english": "Very well, sir. Thank you. Good night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首相与莫斯科联络过", "english": "The prime minister's talked to Moscow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说例行演习出了意外", "english": "lt was \"an accident on a training exercise\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "换了政府 还是照样说谎", "english": "Governments change. The lies stay the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚努帮有线索吗?", "english": "What else do we know about Janus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "军火商 大本营在圣彼得堡", "english": "Top-flight arms dealers, headquartered in St Petersburg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波斯湾战争中提供伊拉克军火", "english": "Restocked the lraqis during the Gulf War."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首脑身分不明,没有照片", "english": "The head man's unreliably described. No photographs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那女人…", "english": "The woman,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要来杯酒吗?", "english": "-Would you care for a drink?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "-Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的前任留下的干邑酒 在上面…", "english": "-Your predecessor kept some cognac..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢波本酒", "english": "-l prefer bourbon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经调阅了在塞维亚每个 能获得使用密码的人档案", "english": "We pulled the files on whoever may have had access or authority at Severnaya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据我所知,榜首是你的老朋友", "english": "The top name on the list's an old friend of yours, l understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巫洛莫", "english": "Ourumov."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他晋升了将军", "english": "They made him a general."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自以为是俄国 下一位铁腕人物", "english": "He sees himself as the next \"iron man of Russia\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分析家认为他不可能叛国", "english": "Our political analysts say he doesn't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不在嫌疑犯名单上", "english": "fit the profile of a traitor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是这些分析家说 黄金眼是不可能存在的吗?", "english": "Are these the same analysts who said that GoldenEye couldn't exist?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们还说直升机事件 没有威胁,不值得调查?", "english": "Who said the helicopter posed no threat and wasn't worth following?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邦德,你不喜欢我 你也不喜欢我的做法", "english": "You don't like me, Bond. You don't like my methods."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为我是会计", "english": "You think I'm an accountant,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做为会计,我更相信数据 而不是你的直觉", "english": "more interested in numbers than your instincts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我觉得你是个歧视女人 厌恶女人的恐龙", "english": "Because l think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个冷战的遗留人物 他那男孩的魅力…", "english": "a relic of the Cold War, whose boyish charms, though wasted on me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管对我不管用,却迷倒了 我派去评估你的少女", "english": "obviously appealed to that young woman l sent out to evaluate you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若你觉得我不敢派人送死", "english": "lf you think l don't have the balls to send a man out to die,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可就大错特错了", "english": "your instincts are dead wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不会轻举妄动", "english": "But l won't do it on a whim,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使你以骑士的态度 面对人生", "english": "even with your cavalier attitude towards life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你找到黄金眼", "english": "l want you to find GoldenEye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找出谁是主犯,阴谋是什么 并且加以阻止", "english": "Find who took it, what they plan to do with it, and stop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如是遇到巫洛莫 不管有没有罪…", "english": "lf you come across Ourumov, guilty or not,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遇上他千万别公报私仇", "english": "don't run off on a vendetta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为艾力克报仇 也救不活他", "english": "Avenging Alec Trevelyan will not bring him back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这点你不必自责", "english": "Don't make it personal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会的", "english": "Never."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邦德?", "english": "Bond..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活着回来", "english": "Come back alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国防部长米西根,各位好", "english": "Defence Minister Mishkin... Gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为太空部负责人 我会亲自调查", "english": "As head of Space Division, l personally undertook the investigation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为这个罪行是西伯利亚 分裂主义者所为", "english": "l have concluded this crime was committed by Siberian separatists"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望造成政治动乱", "english": "seeking to create political unrest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很不幸,塞维亚的 太平的工作与外汇收入", "english": "Regrettably, the peaceful work and the hard-currency earnings of Severnaya"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在此我顺引咎辞职", "english": "Therefore, l tender my resignation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你保证不会再有 其他的金眼睛卫星武器", "english": "Merely your assurance that there are no other GoldenEyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那失踪的两名技术员呢?", "english": "And what of the two missing Severnaya technicians?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只知道一名: 葛波洛", "english": "l was aware only of the one. Boris Grishenko."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一名女孩 没找到尸体", "english": "There was a girl also, whose body was not among the dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娜坦雅席蒙娜 二级程式设计师", "english": "Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova. A level-two programmer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "断然指责西伯利亚分裂者 不太好", "english": "before the whereabouts of your own people are determined."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吗?", "english": "-Do you agree?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早安,Q", "english": "Morning, Q."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "腿怎么了?滑雪跌伤?", "english": "Sorry about the leg. Skiing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打猎", "english": "Hunting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自动毁灭系统", "english": "Self-destruct system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对这个特别感到骄傲", "english": "Now, this I'm particularly proud of."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车灯后面 刺螫飞弹", "english": "Behind the headlights, Stinger missiles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了", "english": "Excellent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辛苦工作了一天 可以发泄一下", "english": "Just the thing for unwinding after a rough day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但开车还是不能违规", "english": "not break the traffic laws."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普通男用皮带", "english": "A typical leather belt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩完了没?", "english": "Have you finished?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它能射出铁勾", "english": "Fire, and out shoots a piton,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笔", "english": "A pen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按三次后四秒引爆", "english": "Three clicks arms the four-second fuse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上再按三次就取消", "english": "Another three disarms it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都说笔比剑更可怕", "english": "-\"The pen is mightier than the sword.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我,此话成真", "english": "-Thanks to me, it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一、二、三", "english": "One, two, three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别多嘴!", "english": "-Don't say it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "墙上的涂鸦?", "english": "-The writing's on the wall?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有他的残骸", "english": "Along with the rest of him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别碰那个!", "english": "Don't touch that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我的午餐", "english": "That's my lunch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伦敦四月是春天", "english": "ln London, April's a spring month."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?你在报导气象吗?", "english": "Oh, yeah? What are you - the weatherman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 另一个有密码和口令…", "english": "For cryin' out loud. Another stiff-assed Brit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总有一天 你们得学学别用这套", "english": "One of these days you guys are gonna learn just to drop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了吧,我的车在那儿", "english": "Come on. My car's over there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像你说的 别来这套", "english": "-Like you said, drop it. -All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣彼得堡却冷得要命 这样够了吗? 不够", "english": "-Close enough for government work? -No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我看玫瑰", "english": "-Show me the rose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "饶了我吧", "english": "-Please, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我第三个老婆,我是 中情局魏杰克 英国佬,詹姆士邦德", "english": "-Jack Wade, ClA. -James Bond, stiff-assed Brit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个宝贝还没抛过锚呢 不中看却很中用", "english": "Hasn't let me down yet. She's an ugly little bitch, but she gets you there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,邦德? 你种花吗?", "english": "Hey, Bond. Do you do any gardening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉米,把钳子拿给我", "english": "Can you hand me that wrench, Jimmy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对亚努了解多少?", "english": "-So what do you know about Janus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一无所知", "english": "-Zilch. Zipsky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人见过他 但他有高官相护", "english": "No one's ever seen him. But the man's connected up the kazoo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说他住在旧苏联飞弹列车上", "english": "Rumour has it he lives on one of those old Soviet missile trains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包着铁甲到处开 所以我们无法追踪", "english": "That armoured stuff they used to run around so we couldn't target 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把鎚子给我好吗?", "english": "Wanna hand me that hammer, Jimbo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老实说,你找不到这家伙 只有他找得到你", "english": "Anyways, to tell the truth, you don't find this guy. He finds you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哼,不都是一些俄国黑手党", "english": "Hell, it's all Russian Mafia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个对手是谁?", "english": "-Who is the competition?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前KGB的人,凶汉", "english": "-An ex-KGB guy. Tough mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "右脚跛了 叫祖考斯基", "english": "Limps on his right leg. Name's Zukovsky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维伦汀祖考斯基?", "english": "-Valentin Dimitreveych Zukovsky?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对呀,你认识他?", "english": "-Yeah. You know him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是被我打跛的", "english": "-l gave him the limp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有这些吗?", "english": "-Are these all you have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还要多少?", "english": "-How many do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若女士需要,我可以演示…", "english": "lf madam requires a demonstration..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要一个样品 到安静的地方试用", "english": "Madam requires one demonstration model and a quiet place to test it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娜坦雅", "english": "Natalya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我弄清楚,吉米", "english": "Let me get this straight, Jimmy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你射伤了他的脚 偷走他的车和女友", "english": "You shot him in the leg, you s¤ole his car, you took his gi¤."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在却要他帮你和亚努见面?", "english": "And noW you Want Zukovsky to set you up With Janus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "-Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想干什么? 你想打动他的心吗?", "english": "-Are you gonna appeal to his heart?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,他的钱包", "english": "-No. His wallet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,这可能有用", "english": "-That might work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啦,好戏上场", "english": "OK. Showtime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的要这么做吗?", "english": "Are you sure you wanna do this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次有人硬闯 结果被化成灰…", "english": "Last guy who dropped in uninvited went home air freight"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定要坐头等舱", "english": "Make sure they send me home first class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天倒霉透项", "english": "Another morning shot to hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自由市场经济 会害死我", "english": "Free-market economy! l swear it will be the end of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我杀了两个", "english": "l believe l've killed two of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算我走运", "english": "-Lucky me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不见得", "english": "-l think not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士邦德", "english": "James Bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魅力十足的情报员", "english": "Charming, sophisticated secret agent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是需要观众", "english": "Or your need for an audience."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱琳娜,我的情妇", "english": "That is lrina, my mistress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挺有才华的女郎", "english": "Very talented girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱琳娜!给我滚!", "english": "lrina. Take a hike."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,邦德先生", "english": "So, Mr Bond,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么风把你吹来当邻居?", "english": "what is it that brings you to my neighbourhood?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要我帮个忙!", "english": "He wants me to do him a favour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的膝盖每天都痛", "english": "My knee aches every single day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开嘴!", "english": "Silence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这过去的KGB干员 你让我吃惊啊,老兄", "english": "For an ex-KGB agent, you surprise me, Valentin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是饶你老命", "english": "miss the rest of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么饶我?", "english": "-So why did you not kill me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算是职业上的礼貌", "english": "-Call it professional courtesy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你手下把棺材载去换钱", "english": "Your man drives the hearse in, the money's exchanged,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对方把棺材接走", "english": "their man drives the hearse out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果他们因炸药被逮捕", "english": "Their man will be arrested with the explosives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的人就能带着你的钱 奇迹式脱身", "english": "Your man will make a miraculous escape with the money. Your money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用什么跟你交换?", "english": "And what do l owe for this accommodation?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你安排我和亚努见面", "english": "l want you to set me up with Janus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎么会惹上你?", "english": "-What has he done to deserve you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他偷了架直升机", "english": "-Stole a helicopter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说亚努,我没见过他 可我知道他是哥萨克人", "english": "This Janus -l never met the man, but l know he's a Lienz Cossack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二次大战与纳粹合作对抗俄国", "english": "The group that worked for the Nazis, Second World War."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你懂历史嘛 战争结束后…", "english": "You know your history. At the end of the war,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥萨克人向奥地利的 英军投降…", "english": "the Lienz Cossacks surrendered to the British in Austria,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "送回苏联后 被斯大林下令处死", "english": "who promptly had them all shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我们的光荣时刻", "english": "Not exactly our finest hour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你安排我见亚努 跟他提直升机的事", "english": "l want you to set me up with Janus. Tell him I'm asking about the chopper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么他却欠我个人情?", "english": "-he owes me one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中校,你不需要用枪", "english": "You don't need the gun, Commander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这要看你的安全做爱的 定义是什么", "english": "That depends on your definition of safe sex."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就够近的了", "english": "That's close enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不这么想", "english": "Not for what l have in mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能伤得了我?", "english": "You think you can hurt me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能驯服我吗?", "english": "You think you can break me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,不!", "english": "No, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要前戏了,带我见亚努", "english": "No more foreplay. Take me to Janus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有个愉快的夜晚,你呢? 这次又是你的荣幸", "english": "-You? -Once again, the pleasure was all yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就做个好梦吧", "english": "Sweet dreams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,詹姆士", "english": "Hello, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了? 不是开玩笑?", "english": "What's the matter, James?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你问过为什么吗?", "english": "Did you ever ask why"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为何要努力雄翻 暴政强权?", "english": "we toppled all those dictators and regimes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士邦德,女王的忠犬", "english": "James Bond, Her Majesty's loyal terrier,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "捍卫所谓的“信仰”", "english": "defender of the so-called faith."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托啦,詹姆士,把枪拿开", "english": "Please, James, put it away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错…", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我信任你,艾力克", "english": "-l trusted you, Alec."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信任?", "english": "-Trust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们知道,我们都是孤儿", "english": "We're both orphans, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父母逃过英人的背叛和 斯大林的毒手", "english": "mine survived the British betrayal and Stalin's execution squads."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲却不愿他们 自己活在耻辱中", "english": "But my father couldn't let himself or my mother live with the shame of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而人生却少有的讽刺", "english": "And in one of life's little ironies,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父母被英国出卖决定自尽", "english": "the son went to work for the government whose betrayal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "儿子却为这国家工作", "english": "caused the father to kill himself and his wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才会变成亚努", "english": "Hence Janus,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "双面的罗马门神", "english": "the two-faced Roman god,come to life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这脸非上帝造成 是拜你所赐", "english": "lt wasn't God who gave me this face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把炸弹设定三分钟 而不是六分钟", "english": "lt was you, setting the timers for three minutes instead of six."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了…", "english": "By the way,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后通知", "english": "Last call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了英国", "english": "For England, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒!", "english": "Wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生!", "english": "Mister."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒!拜托,醒醒!", "english": "Wake up, please. Wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在这儿", "english": "I'm here. I'm here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶快!", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "振作点 我们快死了!", "english": "Pull yourself together or we're gonna die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了吧", "english": "Never mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收集飞机里程数还真辛苦", "english": "The things we do for frequent-flier mileage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我帮你一把", "english": "Here. Let me help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这样,小心头", "english": "That's it. Mind your head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放开我!", "english": "Let me go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们随时都会回来 你要么趁机跟我走", "english": "Look, they might be back any minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的表去过", "english": "Your watch has."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在金眼睛爆炸中停了", "english": "Frozen by the GoldenEye blast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你猜你一定是爬上接收盘后 逃出来的女孩", "english": "And I'm willing to bet you're the one who climbed up the dish to get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说的越多 我就越有办法帮你", "english": "The more you tell me, the more l can help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说下去", "english": "Go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没别人了吗?", "english": "-There was no one else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "-No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我", "english": "Trust me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信你?", "english": "Trust you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我连你叫什么都不知道", "english": "l don't even know your name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早,邦德先生", "english": "Good morning, Mr Bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐吧", "english": "Sit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是国防部长,米西根", "english": "l am Defence Minister Dimitri Mishkin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该怎么处决你 邦德先生?", "english": "So, by what means shall we execute you, Commander Bond?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?不先聊聊吗?", "english": "What, no small talk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不打屁一下?", "english": "No chitchat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不欣赏你的幽默 黄金眼在哪里? 你没有吗?", "english": "-Where is the GoldenEye? -l assumed you had it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有英国间谍,塞维亚人 程式设计师和直升机…", "english": "l have an English spy, a programmer and a helicopter..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛国罪呢?", "english": "-And for treason?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩都住口! 开嘴!", "english": "-Stop it, both of you. Stop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们简直就像小孩子抢玩具", "english": "You're like boys with toys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是巫洛莫", "english": "lt was Ourumov."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我亲眼目睹", "english": "l saw him do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他杀死了每个人还 偷走了黄金眼", "english": "He killed everyone, then stole the GoldenEye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他为什么这么做?", "english": "And why would he do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有另一枚卫星", "english": "There is another satellite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一颗黄金眼", "english": "Another GoldenEye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你,席小姐", "english": "Thank you, Miss Simonova."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "此案由我调查 你太过分了", "english": "-You are out of order. -Molcheetye. Molcheech."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道敌人是谁吗?", "english": "-Do you even know who the enemy is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被英国情报员詹姆士邦德杀害了", "english": "murdered by British agent James Bond,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他逃亡时也遭到射杀 警卫!", "english": "himself shot while trying to escape. Guards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来呀!", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在档案室!", "english": "They're in the archive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面!", "english": "Down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我", "english": "Trust me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走!", "english": "Go now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点!", "english": "Faster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可恶!", "english": "Damn it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开进巷子!", "english": "Down the alley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "左转!", "english": "Go left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出来!", "english": "Get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邦德还活着?", "english": "Bond is alive?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邦德得意了,你就糟糕了", "english": "Bad for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下来吧,亲爱的", "english": "Take a seat, my dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和詹姆士无话不谈", "english": "You know, James and l shared everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝对是无话不谈", "english": "Absolutely everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会喜欢我们要去的地方", "english": "You'll like it where we're going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可能还会喜欢我", "english": "You may even learn to like me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看住她", "english": "Stay with her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邦德", "english": "Bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是邦德", "english": "Only Bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要让我们出轨", "english": "He's going to derail us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全速前进!", "english": "-Full speed. -Shto?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全速前进!", "english": "Full speed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撞死他!", "english": "Ram him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为何不乖乖去死?", "english": "Why can't you just be a good boy and die?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先死", "english": "You first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是下一个", "english": "You second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "举起来!", "english": "Up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况看来…", "english": "Situation analysis:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没有后援,也没退路", "english": "You have no backup, no escape route."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我还有一个筹码", "english": "And l have the only bargaining chip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她人呢?", "english": "-Where is she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你致命的弱点", "english": "-Ah, yes. Your fatal weakness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巫洛莫,带她进来", "english": "Ourumov, bring her in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂亮妞", "english": "Lovely girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尝起来就…", "english": "Tastes like..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "-l would."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为朋友还是为使命?", "english": "Your friend, or the mission?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把枪放下,我就不杀她", "english": "Drop the gun. l'll let her live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巫洛莫,他答应你什么了?", "english": "Ourumov, what has this Cossack promised you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道,对不对?", "english": "You knew, didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会背叛你!", "english": "-He'll betray you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里将为邦德先生 开个小小的葬礼", "english": "and Mr Bond here will have a small memorial service"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有钱班霓小姐和 几个酒肉朋友会去", "english": "with only Moneypenny and a few tearful restaurateurs in attendance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以…", "english": "So,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个目标", "english": "Two targets,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间只能射一个", "english": "time enough for one shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女孩,还是使命?", "english": "The girl, or the mission?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了她,她对我无任何意义", "english": "Kill her. She means nothing to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地狱见吧,詹姆士", "english": "See you in hell, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一寸厚铁甲", "english": "-One-inch armour plating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事,谢谢你", "english": "-I'm fine, thank you very much!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波洛,太好了!", "english": "Boris. Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别光站在那儿! 设法让我们逃生!", "english": "-Don't stand there. Get us out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,长官", "english": "-Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我设定时炸弹 到六分钟引爆", "english": "l set the timers for six minutes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟你给我的六分钟一样", "english": "- the same six minutes you gave me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我至少能对朋友做到的", "english": "lt was the least l could do for a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他什么意思?", "english": "-What does that mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只有三分钟", "english": "-We've got three minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波洛的密码“什么是能坐 却不能带走?”", "english": "Boris' password. He plays word games. \"What l sit on but don't take with me.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "椅子", "english": "-Chair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说过", "english": "-Like l said..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不在俄国 德国,巴黎,伦敦,马德里", "english": "He's not in Russia, Germany, Paris, London, Madrid..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "墨西哥市,里约, 迈阿密", "english": "Mexico City, Rio, Miami..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在!", "english": "Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都破坏你所有 来坐的交通工具?", "english": "Do you destroy every vehicle you get into?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有玩具的男孩", "english": "Boys with toys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我该安排一下到古巴的 交通工具", "english": "Maybe l should take care of the transportation for our trip to Cuba."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去古巴?", "english": "Our trip?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会折除卫星武器吗?", "english": "Do you know how to disarm the weapon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么…", "english": "So,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应该知道的,中校?", "english": "l should be aware of, Commander?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "数不完", "english": "Thousands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是都只是", "english": "But l only pay them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘴上说说而已", "english": "lip service."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一生都梦想到加勒比海", "english": "My whole life l dreamed about coming to the Caribbean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真美极了", "english": "It's so beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟交通工具犯冲吗?", "english": "What is it with you and moving vehicles?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,老詹!", "english": "Yo, Jimbo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那老头叫我带个礼物给你", "english": "Brought a little gift from old whatshisname? T? Z?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算我没来 中情局不知情不干涉", "english": "l am not here. The ClA has no knowledge, no involvement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "懂,我很明白", "english": "Yes, l do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞机是向缉毒组朋友借的", "english": "Borrowed the plane from a friend in the DEA."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海岸防卫队知道此事", "english": "The Coast Guard and the FAA are in the loop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上面有最新的探测仪器", "english": "Here's the latest sat-int from Langley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娜坦雅席米娜", "english": "-Sim-yo-nova."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你查过她吗?", "english": "Did you check her out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从头到脚", "english": "-Head to toe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊", "english": "-Right..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要找的足球场大的 卫星天线,根本没有", "english": "So, you're lookin' for a dish the size of a football field, huh? Doesn't exist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在古巴什么事情也瞒不过我们", "english": "-Light a cigar in Cuba and we see it. -l know it's there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道一定有 跟塞维亚的一样", "english": "It's a duplicate of Severnaya,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你们在纽西兰的 秘密发射器一样", "english": "like your secret transmitters in New Zealand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑道尽头转左 古巴在右边八十哩", "english": "Anyway, hang a left at the end of the runway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一件事 别乱按车上的钮", "english": "Just one thing. Don't push any of the buttons on that car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是兜兜风", "english": "-I'm just gonna bomb around in it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "-Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士,我有信心 但你要小心点,他知道你要来", "english": "Yo, James. l got faith, but be careful. He knows you're comin'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特维阳是你的朋友", "english": "He was your friend -Trevelyan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在他是你的敌人 你要杀死他", "english": "And now he's your enemy and you will kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么简单", "english": "lt is that simple?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是说…", "english": "ln a word,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非他先杀死你", "english": "-Unless he kills you first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这些人只会拿枪杀人 为了什么?", "english": "With your guns, your killing, your death. For what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是为了当个英雄吗?", "english": "So you can be a hero?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英雄难逃一死", "english": "-All the heroes l know are dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么能这么能冷酷无情?", "english": "How can you be so cold?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样才能活下去", "english": "It's what keeps me alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才会这么孤独", "english": "It's what keeps you alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士", "english": "James..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事?", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在火车上…", "english": "On the train,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫他杀我 还说我对你无意义", "english": "when you told him to kill me and that l meant nothing to you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基本规则", "english": "Basic rule:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要骗他们", "english": "always call their bluff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不…", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,长官", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么都没有", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里什么都没有", "english": "There is nothing here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许老魏是对的 什么都没有", "english": "Maybe Wade was right. There is no dish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娜坦雅", "english": "Natalya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邦德先生,这次…", "english": "This time, Mr Bond,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下才到你", "english": "You wait for your turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她一向都喜欢这样", "english": "She always did enjoy a good squeeze."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卫星进入接收范围吗?", "english": "-ls the satellite in range?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再过六分钟", "english": "-Six minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还没好", "english": "-l am not ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开启", "english": "-Do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难怪我们看不到", "english": "No wonder we couldn't see it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世上最好用的提款卡", "english": "The world's greatest cash card."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好别被拒收", "english": "lt had better not be rejected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天线已开启", "english": "-Mischa is on-line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官!", "english": "-Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀死他", "english": "Kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他老是学不了乖", "english": "The man just won't take a hint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目标座标", "english": "-Target coordinates?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他准备向卫星发出讯号", "english": "He's getting ready to signal the satellite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么阻止他?", "english": "-How do you stop it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天线上的发射器", "english": "-The transmitter above the antenna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天线已就位", "english": "Antenna in position."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三、二、一", "english": "Three, two, one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天佑女王", "english": "God save the Queen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动", "english": "-Don't move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士!", "english": "James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是意想不到啊", "english": "What an unpleasant surprise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的目标是取乐于你", "english": "-We aim to please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那女孩呢?", "english": "-Where's the girl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把她找到!", "english": "Find her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是他的老一套吗?", "english": "Up to his usual tricks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "手表", "english": "The watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新款式", "english": "A new model."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是按这里吗?", "english": "Still press here, do l?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "装配得挺有趣,艾立克", "english": "lnteresting setup, Alec."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你侵入了英国银行 电脑转帐…", "english": "You break into the Bank of England via computer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后,马上启动黄金眼", "english": "just seconds before you set off the GoldenEye,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真高明", "english": "-lngenious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢,詹姆士", "english": "-Thank you, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过这是小偷的行为", "english": "But it still boils down to petty theft."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最终也不过是个 银行抢劫犯", "english": "ln the end, you're just a bank robber."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟个小偷差不多", "english": "Nothing more than a common thief."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你眼光老是这么狭窄", "english": "You always did have a small mind, James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不只销毁银行记录", "english": "It's not just erasing bank records."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是毁灭全伦敦的电脑系统", "english": "It's everything on every computer in London."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土地登记,犯罪记录", "english": "criminal records."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,四十二秒后 英国将回到石器时代", "english": "the United Kingdom will re-enter the Stone Age."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,拜托,詹姆士 别对我心理分析", "english": "Please, James. Spare me the Freud. l might as well ask you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "烈酒能让哀号宁静吗?", "english": "the screams of all the men you've killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在那些女人怀中 得到宽恕了吗?", "english": "Or if you find forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对于所有那些你不能 保护的死者", "english": "for all the dead ones you failed to protect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英国将懂得背叛的代价", "english": "England is about to learn the cost of betrayal,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎加入,亲爱的", "english": "-Welcome to the party, my dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娜坦雅!", "english": "-Natalya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再这么做了!", "english": "Don't ever do that again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你玩不起这游戏 人真的会死", "english": "This is not one of your games, Boris. Real people will die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这可怜虫", "english": "You pathetic little worm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她在电脑主机上 动过手脚 快查!", "english": "She was in the mainframe. Check the computer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她这笨蛋", "english": "She's a moron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二流程式设计师", "english": "A second-level programmer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她只处理过导航系统", "english": "She works on the guidance system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "制动火箭发射中", "english": "Retro-rockets firing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "制动火箭发射中", "english": "Retro-rockets firing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这到底是怎么回事?", "english": "-What the hell's happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会在大西洋某地上空烧毁", "english": "lt will burn up somewhere over the Atlantic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快处理", "english": "-Deal with it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可以改回来", "english": "Then she can fix it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管杀他", "english": "Go ahead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了他 他对我无意义", "english": "Shoot him. He means nothing to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以!", "english": "l can do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以破解她的密码!", "english": "l can break her codes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,快做!", "english": "Then get on with it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他!快点!", "english": "Tell him. Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把密码告诉我!", "english": "Give me the codes, Natalya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我!", "english": "Give them to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波洛能破解密码吗?", "english": "-Can Boris break your codes? -Possibly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得摧毁发射器", "english": "We have to destroy the transmitter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另外,我很好 谢谢关心", "english": "By the way, I'm fine, thank you very much!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道怎么用吗?", "english": "Do you know how to use one of these?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好,躲起来", "english": "Good. Stay out of sight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在做", "english": "-I'm fixing it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他敢溜就宰了他", "english": "-lf he moves, kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所向无敌!", "english": "Yes. l am invincible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆士,你要知道…", "english": "You know, James?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一向比你强", "english": "l was always better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一号呼叫基地", "english": "Alpha One to Gunship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一号呼叫基地", "english": "Alpha One to Gunship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了英国,詹姆士?", "english": "For England, James?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不…", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所向无敌!", "english": "Yes. l am invincible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事,谢谢", "english": "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是被人看见怎么办?", "english": "Suppose someone is watching?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "烟草种植园", "english": "It's tobacco plants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说我会来的", "english": "l said I'd be here, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海军陆战队兄弟!", "english": "Yo. Marines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不如到关塔那莫去 继续互相亲热呢", "english": "Maybe you two'd like to finish debriefing each other at Guantanamo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不跟你坐飞机或火车", "english": "No plane, no train, nothing that moves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的,怎么会有事?", "english": "Darling, what could possibly go wrong, hey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本字幕由 YYeTs 人人影视 原创翻译", "english": "[WEB&BD版美剧字幕精编者]再加工制作"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备进入 行动", "english": "Breaching... go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保护条约和引渡豁免", "english": "Immunity agreement and extradition waiver."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "签了这两份协议 我就告诉你们", "english": "Sign them, and I'll tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是怎么黑进国家航空航天局系统的", "english": "how I hacked into NASA."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "报告指挥官", "english": "Corporal to command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们抓到了天蝎", "english": "We have Scorpion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只是个孩子而已", "english": "He's just a kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各小队队长准备撤退", "english": "Team leaders maintain position to leave..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目标已被抓获", "english": "Target is acquired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想找几张航天飞机的蓝图贴在墙上", "english": "I just wanted the shuttle blueprints for my wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什么名字 孩子", "english": "What's your name, son?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在听吗", "english": "Are you listening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说\"我完全没想到会这样\"", "english": "Yes, you said \"I didn't see this coming at all.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不敢相信你居然要跟我分手", "english": "I can't believe you're breaking up with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得承认你这段日子确实很耐心", "english": "I'll admit you have been patient."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一生中最难熬的三个月", "english": "Longest three months of my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可不好相处 沃特", "english": "You're not easy, Walter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想这个能帮上忙", "english": "I thought this might help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱俩交往期间", "english": "Throughout our relationship,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你正确地指责我不能", "english": "you've accused me, correctly, of being unable to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在情感上和你沟通", "english": "connect with your emotional states."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以...我列出了", "english": "So... I mapped out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对你接下来几分钟的感受的预测", "english": "what I anticipate you'll experience over the next few minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你特意写了份文章来在情感上和我沟通", "english": "You wrote a document to connect with me emotionally?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我付钱请你来修无线网络 可不是让你聊天的", "english": "Hey! I pay you to fix wireless, not talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你居然把跟我分手安排在工作期间", "english": "You scheduled our breakup on a job?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样更有效率", "english": "To be more efficient."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也许是在努力 沃特", "english": "You may be trying, Walter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你离普通人还差得远呢", "english": "But you're still a million miles from normal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 伯特 你的座位在这里", "english": "Here you go, Burt. Your table's up here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "茶已经上好", "english": "And your tea's waiting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今天闻起来不错呀", "english": "You smell so good today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么味道 新古龙水吗 我喜欢", "english": "What is that-- new cologne? I love it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小子 你把这儿弄得乱七八糟", "english": "Hey, kid! You're making a mess!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩吉 你儿子又在玩调料罐", "english": "Paige! Again your boy's all over with the shakers!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 他也知道", "english": "I know, he knows, I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只是很难适应学校生活", "english": "He's just having a hard time adjusting in school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他下周就回学校去了 我保证", "english": "He'll be back next week. Promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的 没事的", "english": "Hey, honey. It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉纳柯斯先生只是喜欢整洁", "english": "Mr. Gianakos just likes to keep things neat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还记得我们之前聊过这种事吧", "english": "Remember we talked about that kind of thing before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这并不意味着你有问题 好吗", "english": "Doesn't mean there's something wrong with you, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打扰一下", "english": "Excuse me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您有事吗", "english": "Can I help you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 但你应该帮帮他", "english": "No, but you should help him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无线电修好了", "english": "Wireless is up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别冲那孩子大喊大叫", "english": "Don't yell at that boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个月", "english": "All of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道这个", "english": "I actually know this one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二月吧", "english": "Uh, February?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一群白痴", "english": "Idiots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 如果我的计算正确 它绝对没错", "english": "Okay, so if my math is right-- and it is--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会有人察觉", "english": "before anyone even notices."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什么呢", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得了吧 我可以的", "english": "Please. I got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看 来电了", "english": "See? Power's up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们为什么要偷电", "english": "Why are you stealing electricity?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是借而已", "english": "Just borrowing it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到他们恢复供电", "english": "until they turn our power back on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们做完信贷银行那单", "english": "I thought we were paying the bills"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是已经交了电费了吗", "english": "after the Credit Nationale job?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是想交来着", "english": "I was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我整整三天时间都耗在这个超棒的视距算法上", "english": "I worked for three days on this great loss algorithm for credit risk..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沉迷在数字当中", "english": "You got lost in the numbers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有水费和房租", "english": "And the water bill and our rent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次的报酬还是付现 也不知道放哪去了", "english": "And the payment was all in cash, which got misplaced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在某个地方 附近", "english": "It's somewhere... close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上次吃东西是什么时候", "english": "When's the last time you ate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说食物吗", "english": "You mean, like, food?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了 没事 我做完了林伍德的活儿", "english": "Okay, it's cool, I finished the Lynwood job,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托比会去收报酬", "english": "Toby's picking up the fee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托比 你怎么不去", "english": "Toby? Why not you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给雇主搭了个自动运输系统", "english": "I built the contractor an automated conveyance system"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他管我叫小甜甜", "english": "and he called me Sugar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给他的嘴来了一拳", "english": "So I hit him in the mouth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那托比到底在哪呢", "english": "And Toby is where exactly?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们小声点", "english": "Shh! Keep your voices down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就一分钟", "english": "Just for a minute!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托比", "english": "Uh, Toby..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我你拿到了林伍德那活儿的报酬", "english": "tell me you have the Lynwood payment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先 我能说我差点把报酬翻三倍吗", "english": "First, can I note how I nearly tripled the Lynwood payment?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以那些追着你跑的小混混", "english": "So those thugs are chasing you down"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是想来恭喜你咯", "english": "to give you a big congratulations?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打牌赢了他们 他们笨得要命", "english": "I beat them in poker! They're born chumps!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抽到好牌的时候", "english": "Pupils that dilate like saucers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞳孔放大得像茶托", "english": "whenever they had a good hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得了 身为哈佛培养出来的行为主义者", "english": "Come on! A Harvard-trained behaviorist"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该知道人们讨厌上当受骗", "english": "should know that people don't like to get cheated!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我讨厌你", "english": "I hate you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只是今天不太走运而已", "english": "We had a bad day!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都不走运两年了", "english": "We've been at this two years!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我创办这个公司是希望", "english": "The whole reason why I started this company is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们做的不止是修修路由器而已", "english": "because we have more to offer than just fixing routers!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特 你这是典型的在正常财政压力下", "english": "Walter, I'm reading a textbook panic response"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会有的恐慌反应", "english": "to normal financial stressors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们不干了 沃特 就告诉我", "english": "Okay, if this thing is going south, Walt, just let me know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我堂兄在菲尼克斯开了个汽车修理厂", "english": "'cause I have a cousin who owns a garage in Phoenix..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管我们怎么努力", "english": "No matter how hard we try--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道大家都很努力了", "english": "and I know we're all trying--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们离普通人还差得远呢", "english": "we're a million miles from normal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不错", "english": "Hey, good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们来得正好", "english": "Your timing's perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里面有个人骗了我们", "english": "A guy in there ripped us off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以在你包里放一包毒品", "english": "I'll put a bag of pills in your pocket"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "够把你关进监狱的", "english": "fat enough to get you a room in Lompoc."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了吗", "english": "Understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 滚吧", "english": "Now, hit it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国土安全部", "english": "Homeland Security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是来找沃特·奥布莱恩的", "english": "We're looking for Walter O'Brien!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是个徽章", "english": "It's a badge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不不", "english": "No, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去 出去", "english": "Get out. Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立刻从这里滚出去", "english": "Get out of here now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是有其他办法我就不会来找你了 相信我", "english": "I wouldn't be here if I weren't desperate, trust me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信你", "english": "\"Trust you\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是联邦探员凯布·格洛", "english": "He's Federal Agent Cabe Gallo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几年前我们共事过", "english": "We worked together years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果非常不如人意", "english": "The outcome was unfavorable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过去的事都过去了 奥布莱恩", "english": "Put it aside, O'Brien."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要你", "english": "I need you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛杉矶国际机场控制塔进行软件自动升级", "english": "there was an automatic software upgrade in the LAX control tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但其中有错误", "english": "It had a bug."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在整个系统都瘫痪了", "english": "Now the entire system's down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 所有的通讯网络都瘫痪了吗", "english": "Wa-wa-wait... all the communications are down?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长滩 洛杉矶机场和伯班克之间失去了联系", "english": "Contact's been lost between Long Beach, LAX and Burbank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "入境航班已经转移了航道", "english": "Incoming flights have been diverted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是那些马上要降落的航班", "english": "But the ones that were about to start their descent--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国家安全局试图用卫星连接", "english": "NSA's trying to work a satellite hook-up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联邦调查局在试图从天文台发出摩斯密码信号", "english": "FBI's attempting a Morse code signal from the observatory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你在软件方面给予协助", "english": "We need you on software."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有降落引导的话 这些飞机会耗尽燃油", "english": "Without landing guidance, those planes run out of fuel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后坠毁", "english": "And crash."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后坠毁 沃特", "english": "And crash, Walter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来好像", "english": "Sounds like..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大事不好了的样子", "english": "catastrophe is imminent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那去找别人吧 赶紧的", "english": "So, go find someone else. Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联邦担保支票呢", "english": "in each of your pockets?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我调查了你们所有人", "english": "I ran checks on all of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机械奇才 世界级心理大师", "english": "Mechanical prodigy, world-class shrink,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人体计算机", "english": "a human calculator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "个个绝顶聪明 却未物尽其用", "english": "Brilliant minds working at half-capacity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们想做点有意义的事情吗", "english": "You want to do something meaningful?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机会来了", "english": "Here's your chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们无动于衷的话 两小时之内", "english": "You don't, people and metal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人和飞机就会从天上坠落下来", "english": "will be falling from the sky in less than two hours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由你决定", "english": "It's your call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使我现在智商只剩一半", "english": "Even with half my IQ,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不至于蠢到再一次相信你", "english": "I wouldn't be dumb enough to believe you twice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对具有高清图像式记忆的人来说", "english": "is not an option for people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们单独谈谈", "english": "Give us a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这是干什么", "english": "What the hell are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在模仿你 这样你的潜意识就能与我相接", "english": "I was mirroring you so your subconscious can relate to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为这样能让你放松点", "english": "I thought it would help you relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得这样有用吗", "english": "Do you think it's working?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从逻辑上分析 我们不仅仅是在", "english": "Breaking this down logically, we're not just going to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阻止这些人陨落身亡", "english": "let those people fall out of the sky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说了 我不相信他", "english": "I'm telling you-- I don't trust him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但没有收入的话", "english": "But without an influx of capital,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两人只能回去黑银行抢钱了", "english": "these two are just gonna go back to hacking banks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们遇见的下一个司法鉴定专家", "english": "And the next forensic analyst they run into"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可不会像你一样好了", "english": "won't be as nice as you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我来说 我无所谓 我自己能搞定", "english": "Now, personally, I'm cool, I can handle myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间在流逝", "english": "Time is wasting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛杉矶国际机场的控制塔", "english": "LAX tower control is the main hub"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是其他所有机场的主枢纽", "english": "for all the other airports."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把那里的软件系统修理好", "english": "Fix the software there,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长滩和伯班克的也就自动修理好了", "english": "it autocorrects in Long Beach and Burbank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此 对这个新软件的故障", "english": "So, the new software's the glitch--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先要把它删除", "english": "first step is to delete that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后下载旧版的软件系统", "english": "then download the old software,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样飞机应该就能降落了", "english": "should be enough for the planes to land."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你要帮我们", "english": "So you're doing it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去洛杉矶国际机场", "english": "We go to LAX..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿上你们的设备", "english": "Grab your equipment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我的设备也带上 好吗", "english": "Mine, too, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定在监视我 才能这么快就找到我", "english": "Must've been keeping tabs on me to find me so quickly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被升职调任到洛杉矶分局了", "english": "I got promoted to the L.A. Office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不是要追踪你为什么要升我的职", "english": "Only make sense that I would track you down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的肢体语言说明那话半真半假", "english": "Your body language suggests that's about half the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是骗我", "english": "You cross me on this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会上网", "english": "I'll go online..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在一个小时内", "english": "and in less than a hour,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你消失", "english": "I will erase you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "旅客朋友们 抱歉飞机延误", "english": "Sorry for the delay, folks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们很快会有更多信息", "english": "We should have some more information shortly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你们的耐心等待", "english": "Thank you for your patience."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是联系不上", "english": "Still no contact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的手机呢", "english": "Your cell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也没信号", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在空军服役时", "english": "Back in the Air Force,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果在无法通讯的情况下下降", "english": "If we descend without comms,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可能会撞上别的飞机", "english": "we could run into another plane."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信说话这会儿", "english": "I'm sure there's an army of people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正有一大群人在处理这事呢", "english": "working on this as we speak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "All right,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果联调局和国安局都失败了", "english": "listen, when the FBI and the NSA fail,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能多拿一份奖金吗", "english": "do we get some kind of bonus here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愿意拿双倍或者分文不取", "english": "I'd be willing to go double or nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是你的最佳选择吗", "english": "They were your top choice for this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特·奥布莱恩是当今在世最聪明的五个人之一", "english": "Walter O'Brien is one of the five smartest people alive,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以答案是肯定的", "english": "so, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请注意 刚接到总部的指示", "english": "Be advised, just got word from headquarters"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无法在一个小时内赶到洛杉矶国际机场", "english": "LAX is unreachable for hours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重复 无法赶到洛杉矶国际机场", "english": "Repeat, LAX is a no-go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到问题解决前", "english": "Air traffic's been shut down"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空中运输会一直关闭", "english": "until the situation is resolved."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没直升机吗", "english": "No copter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安静点 雨人", "english": "Pipe down, Rain Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你再敢这么叫他", "english": "Call him that again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好指望联调局有牙医保险", "english": "you better hope the Feds have a good dental plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就找到了这么一车天才吗", "english": "This is what we get with a car full of geniuses?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果大家都闭嘴 就会有解决办法", "english": "What you'll get is a solution if everyone keeps their mouth shut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人 安静", "english": "Everyone, quiet!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不必去洛杉矶机场", "english": "We don't need to go to LAX."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只需要可靠的无线信号", "english": "We just need a reliable wireless signal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝不能出故障", "english": "with no chance of going down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚修好一个 就在向北一英里的地方", "english": "I just fixed one a mile north of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "店主", "english": "Owner!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是国土安全部的格洛探员", "english": "Agent Gallo, Homeland Security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要暂时征用你的餐馆 处理国家危机", "english": "We need to commandeer your diner for a national emergency."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以留下", "english": "You can stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但只能留一人", "english": "But that's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都出去", "english": "Everybody out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 所有人出去 快点 快点", "english": "Come on! Everybody out! Come on, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不不不", "english": "No, no, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天再付 快点", "english": "You -- you pay tomorrow. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 出去 出去", "english": "Come on, out! Out! Out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛呢", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道操作台面有多少细菌吗", "english": "Any idea the bacteria on countertops?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是让人心烦意乱", "english": "This is wildly upsetting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不不 你留下", "english": "No, no, no, no, you stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼莫 没顾客就没小费", "english": "Uh, Nemos, no customers, no tip,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能让拉尔夫跟...", "english": "And I cannot leave Ralph here with..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "移民身份让我", "english": "Listen, my immigration status"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不太适合跟联邦探员待在一起", "english": "makes me not so comfortable around Federal agents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来锁门", "english": "You lock up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉尔夫", "english": "Ralph?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴又见到你", "english": "Good to see you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的生命握在我们手里", "english": "Their lives are in our hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛杉矶国际机场出事了吗", "english": "Is there something wrong at LAX?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是顶级机密", "english": "It's top-secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我们安装无线网络的人", "english": "How can it be top-secret"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在解决的问题 怎么会是顶级机密", "english": "if the guy who set up our wireless is working on it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乐乐 为系统稳定后的来电自检写一个脚本", "english": "Happy, script a post check after the system's stabilized."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希尔维斯特 计算一下", "english": "Sylvester, run the odds on the patch"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "软件补丁安装后出错的几率", "english": "linking back into the software."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不希望明天再遇到同样的问题", "english": "We do not want the same problem tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托比", "english": "Toby..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到那个黑客", "english": "look for a saboteur."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特 拿杯咖啡", "english": "Walter, look for coffee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这事要搞砸了 尸体残骸", "english": "Screw this up, brains and guts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将会从天而降了", "english": "are gonna bounce all over town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上 在冲击时油箱会点燃", "english": "Actually, fuel tanks ignite on impact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会找到任何尸体残骸的", "english": "You won't find a body part."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被血浸透的脾脏会烧得比较慢", "english": "Eh, a blood-soaked spleen could burn at a slower rate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我九岁儿子面前你们说话都注意点", "english": "Hey, please check your language around my nine-year-old."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我的工作场所举止要得体", "english": "Be decent in my place of work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛杉矶机场的安全线路", "english": "Secure channel to LAX."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "航空交通主管在线上", "english": "Air traffic supervisor is on the line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他叫布鲁克斯", "english": "His name is Brooks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁克斯先生 我要黑进机场的安保系统", "english": "Mr. Brooks, I'm hacking into airport security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转动监控摄像头 对准屏幕", "english": "I'm gonna rotate your cameras to point at the monitors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样我就可以远程监控了", "english": "I'll see it remotely,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我会一步步教你怎么做的", "english": "and I'll walk you through each step."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是在和谁通话", "english": "Who am I on with here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能接受你黑进", "english": "I am not comfortable with you hacking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这机场的任何系统", "english": "into anything at this airport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就不要设置得那么简单", "english": "Then don't make it so easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回答一下你的问题 我叫沃特·奥布莱恩", "english": "To answer your question, my name is Walter O'Brien,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被叫来解决你们的问题", "english": "and I was brought in to fix your problem"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为看来你没办法自己解决", "english": "since you're not capable of doing it yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看你身后", "english": "Look behind you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对着摄像头问声好 布鲁克斯先生", "english": "Say hello to the camera, Mr. Brooks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重启你的电脑 然后指引那些飞机降落", "english": "to reboot your computer and land those planes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了达到这个目的", "english": "To do that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一下令 你马上在屏幕闪的时候按Ctrl+C", "english": "hit control C right in between the flickers at the exact moment that I say now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗", "english": "Ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按", "english": "Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没来得及 闪得太快了", "english": "I missed. It's too fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续", "english": "Moving on,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 短袖打领带的 戴眼镜的那个", "english": "you, short sleeves and tie, you in the glasses,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你懂编码 是吧", "english": "you code, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "懂一点", "english": "A little."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道的", "english": "How'd you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好运猜中而已 你叫什么", "english": "Lucky guess. What's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们在解决的可是阻止坠机的难题", "english": "You guys are talking about planes going down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是个实习生", "english": "I'm just an intern."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚刚升职了 坐下", "english": "You just got promoted. Sit down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁克斯先生 你能给兰迪", "english": "Mr. Brooks, can you give Randy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原装安装光盘 让他下载吗", "english": "the original installation disk to download?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道安装盘在哪里", "english": "I have no idea where it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那公司早就倒闭了", "english": "The company went out of business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的数据备份在哪里", "english": "Where do you back up your data?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布莱克斯坦数据储存", "english": "Blackstern Data Storage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 我们可以从备份服务器上拷贝一个旧的软件", "english": "Okay, we can get a copy of the old software from the backup server."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把它发给布鲁克斯 他点击链接", "english": "I e-mail it to Brooks, he clicks a link,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后系统就开始运行了", "english": "and the system is up and running"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就如同那个坏损的软件从来没被下载过一样", "english": "as if the corrupted software was never downloaded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布莱克斯坦在东北面的文图拉市", "english": "Blackstern's on Ventura. Northeast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和大塞车是反方向", "english": "Opposite direction of the Gridlock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就会被损坏了", "english": "will be corrupted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乐乐 托比", "english": "Happy, Toby,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去服务器那里给我把备份盘拿回来", "english": "get to the server and get me that backup disk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希尔维斯特 打电话给数据中心", "english": "Sylvester, call the data center;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他们我们现在过去", "english": "tell them we're on our way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在这里准备把信息传给洛杉矶机场", "english": "I'm gonna prep here to relay to LAX."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贝茨 你带着他们", "english": "Bates, take 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持联系", "english": "Stay in contact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特 你告诉那个服务员我马上回来", "english": "Walter, you tell that waitress I'm gonna be right back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托比 在这种情况下", "english": "Toby, in situations like this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "粗心大意 今后会给你惹麻烦的", "english": "carelessness, mistakes, they will haunt you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的经验之谈", "english": "I know this from experience."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特 我总是很靠谱的", "english": "Walter, I'm always on point."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看见我的帽子了吗", "english": "Have you seen my hat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给 我觉得你可能有点渴了", "english": "Here, I thought you might be thirsty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这会让你的指甲坑坑洼洼的", "english": "It turns your fingernails pitted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以指甲油涂上去凝结不均匀", "english": "That's why your polish looks streaky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得多补充铁元素", "english": "You need more iron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不记得我有问过你的意见 爱因斯坦", "english": "I don't recall asking, Einstein."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你一定知道关于我的一切了", "english": "So you must know everything about me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假如你真这么聪明的话", "english": "if you're that smart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有一双没牌子的运动鞋 他穿着矫正鞋垫", "english": "You have no-name sneakers, he has orthotics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管你有什么病 都遗传给拉尔夫了", "english": "Whatever you have goes to Ralph."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你眼睛下面的炎症", "english": "The inflammation under your eyes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是缺乏阳光照射导致的", "english": "from lack of sunlight comes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而这是因为你同时打两份工", "english": "from working two jobs..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至于孩子的爸爸", "english": "As for the boy's father,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会将其归结为", "english": "I'd make calculated assumptions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以说我们分手是因为我有沟通障碍吗", "english": "Oh, so we split because I have issues communicating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为是因为那个在塔荷的金发妞呢", "english": "And I thought it was the blonde in Tahoe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底是什么人 有资格来说", "english": "Who the hell are you to tell me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的指甲油看上去很廉价", "english": "that my polish looks cheap?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样很伤害我感情的", "english": "That-that hurts my feelings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白了吗", "english": "Do you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发现了", "english": "I recognize that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之前别人经常这么说我", "english": "I've been told things like that a lot before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的指甲油凝结不均匀是因为那是拉尔夫帮我画的", "english": "And my polish streaks because Ralph does it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他喜欢画画 别跟我说", "english": "He loves to paint, and don't tell me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也需要帮助 他有智力障碍", "english": "that he needs help, either. He's challenged."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有点同情心吧", "english": "Have some empathy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "智力障碍是吗", "english": "Challenged, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看希尔维斯特和他", "english": "Look at Sylvester and him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道他们在干什么吗", "english": "Do you know what they're doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火柴是国王 果冻是王后", "english": "The matches are the king, the jelly is the queen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在和一个大师下国际象棋", "english": "He's playing chess with a grand master"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而那个大师已经快要输了", "english": "who's about to lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特 你看到了吗", "english": "Walter, you see this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这孩子简直太不可思议了", "english": "This kid is amazing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他并不喜欢替你画指甲", "english": "And he doesn't like to paint your nails."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他那么做是因为想握住你的手", "english": "He does it because he wants to hold your hand,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是他不能正确处理身体接触", "english": "but he can't process physical contact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以帮帮他吧", "english": "So help him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然他永远无法和你沟通", "english": "Or he will never connect with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉告诉你这个不幸的消息", "english": "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你儿子是个天才", "english": "but your son is a genius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特 我们快到数据中心了", "english": "Walter, we're approaching the data center."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该很快就能拿到硬盘备份", "english": "We should have the backup hard drive soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到 乐乐 继续待命", "english": "Copy that, Happy. Standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来他们关门了", "english": "Looks like they cut out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walt?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在有个问题 没人在里面", "english": "We got a problem. No one's home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可是技术工程师 把锁打开啊", "english": "You're the mechanical engineer! Pick the lock!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有自己的工具", "english": "I have my tools,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "损坏的软件就要被备份到服务器上了", "english": "before the bad software backs up onto the servers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贝茨 把他们弄进去", "english": "Bates, get them in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站到旁边去", "english": "Step aside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了吗", "english": "Are you insane?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出手阻拦联调局探员的可是你", "english": "You're the one putting hands on a Fed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "枪可打不穿 跳弹反而会伤人", "english": "It won't break, but a round could deflect and kill somebody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别让联调局再乱指挥了", "english": "please don't let the Fed talk anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在成功率只有百分之四", "english": "We're down to a four-percent chance of success."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要的那个软件将彻底消失", "english": "the software we need disappears forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果它消失了", "english": "If that happens,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉尔夫 我们去办公室呆着好不好", "english": "Ralph, let's go in the office, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得放弃数据中心这条路", "english": "We got to abandon the data center."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把队伍撤回来", "english": "We got to pull the team back,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四个人一起想办法", "english": "get four minds working together at once,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样的话 也许在一小时内我们能够", "english": "and then, maybe within an hour, we'll be able,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个时候 最先的两架飞机已经没油了", "english": "By then, the first two planes will be out of fuel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能想出别的方法吗", "english": "with an option by then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 你刚刚接受了", "english": "Hold on. You're just accepting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两架飞机会坠毁的可能", "english": "two planes going down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是必须付出的代价", "english": "That's a trade we're gonna have to make."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联系航空局 告诉他们", "english": "Contact the FAA and tell them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两架飞机已经没救了", "english": "these two flights are terminal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格洛探员是在执行大善理论", "english": "Agent Gallo is implementing the greater good theory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "损失是可以接受的", "english": "is large enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 这样不对 你得救下每一个人", "english": "No, it isn't. You save everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普通人都不会对其他人弃之不顾", "english": "Normal people save everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "深呼吸 然后重新来过", "english": "Take a deep breath and reset."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新来过", "english": "Reset."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新来过", "english": "Reset, reset."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乐乐 我们要重置门锁", "english": "Happy, we need to reset the door lock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得切断数据中心附近", "english": "We need to brown-out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十个街区的电力", "english": "ten blocks around the data center."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把那栋楼的电源切掉不就行了吗", "english": "Just turn it off in that one building!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能做到这么精细", "english": "We can't focus a surge that precisely,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是一个大面积断电", "english": "but a brief power surge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能把门打开 然后我们就能进去了", "english": "will open up the door, and we'll be able to get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得赔我个新开锁器", "english": "You're gonna owe me a new slim pick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在要找到一个覆盖这个区域的接线盒", "english": "All right, we need to find a municipal junction box that covers that area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该在商业街上", "english": "It should be on a commercial street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到一个", "english": "Got one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阻断十个街区内电力供应所需的电量", "english": "to overpower a surge within a ten-block radius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不要", "english": "No, no, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别现在啊 希尔维斯特", "english": "Not now, Sylvester."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没办法在无序混乱状态下计算", "english": "I can't calculate without order;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我的习惯", "english": "it's my process."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的习惯就是一脚踢烂你的屁股", "english": "My process involves my foot in your ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下 给 就剩一支了", "english": "Hold on. Here. One piece."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是最大也是最小的 算是某种秩序", "english": "It's the biggest and the smallest, so it's in order."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样也行", "english": "That works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希尔维斯特 我不想催你", "english": "Sylvester, I don't want to hurry your process."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以吗", "english": "Can you handle that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今早是谁给我们办公室通上电的", "english": "Who rigged our whole office this morning?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上好", "english": "I'm on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗", "english": "Okay, ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来了", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们成功了", "english": "We're in. We're in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那里", "english": "There!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟糕", "english": "Not good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有不到一分钟 到底哪个才是", "english": "We have less than a minute. Which one is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "设备是靠这些服务器运行的", "english": "Okay, these servers run the facilities."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "客户端应该放在架上", "english": "So the clients would be in the cage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 这个人 他是老板", "english": "Yeah, this guy, he's the boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袖扣 领带夹 一看就是大小事都爱管的人", "english": "Cuff links, tie clip, anal micro-manager."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看他系腰带的方向 是个左撇子", "english": "Look at his belt tail, he's a lefty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此可以排除右边的服务器", "english": "So we eliminate the right-side servers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会潜意识的把", "english": "He'd subconsciously put"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像洛杉矶机场这样的大客户放在左手边", "english": "a big client like LAX on his dominant hand side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛杉矶机场 就会想到飞机", "english": "Okay, you think LAX, you think planes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想到飞机 就会想到高度", "english": "You think planes, you think high,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以排除底下三层", "english": "so eliminate the bottom three shelves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以肯定不会在顶层", "english": "So it won't be the top shelf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耍威风的老板绝不会在职员面前", "english": "Napoleonic boss man would never use a step ladder"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么就在这些中间...", "english": "So it's one of these...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是它了", "english": "This one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间到", "english": "Ah! time's up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么这么确定", "english": "How did you know for sure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为这上面写着\"洛杉矶机场\"", "english": "'Cause it says \"LAX\" right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩服我吧", "english": "You are impressed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他根本不会注意到我们在这", "english": "He doesn't even know we're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在想能否用手掌的温度", "english": "He's wondering if those flashlights"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者是计算八边形时钟的体积", "english": "Or he's calculating the cubic footage of the octagon clock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他总是在思考", "english": "He thinks about anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "思考每件事", "english": "Everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之前是你故意输给他吗", "english": "Did you let him beat you, earlier?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都不知道他喜欢国际象棋", "english": "I-I had no idea he even liked chess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很少有父母会有意地与", "english": "Few parents meaningfully engage"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "智力超常的孩子融洽相处", "english": "with mentally enabled children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是你的错", "english": "It's not your fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是因为 我们就是这样", "english": "It's just... how we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的父母是怎么处理的", "english": "How did your parents handle it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有十年没跟他们说过话了", "english": "Oh, I-I haven't spoken to them in ten years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卫星追踪连接失败", "english": "NSA satellite link failed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的人都哪去了", "english": "Where the hell are your people?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对托比这个孩子没什么信心", "english": "That kid Toby doesn't exactly fill me with confidence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托比家境贫寒", "english": "Toby grew up penniless,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠赌博来付学费", "english": "gambled his way through school."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时候我们这类人需要", "english": "Sometimes people like us need"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "修复... 才能适应你们的世界", "english": "repair... Before we can fit into your world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道后果很严重", "english": "I know the aftermath was devastating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我确实监视过你", "english": "I did keep tabs on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请调直椅背 收起小桌板", "english": "Seat backs and tray tables up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些飞机安然无恙的着陆了", "english": "Those planes are as good as landed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请在洛杉矶机场给我一塑雕像", "english": "I just want a statue of me at LAX."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在怎么办", "english": "Now what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要轻松地发送文件", "english": "Easy as sending a file."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布鲁克斯先生 稍后", "english": "Mr. Brooks, in a moment,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会收到一份完美版本的软件", "english": "you'll receive a bug-free version of the software."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只需要打开邮箱", "english": "All you have to do is open your e-mail"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "点击链接", "english": "and click a link."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "硬盘被冻结了", "english": "The hard drive's frozen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文件遭到损坏", "english": "The files are corrupted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有用了", "english": "They're useless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们拿出来时非常小心", "english": "We took it out as carefully as we could."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么带过来的", "english": "How'd you transport it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包在毛巾里", "english": "It was wrapped in a towel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怕会掉还塞进了车门的储物槽里", "english": "tucked in a door console so I wouldn't drop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有 所以呢", "english": "Yeah. So?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是我的错", "english": "It's not my fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道汽车的音响有磁铁", "english": "I didn't know anything about magnets in car speakers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都偷过那么多次了 托比", "english": "You've stolen hundreds of them, Toby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经拿不到我们想要的了", "english": "No place on earth has what we need."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联邦调查局刚来信", "english": "FBI just texted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们也没辙了", "english": "They're out, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walter..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我想说什么", "english": "You know what I'm going to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曾经有第四分队", "english": "There was a fourth team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通过雷达追踪飞机", "english": "Tracking the planes via radar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在海洋上空盘旋", "english": "Circling over the ocean..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战斗机...", "english": "Fighter jets..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要把他们击落吗", "english": "You'll shoot them down?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还能想到其他办法吗", "english": "Can you think of anything we can do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请接通梅里克局长", "english": "Contact Director Merrick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通知他我们需要启动第四方案", "english": "Tell him we need to activate the fourth option."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道是怎么回事", "english": "I know what's going on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真正知道事物的真相", "english": "who really know anything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是很可惜 你不是其中一员", "english": "and unfortunately, you're not one of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和拉尔夫一样", "english": "You're doing what Ralph does"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问题来时却不知道如何解决", "english": "when he doesn't understand how to fix a problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只会慌乱 不知所措", "english": "He panics and shuts down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你面对未知的事物时", "english": "When you don't know something,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得自己什么都不知道", "english": "you feel like you don't know anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的右脑不发达", "english": "I have no right brain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高智商的人通常情商较低", "english": "People with high IQ tend to have low EQ."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是情感商数", "english": "That's emotional quotient."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些大道理 鼓励士气的话", "english": "So these big speeches, pep talks..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我没用", "english": "They don't work on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些只适用于运动员 孩子", "english": "They work on athletes, they work on children,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及女服务生", "english": "they work on waitresses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是对我这样的人毫无作用", "english": "They don't work on people like me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了 我就是个蠢笨的女服务生", "english": "Oh, oh, I get it, I'm the dumb waitress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你很害怕", "english": "to know that you're scared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道怎么解决这个问题", "english": "You don't know how to solve the problem"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为有人会死 所以你惊惶", "english": "and you're terrified because people will die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不会因我而死", "english": "Well, they won't die because of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们也不会因你而活命", "english": "And they won't live because of you, either,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你只会放弃 一走了之", "english": "Because you're just giving up and walking away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别对我说教 人们的死会带给我怎样的感受", "english": "Don't lecture me about how people dying will make me feel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我早就知道了", "english": "I already know!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这话什么意思", "english": "What does that mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walter..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这话什么意思", "english": "what does that mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们到里面去吧", "english": "Let's go back inside, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 长官 我明白", "english": "Yes, sir, I understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会尽快为应急广播系统起草一个警报", "english": "I'll draft an alert for the emergency broadcast system ASAP."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电话别挂", "english": "Don't hang up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他们还有机会", "english": "Tell them there's still a chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稍等 长官 我们可能有解决办法", "english": "Put a pin in that, sir. We may have something here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "软件在飞机上", "english": "Software's on the planes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们用复本和控制塔通话", "english": "They use a duplicate copy to communicate with the tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他们在今天早上更新前起飞", "english": "Now, if they took off before this morning's update,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如说从澳大利亚", "english": "like a flight from"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或纽西兰来的飞机", "english": "Australia or New Zealand,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机上的软件依然是没有错误的版本", "english": "they'll still have the bug-free software on board."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我们的问题还是没变", "english": "But we still have the same problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要的东西在七英里高的空中", "english": "What we need is seven miles over our head"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我们没办法联系上那里的人", "english": "and there's no way to get in touch with the people who have it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有办法", "english": "Yes, there is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十分钟之内带我到那 我就能下载那个软件", "english": "Get me there in ten, and I can download that software."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你要关闭所有", "english": "If you're gonna shut down all the roads"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通往克莱默机场道路", "english": "that lead to Klemmer Airfield,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就要移动很多东西", "english": "There's gonna be lots of moving parts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我始终认为这是错误的举措", "english": "I still think it's the wrong play;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那里的跑道太短了", "english": "the runways are too short there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要低空掠过就好", "english": "It's just a low fly-by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有任何差池 就会摧毁半个街区", "english": "If something goes wrong, you take out half a block."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实是四个街区 但我不会让这件事发生的", "english": "It's actually four blocks, but I won't let that happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道此事是否", "english": "I don't know if that's going to be enough"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "值得惊动洛杉矶警察局来设置路障", "english": "to get LAPD to set up rolling road blocks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们说的是主要城市里的主要干道", "english": "We're talking about major roads in a major city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这存在着安全风险 需要手续", "english": "There's safety risks, there's procedure..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你在想什么", "english": "I know what you're doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万一发生伤亡 你要为求自保", "english": "You're covering yourself in case of casualties."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会把协议至于人命之上", "english": "I don't put protocol over lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人命", "english": "Lives?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "突然间你又在乎人命了", "english": "Suddenly you're worried about lives?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以晚点再讨论过去", "english": "We can debate the past later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在如果你想要我的帮助", "english": "Right now, if you want my help,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就让我打几个电话", "english": "then let me make the calls"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看我是否能为你促成此事", "english": "and see if I can't get this done for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道他以为他在帮忙", "english": "I know he thinks he's helping,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们现在没时间", "english": "But we don't have time for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和那些官僚主义打交道", "english": "bureaucracy right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乐乐 如果我侵入交通部", "english": "Happy, if I hack you into the DOT,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能篡改交通信号灯吗", "english": "can you manipulate the traffic signals?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们都是标准的程序", "english": "They're on standard sequencers;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们使劲踩油门", "english": "we drive fast as hell,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许能阻止这件事", "english": "we might be able to pull this off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托比 我要你去核对乘客名单", "english": "Toby, I need you to check the manifest..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看机上的乘客", "english": "For a passenger up there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有谁是否未关闭手机 沃特 我知道了", "english": "whose phone is still on. Walt, I got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要更新我的无线天线软件", "english": "I'm gonna need to upgrade my wireless antenna software"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来接收飞机上的信号", "english": "to pick up the signal from the plane,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还得有人开车送我去那里", "english": "so someone's gonna have to drive me there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的驾照被吊销了", "english": "Um... I don't have my license,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是", "english": "But--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我更善于开公车", "english": "I'm more of a bus guy--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道这些机器的", "english": "I-I understand the basic mechanics"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要你在这里 帮助托比", "english": "I really need you here, helping Toby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过还是谢了 伙计", "english": "But thank you, pal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直想试试", "english": "Uh, driving through L.A."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开车穿过整个洛杉矶", "english": "It's kind of always been a fantasy of mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞车驾驶吗 不行", "english": "At high speed? No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总得有个人来开车", "english": "Somebody's gotta drive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这样", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的儿子需要你", "english": "Your son needs you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直很努力", "english": "I've tried really hard,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我一直没办法和他很好地沟通", "english": "but I've never been able to fully connect with him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没办法像你们这样 和他亲密无间", "english": "not in the way that I've seen him connect with you guys today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我儿子需要的", "english": "What my son needs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是看到我帮助你们", "english": "is to see me help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你了 沃特", "english": "Please, Walter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个好妈妈", "english": "You're a good mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者恰恰相反", "english": "Or a very bad one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 必须全面封锁道路", "english": "No, we need roads blocked the entire time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我干吗要打给公路巡逻队", "english": "Why do I need to call the Highway Patrol?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只是待在边道上", "english": "We're only staying on side streets!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么", "english": "What the...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 沃特", "english": "Okay, Walter,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用交通摄像头追踪你", "english": "I'm tracking you on the traffic cams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交通灯马上就会变 就是现在", "english": "They should start changing... now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起作用了", "english": "It's working!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓稳了", "english": "Hold on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实这种时速下那玩意没什么用", "english": "Well, you know, at these speeds, they're useless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再快点", "english": "Go faster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的手机全关了 因为在飞机上", "english": "They all have their phones off 'cause they're on a damn plane."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在看地图 你们应该往南走", "english": "I'm checking SigAlert; you should head south"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从希尔加德开到曼宁路", "english": "on Hilgard to Manning,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再从圣塔莫妮卡海滩开到邦迪街", "english": "then Santa Monica to Bundy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会让你们畅通无阻", "english": "I'll get you a clear path."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得是格洛探员", "english": "I think that's Agent Gallo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续开", "english": "Keep driving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们 冷静点", "english": "Guys, stay frosty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没法改变巴林顿的交通灯色", "english": "I can't get the light on Barrington to change over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 沃特", "english": "No, no, walter..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 不", "english": "No, no, no, no, no! no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh... oh, God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是怎么回事", "english": "What the hell was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说得好不如做得好", "english": "Greater good theory in practice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们快到了", "english": "We're almost there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托比 那些飞机上", "english": "Toby, did you find a passenger"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有没有手机没关的乘客", "english": "on one of those planes with an active phone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希尔维斯特 还有乘客的名字吗", "english": "Sylvester, I need more passenger names."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺勒公司的软件太古老了", "english": "Novell software technology's too old"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能在五分钟内完成这些操作", "english": "to do any this in five minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且就算有人开机", "english": "And even if someone's phone was on,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古老的技术", "english": "Old technology!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这个 我们 我们可以去找", "english": "That's it! we-we-we find someone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "使用以前那种模拟移动电话的乘客", "english": "with an out-of-date analog phone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那种手机能收到信号", "english": "They can get a signal up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收入不超过六位数", "english": "Can't make over six figures."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不在技术公司工作", "english": "Can't work for a tech company..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "推销员", "english": "Salesmen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "推销员永远不会关机", "english": "Salesmen never turn off their phones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可不想丢掉任何生意", "english": "They risk losing business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后 出炉了", "english": "And... duh duh duh duh duh duh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戈登·图利", "english": "Gordon Tooley!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个来自于瑞西达的塑料推销员", "english": "Plastics salesman from Reseda"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打电话给他", "english": "Call him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图利先生 仔细听好了", "english": "Mr. Tooley, listen carefully."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里是国土安全局", "english": "This is Homeland Security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的飞机上出现了一些紧急状况", "english": "There's an emergency on your flight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你的帮助", "english": "We need your help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想得美 萨利", "english": "Nice try, Sully."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上班时候见 傻蛋", "english": "I'll see you at work, ya putz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是萨利", "english": "Yeah, this isn't Sully,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为萨利根本不知道", "english": "'cause Sully wouldn't know that right now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的窗外就是圣塔莫妮卡山", "english": "outside of your window are the Santa Monica mountains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随时可以把你们从天上打下来", "english": "ready to shoot you out of the sky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我要你站起来", "english": "So I need you to get off your ass,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找一位乘务员", "english": "grab a flight attendant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉她们让机长来接这个电话", "english": "and tell them to get your phone to the pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是机长派克 请说话", "english": "This is Captain Pike, standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派克机长 你手上有未受到侵入的控制台软件", "english": "Captain Pike, you're carrying an uncorrupted version of control tower software."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须把软件发给我以便机场使用", "english": "Now, you need to e-mail it to me so it can be downloaded at LAX."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到", "english": "Copy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是机载无线的范围有限", "english": "But our onboard wireless only has a limited reach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该怎么做", "english": "What do you want me to do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应该能捕捉到你们的信号", "english": "I should be able to grab your wireless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会在哪", "english": "Where will you be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚到克莱默机场 我们提前通知过了", "english": "We just arrived at Klemmer Airfield; we called ahead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二跑道已清场", "english": "Runway Two has been cleared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就在克莱默机场上空", "english": "I'm right over Klemmer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该通知乘客了", "english": "Time to advise the passengers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们先生们 请坐在您的座位上", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并系好安全带", "english": "with your seat belt fastened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你清了块地方", "english": "I've got a space cleared for you up here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 好", "english": "Thank you. Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经把我电脑和洛杉矶机场连上了", "english": "I've linked my computer up to LAX,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦我开始下载", "english": "So as soon as I get the download,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们也能拿到文件", "english": "they'll have it as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它来了", "english": "Here it comes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应该能收到你的无线信号", "english": "I should be able to catch your Wifi signal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里是派克机长", "english": "This is Captain Pike."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能收到吗 完毕", "english": "Do I have confirmation? Over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚才下载好软件了吗", "english": "Were you able to download that software?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能 在飞机和静止的笔记本电脑之间", "english": "No, there's too much of a speed differential"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却期待结果不同是疯狂的表现", "english": "but expecting a different result is the definition of insanity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样行不通", "english": "It won't work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请告诉我你还有别的办法", "english": "Please tell me there's something else you can do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我解决了速度差问题", "english": "I just solved the speed differential problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把油箱门撬开", "english": "Force the gas cap open."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里面有个引擎盖紧急开启装置", "english": "There's an engine cover emergency release."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 在引擎的左手边", "english": "All right. Left hand side of the engine bay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拔出引擎控制模块芯片", "english": "Pull out the ECM chip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能再拿无线信号冒险了", "english": "Can't risk missing the wireless signal again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可是世上最聪明的电脑专家", "english": "You're the world's smartest computer guy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你却要用插网线这个土办法吗", "english": "and this comes down to plugging something in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底计划怎么做", "english": "How exactly do you plan on doing this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你好运", "english": "Good luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以前是空军对吧", "english": "You were in the Air Force, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想让我坐在这辆车里", "english": "You-you expect me to sit in this car"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等着飞机悬在我头顶吗", "english": "while a plane is right over us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 你要从天窗探出身子", "english": "No, you're gonna be standing up through the sunroof."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会让你有事的", "english": "I will not let anything happen to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你说的 你想要拯救所有人", "english": "You're the one that said you wanted to save everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们唯一的机会", "english": "This is our only chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备第二次靠近", "english": "Preparing for second approach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已和奥布莱恩先生的笔记本电脑同步", "english": "Okay, we're in sync with Mr. O'Brien's laptop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望这次能成功", "english": "Let's hope this works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天", "english": "Oh, my god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Do it now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天", "english": "Oh, my god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神哪", "english": "Oh, my god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Oh, my god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得接住", "english": "You got to reach it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我够不到", "english": "I can't reach it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快伸手 快试试啊", "english": "Come on, reach for it. Just try!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在扔", "english": "Drop it now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得接住啊 快点", "english": "Come on, you got to get it! Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快接", "english": "Reach!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接到了", "english": "I got it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接到了 好 插上了", "english": "I got it! Okay, it's in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在下载 在下载了", "english": "It's downloading, it's downloading!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几秒 这需要几秒", "english": "A few seconds; it needs a few seconds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前面没路了", "english": "We're running out of road!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还在下载", "english": "Still loading!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 得拉升了", "english": "Oh, come on, pal, up..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就几秒了 快了", "english": "Just a few seconds! Almost!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不不不不不", "english": "Oh, no, no! no, no! no, no, no, no, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在下载", "english": "It's going!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞定", "english": "Got it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心", "english": "Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "系统恢复了", "english": "We're back on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紧急呼叫 紧急呼叫", "english": "Mayday, Mayday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会让诸位 全员安全着陆", "english": "We'll have you all safely on the ground in moments."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这多亏了你妈妈", "english": "Your mom did that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说好的", "english": "Deal's a deal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩吉", "english": "Paige..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她也应该有一份", "english": "She deserves a share."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会处理", "english": "I'll see to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一起工作时", "english": "When we worked together,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事情没有像我们希望的那样顺利", "english": "that didn't pan out the way either of us wanted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望", "english": "I was hoping,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向前看 事情会变得不同", "english": "moving forward, things could be different."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来洛杉矶是为了成立一个战略反馈组", "english": "I came to L.A. to start a strategic response team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何时间 任何事务", "english": "At any given time, we deal with everything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小到失踪儿童 大到丢失核武器", "english": "from stolen nukes to missing kids"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至是能让经济一个月内崩溃的大型伪币案", "english": "to counterfeit cash so good it can collapse our economy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都会处理", "english": "in less than a month."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坏人越来越聪明", "english": "The bad guys are getting smarter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又无法让探员们训练出你这样的思维", "english": "And I can't train my agents to think like you do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能利用美国政府的所有资源", "english": "I have the full resources of the U.S. government."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要你的帮助", "english": "I need your help,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和你的队友也需要安居之所", "english": "and I think you and your team need a home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看这个", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要求固定工资 配车", "english": "\"Fixed salaries, cars,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实验室", "english": "research lab\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你早料到会这样", "english": "You saw this coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你唯一合理的选择", "english": "It was your only logical move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "双唇张开 身体微微前倾", "english": "Okay, lips are parted, leaning slightly forward."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有话要告诉我们", "english": "You have something to tell us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要雇用我们", "english": "He offered us jobs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也有吗", "english": "Me, too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不是一个团队吗", "english": "We're a team, aren't we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个服务员去带她儿子回家了", "english": "The waitress just left to bring her son home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚走没多久", "english": "You just missed her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃特", "english": "Walter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请进", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道时间有点晚了", "english": "I know it's, uh, late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思 我只是想...", "english": "I'm sorry. I just wanted to, um,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来感谢你今天的帮助", "english": "say thank you for your help today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用谢", "english": "You're welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么远来就为了这件事吗", "english": "You came all the way over here to tell me that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我还想给你一份工作", "english": "No, I also wanted to offer you a job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当一名由政府资助的问题解决者", "english": "Government-funded problem solvers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么", "english": "Uh... why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又不是天才", "english": "I'm-I'm not a genius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你儿子很可能是", "english": "No, but you are raising one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "养大他需要智慧和勇气", "english": "That takes, uh, someone smart, brave..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的工作需要", "english": "Now, our work requires, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是我们的强项", "english": "It's not our strength."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想了解你儿子", "english": "You want to know about your son,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能帮你翻译他的行为", "english": "I can translate him for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你 帮我们翻译这个世界", "english": "You translate the world for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是", "english": "It's, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工资", "english": "salary..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和福利", "english": "plus benefits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你担心无法与拉尔夫沟通", "english": "You're worried about not being able to connect with Ralph."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是个好机会", "english": "That is a second chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是你的好机会", "english": "For you, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "处理你和凯布的关系", "english": "With you and Cabe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来投递军需物资", "english": "to drop military aid packages."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几个月后", "english": "So months later, I, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打开电视", "english": "I turned on the tv,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到炸弹投向巴格达[伊拉克首都]", "english": "and I saw bombs falling on Baghdad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们用的是我的系统", "english": "They were using my system,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的设计更重视速度而不是准度", "english": "and I designed it for speed over accuracy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当时只是个孩子", "english": "You were just a kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对 拉尔夫现在也是", "english": "Yeah, so is Ralph."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以告诉他 不要理会任何", "english": "So tell him to ignore any sentence that starts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以\"一般\"开头的句子", "english": "with \"normally.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对自己的能力感到恐惧", "english": "of anything that he's capable of."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可能会很难交到朋友", "english": "And he'll find it difficult to make friends,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世上没人喜欢他", "english": "in the world likes him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须让他明白这不是他的错", "english": "You just got to make sure that he knows it's not his fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 沃特", "english": "Hi, Walter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 拉尔夫", "english": "Hey, Ralph."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他从不和除我之外的人说话", "english": "He-he doesn't talk to anyone but me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他认出了他的同类", "english": "He recognizes one of his own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以吗", "english": "May I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三 二 一", "english": "Three, two, one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你暂停过自己的梦吗 拉尔夫", "english": "You ever pause your dreams, Ralph?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有过", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回放过吗", "english": "Ever rewind them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时会", "english": "Sometimes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "Yeah, me, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克", "english": "Blake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克", "english": "Blake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,中士", "english": "Sorry, Sarge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挑一個人,帶著你的裝備", "english": "Pick a man, bring your kit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,中士", "english": "Yes, Sarge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別拖拖拉拉", "english": "Don't dawdle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,中士", "english": "No, Sarge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有東西吃嗎?", "english": "Did they feed us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有,只有信", "english": "No. Just mail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "馬托生了小狗", "english": "Myrtle's having puppies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿到信嗎?", "english": "You get anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我餓死了,你不餓?", "english": "I'm bloody starvin', aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以為能在這兒好好吃飯", "english": "Thought we might get"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以才決定不當神父", "english": "It was the only reason"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什麼?", "english": "What you got there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火腿和麵包", "english": "Ham and bread."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪兒弄來的?", "english": "Where did you find that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自有辦法", "english": "I have my uses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿去", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃起來像破鞋", "english": "Tastes like old shoe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開心點,下禮拜就有烤雞晚餐", "english": "Cheer up. This time next week, it'll be chicken dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不行", "english": "Not me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的假被取消", "english": "My leave got canceled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼?", "english": "They say why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "No idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不回家比較好", "english": "It's easier not to go back at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有動靜,聽到什麼嗎?", "english": "Something's up. Did you hear anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是要進攻了", "english": "Has to be the push, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我賭十先令我們要進攻", "english": "Ten bob says we're going up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不跟你賭", "english": "I'm not taking that bet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼?因為我是對的?", "english": "Why? 'Cause you know I'm right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,因為你沒十先令", "english": "No, because you haven't got ten bob."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有消息嗎,中士?", "english": "Is there any news, Sarge?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼消息?", "english": "News of what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大舉進攻啊,應該是幾個禮拜前", "english": "The big push. It was supposed to happen weeks ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們說聖誕節就能回家", "english": "They told us we'd be home by Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉打亂你的假期,佈雷克", "english": "Yes, well, sorry to disrupt your crowded schedule, Blake,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上頭不想在下雪時下令作戰", "english": "but the brass hats didn't fancy it in the snow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真可惜,我倒想吃點火雞", "english": "More's the pity, Sarge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會把你的話轉告指揮部", "english": "Well, I'll make sure to relay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底是怎麼回事?", "english": "So, what's on the cards then, Sergeant?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德軍有所計劃", "english": "The Hun are up to something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼計劃?", "english": "Any idea what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道,但會毀了我們的週末", "english": "No. But it's about to ruin our weekend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽好了", "english": "Now, listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍在裏面,整理儀容", "english": "Erinmore is inside, so tidy yourselves up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說不定報告會提到你們的名字", "english": "Never know, might be mentions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你們不搞砸", "english": "if you don't bugger it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍來了一定是大事", "english": "Must be something big if the general's here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准下士佈雷克和史考菲,長官", "english": "Lance Corporals Blake and Schofield, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪一個是佈雷克?", "english": "Which one of you is Blake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,長官,喬瑟夫佈雷克,他...", "english": "Yes, sir. Joseph Blake. Is he..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還活著,就我所知", "english": "Alive. As far as I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有你的幫助,希望能繼續這樣", "english": "And with your help, I'd like to keep it that way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "桑德斯說你很會看地圖,是嗎?", "english": "Sanders tells me you're good with maps. That true?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還可以,長官", "english": "Good enough, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以...", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們在這裏", "english": "we are here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你多久能敢到那裏?", "english": "How long will it take you to get there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不懂,長官", "english": "I don't understand, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那裏是德軍佔領區", "english": "Sir, that land is held by the Germans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德軍已經離開", "english": "Germans have gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別高興得太早", "english": "Don't get your hopes up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只是戰略性撤退", "english": "It appears to be a strategic withdrawal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們在後方九英哩建立全新戰線", "english": "They seem to have created a new line,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨天早上傳話說他要追擊撤退德軍", "english": "He sent word yesterday morning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他相信德軍是因為不敵而撤退", "english": "He is convinced he has them on the run,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若能趁勝追擊就能贏得戰爭", "english": "that if he can break their lines now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他錯了", "english": "He is wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥肯錫上校沒看到新戰線的鳥瞰照片", "english": "Colonel Mackenzie has not seen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三英哩長,防禦工事堅固", "english": "Three miles deep, field fortifications, defenses,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有前所未見的火炮部隊", "english": "artillery the like of which we've never seen before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二營明天破曉後將展開進攻", "english": "shortly after dawn tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不知道那是陷阱", "english": "They have no idea what they're in for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我們無法警告他們", "english": "And we can't warn them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為敵軍切斷我們的電話線", "english": "As a parting gift, the enemy cut all our telephone lines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃庫斯小鎮東南方一英哩", "english": "one mile southeast of the town of ecoust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把這封信交給麥肯錫上校", "english": "Deliver this to Colonel Mackenzie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是取消明早進攻的直接命令", "english": "It is a direct order to call off tomorrow morning's attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你若失敗,將會是一場大屠殺", "english": "If you don't, it will be a massacre."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會損失兩個營", "english": "We will lose two battalions,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能夠及時趕到嗎?", "english": "Do you think you can get there in time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,長官", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有問題嗎?", "english": "Any questions?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交給你了,中尉", "english": "Over to you, Lieutenant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們的裝備", "english": "Supplies, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地圖、手電筒、手榴彈和一些口糧", "english": "Map, torches, grenades, and a couple of little treats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立刻行動,走這條壕溝一路往西", "english": "Leave immediately. Take this trench west"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在天堂巷往西北走向前線", "english": "Then northwest on Paradise Alley at the front."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "繼續前進直到找到約克軍團", "english": "Continue along the front line until you find the Yorks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把紙條交給史蒂文森少校", "english": "Give this note to Major Stevenson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在無人區堅守著戰線", "english": "He's holding the line"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們要跨越無人區", "english": "You'll cross there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那會是白天,我們會被發現", "english": "It'll be daylight, sir. They'll see us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官,只...只有我們嗎?", "english": "Sir, is... is it just us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝好運", "english": "Good luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克!", "english": "Blake!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得想一想", "english": "We just need to think about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用想,他是我哥哥", "english": "There's nothing to think about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他沒去過無人區", "english": "Erinmore's never seen no-man's-land."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們連十碼都走不過去", "english": "We won't make it ten yards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我們等到...", "english": "If we just wait..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也聽見了", "english": "You heard him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說德國佬撤了", "english": "He said the Boche have gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他才給我們手榴彈?", "english": "Is that why he gave us grenades?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是說應該等一等", "english": "All I'm saying is that we wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,因為那不是你兄弟,對吧?", "english": "Yes, you would say that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次他們說德軍撤了結果沒有", "english": "Look, the last time I was told"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道,你那次不在", "english": "You don't know, Blake. You weren't there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借過,借過", "english": "Excuse me. Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借過", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這條壕溝是單向的,笨蛋", "english": "You're going up the down trench,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍的命令,長官", "english": "Orders of the general, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,就算德軍撤了", "english": "All right, say the Boche have gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "九英哩要走...六小時?", "english": "Nine miles would take us, what, six hours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最多八小時", "english": "Eight at the very most."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以有時間等到日落", "english": "So, we've got time to wait until the sun sets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道會走進什麼狀況", "english": "We've got no idea what we're walking into."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不放聰明點,誰也救不了你兄弟", "english": "Blake, if we're not clever about this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會的", "english": "I will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們到了,這是前線", "english": "We're here. This is the front line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得找到約克軍團", "english": "Now we need to find the Yorks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,兄弟", "english": "Sorry, mate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是誰敢亂推受傷士兵?", "english": "Who the fuck do you think you are,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道,放開我", "english": "I didn't know. Let go of me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這混蛋撞倒中士,他是傷兵耶", "english": "Arsehole knocked down our sergeant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起,好嗎?很抱歉", "english": "All right, I'm sorry. All right? I'm sorry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好安靜喔", "english": "It's bloody quiet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索姆河戰役也是這樣?", "english": "Was it like this before Thiepval?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不記得了", "english": "Don't remember."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不記得索姆河戰役?", "english": "You don't remember the Somme?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你混得還不錯", "english": "Well, you did all right out of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少得了個獎章", "english": "At least wear your ribbon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?你把獎章弄丟了?", "english": "What? You lost your medal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點,繼續挖", "english": "Come on, lads. Keep digging."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蹲低點", "english": "Stay low."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天爺,小心點", "english": "For God's sake, careful there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你踩到死人了", "english": "You're stepping on the dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我們的中士", "english": "That's our sergeant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好用水管沖洗乾淨", "english": "Be better washing them out of this dugout"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "約克軍團在哪裏?", "english": "Do you know where the Yorks are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "過了下一個彎就是他們的屍體", "english": "The next bend, you'll be standing on top of half of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兩晚前幾乎全軍覆沒", "english": "Shot to hell two nights ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "約克軍團?", "english": "Yorks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史蒂文森少校呢?", "english": "Where's Major Stevenson?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萊斯利中尉負責指揮", "english": "Lieutenant Leslie has command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在哪裏?", "english": "Where can we find him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一個防空洞", "english": "Next dugout."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裏", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官?", "english": "Sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們有艾林摩爾將軍的信", "english": "We have a message from General Erinmore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "援兵什麼時候會到?", "english": "Then when the fucking hell are they due?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道,但我們奉命穿越這裏", "english": "We don't know, sir,but we've got orders to cross here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是德軍前線", "english": "That is the German front line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們知道,長官", "english": "We know, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請你把信拿去", "english": "If you'll just take the letter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說,今天星期幾?", "english": "Settle a bet. What day is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星期五", "english": "Friday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星期五?我們都錯了", "english": "Friday? Well, none of us was right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這白癡以為是星期二", "english": "This idiot thought it was Tuesday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,長官", "english": "Sorry, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們都發瘋了嗎?", "english": "Are they out of their fucking minds?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一夜無戰事,上頭就以為德軍回家了?", "english": "One slow night, the brass think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你認為他們錯了?", "english": "Do you think they're wrong, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兩晚前失去一名軍官和三名弟兄", "english": "We lost an officer and three men two nights ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "修補工事時被亂槍射死", "english": "They were shot to bits patching up wire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把兩個拖回來,其實不必麻煩...", "english": "We dragged two of them back here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官,將軍確定敵軍撤退了", "english": "Sir, the general is sure the enemy have withdrawn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們在這鬼地方拚死拚活", "english": "We fought and died"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敵軍卻突然撤退,這是陷阱", "english": "Now they suddenly give us miles. It's a trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油,你們肯定會得獎章", "english": "But chin up. There's a medal in it, for sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寡婦看到獎章最開心了", "english": "Nothing like a scrap of ribbon to cheer up a widow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近的路怎麼走?", "english": "Where's the nearest way through, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鐵絲網一團亂,但有條捷徑", "english": "Our wire's a mess, but there is a path through of sorts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小羅,給他看", "english": "Rushworth, let him look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直走往左,經過那些死馬", "english": "Straight ahead to the left, past the dead horses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "後面有一個空隙", "english": "There's a gap directly behind them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要跟著死馬的屍臭走就行了", "english": "Useful because if it's dark, you follow the stench."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有個死人掛在第二鐵絲網上面", "english": "When you get to the second wire,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他後面有個小空隙", "english": "There's a small break just beside him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心坑洞,它們很深", "english": "Watch out for the craters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掉進去就出不來", "english": "If you fall in, there's no getting out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我來", "english": "This way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒,齊爾果", "english": "Wake up, Kilgour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白白浪費空間", "english": "Bloody waste of space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有沒有掩護?能不能躲?", "english": "Any cover, sir? Anywhere to jump off from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有,壕溝早就被轟掉了", "english": "No. The sap trench was blown to hell weeks ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且全都是屍體", "english": "It was full of bodies, anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們天黑才會去救你們", "english": "We won't come after you, not till it's dark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們若是安全過去了,發射信號槍", "english": "And if by some fucking miracle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有信號槍", "english": "Don't have any, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,長官", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "願主寬恕你們的過錯", "english": "Through this holy unction,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別被德國佬搶走", "english": "I do hate losing these to the Hun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當他們開始開槍,麻煩把它們丟回來", "english": "So, when they start shooting at you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再見", "english": "Cheerio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你確定?", "english": "You sure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "確定", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "年長者優先", "english": "Age before beauty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事吧?", "english": "You all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找掩護", "english": "Look for cover."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我方的", "english": "They're ours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "繼續走,走到一半了", "english": "Keep going. We're halfway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鐵絲網有個空隙", "english": "There's a gap. In the wire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲", "english": "Sco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那裏,那是前線", "english": "There. That's the front line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我靠", "english": "Fuck me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敵軍真的撤了", "english": "They really have gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的手沒事吧?", "english": "Your hand all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還可以揍個臭德國佬", "english": "Put it through an effing German."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包紮好", "english": "Patch it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快就能打手槍了", "english": "You'll be wanking again in no time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是這隻手", "english": "Wrong hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們走了沒多久", "english": "They're not long gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不對", "english": "No good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裏被擋住了", "english": "Blocked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也許可以穿過這裏", "english": "This might be a way through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Jesus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看看", "english": "Look at this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地方超大的", "english": "It's massive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是他們建造的", "english": "They built all this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是我們的出路", "english": "Here's our way through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲", "english": "Sco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼樣?", "english": "How 'bout this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊", "english": "Bloody hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "連他們的老鼠都比我們的大", "english": "Even their rats are bigger than ours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袋子裏有什麼?", "english": "What do you think's in the bags?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒那麼餓吧?", "english": "You cannot be that hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看它", "english": "Look at him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些可以吃", "english": "You could eat this, though."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是什麼?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德國狗肉", "english": "Boche dog meat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其它的盒子有什麼?", "english": "What's in the other boxes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼了?", "english": "What's wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引爆線", "english": "Trip wire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別動", "english": "Don't move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪裏?", "english": "Where is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從這裏到門口", "english": "Goes from here to the door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊!", "english": "Oh! Jesus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,不!", "english": "Oh, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲!", "english": "Sco!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲?", "english": "Sco?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲!", "english": "Sco!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲!", "english": "Sco! Sco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲!", "english": "Sco!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲...", "english": "Sco."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲?", "english": "Sco?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒,醒醒", "english": "Wake up. Wake up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲!", "english": "Sco! Sco!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點,站起來!", "english": "Come on. Stand up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起來!", "english": "Up! Up! Up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起來!", "english": "Stand up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整個地方要垮了", "english": "The whole thing's coming down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得快走", "english": "We need to keep moving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看不見!", "english": "I can't see. I can't see!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是礦井", "english": "It's a mine shaft."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得跳過去", "english": "We'll have to jump."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,來吧", "english": "All right, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得跳過來,跳啊", "english": "You're going to have to jump. Just jump."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,我看不見", "english": "I can't. I can't see!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跳!", "english": "Jump!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別放開我!別放手!", "english": "Don't let go of me! Don't let go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有光!有光!", "english": "Light! There's light."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下來", "english": "Stop, stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我站一下", "english": "Just let me stand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "混帳東西", "english": "Dirty bastards!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心,也許還有陷阱", "english": "Careful. They may have left other traps."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Jesus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的眼睛進了好多灰塵", "english": "Dust. So much dust in my eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿去", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝我的水", "english": "Have some of mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真希望我射死那隻老鼠", "english": "I wish I'd shot that rat now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真希望你挑了另一個笨蛋", "english": "I wish you'd picked some other bloody idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又不知道挑你要幹嘛", "english": "I didn't know what I was picking you for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道", "english": "No, you didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你永遠都不知道", "english": "You never know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是你的問題", "english": "That's your problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,那就回去啊", "english": "All right, then go back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒人阻止你,你大可以回家", "english": "Nothing's stopping you. You can go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別說了", "english": "Don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別再說了", "english": "Just don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的不知道挑你要幹嘛", "english": "I didn't know what I was picking you for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以為他們要送我們到前線或去吃東西", "english": "I thought they were going to send us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以為會是小事一樁", "english": "I thought it was going to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒想到會是這種事", "english": "I never thought it would be this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要回去嗎?", "english": "So, do you want to go back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去你的,中尉", "english": "Up yours, Lieutenant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我們在哪兒嗎?", "english": "Do you know where we are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃庫斯在東南方", "english": "Uh... ecoust is directly southeast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要保持這個方向", "english": "And if we keep that bearing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該就能到", "english": "we should make it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就出發吧", "english": "Come on, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看看", "english": "Look at that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們毀了自己的槍炮", "english": "They destroyed their own guns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也毀了自己的壕溝", "english": "They destroyed their own trenches, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼意思?", "english": "What do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們要我們走那裏", "english": "Think they wanted us to go that way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想要活埋我們", "english": "They wanted to bury us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們這些臭鼠輩", "english": "You bastard rats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你聽過威克的事嗎?", "english": "Hey, did you hear that story about Wilko?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他失去耳朵的經過", "english": "How he lost his ear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒心情聽", "english": "I'm not in the mood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他一定跟你說是流彈", "english": "Bet he told you it was shrapnel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他寫信給她抱怨沒有地方洗澡", "english": "And he was moaning about the lack of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記得阿拉斯惡爛的澡堂嗎?", "english": "You remember those rancid jakes at Arras?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記得", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她寄給他一罐發油", "english": "Anyway, she sends him over this hair oil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聞起來很甜,像金獅糖漿", "english": "Smells sweet. Like Golden Syrup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威克超愛聞的,但又不想放進背包", "english": "Wilko loves the smell, but he doesn't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "於是就塗滿了頭髮,然後去睡覺", "english": "So he slathers it all over his barnet, goes to sleep,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有隻老鼠坐在他的肩膀", "english": "and a rat is sitting on his shoulder,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威克嚇到跳起來", "english": "Wilko panics, and he jumps up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那隻老鼠把他的耳朵咬下來", "english": "And when he does, the rat bites"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他一整個大抓狂,痛得哇哇叫", "english": "He made a hell of a fuss, yellin', screamin'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最慘的是他塗了太多發油", "english": "The best of it was, he'd put so much bloody oil on himself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本就洗不掉", "english": "that he couldn't wash it off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就像磁鐵一樣", "english": "He was like a magnet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老鼠懶得理我們,卻不放過他", "english": "Rats left us alone, but they couldn't get enough of him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可憐蟲", "english": "Poor bastard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們要回家", "english": "Heading back home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道他們看到什麼", "english": "I wonder what they saw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會得到一枚獎章", "english": "Well, that's your medal sorted, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼意思?", "english": "What do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克准下士英勇地拯救一名同袍", "english": "\"Lance Corporal Blake showed unusual valor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "諸如此類", "english": "Blah, blah, blah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想會嗎?", "english": "You reckon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定會", "english": "I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你弄丟你的,輪到我拿了", "english": "Well, that'd be nice, since you lost yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒弄丟我的", "english": "I didn't lose mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是怎麼了?", "english": "What happened to it, then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幹嘛關心?", "english": "Why do you care?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幹嘛不關心?", "english": "Why do you not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和一個法國上尉交換", "english": "I swapped it with a French captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交換什麼?", "english": "For what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一瓶葡萄酒", "english": "Bottle of wine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你為什麼那麼做?", "english": "What did you do that for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "口渴啊", "english": "I was thirsty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是浪費", "english": "What a waste."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你應該給你的家人", "english": "You should have given it to your family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人會為獎章犧牲耶", "english": "Men have died for that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我一定會把獎章帶回家", "english": "If I got a medal, I'd take it home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並不會讓你變特別", "english": "It doesn't make you special."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對任何人都沒有差", "english": "Doesn't make any difference to anyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然有", "english": "Yes, it does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不只是一塊鐵", "english": "And it's not just a bit of tin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上面還有緞帶", "english": "It's got a ribbon on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我討厭回家", "english": "I hated going home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "超討厭的", "english": "I hated it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我知道我必須離開", "english": "When I knew I couldn't stay..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我知道他們可能再也見不到我...", "english": "when I knew I had to leave"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Jesus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們把樹全都砍斷", "english": "They chopped them all down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "櫻桃樹", "english": "Cherries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蘭伯特櫻桃樹", "english": "Lamberts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也許是杜克品種", "english": "They might be dukes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還沒長果子很難知道", "english": "Hard to tell when they aren't in fruit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什麼不同?", "english": "What's the difference?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都以為只有一個品種", "english": "Well, people think there's one type."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其實有很多品種", "english": "But there's lots of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡伯特、安妮女王、蒙莫朗西", "english": "Cuthberts, Queen Annes, Montmorencys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有甜的,有酸的", "english": "Sweet ones, sour ones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼知道這麼多?", "english": "Why on earth would you know this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我媽在家裏有果園", "english": "Mum's got an orchard back home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有幾棵果樹", "english": "Only a few trees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去年這時候就像下了雪", "english": "This time of year, it looks like it's been snowing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "櫻花到處都是", "english": "Blossom everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到了五月就得采櫻桃", "english": "And then in May, we have to pick them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和喬", "english": "Me and Joe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "花了一整天", "english": "Takes the whole day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那這些樹都死了?", "english": "So, these ones all goners?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有,果核腐爛了又會長出來", "english": "Oh, no. They'll grow again when the stones rot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "果樹會比以前更多", "english": "You'll end up with more trees than before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起來沒人住", "english": "It looks abandoned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望如此", "english": "Let's hope so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須確定", "english": "We have to make sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我走前門,你走後門", "english": "I'll take front, you take back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什麼嗎?", "english": "Anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有找到食物嗎?", "english": "Did you find any food?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不喜歡這地方", "english": "I don't like this place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地圖說越過那山脊就會直接到埃庫斯", "english": "Map says get over that ridge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那又是我方的?", "english": "Is that our friends again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起來是吧", "english": "Looks like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在纏鬥", "english": "Dogfight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰會贏?", "english": "Who's winning?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我方吧", "english": "Us, I think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二對一", "english": "Two on one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們射中他", "english": "They got him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手!", "english": "Stop. Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不!", "english": "No. No, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "王八蛋!", "english": "You bastard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "臭王八蛋", "english": "You bloody bastard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,不", "english": "Oh, God, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,不", "english": "Oh, God, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,不", "english": "Jesus. Jesus, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手!夠了!", "english": "Stop. Stop it! Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事了,不會有事的", "english": "It's all right. It's going to be all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要站起來", "english": "We're going to stand up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,我站不起來", "english": "No, I can't, I can't. Ow!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,我們的一起走", "english": "We can't. We have to go together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要起來", "english": "We're going to get up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要站起來", "english": "We're going to get up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託住手", "english": "Please stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放我下來,把我放下來", "english": "Put me down! Put me down, you bastard, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我放下來!", "english": "Put me down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須繼續前進", "english": "You have to try to keep moving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先坐一下", "english": "Let's just sit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你兄弟,我們得走了", "english": "Your brother. We have to go now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先走,我會趕上去", "english": "You can start on without me. I'll catch up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能待在這兒", "english": "No. You can't stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得走了", "english": "We have to move. All right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得前進,快點", "english": "We have to move. Now, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧,很好", "english": "Come on. That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你兄弟,我們得找到你兄弟", "english": "Your brother. We have to find your brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會認出他的", "english": "You'll recognize him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他長得很像我", "english": "He looks like me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是比我老一點", "english": "And he's a bit older."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什麼?", "english": "What are they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們被轟炸嗎?", "english": "Are we being shelled?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是火苗,穀倉著火了", "english": "They're embers. The barn is on fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我受了傷", "english": "I've been hit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼回事?", "english": "What was it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你被捅了一刀", "english": "You were stabbed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我快死了嗎?", "english": "Am I dying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你快死了", "english": "Yes, I think you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個嗎?", "english": "This?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "裏面", "english": "Inside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "替我寫信給我媽媽?", "english": "Will you write to my mum for me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會的", "english": "I will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟她說我並不害怕", "english": "Tell her I wasn't scared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有什麼?", "english": "Anything else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愛他們", "english": "I love them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望...", "english": "I wish that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望...", "english": "I wish that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我說話", "english": "Talk to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴我你知道怎麼走", "english": "Tell me you know the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道怎麼走", "english": "I know the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝著東南方走到埃庫斯", "english": "I'm going to head southeast until I hit ecoust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會穿過那座小鎮", "english": "I'll pass through the town"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從東邊一直走到克羅西樹林", "english": "and out to the east all the way to Croisilles Wood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到時候會天黑了", "english": "It'll be dark by then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒問題的", "english": "That won't bother me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把口信傳給他們", "english": "I'll give them the message,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後我會去找你兄弟", "english": "and then I'll find your brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長得很像你,只是老一點", "english": "Just like you, a little older."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事吧,兄弟?", "english": "You all right, mate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來,幫幫他", "english": "Come on. Help him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Jesus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎麼了?", "english": "What happened to him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是戰機嗎?我們看到煙", "english": "Was it the plane? We saw the smoke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去拿他的東西", "english": "Go and fetch his things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是朋友?", "english": "A friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在這裏幹嘛?", "english": "What are you doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "取消明天早上進攻的命令", "english": "Orders to stop tomorrow morning's attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我來", "english": "Come with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我來,准下士,這是命令", "english": "Come with me, Corporal. That's an order."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會經過那裏,我們帶你去", "english": "We're passing through ecoust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點,中士", "english": "Oh, come on, Sergeant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找多一點人來", "english": "Put more men at the base."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能會有點擠", "english": "Might be a tight squeeze."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們不可能抬得起來", "english": "No, you're not going to be able to just lift it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把前面挪左一點", "english": "Pivot the front end to the left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們非得把事情弄得這麼麻煩", "english": "Jesus, they don't make things easy, do they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少可以好好地撤退嘛,混帳東西", "english": "They could at least have retreated"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有緊急口信要傳給第二營", "english": "He has an urgent message"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你過得去嗎?", "english": "Can you get past it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "動作快點!", "english": "Just move it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開吧,你可以從旁邊過去", "english": "Come on, now. You can get through there sideways."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們是怎麼來的,長官?", "english": "How did you get here, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿越巴波姆鎮外的無人區", "english": "Crossed no-man's-land just outside Bapaume."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "花了一整晚的時間", "english": "Took us the whole night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遇到幾個失散的德軍", "english": "Bumped into a couple of Hun stragglers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們要去全新的前線?", "english": "You going up to the new line?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "試圖要去", "english": "Attempting to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紐芬蘭軍團已經成功挺進還要求增援", "english": "The Newfoundlands have pushed forwards"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對你朋友感到遺憾", "english": "I'm sorry about your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能說件你或許早就知道的事嗎?", "english": "May I tell you something"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為他的死難過沒有用", "english": "It doesn't do to dwell on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯,長官", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上車吧", "english": "Hop on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歡迎搭乘不知道去哪裏的夜車", "english": "Welcome aboard the night bus"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是只死狗嗎?", "english": "Is that a dead dog?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑佛伊理直氣壯地說:", "english": "Beaufoy comes up to us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准下士,絕對不能降低標準", "english": "\"Lance Corporal, whatever one does,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後史考特從茅坑出來", "english": "Then Scott comes out the latrine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全都沾滿了大便", "english": "Shit all down his back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弟兄們,你們的槍托簡直是遜到不行", "english": "\"Men, your rifle stocks are an embarrassment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們都模仿得不像", "english": "You're both bloody awful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又不知道,你連話都說不清楚", "english": "You don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "強德拉,試試看", "english": "Go on, Jondalar. Give it a go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帥喔,有夠像", "english": "Shite. That is total shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你差點打到我的牙齒", "english": "Could've taken my teeth out with that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要裝一副新牙齒", "english": "You could do with a new set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他應該打倒車檔", "english": "He should reverse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "試試倒車檔", "english": "Try it in reverse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒車檔", "english": "Reverse!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,停下來!", "english": "No. Stop. Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都得下車", "english": "Everyone needs to get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下車!", "english": "All out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別這麼急嘛", "english": "Keep your bloody hair on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一、二、三!", "english": "One, two, three!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得在輪胎底下放木塊", "english": "We need to get some wood,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來不及了,大家用力推", "english": "No, we haven't got the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點,用力!", "english": "Come on. Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用力!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託,我趕時間,拜託", "english": "Please! I have to go now. Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧,大夥兒,來吧", "english": "All right, come on, lads. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一、二、三", "english": "One, two, three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧,最後一次", "english": "Come on, boys! One last push, yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一、二、三!", "english": "One, two, three!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上車", "english": "Back in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家上車,去吧", "english": "Get back in. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒事吧?", "english": "Are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "駕駛兵,拜託你開在路上,好嗎?", "english": "Here, driver, how about you try to keep it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去你的", "english": "Oh, piss off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要去哪兒?", "english": "So, where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們天亮就要展開進攻", "english": "They're attacking at dawn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我奉命阻止他們", "english": "I have orders to stop them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼?", "english": "How come?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們正走向陷阱", "english": "They're walking into a trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多少弟兄?", "english": "How many?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊", "english": "Jesus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們怎麼只派你一個人去?", "english": "Why did they send you on your own?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並沒有", "english": "They didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們本來有兩個人", "english": "There were two of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在只剩下你", "english": "So, now it's down to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你趕不到的", "english": "You'll never make it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我趕得到", "english": "Yes, I will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們看", "english": "Look at it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們看看啊", "english": "Fucking look at it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們打了三年的仗", "english": "Three years fightin' over this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該讓他們留著的", "english": "We should've just let the bastards keep it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰會射殺乳牛?", "english": "I mean, who machine-guns cows?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有多餘子彈的臭德國佬", "english": "Huns with extra bullets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "混帳東西", "english": "Bastards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算他們聰明", "english": "Clever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假如他們不射殺乳牛", "english": "They know if they don't shoot the cow..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就會吃掉", "english": "you will eat it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還是混帳東西", "english": "Still bastards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這又不是我們的國家", "english": "Yeah, it's not even our bloody country."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你猜它們死了多久?", "english": "How long gone do you reckon they are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼問?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照這樣看來會是個奇蹟", "english": "Right. Be a bloody miracle at this rate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們大概就在下一個轉角", "english": "Yeah, they're probably right round the next corner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屁啦,才沒有咧", "english": "Piss off. No, they're not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們為什麼不投降?", "english": "Why don't they just bloody well give up? Eh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不想回家嗎?", "english": "Don't they wanna go home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們討厭他們的老婆和老媽", "english": "They hate their wives and mothers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德國又是個爛地方", "english": "And Germany must be a shithole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們在撤退", "english": "They're retreatin'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "距離前線好幾英哩", "english": "They're miles back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少我們把他們打跑了", "english": "Got 'em on the ropes, at least."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並沒有", "english": "We don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可惡,又怎麼了?", "english": "Oh, bollocks. What's up now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別是另一棵樹", "english": "Not another bloody tree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "橋被炸毀了", "english": "The bridge is down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看來我要下車了", "english": "Looks like I'll be getting out here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝好運", "english": "Good luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望你能趕到", "english": "I hope you get there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一座橋在六英哩外", "english": "The next bridge is six miles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得改道", "english": "We'll have to divert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,長官", "english": "I can't, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒時間了", "english": "I don't have the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然了", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你好運", "english": "Best of luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你,長官", "english": "Thank you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准下士?", "english": "Corporal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你真的找到麥肯錫上校", "english": "If you do manage to get to Colonel Mackenzie..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "確定一定要有目擊證人", "english": "make sure there are witnesses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是有些人一心只想要開戰", "english": "But some men just want the fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你,長官", "english": "Thank you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "駕駛兵!", "english": "Driver!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開車!", "english": "Move off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英國人", "english": "Anglais."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是德國佬", "english": "Not German."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朋友", "english": "Friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是朋友", "english": "I'm a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這地方,這小鎮", "english": "This place, this town..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "埃庫斯?", "english": "ecoust?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他人?", "english": "Others?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,只有我", "english": "No. Just me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有我", "english": "Only me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得去一個地方", "english": "I need to be somewhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得找到東南方的樹林", "english": "I need to find a wood to the southeast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "樹木", "english": "Uh, trees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克索樹林?", "english": "Croiset?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克羅西樹林?", "english": "Croisilles?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一條河", "english": "River."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "順著河就能到那裏", "english": "River. It go there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "樹木,克羅西樹林", "english": "Trees. Croisilles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女孩?", "english": "A girl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她叫什麼名字?", "english": "What is her name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的母親是誰?", "english": "Who is her mother?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有食物", "english": "I have food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿去", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有這些", "english": "I have these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以拿去", "english": "But you can have them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全都拿去", "english": "Here, take them all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給你和那孩子,拿去", "english": "For you and the child. Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "牛奶?", "english": "Milk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Merci."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小孩?你?", "english": "Children? You?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒關係", "english": "It's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們坐著一個篩子去大海", "english": "\"They went to sea in a Sieve, they did..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們坐著一個篩子去大海", "english": "In a Sieve they went to sea:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管他們所有朋友的勸告", "english": "In spite of all their friends could say..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在一個風雨交加的冬天清晨", "english": "On a winter's morn, on a stormy day,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們坐著一個篩子去大海", "english": "In a Sieve they went to sea!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又遙遠又稀少", "english": "Far and few, far and few,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "珍寶麗居住的土地", "english": "Are the lands where the Jumblies live;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們的頭是綠的、手是藍的", "english": "Their heads are green,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們坐著一個篩子去大海", "english": "And they went to sea in a Sieve.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別走", "english": "Stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別走,拜託", "english": "Stay. Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我非走不行", "english": "I have to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託", "english": "Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑默?", "english": "Baumer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑默?", "english": "Baumer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑默", "english": "Baumer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑默!", "english": "Baumer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒事吧?", "english": "You all right, pal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你來自哪裏?", "english": "Where you from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他濕透了", "english": "He's bloody soaked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "管它的,把他一起帶來吧", "english": "Fuck it. Let's just pick him up and take him with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說什麼?", "english": "What's he saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說什麼?", "english": "What's that, mate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對,准下士", "english": "Yes, Corp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們怎麼還沒去前線?", "english": "Why haven't you gone over?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們是第二波攻勢", "english": "We're the second wave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不是派我們一次進攻", "english": "They don't send us all at once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對,我們是D連", "english": "Yeah, we're D Company."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整晚都在挖壕溝", "english": "We spent the night diggin' in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最後才進攻", "english": "We go last."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒事吧?", "english": "Are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥肯錫", "english": "Mackenzie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥肯錫上校在哪裏?", "english": "Where's Colonel Mackenzie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們正要去", "english": "We're headed up there now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,等等,你去哪兒?", "english": "Steady on, mate. Where you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓開!", "english": "Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我過!", "english": "Let me by!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我過!", "english": "Let me through!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記住,跟著你們的排長", "english": "Remember, follow your platoon commander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分散開來,看他的指令", "english": "Stay spread out and watch for his orders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "舉起信號旗或發射信號彈", "english": "when you've taken your section of the Hun line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後B連就移到前線", "english": "B Company will then move to the front line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官,我有艾林摩爾將軍的命令", "english": "Sir. I have a message from General Erinmore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是什麼人?", "english": "Who the fuck are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進攻行動取消了", "english": "The attack has been called off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾林摩爾將軍取消了進攻行動", "english": "General Erinmore has called off the attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屁啦,我們要把他們打得落花流水", "english": "Balls, man. We're about to go over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會的,別派你的人過去", "english": "You don't. Please don't send your men over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我讓開!", "english": "Get out of the way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是陸軍總部的命令,麥肯錫上校呢?", "english": "These are direct orders from army command!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要速戰速決,明白嗎?", "english": "Now, I want us up there quickly, you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他人收好信號槍,堅守崗位", "english": "NCOs collect flares and signal flags."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,喂!", "english": "Oi. Oi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "九和十小組準備好了", "english": "Nine and ten section at the ready!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會在第一聲哨聲響起時進攻", "english": "We will advance on the first whistle blast!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算身旁的弟兄倒地也要進攻", "english": "The man next to you falls, keep moving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們的命令是突破敵軍防線", "english": "Your orders are to break the lines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在那裏", "english": "He's over there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官!", "english": "Sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官!", "english": "Sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上尉,我有口信", "english": "Captain, I have a message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這場進攻行動取消了", "english": "This attack is called off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們必須停止進攻", "english": "You have to stop. You have to stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥肯錫上校呢?", "english": "Where is Colonel Mackenzie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥肯錫上校呢?", "english": "Where is Mackenzie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退後!堅守崗位!", "english": "Back! Hold fast!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官,我有命令取消這場進攻!", "english": "Sir, I have orders to stop this attack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥肯錫上校呢?", "english": "Where is Colonel Mackenzie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多遠?", "english": "How far?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三百碼,一條隧道裏", "english": "Three hundred yards. He's in a cut-and-cover."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得等到第一波進攻結束後才能去", "english": "You'll have to wait until the first wave goes over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不可能從那裏去!", "english": "You can't possibly make it that way, man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!不,不!", "english": "No! No, no, no, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "預備!", "english": "Get ready!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥肯錫上校!", "english": "Colonel Mackenzie!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在裏面", "english": "He's in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兩分鐘!", "english": "Two minutes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我過!", "english": "Let me through!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得見麥肯錫上校!", "english": "I have to see Colonel Mackenzie!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校,看到信號彈了", "english": "Colonel, we've seen flares."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "左翼的弟兄到了德軍防線", "english": "Men on the left flank"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽我說", "english": "Listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽我說,我有封信", "english": "Listen to me. I have a letter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得見麥肯錫上校", "english": "I need to see Colonel Mackenzie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中士,進行下一波進攻", "english": "Sergeant, send the next wave!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二波,準備好了!", "english": "Second wave, prepare yourselves!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須下令停止進攻!", "english": "You have been ordered to stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須下令停止!", "english": "You have to stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是什麼人?", "english": "Who the hell are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾林摩爾將軍下令取消這場進攻", "english": "I have orders from General Erinmore"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太晚了,准下士", "english": "You're too late, Lance Corporal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是來自陸軍總部的命令", "english": "Sir, these orders are from army command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須看看", "english": "You have to read them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要取消第二波進攻嗎?", "english": "Shall we hold back the second wave, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,稍一遲疑就會全盤皆輸", "english": "No, Major. Hesitate now and we lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託,請你看信", "english": "Please, read the letter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我全都聽過了", "english": "I have heard it all before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不會等到日落或是起霧", "english": "I'm not gonna wait until dusk or for fog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會叫回弟兄們,明天又派他們進攻", "english": "I'm not calling back my men only"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會把敵軍打得落荒而逃", "english": "not when we've got the bastards on the run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們策劃了好幾個月", "english": "They've been planning it for months."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們就是要你進攻", "english": "They want you to attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請你看這封信", "english": "Read the letter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "少校?", "english": "Major?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,長官?", "english": "Yes, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下令撤退", "english": "Stand them down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照料傷兵", "english": "Tend the wounded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "守住防線以免他們反抗", "english": "Hold the line in case they counter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,長官", "english": "Yes, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望今天能夠獲得勝利", "english": "I hoped today might be a good day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望是一件危險的事", "english": "Hope is a dangerous thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在是這樣,下星期會傳達不同命令", "english": "That's it for now, and then next week"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黎明時進攻", "english": "\"Attack at dawn.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "終結戰爭只有一個方法", "english": "There is only one way this war ends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奮戰到底", "english": "Last man standing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請人包紮你的傷口", "english": "Have someone see to your wounds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我滾,准下士", "english": "Now, fuck off, Lance Corporal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幹得好,小子", "english": "Well done, lad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你,長官", "english": "Thank you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克中尉在哪裏?", "english": "Do you know where Lieutenant Blake is, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克?", "english": "Blake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們本來有兩個人", "english": "There were two of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一個是他兄弟", "english": "I was sent here with his brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克中尉一定會衝鋒陷陣", "english": "Well, knowing Lieutenant Blake,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在第一波進攻", "english": "He was in the first wave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要怎麼找到他?", "english": "How could I find him, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不然...", "english": "Otherwise..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你,長官", "english": "Thank you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "賀本少校!", "english": "Major Hepburn, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在找佈雷克中尉,他在哪裏?", "english": "Sergeant, I have to find Lieutenant Blake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克中尉在這裏嗎?", "english": "Sir, is Lieutenant Blake here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "No idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧,准下士", "english": "Move along, Corporal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以走的話就去包紮吧", "english": "If you can walk, move to the triage area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救救我", "english": "Help me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克中尉!", "english": "Lieutenant Blake!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官,他昏過去了", "english": "Sir, he's out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我讓開", "english": "Out of the bloody way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克?", "english": "Blake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人見到佈雷克中尉嗎?", "english": "Has anyone seen Lieutenant Blake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他失血過多,需要動手術", "english": "He's hemorrhaging."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "截肢,立刻動手術", "english": "Amputation. Straight to surgery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的腿!", "english": "My leg!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快來幫忙!", "english": "I need something now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的大腿中彈", "english": "He's taken one in the leg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佈雷克中尉?", "english": "Lieutenant Blake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是?", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不需要,長官", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被派來傳達一條口信", "english": "I was sent here to deliver a message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定認識我弟弟", "english": "You must know my brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是跟他一起來的", "english": "I was sent here with him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "湯姆在這裏?他人呢?", "english": "Tom's here? Where is he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他走得很快", "english": "It was very quick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很遺憾", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什麼名字?", "english": "What's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲,長官", "english": "Schofield, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說什麼?", "english": "Sorry, what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史考菲,長官", "english": "It's Schofield, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威廉史考菲", "english": "William Schofield."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威廉", "english": "Will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得吃點東西", "english": "Well, you need some food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吃點東西吧", "english": "Get yourself to the mess tent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果可以的話", "english": "If I may..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想寫信給令堂", "english": "I'd like to write to your mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴她湯姆走的時候並不孤單", "english": "Tell her that Tom wasn't alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然了", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是...", "english": "He was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是一個好人", "english": "He was a good man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠都在說好笑的故事", "english": "Always telling funny stories."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他救了我一命", "english": "He saved my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很高興你在他身邊", "english": "I am glad you were with him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你,威廉", "english": "Thank you, Will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "網購 遊戲、影片 請指名...", "english": "www.gamedisc.cc"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎喲,是您二位啊?", "english": "Oh, I didn't recognise you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是您二位的戲迷", "english": "I'm a great fan of you both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊?哎喲", "english": "Is that so?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對,二十二年了", "english": "Yes, twenty-two years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們哥倆也有十年沒見面了", "english": "And it's been ten"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,十一年,是", "english": "That's right, eleven years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是「四人幫」鬧的,明白", "english": "I see, it's the fault of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可不?都是「四人幫」鬧的", "english": "Isn't everything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在好了,是…是", "english": "Everything's fine now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您二位在這兒等會兒 我去給您開燈去啊!", "english": "Please wait here a moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "片名:霸王別姬", "english": "FAREWELL TO MY CONCUBINE"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喲,這不是艷紅嗎?", "english": "Hey, Yanhong, is that you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老沒見,你可想死我了", "english": "It's been ages."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "臭婊子,你!", "english": "Slut!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位爺,多捧場了啊!", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小癩子又跑了!", "english": "Laizi is running away again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好小子,我看你往哪兒跑", "english": "Brat! See how far you get."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去給我追回來!", "english": "Quick, go catch him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位各位,包涵著點啊!", "english": "Gentlemen, please be patient."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爺兒們,爺兒們,您高抬貴手", "english": "Sir, sir, do forgive us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼下三濫的玩意兒 也他媽敢在這兒露面?", "english": "Trash! How dare you show"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操你們大爺!", "english": "Fuck you all!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位爺都站好甭動,真錢買真貨", "english": "Don't anyone move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我小石頭今兒個玩真的 讓爺們開開眼", "english": "Just as sure as my name is Shitou,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嚷嚷什麼?我還沒招呼呢!", "english": "What are you screaming for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你個狗屁大師兄 你他媽連個猴兒都演不了", "english": "You're a bullshit artist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別當你今天玩了個邪,拍了個磚 你以為我就能饒了你啊?", "english": "You thought you'd get away"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是下三濫的玩藝兒!", "english": "It's garbage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "磨剪子來,鏹菜刀!", "english": "Bring your knives for sharpening!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您這孩子,沒吃戲飯的命 您帶回去吧", "english": "This child isn't fated to be an actor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您想呀…", "english": "Think of it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "磨剪子來,鏹菜刀!", "english": "Sharpen your knives!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是養活不起…", "english": "It's not that I can't afford"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "實在是男孩大了留不住 這才來投奔您來了", "english": "but he's getting too big"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您老好歹得收下他!", "english": "Help me. Please take him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您只要收下他,怎麼著都成", "english": "If only you'll take him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您別嫌棄我們", "english": "Don't look down on us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別介,都是下九流,誰嫌棄誰呀?", "english": "How could I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他祖師爺不肯賞飯吃,誰也沒轍!", "english": "But if there's no job for him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娘,手冷,水都凍冰了", "english": "Ma, my hands are cold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娘!", "english": "Ma!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪兒來的窯子裡的,一邊去!", "english": "Get away from us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "窯子裡的東西,掉地上啦!", "english": "It's from the whorehouse!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們是不是欺負他來著?", "english": "Are you bullying him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "過來,跟我睡吧", "english": "Come over here. Sleep with me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,夠橫的你!", "english": "You're really something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小癩子,睡和尚被窩裡去", "english": "Laizi, go snuggle up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,接著!", "english": "Catch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外面冷極啦!", "english": "It's so cold outside!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小爺我撒的尿在牛牛眼上 可就結成冰溜子了!", "english": "My piss froze on the tip of my dick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差點沒頂我一跟頭!", "english": "I nearly turned a somersault!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是人的,就得聽戲", "english": "If you belong to the human race,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不聽戲的,他就不是人", "english": "If you don't go to the opera,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼豬啊,狗啊,它就不聽戲", "english": "Pigs and dogs don't listen to opera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是人嗎?畜牲!", "english": "And are they human?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以呀,有戲就有咱梨園行!", "english": "And where there's opera,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唉,別嚷嚷,別嚷嚷,我不愛聽!", "english": "- Stop squealing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要想人前顯貴,您必定人後受罪", "english": "If you think you're above everyone else,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今兒個是破題,文章還在後頭哪!", "english": "This is just the beginning,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子,沒事,朕都耗了一柱香了", "english": "Don't worry, Douzi. They burned"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子,忍著點", "english": "Just keep at it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小石頭,在替誰偷工減料哪?", "english": "who are you helping to cheat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅,我練腿眼朝天 沒留神底下呀", "english": "But Master, I was looking up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "廢話!取活去!", "english": "Bullshit. Get my sword."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去!快點!", "english": "And hurry UP!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅!", "english": "Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起來!", "english": "Get up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,「在班結黨者,罰」!", "english": "Yes. \"Forming cliques is prohibited"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我他媽小癩子,什麼都不怕", "english": "I'm not fucking scared of anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打自有唱戲的行當起…", "english": "From the time opera began,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪朝哪代也沒有咱們京戲這麼紅過", "english": "it's never enjoyed such popularity"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們算是趕上了!", "english": "You're lucky to be part of it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯!", "english": "For sure!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小爺我今兒 練的是九轉金爐的火丹功", "english": "My little man, I've been practising"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到外頭涼快,涼快", "english": "It's cool outside, quite cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傳於我輩門人,諸生須當敬聽", "english": "These are our rules,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自古人生於世,需有一技之能", "english": "From ancient times,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我輩既務斯業,便當專心用功", "english": "Having chosen this one,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以後名揚四海,根據即在年輕", "english": "In youthful striving lies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顧不得什麼?", "english": "Heedless of what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打你,是讓你記著 下回還得這麼背", "english": "This is so you'll remember"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下文呢?", "english": "Go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本是女嬌娥!", "english": "You are by nature a girl!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫你錯!…你錯!", "english": "Can't you see you're wrong!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打你小癩子!你還錯?你還錯?", "english": "I'll punish you, Laizi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小癩子再也不敢了", "english": "Don't hit me! I won't do it again!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本是什麼呀?", "english": "Spit it out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼姑是男的還是女的?", "english": "Is a nun male or female?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是…是男兒郎", "english": "A boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您倒是真入了化境", "english": "You really are in character."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅說的戲,你全忘了!", "english": "You've forgotten everything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下次再忘就往死裡打你!", "english": "Do it again, and I'll beat you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫你錯…小子長點記性!", "english": "You'd better remember this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥,趕明我要是給打死了", "english": "If by chance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "枕席底下有三大子兒,就給你了", "english": "I want you to have the three copper coins"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留神!", "english": "Careful!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別進水!手毀了就唱不了戲了", "english": "Don't let it touch the water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豆子,過兩天就要給祖師爺上香了", "english": "Douzi, in a few days,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就想你自己是個女的", "english": "You can think of yourself as a girl,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "癩子,吃過豌豆黃嗎?", "english": "Laizi, have you ever eaten"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豌豆黃?豌豆黃算個屁呀?", "english": "What's the big deal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃過驢打滾嗎?盆兒糕呢?", "english": "Have you ever had"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是他媽狗屁,不好吃!", "english": "They're about as fucking special"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你說什麼好吃?", "english": "So what do you like?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天下最好吃的 冰糖葫蘆數第一", "english": "There's nothing yummier"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要是成了角兒 天天得拿冰糖葫蘆當飯吃", "english": "If I make it big, I'll eat candied crab-apples"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "癩子,哈拉子都流出來哩", "english": "Laizi, you're drooling!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幹嘛呢你?回來,回來", "english": "What the hell are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子!", "english": "Douzi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑!", "english": "Run for it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站住!站住!", "english": "Hold it right there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子!", "english": "Douzi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥,枕席底下那三個大子兒 你別忘了", "english": "Don't forget the copper cash"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反正你廢了,滾吧!", "english": "You're worthless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小石頭甭想花了 讓朕受用了吧!", "english": "Stuff Shitou,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一串十個,我給你倆怎麼樣?", "english": "Ten apples on each stick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大街上可不許撒尿,靠邊來!", "english": "You can't do it in the middle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "角兒來了!角兒來了! 這裡有近道,走近道!", "english": "The stars have arrived!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎喲,我的角兒 您這可真是星宿下凡了!", "english": "Oh, my dear sir, this is indeed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天不擠出幾條人命 就上上大吉了!", "english": "It'll be pure luck"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先馱著我,待會兒我馱你", "english": "I'll sit on your shoulders for a while,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸王!霸王!", "english": "It's the king!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們怎麼成的角兒啊?", "english": "What does it take to become a star?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我什麼時候才能成角兒啊?", "english": "When will we ever enjoy such fame?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道你要回來 離了小石頭,你就活不了!", "english": "I knew you'd want to go back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去你又要挨刀胚子 我反正是不怕", "english": "You're going to get a taste of the sword."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早就打皮實了 師傅打我就跟撓癢癢似的", "english": "I've been beaten so much"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃了糖葫蘆,我就是他媽角兒了!", "english": "I've eaten my candied crab-apples."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好小子!你們還回來呀?你跑!", "english": "You little scamps,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打得好!打得好!", "english": "Good! I deserve it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打死你!", "english": "I've had it with you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫你放人?我打死你!", "english": "Please let me go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅,是我自各兒跑的", "english": "Master, it was me who ran away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你當我不打你,我打死你", "english": "Did you think you wouldn't get yours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豆子,說呀!開口說呀!", "english": "Douzi, speak! Say something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說呀!", "english": "Speak!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把小豆子打死了!", "english": "You're killing Douzi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟你拼了!", "english": "I won't let you do this!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "楚霸王,何許人也?", "english": "What sort of man was the King Of Chu?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是天下無敵的蓋世英雄", "english": "A peerless and invincible hero,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "橫掃千軍的勇將猛帥", "english": "a bold and resourceful general"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可老天卻偏偏不成全他", "english": "But fate wasn't on his side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在垓下中了漢軍的十面埋伏 讓劉邦給困死了", "english": "At Gaixia he fell into an ambush"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天晚上,刮著大風", "english": "A great wind blew up on that night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劉邦的兵唱了一宵的楚歌", "english": "Liu Bang's troops sang the songs of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "楚國的人馬一聽 以為劉邦得了楚地", "english": "The Chu warriors assumed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全都慌了神了,跑光了", "english": "In a great panic, they fled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽得霸王也掉下淚來", "english": "Even the king was weeping."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人縱有萬般能耐 可終也敵不過天命啊!", "english": "No matter how resourceful you are,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那霸王風雲一世 臨到頭…", "english": "The king had once been all-powerful,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸王讓烏騅馬逃命,烏騅馬不去!", "english": "He tried to get his steed to run away,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓虞姬走人,虞姬不肯", "english": "He wanted his concubine to flee,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那虞姬最後一次為霸王斟酒", "english": "For the very last time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最後一回為霸王舞劍", "english": "and danced for him with a sword,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爾後拔劍自刎,從一而終啊!", "english": "then cut her throat with it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "講這齣戲 是這裡邊有個唱戲和做人的道理", "english": "There's a lesson in this story"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人得自各兒成全自各兒", "english": "that each person is responsible"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "張宅上把訂戲的差委了您", "english": "Old Man Zhang has commissioned you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那您就是我們喜福成的衣食父母", "english": "You're like a fairy godmother to us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您抬舉抬舉呢 孩子們年下就穿上新衣裳了", "english": "With your patronage, the children will"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "衣裳好穿,戲活難做!", "english": "New clothes are not a problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "張公公那是 當年陪太后老佛爺聽過戲的主兒", "english": "When he was a palace eunuch,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糊弄得了嗎?敢嗎?", "english": "So you can't put anything over on him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩藝兒要是不靈,新衣裳…", "english": "You realise that if this little number"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "砸了我的臉面沒什麼 像您這樣的,能把您給囚起來", "english": "I could lose a lot of face,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這孩子有點意思,學幾年戲啦?", "english": "This kid's got something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子,快,快過來,給經理請安", "english": "Douzi, come here and pay your respects."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有點昆腔的底兒沒有啊?", "english": "Can you sing any old-style operas?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男怕「夜奔」,女怕「思凡」", "english": "\"Dreaming of the World Outside"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就來段「思凡」吧", "english": "Let's hear a bit of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那爺,那爺,實在是對不住您啊!", "english": "Mr Na, I am truly sorry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰叫你回來啦?我叫你錯! 我叫你錯!", "english": "Who told you to come back here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "張嘴!張嘴!張嘴!我叫你錯!", "english": "Open your mouth. Open it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "錯,錯呀你!我叫你錯!", "english": "You've stuffed it up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "張公公,您壽比南山", "english": "Mr Zhang,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是老公公…", "english": "This is a token"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸王要有這把劍 早就把劉邦給宰了!", "english": "If the king had had this sword,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當上了皇上 那你就是正宮娘娘了", "english": "If I were emperor,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥,我准送你這把劍!", "english": "I want you to have a sword like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎喲,當心呀,我的小爺兒!", "english": "Careful, my little man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可是把真傢伙!", "english": "That's a real blade!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢著…來了…", "english": "Don't run..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倆孩子一塊去吧?", "english": "Aren't the two kids going in together?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老規矩了,多少年的老規矩了!", "english": "No. It's an old rule around here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您說這虞姬她怎麼演 她也得有一死吧?", "english": "The concubine has to die"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您說呢?", "english": "Isn't it so?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅?", "english": "Master?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子!", "english": "Douzi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今年是什麼年?", "english": "What year is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你過來!", "english": "Come over here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就往這裡頭撒", "english": "Do it in this. Aim in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就往這裡頭撒 你這樣的往裡頭撒,不算糟蹋東西", "english": "You won't harm anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豆子!", "english": "Douzi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說話呀!", "english": "Say something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啞巴啦?說話呀!", "english": "Have you gone dumb?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子,一個人有一個人的命", "english": "Douzi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還是把他放回去吧", "english": "Leave him to his destiny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了好了,瞧這兒!瞧這兒!", "english": "All right, look at the camera!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二位老闆少年裘馬!", "english": "You two young gentlemen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甭管穿什麼衣裳,什麼款式 只要一上身", "english": "You look so dignified,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反對日本增兵華北!", "english": "Oppose Japan's invasion"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟了,糟了,又是那些學生們!", "english": "Damn! It's those students again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒日本帝國主義!", "english": "WITH JAPAN"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒日本帝國主義!", "english": "Down with Japanese imperialism!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這不是照片上那倆戲子嗎?", "english": "Aren't those the two actors"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眼瞅就要當亡國奴了 你們知道嗎?", "english": "Don't you know you're playing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這妖裡妖氣的,你們唱什麼戲?", "english": "Yeah, how can you tart yourself up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒家沒國的 你們有沒有中國人的良心?", "english": "Don't you have the least bit of feeling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們他媽都給我看清楚了!", "english": "Look at us, goddamn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯,沒錯 正經八輩的的中國人!", "english": "That's right, that's right,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中國人不打中國人!", "english": "Chinese mustn't fight among themselves!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是一個老祖宗!", "english": "We're all descended"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老祖宗錯得了嗎?錯不了!錯不了!", "english": "And don't you forget it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個個都他媽忠臣良將的模樣", "english": "Every goddamn one of them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這日本兵就在城外頭,打去呀!", "english": "The Japanese soldiers aren't far away,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敢情欺負的還是中國人!", "english": "Instead, they pick on fellow Chinese!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞎哄唄 學生們不都沒娶過媳婦嗎?", "english": "They're just looking for trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火氣壯,又沒錢找姑娘", "english": "and they've got no money"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總得找個地界煞煞火不是?", "english": "so they've got to let off steam somehow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "領著喊的那個唱武生倒不錯", "english": "Their leader would make a good player"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那驢年馬月的事,全讓你記住了", "english": "You usually remember"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆,這您不能忘!", "english": "Oh, Mr Duan, I remember."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是張公公府上的堂會嗎?", "english": "It was at the home of Old Man Zhang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我保的二位小爺嘛 二位的發祥寶地呀!", "english": "My good men, it was from there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,那兒現在成了棺材鋪了", "english": "Dieyi, Zhang's home is now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我昨兒剛去的", "english": "I went there just yesterday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又去找那把劍去了不是?", "english": "You were looking for that sword,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早不知賣哪兒去了", "english": "It was probably sold off years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程蝶衣!程蝶衣!", "english": "Cheng Dieyi! Cheng Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰糖葫蘆!冰糖葫蘆!", "english": "Candied crab-apples for sale!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "座是汪洋汪海…", "english": "There's a sea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個個都伸著脖子 等著瞻仰您二位的風采呢", "english": "craning their necks"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁四爺專門來給您捧場", "english": "Master Yuan has come specially"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這面子天大的去了!", "english": "It's a great honour for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "馬後,馬後,…沒扮上呢!", "english": "There'll be a slight delay!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆", "english": "Mr Duan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "急急風催半天了", "english": "The orchestra's been"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您再緊把手!", "english": "Please hurry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了,知道了,我先亮一嗓子", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們知道票沒白買不就得了", "english": "That way they'll know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到沒到人戲不分 雌雄同在的境界…", "english": "You judge..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您給斷斷!", "english": "- male and female?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唉,袁四爺今兒來捧場了", "english": "So, Master Yuan"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒聽見我蓋著嗩吶唱嗎?", "english": "Didn't you hear me sing so loudly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把血都掙出來了", "english": "My face went red."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就讓他聽明白了 沒他四爺的捧場", "english": "But I wanted him to know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到了裉節兒上…", "english": "At key moments,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這兒?", "english": "Here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別鬧!", "english": "Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "久仰久仰!二位果然是不負盛名", "english": "It's an honour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四爺,您捧場!", "english": "You're very kind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唐突了點,算是見面禮!", "english": "Please accept a small,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎喲,都說當年太后老佛爺", "english": "I don't believe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她老人家賞戲有這樣的手面嗎? 有嗎?沒有吧", "english": "bestowed such a gift"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四爺 您這讓我們蝶衣怎麼當得起啊?", "english": "Master Yuan, how can our Dieyi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本是從昆劇老本「千金記」裡 脫胎出來的", "english": "It evolved from the old-style opera"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好多名家都在這出上唱栽過", "english": "Many famous actors"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "獨你程老闆的虞姬", "english": "Your evocation of the Concubine Yu"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有點意思了!", "english": "Impressive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有那麼一二刻", "english": "For a moment or two,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁某也恍惚起來", "english": "this Yuan fellow was so entranced"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "疑為虞姬轉世再現啦!", "english": "he believed Concubine Yu"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆", "english": "Mr Duan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霸王回營亮相,到和虞姬相見", "english": "when the king returns to camp"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按老規矩…", "english": "custom has it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按老規矩是定然七步 而你只走了五步", "english": "Custom has it he takes seven steps."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豈不成了江湖上的黃天霸了?", "english": "he's little better than a gangster"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四爺,您梨園大拿呀", "english": "Master Yuan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文武昆亂不擋,六場通透", "english": "You are expert in all the varieties"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您能有錯嗎?", "english": "Could we doubt your word?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您要是都出了錯 那我們兄弟這點玩藝兒…", "english": "Indeed, we are presumptuous"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還敢在北平的戲園子裡露嗎?", "english": "in the theatres of Peiping."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四爺,您得栽培我們", "english": "Please give us the benefit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如不嫌棄 請二位到舍下小酌幾杯", "english": "If it's not beneath you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "實話說 這齣戲的學問還真是不淺!", "english": "There is so much still"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喲,四爺,對您不住", "english": "I'm terribly sorry, Master Yuan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝一壺花酒去", "english": "with a courtesan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另有雅趣,好", "english": "You have other"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程老闆呢?", "english": "And Mr Cheng?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那麼日後踏雪訪梅,再談不遲", "english": "Then we shall exchange poetic thoughts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四爺您慢走!", "english": "Take care, Master Yuan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,我也走了", "english": "Dieyi, I'm off as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彩風,金燕,麗君,淑瑗,秋香", "english": "Caifeng, Jinyan, Lijun, Shuyuan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆,您來啦!", "english": "Mr Duan, this way please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆,有些日子沒來了 這心裡還怪惦記的", "english": "We haven't seen you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會會菊僊姑娘!", "english": "I'd like to see Miss Juxian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這話怎麼說的呢? 您倒…您倒早言語呀!", "english": "Ah, how shall I put it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊姑娘這陣子不在 她出條子應飯局去了!", "english": "She's not here at the moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可怎麼好啊?要不這麼著", "english": "What to do? How about this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姐給你找個好的", "english": "We'll find you a good substitute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彩風,你來陪陪段老闆!", "english": "Caifeng,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給哥哥透個實情", "english": "Tell me the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊姑娘在哪間屋啊?", "english": "Where is Juxian really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是在底下呀?還是在上頭?", "english": "Upstairs or... down?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鳳凰當然棲高枝啦", "english": "The phoenix roosts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可人家是頭牌,你夠得著嗎?", "english": "But she's pretty high class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓你說著了", "english": "You said it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥哥我就是專傍頭牌的", "english": "I specialise in high class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊姑娘!", "english": "Oh, Miss Juxian..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去呀!你不是要傍頭牌嗎?", "english": "Go for it then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看那幾位爺不把你剁了當菜吃!", "english": "Let's see if those guys"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴你,我真急了!", "english": "I'm really angry now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再鬧!", "english": "Cut it out..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再鬧我跳了!", "english": "or I'll jump!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跳呀,你前腳跳,我後腳跳", "english": "Jump! I'll follow on your heels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們就跟你死,做你的棺材板", "english": "If you die, we'll all die,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓!", "english": "Xiaolou!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這幫小子壞透了!", "english": "These guys are revolting!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們逼著我,嘴對嘴餵他們酒喝!", "english": "They were forcing me to drink wine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼著?王八蛋!你們跳啊!", "english": "Come on, assholes. Jump!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姑奶奶跳了,怎麼著?", "english": "This lady's done it. Now's your turn!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,是段老闆啊!", "english": "Oh, it's Mr Duan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆,咱們到這兒來 可都是找樂子的", "english": "Listen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扔出去的 可都是白花花響噹噹的大洋啊!", "english": "and we're all spending good money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今兒個誰跟誰都別找不痛快", "english": "So let's not pick fights with each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎,別介呀", "english": "Don't get upset..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怕了?", "english": "Scared?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊,這可就是你的不周到了", "english": "Juxian, this is all really your fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼沒告訴各位爺 今兒是什麼日子?", "english": "Didn't you tell these gentlemen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今兒個不是咱倆定親的喜日子嗎", "english": "That we decided to announce"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今兒個是姑奶奶定親的喜日子", "english": "Today is this lady's happy day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼著?給姑奶奶賀喜吧?", "english": "So? Aren't you going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給姑奶奶敬酒吧!", "english": "Drink a toast to me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爺們兒,哄他媽誰呢?", "english": "Who the fuck are they kidding?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位爺,今兒個是我大喜的日子", "english": "Gentlemen, on this, my happiest day..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得敬敬各位爺", "english": "allow me to drink to all of you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給各位爺醒醒酒", "english": "And now something to sober you up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我叫一個好!", "english": "Wish us well!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這武二郎碰上西門慶", "english": "You know the old story about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不打,不打能成嗎?", "english": "Did he have any choice but to fight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這麼說,有個潘金蓮啦?", "english": "Does this mean there's a Pan Jinlian"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不過是救人解難,玩玩唄 又不當真", "english": "I was just fooling around. \"Damsel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥今兒神不在家,說走嘴了", "english": "I just wasn't thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥該死!", "english": "I'm a damn fool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你忘了咱們是怎麼唱紅的了?", "english": "Have you forgotten"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不就憑了師傅一句話?", "english": "Don't you remember our teacher's words?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥,我要讓你跟我…", "english": "I want you to be with me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不對", "english": "I mean..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就讓我跟你好好唱一輩子戲 不行嗎?", "english": "I want to be with you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行!說的是一輩子", "english": "It's not enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差一年,一個月,一天 一個時辰…", "english": "One year, one month, one day,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都不算一輩子!", "english": "makes it less than a lifetime!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,你可真是不瘋魔不成活呀!", "english": "Dieyi, you really are obsessed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唱戲得瘋魔,不假 可要是活著也瘋魔…", "english": "You're obsessed on stage"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這人世上,在這凡人堆裡…", "english": "But how are we going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們可怎麼活喲?", "english": "in the real world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真他媽想當太太奶奶啦你?", "english": "So you want to become"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做你娘的玻璃夢去吧!", "english": "Go live out this goddamn fantasy then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你當出了這門兒,把臉一抹灑 你還真成了良人啦?", "english": "But you're kidding yourself if you think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你當這世上的狼啊虎啊 就都不認得你啦?", "english": "You think the wolves and tigers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那窯姐永遠是窯姐", "english": "Once a whore, always a whore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你記住我這話", "english": "Just remember that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是你的命!", "english": "This is your fate!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成,回見了您啦!", "english": "Fine. See you around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁四爺送條幅", "english": "Master Yuan"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又怎麼了,菊僊?", "english": "What is it, Juxian?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來,來,來…進來說", "english": "Come on in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你出來", "english": "No, you come out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出了什麼事啦?", "english": "What's happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是菊僊小姐", "english": "This is Miss Juxian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是我的親師弟 你瞧見了,演虞姬的", "english": "This is my stage brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,菊僊小姐,失陪了", "english": "Ah, Miss Juxian. I must be going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓,那天在花滿樓…", "english": "Xiaolou,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是你在樓底下接著 我早就入土了", "english": "If you hadn't caught me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那杯定親酒,可是你先喝了一半", "english": "Remember,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊命苦,你要是收留她", "english": "I'm used to hardship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人當牛做馬侍侯你", "english": "I'll wait on you hand and foot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是嫌棄她…", "english": "If you tire of me, I'll jump again"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這妞可夠厲害的!", "english": "What a dragon lady!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "服,我服! 這他媽就是一本大戲呀!", "english": "Incredible! This is a major production."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼時候「洞房花燭夜」呀?", "english": "When's the performance of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今兒晚上!", "english": "Tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有哪!", "english": "Hold on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呀,得當著 戲班兒上下老少爺們的面兒", "english": "I want a formal betrothal ceremony"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得堂堂正正地進你段家的門", "english": "I want to enter your home"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嫌我偷工減料啊?", "english": "You don't think I plan to cut corners,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那成,今兒晚上就是定親禮", "english": "The formal engagement ceremony"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊小姐", "english": "Miss Juxian..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您在哪兒學的戲呀?", "english": "where did you study opera?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喲,我哪兒學過戲呀?", "english": "Me, study opera?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒學過呀?那就別灑狗血了!", "english": "Just the way"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,叫聲嫂子吧!不叫不成了!", "english": "Dieyi, she's like your sister-in-law now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有今兒晚上證婚人這活兒 你得給我接下來!", "english": "Also, at the engagement party tonight..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黃天霸和妓女的戲,不會演", "english": "I haven't learnt the opera"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是哪兒跟哪兒呀?", "english": "What are you on about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師弟,小樓在人前人後提起您來", "english": "Dieyi, Xiaolou has never said"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說的可都是厚道話呀!", "english": "in public or private."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上哪兒去?", "english": "Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我上哪兒,你管得著嗎?", "english": "None of your business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥!", "english": "Xiaolou!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥,你別走", "english": "Please don't go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁四爺今兒晚上請咱們過去 要栽培咱們", "english": "Master Yuan wants us to visit him tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姓袁的他管得著姓段的嗎?", "english": "Who does he think he is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是假霸王,你是真虞姬", "english": "I'm just a fake king."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他栽培你一個人去吧!", "english": "Let him patronise you if you like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥!師哥!", "english": "Xiaolou!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這對翎子…難得!", "english": "A headdress of this quality"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是從活雉雞的尾巴上生生收取的", "english": "Only if plucked from the tail"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這才夠柔軟,夠伶俐,夠漂亮!", "english": "are the feathers so soft,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塵世中,男體陽污,女體陰穢", "english": "In this world, there is foulness"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "獨觀世音集兩者之精於一身", "english": "Only the Bodhisattva embodies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歡喜無量啊!", "english": "Such ecstasy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這把劍有些來歷", "english": "This sword has a history."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "張家破敗時 是費了大周折弄到手的", "english": "When Zhang went bankrupt,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此看來…", "english": "I can see from this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "此物是你的舊相識了!", "english": "you're old acquaintances."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "果然世上的事 是踏破鐵鞋無覓處啊!", "english": "Amazing, one searches far and wide"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你我之間不言錢 那個字眼實在不雅", "english": "Let's not have any vulgar talk of money"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自古寶劍酬知已", "english": "A precious sword is the classic gift"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程老闆", "english": "Mr Cheng,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "願做我的紅塵知已嗎?", "english": "will you be my most intimate friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別動!", "english": "Don't!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是真傢伙!", "english": "It's a real sword!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "此境非你莫屬", "english": "How truly does this befit you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這上座都給你留著哪!", "english": "We saved a seat"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好你個蝶衣!", "english": "Well if it isn't Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這面子你總算給師哥了 要不然…", "english": "So you've decided to give me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又不上台,要劍幹什麼?", "english": "But we're not on stage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師弟呀,今兒個你可來晚了", "english": "Dieyi, you've come so late. I ought to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多謝菊僊小姐", "english": "My gratitude, Miss Juxian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓,從今往後,你唱你的 我唱我的!", "english": "Xiaolou, from now on,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別呀,程老闆,這可不能夠!", "english": "Mr Cheng, you can't do this!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這不是…戲迷們還不得…", "english": "This isn't... the fans won't..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日本…日本進城,進城了!", "english": "Japanese troops have entered the city!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,蝶衣呢?", "english": "Dieyi... where's Dieyi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師弟說 這眉子得勾得立著點才有味", "english": "Dieyi says the eyebrows look best"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆,你看這個", "english": "Look at this, Mr Duan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這才是你的戲衣", "english": "What's the fuss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就是要你姥姥身上的壽衣", "english": "If it was the shroud"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也得乖乖地給扒下來", "english": "you'd still have to give it to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽明白了嗎,戲子?", "english": "Get my meaning? Low-life actor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟日本人說,我馬上就去!", "english": "Tell the Japanese"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎,慢著!", "english": "Hold on a tick!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這哪兒是什麼堂會呀 就是訛您去給他們唱一回", "english": "It's not some private party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您要是去吧 萬一您自各兒再出點什麼差池", "english": "On the other,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我這戲園子,得…", "english": "this theatre of mine, it would..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊小姐,你幹嘛?", "english": "Miss Juxian, what are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣呢?蝶衣", "english": "Where's Dieyi? Dieyi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你趕緊著呀 都說日本人會放狼狗掏人心吃", "english": "Hurry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他又是那個脾氣 你要去晚了,他可就沒命啦!", "english": "And you know Xiaolou's temper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師弟!", "english": "Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我師哥可是在您的手上讓人逮走的", "english": "But you allowed them to take him away"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你這是什麼話嘛? 小樓打小是怎麼待你的?", "english": "What are you saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您知道就好了!", "english": "Glad you're aware of that too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟我師弟有幾句私房話要說", "english": "I have something to say to Dieyi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都說菊僊姑娘聰明", "english": "Everyone says Miss Juxian"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然不能這時候來", "english": "and her timing in this case"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是為小樓,有話好商量", "english": "We're all trying to help Xiaolou."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乾脆明說了吧 您倒是去還是不去?", "english": "How about a clear answer-"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說話呀你!", "english": "Say something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白你的心思", "english": "I know what's on your mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不這麼著吧", "english": "I have a proposal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只要囫圇個地把小樓給弄出來", "english": "If you can get Xiaolou out of there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哪來哪去,回我的花滿樓", "english": "I'll go back to the House of Blossoms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "躲你倆遠遠的,成了吧?", "english": "I'll keep away from both of you then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要說在花滿樓 還真是個不操閒心的地方", "english": "At the House of Blossoms,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日子過得輕省多了!", "english": "Life is a lot simpler there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可是您自各兒說的", "english": "Just remember, you said it, not me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一言為定!", "english": "I give my word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有個叫青木的,他是懂戲的", "english": "There's one called Aoki."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,來吧!", "english": "All right. Come here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再喝一杯", "english": "Let me have another drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我替你喝", "english": "I... I'll drink for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是「霸王別姬」", "english": "I think this opera"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "依我之見,你們這戲演到這份兒上 竟成了姬別霸王", "english": "has turned into \"Farewell My King\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒霸王什麼看頭了!", "english": "The king doesn't really get a look in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝了它,您定能纖音入雲", "english": "Drink this and your voice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別動!", "english": "Don't move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不唱戲了!", "english": "Forget the opera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往後啊,我太太平平地跟你過日子", "english": "Let's just live a quiet life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再生個大胖小子", "english": "We'll have a fat little baby boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一下得倆,夠了", "english": "And I'll have everything I want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不唱戲了!", "english": "No more opera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弄一個破蟲子!", "english": "- See you, pal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿出來", "english": "Hand it over!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰要你這破蛐蛐", "english": "I'm not talking about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你借他的錢呢?", "english": "Where's the money he lent you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你別看他今個兒高興,想訛他", "english": "Don't think you can take advantage of him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把錢拿出來,趕緊著", "english": "Give me the money and get lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩蛐蛐,大爺樂意!", "english": "I'm the one who wanted them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趕緊走吧!", "english": "Piss off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起來都是七尺高的老爺們兒", "english": "A man's no longer a man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放著正經營生不做,就會 在一個小蟲子身上找飯折,德行", "english": "to waste all his time on these"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正經營生?", "english": "A proper job?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我姓段的就會唱戲", "english": "All I can do is sing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戲你不讓我唱了 不玩蛐蛐,我幹嘛去啊?", "english": "and you won't stand for that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我抬棺材掏大糞去?", "english": "Find work as a pallbearer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得,這下你樂了吧?", "english": "Would that make you happy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧你,真生氣啦?", "english": "Look at you! You're really angry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還沒完啦?", "english": "Not through yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得,算我話說重了,成了吧?", "english": "So I overstated things a bit. OK?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要不這麼著啊,他們就像 那狗尿苔似的,長咱們家了", "english": "If you're not careful, these people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不去!沒臉見師傅!", "english": "I'm not going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爺子,他們都到了!", "english": "Sir, they're here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您一叫,他們立馬就來看您來啦", "english": "They came as soon as they heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我這怎麼當得起?", "english": "I'm deeply honoured."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請坐,請坐,受老朽一拜", "english": "Please, have a seat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "徒弟不敢", "english": "Master,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不敢?而今什麼你們不敢?", "english": "Wouldn't presume!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程蝶衣 當初是你師哥把你成全出來了的", "english": "Cheng Dieyi, Xiaolou helped"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在你師哥不唱戲了", "english": "Now he's not singing anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也該拉他一把吧", "english": "It's time for you to give him a hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快著點啊!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我動手啊!", "english": "Do it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子!", "english": "Little Douzi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小石頭!", "english": "Little Shitou!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們倆起小這點故事", "english": "There's been a lot of water"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "話說來長啦!", "english": "since you were children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼了?現在成角兒了", "english": "Now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就什麼都忘了?", "english": "But have you forgotten?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到了這時候就不忍心啦?", "english": "Don't you have the heart for it anymore?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫你縱著他,我叫你護著他", "english": "Did I tell you to spoil and indulge him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫你看著他糟蹋戲!", "english": "Did I tell you to sit by"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅!", "english": "Master..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我沒出息!", "english": "It's me who's the no-hoper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您打我!", "english": "Punish me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現而今小樓可是我的人了", "english": "Xiaolou belongs to me these days..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您打他也成 您得先告訴我一聲啊", "english": "If you want to hit him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊!", "english": "Juxian!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您是花滿樓那位姑娘不是?", "english": "It's that girl from"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您今兒個可是第一位貴客", "english": "Today, you are our number one guest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您得坐好,喝好,看好了再去!", "english": "Make yourself comfortable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您請", "english": "Please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫你糟蹋戲!", "english": "To desecrate the opera!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢著!", "english": "Hold on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這當師哥的糟蹋戲,您活該打他!", "english": "If he's desecrating the opera,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可這當師弟的這個", "english": "But don't you figure his stage brother"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊!", "english": "Juxian!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我既是花滿樓的 自然不歸你們喜福成科班的管", "english": "I'm from the House of Blossoms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是您這當師傅的 也不能只聽一面之詞不是?", "english": "but as their teacher, shouldn't you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "閉嘴!", "english": "Shut up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爺們的事,沒你說話的份兒!", "english": "This is between us men!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段小樓,你可真知道疼人呀!", "english": "Duan Xiaolou,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊,今兒個你打死我 算你賺了一個!", "english": "Good. Do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓你老段家斷子絕孫去吧!", "english": "The Duan family line will stop with you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰讓你們倆站起來的?", "english": "Who told you to stand up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小石頭,聽見了沒有啊? 你也是個快當爹的人了!", "english": "Shitou, are you paying attention?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這麼瞎混下去,丟了玩藝兒", "english": "If you keep wasting your time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以後你拿什麼請我喝滿月酒?", "english": "how are you going to afford"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再靠緊著點兒!", "english": "Closer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好練!", "english": "Work harder!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都拿穩!", "english": "Get a good grip!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "腿伸直了!給我繃直了!", "english": "Stretch those legs! Stretch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢著!慢著!", "english": "Wait a minute!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你練的這是「夜奔」", "english": "You're practising \"Fleeing by Night,\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扮的是林沖,林沖是什麼人吶?", "english": "You're playing Lin Chong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是八十萬禁軍教頭 不是小毛賊", "english": "He's head of the palace guard,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿著", "english": "Take this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都瞧我的!", "english": "Attention everyone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看什麼是蓋世英雄!", "english": "This is what a great hero's like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別動!師傅罰我七天都跪 還沒到日子呢!", "english": "Don't! The teacher told me to kneel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅說了,要想成角兒 就得自各兒成全自各兒", "english": "Master said that only you have the power"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "旁人都走了,你也回家去吧!", "english": "Everyone else has left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打小被撿回來的,沒家", "english": "I was found on the street as a baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什麼?", "english": "What's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小四!", "english": "Xiao Si."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小四!", "english": "Xiao Si."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,怎麼不唱了?", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓,去不得啊,去不得…", "english": "Don't go, Xiaolou. It's not worth it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位老總!", "english": "Soldiers! Gentlemen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這戲園子裡頭 沒有用手電筒晃人的規矩", "english": "You can't just wave your flashlights"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "連日本人也沒這麼鬧過", "english": "Even the Japanese"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大夥兒都是來聽戲的", "english": "Everyone's here for the opera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請回座上去吧", "english": "Please return to your seats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說得好,回去!", "english": "All right. Seats, everyone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是有一樣! 替日本人叫好成不成?", "english": "But can we let him get away"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操你大爺!", "english": "Fuck your mother!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓", "english": "Xiaolou!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你放開他,放開他!", "english": "Leave him alone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊", "english": "Juxian!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快,快", "english": "Hurry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在這兒,菊僊", "english": "I'm here, Juxian..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趕緊送醫院 先保住大人再說,趕緊著!", "english": "Save her first"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喲,不就是公共治安這麼點事嗎?", "english": "There was only a minor disturbance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還至於勞動諸位 弄出這麼大的動靜?", "english": "Such a show of force,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這戲院子也砸了 人也快打死了,還要抓人呀?", "english": "The theatres been trashed, people beaten,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們憑什麼抓人?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "憑什麼?", "english": "What for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程蝶衣犯的是漢奸罪!", "english": "Cheng Dieyi betrayed the country"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們憑什麼說他是漢奸?", "english": "How can you say that about him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆!", "english": "Mr Duan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段老闆,孩子怕是保不住了", "english": "Mr Duan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓,我真對不住你…", "english": "Xiaolou,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你忙你的去吧", "english": "Go do what you have to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你這個師弟呀 也不知道這世道跟他找彆扭呢…", "english": "I don't know whether Dieyi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還是他跟這個世道找彆扭", "english": "or if it's trouble"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總是輕省不了,早晚還得出亂子!", "english": "But there seems no avoiding it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你跟他在一起 我這心就不踏實", "english": "Whenever you're with him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們的孩子沒了", "english": "Now I've lost our child,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往後跟你一起去要飯 我都沒二話", "english": "I don't care if I have to beg with you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可就有一樣…", "english": "all I ask..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓 你得讓我這心裡太太平平呀", "english": "is peace of mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把他救出來了 咱們可就不欠他的了", "english": "If you help him now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往後你別跟他唱了", "english": "Don't perform with him anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣這條性命,可就全仰仗您啦!", "english": "Dieyi's life is in your hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這點,您先打點著 要是不夠,咱們回頭再…", "english": "Count this. If it's not enough..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁四爺,您只要救出蝶衣…", "english": "If only you'll save Dieyi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們哥倆三年的包銀全歸了您", "english": "we'll give you all our earnings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒你們的包銀 你當我就喂不起這幾隻鳥啦?", "english": "You think I need your money"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這不是小樓嗎?", "english": "Don't you recognise Xiaolou?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給蝶衣唱霸王的段小樓啊!", "english": "He plays the king to Dieyi's concubine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那該他救虞姬去呀!", "english": "Then it should be he"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎喲,我的親老爺子 那不是戲嗎?", "english": "My dear man, that's only a play!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可這全北平,誰不知道袁四爺 才是梨園行的真霸王啊?", "english": "All Peiping knows that Master Yuan"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,是,是!", "english": "It's true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這說到戲,我倒要請教段老闆", "english": "Speaking of theatre,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這霸王回營亮過相去見這虞姬 到底該走幾步啊?", "english": "When the king returns"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "七步!", "english": "Seven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走我瞧瞧", "english": "Show me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走我瞧瞧呀!", "english": "Come on, show me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是袁四爺的府上吧?", "english": "ls this the honourable home"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有位叫程蝶衣的", "english": "When a man called Cheng Dieyi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓人逮走的時候,說是 這把劍的主人能救他", "english": "he said the owner of this sword"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您瞅瞅,認得嗎?", "english": "Have a look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧您這意思,我是找對主兒了!", "english": "From your expression,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那成,這劍吶,我給您擱這啦", "english": "Good. I'll put the sword here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這劍找著主兒,我也就放心了", "english": "I'm so relieved to have found its owner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可這人哪,也總有指望錯的時候", "english": "But sometimes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁四爺,您可別怪罪蝶衣", "english": "Master Yuan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎,弄明白了!", "english": "I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他給日本人唱堂會 怕不是袁…袁某的指使吧?", "english": "He didn't say I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是!", "english": "True!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一屋子的記者都在家裡等著呢", "english": "There's a roomful of reporters"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓,那爺,咱們走!", "english": "Xiaolou, Mr Na, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢著!話說清楚了", "english": "Wait a moment! Let's talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁四爺讓我來關照你", "english": "Master Yuan asked me to talk to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趕明個兒上了法庭…", "english": "Tomorrow in court,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在兵營裡頭給你動了刑", "english": "Say they tortured you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "旁的,袁四爺都替你安排妥當了", "english": "Master Yuan has made arrangements"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是小樓讓我交給你的", "english": "This is from Xiaolou."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,你別怨我們", "english": "Dieyi, don't be angry with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓的孩子死了", "english": "The death of Xiaolou's child..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是你們在一塊兒唱戲的報應", "english": "was karmic retribution"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去以後,你走你的陽關道去吧!", "english": "After you get out of here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "互通款曲,狼狽為奸", "english": "for the Japanese troops"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以淫詞艷曲為日寇作堂會演出", "english": "Cheng and Aoki expressed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長敵之氣焰,滅我之尊嚴", "english": "boosting enemy morale and damaging"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敵酋青木三郎在日軍投降後 仍有反抗舉動…", "english": "After the Japanese surrender,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已被我軍擊斃 其與被告往來之罪證相片…", "english": "and was shot dead by our troops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已落入我方 現出示法庭,鐵證如山", "english": "is well documented in photographs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世卿世受國恩", "english": "The government"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更不敢當眾違背天理良心", "english": "Nor would I betray the laws of heaven"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程蝶衣確實 是被日本人用手銬銬走的", "english": "Cheng Dieyi was taken away in handcuffs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還用手槍頂其項背威脅 就是後脖梗子", "english": "They put a gun to the back of his neck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日本人他是打了我師弟!", "english": "Uh, it's true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這四爺全說了", "english": "Exactly as Master Yuan"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那坤!", "english": "Na Kun!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他…", "english": "He..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "方纔檢查官聲言 程之所唱為淫詞艷曲", "english": "The procurator spoke"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "實為大謬", "english": "That's absurd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程當晚所唱是昆曲「牡丹亭」", "english": "That evening,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "略有國學常識者都明白…", "english": "Anyone with a smidgen of traditional"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "何以在檢查官先生口中 竟成了淫詞艷曲了呢?", "english": "How can you call them pornographic?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此糟踐戲劇國粹", "english": "Given such an insult to our culture,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被告人程蝶衣", "english": "We ask the accused, Cheng Dieyi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被告人,本庭要求 你對日本軍部事件作自我陳述", "english": "The court wishes to hear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程蝶衣!", "english": "Cheng Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堂會我去了…", "english": "I sang for the Japanese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也恨日本人!", "english": "I hate the Japanese too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是他們沒有打我!", "english": "But they didn't lay a hand on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被告人程蝶衣…", "english": "Cheng Dieyi..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有義務和權利用事實", "english": "you have the right and duty"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你再仔細的回憶一下 再做一次陳述", "english": "Reconsider carefully"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "青木要是活著 京戲就傳到日本國去了", "english": "If Aoki lived,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們殺了我吧!", "english": "Just kill me, why don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四爺您不能走啊", "english": "Please, Master Yuan, don't leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我走不走,他都死定了!", "english": "What does it matter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程蝶衣漢奸一案暫停審理…", "english": "The case of the traitor Cheng Dieyi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被告程蝶衣交保具結,予以釋放", "english": "The accused is released under bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這怎麼回事?這怎麼回事?", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程蝶衣,你他媽耍我呀?", "english": "Cheng Dieyi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程老闆,回頭見", "english": "Good bye..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程先生,請", "english": "This way, Mr Cheng."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娘,上信收到了吧?", "english": "Ma, did you get my last letter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兒在這兒一切都好", "english": "Everything's fine here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們白天練功喊嗓", "english": "We rehearse by day and perform at night!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟過去往常一模一樣", "english": "Just like before"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外面世道雖不大好", "english": "The world's not what it used to be,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把戲唱完拿回包銀 太太平平就是了", "english": "We sing and get paid for it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,這來福就等著您噴它兩口香吶", "english": "Lucky the Cat wants you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧見沒有?歡實了不是?", "english": "See that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,這信是寄到?", "english": "Dieyi, should I mail this to...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這林黛玉要不焚稿", "english": "All you classic consumptive heroines"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞧,這玩藝兒我給您掏換來了", "english": "Have you seen this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不要?要不要?", "english": "Do you want it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要,不要我可撕啦!", "english": "If you don't, I'll tear it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撕了…", "english": "I'll do it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小四!", "english": "Xiao Si!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎喲,這水流千遭 到了還得歸海不是?", "english": "The river's course is twisted,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虞姬跟霸王說話 中間還得隔著條烏江啊?", "english": "But what gulf still lies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趕緊著,不然 劉邦可就殺進城來了", "english": "Talk to each other already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一九四八年 國民政府離開大陸之前", "english": "OF THE KMT TO TAIWAN"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們旗人好歹還坐了三百年天下", "english": "For better or worse,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這民國才幾年呀 說話人家就兵臨城下了!", "english": "The Republic's only just begun,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "共產黨來了,也得聽戲不是?", "english": "But even the Communists"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新君臨朝,江山易主 慶典能少得了您二位嗎?", "english": "The empire may change hands,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們就等著點新票子吧!", "english": "We're just waiting to see"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼著? 還敢打人家傷兵不敢吶?", "english": "Well, do you still want"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們別瞎鬧哄,鬧哄急了,照打!", "english": "They'd better behave themselves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別呀,您要有袁四爺那譜那行", "english": "If you had Master Yuan's class,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甭管哪朝哪代,人家永遠是爺", "english": "no matter who was in power."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還認得我嗎?", "english": "Do you recognise me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "張公公,不認得我們了嗎?", "english": "Mr Zhang... don't you know us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抽一盒!", "english": "Buy a pack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一九四九年 人民解放軍進入北平", "english": "LIBERATION ARMY INTO PEKING"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四兒…要什麼給人家什麼 可千萬別動手!", "english": "Xiao Si, give them whatever they want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位老總,實在是對不住", "english": "Soldiers, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們這位角兒,今兒個他是…", "english": "Tonight, he just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程老闆,您要是熬不住 就再抽一口吧", "english": "Mr Cheng, if you can't take it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四兒,去叫段老闆去!", "english": "Xiao Si, go call Mr Duan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒反革命份子袁世卿", "english": "Down with the counter-revolutionary"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁世卿與人民為敵,死路一條!", "english": "Yuan Shiqing has made the people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提高警惕,擦亮眼睛", "english": "Raise your level of vigilance!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "綜上所述,反革命份子袁世卿…", "english": "To sum up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一貫反共反人民", "english": "has always opposed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "危害一方,罪惡滔天", "english": "He has harmed his community"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不殺不足以平民憤!", "english": "Only execution"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒反革命份子袁世卿", "english": "Down with the counter-revolutionary"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒反動戲霸袁世卿", "english": "Down with the tyrant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁世卿死路一條!", "english": "Death to Yuan Shiqing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "槍斃袁世卿!", "english": "Execute Yuan Shiqing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "押下去!", "english": "Take him away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不殺不足以平民憤?", "english": "Only execution"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就這麼把袁四爺斃啦?", "english": "They're going to kill Master Yuan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你小聲點!", "english": "Keep your voice down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放開我,你放開我!", "english": "Let me go! Release me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操你大爺!", "english": "Fuck you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你聽著,再忍忍就過去 聽見沒有?", "english": "Are you listening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,別鬧了,再忍忍就過去了…", "english": "Good, calm down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操你大爺!", "english": "Fuck you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別鬧了,再鬧我就打你了", "english": "Cut it out or I'll hit you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看著點,別讓他掙蹦出來", "english": "Keep an eye on him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓,你可別走啊", "english": "Don't go, Xiaolou."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不礙事,他要想把大煙戒了…", "english": "If he really wants to overcome"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我冷", "english": "I'm cold!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娘", "english": "Ma!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我冷", "english": "I'm cold!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娘", "english": "Ma!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我冷…", "english": "I'm cold..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段師母!", "english": "Mrs Duan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到哪兒去了?", "english": "Where were you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開會去了!", "english": "A meeting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開會去了?", "english": "A meeting?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓,師兄師弟們都來了", "english": "Xiaolou, the whole troupe's come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快,快請進來", "english": "Come on in. Quick!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喲,換行頭了啊?", "english": "Ah, a costume change!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多謝大伙來看我 沒事了,我好了", "english": "Thank you all for coming to see me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說得輕巧,沒見遭罪的時候呢!", "english": "Sounds easy now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等著霸王和虞姬出場吶", "english": "for the next appearance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼叫「盛代元音」,這他媽就是", "english": "It'll be the goddamn golden hit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家讓我說幾句 那我就說幾句,說不好!", "english": "You've asked me to say a few words."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現代戲有意思", "english": "I think these modern operas"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可現代戲的服裝有點怪", "english": "but the costumes aren't very attractive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有行頭好看,這佈景也太實了", "english": "The backdrops are also too realistic,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "京劇講究的是個情境", "english": "Yet Peking Opera"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唱,念,做,打 都是在這個情境裡面", "english": "Song, recital, movement and acrobatics"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿這一身往佈景跟前一站…", "english": "But if you're wearing outfits like these"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩藝再好也不對頭了", "english": "and standing in front of those backdrops,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就怕,這麼一弄 就不是京戲了", "english": "I fear that this will be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼現代戲就不是京戲了?", "english": "Are you saying that modern operas"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "京戲是什麼?就是八個字…", "english": "What is Peking Opera after all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得好看,美,比方說…", "english": "It must have beauty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅,我沒聽明白", "english": "Teacher, I don't get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等你流上三船五車的汗,就明白了", "english": "Practise. When you've sweated enough"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是不明白…", "english": "I just don't get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼古時候的英雄美人上了台 就是京戲", "english": "Why should it be Peking Opera,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在勞動人民上了台 就不是京戲了?", "english": "but not when the labouring masses do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你這…說的是兩碼事,放肆", "english": "You're talking apples and pears."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什麼態度?", "english": "What's this attitude?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓!", "english": "Xiaolou!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外邊要下雨了,給你傘", "english": "It's raining."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接著!", "english": "Catch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得,知道了,家去吧!", "english": "Yes, yes, run along home now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一提這論理的事兒,我頭就大", "english": "Discussions about ethics"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "依我看,只要是唱這西皮二黃 它就是京戲", "english": "I say if it uses the traditional"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是?", "english": "Am I right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我發兩句言!", "english": "I'd like to say something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自打把這戲院交給咱國家", "english": "I've been part of the New Society"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這現代戲它是個新事 咱們應當擁護,應當支持啊!", "english": "Modern opera is a new venture,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "功也不練,嗓也不吊 耍皮頂嘴你倒學成了", "english": "You never practise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唱戲的不靠這個 憑的是功夫,本事,玩藝兒!", "english": "Opera requires practice,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒你的近道兒可走", "english": "There are no shortcuts!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罰我跪,你犯法!", "english": "By forcing me to kneel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不罰?不罰你永遠是下三濫", "english": "And if I don't punish you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還想成角兒?做夢!", "english": "You want to be a great actor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯,你領我來 哪兒是想讓我成角兒?", "english": "And when did you ever seriously"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是想找個小力笨兒 小催幫兒…", "english": "All you've ever wanted is a coolie,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小跟包,小腿子,小龍套!", "english": "a follower, a dogsbody, a bit player!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你放肆,你大膽 我叫你胡說八道,胡說八道", "english": "How dare you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我跪下!", "english": "Kneel down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師傅,永沒那日子啦!", "english": "You won't live to see the day!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四兒", "english": "Xiao Si!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滾吧,一輩子跑你的龍套去吧", "english": "Piss off then!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程老闆…", "english": "Mr Cheng..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您這話要擱在舊社會說,我信!", "english": "I can hardly believe this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在新社會說,我不信", "english": "It's like something out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要是再跑龍套 對不起您的栽培!", "english": "If I continue to get bit parts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這麼說,你知道?", "english": "So, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不對吧,段師傅!", "english": "That's not true, Teacher Duan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨兒開會您可是在場的啊", "english": "You were there at the meeting last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說的你去通知蝶衣換角兒嘛,啊?", "english": "But you said you'd notify Dieyi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可後來我覺著", "english": "I had second thoughts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥,您別…您別這樣…", "english": "Don't. Don't be like that!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我他媽的不唱了!", "english": "I won't fucking sing anymore!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段小樓同志…", "english": "Comrade Duan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而今台下坐的可都是勞動人民", "english": "that audience"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唱不唱,您自己掂量著", "english": "You decide for yourself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓,虞姬都上了", "english": "Xiaolou, the concubine's on stage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓…段老闆", "english": "Xiaolou... Mr Duan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣!", "english": "Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,你開開門,蝶衣!", "english": "Dieyi, open the door! Open up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "師哥給你賠不是,還不成嗎?", "english": "Won't you accept my appology?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那條小蛇可是你把它捂活的…", "english": "That little snake you rescued..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而今人家已經修練成龍啦", "english": "...has turned into a veritable dragon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戲總得唱吧?這可是你說的", "english": "No matter what, as you told me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也不出來看看 這世上的戲都唱到哪一出了", "english": "Come on out and see what's playing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子 你就聽師哥一句,服個軟", "english": "Douzi, listen to your stage brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣,你可真是不瘋魔不成活呀", "english": "why are you so impossible?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一九六六年,北京,文革前夕", "english": "THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幹嘛?怎麼想起喝酒來了?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想喝一口", "english": "I feel like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反正這倆杯子也沾上了「四舊」了", "english": "Anyway, jade cups"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留不住了,不如用上一回!", "english": "We can't keep them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我夢見我站在一個大高樓上", "english": "I dreamed I was on top of a tall"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是想往下跳,我想往下跳!", "english": "I wanted to jump."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跳呀,我在那兒呢", "english": "Jump! I'd catch you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不在那裡,你不在那裡", "english": "You weren't there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這把劍從哪兒來的?", "english": "Where did this sword come from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兩次啊", "english": "Twice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二次是什麼時候?", "english": "When was the second time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "北京…快解放的時候", "english": "Shortly before the liberation of Peking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪兒?", "english": "Where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當時你說過什麼話沒有?", "english": "What did you say to each other?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當時挺亂的,我記不得了", "english": "It was quite chaotic, I don't remember."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你再想想", "english": "Think about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有什麼呀", "english": "We didn't say anything!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好想想", "english": "Keep thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有,想不起來", "english": "If we did, I can't recall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說過要對 共產黨怎麼怎麼樣的話沒有?", "english": "Something about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,沒有,肯定沒有,絕對沒有!", "english": "No! Certainly not!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要有,殺了我也不冤!", "english": "I'd stake my life on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要有人證明你說過呢?", "english": "But what if we've got a witness?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰?王八蛋,讓他出來!", "english": "Who? Bring out the bastard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老那,我…我說什麼了?", "english": "Na Kun!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不然我給您提個醒 還敢惹人家傷兵不敢吶?", "english": "I'll give you a hint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那坤,你血口噴人…", "english": "Na Kun! This is pure slander!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你這個反動戲園子老闆 光想保你自己", "english": "You reactionary old theatre boss!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說共產黨來了 你也照打不誤!", "english": "You said you'd take on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有!我沒說!", "english": "No! I never said that!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我當…我當時的意思是…", "english": "What I meant was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我當時是說…", "english": "What I said was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那爺…您得替我…那爺!", "english": "Mr Na, Mr Na, help me... Mr Na!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拍給我瞧瞧", "english": "Do one for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拍呀", "english": "Do it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拍呀!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段小樓,你是霸王嗎?", "english": "Duan Xiaolou, aren't you the \"king\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是一直是霸王嗎?", "english": "But you've always been the \"king\","}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那都是戲…", "english": "That's just an opera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是真的", "english": "It's not real life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "舊社會你去過妓院嗎?", "english": "Did you go to brothels"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去過", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不覺得可恥嗎?", "english": "Don't you think that's shameful?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得可恥", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你娶菊僊的時候,她是什麼身份?", "english": "When you married Juxian,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要好好揭發程蝶衣", "english": "Now tell us what we need to know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然,你也可以不揭發", "english": "Of course,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袁世卿的下場你是親眼看見的", "english": "You saw what happened to Yuan Shiqing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自己決定吧!", "english": "Make your own decision."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "橫掃一切牛鬼蛇神!", "english": "Sweep away all cow demons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敵人不投降,就叫他滅亡!", "english": "If the enemy doesn't surrender,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "揪出伸進文藝界的黑手!", "english": "Seize the Black Hands that have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "革命無罪,造反有理!", "english": "Revolution is no crime,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "橫掃一切牛鬼蛇神!", "english": "Sweep away all cow demons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小樓!小樓!", "english": "Xiaolou!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段小樓是反動霸王!", "english": "Duan Xiaolou is the reactionary king!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段小樓,程蝶衣是黑線人物!", "english": "Duan Xiaolou and Cheng Dieyi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒程蝶衣!打倒段小樓!", "english": "Down with Duan Xiaolou!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "橫掃一切牛鬼蛇神!", "english": "Obliterate all class enemies!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "程蝶衣!", "english": "Cheng Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不管台下坐的是什麼人 什麼階級", "english": "No matter who was in the audience,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他都賣力地唱,玩命地唱!", "english": "he'd still give it his all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你避重就輕,不老實!", "english": "Stop avoiding the real issues."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段小樓不投降,就叫他滅亡!", "english": "If you don't give in,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抗日…抗日戰爭剛剛開始", "english": "At the start of the War of Resistance,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒程蝶衣!", "english": "Down with Cheng Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他給國民黨傷兵唱戲 給北平行園反動的頭子唱戲", "english": "He sang for wounded KMT soldiers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給資本家唱,給地主老財唱 給太太小姐唱", "english": "He sang for capitalists, landlords,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給地痞流氓唱,給憲兵警察唱", "english": "He sang for hooligans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他,給大戲霸袁世卿唱!", "english": "He sang for the tyrant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒程蝶衣!", "english": "Down with Cheng Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再說,還有呢?", "english": "What else? Tell us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他抽大煙,他抽起大煙來沒命", "english": "He smoked opium"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知抽光了多少勞動人民的血和汗", "english": "He smoked away the blood and sweat"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "揭,揭實質問題!", "english": "Keep going. Get to the point."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打倒程蝶衣!", "english": "Down with Cheng Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說!", "english": "Talk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他為了討好大戲霸袁世卿", "english": "In order to get on Yuan Shiqing's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他給袁世卿他當…當…", "english": "He became Yuan Shiqing's...his..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "橫掃一切牛鬼蛇神!", "english": "Sweep away all cow demons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們都騙我!", "english": "You've all betrayed me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都騙我", "english": "Betrayed me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "揭發奼紫嫣紅,揭發斷井頹垣", "english": "I want to unmask splendiferous beauty"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空剩一張人皮了!", "english": "You're the shell of a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自打你貼上這個女人…", "english": "From the moment you started"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道完了,什麼都完了!", "english": "I knew you were finished."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你當今兒個是小人作亂 禍從天降?", "english": "You think disaster"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是,不對!", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是咱們自各兒一步一步 一步步走到這步田地來的", "english": "We have come step by step"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我早就不是東西了", "english": "I'm despicable,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可你楚霸王也跪下來求饒了!", "english": "But now even the King Of Chu"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那京戲它能不亡嗎?", "english": "Can Peking Opera survive this indignity?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不亡嗎?", "english": "It's doomed, is it not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是她!", "english": "See that woman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是什麼人啊? 我來告訴你們她是什麼人", "english": "Who's she? I'll tell you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "臭婊子!淫婦! 她是花滿樓的頭牌妓女", "english": "Slut! Pan Jinlian!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鬥她,去鬥她!", "english": "Struggle against her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "段小樓,她是不是妓女?", "english": "Duan Xiaolou,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是?", "english": "Well, was she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你愛她嗎?", "english": "Do you love her?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愛不愛?", "english": "Do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的不愛?", "english": "Is this the truth?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的不愛,真的!我真的不愛她!", "english": "Really. I don't love her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟她劃清界線!", "english": "Really. I'll never have anything to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我從此跟她劃清界線了!", "english": "Nothing at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菊僊!菊僊!", "english": "Juxian!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不靈了,不靈了", "english": "It's no good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "錯了!又錯了!", "english": "Wrong! You've done it again!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來,我們再來", "english": "Come on, let's try it again"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蝶衣!", "english": "Dieyi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小豆子", "english": "Douzi!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该上床睡觉了", "english": "Bedtime soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公主受到雪恶魔的邪恶诅咒", "english": "Uh-oh. The princess is trapped in"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎快,做个帅气的王子", "english": "Quick, Elsa! Make a prince! A fancy one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟糕,王子也被诅咒了", "english": "Oh, no! The prince is trapped, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再危险都不怕", "english": "when there's love?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲嘴也救不了森林", "english": "Kissing won't save the Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迷路的仙子大叫", "english": "The lost fairies cry out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长颈鹿的叫声是什么?", "english": "What sound does a giraffe make?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们叫醒仙子女王", "english": "They wake the fairy queen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女王破除魔咒,救了大家", "english": "who breaks the spell and saves everyone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他们都结婚了", "english": "And they all get married!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳们在玩什么?", "english": "What are you playing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法森林", "english": "Enchanted Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我见过的魔法森林不一样", "english": "Hmm. That's like no enchanted forest I've ever seen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你见过魔法森林?", "english": "You've seen an enchanted forest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,什么?", "english": "Wait, what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,见过一次", "english": "I have. Once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你竟然没跟我们说过?", "english": "And you've never told us this before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在可以告诉妳们,如果…", "english": "Well, I could tell you now, if you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该让她们知道了", "english": "It's time they know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚一点再做个大雪人", "english": "Let's make a big snowman later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要她们静下来乖乖听", "english": "If they can settle and listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在好远好远", "english": "Far away..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最遥远的北方", "english": "as north as we can go..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一座非常古老的魔法森林", "english": "stood a very old and very enchanted forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它的魔法不是恶魔", "english": "But its magic wasn't that of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和迷路仙子那种", "english": "goblin spells and lost fairies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它受到最强大的魔灵保护", "english": "It was protected by the most powerful spirits of all..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是风灵", "english": "those of air..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火灵", "english": "of fire..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和土灵", "english": "and earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "北乌卓人跟我一样有魔法吗?", "english": "Were the Northuldra magical, like me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,艾莎,他们没有魔法", "english": "No, Elsa. They were not magical."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们只是会善用森林的优点", "english": "They just took advantage of the Forest's gifts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的生活与我们截然不同", "english": "Their ways were so different from ours..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但还是答应与我们和平共处", "english": "but still, they promised us friendship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为他们建大水坝", "english": "built them a mighty dam..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保护他们的水源", "english": "to strengthen their waters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是象征和平的赠礼", "english": "It was a gift of peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好大的和平赠礼", "english": "That's a big gift of peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有幸到森林里参加庆典", "english": "And I was so honored to get to go to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站好,安格纳", "english": "Stand tall, Agnarr."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对那天即将发生的事", "english": "I wasn't at all prepared"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毫无心理准备", "english": "for what the day would bring."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们卸下心防", "english": "We let down our guard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为之着迷", "english": "We were charmed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇!哇!", "english": "Whoa. Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那感觉好…", "english": "It felt so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是情况急转直下", "english": "But something went wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在攻击我们", "english": "They were attacking us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "躲在我后面", "english": "Get behind me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是场残酷的战役", "english": "It was a brutal battle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳们祖父…", "english": "Your grandfather..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父王", "english": "Father!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不幸身亡", "english": "...was lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!", "english": "Aah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争触怒了魔灵", "english": "The fighting enraged the spirits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心!", "english": "Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们用魔法制伏我们", "english": "They turned their magic against us all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出现了一个声音…", "english": "There was this voice..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人救了我", "english": "...and someone saved me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据说魔灵后来消失了", "english": "I'm told the spirits then vanished."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一场惊人的迷雾笼罩森林", "english": "And a powerful mist covered the Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将所有人阻挡在外面", "english": "Locking everyone out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那一夜回家后,我成为艾伦戴尔国王", "english": "And that night, I came home King of Arendelle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇,爸爸,这故事超厉害", "english": "Whoa, Papa, that was epic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管谁救你", "english": "Whoever saved you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都爱他们", "english": "I love them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也好想知道是谁", "english": "I wish I knew who it was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些魔灵怎么了?", "english": "What happened to the spirits?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在森林里有什么?", "english": "What's in the Forest now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迷雾依然没有散去", "english": "The mist still stands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人进得去", "english": "No one can get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也没有人出来", "english": "And no one has since come out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我们很安全", "english": "So we're safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但森林可能再度醒来", "english": "But the Forest could wake again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须做好准备,面对可能的危险", "english": "And we must be prepared for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是我还有好多问题", "english": "But I still have so many questions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "改天再问吧,安娜", "english": "Save them for another night, Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道我没什么耐心", "english": "You know I don't have that kind of patience."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "北乌卓人为什么要攻击我们?", "english": "Why did Northuldra attack us anyway?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪有人攻击送礼的人?", "english": "Who attacks people who give them gifts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳认为森林会再醒来吗?", "english": "Do you think the Forest will wake again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有阿托哈兰知道", "english": "Only Ahtohallan knows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿他什么?", "english": "Octa-who-what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我小时候", "english": "When I was little..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我母亲会唱一首", "english": "my mother would sing a song"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于阿托哈兰河的歌", "english": "about a special river called Ahtohallan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据说关于过去的答案都在那里", "english": "that was said to hold all the answers about the past."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于我们的来历", "english": "About what we are a part of."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇塞", "english": "Wow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳能唱给我们听吗,好不好?", "english": "Will you sing it for us? Please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来抱抱", "english": "Cuddle close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠过来", "english": "Scooch in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一条河", "english": "♪ There's a river"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充满了回忆", "english": "♪ Full of memory"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "睡吧宝贝,入梦乡", "english": "♪ Sleep, my darling, safe and sound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "河水之中,重拾过往", "english": "♪ For in this river, all is found"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那河水", "english": "♪ In her waters"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏着答案", "english": "♪ Lie the answers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会指引出路", "english": "♪ And a path for you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随着河流的声响", "english": "♪ Dive down deep into her sound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "路很漫长,别陷迷惘", "english": "♪ But not too far or you'll be drowned"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的歌声充满魔力", "english": "♪ Yes, she will sing to those who hear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是否能面对恐惧", "english": "♪ And in her song, all magic flows"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感受乐曲中的传递", "english": "♪ But can you brave what you most fear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是否能探索过去?", "english": "♪ Can you face what the river knows?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有位母亲", "english": "♪ There's a mother"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充满了回忆", "english": "♪ Full of memory"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的宝贝回家乡", "english": "♪ Come, my darling, homeward bound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "失去所有", "english": "♪ When all is lost"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重拾过往", "english": "♪ Then all is found"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们准备好了", "english": "They're ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来了", "english": "I'm coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听到了吗?", "english": "Do you hear that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢不会融化的感觉吗,雪宝?", "english": "Enjoying your new permafrost, Olaf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好像在作梦一样,安娜", "english": "I'm just living the dream, Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真希望", "english": "How I wish"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能永远这样下去", "english": "this could last forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "季节变换却用它的美嘲笑我们", "english": "And yet, change mocks us with her beauty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么?", "english": "What's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别理我,成熟的我诗兴大发", "english": "Forgive me. Maturity is making me poetic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳比我大,懂得比较多", "english": "Tell me, you're older and thus all-knowing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世上没有永恒的事物?", "english": "nothing is permanent?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会", "english": "Uh... No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗?", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我等不及要跟妳一样老抠抠", "english": "Wow, I can't wait until I'm ancient like you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就不必担心重要的事了", "english": "so I don't have to worry about important things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是那意思", "english": "That's not what I mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不担心是因为…", "english": "I don't worry because..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有你、艾莎、阿克和小斯", "english": "well, I have you and Elsa and Kristoff and Sven..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且城门打开了", "english": "and the gates are open wide..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再也不孤单了", "english": "and I'm not alone anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "风变得一天比一天寒冷", "english": "♪ Yes, the wind blows a little bit colder"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不再懵懵懂懂", "english": "♪ And we're all getting older"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天上的云朵跟随秋风轻轻飘动", "english": "♪ And the clouds are moving on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "南瓜也随着时间日渐成熟", "english": "♪ Peter Pumpkin just became fertilizer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叶子随着哀伤一片片凋零", "english": "♪ And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有些事物就算物换星移", "english": "♪ That's why I rely on certain certainties"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们牵手彼此依赖", "english": "♪ Like the feel of your hand in mine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天相处和谐愉快", "english": "♪ Like how we get along just fine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "石墙可靠不可能倾倒", "english": "♪ Like an old stone wall that'll never fall"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远真实清楚", "english": "♪ Some things are always true!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我将你紧紧抱住", "english": "♪ Like how I'm holding on tight to you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "树叶已经缓缓飘零", "english": "♪ The leaves are already falling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小斯,彷佛未来呼唤邀请", "english": "♪ Sven, it feels like the future is calling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚你打算单膝跪地?", "english": "♪ You're gonna get down on one knee?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是这种计划我真的做不好", "english": "♪ Yeah, but I'm really bad at planning these things out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备烛光拿着戒指宣告", "english": "♪ Like candlelight and pulling of rings out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些浪漫的事就交给我来处理", "english": "♪ Maybe you should leave"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我爱她,爱不释手", "english": "♪ Like the love that I feel for her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "驯鹿比人类好相处", "english": "♪ Like how reindeers are easier"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要下决心", "english": "♪ But if I commit and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勇往向前", "english": "♪ I go for it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想法就会更清楚", "english": "♪ I'll know what to say and do!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对吧?", "english": "♪ Right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小斯,一切都靠你了", "english": "♪ Sven, the pressure is all on you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "风不停地吹", "english": "♪ The winds are restless"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼唤声在我耳边回荡", "english": "♪ Could that be why I'm hearing this call?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "征兆在眼前", "english": "♪ Is something coming?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不确定是否想改变现状", "english": "♪ I'm not sure I want things to change at all"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "错过不再回来", "english": "♪ Can't let them slip away"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无法冻结此刻", "english": "♪ I can't freeze this moment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿出把握当下的姿态", "english": "♪ But I can still go out and seize this day!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "风变得一天比一天寒冷", "english": "♪ The wind blows a little bit colder"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如今我将不再懵懵懂懂", "english": "♪ And you all look a little bit older"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这天凉的秋季", "english": "♪ It's time to count our blessings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感到知足愉快", "english": "♪ Beneath an autumn sky"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活在这富饶之地", "english": "♪ We'll always live in a kingdom of plenty"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维护着众人的利益", "english": "♪ That stands for the good of the many!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦戴尔的旗帜保证永远飘扬", "english": "♪ And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转身时光匆匆流过", "english": "♪ Turn around and the time has flown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管未来还看不透", "english": "♪ Though the future remains unknown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿好运仍在,过去别伤怀", "english": "♪ May our good luck last May our past be past"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间不会停步", "english": "♪ Time's moving fast, it's true"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会紧紧将你抱住", "english": "♪ And I'm holding on tight to you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紧紧将你抱住", "english": "♪ Holding on tight to you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会紧紧将你抱住", "english": "♪ I'm holding on tight to you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "汉斯?", "english": "Hans?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无可救药的怪兽", "english": "Unredeemable monster?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一生最大的错误", "english": "Greatest mistake of your life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本不肯亲妳?", "english": "Wouldn't even kiss you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坏蛋啦", "english": "Villain!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们猜的很接近了", "english": "We all kind of got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝,换你啰", "english": "Okay, Olaf, you're up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我识字就简单多了", "english": "So much easier now that I can read."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快问快答,男女大对抗", "english": "Lightning round, boys against girls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我准备好了…", "english": "Okay, I'm ready, I'm ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始", "english": "Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "独角兽", "english": "Unicorn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰淇淋", "english": "Ice cream!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "城堡!奥肯!", "english": "Castle! Oaken!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "茶壶!老鼠!", "english": "Teapot! Mouse!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎!", "english": "Oh! Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝不能重新组合才对", "english": "I don't think Olaf should get to rearrange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无所谓,这一定很简单", "english": "Doesn't matter. This is gonna be a cinch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姊妹同心", "english": "Two sisters, one mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "预备", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳可以的,艾莎", "english": "You got this, Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了就开始", "english": "- Hmm. - Anytime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空无一物?", "english": "Uh, nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空气?树?人?", "english": "Air? Tree? People?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "树人?没这种东西", "english": "Treeple? Oh, that's not a word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "铲子男孩?牙齿?", "english": "Oh, shovel boy? Teeth?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我清楚的线索", "english": "You gotta give me something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托,妳看起来很不安啊", "english": "Oh, come on, you definitely look disturbed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们赢了", "english": "We won."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再比一次", "english": "Rematch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实我想休息了", "english": "Oh, you know what? I think I'll turn in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳还好吗?", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也累了", "english": "Yeah, I'm tired, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小斯答应念床边故事给我听", "english": "And Sven promised to read me a bedtime story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不对,小斯?", "english": "Didn't you, Sven?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有吗?", "english": "Did I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是模仿王耶", "english": "Oh, you do the best voices!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你装阿克的声音超像的", "english": "Like when you pretend to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得去跟一些石头", "english": "\"I just need to go talk to some rocks"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谈谈我的童年", "english": "\"about my childhood and stuff.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们自己先开始吧", "english": "Um, how about you guys start without me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎看起来怪怪的吗?", "english": "Did Elsa seem weird to you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她看起来就是艾莎啊", "english": "She seemed like Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后那个字", "english": "That last word"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道,不过…", "english": "I don't know, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰?", "english": "\"Ice\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会吧", "english": "Oh, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她比不出冰?", "english": "She couldn't act out ice?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最好去看看她", "english": "I better go check on her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢了,亲爱的,爱你喔", "english": "Thanks, honey. Love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也爱妳", "english": "Love you, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系", "english": "It's fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请进", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,一定有事", "english": "Yep. Something's wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳披着妈的披肩", "english": "You're wearing Mother's scarf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事的时候妳就这样", "english": "You do that when something's wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们害妳不开心吗?", "english": "Did we hurt your feelings?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的话很抱歉", "english": "I'm so sorry if we did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会玩家庭游戏的人其实很少", "english": "You know, very few people are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是真的", "english": "That's just a fact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不是那样", "english": "No, that's not it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是怎样?", "english": "Then, what is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一件…", "english": "There's this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想把事情搞砸", "english": "I just don't wanna mess things up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事?妳表现得很好", "english": "What things? You're doing great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎,妳何时能像我一样欣赏妳?", "english": "Oh, Elsa, when are you going to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要是没有妳该怎么办?", "english": "What would I do without you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我永远会陪着妳", "english": "You'll always have me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道妳需要什么", "english": "I know what you need."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像妈说的", "english": "In Mama's words,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来抱抱,靠过来", "english": "\"cuddle close, scooch in.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一条河", "english": "♪ There's a river"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充满了回忆", "english": "♪ Full of memory"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道妳想干嘛", "english": "I know what you're doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "睡吧宝贝,入梦乡", "english": "♪ Sleep, my darling, safe and sound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "河水之中,重拾过往", "english": "♪ For in this river, all is found"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从哪来", "english": "♪ But I won't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我无意碰触", "english": "♪ Some look for trouble"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却躲不开", "english": "♪ While others don't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有成千种理由,我应该远离是非", "english": "♪ There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面对声声呼唤,不愿意任由支配", "english": "♪ And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away, oh"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "♪ Oh"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不想相信", "english": "♪ You're not a voice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却如此真实的声音", "english": "♪ You're just a ringing in my ear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是真还是假", "english": "♪ And if I heard you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "♪ Which I don't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该如何相信", "english": "♪ I'm spoken for, I fear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所爱的每个人都在这城墙后", "english": "♪ Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我得将你的呼唤封锁", "english": "♪ But I'm blocking out your calls"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已历经挑战,冒险终该结束", "english": "♪ I've had my adventure I don't need something new"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想遍体鳞伤地继续和你追逐", "english": "♪ I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向未知探索", "english": "♪ Into the unknown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向未知探索", "english": "♪ Into the unknown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向未知探索", "english": "♪ Into the unknown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要什么?", "english": "♪ What do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我夜里难以入睡", "english": "♪ 'Cause you've been keeping me awake"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还蓄意让我分心", "english": "♪ Are you here to distract me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引诱我犯错后悔", "english": "♪ So I make a big mistake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许在这个世界", "english": "♪ Or are you someone out there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有某种联系", "english": "♪ Who's a little bit like me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不属于这里", "english": "♪ I'm not where I'm meant to be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一天都更难压抑", "english": "♪ Every day's a little harder"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的力量更成熟", "english": "♪ As I feel my power grow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道我有多么渴望出走", "english": "♪ Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向未知探索", "english": "♪ Into the unknown?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向未知探索", "english": "♪ Into the unknown!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在那里吗? 你了解我吗?", "english": "♪ Are you out there? Do you know me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你懂我的感受吗?请给我指引", "english": "♪ Can you feel me? Can you show me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要去哪里?别留我一人", "english": "♪ Where are you going? Don't leave me alone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该往哪追随你", "english": "♪ How do I follow you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向未知探索", "english": "♪ Into the unknown?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "风、火、水、土", "english": "Air, fire, water, earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狂风怒吼,没了火和水", "english": "The air rages, no fire, no water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接下来是土", "english": "The earth is next."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须逃走", "english": "We have to get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会有事的,撤退到悬崖边", "english": "It'll be okay. Evacuate to the cliffs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟糕,我要被吹跑了", "english": "Oh, no! I'm gonna blow!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我抱你", "english": "I've got you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,大家都平安逃出来了", "english": "Yes. Everyone's out and safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗,雪宝?", "english": "You okay there, Olaf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还好,这个叫作…", "english": "Oh, yeah. We're calling this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳听到声音却没告诉我?", "english": "You've been hearing a voice and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不希望妳担心", "english": "I didn't want to worry you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们答应过不隐瞒彼此的", "english": "We made a promise not to shut each other out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我说怎么回事", "english": "Just tell me what's going on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我唤醒了魔法森林的魔灵", "english": "I woke the magical spirits at the Enchanted Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我完全没料到妳会这么说", "english": "Okay, that's definitely not what"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,魔法森林?", "english": "Wait. The Enchanted Forest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父王警告我们的那个?", "english": "The one Father warned us about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳为什么那么做?", "english": "Why would you do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为那个声音", "english": "Because of the voice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道听起来很夸张", "english": "I know it sounds crazy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我相信呼唤我的是好人", "english": "but I believe whoever is calling me is good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳怎能这么说?看看我们的王国", "english": "How can you say that? Look at our kingdom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道,只是我的魔法能感受到", "english": "I know. It's just that my magic can feel it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能感受到", "english": "I can feel it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟糕,又怎么了?", "english": "Oh, no. What now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小矮人?", "english": "The Trolls?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿克,我们好想你", "english": "Kristoff! We missed you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩比", "english": "Pabbie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳们俩总是让人不得安宁", "english": "Well, never a dull moment with you two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望妳准备面对自己行为的后果", "english": "I hope you're prepared for what you have done, Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愤怒的魔灵可不是好惹的", "english": "Angry magical spirits are not for the faint of heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们为何还在生气?", "english": "Why are they still angry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一切又跟艾伦戴尔有什么关系?", "english": "What does all of this have to do with Arendelle?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看看能看到什么", "english": "Let me see what I can see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过去并不如它的表象", "english": "The past is not what it seems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一个错误必须修正", "english": "A wrong demands to be righted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦戴尔并不安全", "english": "Arendelle is not safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真相必须水落石出", "english": "The truth must be found."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看不到未来", "english": "I see no future."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有未来?", "english": "No future?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果看不到未来", "english": "When one can see no future..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只能做下一件对的事", "english": "all one can do is the next right thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一件对的事", "english": "The next right thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是我去魔法森林", "english": "is for me to go to the Enchanted Forest..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到那个声音", "english": "and find that voice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿克,我能借用你的车和小斯吗?", "english": "Kristoff, can I borrow your wagon and Sven?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得这想法不太妥当", "english": "I'm not very comfortable with the idea of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有魔法保护我,妳没有", "english": "I have my powers to protect me. You don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思,我可是翻越北山", "english": "Excuse me, I climbed the North Mountain..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "熬过冰冻之心", "english": "survived a frozen heart,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从我前男友手中救妳", "english": "and saved you from my ex-boyfriend..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全没用魔法", "english": "and I did it all without powers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我去定了", "english": "so, you know, I'm coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是,我驾车", "english": "Me, too. I'll drive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我带零食", "english": "I'll bring the snacks!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会照顾你们的人民", "english": "I will look after your people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们回来前千万别让他们回王国", "english": "Please make sure they stay out of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去通知他们", "english": "Let's let them know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜,我很担心她", "english": "Anna, I am worried for her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们本来担心", "english": "We have always feared"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎拥有过多的魔力", "english": "Elsa's powers were too much for this world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在只能希望,她足够抵抗", "english": "Now, we must pray they are enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会尽力保护她的", "english": "I won't let anything happen to her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈!", "english": "Hyah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁想玩冷知识问答?", "english": "Who's into trivia?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想,好吧", "english": "I am. Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道水有记忆吗?是真的", "english": "Did you know that water has memory? True fact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多人争论不休,但是真的", "english": "It's disputed by many, but it's true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道男人被雷打到的机率多六倍吗?", "english": "Did you know men are six times"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道猩猩开心时会打嗝吗?", "english": "Did you know gorillas burp when they're happy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道我们一天眨眼四百万次吗?", "english": "Did you know we blink four million times a day?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道袋熊的便便是方块状吗?", "english": "Did you know wombats poop squares?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道静静睡觉才不会发疯吗?", "english": "Did you know sleeping quietly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全正确", "english": "No, it's the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家意见一致呢", "english": "Well, that was unanimous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家后我再查清楚", "english": "But I will look it up when we get home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都睡着了", "english": "They're both asleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那…你想做什么?", "english": "So, what do you wanna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小斯,让车子走稳一点", "english": "Sven, keep us steady, will ya?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记得我们第一次像这样旅行", "english": "Remember our first trip like this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才会嫁给刚认识的人吗?", "english": "to want to marry a man you just met?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?发疯?", "english": "Wait, what? Crazy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没说我发疯,你觉得我疯了吗?", "english": "You didn't say I was crazy. You think I'm crazy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我有", "english": "No. I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳的确…", "english": "You were..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没发疯", "english": "...not crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明显", "english": "Clearly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是天真", "english": "Just naive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是天真,是刚谈恋爱,就像我", "english": "Not naive. Just, uh, new to love. Like I was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菜鸟一定会犯错", "english": "And when you're new,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说我不适合你", "english": "So you're saying I'm wrong for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?不,我不是说", "english": "What? No, no. I'm not saying"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳不适合或发疯", "english": "you're wrong, or crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听到那个声音", "english": "I hear it. I hear the voice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "You do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝,起来", "english": "Olaf, wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔", "english": "Whoa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答应我,我们携手共度,好吗?", "english": "Promise me, we do this together, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我答应妳", "english": "I promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道魔法森林是转变之地吗?", "english": "Did you know that an enchanted forest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不懂那什么意思", "english": "I have no idea what that means..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我等不及要看", "english": "but I can't wait to see"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它会怎么对我们", "english": "what it's gonna do to each one of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚刚怎么了?", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们困在里面了", "english": "And we're locked in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这座森林真美", "english": "This forest is beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Ooh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水坝,它还在", "english": "The dam. It still stands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它出现在佩比爷爷的幻象里", "english": "It was in Grand Pabbie's visions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是为什么?", "english": "But why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道,幸好它还很完好", "english": "I don't know, but it's still"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思?", "english": "What do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是水坝垮掉的话…", "english": "Well, if that dam broke..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会引发滔天巨浪", "english": "it would send a tidal wave so big"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是艾伦戴尔就在这峡湾里", "english": "But Arendelle's on this fjord."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦戴尔不会出事的,安娜", "english": "Nothing's gonna happen to Arendelle, Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来", "english": "Come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不觉得吗?", "english": "Don't you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说跟别人在一起吗?", "english": "You mean, like with someone else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?不是…", "english": "What? No! No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说", "english": "I'm saying..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "Wait, what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "No. No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的重点是…", "english": "but my point is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万一我们死了…", "english": "In case we die..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发誓不离开她", "english": "I swore that I wouldn't leave her side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们最近不会死", "english": "Not in any recent time will we die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不必假好心", "english": "Don't patronize me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎", "english": "Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳在这里", "english": "There you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就好", "english": "Okay, good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝呢?", "english": "Where's Olaf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜?", "english": "Anna?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎?", "english": "Elsa?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小斯?", "english": "Sven?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "珊曼莎?", "english": "Samantha?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我根本不认识什么珊曼莎", "english": "I don't even know a Samantha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇!", "english": "Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那很正常", "english": "That's normal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "珊曼莎?", "english": "Samantha?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我长大,一切都合理了", "english": "♪ This will all make sense when I am older"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天我会理解这一切", "english": "♪ Someday I will see that this makes sense"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当变得成熟有智慧,事后回想就明白", "english": "♪ One day when I'm old and wise I'll think back and realize"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我长大,我就会知道答案", "english": "♪ I'll have all the answers when I'm older"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道为何会在这片黑暗的魔法森林", "english": "♪ Like why we're in this dark enchanted wood"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些都看起来是幼稚的事件", "english": "♪ These will seem like childish fears"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是坏事,对我有好处", "english": "♪ And so I know this isn't bad, it's good"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "♪ Excuse me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成长就是顺应改变", "english": "♪ Growing up means adapting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白你自己的定位", "english": "♪ Puzzling out your world and your place"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我更成熟,我会更有安全感", "english": "♪ When I'm more mature I'll feel totally secure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不需要再担心诡异脸孔的窥视", "english": "♪ Being watched by something with a creepy, creepy face"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看吧,等我长大一切就合理了", "english": "♪ See, that will all make sense when I am older"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以不必感到紧张胆怯", "english": "♪ So there's no need to be terrified or tense"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "期望在不远将来", "english": "♪ I'll just dream about a time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会有稳重姿态", "english": "♪ When I'm in my agèd prime"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为当你年岁渐长后", "english": "♪ 'Cause when you're older"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切就全都合理了", "english": "♪ Absolutely everything makes sense!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝", "english": "Olaf!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家好", "english": "Hey, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认识一下风灵", "english": "Meet the Wind Spirit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想帮妳拉头发,却找不到我的手臂", "english": "I'd hold your hair back, but I can't find my arms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂!别闹了", "english": "Hey! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎", "english": "Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放了她", "english": "Let her go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜,小心", "english": "Anna, be careful!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是我姊姊啊", "english": "That's my sister!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安格纳王子", "english": "Prince Agnarr!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了艾伦戴尔", "english": "For Arendelle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心", "english": "Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父王", "english": "Father!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳还好吗?", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很好", "english": "I'm fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些是什么?", "english": "What are these?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们就像凝结的瞬间", "english": "Oh, they look like moments in time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是怎么说的,雪宝?", "english": "What's that thing you say, Olaf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这东西…", "english": "The thing... Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先进科技能载舟亦能覆舟的理论吗?", "english": "My theory about advancing technologies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是那个,是关于…", "english": "No, not that one. The one about..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟水有关的", "english": "The thing about water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,水有记忆", "english": "Oh! Yeah. Water has memory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水进入我们体内之前至少经过…", "english": "The water that makes up you and me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四个人类或动物", "english": "and/or animals before us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且记得所有事情", "english": "And remembers everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "风回来了", "english": "The wind's back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真好玩", "english": "Delicious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就叫你盖儿吧", "english": "I think I'll name you Gale."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你心情好点了吗?", "english": "You in a better mood now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父王,这是父王", "english": "Father. That's Father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个女孩", "english": "This girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她在救他", "english": "She's saving him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是北乌卓人", "english": "She's Northuldra."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝,躲在我后面", "english": "Olaf, get behind me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳拿那个做什么?", "english": "What are you gonna do with that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不知道", "english": "I have no idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器", "english": "Lower your weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们也放下", "english": "And you lower yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦戴尔军人?", "english": "Arendellian soldiers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威胁我的族人,中尉?", "english": "Threatening my people, Lieutenant?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "侵犯我的跳舞空间,叶拉娜?", "english": "Invading my dance space, Yelena?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个军人怎么这么面熟?", "english": "Why does that soldier look so familiar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把剑抢过来", "english": "Get the sword!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是魔法", "english": "That was magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳看到了吗?", "english": "Did you see that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然看到了", "english": "Of course I saw it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这份冷酷见面礼还不赖", "english": "You chose a nice, cold greeting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我来", "english": "I got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好,我是雪宝", "english": "Hi, I'm Olaf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,我觉得穿衣服不舒服", "english": "Oh, sorry. Yeah, I just find clothes restricting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们一定在猜我们跑来干嘛", "english": "Bet you're wondering who"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实很简单", "english": "It's really quite simple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "故事从两姊妹开始", "english": "It began with two sisters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个天生就有魔法", "english": "One born with magical powers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个生来平凡无奇", "english": "One born powerless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜,不,太高了", "english": "Anna, no! Too high!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈!爸爸!救命啊!", "english": "Mama! Papa! Help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "砰!所有的门都关了起来", "english": "Slam! Doors shutting everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姊妹被迫分离", "english": "Sisters torn apart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少她们还有父母", "english": "Well, at least they have their parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她们的父母死了", "english": "Their parents are dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是安娜,", "english": "Oh. Oh, hi. I'm Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要嫁给刚认识的男人", "english": "I'll marry a man I just met."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎要发威了", "english": "Elsa's gonna blow!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法让我的雪花彷佛充了电", "english": "Magic pulses through my snowflakes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我活着", "english": "I live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去,安娜", "english": "Get out, Anna. Pew! Pew!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的心", "english": "My heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊", "english": "Oh, my goodness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有真爱能救妳", "english": "Only an act of true love can save you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是真爱之吻", "english": "Here's a true love's kiss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不值得", "english": "You're not worth it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没想到吧?我是坏蛋", "english": "Guess what? I'm the bad guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜就这样冻死了", "english": "And Anna freezes to death forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,安娜", "english": "Oh, Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后她解冻了", "english": "Then she unfreezes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们被迫离开自己的王国", "english": "and we were forced out of our kingdom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如今唯一的希望是找到过去的真相", "english": "Now our only hope is to find the truth about the past..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有艾莎听到声音", "english": "except Elsa's hearing voices,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有问题吗?", "english": "Any questions?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他们听懂了", "english": "I think they got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳真的是艾伦戴尔女王吗?", "english": "Are you really Queen of Arendelle?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是", "english": "I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大自然为何赐魔法给一个艾伦戴尔人", "english": "Why would nature reward a person of Arendelle with magic?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许是要制衡你们族人的行为", "english": "Perhaps to make up for the actions of your people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我族人是无辜的", "english": "My people are innocent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们绝对不会先发动攻击", "english": "We would have never attacked first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿真相水落石出", "english": "May the truth be found."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,不好意思", "english": "Hi. I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是怎样?", "english": "Uh, what's happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是你,马提亚斯中尉", "english": "That's it. Lieutenant Mattias!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图书室,左边第二幅画像", "english": "Library, second portrait on the left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是父王的侍卫", "english": "You were our father's official guard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安格纳", "english": "Agnarr."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳们的父母怎么了?", "english": "What did happen to your parents?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们父母的船在南海沉没", "english": "Our parents' ship went down in the Southern Sea..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是六年前", "english": "six years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳们的脸与他有几分神似", "english": "I see him. I see him in your faces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗?", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "士兵", "english": "Soldiers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然我们老了,却依然强健", "english": "We may be getting on in years, but we're still strong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很骄傲为艾伦戴尔效命", "english": "And proud to serve Arendelle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,求求妳", "english": "Wait. Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人呼唤我来到这里", "english": "Someone has called me here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我能找到他们", "english": "If I can just find them..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信他们的答案", "english": "I believe they have the answers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有助于解放这座森林", "english": "that may help us free this forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我,我只想帮忙", "english": "Trust me, I just want to help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只相信大自然", "english": "We only trust nature."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大自然说话时…", "english": "When nature speaks..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就会倾听", "english": "...we listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我长大,一切就合理了", "english": "This will all make sense when I'm older."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家退后", "english": "Get back, everyone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到河边去", "english": "Head for the river!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不…驯鹿,那是死路", "english": "No! No! No! The reindeer! That's a dead end!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧,小斯", "english": "Come on, Sven!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去找牠们", "english": "We'll get them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎,快出来", "english": "Elsa! Get out of there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎", "english": "Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油,我们做得到", "english": "Come on, buddy, we can do this. Hyah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜", "english": "Anna!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带她离开", "english": "Get her out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,艾莎", "english": "No! Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都在看我们,是吧?", "english": "They're all looking at us, aren't they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么建议吗?", "english": "Got any advice?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有?", "english": "Nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该知道那什么意思吗?", "english": "Hmm. Should I know what that means?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也听到了", "english": "You hear it, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人在呼唤我们", "english": "Somebody's calling us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁?我们该怎么做?", "english": "Who is it? What do we do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,继续往北走", "english": "Okay, keep going north."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎", "english": "Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳差点死掉,", "english": "You could've been killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳不能跟我冲进火场", "english": "You can't just follow me into fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳不要我冲进火场", "english": "You don't want me to follow you into fire,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就别跑进去", "english": "then don't run into fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳一点也不注意安全,艾莎", "english": "You're not being careful, Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,妳还好吗?", "english": "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以更好的", "english": "I've been better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道妳需要什么", "english": "Hmm. I know what you need."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳怎么有那条披肩?", "english": "Where did you get that scarf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是北乌卓披肩", "english": "That's a Northuldra scarf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它来自我们最古老的一个家族", "english": "This is from one of our oldest families."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是我们母后的", "english": "It was our mother's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎", "english": "Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看出来了", "english": "I see it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是母后", "english": "It's Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "母后那天救了父王一命", "english": "Mother saved Father's life that day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们母后是北乌卓人", "english": "Our mother was Northuldra."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是北乌卓人", "english": "We are called Northuldra."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是太阳的民族", "english": "We are the people of the sun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我答应你们,我会解放这座森林", "english": "I promise you I will free this forest..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重建艾伦戴尔", "english": "and restore Arendelle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是很重大的承诺,艾莎", "english": "That's a pretty big promise, Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "解放森林?哇", "english": "Free the Forest? Wow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有人在这里出生", "english": "some of us were born in here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我了解", "english": "I get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又听到那声音", "english": "I heard the voice again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须往北走", "english": "We need to go north."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是石巨人晚上在北边出没", "english": "But the Earth Giants now roam the north at night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们可以清晨再出发", "english": "You can leave in the morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是哈妮玛伦", "english": "I'm Honeymaren."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈妮玛伦,我们会尽力", "english": "Honeymaren, we'll do all we can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我问你们喔", "english": "Hey, let me ask you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们如何适应", "english": "How do you guys cope..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成熟之后越来越复杂的生活?", "english": "with the ever-increasing complexity of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "棒呆了", "english": "Brilliant!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟现在的年轻人交谈让人耳目一新", "english": "It's so refreshing to talk to the youth of today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的未来有希望了", "english": "Our future's in bright hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,不要嚼", "english": "Oh, no, no. Don't chew that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道我踩过什么东西", "english": "You don't know what I've stepped in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得不到她的注意", "english": "I can't seem to get her attention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连话都说不好", "english": "Or even say the right thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算你好运", "english": "Well, you're in luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对女人一窍不通", "english": "I know nothing about women."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们的求婚方法超厉害", "english": "But I do know that we have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在开始,", "english": "If we start now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最棒的是", "english": "Best part"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会用到很多驯鹿", "english": "it involves a lot of reindeer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇", "english": "Whoa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "荷莉玛还在哈德逊火炉吗?", "english": "Halima still over at Hudson's Hearth?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还在", "english": "She is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗?她结婚了?", "english": "Really? She married?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没", "english": "Mm-mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我没觉得好过一点?", "english": "Oh, wow. Why didn't that make me feel better?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还想念什么?", "english": "What else do you miss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲", "english": "My father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在这些事之前就去世了", "english": "He passed long before all this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他非常了不起", "english": "He was a great man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在艾伦戴尔建立美好生活", "english": "Built us a good life in Arendelle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却教我不要把好事视为理所当然", "english": "But taught me to never take the good for granted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会说,做好准备", "english": "He'd say, \"Be prepared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果是那样,你怎么做?", "english": "What do you do when it does?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别放弃", "english": "Don't give up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一步一脚印,然后…", "english": "Take it one step at a time and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳说对了", "english": "You got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想给妳看样东西,方便吗?", "english": "I wanna show you something. May I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳知道风、火、水、土", "english": "You know air, fire, water, and earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳看,有第五灵", "english": "But, look, there's a fifth spirit..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据说是我们和自然魔法间的桥梁", "english": "said to be a bridge between us and the magic of nature."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第五灵?", "english": "A fifth spirit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人", "english": "Some say"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在森林封闭当天听到它呼喊", "english": "they heard it call out the day the Forest fell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父王听到了", "english": "My father heard it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳想是它在呼唤我吗?", "english": "Do you think that is who's calling me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许喔,可惜只有阿托哈兰知道", "english": "Maybe. Alas, only Ahtohallan knows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿托哈兰", "english": "Ahtohallan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随着河流的声响", "english": "♪ Dive down deep into her sound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "路很漫长,别陷迷惘", "english": "♪ But not too far or you'll be drowned"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么摇篮曲里都有可怕的警讯?", "english": "Why do lullabies always have to have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也常想这个问题", "english": "I wonder that all the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "石巨人", "english": "Earth Giants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们来这里做什么?", "english": "What are they doing down here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘘!", "english": "Shh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "躲起来", "english": "Hide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们来了", "english": "They're coming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我们才不能玩火", "english": "This is why we don't play with fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我生不了你的气,你怎么这么可爱?", "english": "Oh, I can't stay mad at you. Why are you so cute?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是能像制伏风火那样制伏他们呢?", "english": "What if I can settle them like I did the wind and fire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可能在妳动手前杀了妳", "english": "Or what if they can crush you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别忘了,我们的目标是找到那个声音", "english": "Remember, the goal is to find the voice..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现真相,让我们回家", "english": "find the truth, and get us home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是啊", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "石巨人感应到我,可能再回来", "english": "The giants sensed me. They may come back here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想再害到任何人", "english": "I don't want to put anyone at risk again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳说得对,安娜", "english": "And you're right, Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得找到那个声音", "english": "We've got to find the voice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在就出发", "english": "We're going now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,我们走", "english": "Okay. We're going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先让我…", "english": "Let me just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,阿克和小斯呢?", "english": "Wait. Where are Kristoff and Sven?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们跟莱德和一群驯鹿走了", "english": "Oh, yeah. I think they took off with that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不吭一声就走了?", "english": "Just left without saying anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁懂男人在想什么?", "english": "Who knows the ways of men?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应该觉得这很荒谬吗?", "english": "Am I supposed to feel this ridiculous?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家准备好了吗?", "english": "Everyone ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了", "english": "Ready!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望排练一下", "english": "Uh, I could use a rehearsal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱爱情", "english": "I love love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,你也会跟牠们说话?", "english": "Wait. You talk for them, too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会", "english": "I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能听到牠们在想什么", "english": "It's like you can actually hear what they're thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,然后说出来", "english": "Yeah. And then you just say it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后说出来", "english": "And then you just say it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,她来了", "english": "Okay. Here she comes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦戴尔的安娜公主", "english": "Princess Anna of Arendelle..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我活泼、勇敢、甜美的爱人", "english": "my feisty, fearless, ginger-sweet love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳愿意嫁给我吗?", "english": "Will you marry me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不愿意", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "公主跟女王离开了", "english": "The princess left with the queen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,什么?", "english": "What? Wait, what? What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别想跟过去,她们走很久了", "english": "I wouldn't try to follow. They're long gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很久?", "english": "Long gone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以…是啊", "english": "So, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要去西边的地衣草原", "english": "Um, we're heading west to the Lichen Meadows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你愿意的话可以一起来", "english": "You can come with us if you want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该去整理行李了,一起来吗?", "english": "Okay, I better go pack. You coming with?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再去跟你碰头", "english": "I'll just... Yeah, I'll meet you there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,你知道该去那里吧?", "english": "Okay, uh, you know where you're going, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "森林我很熟", "english": "I know the woods."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人类也比不上驯鹿", "english": "♪ Reindeers are better than people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小斯,爱真的好难", "english": "♪ Sven, why is love so hard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想也想不透", "english": "♪ You feel what you feel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就用真心去感受", "english": "♪ And those feelings are real"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托,阿克", "english": "♪ Come on, Kristoff"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳再度离开", "english": "♪ Again, you're gone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是该等待", "english": "♪ I'm left behind"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是在妳身边逗留", "english": "♪ Wondering if I should follow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳说要走", "english": "♪ You had to go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我应该释怀", "english": "♪ And, of course, it's always fine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许我应该追随在妳左右", "english": "♪ I prob'ly could catch up with you tomorrow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道我们之间只剩分隔牵挂", "english": "♪ But is this what it feels like to be growing apart?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这将是有生以来", "english": "♪ Now I turn around and find"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在森林迷途", "english": "♪ I am lost in the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "北变南,右变左", "english": "♪ North is South Right is left"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该守护妳回家", "english": "♪ I'm the one who sees you home"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却陷入森林迷途", "english": "♪ But now I'm lost in the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道妳往哪个方向", "english": "♪ And I don't know what path you are on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在森林迷途", "english": "♪ I'm lost in the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一秒", "english": "♪ Up till now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一步我该如何是好", "english": "♪ The next step was a question of how"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没想过会被这种问题所困扰", "english": "♪ I never thought it was a question of whether"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是谁?", "english": "♪ Who am I"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果少了妳的爱", "english": "♪ If I'm not your guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我何在,没有妳的世界", "english": "♪ Where am I if we're not together?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没未来", "english": "♪ Forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳是我的北极星", "english": "♪ Now I know you're my true North"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在这森林迷途", "english": "♪ 'Cause I am lost in the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上变下,日变夜", "english": "♪ Up is down Day is night"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳是我的地标", "english": "♪ Oh, you're my only landmark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我不会迷路", "english": "♪ So I'm lost in the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道妳是否在意", "english": "♪ Wondering if you still care"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会等待", "english": "♪ But I'll wait"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个提示", "english": "♪ For a sign"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个提示 -给我方向", "english": "♪ - For a sign - That I'm your path"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但此刻", "english": "♪ Until then"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没出路 -森林迷途", "english": "♪ In the woods Lost in the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在森林迷途", "english": "♪ I'm lost in the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在森林迷途", "english": "♪ I'm lost in the woods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝,可能一个人唱就好", "english": "Hey, Olaf, um, maybe just one of you should do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也对,她有点走音", "english": "I agree. She's a little pitchy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖儿回来了", "english": "Hey, Gale's back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么可能?", "english": "How can it be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "母后和父王的船", "english": "Mother and Father's ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这不是南海啊", "english": "But this isn't the Southern Sea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不是", "english": "No, it isn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的船为何在这里?", "english": "Why is their ship here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么在这里?", "english": "How is it here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是从黑海被冲过来的", "english": "It must have been washed in from the Dark Sea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们去黑海做什么?", "english": "What were they doing in the Dark Sea?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这艘船如何穿过迷雾?", "english": "How did the ship get through the mist?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为只有我们有办法", "english": "I thought nobody could but us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非船上没人", "english": "Unless nobody was on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里一定有线索", "english": "There's gotta be something here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下,找找看", "english": "Wait. Wait. Look around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每艘艾伦戴尔船只都有一间舱室", "english": "Every Arendellian ship has a compartment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能防水的", "english": "Waterproof."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为何不让整艘船都防水", "english": "why they don't just make the whole ship waterproof."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么语言?", "english": "What language is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳看,这是母后的字迹", "english": "But look, this is Mother's handwriting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现河流,但已消逝", "english": "\"The river found, but lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法来源,艾莎的来源?\"", "english": "\"Magic's source. Elsa's source?\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是张地图", "english": "It's a map."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们航向北方", "english": "They traveled north"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打算穿越黑海到…", "english": "and planned to cross the Dark Sea to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿托哈兰", "english": "Ahtohallan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是真的?", "english": "It's real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿他什么?", "english": "Octa-who-what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿托哈兰", "english": "Ahtohallan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是条魔河", "english": "It's a magical river"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏着过去的所有答案", "english": "said to hold all the answers about the past."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更证明了我水有记忆的理论", "english": "Reinforcing my \"water has memory\" theory. Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水有记忆", "english": "Water has memory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎?", "english": "Elsa?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道他们发生什么事", "english": "I wanna know what happened to them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿托哈兰一定是她魔法的来源", "english": "Ahtohallan has to be the source of her magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为了艾莎继续前进", "english": "We keep going for Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海浪太高了", "english": "The waves are too high!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎", "english": "Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿…妳在做什么?", "english": "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的错", "english": "This is my fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们想找关于我的答案", "english": "They were looking for answers about me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳不必为他们的决定负责,艾莎", "english": "You are not responsible for their choices, Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,只为他们的死负责", "english": "No. Just their deaths."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这样", "english": "Stop. No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔灵为何给我们魔法女王", "english": "reward Arendelle with a magical queen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我们母后救了父王", "english": "Because our mother saved our father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她也救了她的敌人", "english": "She saved her enemy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的善行获得的回报就是妳", "english": "Her good deed was rewarded with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳是一份赠礼", "english": "You are a gift."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了什么?", "english": "For what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有人能解开过去之谜", "english": "If anyone can resolve the past..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拯救艾伦戴尔,解放森林", "english": "if anyone can save Arendelle and free this forest,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是妳", "english": "it's you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对妳有信心,艾莎,百分之百", "english": "I believe in you, Elsa. More than anyone or anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈妮玛伦说有第五灵", "english": "Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大自然的魔力与我们之间的桥梁", "english": "A bridge between the magic of nature and us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第五灵?", "english": "A fifth spirit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是它从阿托哈兰呼唤我", "english": "That's who's been calling me from Ahtohallan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于过去的答案都在那里", "english": "The answers about the past are all there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们就去阿托哈兰", "english": "So we go to Ahtohallan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我们,", "english": "Not \"we.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己去", "english": "Me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们俩去黑海太危险了", "english": "The Dark Sea is too dangerous for us both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行,我们一起行动", "english": "No. No! We do this together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记得那首歌吗?", "english": "Remember the song?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁会阻止妳陷入迷惘?", "english": "Who will stop you from going too far?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳说妳相信我", "english": "You said you believed in me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不想阻拦妳", "english": "And I don't wanna stop you from that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想阻止妳去做该做的事", "english": "I... I don't wanna stop you from"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是不希望妳死掉", "english": "I just don't want you dying..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就为了解决别人的问题", "english": "trying to be everything for everyone else, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要单独行动", "english": "Don't do this alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托让我帮妳", "english": "Let me help you, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能失去妳,艾莎", "english": "I can't lose you, Elsa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不能失去妳,安娜", "english": "I can't lose you either, Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,什么?", "english": "Wait, what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳在做什么?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎", "english": "Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不…", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝,帮我停下来", "english": "Olaf, help me stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "助我一臂之力", "english": "Give me a hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓紧了", "english": "Hang on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下,不要…", "english": "Wait. Wait! No! No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Oh, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜,这样讲可能很夸张", "english": "Anna, this might sound crazy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我感受到越来越强的愤怒", "english": "but I'm sensing some rising anger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是很愤怒,雪宝", "english": "Well, I am angry, Olaf!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她答应我要一起行动的", "english": "She promised me we'd do this together!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我是说我感受到自己越来越愤怒", "english": "But what I mean is, I'm sensing rising anger in me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,你生气了?", "english": "Wait, you're angry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想是吧", "english": "Um, I... I think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎也把我推开,连再见都没说", "english": "Elsa pushed me away, too, and didn't even say goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你绝对有权利生她的气", "english": "And you have every right to be very, very mad at her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳说过有些事绝对不会变", "english": "And you said some things never change."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是后来", "english": "But since then,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是啊", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看,我还握着你的手", "english": "But look, I'm still here holding your hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好多了,妳都会听我倒垃圾", "english": "I feel better. You're such a good listener."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别嘘我,没礼貌", "english": "Don't shush me. That's rude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是啦", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "石巨人", "english": "Oh. The Giants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好大喔", "english": "They're huge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓好,雪宝", "english": "Hang on, Olaf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽量别尖叫", "english": "Try not to scream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到了", "english": "Found it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在哪里?", "english": "Where are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个没有出路的坑里", "english": "In a pit with no way out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一条恐怖的黑暗通道能进去", "english": "But with a spooky, pitch-black way in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走啊,一定很好玩", "english": "Come on, it'll be fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有可能被困在这里", "english": "Assuming we don't get stuck here forever,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也没人找到我们", "english": "no one ever finds us..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳饿死,我也放弃", "english": "and you starve and I give up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎处境比我们好多了", "english": "a whole lot better than we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇!", "english": "Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇!", "english": "Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "果然", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冰川是冰的河流", "english": "Glaciers are rivers of ice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿托哈兰是冰冻之地", "english": "Ahtohallan is frozen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听到了", "english": "I hear you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上来", "english": "And I'm coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的身体在颤抖", "english": "♪ Every inch of me is trembling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不是因为畏惧寒冷", "english": "♪ But not from the cold"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉并不陌生", "english": "♪ Something is familiar"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像个能触及却难掌握的梦", "english": " ♪ Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我感应到你", "english": "♪ I can sense you there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像个熟悉的朋友", "english": "♪ Like a friend I've always known"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来了", "english": "♪ I'm arriving"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彷佛回到家的感受", "english": "♪ And it feels like I am home"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的心像一座城堡", "english": "♪ I have always been a fortress"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秘密冰封掩埋", "english": "♪ Cold secrets deep inside"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也有秘密", "english": "♪ You have secrets, too"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不需被隐藏", "english": "♪ But you don't have to hide"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我等不及见你", "english": "♪ I'm dying to meet you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我茫茫人海中唯一的期待", "english": "♪ Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我准备好了", "english": "♪ I'm ready to learn"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不曾如此有把握", "english": "♪ I've never felt so certain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一生拉扯折磨", "english": "♪ All my life I've been torn"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想知道是否", "english": "♪ But I'm here for a reason"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里有我存在的线索", "english": "♪ Could it be the reason I was born?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直是与众不同", "english": "♪ I have always been so different"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世俗规则全抛开", "english": "♪ Normal rules did not apply"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是现在,等你揭开", "english": "♪ Is this the day? Are you the way"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好让我能明白", "english": "♪ I finally find out why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不再颤抖不停", "english": "♪ I'm no longer trembling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "历经跋涉", "english": "♪ Here I am"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的答案是我这一生", "english": "♪ You are the answer I've waited for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唯一等待", "english": "♪ All of my life"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "揭开你的面纱", "english": "♪ Let me see who you are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点过来", "english": "♪ Come to me now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把门打开", "english": "♪ Open your door"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别让我等待", "english": "♪ Don't make me wait"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无法再等待", "english": "♪ One moment more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点过来", "english": "♪ Oh, come to me now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把门打开", "english": "♪ Open your door"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别让我等待", "english": "♪ Don't make me wait"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无法再等待", "english": "♪ One moment more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一条河", "english": "♪ There's a river"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充满了回忆", "english": "♪ Full of memory"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "母后", "english": "Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的宝贝回家乡", "english": "♪ Come, my darling, homeward bound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不迷惘", "english": "♪ I am found!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "踏进你的世界", "english": "♪ Step into your power"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接受新事物", "english": "♪ Into something new"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再等待,无须被束缚", "english": "♪ You are the one you've been waiting for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是雪宝,我喜欢温暖的抱抱", "english": "Hi, I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你,雪宝", "english": "I love you, Olaf!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来,妳做得到", "english": "Come on, you can do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我昂然站在日光里", "english": "♪ Here I stand In the light of day"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像一只脸像猴子的鸡", "english": "Oh! Like a chicken with the face of a monkey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我很好", "english": "But I'm great actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "南方小岛的汉斯王子", "english": "Prince Hans of the Southern Isles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱妳", "english": "I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得告诉你我的过去和出身", "english": "I need to tell you about my past."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在听", "english": "I'm listening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊杜娜", "english": "Iduna!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您在看什么,殿下?", "english": "What are you reading, Your Majesty?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个新的丹麦作家写的", "english": "Oh, some new Danish author."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁尼尔国王,抱歉,我不懂", "english": "King Runeard, I'm sorry. I don't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们让艾伦戴尔全面戒备", "english": "We bring Arendelle's full guard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们没有理由不信任他们", "english": "But they have given us no reason not to trust them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "北乌卓人采用魔法", "english": "The Northuldra follow magic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝不能相信他们", "english": "Which means we can never trust them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法让人变得自以为是,太自大", "english": "Magic makes people feel too powerful. Too entitled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他们以为能违抗国王的意旨", "english": "It makes them think they can defy the will of a king."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔法并不会那样", "english": "That is not what magic does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只是恐惧", "english": "That's just your fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐惧才不能相信", "english": "Fear is what can't be trusted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会向我求助", "english": "so they will have to turn to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随着河流的声响", "english": "♪ Dive down deep into her sound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "路很漫长,别陷迷惘", "english": "♪ But not too far, or you'll be drowned"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会前来庆祝", "english": "They will come in celebration."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到时我们就知道他们的规模和实力", "english": "And then, we will know their size and strength."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们欢迎过我们,我们也欢迎你们", "english": "As you have welcomed us, we welcome you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的邻居,我们的朋友", "english": "our neighbors, our friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁尼尔国王,水坝不会巩固水源", "english": "King Runeard, the dam isn't strengthening our waters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反而会伤害森林", "english": "It's hurting the Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它会切断北…", "english": "It's cutting off the North..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别在这里谈这个", "english": "Let... Let's not discuss this here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们到峡湾见面,一起喝茶", "english": "Let's meet on the fjord. Have tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "商量出解决办法", "english": "Find a solution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜", "english": "Anna!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该选哪条幸运地道呢?", "english": "Hmm. Which lucky tunnel do we choose?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会向我求助", "english": "so they will have to turn to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁尼尔国王", "english": "King Runeard, the dam,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水坝会伤害森林", "english": "it's hurting the Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎找到了", "english": "Elsa's found it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到什么?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于过去的真相", "english": "The truth about the past."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的祖父", "english": "That's my grandfather..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在攻击北乌卓领袖", "english": "attacking the Northuldra leader..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对方手无寸铁", "english": "who wields no weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水坝不是和平的赠礼", "english": "The dam wasn't a gift of peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是骗局", "english": "It was a trick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那样违反了艾伦戴尔秉持的信念", "english": "But that goes against everything Arendelle stands for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是说啊", "english": "It does, doesn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道如何解放森林", "english": "I know how to free the Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道该如何拨乱反正", "english": "I know what we have to do to set things right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为何妳语气这么悲伤?", "english": "Why do you say that so sadly?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须破坏水坝", "english": "We have to break the dam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是艾伦戴尔会淹水", "english": "But Arendelle will be flooded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以大家才被迫离开", "english": "That's why everyone was forced out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以免他们因而受害", "english": "To protect them from what has to be done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh. Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳还好吗?", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在真的需要正能量,雪宝", "english": "I could really use a bright side, Olaf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正能量?", "english": "Bright side? Um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乌龟能用屁屁呼吸", "english": "Turtles can breathe through their butts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有,我看到一条出路", "english": "And I see a way out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道我能靠你", "english": "I knew I could count on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点,雪宝,艾莎应该在回程上", "english": "Come on, Olaf, Elsa's probably"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们跟她碰面…", "english": "We can meet her and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝?", "english": "Olaf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么?", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗?", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身上的雪飘起来了?", "english": "I'm flurrying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是那样", "english": "That's not it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身上的雪开始飞散了", "english": "I'm flurrying away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身上的魔法快消失了", "english": "The magic in me is fading."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想艾莎可能出事了", "english": "I don't think Elsa's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想…", "english": "I think..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可能做得太过头了", "english": "she may have gone too far."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不…", "english": "No. No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜", "english": "Anna?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下个阶段妳得靠自己了", "english": "You're gonna have to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来", "english": "Come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我抱你", "english": "I've got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜", "english": "Hey, Anna?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚想到一样东西是永恒的", "english": "I just thought of one thing that's permanent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱", "english": "Love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "温暖的抱抱?", "english": "Warm hugs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢温暖的抱抱", "english": "I like warm hugs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你", "english": "I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝?艾莎?", "english": "Olaf? Elsa?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该怎么办?", "english": "What do I do now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我见过黑暗", "english": "♪ I've seen dark before"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不曾如此", "english": "♪ But not like this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此冷,如此麻木,空荡荡", "english": "♪ This is cold, this is empty This is numb"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "熟悉的世界告终", "english": "♪ The life I knew is over"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "灯光熄灭", "english": "♪ The lights are out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "张开双臂", "english": "♪ Hello, darkness"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将臣服于黑暗", "english": "♪ I'm ready to succumb"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟在妳身旁", "english": "♪ I follow you around"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一向如此", "english": "♪ I always have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳却在我到不了的地方", "english": "♪ But you've gone to a place I cannot find"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "悲痛,我无法喘息", "english": "♪ This grief has a gravity"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无法坚强", "english": "♪ It pulls me down"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这细语轻声", "english": "♪ But a tiny voice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在心里回荡", "english": "♪ Whispers in my mind"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳不在", "english": "♪ You are lost"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没希望", "english": "♪ Hope is gone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是要坚强", "english": "♪ But you must go on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后继续往前行", "english": "♪ And do the next right thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白天是否会赶走黑夜", "english": "♪ Can there be a day beyond this night?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是梦是真我分辨不出", "english": "♪ I don't know anymore what is true"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我失去方向,孤身一人", "english": "♪ I can't find my direction I'm all alone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳本是指引我的星星", "english": "♪ The only star that guided me was you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳不在我左右", "english": "♪ How to rise from the floor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "内心痛苦,无法振作", "english": "♪ When it's not you I'm rising for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能继续往前行", "english": "♪ Just do the next right thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走一步", "english": "♪ Take a step"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再往前", "english": "♪ Step again"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只有眼前这条路", "english": "♪ It is all that I can"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不敢去想未来", "english": "♪ I won't look too far ahead"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我害怕随时崩溃", "english": "♪ It's too much for me to take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我会沉住这口气", "english": "♪ But break it down to this next breath"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有选择,我会把握机会", "english": "♪ This next choice is one that I can make!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伴随黎明", "english": "♪ And with the dawn"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白所有的一切", "english": "♪ When it's clear that everything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都不会再像从前", "english": "♪ Will never be the same again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倾听那声音", "english": "♪ To hear that voice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续", "english": "♪ And do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒来!", "english": "Wake up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒来!", "english": "Wake up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就对了", "english": "That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来抓我,过来", "english": "Come and get me! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这边", "english": "Over here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "追过来", "english": "Keep coming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往这边", "english": "This way, guys!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不…她要带他们去水坝", "english": "No, no, no, no. She's leading them to the dam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿克", "english": "Kristoff!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有我在,妳需要什么?", "english": "I'm here. What do you need?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马提亚斯中尉", "english": "Lieutenant Mattias."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "殿下,您在做什么?", "english": "Your Highness, what are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水坝必须崩垮", "english": "The dam must fall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那样才能破除迷雾,解放森林", "english": "It's the only way to break the mist and free the Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们发誓不计代价保护艾伦戴尔", "english": "But we've sworn to protect Arendelle at all costs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非完成这件事,艾伦戴尔没有未来", "english": "Arendelle has no future until we make this right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲁尼尔国王背叛了所有人", "english": "King Runeard betrayed everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您怎么知道?", "english": "How do you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我姊为了真相牺牲了性命", "english": "My sister gave her life for the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你", "english": "Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "免得又有人牺牲", "english": "Before we lose anyone else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心!", "english": "Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破坏水坝,快啊", "english": "Destroy the dam! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢出你们的巨石", "english": "Throw your boulders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就对了", "english": "That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别放手", "english": "Hang on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉我丢下你", "english": "I'm sorry I left you behind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我实在太急着想保护她", "english": "I was just so desperate to protect her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我了解,没关系", "english": "I know. I know. It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的爱没那么脆弱", "english": "My love is not fragile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇", "english": "Wow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳看天空", "english": "Look at the sky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道它这么辽阔", "english": "I just didn't realize there was so much of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的是妳吗?", "english": "Is it really you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜", "english": "Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为我失去妳了", "english": "I thought I'd lost you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "失去我?", "english": "Lost me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳救了我,又一次", "english": "You saved me. Again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "I did?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜,艾伦戴尔没有灭亡", "english": "And, Anna, Arendelle did not fall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有吗?", "english": "It didn't?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔灵都同意", "english": "The spirits all agreed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦戴尔该与妳一起", "english": "Arendelle deserves to stand with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我?", "english": "Me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳做了对的事,为了所有人", "english": "You did what was right. For everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳找到第五灵了吗?", "english": "Did you find the fifth spirit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳就是第五灵,", "english": "You are the fifth spirit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳就是桥梁", "english": "You're the bridge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实一座桥梁有两面", "english": "Well, actually, a bridge has two sides."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "母后有两个女儿", "english": "And Mother had two daughters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是共同完成的", "english": "We did this together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也要继续携手合作", "english": "And we'll continue to do this together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "携手合作", "english": "Together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎,妳没事了", "english": "Elsa! You're okay!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳看起来不同了", "english": "You look different."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剪了头发还是别的?", "english": "Did you cut your hair or something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜,我得问妳一个问题", "english": "Anna, I need to ask you a question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳想堆一个雪人吗?", "english": "Do you want to build a snowman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜", "english": "Anna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎", "english": "Elsa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿克,还有小斯", "english": "Kristoff! And Sven!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都回来了", "english": "You all came back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我超爱快乐的结局", "english": "Oh, I love happy endings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本来以为我们完蛋了", "english": "I mean, I presume we're done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是这种危急状况会变成常态?", "english": "Or is this \"putting us in mortal danger\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会,结束了", "english": "No. We're done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实,还有一件事", "english": "Actually, there is one more thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜,", "english": "Anna,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳是我认识最特别的人", "english": "you are the most extraordinary"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我全心全意爱着妳", "english": "I love you with all I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妳愿意嫁给我吗?", "english": "Will you marry me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿意", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦戴尔没事", "english": "Arendelle's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿托哈兰好美", "english": "Ahtohallan is beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实,妳属于这里", "english": "You know, you belong up here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发誓要带给艾伦戴尔的最大利益", "english": "I took an oath to always do what's best for Arendelle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸好,我知道那是什么", "english": "Luckily, I know just what that is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然我还不清楚转变的意思", "english": "While I still don't know what \"transformation\" means..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却觉得这森林已经改变了我们", "english": "I feel like this Forest has really changed us all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下驾到,艾伦戴尔的安娜女王", "english": "Presenting Her Majesty, Queen Anna of Arendelle!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好,嗨", "english": "Oh! Hello. Hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小斯,你很帅喔", "english": "Sven, don't you look nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,雪宝", "english": "Oh, my goodness! Olaf!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "超有魅力吧", "english": "Charmed, I'm sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常有魅力", "english": "Charming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿克", "english": "Kristoff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都为了我盛装打扮吗?", "english": "Aw, did you boys get all dressed up for me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是小斯的主意", "english": "It was Sven's idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一小时,妳有一个小时", "english": "One hour. You get this for one hour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系", "english": "That's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反正我更喜欢你穿皮衣", "english": "I prefer you in leather anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很惊讶你能撑一小时,太残忍了", "english": "I'm shocked you can last an hour. That was brutal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱到卡惨死", "english": "The things we do for love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这种疯狂魔法叫什么来着?", "english": "What is this crazy magic called again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们看起来真不赖呢", "english": "We look good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "荷莉玛,马提亚斯将军", "english": "Halima. General Mattias."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下,我马上回来", "english": "Uh, Your Majesty. I'll be right back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不在就看我们的照片", "english": "You can look at our photograph while I'm gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开玩笑的", "english": "I'm just kidding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的土地与人民,因为爱而相连", "english": "Our lands and people, now connected by love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖儿,喜欢吗?", "english": "Hi, Gale. You like it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮个忙,我有讯息给我姊", "english": "Oh, do you mind? I've got a message for my sister."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放心,艾伦戴尔很平安", "english": "\"And don't worry, Arendelle's doing just fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续照顾那座森林吧", "english": "\"Keep looking after the Forest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱妳\"", "english": "\"I love you.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也爱妳,妹妹", "english": "I love you, too, sis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖儿?我们要去兜风,想来吗?", "english": "Hey, Gale? We're going for a ride, wanna come?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了吗?", "english": "You ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎,做妳自己", "english": "Elsa, be who you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会的,妈妈,我会的", "english": "Oh, I will, Mama, I will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莎死了", "english": "Elsa's dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪宝死了", "english": "Olaf's dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安娜哭哭", "english": "Anna cries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后发生了一些我忘记的事情", "english": "And then a bunch of important"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重点是我说对了", "english": "But all that matters is, I was right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水有记忆,所以…", "english": "And water has memory, and thus..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还活着", "english": "I live!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们也是", "english": "And so do you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔!", "english": "Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们活着", "english": "We live!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们活着", "english": "We live! Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好精彩的故事", "english": "Good story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有白痴才跳舞", "english": "Only idiots dance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟你说过十亿次了,收起你的浣熊爪子,别碰我的随身听!", "english": "I told you a million times, you keep your grubby raccoon hands off my Zune!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也跟你说过十亿次了,我特么的不是浣熊", "english": "I told you a million times, I'm not a damn raccoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又来", "english": "Again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你,卡魔拉", "english": "I love you, Gamora."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那 你怎么处理这个死酒鬼奎尔?", "english": "So what are you gonna do about Quill?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我? 为什么不是你呢?", "english": "Me? Why not you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有情感方面的历史创伤", "english": "I got emotionalistical issues."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么知道该怎么办", "english": "What am I gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么在天花板上?", "english": "Why are you on the ceiling?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想试试这双反重力靴在斜坡上是否管用", "english": "I wanted to see if these new gravity boots worked on a slope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始了", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得明白,你根本不是这块料", "english": "You must know you will never learn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得你能做得比我好吗?", "english": "You think you could do better?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Dah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用心灵遥控是作弊", "english": "Telekinesis is cheating!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只是一块愚蠢的小石头", "english": "That's a stupid little pebble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己用手也能做到 该死的", "english": "I can do that with my dang finger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这臭狗", "english": "You're a bad dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别那样对我说话", "english": "Do not say that to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是 你这臭狗", "english": "You are. You're a bad dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收回那句话 拜托,这一点都不酷", "english": "Take that back. Come on, that's not cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云,你听到了吗?", "english": "Nebula, did you hear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说我是臭狗,而且拒绝收回这句话", "english": "He called me a bad dog and he refuse to take it back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不在乎,科斯莫", "english": "I don't care, Cosmo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得还好吗", "english": "Is Peter okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我? 他可是你的哥哥也", "english": "Me? He's your brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是重点, 他从来都不听我的", "english": "It doesn't matter, he still doesn't listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,自从卡魔拉死后 他就一直闷闷不乐", "english": "Yeah, he has been pretty mopey ever since Gamora died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她没死", "english": "She's not dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她只是不记得过去那几年的事了", "english": "She just doesn't remember anything from the past few years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我都不知情", "english": "Nobody tells me nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼提斯,你为什么不摸摸他? 你懂的,让他开心点", "english": "Mantis, why don't you just touch him? You know, make him happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恶心", "english": "Gross!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不是那样的 是用她的超能力触摸他", "english": "No, not like that. Touch him with her powers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操纵朋友的情感是不对的", "english": "It is wrong to manipulate the feelings of friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那上次 你让我爱上了我的袜子 怎么说?", "english": "What about that time you made me fall in love with my sock?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,那真的很有趣", "english": "Well, that was funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想这又回到了“你行你上啊”的囧境", "english": "I guess it's back to one of us touching him the other way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我们应该抽签决定", "english": "Maybe we should draw straws."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想都别想,德拉克斯", "english": "No one ever meant that, Drax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么鬼", "english": "What the hell?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去哪儿了,松鼠?", "english": "Where did you go, Squirrel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴在地上", "english": "On the ground!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个疯子是谁?", "english": "Who is that maniac?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "某个拿着射线枪的超级混蛋吧 我他妈的怎么知道呢", "english": "Some super-douche with ray gun hands! I don't freakin' know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴", "english": "Shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卑鄙", "english": "Baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挑个跟你个头差不多大的吧", "english": "Pick on someone your own size."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得", "english": "Peter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得", "english": "Peter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要医疗包", "english": "We need med packs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云", "english": "Nebula."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚开", "english": "Piss off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好疼啊", "english": "That hurts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可怜虫", "english": "What a pity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是激活了医疗包", "english": "All I did was activate the med pack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿走它 快点", "english": "Get them off! Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,见鬼", "english": "Oh, hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞船上还有一个", "english": "There's one on the ship!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在和我们在一起", "english": "You're here with us now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿, 那个新来的家伙是谁?", "english": "Hey, who's the new guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是什么动物品种?", "english": "What kind of thing are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你脸上好像戴了个面具", "english": "You've got like, a mask on your face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面具,眼睛,脸,嘴巴", "english": "Mask, eyes, face, mouth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的,朋友", "english": "It's okay, friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要让他们吓到你", "english": "Don't let them scare you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会没事的", "english": "You're gonna be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自杀开关?", "english": "A kill switch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个装置", "english": "A device."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦有东西进入他的身体 装置就自动毁灭", "english": "Set to destruct if anyone goes poking around inside him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算我们用医疗包也不行", "english": "Or even if we use the med packs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么火箭体内会有毁灭开关?", "english": "Why would a Rocket have a kill switch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然,有人认为他是一项专利技术,于是派那个金色疯子来抓他", "english": "Apparently someone considers him proprietary technology and sent that golden lunatic to get him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们给他做手术,他会死吗?", "english": "So he'll die if we operate on him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像有个 密钥可以覆盖死亡开关", "english": "It looks like there's a passkey that can override the kill switch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们有谁知道火箭的身世吗?", "english": "What do we know about where Rocket came from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不愿谈论这种事", "english": "He won't talk about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大部分技术都是由一家名为奥格集团的公司开发的", "english": "Much of the tech was developed by a company called OrgoCorp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们所有的东西都有编码", "english": "And there's a code on all of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许它能帮我们解除死亡开关 拯救火箭", "english": "Maybe it'll have a way for us to override the kill switch and save Rocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不会就这么把信息给我们的", "english": "They won't just give us that information."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我们才要闯进去", "english": "Well, that's why we're gonna break in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神挡杀神 佛挡杀佛", "english": "And kill anyone who gets in our way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉格林,科斯莫,在我们回来之前看好虚无之地 最多两天", "english": "Kraglin, Cosmo, I need you to keep watch over Knowhere till we're back. Couple of days tops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 你不是诚心的,少废话", "english": "I know you don't really think that I'm a bad dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找到了奥格集团的坐标", "english": "I located the coordinates for OrgoCorp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在那附近有个熟人 也许他们能帮我们混进去", "english": "I think I have a contact near there. Maybe they can help us get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联系他", "english": "Contact him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们去拯救朋友吧", "english": "Let's go save our friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有朋友真好", "english": "It's good to have friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可怜的宝贝", "english": "My poor baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈 好疼", "english": "Mama, it hurts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我警告过你,至高进化", "english": "I tried to warn you, High Evolutionary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些守护者比你想象的更强大", "english": "These Guardians are more powerful than you think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许你只是高估了自己的价值,大祭司", "english": "Or perhaps you simply overestimate your own value, High Priestess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毫无疑问,我的设计有缺陷", "english": "No doubt, a flaw's on top of my own design."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我创造你们只是为了研究美学", "english": "I created you lot as merely an aesthetic experiment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂亮的麻瓜们", "english": "Beautiful numbskulls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你的自尊心失控了 说“啊”", "english": "But your egos have run wild. Say \"ah.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而这个人本应是个术士", "english": "And this one was meant to be the Warlock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们族类进化的最高点", "english": "The apogee of their people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你提前把亚当从茧子里取出来的,陛下", "english": "You removed Adam from his cocoon early, my liege."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还是个孩子啊", "english": "He is still a child."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,除了这些,他还有别的问题", "english": "No, there's something wrong with him even outside all that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,我老不对劲了 我被刺伤了,你这个该死的---", "english": "Yes, there's something wrong with me. I was stabbed, you extraordinary phallus---"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他什么都不懂 陛下,您要我们做什么,我们就做什么", "english": "He doesn't know any better. We shall do whatever you require, my liege."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这违背了我的指示", "english": "That's not what I require!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,陛下", "english": "I'm sorry, my liege."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则,我会摧毁你们的整个文明", "english": "Or, I will destroy your entire civilization"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为你们的创造者 我有这个权利", "english": "as is my right as your maker!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白吗?", "english": "Do you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白吗?", "english": "Do you understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 陛下", "english": "Yes. Sire"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它一直都很聪明,陛下", "english": "It was always clever, sire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,所以我得马上抓住它", "english": "Yes, that's exactly why I want it now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说啥就是啥,陛下", "english": "That is the only reason, sire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你真的相信索维林人能抓到它吗?", "english": "But are you really trusting the Sovereign to retrieve it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们只是备用计划", "english": "They're merely a backup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我知道他们要去哪里了", "english": "I believe I know where they're going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是个大肉球", "english": "It's bioformed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它不是建造出来的,而是自己生长而成的", "english": "Instead of being built, it's grown from living matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整个建筑被三层高强度的等离子安全护盾包围着", "english": "The structure is surrounded by three impenetrable plasmic security shields."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想闯进这地方可不容易,星爵", "english": "It's not gonna be easy to break into this place, Star-Lord."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世上无难事 我是职业神偷,记得吗?", "english": "Doesn't have to be easy. I was a professional thief, remember?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会一个接一个地发出干扰信号", "english": "I'll jam the signals one at a time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她生气的时候就会叫我星爵", "english": "She calls me Star-Lord when she's mad at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她对谁都是一副臭脸", "english": "She's always mad at everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是因为我喝醉了", "english": "It's because I was drunk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她说得对 如果我没有喝酒…", "english": "She's right. If I haven't been drinking..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许火箭… 对不起", "english": "Maybe Rocket... I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系,毕竟他是你最好的朋友", "english": "It's okay, he's your best friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二好的朋友", "english": "Second best friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身边的人都死了 我的母亲,勇度…", "english": "Everyone around me dies. My mother, Yondu..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她没死 你想吃核桃吗?", "english": "She is to us. Do you want a zargnut?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一个护盾,准备", "english": "First shield, set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三 二 一", "english": "Three, two, one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在地球上还有家人 你有没有想过回去看看他们?", "english": "You had family on Earth. And you never wanted to go back and see them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我妹妹 你就是我的家人 这就够了", "english": "You're my sister. That's all the family I want or need."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且,地球只剩下我外祖父一个人了,知道吗? 他是个很难相处的人", "english": "Besides, it's probably just my grandpa, okay? He was a pretty hard guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你被掠夺者绑架了 就在当天 他失去了他女儿", "english": "You were abducted by Ravagers the same day he lost his daughter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 是的,他很伤心 我妈妈死了,他冲着我大喊大叫,然后把我推出了房间", "english": "Oh yeah, he was upset. My mom died, he screamed at my face and he pushed me out of the room!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可能只是想保护你", "english": "He was probably just trying to protect you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的是我生命中死去的人,你却老给我打岔", "english": "I'm talking about the people in my life who died, and you're talking about this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二个护盾,准备", "english": "Second shield, set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三 二 一", "english": "Three, two, one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是说 你为啥从来没想过回地球去看看他过得好不好", "english": "I'm only saying you've never even gone to see if he's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可能还活着", "english": "He could still be alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他可能还活着", "english": "So he could still be alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 差不多就是这样", "english": "I don't know. Something like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那生下来有什么意义?", "english": "What's even the point of being born?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你快要死了吗?", "english": "Are you about to die?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重点是,我们严重跑题了", "english": "The point is, I wasn't talking about any of this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第三个护盾,准备", "english": "Third shield, set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三 二 一", "english": "Three, two, one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 不是所有的事情 都得以你为主角 来展开", "english": "Well, not everything is about what you are talking about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是说,你很伤心 是因为很多你在乎的人 都离开了你", "english": "And I'm only saying you are upset because so many people you cared about have left you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你也离开了某些人", "english": "But you also left someone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我想要一个核桃", "english": "And maybe I wanted a zargnut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太迟了 都吃完了", "english": "Too late. They're all gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么还没通过呢?", "english": "Why didn't we go through?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们通过了 这不是护盾", "english": "We did. It's not the shield."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 见鬼", "english": "Oh, hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掠夺者", "english": "Ravagers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,伙计们,你们就要被联合掠夺者登船了", "english": "Hey guys, you're about to be boarded by the United Ravagers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们可以交出任何值钱的东西,然后活下去 或者你们可以去死", "english": "You can surrender and turn over any stuff worth anything and live. Or you can die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这取决于你们", "english": "It's up to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯 不不不 德拉克斯", "english": "Drax, no, no, no! Drax!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们,是我 彼得奎尔 我是你们中的一员,记得吗?", "english": "Guys, it's me. Peter Quill. I'm one of you, remember?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Hold on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和卡魔拉 什么", "english": "With Gamora. What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来早了", "english": "You're early."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些是什么", "english": "What are these?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥格集团的制服", "english": "OrgoCorp uniforms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们得穿上这个才能在不引人注意的情况下混进奥格", "english": "You've got to wear these to move through the Orgo without attracting attention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这颜色我不喜欢", "english": "This isn't my color."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么", "english": "What did you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它和我的眼睛不搭配", "english": "It clashes with my eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快穿上", "english": "Put it on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云,你为什么不告诉我你联系的是卡魔拉?", "english": "Nebula, why would you not tell me that you've been in contact with Gamora?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡魔拉 我们非常感谢你的帮助", "english": "Gamora, we're grateful for your help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这么做不是出于好心", "english": "I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这样做只是为了我妹妹承诺的十万块钱", "english": "I'm doing this for the hundred thousand units my sister promised."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你现在加入掠夺者了?", "english": "So you're a Ravager now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿上制服", "english": "Put on the uniform."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从没想过你会成为掠夺者", "english": "Never pictured you as the Ravager type."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁来着?", "english": "Who are you again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 天哪", "english": "Oh, man..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥格集团拥有银河系最先进的基因技术知识产权", "english": "OrgoCorp is in possession of some of the most advanced cybergenetic IP in the galaxy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们被致命的奥格警卫保护着", "english": "So they're heavily guarded by the deadly Orgosentries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 我知道你们没有证件可以进出", "english": "Now I know you don't have documentation to dock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你们必须自己想办法进去", "english": "So you're gonna have to get in there on your own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进去后,卡魔拉就会带你们去找记录文件", "english": "Once in, Gamora is gonna lead you to the records."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许你们能在记录里找到密钥 控制死亡开关", "english": "Where maybe you can find the passkey to override the kill switch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮助你们救小刺猬", "english": "And help you save the hedgehog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果你们遇到麻烦", "english": "But if you get into trouble,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们将无法保释你们出来", "english": "we will not be able to bail you out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 当然了", "english": "Yes, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它的能力突飞猛进", "english": "Its functioning has skyrocketed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是新世界", "english": "That's the new world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反地球", "english": "Counter-Earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦实验准备好,你们就会去那里生活", "english": "Where the experiments will go once they're ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天空", "english": "Sky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么声音?", "english": "What sounds?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是音乐", "english": "That's music."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "翻译过来就是", "english": "Which translated, is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要安于现状 要勇于超载自己", "english": "Be not as you are, but as you should be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们的神圣使命", "english": "It's our sacred mission"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我们周围不和谐的声音", "english": "to take the cacophony of sounds around us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变成一首歌", "english": "and turn it into a song."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把像你这样不完美的生物体", "english": "To take an imperfect clump of biological matter such as you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转化成为……完美的生物", "english": "and transform it into something... perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经成功了一半,不是吗?", "english": "And we're halfway there, aren't we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想给你看样东西", "english": "I'd like to show you something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的目标只有一个…", "english": "We have but a single quest..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是:创造完美的物种", "english": "To create the perfect species,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及完美的社会", "english": "and the perfect society."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我开发了一个流程,通过这个流程", "english": "I've developed a process by which I can guide"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以引导任何生物体 在一瞬间就能经历数百万年进化", "english": "any organism through millions of years of programmed evolution changes, in a moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在看来", "english": "See now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是问题所在", "english": "There's the rub."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出于某种原因,这些标本", "english": "For some reason, these specimens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在其系统中产生了过量的微胺蛋白", "english": "are also overproducing the legobeta microsamino protein in their systems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就导致他们,嗯…", "english": "Causing them to be, well..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很暴力 我们不喜欢这个", "english": "Violent. We don't like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个乌托邦不可能让它的居民互相残杀,是吧?", "english": "A utopia cannot have its denizens murdering one another, can it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不恁", "english": "They can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提尔", "english": "Theel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们设定的初衷是平和的,就像你一样", "english": "They're programmed to be peaceful, like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但出于某种原因,它没起作用", "english": "But for some reason, it's not catching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "构造过滤器", "english": "Tectonic filters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后,噗,噗,噗…", "english": "And then, boop, boop, boop..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后 他们 产生了", "english": "And then, they, make, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,就是那个", "english": "Yeah, thems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后,导致了愤怒", "english": "And then, angry turtleses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "锁定", "english": "Lock in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上", "english": "Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启用重力靴和手套", "english": "Activate gravity boots and gloves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云 上", "english": "Nebula, go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你真的什么都不记得了?", "english": "So you really don't remember anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如说呢", "english": "Like what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我", "english": "Wasn't me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们彼此相爱", "english": "We loved each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不这么认为", "english": "I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你什么都不记得了", "english": "I know you don't remember any of it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我的一切", "english": "You were everything to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好想你", "english": "And I miss you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常想", "english": "So much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许...", "english": "And maybe..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你敞开心扉…", "english": "Maybe if you open yourself up to it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不这么认为", "english": "I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想说的是", "english": "But what I'm trying to say..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得,你知道这是公开频道,对吧?", "english": "Peter, you know this is an open line, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉很痛苦", "english": "And it is painful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你现在才告诉我?", "english": "And you're just telling me now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们希望你能自己停下来", "english": "We were hoping it would stall on its own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我点的是私密频道", "english": "But I switched it over to private."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你按了什么颜色的按钮", "english": "What color button did you push?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓝色 对应蓝色服装", "english": "Blue. For the blue suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "橙色才代表蓝衣", "english": "Orange is for blue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黄色代表绿衣 绿色代表红衣", "english": "Yellow is for green. Green is for red."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "红色代表黄衣", "english": "And red is for yellow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 黄色代表黄衣", "english": "No, yellow is for yellow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绿色代表红衣 红色代表绿衣", "english": "Green is for red. Red is for green."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈罗", "english": "Hello!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来很直观", "english": "Seems intuitive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能继续拯救朋友吗?", "english": "Can we get back to saving our friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让干扰机准备更换防护罩", "english": "Get that jammer ready to change the shield."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们", "english": "Guys?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想谈谈甜蜜驾驶吗?加速度会压垮你的脊椎", "english": "You wanna talk about a sweet ride? The acceleration would crush your spine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为它有全新的Fusilux内核 你知道我在说什么吗?", "english": "It's got that brand new Fusilux core. You know what I'm talking about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 我以为你说的是别的东西", "english": "Oh, I thought you said something else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡佳大师", "english": "Master Karja."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡尔佳大师,白色翼部的某个地方似乎有个缺口", "english": "Master Karja, there appears to be a physical breach in the white wing somewhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会不会是个小故障?", "english": "Could it be a glitch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许吧", "english": "Maybe?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在访问眼睛", "english": "I'm accessing the eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看能不能找到它", "english": "I'll see if I can locate it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "减压室内有某种异常情况 最好去看看,大师", "english": "There's some sort of anomaly in the decompression chamber. Best to check it out, Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就去", "english": "On it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Hurry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些放哪?", "english": "Where do we put these?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里 把它们藏在这个储物柜里,直到我们撤离", "english": "Here! Hide them in this locker until we leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Hurry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么鬼东西?伙计们", "english": "What the hell was that, guys?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们在开玩笑吗?", "english": "Are you kidding me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它在墙上烧了一个洞 你们这些天才没采取任何预防措施就把门打开了?", "english": "It's burning a hole thru the wall. You geniuses just throw the door open without any proper precautionary procedure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么措施 兄弟", "english": "What procedure, bro?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,想让我们帮你读读操作手册吗,兄弟?", "english": "Oh, you want us to read the manual for you too, bro?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可能会杀了翼部的所有人", "english": "You could have killed everyone in the wing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错,你们这些白痴", "english": "Exactly, you idiots!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也很生气", "english": "I'm angry, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 不", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没看到我们身上穿的这些正宗的机械师制服吗?", "english": "Can't you see these authentic mechanic uniforms we're wearing on our bodies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比其他颜色更能搭配我们的肤色", "english": "That blend in with some of our skin tones better than others?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,我的朋友 他是老板的侄子 他有点...", "english": "Excuse my friend. He's the boss' nephew. He's a little..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,我…我也有一个这种的", "english": "Yeah, I... I got one of those too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一个嘛 这一个 我喜欢 我很自豪...", "english": "This one? This one, I love. I'm so proud of..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做得很好 为你感到骄傲", "english": "You're doing great. So proud of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这一个嘛 我只能...", "english": "But this one... I just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他做的每件事都让我抓狂", "english": "Everything he does drives me crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发誓我要掐死他", "english": "I swear I'm gonna throttle him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会因谋杀白痴入狱的 我会的", "english": "I'm gonna go to jail for murder. I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们怎么这么快就到了?", "english": "How did you guys get here so fast?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老实跟你说吧,还好我们动作快,否则就完蛋了 谢天谢地", "english": "Gonna be honest with you, we just happened in before it burned all the way through, thankfully."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸好你在这里", "english": "Good thing you were here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,伙计们,收工吧", "english": "Alright guys, wrap it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来我们都安全了", "english": "Looks like we're all clear here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的太空服", "english": "Our spacesuits!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把它们扔进了垃圾桶", "english": "You threw them in the contamination bin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一关门,它就会把东西排入太空", "english": "It expels stuff into space the moment you shut the door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这在三分钟前可能是有用的信息", "english": "That would have been helpful information three minutes ago!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死,曼提斯,你怎么就不好好想想?", "english": "Dammit, Mantis, why don't you ever think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 我们又要假装生气了吗?", "english": "Oh, are we pretending to be angry again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼提斯 你这个混蛋", "english": "Mantis, you asshole!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们,专心两秒钟", "english": "Guys, just focus for two seconds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会找到别的出路的 而现在…", "english": "We'll find another way out of here. Right now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得先救火箭的命", "english": "We need to save Rocket's life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云,奎因和我去查记录然后拿 密钥", "english": "Nebula, Quinn and I will get to the records and get the passkey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小虫子和大笨蛋,通过电梯进入太空港 这样木头人就可以着陆,带我们离开这里", "english": "Bug and doofus, access the spaceport through the elevator so Tree can land and get us out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走", "english": "Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这又不是我的错 我都不知道那东西是什么 都没人告诉我", "english": "It's not my fault I don't know what something is. No one ever tells me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我甚至都不想来这里", "english": "I didn't even want to come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要看看你的…", "english": "I'm gonna need to see your..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你无可救药地坠入爱河… 和他", "english": "You're hopelessly in love... with him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 不", "english": "Oh, no..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今天过得怎么样", "english": "How are you doing today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很好", "english": "I'm alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什么名字来着", "english": "What was your name again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毁灭者德拉克斯", "english": "Drax the Destroyer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是个可爱的名字", "english": "That's such a lovely name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来帮你开门", "english": "I'll get the door for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次都这样", "english": "Every single time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的名字是布莱特-斯诺特", "english": "My name is Brittle Snorte!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到奥格集团总部", "english": "Welcome to OrgoCorp headquarters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们今天收到的警告 那两个人不符合描述吗?", "english": "That warning we got today. Don't those two match the description?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全体奥格警卫请注意", "english": "Attention all Orgosentries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个经理应该有权查看记录", "english": "That manager should have access to the records."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果 密钥在这里,她可以帮我们拿", "english": "If the passkey is here, she can get it for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纯粹的星爵魅力", "english": "Pure Star-Lord charm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很高兴你能第一次看到这个", "english": "I'm excited that you get to see this again for the first time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 尤拉", "english": "Hi, Yura."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每当你觉得没人在看你的时候 你总会对自己微笑", "english": "And whenever you smile to yourself, when you think nobody is looking,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这笑容让我的每一天都变得更加明亮", "english": "it makes my everyday a bit brighter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你的手,它是否在你身上由你自己选择", "english": "We need your hand, and it's your choice whether it's on your body, or not!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在做什么?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她决不会上当的", "english": "She was never gonna fall for that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她完全被我迷住了 伙计", "english": "She was totally into me, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有点觉得你是个笨蛋", "english": "I kinda thought you were a douchebag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 拜托", "english": "Oh, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 等等 等等 等等 等等", "english": "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来像是一个物种标签", "english": "Sounds like a species tag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我们看看", "english": "Show us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们所有的研究 都支持至高进化的 利他主义目标", "english": "All of our research supports the High Evolutionary's altruistic objective,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即创建一个乌托邦社会", "english": "of creating a utopian society."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那一定是太空港", "english": "That must be the spaceport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇", "english": "Whoa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这都是什么?", "english": "What is all this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多年来使用奥格集团技术获得专利的物种", "english": "Species patented over the years using OrgoCorp tech."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥格集团创建的每一个物种都有自己的档案", "english": "Every species OrgoCorp has created has its own individual file."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对此我很抱歉 听我说,这不是我们该做的事", "english": "I am so sorry about this. Listen to me, this is not the kinda thing we do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 拜托,别再拐弯抹角了", "english": "Oh, please, stop it with the subtle jabs!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前的你绝不会这么做的", "english": "Old you would've never done this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有一个比自己更高尚的目标,那就是帮助别人", "english": "You had a purpose higher than yourself, the calling to help people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你才离开灭霸,组建了护卫队", "english": "That's why you left Thanos and formed the Guardians."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我没有组建护卫队,也没怎么离开灭霸", "english": "Except I didn't form the Guardians and I barely left Thanos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是我", "english": "it wasn't me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这听起来更像她", "english": "It sounds more like her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别把我当成一只迷路的小狗,需要一个柔软的地方躺着", "english": "Don't look at me like a lost puppy needing a soft place to lie down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我什么也没说", "english": "I didn't say anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是从来没有注意到你的眼睛有多黑", "english": "I just never noticed how black your eyes were."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们被我父亲挖掉替换了", "english": "They were replaced by my father"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了折磨我", "english": "as a method of torture."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少他选了一套漂亮的", "english": "He picked a pretty set."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那里", "english": "There."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心 小心", "english": "Heads up. Heads up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 不", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走", "english": "Walk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退出去", "english": "Stand down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯,我们应该逃跑", "english": "Drax, we should make a run for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该怎么办?", "english": "What are we going to do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们所有人,跟我来", "english": "All of you, come with---"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人,放下武器,否则我打爆这女人的脑袋", "english": "Everybody, lower your weapons or I blow this woman's brain out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是你的计划?", "english": "That's the plan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是一只小猫咪", "english": "You're a kitty cat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下你们的武器", "english": "Lower your weapons!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在杀了那个看起来像胡萝卜的,以表明我们是认真的", "english": "Now kill that one that looks like a carrot to show we mean business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝 过去的卡魔拉太刻薄了!", "english": "God! Past Gamora's just mean!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她一直都是这样,而我却成了坏人", "english": "She was always like that, and yet I was the bad guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不会杀任何人的", "english": "We are not killing anyone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后退", "english": "Back off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格鲁特,把飞船开过来 马上", "english": "Groot, bring the Bowie to us. Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是来救我们朋友的 仅此而已", "english": "We're here to save the life of our friend. That is all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们付钱让她帮我们进出", "english": "We paid her to help us get in and get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可能会认为这意味着,“哦,我们会悄悄滴干活,打枪滴不要”", "english": "You'd think that'd mean, \"oh, I'm gonna help them do it in a way that no one knows what's happening.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不是 她的意思是我要开枪杀人 威胁他人的生命", "english": "But no. What she means is I'm gonna shoot people. Threaten people's lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴", "english": "Shut up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我知道你可能在问“我为什么要信任她?”", "english": "And now I know you're probably asking \"why would I trust her?\" Well..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是个好问题", "english": "That's a good question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答案是", "english": "The answer is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们曾经相爱过", "english": "We used to be in love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,她是我的女朋友 只是她不记得了,因为那不是她", "english": "Yeah, she was my girlfriend. Only she doesn't remember it because it wasn't her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为她爸爸把她从魔法悬崖上扔了下去,她死了", "english": "Because her dad threw her off a magic cliff and she died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我发了脾气,几乎毁灭了半个宇宙", "english": "Then I lost my temper and nearly destroyed half the universe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后她回来了 从过去穿越来的 这就是她", "english": "And she came back. Out of the past. There she is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有穿越而来的人都死了 除了她 为什么?", "english": "Everyone else who died in the past stayed dead. Not her. Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是魔法悬崖吗?我不知道", "english": "Was it the magic cliff? I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是什么古怪的“无限宝石”科学家", "english": "I'm not some freakin' Infinity Stone scientist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是一个愚蠢的地球人 遇到了一个女孩,坠入了爱河", "english": "Just some dumbass Earth dude who met a girl, fell in love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个女孩死了", "english": "That girl died,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后回来的时候却是个十足的混蛋", "english": "and then came back a total dick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然漏掉了一些重要的信息,但是…", "english": "You left out some important information, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "八九不离十了", "english": "That is the gist of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到安全舵上去", "english": "Get to the security helm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了", "english": "Okay!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都趴下,不然我们就打爆你的头", "english": "Everybody down on the floor or we blow your brains out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿 我们不想---", "english": "Hey, hey, hey, hey. We don't want any---"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,哦,哦 我的天啊", "english": "Oh, oh, oh my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 你能不能别这样", "english": "Come on! Will you please stop doing that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑", "english": "Run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯", "english": "Drax!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴在地上,把手举起来", "english": "Get on the ground, and show me your hands now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欧拉", "english": "Ura..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请听我说 我们得带着这个离开这里", "english": "Please listen to me. We need to get out of here with this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去救我最好朋友的命", "english": "To save my best friend's life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能让我们进入外面那些警卫的系统,他们是好人,就像你一样…", "english": "If you can get us into the systems of those sentries out there, they are good people, like you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敢肯定", "english": "I'm certain of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我有机会和他们谈谈", "english": "And if I just had an opportunity to speak to them..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是公司的走狗,你个白痴 他们不会听的", "english": "They're corporate shills, you idiot. They're not gonna listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我发自内心地对他们说话,他们会听的", "english": "They will listen if I speak to them from my heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乌拉", "english": "Ura..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出来吧", "english": "Come out now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的", "english": "Damn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以进去了", "english": "You are in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只需要进入系统", "english": "I just needed to get into the system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Move it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉过你她喜欢我", "english": "Told you she was into me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 这看起来很酷", "english": "Yeah. That looked cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是天空吗", "english": "Is sky?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是天空 那是天花板", "english": "That's not sky. That's a ceiling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下正在为我们所有人创造一个新世界", "english": "Sire is making a new world for all of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我们到达那里时", "english": "And when we get there,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那儿就会是天空", "english": "there will be sky,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它会很美丽的", "english": "and it will be beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到永远", "english": "And forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直在想", "english": "I have been thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想什么", "english": "About what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,没什么特别的", "english": "Oh, nothing in particular."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想,既然你们是我最亲密的朋友", "english": "But I thought, since you guys are my closest friends,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也是我唯一的朋友", "english": "and my only friends,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们也许有兴趣知道我在想什么", "english": "you might be interested in knowing that I have been thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太酷了", "english": "That's cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也一直在想", "english": "I've been thinking, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于一些更奇特的东西", "english": "About something more singular."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当陛下带我们去新世界时", "english": "When sire moves us to the new world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得有个名字", "english": "we're gonna need names."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望我的名字是…", "english": "I would like my name to be..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱拉", "english": "Lylla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱拉", "english": "Lylla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱拉", "english": "Lylla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱拉", "english": "Lylla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个漂亮的名字,莱拉", "english": "That's a pretty name, Lylla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我应该叫牙牙", "english": "I think my name shall be Teefs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为尽管我们都有", "english": "Because although we all do have them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我的肯定是最突出的", "english": "mine are definitely the most prominent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就想叫作 地板", "english": "Me be called Floor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我躺在地板上", "english": "Because me is lying on floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你躺在地板上,所以你叫地板?", "english": "You're lying on a floor, so your name is Floor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是呀", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地板", "english": "Floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么你呢,朋友", "english": "What about you, friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总有一天,我会制造出能飞的机器", "english": "Someday, I'm gonna make great machines that fly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我和我的朋友们一起飞", "english": "And me and my friends are going to go flying together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进入永远美丽的天空", "english": "Into the forever and beautiful sky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱拉 牙牙 和地板", "english": "Lylla, and Teefs, and Floor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有我", "english": "And me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭", "english": "Rocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭", "english": "Rocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有朋友真的很好", "english": "It really is good to have friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从这里开始切开", "english": "Start the incision here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷静", "english": "Keep calm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么他从来没告诉过我们这些?", "english": "Why did he never tell us about any of this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这比灭霸对我做的还要可怕", "english": "This is worse than what Thanos did to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它在那里吗", "english": "Is it there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 但是今天有一个文件被删除了", "english": "No. But a file was removed today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下载并删除了一百万个字符", "english": "Downloaded and deleted a million characters at length."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生物识别显示是这个人干的", "english": "The biometrics say it was this man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今天在档案室外面见到过这个人", "english": "I saw this guy outside of records today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来像是至高进化的记录员", "english": "Looks like one of the High Evolutionary's recorders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至高进化吗?", "english": "The High Evolutionary?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥格集团的创始人?", "english": "The founder of OrgoCorp?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥格集团只是为他的实验提供资金 而这些实验并不符合星系间的法律", "english": "OrgoCorp is just a way to fund his experiments that lie outside intergalactic laws."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他创造了整个社会", "english": "He's created whole societies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泽罗尼亚人 动物人", "english": "Xeronians, the Animen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宇宙的各个角落都认为他是神", "english": "Corners of the universe consider him god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的, 什么? 他是格鲁特?", "english": "Yes, what? That he's Groot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说也许这个人把 密钥下载到了他头上的电脑里", "english": "He said maybe this man downloaded the passkey into the computer on his head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个东西 可以存储密钥", "english": "That can store the passkey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们找到他,我们就能拯救火箭", "english": "If we find him, we save Rocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把坐标输入导航系统", "english": "Put the coordinates in the nav."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Wait a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是在和我开玩笑吗?", "english": "Are you kidding me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想要的就是医务室里那只被掏空的獾", "english": "What he wants is that gutted badger in the med bay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你这是要直接告诉他吗?", "english": "And you're gonna bring it straight to him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这几乎可以肯定 就是一个陷阱", "english": "It's almost certainly a trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你知道是陷阱,那么陷阱就不是陷阱了 而是一场较量", "english": "A trap isn't a trap if you know the trap is trying to trap you. It's a face-off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你面对的是一个比你强大一千倍的人,那么较量就是一个陷阱", "english": "A face-off is a trap if you're facing off against a guy a thousand times more powerful than you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道至高进化是谁吗", "english": "Do you know who the High Evolutionary is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,他是个混蛋,解剖了我最好的朋友", "english": "Yeah, he's some dickhead who dissected my best friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二好", "english": "Second best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至高进化可不是你想惹就能惹得起的人", "english": "The High Evolutionary isn't someone you wanna think about messing with."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不会费那个脑子的, 直接干他", "english": "We won't think about it when we do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗?我不在乎", "english": "You know what? I don't care."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我送回掠夺者那里去吧,你们想做什么就去做吧", "english": "Just drop me off with the Ravagers and you go do whatever it is you wanna do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没有时间做这事了", "english": "We don't have time for this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是在问你 把我和我的人一起放下", "english": "I'm not asking you. Drop me off with my people now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的人", "english": "Your people?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掠夺者不是你的人 我才是该死的掠夺者 你不是", "english": "The Ravagers aren't your people. I'm a damn Ravager. You aren't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我知道你一直在寻找一个家,好吗?", "english": "Listen, I know you were always looking for a family, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我的卡魔拉,我爱过的人,她可没有和一群罪犯在一起", "english": "But my Gamora, the one I loved, she didn't find it with a group of criminals."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是和我们找到家的", "english": "She found it with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们这些关心你的人", "english": "People who care about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你还是那个人", "english": "I know that's who you still are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你的内心深处…", "english": "Somewhere inside of you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底害怕什么?要我为你做点什么吗?", "english": "What are you so afraid of in yourself, that I need to be something for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不在乎你那个版本的卡魔拉", "english": "I don't give a shit about your Gamora!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活造就了我", "english": "Life made me me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多亏了医疗舱里那只被掏空的獾,我得到了一些升级", "english": "I have a few upgrades courtesy of that gutted badger in the med bay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不会冒着他的生命危险 为你行个方便的", "english": "And we are not risking his life to make yours more convenient."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去你的", "english": "Screw you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去你们所有人的", "english": "Screw all of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在第一个护盾的外围发现了他", "english": "Found him on the outskirts of the first shield,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海盗补给船", "english": "pirating supply ships."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的很感激,好先生", "english": "I do appreciate this, good sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很感激你对奥格警卫退休基金的捐款", "english": "And I appreciate your contribution to the Orgosentry retirement fund."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的同事", "english": "Your associate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个叫卡魔拉的泽侯贝里人", "english": "A Zehoberi named Gamora."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我们拭目以待,不是吗?", "english": "Oh, we'll see about that, won't we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚当", "english": "Adam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚当", "english": "Adam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说让他看看我们是认真的", "english": "I said show him we mean business!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是瓦解他", "english": "Not disintegrate him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 到底是什么生意要我向他表明?", "english": "Well, what business could we have shown him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在他对我们毫无用处", "english": "But now he is of no use to us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,让我们问问这个人的朋友吧", "english": "Well let's just question the man's friend!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朋友? 你觉得那是他朋友吗?那只是一只动物", "english": "Friend? You think that's a friend? It's an animal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它看起来很伤心", "english": "He looks sad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话 我真的不喜欢这种感觉", "english": "I really don't enjoy how that's making me feel, actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的朋友是个白痴 我也有一个 我明白了", "english": "Your friend's a moron. I got one of those, too. I get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前哨吗", "english": "Outpost?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是卡魔拉 你在吗?", "english": "This is Gamora. Are you there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能听到这个,请回话", "english": "If you can pick this up, come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前哨 请回话", "english": "Outpost, come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 卡魔拉", "english": "Yes, Gamora."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问候你", "english": "Salutations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事吗", "english": "May I help?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我需要你们来接我", "english": "Well, I need you guys to come pick me up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要上传我所在飞船的位置链接", "english": "I'm gonna upload the location link to the craft I'm on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我想我们可以安排", "english": "Oh, I think we can arrange that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让你说的话 你一定需要对他说", "english": "You need to say to him exactly what I told you to say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不自己跟他说", "english": "Why don't you just say it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来没有人听我的", "english": "No one ever listens to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奎尔", "english": "Quill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活是一个池塘", "english": "Life is a pond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的一生都在女人之间辗转,就好像她们是池塘里的睡莲", "english": "And you spent your entire life leaping from woman to woman, as if they are lily pads upon this great pond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许你需要做的,奎尔…", "english": "Perhaps what you need to do, Quill..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我是说,因为这是一种类比", "english": "No, I mean, 'cause that's sort of an analogy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你还有这种能力… 我以为……", "english": "I didn't know that you were capable of that... I thought..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道很多比喻的,奎尔", "english": "I know lots of analogies, Quill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡魔拉的头就像一朵睡莲", "english": "Gamora's head is like a lily pad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为它是绿色的", "english": "Because it's green."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比喻", "english": "Analogy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且,看起来又蠢又浮躁", "english": "And also, stupid-looking and flappy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨天,我拉了一坨形状像鱼的便便", "english": "Yesterday, I made a poop shaped like a fish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使是我的屁股,也能用来作比喻", "english": "Even my butt, is capable of making an analogy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了什么事", "english": "What's happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "液体渗进了他的肺里", "english": "The fluid is in his lungs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下正在接受治疗,很快我们的试管就有了突破", "english": "Sire was in the middle of his treatment, soon we had a breakthrough with that tube."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许明天我们应该继续", "english": "Perhaps then we should resume tomorrow..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们明天不复工了,不", "english": "We will not resume tomorrow, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这啊", "english": "There you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈罗", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里面发生了什么?", "english": "What happened in there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是过滤太少了", "english": "It was too little filtration."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在高温下,是的,我们知道 我们解决了这个问题", "english": "In the hyperthermic, yes, we know. We fixed that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你是怎么知道的?", "english": "But how did you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我制造了你", "english": "I made you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道的", "english": "How did you know!?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为它奏效了", "english": "Because it worked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它奏效了", "english": "It worked..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愤怒 消失了", "english": "The rage, is gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们拥有了 一直追求的和平生物...", "english": "We have the peaceful creatures we always sought..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备住进新世界", "english": "Ready to inhabit the new world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要去新世界了", "english": "We're going to the new world?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 ...我们?", "english": "Oh... we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你", "english": "Look at you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就好像你是被那些胖乎乎的孩子们拼凑在一起一样", "english": "It's if you were cobbled together by fat-fingered children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么可能是一个完美物种的一部分呢?", "english": "How could you be part of a perfect species?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只是一 ...", "english": "You're simply a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一堆错误 是我们可以从那些真正重要的生物的困境中吸取的教训", "english": "medley of mistakes we could learn from in the plight of the creatures that truly mattered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以弄清楚细胞质过滤系统的复杂工作原理", "english": "You could figure out the complex workings of cytoplasmic filtration systems,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你不会明白的是", "english": "but you couldn't figure out that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那个大脑…", "english": "But that brain..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个,我很想做进一步的研究", "english": "That, I'd like to study further."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为早上的手术和移除做好准备吧", "english": "Prep it for surgery and removal in the morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它们烧成灰烬", "english": "Incinerate them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他快死了 我们需要那个秘钥", "english": "He's dying. We need that passkey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的时间不多了", "english": "We don't have long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们到了", "english": "We've arrived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这儿看起来就像... 家", "english": "That looks just like... home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就像是地球的复制品", "english": "It's like a replica of Earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这没有道理啊", "english": "It makes no sense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大气适合居住 重力相差不大", "english": "Atmosphere is habitable. Gravity is and/or minus one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈罗 我们没有恶意", "english": "Hello. We mean you no harm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说,他只是想把球扔给她", "english": "Listen to me, he was just trying to throw her back the ball."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 别", "english": "Please, no..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格鲁特 变怪兽", "english": "Groot! Full kaiju!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有理由害怕的", "english": "No reason to be afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下来,格鲁特", "english": "Get down, Groot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位,没事的 嘿", "english": "Everybody, it's okay. Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 我们不是来伤害你的", "english": "Hi. We're not here to harm you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 你看", "english": "Okay... you see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你膝盖用的", "english": "For your knee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只是想救我们的朋友", "english": "We just need to save our friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它不属于这里", "english": "It doesn't belong here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要用索维林人的方式训练它", "english": "I will train it in the ways of the Sovereign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会训练他不要那样做", "english": "I will train him not to do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这简直是亵渎神灵", "english": "The blasphemy even having it here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了它 马上", "english": "Kill it! Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是术士,妈妈,我受够了被人使唤", "english": "I'm the Warlock, mum, and I'm done of being ordered around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡魔拉在这里", "english": "Gamora is here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这意味着松鼠也…", "english": "Which means the squirrel is, also..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了拯救我们自己,我们必须抢先一步把它带到至高进化那里", "english": "To save ourselves, we must bring it to the High Evolutionary before his own people do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 是 坐 我们坐", "english": "Yeah, yeah. Sit. Let's sit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是粗鲁,这个就是这样用的", "english": "It's not rude, it's what it's here for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯,坐起来!笨蛋", "english": "Drax, sit up! Idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的朋友", "english": "Our friend,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他快死了", "english": "he's dying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们爱我们的朋友", "english": "We love our friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他快死了", "english": "But he is dying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不是快死了 而是已经死了", "english": "That's not dying. That's already dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会认为他已经死了", "english": "They'll think he's already dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会认为我们是来报仇的", "english": "They'll think we are here on a quest for revenge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯,坐起来", "english": "Drax, sit up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是为人们肩并肩坐在一起而设计的 把你的靴子从枕头上拿开", "english": "It's made for people to sit shoulder to shoulder right next to each other. Get your boots off their pillows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很难相信它没有多重用途", "english": "I find it hard to believe it doesn't have a multiple purpose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉 我的朋友是个笨蛋", "english": "I'm sorry. My friend is a dumbass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这表情就像你死了一样", "english": "That's the same as your dying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么事事挑剔?", "english": "Why do you criticize everything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那为什么沙发这么长呢?", "english": "So why is the couch long then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这声音跟“死了”是完全不同的", "english": "It was a totally different sound."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 并不是 呃 表示死了 呃 表示笨蛋 瞧 完全一样", "english": "No it isn't. Ugh! Dying... ugh! Dumbass... see? It's the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 伙计们 我可以继续了吗", "english": "Alright, guys. Can I proceed, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正在救我们的朋友", "english": "We're trying to save our friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯,我看到你了", "english": "Drax, I see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你现在根本不明白这一切", "english": "I understand that none of this makes any sense to you right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你的帮助", "english": "We need your help"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮我们找一个人", "english": "in finding a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来画一下 我要画出我们要找的人", "english": "I'm gonna draw. I'm gonna draw the man that we're looking for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到她头上的东西了吗? 他也有那个东西…", "english": "You see the thing on her head? He has a thing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是太好喝了", "english": "That is delightful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这样", "english": "There you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你见过这个人吗?", "english": "Have you seen this man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "画得太好了", "english": "That's very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请稍后把它挂在我的公寓里好吗?", "english": "Can I have that later to hang on my apartment, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 谢谢", "english": "Yeah, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的名字吗? 他的名字叫莫提奥?", "english": "His name? His name is Motio?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多莫提奥 那里", "english": "Many Motios. There?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在金字塔上", "english": "At the pyramid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯,和火箭呆在一起", "english": "Drax, stay here with Rocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着他,他们要找的就是他", "english": "Watch him, that's who they're coming for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼提斯,看着德拉克斯", "english": "Mantis, watch Drax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格鲁特,你应该知道该怎么处理这些", "english": "Groot, you know what to do with these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按下去", "english": "Push down on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在按住它", "english": "I am pushing down on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按那个按键", "english": "Push the button."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来你在按钥匙孔", "english": "It looks like you're pushing the keyhole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按下去", "english": "Press that in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 现在呢", "english": "Okay. Now what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开该死的车门", "english": "Open the fucking door!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是个愚蠢的设计", "english": "That is a stupid design."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你的说明 表达得很不清楚", "english": "And the instructions were very unclear!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去拿秘钥,拯救我们的朋友", "english": "Let's get that passkey and save our friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别说你是自愿的", "english": "Don't say you're volunteering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想让你开车 我能行", "english": "I don't want you to drive. I got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是一只非常忠诚的宠物", "english": "You must be a really loyal pet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他们愿意为你不顾一切", "english": "if they're willing to do all this for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是完美的社会吗", "english": "This is the perfect society?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下", "english": "Sire..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一个已经跑了两个小时了,一点汗都没有", "english": "This one has been running for two hours without breaking a sweat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太不可思议了,我…", "english": "That's incredible, if I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且他们可以在不到两分钟的时间内重新连接碳三烯酸核心", "english": "And they can rewire a carbonetrix core in under two minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但她准备好迎接新社群了吗?", "english": "But will she be ready for the new colony?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下 他们来了", "english": "Sire, they're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们到了", "english": "Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这意味着这是陷阱", "english": "Which means it is a trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一场较量", "english": "It's a face-off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她得待在这里", "english": "She stays here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你的手臂是一把枪", "english": "And your arm is a gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会没事的", "english": "It'll be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Move it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗,火箭", "english": "Are you okay, Rocket?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和火箭 现在 玩", "english": "Me and Rocket play now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在不行,地板", "english": "I can't right now, Floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,火箭 我们随时都可能去新世界", "english": "Yes they are, Rocket. We're going to the new world any day now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,这不可能是真的", "english": "No, that can't be true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是", "english": "It is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们想在早上把我们都杀了", "english": "They wanna kill us all in the morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我会解决的", "english": "But I'm gonna fix it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一把钥匙", "english": "It's a key."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要用它把我们都救出去", "english": "I'm gonna use it to get us all outta here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道这样做是否明智,火箭", "english": "I don't know if that's wise, Rocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我,火箭,离开 万岁,永远的朋友", "english": "Me, Rocket, leave! Hurray, friends forever!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在走廊尽头", "english": "Just down that hall,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那里有船", "english": "there's ships."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 如果 我们能找到一艘,我就能驾驶它", "english": "I know that if we can get to one, I can pilot it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我们会一起飞走", "english": "And then we'll all fly away together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们四个,就像我们一直说的,好吗?", "english": "The four of us, just like we always said, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭 天空 天空 天空", "english": "Rocket! Sky, sky, sky!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做到了", "english": "You did it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做到了", "english": "You did it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做到了", "english": "You did it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是太好了", "english": "It really is good to have---"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,我就猜到你会这么做", "english": "Yes, I imagined you'd do something like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天空", "english": "Sky..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭,牙牙,快走! 火箭,牙牙,快走!", "english": "Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now! Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我需要帮助", "english": "so I'll need assistance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭,牙牙,地板 快走", "english": "Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭,牙牙,地板 快走", "english": "Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住,不要伤到它的大脑", "english": "Remember, not to bruise its brain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你赢得了哭泣比赛,现在回到笼子里", "english": "You win the crying contest, now back in the cage!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭,牙牙,地板 快走", "english": "Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 火箭 拜托", "english": "Just go! Rocket, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭 火箭", "english": "Rocket! Rocket!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里 快点", "english": "Down here, hurry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什么", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有种不好的预感", "english": "I have a bad feeling about this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得让你待在这里", "english": "Peter just told you to stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,那是他的错", "english": "Yeah well, that's his fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他现在应该知道我从来不会听命于人", "english": "He should know by now that I never do anything that anyone ever tells me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得保护火箭", "english": "We need to protect Rocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,没错", "english": "Yeah, that's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以上车吧 然后我们骑车回飞船上去", "english": "So hop on. And we'll ride back to the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只骑到那边而已吗?", "english": "Just right over there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯 嘿,别犯浑了", "english": "Drax! Hey, stop being a jerk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 嘿 是的 就是你", "english": "You! Hey! Yeah, you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来拿秘钥 那东西就在你头上", "english": "I take it the passkey, it's in that thing on your head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议反对暴力", "english": "I would advise against aggression."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 现在有时间陪我了吗?", "english": "Oh, got time for me now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的朋友 有一次 曾占过我便宜", "english": "Your friend once took advantage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我吸取了教训", "english": "I learned my lessons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把一小部分的心智能力放在我自己的身上", "english": "I aimed some small part of my mental capacity back in my own direction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,操控重力本身就已满足了我的奇思妙想", "english": "And now, gravity itself serves my whims."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战猪,上", "english": "War Pig, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定对反地球很熟悉", "english": "You must find Counter-Earth familiar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球早就不是我的星球了", "english": "Earth hasn't been my planet in a long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的人民有…", "english": "Your people had..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美好的精神", "english": "Wonderful spirit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艺术、音乐和文学", "english": "The art, music and literature,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是全宇宙中最优秀的", "english": "were some of the finest in the universe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果没有无知和偏执,地球将是一个美妙的地方", "english": "Earth would be a fabulous place were it not for the ignorance and bigotry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不需要再听一个无能的疯子讲话", "english": "I don't need another speech by some impotent whackjob"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的母亲并不爱他 却为他征服宇宙找理由", "english": "whose mother didn't love him, rationalizing why he needs to conquer the universe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是想征服宇宙…", "english": "I'm not trying to conquer the universe..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是在完善它", "english": "I'm perfecting it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么...", "english": "What the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把獾放下", "english": "Drop the badger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想要密钥", "english": "I just want the passkey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说去死吧", "english": "He says suck my---"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么这么生气", "english": "Why are you so angry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我知道你对我们的朋友做了什么", "english": "Because I know what you did to our friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所做的一切,都是为了宇宙的美好", "english": "Anything I've done, I've done for the betterment of the universe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新闻快讯,爱因斯坦 美好的宇宙通常不包括一群章鱼向长着蟑螂头的人出售冰毒", "english": "Newsflash, Einstein. Better universes generally don't include a bunch of octopuses selling meth to guys with cockroach heads."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确实不包括", "english": "They do not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是为什么,就像我以前做过很多次的那样", "english": "Which is why, as I've done many times before..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要把它全部夷为平地", "english": "I'm going to have to raze it all,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后重新开始", "english": "and start again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到目标了", "english": "We're in possession of the subject."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀光他们", "english": "Kill them all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下", "english": "Stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说停下", "english": "I said stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么 你想让我把你留下,这样那个妈妈就可以领养你了吗?", "english": "What? Did you want me to leave you back so that mother could filet you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下", "english": "Stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么鬼 我们可是为同一个老板工作", "english": "What the hell, we're working for the same boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,但我需要功劳,伙计 为了拯救我的整个文明", "english": "Yes, but I need the credit, chum. To save my entire civilization."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以 做个好怪人…之类的事情", "english": "So be a good creepy... thing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后 退后", "english": "and back off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈", "english": "Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈", "english": "Mother!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼提斯,德拉克斯,回话", "english": "Mantis, Drax, come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼提斯,德拉克斯", "english": "Mantis, Drax?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能这么做,因为…", "english": "Well, we can't do that exactly, because..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不在船上", "english": "We're not in the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你到底在哪儿?", "english": "Then where the hell are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上起飞! 和火箭赶紧离开这个星球", "english": "Take off now! Get yourself and Rocket off the planet!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么型号的船啊", "english": "What kind of ship is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很有趣 真的", "english": "That's amusing, really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底有多蠢", "english": "How stupid are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这显然是个陷阱", "english": "It was so obviously a trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是陷阱,这是较量", "english": "It's not a trap, it's a face-off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 杀光他们", "english": "Now, kill them all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你手里拿的是什么", "english": "What do you have in your hand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "手雷", "english": "Grenade!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 不 不 求求你", "english": "No, no, no, no, no, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你放过我 嘿,放过我", "english": "Please spare me. Hey, spare me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 谢谢", "english": "Thank you, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那还为时过早", "english": "That'd be premature."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相当新颖的逃生计划", "english": "Quite a novel escape plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "头朝下跳进一个爆炸的星球", "english": "Jumping headfirst into an exploding planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会害咱俩送命的", "english": "You'll kill us both!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不一定", "english": "Not both!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么要这样做", "english": "Why are we doing this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奎尔和格鲁特在里面!我们必须把他们弄出来", "english": "Quill and Groot are inside! We have to get them out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格鲁特", "english": "Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论谁在驾驶舱,快启动刹车", "english": "Whoever's in the cockpit, activate the brake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转向机构卡住了", "english": "The steering mechanism is stuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,用力拉", "english": "Well, pull harder!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼吸困难", "english": "It's hard to breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正在进入太空", "english": "We are entering space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,讨厌", "english": "Oh, piss off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么样的怪物会屠杀一个文明", "english": "What kind of monster slaughters a civilization?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们很幸运,我推倒了那扇门", "english": "You're lucky I was able to knock down that door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭和卡魔拉,可能因为你而死掉", "english": "Rocket and Gamora, are probably dead because of you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么时候才能让自己长进点 你这个傻瓜小丑", "english": "When are you gonna stop using the excuse of being some big dumb clown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么贡献都没有,却总让我们替你收拾烂摊子!", "english": "for contributing nothing, and the rest of us having to carry your slack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别推他 你没有权利推他", "english": "Don't push him! You don't have the right to push him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你,你也好不到哪里去", "english": "And you, you're no better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们唯一能指望你的,就是当某人表现出弱点时,你会在他脑子里安慰他", "english": "The only thing we can count on you for, is when someone shows weakness, you'll be right there to support it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我不在乎", "english": "Fine, I don't care."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你 总是找别人的毛病 好让自己感觉好点", "english": "I know you need to find fault in everyone else to make yourself feel okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以在我身上找吧", "english": "So find it in me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,去死吧,曼 ---", "english": "Oh, go to hell, Mant-!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你没有权利推他", "english": "But you don't have the right to push him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他愚蠢又不是他的错", "english": "It's not his fault he's stupid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个累赘", "english": "He's a liability."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他让我们开怀大笑,他爱我们 他怎么会是个累赘呢", "english": "He makes us laugh and he loves us. How is that a liability?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你所关心的只是智力和能力", "english": "All you care about is intelligence and competence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不确定我是否欣赏这种辩护", "english": "Not sure I appreciate this defense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有悲伤...", "english": "He has sadness..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他是你们中唯一一个不恨自己的人", "english": "But he's the only one of you who doesn't hate himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不在乎他是否愚蠢", "english": "I don't care if he's stupid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为我愚蠢吗?", "english": "Do you think I'm stupid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忘了吧", "english": "Forget."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈!你们很幸运,我用我惊人的力量把门撞开了", "english": "Hah! You're lucky I was able to knock down that door with my incredible strength."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奎尔", "english": "Quill?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奎尔 你在吗", "english": "Quill, are you there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的翻译器里没有这种语言", "english": "This language isn't in my translator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 火箭 加油", "english": "Alright, Rocket. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莱拉", "english": "Lylla?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朋友", "english": "Friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不对劲", "english": "This isn't right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,不 这很好 它会起作用的 它在起作用了", "english": "No, no, no. It's good. It's gonna work. It's working."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它得快点", "english": "It needs to be faster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,真的很抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我害你被杀了", "english": "I got you killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是对的", "english": "You were right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天空很美", "english": "The sky is beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且直到永远", "english": "And it is forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我一直在和朋友们飞行", "english": "And I've been flying with our friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能来吗", "english": "Can I come?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 不", "english": "No, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会让他走的", "english": "I'm not letting him go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不是现在", "english": "But not yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这里仍然有目标", "english": "You still have a purpose here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么目标", "english": "A purpose for what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们无缘无故造了我们", "english": "They made us for nothing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做完实验后又把我们毁掉", "english": "Just stupid experiments to be thrown away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是那双手造就了我们…", "english": "There are the hands that made us..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一双手引导着这双手", "english": "and then there are the hands that guide the hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我心爱的浣熊", "english": "My beloved raccoon..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个故事一直都是你的 你只是不知道而已", "english": "This story has been yours all along. You just didn't know it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是浣熊", "english": "I'm not a raccoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云在哪儿", "english": "Where's Nebula?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她 她 呃", "english": "She, she's, uh...."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为她的代码在你身后的通讯系统上", "english": "Because her code is on the comm behind you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我下了船", "english": "No, I got off the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在船上", "english": "On the ship!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我让你回去的 你应该了解我的", "english": "No, I told you to go back. You gotta know by now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我总是能在关键时刻想出办法 摆脱困境的", "english": "I always figure out a clever way to get out of a fix!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他我们来救他了", "english": "Tell him we're coming to save him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "集中注意力或者和孩子们一起玩 要么这样,要么那样", "english": "Pay attention or play with the kids. One or the other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都是在瞎编木头人说的话,对吧?", "english": "You're all just making up stuff that he's saying, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重要的是我们都没事", "english": "The important thing is we're all okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭", "english": "Rocket?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,他在这里,他好了", "english": "Yes, he's here and he's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭,我们非常爱你,很高兴你还活着", "english": "Rocket, we love you very much and we're happy you're alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你们就是白痴了", "english": "Well that makes you idiots, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说得对", "english": "He's right about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回你们的笼子里去", "english": "Back in your cages!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云", "english": "Nebula?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云 回话", "english": "Nebula, come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,你想参加格斗比赛,是吗", "english": "So, you'd like to joust, would you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下地狱去吧,你个恶心的混蛋", "english": "Go to hell, you sick son of a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些人都是你杀的", "english": "You killed all of those people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我对你的朋友一样", "english": "As I will your friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把坐标发给你", "english": "I'm sending you the coordinates."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会死的 除非你把我想要的东西还给我", "english": "They will die unless you bring me what is mine!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去你的,你这拉皮脸, 机械战警, 骷髅怪人,紫薯精,混蛋", "english": "Screw you, you stretch-faced, Robocop looking, Skeletor wannabe, purple-nurple, piece of---"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他挂断了", "english": "He hung up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得呢?", "english": "You think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏联人把我送上了火箭", "english": "The Soviets put me on a rocket"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很清楚我再也回不来了, 我会死在一个火热的死球里", "english": "knowing full well I never to return and I will die in a fiery ball of death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使是苏联人也从不做的一件事", "english": "The one thing even Soviets never do,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是叫我“臭狗”", "english": "is call me \"bad dog.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我的天,忘了那句话吧", "english": "Oh, my God, just let it go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉格林,拜托 收回那句话吧", "english": "Kraglin, please, just take it back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这简直要了我们的命", "english": "This is killing us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实上,如果她真是一只臭狗,我就无法收回那句话", "english": "I can't take it back if she is, in fact, a bad dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它从未停止过伤害", "english": "It never stops hurting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得去救星云,曼提斯和德拉克斯", "english": "We need to save Nebula, Mantis and Drax,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你的帮助", "english": "and we need your help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我吗", "english": "Me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你把他弄丢的,你个笨蛋", "english": "You're the one who lost him, you twit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地狱之子听到了,陛下", "english": "The hellspawn heard it, sire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令人作呕的词", "english": "That rancid word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想知道,直接去新殖民地", "english": "I'm merely wondering whether it might be wiser,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要卷入不必要的冲突,是否更明智", "english": "to go directly to the new colony and not engage in unnecessary conflict."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可以在不到两分钟的时间内重新连接碳三烯酸核心", "english": "They can rewire a carbonetrix core in under two minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那是什么,维姆", "english": "But what is that, Vim?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在人类数百年的创造中,只有一项发明 是真正的发明", "english": "In hundreds of years of our creations, only one has known true invention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有一项", "english": "One."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其余的都是垃圾", "english": "Putrid in every other way,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 陛下", "english": "Yes, sire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无法思考的民众", "english": "A populace unable to think,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有思想的平民 将会死亡", "english": "what hasn't yet been thought, will die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样我们才能在进入新殖民地之前", "english": "so we can transfer that trait into these creatures"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将这种特性转移到这些生物身上", "english": "before we go to the new colony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他的都不重要", "english": "Nothing else matters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是怎么到这里来的?", "english": "How did they get down here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得会试着去太空港", "english": "Peter will be trying to get to the spaceport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不知道孩子们的事", "english": "He doesn't know about the children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你", "english": "You!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你告诉船上所有的孩子远离右舷的墙", "english": "We need you to let all the other children onboard know to stay away from the starboard walls!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们只知道三个奇怪的单词,其中两个是啾啾", "english": "They know three freaking words and two of them are joob."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 听我说", "english": "No! Listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要和其他孩子谈谈", "english": "You need to talk to the other children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都在这里,告诉他们", "english": "All of them here, and tell them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "远离那个可怕的----", "english": "to stay away, from the freakin'----"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底在干什么,曼提斯", "english": "What the hell are you doing, Mantis?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在解释啊,笨蛋", "english": "Explaining it, dickhead!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们吓到他们了", "english": "You're scaring them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好,白痴们", "english": "Hello, dumb idiots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我曾有个像你一样的小女孩", "english": "I had a little girl like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道她以前喜欢什么吗?", "english": "You know what she used to like?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她喜欢我发出猴子的声音", "english": "She liked when I made monkey noises."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那怎么会是猴子", "english": "How is that a monkey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难倒我了", "english": "Beats me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会告诉其他孩子离右舷的墙远点", "english": "They're gonna tell the other kids to stay away from the starboard wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不告诉我们 你一直都懂他们的语言", "english": "Why didn't you tell us you knew their language this whole time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不问我呢", "english": "Why didn't you ask?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这可能是徒劳的,奎尔", "english": "This could be futile, Quill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他太强大了", "english": "He's too powerful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,那我们就死定了", "english": "Well then, I guess we'll die trying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么拼命到底是图个啥呀?", "english": "What is dying trying gonna accomplish?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者我们可以直接给他一只獾", "english": "Or we can just give him the badger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的风格,就是拼命三郎", "english": "Our thing, is dying trying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经知道你是谁了", "english": "I know who you are already!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请随时留在货物区", "english": "Feel free to stay behind in the cargo area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会把我妹妹留给那个混蛋", "english": "I'm not leaving my sister with that jackass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你的", "english": "This you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从你的包里掉出来", "english": "Fell out of your bag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说干就干", "english": "Let's do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Wait..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Wait..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你几乎不得不佩服他们的勇气", "english": "You almost have to admire their pluck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下", "english": "Sire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊,你这个变态", "english": "Howdy there, you freakin' creep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "轮到你了,斯蒂米", "english": "You're on, Steemie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一级准备", "english": "First barrel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二级准备", "english": "Second barrel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三级准备", "english": "Third barrel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四级准备", "english": "Fourth barrel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人间大炮", "english": "Hard starboard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发射", "english": "And, fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们突破了太空港", "english": "They've breached the spaceport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "释放所有的地狱之子", "english": "Release the hellspawn, all of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下,地狱之子的诞生只是为了保卫新世界", "english": "Sire, the hellspawn were created solely to defend the new colony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上执行", "english": "Do it now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后杀光那个大脑袋里所有人", "english": "and kill everyone in the head of that dead god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太空港已完全开放,船长,但我们只有这些武器", "english": "Spaceport wide open, Cap'n, but that armaments was all we had."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭,格鲁特,快,快", "english": "Rocket, Groot, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进入那个太空港", "english": "Get inside that spaceport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞什么鬼", "english": "What the hell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗷,拜托", "english": "Aww, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉格林,我们被渗透了!", "english": "Kraglin, we have been infiltrated!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备交易", "english": "Open the pit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下,我们的交易谈判几乎没本钱了", "english": "Sire, our bargaining power will be gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿比利斯克", "english": "Abilisks!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天", "english": "Good God..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边走", "english": "This way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再往前走一步,这个奇怪的东西就会被干掉", "english": "One more step and this weird thing gets it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要鲁莽", "english": "Don't be rash."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚才在编什么程序?", "english": "What were you programming?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什么?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼提斯 停下", "english": "Mantis, stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们吃的是电池,不是人", "english": "They eat batteries, not people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许他们只是害怕我们 对它做的坏事", "english": "Maybe they're just scared of what we are gonna do to them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不会伤害你的", "english": "We're not gonna hurt you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都会好起来的", "english": "Everything is going to be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用你的真心 孩子", "english": "Use your heart, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一条狗", "english": "A dog?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是一只好狗", "english": "She's a good dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道 你相信我是只好狗", "english": "I knew you believe I'm good dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,好吧 放开我,你这个白痴", "english": "Alright, alright, alright. Get off me you idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下,我们必须撤退 飞船要完了", "english": "Sire, we must retreat. The ship is going down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太空港有入侵者", "english": "The spaceport has intruders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陛下,你对这只动物有一种非理性的执念", "english": "Sire, you have an irrational obsession with this animal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看在上帝的份上,你必须停下来", "english": "You must stop for God's sake---"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来就没有上帝! 这就是我开创事业的原因!", "english": "There is no god! That's why I stepped in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "管制员,我要接手阿雷特号指挥权", "english": "Controller, I am taking command of the Arete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "脱离飞船所有受损部分", "english": "Disengage all damaged sectors of the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后撤退", "english": "And retreat..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人员", "english": "all personnel..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "入侵者已经登船", "english": "Intruders have boarded the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前往右舷太空港", "english": "Head to the starboard spaceport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后杀死剩下的", "english": "And kill the rest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们进去,救出曼提斯,星云和德拉克斯", "english": "We go in there, we get Mantis, Nebula and Drax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们进去,干掉他们,然后离开", "english": "We move in, we get them, and get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来酷吗?", "english": "Did that look cool?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新计划 我们现在赶紧离开这里", "english": "New gameplan. We get the hell outta here now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这艘船上有成千上万的生物", "english": "There are thousands of creatures on this ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它的意思是“朋友”", "english": "It means friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们想活命,就得马上离开", "english": "If we want to live, we have to leave now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整个塔台随时都会倒塌", "english": "This whole rig is gonna go down any second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们不帮助他们,他们都会死的", "english": "They will all die, if we don't help them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想再跑了", "english": "I'm done runnin'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甲板上有个大洞", "english": "There's a big hole up in the deck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们能把它和虚无之地连接起来", "english": "If we can connect that to Knowhere,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就能把幸存者带到安全的地方", "english": "we can lead the survivors to safety."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云和我去开飞船", "english": "Nebs and me will pilot the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们去拯救所有的高级生命", "english": "You guys save all the higher life forms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好, 傻孩子", "english": "Hello, moron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来 来吧", "english": "Follow me, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走 走 走", "english": "Go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,往这边走…", "english": "Um, this way to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,不用客气", "english": "Yes, you're welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对着你身后可怕的东西尖叫 不是你", "english": "I was screaming at something scary behind you. Not you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来真的很酷", "english": "You look really cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想杀我就杀吧,但祝你能顺利离开这里", "english": "Kill me if you want, but then good luck getting out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他走吧 那家伙是我们唯一的机会", "english": "Let him go. That guy's our only chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找到了足够大的破洞", "english": "I got a space big enough to get through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得看看能不能把它换成可穿透的护盾", "english": "I gotta find out if I can change it to a permeable shield."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会开这破玩意 控制装置都坏了", "english": "I can't fly this freakin' thing. The controls are all screwed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来吧", "english": "I'll do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去帮助其他人吧 等等,把你的电话给我", "english": "Go help the others. Wait, give me your comm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉格林,我从这边驾驶", "english": "Kraglin, I'll pilot from this side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星云,王者归来了", "english": "Nebula, back in action."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 快点 快点", "english": "Come on, come on, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 等等 等等 等等 等等 停下 停下", "english": "Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些是孩子吗?", "english": "Are those kids?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,科斯莫,对接起来", "english": "Okay, Cosmo, stitch it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它需要密封,孩子们才能通过", "english": "It needs to be airtight for the kids to make it across!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "锁定中 船长", "english": "Locking up, captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走 马上 走", "english": "Go, now, go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个一个来 一个一个来", "english": "One by one. One by one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接上了 正在下坠", "english": "Landing in, and headed down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边走 这边走", "english": "This way, this way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么要这么做? 我之前一直想杀你", "english": "Why are you doing this? I tried to kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说 每个人都应该有第二次机会", "english": "He says everyone deserves a second chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是如此地强大", "english": "You are so strong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 你们怎么这么慢", "english": "Come on! Why are you so slow?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭在哪里", "english": "Where is Rocket?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为你能摆脱我吗", "english": "You thought you could escape me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得 没有我 你还有价值吗?", "english": "You think you have some worth in and of yourself without me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是个讨厌鬼", "english": "You are an abomination!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只不过是我在路上踏出的一小步", "english": "Nothing more than a step, on my path!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这个变态的小怪物", "english": "You freakish little monster!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么敢认为你比我强", "english": "How dare you think you are more?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫火箭 火箭浣熊", "english": "The name's Rocket. Rocket Raccoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的脸掉了", "english": "His face came off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一个面具", "english": "It's a mask."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你对我做了什么", "english": "Look what you did to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了什么?", "english": "For what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想做的…", "english": "All I wanted to do..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是让事物变得完美", "english": "was to make things perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是想让事物变得完美", "english": "You didn't want to make things perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只是讨厌事物本来的样子", "english": "You just hated things the way they are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了他", "english": "Kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我是他妈的银河系的守护者", "english": "Because I'm a freakin' Guardian of the Galaxy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得马上离开这里", "english": "We have to get out of here, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须拯救他们", "english": "We have to save them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把所有的孩子都带上了", "english": "We've got all the kids on board."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,彼得 还有剩下的", "english": "No, Pete. The rest of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 快点 快走", "english": "Come on! Come on, move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Move it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点 快点", "english": "Come on, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为我们只局限于高级生命形式", "english": "I thought we were limiting ourselves to the higher life forms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "Me, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油,宝贝 加油,宝贝", "english": "Go babies. Go, babies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我坚持不住了", "english": "I cannot hold... much..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奎尔", "english": "Quill!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶快", "english": "Hurry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得", "english": "Peter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得", "english": "Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来", "english": "Did that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "酷吗?", "english": "... look cool?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科斯莫", "english": "Cosmo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事", "english": "I'm okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢,告诉他们我是对的…", "english": "Thanks, just tell them I'm gonna be right..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是格鲁特", "english": "I am Groot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 和你一起工作也很愉快", "english": "Yeah. It's good working with you too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 卡魔拉,准备好了吗?", "english": "Hey Gamora, are you ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的 我终究不是你记忆中的那个人", "english": "You know I'm still not who you want me to be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你的本性并没有那么坏", "english": "But who you are ain't so bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们以前一定很有趣", "english": "I bet we were fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像你不会相信的那样", "english": "Like you wouldn't believe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我需要和大家谈谈", "english": "I think I need to talk to everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以,你要离开了?", "english": "So, you're gonna leave?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从那以后我一直在逃避", "english": "and I have been running ever since."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要花点时间", "english": "I'm gonna need to take some time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学习如何游泳", "english": "Learn how to swim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "I as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你们大家", "english": "I love you all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的", "english": "I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在我的一生中,我做了伊戈想要我做的事", "english": "But my whole life, I did whatever Ego wanted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后 我又做了守护者该做的事", "english": "And then I did whatever the Guardians wanted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要出去走走 去发现我的新目标", "english": "I need to go out and discover what I want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才是重点", "english": "That's the whole point."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你需要有人保护你", "english": "But you need someone to protect you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是担心你不可思议的弱点", "english": "Just because of your incredible weakness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 天啊,你真让人沮丧", "english": "Oh, my God, you're so frustrating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德拉克斯,我这儿需要你", "english": "Drax, I need you here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正在建设一个新社会", "english": "We're building a new society."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要为那些孩子们提供一切力所能及的支持", "english": "I need all the support I can get for those children out there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天,我看到了真正的你", "english": "Today, I saw who you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是天生的毁灭者", "english": "You weren't born to be a destroyer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你天生就是当爸爸的料", "english": "You were born to be a dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你还会领导守护者吗?", "english": "So you'll lead the Guardians then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要领导这座城市", "english": "I'm going to lead the city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让它成为我从未有过的家", "english": "Make it the type of home I never had."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这样吗?", "english": "So that's it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "组队结束了?", "english": "The group's over?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "银河系仍然需要守护者", "english": "The galaxy still needs its guardians."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你,会成为一个比我更优秀的领导者…", "english": "And you, will make a better leader than I ever was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "船长", "english": "Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你们,伙计们", "english": "I love you, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎回家", "english": "Welcome home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我可能弄错了…", "english": "I think I might be at the wrong..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找杰森·奎尔", "english": "I'm looking for Jason Quill?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 请进", "english": "Yes. Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得", "english": "Pete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 外公", "english": "Hi, Grandpa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你们最喜欢的表演团体呢?", "english": "Okay, how about your favorite musical act?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菲拉,你先来", "english": "Phyla, you first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加斯·布鲁克斯", "english": "Garth Brooks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡朋特乐队的歌 一首烂的没有", "english": "The Carpenters did not have a single bad song."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚德里安·比劳", "english": "Adrian Belew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是独唱 还有他和克里姆森国王乐队的合作", "english": "Both solo, and his work with King Crimson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你呢 船长", "english": "What about you, captain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,这个有点特别", "english": "Oh, this one's kinda special."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜它们来了", "english": "Guess they're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Well..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一个人就能搞定,如果你们想放松的话", "english": "I can handle this by my lonesome if you all wanna chill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,如果我们一起上,会很快的", "english": "Nah, nah, it'll go fast if we all do it together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格鲁特,醒醒", "english": "Groot, wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有为它们感到一点点难过?", "english": "Do ya ever feel a little sad for them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 当然 但这些市民无法保护自己", "english": "Yeah, sure. But these townsfolk can't protect themselves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听你的吩咐,船长", "english": "On your word, Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吩咐", "english": "Word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果她需要帮忙修剪草坪,我会帮她,但我觉得她的儿子应该帮忙", "english": "If she needs help mowing the lawn, I'll do it but I kinda feel like her son should help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会坐在门廊上看我吗?", "english": "Is he gonna sit on the porch and watch me do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这感觉很奇怪", "english": "It just feels weird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别惹我发飙", "english": "Don't get me started."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 真的吗", "english": "Oh, really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有点想知道", "english": "I kinda wanna know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由於停火過晚 沒能挽救這些村莊…", "english": "The latest ceasefire came too late to save these villages..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天克林頓總統表示將密切關注", "english": "Today President Clinton voiced concerns"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "薩拉熱窩日益惡化的局勢…", "english": "at the deteriorating situation in Sarajevo..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當人們問我 尊敬的聽眾朋友們", "english": "When people ask me, good listeners,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼我討厭所有的圖西族人", "english": "why do I hate all the Tutsi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說 「去看看我們的歷史吧」", "english": "I say, \"Read our history. \""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圖西族曾通敵比利時殖民者", "english": "The Tutsi were collaborators for the Belgian colonists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們強佔我們胡圖族的土地 用鞭子抽我們", "english": "They stole our Hutu land, they whipped us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在這些圖西族反叛分子 他們回來了", "english": "Now they have come back, these Tutsi rebels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們如同蟑螂 他們是殺人犯", "english": "They are cockroaches. They are murderers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盧旺達是我們胡圖族的領地 我們才是主人", "english": "Rwanda is our Hutu land. We are the majority."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們則是少數叛國者和侵略者", "english": "They are a minority of traitors and invaders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要粉碎他們的橫行 消滅RPF反叛分子", "english": "We will squash the infestation. We will wipe out the RPF rebels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你收聽的是RTLM(千丘廣播電台)胡圖族官方電台", "english": "This is RTLM, Hutu Power Radio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持警惕 防範鄰居", "english": "Stay alert. Watch your neighbors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些事給你的 先生 剛從哈瓦那(古巴首都)帶來的", "english": "These are for you, sir, They're fresh from Havana,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了 下次你去那兒代我向菲德爾問好", "english": "Wonderful, Next time you are there, tell Fidel that I said hello,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生們 很高興見到你們", "english": "Good to see you gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是支上等的雪茄 先生", "english": "That is a fine cigar, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是Cohiba牌的雪茄(註:Cohiba是世界頂級雪茄煙品牌)", "english": "This is a Cohiba cigar,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼講 先生?", "english": "What do you mean, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不缺錢的 但是…如果我給他一支Cohiba牌的雪茄", "english": "He is rich, But if I give him a Cohiba cigar"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直接從古巴首都哈瓦那帶回來的…嘿 這就體面了 杜比", "english": "straight from Havana, Cuba,,, Hey, that is style, Dube,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是蠻體面", "english": "Style,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是最好的 對吧?", "english": "The best, eh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那今天的集會 你會來參加吧?", "english": "So, you're going to join us at the rally today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會盡力而為 喬治", "english": "I will try my best, George,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些日子我沒時間參加集會和政治活動", "english": "but these days I have no time for rallies and politics,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "政治就是權勢 保羅 胡圖族的權勢", "english": "Politics is power, Paul, Hutu power,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及財富", "english": "And money,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在是你加入的時候了", "english": "It's time for you to join your people,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝 喬治", "english": "Thank you, George,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是時間也是金錢", "english": "But time is also money,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天我要在常規訂單的基礎上", "english": "I need six extra cases of beer today,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再加六箱啤酒", "english": "along with the regular order,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "見到你總是很高興 保羅", "english": "I'm always glad to see you, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放回去!放回去!那不是啤酒!", "english": "Put that back! Put that back! That's not beer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 嘉士伯牌的沒了 但別擔心", "english": "Paul, don't worry about the Carlsberg,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會給你喜力牌的 我不向你額外收費", "english": "I'll give you Heineken, and I won't charge you extra,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從中國買的便宜貨——每把十分錢", "english": "A bargain buy from China-- ten cents each,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道嗎 我至少能賣五十分", "english": "You know, I'll get at least fifty,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少", "english": "At least,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喬治·盧塔甘達是個壞人", "english": "George Rutaganda is a bad man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在廣播上聽到 他叫胡圖族屠殺所有圖西族人", "english": "I've heard him on the radio telling the Hutus to kill all the Tutsis,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盧塔甘達那幫人 都是白癡 杜比", "english": "Rutaganda and his people, they are fools, Dube,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們的好景到頭了", "english": "Their time is soon over,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管怎樣 這是談生意", "english": "Anyway, this is business,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別 別 坐直 杜比 坐直", "english": "No, no, sit up, Dube, Sit up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶點笑容 杜比 別引人注目", "english": "Smile, Dube, Don't attract attention to yourself,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些人有的是我鄰居 他們知道我是圖西族人", "english": "Some of these men are my neighbors, They know that I'm Tutsi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稍微笑笑 就好像大家都是朋友 杜比", "english": "Just smile as if they are friends, Dube,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在這兒幹什麼?", "english": "What are you doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 胡圖族勢力 胡圖族勢力 胡圖族勢力!", "english": "No, no, Hutu power, Hutu power, Hutu power!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 是的!", "english": "Okay, Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "離開這兒", "english": "Get out of here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "箱子裏有水滲出", "english": "There's water coming from the box,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停在這兒 我們從前面走", "english": "Park here, We'll go in the front,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格萊戈瓦 請幫忙把水拖一下", "english": "Gregoire, please help with this water,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格萊戈瓦!", "english": "Gregoire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們希望看到歹徒", "english": "We were hoping to go see the gorilla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你應該和我們旅行隊聯繫一下", "english": "You must contact our safari desk,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杜比 這兒是大廳", "english": "Dube, this is the lobby,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十隻活的 十二隻死的", "english": "Ten alive, twelve are dead,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要緊", "english": "All right,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把殼留著", "english": "But save the shells,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用東西…", "english": "Fill them with,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杜比", "english": "Dube,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夠體面 先生", "english": "Style, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 先生", "english": "Yes, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比齊蒙戈將軍 問題在於 我得知", "english": "The problem is, General Bizimungu, I have information"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校 聯合國 不必擔心部族的問題", "english": "Colonel, the U,N, need not worry about the lnterhamwe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們能有效控制他們", "english": "We will control them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這瓶蘇格蘭威士忌不同尋常", "english": "This scotch is exceptional,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是我們最受歡迎的單一麥芽威士忌 我知道你會喜歡的", "english": "It is our most popular single malt, I knew you'd like it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧利弗上校 很榮幸見到您 先生", "english": "Colonel Oliver, it is a pleasure to see you, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "見到你很高興 保羅", "english": "Good to see you, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍 我來介紹一下今天的龍蝦", "english": "General, let me recommend the lobster for lunch today,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是精心準備的——空運來的", "english": "It is spectacular-- straight off the plane,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基加利鮮龍蝦 你讓我們感到自豪 保羅", "english": "Fresh lobster in Kigali, You do us proud, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在存衣處 我也給你留了點", "english": "I left a little something for you at the coat check,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 先生們", "english": "Excuse me, gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還需要麵粉 給我兩袋麵粉", "english": "I need flour, Give me two bags of flour,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好 女士們", "english": "Good afternoon, ladies,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊麗莎白 拜託把這個放到將軍的衣箱裏", "english": "Elizabeth, please put these in the general's briefcase,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 先生", "english": "Yes, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是RTLM(千丘廣播電台) 胡圖族官方電台", "english": "This is RTLM, Hutu Power Radio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要帶給總統先生一個消息", "english": "I have a message for our president."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警惕 別相信圖西族反叛分子", "english": "Beware. Do not trust the Tutsi rebels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別和他們握手 他們會殺了你", "english": "Do not shake the hand that will stab you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們對待你會像…", "english": "They will treat you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由於簽署聯合國和平條約的最後期限正在逼近", "english": "as the deadline for the U. N.-brokered peace agreement approaches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊 保羅先生", "english": "Hello, Mr, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 耶利米", "english": "Hello, Jeremiah,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 先生", "english": "Hello, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回頭見", "english": "See you soon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你弟弟和女孩們都在這兒", "english": "So your brother and the girls are here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一、二、三…", "english": "One, two, three,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 卡琳!", "english": "Oh, Carine!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 愛耐絲 我看看 輪到你了", "english": "Okay, Anais, let me see, Your turn,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一、二、三…", "english": "One, two, three,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我帶了巧克力 誰要巧克力?", "english": "I have chocolates, Who wants chocolates?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 爸爸 看這個", "english": "Hey, Papa, watch this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 天哪 呃 這兒 巧克力 巧克力 誰想要?", "english": "Oh, my goodness, Well, here, chocolates, chocolates, Who wants?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給保羅叔叔說謝謝", "english": "Say thank you to your Uncle Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們進去", "english": "Let's go in,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "商店的生意不景氣 飯店情況怎麼樣?", "english": "Things are very slow at the shop, How are things at the hotel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很忙 很多人來看暴徒", "english": "Very busy, Many people visiting the gorillas,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多外國記者為和平協定而來…", "english": "A lot of foreign press arriving for the peace acc--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去看看怎麼回事 沒事兒", "english": "I'll go see what's happening, It's all right,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我們說的都是實話 我們不認識…", "english": "No, we are telling the truth, We do not know any,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜 回屋裏去 你快回去", "english": "Tatiana, go back in the house, You must go back,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別 上校 你看…", "english": "No, Captain, you see--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我 不是我 上校 上校", "english": "It's not me, It's not me, Captain, Captain,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼帶他走?求求你了 求求你了", "english": "Why are you taking him away? Please, please,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!不!", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得想想辦法", "english": "We must do something,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不去 我不去", "english": "I'm not going, I'm not going,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶到車上去 馬上!", "english": "Get him in the truck, Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得想想辦法", "english": "We must do something,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你幫幫他!", "english": "Please help him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 維克托!", "english": "Oh, Victor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "維克托!", "english": "Victor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們無能為力", "english": "There is nothing we can do,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們為什麼抓維克托?", "english": "Why would they arrest Victor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他沒從事過政治活動啊", "english": "He has no politics,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰知道?", "english": "Who knows?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人看不慣他 就說他替反叛分子當間諜", "english": "Someone who didn't like him denounced him as a rebel spy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直有這種事發生", "english": "Happens all the time now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許你可以聯繫一下軍隊裏的熟人", "english": "Maybe you could call one of your contacts in the army,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以讓他幫幫忙", "english": "You could ask as a favor,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我不", "english": "No, I could not,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎 我整天都在取悅於這個軍官、", "english": "Tatsi, all day long I work to please this officer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個外交官、一些旅遊的人 就是為了得到他們的支持", "english": "that diplomat, some tourist, to store up favors"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是當「我們」需要幫助時", "english": "so if there is a time when we need help,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能找到能起作用的人", "english": "I have powerful people I can call upon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可維克托是個好鄰居啊", "english": "But Victor was a good neighbor,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不是我的家人 家人才是至關重要的", "english": "He is not family, Family is all that matters,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 拜託 這件事就按我說的辦", "english": "Please, please, leave these things to my good judgment,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個安排簡直是胡扯", "english": "This assignment is bullshit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 在上等飯店呆著就沒人能傷害我們了?", "english": "Come on, A few days in a nice hotel, no one shooting at us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生們 歡迎光臨米爾·科林斯飯店", "english": "Gentlemen, welcome to the Mille Collines,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是保羅·盧斯賽伯吉納 客房經理", "english": "I am Paul Rusesabagina, the house manager,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有任何需要 和我說便是", "english": "Anything that you need, please find me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那胡圖族人和圖西族人有什麼區別?", "english": "So, what is the actual difference between a Hutu and a Tutsi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按照比利時殖民者的說法", "english": "According to the Belgian colonists,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圖西族人更高 且舉止更為優雅", "english": "the Tutsis are taller and more elegant,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼講?", "english": "How?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們把鼻子較窄的、皮膚較白的人挑出來", "english": "They picked people, those with thinner noses, lighter skin,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們曾經測量所有人鼻子的寬度", "english": "They used to measure the width of people's noses,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比利時人利用圖西族人來統治國家", "english": "The Belgians used the Tutsis to run the country,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們離開後 又把政權交給了胡圖族人", "english": "Then when they left, they left the power to the Hutus,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然胡圖族人由於被鎮壓多年", "english": "and of course the Hutus took revenge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "便對圖西族的政界要人採取了報復行為", "english": "on the elite Tutsis for years of repression,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說的對嗎 保羅?", "english": "Am I telling the truth, Paul?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 很不幸的遭遇 請把這個給將軍", "english": "Yes, unfortunately, Please take this to the general,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本尼迪克特是基加利最好的記者 這方面的專家", "english": "Benedict is our finest journalist in Kigali, an expert on the subject,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你是哪個族的 保羅?", "english": "So what are you, Paul?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是胡圖族", "english": "I am Hutu,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生們", "english": "Gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 寶貝 能問個私人問題嗎?", "english": "Excuse me, honey, Can I ask you a personal question?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還能是雙胞胎", "english": "They could be twins,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去拿攝像機 將軍要接見我們", "english": "Get the camera, The general's going to give us an interview,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聯合國高級軍官聲稱盧旺達秘密組織了武裝力量", "english": "Senior U.N. officers claim that the Rwandan army is secretly training"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將胡圖族民兵裝備為部落民兵", "english": "and arming the Hutu militia called the Interhamwe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就這項聲明 我採訪了武裝力量的領袖比齊蒙戈將軍", "english": "I put this claim to the head of the armed forces, General Bizimungu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 我們從未訓練民兵", "english": "No. No, we have not been training the militia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聯合國對此表示指責是錯誤的", "english": "The U. N. are mistaken in this accusation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你贊成總統和反叛分子簽署和平協定嗎?", "english": "Do you support your president's agreement to make peace with the rebels?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全軍上下都支持總統的決定", "english": "The president has the full support of the army."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圖西族叛軍和哈比亞利馬納總統", "english": "That peace agreement will be signed today in Tanzania"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將於今天在坦桑尼亞簽署和平協定", "english": "between Tutsi rebel forces and President Habyarimana."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對於盧旺達 對於整個非洲來說", "english": "This is a great day for Rwanda"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是不尋常的一天", "english": "and for all of Africa,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "談判取代了雙方的對峙狀態", "english": "Negotiation has replaced confrontation,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 來喝一杯", "english": "Paul, have a drink,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "友誼取代了恐慌", "english": "Friendship has replaced fear,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士們先生們 我們為和平協定的簽署", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a live feed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備了豐盛的午餐", "english": "to the signing of the peace agreement,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為我們的總統先生乾杯 希望他能重現和平", "english": "To our president, May he find peace,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望所有人都和平共處", "english": "May we all find peace,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "願我們大家都致力於維護這來之不易的協定", "english": "Let us all dedicate ourselves to nurturing this hard-earned accord,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為和平乾杯!", "english": "To peace!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為和平乾杯!", "english": "Peace!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你來的話 別忘了來我這兒", "english": "Look me up if you come over,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 這是個美麗的城市", "english": "Yes, it is a beautiful city,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正打算回去——真抱歉", "english": "I am planning on returning there as-- Forgive me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃 這真讓人吃驚", "english": "Well, this is a surprise,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 保羅 我們得談談", "english": "Forgive us, Paul, We must talk,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊 怎麼了?", "english": "Yes, what's wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "據可靠消息稱 保羅", "english": "I have it from a very reliable source, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰?", "english": "Who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝 薩利文", "english": "Thank you, Sullivan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的助手 胡圖族的人", "english": "My assistant, the Hutu Power man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說我們必須立刻離開這兒 形勢馬上就會變得很糟糕", "english": "He says that we must get out now, that soon it'll be very bad,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這人叫什麼名字", "english": "Give me this man's name,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 保羅 儘管他是部族民兵 但他是朋友", "english": "Please, Paul, even though he is lnterhamwe, he's a friend,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是想要你的工作 托馬斯", "english": "He wants your job, Thomas,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說有個信號", "english": "He said that there is a signal,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即「砍掉高的樹木」", "english": "It is \"Cut the tall trees,\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦聽到這個訊號 民兵就會投入戰鬥", "english": "And when they hear this signal, the militia are to go to war,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 求求你了 讓塔莎娜和我們走吧", "english": "Paul, please, let us take Tatiana with us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是胡圖族 你會很安全的", "english": "You are Hutu, You will be safe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "費登絲 我知道你聽到了很多傳言", "english": "Fedens, I know you have heard many things,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也知道我們看到的狀況 托馬斯", "english": "And I know what we have seen, Thomas,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是拜託 聯合國的人現在在這兒", "english": "But please, the United Nations are here now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世界各地的記者都保持著關注", "english": "The world press are watching,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和平協定也都簽署了 這個進程…", "english": "The peace has been signed, Let this process work--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼了?", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停電了", "english": "Power cuts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會自行發電的", "english": "We are running on generators,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "費登絲…", "english": "Fedens,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 別擔心", "english": "Please, don't worry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們和塔莎娜商量一下", "english": "and we will discuss this with Tatiana,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好嗎?", "english": "All right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "見鬼!", "english": "Shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆在家裏別出來 呆在家裏別出來", "english": "Stay in your houses, Stay in your house,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都呆在家裏別出來!", "english": "Everybody stay in your house!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜?", "english": "Tatiana?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "據說哈比亞利馬納總統被謀殺了", "english": "They are saying President Habyarimana has been murdered,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圖西族反叛分子干的", "english": "Tutsi rebels have killed him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞎說 總統是去簽署和平協定的 怎麼會被反叛分子謀殺?", "english": "Nonsense, Why would the rebels kill the president when he agreed to peace?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 拜託 別呆在這兒 拜託", "english": "Everyone, please, out of this room, Please,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉恩·巴提斯 讓他們到別的房間去坐", "english": "Jean Baptiste, find them seats in the other room,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧德特 拜託", "english": "Odette, please,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼鄰居都跑到我們家來?", "english": "Why do the neighbors run to us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是他們唯一能信任的胡圖族人", "english": "You are the only Hutu they can trust,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你是圖西族啊", "english": "You are a Tutsi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們很害怕 保羅 我也很害怕", "english": "They are scared, Paul, I am scared,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可能是煽動者放出的謠言", "english": "These are probably rumors started by agitators,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為了孩子們 我們必須保持平靜 塔莎 我們必須這樣", "english": "We must remain calm for the children, Tatsi, We must,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 保羅 伊利說羅傑走了", "english": "Forgive me, Paul, Elys says that Roger has gone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走了?去哪兒了?", "english": "Gone? Gone where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去隔壁了", "english": "He went next door,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 保囉!", "english": "Wait, Paul!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜 別來 你去和孩子們呆著", "english": "Tatiana, no, You have to stay here with the children,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 拜託 怎麼了?給我說 怎麼了?", "english": "Paul, please, what is wrong? Tell me, what is wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴我 哪兒受傷了?", "english": "Talk to me, Where are you hurt?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅?", "english": "Paul?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 塔莎,", "english": "Oh, Tatsi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧德特 奧德特!", "english": "Odette, Odette!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 不", "english": "Oh, no,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒事", "english": "I'm okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "脫掉他的衣服 塔莎 弄點水來", "english": "Get his clothes off, Tatsi, please get some water,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他去隔壁齊朗戈家了", "english": "He went next door to the Chirangas,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他哪兒受傷了?", "english": "Where is he hurt?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看這兒 奧德特 看看這兒", "english": "Look here, Odette, look here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別動 羅傑 讓他別動 保羅", "english": "Stay still, Roger, Keep him still, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給你媽媽說怎麼了 羅傑", "english": "Tell your mother what happened, Roger,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羅傑 會沒事的", "english": "Roger, you're okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別擔心 他沒受傷 他沒受傷", "english": "Do not worry, he is not cut, He is not hurt,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這不是他的血 保羅", "english": "This is not his blood, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒有受傷", "english": "You are not hurt,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "親愛的 沒事兒 沒事了", "english": "My darling, it's okay, It's okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全了 看著媽媽", "english": "You are safe, Look at your mother,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "過來 伊利", "english": "Come here, Elys,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全了 安全了 羅傑 安全了 羅傑", "english": "You are safe, you are safe, Roger, You are safe, Roger,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事了", "english": "It's okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 兒子", "english": "Oh, son,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅", "english": "Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盧旺達善良的人們 聽我說 可怕的消息…", "english": "Listen to me, good people of Rwanda. Terrible news..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們偉大的總統被蟑螂一般的圖西族人謀殺了", "english": "Our great president is murdered by the Tutsi cockroaches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 上帝!", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們誘騙他去簽署假和約", "english": "They tricked him to sign their phony peace agreement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後在空中擊中了他的飛機", "english": "Then they shot his plane from the sky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算賬的時候到了 優秀的盧旺達胡圖族人", "english": "It is time to clear the brush, good Hutus of Rwanda."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須砍倒高的樹木", "english": "We must cut the tall trees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立即砍倒高的樹木!", "english": "Cut the tall trees now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有士兵來了!", "english": "The soldiers are here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 保持平靜 保持平靜 安靜下來", "english": "Everyone, stay calm, Stay calm and be quiet,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找出這些叛國者 一個都別放過", "english": "Find these traitors. Let none of them escape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走開 所有人都出來", "english": "Split up, Everybody out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得去和他們談談", "english": "I better go have a word with them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去後面看看 別讓人跑了", "english": "Go around the back, Make sure no one comes out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 先生!", "english": "Yes, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們誰負責?", "english": "Who's in charge here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你", "english": "You,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是比齊蒙戈將軍的好朋友", "english": "I am a good friend of General Bizimungu,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出來!", "english": "Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都出來!出來 出來!", "english": "Everybody, out! Get out, get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在外事飯店工作?", "english": "You work at the Hotel Diplomat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我在米爾·科林斯飯店工作", "english": "No, I work at the Mille Collines,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前在外事飯店工作", "english": "I used to work at the Diplomat,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要使用飯店 所有的房門鑰匙都被鎖在保險櫃裏", "english": "We want to use that hotel, All the room keys are in the safe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去把它打開 我們走", "english": "You must open it, Let's go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要帶上他們 這兒不安全", "english": "I must take them with me, It is not safe here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到處都是圖西族間諜", "english": "There are Tutsi spies everywhere,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會讓你都帶上", "english": "I cannot take all these people,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 先生 不要緊的", "english": "No, no, sir, you do not have to,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們有轎車 也有貨車", "english": "We have our car and our van,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搜查到了 走 走!", "english": "We found him, Let's go, Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 上帝 不!", "english": "Oh, Jesus, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 是西蒙 爸爸!", "english": "Oh, it's Simon, Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別看 別看 別看 別看 塔莎娜", "english": "Don't look, don't look, don't look, Don't look, Tatiana,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看這個 啤酒", "english": "Look at this, Beer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿到了", "english": "I've got them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蹲下 所有人都蹲下!", "english": "Get down, all of you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 先生 這兒 拿到了 我拿到了 我拿到了", "english": "Sir, sir, Here, I have them, I have them, I've got them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛國者!", "english": "Traitor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是圖西族蟑螂!", "english": "These are Tutsi cockroaches!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我解釋 先生 拜託等等", "english": "Let me explain, sir, Please wait,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你了 我不會用槍 不會", "english": "Please, I don't use guns, I don't,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很簡單", "english": "It's easy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開槍 不然你就先去死", "english": "Shoot them, or you die first,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 我給你多少錢才能不殺他們?", "english": "Sir, what could I pay you not to do this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼不呢?看看他們", "english": "Why not? Look at them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不是反叛分子", "english": "These are not rebels,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對你來說他們馬上就失去價值了", "english": "Soon they will be worthless to you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼不在執行任務時賺點錢呢?", "english": "Why not take some money for your work?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 等等!這兒", "english": "Wait, wait! Here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走 走 走", "english": "Go, go, go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 其實我還有些錢", "english": "Sir, I have more money actually,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再讓他們給你點東西 錢啊之類的 看看他們有些什麼", "english": "And let them give you something, Some money, whatever they have,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好嗎?", "english": "All right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 保羅 就這些了", "english": "Here, Paul, it's all I have,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都給你 好嗎?", "english": "Here you are, See?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些就夠一隻蟑螂 挑一個吧", "english": "This is enough for one cockroach, Pick one,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生…", "english": "Sir,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在米爾·科林斯飯店 我可以去拿", "english": "At the Mille Collines I can get it for you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會逃進飯店 投靠聯合國的人", "english": "You'll run into the hotel and hide behind the U,N,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會給你錢的 他們還留在外面", "english": "I will get you the money, You keep them outside,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你了 先生 求求你了", "english": "Please, sir, Please,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和我的士兵一起去 快點回來", "english": "Go with my soldiers, And hurry back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是想保住這些蟑螂的話", "english": "if you want to keep these cockroaches,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託了 讓他們走吧 先生", "english": "Now please, let them go, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "錢先拿著 我們稍候再來拿", "english": "Take the money, We will get them later,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛國者", "english": "Traitor,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝了 保羅", "english": "Thank you, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白嗎 杜比?我不能等保羅了", "english": "Do you understand, Dube? Because I can't wait for Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 我得走了 基韋·洛奇的人都逃走了", "english": "Paul, I have to go, The staff of Kivu Lodge have fled,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須關門了 一切交給你負責了", "english": "I have to close up there, You are in charge now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚盧旺達首都基加利的空難無一人生還", "english": "There were no survivors in last night's plane crash in Kigali, Rwanda."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都靠邊站 把門讓出來", "english": "Everyone, please move to the side, Clear the door,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 塔莎", "english": "Come, Tatsi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安德烈 我要兩件套房", "english": "Andre, I need two suites,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要和大使館聯繫一下", "english": "I need to get hold of my embassy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧德特 吉恩·巴提斯 去這個房間", "english": "Odette, Jean Baptiste, take this room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們的鄰居怎麼辦?", "english": "What about our neighbors?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們幹什麼?", "english": "What will they do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託…把這些「客人」安排到兩個工作間", "english": "Please,,,put these \"guests\" in two staff rooms,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "馬上 先生", "english": "Right away, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 拜託 那不新鮮 吃這個水果", "english": "No, no, no, Please, it's old, Have the fruit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事了 羅傑 沒事了 我們就呆在這兒", "english": "It's all right, Roger, It's all right, We're here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真讓人無法容忍", "english": "This mess is unacceptable,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給管委會打個電話 讓他們馬上過來 謝謝", "english": "Call housekeeping, get them up here right away, Thank you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接線員 我想撥外線", "english": "Operator, I need a line,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我現在想撥外線 拜託 喂?", "english": "I need a line now, Please, Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有 沒反應", "english": "No, No answer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "局勢很緊張 我們只想告訴那兒的千家萬戶", "english": "It is a very tense situation, and I just want to assure the families"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你至少得告訴我們 機場還開放嗎?", "english": "Can you at least tell us, is the airport actually open?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會和機場聯繫 我們也會和大使館聯繫", "english": "We are calling the airport, We are calling the embassy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會盡可能給你們更多的信息", "english": "We are trying to get as much information for you as we can,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安托瓦內特會為你處理此事", "english": "Antoinette will take care of this for you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杜比 格萊戈瓦呢?", "english": "Dube, where is Gregoire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 他搬進了總統套房", "english": "Sir, he has moved into the Presidential Suite,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "經理先生", "english": "Mr, Manager,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你覺得你在幹什麼 格萊戈瓦?", "english": "What do you think you are doing, Gregoire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰啊?", "english": "Who is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事兒 親愛的", "english": "It's okay, darling,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要幹什麼?", "english": "What do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好離開這間房間 馬上回樓下去", "english": "You had better get out of this room and back downstairs right away,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在有我負責 立刻離開這間房間", "english": "I am in charge, Now get out of this room right now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "經理先生 有嗅到蟑螂的味道嗎?", "english": "Mr, Manager, do you notice the smell of cockroaches?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我離開這間房間 我敢保證能找得到", "english": "If I were to leave this room, I'm sure I could find it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我認識人可以清除他們", "english": "And I know people who can cleanse it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但或許不會干涉到你 為什麼要這樣?", "english": "But maybe it doesn't bother you, Why is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你習慣了這個味道?", "english": "Are you used to the smell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃 我不太習慣", "english": "Well, not me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要打掃房間清除它", "english": "I need a clean room to escape it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託搬到飯店去 各位 繼續搬", "english": "Please move into the hotel, Everyone, keep moving,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的房子被焚燒了 我無家可歸", "english": "My house has been burned, I have nowhere to go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 我理解 閣下", "english": "Yes, I understand this, Your Honor,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我們正在騰房間", "english": "But we are operating at capacity as it is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以給你一個房間 但你們只能一起使用 抱歉", "english": "I can give you one room, but you will have to share it, I'm sorry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們有八個人呢", "english": "There are eight of us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 阿徹夫人", "english": "Yes, Madame Archer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們是聖弗朗西斯孤兒院的圖西族兒童", "english": "They're Tutsi children from the St, Francis orphanage,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 來 我們走", "english": "Okay, come on, let's go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來", "english": "Come,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下士 請幫女士拎拎包 快點", "english": "Corporal, take that lady's bag, please, and quickly,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有十個 我馬上回來", "english": "There are another ten, I'll be back soon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿徹夫人", "english": "Madame Archer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想請您幫個忙", "english": "I have a favor to ask of you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愛人的哥哥家 住在聖弗朗西斯附近", "english": "My brother-in-law and his family, they live near the St, Francis,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 繼續搬!", "english": "Please, keep moving!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝搬進飯店!", "english": "Please move into the hotel!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "過來 孩子們 別害怕", "english": "Come on, kids, don't be afraid,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說話了嗎?", "english": "Has he spoken to you yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的臉上還是掛滿了惆悵?", "english": "Is your face still hurting?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事兒", "english": "It's all right,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鄰居們叫我替他們對你的仁慈道謝", "english": "The neighbors asked me to thank you for your kindness,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不應該帶他們來這兒", "english": "I shouldn't have brought them here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得到職位時第一件被叮囑的事就是", "english": "The first thing they told me when I received my appointment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "絕對、絕對不能降低飯店的品質", "english": "was to never, never lower the tone of the hotel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這一切很快就會過去的", "english": "Soon all of this will be over,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我失去了工作怎麼辦 塔莎?", "english": "What if I lose my job, Tatsi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 上帝!", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照顧好他們", "english": "Take care of them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼做 先生?", "english": "How, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給他們洗澡 讓他們吃東西", "english": "Bathe them, feed them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哄他們睡覺", "english": "Put them to bed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事請我會幫你忙的", "english": "I will send you some help,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 寶貝們", "english": "Okay, babies,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們聽說了報復性屠殺的行動", "english": "We have heard reports of reprisal massacres,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聯合國會出面制止流血事件的發生嗎?", "english": "Will the U,N, intervene to stop the bloodshed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們來這兒是為了維持和平 而非創造和平", "english": "We're here as peacekeepers, not as peacemakers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我下令不得對此加以干涉", "english": "My orders are not to intervene,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這兒 過來", "english": "Here, Over here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽著 我弄了輛車 我們必須馬上離開", "english": "Listen, I got us a car, but we gotta move now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不能那樣做 傑克", "english": "We're not allowed to do that, Jack,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大衛 那些該死的東西會把牆推倒 我們必須有所防備", "english": "David, the shit's going down outside these walls, We gotta cover it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不會離開飯店的 除非有裝甲車", "english": "We're not leaving the hotel grounds unless we have an armored car,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以為我們這是在哪兒?他媽的溫布爾登嗎?", "english": "Where do you think we are, fucking Wimbledon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就此作罷 直到弄到合適的交通工具 傑克", "english": "We cover the story from here until we get the proper vehicles, Jack,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去拍攝些名單B中的難民吧", "english": "Shoot some \"B\" roll of the refugees,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走", "english": "Let's go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校 我無法確保這些人的安全", "english": "Colonel, I have no way to protect these people,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我這兒的房間裝不下這麼多難民", "english": "And I have more refugees than I have room for as it is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這兒不是難民營", "english": "This is not a refugee camp,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能把他們帶去你那兒嗎?", "english": "Can you not take them with you to your facilities?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 我不能那樣 保羅 抱歉", "english": "No, I can't do that, Paul, I'm sorry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的難民營很令人擔憂", "english": "I'm overwhelmed at my refugee camp,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那兒一直在打仗 持續的戰鬥", "english": "I'm under attack, constant attack,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦我們控制住局勢 我就帶他們去那兒", "english": "As soon as we can stabilize this situation, then I'll take 'em,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的情況將被密切關注 他…", "english": "Watch out for him. He--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去工作 我們必須讓飯店正常運作", "english": "And get back to work, We have a hotel to run,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這兒沒什麼好幹的了 老闆都走了", "english": "There's no work here anyway, The boss has left,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是你們的老闆!", "english": "I am your boss!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 盧旺達米爾·科林斯飯店來電 一號線", "english": "Sir, there's a call from the Mille Collines in Rwanda on line one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?你哪位?", "english": "Yes? Who am I speaking to?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 先生 我是保羅·盧斯賽伯吉納 客房經理", "english": "Yes, sir, Paul Rusesabagina, the house manager,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上次你來這兒是我們見過面 提倫斯先生", "english": "I met you on your last visit here, Mr, Tillens,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊 是的 保羅 我記得", "english": "Ah, yes, Paul, I remember,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情況怎麼樣了?", "english": "How are things there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有部分董事覺得我們應該關閉米爾·科林斯飯店", "english": "Some of our directors believe we should close the Mille Collines"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到動盪的局面結束", "english": "until this unrest is over,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對此拿不定主意 保羅 你覺得呢?", "english": "I'm not sure about that, Paul. What do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 那會對我們的聲譽造成不良影響", "english": "Sir, that would be very bad for our reputation,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米爾·科林斯飯店對於忠實的消費者來說就是一片平靜的綠洲", "english": "The Mille Collines is an oasis of calm for all our loyal customers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比利時航空公司棄之不顧 他們會怎麼想?", "english": "What would they think if Sabena deserted them now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你保證 聯合國已經控制了一切 先生", "english": "I assure you, the United Nations have everything under control, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 保羅 很好", "english": "Very well, Paul, Very well,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果形勢變得更嚴峻 我們還得關閉", "english": "But if this thing gets worse, we must close,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是有什麼需要我幫忙的 給我電話", "english": "If there is anything I can do, please call,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 是的 我現在正有一件事需要你幫忙", "english": "Sir, yes, there is one thing I'm going to be needing from you right away,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴大家 我這樣請求大家顯得很尷尬", "english": "Let me tell you, it was an embarrassment for me to have to ask for this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在場的大多數人都相互認識", "english": "Most of us in this room have known each other"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並在一起共事多年", "english": "and worked together for many years,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的需要我致函比利時方面", "english": "Is it really necessary for me to get a letter from Belgium"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來讓你們繼續工作嗎?", "english": "for you to perform your duties?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "實際上 別在乎這封信", "english": "In fact, forget this letter,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你們不想為我工作", "english": "If you don't want to work for me and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而情願出去 那現在就離開吧", "english": "would rather be out there, then leave now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 各位 回到工作崗位上去", "english": "Please, everyone, back to work,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 感謝你來", "english": "Paul, thank you for coming,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德 告訴我你何時收到衛星信號的 謝謝", "english": "Fred, let me know when you get the satellite feed, Thanks,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗萊明先生 我還給你帶了些茶葉來 先生", "english": "Mr, Fleming, I brought you some tea as well, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝 保羅", "english": "Thank you, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是沙漠裏的一片綠洲", "english": "You're an oasis in the desert,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在效仿索馬裏的美國人的做法", "english": "are following the example of what happened to the Americans in Somalia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我認為他們意欲脅迫我們 試圖襲擊我們…", "english": "I think they intend to intimidate us, try to attack us, and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望西方能考慮撤軍", "english": "hope that the West will pull all its troops out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聯合國維和部隊就駐紮在這兒", "english": "The U. N. 's here to stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總統的飛機被擊落後", "english": "What about the outbreak of violence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要對這些人的安全負責", "english": "I'm responsible for the safety of this crew,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德 我是大衛", "english": "Fred, it's David,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿到了讓人難以置信的錄像 關於集體屠殺", "english": "I've got incredible footage, It's a massacre,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死屍 以及彎刀", "english": "Dead bodies, machetes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我立即趕過去 你能播報晚間新聞嗎?", "english": "If I get this through right away, can you make the evening news?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Yeah,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個必須頭條播報", "english": "You have to lead with this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是說你 你來試試看", "english": "I point at you, you do a shot,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會得到兩倍的償還 看看是否所有的酒…", "english": "And you'll get a total double and see if all the drinking--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽我說 之前的事很抱歉", "english": "Listen, sorry about earlier,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我知道你在那兒 我就不會…", "english": "If I'd known you were in there, I wouldn't have--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拍下這段錄像我很高興 全世界都能看到", "english": "I am glad that you have shot this footage and that the world will see it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是我們有機會讓人干涉的唯一辦法", "english": "It is the only way we have a chance that people might intervene,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不錯 但要是沒人來干涉 披露這些還會是好事嗎?", "english": "Yeah, and if no one intervenes, is it still a good thing to show?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人們看到這種暴行 怎麼會不干涉呢?", "english": "How can they not intervene when they witness such atrocities?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我認為如果人們看到這些錄像…", "english": "I think if people see this footage,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後便繼續享用他們的晚餐", "english": "and then go on eating their dinners,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到底在想什麼?聽著 想去放鬆一下嗎?", "english": "What the hell do I know? Listen, you wanna just relax?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還有事情要做 謝謝你的邀請", "english": "I have more work to do, I thank you for your offer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你晚上過得愉快 達格裏什先生", "english": "Please enjoy your evening, Mr, Daglish,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請問這兒有醫療援助嗎?", "english": "Can we have some medical assistance here, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那群人 跟我來 離開那個地方", "english": "That group, come with me, Move out of the area,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本尼迪克特 怎麼回事?", "english": "Benedict, what is happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們殺了所有人 婦女…", "english": "They're killing everyone, The lady,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "部族民兵包圍了整個城市", "english": "The lnterhamwe have surrounded the whole town,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開路 馬上", "english": "Cover the road, Now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別開槍!別開槍!", "english": "Do not shoot! Do not shoot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們殺了我們的人 維和部隊死了十個比利時士兵", "english": "They murdered my men, I lost ten Belgian U,N, soldiers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們是在保護女首相的安全", "english": "They were protecting the lady prime minister,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歐洲人正在集結武裝準備干涉", "english": "The Europeans are putting together an intervention force,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幾天後就能抵達", "english": "They'll be here in a few days,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但這些人我沒辦法安置了", "english": "but there is simply no place for me to put all of them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能怎麼辦?", "english": "What can I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會再派兩個人去門上 都是我最好的中尉", "english": "I'll put two more men on the gate, two of my best lieutenants,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道了 謝謝", "english": "I understand, Thank you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿徹夫人", "english": "Madame Archer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哥哥的家人 你找到了嗎?", "english": "My brother and his family, did you find them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到了他們的住處 但屋裏沒人", "english": "I made it to the house, but it was empty,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我走的時候 一位老太太朝我招手", "english": "As I left, an old woman, she waved to me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去了她家 有兩個小女孩 她們都很安全", "english": "I went to the house, She has the two little girls, They're safe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是…", "english": "But,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哥哥和他妻子…那個老太太知道他們的下落嗎?", "english": "My brother and his wife-- did the old lady know of them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哥哥一定死了 他們不會留下孩子們的", "english": "My brother is dead, They would never leave their children,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許他們沒有回家 塔莎娜 他們藏起來了", "english": "Perhaps they could not make it home, Tatiana, They are hiding,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 您能回去幫我把女孩們帶過來嗎?", "english": "Please, can you return and bring the girls back here to us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 到處都是部落民兵設置的路障", "english": "I can't, There are lnterhamwe roadblocks everywhere,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我到達孤兒院…", "english": "When I reached the orphanage,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們已經開始殺戮孩子", "english": "They'd already started killing children,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們讓我看", "english": "They made me watch,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有個女孩", "english": "There was one girl,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他背上綁著個小妹妹", "english": "she had her little sister wrapped on her back,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們朝她砍去的一瞬間 她朝我大喊", "english": "As they were about to chop her, she cried out to me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我發誓我再也不做圖西族人了」", "english": "I promise I won't be Tutsi anymore,\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 我不能", "english": "Please, I can't,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們的目標就是圖西族的孩子", "english": "They're targeting Tutsi children,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 他們要將下一代剷除乾淨", "english": "Paul, to wipe out the next generation,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我帶著孤兒不知該去何處 保羅", "english": "I've nowhere to take the orphans, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別擔心了 馬上就會有武裝力量來干涉了", "english": "Don't worry, There will be an intervention force coming soon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到時候再讓孤兒們出去", "english": "We will get the orphans out then,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們來了!", "english": "They're here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們來了!我們安全了!", "english": "They're here! We are safe!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "士兵們來了!", "english": "Soldiers have arrived!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感謝上帝!", "english": "Thank goodness!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幹得好", "english": "Well done,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "時間差不多了 先生們", "english": "About time, gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你救了我們", "english": "Thank you for saving our lives,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 羅傑", "english": "It's okay, Roger,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉恩·巴提斯 我們的祈禱終於奏效了 感謝上帝", "english": "Jean Baptiste, our prayers have been answered, Thank God,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 終於!", "english": "Yes, finally!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧 都好了", "english": "See, it's okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我方無能為力", "english": "We can do nothing from our side,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甜心 我告訴過你我們會安全的", "english": "Sweetheart, I told you we'd be safe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看見了嗎?我說過的 是的", "english": "See? I told you, Yeah,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校 需要點什麼?", "english": "So, Colonel, what can I get for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "性子烈點的", "english": "Something strong,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你創造了一個奇跡", "english": "You have performed a minor miracle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你應該朝我吐唾沫才對", "english": "You should spit in my face,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 上校?", "english": "Excuse me, Colonel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很卑鄙", "english": "You're dirt,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們覺得你很卑鄙 保羅", "english": "We think you're dirt, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西方 西方列強 你信仰的一切 保羅", "english": "The West, all the superpowers, everything you believe in, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們都認為你卑鄙 認為你醜陋 無用", "english": "They think you're dirt, they think you're dung, You're worthless,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不太明白你在說什麼 先生", "english": "I'm afraid I don't understand what you are saying, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 別騙我了 保羅", "english": "Come on, don't bullshit me, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是這兒最聰明的人", "english": "You're the smartest man here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你讓他們都受你控制", "english": "You got them all eating out of your hands,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以擁有這個該死的飯店 除了一件東西…", "english": "You could own this freakin' hotel, except for one thing--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是黑人", "english": "you're black,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至可以說 你不是個黑鬼", "english": "You're not even a nigger,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是一個非洲人", "english": "You're an African,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不會呆在這兒的 保羅", "english": "They're not gonna stay, Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託", "english": "Please,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了", "english": "Got it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊利 帶黛安去另一間房間", "english": "Elys, take Diane in the other room,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼了?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有白人都離開了", "english": "All the whites are leaving,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們都在撤退", "english": "They are being evacuated,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但…我們呢?", "english": "But,,,what about us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們被遺棄了", "english": "We have been abandoned,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "士兵會制止殺戮者的啊", "english": "But the soldiers will stop the killers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽著 聽我說 塔莎 聽著", "english": "Listen, Listen to me, Tatsi, Listen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都說了所有的白人都會離開…法國人、意大利人、", "english": "I said all the whites are leaving-- the French, the ltalians,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至維和部隊的比利時士兵 所有人!", "english": "even the U,N, Belgian soldiers, all of them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那誰會留下來?", "english": "Who is left?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "I don't know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他最多能抽出四個人來保護飯店安全", "english": "The most he can spare for the hotel are four men,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且他們不允許開槍", "english": "And they are not allowed to shoot,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是個傻瓜", "english": "I am a fool,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不", "english": "No, No, no,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們說我是其中之一 而我…", "english": "They told me I was one of them, and l,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白酒、巧克力、雪茄、體面…我都可以不要", "english": "Wine, chocolates, cigars, style-- I swallowed it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都不要 一切都可以不要", "english": "I swallowed it, I swallowed all of it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們要我掌管他們的飯店", "english": "And they handed me their shit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒有這方面的歷史 沒有經歷", "english": "I have no history, I have no memory,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是個傻瓜 塔莎", "english": "I'm a fool, Tatsi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不傻", "english": "You are no fool,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我瞭解你", "english": "I know who you are,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非洲新聞播報", "english": "News Service Africa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "據聯合國方面報道", "english": "A United Nations source reports that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有維和部隊撤離盧旺達", "english": "of all U. N. peacekeepers from Rwanda."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 傑克 別走", "english": "Please, Jack, Please don't go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 他是英國人 護照給我看看", "english": "Wait, he's British, Take out your passport,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑克 別扔下我", "english": "Jack, please don't leave me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們能談談嗎?就一分鐘", "english": "Can we talk? Just one second,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你了 傑克 求求你了", "english": "Please, Jack, Please,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們會把我拉到街上 會用刀砍我", "english": "They'll put me on the street, They'll chop me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個 拿著…", "english": "Here, Now just take,,,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿著這些錢 拜託 拿著", "english": "Just take the money, Please, just take the money,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須去 一定要去 拜託 他們正等著", "english": "You must go, You must, Please, they are waiting,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅", "english": "Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不會讓你出去的 這個 她想要什麼就給她買什麼", "english": "He won't put you out, Here, give her anything she wants,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得讓他走", "english": "We have to let him go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別那樣 拜託", "english": "Don't do that, please,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝 我很慚愧", "english": "Jesus Christ, I'm so ashamed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等!等等!", "english": "Wait! Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別開車!", "english": "Hold the buses!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得!", "english": "Peter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感謝你們來這兒 非常感謝 謝謝你們", "english": "Thank you for being here, Thank you very much, Thank you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只許外國人 抱歉 神父 這是命令", "english": "Foreign nationals only, Sorry, Father, those were the orders,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們不能留下這些孩子", "english": "But you can't leave the children behind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 神父 我們得服從命令", "english": "Sorry, Father, we have our orders,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神父 沒用的", "english": "Father, it is of no use,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些人來這兒…來這兒不是幫我們的", "english": "These men are not here-- They are not here to help us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 我們無能為力", "english": "Please, there is nothing we can do,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓你的人呆在車上 我會照顧其他人的", "english": "Get your people on the bus, I will take care of the others,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "無濟於事的 神父 拜託 快", "english": "It is of no use, Father, Please, hurry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 不 不 不 不", "english": "No, no, no, No, no, no, No,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去飯店 去飯店", "english": "To the hotel, To the hotel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 拜託 別碰攝像機 我們有攝像的權力", "english": "Sir, please, don't touch the camera, We have the right to film,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進去吧", "english": "Go inside,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進飯店裏去 大家都去", "english": "Go inside the hotel, all of you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 你們可以留下 是的 我們會照顧你們", "english": "Yes, you can stay, yes, We will take care of you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到飯店裏面去", "english": "Go into the hotel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到飯店裏面去 進去 飯店裏面去", "english": "Go to the hotel, Go inside, Go inside the hotel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 抱歉", "english": "Excuse me, Excuse me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別淋雨 拜託 來 老姐 來", "english": "Out of the rain, please, Come, sister, come,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅", "english": "Paul,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你去", "english": "I want you to go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去哪兒?", "english": "Go where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你帶著孩子 去接女孩們", "english": "You take the children, You go get the girls,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 拜託 遇到路障你就給他們錢", "english": "Please, please, You pay money at the roadblocks,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你去", "english": "I want you to go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 塔莎娜 不", "english": "No, Tatiana, no,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會離開你的", "english": "I will never leave you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會離開你的", "english": "I will never leave you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 塔莎", "english": "Oh, Tatsi,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們睡覺 我的愛人 我們睡覺", "english": "Let us sleep, my wife, Let us sleep,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起來 起來", "english": "Get up, Get up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起來 起來 起來", "english": "Get up, get up, get up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都馬上離開飯店", "english": "Everyone must leave the hotel now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是命令", "english": "It's an order,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 我給你們那點啤酒 你們先喝著", "english": "Please, let me get you some beers, You and your boys,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會馬上下來 好嗎?我會盡快", "english": "And I'll be down right away, all right? As quick as I can,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羅傑 是爸爸", "english": "Roger, It's Papa,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們走了 他們走了 他們走了", "english": "They've gone, They've gone, they've gone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 親愛的 好了 甜心 沒事兒了", "english": "Oh, my darling, It's okay, sweetie, It's okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 沒事兒 沒事兒了", "english": "Come on, it's okay, It's okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 不錯 馬上去房頂", "english": "Yes, yes, go to the roof right now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 你好 請接比齊蒙戈將軍", "english": "Yes, good day, General Bizimungu, please,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他去哪兒了?", "english": "He is where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 這讓人無法接受", "english": "No, that is unacceptable,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰下令這樣做的?", "english": "Who would order such a thing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 你們找到將軍了嗎?", "english": "Yes, did you find the general?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生們 來喝點酒", "english": "Gentlemen, please have some beer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把房客名單拿給我", "english": "Get me the guest list,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 先生", "english": "Yes, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂?", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 先生 我和基加利的保羅通了電話", "english": "Sorry, sir, but I have a call from Paul in Kigali."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說是緊急情況", "english": "He says it's urgent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 你還好嗎?", "english": "Paul, are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們遇到大麻煩了 先生", "english": "We have a big problem, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼麻煩?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胡圖族的軍隊來了", "english": "The Hutu army have come,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們命令我們…所有人…都離開飯店", "english": "They've ordered us-- all of us--out of the hotel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們為什麼這麼做?", "english": "Why are they doing this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向他們會將我們統統殺掉", "english": "I think they will kill us all,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "殺掉?", "english": "Kill?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意思是…所有人?有多少人?", "english": "What do you mean,,,all? How many?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒有時間了 先生", "english": "I do not have much time left, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要感謝你", "english": "I want to thank you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為我以及我家人所做的一切", "english": "for everything that you have done for me and my family,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並感謝我在比利時航空公司的所有朋友", "english": "and please thank all of my friends at Sabena."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 等等", "english": "Paul, wait,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你先別掛電話 等在電話旁", "english": "I'm gonna put you on hold, Stay by the phone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們沒有報紙 都在房裏燒掉了", "english": "We don't have any papers, They got burnt in the house,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "路易斯 接通聯合國 告訴他們發生的一切", "english": "Louis, get on to the U,N, Tell them what's happening,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要幫忙嗎 先生?", "english": "Did you need something, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪麗 給首相辦公室打個電話", "english": "Mary, call the prime minister's office,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就說我有話要立刻和他說", "english": "Tell them I must speak with him now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 在嗎?", "english": "Paul, are you there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在 先生", "english": "Yes, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰能制止這一切 我打電話去?", "english": "Who can I call to stop this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法國人 他們給胡圖族提供武器的", "english": "The French, They supply the Hutu army,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盡一切可能爭取時間 我馬上給你電話", "english": "Do everything you can to buy time, I'll call you right back,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在幹什麼 杜比?", "english": "What are you doing, Dube?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個中尉 先生 他要看房客的名單", "english": "The lieutenant, sir, he wants to see the guest list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我來 拜託", "english": "Come with me, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 這是兩周前的", "english": "Sir, that was two weeks ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給你 先生", "english": "Here you are, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安德森 亞瑟斯 布裏亞…", "english": "Anderson, Arthurs, Boulier..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是什麼?", "english": "What is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "房客名單 先生", "english": "It is the guest list, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有 總統被殺後我們就停止登記姓名了", "english": "No. We stopped taking names after the president was murdered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是僅有的房客名單 先生", "english": "This is the only guest list, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留下的沒有一個是歐洲人!", "english": "There are no Europeans left!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "馬上給我這兒所有蟑螂的名單", "english": "Get me the names of all the cockroaches in there now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我拿不到名單 我就會找出叛徒", "english": "If I don't have the names so that I can pick out the traitors,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後殺了這兒的所有人", "english": "then I'll kill everyone in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從你開始", "english": "Starting with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去", "english": "Leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 先生", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 先生", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你給誰打了電話?", "english": "Who did you call?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什麼?", "english": "What is your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盧斯賽伯吉納", "english": "Rusesabagina."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅·盧斯賽伯吉納", "english": "Paul Rusesabagina."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我記住你了", "english": "I'll remember you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我記住你了", "english": "I'll remember you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們走了", "english": "They've gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 保羅", "english": "Paul. Paul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真擔心你", "english": "I was afraid for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 比利時航空的主席來電找你", "english": "Sir, the president of Sabena is on the phone for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去和他談談", "english": "I must talkwith this man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們走了 謝謝 先生 你怎麼做的?", "english": "They left. Thank you, sir. What did you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我與法國總統辦公室聯繫過了", "english": "I got through to the French president's office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃 謝謝你 你挽救了我們", "english": "Well, thank you. You have saved our lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再三懇請法國和比利時派兵返回搭救你們", "english": "I pleaded with the French and the Belgians to go back and get you all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但恐怕他們不會這樣做", "english": "I am afraid this is not going to happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們都是膽小怕事的人 保羅", "english": "They're cowards, Paul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盧旺達不會為他們贏得一張選票", "english": "Rwanda is not worth a single vote to any of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "無論是法國人、英國人、美國人", "english": "The French, the British, the Americans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉 保羅", "english": "I am sorry, Paul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會有人來救援我們……", "english": "There will be no rescue..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們只能靠自己", "english": "We can only save ourselves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們很多人都認識些海外的有權勢的人", "english": "Many of you know influential people abroad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們要和這些人聯繫", "english": "You must call these people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 把這些傳真到這個號碼 謝謝", "english": "Please, fax this to this number. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們要告訴他們我們的遭遇", "english": "You must tell them what will happen to us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和他們說再見", "english": "Say good-bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但當你們說再見時", "english": "But when you say good-bye,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就好像通過電話你們能抓住他們的手一樣", "english": "say it as though you are reaching through the phone and holding their hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們知道 如果他們放手…", "english": "Let them know that if they let go of that hand..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要讓他們感到慚愧 以至於來幫助我們", "english": "We must shame them into sending help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最重要的是 這不是一個難民營", "english": "Most importantly, this cannot be a refugee camp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "部族民兵認為米勒·科林斯飯店是一家四星級的比利時飯店", "english": "The lnterhamwe believe that the Mille Collines is a four-star Sabena hotel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是唯一能讓我們生存的方式", "english": "That is the only thing that is keeping us alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "賬單打印好了嗎?", "english": "Have you printed the bills?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝 拜託清除記錄", "english": "Thank you. Now please erase the register."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老闆 木匠準備就緒", "english": "Boss, the carpenters are ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們去掉所有房間門上的號碼", "english": "Tell them to remove all of the numbers from the doors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 這是最後一個禮拜的賬單", "english": "Good day. Here is your bill for the last week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你無法支付或不能支付", "english": "If you cannot pay or think you will not be able to pay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請到餐廳去 杜比會幫你處理 謝謝", "english": "please go to the banquet room and Dube will take care of you. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們有足夠的證據表明種族屠殺行動已經發生", "english": "We have every reason to believe that acts of genocide have occurred."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為了進行種族屠殺 採取了多少次行動?", "english": "How many acts of genocide does it take to make genocide?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明顯 你沒有孤立地使用…", "english": "Is it true that you have specific guidance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我盡可能使用我覺得最好的說法", "english": "I have guidance which I try to use as best as I can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們在使用時要做到標準化", "english": "There are formulations that we are using"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉這不是格蘭奧蘭治牌的酒", "english": "I'm sorry it is not Glenmorangie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要是蘇格蘭威士忌就行", "english": "As long as it is scotch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的白人朋友拋棄了你", "english": "Your white friends have abandoned you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為我不知道 或許你願意派幾個警察", "english": "because I was wondering if perhaps you could spare us a few policemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來保護我們 先生", "english": "To protect us, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我上次和比利時航空的主席提及時", "english": "But when I last spoke to the president of Sabena,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他向我保證 無論誰幫助保護了比利時的財產", "english": "he assured me that anyone who helped protect Belgian property"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都會得到很好的回報的", "english": "would be well rewarded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看看我能不能幫忙", "english": "I will see what I can do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉離開一下 先生", "english": "Excuse me momentarily, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們所有的啤酒哪兒去了?", "english": "Where has all our beer gone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 格萊戈瓦拿走了啤酒", "english": "Sir, Gregoire has been taking beer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多", "english": "Many."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我們的蟑螂經理 喜歡親別人屁股", "english": "There's our cockroach manager. Always kissing ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍…", "english": "General..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高興你能來", "english": "I'm glad you came by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我無意中聽到一些傳言 我想你應該知道", "english": "I overheard something that I think you should know about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你聽到什麼?", "english": "What did you overhear?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聯合國上校和美國使館官員的討論", "english": "It was a discussion between a U.N. Colonel and an American Embassy official."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們說什麼?", "english": "And what did they say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美國人向上校保證 他們會關注一切的", "english": "The American assured the colonel that they would watch everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼關注?他們都打道回府了 保羅", "english": "How? They have gone, Paul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "利用間諜、衛星", "english": "With their spies. Satellites."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美國人啊", "english": "Americans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 格萊戈瓦!", "english": "Oh, Gregoire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道嗎 我很欽佩你 將軍", "english": "You know, I admire you, General."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是如何管住這些瘋狂的士兵的?", "english": "How do you keep command of your men amid such madness?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們都不工作了 誰也不聽", "english": "He won't work, listens to no one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去工作 你這個懶人!快去!", "english": "Get back to work, you slug! Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還想說 美國人就藏在樹林裏呢", "english": "What was I going to say, that the Americans were hiding in the trees?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不", "english": "No. No, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須去 塔莎娜", "english": "I have to, Tatiana."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有給他錢的時候 我們才有點價值", "english": "We are only as valuable as the money we give to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能單獨去", "english": "You cannot go alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會一個人去 我會帶上格萊戈瓦", "english": "I'm not going alone. I'll take Gregoire with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是胡圖族人 現在他又想在我面前掙表現", "english": "He's a good Hutu, and he wants to impress me now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高興你還在工作 格萊戈瓦", "english": "It is good to see you back at work, Gregoire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上我們有個工作", "english": "We have a job this morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要去看看喬治·盧塔甘達", "english": "We are going to see George Rutaganda."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去把車開過來", "english": "Please get the van."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我看看你的身份證", "english": "Show me your l.D."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還記得圖西族婦女習慣於…", "english": "Remember how those Tutsi women used to look down"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "低下她們的長鼻樑看胡圖族人嗎?", "english": "their long noses at Hutu men?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在她們要為他們的生命而祈禱", "english": "Now they beg for their lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我來這兒看我的朋友喬治·盧塔甘達", "english": "I'm here to see my friend George Rutaganda."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在圖西族下流女人死之前 建議大家先去嘗嘗她們的味道", "english": "I say taste those Tutsi whores before they die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣她們才知道到底什麼是胡圖族政權 我的勇士們", "english": "Then they'll know what Hutu power is. my warriors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記住 每一隻蟑螂都會發動奇襲", "english": "Remember. one cockroach can start an infestation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要徹底剷除這些害蟲", "english": "We need to exterminate these vermin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 保羅 我的老朋友", "english": "Hey, Paul, my old friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是圖西族妓女 找我有什麼事兒?", "english": "Tutsi prostitutes and witches. So, what can I do for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 所有的東西價格都翻倍了 知道嗎?", "english": "Paul, everything is double the price now. You understand that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道 我需要大米、豆莢", "english": "Yes. I need rice, beans,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奶粉、啤酒 還有你最好的威士忌", "english": "powdered milk, beer, and your best whiskey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啤酒有 但威士忌沒有", "english": "Beer yes, but whiskey no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有威士忌?", "english": "You have no whiskey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有威士忌 烈酒都沒有了", "english": "No whiskey, no spirits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那些…富有的房客們只能忍受一下了", "english": "Your...rich guests will have to do without their scotch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總之 保羅 我已經讓那些牛流夠了血", "english": "Anyway, Paul, I have bled that cow enough now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在說什麼 喬治?", "english": "What are you saying, George?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你飯店裏的那些富有的蟑螂", "english": "Your rich cockroaches at the hotel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們拿著錢沒有用的", "english": "their money is no good to them anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快所有的圖西族人都得死", "english": "Soon all the Tutsis will be dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你難道沒有想過 你不可能將他們殺絕的?", "english": "You do not honestly believe that you can kill them all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼不能?", "english": "And why not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼不能?", "english": "Why not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們已經殺掉一半了", "english": "We are halfway there already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 先生 馬上", "english": "Yes, sir, right away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 還有 保羅 我免費給你一箱飲料 拿給孩子們喝", "english": "Oh, and, Paul, I'll give you a crate of soft drinks for the kids free of charge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十袋豆莢 來 快點", "english": "Ten bags of beans. Come, quick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要提醒一下你 朋友", "english": "Let me give you a little tip, my friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們軍隊將軍說 「別靠近米勒·科林斯飯店", "english": "Our generals in army say, \"Don't go near the Mille Collines"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否則他們會派比利時士兵來這兒」", "english": "or they will send the Belgian soldiers back here.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快這些將軍會離開 由我們負責", "english": "But soon those generals will have gone and we will be in charge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到時候就開始屠宰你的肥牛了", "english": "It's time to butcher that fat cow of yours for the meat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許你可以幫我 保羅", "english": "Maybe you could help us, Paul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你旅館裏有很重要的叛徒", "english": "You have some very important traitors at that hotel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我們去把他們抓來", "english": "Now, if we were to get them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許我們會讓你留下一兩隻蟑螂在你身邊", "english": "then maybe we would let you have one or two cockroaches of your own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天快亮了 喬治", "english": "It is almost dawn, George."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們真的要走了", "english": "We really must be going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去時走河邊 比較安全", "english": "Take the river road back. It's clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要讓我們都掉河裏去?停車 停車", "english": "You're going to put us in the river. Stop the car, stop the car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒車 格萊戈瓦", "english": "Back up the car, Gregoire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽我說", "english": "Listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天看到的對誰都別講", "english": "You will tell no one what you have seen here today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰都別講 格萊戈瓦", "english": "No one, Gregoire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杜比 去幫格萊戈瓦卸貨 謝謝", "english": "Dube. Please help Gregoire to unload the van. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 親愛的", "english": "Oh, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 上帝!", "english": "Oh, God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 上帝!", "english": "Oh, God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我馬上出來", "english": "I'll be out in a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別進來 我就出來", "english": "Don't come in. I'll be out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成百上千", "english": "Hundreds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼這些人這麼殘忍?", "english": "Why are people so cruel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "憎恨", "english": "Hatred."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瘋了 不知道", "english": "Insanity. I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她把手指伸進湯裏了?", "english": "Is she putting her fingers in the soup?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 是的", "english": "Oh, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我記得…", "english": "I remember..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 你錯了", "english": "No, no, no, you make a mistake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜歡嗎?", "english": "You like it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽說我們得償還這一切", "english": "I hear we must pay for everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 不錯", "english": "Yes, this is true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那…這個值多少?", "english": "So...how much for this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個吻", "english": "A kiss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是個好人 保羅·盧斯賽伯吉納", "english": "You are a good man, Paul Rusesabagina."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我像你坦白一件事", "english": "I have a confession."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你還是個護士的時候…", "english": "When you worked as the nurse..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們第一次見面…", "english": "When we first met..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我讓你調到了基加裏", "english": "I had you transferred to Kigali."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我賄賂了衛生部長 把你調到了基加裏", "english": "I bribed the Minister of Health to have you transferred to Kigali."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣我才能娶你", "english": "So that I could marry you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你賄賂了什麼?", "english": "What was the bribe?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道", "english": "I want to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望是一輛新的", "english": "I hope it was a new one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的一生是幸福的 你和我 是的", "english": "We have had a good life, you and l. Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感謝上帝 我們共同度過的每一天", "english": "I thank God every day for the time we've had."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們不能看著我們先死去", "english": "Our children cannot see us die first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要使民兵來了 你盡快到這上面來", "english": "If the militia come, you must come up here as quick as you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我沒有挺過來", "english": "If I do not make it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定要牽著孩子們的手…", "english": "you must take all of our children by the hand..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜 不要死在彎刀下", "english": "Tatiana, the machete is no way to die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得向我保證你會那樣做", "english": "You have to promise me you will do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須向我保證 塔莎娜 拜託", "english": "You have to promise me, Tatiana. Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向我保證你會那樣做", "english": "Promise me you will do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 塔莎娜", "english": "Please, Tatiana."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我愛你", "english": "I'm sorry. I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愛你", "english": "I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要抓住你!", "english": "I'm gonna get you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黛安 伊利 你最好知道", "english": "Diane, Elys, you know better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰都不能到飯店前面來 我給你說過", "english": "No one can be at the front of the hotel. I have told you this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 我有好消息了", "english": "Paul, I've got good news."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝賀你們 你們的電話起作用了", "english": "Congratulations. Your calls have worked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿到了這些家庭的出境簽證", "english": "I have exit visas for the following families."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿布克蘇 坦桑尼亞", "english": "Abukesu, Tanzania."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比多利 肯尼亞", "english": "Bidori, Kenya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基圖朗伽 贊比亞", "english": "Gituaranga, Zambia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利路亞!(讚美上帝)", "english": "Hallelujah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喀裏薩 比利時", "english": "Khalesa, Belgium."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 謝謝!", "english": "Oh, thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "達庫茲…", "english": "Dakuzi..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯尼亞", "english": "Kenya."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "納桑波 贊比亞", "english": "Masambo, Zambia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辛咕嚕 加納", "english": "Zinguru, Ghana."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盧斯賽伯吉納 比利時", "english": "Rusesabagina, Belgium."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 就這些", "english": "All right, that's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧德特和吉恩·巴提斯一定在名單上", "english": "Now, certainly Odette and Jean Baptiste are on the list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 吉恩 奧德特", "english": "I'm sorry, Jean, Odette."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我保證不久又會有另一班飛機的", "english": "But I have been assured there will be another plane soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別擔心 塔莎 下一批會有的", "english": "Don't worry, Tatsi, we'll make it to the next list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女孩…保羅 我不會留下她們而去", "english": "The girls-- Paul, I will not leave without them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你帶了些什麼來?", "english": "What have you brought us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抗生素、藥物補給、一般急救用品", "english": "Antibiotics, medical supplies, general first aid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名單上有你嗎?", "english": "Are you on the list?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿徹夫人 我有個難以接受的請求", "english": "Madame Archer, I have an impossible request of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有辦法去那位老太太那兒", "english": "Is there any way that you could return to the old woman"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我的侄女帶過來嗎?", "english": "and bring the girls back here to us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 半個城市在戰鬥中都被摧毀了", "english": "Paul, that side of town has been destroyed in the fighting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們很可能已經死了", "english": "They're probably dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿徹夫人 我求求你了 她們現在無親無故", "english": "Madame Archer, I'm begging you. Those girls have no one now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我盡力而為", "english": "I'll try."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你走了誰來照顧孤兒們?", "english": "Who'll take care of the orphans when you're gone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧德特 奧德特會照料他們 直到我們帶他們離開這兒", "english": "Odette. Odette will care for them until we can get them out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會找到人的 我向你保證", "english": "I will find someone. I promise you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 牽著我手", "english": "Come on, take my hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非洲新聞播報 今天紅十字代表聲稱", "english": "News Service Africa. Today a Red Cross representative"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盧旺達種族衝突的死亡路進一步攀升", "english": "claimed that the death rate in the Rwandan conflict"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屍體被遺棄在維多利亞湖", "english": "had been removed from Lake Victoria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她在哪兒?", "english": "Where is she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 我們等到七點", "english": "I don't know. We wait until seven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果到時候他沒有帶回姑娘們…", "english": "If she is not back with the girls by then..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 帶著這些郵件", "english": "Please, take these letters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 我會帶著的", "english": "Yes, I will take your letters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太感謝你了 保羅 帶著這些郵件", "english": "Thank you so much, Paul, taking the letter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常感謝", "english": "Thank you very much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 希望我能幫你們更多 抱歉", "english": "I am sorry. I wish I could have done more. I am sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝與你同在", "english": "God be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 抱歉 沒用的", "english": "No, sorry, no good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 來 孩子們", "english": "Come. Come, children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎 來", "english": "Tatsi, come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 保羅 姑娘們 我們在等一下吧", "english": "Please, Paul, the girls. We wait a little longer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不能等了 不能等了 塔莎", "english": "We cannot wait. We cannot wait, Tatsi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好運 先生", "english": "Good luck, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能走 你拉著塔莎娜 照顧我的家人", "english": "I am not leaving. You hold Tatiana. Take care of my family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 保囉!", "english": "Paul. Paul!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能眼睜睜看著這些人去死 我不能留下這些人不管", "english": "I cannot leave these people to die. I cannot leave these people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸!", "english": "Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羅傑!羅傑 我會乘下一班飛機的", "english": "Roger! Roger, I will follow on the next flight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 別扔下我!保囉!", "english": "No, don't leave me! Paul!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別擔心 別擔心 孩子們 你爸爸沒事兒的", "english": "Don't worry. Don't worry, children. Your father's going to be okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸!", "english": "Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事兒的", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得那些庇護蟑螂的胡圖族人", "english": "I say those Hutus who shelter the cockroaches"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同蟑螂毫無差別", "english": "are the same as cockroaches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們應該有相同的命運 這裏是RTLM(千丘廣播電台)", "english": "Their fate should be the same. This is RTLM."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圖西族叛軍一定對徵兵表示否認", "english": "The Tutsi cockroaches of the rebel army must be denied recruits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧 胡圖族人 墳墓尚有餘位", "english": "Come on. good Hutus. The graves are not yet full."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 是的 他們正去機場", "english": "Okay. Yeah, they are going to the airport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鎖定你的廣播頻率 我聽到些緊急新聞", "english": "Stand by your radios. I am hearing some urgent news."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很重要!正在廣播 你快來聽", "english": "It is important! It is on the radio. You have to hear it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們收到非常重要消息 說有蟑螂", "english": "We have received reports of very important cockroaches"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和叛徒試圖逃離米勒·科林斯飯店", "english": "and traitors trying to escape from the Mille Collines Hotel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收起你們的武器吧", "english": "Gather up your weapons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鎖定您的廣播頻率 我們會有後續報道", "english": "Stand by your radios. We will keep you informed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們正被偷運出國…", "english": "They are being smuggled away..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不!誰告訴他們的 杜比?", "english": "No, no! Who told them of this, Dube?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到格萊戈瓦了 先生", "english": "I saw Gregoire, sir. It is Gregoire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是格萊戈瓦 我在大巴上看到了他", "english": "I saw him leaving in our bus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 先生 你要什麼我都給你", "english": "Please, sir, I will give you whatever I have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要知道誰離開了飯店 而不是其他人", "english": "I say who leaves that hotel, and no one else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比齊蒙戈將軍 他們遭到了伏擊", "english": "General Bizimungu, they are driving into an ambush."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢點", "english": "Slow down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別慌", "english": "Stay calm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們車上藏了蟑螂", "english": "You have got cockroaches in these trucks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有 不是 車上都是聯合國的人員", "english": "No, no. I've got U.N. personnel in these trucks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能搜查這個車隊", "english": "You are not going to search this convoy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到後面去", "english": "Go to the back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別靠近車輛 別靠近車輛!馬上離開!", "english": "Get away from that truck. Get away from that truck! Now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退後!你們不能傷及這些人", "english": "Get back! You're not to hurt these people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退後!退後!", "english": "Get back! Move back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽著 我給你講 你車上藏有蟑螂", "english": "Look, I told you, you've got cockroaches in your truck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 他們是聯合國批准的政治難民", "english": "No, no, no. They're political refugees under U.N. sanction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有消息稱 我們自己的軍中有膽小怕事之人", "english": "News has come to us that we have cowards in our own army"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不讓我們懲罰他們", "english": "who will not let us punish them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想從米勒·科林斯飯店帶走蟑螂?", "english": "You're moving cockroaches from Mille Collines?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 先生 不 先生 他們是政治難民", "english": "No, sir. No, sir, they're political refugees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阻止他!", "english": "Stop him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你個混蛋!", "english": "You bastard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什麼?", "english": "What's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什麼名字?叫什麼名字?", "english": "What's your name? What's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走!快開車!", "english": "Let's move! Drive!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走!出去!", "english": "Move! Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去 我開槍了!", "english": "Out, or I'll shoot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去!", "english": "Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開車 開車!我們走!", "english": "Drive, drive! Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幫我們離開這兒", "english": "Help us get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "清理路面!", "english": "Clear the street!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又收到了消息 胡圖族人", "english": "I am receiving more news. good Hutus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛徒盧斯賽伯吉納曾庇護的蟑螂", "english": "are on a truck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別動 給我你的衣服 快", "english": "Stay still. Give me your shirt, quickly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快來 保羅 快來 快來!", "english": "Come on, Paul. Come on, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快來 這兒 這兒 手給我 來", "english": "Come on, here, here. Give me your hand. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 拜託", "english": "Please, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 塔莎娜 我親愛的", "english": "Oh, Tatiana, my darling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶他進去!", "english": "Get him inside!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜 塔莎娜", "english": "Tatiana. Tatiana."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你扔下我不管 你扔下我不管", "english": "You left me. You left me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個拿回去 我不想要 我不想要", "english": "Take this. I don't want it. I don't want it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說你不會撇下我的 而你卻扔下了我 你這個騙子!", "english": "You said you'd never leave me, and you left me. You are a liar!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想讓你們安全 你們所有人", "english": "I wanted you to be safe, all of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "決定不是由你一個人說了算", "english": "That was not your decision to make."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們應該一起決定 我們發過誓的", "english": "We make our decisions together. That was our promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說得對", "english": "You're right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說得對", "english": "You're right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當車開走的一瞬間 我理解", "english": "I knew that the minute the truck pulled away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們在幹什麼?", "english": "What are they doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杜比", "english": "Dube."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 先生 水閥被關了 我們只能用這個了", "english": "I'm sorry, sir. They shut down the water. This is all we have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍", "english": "General."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的補給品呢?", "english": "Where are my supplies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 先生 倉庫都空了", "english": "I'm sorry, sir. The cellar is empty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一無所有 還打電話給我 求我幫你?", "english": "You have nothing, and yet you call me, begging me for help?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道為了保護這些蟑螂 我惹了多大麻煩?", "english": "Do you know the trouble I have protecting these cockroaches?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 我有房客們的錢", "english": "Sir, I have money from the guests."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盧旺達法郎!", "english": "Rwandan francs!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些你只能拿去擦屁股", "english": "Those are only good for wiping your ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會再幫你了 保羅", "english": "There is nothing more I can do for you, Paul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會再給你警察 不會再給你保護", "english": "No more police, no more protection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓聯合國保護你吧", "english": "Let the U.N. take care of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開車 走!", "english": "Drive. Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對此比利時航空有什麼措施?", "english": "What would Sabena make of this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當心!", "english": "Watch out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴下 趴下!", "english": "Get down, get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "受傷了嗎?到外面去", "english": "Are you hurt? Go outside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶著別動 這兒有碎玻璃 我來解決", "english": "Please stay still. There's glass here. I will get it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人受傷嗎 奧德特?", "english": "Is anyone hurt, Odette?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多人被割傷、擦傷", "english": "Lots of cuts and bruises."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感謝上帝這只是儲藏室", "english": "Thank God it was a storeroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在盧旺達 人道主義機構報道稱", "english": "And in Rwanda. humanitarian agencies report"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圖西族叛軍的快速增長", "english": "that a rapid advance by the Tutsi rebel army"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一名援助者描述說", "english": "One aid worker described it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是近代史上最大的一次難民潮", "english": "as the largest refugee exodus in modern history."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反叛分子佔領了半個城市", "english": "The rebels have taken half the city,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們提出的條件 胡圖族將軍願意接受", "english": "and they have proposed a deal the Hutu generals are willing to accept."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反叛分子決定用胡圖族的囚犯作交換", "english": "The rebels will exchange their Hutu prisoners,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們呢 所有的人", "english": "and you people, all of you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將被轉移到叛軍後方的安全地帶", "english": "will be able to move behind the rebel lines where it's safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "部族民兵呢 他們怎麼樣?", "english": "The lnterhamwe, what about them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果呆在這兒 他們才會殺了我們所有人", "english": "They will kill us all if we stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須把握機會", "english": "We have to take the chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們應該什麼時候撤離?", "english": "What time should we be ready to leave?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想兩天後應該可以 保羅", "english": "I can put it together in two days, Paul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兩天?", "english": "Two days?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校 我們不能在這兒呆上兩天的時間", "english": "Colonel, there is no way that we can hold out for two days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一無所有了 無法賄賂他們", "english": "I have nothing left to bribe them with."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校 兩天後我們都會死的", "english": "Colonel, we will all be dead in two days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黛安…讓你媽媽睡吧", "english": "Diane...Iet your mother rest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也睡了 甜心 睡吧", "english": "You rest too, sweetheart. Go to sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外交官飯店", "english": "Diplomat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去外交官飯店", "english": "I have to go to the Diplomat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓你的警察守住門好嗎 先生?", "english": "Will you please put your policemen at the gate, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我們先去看看你有什麼給我", "english": "No. Let us see what you have to offer first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 不 阿徹夫人", "english": "Oh, no. Madame Archer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 快走!", "english": "Move, move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點 讓我看", "english": "Come on, show me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看這個 不錯 對吧?", "english": "Look at this. Nice, yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有這些", "english": "And here you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反叛分子越來越近了 對嗎?", "english": "The rebels are getting closer, yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反叛分子能將此變為墳場", "english": "The rebels can have this graveyard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們下令所有人都離開這個城市", "english": "We have ordered everyone out of the city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝一口", "english": "Have a drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道蘇格蘭人怎麼叫這個?", "english": "You know what the Scottish call it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去世界上最好的單一麥芽釀酒廠參觀過", "english": "I went once on a tour of the finest single malt distillery in the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很不錯的國家", "english": "Wonderful country."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能玩很棒的高爾夫球", "english": "Wonderful golf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 我是否還能回去?", "english": "I wonder, will I ever go back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你覺得呢?", "english": "What do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望我們都能接觸到許許多多的東西 將軍", "english": "I hope we all get to do a great many things, General."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請問我們可以走了嗎 先生?", "english": "Can we go now, please, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要幫你個大忙 保羅", "english": "I am going to do you a great favor, Paul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心裝好 放在我吉普車上 守好", "english": "Pack those carefully, put them in my jeep, and guard them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要帶你到吉塔拉馬我們新司令部去", "english": "I am going to take you with us to our new headquarters in Gitarama."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想去吉塔拉馬 先生", "english": "I do not want to go to Gitarama, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃 你不能回飯館去", "english": "Well, you can't go back to the hotel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瘋狂的人正奔向那兒", "english": "The crazy men are on their way there now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生…將軍 我們得回去 我要帶走我的家人", "english": "Sir...General, we must go back so that I can get my family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我 比在這兒境況好得多", "english": "Trust me, we are better off here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍 這是困難時期", "english": "General, these are difficult times."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們需要相互幫助", "english": "We need to help one another."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要你幫我什麼 保羅?", "english": "And what help can I get from you, Paul?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在名單上", "english": "You are on a list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美國人把你寫在戰犯的名單上", "english": "The Americans have you on their list as a war criminal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 我很討厭也很厭倦你騙我", "english": "Paul, I am sick and tired of your lies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你傻了嗎 將軍?", "english": "Are you stupid, General?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你覺得那些人會怎麼做?", "english": "How do you think these people operate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這兒你胸前有五顆勳章", "english": "You sit here with five stars on your chest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想想是誰讓你得到的?", "english": "Who do you think they are coming after?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們去吉塔拉馬 你就會一直寫在那個名單上", "english": "We will go to Gitarama, and you will stay on that list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我來說 你是如何幫助飯店的人的", "english": "You need me to tell them how you helped at the hotel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們譴責你帶來的不幸 他們說你領導了屠殺", "english": "They blame you for all their misfortunes. They say you led the massacres."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒有領導屠殺!", "english": "I led no massacres!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你覺得他們會信你嗎?", "english": "Do you think they're going to believe you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去告訴他們真相!", "english": "You will tell them the truth!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我絕不告訴他們 除非你幫我", "english": "I will tell them nothing unless you help me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要幹什麼 殺了我?", "english": "What are you going to do, shoot me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "殺了我啊", "english": "Shoot me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託殺了我 上帝賜予我的", "english": "Please shoot me. It would be a blessing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你殺了我的家人我會償還的", "english": "I will pay you to shoot my family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能傷害我", "english": "You cannot hurt me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去告訴他們 我什麼都沒幹!", "english": "You will tell them that I did nothing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走 就現在", "english": "We are leaving. Right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出來!", "english": "Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別讓人到門口去!", "english": "Get these people away from the gate!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "離開飯店", "english": "Clear the hotel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去!", "english": "Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有民兵都離開!出去!", "english": "All of the militia must leave now! Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 不 不!", "english": "Oh, no, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "閉嘴 蟑螂!蹲下!", "english": "Shut up, cockroach! Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是他 就是他!", "english": "That's him. That's him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆著別動!", "english": "Stay where you are!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜!", "english": "Tatiana!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜!", "english": "Tatiana!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜!", "english": "Tatiana!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔莎娜!", "english": "Tatiana!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們走了 他們走了", "english": "They've gone. They've gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們走了", "english": "They've gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿這個幹什麼?", "english": "What were you going to do with this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還以為你…", "english": "I thought you had..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還以為你跳了", "english": "I thought you had jumped."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都到車上去 拜託", "english": "Everyone on the trucks, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶上你們的行李 一家人呆在一起", "english": "Take your luggage. Families please stay together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都能上去", "english": "There's enough room for everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望有朝一日我們能再回來", "english": "I hope someday we will come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走", "english": "Let's move out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她發了高燒", "english": "She has a very high fever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要去哪兒 爸爸?", "english": "Where are we going, Daddy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全的地方", "english": "Someplace safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝", "english": "My God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 我們走 孩子們蹲下來 帶孩子們走這邊", "english": "Come on, let's go. Children on the ground. Bring the children this way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們到後面去 讓他們到後面去", "english": "Pass them back, pass them back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別停 別停!直接開過去", "english": "Do not stop. Do not stop! Go right on through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴下!", "english": "Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蹲下!", "english": "Stay down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是反叛分子 我們正通過前線", "english": "It's the rebels. We're crossing the front line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事兒了 我們安全了", "english": "It's okay. We're safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事兒了", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事兒了 這兒安全了 安全了", "english": "It's okay, you are safe here. You are safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在沒事兒了 坐下來", "english": "It's okay now. Sit back down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多弄點水來", "english": "Get some more water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醫生說他嚴重脫水", "english": "The doctor says he is very dehydrated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們到了 來 下來吧", "english": "We made it. Come on, let's get down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 她病得很厲害 抱住她", "english": "Yeah, she's very sick. Take her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保羅 車在營地的另一邊", "english": "Paul, the buses are on the other side of camp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們要帶我去坦桑尼亞", "english": "They'll take you to Tanzania."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就去 保羅 因為我也不知道何時才會再有機會", "english": "Go now, Paul, 'cause I don't know when there'd be another opportunity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 拜託 都到了 對吧?", "english": "Please, please. We are here, yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "經理先生", "english": "Mr. Manager."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "康斯坦茨!", "english": "Constance!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感謝上帝你還活著!見到你真是太高興了", "english": "Thank God you are alive! It's so good to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你見過我哥哥和嫂子嗎?", "english": "Have you seen my brother and his wife?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都沒有", "english": "None of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人見過這些人嗎?你不認…", "english": "Has anyone seen these people? You don't recog--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媽媽 快來看", "english": "Mama, come see quick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這兒 媽媽 看", "english": "Here, Mama, look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託", "english": "Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了嗎 媽媽?是她們嗎?", "english": "Do you see them, Mama? Is that them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是她們嗎 媽媽?", "english": "Is that them, Mama?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們認識這些人嗎?", "english": "Do you recognize these people?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個小姑娘 她叫愛耐絲 這是卡琳", "english": "This little girl, she's Anais, and this is Carine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人見過這些姑娘嗎?", "english": "Have any of you seen these girls?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愛耐絲 那是我哥哥", "english": "Anais. And that's my brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都上車!", "english": "Everybody on the buses!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人都上車!", "english": "Everybody on the buses!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別擋在路上好嗎?我們過不去了!", "english": "Can you move out of the way? We need some room here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布西?", "english": "Boussey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的是你", "english": "It's you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪兒找到這個孩子的?", "english": "Where'd you find this child?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剛從米勒·科林斯飯店來的車上下來的", "english": "They just arrived on trucks from the Mille Collines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米勒·科林斯飯店的難民請上車了", "english": "All Mille Collines evacuees to the buses now. please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 睡一會兒吧", "english": "Come on, get some sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等!", "english": "Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停停 拜託!", "english": "Hold it, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 來 來", "english": "Come. Come, come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託 等等我們", "english": "Please, wait for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿徹夫人 我很擔心 還以為…", "english": "Madame Archer. I was so worried. I thought..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "見到你真得太高興了", "english": "It's wonderful to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愛耐絲?", "english": "Anais?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愛耐絲?卡琳?", "english": "Anais? Carine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 上帝!", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 上帝!", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 來 來!", "english": "Come, come, come!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 卡琳 愛耐絲 嗨 你好嗎 甜心?", "english": "Hello, Carine. Anais, hello. How are you, sweetheart?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來見見表姐妹?", "english": "Do you see your cousins?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們說沒位置了", "english": "They said there wasn't any room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總會有的", "english": "There's always room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂?请,巴黎。已经决定了。", "english": "Hello? Please, Paris. It has been decided."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯哼。嗯哼。这是正确的。", "english": "Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That's correct."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可爱。", "english": "Lovely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "色彩,戏剧性!", "english": "The color, the drama!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发射升空。", "english": "Blast off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么不呢?", "english": "Why not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,女士们。", "english": "Come along, ladies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们。女士们!", "english": "Ladies. Ladies!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我们正在等待电脑来回答这个问题。", "english": "Right now we're waiting for the computers to answer the question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后,我们会听到其中一个负责人的声明。", "english": "Then, we'll have an announcement from one of the men responsible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,就是这样。我们有一则通知。", "english": "Yes, that's it. We have an announcement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们先生们,有请劳埃德·c·克拉姆登。", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, Lloyd C. Cramden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你!女士们先生们,我们成功了。", "english": "Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we've done it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "历史上第一个载人航天平台正在进入一个完美的轨道!", "english": "The first manned space platform in history is moving into a perfect orbit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而这仅仅是个开始。在接下来的几周里,其他载有气象仪器、照相机、测绘和测量设备的火箭……将加入我们的平台…", "english": "And this is only the beginning. In the weeks to come, other rockets containing weather instruments, cameras, mapping and surveying equipment... will join up with our platform..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "使其成为外太空的第一个科学实验室。", "english": "making it the first scientific laboratory in outer space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一成就将极大地增加我们的科学知识。并将迎来一个善意的新时代……随着平台跨越所有国界…", "english": "This accomplishment will add immeasurably to our scientifiic knowledge... and will usher in a new era of goodwill... as the platform passes across all national boundaries..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们先生们,这是总统打电话给克拉姆登先生。", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, that's the president calling Mr. Cramden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想祝贺你在这一伟大成就中所扮演的角色,劳埃德。", "english": "I want to congratulate you on your part in this magnificent achievement, Lloyd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢,先生,谢谢。", "english": "Thank you, sir. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得说,既然都结束了,我可以稍微放松一下了。", "english": "I must say, now that it's over, I can use a little relaxation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正确的。现在你可以放松了。我在想来一场g-o-l-f。", "english": "Right. Now you can relax. I was thinking about a little round of g-o-l-f."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好。您建议什么时候呢,先生?", "english": "Very good. When do you suggest, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊哈。不够好。到时候见。", "english": "Uh-huh. Good enough. See you then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下周,同一时间,同一电台。", "english": "Next week, same time, same station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在让我们回到现场报道。呃,上校。", "english": "And now let's return to our on-the-spot coverage... Uh, Colonel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们先生们,这是上校…-卡特,卡特上校。-卡特上校。正确的。", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Colonel... - Uh, Carter, Colonel Carter. - Colonel Carter. Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是个老球员,上校。", "english": "You must be an old ball player, Colonel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有那么一刻,我还以为你在像三垒教练一样发信号。", "english": "For a moment there, I thought you were making signals like a third-base coach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?哦,这样。习惯吧,我猜。", "english": "What? Oh, this. Habit, I guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这次太空射击确实让我们回到了比赛中,不是吗?", "english": "But this space shot does put us back in the ball game, doesn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有一件事他说对了:这是不平凡的一天。", "english": "But he's right about one thing: This is quite a day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必须有我的戏剧性时刻。我马上带他来。", "english": "I must have my moment of drama. I will bring him right in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生,请跟我来。", "english": "Please, sir. Come with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐这儿吧。", "english": "Sit down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在。", "english": "Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他,他是完美的!", "english": "He's, he's perfect!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看到了什么?这是可能的。是的,可以做到。", "english": "You see? It is possible. Yes, it can be done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们,我做到了我的承诺。", "english": "Ladies, I have done what I promised."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在在上面坐好。", "english": "Now just sit tight up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天我们开始。", "english": "Tomorrow we begin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笨蛋!笨蛋!", "english": "Duffer! Duffer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笨蛋!", "english": "Duffer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笨蛋!", "english": "Duffer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仔细看着我,劳埃德。你一直在试图杀球。", "english": "Watch me very carefully, Lloyd. You've been trying to kill the ball."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蛮力不是解决办法。", "english": "Brute power is not the answer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高尔夫和生活本身有一个共同点:成功取决于时机。", "english": "Golf and life itself have one thing in common: Success is based on timing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,劳埃德,我要给你上一堂关于你秋千的小课。", "english": "Now, Lloyd, I'm going to give you a little lesson on that swing of yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了。仔细看着我,记住,一切都取决于时机。", "english": "All right now. Watch me very carefully, and remember, it's all in the timing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系的。", "english": "It's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么好担心的。", "english": "Nothing to be alarmed about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子们,总统来了。对不起,先生。", "english": "Well, boys, it's the president. My apologies, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系,先生。你好,孩子们。", "english": "That's all right, sir. Hello, boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向他要签名。", "english": "Ask him for his autograph."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪,总统先生,如果你能在你的高尔夫球上给我签名,我会把它放在我的蝙蝠侠照片旁边。", "english": "Gosh, Mr. President, if you'd autograph your golf ball for me, I'd put it right next to my picture of Batman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在他这个年纪的时候,总统在竞选中落后于贝比·鲁斯(Babe Ruth)。", "english": "When I was his age, the president ran a poor second to Babe Ruth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是给你的。", "english": "And here is one for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是给你的,总统先生。再次感谢你。", "english": "Here's one for you, Mr. President. Thank you very much again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的荣幸,先生。", "english": "My pleasure, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么?", "english": "What was it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三个……三分钟……现在,如果这块表是对的,那别的地方就大错特错了。", "english": "Three... Three min... Now, if this watch is right, something else is terribly wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统生命中的三分钟。", "english": "Three minutes in the life of the president."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不仅是不规则的,而且是非理性的。", "english": "It's not just irregular, it's irrational."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非理性的。跟问题一模一样,先生。", "english": "Irrational. Exactly like the problem, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对,该死的。", "english": "You're right, damn it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把那本关于狗的书拿给我。", "english": "Get me that book on dogs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊哈。好吧。好吧。谢谢你!", "english": "Uh-huh. All right. All right. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是对的。我们的人在白宫,但克拉姆登已经向弗林特求助了。", "english": "You're right. Our man's in the White House, but Cramden has turned to Flint for help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看,这种幼稚的男性忠诚有多容易预测?", "english": "You see how predictable, this childish masculine loyalty?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去纽约。", "english": "I'll leave for New York."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他知道你是他的朋友。给他食物。”", "english": "Show him you're his friend. Offer him food.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们,在Fabulous Face,我们提供完全个性化的美容护理。", "english": "And, ladies, at Fabulous Face, we offer completely individual beauty treatments."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "例如,如果你碰巧喜欢全身按摩,我们可以…我相信这很好,诺顿小姐,但我觉得我们没必要为了按摩离开小镇。", "english": "For example, if you happen to enjoy a full body massage, we can... I'm sure it's very nice, Miss Norton, but I don't think we really need to leave town for a massage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德里克一回来,我们就去里约。", "english": "As soon as Derek gets back, we leave for Rio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那真是太完美了。", "english": "Well, that's just perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的餐厅Fabulous Face就在岛上,离里约只有很短的航程,就在你的路上。", "english": "Our place Fabulous Face is right in the islands, just a short fight from Rio, right on your way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请说你会来的。", "english": "Please, say you'll come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德里克可以在从沙漠回来的路上来接我们。", "english": "Derek can pick us up on the way back from the desert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原谅我。", "english": "Pardon me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该微笑,先生,然后他就会放手。", "english": "You're supposed to smile, sir. Then he'll let go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦。", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是克拉姆登先生吧?", "english": "You must be Mr. Cramden, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,但我不记得我们以前见过面。", "english": "Uh, yes, but I don't remember our meeting before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我们是新来的。我们所有人。", "english": "No, we're new. All of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德里克在外面的游泳池。他说带你一起来。", "english": "Derek is out at the pool. He said to bring you along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你!", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "简单。我饿了。", "english": "Simple. I'm hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我饿了。", "english": "I'm hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,克拉姆登先生。", "english": "Oh, Mr. Cramden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顺便问一下,那些老女孩呢?", "english": "By the way, w-what happened to the old girls?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,另一个。", "english": "I mean, the other one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们确实很好……嗯,嗯…——准备?-当然了。", "english": "They certainly were well... Well, um... - Prepared? - Oh, naturally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,告诉我。", "english": "But, uh, tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前不是有四个吗?", "english": "Didn't there used to be four?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一次有五个人,长官,但那有点太多了。", "english": "Well, there were five at one time, sir, but that got to be a little too much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这样,埃里克。你已经吃过午饭了。", "english": "Come on, Eric. You've had your lunch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,先生,你在想什么?", "english": "Now, sir, what's on your mind?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那边那条鱼。你不…不。先生,海豚是哺乳动物。", "english": "That, that fish out there. You don't... No. Sir, a dolphin is a mammal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上,是鲸类动物的一员。", "english": "Actually, a member of the cetacean group."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲸鱼,先生。", "english": "Whales, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正确的。哦,很好。家里多了一个哺乳动物怎么样?", "english": "Right. Oh, good. What's one more mammal in this household, eh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他不住在这里。他只待几个星期……同时我编一本关于海豚声音的字典。", "english": "But he doesn't live here. He's just staying a few weeks... while I compile a dictionary on dolphin sounds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一本关于海豚的字典……不是语言,长官,我们通过声波交流。", "english": "A dictionary on dolphin s... Well, not words, sir. See, we communicate by sonic waves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是同分异构实验的一部分。", "english": "It's part of an experiment in isomerism."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,同分异构,先生……两个或两个以上的原子核与相同质量数之间的关系。", "english": "Yes, isomerism, sir... the relationship between two or more nuclei to the same mass numbers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去图书馆吧。实际上,它们有相同的质量和原子序数。", "english": "Let's go to the library. Actually, they have the same mass and atomic numbers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是能量和放射性衰变有不同的状态。", "english": "It's just, there are different states of energy and radioactive decay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不重要,我…它只是以声速通过压力波传播的辐射能。", "english": "If it were not important, l... It's simply radiant energy transmitted by pressure waves at the speed of sound."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很有趣,但我来这里的原因是…现在,通过控制声波的频率,我们可以产生音乐的音调。", "english": "That's very interesting, but my reason for being here... Now, by controlling the frequency of the sound wave, we can produce a musical tone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然而,所有的固体物体都可以被适当的沥青摧毁。", "english": "Yet, all solid objects can be destroyed by the proper pitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然而,我们正在取得如此大的科学进步……去年出版的那本书已经过时了。", "english": "However, we are making such scientific strides... that last year's book is already outdated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么找时间读书?", "english": "How do you find time to read?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不。这是我写的。已经过时了。", "english": "No, no. I wrote that. Already obsolete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特,我得私下跟你谈谈。", "english": "Flint, I've got to talk to you in private."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是的。打扰一下,先生。特里?", "english": "Oh, yes. Excuse me, sir. Terry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你,宝贝。", "english": "Thank you, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。", "english": "Mmm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦。", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特,我和总统打高尔夫的时候发生了一件事。", "english": "Now, Flint, something happened when I was playing golf with the president."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,总统!嗯…哦,是的。", "english": "Oh, the president! Well... Oh, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道从何说起。这似乎说不通啊。", "english": "I don't know where to begin. L-It just doesn't seem to make sense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信会的,先生,只是…你知道我一直都没有发挥出我的水准。", "english": "Well, I'm sure it will, sir. Just, um... Well, you know I haven't been playing up to my game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他让我用这个秒表给他的秋千计时。嗯…-哦,我明白了。所以,嗯…是的,嗯。-是的。", "english": "So he asked me to time his swing with this stopwatch. Well... - Oh, I see. So, uh... Yes, uh-huh. - Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特,花了三分钟。这是不可能的,不是吗?", "english": "Flint, it took three minutes. Now that's not possible, is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那块,那块表…当然,现在你已经检查过了。", "english": "The, uh, the watch... now you've had it checked, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,当然。", "english": "Oh, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很有趣。你想让我调查一下吗?", "english": "That's very interesting. Would you like me to look into this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这正是我所希望的。", "english": "That's what I was hoping."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一个星期左右就能修好,先生。", "english": "I can take care of it in about a week, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从死亡谷一回来就联系你。", "english": "I'll contact you as soon as I get back from Death Valley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺顿小姐邀请我们在你不在的时候做客\"美丽脸蛋\"", "english": "Miss Norton has invited us to be her guests at Fabulous Face while you're away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令人难以置信的脸?那是什么?", "english": "Fabulous Face? What's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是维尔京群岛上一个很棒的新疗养地。", "english": "It's that great new health resort in the Virgin Islands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。", "english": "Hmm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很有说服力,诺顿小姐。这个度假胜地一定是个好地方。", "english": "You're very convincing, Miss Norton. The resort must be quite a place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我,弗林特先生,是的。", "english": "Believe me, Mr. Flint, it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你能让他们来。", "english": "I, uh, do hope you'll allow them to come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,先生,我说到哪儿了?", "english": "Oh, sir. Where was I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沙漠。这是正确的。", "english": "The desert. That's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,知道去哪里找食物并不太难。", "english": "Well, it's not really too difficult to know where to find food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厨房里的食物……谢谢你!在沙漠里?", "english": "Food in the de... Thank you. In the desert?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是的,先生。它就在你周围,如果你知道在哪里可以找到它的话。", "english": "Oh, yes, sir. It's all around you, if you know where to find it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。幼虫、蛹。源自拉丁语vermiculus的英语化", "english": "Yes. Larvae, pupae. Anglicized from Latin vermiculus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有通心粉的样子。", "english": "Have the appearance of macaroni."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你想吃更传统的食物,今晚和我一起去路易吉餐厅吃饭怎么样?", "english": "Uh, if you'd like some more conventional food, how about dinner with me tonight at Luigi's?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,对不起,先生,我要收拾行李。", "english": "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I have some packing to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,没关系。我自己出去。", "english": "Ah, that's all right. I'll let myself out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,那好吧。好的,先生,代我向路易吉问好。", "english": "Oh, well, then. All right, sir. Give my best to Luigi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你想吃特别的东西,可以尝尝他的德里克·弗林特意式粉条。", "english": "If you want something really special, try his Vermicelli a la Derek Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幼虫。哟!", "english": "Grubs. Ew!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,幼虫。", "english": "Uh, grubs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,当然。", "english": "Oh, certainly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好。要不要来杯鸡尾酒?", "english": "Good evening. Would you care for a cocktail?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,请。哦,我要一杯马提尼。", "english": "Yes, please. Oh, I'll have a martini."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,女士。", "english": "Yes, ma'am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,不。不,我不这么认为。", "english": "Oh, no. No, I don't believe so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看,这是我第一次来纽约。", "english": "You see, this is my first trip here to New York."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不和我一起去吗?", "english": "Won't you join me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我,我很乐意,我很乐意……-请给我一杯白兰地。-是的,先生。", "english": "Well, l-I'd, I'd love to, I'd love to... - I'll have a cognac, please. - Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以自我介绍一下吗?", "english": "Uh, may I introduce myself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是劳埃德·克拉姆登。", "english": "I'm Lloyd Cramden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是诺玛·本森。", "english": "And I'm Norma Benson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦。", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯…请给我个火好吗?", "english": "Um... would you please give me a light?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯…谢谢你!", "english": "Well... Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里。", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你!", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在这里的旅行必须很短。", "english": "My trip here has to be a very short one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学校教师不属于高收入阶层。", "english": "Schoolteachers are not in the higher income brackets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦。", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没有遇到过像您这样美丽的老师。", "english": "I never had a teacher as beautiful as you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许这样也好。那会让人分心的。", "english": "Perhaps it was just as well. It would have been too distracting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你太胖了,克拉姆登先生。", "english": "Oh, you're very fattering, Mr. Cramden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是…你在哪里教书?", "english": "Just... where do you teach?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在约翰·c·卡尔霍恩高中教书。在弗吉尼亚州的罗阿诺克。", "english": "I teach at the John C. Calhoun High School... in Roanoke, Virginia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛亚诺克,弗吉尼亚州。", "english": "Roanoke, Virginia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们不要谈论我。", "english": "But let's not talk about me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是,呃…很明显你在一个更重要的位置上。", "english": "It's, uh... quite evident that you're in a much more important position."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。不。好吧,我……我只是成千上万的政府工作人员中的一员。", "english": "Hmm. No. Well, l... I'm just one of the many thousands of government workers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是弗吉尼亚州的罗阿诺克。", "english": "Especially Roanoke, Virginia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敬一位非常有魅力的政府代表。", "english": "And to a very charming representative of our government."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没在听。", "english": "You're not listening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我甚至不记得登记过。", "english": "I don't even remember registering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你第一次见到这个女人,和她喝了几杯,之后发生的事你都不记得了?", "english": "So, you met this woman for the first time, had a couple of drinks with her, and you can't recall anything that happened afterward?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只能断定,先生,酒里一定是下了药。", "english": "I can only conclude, sir, that the drink must have been drugged."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的报告显示了什么,卡特将军?", "english": "What does your report show, General Carter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "餐厅的服务员没看清楚那个女人,先生。", "english": "The waiter in the restaurant didn't get a good look at the woman, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至于他们喝酒用的杯子,实验室报告显示没有毒品的痕迹。", "english": "As for the glasses they drank from, the lab reports show no trace of a drug."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗吉尼亚州罗阿诺克的约翰·c·卡尔霍恩高中。", "english": "TheJohn C. Calhoun High School of Roanoke, Virginia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生,我们查过了。", "english": "Oh, yes, sir. We checked it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "约翰·c·卡尔霍恩高中几年前应我们的要求空了出来。", "english": "TheJohn C. Calhoun High School was vacated quite a few years ago, at our request."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕这牵涉到安全问题,总统先生。", "english": "I'm afraid there's a security angle involved, Mr. President."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,继续,卡特将军。让我们了解整个故事。", "english": "Well, go on, General Carter. Let's have the whole story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劳埃德,你能解释一下吗?", "english": "Lloyd, can you shed any light at all on this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贫民窟,先生,对不起,克拉姆登先生。", "english": "Skid Row, sir. I'm sorry, Mr. Cramden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劳埃德,我知道你一直是我的忠实仆人……敬我们都深爱的国家。", "english": "Lloyd, I know what a dedicated servant you've been to me... and to the country we both love so dearly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信在听证会上你会被证明是无辜的。", "english": "I'm sure you'll be vindicated at your hearing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那之前,你将被停职。", "english": "Until then, you're under suspension."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过,你可以继续使用你的办公室和艾弗里中尉的协助。", "english": "However, you may continue to use your office and the assistance of Lieutenant Avery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有一件事你可以肯定,劳埃德。", "english": "You can be sure of one thing, though, Lloyd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我永远不会背弃你的。卡特将军。", "english": "I'll never turn my back on you. General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是的,总统先生。我已经概述了其中的一些主要问题……", "english": "Oh, yes, Mr. President. I've outlined some of the major issues in this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官,这比那失踪的三分钟更重要。", "english": "Sir, this is more important than the missing three minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他拿我的钱玩得多开心啊。", "english": "What a field day he could have at my expense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦。", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她很丑,先生。", "english": "She was ugly, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦。", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以忘了弗林特了他很快就要走了。", "english": "Well, you can forget about Flint. He's going to be leaving very shortly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们就没时间浪费了。我可以得到你的允许吗?", "english": "Then we have no time to lose. May I have your permission?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,很好。", "english": "Well, fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你,先生。", "english": "Thank you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,美丽的。我们走吧。", "english": "Ah, beautiful. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的,弗林特,你知道我不是唐璜。", "english": "So, damn it, Flint, you know I'm no Don Juan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,我很确定,先生,问题是,既然排除了原始的兽性冲动,那女人的动机是什么?", "english": "Yes, I'm sure of that, sir. The question is, since raw animal passion is ruled out, what was the woman's motive?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生动物……看这儿,弗林特……-我想已经排除了。-是啊,是啊,不当然排除了。", "english": "Raw animal... See here, Flint... - It is ruled out, I assume. - Yeah, well, yeah, no. Of course it's ruled out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松。", "english": "Relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼吸……深入。", "english": "Breathe... deeply."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在…试着记住。", "english": "Now... try to remember."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在路易吉餐厅。", "english": "You're in Luigi's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在路易吉餐厅。", "english": "You're in Luigi's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了什么事?", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的钱包掉了。", "english": "She, uh, dropped her purse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我试着帮她。", "english": "And I, uh, tried to help her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我们做了自我介绍。", "english": "And then we, uh, introduced ourselves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她想抽根烟,所以我点了几根烟,然后…", "english": "And she wanted a cigarette, so I lit a couple of cigarettes, and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "香烟。匹配。", "english": "Cigarettes. Matches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。", "english": "Hmm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。有趣。当然是烧焦了。", "english": "Hmm. Interesting. Singed, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "烧焦的吗?", "english": "Singed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有styrax,依兰,含羞草,风信子和…", "english": "There's some styrax, ylang, mimosa, hyacinth and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大麻。", "english": "cannabis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与酒精混合,它就变成了一种催眠剂。", "english": "Combined with alcohol, it becomes a soporifiic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明显有人想诋毁你。让你难堪。", "english": "It's obvious that someone's trying to discredit you... to embarrass you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先是失踪的三分钟,现在又是这个。", "english": "First the missing three minutes, and now this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎样才能知道自己所在的公司何时禁止我进入?", "english": "How can I find out when my own organization is off-limits to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们说的是一个高度安全的综合设施。如果你被抓住了……今晚我来处理,先生。", "english": "We're talking about a top-security complex. If you get caught... I'll take care of it tonight, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特将军。", "english": "General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信弗林特先生今晚会来拜访我们。", "english": "I believe we can expect a visit from Mr. Flint tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧。", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生,我需要您的身份证件。", "english": "I'll need your identification papers, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以看看那些吗?", "english": "May I see those, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,先生,这里不允许您进入。", "english": "I'm sorry, sir. This doesn't permit you in this area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是俄罗斯宇航员。", "english": "Must be Russian cosmonauts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们表达我们的敬意。", "english": "Let's pay our respects."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最深切的同情,先生。", "english": "My deepest sympathy, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的朋友弗林特。", "english": "Your friend Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉。文件分解者。", "english": "I'm sorry. The document disintegrator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你杀了他。", "english": "You killed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉姆登先生,你真让我吃惊。", "english": "Mr. Cramden, I'm surprised at you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他闯入了一个绝密的安全大楼。", "english": "He broke into a top-secret security complex."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我别无选择。", "english": "There was no choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他这么做是因为我…抱歉,但你知道规矩的,先生。", "english": "He did it because l... I'm sorry, but you know the rules, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特。", "english": "Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他很固执。", "english": "He was obstinate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个孤独的人。", "english": "A loner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是最伟大的。", "english": "But the greatest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什么?", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,先生。", "english": "Sorry, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生?", "english": "Yes, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?这是谁?Flint!", "english": "Huh? Who's this? Flint!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?不要相信任何人。我明白了。我明白了。", "english": "Huh? Don't trust anyone. I got it. I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特,我要见你。", "english": "Flint, I gotta see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么莫斯科?", "english": "Why Moscow?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他挂断了电话。", "english": "He hung up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还活着!他要去莫斯科了!", "english": "He's alive! He's going to Moscow!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他还活着,先生,他是谁?", "english": "Well, if he's alive, sir, who's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,谁在乎?我得去找总统。", "english": "Oh, who cares? I've gotta get the president."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你之前为什么不告诉我?", "english": "Why didn't you tell me this before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还怕你以为我疯了呢。", "english": "I was afraid you'd have thought I cracked up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁能解释那失踪的三分钟?", "english": "Who could explain those missing three minutes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得弗林特能帮你解决问题。", "english": "And you felt that Flint could help unravel the problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他似乎是我最后的希望,先生。", "english": "He seemed my last hope, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他昨晚闯进安保系统后,告诉你我们被叛徒渗透了?", "english": "And after he broke into security last night, he told you that we were infiltrated with traitors?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生。", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他提到名字了吗?", "english": "Did he mention any names?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,先生,但我相信他。", "english": "No, sir, but I believe him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我觉得你应该知道,先生。", "english": "That's why I thought you should know, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想谢谢你,劳埃德。", "english": "I wanna thank you, Lloyd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想承认我误判了弗林特。", "english": "I want to confess that I misjudged Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在莫斯科做什么?", "english": "What's he doing in Moscow?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德里克,亲爱的,你来莫斯科做什么?", "english": "Derek, darling, what are you doing in Moskova?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一如往常,亲爱的。", "english": "The usual thing, my love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我什么时候能见到你?", "english": "When can I see you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚。", "english": "Tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪里?", "english": "Where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的美国音乐太颓废了。", "english": "Your American music is so decadent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,事情就是这样,亲爱的。", "english": "Well, that's where it's at, honey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,香槟。Pazhalsta。", "english": "Mmm, champagne. Pazhalsta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不错的一年,是吧?", "english": "A good year, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直留着等你来的时候用。", "english": "I've been saving it for your regular visit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯!", "english": "Mmm!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚。", "english": "Tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这和几个女宇航员有关。", "english": "It has to do with a couple of lady cosmonauts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女宇航员吗?", "english": "Lady cosmonauts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么会知道女宇航员呢?", "english": "Now, how would I know about lady cosmonauts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看了太空平台上的心电图。", "english": "I read the cardiographs from the space platform."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你凭什么觉得这些是女人?", "english": "And, uh, what makes you think these are women?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德里克,", "english": "Derek,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对。", "english": "you are right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有两个不见了。", "english": "There are two missing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很重要,娜塔莎。你能给我讲讲吗?", "english": "This is important, Natasha. Can you tell me about it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会把我知道的都告诉你。", "english": "I will tell you all I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,娜塔莎…", "english": "Oh, Natasha..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许动。", "english": "Don't you move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成分是一样的。", "english": "It's the same ingredients."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然可以。这是在报纸上!", "english": "Of course. It was in the paper!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "龙舌兰和风情。它原产于维尔京群岛。", "english": "Agave Americana. It's indigenous to the Virgin Islands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "属维尔京群岛?", "english": "Virgin Islands?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "属维尔京群岛。", "english": "Virgin Islands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令人难以置信的脸?", "english": "Fabulous Face?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它在维尔京群岛,对吗?", "english": "It's in the Virgin Islands, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "失踪的宇航员…", "english": "The missing cosmonauts..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了,娜塔莎?你喜欢什么?这是什么?", "english": "What is it, Natasha? What are you into? What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德里克,亲爱的,我不是你的敌人。", "english": "Derek, darling, I am not your enemy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你的朋友。我现在不能告诉你,因为太迟了。", "english": "I am your friend. I can't tell you now because it's too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁?你在这里做什么?", "english": "Who are you? What are you doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,娜塔莎同志,这是首相亲自下达的命令。", "english": "My apologies, comrade Natasha, but the order comes from the prime minister himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想见弗林特先生。", "english": "He wishes to see Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他睡不着。你的表演太精彩了。", "english": "He couldn't sleep. Your performance was so magnificent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想授予你尼金斯基勋章。", "english": "He wishes to confer upon you the Nijinksy Medal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦。", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊凡,帮弗林特先生穿上外套。", "english": "Ivan, help Mr. Flint on with his coat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很快。", "english": "Soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不!", "english": "No, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在!你太!", "english": "Now! You too!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个!", "english": "Hoo-hoo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好,在那里!", "english": "Hi, there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统先生……梅尔文,听!", "english": "Mr. President... Melvin, listen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你没有我们的两位女宇航员,谁有呢?", "english": "If you haven't got our two lady cosmonauts, who has?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅尔文,我得找到那些女孩。", "english": "Melvin, I've got to find those girls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是合理的。", "english": "Be reasonable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可能在哪里?", "english": "They could be where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅尔文,闭嘴。他们在那里住不了三天。他们讨厌米饭。", "english": "Melvin, bite your tongue. They couldn't live there three days. They hate rice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅尔文。", "english": "Melvin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅尔文,把女孩们给我。", "english": "Melvin, you give me the girls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅尔文,我跟你做个交易。", "english": "Melvin, I will make a deal with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧。你说你没有女儿。", "english": "All right. You say you haven't got the girls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但以防万一,我们有弗林特。", "english": "But just in case, we got Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,Flint!", "english": "Yes, Flint!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?杀了他?", "english": "What? Kill him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他是你的头号英雄。", "english": "But he's your number one hero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅尔文,我太夸张了。", "english": "Well, Melvin, I was exaggerating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没有抓到他,但我们知道他要去哪里。", "english": "We don't actually have him, but we know where he is going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维尔京群岛。", "english": "The Virgin Islands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅尔文,你知道我们没有打架。只去了古巴。", "english": "Melvin, you know we got no fights there. Only to Cuba."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅尔文,弗林特去古巴想干什么?", "english": "Melvin, what would Flint want in Cuba?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士,请原谅。", "english": "Senora, para usted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被解雇了。", "english": "Para usted y usted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈瓦那报。嗯,亲爱的。", "english": "Es de Havana. Mmm, muy bueno."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么呢我一提到弗林特在莫斯科,总统就迫不及待地想除掉我。", "english": "What's going on? I mention Flint is in Moscow, the president can hardly wait to get rid of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从未听说过的人被安排在关键岗位上,到处都是新面孔。", "english": "People I've never even heard of are placed in key positions, new faces everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至我的听证会也推迟了。", "english": "Even the date of my hearing postponed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉你,如果弗林特是对的…而且我们被渗透了,我们真的很危险。", "english": "I tell you, if Flint is right... and we've been infiltrated, we're in real danger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要触电了。", "english": "I'm being electrocuted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你闭嘴,先生,我相信我能撬出来。", "english": "If you'll stop talking, sir, I believe I can pry it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个发射器。", "english": "A transmitter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们知道我们的一举一动。", "english": "They've known every move we've made."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁干的,先生?", "english": "But who's doing it, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道。但我是对的,弗林特也是。", "english": "I don't know. But I was right, and so was Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们如何追踪他们?", "english": "How do we trace them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我有办法,先生。", "english": "I think I can find a way, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个装置的工作原理与对讲机相同。", "english": "This device operates on the same principle as a walkie-talkie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个系统是可以逆转的。回形针,先生。", "english": "The system can be reversed. Paper clip, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个发射装置可以变成接收器。", "english": "This transmitting device can become a receiver."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请稍等,先生。", "english": "Just a few moments, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想这个应该可以。", "english": "I think this should do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特将军吗?", "english": "General Carter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特将军吗?", "english": "General Carter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特将军吗?卡特将军吗?", "english": "General Carter? General Carter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是卡特将军。怎么了,中尉?", "english": "General Carter here. What is it, Lieutenant?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官,这命令我把核弹装进火箭…而不是气象实验室。", "english": "Sir, this orders me to load the rocket with nuclear bombs... instead of a weather laboratory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "核弹,先生?", "english": "Nuclear bombs, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "代号是达摩克利斯。直接来自白宫的新命令。", "english": "The code name is Damocles. New orders directly from the White House."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是最高安全级别。你明白吗,中尉?", "english": "This is top security. You understand, Lieutenant?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生。", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "启动太空平台。你知道后果吗,艾弗里?", "english": "Arming the space platform. You realize the consequences, Avery?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生,对世界的核威胁。", "english": "Yes, sir. A nuclear threat to the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说这些命令来自白宫。", "english": "And he said the orders came from the White House."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们更清楚这一点。", "english": "We know better than that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特将军是叛徒。", "english": "General Carter is the traitor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得阻止他。", "english": "We've got to stop him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特将军给总统洗脑了。", "english": "General Carter's got the president brainwashed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们能去弗林特。", "english": "If we could just get to Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么,我们可以!他要去见他的女朋友。", "english": "Why, we can! He was gonna meet his girls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这样,艾弗里!某个美容胜地……在维尔京群岛有个傻名字", "english": "That's it, Avery! Some beauty resort... with a silly name in the Virgin Islands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这就是……导弹基地。", "english": "But that's where... The missile site."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巧合吗?", "english": "Coincidence?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您呢,先生?", "english": "And you, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去美颜店。", "english": "I'm going to Fabulous Face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我并不总是一个伏案工作的突击队员。", "english": "I haven't always been a desk-bound commando."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和燧石……他不是唯一的伪装大师。", "english": "And Flint... he's not the only master of disguise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见。", "english": "Adios."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做得很好,亲爱的。", "english": "You're doing fine, dearie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最好把这些拿到楼上去。——为什么?", "english": "- I'd better take these upstairs. - Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看不出有什么。", "english": "Well, not much that I can see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,是的。也许是机器出问题了。", "english": "Hmm, yes. Well, maybe the machines are out of whack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这三个?嗯。", "english": "Just these three? Uh-uh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些女孩有抵抗力。我们只是没有接触到他们。", "english": "These girls have got resistance. We're just not reaching them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道弗林特,他一定给人留下了深刻的印象。", "english": "You know that Flint, he must make quite an impression."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。", "english": "Hmm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最好把这些拿到楼上去。他们知道该怎么做。", "english": "Well, I'd better take these upstairs. They'll know what to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些女孩拒绝了我们所有的节目。", "english": "These girls have rejected all our programming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的这位弗林特先生……是的。是的,他很有影响力。", "english": "This Mr. Flint of theirs... Yes. Yes, he's quite an infuence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实上,他正在来的路上,我们必须让他们消失在视线之外。", "english": "As a matter of fact, he's on his way here right now, and we must get them out of sight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到《美丽脸蛋》,希勒夫人。", "english": "Welcome to Fabulous Face, Mrs. Hiller."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我来拿行李。谢谢你!", "english": "Oh, I'll take the bags. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您的房间准备好了。请跟我来好吗?", "english": "Your room is ready. Will you follow me, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信你会喜欢在\"妙颜\"住的。", "english": "I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here at Fabulous Face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,亲爱的。慢慢来。", "english": "Come along now, dear. Just take your time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边走,亲爱的。", "english": "Uh, this way, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来看看这个。", "english": "Get a load of this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦。", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?", "english": "What's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是我所说的野心。", "english": "That's what I call ambition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好。", "english": "Good morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米……哦!", "english": "M... Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劳埃德!", "english": "Lloyd!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然可以。", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高尔夫球场。缺失的三分钟。", "english": "The golf course. The missing three minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劳埃德,怎么回事?我为什么在这里?", "english": "Lloyd, what's going on? Why am I here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再做一个疗程,今天就结束了。", "english": "Just one more session, and we're through for the day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我希望至少这个会很酷。", "english": "Well, I hope at least this one will be cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,你一定会喜欢的。嗯哼。", "english": "Oh, you'll just love it. Mm-hmm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是低温生物实验室!", "english": "That's a cryobiology lab!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放开我!不!放开我!哦,求你了,不要!", "english": "Let me go! No! Let me go! Oh, please, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我讨厌那样做。他们好了。", "english": "I hated to do that. They're nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真遗憾,他们很难被说服。", "english": "What a pity they're so hard to convince."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他们的那个弗林特。他一定是个催眠师什么的。", "english": "It's that Flint of theirs. He must be a hypnotist or something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你看到那样的女孩是什么感觉时,你有没有想过?", "english": "Does it ever make you wonder when you see how girls like that feel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了吧。", "english": "Forget it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好,弗林特先生。", "english": "Hello, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺顿小姐。", "english": "Miss Norton."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你觉得这一切有点……哥特?", "english": "I imagine you find it all a bit... Gothic?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是可爱的。", "english": "It's lovely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是怎么看我们的…未经通知就以这种方式进来", "english": "What you must think of us... to come in this way, unannounced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想这并不意外。", "english": "But not unexpected, I gather."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不。这是真的吗?", "english": "No. Is this real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是的。是的,非常真实。", "english": "Oh, yes. Yes, it's quite real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们称之为“留到以后”计划。", "english": "We call it our \"save for later\" program."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里,值得保留的人可以被保存到一个更值得生活的时代。", "english": "Here, people worth keeping can be saved for a time more worth living in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实上,这是一种极致的奢侈。", "english": "As a matter of fact, it's really quite the ultimate luxury."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想象一下。", "english": "Just imagine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯…被冷冻在氮气中…然后过一段时间再解冻,就像超市的披萨一样……不是经典意义上的永生,但是…", "english": "Well... to be frozen in nitrogen gas... and then thawed out at some time later like a supermarket pizza... is not exactly the classical idea of immortality, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,这些……占领了?", "english": "Now, those... Occupied?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是——但是走吧,弗林特先生。", "english": "But-But come along, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这真的不太受欢迎。", "english": "This, uh, really isn't much of a welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想带你参观一下。", "english": "I'd like to give you a tour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信我们的女士们…想好好看看著名的德里克·弗林特。", "english": "I'm sure our ladies... would like to get a good look at the famous Derek Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,你太胖了。", "english": "Oh, you're very fattering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好,弗林特先生。", "english": "Good evening, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好,弗林特先生。", "english": "Good evening, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,对不起。", "english": "Oh, sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原谅我。", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你已经习惯被女人崇拜了,不是吗?", "english": "You're quite accustomed to being admired by women, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得说这让人精神振奋……和一个不屑于这种事的漂亮女人在一起。", "english": "I must say it's refreshing... to be with a beautiful woman who's above that sort of thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唉,我可从没说过我不屑于这种事。", "english": "Why, I never said I was above that sort of thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的意思是…是吗?", "english": "What I meant was, uh... Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的很在行,弗林特先生。", "english": "You really are good at it, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么让你对女人如此不可抗拒?", "english": "What is it about you that makes you so irresistible to women?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很简单。我不跟他们竞争。", "english": "It's very simple. I don't compete with them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在悬念结束了。", "english": "Now that ends the suspense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得很对。我很好奇。", "english": "You're quite right. I was curious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你参观过了,我也参观过了。", "english": "Well, now you've had the tour, and so have I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时间不早了,弗林特先生。", "english": "It's getting late, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让他们现在送你去机场好吗?", "english": "Shall I have them take you to the airport now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚从莫斯科来。", "english": "Look, I just came from Moscow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和一个叫娜塔莎的芭蕾舞女演员谈过。", "english": "I had a talk with a little ballerina named Natasha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有两名宇航员在那里,我的女儿们在这里。", "english": "There are two cosmonauts up there, and my girls are here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是有联系的。这是什么?", "english": "There's a connection. What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芭蕾舞演员吗?", "english": "Ballerinas?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我们应该带他去办公室。", "english": "I think we should take him to the office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带路吧,女士们。", "english": "Lead on, ladies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,我们不要再进行媒体讨论了。", "english": "Now, let's not have that media discussion all over again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通告必须同时在各地的电视上播出。", "english": "The announcement has to be on television the same time everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你介意吗?", "english": "Do you mind?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,弗林特先生。", "english": "Come along, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们,这位当然是德里克·弗林特。", "english": "Ladies, this, of course, is Derek Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识你们所有人。", "english": "I know all of you ladies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时装、化妆品、出版物、通讯。", "english": "Fashions, cosmetics, publications, communications."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都是非常有名的女士。", "english": "You're all very famous ladies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能管理的,你可以控制。", "english": "What you don't manage, you control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能控制的,你会影响。", "english": "What you don't control, you infuence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些你没有影响到的,也许有一天你会继承,对吧?", "english": "What you don't infuence, you probably one day will inherit, hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说得好,弗林先生……弗林特先生。", "english": "That's very well put, Mr. Flynn... uh, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有发射井人员待命。准备装载导弹。", "english": "All silo personnel stand by. Ready for missile loading."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了。太好了。", "english": "Excellent. Excellent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我必须说,对于一个普通人来说,这是一幅相当壮观的景象……能在这里和大家在一起。", "english": "Well, I must say that this is quite a sight for a mere man... to be present here among all of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是脑力和美貌的高峰会议,大家都坐在这里看着火箭的准备工作。", "english": "This, uh, summit conference of brains and beauty, all sitting here watching a rocket being prepared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么意思呢?", "english": "Now, what could that mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯…那些四处游荡的俄罗斯女人…", "english": "Uh... those Russian ladies fying arou..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太空平台由你控制吗?", "english": "You're in control of the space platform?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他真的很聪明。", "english": "He's really very clever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特先生,作为一个男人,你真的很聪明。", "english": "Mr. Flint, you're really quite intelligent for a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特先生,作为一个男人,你真的很聪明。", "english": "Mr. Flint, you're really quite intelligent for a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,是的。但是已经很晚了,还有很多事情要做。", "english": "Yes, yes. But it's getting late, and there's still a great deal to be done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧,弗林特先生。你们所有的问题明天都会得到解答。", "english": "Run along, Mr. Flint. All your questions will be answered tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "达摩克利斯计划一完成,我们就回来。", "english": "As soon as Project Damocles is complete, we shall return."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼吁利用核能作为威胁的达摩克利斯计划?", "english": "The Project Damocles that calls for nuclear energy to be used as a threat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正确的。", "english": "Correct."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个完全不可信的想法。没有一个头脑正常的人会……伊丽莎白小姐,我们不能让他现在离开这里。", "english": "That's a totally discredited idea. No one in his right mind could... Miss Elisabeth, we can't let him leave here now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,亲爱的。你说得很对。", "english": "No, my dear. You're quite right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这么紧张,弗林特先生。", "english": "Don't be so nervous, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么好担心的。", "english": "There's nothing to worry about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到明天这个时候,女性将主宰世界。", "english": "By this time tomorrow, women will be running the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后你就会看到一切很快就会安定下来。", "english": "And then you will see how quickly everything will settle down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女性主宰世界?", "english": "Women running the world?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,你不能……你不是认真的吧。", "english": "Oh, you can't... You can't be serious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,弗林特先生。有多少企业……是由秘书,情妇,妻子管理的吗?", "english": "Oh, come now, Mr. Flint. How many businesses... are actually being run by secretaries, mistresses, wives?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果老板离开几天,工作就会停止吗?", "english": "If the boss goes away for a few days, does the work stop?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面对现实吧,弗林特先生。我们女人比你活得长。", "english": "Face it, Mr. Flint. We women are outliving you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个国家的财富,全世界的财富,都集中在我们这些洗碗工手中。", "english": "The wealth of this country, of the world, is concentrated in our dishpan hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧。我承认这一切。", "english": "All right. Granted all of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你急什么呢?你为什么不等等呢?", "english": "Now, what's your hurry? Why don't you just wait?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都会落在你的身上。", "english": "It'll all fall right into your laps."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜你们都穿裤子的时候还是会有腿的吧。", "english": "Uh, you will still have laps when you're all wearing the pants, I assume."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是世界上数以百万计的女性……谁会不像你那样看待你的小计划呢?", "english": "But what about the millions of women throughout the world... who may not see your little plan just the way you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的,告诉弗林特先生吹风机是怎么用的。", "english": "My dear, show Mr. Flint how the hair dryer works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说吧,弗林特先生。我想你会很感兴趣的。", "english": "Go ahead, Mr. Flint. I think you'll be quite interested."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吹风机吗?", "english": "Hair dryer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想当头发是湿的时候,电流被传导,程序被接收。", "english": "I suppose when the hair is wet, the current is conducted and the programming received."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洗脑和洗头同时进行。", "english": "Brain and hair washing at the same time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全正确。", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真以为你能逃脱惩罚吗?", "english": "You really think you can get away with this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "侥幸逃脱?", "english": "Get away with it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,弗林特先生,你想想。思考。", "english": "Oh, Mr. Flint, think a minute. Think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,像这样的吹风机已经使用了一段时间了,对吗?", "english": "Now then, hair dryers like these have been in use for some time, correct?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,正确。", "english": "Yes, correct."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好。这么多年来,每次女人走进美容院,她都会对男人的世界多一点不满。", "english": "Very well. For many years now, every time a woman went into a beauty shop, she came out a little bit more dissatisfied with a man's world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一直很忙,弗林特先生。", "english": "We've been busy, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你会发现那个心满意足的家庭主妇……都是过去的事了。", "english": "I think you'll find the contented housewife... is a thing of the past."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们。", "english": "Ladies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忘记它!", "english": "Forget it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忘记了吗?", "english": "Forget it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特将军,这是什么意思?", "english": "General Carter, what is the meaning of this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和塞巴斯蒂安怎么还没准备好比赛?你知道你的命令。", "english": "Why aren't you and Sebastian getting the fight ready? You know your orders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴,坐下,殿下。游戏时间结束了。", "english": "Shut up and sit down, Your Highness. Playtime is over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下。少校。", "english": "Sit. Major."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,弗林特先生,我打赌你也听腻了这些废话。", "english": "Well, Mr. Flint, I bet you've been getting an earful of this nonsense too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "形势已得到控制。我的手。", "english": "The situation is well in hand. My hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真以为我们会为了你们这些老娘们费这么大劲吗?", "english": "Did you really think we were gonna go through all that just for you old broads?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但塞巴斯蒂安相信我们。你和站台上的姑娘们也是。", "english": "But Sebastian believed in us. And so did you and the girls on the platform."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗?他真的很喜欢这个角色。", "english": "You know something? He's really enjoying the role."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以,我们要让这一切永久化。", "english": "So much so, we're going to make the whole thing permanent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么长时间,这么多年我们都在计划…他骗不了我们。他对我们的事业很真诚。", "english": "All this time, the years we spent in planning... He couldn't have fooled us. He was so sincere about our cause."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是的,他是真诚的。", "english": "Oh, yes, he was sincere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那是在我们从山顶看到风景之前。", "english": "But that's before we saw the view from the top."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "演员当总统?", "english": "An actor as president?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,我们真傻,竟然相信了任何人!", "english": "Oh, we were fools to trust any man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想打断你们,但气球升空时我必须在场。", "english": "I hate to break this up, but I've got to be there when the balloon goes up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你马上就能见到你的朋友了。", "english": "You'll see your friends there in a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带女士们下来。", "english": "Take the ladies down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们试试外交手段好吗?", "english": "Shall we try diplomacy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你让大家久等了,弗林特先生。", "english": "You've kept everyone waiting, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你的手拿开,你这个怪物!你怎么敢!", "english": "Take your hands off me, you monster! How dare you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为冰箱不够用,你们俩只能挤一间了。", "english": "Since there aren't enough freezers to go around, you two will just have to double up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经给你安排了一个可爱的伙伴,弗林特先生。", "english": "I've seen to it that you have a lovely companion, Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真好。", "english": "You're so kind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还有多少时间?", "english": "How much time do we have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只剩不到一个小时了。", "english": "We have less than an hour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生,有你的电话吗?附近有个空军基地。", "english": "Sir, a call from you? There's an air base close by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁会相信我?", "english": "Who'd believe me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在上面看到了很多漂浮的东西,而且我知道你们的员工都很健壮。", "english": "Well, I saw a lot of foating stuff up there, and your staff, I understand, is quite athletic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,伊丽莎白小姐,我们的方法行不通。", "english": "Look, Miss Elisabeth, our way just didn't work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去叫其他女孩,我们海滩见。", "english": "I'll get the rest of the girls, and I'll meet you at the beach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操作接吻吗?", "english": "Operation Smooch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操作接吻吗?", "english": "Operation Smooch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接吻。", "english": "Smooch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直在等你,先生。", "english": "I've been expecting you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统先生,弗林特先生,请跟我来。", "english": "Mr. President, Mr. Flint, if you'll follow me, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们,这边走。", "english": "Come this way, ladies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们。先生们,我们正迅速接近…我们希望这将是本世纪最重大的发射。", "english": "Gentlemen. Gentlemen, we are rapidly approaching... what we hope will be the most momentous launch of the century."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信你们会和我一起祝福我们的两位宇航员……-这是怎么回事?-我不知道。", "english": "I'm sure you'll join with me in wishing both of our astronauts... - What the hell is going on here? - I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卫兵!", "english": "Guards!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们都认识我。你认识我很多年了!", "english": "Now, you all know me. You've known me for years!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个人是个骗子。", "english": "That man is an impostor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是对的。我不是被选为这个职位的。", "english": "He's right. I was not elected to this office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然而,有一些令人信服的理由……为什么我觉得我应该继续下去。", "english": "However, there are certain compelling reasons... why I feel I should continue in it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信卡特将军也同意我的看法。", "english": "And I'm sure that General Carter agrees with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是的,先生。", "english": "Oh, yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生,这里由你负责,我来处理。", "english": "You take charge here, sir. I'll see the bird fies right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倒计时将继续。", "english": "Countdown will continue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿起伯爵,士兵。", "english": "Pick up the count, soldier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要被打扰,先生们。", "english": "Don't be disturbed, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向你们保证,我们与你们政府的关系……将一如既往。", "english": "I assure you that our relations with your governments... will continue as before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确认导弹检查已经完成…与辅助检测套件读数兼容。", "english": "Verify that missile checks are complete... and auxiliary checkout kit readout is compatible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生,他们怎么样了?", "english": "Well, Doctor, how are they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们状况很好,将军。", "english": "They're in excellent condition, General."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总统亲自让我尽他最大的努力。", "english": "The president asked me personally to offer his best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "验证Mod III制导数据链测试是否完成。", "english": "Verify that Mod III guidance data link test is complete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "验证飞行动力学辅助支撑切断试验是否完成。", "english": "Verify flight dynamics auxiliary sustainer cutoff test is complete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我不能。我结婚了。", "english": "But I can't. I'm married."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我结婚了。", "english": "I'm married."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么鬼东西?赛迪·霍金斯日?", "english": "What the hell is this? Sadie Hawkins Day?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别闹了。别闹了!", "english": "Cut it out. Cut it out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别闹了。这是总统令。", "english": "Cut it out. That is a presidential order."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我命令你……你!我命令你们都给我闭嘴!", "english": "I order you to... You! I order you all to cut it out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停止倒计时!", "english": "Stop the countdown!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道你刚刚做了什么吗?", "english": "Do you know what you just did?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能粗暴对待我。这是叛国罪。", "english": "You cannot manhandle me. That is a treasonable offense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫卡特过来,快!", "english": "Get Carter down here, quick!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打电话给卡特将军。", "english": "Calling General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打电话给卡特将军。", "english": "Calling General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打电话给卡特将军。", "english": "Calling General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打电话给卡特将军。", "english": "Calling General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打电话给卡特将军。", "english": "Calling General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打电话给卡特将军。", "english": "Calling General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "核警报!", "english": "Nuclear alert!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是卡特将军。", "english": "This is General Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如你所知,这个控制杆控制着一千万吨的武器。", "english": "As you know, this lever controls the arming of ten megatons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "足以摧毁整个加勒比海地区,其辐射沉降物可以覆盖半个地球。", "english": "Enough power to destroy the entire Caribbean area, with a radiation fallout that could cover half the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你不希望我这么做,所以考虑一下。", "english": "I know you don't want me to do that, so think about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是不要花太长时间。", "english": "But don't take too long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官,我们得把这些人弄出去。", "english": "Sir, we've got to get the people out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特,佤邦……但是,先生,你最好阻止他。", "english": "Flint, wa... But, sir, you better stop him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劳埃德,你得阻止卡特。", "english": "Lloyd, you've gotta stop Carter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是劳埃德·克拉姆登。你想要什么?", "english": "This is Lloyd Cramden. What is it you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立即开始倒计时。", "english": "Start the countdown immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能拉那个控制杆。你会和我们一起上去。", "english": "You're not gonna pull that lever. You'd go up with the rest of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是正确的。", "english": "That's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特,等等!我们可以做个交易。我们抓到特伦特了。", "english": "Carter, wait! We can make a deal. We've got Trent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝贺你。现在他是你的麻烦了。", "english": "Congratulations. Now he's your problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特!卡特,听我说!", "english": "Carter! Carter, listen to me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,克拉姆登。你拖延。", "english": "Come on, Cramden. You're stalling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得阻止他。", "english": "You've got to stop him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特将军,我是你们的代理总司令。", "english": "General Carter, this is your acting commander-in-chief."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我命令你立刻离开那个舱!", "english": "I order you to leave that capsule at once!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "代理”是正确的。但你现在已经退出剧组了。", "english": "'Acting\"is right. But you're out of the cast now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的替角已经接替了。别再拖延了,克拉姆登。", "english": "Your understudy has taken over. Stop stalling, Cramden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走了。别再在那个小丑身上浪费时间了。", "english": "Get going. Don't waste any more time on that clown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小丑?你知道你在跟谁说话吗?", "english": "Clown? Do you realize who you're talking to?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是陆军、海军、空军的总司令!", "english": "I am the commander-in-chief of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我号召所有忠诚的美国人在白宫前纠察!", "english": "I call on all loyal Americans to picket the White House!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你的国会议员写信!别让他们弄脏你的水!", "english": "Write to your congressmen! Don't let them fuoridate your water!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被罢免了!", "english": "I am deposed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再一次进入缺口。”", "english": "Once more into the breach.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡特,倒计时开始了。", "english": "Carter, the countdown will begin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好。", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要记住。我不想看到……这些仪器出现任何故意的故障。", "english": "Just remember. I don't want to see... any deliberate malfunctions appear on these instruments."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以要理智。", "english": "So be reasonable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始倒计时。", "english": "Start the countdown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我接指挥中心。我需要那套西装。", "english": "Uh, get me Mission Control. I'm gonna need that suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指挥中心,给我克拉姆登。", "english": "Mission Control, give me Cramden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉姆登先生,这是准备室,先生,弗林特先生。", "english": "Mr. Cramden, it's the ready room, sir. Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特吗?是吗?", "english": "Flint? Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛伊德,给我三分钟,无论如何。三分钟。", "english": "Lloyd, get me three minutes, any way you can. Three minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正确的。", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在准备室。尽你所能给他三分钟。", "english": "He's in the ready room. Get him three minutes any way you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,长官,你的油箱压力稳定系统有故障。", "english": "Yes, sir. You, you've got a malfunction in the tank pressure stabilization."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "动!", "english": "Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正在检查。", "english": "We're checking it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "舱门打开,所有系统正常。提前点火。", "english": "Hatch open, and all systems are go. Pre-ignition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拖延!没什么不对的。", "english": "You're stalling! There's nothing wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再给你十秒钟。", "english": "I'll give you ten more seconds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有别的选择。", "english": "There's no other choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生。", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续倒计时。", "english": "Resume the countdown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生。", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "舱门打开,所有系统正常。提前点火。", "english": "Hatch open, and all systems are go. Pre-ignition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五个咦,是弗林特先生。", "english": "Five... Why, it's Mr. Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是弗林特!", "english": "That's Flint!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见!", "english": "See ya!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们在大气层中引爆,我们就完蛋了……整个半球。", "english": "If we detonate in the atmosphere, we've had it... the whole hemisphere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能让他们武装太空平台。", "english": "We can't let them arm that space platform."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时机至关重要。", "english": "The timing will be critical."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得等到最后一刻了。", "english": "We'll have to wait till the last second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特呢?", "english": "What about Flint?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们承诺。", "english": "We're committed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确认目视观察到发射。", "english": "Confirming visual observation of liftoff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "报告运载火箭升空时间。", "english": "Report time of launch vehicle liftoff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二阶段分离和清除。", "english": "Second stage separated and clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太空舱进入轨道。", "english": "Capsule entering orbital path."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无法恢复与监视器的联系。我们无法和太空舱联系。", "english": "Unable to regain monitor contact. We can't communicate with the capsule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们联系不上他,长官。", "english": "We can't reach him, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长官,太空舱有点问题。", "english": "Sir, there's something wrong with the capsule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "制导控制系统发生故障,太空舱偏离了航线。", "english": "The guidance control system has malfunctioned, and the capsule is off course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它正飞向太空深处。", "english": "It's heading into deep space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "截击机别动。", "english": "Hold those interceptors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太晚了,先生。", "english": "It's too late, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不会被遗忘的,劳埃德。", "english": "He'll not be forgotten, Lloyd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将会有一个全国性的…不,是国际哀悼日。", "english": "There will be a national... no, an international day of mourning for him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会发布公告。", "english": "I'll issue a proclamation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任务控制。控制中心。", "english": "Mission Control. Control Center."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "控制中心,等待指令。", "english": "Control Center, awaiting instructions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还活着!", "english": "He's alive!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万岁!万岁!", "english": "Hooray! Hooray!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然是!所以他才叫弗林特!", "english": "Of course it is! That's why he's Flint!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝贺你,弗林特。", "english": "Congratulations, Flint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来了!我们会把你安全送回来的。", "english": "You made it! We'll get you back here safely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经在加那利群岛地区派了一支救援队。", "english": "We've got a recovery team in the area of the Canary Islands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,先生,加那利群岛对我来说好像有点远。", "english": "Sorry, sir, but the Canary Islands seems a bit far out to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我…非常感谢溅落指令…比如去中央公园。", "english": "I... would appreciate splashdown instructions... for, say, Central Park."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中央……找到中央公园的坐标。", "english": "Central... Get the coordinates of Central Park."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特,上面发生什么事了?", "english": "Flint, what's going on up there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和几个朋友在一起。", "english": "I'm with a couple of friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,弗林特,听我说!你不是宇航员。你有危险!", "english": "Now, Flint, listen to me! You're no astronaut. You're in danger!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们,当时情况危急,但我希望你们能吸取教训。", "english": "Well, ladies, it was touch and go, but I hope you learned your lesson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世界在我们手中变得更美好。", "english": "The world is better off in our hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得很对,先生。", "english": "You're absolutely right, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯哼。", "english": "Mm-hmm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特,你没事吧?说点什么!", "english": "Flint, are you all right? Say something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗林特,你没事吧?说点什么!", "english": "Flint, are you all right? Say something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不是单身或恋爱的话", "english": "* If you're not single or courting *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不是单身或恋爱的话", "english": "* If you're not single or courting *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我们的心在太空交融", "english": "* When our hearts mingle in space *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那张脸我不相信是恩典", "english": "* That face I don't believe it is grace *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也许会从你那里偷点诡计", "english": "* I'll maybe steal a little guile from you *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我应该离你一英里远", "english": "* I should run a mile from you *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我宁愿留下来", "english": "* But I'd sooner stay *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们能单独呆着就好了", "english": "* If we could only be left alone *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在一个孤独的地方", "english": "* In a lonely place *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这将是梦幻般的,如果我不光彩", "english": "* It would be dreamy and if I'm disgraced *"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Hmm ... come ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咖啡?", "english": "Coffee?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厨房规定建在楼下 这里却在楼上", "english": "As a rule they put down the kitchens downstairs,but here it's upstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但楼上的家伙从不在家", "english": "But the guy upstairs is never home,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以东西随便放 没人看见", "english": "so I just spill things, and there's no one to see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真住这里?", "english": "Oh, you really live here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上次问过了", "english": "You asked me that last time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么…", "english": "So."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是公交车道 蠢货!", "english": "It's a bus lane, you cunt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰", "english": "Jay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是伊恩 他今晚来帮忙", "english": "This is Ian He'll be helping you tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在大西洋干过一段时间", "english": "He worked a while at the Atlantic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能帮我把咖啡放冰箱里吗?", "english": "Do me a favor and put my coffee in the fridge, will you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我稍后再喝", "english": "I'll finish it later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "周六晚上 史蒂夫干到关门时间 你早走了", "english": "Steve worked Saturday night at closing time, you had already gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个法国佬两星期前投了份简历", "english": "This French bloke dropped off a CV a fortnight ago,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨天打电话给他 似乎很好…", "english": "So yesterday we rang him up. Seems OK ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们看起来都很好 也许该雇个想干活的", "english": "They all seem OK, maybe we should hire someone who wants to do this job"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是开玩笑 我受够了这些混蛋", "english": "I'm not kidding, I've had it up to here with these assholes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午随便上点啤酒就行 晚上可没那么容易", "english": "In the afternoon anyone can serve them their beer.It's not quite so simple in the evening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小混蛋!天哪!", "english": "You are slow! Oh Jeez."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看见那个穿西装的大高个吗?", "english": "You see that big guy over there in the suit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他下午四点就开始喝了", "english": "He's been drinking since four o'clock this afternoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关门时 你得把他扔出去", "english": "Come closing time you've got to chuck him out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在来的这个女人 她总是点同一种喝的", "english": "See this woman coming along here now: she's the type that always orders the same thing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但每次你还得问她想喝什么", "english": "but she still needs you to ask her each time what she wants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得在桌上跳舞才有人理睬吗?", "english": "Do I have to dance on the table to get some attention?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 她会点什么?", "english": "Okay, so what does she have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她会告诉你…别指望有小费", "english": "Oh, she'll tell you ... It doesn't include a tip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏珊 我们在上面!", "english": "Susan? We're up here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 我爱所有人", "english": "Dads, I love everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚历克斯本要来玩的 但没被允许", "english": "Alex ought to come to my party, and he is not allowed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没被允许?太糟糕了… 谁是亚历克斯?", "english": "Not allowed? But that's terrible ... Who is Alex?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚历克斯是个笨蛋", "english": "Alex, he's a prick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你冷吗?有点?", "english": "Are you cold? A little bit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快下楼 我们一起玩", "english": "Hurry up and come down stairs, we'll play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 他们看起来很好", "english": "Yes, they're looking very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爱他们 不是吗?", "english": "You do love them, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷吗?", "english": "Cold? ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷 但没关系", "english": "Cold, but it's alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下周三…还有下周三吗?", "english": "And next Wednesday ... is there a Wednesday too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他能胜任吗?", "english": "Well, is he what we need?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还行 客人喜欢他", "english": "Oh he'll do. Customers like him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可乐?", "english": "Coke? ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两杯伏特加 我请客", "english": "Two vodkas on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "酒保通常会请领班喝一杯", "english": "The barman will do, buys his host a drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道那个一直来的女人吗?", "english": "You know that woman who's always in here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前些天和你聊天的那位", "english": "The one you were chatting up the other day..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天她问我「你是乔尔的兄弟吧」", "english": "Today she said to me, 'You're Joel's brother, aren't you?'"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没回答 她认为我默认了", "english": "I didn't give her a yes or no, but she took that as a yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真好 我有点喜欢乔尔这个名字", "english": "Oh that's cool, I quite like the name Joel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比利·乔尔?得了吧", "english": "Billy Joel? Oh spare me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有多老了?", "english": "How old are you, exactly?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她收集了全套歌曲 我也有听", "english": "She had everything of his. and I used to listen too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个大胖子!", "english": "The stout! ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你在这里干了多久?", "english": "How long have you been working here, then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之前我是音乐家 就像比利…", "english": "Before that I was a musician, like Billy, sort of ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有趣 没想到你会有孩子", "english": "Funny, I'd never have guessed you had kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一年前的某天 我搬去和朋友同住", "english": "One day a year ago, I just walked out, went to stay with a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活就是这么简单 某天就是", "english": "Things can happen like that in life. Very simple things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在家中度过的最后一晚", "english": "One night arrives which is the last you spend at home;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和妻子、家人一起…", "english": "in a house, with a wife and family ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二天早上 你只是再次开门关门", "english": "Next morning, you just open the door and close it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若已是人去楼空 就更简单了", "english": "And if the house is already empty, well that helped."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都不在 所以很简单", "english": "They had all left already, so that was a help ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说你一声不响就离开了?", "english": "You mean you didn't say anything; you just split?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么好说的?", "english": "Say what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比利·乔尔…你懂什么", "english": "Billy Joel ... fuck you know ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说过想找个住的地方?", "english": "You say you were looking for somewhere to crash?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不要别人的东西", "english": "I didn't want want people to give me the gear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这都是全新的、干净、无瑕疵…", "english": "This is all new, clean, unblemished, no past ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 喝点什么吗?", "english": "Hey listen, drink?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的房间在那边 没什么好看的", "english": "Uh, my room in there... No great interest, nothing to see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变化真大…维克多 之前有那个吗?", "english": "You've changed lots of things ... Victor, was that there before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒 一直在那里的!", "english": "Mind you, that's been there for ages!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的房间", "english": "Your room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的房间", "english": "My room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰住的是别墅", "english": "Jay lives in a house now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说了是底楼的一间房 还没这里好", "english": "I told you, it's a room on the ground-floor; it's nothing like this place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我也不需要房客 你不知…", "english": "Anyway I don't need extra rent. Well, less than you fucking do ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道吗?", "english": "What the fuck do I know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他虽不说 但我能想象…", "english": "He keeps mum about it, but I can imagine ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你抛弃家人时 他们也抛弃了你", "english": "See, when you leave your family, they clean you out;"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "房子、孩子 什么都不剩 这就是我们", "english": "house, kids, bled dry ... that's what we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道对着书架自慰?", "english": "You just fuck all over the shelf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维克多 别缠着那家伙了!", "english": "Victor, give the guy a fucking break, will you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰和我就像两兄弟", "english": "Jay and me, we were like two brothers here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我俩随时可能流落街头 但没关系", "english": "One or other of us could have been left by the wayside at any time, but no"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会患难与共", "english": "onward as one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人生中能有几个这样的朋友呢?", "english": "And how many people can you say that about in a lifetime?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在每个人生拐角 我们都义无反顾", "english": "but at each bend in the road, we always did what we wanted to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们遵循内心的意愿", "english": "Enthralled to our desires, that's us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维克多可是十足的绅士", "english": "Victor is that impeccable gentleman,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会在深夜拜访 提议装有线电视", "english": "who rings your doorbell one evening and suggests: cable TV."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以帮你搞套电器 价格公道", "english": "I can get you a very nice price if you fancy a wee set for your room. - Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事?", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许你根本不想要房客?", "english": "Maybe you don't want a tenant, after all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维克多缺钱 而他缺住处", "english": "- Victor needs money, he needs a space to crash."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么简单的事 很难懂吗?", "english": "Wait, it's so simple, you have to complicate it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许原因在我 也许是我搞错了…", "english": "Then again, maybe it's me, maybe I've got the whole thing wrong ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没关系 但你得来帮忙!", "english": "Fine by me, if you can help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗?我没意见", "english": "OK? I have nothing against it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有自己的生活 别依赖我", "english": "I have my own life. Don't look to me for anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维克多出租房间", "english": "Victor provides the room first off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现金 不要支票", "english": "Cash, no checks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我儿子说要上艺术学院", "english": "My son told me he wants to go to art college."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很可笑吧", "english": "Funny, eh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不该一个人过 来吧维克多", "english": "You know it's not good for you to be on your own. Come on Victor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用你来教育我 谢谢你来玩", "english": "I don't need you setting me straight. Thanks for dropping by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有「双胞胎」什么的", "english": "And all that crap about twins too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一派胡言 真让我生气!", "english": "What is that shit? Oh, twins! Pisses me off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了…", "english": "What, what..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看", "english": "Look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 你出了点小意外", "english": "Oh, you've had a little accident."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许将来你也会这么做 对吧?", "english": "Maybe you'll do the same for me, some day ... huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这些换掉", "english": "Let's change these things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的眼睛「颠倒」了", "english": "Your eyes are upside down today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这样躺着的时候…", "english": "'Cause when I turn like this ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们就像眉毛一样", "english": "See, they look like eyebrows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "脑袋就上下对称了", "english": "Your head works both ways round."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妈妈那边的亲戚都有这样的大眼袋", "english": "On your Mother's side, they got big bags under their eyes like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 我想我看见…", "english": "Wait a minute, I think I can see..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不会的", "english": "No I won't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等…", "english": "Wait, wait ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我应该先打电话给你", "english": "Sorry, I know I should have called you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我太蠢了", "english": "It's bloody stupid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与人交往是好事 我以前也这样", "english": "Mind you, it's nice to have people around. I used to like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有迷幻剂什么的吗?", "english": "You haven't got any gear knocking about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我随时可以帮你装有线电视", "english": "I can salt you out with cable whenever you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从没说过在约会", "english": "You never told me you were seeing someone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 是的 我明白了", "english": "All right, yeah, yeah, I get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这地方真大!就你一人住?", "english": "This place is fucking gigantic! Is it just you here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看见自己的表情了吗?", "english": "Have you seen the look in your face?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 两天 你可以住两天", "english": "All right, two days, You can stay two days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仅此而已", "english": "But that's all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人都有不同的表情", "english": "People all have their own faces, don't they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放眼望去 都是不同的", "english": "If I look at them I can see they're all different,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但明天 若让我们坐同一辆车", "english": "But tomorrow, put me in the same carriage with the same people,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会一个也认不出来", "english": "I won't recognize a single one of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我一无是处…", "english": "Causes me no end of shit ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你周五来吗?", "english": "Will I see you on Friday?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见", "english": "Bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你我面前她就是这样 我们爱她", "english": "She seems all those things to you and me because she's ours; we love her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至都不觉得她是跛子", "english": "We don't even know she's crippled anymore"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "承认吧 她就是", "english": "Face facts, Mother. she is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是这样 在陌生人眼中 她太腼腆", "english": "Not quite all. In the eyes of others, strangers, she's terribly shy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只活在自己的世界里", "english": "and lives in a world of her own."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不想迎合你的愚蠢 劳拉", "english": "I don't intend to humor your silliness, Laura,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托马斯没带钥匙 他们回来时你去开门", "english": "Thomas has forgotten his keys, you'll have to let them in when they arrive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你哥哥和奥康纳先生 劳拉快去开门", "english": "That is your brother and Mr. O'Connor. Will you open the door?, Laura"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈 你去开门 求你了!", "english": "Mother, you go to the door. Please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能说个理由…哦 来了", "english": "Can you give me one good reason ... Oh, coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么你害怕去开门?", "english": "Why you should be afraid to open a door?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劳拉·温菲尔德 你快去开门!", "english": "Laura Winfield, you march right to that door!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 妈妈", "english": "Yes, Mother. ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劳拉 这是吉姆 吉姆 我妹妹劳拉", "english": "Laura, this is Jim; Jim, this is my sister Laura."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道「莎士比亚」有个妹妹", "english": "I did not know Shakespeare had a sister ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢吗?", "english": "Do you like it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 我不是戏剧迷", "english": "I don't know. I'm not into the theater at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是两人一组的表演…", "english": "No, they take two each to a group of actors ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一杯黑啤酒 你要什么?", "english": "A Guinness, please. What will you have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 我喝可乐", "english": "Thanks, I'll have a Coke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就可乐?好的 两杯可乐", "english": "Just a coke? Yeah, two cokes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈今晚很古怪", "english": "Mom was wicked tonight, wasn't she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得妈妈今晚很古怪", "english": "I thought Mom was wicked tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我观看时 通常很紧张 想着她能否", "english": "You know, I'm watching it but often I'm really nervous, I'm thinking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顺利演完 会不会说错台词", "english": "how will she get along or just going to trip over"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者到处搭讪 确认别人是否喜欢", "english": "Or I keep just checking around, making sure people are enjoying it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要开始了 下半场…", "english": "Here we go again, the second half ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢田纳西·威廉斯吗?", "english": "Do you like Tennessee Williams, yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我问过一次 不过…", "english": "Alright, I asked her around once, but ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会怎么办?", "english": "Well, What would you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是疯了", "english": "It's crazy, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只是提个建议 他们就当成习惯了", "english": "I mean, you suggest something just this once;they make a fucking habit of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 也不是什么麻烦事…", "english": "Okay, it's not a hassle to me or anything to be ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在就像个负担 以前不是这样", "english": "yeah, a drag. But only now, not before,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就像互欠彼此似的", "english": "the thing is like we owe it to each other or something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全错了", "english": "It's all wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她会明白的 人都是善解人意的", "english": "She'll understand. People do understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会如何结束这一切?", "english": "What would you do to end this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么都不做 任其自生自灭", "english": "Oh, I'd stay just the same. It breaks up by itself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每周三 两点到四点 只为了干那事?", "english": "Wednesdays, two to, I don't know, four wanting that, and only that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天知道你俩谁更绝望?", "english": "Who's to say she's any more desperate than you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没约她 她也没问是否能再来", "english": "You didn't ask her to come back, and she didn't ask you if she could."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使如此 你还是给她开门 就是这样", "english": "Even so, you open your door to her, and that's how it works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遇到和你想法一致的人 就不是了", "english": "It's not so, when you come across someone who wants the same thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许你给了她很多 你没发现而已", "english": "Maybe you give her a lot; you don't even realize it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 你怎么知道?你又不认识她", "english": "Wait, how do you know? You don't even know her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我能想象 你肯定给了她很多", "english": "But I can imagine her. I'm sure you gave her a lot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 很难相信她与我想法相同…", "english": "I do not know, I can hardly believe she wants the same thing that I want ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也没表现得想和谁在一起", "english": "I don't have the impression of being with anyone, either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维克多", "english": "Victor?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死 你怎么总是这样?我说了就两天", "english": "Fuck it. Why is it always the same with you? I said two days, only."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明天就走", "english": "I'm leaving tomorrow!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天是周三 无论如何", "english": "Today is Wednesday; you know you should not be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "周三下午你必须出去", "english": "here on a Wednesday afternoon, and in any case ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 快点", "english": "Now, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事记得告诉我 好吗?", "english": "If there was a problem, you'd tell me, right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没去酒吧?", "english": "Are you not down at the pub?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了 别提酒吧 去了就喝个不停", "english": "Come on, I forgot the Pub; I'll only drink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是办法", "english": "That's no solution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 那不是办法…", "english": "Yeah, that's no solution ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不奇怪 如此美好的夜晚", "english": "Not surprised, such a pretty evening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来了 证明我说对了", "english": "And here you are again, and that proves it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这里工作?", "english": "Do you work here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是 看起来像 但不是", "english": "Oh, no, no ... Looks like it, right, but no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经忘了发生过什么", "english": "I've already forgotten what happened just there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们之后没聊过", "english": "I think we don't talk about it after."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她很难过", "english": "Makes her sad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和她说 我会在散场时听他们的评论", "english": "So I tell her: I'll hear what they say on the way out and tell you later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 你无需太在意这些", "english": "I know,you're not supposed to give a toss and all that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我妻子通常演得还行", "english": "but as a rule my wife does all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大致说来 人们还喜欢她…", "english": "People really like her, you know, in principle ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然取决于她饰演的角色", "english": "That depends on what part she's playing, of course ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我妻子在演戏剧", "english": "My wife's in the show."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉过你的 我是酒鬼", "english": "Anyway, I'm sure I told you this. I'm a sot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下注者对什么都会有见解", "english": "The punt has got an opinion about everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我会在中场时聆听", "english": "But there I am , listening in at the interval"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不觉得自己傻", "english": "And I don't feel like a twerp doing it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁都行 不管是不是从里面出来", "english": "Any one, whether it's someone from there or not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 但他们不知道你是谁吧?", "english": "Sure, but they don't know who you are, do they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 我是指表演的人", "english": "No, I mean the others in the company."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们经常看见我 我时不时帮个忙", "english": "They're used to see me around, you see. I lend a hand from time to time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以说我卑鄙 但我更像个讨厌鬼", "english": "You call me a wanker if you like, but I feel like a pig in shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里很适合你…", "english": "This really suits you here ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在很多方面都是", "english": "In more ways than one actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还能和她在一起 否则她的爱好会使我们疏远", "english": "Being with her of course, because this passion of hers, it could cut her off from us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱尔和我不想顾此失彼", "english": "So Claire and I have decided not to rule out anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她叫克莱尔?", "english": "So she's called Claire?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没告诉你吗?", "english": "Didn't I tell you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说了这么多 把最重要的给忘了", "english": "I told you all sorts of other things; I forgot the most important."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们和我说话 但可能只有我会沮丧…", "english": "people to talk to me, but then again, maybe I'm the only one that it upsets ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这成了我的工作 我是出租车司机", "english": "It becomes my job. I drive a cab you see, black cab."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车上有乘客 我得工作…", "english": "OK, so I got a fare in the back, I got a job to do ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不说 我会觉得工作只做了一半", "english": "but if we don't talk, I feel like I'm only doing half the job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想玩一局吗?楼上、楼下?哪儿都行", "english": "If you fancy a game? Upstairs, downstairs? Start wherever you look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里就这点好", "english": "That's what's good about it here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你结婚了吗?", "english": "And you, you married?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为之后 你们只会彼此苛求", "english": "Because later on, all you do is make demands of each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许她与其他女人的唯一区别", "english": "Perhaps the only difference between her and all the rest ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是她从不提要求", "english": "is that she's asking you for nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你吸取教训了吗?你吓到我了", "english": "But what have you learned? You scare me ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没从离家一事中吸取教训吗?", "english": "Haven't you learned anything at all from leaving home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我只该和适合的人交往", "english": "Perhaps I should only go out with people who fit in well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 只有男人想要这一切", "english": "Yeah, That's it. Only a man would want all this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "舔着伤口 我不会 这不是我的风格", "english": "baring your wounds and all that shit; it's not for me, just not my style."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她也在见别人", "english": "She's seeing someone else, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只有这一个女人", "english": "This woman, she's all I've got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去哪里?", "english": "Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有帅哥走过 不介意的话 我先走了", "english": "A handsome guy just went by. I'm off, if you don't mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼 你好", "english": "Joan, hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往返于各地间", "english": "All that moving around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看起来不轻佻吧?", "english": "I don't look like a tart, do I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "气氛有点暧昧 所以我在想…", "english": "I realized it's pretty murky at my place, so I tend to .."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也可以来 有时会有好事发生", "english": "You could come one day, if you wanted. Sometimes something happens."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么时候?", "english": "When they are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "周二和周五 但周五是三点", "english": "Tuesdays and Fridays, but Fridays at three o'clock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一次见面时 我觉得你有点自大", "english": "You know, the first time we met, I found you a bit stuck up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "待人态度非常恶劣", "english": "Like you were shittin' on us or something,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但其实不是 你只是看起来这样吧", "english": "but that's not right, is it? Just the way you look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我很清楚她付出很多", "english": "but I know full well she does too much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在想 那天我对自己说…", "english": "I was thinking, I was saying to myself the other day ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么事能让他们分道扬镳?", "english": "What could possibly come between them, and fuck everything up ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想是恋人 也可以说是情人", "english": "Oh no, I think, in love. Or why not, maybe they're even lovers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如你 安迪", "english": "You for instance, Andy ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事能彻底破坏你的婚姻?", "english": "What could possibly fuck up your marriage, once and for all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直盼着能有好事降临", "english": "waiting for something else to turn up, for ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起初只是份临时工作", "english": "I mean, at first it was just for a while, see ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在我就像傻瓜一样重复相同的事", "english": "but now I'm stuck in a rut like a fuckin' asshole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我离开家的那天", "english": "was when I left home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 你结婚了 当然了", "english": "Ah, so you are married. Yeah, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天我就在想 确实…", "english": "I thought of you the other day; it does ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有这种想法时 通常都不会说出来", "english": "Except, when you have an idea like that, you tend to keep it to yourself, don't you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只想逃走 什么都不会说", "english": "can think is getting out, you keep that to yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉别人要离开吗?", "english": "So who did you tell you were going to leave?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几个朋友 事实上就一个", "english": "A couple of mates. One mate, actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很糟糕 不是吗?", "english": "Well, that's when it gets ugly, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么做 真的会伤害别人", "english": "When you do that ... You know, you hurt people when you do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跨出门那一刻 我才真正意识到", "english": "It was really only when I was out on the pavement again ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自己有多不高兴", "english": "that I could see how unhappy I was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多堕落 确实很堕落", "english": "How low I'd sunk, pretty low in fact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为毕竟要留下很简单", "english": "Because, after all, Andy, it's so very easy to stay ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吗?没看见人们通常都会妥协吗?", "english": "Isn't it? Don't you find that's how it usually goes with people?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思?你指我和我妻子?", "english": "What do you mean. You mean, me and my wife?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我虽是大嘴巴 但连他也不知道 别说了", "english": "I've got a big gob, right? But not even he knows about it! Back off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 问莫西要杯喝的", "english": "Right, boy? Now get yourself a drink from Mozzie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用出去 就记在帐上", "english": "Don't go outside. Put it on the tab."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能想到一位经常偷情的母亲…", "english": "What would you think of a mother who has it off on the sly, regularly ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上回到家 却假装没事发生?", "english": "and then goes back home in the evening, as if nothing happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回到家人身边…", "english": "Goes back to her family ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这种伪装天赋来源于…", "english": "And all of that with a wicked gift for pretense ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一整天都在偷情的她 怎么", "english": "How, can you after being fucked all day by some guy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还能晚上回到她丈夫 也就是我的身边", "english": "go home in the evening to your husband, to me, I mean, to Jay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假装什么事也没发生?", "english": "her husband, her family, as if nothing happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想有很多家伙…", "english": "I think there's a lot of blokes around ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像你这样", "english": "Like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 但…", "english": "Sorry, but ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为她不得不回家 是吗?", "english": "Because she's got to go back, hasn't she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给自己倒杯酒", "english": "pour herself a drink,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也给桌对面的聪明人倒上一杯", "english": "pour a drink for the fuck wit sitting opposite her at the table"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许她也会聊聊她的一天", "english": "Maybe she's even got to talk about her day,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了…", "english": "of course ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和某个…", "english": "by some ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "某个男人做爱…", "english": "some fucker who ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而那男人从不和她说话", "english": "On top of that, he doesn't even say a word to her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安迪 快点!", "english": "Andy, play, fuck sake!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗 哥们?", "english": "You know what, mate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时她才会充满爱意的看着我…", "english": "That was the moment that she looked at me with the most attention ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏珊 我妻子", "english": "Susan, my wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为", "english": "Because ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她肯定会去比较", "english": "She's bound to compare, isn't she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就…没事", "english": "That's ... fine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "Yeah, yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 你很有安全感吧?", "english": "Yeah, you do feel really sheltered, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 没错…", "english": "Yeah, right ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以真的发生了 你也不会惊讶吧?", "english": "And then when it actually happens, you're not even surprised, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没离婚…", "english": "If we stay ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因为我们无法面对 是吗?", "english": "It's because we can't face it, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妻子看上了一个混蛋?", "english": "Was your wife seeing a total cunt, or what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你提到你什么也没说…", "english": "You said that you never said a word ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你的口气却很激动", "english": "Even you talk about it, you're so worked up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "Yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "婚姻 杰", "english": "Marriage, Jay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是很神奇的事", "english": "It's a wonderful thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是战争 是战斗 是糟糕的旅程", "english": "It's a war, it's a battle, it's a terrible journey, but ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但也是活下去的理由", "english": "It's a reason for living."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我肯定你能重新开始", "english": "You'll bounce back, I'm sure of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个每周三和我上床的女人", "english": "this woman I'm seeing once a week on Wednesday ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她很享受 床上功夫也很好", "english": "She loves it though; she's a really good fuck, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我很介意 没错", "english": "but for me it really counts. Oh yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 星期三生意很好", "english": "Yeah, I do really good business Wednesdays."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但星期六会冷淡下来", "english": "But then again Saturday is cool off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么会觉得我性冷淡?", "english": "What makes you think I'm not interested in a good fuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就因为我不说?", "english": "Because I don't mention it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说她有丈夫?", "english": "She's got a husband, you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没说", "english": "I didn't say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我其实不知道 你问得好", "english": "I don't know, actually. That's a good question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想再来一局吗?", "english": "Fancy another game?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚没有表演 只有我俩…", "english": "There's no performance tonight, just the two of us ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道…", "english": "You know ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妻子在这里干其他事吗?", "english": "Your wife in anything else on here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 取消了…", "english": "Ah, no, come off it ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维克多 你不是说今天有事要我帮忙?", "english": "Victor, didn't you say you wanted me to help you with something today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?哦 是的", "english": "What? Oh yeah, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在想 你是否愿意和我去趟保险公司", "english": "I was wondering if you would come to my insurance company with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但…我们可以呆在家里", "english": "But ... we can just stay home ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去哪儿?", "english": "Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去一下 有事要办", "english": "I got to go, I got things to do, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在才两点…", "english": "But it's only two o'clock ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 我可不想整天闲坐着", "english": "Yeah, well I'm not going to sit around all day like a pillich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是两点差十分", "english": "It's not two, it's ten to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会一直响 但别开门就对了", "english": "It won't go, but don't answer it anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的这件事 我们可以一起做 行吗?", "english": "But this thing of yours, I mean ... we could both do it. OK?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要出门…", "english": "You were leaving ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上周三你没来 我也不在家", "english": "You didn't drop by last Wednesday. I wasn't there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 我来不了", "english": "Oh good. I couldn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不是没约好吗?", "english": "We hadn't agreed, had we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 不…我知道 没错", "english": "Yeah ... No ... I know ... Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧…去吗?", "english": "Let's go. ... Shall we go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不是这样…", "english": "No, not like this ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "避孕套", "english": "The condom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉迪恩!", "english": "Gideon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帕米那 走吧", "english": "Pamina. let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帕米那 走吧", "english": "Pamina, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是抚摸 是剧情需要 她不让我碰屁股", "english": "That's not touching. She won't let me touch her butt, and I'm supposed to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是抚摸 是摸索", "english": "That's not touching. It's fumbling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不想爱我 我怎么演恋爱场景?", "english": "How can I carry on a love scene, if she doesn't want to love me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉迪恩 你怎么样?听说你感冒了", "english": "Hello. Oh Gideon, how are you? I hear cold affects you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的小贝蒂…", "english": "My little Betty ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么说「小」 我也不是贝蒂", "english": "Why'd she call me little? And I'm not Betty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小贝蒂 看着我的眼睛", "english": "Oh, my little Betty Look into my eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能在你眼中看见金色的闪光点", "english": "I can see little gold spots in your eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得不舒服…", "english": "I don't know why I bother ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I have no idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贝蒂像木头一样僵硬…", "english": "Here we've go Betty as stiff as a board ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她从没碰过任何人 戴夫也一如既往的傲慢", "english": "she has never touched anyone in her life. And Dave is arrogant as ever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太可笑了!无法让人信服", "english": "You're ridiculous! I don't believe a word of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是恋爱场景", "english": "That's not a love scene."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我设想他们认识 明白我的意思吗?", "english": "See? I imagine there'd already been contact. You know what I mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许不用这么演…", "english": "Maybe I don't have to do it this way ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我太投入了 觉得自己就是威利·托德", "english": "but I am so into this, I get the feeling I'm Wilmer Todd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续", "english": "Carry on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有话单独和你说 不是这里", "english": "I need to speak to you, Betty. Not here, alone, not here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想吻你 长吻不休…", "english": "I want to kiss you, such long kisses ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "温柔的长吻…", "english": "Such tender kisses ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪里?", "english": "Where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的唇、你的身体!", "english": "Your lips ... your body."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是问 你要我去哪?", "english": "I mean: Where do you want me to come to?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去我家", "english": "To my home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来我家", "english": "Come to my home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "何时?", "english": "When?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一对", "english": "Next couple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚都想和她上床了!", "english": "I was already to fuck her just then!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就那时 我爱她!", "english": "Right then, I loved her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找个理由 穿过整个伦敦来见你", "english": "find an excuse to go out and put the whole of London to come and see you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人 但事实如此", "english": "No one did! But it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就该这样", "english": "It has to be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我真的很高兴 我想过放弃", "english": "I'm so glad, I really am. You know, I was thinking of giving up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的 我对表演感到沮丧", "english": "I really was. I was really down on acting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我忘东西了 得回去一趟 你先走", "english": "I've forgotten something. I have to go back. You go along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧?", "english": "Are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我太…我只是…", "english": "I'm so ... it's just I'm ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很孤独", "english": "I'm just lonesome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人…死了?", "english": "Someone ... close?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "突然的吗?我很抱歉", "english": "Was it sudden? ... Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的小指弯向一边 两只手都是", "english": "Yes ... My little finger bends to one side, both of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们都有自己的思想", "english": "It's what each hand has a mind of its own ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一看就知道", "english": "by the look of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你问我 我会说…", "english": "Champ, after all, if you'd asked me ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今天对我的态度真的很恶劣", "english": "I would have said you were a real shit today to me just now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但别道歉", "english": "But don't be sorry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被人这样苛责…真让我崩溃", "english": "someone torments me like that ... it's the final straw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但知道吗 克莱尔", "english": "But well, you know, Claire,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是我欣赏你的地方", "english": "the thing I admire about you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我为你自豪 要凶别人并不容易", "english": "I'm proud of you when you do that, it's not easy to be horrid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别和我说话 贝蒂", "english": "Don't talk to me, Betty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人听得懂你的话", "english": "No one understands a thing when you talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 但你很称职", "english": "OK. But you're in the right job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 因为我上过其他表演课程 这里…", "english": "And I know, because I have taken other acting classes, and this one ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别在揣摩我的想法了…", "english": "Let's the two of us stop being I guess with me ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我根本听不懂你说的 明白吗", "english": "I'm not understanding a word you're saying, you understand ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 抱歉", "english": "OK. Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打搅到你了", "english": "I'm bothering you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么也没学到 贝蒂", "english": "You're not learning anything, Betty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不是那种轻言放弃的人 对吧?", "english": "We're not the sort to give up easily, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我其实很差劲 但你还是过来", "english": "Look! I can be a real shit ... but you come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很没用 但别人称赞我时", "english": "I'm useless, but I keep meeting people who think I'd be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人没有天赋就只能这样", "english": "When you're not gifted, you see, that's what you've got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不断努力 不叫人失望", "english": "You keep at it. You don't let anyone down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随便说说这个或那个", "english": "You just dabble with this and that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随便说说我们", "english": "- Just dabble with us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我是说我自己", "english": "No ... I mean ... with myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从哪冒出来的?你无聊了?", "english": "Where'd you spring from. Were you getting bored, was that it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是来找你的 是来享受氛围", "english": "Oh, I didn't come to find you. Only came for the atmosphere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天 真让我难堪!", "english": "Jesus, you make me ashamed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在电话里他们总是说得好好的", "english": "It sounded so great on the phone, when they rang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不说 你真会挑地方等死", "english": "Oh, I got to hand it to you, choosing better places to die in every day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是凌晨三点 我还有事 所以快滚 杰!", "english": "It's three o'clock in the bloody morning, I'm doing my own thing. So, fuck you, Jay!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会得感冒而死", "english": "He'll catch his death of cold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我?我从不生病 最近喝啤酒都不会醉", "english": "Me? No, I never get sick. Even beer doesn't keep me drunk these days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那混蛋对我说 回家去吧 在等你呢", "english": "''Just go home\" that wanker said to me. Been expecting you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想这么和我说话?", "english": "You want to talk to me like that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都尿裤子了 没看见吗?", "english": "Can't you see you're all taking a piss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为何不好好看看你自己?", "english": "Why don't you take a bloody look at yourself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰不再信任你时 他决不会告诉你", "english": "When Jay is giving up on you, he doesn't even tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外表很能欺骗人", "english": "There's a few phonies out there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以利用别人 或忘恩负义", "english": "You can exploit people, you can be ungrateful ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但至少你能心安理得", "english": "and at least you can live with it, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对生活有多了解?你和别人同住过?", "english": "What do you know about life? Have you ever lived with anyone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的生活很好 放手!", "english": "My life is fine, back off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死 我的衬衫", "english": "Merde, my shirt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰对一切都守口如瓶", "english": "Jay ... Jay keeps single to everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也闭口不提和他上床的女人", "english": "He doesn't even say who he's fucking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你抱怨不断 但杰的处境更糟", "english": "You 're always complaining, but Jay's worse off than you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰是自找的 他也许不知如何去爱", "english": "Jay makes himself ill. Perhaps he doesn't know how to love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许他从没爱过 没人知道", "english": "Maybe it never got to him. It doesn't everyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么?你个小混蛋", "english": "Why do you say that? Little cunt ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见鬼去吧", "english": "Fuck you both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我得老年痴呆症了", "english": "You know Vic, I swear, I think I've got Alzheimer's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧 左边那个 在对你使眼色", "english": "Hay, hay ...look, look, the one on the left, giving you the eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她床上功夫一定比你房东好", "english": "She must be a better fuck than your landlady."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在大学时有个歌手朋友", "english": "I knew the singer in college, we were friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为他的乐队也很好 虽不成功…", "english": "I think his band was really good too. They were never to go very far ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱说大话 总是「嗯、嗯」说个不停", "english": "he was so mouthy, you know, always just like uh uh ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那家伙被赶走后 他成了鼓手", "english": "But they kicked him out, and after that he became a drummer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 之前我住朋友处 离他只隔三条街 但我们闹翻了", "english": "Yeah, we used to live three streets from him with a friend, but we fell out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "娜塔莎 你之前见过 我喜欢她 但不一样", "english": "Natasha, you saw her earlier. I like her, but it's not the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不觉得要花时间才能真正了解一个人?", "english": "Don't you think it takes time to get to know people? I mean, really know them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许你我也能成为好朋友 我不知道…", "english": "Perhaps you and I will be really good friends too, I don't know ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞧 我真的很喜欢这里", "english": "And, you see, I really like it here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的地方 我亲手布置的一切", "english": "This is my place, I decorated, you know. I put it together myself ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别人看了后 会对我有所了解", "english": "and when people see it, they know something about me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能看见我的影子 但…", "english": "and they see a bit of me,you know, but ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 可以了 我…", "english": "No, no. Come on, I ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很…抱歉", "english": "I'm ... so sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉!", "english": "Excuse me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门锁了…", "english": "It's locked ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可真无趣啊…", "english": "You really are an old fart ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鸡里面是什么?", "english": "What's inside the chicken, boys?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多吃点鸡肉", "english": "Have some more chicken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不用了", "english": "No ...No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有段时间没见你们了", "english": "It's a while since I've seen you boys. Right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是星期三 对吧?", "english": "I mean, it's Wednesday, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是谁?", "english": "Who is she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不认识的人", "english": "It's no one you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总得有人去做…", "english": "After all, someone has to ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都好吗?", "english": "Everything OK?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好欣赏下半场 比上半场有趣多了", "english": "Enjoy your second half. It's much funnier than the first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见到你真好 你都成常客了", "english": "How nice to see you, you're becoming a bit of a regular."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下半场很精彩 别错过", "english": "Well, enjoy the second half, it's good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先抽完这支烟…", "english": "I should finish this fag ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你受不了下半场的戏吗?", "english": "You just can't take that second half, can you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好欣赏", "english": "Enjoy it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都安排好了?让我看看", "english": "Or is your program filled up? Let me have a look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有舞曲都很好 我得筛选下", "english": "Every dance is taken. I'll just have to scratch some out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好多了!", "english": "Much better!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它的角掉了", "english": "It's lost its - horn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 与众不同也许并不是好事", "english": "It doesn't matter. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他决不会原谅我 那是他最爱的玻璃制品", "english": "He'll never forgive me, I bet that was his favorite piece of glass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借过 借过…", "english": "Excuse me, excuse me ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 人多力量大", "english": "Come on, two hands are better than one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我仍希望你能见见我妻子 来吧", "english": "I'd still like you to meet my wife. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰 这是我妻子克莱尔", "english": "Jay, look ... This is Claire, my wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来不像经纪人…", "english": "You don't look like an agent ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是顺道过来向我们问好的吧?", "english": "Have you called in to see if we're all right, is that it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真可惜 下半场才是精华", "english": "Shame, all my best scenes are in the second half."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰…痴迷于田纳西·威廉斯的戏剧", "english": "Jay's ... There's a big, big Tennessee Williams fan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是绝不会这么过火", "english": "Personally, I wouldn't go that far myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他剧中的女人总是很歇斯底里", "english": "All the women in them always seem so hysterical, don't they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他抛弃了妻子 他恨她", "english": "He left his wife. - He hates her now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我肯定和你说过", "english": "I'm sure I mentioned to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还在见个女人 一周一次", "english": "He sees this woman, sees this woman once a week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不只是见面 没理解错的话…", "english": "And not only sees her, if I understand right ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我上去了", "english": "OK, I'm going up.."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 亲爱的", "english": "- Good night, Love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿上帝保佑", "english": "Bless you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 呆会儿见 我很快回来", "english": "All right, I'll see you in a minute. Back in a sec."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还在换衣服", "english": "I haven't finished dressing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴见到你 喝一杯吗?", "english": "Nice meeting you. Stay for a drink?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要关门吗?", "english": "Want me to shut this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一度在想你一言不发的原因", "english": "I mean, at one point, the fact that you never said anything. I wondered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我隐藏的一面很可怕吧?", "english": "All those scenes I was hiding; scary, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誓言、忠诚、支持…放在一起很有效", "english": "Vows, fidelity, support, faithfulness ... the whole works."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎会想要舍弃这一切? 你不想成为这第一人吧", "english": "Why should you miss out on all that? You'd have been the first woman who ever had."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是我来的原因 你知道的", "english": "That's not why I'm here, though. that's not why I'm here, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其次 我认为我们在一起是你想要的", "english": "At one point I thought that if what we did together was all that you wanted,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你比我更清楚", "english": "it was because you knew more than me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为你发现了什么", "english": "I thought you'd found something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为你领先于我", "english": "I thought you were ahead of me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到最后你会向我说明一切", "english": "and that in the end you would tell me what you knew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你一直闭口不谈", "english": "But, of course, you just keep your gob shut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想谈谈?那么来吧…", "english": "You wanted to talk? Well then, here we are ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说啊", "english": "Talking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这杯免费", "english": "That's on the house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是那个需要振作的不幸男人", "english": "So then, you're an unhappy bloke who's managed to bounce back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "Is that it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果是这样 我能说什么?", "english": "Well if it's good, What can I say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实这样倒好…最后见你一次", "english": "It's good actually... See you at least one last time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则我会像个蠢女人一样担心", "english": "Otherwise I might have been worried, like some stupid cow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一分钟前你看起来还很悲伤…", "english": "Hey. Back there for a minute you looked really sad ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包括我 我们甚至都不认识彼此", "english": "Even me. I don't even know you, you don't even know me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里 我听你的 为你着迷", "english": "and here I am listening to you, interested in you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在这散发尿味的小剧场里", "english": "In some fucking half-assed little theater that stinks of piss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天 这就是你的游戏?", "english": "Jesus Christ ... It's all your game, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没想到你这样…", "english": "I didn't picture you like this ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没想到我这样?你在玩什么游戏", "english": "You didn't picture me like this? What a fucking game you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想过希望你怎么做…", "english": "I thought everything... that I should want you to ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不说话 我一点也没多想", "english": "I didn't give you do not saying anything a second thought."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才是没想到", "english": "I didn't picture you at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在简单多了 疑问一下子都解决了", "english": "Right. It's much simpler for me, and now every thing's settled in one go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 我喜欢确定无疑的事 不用浪费时间", "english": "Well that's fine. I like it when things are over and done. No time wasted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 杰", "english": "Hi, Jay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很快回来", "english": "I'll be back in a second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈今晚很棒 是吗?", "english": "Mom was good tonight, wasn't she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是…她一直都很棒", "english": "Yeah ... But she's always good, isn't she."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 爸爸说她「时好时坏」", "english": "No, it's Dad ... He says she's \"uneven.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他说了不算 他只来过几次", "english": "But he can't talk, since he only goes to the first few nights."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没法比较", "english": "So he can't really compare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来看过很多次了", "english": "I like seeing the play lots of times,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我不是总能一下子理解", "english": "because I don't always understand everything the first time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有女朋友吗?", "english": "Do you have a girlfriend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是在学校里你很喜欢的女生?", "english": "Like a girl you like a lot at school?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 要走了", "english": "Well ... - Come on, we're off now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 道个别", "english": "Come on. Say goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你沉浸在悲痛中时", "english": "When you're in mourning, you know ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更有理由像平时一样生活", "english": "all the more reason, I think, to carry on as usual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是唯一的办法", "english": "That's the only of handling it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过 你就不能和教晚课的人说说", "english": "But then, again, ... can't you say to the bloke who runs the evening classes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毕竟有人死了!", "english": "Someone's died, after all!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贝蒂 其实没人死去", "english": "You know, Betty, actually, no one has died ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是真死", "english": "actually died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果没人死去 那你一定在说自己", "english": "Well, if no one has died, that must mean it's you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你觉得要死了 我会陪着你 没问题", "english": "But if you feel like you're going to die, I'd rather be with you, no question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实上 我很荣幸", "english": "In fact, I'm flattered to be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我「死」时 没人在身边", "english": "when I died there was no one there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我办到了 但有人陪伴也很好", "english": "OK. I did it, but a bit of company won't hurt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我该振作些", "english": "Perhaps I should be getting back ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以如果你是认真的", "english": "So, in principle, if you're serious,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个「死亡之日」的节目", "english": "they have a program the day you die. Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笑对孩子…我们昨晚就是那样", "english": "having a laugh with the kids ... we did that last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说一些你从没说过的话", "english": "something you'd never have said."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为人在临死前 有充分的言论自由", "english": "'Cause on the day you die, you have total freedom of speech."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大致如此", "english": "In principle ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我遇见一个男人", "english": "I met a man ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不像我 我不知道如何分配精力 他却很果断", "english": "not like me, I don't know how to use my energy but he does; he's really determined."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是他的目的 毁掉一切", "english": "That's what he wanted, I think, to screw everything up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我俩而言 这很有效", "english": "And it worked. Between the two of us, it worked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 是的", "english": "Oh, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过去的事了", "english": "It's in the past"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在没事了", "english": "It's fine, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢天谢地…", "english": "Thank God ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱尔说不再教学生了", "english": "Claire says she wants to give up the acting class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她对自己要求太高 我一直对她说", "english": "She gives too much of herself, you see. I'm always telling her..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有点难懂 但你明白我的意思", "english": "That's a bit confusing, but you know what I mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这样 你无能为力 克莱尔喜欢这样", "english": "There you go. There's nothing you can do about it. Claire's like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像她决定尝试表演", "english": "It's like when she decided to have a go at acting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧她的年纪 已经不年轻了", "english": "The age she was, she's no spring chicken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也没有这方面的经验 但…", "english": "and she'd never really done it before, but ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们认识时…", "english": "And when we met ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我…不 谢谢", "english": "I was ... No thanks ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不想急着开始新恋情", "english": "I was in no rush to go into another one, straight away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我毫无准备…", "english": "Well, I hadn't any plans ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但她看见我 选择了我", "english": "But she saw me. She chose me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一下子就俘获了老安迪的心", "english": "Bang! Made a beeline straight for old Andy. Didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真正坚强的人…", "english": "Very strong people ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才会做难以理喻的事", "english": "can do totally incomprehensible things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得醒醒了", "english": "I'll go shake a leg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们送你", "english": "We'll drop you off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 周二见", "english": "Thanks. See you Tuesday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很喜欢她", "english": "I'm very fond of her now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧?", "english": "OK?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克莱尔告诉安迪 她不会离开他", "english": "Claire's telling Andy she's going to stay with him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不担心", "english": "I wasn't worried."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你去找杰 还是他来找你?", "english": "So, did you find you Jay, or did he come looking for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我根本不在乎那事!知道我难过什么吗?", "english": "I don't give a shit about all that! You know what the saddest thing is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我最伤心的是什么吗?", "english": "You know what hurts the most, you know what it is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你根本做不了演员!", "english": "You'll never be an actress! Never!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很难说出口 也不好笑", "english": "It isn't easy for me to say that. It isn't fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的怀疑你怎么教学生", "english": "I really wonder what good you do your students."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们似乎很喜欢你", "english": "Well, they seem to like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为从一开始我就没真正相信过", "english": "because I never really believed in it from the fucking start ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一刻也没有!", "english": "not one minute!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我还是栽进去了 彻头彻尾 就像个傻瓜", "english": "No, but I dove in, both feet first, like a fucking idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人都会做白日梦", "english": "People have your fantasies,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道干什么的小女孩 最后会无法无天", "english": "the little girl who doesn't know what she'll do and ends up doing just about anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像个夜以继日开出租车的蠢货", "english": "like a stupid prick, driving a cab around day-in, day-out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个自以为是的傻瓜 这几天…", "english": "As for that fucking moron ... you know, who thinks he's so smart,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道吗?我一点也不惊讶", "english": "You know What? I'm not even surprised."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还记得我们相识时 你的表情吗?", "english": "You remember that look on your face, when we first met?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 我在你脸上看出相同的煎熬 很适合你!", "english": "I could see that same torment on your face now. Since you right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我见过最死气沉沉的人", "english": "You are the least alive person I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和杰的事 对你是个好机会吧", "english": "I being with Jay is in fact a great opportunity for you, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一段微不足道的偷情", "english": "A pathetic little piece of adultery."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 安迪是个讨厌鬼", "english": "Oh, it's OK. Andy's just a sod,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他对伦敦了如指掌", "english": "but he knows London like the back of his hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你根本不了解真正的我!", "english": "You don't even know who I am!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都不知道如何伤害我", "english": "You don't even know how to hurt me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会让我难过 但伤害不到我!", "english": "sure it makes me suffer, but it won't kill me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就不能换个表情吗?这周可真酷啊…", "english": "You can't choose any look, this stuff's a solid week ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乔尔 老样子", "english": "Joel! Same again , please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好地方 好地方", "english": "Great place. Great place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我杯啤酒", "english": "Give me a beer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实 这和召妓无异 不是吗?", "english": "Actually, it's like seeing a whore, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一周见一次 什么也不说…", "english": "seeing this woman one day a week, not speaking ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 但她还是让你知道她已婚的事了?", "english": "Yeah. But she found a way of telling you she was married, didn't she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她精于此道!所以别得意忘形", "english": "She's very good, for things like that! Just don't get carried away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她之前一定也干过 你绝不是第一个", "english": "I'll bet she's done it before, no way you're the first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚还想建议我俩分享她", "english": "I was about to suggest we share her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但似乎没必要分享了 不是吗?", "english": "but it sounds like there's nothing left to share, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每周一次 不会影响我的婚姻吧?", "english": "One day a week, that wouldn't fuck up my marriage, would it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在和你开玩笑", "english": "Just kidding, I'm just kidding you ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对她的爱与日俱增", "english": "I love her more and more as time passes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是想让你知道", "english": "Just wanted you to know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别问我 我要走了", "english": "Don't ask me. I'm going to head off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 谢谢 维克多", "english": "Oh yeah ... Okay ...Cheers. Cheers, Victor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我先走了 我去楼下拿夹克衫", "english": "Well, I'm going now... I'll just get my jacket from downstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我错过了什么吗?", "english": "Did I miss something? What did I miss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我问你 你为什么告诉安迪?", "english": "All right, I'll ask you something. Why did you tell Andy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又不是什么大事 值得这么做吗?", "english": "Since it wasn't all that important, anyway? It wasn't worth it, was it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 也许你俩就是这样", "english": "Still, I don't know. Maybe that's how it works between you two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你每次都会和他说 然后…", "english": "You tell him each time, and then that's it ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能有什么感受?", "english": "What was I meant to feel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又该怎么做?我要怎样才能…", "english": "Who was I supposed to be like? Who should I have been ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自认不再需要别人陪", "english": "It's been a long time since I wanted someone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的出现 让我想重新开始", "english": "And it was with you that I wanted to start again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通常不该这么说吧?", "english": "Not supposed to say that usually, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你给我的 远超我所想的", "english": "I know you've given me something that I never asked for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之前从未有过 我本该感激不尽", "english": "and that no one does that, ever, and that I should be grateful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和别人那么亲近…", "english": "that you should be so close to someone ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我心碎", "english": "tears me apart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和别人亲近 让我心碎", "english": "Your being close tears me apart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以…", "english": "So ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我离异了 有两个孩子", "english": "I'm a divorced man. I have two children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们习惯没有我的生活", "english": "who are getting used to me not being around. I'm ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有些朋友 我大概是他们的挚友", "english": "friends with a certain number of people. I suppose I'm their best friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是某个女人的「星期三男人」", "english": "And also I'm this \"Wednesday\" man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她从不要求我怎么样", "english": "to a woman ... who I've never asked anything of,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她对此很满意 没有异议", "english": "and she's happy with that, that's no problem to her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这让我很难过", "english": "But it really fucks me up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有的事", "english": "Everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道来这里干嘛 抱歉…", "english": "I don't know what I'm doing here. Sorry ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没错过什么 克莱尔", "english": "You missed nothing, Claire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没错过什么…", "english": "You missed nothing ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我什么也没说", "english": "because I said nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道会这样", "english": "I didn't know it would be like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道会被你深深吸引", "english": "I didn't know that I would become so closely tied to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为一切都会过去", "english": "I thought it would just blow over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我…", "english": "I ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留下来…", "english": "Stay with me ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你还会回来 就留下来", "english": "If you've come back, stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回来", "english": "Come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留下来…", "english": "Stay ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在", "english": "Now ..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在 留下来", "english": "Stay now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 杰", "english": "No, Jay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你离开他了?", "english": "Have you left him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我得走了", "english": "Sorry, but I have to be off now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些都扔掉?", "english": "Are you dumping this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉…我稍后再收拾", "english": "Sorry ... I'll come back to finish up later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我走了", "english": "I'm going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别怕 一群狼而已 加油干 咱们就要成功了", "english": "Don't worry, it's a pack of wolves. Come on, we're almost rid of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快闪", "english": "Run! Run!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回来 本杰明 一定要把这祸害埋了", "english": "No, Benjamin, we have to finish this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发什么愣 快动手", "english": "Come on, help me bury it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是某人把它又挖出来呢", "english": "What if someone digs it up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能祈求上帝保佑了", "english": "May God have mercy on his soul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扁他", "english": "Get him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姓巴的 要你好看", "english": "Prepare to die, Parrish!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姓巴的 你急什么", "english": "Parrish, what's the rush?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要去鞋厂", "english": "He's going to the factory!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚阿 夹尾巴的", "english": "Go on, Parrish!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去找你爹地", "english": "Run to Daddy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有种别出来", "english": "We'll be waiting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡尔", "english": "Hi, Carl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦老弟", "english": "Hey, Alan, my man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我研究了快一年", "english": "I've been working on this all year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我约好下午见你父亲", "english": "I got an appointment with your father..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要给他看...这个 你瞧瞧", "english": "...to show him this. Go ahead, take it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想他会喜欢吗", "english": "Think he'll like it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老弟 这是未来", "english": "What is it? This is the future."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果张伯伦穿这鞋", "english": "If Wilt Chamberlain will wear them..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定大大的流行", "english": "That will be the height of fashion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么啦", "english": "What's wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来干嘛", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说过 工厂不是游乐园 很危险的", "english": "This factory isn't a playground. It's dangerous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想搭你的便车", "english": "Can I have a ride home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比利又来惹你了", "english": "Is Billy Jessup picking on you again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管怕什么事 都要勇敢的面对", "english": "If you're afraid of something, you've got to stand and face it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 老板", "english": "Sorry, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我马上拿来", "english": "Just a minute, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么搞成这样", "english": "What the devil...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁干的好事", "english": "Who did this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说啊", "english": "Well?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我", "english": "I did, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别以为你姓巴就可以钓我的马子", "english": "Being a Parrish doesn't mean you can hang around with my girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只是朋友", "english": "We're just friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到此为止", "english": "Not anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扁他", "english": "Get him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抢他的单车", "english": "I've got his bike!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "混蛋", "english": "Jerks!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好棒", "english": "Neat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦", "english": "Alan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你吗", "english": "Are you home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝 怎么又被扁了", "english": "Alan, not again. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这都是本镇居民的特质", "english": "...attributes that exemplify Brantford spirit..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土壤坚硬无比 我们却能...", "english": "and the granite of our soil...we have..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欣欣向荣", "english": "Prospered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆 我们得跟亚伦谈谈", "english": "Sam, we have to talk to Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要走了", "english": "Well, we're on our way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟你父亲说了...", "english": "I told your father what you told me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对方不只比利一个", "english": "that it wasn't just Billy Jessup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要是知道...", "english": "If I'd known that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过 你要知道 我很以你为荣", "english": "But I want you to know that I'm proud of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "既然你像个男子汉 因此我们决定...", "english": "Since you took it like a man, your mother and I have decided..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恭喜我们的宝贝", "english": "Congratulations, sweetheart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不要我住在家里", "english": "You don't want me living here anymore?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包括你叔叔史凯勒", "english": "Even your Uncle Skylar went there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看这个", "english": "Look at this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是学校宿舍", "english": "It's the main dormitory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了 就因为我姓巴 他们才来找茬", "english": "This is great. Kids are on my case here because I'm a Parrish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还叫我去住...", "english": "Just wait till"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是纪念我父亲的", "english": "It was named after my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 那你去住啊", "english": "Good. Why don't you live in it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我住过了", "english": "I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有那些岁月 就没有今天的我", "english": "I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for my years there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我不想跟你一样", "english": "Maybe I don't want to be who you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至不想当巴家的人", "english": "Maybe I don't even want to be a Parrish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不够格 言行得像个样 去拿外套", "english": "You won't be, not till you start acting like one.Get your coat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学校的事也免谈咯", "english": "I guess I'm not ready for Cliffside, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你休想", "english": "You won't!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再也不跟你讲话了", "english": "I'm never talking to you again!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么", "english": "Nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么来了", "english": "Why are you here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把你的车送回来", "english": "I brought your bike."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没必要的", "english": "You didn't have to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己会去找比利算账", "english": "I was going to Billy's to get it myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫比利别再烦你", "english": "I told Billy to stop picking on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是白费唇舌 我们改天再谈", "english": "You wasted your breath. We'll talk about it some other time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么声音", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也听见了", "english": "You heard it too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边走", "english": "Come on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔幻棋", "english": "Jumanji."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢骰子看走几步 掷出一对可继续", "english": "You roll the dice to move your token. Doubles gets another turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁先抵终点谁获胜\" 要不要玩", "english": "The first to reach the end wins.\" You want to play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "学前班的小孩才玩这个", "english": "I quit playing board games five years ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉", "english": "Sarah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是磁力或是什么作用", "english": "It's gotta be magnetized or something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦 你看", "english": "Alan, look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么声音", "english": "What was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟糕...", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它以为我掷了骰子", "english": "The game thinks I rolled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么意思", "english": "What does that mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "镇上确实需要个小客栈", "english": "A bed and breakfast is just what this town needs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机会实在难得 何况还附家具", "english": "It was pretty hard to pass up. Especially full of furniture."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我忘了这屋子应该这么大", "english": "I keep forgetting how big this place is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱蒂 彼德 快来看", "english": "Judy, Peter, come look at this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里是大厅 酒吧", "english": "And a bar over here in the parlour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来很棒", "english": "That sounds lovely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟孩子们一定会很开心", "english": "I'm sure you and your kids will be very happy here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上 他们是我的侄子", "english": "Actually, they're my late brother's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我兄嫂去年冬天死翘翘了", "english": "He and his wife passed away just last winter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里很棒吧", "english": "Is this something, or what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "的确", "english": "It sure is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得如何 够不够大", "english": "What do you think? Is it big enough for you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "悲剧发生后...彼德就不说话了", "english": "Peter hasn't spoken a word since it happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天...", "english": "Oh, my."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是抱歉 太不幸了", "english": "I'm so sorry. How terribly awful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们跟父母也不熟", "english": "We barely even knew our parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们常年在外...", "english": "They were always away..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是在瑞士滑雪 在摩纳哥赌钱...", "english": "Skiing in St. Moritz, gambling in Monte Carlo..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是在非洲狩猎", "english": "...safariing in darkest Africa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也不知爱不爱我们", "english": "We didn't even know if they loved us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他们的游艇沉没时...", "english": "But when the sheik's yacht went down..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塞在香槟酒瓶里在海上被人发现", "english": "...that was found floating in a champagne bottle amongst the debris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在加拿大出了车祸", "english": "It was a car crash in Canada."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "契约就寄给我吧", "english": "You'll send me the escrow papers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德 玩具收起来", "english": "Peter, pick up your toys, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德 皮箱放进阁楼", "english": "Peter, take this suitcase up to the attic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后来吃冰淇淋", "english": "Then we can all have ice cream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来杯酒", "english": "And bourbon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么啦", "english": "What? What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没看见蝙蝠屎", "english": "I don't see any guano."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是非洲蝙蝠", "english": "That's an African bat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他明明看到了", "english": "That's what he saw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管是什么...反正已经没了", "english": "Well, whatever it was, it's gone now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这房子 我倒不担心蝙蝠", "english": "Bats aren't what I'd worry about in this house, anyways."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你担心什么", "english": "What would you worry about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就我个人来说", "english": "Well, personally..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不住发生过凶案的房子", "english": "...I wouldn't want to live where someone was murdered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴里斯·艾伦 我猜是他父亲杀的", "english": "Little Alan Parrish. I say his father did it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特别是分尸之后", "english": "Especially if he chopped it up first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 上面的", "english": "Hey up there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "半只蝙蝠也没有", "english": "Not a bat in sight, ma'am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听到没", "english": "Hear that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这房子没什么好怕的", "english": "There's nothing to be afraid of in this house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何是好", "english": "What am I gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们先吃完晚饭...", "english": "Let's try to relax and finish dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难怪这房子那么便宜", "english": "We know why you got the house cheap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天 他突然失踪", "english": "One day he just disappeared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他父母把他分尸藏在墙壁里", "english": "His parents chopped him up and hid him in the walls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "够了 老是编谎话 罚你禁足", "english": "That's it. I'm sick and tired of your lies. You're grounded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无所谓 反正这鸟镇没处去", "english": "Fine, there's nowhere to go in this stupid town anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你知道一下...", "english": "Just for your information,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可没说谎", "english": "that wasn't a lie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有没有听见什么", "english": "Did you hear anything a little wild?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想不想爸妈", "english": "Do you miss Mom and Dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不想", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骗人", "english": "Liar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你再继续编谎话 会被送去看心理医生", "english": "Cut that out, or they'll send you to a shrink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有耽搁 我会打电话", "english": "If I get held up at the permit office, I'll give you call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的话听到没有", "english": "You guys listening to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我陪你们等车好了", "english": "Maybe I should wait till the bus comes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父母会送你们上车吗", "english": "Did your parents used to put you on the bus?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确定吗", "english": "Are you sure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以送你们去", "english": "I could drop you off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 校车马上就到了", "english": "No, don't worry about us. The bus will be here any minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天拜托乖一点", "english": "Okay. Please be good today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听见了", "english": "You do hear it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听见什么", "english": "Hear what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从哪里传来的", "english": "Where is it coming from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇怪 粘住了", "english": "Weird. They're stuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢骰子决定走几步 掷出一对可以继续", "english": "Roll the dice to move. Doubles get another turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁先抵终点谁获胜\"", "english": "The first player to reach the end wins.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是装了微晶片", "english": "It's gotta be microchips or something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你先玩", "english": "You go first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六点", "english": "Six."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要", "english": "Don't!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么声音", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猴子是游戏带来的", "english": "I bet those monkeys came from the game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蚊子也是", "english": "The mosquitoes too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟糕 我没看见这个", "english": "I didn't see this part."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它说玩到底 就没事了", "english": "If we finish the game, it'll all go away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么办 否则姑姑会气疯", "english": "Let's do it or Aunt Nora'll pitch a fit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 你掷出一对", "english": "No, you rolled doubles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以继续 掷啊", "english": "You get another turn. Roll!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五点", "english": "Five."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来怪恐怖的", "english": "I don't like the sound of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人来了", "english": "Someone's in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是假的 彼德", "english": "It's not real, Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我们的幻觉", "english": "It's a hallucination."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快闪", "english": "Run, Peter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我回来了...", "english": "I'm back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小单车", "english": "My bike."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他", "english": "He did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救星 救星", "english": "Thank you! Thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救星 救星", "english": "Thank you! Thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 吓到你了...", "english": "Sorry if I scared you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 吓到你了...", "english": "Sorry if I scared you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我回来了", "english": "I'm back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爹 老妈", "english": "Mom! Dad!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到家了", "english": "I'm home!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我回来了", "english": "I'm back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我", "english": "It's me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是艾伦 爸爸 妈妈", "english": "It's me, Alan, Mom and Dad!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到家了", "english": "I'm home!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我回来了", "english": "I'm back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是妹妹", "english": "Are you my little sister?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是朱蒂 他是彼德", "english": "No, I'm Judy and he's Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈呢 爸在鞋厂吗", "english": "Where's Mom? Is Dad at the factory?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不是...", "english": "Are you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴里斯·艾伦", "english": "...Alan Parrish?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们是谁", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在住在这里", "english": "We live here now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸妈呢", "english": "Where's my mom and dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "We don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这房子空了好多年", "english": "This house has been empty for years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家以为你死了", "english": "Everyone thought you were dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请你给我下车 到人行道上", "english": "Get down off of my car, please, and get up on the sidewalk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请问今年是哪一年", "english": "What year is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是最新一年的车", "english": "It was brand- new."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有没有证件", "english": "You got some I.D.?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你的泰山装口袋里", "english": "Let me guess, it's in your other Tarzan outfit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你住这一带吗", "english": "Are you from around here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "本是的", "english": "I was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后来被魔幻棋吸走了", "english": "But I've been in Jumanji."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "印度尼西亚", "english": "Indonesia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他参加和平工作团", "english": "He was in the Peace Corps."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "班特利...", "english": "Bentley..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是我...姑丈", "english": "- Yes, he's our uncle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他常这样打扮", "english": "Does he always dress like that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 他是素食主义者", "english": "Yeah, he's a vegetarian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没少根筋吧", "english": "Is he all right upstairs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他前阵子头受过伤", "english": "He suffered a head injury a few months ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你别走", "english": "Don't you move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站住", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑死你娃", "english": "Don't move, don't move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要去哪里", "english": "Wait! Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去找我父母", "english": "To find my parents!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸以前在这里制鞋", "english": "My dad used to make shoes here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新英格兰最好的鞋", "english": "They were the best shoes in New England."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 别紧张", "english": "Easy, girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟镇上其他店家一样", "english": "Like everything else in this town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴氏鞋厂为什么关掉", "english": "Why would they close Parrish Shoes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山姆的孩子失踪后", "english": "When his kid ran away, Sam"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他尽一切能力去寻找 所有的时间 金钱", "english": "put everything he had into finding him.His time, his money..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全部投入", "english": "Everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过了一阵子 他就不来工厂了", "english": "After a while, he stopped coming to work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么都不在乎了", "english": "He just quit caring."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人像他那样爱孩子", "english": "I don't think anybody loved his boy more than Sam did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿着", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们夫妇还在吗", "english": "Are the Parrishes still around?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不时去看他们", "english": "I see them now and then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们住在亚当斯街", "english": "They're over on Adams Street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们父母也不在了", "english": "Our parents are dead too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸在广告界", "english": "Our dad was in advertising."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定很想他", "english": "I bet you miss him, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "Me too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他又要走了", "english": "There he goes again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说 尽管你现在很失落 不过咱们得完成游戏", "english": "Listen I know you're upset, but we should finish the game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们 何必找我", "english": "We? Why do you need me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万一出现可怕的东西", "english": "Just in case any other scary stuff comes out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我姑姑房里有狮子 我怎么办", "english": "Plus there's a lion in my aunt's room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你当我是马戏团的", "english": "Do I look like a Ringling Brother?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她快回家了", "english": "She'll be home soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吓她一大跳 希望她不怕猫", "english": "Won't she be surprised? I hope she's not allergic to cats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么一回事", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "轻一点", "english": "Easy now, easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听见没", "english": "You hear that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听见什么", "english": "Hear what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想看", "english": "Okay, think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么东西比我先出来", "english": "What came out of the game before me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狮子 一群猴子 还有...", "english": "There was a lion, a bunch of monkeys and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个", "english": "That!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事...只是个虫子", "english": "It's okay, it's okay. It's just a bug."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里很安全", "english": "We're safe in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到没没问题", "english": "See we're fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要坐低一点 就叮不到", "english": "If we stay low, he can't get through there too far."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心 没问题", "english": "Don't you worry. We're fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它进不来 有玻璃挡住", "english": "He can't get through the glass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们很安全", "english": "We're safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们会开车吗", "english": "Do you know how to drive?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会 小意思", "english": "No? That's no problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爹曾让我倒车到汽车道上", "english": "My dad used to let me back the car down the driveway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一次经验", "english": "Once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么难的", "english": "So, what's the big deal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上路了", "english": "Here we go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一等", "english": "Wait a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "车顶", "english": "The top!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小事一桩", "english": "Piece of cake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦", "english": "Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要拿那玩意靠近我", "english": "Keep that thing away from me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你何时才要玩 我姑姑就快回来了", "english": "When are you gonna help us play? Our aunt will be home soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父母既然不在 我就是这里的主人了", "english": "I hope you realize with my parents gone, this home belongs to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢天谢地", "english": "Oh, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不必用香蕉叶子了", "english": "No more banana leaves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些猴子会破坏生态环境", "english": "What do you think those monkeys will do to the ecosystem?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们坐好 听我说命运的故事吧", "english": "Just sit right back And you'll hear a tale of a fateful trip"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们乘坐小船从热带港口出发", "english": "That started out in this tropic port aboard this tiny ship"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么啦", "english": "What happened to you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又怎么了 输了钱回家啦", "english": "What happened to you? Did the Clampetts have a yard sale?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这辈子第一次刮胡子", "english": "I've never shaved before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要去哪", "english": "Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟彼德玩 你看着就好", "english": "How about Peter and I play, and you just sort of watch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢 我看过了", "english": "Thanks, I've seen it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不帮忙 那要干嘛", "english": "If you won't help us, what are you gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续过我的日子吧", "english": "Pretty much take up where I left off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看倪老师是否还教六年级", "english": "I wonder if Mrs. Niedermeyer's still teaching sixth grade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了 他不会帮忙的 他怕了", "english": "Come on, he's not gonna help us. He's afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么", "english": "What did you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你害怕", "english": "You're afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怕成乌龟了", "english": "It's okay to be afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们不知道这玩意的厉害", "english": "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好坏我们会自己应付 不用你帮忙", "english": "Whatever it is, we can handle it. We don't need your help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不同意", "english": "I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们以为猴子 蚊子", "english": "You think monkeys, mosquitoes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有狮子很凶", "english": "and lions are bad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才刚开始", "english": "That's just the beginning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我见过的东西 你们做恶梦时才会出现", "english": "I've seen things you've only seen in your nightmares."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连想都想不到的", "english": "Things you can't even imagine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看也看不见", "english": "Things you can't even see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些东西每晚来找你", "english": "There are things that hunt you in the night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些不停尖叫", "english": "Then something screams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听见他们在吃东西", "english": "Then you hear them eating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就祈祷你别变成甜点", "english": "And you hope to God that you're not dessert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "害怕", "english": "Afraid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们还不知道何谓害怕", "english": "You don't even know what afraid is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有我 你们活不到五分钟", "english": "You will not last five minutes without me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么说...", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎你的加入", "english": "you're gonna help us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看你们玩...", "english": "I'll watch..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德 你刚才好酷", "english": "Peter, that was very cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这叫激将法 爸爸常用来对付我", "english": "It's reverse psychology. Dad used to pull it on me all the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好没", "english": "Ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦好了没", "english": "Alan, ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没法准备的", "english": "There is no \"ready\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再试一次", "english": "I'll try it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦 没动静", "english": "Alan, it's not working."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "糟了 不是轮到你", "english": "It's not your turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊我先掷 然后彼德 掷两次 现在又该我了", "english": "I rolled first. Then Peter twice because he got doubles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在又该我了", "english": "Now it's my turn again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个棋子是你们的", "english": "Two of the pieces are yours, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另两个是谁的", "english": "Who's the other pieces?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大象是我的", "english": "The elephant was mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要玩才行", "english": "I'm gonna have to play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不该我", "english": "It's not my turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那该谁呢", "english": "Whose turn is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉·惠特尔", "english": "Sarah Whittle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她以前住这地方", "english": "This is where she used to live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们常在阳台上玩", "english": "We used to play on this porch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她一定不住这里 可能跟比利都结婚了", "english": "She doesn't live here. She probably married Billy Jessup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有道理", "english": "Good point."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮个忙好吗", "english": "Can you help us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有 我们在找个人", "english": "No, we're trying to find someone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丝灵娜夫人在忙", "english": "Madam Serena can't see anyone now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许你能帮忙", "english": "Maybe you can help us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找个人 以前住这儿的", "english": "We're looking for someone who used to live here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直住这里", "english": "No, I've lived here my whole life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你一定认识莎拉·惠特尔", "english": "Then you must know Sarah Whittle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉", "english": "Sarah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经改名了", "english": "I don't go by that name anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉·惠特尔", "english": "Sarah Whittle?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要做什么", "english": "What do you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有鼓声的游戏...", "english": "A game with drums."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道的", "english": "How do you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是那个男孩", "english": "I was that little boy, Sarah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦", "english": "Alan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你害死她了", "english": "You killed her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鲍大夫...", "english": "Dr. Boorstein,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是莎拉·惠特尔 请尽快给我回话", "english": "it's Sarah Whittle. Please call me as soon as you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的药剂量需要检查", "english": "I think I need to have my dosage checked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们常谈的那件事... 你说并未发生的那件", "english": "That event we've been discussing, the one that didn't really happen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天我碰到那个...并未失踪的男孩", "english": "I'm having an episode here with the boy who didn't really disappear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在他家客厅 喝柠檬汁", "english": "I'm sitting in his living room, drinking lemonade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请回电话", "english": "If you could call me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "的确很可怕...", "english": "It was awful. It was awful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那是真的", "english": "But it was real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不对 你父亲把你杀了 还把你剁碎", "english": "No, it wasn't real. Your father murdered you and chopped you up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉 别胡说", "english": "Sarah, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲会那么做", "english": "My dad did that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲难得抱我", "english": "My father could barely hug me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更别提把我剁碎", "english": "...let alone cut me into little pieces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们开始了一场游戏", "english": "we started playing a little game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在...", "english": "And now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要坐下来", "english": "...we're all gonna sit down"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把游戏玩完", "english": "and we're gonna finish it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你猜怎样", "english": "And guess what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骰子给我 回家去吧", "english": "Just give me the dice and you can go home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不玩没关系", "english": "You don't have to play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦 你人太好了", "english": "Thank you, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骗子", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么这样", "english": "How could you do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这叫丛林法则", "english": "It's the law of the jungle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢慢就习惯了", "english": "You'll get used to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快念吧", "english": "Go on, read it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了", "english": "Oh, great!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我 这只是幻觉", "english": "Oh, God. Tell me this isn't happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可惜不是", "english": "It is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别靠近墙壁 别碰其他东西", "english": "Stay away from the walls. Don't touch anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别做大动作", "english": "No quick movements."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别碰紫色的 它会射出毒刺", "english": "Don't touch the purple ones. They shoot poisonous barbs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其要远离又大又黄的花苞", "english": "And definitely stay away from the pods. The big yellow ones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么又大又黄", "english": "What big yellow ones?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓紧", "english": "Hang on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爷爷失礼了", "english": "Sorry, Angus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收割时刻", "english": "Harvest time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的车...", "english": "My car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的车", "english": "Oh, my car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请回答...", "english": "Carl please..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有谁看见卡尔了", "english": "Dose anybody see Carl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有这种事", "english": "I can't believe this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你死哪去了 好多动物到处乱窜", "english": "Where have you been? We've got an animal control situation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫史丹和威利去", "english": "Get Stan and Willy on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该进消防队才对", "english": "I should've been a fireman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉", "english": "Sarah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "游戏还没完呢", "english": "The game is not over yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我来说完了", "english": "It is for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里不是丛林 住手", "english": "You are not in the jungle anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有谁要冰茶我来泡茶", "english": "Anybody up for iced tea? I'm gonna make some tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 上次我玩了下 一辈子就毁了", "english": "Alan please, last time I played this game it ruined my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的一辈子毁了", "english": "It ruined your life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时是个小女孩", "english": "I was a little girl, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不见了", "english": "You disappeared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一群蝙蝠...", "english": "And a bunch of bats"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包围着我 追着我到马路上", "english": "surrounded me and chased me down the street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当时害怕", "english": "I was afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 艾伦", "english": "I'm sorry, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人相信我 我好孤单", "english": "No one believed me. I was alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "Me too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 莎拉 我们也害怕", "english": "It's okay, Sarah. We're scared too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要玩完 这些就会消失", "english": "But if we finish the game, it'll all go away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "万一我被困住呢", "english": "What if I get stuck in the game?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会的", "english": "You won't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我会玩下去", "english": "Because I won't stop playing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不会", "english": "And neither will I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不会", "english": "I won't either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧 莎拉", "english": "Come on, Sarah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就知道今天日子不好", "english": "I knew this was gonna be a bad day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的", "english": "we'll be fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要保持冷静", "english": "We just have to keep our heads."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么大不了的", "english": "And roll with the punches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "范培特...", "english": "Van Pelt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没用的孬种 回来跟我决斗", "english": "You miserable coward! Come back and face me like a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看你往哪跑", "english": "Coming, ready or not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂 听着", "english": "Hey, you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使艾伦平安无事", "english": "Even if Alan gets out of this situation..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事情也会不断重演", "english": "...it'll happen over and over again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人长期压抑怒气", "english": "When you carry repressed anger,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吸收了许多负能量 就会出事", "english": "it attracts a lot of negative energy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是没道理的", "english": "There are no accidents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了 继续", "english": "Really? Great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该讲明有这号人物", "english": "You might've told us there was a man who hunts people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哪知道 骰子掷了才晓得", "english": "I didn't know. It's just a roll of the dice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为这个 你才不想玩", "english": "Is he the reason you didn't want to play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本来也不想玩", "english": "You didn't want to play, either?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟他有何瓜葛", "english": "What's with this guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是猎人 以打猎为业 现在他要捕杀我", "english": "He's a hunter. He kills things. Right now, he wants to kill me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 也许他讨厌我的样子", "english": "I don't know. You'd think it'd be a waste of his time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或是他想装饰墙壁", "english": "Maybe I'd look good on his wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该你了", "english": "It's your turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯啦 他拿着枪...", "english": "Are you crazy? The man has a gun..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远不准", "english": "Ever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说出你给棋盘吸走了 大家都说我疯了", "english": "Everyone's called me crazy ever since I said you were sucked into a game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来继续掷", "english": "Maybe I should roll."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赞成", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家当我是凶案的目击者", "english": "I was the girl who saw you murdered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要掷了", "english": "Hello, I'm rolling now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么忘啦", "english": "Are you an owl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 丝灵娜女士 挖挖你的潜意识", "english": "Come on, Madam Serena,dig into your consciousness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找出你的老相好比利", "english": "Find the memory of your old boyfriend Billy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带你去看电影那个", "english": "The kid who took you to the movies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肯定是的 至于我", "english": "I know you are, but what am I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有没有感觉到", "english": "Do you feel that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仔细听", "english": "Listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑", "english": "Run!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "动物惊群了", "english": "It's a stampede!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "游戏带着", "english": "The game!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别回头看", "english": "Don't look back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别理他 他是天秤座的", "english": "Ignore him. He's a Libra."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你阿姨 你跑哪去了", "english": "It's Aunt Nora. Where have you been?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等我", "english": "Wait for me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可恶", "english": "Damn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要等一段日子", "english": "There's a waiting period."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还得先填申请表", "english": "And you'll have to fill out these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以代填", "english": "Or I could fill these out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "路易斯", "english": "Louise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是有人问起...", "english": "Now, anyone asks,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别说在这儿买的", "english": "you didn't get this here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦", "english": "Alan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小声点", "english": "Quiet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德", "english": "Peter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德 你还好吧", "english": "Peter, are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "东西给我 走吧", "english": "give me the game. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真倒霉", "english": "Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "装自然一点", "english": "Act natural."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它藏起来", "english": "Hide the game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都碰到你", "english": "I run into you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么 我不懂你的意思", "english": "Me? I don't know what you're talking about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下 别带他走 他是...", "english": "Just a second. You can't take him, he's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的未婚夫", "english": "Her fianc?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不是你姑丈吗", "english": "Wait a minute.You said he's your uncle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 我马上回来", "english": "It's all right. I'll be back soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "混蛋", "english": "Blast!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说不会背弃朋友", "english": "You said you'd never abandon your friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "范培特在这里", "english": "Van Pelt. Van Pelt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我奉劝你们即刻回家", "english": "I suggest you all go home now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没他就玩不成了", "english": "We can't. We can't finish it without him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱蒂", "english": "Judy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恩", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想作弊", "english": "You tried to cheat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德 你的手", "english": "Peter, your hands!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看你的手", "english": "Look at your hands!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是威利", "english": "Come in, this is Willy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "动物朝巴氏公园前进 我挡不了", "english": "They cleaned out Larry's Hardware.I can't stop them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快请求军队支援", "english": "Get the National Guard down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么回事 我知道你清楚", "english": "What is this about? I know you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 但说了你也不相信 卡尔", "english": "Yes, I do. But you wouldn't believe me even if I told you, Carl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道我叫卡尔", "english": "Wait a minute. How do you know my name is Carl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道的可多了", "english": "I know a lot more than that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以前在巴氏鞋厂工作", "english": "You used to work at Parrish Shoes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大伙叫你\"鞋底师\"", "english": "They used to call you \"Sole Man\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后来被开除了", "english": "...till old man Parrish fired me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我有样东西原本可挽救全镇", "english": "And I had something that could've turned this whole town around."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你设计的鞋", "english": "Your shoes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 很抱歉", "english": "...but I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么对不起", "english": "Sorry for what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是艾伦", "english": "It's me. Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然是商店在打折", "english": "Well, apparently there's a sale, honey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说不定能保他出来", "english": "Maybe we can bail him out with a cheque."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚开 滚开", "english": "Get out of my way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救命", "english": "Help me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉我出去", "english": "Get me out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟上", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那里", "english": "There it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这等我", "english": "Wait here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逮到你了 姑娘", "english": "Gotcha, girlie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦知道你被抓就会来找你", "english": "When Alan hears of your predicament, he'll come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不知道我在这儿 这招没用 再见", "english": "He doesn't know I'm here. It won't work. Your plan's ruined."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快叫警察", "english": "Call the cops!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扫描售价", "english": "Price check!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放了我 就能收拾局面", "english": "If you let me go, I can stop all this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听来难以置信 但我没骗你", "english": "It's like \"The Twilight Zone\", but it's true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定会后悔", "english": "I know I'm gonna regret this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 你自由了", "english": "There, I let you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在怎么办", "english": "Now what are we gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是为了你好", "english": "It's for your own good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡尔 紧急情况", "english": "Carl, code red."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一名女子 两名儿童在多省超市遭劫持", "english": "Hostage situation at Sir Sav- a- lot. A woman and two children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嫌犯似乎是你先前所说的人", "english": "It sounds like the armed perpetrator in the pith helmet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡尔 请回答", "english": "Carl? Come in, Carl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么是\"多省超市\"", "english": "What's Sir Sav-a-lot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别紧张 我会开车", "english": "Don't worry, I've done this before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曾今有一次", "english": "Once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救命啊", "english": "Help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "超市在哪里", "english": "Where's Sir Sav-a-lot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在改成汉堡店了", "english": "Not anymore. Now it's a Speedy Burger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少原本是的 不知还在不在", "english": "At least it was. I don't know what's left. People are going loopy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱蒂", "english": "Judy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人追来了", "english": "Uh-oh. We got company."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系 是交通警察", "english": "It's all right. He'll back us up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有老鼠", "english": "Rats!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关掉警笛 就是那个", "english": "Turn the siren off. Right there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了", "english": "Okay, I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴女人 要杀你早就杀了", "english": "Stop cringing, I could have shot you at any moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为何不下手", "english": "Why didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骰子不是你掷的 我找艾伦", "english": "You didn't roll the dice, Alan did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "踩煞车", "english": "Hit the brakes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我踩啦", "english": "Hit the brakes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他应该快到了", "english": "He'll be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉", "english": "Sarah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在这儿", "english": "I'm here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了", "english": "Oh, great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此要记住 周遭环境 永远在你掌握之中", "english": "So remember, circumstances are never, ever out of your control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第三卷结束", "english": "End of tape three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "症状包括发烧 出疹和突发癫痫", "english": "... ranging from inexplicable fevers and rashes to seizures."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了", "english": "I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦 安慰他一下", "english": "Alan, talk to him, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个孩子 只是想帮忙", "english": "I know, but he's a kid and he was trying to help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱蒂 来一下", "english": "Judy, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我曾经警告过你", "english": "I warned you about this, Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你就是不听 还要玩", "english": "No, you wanted to play the game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在哭吗", "english": "What, are you crying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 振作一点", "english": "Come on, keep your chin up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哭永远解决不了问题", "english": "Crying never helped anybody do anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "碰到问题", "english": "If you have a problem,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就要勇敢地面对", "english": "you face it like a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仍然免不了像我父亲", "english": "...and I still became my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说过的 害怕也没关系", "english": "It's all right to be afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是害怕", "english": "It's not that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是为什么", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好没", "english": "Ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心", "english": "Don't worry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们马上就把你变回原形", "english": "we'll have you back to your old self in no time flat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下来 把游戏结束", "english": "sit down and finish that game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不论发生...", "english": "No matter..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事", "english": "...what."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好像真正回到了家", "english": "Suddenly, I feel right at home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛莲 这是卡尔", "english": "Lorraine, this is Carl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道问题所在 我要去巴氏旧宅 请派人支援", "english": "I'm heading over to the Parrish place. Give me some backup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洛莲", "english": "Lorraine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Wait! Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又怎么了", "english": "Now what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停车", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Wait! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么问题", "english": "Is there a problem?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不能送我回家", "english": "Can I have a ride home?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有小孩 一男一女", "english": "Do you have children? A boy and a girl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生什么事了", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上车 路上慢慢说", "english": "Get in. I'll explain it all on the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好嘛拿去算了", "english": "Fine! Take it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点去你家", "english": "We gotta get to that house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我在这种环境长大 外头更恐怖", "english": "No.I grew up in this. It's out there that scares me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好 要掷了", "english": "Okay, ready? Here I go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大雨", "english": "Monsoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少我们在屋里", "english": "At least we're inside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可不是吗", "english": "Yeah, right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太多了淹死人 要", "english": "But a lot can kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们走", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边走", "english": "This way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在怎么办", "english": "What do we do now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "You okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈呀 快闪", "english": "Swim! Swim! Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续走", "english": "Keep going!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐在桌上", "english": "Stay on the table!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "脚离开水", "english": "Feet out of the water!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到吊灯上去", "english": "On the chandelier!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉 来", "english": "Come on, Sarah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坚持一下", "english": "Hang on, Sarah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "受伤没", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱蒂 彼德", "english": "Judy? Peter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐 交给我处理 可能没事", "english": "Step back and let me handle this, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能电视的声音开大了点", "english": "It's nothing. They probably left the TV on too loud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "手伸过来", "english": "Give me your hand!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住我的手", "english": "Grab my hand!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住了", "english": "I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为了我 跟美洲鳄鱼搏斗", "english": "Alan, you wrestled an alligator for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是非洲鳄鱼", "english": "It was a crocodile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我搞错了", "english": "My mistake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 该我了", "english": "Okay, it's my turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道了", "english": "I've got it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答案就在游戏中", "english": "Clue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救我", "english": "Help me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持冷静", "english": "Stay calm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要挣扎", "english": "Don't struggle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住", "english": "Grab on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉", "english": "Pull!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住了 拉", "english": "I got it. Pull!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冷静 冷静", "english": "Stay calm!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好极了", "english": "Oh, good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就好了...", "english": "I got you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别给我会散开的东西", "english": "Stop giving me things that come apart!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有了", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我抓住你了", "english": "I got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你痛不痛", "english": "Did I hurt you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你 朱蒂 你脑筋转得快", "english": "Thank you, Judy. Thank you. That was very quick thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莎拉和我想要站起来", "english": "Sarah and I would like to get out of the floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德 该你掷了", "english": "It's your turn, Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为又要失去你了", "english": "I thought I'd lost you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么东西", "english": "What's that? What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德 去院子工具间找把斧子 快去", "english": "Peter, my dad kept an axe in the woodshed. Go get it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去快回", "english": "Hurry! Go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱蒂", "english": "Judy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼德", "english": "Peter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劳拉阿姨 是我 彼德", "english": "Aunt Nora, it's me. Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我很忙 等会再解释", "english": "Sorry. I can't talk right now. I'll explain later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该你了", "english": "It's your turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱蒂", "english": "Judy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事 去帮他们", "english": "I'm fine. Help them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快来 朱蒂", "english": "Come on, Judy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把骰子给我", "english": "Give me the dice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真希望爸妈在这里", "english": "I wish Mom and Dad were here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "So do I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有游戏结束 才活得成", "english": "Her only chance is if we finish the game!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在该你", "english": "It's your turn!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈呀", "english": "Oh, my God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住游戏盒", "english": "Get the game!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不要放开你", "english": "I won't let you go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许动", "english": "Don't move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起来", "english": "Stand up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "手里拿着什么", "english": "What's in your hand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丢掉", "english": "Drop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没路走了 小伙子", "english": "End of the line, Sonny Jim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "游戏到此为止", "english": "Game's up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶紧跑路", "english": "Start running."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怕死了", "english": "I'm terrified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我父亲说过", "english": "But my father told me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好孩子", "english": "Good lad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你终于成了男子汉", "english": "You're finally acting like a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么遗言", "english": "Any last words?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "魔幻棋", "english": "Jumanji."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说魔幻棋", "english": "It's Jumanji."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我忘了带演讲稿", "english": "I forgot my speech notes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好高兴你回来了", "english": "Dad, I'm so glad you're back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得好像很久", "english": "It seems like a lot longer to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论我说了什么 老爹", "english": "Whatever I said, Dad,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦...", "english": "Look, Alan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚才很生气", "english": "I was angry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也很抱歉 对不起", "english": "I'm sorry too, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说", "english": "Look,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不想念克利福塞 我不勉强你", "english": "you don't have to go to Cliffside if you don't want to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们明天再谈", "english": "Let's talk it over tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个大男人", "english": "Man-to-man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像父子好了", "english": "How about father to son?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得走了 我是主客", "english": "I've gotta get going. I'm the guest of honour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爸", "english": "Dad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说...", "english": "I mean..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天在鞋厂的事", "english": "today in the factory..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能怪卡尔·班特利", "english": "...it wasn't Carl Bentley's fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我把鞋子放在生产线上", "english": "I put the shoe on the conveyer belt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴你告诉我", "english": "I'm glad you told me, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见 爸爸", "english": "Bye, Dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见", "english": "Goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不在", "english": "They're not there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们还没出世呢", "english": "They don't even exist yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我快忘了当大人的滋味", "english": "I'm forgetting what it's like to be a grownup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系", "english": "That's okay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要我们互相记得", "english": "as long as we don't forget each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有朱蒂和彼德", "english": "Or Judy and Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有件事我一直想做", "english": "There's something I've been wanting to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好现在就做... 免得又像小孩什么都不敢", "english": "I better do it before I feel too much like a kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐", "english": "Merry Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不要尝尝", "english": "Do you want any cookies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸 是两用气垫式 销路好极了", "english": "Dad, the new cross-trainer's doing fabulous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是胸罩 是鞋子", "english": "No, it's not a bra, it's a shoe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们到了", "english": "Honey, they're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸 我得挂了 圣诞快乐 明天来机场接你", "english": "Dad, I gotta run. We'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们就是最好的礼物 拜拜", "english": "You'll be the best Christmas gift of all. Bye-bye!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们到了 我们走", "english": "They're here? Come on, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借过 借过", "english": "Pardon me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴你们能来", "english": "Jim! Glad you could make it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天来了", "english": "Oh, my God, there they are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么知道", "english": "How'd you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然是猜的 孩子嘛", "english": "A guess, of course. They're your kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猜对了 他们正是", "english": "Right, these are our children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱蒂和彼德 见过巴先生 巴太太", "english": "Judy and Peter. Say hi to Mr. And Mrs. Parrish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我记忆中一摸一样", "english": "You're just like we remembered you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得跟他们很熟 因为...", "english": "I feel like we know so much about them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们很喜欢小孩", "english": "Well, we love children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞快乐", "english": "Merry Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好棒", "english": "Cool"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你哪天开始上班", "english": "When can you start?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们想度假时去滑雪", "english": "We were going to take a skiing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去加拿大的洛矶山脉", "english": "holiday up in the Canadian Rockies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别去", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在想...", "english": "We just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "新产品的广告得立刻开始", "english": "Need you to get that marketing done on the new line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题 那就下周开始", "english": "No problem. I could start next week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你介绍几个未来的同事", "english": "Let me introduce you to the folks you'll be working with."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我家就是你家", "english": "Our house was your house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随时欢迎", "english": "Is.Anytime you'd like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯有探監的", "english": "Well, well,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是塊蛋糕", "english": "It's a cake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什麼我說了才算", "english": "I decide what it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起來像蛋糕", "english": "Looks like some kind of cake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有異常,不是說沒衣裳哦,你懂的...", "english": "She's clean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,天吶", "english": "Oh, God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯", "english": "Boris the Animal..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人來看你了", "english": "you've got a visitor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是「鮑裏斯」", "english": "BORIS:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的信對我來說就是", "english": "Your letters have been"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "心靈雞湯", "english": "tonic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本人可比", "english": "And you are much more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照片上帥多了", "english": "unconventionally handsome"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可不是夫妻探監", "english": "GUARD:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上次親熱是什麼時候?", "english": "When's the last time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "親愛的,看到你帶的禮物了", "english": "I see you've brought me a treat,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天是個特殊的日子", "english": "Would you mind cutting this up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很浪漫的", "english": "I'm a romantic like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我就不會這麼做", "english": "Oh, I wouldn't do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼?", "english": "Why's mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會廢了你的手指", "english": "It'll ruin your figure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你讓我完美無缺", "english": "You complete me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大傢伙", "english": "The big one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑裏斯!你答應帶我一起走的!", "english": "MAN: Boris!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們說好的!", "english": "We had a deal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧巴代亞·普賴斯", "english": "Obadiah Price."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,我是答應你了", "english": "Yes. I did make you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,感覺不太對", "english": "BORIS:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們走著瞧", "english": "Let's agree to disagree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們人數多", "english": "There's too many of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裏太熱了,介意開窗通風嗎?", "english": "Rather hot in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起,親愛的,蛋糕確實不錯", "english": "Sorry, darling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我們重寫歷史,好嗎,K探員?", "english": "Let's rewrite history, shall we, K?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請大家注意看我的搭檔,J探員", "english": "Please give your attention"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他會給大家示範一下", "english": "He's going to demonstrate"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "電子生物神經傳送零復位裝置", "english": "neural-transmitting,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們叫它記憶消除器", "english": "We call it the neuralyzer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感謝J探員", "english": "Thank you, Agent K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士們,先生們,如果你們看這裏", "english": "Uh, ladies and gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並且空姐讓你們關手機", "english": "You know how you're on a plane and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們卻想「為什麼要關,也沒破壞飛機」", "english": "You're like, 'I ain't turning it off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看見沒,結果就是這樣", "english": "Well, this is what we get."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛機竄到衛星那兒把它轟了下來!", "english": "It gets up there, bounces around"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "關掉手機不就沒這事了", "english": "Just turm your damn phone off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為沒GPS信號", "english": "Now you're gonna drive off a cliff"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "查查燃料和表層堆積物的成分", "english": "Check the composition of the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道誰在駕駛", "english": "I wanna know who was driving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,長官", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不擔心嗎,這很重要", "english": "No, I'm very worried."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "說真的,我不認為那是肉", "english": "J: Seriously, I'm not"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "牙齒、爪子、蹄子什麼的", "english": "I think I just saw a tooth in"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝,曼尼", "english": "Thanks, Manny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該是棺材餅", "english": "That does not belong in a pita,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不能少說兩句", "english": "What would go good with this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看吶,這就是問題所在", "english": "See, here's the problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你聞不到", "english": "You can't smell it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為你鼻子不好使,我的卻不一樣", "english": "because your nose already"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沉默是金,你應該試著慢點說話", "english": "Silence goes good with lot of things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "煩我就直說,別等回車裏鬱悶", "english": "Just say you hate me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃完再說", "english": "Let me enjoy this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就吃吧", "english": "Whoa, enjoyment. Ha, ha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看你表情就知道,我喜歡這情緒", "english": "So that's what enjoyment looks like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情緒和這無關", "english": "I keep emotion out of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和什麼無關,生活嗎?", "english": "Out of what, K? Life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就不想讓我幫你一把?", "english": "You don't wanna run it by me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔,不,我擔心,非常擔心", "english": "Oh, no, I'm worried."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可是悼詞,你必須要富有情感", "english": "It's the man's eulogy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才能讓人們感動", "english": "That thing people do when they"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為了他我會寫下出色的悼詞", "english": "And I have written"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家會感動的", "english": "People will be moved."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯哼", "english": "Mm-hm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇異恩典", "english": "(《Amazing grace》)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惶惑而今", "english": "Was blind but now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得見", "english": "I see"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在由K探員獻上幾句", "english": "MAN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他從來不邀請我吃晚餐", "english": "he never invited me to dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也從來沒邀請過我去他家看球賽", "english": "He never asked me to his house"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從來不分享他個人生活的任何事", "english": "He never shared a single detail"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,他很古怪", "english": "Yeah, he was weird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在由新上任的領導O探員發言", "english": "MAN: And now we will hear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝K探員,太感人了", "english": "O: Thank you, Agent K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士們,先生們及外星朋友們", "english": "O: Ladies, gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一位齊格羅星人時", "english": "When I told the Finucian Zyglot"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她說了一些話,接下來我會重複一遍", "english": "she said something"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是澤德", "english": "That's just so Zed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呀喝!我是個老牛仔", "english": "Yippee-yi-yo-ki-yay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什麼不對勁嗎?老兄", "english": "You lose something over here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在葬禮上的悼詞一定要比這次好?", "english": "Can you promise, if I go first, you'll"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對我如此重要的人卻離我而去", "english": "Now there's a big part of me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,J,有些事還沒來得及告訴你", "english": "Oh, J, all the things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是個老頭", "english": "except I was too old"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "脾氣壞,傲慢", "english": "and craggy and surly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很頑固", "english": "tight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很想念你性感黝黑的皮膚", "english": "I'm gonna just miss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會現場發揮的", "english": "I'll wing something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人類感染了外星蛔蟲", "english": "intestinal worms of alien origin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝,O", "english": "Thank you, O."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼變成這樣了?", "english": "How did you get to be like you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出什麼事了,K,發生什麼了?", "english": "Something happened, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我沒什麼不開心的", "english": "You know how I live"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒什麼不開心的?", "english": "How you live such a happy life?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不該知道的從來不問", "english": "I don't ask questions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當一切已注定", "english": "And that's when it happens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你和媽媽一起生活", "english": "When you live with your mother"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶她回家,媽媽會說「嗯哼」", "english": "Try to take her home"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑弗裏", "english": "Jeffrey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我認識你嗎?", "english": "Do I know you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很有能力,你父親奧巴代亞告訴我的", "english": "Your services are legendary,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你應該在月球監獄", "english": "You were in Lunar-Max."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有我逃不出的監獄", "english": "There is no prison that can hold me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "額…真不賴,你想要什麼,夥計?", "english": "Uh... Cool for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個裝置", "english": "The device."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在他奪走我手臂之前", "english": "I'm going back in time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,K探員,J探員!", "english": "Oh, K, J!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "見到你們很高興,這邊請", "english": "So happy to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不餓嗎?", "english": "You no hungry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我們看看水箱", "english": "Show us the tanks, Wu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然,當然可以,你看看,很新鮮", "english": "Oh, sure, sure. You look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我們看看後廚的水箱", "english": "Show us the tanks in the back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,聽不懂你們說的,晚點再來,好嗎?", "english": "Ha, ha. So sorry. No speak English."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把這些屁話留給外地人吧", "english": "Save the chop-socky bullshit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們到底想幹什麼?", "english": "Hey, what you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒權知道", "english": "You don't have no balls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔", "english": "Ooh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夥計,看起來你來自行星", "english": "Man, you look like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該死", "english": "Damn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "販賣未經許可的外星", "english": "Selling unlicensed extraterrestrial..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是地球上的魚類", "english": "That is an Earth fish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這在中國很常見,你要逮捕我的話", "english": "Very traditional in China."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是種族歧視!", "english": "that's a hate crime!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你是中國人的話", "english": "if you were Chinese."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這尖刺魚是為誰準備的?", "english": "Who is the Spiky Bulba fol?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有誰", "english": "Nobody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為誰準備的?", "english": "K:Who's it for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我養著它而已!", "english": "I keep them in case!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何人!", "english": "Anybody!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔,喔,額...", "english": "Whoa, whoa. Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吳", "english": "Wu,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和他之間有點問題,但不應該拿你出氣", "english": "uh, he and I are having issues right now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝,J", "english": "Thank you, J."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不想被魚扇耳光,得遵守協議", "english": "So if you don't like getting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球人吃地球魚,真正的地球魚類", "english": "Earth people get Earth fish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請您留下來吧", "english": "On behalf of my pathetic self"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒人想吃你那噁心的麵條", "english": "Don't nobody want"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是一坨屎,吳", "english": "You're a piece of shit, Wu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放點蝦和白菜一起做", "english": "Shrimp and bok choy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱倆還得在這呆會", "english": "We're gonna be here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是的", "english": "J:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在後廚都幹了些什麼", "english": "What you did to Wu back there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扒掉他的圍裙", "english": "Snatched his skirt off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前我常和我爸玩個遊戲", "english": "I used to play a game"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的最後一餐會吃什麼", "english": "What'll You Have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以做得比這更糟", "english": "You could do worse than this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,好吧,額…", "english": "On. Okay. Um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和老爸玩的遊戲", "english": "I played a game with my dad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫做「接球」", "english": "called catch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把球扔出去,它只會打到牆上", "english": "Except I'd throw the ball"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為我沒父親", "english": "because he wasn't there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別說你老子壞話", "english": "Don't badmouth your old man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是真的不知道他是什麼樣", "english": "I'm not badmouthing him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這不對", "english": "It's not right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼對不對的,孩子需要父親", "english": "Damn right it's not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一號桌還沒點餐", "english": "Table one hasn't ordered a thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三號桌已經喝四杯", "english": "just drank his fourth cup"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鴨醬了", "english": "of duck sauce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "月球監獄", "english": "K:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯", "english": "Boris the Animal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼知道?", "english": "How did you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他一向愛吃尖刺魚", "english": "He has a taste for Spiky Bulba."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我們點時間,長官", "english": "Give us a minute, chief."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有麻煩了", "english": "We're in a situation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "K:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對付Chloropod", "english": "I take the Chloropod."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你對付Tarantabee", "english": "You take the Tarantabee"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和那邊的Hydronian", "english": "and the Hydronian over there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後我會搞定廚房裏的", "english": "I'll take the kitchen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到街上會合", "english": "Meet you on the street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可真夠亂套的", "english": "in my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Unh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噓,噓!", "english": "Shh, shh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘴閉上,頭低下", "english": "Keep your mouth closed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿呀!", "english": "Hi-yah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "惡!", "english": "Ugh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈嘍,K", "english": "Hello, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯", "english": "Boris the Animal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是「鮑裏斯」", "english": "It's just Boris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒怎麼變,還是一條胳膊", "english": "You haven't changed very much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,我的胳膊", "english": "Yes, my arm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你這輩子也就這樣了", "english": "Well, that's just not living a full life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敢保證我會活得比你長", "english": "I can promise you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一樣會感到孤獨", "english": "Lonelier too. Since you're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是首先,很高興可以親手殺了你", "english": "But first,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唷,K", "english": "Yo, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還不知道,K,其實你已經死了", "english": "You don't know it, K,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒事吧?", "english": "You all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請大家往我這邊看好嗎?", "english": "May I have everyone's attention,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們知道孩子從集市弄了一袋金魚", "english": "You know how your kid won"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們不想在家養它", "english": "from the fair and you didn't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後就你們以為把它衝進馬桶便沒事了?", "english": "so you told your kid it ran away"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,這就是你們幹的", "english": "Well, this is what happens."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何?看到了嗎?別對孩子撒謊", "english": "Okay? See what I'm talking about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夥計,這些事我可干夠了", "english": "Man, I am getting too old"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以想像你是什麼感覺", "english": "I can only imagine how you feel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯", "english": "Boris the Animal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是我犯過的最大錯誤", "english": "I put him away a long time ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼?他是無辜的嗎?", "english": "Why? Was he innocent?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該殺了他", "english": "Should have killed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這不是你的職責", "english": "It's above your pay grade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱倆職責一樣", "english": "We have the same pay grade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這與你無關,管好自己就行了", "english": "It has nothing to do with you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,首先,別總對我說教", "english": "Okay, first of all, let's get a little bit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其次,只要那禽獸胡作非為,我就得管", "english": "Secondly, as long as Spikey Boy is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你管這事我就向上級匯報", "english": "You forget about Boris"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你行為不端", "english": "that your conduct"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊,也許我也可以對你這麼做,K", "english": "Well, maybe my report"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我退出怎麼樣?", "english": "How about I quit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些事你沒必要知道", "english": "K: There are things out there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你雇我時可不是這麼說的", "english": "That's not the lie you told me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還好嗎,大爺", "english": "What up. Pops?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還好,搭檔沒來啊", "english": "Yeah Lose your partner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "距離穿梭至阿法尊巴星球", "english": "Next shuttle to Afazumba"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搜索", "english": "J:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯", "english": "Boris the Animal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯,伯格羅多星球刺客", "english": "COMPUTERIZED VOICE: Boris the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伯格羅多星人是很兇猛的外星種族", "english": "Boglodites were a rogue alien race"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所到之處片甲不留", "english": "that consumed all planets"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球上的外星人謀殺案中", "english": "Boris the Animal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唯一的嫌疑犯就是禽獸鮑裏斯", "english": "in a series of alien murders"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "案件報告", "english": "Incident report."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯在接下來的謀殺案中被判有罪", "english": "Boris the Animal was convicted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謀殺罪名二:工廠", "english": "Murder number two: The Factory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "精確搜索", "english": "Refine search."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在佛羅里達州卡納維拉爾角", "english": "K探員逮捕了禽獸鮑裏斯"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天穹網防禦系統", "english": "of the Arc Net Defense System"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保護地球免遭伯格羅多星人入侵", "english": "which protected the Earth"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "細節", "english": "Details."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "換為最高級別的J探員權限", "english": "Excuse me? Clearance level"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拒絕訪問", "english": "Access denied."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陳年舊事感興趣了?", "english": "So why this sudden interest in"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑裏斯和K之間發生過什麼?", "english": "What happened between Boris and K?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很簡單", "english": "That's easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他從伯格羅多星人手裏拯救了地球", "english": "He protected the Earth"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他完成了他的使命", "english": "He did his job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可不是我要問的", "english": "That's not what I'm asking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡納維拉爾角,發生什麼了?", "english": "Cape Canaveral, what happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些事改變了他", "english": "Something that changed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別談這些了", "english": "Leave it at that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你倆是老相識了,對嗎?", "english": "Hm. So you two go way back, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是機密", "english": "That's classified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奉勸一句,J探員", "english": "A word of advice, Agent J."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不該知道的就別問", "english": "Don't ask questions you don't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有意思,K也是這麼說的", "english": "That's funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是個聰明人", "english": "He's a very wise man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好好休息", "english": "Take the rest of the night off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我欠你一些答案,夥計", "english": "Guess I owe you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?你咋突然想說這些呢?", "english": "What, you're feeling chatty"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在不行,我在工作呢", "english": "I can't talk right now. I've got secret"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不想拆穿你在玩遊戲", "english": "I hate to tear you away"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我要掛了", "english": "All right. I'm hanging up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道宇宙中最具破壞性的力量是什麼嗎?", "english": "You know the most destructive force"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毒品?", "english": "Sugar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很遺憾", "english": "Regret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別繞了,直說吧", "english": "You don't have to wait. Just talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向你保證過這秘密不能說,僅此而已", "english": "I promised you the secrets"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有什麼秘密我不能知道?", "english": "So there's secrets out there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媽咪", "english": "GIRL:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要幫忙嗎?", "english": "Can I help you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "額…", "english": "Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "額…", "english": "Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起,那是巧克力牛奶嗎?", "english": "I'm sorry, is that chocolate milk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能…?對不起,我不知道怎麼了…", "english": "Can I-? I'm so sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媽咪,奧巴馬搶我的", "english": "GIRL:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他還沒問我同不同意呢", "english": "He didn't say please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你新來的?", "english": "You new?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真有意思,J探員", "english": "Very funny. Agent J."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯,今天我覺得自己煥然一新", "english": "Exactly. I feel like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進步很快,之前總是對身邊的一切感到不滿", "english": "Like this great weight has been lifted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但現在只對自己和繼母不滿", "english": "but now I see I was mad at myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生,別說了好嗎", "english": "Sir, I'm gonna need you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就像我關閉了情感之窗", "english": "It's like I closed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但又打破了它", "english": "But I threw a brick"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多謝你的引導,J", "english": "Thank you for handing me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否則我扯下你的喉嚨", "english": "Whoever you are, give me five feet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我得去黑衣人那了", "english": "I'm gonna go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是誰?", "english": "Who was that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "扇你屁股那位?你搭檔", "english": "Double A? Your partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你給我拿杯巧克力牛奶,好嗎?", "english": "Uh, I need you to go get me some"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大杯的,你看到K了嗎?", "english": "Just a really big glass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他請病假了還是怎麼了?", "english": "Did he call in sick"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰是K?", "english": "Who's K?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,好吧,跟我扯吧", "english": "All right, allright,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你贏了", "english": "You got me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不得不說,很有趣,煞費苦心啊", "english": "I'll give it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們大家,演得真不錯", "english": "Oh, and all of you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個很不錯", "english": "but this is a good one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為我已經有點不太高興了", "english": "because I'm starting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想找誰?", "english": "and telling me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在找K", "english": "I'm looking for K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰是K?", "english": "Who is K?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也給我扯?扯吧", "english": "Unh! You too? You too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是問,他到底誰是?", "english": "I mean, who is he to you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我搭檔", "english": "MY partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有點傲慢,像貓王一樣,他是這麼笑的", "english": "Sort of a surly, Elvis thing happening"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看見過嗎?", "english": "Seen him around?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我帶你去見他", "english": "I'll take you to K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果這是笑話的話確實很有趣", "english": "Okay, see, the prerequisite for a joke"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒開玩笑", "english": "It's never been funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "電腦,K探員和禽獸鮑裏斯", "english": "Computer, Agent K"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地點:卡納維拉爾角", "english": "Location, Cape Canaveral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罪犯禽獸鮑裏斯逃往地球", "english": "Perpetrator Boris the Animal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對於他拯救人類的英勇行為", "english": "Agent K pronounced dead at scene."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當局予以表彰", "english": "for action which prevented"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看過這篇報告", "english": "K把鮑裏斯囚禁起來"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他用Aqua Velva須後水,這不是想像", "english": "Aqua Velva aftershave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次監視行動,連續幾小時都是牛仔音樂", "english": "Every stakeout,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天早上喝咖啡,他總是說", "english": "Every morning with his coffee,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這咖啡味道可不怎麼樣」", "english": "\"I tell you something, slick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後我說「什麼樣才和你口味?", "english": "And I was supposed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可是早上現磨的咖啡」", "english": "It was ground this morning.'"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼知道的?", "english": "How do you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巧克力牛奶,先生?", "english": "Chocolate milk, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這都一小時了", "english": "Where you been, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下", "english": "O:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜歡巧克力乳製品多久了?", "english": "How long have you been craving"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "煩躁,抑鬱的感覺嗎?", "english": "Agitation? Depression?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,有", "english": "Hell, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兩種可能,一種是你被", "english": "Two possibilities."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈瓦星球的腦蜱蟲咬了", "english": "by a Hovartian brain tick"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "隨時都可能痛苦掙扎的死去", "english": "and could die in horrible agony"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該死,不是蜱蟲", "english": "Damn it. It's not the tick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該死,不是蜱蟲?", "english": "'Damn it, it's not the tick'?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你對巧克力牛奶的癡迷表明", "english": "Your obsession"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可能參與過某個短時間的時空穿梭", "english": "that you might be involved"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不明白你在說什麼", "english": "I don't know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巧克力牛奶可以去除因時空穿梭導致的頭痛", "english": "Chocolate milk relieves"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "時空穿梭是什麼?", "english": "What's a temporal fracture?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿越到任意時間點", "english": "A break in the timeline."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還是不明白你的意思", "english": "Don't know what you mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "時間旅行!時間旅行", "english": "Time travel! Time travel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本不存在時間旅行", "english": "There's no such thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為如果有的話", "english": "Because if there were"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像我這類頂級探員", "english": "class-one senior agent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該有權知道,難道他不是嗎?", "english": "would have been aware of it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這根本不是機密,只是他越權辦事", "english": "Were it not classified"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我想要什麼", "english": "You know, I need a raise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧巴代亞·普賴斯", "english": "There was one man, scumbag,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿越宇宙這技術對我們來說是違法的", "english": "he figured it out, we busted him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他被判終生監禁在月球監獄", "english": "throughout the universe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑裏斯也關在那", "english": "No- That's where Boris"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果鮑裏斯知道如何穿越時空", "english": "Uh- If Boris worked out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他一定會改寫歷史", "english": "he could seriously change"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注意,預警系統顯示", "english": "COMPUTERIZED VOICE: Attention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敵方戰艦已進入太陽系", "english": "Inbound hostile warships"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "檢測到伯格羅多種族信息", "english": "Boglodite markings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他們已經滅絕了", "english": "Boglodite. Boris is a Boglodite,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顯然沒有", "english": "Apparently not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "地球即將遭受災難性打擊", "english": "Catastrophic Earth attack imminent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啟用天穹網", "english": "Put up the Arc Net."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不在就沒有防禦系統", "english": "No K. No defense system"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑裏斯回到過去殺了他", "english": "Boris jumped back and killed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你想拯救世界,從一開始就要阻止他", "english": "If you wanna save the world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是奧巴代亞的兒子", "english": "You have to find Jeffrey Price."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望這小子能幫上忙", "english": "Let's hope the little squirt"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要點什麼?我這電池", "english": "How can I help you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "賣的很不錯", "english": "on batteries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耳機,充電器什麼的", "english": "Whoa. Okay, we got other stuff,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幫助禽獸鮑裏斯時空穿梭", "english": "You helped Boris the Animal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是,我必須得做,那傢伙是個怪物", "english": "Whoa, whoa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他殺了我搭檔", "english": "He killed my partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道他傳送的時間地點", "english": "I want to know when"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會告訴你全記在本子裏了嗎?", "english": "What, you think I keep,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈", "english": "Huh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你朋友真是個無賴", "english": "That's a real bummer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道他很棒", "english": "I'm sure he was a great guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但根據時間連續體來說", "english": "But in terms of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你朋友在歷史上簡直不值一提", "english": "your friend was a little blip"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出大麻煩了", "english": "That's a big blip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要在鮑裏斯現身前", "english": "I'm not worried about that one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "殺了年輕時的他", "english": "before the older one shows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那樣的話,他們兩個都得消失", "english": "That way, neither of them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是你為什麼穿黑制服", "english": "That's why you get to wear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是嗎?", "english": "No?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱倆不撞一下嗎?好吧", "english": "You're gonna leave me hanging?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔,我想起來了", "english": "Oh, I just thought of something"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那年代紐約又大又亂", "english": "New York was like a big-ish city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你打算怎麼找到他?", "english": "So how are you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫做預言家羅曼的外星人", "english": "Roman the Fabulist, at Coney Island."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你準備先到那等他出現?", "english": "You're gonna get there first"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夥計,他們應該給你兩套黑制服", "english": "Dude, they should give you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老弟,能認真點嗎?", "english": "My man, for real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "On, right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起", "english": "Sorry. Um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這才是", "english": "This..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真傢伙,時空穿梭裝置", "english": "is the real deal. Time-jump gear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常稀有,有年頭了", "english": "Very rare, very old."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但首先,咱們得「嗨」一下", "english": "But first, we gotta get high."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,不", "english": "Hey. No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是,我是說到很高的地方", "english": "(high有多重意思)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,夥計,拉我一把?", "english": "JEFFREY: Unh! Hey, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想救你搭檔,建議:", "english": "Okay. You wanna save"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "離他遠點", "english": "Shy away from him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記住了嗎,離K遠點,殺了鮑裏斯就行", "english": "Yeah, got it. Slay away from K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在,拿上這個", "english": "Now, take these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掉下去時會獲得足夠的風速", "english": "It gets pretty windy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掉下去?", "english": "The way down?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你哭的話,就看不到刻度盤了", "english": "With eyes tearing up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不要從這跳下去!", "english": "I am not jumping off of this building!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不跳就沒戲", "english": "Time jump..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,現在", "english": "Okay, now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我設置一下", "english": "I gotta set this thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯", "english": "right-ish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在", "english": "Now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就差你一跳了", "english": "all you gotta do is jump."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,別,別拍我", "english": "Hey. Hey. Slop. Sup it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你下落速度足夠快時", "english": "When you're moving fast enough,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圓圈內會充滿綠色液體", "english": "that circle is gonna fill up with"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "發出奪目的亮光", "english": "and it's gonna glow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後你盡快用拇指劃過藍色激光線", "english": "As soon as that happens,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來完成這次旅行", "english": "with your thumb"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個高度,應該是…", "english": "At this height,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想應該是…,大約離地面兩英尺", "english": "So that would be, I guess, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劃過激光線嗎?", "english": "I break the laser line?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,別碰它!", "english": "No, don't break it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劃過激光線到底有沒有用?", "english": "Do I break the laser line"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別把這設備弄丟了", "english": "Do not lose that time device"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對你來說可不是什麼好時候", "english": "It wasn't the best time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是說說,讓你冷靜一下", "english": "I'm just saying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎麼知道這是否有用?", "english": "How will I know if it works?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定很喜歡這傢伙才會這麼做", "english": "You must really love this guy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其他人都忘了", "english": "Oh, wait. How come I remember K,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇哦!", "english": "Whoa! Whoa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你活著回來,一定跟我好好講講", "english": "If you survive, you gotta come back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得跳了!", "english": "You gotta go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跳,快!", "english": "Just go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,不!", "english": "Oh, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快啊!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愛是陌生的", "english": "Love is strange"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你離開我", "english": "When you leave me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會以為我瘋了吧", "english": "Look at me like I'm crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了", "english": "Far out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑瑞在嬉皮士的地盤嗨翻了", "english": "Jerry rocked Haight-Ashbury"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,我們到了", "english": "MAN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,幫個忙,好嗎?", "english": "Hey. Hey, do me a favour, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這行李箱貴著呢", "english": "FRED: I paid a lot of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果需要服務就叫我", "english": "Here you go, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "後備箱還有行李", "english": "There's more in the trunk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了,會安排妥當的,先生。請進去吧", "english": "Uh, yeah, it'll be in your room, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起,打擾一下,那是誰?", "english": "BELLBOY: Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是誰?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以著陸", "english": "Can land"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走啊!", "english": "Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "綠色沙地是你的藏身之所", "english": "Safe on the green desert sand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不過這裏渺無人煙", "english": "It's so very lonely"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不錯啊,夥計!", "english": "Far out, man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你再這樣我就不客氣了", "english": "If you want to keep that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笑一個別生氣", "english": "Make love, not war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用你告訴我該怎麼做", "english": "I prefer to do both"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能為你做點什麼?", "english": "How are you, officers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看吶,電動車窗和密封條", "english": "Well, look at this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,這車還有個隱藏式頂棚", "english": "Uh, yes, and it has a roof,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,你是做什麼的?", "english": "Hey, what kind of work"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像你這種膚色的人", "english": "An individual of your"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能買得起這種車嗎?", "english": "particular ethnic persuasion?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,我是底特律黑人隊的前鋒", "english": "Yes. Uh... Starling forward"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "車和制服哪來的?", "english": "Where'd you get the car?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從你們那偷的,車是你老婆的", "english": "I stole them both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "制服是你奶奶的", "english": "suit from your grandmother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是什麼?武器嗎?", "english": "What do we have here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,這可是他奶奶的制服", "english": "Hey, it's his grandmother's suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你們按旁邊的按鈕前", "english": "I have rights"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有權見我的律師", "english": "before you press that small button"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按一下試試", "english": "Press it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生們,這就是記憶消除器的功能", "english": "That, gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們不會記得了", "english": "You're not gonna remember that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為當你們看見一個黑人開著豪車", "english": "And just because you see"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並不意味著就是偷的", "english": "does not mean it's stolen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這輛是偷的,但不是因為我是黑人", "english": "I stole that one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這車我還得用一會", "english": "I'll be done"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們找到後還給羅斯福酒店那個蠢貨", "english": "Just find it and take it back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿查南星人在哪?", "english": "Where is the Archanan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你太晚了", "english": "MAN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他已經把天穹網", "english": "He is going to give the humans"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交給人類了", "english": "the Arc Net."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們走著瞧", "english": "Let's agree to disagree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這事我們負責", "english": "We'll take it from here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸,我在地球呢", "english": "ALIEN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來保釋我", "english": "I need bail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藍色變形飛船的主人", "english": "Will the owner"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你應該把那該死的東西電量調低點", "english": "You need to turn the electricity"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我舌頭都麻了,K", "english": "Can't taste my fricking tongue, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼知道我名字?", "english": "How do you know my name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?因為我叫你K?", "english": "What? Because I called you 'K'?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我管每個人都叫K", "english": "No, I call everybody K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就這樣", "english": "It's kind of my thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吧,K?", "english": "What up, K?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,有點…", "english": "All right, I sort of..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人喜歡這樣", "english": "Yeah, that's kind of my thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多人", "english": "Most people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在我知道你撒謊的時候", "english": "Now that I know what you look like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什麼樣了,時候讓我看看", "english": "when you're lying, show me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說實話的樣子吧?", "english": "what you look like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些是我在康尼島玩套圈贏的", "english": "I won those at Coney Island"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些東西倒是沒見過", "english": "I won a stuffed bear once,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你技術一定很不錯,滑頭", "english": "Must be good, slick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,先生,能贏到什麼這是我的事", "english": "All right, sir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在等我朋友,順便說下", "english": "I was waiting for my girl,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不見了她現在一定擔心得要命", "english": "Is probably worried sick"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我得拿回我的東西回去見她", "english": "So I just need my things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她叫什麼?", "english": "What's her name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?", "english": "Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你女朋友,她叫什麼?", "english": "Your gal, what's her name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史特瑞恩", "english": "Schtaron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史特瑞恩?", "english": "Schtaron?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打賭史特瑞恩就是你的制服,對吧?", "english": "I bet Schtaron"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼,穿黑制服犯法嗎?", "english": "What, it's a crime"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,聽著,我沒做錯什麼", "english": "All right, listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要離開這,不想和你再談了", "english": "And I need to get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常抱歉,因為康尼島的事X快崩潰了", "english": "Terribly sorry. X is frightfully upset"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,夥計,這咖啡味道可不怎麼樣", "english": "Oh, man, this coffee tastes like dirt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是O?", "english": "O?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我稱女士為O", "english": "No, I call ladies \"O.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對我來說,O是女性,K是男性", "english": "To me, O is feminine,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就好比我喜歡的詞「O-K」", "english": "You know, I see a couple,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一團糟,有傷亡報告嗎?", "english": "What a mess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,預言家羅曼", "english": "Yes, Roman the Fabulist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人類有傷亡嗎?", "english": "Any human casualties?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有,先生", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這傢伙是誰?", "english": "Who the hell is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是…", "english": "Look, I was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "與維格安星人的會議了", "english": "You're late for a meeting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們發明了一種革命性的新藥物", "english": "They have a revolutionary new pill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的是…", "english": "It's really..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,滑頭", "english": "Okay, slick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在等我的女友", "english": "I was waiting for my girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史特瑞恩", "english": "Schtaron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯,希臘人", "english": "Yes, she's Greek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,最後一件事,眼科檢查", "english": "Okay. Just one last thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是他媽的大號記憶消除器", "english": "That's not an eye exam, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看著傻呼呼的,知道的還不少", "english": "You have a lot of information for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都明白", "english": "J:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱等會行嗎", "english": "Whoa. You know, K,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先戴上牙套", "english": "TECHNICIAN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滾開,滾開", "english": "Hey. Back up. Back up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們停下來談談吧", "english": "So let's just stop for a second"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別讓我進去,K!", "english": "Don't put me in here, K!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太晚了,種馬", "english": "Too late, hoss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能幫你擺脫困境!", "english": "K, no, listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這次是說真的!看我表情就知道了!", "english": "I'm doing the truth face!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想像一下就行了", "english": "Ah, I'll just use my imagination."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也在找他,是伯格羅多星人", "english": "you're looking for, I'm after"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他叫鮑裏斯", "english": "His name is Boris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "設備已啟動,朋友", "english": "Ship has sailed, amigo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個有兩隻胳膊", "english": "and one's gonna have two. Kl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽我說!", "english": "Listen to me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你毀掉我的記憶", "english": "If you erase me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就等於毀掉世界!", "english": "You erase the world!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別抓他,直接殺了他!", "english": "When you see Boris tomorrow, K,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這東西關了嗎?還沒完全關閉吧?", "english": "Is this thing off?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還在嗡嗡響呢", "english": "It's whirring and buzzing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是不是什麼都不知道了", "english": "I don't know if I don't know nothing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我認識羅曼", "english": "I knew Roman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雖然味道不怎麼樣", "english": "His wife cooked me dinner once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他是我朋友", "english": "he was my friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最後一次機會,你是誰你想幹什麼?", "english": "Last chance, who are you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是來自未來的MIB探員", "english": "I'm an agent at Men In Black"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們倆是搭檔", "english": "from I'm from the future."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從監獄裏逃出來,回到過去", "english": "Escapes from prison,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並且開始時入侵地球", "english": "and unleashes an invasion of Earth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以咱們現在就得行動", "english": "so, really,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你相信我說的故事了", "english": "So that's the story you believe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信是真的", "english": "That one was the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但可以滿足目前需要", "english": "Wasn't the whole truth,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以為呢?當然都是真的", "english": "What are you talking about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們之間唯一的謊言就是你曾經…", "english": "The problem with a lie is once"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他還在這幹什麼?", "english": "What's he still doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我審了他很久,該讓他回去了", "english": "I might have cooked him too long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱倆是好基友", "english": "I put my pants on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未來之人,咱去哪?", "english": "Okay, future man, where to?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼意思?", "english": "What do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道,去你最後到的地方?", "english": "I don't know. Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "難道我沒告訴你我要去哪嗎?", "english": "I haven't been here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒,我是說,咱倆根本就沒怎麼談過", "english": "No. I mean, we don't really talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼樣的搭檔才能", "english": "What kind of partners sit in a car"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯,這就是問題所在", "english": "Exactly. And this is the type"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可不好", "english": "It's dysfunctional."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你最好現在就能證明自己的能力", "english": "All right, sport, you better get useful"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夥計…", "english": "Man..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有個什麼關於工廠的", "english": "There was something in the file"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在工廠有事發生", "english": "Something happened at a factory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄,你怎麼瞪我都沒用", "english": "Hey, look, man, you can put"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是我知道的", "english": "That's all I got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提醒你什麼了?", "english": "That spark something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "羅曼死的時候身上帶著這個", "english": "Roman had this on his person"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,這是線索", "english": "No, it's a clue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不抽煙", "english": "He didn't smoke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是個老牛仔", "english": "I'm an old cowhand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來自格蘭德河", "english": "From the Rio Grande"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在牛仔樂隊中唱著這首歌", "english": "And I sing this song"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我熟知所有牛仔之歌", "english": "I know all the songs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什麼不對勁嗎?老兄", "english": "You lose something over here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No. Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呀喝!他是個老牛仔", "english": " Yippee-yi-yo-ki-yay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長得夠著急的", "english": "Oof. You got some city miles"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "貌似我知道為啥咱倆沒話說了", "english": "I'm starting to understand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不喜歡盲目做事,我需要我的槍", "english": "I don't like it. I hate going in blind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以,滑頭", "english": "Sure thing, slick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你別動就好,我去搞定", "english": "You sit tight. I'll be fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,別!別去!", "english": "Wait, no! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,夥計們", "english": "Hi, fellas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "見你們老闆", "english": "Need to see the boss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他忙著呢", "english": "He's busy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哼", "english": "Hm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,那我隨便逛逛", "english": "Well, I'm gonna just"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "貌似打個平手", "english": "Looks like we have ourselves"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該是", "english": "Looks that way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是什麼地方?", "english": "Now, where were we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我頭擰下來也不會告訴你們", "english": "I was about to tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滑頭,保齡球玩的如何?", "english": "Hey, slick,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,讓我瞧瞧", "english": "Well, let's see it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能就這麼大搖大擺的進來", "english": "Unh! You did not walk into my."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擰下我的頭!", "english": "Establishment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夥計,你時日不多了,跟他說實話吧", "english": "My man, we don't have a lot of time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你選的", "english": "All right, your head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會放過你的", "english": "MAN: Wait. Hey, if you do this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定讓你", "english": "and make sure you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃不了兜著走", "english": "of your miserable last days"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們惹錯人了!", "english": "MAN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他頭有點…", "english": "His head's a little..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快說他在哪", "english": "where Dom is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要殺了你們,你們倆死定了!", "english": "MAN: I'll kill you both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用我幫你清理下嗎?", "english": "Your hook's a little off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託,早上我用這個洗過頭了", "english": "Come on, I just cleaned"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別洗了!別洗了!", "english": "No cleaning! No cleaning!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了!行了!夠了,他在後面", "english": "Okay! Okay, all right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他不會和你這種黑衣人渣談的", "english": "But he's not gonna talk"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在把我頭放回去", "english": "Now give me back my head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可不是手指孔", "english": "MAN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你個王八蛋!嗷!", "english": "you sick bastard! Ow!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會以其人之道", "english": "I'll pop your head off"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還治其人之身", "english": "and see how you like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢!", "english": "Ooh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要殺了你們!", "english": "MAN: I'm gonna kill both of you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會殺了你們的", "english": "I'll kill you both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們來對地方了,就是時機不適合", "english": "Well, we're on the right track."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "估計已經招了", "english": "I'm guessing he spilled them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聰明人會多謀善斷", "english": "A smart man figures out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是大哥大嗎", "english": "That's a big-ass phone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天進展如何,K探員?", "english": "How's your day been, Agent K?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "馬馬虎虎", "english": "Oh, fair to middling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼樣?", "english": "How are things going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一小時前你們不見過面嗎", "english": "Hey, you saw her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派人來清理隔離現場", "english": "I need cleanup and containment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我這有一個帕萊先星人受害者", "english": "Listen, I got a dead Parlaxian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果沒猜錯的話,羅曼是巴沃爾德星人", "english": "Now Roman was a Byvoid,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這兩個星球屬同一星系,都是三角星座裏的", "english": "from the same planetary grouping?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並且都讓伯格羅多星人佔領了", "english": "wiped out by Boglodites."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第三個星球呢?", "english": "Wasn't the third planet-?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝,O小姐", "english": "Thank you, Miss O."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道鮑裏斯接下來會去哪", "english": "I know where Boris"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不過不是工廠,是時尚派對", "english": "You were close, slick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果鮑裏斯來著,我會殺了他的", "english": "Look, if Boris turns out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在我不想擺架子", "english": "Which means I'm the senior agent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我必須要求你這個初級探員", "english": "but I am instructing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把槍還給我,馬上!這是命令", "english": "that's you, to give me my gun"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,不,太空槍", "english": "No, no, no, space gun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不客氣", "english": "You're welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒說謝謝", "english": "I didn't say thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這麼難看的物種,來地球幹什麼", "english": "For such an ungainly species,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才知道所有模特都是外星人", "english": "before I realized"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算是歷盡艱險", "english": "Found out the hard way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "口令?", "english": "Password?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱可沒時間跟你耗著", "english": "we don't have a lot of time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹尼斯·喬普林", "english": "Janis Joplin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我仰望天空", "english": "(《Pictures Of Matchstick Men》)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到你的眼睛", "english": "I see your eyes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇異的黃色", "english": "A funny kind of yellow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裏全是外星人吧?", "english": "ls there anybody here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "懷疑是否腦子進水了", "english": "I rush home to bed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不錯", "english": "Very nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眨眼,太好了", "english": "Blink. That's good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往攝像機這邊看", "english": "Look in the camera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是安迪·沃霍爾?", "english": "Is that Andy Warhol?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他", "english": "Yep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打擾一下,沃霍爾先生,有時間嗎?", "english": "Excuse me, Mr. Warhol,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在可不是時候,我這忙著呢", "english": "Now is not a good time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有幾個", "english": "K:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "問題想問你", "english": "questions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會回答的", "english": "No questions. No answers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還有事", "english": "Just being."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們有急事要跟你談下", "english": "We have an urgent matter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "關於這次派對上的一個客人", "english": "regarding one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼你們不下周再來", "english": "Why don't you come back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "結束的時候", "english": "has happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你語速太慢,時間不等人", "english": "Sorry, Mr. Warhol. You like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還得拯救地球呢", "english": "I've got a planet to save."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真無禮", "english": "WARHOL:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令我很不舒服", "english": "about you upsets me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該死,K!你想讓我暴露身份嗎?", "english": "Damn it, K! Are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安迪·沃霍爾是自己人?", "english": "Whoa, Andy Warhol is one of us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒事?", "english": "WARHOL:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瘋了嗎?我都沒招了", "english": "You out of your mind?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能畫畫罐頭和香蕉", "english": "I'm painting cans"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得告訴你我喜歡你的工作", "english": "Actually, Mr. Warhol, I gotta"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那蠢驢是誰?", "english": "Who's the dumb-ass?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,等下,能不能禮貌一點?", "english": "Whoa. Hey. How about a little"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蠢驢", "english": "Dumb-ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是一坨屎", "english": "pimp-slapping the shiznit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看我幹什麼?", "english": "Why are you looking at me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你知道嗎?K探員", "english": "Oh, all right. You know what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟W探員慢慢嘮吧", "english": "you see what information"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到外面看看", "english": "and I'll go case the perimeter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "某人不覺得自己很幼稚嗎?", "english": "Someone forget his nap? Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火柴男的海市蜃樓和你", "english": "Mirages of matchstick men and you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們永遠在我眼前", "english": " All I ever see is them "}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,你好嗎?", "english": "Hey, how you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好", "english": "Chilling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的謊言讓他傷心欲絕", "english": "You're with this guy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那傢伙是誰?", "english": "WARHOL:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別告訴我他是你的新搭檔", "english": "Don't tell me he's your new partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "實際上他是我的老搭檔,他來自未來…", "english": "Actually, he's my old partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停,別說了,我不想知道", "english": "Stop, don't tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安迪,洋子來了", "english": "WOMAN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "洋子來了,額…", "english": "Yoko's here. Uh- Ahem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴她我在為這人拍吃漢堡的戲", "english": "Tell her that I'm filming"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這棒極了", "english": "It's transcendent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,該換泡菜了", "english": "Uh, all right, now the pickle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在等屬於我的人", "english": "I'm waiting for my man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在我地盤幹什麼?", "english": "What are you doing on my turf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "追蹤一個殺手,伯格羅多星人", "english": "Tracking a killer. Boglodite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們認為他會來這找一個格羅莫尼亞星人", "english": "We believe he's gonna"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格羅莫尼亞?星系沒錯,但星球不對", "english": "Glamourian?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的目標是Archanan", "english": "He's gotta be after the Archanan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顯然沒有,上周海灘出現一個", "english": "Apparently not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整個羅斯威爾都在議論這事", "english": "(著名外星人現身地點)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其實他們還有最後一人", "english": "Alien unicorn. Last of its species."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他叫格裏芬", "english": "His name's Griffin Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿查南星人,格裏芬", "english": "WARHOL:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在等屬於我的人", "english": "I'm waiting for my man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還好嗎?", "english": "How's it going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還好嗎?這個我說了不算,就我個人來講,還不錯", "english": "Going? How's it going? That depends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那肌肉男和他女友吵架", "english": "where the muscle boy argues"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她氣沖沖離開,恰巧撞到了端蘑菇的人", "english": "She storms off and bumps the guy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托盤倒在水兵身上", "english": "who dumps the tray"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水兵撞到了桌子,若是這樣,我得拿走我的盤子", "english": "They crash into the table."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "過會我吃完這牛肉三明治", "english": "Or it's the future where the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會導致胃腸不適", "english": "causes me gastric distress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還好你朋友把右口袋裏的胃藥給了我", "english": "Thankfully, your friend offers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後我就好了,沒事了", "english": "in his right pocket, so good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了一會我必須", "english": "Except in the future where"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在他給我胃藥前離開", "english": "before he has a chance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總的來說,我並不好", "english": "so on the whole, I'd have to say"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不是我能決定的", "english": "But that depends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們怎麼才能找到他?", "english": "How will we find this guy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以為我是什麼,蠢貨嗎?", "english": "What am I, schmuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在這?", "english": "He's here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是五維空間的生物", "english": "'Here' is a relative term."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可能在時空的任一點上", "english": "They can live in and visualize"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽起來很厲害,做得好", "english": "Sounds like fun. Good work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下,K,K,K", "english": "Whoa, whoa. K, K, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得假裝我死了,好嗎?", "english": "You gotta fake my death, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再也受不了這種臥底生活了", "english": "I can't listen to sitar music any more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我盡力,我會和X說的", "english": "All right, I'll see what I can do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,是另一隻懷表,你父親給你的", "english": "No, no, your other watch,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼知道我爸的懷表?", "english": "How do you know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陌生的啤酒", "english": "Strange brew"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎呀", "english": "Oh, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是羅曼", "english": "This is the one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充滿了死亡氣息", "english": "and the gentleman at the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幾乎沒什麼勝算", "english": "Such an infinitesimally"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬?", "english": "Griffin, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們在這…", "english": "We're here..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為鮑裏斯", "english": "Because of Boris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們認為他會…", "english": "We think he's coming..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來殺我,他幾分鐘就到", "english": "To kill me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一路綠燈他能早到", "english": "the future"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從大門進來", "english": "to shoot from the door,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不一會咱們就全掛了", "english": "in which case we're all dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是比較靠譜的", "english": "Ah, good, that was close one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伯格羅多星人", "english": "GRIFFIN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走一路殺一路", "english": "consume any planet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的星球,羅曼的星球,帕萊先星球", "english": "Mine, Roman's, the Parlaxians'."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們地球在地球全軍覆沒", "english": "I tried to stop them, but if we stop"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們就完了", "english": "we can stop them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再也不會禍害其它星球了", "english": "they reach the next planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們怎麼做才能組織他們?", "english": "How do we do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?", "english": "What? Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,我給你點東西", "english": "Sorry. I have something for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一份禮物,可以保護你", "english": "A gift. It can protect you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你還能找到我", "english": "I had to hide it from Boris,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會把它給你", "english": "I'll give it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝,多棒的球賽!難以置信!真是奇跡!", "english": "Thank you. What a game!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下,你說什麼?什麼奇跡?", "english": "Whoa. What do you mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我們可以保護你", "english": "No, we got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們說話時死亡可能性就在增加", "english": "Negative possibilities are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們應付,放鬆點", "english": "We got it, relax."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你的表壞了,我有胃痛…", "english": "If your watch is broken"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛啊!看看這個世界!", "english": "MAN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔,哎呀", "english": "GRIFFIN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑裏斯要從大門進來了", "english": "Boris is coming through that door"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等!", "english": "Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喝巧克力牛奶了?", "english": "Did you have chocolate milk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?喝了", "english": "What-? Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辛迪", "english": "GRIFFIN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住格裏芬!", "english": "Got him Griffin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該死!", "english": "Damn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎呦!", "english": "Ouch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒事,我沒事", "english": "I'm good, I'm good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬呢?", "english": "What you got?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該死!都抓住他了", "english": "Damn it! We had him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放鬆,科奇斯,他跑不了", "english": "Relax, Cochise. We'll find him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先,我叫J,明白嗎?", "english": "First of all, my name is J, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更不是什麼「酋長」", "english": "(亞利桑那州著名印第安酋長「科奇斯」)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我緊張以為咱們沒多少時間了", "english": "I'm not gonna relax because"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "入侵就快開始了", "english": "and there's an invasion coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的聲音有多緊張嗎", "english": "You're not really recognizing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有一個人可以幫我們", "english": "Oh, but there was one guy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬,格裏芬,他人呢?", "english": "Hey, Griffin Griffin Where's Griffin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬,哪去了,K?", "english": "Griffin. Where's Griffin at, K?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可就沒什麼希望了", "english": "He's gone. If Boris gets to him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們需要吃點派", "english": "We need pie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有解決不了的問題", "english": "'If you got a problem"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這時候吃點派會有幫助的", "english": "it helps to get out of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爺爺體格很棒吧?", "english": "Your granddaddy, heavyset man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們一直做得不錯", "english": "We've been doing smart stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總是順著線索辦好案子", "english": "We've been following clues,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能也有做錯事的時候", "english": "It might be time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雖然一事無成,但我們盡力了", "english": "Something that ain't got"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太想吃派了", "english": "Now, I want some pie, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱倆去吃派吧", "english": "Let's go get dumb-ass pie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好主意", "english": "Sounds good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寂靜溫暖的夏之夜", "english": "(《A Summer Song》)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯嗯", "english": "Uh-uh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯哼", "english": "Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯哼", "english": "Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們說一切美好終歸會煙消雲散", "english": "They say that all good things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯...", "english": "Hmm..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有特色菜嗎?", "english": "Have any specials?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有特色菜嗎", "english": "and asks about specials."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最後還是要一份芝士蘋果派", "english": "A slice of apple pie"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可是我最後一餐,浪費點無所謂", "english": "It's my last meal,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱倆還有心情在這吃派", "english": "World-class serial killer out there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "業餘時間你都做什麼?", "english": "What do you do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看你沒明白我的意思", "english": "See, I sense you're not embracing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放鬆的吃派更有利於工作", "english": "Pie don't work unless you let it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正要嘗試一下", "english": "I'm gonna let it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說過咱倆不怎麼聊天?", "english": "And you say we don't talk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧,問我任何你想知道的問題?", "english": "You go ahead. Ask me any question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要和案子無關,什麼都行", "english": "As long as it doesn't have to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和O咋回事?", "english": "What's up with you and O?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和O?", "english": "Me and O?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊哈,沒錯,你和O", "english": "Ha-ha-ha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,好吧", "english": "All right, all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是這麼回事", "english": "All fight, this is it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前陣子上頭讓我調查一個音樂家", "english": "A while back, I was assigned"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "米克·賈格?", "english": "Mick Jagger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是英國滾石樂隊成員", "english": "He's in this British band,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很耳熟", "english": "Rings a bell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和地球女人繁殖後代", "english": "We believed he was on the planet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就在這時遇見了O", "english": "So I was in London"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她很聰明,有趣,笑容迷人", "english": "Just smart. Funny. A great smile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們在酒吧碰見的", "english": "And we find ourselves in this pub,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啤酒是溫的而且食物非常難吃", "english": "Warm beer and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我們就一直玩飛鏢,直到天亮", "english": "We just played darts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰也不想離開", "english": "Neither of us wanted to leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "後來你怎麼變了?", "english": "What the hell happened"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道,那些事還沒發生呢", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呢,滑頭?有女朋友嗎?", "english": "Come on, what about you, slick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有你就夠了", "english": "I got you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不敢相信,操蛋的大都會隊(紐約棒球隊)", "english": "freaking New York Mets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "簡直就是廢物", "english": "Total losers!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做為大都會的粉絲心裏可不好受", "english": "It's a rough time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從來沒贏過小熊隊(芝加哥棒球隊)", "english": "Tell me about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有意思,其實大都會最後奪冠了", "english": "That's funny. The Mets"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是嗎", "english": "Oh, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我是說真的", "english": "No, I'm serious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "Oh, I'm sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三個月後,那傢伙", "english": "Look, three months from now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就得稱他們為不可思議的大都會", "english": "are gonna be calling them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大都會是個奇跡", "english": "and the Miracle Mets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想到什麼了?", "english": "What you got there, hoss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是個奇跡,我看球賽時也看到你了」", "english": "The Archanan said, 'lt's amazing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道他在哪", "english": "I know where he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都跟你說過了吃派絕對好使", "english": "Told you to trust the pie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在也不是時候啊", "english": "K: If Griffin's here for a game,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在這,我們得在鮑裏斯之前找到他", "english": "J: He's here. We just gotta"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該把東西還給你了", "english": "It's time to give you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搭檔", "english": "partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃完派你還有人情味兒了", "english": "You get some pie in you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是槍太沉了而已", "english": "I'm just tired"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油啊!好球!再來一個", "english": "GRIFFIN: Boo! Ah, come on now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大都會!", "english": "Mets!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油!大都會!加油!", "english": "Let's go, Mets! Let's go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來得正好!", "english": "You're just in time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是羅賓遜的這幾次失誤,比賽就結束了", "english": "Unless this is the one where Robinson"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔!", "english": "Whoo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們錯過什麼了嗎?", "english": "Are we missing something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "球賽", "english": "The game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇哦", "english": "J:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是這麼看東西的?真神奇", "english": "So this is how you see things?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這能力很討厭,但有時用下也不錯", "english": "It's a gigantic pain in the ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不會知道會發生什麼", "english": "So many futures, and all real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到那時,發生轉折的一刻", "english": "Until then, they're all happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像這個,是我最難忘的時刻", "english": "Like this one, it's my favourite moment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們贏得世界冠軍", "english": "All the things that had to converge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但從現在開始就不一樣了", "english": "They were in last place every single"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說有禮物要給我們", "english": "You said you had a gift."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個棒球", "english": "That baseball,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由麻省奇科皮的斯波爾丁製造的", "english": "thrown for the last out of game five,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由於棒球皮革沒有", "english": "of Chicopee, Massachusetts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正確晾曬導致存在力學缺陷", "english": "due to the horsehide"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為制革工人的妻子讓他", "english": "because the tanner's wife"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為一個波多黎各職業高爾夫球選手服務", "english": "for a Puerto Rican golf pro..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禮物呢?", "english": "Um, the gift?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然,在盒子裏", "english": "Oh, yes, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可是個驚喜,可以保衛地球", "english": "Uh, it's the surprise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個是盾牌", "english": "It's a shield."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盾牌", "english": "J:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你建造的天穹網", "english": "Archanan. Arc Net."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴維·約翰遜", "english": "Davey Johnson,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "約翰遜之所以成為棒球手", "english": "vvho became a player"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為他父親在他生日時沒弄到橄欖球給他", "english": "because his dad couldn't find a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擊打時", "english": "it hits"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "球剛好被克里昂·瓊斯接住", "english": "popping out to Cleon Jones"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克里昂本應該是克拉拉", "english": "who would've been born Clara,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他父母在造人當晚", "english": "typist, if his parents didn't have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒喝那麼多酒的話", "english": "before going to bed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇跡出現時", "english": "A miracle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總是覺得不可思議,其實早已命中注定", "english": "is what seems impossible"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的星球已經被毀了", "english": "I lost my planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不希望地球也遭受同樣厄運", "english": "I don't want you to lose yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它會帶來奇跡,如果你們成功了", "english": "It'll lake a miracle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這會是人類歷史上", "english": "you'll be my new"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最難忘的時刻", "english": "in human history."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎呀", "english": "Oh, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我忘了還有這場好戲", "english": "I forgot to see this one coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "該死!", "english": "Damn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未來有這玩意嘛?", "english": "Have these in the future?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "騎上去", "english": "Get on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持回轉儀零增益", "english": "Keep gyro settings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傾斜和偏航時保持平衡", "english": "Balance pitch and yaw"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說的這些!", "english": "Any of that!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在傾斜和偏航時迅速扳動中央軸", "english": "Pitch and yaw with short bursts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做了", "english": "I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了", "english": "Got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇哦!", "english": "Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把天穹網給我!", "english": "BORIS:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你找不到的", "english": "GRIFFIN:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少也得兩個吧", "english": "Two is, like, my minimum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果鮑裏斯拿到天穹網會怎樣?", "english": "K: What happens if Boris"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伯格羅多星人會大舉入侵,地球毀滅!", "english": "J: Boglodite invasion, total"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盒子!", "english": "The box!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好孩子", "english": "Good boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們得阻止他!", "english": "We gotta stop this guy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滑頭", "english": "K:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在未來,還有人跳德州兩步舞嗎?", "english": "In the future,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有,長官!", "english": "Yes, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓到他了嗎?", "english": "Did you get him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我點時間", "english": "Give me a sec."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他死了?", "english": "Is he dead?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "Negative."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他跑了", "english": "He got away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬沒事,咱們走吧", "english": "I got Griffin. Let's get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已經有年輕的感覺了", "english": "I feel younger already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你這個可憐的廢物", "english": "You pathetic waste"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我立刻就殺了你", "english": "I'd kill you right now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眼看我的過失即將發生", "english": "Every mistake I've ever made,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的胳膊怎麼了?", "english": "What happened to my arm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被人類打斷了", "english": "You lose it, shot off by a human."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人類不可能擊敗我", "english": "No human could defeat me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像野獸一樣被鎖住", "english": "prison, chained up like an animal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有我逃不出的監獄!", "english": "No prison can hold me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是他們特別為我們建造的,在月球上", "english": "They built one especially for us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人類還沒登月呢", "english": "No human has been to the moon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他們不能在那建監獄", "english": "so they cannot have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果聽我的你就能避免這一切", "english": "Stop arguing! You can avoid"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你輸了!是你讓我的胳膊被打斷的!", "english": "You were defeated!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我,是你!", "english": "That wasn't me, that was you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什麼計劃?", "english": "What's your plan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阻止建造天穹網", "english": "Prevent the Arc Net"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒我的幫忙", "english": "Didn't work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幹不成", "english": "With my help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弄到天穹網,殺了K探員", "english": "We'll get the Arc Net,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們就無可匹敵了!", "english": "the invasion will be successful"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們倆都能有兩隻胳膊……", "english": "and we'll get to keep both"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別盯著它看!", "english": "sharing at it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽著", "english": "Listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該做的", "english": "It's what we do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天穹網還在你那嗎?", "english": "You still have the Arc Net?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "越能急中生智", "english": "you get good at hiding things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇哦", "english": "J:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可以拯救地球", "english": "This will save your world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦暴露在大氣層中", "english": "Once it's outside the atmosphere,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會形成巨大的防護罩", "english": "a whole lot bigger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們得去部署它了", "english": "All you have to do is deploy it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是指在太空嗎?你想讓我們怎麼做?", "english": "You mean in space?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "月球火箭", "english": "The moon launch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡納維拉爾角", "english": "Cape Canaveral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好趕快出發,滑頭", "english": "Better get a move on, slick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,聽我說", "english": "Uh, wait, uh, hold up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己去就行了", "english": "Not us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他必須得…", "english": "He has to be the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬,噓", "english": "Griffin. Shh-shh-shh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什麼意思,自己?", "english": "What do you mean, alone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我獨自去佛羅里達,你呆在這", "english": "I'm gonna go to Florida."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得相信我", "english": "I need you to trust me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什麼事瞞著我,滑頭?", "english": "Trust you? I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能去佛羅里達", "english": "You're not going to Florida."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧,K", "english": "Look, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託,我不允許你佛羅里達", "english": "Please, I will not allow you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就阻止我", "english": "Stop me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在那死的!", "english": "You die there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡納維拉爾角,阿波羅火箭發射", "english": "Cape Canaveral. Apollo launch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑裏斯在那殺了你", "english": "Boris kills you there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是我來這的原因", "english": "That's what I'm here for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到這來就是為了阻止這一切", "english": "That's what I came back to stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎呀,一波未平一波又起", "english": "Oh, dear. We're in this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看過檔案和報告", "english": "I saw the file,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說過告訴你的一切…", "english": "I said I told you everything..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這拳為了你對我說謊", "english": "That's for lying to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我道歉還不行嗎!", "english": "Look, I'm sorry, man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!", "english": "Aah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這拳為了告訴我真相!", "english": "That's for telling me the truth!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想保護你", "english": "I'm trying to protect you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老兄!", "english": "Man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!", "english": "Aah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忠言逆耳利於行", "english": "The bitterest truth is better"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噓,噓!", "english": "Shh-shh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他必須得去卡納維拉爾角", "english": "He has to go to Cape Canaveral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必須由他部署天穹網,這是他的命運", "english": "He must deploy the Arc Net"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒別的辦法", "english": "There's no other way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拯救地球是他唯一的期望", "english": "K is the only hope"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能拯救他嗎?", "english": "Can I save him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有沒有哪個時間點我可以救他?", "english": "Is there any future"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在死亡之地", "english": "But where there is death"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總會有死亡發生", "english": "there will always be death."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按你說的,我之前都做過了", "english": "According to you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以肯定能行", "english": "So we know it's possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果真像你說的那樣", "english": "If you're half the agent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就想辦法別讓我被殺", "english": "you'll make sure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不是搭檔嗎?你跟我說的", "english": "So are we partners? You tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們出發", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等出發時再擁抱也不遲", "english": "Okay, group hug on the way"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今早宇航員將帶著人類的期盼", "english": "This morning, man is about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛往月球並在那著陸", "english": "with the expectation"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得問問你", "english": "Look, I gotta ask you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我們成功了,建造了天穹網", "english": "If we pull this off,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和O,是不是…?", "english": "O and I, are we...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有個聰明人曾經跟我說過", "english": "A wise man once told me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不該知道的就別問", "english": "don't ask questions you don't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這", "english": "O:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噴氣飛行器?", "english": "Jetpacks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我們不用噴氣飛行器", "english": "No, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未來也不會用", "english": "There's a reason we don't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從佛羅里達到曼哈頓島", "english": "Can't drive to Florida from Manhattan"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是咱們專用車的標配", "english": "Yeah, we can. The red button,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按下它,就能以超光速行駛", "english": "Press the red button,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別忘了紅色按鈕還沒發明呢,滑頭", "english": "No red buttons yet, slick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜託,夥計", "english": "Come on, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道", "english": "Do you know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這笨傢伙怎麼用嗎?", "english": "how to work this stupid thing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "繫上安全帶,往好了想就行", "english": "Just have to strap yourself in,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說的對嗎,O小姐?", "english": "Isn't that right, Miss O?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很不幸,是的", "english": "Unfortunately, it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備好沒,滑頭?", "english": "You ready, slick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這一定很有趣!", "english": "This is gonna be interesting!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即將發射", "english": "with all going well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們這次沒爆炸真好", "english": "I'm so glad this isn't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有麻煩了", "english": "Oh, we got company..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥玩意?", "english": "The hell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還得用電池嗎?", "english": "Is that a battery belt?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我來", "english": "All right, I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,實際情況是你們得把部署天穹網", "english": "No, any reality"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "的真相告訴他們才行", "english": "is one where you tell the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真相?", "english": "The truth?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有告訴他們真相才是唯一出路", "english": "The truth is the only path."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裏被封鎖了", "english": "This is a restricted areal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,長官", "english": "Yes, sir, it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美國歷史上偉大的一天,不是嗎?", "english": "Good day, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是J探員,他是K探員,這是格裏芬", "english": "My name is Agent J."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們隸屬政府秘密組織", "english": "We're from a secret government"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "避免給地球帶來困擾", "english": "that polices and monitors"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這有個東西", "english": "Heh, here's the thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是個很特別的金屬製品", "english": "We have this special"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬給我的,我們得把他放到火箭上", "english": "that Griff gave us that we have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣才可以阻止外星人入侵", "english": "heh, heh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就行了", "english": "That worked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但攜帶武器,長官", "english": "Three trespassers. No IDs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這東西從沒見過", "english": "Some kind I've never seen before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼會有這麼蠢的人", "english": "What breed of fool"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在如此重要的日子", "english": "to penetrate my site"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闖入我的地盤?", "english": "attempted by mankind?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在上帝,全體國民以及", "english": "Watched by God, the population"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校,這是他們帶的東西", "english": "Colonel, they had these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們說得把什麼東西放在火箭上", "english": "They said they needed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來防止入侵", "english": "for an invasion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在就告訴我,別撒謊", "english": "If you pose a threat to that rocket,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說的都是事實", "english": "I told the truth last time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官,他為了救我", "english": "Sir, this man came here from"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從未來穿梭至今", "english": "the future to protect me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以在火箭頂端裝上盾牌來拯救地球", "english": "so I can attach a shield to the top"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這需要你的幫助", "english": "I need your help to do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他帶到禁閉室", "english": "Take them to the brig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真有你的,格裏芬", "english": "You're slipping, Griff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官,如果可以", "english": "Sir, if I may."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下士", "english": "Corporal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們可以走了", "english": "You men are no longer needed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些人交給我", "english": "I'll take the prisoners."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我來", "english": "Follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你用超能力讓他看到什麼了?", "english": "You did the future thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是他應該知道的事", "english": "Only what he needed to see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得走了", "english": "I have to go now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼?不,來吧", "english": "What? No, no, no. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不再需要我了", "english": "You don't need me any more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,格裏芬,別逗我了", "english": "All right, Griff,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往事就已注定,K會沒事的", "english": "When Boris' arm is taken, the past"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不會知道你曾經來過這", "english": "He will not know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斷臂,我知道,就像復位一樣?", "english": "All right. Arm gone, got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回到你原來的地方,離開這", "english": "When that happens, go home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還來不來?", "english": "You coming?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多謝,老兄,我還會見到你嗎?", "english": "Uh, thanks, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切皆有可能", "english": "Anything's possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,格裏芬", "english": "Oh, Griff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不忍心看到這一切", "english": "I can never bear to watch this part."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "北美東部時間週一清晨", "english": "Armstrong"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿姆斯特朗和奧爾德林", "english": "to set foot on the moon"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將正式踏上月球之旅", "english": "on early Monday morning,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬呢?", "english": "Where's Griffin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事先走了", "english": "Doing his own thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這電梯能把你們送到頂上", "english": "This elevator"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們可以把天穹網", "english": "To get the Arc Net"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火箭發射時", "english": "You do not want to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要離得遠遠的!", "english": "anywhere near this rocket"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們任務艱巨", "english": "Some job you got there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多謝,哥們", "english": "Hey, thanks a lot, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "格裏芬給你看什麼了?", "english": "What did Griff"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們有多重要", "english": "How important you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和你搭檔", "english": "You and your partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得盡快離開這回到未來", "english": "I'm gonna end up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能沒機會向你告別", "english": "so I'm not gonna have a chance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果事情不順利,我也沒機會跟你告別", "english": "If things go wrong, not gonna"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能否成功就看咱們了", "english": "So I guess win or lose,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我為什麼雇你了", "english": "I see why I recruited you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是個好人", "english": "You're a good man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好人", "english": "Good man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夥計,你怎麼變這樣了?", "english": "Man, what the hell"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些事還沒發生所以我也不清楚", "english": "I told you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不懂規矩", "english": "Naughty..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你輸了應該去修修腳", "english": "Get a pedicure if you get a second."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去死吧", "english": "And lift off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開始進入最後倒計時兩分鐘", "english": "Just passed the two-minute mark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各項參數顯示正常", "english": "in the countdown, and all is still go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宇航員狀況良好,動力分配已完成", "english": "MAN: Astronauts report it feels good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼爾·阿姆斯特朗報告倒計時一切正常", "english": "Neil Armstrong just reported back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鮑裏斯,幫個忙好嗎?", "english": "Boris, can you give me a hand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!啊!", "english": "Hey! Aah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喊你聽見沒?", "english": "You hear me calling you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯!", "english": "Boris the Animal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯!", "english": "Boris the Animal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是「鮑裏斯」!", "english": "It's just Boris!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你輸定了", "english": "You're gonna lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們走著瞧", "english": "Let's agree to disagree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯!", "english": "Boris the Animal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "左", "english": "Left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你輸定了", "english": "You're gonna lose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們走著瞧", "english": "Let's agree to disagree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禽獸鮑裏斯!", "english": "Boris the Animal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "左,左", "english": "Left. Left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這不可能", "english": "That's not possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱們走著瞧", "english": "Let's agree to disagree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可不能!", "english": "That's not possible!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我贏了!比那老傢伙強!", "english": "I win! I'm better than me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這才是我搭檔", "english": "That's my partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這才是我搭檔!", "english": "That's my partner!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果把這個報上去", "english": "If we call this in,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跪下!", "english": "Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇哦", "english": "Wow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贏啦", "english": "K:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夥計,那東西可真先進", "english": "Man, that is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還想看這東西的話", "english": "You ever want to see more,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正需要你這樣的人", "english": "I know a top-secret organization"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但願我可以", "english": "I wish I could."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "後會有期,K", "english": "I'll see you around, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當心!", "english": "Look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來啊", "english": "Go ahead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逮捕我吧", "english": "Arrest me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這次不同", "english": "Not this time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在死亡之地,總會有死亡發生", "english": "'Where there's death,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸!爸爸!", "english": "BOY:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿", "english": "K:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是K,你叫什麼?", "english": "Hey, my name's K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆斯", "english": "James."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸呢?", "english": "Where's my dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你手裏拿的什麼?", "english": "What have you got there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸給我的", "english": "My dad gave it to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以看火箭發射時間", "english": "We timed the launch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸哪去了?", "english": "Where is my daddy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他…", "english": "He, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有一些特別的事情要做", "english": "He went to go do something"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他讓我留下來", "english": "And he wanted me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照顧你這個小朋友", "english": "to stay here and take care"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那他什麼時候回來?", "english": "When is he gonna be back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他…", "english": "He, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆斯…", "english": "James..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會告訴你想知道的唯一事情", "english": "I will tell you the only thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你老爸是個英雄", "english": "Your daddy is a hero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸是英雄?", "english": "My daddy is a hero?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "詹姆斯", "english": "James?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這個由夢想鑄成的", "english": "(《Empire State Of Mind》)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全是高樓大廈的城市裏", "english": "Are made of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以為所欲為", "english": "You can't do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為你現在在紐約", "english": "Now you're in New York"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,耶", "english": "Oh, yeah"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "燈光將激勵你", "english": "The lights will inspire you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紐約", "english": "New York"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紐約", "english": "New York"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紐約", "english": "New York"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你來晚了", "english": "You're late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,忘看表了", "english": "Uh, sorry. Lost track of time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼知道那歌?", "english": "How do you know that song?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝你的咖啡吧,還有活幹呢", "english": "Drink your coffee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道你不知道的那些事嗎?", "english": "What do you know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道怎麼可能知道?", "english": "How do I know what I don't know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚咱倆去吳的餐廳沒?", "english": "That's a really good question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去了", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伯格羅多星人?", "english": "Boglodites?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了,昨晚咱倆通電話沒?", "english": "Perfect. Did we talk"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把我電話掛了", "english": "You hung up on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah, I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為這些秘密", "english": "But that was because"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宇宙都不知道", "english": "the universe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是…", "english": "But..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚的事已經過了", "english": "last night was a long,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好久好久", "english": "long time ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "實際上只是想說句謝謝你", "english": "And, really,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我太榮幸了", "english": "It's been my Privilege..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道嗎,現在來說很可能", "english": "You know, there's really"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道的一些事你不知道", "english": "that I might know some things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我才不信", "english": "I doubt it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我打賭我知道你和O為什麼會這樣", "english": "I bet I know what went down"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是個好女人,但你知道規矩", "english": "K: She's a very fine lady,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "探員之間不許過分親密", "english": "There's no fraternizing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你們倆在酒吧那晚也算挺親密吧", "english": "J: I think y'all might have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這才是真正最令我難忘的時刻", "english": "This is my new favourite moment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非K忘了付小費", "english": "Unless this is the one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "差點忘了", "english": "Almost forgot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "千鈞一髮", "english": "That was a close one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走了。我们没时间吃早饭了。", "english": "Get going. We don't have time for breakfast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是在工作吗?", "english": "Are you, uh, working, or what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,我一整天都在警局,所以你得搭便车回家了。", "english": "Yeah, I'll be at the station all day, so you're gonna have to hitch a ride home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那之后,伙计,我们要加倍努力。", "english": "After that, man, we're on double time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为他们会把它撤下来。", "english": "You'd think they'd take it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,bud。你自己也输过一场足球赛。", "english": "Come on, bud. You lost a football game once yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得你在撒谎。", "english": "I think you're lying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道什么时候该相信你说的话!", "english": "I never know when to believe your mouth!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "Yeah, likewise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大规模的狩猎总是从军队散开成半圆形开始,我想大概有罗德岛那么大。", "english": "The great hunt would always begin with the armies spread out in a semi-circle, I would say about the size of Rhode Island."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他们就骑着马向前走,赶着前面的一切。", "english": "Then they would ride forward, driving everything before them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "野兽,甚至虫子。", "english": "Beast men, even bugs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,两端会有点靠近,形成一个缩小的圆圈,圆圈内的所有东西都惊慌失措地逃出来。", "english": "Now, the ends would kinda close in to form a shrinking circle, and everything within that circle panicked to get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以当蒙古人能看到对方时,他们已经陷入了狂热之中。", "english": "So when the mongols could see each other, they had worked themselves up into a pretty good frenzy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这场杀戮刚开始的时候,持续了几天,几周,甚至几个月。", "english": "Now, when this killing started, it'd last for days, weeks, even months."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到大汗的儿子问他父亲,最后一个活着的生物……", "english": "And it went on until the young son of the Khan asked his father that the last creature alive..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被允许…得自由。", "english": "Be allowed to... Go free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,我的朋友。", "english": "Well, now, my friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,现在。", "english": "Well, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都在。", "english": "They're all over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,快看。", "english": "Oh, check it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们看起来很酷,伙计。", "english": "They look pretty cool, though, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得他们偏离航线太远了。", "english": "I would say they were way off-course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是非常不寻常的。", "english": "This is very unusual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做点什么吧,蒂斯代尔先生。", "english": "You do something, Mr. Teasdale."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他想看看他们的通行证。", "english": "He wants to see their hall pass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么回事,我的朋友?", "english": "What's going on here, my friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,我们走!", "english": "Come on, let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进入!", "english": "Get in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下来!下来!", "english": "Get down! Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下来!", "english": "Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住下来!", "english": "Stay down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿图罗!", "english": "Arturo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸!爸爸!", "english": "Papa! Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下来!下来!", "english": "Get down! Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸!", "english": "Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸!爸爸!", "english": "Dad! Dad!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们向我开枪。他们向所有人开枪!", "english": "They were shooting at me. They're shooting at everybody!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要去山里。我们要离开这里。", "english": "We're going to the mountains. We're getting out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是谁,离你很近吗?", "english": "Who are they, near as you can tell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听到他们说西班牙语,莫里斯先生。", "english": "I heard some of 'em speaking Spanish, Mr. Morris."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想和你在一起。", "english": "I want to stay with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在。来吧。", "english": "Right now. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿着干的东西!", "english": "Take the dry stuff!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要浪费太多的糖果或饼干。", "english": "Don't mess around with a lot of candies or cookies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大量的纸巾!来人,拿灯笼来!", "english": "Plenty of kleenex! Somebody, get some lanterns!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再拿点卫生纸!", "english": "And grab some toilet paper!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会用树叶的!", "english": "I ain't gonna use no leaves!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带很多电池!所有你能携带的电池!", "english": "Take a lot of batteries! All the batteries you can carry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马特,你看!", "english": "Matt, look!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "躺下!", "english": "Lay down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们的吗?", "english": "Is it ours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉妈妈我爱她。", "english": "Tell mom I love her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,来吧,孩子们。快离开这里。来吧。", "english": "All right, come on, boys. Just get outta here. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再回来了。", "english": "And don't come back here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管你看到或听到什么,都不要回来。", "english": "No matter what you see or hear, don't come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很快就来接你。", "english": "I'll come and get you soon enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加载它。", "english": "Load it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,耶稣基督!", "english": "Oh, Jesus Christ!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要快点关掉。", "english": "We're gonna turn off quick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一架直升飞机!", "english": "It's a helicopter!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们的!", "english": "It's ours!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进入!进入!", "english": "Get in! Get in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们的!", "english": "It's ours!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是明白了。唯一的问题是,我们有一个问题。", "english": "That's got it. Only thing is, we got one problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没有水了。", "english": "We don't have any water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在上面撒尿怎么样?", "english": "How about pissing in it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是个好主意。起床。", "english": "That's a good idea. Get up here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫丹尼,不是\"孩子\"", "english": "And the name's Danny, not \"kid.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等你长大了,你就会知道这些事了,丹尼。", "english": "Well, when you, uh, grow up, you'll know these things, Danny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快上来,在暖气片里撒尿。", "english": "Now, get up here and piss in the radiator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们的家人呢?他们怎么样?嗯?", "english": "But our families, huh? What about them? Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得在这里躲一会儿。", "english": "We gotta stay up here and hide awhile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想回家。", "english": "I just wanna go home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想躲藏。如果我藏起来,他们永远找不到我。", "english": "I don't wanna hide. If I hide, they'll never find me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "检查出来。", "english": "Check it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它挡住了一颗本该…打击别人。", "english": "It stopped a bullet that would've... Hit somebody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得到了这些。", "english": "I got these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些对我们有很多好处。", "english": "Those will do us a lot of good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没有无线电。", "english": "We've got no radio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得我们在这里靠橄榄和米花能撑多久?", "english": "I mean, how long do you think we can survive up here on olives and rice krispies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还能做什么?", "english": "What else are we gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为calumet学生会主席,我…我提议我们投降。", "english": "As calumet student body president, I... I forward the motion that we give ourselves up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我年代……我附议这项动议。我们不能待在这里。", "english": "I s... I second the motion. We can't stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要东西…坐下来,丹尼!", "english": "We need stuff and... Sit down, Danny!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你哪也别想去。进城太危险了。", "english": "You're not going anywhere. It's too dangerous to go into town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是什么大比赛,四分卫先生!", "english": "This isn't the big game, Mr. Quarterback!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是个该死的运动员。", "english": "You're such a goddamn jock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,来吧,伙计们!住嘴!", "english": "Hey, come on, guys! Knock it off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么想去吗?来,拖着你的东西!", "english": "You wanna go so bad? Here, haul ass, take your shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你的机会。会走。", "english": "This is your chance. Get walking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是第三次世界大战。", "english": "It is world war III down there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们正在被杀害。", "english": "People are being killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们可能是俄罗斯人。", "english": "Those could be Russians."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰德,你的家人呢?", "english": "Jed, what about your family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道。", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我还活着……我要留在这里", "english": "But I'm alive... and I'm staying here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的家人会希望我活着。", "english": "My family would want me to stay alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的家人会希望你活着。", "english": "Your family would want you to stay alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,你以为你很聪明,伙计,但你们只是一群害怕的孩子。", "english": "I mean, you think you're so smart, man, but you're just a bunch of scared kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为你是谁?", "english": "What do you think you are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孤独,我猜。", "english": "Alone, I guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,你不是。", "english": "No, you're not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,bud", "english": "Hey, bud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说呢?", "english": "What do you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剩下的人,快走吧。", "english": "Now, the rest of you, get going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧。", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果你留下,就照我说的做,好吗?", "english": "But if you stay, you're gonna do exactly what I say, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以到这里来暖和暖和。", "english": "So come on over here and get warm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "达里尔。", "english": "Daryl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起。", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是,男人。", "english": "Me, too, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的。", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,马特和我一直和我们的父亲一起来到这片山区。", "english": "Now, Matt and I have been coming up in these mountains with our dad all of our lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以打猎,我们可以钓鱼,我们可以在这里呆很久很久。", "english": "We can hunt, we can fish, we can stay up here along, long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗?", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多久,杰德?", "english": "How long, jed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到我们再也听不到了。", "english": "Until we don't hear that no more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有他。", "english": "You got him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,不!从来没有拍摄两次!", "english": "No, no, no! Never shoot twice!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前读过很多杰迪戴亚·史密斯和吉姆·布里杰的故事。", "english": "I used to read a lot about Jedediah Smith and Jim Bridger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你开了两枪,黑脚帮就会知道你在哪里。", "english": "The blackfeet, if you shot twice, would know right where you were."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸用杰德·史密斯的名字给我取名。", "english": "My dad named me after jed Smith."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是你的第一次,对吧?", "english": "This is your first time, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。为什么?", "english": "Yeah. Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得喝酒,如果这是你的第一次。我们所做的。", "english": "You gotta drink, if it's your first. We did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它是什么味道?", "english": "What's it taste like?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不算太糟。我是说,有点咸,就像牛排,或者你流鼻血的时候。", "english": "It's not too bad. I mean, it's kinda salty, like a steak, or when you got a nosebleed, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必须这么做,罗伯特。这是鹿的灵魂。", "english": "You gotta do it, Robert. It's the spirit of the deer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你喝下它,你就会成为一个真正的猎人。", "english": "When you drink it, you'll be a real hunter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走了。去做吧。", "english": "Go. Go ahead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油,加油,伙计!", "english": "Go, go for it, buddy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧!好吧!", "english": "All right! All right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做到了,伙计。", "english": "You did it, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的血是你的。我爸爸说过一旦你这么做了,你就会变得不一样。总是这样。", "english": "His blood is yours. You know, my dad said that once you do that, there's gonna be something different about you. Always."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没那么糟。", "english": "It wasn't so bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没那么糟。", "english": "It wasn't that bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没那么糟。", "english": "It wasn't so bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是最后一点了,除了橄榄。", "english": "That's the last of it, except for the olives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还有很多肉。", "english": "We still got plenty of meat left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是你射的东西。", "english": "Just stuff you shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,告诉我,呆子,你觉得汉堡是从哪里来的?", "english": "So, tell me, dork, where do you suppose hamburgers come from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人拍摄。", "english": "Nobody shoots them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要食物。", "english": "We need food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要知道。", "english": "We need to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧。", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要进城。", "english": "We'll go into town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶稣!", "english": "Jesus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,这里也没人。", "english": "Yeah, there's no one here, either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来它在这里已经有一千年了。", "english": "Looks like it's been here for a thousand years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧。", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿。", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些商店还在营业。", "english": "Those stores are open."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到处都是人。也许是结束了。", "english": "There's people everywhere. Maybe it's over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不是我们的军队。", "english": "Those aren't our troops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从这里看不出来,杰德。", "english": "You can't tell from here, jed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶稣基督!", "english": "Jesus Christ!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么?我从没见过那样的坦克。", "english": "What is that? I've never seen a tank like that before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道。", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,但是他们已经打包好了。这意味着什么。", "english": "Yeah, but they're packed. That means something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把东西藏起来吧。", "english": "Let's stash our stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是市长的车!", "english": "That's the mayor's car!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们拿到了达里尔爸爸的车!", "english": "They got Daryl's dad's car!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看那个罐子的大小。", "english": "Look at the size of that tank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶稣!", "english": "Jesus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刘易斯。刘易斯。你过得如何?", "english": "Lewis. Lewis. How you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怕我们吗?", "english": "Was he scared of us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,我们问问艾丽西娅。她会知道的。", "english": "Hey, let's ask Alicia. She'll know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请六个牙刷。", "english": "Six toothbrushes, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "山上。我们一直隐藏……你疯了吗?你得离开这里。", "english": "The mountains. We've been hiding... Are you crazy? You gotta get outta here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会的,但首先,我们得弄清楚发生了什么……", "english": "We will, but first, we gotta find out what's going..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不明白。", "english": "You don't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们知道你们所有人是谁。他们在找你。", "english": "They know who all of you are. They're looking for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古巴人。", "english": "Cubans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看见我父亲了吗?我打电话,没人接。", "english": "Look, have you seen my father? I called, there was no answer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我路过车站,那里空无一人。", "english": "I went by the station, it was empty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,听着。", "english": "Okay, listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要告诉你一件我不该说的事。", "english": "I'm gonna tell you something I'm not supposed to talk about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人,但是……但是什么?", "english": "Nobody is, but... But what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他们带走了很多人。", "english": "But they took a lot of people away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些他们认为会给他们制造麻烦的人。", "english": "People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些有枪或其他他们想要的东西的人。", "english": "People that had guns or things they wanted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们只是把他们带走了。", "english": "They just took them away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪里?", "english": "Where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再教育营,他们是这么叫的。", "english": "Re-education camps, that's what they call it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "免下车的。我听说他们带了很多人去…", "english": "The drive-in. I heard they took a lot of people to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我为你祈祷。", "english": "I pray for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国是一个妓院,你们祖先的革命理想在这里被资本主义的小贩腐蚀并在小巷里贩卖。", "english": "America is a whorehouse, where the revolutionary ideals of your forefathers are corrupted and sold in alleys by vendors of capitalism."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们吃着自由战士的肉变胖了…", "english": "You grow fat on the flesh of freedom fighters..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能找到我爸爸汤姆·埃克特吗?我是杰德。", "english": "Could you find my dad, Tom eckert? I'm jed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马蒂,我去找你爸爸。我知道他在哪里。", "english": "Matty, I'll go find your dad. I know right where he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!你知道莫里斯的市场吗,就在高速公路上?", "english": "Hey! Do you know Morris' market, out on the highway?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能看看莫里斯先生是不是也在里面吗?", "english": "Can you see if Mr. Morris is in there, too?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也会找他的,儿子。", "english": "I'll look around for him, too, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸?", "english": "Daddy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系。我能站起来。", "english": "It's all right. I can stand up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男孩。", "english": "Boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马蒂。", "english": "Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸?", "english": "Daddy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要说话,什么都不要说。让我看看你。", "english": "Don't talk, don't say anything. Let me look at you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。我知道我是对的。", "english": "Yeah. I knew I was right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道它。", "english": "I knew it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你活着。", "english": "You're alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对你们俩都很严厉。", "english": "I was tough on both of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的所作所为让你…", "english": "I did things that made you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这让你有时恨我。", "english": "That made you hate me sometimes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你现在明白了,不是吗?", "english": "But you understand now, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了什么,爸爸?", "english": "What happened, dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么在这里?他们做了什么?", "english": "Why are you here? What did they do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系。", "english": "Doesn't matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论如何……因为这样那样的原因,我们都死了。", "english": "One way or another... For one reason or another, we're all gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都消失了。", "english": "It's all gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记得……还记得你过去常去公园玩吗?", "english": "Remember... Remember when you used to go in the park and play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前常让你荡秋千?", "english": "And I used to put you on the swings?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们两个都…", "english": "And both of you were..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么小,上帝…", "english": "So damn little, god..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得。我全都记得。", "english": "I remember. I remember all of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你摔倒了,我可不会在你身边扶你起来了。", "english": "Well, I ain't gonna be around to pick you up when you fall now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩现在要互相照顾。", "english": "Both of you gotta take care of each other now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们再也见不到你了,爸爸。", "english": "We'll never see you again, dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,你会的。我不想听,马蒂。", "english": "Yes, you will. I don't wanna hear that, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸,妈妈怎么了?她在哪里呢?", "english": "What happened to mom, dad? Where is she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在哭不起了。", "english": "We can't afford to be crying anymore now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不希望你们中的任何一个再为我哭泣。", "english": "I don't want either one of you to ever cry for me again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远不要这样做。", "english": "Don't ever do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你活着就不会。", "english": "Not as long as you live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸呢,埃克特先生?", "english": "Where's my dad, Mr. Eckert?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道,儿子。", "english": "I don't know, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道。", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们现在都可以走了。在他们找到你之前离开。", "english": "You all get going now. Get out before they find you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸?", "english": "Dad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你。", "english": "I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道,孩子。我也爱你。", "english": "I know you do, son. I love you, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道。", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子们!", "english": "Boys!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "报复我!报复我!", "english": "Avenge me! Avenge me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,汤姆。", "english": "Come on, Tom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是该死的!这是你!", "english": "I'll be damned! It is you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅森先生,你好吗?很高兴见到你!", "english": "Mr. Mason, how are you doing? Good to see you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好吗,梅森先生?梅森太太!", "english": "How you doing, Mr. Mason? Mrs. Mason!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要这些枪。", "english": "I'll take these guns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇,一个房子!", "english": "Wow, a house!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去找把椅子吧。", "english": "Go on and find you a chair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们上次在一所房子里待了五个星期了!", "english": "Last time we were in a house was five weeks!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看它!", "english": "You look it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你在一起的是谁?", "english": "Who you got out there with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有丹尼,我们有达里尔…", "english": "We got Danny, we got Daryl..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都以为你们已经去找爸爸了。", "english": "Well, we all figured you boys had headed for fa by now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自由的美国。那是安全区。", "english": "Free america. That's the safe zone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在哪里?", "english": "Where are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见鬼,你们这是在占领区。", "english": "Hell, you boys is in occupied territory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时正值第三次世界大战中期。", "english": "That's smack-dab in the middle of world war III."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这些家伙在城里闲逛干什么?", "english": "What are you boys doing fooling around town, anyway?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一直在寻找消息,梅森先生。", "english": "We've been looking for news, Mr. Mason."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从这一切开始我们就没见过任何人,也没和任何人说过话。", "english": "We haven't even seen or talked to anybody since it all started."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,在这里等一会儿。", "english": "Now, wait here just a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望有更多。", "english": "I wish there was more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起。", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你,梅森太太。我们真的很感激。", "english": "Thank you, Mrs. Mason. We really appreciate it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给,这个可以让你们暖和点。", "english": "Here, this'll keep you boys warm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从现在开始,用这个来看看你的立场。", "english": "Use this to see where you're standing from now on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,没关系。我又找到一个。", "english": "Now, that's all right. I got another one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们听我说。", "english": "You boys listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再去calumet了。", "english": "Don't go to calumet no more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何来吗?", "english": "How come?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为那里发生了一些袭击事件。", "english": "Because there's been some attacks up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们一觉醒来就被割喉了。", "english": "Uh, people waking up with their throats cut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有传言说,是你。", "english": "Word has it, it's you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸妈妈怎么了?", "english": "What happened to my dad and mom?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爸爸死了,罗伯特。", "english": "Your daddy's dead, Robert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们射杀他。", "english": "They shot him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俄国人发现他丢了几把枪,就以协助游击队的罪名击毙了他。", "english": "Russians found some guns missing, so they shot him for aiding guerrillas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思,援助游击队?", "english": "What do you mean, aiding guerrillas?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他从来没有帮助过任何人!", "english": "He never aided anybody!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只是把东西拿走了!", "english": "We just took the stuff!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们杀了他!", "english": "We killed him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们杀了他,孩子。让他做个榜样。", "english": "They killed him, son. Made him an example."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,你们听我说,让它好好燃烧。", "english": "Now, you boys listen to me and let that burn in real good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你妈妈在哪,罗伯特。", "english": "I don't know where your mother is, Robert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在没有亲人了!", "english": "I ain't got nobody now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们需要食物,床,需要任何东西,就来这里。", "english": "You boys need food, a bed, you need anything, you come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我…我有几件传家宝想和你一起藏起来。", "english": "I... got a couple of heirlooms I wanna hide with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,杰克,不!", "english": "Hey, Jack, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的孙女。", "english": "My granddaughters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们花了两天时间偷偷溜到这里。", "english": "They spent two days sneaking here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些狗娘养的想和他们混在一起。", "english": "Those sons of bitches tried having their way with 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼?艾丽卡?", "english": "Toni? Erica?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是马特和杰德·埃克特。他们会照顾你的。", "english": "This is Matt and jed eckert. They're gonna take care of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不想知道他们去哪了。", "english": "And I don't wanna know where they're going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见,爷爷。", "english": "Bye, grandpa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你,梅森先生。", "english": "Thank you, Mr. Mason."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。谢谢你!", "english": "Yes. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,梅森先生……祝你好运,儿子。", "english": "Well, Mr. Mason... Good luck, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里。这是装你爷爷手枪的弹药。", "english": "Here. Here's a box of ammo for your granddaddy's pistol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会处理的,别担心。", "english": "I'll take care of 'em. Don't you worry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我要对占领区的兄弟姐妹们说几句话。", "english": "Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "椅子靠在墙上。椅子靠在墙上。", "english": "The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "约翰留着长胡子。约翰留着长胡子。", "english": "John has a long mustache. John has a long mustache."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有站在或站在歌尾的人,这是你们的歌。", "english": "And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在情况不同了。", "english": "Things are different now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们上来!", "english": "They're coming up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去告诉其他人吧。", "english": "Let's go tell the others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姑娘,你在干什么?", "english": "Girl, what are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停!", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注意隐蔽!”", "english": "Take cover!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤里!", "english": "Yuri!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住他的-啊!我抓住他了!", "english": "Grab him' -ah! I I got him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是人。", "english": "They were people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,我爸爸也是", "english": "Yeah, well, so was my dad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么样子的?", "english": "What was it like?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在有一件事是肯定的。", "english": "One thing's for sure now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人能再回家。", "english": "No one can ever go home again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乃文", "english": "Neven"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不做点有用的事呢?", "english": "why don't you make yourself useful?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你洗的!", "english": "You wash it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们再也不帮你洗衣服了!", "english": "We ain't ever doing your washing again!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和她不比你们任何人差!", "english": "Me and her is as good as any of you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你再敢这么说!", "english": "Don't you ever say that again!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听到我吗?你再说一遍,我就杀了你!", "english": "Hear me? You say that again, I'll kill you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听到我吗?", "english": "Hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要杀了你!", "english": "I'll kill you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做了什么?", "english": "So what did I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果,贝拉先生", "english": "Si, sefior Bella."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不。达里尔,他连苍蝇都不会伤害。", "english": "No. Daryl, he wouldn't hurt a fly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃。他……我了解我的儿子,上校。", "english": "Uh. He... I know my son, colonel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不是游击队员。", "english": "He's not the guerrilla type."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根据记录,市长先生,您的儿子是一位杰出的学生领袖。", "english": "According to records, mayor, your son is a prominent student leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊。是的,他是一个领袖,但不是暴力或身体上的。", "english": "Ah. Yes, well, he is a leader, but not in a violent or physical way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,你看,达里尔……他更像是一个政治家……像他的父亲。", "english": "No, you see, Daryl... He's more of a politician... Like his father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准军事精英组织的成员", "english": "A member of an elite paramilitary organization."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鹰童军。", "english": "Eagle scout."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊。是的,但那不是军事。", "english": "Ah. Yes, but that's not military."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,上校,如果他还活着,他很害怕,很饿,他和你我一样急于避免冲突。", "english": "Now, look, colonel, if he's alive, he's scared, he's hungry, and he's just as anxious to avoid conflicts as you and me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么说吧,有些家族遗传了这种基因。", "english": "Well, let's just say it runs in some of the families."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个社区能有像他这样的牧羊人真是幸运!", "english": "This community's indeed fortunate to have a Shepherd like him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯…我只是想把这事解决掉,上校。", "english": "Well... I, uh, I just wanna see this thing through, colonel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你还有任何问题,无论白天黑夜都可以打电话给我。", "english": "If you have any more problems, you call me night or day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你!", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们完成了。", "english": "We are finished."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在。", "english": "For now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火!", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火!", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目的!", "english": "Aim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火!", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "代表紫金山的威严", "english": "j“ for purple mountains' majesty j“"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在水果平原上的J \"", "english": "j“ above the fruited plain j“"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别哭了!", "english": "Don't cry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿回来!", "english": "Hold it back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让它转向其他事情。", "english": "Let it turn to something else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让它变成别的东西,好吗?", "english": "Just let it turn into something else, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说!听我说!听。", "english": "Listen to me! Listen to me! Listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别哭了。只要你还活着,就别再哭了。", "english": "Don't cry. Don't you ever cry again as long as you live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你还活着,就不要这样做。", "english": "As long as you live, never do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听到了吗?", "english": "Do you hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会杀了我们的!我们所有人!", "english": "They're gonna kill us! All of us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,我们为什么要与众不同呢?", "english": "So why should we be different?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们换个话题吧,马蒂。", "english": "Let it turn to something else, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让它转动,让它转动……", "english": "Let it turn, let it turn..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,女孩!", "english": "Hey, girl!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑!这里!", "english": "Run! This way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狙击手!", "english": "Sniper!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!", "english": "Ah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "手榴弹!", "english": "Grenade!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐,也许你对我说。", "english": "Miss, maybe you speak at me for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我马上回来,好吗?", "english": "Um, I'll be right back, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我就在这。再见。", "english": "Okay, I be right here. Bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生!", "english": "Doctor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快打电话叫医生!", "english": "Call the doctor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你美国人吗?", "english": "You American?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,德州的首府是哪里?", "english": "Yeah, well, what's the capital of Texas?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥斯丁。", "english": "Austin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看过太多电影了。", "english": "You've seen too many movies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你饿了吗?", "english": "Well, you hungry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能吃,是的。", "english": "I could eat, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你开的是什么飞机?", "english": "What kinda plane you fly?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是个驾驶鹰的人。", "english": "I'm an eagle driver."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给,拿着", "english": "Here. Take this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从一个死去的俄国少校身上找到的", "english": "I got this off a dead Russian major."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想应该适合上校穿。", "english": "Well, I guess it ought to fit on a colonel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是老大,小子?", "english": "You the honcho, sport?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安德鲁·坦纳,美国空军中校。", "english": "Andrew Tanner, lieutenant colonel, us air force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么被击落的,上校?", "english": "How'd you get yourself shot down, colonel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是五比一。我有四个。", "english": "It was five to one. I got four."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再好不过了。", "english": "Good as can be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧。", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西海岸。", "english": "West coast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "东海岸。下面是墨西哥。", "english": "East coast. Down here is Mexico."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是他们在落基山脉拍的。", "english": "They took these passes in the rockies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们配合有选择性的核弹袭击,导弹比我们想象的精确得多。", "english": "They coordinated with selective nuke strikes, and the missiles were a hell of a lot more accurate than we thought."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们摧毁了达科他州的发射井。", "english": "They took out the silos here in the dakotas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "渗透者被认为是非法的……来自墨西哥。", "english": "Infiltrators came up illegal... From Mexico."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古巴人,主要是。", "english": "Cubans, mostly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们成功渗透到了中西部的卵囊基地,还有几个在德州,造成了巨大的破坏,我在这里告诉你。", "english": "They managed to infiltrate the sac bases in the midwest, several down in Texas, and wreaked a hell of a lot of havoc, I'm here to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们打开了这里的大门,整个古巴和尼加拉瓜的军队穿过这里,穿过这片大平原。", "english": "They opened up the door down here, and the whole Cuban and Nicaraguan armies come walking right through, rolled right up here through the great plains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把他们关在落基山脉和密西西比河。", "english": "We held them at the rockies and at the Mississippi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派了三个集团军穿过白令海峡进入阿拉斯加。", "english": "Sent three whole army groups across the Bering strait into Alaska."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "切断了输油管道,穿过加拿大,从中间连接到这里,但我们阻止了他们。", "english": "Cut the pipeline, came across Canada, to link up here in the middle, but we stopped their butt cold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次他们不参加。除了英格兰。", "english": "They're sitting this one out. All except england."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们不会持续太久。", "english": "And they won't last very long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俄国人要把我们整好,所以他们才来这里。", "english": "The Russians need to take us in one piece, and that's why they're here now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是为什么他们不会再使用核武器,我们也不会。", "english": "That's why they won't use nukes anymore, and we won't, either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是在我们自己的土地上。", "english": "Not on our own soil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在这一切都很传统了。", "english": "The whole damn thing's pretty conventional now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道呢?也许……下周是剑战。", "english": "Who knows? Maybe... Next week'll be swords."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始什么?", "english": "What started it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道。两个街区里最厉害的孩子。", "english": "I don't know. Two toughest kids on the block, I guess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们迟早会打架的。", "english": "Sooner or later, they're gonna fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么简单?", "english": "That simple?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许有人忘了那是什么感觉。", "english": "Maybe somebody just forgot what it was like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,谁是我们这边的?", "english": "Well, who is on our side?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据我所知,有十亿尖叫的中国佬。", "english": "Last I heard, there were a billion screaming chinamen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有家庭吗?", "english": "You got a family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道。", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们得到了……被困在德克萨斯的后方", "english": "They got... caught behind the lines down in Texas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他们是活着的,但是…我听说他们对平民做了什么。", "english": "I like to think they're alive, but... I hear stories about what they're doing to civilians."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们起飞。我们要去射击一个装甲纵队。", "english": "We're taking off. We're gonna go shoot up an armored column."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧。早起的鸟儿有虫吃。", "english": "Let's go. Early bird gets the worm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早起的鸟儿有虫吃。", "english": "Early bird gets the worm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注意那些树上的地雷。", "english": "Watch those claymores in the trees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马特,rpg !", "english": "Matt, rpg!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好球!", "english": "Good shot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,你怎么想?", "english": "Now, what do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对一群孩子来说还不错吧?", "english": "Not bad for a bunch of kids, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妈妈会很自豪的。", "english": "Your mom would be real proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为你每天都吃豆子很强壮吗?", "english": "You think you're tough for eating beans every day?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丹佛有五十万稻草人愿意为你一口东西付出一切。", "english": "There's half a million scarecrows in Denver would give anything for one mouthful of what you got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们已经被围困了大约三个月。", "english": "They've been under siege for about three months."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们以老鼠和锯屑面包为食,有时……互相攻击。", "english": "They live on rats and sawdust bread, and sometimes... On each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在晚上…为死者准备的柴堆照亮了天空。", "english": "At night the... Pyres for the dead light up the sky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是中世纪。", "english": "It's medieval."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些仇恨会让你燃烧起来的,孩子。", "english": "All that hate's gonna burn you up, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它使我暖和。", "english": "It keeps me warm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上校?", "english": "Colonel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们做得对吗?", "english": "Are we doing right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你交了一个新朋友。", "english": "You made a new friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不怎么说话,是吗?", "english": "She doesn't say much, does she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的。飞机,飞机,飞机,飞机。", "english": "All right. Plane, plane, plane, plane."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古巴地堡,俄罗斯地堡,军需品仓库,军营帐篷。", "english": "Cuban bunker, Russian bunker, munitions dump, troop tents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机枪掩体在这里,这里,这里,还有这里。", "english": "Machine-gun bunkers here, here, here, and here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后面的汽车影院是你们的政治犯。", "english": "Back here by the drive-in screen are your political prisoners."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的。我们会在这里引开敌军,在这里挖洞,向所有机枪阵地开火。", "english": "All right. We'll cause a diversion over here, cut holes in the wire here, fire on all these machine-gun positions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为这很简单。", "english": "I think that's pretty simple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到目前为止有人有问题吗?", "english": "Anybody got any questions so far?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "旁边是什么?", "english": "What's a flank?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进入…的行列", "english": "Step into the line of..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧!移动它!我要离开这儿!", "english": "Come on! Move it! Get outta here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,你的机会来了!动!我们没时间了!", "english": "Come on, here's your chance! Move! We're running out of time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都会死的!站着死!", "english": "We're all gonna die! Die standing up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "手榴弹!", "english": "Grenade!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做svidaniya !", "english": "Do svidaniya!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,上校!", "english": "All right, colonel!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他下来!", "english": "And he's down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很棒的剧本,马特·埃克特的!", "english": "Great play, by Matt eckert!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个很好的接球。", "english": "That's a pretty good catch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你掩护马特。", "english": "All right, you cover Matt this play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还好吗?", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在地面上有点硬,不是吗?", "english": "A little harder down on the ground, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,不,你下来!", "english": "Oh, no, you come down here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妻子多大了?", "english": "How old's your wife?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,她到底是什么样的人?", "english": "I mean, what's she really like?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活跃的。喜欢你。", "english": "Feisty. Like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在哪里认识她的?", "english": "Where'd you meet her?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的想知道这些吗?", "english": "Do you really wanna know this stuff?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是在一个派对的壁橱里认识她的。", "english": "I met her in a closet at a party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一开始我无法忍受她,但是…一旦它了……我太爱她了,这让我很伤心。", "english": "I couldn't stand her at first, but... Once it took... I loved her so bad, it hurt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还那样爱她吗?", "english": "You still love her like that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,你们基佬玩不玩?", "english": "Hey, you queers playing or what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好。", "english": "Fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让你做一个张贴图案。", "english": "I told you to do a post pattern."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们带来了自己的孩子。", "english": "They brought their kids."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说他们没有足够的食物过冬。", "english": "Said they didn't have food enough to feed 'em through the winter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们想给你,杰德。", "english": "They want to give 'em to you, jed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "够了,梅森先生。我不想再要了。", "english": "This is enough, Mr. Mason. I don't want any more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在是领袖了。", "english": "You're a leader now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在另一边听说过你。", "english": "They've heard of you on the other side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许会一直到加州。", "english": "Maybe all the way to California."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有人说他们会在春天派一些特种部队来帮你。", "english": "And there's some that say they're gonna drop in some special forces in the spring to help you out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绿色贝雷帽。", "english": "Green berets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "春天还远着呢。", "english": "Spring's a long time away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那之前有很多传言。", "english": "It's a lot of talk until then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们的!这是我们的!", "english": "It's ours! It's ours!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊!", "english": "Yeah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "炸他们!", "english": "Fry 'em!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶稣!", "english": "Jesus!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要越过那个。", "english": "You gotta cross that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是其中的一部分。", "english": "Just part of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望我们的人还在那里。", "english": "I hope our guys are still there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是真正的战争,孩子。", "english": "It's real war, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它每天都在这里。", "english": "It's here every day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来,杰德。", "english": "Come with me, jed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在可以退出了。", "english": "You can quit now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能吗?", "english": "Could you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别跟我胡扯。", "english": "Don't give me that crap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变老的。", "english": "Grow old."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "移动它!快点,快点,快点!我们走,我们走!", "english": "Move it! Come on, move it, move it! Let's go, let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下来!", "english": "Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下,下,下,下,下!", "english": "Down, down, down, down, down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住下来!他看不见我们!", "english": "Stay down! He can't see us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下来,aardvark !", "english": "Get down, aardvark!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在找我们!", "english": "He's looking for us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他确定。", "english": "He sure is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!不!", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我受不了了!我受不了了!停!", "english": "I can't stand it! I can't stand it! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴!下来!", "english": "Shut up! Get down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,快跑!大家都给我出去!", "english": "All right, run! Everybody get outta here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什么?该死的!", "english": "What are you doing? Goddamn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基督!", "english": "Christ!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要上去了!", "english": "I'm coming up there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得到它!", "english": "I got it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离开这里,孩子!", "english": "Get outta here, kid!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个充满伤害的世界即将降临!滚出去!", "english": "There's a world of hurt coming down! Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你在一起,上校!", "english": "I'm staying with you, colonel!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用火箭筒干掉他,马特!", "english": "Take him out with your rpg, Matt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再给我一枚火箭!", "english": "Give me another rocket!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃我!", "english": "Eat me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!不!", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,伙计们,来抓他们!", "english": "Come on, buddies, come and get 'em!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连续拍摄……这一次……你的军队……呕吐不已。", "english": "Shoot straight... for once... You army... Pukes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是无用的!他死了!", "english": "It's useless! He's dead!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧!走吧!走吧!", "english": "Let's go! Go! Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曾经爱任何人吗?", "english": "Ever love anybody?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我将……永远不要再爱任何人!", "english": "I'll... never love anybody again!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你谁都不爱,你就不会在这里。", "english": "If you didn't love anybody, you'd never even be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要把他们埋在哪里?", "english": "Where are we gonna Bury 'em?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有多少留给伯里的了。", "english": "There's not much left to Bury."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,上帝。哦,上帝。", "english": "Oh, god. Oh, god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是好朋友。", "english": "These were good friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他们带到安全的地方去……这个世界从未发生过。", "english": "Take them away from here to some place safe... Where this world never happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还记得……主啊,请让他们忘记吧……", "english": "And, as we remember... Please let them forget, o lord..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他们可以再次变小。", "english": "So they can be little again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿们。", "english": "Amen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰德。", "english": "Jed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感觉安静。", "english": "It feels quiet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该去睡觉。这是晚了。", "english": "You should get some sleep. It's getting late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很好。", "english": "I'm okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这有点奇怪,不是吗?", "english": "It's kinda strange, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大山怎么会对我们视而不见呢?", "english": "How the mountains pay us no attention at all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要么笑,要么哭。", "english": "You laugh or you cry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是迟早要发生的。", "english": "It was bound to happen sooner or later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你太依赖感情了,是吧?", "english": "Getting pretty lean on feelings, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "负担不起。", "english": "Can't afford 'em."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使那是我?", "english": "Even if that had been me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟大家谈过了,杰德。看起来不太好。", "english": "I was talking to the group, jed. It doesn't look good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都在说要辞职。", "english": "They're all talking about quitting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们似乎对它失去了兴趣。", "english": "It seemed like they lost the stomach for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了罗伯特。", "english": "Except for Robert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呢?", "english": "And you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你的哥哥。", "english": "I'm your brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让它有意义。", "english": "Just make it count."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丹尼,你的门闩开着。它是卡住了。", "english": "Danny, your bolt's open. It's jammed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们最好离开这里。", "english": "We'd better get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁在追杀我们?他们在哪儿?", "english": "Who's coming after us? Where are they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用屁股蹭他!", "english": "Rub a butt on him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!", "english": "Ah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吸在你!妈的,妈的!", "english": "Suck at you! God damn for you mother!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听到直升机的声音,我要打爆你的头!", "english": "I hear a chopper, and I'm gonna blow your brains out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去死,洋基!", "english": "Go die, yankee!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,嘿,嘿,看!", "english": "Hey, hey, hey, look!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这东西有一支箭!阿宝…它是指向。", "english": "This thing's got an arrow! It's po... it's pointing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪里?在哪里?", "english": "Where? Where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里。", "english": "Right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪里?", "english": "Where is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪里?", "english": "Where is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死,窃听器在哪儿?", "english": "God damn it, where's the bug?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去了城里。", "english": "I went into town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被抓住了?", "english": "And got caught?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后被抓住了!", "english": "And went and got caught!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉他们我们在哪里了,对吧?", "english": "You told them where we were, didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉他们!", "english": "You told 'em!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父亲告发了我。", "english": "My father turned me in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,他们做了你无法想象的事。", "english": "Oh, god, they did things you can't imagine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这个狗娘养的!", "english": "You son of a bitch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要眼罩吗?", "english": "Do you want blindfolds?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这违反了日内瓦公约。", "english": "This violates the Geneva convention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没听说过!", "english": "I never heard of it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狗的脸!我让你看看苏联是怎么死的!", "english": "Dog face! I show you how Soviet dies!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前见过,伙计。", "english": "I've seen it before, pal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是不会发生的。", "english": "This isn't happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是发生!杰德,让他走!", "english": "This isn't happening! Jed, let him go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴,丹尼!", "english": "Shut up, Danny!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他告诉他们我们在哪里了!", "english": "He told them where we were!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他做到了。现在,带上你的步枪。", "english": "He did. Now, get your rifles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男孩,对我说你是朋友,这样我就不会孤独终老。", "english": "Boy, say at me you are friend, so I will not die alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么区别,杰德?", "english": "What's the difference, jed, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我,我们和他们有什么区别?", "english": "Tell me, what's the difference between us and them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我们住在这里!", "english": "Because we live here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要开枪!不要开枪!别杀我,杰德!", "english": "Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Don't shoot me, jed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别杀我,杰德!", "english": "Don't shoot me, jed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四。", "english": "Four."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了…", "english": "Ready..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,等等,等等!不!停!", "english": "No, wait, wait! Don't! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说呢?你饿了吗?", "english": "What do you say? You hungry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走,托尼!", "english": "Go, Toni!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们快点,然后回到岩石上。", "english": "Let's get it fast and get back to the rock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧。", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好久不见了。", "english": "It's been so long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安静,安静,安静!", "english": "Quiet, quiet, quiet!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我的上帝!", "english": "Oh, my god!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼,下来!住下来!", "english": "Toni, get down! Stay down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧!快上马!", "english": "Let's go! Get on your horses!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧!", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾丽卡,加油!相处!来吧!", "english": "Erica, come on! Get on! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,我们走!", "english": "Come on, let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的!", "english": "Yah!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧!去吧!", "english": "Go on! Go on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼?", "english": "Toni?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "托尼!", "english": "Toni!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我杀,杰德。", "english": "I'm killed, jed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和…别让他们抓到我。", "english": "And... don't let 'em get me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他们会让我开口的。", "english": "'Cause they'll make me talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的枪呢?", "english": "Where's your gun?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你去做。", "english": "I want you to do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能。", "english": "I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能,托尼。我不能。", "english": "I can't, Toni. I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系。", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系。", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我一个手榴弹。", "english": "Give me a grenade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想太冷。好吗?", "english": "I don't wanna be too cold. Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮我把销拔下来。", "english": "Pull the pin for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就待在这里…再听听风声,好吗?", "english": "I'm just gonna stay here... And listen to the wind a while, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你走。", "english": "You go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,现在听我说。", "english": "All right, now listen to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩在这里等着直到部队撤回来。", "english": "You two are gonna wait up here until the troops pull back into town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的。到时候你就知道了。", "english": "All right. You'll know when that happens."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等他们来了,你就去平原。", "english": "When they do, you're gonna head out for the plains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会听我说吗?我们是……我们是唯一剩下的。", "english": "Will you listen to me? We are... we are all that's left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人要…有人要住。总有人会成功的。", "english": "Somebody's gotta... somebody's gotta live. Somebody's gotta make it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和杰德,我们都筋疲力尽了。", "english": "Me and jed, we're all used up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不…", "english": "No..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我永远不会忘记。", "english": "I'm never gonna forget."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要我活着……我永远不会忘记。", "english": "As long as I live... I'll never forget."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不喜欢。", "english": "Don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马特……", "english": "Matt..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你永远不知道谁赢了。", "english": "You're never gonna know who won."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁会?", "english": "Who will?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道,我们可以的,杰德。", "english": "You know, we could make it, jed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们以前做过比这更困难的事。", "english": "We've done a lot tougher than this before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以引开他们,离开这里,回到山里去。", "english": "We could cause a diversion, get outta here, head back to the mountains."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你,马蒂。", "english": "I love you, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道。", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也爱你,杰德。", "english": "I love you, too, jed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗?", "english": "You know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做兄弟不容易,不是吗?", "english": "It's hard being brothers, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧。", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧!我们走,我们走!", "english": "Come on! Let's go, let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝保佑。", "english": "God bless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在可以休息了。", "english": "You can rest now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坚持住,马蒂。", "english": "Just hang on, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,马蒂。没事的,马蒂。", "english": "Oh, Matty. It's okay, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系。坚持住,马蒂。", "english": "It's okay. Just hang on, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸马上就来了,马蒂。", "english": "Daddy'll be here soon, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下,马蒂。", "english": "Hang on, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,马蒂。爸爸马上就来了。", "english": "Come on, Matty. Daddy'll be here soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系。来吧,马蒂。", "english": "It's okay. Come on, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会尽可能多地拘留你,马蒂。", "english": "I'll hold you as long as I can, Matty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会尽可能多地拘留你。", "english": "I'll hold you as long as I can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以依靠我。", "english": "You can lean on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我太累了。", "english": "I'm so tired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太累了", "english": "So tired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在自由了", "english": "We're free now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自由", "english": "Free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再也没见过那两兄弟。", "english": "I never saw the brothers again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随着时间的推移,这场战争,就像其他所有战争一样,结束了。", "english": "In time, this war, like every other war, ended."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我从未忘记。", "english": "But I never forgot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我经常来这个地方,虽然别人都不来。", "english": "And I come to this place often, though no one else does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在这里独自战斗,献出了自己的生命……’这样,这个国家就不会从地球上消失。“‘", "english": "They fought here alone and gave up their lives... 'So that this nation shall not perish from the earth.\"'"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴 收拾東西 該走了", "english": "Jyn, gather your things. It's time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出事了 他來抓我們了", "english": "It's happened. He's come for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按計劃行事", "english": "You know what to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴 過來", "english": "Jyn, come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記住了 無論我做什麼", "english": "Remember, whatever I do,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是為了保護你", "english": "I do it to protect you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 爸爸", "english": "I understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愛你 星塵", "english": "I love you, Stardust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也愛你 爸爸", "english": "I love you, too, Papa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫", "english": "Galen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走", "english": "Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要相信原力", "english": "Trust the Force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找你可真不容易 蓋倫", "english": "You're a hard man to find, Galen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當農民了", "english": "But farming..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "何必呢 大材小用", "english": "Really? Man of your talents?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這兒的生活平靜", "english": "It's a peaceful life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不過也很孤獨吧", "english": "It's lonely, I imagine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麗拉去世了", "english": "Since Lyra died, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "節哀順變", "english": "My condolences."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搜查房子", "english": "Search the house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要什麼", "english": "What is it you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工程停頓了 我需要你回來", "english": "The work has stalled. I need you to come back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會答應的", "english": "I won't do it, Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們站在歷史的轉捩點", "english": "We were on the verge of greatness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只差一小步", "english": "We were this close"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就能奠定銀河系的和平與安定了 蓋倫", "english": "to providing peace and security for the galaxy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是恐怖 不是和平", "english": "You're confusing peace with terror."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "Well,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我幫不了你 科倫尼克", "english": "I'd be of no help, Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我精力不如從前了", "english": "My mind just isn't what it was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記憶力差不說", "english": "I have trouble remembering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還總忘事", "english": "Even simple things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫", "english": "Galen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才華過人 可撒謊技術太差", "english": "You're an inspired scientist, but you're a terrible liar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雖然也很努力地想", "english": "Now, I admire the effort. I really do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 看呐 麗拉死而復生了", "english": "Oh, look, here's Lyra, back from the dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太神奇了", "english": "It's a miracle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站住", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 麗拉", "english": "Oh, Lyra,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又來找我的麻煩了", "english": "troublesome as ever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你別想帶走他", "english": "You're not taking him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 當然不 我帶你們一起走", "english": "No, of course I'm not. I'm taking you all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全家人 你和孩子 去過好日子", "english": "You'll all come. You, your child. You'll all live in comfort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做你的人質", "english": "As hostages."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是 讓你們做帝國的英雄", "english": "As heroes of the Empire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麗拉", "english": "Lyra."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下槍", "english": "Put it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想想清楚", "english": "Think very carefully."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麗拉", "english": "Lyra!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麗拉", "english": "Lyra!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他還有個孩子", "english": "They have a child!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到她", "english": "Find it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子", "english": "My child!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "過來", "english": "Come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來", "english": "Come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們還有很長的一段路要走呢", "english": "We have a long ride ahead of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全檢查", "english": "Check in security,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再不來我就要走了", "english": "I was about to leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已經很快了", "english": "I came as fast as I could."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須回到船上 跟我走", "english": "I have to get back on board. Walk with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回傑達嗎", "english": "Back to Jedha?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不會等我的", "english": "They'll leave without me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 你有傑達的消息", "english": "Easy! You have news from Jedha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快說", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是這麼回事 有一個帝國貨船飛行員", "english": "An Imperial pilot, one of the cargo drivers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨天叛逃了", "english": "he defected yesterday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說帝國在建造一種武器", "english": "He's telling people they're making a weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱伯水晶就用在這種武器上", "english": "The kyber crystals, that's what they're for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼樣的武器", "english": "What kind of weapon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須要走了", "english": "Look, I have to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什麼樣的武器", "english": "What kind of weapon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行星殺手", "english": "A planet killer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是他的原話", "english": "That's what he called it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行星殺手", "english": "A planet killer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個叫厄索的人派他來", "english": "Someone named Erso sent him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個人是索的老朋友", "english": "Some old friend of Saw's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫·厄索 是不是", "english": "Galen Erso? Was it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 我們走的時候他們正在找索", "english": "I don't know! They were looking for Saw when we left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有誰知道這件事", "english": "Who else knows about this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的不知道", "english": "I have no idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們暴露了", "english": "It's all falling apart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索說得對", "english": "Saw's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到處都是帝國的間諜", "english": "There's spies everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼回事", "english": "What's all this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你們的掃描證件拿出來", "english": "Come on, let's see some scandocs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 稍等 我手上沒拿", "english": "Yeah, of course. Just... My gloves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幹什麼", "english": "What have you done?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瘋了嗎", "english": "Are you crazy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的手受傷了 沒辦法爬出去了", "english": "I'll never climb out of here. My arm!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快", "english": "Move! Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 冷靜點兒 冷靜點兒", "english": "Hey. Calm down. Calm down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會有事的", "english": "It will be all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他嗎", "english": "Is that him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他看起來 跟我想像的不太一樣啊", "english": "He looks kind of different to how I imagined."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 你是索·格瑞拉", "english": "Okay. So you're Saw Gerrera?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索·格瑞拉", "english": "Saw Gerrera?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是", "english": "No?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們這是在浪費時間", "english": "Okay, we're just wasting time that we don't have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須見索·格瑞拉 我說了很多遍了", "english": "I need to speak to Saw Gerrera. I keep telling them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能再耽誤了", "english": "Before it's too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們在荒郊野外幹什麼", "english": "We're out here in the middle of nowhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們 我們必須去傑達城裡", "english": "We need to get to Jedha City."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有緊急情報 你們懂不懂", "english": "What part of \"urgent message\" do you guys not understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是自己人", "english": "We are all on the same side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們別只看制服不看人呐", "english": "If you just see past the uniform for a minute."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼了", "english": "What now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道 肯定是要再接人", "english": "I don't know. Must be another pickup."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以為人都齊了", "english": "I thought we had everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全了 長官", "english": "All clear, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利克 莉安娜·哈利克", "english": "Hallik! Liana Hallik!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是她", "english": "Her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想離開這兒嗎", "english": "You wanna get out of here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 帶上我", "english": "Hey! What about me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我鑰匙 給我鑰匙", "english": "Give me the keys! Give me the keys!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要祝賀你 你被營救了", "english": "Congratulations. You are being rescued."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請你不要再抵抗", "english": "Please do not resist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自稱是叫什麼 莉安娜·哈利克", "english": "You're currently calling yourself Liana Hallik."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是這樣嗎", "english": "Is that correct?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並且犯有故意傷害 潛逃", "english": "Aggravated assault. Escape from custody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有拒捕的罪行", "english": "Resisting arrest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果帝國當局知道你的真實身份", "english": "Imagine if the Imperial authorities had found out..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會怎麼樣 琴·厄索", "english": "who you really were, Jyn Erso."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這才是你的真實名字吧", "english": "That is your given name, is it not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴·厄索 父親是蓋倫·厄索", "english": "Jyn Erso, daughter of Galen Erso?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "與帝國合作的武器研發專家", "english": "A known Imperial collaborator in weapons development."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們想怎樣", "english": "What is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給你個重新開始的機會", "english": "It's a chance for you to make a fresh start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你或許能幫助我們", "english": "We think you might be able to help us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這位是凱西亞·安多上尉 義軍情報員", "english": "This is Captain Cassian Andor, Rebel Intelligence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上一次聯繫你父親是什麼時候", "english": "When was the last time you were in contact with your father?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你知道他這些年的行蹤嗎", "english": "Any idea where he's been all that time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我寧可當他死了", "english": "I like to think he's dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那樣對我更好", "english": "Makes things easier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼這麼想", "english": "Easier than what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "免得他成為帝國戰爭的工具", "english": "That he's been a tool of the Imperial war machine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我從來就對政治不感興趣", "english": "I've never had the luxury of political opinions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上一次聯繫索·格瑞拉是什麼時候", "english": "When was your last contact with Saw Gerrera?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已經很久以前了", "english": "It's been a long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是他卻記得你", "english": "But he'll remember you, though."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你去拜訪他 他可能會見你", "english": "He might agree to meet you, if you came as a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "時間不等讓人 如果你不說你從哪兒來", "english": "We're up against the clock here, girl, so if there's nothing to talk about,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們就送你回哪兒去", "english": "we'll just put you back where we found you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我小的時候索·格瑞拉救了我 把我養大", "english": "I was a child. Saw Gerrera saved my life. He raised me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多年沒有見了", "english": "But I have no idea where he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道他在哪兒", "english": "I haven't seen him in years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們能找到他", "english": "We know how to find him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個不用擔心", "english": "That's not our problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們現在需要的是", "english": "What we need is someone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人把我們活著領進門", "english": "who gets us through the door without being killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們不都是起義軍嗎", "english": "You're all rebels, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 但索·格瑞拉是極端分子", "english": "Yes, but Saw Gerrera is an extremist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他單打獨鬥 早就脫離了義軍同盟", "english": "He's been fighting on his own since he broke with the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已經為義軍同盟製造了很多麻煩", "english": "a great many problems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們現在沒有選擇 只能想辦法", "english": "We have no choice now but to try"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和他重歸於好", "english": "and mend that broken trust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這跟我父親有什麼關係吧", "english": "What does this have to do with my father?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一名帝國飛行員叛逃了 在傑達", "english": "There's an Imperial defector in Jedha. A pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "落在了索·格瑞拉的手裡", "english": "He's been held by Saw Gerrera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說皇帝在建造一種武器", "english": "He's claiming the Emperor is creating a weapon"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "威力足以摧毀整個行星", "english": "with the power to destroy entire planets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "據飛行員說 是你父親派他來的", "english": "The pilot says he was sent by your father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須要在武器完工前摧毀它", "english": "We need to stop this weapon before it is finished."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安多上尉的任務 是證實飛行員的情報", "english": "Captain Andor's mission is to authenticate the pilot's story."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並盡可能找到你父親", "english": "And then, if possible, find your father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父親是研發這座超級武器的核心成員", "english": "It appears he is critical to the development of this super weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你跟索也很熟悉", "english": "and your history with Saw,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們希望索能幫助我們找到你父親", "english": "we're hoping that he will help us locate your father"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他在參議院提供證詞", "english": "and return him to the Senate for testimony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我答應呢", "english": "And if I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會讓你重獲自由", "english": "We'll make sure you go free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安多上尉", "english": "Captain Andor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是被重新程式設計的帝國機器人", "english": "I'm a reprogrammed Imperial droid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我應該記得你", "english": "I remember you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "委員會指派你和我們一起去傑達", "english": "I see the Council is sending you with us to Jedha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說的沒錯", "english": "Apparently so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這其實是個壞主意", "english": "That is a bad idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 凱西亞也知道", "english": "I think so, and so does Cassian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我懂什麼", "english": "What do I know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是一個戰略分析員", "english": "My specialty is just strategic analysis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫是帝國武器項目的關鍵人物", "english": "Galen Erso is vital to the Empire's weapons program."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忘掉我剛才說的話", "english": "Forget what you heard in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有什麼營救計畫", "english": "There will be no extraction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到他", "english": "You find him..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "殺了他", "english": "you kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就地執行", "english": "Then and there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很直接", "english": "Charming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的電子腦想到什麼就說什麼", "english": "He tends to say whatever comes into his circuits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看 是重新程式設計的副作用", "english": "It's a byproduct of the reprogram."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼她有槍而我沒有", "english": "Why does she get a blaster and I don't?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怕的就是這個 把槍給我", "english": "That's what I'm afraid of. Give it to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要去傑達", "english": "We're going to Jedha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那裡是戰區", "english": "That's a war zone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個不是重點 你從哪兒拿的", "english": "That's not the point. Where'd you get it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找的", "english": "I found it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回答含糊其辭 難以信服", "english": "I find that answer vague and unconvincing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信任是相互的", "english": "Trust goes both ways."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你允許她帶槍", "english": "You're letting her keep it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她朝你開槍的概率", "english": "of her using it against you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高", "english": "It's high."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走吧", "english": "Let's get going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相當的高", "english": "It's very high."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "騙子", "english": "Lies!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我看", "english": "Let's see it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菩提·魯克 貨船飛行員", "english": "\"Bodhi Rook. Cargo pilot.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我聽見了", "english": "Okay. I can hear you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是他抓住的 是我自願來的 我叛逃了", "english": "He didn't capture me. I came here myself. I defected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛逃了", "english": "I defected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天都在撒謊", "english": "Every day, more lies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撒謊 我冒生命危險就是為了撒謊嗎", "english": "Lies? Would I risk everything for a lie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我們沒時間了", "english": "No, we don't have time for this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須立刻見到索·格瑞拉 否則就晚了", "english": "I have to speak to Saw Gerrera before it's too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 就是", "english": "Sorry, you're..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃", "english": "Um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是給你的", "english": "That's for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我主動交給他們的", "english": "And I gave it to them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是他們搜的", "english": "They did not find it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫·厄索", "english": "Uh, Galen Erso."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他派我來找你的", "english": "He told me to find you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博·加里特", "english": "Bor Gullet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博·加里特", "english": "Uh, Bor Gullet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 不", "english": "What? Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫·厄索派我來的", "english": "Galen Erso sent me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他讓我來找你的", "english": "He told me to find you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑達發生了洩密事件 科倫尼克總監", "english": "the security breach on Jedha, Director Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工程屢屢延誤 保密工作又出漏洞", "english": "After so many setbacks and delays, and now this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽說此事已經傳得滿城風雨了", "english": "We've heard word of rumors circulating through the city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那個逃跑的貨船飛行員", "english": "Apparently, you've lost"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還真是口無遮攔", "english": "a rather talkative cargo pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果參議院得知這個項目", "english": "If the Senate gets wind of our project,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "無數星系都會倒向叛軍", "english": "countless systems will flock to the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等這個戰鬥太空站一竣工 塔金總督", "english": "When the battle station is finished, Governor Tarkin..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就不用擔心參議院了", "english": "the Senate will be of little concern."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能等了 科倫尼克總監", "english": "When has become now, Director Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皇帝無法再容忍任何延誤", "english": "The Emperor will tolerate no further delay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在的形勢對叛軍越來越有利了", "english": "You have made time an ally of the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建議一舉解決兩個問題", "english": "I suggest we solve both problems simultaneously..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們現在馬上進行武器的測試", "english": "with an immediate test of the weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果測試失敗的話", "english": "Failure will find you explaining why"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要去向陛下親自謝罪", "english": "to a far less patient audience."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會失敗的", "english": "I will not fail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼了 琴 不要害怕", "english": "What's the matter, Jyn? You look frightened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會永遠保護你", "english": "I'll always protect you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星辰", "english": "Stardust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勿忘初心", "english": "Don't ever change."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信", "english": "Trust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫", "english": "Galen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在進入軌道 你來駕駛", "english": "We're coming into orbit. You have controls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是傑達", "english": "That's Jedha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在的模樣", "english": "Or what's left of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到索 就能找到你父親", "english": "We find Saw, we find your father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什麼有殲星艦", "english": "What's with the Destroyer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為你的老朋友 索·格瑞拉", "english": "It's because of your old friend, Saw Gerrera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他襲擊了那些貨船隊", "english": "He's been attacking the cargo shipments."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們在運什麼", "english": "What are they bringing in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們是在掠奪礦石", "english": "It's what are they taking out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱伯水晶 有多少搶多少", "english": "Kyber crystal. All they can get."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原本不明白他們為什麼要掠奪聖殿", "english": "We wondered why they were stripping the temple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在知道了", "english": "Now we know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是武器的能量來源", "english": "It's the fuel for the weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父親正在建造的武器", "english": "The weapon your father's building."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也許我們應該把那個活靶子留下", "english": "Maybe we should leave target practice behind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是在指我嗎", "english": "Are you talking about me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她說得對 我們得掩人耳目", "english": "She's right. We need to blend in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你留在船上", "english": "Stay with the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以掩人耳目 我是帝國機器人", "english": "I can blend in. I'm an Imperial droid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是帝國佔領這座城市", "english": "The city is under Imperial occupation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裡有一半人想給你重新程式設計", "english": "Half the people here wanna reprogram you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另一半想在你頭上開個洞", "english": "The other half wanna put a hole in your head."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說你這麼關心我 有什麼企圖嗎", "english": "I'm surprised you're so concerned with my safety."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不關心", "english": "I'm not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是擔心 他們要是沒瞄準 打中了我", "english": "I'm just worried they might miss you and hit me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽起來倒不是件壞事", "english": "Doesn't sound so bad to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博·加里特", "english": "Bor Gullet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以感知", "english": "can feel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的想法", "english": "your thoughts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不說謊 你就沒事", "english": "No lie is safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的真實意圖是什麼 貨船飛行員", "english": "What have you really brought me, cargo pilot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博·加里特會發現真相", "english": "Bor Gullet will know the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可惜有個副作用 測試的對象", "english": "The unfortunate side effect is that one tends..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "常常會發瘋的", "english": "to lose one's mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你給我小心一點兒", "english": "You just watch yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 別 別", "english": "Wait. No, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 抱歉", "english": "Sorry, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不是故意的 抱歉", "english": "We don't want any trouble. Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 快走", "english": "Come on. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑達的市民們", "english": "Citizens of Jedha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有發現失蹤飛行員的線索", "english": "You must come forward with information"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有個線人", "english": "I had a contact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是索的手下", "english": "One of Saw's Rebels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他最近失蹤了", "english": "But he's just gone missing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的姐姐一直在找他", "english": "His sister will be looking for him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他姐姐會在被毀的聖殿裡等他", "english": "The temple's been destroyed, but she'll be there waiting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會告訴她你的名字", "english": "We'll give her your name"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望他能帶我們見到索", "english": "and hope that gets us a meeting with Saw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望", "english": "Hope?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對 起義都建立在希望之上", "english": "Yeah. Rebellions are built on hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把手放在頭上", "english": "Hands where I can see them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到那邊去", "english": "Get over there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我看看身份證 進去搜", "english": "Show me some identification. Check inside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是你的飛行員惹的事", "english": "Is this all because of your pilot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "願他人的原力與你同在", "english": "May the Force of others be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我一下", "english": "Wait for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "願他人的原力與你同在", "english": "May the Force of others be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "願他人的原力與你同在", "english": "May the Force of others be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你願意用那條項鍊換一個預知命運的機會嗎", "english": "Would you trade that necklace for a glimpse into your future?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在和你說話", "english": "I'm speaking to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是奇魯·英威", "english": "I'm Chirrut Imwe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼知道我戴著項鍊", "english": "How did you know I was wearing a necklace?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想知道你得花錢", "english": "For that answer, you must pay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞭解凱伯水晶嗎", "english": "What do you know about kyber crystals?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父親說", "english": "My father, he..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它為絕地武士的光劍提供能量", "english": "He said they powered the Jedi's lightsabers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點兒 該走了", "english": "Come on. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最強的星星有凱伯水晶之心", "english": "The strongest stars have hearts of kyber."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不是來這兒交朋友的", "english": "We're not here to make friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們是誰", "english": "Who are they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們是這裡的守衛", "english": "The Guardians of the Whills."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱伯聖殿的保護者", "english": "Protectors of the Kyber Temple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可這裡已經沒有什麼值得保護了", "english": "But there's nothing left to protect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們現在也只會惹事生非", "english": "So now they're just causing trouble for everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼突然緊張起來了", "english": "You seem awfully tense all of a sudden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得快走 這個地方 就要炸翻天了", "english": "We have to hurry. This town is ready to blow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帝國的公民們", "english": "Citizens of the Empire..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帝國軍隊堅持不懈地打擊", "english": "Imperial forces tirelessly fight"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索·格瑞拉的恐怖活動", "english": "Saw Gerrera's reign of terror..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正是由於帝國軍隊的努力", "english": "over the people of this beloved city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才得以保衛這座重要的城鎮", "english": "Truth and justice are the tools of the Empire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你應該有備用計畫吧", "english": "Tell me you have a backup plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "偷襲", "english": "Incoming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看來找到索的起義軍了", "english": "Looks like we found Saw's rebels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在上面", "english": "Up there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別去", "english": "Jyn, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞄準他們", "english": "Hit the terrorist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點回來", "english": "Get out of there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱伯水晶", "english": "Kyber..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快來", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走這邊", "english": "This way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱西亞", "english": "Cassian!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道那不是我嗎", "english": "Did you know that wasn't me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 當然", "english": "Yeah. Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我記得我讓你待在船上的", "english": "I thought I told you to stay on the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒錯 但我覺得很無聊", "english": "You did. But I thought it was boring,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且你們有麻煩了", "english": "and you were in trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對於兩個要掩人耳目的人來說", "english": "There were a lot of explosions..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說得對", "english": "You're right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是應該待在船上", "english": "I should just wait on the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站住 站那兒別動", "english": "Halt. Stop right there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你帶這些囚犯去哪兒", "english": "Where are you taking these prisoners?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些是囚犯", "english": "These are prisoners."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對 你帶他們去哪兒", "english": "Yes. Where are you taking them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要帶他們去 關押他們的監獄", "english": "I am taking them to imprison them in prison."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要再囉嗦 我就好好收拾你", "english": "And there's a fresh one if you mouth off again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指給我正確的方向就行", "english": "If you could just point me in the right direction,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能押送他們", "english": "I can take them, I'm sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能帶走他們", "english": "You can't take them away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 待著別動", "english": "You. Stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要檢查你的系統", "english": "We need to check your diagnostics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "檢查我的系統", "english": "Diagnostics?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我完全可以自己檢查自己", "english": "I'm capable of running my own diagnostics,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你的好意了", "english": "thank you very much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們走吧", "english": "Let them pass in peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說讓他們走", "english": "Let them pass in peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在", "english": "The Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我與原力同在", "english": "And I am with the Force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我無所畏懼", "english": "And I fear nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都是原力的意願", "english": "For all is as the Force wills it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 站住別動", "english": "Hey, stop right there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他看不見", "english": "He's blind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他聾了嗎", "english": "Is he deaf?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說了 你不許動", "english": "I said stop right there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的腳沒事吧", "english": "Is your foot all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你差點打中我", "english": "You almost shot me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用客氣", "english": "You're welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全部消滅", "english": "Clear of hostiles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是自己人", "english": "They're all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱西亞 抱歉我打了你", "english": "Cassian, I'm sorry about the slap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回船上去 等候我的命令", "english": "Go back to the ship. Wait for my call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是絕地", "english": "Is he a Jedi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裡沒有絕地了", "english": "There are no Jedi here anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只剩下幾個傻瓜 就像他", "english": "Only dreamers like this fool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力保佑了我", "english": "The Force did protect me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我保佑了你", "english": "I protected you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能帶我們見索·格瑞拉嗎", "english": "Can you get us to Saw Gerrera?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看清楚了 我們可不是帝國的朋友", "english": "Can't you see? We are no friends of the Empire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你們殺了我和我的朋友", "english": "Anyone who kills me or my friends"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會被索·格瑞拉問罪的", "english": "will answer to Saw Gerrera."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為我是蓋倫·厄索的女兒", "english": "Because I'm the daughter of Galen Erso."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開玩笑嗎 我是個盲人", "english": "Are you kidding me? I'm blind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "念咒", "english": "You pray?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的假的", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "念咒能把門念開", "english": "He's praying for the door to open."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人煩 是因為他怕我成功", "english": "It bothers him because he knows it's possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "貝茲·瑪彪斯曾經比我們所有的人都虔誠得多", "english": "Baze Malbus was once the most devoted Guardian of us all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得原力和我的意志根本不相吻合", "english": "I'm beginning to think the Force and I have different priorities."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放鬆點兒 上尉", "english": "Relax, Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們進過更糟糕的監獄", "english": "We've been in worse cages than this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可是第一次", "english": "This is the first for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "監獄有很多種形式 上尉", "english": "There is more than one sort of prison, Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得你心裡就有一座", "english": "I sense that you carry yours wherever you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的是你", "english": "Is it really you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "簡直難以置信", "english": "I can't believe it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是大吃一驚", "english": "Must be quite a surprise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們還是朋友", "english": "Are we not still friends?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你給了我一把刀一把槍", "english": "you gave me a knife and loaded blaster..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我在地堡裡等到天亮", "english": "and told me to wait in a bunker till daylight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你不會有事", "english": "I knew you were safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你丟下我跑了", "english": "You left me behind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那時已經是我最出色的部下", "english": "You were already the best soldier in my cadre."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拋棄了我", "english": "You dumped me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道 你父親是帝國的科學家", "english": "You were the daughter of an Imperial science officer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人猜出了你的身世", "english": "People were starting to figure that out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們會把你當做 當做人質的", "english": "People who wanted to use you as a hostage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天我都在", "english": "Not a day goes by..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是沒想到", "english": "But today..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會是今天", "english": "of all days..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是個圈套", "english": "It's a trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對吧", "english": "Isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個飛行員", "english": "The pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那條信息", "english": "The message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這一切", "english": "All of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "難道 你是", "english": "Did they send you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他們派來", "english": "Did you come here..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "殺我的", "english": "to kill me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已經是半死的人", "english": "There's not much of me left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同盟想找我父親", "english": "The Alliance wants my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "據說他給你發了一份武器情報", "english": "They think he sent you a message about a weapon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他們派我來", "english": "I guess they think by sending me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是希望你能幫助他們", "english": "you might actually help them out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你想得到什麼 琴", "english": "So what is it that you want, Jyn?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們讓我做的事 我做了", "english": "They wanted an introduction, they've got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要走了", "english": "I'm out now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剩下的事你們自己商量", "english": "Rest of you can do what you want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你放棄了我們的事業", "english": "You care not about the cause?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們的事業", "english": "The cause?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你別傻了", "english": "Seriously?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起義軍 不管是", "english": "the rebels, whatever it is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加上什麼冠冕堂皇的名詞", "english": "you're calling yourself these days..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能帶給我痛苦", "english": "all it's ever brought me is pain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你馬上就能看到帝國旗幟", "english": "You can stand to see the Imperial flag"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "插遍整個銀河系", "english": "reign across the galaxy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不抬頭看不就行了", "english": "It's not a problem if you don't look up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給你看樣東西", "english": "I have something to show you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來", "english": "Come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皇帝一直在等我的報告", "english": "The Emperor is awaiting my report."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還以為陛下會和維德大人", "english": "One would hope that he and Lord Vader"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想讓你當眾出醜", "english": "from any potential embarrassment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的擔心幾乎沒有必要", "english": "Your concern's hardly warranted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只是你一個人的看法", "english": "If saying it would only make it so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有的帝國部隊都已經撤離了", "english": "All Imperial forces have been evacuated..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我隨時可以摧毀整顆衛星", "english": "and I stand ready to destroy the entire moon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要的是火力演示 不是全國通告", "english": "We need a statement, not a manifesto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "僅摧毀聖城就足夠了", "english": "The Holy City will be enough for today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞄準傑達城", "english": "Target Jedha City."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備單反應堆點火", "english": "Prepare single reactor ignition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官 已經就位 我們", "english": "Sir, we're in position..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開火", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啟動主點火程式", "english": "Commence primary ignition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "隔壁牢房是誰", "english": "Who's the one in the next cell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪兒", "english": "Where?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個帝國的飛行員", "english": "An Imperial pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退後 退後", "english": "Back off! Back off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 沒事了", "english": "Okay, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是飛行員", "english": "Are you the pilot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 嗨", "english": "Hey. Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是那個貨船飛行員嗎", "english": "Are you the pilot? The shuttle pilot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛行員", "english": "Pilot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎麼了", "english": "What's wrong with him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫·厄索", "english": "Galen Erso."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你認識他嗎", "english": "You know that name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我帶來了資訊 我是飛行員", "english": "I brought the message. I'm the pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是飛行員", "english": "I'm the pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是飛行員", "english": "I'm the pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是嗎 太好了", "english": "Okay. Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那麼蓋倫·厄索在哪兒", "english": "Now where is Galen Erso?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備就緒", "english": "Stand by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是我收到的資訊", "english": "This is the message I was sent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索 如果你看到這條資訊", "english": "Saw, if you are watching this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能還有機會去挽救同盟", "english": "then perhaps there's a chance to save the Alliance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有機會讓我進行自我辯解", "english": "Perhaps there's a chance to explain myself..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雖然我不敢抱太大的希望", "english": "and, though I don't dare hope for too much..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能有機會救琴 如果她還活著", "english": "a chance for Jyn, if she's alive..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能找到她的話", "english": "if you can possibly find her..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請你告訴她 我對她的愛從來沒有改變過", "english": "to let her know that my love for her has never faded..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我始終在思念著她", "english": "and how desperately I've missed her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴 我的星塵", "english": "Jyn, my Stardust..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不敢想像你會怎麼看我", "english": "I can't imagine what you think of me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被帶走的時候 承受著痛苦的事實", "english": "When I was taken, I faced some bitter truths."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科倫尼克很快會抓住你", "english": "Krennic would have you as well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "後來我不斷地想", "english": "As time went by..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也許躲過了他們的搜捕", "english": "or so well hidden that he would never find you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道如果我拒絕合作 如果我自殺", "english": "I knew if I had refused to work, if I took my own life..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那麼用不了多久 科倫尼克就會發現", "english": "it would only be a matter of time before Krennic realized..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有我 他也能完成項目", "english": "he no longer needed me to complete the project."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是有件事他沒有想到", "english": "So I did the one thing nobody expected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我騙了他", "english": "I lied."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我學會了欺騙", "english": "I learned to lie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我扮演著絕望潦倒的角色", "english": "I played the part of a beaten man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠工作來麻醉自己", "english": "resigned to the sanctuary of his work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我讓自己變得不可或缺", "english": "I made myself indispensable..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同時 還埋下了復仇的種子", "english": "and all the while, I laid the groundwork of my revenge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們叫它 死星", "english": "We call it the Death Star."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這座名副其實的死亡行星", "english": "There is no better name..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在系統深處設計了一個漏洞", "english": "I've placed a weakness deep within the system..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個小到他們無法找到的致命缺陷", "english": "a flaw so small and powerful, they will never find it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 琴", "english": "But, Jyn..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能聽到 我的愛女", "english": "Jyn, if you're listening, my beloved..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的一生已經白白耗盡了", "english": "so much of my life has been wasted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才敢想起你 一想到失去你", "english": "because the pain of not having you with me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你母親 我們的家庭", "english": "your mother, our family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那種痛苦刻骨銘心", "english": "The pain of that loss is so overwhelming..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我現在仍然難以承受", "english": "I risk failing even now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我又怎麼能不想你呢", "english": "It's just so hard not to think of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底在什麼地方", "english": "Think of where you are..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的星塵", "english": "my Stardust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索", "english": "Saw..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反應堆模組是關鍵部位", "english": "the reactor module, that's the key."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在那裡設計了陷阱", "english": "That's the place I've laid my trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它很隱蔽 但很不穩定", "english": "It's well hidden and unstable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要局部發生爆炸 就會摧毀整座太空站", "english": "One blast to any part of it will destroy the entire station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要設計圖", "english": "You'll need the plans..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有了死星結構設計圖 才能找到反應堆", "english": "the structural plans for the Death Star, to find the reactor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道斯卡裡夫的塔堡資料庫裡", "english": "I know there's a complete engineering archive..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "存有一套完整的工程檔案", "english": "in the data vault at the Citadel Tower on Scarif."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反應堆模組的高壓一旦爆炸", "english": "Any pressurized explosion to the reactor module..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就會觸發連鎖反應 摧毀整座太空站", "english": "will set off a chain reaction that will destroy the entire station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走 走", "english": "Go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "終於說話了", "english": "There you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直在等待你的命令", "english": "I'm standing by as you requested..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你猜我看到了什麼 凱西亞", "english": "although there's a problem on the horizon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "消失的地平線", "english": "There's no horizon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "標記我們的方位 把船開過來 快", "english": "Locate our position. Bring that ship in here, now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要去哪兒", "english": "Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去找琴", "english": "I gotta find Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶上飛行員 我們需要他", "english": "Get the pilot, we need him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛行員交給我了", "english": "I'll get the pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛行員", "english": "Pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別 別 別", "english": "No, no, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我走", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得走了", "english": "We gotta go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你父親在哪兒了", "english": "I know where your father is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟他走 琴", "english": "Go with him, Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點走", "english": "You must go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我們走吧", "english": "Come with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不會再逃跑了", "english": "I will run no longer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒時間了", "english": "There's no time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拯救義軍", "english": "Save the Rebellion!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拯救夢想", "english": "Save the dream."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 太美了", "english": "Oh, it's beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇魯 快走", "english": "Chirrut, let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快離開這兒", "english": "Let's get out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快離開這兒", "english": "Get us out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Punch it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們的存活機率不太樂觀", "english": "I'm not very optimistic about our odds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "閉嘴 K", "english": "Not now, K."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點兒", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加速", "english": "Punch it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我還沒有完成運算", "english": "I haven't completed my calculations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我來幫你算", "english": "I'll make them for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我應該向你道歉 科倫尼克總監", "english": "I believe I owe you an apology, Director Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的成果完全超出了預期", "english": "Your work exceeds all expectations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會如實稟報皇帝嗎", "english": "And you'll tell the Emperor as much?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會告訴他 對你頻頻失誤的耐心", "english": "I will tell him that his patience with your misadventures..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一種可以迅速終止叛亂的武器", "english": "that will bring a swift end to the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是這還只是它全部實力的", "english": "And that that was only an inkling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一點鋒芒而已", "english": "of its destructive potential."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還將告訴他 我會立即接管", "english": "I will tell him that I will be taking control over the weapon..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個多年以前 我最先提議建造的武器", "english": "I first spoke of years ago effective immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這一切 根本就是我的成就", "english": "We stand here amidst my achievement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是你的", "english": "Not yours!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想最近的安全性漏洞已經暴露了", "english": "I'm afraid the recent security breaches..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漏洞我已經補上了", "english": "The breaches have been filled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑達也已經被消滅了", "english": "Jedha has been silenced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那個飛行員並非擅自行動", "english": "You think this pilot acted alone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已經查清楚了 他來自伊杜基地", "english": "He was dispatched from the installation on Eadu..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫·厄索的研究中心", "english": "Galen Erso's facility."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會搞清的", "english": "Oh, we'll see about this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安多上尉的加密信息 長官", "english": "A coded message from Captain Andor, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "武器情報屬實", "english": "\"Weapon confirmed.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑達已經被摧毀", "english": "\"Jedha destroyed.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任務目標位於伊杜 請指示", "english": "\"Mission target located on Eadu, please advise.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被摧毀", "english": "Destroyed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回電", "english": "Proceed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴他原來的命令維持不變", "english": "Tell him my orders still stand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必須讓他加快速度", "english": "Tell him to proceed with haste..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嚴格執行計畫", "english": "and keep to the plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不知道他還在為帝國建造什麼", "english": "We have no idea what he's building for the Empire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必須抓住機會 除掉蓋倫·厄索", "english": "We have to kill Galen Erso while we have the chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "貝茲 告訴我", "english": "Baze, tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全沒了嗎", "english": "All of it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整座城市", "english": "The whole city?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴我", "english": "Tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全沒了", "english": "All of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白了", "english": "Understood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們現在前往伊杜", "english": "Set course for Eadu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在設定航線", "english": "Setting course for Eadu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父親在那兒嗎", "english": "Is that where my father is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信是", "english": "I think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是蓋倫的女兒", "english": "So you're Galen's daughter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你認識他", "english": "You know him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是菩提 那個飛行員", "english": "I am Bodhi, the pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "資訊是你帶來的", "english": "You brought the message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父親", "english": "Your father..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他跟我說可以將功補過", "english": "he said I could get right by myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他說我可以糾正錯誤", "english": "He said I could make it right..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要我聽從自己", "english": "if I was brave enough..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在已經晚了", "english": "Guess it was too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在還不晚", "english": "It wasn't too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對我來說 的確是太晚了", "english": "Seems pretty late to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們可以打敗那些兇手", "english": "We can beat the people who did this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父親的資訊 我看到了", "english": "My father's message, I've seen it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們叫它死星", "english": "They call it the Death Star."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是他們不知道", "english": "But they have no idea..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死星有個弱點", "english": "there's a way to defeat it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你冤枉了我父親", "english": "You're wrong about my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反正是他造的", "english": "He did build it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為他知道有沒有他都一樣", "english": "Because he knew they'd do it without him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父親做了決定", "english": "My father made a choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為起義軍他不惜犧牲自己", "english": "He sacrificed himself for the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在武器上設計了陷阱", "english": "He's rigged a trap inside it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他派你來傳遞資訊", "english": "That's why he sent you, to bring that message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪兒", "english": "Where is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信息在哪兒", "english": "Where's the message?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一段全息錄影", "english": "It was a hologram."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿到信息了 對嗎", "english": "You have that message, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當時情況緊急", "english": "Everything happened so fast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看過嗎", "english": "Did you see it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不相信我", "english": "You don't believe me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要說服的人不是我", "english": "I'm not the one you've got to convince."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信她", "english": "I believe her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那她得謝謝你", "english": "That's good to know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什麼樣的陷阱", "english": "What kind of trap?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說你爸爸設了個陷阱", "english": "You said your father made a trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反應堆 他設計了一個結構缺陷", "english": "The reactor. He's placed a weakness there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他隱瞞了多年", "english": "He's been hiding it for years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你炸掉反應堆模組", "english": "He said if you can blow the reactor,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整個系統就會崩潰", "english": "the module, the whole system goes down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須報告同盟", "english": "You need to send word to the Alliance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我剛報告過", "english": "I've done that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們必須知道有辦法摧毀武器", "english": "They have to know there's a way to destroy this thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必須去斯卡裡夫竊取設計圖", "english": "They have to go to Scarif to get the plans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能冒險發送資訊", "english": "I can't risk sending that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們已經深入帝國境內了", "english": "We're in the heart of Imperial territory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我們應該去救他回來", "english": "Then we'll find him and bring him back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他可以親自告訴他們", "english": "And he can tell them himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊杜航線設定完畢 長官", "english": "Course set for Eadu, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我與原力同在 原力與我同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再低一點兒 低一點兒", "english": "Lower, lower, lower. Lower!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你確定是這個方向嗎", "english": "Are you sure this is the way?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有戰鬥機巡邏", "english": "They have patrol squadrons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須在低空飛行", "english": "You've got to stay in the canyon. Keep it low."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心右邊", "english": "Watch your right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們還有多遠", "english": "How much farther?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道 不確定 我沒去過那條路線", "english": "I don't know, I'm not sure. I never really come this way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很近了 我知道很近了", "english": "But we're close, we're close. I know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想知道 謝謝", "english": "I don't wanna know. Thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我懂你", "english": "I understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "降落 趕快降落", "english": "Now! Put it down, now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "風太大", "english": "The wind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再往前 我們就飛過穿梭機站了", "english": "If you keep going, you'll be right over the shuttle depot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家抓緊", "english": "Hold on tight!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要迫降了", "english": "We're coming down hard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "繼續呼叫", "english": "Try them again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遵命 長官 可是", "english": "I am, sir. We..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們信號消失了", "english": "The signal's gone dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戰鬥機起飛", "english": "Squadron up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目標 伊杜", "english": "Target Eadu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼樣 檢查了穩定器", "english": "How about now? Check stabilizers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菩提 實驗室在哪兒", "english": "Bodhi, where's the lab?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你問研究中心嗎", "english": "The research facility?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對 在哪兒", "english": "Yeah. Where is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "翻過那座山就是", "english": "It's just over that ridge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們正前方應該是一個穿梭機站", "english": "That's a shuttle depot straight ahead of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但願我們能", "english": "We'll have to hope"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從那裡偷出一艘帝國飛船", "english": "there's still an Imperial ship left to steal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的計畫是這樣的", "english": "Here's what we're doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "風暴暫時還不會停 正好可以掩護我們", "english": "Hopefully the storm keeps up and keeps us hidden down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菩提 你跟我一起走", "english": "Bodhi, you're coming with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們去山脊上查看情況", "english": "We'll go up the ridge and check it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們跟你們一起去", "english": "I'm coming with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 你父親的資訊", "english": "No, your father's message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是送信人 你不能冒險", "english": "We can't risk it. You're the messenger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這算什麼邏輯 我們大家都知道", "english": "That's ridiculous, we all got the message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要我們炸掉反應堆模組", "english": "\"One blast to the reactor module"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整個系統就會崩潰", "english": "\"and the whole system goes down.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是你說的 整個系統就會崩潰", "english": "That's how you said it, \"The whole system goes down.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去檢查通訊器", "english": "Get to work fixing our comms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我現在只想知道 我們當前到底是什麼處境", "english": "All I want to do right now is get a handle on what we're up against."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我們得小心翼翼地爬上山", "english": "So we're gonna go very small and very careful up the rise..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去觀察敵情", "english": "and see what's what."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他長得像殺人犯嗎", "english": "Does he look like a killer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不像 我看他沒殺過人", "english": "No. He has the face of a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們在說誰呢", "english": "Who are you talking about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安多上尉", "english": "Captain Andor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼意思", "english": "Why'd you ask that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你為什麼問他 像不像殺人犯", "english": "What do you mean, \"Does he look like a killer?\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想要行兇的人", "english": "The Force moves darkly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "周圍的原力會變得陰暗", "english": "near a creature that's about to kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的武器現在處於狙擊模式", "english": "His weapon was in the sniper configuration."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這兒不行 我們要繼續往上", "english": "No, no, no. We've got to go up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裡根本看不清楚", "english": "You can't see much from down there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走這邊", "english": "This way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在你後面", "english": "I'll be right behind you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你上哪兒去", "english": "Where are you going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去跟著琴", "english": "I'm gonna follow Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的蹤跡很清晰", "english": "Her path is clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自己", "english": "Alone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你好運", "english": "Good luck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不需要好運 有你呢", "english": "I don't need luck. I have you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們在幹嘛", "english": "What are they doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果凱西亞回來 可不會等他們的", "english": "If Cassian comes back, we're leaving without them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能看見厄索嗎", "english": "You see Erso out there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走得太遠了", "english": "We've come too far."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耐心點兒 朋友", "english": "Patience, my friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他", "english": "That's him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫·厄索 深色衣服", "english": "That's him. Galen, in the dark suit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你下山去 趕快找一艘飛船", "english": "Get back down there and find us a ride outta here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要幹什麼", "english": "Well, what are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別管我", "english": "You heard me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說我們只是來看一眼的", "english": "You said we came up here just to have a look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我來了 我在看 快去", "english": "I'm here, I'm looking. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去", "english": "Hurry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有好消息 蓋倫", "english": "Excellent news, Galen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戰鬥太空站已經竣工了", "english": "The battle station is complete."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定非常自豪", "english": "You must be very proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是應該的 科倫尼克", "english": "Proud as I can be, Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "召集工程師 我有事宣佈", "english": "Gather your engineers. I have an announcement."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到齊了嗎", "english": "Is that all of them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "齊了", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生們 你們中間", "english": "Gentlemen, one of you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人背叛了帝國", "english": "betrayed the Empire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人居然串通了一名飛行員", "english": "One of you has conspired with a pilot..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向叛軍洩露情報", "english": "to send messages to the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我奉勸這個叛徒", "english": "And I urge that traitor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立刻自首", "english": "step forward."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看來", "english": "Very well..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們是集體叛國了", "english": "I'll consider it a group effort then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "預備", "english": "Ready!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開火", "english": "And fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不", "english": "Stop! Stop! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科倫尼克 住手", "english": "Krennic, stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我幹的", "english": "It was me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我幹的", "english": "It was me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟他們沒有關係", "english": "They have nothing to do with it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放了他們", "english": "Spare them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開火", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是怎麼知道武器完工的", "english": "How do I know the weapon is complete?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想讓我來跟你分享一些細節嗎", "english": "Let me share with you some details."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱西安", "english": "Cassian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱西安 你能聽到嗎", "english": "Cassian, can you hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在 看來你修好了", "english": "I'm here. You've got it working?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "修是修好了 但我們有麻煩了", "english": "Affirmative, yes. Although we have a problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同盟戰鬥機中隊正在逼近 趕快撤離", "english": "There's an Alliance squadron approaching. Clear the area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不 不 不 讓他們停止攻擊", "english": "No, no, no, no! Tell them to hold off!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴在那個平臺上呢", "english": "Jyn's on that platform."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑達", "english": "Jedha..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索·格瑞拉 和他的極端組織", "english": "Saw Gerrera. His band of fanatics..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們的聖城", "english": "their Holy City..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些絕地最後的遺跡 都沒了", "english": "the last reminder of the Jedi, gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不會得逞的", "english": "You'll never win."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這話我聽著很耳熟", "english": "Now where have I heard that before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我代安多上尉轉達", "english": "Relay from Captain Andor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍", "english": "General."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安多上尉要求 暫緩戰鬥機支援", "english": "Captain Andor requesting a delay on squadron support."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現場有同盟軍成員 請回復", "english": "Alliance forces on site. Please confirm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呼叫中隊長 停止攻擊", "english": "Get the squadron leader on. Get him on now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已經開始了 長官", "english": "They're already engaged, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴 不", "english": "Jyn. No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開火還擊 進入戰鬥位置", "english": "Return fire! To your stations!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓戰機立即起飛", "english": "Get our fighters in the air now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸", "english": "Father!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撤退 撤退", "english": "Fall back! Fall back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總監 我們必須撤離", "english": "Director, we need to evacuate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 我是琴", "english": "Papa. Papa, it's me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我", "english": "It's Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的星塵", "english": "Stardust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸", "english": "Papa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到了你的資訊", "english": "I've seen your message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到了全息錄影", "english": "The hologram, I've seen it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須摧毀它", "english": "It must be destroyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 我會的", "english": "I know. I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們會的", "english": "We will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你", "english": "Look at you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有好多話要對你說", "english": "I have so much to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸", "english": "Papa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 爸爸", "english": "No! Papa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 你醒醒", "english": "Papa, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那兒 幹掉他們", "english": "Over there! Take 'em down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒 爸爸 醒醒", "english": "Come on. Papa. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴 我們得走了 快來", "english": "Jyn, we gotta go. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽我說 他死了", "english": "Listen to me, he's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什麼也做不了 快來", "english": "Nothing you can do. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不走", "english": "I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走", "english": "Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 快走", "english": "Come on! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幹得漂亮", "english": "Well done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也成起義軍了", "english": "You're a rebel now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 快點兒", "english": "Let's go! Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點兒 撤離基地", "english": "Come on, let's get out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快 快", "english": "Move, move, move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到了", "english": "Copy that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收住離子推進器 先飛出風暴區", "english": "Ion thrusters low until we've cleared the storm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你騙了我", "english": "You lied to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你別激動", "english": "You're in shock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是去殺我父親", "english": "You went up there to kill my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道你自己在說什麼嗎", "english": "You don't know what you're talking about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敢否認嗎", "english": "Deny it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你現在有點情緒激動 想發洩", "english": "You're in shock and looking for some place to put it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這種反應很正常", "english": "I've seen it before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不敢否認", "english": "I bet you have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對嗎", "english": "They know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你騙了我們 你為什麼來這兒 你為什麼一個人上山", "english": "You lied about why we came here and you lied about why you went up alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老實說 我完全有機會扣下扳機", "english": "I had every chance to pull the trigger..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我開槍了嗎", "english": "but did I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開了嗎", "english": "Did I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還不如開槍", "english": "You might as well have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父親掌握著重要情報", "english": "My father was living proof..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可你害了他", "english": "and you put him at risk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是同盟的炸彈炸死了他", "english": "Those were Alliance bombs that killed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有軍令在身", "english": "I had orders..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是我卻違抗了命令", "english": "orders that I disobeyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是不會明白這些的", "english": "But you wouldn't understand that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道", "english": "Orders?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是錯誤的命令", "english": "When you know they're wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟衝鋒隊有什麼區別", "english": "You might as well be a Stormtrooper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你懂什麼", "english": "What do you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們沒權利挑三揀四", "english": "We don't all have the luxury of deciding..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "選擇在乎什麼 不在乎什麼", "english": "when and where we want to care about something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才剛剛知道起義軍的真面目", "english": "Suddenly the Rebellion is real for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是親身經歷過", "english": "Some of us live it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這世上不是只有你失去了一切", "english": "You're not the only one who lost everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們決定了 一定要改變這個世界", "english": "Some of us just decided to do something about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這根本不是什麼理由", "english": "You can't talk your way around this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要理由", "english": "I don't have to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "確認他們知道我們開著偷來的船", "english": "Make sure they know we're coming in with a stolen ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰還有問題", "english": "Anybody else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大人 科倫尼克總監", "english": "My lord, Director Krennic..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已經到了", "english": "has arrived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科倫尼克總監", "english": "Director Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "維德大人", "english": "Lord Vader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你似乎有點緊張", "english": "You seem unsettled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是 日程緊張", "english": "just pressed for time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉打斷你", "english": "My apologies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的確有很多問題需要解釋", "english": "You do have a great many things to explain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我按照皇帝的要求交付了武器", "english": "I delivered the weapon the Emperor requested."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該 應該給我一個機會", "english": "I deserve an audience..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "確保皇帝陛下清楚地瞭解其全部的", "english": "to make certain that he understands its remarkable..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "難道這武器製造麻煩的威力還不夠大嗎", "english": "Its power to create problems has certainly been confirmed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一座城市被毀", "english": "A city destroyed..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一座帝國基地遭到襲擊", "english": "an Imperial facility openly attacked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是塔金總督建議試驗的", "english": "It was Governor Tarkin that suggested the test."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想聽你搖尾乞憐 科倫尼克總監", "english": "You were not summoned here to grovel, Director Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可 可是我", "english": "No..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本就沒有什麼死星", "english": "There is no Death Star."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們已經通知參議院", "english": "The Senate has been informed..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傑達完全毀於採礦事故", "english": "that Jedha was destroyed in a mining disaster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 大人", "english": "Yes, my lord."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你恪盡職守 儘快向皇帝證明", "english": "I expect you not to rest until you can assure the Emperor..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫·厄索沒有以任何方式", "english": "that Galen Erso has not compromised"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暗中破壞這座武器", "english": "this weapon in any way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我還擁有指揮權嗎", "english": "So I'm still in command?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您會向皇帝說明這些嗎", "english": "You'll speak to the Emperor about..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "記住 不要被野心卡住喉嚨", "english": "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科倫尼克總監", "english": "Director."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須解散艦隊", "english": "We must scatter the fleet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "投降是唯一的出路", "english": "We have no recourse but to surrender."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "難道我們費盡心血建立的一切", "english": "Are we really talking about disbanding something..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就這麼付之東流了嗎", "english": "that we've worked so hard to create?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們不能這麼屈服", "english": "We can't just give in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們加入的是同盟 不是自殺社團", "english": "We joined an alliance, not a suicide pact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們剛把部隊都集結起來", "english": "We've only now managed to gather our forces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "集結部隊", "english": "Gather our forces?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但瑞文將軍已經炸翻了一座帝國基地了", "english": "General Draven's already blown up an Imperial base."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須當機立斷", "english": "A decision needed to be made!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果想發動戰爭", "english": "If it's war you want..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自己去吧", "english": "you'll fight alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "既然如此 又何必建立同盟呢", "english": "If that's how it's going, why have an alliance at all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果她說的是真的 我們必須立即採取行動", "english": "If she's telling the truth, we need to act now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請保持冷靜", "english": "Councilors, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很簡單", "english": "It is simple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前帝國有大規模殺傷性武器", "english": "The Empire has the means of mass destruction..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而起義軍沒有", "english": "the Rebellion does not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼死星 這不可能", "english": "A Death Star. This is nonsense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父親有什麼理由說謊", "english": "What reason would my father have to lie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這對他有什麼好處", "english": "What benefit would it bring him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是想引誘我們進行決戰", "english": "To lure our forces into a final battle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然後把我們一舉殲滅", "english": "to destroy us once and for all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此冒險 根據是什麼", "english": "Risk everything? Based on what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個罪犯的證詞", "english": "The testimony of a criminal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就憑她的父親 一個帝國科學家的臨終遺言", "english": "The dying words of her father, an Imperial scientist?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別忘了還有帝國飛行員", "english": "But don't forget the Imperial pilot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父親犧牲自己 是好讓我們有機會獲勝", "english": "My father gave his life so that we may have a chance to defeat this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是你的說法", "english": "So you've told us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果帝國有強大的武力", "english": "If the Empire has this kind of power,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們還有什麼機會", "english": "what chance do we have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們還有什麼機會", "english": "What chance do we have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該問 我們還有什麼選擇", "english": "The question is \"what choice.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "逃跑 躲起來", "english": "Run, hide..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祈求寬恕 解散軍隊", "english": "plead for mercy, scatter your forces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你們屈服於如此邪惡如此強大的敵人", "english": "You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "銀河系將會陷入永無止境的壓迫", "english": "and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在每浪費一秒", "english": "Every moment you waste"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們都可能成為下一個傑達", "english": "is another step closer to the ashes of Jedha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她到底想說什麼", "english": "What is she proposing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "派精銳部隊去斯卡裡夫", "english": "Send your best troops to Scarif."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "馬上出動義軍艦隊", "english": "Send the rebel fleet if you have to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們必須拿到死星計畫圖", "english": "You need to capture the Death Star plans"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是摧毀它的唯一希望", "english": "if there's any hope of destroying it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意思 難道要我們只靠希望", "english": "You're asking us to invade an Imperial installation..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去入侵帝國基地嗎", "english": "based on nothing but hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起義都建在希望之上", "english": "Rebellions are built on hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已經沒有希望了", "english": "There is no hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們應該戰鬥", "english": "I say we fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我認為起義軍已經完了", "english": "I say the Rebellion is finished!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉 琴", "english": "I'm sorry, Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果沒有委員會的一致支持", "english": "Without the full support of the Council..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "風險太大了", "english": "the odds are too great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辛朵拉將軍", "english": "General Syndulla,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把事談砸了", "english": "You don't look happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們都寧願投降", "english": "They prefer to surrender."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你呢", "english": "And you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是想 跟他們拼了", "english": "She wants to fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也想 我們都想", "english": "So do I. We all do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力是強大的", "english": "The Force is strong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有我們四個人恐怕還不夠", "english": "I'm not sure four of us is quite enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們需要多少人", "english": "How many do we need?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什麼辦法嗎", "english": "What are you talking about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們永遠不會相信你的", "english": "They were never gonna believe you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太感謝你的幫助了", "english": "I appreciate the support."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信", "english": "But I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信你", "english": "I believe you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們志願參戰", "english": "We'd like to volunteer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們中", "english": "Some of us..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大部分人", "english": "Well, most of us..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都為起義軍做過不為人知的事情", "english": "we've all done terrible things on behalf of the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "間諜", "english": "Spies..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞破壞 暗殺", "english": "saboteurs, assassins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做的一切 都是為了起義軍", "english": "Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我每次做了那些", "english": "And every time I walked away..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不願記得的事", "english": "from something I wanted to forget..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都告訴自己 那是為了我信仰的事業", "english": "I told myself it was for a cause that I believed in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它值得我這麼做", "english": "A cause that was worth it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否則我會 迷失自己", "english": "Without that, we're lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們所做的一切都會毫無意義", "english": "Everything we've done would have been for nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果現在放棄 我無法面對自己", "english": "I couldn't face myself if I gave up now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們也是", "english": "None of us could."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這一路可不太舒服", "english": "It won't be comfortable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有點擠 不過都能塞下", "english": "It'd be a bit cramped, but we'd all fit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以走嗎", "english": "We could go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 出發", "english": "Okay. Gear up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把能帶的東西都帶上", "english": "Grab anything that's not nailed down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走 走 走", "english": "Go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會保護你的", "english": "I'll be there for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱西安非要我這麼做", "english": "Cassian said I had to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的不習慣 讓別人替我去冒險", "english": "I'm not used to people sticking around when things go bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歡迎回家", "english": "Welcome home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "願原力與我們同在", "english": "May the Force be with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "貨運穿梭機請回話", "english": "Cargo shuttle, read back please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底怎麼回事", "english": "What's going on out there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這艘船已經被禁止起飛了", "english": "That ship's off-limits."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 可我們收到了", "english": "Yes, yes, we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到命令了", "english": "Affirmative."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是被扣押的帝國飛船", "english": "That's an impounded Imperial ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們的呼叫代號是什麼", "english": "What's your call sign, pilot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "代號是", "english": "It's, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "隨便說點什麼", "english": "Say something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點兒", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俠盜", "english": "Rogue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俠盜一號", "english": "Rogue One."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俠盜一號", "english": "Rogue One?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裡沒有什麼俠盜一號", "english": "There is no Rogue One!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在有了", "english": "Well, there is now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俠盜一號 準備起飛", "english": "Rogue One, pulling away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備起飛", "english": "Pulling away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管其他人怎麼說 戰爭已經無法避免了", "english": "Despite what the others say, war is inevitable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我同意你說的", "english": "Yes, I agree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須回奧德朗告訴民眾", "english": "I must return to Alderaan to inform my people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和平已經沒有希望了", "english": "that there will be no peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們需要團結一切力量", "english": "We will need every advantage."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的朋友", "english": "Your friend..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "絕地武士", "english": "the Jedi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在克隆人戰爭時期", "english": "He served me well during the Clone Wars..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他曾為我效力 躲過了皇帝的大清洗", "english": "and has lived in hiding since the Emperor's purge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會派人聯絡他", "english": "Yes, I will send for him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要派你信任的人", "english": "You will need someone you can trust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是絕對可靠的人選", "english": "I would trust her with my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交給你個任務", "english": "I have a mission for you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 我們到了", "english": "Okay. We're coming in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整個行星被護盾包圍", "english": "There's a planet-wide defensive shield..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有一個主閘門", "english": "with a single main entry gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿梭機上應該有一個許可代碼", "english": "This shuttle should be equipped with"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但前提是帝國還沒有發現它過期", "english": "Assuming the Empire hasn't logged it as overdue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果發現了呢", "english": "And if they have?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "閘門會被關閉", "english": "Then they shut the gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們哪兒也去不了", "english": "And we're all annihilated"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都會死在黑暗的太空裡", "english": "in the cold, dark vacuum of space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我死不了", "english": "Not me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在太空中也能活", "english": "I can survive in space."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開始吧", "english": "Here goes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不在抵達日程表上", "english": "you're not listed on the arrival schedule."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白 閘門控制中心", "english": "Acknowledged, Gate Control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們更改了航程 來自伊杜飛行站", "english": "We were rerouted from Eadu flight station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在發送許可代碼", "english": "Transmitting clearance code now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在發送", "english": "Transmitting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幹得漂亮", "english": "Impressive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去告訴其他人", "english": "I'll tell the others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好極了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面那座主樓是什麼", "english": "Main building down there, what is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是塔堡", "english": "That's the Citadel Tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "裡面存放著所有帝國的建築檔案", "english": "They keep all the Imperial structural archives up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "設計圖肯定就在那裡", "english": "If the plans are anywhere, they'll be there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔頂的碟型天線有什麼用途", "english": "And the dish at the top, what's it for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也許發送資料需要很強的信號", "english": "I guess it takes a lot of signal to send those data files out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起落架 已經展開", "english": "Landing track, engaged."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起落架鎖定", "english": "Landing track locked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要著陸了", "english": "We're landing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備出發", "english": "We're coming in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "索·格瑞拉說過", "english": "Saw Gerrera used to say..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當一個戰士準備豁出性命", "english": "one fighter with a sharp stick"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那他就能戰勝任何對手", "english": "and nothing left to lose can take the day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不知道我們來了", "english": "They've no idea we're coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們一定能出奇制勝", "english": "They've no reason to expect us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我們成功著陸", "english": "If we can make it to the ground,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就抓住了一個機會", "english": "we'll take the next chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再下一個機會 直到我們贏得勝利", "english": "And the next. On and on until we win..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果運氣好的話", "english": "or the chances are spent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死星設計圖就在下麵", "english": "The Death Star plans are down there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有什麼能阻止我們", "english": "We'll find a way to find them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅爾西", "english": "Melshi..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帕奧", "english": "Pao..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪彪斯 英威", "english": "Baze, Chirrut..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們帶領主力", "english": "you'll take the main squad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "繞過飛船向東迂回", "english": "Move east and get wide of the ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這裡和塔堡之間設伏", "english": "Find a position between here and the tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進入最佳攻擊地點", "english": "Once you get to the best spot..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把這裡炸翻", "english": "light the place up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把士兵從我們身邊引開", "english": "And get those troopers away from us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做什麼", "english": "What should I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保證引擎正常", "english": "Keep the engine running."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撤離的時候就指望你了", "english": "You're our only way outta here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備接受檢查 準備接受檢查", "english": "be prepared to receive inspection team."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了嗎", "english": "Ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們是 是不是要看貨物清單", "english": "Oh, you're probably looking for a manifest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿給我看看吧", "english": "That would be helpful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在下麵", "english": "It's just down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科倫尼克總監", "english": "Director Krennic,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們正在通過護盾閘門", "english": "we are entering the Scarif shield gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "並且已經通知了拉姆達將軍", "english": "General Ramda has been informed of your arrival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你好運", "english": "Good luck..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的妹子", "english": "little sister."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出發 周圍安全了", "english": "Go! Go now! You're clear!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我們走 快走 快走 快走", "english": "All right, let's go! Come on. Move, move, move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我現在有種不祥的", "english": "I've got a bad feeling about..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼了", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們需要地圖", "english": "We need a map."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要不要找個人問問路", "english": "Well, I'm sure there's one just lying about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道該怎麼做", "english": "You know what you have to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每個平臺一枚", "english": "One per pad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自行安放 把敵人引出來", "english": "Pick your spot. We wanna draw them out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我下令引爆 快去", "english": "I'll call the timing. Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 你聽說了嗎", "english": "Hey, did you hear the rumors?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 是該被淘汰了", "english": "Oh boy, it's about time for that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼回事", "english": "What the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總監閣下 您怎麼來斯卡裡夫了", "english": "Director, what brings you to Scarif?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為蓋倫·厄索", "english": "Galen Erso."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他發出的每一封資訊", "english": "I want every dispatch,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一段通訊 你們都給我調出來", "english": "every transmission he has ever sent..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仔細地檢查", "english": "called up for inspection."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全部嗎", "english": "All of them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對 全部", "english": "Yes, all of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還不快去", "english": "Get started."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前往資料庫的最佳路線上", "english": "Our optimal route to the data vault"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅爾西 請回話", "english": "Melshi, talk to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 都好了 請下命令", "english": "Ready. Ready. Standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "動手吧", "english": "Light it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們都瞎了嗎", "english": "Are we blind?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "馬上給我派出駐防軍", "english": "Deploy the garrison!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去", "english": "Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敵人來了", "english": "Troopers!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進來 進來", "english": "Get in! Get in!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯卡裡夫基地遭到叛軍襲擊", "english": "They're reporting a Rebel incursion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "給我聯絡科倫尼克總監", "english": "I want to speak with Director Krennic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他已經去了 去斯卡裡夫了", "english": "He's there, sir. On Scarif."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那裡保存著太空站的原始設計圖嗎", "english": "The original plans for this station are kept there, are they not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "They are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備跳入超空間", "english": "Prepare for the jump to hyperspace"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "馬上報告維達大人", "english": "and inform Lord Vader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要幫忙嗎", "english": "Can we help you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得不必了", "english": "That won't be necessary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "議員", "english": "Senator!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "報告議員", "english": "Senator!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 什麼事 列兵", "english": "Stop right there, Private."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他說", "english": "Let him speak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們截獲了帝國通訊 長官", "english": "Intercepted Imperial transmission, ma'am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯卡裡夫出現義軍", "english": "Rebels on Scarif."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要見拉杜斯上將", "english": "I need to speak with Admiral Raddus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他已返回船上", "english": "He's returned to his ship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正要出發參戰", "english": "He's going to fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全體機組人員注意", "english": "Attention, all flight personnel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立即向你的指揮官報到", "english": "please report to your commanders immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全體機組人員", "english": "All flight personnel,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立即向你的指揮官報到", "english": "please report to your commanders immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目的地重新定為斯卡裡夫", "english": "We have been redirected to Scarif."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們的領隊", "english": "Pilots, you'll be briefed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會在途中做出簡報", "english": "by your squadron leaders en route."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "願原力與你們同在", "english": "May the Force be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯卡裡夫 他們要去斯卡裡夫嗎", "english": "Scarif? They're going to Scarif?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快 我們走", "english": "Move, move, move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前進 前進", "english": "Forward! Forward!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他們引過來", "english": "Keep drawing them out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回報狀態 所有平臺立即報告", "english": "Status please. All pads report in immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 不 到處都是叛軍", "english": "Oh, no. We have rebels everywhere!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們接火了", "english": "We're taking fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "確認並回復", "english": "Confirm and report."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這沒有反應 K", "english": "This is not working, K!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用右手", "english": "Right hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "貝茲", "english": "Baze!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑", "english": "Run!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡拉巴斯特 AT-AT", "english": "Karabast! AT-AT!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是義軍聯盟拉杜斯上將", "english": "This is Admiral Raddus of the Rebel Alliance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各中隊領隊報告情況", "english": "All squadron leaders, report in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上將 這裡是藍色領隊 準備就緒", "english": "Admiral, this is Blue Leader standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這裡是金色領隊 準備就緒", "english": "This is Gold Leader standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是紅色領隊 準備就緒", "english": "This is Red Leader standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官 發現叛軍飛船", "english": "Sir, those are rebel ships."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立刻聯絡戈林上將 快點去", "english": "Get Admiral Gorin, immediately!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總監 叛軍艦隊", "english": "Director, the rebel fleet,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前正在護盾外集結", "english": "it's amassing outside the shield."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "封鎖基地 全面封鎖", "english": "Lock down the base. Lock it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紅色 金色中隊 攻擊隊形", "english": "Red and Gold Squadrons, attack formations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保衛艦隊", "english": "Defend the fleet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藍色中隊 搶在閘門關閉前", "english": "Blue Squadron, get to the surface"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到 上將", "english": "Copy you, Admiral."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藍色中隊 跟我來", "english": "Blue Squadron, on me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到 藍色領隊", "english": "Copy, Blue Leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收到 藍色領隊", "english": "Copy, Blue Leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得抓緊時間", "english": "We won't have long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快關閉護盾閘口 快關閉", "english": "Close the field aperture now! Close it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點兒 快點兒 快點兒", "english": "Come on, come on, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉起來", "english": "Pull up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "義軍的艦隊抵達了", "english": "The rebel fleet has arrived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那邊還在戰鬥", "english": "There's fighting on the beach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們已經封鎖基地", "english": "They've locked down the base."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "護盾閘門關閉了", "english": "They've closed the shield gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這意味著什麼", "english": "What does that mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被困住了嗎", "english": "We're trapped?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們可以把設計圖發往義軍艦隊", "english": "We could transmit the plans to the rebel fleet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得設法通知他們準備接收", "english": "We'd have to get a signal up to tell them it's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可問題是這份資料檔案太大", "english": "It's the size of the data files. That's the problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "無法傳輸過去", "english": "They'll never get through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必須想辦法先破壞護盾閘門", "english": "Someone has to take that shield gate down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菩提 你能聽到嗎 菩提", "english": "Bodhi. Bodhi, can you hear me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴我你還在", "english": "Bodhi, tell me you're out there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菩提", "english": "Bodhi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在呢", "english": "I'm here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等待指示", "english": "I was standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們開戰了 基地被封鎖了", "english": "They've started fighting. The base is on lockdown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 聽我說 義軍艦隊已經來了", "english": "I know. Listen to me. The rebel fleet is up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你讓他們在護盾閘門上炸個洞", "english": "You've gotta tell them to blow a hole in the shield gate..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們好把設計圖發過去", "english": "so we can transmit the plans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 我沒法 我沒有 沒有連上通訊塔", "english": "Wait. I can't. I'm not hooked into the comms tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我 我們沒 沒有連線過去", "english": "We're not tied in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有這個方法我們才能把圖傳出去", "english": "It's the only way we're getting them out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快想辦法", "english": "Find a way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掩護我們後方", "english": "Cover our backs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會用到它的", "english": "You'll need this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是想要這個嗎", "english": "You wanted one, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴 你的行為 總是這麼讓人 意想不到", "english": "Your behavior, Jyn Erso, is continually unexpected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴 快來", "english": "Jyn. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "薩卡拉", "english": "Sa'kalla!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聽我下令開火", "english": "Fire on my command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快看", "english": "Look!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備一下 我們得出去一趟", "english": "Get ready. We're gonna have to go out there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要幹什麼", "english": "What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們關閉了護盾閘門", "english": "They've closed the shield gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們困在這兒了", "english": "We're stuck here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 義軍艦隊過來了", "english": "But the rebel fleet are pulling in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好通知他們我們被困在這裡了", "english": "and let them know that we're trapped down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為此 我們必須跟通訊塔連上", "english": "For that, we have to connect to the communications tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在這邊接入平臺線路", "english": "Now, I can patch us in over here, the landing pad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你 必須去無線電那兒", "english": "But you have to get on the radio."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "領幾個人去找到主控開關", "english": "Get one of the guys out there to find a master switch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們啟動我們與通訊塔的連接", "english": "Get them to activate the connection between us and that comms tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快去呀", "english": "Then go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面情況怎麼樣 上尉", "english": "What's going on down there, Lieutenant?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未知 長官", "english": "Unknown, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "聯絡不到他們", "english": "We can't raise them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有義軍頻道都被遮罩了", "english": "All rebel frequencies are blocked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "繼續聯絡 攻擊那些殲星艦", "english": "Keep trying. Engage those Star Destroyers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同時開始探測那個護盾", "english": "and let's start probing that shield!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遵命 長官", "english": "Yes, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開始攻擊", "english": "We're going in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都跟緊我", "english": "Stay with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "線路圖庫 二號數據塔", "english": "Schematic bank, data tower two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎麼找到它", "english": "How do I find that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搜索中", "english": "Searching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能定位磁帶位置", "english": "I can locate the tape,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你必須使用把手抽取檔案", "english": "but you'll need to use the handles for extraction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這東西到底是怎麼用的", "english": "What am I supposed to do with this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總算找到了", "english": "Well, finally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等 停下", "english": "Wait! Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛軍 他們往那邊跑了", "english": "The rebels, they went over there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那裡有一個", "english": "There's one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 好吧", "english": "Ah, well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來呀", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紅色領隊 我是金色領隊", "english": "Red Leader, this is Gold Leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們已展開對護盾閘門的攻擊", "english": "We're starting our attack run on the shield gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收緊編隊 小心那些炮塔", "english": "Keep it tight, and watch out for those towers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官 發現有敵機來襲", "english": "Sir, enemy fighters coming in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅爾西 梅爾西 請回話 你在嗎", "english": "Melshi! Melshi, come in. Are you there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菩提和那邊發射信號 他已接入平臺", "english": "Bodhi sent a signal from here. He's patching us in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們必須開啟到通訊塔的線路", "english": "But you guys have to open up a line for the tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼接 請指示", "english": "How? Please advise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在通訊塔底部有一個主開關", "english": "There's a master switch at the base of the comm tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主開關 長什麼樣 我們要找到什麼", "english": "Master switch? Describe. What are we looking for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主開關什麼樣 位置在哪兒 快告訴我", "english": "What does it look like? The master switch? Where is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全體士兵 跟我上", "english": "All fighters, on me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須清除空中威脅", "english": "We have to shield them from air attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有增援部隊 朝這兒出發", "english": "Troop reinforcements. Here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為了傑達", "english": "For Jedha!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對護盾的攻擊沒有效果", "english": "We're having no effect on that shield."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要多少火力才能打掉", "english": "How much more can that thing take?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟緊我 紅色五號 你要去哪兒", "english": "Stick close, Red Five. Where are you goin'?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被咬住了 我嘗試甩掉它們", "english": "They're all over me. I'm trying to lose them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是紅色五號 需要支援", "english": "This is Red Five! I need help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "超空間追蹤 怎麼打開導航系統", "english": "\"Hyperspace tracking. Navigational systems.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往下兩個螢幕", "english": "Two screens down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "結構工程 打開那個", "english": "\"Structural engineering.\" Open that one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被敵機咬住了", "english": "I've got one on my tail!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我來了", "english": "I'm on him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "項目代號名稱", "english": "Project code names:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "平流層 馬克·奧米茄 帕克斯·歐若拉", "english": "\"Stellarsphere, Mark Omega, Pax Aurora.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戰人之爪 折視棱鏡處 黑劍", "english": "\"War-Mantle, Cluster Prism, Blacksaber.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼了", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是它", "english": "\"Stardust.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星塵", "english": "That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎麼知道", "english": "How do you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為那是我的名字", "english": "I know because it's me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨 你 你是幹什麼的", "english": "Hey, you! Identify yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是", "english": "I can..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "炮火來襲 隱蔽", "english": "Incoming fire! Get cover!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "星塵文件", "english": "Stardust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是它", "english": "That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快爬", "english": "Climb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "往上爬", "english": "Climb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們還可以把設計圖發給艦隊", "english": "You can still send the plans to the fleet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他們打開護盾閘門", "english": "If they open the shield gate..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們可以從塔里傳輸", "english": "you can broadcast from the tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在開始關閉庫門", "english": "Locking the vault door now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官 有人擅自進入了資料庫", "english": "Sir, unauthorized access at the data vault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什麼", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剛剛發現的 長官", "english": "It's just come in, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我的衛隊派去參戰", "english": "Send my guard squadron into battle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們兩個跟我來 快", "english": "Two men with me, now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把海灘給我立刻奪回來", "english": "Get that beach under control!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菩提 你在嗎 呼叫艦隊了嗎", "english": "Bodhi, are you there? Did you call the fleet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒法回到船上", "english": "I can't get to the shuttle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就沒法接通", "english": "I can't plug in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必須接通 他們會攻擊閘門", "english": "You have to. They have to hit that gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有護盾打開了 我們才能發送設計圖", "english": "If the shield's open, we can send the plans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍 小心背後", "english": "General, behind you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "退後", "english": "Step back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要墜機了", "english": "We're going down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來啊", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅爾西 梅爾西", "english": "Melshi, Melshi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請講話", "english": "Come in, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我這頭已經接通", "english": "I'm tied in at my end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要你打開線路", "english": "I just need an open line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等一下", "english": "Hang on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "線路的主開關", "english": "The master switch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在控制台的旁邊", "english": "It's over near that console."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我來了", "english": "I'm going!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿到了", "english": "I've got it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心", "english": "Careful!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒事吧", "english": "You okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琴", "english": "Jyn!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇魯", "english": "Chirrut!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force and the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "the Force is with me. I'm one with the Force..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在", "english": "and the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我與原力同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇魯 回來", "english": "Chirrut! Come back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在", "english": "I'm one with the Force..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通了", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上啊 快點上啊", "english": "Keep going! Keep going!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱西安", "english": "Cassian!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇魯 快回來 快回來", "english": "Chirrut! Come! Come with me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇魯", "english": "Chirrut!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇魯", "english": "Chirrut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別死 別死", "english": "Don't go. Don't go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在這兒 我在這兒", "english": "I'm here, I'm here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒關係", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒事 找到原力", "english": "It's okay. Look for the Force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇魯", "english": "Chirrut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就會找到我", "english": "And you will always find me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我跟原力也同在", "english": "The Force is with me and I'm one with the Force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我跟原力也同在", "english": "The Force is with me and I'm one with the Force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我跟原力也同在", "english": "The Force is with me and I'm one with the Force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在沒有回頭路了", "english": "There's no turning back now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須繼續進攻", "english": "We have to press the attack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攻擊突破口", "english": "Hit that opening!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了 金色領隊", "english": "We see it, Gold Leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "離子魚雷發射", "english": "Ion torpedoes away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎麼回事", "english": "What's happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引擎喪失動力了 長官", "english": "We've lost engine power, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那艘殲星艦失去戰鬥力了", "english": "That Star Destroyer's disabled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俠盜一號呼叫同盟艦隊 能聽到嗎", "english": "This is Rogue One calling any Alliance ships that can hear me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是俠盜一號 有人聽到嗎", "english": "Is there anybody out there? This is Rogue One."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請回話", "english": "Come in, over!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是拉杜斯上將 俠盜一號 我們聽到了", "english": "This is Admiral Raddus, Rogue One. We hear you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿到設計圖了", "english": "We have the plans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死星設計圖找到了", "english": "They found the Death Star plans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們要用通訊塔傳送設計圖", "english": "They have to transmit them from the communications tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們必須毀掉護盾閘門", "english": "You have to take down the shield gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "調一艘錘頭輕護衛艦 我有辦法了", "english": "Call up a Hammerhead corvette. I have an idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俠盜一號待命 我們來了", "english": "Stand by, Rogue One. We're on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為你報仇 蓋倫", "english": "This is for you, Galen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原力與我同在 我跟原力同在", "english": "The Force is with me, and I'm one with the Force."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五號輕護衛艦 鎖定目標", "english": "Corvette Five, locked on target!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備撞擊", "english": "Prepare for impact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亞光速推進器 推到全速", "english": "Sublight thrusters, full power!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新校準天線", "english": "Reset antenna alignment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新校準天線", "english": "Reset antenna alignment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新校準天線", "english": "Reset antenna alignment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重新校準天線", "english": "Reset antenna alignment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反推引擎 全速", "english": "Reverse engines! Full power!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天線已校準", "english": "Antenna aligned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開始準備傳輸", "english": "Ready to transmit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是誰", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我是誰", "english": "You know who I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是琴·厄索", "english": "I'm Jyn Erso."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋倫和麗拉的女兒", "english": "Daughter of Galen and Lyra."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你輸了", "english": "You've lost."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 是嗎 輸在哪兒", "english": "Oh, I have, have I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我替父親報仇了", "english": "My father's revenge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他為死星設計了一個弱點", "english": "He built a flaw in the Death Star."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在核心放了一根導火索", "english": "He put a fuse in the middle of your machine..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在全銀河系都知道怎麼點燃它", "english": "and I've just told the entire galaxy how to light it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "護盾還在運行著", "english": "The shield is up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛軍基地永遠收不到你的信號", "english": "Your signal will never reach the rebel base."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛軍艦隊會全軍覆滅", "english": "All your ships in the air will be destroyed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我損失的只是一點時間", "english": "I lose nothing but time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你 你和你的同夥", "english": "You, on the other hand..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搭上的卻是性命", "english": "die with the Rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在傳輸", "english": "Transmitting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在傳輸", "english": "Transmitting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上將 正在接收從斯卡裡夫來的資料", "english": "Admiral, receiving transmission from Scarif."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別去 別去", "english": "Leave it, leave it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夠了", "english": "That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夠了", "english": "That's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "資料接收完畢", "english": "Transmission received."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "將軍 拿到設計圖了", "english": "Admiral, we have the plans!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她成功了", "english": "She did it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你覺得會有人在聽嗎", "english": "Do you think anybody's listening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人聽", "english": "I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定會有人聽", "english": "Someone's out there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官 一個巨型物體", "english": "Sir, we're detecting a massive object"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在脫離超空間軌道", "english": "emerging from hyperspace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "長官 要瞄準他們的艦隊嗎", "english": "Sir, shall I begin targeting their fleet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "維達大人會對付它", "english": "Lord Vader will handle the fleet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞄準斯卡裡夫基地 單反應堆點火", "english": "Target the base at Scarif, single reactor ignition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遵命", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備好了就發射", "english": "You may fire when ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啟動主點火程式", "english": "Commence primary ignition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俠盜一號 願原力與你們同在", "english": "Rogue One, may the Force be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有飛船做好準備 跳入超空間", "english": "All ships prepare for jump to hyperspace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父親會為你感到驕傲的 琴", "english": "Your father would have been proud of you, Jyn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛軍旗艦已失去戰鬥力 大人", "english": "The rebel flagship is disabled, my lord..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他們收到了地面發送的資訊", "english": "but has received transmissions from the surface."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備登艦部隊", "english": "Prepare a boarding party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遵命 大人", "english": "Yes, my lord."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點兒", "english": "Hurry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走 我們要立即撤退", "english": "Let's go! We gotta go, now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快 快", "english": "Move! Move! Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點兒 快走", "english": "Hurry. Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡住了", "english": "It's stuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幫幫我們", "english": "Hey! Help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全體開火", "english": "Open fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救救我們", "english": "Help us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡住了", "english": "It's jammed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用力", "english": "Pull it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用力", "english": "Pull it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿去 拿著", "english": "Here! Here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快拿走 快", "english": "Take it! Take it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Launch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "確保氣閘門完全封閉", "english": "Make sure you secure the airlock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "準備發射逃生艙", "english": "And prepare the escape pods."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們收到的資訊", "english": "The transmission we received."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什麼內容", "english": "What is it they've sent us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望", "english": "Hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在把视线转向敌对势力朝鲜。", "english": "We now turn to the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据称,他们正在测试的这个火箭", "english": "The rocket they are testing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "射程足以覆盖美国西海岸", "english": "to reach the West Coast"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天,联合国一位官员……", "english": "Today, an official"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向全世界表示,毫无疑问的是……", "english": "tried to tell the world..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现代希特勒就生活在我们中间。", "english": "That we are living in the midst"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个年轻、莽撞、有着核野心的领导人就是……", "english": "A young, untested leader"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们说的就是金正恩。", "english": "We are talking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好。", "english": "Good evening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫戴夫·云雀。", "english": "I'm Dave Skylark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥斯卡最佳原唱奖得主", "english": "Oscar-winning songwriter,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来自底特律的痞子阿姆。", "english": "Detroit's own Eminem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他将会和我们聊聊他那张", "english": "He'll speak with us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引发巨大争议的新专辑", "english": "which has been mired"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是那些有歧视老人嫌疑的歌词。", "english": "concerning lyrics that some view"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎收看……", "english": "Tonight..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚云雀秀", "english": "on \"Skylark Tonight.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备…… action.", "english": "And... action."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨天我冲着一个老太", "english": "\"Yesterday I yelled"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骂了一句脏话", "english": "\"at an elderly lady."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我问她活到八十有啥感想", "english": "\"Then I asked her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对着老年人说艹", "english": "\"'F' word a senior citizen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃一个鸡巴,坐下,转吧。", "english": "Suck a wiener, sit and spin.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃一个鸡巴,坐下,转吧。", "english": "- \"Suck a wiener, sit and spin.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好笑啊。", "english": "It's funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么开的这么慢?", "english": "\"And why you drive so slow for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不想赶紧到想去的地方吗?", "english": "\"Don't you want to get"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说不定你明天就死了,你个老贱货。", "english": "\"since you'll probably die"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死吧,老贱人,死吧。", "english": "\"Die, old bitch, die,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趁我还没杀你。", "english": "before I murder you.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿姆,你想表达什么意思。", "english": "What do you mean by this, Em?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,首先,我觉得我rap的时候,", "english": "Well, first of all,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那啥,人们会断章取义。", "english": "like, people twist my words."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你不认为", "english": "Okay, but can you see"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老年人听了会说,我觉得", "english": "how an old person"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个家伙想告诉我……这个阿姆……", "english": "\"what this guy is telling me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫我自杀,我不喜欢这话。", "english": "go kill myself, and I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,我并没有", "english": "I mean, I don't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我更多是在讲我害怕的事情。", "english": "It's more about..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得很多其实就是", "english": "I think a lot of that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己想解决", "english": "just dealing with issues with..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我妈或者什么人的那些老问题。", "english": "you know, old issues"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你的麻麻。", "english": "With your \"mutha.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对对,你造吧", "english": "Yeah, or-or... you know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比如我说gay的那些", "english": "when I say things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们会觉得我的歌词是在骂gay", "english": "or people think that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我rap里说暴力的时候", "english": "Um, when I rap about violence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得那个……你造。", "english": "I think that, uh... you know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是关于我", "english": "You know, it's kind of..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你造吧,面对这些问题。", "english": "you know, confronting it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听得真真切切,他说他是gay。", "english": "in the booth we just heard him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿姆,咱回到刚才你说的……", "english": "Em, let's just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你……刚说", "english": "You... just said"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是gay?", "english": "that you were gay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,我有点好奇", "english": "Um... and I'm just curious"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说你是gay,到底是指什么?", "english": "what you meant by that exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是我是gay啊。", "english": "I mean I'm gay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,我有点糊涂了,因为gay", "english": "Uh, I'm just a little"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有很多意思。", "english": "can mean a lot of things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是同性恋。", "english": "I am a homosexual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "意思是?", "english": "Meaning...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢男人。", "english": "I like men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操刚发生了什么?", "english": "What the fuck just happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿姆刚说他是gay……还强调了四次。", "english": "Eminem just said"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是刚刚发生的事。", "english": "That's what the fuck"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿姆在我们节目出柜了。", "english": "Eminem's gay on our show."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二号机位,二号机位!", "english": "Camera two! Camera two!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿姆是gay?!问号,感叹号。", "english": "\"Eminem Gay?!\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫,带他说,继续带着他说。", "english": "Dave, keep him talking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是gay史中最伟大的时刻!", "english": "This is the greatest moment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很可能听到你说的之后,现在大为震惊。", "english": "Are probably shocked by what"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我倒觉得人们还没意识到才让我吃惊。", "english": "I'm more shocked that people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,好像一直在玩gay版的躲猫猫一样。", "english": "I mean, it's kind of like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,但是,呃……", "english": "Yeah. But, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死。一号机位。", "english": "Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是马少的经纪人,我告诉你,", "english": "I am Marshall's publicist,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会中断访问的。", "english": "I am not cutting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们做过的最棒的采访。", "english": "This is the best interview"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他弄出去!让他滚出去。", "english": "Get him out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会把你和你爱的人都杀死。", "english": "I will murder you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢,戴夫,听好了,我拿到歌词了。", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说啥你就说啥:", "english": "Say what I say:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你rap里这话时,是啥意思?", "english": "What did you mean"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说菊花不错,我做了", "english": "\"I said nice rectum, I had a...\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结扎手术,海克托", "english": "\"...vasectomy, Hector."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你不会怀孕", "english": "\"So you can't get pregnant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使我把你插到爆。", "english": "if I bisexually wreck ya.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基本上我就是一直在", "english": "I've pretty much"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给大家丢出各种gay的小暗示。", "english": "bread-crumb trail of gayness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过,事实上,海克托……", "english": "But yeah, actually Hector..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海克托是个真人……", "english": "Hector was a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海克托和他的菊花是真的?", "english": "Hector and his rectum were real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海克托的菊花是真的!", "english": "- Holy shit. -It's real!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙,求抱抱。", "english": "Aaron, bring it in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚他妈到底发生什么了?", "english": "What the heck just happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真正的“又细又黑”硬起来了!", "english": "The real Slim Shady"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚他妈发生的就是这个!", "english": "That's what the fuck"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这跟Spike Lee说他是白人一样牛逼啊。", "english": "This is like Spike Lee"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的不敢相信会这样。", "english": "I can't believe what's happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的好屌!", "english": "You're the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你更屌。", "english": "You're the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你过会儿去楼下找我。", "english": "I want you to meet me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有样东西要给你看。", "english": "I got something to show you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥们儿,我们要去哪儿啊?", "english": "Dude, just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不是要去汉普顿过周末吗?", "english": "I thought we were going to the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就……你造的,呆着呗。", "english": "We're just, you know..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是送你的惊喜派对~", "english": "It's a surprise party... for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?那你干嘛告诉我啊?", "english": "What? Why? Why did you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈,因为我太激动了!", "english": "Yes! I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定会很棒的,会很棒的!", "english": "This is gonna be great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我完全不懂发生了什么事。", "english": "I don't understand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了行了,我已经告诉他了。", "english": "All right, all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经告诉他了。快过去,快点。", "english": "I already told him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是太好了,你个舔鸡巴的!", "english": "You're best in the world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了,待会儿说。马尔科。现在不要。", "english": "All right, not now, Malcolm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟我们", "english": "You've been with us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的是……太感动了。", "english": "I really do. It's, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家静一静。", "english": "All right, now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我这人平时比较爱开玩笑。", "english": "I know I like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以现在我要拿出认真的样子来。", "english": "I'm gonna take it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我要夸夸阿龙了。", "english": "I'm gonna talk about Aaron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在他开始我们共事前,", "english": "Before we started"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我就给一个人打电话,", "english": "So I called up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对方是我当时正搞着的一个……", "english": "at the Columbia School"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哥伦比亚大学新闻系的教授,我说,", "english": "I was having sex with,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要一个比娱乐圈里任何人都聪明的家伙", "english": "\"I need someone smarter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要一个真正的记者。", "english": "I need a real journalist.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙,要说我是弗罗多", "english": "Aaron, you are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是我的山姆", "english": "to my Frodo Baggins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是我的甘道夫", "english": "You are the Gandalf"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过,我能想到的指环王里所有的类比,", "english": "But of all the Lord of the Rings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都比不上这个:", "english": "this is the most important:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是我的宝贝。", "english": "and you're my precious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咕噜需要阿龙。", "english": "Smeagol needs Aaron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至尊戒,驭众戒", "english": "\"One Ring to rule them all,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禁锢众戒黑暗中", "english": "and in the darkness"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了,快上来!到上面来!", "english": "Now, get up here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "靠,这是啥个意思?", "english": "Yeah. Like, what's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟,近来可好?", "english": "Come on, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们从毕业就没见过了吧?", "english": "We haven't seen each other"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个,我没记错吧,你是……", "english": "Wait. Am I wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是高级编导了。", "english": "I'm now a senior producer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看咱俩,都是给电视台做新闻的。", "english": "Look at us... both producing news"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵呵。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明显就有意思,槽点在哪?", "english": "It was clearly something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没,我是说,你有你的工作,", "english": "No, I mean, like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有我的工作,但是咱工作不一样,你知道吧?", "english": "I got mine, but they're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的挺不错,只是我的……", "english": "Yours is cool; mine's just"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更严肃一些,你懂吧?", "english": "a little bit more serious,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么意思?我们做的工作是一样的啊。", "english": "What are you saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我报的是真正的新闻……那些重要的事情。", "english": "I report real news..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你报的是那些挺有意思的事", "english": "and then you report"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁又垫了新奶了……", "english": "\"who's getting new boobs\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者又得了厌食症了这种好玩的事儿。", "english": "the fun eating disorder stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是没你,他们算个屁。", "english": "They'd be nothing without you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你来之前,不就才播了他妈八十年吗?", "english": "It's only been on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那啥,我失言了……", "english": "Look, I... I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说错话了。那啥,我本来不该乱说……", "english": "I'm sorry... look..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "缺的就是你这样的。", "english": "and we could use"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是认真的?", "english": "Are you serious?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然是逗你了,我汗。拜托啊,就你?", "english": "I'm fucking with you, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去我工作的地方?你能干得了那工作吗?", "english": "At where I work? You'd be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我去跟他们叙叙旧。", "english": "Okay, I'm gonna catch up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝好啊,兄弟。", "english": "but cheers, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恭喜了,blah,blah。", "english": "Congrats... or whatever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "头发什么时候开始掉的?", "english": "When did the hair begin to go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在拍《小教父》的时候吧。", "english": "around \"The Outsiders.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是准备好了的话……", "english": "When you're ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我永远不可能准备好,不过……", "english": "I don't think I'll ever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,真是操了。", "english": "Oh, Jesus fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他干嘛留着那几长绺?", "english": "Why does he keep"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他这脑袋看起来就跟烂了似的。", "english": "His head looks like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你……你说你是秃子。", "english": "You... you said you were bald."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我……我看到头顶上还有一点。", "english": "I... I see a little stuff"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在有啥话想对观众说吗?", "english": "is there anything that you would"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好。", "english": "Good evening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是菲利普·斯特灵", "english": "I'm Phillip Sterling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在插播特别新闻。", "english": "with a UBS News Special Report."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎,哎,哎。", "english": "Whoa, whoa, whoa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩向南太平洋上的一个无人岛", "english": "Kim Jong-un's military forces"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发射了一颗一千五百万吨级的", "english": "targeted an uninhabited"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "热核洲际弹道导弹", "english": "thermonuclear ICBM."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,戴夫,我们的直播中断了。", "english": "Yo, Dave, we're not"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈了隔壁的,老伯,你他妈能把假发戴上吗?", "english": "Goddamn it! Rob, would you just"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们又被操了!真他妈的!", "english": "They fucked us! Goddamn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁跟我说下到底咋回事儿?", "english": "Somebody tell me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟,到底怎么了你?", "english": "Dude... seriously,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我善于捕捉别人的情绪吧?", "english": "You know how I'm good"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在浑身散发出一股屄味儿。", "english": "Well, you're shooting off a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底啥事儿啊?", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的节目每天有几百万观众收看吧", "english": "We have millions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是我们做的都是啥?", "english": "watching our show,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天天就是给他们看一坨一坨的屎!", "english": "We just shovel shit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们应该做点儿正经的啊。", "english": "We could be doing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请些什么作家、激进人士、政客啥的。", "english": "We could be having on authors,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我们看看屎。", "english": "That's what people want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶紧吃啊,我们人民想要屎。", "english": "\"Mangia. We're the people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而不是Nicki Minaj的小逼逼", "english": "Dude, I wanted to cover actual"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在格莱美上扑通一下掉出来了。", "english": "fuckin' flopping out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不喜欢她那块红糖?", "english": "You don't like that brown sugar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟她的红糖没关系。", "english": "Nothing to do with brown sugar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是做不下去了,懂吗?", "english": "I just can't keep"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得改改了。", "english": "We have to change."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你保证你不离开,我就保证。", "english": "I promise if you promise"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你保证,我就保证。", "english": "If you promise,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要说的就这些。", "english": "That's all we had to say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是,不是在开玩笑,好嘛?", "english": "No, this is not a joke, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,我还觉得你有点颐指气使呢。", "english": "Well, I think you're being"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别吵。我打电话呢。", "english": "Shut up. I'm on the phone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操,你干嘛啊。那是John Kerry的办公室", "english": "(Kerry是美国现任国务卿。)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别管那个蔫儿的跟朽木一样的老家伙了。", "english": "Forget that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时报上登的", "english": "This tops it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在所有的……死囚营那对狗屎。", "english": "After all the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管金正恩用“灭掉美国”", "english": "\"Although Kim Jong-un"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这种口号将他的人民", "english": "\"with cries for the destruction"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "煽动了起来,但是他却", "english": "\"of the United States"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狂热地爱着美国的娱乐业。", "english": "\"to be an avid consumer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他最喜欢的电视包括《生活大爆炸》", "english": "His favorite shows"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和?", "english": "And...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今夜云雀秀。", "english": "\"...and 'Skylark Tonight.'\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操。", "english": "Oh! Boom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太牛逼了。", "english": "This is great!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的就是这个。", "english": "This is what you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要采访者个人。", "english": "I interview this guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你逗我呢啊?他是这个", "english": "Are you joking me, man?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世界上最神龙见首不见尾的领导人啊。", "english": "reclusive leader on the planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "绝对不可能的。", "english": "It's not gonna happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们去不了的。", "english": "He lives in North Korea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫·云雀 哪儿都能去的了。", "english": "Dave Skylark..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还记得那个夜店吗?", "english": "You remember that club?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "排队都排到三个月以后了。", "english": "Three-month waiting list."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱当晚直接进去了。", "english": "First night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这完全是两码事好吧。", "english": "I don't think it's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "切,那儿也是有一堆亚洲的小妞儿啊。", "english": "Well, there were a lot"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能的,戴夫。", "english": "It's impossible, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们这么办,你看我说的对不对哈。", "english": "Here's what we're gonna do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们做了这个采访。", "english": "We're gonna do that interview,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后大家就开始超级严肃地看待你了。", "english": "everyone is gonna take you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样你就永远不会离开我了。", "english": "and then you're never"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝鲜参加奥运会的,对吧?", "english": "North Korea's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敢打赌他们肯定有个办公室", "english": "I bet they have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "专管和奥委会的沟通。", "english": "set up to communicate"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以很可能也有", "english": "so there's probably"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "某种设备可以用来", "english": "some infrastructure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和外面的世界沟通。", "english": "the outside world through that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好主意啊,脑子终于开动了。", "english": "Good idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位,各位,我不知道你们听说没", "english": "Guys, guys, guys, guys!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是刚刚有人爆出来一张照片", "english": "heard this, but some"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里面好像是麦康纳在操一头羊。", "english": "where it looks like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦康纳羊操", "english": "McConaughey Goat Fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,很明显我们得请他上节目来表演一下。", "english": "Okay, we obviously have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以……我们安排下这个吧。", "english": "so... we should"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我们要弄朝鲜那事儿啊,不是么?", "english": "But we're doing this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把羊也带上。", "english": "Get the goat!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有几个关于羊的问题。", "english": "I got some questions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好。这是今夜云雀秀的阿龙·拉破特", "english": "Hello. This is Aaron Rapoport"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们听说你们的最高领导人很喜欢", "english": "We heard your Supreme Leader"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的节目。我们非常愿意请他来。", "english": "of our show, and we'd love"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那啥,请给我回个电话,告诉我行不行。", "english": "Uh, please get back to me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要准备去参加一个重要会议了。", "english": "I'm about to head"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过,我早上会在。", "english": "but, uh, I'll be around"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望能得到你的回复。", "english": "- Hope to hear from you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去梅塞的春天。", "english": "Uh, Mercer and Spring, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找阿龙·拉破特", "english": "I am trying"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有关什么采访的", "english": "with our office"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,戴夫,是你吗?", "english": "Look, Dave, is this you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为要是你的话", "english": "'Cause if it is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这亚洲口音太逊了。", "english": "you're doing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的对母鸡啊。", "english": "Me so \"solly.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "偶要挂掂话了。", "english": "Me gots to go now, son."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这里是朝鲜民主主义", "english": "I am from the office"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人民共和国通信部秘书", "english": "Secretary of Communications"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓢素银的办公室", "english": "with the Democratic People's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦卖糕,啊……", "english": "Oh, my God. Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屎。啊,好对母鸡啊。", "english": "Shit. Uh, me so solly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,真对……", "english": "I mean, I'm so solly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的非常对不起。不好意思。", "english": "I'm-I'm... I'm so sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们想要和你讨论一下我们的最高领导人", "english": "We would like to discuss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和戴夫·云雀这个采访的可能性。", "english": "between the Supreme Leader"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鉴于安保问题的原因", "english": "Security concerns dictate"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要有人来亲自参加讨论。", "english": "that the matter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,好啊,太好了。哪儿……去哪儿讨论?", "english": "Uh, okay, great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,那个我不是很熟悉", "english": "Just 'cause I'm not, like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经度和纬度啊。", "english": "with my longitudes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底在哪儿?", "english": "where is that again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中国东北的丹东市以西五十千米处。", "english": "northeastern China."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚说的是中国?", "english": "Did you just say \"China\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要去娘操的中国了,大伙儿!", "english": "Going to motherfucking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,我能坐这儿吗?", "english": "Excuse me, can I get in there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢。", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好啊。", "english": "Hi, there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不了,多谢。", "english": "No, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就抽你的二手烟好了。", "english": "I'll just get it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来个自拍!", "english": "Selfie!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操,这些人到底咋哪儿啊?", "english": "Well, where the fuck are they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这他妈的咋的?", "english": "What the fuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别开枪,别开枪。", "english": "No, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别,别!", "english": "No! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是美国记者。", "english": "I'm an American journalist!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙·拉破特。", "english": "Aaron Rapoport!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你们请我来的。", "english": "I was invited here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是和平而来的!", "english": "I come in peace!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来准备采访。", "english": "I'm here for interview!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别朝我开枪。", "english": "Please don't kill me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉破特先生,我是瓢素银。", "english": "Mr. Rapoport,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最高领导人答应让云雀先生", "english": "The Supreme Leader will grant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到朝鲜采访他一小时。", "english": "to Mr. Skylark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有问题都会由最高领导人提供。", "english": "All questions will be supplied"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "条件没有回旋余地。给你二十四小时决定。", "english": "Terms are nonnegotiable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们打电话告诉我不行吗?", "english": "Why didn't you guys tell me this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "视频?就不能视频吗?", "english": "Or Skype?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这儿有视频吗?好吧。", "english": "Do you have Skype here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,能不能给我瓶水啊。", "english": "Well, look, can you give me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那家伙有水啊。", "english": "That guy has water!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少捎我一程啊!", "english": "Please give me a ride somewhere!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这次出门我没带够东西。", "english": "I didn't pack well"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟傻子似的打包的。", "english": "I packed like a fool!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟他妈傻逼似的!", "english": "Like a goddamn fool!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你们,求你们了。", "english": "Please! Please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日,那女的超性感。", "english": "Damn, she was sexy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的直升机落地以后", "english": "The fucking helicopter landed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我站在不知道叫啥的鬼地方。", "english": "I'm in the middle of nowhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个士兵跳出来。", "english": "Two soldiers jump out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为要把我毙了。", "english": "I think I'm gonna get killed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后,瓢姑娘出来了", "english": "Then, out comes Sook."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟你说过她。", "english": "I told you about her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她从直升机上下来。", "english": "She comes out of the helicopter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这才是好样儿的。", "english": "My fucking man!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没,我没有好吧,没有。", "english": "No, I didn't do that, dude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有问题都由他们来写。", "english": "They were gonna write"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们不做了。", "english": "We can't do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基本上我们就是让他", "english": "We're essentially letting him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借你的嘴采访他自己啊。", "english": "interview himself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看!", "english": "Look!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看这个屁股操的!", "english": "Look at this buttfuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他那儿放着一堆核弹头。", "english": "He's got a whole parade"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且随后都准备好可以发射。", "english": "He's ready to use them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要能采访到本拉登", "english": "When you score a bin Laden"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者希特勒或者金正恩,", "english": "or a Hitler or an Un,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就得屌粗胆大才行!", "english": "you take it by the balls!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是做新闻的第一条原则。", "english": "It's the first rule"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们想要啥,就给他们看啥。", "english": "You give the people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是新闻的第一原则。", "english": "That's not the first rule"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得这是马戏团或者", "english": "I think that's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撞车大赛那种的第一原则。", "english": "like, circuses"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是自弗罗斯弟和尼克松以来最重要的访问。", "english": "(其实是弗罗斯特,他把名字记错了)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朗·霍华德会把咱这事儿改编成电影的", "english": "Ron Howard's gonna make"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做完这个访问,咱想采访哪个主席", "english": "We do this, we can interview"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就能采访到哪个。", "english": "any president on the planet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后你就可以问他们真正的问题了。", "english": "And then you can ask them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就跟吃蔬菜似的。", "english": "This is like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你吃完这儿以后", "english": "Once you eat those,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后就可以吃牛排了。", "english": "then you get to eat the steak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都知道阿龙喜欢吃啥样的牛排。", "english": "And we know Aaron"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就跟那啥……", "english": "This is like..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "懂吗?", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就跟弗罗多一样。", "english": "I'm actually like Frodo Baggins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是我的山姆。", "english": "And you are my Sam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的山姆。", "english": "My Samwise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有你,我就一事无成。", "english": "I can't do it without you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去征服魔多。", "english": "To Mordor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,咱他妈说干就干。", "english": "Okay, let's fucking do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是要再次感谢我们的嘉宾", "english": "As always,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在节目结束前", "english": "And before we go,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有个重要的声明", "english": "I have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我那位无与伦比的制片人", "english": "With the help"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙·拉破特的帮助下,我约到了", "english": "Aaron Rapoport, I've secured"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三个星期后的今天", "english": "Three weeks from tonight,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我将到达朝鲜首都平壤", "english": "I will be traveling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对金正恩主席进行", "english": "to conduct the first"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全球首次采访。", "english": "with President Kim Jong-un."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很惶恐,也很荣幸", "english": "I am deeply humbled"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能担此天降大任。", "english": "to accept this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说没,戴夫·云雀要采访", "english": "Apparently, Dave Skylark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝鲜的暴君了。", "english": "the dictator of North Korea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩是江南Style的鸟叔。", "english": "he's the guy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对一个凶残的独裁者大唱赞歌。", "english": "Obscene glorification"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个人可是虐待自己的人民", "english": "This is a man who tortures,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐吓他们,让他们挨饿的暴君啊。", "english": "terrorizes and starves"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喵呜……", "english": "Meeee-ow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个老鸡巴,对吧?", "english": "What a fucking bitch,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没,你说错了。", "english": "No, you're not right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说的很对啊。", "english": "He's not being a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他他妈就是嫉妒到屁滚尿流了。", "english": "He's motherfucking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人家有啥好嫉妒的?", "english": "What is there to be jealous of?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孙子恨咱因为他不屎咱。", "english": "(ain’t us 发音接近anus也就是屁眼儿的发音)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孙子恨咱因为他不屎咱。", "english": "They hates us 'cause we \"anus\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这他妈跟屎有啥关系?", "english": "What the fuck does an anus"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孙子恨咱因为他不屎咱。", "english": "They hate us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根本不是这样的。", "english": "That's not what it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孙子恨咱是因为咱就是咱。", "english": "They hate us 'cause we is us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我们要干的事真的是卑劣啊。", "english": "and what we is doing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孙子恨咱因为他不屎咱。", "english": "They fucking hate us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恨你的人总有理由恨你。", "english": "Haters gonna hate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屎人总会去屎。", "english": "And ain't-ers gonna ain't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪个人他妈这么说过。", "english": "That is not an actual thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对待恨你的人就得这样", "english": "This is what you do to haters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对着他们笑。", "english": "You just smile."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这辈子玩过的最强的迷幻药", "english": "The strongest ecstasy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日,这是干啥了!", "english": "Oh, what the fuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,来了。", "english": "Okay, I'm coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎。", "english": "Oh, shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦哦搞得", "english": "Oh... oh, God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉破特先生", "english": "Mr. Rapoport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是中央情报局的特工", "english": "I'm Agent Lacey"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的搭档,宝特文先生。", "english": "and this is my partner,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙,不管那是谁", "english": "Aaron, whoever that is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫他们滚蛋。", "english": "tell them to fuck off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫,那个……", "english": "Dave, it's, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我鸡巴现在超级臭的。", "english": "but I got some stink dick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,我的鸡巴太臭了。", "english": "Yo, my dick stinks!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人真的好奇怪哦。。。", "english": "So weird how you, like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忍不住要继续闻。。。。", "english": "just want to keep"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,快过来闻闻这个。。。", "english": "Yo, you got to come over"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你, 过来闻一下。", "english": "Yo, come smell this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看看这是啥。", "english": "You got to identify this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道这是啥。", "english": "I don't know what it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别理他。", "english": "Excuse him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的屌臭。", "english": "He has stink dick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有点像鳄梨酱的味道。", "english": "It kind of smells"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能进来吗?", "english": "May we come in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要喝点什么或者", "english": "Would you, um,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吸点阿龙的可卡因么?", "english": "like a drink or some"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是可卡因。。。这是。。。", "english": "This is not our cocaine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我知道不是。", "english": "No, I'm sure it's not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个,找我们有什么事吗?", "english": "So, uh, how can we, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,阿龙,戴夫", "english": "Well, Aaron, Dave,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "as I'm sure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们也知道", "english": "you know already,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩现在已经拥有了", "english": "Kim Jong-un is now capable"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用核武攻击西海岸的能力。", "english": "of nuking all of the West Coast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要说的关键就是", "english": "The point is we're talking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "核武器国家要是互相开仗的话……", "english": "at war with each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "核武器。", "english": "Nuclear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的确有针对", "english": "He does have one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西海岸的战略优势", "english": "tactical advantage"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把成百上千万朝鲜人害死", "english": "He's more than willing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也不会眨一眨眼。", "english": "of his own people die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "轰隆。爆炸。射我一脸。", "english": "Ba-bam. Explosions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,我们昨晚玩太high了。", "english": "I'm sorry, we had kind"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛要跟我们", "english": "Why are you telling us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟你说这些,是因为你们超级走运", "english": "well, we're telling you this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以有机会和他独处一室。", "english": "are going to be in a room alone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了,还得恭喜你们一些呢", "english": "and congratulations, by the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢谢谢。", "english": "That's right!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这也是我们来的一部分原因", "english": "Which is part of the reason"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们俩人能把他", "english": "if you two could..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是,呃。。。", "english": "No, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是灭了他。", "english": "take him out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想叫我们刺杀朝鲜领导人?", "english": "You want us to assassinate"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们杀了他,那些人还会", "english": "If we kill him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再弄一个洗剪吹发型的死胖子", "english": "another chubby dude"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他顶替掉啊。", "english": "to come in and replace him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,事实上,我们了解到", "english": "Uh, actually,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他手下有个小派别的人想把他除掉。", "english": "in the existing leadership"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们想要改变,但是太怕了,自己不敢动。", "english": "They want change; they're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以需要你们俩过去。。。", "english": "and they need you two"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把金正恩除掉,给他们策反的信心", "english": "remove Kim,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他们来接管政权。", "english": "and take over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那啥,蕾丝特工,你会参与吗?", "english": "Are you, Agent Lacey,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会全程都在你耳边的", "english": "I am going to be in your ear,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你身边陪你走完每一步。", "english": "by your side,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我答案就有一个。", "english": "Then I have one answer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "替天行道!", "english": "No more Kim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,你干嘛啊你。", "english": "Uh, you know what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得商量一下。。。", "english": "Actually, I think we should"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "声明一下,", "english": "Just for the record,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的屌很美味的。", "english": "I don't have stink dick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来,进这儿来,进来。", "english": "Come over here, come here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我们得答应。", "english": "I think we need to do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她好酷哦。", "english": "She is so cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还没想明白咋回事么?这么明显。", "english": "You don't see what's happening,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是在威“屄”利诱我们啊!", "english": "They're honeypotting us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "特工女郎勾引男的", "english": "spy woman who lures men"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去干那些见不得人的勾当。", "english": "into doing shit they're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么就视而不见呢?", "english": "How can you not see that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女人现在很聪明的。", "english": "Women are smart now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为她这么性感", "english": "Do you actually think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正好符合你的口味,是个巧合吗?", "english": "to have everything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刘海,大咪咪,眼镜?", "english": "Bangs, giant tits, glasses?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是假的好吗?", "english": "They're fake, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假眼镜?", "english": "Fake glasses?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个可怜苦娘瞎的跟蝙蝠似的。", "english": "Well, that poor girl"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是说,我们嗑了药", "english": "Okay, I'm just saying that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且又饥渴的话,很可能不适合。。。", "english": "and when we're horned up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托哦。", "english": "Oh, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你妈你现在就硬了好吗?", "english": "You got half a fucking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,你想看是吗?", "english": "Fine, you want to see it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,你听好了", "english": "Okay, here's what's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去把那些药拉出来。", "english": "I'm gonna poop out these drugs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去把你的淫念射出来。", "english": "You're gonna go jerk off"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完了之后我们还想继续聊这事儿的话", "english": "If we both still want to talk"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱就继续聊。不然就别说了。", "english": "about this afterwards, then"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫·云雀从来不拒撸。", "english": "Dave Skylark never backs down"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三天以后", "english": "In three days,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你坐飞机从纽约飞到北京。", "english": "you will fly from New York"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后再转机", "english": "where you will transfer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直接去平壤。", "english": "that takes you directly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,我插句题外话,", "english": "I'm sorry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你眼镜去哪了?", "english": "but, um, what happened"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔,我换隐形了。", "english": "Oh, I... I got LASIK."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么一会儿功夫就换了?", "english": "Between the time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听好了,我们的情报显示", "english": "Now, our intelligence suggests"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们会被带到金正恩的个人住地。", "english": "to Kim Jong-un's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在采访开始前", "english": "So, preceding the interview,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要和金正恩握个手。", "english": "you are going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用这个延时起效的", "english": "administering"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓖麻毒贴,让他的皮肤沾上", "english": "with this, a transdermal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "致命剂量的毒素。", "english": "ricin strip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和他握手以后", "english": "When you shake his hand,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮肤把毒素吸收到体内", "english": "the poison will be absorbed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十二小时的新陈代谢后才会起效", "english": "where it metabolizes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样没人会知道是你们干的。", "english": "Nobody will have any idea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人会知道?", "english": "No one will know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国政府必须完全否认对此事知情。", "english": "The United States must maintain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟黑帮老大似的大摇大摆走进去", "english": "I walk in there"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后在电视上当场", "english": "and blow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他炸成稀巴烂。", "english": "on television."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这可是电视界的轰动事件。", "english": "This is a major"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么可能在幕后完成。", "english": "You don't want to blow it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "懂不?", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就跟毛片儿里似的,这叫钱镜头", "english": "(GV男射的镜头叫money shot)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不可能让一群猛男干啊干的", "english": "You don't have a bunch of dudes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果正要射呢,你把镜头掐了", "english": "and then right before"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后说,啊,别担心嘛", "english": "and say, \"Oh, don't worry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我们想要的是", "english": "No! We want"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全景加特写!", "english": "the all-over close-up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "射了一脸!", "english": "All over his face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后再完。", "english": "The end!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘭~", "english": "Bam!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你……看的是啥毛片儿?", "english": "What kind of porn"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你把他杀了以后,他的警卫们", "english": "What happens when"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始朝你们开火怎么办?", "english": "start firing back at you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当人家面把人领袖杀了啊", "english": "right in front of them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想得美啊,还防弹衣。", "english": "No, you don't have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你从住地逃出来以后咋办,戴夫?", "english": "What happens after you escape"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到了阿龙,我抓住他的手就跑", "english": "I see Aaron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们跑到了树林里", "english": "We run out into the woods."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里面有个密道啥的。", "english": "Perhaps there's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我们从刚才说的密道逃走。", "english": "We exit said tunnel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后在指定地点,海豹六队", "english": "At a designated spot,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从天而降,骑着充气摩托艇", "english": "swoops in, puts us on one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带着我们俩从水上逃走", "english": "of those inflatable motorboats,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从那儿一路狂奔来找你。", "english": "we're out of there,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道你会怎么死吗?", "english": "If you did try to do this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们CIA连个乐斯菲斯的冲锋衣", "english": "You telling me the CIA"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者起司泡芙", "english": "North Face jackets"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谷物早餐都没有吗", "english": "Cap'n Crunch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那西伯利亚虎呢?", "english": "What about Siberian tigers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能开枪打死他。", "english": "You're not going to shoot him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也不会有防弹衣。", "english": "There's not going to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且也不会有人知道", "english": "and nobody is going to know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和此事有任何牵连。", "english": "that you had anything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么简单,这就是计划。", "english": "That's it, that's the plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两年以后", "english": "Two years later,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我写一本揭秘类的畅销书", "english": "I come out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不同寻常的旅程:", "english": "\"An Unexpected Journey:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫·云雀在朝鲜之行", "english": "Dave Skylark's Adventures"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能写这种书。", "english": "You can't write a tell-all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们坐在CIA总部", "english": "\"We were an oddly-shaped"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个奇形怪状的办公室里", "english": "\"at the CIA headquarters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让人浑身酥软的特工蕾丝", "english": "The titillating Agent Lacey...\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蕾丝特工说,不能写揭秘书。", "english": "\"'There's no tell-all, '"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她看着戴夫", "english": "\"She looked at him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "气得浑身发抖,或许是激动得?", "english": "She trembled with rage,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你的那些小把戏", "english": "that I know what you did to me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是苍蝇,你就是蜜罐。", "english": "You honeypotted him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说了好多屁话,但说真的", "english": "in the last ten minutes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的确是威“屄”利诱了", "english": "you did honeypot him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敢打赌,你又怕我是gay,", "english": "I bet you got him in here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不是gay", "english": "just in case I'm gay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我要是gay的话,早就识破他了。", "english": "but if I was, I would've"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你基本上就是再说", "english": "'cause basically if you think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就因为我是个女生", "english": "you're saying"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我还很有吸引力", "english": "and because I'm attractive,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以局里就只能那我来给男人当诱饵", "english": "my only use for this agency"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也觉得好过分的。", "english": "I think it's offensive, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟阿龙就这么说的。", "english": "And that's exactly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说那婊子跟蝙蝠一样瞎。", "english": "I said that bitch"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能聊点别的吗?", "english": "Can we please move on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还有个暴君要干掉呢。", "english": "We have a dictator to kill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "处理蓖麻毒贴的时候", "english": "When handling the ricin strip,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要小心加小心", "english": "operate with extreme caution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即便是碰一下皮肤,也是致命的。", "english": "Even momentary flesh contact"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后会穿过血脑屏障", "english": "After it passes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后身体会努力排斥毒素", "english": "Your body will strain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大量出汗,拉稀,呕吐。", "english": "by profusely sweating,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几分钟以后,你就死翘翘了。", "english": "Within minutes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙把A膜揭下来", "english": "Aaron peels off the film marked A,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后把它贴在戴夫的手心。", "english": "He then applies the strip"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暴露出蓖麻毒", "english": "exposing the ricin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫会从他的房间被带走", "english": "Dave needs to appear casual"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到达演播厅", "english": "as he is transferred"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "千万记住,手不能握拳", "english": "It is critical that he keeps"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也不能摸别的东西。", "english": "and touches nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫·云雀。", "english": "Dave Skylark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金先生。", "english": "- Mr. Kim..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很荣幸见到您。", "english": "Nice to meet you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫朝金正恩鞠躬。", "english": "Dave will bow to Kim"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后和他握手。", "english": "then shake his hand,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着立即将毒贴拿下来", "english": "immediately disposing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "装在口袋里", "english": "in his jacket pocket,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "口袋里贴有中和毒素的药物。", "english": "with an absorbing agent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蕾丝特工!", "english": "Agent Lacey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,云雀先生,你把那个", "english": "All right, Mr. Skylark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓖麻毒贴放在这个小袋子里。", "english": "the ricin case"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它会自动密封好。", "english": "It will magnetically seal,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后就可以按计划行事了。", "english": "and then you're good to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你想我提着这个袋子?", "english": "So you want me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是这个袋子。", "english": "This is the bag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是狗屎袋子。", "english": "This is a douche bag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这块表里藏着很多机关。", "english": "The watches conceal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们和我还有指挥中心通过表来联络。", "english": "It's how you stay in contact"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必须用代号来完成。", "english": "should be done using call signs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫屎壳郎。", "english": "you are \"dung beetle,\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我提不了这个东西。", "english": "I can't even carry this thing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么就提不了了。", "english": "What do you mean"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空气动力学完全不对啊。", "english": "Aerodynamics are all off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老是撞到我的腿。", "english": "It's hitting my leg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有点太鼓了。", "english": "It's, like, bulky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先森们,请谨记,你们将要进入的", "english": "Please remember, gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是地球上最危险、最变幻莫测的国家。", "english": "the most dangerous and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩非常会玩弄手腕。", "english": "Kim Jong-un"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的人民视他为天神。", "english": "His people revere him as a god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信他说的任何话。", "english": "They'll believe anything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甚至包括他能和海豚交流。", "english": "he tells them, including that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者他不撒尿,也不拉屎。", "english": "or he doesn't urinate"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说这家伙不尿不拉?", "english": "You're telling me my man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说他又尿又拉。但他骗朝鲜人", "english": "I'm telling you he does,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说他不拉。那些人还就相信他了。", "english": "to his people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人人都有屎尿屁啊。", "english": "Everybody pees and poops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不然放哪儿。他会爆掉的。", "english": "Where would it go otherwise?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是他真的能和海豚讲话是吧。", "english": "But he does talk to dolphins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看起来咋样啊?", "english": "All right, how do I look?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还真是人模狗样的。", "english": "Yeah, actually, this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这他妈是啥?", "english": "What the fuck is this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是CIA给你的啊。", "english": "That's just not the bag"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,那个包?", "english": "Oh, that bag?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊,那个包。", "english": "Yes, that bag!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个包丑爆了。爆了好吗。", "english": "That bag was Fugly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可那个专为隐藏毒素设计的啊。", "english": "Well, it was also designed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要偷偷带进朝鲜。", "english": "that we're gonna smuggle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小金是个脑残粉。", "english": "Kim is a super fan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他知道我喜欢走在时尚边缘。", "english": "He knows I take fashion risks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要是拿那个包去", "english": "Look, I show up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小金肯定会说", "english": "Kim's gonna be like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,不", "english": "\"Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你包这么丑?", "english": "\"You got ugly bag?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是云雀,你是特工。", "english": "\"You no Skylark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "灭了他。", "english": "Terminate him.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那毒素放哪儿?", "english": "Where's the fucking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和口香糖放一起。", "english": "I put the strip"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们找不到的。", "english": "They'll never find it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是觉得不太好。", "english": "I am not cool with this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还没到时间。", "english": "It's not showtime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别走了。", "english": "Stop walking!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要去朝鲜了。", "english": "We are going to North Korea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,云雀,你准备", "english": "Yo, Skylark, which side"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "舔金主席的哪瓣屁股?", "english": "of President Kim's ass"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会舔他的。这么说吧", "english": "I'm not gonna kiss him,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要用手给他来点特别的。", "english": "I might give him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要把他撸出来?", "english": "You gonna jerk him off?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?不是。我刚说的是双关语。", "english": "What? No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈闭嘴,闭上!", "english": "Shut the fuck... Shut up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴。快上车。", "english": "Shut up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴,别说了。", "english": "Shut up! Shut up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛要说这个。", "english": "Why would you say that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,好戏正式开场了。", "english": "All right, here we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好疯狂啊。", "english": "This is crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好疯狂。", "english": "This is crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了好了。", "english": "Okay, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好。真是抱歉,他……", "english": "Hi. Sorry about..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈喽。哇……", "english": "Hello! Wow..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好喜欢你风格。", "english": "I like your style."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又见面了。一切可好?", "english": "Good to see you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫,介绍下,瓢素银。", "english": "Uh, Dave, this is, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你念叨了好久那个女的?", "english": "That you won't stop"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哪有。", "english": "That's not true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们民族不同。", "english": "We are different people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对吧?", "english": "Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是内心", "english": "but inside"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却是一样火热的。", "english": "we are same-same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一样,但是不同。", "english": "Same-same, but different."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是仍然一样。", "english": "But still same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,多谢。", "english": "Oh, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你造么,我对你们这个年轻国家的", "english": "You know, I'm very,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "历史非常非常感兴趣。", "english": "very interested in the history"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听说", "english": "I hear that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里所有人都快要饿死了。", "english": "absolutely everyone here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个普遍的误解。", "english": "This is a common misconception."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们自己可以看下。", "english": "See for yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇,食杂店呢。", "english": "Oh, wow!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我家边上那个全食超市差不多。", "english": "Looks like the Whole Foods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊,看来没有人在挨饿。", "english": "Yep, guess no one's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们这里食品非常丰富。", "english": "We have an abundance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还真是,快看那个胖小孩。", "english": "And speak of the devil,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,小胖墩儿。", "english": "Hi, little fatty!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝鲜有很多小胖子的。", "english": "We have many fat children"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最高领导人认为", "english": "The Supreme Leader"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胖是一个国家", "english": "believes it is a hallmark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "繁荣和自足的象征。", "english": "of prosperity"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些我还真不知道", "english": "I don't know about all that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我倒是听说", "english": "but this one is one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不尿尿也不大号。", "english": "I heard he doesn't pee or poo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他日理万机,直接把能量都消耗了。", "english": "He works so hard,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说他真的不用大号?", "english": "You-You're telling me my man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那他有菊花吗?", "english": "Does-does he have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有也用不到啊。", "english": "He has no need for one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吼吼,好棒啊。", "english": "Ho-ho! Damn, son!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这边请。", "english": "Right this way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也看见了。别闹。", "english": "I get it. Fucking stop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是郭警卫和于警卫。", "english": "These are Officers Koh and Yu."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是最高领导人", "english": "They are the heads of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "私人保镖组的头头。", "english": "our Supreme Leader's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在领袖小时候就开始保护他了。", "english": "They have been with him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在进入最高领导人的府第前", "english": "They will search you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他俩会最后搜查你们一次。", "english": "before entering"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是个古驰包包啦。", "english": "Just a Gucci bag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是毛?", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃……", "english": "Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "口香糖。", "english": "gum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这叫口香糖。", "english": "That is gum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日,你真吃了?", "english": "- Oh, you fucking tried it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这口香糖没味儿。", "english": "This gun has no flavor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是吐出来,我们也不会介意的", "english": "We wouldn't be insulted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这口香糖吃起来就像屎。", "english": "Your gum taste like shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们现在可以进入最高领导人的家了。", "english": "You may now enter the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个房间", "english": "This room"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是拉破特先生的。", "english": "This room for Mr. Rapoport."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯嗯,不错哦。", "english": "Ooh, lovely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢。好古雅啊。- 好Q。", "english": "- Thank you. Quaint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你咋样啊?", "english": "How are you feeling?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我日,真是太扯了。", "english": "Dude, what the fuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,那个……", "english": "Hey, uh, you know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者喝杯茶什么的?", "english": "Maybe you should"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操!", "english": "Fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许有监控。", "english": "They could be recording."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不错。我去冲一下。", "english": "Lovely. I'm gonna go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,我和你一块儿去。", "english": "Okay, I'll take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干嘛要和我一起冲啊?", "english": "Why would you take one with me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是在编谎儿!", "english": "I'm just making up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你闭嘴吧你。", "english": "Shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日,太……扯……了!", "english": "What... the... fuck... dude?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他吃了,他你妈吃了!", "english": "He ate it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屎,他死定了。", "english": "Shit, he's gonna die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别别,我们要这么想", "english": "Look, look, look, look..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他应该是小金的刽子手,对吧?", "english": "He's probably, like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能杀了几千几万人。", "english": "He's probably killed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "估计比小金还可恶。", "english": "He's probably worse than Kim,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们连干掉小金都觉得OK,对吧?", "english": "and we're okay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们他妈现在怎么干掉他。", "english": "How the fuck are we gonna"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在没有蓖麻毒了。", "english": "We don't have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁叫你他妈换掉包的。", "english": "Why the fuck did you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的错,我不该掉包。", "english": "I shouldn't have switched"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我过会儿联系你们。", "english": "I am going to contact you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想办法来解决一下。", "english": "I'm gonna figure out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢。你干嘛告诉她。", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉啥。因为就是这么回事啊。", "english": "Tell her what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛告诉他那人吃了毒素。", "english": "Why'd you tell her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他吃了啊。", "english": "Because he did!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这不是破坏我好事吗?", "english": "Dude, that was a cock block."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我接乌山空军基地的弗朗科斯上校。", "english": "Get me Major Franks"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大鸟已经上路。", "english": "We have a bird en route."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚", "english": "Aardvark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的表会发送地理坐标", "english": "your watch will transmit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "引导包裹到达。", "english": "to guide in the package."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得到外面找个没有树遮挡", "english": "You need to get outside"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别人也发现不了你的地方。", "english": "where you can't be detected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听明白没?", "english": "Okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?蕾丝,干嘛要我去。", "english": "What-what-what...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干嘛叫你?", "english": "Why you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为屎壳郎要是被逮住", "english": "Because if Dung Beetle"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者杀死,任务就泡汤了,不是吗?", "english": "or killed, then we don't have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的觉得我有可能被逮或被杀?", "english": "You really think I could"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,穿上深色衣服,现在就到外面去。", "english": "Hey, put on your darkest clothes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且要确保你", "english": "and make sure that you are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离住的地方至少有二十码那么远。", "english": "from the building."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接近发射区。", "english": "Approaching launch zone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了么?", "english": "You ready?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该吧。", "english": "I think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有点小紧张,不过感觉还行。", "english": "I'm a little nervous,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这边儿给自己鼓气呢,你那边拿针扎我。", "english": "I'm trying to psych myself up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会像爱我妈一样,爱你妈的。", "english": "I will love your mother"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外面好吓人哦。", "english": "It's really scary out there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,超级吓人。", "english": "Yeah, super-duper scary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我抓……日!", "english": "- I got... Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚,你没事吧?", "english": "Aardvark, are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事。你闭嘴。", "english": "I'm fine. Shut the fuck up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚已就位。", "english": "Aardvark is hot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再说一遍,土豚已经“基-友”就位了。", "english": "I REPEAT: Aardvark is H-O-T hot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的好勇敢。", "english": "You're being extremely brave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都很为你自豪。", "english": "Everybody here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心,你回来以后,我给你揉肚肚。", "english": "I'm gonna rub your tummy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有几米了,加油。", "english": "Just a few more feet, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有五到十米。", "english": "Just five to ten more feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还得往前爬?", "english": "I got to keep going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爬不动了啊。", "english": "I don't want to keep going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包裹在马上投放,三二一。", "english": "Package will deploy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包裹已经投放。", "english": "Package is inbound."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到达时间,两分钟。", "english": "Arrival time, two minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有五米了。", "english": "Just five more feet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再爬五米,就到指定地点了。", "english": "Five more feet,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,别动。", "english": "hey, don't move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好像看到啥东西了。", "english": "I think I see something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么有动静。你说啥呢。", "english": "What do you mean,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啥?把画面拉近看。", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么办。", "english": "What do I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一号,你看到没?", "english": "Comm One, are you seeing this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "画面已经拉近。", "english": "Zoom in one that thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是啥?", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有东西在朝土豚靠近。", "english": "There's something crawling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操,是啥你得告诉我啊。", "english": "What the fuck? What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到一个身体和四条腿。", "english": "I'm seeing four legs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你丫看到啥了,我咋啥都看不到啊。", "english": "What the fuck are you seeing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狗狗,大狗狗。", "english": "Dog, big dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像一条龙那么大的狗。", "english": "It's like a dragon dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这狗像龙那么大。", "english": "This is like a dragon dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这他妈是……", "english": "Is that a fucking..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计们,我到底该往那儿看。我不知道啊。", "english": "Guys, what am I looking for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是一条大狗狗!", "english": "It's like a big dog"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "橘黄色的大狗狗。", "english": "that's orange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "身上还有条纹。", "english": "It's got stripes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一个身上有条纹的大黄狗!", "english": "It's like a big, orange,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是只老虎。", "english": "There's a tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那他妈是老虎!", "english": "It's a fucking tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那他妈是老虎!", "english": "It's a fucking tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老虎。", "english": "A tiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈把我基友领到了老虎的地盘上?", "english": "You fucking led my friend"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是说了那边有老虎的么?", "english": "I told you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位,我现在非常不高兴。", "english": "Guys, I'm very unhappy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别慌,外面漆黑一片。", "english": "Look, it's really dark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老虎说不定看不到你。", "english": "He probably doesn't see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屁话,它他妈肯定能看到我。", "english": "- Oh, it fucking sees me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老虎还有夜视镜?", "english": "That tiger has"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是夜视镜!", "english": "It doesn't have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就天生能在夜里……", "english": "It just naturally has night..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,保持联系畅通。", "english": "Listen, just keep the line clear,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屎壳郎,听到没?", "english": "Dung Beetle, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚遇到麻烦了。", "english": "Aardvark is in trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该咋办,该咋办。", "english": "What do I do? What do I do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说话,说话。", "english": "Talk to me, talk to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我实在不想这么说", "english": "I didn't want it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你得跟老虎打一架了。", "english": "but you're gonna have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别,不要,别和老虎打。", "english": "No, do not!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别不好意思,直接踹它的蛋。", "english": "Do not be a gentleman, you go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看不到它的蛋!", "english": "I don't see its balls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别跟老虎打。你赢不了的。", "english": "Do not fight the tiger!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是个母老虎,你就踢它的屄。", "english": "If that's a girl tiger,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道这个主意很蠢吧?", "english": "Please tell me you know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别,求你别跟老虎打!", "english": "Please, please don't try"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我就跑吧。", "english": "I'm gonna make a run for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然就死定了。", "english": "You will die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来了。", "english": "It's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑,胖胖,快跑!", "english": "You go, go, go, buddy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心,马上要追上你了。", "english": "Look out, look out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上要追上了。", "english": "It's coming after you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没死。", "english": "- I'm alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚,你现在在老虎肚子里吗?", "english": "Are you in the tiger, Aardvark?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在老虎肚子里吗?", "english": "Are you inside the tiger?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事吧?", "english": "Are you okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿到包裹了吗?", "english": "Do you have the package?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是土豚。", "english": "This is Aardvark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包裹把老虎爆头了。", "english": "I think the package just killed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了。赶紧藏好包裹。", "english": "Fantastic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保护好那个狗日的包裹!", "english": "Secure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他拿到包裹了。", "english": "He's got the package."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿到了。接下来干啥。", "english": "I got it; what do I do with it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚,有人在朝你靠近。", "english": "Aardvark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在就得想办法。", "english": "You have to act now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把包裹藏起来。", "english": "Secure the package,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会发现包裹的。", "english": "They're gonna see it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得那个小导弹藏起来。", "english": "You got to hide"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我他妈藏哪儿!", "english": "Where the fuck do I hide it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么弄啊我!", "english": "What do I do with it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏屁股里可以吗?", "english": "What if you hide it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想自插!!", "english": "I don't want to stick it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚,你只能把包裹插进去了", "english": "You got to put it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一号,求你告诉我我不用", "english": "Comm One, please tell me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这个插到我屁眼儿里。", "english": "to stick this think in my ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,你稍等,让我们", "english": "Okay, you're right. Just give us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就没有别的地方可以藏了吗?", "english": "Isn't there anywhere else"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得只能插到屁眼儿了。", "english": "I think he should put it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们也想不出更好的办法了,你得", "english": "We don't have a better plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它插屁眼儿里了", "english": "to stick it in your ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没干过这事啊。", "english": "I've never done that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我干过。看着觉得大。", "english": "I've been there before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是老虎血可以润滑。", "english": "That tiger blood"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会把我菊花撑爆的!", "english": "This will mess up my asshole!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚,有人来了。", "english": "Aardvark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正在朝你包抄。", "english": "They are closing in on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们拿着枪呢。", "english": "They have guns."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赶紧把导弹保护好。", "english": "You need to secure the payload"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得自插菊花!", "english": "and you need"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "插到屁股里。", "english": "Just stick it in your butt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好好。", "english": "Okay, fine, fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有我呢,别怕。", "english": "I'm there with you, bro."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着我温柔的声音。", "english": "Just listen to the soothing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,好凉。", "english": "Oh, it's cold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放松,全身放松。", "english": "Just let everything go loose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,真受不了。", "english": "Oh, I don't like it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顶部是", "english": "The tip is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最不好受的。", "english": "it's the worst part."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有经验。", "english": "Trust me on this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "插的时候吸气。", "english": "- Inhale as you do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包裹的顶部已经藏好。", "english": "The tip of the package"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一号,东西已进菊花。", "english": "Comm One,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好疼。", "english": "Owie, owie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豚,最难的部分马上就过去了。", "english": "You are almost"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坚持就是胜利。", "english": "Just take it home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包裹已藏好。", "english": "The package is secure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个英雄。", "english": "You are a hero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈太英雄了。", "english": "You are a goddamn hero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,他们马上就靠近你了。", "english": "All right, they're coming, they're coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我挂了。完毕。", "english": "I got to go. Over and out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要开枪,不要开枪。", "english": "Hi! Aah! Don't shoot me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到没,啥都没有。", "english": "See? There's nothing in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我天,不会吧。", "english": "Oh, God, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不至于吧。", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操要干啥。", "english": "What the fuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛这样啊。", "english": "Why? Why'd you do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想看是吗?", "english": "Is this what you want?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你看。喜欢吗?", "english": "There! You like it?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢不?", "english": "You like it?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好看,傻逼们!", "english": "It's all yours, fuckers!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呆在屋里别处去,美国佬。", "english": "Stay in the room, American."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,他们走了。他们查你屁股没?", "english": "Hey, they're gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要把它弄出来了。", "english": "I'm gonna fucking get it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我帮忙就吼我。", "english": "I'm here to help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿到了。", "english": "Got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就好。", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说没那么糟的吧。", "english": "See, not so bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯嗯,还行。", "english": "Yeah, not so bad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为是这么大呢。", "english": "I was picturing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对啊,要是这么大我肯定忍得住。", "english": "Yeah, that I could live with."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就得去看肛肠科。", "english": "you need to see a proctologist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我他妈都不敢看。", "english": "I'm afraid to fucking look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你被机械战警爆了。。。", "english": "You got fucked by RoboCop, dude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,哪位?", "english": "Uh, who is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我,金正恩。", "english": "It is, uh, Kim Jong-un."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正啥?", "english": "Kim Jong-what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝鲜最高领导人", "english": "I am the Supreme Leader of,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事啊这是?", "english": "What the fuck?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他来干毛啊?我操。", "english": "What is he doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快藏起来,藏起来。", "english": "Hide it, hide it, hide it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是不会塞回去的。", "english": "I'm not putting it back up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把它藏我房间好了。", "english": "No, I'm gonna hide it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在就要贴上么?", "english": "Do I put it on right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "废话,那样我们还没走,他就死了。", "english": "No, then he'll die"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放口袋里。", "english": "Put it in your pocket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行吧。", "english": "- Okay, fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙,阿龙。", "english": "Aaron, Aaron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早安哦,戴夫。", "english": "Good morning, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫·云雀,啊", "english": "Dave Skylark, ah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难以置信。", "english": "It's crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你带了个礼物。", "english": "Oh, I have a gift for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个。", "english": "This."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦哦,是我啊。", "english": "Oh, oh, this is me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是你。", "english": "It's you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好棒啊。", "english": "Oh, that's great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直想要这么个雕像的。", "english": "I always wanted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫·云雀。", "english": "Dave Skylark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你真的喜欢我的节目?", "english": "So you really like the show?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没,我虽然没表现出来,但是心里在尖叫呢。", "english": "No, I might not show it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你算得上超级粉丝了。", "english": "You're like a superfan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是。", "english": "I really am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太酷了。", "english": "That's so cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别说蠢话,小金。", "english": "Don't say something stupid, Kim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,那个,我……", "english": "Okay, so I, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "觉得你可能会想吃点早饭", "english": "thought you might enjoy,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后在我家里各处转转。", "english": "and a tour of my home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你造么,坦白说,来这之前", "english": "You know, I have to admit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为这里会跟一坨屎一样。", "english": "I thought this place"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "理解。", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几十年了,你听到了那么多谣言", "english": "For decades, you've heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝鲜是个失败的国家。", "english": "\"North Korea is a failed state."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们连自己的人民都喂不饱。", "english": "We can't feed our people.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯嗯,我懂的。", "english": "I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在来的路上还看到个小胖子", "english": "I did see a fat kid"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有家看起来很不错的食杂店。", "english": "and a really nice-looking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们朝鲜有很多漂亮的食杂店。", "english": "Oh, we have beautiful grocery"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你造不,我最喜欢干的事", "english": "You know, one of my"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是在商店的过道里走来走去", "english": "is just strolling up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看祖国孕育的美好果实。", "english": "to see the-the beautiful fruits"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个我倒相信。", "english": "I can believe that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来你是天天往食杂店跑啊。", "english": "It looks like you hit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干你,戴夫。", "english": "Screw you, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真家伙?", "english": "Is that real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯大林送我爷爷的礼物。", "english": "It was a gift to my"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们国家,发音是史泰龙。", "english": "(Dave不知道斯塔林是谁)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好搞哦,戴夫。", "english": "You're so funny, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈,是的。", "english": "Uh, right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个,我们能进去看看么。", "english": "Well, can we look inside?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操,当然可以了。", "english": "Fuck, yeah, we can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧。", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是好棒。", "english": "This is so cool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还能用吗?", "english": "Is it still live?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道啊。", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不我们试试看。", "english": "Maybe we should find out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇,这里还有音响系统。", "english": "Look... you have a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别别别,别乱动。", "english": "Oh, no, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,肯定是我老婆放进来的。", "english": "Oh, uh... no, my wife"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这辈子都没听过这玩意儿。", "english": "'cause I've never heard this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好爱Katy Perry!", "english": "I love Katy Perry!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是说,我自己", "english": "I love... I mean,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己也经常听的。", "english": "I listen to this all the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我最喜欢她什么么?", "english": "You know why I really like her?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她总在向全世界女孩们", "english": "'Cause... because she has"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传递着一种强大信息。", "english": "for young women and girls"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她……真的很给人力量。", "english": "She's a... It's so empowering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你造么,戴夫,有时候我觉得自己就是个塑料袋。", "english": "(Firework的歌词)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望从头开始", "english": "Wanting to start again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随着你飞过", "english": "♪ As you shoot across the ♪"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天,天,天空。", "english": "♪ Sky, sky, sky... ♪"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美好回忆啊。", "english": "Oh, good times."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得玛格丽塔酒很甜", "english": "Do you think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以会显得很gay么?", "english": "because they are so sweet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁跟你说过?玛格丽塔酒很gay?", "english": "Did someone tell you that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没,就我一直在想这个问题。", "english": "No, it's just a question I have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是gay了", "english": "If liking Katy Perry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那谁还想当直男?", "english": "then who wants to be straight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛格丽塔酒很好喝。", "english": "Margaritas are great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管是谁告诉你的,那人肯定有病。", "english": "And whoever planted that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这东西还能动吗?", "english": "Does this thing still run?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇,感觉真棒啊。对不?", "english": "Oh, man, this is great, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能开个炮么?", "english": "Can we fire the gun?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你玩,就要让你玩到尽兴啊", "english": "You think I'd tease you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘭嘭嘭。", "english": "Boom, boom, boom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦屎", "english": "Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日你,破树!", "english": "Fuck you, tree!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "控制室会全员上岗。", "english": "The control room"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来保证传输畅通。", "english": "to insure an uninterrupted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是总开关。", "english": "This is the kill switch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "访问过程中,要是违反啥条件", "english": "During the interview,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就按下开关,切断信号。", "english": "I will use it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心,我们会按照你们说的办的。", "english": "Don't worry, we're gonna"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会负责传输的所有方面。", "english": "I will be in charge of every"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "节目录的时候怎么操作", "english": "Dave and the show itself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫和节目全得依赖靠我的。", "english": "when it comes to how we"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道。为了准备这次采访", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把你们的节目都看了。", "english": "in preparation"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我尤其喜欢", "english": "I particularly enjoyed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦莉·塞洛斯的骆驼趾那一集。", "english": "the Miley Cyrus"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,骆驼趾,那集是不错。", "english": "Oh, the camel toe episode."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前从来都没听过这种表达。", "english": "I've never heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是看了以后,发现还真是", "english": "But after seeing it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么比喻她的阴道很贴切。", "english": "representation of her vagina."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来一模一样,对吧?", "english": "It is; it looked exactly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她有个好强壮的鹿关节。", "english": "(骆驼趾和鹿关节,自己去搜一下吧。)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们美国人真是好擅长这种性暗语呢。。", "english": "You Americans are so creative"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,好多的。", "english": "Oh, yes, tons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请拿好这份印好的问题。", "english": "Please, take this printed copy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫一定要在采访前过一遍。", "english": "It's crucial Dave review them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "郭警卫和于警卫会带你", "english": "Officers Koh and Yu"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回你房间吃饭。", "english": "to your room,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,美国人,赶紧去吃的再胖点。", "english": "Come, American."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈哈,真油墨。", "english": "Oh, ha-ha. Great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢,各位。", "english": "Thanks, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你变成我的朝鲜小婊子了", "english": "Making you my little"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能拿我咋样?", "english": "What are you gonna do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朝洛杉矶扔几颗原子弹吗?", "english": "You gonna drop"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "澳大利亚都打不到。", "english": "make it to Australia!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一脸!", "english": "Face!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩的好开心啊。", "english": "Man, this is so nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我问你件事。", "english": "Let me ask you something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别误解哈,就问下。", "english": "Now, don't take this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你啥都可以问的,戴夫。", "english": "You can ask me anything, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你尿尿拉屎么?", "english": "Do you pee and poo?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,你也听过那些故事了?", "english": "You've heard the stories, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,我尿尿,也拉屎。", "english": "Yes, I pee and poo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你长了菊花。", "english": "So you have a butthole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我长了菊花", "english": "I've got a butthole,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且天天超负荷开花", "english": "and it's working overtime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好好玩。", "english": "You are awesome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你造么,好奇怪啊", "english": "You know, this is so weird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么酷一个人", "english": "You are, like, the coolest guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却被好多人", "english": "But a lot of people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说成是", "english": "say that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "神经病加傻逼。", "english": "you're bat-shit crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没说错。", "english": "They're not wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却在管着一个国家,本来就很操蛋。", "english": "The fact that I am running"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两千四百万人", "english": "Hey, what am I to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能怎么办?", "english": "look to me as their"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爹死前要我承继他的伟业", "english": "What am I to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说我能咋办?", "english": "was for me to carry his torch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你造我爸死前跟我说啥了么?", "english": "You want to know what my father"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说啥了,戴夫", "english": "What did he say, Dave?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很失望", "english": "\"I'm disappointed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这辈子一事无成。", "english": "because you haven't done"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好操蛋啊。", "english": "That is fucked up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说出我心里话了。", "english": "Yeah, tell me about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乔丹!", "english": "Jordan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说,戴夫云雀又蠢又无能", "english": "They said, \"Dave Skylark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么帅,这么有能力,这么文质彬彬", "english": "You're handsome,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们竟敢这么说!", "english": "How dare they!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我装做若无其事的样子", "english": "I pretend like their insults"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是其实很受伤。", "english": "But they do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道什么东西的破坏力比原子弹还大么?", "english": "You know what's more destructive"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "风言风语。", "english": "Words."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们总是嫉妒咱们这种人。", "english": "And the people are jealous"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像就因为他们成不了我们,就得恨我们似的。", "english": "It's as though they despise us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孙子恨咱因为他不屎咱", "english": "Hate us 'cause they ain't us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说的太对了。", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们恨咱因为他不屎咱", "english": "They hate us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们恨咱因为他不屎咱", "english": "They hate us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小金,你行的,小伙。", "english": "Kim! You got it, boy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好,空中接球!", "english": "Okay. Okay. Alley-oop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事啦啦", "english": "- That's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你爸说玛格丽塔酒很gay?", "english": "Was your father the one who said"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说我们兄弟几个都好娘。", "english": "He said that my brothers and I"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们花天酒地的生活把我们变成了gay。", "english": "That our luxurious lifestyles"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我不担心这个了。", "english": "I don't have to worry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我好多好多", "english": "Because guess what"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小逼逼。", "english": "Pussy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我日,你一整天都和", "english": "Dude, you just spent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩在一起?发生啥了?", "english": "with Kim Jong-un."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可思议。", "english": "It was amazing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得这是我人生中最光辉的一天。", "english": "I think it was one of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操姑娘。", "english": "fucked chicks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还喝了最好的玛格丽塔。", "english": "We had the best margaritas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚说操姑娘?", "english": "Did you say you fucked chicks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩是个禽兽啊。", "english": "Kim Jong is an animal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道你明天就要毒死这混蛋了吧?", "english": "You know you have to kill this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直在想这次的任务来着。", "english": "I've been thinking a little bit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国,你造吧", "english": "America, you know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老是到处惹是生非,把事情搞糟。", "english": "always puttin' its nose"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实是,金正恩在操纵媒体方面是个老手。", "english": "The truth is, Kim is a master"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还没明白么?", "english": "You get what's happening here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许媒体在操纵你呢。", "english": "Maybe the media's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许媒体在操……", "english": "\"Maybe the media's manip...\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈到底在说啥。", "english": "What the fuck does"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可是真的和他在一起混来着,好么?", "english": "I'm the only one who's spent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屌对屌混!", "english": "Dick-to-dick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的,我特别能理解", "english": "It's just, man, I can sympathize"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被媒体搞臭的感觉。难受着呢。", "english": "with people that get dumped on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,你知道啥也难受吗?", "english": "Well, you know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "集中营,饥荒,行刑队。", "english": "Concentration camps, famine,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一个都没看到。你见过吗?", "english": "I didn't see any here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远的领袖请你们", "english": "Your attendance is required"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到宴会厅去。", "english": "of the Eternal Leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来精神好矍铄。", "english": "You are looking fantastic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对我的健康如此上心", "english": "Your unhealthy obsession"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能让我觉得你们图谋不轨。", "english": "is only making me more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是想知道下你的生活规律是啥样的", "english": "I just want to know what"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你看起来好健康啊,吃维生素么还是?", "english": "You look fantastic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要再废话了。", "english": "Do not ask us any more question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟他们的小身体一比,吉他显得好大对吧。", "english": "You see how big their guitars"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生了。", "english": "It's happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫。", "english": "Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫。", "english": "Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要。", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弹得好棒。", "english": "They're good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎了,屎了,屎了。", "english": "Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘎,嘎", "english": "Caw, caw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎了,屎了,屎了", "english": "Oh, shit. Oh, no. Oh, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要挂了。", "english": "- It's happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好恶啊。", "english": "So gross."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兄弟,没事的。", "english": "It's okay, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这样。", "english": "Come on, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们刚害死两条人命。", "english": "We just killed two innocent men."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是,首先,戴夫", "english": "Look, Dave, first of all,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的死,不是你的错。", "english": "it's not your fault"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其次,他们死有应得", "english": "Second of all, they had to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们察觉出我们不怀好意啊。", "english": "They knew we were"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许,不能拔出来,留在里面。", "english": "No, you are not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小子,我这么多年一直在往外拔。", "english": "I been pullin' out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈不能现在拔出来啊。", "english": "You are not fucking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱来这儿是干嘛来了。", "english": "That's the only reason"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得一干到底。", "english": "We are doing this!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小金不是恶人。", "english": "Kim is not evil."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只是生错了地方。", "english": "He was just born"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈个大傻逼,简直太无知了,戴夫。", "english": "You are fucking stupid, and you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈装啥逼。", "english": "You're fuckin' arrogant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他给你展示的一切都是假的。", "english": "Everything he's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他给你看的都是你想看到的", "english": "He's shown you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他玩了你,你个白痴。", "english": "He's fooled you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天,你这么容易就背叛我啊。", "english": "God, look how ready"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直以为我是佛罗多,你是我的山姆。", "english": "This whole time I thought you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果你却是波罗莫", "english": "But you're just Boromir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你说的波罗莫是啥。", "english": "I don't know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你说的波罗莫是啥。", "english": "\"I don't know who Boromir is.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有波罗莫才会说这种话。", "english": "That's such a Boromir thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不干了。", "english": "This is fuckin' done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干完这个才能不干。", "english": "You are fuckin' done after this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你傻了那傻逼,一切就才能结束了。", "english": "Once you kill this motherfucker,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你得杀了他才行!", "english": "But you are going to kill him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿我当枪使是吧", "english": "You've just turned me into"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿我崩掉那个唯一理解我的人。", "english": "at the one guy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,你知道吧,牛郎", "english": "Well, you know what, cowboy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没子弹,有枪也没用。", "english": "A gun can't fire"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道你都干了些啥吗!", "english": "Do you realize"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我救了一条命,你个杀人狂魔。", "english": "I just saved a life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最高领导人有亲你", "english": "The Supreme Leader requests"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到平壤一家饭店用晚宴。", "english": "at a restaurant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三十分钟后,他到你房间找你。", "english": "He will be at your door"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫。", "english": "Hey, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢你能在这悲恸时刻陪我。", "english": "Thank you for being with me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的好恶心,好操蛋,对吧。", "english": "That was super-gross"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好。", "english": "Hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,最高领导人。", "english": "Uh, Mr. Supreme Leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是阿龙", "english": "I'm Aaron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伟大的领袖,我们还没正式见过面。", "english": "Uh, we never got a chance to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以握下你的手吗?", "english": "I just wanted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然,戴夫的朋友就是我的朋友。", "english": "Well, any friend of Dave"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是,为啥?", "english": "Yeah, why not?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙是犹太人。", "english": "Because Aaron's a Jew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯啊,很高兴见到您。", "english": "Okay. It was nice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你造犹太人是扫把星吧?", "english": "Don't you know Jews"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日你丫的!", "english": "Fuck you, fuck you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朋友不会干掉朋友的朋友。", "english": "Friends don't kill"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧好吧", "english": "Okay. Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操。", "english": "Oh, fuck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉破特先生,我们需要来检查一下", "english": "Mr. Rapoport, we need to review"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "领袖想让你们加到采访里的一些数据。", "english": "the Leader wants included"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在时机有点不凑巧啊。", "english": "Now's not really the best time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会占用你太多时间。", "english": "It will only take a moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那好吧。", "english": "Yeah, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想喝点东西么?", "english": "Would you like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家举起杯子来。", "english": "- Raise your glasses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敬郭和于这二人", "english": "Koh and Yu!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拥有着男人最优秀的品质", "english": "Koh and Yu possessed the finest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忠诚。", "english": "Loyalty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我完全理解。我的狗狗狄格碧", "english": "I know how you feel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我很小时候就死了,我现在还忘不了。", "english": "when I was a kid, and I'm still"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和我爷,成功的法宝。", "english": "and grandfather so successful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正是。听好了,你们,听着", "english": "That's right. Listen up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "缺乏忠诚", "english": "Without loyalty,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国家就是一片无法无天的丛林。", "english": "a country is a lawless jungle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到丛林里,baby。欢迎来到丛林里", "english": "Welcome to the jungle, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跪下!!!", "english": "On your"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然我怎么战胜敌人", "english": "How else can I prevail"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和叛变者", "english": "Defectors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有韩国的资本家?", "english": "South Korean capitalists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个屋子里的人", "english": "The people in this room..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有谁不认为我担不起我爹给我的重任", "english": "who don't think I can fill"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都统统不配得到仁慈。", "english": "These bastards"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论是国内还是国外", "english": "To those who seek"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想要扳倒我的人", "english": "at home and abroad,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只能用我的全部力量", "english": "I cannot respond"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "予以狠狠地回击。", "english": "than the totality"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果非要得把地球上和我国", "english": "If a billion people across the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "的十亿人烧死,才能证明的话", "english": "must be burned to prove it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我绝对不能给", "english": "then my worthiness as a Kim"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们老金家抹黑。", "english": "will be demonstrated!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,小金,我出去走走。", "english": "Hey, Kim, I gotta go outside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以么?我有点……", "english": "Is that okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大概是烧酒喝多了", "english": "Too much, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧。", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我待会儿就回来了。", "english": "I'll be back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是怎么当上", "english": "So how'd you wind up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个独裁者的手下的?", "english": "of a, uh, dictatorship?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天,党的领导来到我们班", "english": "One day, party officials"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要找个女孩子", "english": "in search of a young woman"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "编入金家的服务团队。", "english": "to serve on the Kim"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们选了我。", "english": "They selected me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么多年来", "english": "Over the years,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和金正恩变得情同手足", "english": "I grew close"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他上位以后,就连我也带上了。", "english": "When he rose to power,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这么回事。", "english": "And here I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我生活里也有这么个人。", "english": "Kinda have a guy like that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和戴夫认识很久了吧。", "english": "You've been with Dave"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他这个人不是那么好离开的。", "english": "He's a hard guy to leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜欢钱,没法拒绝戴夫。", "english": "You just like the money"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是的。", "english": "No..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是,我知道。", "english": "Yes! I know you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有男友么?在这个国家里", "english": "I mean, do you have a boyfriend"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问得是不是太直白了。", "english": "Is that too forward"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你瞪我干嘛?", "english": "What are you lookin' at?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我担心我对你的感觉", "english": "I'm concerned my feelings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会让我铸成大错。", "english": "will cause me to make mistakes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对我有感觉?", "english": "Your feelings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操,不管了。", "english": "Fuck this!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自从我在山顶上看到你以后", "english": "Ever since I saw you on that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "脑子里就全是你。", "english": "this is all I've been"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是。", "english": "Me, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假的。", "english": "Fake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假萝卜。", "english": "Fake carrots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假水果。", "english": "Fake fruit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假的。", "english": "Fake!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假的。", "english": "Fake!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假的。", "english": "Fake!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骗子!", "english": "Liar!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你个大骗子!", "english": "You liar!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛还没把我扒光。", "english": "Why aren't I naked yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你毛毛好多,好像一个毛毛熊。", "english": "You're hairy, you're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也很性感啊。", "english": "You're fucking sexy, yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的咪咪好粉嫩哦。", "english": "Your nipples are so pink!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,嫩着呢。", "english": "Yes, they are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好爱!", "english": "I love it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,别,不要!", "english": "Okay, no, whoa, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对毛手毛脚那套没兴趣。", "english": "I'm not into handsy shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢这样。", "english": "That's how I like it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊", "english": "Well..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干脆脱了吧。", "english": "Just take it off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说不用手的。", "english": "You said no hands!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿手扇我啊!", "english": "You fucking hit me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我怎么解开?", "english": "How do I get it off?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用你那又大有肥的美国牙齿咬啊。", "english": "Use your big, fat"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊,我咬。", "english": "Okay, I will!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是高难度。", "english": "Oh, this is hard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屎。", "english": "Shit..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咋了,咋回事?", "english": "Oh, shit, what's wrong?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给你的那些土豆产量", "english": "The numbers I gave you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实是放卫星。", "english": "are exaggerated."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不介意啊。我才不在乎呢。", "english": "That's okay with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是愿意,可以给我", "english": "If you want, you can give me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真实数据,然后咱就继续", "english": "the real numbers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是个烂人。", "english": "I am a terrible person."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是,你才不是,你是最好的。", "english": "No, you're not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你都准备和我做了呢。", "english": "You were about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个人能干的好事也不过如此啊。", "english": "That's like the best thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是集权独裁者手下的宣传机器。", "english": "I'm the propagandist of a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个你可以慢慢改变啊", "english": "That's an area"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你不用一直惦记这个啊。", "english": "but, you know, you don't have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他跟他爸、他爷爷一样残忍。", "english": "He's as cruel as his father"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是一直都知道么", "english": "You knew this this whole time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么现在突然才觉得怒?", "english": "Why is this just"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长久以来我一直都很怒。", "english": "It's been bothering"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且怒的不止我一个人", "english": "and I'm not the only one,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是更多人认为他是天神。", "english": "but too many people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么能让两千四百万人相信", "english": "How do you prove to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的天神是个撒谎成性的杀人狂魔?", "english": "that their god is a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙,我们要谈谈。", "english": "Aaron, I need to talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死,是戴夫,日。", "english": "Fuck, it's Dave... shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "躲到下面去。我马上回来。", "english": "You, you hide in there,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎。", "english": "Oh, shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要不出去走走吧", "english": "not a good time, maybe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别走了,走也没用的。", "english": "No, no, no, no,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是走能解决的问题。", "english": "I cannot walk this off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要。", "english": "I need to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要被气尿了。", "english": "I'm so fucking pissed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像捶个什么东西。", "english": "I just want to hit something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要,别。", "english": "No, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "深呼吸。", "english": "Breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "深呼吸,调节一下。", "english": "Just breathe, maybe pace it out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操。", "english": "Fuck, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个姓金的。", "english": "Kim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说他要炸掉全世界。", "english": "He said he's going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就为了证明自己。", "english": "just to show that he's the shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚开始我还说", "english": "And at first, I thought,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没啥,就是说说而已吧", "english": "\"All right, maybe he's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不会真这么干。", "english": "maybe he doesn't mean it.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我看到了那些假柚子。", "english": "Then I saw this fake"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "食杂店的东西都是假的。", "english": "All the food"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他妈的骗了我。", "english": "He fucking lied to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得那个胖小子也不是真的。", "english": "Maybe that, maybe that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有集中营", "english": "I mean, oh, what about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "饥荒啥的,说不定也是真的。", "english": "And the famine..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天。", "english": "God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都跟你说了好几个星期了。", "english": "It is... I've been telling you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他竟然威“屄”利诱了我!", "english": "He fucking honeydicked me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我诱得都流水了!", "english": "He honeydicked"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你哑巴了么,你他妈……", "english": "You can't speak?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道你是不是还有毒贴。", "english": "I want to know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样我们才能把那个娘操的弄死。-我日!", "english": "- so we can kill"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日,间谍!这他妈……", "english": "Whoa, ho, spy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信她?你开玩笑呢吧。我们得杀了她。", "english": "Trust her?! Are you joking?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放开他,没事的。", "english": "Let him go; everything is fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我们得把你喜欢的这女的干掉。", "english": "Now we got to kill"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "简直是人生最低谷!", "english": "This is the worst moment ever!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能杀她。", "english": "We're not killing her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她刚跟我说她跟我们是一路人。", "english": "Dude, she was just telling me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我恨死金正恩了。", "english": "I hate Kim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个残暴的领袖。", "english": "He is a terrible leader."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可以帮我们干掉他。", "english": "She can help us kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?不行,不能杀。", "english": "What? No, no, no killing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩必须死。", "english": "Kim must die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是美国人的办事原则。", "english": "That's the American way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国到底要同样的错误犯几次?", "english": "How many times can the U.S. make"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要犯几次,就会犯几次。", "english": "As many times as it takes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除掉金正恩于事无补的。", "english": "Killing Kim won't change"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你自己也说了。", "english": "You said it yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们总得干点啥啊。", "english": "We got to do something, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是还会有人来顶替他。", "english": "He will be replaced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他有兄弟。有将领。", "english": "He has brothers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们需要", "english": "The people need"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到他不是神", "english": "to be shown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是人", "english": "that he is a man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后才能开始改变。", "english": "Then they will be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,那咋弄?", "english": "Yeah, how?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有朝鲜人都会看采访。", "english": "Everyone in North Korea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没用啊,采访是排练好的。", "english": "No... the interview's scripted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的人肯定不会让我问真正的问题。", "english": "His people are never going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫,我就是他的人。", "english": "Dave, I am his people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "节目播放是她控制的。", "english": "She controls the broadcast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我做不来政治采访啊。", "english": "I can't do political interviews."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是干娱乐新闻的。", "english": "I do entertainment interviews."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能行的,真的。", "english": "Dude, you can fucking do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是能让金正恩在全朝鲜", "english": "You get Kim Jong-un"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面前哭得像个小孩一样", "english": "in front of all of North Korea?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家就知道他不是神了。", "english": "They'll know he's not a god."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是戴夫·云雀,采访谁都不在话下。", "english": "I'm Dave Skylark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,你能!", "english": "Yeah, you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱让这娘操的一了百了!", "english": "Let's take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦卖糕。", "english": "Oh, God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,一切就绪。", "english": "Okay, everything's ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你准备好了吗?", "english": "Uh, you ready to rock?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你把所有的事实都背下来了么?", "english": "Y-You memorize all those facts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好了,baby", "english": "I'm ready, baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就好。", "english": "Great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "集中营有多少人?", "english": "How many people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多少人营养不良?", "english": "How many people malnourished?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我脑子还记着好多呢,baby", "english": "And I got more where"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了……你绝壁能搞定的这次采访。", "english": "Really good... you're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "云雀,还有两分钟。", "english": "Skylark, two-minute warning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就尽力让节目一直播出去。", "english": "Just keep me on the air"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会的。", "english": "I will, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许我们不会活着离开这儿。", "english": "Maybe we won't get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,我们可能会就义。", "english": "No, we might die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这一辈子过的不错。", "english": "I've had a great life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直有你这个好朋友", "english": "I had the best best friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上多的女人比Ellen都多。", "english": "Fucked more women"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在终于", "english": "And now it's time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "轮到朝鲜人民撸一撸了。", "english": "for the North Korean people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "简直是那本揭秘书的完美结局。", "english": "This is a perfect ending"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个好朋友深情地看着对方。", "english": "As the two best friends"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道这或许就是", "english": "they knew that this might be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长路的尽头了。", "english": "the end of the long road,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他们也知道", "english": "but they also knew"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各自对对方意味着什么", "english": "how much they meant to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然他们从来都没有大声说出来", "english": "neither one could say it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他们心里都知道。。。", "english": "they were both thinking..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱你。", "english": "I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,你行的。", "english": "Okay, man, you got this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好戏要开始了。", "english": "Showtime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫", "english": "Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小金", "english": "Kim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你准备好向世界展示", "english": "Are you ready to share"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那灿烂笑容没?", "english": "that gorgeous smile of yours?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得他们今晚很想看你笑。", "english": "Tonight, I think it's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有东西要给你。", "english": "I have something for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?", "english": "What?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么啊?", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开看看。", "english": "Open."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我的?", "english": "For me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你的。", "english": "For you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他长得跟狄格碧一样啊。", "english": "Oh, he's just like Digby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一模一样。", "english": "Just like Digby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要激动地死过去了。", "english": "I think I'm gonna die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要死也采访完再死。", "english": "Not till after the interview."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狗狗真是可爱到爆啊。", "english": "This dog is killing me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带他回家吧,永远养着他。", "english": "Take him home, forever and ever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么送我这个?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一生孤独,戴夫", "english": "I live a lonely life, Dave..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以知道世界上有个人", "english": "and it warms my heart to know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能让我轻松做自己", "english": "that there is someone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管他们怎么说你", "english": "Whatever they say about you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都说错了。", "english": "they're wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是我,尽我所能。", "english": "I'm just me and I do my best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我的好兄弟。", "english": "You're my brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我的好兄弟。", "english": "You're my brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那咱就开始吧?", "english": "Let's get this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们给你起个啥名字啊?", "english": "And what are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得有个名字啊,对不?", "english": "You need a name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看,看,跟狄格碧一样可爱。", "english": "Look, look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他妈开什么玩笑。", "english": "You gotta be fucking kidding me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "待会儿见哦,白白。", "english": "We see you in a minute. Bye-bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位,要开始了,要开始了。", "english": "Guys, it's starting!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始倒数,五", "english": "And we're on in five..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位晚上好", "english": "Good evening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全世界的观众,早上好。", "english": "And good morning to our viewers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫大卫·云雀。", "english": "I'm Dave Skylark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你们在这个历史性时刻收看我们节目。", "english": "Thank you for joining me for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天我们的嘉宾是朝鲜人民", "english": "I'm with President Kim Jong-un"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "民主共和国主席金正恩", "english": "of the Democratic People's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在正在平壤附近的", "english": "We are broadcasting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电视台向全世界直播", "english": "from a station"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这期特别的", "english": "for this very special"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今夜云雀秀", "english": "\"Skylark Tonight.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多谢你参加我们节目。", "english": "Thank you for joining me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩主席。", "english": "President Kim Jong-un."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很荣幸,戴夫。", "english": "It is my pleasure, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "众所周知,外界对于朝鲜", "english": "You know, there is so much"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有很多误解", "english": "about North Korea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但就我个人来说", "english": "and, uh, me personally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人比你更有智慧。", "english": "with greater intelligence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很感谢", "english": "I am grateful"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能有这次机会,让我的政府", "english": "for this opportunity"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "建立一种更良性的关系。", "english": "to forge a better relationship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你想澄清误解,消除误会。", "english": "So you want to set"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,戴夫。", "english": "Indeed, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三号机位。", "english": "Camera three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贵国与韩国之间的紧张关系", "english": "Tensions between your nation"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "近来飙升到历史新高。", "english": "and South Korea are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以可以说已经接近武装冲突的边缘吧", "english": "It's fair to say that you're on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么我想知道的是", "english": "So, what I want to know is:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在压力这么大的情况下", "english": "In these times of great stress,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会去唱K吗?", "english": "do you do karaoke?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,会啊,戴夫", "english": "Yes, I do, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为,身居高位之人", "english": "I believe that it is important"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更要多多体验生活中的美", "english": "to remain in touch"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个小有成就的画家,对吧?", "english": "You are also a very accomplished"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,怎么可能不是。", "english": "Well, how can I not be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在问规定好的问题。", "english": "He's reading"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后再出其不意。", "english": "He lulls them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是他的常用手段。", "english": "It's his technique."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美会引领你。", "english": "The beauty guides you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美会引领我的手。", "english": "It guides my hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱说点正经的吧。", "english": "Let's take it to a serious tip."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最高领导人金正恩", "english": "Supreme Leader Kim, when..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自己拥有一堆核武器", "english": "which has an enormous stockpile"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却要求像朝鲜一样的国家却不能有时", "english": "insists that countries"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得这算是虚伪吗?", "english": "does that feel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多美国人没有意识到", "english": "Many Americans do not realize"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全是美国的错。", "english": "was entirely the fault"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日,金正恩在挑衅啊!", "english": "Damn! Kim's callin' us out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他完全没有按计划啊。", "english": "hopeful at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国啊,你对朝鲜人做了什么?", "english": "America, what you done"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,当你想起你的国家经历的", "english": "So when you think of all that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些战争、洪水时", "english": "The wars, the floods..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为应该感谢人民", "english": "do you think that your people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "的顽强和不屈吗?", "english": "for their resilience"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然,戴夫。", "english": "Of course, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你干嘛让他们饿着?", "english": "Then why don't you feed them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,我……", "english": "Uh... I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二号机位", "english": "Camera two."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉,我没听清。", "english": "I... beg your pardon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你干嘛让他们饿着?", "english": "Why don't you feed your people?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们饥肠辘辘啊", "english": "They are hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全国三分之二的人", "english": "Specifically,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不觉得尴尬吗?", "english": "Isn't that a little"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在他们眼里是万能的神啊。", "english": "the one they view"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃都吃不饱", "english": "who are starving?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你确定你不是想问我", "english": "Are you sure you don't, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "土豆的产量吗?", "english": "mean to ask me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我想知道我刚才问的", "english": "No, I want to know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个问题的答案。", "english": "about that other thing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,那个呃……", "english": "Okay, uh, well, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫,你自己也看到了", "english": "Dave, as you have seen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们朝鲜食品很丰富啊。", "english": "we have a great bounty of food"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到的", "english": "What I saw for myself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一个假的食杂店。", "english": "was a fake grocery store"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外面还安插了个假胖子", "english": "with a fake fat kid planted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,这些……", "english": "Okay, uh, this is, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问题太无礼了。", "english": "an offensive"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不觉得无礼,我觉得很重要啊。", "english": "I don't think it's offensive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然,你要是不想回答这些问题", "english": "Obviously, if you don't want"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以站起来,现在就离开。", "english": "you can just get up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要退缩,我也没办法。", "english": "I can't keep you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他要摁了。 他要摁了。", "english": "He's going for the button,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有。哦,屎,他真要摁了。", "english": "He's not. Oh, shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "举起手来!站到那边去。", "english": "Get your hand away from there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站那边去。", "english": "Get over there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我让你脑袋分家你信不!", "english": "I will cap you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我浑身充满了能量!", "english": "I'm exploding with energy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "简直难以置信。", "english": "I can't believe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来没这么活过!感觉好真实。", "english": "I feel so alive right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他把他问住了。漂亮!", "english": "He's got him. Nice!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫……", "english": "Dave..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许你应该问的是", "english": "perhaps the question"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在美国对朝鲜实施了那么", "english": "How have I managed to keep"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "严酷和不公的经济制裁的情况下", "english": "despite the harsh and unjust"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是如何让我的国民吃饱穿暖的。", "english": "imposed on North Korea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道美国人均入狱率", "english": "Don't you know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比朝鲜还高吗?", "english": "has more incarcerated people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以回到我们", "english": "you would like to return"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来说好的那种礼貌的讨论中了。", "english": "to the civil discussion"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎,一号机位!", "english": "Oh, shit! Go to camera one!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三号机位!三号机位!", "english": "Camera three! Camera three!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动,小家伙!", "english": "Do not move, homie!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我点什么啊,随便啥都行。", "english": "Give me something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好……", "english": "Okay..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我操,好疼!", "english": "Fuck! Shit, that hurts!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们这里没有集中营,戴夫。", "english": "We don't have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你来到朝鲜以后", "english": "Have you seen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见过有人遭到虐待吗?", "english": "since your arrival here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎,有人来了。", "english": "Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人来了。", "english": "Someone's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操,操操,操操操!", "english": "Oh, fuck! Fuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫,除非你能找到人,或者照片", "english": "Dave, unless you can show me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来证明普遍性饥荒", "english": "of widespread hunger..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙!", "english": "Aaron!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别他妈乱动我的机位!", "english": "Do not fuck with my angles!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎,哦,屎。", "english": "Oh, shit! Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈把机位搞乱了。", "english": "You're fucking up the angles!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐着别动!", "english": "Sit still!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉远,二号机位!", "english": "Go wide, camera two!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢推!", "english": "Slow push!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢!", "english": "Thank you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面对现实吧,戴夫,你输了。", "english": "Face it, Dave, you have failed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你大放厥词,但是却没有证据。", "english": "You've made wild allegations"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你千辛万苦这么一路", "english": "You made this long journey"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果就是向世界证明他们对你的看法完全正确。", "english": "just to show the world that they"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你根本做不了真正的采访。", "english": "You are incapable of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是个笑话。", "english": "You're a joke!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许你说的对。", "english": "Maybe you're right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "的确是很难受。", "english": "Yeah, it sucks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我需要别人的认可。", "english": "Because I need"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "迫切需要。", "english": "Desperately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我从小到大", "english": "Because I could never get it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都没有被我父亲称赞过。", "english": "from my father when I was a kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但从你身上,我也看到了自己,小金", "english": "But I see a lot of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父亲……", "english": "Your father..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剥夺了你生活里那些简单的乐趣。", "english": "deprived you of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉你玛格丽塔酒很gay。", "english": "He told you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对于玛格丽塔我不发表意见。", "english": "I have no comment on margaritas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你干嘛不喝?", "english": "Then why don't you drink them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太冷的东西会让我头痛。", "english": "I... don't like brain freeze."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操你,戴夫。", "english": "Fuck you, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈个大傻逼", "english": "You fucking asshole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还有一个问题要问你。", "english": "I just have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是啥?", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道,我从来没听过。", "english": "No, I don't. I never heard that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在唱什么", "english": "what you're singing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道的一清二楚。", "english": "You know exactly what it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我完全不知道你在说什么。", "english": "I don't know who"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别唱高潮,求你了。", "english": "- Not the chorus, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不需要我父亲!", "english": "I don't need my father!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自己很强大!", "english": "I am strong!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思。", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你刚才是屎屁一起崩出来了吗?", "english": "Did you just shart?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有!", "english": "No, I didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是那个摄像的。", "english": "It was that camera guy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我", "english": "It wasn't me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女士们先生们", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩拉裤子了。", "english": "Kim Jong-un has just pooed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉出来了。", "english": "in his pants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们赶紧出去吧。", "english": "Let's get the fuck out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。走吧。", "english": "Yeah, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "姑娘好屌!", "english": "Damn, girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是太屌了。", "english": "You a bad-ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你是我的朋友,戴夫", "english": "I thought you were my friend, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你是我的朋友,小金。", "english": "I thought you were"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为大家说你的那些坏话都是假的。", "english": "I thought everyone lied"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结果我去看到了假柚子。", "english": "And then I saw"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我才发现你是个假朋友。", "english": "and I realized that you were"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还说你要把大家都炸死。", "english": "And then you said"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就为了让自己看起来很了不起?", "english": "just to show what"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪个朋友会炸掉朋友的国家?", "english": "No friend would blow up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是个废人。", "english": "You're just a flawed man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还长了一个又老又丑的大菊花!", "english": "with a big old butthole."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你跟我们一样,尿尿拉屎。", "english": "And you pee and poo"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,那你跟我说,戴夫", "english": "Well, tell me this, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我在全世界面前", "english": "Will you be so cocky"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你这个该死的扬基佬杀了", "english": "when I slay you in front"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还能这么屌吗?", "english": "you Yankee motherfucker?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要是杀了我", "english": "If you shoot me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只能是证明我说的是对的。", "english": "you'll just be proving me right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就是个可悲小人而已。", "english": "You're just a sad little man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "戴夫!不要啊!", "english": "Dave! Dave! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是戴夫·云雀", "english": "This is Dave Skylark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "节目到此结束。", "english": "signing off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见了,戴夫。", "english": "Good-bye, Dave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天。", "english": "Oh, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太天才了。", "english": "Genius!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没死,各位!", "english": "He's alive, everybody!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,操!", "english": "Oh, fuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他穿着防弹衣!", "english": "Got a bulletproof vest on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道他哪弄来的,但是他穿着防弹衣!", "english": "I don't know how he got it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感谢大家收看我对金正恩的采访。", "english": "Thank you for watching"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是戴夫·云雀。", "english": "This is Dave Skylark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱下期见。", "english": "signing off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下。", "english": "Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狗狗!", "english": "The puppy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个人把我的手指咬掉了!", "english": "Someone bit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就跟佛罗多一样!", "english": "That's just like Frodo!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎。", "english": "- Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别开枪,我有狗狗!", "english": "Don't shoot! I have a puppy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走!", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,不,不。", "english": "- Oh, no! No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎。", "english": "- Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天", "english": "Oh, God!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别啊。", "english": "Oh, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎,哦,屎,还有呢!", "english": "Oh, shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是个英雄。", "english": "You're a hero!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢长官!", "english": "Thank you, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是唯一的出口。", "english": "That's the only way out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有主意了。", "english": "I have an idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我来。", "english": "Follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是该死的Katy Perry么?", "english": "- Is this Katy fucking Perry?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别关掉,能提神!", "english": "Just leave it on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,屎,那些是核弹头么?", "english": "Oh, shit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看下。", "english": "Let me check!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我倒,这下真搞砸了。", "english": "Oh, we really fucked up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他正在装核弹头!", "english": "He's arming his fucking nukes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!操!", "english": "Aah! Fuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "云雀!", "english": "Skylark!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小金!", "english": "Kim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "操你!", "english": "Fuck you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开火!", "english": "Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我受了表皮伤!", "english": "I've been grazed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要用你的生命保护狗狗。", "english": "You protect that puppy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得想想办法啊。", "english": "We got to do something!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会把我们都干掉的。", "english": "He's gonna fucking kill us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在坦克里啊。", "english": "We're in a tank!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还击他", "english": "Shoot him back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "装好了。", "english": "It's loaded!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把这个娘操的烤成碳!", "english": "Let's barbeque"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我数三下", "english": "On three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "使出撸管的劲儿啊!", "english": "Balls to the wall,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘭,嘭~", "english": "Boom, boom..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘭~", "english": "Boom!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了!", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊好啊!", "english": "- Yes! Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那边。", "english": "That way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是个旧的矿道", "english": "It's an old mining tunnel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会带你们离开平壤", "english": "Away from Pyongyang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要停下来!一直往海边跑。", "english": "Keep moving"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你们两个好运。", "english": "I wish you both luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这话说的好像你不和我们一起走似的。", "english": "You sound like you're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得回平壤去。", "english": "I have to go to Pyongyang."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是又跳进火坑里去了吗?", "english": "That's going right back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能抛下朝鲜不管。", "english": "I can't leave North Korea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚刚帮你们把它搞得一团糟。", "english": "I just helped plunge it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们觉得走了没什么啊。", "english": "- Yeah, yeah. -So did we."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得确保大权", "english": "I have to ensure that the power"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会旁落到错误的人头上。", "english": "does not transfer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我承认", "english": "I can't deny"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在一起很有感觉,", "english": "that we have a chemistry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我必须为了我的人民留下来。", "english": "but I have to stay here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧。", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴认识你。", "english": "I'm glad to meet you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯。", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲她啊。", "english": "Kiss her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲她啊,兄弟。", "english": "Kiss her, dude."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就对了,狂吻。", "english": "Yeah, get in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认识你,我很开心,阿龙。", "english": "I'm happy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是。", "english": "You, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见,小瓢", "english": "Bye, Sook."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争愉快哦~", "english": "Have fun with the war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,给你这个。", "english": "Okay, here you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们从这个又大又就又吓人的洞洞里出来啦。", "english": "You out of that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱这在哪儿?", "english": "Where are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道啊。", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是中国吗?", "english": "Is this China?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道。看起来像朝鲜啊。", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "日。", "english": "Man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这有啥用么?", "english": "Does that do something?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狗总是爱往海边跑。", "english": "Dogs always run to the sea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是不可能的,戴夫。", "english": "I don't think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屎", "english": "- Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屎!屎!屎!保护狗狗!", "english": "- Shit! Shit! Shit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动,找到他们了。", "english": "- Protect the puppy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回声-罗密欧-五号", "english": "Echo Romeo Five."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "屎壳郎和土豚。", "english": "with Dung Beetle and Aardvark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙,戴夫,我是宋上尉。", "english": "Aaron, Dave, I'm Captain Sung,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们怎么找到我的。", "english": "How'd you guys find us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们跟踪了你们的GPS.", "english": "We tracked you using the GPS"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你们送回家吧。", "english": "Let's get you boys home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦卖糕。", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找你的。", "english": "For you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我?", "english": "Me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是总统吗?", "english": "Is it the president?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奥巴马先生?", "english": "Mr. Obama?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是,是我,蕾丝。", "english": "Nope, just me, Agent Lacey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蕾丝特工", "english": "Agent Lacey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能在这儿听到您的声音真是意外呀。", "english": "Fancy hearing from you here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很喜欢你们的采访,小伙。", "english": "I enjoyed your interview, guys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,你们别再把救援也搞砸了。", "english": "Now try not to fuck up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全回家来。", "english": "Get home safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猜猜谁要去美国啦?美国人不吃狗狗的哦。", "english": "Guess who's going to America"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他们进来。", "english": "Get them in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带上狗。", "english": "Take the dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她威“屄”利诱了我。", "english": "She honeypotted me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?你说啥呢。", "english": "What? What are you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小瓢啊", "english": "Sook."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想想是不。", "english": "Think about it, man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他研究过我,勾引过我,", "english": "I mean, she researched me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我的计划夺过来,变成了她的计划。", "english": "she commandeered my plans,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她利用了我啊。", "english": "I mean, she used me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我承认,她这么干的出发点很好。", "english": "I'll admit it was for, like,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是她利用了我啊!", "english": "but she honeypotted me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊。", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵,终于解脱了。", "english": "Well, good riddance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我恨死那个贱人了。", "english": "I hated that fucking bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的?", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然不是,我是以为这么说会感觉好点。", "english": "Nah, just thought it would"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可是你唯一的真爱啊", "english": "That was your one true love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在却不在你身边了。", "english": "Now she's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样也没有感觉好到哪里去。", "english": "Doesn't make me feel any better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都爱你的", "english": "and \"we wuv you.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们互相爱对方!", "english": "\"We aw wuv each other.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着朝鲜的海岸线", "english": "\"And as"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢慢向远方退去", "english": "\"receded in the distance,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们听到了枪响的声音", "english": "\"we heard the crackling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是革命开始的声音", "english": "\"It was the beginning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而这场革命,是我和阿龙发动的。", "english": "\"a revolution"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然,在这样的故事里", "english": "\"Of course, in a tale like this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定要有个", "english": "\"you might expect to find"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "热辣的CIA", "english": "\"some hot CIA"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有威“屄”利诱", "english": "\"honeypot"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和炸弹", "english": "bombshell...\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许再来几架无人机", "english": "\"...maybe a few drones"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者一块CIA的腕表。", "english": "or a secret CIA watch.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,你能视频了。", "english": "You got Skype!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能看到你好开心。", "english": "So good to see your face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下,有人想打个招呼。", "english": "Wait, someone else"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猜我们给它起了啥名字。", "english": "Guess what we named him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金正恩。", "english": "Kim Jong-un."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿龙,这有点小变态吧。", "english": "Aaron, that's a little"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "超变态的,但是很可爱啊,对不。", "english": "Oh, it's super fucked up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但根本不是那样。", "english": "\"But there was none of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是。", "english": "\"No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一场仅仅由", "english": "\"This was a revolution"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和几个问题", "english": "\"than a camera"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "点燃的革命之火", "english": "\"and some questions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些问题让一个", "english": "\"Questions that led a man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被凡人尊为神的人", "english": "\"once revered as a god"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老泪纵横", "english": "\"among mortals to cry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还把屎拉在了裤子里。", "english": "\"and shit his pants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全书完", "english": "The end.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢。", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们总以为作家的灵感是源源不断的", "english": "people think the writer's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为作家总能不停地构思出无底洞式的", "english": "that he's constantly inventing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能轻易编造出各种无中生有的故事", "english": "that he simply dreams up his stories out of thin air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但实际上恰恰相反", "english": "In point of fact, the opposite is true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦大众知道你是个作家", "english": "Once the public knows you're a writer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就会向你提供故事素材", "english": "they bring the characters and events to you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去聆听和阅读", "english": "and to carefully listen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别闹!滚粗!熊孩子!", "english": "Stop it. Stop it! Don't! Don't do it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就会让你一辈子沉浸其中", "english": "Will continue to seek you out over your lifetime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对于经常给他人讲故事的作家来说", "english": "To him who has often told the tales of others,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他本身也有老多故事好讲", "english": "many tales will be told."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "便和我所听取的素材相同", "english": "exactly as I present them here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我却要用完全出乎意料之外的方法讲述", "english": "and in a wholly unexpected way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "内个逗比老头是谁?", "english": "Who's this interesting old fellow?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不认识他??(他问)", "english": "Don't you know?(He asked.)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没认出他吗?", "english": "Don't you recognize him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那位是穆斯塔法先生,他今天一大早到的", "english": "That's Mr. Moustafa himself.He arrived earlier this morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板经常来这呆一个多礼拜", "english": "He often comes and stays a week or more,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一年至少三次,但从没在这个季节里来过", "english": "three times a year at least,but never in the season."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼先森示意我侧耳过来", "english": "Monsieur Jean signaled to me and I leaned closer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉你个秘密", "english": "I'll tell you a secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只住在没浴室的单人间", "english": "He takes only a single-bed sleeping room without a bath"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卧槽", "english": "Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我欣赏你的作品", "english": "I admire your work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您说什么?", "english": "I beg your pardon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说,我拜读过你的杰作,我甚赏识", "english": "I said, I know and admire your wonderful work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您过奖了,先生", "english": "Thank you most kindly, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼先森有没有和你提到过", "english": "Did Monsieur Jean have a word or two to share with you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必须向您坦白:我确实问了关于您的事", "english": "I must confess, I did myself inquire about you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但不能称他是一流的门童", "english": "but we can't claim he's a first,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说心里话,他甚至连二流都算不上", "english": "or, in earnest, even second-rate concierge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过也没法子", "english": "But there it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时代变了", "english": "Times have changed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这儿的温泉浴室很漂亮", "english": "The thermal baths are very beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和刚建时没两样,当然,也没办法装修", "english": "They were in their first condition."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放在当下,有点太豆瓣了", "english": "Too decadent for current tastes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我仍心水这堆有点迷人的废墟", "english": "But I love it all just the same,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弱弱地问一句:您为什么要买下它呢?", "english": "How did you come to buy it, if I may ask?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布达佩斯大饭店", "english": "The Grand Budapest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没买", "english": "I didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你问这个不仅仅是出于礼貌", "english": "If you're not merely being polite,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是只是客套话请你一定要告诉我", "english": "and you must tell me if that's the case,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过若你真的对此感兴趣的话", "english": "but if it genuinely does interest you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以邀请你今晚与我共进晚餐吗?", "english": "may I invite you to dine with me tonight,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很期待,而且我真的很荣幸能为你讲述", "english": "and it will be my pleasure and,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两只烤鸭配橄榄", "english": "Two ducks roasted with olives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兔肉?沙拉?", "english": "Rabbit, salad?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此我们可以畅所欲言了", "english": "That should provide us ample time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,这个故事必须从我们共同的朋友的前辈开始", "english": "Well, it begins, as it must, with"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布达佩斯大饭店人见人爱的一代目礼宾员", "english": "The beloved, original concierge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,故事的主角当然就是他。。。。", "english": "It begins, of course, with..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一章:", "english": "“古斯塔夫先生”(G)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就放那,都清理过了没?整顿好了没?", "english": "Right there.Have those been brushed and blocked?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿来我看", "english": "Give them to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没问题,去角落那站着", "english": "These are in order.Wait in the corner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "偶怕这是咱俩最后一次见面了", "english": "I fear this may be the last time we ever see each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您为什么会这样想?", "english": "Why on earth would that be the case?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "偶不知道怎么说,反正就是酱紫", "english": "Well, I can't put it into words, but I feel it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您吉人自有天相,您不会离开我们的,只要您。。。", "english": "For goodness sake, there's no reason for you to leave us if you'd..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没什么好怕的,每次出行前您总是心神不宁", "english": "You've nothing to fear. You're always anxious before you travel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过说真的。。。佛祖啊,您对您的指甲做了什么?", "english": "But, truly and honestly... Oh, dear God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是不太喜欢,是太不喜欢", "english": "It's not that I don't like it.I am physically repulsed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请帮偶个忙,在圣母教堂的", "english": "Will you light a candle for me, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请您谨记,我永远与您同在", "english": "Remember, I'm always with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能够赢得像她这样的女士的芳心,真是相当牛掰", "english": "It's quite a thing winning the loyalty of a woman like that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我之前从没见过她那副样子", "english": "But I've never seen her like that before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,先生", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她抖得像只正在拉屎的狗", "english": "She was shaking like a shitting dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "客观", "english": "Truly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑去布鲁克内帕兹的圣母玛利亚教堂", "english": "Run to the cathedral of Santa Maria"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "买半截最普通的蜡烛,", "english": "Buy one of the plain,half-length candles"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在圣器室点亮蜡烛,念一段简短的玫瑰经", "english": "Light it in the sacristy,say a brief rosary"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后去孟德家给我买块巧克力蛋糕", "english": "then go to Mendl's and get me a courtesan au chocolat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果还有钱剩下,就赏给那个跛脚擦鞋童", "english": "If there's any money left, give it to the crippled shoe-shine boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没听过这名字,也没见过你,是谁雇佣你的?", "english": "I've never heard of you, never laid"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事,古先生?", "english": "Yes, Monsieur Gustave?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不可以理解为你偷偷地雇佣了这个年轻人", "english": "Am I to understand you've surreptitiously hired this young man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "担任门童的职位?", "english": "in the position of a Lobby Boy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还在实习期间,当然要等您批准才能录用", "english": "He's been engaged for a trial period,pending your approval, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确实如此,谢谢你,莫舍先生", "english": "Perhaps, yes.Thank you, Mr. Mosher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "客气了您内,古先生", "english": "You're most welcome,Monsieur Gustave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在要接受正式面试", "english": "You're now going to be officially interviewed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是不是该先去点蜡烛,先生?", "english": "Should I go and light the candle first, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?不用了", "english": "What? No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工作经历?", "english": "Experience?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金斯基饭店,厨房小跟班,六个月", "english": "Hotel Kinski, Kitchen Boy, six months."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贝利兹酒店,清洁工,三个月", "english": "Hotel Berlitz, Mop and Broom Boy,three months."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我上了小学,就快毕业了。。。", "english": "I started my primary school.I almost..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好,西塞罗,快去把水管工给我叫来!", "english": "Good morning, Cicero.Call the goddamn plumber!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "家庭情况", "english": "Family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鸭蛋?", "english": "Zero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六楼,伊戈", "english": "Six, Igor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么想成为一个门童?", "english": "Why do you want to be a Lobby Boy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "内什么,谁不想在布达佩斯大饭店上班呢,先生?", "english": "Well, who wouldn't,at the Grand Budapest, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是块宝地", "english": "It's an institution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答得漂亮", "english": "Very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生,你曾经是门童吗?", "english": "Were you ever a Lobby Boy, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为呢?", "english": "What do you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你总得从基层开始做起的……", "english": "Well, I suppose you'd have to start somewhere..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们的客人有着他们最深处的秘密", "english": "Our guests know their deepest secrets,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坦率的说,其中的一些,相当不得体", "english": "some of which are, frankly,rather unseemly,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要深埋到咱们的棺材里去", "english": "will go with us to our graves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这样吧", "english": "That's all for now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么要“金发”?", "english": "Why blonde?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为她们都是金发", "english": "Because they all were."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "粗鲁不过是恐惧的脸谱", "english": "Rudeness is merely the expression of fear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们害怕无法得到自己想要的", "english": "People fear they won't get what they want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最可怕最丑陋的人只是需要被爱", "english": "The most dreadful and unattractive person only needs to be loved,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他们就会像鲜花一样绽放", "english": "and they will open up like a flower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想到了一句诗", "english": "I am reminded of a verse,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贝克先生私下里在接待厅上方完成了一次会谈", "english": "Herr Becker, met with him in private"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二章", "english": "“赛威蛋挞夫人”(D)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿尔卑斯晨报", "english": "“战争一触即发?坦克开至边境”"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佛祖啊", "english": "Dear God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很遗憾,先生", "english": "I'm terribly sorry, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上去,她需要我,而我需要你帮我把包弄好", "english": "Tout de suite.She needs me, and I need you to help me with my bags and so on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和两个玻璃杯放在有冰块的篮子里", "english": "in an ice bucket with two glasses"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样一来,咱们就不用喝他们在餐车上提供的猫尿了", "english": "so we don't have to drink the cat piss they serve in the dining car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都怪我", "english": "I blame myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她想告诉我她有种预感,我却没听", "english": "She tried to tell me she had a premonition. I didn't listen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撸茨一家将会穿黑色衣服", "english": "All of Lutz will be dressed in black,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除了她那帮讨厌的熊孩子们", "english": "except her own ghastly,deceitful children"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她自己甚至厌恶跟他们亲近", "english": "whom she loathed and couldn't bear to kiss hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会像吉普赛人那样跳舞", "english": "They'll be dancing like gypsies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人生真心毫无意义可言", "english": "There's really no point in doing anything in life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为眨眼间就全部完结", "english": "because it's all over in the blink of an eye..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后,你需要知道的是,尸斑已经聚集", "english": "And, the next thing you know,rigor mortis sets in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唉,好人总是死得早", "english": "Oh, how the good die young."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运气好的话,她给你的老朋友留下了一些钱", "english": "With any luck, she's left a few Klubecks for your old friend,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是在死亡证明签发前没人会清楚", "english": "but one never knows until the ink is dry on the death certificate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顺便一说,她可是袋子里的炸药", "english": "She was dynamite in the sack, by the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经老了", "english": "I've had older."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你年轻的时候,要的全是生煎牛扒", "english": "When you're young,it's all fillet steak,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但随着年岁的增长,你只能要些便宜的玩意", "english": "but as the years go by, you have to move on to the cheaper cuts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这对我来说没什么,因为我喜欢这样", "english": "which is fine with me,because I like those."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说,这反而更可口呢", "english": "More flavorful, or so they say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们干嘛要在这片荒郊野外里停下来?", "english": "Why are we stopping at a barley field?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈罗,伙计们", "english": "Well, hello there, chaps."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请出示证件", "english": "Documents, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乐意配合", "english": "With pleasure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕这不是一张讨人喜欢的脸", "english": "It's not a very flattering portrait, I'm afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我曾经长得很好看", "english": "I was once considered a great beauty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您叫弗什么?弗里茨?还是弗兰兹?", "english": "What does the \"F\" stand for?Fritz? Franz?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他做了个鬼脸", "english": "He's making a funny face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亲爱的弗兰兹,这是个三级工人身份的移民签证", "english": "That's a Migratory Visa with Stage Three Worker Status, Franz, darling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是跟我一起的", "english": "He's with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先等一会,请坐,鸭蛋,他的证件没问题", "english": "Now, wait a minute. Sit down, Zero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我亲自和劳工权益部对照过了", "english": "I cross-referenced them myself with"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不用仅仅因为他是个移民就逮捕他", "english": "You can't arrest him simply because"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没做错什么", "english": "He hasn't done anything wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你他妈的快停下!", "english": "Stop it, damn you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系,古先生,让他们走吧!", "english": "Never mind,Monsieur Gustave!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔!好痛!", "english": "Ow! That hurts!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这肮脏、该死、麻脸的法西斯杂种!", "english": "You filthy, goddamn,pock-marked, fascist assholes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你的爪子从我的门童身上拿开!", "english": "Take your hands off my Lobby Boy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出了什么事?", "english": "What's the problem?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太粗暴了", "english": "This is outrageous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个年轻人在内伯斯堡的布达佩斯大饭店为我工作", "english": "The young man works for me at the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的名字是亨克斯", "english": "My name is Henckels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃尔夫冈·亨克斯·伯格斯多夫夫妇的儿子", "english": "I'm the son of Dr. and Mrs. Wolfgang"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想起来了么?", "english": "Do you remember me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我清楚地知道你是谁,很巧嘛,你是小艾尔伯特", "english": "I know exactly who you are.It's uncanny. You're little Albert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很内疚,放了他们", "english": "I'm terribly embarrassed.Release them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放了他们", "english": "Release them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的同事没有国籍", "english": "Your colleague is stateless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他需要申请一个新的特别过境许可证", "english": "He'll need to apply for a revised Special Transit Permit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿着", "english": "Take this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这只是临时的,不过这恐怕是我所能提供最好的了", "english": "It's temporary but it's the best I can offer, I'm afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我还是一个孤单孩子时,你的同伴就很关照我", "english": "Your companion was very kind to me when I was a lonely little boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和我的人对妨碍到你感到歉意", "english": "My men and I apologize for disturbing you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常抱歉,先生", "english": "I beg your pardon, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到没?在这个被称作人类的屠宰场里", "english": "You see? There are still faint glimmers of civilization"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是留有一些文明的闪光点", "english": "left in this barbaric slaughterhouse"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错,这就是我们所能提供的:谦逊、谦卑、无关紧要……", "english": "Indeed, that's what we provide in our"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,去他妈的", "english": "Oh, fuck it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克洛蒂尔,夫人在哪?快带我去", "english": "Where is she, Clotilde?Take me to her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来很好,亲爱的,真的很好", "english": "You're looking so well, darling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们做了一件不可思议的事", "english": "They've done a marvelous job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不晓得他们在太平间里往你身上涂了什么", "english": "I don't know what sort of cream they've"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想要点", "english": "but I want some."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话,你看起来比刚老的时候强多了", "english": "Honestly, you look better than you have in years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看上去好像重生了一般", "english": "You look like you're alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,最后你还是改变了,这很棒", "english": "Oh, you changed it after all.It's perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一杯不加冰的凉水,谢谢", "english": "A glass of chilled water with no ice, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那好吧", "english": "All right, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我活不久了,亲爱的", "english": "I shan't be long, darling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们通过一个绿色的毛呢门", "english": "We were escorted through"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一条狭窄的走廊直通管家的厨房", "english": "down a narrow service corridor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不一会儿,厨房通道旋开", "english": "A moment later, the kitchen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个身穿白衣的小佣人突然走进房间", "english": "and a small servant dressed in white"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我永远也忘不了那个人的目光", "english": "I've never forgotten"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这他妈是要走到哪儿去?", "english": "What the devil is going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这一生还从来没像这样走进屋子", "english": "I, myself, had never set foot inside"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对接下来发生的事没什么太大印象", "english": "I understood very little about"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但最后我渐渐明白", "english": "But, eventually,I came to recognize,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当一大笔财产触手可及时", "english": "when the destiny of a great fortune"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人类的贪婪便如同血液中的毒素扩散开来", "english": "men's greed spreads like a poison"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叔侄舅甥,堂亲表戚", "english": "Uncles, nephews, cousins,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老太太关系最疏远的亲朋", "english": "The old woman's most distant relations"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都从各地跳过来想要分一杯羹", "english": "had come foraging out of the woodwork."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而此次集会的前头,却是一个疑惑的巧合", "english": "At the head of this congregation,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们发现了酒店的副官科瓦奇", "english": "we discovered our own Deputy Kovacs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然,他也是个厉害的律师", "english": "himself an important attorney, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是那个死掉的寡妇的遗产执行人", "english": "He was the executor of the dead widow's estate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是D夫人最后的遗愿和遗嘱", "english": "This is Madame D's last will and testament."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "标记、修正和遗书", "english": "notations, corrections,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在接下来的数十年内须被执行", "english": "executed during the subsequent decades."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些东西的最终合法权", "english": "The ultimate legality of this accumulation"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要更进一步的证实", "english": "requires further analysis,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我们认为,D夫人最终意愿是", "english": "but in the opinion of this office,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将立即转移至她的儿子德米特里名下", "english": "should be transferred, forthwith,to her son, Dmitri,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "此外他的姐妹们将会得到一份特殊津贴", "english": "with special allowances for his sisters,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她们是玛格丽特,利蒂希亚和卡洛琳娜", "english": "Marguerite, Laetizia, and Carolina,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "家族的其他成员会得到一份小礼物", "english": "and minor gifts for various members"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这里有一份受领名单,会在合适的时间说明", "english": "as shown in the List of Recipients,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然而", "english": "However."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一条遗嘱附录", "english": "An additional codicil,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今早顺丰快递送至我手上", "english": "delivered into my possession by post only this morning,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有情况都表明此系D夫人亲笔手书", "english": "and, by all indications,sent by Madame D"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这时她在弥留之际写下的", "english": "during the last hours of her life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "内容是修改了原有遗嘱中的一条", "english": "contains an amendment to the original certificate,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根据法律规定,我在此念给你们听", "english": "which, as prescribed by law,I will read to you now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这份文件的真实性", "english": "The authenticity of this document"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我希望在座诸位先耐心听完,稍安勿躁", "english": "so I ask that all parties be patient and refrain from comment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到我们完成调查并证实", "english": "until such time as our investigations can be completed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "范·霍特?", "english": "The van Hoytl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁是古斯塔夫·H?", "english": "Who's Gustave H?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意西,就是我,童鞋们", "english": "I'm afraid that's me, darling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他妈的死基佬!", "english": "That fucking faggot!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个门房,你们来这干什么?", "english": "He's a concierge. What are you doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是来向我爱过的杰出女性致敬的", "english": "I've come to pay my respects to a great woman whom I loved."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有当遗嘱经过检验,契约权利得以……", "english": "Only when probate is granted,and the Deed of Entitlement..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会得到《苹果骚年》的,你这小杂碎!", "english": "You're not getting Boy with Apple,you goddamn little fruit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这话该让我感觉到什么吗?", "english": "How's that supposed to make me feel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫警察过来,我们要告你", "english": "Call the police.We're pressing charges."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这罪犯祸害了我们家族长达二十年之久", "english": "This criminal has plagued my family"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就是一个投机客,一个冒牌的艺术家", "english": "He's a ruthless adventurer and a con-artist"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "专挑那些年老体衰、精神空虚的老妇人下手", "english": "who preys on mentally feeble,sick old ladies,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多半还跟她们有一腿!", "english": "and he probably fucks them, too!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟我所有的朋友都睡过", "english": "I go to bed with all my friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "赛琳在哪儿?", "english": "Where's Celine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?她死了,我们在聆听她的遗嘱", "english": "What? She's dead.We're reading her will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,没错,是的", "english": "Oh, yes, yes, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我知道你曾经碰过我母亲", "english": "If I learn you ever once"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据我所知你刚才说我是个死基佬", "english": "I thought I was supposed to be a fucking faggot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要走了", "english": "I'm leaving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那幅画,《苹果骚年》是无价之宝,懂吗?", "english": "That picture, Boy with Apple,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要为了这个小混球跟我打架呢", "english": "They're going to fight me for the son of a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想不出理由拒绝", "english": "I don't see why not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是范·霍特最为精致的肖像画", "english": "This is van Hoytl's exquisite portrayal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "画的是一位俊美的束发之年的男孩", "english": "of a beautiful boy on the cusp of manhood."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "金发碧眼,柔滑如丝,牛奶般雪白的肌肤", "english": "Blond, smooth.Skin as white as that milk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无可挑剔,完美无瑕", "english": "Of impeccable provenance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在留存于民间的诸多珍品中,这无疑是最完美的", "english": "One of the last in private hands,and unquestionably, the best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "旷世神作", "english": "It's a masterpiece."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其余的不过是垃圾", "english": "The rest of this shit is worthless junk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实你刚才讲的我一句没听懂", "english": "What did you want to tell me, before?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得现在没法跟你翻译", "english": "I think I cannot say right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天微信发给我好了,去鲁兹巴赫车站!", "english": "Write me tomorrow. Lutzbahn Station!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我永远也不会跟它分开", "english": "I'll never part with it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这让她想起我,也会让我想起她,永远", "english": "It reminded her of me.It will remind me of her. Always."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即便我死了也要把它挂在床头", "english": "I'll die with this picture above my bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到相似之处了吗?", "english": "See the resemblance?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是的", "english": "Oh, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实上,我们应该卖了它", "english": "Actually, we should sell it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "越早越好,省的他们想把它偷回去", "english": "Sooner rather than later,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "况且,列车上那些疯疯癫癫的士兵……", "english": "Plus, something about those lunatic"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这或许会是咱们餐饮业一场棘手的战争,可能会迎来一段长时间的萧条", "english": "This could be a tricky war and a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就目前所知,他们会在明天封住咱们", "english": "For all we know, they could board us up tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们做一个庄严的血誓", "english": "Let's make a solemn blood-pact."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们这周末联系黑市", "english": "We'll contact the black market"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后离开这个国家,在马耳他的里维埃拉低调生活", "english": "then leave the country and lay low"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到风平浪静,咱们再回来", "english": "until the troubles blow over and we resume our posts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由于你的协助,你的忠诚", "english": "In exchange for your help, your loyalty"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及你作为贴身男仆所提供的服务", "english": "and your services as my personal valet,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那比我给卖画贩子的都多", "english": "That's more than I'd pay an actual dealer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再说你个只会啃鸡杂碎的又不懂得明暗对照法是什么", "english": "and you wouldn't know chiaroscuro from chicken giblets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我死的比你早,你将会成为我遗产的唯一继承人", "english": "if I die first, and I most certainly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没啥财产,除了一个象牙背梳子", "english": "There's not much in the kitty except a set of ivory-backed hairbrushes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及我收藏的浪漫诗集", "english": "and my library of romantic poetry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但到时候这些都将会是你的", "english": "but when the time comes,these will be yours,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有咱们还没来得及花在姑娘和威士忌上的东西", "english": "along with whatever we haven't already spent on whores and whiskey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是我们的盟誓", "english": "This is our sacred bond."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得把它写下来", "english": "I'll draw it up right now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我,古斯塔夫·H先生,目前精神和身体尚佳", "english": "I, Monsieur Gustave H, being of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他从未跟我说他是从哪儿来的", "english": "He never told me where he came from."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也从没问过他家人的状况", "english": "I never asked who his family had been."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打搅一下", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警察来了他们要找你", "english": "The police are here.They asked for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟他们说我马上就到", "english": "Tell them I'll be right down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有过被审问的经历吗?", "english": "Have you ever been questioned by the authorities?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有,有一次我被叛军抓走折磨", "english": "Yes, on one occasion I was arrested"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在沙漠起义之后", "english": "after the Desert Uprising."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这一生从没听过“范·霍特”这个名字,好了,咱们走", "english": "You've never heard the word \"van"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么可以效劳,先生们?", "english": "How may we serve you, gentlemen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,是亨克斯督察", "english": "Ah, Inspector Henckels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道有什么地方不对劲,我们还不清楚死因呢", "english": "I knew there was something fishy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她被人谋杀,而你却怀疑是我所为", "english": "She's been murdered and you think I did it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿!", "english": "Hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站住!", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事?", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事,我亲爱的鸭蛋", "english": "What happened, my dear Zero,is I beat the living shit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把那个哭哭啼啼的小矮子平齐·绑定斯基揍的屁滚尿流", "english": "out of a sniveling little runt"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "竟胆敢质疑我的男儿本色", "english": "who had the gall to question my virility,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果说我们能从地摊恐怖文学里学到点什么的话", "english": "because if there's one thing we've learned from penny dreadfuls,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那必然是当你处于这种境遇时", "english": "it's that, when you find yourself"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你将绝不畏缩", "english": "you must never be a candy-ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要开门见山地证明自己", "english": "You've got to prove yourself from Day One."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要让他们顶礼膜拜", "english": "You've got to win their respect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应当好好欣赏一下他早上的丑恶嘴脸", "english": "You should take a long look"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他实际上,已成为了好朋友", "english": "He's, actually,become a dear friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会和他碰面的,但愿吧", "english": "You'll meet him, I hope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,你已经与科瓦奇谈过了?", "english": "So. You've talked to Kovacs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我昨夜与他偷偷见面", "english": "I saw him last night in secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他让我手按圣经发誓绝不泄漏一个字", "english": "He made me take an oath on a Bible I wouldn't tell a soul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开价多少?", "english": "What's the charge?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家所熟知的饭店领班古斯塔夫·H先生", "english": "an individual well-known to the house"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "业已抵达撸茨蛋挞家族的住处", "english": "did arrive at the Desgoffe und Taxis residence in Lutz"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并由后勤小巷入口进入", "english": "and entered by the rear service alley,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以免有人发现他的到来", "english": "alerting no one to his presence,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之后穿过货运楼梯和员工通道", "english": "and did then proceed by way of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这次造访是否已经预先安排", "english": "had been pre-arranged with her or not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但翌日清晨D夫人就被发现死于番木鳖碱中毒", "english": "The next morning Madame D was"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古先生对上述细节尚未做出回应", "english": "Monsieur Gustave was not observed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这项公证证词中,此案原告身份已经确定", "english": "The identity of his accusers is made"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们包括:这个庞大家庭的所有成员", "english": "They include, essentially,all members of the extended family,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但实际上目睹整个所谓事件的关键证人", "english": "but the key witness who actually"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "似乎却已躲避了司法管辖", "english": "appears to have fled the jurisdiction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "证人的下落至今不明", "english": "His whereabouts are currently unknown,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但目前依旧处于有关部门的追踪调查中", "english": "but he's being sought and pursued"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是谁?", "english": "Who is he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个小胡子", "english": "That little prick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我不敢相信,定然是受人唆使", "english": "No, I don't believe it.They put him up to it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这下我掉到龙潭虎穴了", "english": "I've been dropped into a nest of vipers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有不在场证明吗?", "english": "You have an alibi?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然,但是她已同威斯特法利亚公爵成婚", "english": "Of course, but she's married to the Duke of Westphalia."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不能让她的名字来搅合这趟子浑水", "english": "I can't allow her name to get"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她已在开往荷属坦噶尼喀的娜丝塔西亚女王号上", "english": "She's already onboard the Queen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别轻言放弃", "english": "Don't give up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在的公共记录", "english": "now a matter of public record,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是当时我们不可能想得到的", "english": "were, at that time, impossible for us to apprehend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在寻找瑟奇·X", "english": "I'm looking for Serge X,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个年轻人,服务于我的雇主", "english": "a young man in the service of my employer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撸茨城堡的蛋挞家族", "english": "the family Desgoffe und Taxis of Schloss Lutz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真没有,先生", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要立刻找到他,出于对他", "english": "I need to find him right away,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也对其他人的安全考虑", "english": "and everybody else's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他再露面...", "english": "If he shows up..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有一件事是肯定的", "english": "But one thing was certain,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蛋斯高飞·挞克西丝是一个非常强大的家族", "english": "the Desgoffe und Taxis"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眼下却不和我们同一战线", "english": "and time was not on our side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古先生的信,鸭蛋", "english": "A letter from Monsieur Gustave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想死你们了,这封信是我在拘留所里写的", "english": "I miss you deeply as I write from the confines"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是令人遗憾的荒谬监禁", "english": "of my regrettable and preposterous incarceration."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到我回到大伙之中成为自由人", "english": "Until I walk amongst you again as a free man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布达佩斯大饭店依然在大家手中", "english": "the Grand Budapest remains in your hands,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持着完美无瑕的名声", "english": "as does its impeccable reputation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家要保持她的美丽,发扬她的荣光", "english": "Keep it spotless and glorify it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对她的一边一角都要认真关照", "english": "Take extra special care of every little-bitty bit of it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就好像我如猎鹰一样俯视着你们", "english": "as if I were watching over you like a hawk"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尖爪中握着策马的鞭子,因为我就是", "english": "with a horse whip in its talons, because I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "倘若在我缺席期间发现任何方面的下滑", "english": "Should I discover a lapse of any variety during my absence,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我保证,迅速和无情的正义将会铺天盖地而来", "english": "I promise, swift and merciless justice will descend upon you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如今,一个伟大而高贵的建筑就矗立在你们的保护之下了", "english": "A great and noble house has been"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你发现任何有趣的生意,告诉鸭蛋", "english": "Tell Zero if you see any funny business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们忠实的,古斯塔夫先生", "english": "\"Your devoted Monsieur Gustave.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接下来有一首诗,但我想在大家喝汤时朗诵", "english": "Then there's a poem, but we might want to start on the soup"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一团迷雾与灰尘,遮蔽了肮脏黑暗的老鼠之巢", "english": "\"A moist, black ash dampens the filth of a dung-dark rat's nest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与实木腐烂的气息混为一道", "english": "\"and mingles with the thick scent"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恰逢云雀唱起流浪儿的歌谣...", "english": "\"while the lark song of a guttersnipe...\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从未信任过管家", "english": "I never trusted that butler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,尽管如此,快风尘仆仆地找到他", "english": "Right, well, be that as it may,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能为大伙提供一盘粥吃吗?", "english": "May I offer any of you inmates"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人吃?谁吃?", "english": "No? Anyone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来点吧,早上刚做的,不仅温热而且滋补", "english": "Try it. It's actually quite warm"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美好的一天", "english": "Good day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "粥,先生们,谁要来点?", "english": "Mush, gents? Any takers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随你的便", "english": "Suit yourselves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起床喜洋洋,行动,行动", "english": "Rise and shine. Chop, chop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好,平齐", "english": "Good morning, Pinky."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁有封喉剃刀?", "english": "Who's got the throat slitter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "何事?", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和小伙伴们讨论过了", "english": "Me and the boys talked it over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一致觉得你是个非常正直的家伙", "english": "We think you're a really straight fellow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔,我从来没有被这样指控过", "english": "Well, I've never been accused of that before,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我很欣赏大家的观点", "english": "but I appreciate the sentiment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在入伙了", "english": "You're one of us now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是好消息啊", "english": "What a lovely thing to say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你,亲爱的平齐,谢谢你,甘色", "english": "Thank you, dear Pinky.Thank you, Günther."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你,沃尔夫", "english": "Thank you, Wolf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有什么要说的吗?", "english": "Anything else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉他,路德伟哥", "english": "Tell him, Ludwig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个门窗上,通风口上都有大铁棍子", "english": "You got broad-gauge iron bars"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但,正如最优秀的人都有弱点一样", "english": "But, like the best of them,it's got a soft spot,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "暴雨排水系统", "english": "of a storm-drain sewer system"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以追溯到开凿岩石修建的时代", "english": "dating from the time of the original rock fortification"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是中世纪", "english": "way back in the Middle Ages."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眼下,倒没人敢说那轻松如林荫漫步", "english": "Now, nobody's saying it's a stroll down a tree-lined promenade"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "身边带着个贵妇人和白色的贵宾犬", "english": "with a fine lady and a white poodle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但却恰如你说,是个“弱点”所在", "english": "but it's got what you'd call \"vulnerability,\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是我们的优势", "english": "and that's our bread and butter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是谁画的?", "english": "Who drew this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这话什么意思,是我画的", "english": "What do you mean, \"Who drew this?\" I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常棒,你的线条非常精细,路德伟哥", "english": "Very good. You've got a wonderful line, Ludwig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "展示你伟大的艺术天分", "english": "This shows great artistic promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但问题是,你如何打通这最底下的岩层?", "english": "Question, how do you intend to penetrate this lowest rudiment?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用你们的封喉剃刀", "english": "Digging with the throat-slitter,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而在此期间我们的部分成员", "english": "during which time several of our members"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就会被强制执刑", "english": "will have been violently executed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说到点子上了,古先生", "english": "You hit the nail on the head, Mr. Gustave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们搞到了虚假文件,二手服装", "english": "We got fake documents,second-hand street clothes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "棍条和床布制作成的绳梯", "english": "a rope ladder made of sticks and bunk-linens,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我们需要挖掘工具", "english": "but we need digging tools,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在这破屋子里却很难搞到", "english": "which are proving hard to come by in this flop-house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当故事进行到这里时", "english": "At this point in the story,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老人陷入了沉默,推开了面前的羊肉", "english": "the old man fell silent and pushed away his saddle of lamb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的目光空洞如石头一般没有光泽", "english": "His eyes went blank as two stones."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以看出,他处于深深的悲哀之中", "english": "I could see he was in distress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是不知道从何下手", "english": "It's only that I don't know how to proceed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他开始抽泣", "english": "He was crying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看,我从未提起过阿加莎", "english": "You see, I never speak of Agatha,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为即使脑海中闪过她的名字", "english": "because even at the thought of her name"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想实在是没有办法了", "english": "Well, I suppose there's no way around it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看,她救了我们", "english": "You see, she saved us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们第三次正式约会之时", "english": "On our third formal rendezvous,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我恳请她与我携手一生,她同意了", "english": "I had asked for her hand in marriage"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人知道,但,谁又关心呢?", "english": "No one knew, of course,but, then, who would have cared?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们的世界里,我们完全属于彼此", "english": "We were each completely on our own in the world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "深深坠入爱河", "english": "and we were deeply in love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是古先生推荐的,我自己也有一本", "english": "Monsieur Gustave recommended it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "读一下题记", "english": "Read the inscription."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从全方面深入彻底地考察...", "english": "on an immediate and thorough cross-examination..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她很有魅力,是如此的迷人", "english": "She's charming. She's so charming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "期间他送给了阿加莎一件陶瓷吊坠", "english": "during which he presented Agatha"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五打白纸包裹的新鲜郁金香", "english": "and five dozen individually tissue-wrapped white tulips"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "装在如孩子棺木大小的盒子里", "english": "in a box the size of a child's coffin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他为什么生闷气呢?", "english": "Why is he sulking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是我的女友,你不能这样送她礼物", "english": "She's my girlfriend.You can't just buy her things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是在测试你另一半的忠贞", "english": "I'm only interviewing this vision of loveliness on your behalf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人生中千万不要嫉妒,鸭蛋,一刻也不要", "english": "Never be jealous in this life, Zero,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们在调情吗?", "english": "Is he flirting with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿加莎,我的美人,回到你的爱人身边吧", "english": "Agatha, my beauty,return to your beloved."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之后,我们学习到...", "english": "Soon we learned..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你们二人幸福美满", "english": "Blessings upon you both."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿加莎不止是熟练于", "english": "not only was Agatha immensely skilled"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她同样也非常勇敢", "english": "she was also very brave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我坚信她生而如此", "english": "I believe she was born that way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些东西丢了", "english": "Something's missing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一份重要文件丢了,或者更倾向于,被毁了", "english": "A crucial document, either misplaced"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道它写了什么,我不知道它代表什么", "english": "I don't know what it contains,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我根本不知道那是什么", "english": "I don't know what it is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但随处都有它的踪迹和影子", "english": "but there are traces and shadows of it everywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,我不想警告你", "english": "Now, I don't want to alarm you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也不想看到任何明显的变化", "english": "and I don't expect to see any significant change"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在法官对你所继承的最终决定上", "english": "in the magistrate's ultimate decision"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但,特别是已出现的死亡事件", "english": "but, especially given the circumstances of the death,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同凶杀人关键目击者瑟奇·X的失踪", "english": "as well as the disappearance of the key"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得到市政检查方面的关注", "english": "to the attention of the municipal inspector"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此才能完全没有行为不当的问题", "english": "so that there can be absolutely no question"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使在未来的任何一天", "english": "of impropriety at any future date."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底为谁工作,我认为你应该是我们的律师", "english": "Who are you working for? I thought you're supposed to be our lawyer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实际上,我是遗嘱执行人", "english": "Well, in point of fact,I'm the executor of the estate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这种特别的情况下,我代表死者", "english": "In this particular situation,I represent the deceased."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是吗?", "english": "Oh, yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正是,我的费用规定包括在...", "english": "Yeah. A provision for my fees was included in the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只需把此事包起来,不要影响太大,同意吗?", "english": "Just wrap it up and don't make waves. Agreed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是名律师,我有义务履行法制", "english": "I'm an attorney. I'm obligated to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不同意", "english": "Not agreed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这糟透了,姐妹们", "english": "This stinks, sisters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他刚才把我的猫扔出窗外了?", "english": "Did he just throw my cat out the window?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不这么认为", "english": "I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些事情我没有对你说,阿加莎", "english": "There's something I haven't told you, Agatha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道有没有被人发现", "english": "I don't know if anyone's even noticed it's missing yet,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果东窗事发的话。。。。", "english": "but if something should happen to me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你偷了画?", "english": "You steal art?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是一幅画,总之我们要为你的生活做个规划", "english": "One picture. Anyway, we need to make a plan for your survival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藏好这个,它已经加密,你可能需要放大镜来阅读", "english": "Hide this. It's in code and you might"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但它会告诉你到哪去找到那幅《苹果骚年》", "english": "but it tells you exactly where and how to find Boy with Apple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "低于普通要价的一半不要接受", "english": "Don't take less than half the retail asking price. Also..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是篱笆,如果用词准确的话", "english": "I'm not a fence, if that's the term."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会去交易不义之物", "english": "I don't trade in stolen property."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说错了,她对他有信心", "english": "I said it wrong.She willed it to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快睡觉", "english": "Go to sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,孟德先生", "english": "Yes, Herr Mendl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,那你先拿着", "english": "Okay, but take it anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二天早上,贝克先生收到了一份特别的东西", "english": "The next morning,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科瓦奇副官办公室发来的最后通知单", "english": "last-minute notice from the office of Deputy Kovacs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "决议要无限期推迟他们安排的会议", "english": "postponing their scheduled meeting,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始行动", "english": "Let's blow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这群山炮想逃跑", "english": "These guys are trying to escape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这二尕子又闹幺蛾子了,你他娘的有病啊?", "english": "What's wrong with you,you goddamn snitch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "管教!管教!", "english": "Guard! Guard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来是你,谢谢你,谢谢你,最可爱的人", "english": "It's you. Thank you.Thank you, you sweet, kind man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妥了", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目测这应该算逼平吧?", "english": "I suppose you'd call that a draw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我来介绍,平齐,沃尔夫,路德伟哥,这是天才鸭蛋", "english": "Let me introduce you. Pinky, Wolf,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "甘色在地下墓穴里被杀了", "english": "Günther was slain in the catacombs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,兄弟们,天知道我们何时才能重逢,但如有一天...", "english": "Well, boys, who knows when we'll all meet again, but if one day..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Hold it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没时间扯淡", "english": "No time to gab."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照顾好自己,古先生", "english": "Take care of yourself, Mr. Gustave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你好运,小子", "english": "Good luck, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有安全屋,真的吗?就靠我们自己在这?", "english": "No safe house? Really?We're completely on our own out here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕是的,我问了一圈,但..", "english": "I'm afraid so.I asked around, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白了,太危险了,我想我们只好即兴发挥了", "english": "I understand. Too risky. We'll just have to wing it, I suppose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们说好的假胡子假鼻子之类的东西", "english": "We said false whiskers and fake noses and so on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且道具看起来很假,不是吗?", "english": "And it wouldn't look realistic, would it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,如果处置得当,他们看起来非常完美", "english": "No, when done properly,they're perfectly convincing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我同意你的看法,就这样吧", "english": "But I take your point. So be it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我一点潘阿车牌古龙水,你有没有带", "english": "Give me a few squirts of L'air de Panache, please, will you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥玩意儿?你居然忘了带潘阿车古龙水?", "english": "Honestly, you forgot the L'air de Panache?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我简直不敢相信,你怎么办事的?", "english": "I don't believe it. How could you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在监狱蹲这么久,鸭蛋!你知道这有多耻辱吗?", "english": "I've been in jail, Zero! Do you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我满身臭味!", "english": "I smell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这叫什么事儿啊,是吧?", "english": "That's just marvelous, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来要回到...对了你的家乡是哪来着?", "english": "I suppose this is to be expected back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看来我们要回到阿克·萨利姆·阿尔·贾巴特去了", "english": "I suppose this is to be expected back in Aq Salim al-Jabat"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那里你的资产", "english": "where one's prized possessions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是一堆脏兮兮的地毯和挨饿的山羊", "english": "are a stack of filthy carpets and a starving goat,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就睡在帐篷里面,周围到处是野生动物和甲虫", "english": "and one sleeps behind a tent flap and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但并不是我在教育你", "english": "But it's not how I trained you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝的土地上是什么促使你离开家乡", "english": "What on God's earth possessed you to leave"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "旅居不知道多远,成为身无分文的移民", "english": "and travel unspeakable distances"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这个完善的,高度文明的社会", "english": "in a refined,highly-cultivated society"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坦白说,没有的话,你就不能生存得很好呢?", "english": "that, quite frankly, could've gotten along very well without you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是战争", "english": "The war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么?", "english": "Say again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "家族里其他亲戚都被枪毙", "english": "and the rest of my family were executed by firing squad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的村子被烧成平地", "english": "Our village was burned to the ground"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些挣扎生存的人们被迫背井离乡", "english": "and those who managed to survive were forced to flee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我离开我的家乡是因为战争", "english": "I left because of the war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白了,所以说你其实是一个难民?", "english": "I see. So you're, actually, really"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然也", "english": "Truly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我应该收回我以前说过的每句话", "english": "Well, I suppose I'd better take back everything I just said."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我太逗了,简直就是个逗比", "english": "What a bloody idiot I am.Pathetic fool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真他妈是个自私的混蛋", "english": "Goddamn, selfish bastard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "实在是可耻,这不符合布达佩斯大饭店的标准", "english": "This is disgraceful, and it's beneath"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我代表酒店向你道歉", "english": "I apologize on behalf of the hotel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是您的错,您只是因为我没有带香水而懊恼", "english": "It's not your fault. You were"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别为我找台阶下了,我这辈子欠你的", "english": "Don't make excuses for me.I owe you my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是我的好朋友和好徒儿,我非常为你自豪", "english": "You are my dear friend and protégé"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的都是真心话", "english": "You must know that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉,鸭蛋", "english": "I'm so sorry, Zero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是好兄弟", "english": "We're brothers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们亲爱的阿加莎怎么样了?", "english": "How's our darling Agatha?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醋意已经淹没了我的心脏,从没...”", "english": "\"tho' vinegar did brine my heart, never...\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "念得真好,但我得打断了,因为拉警报了", "english": "Very good. I'm going to stop you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但要记住刚才中断的地方,因为我坚信你日后必将念完整首诗", "english": "but remember where we left off"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要彻底搜查饼干店,蛋饼屋,啤酒馆", "english": "We're going to strip-search every pretzel-Haus, Waffel-hut, Biergarten"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是奥格斯堡到奇科布鲁克之间的所有大酒店", "english": "and especially every grand hotel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些人极度危险,是职业惯犯", "english": "These men are dangerous,professional criminals."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们至少有三个人", "english": "At least three of them are anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雷害边个啊?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这干什么?囚室里不允许文职人员进入", "english": "What are you doing here? Civilian personnel aren't permitted in the cellblock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他老板的母亲是受害者之一...", "english": "His employer's mother was one of the victims..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "闭嘴", "english": "Shut up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为蛋斯高飞·挞克西丝家族工作?", "english": "You work for the family Desgoffe und Taxis?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道他失踪了", "english": "I'm aware of his disappearance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的尸体昨晚被发现藏在博物馆", "english": "His body was found stuffed in a sarcophagus behind a storage room"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "储藏室后的一个石棺里", "english": "at the Kunstmuseum late last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他失去了四根手指", "english": "He was short four fingers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "护送乔普林先生回去", "english": "Escort Mr. Jopling off the premises."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孟德家", "english": "Mendl's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接线员,给我接巴登·尤根的精益宫", "english": "Operator, get me the Excelsior Palace in Baden-Jurgen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们别无选择,没有回头路了", "english": "We've no choice.There's nowhere else to turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会等候,谢谢", "english": "I'll hold. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我们最后的希望,否则,我根本不会向你提及", "english": "It's our only hope. Otherwise, I shouldn't even mention its existence to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用说,我从没有向任何活人提起过一个字", "english": "It goes without saying, never breathe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能说", "english": "I can't say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个人如何只用一天的时间买到托斯卡纳歌剧院", "english": "How does one come by front-row aisle seats"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "前排靠过道的座位看第一晚演出?", "english": "for a first night at the Opera Toscana with one day's notice?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个人如何安排私人观赏", "english": "How does one arrange a private viewing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皇家撒克逊画廊的地毯藏品?", "english": "of the tapestry collection at the Royal Saxon Gallery?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个人如何在周四", "english": "How does one secure a corner table"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "订到多米尼克的桌子?", "english": "at Chez Dominique on a Thursday?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊万,亲爱的,我是古斯塔夫,你好", "english": "Ivan, darling, it's Gustave. Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我大概五分钟前打给你的", "english": "Well, I was until about five minutes ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经自己快速解决了,如果你懂我的意思", "english": "We've taken it upon ourselves to clear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,通过下水道,就这样,没错", "english": "Well, through a sewer,as it happens. Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,伊万,我很抱歉打断你,但我们有点小麻烦", "english": "Listen, Ivan, I'm sorry to cut you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个正式的请求", "english": "This is an official request."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正式要求你能提供给我一些特殊的服务...", "english": "I'm formally calling upon the special services of..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第四章", "english": "“两把钥匙交叉的社会”"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会再打给你,古斯塔夫", "english": "I'll call you back, Gustave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,等着我", "english": "Right. Stand by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请你再说一遍,你喜欢走路吗?", "english": "I beg your pardon.Do you prefer to walk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就在这里,非常简单", "english": "We're right here. It's very simple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沿海滨一路直下,之后左转", "english": "Straight down the corniche, then left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乔乔,接待一下客人", "english": "Jojo, see the gentleman out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我接奢华堡的乔治先生,谢谢", "english": "Get me Monsieur Georges"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你生日快乐", "english": "Happy birthday to you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "替我一下", "english": "Take over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你生日快乐,亲爱的...", "english": "Happy birthday, dear..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喂,伊万", "english": "Hello, Ivan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "了解", "english": "Got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请给我接公主宫的迪诺先生", "english": "Get me Monsieur Dino"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高一点,妈的,高一点", "english": "Higher, goddammit, higher!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "替我一下", "english": "Take over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道了,马上就办", "english": "I see. Straightaway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请给我接普安酒店的罗宾先生", "english": "Get me Monsieur Robin"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗宾先生,迪诺先生的来电", "english": "Monsieur Robin. There's a call"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "替我一下", "english": "Take over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,迪诺,喏,迪诺", "english": "Yes, Dino. Okay, Dino."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请给我接皇家丽姿饭店的马丁先生", "english": "Get me Monsieur Martin"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太多盐了", "english": "Too much salt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辣椒不够多", "english": "Not enough pepper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "替我一下", "english": "Take over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也听说了", "english": "So I've heard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能吧,让我再打几个电话", "english": "Maybe. Let me make a few calls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑟奇·X,失踪了,科瓦奇副官,也失踪了", "english": "Serge X, missing.Deputy Kovacs, also missing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德米特里和乔普林,无情冷血的野蛮人", "english": "Dmitri and Jopling, ruthless,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "古斯塔夫·H,在逃,还有什么?", "english": "Gustave H, at large. What else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "情况太过“浓稠”,如他们所说", "english": "The plot \"thickens,\" as they say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顺便问一下,啥意思?是用来比喻汤的吗?", "english": "Why, by the way?Is it a soup metaphor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进来", "english": "Get in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到了管家", "english": "We found the butler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他躲在盖博美斯特峰附近的小山丘里", "english": "He's hiding out in the remote foothills near Gabelmeister's Peak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的联络人说服他与你在明天中午见面", "english": "Our contact convinced him to meet you midday tomorrow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别告诉任何人,他会解释一切的", "english": "Tell no one.He'll explain everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的火车在四分半钟内开", "english": "Your train departs in four and a half minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是车票", "english": "Here's your tickets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,售票员在老凡尔赛宫做过酒侍", "english": "but the conductor used to be a sommelier at the old Versailles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他搞了几次潜规则", "english": "He pulled some strings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在餐车你们要戴这个", "english": "You'll need these for the dining car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后一件事", "english": "One last thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "潘阿车古龙水", "english": "L'air de Panache."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只剩半盎司了", "english": "They only had the half-ounce."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们至少得和他做做样子", "english": "We should give him something as a symbolic gesture."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没想到,接下来你想怎么做?", "english": "I didn't see that coming.Well, what do you want next?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和瘸腿姑娘再聊一次,这次,要说服她们", "english": "Talk to the club-footed sister again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天杀的狗贼", "english": "Goddamn son of a bitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我勒了个去!", "english": "Holy fuck!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这尼玛什么玩意儿?", "english": "What's the meaning of this shit?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男孩和苹果?我以为你藏起来了", "english": "Boy with Apple? I thought"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们他妈在逗我吗?", "english": "Are you fucking kidding me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爷,画应该被古斯塔夫先生拿走了", "english": "I believe it was removed by Monsieur Gustave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不生瑟奇的气", "english": "I'm not angry with Serge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能因为别人没有基本的道德品质就责怪他们", "english": "You can't blame someone for their basic lack of moral fiber."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个惊慌,矮小,胆怯的懦夫", "english": "He's a frightened, little, yellow-bellied coward."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对任何事你都可以这么说", "english": "Well, you can say that about most anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然要看情况,当然要看情况", "english": "Of course it depends.Of course it depends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对,你说的没错,当然要看情况", "english": "Yes, I suppose you're right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不代表我不会掐死那个小叛徒", "english": "That doesn't mean I'm not going to throttle the little swamp rat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "顺便一提,我可以主持婚礼吗?", "english": "May I officiate, by the way?The ceremony?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "荣幸之至", "english": "With pleasure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得说那个姑娘真是让人欢乐", "english": "I must say, I find that girl utterly delightful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "身子像块平板,半张脸上", "english": "Flat as a board, enormous birthmark"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有墨西哥形状的巨大胎记,", "english": "the shape of Mexico over half her face,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "连续几小时站在闷热的厨房里流汗,", "english": "sweating for hours on end in that sweltering kitchen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而孟德真是个天才", "english": "while Mendl, genius though he is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像只大金刚似的傲视她", "english": "looms over her like a hulking gorilla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但毫无疑问,毋庸置疑,", "english": "Yet without question, without fail,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直不变的是,她太可爱了", "english": "always and invariably,she's exceedingly lovely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为她纯真", "english": "Because of her purity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妙哉,说明她能“了解”", "english": "That's a good sign, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很重要", "english": "That's important."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许和她调情", "english": "Don't flirt with her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信封在她尸体附近找到了,但是信不见了", "english": "The envelope was found near the body,but its contents were missing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我抄了下来,内容如下:", "english": "I copied it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "篮子在哪儿?", "english": "Where's the basket?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老板,要打车不?", "english": "Where you headed, mister?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滑雪?滑雪橇?爬山?", "english": "Skiing? Sledding? Mountain climbing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "潘阿车古龙水", "english": "L'air de Panache."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这景色真好,它配得上这种夸奖", "english": "It's a hell of a view. I give"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我顶", "english": "I agree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是内伯斯堡布达佩斯大饭店的古先生吗?", "english": "Are you Monsieur Gustave"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是内伯斯堡布达佩斯大饭店的古先生吗?", "english": "Are you Monsieur Gustave of the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是内伯斯堡布达佩斯大饭店的古先生吗?", "english": "Are you Monsieur Gustave of the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忏悔", "english": "Confess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是无罪的", "english": "I'm innocent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?不是,是去内边", "english": "Hmm? No, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原谅我,古先生,我并没想背叛你", "english": "Forgive me, Monsieur Gustave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们威胁要杀我,现在,他们杀死了我唯一的亲人", "english": "They threatened my life and now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吧,他们这次杀了谁?", "english": "No. Who did they kill this time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一开始想警告你的", "english": "I tried to warn you at the beginning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大哥,我晓得了,过去的就过去了吧", "english": "I know, darling. Let's put that behind us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我很难受让你变成这样,但我请求你为我正名", "english": "Listen, I hate to put you on the spot, but"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是D夫人的官方证人", "english": "I was the official witness in Madame D's presence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见证她撰写第二份遗嘱", "english": "to the creation of a second will"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这份遗嘱只允许在她被谋杀的情况下执行", "english": "to be executed only in the event"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二份遗嘱的第二份备份?", "english": "A second copy of the second will?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上面写了什么?在哪儿呢?该死的,究竟是什么内容?", "english": "What does it say? Where is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别他妈卖关子了,这简直就是场噩梦!", "english": "Don't keep us in suspense. This has"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快告诉我到底他妈的怎么了!", "english": "Just tell us what the fuck is going on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑟奇?瑟奇?瑟奇!", "english": "Serge? Serge? Serge!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尼玛,他们把这个倒霉蛋勒死了", "english": "Bloody hell.They've strangled the poor slob."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧!我们走!", "english": "Come on! Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个杀人狂魔,咱们别追了", "english": "He's a homicidal psychopath.Let's stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我停不下来,我快掌不住舵了", "english": "I can't. I can barely steer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这个恶心,可悲的讨厌鬼,我恨死你了", "english": "You sick, pathetic creep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "负伤的风笛少年喊道,", "english": "\"'If this do be me end, farewell!'"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卧槽!你干掉他了!", "english": "Holy shit! You got him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干得好!鸭蛋!", "english": "Well done, Zero!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我宁愿现在从悬崖跳下去,也不回那个破监狱了", "english": "I'd rather jump off this cliff right now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的看法是,咱们偷走那个死疯子的摩托车,接上阿加莎,", "english": "I say we steal that sick maniac's motorcycle, go fetch Agatha,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "取回《苹果骚年》,朝着马耳他海滨跑,一劳永逸", "english": "take back Boy with Apple and head for the Maltese Riviera, once and for all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好!你太棒了,鸭蛋,谢谢", "english": "Very good! You're so extraordinary, Zero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们为那位在执行公务时", "english": "A moment of silence in memoriam of a devoted servant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被残忍杀害的忠仆,默哀一分钟", "english": "killed violently during the conduct of his duties."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见了,瑟奇", "english": "Goodbye, Serge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好,我们出发", "english": "Okay, let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第五章:", "english": "“第二份遗嘱的第二份备份”"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孟德先生,向行政层道贺", "english": "Compliments of Herr Mendl,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "施蒂格利茨将军要求住在有额外折叠床的花园景致客厅房", "english": "General Stieglitz requests a garden-view"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他住在利奥波德公爵套间吧", "english": "Let's put him in the Duke Leopold Suite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沃伦尼基秘书办公室来电。", "english": "Secretary Woroniecki's office cabled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉战略后勤部我们要换房", "english": "Tell Tactical Logistics we're moving them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挪到三楼的标准双人房内", "english": "to a standard double on the third floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空间恐怕不够大", "english": "They'll need more space than that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "结尾的开始,和开始的结尾,都拉开了帷幕", "english": "The beginning of the end of the end"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一场哀伤的终曲,在这坏掉走音的钢琴上奏响", "english": "A sad finale played off-key"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这被遗忘的鬼城的郊外,奏响悲伤的神曲", "english": "in the outskirts of a forgotten ghost town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我宁愿不见证这般亵渎神明的事", "english": "I'd rather not bear witness to such blasphemy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也是", "english": "Me neither"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布达佩斯大饭店变成军营了", "english": "The Grand Budapest has become a troops' barracks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这辈子我都不要进这扇门了", "english": "I shall never cross its threshold again in my lifetime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实呢,我们毕竟,现在就要进去了", "english": "Actually, I think we might be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德米特里", "english": "Dmitri."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿加莎", "english": "Agatha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好,蛋挞先生,我是恰克先生", "english": "Good evening, Mr. Desgoffe und Taxis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为您和您的姐妹们预定了费迪南德国王套间", "english": "We've booked you and your sisters"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚上好,晚上好,范谢克将军让我...", "english": "Good evening.General von Shrecker asked me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想那个姑娘拿着我的画呢,借过", "english": "I think that girl's got my picture."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六楼", "english": "Six."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孟德先生送来的", "english": "Compliments of Herr Mendl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请问", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见过一个夹着包裹的蛋糕妹吗?", "english": "in the last minute and a half?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见过,她刚刚和蛋挞先生一起上电梯了", "english": "Yep. She just got on the elevator"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思,你是谁?", "english": "I'm sorry. Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "门童绝壁不可提供这种信息", "english": "A Lobby Boy never provides"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要守口如瓶,可懂?", "english": "You're a stone wall. Understood?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六楼到了", "english": "Sixth floor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天不打爆你这软蛋我就直播吃键盘!", "english": "I'm going to blast your candy-ass"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器!", "english": "Drop your weapon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下!", "english": "Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁在打谁?", "english": "Who's shooting who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是古斯塔夫.H!逃逸的杀人犯和艺术品窃贼!", "english": "That's Gustave H!The escaped murderer and art thief."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经把他逼到绝路了!", "english": "I've got him cornered!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是德米特里.蛋挞!", "english": "That's Dmitri Desgoffe und Taxis!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑟奇·X和他的瘸腿姐姐,还有他自己的亲妈!", "english": "Serge X and his club-footed sister,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁也别动,你们都要被抓起来", "english": "Nobody move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "窗外又是哪位大神?!", "english": "Who's out the window?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿加莎!", "english": "Agatha!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "撑住!我来了!", "english": "Hang on! Here I come!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "背面有什么东西...", "english": "Something's on the back of the..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿加莎!", "english": "Agatha!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "阿加莎!", "english": "Agatha!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "画的背面有东西", "english": "Something's on the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她当然把一切都留给了古先生", "english": "She left everything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了,你之前问题的答案是:", "english": "In answer to your earlier question,by the way,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然是了", "english": "of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鸭蛋曾经问我,我是如何在饭店行业起步的", "english": "Zero asked me about my humble"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我曾经一度是", "english": "I was, perhaps, for a time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "布达佩斯大饭店最好的门童", "english": "we'd ever had at the Grand Budapest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想可以这么说", "english": "I think I can say that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "终于有一位做得比我好的了", "english": "This one finally surpassed me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,他有位优秀的老师", "english": "Although, I must say,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "客观", "english": "Truly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "淫得一手好湿", "english": "Very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不许和她调情", "english": "Don't flirt with her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么又在荒郊野外停下了?", "english": "Why are we stopping at a barley field again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些穿黑制服的真是有够扫兴", "english": "I find these black uniforms very drab."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好啊,帅哥们,我们正谈到你们呢", "english": "Well, hello there, chaps."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们是第一批让我们正式", "english": "You're the first of the official death squads"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自我介绍的行刑部队", "english": "to whom we've been formally introduced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们好吗?", "english": "How do you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是三等工人身份的移民签证,帅哥", "english": "That's a migratory visa with stage three worker status, darling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧这个", "english": "Read this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你给我听好了,如果你big胆敢动他一根手指头", "english": "I give you my word,if you lay a finger on this man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一定要让你吃不了兜着走", "english": "I'll see you dishonorably discharged,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "锁在栅栏里,吊到日落西山", "english": "locked up in the stockade and hanged by sundown."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们这些肮脏的,该死的,麻脸的法西斯混蛋!", "english": "You filthy, goddamn,pock-marked, fascist assholes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后怎么了?", "english": "What happened in the end?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后他们把他射杀了", "english": "In the end they shot him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以这一切都归我了", "english": "So it all went to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜他把咱们都忘了", "english": "I expect he's forgotten all about us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恕我一问,希望您不会见怪", "english": "Forgive me for asking.I hope I haven't upset you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,当然不会", "english": "No, of course not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这儿是您和那个消逝的世界", "english": "Is it simply your last connection to that vanished world,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和古先生的世界,唯一的羁绊?", "english": "his world, if you will?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的世界?", "english": "His world?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我不这样认为", "english": "No, I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的职业相同", "english": "You see, we shared a vocation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是为阿加莎保留这座饭店的", "english": "No. The hotel I keep for Agatha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在这里很快乐", "english": "We were happy here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽管快乐的时间很短暂", "english": "For a little while."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说实话,我想他的世界早在他涉足前", "english": "To be frank, I think his world had vanished"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "便已经消失殆尽", "english": "long before he ever entered it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但,在我看来", "english": "But, I will say,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他肯定用神奇的光辉,优雅地维持了那份幻象", "english": "he certainly sustained the illusion with a marvelous grace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我知道 我知道", "english": "Okay. I know, I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉 我该轻点的 那还有点疼", "english": "I'm sorry, I know it's a little tender."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 现在你来试着说几句", "english": "Okay. Let's try your voice now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我..", "english": "My..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的 慢慢来", "english": "Okay, take your time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的声带还有些肿胀", "english": "You got a lot of swelling in your vocal chords."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我", "english": "My..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫", "english": "name..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝", "english": "Katniss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾佛丁", "english": "Everdeen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想..", "english": "I want..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想跟他谈谈", "english": "I want to talk to him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还需要时间休息", "english": "He needs time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是..", "english": "But..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天让他见个新面孔", "english": "We're trying something new today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见到那些医生时他情绪没什么变化 但你知道", "english": "He's been calmer with the doctors, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些医生是他的陌生人 所以", "english": "They are strangers to him, so..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "专家让他见几个家乡的熟人 来测试他的反应", "english": "They're going to test his responses,someone he remembers from home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会见到一个你信赖的人", "english": "Someone you trust."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让她进去", "english": "Send her in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的家人没来看我", "english": "My family hasn't come to see me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的家人..", "english": "My family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没能幸存下来", "english": "They didn't survive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为凯妮丝", "english": "Because of Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普瑞姆 她是个骗子", "english": "She's a liar, Prim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的是事实", "english": "It's the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你所说的是假的", "english": "What you're saying isn't real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她派你进来找我的", "english": "She sent you here to talk to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她全都知道 你不能相信她!", "english": "She knows. You can't trust her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是个怪物 是个混蛋", "english": "She's a monster! She's a mutt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是都城派来摧毁我们的", "english": "The Capitol bring her to destroy us!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把她带出来", "english": "Get her out of there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你明白我说的话吗!", "english": "Do you understand me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普瑞姆 你一定要杀了她", "english": "You have to kill her, Prim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定要.. 杀了她", "english": "You have... to kill her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不能稍等一下", "english": "Will you excuse us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴你身体有所好转", "english": "I'm glad you're feeling better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯诺要为他所犯下的罪行付出代价", "english": "Snow has to pay for what he's done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愿意全力跟你们合作", "english": "I want to help the rebels in any way I can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到皮塔那样真是难过", "english": "It's hard to see Peeta this way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是他", "english": "That's not Peeta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "送我去都城区 我会尽我所能", "english": "Send me to the Capitol. I'll do anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对此我无能为力", "english": "I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能把你送到那", "english": "I can't send you there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要我鼓舞士气", "english": "You want me to fire up our troops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "振奋军心 我到那边看看我能做些什么", "english": "Call out to the loyalists, I'll see what I can do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 你在那会很有用的", "english": "Yes, that'll help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我走之前", "english": "I saw Peeta"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去看望了皮塔", "english": "before we left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有何想法?", "english": "What'd you think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "感到自己很自私", "english": "Something selfish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你再也不用嫉妒他了吗", "english": "That you don't have to be jealous of him anymore?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在他好转之前我肯定毫无机会", "english": "I don't stand a chance if he doesn't get better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你肯定还是对他念念不忘", "english": "You'll never let him go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在想什么呢", "english": "What's going on in your head?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就像你与一个醉汉接吻", "english": "It's like kissing someone who's drunk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那根本不是真正的吻", "english": "It doesn't count."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备降落", "english": "Prepare for landing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将它包上", "english": "Wrap it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后一次机会 行动!", "english": "Last chance. Go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个装置就像一个捕鸟夹", "english": "This is another bird and food trapping resource."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这部分装置使人致盲", "english": "This one is designed to blind,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "烟雾遮住眼睛", "english": "the smoke clings to the eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你抓蜂鸟一个道理", "english": "That's an application for Hummingbird trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人们感到恐惧,开始跑向", "english": "You scared the people, so they flee in this direction"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个他们认为安全的方向", "english": "to what they think is a safe haven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这时引爆炸药", "english": "Two tier explosion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再过会,会有人冲上来帮助伤员", "english": "We'll have people enough time to rush in and help the wounded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这时再次引爆", "english": "A second bomb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二枚炸弹安放在这", "english": "Second one goes off here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想在战场上 为了杀掉另一个人", "english": "I guess there are no rules anymore"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们真是不择手段啊", "english": "about what a person can do to another person."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得他们劫走皮塔时 可没有手下留情吧", "english": "I don't think some of them use any rule book when we hijacked Peeta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是赫姆斯下士 请跟我来", "english": "I'm Corporal Homes. If you'll follow me, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用担心", "english": "Don't worry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "政府军就是这么对我们说早安的", "english": "That's how the loyals say good morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科因总统,感谢您派来的增援部队", "english": "President Coin, we're indebted to you for the reinforcements"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同时感谢嘲笑鸟对我们的帮助", "english": "and the Mockingjay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是“坚果”的立体图", "english": "This is the Nut."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从地图上看 整个堡垒建在岩层深处", "english": "As you can see, the fortress lies so far beneath the bedrock,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "易守难攻", "english": "it's untouchable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨天我们试图突破东北门", "english": "Yesterday, we attempted to take the northeastern gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着遭到空中的进攻 不得不撤退", "english": "Then we encountered from higher up and we're forced to pull back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "损失惨重", "english": "We took heavy loses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能不能策划一次佯攻 比如派部队聚集在其中一个门附近", "english": "Could we create a decoy? Send troops towards one of the gates"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后猛攻另一个", "english": "and just send an attack on another."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么 指挥官你要把哪支部队当做诱饵派上前线呢", "english": "Well, who's troops do you propose as a decoy, Commander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有嘲笑鸟 别低估了她的作用", "english": "We have the Mockingjay, don't underestimate her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以用她瓦解敌人内部", "english": "We could use her to erode support."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她也许能让某些政府军动摇", "english": "She maybe be able to sway some of the loyalists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科因女士 你在地下工事里待了很长一段时间了", "english": "You've been underground a long time, Madam Coin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里和帕纳姆其它地方不一样", "english": "This isn't like the rest of Panem"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这,支持都城的大有人在", "english": "Support for the Capitol runs deep here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么这里确实是一块难啃的硬骨头", "english": "Then there's no sacrifice is too great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要占领堡垒内部的武器库", "english": "We need to control the arsenal inside that fortress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使我们全军出动 也显得人手不足", "english": "Even with every District and it's alliance, we're outgunned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是仅仅为了抢武器,我不会派我的地面部队进攻的", "english": "I won't commit my people to a ground assault, just to pillage weapons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩勒指挥官 我知道你的人民", "english": "Commander Paylor. Your people,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和其他仍然在都城控制下的人一样,饱经苦难", "english": "have suffered more than just as anyone else in the hands of the Capitol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这也是为什么我拒绝派我的部队继续进攻 那简直就是自杀", "english": "Which is why I won't condone a mass suicide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能够使堡垒瘫痪", "english": "We'll be enough to disable the fortress,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因而不需要拿下它", "english": "instead of taking it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什么计划", "english": "What do you have in mind?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我将它比作一个狼窝", "english": "We think of it like a wolf den."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没办法直接闯进去 现在我们有两个选择", "english": "You're not going to fight your way in, so you got two choices."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要么你把狼困在里面 要么你把它们逼出来", "english": "You trap the wolves inside or you flush them out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没法直接攻进去", "english": "We can't attack straight on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们能不能派飞机对周围的山区进行轰炸", "english": "Couldn't we use a hovercraft to strike around it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们利用地形 我们知道山峰的弱点在哪", "english": "We use the mountains, we have weak spots and peaks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "利用一些地震方面的数据 我们设计一个炸弹", "english": "We could design the bomb to target"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来引发山体滑坡", "english": "Trigger avalanches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "堵住所有的出口 切断他们的供应", "english": "Block all exits,cut off their supplies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他们的飞机无法起飞和降落", "english": "You make it impossible for them to launch their hovercrafts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活埋他们", "english": "Bury them alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们放弃对他们武器库的进攻计划", "english": "We forfeit any chance to control the weapons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 我们这么做大大削弱都城的力量", "english": "Yes, but we'd place a weaken in Capitol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那里面还有平民", "english": "There're civilians in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们应该留个投降的机会给他们", "english": "They should be given a chance to surrender."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保留一个补给隧道 以便他们的人撤出", "english": "Use one of the supply tunnels for the evacuees"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定有更好的解决方法的", "english": "There's got to be a better way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我提议我们制造山崩封住出口 但保留火车隧道畅通", "english": "I suggest we try the avalanche but leave the train tunnel alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "平民可以跑到广场上", "english": "Civilians can escape into the square"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的部队可以在那接受他们的投降", "english": "where our armies will be waiting for their surrender."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让所有的医疗人员在那边待命", "english": "We should have every available medic standing by."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他们不投降呢", "english": "And if they won't surrender?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么我们需要一个有说服力的人来劝降", "english": "Then we will need a compelling voice to persuade them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 把敌人活埋或者用你的箭将敌人的飞机击落", "english": "What's the difference, Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全就是一码事", "english": "it's the same thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我们击落的飞机里没有平民", "english": "And that hovercraft wasn't filled with civilians."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那有什么关系呢", "english": "It doesn't matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪怕那些平民只是拖拖地板,也是在帮敌人啊", "english": "You feel civilians are just mopping floors,they're helping the enemy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得干掉他们没什么问题", "english": "If they have to die,I can live with that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "支持都城的没一个好东西", "english": "No one who supports the Capitol is innocent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这种滥杀无辜的思想也好不到哪去", "english": "What about the kind of thinking you can kill whoever you want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了保持各区的秩序 你就把孩子送到饥饿游戏的赛场中去", "english": "You can send kids off to the Hunger games to keep the Districts in line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 这是战争", "english": "It's war, Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时杀戮不是出于个人恩怨", "english": "Sometimes killing isn't personal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且谁又会知道是我们做的呢?只是你自己太偏执罢了", "english": "Figure if anyone who knew that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都明白 战争总是和个人私欲紧密相连", "english": "I, of all people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 不用担心", "english": "Don't worry, Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会有幸存者的", "english": "There will be survivors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在想想你待会要说些什么", "english": "Let's focus on what it is you got to say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是提醒你 你的演讲会被直播", "english": "Just remember you're talking to everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起义军、都城的人、幸存者和投降的人", "english": "And not just the rebels,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都会看到你的演讲", "english": "well, to lay down their arms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你的演讲要有足够的煽动性", "english": "So, you might want to experiment with"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "演讲简练些 要让他们大吃一惊", "english": "Make it quick, the explosion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是凯妮丝 艾佛丁", "english": "This is Katniss Everdeen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "幸存者的乘坐的火车来了!", "english": "Survivors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "准备好!", "english": "Ready!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人就位 架起枪", "english": "Arms at ready, guns up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要保护你撤下去", "english": "We got to get you back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们来了!", "english": "Here they come!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人靠后站!", "english": "Everybody, stand back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冲上去!", "english": "Everybody, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "趴在地上!", "english": "Get on the ground!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下你们的武器,马上!", "english": "Put your weapons down, now!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器!", "english": "Weapons down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你,放下武器!", "english": "You, put it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下..放下武器!", "english": "Put it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器!", "english": "Drop your weapon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你,放下武器!", "english": "You, drop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器!", "english": "Drop the gun!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器!", "english": "Drop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别开枪!", "english": "Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器", "english": "Drop it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我一个不开枪杀你的理由", "english": "Give me one reason"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放下武器!", "english": "Drop the gun!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能", "english": "I can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得这就是问题所在", "english": "I guess that's the problem, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们炸了你们的矿井", "english": "We blew up your mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们把我们的家乡夷为平地", "english": "You burned my district to the ground."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们每个人都有相互残杀的理由", "english": "We each have every reason"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你杀了我", "english": "So, if you want to kill me too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "某个人会很开心", "english": "Make someone happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经厌倦和斯诺的棋子互相杀戮了", "english": "I'm tired"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可不是他的棋子", "english": "I'm not a slave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是", "english": "I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是为什么我杀了加图", "english": "That's why I killed Cato..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他杀了斯莱士", "english": "and he killed Thresh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯莱士杀了克拉芙", "english": "and Thresh killed Clove."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总是这样不停的循环下去,最后你猜谁赢了", "english": "It just goes around and around,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 赢家总是斯诺", "english": "Always Snow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经厌倦了成为他游戏里的棋子了", "english": "I'm done being"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争是都城挑起的", "english": "Except the one the Capitol gave us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么你要抵抗我们起义军呢", "english": "Why are you fighting the rebels?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么要与你的邻居兵戎相见呢?", "english": "Your neighbors?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么要与你的家人手足相残呢?", "english": "Your family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些人不是你们的敌人", "english": "These people are not your enemy!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只有一个敌人", "english": "We all have only one enemy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是斯诺", "english": "And that's Snow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他让我们每个人堕落腐化", "english": "He corrupts everyone and everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们这些本该和睦相处的人相互残杀", "english": "He turns the best of us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别再为他卖命了", "english": "Stop killing for him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚 我们把枪口对准都城", "english": "Tonight, turn your weapons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对准斯诺", "english": "Turn you weapons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚 把你的枪口对准都城", "english": "Tonight, turn your weapons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对准斯诺", "english": "Turn you weapons"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别开枪!", "english": "Hold you fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "干杯!", "english": "A toast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安东尼奥斯", "english": "Antonius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们最精锐的部队已经阵亡在那座山里了", "english": "With our best troops"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在我们谈话的时候 敌人还在向我们进军", "english": "and the rebels marching"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我想问问 我们到底在庆祝什么", "english": "What do we celebrate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 我认为我们在庆祝嘲笑鸟之死", "english": "The death of the Mockingjay, Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然皮塔没能杀了她 她的自大葬送了自己的性命", "english": "If Peeta didn't kill her,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然", "english": "Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同样也是这么一种肤浅的思想 让你做出了", "english": "That's the same facile thinking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有一个坏习惯 喜欢在一切还未尘埃落定时就盖棺定论", "english": "You have the habit of burying people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果嘲笑鸟真的死了", "english": "If the Mockingjay was gone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛军会利用她的烈士形象大肆宣传", "english": "the rebels would already"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安东尼奥斯首相,你说的不对", "english": "No, Minister Antonius."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我们不是在庆祝嘲笑鸟之死", "english": "I'm afraid that is not what"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生 你说的对", "english": "Yes, Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的部队能抵抗住叛军..", "english": "The rebels can be held off out..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛军几天后就会抵达", "english": "The rebels will reach the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都城的外围", "english": "in a matter of days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把外围街区的军队撤下来", "english": "We'll evacuate the outer blocks..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放叛军进来", "english": "to let them in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把所有的防空导弹准备好", "english": "I want all anti-aircraft defenses ready,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放他们进城", "english": "Lure them into the city"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我们布下的陷阱会让他们每前进一步都得付出惨痛的代价", "english": "and then our gamemakers will make"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让所有的探头监控这一切", "english": "I want every camera watching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要让他们的前进变成一种折磨", "english": "We will turn their advance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还要用摄像机录下他们死亡的过程 让我们的子孙后代有机会欣赏那些场景", "english": "Let each moment be captured"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以..", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安东尼奥斯首相 我们到底在庆祝什么呢", "english": "What do we toast tonight,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在庆祝一个光辉的时代", "english": "We toast to the glorious era"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "终于可悲的结束了", "english": "coming to it's bitter end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈哈 找到你了", "english": "Well, there she is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 看看我身上这些伤疤", "english": "Oh, that itch you gave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天 我对我们打的那一架可是记忆犹新啊 现在回想起来还会浑身起鸡皮疙瘩", "english": "Oh, man, the feel. I mean"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该不会介意吧", "english": "You don't mind, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没再给我注射吗啡了", "english": "They cut off my supply of morphine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个主治医生每天都来看我 尝试着", "english": "This head doctor that comes in and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我平静下来 让我适应这里的生活", "english": "help me adjust to reality"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仿佛就像这个兔子窝里真的有人了解我一样", "english": "Like some guy from this rabbit warren"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每次开会时他都要重申好几遍:你是安全的", "english": "he tells me that I'm totally safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会受到都城的迫害", "english": "Safe from the Capitol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或是遭受斯诺的暴政", "english": "Safe from Snow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘲笑鸟 你怎么看 你真的有安全感吗", "english": "What about you, Mockingjay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我中弹前 我都没感到安全过", "english": "Till I got shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天 那子弹根本没碰到你呢", "english": "Oh, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些突发情况高层早就预料到了 你身上的“戏服”当然是防弹的了", "english": "Something they thought about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你到底受了什么伤呢", "english": "So, what are your injuries?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肋骨和肺部受伤了", "english": "Bruised ribs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真奇怪 他们怎么不给你换个新的肺", "english": "I'm surprised they haven't"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身上有两个肺呢 要不要从我身上拿一个?", "english": "do you want one of mine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的意思是 每个人都要保护你的生命安全", "english": "I mean, it's everybody's job"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是你讨厌我的原因吗", "english": "Is that why you hate me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只是部分原因", "english": "Partly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的很虚伪", "english": "You're also a little"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你主演的那一幕幕闹剧和你那些帮助弱者的举动都显得那么低劣可笑", "english": "The whole tacky romance drama and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽说你帮助弱者时不像是在演戏", "english": "Even though it's not an act."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这一切都让你显得更加令人讨厌", "english": "Which makes you even"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能够亲口说出这些真是感到如释重负啊", "english": "Feel free to take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该去当嘲笑鸟 你想说什么就说什么", "english": "You should have been the Mockingjay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但没人看好我", "english": "But nobody likes me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少你还是自由的", "english": "You're free."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里是挺自由,但是在别的地方..", "english": "Maybe here, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都城里的人们只因为你而感到恐惧", "english": "In the Capitol, you're the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只是些我家人带来的小玩意儿", "english": "It's just stuff my family brought."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是皮塔带来的?", "english": "This from Peeta?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Yep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都城的那帮人真是让我们不得安宁啊", "english": "They messed us up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他脑子里还是有对你的真实记忆的", "english": "He had real memories of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不代表我可以去看他了啊", "english": "That still doesn't mean"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他已经被捆住了 不会伤害你的", "english": "He's strapped down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我不是那个意思", "english": "No, This is different."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海米奇 我真的不想见他", "english": "Haymitch, I really"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是你想不想的问题", "english": "Well, it doesn't matter what you want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这都是为了皮塔好 试试没坏处的", "english": "It's for Peeta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为你死了", "english": "I watched you die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说这话时一点也不真诚", "english": "You're not remotely nice"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来就不是个真诚的人 你才是", "english": "I was never the nice one,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我看你倒下去的时候", "english": "When I saw you die,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想起了一些事", "english": "I remembered something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想起了那些面包", "english": "About the bread."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想起那是个雨天", "english": "I remember,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我故意把面包烤焦", "english": "And I burned it on purpose,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了送面包给你吃", "english": "to give it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得我妈妈还揍了我", "english": "I remember,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我没把那些焦面包扔给猪", "english": "I was supposed to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那之前我好几天没吃东西了", "english": "That was the first"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么可能为了你去受那样一顿毒打", "english": "How I take a beating"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你很善良", "english": "Because you are kind..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很大方", "english": "and generous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是斯诺折磨你的原因", "english": "They said that's why"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他想折磨我", "english": "To hurt me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯诺说你所说的一切都是假的", "english": "Snow says everything that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所知道的是要是当时我把那些面包扔给猪", "english": "All I know is that I would have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就可以少受些折磨了", "english": "If I had just given"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只想衷心的对你道声谢", "english": "I think the only thing left to say"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去都城", "english": "I need to be in the Capitol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 你的任务已经完成了", "english": "No, you've done your job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘲笑鸟 你已经做的很好了 你成功的使所有区团结在一起", "english": "You've been very successful as the Mockingjay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我们希望你好好休息", "english": "And now we want you to rest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保养好自己的身体", "english": "and to heal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起义军最后一次看见我的时候 我还躺在地上", "english": "The last the rebels saw me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 你放心,我不会让我们之前的宣传付诸东流的", "english": "Katniss, we won't let this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "证明你还活着", "english": "Showing them that you're alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就我们的官兵所知道的 你被一颗子弹击中心脏但却幸存下来", "english": "As far as the soldiers know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得他们能明白为什么你没能和他们并肩作战", "english": "I think they will understand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们赢得这场战争之后 就用飞机送你过去 接受他们的投降", "english": "When we win this war,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "受降典礼需要你出席 你对我们来说至关重要", "english": "We'll need you for the ceremony."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我做什么都没问题", "english": "I'll do whatever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论是生老病死", "english": "in sickness and in health,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是富贵贫穷", "english": "for richer or poorer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都会好好的爱你 珍惜你", "english": "I promise to love and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我 芬尼克 奥戴尔", "english": "I, Finnick Odair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与安妮 克莱斯塔结为夫妻", "english": "Take you, Annie Cresta as"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一生一世", "english": "together or apart,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永不分离", "english": "One life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "志同道合", "english": "One purpose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "长相厮守", "english": "One destiny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你可以亲吻新娘了", "english": "You may kiss the bride."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去看望了皮塔吧", "english": "You saw Peeta, didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有没有替我向他问好", "english": "Would you tell him hi for me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道他可是我的老朋友啦", "english": "We're old friends, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在都城被关在同一间牢房里", "english": "We had a joint in the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对彼此的尖叫声都十分熟悉呢", "english": "we're very familiar with"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去杀了斯诺", "english": "I'm going to kill Snow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要他活着一天我们就一天不得安生", "english": "Nothing is good or safe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀他之前我不想再演讲一番了", "english": "And I can't make"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不想再对着镜头", "english": "No more cameras."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不想再拍宣传片", "english": "No more propos."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不想再演戏了", "english": "No more games."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我杀他的时候 我要他看着我的眼睛", "english": "He needs to see my eyes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘲笑鸟终于开始有主见啦", "english": "Now you're talking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在想有没有别的法子去都城", "english": "Find a way to the Capitol when"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚刚听到有几个医务人员在聊天 他们今天半夜要把物资", "english": "I heard the medics talking, they're"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "送到前线去", "english": "around midnight, tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本打算从中偷点止痛药之类的药品 但我想了想", "english": "Medicines, painkillers I was going to steal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以留在这为你作掩护", "english": "just stay here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 即使他是总统 你也能杀了他", "english": "Anybody can kill anybody, Katniss,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你愿意牺牲自己", "english": "You just have to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走之前上去跳支舞吧", "english": "Don't you want Snow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是嘲笑鸟吗", "english": "It's her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她去那里干什么?", "english": "What is she doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那真是令人沮丧啊 她自己跑出去了", "english": "Well, it's so frustrating"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她竟然敢违抗我的命令", "english": "This isn't just about a lesson,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让第一架回来的飞机把她送回来", "english": "Bring her on the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说什么呢 现在不能让她回来", "english": "Don't be ridiculous,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她现在就是个传奇", "english": "She's an epic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在前线受了枪伤 却活了下来", "english": "In the front line,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都写不出一个比这更好的剧本了", "english": "I couldn't stage it better myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让她待在前线吧", "english": "She's going to stay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她所做的一切", "english": "And whatever she's doing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是在我们的计划掌控之中的", "english": "It was our plan all along."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海文斯比先生", "english": "Mr. Heavensbee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是制订规则的人", "english": "You are the gamemaker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要让所有人知道无论她采取什么行动", "english": "I want everyone to know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她都是在为我们卖命", "english": "She's playing for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和你们一样 都是在前线浴血奋战的士兵", "english": "I'm a soldier like"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想说的是", "english": "Here's what I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为我们已经创造了历史", "english": "From what I see here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们不应该就此满足", "english": "But history didn't stop to celebrate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们正面对一个顽固不化 拒绝投降的敌人", "english": "And we are facing an enemy that will"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯诺总统将部队撤下 加强了城中心的守卫", "english": "President Snow has pulled back peacemakers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他正从都城外围撤离居民", "english": "He's evacuating residents"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "平民们感到恐慌绝望", "english": "The civilians will be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我命令你们不能伤害平民", "english": "You are under orders"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会部署医疗兵来帮助这些需要帮助的人", "english": "We are deploying medical brigades"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要向都城人民证明我们是善良的", "english": "We'll show the Capitol people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了迟缓我们的进攻 斯诺总统在城内布下了许多地雷", "english": "To slow our advance, President Snow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和一些被称作“豆荚”的杀人装置", "english": "And lethal devices called \"Pods\"."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌人发明这些残忍陷阱的目的是杀死我们的士兵 并从中取乐", "english": "The sadistic inventions the gamemakers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们的部队能闯过城中的陷阱和守卫关卡", "english": "If our armies make it past"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们将包围斯诺的宅邸", "english": "we'll converge in the center"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到时我们将不仅仅是轰开他的大门", "english": "Where we won't just"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还解放了整个帕纳姆", "english": "but unshackle all of Panem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们不幸阵亡", "english": "If we die..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望我们死的值得", "english": "Let it be for a cause"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们活下来了 愿上天保佑我们帕纳姆!", "english": "If we succeed, let it be for all"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 你们已经创造了历史", "english": "Yes, you already made history."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将在明天拂晓我们的总攻中", "english": "Our future starts tomorrow at dawn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掀开新的篇章", "english": "When we march together"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来你已经准备好你的食物了", "english": "Looks like you got"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们这辈子都在一起打猎", "english": "We've been hunting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你这次想离开小队单独行动", "english": "I know when you're going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这次还打算把我扔下吗?", "english": "You're going to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为你的部下", "english": "As you fellow soldier,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议你还是和你的分队待在一起吧", "english": "I suggest that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你一定要来,我也没法阻止你", "english": "I couldn't stop you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "霍桑 艾佛丁", "english": "Hawthorne."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来见见大家", "english": "Come meet your new unit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是杰克逊中尉", "english": "I'm Lieutenant Jackson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我向你介绍一下与你同行的小队成员", "english": "And I want to introduce"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是米歇尔少尉 帕纳姆的神枪手", "english": "This is the second lieutenant Mitchell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这两位 列格姐妹 来自第一战斗师", "english": "These are the Leeg sisters,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位是霍姆斯下士", "english": "And this is Corporal Homes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芬尼克?", "english": "Finnick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蜜月期真短啊", "english": "That's a short honeymoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想在我们拿下都城后", "english": "I guess we got to have one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是你们的总指挥", "english": "You’re my unit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰克逊中尉是副指挥", "english": "Lieutenant Jackson is my second in command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们中的每一个人都是战场上的精英", "english": "Each one of you is elite"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们不是战斗部队", "english": "But we are a non-combat unit,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我们将跟在前线部队后面", "english": "so, we'll be following days behind"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为明星小队", "english": "You are to be the onscreen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们的行动将被直播", "english": "The Star squad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指挥部认为直播你们的行动能鼓舞军心", "english": "It's been decided that you are most"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以 我们将不参与任何战斗?", "english": "So, we're not going to fight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "士兵 我命令你做什么你就做什么", "english": "You do whatever you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在轮不到你提问", "english": "It's not your job"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 先生", "english": "Yes, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们接到的指示是在进军都城时", "english": "Our instructions are to shoot"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拍摄宣传镜头", "english": "on the battle scars"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们每个人都是被精心挑选出来 去震慑敌人", "english": "You are handpicked to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "劝诫他们投降", "english": "And inspire surrenders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使我们大多数时间都在离前线数英里的地方拍摄", "english": "Even though we'll be working on abandon"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向你们担保,无论他把我们派到哪里,都不会绝对的安全", "english": "I guarantee you, wherever they put us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们将身处战场", "english": "This is a war zone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可能遇到活动的“豆荚”和敌人的部队", "english": "It is likely that we'll encounter both"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们是都城的重点抓捕目标", "english": "You're considered high value"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是不幸落入敌手 用这种\"夜锁\"药丸自杀", "english": "In the event of capture,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "服用后毒性立马发作 杰克逊中尉请将药丸分发下去", "english": "A poison that acts immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向你们简要介绍下“豆荚”", "english": "I've already briefed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仔细听好了 每个街区上都有这种陷阱", "english": "I remind you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上级给我们小队分配了一个“全息图”装置", "english": "Our unit has been given a HOLO."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个数据库 内置都城的详细地图", "english": "A database that contain the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上面记录了每一个已知“豆荚”的具体位置", "english": "and the list of every known Pod."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些陷阱", "english": "These Pods,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能被例如炸弹和一些不幸靠近的倒霉蛋触发", "english": "can trigger anything from bombs,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有这个装置我们就无法行动", "english": "We cannot move without this device."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同时这个数据库可能是不完整的", "english": "There's no guarantee that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也可能有我们尚未注意到的“豆荚”", "english": "There can be new Pods"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不想让敌人知道我们有这么清楚的情报", "english": "Because we don't want the gamemakers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此装置内部有一个自毁装置 你启动这个开关", "english": "There's a self-destruct on it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要擅自行动", "english": "Stay within our unit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即便我们有这个装置 敌人也可能布下新的\"豆荚\"", "english": "Even with the HOLO, it's likely"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管那里面是什么 那肯定能要了你的命", "english": "Whatever they contain,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们女士们", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从未见过这里空无一人", "english": "I've never seen this place so empty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家留心观察周围情况", "english": "Just keep your eyes open."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这附近有个陷阱", "english": "We got a Pod.."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快找隐蔽物", "english": "Stay cover."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "陷阱", "english": "Pod."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在那 克雷西达", "english": "Right here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "位置不错", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 准备好了就射击", "english": "When you're ready, Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开弓吧", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警报解除", "english": "All clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我们走不过这片雷区的", "english": "I don't think we can"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有“全息图”就没法过雷区", "english": "Not without that HOLO."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指挥官醒着时我们没法拿走那个装置", "english": "We're not getting to get it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记得校正我们俩的手表 今晚统一行动", "english": "Make sure we're on the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是政府军的卡车吗", "english": "Is that peacemakers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小队明白,完毕", "english": "Copy that, over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不必紧张 那是自己人", "english": "Stand down everyone, it's friendly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下!", "english": "Okay, stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住手 大家都冷静", "english": "Hold up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们拿他怎么办", "english": "What are we doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰克逊 铐上他", "english": "Jackson, cuff him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "士兵 这只是保险措施 弄清楚情况后我们会给你解开的", "english": "Soldier, this is just a precaution, until we"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上级希望我们将他拍进宣传片", "english": "They want us to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以证明他现在已经站到我们这边了", "english": "To show he's on our side now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们往前走几个街区 再给他拍一个短片", "english": "We'll move forward a few blocks"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他甚至都不能控制住自己", "english": "He's not in control of himself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我安排一个值班表 轮流看守他", "english": "I say we schedule an around"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把我也安排进值班表", "english": "Give me a watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到了关键时刻 你确定你能朝他开枪吗", "english": "If it ever came down to it,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时我不是朝皮塔开枪 而是朝一个都城来的杂种开枪", "english": "I wouldn't be shooting Peeta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这样说更让我不放心了", "english": "I'm not sure that kind of comment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把她排进值班表", "english": "Put her in the rotation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他肯定会试图杀了我", "english": "He's going to try to kill me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其是当我们行动的时候 我肯定会激怒他", "english": "Especially with all this going on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会牢牢看住他的", "english": "We'll keep him contained."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么科因这么做", "english": "Why would Coin do this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所知道的有限", "english": "Here's all I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那次在竞技场里她想救出来的是皮塔而不是你", "english": "It was Peeta that she wanted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她一点都不喜欢你", "english": "She never liked you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不喜欢那些她控制不住的人", "english": "She doesn't like anybody"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总有一天这场战争要结束", "english": "One way or another this war"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们承诺将会举行一场自由的选举", "english": "They promised a free election."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许她已经将你视作一个威胁", "english": "Maybe she's starting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人会支持我做领导人的", "english": "Nobody would"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果要你支持某位候选人 你会选她吗", "english": "But you'll throw support to someone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不是毫不犹豫的回答道“会” 那么你对她来说就是个威胁", "english": "If your immediate answer isn't yes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她已经不需要你拍摄那些宣传片了 因为这些宣传片没有你一样也能拍下去", "english": "She doesn't need you as a rallying cry any more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在所做的一切只会让起义的势头继续高涨", "english": "Only one thing you could do now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科因想要我一死了之", "english": "Die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 我是不会让这种事情发生的", "english": "That's not going to happen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会好好保护你的", "english": "I'm planning for you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?你为什么要这么做?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你付出了太多 理应享受胜利", "english": "Because you've earned it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗 我们以前一起到过这儿的", "english": "We've been here before, you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你脸上的表情", "english": "That look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这表情我以前看到过", "english": "I've seen that look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时你在决定你到底要不要杀了我", "english": "You're trying to decide"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没想过要杀了你", "english": "I never wanted to kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我心里想的不是这个", "english": "That's not what I'm doing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们第一次在饥饿游戏上见面时", "english": "I saw with my own eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我亲眼所见", "english": "In the first games"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那次 我以为你要和卡瑞尔一起杀掉我", "english": "In the first games, I thought you were"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那之后 我把你", "english": "After that, I saw you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当成我的伙伴", "english": "as an ally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朋友", "english": "Friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱人", "english": "Lover"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胜利者", "english": "Victor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未婚妻", "english": "Fiancee."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "敌人", "english": "Enemy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攻击目标", "english": "Target."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杂种 现在又多了个词:“伙伴”", "english": "Mutt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经彻底没法分清你到底是谁了", "english": "Yeah. I'll add it to the list of words"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是没法分清事实的真假了", "english": "I just can't tell what's real"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就多开口问问大家 安妮也是这么做的", "english": "Then ask."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问谁呢", "english": "Ask who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最喜欢的颜色是绿色", "english": "Your favorite color is green."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是真的吗", "english": "Is that's real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 是绿色", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最喜欢的颜色是橙色", "english": "Yours is orange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不..应该是亮橙色", "english": "Not... bright orange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像日落一样温暖的亮橙色", "english": "Soft like the sunset."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你曾是个画家", "english": "You're a painter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是个面包师", "english": "You're a baker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你总喜欢开着窗户睡觉", "english": "You always sleep"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喝茶时从不加糖", "english": "You never take sugar in your tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你系鞋带总是打双结", "english": "You always double-knot your shoelaces."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对", "english": "You were right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能走", "english": "I can't do this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我们走不掉了", "english": "I guess we're not leaving anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿不到全息仪我们哪都去不了", "english": "We're not going anywhere"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位听好了", "english": "Listen up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个弹夹是空的", "english": "The mag's empty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了他拍宣传片而准备的", "english": "It's for someone for the propo."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们继续前进 向北走五个街区", "english": "Let's move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都城里的平民们 我们不会伤害你们", "english": "To the Citizens in the Capitol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都城里的平民们 我们不会伤害你们", "english": "To the Citizens in the Capitol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争结束后 你们也享有平等的民主权利", "english": "You will be a vital part of the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争结束后 你们也享有平等的民主权利", "english": "Be a vital part of the democracy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博格斯", "english": "Boggs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个拍摄点不错", "english": "This is a good spot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发现了一个陷阱", "english": "Got a Pod."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分散隐蔽", "english": "Split."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别靠近", "english": "Stay back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "警报解除 盖尔 赫姆斯跟着我", "english": "All clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "列格姐妹 注意两翼的动向", "english": "Leegs, take the wings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾佛丁 别动", "english": "Everdeen, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的 冷静", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保护好“全息图”", "english": "The HOLO."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已不适合指挥", "english": "Unfit for command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要信任他们", "english": "Don't trust them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "必要时杀了皮塔", "english": "Kill Peeta if you have to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别忘了你来这的目的", "english": "Do what you came to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博格斯你醒醒!", "english": "Boggs?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "醒醒啊!", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他牺牲了", "english": "He's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家快跑!", "english": "Go! Go! Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝快跑!", "english": "Katniss, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑到高处!", "english": "Get to higher ground."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芬尼克!", "english": "Finnick!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮塔@", "english": "Peeta!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑 不要停", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走快走!", "english": "Come on! Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快进去!", "english": "Get inside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都赶紧进去!快!", "english": "Everybody inside!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快!", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要停", "english": "Keep moving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑到顶楼", "english": "Keep moving to the top."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跑上去!", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 我抓住你了 嘘嘘嘘", "english": "Hey. Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水位上涨的速度降低了", "english": "It's slowing down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的性命仍然在他们的掌控中", "english": "Gamemakers are still running"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "之前政府军不知道我们的方位 现在他们知道了", "english": "The peacemakers didn't know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些监控探头发现了我们", "english": "Those surveillance cameras caught us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "此地不宜久待 我们必须马上走", "english": "This is a bad spot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这没信号", "english": "I can't get a signal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道回基地的路线 艾佛丁 把“全息图”给我", "english": "But I can get us back to Base."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾佛丁 我重复一遍 快给我 我们要行动了", "english": "Everdeen, what'd I just say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博格斯把它给了我", "english": "Boggs gave it to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他将指挥权移交给了她", "english": "He transferred security clearance to her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我亲眼所见", "english": "I saw him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他为什么这么做?", "english": "And why did he do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科因总统给了我一个特殊任务", "english": "I'm on special orders from Coin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么任务?", "english": "To do what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不信 不用多想就知道你在撒谎", "english": "I don't believe that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "作为小队的新指挥官", "english": "As your new unit commander,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我命令你现在就将安全许可移交给我", "english": "I order you to transfer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能这么做", "english": "I can't do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我们暂且先别窝里斗", "english": "Let's not lose our heads here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是在请求你 我命令你 把“全息图”给我", "english": "I'm not asking it again, Everdeen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她说的是事实 普鲁塔克想要我们把暗杀斯诺总统的过程直播出来", "english": "She's telling the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他认为如果我们能拍下那一幕", "english": "He thinks if we can film"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都城能更快的投降 避免更大的伤亡", "english": "It will make the Capitol surrender"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正当我们争执不休之时 大量政府军正朝这逼近", "english": "While we're arguing, there's a hundred"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博格斯说过你是和我们一伙的", "english": "Boggs promised me that when the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 士兵", "english": "Alright, soldier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我们应该不会再被发现了 我们应该马上行动了", "english": "I don't think we're going to leave"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外面的大部分监控镜头都被油污遮住了", "english": "Most cameras outside should be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的腿伤得太重 不能继续前进了", "english": "She can't move forward like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要带她撤离", "english": "We have to evacuate her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会和她待在一起", "english": "I'll stay with her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我承诺我们一与指挥部联系上", "english": "As soon as we make contact,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就让他们派人来找你们", "english": "we will send somebody back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位 我们出发", "english": "Alright, everybody, move out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能自己走吗?", "english": "Can you walk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拉上那些窗帘", "english": "Get these curtains closed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "列格姐妹俩在劫难逃", "english": "It's the Leegs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好 我是凯萨·富莱克曼", "english": "Good afternoon,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面继续播报都城保卫战的最新战况", "english": "Hear about continuing coverage"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天 我们的部队正顽强抵抗着叛军的进攻", "english": "Today, as our peacekeepers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要告诉大家一个好消息", "english": "our story takes a surprising twist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 艾佛丁 我们曾经的骄傲", "english": "Katniss Everdeen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与一些曾经的胜利者们渗透进城市内部", "english": "has infiltrated the city"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的名字大家都很熟悉了", "english": "Who's names are all too familiar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芬尼克 奥戴尔和皮塔 梅尔拉克", "english": "Finnick Odair"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明显 没有永恒的盟友", "english": "Clearly, some alliances don't last forever."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位观众看一看几分钟前发生的一幕", "english": "Take a look at what happened"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我们的部队包围了凯妮丝 艾佛丁", "english": "When our peacekeepers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和她那一队愚蠢的同伙时", "english": "and her band of foolish rebels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论是怎样一种自大的想法驱使她回到这里", "english": "Whatever arrogance brought this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们马上就要目睹我们胜利的一幕 不仅对都城而言", "english": "You're about to witness a great"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而是对所有帕纳姆而言", "english": "but for Panem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的 你们已经看到了", "english": "So, there you have it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 艾佛丁 燃烧的女孩", "english": "Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她曾经引发了一场场暴动", "english": "The girl who inspired so much violence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到头来终究惨死", "english": "Seems to have met"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请继续关注我们的最新报道 我是凯萨·富莱克曼 感谢您的收看", "english": "Stay tuned for more information."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在他们以为我们死了 我们下一步怎么办", "english": "So, now that we are dead,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这还不清楚吗?", "english": "Isn't it obvious?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下一步你们会干掉我", "english": "The next move is to kill me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我害死了我的同伴", "english": "I murdered one of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝说的对", "english": "Katniss is right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就是个杂种", "english": "I'm a mutt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我下一次发作只是时间问题", "english": "It's only a matter of time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我无法控制自己", "english": "I'm not in control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我一粒\"夜锁\"药丸", "english": "I need a nightlock pill."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样我就能自杀了", "english": "So, I can die when I need to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是到了紧要关头 我会亲手杀了你", "english": "When it gets to that point"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是难以理解都城的上层都在想些什么", "english": "I don't think I ever really"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克雷西达 都城", "english": "CRESSIDA"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡斯托 都城", "english": "CASTOR"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波乐克斯 都城", "english": "POLLUX"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅萨拉 都城", "english": "MESSALLA"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家也都看到了 凯妮丝 艾佛丁", "english": "So, Katniss Everdeen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过只是一个擅长箭术 反覆无常的小丫头", "english": "A poor unstable girl was nothing but"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她已经死了", "english": "is dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不聪明 也不配当领袖", "english": "Not a thinker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过是一群贱民拉出来册封的勇士罢了", "english": "Simply a face"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她有用么 对于你们这伙人的革命当然有用", "english": "Was she valuable?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你们毫无眼光 无法推选出一位优秀的领袖", "english": "Because you have no vision,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们将自己称作起义军", "english": "You call themselves an alliance,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我认为你们只不过是一群乌合之众罢了", "english": "but we saw what that means."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们部队内斗不断 士兵之间斗的你死我活", "english": "Your soldiers are at"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们趁早安息去吧 帕纳姆人", "english": "Good night. Panem"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是还有人不认识我", "english": "For those of you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我就自我介绍一下", "english": "please allow me to introduce myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是总统科因", "english": "I am President Alma Coin,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起义军的领袖", "english": "leader of the rebellion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我之所以打断你们总统的广播", "english": "I interrupted a broadcast"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因为他正试图抹黑一位年轻、勇敢的姑娘", "english": "in which he attempted to defame"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一群贱民拉出来册封的勇士 他是这么称呼她的", "english": "A face, picked for the masses,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "册封 她可用不着", "english": "- Plucked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一位真正的领导 不用任何人册封", "english": "A true leader,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很荣幸能认识", "english": "I had the privilege of knowing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位来自十二区的姑娘", "english": "a small town girl from"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她撑过了饥饿游戏和世纪争霸赛", "english": "who survived the Hunger Games"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她把一群奴隶变成一支具有强大战斗力的军队", "english": "And rose up and turn a nation"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管她是死是活 凯妮丝永远是我们革命中不可替代的角色", "english": "Dead or alive. Katniss Everdeen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就算她死了 她也绝不是白死", "english": "She will not have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来都没想到她把我看这么重", "english": "I have no idea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会替她完成她的遗愿 同时也是我们的目标 解放帕纳姆", "english": "Her vision and ours"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要建设一个自由的新帕纳姆国", "english": "A free Panem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会消灭一切妄图迫害帕纳姆人民", "english": "And in her memory, we will all"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "的压迫者", "english": "of it's oppressors"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保卫我们的国家", "english": "and be safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远铭记嘲笑鸟", "english": "REMEMBER THE MOCKINGJAY"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯诺在他的宅邸里 他的宅邸在哪?", "english": "- Snow is in his mansion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在这儿", "english": "That's us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是市中心", "english": "That's the city circle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人知道我们还活着 我们能好好利用这个有利条件", "english": "Nobody knows we're alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这几栋楼 从那里看得见斯诺的花园么", "english": "These buildings, do these"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我 可以的", "english": "- I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要他走出来 我就能一箭射死他", "english": "If he goes outside at all,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先别想那么远", "english": "We are getting ahead"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管他们还在不在找我们 我们被困在这儿了", "english": "Whether they're looking for us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按那个按钮 把所有的\"豆荚\"搜出来", "english": "Hit that button,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且新布下的陷阱的这儿还没显示", "english": "Yeah, that doesn't even"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以到了街上我们将寸步难行", "english": "So, we can't go anywhere"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这红点还真是密集啊", "english": "And the red tops suggest to that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们也许能找到别的路", "english": "There might be another way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的兄弟对这些通道了如指掌", "english": "My brother knows these"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他原来在这儿的地下排污系统工作", "english": "He works sanitation down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "后来他们割掉了他的舌头 真庆幸还留了他一条小命", "english": "I'm glad they made him an Avox."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 波乐克斯", "english": "Hey. Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着我", "english": "Look at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着我", "english": "Look at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一定能安全穿过这里的", "english": "We're going to get through this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我保证", "english": "I promise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他才得以重见天日", "english": "He didn't see the sun once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在这很容易被发现", "english": "We're too expose here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要为您叫医生过来吗?", "english": "Shall I call you a doctor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么?", "english": "- What did you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "需要为您叫医生过来吗?", "english": "- Shall I call your a doctor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你叫醒我是因为有比一个老年人的健康状况", "english": "I hope you waking me for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更为紧急的事", "english": "an old man's health."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们没死", "english": "They survived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道怎么回事", "english": "I don't know how."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在监控里发现了他们的踪迹", "english": "We picked them up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我看看", "english": "Let me see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我..我需要亲自确认", "english": "I-I need to see for myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是她", "english": "It's her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "确实是她", "english": "It is her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来他们把战场转移到了地下", "english": "Her arena has moved underground."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来安全", "english": "Looks clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都没事吧?", "english": "Everybody, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 大家在这里先停会", "english": "Alright, everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我放第一班哨", "english": "I'll take first watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮塔", "english": "Hey, Peeta,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,大家都坐下休息吧", "english": "Alright, settle in, everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 轮到你放哨了", "english": "Katniss, your watch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该知道 他们在我身上下了毒药", "english": "You know, the capital, they used"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也被叮过", "english": "You were stung once too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的是真的吗?", "english": "Real or not real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们对我下毒后", "english": "When they used the venom on me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会给我看我以前的照片", "english": "they would show me pictures of my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是有些不是真实的", "english": "But some weren't real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他们篡改过了的", "english": "They changed them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一开始我分不清哪些是真实的", "english": "At first, they all-they all blend together, but now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我能分辨出一些了", "english": "now I can sort them out a little."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像是...被他们改过的一小部分,", "english": "Like the... little ones that they changed,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一些...", "english": "they have this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一些重声,就像是", "english": "this choir,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们闪着光,", "english": "They are shiny,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是被修饰过了的", "english": "they've been glossed over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该好好休息下", "english": "You should get some rest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你仍在努力保护我,我说的对吗?", "english": "You're still trying to protect me, real or not real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对", "english": "Real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都会这么做", "english": "That's what you and I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让对方活着", "english": "Keep each other alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝", "english": "Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么声音?", "english": "What is that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该走了", "english": "We got to go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们必须马上离开这里", "english": "We got to get out of here now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是蜥蜴人 他们放出了蜥蜴人", "english": "Mutts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波力克斯,最快出去的路在哪儿?", "english": "Pollux, what's is the fastest way out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点,起来,快走!", "english": "Come on, wake up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑!快跑!快跑!快点!快点!", "english": "- Move! Move! Move! Move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波力克斯,快带我们出去!", "english": "Pollux, lead us out of here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰克逊!", "english": "Jackson!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡斯托!", "english": "Castor!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全体后退!", "english": "Fall back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Move."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!啊啊啊!", "english": "Aw!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯尼斯,快走!快点!", "english": "Katniss. come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯尼斯", "english": "Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走!快..快走!!", "english": "GO!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走!走!快走!", "english": "Go, go, go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯尼斯!", "english": "Katniss!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!", "english": "- Aww!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芬尼克!", "english": "- Finnick!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芬尼克!", "english": "Finnick!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊啊啊啊!!!", "english": "GAWWWWW !!!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯!尼!斯!", "english": "- KATNISS !!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夜锁模式(装置自爆口令)", "english": "- Nightlock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夜锁模式", "english": "- AAWWWW!!!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊!啊啊啊!!!", "english": "Gwww!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夜锁模式", "english": "Nightlock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊啊啊!!", "english": "AWWWW !!!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走快走快走!快点!", "english": "Come on. Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走!别停下来!别停下来!", "english": "Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走!走!", "english": "Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走!别停!", "english": "Keep going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮塔,快点", "english": "Peeta, come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮塔!", "english": "Peeta!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮塔,我们得赶紧走!", "english": "- Peeta, we have to get going!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是个怪物!", "english": "- I'm a mutt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得快走", "english": "- We have to get going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不行了", "english": "- I can't hang on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以!", "english": "- Yes, you can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走开!我是个怪物!", "english": "- Leave me. I'm a mutt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着我!看着我", "english": "Look at me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别离开我", "english": "Stay with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远不", "english": "Always."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我们在哪", "english": "I know where we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道一个地方,在这楼上", "english": "I know a place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快!快点", "english": "Keep going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖尔 霍桑", "english": "WANTED"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮塔 梅拉尔克", "english": "WANTED"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人来了", "english": "Someone's coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关门 关上门", "english": "Shut the door."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不 她是好人", "english": "No, that isn't the way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没事的", "english": "It's okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "底格里斯 还记得我吗? 我是和普鲁塔克一伙的", "english": "Tigris, you remember me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你的帮助", "english": "We need your help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安全!", "english": "Clear!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识你", "english": "I know you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是饥饿游戏的造型师", "english": "You're a stylist in the Games."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不是斯诺 我也不会变成这副模样", "english": "Until Snow decided"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是来杀他的", "english": "I'm here to kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他需要缝合伤口", "english": "He's got to need stitches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我撒谎了", "english": "I made it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是我编的", "english": "All of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科因没有分配什么特别任务", "english": "There is no"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只是我个人的计划而已", "english": "It's only my plan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我害死了那么多同伴", "english": "Everyone that's dead,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我说了假话", "english": "I lied"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们知道 我们早就知道这些了", "english": "We know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些来自十三区的士兵们..", "english": "- Do you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真以为杰克逊相信你身负科因的命令吗", "english": "Do you really believe that Jackson"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她只信任博格斯 所以她想让你接着完成他的使命", "english": "She trusted Boggs, so he"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没想到事情会成这样", "english": "I never meant for this to happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我辜负了他们", "english": "I failed them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我害死了他们 我害死了了芬尼克", "english": "I killed-I killed them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉 波乐克斯", "english": "I'm sorry, Pollux."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的很对不起他们", "english": "So sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葛利姆", "english": "Glimmer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马弗", "english": "Marvel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛格斯", "english": "Mags."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉芙", "english": "Clove."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦尔里斯", "english": "Wiress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "芸香", "english": "Rue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的死换来了什么", "english": "What do all those deaths mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的死意味着我们的生死由不得自己控制", "english": "They mean that our lives"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们算不上活着 因为我们连选择的余地都没有", "english": "There was no real life,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的生死 斯诺说了算", "english": "Our lives, belong to Snow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 如果你杀了他 凯妮丝", "english": "But if you kill him, Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你终结了这一切", "english": "If you end all of this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的朋友就没有白死", "english": "All those deaths,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "辛纳", "english": "Salla."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "博格斯", "english": "Boggs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡斯托", "english": "Castor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰克逊. 芬尼克", "english": "Jackson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们就死而无憾", "english": "They chose this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们选择追随你的脚步", "english": "They chose you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伤口要保持干净 防止伤口感染", "english": "You should keep this clean,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你应该把我拷起来", "english": "You should cuff me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我待在一起不安全", "english": "It's not safe with me yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想起了更多的事", "english": "My memories are getting better,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有些时候 我就像在梦游", "english": "Other times, it's like I'm sleepwalking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真该把我拷起来", "english": "You should cuff me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你的水", "english": "Thanks, for the water."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我睡不着", "english": "I can't sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯 我一连好几天都睡不着", "english": "Yeah, I haven't slept"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一次饥饿游戏的时候 我真该自愿把你换下来的", "english": "I should have volunteered to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么要是你那么做了", "english": "Well, you couldn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那她会永远记恨你", "english": "And she-she'd never have forgiven you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她希望你照顾好她的家人 而你也的确这么做了", "english": "She wanted you to be there and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她不能失去你", "english": "She can't lose you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她真的爱你", "english": "She really loves you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看她在世纪争霸赛亲吻你的样子", "english": "The way she kissed you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可从来没那么亲过我", "english": "She never kissed me like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖尔 你知道那只是逢场作戏而已", "english": "You know it's part of the show, Gale."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 是你赢得了她的心", "english": "No, you won her over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为她放弃了一切", "english": "You gave up everything for her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是个大问题", "english": "It's not going to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道我们三个人能否一起平安的完成这个任务", "english": "to make it out of this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若是我们都活下来了", "english": "And if we do, then..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "选谁就由她自己决定 对吧", "english": "It's her problem who to choose, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是呢 我总觉得她谁都选不出来", "english": "Well, I do know that Katniss will pick"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机动防爆盾 不是我们的", "english": "Mortar shells."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "政府军一定是用它们把起义军挡在城市外头了", "english": "Peacekeepers must shelling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算不上是城市外头", "english": "That's not outside the city."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太阳出来了", "english": "Sun's coming up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我听到一些微弱的枪声 可能是佩勒或者是莱姆的部队攻过来了", "english": "There's some small arms fire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起义军已经逼近了", "english": "The rebels are close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这儿了", "english": "This is it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告知距离市中心半英里之外的市民", "english": "To all Capitol citizens more than"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都到我的宅邸这边来 我给你们提供避难所", "english": "Come to the mansion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有的难民 到我的家里来", "english": "All refugees, come to my home"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "药品 还保证你们孩子的安全", "english": "medicine, safety for your children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我保证誓死保护你们", "english": "And you will have my solemn oath"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们应该快点赶上这末班车", "english": "You should hurry up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的敌人可一点都不如我们", "english": "Our enemies are not like us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们提供不了我们的庇护", "english": "They have never known"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们还鄙视我们提供的庇护 你们千万不要搞错", "english": "And they despise us for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不是来解放我们的", "english": "They are not coming"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是来摧毁我们的生活", "english": "They are coming to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会埋葬我们", "english": "They are coming to bury us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他现在还在大楼里吗", "english": "Is he still in the mansion?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮塔", "english": "Peeta?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 我认得这房间", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在哪儿", "english": "Where's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就在这里 不是在主干道上", "english": "We are right here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大楼就在这里 岗楼呢", "english": "- The mansion is here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们有可能会关掉这边的岗楼 以增援受攻击的地方", "english": "Well, they'd probably deactivate the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能再靠近一些", "english": "I can get close enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一个治安官都会待命", "english": "Every peacekeeper is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随时准备干掉我们几个", "english": "Next to our faces"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯诺提供给难民的避难所", "english": "Snow's offering shelter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在北面", "english": "Head straight north."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难民肯定成千上万", "english": "There's going to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们混进人流里 不要抬头", "english": "just get into that stream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们只有一次机会", "english": "We got one shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就让它成功吧", "english": "Let's make it count."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 祝你好运", "english": "Good luck, Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波乐克斯", "english": "Pollux."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "底格里斯 谢谢你为我们所做的一切", "english": "Tigris, thank you for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 让我跟你一起行动 好吗", "english": "Katniss, let me come with you, okay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以作为诱饵吸引他们的注意力..", "english": "I can be a good distraction"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我不想再失去你一次了", "english": "No, I'm not losing you again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和我们待在一起很安全", "english": "You'll be safer with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是政府军搜查这些屋子 如果他被抓住了..", "english": "What if peacemakers are searching"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就给我一个自杀药丸 我不怕死", "english": "Then, give me a nightlock pill, okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答应我好好活着", "english": "Stay alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下次再见面的时候 就是新的世界了", "english": "If I see you again, it's going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 我们出发吧", "english": "Alright, Katniss?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按照斯诺总统的命令", "english": "By order of President Snow,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有难民必须前往总统官邸避难", "english": "all residents must proceed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请各位有秩序的向前行进", "english": "Please continue to move forward"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到达后会有人发放饮用水 药物和衣物", "english": "Additional food, medicine and clothing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按照斯诺总统的命令", "english": "By order of President Snow,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有难民必须前往总统官邸避难", "english": "all residents must proceed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请各位有秩序的向前行进", "english": "Please continue to move forward"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到达后会有人发放饮用水 药物和衣物", "english": "Additional food, medicine and clothing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "按照斯诺总统的命令", "english": "By order of President Snow,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有难民必须前往总统官邸避难", "english": "all residents must proceed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请各位有秩序的向前行进", "english": "Please continue to move forward"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到达后会有人发放饮用水 药物和衣物", "english": "Additional food, medicine and clothing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叛军来袭!", "english": "It's the Rebels!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别动!", "english": "Don't move!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攻击叛军!", "english": "Rebels!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈!妈妈!", "english": "Mama!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快过去!", "english": "Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了我!", "english": "Shoot me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了我!", "english": "Shoot me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持镇定 把您的孩子送到前面来", "english": "Stay calm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大门会定期打开", "english": "The gates will open momentarily."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会优先接纳儿童", "english": "The children will be received first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持镇定 把您的孩子送到前面来", "english": "Stay calm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大门会定期打开", "english": "The gates will open momentarily."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会优先接纳儿童", "english": "The children will be received first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保持镇定 把您的孩子送到前面来", "english": "Stay calm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大门会定期打开", "english": "The gates will open momentarily."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会优先接纳儿童", "english": "The children will be received first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是都城军的飞机", "english": "It's the Capitol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生!", "english": "Medic!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大夫!", "english": "Medic!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生来了", "english": "Medics coming in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿个担架来", "english": "Bring a stretcher!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普瑞姆", "english": "Prim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普瑞姆", "english": "Primrose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普瑞姆!", "english": "Prim!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你醒了.躺好别动", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "身体没什么大碍 一切都很好", "english": "You're okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都城军的飞机在官邸门口投下炸弹后战斗就结束了", "english": "The fight was over after that Capitol dropped"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起义军直接攻进去了", "english": "The rebels walked right in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 别乱动", "english": "Don't, Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个人都感受到了炸弹的冲击力", "english": "Everybody felt it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些政府军、宫殿守卫的孩子也在人群中", "english": "Peacemakers. Palace Guards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都被炸死", "english": "It was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没几个人幸存下来", "english": "It was over after that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈", "english": "Mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还记得我第一次带你来这的时候", "english": "I remember the first"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们当时来过这", "english": "And here we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把你的随身物品都带来了", "english": "I've brought all your things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你先收拾一下", "english": "Well, I'll leave you to get settled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您好女士 我不能让您进去", "english": "Sorry, ma'am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让她进去", "english": "Let her in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我授权的", "english": "On my authority."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她有进去查看的资格", "english": "She has a right to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那朵白玫瑰不错", "english": "That's a nice one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多么纯洁的白色啊", "english": "The colors are lovely, of course,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然而某些人暗中的勾当要比这花肮脏的多", "english": "but nothing says perfection like white."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道你会来的", "english": "I was hoping you'd"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有很多事情想与你探讨一番", "english": "There are so many things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我有预感我们这次的见面时间不会太长 所以", "english": "But I have a feeling your"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先说重要的事情", "english": "first things first."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先我对你妹妹的去世感到十分遗憾", "english": "I wanted to tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她的死本来是可以避免的", "english": "So wasteful, so unnecessary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明眼人都知道那时大局已定", "english": "Anyone could see the game"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事实上 在他们扔下那些炸弹时我正准备签署官方投降令", "english": "In fact, I was just about to issue an official"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明明是都城军扔下了这些炸弹", "english": "You released those parachutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的觉得我会下这样的命令?", "english": "You really think I gave the order?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都清楚我一定不会伤害儿童", "english": "We both know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会毫无目的的杀戮", "english": "but I'm not wasteful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的杀戮都是有特殊目的的", "english": "I take life for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "试问我为什么要杀掉这么多都城的孩子", "english": "And there was no reason for me to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我完全没有这么做的必要", "english": "None at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不得不承认科因的这步棋真是高明", "english": "I must concede it was a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她让大家认为我轰炸那些无助的儿童只是为了抵挡住叛军的脚步", "english": "The idea that I was bombing our own"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的卫兵因此倒戈相向", "english": "It turned the last of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他们一枪没放就攻占了都城和我的宅邸", "english": "There was no resistance left inside"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你难道不知道战斗的过程是全程直播的吗?", "english": "Did you know it aired live?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个方法真是十分巧妙啊 不是吗?", "english": "There's a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道她不是故意夺去你妹妹的生命的", "english": "I'm sure she wasn't gunning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这些事的的确确的发生了", "english": "These things happen in war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的失误在于没能早点猜到科因的意图", "english": "My failure was being so slow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她让都城和其它区自相残杀", "english": "She let the Capitol and the"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后她登台掌控大权 我终于明白了她的计划", "english": "and she step in to take power"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我没想错的话", "english": "But make no mistake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她现在想替代我,当上总统", "english": "She intends to take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我一直以来注意力都集中在你身上", "english": "But, I've been watching you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也只想一心杀了我", "english": "And you watching me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕我们都上当了", "english": "I'm afraid we have both"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不相信你", "english": "I don't believe you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢我亲爱的艾佛丁小姐", "english": "Oh, my dear Miss Everdeen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我们以前承诺过绝不对对方说谎吧", "english": "I thought we had agreed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科因总统想见你", "english": "President Coin ask for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么这么久才来看我", "english": "You never came to see me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我们扔下的炸弹吗?", "english": "The bomb?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "延时的爆炸?", "english": "The delayed explosion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个陷阱", "english": "The trap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "延时爆炸是为了让更多的人掉进这个陷阱", "english": "To draw more people in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是起义军安排好的吗?", "english": "Is that you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道", "english": "I don't know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道的是", "english": "All I know is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本应该照顾好你的家人", "english": "I'm suppose to take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我没能办到", "english": "And I'm sorry I couldn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在竞技场里你谁都保护不了", "english": "You can't protect"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖尔 你走吧", "english": "Goodbye, Gale."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么情况", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些是幸存下来的胜利者. 来一起开个会吧", "english": "The remaining Victors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "邀请你们来这开会有几个目的 首先", "english": "I've invited you all here for"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我光荣的成为了", "english": "I am taking the burden"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帕纳姆国的临时总统", "english": "and the honor of declaring"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "临时的?", "english": "Interim?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个临时的时间段大概有多长", "english": "Exactly how long"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个恐怕不太好说", "english": "We have no way"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家也都知道现在社会还比较动荡", "english": "But, it's clear that people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "民众难以做出理性的决定", "english": "right now to make a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当时机成熟了我们会举行选举的", "english": "We'll plan an election"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫你们来是因为有一个更重要的事情需要决定", "english": "But I've called you here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会进行象征性的投票表决", "english": "A symbolic vote."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天下午我们将处决斯诺", "english": "This afternoon we will execute Snow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和他的百余名同党", "english": "Hundreds of his accomplices"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包括一些都城的官员,守卫,政府军士兵", "english": "Capitol officials, peacekeepers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但问题来了 一旦我们开了这个头", "english": "But the danger is,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "起义军复仇的欲望就会一发不可收拾", "english": "the rebels will not stop"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "民众会变得嗜血", "english": "Thirst for blood is a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "四人同意即通过该提议 不能弃权", "english": "A majority of four may approve it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的提议如下", "english": "The proposal is this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以象征性的举办一个饥饿游戏", "english": "In lieu of these"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来代替野蛮的行刑过程", "english": "we hold a symbolic Hunger Games."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你又想逼迫都城的孩子进行一场饥饿游戏?", "english": "You want to have another Hunger Games"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是普鲁塔克的点子吗?", "english": "Is this Plutarch's idea?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我的提议", "english": "It was mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这既满足了公众复仇的欲望", "english": "It balances the need for revenge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我坚决反对 这个想法太疯狂了", "english": "No, obviously not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我觉得这样挺公平 斯诺自己有个孙女", "english": "No, I think it's more than fair."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我投赞成票", "english": "I say, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也赞成 让他们也尝尝痛苦的滋味", "english": "So do I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们要知道 正是我们这种复仇的想法引发了这场起义", "english": "You guys, this way of thinking is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和皮塔一样 投反对票", "english": "I vote no, with Peeta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果芬尼克还活着 他也会反对的", "english": "So would Finnick,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 他会赞成的 因为斯诺杀了他", "english": "No, he's not,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我反对", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不应该将他们再视作敌人了", "english": "We need to stop viewing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在就看凯妮丝和海米奇了", "english": "It's down to Katniss and Haymitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要亲手杀了斯诺", "english": "I get to kill Snow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会拦着你的", "english": "I expected no less of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我投赞成票", "english": "Then I vote yes..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了普瑞姆报仇", "english": "for Prim."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海米奇", "english": "Haymitch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我和嘲笑鸟一样 投赞成票", "english": "I'm with the Mockingjay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "提议通过 好极了", "english": "That carries the vote."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "行刑结束后 我会宣布这项提案", "english": "I'll announce the games tonight,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上就打扮好了", "english": "Bound to be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢 你看起来真是可爱", "english": "Oh, you look lovely, isn't she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是美丽极了", "english": "So beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打扮好啦", "english": "Finishing touches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎来到崭新的帕纳姆国!", "english": "Welcome to the new Panem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天我们站在贡品大道上", "english": "Today, on the avenue of the tributes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有自由的帕纳姆们", "english": "All of Panem,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都将目睹这一幕", "english": "will watch more than"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们将见证一个伸张正义的历史时刻", "english": "We are gathered to witness"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天 在这场革命中我们最重要的伙伴", "english": "Today, the greatest friend of the revolution,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将射出那一箭 它将结束所有战争", "english": "will fire the shot"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿她的力量象征着暴君专政的终结", "english": "May her powers signify"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "象征着一个新纪元的开端", "english": "and the beginning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘲笑鸟 愿你心灵纯净 目光坚定", "english": "Mockingjay, may your aim be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈哈哈", "english": "Eh-ha-ha..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了他!", "english": "Kill him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀了他!", "english": "Kill him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 我这么跟你说吧 你没让我失望", "english": "I'll say this for you, Katniss."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普鲁塔克让我带一封信给你", "english": "Well, Plutarch gave"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想看", "english": "I don't want it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 你能不能正常一点", "english": "You never make it easy, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我来读给您老听", "english": "Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 可能所有的帕纳姆都为你这一箭感到震惊", "english": "Katniss, maybe the country was"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但话说回来 也没那么令人惊讶", "english": "but once again"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我早就预料到你会这么做", "english": "You're exactly what"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真希望能当面向你道个别 但现在科因和斯诺都死了", "english": "I wish I could give you a proper good bye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚我们将开会决定这个国家未来的命运 我没法抽空去见你", "english": "the fate of the country will be decided"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "毋庸置疑 佩勒会当上总统 她是一个有理性的人", "english": "There's no doubt that Paylor will carry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉你又要身担重负", "english": "I'm sorry so much"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我知道你会直面这些困难", "english": "I know you'll never escape it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了这个国家的未来", "english": "But if I had to put"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉我要暂时将你保护起来", "english": "for this outcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争已经结束了", "english": "The war is over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在处在一个相对稳定的阶段", "english": "We're in that sweet period"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用再像以前一样担惊受怕", "english": "not to repeat the recent horrors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然 我们人类总是反覆无常 愚蠢至极", "english": "Of course, we are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总是忘记过去 经常自相残杀", "english": "with poor memories and a"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许经过这场战争 我们才能学会许多", "english": "Although who knows?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "送你出都城时我会亲自保证你的安全", "english": "I've secured you a ride"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在你最好远离公众视野", "english": "It's better for you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时机成熟时,佩勒指挥官会赦免你的", "english": "But when the time is right,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个国家终于获得了和平", "english": "The country will find it's peace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望你的心境也能平和下来 普鲁塔克", "english": "And I hope you can find yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在去哪", "english": "What now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家 我们回家", "english": "Home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得好好和你道个别才能放你走", "english": "I couldn't let you go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯妮丝 你要好好照顾自己", "english": "It's your job to take care"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向我保证你会找到它", "english": "Promise me you'll find it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到什么?", "english": "Find what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "属于胜利者的生活方式", "english": "The life of a Victor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别把自己变成一个陌生人", "english": "And you don't be a stranger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她死了", "english": "She's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走开", "english": "Get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚出去!", "english": "Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "普瑞姆死了!", "english": "Prim is gone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她死了 永远都不会回来了!", "english": "She's dead and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚出去!", "english": "Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皮塔", "english": "Peeta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你回家了", "english": "You came home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我从森林边摘的", "english": "I found these..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "报春花", "english": "It's Primrose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉", "english": "I'm so sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些好消息告诉你们", "english": "You'll be happy to hear that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯尼斯的母亲正在都城培训新医生", "english": "Katniss'mother has been training new medical"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖尔被提拔为二区的区长", "english": "Gale has been promoted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "维护二区的秩序和安全", "english": "to help keep order and security."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我享受与我的儿子在一起的每分每秒", "english": "And I'm loving every moment"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到他总是让我想起他的爸爸", "english": "He reminds me everyday"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们都承受了太多苦难 但是那些苦难会激励我们", "english": "We all suffer so much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和我们的孩子们更坚强、更健康地生活下去", "english": "and to our children to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望大家都能过上平静的生活", "english": "I hope we both"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安妮", "english": "Annie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我郑重宣誓,尽我最大的力", "english": "I solemnly swear"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来捍卫每个帕纳姆公民的权利", "english": "to preserve, protect and uphold"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "又是普鲁塔克写的演讲稿吧 这风格我太熟悉了", "english": "There's Plutarch brand,I know it all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那句话是怎么说来着:\"政治舞台真是瞬息万变啊\"", "english": "What are their saying,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爱我", "english": "You love me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说的对吗?", "english": "Real or not real?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说得对", "english": "Real."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做噩梦了吗?", "english": "Did you have a nightmare?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也会做噩梦", "english": "I have nightmares too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天 我会向你解释", "english": "Someday, I'll explain it to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么它们会出现", "english": "Why they came."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么它们永远挥之不去", "english": "Why they won't ever go away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我会告诉你我是如何度过那些难熬的日子的", "english": "But I'll tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一个人做过的每一件好事", "english": "for all the good things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使它们微不足道", "english": "Every little thing I can remember."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就像一个游戏", "english": "It's like a game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一遍遍地玩", "english": "I do it over and over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以至于这些年有点乏味了 但...", "english": "Get's a little tedious"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "生活是场更艰难的游戏", "english": "There are much worse games to play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你没有仔细听", "english": "If you're not listening carefully,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会漏掉线索", "english": "you will miss things,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一些很重要的事", "english": "important things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会停顿", "english": "I will not pause."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也不会再说第二遍", "english": "I will not repeat myself,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也不能打断我", "english": "and you will not interrupt me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你以为你此刻所处的位置", "english": "You think that because you are sitting where you are"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及我当下的处境", "english": "and I am sitting where I am"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以让你一切尽在掌控的话", "english": "that you are in control of what is about to happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就错了", "english": "You're mistaken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主动权在我这", "english": "I am in control."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你所不知道的事", "english": "do not know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "曼彻斯特警察局,请稍候", "english": "Manchester Police Department,please hold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "窗户被打破", "english": "Windows broken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "房子被洗劫了", "english": "Home's been ransacked."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能派个警探来吗?", "english": "Send a detective down, will you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在需求你做的", "english": "What I will need from you now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一个承诺", "english": "is a commitment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要仔细听,直到我说完", "english": "You will listen closely,and you will not"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能对我施加评判", "english": "judge me until I am finished."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那请离开这个房间", "english": "then please leave the room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进来", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是如果你选择留下", "english": "But if you choose to stay,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "记住这是你自己的选择", "english": "remember you chose to be here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从这一刻开始", "english": "What happens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "无论发生什么都不是我的责任", "english": "from this moment forwards is not my responsibility."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你的", "english": "It's yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请注意听", "english": "Pay attention."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些都是什么?", "english": "What's all this, then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵,艾伦", "english": "Turing, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "剑桥的教授", "english": "Professor at King's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "似乎是入室抢劫", "english": "Seems there's been a burglary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦?丢了什么?", "english": "Oh? What of?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在曼彻斯特做什么?", "english": "What's he doing in Manchester?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一些关于机器的事", "english": "Something with machines."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个国家物理实验室的项目", "english": "The project at the NPL."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我问了,但他不肯具体说是什么", "english": "I checked, but he won't say what it's on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵教授?", "english": "Professor Turing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "努克警察,曼彻斯特警察局", "english": "Detective Nook,Manchester Police."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "中士史泰利告诉我你家昨晚被盗", "english": "Sergeant Staehl here tells me you had a burglary last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵教授?", "english": "Professor Turing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要大力呼吸", "english": "and don't breath heavily."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它-它只要", "english": "It-it wouldn't take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊", "english": "Ah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是令人失望", "english": "Disappointing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "Pardon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为他们会派个更……", "english": "L-I had hoped for a bit more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史泰利中士,是只有我觉得,还是你也有同感", "english": "Sergeant Staehl, is it just me,or do you get the sense"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们被侮辱了?", "english": "that we're being insulted?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚,你被盗了", "english": "Last night, you had a break-in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的邻居,斯普林博先生,打电话报告了噪音", "english": "Your neighbor, Mr. Springborn,called to report the noise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说有不少的骚动", "english": "He said there was quite a ruckus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是你说什么也没丢", "english": "Only you say nothing was taken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太古怪,所以不如你告诉我们", "english": "It's odd.So how about you tell us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生什么事了,我们会找出谁干的", "english": "what happened, and we'll find the chap who did this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们", "english": "Gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不认为", "english": "I-I don't believe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们能找出是谁做的", "english": "that you could find the chap that did this"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非他迎面朝你们吐口水", "english": "if, uh, he walked up to you and spat in your face."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在需要的", "english": "Uh, what I could use right now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是警察,而是一个好的清洁女工", "english": "is not a bobby,but a really good cleaning lady."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非你们谁的车里有", "english": "So unless one of you has a-an apron"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一条围裙,我建议", "english": "in your car, I suggest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带上你的报告,赶紧走吧", "english": "you file your reports and leave me alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,图灵教授", "english": "As you say, Professor Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个氰化物,您当心", "english": "Best of luck with your cyanide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟你赌一磅", "english": "I'll give you a quid"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有谁比这家伙更让人厌烦", "english": "if you can name me a more insufferable sod."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像有点牵强,不是吗?", "english": "Seemed a bit forced,though, didn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道你在说什么", "english": "Don't know what you mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不想一对警察", "english": "Well, if you didn't want a pair of bobbies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个不错的方式来确保他们罢手", "english": "that'd have been a stellar way to make sure they don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道你不觉得这件事很可疑吗", "english": "Tell me you don't think this is suspicious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不认为这很可疑", "english": "I don't think this is suspicious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个神秘的教授为什么不承认", "english": "A mysterious professor who won't admit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人从他家里偷了东西?", "english": "he's had something stolen from his house?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为艾伦图灵", "english": "I think Alan Turing's"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有事隐瞒", "english": "hiding something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争爆发了!", "english": "War declared!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国正在进攻!", "english": "German bombs on their way!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最新消息!", "english": "Fresh off the press!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争全面开始了!", "english": "War declared!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国随时进攻!", "english": "German bombs expected soon!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天上午", "english": "This morning,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英国驻柏林大使", "english": "the British Ambassador in Berlin"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "交给德国政府", "english": "handed the German government"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然就承认两国", "english": "a state of war"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已进入战争状态", "english": "would exist between us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必须告诉大家", "english": "I have to tell you now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目前还没有任何回音", "english": "that no such undertaking has been received."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我国与德国正处于", "english": "this country is at war"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争状态", "english": "with Germany."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我们大多数人的", "english": "For the second time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有生之年,这是我们", "english": "in the lives of most of us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二次...", "english": "we are..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "处于战争之中", "english": "at war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个和平的出路…", "english": "a peaceful way out..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请出示证件", "english": "Papers, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有何贵干?", "english": "What are you doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,那位女士告诉我等着", "english": "Oh, uh,the lady told me to wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我的办公室?", "english": "In my office?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她有没有告诉你可以", "english": "She tell you to help yourself to tea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "边等边喝茶?", "english": "while you were here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,不,她没有", "english": "Uh, no, she didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她显然也没有告诉你", "english": "She obviously didn't tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么叫做开玩笑,我猜想", "english": "what a joke was, then,either, I gather."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她应该告诉我吗?", "english": "Was she supposed to?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是谁?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦图灵", "english": "Alan Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,图灵", "english": "Ah, Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那位数学家", "english": "The mathematician."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Correct."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只是读了那张纸", "english": "You just read it on that piece of paper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皇家学院,剑桥", "english": "King's College, Cambridge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里说你是个天才", "english": "Now, it says here you were a bit of a prodigy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不确定我能评价这个,先生...", "english": "L-I'm not sure I can evaluate that, Mr..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你几岁时在剑桥成为一个研究员?", "english": "And how old were you when you became a Fellow at Cambridge?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "论文时,你多大?", "english": "I can barely understand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有资格被称作是一个天才?", "english": "that qualifies you as a certified prodigy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱因斯坦写了四篇足以改变世界的论文", "english": "Einstein wrote four papers that changed the world"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据我所知", "english": "As far as I can tell,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我", "english": "I've..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我勉强粘的上边", "english": "I've barely made par."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,你可真够正经的", "english": "My God, you're serious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你希望我开个玩笑吗?", "english": "Would you prefer I made a joke?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我不认为你知道什么是玩笑", "english": "Oh, I don't think you know what those are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果这是工作要求的一部分,", "english": "Hardly seems fair that,that's a requirement"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太不公平了,你是?", "english": "for employment here, Mr..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丹尼斯顿指挥官,皇家海军", "english": "Commander Denniston,Royal Navy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,你引起了我的兴趣", "english": "All right,Mr. Turing, I'll bite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么想为国王陛下的政府工作?", "english": "Why do you wish to work for His Majesty's government?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我不是特别想,其实", "english": "Oh, I don't, really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该不会是那些反战主义者?", "english": "Are you a bleeding pacifist?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是..对暴力持有怀疑", "english": "I'm... agnostic about violence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,你知道", "english": "Well, you do realize"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个讨厌的混蛋叫希特勒", "english": "there's this nasty little chap called Hitler"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想对欧洲实行专制?", "english": "who wants to engulf Europe in tyranny?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我相信你刚刚在军事史上", "english": "Well, I believe you've just set the record"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "创下一个最短的", "english": "for the shortest job interview"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,呃…", "english": "Oh, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈说作为世界上最好的数学家", "english": "Mother says I can be off-putting sometimes on account"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全世界?", "english": "In the world?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是的", "english": "Oh, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我为这计划已经拒绝了有多少人?", "english": "Do you know how many people I've rejected for this program?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为这是一个绝密计划", "english": "because we're a top-secret program."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我要告诉你,就因为我们是朋友", "english": "But I'll tell you,just because we're friends,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在上星期", "english": "that only last week,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拒绝了我们国家的一个顶级的语言学家", "english": "I rejected one of our great nation's top linguists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比贝托尔特·布莱希特德语还要好", "english": "Knows German better than Bertolt Brecht."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不说德语", "english": "I don't speak German."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不", "english": "I don't..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说德语", "english": "speak German."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国通讯如果你...", "english": "German communications if you don't..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呵呵,不说德语?", "english": "I don't know, speak German?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是个游戏,就像任何其他的游戏", "english": "A game, just like any other game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,字谜", "english": "Uh, puzzles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是世界上最难的字谜", "english": "And this is the most difficult puzzle in the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玛格丽特!", "english": "Margaret!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看在上帝的份上", "english": "For the love of God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然这是一个笑话", "english": "This is a joke, obviously."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕我不知道那是什么", "english": "I'm afraid I don't know what those are,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丹尼斯顿指挥官", "english": "Commander Denniston."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝你回到剑桥的旅程愉快,教授", "english": "Have a pleasant trip back to Cambridge, Professor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英格玛", "english": "Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们在这里的工作", "english": "That's what you're doing here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在布莱奇利的绝密计划", "english": "The top-secret program at Bletchley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是破解德国的英格玛密码机", "english": "You're trying to break the German Enigma machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么这么认为?", "english": "What makes you think that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是历史上最伟大的加密装置", "english": "It's the greatest encryption device in history,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国所有的主要通信都用它", "english": "and the Germans use it for all major communications."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果盟军破解了英格玛", "english": "If the Allies broke Enigma,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么", "english": "well"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这会变成一个很短的战争,显然的", "english": "This would turn into a very short war, indeed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是你们在忙的", "english": "Of course that's what you're working on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你们还没有任何头绪", "english": "But you also haven't got anywhere with it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大学招聘解密者", "english": "out of university."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要我大于我需要你", "english": "Y- You need me a lot more than I need you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢解决问题", "english": "L-I like solving problems,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指挥官", "english": "Commander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而英格玛是世界上最难的问题", "english": "And Enigma is the most difficult problem in the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,英格玛不是难;是不可能", "english": "No, Enigma isn't difficult;it's impossible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德军,每个都认为英格玛", "english": "the Germans,everyone thinks Enigma"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是牢不可破的", "english": "is unbreakable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我试试,然后我们就可以确认他们是不是对的了", "english": "Let me try,and we'll know for sure,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吗?", "english": "won't we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英格玛欢迎你", "english": "Welcome to Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有突然袭击的细节", "english": "The details of every surprise attack,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有秘密护航的任务", "english": "every secret convoy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有在大西洋的深海潜艇的", "english": "and every U-boat in the bloody Atlantic"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都输入在里面", "english": "go into that thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后吐出一堆乱码", "english": "And out comes gibberish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真精致", "english": "It's beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是死亡的狡猾操作手", "english": "It's the crooked hand of death itself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "皇家女子海军每天拦截无线电信息成千上万", "english": "Our Wrens intercept thousands of radio messages a day,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对于这些可爱的年轻女士", "english": "and to the lovely young ladies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有当你把这些返回到英格玛", "english": "It's only when you feed them back into Enigma"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他才使它们有意义", "english": "that they make any sense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们已经有一个英格玛密码机了", "english": "But we have an Enigma machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错,波兰情报局", "english": "Yes, Polish Intelligence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从柏林偷的", "english": "smuggled it out of Berlin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那还有什么问题?", "english": "So what's the problem?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "返回到英格玛就可以…", "english": "back into the Enigma and you'll..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没想象中那么简单不是吗?", "english": "Look, it's not that simple, is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有一个英格玛密码机", "english": "Just having an Enigma machine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不能帮你解码信息的", "english": "doesn't help you to decode the messages."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好,图灵先生", "english": "Very good, Mr. Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "解码信息,你需要知道这个机器的设定", "english": "To decode a message, you need to know the machine's settings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,德国会在每天早上", "english": "Now, the Germans switch settings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们通常拦截的", "english": "We usually intercept"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在它变化之前", "english": "which gives you exactly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破解密码,第二天你就得重新再来", "english": "before it changes,and you start again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "五个转子", "english": "Five rotors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "十个插接电缆", "english": "Ten plugboard cables."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,这是,呃,我知道了", "english": "No, no, it's,uh, I've got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是万亿,这显然是几百万", "english": "It's million, million. It's in the millions, obviously."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好", "english": "Very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "的可能性", "english": "Possibilities."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们,休 亚力山大", "english": "Gentlemen, meet Hugh Alexander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我亲自选择了他", "english": "I personally selected him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚力山大先生赢得了英国的全国象棋锦标赛", "english": "Mr. Alexander won Britain's national chess championship."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两次", "english": "Twice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是这里唯一一个", "english": "You're not the only one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "擅长游戏的人,图灵", "english": "who's good at games around here, Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们今后要一起工作咯?", "english": "Are-are we to work together, then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢有自己的办公室", "english": "I prefer to have my own office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们是一个团队,而你是其中一份子", "english": "You're a team,and you will work as one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想花时间解释我自己的思路", "english": "I-I-I don't have time to explain myself as I go along,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怕这些人", "english": "and I'm afraid these men"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与我们一起,那恐怕我们不能让你参加", "english": "play together, then I'm afraid we can't let you play at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是官方解释", "english": "That's the spirit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵先生,你知道有多少英国军人", "english": "Mr. Turing, do you know how many British servicemen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为英格玛死了?", "english": "have died because of Enigma?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,不,我不知道", "english": "Uh, no, I don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "三个...", "english": "Three..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当我们进行", "english": "while we've been having"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这段对话时", "english": "this conversation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,看,又有一个", "english": "Oh, look, there's another."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望他没有家庭", "english": "I rather hope he didn't have a family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指挥官丹尼斯顿谈论的这场战争", "english": "This war Commander Denniston's been going on about,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没有赢", "english": "we're not winning it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破解密码", "english": "Break the code,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少使我们有一个机会去赢", "english": "at least we have a chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们让孩子们和", "english": "Shall we leave the children alone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的新玩具再玩一会儿?", "english": "with their new toy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Hm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,先生们…", "english": "All right, gentlemen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们开始吧", "english": "let's play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这游戏其实很简单", "english": "The game was quite a simple one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一个德国情报,每一个突袭", "english": "Every single German message,every surprise attack,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一个轰炸", "english": "every bombing run,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一个即将到来的潜艇攻击…", "english": "every imminent U-boat assault..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都在空中传播", "english": "They were all floating through the air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通过无线电信号…", "english": "Radio signals that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,任何一个学生仔只要有无线电", "english": "well, any schoolboy with an AM kit"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都可以拦截", "english": "could intercept."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关键是信息都是加密的", "english": "The trick was that they were encrypted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "变化的可能性", "english": "Enigma settings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要做的就是尝试每一种可能性", "english": "All we had to do was try each one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,如果我们有十人用一分钟检查一个设定", "english": "But if we had ten men checking one setting a minute"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为它会用多少天,去检查", "english": "how many days do you think it would take to, uh, to check"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个设置?", "english": "each of the settings?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是以天计的,是以年计", "english": "Well, it's not days, it's years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好", "english": "Good morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "缩短到", "english": "of settings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我饿了", "english": "I'm famished."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃午饭吗?", "english": "Lunch?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪,女人们怎么", "english": "Good Lord. What is it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都那么喜欢那种小帽子?", "english": "about women with little hats?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伙计,我们去吃午饭", "english": "The boys, we're going to get some lunch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦?", "english": "Alan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯哼?", "english": "Yes'?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说我们去吃午饭", "english": "I said we're going to get some lunch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦?", "english": "Alan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "Yes'?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说我们要去吃午...", "english": "I said we're off to get some lu..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不要跟我们一起吃午餐", "english": "if you wanted to come to lunch with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,没有,你没有问我", "english": "Um, no, you didn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说你要去吃午饭。", "english": "You said you were going to get some lunch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哪里得罪你了?", "english": "Have I offended you in some way?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么会这么想?", "english": "Why would you think that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要跟我们一起吃午餐吗?", "english": "Would you like to come to lunch with us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是一个三明治", "english": "it's a bleeding sandwich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我不喜欢三明治", "english": "Oh, I don't like sandwiches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道,", "english": "You know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要战胜这套天才的加密程序", "english": "to pull off this irascible genius routine,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "采取的方式也得是天才式的", "english": "one actually has to be a genius, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经有了进展,不是吗?", "english": "making progress here,aren't we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,是吗?", "english": "Oh, you are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,我们有", "english": "Yes, we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经解密了一些德国的消息", "english": "We have decrypted a number of German messages"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通过对字母的分布频率", "english": "by analyzing the frequency of letter distribution."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个坏表一天也有两次准点的时候", "english": "Oh, even a broken clock is right twice a day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不是进步;那只是运气", "english": "That-That's not progress;that's just blind luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在设计的机器", "english": "I'm designing a machine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以让我们每天即时", "english": "that will allow us to break every message"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破解每条情报", "english": "every day instantly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁饿了?", "english": "Who's hungry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们走吧", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我饿了—", "english": "I'm hungry-"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得问谁饿了", "english": "Peter asked who was hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以给我带些汤吗?", "english": "Can I have some soup, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你什么意思,“保密”?", "english": "What do you mean, \"classified\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我知道保密这个词的字面意义", "english": "No, I'm aware of the literal meaning of the word classified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我问的是为什么一个数学教授", "english": "What I'm asking is why would a maths professor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的军事记录需要保密?", "english": "have his military records classified?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我当然冷静", "english": "Yeah, well, I will come down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,我想看一些文件", "english": "Pardon me, I'd like to see some documents, if I may."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵先生服役记录", "english": "Service records of a Mr. Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦", "english": "Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外交部交给我的", "english": "Foreign Office sent me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是不可接受的", "english": "This is unacceptable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你有事投诉", "english": "If you wish to discuss the complaint,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议你预约一下", "english": "I suggest you make a proper appointment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亚历山…", "english": "Alexan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,休 亚力山大", "english": "No, no, Hugh Alexander"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经否绝我申请配件和设备", "english": "has denied my requisition for parts"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的同事拒绝与你的工作", "english": "Your fellow code-breakers are refusing to work with you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们提出正式投诉", "english": "and they filed a formal complaint."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它的灵感来自一个古老的波兰码机", "english": "It's is inspired by an old Polish code machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有这个是极大的进步", "english": "Only this one is infinitely more advanced."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不回应投诉", "english": "If you don't respond to the complaint,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不得不把它带回内政部", "english": "I shall have to take it up with the Home Office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把文件放在我的桌上", "english": "Put those files by my desk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,我的回答是他们都是白痴", "english": "Fine, my response is they're all idiots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "解雇他们用剩下的钱来资助我的机器", "english": "Fire them and use the savings to fund my machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么要造一个机器?", "english": "Why are you building a machine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是高科技,你不会明白的", "english": "It's highly technical.You wouldn't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议你还是试着说清楚", "english": "I suggest you make the effort to try."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英格玛是...", "english": "Enigma is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个非常精心设计的机器", "english": "an extremely well-designed machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的问题是我们尝试用人击败它", "english": "Our problem is that we're only using men to try to beat it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,如果有一台机器", "english": "No, what if only a machine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能击败另一台机器呢?", "english": "can defeat another machine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,也不是很高科技", "english": "Well, that's not very technical."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休 亚力山大才是", "english": "Hugh Alexander is in charge"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的主管;他说不,那就是不", "english": "of your unit; he said no,and that is that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是没时间跟你扯", "english": "I simply don't have time for this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有没有赢过一场战争,图灵?", "english": "Have you ever won a war, Turing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有", "english": "I have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道如何赢吗?", "english": "Do you know how it's done?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秩序,纪律,", "english": "Order, discipline,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "严格服从", "english": "chain of command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不再是在大学", "english": "You're not at university any longer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是一个非常大的系统的一个非常小的齿轮", "english": "You are a very small cog in a very large system."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁是你的指挥官?", "english": "Who-who is your commanding officer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "温斯顿丘吉尔", "english": "Winston Churchill,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以去找他", "english": "you can take it up with him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孟席斯先生!", "english": "Mr. Menzies!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孟席斯先生!", "english": "Mr. Menzies!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会去伦敦吗?", "english": "A-A-Are you going to London?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能会", "english": "Possibly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能为我送一封信?", "english": "Would you deliver a letter for me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看,我很抱歉", "english": "Look, I'm sorry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,你在开玩笑吗?", "english": "but are you joking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丘吉尔让艾伦当主管?", "english": "Churchill's put Alan in charge?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我可以给这些人下命令?", "english": "So I can give these men orders now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我恨这样说,不过是的", "english": "I hate to say it, but yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了,基思和查尔斯,你们被解雇了", "english": "Excellent. Keith and Charles,you're both fired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是平庸的语言学家", "english": "You're mediocre linguists,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦,你不能开除基思和查尔斯", "english": "Alan, you can't just fire Keith and Charles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,他刚刚说我可以", "english": "Well, he just said I could."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我没有这样说", "english": "No, I did no such thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但丘吉尔这样说了", "english": "But Churchill did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "见鬼去吧", "english": "Go to hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Well,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这简直不人道", "english": "this is inhuman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使是对你来说", "english": "Even for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在学校受欢迎,是吗?", "english": "Popular at school, were you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问题的出现,当然是", "english": "The problem began, of course,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从胡萝卜开始", "english": "with the carrots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胡萝卜是橙色的", "english": "Carrots are orange."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "豌豆", "english": "And peas"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是绿色的", "english": "are green."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不能混在一起", "english": "They mustn't touch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来", "english": "I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道人们为什么", "english": "Do you know why people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喜欢暴力吗?", "english": "like violence?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是因为暴力让人感觉…", "english": "It is because it feels..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人类发现暴力", "english": "Humans find violence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能带来强烈的满足感", "english": "deeply satisfying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些行为变得…", "english": "and the act becomes..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "异常空虚", "english": "hollow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵?", "english": "Tuflng?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别像个犹太人一样", "english": "Don't be such a kike about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让他在这腐烂吧", "english": "Leave him to bloody rot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没有全靠我自己学会这个", "english": "I didn't learn this on my own,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然", "english": "of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人帮我", "english": "I had help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克里斯托弗会帮我", "english": "Christopher helped."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦,你还好吗?", "english": "Alan, are you all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是我的错", "english": "It's not my fault."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胡萝卜跟豌豆混在一起…", "english": "The carrots got in with the peas and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会让他们再这样做了", "english": "I won't let them do it again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们越来越狠了", "english": "They're getting worse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们打我,因为我比他们更聪明", "english": "They only beat me up because I'm smarter than they are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,他们打你因为你不同", "english": "No, they beat you up because you're different."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈说,我只是一个怪胎", "english": "Mother says I'm just an odd duck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她倒是没说错", "english": "And she's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你知道吗,艾伦", "english": "But you know, Alan,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时候正是人们无论如何都不会报以期望的人", "english": "sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做成了人们连想都不敢想的大事", "english": "who do the things no one can imagine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那,我们现在做什么?", "english": "So, what do we do now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们人手不够", "english": "We're short on staff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那,我们,就去找", "english": "Well, we, uh, we get"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更多的人来", "english": "more staff then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你打算怎么找呢?", "english": "And how do you propose to do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,艾伦图灵", "english": "Um, Alan Turing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来见斯图尔特孟席斯", "english": "to see Stewart Menzies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,先生", "english": "Very good, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都是谁?", "english": "So who are they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,各种各样,其实", "english": "Oh, all sorts, really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有老师,工程师", "english": "Teacher, an engineer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为他们有资格为布莱奇利工作", "english": "And you think they're qualified for Bletchley"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就因为他们擅长拼字游戏吗?", "english": "'cause they're good at crossword puzzles?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,他们说他们很擅长,现在我们就是来测试的", "english": "Well, they say they're good,and now we shall find out,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吗?", "english": "don’t we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了你们方便", "english": "In order to aid your efforts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里,你的右手边,一个绿色的刮卡书", "english": "there is, to the right of you,a green scratch card book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以在上面做笔记", "english": "You are to make notes in that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生们,你们有六分钟的时间", "english": "Gentlemen, you have six minutes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完成填字,在这一点上", "english": "in which to complete the puzzle, at which point,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我将…", "english": "I will..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,夫人,这个房间不能随便进入", "english": "Pardon, ma'am,this room's restricted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,不好意思我迟到了", "english": "Oh, apologies for my tardiness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我坐的巴士爆胎了", "english": "The-the bus caught a flat tire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我可以继续吗?", "english": "Uh, may I continue, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,但我只迟到了几分钟", "english": "Oh, but I'm only a few minutes late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应聘秘书要去楼上", "english": "The secretaries are to head upstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个房间只对候选人开放", "english": "This room's for the candidates."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在可以继续吗?", "english": "May I get on with this now, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是一个候选人", "english": "L-I am a candidate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么职位?", "english": "For what position?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "信中没有说具体", "english": "The letter didn't say precisely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,所以说秘书请去楼上", "english": "Yeah, so secretaries are to head upstairs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这上面说这是最高机密", "english": "It did say that it was top secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到底是怎么回事?", "english": "What is going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我解开了", "english": "L-I solved"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "报纸上的一个填字游戏", "english": "a-a crossword puzzle in the newspaper,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后收到这封信时说", "english": "and I-l got this letter saying"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被选为某个神秘工作的候选人", "english": "that I was a candidate for some sort of mysterious job."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的名字是琼 克拉克", "english": "My name's Joan Clarke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐,你真的是自己解开这个难题吗?", "english": "Miss, did you really solve this puzzle yourself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么让你认为我不能自己解开?", "english": "What makes you think I couldn't solve the puzzle myself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得迟到", "english": "I-I find tardiness"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在任何情况下,嗯,都是不好的", "english": "under any circumstance,um, unacceptable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请快坐下,我们才好继续", "english": "Take a seat so that ,we may continue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,嗯", "english": "Now, um,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正如我说的,你有六分钟", "english": "as I was saying,you-you have six minutes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去,呃,去解开你桌上的填字", "english": "to, uh, complete the task in front of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,先生们和夫人", "english": "Uh, gentlemen and lady,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以开始了", "english": "begin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六分钟", "english": "Six minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能,我花了八分钟", "english": "No, it takes me eight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "重点不在于解开游戏", "english": "This isn't about crossword puzzles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是关于一个,呃", "english": "It's about how one, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "解决一个不可能的问题的方法", "english": "approaches solving an impossible problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一次性全部解决,还是", "english": "Do you tackle the whole thing at once or divide it"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "分成不同小部分..。", "english": "into small..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你完成了?", "english": "You've finished?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的。", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说要在六分钟内", "english": "You said to do it in under six."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝贺你们", "english": "Congratulations."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我热烈欢迎你们为陛下服务", "english": "My warmest welcome to His Majesty's service."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你透露了关于我要给你说的任何信息", "english": "If you speak a word of what I'm about to show you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你将会以叛国罪被处决", "english": "you will be executed for high treason."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要欺骗你的朋友", "english": "You will lie to your friends,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的家人和你遇到的每个人", "english": "your family and everyone you meet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于你真正做的是什么", "english": "about what it is you really do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们真正在做的是什么?", "english": "And what is it that we're really doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要破解一个牢不可破的纳粹代码", "english": "We're going to break an unbreakable Nazi code"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来赢得战争", "english": "and win the war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你正在看什么书?", "english": "What's that you're reading?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于加密技术的", "english": "It's about cryptography."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是秘密", "english": "Not secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这便是高明之处", "english": "That's the brilliant part."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何人都可以看到的消息,但是没有人知道他们是什么意思", "english": "Messages that anyone can see,but no one knows what they mean"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "除非你有钥匙", "english": "unless you have the key."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和交谈有什么不同吗?", "english": "How's that different from talking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们从不说他们的真实想法", "english": "they never say what they mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说的是别的", "english": "They say something else,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是他们希望你能明白", "english": "and you're expected to just know what they mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有我从来不明白", "english": "Only I never do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,有什么不一样?", "english": "So, how's that different?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦,我有一个很奇怪的感觉", "english": "Alan, I have a funny feeling"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会很擅长这个", "english": "you're going to be very good at this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安,艾伦", "english": "Good night, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,玛丽恩,我来了!", "english": "Hold on,Marion, I'm coming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "通过这个小的设置然后沿路线返回...", "english": "Coming round the lesser settings and then route back through..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回到这里…", "english": "Back to those ones..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,小心点,好吗?", "english": "Uh, careful, will you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,这不是一个玩具", "english": "Um, it-it's not a toy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有趣", "english": "Funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这看起来就像个玩具", "english": "Looks like a toy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的新宠物到了", "english": "Your new minion's arrived."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰克 古德,我们见…", "english": "Jack Good. We met..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉克小姐在哪里?", "english": "Well, where's Miss Clarke?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他人真不错,不是吗?", "english": "Lovely, isn't he?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不只是个单调乏味的生产厂", "english": "It's not just a-a usual humdrum production mill factory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的意思是,嗯,就像我说的", "english": "I mean, well,as-as I was saying,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个非常重要的,呃,无线电厂", "english": "it's a very important,uh, radio factory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它不是,事实上,嗯,嗯,嗯", "english": "I-It's not, actually.Uh, well, um,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是辐射方面的,呃...无线电工厂", "english": "on the spectrum of,uh... radio factories,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个非常特别…", "english": "this-this one is-is particularly..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不在布莱奇利?", "english": "Why are you not at Bletchley?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常…感谢你的拜访,图灵先生", "english": "Thank you... so much for your visit, Mr. Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,我无法接受你的提议", "english": "I'm sorry, but I'm unable to accept your offer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们认为这样一个职位", "english": "We feel that such a position"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是很适合我", "english": "would hardly be appropriate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有两个数学上的一等学位", "english": "You earned a double first in mathematics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但遗憾的是没有获得机会成为一个大学研究员", "english": "But sadly wasn't granted the opportunity to become a Fellow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你属于布莱奇利", "english": "You belong at Bletchley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉,这个职位", "english": "I'm sorry,but for someone in my position"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要求我...", "english": "to live... to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离家很远去无线电厂", "english": "to work in a radio factory so far from home,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你手下的男人生活、工作,呃...", "english": "with all your men, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有失体统", "english": "indecorous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在说些什么玩应?", "english": "What in the world does that even mean?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有一组,呃,年轻的女士", "english": "We have a group of,uh, young ladies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "负责我们所有的", "english": "who tend to all of our"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "文书工作:助理,翻译", "english": "clerical tasks:assistants, translators."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,他们住在一起,嗯,在城里", "english": "Uh, they live,um, together in town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这-这-这会是一个更,呃,合适的环境?", "english": "W-W-Would that be a more,uh, suitable environment?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,所以我会在这些妇女中工作?", "english": "Hm. So-so I would be working amongst these women?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是优秀的女士们,嗯,他们甚至还组织社会活动", "english": "Wonderful ladies. Uh, they even organize social events"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在圣马丁教堂下的路上", "english": "at St. Martin's Church down the road."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,真的,整个事情是非常,呃…", "english": "Uh, really, the whole thing is-is quite, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么说…", "english": "uh, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "端庄", "english": "decorous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,你可能不会有正规的通行证了", "english": "Now, you won't have proper security clearance,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,呃,我们不得不灵活一点应对", "english": "of course, so, uh, we'll have to improvise things a bit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么要帮我?", "english": "Why are you helping me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为现在在这整个世界", "english": "Because there is only one thing that matters"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有一件东西是重要的...你明白吗?", "english": "in this entire world right now... do you understand?..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是破解英格玛", "english": "and that is breaking Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,图灵先生…", "english": "But-but, Mr. Turing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么要帮我?", "english": "why are you helping me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,呃…", "english": "Oh. Um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为有时候正是人们不报期望之人", "english": "sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做出了人们不敢期望的事", "english": "who do the things that no one can imagine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生", "english": "Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么?", "english": "What's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦图灵的机密军事文件", "english": "Alan Turing's classified military file."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦图灵的战争记录的不仅是机密", "english": "Alan Turing's war records aren't just classified,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是不存在的", "english": "they're nonexistent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那意味着有人销毁了他们", "english": "That means someone's got rid of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抹去档案,烧点一切", "english": "Erased them.Burned them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是那个闯进他家什么也没有偷的人干的?", "english": "And that same person broke into his house and stole nothing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "盖伊伯吉斯和唐纳德麦克莱恩", "english": "Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么,写文章的间谍?", "english": "What the spies from the papers?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏联间谍", "english": "The Soviet spies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但首先他们是教授,不是吗?", "english": "But first they were professors, weren't they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在剑桥很激进", "english": "Radicalized at Cambridge,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他们加入了共产党", "english": "then they joined the Communist Party,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对外办公,在战争期间泄露信息", "english": "then Foreign Office,then leaked information"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给斯大林...现在", "english": "to Stalin during the war... now"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能想到我们所知道的人谁在剑桥过", "english": "can you think of anyone else we know who was at Cambridge,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且在战争爆发时泄露了一些黑暗和绝密的信息?", "english": "then took up something murky and top secret when war broke out?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为这个艾伦可能是一个苏联特工?", "english": "You think this Alan Turing might be a Soviet agent?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为…", "english": "I think..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "将要有很严重的事情发生", "english": "something very serious is happening"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在我们的鼻子底下", "english": "right here under our noses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道你不想了解个清楚吗?", "english": "Wouldn't you like to find out what it is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "欢迎,女士们", "english": "Welcome, ladies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有些人认为我们是在与", "english": "Some people thought we were at war"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国打战...不准确", "english": "with the Germans... incorrect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们其实是在与时间作战", "english": "We were at war with the clock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国人每星期会送", "english": "The Americans sent over"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后德国人会把我们迫切需要的面包", "english": "the Germans would send our desperately needed bread"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天的午夜,都在宣判着我们的失败", "english": "Our daily failure was announced at the chimes of midnight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而这声音萦绕在我们耳边让我们寝食难安", "english": "And the sound would haunt our unwelcome dreams."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滴...", "english": "Tick..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "答...", "english": "tock..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滴", "english": "tick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真该死!", "english": "Damn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们所做的一切都是无用功", "english": "all the work we've done today is useless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,别担心,我们还有几个小时", "english": "Oh, but don't worry,we've a few hours"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在明天的消息开始涌进来之前", "english": "before tomorrow's messages start flooding in..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我们重新开始", "english": "and we start all over again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从零开始", "english": "From scratch."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我受够了", "english": "I'm so sick of this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "花了四小时重装他的插板矩阵", "english": "Four hours rewiring his plugboard matrix."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨天花了三小时", "english": "Three hours yesterday"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在他的转子的位置上!", "english": "on his rotor positions!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果之前没人说这个工作无法完成", "english": "If this job wasn't already impossible before,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的你和你那没用的机器", "english": "Damn you and your useless machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的机器是我们获胜的关键", "english": "My machine is how we are going to win."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这台机器吗?嗯?", "english": "This machine? Hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是说这该死的机器?!", "english": "Are you talking about this bloody machine?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这个傲慢的混蛋", "english": "You arrogant bastard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你本可以帮助我们", "english": "You could help us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以让运算更快,但是你没有", "english": "You could make this go faster, but you won't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "松手", "english": "Get off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是对的,艾伦", "english": "He's right, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在外面有...", "english": "There are..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有真正的战士在保家卫国", "english": "actual soldiers out there trying to win an actual war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的兄弟", "english": "My brother"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在海军的护卫食品车队里", "english": "protects food convoys in the Navy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的表兄弟在皇家空军巡逻", "english": "My cousins fly RAF patrols."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所有的朋友,他们都在努力", "english": "All my friends,they're all making a difference,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我们只是……虚度光阴", "english": "while we just...while away our days"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做无用功", "english": "producing nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一切都因为你", "english": "Because of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的机器…", "english": "My machine..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会有用的", "english": "will work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧,彼得", "english": "Come on, Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以走了", "english": "Okay"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼?", "english": "Joan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,你能不能...", "english": "Uh, will you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可不可以", "english": "Could you make"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再大声点?我怕我的", "english": "a bit more noise? I'm not quite sure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "噢,嗯,听着", "english": "Oh, uh, look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想这是尽最大努力能做的了", "english": "I think that's the best I can do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天黑之后不允许有男性访客", "english": "No male visitors after dark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么…", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你给我带来什么?", "english": "what did you bring me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开始吧", "english": "There you go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你", "english": "Here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道其他男人会送花吧", "english": "Some men try flowers, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些都是真正的英格玛信息", "english": "These are actual decrypted Enigma messages"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直接从纳粹截获的", "english": "direct from Nazi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最高命令", "english": "High Command."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希特勒万岁”", "english": "Heil Hitler.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,很明显,这信息可真重要", "english": "Well, clearly,that vital piece of information"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会帮助我们赢得战争", "english": "is going to win us the war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我感兴趣是已解密的和未解密", "english": "It's the relationship between the encrypted"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和解密信息之间的关联", "english": "a-and decrypted messages that interests me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以找找线索,好构建到克里斯托弗中去?", "english": "Can we find a clue here that we can build into Christopher?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁是克里斯托弗?", "english": "Who's Christopher?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,他,呃,他是我的机器", "english": "Oh, he's, uh,he's my machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你给他命名了?", "english": "You named him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名字很糟糕吗?", "english": "Is that a bad name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是,不管它了", "english": "No, never mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是想建立你的通用机器?", "english": "Are you trying to build your universal machine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我读过你的文章", "english": "I read your paper"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,没有,我只是提前看看", "english": "No. No. No, I was precocious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以…", "english": "So..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的理论上说有一个机器", "english": "you-you theorized a machine that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能解决任何问题", "english": "could solve any problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它不仅会做一件事,而是什么都会", "english": "It didn't just do one thing,it did everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不仅仅是可编程的,而且还能可重复编程", "english": "It wasn't just programmable,it was reprogrammable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克里斯托弗背后就是你的这个理论吧?", "english": "Is that your idea behind Christopher?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,人类的大脑可以很快计算大量的数据…", "english": "Well, human brains can compute large sums very quickly..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使是休都能做到…但我想克里斯托弗更聪明", "english": "even Hugh can do that... but I want Christopher to be smarter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做一个计算,然后,呃…", "english": "To make a calculation and then, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来决定下一步该做什么", "english": "to determine what to do next."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像一个真正的人那样做", "english": "Like a person does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想想看", "english": "Think of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电子大脑", "english": "Electrical brain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "数字计算机", "english": "A digital computer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "数字计算机", "english": "Digital computer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Hmm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What's going on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生什么事了?", "english": "What's happening?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,不,不!别碰那个!", "english": "No. No, no. No, no, no!Don't touch that!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢天谢地", "english": "Thank goodness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想我们找了半天", "english": "I'd hate to think we were searching"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一个间谍", "english": "There is a spy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在布莱奇利园", "english": "in Bletchley Park."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海军认为我们中的一个", "english": "The Navy thinks that one of us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是苏联双重间谍,艾伦", "english": "is a Soviet double agent, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃……为什么?", "english": "Uh...why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在它被送往莫斯科途中截获了这个", "english": "Our boys intercepted this on its way to Moscow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看起来眼熟吗?", "english": "Look familiar?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是比尔密码", "english": "It's a Beale cipher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加密来自一本书中的一个短语或一首诗或…", "english": "Encrypted with a phrase from a book or a poem or..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不会认为这是我做的吧?", "english": "You don't seriously think I did this, do you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "双面特工是个混蛋", "english": "Double agents are such bastards."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有朋友或家人", "english": "No attachments to friends or family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傲慢", "english": "Arrogant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "认识这样的人吗?", "english": "Know anybody like that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你不喜欢我", "english": "Hm, I know you don't like me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这并不意味我是", "english": "but that does not make me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏联间谍", "english": "a Soviet spy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没找到什么,先生", "english": "Nothing out of the ordinary, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是嘛", "english": "Really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,好吧", "english": "Mm, all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虽然内政部现在可以保护你", "english": "The Home Office may be protecting you now,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不必费心解雇你", "english": "And I needn't bother firing you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会以叛国罪绞死你", "english": "They will hang you for treason."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道今天的事了", "english": "I heard about what happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有个主意可以让你振作起来", "english": "I have an idea of what might cheer you up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为没有字母", "english": "So because no letter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以自身编码,已经有少数", "english": "can be encoded as itself,there's already a handful"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "设定打一开始就被拒绝", "english": "of settings that can be rejected at the outset."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你的团队?", "english": "Is that your team?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚说不要打招呼", "english": "L-I told you not to do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他只是喝一点泡沫", "english": "He just sort of sips at the foam."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我告诉你个小秘密,小姐..", "english": "Well, I'll let you into a little secret, Miss...?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫我克拉克", "english": "Clarke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "泡沫也是我最喜欢的部分", "english": "Foam's my favorite part, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是真的吗?", "english": "Is it really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来和我们一起喝一杯吧?", "english": "Come and join us for a drink?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们一会儿就过来", "english": "We'll be there in a moment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉克小姐", "english": "Miss Clarke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,他喜欢你", "english": "Well, he likes you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "故意让他喜欢你", "english": "g-got him to like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我在做一份男人的工作", "english": "Because I'm a woman in a man's job,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有可以纵容自己招人讨厌的资本", "english": "and I don't have the luxury of being an ass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦…", "english": "Alan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管你有多聪明", "english": "it doesn't matter how smart you are,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英格玛永远比你聪明", "english": "Enigma is always smarter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你真的", "english": "If you really"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要解决你的难题", "english": "want to solve your puzzle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么你要利用你可以得到的", "english": "then you're going to need all the help"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有帮助,如果他们不喜欢你的话", "english": "you can get,and they are not going"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们是不会来帮助你", "english": "to help you if they do not like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,我..嗯,克拉克小姐,我叫她琼,嗯…", "english": "Um, l... well, Miss Clarke,Joan actually, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她说这样会", "english": "said that it would be..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比较好,额,如果我给你们带些水果的话", "english": "Nice if I was to, uh,bring you all something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我就这么做了,我...", "english": "So here we are. I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢苹果", "english": "I like apples."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "替我向克拉克小姐问好", "english": "My best to Miss Clarke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "额,树林中的两个人", "english": "Uh, there are two people in a wood,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,他们碰到一只熊", "english": "and, um, they run into a bear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二个人开始绑紧他的鞋带", "english": "The second person starts lacing up his boots."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一个人问第二个人", "english": "The first person asks the second person,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你-你-你跑不过熊的”", "english": "You-you-you can't outrun a bear.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只需跑过你就行”", "english": "I only have to outrun you.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会在克里斯托弗那,如果有人需要我的话", "english": "I'll be w-with Christopher, if anyone needs me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是个有理数,那么可以说", "english": "is a rational number,then we can say"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是A/B", "english": "is A over B..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其中A和B", "english": "where A and B"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是整数,B不能为零", "english": "are whole numbers and B is not zero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵先生,你在传纸条吗?", "english": "Mr. Turing,passing notes, are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有,先生", "english": "No, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有图灵会传写着胡言乱语的纸条", "english": "Only Turing would pass notes written in gibberish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,先生们", "english": "All right, gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假期别忘了你们的代数", "english": "do not forget your algebra over the break."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假期愉快,当你们回来的", "english": "Have a pleasant holiday,and we'll resume"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "时候我们开始讲无理数", "english": "your irrationals when you return."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯", "english": "Mm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用欧拉定理就可以直接算出答案", "english": "But Euler's Theorem gives you that immediately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯...", "english": "Um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你,你看下这个", "english": "Here. Look at this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你布线穿过插板矩阵的对角", "english": "If you run the wires across the plugboard matrix diagonally,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个,呃...", "english": "That's, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实不完全是一个糟糕的主意", "english": "actually not an entirely terrible idea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想艾伦是在说“谢谢”", "english": "I think that was Alan for \"thank you.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,那是我的三明治", "english": "Uh, th-that's my sandwich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不喜欢三明治", "english": "You don't like sandwiches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你紧张吗?", "english": "You nervous?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它应该能算出英格玛的设定", "english": "It-it should work out the day's Enigma settings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是需要多久?", "english": "How long?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胜利万岁!胜利万岁!", "english": "Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国军队已经遍布欧洲", "english": "The German Army has fanned out across Europe,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从波兰到塞尔维亚,立陶宛到丹麦", "english": "from Poland to Serbia,Lithuania to Denmark,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挪威到法国", "english": "Norway to France."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "纳粹国旗已插在二十多个", "english": "The Nazi flag now flies from more than two dozen"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "国家的首都", "english": "national capitals."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们来势凶猛", "english": "Their campaign mounts in fury"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想使自由的欧洲崩溃", "english": "as a free Europe crumbles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,它还在运行中", "english": "Oh, it's still going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转子也一直在动", "english": "Rotors on and on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有停过", "english": "It's endless."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还不能看出什么结果吗?", "english": "With no result in sight?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇", "english": "Ow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵", "english": "Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵", "english": "Turing,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不开", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开门不然我们就强行进入了", "english": "Open the door or we'll break it down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能让你进来!我. ..我不能让你干涉", "english": "I can't let you in! I-l...I cannot let you interfere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "踹开它", "english": "Go on, then."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把那东西关掉", "english": "Turn that thing off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不要,求你了,别这样", "english": "No. Don't, please. Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要!求求你!", "english": "Please! Please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别,别关!", "english": "N-No. No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要!", "english": "Don't!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,那么,看来你伟大的大型", "english": "Well, then, it seems that your great big"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "贵重机器没什么用处啊", "english": "expensive machine doesn't work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有用", "english": "It does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也就是说你破解了英格玛了?", "english": "So you've broken Enigma, then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还在运算中", "english": "s-still working."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我在内政部的同事", "english": "This is my associate from the Home Office."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道,十万英镑", "english": "You see, a hundred thousand pounds"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可不是什么小钱", "english": "is rather a lot of money,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他过来看是想知道有什么结果", "english": "and he's here to see what you have to show for it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你…永远都不会懂", "english": "You... will never understand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在这所做的事情的重要性!", "english": "the importance of what I-l am creating here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有解密德国的任何消息吗?", "english": "Have you decrypted any German messages?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪怕一条也行?", "english": "A single one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能说说你完成了什么吗?", "english": "Can you point to anything at all that you've achieved?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,你的资金用完了", "english": "Hmm. Your funding is up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的耐心是有限度的", "english": "and our patience is expired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦图灵,你被解雇了", "english": "Alan Turing,you're fired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请送图灵先生离开这里", "english": "Please escort Mr. Turing from the premises."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可以", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说什么?", "english": "I beg your pardon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你解雇艾伦…", "english": "If you fire Alan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那,把我也解雇了吧", "english": "well, then you'll have to fire me, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道你在说什么吗?", "english": "What on earth are you saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我没有人比我更", "english": "Trust me when I tell you there is no one"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不想承认我所说的,但是…", "english": "who would rather say this less than I do, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是对的", "english": "he's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦是对的", "english": "Alan is right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的机器可以运作,它可能是", "english": "His machine can work,and it's probably"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现有的最好的机会", "english": "the best chance that we've got."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,真是难以置信", "english": "God, it's beyond belief."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你解雇他们…", "english": "If you fire them..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你也得解雇我", "english": "you'll have to fire me, too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有我", "english": "And me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是英国最好的解密学家", "english": "We're the best cryptographic minds in Britain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要解雇我们所有人吗?", "english": "Are you going to fire us all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指挥官,至少给我们一些时间", "english": "Commander, at least give us some more time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六个月,如果机器不产生", "english": "Six months, and if the machine doesn't produce"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何我们需要的结果,然后我们就重新", "english": "any results that we need,then we'll go back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "使用以前的方法,怎么样?", "english": "to doing things the old way...how about that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个月", "english": "One month."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你们都走的话", "english": "And then,so help me God,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真是感谢上帝", "english": "you're all gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,放开他", "english": "Oh, leave him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用客气", "english": "You're welcome."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,艾伦,你的机器...", "english": "Oh, and, Alan,your machine..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休", "english": "Hugh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发誓…", "english": "I swear..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是间谍", "english": "I'm not a spy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,天啊,你当然不是间谍", "english": "Oh, for God's sake, of course you're not a bloody spy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丹尼斯顿给我的比尔密码", "english": "Denniston gave me the Beale cipher,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你猜怎么着?", "english": "and guess what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我破解的", "english": "I cracked it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这句就是密钥", "english": "That was the key."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对像你这样的人来说也太简单了", "english": "Far too simple for the likes of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可惜丹尼斯顿却不信", "english": "Pity Denniston disagrees."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进来", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生,我觉得我发现图灵的证据了", "english": "Sir, I think I've got Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我昨晚跟踪他", "english": "I tailed him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到一个酒吧,在那里他遇到了一个家伙", "english": "to a pub last night,where he met a bloke."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们交换了一个信封", "english": "They exchanged an envelope."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我跟着这个家伙", "english": "So I follow this other fella,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓了他,好好的审问了下", "english": "pick him up,give him a good shake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说他是一个同性恋,他招了一切,", "english": "He's a poofter.He confessed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说他叫阿诺德莫里", "english": "The man admitted it.Arnold Murray."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在酒吧附近闲逛,等男人买他一夜春宵", "english": "Hangs around that pub;men pay him for a go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵就是其中一个", "english": "Turing's one of the men that paid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个莫里先生", "english": "Only Mr. Murray here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在事后和他的朋友", "english": "then has the bright idea"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想到一个聪明的主意一同去打劫图灵的房子", "english": "of robbing Turing's house after, with a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是图灵所隐藏的秘密", "english": "That's what Turing's hiding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,他是个同性恋,不是间谍", "english": "Well, he's a poof, not a spy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以控告一个大学教授", "english": "We can charge a university professor"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵一定有更大的企图…", "english": "Turing's up to something important..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他犯了罪,并且做了违法的事", "english": "He's committed a crime and he's broken the law."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和男人上床,天啊", "english": "And with a bloke.Jesus Christ,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在进行调查的事情", "english": "the investigation I was conducting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把他关起来", "english": "Bring him in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我来审问他", "english": "L-Let me interrogate him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给我单独半个小时就行", "english": "Please. Give me half an hour alone,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你给我的任何烂案子我都接", "english": "running errands on as many rubbish cases as you like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,现在,谁给我弄个抓", "english": "Fine. Now,will someone get me a warrant"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦 图灵逮捕令", "english": "for the arrest of Alan Turing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦?", "english": "Alan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克里斯托弗还不够快", "english": "Christopher's simply not moving fast enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他还是不能快速排除设定", "english": "he's still not eliminating settings as quickly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你才刚来", "english": "But you've just walked in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是的,是离开布莱奇利", "english": "No. Bletchley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我的父母", "english": "It's my parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们想让我回家", "english": "and they want me home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这太荒谬了", "english": "That's ridiculous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是我的父母", "english": "That's my parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你... 你不能离开...我不会让你走的", "english": "You... you can't leave...l-l won't let you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能怎么办?", "english": "What am I supposed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦?", "english": "to do, Alan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我..我是不会...", "english": "L-I will not..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抛弃我的父母的", "english": "give up my parents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你...你在这里有机会", "english": "You... you have an opportunity here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去实现你的自身价值", "english": "to make some actual use of your life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后和你一样的下场?不,谢谢", "english": "And end up like you?No, thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我为你的孤独感到难过", "english": "I'm sorry you're lonely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英格玛也救不了你", "english": "But Enigma will not save you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道你不明白吗?你个脆弱的自恋狂", "english": "Can you decipher that,you fragile narcissist?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是你想让我去找", "english": "Or would you like me to go and fetch"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝贝克里斯托弗来帮忙?", "english": "your precious Christopher to help?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯..", "english": "Mm..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你…我想你留下来因为我喜欢你", "english": "I want you... I want you to stay because I-l like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢和你…交谈", "english": "I like...talking to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也喜欢和你说话,艾伦", "english": "I like talking to you,too, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不再是一个人?", "english": "And what if you weren't alone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你有一个丈夫呢?", "english": "What if you had a husband?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有理想的人选吗?", "english": "Do you have one in mind?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有", "english": "I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休?", "english": "Hugh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休非常有魅力,我承认", "english": "Hugh's terribly attractive,I'll give you that,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不觉得他是想结婚的那种", "english": "but I don't really think he's the marrying kind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我没有在想休", "english": "No, I-l wasn't thinking of Hugh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是彼得", "english": "Or Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得太安静了", "english": "Peter's so quiet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我的天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这很合乎情理啊", "english": "But this makes sense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是在向我求婚吗?", "english": "Did you just propose to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,这是唯一合乎逻辑的办法", "english": "Well, it is the logical thing to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我-我不信..居然就这么发生了", "english": "I-I can't... believe that this is happening."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,琼…", "english": "Mm. Joan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的中间名是卡洛琳还是凯瑟琳?", "english": "Is your middle name Caroline or Catherine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克拉克,嗯…", "english": "Clarke, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太漂亮了", "english": "It's beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我知道这不常见,不过…", "english": "Well, I know it isn't ordinary, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁喜欢常见的呢?", "english": "whoever loved ordinary?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她把它捧在手上...", "english": "She had it in both hands..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说,“是的,你知道的,像法国人那样”", "english": "And I said, \"Yes.You know, the French way.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后她把它放进嘴里", "english": "So she pops it in,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并开始哼唱那该死的马赛曲", "english": "and starts humming the bloody Marseillaise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们跳舞吧", "english": "Come have a dance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,不,你可以在任何时间", "english": "No, no,no, you can dance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你的未婚夫跳舞", "english": "with your fiance anytime you like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,这一刻…", "english": "Right now, this moment..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "轮到我了", "english": "my turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是...", "english": "Wh-What if..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是我不喜欢...", "english": "Wh-What if I don't fancy being..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和琼那样怎么办?", "english": "with Joan I-in that way?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为你是同性恋?", "english": "Because you're a homosexual?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我猜的", "english": "I suspected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我该不该告诉她", "english": "Well, should-should I tell her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男人发生过关系?", "english": "affairs with men?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道,以我...", "english": "You know, in my..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有限的经验看来", "english": "admittedly limited experience,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女人…对于一不小心嫁给个同性恋", "english": "women... tend to be a bit touchy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这种事情还是不那么高兴的", "english": "about accidentally marrying homosexuals."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许不要把这个消息传开", "english": "Perhaps not spreading this information about might be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对你来说最好", "english": "in your best interest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在乎她", "english": "I care for her,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的,我...", "english": "I truly do. I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我..我只是不知道", "english": "I-I... I just don't know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是否可以,呃,继续装下去", "english": "if I can, um... pretend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能告诉任何人,艾伦", "english": "You can't tell anyone, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是违法的", "english": "It's illegal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丹尼斯顿可以找任何借口", "english": "And Denniston is looking for any excuse he can"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你带走", "english": "to put you away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保守这个秘密", "english": "This has to stay a secret."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来吧,轮到你了", "english": "Come on, it's your turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,好的", "english": "Ah. Okay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要茶吗?", "english": "Cup of tea?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,谢谢", "english": "No, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵先生,我可以告诉你一个秘密吗?", "english": "Mr. Turing, can I tell you a secret?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秘密我很在行", "english": "I'm quite good with those."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是来帮你的", "english": "I'm here to help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,显而易见", "english": "Oh, clearly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器能思考吗?", "english": "Can machines think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,所以你看过我的论文?", "english": "Oh, so you've read some of my published works?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么这么说?", "english": "What makes you say that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,因为我坐在警察局,", "english": "Well, because I'm sitting in a police station,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被指控要求一个年轻男子摸我的鸡鸡", "english": "accused of entreating a young man to touch my penis"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你只是问我机器能思考吗?", "english": "and you just asked me if machines can think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么,它们能吗?", "english": "Well, can they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器能像人类一样思考吗?", "english": "Could machines ever think as human beings do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大多数人说不能", "english": "Most people say not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是大多数人", "english": "You're not most people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,问题在于你...问了个傻问题", "english": "Well, the problem is you're...asking a stupid question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是吗?", "english": "I am?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器当然...", "english": "Of course machines..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能像人类一样思考", "english": "can't think as people do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器和人是不同的", "english": "A machine is different...from a person."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此,他们思考的方式也不同", "english": "Hence, they think differently."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有趣的是,仅仅因为某些,嗯", "english": "The interesting question is,just because something, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "思考方式与你不同", "english": "thinks differently from you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是就意味着他们没有思考能力?", "english": "does that mean it's not thinking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样的不同", "english": "from one another."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜欢吃草莓,我恨滑冰", "english": "You like strawberries,I hate ice-skating,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你...会为悲伤的电影哭泣", "english": "you... cry at sad films,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我..我对花粉过敏", "english": "I... am allergic to pollen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不同口味的不同点是什么", "english": "What is the point of-of different tastes,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不同的…偏好的不同点又是什么", "english": "different... preferences"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不是说我们的大脑工作方式不同", "english": "if not to say that our brains work differently,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们怎会想的不一样呢?", "english": "that we think differently?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们可以这样认识人的思考方式", "english": "And if we can say that about one another,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那为什么不能这么认为由", "english": "then why can't we say the same thing for brains..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "铜和电缆构成的大脑也有思考能力?", "english": "built of copper and wire, steel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是...", "english": "And that's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你写的文章?", "english": "this big paper you wrote?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "名字叫什么", "english": "What's it called?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,那..", "english": "Right, that's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那它是关于什么的?", "english": "that's what it's about?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想玩个游戏吗?", "english": "Would you like to play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玩?", "english": "Play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个游戏", "english": "It's a game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一种测试", "english": "A test of sorts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器还是人", "english": "a machine or a human being."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么玩?", "english": "How do I play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,有一个法官和一个测试对象,呃...", "english": "Well, there's a judge and a subject, and..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法官问问题", "english": "the judge asks questions,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根据测试对象给出的答案", "english": "and, depending on the subject's answers,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法官判断和他交谈的是个“谁”...", "english": "determines who he is talking with..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你所需要做的是问我一个问题", "english": "All you have to do is ask me a question."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "战争期间你在做什么?", "english": "What did you do during the war?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在一个无线电工厂工作", "english": "I worked in a radio factory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在战争期间你真正在做的是什么?", "english": "What did you really do during the war?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有注意听我说话吗?", "english": "Are you paying attention?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的!", "english": "Damn it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们快没时间了,就一个月", "english": "We're soon out of time. A month."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以就这样了,是吗?", "english": "So that's it, then, is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,问题是,不管我们如何改善它", "english": "Oh, the trouble is, it doesn't matter how much we improve it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器还是不可能解决", "english": "The machine's never gonna be able to process"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它在搜寻,只是..", "english": "It's searching.It's just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道它在搜寻什么", "english": "It... doesn't know what it's searching for."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们知道这个消息要表达的是什么…", "english": "If we knew what the messages were going to say..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还算它干什么", "english": "we wouldn't have to decrypt them at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦的那个朋友是谁?", "english": "Who's Alan's friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休,他其实有点下流", "english": "Hugh. He's a bit of a cad, actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好,是我的类型", "english": "So my type, then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会过来的", "english": "He'll come over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后就再没看他一眼", "english": "and haven't looked back since."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼旁边的是谁?", "english": "Who's that with Joan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?", "english": "Hmm?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,海伦,她的同事", "english": "Uh, Helen. Works with her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她真漂亮", "english": "She's really pretty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她希望我过去", "english": "She wants me to come over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?你怎么知道?", "english": "What? H-How on earth can you know that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她对我笑了笑", "english": "She smiled at me a while back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后就没再看我", "english": "and she hasn't looked again since."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他上钩了", "english": "And got him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说这是为什么,当我是单身时", "english": "Now, why is this,that when I was single"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得这很无聊,但现在我订婚了", "english": "I found it very boring,but now that I'm engaged,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我却觉得这很有趣", "english": "I just find it dreadfully fun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宾戈,她上钩了", "english": "Bingo. She's in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦,给我们引介一下", "english": "Alan, introduce us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?为什么是我?", "english": "What? Wh-Why me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为没有什么能比一个闺蜜的订婚", "english": "Because there's nothing like a friend's engagement"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更让女人欲火焚身,而那未婚夫的帅气朋友", "english": "to make a woman want to do something she'll later regret"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自然是最好的下手对象", "english": "with the fiance's better looking chum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们过去", "english": "Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不赌", "english": "No bet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他认为禁止男人与女人", "english": "He believes that the regulations"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一起工作的规定是正确的", "english": "against men and women working side by side are sound"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为这样的接近必然导致办公室恋情", "english": "because such proximity will necessarily lead to romance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?不,我没有,我...", "english": "What? No,I don't. I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然而…", "english": "However..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不同意", "english": "I disagree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想如果我和一个女人一起工作", "english": "I think that if I were working beside a woman all daylong,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就能欣赏她的能力和智慧,也不错", "english": "without taking her to bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起,我们见过吗?", "english": "I'm sorry, have we met?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不记得,就当我们没有", "english": "I don't recall.But let's assume we haven't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海伦 斯图尔特,休 亚力山大", "english": "Helen Stewart.Hugh Alexander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你赞成谁的", "english": "So who do you agree with,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很荣幸,真的,但我不认为…", "english": "L-I'm very flattered, really,but I-l don't think..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一起工作,我控制不住", "english": "every day,and I can't help"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不让自己对他产生点感觉", "english": "but have developed a bit of a crush on him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,这个人是谁?我要揍他一顿", "english": "Well, who is this man?So I can kick his arse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,不用担心…只是想想而已", "english": "Well, there's no need to worry... it's been chaste."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们甚至都没见过,他是个德国人", "english": "We've never even met.He's a German."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我真想杀了他", "english": "Now I really want to kill him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说德国人一起工作是什么意思?", "english": "How-how do you mean you work alongside a German?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我们每个人都从一个特定的", "english": "Well, each of us intercepts messages"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国广播塔拦截信息", "english": "from a specific German radio tower."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我们在另一边有个同行", "english": "So we have a counterpart on the other side"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每个人都有不同的节奏", "english": "Everyone types a touch differently,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你会开始了解你的同行的节奏", "english": "so you get to know the rhythm of your counterpart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有种奇怪的亲密感", "english": "It's strangely intimate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我觉得我很了解他", "english": "I feel as if I know him so well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可惜他有女朋友", "english": "It's a pity he has a girlfriend,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是为什么我不同意你的观点,亚力山大先生", "english": "but that's why I disagree with you, Mr. Alexander."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我爱上了一个同事", "english": "Because I'm in love with a coworker of sorts,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们甚至都没见过面", "english": "and we've never even met."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,请允许我给你买一杯酒", "english": "Well, allow me to buy you another pint,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我会告诉你为什么你错了", "english": "and I'll tell you why you're wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的", "english": "Let's."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太好了", "english": "Excellent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thanks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啤酒,你们有松子酒吗?", "english": "Um, pints.Have you got any sloe gin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以防你不知道,刚才他们那叫调情", "english": "In case you were wondering,that's what flirting looks like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "海伦…", "english": "Helen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了艾伦?", "english": "Yes, Alan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么你认为", "english": "Wh-Why do you think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的德国同行有一个女朋友?", "english": "your German counterpart has a girlfriend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,他的每一个信息", "english": "Well, each of his messages"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都用相同的五个字母开头:", "english": "begins with the same five letters:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我猜想希里可能就是他", "english": "So I suspect that Cilly must be the name"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人指示使用五个随机字母", "english": "The Germans are instructed to use five random letters"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为每一个信息的开头", "english": "at the start of every message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,这小子就没有", "english": "Well, this bloke doesn't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为爱情会使人做奇怪的事", "english": "Love will make a man do strange things, I suppose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这回可好,爱情让德国输了这场战争", "english": "In this case, love just lost Germany the whole bloody war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走,彼得", "english": "Go, Peter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦!艾伦!", "english": "Alan! Alan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔,喔,喔,喔!嘿,等下!", "english": "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!Hey, hey, hey!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦!", "english": "Alan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是....", "english": "I just want..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休 亚力山大,约翰 凯恩克罗斯", "english": "Hugh Alexander.John Cairncross."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得希尔顿", "english": "Peter bloody Hilton."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦?怎-怎么了?", "english": "Alan? What-wha…?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果", "english": "What..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果克里斯托弗", "english": "what if...what if Christopher"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他只需要检查几个词", "english": "What if he only has to search through"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在情报里我们已经知道的", "english": "ones that produce words we already know will be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些 - -重复可以预见的词", "english": "- in the message? - Repeated words; predictable words."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看,看,比如这个", "english": "Look, look, like this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是了", "english": "Well, that's it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错", "english": "Exactly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我-我们已经知道", "english": "So that's-that's three words we know will be"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的希特勒万岁", "english": "Heil bloody Hitler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐标字母轮子设定它为", "english": "the right-hand letter wheel,set them to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道,我知道,“天气”和“希特勒”", "english": "I know, I know.\"Weather\" and \"Hitler.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得,约翰,运行电子扰频器给", "english": "Peter, John, run voltages through those letters,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完成", "english": "Done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点,快点,克里斯托弗", "english": "Come on.Come on, Christopher."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦!艾伦!", "english": "Alan! Alan!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要一份新信息", "english": "I need a new message."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最新的情报密码", "english": "The latest intercept."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "西边一度的...海域", "english": "and auf punkt one...degree west.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希特勒万岁", "english": "Heil Hitler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原来这是你用来破解英格玛", "english": "Turns out that's the only German you need to know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唯一需要知道的德国单词", "english": "to, uh, break Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!", "english": "Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊!你做到了", "english": "My God, you did it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只用了猜字游戏就赢了纳粹", "english": "You just defeated Nazism with a crossword puzzle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这世界上只有五个人", "english": "There are five people in the world who know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道所有在大西洋的潜艇的位置", "english": "the position of every ship in the Atlantic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都在", "english": "They're all"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我认为上帝都做不到我们", "english": "Oh, I don't think even He has the power"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这将会有一个对英国客船", "english": "There's going to be an attack"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这里", "english": "Right there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,你是对的,所有潜艇距离只有", "english": "God, you're right. All those U-boats are only"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "成千上百的普通百姓,我们可以救他们", "english": "Hundreds of them. We can save their lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以给丹尼斯顿办公室打电话", "english": "I'll phone Denniston's office so that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有足够的时间救他们吗", "english": "there's enough time to save them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该有吧,如果我们能及时接通", "english": "There should be,if we can get..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "指挥官丹尼斯顿的办公室的话,请快点,这是紧急的", "english": "Commander Denniston's office,please. It's urgent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底在干什么", "english": "What the hell are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能打给丹尼斯顿", "english": "You-you can't call Denniston."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你- 你不能告诉他关于突袭的事", "english": "You-you can't tell him about the attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在十分钟之能给护航空中支援", "english": "air support over that convoy in ten minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让潜艇...", "english": "Let the U-boats..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你工作了很久 ...也许你...", "english": "a big day...maybe you're..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦!休!休!可以了!", "english": "Oh! Hugh! Hugh!That's enough!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "约翰,这个突袭在分秒之间", "english": "John, the attack is in minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用,我没事,我很好", "english": "Yes, no, I'm fine, I'm fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没事", "english": "I'm fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道为什么人们喜欢暴力吗?休", "english": "You know why people like violence, Hugh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为它使人感觉很好", "english": "It's because it feels good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时我们不能做感觉很好的事", "english": "Sometimes we can't do what feels good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要做的是理智的事", "english": "We have to do what is logical."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么理智的事?", "english": "What's logical?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当他们有防备被骗的时候", "english": "is when they're expecting to be lied to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,天啊", "english": "Oh, God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当有人正在等待着一个谎言时", "english": "If someone's waiting for a lie,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能,呃,给他们一个", "english": "you can't just,uh, give them one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该死的,艾伦是对的", "english": "Damn it, Alan's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们摧毁了他们的潜艇", "english": "What would the Germans think if we destroy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德军会怎么想?", "english": "their U-boats?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还能怎么想,他们都死了", "english": "Nothing. They'll be dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,你不可能是对的", "english": "No, you can't be right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的护航队伍", "english": "So our convoy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "突然偏离路线…", "english": "suddenly veers off course..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一群空军轰炸机", "english": "a squadron of our air bombers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奇迹般地降落在德国潜艇的坐标上…", "english": "miraculously descends on the coordinates of the U-boats..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德军会怎么想?", "english": "what will the Germans think?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德军会知道", "english": "The Germans will know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们破解了英格玛", "english": "that we have broken Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会在中午停止一切无线电通信", "english": "They'll stop all radio communications by midday,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这个周末改变英格玛的", "english": "and they'll have changed the design of Enigma"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两年的工作", "english": "Two years' work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们所做的这一切", "english": "Everything that we've done here"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女人...", "english": "Women..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子", "english": "children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是在送他们去死", "english": "We're about to let them die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们的工作不是", "english": "Our job I-is"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去就一艘护航船,而是去赢得", "english": "not to save one passenger convoy, it is to win"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们做到了", "english": "We've done that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在是最困难的部分", "english": "Now for the hard part."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个你说的护航船...它,呃", "english": "The convoy you're about to...it's, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是皇家公务船中的其中一艘,叫卡莱尔", "english": "The HMS Carlisle is one of the ships."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不会对每一份情报都做出回应", "english": "We can't act on every piece of intelligence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我们不会", "english": "So fine, we won't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这一份", "english": "Just this one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的哥哥..", "english": "My-my brother's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个,他在卡莱尔上", "english": "well, he's on the Carlisle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是海军射击少尉", "english": "A gunnery ensign."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很..", "english": "I'm..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉", "english": "I'm so sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得你自己是什么人?", "english": "Who the hell do you think you are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那...那是我的哥哥", "english": "This... this is my brother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是我的大哥,没事,你还有", "english": "He's my big brother,all right, and you have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几分钟的时间可以救他", "english": "a few minutes to call off his murder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能", "english": "We can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是对的", "english": "He's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦", "english": "Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼", "english": "Joan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休", "english": "Hugh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "约翰", "english": "John."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你们了,我...", "english": "Please, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德军他们不会因为", "english": "The-the Germans, they won't get suspicious"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这一起袭击起疑心的", "english": "just because we stop one attack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人会知道的", "english": "No one will know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我求你们了...", "english": "I'm asking you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以你们朋友的身份", "english": "as your friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救救他吧", "english": "Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉", "english": "I'm so sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是上帝,艾伦...你没有权利决定", "english": "You're not God, Alan...you don't get to decide"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我们可以", "english": "Yes, we do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为其他人不能", "english": "Because no one else can."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么告诉我这个?", "english": "Why are you telling me this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们需要你帮忙向英国海军、空军、陆军", "english": "We need your help to keep this a secret from..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "隐藏这个秘密", "english": "Admiralty, Army, RAF."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,谁也不能知道我们破解了英格玛", "english": "Uh, no one can know we broke Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使是丹尼斯顿也不能", "english": "Not even Denniston."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他正在考虑解雇你", "english": "Who's in the process of having you fired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以处理好那个", "english": "You can take care of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "与此同时我们开发了一个系统来帮助你确定", "english": "While we develop a system to help you determine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪些情报中的", "english": "how much intelligence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "袭击...是可以去阻止的", "english": "to act on... which a-attacks to stop,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪些需要放弃", "english": "which to let through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全的统计分析", "english": "Statistical analysis."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希望用最少的干涉", "english": "The minimal number of actions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在德军起疑心之前", "english": "but the maximum number we can take"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做出最多的攻击", "english": "before the Germans get suspicious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你要相信这些数据统计是吗?", "english": "And you're going to trust all this to statistics?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来告诉其他人", "english": "that we tell everybody else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要一个可靠的情报来源", "english": "You'll need a believable alternative source for all"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "使它可以用在所有的情报上", "english": "the pieces of information you use."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个我们能够解释我们的如何得到信息的虚假的故事", "english": "A false story so that we can explain how we got our information"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而不是通过英格玛", "english": "that has nothing to do with Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后你可以把这些故事泄漏给,德军", "english": "And then you can leak those stories to the, uh, the Germans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后是我们自己的军队", "english": "And then to our own military."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对最高级别的政府", "english": "Maintain a conspiracy of lies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "散布一个阴谋谎言", "english": "at the highest levels of government."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来很对我胃口", "english": "Sounds right up my alley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦,我很少会这样说", "english": "Alan, I so rarely have cause to say this,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你就是我心中所一直期待的那个人", "english": "but you are exactly the man I always hoped you would be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们把行动代号命名为“终极”", "english": "They code-named it \"Ultra.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它为英国收集了最多的军事情报", "english": "It became the largest store of military intelligence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在,呃……世界历史上", "english": "in, uh...the history of the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像在海因里希 希姆莱的对讲机里装了窃听器", "english": "It was like having a tap on Himmler's intercom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保密成为首要关注的问题", "english": "Secrecy became the primary concern,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为某些原因,他们……他们信任我", "english": "and for some reason, they...they trusted me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得…你有,呃", "english": "Peter... do you have the, uh,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加密来自一本书中的一句短语或…", "english": "encrypted with a phrase from a book or..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是关键所在", "english": "That was the key."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "彼得总有一天会回心转意的", "english": "Peter will come around eventually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杰克", "english": "Jack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能让我和艾伦单独呆会儿吗?", "english": "Could you give Alan and me a moment, please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "苏联和美国", "english": "The Soviets and us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是站在同一边的", "english": "we're on the same side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所做的事会帮助英国", "english": "What I'm doing will help Britain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我得告诉丹尼斯顿", "english": "L-I have to tell Denniston."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,你不会的", "english": "No, you don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为如果你告诉他我的秘密…", "english": "Because if you tell him my secret..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就会告发你的", "english": "I'll tell him yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道他们会对同性恋怎么做吗?", "english": "Do you know what they do to homosexuals?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你永远不能再工作", "english": "You'll never be able to work again,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永远不能教书", "english": "never be able to teach."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你宝贵的机器…", "english": "Your precious machine..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怀疑你会再也见不到他", "english": "I doubt you'll ever see him again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好,我可以...可以,额", "english": "Hello. Can I... can I, um,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和斯图尔特孟席斯通话吗?这是紧急的", "english": "speak to Stewart Menzies, please? It's urgent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好,孟席斯", "english": "Hello. Menzies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于保守秘密的一些建议", "english": "Some advice about keeping secrets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是尽量不发现他们的存在", "english": "It's a lot easier if you don't know them in the first place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们有在偷看我的信,窃听我的电话", "english": "Were they steaming my letters,tapping my telephone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或跟踪我紧张的步伐吗?", "english": "Trailing my nervous walks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道,我..", "english": "You know, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没有发现", "english": "I never did find out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼?", "english": "Joan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼?", "english": "Joan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是...", "english": "What's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃…", "english": "Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "琼在哪里?", "english": "where's Joan?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "军事监狱", "english": "Military prison."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做了什么?", "english": "What have you done?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一堆破译了的英格玛信息,我在床边的", "english": "Decoded Enigma intercepts.I found a pile of them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一年前给她的当时我还在试图找出", "english": "over a year ago when I was trying to figure out"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丹尼斯顿一直在寻找一个苏联间谍", "english": "Denniston's been looking for a Soviet spy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道谁是间谍", "english": "I know who the spy is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是琼,是..", "english": "It's not Joan.It's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯恩 克罗斯", "english": "it's Cairncross."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发现比尔密码的线索", "english": "L-I found the Beale cipher,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是圣经", "english": "the Bible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊,我希望你是一个间谍", "english": "God, I wish you'd been a spy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道是他?", "english": "You knew it was him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当然知道", "english": "Of course I bloody knew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他来布莱奇利之前我就知道了", "english": "I knew before he came to Bletchley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你认为我为什么把他放在这里?", "english": "Why do you think I had him placed here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们只有一个英格玛密码机", "english": "But we have an Enigma machine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,波兰情报局…", "english": "Yeah, Polish Intelligence..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你安排了", "english": "You-you placed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个苏联特工在布莱奇利园?", "english": "a... a Soviet agent at Bletchley Park?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能够给斯大林透露我们想要", "english": "It's really quite useful to be able"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "透露的信息真是太好了", "english": "to leak whatever we want to Stalin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "丘吉尔太多疑了", "english": "Churchill's too damn paranoid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是不会透露给苏联一点", "english": "He won't share a shred of intelligence"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即使是能帮助他们对付德国的信息也不肯透露", "english": "Not even information that will help them against the Germans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这有...", "english": "There's..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太多的秘密了", "english": "so much secrecy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯恩克罗斯不知道我们知道,肯定的", "english": "Cairncross has no idea we know, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不是什么聪明人", "english": "He's really not the brightest bulb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是为什么我需要你的帮助", "english": "Which is why I need your help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想知道什么应该泄漏给了约翰", "english": "I want to know what to leak to John,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪些应该让苏联知道", "english": "what to feed to the Soviets,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪些应该让我们知道", "english": "as well as the British."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我..我不是间谍", "english": "I... I'm not a spy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我..我只是一个数学家", "english": "I'm... I'm just a mathematician."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识很多间谍,艾伦", "english": "I know a lot of spies, Alan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有比他们更多的秘密", "english": "You've got more secrets than the best of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你…你要答应我,你会释放琼", "english": "You... you have to promise me that you will release Joan."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦对了,琼在市场呢", "english": "Yes, John's at the market"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个小时就回来了,我刚撒谎了", "english": "She's gonna be back in an hour. I lied."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些我带走了", "english": "I better hold on to these."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有人发现了这些", "english": "If anybody finds out about them,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她可能真的要进监狱了", "english": "prison will be the least of her worries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,艾伦…", "english": "Oh,Alan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们将会合作得很愉快", "english": "we're gonna have such a wonderful war together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你离开这里", "english": "I need you to leave Bletchley."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦,发生什么事了?", "english": "Alan, what's happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不能订婚了", "english": "We can't be engaged anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你…你的父母要你回去", "english": "You... your parents need to take you back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会在那里找到你的丈夫的", "english": "and find you a husband elsewhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么了?", "english": "What's wrong with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有一件事,呃,呃,要告诉你", "english": "I have something, uh, uh, to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我..", "english": "I'm..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是一个同性恋", "english": "I'm a homosexual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,我喜欢男人,琼…", "english": "No, no. M-Men, Joan..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,不是女人", "english": "uh, not women."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚刚告诉你了", "english": "I-I just told you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说那又怎样?", "english": "So what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怀疑过了;我一直都有猜测", "english": "I had my suspicions;I always did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们不像其他人", "english": "But we're not like other people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们以我们自己的方式相爱着", "english": "We love each other in our own way,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要我们想就可以生活在一起", "english": "and we can have the life together that we want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你-你…你不会是完美的丈夫", "english": "You-you... you won't be the perfect husband."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我可以告诉你", "english": "Well,I can promise you,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也没想成为一个完美的妻子", "english": "I have no intention of being the perfect wife."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不会...整天等你", "english": "I'll not be... fixing your lamb all day"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要工作", "english": "I'll work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也要工作", "english": "You'll work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我们拥有彼此的陪伴", "english": "And we'll have each other's company."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和彼此的心灵", "english": "We'll have each other's minds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这听起来已经比大多数的婚姻要好多了", "english": "That sounds like a better marriage than most."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为我在乎你", "english": "Because I care for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在乎我", "english": "And you care for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更多的了解彼此", "english": "more than anyone else ever has."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没有", "english": "I don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没有", "english": "I never did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只需要你破解英格玛", "english": "L-I just needed you to break Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我已经完成了,所以…所以你可以走了", "english": "I've done that now, so... so you can go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哪儿也不去", "english": "I'm not going anywhere."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经花了我太多的生命去", "english": "I've spent entirely too much of my life"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "担心你是怎么想我的", "english": "worried about what you think of me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我父母是怎么想我", "english": "or what my parents think of me,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗?我受够了", "english": "And do you know what? I'm done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我能做的最重要的工作", "english": "This is the most important work I will ever do,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人能阻止我", "english": "and no one is going to stop me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "即便是你", "english": "Least of all, you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗,他们是对的", "english": "You know what, they were right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "休,彼得,约翰", "english": "Peter, Hugh, John."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的是个混蛋", "english": "You really are a monster."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这场战争又持续了...", "english": "The war dragged on for two more..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们每天都进行", "english": "and every day we performed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该死的演算", "english": "our blood-soaked calculus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每一天我们都决定究竟谁死谁活", "english": "Every day we decided who lived and who died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们每一天…", "english": "Every day we..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都在帮助盟国打胜战,但没有人知道", "english": "helped the Allies to victories,and nobody knew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "斯大林格勒", "english": "Stalingrad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "诺曼底登陆", "english": "The invasion of Normandy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有的胜利如果我们提供得情报", "english": "All victories that would not have been possible"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "会谈论这场战争,这场,额...", "english": "talk about the war as this epic battle between, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自由与专制", "english": "freedom versus tyranny,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "民主与纳粹的史诗般的战斗", "english": "democracy versus Nazism,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "数百万人的军队", "english": "armies of millions"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飞机从空中投下炸弹", "english": "planes dropping bombs from the sky"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像乌云一般遮挡住了太阳...", "english": "until they obliterated the sun itself..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是战场对我们来说不是那样的", "english": "The war wasn't like that for us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对我们来说,战场是...", "english": "For us, it was just..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "住在英国南部一个的小村庄里", "english": "in a tiny village in the South of England."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是…", "english": "This is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的胜利", "english": "your victory."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胜利…", "english": "Victory..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是属于每一片争取", "english": "of the cause of freedom"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自由的土地", "english": "in every land."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是一个庄严而光荣的时刻", "english": "This is a solemn but glorious hour."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望罗斯福总统", "english": "I wish that Franklin D. Roosevelt"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能活着看到这一天", "english": "had lived to see this day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是上帝吗?", "english": "Was I God?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,因为…", "english": "No. Because..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝没有打赢战争", "english": "God didn't win the war."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们打赢了", "english": "We did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以,现在怎么办?", "english": "So, what happens now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难道...让我们都回到大学?", "english": "Is it... back to university for us, I suppose?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,差不多", "english": "Yes, pretty much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你们剩下最后一件要", "english": "But you've one thing left to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "烧掉一切", "english": "Burn everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说过这是一个绝密计划……你认为我们在开玩笑吗?", "english": "This was a top-secret program...did you think we were joking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但还会有其他战争的", "english": "But there'll be others."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且我们知道如何破译", "english": "And we know how to break a code"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都认为牢不可破的密码", "english": "that everybody else believes is unbreakable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正是如此", "english": "Precisely."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尘归尘,土归土", "english": "Tear it down.Light it up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "忘掉该忘的", "english": "Sweep away the ashes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们从来没有见过", "english": "None of you have ever met before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们从来没有听说过英格玛这个词", "english": "None of you have ever even heard the word Enigma."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家一路顺风", "english": "Have a safe trip home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "另外,运气好的话,你们永远不会", "english": "Behave. With a bit of luck, you'll never have"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你们的余生见到我或者是其他人", "english": "to see me or one another again for the rest of your lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "难以置信", "english": "That's unbelievable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,警探", "english": "Now, Detective,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以评判了", "english": "you get to judge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告诉我…", "english": "So, tell me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是什么?", "english": "what am I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我是..", "english": "Mm, am I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "机器?", "english": "a machine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是人类?", "english": "Am I a person?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是一个战争英雄?", "english": "Am I a war hero?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是一个罪犯?", "english": "Am I a criminal?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没权利评判你", "english": "I can't judge you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,那么…", "english": "Well, then..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进来", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要见我吗,先生?", "english": "You wanted to see me, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "图灵,请坐", "english": "Turing. Sit down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生什么事了吗?", "english": "Something the matter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说你和克里斯托弗莫科姆走得很近", "english": "You and Christopher Morcom are quite close."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不好说", "english": "I wouldn't say that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,你的数学老师", "english": "Well, your mathematics teacher"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们班里最好的学生", "english": "We're the best students in the class."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天他抓住你们传纸条了", "english": "He caught you passing notes the other day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "密码学,用来打发时间的,那节课太简单了", "english": "Cryptography, to pass the time. The class is too simple."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和你的朋友在数学课堂用数学来解决问题", "english": "You and your friend solve maths problems during maths class"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因为数学课太无聊了?", "english": "because the maths class is too dull?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不是我的朋友", "english": "He's not my friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧,我听说他是你唯一的朋友", "english": "Well, I'm told he's your only friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁说的?", "english": "Who said that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "关于莫科姆发生了一些事", "english": "Something's come up concerning Morcom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我为什么在这里?", "english": "Why am I here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克里斯托弗去世了", "english": "Christopher is dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不明白", "english": "I don't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他的母亲今天早上派人送来的消息", "english": "His mother sent word this morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们一家人在度假,你知道的", "english": "The family were on holiday, you see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不理解", "english": "I don't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信他告诉过你", "english": "as I'm sure he told you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以一切不是那么突然,但是...", "english": "So this won't come as a shock, but..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仍然,同样的", "english": "still, all the same,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉", "english": "I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你搞错了", "english": "You're mistaken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他没告诉你吗?", "english": "Did he not tell you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,他已经病了很长时间", "english": "Well, he's been sick for a long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他知道这是必然的", "english": "He knew this was coming soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他还咬是坚持来上课", "english": "But he had a stiff upper lip about it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是个好孩子", "english": "Good lad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就像我说的,我不是很了解他", "english": "Like I said,I didn't know him very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,我知道了", "english": "Ah. I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那好吧", "english": "Very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以走了吗,校长?", "english": "May I leave, Headmaster?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恭喜你,长官", "english": "Congratulations, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起", "english": "Sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本该来的", "english": "I would have come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本该替你作证", "english": "I would have testified."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你要说些什么,我,呃…", "english": "And what would you have said,that I, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是同性恋", "english": "I wasn't a homosexual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦…这是很严重的事", "english": "Alan... this is serious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会送你去监狱的", "english": "They could send you to jail."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "Damn it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的手在抽搐", "english": "Your hands.You're twitching."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不,我没有", "english": "No-no, I'm not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是药物治疗", "english": "It's the medication."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "药物治疗?", "english": "The medication?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "额,嗯,法官给了我,嗯,一个选择…", "english": "Uh, well, the judge gave me, um, a choice..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,是-是要两年监禁", "english": "uh, ei-either two years in prison"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还是…荷-荷尔蒙治疗", "english": "or... ho-hormonal therapy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我的天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我的天啊", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,是的,没错", "english": "Yes, yes, that's right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,用来,嗯,用来治愈我的,嗯…", "english": "Um, to, uh, to cure me of my, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同性恋的嗜好", "english": "homosexual predilections."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,我当然选择这个", "english": "Well, of course I chose that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的意思是,我...无法...", "english": "I mean, I... couldn't..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在监狱里工作,而且,额...", "english": "work in prison, and, uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,我要去找你的医生谈谈", "english": "Now, I-I'm going to speak to your doctors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢", "english": "thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾伦,你不必独自一人去承受", "english": "Alan, you do not have to do this alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是一个人", "english": "I'm not alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从来不是", "english": "Never have been."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "克里斯托弗将会变得更加智能", "english": "Christopher's become so smart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我不持续的治疗,", "english": "If-if I don't continue my treatment,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他们会,嗯…", "english": "then they'll, um..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你…", "english": "You..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能让他们这么做,你不能", "english": "You-you can't let them do that. You can't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你…你不能让他们把他带走", "english": "You... you can't let them leave me alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不...我不想一个人", "english": "I don't...I don't want to be alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都会好起来的", "english": "All right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都会好起来的,过来坐下", "english": "It's all right.Come and sit down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都会好起来的", "english": "It's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来休息下", "english": "Come and sit down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都会没事的", "english": "It's all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,嗯,这个..", "english": "Oh, well, that's a..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是个漂亮的戒指", "english": "that's a much nicer ring"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比我给你的那个好多了", "english": "than the one I-l made you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的,他的名字是杰克", "english": "Yes. His name's Jock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个军人", "english": "He's an Army man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你能相信的话", "english": "if you can believe it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在一起工作", "english": "We work together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们为什么不做填字游戏呢", "english": "Why don't we do a crossword puzzle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它只会花费我们五分钟", "english": "It'll only take us five minutes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或者,以你的要求,六分钟", "english": "Or, in your case, six."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你", "english": "There."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃…", "english": "Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃…", "english": "Uh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯,也..也许以后吧", "english": "Uh, p... perhaps later."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的,当然", "english": "Yes, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得到了你想要的,不是吗?", "english": "You-you got what you wanted, didn't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工作,一个丈夫", "english": "Work, a husband."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正常的生活", "english": "Normal life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有一个正常人能做到那些", "english": "No one normal could have done that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗,今天早上…", "english": "Do you know, this morning..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在火车上", "english": "I was on a train"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "经过一个城市,如果不是因为你", "english": "that went through a city that wouldn't exist"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它将是不存在的", "english": "if it wasn't for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从一个男人那买了一张票", "english": "I bought a ticket from a man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果不是因为你他可能已经死了", "english": "who would likely be dead if it wasn't for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我所", "english": "I read up"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "工作的…", "english": "on my work..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整个科学探索领域", "english": "a whole field of scientific inquiry"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在,如果你真的希望你可以变得正常...", "english": "Now, if you wish you could have been normal..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以向你保证我没有", "english": "I can promise you I do not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个世界是无限美好的地方", "english": "The world is an infinitely better place"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正是因为你的不平凡", "english": "precisely because you weren't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的这么认为?", "english": "do you really think that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认为…", "english": "I think..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有时候正是人们", "english": "that sometimes it is the people"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做出了人们", "english": "who do the things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不敢期望之事", "english": "that no one can imagine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "群山因為音樂...", "english": "The hills are alive"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "千年的歌", "english": "For a thousand years"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "群山讓我的心中...", "english": "The hills fill my heart"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充滿了音樂", "english": "With the sound of music"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由湖邊飛上樹", "english": "From the lake to the trees"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像鐘聲飄揚", "english": "From a church on a breeze"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笑聲像小溪流過石頭", "english": "To laugh like a brook When it trips and falls"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我奔向山里", "english": "I go to the hills"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我心就會歌唱", "english": "My heart will be blessed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為音樂的響起", "english": "With the sound of music"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要再度...", "english": "And I'll sing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歌唱", "english": "...once more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利路亞 哈利路亞", "english": "Hallelujah, hallelujah"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈利路亞 哈利路亞", "english": "Hallelujah, hallelujah"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她又不見了", "english": "She's missing again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也許我們該在她脖子上 掛個牛鈴", "english": "We should've put a cowbell around her neck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "修女 你要知道她是瑪利亞...", "english": "Sister, considering it's Maria..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建議你找不尋常的地方", "english": "...I suggest you look in someplace unusual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望這次違規 會結束", "english": "...I hope this new infraction ends whatever doubts..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你對她在這里 會有未來的疑慮", "english": "...you may still have about Maria's future here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對疑慮仍常保持信心", "english": "I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "畢竟黑羊的毛也是會溫暖", "english": "After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有修女的候選人中她最糟", "english": "Of all the candidates for the novitiate, Maria is the least..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們想了解在修道院的各人 表現如何", "english": "We were speculating about the qualifications of our postulants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "見習修女和修道院修女的主管", "english": "The Mistress of Novices and the Mistress of Postulants..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "表達了不同的意見來協助我", "english": "...were trying to help me by expressing opposite points of view."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凱薩琳修女 告訴我 你認為瑪利亞如何", "english": "Tell me, Sister Catherine, what do you think of Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她有時候是個好女孩", "english": "She's a wonderful girl, some of the time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有時候卻不易相處", "english": "...except when it's difficult."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這就是我要說的", "english": "Exactly what I say."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她會爬樹傷了膝蓋", "english": "She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在往彌撒的路上跳華爾茲 在階梯上吹口哨", "english": "She waltzes on her way to Mass And whistles on the stair"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她會在修道院內唱歌", "english": "I've even heard her singing In the abbey"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她上教堂總是遲到", "english": "She's always late for chapel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可是悔卻出自真心", "english": "But her penitence is real"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她做什么都遲到", "english": "She's always late for everything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但每餐飯從不遲到", "english": "Except for every meal"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不愿說 但我深深覺得", "english": "I hate to have to say it But I very firmly feel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞不適合修道院", "english": "Maria's not an asset to the abbey"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愿為她說句好話", "english": "I'd like to say a word in her behalf"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請說 犸格麗特修女", "english": "Say it, Sister Margaretta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞令我發笑", "english": "Maria makes me laugh"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何處理 像瑪利亞這樣的問題人物", "english": "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何摘下浮云 然后釘牢", "english": "How do you catch a cloud And pin it down?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何用言語形容她", "english": "How do you find a word That means Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "許多事你們想告訴她", "english": "Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "許多事她該明了", "english": "Many a thing she ought to understand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如何使她停下聽你說完", "english": "But how do you make her stay And listen to all you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何使海浪停留在沙灘上", "english": "How do you keep a wave upon the sand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何處理 像瑪利亞這樣的問題人物", "english": "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何使月光在...", "english": "How do you hold a moonbeam..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掌中停留", "english": "...in your hand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "茫然不知身在何處", "english": "And I never know exactly where I am"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是羔羊", "english": "She's a lamb"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她讓瘟神煩惱 把黃蜂趕出巢", "english": "She'll out pester any pest Drive a hornet from its nest"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她能使僧侶昏頭轉向", "english": "She can throw a whirling dervish Out of whirl"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她只是個女孩", "english": "She's a girl"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何處理 像瑪利亞這樣的問題人物", "english": "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何摘下浮云 然后釘牢", "english": "How do you catch a cloud And pin it down?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何用字眼來形容她", "english": "How do you find a word That means Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小丑", "english": "A clown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "許多事你覺得要告訴她", "english": "Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "許多事她應該明了", "english": "Many a thing she ought to understand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何使海浪停留在沙灘上", "english": "How do you keep a wave upon the sand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何處理 像瑪利亞這樣的問題人物", "english": "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何使月光在...", "english": "How do you hold a moonbeam..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "掌中停留", "english": "...in your hand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以進去了 瑪利亞", "english": "You may go in now, Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "過來吧 孩子", "english": "Come here, my child."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下吧", "english": "Now sit down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "院長 我真抱歉 我只是無法自制", "english": "Reverend Mother, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是要你來此道歉的", "english": "I haven't summoned you for apologies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果會讓你好過些的話", "english": "If you'll feel better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 今日的天空如此蔚藍", "english": "Yes, you see, the sky was so blue today..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萬物如此碧綠芬芳 我必須成為其中一份子", "english": "...and everything was so green and fragrant, I had to be a part of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安特斯讓我愈爬愈高 好像要我跟它穿過云霄", "english": "The Untersberg led me higher like it wanted me to go through the clouds."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萬一你在天黑時 迷路怎么辦", "english": "Suppose darkness had come and you were lost?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "院長 我絕對不會迷路的", "english": "Mother, I could never be lost up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是我的山 我在那兒長大的", "english": "That's my mountain. I was brought up on it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是那座山使我來找你的", "english": "It was the mountain that led me to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "眺望你的花園", "english": "...and look in your garden."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看著修女們工作 聽著她們晚禱的歌詠", "english": "I'd see the sisters at work and hear them sing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未得準許唱歌", "english": "I was singing out there today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在修道院只禁止見習修女唱歌", "english": "Only in the abbey do we have rules about postulants singing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不論在何處 我似乎都無法停止唱歌", "english": "I can't stop wherever I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更糟的是 我似乎也無法停止說話", "english": "Worse, I can't seem to stop saying things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有我想的和我的感覺", "english": "Everything I think and feel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人會認為這是誠實", "english": "Some call that \"honesty.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但這是很糟糕的 院長", "english": "Oh, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道貝詩修女總在爭論之后 要我吻地板", "english": "You know how Sister Berthe makes me kiss the floor after a disagreement?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以現在我看到她來就吻地板 以節省時間", "english": "Lately, I kiss the floor when I see her coming to save time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞", "english": "Maria..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你看到修道院的一切時 想要成為一員", "english": "...when you saw us over the wall and longed to be with us..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那并不表示你已經準備好", "english": "...that didn't mean you were prepared"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要過這種生活方式 對不對", "english": "for the way we live here, did it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 院長 但我禱告 我努力嘗試", "english": "No, Mother, but I pray and I try."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也在學習 我真的要做好", "english": "And I am learning. I really am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在這里學到了 最重要的事是什么", "english": "What is the most important lesson you have learned here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找出上帝的旨意 全心全意地侍奉主", "english": "To find out what is the will of God and do it wholeheartedly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞", "english": "Maria..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "似乎是上帝的意旨 你要離開我們", "english": "...it seems to be God's will that you leave us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 院長 別送我走", "english": "No, Mother! Please don't send me away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這里是我的家 我的家庭 我的生命", "english": "This is where I belong. It's my home, my family. It's my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許如果你到外面去看看", "english": "If you go out into the world for a time,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就明白我們對你的期望", "english": "knowing what we expect of you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就有機會找出 你對你自己的期望", "english": "...you will find out if you can expect it of yourself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你期望什么 院長 我相信我可以做得到", "english": "I know what you expect, Mother, and I can do it! I promise I can!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 院長", "english": "Yes, Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果是上帝的旨意", "english": "If it is God's will."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "薩爾斯堡有個家庭 需要家庭教師一直到九月", "english": "There is a family near Salzburg that needs a governess until September."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "七個孩子", "english": "Seven children?!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜歡孩子嗎", "english": "Do you like children?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 但七個...", "english": "Well, yes, but seven!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會告訴范崔普艦長 你明天去", "english": "I will tell Captain von Trapp to expect you tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艦長", "english": "Captain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是皇家海軍的退役軍官 人很好又很勇敢", "english": "A retired officer of the Imperial Navy. A fine man and a brave one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他太太數年前去世 留下那些孩子給他", "english": "His wife died, and he is alone with the children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白他要留住那些家庭教師 會有些困難", "english": "I understand he has had a difficult time keeping a governess there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為何會有困難 院長", "english": "Why difficult, Reverend Mother?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在適當的時機 上帝會讓你明白的", "english": "The Lord will show you in His own good time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當主關上門時", "english": "When the Lord closes a door..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他會在某處打開窗子的", "english": "...somewhere He opens a window."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這天會是如何", "english": "What will this day be like?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我懷疑", "english": "I wonder"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的未來呢", "english": "What will my future be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我懷疑", "english": "I wonder"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "外邊的自由逍遙世界", "english": "It could be so exciting"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應該令人興奮", "english": "To be out in the world To be free"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的心該狂歡愉悅", "english": "My heart should be wildly rejoicing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我到底是怎么回事", "english": "Oh, what's the matter with me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一向渴望著冒險", "english": "I've always longed for adventure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做我不敢做的事", "english": "To do the things I've never dared"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在我面對著冒險", "english": "Now here I'm facing adventure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為何我如此害怕", "english": "Then why am I so scared?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一位艦長和七位孩子", "english": "A captain with seven children"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須停止多疑和憂慮", "english": "I must stop these doubts and worries"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然 我會回到原點", "english": "If I don't I just know I'll turn back"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必須夢想我所追求的事物", "english": "I must dream of the things I am seeking"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在追求我所欠缺的勇氣", "english": "I am seeking the courage I lack"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "虛心面對我的錯誤", "english": "Face my mistakes without defiance"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們知道我的好處", "english": "Show them I'm worthy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同時也讓自己看見", "english": "And while I show them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自己的好處", "english": "I'll show me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他們提出他們的問題", "english": "So let them bring on All their problems"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會做得比最好還要更好", "english": "I'll do better than my best"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有信心 讓他們來考驗我吧", "english": "I have confidence They'll put me to the test"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會讓他們明白 我充滿信心", "english": "But I'll make them see I have confidence in me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要使他們印象深刻", "english": "Somehow I will impress them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會堅決而和善", "english": "I will be firm but kind"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上蒼祝福那些孩子們", "english": "And all those children Heaven bless them"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們會以我為榜樣 聽我的話", "english": "They will look up to me And mind me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每走一步 我更確信", "english": "With each step I am more certain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切事情都會好轉", "english": "Everything will turn out fine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有信心世界會由我掌握", "english": "I have confidence The world can all be mine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為我對自己有信心", "english": "They'll have to agree I have confidence in me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對陽光有信心", "english": "I have confidence in sunshine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對雨水有信心", "english": "I have confidence in rain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "力量不存在于數字里", "english": "Strength doesn't lie in numbers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "力量不存在于財富中", "english": "Strength doesn't lie in wealth"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "力量存在于靜夜的酣睡中", "english": "Strength lies in nights Of peaceful slumbers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你醒來就充滿精神", "english": "When you wake up, wake up It's healthy"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我信任心中的指引", "english": "All I trust I leave my heart to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就會成為我的", "english": "All I trust becomes my own"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對信心更有信心", "english": "I have confidence in confidence alone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救命", "english": "Oh, help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對信心更有信心", "english": "I have confidence in confidence alone"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "況且 你看 我對自己...", "english": "Besides which you see I have confidence..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充滿信心", "english": "...in me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好 我來了", "english": "Hello. Here I am."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我從修道院來的 我是新的家教 艦長", "english": "I'm from the convent. I'm the new governess, captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我是老管家 小姐", "english": "And I'm the old butler, fraulein."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請你在此稍候", "english": "You'll wait here, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以后請記住 這里有些房間是不能亂闖的", "english": "In future, remember certain rooms in this house are not to be disturbed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 艦長 先生", "english": "Yes, captain, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你為何如此看著我", "english": "Why do you stare at me that way?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起來一點都不像海上的艦長", "english": "You don't look like a sea captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也認為 你一點都不像個家庭教師", "english": "I'm afraid you don't look very much like a governess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "轉身", "english": "Turn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿下帽子", "english": "Hat off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和孩子見面前 最好先換衣服", "english": "Put on another dress before meeting the children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我沒有衣服換了", "english": "But I don't have another."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我進入修道院時 將所有衣服送給窮人了", "english": "When we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes go to the poor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這一件呢", "english": "What about this one?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "窮人不要這一件", "english": "The poor didn't want it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本想為自己做新衣服的 但時間不夠", "english": "There wasn't time to make a new dress."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會自己做衣服", "english": "I can make clothes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會確定你有一些布料的", "english": "I'll see that you get some material."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天 如果可能的話", "english": "Today, if possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道院長告訴了你多少", "english": "I don't know how much the abbess told you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自從他們的母親去世后 來此照料他們", "english": "...to look after my children since their mother died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信你會比上一個更好", "english": "I trust you will be an improvement on the last one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她只停留了兩小時", "english": "She stayed only two hours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們有何不對嗎", "english": "What's wrong with the children, sir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們都很正常 是家庭教師的錯", "english": "Nothing is wrong with the children, only the governesses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她們完全無法維持紀律", "english": "They could not maintain discipline,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有紀律就不能管好這個家", "english": "without which the house cannot be run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得督促孩子學習", "english": "Drill them in their studies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午他們要在庭院操練", "english": "Each afternoon, they march, breathing deeply."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還要嚴守就寢時間", "english": "Bedtime is to be strictly observed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請問他們何時玩耍", "english": "When do they play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要看著他們 確定他們循規蹈矩", "english": "You will see to it that they conduct themselves with the utmost decorum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在...", "english": "Now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這位是你們的新家教 瑪利亞小姐", "english": "...this is your new governess, Fraulein Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我吹你們的訊號時 你們踏前一步報出名字", "english": "Give your name at your signal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而你要仔細注意那訊號 以便日后召喚他們", "english": "Fraulein, listen carefully. Learn their signals so you can call them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莉莎", "english": "Liesl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "費瑞克", "english": "Friedrich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "露易莎", "english": "Louisa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寇特", "english": "Kurt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "碧姬塔", "english": "Brigitta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "犸塔", "english": "Marta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葛特兒", "english": "Gretl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在看看你的耳力如何", "english": "Now, let's see how well you listened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我不用哨子的 艦長", "english": "I won't need to whistle for them, Reverend Captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會叫他們的名字 尤其是有如此美的名字", "english": "I mean, I'll use their names. Such lovely names."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐 這是座大房子 地方很寬廣", "english": "Fraulein, this is a large house. The grounds are extensive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我不容許任何人在此喊叫", "english": "And I will not have anyone shouting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請你拿這個 學習使用它", "english": "You will take this, please. Learn to use it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們也會幫你的", "english": "The children will help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要找你 你會聽到這個訊號", "english": "Now, when I want you, this is what you will hear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 很抱歉 先生", "english": "Oh, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我絕不會聽哨子回報的", "english": "I could never answer to a whistle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哨子是用來召喚動物的 但絕不是對孩子", "english": "Whistles are for animals, not for children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且絕對不會是我", "english": "And definitely not for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是種很大的侮辱", "english": "It would be too humiliating."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐 你在修道院 也是如此麻煩的嗎", "english": "Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the abbey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麻煩得多 先生", "english": "Oh, much more, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你的訊號", "english": "I don't know your signal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以叫我艦長", "english": "You may call me \"captain.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稍息", "english": "At ease."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在只剩下我們", "english": "Now that there's just us..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請再一次告訴我你們的名字 還有你們的年齡", "english": "...would you please tell me all your names again and how old you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莉莎 很高興你告訴我 我們可以做好朋友", "english": "I'm glad you told me, Liesl. We'll just be good friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的 誰告訴你的 費瑞克", "english": "Really? Who told you that, Friedrich?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "約瑟芬小姐 前四任教師", "english": "Fraulein Josephine. Four governesses ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫碧姬塔", "english": "I'm Brigitta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒告訴我你多大 露易莎", "english": "You didn't tell me how old you are, Louisa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫碧姬塔 她叫露易莎", "english": "I'm Brigitta. She's Louisa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但赫德小姐才是最丑的", "english": "But Fraulein Helga's was ugliest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那表示你希望 被人當作是小男孩", "english": "I think it means you want to be treated like a boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愛粉紅色陽傘", "english": "I'd like a pink parasol."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "紛紅色也是我的顏色", "english": "Pink's my favorite color too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 你是葛特兒", "english": "Yes, you're Gretl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 你幾乎快成為淑女了", "english": "My, you're practically a lady."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在我要告訴你們一個秘密 我從未當過家庭教師", "english": "I have to tell you a secret. I've never been a governess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一點也不懂如何當家庭教師", "english": "You don't know anything about being a governess?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一點也不懂 我需要許多建議", "english": "Nothing. I'll need lots of advice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "首先 就是告訴父親 要他少管閑事", "english": "The best way to start is to tell Father to mind his own business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你絕對不能準時來用餐", "english": "Never come to dinner on time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝湯也不要太小聲", "english": "Never eat your soup quietly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃甜點時 要擤鼻子", "english": "During dessert, always blow your nose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別聽他們說的話 瑪利亞小姐", "english": "Don't you believe a word they say, Fraulein Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們 出去散步", "english": "Children, outside for your walk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父親的命令 快點", "english": "Father's orders. Hurry up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞小姐 我是蒙思蜜德 女管家", "english": "Fraulein Maria, I'm Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我帶你去房間 跟我來", "english": "I'll show you to your room. Follow me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可憐的小東西", "english": "Poor little dears."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你運氣很好 赫德小姐拿到的是條蛇", "english": "You're very lucky. With Fraulein Helga it was a snake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很獨特的舉止", "english": "Enchanting little ritual."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是在修道院學來的嗎", "english": "Something you learned at the abbey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是風濕", "english": "Rheumatism."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對不起 艦長 我們是否忘了向主禱告", "english": "Excuse me, captain. Haven't we forgotten to thank the Lord?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要感謝各位", "english": "I'd like to thank you all..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今天放在我口袋中的珍貴禮物", "english": "...for the precious gift you left in my pocket today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么禮物", "english": "What gift?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是我和孩子們之間的秘密", "english": "It's a secret between the children and me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我建議你就留著 讓我們可以吃飯", "english": "Then I suggest you keep it, and let us eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我了解陌生人在新家庭里", "english": "Knowing how nervous I must have been..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會是有多么緊張", "english": "...a stranger in a new household..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "了解能被接受 會是多么重要的事", "english": "...knowing how important it was for me to feel accepted..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐", "english": "Fraulein..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "消化不良", "english": "...of indigestion?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 艦長 他們只是很高興", "english": "They're all right, captain. They're just happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請立刻把電報交給他", "english": "Give him this telegram at once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒問題", "english": "Certainly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您的電報 先生", "english": "A telegram for you, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "福蘭斯 誰送來的", "english": "Franz? Who delivered it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然是勞夫了", "english": "That young lad Rolfe, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父親 我能先告退嗎", "english": "Father, may I be excused?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們 明早我必須去維也納", "english": "Children, in the morning I shall be going to Vienna."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么又來了 父親", "english": "Not again, Father!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這次你要去多久 父親", "english": "How long will you be gone this time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不確定 葛特兒", "english": "I'm not sure, Gretl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事實上 是的 露易莎", "english": "As a matter of fact, yes, Louisa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要帶她回來這里 和大家認識", "english": "I'm bringing her back with me to visit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有麥斯伯伯", "english": "And Uncle Max."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥伯伯", "english": "Uncle Max!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勞夫", "english": "Rolfe!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 勞夫", "english": "Oh, Rolfe!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 當然", "english": "Yes, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好多 我甚至想給你送電報 讓我好來此地", "english": "I even thought of sending a telegram, so I'd be able to deliver it here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是很美好的想法 你為何不做呢 就現在吧", "english": "Oh, that's a lovely thought! Why don't you, right now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我為你起稿 \"親愛的莉莎...\"", "english": "I'll start it for you. \"Dear Liesl...\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "親愛的莉莎 我很想要告訴你...", "english": "\"Dear Liesl: I'd like to be able to tell you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對你的感覺 完結", "english": "...how I feel about you. Stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很不幸 電報費用太貴了", "english": "Unfortunately, this wire is already too expensive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真摯的勞夫", "english": "Sincerely, Rolfe.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會不會有回電", "english": "Will there be any reply?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "親愛的勞夫 完結", "english": "\"Dear Rolfe: Stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要完結 你的莉莎", "english": "Don't stop! Your Liesl.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我們不用等別人 給父親打電報才能見面就好了", "english": "If only we didn't have to wait for someone to send Father a telegram."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我如何知道何時才能見到你", "english": "How do I know when I'll see you again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我想想看", "english": "Well, let's see..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以因為搞錯而來", "english": "I could come here by mistake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要給史奈德上校電報", "english": "With a telegram for Colonel Schneider!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他從柏林來此 停留在...", "english": "He's here from Berlin staying with..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有人知道他在此的 別告訴你父親", "english": "No one knows he's here. Don't tell your father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們都是奧地利人", "english": "We're all Austrian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而那些認為該自視為德國人的", "english": "Some think we ought to be German,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不希望這樣", "english": "and they're very mad at those who don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們已準備好...", "english": "They're getting ready to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你父親不會惹上麻煩", "english": "Let's hope your father doesn't get into trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別擔心父親 他是海軍大英雄", "english": "Don't worry. He's a big naval hero."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他甚至由國王親自授動", "english": "He was even decorated by the emperor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不擔心他 但我卻擔心他的女兒", "english": "I don't worry about him. I worry about his daughter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我 為什么", "english": "Me? Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是如此地年輕", "english": "You're such a baby!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小女孩在空虛的舞臺等待", "english": "You wait, little girl On an empty stage"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等待命運的開始", "english": "For fate to turn the light on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的生命目前是空白的一頁", "english": "Your life, little girl Is an empty page"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男人希望在上面書寫", "english": "That men will want to write on"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寶貝 該去思考了", "english": "Baby, it's time to think"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "應當警覺 謹慎和當心", "english": "Better beware Be canny and careful"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寶貝 你正在邊緣", "english": "Baby, you're on the brink"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男孩們會排隊等候", "english": "Fellows will fall in line"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很積極的年輕人 和一些魯莽小人", "english": "Eager young lads And roues and cads"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會向你獻酒和美食", "english": "Will offer you food and wine"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你完全沒有心理準備", "english": "Totally unprepared are you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去面對男人的世界", "english": "To face a world of men"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怯懦和害羞 你會如此的畏懼", "english": "Timid and shy and scared are you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事情全在你知識范圍以外", "english": "Of things beyond your ken"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要一位成熟和有智慧的人", "english": "You need someone older and wiser"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴你怎么做", "english": "Telling you what to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能夠照顧你", "english": "I'll take care of you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我很天真", "english": "I know that I'm naive"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我遇上的男孩或會說我很甜美", "english": "Fellows I meet May tell me I'm sweet"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會心甘情愿地相信", "english": "And willingly I believe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如玫瑰般無邪", "english": "Innocent as a rose"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些喝著白蘭地的單身男子", "english": "Bachelor dandies Drinkers of brandies"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對此毫無認識", "english": "What do I know of those?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "完全沒有心理準備", "english": "Totally unprepared am I"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去面對男人的世界", "english": "To face a world of men"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是如此怯懦 害羞和害怕", "english": "Timid and shy and scared am I"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事情全在我知識范圍以外", "english": "Of things beyond my ken"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要一位成熟和有智慧的人", "english": "I need someone older and wiser"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴我怎么做", "english": "Telling me what to do"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會完全信賴你", "english": "I'll depend on you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請進", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "思蜜德小姐", "english": "Frau Schmidt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是給你做新衣服的", "english": "For your new dresses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以縫制出最漂亮的衣裳", "english": "These will make the prettiest clothes I've ever had."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴我 如果我再要求多點布料的話", "english": "Do you think he would get me more material"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他會肯嗎", "english": "if I asked?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要為他們做點游戲服", "english": "I want to make them some play clothes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "范崔普的孩子不玩游戲 他們只做操練", "english": "The von Trapp children don't play. They march."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以你不贊成了", "english": "Surely you don't approve of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "自從艦長失去他太太后", "english": "Ever since the captain lost his poor wife..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他管理家事就好像管軍艦般", "english": "...he runs this house as if on one of his ships."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哨音 命令", "english": "Whistles, orders."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再也沒有音樂 沒有歡笑了", "english": "No more music, no more laughing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不愿接觸任何能讓他 想起她的事物 孩子們也一樣", "english": "Nothing that reminds him of her. Even the children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那太不對了", "english": "But that's so wrong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以怎樣", "english": "Oh, well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你喜歡你的房間嗎 你會有新的窗簾", "english": "How do you like your room? There'll be new drapes at the windows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它們還好好地", "english": "Bu these are fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "反正新的已經訂了", "english": "New ones have been ordered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "思蜜德小姐 你想如果明天 我要求他布料的事", "english": "Frau Schmidt, if I asked the captain about the material?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那得看情況 上次他在男爵夫人", "english": "It depends. The last time he visited the baroness,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那兒停留了一個月", "english": "he stayed for a month."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本不該說這些的 我們還不很熟悉", "english": "I shouldn't be saying this to you. I don't know you that well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果你問我的話 艦長是很認真地...", "english": "But if you ask me, the captain's thinking seriously..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那太好了 孩子們會有新母親了", "english": "Wonderful! The children will have a mother again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "親愛的天父 我現在知道為何你要我來此了", "english": "Dear Father, now I know why You sent me here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是幫助這些孩子 準備接受他們的新母親", "english": "To help these children prepare for a new mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我也祈禱 它將會是個快樂的家庭", "english": "And I pray this will become a happy family in Thy sight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主保佑艦長 莉莎 費瑞克", "english": "God bless the captain. God bless Liesl and Friedrich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有露易莎 碧姬塔 犸塔和小葛特兒", "english": "God bless Louisa, Brigitta, Marta and little Gretl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我忘了個男孩 他叫什么名字", "english": "And I forgot the other boy. What's his name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "總之 主保佑他", "english": "Well, God bless what's-his-name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求主賜福院長 犸格麗特修女", "english": "God bless the Reverend Mother and Sister Margaretta..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和在修道院的每位修女", "english": "...and everybody at the abbey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有主啊 有關莉莎", "english": "And now, dear God, about Liesl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓她知道我是她的朋友", "english": "Help her know that I'm her friend..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓她告訴我 她在干什么", "english": "...and help her tell me what she's been up to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會去告密嗎", "english": "Are you going to tell on me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "協助我能了解 讓我能指引她", "english": "Help me to be understanding so I may guide her footsteps."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我出去散步 而大門提前關", "english": "I was out walking and somebody locked the doors early."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想吵醒大家", "english": "I didn't want to wake everybody,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以當我看見你的窗戶是開著時...", "english": "so when I saw your window open..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不會向父親告密吧", "english": "You're not going to tell Father, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是如何攀上來的", "english": "How did you climb up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們常這樣進來戲弄家教", "english": "It's how we always got in to play tricks on the governess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "露易莎能手拿一罐的蜘蛛 單手爬上來呢", "english": "Louisa can make it with a whole jar of spiders in her hand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蜘蛛", "english": "Spiders?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是獨自出去散步嗎", "english": "Were you out walking all by yourself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們今晚將衣服洗好的話 明天就沒有人會知道", "english": "If we wash that dress tonight, nobody would notice it tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以穿上這個", "english": "You could put this on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進去里面脫下衣服 泡在浴缸里", "english": "Take your dress and put it to soak in the bathtub."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回來坐在床上 我們好好談", "english": "Come back here and sit on the bed, and we'll have a talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我今天告訴你 我不需要家教", "english": "I told you today I didn't need a governess."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許我還真的需要", "english": "Well, maybe I do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葛特兒 你害怕嗎", "english": "Gretl, are you scared?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不是怕這些雷電吧", "english": "You're not frightened of a storm, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "與我一起就不用怕了", "english": "You just stay right here with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是嗎 看", "english": "Oh, no? Look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 大家都上床來", "english": "All right, up here on the bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在就等男孩們", "english": "Now we'll wait for the boys."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不會來 男孩們是很勇敢的", "english": "You won't see them. Boys are brave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們男孩不是也在害怕吧", "english": "You weren't scared, were you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然不怕 我們只想確定你不害怕", "english": "Oh, no. We just wanted to be sure that you weren't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是寇特", "english": "It was Kurt's!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寇特 是我忘掉的一位 主保佑寇特", "english": "Kurt! That's the one I left out! God bless Kurt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為何會這樣", "english": "Why does it do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為閃電和雷公說話 而雷公在回話", "english": "The lightning talks to the thunder, and the thunder answers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為何雷公如此生氣", "english": "Why does the thunder get so angry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我感覺不快樂時 我會想一些美好的事物", "english": "Whenever I'm feeling unhappy, I just try to think of nice things."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會是哪一類", "english": "What kind of things?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我想想 美好的事物", "english": "Well, let me see. Nice things..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "水仙花", "english": "Daffodils."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "綠草地", "english": "Green meadows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滿天的星星", "english": "Skies full of stars."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玫瑰上的雨露 小貓的胡須", "english": "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光亮的銅壺 溫暖的羊毛手套", "english": "Bright copper kettles And warm woolen mittens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有細繩的褐色包裝紙", "english": "Brown paper packages Tied up with strings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是我心愛的事物", "english": "These are a few of my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乳白色小馬 香脆蘋果批", "english": "Cream-colored ponies And crisp apple strudels"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "門鈴聲和雪車鈴聲 還有那些炸豬排伴面條", "english": "Doorbells and sleigh bells And schnitzel with noodles"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛翔的野雁 翅膀上有月亮", "english": "Wild geese that fly With the moon on their wings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是部分我喜歡的事物", "english": "These are a few of my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女孩們穿著白裙佩著藍緞帶", "english": "Girls in white dresses With blue satin sashes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪花落在我的鼻子和睫毛上", "english": "Snowflakes that stay On my nose and eyelashes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "銀白色的冬天溶化成春天", "english": "Silver white winters That melt into springs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是我喜愛的事物", "english": "These are a few of my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當狗咬時", "english": "When the dog bites"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當蜂蟄時", "english": "When the bee stings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我感覺傷心時", "english": "When I'm feeling sad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要想起我最喜愛的事物", "english": "I simply remember my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的心情就不會如此糟了", "english": "And then I don't feel so bad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "枕頭戰", "english": "Pillow fights!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好的噴嚏", "english": "A good sneeze!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "保佑你", "english": "Gesundheit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看 多么有趣", "english": "See what fun it is?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玫瑰上的雨露 小貓的胡須", "english": "Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光亮的銅壺 溫暖的羊毛手套", "english": "Bright copper kettles And warm woolen mittens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有細繩的褐色包裝紙", "english": "Brown paper packages Tied up with strings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是我心愛的事物", "english": "These are a few of my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乳白色小馬 香脆蘋果餡餅", "english": "Cream-colored ponies And crisp apple strudels"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "門鈴聲和雪車鈴聲 還有那些炸豬排伴面條", "english": "Doorbells and sleigh bells And schnitzel with noodles"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛翔的野雁 翅膀上有月亮", "english": "Wild geese that fly With the moon on their wings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是部分我喜歡的事物", "english": "These are a few of my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一起來", "english": "Together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女孩們穿著白裙佩著藍緞帶", "english": "Girls in white dresses With blue satin sashes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪花落在我的鼻子和睫毛上", "english": "Snowflakes that stay On my nose and eyelashes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "銀白色的冬天溶化成春天", "english": "Silver white winters That melt into springs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是我喜愛的事物", "english": "These are a few of my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當狗咬時...狗咬", "english": "When the dog bi...Dog bites."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐 我是否告訴過你", "english": "Fraulein, did I not tell you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這屋里要嚴守就寢時間", "english": "that bedtime is to be strictly observed?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們被風暴所驚嚇 所以我想...", "english": "The children were upset by the storm, so l..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是說過 先生", "english": "You did, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要你記住如此簡單的指示", "english": "Do you, or do you not, have difficulty remembering"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有在雷電風暴時", "english": "Only during thunderstorms."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莉莎", "english": "Liesl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚飯后我沒看見你", "english": "I don't recall seeing you after dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是嗎 事實上...", "english": "Really? As a matter of fact..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎樣", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是...", "english": "Well, I was..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她想說的是", "english": "What she would like to say..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在已不早了", "english": "It's too late to go into that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們聽見父親的話了 快回床上去", "english": "You heard your father. Go back to bed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐", "english": "Fraulein..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還記得我明早要出門吧", "english": "...you have managed to remember I'm leaving in the morning?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是否也能記住", "english": "Is it also possible you remember"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這房子的首要規定就是紀律", "english": "the first rule in this house is discipline?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信在我回來之前", "english": "Then I trust that before I return..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會學到一些", "english": "...you'll have acquired some?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艦長", "english": "Captain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是否能跟你談 有關孩子的游戲服", "english": "Could I talk to you about clothes for the children for when they play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但嘮叨不是我所想要的", "english": "Not the least of which is repetitious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我是他們的父親", "english": "And I'm their father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女孩們穿著白裙佩著藍緞帶", "english": "Girls in white dresses With blue satin sashes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當狗咬時 當蜂蟄時", "english": "When the dog bites When the bee stings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我感覺傷心時", "english": "When I'm feeling sad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要想起我最喜愛的事物", "english": "I simply remember my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的心情就不會...", "english": "And then I don't feel..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此糟了", "english": "...so bad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子 看這邊", "english": "Children, over here. See!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧", "english": "Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞小姐", "english": "Fraulein Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們能每天都如此嗎", "english": "Can we do this every day?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每隔一天", "english": "Every other day?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我自從在約瑟芬小姐的牙刷上放膠水后", "english": "I haven't had so much fun since we put glue"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就沒有如此開心過了", "english": "on Fraulein Josephine's toothbrush."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真不懂像你們如此好的小孩 怎會惡作劇呢", "english": "I can't understand how children as nice as you can play such tricks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否則我們要如何吸引 父親的注意力呢", "english": "How else can we get Father's attention?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白了", "english": "Oh, I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們得多想想那一點", "english": "We'll have to think about that one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來吧 大家 過來", "english": "All right, over here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要做什么", "english": "What are we going to do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們來想首歌 好歡迎男爵夫人的到來", "english": "Think of a song for the baroness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父親不喜歡我們唱歌", "english": "Father doesn't like us to sing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許我們可以改變他的想法 你們會唱什么歌", "english": "Perhaps we can change his mind. Now, what songs do you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們什么歌都不會唱", "english": "We don't know any songs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就不能浪費時間了 你們必須學習", "english": "Let's not lose time. You must learn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是如何學呢", "english": "But how?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們從最初步開始學", "english": "Let's start at the very beginning"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "從一個很恰當的地方開始", "english": "A very good place to start"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你讀書時 你從", "english": "When you read you begin with"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你唱歌時 你從Do Re Mi開始", "english": "When you sing, you begin with Do-Re-Mi"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我看是否能使它容易點", "english": "Let's see if I can make it easier."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那樣我們又回到\"Doe\"", "english": "That will bring us back to doe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那樣我們又回到Doe", "english": "That will bring us back to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那樣我們又回到Doe", "english": "That will bring us back to doe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你們學會音階 就能唱各種歌", "english": "Once you have them in your head you can sing different tunes..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它們湊起來 像這個", "english": "...by mixing them up. Like this:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們會唱嗎", "english": "Can you do that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在湊在一起", "english": "Now, put it all together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我們要加上詞 每一個音一個字", "english": "So we put in words. One word for every note."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像這樣", "english": "Like this:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你學會音符后", "english": "When you know the notes to sing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幾乎可以唱任何歌", "english": "You can sing most anything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一起來", "english": "Together!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你學會音符后", "english": "When you know the notes to sing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幾乎可以唱任何歌", "english": "You can sing most anything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那樣我們又回到Doe", "english": "That will bring us back to doe"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你學會音符后", "english": "When you know the notes to sing"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你幾乎可以唱任何歌", "english": "You can sing most anything"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那樣我們又回到...", "english": "That will bring us back to"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些山真是壯觀 真是棒透了", "english": "The mountains are magnificent, really magnificent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋爾總是相信 它的升起是為了特殊場合", "english": "...Georg always believes in \"rising to the occasion.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的笑話不改進的話 我就要收回邀請了", "english": "Improve the jokes or I'll disinvite you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你并未邀請我 我是不請自來的", "english": "You didn't invite me. I invited myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而價格又公道", "english": "...and the price perfect."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥斯 你真的太過分了", "english": "Max, you are outrageous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一點也不 我是很迷人的食客", "english": "Not at all. I'm a very charming sponge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是可普曼修道院的唱詩班", "english": "That's the Klopmann Monastery Choir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們唱得很好", "english": "They're good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好", "english": "Very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以后幾天里我要探索這地區", "english": "I must explore this area in the next few days."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在某處 有個渴望被發掘的 合唱團在等我發掘", "english": "Somewhere, a hungry singing group is waiting for Max Detweiler..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并在薩爾斯堡的音樂節時 一舉成名", "english": "...to pluck it out and make it famous at the Salzburg Folk Festival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有天一切都會改變 我也會成名的", "english": "But someday that'll be changed. I shall get the fame too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 這是怎么回事", "english": "Good heavens, what's this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒什么 只是本地的頑童", "english": "It's nothing. Just some local urchins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這里和你在一起 真的讓我很興奮", "english": "This really is exciting for me, Georg. Being here with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "樹林 湖澤 這些你都已經看過了", "english": "Trees, lakes, you've seen them before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是這個意思 你是知道的", "english": "That is not what I mean, and you know it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是 只是不會發生", "english": "No, just highly improbable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在這里 我好像比較 容易了解你 蓋爾", "english": "You're much less of a riddle when I see you here, Georg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多有詩意啊", "english": "How poetic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 我是的 不是嗎", "english": "Yes, it was rather, wasn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得在此比在維也納安逸 在你們那奢華的沙龍里", "english": "More at home here than in Vienna in all your glittering salons..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和那些無聊漢附庸風雅喝香檳", "english": "...gossiping gaily with bores I detest, soaking myself in champagne..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "被那不知名的華爾茲所牽絆", "english": "...stumbling about to waltzes by Strausses I can't even remember?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你為何會有那概念", "english": "Now whatever gave you that idea?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的喜歡這兒 蓋爾 如此可愛和寧靜", "english": "Oh, I do like it here, Georg. It's so lovely and peaceful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎舍得經常離開此地", "english": "How can you leave it so often?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想是假裝自己還是很活躍", "english": "Oh, pretending to be madly active, I suppose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "活躍使生命看似充滿了目的", "english": "Activity suggests a life filled with purpose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可能是在逃避回憶", "english": "Could it be running away from memories?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也許是在尋求留下的理由", "english": "Or perhaps just searching for a reason to stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望那是你 常去維也納的理由", "english": "I hope that's why you've been coming to Vienna so often."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還是那兒有讓你著魔的事物", "english": "Were there other distractions?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能說是你令我著魔的", "english": "I'd hardly call you a distraction."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你如何形容我 蓋爾", "english": "Well, what would you call me, Georg?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "漂亮...", "english": "Lovely..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美麗 聰明有風度 很完美的女主人", "english": "...charming, witty, graceful, the perfect hostess..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會恨我這樣說的", "english": "...and, you're going to hate me for this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有點像是我的救世主", "english": "...in a way, my savior."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真不浪漫呀", "english": "Oh, how unromantic."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我不告訴你 那我就是不知感恩的小人了", "english": "I'd be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't say..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是你使我重新體會生命的意義", "english": "...that you brought some meaning back into my life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我是受寵若驚", "english": "I am amusing, I suppose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我擁有維也納最好的地方", "english": "I have the finest couturier in Vienna"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最上流的社交圈子的朋友", "english": "and a glittering circle of friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是一個富有 和飄浮不定的人", "english": "...and you have just wealthy, unattached little me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在尋尋覓覓 就像你一樣", "english": "...searching, just like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多來點餡餅嗎", "english": "More strudel, Herr Detweiler?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么它就成為第三個吧", "english": "Make it an uneven three."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還在吃 麥斯 一定是不太快樂", "english": "Still eating, Max? Must be unhappy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "數月來我一直想從何洛克那邊 弄來那隊四重奏", "english": "That mixed quartet I've been trying to steal away from Sol Hurok..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最恨賊了", "english": "I hate thieves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為此事我得打長途電話到巴黎 羅馬及斯德哥爾摩", "english": "I had to call Paris, Rome and Stockholm."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當然是用蓋爾的電話了", "english": "On Georg's telephone, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不然我怎么負擔得起", "english": "How else could I afford it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜歡有錢人 我喜歡他們的生活方式", "english": "I like rich people, the way they live"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尤其和他們一起生活時", "english": "and how I live when I'm with them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在想孩子們上哪兒去了", "english": "I wonder where the children are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們一定是聽見我來 躲起來了", "english": "They must have heard I was coming and hid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是希望他們會在家歡迎你的", "english": "I was hoping they'd be here to welcome you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎樣", "english": "Well?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么怎樣", "english": "Well what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你讓蓋爾決定了沒 我是否會聽見婚禮鐘聲", "english": "Have you made up his mind? Do I hear wedding bells?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很喜歡蓋爾 我不準你把我們當玩具", "english": "I'm terribly fond of him, so don't toy with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我是個孩子 我喜歡玩具 所以告訴我一切吧", "english": "But I'm a child. I like toys. So tell me everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有感覺 我來這里的目的 是要得到認可", "english": "Well, let's just say I have a feeling I may be here on approval."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如我了解你的話 我知道你會找到方法的", "english": "If I know you, darling, and I do, you will find a way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他老婆的死 給他帶來可怕的心痛", "english": "His wife's death gave him a great heartache."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你先生死時 他留給你一筆可觀的遺產", "english": "And your husband's death gave you a great fortune."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥斯 你真是怪物", "english": "Oh, Max, you really are a beast."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和蓋爾對我來講 就像是一家人", "english": "You and Georg are like family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我想看到你們兩人結婚", "english": "That's why I want to see you married."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須保留那筆錢 在同一家庭中", "english": "We must keep all that lovely money in the family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒看到 我不知道你...", "english": "I didn't see, I mean, I didn't know you were..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希特勒萬歲", "english": "Heil Hitler!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是誰", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我送電報給德維勒先生", "english": "I have a telegram for Herr Detweiler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 電報你送到了 滾吧", "english": "You've delivered your telegram. Now get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋爾 他只是個小男孩", "english": "Georg, he's just a boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是 而我只是個奧地利人", "english": "Yes, and I'm just an Austrian."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要發生的遲早會發生 只要確定不會發生在你身上", "english": "Things will happen. Make sure they don't happen to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥斯 你別再這樣說", "english": "Max! Don't you ever say that again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我沒有政治主張", "english": "I have no political convictions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈啰", "english": "Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你如此遙遠 你在哪兒", "english": "You're far away. Where are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在一個遙不可及的世界里", "english": "In a world that's disappearing, I'm afraid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有辦法帶你回到現實世界嗎", "english": "Is there any way I could bring you back to the world I'm in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 艦長 你回來了", "english": "Oh, captain, you're home!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立刻從水里上來", "english": "Come out of that water at once!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是史蕾特男爵夫人", "english": "Oh, you must be Baroness Schraeder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我濕透了", "english": "I'm soaked to the skin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這位是史蕾特男爵夫人", "english": "This is Baroness Schraeder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而這些...", "english": "And these..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我的孩子們", "english": "...are my children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們好", "english": "How do you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "進去屋里 抹干身子 清潔好", "english": "Go inside, dry off, clean up,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "換衣服后再回來此地", "english": "change your clothes and report back here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐 請你留下來", "english": "Fraulein, you will stay here, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最好去看麥斯在干什么", "english": "I think I'd better go see what Max is up to."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你據實回答", "english": "...I want a truthful answer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 艦長", "english": "Yes, captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是真有可能 或只是我的想像...", "english": "Is it possible, or could I have just imagined it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的孩子們今天有爬過樹", "english": "Have my children, by any chance, been climbing trees today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 艦長", "english": "Yes, captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣", "english": "I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能否請教他們哪來的這些", "english": "And where, may I ask, did they get these..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我拿我臥房里的 舊窗簾所做的", "english": "I made them from the drapes that used to hang in my bedroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們穿著玩了不少地方", "english": "We've been everywhere in them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是在告訴我", "english": "Are you telling me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的孩子穿著舊窗簾的布料...", "english": "that my children have been roaming about Salzburg..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且玩得很開心", "english": "And having a marvelous time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們不該擔心他們會弄臟 他們珍貴的制服", "english": "They can't be children if they worry about clothes..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒聽過埋怨", "english": "They don't complain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們不敢 他們太愛你 我想...", "english": "They don't dare. They love you too much and fear..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想討論我的孩子們", "english": "Don't discuss my children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須聽某人說的 你從來不在家久留的", "english": "You've got to hear, you're never home..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想再聽你說 有關我孩子們的事", "english": "I don't want to hear more!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你不要 但你必須", "english": "I know you don't, but you've got to!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她快要長成一個女人 但你甚至不了解她", "english": "Soon she'll be a woman and you won't even know her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "費瑞克要像你一樣成為男人 但沒有人給他作榜樣", "english": "Friedrich wants to be a man but you're not here to show..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎膽敢告訴我兒子的事", "english": "Don't you dare tell me..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "碧姬塔可以告訴你他的事 她洞悉一切", "english": "Brigitta could tell you about him. She notices everything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有寇特 他假裝強悍 當你漠視他時", "english": "Kurt acts tough to hide the pain when you ignore him..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他還要表現出堅強的神情", "english": "...the way you do all of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有露易莎 我還不太了解她", "english": "Louisa, I don't know about yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些小孩只想要被愛 求求你 艦長 愛他們", "english": "The little ones just want love. Please, love them all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想再聽你說有關孩子的事", "english": "I don't care to hear more."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐", "english": "Fraulein."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你現在立刻收拾行李", "english": "Now, you will pack your things this minute..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回去修道院", "english": "...and return to the abbey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是什么", "english": "What's that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是歌聲", "english": "It's singing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道是歌聲 但是誰在唱歌", "english": "Yes, I realize it's singing. But who is singing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們", "english": "The children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們", "english": "The children?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我教了他們一首歌 歡迎男爵夫人", "english": "I taught them something to sing for the baroness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "群山讓我心充滿音樂", "english": "My heart wants to sing Every song it hears"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要唱出每支歌", "english": "Every song that it hears"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由湖邊飛上樹", "english": "From the lake to the trees"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "飛上樹", "english": "To the trees"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "像鐘聲飄揚", "english": "From a church on a breeze"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "流過石頭跌蕩抑揚", "english": "Over stones on its way"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跌蕩抑揚", "english": "On its way"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我奔向山里", "english": "I go to the hills"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我心就會歌唱", "english": "My heart will be blessed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為音樂的響起", "english": "With the sound of music"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要再度...", "english": "And I'll sing..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "歌唱", "english": "...once more"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你從來沒有告訴我 你的孩子們如此地可愛", "english": "You never told me how enchanting your children are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別走開", "english": "Don't go away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐", "english": "Fraulein."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的...", "english": "I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "表現很失常 我道歉", "english": "...behaved badly. I apologize."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我說話太過分了 這是我最大的缺點", "english": "I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你說的對", "english": "You were right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不了解我的孩子們", "english": "I don't know my children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仍然有時間 艦長 他們很想接近你", "english": "There's still time, captain. They want so much to be close to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你將音樂帶回到這個家庭里", "english": "And you brought music back into the house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都忘記了", "english": "I'd forgotten."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小姐", "english": "Fraulein."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你留下來", "english": "I want you to stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我請求你留下來", "english": "I ask you to stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比你知道的更多", "english": "More than you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "犸塔", "english": "Marta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "開幕", "english": "Curtain!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高高的山上 有個寂寞的牧羊人在唱歌", "english": "High on a hill was a lonely goatherd"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "偏僻小鎮的居民 亦聽到他的歌聲", "english": "Folks in a town That was quite remote heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "犸塔 犸塔", "english": "Marta. Marta!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葛特兒 王子", "english": "Gretl, the prince!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "城堡的橋上有個王子聽到了", "english": "A prince on the bridge Of a castle moat heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "背著行囊上路的人們也聽到了", "english": "Men on a road With a load to tote heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用膳中的人們也聽到了", "english": "Men in the midst Of a table d'hote heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝啤酒的人們也聽到了", "english": "Men drinking beer With the foam afloat heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿淡粉紅色外衣的女孩也聽見了", "english": "One little girl In a pale pink coat heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她唱歌回應那寂寞的牧羊人", "english": "She yodeled back To the lonely goatherd"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她媽媽也欣喜的唱著", "english": "Soon her mama With a gleaming gloat heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個女孩和牧羊人 唱出多好的二重唱呀", "english": "What a duet for a girl and goatherd"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穿淡粉紅色外衣的女孩也聽見了", "english": "One little girl In a pale pink coat heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她唱歌回應那寂寞的牧羊人", "english": "She yodeled back To the lonely goatherd"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她媽媽也欣喜的唱著", "english": "Soon her mama With a gleaming gloat heard"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個女孩和牧羊人 唱出多好的二重唱呀", "english": "What a duet for a girl and goatherd"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們多快樂啊", "english": "Happy are they"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "二重唱將要成為三重唱", "english": "Soon the duet will become a trio"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好極了", "english": "Very good!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真精彩", "english": "Wonderful!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你當然可以 親愛的", "english": "Of course you may, my darlings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不然 我怎能告訴可倫教授 將帳單寄給你父親", "english": "Why else did I tell Professor Kohner to send the bill to your father?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "做得很好 小姐", "english": "Well done, fraulein."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們是你的孩子", "english": "They're your children, captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還有什么做不到的事嗎", "english": "My dear, is there anything you can't do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知自己能否成為好修女", "english": "Well, I'm not sure I'll make a good nun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有任何問題 我很樂意幫你的", "english": "If you have any problems, I'd be happy to help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位請注意", "english": "Attention, everyone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有驚人的事情要宣布 驚喜 驚喜", "english": "I have an announcement to make. Surprise! Surprise!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "經過一番苦心的尋求", "english": "Today, after a long and desperate search..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我終于找到參加 薩爾斯堡音樂節的合唱團了", "english": "...I have found a most exciting entry for the Salzburg Folk Festival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恭喜你 麥斯", "english": "Congratulations, Max."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這次是誰要給你利用呢", "english": "And who will you be exploiting this time?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想 克蘭曼歌詠團", "english": "Well, let me see now. The Klopmann Choir?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴我們", "english": "Tell us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個由家庭組成的合唱團 你永遠都不會估中的", "english": "A singing group all in one family. You'll never guess, Georg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多么好的主意", "english": "What a charming idea!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰的家庭", "english": "Whose family?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的啊", "english": "Yours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們將會是一大轟動", "english": "They'll be the talk of the festival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很昂貴 但很好笑", "english": "You're expensive, but very funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是極好的主意 新面孔又自然", "english": "It's a wonderful idea. Fresh, original."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥斯 我的孩子們不公開演唱", "english": "Max! My children do not sing in public."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不能怪我沒嘗試過", "english": "You can't blame me for trying."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們 下一個該誰唱", "english": "Children, who shall we hear from next?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "誰唱", "english": "Who?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "全體一致通過", "english": "The vote is unanimous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "由你演唱 艦長", "english": "You, captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我", "english": "Me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我聽說 很久以前 你唱的非常好", "english": "I'm told that you were quite good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個...", "english": "Well..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帶我的口琴來", "english": "To bring along my harmonica."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每日清晨你向我打招呼", "english": "Every morning you greet me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遇見我時", "english": "You look happy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多歡悅", "english": "...to meet me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪一般的花兒", "english": "Blossom of snow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿你含苞茁長", "english": "May you bloom and grow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠地含苞茁長", "english": "Bloom and grow forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠守護我的家鄉", "english": "Bless my homeland forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每日清晨你向我打招呼", "english": "Every morning you greet me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遇見我時...", "english": "You look happy..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多歡悅", "english": "...to meet me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪一般的花兒", "english": "Blossom of snow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿你含苞茁長", "english": "May you bloom and grow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠地含苞茁長", "english": "Bloom and grow forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠守護我的家鄉", "english": "Bless my homeland forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要你隨時開口 就可以加入我的新節目", "english": "Anytime you say the word, Georg, you can be part of my new act:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "范崔普家庭合唱團", "english": "The von Trapp Family Singers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有個好主意", "english": "I have a wonderful idea, Georg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓此屋中充滿音樂", "english": "Let's really fill this house with music."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要為我開個盛大的舞會", "english": "You must give a grand and glorious party for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我該認識 你在薩爾斯堡的朋友了", "english": "It's high time I met all your friends..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們 該上床了 道晚安", "english": "Children, it's bedtime. Come now, say good night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 父親", "english": "Good night, Father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 父親", "english": "Good night, Father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安 麥斯伯伯", "english": "Good night, Uncle Max."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那將會是我的第一次舞會 父親", "english": "It'll be my first party, Father!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你注意到大廳上當眼處 掛著奧地利國旗", "english": "Did you notice the obvious display of the Austrian flag?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女人們看來好漂亮", "english": "The women look so beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得她們好丑", "english": "I think they look ugly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你這樣說是因為你怕她們", "english": "You're just scared of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "傻瓜 只有成人才會怕女人", "english": "Silly, only grown-up men fear women."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莉莎 你在跟誰跳舞", "english": "Liesl, who are you dancing with?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有人", "english": "Nobody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 的確沒有", "english": "Oh, yes, you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有這份榮幸嗎", "english": "May I have this dance?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很樂意的 年輕人", "english": "I'd be delighted, young man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們為何不告訴我 你們會跳舞", "english": "Why didn't you tell me you could dance?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們怕你會叫我們一起跳舞 范崔普家庭舞蹈團", "english": "We feared you'd make us all dance. The von Trapp Family Dancers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們在演奏什么", "english": "What are they playing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是奧地利的一種民俗舞曲", "english": "It's the Laendler. An Austrian folk dance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你記得的 求求你", "english": "You remember. Please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在你鞠躬 我答禮", "english": "Now you bow and I curtsy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這邊 踏步跳 轉圈", "english": "This way. Hop step, hop. And under."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要好好練習呢", "english": "Kurt, we'll have to practice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓我來跳好嗎", "english": "Do allow me, will you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不記得了", "english": "I don't remember anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我不習慣跳舞吧", "english": "I don't suppose I'm used to dancing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那真是跳得太棒了", "english": "Why, that was beautifully done."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們是迷人的一對", "english": "What a lovely couple you make."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想孩子們該上床了", "english": "It's time the children said good night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們馬上去前廳", "english": "We'll be in the hall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 快點", "english": "Yes, come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋爾 你的擔心看來是多余的", "english": "All that needless worrying, Georg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你還以為自己在 舞會上找不到朋友", "english": "You thought you wouldn't find a friend at the party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得頗暖和呢", "english": "It seemed rather warm to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "先生女士們", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "范崔普艦長的孩子 希望向各位道晚安", "english": "The children of Captain von Trapp wish to say good night to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔尖的鐘聲也響起了", "english": "And the bells in the steeple too"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在孩子們臥室里 一只滑稽的小鳥", "english": "And up in the nursery An absurd little bird"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伸出頭來道咕咕", "english": "Is popping up to say \"coo-coo\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咕咕", "english": "Coo-coo"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咕咕", "english": "Coo-coo"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉他告訴我們", "english": "Regretfully they tell us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我們向大家", "english": "But firmly they compel us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "道晚安", "english": "To say goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向大家", "english": "To you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不愿離開如斯美景", "english": "I hate to go And leave this pretty sight"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別了 再見 珍重再見", "english": "So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, adieu"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向你和你和你說聲再見", "english": "Adieu, adieu To you and you and you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能否留下喝第一口香檳", "english": "I'd like to stay And taste my first champagne"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我輕嘆著離開并說再見", "english": "I leave and heave a sigh And say goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再見", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真高興可以離去", "english": "I'm glad to go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能說謊", "english": "I cannot tell a lie"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我展翅 我飄浮", "english": "I flit, I float"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我驀地消失 我在飛翔", "english": "I fleetly flee, I fly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太陽已就寢", "english": "The sun has gone to bed"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也一樣", "english": "And so must I"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別了", "english": "So long"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再見", "english": "Farewell"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚安", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們真是不同凡響 想想在音樂節的成績", "english": "Extraordinary! What they'd do at the festival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "年輕女士 我必須跟你談談", "english": "Young lady, I must have a word with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋爾 你不能讓她離去的 她必須參加派對", "english": "Georg, you won't let this girl get away. She must join the party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我堅持 你會是我今晚的女伴", "english": "I insist. You will be my dinner partner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是生意 福蘭斯...", "english": "This is business. Franz..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在我的座位旁 替瑪利亞小姐加一個位子", "english": "...set another place next to mine for Fraulein Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以換衣服 我們等你", "english": "You can change. We'll wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艦長 你一定 很以你的兒女為榮", "english": "Captain, you must be very proud of your youngsters."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 謝謝你", "english": "I am, thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有什么比孩子們純真的歌聲", "english": "Is there a more beautiful expression of what is good in our country..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更能表現我國的優點", "english": "...than the innocent voices of our children?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對了 男爵", "english": "Oh, come now, baron."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你想要我們相信 只有奧地利有獨特高尚的品德", "english": "Would you have us believe that Austria holds a monopoly on virtue?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們有些人喜歡 悠揚的奧地利歌聲", "english": "Herr Zeller, some of us prefer Austrian voices raised in song..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多于丑陋的德國威脅", "english": "...to ugly German threats."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鴕鳥喜歡埋首于沙中", "english": "The ostrich buries his head in the sand..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有時藏于國旗里", "english": "...and sometimes in the flag."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許有些人警告過你合并就要來臨了", "english": "Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而事實上是的", "english": "and it is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許會以音樂來跟你打交道呢", "english": "...would get further with you by setting their words to music."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果納粹占據奧地利 你肯定會是整個小號隊", "english": "If the Nazis take over Austria, you will be the entire trumpet section."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你太恭維我了", "english": "You flatter me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真笨拙 我是要指責你的", "english": "Oh, how clumsy of me. I meant to accuse you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你愿意來協助我 真的太仁慈了 男爵夫人", "english": "It's very kind of you to offer to help me, baroness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很樂意", "english": "I'm delighted, Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我實在沒有任何合適的衣服", "english": "I really don't think I have anything that would be appropriate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "使艦長無法將視線從你身上移開", "english": "When the captain couldn't keep his eyes off you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "無法轉移他的目光", "english": "Couldn't keep his eyes off me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "算了吧 親愛的 我們都是女人", "english": "Come, my dear, we are women."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別再假裝我們不知道 男人在注意我們", "english": "Let's not pretend we don't know when a man notices us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你無需如此抗拒的 瑪利亞", "english": "There's no need to feel so defensive, Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很迷人 你知道嗎", "english": "You are quite attractive, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果艦長不注意你的話 他就不是男人了", "english": "The captain would hardly be a man if he didn't notice you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男爵夫人 我希望你在開玩笑", "english": "Baroness, I hope you're joking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一點也不", "english": "Not at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我從沒做過任何...", "english": "I've never done a thing to..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你無需如此", "english": "You don't have to, my dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對男人而言 沒什么比", "english": "Nothing's more irresistible to a man"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "深愛自己的女人更無法抗拒", "english": "than a woman who's in love with him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最棒的是他也認為自己愛上你了", "english": "What makes it so nice is he thinks he's in love with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但那不是事實", "english": "But that's not true."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你當然也注意到 他直視你雙眼時的神情吧", "english": "Surely you've noticed the way he looks into your eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而剛才當他擁著你跳舞時 你臉紅了", "english": "And you know, you blushed in his arms when you were dancing just now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別太介意", "english": "Don't take it to heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他很快就會適應的", "english": "He'll get over it soon enough, I think."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男人都是如此的", "english": "Men do, you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我必須離開了", "english": "Then I should go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能留在此地", "english": "I mustn't stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求你別告訴艦長這件事", "english": "Don't say a word to the captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 我不會的", "english": "No, I wouldn't dream of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再見 瑪利亞", "english": "Goodbye, Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我相信你會成為很好的修女", "english": "I'm sure you'll make a very fine nun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我覺得該慶祝一下 干杯", "english": "I feel like celebrating. Cheers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若你如此聰明 告訴我如何令瑪利亞影響蓋爾", "english": "If you're so clever, tell me how to get fraulein to influence Georg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要這些孩子參加音樂節", "english": "I want those children in the festival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這對奧地利深具意義", "english": "Elsa, this is important to Austria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對你也不會有妨害的", "english": "Wouldn't do you any harm either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我曾想過", "english": "I thought of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真好玩", "english": "Isn't this fun?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男爵夫人 我們累了 不要玩了", "english": "Baroness Schraeder, do you mind if we stop now? We're tired."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鄉間真安靜 是不是", "english": "The country's so restful, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝點檸檬水吧", "english": "Have some lemonade."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定有更容易的辦法", "english": "There must be an easier way."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想到你做七個孩子的母親 真令我哭笑不得", "english": "I get a fiendish delight thinking of you as the mother of seven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你計劃如何做呢", "english": "How do you plan to do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真是詭計多端", "english": "Baroness Machiavelli."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥伯伯 爸爸在哪", "english": "Uncle Max, where's Father?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想他在屋子里", "english": "I think he's in the house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們為何都悶悶不樂呢", "english": "What's the matter with all you gloomy pussies?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為了什么呢", "english": "What for?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "假裝站在節慶的表演臺上", "english": "Let's make believe we're on-stage at the festival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莉莎去拿吉他 來吧", "english": "Liesl, get the guitar. Come on, Marta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "高興點 麗莎 給我們調子", "english": "Now be cheerful, right? Give us the key, Liesl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在 開始", "english": "Now, impress me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "葛特兒 你為何不唱呢", "english": "Gretl, why don't you sing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我手指痛不能唱", "english": "I can't. I've got a sore finger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你在舞會中唱得很好", "english": "But you sang so beautifully the night of the party."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來 試試看 唱些你們都懂的", "english": "Come on, all of you. Try something you know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好享受 快樂些", "english": "Enjoy it. Be cheerful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 莉莎", "english": "All right, Liesl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "群山因為音樂", "english": "The hills are alive"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "千年的歌", "english": "For a thousand years"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "群山讓我的心中", "english": "The hills fill my heart"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "充滿了音樂", "english": "With the sound of music"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好...別停下來", "english": "That's lovely, lovely. Don't stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 我想是不回來了 有什么好喝嗎", "english": "Yes, I suppose it's true. What have we got here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父親 我不敢相信", "english": "I don't believe it, Father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 瑪利亞", "english": "Oh, Fraulein Maria!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒把她的留言告訴你們嗎 我肯定我說過了", "english": "Didn't I tell you what her note said? I'm sure I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她說她很懷念修道院的生活", "english": "She said she missed her life at the abbey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她必須離開我們", "english": "She had to leave us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 我現在想嘗點檸檬水", "english": "I think I'm brave enough to try some of that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是不同的事", "english": "That isn't the same thing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是太粉紅了", "english": "Just too pink."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "父親 誰是我們的新家庭老師", "english": "Father, who is our new governess going to be?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個...", "english": "Well..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們再也沒有新家庭老師了", "english": "...you're not going to have a governess anymore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們將要有個新媽媽", "english": "You're going to have a new mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個新媽媽", "english": "A new mother?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們昨晚談過了 一切都決定好了", "english": "We talked about it last night. It's all settled."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們都將會很快樂", "english": "And we're all going to be very happy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 孩子們", "english": "Yes, my children?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們 我的兄弟姐妹們 要見瑪利亞小姐", "english": "We, my brothers and sisters, want to see Fraulein Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞小姐", "english": "Fraulein Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 瑪利亞", "english": "Oh, Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請進來", "english": "Come in, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在此等一下", "english": "Wait here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是犸格麗特修女 我知道你們想見瑪利亞", "english": "I'm Sister Margaretta. I understand you inquired about Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須見她 請你告訴她我們在此", "english": "We have to see her. Will you tell her we're here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她甚至沒有道別", "english": "She didn't even say goodbye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們想要做的只是和她說話", "english": "All we want to do is talk to her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很抱歉 孩子們 但是瑪利亞在靜修", "english": "I'm very sorry, but Maria is in seclusion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要讓她看我的手指", "english": "I want to show her my finger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "親愛的 改天吧", "english": "Some other time, dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會告訴她 你們來過", "english": "I'll tell her you were here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我肯定她會見我們", "english": "I'm sure she'd like to see us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是怎么回事 犸格麗特修女", "english": "What was that about, Sister?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "院長 范崔普家的孩子", "english": "The von Trapp children, Reverend Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們要見瑪利亞", "english": "They want to see Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她說了沒 她有沒有告訴你什么事", "english": "Has she spoken yet? Has she told you anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "院長 除了祈禱外 她什么也沒說", "english": "She doesn't say a word, Reverend Mother, except in prayer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可憐的孩子", "english": "Poor child."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很奇怪 她似乎很高興能回來", "english": "It's strange. She seems happy to be back here..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但同時又很不快樂", "english": "...and yet she's unhappy too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許讓她一個人那么久 是錯誤的", "english": "Perhaps I have been wrong in leaving her alone so long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你最好把她帶來見我 即使她還沒準備好", "english": "Bring her to me, even if she's not yet ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 院長", "english": "Yes, Reverend Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加絲特修女 帶這位新姐妹到更衣室", "english": "Sister Augusta, take our new postulant to the robing room."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿上帝祝福你 我的女兒", "english": "God bless you, my daughter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 帶她進來", "english": "Yes, bring her in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很不快樂 我很難過", "english": "You've been unhappy. I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們為何要你回來", "english": "Why did they send you back to us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們沒有要我走 是我主動離開的", "english": "They didn't send me back. I left."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐下 瑪利亞", "english": "Sit down, Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "告訴我事情的始末", "english": "Tell me what happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是因為我害怕", "english": "I was frightened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很迷惑 我...", "english": "No, I was confused. I felt..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我從未有那種感覺", "english": "I've never felt that way before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能留下來 我知道遠離他們會比較安全", "english": "I couldn't stay. I knew that here I'd be away from it. I'd be safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞 我們的修道院 不是用來逃避的", "english": "Maria, our abbey is not to be used as an escape."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是什么事令你無法面對", "english": "What is it you can't face?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我無法再面對他", "english": "I can't face him again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他", "english": "Him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你 犸格麗特修女", "english": "Thank you, Sister Margaretta."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是范崔普先生", "english": "Captain von Trapp?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道...", "english": "I don't know. L..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男爵夫人 她說他愛上我了", "english": "The baroness said I was. She said that he was in love with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我不愿相信", "english": "But I didn't want to believe it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我們彼此對看時", "english": "There were times we looked at each other."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我簡直不能呼吸", "english": "I could hardly breathe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這正是折磨我的原因 我是侍奉神的", "english": "That's what's torturing me. I was on God's errand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已作好發誓的準備", "english": "I'm ready at this moment to take my vows."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男女之間的愛也是神圣的", "english": "The love of a man and a woman is holy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是可以去愛的", "english": "You have a great capacity to love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須了解 上帝是要你如何去愛", "english": "You must find out how God wants you to spend your love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我已獻身上帝 我要終生為上帝服務", "english": "But I pledged my life to God. I pledged my life to his service."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的女兒 如果你愛這個人", "english": "My daughter, if you love this man,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "并不表示你就要少愛上帝了", "english": "it doesn't mean you love God less."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須找出答案", "english": "You must find out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須要回去", "english": "You must go back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能要求我這樣做", "english": "You can't ask me to do that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些墻并不是 建造來逃避問題的", "english": "These walls were not built to shut out problems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須面對它", "english": "You have to face them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要過你本來就應過的生活", "english": "You have to live the life you were born to live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攀登每座山", "english": "Climb every mountain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尋遍高與低", "english": "Search high and low"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "踏遍每條僻路", "english": "Follow every byway"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "踏遍每條路", "english": "Every path you know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攀登每座山", "english": "Climb every mountain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "涉過每條小溪", "english": "Ford every stream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟隨每道彩虹", "english": "Follow every rainbow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直至找到你的美夢", "english": "Till you find your dream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這美夢需要你", "english": "A dream that will need"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "獻出全部的愛", "english": "All the love you can give"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你有生之年", "english": "Every day of your life"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攀登每座山", "english": "Climb every mountain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "涉過每條小溪", "english": "Ford every stream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟隨每道彩虹", "english": "Follow every rainbow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直至找到你的美夢", "english": "Till you find your dream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這美夢需要你", "english": "A dream that will need"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "獻出全部的愛", "english": "All the love you can give"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在你有生之年", "english": "Every day of your life"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "攀登每座山", "english": "Climb every mountain"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "涉過每條小溪", "english": "Ford every stream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟隨每道彩虹", "english": "Follow every rainbow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直至找到", "english": "Till you find..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的美夢", "english": "...your dream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這樣神神秘秘的 不像我的孩子", "english": "Now, it's not like my children to be secretive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們才不神秘 爸爸", "english": "We're not being secretive, Father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吃飯遲到也不像我的孩子", "english": "And it's not like my children to be late for dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了 誰要第一個告訴我事實 費瑞克", "english": "Who's going to be the first one to tell me the truth? Friedrich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "碧姬塔 莉莎", "english": "Brigitta. Liesl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你認為我們去哪了", "english": "Where do you think we were, Father?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你不相信我們", "english": "If you don't believe us,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定是對于我們去哪有點頭緒吧", "english": "you must have some idea of where you think we were."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你來告訴我", "english": "You tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "費瑞克告訴過你 爸爸 我們去采草莓了", "english": "Friedrich told you, Father. We were berry picking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我忘了 你們去采草莓", "english": "I forgot! You were berry picking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是呀 我們很喜歡采草莓", "english": "Yes, we love berry picking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "整個下午", "english": "All afternoon?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "藍草莓的季節還沒到", "english": "It's too early for blueberries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最近很冷 所以它們變成藍色了", "english": "It's been so cold lately, they turned blue."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好 讓我看草莓", "english": "Very well. Show me the berries."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們沒有 發生了什么事", "english": "You don't have them? What happened to them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常好", "english": "Very well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們不可能肚子餓了 所以我可以告訴思蜜德", "english": "...you can't be hungry anymore, so I'll have to tell Frau Schmidt..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用煮你們的晚餐", "english": "...to skip your dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都是你的錯 我們應該老實告訴他", "english": "It's your fault. We should have told him the truth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "讓他生我們的氣嗎", "english": "And made him boiling mad at us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們沒有做錯什么 我們只是想見她", "english": "We didn't do anything wrong. We just wanted to see her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的肚子在咕咕叫", "english": "My stomach's making noises."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們至少可以 讓我們向她打個招呼", "english": "The least they could have done was to let us say hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞不開心時便會唱那首歌 讓自己心情好轉的", "english": "When Fraulein Maria wanted to feel better she used to sing that song."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們唱唱看", "english": "Let's try it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "玫瑰上的雨露", "english": "Raindrops on roses"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小貓的胡須", "english": "And whiskers on kittens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光亮的銅壺", "english": "Bright copper kettles"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "溫暖的羊毛手套", "english": "And warm woolen mittens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有細繩的褐色包裝紙", "english": "Brown paper packages Tied up with strings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是我心愛的事物", "english": "These are a few of my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什么我的心情沒有好起來", "english": "Why don't I feel better?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女孩們穿著白裙", "english": "Girls in white dresses"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "佩著藍緞帶", "english": "With blue satin sashes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪花落在我的鼻子和睫毛上", "english": "Snowflakes that stay On my nose and eyelashes"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "溶化成春天", "english": "...that melt into springs"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些都是我喜愛的事物", "english": "These are a few of my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當狗咬時 當蜂蟄時", "english": "When the dog bites When the bee stings"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當我感覺傷心時", "english": "When I'm feeling sad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要想起我最喜愛的事物", "english": "I simply remember my favorite things"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的心情就不會...", "english": "And then I don't feel"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如此糟了", "english": "So bad"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想念你們", "english": "I missed you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我在學習接受現實 我在期待學校開學的日子", "english": "But I'm learning to accept it. I'll be glad when school begins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莉莎 你不能用學校作為逃避問題的地方", "english": "Liesl, you can't use school to escape your problems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須面對問題", "english": "You have to face them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要告訴你們很多事", "english": "I have so much to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們也有許多事要告訴你", "english": "We have things to tell you too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "結婚", "english": "Married?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 是和男爵夫人", "english": "Yes, to Baroness Schraeder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 我知道了", "english": "Oh, I see."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 看 瑪利亞回來了", "english": "Father, look! Fraulein Maria's back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞從修道院回來了", "english": "Fraulein Maria's back from the abbey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家都進去吃晚餐", "english": "Everyone inside for dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "晚飯 太好了", "english": "Dinner!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不辭而別 甚至沒向小孩們道別", "english": "You left without saying goodbye. Even to the children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我的錯 請原諒我", "english": "It was wrong of me. Forgive me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什么要如此", "english": "Why did you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請不要問我 反正原因已經不存在了", "english": "Please don't ask me. The reason no longer exists."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞小姐 你回來了", "english": "Fraulein Maria, you've returned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "蓋爾 這不是很好嗎", "english": "Isn't it wonderful, Georg?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男爵夫人 我祝福你幸福快樂", "english": "I wish you every happiness, baroness."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也是 艦長 孩子們告訴我你們要結婚了", "english": "You too, captain. The children say you're to marry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝你 親愛的", "english": "Thank you, my dear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會留下嗎", "english": "You are back to stay?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "原來你在這里", "english": "There you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真的要跟你的廚師談談", "english": "I must speak to cook about the schnitzel."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "食物太好吃會影響我的身材", "english": "It is entirely too delicious for my figure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也讓你在餐桌上 沒說很多話", "english": "And it makes you much too quiet at the dinner table."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是酒的關系", "english": "Or was it the wine?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道為了要送你", "english": "You have no idea the trouble I'm having..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一件結婚禮物 我費盡了多少心思", "english": "...trying to decide on a wedding present for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我明白 你有我已經足夠", "english": "Oh, I know. I'm enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是我一定要送你點小玩意", "english": "But I do want you to have some little trifle for the occasion."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我首先想到的是鋼筆", "english": "At first I thought of a fountain pen..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是你已有一支", "english": "...but you've already got one."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我想送你 一幢法國南部的別墅", "english": "Then I thought perhaps a villa in the south of France..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是它很難包裝起來", "english": "...but they are so difficult to gift-wrap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你覺得游艇好嗎", "english": "Oh, Georg, how do you feel about yachts?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以暢游地中海的那種", "english": "A long, sleek one for the Mediterranean..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或是放在浴缸中的那種", "english": "...or a tiny one for your bathtub, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這可真是個難題了", "english": "Now, that's a real problem."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但一定會有更好的地方可以去", "english": "\"Oh, Elsa, there must be someplace better to go.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes, Georg."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是沒有用的", "english": "It's no use..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和我的關系", "english": "...you and I."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直都沒有坦誠面對", "english": "I'm being dishonest to both of us..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和我的關系", "english": "...and utterly unfair to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要再說了 拜托你", "english": "Don't say another word, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雖然我喜歡你 但是我真的不認為你適合我", "english": "Fond as I am of you, I really don't think you're the right man for me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我要一個非常需要我的人", "english": "And I need someone who needs me desperately..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或最起碼是非常需要我的錢", "english": "...or at least needs my money desperately."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們在一起的每一分鐘", "english": "I've enjoyed every moment we've had together"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都很快樂 為此我謝謝你", "english": "and I do thank you for that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我現在要進去 收拾我的行李", "english": "...I'll go inside, pack my little bags..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回到我原屬的地方 維也納", "english": "...and return to Vienna where I belong."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那邊有個人", "english": "And somewhere out there..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是位年輕小姐 我想", "english": "...is a young lady who, I think..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她做不成修女了", "english": "...will never be a nun."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "親愛的 再見了", "english": "Auf Wiedersehen, darling."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈啰", "english": "Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我可能會在這里找到你", "english": "I thought I just might find you here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有什么事找我嗎", "english": "Was there something you wanted?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有 沒有 請坐下", "english": "No, no, no. Sit down, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請坐", "english": "Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以坐嗎", "english": "May I?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為什么你逃回修道院", "english": "Why did you run away to the abbey?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有 是什么事又讓你回來", "english": "And what was it that made you come back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個 我有責任要完成", "english": "Well, I had an obligation to fulfill..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我回來履行的", "english": "...and I came back to fulfill it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是這樣嗎", "english": "Is that all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有 我想念孩子們", "english": "And I missed the children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想你或許會...", "english": "I was only hoping that perhaps you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許你會...", "english": "Perhaps you might..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎樣", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個...當你離開后一切都變了", "english": "Well, nothing was the same when you were away..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你又再離去 我們又會再度失落", "english": "...and it'll be all wrong again after you leave..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是想 也許你可以改變心意留下來", "english": "...and I just thought perhaps you might change your mind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想男爵夫人一定會把 一切的事情都安排得很好", "english": "Well, I'm sure the baroness will be able to make things fine for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞", "english": "Maria..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不明白", "english": "I don't understand."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不能和一個人結婚...", "english": "Well, you can't marry someone when you're..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卻又愛著另一個人", "english": "...in love with someone else..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以嗎", "english": "...can you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你需要尋求你自己的生命", "english": "That you have to look for your life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是不是你回來的原因", "english": "Is that why you came back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你找到了嗎", "english": "And have you found it..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞", "english": "...Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我找到了", "english": "I think I have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我已找到了", "english": "I know I have."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我愛你", "english": "I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這種事情會發生在我身上嗎", "english": "Oh, can this be happening to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許我的童年是不愉快的", "english": "Perhaps I had a wicked childhood"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許我的青春期是悲慘的", "english": "Perhaps I had a miserable youth"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但在我又不愉快 又可悲的過去", "english": "But somewhere In my wicked, miserable past"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卻總有一刻是真實的", "english": "There must have been a moment of truth"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就站在這里 愛著我", "english": "For here you are Standing there loving me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管應該與否", "english": "Whether or not you should"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此在我的童年或少年時", "english": "So somewhere in my youth or childhood"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是做過了什么好事", "english": "I must have done something good"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會無中生有", "english": "Nothing ever could"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此在我的童年或少年時", "english": "So somewhere in my youth or childhood"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是做過了什么好事", "english": "I must have done something good"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我是何時開始 愛上你的", "english": "Do you know when I first started loving you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那天晚餐 你坐在那可笑的松果上", "english": "That night at dinner, when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當你吹著那個傻哨子時 我就愛上你了", "english": "I knew the first time you blew that silly whistle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦 我的愛", "english": "Oh, my love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就站在這里 愛著我", "english": "For here you are Standing there loving me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管應該與否", "english": "Whether or not you should"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此在我的童年或少年時", "english": "So somewhere in my youth or childhood"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是做過了什么好事", "english": "I must have done something good"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不會無中生有", "english": "Nothing ever could"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因此在我的童年...", "english": "So somewhere in my youth..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或少年時", "english": "...or childhood"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定是做過了", "english": "I must have done something"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么好事", "english": "Something good"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞", "english": "Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要征求誰的同意才能娶你", "english": "Is there anyone I should go to, to ask permission to marry you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何處理 像瑪利亞這樣的問題人物", "english": "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何摘下浮云 然后釘牢", "english": "How do you catch a cloud And pin it down?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何用言語形容她", "english": "How do you find a word That means Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鬼靈精 小丑", "english": "A will-o'-the-wisp A clown"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "許多事你們想告訴她", "english": "Many a thing you know You'd like to tell her"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "許多事她該明了", "english": "Many a thing she ought to understand"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如何使她停下聽你說完", "english": "But how do you make her stay And listen to all you say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何使海浪停留在沙灘上", "english": "How do you keep a wave upon the sand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要如何處理 像瑪利亞這樣的問題人物", "english": "Oh, how do you solve A problem like Maria?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如何使月光在掌中停留", "english": "How do you hold a moonbeam In your hand?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許你還不知道 我現在是這里的監督", "english": "Perhaps you've not heard. I am now the Gauleiter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希特勒萬歲", "english": "Heil Hitler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希特勒萬歲", "english": "Heil Hitler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我剛從范崔普家來", "english": "I've come from Captain von Trapp's house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "管家告訴我會在這找到你", "english": "The housekeeper told me that I would find you here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是那個女人 給我的唯一情報", "english": "The only thing she'd tell me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艦長何時會回來", "english": "When will the captain return?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他去渡蜜月了 他沒和我們聯絡", "english": "Well, he's on his honeymoon trip. He's not been in touch with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我相信艦長一個多月", "english": "Am I to believe he hasn't communicated"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "沒和他的孩子們聯絡", "english": "with his children in over a month?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "監督 你認識多少人...", "english": "How many men do you know..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當他回來時 我們希望他接受新政府的職位", "english": "Upon his return, he'll fill his proper position in the new order."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和你的人們允許今晚可以 如期舉行音樂節", "english": "...and your people in allowing the festival to go on tonight as planned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "為何我們會不允許 奧地利什么都沒改變", "english": "Why should it not go on? Nothing in Austria has changed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唱歌和音樂可宣告世界", "english": "Singing and music will show this to the world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "奧地利依然如昔", "english": "Austria is the same."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希特勒萬歲", "english": "Heil Hitler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "希特勒萬歲", "english": "Heil Hitler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧 我們回家去", "english": "Come, let's go home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也許是旗上的黑蜘蛛 使人們緊張起來", "english": "Maybe the flag with the black spider makes people nervous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這些日子以來最重要的 是和大家和睦相處", "english": "The thing to do is to get along with everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要你們記住 尤其在今晚的演唱會上", "english": "Remember that tonight at the concert."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚我們真的要 在一大堆人面前唱歌", "english": "Are we really going to sing before a lot of people?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看 范崔普家庭音樂團 名字是...", "english": "Look. The von Trapp Family Singers:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莉莎 費瑞克 露易莎 碧姬塔", "english": "Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Brigitta,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寇特 犸塔 葛特兒", "english": "Kurt, Marta and Gretl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們走吧", "english": "There we go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你確定爸爸 會準許我們公開演唱", "english": "Are you sure Father will approve of our singing in public?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他會很高興并引以為傲的", "english": "He'll be pleased and proud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不信任", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是個很聰明的女孩", "english": "You're a very intelligent girl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勞夫", "english": "Rolfe!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高興見到你 已經...", "english": "I'm so glad to see you. It's been su..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "請你把這電報交給你父親", "english": "Give this to your father as soon as he's home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不要親自來交給他嗎", "english": "Don't you want to deliver it yourself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你父親也最好能知輕重", "english": "And your father had better be too."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是 勞夫", "english": "But, Rolfe!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸...", "english": "Father!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們以為你下星期回來", "english": "We didn't expect you home until next week!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們為什么沒有打給我們", "english": "Why didn't you call us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們試過了 但是不通", "english": "We couldn't get through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這個我也沒奈何", "english": "I had nothing to do with that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們盡快趕回來了", "english": "We came back as fast as we could."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們很想念你們", "english": "Well, well, well! We missed you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想念你們早上的噪音", "english": "We missed all the noise in the morning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看這個 瑪利亞小姐...", "english": "Look, Fraulein Maria..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是說媽媽", "english": "I mean Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們今晚會在音樂節唱歌", "english": "We're going to sing in the festival tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們過得很快樂", "english": "We've been having a lovely time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們練習了一天", "english": "We've been rehearsing all..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "驚喜 驚喜", "english": "Surprise! Surprise!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "里面有令你們驚喜的東西", "english": "Surprises for you on the terrace."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們到里面去談這個", "english": "We'll talk about this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本想要告訴你 但是你不在", "english": "I would've told you but you were away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只有在最后一刻自作主張了", "english": "I had to make a last-minute decision."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我還算好運氣 總算趕得及報名", "english": "I was fortunate to enter them at all."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們必會成為話題的", "english": "They'll be the talk of the festival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "試想一個家庭中的七個小孩", "english": "Imagine, seven children in one family!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麥斯", "english": "Max!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我記得我以前 向你解釋得很清楚...", "english": "Somehow I recall having made it quite clear to you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我對于我家的小孩 在外面演唱的事的感覺", "english": "...how I feel about my family singing in public!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是委員會聽過他們唱 非常的感動", "english": "The committee was enchanted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道嗎 麥斯", "english": "You know, Max..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有時候我無法相信 自己認識你", "english": "...sometimes I don't believe I know you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 我忘了", "english": "Father, I forgot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是給你的", "english": "This is for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞 至少他必須假裝 和這些人合作", "english": "Maria, he has got to at least pretend to work with these people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須說服他", "english": "You must convince him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不能要求他聽我的話", "english": "Max, I can't ask him to be less than he is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么我和他談 如果孩子們不參加音樂節", "english": "Then I'll talk to him. If the children don't sing, well..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是一樣對奧地利有損的事", "english": "...it will be a reflection on Austria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媽 可以這樣叫你真好", "english": "Mother? That sounds so nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你很愛爸爸 我看得出來", "english": "You love Father very much. I can tell you do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常愛他", "english": "Very much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "媽 當你認為你愛某個人時 你要怎么辦", "english": "Mother, what do you do when you think you love someone?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是說當你不再愛他 或他不再愛你時", "english": "I mean, when you stop loving someone or he stops loving you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會哭一場", "english": "Well, you cry a little."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快樂的日子終會再來", "english": "It always does."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有許多事情我認為我應該知道 但我卻不知道", "english": "There are so many things I think I should know but I don't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有時我覺得世界就快完了", "english": "Sometimes I feel the world is ending."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以前也這么覺得 對你 一切會很好的", "english": "It was that way with me. And for you it will be just as wonderful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你真的認為如此", "english": "Do you really think so?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "人生才要開始", "english": "Waiting for life to start"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一個讓你留下好印象的人", "english": "Somebody kind Who touches your mind"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "會突然觸動你的心靈", "english": "Will suddenly touch your heart"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "發生之后", "english": "After it happens"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都改變了", "english": "Nothing is quite the same"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道...", "english": "Somehow I know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會立刻走過去", "english": "I'll jump up and go"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "若他呼喚我的名字", "english": "If ever he calls my name"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你舊日對生命的看法會變改", "english": "Gone are your old ideas of life"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那些舊念頭都變得黯淡", "english": "The old ideas grow dim"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會發現你已為人妻", "english": "Lo and behold You're someone's wife"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你完全屬于他", "english": "And you belong to him"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你會以為這種歷險", "english": "You may think this kind of adventure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永不會發生在自己身上", "english": "Never may come to you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耐心等一年...", "english": "Wait a year..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只要等一年...", "english": "Just wait a year..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或兩年", "english": "...or two"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "莉莎", "english": "Liesl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么事情", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是柏林", "english": "Berlin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們給我委派了一項任命", "english": "They've offered me a commission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明天到北萊梅港海軍基地報到", "english": "...and report to their naval base at Bremerhaven tomorrow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道這種事會發生 沒料到這么快", "english": "I knew this would happen. I didn't think it would be so soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拒絕的話 全家會遭到懲罰", "english": "To refuse them would be fatal for all of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加入的話后果更難想像", "english": "And joining them would be unthinkable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "叫小孩們都過來", "english": "Get the children all together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別說讓他們擔心的話 只要讓他們準備好", "english": "Don't say anything to worry them. Just get them ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們必須離開奧地利", "english": "We've got to get out of Austria..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "還有這所房子", "english": "...and this house..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在今晚", "english": "...tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你宣布的時候 我們就越過邊界了", "english": "By your announcement we'll be over the border."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望你會感激我所做的犧牲", "english": "Do you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒有選擇", "english": "You have no choice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道 這就是我會這樣做的原因", "english": "I know. That's why I'm making it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸為何不發動引擎", "english": "Why doesn't Father turn the motor on?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因為他不要任何人聽到", "english": "Because he doesn't want anyone to hear us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "管家們會說什么", "english": "What will Frau Schmidt and Franz say?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們可以老實回答 他們什么都不知道", "english": "They'll be able to answer honestly they didn't know anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要一直推車到瑞士嗎", "english": "the car all the way to Switzerland?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艦長 你的車是不是有毛病", "english": "Something wrong with your car, captain?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 車子無法啟動", "english": "Yes, we couldn't get it started."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卡爾", "english": "Karl."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "替艦長把車修好 好讓其啟動", "english": "Fix Captain von Trapp's car so that it will start."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我沒問你和你的家人要到哪", "english": "I've not asked you where you and your family are going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你也沒問我為何在此", "english": "Nor have you asked me why I'm here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我們兩個都沒什么好奇心", "english": "Apparently we both suffer from a deplorable lack of curiosity."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你沒有回復那封...", "english": "You never answered the telegram..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "來自第三帝國海軍基地的電報", "english": "...from the Admiral of the Navy of the Third Reich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "據我所知 在奧地利", "english": "I was under the impression, Herr Zeller..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最少在我所知的奧地利是如此", "english": "At least, the Austria I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚帶你去基地", "english": "...to take you to Bremerhaven tonight..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看...", "english": "You see, we..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚要在音樂會上演唱", "english": "...singing in the festival tonight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "事實上我們現在就要去", "english": "As a matter of fact, we're going now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能現在讓他們失望的", "english": "We couldn't possibly let them down now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要去演唱會唱歌", "english": "...are singing in a concert?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉勒先生 像你一樣 我也是身懷絕技的", "english": "Like you, Herr Zeller, I, too, am a man of hidden talents."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這是節目表", "english": "Here, program."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上面只有孩子的名字", "english": "It says only the names of the children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上面說范崔普家庭歌詠團", "english": "It says the von Trapp Family Singers..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我是范崔普家的頭兒 不是嗎", "english": "...and I am the head of the von Trapp family, am I not?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我們的制服", "english": "Our costumes, naturally."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚天氣不好 穿禮服會對孩子的嗓子有影響", "english": "This night air is not good for the children's voices."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "稍微延遲執行命令沒什么大不了", "english": "Well, a slight delay in my orders will not be serious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去唱吧", "english": "...you will sing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們全部都要唱", "english": "You will all sing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這正是我希望的", "english": "But only because that's what I want."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "這表示奧地利一切都沒有改變", "english": "It will demonstrate that nothing in Austria has changed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就要帶艦長到北萊梅港", "english": "...you, Captain von Trapp, will be taken to Bremerhaven."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在 你們上車吧", "english": "Now, if you will all get into your car..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要護送 范崔普家庭歌詠團去演唱會", "english": "...we will escort the von Trapp Family Singers to the festival."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉勒先生 用不著護送", "english": "No escort will be necessary."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艦長 我們樂意如此", "english": "Necessary? A pleasure, captain."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "對嗎", "english": "Would we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是配果醬面包的飲品", "english": "A drink with jam and bread"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "配果醬面包", "english": "With jam and bread"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "面包", "english": "...and bread"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位奧地利兄弟們", "english": "My fellow Austrians..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或許我會有一段時間 見不到你們了", "english": "...I shall not be seeing you again, perhaps for a very long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在我要為你們唱...", "english": "I would like to sing for you now..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一首愛之歌", "english": "...a love song."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道你們會分享此愛", "english": "I know you share this love."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我祈求你們永遠不會讓它逝去", "english": "I pray that you will never let it die."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每日清晨你向我打招呼", "english": "Every morning you greet me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遇見我時多歡悅", "english": "You look happy to meet me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪一般的花兒", "english": "Blossom of snow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿你含苞茁長", "english": "May you bloom and grow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠地含苞茁長", "english": "Bloom and grow forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠守護我的家鄉", "english": "Bless my homeland forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨...", "english": "Edel..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遇見我時多歡悅", "english": "You look happy to meet me"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "雪一般的花兒", "english": "Blossom of snow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿你含苞茁長", "english": "May you bloom and grow"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠地含苞茁長", "english": "Bloom and grow forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "火絨草", "english": "Edelweiss"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "永遠守護我的家鄉", "english": "Bless my homeland forever"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想會行得通的", "english": "I think it'll work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會想念你們", "english": "I shall miss all of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "和可以從你們身上賺到的錢", "english": "I shall miss the money I could have made with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "謝謝各位先生女士", "english": "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是還不知道 最終結果會是什么", "english": "...except, we don't know yet what that conclusion will be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "當裁判們忙于評分之時", "english": "And while the judges arrive at their decision..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我被允許再來一次安哥", "english": "...I have been given permission to offer you an encore."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后一次合唱 此后 大概不會再有機會了", "english": "...of singing together for a long, long time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向第三帝國的海軍基地報到", "english": "...in the naval forces of the Third Reich."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以各位先生女士 范崔普家庭...", "english": "And so, ladies and gentlemen, the family von Trapp again..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再一次向你們告別", "english": "...to bid you farewell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "塔尖的鐘聲也響起了", "english": "And the bells in the steeple too"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在孩子們臥室里 一只滑稽的小鳥", "english": "And up in the nursery An absurd little bird"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伸出頭來道咕咕", "english": "Is popping out to say \"coo-coo\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咕咕", "english": "Coo-coo"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咕咕", "english": "Coo-coo"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很抱歉他告訴我們", "english": "Regretfully they tell us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我們向大家...", "english": "But firmly they compel us"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "道晚安", "english": "To say goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向大家", "english": "To you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不愿離開如斯美景", "english": "We hate to go And miss this pretty sight"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "別了 再見 珍重再見", "english": "So long, farewell Auf Wiedersehen, adieu"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我向你和你和你說聲再見", "english": "Adieu, adieu To you and you and you"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我展翅 我飄浮", "english": "We flit, we float"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我驀地消失 我在飛翔", "english": "We fleetly flee, we fly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太陽已就寢 我也一樣", "english": "The sun has gone to bed And so must I"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再見", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再見", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再見", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再見", "english": "Goodbye"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位先生女士", "english": "Ladies and gentlemen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有幸向你們宣布裁判決定", "english": "For this honor, the judges have named..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第三名的得主 是圣雅嘉佛合唱團的第一獨唱者", "english": "...the first soloist of the choir of St. Agatha's Church in Murback."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "史萊瓦格小姐", "english": "Fraulein Schweiger."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第二名是圖比萊撒四重唱", "english": "Second prize to The Toby Reiser Quintet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "第一名 奧地利的最高榮譽獎...", "english": "And the first prize, the highest honor in all Austria..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "范崔普家庭歌詠團", "english": "...the von Trapp Family Singers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "范崔普家庭", "english": "The family von Trapp."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們走了", "english": "They're gone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我來", "english": "Come with me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快點 快點", "english": "Quickly, quickly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有個地方可讓你們躲藏", "english": "I have a place you can hide."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢慢來...", "english": "Slowly, slowly."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把大門打開", "english": "Open this gate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "女人 快一點", "english": "Hurry up, woman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "兩個人到里面去", "english": "Two men in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "六個人去庭院", "english": "Six of you cover the yard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你們兩人去走廊", "english": "You two, cover the corridor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 瑪利亞 你們來是對的", "english": "No, Maria, it was right for you to come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們想借用你們的車", "english": "We thought we might borrow your car."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 邊界被封鎖了", "english": "All right, if the borders are closed..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么我們開車到山里 再徒步過去", "english": "...then we'll drive up into the hills and go over the mountains on foot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 我們不需要幫助", "english": "We can do it without help, Father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞", "english": "Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不會孤獨無助的 記住", "english": "You will not be alone. Remember:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 院長", "english": "Yes, Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "愿主與你同在", "english": "God be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如我們唱\"心愛的事物\" 會有幫助嗎", "english": "Would it help if we sang about our favorite things?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 親愛的 這是唯一幫不上忙的一次", "english": "No, darling. This is one time it would not help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必須很安靜 緊抱著我", "english": "You must be very quiet. Hold tight to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們到屋頂看看", "english": "Let's try the roof."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勞夫 求求你", "english": "Rolfe, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要 等一下", "english": "No, wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瑪利亞", "english": "Maria."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們", "english": "Children."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我們要的只是你", "english": "It's you we want, not them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把那個放下", "english": "Put that down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不準動 否則我就開槍", "english": "Not another move, or I'll shoot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你只是個孩子", "english": "You're only a boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我們逃吧", "english": "Come away with us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "現在還來得及", "english": "Before it's too late."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你再行一步 我就殺了你", "english": "Not another step. I'll kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我會殺了你", "english": "I'll kill you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "勞夫", "english": "Rolfe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你永遠不會跟他們一樣", "english": "You'll never be one of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們在這里", "english": "They're here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他們在這里 中尉", "english": "They're here, lieutenant!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有罪", "english": "I have sinned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "院長 我也是", "english": "I too, Reverend Mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "孩子們 是什么罪", "english": "What is this sin, my children?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才不会!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心!前面是拉什莫尔山!", "english": "Mount Rushmore! Hard to starboard!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "得把“探险精神号”飞过拉什莫尔山!", "english": "Must get Spirit of Adventure over Mount Rushmore!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "加油,努力!狗狗们怎么样了?", "english": "Hold together, old girl. How're my dogs doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下面有东西,我带它回去献给科学事业!", "english": "Oh! There's something down there. I will bring it back for science."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干什么呢?", "english": "- What are you doing? - Ahhh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没看见这是个精英俱乐部吗?", "english": "Don't you know this is an exclusive club?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只有真正的探险家才能加入", "english": "Only explorers get in here,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别以为戴个头盔架副护目镜就是了!", "english": "not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,我批准了,欢迎加入!", "english": "All right, you're in. Welcome aboard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?你不会说话吗?", "english": "What's wrong? Can't you talk?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,我不咬人哦", "english": "Hey, I don't bite."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你和我,是一个俱乐部里的人了! (胸牌标志:葡萄汽水)", "english": "You and me, we're in a club now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看到你气球飘哪里去了 我们一起去找回来!", "english": "I saw where your balloon went. Come on. Let's go get it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫艾莉", "english": "My name's Ellie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在那!", "english": "There it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,快过去啊", "english": "(GULPS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧", "english": "Go on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈,小样儿!", "english": "Hey, kid!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来给你打打气", "english": "(SCREAMS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有东西给你看哦!", "english": "I got something to show you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还没有哪个地球人看过", "english": "I have never shown to another human being."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "从没有…这辈子都没有!", "english": "Ever! In my life!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要发誓你不会偷偷告诉别人!", "english": "You'll have to swear you will not tell anyone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "划心心!快划!", "english": "Cross your heart. Do it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的“探险宝典”!", "english": "ELLIE: My Adventure Book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道他吧 【年度人物,C·孟茨】", "english": "You know him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "查尔斯·孟茨,大探险家", "english": "(GASPS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我长个了,我也要去他去的地方", "english": "When I get big, I'm going where he's going,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想知道我会住哪里吗?", "english": "Wanna know where I'm gonna live?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我从图书馆的一本书里 一把扯下来的!", "english": "I ripped this right out of a library book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要把我的俱乐部也搬到那里去!", "english": "(GASPS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道那里还住着什么呢!", "english": "Who knows what lives up there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等我到了那儿…", "english": "And once I get there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "只是…我不知道该怎么去到那儿", "english": "Only I just don't know how I'm gonna get to Paradise Falls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对了!你可以开小飞艇载我们过去!", "english": "That's it! You can take us there in a blimp!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发誓你会带我们过去!划心心!", "english": "Swear you'll take us! Cross your heart!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "探险无处不在!", "english": "Adventure is out there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好像不太爱说话哦", "english": "You know, you don't talk very much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢", "english": "I like you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是有的一瞧,是不是,艾莉?", "english": "(SCOFFS) Quite a sight, huh, Ellie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦…有信", "english": "Uh! Mail's here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,早上好啊,弗雷德森先生", "english": "Hey! Morning, Mr. Fredricksen. Need any help there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要我帮忙吗?", "english": "No. Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个,跟您说句实话", "english": "Well, just to let you know,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我老板很乐意买下这个地方", "english": "my boss will be happy to take this old place off your hands,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而且比上次多加一倍钱", "english": "and for double his last offer!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您觉得怎么样?", "english": "What do you say to that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我就当您说“不”了", "english": "Uh, I take that as a \"no,\" then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我对你们老大的态度很明显了", "english": "I believe I made my position to your boss quite clear."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您往他车的油箱里倒李子汁", "english": "You poured prune juice in his gas tank."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿过来,我跟他讲", "english": "(BULLHORN BEEPS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那谁!穿乌鸦装的,没错,就你!", "english": "You in the suit. Yes, you. Take a bath, hippie!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跟他没关系!", "english": "I am not with him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是闹着玩的! 他是非拿下您的房子不可!", "english": "This is serious! He's out to get your house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "转告你老大,我的房子他可以拿去", "english": "CARL: Tell your boss he can have our house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我就当您是说“大概”吧", "english": "I'll take that as a maybe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以…扶您过马路", "english": "- I could help you cross the street. - No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用,我自己来就行", "english": "No. I'm doing fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续说", "english": "Proceed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看到这些了吗? 这些都是我野外探险得来的徽章", "english": "See these? These are my Wilderness Explorer badges."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果凑齐,我就能升级到资深野外探险家!", "english": "If I get it, I will become a Senior Wilderness Explorer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要时刻探索野外!", "english": "\"The wilderness must be explored!\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到时候一定很棒的!", "english": "(HEARING AID SCREECHES)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有很大很大的仪式,爸爸们都会过来…", "english": "and all the dads come, and they pin on our badges."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我就是资深野外探险家了!", "english": "Yep! Then I'll be a Senior Wilderness Explorer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一种鸟,瞪着双大眼睛", "english": "Bird. Beady eyes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每天晚上它都会溜到我的院子里", "english": "Every night it sneaks in my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得拍三下手,才能把它引出来", "english": "You'd have to clap your hands three times to lure it in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会找到的,弗雷德森老爷爷!", "english": "I'll find him, Mr. Fredricksen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我记得它的窝在两个街区以外…", "english": "I think its burrow is two blocks down. If you go past..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "两个街区外,记住了!", "english": "Two blocks down. Got it! Snipe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到了就带回来!", "english": "Bring it back here when you find it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "继续后退,继续退…", "english": "RUSSELL: Snipe!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停…停…快停!", "english": "And stop. Stop. Stop!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是…嘿,说你呢! 你这是…你胡搞什么?", "english": "Why... Hey! Hey, you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不,不,不 您别费心,我修就是了", "english": "- Get away from our mailbox! - Hey. Sir, I..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真抱歉,弗雷德森先生", "english": "OFFICER EDITH: Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不觉得您对公众有什么危险", "english": "You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在该怎么办,艾莉?", "english": "What do I do now, Ellie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好啊,先生们", "english": "Morning, gentlemen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好,弗雷德森先生", "english": "Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen. You ready to go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一直都准备着呢", "english": "(CHUCKLES)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能帮个忙,拿下这个吗?", "english": "Would you do me a favor and take this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我…想跟这老房子最后道次别", "english": "I wanna say one last goodbye to the old place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然了,您慢慢来", "english": "Sure. Take all the time you need, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还以为他会好好照顾这房子", "english": "(SCOFFS) You think he'd take better care of his house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "咱们出发了,艾莉", "english": "We're on our way, Ellie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,弗雷德森老爷爷", "english": "(YELLS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小盆友,你在这干嘛?", "english": "What are you doing out here, kid?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我找到了“大鹬”,然后跟着它 钻进了您家门廊", "english": "I found the snipe and I followed it under your porch,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我进去,好不好", "english": "Please let me in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,你进…来吧", "english": "Oh, alright, you can come..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从来没进过会飘的屋子呢", "english": "I've never been in a floating house before."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "护目镜诶…好多东西啊!", "english": "(LAUGHS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别碰!你会把纸弄脏的", "english": "Don't touch that! You'll soil it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您知道嘛,其实很多人都坐飞机去", "english": "You know, most people take a plane,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,您用这个“开”房子?", "english": "Whoa. Is this how you steer your house?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的管用吗?", "english": "Does it really work?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个是右转,这样是左转", "english": "- This makes it go right. - Let go of that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,瞧啊!有大楼!", "english": "Hey, look! Buildings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个楼好近哦,我好像都能摸到了!", "english": "That building's so close I could almost touch it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇塞,太棒了!", "english": "RUSSELL: Wow! This is great!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您也该下来试一试,弗雷德森先生", "english": "You should try this, Mr. Fredricksen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧,那里有公车,能载我回家 只有两个街区的路", "english": "Look, there's a bus that could take me home two blocks away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,我从这能看到您房子呢!", "english": "Hey! I can see your house from here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小盆友,别老转来转去的!", "english": "Don't jerk around so much, kid. Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唉,这招行不通", "english": "(RUSSELL SCREAMING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识那片云,叫“积-雨-云”", "english": "I know that cloud. It's a cumulonimbus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您知不知道,积雨云…", "english": "Did you know that"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小盆友说得真好", "english": "...and that's how we get lightning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在那闹什么呢?", "english": "(THUNDER RUMBLES)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没说错吧,积雨云", "english": "See? Cumulonimbus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "包包!", "english": "My pack!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接到了!", "english": "Got ya!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,我还以为您死了", "english": "(EXHALES IN RELIEF)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么回事?", "english": "What happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我把房子开出云层了,成功了耶!", "english": "I steered us. I did. I steered the house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你开房子了?", "english": "Steered us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您把东西收到一起之后就睡着了", "english": "After you tied your stuff down, you took a nap."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我就去开房子,就到了这儿", "english": "So I went ahead and steered us down here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,这样", "english": "Yeah. Sure."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道我们这是在哪儿了", "english": "Can't tell where we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,我们到南美洲了,准没错的", "english": "Oh, we're in South America, all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用上了野外探险专用GPS", "english": "It was a cinch with my Wilderness Explorer GPS."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有了这个宝贝 我们到哪都不会走丢了!", "english": "With this baby, we'll never be lost!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们先下降,给你找辆公车", "english": "We'll get you down, find a bus stop,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后告诉司机,你在找妈妈", "english": "you just tell the man you wanna go back to your mother."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以呀,不过天堂瀑布好像没有公车吧", "english": "Sure, but I don't think they have buses in Paradise Falls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,应该行了", "english": "There. That ought to do it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来,我给你点零钱坐车", "english": "Here, I'll give you some change for bus fare."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用了,我用公交卡就好了", "english": "RUSSELL: No, I'll just use my city bus pass."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好像我得坐几亿站才能到家", "english": "RUSSELL: Whoa. That's gonna be like a billion transfers"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德森老爷爷,我们还要等多久啊", "english": "Mr. Fredricksen, how much longer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我好像见着貌似大楼的东西了", "english": "That thing was... building or something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个是什么呀?", "english": "What was that, Mr. Fredricksen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不可能到地面了啊", "english": "We can't be close to the ground yet."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,等等!", "english": "Wait, wait. Wait!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们…这是在哪?", "english": "Where... Where are we?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里既不像城市,也不像丛林啊", "english": "This doesn't look like the city or the jungle, Mr. Fredricksen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心,艾莉,有我在", "english": "Don't worry, Ellie. I got it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它在这儿啊!", "english": "There it is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莉,这里真是太美了!", "english": "Ellie, it's so beautiful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们成功了!", "english": "We made it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们成功了!罗素,我们再飘过去", "english": "We made it! Russell! We could float right over there! Climb up. Climb up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您是说,这算是帮您?", "english": "You mean, assist you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你爬上去之后,再把我也拉上去", "english": "Now, when you get up there, go ahead and hoist me up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "明白了吗?", "english": "Got it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到门廊了没?", "english": "You on the porch yet?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啥?这就完了?", "english": "What? That's it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我跑了这么大老远 就这么被困在石头堆的这头?", "english": "I came all this way just to get stuck at the wrong end of this rock pile?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊…这倒好", "english": "Great."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,我们一路走过去,快快的,悄悄的", "english": "CARL: Now, we're gonna walk to the falls quickly and quietly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不准玩饶舌,不准跳踢踏", "english": "- with no rap music or flash dancing. - RUSSELL: Uh-huh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在气球集体没气儿之前 我们顶多还有三天", "english": "We have three days, at best, before the helium leaks out of those balloons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是在那之前还到不了瀑布…", "english": "And if we're not at the falls when that happens..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发现沙子了诶!", "english": "I found sand!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在就已经很好玩了,是不是呀?", "english": "RUSSELL: This is fun already, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就喊野外探险家暗号", "english": "use the Wilderness Explorer call."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下,我们为什么要去天堂瀑布来着?", "english": "RUSSELL: Wait. Why are we going to Paradise Falls again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,我们来玩个游戏", "english": "CARL: Hey, let's play a game."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "游戏叫“看谁安静得最久”", "english": "It's called \"see who can be quiet the longest.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好诶!我老妈最爱玩这个游戏了!", "english": "RUSSELL: Cool! My mom loves that game!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "破东西…", "english": "Darn thing!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快点,罗素,快跟上", "english": "Come on, Russell. Would you hurry it up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,我好累呀", "english": "I'm tired. And my knee hurts."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪个膝盖?", "english": "Which knee?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我手肘好痛呀,我好想上厕所呀", "english": "My elbow hurts, and I have to go to the bathroom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我五分钟前才刚问过你", "english": "I asked you about that five minutes ago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时候还不想去嘛", "english": "Well, I didn't have to go then!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素小盆友,你要是不快点走 老虎会来吃掉你哦", "english": "Russell, if you don't hurry up, the tigers will eat you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的乖乖…去吧去吧 去小树丛里赶紧完事", "english": "Oh, for the love of Pete! Go on into the bushes and do your business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好诶,帮我拿下东西!", "english": "Okay! Here! Hold my stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "终于可以试试这个了", "english": "I've always wanted to try this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爷爷,我是该先挖坑再便便 还是先便便再挖坑?", "english": "RUSSELL: Mr. Fredricksen,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我管不着", "english": "(EXCLAIMS IN DISGUST)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,书上说,“先挖坑”!", "english": "RUSSELL: Oh. It's before!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "脚印?", "english": "Tracks?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大鹬", "english": "Snipe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出来了,小鹬鹬", "english": "Here, snipe. Come on out, snipe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大~鹬~?", "english": "Snipe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "找到你了,别怕哦,小鹬鹬", "english": "Ha! Gotcha! Don't be afraid, little snipe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "想再来点吗?", "english": "Want some more?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,小乖乖,别一下吃完哦", "english": "Hi, boy. Don't eat it all. Come on out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好鹬鹬,好小鹬鹬", "english": "Nice snipe. Good little snipe. Nice..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我发现大鹬了", "english": "- I found the snipe! - Oh! Did you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它们是不是都五颜六色的?", "english": "- Do they have a lot of colors? - They do, indeed!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那啥玩意?", "english": "(SQUAWKS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "世上根本没什么“大鹬”!", "english": "There's no such thing as a snipe!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走,快走,嘘!", "english": "(RUSSELL LAUGHING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心,罗素", "english": "Careful, Russell!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看啊老爷爷,他喜欢我呢", "english": "(GIGGLING) Hey, look, Mr. Fredricksen. It likes me. Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别,凯文,没事了", "english": "(EXCLAIMS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘘!走远点!", "english": "(GROANS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "挪挪,快走!", "english": "(SQUAWKS MOCKINGLY)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们留下他,好不好?", "english": "RUSSELL: Can we keep him? Please?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给他找吃的,牵他溜马路 给他换小窝里的报纸", "english": "I'll get the food for him. I'll walk him. I'll change his newspapers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行", "english": "CARL: No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,给我下来! 谁批准你上去的!", "english": "Get down! You're not allowed up there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立马给我下来!", "english": "(SPITS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能想象得到吗,艾莉?", "english": "Sheesh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莉?", "english": "Ellie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,艾莉,我能不能留下这只鸟呀", "english": "Hey, Ellie! Could I keep the bird?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她替你同意了", "english": "She said for you to let me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我说过不行了,我跟你说过", "english": "But I told him no. I told you no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波-物-不!", "english": "N-O."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可还看得到你", "english": "I see you back there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,你们还好吗?", "english": "DUG: Hey, are you okay over there?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人吗?", "english": "Uh... Hello?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,你好啊,先生,谢天谢地", "english": "CARL: Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真高兴这里还有其他人在", "english": "It's nice to know someone else is up here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能闻到你们", "english": "DUG: I can smell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能闻到你们", "english": "DUG: I can smell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您跟石头讲话呢", "english": "Hey."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,那块石头看起来乌龟", "english": "Hey, that one looks like a turtle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再看这块,好像狗狗啊!", "english": "Look at that one! That one looks like a dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,我喜欢狗狗!", "english": "Hey, I like dogs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找见你的狗了!", "english": "We have your dog!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,看呀,它受过训练诶!", "english": "Sit, boy. Hey, look, he's trained. Shake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "握手", "english": "Uh-huh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊哈,说话", "english": "- Speak. - DUG: Hi, there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那条狗是不是刚刚说了“嗨,大家好”?", "english": "Did that dog just say \"Hi, there\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,那可不!", "english": "DUG: Oh, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫达达,初次见面,我喜欢你", "english": "My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我主人给我做了这个项圈", "english": "(CARL STAMMERS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是个聪明的好主人 是他给我做了项圈", "english": "and he made me this collar so that I may talk. Squirrel!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我主人又好心又聪明", "english": "My master is good and smart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这怎么可能", "english": "It's not possible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,可能的,因为我主人很聪明", "english": "DUG: Oh, it is, because my master is smart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哇,太酷了,这些是做什么用的?", "english": "- Cool! What do these do, boy? - DUG: Hey, would you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能不能别…&*%这是用来…%¥# 你要是能停下我将非常感谢", "english": "(DUG SPEAKING SPANISH)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是跟踪大师,我主人派我 执行一项特殊任务", "english": "DUG: I am a great tracker."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "单独执行,你们有没有看到过一只鸟?", "english": "Have you seen a bird?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想找一只,所以一路闻到这里", "english": "I want to find one, and I've been on the scent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是跟踪大师,我有没有跟你们提过了?", "english": "I am a great tracker. Did I mention that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,是只鸟诶,我从没靠得这么近看过 不过这就是我要找的鸟诶", "english": "DUG: Hey, that is the bird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我能不能把你们的鸟 带回大本营当我的囚犯?", "english": "May I take your bird back to camp as my prisoner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巴不得,带走吧,顺便 在路上学学正经犬吠", "english": "Yes, yes, take it. And on the way, learn how to bark like a real dog."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会吠…还会嚎", "english": "DUG: I can bark."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们留下他啊,好不好?好不好?", "english": "Can we keep him? Please, please, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不过是个奇怪的小把戏", "english": "It's just a weird trick or something. Let's get to the falls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们接着赶路去瀑布", "english": "DUG: Please be my prisoner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你,当我囚犯吧!哦,求求你哦! 当我囚犯吧!", "english": "Oh, please, oh, please be my prisoner!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在这!我闻出那只鸟的气味了", "english": "(SNIFFING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "巧克力,我闻到了巧克力", "english": "Chocolate. I smell chocolate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还是老实告诉他,有人把鸟抓走了 对吧,老大?", "english": "We better tell him someone took the bird. Right, Alpha?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不用,很快,大鸟就会是我们的了", "english": "ALPHA: (IN SQUEAKY VOICE) No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "同志们,找到气味 主人不会忘记你们的汗马功劳", "english": "Find the scent, my compadres,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,老大,你的项圈好像有问题吧", "english": "BETA: Hey, Alpha, I think there's something wrong with your collar."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肯定是搞坏了", "english": "You must've bumped it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是,你听起来好搞笑啊", "english": "GAMMA: Yeah, your voice sounds funny!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们难道是想因为我的声音", "english": "(GAMMA WHIMPERS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "质疑我用智慧和力量得到的地位", "english": "that I have been assigned by my strength and cunning."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道他的“特殊任务”执行的怎么样 有没有找到鸟哈", "english": "GAMMA: Yeah. I wonder if he's found the bird on his very special mission."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这时候别跟我提达达", "english": "ALPHA: Do not mention Dug to me at this time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那趟白痴任务够他忙好一阵子的了", "english": "His fool's errand will keep him most occupied. Most occupied indeed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们难道不同意我说的吗?", "english": "Do you not agree with that which I am saying to you now?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然同意,不过一旦主人发现 我们把达达单独派出去", "english": "BETA: Sure, but the second Master finds out you sent Dug out by himself,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就别想有好吃的了", "english": "none of us will get a treat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你这么说可不明智,副队", "english": "ALPHA: (GROWLS) You are wise, my trusted lieutenant."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是老大,呼叫达达,快回话", "english": "This is Alpha calling Dug. Come in, Dug."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能,你现在在哪?", "english": "(HISSES)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他怎么跟个小邮差在一块?", "english": "GAMMA: Why's he with that small mailman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在哪?", "english": "BETA: Where are they?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就在那儿,快追!", "english": "ALPHA: There he is. Come on!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "求求你了,求求你了,就当我的囚犯吧", "english": "DUG: Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please be my prisoner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那位老爷爷说我可以带走它", "english": "DUG: That man there says I can take the bird,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爱老爷爷就像爱我的主人", "english": "and I love that man there like he is my master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是你主人!", "english": "CARL: I am not your master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最后一次警告你哦,大鸟!", "english": "DUG: I am warning you once again, bird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "照这个速度,永远也到不了瀑布!", "english": "Russell, at this rate, we'll never get to the falls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我谁的主人都不是,听到了没有!?", "english": "I am nobody's master, got it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想再看到你,也不想看到你!", "english": "I don't want you here, and I don't want you here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想甩可又甩不掉你!", "english": "I'm stuck with you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "球球!哦,天,是球球!", "english": "DUG: A ball! Oh, boy, oh, boy! A ball!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "球?你想玩捡球?", "english": "Ball? Yeah, yeah? You want it, boy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,我想玩!我打小就想玩了!", "english": "Huh? Huh? Yeah. Yeah?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,天,我一定会找到球球 给您带回来!", "english": "I will get it and then bring it back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快,罗素,给我点巧克力", "english": "Quick, Russell. Give me some chocolate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乖鸟!乖鸟!", "english": "Bird. Bird!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下,等下啊,老爷爷", "english": "Wait. Wait, Mr. Fredricksen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们这是做什么呀?", "english": "RUSSELL: What are we doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这招应该管用了", "english": "(PANTING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨,主人", "english": "DUG: Hi, Master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下午好", "english": "Afternoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你给我们挡雨了,艾莉", "english": "Well, thanks for keeping us dry anyway, Ellie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪个是前架呀?", "english": "Which one's the front?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唉,没救了…", "english": "Oh, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是第三个步骤,还是第五个呢?", "english": "Is this step three or step five?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了", "english": "(SCOFFS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞定,那是给您的", "english": "(TENT POLE SNAPS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帐篷真难搭", "english": "Oh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个没错了,可是…", "english": "Yeah, but can I tell you a secret?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我从没搭过帐篷,啊,终于说出口了!", "english": "I never actually built a tent before. There, I said it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以前应该宿营过吧?", "english": "You've been camping before, haven't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没在野外宿营过…", "english": "Well, never outside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么不让你爸爸教你怎么搭帐篷?", "english": "Well, why didn't you ask your dad how to build a tent?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他好像不太愿意说这些", "english": "I don't think he wants to talk about this stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "偶尔问问看,或许和你想的不一样呢", "english": "Well, why don't you try him sometime. Maybe he'll surprise you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他老是出差,我都不常看到他", "english": "Well, he's away a lot. I don't see him much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他总有在家的时候啊", "english": "He's gotta be home sometime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我给他打电话,可菲利斯说 我这么缠着爸爸不好", "english": "Well, I call, but Phyllis told me I bug him too much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菲利斯?你直接喊你妈妈的名字?", "english": "Phyllis? You call your own mother by her first name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "菲利斯不是我妈妈", "english": "Phyllis isn't my mom."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过老爸说过,他会来探险家授勋仪式", "english": "But he promised he'd come to my Explorer ceremony"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到时候我可以让他教我搭帐篷,对吧?", "english": "So, he can show me about tents then, right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吵醒那俩马戏团活宝就有的受了", "english": "Don't wanna wake up the traveling flea circus."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老爷爷,达达说他要把凯文抓去当囚犯", "english": "Mr. Fredricksen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能让凯文和我们一起走吗?", "english": "Can Kevin go with us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,让他来吧", "english": "All right, he can come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你保证不会丢下他?", "english": "Promise you won't leave him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "唉,我这是招谁惹谁了,艾莉?", "english": "What have I got myself into, Ellie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "早上好,亲爱的", "english": "Morning, sweetheart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得赶紧上路了", "english": "We better get moving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大鸟不见了,或许罗素不会发现", "english": "Bird's gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我再指!", "english": "DUG: Point!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,那些可是我家吃的东西 快从我屋顶上下来!", "english": "Hey! That's my food! Get off my roof!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是,从他家呜~~顶下来!", "english": "DUG: Yeah, get off of his..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他在干嘛?", "english": "What is it doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她在回应宝宝呢", "english": "DUG: The bird is calling to her babies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她宝宝!", "english": "Her babies."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯文是…女生?", "english": "Kevin's a girl?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她家在那边,在那些扭曲的石头堆里", "english": "DUG: Her house is over there in those twisty rocks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她给孩子找吃的,现在得赶回去了", "english": "She has been gathering food for her babies and must get back to them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等,凯文这就要走了", "english": "(KEVIN COOS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可你保证过要保护她的", "english": "(HISSES)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝宝们需要她,我们该帮助他们团聚啊", "english": "Her babies need her. We gotta make sure they're together!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉了,罗素,我们已经浪费太多时间了", "english": "Sorry, Russell. We've lost enough time already."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧…", "english": "Yeah."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是她最喜欢吃的巧克力", "english": "This was her favorite chocolate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你让她走掉了,剩下的就给你吧", "english": "Because you sent her away, there's more for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯文?", "english": "Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那只鸟在哪?你说你抓到鸟了!", "english": "ALPHA: Where's the bird? You said you had the bird."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃,是呀,嗯,没错 我要是真这么说过", "english": "DUG: Oh, yes. Oh, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你让它跑掉了,可我怎么一点都不吃惊呢?", "english": "(SNARLING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少,你引我们找到了这个小邮差", "english": "Well, at least you now have led us to the small mailman"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有这个一身李子味的家伙", "english": "and the one who smells of prunes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们找到这些人,主人一定很高兴", "english": "(WHIMPERS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会有很多问题要问,走吧", "english": "and will ask of them many questions. Come!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等!我们才不跟你们走!", "english": "Wait. We're not going with you! We're going to the falls!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离我远点!", "english": "(BOTH YELL)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是坐着那个…飞过来的?", "english": "You came here in that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个房子?会飞的房子?", "english": "MUNTZ: In a house? A floating house?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是我见过最有才的事儿了!", "english": "That is the darnedest thing I've ever seen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该不是来跟我抢鸟的吧,嗯?", "english": "You're not after my bird, are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过你要是想借勺糖,我可是乐意之极!", "english": "But if you needed to borrow a cup of sugar,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的狗儿搞错了", "english": "My dogs made a mistake."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等下,你是查尔斯·孟茨?", "english": "Wait. Are you Charles Muntz?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃…是啊", "english": "Yeah, well, yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传说中的查尔斯·孟茨?", "english": "THE Charles Muntz?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "探险无处不在!", "english": "\"Adventure is out there!\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哦,你还挺有品位", "english": "Oh, well. You're a man of good taste."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你累了吧,饿吗?", "english": "Now, you must be tired. Hungry?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有人注意!这两位不再是入侵者", "english": "Uh-huh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别怕,不会咬你的", "english": "CARL: Whoa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是抱歉,我的狗儿失礼了", "english": "MUNTZ: I'm sorry about the dogs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但愿他们没有对你们动粗", "english": "- Hope they weren't too rough on you. - GAMMA: We weren't."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去吧,把飞屋停在我飞船旁边", "english": "MUNTZ: Go ahead and moor your airship right next to mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不是真要进“探险精神号”吧?", "english": "We're not actually going inside the Spirit of Adventure itself?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那你想进来吗?", "english": "Oh..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那还用问?", "english": "Would you like to?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等我,孟茨先生!", "english": "CARL: Wait up, Mr. Muntz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的好乖乖!", "english": "Jiminy Cricket."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是他看丢了大鸟,给他戴上“耻辱圈”!", "english": "ALPHA: He has lost the bird. Put him in the Cone of Shame."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不喜欢“耻辱圈”", "english": "DUG: I do not like the Cone of Shame."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的大多数收藏 都陈列在世界顶尖的博物馆里", "english": "MUNTZ: Well, most of the collection is housed in the world's top museums,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是不是啊!瞧这个!", "english": "Did you ever! Will you look at that?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这兽物趁我刷牙的时候偷袭我", "english": "Beast charged while I was brushing my teeth."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我用上剃须箱才总算制服了它", "english": "Used my shaving kit to bring him down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那时候想把它运出埃塞俄比亚 我只好说这是牙科设备", "english": "Only way to get it out of Ethiopia at the time"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哎呀,我的乖乖!是索马里豹龟!", "english": "Oh, my gosh! The giant Somalian leopard tortoise!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你居然还能认出来?我还真是没想到!", "english": "Oh, you recognize it. I'm impressed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里头可有故事讲", "english": "That's an interesting story there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还养成了每晚必玩金罗美牌的习惯", "english": "He and I fell into a habit of playing gin rummy in the evenings,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他玩牌可不老实啊!", "english": "and did he cheat!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是个糟糕透顶的家伙", "english": "Oh, he was horrible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人,晚饭准备好了", "english": "Oh, dear. Broken translator."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是喜欢他原来的声音", "english": "I liked his other voice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,晚饭该上齐了", "english": "(LAUGHING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟我说说,国内什么状况啊?", "english": "So, how are things stateside, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有好几次,我差点就忍不住回去了", "english": "Almost tempted to go back a few times,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过我在这儿还有事情没办完", "english": "but I have unfinished work here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请用吧!但愿你们这会都饥肠辘辘", "english": "Please. I hope you're hungry,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要不然可就浪费了 老五的好手艺了", "english": "because Epsilon is the finest chef I've ever had."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老五,你真是没让我失望!", "english": "Oh, Epsilon, you've done it again!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "艾莉肯定会爱死这一切的", "english": "Oh, my Ellie would've loved all this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您知道吗,就是因为您,她才梦想着…", "english": "You know, it's because of you she had this dream"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有一天到这里来,住在那瀑布边上", "english": "to come down here and live by Paradise Falls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "鄙人实在是荣幸之至 现在看来,你也大功告成了!", "english": "I'm honored. And now you've made it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您真不觉得我们打扰到您? 我可不想强人所难啊", "english": "You're sure we're not a bother? I'd hate to impose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪里哪里,有客来访,我高兴还来不及", "english": "No, no. It's a pleasure to have guests, a real treat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乐事在哪里?我要乐事!", "english": "(DOGS CLAMOURING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就不该用这个词", "english": "I shouldn't have used that word."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "招待客人是人生一大趣事!", "english": "Having guests is a delight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很多时候,我招待的都是一些小偷 想盗走本属于我的东西", "english": "More often I get thieves come to steal what's rightfully mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是吧…", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们说我是骗子,那些…", "english": "They called me a fraud, those..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是,一旦我能带回这头生物 我的名誉就将得到澄清", "english": "But once I bring back this creature, my name will be cleared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很美,是不是?", "english": "Beautiful, isn't it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我这辈子都在追着它跑", "english": "I've spent a lifetime tracking it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我试过想把它从那个要命的迷宫里熏出来", "english": "I've tried to smoke it out of that deathly labyrinth where it lives."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可又不能跟着它追进去", "english": "You can't go in after it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一旦进去,就别想活着出来", "english": "Once in, there's no way out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有太多好狗在那里丧命了", "english": "I've lost so many dogs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后这些强盗出现了 以为凭他们也能抓住那鸟!", "english": "And here they come, these bandits, and think the bird is theirs to take."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们很快就发现,这山里 可是个危机四伏的地方", "english": "But they soon find that this mountain is a very dangerous place."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿,那个看起来好像凯文呀!", "english": "Hey, that looks like Kevin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我训练她,跟着我们走", "english": "I trained it to follow us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不可能,怎么做到的?", "english": "- She likes chocolate. - Chocolate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过后来她跑掉了", "english": "But it ran off. It's gone now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么绘制地图的专员了…", "english": "A surveyor making a map."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么来考察的植物学家了…", "english": "A botanist cataloguing plants."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有什么拖着房子找天堂瀑布的老头", "english": "An old man taking his house to Paradise Falls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我听过最有趣的开头了 我真是迫不及待,想听听这结尾", "english": "I mean, that's the best one yet. I can't wait to hear how it ends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚和您认识真是愉快 不过我们最好还是上路吧", "english": "Well, it's been a wonderful evening, but we better be going."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么早就走啊", "english": "Oh, you're not leaving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不想因为您好客就赖着不走", "english": "We don't want to take advantage of your hospitality."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你一定要留下尝一尝! 可别拂了我的好意!", "english": "Oh, you really must stay. I insist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们还有很多话要聊呢!", "english": "We have so much more to talk about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯文?", "english": "Kevin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它就在这儿", "english": "It's here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓住他们!", "english": "Get them!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好多狗啊!他们追过来了!", "english": "Ahhh! They're coming!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人!到这边来", "english": "DUG: Master, over here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向着光走!主人!", "english": "DUG: Go toward the light, Master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素!", "english": "Russell!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走开!", "english": "Get back!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快走,主人!我来拦住他们!", "english": "DUG: Go on, Master! I will stop the dogs!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下,你们这些坏狗!", "english": "Stop, you dogs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "救命呀!", "english": "RUSSELL: Help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把手伸过来!", "english": "Give me your hand!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓牢凯文!", "english": "Hang on to Kevin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好了,可我们得抓紧", "english": "All right, but we gotta hurry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊,他跟他们是一伙的 还帮他们跑掉!", "english": "BETA: No, it was Dug."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等等", "english": "Wait."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们还真呆啊!", "english": "This is crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一只松鼠跑到一棵树前面说:", "english": "A squirrel walks up to a tree and says,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心,罗素", "english": "(HOUSE CRASHING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没事吧,凯文?", "english": "CARL: Careful, Russell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实野外跟我想的很不一样", "english": "The wilderness isn't quite what I expected."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯?怎么个不一样法?", "english": "CARL: Yeah? How so?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里更…“野”", "english": "It's kind of wild."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的意思是,这里跟书里写的太不一样了", "english": "I mean, it's not how they made it sound in my book."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "慢慢习惯吧,孩子", "english": "(SCOFFS) Get used to that, kid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爸爸把这些事情说的很简单", "english": "My dad made it sound so easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "说他很会露营", "english": "He's really good at camping"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还会用石头什么的来生火…", "english": "and how to make fire from rocks and stuff."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以前我们小队每次开会他都来", "english": "He used to come to all my Sweat Lodge meetings."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开完会之后 我们就去吃“菲顿”的冰激凌", "english": "And afterwards, we'd go get ice cream at Fentons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我总是要巧克力的 他总是会要黄油脆皮的", "english": "I always get chocolate and he gets butter brickle."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我们就坐在店外面的马路边", "english": "Then we sit on this one curb right outside,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后,谁数的多谁就赢", "english": "and whoever gets the most wins."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我喜欢那条马路沿", "english": "I like that curb."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听起来很无聊吧", "english": "That might sound boring,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可我记得最多的,就是这些无聊的事情", "english": "but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧,我们到了!", "english": "Look! There it is!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧那大鸟走的,等等我们!大母鸡!", "english": "Look at that bird go. Wait up, you overgrown chicken."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们到了,去吧,凯文! 去找你宝宝吧!", "english": "That's it. Go, Kevin! Go find your babies!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快跑,凯文,快跑!", "english": "Run, Kevin! Run!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "Oh, no!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素,给我把刀", "english": "Russell, give me your knife!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离我的鸟远点!", "english": "MUNTZ: Get away from my bird!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!", "english": "No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小心点,等我回去,我要它完好无损", "english": "MUNTZ: Careful. We'll want her in good shape for my return."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯文!", "english": "Kevin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你放弃凯文了", "english": "RUSSELL: You gave away Kevin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你就这么…不管她了", "english": "You just gave her away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "主人,没事的", "english": "DUG: Master, it's alright."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不是你主人!", "english": "I am not your master!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是没有你,之后的一切都不会发生了!", "english": "And if you hadn't have shown up, none of this would've happened!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坏狗,坏狗!", "english": "Bad dog! Bad dog!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不管你帮不帮我", "english": "Now, whether you assist me or not,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都要去天堂瀑布,就算累死也要去!", "english": "I am going to Paradise Falls if it kills me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素?", "english": "Russell?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我也要去救凯文!", "english": "I'm gonna help Kevin, even if you won't!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要,罗素,不要!", "english": "(LEAF BLOWER WHIRRING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素?", "english": "Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "留下?你可是我的狗,不是吗?", "english": "Can you stay? Well, you're my dog, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我还是你主人", "english": "And I'm your master."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你愿意当我主人了?", "english": "DUG: You're my master?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "搞定!", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心,凯文,我会救你的", "english": "Don't worry, Kevin. I'll save..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "Let me go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你那老朋友呢?", "english": "Where's your elderly friend?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你在这,弗里德森不可能离得太远", "english": "Well, if you're here, Fredricksen can't be far behind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们把凯文关在哪里了?", "english": "RUSSELL: Where are you keeping Kevin?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放我走!", "english": "Let me go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爱怎么叫唤就怎么叫唤吧,小邮差", "english": "BETA: Scream all you want, small mailman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的邮差朋友一个也听不到", "english": "GAMMA: None of your mailman friends can hear you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的野外探险特训要发威了!", "english": "I'll unleash all my Wilderness Explorer training!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大,弗里德森回来了!", "english": "MUNTZ: Alpha, Fredricksen's coming back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要是你看到那个老家伙 不用我说你该怎么办", "english": "Hey, where are you going? I'm not finished with you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴和你聊天", "english": "MUNTZ: Nice talking with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在哪,弗里德森?", "english": "Where are you, Fredricksen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素!", "english": "Russell!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你回来救凯文了!我们快去找她!", "english": "You came back for Kevin! Let's go get her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是我去找,你给我呆在这", "english": "CARL: I'm getting Kevin. You stay here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只要你平安", "english": "I want you safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们该怎么绕开这些狗?", "english": "(GASPS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我指路!", "english": "DUG: Point!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯文!", "english": "Kevin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心,凯文,我们来了", "english": "(SQUAWKS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "任何人不得进入这个房间", "english": "ALPHA: Allow no one to be entering through these doors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "各位,看好这只鸟", "english": "Guard well that bird, my minions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们现在该怎么办,达达?", "english": "What do we do now, Dug?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去捡吧!", "english": "Then go get it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让你遭罪了,凯文,我们这就带你出去", "english": "I'm sorry, Kevin. Let's get you out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "都给我冷静!一个一个说!", "english": "Calm down! One at a time!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我…要…帮…忙!", "english": "I... want... to... help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有人知道他们到底在哪吗?", "english": "Does anyone know where they are?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "空袭部队,给我把飞屋击落!", "english": "Gray Leader? Take down the house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "目标锁定", "english": "BETA: Target sighted."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快来,凯文", "english": "Come on, Kevin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家好", "english": "DUG: Hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有什么遗言吗,弗里德森?", "english": "Any last words, Fredricksen? Come on! Spit it out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这鸟注定是我的,不管…", "english": "I am taking that bird back with me. Alive or dead!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快来,凯文", "english": "Come on, Kevin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接下来,我跟你可有的乐子找了", "english": "ALPHA: I will have many enjoyments from what I am about to do, Dug."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停下,不准笑!帮我取下这东西!", "english": "ALPHA: No, no! Stop your laughing! Get this off of me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着,大狗,坐下!", "english": "DUG: Listen, you dog. Sit!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遵命,老大", "english": "ALL: Yes, Alpha."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老大?我不是呀,他才是…哦!", "english": "DUG: Alpha? I am not Alpha. He is..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爬不动了", "english": "(GRUNTS)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素… (接下来一串怪叫是“野外探险家暗号”)", "english": "- CARL: Russell! - Huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们离弗雷德森老爷爷远点!", "english": "You leave Mr. Fredricksen alone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我最恨的就是松鼠!", "english": "GAMMA: I hate squirrels."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素,过来这边!", "english": "Russell! Over here! Let's go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "弗雷德森老爷爷!", "english": "Mr. Fredricksen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素,快出来!", "english": "Russell! Get out of there!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!离他们远点!", "english": "No! Leave them alone!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素,抓牢凯文!别松手!抓牢了!", "english": "Russell, hang on to Kevin! Don't let go of her!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "凯文!快来吃巧克力!", "english": "Kevin! Chocolate!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "刚才好酷啊!", "english": "RUSSELL: That was cool!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊,终于不用挂在老高的半空中了", "english": "DUG: Oh, I am ready to not be up high."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您房子没了,真抱歉", "english": "Sorry about your house, Mr. Fredricksen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其实…那只不过是幢房子", "english": "You know, it's just a house."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瞧瞧你!好软呀!", "english": "(CHICKS CHIRPING)"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我真想带一只回去", "english": "ALL: Aw!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的拐杖呢?刚才还在的", "english": "Where's my cane? I just had it here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这么着吧,你们留着好了 就当是我的一点小礼物", "english": "You know what? Keep them. A little gift from me to you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见,凯文!", "english": "Bye, Kevin!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以下几位小探险家,在收到徽章之后", "english": "STRAUCH: And by receiving their badges,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素,有没有人来…", "english": "Uh, Russell, is there someone that..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "借过,抱歉,老人家来了", "english": "Excuse me. Pardon me. Old man coming through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来帮他领", "english": "I'm here for him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恭喜,罗素,先生收好", "english": "Congratulations, Russell. Sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "罗素,为了你那帮助老人…", "english": "Russell, for Assisting the Elderly"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以及远超于职责范围的努力", "english": "and for performing above and beyond the call of duty,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我授予你,我所能想象的最高荣誉", "english": "I would like to award you the highest honor I can bestow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家好像都领到了吧 接下来,大家一起喊几遍“探险家暗号”", "english": "STRAUCH: All right, I think that covers everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恭喜这几位资深野外探险家新人!", "english": "to our brand new Senior Wilderness Explorers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大家准备好了吗?", "english": "Ready, everybody?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我该去配副新老花镜了", "english": "CARL: Maybe I need new glasses."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但現在有這", "english": "「威利旺卡神奇無限放狗洗衣機」"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是席皮尔曼先生吗? -Hello.", "english": "Mr. Szpilman? -Hello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是特地来拜访您的 我好喜欢您的演奏", "english": "I came specially to meet you. I love your playing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是哪位?", "english": "Who are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我叫多萝塔 我是裘瑞克的妹妹", "english": "My name's Dorota. I'm Jurek's sister."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "您流血了", "english": "You're bleeding!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没关系", "english": "It's nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走吧多萝塔", "english": "Come on, Dorota."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过些时日你大可写爱慕信给他 但现在时机不对", "english": "You can write him a fan letter later. This isn't the best time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "裘瑞克 你过去都把她藏在哪里?", "english": "Jurek, where have you been hiding her?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道要带什么 你老是带太多东西", "english": "I don't know what to take. You always take too much."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你带了几只提箱?", "english": "How many suitcases are you taking?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你觉得呢?我应该带西蒙叔父的肖像画吗", "english": "What do you think? Should I take Uncle Szymon's portrait?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带不带随便你 就带你想带的东西", "english": "Take it, don't take it. Take what you like."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道我急出病来了吗?", "english": "Can't you see I'm worried sick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就要回家了 他会没事的", "english": "Oh, he'll come home. He'll be all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有另一只和这个一样的箱子", "english": "You have another case just like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈 瓦列迪克回家了", "english": "Mama, Wladek's home."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔感谢天!瓦列迪克...", "english": "Oh, thank God! Wladek--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你受伤了吗?不 一点小伤 不要紧的", "english": "You're wounded? No, no, a little cut. It's nothing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我都忧虑成疾了", "english": "I've been worried sick."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你被炸到的话,他们就晓得该把你送到那儿去", "english": "I told her not to worry.You had your papers on you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亨瑞 别... 别说那种话上帝宽恕你 爸爸 瓦列迪克回来了", "english": "Henryk, don't-- Don't say things like that. God forbid, God forbid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我怎么跟你说的?你在做什么?", "english": "What did I tell you? What are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有谁看见我的宽边帽?", "english": "Anybody seen my hat with the wide brim?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在进行轰炸 我们听不见广播了", "english": "They bombed us. We're off the air."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "华沙不是唯一的广播站", "english": "Warsaw's not the only radio station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收拾行李 亲爱的 把你的东西打包好", "english": "Pack, darling. Get your things. Pack."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要到哪里去?", "english": "Where are we going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "离开华沙 离开华沙?到哪儿去?你没听说吗?", "english": "Out of Warsaw.Out of Warsaw? Where? You haven't heard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听说什么?", "english": "Heard what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没看见报纸吗?", "english": "Haven't you seen the paper?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有", "english": "No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "报纸在哪里?", "english": "Where's the paper?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿来包东西了", "english": "I used it for packing."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她把报纸拿来包东西!政府已经迁到陆柏林了", "english": "She used it for packing! The government's moved to Lublin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以四肢健全的男人都必须离开这座城市 为了建立一道新的防御线", "english": "All able-bodied men must leave the city, set up a new line of defense."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几乎没有人还留在这栋房子里 除了女人", "english": "There's hardly anybody left in this building, only the women."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "男人都已经离开了", "english": "The men have gone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当你参与建立新防御线的时候 你打算做什么?", "english": "What do you think you'll do while setting up your new line of defense?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拖着你的箱子到处游荡?", "english": "Wander around lugging your suitcases?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "收拾一下瓦列", "english": "Pack, Wladek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我哪儿都不去 好 我也不要离开", "english": "I'm not going anywhere.Good. I'm not going anywhere either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要胡闹了 我们必需守在一起", "english": "Don't be ridiculous. We've got to keep together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 听着 如果要死的话 我宁愿死在自己家里我也不走", "english": "Look, look. If I'm going to die, I prefer to die in my own home. I'm staying put."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "上帝宽恕你", "english": "God forbid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安静 听!有信号了 来自伦敦BBC的声音", "english": "Shut up.I've got something. Listen. Received from the BBC in London."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "英国政府 尚未得到回复...", "english": "The British government, having received no reply..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对德国政府发出的最后通牒", "english": "to the ultimatums presented to the German government,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正式向德国纳粹宣战", "english": "has declared war on Nazi Germany."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嚎嚎 太棒了 太棒了! 根据预期...", "english": "Ho-ho! That's wonderful, wonderful! It is expected--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在接下来的数小时内", "english": "Within the next few hours,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "法国亦将发布类似的声明", "english": "France will make a similar declaration."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波兰将不再孤立无援", "english": "Poland is no longer alone."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太棒了!太棒了!", "english": "Wonderful, wonderful!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈 这真是一顿美妙的晚餐", "english": "Mama, that was a great dinner."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错 当然是啦╰☆╮", "english": "Yes, it certainly was."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "每当有事情值得庆祝 您就要大花一番功夫张罗", "english": "When there's something to celebrate, you've got to make an effort."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为伟大的英国和法国干杯", "english": "Here's to Great Britain and France."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就说吧!我没告诉过你吗?", "english": "I told you. Didn't I tell you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一切都会没事!喔!", "english": "All will be well! Oh!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "啊?全部就这些吗?", "english": "Huh? Is that all?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错!", "english": "Yes!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看 最新流动资产限额条例:", "english": "Look. Re:Further restrictions regarding liquid assets:"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其余的钱该怎么处理呢?", "english": "What are we supposed to do with the rest?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把它存进银行里 帐户会被冻结", "english": "Deposit it in a bank. A blocked account."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "银行?谁会笨到把钱存进德国人的银行里?", "english": "Banks? Who'd be stupid enough to deposit money in a German bank?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以把钱藏起来 看这里 我们可以把钱藏在花盆下面", "english": "We could hide the money. Look here. We can hide the money under the flowerpot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不行 我们要采取已经用过并且经得住考验的方法", "english": "No, we'll use tried-and-tested methods."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知道我们在上次大战中是怎么做的吗?呃?", "english": "Know what we did in the last war? Eh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在桌脚凿了个洞 把钱藏了进去", "english": "We made a hole in the table leg, and hid the money in there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果他们把桌子扛走呢?", "english": "- And suppose they take the table away?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?把桌子扛走?", "english": "What, take the table away?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人会闯进犹太人家里夺取任何他们想要的东西。家具 贵重物品 任何东西", "english": "The Germans go into Jewish homes and take what they want. Furniture, valuables, anything."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白痴! 他们怎么可能会要张桌子? 一张这样的桌子?", "english": "Idiot. What would they want with a table? A table like this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你到底在干什么?", "english": "What on earth are you doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 你们看", "english": "Listen. Look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是最理想的地方 没有人会想到要搜查花盆", "english": "This is the best place. No one will think oflooking under the flowerpot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不听我说 我已经想过了", "english": "No, no, no. Listen. I've been thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗?这倒是很不一样 你知道我们该怎么做?", "english": "Really? That's a change. You know what we do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要运用心理学", "english": "We use psychology."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "运用什么?", "english": "We use what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把钱和表放在桌上 然后我们把视线看得见的地方遮住", "english": "We leave the money and the watch on the table. And we cover it, in full view."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是笨蛋吗? 德国人会高高低低搜索。他们不会发现的", "english": "Are you stupid? - The Germans will search high and low. They'll never notice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我见过最愚蠢的事情", "english": "That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当然他们会注意到它的 看看这里", "english": "Of course they'll notice it. Look here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白痴", "english": "Idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说我是笨蛋", "english": "And you call me stupid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那方法很好", "english": "That is very good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这得耗上几个小时", "english": "This will take hours!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们又不赶时间 那用不着几小时", "english": "We're not in a hurry. - It won't take hours."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要怎么把他们拿出来?告诉我", "english": "How will you get them out? Tell me that!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个一个拉出来 没有人在听我讲话", "english": "Pull each one out individually! No one listens to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安静!拜托安静!秩序 秩序 拜托!", "english": "Quiet, please. Quiet! Order, order, please!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是律师她喜欢秩序", "english": "She's a lawyer, she likes order."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听我说!", "english": "Just listen!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把表放在花盆下 然后把钱塞进小提琴里", "english": "The watch we put under the flowerpots and the money we stuff in the violin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这样我还能演奏吗?", "english": "Will I still be able to play?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "放心你会有办法的", "english": "Well, you'll find out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "裘瑞克?我是瓦列.席皮尔曼", "english": "Jurek? It's Wladek Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你好吗?", "english": "How are you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 好 我们很好 谢谢你 那你呢?", "english": "Fine, fine. We're fine, thank you. And you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 在这种局势下我们还不错", "english": "Fine. We're fine in the circumstances."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想你在电话里提到的事情 我们实在无能为力", "english": "I guess what you called about-- There's nothing we can do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不会重新开放电台", "english": "They won't reopen the station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的我知道但是裘瑞克...", "english": "Yes, I know. But,Jurek-"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "更别提音乐 什么都没有 没有给波兰人听的广播", "english": "Not even music. Nothing. No radios for the Poles."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "裘瑞克...像你这样的钢琴家", "english": "Jurek..., a pianist like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我敢打包票,你会找到工作的", "english": "I'm sure you'll find work"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许能 也许不能 但是...", "english": "Maybe, maybe not. But--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "听着 我无意冒犯", "english": "Listen, don't be offended,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我打电话来 不是为了讨论我未来的工作", "english": "but I didn't call to discuss my future career."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对裘瑞克唠叨了好几个礼拜", "english": "I nagged Jurek for weeks and weeks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最后他说:好吧明天和我一起去电台", "english": "At last he gave in and said, \"All right, come with me tomorrow.\""}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以我来了 但是他们却把电台炸毁了", "english": "So I came, and they bombed the station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "能与你碰面真是太好了", "english": "Meeting you like that was absolutely wonderful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真的吗?是啊 这很...这很令人难忘", "english": "Really? Yes. It was-- It was unforgettable."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直很喜欢您的演奏 席皮尔曼先生", "english": "I've always loved your playing, Mr. Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请叫我瓦列", "english": "Call me Wladek, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有人能像你这样演奏萧邦", "english": "No one plays Chopin like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我希望那是个赞美", "english": "I hope that's a compliment."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我当然是这个意思!我确信", "english": "Of course! I mean it. I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是试着在开玩笑", "english": "I was just trying to be funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "可以到帕拉迪索喝杯咖啡吗?", "english": "Shall we go to the Paradiso, have a coffee?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "乐意之至.¸¸.☆", "english": "I'd like that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你呢?你在做什么?", "english": "And you? What do you do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我刚结束音乐厅的工作", "english": "I finished at the conservatoire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是位音乐家!", "english": "You're a musician!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是呀", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哪样乐器...抱歉,请问是哪样乐器呢?", "english": "What instrument-- I'm sorry. What instrument?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "大提琴", "english": "The cello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔じ☆ve* 我好想看女人演奏大提琴的样子", "english": "Oh. I love to see a woman playing the cello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这里", "english": "Here we are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "禁止犹太人进入", "english": "Prohibition of the Jews to enter"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是耻辱!他们真是胆大妄为!", "english": "This is disgraceful! How dare they!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道这些人的样子 他们要当比希特勒更精纯的纳粹", "english": "You know what people are like. They want to be better Nazis than Hitler."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要进去里面抗议 不要", "english": "I'm going in there to complain. No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最好不要相信我", "english": "It's better not, believe me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这对你来说太屈辱了", "english": "It's so humiliating, someone like you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们会找到其它去处", "english": "We'll find somewhere else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们可以到公园散步", "english": "We could walk in the park."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不 不行 官方有令 禁止犹太人进入公园", "english": "No, we can't. It's an official decree. No Jews allowed in the park."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊 你在开玩笑吗?我没有开玩笑", "english": "My God, are you joking? I'm not joking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议我们可以坐在长椅上", "english": "I'd suggest we sit on the bench."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但还有另一道官方禁令:", "english": "But it's another official decree."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "犹太人禁止坐在公共长椅上", "english": "No Jews allowed on public benches."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这真是荒谬!", "english": "This is absurd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我告诉你我们可以做什么 我们就只能站在这里交谈", "english": "I'll tell you what we can do. We can just stand here and talk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想我们可以被允许这样做 你不这么认为吗?", "english": "I think we're allowed to do that, don't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么你演奏大提琴 多萝塔 好极了", "english": "So you play the cello, Dorota. That's nice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最欣赏的作曲家是谁?", "english": "And who's your favorite composer?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "萧邦?真的吗?", "english": "Chopin? Really?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你得学他的大提琴奏鸣曲 是这样吗?", "english": "You'll have to learn to play his cello sonata, won't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那么你呢?瓦列", "english": "And what about you, Wladek?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许我可以为你伴奏 我弹钢琴 你拉大提琴", "english": "Perhaps I can accompany you, me on the piano, you on the cello."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "席皮尔曼先生 你真是太棒太棒了", "english": "Mr. Szpilman, you are quite, quite wonderful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请叫我瓦列", "english": "Call me Wladek, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "华沙特区的犹太人 需配带标志", "english": "Re: emblems for Jews in the Warsaw District."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在此下令 华沙特区所有的犹太人...", "english": "I hereby order that all Jews in the Warsaw District..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出门需配带醒目的标志", "english": "will wear visible emblems when out of doors."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在白底绣上一颗蓝色的大卫之星", "english": "and will represent a blue Star of David on a white background."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "未遵从此令的犹太人将受严厉处分", "english": "Jews who do not respect this decree will be severely punished."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "华沙特区首长", "english": "Governor of Warsaw District"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "费沙博士", "english": "Dr. Fischer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不要戴", "english": "I won't wear it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不要戴 我不要被贴上标签", "english": "I won't wear it. I'm not going to be branded."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让...让我看看", "english": "Let-- Let me see this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不就是说我们得自行准备这些臂章?", "english": "Doesn't it say we have to provide these armbands ourselves?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们上哪儿去找?", "english": "Where will we get them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不用去找我们不要戴", "english": "We're not going to get them. We're not going to wear them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么没有鞠躬?", "english": "Why not bow?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请原谅我", "english": "Forgive me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看见这个了吗?", "english": "Have you seen this?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?什么?我正在工作。什么?", "english": "What? What? I'm working.What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是什么?", "english": "What is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是他们要处置我们的地方", "english": "It's where they're going to put us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你说“处置我们”是什么意思?", "english": "What do you mean, \"put us\"?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "根据华沙特区首长费沙博士的命令", "english": "By order of the governor of the Warsaw District, Dr. Fischer,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "犹太人特区将成立 所有犹太人...", "english": "There will be created a Jewish District in which all Jews..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已住在华沙或将迁往华沙的犹太人都必需进驻", "english": "living in Warsaw or moving to Warsaw will have to reside."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看这里", "english": "Look here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "居住在指定区之外的犹太人", "english": "Jews living outside of the prescribed area..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们不可能全都住进那里", "english": "They won't get all of us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我该怎么办?", "english": "What am I supposed to do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你告诉我现在该怎么办?", "english": "You tell me what I do now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈?", "english": "Mama?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈 这是什么?", "english": "Mama, what is it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我受不了一直做马铃薯 马铃薯 马铃薯", "english": "I am sick of cooking potatoes, potatoes, potatoes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就这个价格 这是我愿意付的价格", "english": "That's the price. That's what I'm offering."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我建议你接受 没有别人会出更多了", "english": "My advice is to accept. You won't get more from anyone else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你饿肚子的时候怎么办?啃钢琴吗?", "english": "What are you gonna do when you're hungry, eat the piano?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去!你这龌龊卑鄙的家伙!你是怎么回事?", "english": "Get out, you dirty bastard! What's the matter with you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们宁愿把它丢掉!出去!你今天还没有吃东西吗?", "english": "We'd rather give it away! Go on, get out! Haven't you eaten today?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在挣扎什么?", "english": "What're you suffering from?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们真是疯狂", "english": "You people are crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我甚至不索取搬运费!", "english": "I'm not even charging for the removal!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你今天还没有吃东西", "english": "You haven't eaten today."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了", "english": "You're crazy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拿走吧", "english": "Take it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多萝塔", "english": "Dorota."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗨", "english": "Hi."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我原本没有要来", "english": "I didn't want to come."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不想看见这一幕 但是我...我控制不了我自己", "english": "I didn't want to see all this, but I-- I couldn't stop myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很好", "english": "Fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好", "english": "Good."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不尽然", "english": "No, not really."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我表哥被逮捕了", "english": "They arrested my cousin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "裘瑞克说他们会释放他的", "english": "Jurek says they'll let him out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真是不幸", "english": "This is disgraceful."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不会太久的别担心", "english": "It won't last long. Don't worry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这就是我说的它是如此...", "english": "That's what I said, it's so--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "太荒谬了", "english": "It's too absurd."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我呃我应该...", "english": "I, uh, I should--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 我会... 后会有期", "english": "Well, I'll-- I'll see you... soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见", "english": "Good-bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧告诉你实话", "english": "Well, to tell you the truth,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想情况应该更糟了", "english": "I thought it would be worse."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要睡在哪里?", "english": "Where will we sleep?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要和女孩儿们睡在厨房里", "english": "I'll sleep in the kitchen with the girls."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你亨瑞和爸爸睡这里", "english": "You, Henryk and Papa in here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看!", "english": "Look!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "过来看", "english": "Come and look."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "走开!走开!", "english": "Go away, go away!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸?爸爸?", "english": "Papa? Papa?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸!", "english": "Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸", "english": "Papa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "卖掉什么?", "english": "Sell anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就卖出一本 杜思妥也夫斯基的“白痴”", "english": "Just one. Dostoyevsky, The Idiot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过比昨天好", "english": "It's better than yesterday."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里有人赚了数百万元", "english": "And there are people here making millions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道", "english": "I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你才不知道相信我", "english": "You don't know, believe me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们贿赂警卫 警卫睁一只眼闭一只眼", "english": "They bribe the guards. The guards turn a blind eye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们大量输入食物烟酒 法国的化妆品", "english": "They're bringing in cartloads: food, tobacco, liquor, French cosmetics."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "穷人在他们周围死去 他们连痰也没啐一口", "english": "And the poor are dying all around them, they don't give a damn."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思 请问有看见我丈夫伊沙克·沙曼了吗?", "english": "Excuse me. Have you seen my husband, Izaak Szerman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一个高大英俊的男人 他蓄着灰色的胡子", "english": "A tall, handsome man with a little gray beard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有吗?恐怕没有", "english": "No? Afraid not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 打扰了", "english": "All right, excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再见 祝好梦", "english": "Good-bye. Sleep well."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但如果看见他 请写信给我 好吗?", "english": "But, but if you see him, write to me. Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊沙克·沙曼", "english": "Izaak Szerman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么非得要有一条非犹太人的街道穿过我们的地区?", "english": "Why do we have to have a gentile street running through our area?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么他们不绕过去?", "english": "Why can't they go around?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心他们就快要盖一座桥了你没听说吗?", "english": "Don't worry about it. They're about to build a bridge. Haven't you heard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一座桥?一座桥?一个笑话", "english": "A bridge? A bridge? A shmidge."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人声称他们智商高", "english": "The Germans claim to be intelligent."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我怎么想吗?他们根本是不折不扣的笨蛋!", "english": "You know what I think? I think they are totally stupid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有家人要养", "english": "I have a family to feed."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "却得在这里花上半辈子时间等他们放行", "english": "I spend half my time here waiting for them to let us through."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们以为我来这里干嘛?来听音乐的吗?", "english": "Why do they think I come here? To listen to the music?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来 来 跳舞!", "english": "Come. Come. Dance!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好 他们来了", "english": "Good, they're here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "耶兹札克·海勒正在等你", "english": "Yitzchak Heller's been waiting for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是怎么回事?请坐 请喝茶", "english": "What's this about? Sit down, have tea."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "等女孩们回来我再吃饭", "english": "I'll start lunch when the girls get back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这里干什么?", "english": "So, what are you doing here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他带饼干来", "english": "He brought cakes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他爸爸做珠宝生意回来 他做得不错 呃?", "english": "His father's back in the jewelry business. He's doing well, eh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "令人惊奇的珠宝", "english": "Amazing Jewelry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在征召新成员", "english": "We're recruiting."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁在征召?", "english": "Who's recruiting?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别耍小聪明 我是以朋友的身份来这里", "english": "Don't be clever with me. I've come here as a friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来自全国各地的犹太人涌进来", "english": "They're bringing Jews in from all over the country."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔! 更多的犹太人警察", "english": "Oh! More Jewish police."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的意思是要我用警棍打那些反抗盖世太保的犹太人? 我明白了!", "english": "You mean you want me to beat up Jews with my truncheon and catch the Gestapo spirit. I see!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一定要有人做这件事 亨瑞 但为什么是我?", "english": "Somebody's got to do it, Henryk. But why me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你只征召富家子弟", "english": "I thought you only recruited boys with rich fathers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看我父亲 看看我们 我的意思是...", "english": "Look at my father. Look at us. I mean--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊我在看!这就是为什么我在这里", "english": "Yes, I'm looking! That's why I'm here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们全家可以过好一点的生活", "english": "Your whole family can have a better life."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要继续靠卖书维持生存苟延残喘吗?", "english": "You want to go on struggling for survival, selling books?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "正是如此", "english": "Yes, please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我正在帮助你们 那么你呢?瓦列", "english": "I'm doing you people a favor. What about you, Wladek?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是位了不起的钢琴家 而我们有很棒的警察爵士乐团", "english": "You're a great pianist. And we've got an excellent police jazz band."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会展开双臂欢迎你加入我们", "english": "They'd welcome you with open arms.Join us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没有工作", "english": "You've got no work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你我有工作", "english": "Thank you. I've got work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对是当然", "english": "Right. Yes, of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉瓦列他要你停止", "english": "I'm sorry, Wladek, he wants you to stop."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁要我停止?", "english": "Who wants me to stop?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我总是说 要看到光明的一面!", "english": "I always say, look on the bright side!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在小小的犹太人街", "english": "You're in the small ghetto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "知识份子 专业人士 你远比我们优秀", "english": "Intellectuals, professional people. You're better off than us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是在庞大的犹太区 这里是个烂泥坑", "english": "Here in the large ghetto, it's a cesspool."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "朱哈达 给我点事情做吧", "english": "Jehuda, give me something to do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是位艺术家 你能鼓舞人们的灵魂", "english": "You're an artist. You keep people's spirits up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你做得足够多了", "english": "You do enough."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我想帮忙我 想做点什么", "english": "But I want to help. I want to do something."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你太出名了", "english": "You're too well-known."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道吗?", "english": "And you know what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们音乐家不是用来运筹好的谋略的", "english": "You musicians don't make good conspirators."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们太...太...音乐化了", "english": "You're too... too... musical!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是谁?辛契梅耶克", "english": "What was that? Symche. Majorek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "传单满天飞 这城市要清除不受欢迎的人了", "english": "There are notices going up. The city's to be cleansed of undesirables."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "总是有传单满天飞 你好 辛契", "english": "There are always notices going up. Hello, Symche."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多列克·吉丝凯女士", "english": "Dolek. Mrs. Zyskind."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "裘哈达 工作忙吗?", "english": "Jehuda, working hard?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅耶克 这位是波兰最伟大的钢琴家", "english": "Majorek, this is the greatest pianist in Poland,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "或许也是全世界最棒的", "english": "maybe the whole world."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦列迪斯洛·席皮尔曼 见见梅耶克", "english": "Wladyslaw Szpilman. Meet Majorek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "久仰大名", "english": "I know your name."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但未曾听过您演奏", "english": "I've never heard you play."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅耶克一直都在军队服役 是个相当出色的男人", "english": "Majorek used to be in the army. Brilliant man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我唯一与他扞格的是 他不是个社会主义者", "english": "The only thing I've got against him is he's not a socialist."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你最好现在离开 瓦列 宵禁时间快到了", "english": "You better go now, Wladek. It's nearly curfew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道我们印了几份报纸吗?", "english": "You know how many copies we print of our newspaper?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道一份报纸平均有几个人传阅吗?", "english": "You know how many people on average read one copy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些将为反动催生", "english": "These will start the uprising."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅耶克把它们藏进内裤 然后留在厕所里", "english": "Majorek hides them in his underpants, and leaves them in toilets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "厕所 呃?", "english": "Toilets, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所有我找得到的厕所", "english": "As many toilets as I can find."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人绝不会使用犹太人的厕所", "english": "Germans never use Jewish toilets."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对他们而言太干净了嘛", "english": "They're too clean for them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 拜托 帮帮我 先生", "english": "Please. Please, help, sir."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停止!", "english": "Stop it!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "快 快 快来", "english": "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来啊 男孩", "english": "Come on, boy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起来!站起来!站起来!", "english": "Stand up. Stand up! Stand up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起来 站起来", "english": "Stand up. Stand up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 今晚就这一次 我不想谈论任何不好的事情", "english": "And, please, tonight, for once, I don't want anything bad talked about."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好好享用这一餐", "english": "Enjoy our meal."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧 那么我来说件有趣的事吧", "english": "Fine. Then I'll tell you something funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们知道罗席嘉先生这个人是谁吗?", "english": "Do you all know who I mean by Dr. Raszeja?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那位军医?对,那位军医", "english": "- The surgeon? - The surgeon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了某个因素 请别问我为什么", "english": "For some reason-- don't ask me why--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人让他到犹太人区实施了一场手术", "english": "the Germans allowed him into the ghetto to perform an operation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对犹太人动刀?", "english": "On a Jew?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们让波兰人对犹太人开膛剖肚?", "english": "They allowed a Pole to come in to operate on a Jew?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他拿到了通行证 总之我就知道这些", "english": "He got a pass. That's all I know. Anyway."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他让病人昏睡过去 然后开始动手术", "english": "He puts the patient to sleep and starts the operation."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他才刚划下第一刀 SS就闯进来", "english": "He's just made the first incision when the SS burst in,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "射击了躺在桌上的病人 然后射击罗席嘉医生", "english": "shoot the patient on the table, then shoot Dr. Raszeja and"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "接着是每一位在场的人", "english": "everybody else who was there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不是个笑话吗?", "english": "Isn't that a laugh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那病人浑然不觉 他被麻醉了", "english": "The patient didn't feel a thing, he was anesthetized."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我说过不讲坏事亨瑞", "english": "I said nothing bad, Henryk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们怎么了?嘿?嘿?都失去幽默感了吗?", "english": "What's the matter with you all? Huh? Huh? You lost your sense of humor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不好笑", "english": "It's not funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道什么东西好笑?你那条怪里怪气的领带才好笑", "english": "You know what's funny? You're funny with that ridiculous tie."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你干嘛讲我的领带?我的领带招谁惹谁了?", "english": "What are you talking about my tie for? What does my tie have to do with anything?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了我的工作 我得系上这条领带", "english": "I need this tie for my work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的工作?", "english": "Your work?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错我在工作", "english": "That's right, I work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 弹钢琴给犹太区的那些寄生虫听", "english": "Yes. Playing the piano for the parasites in the ghetto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "寄生虫 男孩们! 男孩们!", "english": "Parasites. - Boys. Boys!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们对人们所受的苦无动于衷 你因为他们的冷漠谴责我", "english": "They don't give a damn about people suffering. You blame me for their apathy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错我每天看着这一切 他们甚至于对发生在周遭的事情无动于衷", "english": "I do. I see it every day. They don't even notice what's going on around them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要谴责美国人", "english": "I blame the Americans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么? 因为我的领带吗?", "english": "For what? For my tie?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "美国的犹太人 他们在那里人数不少", "english": "American Jews, and there are lots of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们对我们做了什么? 他们认为自己在做什么?", "english": "What have they done for us? What do they think they're doing?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里的人因为没有东西吃而垂死", "english": "People here are dying, haven't got a bite to eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那里的犹太银行家应该督促美国对德国宣战", "english": "The Jewish bankers there should be persuading America to declare war on Germany."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "电灯!电灯!", "english": "Lights, lights!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你!", "english": "You!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起来!", "english": "Up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘘妈妈", "english": "Shh, Mama."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?喔我的天 嘘", "english": "What? Oh, my God. Shh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔我的天", "english": "Oh, my God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思 我是席皮尔曼先生的姐姐", "english": "Excuse me. I'm Mr. Szpilman's sister."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好进去 不是你", "english": "Yes, go in. Not you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "发生什么事了?什么?", "english": "What's happened? What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天啊太可怕了", "english": "God. It's terrible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在街上对人扫射 他们抓走了亨瑞", "english": "They're hunting people in the streets. They've taken Henryk."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家吧 好吗?", "english": "Go home, all right?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "回家 我会处理的", "english": "Go home.I'll take care of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "请问一下", "english": "Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我丈夫伊沙克.沙曼吗?", "english": "Have you seen my husband, Izaak Szerman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "恐怕没有", "english": "I'm afraid not."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他高大英俊 蓄着灰色胡子", "english": "He's tall, handsome, a little gray beard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果有看见他 请写信通知我", "english": "If you see him, write to me. D"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别忘记伊沙克·沙曼", "english": "on't forget. Izaak Szerman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这儿发生了什么事?", "english": "What happened here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们带走了我孙子", "english": "They've got my grandson."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们逮捕了他", "english": "They pick him up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们把他带走了", "english": "They take him away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这些人对他们做了什么?", "english": "What do they do to them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我无法再继续信仰上帝", "english": "I've stopped believing in God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思不好意思", "english": "Excuse me. Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊滋查克?", "english": "Yitzchak?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊滋查克", "english": "Yitzchak."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦列·席皮尔曼", "english": "Wladek Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亨瑞在里面 我没有看见他", "english": "Henryk's in there. I haven't seen him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "相信我 他们逮捕了他", "english": "Believe me, they've picked him up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真倒霉", "english": "Tough luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能帮忙吗?", "english": "Can you help?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈!现在你需要我了", "english": "Ha! Now you need me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没错现在你需要我了", "english": "Yes, now you need me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能帮助我们吗?", "english": "- Can you help us?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有钱就帮", "english": "- It costs."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我没钱", "english": "I've no money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就没有我能效劳之处了", "english": "Then there's nothing I can do."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "当机会来的时候 你该加入我们的", "english": "You should've joined us when you had the chance."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊滋查克 他们告诉我你有影响力", "english": "Yitzchak, they told me you had influence."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁告诉你的?人们", "english": "Who told you? People."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我认识的人 他们说你是有力人士", "english": "People I know. They said you're an important man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "伊滋查克?", "english": "Yitzchak?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "强盗!砰!砰!去死吧!", "english": "Bandit! Boom! Boom! Kaput."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去死吧!", "english": "Kaput!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯 感恩不尽", "english": "Mm. Danke schoen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮我!帮我!", "english": "Help! Help!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "帮我!帮我啊!强盗!", "english": "Help! Help! A snatcher!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们为何逮捕你?", "english": "Why'd they pick you up?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你去找了伊滋查克.海勒?", "english": "So you go to Yitzchak Heller."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我有要你跟他讲话吗?", "english": "Did I ask you to talk to him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你出去了不是吗?", "english": "You're out, aren't you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你求他了吗?", "english": "Did you beg?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你对那个人渣卑躬屈膝吗?不我请他帮助你", "english": "Did you grovel to that piece of shit? No, I asked him to help you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你拿什么付给他?", "english": "What did you pay him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我拿什么来付给他?拿什么?", "english": "With what could I pay him? With what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我赚的每块钱都花在食物上了", "english": "Every zloty I earn we spend on food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我可以照顾我自己", "english": "I can look after myself."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们把你带走了", "english": "They were taking you away."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那与你一点关系都没有!", "english": "It's got nothing to do with you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要抓的人是我不是你", "english": "It's me they wanted, not you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么一定要干涉别人的事情?", "english": "Why do you have to interfere with other people's business?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你疯了 你的麻烦就是你疯了", "english": "You're mad. That's your trouble, is you're mad."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那也是我的事", "english": "That's also my business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抓好怎么了?", "english": "Hold it. What's the matter?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "怎么了?你病了吗?", "english": "What's the matter? Are you sick?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "饿了", "english": "Hungry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就业许可证?", "english": "Employment certificate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么意思?没有就业许可证?", "english": "What's that mean, no employment certificate?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必需要有就业许可证...", "english": "You have to have an employment certificate..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "否则怎样?", "english": "Otherwise, what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会被驱逐", "english": "You will be deported."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们要重新处置我们 把我们送到东边的劳动集中营", "english": "Send us to labor camps in the East."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后他们要关闭这个小犹太区", "english": "And they're closing the small ghetto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的天", "english": "My God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦列?瓦列?", "english": "Wladek? Wladek?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为你会到伦敦 巴黎 纽约 芝加哥巡回演出", "english": "I thought you'd be off on tour playing London, Paris, New York, Chicago."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是这个礼拜", "english": "Not this week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你看起来很糟", "english": "You look terrible."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有听到谣传吗?他们要把我们重新安置在东部", "english": "Have you heard the rumors? They're going to resettle us in the East."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谣传!你太把它们当一回事了", "english": "Rumors! You take it all too much to heart."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有什么麻烦吗?", "english": "What's the trouble?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我一直试着帮我父亲申请一张工作许可证", "english": "I've been trying to get the certificate of employment for my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经设法帮我自己和我其他家人找到了", "english": "I've managed to get one for me and the rest of my family."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但我还需要另外一张给我父亲", "english": "But I need another one for my father."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经跑遍所有公司和商店", "english": "I've been to all the firms and shops."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你为什么不来找我呢?", "english": "Why didn't you come to me?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不知道你在处理许可证的业务", "english": "I didn't know you were in the certificate business."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不是我,是梅耶克", "english": "I'm not, but Majorek is."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能帮忙吗?但我没钱", "english": "Can you help? I have no money."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托别贬低我们 你可以为他做点什么吗?", "english": "Please, don't insult us. Can you do something for him?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是历史轨迹里必然的行动", "english": "That's the historical imperative in action."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那就是我常说的要看光明面", "english": "That's why I always say, look on the bright side."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "光明面是我知道", "english": "The bright side. Yes, I know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的背怎样了?", "english": "How's your back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好多了?", "english": "Better. Better?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "比上礼拜好多了", "english": "Better than last week."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我的荣幸 但它帮不上你任何忙", "english": "My pleasure. It won't help you anyway!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你修兹先生", "english": "Thank you, Mr. Schultz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧至少我们在犹太区找到工作了", "english": "Well, at least we got work in the ghetto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少我们都还在一起", "english": "At least we're still together."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你", "english": "Du."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你 你", "english": "Du. Du."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你", "english": "Du."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你", "english": "Du."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你", "english": "Du."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉我已经尽力了", "english": "I'm sorry. I did my best."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我以为工作证可以拯救我们", "english": "I thought the certificates would save us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "停止瓦列", "english": "Stop it, Wladek!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就让我们一心期望亨瑞和哈琳娜安然无恙", "english": "Let's just hope that Henryk and Halina will be better off."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要到哪里去?", "english": "Where will we be going?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们要去工作", "english": "You're going to work."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?呃?", "english": "Why did I do it, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it? Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有一点点水吗?", "english": "Don't you have a drop of water?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他快死了 我的孩子快要渴死了", "english": "He's dying. My child's dying of thirst."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不我很抱歉 我求求你我求求你", "english": "No. I'm sorry. I beg you. I beg you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你有一丁点水吗?我求求你", "english": "Don't you have a drop of water? I beg you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你听到我说的话吗?", "english": "Can you hear what I'm saying?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉你这是一个耻辱!", "english": "I'm telling you it's a disgrace!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在听!", "english": "I can hear you!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们任凭他们把我们引向死亡就像羔羊走向屠场", "english": "We let them take us to our death like sheep to the slaughter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别这么大声", "english": "Not so loud."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们何不攻击他们?", "english": "Why don't we attack them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们有五十万人在这里 我们可以突破犹太区重围", "english": "There's half a million of us here. We could break out of the ghetto."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "至少我们可以光荣地死去 而不是当历史上的一个污点", "english": "At least we could die honorably, not as a stain on the face of history."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为何你这么确定", "english": "Why are you so sure"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会送我们下黄泉?", "english": "they're sending us to our death?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不确定!", "english": "I'm not sure!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道为什么我不能确定吗?", "english": "You know why I'm not sure?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "因为他们没说过他们要把我们彻底消灭", "english": "Because they didn't tell me. They're gonna wipe us all out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你希望我怎么做?你要我抗争吗?抗争的话需要组织...", "english": "What do you want me to do? Do you want me to fight? To fight you need organization--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说得没错 你认为我能做什么?用我的小提琴弓抗争吗?", "english": "He's right. What do you think I can do, fight them with my violin bow?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人不会浪费像这样庞大的劳动力量", "english": "The Germans will never squander a huge labor force like this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很明显地他们正要把我们送到劳动集中营", "english": "They're sending us to a labor camp. It's obvious."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔当然!看看那个瘸子", "english": "Oh, sure! Look at that cripple there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看这些老人跟小孩 他们也要工作?", "english": "Look at the old people, the children. They're gonna work?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你,你要带着背上的铁架一起去吗?", "english": "Look at you? You gonna carry iron girders on your back?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "亨瑞!", "english": "Henryk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈莲娜!亨瑞!", "english": "Halina! Henryk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈莲娜!亨瑞!", "english": "Halina! Henryk!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们听说你们在这里", "english": "We heard you were here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要跟你们在一起", "english": "We wanted to be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要跟你们在一起", "english": "We wanted to be with you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "笨蛋笨蛋", "english": "Stupid, stupid."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it? Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她让我神经紧张", "english": "She's getting on my nerves."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "老天爷她到底做了什么?", "english": "What did she do, for God's sake?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她闷死了她的婴儿", "english": "She smothered her baby."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们准备了一个隐匿处 当然他们都躲到那里去了", "english": "They prepared a hiding place, so, of course, they went there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但是当警察来的时候 小婴儿哭了起来", "english": "But the baby cried just as the police came."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她用手捂住啼哭的婴儿", "english": "She smothered the cries with her hands."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这婴儿就死了", "english": "The baby died."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个警察听见了声响", "english": "Apoliceman heard the death rattle,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "遂发现他们的藏身之处", "english": "found where they were hiding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈", "english": "Mama."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在读什么?", "english": "What are you reading?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常贴切", "english": "Very appropriate."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是啊 这就是我带着它的原因", "english": "Yes, that's why I brought it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "白痴 他想要怎么用这些钱?", "english": "Idiot. What's he think he's going to do with the money?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘿 男孩?", "english": "Hey, boy?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来这里", "english": "Come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来这里", "english": "Come here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一块牛奶糖要多少钱?", "english": "How much for a caramel?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?一块牛奶糖?你想要怎么处理这些钱?", "english": "What, for one caramel? What do you think you're going to do with the money?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "Why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?", "english": "Why did I do it?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么我会做这种事?为什么我...", "english": "Why did I do it? Why did I--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈琳娜?什么?", "english": "Halina? What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在说这个挺怪的 但是...", "english": "It's a funny time to say this, but--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?", "english": "What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但愿我能多了解你一些", "english": "I wish I knew you better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "席皮尔曼!", "english": "Szpilman!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "席皮尔曼", "english": "Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "滚开 笨蛋 滚", "english": "Fuck off, stupid. Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸 爸爸!", "english": "Papa. Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "爸爸!", "english": "Papa!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈!哈琳娜!", "english": "Mama! Halina!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "哈琳娜!妈妈!", "english": "Halina! Mama!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你以为自己在干嘛?席皮尔曼", "english": "What do you think you're doing, Szpilman?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我救了你一命!", "english": "I've saved your life!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在出去!走!走!", "english": "Now, get out! Just go. Go!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别用跑的!", "english": "Don't run!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈!妈妈!", "english": "Mama! Mama!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "妈妈!", "english": "Mama!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好把他们送去彻底改造", "english": "Well, off they go to the melting pot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是呀", "english": "Ja."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在干什么?她怀孕了!", "english": "What are you doing? She's pregnant!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "向左转!", "english": "Left-Hut!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "齐步走!", "english": "Forward!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦列", "english": "Wladek!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你怎么会在这里 瓦列?", "english": "Why are you here, Wladek?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这样我...我...", "english": "It's like this, I-- I--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们...", "english": "We--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们所有人他们所有人", "english": "All of them. All of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们所有人", "english": "All of them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "也许他们够幸运 愈快愈好", "english": "Perhaps they are lucky. The quicker, the better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在还没有结束 我们将在这里待上二天", "english": "It's not finished yet. We'll stay here for a couple of days..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "直到尘埃落定", "english": "until things die down."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经贿赂了一个警察 事情结束的时候他会过来", "english": "I've bribed a policeman. He'll come when it's over."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经有二年没有出去过了", "english": "My God. I haven't been outside in-- it must be two years."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "黄金", "english": "Gold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这价钱很好", "english": "A very good price."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有认识的人吗?", "english": "Someone you know?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个美人是谁?", "english": "A beauty. Who is she?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她是个歌手 事实上我跟她很熟", "english": "She's a singer. I know her well, actually."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "她丈夫是演员", "english": "Her husband's an actor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都是好人", "english": "They're good people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想跟她说话", "english": "I'd like to talk to her."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别忘记 支援犹太人的都被绞死了", "english": "Don't forget, they hang them for helping Jews."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "注意!", "english": "Achtung!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你在这里待多久了?", "english": "How long have you been here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "昨晚开始的", "english": "Since last night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "很高兴遇见你", "english": "I was pleased to see you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们现在即将开始进行最后的安置", "english": "They're going to start a final resettlement now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们知道那意味着什么", "english": "We know what it means."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们送走一个人--席格蒙,他是个好人", "english": "We sent someone out-- Zygmunt. A good man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他受命追踪从华沙发出的列车", "english": "His orders were to follow the trains out of Warsaw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他抵达索克洛", "english": "He got to Sokolow."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一位当地的铁道员告诉他 轨道在这里分歧了", "english": "A local railway man told him the tracks divided,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一条通往催布林卡", "english": "one branch leading to Treblinka."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他说每天运货列车载着满车的人从华沙驶来", "english": "He said every day freight trains carrying people from Warsaw..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "开往催布林卡的方向 然后空车回来", "english": "branched off to Treblinka and returned empty."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在那条路线上 从没看过有食物运送", "english": "No transports of food are ever seen on that line."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而居民...被禁止靠近催布林卡车站", "english": "And civilians...are forbidden to approach the Treblinka station."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们想把我们赶尽杀绝", "english": "They're exterminating us."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那用不着花太多时间", "english": "It won't take them long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "几乎都是年轻人", "english": "Mostly young people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而这一次我们要反抗", "english": "And this time we're gonna fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们状况良好组织健全", "english": "We're in good shape, organized."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们已经准备好了", "english": "We're prepared."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果你需要援助 我...", "english": "If you need help, I--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你!过来!", "english": "You! Come here!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔可恶!可恶!", "english": "Oh, Shit. Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉我很抱歉", "english": "Sorry. I'm sorry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我...我刚刚失了神", "english": "I-- I-- I don't know what I was thinking."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托", "english": "Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他不会撑太久的,如果他继续这样下去 -我看我是否能让他好过一点", "english": "He won't last long if he goes on like this. -I'll see if I can get him something better."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有麻烦", "english": "Trouble."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "集合!只有犹太人!", "english": "Fall in! Only the Jews!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "波兰人继续走!只有犹太人!", "english": "Poles go on working! Only the Jews!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我告诉你一个好消息", "english": "I have good news for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到处都有谣言...", "english": "There are rumors go around..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们就要呃...安置...", "english": "that we like to, uh-- Umsiedlung--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "安置你们", "english": "resettle you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我答应你们从现在到未来", "english": "I promise you that now and in the future,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "再也没有新计划了", "english": "nothing else is plan-ned."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吗?", "english": "Ja?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "基于这个原因", "english": "For this reason,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们把消息写在墙壁的海报上", "english": "we put information posters on the wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为了表示我们的善意", "english": "To show you our goodwill,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "应该推举你们当中某一个人...", "english": "you should vote one of you..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他获准每天进城...", "english": "to be allowed-ed to go in town daily..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "带回三公斤的马铃薯...", "english": "and bring three kilos kartoffel--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马铃薯好吗?", "english": "potato, ja?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有一条面包...", "english": "And one loaf of bread..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你们每一个工人", "english": "for each of your workers."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那我们为何需要做这种事情...", "english": "So, why should we do something else like this..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我们重新安置你们的话呢?", "english": "if we would resettle you?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你们可以好好做生意...", "english": "You can make good business..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不做这一行你们会没饭吃", "english": "out of the things you don't eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那不就是你们犹太人最擅长的地方吗?", "english": "Isn't that something where you Jews are good in?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那个...是用绳子绑的", "english": "That one-- with the string."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "其它的用铁线绑", "english": "The others are tied by wire."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在", "english": "Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "梅耶克", "english": "Majorek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要请你帮我", "english": "I've a favor to ask."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我想要离开这里", "english": "I want to get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "要出去很容易", "english": "It's easy to get out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "困难的是你要如何在那一边存活下来", "english": "It's how you survive on the other side that's hard."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我知道我知道", "english": "I know. I know."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "去年夏天", "english": "Last summer"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我曾在兹兰那.布拉马广场工作了一天", "english": "I worked for a day in Zelanzna Brama Square."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我看见一个认识的人 她是个老朋友了", "english": "I saw someone I knew. She's an old friend."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "一位歌手 她丈夫是个演员", "english": "A singer. Her husband's an actor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我写下他们的名字跟地址", "english": "I've written their names down and their address--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果他们还住在原处的话", "english": "if they're still there."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘉琳娜·果朵瓦丝卡安和德兹·博克基", "english": "Janina Godlewska and Andrzej Bogucki."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们都是好人", "english": "They're good people."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你能试着连络上他们吗?", "english": "Would you try and make contact?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们在城里 你能问他们吗?", "english": "They go to town. Would you just ask them?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "问他们是否能帮我逃离这里", "english": "Ask them if they'll help me get out of here."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃...", "english": "I, uh--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马铃薯?", "english": "potatoes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "以私人名义", "english": "In my private."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我试着去找你的朋友", "english": "I tried your friends."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们不再住在那里了,但是...你能联络到吧?", "english": "They don't live there anymore. But... you made contact?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "该准备离开了", "english": "Be ready to leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "何时?", "english": "When?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "尽快", "english": "Soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立定!", "english": "Halt!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔 可恶!可恶!", "english": "Oh, shit. Shit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不", "english": "- Nein."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?", "english": "why?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在迅速前进", "english": "Hurry up!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "冲啊!!前进!!--", "english": "Achtung! Marsch!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们的行伍整齐", "english": "Their ranks unite ?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "跟在白鹰旗徽之后", "english": "And follow the white eagle ?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "站起来奋战", "english": "Stand up and fight ?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不共戴天的敌人", "english": "Our mortal enemies ?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "步枪榴炮弹", "english": "Rifle, grenade ?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让咱们送给他们火把和硫黄...", "english": "Let's give them fire and brimstone ?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在", "english": "Now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对不起 我脏兮兮的 我好狼狈", "english": "I'm sorry. I'm dirty. I'm so filthy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们没有太多时间 来吧", "english": "We haven't much time. Come on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得快一点", "english": "- We must hurry."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里看看合不合身", "english": "Here. See if these fit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们得一直换地方", "english": "Going to have to keep moving."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人现在不分青红皂白地搜捕", "english": "Germans are hunting down indiscriminately now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "犹太人 非犹太人 任何人 每一个人", "english": "Jews, non-Jews. Anybody. Everybody."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔 呃 瓦列 你最好刮一下胡子", "english": "Oh, and, uh, Wladek, better shave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "用我架子上的刮胡刀", "english": "Use my razor on the shelf."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马里克.吉勃克辛斯基会照顾你的", "english": "You'll be looked after by Marek Gebczynski."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他住在城的另一边", "english": "He's on the other side of town."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚你就待在那里 我们会再帮你找新的住处", "english": "You'll stay there tonight, then we'll find you somewhere else."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会带食物给你", "english": "I'll bring you food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧我们走了", "english": "All right. Let's go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会告诉你要睡在哪里", "english": "I'll show you where you're going to sleep."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你必需在这边待到明天下午", "english": "You have to stay here until tomorrow afternoon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们在犹太区围墙附近为你准备了公寓", "english": "We have a flat for you near the ghetto wall."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不过那里很安全", "english": "But it's safe."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经很好了", "english": "I'll be fine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来拿 是的 把它给我", "english": "I'll take it. Yeah. Give it to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "仅可能往前坐靠近德国区", "english": "Go as near to the front as possible, to the German section."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在要拉下窗帘", "english": "I'm going to draw the curtains now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但你整个白天要任由它们敞开着", "english": "But you leave them open during the daytime."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要忘记", "english": "Don't forget."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "在墙的这一边一定会比较好过,啊?", "english": "Must feel better of this side of the wall, huh?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Yes."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但有时候我又不确定自己是在墙的哪一边", "english": "But sometimes I'm still not sure which side of the wall I'm on."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这儿有些面包...马铃薯洋葱", "english": "Some bread... potatoes, onions."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会再来的", "english": "I will come again."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还有妮娜·博嘉琪每周会来看你二次", "english": "And Nina Bogucki will visit twice a week,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "给你带更多食物 看看你好不好", "english": "bring more food, see how you are."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "祝好运", "english": "Luck."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔这个非常重要", "english": "Oh. This is very important."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果万一发生紧急状况...我是说非常紧急...", "english": "In case of emergency-- I mean, emergency--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到这个地址去", "english": "go to this address."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小狗狗,你说忘记是什么意思?", "english": "Puppy-dog, what do you mean you forgot?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "小喵咪,你认为我是什么意思?我的意思就是我忘记了", "english": "What do you think I mean, kitten. I forgot, that's what I mean."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你知道什么?你待我如粪土", "english": "You know what? You treat me like dirt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我待你如粪土,因为你就是粪土", "english": "I treat you like dirt because you are dirt."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "猪头!猪头!", "english": "Pig. Pig!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "婊子!脏猪头!", "english": "Bitch! Dirty pig!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是只肮脏猪,彼此彼此猪头!", "english": "You are a dirty pig. Takes one to know one, pig!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯 小喵咪 你弹琴像个天使", "english": "Mmm. You play like an angel, kitten."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "如果我弹琴像个天使,你为什么不听?", "english": "If I play like an angel, why don't you listen?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我在听啊 小喵咪", "english": "I was listening, kitten."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "骗子 你明明睡着了啊 猪头", "english": "Liar.You fell asleep. Pig."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "射击!射击!", "english": "- Fire! - Fire!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我本想早点来的,但是...不 不 不 谢谢你", "english": "I wanted to come earlier, but-- No, no, no. Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没人想得到他们会持续这么久", "english": "No one thought they'd hold out so long."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不应该出来的", "english": "I never should have come out."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在都结束了", "english": "It's over now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你该骄傲它发生了", "english": "Just be proud it happened."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪他们发起了抗争", "english": "My God, did they put up a fight."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的没错", "english": "Yes, well,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人也是", "english": "so did the Germans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们非常震惊", "english": "They're in shock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "犹太人反击了", "english": "Jews fighting back."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有谁想得到?", "english": "Who would've thought?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好吧那有什么好处?", "english": "Well, what good did it do?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么好处?", "english": "What good?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦列你真让我吃惊", "english": "Wladek, I'm surprised at you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们尊严地死去 这就是它的好处", "english": "They died with dignity, that's what good it did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你还知道别的吗?", "english": "And you know something else?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在波兰人要苏醒了", "english": "Now the Poles will rise."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们准备好了", "english": "We're ready."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们也要抗战了你知道吗?", "english": "We'll fight too. You'll see?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "把你的东西收拾好 你必需离开", "english": "Get your things together. You have to leave."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?发生什么事?", "english": "What? What's happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要逃亡了", "english": "I'm on the run."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么?发生什么事?", "english": "Why? What's happened?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "秘密警察发现我们的武器", "english": "The gestapo found our weapons."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嘉琳娜和安德兹", "english": "They've arrested Janina and Andrzej."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们也准备要查出这个地方 你必需马上离开", "english": "They're bound to find out about this place too. You must get away at once."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你要我到哪里去?", "english": "Where do you want me to go?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看着我", "english": "Look at me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我不要走 我不能留在这里冒险一试吗?", "english": "I'm not leaving. Can't I take my chances here?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那是你的决定", "english": "That's your decision."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别让他们活逮你", "english": "Don't let them get you alive."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我身上有毒药 他们也不可能活捉我", "english": "I have poison on me. They won't get me alive either."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "打开", "english": "Open up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马上开门 不然我们要叫警察来了", "english": "Open the door at once or we'll call the police!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你是这栋公寓的人吗?", "english": "Are you from this flat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你没有登记", "english": "You're not registered."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我朋友的房子", "english": "It belongs to a friend of mine."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我只是来拜访他 但我必定是与他错过了", "english": "I just came to visit, but I must have just missed him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "让我看你的身份证!好啊 当然", "english": "- Let me see your identity card! - Yes. Of course."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要看你的身份证!", "english": "- I want to see your identity card!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是犹太人!犹太人!拦住这个犹太人!", "english": "He's a Jew! A Jew! Stop the Jew!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别让他出去!拦住他!", "english": "Don't let him out! Stop him!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁?", "english": "Yes?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉勃克辛斯基先生要我来的", "english": "Mr. Gebczynski sent me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦列迪斯洛·席皮尔曼", "english": "Wladyslaw Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多萝塔", "english": "Dorota."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔进来", "english": "Oh. Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我...", "english": "I--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉我...我很抱歉 有人给我这个地址", "english": "I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry. I was given this address."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我来找一位德兹奇威兹先生", "english": "I'm looking for a Mr. Dzikiewicz."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "麦克·德兹奇威兹是我的丈夫", "english": "Michal Dzikiewicz. He's my husband."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "进来", "english": "Come in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐", "english": "Sit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要援助", "english": "I need help."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会在宵禁之前回来", "english": "He'll be back before curfew."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我...一直在躲藏", "english": "I've... been in hiding."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要一个藏身之处", "english": "I need somewhere to stay."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他就快回来了", "english": "He'll be here soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你结婚多久了?", "english": "How long have you been married?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "才满一年", "english": "Just over a year."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "裘瑞克怎么样了?", "english": "And how's Yurek?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "死了", "english": "Dead."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那...", "english": "Oh."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你的宝宝预产期什么时候?", "english": "And when-- when's your baby due?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "圣诞节", "english": "Christmas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是我先生 瓦列迪斯洛·席皮尔曼", "english": "This is my husband. Wladyslaw Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "马里克·吉勃克辛斯基要他来的", "english": "Marek Gebczynski sent him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔是我记得", "english": "Oh, yes. I remember."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "吉勃克辛斯基说过只有在紧急时才来找你", "english": "M-Mr. Gebczynski said to contact you only in case of emergency."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在不用担心了", "english": "Uh, don't worry now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "今晚我们不能把你送走 你就睡在沙发", "english": "We can't move you tonight. You'll sleep on the sofa."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不好意思", "english": "Oh. Excuse me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "好啊 当然 我们一起吃", "english": "Y-Yes. Of course. We'll eat."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "坐请坐", "english": "Sit. Please, sit."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你现在正置身德国区", "english": "You're in a very German area."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "对面的建筑物是一家医院 收容从俄国前线回来的伤兵", "english": "The building opposite is a hospital taking in wounded from the Russian front."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它隔壁就是秘密警察", "english": "And next door is the Schutzpolizei."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "最安全的地方", "english": "Safest place to be."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是在狮子巢穴的正中心", "english": "Right at the heart of the lion's den."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要把你锁在里面", "english": "I'll be locking you in."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还好吧?", "english": "All well?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这位是安提克·札勒斯", "english": "This is Antek Szalas."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他将会照顾你", "english": "He will be looking after you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谢谢你", "english": "Thank you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我已经给他一把备钥", "english": "I've given him a second key."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他会带食物给你 看你是否安然无恙", "english": "He'll bring you food, see that you're all right."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他是地下组织成员 他是个好人", "english": "He's with the underground. He's a good man."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不记得我了席皮尔曼先生", "english": "You don't remember me, Mr. Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不我想不记得了", "english": "No. I don't think so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "华沙广播电台 我是一个技术人员", "english": "Warsaw Radio. I was a technician."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我几乎每天都看见你", "english": "I saw you almost every day."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "抱歉我不记得了我...", "english": "Sorry. I don't remember. I--"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "没有关系", "english": "Doesn't matter."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不用担心任何事情 我会常来探视你", "english": "You've nothing to worry about. I'll visit often."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你会很高兴 听到联军正在轰炸德国...", "english": "You'll be pleased to hear that the Allies are bombing Germany..."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "夜复一夜复一夜", "english": "night after night after night."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "科隆汉堡柏林", "english": "Cologne. Hamburg. Berlin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "真正把他们带入地狱", "english": "And the Russians are really giving them hell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这是结束的开始", "english": "It's the beginning of the end."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔但愿如此", "english": "Oh. Let's hope so."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还活着吧?", "english": "Still alive then?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这里有香肠面包", "english": "Here. Sausage. Bread."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "还想来杯伏特加吗?", "english": "You've still got that vodka?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "嗯这意味着还会持续多久?", "english": "Mmm. How long is this meant to last?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不久了", "english": "Not long now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我...我想...我已经有黄疸了", "english": "I thi-- I think I've got jaundice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "别担心那个", "english": "Don't worry about that."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "它只是让你看起来有趣些", "english": "It just makes you look funny."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我爷爷当年出黄疸时 被他女朋友甩了", "english": "My grandfather was jilted by his girlfriend when he got jaundice."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喝光它", "english": "Drink up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "为什么...为什么你不早一点来?", "english": "Why-Why didn't you come sooner?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "已经超过二个礼拜了", "english": "It's been over two weeks."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有问题啊", "english": "Problems."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我必需筹钱买食物", "english": "I've got to raise money to buy the food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我需要可以卖的东西", "english": "I need things to sell."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这不容易", "english": "It's not easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这个把这个卖掉", "english": "Here. Sell this."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "食物比时间重要", "english": "Food's more important than time."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "喔对了我要告诉你", "english": "Oh, yes. I meant to tell you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "联军在法国登陆了", "english": "The Allies have landed in France."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "俄国军队就快要到了", "english": "The Russians will be here soon."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他们会把狗娘养的德国人赶走", "english": "They'll beat the shit out of the Germans."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "随时都可能到", "english": "Any day now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不不", "english": "No, no, no."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦列?", "english": "Wladek?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "瓦列", "english": "Wladek."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我就知道 我就知道这会发生", "english": "I knew it. I knew this would happen."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我要去找医生 你不能去这样太危险了", "english": "I'll get a doctor. You can't. It's too dangerous."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去找路札克医生 我们可以信任他", "english": "I'll get Doctor Luczak. We can trust him."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "多萝塔别傻了 他是小儿科医生啊", "english": "Dorota, don't be ridiculous. He's a pediatrician."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他也是医生嘛", "english": "He's still a doctor."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不你待着我去", "english": "No. You stay. I'll go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们是来道别的", "english": "We came to say good-bye."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们要到奥特沃茨克 跟我妈妈在一起", "english": "We're going to stay with my mother in Otwock."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "宝宝已经在那里了 这样比较安全", "english": "The baby's already there. It's safer."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "据说暴动随时都有可能开始", "english": "There's talk that the uprising will begin any day now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "札勒斯可能被射杀了", "english": "That man Szalas should be shot."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "他为了你在华沙到处募款", "english": "He's been collecting money on your behalf all over Warsaw."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "显然人们慷慨解囊", "english": "Apparently, people gave generously."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "所以他筹到了一笔可观的数目", "english": "So he collected a tidy sum."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "天哪", "english": "My God."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肝脏肿得像颗橄榄球", "english": "Liver the size of a football."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "胆囊有严重的发炎", "english": "Acute inflammation of the gall bladder."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但他会活着", "english": "But he'll live."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我会试着给他找些果糖", "english": "I'll try to get him some levulose."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但这并不容易", "english": "But it's not easy."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你可以再来看他吗?", "english": "Can you visit him again?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "谁知道?", "english": "Who knows?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生?", "english": "Doctor?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "医生 谢谢你 别说话休息", "english": "Doctor, thank you. Don't speak. Rest."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "非常感激你过来", "english": "Thank you so much for coming."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我们给你带来一些食物", "english": "We brought you some food."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在我要为你准备些东西", "english": "I'll prepare something now for you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "然后我们就得走了", "english": "Then we must go."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去!", "english": "Get out!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "出去!出去!快到街上去", "english": "Get out, get out! Get out in the street."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "到街上去!", "english": "Go on the street!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "现在出去 德国人将房子包围了", "english": "Get out now, the Germans are surrounding the building!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不!不!", "english": "No. No!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "来人啊 来人啊 快来人帮我!", "english": "Someone. Somebody. Somebody help me!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "呃...什么?", "english": "Hu-- What?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Ja."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "立正!", "english": "Achtung!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "席皮尔曼", "english": "Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "席皮尔曼", "english": "Szpilman."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "德国人!德国人!", "english": "German! German!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不不要开枪!我是波兰人", "english": "No, don't shoot! I am Polish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托!啊!我是波兰人", "english": "Please! Ah! I'm Polish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我...出来双手举起来", "english": "I-- Come out with your hands up."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 我求求你", "english": "Please. I beg of you."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不要开枪 不要开枪 我求求你 我是波兰人", "english": "Don't shoot. Don't shoot, I beg you. I'm Polish. I'm Polish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "下来!", "english": "Come down!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 我是波兰人 拜托", "english": "Please. I'm Polish. Please."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "拜托 他是波兰人", "english": "Please. He's Polish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是的 他是波兰人", "english": "Yes, he's Polish."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "这件鬼外套是怎么回事?", "english": "Why the fucking coat?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我很冷", "english": "I'm cold."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看他们 婊子养的德国人!", "english": "Look at them. German fuckers!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "肮脏的狗杂种!", "english": "Dirty bastards!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "杀人魔!杂种!", "english": "Assassins! Bastards!"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "看看你们现在 你们夺走了我的一切", "english": "Look at you now. You took everything I had."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我是个音乐家 你们夺走了我的小提琴", "english": "Me, a musician. You took my violin."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "狗娘养的!你们夺走我的灵魂", "english": "Sons of bitches! You took my soul."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "是", "english": "Ja."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你叫什么名字?", "english": "what's your name?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "什么?...", "english": "what?"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "就是这里我很确定", "english": "It was here. I'm certain of it."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "但现在已经不是了", "english": "Well, it's not here now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我对着他们咆哮", "english": "I shouted abuse at them."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我现在一点都不觉得骄傲 但我当时就是那样做", "english": "I'm not proud of it, but that's what I did."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "而我确定我当年 就站在你现在这个位置", "english": "And I'm certain I stood where you are now."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "那儿围着有刺的铁丝网", "english": "There was barbed wire,"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "有个德国军官向我走来", "english": "and this German came up to me."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "你不知道他的名字吗?", "english": "- You didn't catch his name. - No."}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "不知道", "english": "I don't know"}, {"instruct": "Translate this from Chinese to English", "chinese": "我去那间工厂问问 也许他们知道些什么", "english": "I'll ask at the factory. They may know something."}]