Max's birthday party was so much fun! Everyone had a great time, and the day was calm and peaceful. Max was so happy - it had been the best birthday ever. Once upon a time, there was an adorable little hedgehog who lived in the forest. He was very furry, and he had tiny, pointy spines all over his back. His name was Scotty. One day, Scotty came to a clearing in the forest where he saw a big, white van. He peeked inside and there were lots of machines and medical tools. Scotty felt curious and cautiously stepped into the van. Suddenly the van door shut behind him, and he heard a voice say, “Don’t panic, little one. We need to do a small operation on you.†Scotty felt very scared. He wanted to go out of the van and back to his home in the forest. He asked the voice, “What kind of operation?†The voice answered sweetly, as if it understood Scotty’s fear. “It won’t hurt. In this operation, we’re going to make you even more furry! Don’t worry, you’ll be back in the forest in no time.†Scotty was relieved, and he settled down on a furry cushion. After a few minutes, the operation was done, and Scotty felt even more furry and cozy than before. He thanked the voice before going back to his home in the forest. Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Tara. She was warm and cheerful, and she liked to play outside. One day, Tara decided to go for a walk in the bush. She ran around, skipped and had lots of fun. Suddenly, the warm sun went away, and it became very dark and cold. Tara stopped and looked around. She was lost. Tara cried out, "I want to quit! I want to go home!" But no one answered. Tara kept walking until she came to a big bush. She climbed into it and sat there, feeling scared and very sad. Suddenly, a small rabbit jumped out of the bush and said, "Don't worry, Tara! I will help you go home. Just keep walking in this direction." Tara thanked the rabbit and started walking. As she walked, the sky became warm and bright again. Soon, she reached her house and went back inside to her family. When Tara looked out her window, she saw the big bush. She remembered the brave little rabbit who had helped her find her way home, and she smiled. Once there was a little boy named Jake. Jake was just three years old, and he was very excited for a big adventure. One day, Jake and his family hopped in a boat and sailed away. They sailed to the harbor, and Jake couldn't help but feel a bit scared. The harbor looked so big and vast, it made Jake feel small. Jake's dad wrapped his arms around him and told him that it would all be alright. As they arrived to the harbor, they were in awe of how fragile and beautiful it was. All around them were small boats and ships, made of wood and metal, bobbing up and down in the water. The wind and sun made them safer, like they were floating in a gentle cradle. Soon enough, they were ready to leave. Jake said goodbye to the harbor, and thanked it for being so welcoming. As they sailed away, he waved until the harbor was but a speck in the distance. In his heart, Jake knew that he would return one day. Mia was a 3 year old girl who lived in the city. One day she went for a walk with her mom and stopped on a hill top. Her mom pointed down the hill and said, "Look Mia, what do you see?" Mia saw a black thing digging near the base of the hill. She asked her mom, "What is it?" Her mom explained, "It's a mole, Mia. It digs underground and sometimes comes up to find food." "What does it eat?" asked Mia. Her mom explained, "Grubs, worms, and insects." Then she pointed to the sky and added, "It's kind of gloomy today, so the mole stays underground." Mia was not pleased with the gloomy weather, so she and her mom thought of something to do indoors. By the time they got home, the sky had cleared. Mia asked her mom if they could go back and visit the mole. "Yes, of course," said her mom. She explained that the mole was likely to be outside now because the sky was clear. So Mia and her mom went back to the hill where they found the mole digging in the dirt. To Mia's delight, the mole even came up to take some food from her hand. Mia was so excited to have such a close encounter with the mole. This experience will be something that Mia will always remember fondly. Once upon a time, there was a boy called Sam. He loved to jump! One day, his mum and dad took him to an amazing maze. Sam hopped into the entrance happily. He ran around and jumped over obstacles, but he couldn't find the way out. He looked every which way but there were so many turns he didn't know which was the right one. Mum called out, "Which way should we try, Sam?" "Let's try the left one," replied Sam. He skipped around, turned left and suddenly found his way out of the maze. He was so happy and excited to have found it! Mum and Dad cheered. "You did it, Sam. You were very successful in finding the way out of the maze!" Sam was so happy that he jumped up and did a big high jump in celebration! Once upon a time there was a banana. Its peel was very flexible and it had a bell inside. Every time someone touched it, the bell would ring. One day, a small 3 year old child was walking by and noticed the banana. The child asked the banana, "Why do you ring?", in a curious voice. The banana laughed and then said, "That is my special skill. Every time I am touched, I ring to let people know I am here." The child was mesmerized. He looked at the banana with big eyes and said, " That is so cool!" The banana smiled. "Yes, I enjoy being flexible and ringing!" The child thought for a moment and then said, "Then I will be your friend!" The banana was so happy and they both giggled and smiled. The end. Owl held his nest in his wings. He was proud of it because he had made it with sticks and straw. He'd used mud to fix it just the way he wanted it. But then silly bear came to visit. Bear said, "Let me hold your nest!" Owl said, "No, it's mine!" Bear said, "But please, I would be so careful with it!" Owl thought about it and then decided he could trust bear to hold his nest. He said, "Okay then, but be very careful." Bear took the nest in his arms and looked at it. "It's so nice," he said. "Thank you for trusting me with it." Owl smiled and said, "You're welcome. Let's go and play now." So Owl and Bear went off and played, Owl happy that he had been so brave and trusted bear with his nest. Once upon a time, there was a fly that was very high up in the sky. It was having a good time when suddenly, something disturbed it. It was a big, mean bird! The bird was determined to catch the fly and eat it for dinner. The fly was scared and flew away as fast as it could. It flew so far and so fast that the bird could not catch it. Even though the fly was safe now, it was still very afraid and found it hard to rest. The fly looked all around but no matter where it went, the bird seemed to follow it. Finally, the fly flew very, very high into the sky. The bird followed but it could not fly high enough. The bird eventually got tired and had to go home. The fly was safe and could now go to rest. Once upon a time, there was a little girl with big, curious eyes. She wanted to explore the world, but her mommy always made her stay close. One morning, she asked if they could go out and get a waffle. Her mommy told her if she stayed close, they could make one at home. The little girl was so happy that she ran right up to her mommy and gave her a hug. But when they were out, the little girl saw a waffle shop and her eyes lit up. She begged her mommy to take her inside. Her mommy said no, but the little girl insisted. Finally, her mommy gave in and they went into the shop. As they approached the counter, the little girl said in a very loud voice, "I want to order a waffle!" The customer behind the little girl was taken aback. He had a fearful look on his face because he thought the little girl was so brave to order something. The customer told the little girl's mommy that she had a courageous daughter. The moral of the story is that it is sometimes okay to step out of our comfort zone and take a little risk. With a little courage and creativity, amazing things can happen. Once there was a little girl named Ella. She loved playing outside in the meadow. One day while she was playing, she found a loop. She grabbed it and started running around in circles, creating a giant loop. Ella thought it was so fun! Suddenly, Ella noticed her mom was standing there, and she was very angry. Her mom said, “Ella, you need to stop playing with that loop right now. It’s too dangerous to use.†Ella knew that her mom was right, so she dropped the loop and said, “Okay, Mom. I won’t use it again.†Ella’s mom smiled and said, “Oh, Ella, I’m not mad. I just want to keep you safe.†Ella smiled back and hugged her mom. She had been so scared that her mom was mad at her, but her mom had only wanted to keep her safe. From then on, Ella was careful to only use the loop in safe ways. "Let's go hop in the park," Mom said. Jimmy smiled. He loved to hop. He hopped all the way to the park. It was a peaceful sunny day. He saw a big bed of flowers he wanted to hop around in. But then he saw something even better. "Look Mom!" Jimmy said. "It's a video!" Mom looked. "Wow," she said. "That looks like so much fun!" Jimmy hopped over to the video. He couldn't get enough! He hopped, hopped and hopped some more. The video was just so much fun. Jimmy was so happy, he barely noticed a dark cloud in the sky. Suddenly, the peaceful day was gone. A big rainstorm came and it was time to go home. But Jimmy smiled. He knew he could hop around the video again soon. "Mommy, let's decorate the room!" said Jack, who was very eager to make the room look exciting. "Good idea, Jack!" said Mommy. "What should we do first? Hmmmm, I have an idea. Let's do a fun shadow play." "Shadow play?" asked Jack, his eyes big and wide. "Yes! Shadow play," said Mommy. "We can make shapes with our hands, and when we shine a light, the shapes will turn into shadows on the wall." Jack was very excited. He clapped his hands and jumped up and down. "Let's do it!" he said. So Mommy and Jack gathered some chairs and a lamp. Jack made a square shape with his hands, and when they shone the lamp on the wall, they saw a big square shadow. Jack laughed as he watched the shadow move. Then he made a triangle, a circle and a heart. The shadows looked majestic and Jack was proud of his work. When they finished, the room had been beautifully decorated with shadows. Jack was so pleased he couldn't stop smiling. "This is the best day ever!" he shouted. Once there was a happy little boy named Eddie. His mom was the kindest and funniest mom ever. One day, Eddie was playing outside and saw some sour apples in a tree. He wanted to try one, so he climbed the tree and picked one from the branch. He took a bite and it was so sour he couldn't finish the apple. Just then, Eddie's mom saw him. She said in a stern voice, “Eddie, you know you shouldn't climb trees! We can get apples without climbing trees.†Eddie was very scared and started to cry. He was sorry and asked his mom to forgive him. His mom said, “Eddie, there will be no shower today if you don't forgive yourself.†Eddie was very sad and he really wanted a shower. He tried to forgive himself but he just couldn't and so he had to go without a shower. The moral of this story is that it is important to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes. If we don't forgive ourselves, we can miss out on lots of simple pleasures. So it's always best to forgive and move on. Once upon a time there were two best friends, Jack and Jill. They were both three years old and love to play together. One day they were in Jacks room and saw a colorful drawer. Jack asked Jill if she wanted to open the drawer, but Jill said she was scared. Jack said he could open the drawer and together they pushed it open. Inside the drawer they found all sorts of things, colorful papers, markers and crayons. Jack said to Jill, "Let's make something!". So Jack and Jill got busy, they drew colorful pictures and sent them to all their friends. Every time they put a drawing in an envelope and sent it, Jack and Jill got so excited. Soon it was time to say goodbye and Jack and Jill hugged, knowing they had made something special. Once upon a time there was a shape. It was bright and fit perfectly into a space. Every morning, a 3 year old would come to the same spot. He would take the shape out and play with it. The shape made him so happy. But suddenly, one day things changed. The 3 year old was running and playing with the shape as usual, but he suddenly tripped and the shape fell onto the ground. He looked at the shape in sadness and noticed that it was now broken. He sadly said to himself, “My shape is destroyed.†Just then, his mother approached and saw the broken shape. She put a hand on his shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. I know a way to fix it.†The 3 year old watched as his mother used pieces of tape to carefully put the shape back together. She made it fit perfectly in the space again. The 3 year old said with a big smile, “My shape is fit again!†They hugged, and the 3 year old was so happy that his shape was saved. Once upon a time, there was a helpless little cat. He was trying to get his favorite toy that was stuck in a grill. He looked helplessly at the grill. Just then, a kind little girl appeared. She said, “I can help you.†She took a big sheet of paper and folded it into a triangle shape. She pushed the paper triangle carefully into the grill. The little cat meowed with joy as his toy came out of the grill. The little girl smiled. She said, “You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help.†The little cat was so happy, he gave the little girl a big hug. The little girl laughed and said, “It was my pleasure.†The two of them were happy ever after. Once upon a time there was a mouse who went searching for an underground home. He met a rabbit who offered him a hole in the ground, but the mouse noticed that it was not so clear. He asked the rabbit why it wasn't clear, and the rabbit replied, "I have been taking out bits of soil to make my home look better, but I can't do it too much or else it will collapse." The mouse thanked the rabbit, but he decided not to take the offer and kept looking. On his search, the mouse found a beautiful and clear underground home, and he asked its owner, the hedgehog, why it was so clean. The hedgehog smiled and said, "I lend a hand to other animals who need help in order to keep my home in good condition. That way, I am helping others and my home stays in good shape with minimal effort!" The mouse thanked the hedgehog, and it inspired him. He realised that if he lent a hand when needed, he wouldn't need to find another underground home. The mouse decided to always lend help to others and with that, his underground home was always in great condition. The moral of the story is that when you lend a helping hand, it can keep your home in good shape with minimal effort and make life much easier. Lily and her grandpa were walking through the park one day. Lily was having a lot of fun, and her grandpa was very calm. Suddenly, Lily stopped. "Grandpa look! I lost my pocket!" she said sadly. Grandpa looked around. He saw some candy wrapper on the ground nearby. "Let's find your pocket," he said calmly. He and Lily started searching through the grass. At last, Grandpa spotted it! The pocket was near some bushes. "Here it is Lily!" he said. Lily was so happy! She gave Grandpa a big hug and thanked him. From then on, Lily was always very careful with her pocket, so she wouldn't lose it again. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She was only three years old. One day, Lucy's mommy said to her, "Lucy, let's go to the store and get some yogurt for our lunch. Would you like to come?" Lucy said, "Yes please mommy!" Mommy and Lucy went to the store and picked out a big carton of yogurt. Lucy was so excited that she couldn't stop smiling. Mommy said, "Thank you for helping me, Lucy. We had a lot of fun picking out the yogurt, didn't we?" Lucy said, "It was easy and fun, mommy. Thank you for taking me to get yogurt!" Mommy smiled and gave Lucy a hug. "You're welcome, sweetheart. Now let's go home and enjoy our yogurt!" So Lucy and her mommy went home and had a delicious lunch of yogurt. Lucy was so happy that she said, "Thank you for the best lunch ever, Mommy!" Mommy smiled and said, "You're welcome, Lucy. I'm glad you enjoyed it." And they lived happily ever after. The end! Once there were two brothers, one was fat and one was thin. Every day they ran around the house together, playing and having fun. One day, the fat brother wanted to run faster, so he decided to try something his brother had not done before. He ate lots of food, and soon he was very fat and much bigger than his brother. His brother was jealous of this and decided he would run even faster than his brother. But instead of getting faster, the fat brother became very slow, and he couldn't keep up with his brother any more. The thin brother started to laugh and make fun of his brother for not being able to run as fast as him. The moral of the story is that it's important to be kind to others, even when we are feeling envious! If the thin brother had been kind and understanding of his brother, things could have turned out very differently. Once upon a time, there was a car. It liked to drive around the town. One day it stopped in front of a house. Inside the house was a three year old child named Alex. Alex saw the car and was excited. He ran to it, opened the door and climbed inside. Alex wanted to drive the car! He turned the wheel and the car started moving. Suddenly, the car stopped. Alex was scared but then he heard a gentle voice. "It's ok Alex. Throw the steering wheel up and down like this", said the voice. Alex nodded and did what he was told. He threw the steering wheel up and down very gently. The car started moving again! Alex was so happy. He waved to the gentle voice as he drove away in his new vehicle. John was sitting at the porch, feeling very sad. All he could see was the bleak sky and the falling leaves from the trees. He had a piece of paper in his hand and he was looking at it sadly. Suddenly, his mom appeared and sat down beside him. "What's wrong honey?" she asked, putting her arm around John. John started to cry. "I wanted to make a birthday card for daddy," he said, "but I can't draw very well". John's mom wiped away his tears. She handed him a pencil and said, "Let's try it together. I'm sure you can draw something beautiful." John smiled and tried his best to draw something on the paper. When he finished, he showed the result to his mom and his eyes widened. He had drawn a big, beautiful cake decorated with a lot of colourful balloons. His mom smiled and hugged him. "Let's put this card on daddy's bed, so he can find it in the morning," she said. John smiled and started to run towards the house. But before he could get there, he realized something. His mom hadn't forgotten about his dad's birthday! His heart felt much lighter and the feeling of sadness was replaced with a feeling of joy and excitement. He realized how bitter it would have been for his dad to forget his birthday. But knowing his mom, who remembered his dad every single day Once upon a time there was a 3 year old boy called Tom. Tom was very curious and wanted to explore every day. One day he asked his parents if he could see the attic. They said yes and so Tom trotted upstairs to explore. When he arrived at the attic the door was closed. He opened the door and there was an eerie feeling. He felt the air get cold and noticed that the attic was very gloomy. Tom started to wander around the room and looked very carefully. He noticed a few old toys and was so excited he ran over to take a closer look. But as soon as his hands touched them they began to crumble into dust. Tom looked a bit sad and he said to himself in a low voice "maybe I should have been more careful". He began to ponder and realised that it is always better to be gentle and delicate with old things. He closed the door to the attic, took one last look and went back to his parents. Tom learned that day that it is best to be careful and delicate with the things that are old. Mother brought a grumpy little boy to the park. She was carrying a ball, a frisbee and some other toys. The little boy wanted to play with the ball, so he asked his mother. But mother said no. She said he was too grumpy and that he had to be nice first. So the little boy took a deep breath like his mother said and he smiled. Mother smiled too and said "Now, let's go play." They then went over to the park, played ball and had lots of fun. At the end of the day, the little boy was not grumpy anymore. He had a happy smile on his face when mother brought him home. Harry the bear was feeling very miserable. He had been sitting by himself in his cave all day, watching the rain pour down. Suddenly, he noticed a strange jellyfish through his cave window. It was slowly making its way closer and closer to the shore of the lake. Excited, he ran outside and called out to the jellyfish. "Hello, jellyfish! Would you like to play with me?" The jellyfish slowly shook its head. "No thank you, Harry," it replied in a squeaky voice. "I think I'd like to just fold myself up for a while and rest." Harry was disappointed but he understood. "Oh okay," he said, a little sadly. He watched until the jellyfish gently folded its tentacles and drifted out of sight. He went back inside and lay in bed, feeling a bit more cheerful even though he was still terribly miserable. He knew the jellyfish was safe and comfortable, and that was enough to make him smile. Once upon a time, there were two best friends called Peter and Samantha. They were always together and loved to play. One day, they were playing in the park when Samantha found some cool glue and wanted to try it. But Peter had a bad feeling and said, “Don’t use the glue, it could be bad for us,†But Samantha didn’t listen and she used the glue to stick two pieces of paper together. Suddenly, the paper ripped and both Peter and Samantha started to cry. Peter said, “I told you not to use the glue and now we have a problem!†Samantha felt so sad and regretful that she had used the glue. She said, “I wish I listened to you now. I'm sorry.†But Peter knew that Samantha was sorry and he said, “It’s ok. Let’s go and find something else to play with!†So, Peter and Samantha went off to find something else cool to do. And they never regretted using the glue ever again. Once there was a tall tree. This tree was so tall that it was reaching all the way up to the sky. The sun was shining and the birds were singing in the tree. Suddenly the tree caught fire. The tree was burning and burning. Then a brave man came and put out the fire with a bucket of water. He saved the tree and everyone cheered and celebrated. The man was so happy because he had brought victory to the tree. He knew that now the tree would be tall and strong. Everyone cheered again and thanked the man for his hard work. Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved the theater. She was so excited every time there was a new show. Every Wednesday, she would get up early and put on a bright dress, and she and her mom would head off to the theater. One day, when they were walking to the theater, the little girl saw a balloon on the ground. It was red, yellow and blue and it was glowing in the sunshine. She got a big smile on her face and asked her mom if she could pick the balloon up. Her mom said, "No, you can't pick up the balloon." The little girl was so sad. She wanted to pick it up and make it part of their day. But her mom said, "You can't pick up the balloon because it belongs to someone else." The little girl was heartbroken. She understood what her mom was saying. She knew that if she picked up the balloon, it would belong to her and it wouldn't belong to the person it was meant for. When they got to the theater, the little girl was still sad. But when she walked inside and saw the rows of seats and the big stage, she forgot all about the balloon. The colors and lights of the theater made her feel so happy and excited! She knew she had made the right choice. The moral of the story is: do the right thing and you will be rewarded. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Charlie. Charlie was three years old and liked to play with his friends in the park. His friends all had different things to play with, but Charlie only had a toy reindeer. One day, Charlie was playing with his reindeer when he heard someone say, "Hello!" Charlie looked up and saw another reindeer staring at him. He couldn't believe it – reindeers don't usually talk! "Who are you?" Charlie asked. The other reindeer said, "My name is Sam. I'm here to make sure all reindeers are happy." Charlie was surprised but excited. He asked, "How can you make sure reindeers are happy?" Sam smiled and said, "By being different, each reindeer can help in different ways." Charlie was happy now. Hie said goodbye to Sam and went off to play with his reindeer. He knew that if he was different, he could help too. One day Jack went on an adventure. He was looking forward to it because he was a brave and curious youth. Jack started out strong, running and skipping. But as he kept going, his feet started to ache and he began to slow down. He started to stumble. Jack had wanted to stop and rest, but he kept going because he felt a spark of something special ahead. He finally came to a clearing and saw a small group of people having a party. Jack nervously stepped up to them and asked what was happening. They told him it was a popular celebration and he was invited to join. Jack smiled, but was still hesitant because of how he had stumbled along the way. But the group convinced him to join. In the end, Jack was glad that he didn't give up because it was just the adventure he was hoping for. He had stumbled, but ended up enjoying the popular celebration. Once upon a time, there was an honest little lamb called Fleur. Fleur enjoyed exploring the green meadows of her home. Today, she was searching for something special. As Fleur galloped through the meadow, she noticed a chamber hidden in the grass. It was small and round and looked very mysterious. Fleur approached the chamber. She wanted to see what was inside, but the door was locked. Suddenly, an old owl swooped down and said, "Try bowing at the door, and it will open." So Fleur bowed at the door and it creaked open. Inside the chamber was a wonderful surprise! There were piles of juicy apples and sweet juicy peaches! Fleur was so happy! She thanked the wise old owl for his honest advice, and she feasted on all the juicy fruits. And that, is the story of how Fleur the honest little lamb found the hidden chamber. Once upon a time, there was a poor girl. She had just one skirt but it was getting too tight. One day, her mother said, "The skirt doesn't fit you anymore, my dear. We need to get you a new one." The poor girl felt sad. She loved her old skirt and she didn't want to get a new one. But then her mother said, "Don't worry, sweetie. We'll find you a skirt that fits you perfectly." The poor girl smiled. She knew her mother would find a way to help her. The next day, the girl's mother found a beautiful new skirt. The girl tried it on, and it fit her perfectly. The poor girl was so happy. She spun around, enjoying the way her new skirt swished and swirled around her. From then on, the poor girl always had a skirt that fit. The end. Once upon a time there lived a mom and a daughter. The daughter's name was Jane and she was 3 years old. One day, Jane's Mom said to her, "Let's go and send a letter to your grandparents!" Jane was very happy and they went to the post office. Jane put the letter in the red mail box. The next day, Jane's mom gave Jane a big blue envelope. It had a crack on it. Jane asked, "What is it?" Her mom said, "It's a letter from your grandparents. They sent it in an envelope." Jane was very excited. She opened the envelope. Inside, there was a blue toy car. Jane was so happy and she thanked her mom. They both went outside and Jane drove her new car around the yard. Suddenly, a big gust of wind came and blew the car away! Jane started crying. Her mom said, "It's OK, I'll send another letter and ask them to send another car." Jane felt better, and ran inside to get ready for bed. Once upon a time, there was a tiny frog. His name was Tad. One day, he was feeling very brave so he decided to enter a big, wet pond. He tip-toed around the edge, looking for the perfect spot to take a dip. Suddenly, he spotted a charming little lily pad. "This looks like a nice spot to sit," he said to himself. He jumped onto the lily pad, but it wobbled dangerously under his weight. Tad froze, worried he'd fall in. "Relax," said a voice. Tad looked around, and saw a big bullfrog sitting there. He was big and strong and confident. "There’s nothing to be afraid of," said the bullfrog. "The water looks very wet, but it’s really quite fun!" So Tad jumped in the water. He was relieved to find that the bullfrog was right! He swam around and around, feeling happier than ever. And that’s how Tad learned that sometimes the scariest things can turn out to be truly charming. Sammy was feeling helpless. She had lost her best friend and just didn't know how she would find it again. She decided she would go look for her friend, but she wasn't sure where to go first. Sammy set off, walking around the park, calling out her friend's name. Everywhere she looked she felt a little bit more helpless, until she came across a cave. The cave was dark and mysterious, but Sammy felt something tugging at her. Could it be her friend? She stepped inside and saw something furry, "Is that you?" she said. "Yes! It's me!" her friend replied. Sammy was so happy, she had found her friend! She had been so worried, but now she knew that everything was going to be alright. She had never felt so relieved. Sammy and her friend went back home and hugged each other tightly. They had been through a lot today, but in the end, they were closer than ever. Once there was a boy and a girl. They were very happy. They loved to take walks outside. One day, they decided to go for a walk in the park. Suddenly the ground began to shake and rumble. It was an earthquake! The boy and the girl were scared. They quickly ran to a big tree and held onto it with their hands and feet. The earthquake was very strong, but soon it was over. The boy and the girl were glad it was over! After the earthquake, they celebrated by going to the nearby ice cream shop. They got a delicious ice cream cone each! The ice cream was cold and yummy. The boy and girl had a great day together. They were happy they could take a walk and get ice cream too! One day, Peter saw something very special flying in the air. He went outside to have a closer look. It was a big and thick puzzle. It had so many pieces that it seemed too big and complicated to solve. Peter was determined to try and solve the big puzzle. He asked his Mom for help. But she said it was too hard and she didn't want him to get frustrated. Peter kept trying and trying. He started to get a little frustrated and decided to take a break. When he came back, he realized the puzzle had flown away. Peter was very sad that he would never get to solve the puzzle. Later, Peter was very surprised when he heard a loud noise outside. He ran out and saw that the puzzle had flown back! But it had solved itself! Peter was so excited and made sure to keep the puzzle safe so that it wouldn't fly away again. Once upon a time there was a charming kid. He had a very special smile that would always make people around him smile and feel happy. One day, the kid was walking and he saw another kid. He smiled at the other kid and said "Hello!". The other kid replied with a big smile. He said "Hi!". The two kids then started to talk and the charming kid asked the other kid "What are you doing?" The other kid replied "I'm having a lot of fun. Would you like to join me?". The charming kid happily said "Yes!". And they both started to play together. The two kids had a great time together and they made special memories they would never forget. Once upon a time, there was a bird named Zip. Zip was a very competitive bird. He wanted to fly higher and faster than all the other birds. One day, Zip decided to use his wings to create a special kind of flying. He zipped and zipped through the sky. He could go higher and faster than ever before. The other birds were very surprised. The birds knew that Zip was the best flyer around. Every day, Zip zipped around the sky and got better and better. The other birds started to join him. Together, they zipped and zipped through the sky. Everyone was impressed with how fast and high they could fly. Zip was so proud. He knew he was the best and he was very competitive. He flew even faster and higher than before. The birds flew together and had so much fun. Zip was happy that he could be the best flyer around and show off his special flying skills. Everyone was happy. Once upon a time, there was a bear who lived in the woods. He was a pale bear, with a coat of white fur. Every day he went for a walk and he was always careful not to stumble. One day, the bear was walking through the woods and he started to stumble on some rocks. He fell over and bumped his nose. "Ouch!" he cried. Then, suddenly, there was a voice. "Are you okay, bear?" it asked. The bear was surprised. He looked up and saw a little girl. She had blonde hair and was wearing a pink dress. "Are you okay, bear?" the little girl asked again. The bear smiled and said: "Yes, I'm okay. I just stumbled on some rocks.Thank you for asking." The little girl smiled and said, "You're welcome, bear. Let's make sure you don't stumble again." And so, the pale bear and the little girl continued their journey through the woods, watching out for any rocks the bear might stumble on. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to explore. One day, her parents permitted her to go into the garden and explore. The girl was so excited and she ran to explore the garden. There she saw a strange looking tap with a handle attached to it. She ran to it and tried turning the handle. Suddenly, a gush of water started coming out of the tap! The little girl was so amazed! She had never seen anything like this before and she wanted to know where the water was coming from. She asked her parents “What is this tap?†Her parents explained that taps are tools used to release water and this tap was very interesting because it released so much water! The little girl looked at the tap in amazement. She was so excited to explore the garden. She knew it was going to be an interesting adventure! Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Amy. She lived in a modern palace. One day, she was playing in the palace's garden when she saw a beautiful flower. She thought to herself, "I want to twist the flower". So she bent down and carefully twisted the flower. Suddenly, a loud voice boomed out. It was the King, who lived in the palace. He said, "Amy, stop twisting the flower!" Amy was scared and stopped. She said, "I'm sorry, King!" The King smiled and said, "That's alright. You can keep twisting the flower as long as you are gentle with it." Amy was happy and thanked the King. Then she went back to twisting the flower. And they all lived happily ever after in their modern palace. Once upon a time, a little girl went for a walk on the beach with her mom. The sun was shining and the sand was warm. The little girl ran around, picking up seashells, and looking for treasure. Suddenly, the little girl saw a shark swimming in the ocean. It was a scary sight, but the little girl was brave and curious so she asked her mom, "What is that shark doing here?" Her mom smiled and said, "That shark is swimming around because it values its home in the ocean." The little girl wanted to do something nice for the shark so, she went over to where the tide meets the shore and picked up a big sweet coconut to share with the shark. She threw it into the water and watched as the shark gobbled it up. The little girl smiled, happy that she had shared something sweet with her new ocean friend. Martin was playing in the park. He was so eager to play and explore when suddenly, he saw something ahead. It was a sausage! Martin jumped with joy and ran towards the sausage. He was about to pick it up when a voice behind him said, "Wait! Remain where you are for now." Martin turned around and saw it was his mom. She said, "Sausages like that can be yummy, but it can also make you sick. We'll go home and buy some sausages from the store, that way we know it's safe to eat." Martin was still eager to get the sausage, but he knew his mom was right. He waved goodbye to the sausage and said, "Bye bye! I'll be back soon." Martin and his mom went to the store and got some sausages. It was safe and yummy. Martin was happy and full. Tim and his mother went to the park. Tim was very excited. He saw people running, playing and riding bicycles. Tim thought it was very attractive. Tim's mother took out a muffin from her bag. Tim was very happy to see the muffin. He quickly ate it. Tim and his mother had a great time at the park. They played, ran and even rode a bicycle. They both felt very happy. Suddenly, Tim saw something very attractive. It was a bright yellow duck, swimming in the pond. He asked his mother, "Can we park the duck?" Tim's mother laughed and said, "No, we can't park the duck. We should let him stay in the pond for others to enjoy." They watched the duck for a while before continuing to enjoy their time at the park. Once, there were two friends, a squirrel and a bear. Every day, they would play in the forest together. One day, the squirrel saw a mysterious glowing ball. "What is that?" asked the squirrel. "It's harmless," said the bear. The squirrel bravely touched the ball, and they were both surprised when oxygen burst out! They jumped back and the oxygen filled the forest. The bear grinned. "I didn't think the ball would do that!" he said. The squirrel and the bear were now able to breathe easily and they were so happy! They thanked the harmless ball for the surprise, and continued to play together in the forest. One warm day, a young boy was sitting beside a lake. He saw an attractive goose walking slowly near the lake's edge. Suddenly, the goose began to splash in the water. The boy was very excited and he shouted out, "Goose, what are you doing?" The goose replied, "I feel like swimming today. The water is so refreshing! Would you like to join me?" The boy was a bit scared but he replied, "Yes, I would like to swim too!" He walked into the lake and he and the goose had so much fun splashing and playing together. The boy thanked the goose for being so nice and the goose thanked him for being a good friend. They said goodbye, and the boy ran home with a big smile on his face. The sun was shining, and the lake was smooth. Little Jack looked out the window with excitement, he knew the day would be perfect for a boat ride. He ran to his daddy and begged him to go. His daddy smiled, "Let's go for a boat ride, Jack!" So, they went outside and Daddy released the boat into the lake. Jack hopped inside the boat, and sat still. "Grab the oars, Jack," his Daddy said. Jack grabbed the oars and slowly pushed the boat forward. He was so proud. They paddled together, the lake so smooth. After a while Jack asked, "Daddy, can I release the oars?" Daddy smiled and said, "Yes, Jack, go ahead and release the oars." Jack let go of the oars, and watched as the boat gently floated. He could feel the sun warming his skin. Smiling, he looked up at his dad and said, "This is the best boat ride ever!" Daddy nodded and smiled, agreeing with his son. Bob the bird was bald and sad. He wanted a new feathers to make him more beautiful. His friends, Jeff and Anne said they knew of a way to get new feathers. "Take this pill," said Jeff. "It might make you more beautiful." So, Bob took the pill and closed his eyes. He waited and waited, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and looked in the mirror. He was still bald! He was so disappointed and started to cry. Then his friends spoke up. "Bob, it was not the pill that made you beautiful." said Jeff. "It's what you do and who you are on the inside that make you beautiful," said Anne. Bob realized his friends were right. He vowed to be kind and help others and he knew this was the best way to be beautiful. Once upon a time, there was a small boy named Jack. He was only three years old. He loved to play outside, but today it was too cold. So Jack went inside where he found his mother. She was making a tie. She was very busy and had lots of knots to make. Jack wanted to help, so he said, "Mommy, can I help with the tie?" His mother said, "No, this is too hard for you. You need to go and play something else." But Jack was very determined. He wanted to make the tie. He called out, "Mom, I can do it! I can make the tie!" His mother smiled and said, "Okay, Jack. But be careful, this is a tricky tie!" So Jack carefully followed his mother's instructions. After some hard work, he managed to make the perfect tie. His mother was very proud of him! Mama was packing a bag. Inside the bag she put a bar of soap. “Why do you put the soap in the bag?†asked Little John. “The trip might be dangerous. I want to make sure I have everything I need if things go wrong,†Mama said. Mama and Little John said goodbye and Mama went on her trip. When Mama arrived at her destination she was very happy. Everything had gone well on the journey and the soap she had packed had been useful. Mama was now sure of one thing. She had learned the value of being prepared for dangerous situations. Little John saw the lesson too. He said, “If you don’t prepare, dangerous things can happen.†Mama smiled and gave Little John a hug. “That’s true,†she said. The moral of the story was that it was important to be prepared for any dangerous situation. Learning this lesson might just save everyone a lot of trouble later on! Tommy loved blueberries. Every morning, he would wake up early, grab a bowl and a spoon, and go out to the garden, where he would pick the juicy, sweet blueberries for breakfast. One morning, Tommy went out to the garden as usual but couldn't find any blueberries. He sighed, feeling very sad that he couldn’t find any. But then, he heard a low, gruff voice. Looking around, he saw an old, furry bear sitting near the blueberry bush. “Hello, bear,†Tommy said. “What are you doing here?†the bear asked. “I was just looking for some blueberries†said Tommy, wondering why the bear was there. “Oh, I see. Well, these blueberries are my breakfast,†the bear said calmly. Tommy felt very frustrated. He sighed again. He really wanted some blueberries for breakfast. The bear seemed to read his mind, and said with a warm smile, “Don’t worry, Tommy. I will share my blueberries with you.†Tommy was very happy. He and the bear shared the warm and juicy blueberries in the morning sunshine, talking about the day ahead. This one encounter foreshadowed an exciting adventure full of wonderful surprises. And that's how it all began. Once there was a little girl named Anna. Anna wanted to count something different. So one day, Anna went outside and discovered a hill. She was so excited because counting a hill would be really fun! Anna sat down at the bottom of the hill and started to count. She counted one, two, three, four, five as she climbed up the hill. The higher Anna climbed, the more she could see. She saw different trees, flowers and animals. Anna was so happy counting all the different things. But when she reached the top of the hill, something so special happened. Anna had discovered a whole new world of different things to count. She was so excited, she forgot to count the hill! Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Annie. She had a very cheap mattress. Every night, Annie would imagine what was inside it. Was it full of bugs? She shivered at the thought. One day, Annie's mommy let her peek inside the mattress. At first, it was filled with feathers. But when Annie looked closer... She saw little bugs scurrying around! Annie screamed and ran away. Her mommy soon realized the cheap mattress was filled with bed bugs. Annie was so sad and scared of the bugs, she refused to sleep in her own bed. Mommy tried to get rid of the bugs, but it was too late. Every night, Annie had to imagine the bugs swarming her bed. She never did get to have a comfortable sleep again. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Bella who loved to cook. She wanted to cook a special meal for her parents, so she went to the market to buy some ingredients. On her way to the market, Bella noticed a big, noisy cliff. She was curious, so she decided to climb it. As Bella reached the top, she saw the most beautiful view. She stood there for a few minutes, taking in the beauty. When Bella arrived at the market, she bought all the ingredients she needed for her meal. She was so excited to get back home and start cooking. When she returned, she quickly started up the stove and began preparing the food. As she cooked, she could smell the delicious aroma of the food wafting through the kitchen. "Mom, Dad!" Bella called out. "Dinner is ready!" Her parents came running and were delighted with her meal. They thanked her for making the food. Finally, the family sat down together and shared a lovely dinner. Bella was delighted with how her meal turned out, and her parents were proud of how she could cook. Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Molly. She loved to visit the park with her mom. Every weekend, they would visit the park together. They would swing on the swings and run around playing tag. One day, while they were at the park, Molly saw a very big test. She asked her mom, "What is that?" Her mom said, "That is a cheap test. We can go and visit it!" Molly was so excited! They went to the test and Molly said, "Wow! It is so big!" Her mom said, "Yes it is, so be careful when we visit it!" Molly climbed the test with her mom and they looked at the different shapes. At the end of the day, Molly and her mom said goodbye to the test and went home. Molly was so happy that they had visited the test together. She looked forward to their next park visit! Once there was a bunny called Spike. Spike liked to lay in the sun, enjoying the warm, rare days. One day, Spike was taking an afternoon nap, stretched out in his favourite sunny spot. Suddenly, Spike was woken up by a voice. "Wake up, Spike!" the voice said. Spike lifted his head, and saw a little girl wearing shorts and a t-shirt. "What do you want?" Spike asked sleepily. The little girl smiled. "I want to play," she said. Spike and the little girl found a big, soft patch of grass in the garden. They lay next to each other and stared up at the sky. The sun was setting, and Spike spotted a few rare pink clouds. The little girl clapped her hands. "It's so beautiful!" she said. They began playing games, Spike hopping here and there, making funny noises to make her giggle. The little girl and Spike had a wonderful time together. When the sun set, the little girl and Spike were both tired. Spike laid down and the little girl hugged him goodbye. "Thank you for playing," she said. Spike smiled, and waved goodbye as the little girl left with a skip in her step. It had been a rare, and wonderful day. Once upon a time, there was a powerful owner. He had a bright and shiny truck. One day, he loaded the truck with lots of things and drove away. He left his truck unlocked and a little bird flew in. The bird saw the truck was full and said, "Wow! What have you brought?" The owner replied, "I have brought lots of things, but now I must go away again. Will you please look after my truck for me?" The bird agreed. The bird was careful and looked after the truck very well. Every couple of days, the bird said, "Please come back. I want to see you." The powerful owner did come back, and thanked the little bird. The bird flew away, happy to have looked after the truck. The owner enjoyed his things, safe and secure in the knowing that they were taken care of and appreciated. The sun had just risen in the sky, making the air warm and soft. Allen was a small boy who decided to explore the seaside. He put on his life vest and got into a yellow kayak. Allen was feeling excited as he paddled the kayak in the calm sea. He caught a glimpse of a bright fish that seemed to be following him. Allen whispered, “Hi fishy!†Suddenly, Allen heard a voice coming from an unknown place. The voice whispered, “Welcome to the sea, Allen. I can show you something amazing!†The mysterious voice continued to whisper, “Follow the fish and you’ll find a surprise.†Allen smiled. He quickly started paddling the kayak, following the fish. He was excited to see what the mysterious voice wanted to show him. After a long journey, the fish suddenly swam away and Allen spotted a big rock. Underneath the rock was a big golden treasure! Allen was filled with joy. He carefully took the treasure and put it in his kayak. Then, he paddled back to shore, excited to tell everyone what he had found. Once there was a little boy who was three years old. His name was Jack. One day, Jack was playing outside when he heard a loud thunder! It was so loud he had to cover his ears. He was scared and ran inside to his mom. "Mom!" he said, "What was that noise?" "That was thunder, Jack." his mom said. "Can thunder fit in my room?" asked Jack. "No, it's too big," his mom said. Jack was disappointed. Then he saw that it was starting to rain outside. "It's wet," he said. "Yes," said his mom, "It's raining outside. Let's go put on our raincoats and play in the rain." Jack and his mom put on their raincoats, and then they went outside. The rain felt cold and wet on their skin. Jack laughed and ran around and chased raindrops in the puddles. He had so much fun he almost forgot all about the thunder. Once there was a little girl named Hannah. She was a very creative girl who loved to play with animals. One day, she was playing in the garden when she heard a fight nearby. She was scared, so she ran to hide in the bushes. Suddenly, her favorite pet rabbit hopped up to her and comforted her. He nuzzled up against her and made her feel safe. Hannah felt happy and thought that the rabbit was very clever to know she was scared. Hannah picked up the rabbit gently and hugged him close. As she held him, she felt better. The fight was still going on, but she had her brave rabbit to help her feel calm. Eventually, the fighting stopped. Although Hannah was scared for a moment, she was brave enough to come out from the bushes and continue playing. With her creative little rabbit at her side, she felt ready to explore and have fun again. Once upon a time, there were two friends called James and Abigail. They liked to play together and were always happy. One day, Abigail wanted to play with James’ basket. But James was being selfish and wouldn't let her. Abigail asked "Please can I play with your basket?". James just shook his head and said "No, it’s mine." Abigail felt sad and said "But why, James?". James laughed and said "Because I said so and I don't have to share with you, ha ha". Abigail felt hurt and angry, but she knew she had to be brave. She looked at James and said "That's not nice to tease me like that". James was surprised, but he realized he was being selfish. He said "I'm sorry Abigail, here you can have the basket". Abigail was happy and said "Thank you, James!". They both played happily with the basket for the rest of the day. Mark was playing in the park with his toy truck when he saw a small, sad dog walking slowly across the grass. Mark smiled and started to move towards him. Suddenly his toy truck slipped out of his hands, and Mark was so surprised he stopped in his tracks. Mark slowly walked up to the dog and said "hi". The dog looked up at Mark, its eyes sad. Mark reached out his hand and said "it's ok". The dog cautiously sniffed Mark's hand, then wagged its tail. Mark smiled and stroked the dog's head. Just then Mark's mom called out for him to come back home for dinner. Mark was sad he had to go, he motioned for the dog to follow him but the dog just sat there and looked at him. Mark waved goodbye and then started running back home. As he ran he thought of the little, sad dog, he hoped it would find its way home soon. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who always complained. She would complain about the way her brother played in the garden, and she would complain about the way her parents spoke to her. One day, the little girl was feeling especially full of worry. She didn't know why, but something was troubling her. Suddenly, a white butterfly flew by. The little girl watched it flutter in the air. All the worry seemed to vanish. She wasn't complaining anymore. The little girl smiled and could feel joy inside her. From that day on, she always chased after white butterflies, whenever her worries and complaints began to return. Once upon a time there was a very fragile event. Everyone in the kingdom was so excited and they all wished to attend. But one day before the event started, a big storm came and destroyed everything. Everyone was so sad and they were worried that the event was going to be ruined. Then, a brave knight came and he bravely saved the event. He was so strong and he worked really hard to fix everything that was broken by the storm. Finally, the event was safe and everyone was so excited. They all had fun and celebrated together. Everyone was grateful to the brave knight for saving the fragile event. Mummy was careful to make sure that everything was finished before making tea. She thought it would be educational for her 3-year-old daughter and suggested that the little girl could help. The little girl was alert and ready to help. "What should I do?" she asked her mummy. "You need to stir the tea after I pour it in," explained mummy. The little girl carefully held onto the spoon as she watched mummy put the tea in. Then, it was her turn to stir. All around the cup she stirred, to make sure the tea was finished. "Very good!" said Mummy. The little girl was proud of herself for finishing the tea. Now it was ready for mummy and her to enjoy. Once upon a time, there were two children called Tommy and Daisy. Tommy was very adventurous, and he was always wanting to explore the world. He wanted to travel and sail the seas. His mom warned him not to go on any trips alone. One day, Tommy thought it was about time he had an adventure. So, he secretly hopped on a plane to the airport. His mom was so upset when she found out. She said to him, "Tommy, you were so naughty! You can't go on trips on your own." So Tommy learned a valuable lesson that day, and realized that it's important to be safe when travelling. Tommy still loved adventures, but always made sure mom was with him and travelled safely. He even waved goodbye to the plane from the airport as it sailed off in the sky. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Emma. She was three years old and had beautiful, blonde hair. Today, Emma was playing dress up. She put on a thick, pink dress with bright yellow buttons. She wanted it to look perfect, so she decided to put on a pretty pink bow in her hair. After she was all dressed up, Emma's Mommy came into the room. Mommy said, "Emma, you look so cute in your dress! Would you like a lollipop?" Emma said, "Yes, please!" Mommy gave her a thick, blue lollipop. Emma smiled and said, "Thank you, Mommy!" Then she put the lollipop in her pocket and ran off to play. Once upon a time, there was an old garden. Its plants were wilted and it looked very sad. But then one day, a young girl appeared, carrying a fine hose in her hands. She was determined to make the garden look happy. The girl looked around. She said, “Hello! I am here to serve the garden.†The garden seemed to smile at her. So the girl put down the hose and got to work. She watered all the plants until they were healthy and green again. When she finished, the garden was so beautiful! Even the sun seemed brighter. The girl smiled. “Good job!†She said to the garden. And they all lived happily ever after. Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was three years old and she liked exploring. One day she went on a special adventure. She went into a big old house and she saw lots of cobwebs. They were very quiet in the house - she could barely hear anything! The girl wanted to go into one of the cobwebs. She grabbed it with her hands and pulled it. She needed help to get inside, so she called out for someone to help her. Suddenly a spider appeared. He asked why she wanted help and the girl explained that she wanted to play in the cobweb. The spider thought it would be fun too so he said yes. He spun her a nice cocoon, with plenty of room for her to move around and play. She was so happy and thanked the spider for his help. They both needed each other to have a good time. The girl and the spider became the best of friends and they enjoyed playing in the cobweb for a long time. Once upon a time, there was a girl who liked a crystal. She was sad when people told her she couldn't play with it. She knew it felt special to her. One day, the girl met a wizard. He said he knew of a special way to use the crystal. He asked her if she wanted to try it. She agreed. In a kind voice, the wizard explained to the girl how to use the crystal. The girl followed his instructions. She put the crystal on the ground and slowly put her hands above it. She said some words the wizard told her and felt a tingly energy coming out of it. She took her hands away and the crystal glowed. Everyone was surprised. They told the girl she was strong for making the crystal glow. The girl felt happy but disagreed. She still felt weak. The wizard smiled and said that the crystal needs more time and the girl was just starting to use it. She will soon be stronger. The girl smiled too and agreed. She was happy to keep trying. She knew the crystal would make her feel better soon. That night, when the girl closed her eyes, she felt a strong force of energy and light coming from the crystal. No longer was she sad or weak. And whenever she was feeling bad, all she had to do was take out her crystal and it would help her. Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was three years old. One day, she wanted to make a wish. She said she wanted to have a clear sky. The sky suddenly turned dark and it began to thunder. Some big drops of rain started to fall from the sky. The little girl was frightened and started to cry. Her older brother came over and tried to comfort her. But when the rain started to get heavier, her brother got angry. He knew the little girl wanted a clear sky and he wanted to help her. He was so angry that he slapped his hand into the air. Suddenly, the rain stopped and the sun came out. A beautiful clear sky filled the sky. The little girl smiled and was so happy. Her wish came true! The end. Once upon a time there was a playful little boy named Kevin. He loved to explore and play all around the house. One day his mommy was cooking in the kitchen and Kevin wanted to join her. He begged his mommy to let him help with the cooking but she said no and told Kevin to stay away. Kevin was upset and he wanted to make his mommy happy. He ran back to his room and grabbed his toy kitchen set. He ran back to the kitchen and was so excited to show his mommy what he had. But his mommy was angry. She scolded Kevin and said he was being silly and to put the kitchen set away. Kevin was so sad and quickly ran back to his room. He ran out of his room and stumbled into the living room. He grabbed one of his mommy's cushion from the couch and started playing with it. His mommy saw this and yelled out loudly. Kevin was so scared that he dropped the cushion and ran back to his room. His mommy was so angry she decided to give him a big punishment. She told Kevin that he was not allowed to play any of his toys for two whole weeks as a delay for his misbehavior. The next day, Kevin was still very upset about the delay. He wanted to be as playful as he always was but he couldn't. He had to stay in his room and be very quiet. He could only look out the Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Zelda. Zelda loved to run in the park and explore all of the hidden spots. One day, she was running around the park and she came across a little hole in the ground. She was curious and decided to take a peek. When she put her head over the hole, she heard someone speaking in a low voice. Zelda whispered, "Hello? Who's there?". The voice answered, "My name is Bill. I'm stuck down here and I can't get out. Can you help me?". Zelda was so excited and said, "Yes! Of course I can help you!". She ran to get her friends and they all worked together to pull Bill out of the hidden hole. Bill thanked them all and gave each of them a big hug. Zelda smiled and said, "It's okay, we're happy to help!". Zelda and her friends continued to run around and explore the park, always ready to help out when someone is in need. Alex was a 3 year old who liked to scream. He had a calendar that showed him when his next birthday would be. He would look at the calendar and then scream with joy! He ran around the house, shouting and yelling. His parents thought he was crazy for doing that but he didn't care. One day, his dad asked him why he was so excited. "I'm looking at the calendar!" Alex replied. "My birthday is the day after tomorrow!" "Well that's wonderful," said his dad. "But I think you should calm down." But Alex couldn't help it. He just kept screaming and dancing around. He couldn't contain his excitement! He was just so happy! Mama and Laci were walking in the park one day. Mama was pushing Laci's stroller and Laci was laughing and pointing to all the animals she saw. Suddenly Mama and Laci heard a loud noise coming from the street. Mama looked around and saw a car speeding down the road. Mama quickly grabbed Laci and crouched down. "What was that, Mama?" Laci asked. "That was a car going really fast," Mama said. Mama and Laci got back up and started walking again. Suddenly Laci tripped over a vegetable and fell to the ground. She started to cry. Mama leaned down and said, "Are you hurt?" Laci nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks. Mama hugged her tight and said, "It's ok, you'll be alright. We will be more careful next time." Once upon a time, there were two best friends - Jane and Jack. They were always together, laughing and playing. One day, Jack said to Jane, "I believe the scooter is going to be really useful." Jane thought for a moment and said, "That's a great idea, Jack! Let's give it a try!" So, they got the scooter and started riding around. Everywhere they went, they had lots of fun and smiles! Everyone in the neighbourhood said how useful the scooter was for them. One day, Jack said to Jane, "I believe the scooter is the best gift ever!" Jane smiled and said, "I agree - it's the best ever!" They kept riding their scooter and living happily ever after. Once there was a little girl named Sarah. She was only three years old and loved to polish things. Her favourite was polishing her red shoes with a soft cloth and making them shiny and spotless. Today she was feeling extra creative, so she decided to polish her building blocks. She chose some big round blue blocks because she wanted to make them look special and shiny. She picked up a cloth and started to rub it on the blocks. "Wow!" Sarah said, as she watched them sparkle. "They're so blue and shiny!" Suddenly, the room became quiet. Even the birds outside stopped singing. Sarah looked up at her dad, who had come to watch her. "You did such a great job, Sarah," he said. "Your blocks look so special." Sarah smiled happily, knowing that her dad was proud of her. She looked around the room and realized that the quiet made everything so peaceful. She was glad that polishing her blocks had made her happy. It was a calm morning. The sun started to rise and the birds began to sing. The sky was bright before the sun reached its highest point. Max was sitting in the garden. He loved to watch the sunrise every morning. He was three years old, and his mom wanted him to learn to read. She gave him a book and said, "Let's read together, Max." Max opened the book, and he saw words he had never seen before. He tried to sound them out, and his mom helped him. She said, "That's right!" if he got it right. It was a difficult challenge, but Max kept trying. He was so amazed when he understood some of the words. He was so proud of himself. Max kept learning new words with his mom and soon, he could read. He was so happy and he loved watching the sunrise while reading his book. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mia. She loved to explore her room and find new and exciting things. One day, she noticed a great wardrobe in the corner of her room that she had never seen before. She asked her mom, "What's this big box with the doors?" Mom smiled and said, "It's a wardrobe! You can open the doors and put all sorts of things inside!" Mia was excited and pointed at the wardrobe. She couldn't wait to open it and discover what was inside. She opened the doors and saw lots of great clothes. She tried them on and thought they were perfect! At the end of the day, Mia was happy to have found the great wardrobe. She thanked her mom for showing her the exciting new thing in her room. Bob gathered his things and went out his back door. His dad had shown him where the rail was always parked. But when he reached the rail, he saw something he didn't like. It was his neighbor, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith was feeling very upset today because she had argued with Bob's dad. She was so mad, she was standing in front of the rail and wouldn't let Bob pass. Bob was a gentle little boy, but he didn't like the way Mrs. Smith was acting. He asked her to move, but she refused and started to yell at him. Poor Bob, he didn't know what to do. He was very upset, so he started to cry. His tears only made Mrs. Smith angrier, and so in a fit of rage, she grabbed Bob and threw him away from the rail. Bob landed on the ground with a thump, and he was too injured and scared to move. He lay there until his mom found him and discovered what had happened. Poor Bob had a bad ending, even though he was just trying to get his rail. Jill was feeling anxious. She had never been so scared in her life. She was standing outside a tall, steel gate which was blocking her way. On the gate was a sign which said “No Entry†in big, red letters. Jill asked, “Why can’t I go in?†The guard who was standing by the gate replied, “This is a restricted area. Only very special people can go in.†Jill started to feel even more anxious and asked, “But why?†The guard showed her a picture of a big, scary lion. “We keep the lion in this area,†the guard said. “It’s too dangerous for you to come in.†Jill was scared, but she went in anyway and the guard had to run after her. Jill quickly realized why the guard had warned her! The lion started roaring and charging towards her, and Jill knew she was in trouble. The guard grabbed her and pulled her back to safety before the lion could get any closer. The guard was very angry and he said sternly, “I told you not to come in. You must always listen to the warnings.†Jill was scared and very sorry for going in. But it was too late, the damage had been done. From then on, she was always Once upon a time, there were two friends, Jack and Jane. They were playing in the garden on a sunny day. Suddenly, a mosquito flew over to them. It buzzed around Jack's head, trying to bite him. Jack tried to swat it away, but it was too fast. Jane laughed at him. She said, "Ha ha, Jack! The mosquito is teasing you!" Jack got very angry. He tried swatting at the mosquito with both hands, but everytime he almost got it, the mosquito flew away. Suddenly, an idea came to him. He grabbed his garden hose and started spraying it. The mosquito got very wet. It buzzed away, grumbling to itself. Jack looked at Jane and said, "Ha ha! Now the mosquito is really mad!" Jane and Jack laughed and then went back to playing in the garden. Once upon a time there was a town full of happy people. One day, a funny thing happened in the town. Everyone was so embarrassed! They wanted to prevent it from happening again. So, they came up with a plan. They decided to put a big tall fence around the town. One little three year old boy saw the fence and asked his mom what it was. She said, “It’s to prevent the funny thing from happening again.†The little boy smiled and said, “I like the fence!†And that’s how the fence appeared around the town and it has been there ever since! Molly and her mom were getting ready for a vacation. "Mom, what are we packing?" Molly asked. "We are packing our bags for our trip," her mom said. Molly saw a big brown bag and said, "What's that for?" "That's for our things," replied her mom. Molly was getting excited and asked, "Are we taking a kangaroo?" "No, sweetheart. We are not taking a kangaroo," her mom said. Then they got a surprise! A huge kangaroo hopped up to them. It was so huge that Molly was scared. But then the kangaroo smiled at Molly. Molly's mom smiled too and said, "Looks like we don't have to pack a kangaroo!" Once upon a time there was a little girl named Amy. She wanted furniture for her bedroom, so her parents ordered it. When they got it Amy was very excited. But when she tried to carry the furniture inside her house, she accidentally hurt herself. She was sad and confused. Amy went to her mum for help. Her mum said, "Remember Amy, never try to carry anything heavy by yourself. Asking for help isn't a bad thing. Two heads are always better than one, so if you ever need help again, just ask." Amy nodded and hugged her mum. She learned that it was better to ask for help instead of getting hurt. From that day forward, Amy always asked her parents or her friends if she needed help with something. Tommy was a famous bear. He lived in the woods and he was well known for helping people with their problems. One day, he was walking down the path when he saw a rabbit crying. "What's the matter, rabbit?" said Tommy. The rabbit sniffed and said, "I lost my bag. It had my snacks in it and I'm very sad." Tommy smiled and said, "I know how to help you. Follow me!" The rabbit hopped behind Tommy as they made their way through the woods. Eventually, they came across a big tree with a bag on its shoulder. "Is this your bag?" Tommy asked. The rabbit's eyes lit up. "Yes! That's it!" Tommy smiled and said, "Your bag is safe now!" The rabbit thanked Tommy and hopped off happily with his bag. Tommy waved goodbye, feeling proud of himself for being famous and helping others. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Kayla. She was only three years old, but she was brave and fierce. One day she was walking down the street when she found a big, scary dog. She stopped and looked at it. The dog growled and barked at her. She was scared and wanted to run away, but she was brave and fierce so she just stood there. Suddenly, the dog started to speak. It asked her a question in a low, growling voice. She couldn't believe it. "Why are you here?" the dog said. Kayla didn't know what to do, so she just stood there for what felt like a long time. Finally, she found the courage to reply. "I'm just walking down the street," she said. The dog looked at her for a moment, and then it spoke again. "Be careful and stay safe," it said. Kayla was shocked. She couldn't believe that a fierce dog was giving her advice. She thanked the dog and walked away, feeling brave and strong. Once upon a time, there was a big bear. He liked to sit in his house. The bear was always very fit, because he ate a lot of soup. One day, the bear saw a small bird. He was feeling very hungry, so he asked the bird if he had any food. But the bird said no. The bear didn't give up. He said to the bird, "Maybe we can find some food together?" The bird was so happy that he said yes! So the bear and the bird walked around the forest and eventually, they found a big bowl of soup! The bear was about to eat the soup, when the bird said, "Wait! We should share this soup. That way we can both have a fit and healthy meal." The bear thought about it, and finally he agreed to share. That way they both had enough soup to eat. The bear realized that it was much better to share than to keep all the soup for himself. This taught the bear an important lesson: sharing is the best way to stay fit and help others. Once, there was a very tall man. He loved his wife so much, but sometimes he was not so nice to her. One day, he said something mean and she got very mad. The tall man said: “I am sorry. Please forgive me.†His wife looked at him and said: “I forgive you, but try to be kinder.†The tall man felt happy and hugged his wife. He was so happy that she had forgiven him. He promised he would treat her with kindness and love forever. The tall man and his wife stayed together, happy and forgiving. Once there was a farmer who grew corn. He worked very hard, but he still had a problem. His rare corn was always getting stolen! The farmer one day decided to take matters into his own hands. He woke up early one morning and snuck outside. He hid, and waited. Pretty soon he saw a figure creeping out of the darkness. The farmer crept after the figure, determined to catch the thief. Suddenly, the figure stopped and turned around. It was actually a deer who had been eating the farmer's rare corn! The farmer realized the deer had been simply looking for a meal. The moral of the story is that someone can lead you in the wrong direction if you don't pay close attention. Everyone has to watch for clues and think hard to make the right decisions. Once upon a time, there was a mommy and a little boy. Mommy said, "Let's go to the store." The little boy was so excited! He knew they were going to get something yummy and he hoped they would pick up an adorable fruit. At the store, the little boy looked around. Where was the fruit? He could see so many tasty things but no fruit. Mommy just smiled and kept shopping. The little boy looked in the very last aisle and saw a huge pile of fruit! He was so excited! He saw delicious apples, oranges, bananas, and even some really cute and adorable strawberries. Mommy let him pick out a few pieces of fruit. He put apples and oranges in the bag and was about to pick up the strawberries but then he saw it - the most adorable fruit of all: a sweet little watermelon! The little boy picked it up and hugged it tight. Mommy said, "Yes! Let's get that one and have a picnic later." The little boy smiled and knew it would be a great day. The end. Once upon a time, there was a brave bunny called Bobby. Bobby was very competitive and wanted to win every game that he played. Bobby had a special purse full of coins. One day, Bobby went to the pond with his purse to play a game. When Bobby arrived at the pond, there was another bunny playing the same game. The other bunny was bigger and seemed very strong. Bobby could feel his paws tremble as he watched the other bunny. He knew he didn't have a chance of winning. But Bobby was a brave bunny. He decided not to give up. He worked hard and soon he started to win. The other bunny was not as competitive as Bobby, so he soon lost the game. Bobby learned a very important lesson that day. Even if someone seems bigger or stronger than you, never give up! With hard work, anyone can be a winner. Jim was always an alert little boy. One day, his mom decided to take him to the park. When they got there, they saw a funny-looking figure. It was a little man with a big red glove on his hand. Jim was fascinated and ran up to the little man. The man smiled and said, "If you beat me in a game, I'll give you this glove as a reward." Jim couldn't believe his luck. Jim and the little man started playing a game. Jim was giving it all of his concentration in order to win, but it seemed impossible. The little man was so fast and alert. Hours passed and it seemed like the little man was going to win. But then, Jim got a lucky break and managed to win the game! There was a huge cheer from the crowd and Jim was so happy. The little man smiled and handed Jim the big red glove. Jim was so proud of himself and couldn't wait to show off his new prize! Mark was a very curious child. He wanted to know what a computer was and why grown-ups used it so much. One day his aunt, who was very distant, visited his house. "What's that?" he asked pointing to the computer. His aunt gave a mysterious smile and said: "Oh, this is a computer! It can help us do many bib things." She proceeded to show him how to make a picture on the computer and Mark was delighted. "What's it doing?" he asked. His aunt answered, "It's talking to people from the distant land. With the help of the computer, you can speak to them and learn new things." Mark was astonished. He could now connect with people from faraway places through the computer. He couldn't believe his own luck. From that day on, Mark was always excited to use the computer! Once upon a time, there was a proud wolf living in the woods. He liked to whistle joyfully in the mornings. One day, a small 3 year old girl was walking by his den when she heard the wolf’s joyful whistling. She stopped and said, “Wow, that was lovely! Who was whistling?†The proud wolf stepped out of his den and said, “It was me. I am the proud wolf in these woods.†The girl smiled and said, “I love your whistling! Can you teach me to whistle like you?†The proud wolf smiled and said, “Of course I can teach you! But it will take practice and patience.†The two practised for a long time. After many hours, the girl was able to whistle joyfully just like the wolf. The proud wolf was very impressed with the little girl and said, “You are a true whistling champion! I am so proud of you!†The little girl smiled with joy and thanked the wolf for his help. They said goodbye and the girl went on her way, whistling with pride. Once upon a time, there was a boy called Tom. Tom wanted to explore the world around him, so he jumped in his bike and rode off. He pedalled and pedalled until he arrived in a big park. The park was full of fun things, like swings and slides. Tom started to explore and eventually he heard a strange voice. Tom looked around and saw an old man. The man said to Tom, "Why did you come here? It's very foolish to come here on your own". Tom replied, "I just wanted to explore and have some fun". The man said, "Well, be careful next time, OK?". Tom nodded and carried on exploring. Soon, Tom arrived at home. As the sun went down, he thought about all the fun he had that day. Tom had learned an important lesson- he reminded himself not to be foolish when exploring! Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Mona. Mona had a boat with a green sail. She enjoyed sailing around the lake with her boat. One day, Mona wanted to take her boat out in the lake. She tried to sail but the boat wouldn't move. Mona looked closely and saw that the sail was tied to the boat! She quickly untied the sail and was ready to sail. Just as Mona was about to put her boat in the water, a big gust of wind picked up the sail and blew it away! Mona quickly chased after the sail but it was too far away. She ran and ran, but she couldn't catch it. Suddenly, Mona heard a voice calling, "Hey, Mona!" It was her good friend, Max. Max said he had found Mona's sail and tied it up for her. Mona was very happy and thanked Max for his help. Mona set back off in her boat with the green sail tied firmly to the mast. Mona and Max waved goodbye as Mona sailed away, with a big smile on her face! Once upon a time, there was an old lady who loved to cook. She had all the ingredients to make her favourite dish - a tube of tomato and cheese! But something was wrong. The kitchen was too noisy. There were pots and pans clattering and loud music blaring. "What can I do?" the old lady asked. Just then, a 3 year old child ran into the kitchen. The child said, "Shhh! Don't make so much noise! I'll help you cook." The old lady was very happy. She silently smiled and nodded her head. The child grabbed the tube of tomato and cheese, and carefully opened it. Together, they combined all the ingredients and put them in the oven. After a few minutes, the oven timer rang. The old lady smiled and opened the oven, revealing a beautiful and delicious dish! "Yum! This looks great!" the old lady said, as she cut the dish into slices. The 3 year old child happily enjoyed the tasty treat with the old lady. From then on, they often cooked together in the peaceful kitchen. Tommy was very excited. Every day, he heard the loud drumbeat coming from deep within the forest. It was so loud that it could be heard from miles away. One day, Tommy's parents told him that he was going to solve the mystery of the drum! He hopped up and down with anticipation. That afternoon, Tommy started walking towards the forest. He was scared, but he also felt brave and he continued on. When he finally reached the edge of the forest, he saw a drumstick lying on the ground. He hesitantly picked it up and started to look around. Suddenly, a figure stepped out from behind a tree. It was a tall man with a long white beard. He said, "Hello, Tommy! I am the keeper of the drum. I was hoping that you would come and solve this mystery. If you do, I will reward you with a great treasure!" The man pointed Tommy towards a deep cave. Tommy looked inside and saw the incredible drum. He quickly jumped inside and grabbed the drum. Tommy felt so proud that he had solved the mystery of the drum! The tall man clapped with joy and handed Tommy the treasure-a beautiful golden necklace. Tommy thanked the man and ran home, excited to show his parents what he had found. From then on, Tommy always looked forward to hearing the mysterious drumbeat in the forest every day. Danny was a little boy who liked to wake up early in the morning. Every day he would wake up, stretch, and look out the window. One morning, Danny woke up and saw a silly horse in his yard. He was so excited he ran to the window and shouted "horse!" at the top of his lungs. The horse heard him, so it turned and looked at Danny. It then began to neigh and trot towards the window. Danny giggled and said "Hi, Horse!" The horse neighed again in response, and Danny started to laugh. Then Danny asked the horse "What are we going to do today?" But of course, the horse didn't answer. It just snorted and kept walking around the yard. Danny pouted and said, "Oh, I guess we can't play today". But then he saw the horse head to the nearest tree, where a bird was perched. The horse started to nibble on the leaves and Danny started to laugh. He watched the silly horse for a few minutes, before running outside and giving the horse a big hug. They spent the rest of the day together, playing, laughing, and dreaming. Danny was so happy! Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Amelia. On one sunny day, Amelia went walking in the park with her mummy. They stopped to sit on a bench and soon Amelia dozed off with her head on her mummy's lap. Her mummy looked down and said, "oh, Amelia why don't you stay on the pillow?" She pointed to a big blue pillow on the grass nearby. But Amelia shook her head, "no! The pillow is too ugly!" Amelia's mummy smiled, "it may look ugly, but it is the perfect place to take a nap in the sunshine - come on, just stay on the pillow." So Amelia climbed up onto the big blue pillow and soon she was fast asleep in the sunshine. The End Once upon a time, there was a girl named Melissa. She was very intelligent. One day, Melissa was walking along a path. She saw a ladybug. She asked the ladybug, "What are you doing here?" The ladybug said, "I'm looking for a new place to live." Melissa thought carefully, and said, "You should come and live with me. I'll take care of you." So the ladybug joined Melissa. Melissa liked to explore. She always followed the path to see new things. One day, they came to a fork in the path. Melissa looked at the right fork and the left fork. She was so intelligent that she knew which path was the right one. Melissa turned to the right fork. The path led to a meadow full of flowers. Melissa and the ladybug were so happy. They danced in the meadow and had lots of fun. From then on, Melissa and the ladybug were best friends. They walked the path together and found lots of new adventures. Melissa was happy to have a new friend. Once upon a time there was a girl named Jane. She was three years old and always wanted to try something new. One day she was very excited, because her mommy said they were going shopping. When they arrived at the store, Jane asked her mommy to buy her some jam. Her mommy said "No, we don't need any jam," but Jane insisted. So, her mommy went to pick out some jam for Jane. Jane was surprised when she saw all the different jams. There were strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, and so many others! She didn't know which one to choose! Finally, Jane decided on a jar of blueberry jam. Her mommy gave it to her and Jane was so happy. Jane ran straight home and spread the jam on toast. Yum! She loved trying and eating something new and different. There was once a little girl who went outside to play. As she ran, she felt the rain start to fall. Soon she was wet and unhappy. “I hate being wet,†the little girl said, frowning. Just then, she saw a person walking near her. The person had an umbrella and was not wet at all! “Would you like to hold my umbrella, little girl?†the person asked kindly. The little girl smiled and said, “Yes, please. I hate being wet.†The person let her hold the umbrella, and the little girl was so happy that she began to laugh. “Thank you!†she said. The person smiled and said, “You’re welcome. No one should have to walk around when they’re wet and cold.†The little girl thanked the person again, then went running off, happy to be safe from the rain. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a favorite toy, a teddy bear named Brownie. One day, Brownie went missing! Lily searched and searched for him but couldn't find him anywhere. Lily's mommy told her they could send a message to all their friends to ask if they had seen Brownie. So, they sent a message to all their friends and waited for a reply. Finally, Lily's friend Emily called and said she had seen Brownie at her house. Lily was so happy and excited! She thanked Emily and her mommy for helping her find her naughty little bear. From that day on, Lily made sure to keep Brownie safe and never let him out of her sight. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was very hungry and asked her mom, "When is dinner ready?" Her mom replied, "It will be ready soon, Lily. But first, we need to clean up your toys." Lily quickly picked up her toys and said, "I'm done, mom! Can we rush to the dinner table now?" Her mom smiled and said, "Yes, let's go." When they got to the dinner table, Lily saw an enormous pizza. She exclaimed, "Wow, mom! That pizza is so big!" Her mom said, "Yes, it's a special treat for you because you did a good job cleaning up." Lily was so happy and they both enjoyed their dinner together. After dinner, Lily said, "Thank you, mom. That was the best dinner ever!" Her mom replied, "You're welcome, Lily. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Once upon a time, there was a little otter who loved to swim in the river. One day, the otter found a shiny rock that was very expensive. The otter was so happy to have found it and wanted to keep it forever. But then, a mean old bird came and tried to take the shiny rock away from the otter. The otter didn't want to give it up, so the bird got angry and started to chase the otter. The otter swam as fast as it could, but the bird was getting closer and closer. Finally, the otter had an idea. It swam to a shallow part of the river and quickly jumped out onto the bank. The bird tried to follow, but the water was too deep for it to touch the bottom. The bird froze in the water while the otter happily played with its expensive shiny rock. Once upon a time, there was a big crocodile who lived in a pond. The crocodile was very hungry and wanted to eat something yummy. So, he went to the forest to look for food. He found a rare fruit and wanted to eat it. But, he did not know how to eat it. He asked the other animals in the forest for help. The rabbit, the squirrel, and the bird all tried to help him, but they did not know how to eat the fruit either. Finally, the monkey came and said, "I know how to eat it! We need to mix the fruit with some honey and then we can eat it." The crocodile was very happy and thanked the monkey. They mixed the fruit with honey and ate it together. It was the most delicious food the crocodile had ever eaten. From that day on, the crocodile and the monkey became good friends and they always helped each other. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going on adventures with her mom and dad. One day, they went on a trip to the beach. Lily loved playing in the sand and collecting seashells. While they were driving back home, Lily's dad noticed that the gas in their car was running low. He said, "We need to stop and get some gas." Lily asked, "What's gas?" Her dad explained that it's like food for the car, and it helps it run. Lily said, "Oh, I see. Maybe we can get some new gas to improve the car." When they arrived at the gas station, Lily's dad filled up the car with new gas. Lily asked, "Will the car be better now?" Her dad said, "Yes, it will improve the car's performance." Lily was happy to hear that and they continued their journey back home. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a goat named Billy. Billy was her best friend and they loved to play together. One day, Lily and Billy went for a walk in the woods. It was a beautiful day and they were having a great time. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. It was a big, scary bear! Lily was scared and didn't know what to do. Billy said, "Don't worry, I'll protect you." Billy was an incredible goat and he was brave. He stood in front of Lily and faced the bear. The bear roared and tried to attack them, but Billy was too quick. He jumped and kicked the bear, and it ran away. Lily was so happy and said, "Thank you, Billy! You're the best goat in the world." They continued their walk and had a great time together. From that day on, Lily knew that she could always count on Billy to have her back. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the park with her friends. One day, Lily saw a shiny toy in the sandbox. She wanted to pick it up, but it was too far away. So, she asked her friend Jack to help her. Jack had a long arm and he could easily reach the toy. He poked the toy with his finger and picked it up. Lily was so happy and grateful to Jack. She said, "You are my rich friend because you have a long arm." Later that day, Lily's mom took her to the store to buy some candy. Lily saw a poor man sitting on the street. He looked sad and hungry. Lily remembered what she said to Jack and felt ashamed. She asked her mom if they could buy some candy for the poor man too. Her mom agreed and they gave the man some candy. The man smiled and thanked them. Lily felt happy and proud of herself for being kind to others. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a house near a big forest. One day, Lily went for a walk in the forest. She saw many trees and animals. She wanted to explore more and find something special. Suddenly, she saw a little bird with colorful feathers. "Hello, little bird. What are you doing here?" asked Lily. "I'm looking for my original nest. I lost it," replied the bird. "I want to help you find it," said Lily. Together they searched the forest and finally found the original nest. The little bird was very happy and thanked Lily. "You are a kind friend," said the bird. Lily smiled and said, "I'm happy to help. I want to explore more of this beautiful forest with my new friend." And they continued their adventure together. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys and watch cartoons on the screen. He had a favorite toy, an ancient teddy bear that his grandma gave him. One day, Timmy's mom noticed that he was worried. She asked him what was wrong, and Timmy said that he couldn't find his teddy bear. His mom helped him look for it and they found it under the couch. Timmy was so happy that he hugged his teddy bear tightly. Later that day, Timmy's mom turned off the screen and told him it was time for bed. Timmy didn't want to go to bed because he wanted to keep playing. But his mom explained that he needed to rest so he could have energy to play again tomorrow. Timmy fell asleep, holding his ancient teddy bear, without a worry in the world. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved her beautiful pink sweater very much. One day, she went to the park with her mom and her little brother. While they were playing, Lily's mom said, "It's getting late, Lily. We should go home soon." Lily replied, "But I'm not tired yet. Can we stay a little longer?" Her mom smiled and said, "Sure, but don't forget to wear your sweater. It might get cold later." As the sun started to set, Lily's little brother yawned and said, "I'm sleepy." Lily looked at him and said, "Me too. Let's go home." They walked back to their house and Lily's mom said, "Time for bed, kids. Lily, don't forget to take off your sweater before you sleep." Lily took off her sweater and said, "Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, little brother." She climbed into bed and fell asleep, dreaming of the beautiful pink sweater she would wear again tomorrow. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play and have fun, but she didn't like to do her homework. One day, her mom got her a tutor to help her with her school work. The tutor was very lively and made learning fun. At first, Lily was happy to have a tutor, but then she started to question why she had to do homework. She didn't want to do it and thought it was boring. The tutor tried to explain to her that homework was important, but Lily didn't want to listen. One day, Lily's teacher gave her a test and she got a bad grade. She was very upset and didn't understand why she didn't do well. The tutor helped her study and explained things to her in a way she could understand. Lily started to do better in school and even started to enjoy doing her homework. She realized that having a tutor was a good thing and that learning could be fun. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play with her toys. One day, she found a secret box hidden under her bed. She was very curious about what was inside, so she opened it. Inside the box, she found a beautiful necklace with an attractive shiny stone. Lily wanted to wear the necklace, but it was tangled up with some other jewelry. She tried to untangle it, but it was too difficult. So, she asked her mom for help. Her mom separated the necklace from the other jewelry and fixed it for her. Lily was so happy to wear her new necklace and she felt very special. She kept the secret box and her attractive necklace safe in her room and played with her toys happily ever after. The end. Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside with his friends. One day, Timmy and his friends found a rope with a big knot in it. They tried to untie the knot, but it was too hard. Suddenly, Timmy had an idea. He ran home and asked his mom for some scissors. His mom gave him the scissors and Timmy ran back to his friends. He cut the rope and they were able to use it to play jump rope. After playing for a while, Timmy's mom called him inside for dinner. Timmy served his family some spaghetti that his mom had made. Everyone loved it and Timmy felt proud of himself for helping. Later, Timmy went to bed with a smile on his face, happy to have had a fun day with his friends and family. Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily went to visit her grandma who lived in a small house in the countryside. When Lily arrived, she saw a little rat in the corner of the room. She said to her grandma, "Look grandma, there's a rat! Can we let it stay here?" Grandma replied, "Yes, we can let the rat stay as long as it's quiet and doesn't bother us." Lily watched the rat as it scurried around the room. It was very quiet and didn't make any noise. Lily said, "The rat is so quiet, it must be sleepy. Let's let it rest." So, Lily and her grandma let the rat rest in a cozy corner of the room. The rat slept peacefully, and Lily and her grandma had a lovely day together. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. He loved to act and pretend to be different characters. One day, his teacher told him that he had an exam coming up. Timmy was nervous but interested in doing well. On the day of the exam, Timmy acted like he knew all the answers. But when he got his test back, he saw that he had failed. He felt sad and disappointed. Timmy didn't want to tell his parents about the exam because he was afraid they would be mad at him. So, he kept it a secret. But as time went on, Timmy started to feel worse and worse. Eventually, Timmy's parents found out about the exam and were very upset. They scolded him and took away his toys. Timmy felt terrible and wished he had just studied harder. From then on, he promised to always try his best and never keep secrets again. Once upon a time, there was a little fish named Fin. Fin lived in a big bowl with other fish friends. One day, Fin wanted to swim outside of the bowl. Fin asked his friend, "Can I swim outside of the bowl?" His friend replied, "No, it's tough to swim outside of the bowl. We need to stay inside where it's safe." Fin was sad but he understood. He continued to swim around the bowl with his friends and they all lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a toy bunny that she loved very much. One day, Lily's friend, Tommy, came over to play. Tommy saw the bunny and demanded to play with it. Lily didn't want to share her bunny, but Tommy kept demanding. Lily's mom heard their voices and came to see what was happening. She asked Tommy to be honest and not take Lily's bunny without asking. Tommy apologized and asked nicely if he could play with the bunny. Lily was happy to share and they played together. From that day on, Lily learned that it's important to use her voice and demand respect for her things, but also to be honest and kind to her friends. The end. Once upon a time, there was a pink pig named Rosie. Rosie lived on a farm with a farmer named Jack. One day, Rosie saw Jack walking towards her with a big smile on his face. "Hi Rosie, do you want to play a game?" asked Jack. Rosie oinked happily and nodded her head. Jack then took out a whistle and blew it loudly. Rosie was so surprised that she started to run around the field, making Jack laugh. After they finished playing, Jack said to Rosie, "You are the best pig on the farm, Rosie. I love you." Rosie snuggled up to Jack and fell asleep, dreaming of their fun game and how much she loved living on the farm with her beloved farmer. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toy cars all day long. One day, Timmy's dad took him to the gas station to fill up their car. Timmy saw the numbers on the gas pump increase and asked his dad, "What does increase mean, daddy?" His dad explained that it means to make something bigger or more. As they were driving back home, Timmy's dad's car suddenly stopped. He realized that he forgot to put gas in the car. Timmy's dad said, "Oh no, I forgot to put gas in the car. I should have been smarter." Timmy asked his dad, "What does smarter mean, daddy?" His dad explained that it means to make better choices. Timmy's dad had to call for help and a tow truck came to take them home. Timmy learned that it's important to always remember to put gas in the car and be smart about it. From that day on, Timmy always reminded his dad to fill up the car with gas. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to sing and dance all day long. One day, she met a new friend named Timmy. Timmy liked to do yoga and was very good at it. Lily asked Timmy, "What is yoga?" Timmy replied, "Yoga is when you move your body in special ways to make you feel good." Lily was curious and asked, "Can you teach me how to do yoga?" Timmy happily agreed and showed Lily some yoga moves. They both felt very good afterwards. As the sun started to set, Timmy said, "I have to go home now. You live very far away from me." Lily replied, "Yes, my house is distant from here. But I had so much fun with you today. Let's sing a song before you go." And so, they sang a song together before saying goodbye. Lily was happy to have made a new friend and learn something new. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily and her mother went for a walk in the park. It started to rain and Lily's mother forgot to bring an umbrella. They got very wet. Lily saw a big tree and ran towards it. She saw a little bird that was also wet and shivering. Lily wanted to save the bird, so she took off her wet coat and put it over the bird to keep it warm. Lily's mother saw what she did and was very proud of her. She told Lily that it is important to help others when they are in need, even if it means sacrificing something of your own. From that day on, Lily always remembered to help others whenever she could. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to help his mommy in the kitchen. One day, Timmy's mommy asked him to get a teaspoon from the drawer. Timmy found the teaspoon and brought it to his mommy. While they were making cookies, Timmy heard a loud noise outside. He went to the window to see what it was, but he couldn't see anything. Timmy felt frustrated because he wanted to know what was making the noise. After they finished making the cookies, Timmy's mommy gave him one to eat. Timmy was happy and forgot all about the noise he heard earlier. He was glad he could help his mommy and enjoyed his yummy cookie. Once upon a time, there was a big elephant. The elephant was huge and grey. He loved to sleep in the jungle. One day, he was sleeping under a tree when a little bird came to pick something from his trunk. The elephant woke up and asked the bird, "What are you doing?" "I am picking some seeds to eat," said the bird. The elephant smiled and said, "That's okay. I was just sleeping. You can pick whatever you want." The bird was happy and thanked the elephant. From that day on, they became good friends and would often sleep under the same tree together. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved animals, especially lions and elephants. One day, her mom took her to a safari park. Lily was so happy to see all the animals. She saw zebras, giraffes, and even a big elephant! As they walked around, Lily's mom saw that she was getting tired. "Let's take a break and read a book," she said. Lily loved to read, so she picked out a book about animals. As they sat and read, the sun started to set. The sky turned a pretty light orange color. On the way home, Lily's mom asked her what her favorite part of the safari was. "I loved seeing the animals," Lily said. "But my favorite part was reading with you." Her mom smiled and gave her a big hug. "It's important to enjoy the little things in life," she said. And Lily knew that spending time with her mom and reading together was one of the best things in the world. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved playing with his toy cars and trucks. One day, Timmy's friend Johnny came over to play. Johnny brought a new toy truck that had a missile on it. Timmy asked, "What is that missile for?" Johnny replied, "It's for shooting things far away. It's very useful." Timmy was amazed and asked, "Can I try it?" Johnny said, "Sure, but you have to aim it right to win." Timmy tried to shoot the missile, but he missed. He tried again and again, but he kept missing. Finally, he aimed it just right and hit his toy car. He was so happy that he won. Johnny was happy too because Timmy learned how to use the missile. They played together happily ever after. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and run around outside. One day, she fell off her bike and hurt her arm. Her mom took her to the doctor, who said they needed to take an x-ray to see if anything was broken. Lily was scared to get the x-ray, but her mom reminded her that it was important to make sure her arm was okay. The x-ray machine looked like a big camera, and Lily had to hold very still while the picture was taken. After the x-ray, the doctor said that Lily's arm was just bruised and it would feel better soon. Lily was happy to hear that and thanked the doctor. She knew it would be rude not to say thank you! Once upon a time, there was a little mouse named Max. Max was very hungry and he wanted some cheese. He looked around but he couldn't find any cheese. Suddenly, he saw a big block of icy cheese in the fridge. Max was so happy! He wanted to eat it right away. Max climbed up the fridge and tried to take a bite of the icy cheese, but it was too hard. He wanted to eat it so badly that he decided to wait for it to melt. After a little while, the cheese became soft and Max finally got to eat it. It was the best cheese he had ever tasted! From that day on, Max always looked for icy cheese whenever he was hungry. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to watch cartoons on her phone. One day, Lily's phone stopped working and she was very sad. Her mom tried to fix it but it was still broken. Lily was feeling gloomy and didn't know what to do without her phone. Her mom told her that it's okay to be sad but there are other things she could do instead of watching videos on her phone. Lily's mom suggested they go outside and play together. They played with a ball and had so much fun! Lily realized that there are many fun things to do besides watching videos on her phone. She didn't need her phone to have fun. The moral of the story is that it's important to take a break from screens and spend time with loved ones. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a big sister named Rose who loved to play hide and seek. One day, Rose told Lily to close her eyes and count to ten while she hid. Lily did as she was told and counted to ten, but when she opened her eyes, she couldn't find Rose anywhere. Lily looked around the room, but Rose was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, she saw a gray arm sticking out from behind the couch. She walked over to the couch and saw Rose hiding there. From that day on, Lily learned to always point out where she thought Rose was hiding, so she wouldn't get lost again. And Rose always made sure to hide in plain sight, so Lily could find her easily. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she went to the park with her mommy. While they were playing on the swings, Lily saw a big dog. The dog had a fierce look on his face and Lily felt scared. Her mommy said, "Don't worry, sweetie. The dog is friendly." The dog came closer and Lily saw that he had a toy in his mouth. He wanted to play fetch with them! Lily's mommy threw the toy and the dog ran to get it. When he came back, he winked at Lily and she giggled. "Can I carry the toy, mommy?" Lily asked. "Of course, you can," her mommy replied. And so, Lily carried the toy for the dog and they played together until it was time to go home. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to read books and had a big bookcase in her room. One day, Lily's mom came to her room and saw that the bookcase was very messy. "Lily, this is terrible! Your bookcase is so messy," said her mom. Lily felt sad and said, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I will clean it up." She started to clean up the books and found a book that she didn't like. "I don't like this book, Mommy. Can we bury it in the backyard?" she asked. Her mom smiled and said, "Sure, Lily. We can bury it." They went to the backyard and buried the book. Lily felt happy that her bookcase was clean and tidy again. From that day on, she made sure to keep her bookcase neat and clean. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who had a friend named Max. They loved to play together every day. One day, Lily's mom told her that they were going to have a picnic in the park. Lily was very excited and asked her friend Max if he wanted to come too. Max said, "I would love to come, but I need to clean my room first." Lily said, "That's okay, we can wait for you. Is your room clean now?" Max replied, "Yes, my room is clean now. I'm available to come to the picnic!" Lily was happy that her friend could come and they had a fun time at the park eating sandwiches and playing games. They both agreed that they should have picnics more often. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and feel the sun on her face. One day, she saw a dark cloud in the sky. It started to rain. Lily ran under a tree to stay dry. She saw a spot on her shirt, but it was harmless. Lily stayed under the tree for a while, watching the rain fall. She saw a little worm on the ground, trying to find a safe place. She picked it up and put it on a leaf. The worm was happy and crawled away. Suddenly, the wind started to blow really hard. The tree Lily was under shook and then fell down. Lily was hurt and couldn't move. She called for help, but no one heard her. The rain kept falling and the spot on her shirt got bigger. The harmless spot was now a big stain. Poor Lily was stuck under the fallen tree and couldn't move. Once upon a time, there was a frog named Freddy. Freddy lived in a big swamp with his friends. One day, Freddy got lost in the swamp and was confused. He didn't know which way to go. Suddenly, he saw a big bird flying high in the sky. Freddy imagined that the bird knew the way out of the swamp. So, he hopped after the bird, but the bird flew too fast and Freddy lost sight of it. Freddy was still confused and didn't know what to do. But then, he heard his friends calling his name. They had been searching for him and finally found him. Freddy was so happy to be found and to be with his friends again. From that day on, he never wandered off alone in the swamp again. Once upon a time, there was a kind crab named Crabby. Crabby loved to decorate his home with pretty shells and colorful rocks. One day, Crabby met a little fish named Finny. Finny asked Crabby why he decorated his home so nicely. "I like to make my home pretty," said Crabby. "It makes me happy." Finny didn't understand why Crabby would want to decorate his home. He thought it was silly. Finny said, "I don't see the point. It's just a home." Crabby felt sad. He thought that everyone should have a pretty home. He didn't want Finny to feel left out. So, Crabby invited Finny to help decorate his home. Finny was surprised that Crabby would be so kind. Together, Crabby and Finny decorated Crabby's home with shells and rocks. Finny saw how happy Crabby was and realized that making someone happy was a good thing. From that day on, Finny helped decorate Crabby's home whenever he could. The moral of the story is that helping others can make them happy and that is a good thing to do. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to dance and watch dancers on TV. One day, she saw a dancer on TV who was so good that she wanted to be just like her. She was eager to learn how to dance like the dancer on TV. Lily went to her mommy and said, "Mommy, I want to dance like the dancer on TV. Can you teach me?" Her mommy replied, "Of course, my dear. Let's go to the park and practice." They went to the park and started to dance. Lily was so happy and eager to learn. After a while, Lily's mommy said, "Now, I am going to release you and you can dance on your own." Lily was scared at first but then she remembered the dancer on TV and how she danced so beautifully. She took a deep breath and started to dance. She felt like a real dancer and she was so proud of herself. From that day on, Lily practiced every day and became a great dancer, just like the one on TV. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. He loved to run and play outside with his friends. One day, they decided to have a race to see who was the fastest. Timmy was excited to race, but he started to struggle when he saw that his friends were much faster than him. He felt ashamed that he couldn't keep up with them. One of his friends noticed that Timmy was struggling and said, "Don't worry, Timmy. It's not about winning or losing, it's about having fun!" Timmy felt better and continued to run with his friends. In the end, they all finished the race together and Timmy realized that he didn't need to be the fastest to have a good time with his friends. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a lovely crib where she slept every night. One day, her mommy asked her to step away from her crib and come play with her toys. Lily didn't want to leave her crib, she loved it so much. But her mommy told her that it's important to step away from things we love sometimes and try new things. So Lily stepped away from her crib and played with her toys. She found out that playing with toys can be just as fun as sleeping in her crib. The moral of the story is that it's good to try new things and step away from what we're used to. We might find something we love even more. Once upon a time, there was a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy had a big acorn that he loved to slide on. One day, Sammy met his friend, Bunny. "Hi Bunny! Do you want to slide with me?" Sammy asked. "Yes please!" Bunny said, excitedly. Sammy and Bunny went to the top of the hill and started to slide on the acorn. They were having so much fun that they didn't notice the big dog that was coming towards them. Suddenly, the dog barked loudly and Sammy and Bunny got scared. They ran away as fast as they could, but Sammy dropped his acorn. The dog picked it up and ran away with it. Sammy was sad because he lost his favorite acorn. Bunny tried to cheer him up by saying, "Don't worry Sammy, we can find a new acorn and slide on it quietly next time." The moral of the story is that we should always be careful and watch out for danger when we are having fun. Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny. Benny loved to eat celery, but he had a problem. Every time he ate celery, his tummy hurt. One day, Benny found a mysterious box in the forest. He opened it and found a magic potion that could help him eat celery without feeling sick. Excited, Benny drank the potion and ate some celery. But then, he realized that the potion didn't work. His tummy still hurt. Benny was sad and didn't know what to do. He tried to resist eating celery, but he loved it too much. One day, Benny met a wise owl who told him that sometimes things don't always work out the way we want them to. The owl suggested that Benny try eating smaller pieces of celery or dip it in peanut butter. Benny tried the owl's advice and found that he could eat celery without feeling sick. From that day on, Benny was happy and could eat his favorite food without any trouble. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to travel with her family. They went to many places and had lots of fun. One day, they decided to go on a big adventure to a faraway land. Lily's mommy said, "Lily, don't forget your passport. It's very important." Lily replied, "Okay, mommy. I'll mind my passport." They got on the plane and flew for a long time. When they arrived, they went to see the sights. But then, Lily lost her passport. She looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Lily's daddy said, "Oh no! We can't go home without your passport. It's the original one." Lily started to cry. She felt so sad. They had to stay in the faraway land until they could get a new passport. It was not a happy ending for Lily and her family. Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Benny. Benny liked to eat mushrooms, so he went to the forest to find some. He found a big mushroom and picked it up. Suddenly, a squirrel named Sammy came and said, "That's my mushroom! I found it first!" Benny and Sammy started to argue. They both wanted the mushroom, but they couldn't share it. They decided to have a race to see who could get to the end of the forest first. The race was very competitive. They ran and ran, but Benny was faster and won the race. Benny was happy that he won, but he felt bad for Sammy. He decided to send Sammy the mushroom as a gift. But on the way to send the mushroom, Benny tripped and the mushroom fell into a river. Benny was sad that he lost the mushroom and couldn't send it to Sammy. The end. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved trucks and would always watch them drive by his house. One day, he saw a big truck that was very quiet. It was strange because usually trucks are very loud. Timmy thought it was a magic truck. The next day, Timmy went outside to play and saw the quiet truck again. This time, the truck stopped in front of his house. A man got out and asked Timmy if he wanted to go for a ride. Timmy was scared at first, but the man promised to take him for a safe ride. Timmy got in the truck and they drove around the neighborhood. It was so much fun! When they got back to Timmy's house, the man gave him a toy truck as a present. Timmy was so happy and promised to always remember the quiet truck and the kind man who took him for a ride. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and see all the pretty flowers. One day, she went for a walk with her mom and dad. They saw a big truck that was working hard to fix the road. Lily asked her dad, "What is that truck doing?" "It's working to make the road better," he replied. Lily was happy to see the truck work. She continued walking and looking at all the sights around her. Suddenly, she saw a big dog running towards her. She got scared and ran away from the dog. Her parents tried to catch her, but she ran too fast. She fell down and hurt her leg. Her parents took her to the hospital, but the doctor said it was too late. Lily had lost too much blood and she couldn't be saved. Lily's parents were very sad. They missed her so much. They wished it was as easy as fixing a road to bring her back. Once upon a time, there was a clown named Bubbles. Bubbles loved to make people laugh and smile. He was always dependable and showed up on time for his shows. One day, Bubbles went to a birthday party. There were lots of children there, but one boy named Timmy was not happy. Timmy's friends were teasing him and he was feeling sad. Bubbles saw Timmy and knew just what to do. He started juggling and making silly faces. Timmy couldn't help but laugh and soon all the other children joined in. Bubbles had saved the day! From then on, Timmy knew that whenever he needed a friend, he could count on dependable Bubbles the clown. Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny. Benny loved to hop around and play with his friends in the forest. One day, Benny decided to go on an adventure and explore the underground tunnels. He was a little scared at first, but he was also curious. As he hopped through the tunnels, Benny observed all sorts of things he had never seen before. There were worms and bugs crawling around, and even some glowing mushrooms on the walls. Benny was amazed by everything he saw. After a while, Benny started to feel a little lost. He didn't know how to get back to the surface. Just when he was starting to worry, he heard a friendly voice calling his name. It was his friend, a wise old owl, who had been watching over him the whole time. Benny was so grateful to the owl for helping him find his way back home. From then on, Benny knew he could always count on his friends to help him out. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sunshine, but she didn't like the dark. One day, Lily went to the park with her friends. They played on the swings, went down the slide, and had so much fun. But then, Lily saw a little boy sitting all alone on a bench. He looked sad and scared. Lily felt sorry for him and wanted to help. She went over to him and asked if he wanted to play. The little boy smiled and said yes. Lily and the little boy played together for a while, but then it was time for Lily to go home. She said goodbye to the little boy and went home feeling happy that she had made a new friend. The next day, Lily went back to the park to play with the little boy again, but he wasn't there. She looked and looked, but he was nowhere to be found. Lily felt sad and ashamed that she didn't get the little boy's name or where he lived. From that day on, Lily always made sure to get to know someone before parting ways. She learned that it's important to make connections with others and not be afraid of the dark. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim loved to draw and color. He would use his crayons and markers to make pictures of animals and cars. One day, Tim's teacher asked him to design a card for his friend's birthday. Tim was so excited! He used his favorite ink pen to draw a picture of a big, red balloon. It was so pretty! When Tim's friend saw the card, he was so happy. He said, "Wow, Tim! You are a famous artist!" Tim felt so proud of himself. From that day on, he loved to design cards for his friends and family. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved eating candy, especially sour candy. One day, Timmy's mom gave him a strip of sour candy to eat. Timmy was so happy, he ate it all up in one big bite. But after a few minutes, Timmy's face turned sour too. He didn't like the taste anymore. "Mommy, this candy is too sour," Timmy said, making a face. "It's okay, Timmy," said his mom. "Just wipe your tongue with a napkin." Timmy wiped his tongue, but it didn't help. He still didn't like the taste. "Mommy, can I have a different candy?" he asked. "I'm sorry, Timmy. That's the only candy we have right now," his mom replied. Timmy was sad, but he knew he had to wait until they got more candy. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to draw pictures with her colorful crayons. One day, Lily drew a beautiful picture of her family, but she accidentally made a mistake. She tried to use her eraser to fix it, but it didn't work. Lily's mom noticed her struggling and asked what was wrong. Lily told her about the mistake and her mom said, "It's okay, Lily. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. You don't have to lie about it." Lily felt better and continued to draw. After she finished her picture, her mom said, "That looks so tasty! I wish we could eat it!" Lily giggled and said, "It's not real food, Mommy!" They both laughed and Lily felt happy knowing that it was okay to make mistakes and tell the truth. One day, a clumsy bunny named Bobo was hopping in a big field. The field had lots of hay. Bobo liked to play and jump on the hay. He felt happy when he played in the field. Bobo saw his friend, Toto the bird, flying in the sky. Toto came down to talk to Bobo. "Hi Bobo!" said Toto. "Do you want to play with me?" Bobo was excited and said, "Yes, let's play!" Together, they played a game. Toto would fly up and Bobo would spring high to try to touch Toto. They laughed and had fun. The sun was shining and it was a great day for playing with friends. One day, a little girl named Amy went to play outside. She found a small, fragile bird on the ground. The bird looked very tired. Amy knew she needed to help the bird, so she picked it up gently and took it inside her house. Amy's mom saw her with the bird and asked, "What do you have there, Amy?" Amy said, "I found a fragile bird, Mom. Can we help it?" Her mom said, "Let's put it in a warm box and give it some food. Maybe it just needs a nap." They made a cozy bed for the bird in a box and gave it some food. The bird ate and then fell asleep. Amy and her mom waited and watched. After a long nap, the bird woke up and looked much better. It was ready to fly again. Amy's mom said, "Now you can tell the bird it's time to go home." Amy told the bird, "You can fly now, little bird. Go back to your family." The bird flew out of the box and up into the sky. Amy was so happy she could help the fragile bird. She knew that sometimes, all you need is a little nap to feel better. One day, a boy named Tom found a big bottle of glue. He thought it was amazing. Tom wanted to show his friends the glue. He took the glue to the park. At the park, Tom met his friend, Sue. Sue had a book with many numbers. Tom wanted to glue the numbers in the book. But Sue did not want him to. They started to fight. Tom opened the glue and put it on the numbers. The glue was very sticky. Sue was sad and angry. The book was ruined. Tom felt bad, but it was too late. The book was gone, and Sue did not want to be friends with Tom anymore. Once upon a time, there was a little bird. The bird liked to fly high in the sky. One day, the bird saw a cross on the ground. The cross was near a big tree. The bird thought the cross was pretty. The bird wanted to fly down to the cross. He wanted to sit on it and sing a happy song. But as he flew down, he saw a big cat. The cat was hiding near the cross. The cat wanted to catch the bird. The bird did not see the cat in time. The cat jumped up and caught the bird. The poor bird could not fly away. The cat was happy, but the bird was now dead. The cross was not a happy place for the bird after all. One day, a boy named Tim found a book with a poem in it. The poem had a magic word at the end. The word was "reverse." Tim thought it was a fun word to say. He went to his mom and said the magic word, "reverse!" When Tim said the word, something strange happened. His mom started to walk backward! Tim was surprised. He thought it was funny, but his mom did not like it. She told Tim it was rude to use the magic word on her. Tim felt sad and wanted to fix it. He opened the book and read the poem again. This time, he said the magic word two times, "reverse, reverse!" His mom started to walk forward again. She was happy, and Tim learned not to use magic words in a rude way. They both laughed and hugged each other, happy that everything was back to normal. Once upon a time, there was a little cat named Kitty. Kitty was very hungry. She wanted to find some food to eat. She looked in the kitchen, but there was no food there. Kitty had an idea. She thought she could find food on the ceiling. She jumped high and tried to reach the ceiling. But she could not reach it. Kitty felt sad. Then, something fun happened. Kitty's friend, Doggy, came to visit. Doggy had a big surprise for Kitty. He brought her a big bowl of yummy food. Kitty was so happy and not hungry anymore. They both ate together and played all day. Once upon a time, in a small garden, there was a little bulb. This bulb lived in the ground, waiting for the sun to shine and the rain to fall. One day, a boy named Tim saw the bulb and wanted to pull it out. He tried very hard, but the bulb was tight in the ground. Tim asked his mom for help. She told him, "Wait, and let the bulb grow. It will become a beautiful flower." Tim waited and watched the bulb every day. The sun shined, the rain fell, and the bulb began to grow. Finally, the bulb turned into a beautiful flower. Tim was happy that he did not pull the bulb. He learned that being patient and letting things grow is important. And that was the moral of the story: good things come to those who wait. Once upon a time, there was a cat named Fluffy. Fluffy was a rare cat because she had very long, soft fur. She loved to play with her ball and chase birds. One day, Fluffy's friend, a dog named Spot, asked her to play. But Fluffy did not want to play with Spot. She wanted to play with her ball. Fluffy refused to play with Spot, and Spot was sad. After some time, Fluffy saw that Spot was sad. She felt bad for refusing to play with him. So, Fluffy decided to play with Spot and her ball together. They had a lot of fun and became best friends. Once upon a time, there was a big gray zoo. In the zoo, there were many animals. There were big animals and small animals. There were loud animals and quiet animals. All the animals were happy in the zoo. One day, a little boy went to the zoo with his mom. They saw a big gray elephant. The elephant was very big and very gray. The little boy liked the elephant a lot. He wanted to stay and watch the elephant all day. But it was time for the zoo to shut. The little boy and his mom had to go home. The little boy was sad to leave the big gray elephant. But he knew he could come back to the zoo another day. And he was happy. Once upon a time, in an ancient forest, there lived a tiny bird named Blue. Blue loved to fly high in the sky and play with his friends. One day, while they were playing, a loud thunder came, and all the birds got scared. Blue and his friends tried to find their way back home, but Blue lost his way. He looked around and saw a wise old owl sitting on a tree. Blue asked the owl for help. The owl told Blue to follow the river, and he would find his home. Blue thanked the owl and followed the river. Soon, he found his home and his friends. Blue was so happy to be home and safe. He learned that it's important to ask for help when he is lost. From that day on, Blue always asked for help when he needed it, and he lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, in a little house, there lived a little boy named Tim. Tim had a big dream. He wanted to go to a planet far, far away. The planet was very big and had many colors. Tim thought it would be fun to play there. One day, Tim decided to request help from his mom. "Mom, can you please help me go to the colorful planet?" he asked. His mom smiled and said, "Of course, my little boy. Let's build a spaceship together!" So, Tim and his mom worked very hard to build a spaceship. They used boxes, paper, and colors to make it look like a real spaceship. When it was all done, Tim was so happy that his dream was coming true. He thanked his mom and climbed into the spaceship. He flew off to the colorful planet and played all day long. And that is the story of the little boy who went to the colorful planet. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to help his mom in the kitchen. One day, Tim's mom was using a mixer to make a cake. Tim wanted to help, so he asked if he could use the mixer. His mom said, "Yes, but be careful, and do not repeat my mistake." Tim's mom had made a stupid mistake before. She had put her hand too close to the mixer, and it had hurt her finger. Tim did not want to make the same mistake, so he listened to his mom. Tim used the mixer very carefully, and the cake turned out great! Tim and his mom were very happy. They learned that it is important to learn from other people's mistakes and not repeat them. And that is how Tim became a better helper in the kitchen. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Anna. She was an independent girl who liked to do things by herself. Anna had a secret toy box in her room. She loved her toys very much. One day, Anna found her favorite toy, a small car, was broken. She was sad but she wanted to fix it. She tried to fix it by herself, but she couldn't. Anna thought about her secret toy box and how much she loved her toys. Anna decided to ask her mom for help. Her mom was happy to help her. They worked together and fixed the broken car. Anna was very happy to see her car fixed. She learned that it was good to ask for help when she couldn't do something by herself. The moral of the story is that even if you are independent, it is okay to ask for help when you need it. Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a nice girl named Lily. One day, she saw a big tornado appear far away. Lily was scared and ran to her mom. "Mom, I see a tornado!" said Lily. Her mom looked outside and saw the tornado too. "Don't worry, Lily. We will be safe inside our house," her mom said. Together, they hid under a table until the tornado went away. The town was safe, and everyone was happy. The next day, Lily and her mom went outside to play, and they saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. One day, a boy and a girl went to play outside. They saw a big tent in the yard. They were very happy and ran to the tent. The tent was a rare color, like the sun. They wanted to play in the tent all day. The boy asked the girl, "Do you want to play in the tent?" The girl nodded her head. She said, "Yes, I want to play in the tent!" They went inside the tent and played with their toys. They had a lot of fun. After a while, it was time to go home. The boy and the girl said bye to the tent. They promised to come back and play in the rare tent again. They walked home with big smiles on their faces. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She liked to keep a pretty orange rose in her room. The rose was a gift from her mom. Lily loved the rose very much and took care of it every day. One day, the orange rose started to wilt. Lily was sad. She wanted to make the rose happy again. So, she gave the rose some water and put it near the window. The sun shined on the rose, and it started to look better. After a few days, the orange rose was happy and healthy again. Lily was so happy too. She knew that if she keeps taking care of her rose, it will always be pretty and bright. And that made Lily smile. One day, a little girl named Mia was going to a party. She was very excited because she loved to play with her friends. Mia put on her favorite dress and her mom helped her with her hair. At the party, there were many fun games and yummy food. Mia played with her friends and they all had a good time. While playing, Mia found a fragile toy. It was very pretty but she had to be careful not to break it. She showed the toy to her friends and they all liked it too. After playing, Mia started to feel tired. She sat down and ate some cake. It was time to go home but Mia was happy. She had so much fun at the party with her friends and the fragile toy. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. He was a bit careless and often lost his toys. One day, he was playing with his toy cars. He had a red car, a blue car, and a green car. Tim loved his cars very much. Tim's mom called him to eat lunch. Tim did not want to stop playing. He wanted to keep playing with his cars. His mom insisted that he come to eat. Tim was not happy, but he went to eat with his mom. He left his cars on the floor, being careless. After lunch, Tim went back to play with his cars. But he could not find the green car. He looked everywhere, but it was gone. Tim felt sad. His mom told him that he should have put his cars away before eating. Tim learned that being careless can make you lose the things you love. From that day on, he took better care of his toys. One day, a green frog named Tom went to play in the park. He saw a big tent there. He wanted to go inside the tent to see what was there. But there was a sign that said, "No frogs allowed." Tom was sad because he could not go in. Tom had an idea. He went home and put on a hat and a coat. He thought that now, no one would know he was a frog. He went back to the tent and tried to go inside. But the big dog who was guarding the tent saw him and barked, "You are a frog! You cannot come in!" Tom was very sad and sat down on a bench. A little girl named Sally saw him and asked, "Why are you so sad, Mr. Frog?" Tom told her about the tent and the sign. Sally thought it was not fair. She went to the tent and took down the sign. She said, "Now, all friends can come in!" Tom was very happy. He went inside the tent with Sally and they played all day. They became the best of friends. From that day on, the tent was open to everyone, and all the animals in the park could play together. One day, a small red car named Zoomy went for a drive. Zoomy loved to zoom down the street. He had a big, shiny nose that honked when he was happy. Today, Zoomy was very happy. Zoomy saw a big, hard rock in the road. He knew he had to be careful. He did not want to hurt his nose. So, Zoomy went around the hard rock very slowly. Then, he zoomed away, honking his nose. Zoomy saw his friend, a blue bike named Blinky. Blinky also loved to zoom. They raced down the street together. Zoomy and Blinky were both very fast. They laughed and honked their noses as they zoomed away. Once upon a time, there was a sweet bunny named Ben. Ben lived near a big hedge. One day, Ben found a big red ball near the hedge. He liked the ball and played with it all day. But, when the sun went down, he had to go home. Ben left the ball by the hedge. The next day, Ben went back to the hedge to play with his ball. But, it was gone! Ben was very sad. He looked and looked, but he could not find the ball. Then, he saw a little bird. The bird said, "I saw a big dog take your ball. He went that way." Ben thanked the bird and went to find the dog. Ben found the big dog with his red ball. The dog was sorry he took the ball. He gave it back to Ben. Ben thanked the dog and they played with the ball together. From that day on, Ben and the dog were best friends. And they always played with the red ball near the hedge. Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a boy named Tim. He loved to wave at his friends when he saw them. One day, he saw a shiny, expensive toy in a shop. It had a symbol on it. Tim wanted the toy very much, but he did not have enough money. Tim thought of a plan. He took his friend's toy that looked like the expensive one. His friend was very sad and cried. Tim felt bad, but he kept the toy and played with it. When he waved at his friends, they did not wave back. They were angry with Tim for taking the toy. Tim knew he did something wrong. He gave the toy back to his friend and said sorry. His friend forgave him, and they played together. Tim learned that it is not nice to take things that do not belong to you. From that day on, he tried to be a better friend, and they all waved happily at each other again. One day, a little boy named Tim went to play in the park. He saw his friend, Sue, by the big tree. They both liked to play with sticks, so they picked up some sticks and started to poke the dirt. Tim poked a small hole and Sue poked a big hole. They laughed and had fun. "Look at my big hole!" Sue said with a wink. "I think it's great!" Tim smiled and said, "My hole is not as big, but it's great too!" Just then, a little dog came running up to them. The dog wanted to play too. So, Tim and Sue poked the dirt with their sticks and the dog dug in the holes. They all played together and had a great time. Once upon a time, there was a pretty girl named Lucy. She loved to watch her favorite shows on the television. Every day, she would sit in front of the television and guess what would happen next in the story. One day, Lucy's mom told her to go outside and play with her friends. But Lucy didn't want to. She just wanted to watch the television. So, she stayed inside and kept watching her shows. After a while, Lucy's friends stopped asking her to play. They had fun outside without her. Lucy felt sad and lonely. She wished she had listened to her mom and played with her friends. But now, it was too late. Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Blue. Blue was a very important bird in the forest. He had a special job. Every morning, he would fly up to the sky and wake up the sun. One day, Blue had a request from his friend, Bunny. Bunny asked Blue if he could wake up the sun a little earlier. Bunny wanted to play outside before it got too hot. Blue said, "Okay, I will try." The next day, Blue woke up very early. He flew up to the sky and asked the sun to wake up. The sun listened to Blue's request and woke up early. Bunny was so happy to play outside before it got hot. Blue felt good for helping his friend. And that is how Blue and Bunny became best friends forever. Once upon a time, there was a friendly queen. She lived in a big castle. She had many friends. One day, she saw a pretty flower. She wanted to examine it. The queen said to her friend, "Let's go look at the pretty flower!" They walked to the flower and looked at it. The queen touched the flower. "It's so pretty," she said. But the pretty flower was not nice. It was a bad flower. The friendly queen got sick from the flower. She went to sleep and did not wake up. Everyone was sad. One day, a funny bird named Bobo went to meet his friend, a camel named Coco. They wanted to play at the oasis. The oasis was a place with water and trees in the desert. Bobo and Coco liked to play there. "Hi, Coco!" said Bobo. "Let's go to the oasis and have fun!" Coco smiled and said, "Yes, Bobo! I love the oasis. Let's go!" So, they walked to the oasis together. They played games and splashed water on each other. But then, a big wind came. It blew the sand all around them. Bobo and Coco could not see. They could not find the oasis anymore. They were sad and scared. They tried to find their way back, but they could not. The wind was too strong, and they were lost in the desert. Once upon a time, in a small town, the sky was dark and scary. A big hurricane was coming. Everyone was worried. They all started to gather their toys, food, and clothes to keep them safe. A little boy named Tim was very frustrated. He could not find his favorite toy car. He looked and looked but it was not there. Tim asked his mom, "Mom, where is my car?" His mom said, "I don't know, Tim. We need to hurry and get ready for the hurricane." Tim was sad and angry. He wanted his car. He did not want to get ready for the hurricane. He went outside to look for his car. The wind was strong, and it was hard to walk. Tim saw his car by a big tree. He was happy, but the wind was getting stronger. He tried to go back home, but the hurricane was too strong. Tim was lost and scared. The hurricane was very bad, and Tim could not find his way back home. Everyone was sad because they missed Tim. The town learned that it is important to stay safe during a hurricane and not to go outside. Once upon a time, there was a big bull named Ben. Ben lived on a farm with many friends like cows, pigs, and chickens. Ben was very strong but also very scared. One day, a little girl named Amy came to the farm. She wanted to make friends with all the animals. When she saw Ben, she said, "Hello, Ben! You are so big and strong! Let's be friends!" Ben was scared because he had never talked to a little girl before. Amy saw that Ben was scared, so she said, "Don't be scared, Ben. I am a nice girl, and I just want to be your friend." Ben decided to be brave and make friends with Amy. They played all day, and Ben was not scared anymore. The other animals saw Ben and Amy playing together and decided to be friends with Amy too. They all had a great time, and they learned that being scared can stop you from making new friends. The moral of the story is: Don't be scared to make new friends. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. He was a good boy who loved to learn. Tim had a big brain that he liked to use. One day, Tim met a girl named Sue. Sue asked Tim, "Do you value your brain?" Tim said, "Yes, I do! My brain helps me do good things." Together, Tim and Sue used their brains to help others. They made people happy. Tim and Sue knew that their brains were good and had lots of value. And they lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, in a hot and sandy land, there was a curious little girl named Mia. She liked to explore and find new things. One day, Mia found a beautiful oasis with water and trees. It was a happy place where animals came to drink and rest. Near the oasis, Mia saw a broken toy boat. She wanted to repair it and make it work again. She took the boat to her dad, who was good at fixing things. Together, they fixed the boat and made it look like new. Mia was excited to play with the boat in the oasis. She put the boat in the water and watched it float. The animals at the oasis were curious too. They came to watch Mia play with her boat. Everyone had a fun day at the oasis, and Mia was happy that she could repair the broken toy. One day, a big dog and a little cat were friends. The big dog had a job. His job was to give a ball to the little cat. The little cat liked the ball. The big dog said, "Here is the ball, little cat. We will play and have fun." The little cat said, "Thank you, big dog. This is a fine ball. I like it a lot." They played with the ball all day. They were very happy. The sun was hot, but they did not stop playing. Then, a big rain came. The rain was very big and very wet. The big dog and the little cat were sad. The ball was wet too. The big dog said, "I am sorry, little cat. The ball is wet now." The little cat said, "It is not your fault, big dog." They could not play with the ball anymore. The big dog and the little cat were sad. The end. One day, a green frog named Bob lived in a pond. He liked to jump and play all day. The pond was his home, and he was happy. One morning, a thick fog came to the pond. Bob could not see his friends. He called out, "Where are you, friends?" A voice from the fog said, "I am here, Bob! It's me, Sam the fish!" Bob was happy to hear Sam. But they both wanted the fog to go away. They decided to ask the sun to help. They said, "Sun, can you make the fog go away?" The sun replied, "I will try." The sun tried to shine brighter, but the fog did not leave. Bob and Sam were sad. They wanted to play with their friends. Then, a big wind came and blew the fog away. Bob and Sam could see their friends again. They all played and had fun. The wind helped them settle their problem. They were happy and thanked the wind. The pond was a happy place again. Once upon a time, there was a polite mouse named Tim. He lived in a tiny house near a big tree. Tim was very friendly and loved to play with his friends. One day, Tim found a magic stone. He touched it and started to shrink. He became very small, even smaller than a bug. Tim was scared and did not know what to do. He wanted to be big again. Tim asked his friend, the wise owl, for help. "Please help me, I am too small," Tim said. The wise owl thought for a moment and then told Tim to touch the magic stone again. Tim did as the owl said, and he grew back to his normal size. Tim was so happy and thanked the wise owl. From that day on, Tim and his friends played happily ever after. One day, a little dog named Max went for a walk. He saw a big ball in the park. Max loved to play with balls. He ran to the ball and started to play. Max was so happy. Max saw a girl named Lily. She was sad. "Why are you sad?" Max asked. "My foot hurts," said Lily. Max had an idea. He ran to get help. Max found a bell and made it ring. People came to see what was happening. They saw Lily and her hurt foot. A kind man helped Lily. He put a bandage on her foot. Lily felt better. She said, "Thank you, Max!" Max was happy he could help. They played with the ball together. It was a great day. Once upon a time, there was a graceful cow named Daisy. Daisy lived on a farm with her friends. She loved to dance and play with her friends in the green grass. One day, a big man came to the farm. He wanted to take Daisy away. He said he needed beef for his family to eat. Daisy's friends did not want her to go. They did not want to lose their friend. Daisy's friends thought of a plan. They would show the big man how special Daisy was. They said, "Please let Daisy stay. She is our friend and we love her." The big man saw how much Daisy's friends cared for her. He saw how graceful she was when she danced. He decided to let Daisy stay with her friends on the farm. Daisy and her friends were so happy. They danced and played together, and they all lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, there was a big mountain. A little boy named Tim lived near the mountain. Tim was troubled because he wanted to go to the top of the mountain, but it was very high. One day, Tim decided to try to climb the mountain. He took small steps and slowly began to gain height. As he climbed, he saw many pretty flowers and green trees. Tim was very happy. Finally, after a long time, Tim reached the top of the mountain. He looked around and saw his home far away. He felt proud of himself for not giving up. Tim was no longer troubled and went back home with a big smile. Once upon a time, there was a jolly dog named Spot. Spot loved to play and run in the park. One day, he saw a bench in the park where people would sit and rest. Spot wanted to play with the people on the bench. He ran and jumped on the bench. But, the bench was old and weak. When Spot jumped on it, the bench started to break. The people on the bench were not mad at Spot. They knew he was a jolly dog who just wanted to play. They all laughed and played with Spot. From that day on, Spot and the people had fun in the park, but they stayed away from the broken bench. One day, a big girl named Amy went to school. She wore a nice uniform. She was very smart. She liked to help her friends. In her class, they had to stand up and talk. Amy felt shy. She was embarrass. Her face was red. But her friends clapped for her. Amy was happy. She knew she was intelligent. She liked her uniform. She was not embarrass anymore. Once upon a time, there was a powerful lion named Leo. He was the king of the jungle. One day, Leo was talking to his friend, a little bird named Blue. Blue told Leo about a bad dream he had last night. "I had a nightmare, Leo. It was scary," Blue said. Leo wanted to help his friend, so he told Blue, "Let's start finding a way to make your nightmares go away." They went to talk to Wise Owl, who knew many things. Wise Owl told them, "To stop the nightmares, you must be brave and face your fears." Blue was afraid, but with Leo by his side, he felt stronger. That night, when Blue had another nightmare, he remembered what Wise Owl said. He faced his fears and the nightmare went away. Blue woke up and told Leo, "I did it! I faced my fears and the nightmare is gone!" From that day on, Blue never had a nightmare again. Leo and Blue became the best of friends and they knew that together, they could face anything. One day, a little girl named Sue went to the store with her mom. They needed to buy food for dinner. Sue saw a huge sausage and said, "Mom, can we get this sausage for dinner? It's so big!" Her mom said, "Yes, we can buy the sausage, but first we need to sort the fruits and vegetables." So, Sue helped her mom sort the apples, bananas, and carrots into bags. After they finished sorting, they bought the huge sausage and went home. Sue and her mom cooked the sausage for dinner. It was so big that it filled the whole pan! Sue said, "Wow, this sausage is so yummy!" They all enjoyed their dinner and Sue was happy that she could help her mom at the store. Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a little girl named Mia. Mia liked to scatter her toys all around her room. She would play with her dolls, cars, and blocks. Her room was always a big mess. One day, Mia's mom told her it was time to do some work. Mia did not know what work meant. She felt a little ignorant. Her mom explained that work meant cleaning up and putting things away. Mia thought that work did not sound like fun. But Mia's mom showed her how they could make work fun. They sang songs and made a game out of picking up the toys. As they picked up the toys, Mia's room became clean and neat. Mia learned that work could be fun, and she was not ignorant anymore. One day, a girl named Lily went to the market with her mom. They wanted to buy food to make thick soup for dinner. Lily loved thick soup very much. She was very happy to help her mom. At the market, they met a man selling food. "Do you have what we need for thick soup?" Lily's mom asked. The man smiled and said, "Yes, I have everything you need!" He gave them carrots, potatoes, and more. Lily clapped her hands and said, "Thank you!" They went home and made the thick soup together. Lily helped her mom cut the vegetables and put them in the pot. When the soup was ready, Lily clapped her hands again. She was so excited to eat the soup. They sat down and enjoyed the yummy thick soup. One day, a little girl named Lily was playing with her toys. She had many toys, but her favorite was her big red ball. She liked to throw it, kick it, and roll it around the house. But today, she realized her ball was hurt. It had a hole in it and could not bounce anymore. Lily felt sad because she could not play with her ball. Lily's mom saw her sad face and wanted to help. She had an idea to fix the hurt ball. She went to the room with the big fan. The fan blew cool air all around the room. Lily's mom put the hurt ball near the fan and watched as it started to fill up with air. Lily was so happy to see her ball getting bigger and bigger. It was not hurt anymore! She ran to her mom and gave her a big hug. "Thank you for fixing my ball!" she said. Lily's mom smiled and said, "You're welcome, my dear. Now go and play with your ball." Lily played with her ball all day, and the conflict was over. She was careful not to hurt it again. Once there was a busy bee named Bob. Bob liked to paint. He painted all day. He painted flowers, trees, and the sun. The colors he used were red, blue, and yellow. He was very happy when he painted. One day, Bob found a tie on the ground. It was a pretty tie with many colors. He wanted to wear the tie. So, he put it on. He looked very nice in the tie. Bob was very proud of his new tie. Bob went back to his painting. He painted a picture of himself wearing the tie. All his friends came to see. They liked his painting and his tie. They clapped and cheered for Bob. Bob was very happy. Once upon a time, there was a toy model car named Zoomy. Zoomy was a very sorry car because he had a broken wheel. He could not race with the other toy cars. Zoomy was very sad. One day, a toy doll named Dolly saw Zoomy feeling sad. Dolly asked, "Why are you sad, Zoomy?" Zoomy said, "I am sorry, but I cannot race with my broken wheel." Dolly wanted to help Zoomy, so she had an idea. Dolly told Zoomy, "Let's get married, and then we can race together. I can be your wheel!" Zoomy liked the idea and they got married. Now, Zoomy and Dolly race together and always win. They are very happy, and Zoomy is not sorry anymore. Once upon a time, there was a famous cat named Herb. Herb was not like other cats. He could talk! He had a friend named Sam, a little boy. One day, Herb and Sam were playing in the yard. Herb said, "Sam, I want to mail a letter to my friend in the next town." Sam was excited. He had never mailed a letter before. So, they went inside the house to write the letter. Herb wrote the letter with his paw. "Dear friend, I hope you are happy. Love, Herb," he wrote. Sam helped Herb put the letter in an envelope. They walked to the mailbox together. Sam put the letter in the mailbox and said, "Bye-bye, letter!" Herb smiled and said, "Thank you, Sam!" They went back home and played more games, happy to have mailed the letter to Herb's friend. One day, a boy named Tim went to the park. He saw a pale man sitting on a bench. The man had a big pie with him. Tim thought it looked very yummy. He wanted to have a bite of the pie. Tim walked up to the man and said, "Hi! Can I look at your pie?" The man smiled and said, "Yes, you can look at my pie." Tim looked at the pie and saw it had lots of fruit inside. It was a big fruit pie. The pale man saw that Tim liked the pie very much. So, he said, "Do you want to have a bite of my pie?" Tim said, "Yes, please!" Tim took a bite of the pie, and it was very yummy. He thanked the man and they both sat on the bench, eating the pie and having fun. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jane. Jane had a box of fine jewelry. She loved her shiny things very much. One day, her little brother, Tom, took her jewelry to play with. Jane saw Tom with her shiny things and said, "No, Tom! Those are mine! I own them!" Tom did not want to give them back. He wanted to keep playing with them. This made Jane very sad and mad. Mom heard Jane and Tom fighting. She came into the room and said, "Tom, give Jane her shiny things back. You need to share." Tom gave the jewelry back to Jane. They both learned to share and play together. And they lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim had a trumpet that he loved to play. One day, he went outside to play with his trumpet. The sun was shining, and the sky was blue. As Tim played his trumpet, the sound was harsh. A little girl named Sue walked by and heard the noise. She said, "Tim, your trumpet is too loud and harsh. Can you play it softer?" Tim felt sad but decided to accept what Sue said. He tried to play his trumpet more softly. Sue smiled and said, "Thank you, Tim. Now your trumpet sounds nice." Tim was happy that he could make his friend happy too. From that day on, Tim played his trumpet softly and made many friends. They all loved to listen to him play. And Tim learned that sometimes it is good to accept what others say and change for the better. Sara and Ben are twins. They like to play with their toy cars. They have many cars of different colors and sizes. They pretend they are drivers and go to different places. One day, they decide to have a meeting with their cars. They line up their cars on the floor and sit next to them. They say hello to each other and their cars. "Hello, I am Sara and this is my red car. It is very fast and shiny. I polish it every day," Sara says. "Hello, I am Ben and this is my blue car. It is very big and strong. I polish it every day, too," Ben says. They talk about their cars and where they like to go. They have fun and laugh. Suddenly, they hear a loud noise. It is raining outside. They look out the window and see the raindrops falling on the ground. They see a puddle of water. "Look, it is wet outside. Do you want to play in the puddle?" Ben asks. "Yes, let's go. But we have to take our cars with us. We don't want them to get dirty," Sara says. They put on their boots and coats and grab their cars. They run outside and splash in the puddle. They make their cars go vroom and beep. They don't care if they get wet. They are having fun. Mia was a shy girl who liked to play with her dolls and draw pictures. She did not like to talk to new people or go to big places. One day, her mom took her to the market to buy some food. Mia held her mom's hand and looked at the colorful fruits and vegetables. "Look, Mia, these are blueberries. They are small and sweet and good for you. Do you want to try one?" her mom asked. Mia nodded and took a blueberry from her mom's hand. She put it in her mouth and bit it. It was juicy and yummy. She smiled and reached for another one. But as she did, something strange happened. She felt a tickle in her tummy and a pinch in her skin. She looked down and saw that her clothes were too big for her. She was shrinking! "Mommy, mommy, help!" she cried. "I'm getting smaller!" Her mom looked at her and gasped. She saw that Mia was the size of a blueberry. She quickly picked her up and put her in her palm. "Oh, Mia, what happened to you? Did you eat something bad?" she asked. "I don't know, mommy. I just ate a blueberry. Maybe it was a magic blueberry. Maybe it made me shrink," Mia said. Her mom looked at the blueberries and saw that one of them had a shiny sparkle. She realized that it was not a normal blueberry. It was a fairy blueberry. She had heard stories about them, but she never thought they were real. She took the fairy blueberry and held it close to Mia. "Mia, I think this is the blueberry that made you shrink. Maybe if you eat it again, it will make you grow back. Do you want to try?" she asked. Mia was scared, but she trusted her mom. She nodded and took a bite of the fairy blueberry. She felt a warm glow in her body and a stretch in her bones. She looked up and saw that her mom's face was getting bigger. She was growing back! "Mommy, mommy, it worked! I'm big again!" she cheered. Her mom hugged her and kissed her. "Oh, Mia, I'm so glad. You are my brave girl. I love you so much," she said. Mia hugged her back and said, "I love you too, mommy. And I love blueberries. But only the normal ones." Ben and Lily were twins who liked to help their mom. Sometimes, their mom asked them to deliver things to their neighbors, like eggs, milk, or bread. They always said yes and did their job well. One day, their mom asked them to deliver a big bag of sugar to Mrs. Lee, who lived across the street. She said, "Be careful with the sugar, it is heavy and can spill. And be quiet, Mrs. Lee has a baby who is sleeping." Ben and Lily took the bag of sugar and walked to Mrs. Lee's house. They were careful and quiet, but they also wanted to have some fun. They decided to play a game. They pretended that the bag of sugar was a treasure, and they had to hide it from pirates. They looked for a good hiding spot in Mrs. Lee's yard. They saw a big bush, a swing, and a sandbox. They chose the sandbox, because it looked like a desert island. They dug a hole and buried the bag of sugar. They said, "Now the pirates will never find our treasure!" They were so busy playing that they forgot about Mrs. Lee and her baby. They also forgot that sugar can melt in the sun. They ran back to their mom and told her that they delivered the sugar. Their mom said, "Thank you, you are good helpers. Did Mrs. Lee say anything?" Ben and Lily said, "No, she did not. She was not home. We left the sugar in her yard." Their mom said, "Oh, that is strange. Let me go and check." She went to Mrs. Lee's house and saw the mess. The bag of sugar had melted and leaked in the sandbox. The sugar was sticky and dirty. The baby was crying, because the ants and flies were attracted by the sugar. Mrs. Lee was angry, because she had to clean up the sandbox and calm down the baby. She told Ben and Lily's mom what happened. Ben and Lily's mom was sorry and embarrassed. She said, "I am so sorry, Mrs. Lee. I did not know that they did that. They were trying to help, but they made a mistake. They will come and apologize and help you clean up." She took Ben and Lily to Mrs. Lee's house. They saw the mess and felt bad. They said, "We are sorry, Mrs. Lee. We did not mean to ruin your sugar and your sandbox and your baby. We were playing a game and we forgot. We will help you clean up." Mrs. Lee said, "Thank you, Ben and Lily. I appreciate your apology and your help. I know you were trying to help, but you also need to be responsible and respectful. Next time, please deliver the things as they are, and do not play with them. And please be quiet, because the baby needs to sleep." Ben and Lily said, "Yes, Mrs. Lee. We understand. We will do better next time." They helped Mrs. Lee clean up the sandbox and the sugar. They also gave the baby a toy to make him happy. They learned their lesson and never played with the things they delivered again. The moral of the story is: Be responsible and respectful when you help others, and do not play with things that are not yours. Lila and Tom were ready to travel. They had their bags, their hats, and their tickets. They were going to see their grandma, who lived far away. They liked grandma, because she gave them hugs, cookies, and stories. They got on a big bus, that took them to a big place with many planes. They saw planes of different colors and sizes. Some were red, some were blue, some were yellow. But their plane was silver. It was shiny and fast. They wanted to fly on it. They waited in a line, and showed their tickets to a lady. She smiled and said, "Have a nice trip!" She gave them stickers, that had planes on them. Lila and Tom put the stickers on their hats. They looked like pilots. They walked to their plane, and climbed up the stairs. They found their seats, and buckled their belts. They looked out the window, and saw the silver wing. It had a star on it. They wondered what it meant. The plane started to move, and then to run. It went faster and faster, until it lifted off the ground. Lila and Tom felt a tickle in their bellies. They laughed and clapped. They were flying! They looked out the window again, and saw the clouds. They were white and fluffy, like cotton candy. They saw the sun, that was bright and warm. They saw the land, that was green and brown. They saw the water, that was blue and sparkling. They saw a lot of things, but they did not see the star. The star was hiding, behind the clouds. It was waiting for them, to give them a surprise. It was a special star, that grandma had told them about. It was the star that led them to her. Lila and Ben are friends who like to play with toys. One day, they find a big box of wires in the garage. The wires are long and thin and have different colors. Lila and Ben think they can make fun things with the wires. They start to mix the wires together, twisting and bending them. They make a necklace, a bracelet, a crown, and a belt. They are very happy with their creations. They put them on and pretend to be kings and queens. But then, they hear a loud noise. It is Lila's dad. He is angry. He sees the wires on the floor and on the kids. He says the wires are not toys. He says the wires are for his work. He says the wires are dangerous. He says the kids could get hurt or start a fire. Lila and Ben are scared. They say they are sorry. They take off the wires and give them back to Lila's dad. He tells them to never play with the wires again. He tells them to play with safe toys. He tells them to be careful and respectful. Lila and Ben learn a lesson. They learn that some things are not for playing. They learn that some things can be harmful. They learn that they should listen to their parents and teachers. They hug Lila's dad and say they will be good. They go to Lila's room and play with her dolls and cars. They are still friends who like to play with toys. But they are also smart and safe. Sara likes to help her mom deliver magazines to the houses on their street. She puts one magazine in each mailbox and says hello to the people and animals she sees. Sometimes she gets a sticker or a candy from a nice neighbor. One day, Sara and her mom see a big gray truck on their street. It has many boxes and bags inside. Sara wonders what is in them. The truck driver sees Sara and her mom and waves to them. He says he has a special delivery for them. He gives Sara and her mom a big box with a bow on it. Sara is very excited. She opens the box and finds a new doll inside. It has long hair, a pretty dress and shoes that match. Sara loves the doll and hugs it. She says thank you to the truck driver. The truck driver smiles and says he is glad Sara likes the doll. He says it is a gift from her grandma, who lives far away. He says he delivers magazines and other things to people who order them. He says he likes his job because he makes people happy. Sara and her mom thank the truck driver again and wave goodbye to him. They finish delivering the magazines and go back home. Sara plays with her new doll and shows it to her dad and her brother. She says she is happy too. She says she likes to help her mom deliver magazines and get surprises. Anna was very thirsty. She wanted some water from her bottle. She looked for her bottle in her bag, but she could not find it. She looked under her bed, in her closet, and behind her toys, but she could not find it. She started to panic. Where was her bottle? She ran to her mom and dad, who were in the kitchen. She cried and said, "I lost my bottle! I lost my bottle!" Her mom and dad hugged her and said, "Don't worry, Anna. We will help you find your bottle. Maybe it is in the living room, or in the car, or in the garden. Let's go and see." They went to the living room, but they did not see the bottle. They went to the car, but they did not see the bottle. They went to the garden, but they did not see the bottle. Anna felt very sad and scared. She thought she would never find her bottle again. She was a poor girl without a bottle. Then, she heard a sound. It was a bark. It was her dog, Spot. Spot was in his doghouse, and he had something in his mouth. It was Anna's bottle! He had taken it from her bag when she was not looking. He liked to play with it and chew on it. He did not know it was Anna's bottle. Anna ran to Spot and said, "Spot, you have my bottle! Give it to me, please!" Spot wagged his tail and dropped the bottle. Anna picked it up and hugged it. She was so happy. She thanked Spot and said, "You are a good dog, Spot. But don't take my bottle again, okay?" Spot licked her face and said, "Woof, woof!" Anna smiled and said, "I love you, Spot. And I love my bottle." She drank some water and felt better. She was not a poor girl anymore. She was a lucky girl with a bottle and a dog. Tommy was a boy who liked to play with his hair. He had long hair that he could make into different shapes. He could make a ponytail, a bun, a mohawk, or a braid. He liked to show his hair to his friends and his mom. But one day, his mom said, "Tommy, you need to go to the barber. Your hair is too long and messy. The barber will cut your hair and make it neat and tidy." Tommy did not want to go to the barber. He liked his hair the way it was. He said, "No, mom, I don't want to go to the barber. I like my hair. It is fun and cool. Please, mom, let me keep my hair." His mom said, "Sorry, Tommy, but you have to go to the barber. It is good for you. The barber is a nice man who knows how to cut hair. He has scissors, combs, and clippers. He is very useful. He will make you look handsome and smart. Come on, Tommy, let's go to the barber." Tommy was sad and scared. He did not like scissors, combs, and clippers. He thought they would hurt his hair and his head. He cried and held on to his hair. He said, "No, mom, no, I don't want to go to the barber. I don't want to lose my hair. I love my hair. Please, mom, don't make me go to the barber." His mom hugged him and said, "I know, Tommy, I know. But it is not so bad. The barber is very gentle and careful. He will not hurt you or your hair. He will only cut a little bit of your hair. He will make you look even more fun and cool. Trust me, Tommy, you will like the barber. He is your friend. He will make you happy. Please, Tommy, be brave and go to the barber." Tommy looked at his mom and saw that she was smiling and kind. He felt a little bit better. He said, "Okay, mom, okay. I will go to the barber. But can I keep some of my hair? Can I make a ponytail or a braid?" His mom said, "Sure, Tommy, sure. You can keep some of your hair. You can make a ponytail or a braid. Whatever you like. The barber will help you. He will do what you want. He is very useful. He will make you look great. Come on, Tommy, let's go to the barber." Tommy nodded and took his mom's hand. He said, "Okay, mom, okay. Let's go to the barber. Maybe he is not so bad. Maybe he is fun and cool. Maybe I will like him. Maybe he will make me happy." His mom said, "That's right, Tommy, that's right. Let's go to the barber. He is not so bad. He is fun and cool. You will like him. He will make you happy." They walked to the barber shop. Tommy saw the barber. He had a big smile and a friendly voice. He said, "Hello, Tommy, hello. I am the barber. I am here to cut your hair. I am very useful. I will make you look awesome. Come on, Tommy, come on. Sit on this chair. It is very comfy. Let me show you what I can do." Anna and Ben are twins. They like to do many things together. They care for each other and help each other. They are very happy when they hear that they will go on a holiday with their parents. They pack their bags with their favorite toys and clothes. They get in the car and drive to the big boat. The big boat will take them to an island. They are very excited to see the water and the birds and the fish. On the island, they have a lot of fun. They play on the sand and swim in the sea. They make new friends with other children. They eat yummy food and ice cream. They see many animals and plants. They are very adventurous and curious. One day, they go on a hike with their parents. They walk on a path through the forest. They see a big waterfall and a rainbow. They hear a loud roar. They look and see a big bear. The bear is angry and hungry. It wants to eat them. Anna and Ben are scared. They hold each other's hands. They run back to their parents. Their parents hug them and protect them. They throw some food to the bear. The bear eats the food and leaves them alone. Anna and Ben are relieved. They say to each other, "I'm glad you are here. I care for you. You are my best friend." They smile and hug. They continue their hike and enjoy their holiday. They have many stories to tell when they go back home. Lily and Ben are friends. They like to play in the park. They have a ball. The ball is pink. Lily and Ben take turns to kick the ball. One day, a big boy comes to the park. He sees the ball. He wants the ball. He runs to the ball and grabs it. He says, "This is my ball now. Go away!" Lily and Ben are sad and angry. They say, "No, that is our ball. Give it back!" They try to get the ball from the big boy. But the big boy is stronger. He pushes them away. The big boy laughs. He says, "You can't have the ball. It is too pretty for you. Watch this!" He throws the ball high in the air. The ball rises and rises. It goes over the fence. It lands on the road. Lily and Ben hear a loud noise. They see a car. The car hits the ball. The ball pops. The ball is gone. The big boy is scared. He runs away. Lily and Ben cry. They say, "Our ball! Our pink ball! It is broken!" They hug each other. They are very sad. They go home. They have no ball. They have no fun. The end. Tom and Lily went to a big hotel with their mom and dad. They were very happy because the hotel had a big pool and a big park. In the park, there were many swings and slides and seesaws. Tom and Lily loved to play on the swings. They would push each other and go very high and fast. One day, they saw a silly man in the park. He was wearing a funny hat and a funny coat and funny shoes. He had a big red nose and a big smile. He was making jokes and tricks and making people laugh. He had a big bag with him. He opened the bag and took out some balloons. He blew the balloons and made them into different shapes. He made a dog, a cat, a flower, a sword, and a hat. He gave the balloons to the children who were watching him. Tom and Lily wanted a balloon too. They ran to the silly man and asked him for a balloon. The silly man smiled and said, "Sure, I have a special balloon for you. It is a swing balloon. You can swing on it and have fun." He took out a big yellow balloon and tied a long string to it. He gave the balloon to Tom and Lily and said, "Hold on tight and don't let go. This balloon will take you up in the sky and swing you around. Are you ready?" Tom and Lily nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes!" The silly man let go of the balloon and it flew up in the air. Tom and Lily held on to the string and felt the wind in their hair. They were swinging on the balloon and laughing and shouting. They felt like they were flying. They saw the park and the pool and the hotel from above. They saw the silly man waving at them and saying, "Have fun, have fun, have fun!" Tom and Lily had a lot of fun on the swing balloon. They swung for a long time and then the balloon slowly came down. They landed safely on the ground and thanked the silly man for the balloon. The silly man said, "You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the swing balloon. It was a special gift for you. Now you can keep it and play with it whenever you want." He gave them a hug and a kiss and said, "Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye!" Tom and Lily ran back to their mom and dad and showed them the swing balloon. They told them about the silly man and his jokes and tricks and balloons. They said, "He was so funny and nice and he gave us a swing balloon. We swung on it and it was so fun. We love the swing balloon. We love the silly man. We love the hotel. We love the park. We love the swings. We love everything!" Mom and dad smiled and hugged them and said, "We love you too. We love you too. We love you too!" Lily was excited to see the band. She liked the loud sounds and the bright colors. She put on her pink hat and her shiny shoes. She held her daddy's hand and walked to the park. The band was on a big stage. They had drums and guitars and horns. They played songs that made Lily want to dance and clap. She saw other kids clapping too. She smiled and jumped up and down. "Can I go closer, daddy?" she asked. "I want to see the band better." "Okay, but be careful," her daddy said. "Don't go too far. Stay where I can see you." Lily nodded and ran to the front of the stage. She felt happy and free. She clapped louder and louder. She waved at the band. She hoped they would see her and smile. But the band did not see her. They were busy playing their music. They did not notice the big speaker that was about to fall. It was loose and wobbly. It tipped over and crashed down. Lily did not see it either. She was looking at the band. She did not hear the scream or the bang. She only felt a sharp pain and a dark blur. Then she felt nothing at all. Her daddy saw it. He saw the speaker fall. He saw Lily fall. He ran to her. He shouted her name. He cried and cried. He wished he had not let her go. He wished he could clap with her again. Tom and Mia like to play in the garden. They have a big melon that they want to eat for lunch. They roll the melon on the grass and laugh. "Be careful, Tom," Mia says. "Don't lose the melon." "I won't, Mia," Tom says. "I am careful." But Tom is not careful. He rolls the melon too hard and it goes over the fence. The melon lands in the street and a car runs over it. The melon breaks and splashes. "Oh no!" Tom and Mia cry. "We lost the melon!" They run to the fence and look at the mess. They are sad and hungry. "Sorry, Mia," Tom says. "It was my fault." "It's okay, Tom," Mia says. "We can share my sandwich." They hug and go inside. They eat the sandwich and drink some juice. They are still sad, but they are also friends. Lila and Ben are friends. They like to play in the park. One day, they see a snake on the grass. It is long and green and has black spots. "Look, a snake!" Lila says. She is not afraid. She likes animals. "Let's go closer," Ben says. He is curious. He wants to touch the snake. They walk slowly to the snake. The snake does not move. It is sunning itself. "Hi, snake," Lila says. She smiles. She reaches out her hand. "Stop, Lila!" Ben says. He pulls her back. "The snake might bite you. It might be bad." "No, it won't," Lila says. She is annoyed. "The snake is nice. It is healthy. It eats bugs and mice. It does not eat people." Ben does not believe her. He thinks the snake is dangerous. He wants to tease the snake. He picks up a stick and pokes the snake. "Hey, snake, wake up!" Ben says. He laughs. He thinks he is funny. The snake does not like being poked. It hisses and coils up. It looks angry. "Ben, stop it!" Lila says. She is scared. She does not want the snake to be mad. "You are being mean. The snake will hurt you." Ben does not listen. He pokes the snake again. The snake strikes. It bites Ben's hand. "Ow!" Ben cries. He drops the stick. He holds his hand. It hurts. It bleeds. Lila runs to him. She is sorry. She hugs him. She says, "I told you not to tease the snake. The snake was not happy. You need to be nice to animals." Ben nods. He is sorry too. He says, "You are right, Lila. I was not nice. I was silly. I need to be careful. Can you help me?" Lila says, "Yes, I can. Come on, let's go to the nurse. She will make your hand better. Then we can play something else. Something safe." They leave the snake alone. The snake slithers away. It is happy. It finds a new spot to sun. It does not want to be teased again. Sam and Mia are playing in the garden. They have a big box that they pretend is a castle. They use sticks and stones to make a fence around it. They are eager to protect their castle from the bad guys. "Who are the bad guys?" Mia asks Sam. "Anyone who tries to take our castle," Sam says. "We have to watch out for them." They see a man walking on the street. He is wearing a blue shirt and a hat. He has a bag over his shoulder. He stops at their gate and takes out a letter. He puts it in the post. "Look, a bad guy!" Sam shouts. "He is trying to steal our post!" Sam and Mia grab their sticks and run to the gate. They wave their sticks at the man and yell, "Go away, bad guy! This is our castle! This is our post!" The man is surprised and scared. He drops the letter and runs away. "Yay, we did it!" Sam and Mia cheer. "We protected our castle and our post!" They hug each other and go back to their box. They are happy and proud. They do not know that the man was just a mailman. Anna and Ben are friends. They like to play in the park. One day, they see a big slide. Anna wants to go on the slide, but Ben is scared. "Come on, Ben, it's fun!" Anna says. She runs to the slide and climbs up the ladder. "No, thank you, Anna. It's too high. I don't like it." Ben says. He stays on the ground and watches Anna. Anna slides down the slide and laughs. She feels happy. She wants Ben to feel happy too. She has an idea. She finds a piece of paper and a crayon. She writes a note for Ben. She writes: "Ben, you are brave. You can do it. I will help you. Anna." She runs back to the slide and gives the note to Ben. Ben reads the note. He feels a little better. He smiles at Anna. "Thank you, Anna. You are a good friend. You provide me with courage." Ben says. He holds Anna's hand and they walk to the slide together. They climb up the ladder slowly. Ben feels nervous, but Anna is with him. They reach the top of the slide. They look down. It's not so high anymore. "Are you ready, Ben?" Anna asks. "Yes, I am ready, Anna." Ben answers. They slide down the slide together. They feel the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces. They laugh and shout. They feel happy. They reach the bottom of the slide. They hug each other. They are proud of themselves. They see a boy and a girl watching them. The boy and the girl are older. They are mean. They point at Ben and Anna and laugh. "Look at them, they are so silly. They need a note to go on the slide. They are babies. They should be embarrassed." The boy says. The girl nods and says: "Yeah, they are so lame. They can't do anything by themselves. They are losers." Ben and Anna hear the boy and the girl. They feel sad and angry. They don't like the boy and the girl. They are rude and mean. They want them to go away. "Hey, stop it! You are not nice. You are bullies. You don't know anything about us. We are not babies. We are friends. We help each other. We have fun. We are not embarrassed. We are happy." Anna says. She stands up and faces the boy and the girl. She holds Ben's hand. Ben stands up too. He supports Anna. He is not scared anymore. The boy and the girl are surprised. They didn't expect Anna and Ben to talk back. They don't know what to say. They feel ashamed. They look at each other and run away. Anna and Ben smile at each other. They are glad they stood up for themselves. They are glad they have each other. They are friends. They go back to the slide and play some more. They have a good day. Lily and Max were twins who liked to play together. One day, they decided to dress up as their favorite animals. Lily wanted to be a cat and Max wanted to be a shrimp. They found some clothes and accessories in their closet and put them on. "Look at me, I'm a cat!" Lily said, wearing a black shirt, a pink skirt, and a headband with ears. She pretended to scratch the sofa and meow. "Look at me, I'm a shrimp!" Max said, wearing a red sweater, a brown belt, and a hat with eyes. He curled up on the floor and wiggled his legs. Lily and Max looked at each other and laughed. They thought they were very clever and funny. But then, their big brother Sam came into the room. He saw them and frowned. He did not like their game. "What are you doing?" he asked. "You look silly. Cats and shrimps are not friends. They are enemies. Cats eat shrimps. You should not dress up like that." Lily and Max felt sad and angry. They did not like Sam's words. They liked their game. They thought they were intelligent and creative. "No, you are wrong," Lily said. "Cats and shrimps can be friends. We are friends. We are not silly. We are smart." "Yeah, you are wrong," Max said. "Cats and shrimps are not enemies. They are nice. We are nice. We are not stupid. We are clever." Sam rolled his eyes. He did not believe them. He thought they were childish and foolish. "Whatever," he said. "You can play your dumb game. But don't bother me. I'm going to read a book. A book for big kids. A book with big words. A book that you can't understand." He left the room and slammed the door. Lily and Max looked at each other and shrugged. They did not care about Sam's book. They did not care about his big words. They cared about their game. They cared about their fun. They cared about their friendship. They hugged each other and smiled. They continued to play as a cat and a shrimp. They thought they were the best. Lily and Ben are friends. They like to play dress up. They have many hats, scarves, and coats. They can be anyone they want. One day, they see a poster. It says there is a dress up contest. The winner will get a prize. Lily and Ben want to join. They think of what to wear. "I will be a pirate," Ben says. He wears a big hat, a patch, and a sword. He looks scary. "I will be a princess," Lily says. She wears a colorful dress, a crown, and a necklace. She looks pretty. They go to the contest. There are many other kids. They all wear different things. Some are animals, some are superheroes, some are clowns. The judge looks at everyone. He smiles. He says, "You all did a great job. But there can only be one winner. And the winner is... Lily and Ben!" Lily and Ben are happy. They hug each other. The judge gives them a prize. It is a big box of stickers. They are colorful and shiny. "Wow, thank you!" Lily and Ben say. They share the stickers with their friends. They all stick them on their hats, scarves, and coats. They look more colorful than ever. They have fun. Lily liked to wear yellow. She had a yellow dress, a yellow hat, and yellow shoes. She thought yellow was the best color in the world. She wanted to show everyone her yellow outfit at school. But when she got to school, she saw that no one else was wearing yellow. They were wearing red, blue, green, and purple. They looked at Lily and laughed. They said yellow was a silly color. They said Lily looked like a banana. Lily felt very sad and embarrassed. She wished she had worn a different color. She wanted to hide in the corner and cry. She did not want to play with anyone. Then her teacher came and saw Lily. She smiled and said, "Lily, you look very pretty in yellow. Yellow is a bright and happy color. It suits you very well. Don't listen to the other children. They are just being mean. You should be proud of your yellow outfit." Lily looked at her teacher and felt a little better. She said, "Thank you, teacher. You are very nice. But why do they laugh at me? Why don't they like yellow?" The teacher said, "Some people have different tastes and opinions. They may not like yellow, but that does not mean you have to change. You have the right to wear what you like and be yourself. As long as you are obedient and kind, you are a good student and a good friend." Lily nodded and smiled. She thought her teacher was very wise and kind. She decided to be obedient and kind, and not to care about what the other children said. She thought maybe they would change their minds and like yellow too. But they did not. They kept laughing at Lily and calling her names. They did not want to play with her or be her friend. They made fun of her yellow outfit every day. They made her feel very lonely and unhappy. They made her hate yellow. They made her hate school. They made her hate herself. Mia and Ben were playing in the park. They saw a big bird with a long neck and legs. It was an ostrich. Mia and Ben wanted to pet it. "Hello, ostrich," Mia said. "Can we touch you?" The ostrich did not answer. It looked at Mia and Ben with big eyes. It was shy. "Please, ostrich," Ben said. "We are nice. We just want to be your friends." The ostrich nodded. It let Mia and Ben come closer. They stroked its soft feathers. The ostrich liked it. It made a happy sound. "Wow, you are so cool, ostrich," Mia said. "Can you run fast?" The ostrich nodded again. It showed Mia and Ben how fast it could run. It ran around the park. Mia and Ben ran after it. They had fun. But then, the ostrich ran into a tree. It hit its head. It fell down. It was hurt. Mia and Ben stopped. They were worried. "Are you okay, ostrich?" Mia asked. The ostrich got up. It was not badly hurt. But it was embarrassed. It had made a silly mistake. It hid its head under its wing. It did not want Mia and Ben to see it. "Oh, ostrich, don't be sad," Ben said. "It was an accident. It can happen to anyone." "Yes, ostrich, we still like you," Mia said. "You are still cool. And brave. And cute." The ostrich peeked from under its wing. It saw Mia and Ben smiling. They were not mad. They were kind. The ostrich felt better. It lifted its head. It smiled back. "Thank you, Mia and Ben," the ostrich said. "You are good friends. I am sorry I ran into the tree. I was trying to impress you." "That's okay, ostrich," Mia and Ben said. "You don't have to impress us. We like you for who you are." They hugged the ostrich. The ostrich hugged them back. They were happy. They played some more. They had a great day. Lily and Ben were playing with blocks in the living room. They liked to build towers and houses and bridges with the blocks. They had many colors and shapes of blocks to choose from. "Look, Lily, I made a big tower!" Ben said, showing his creation to his sister. "It is very tall and strong. Do you like it?" "Yes, Ben, it is very nice. But I like my house better. It has a door and a window and a roof. And it has a piece of cloth for a curtain. Do you see?" Lily said, pointing to her house. Ben looked at Lily's house and felt a little jealous. He wanted to have a piece of cloth for his tower too. He saw that Lily had another piece of cloth on the floor, next to her house. He reached out to grab it. "Hey, that is mine!" Lily shouted, pulling the cloth back. "You have your own blocks, leave my cloth alone!" "No, I want it! It is pretty and soft. Give it to me!" Ben shouted back, trying to take the cloth from Lily. They both pulled hard on the cloth, but neither of them could get it. "Stop it, you two!" Mom said, coming into the living room. She saw Lily and Ben fighting over the cloth. She was worried that they would tear it or hurt each other. "Why are you arguing? Can't you share?" "No, Mom, he wants to take my cloth!" Lily said, still holding on to the cloth. "No, Mom, she won't let me have a piece of cloth!" Ben said, still trying to get the cloth. Mom sighed and took the cloth from their hands. She folded it in half and cut it with scissors. She gave one half to Lily and one half to Ben. "Here, now you both have a piece of cloth. You can use it for your blocks or for anything else you like. But please, don't fight over it. And don't resist when I ask you to do something. It is not nice to disobey or to be greedy. Do you understand?" Mom said, looking at them sternly. Lily and Ben nodded and said sorry. They took their pieces of cloth and went back to their blocks. They decided to work together and make a big castle with a tower and a house and a bridge. They used their pieces of cloth for flags and banners. They were happy and proud of their castle. They thanked Mom for the cloth and gave her a hug. Mom smiled and hugged them back. She was glad that they learned to share and to cooperate. She hoped that they would always be kind and respectful to each other. One day, Lily and Tom were playing in the park with their mom. They liked to swing, slide and run on the grass. They saw many other kids and some dogs and birds. They were having fun. Then, a man came to the park. He had a big bag and a hat. He looked at Lily and Tom and smiled. He walked to them and said, "Hello, little ones. Do you want some candy? I have many in my bag. They are very yummy." Lily and Tom did not know the man. He was a stranger. They felt scared. They did not want to talk to him. They ran to their mom and hugged her. They told her what the man said. Their mom was angry. She looked at the man and said, "Go away. You are not nice. You should not talk to kids you do not know. You should not offer them candy. That is bad." The man was surprised. He said, "But I just wanted to be friendly. I have no one to talk to. I am lonely. Is there no one available to chat with me?" Their mom said, "No. There is not. You should leave now. Or I will call the police. They will come and take you away. You are not safe. You are a stranger." The man was scared. He said, "Sorry. I did not mean to bother you. I will go now." He took his bag and his hat and ran away. Lily and Tom were happy. They said, "Thank you, mom. You are brave. You are smart. You are the best." Their mom said, "You are welcome, my loves. You are brave and smart too. You did the right thing. You did not answer the stranger. You came to me. You are the best." They hugged and kissed. They went back to play. They had fun. They were safe. Lisa liked her new classroom. It had many toys, books and colors. She also liked her teacher, Miss Amy. Miss Amy was kind and attractive. She had long hair and a nice smile. One day, Lisa was playing with a doll when she heard a loud scream. She looked up and saw a boy running to the door. He was crying and holding his nose. He had blood on his face. Lisa was scared and curious. Miss Amy saw the boy and ran to him. She asked him what happened. He said that another boy hit him with a truck. Miss Amy was angry and sad. She took the boy to the nurse and told the other boy to sit in the corner. Lisa felt sorry for the boy who was hurt. She also felt mad at the boy who hit him. She did not like mean kids. She wanted to help the boy who was hurt. She picked up her doll and walked to the door. She asked Miss Amy if she could go to the nurse with the boy. Miss Amy smiled and said yes. Lisa followed Miss Amy and the boy to the nurse. She gave the boy her doll and said, "This is my friend. She will make you feel better." The boy smiled and said, "Thank you. You are nice." Lisa felt happy and proud. She liked her new classroom. Tom and Sue were friends who liked to play near the mill. The mill was a big house with a wheel that turned by the water. The mill made flour from wheat. Tom and Sue liked to watch the miller work and sometimes he gave them a piece of bread. One day, Tom and Sue saw a sign on the mill door. The sign had a picture of a man with a big smile and a hat. The sign said: "Jolly Jack, the clown, is here today. Come and see his show at noon." "Wow, a clown!" Tom said. "I want to see him. Do you, Sue?" "Yes, I do!" Sue said. "Let's go and tell our moms. Maybe they will let us go." Tom and Sue ran to their homes and asked their moms if they could go to the mill. Their moms said yes, but they had to be careful and come back soon. Tom and Sue thanked their moms and ran back to the mill. When they got there, they saw a lot of people waiting outside the mill. They also saw Jolly Jack, the clown, standing by the door. He had a red nose, a big bow tie, and funny shoes. He waved at Tom and Sue and said: "Hello, little ones. Are you ready for some fun?" "Yes, we are!" Tom and Sue said. "Then come on in!" Jolly Jack said. "The show is about to start. You will see magic, jokes, and balloons. You will laugh and clap and have a jolly time." Tom and Sue followed Jolly Jack into the mill. They found a seat near the front and waited for the show. They were very excited and happy. They liked Jolly Jack, the clown, and they liked the mill. They had a wonderful day. Sara loves her kitten, Luna. Luna is very soft and cute, but sometimes she is very wild. She likes to run and jump and play with everything. She does not listen to Sara or her mom. One day, Sara and Luna are in the living room. Luna sees a ball of yarn on the table. She thinks it is a toy. She jumps on the table and grabs the yarn. She runs around the room with the yarn in her mouth. She makes a big mess. Sara's mom comes in and sees the mess. She is not happy. She says, "Luna, you are a bad kitten! You need to behave! Look what you did to the yarn and the table and the couch! You are in trouble!" Luna drops the yarn and looks at Sara's mom. She is scared. She runs to Sara and hides behind her legs. Sara hugs Luna and says, "I'm sorry, mom. Luna is still a baby. She does not know better. She just wants to have fun. Please don't be mad at her." Sara's mom sighs. She loves Sara and Luna, but she does not like the mess. She says, "Sara, you are a good girl. You are kind and gentle with Luna. But you need to teach her how to behave. She can't play with things that are not toys. She can hurt herself or break something. Do you understand?" Sara nods. She says, "Yes, mom. I understand. I will teach Luna how to behave. I will show her what are toys and what are not. I will play with her and make her happy. But can we keep the yarn? Luna likes it a lot." Sara's mom smiles. She says, "Okay, we can keep the yarn. But only for Luna. And only in a safe place. And only when you are with her. Deal?" Sara and Luna say, "Deal!" They give Sara's mom a kiss and a hug. They go to Sara's room with the yarn. They play nicely and quietly. They behave. Lily and Ben are twins. They like to play in the kitchen with Mom. One day, Mom makes a big pie for dinner. She puts the pie on the table and tells Lily and Ben not to touch it. "It is very hot and you can get hurt," Mom says. "And it is for dinner, not for now. You can have some later, after you eat your vegetables." Lily and Ben nod, but they are very curious about the pie. It smells good and looks smooth and yummy. When Mom goes to the living room, they sneak to the table. Lily stands on a chair and reaches for the pie. Ben stands next to her and watches. "Be careful, Lily," Ben says. "Mom said not to touch it." Lily does not listen. She wants to taste the pie. She puts her finger on the pie and feels the heat. She pulls her finger back and cries. It hurts a lot. She drops the pie on the floor. It breaks and makes a big mess. Mom hears the noise and comes back to the kitchen. She sees Lily and Ben and the pie on the floor. She is very angry and sad. "What did you do?" Mom asks. "Why did you not listen to me? You could have burned yourself and ruined the dinner." Lily and Ben are sorry. They say they are sorry to Mom. They help her clean the mess. They learn their lesson. They do not touch things that are hot and not for them. They wait for their turn and eat their vegetables. They are good twins. Mom forgives them and gives them a hug. She makes a new pie for another day. Lila was a graceful daughter who loved to dance. She liked to spin and jump and twirl in her pink dress. She wanted to be a dancer when she grew up. One day, she had a test at school. She had to show her teacher and her friends how well she could dance. She was very excited and practiced a lot at home. She wanted to do her best. On the day of the test, she put on her pink dress and her shiny shoes. She went to school with her mom. She said goodbye to her mom and went to the dance room. She saw her teacher and her friends. They were all ready to dance. Lila waited for her turn. She watched the other children dance. Some were good, some were not. She smiled and clapped for them. She was not scared. She was happy. Then it was her turn. She walked to the front of the room. She heard the music start. She began to dance. She spun and jumped and twirled. She felt like a fairy. She looked at her teacher and her friends. They looked at her. But then something bad happened. She slipped on the floor. She fell down hard. She hurt her knee. She cried out loud. She felt pain and shame. She stopped dancing. She heard the music stop. She saw her teacher and her friends. They did not smile or clap. They laughed at her. They pointed at her. They said mean words. They made fun of her. She felt very sad and angry. She wished she could disappear. She wished she could go home. She wished she never danced. She hated the test. She hated the school. She hated herself. Tom and Anna are friends. They like to play together. One day, they go to the park with their moms. They see a big wall with many colors. They want to watch the wall. They run to the wall and look at it. They see red, blue, yellow, green, and more. They see shapes, animals, and letters. They point and say what they see. They are happy and excited. A man comes to the wall. He has a bag and a brush. He says hello to Tom and Anna. He says he is the one who paints the wall. He says he likes to make the wall beautiful and fun. He is kind and friendly. He asks Tom and Anna if they want to help him. He gives them each a small brush and some paint. He shows them how to paint on the wall. He lets them choose the colors and the shapes. They paint a star, a heart, a cat, and a T and an A. They are careful and proud. Tom and Anna have fun painting the wall. They thank the man for letting them help. They hug their moms and show them their work. They say goodbye to the man and the wall. They go home happy and tired. They had a good day. Anna and Ben were very happy. They were going to have a picnic with Mom and Dad in the park. They packed some sandwiches, fruits, cookies and juice in a big basket. They also brought a ball, a kite and a book. They got in the car and drove to the park. It was a sunny day and the sky was blue. They found a nice spot under a big tree and spread a blanket on the grass. They opened the basket and started to eat. They shared their food and talked and laughed. But then, something bad happened. A big dog came running towards them. He was very fast and loud. He jumped on the blanket and knocked over the basket. He ate some of the sandwiches and fruits. He spilled the juice and tore the book. He spoiled the picnic! Anna and Ben were very scared and sad. They cried and hugged Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad were angry and tried to shoo the dog away. But the dog was not afraid. He barked and wagged his tail. He wanted to play. Then, Anna and Ben saw something funny. The dog had a collar and a tag. It said: "Hi, I'm Spot. I'm very adventurous and friendly. I love to explore and make new friends. Please call my owner if you find me. He misses me a lot." Anna and Ben stopped crying and smiled. They realized that the dog was not mean. He was just lost and curious. They petted him and threw the ball for him. He fetched it and brought it back. He licked their faces and wagged his tail. He was very cute and playful. Mom and Dad called the owner and told him where they were. He came to the park and thanked them for finding his dog. He apologized for the mess and offered to buy them a new picnic. They said it was okay and that they had fun with Spot. They said goodbye and hugged him. Anna and Ben learned a lesson. They learned that sometimes things don't go as planned. They learned that sometimes accidents happen. They learned that sometimes strangers can become friends. They learned that being adventurous can be fun. They learned that a spoiled picnic can turn into a happy adventure. Tom and Anna liked to play with blocks. They had many blocks of different colors and shapes. They could make towers, houses, cars, and animals with their blocks. They had fun together. One day, they found a new block in their toy box. It was a big, shiny, silver block. It was a square. They had never seen a square like this before. It was unusual. "Wow, look at this!" Tom said. "It's so pretty and smooth. I want to play with it." "No, I want to play with it!" Anna said. "It's mine. I saw it first." They both grabbed the square and pulled hard. They did not want to share. They started to fight. Suddenly, the square made a loud noise. It beeped and flashed. It opened up and a small robot came out. The robot had two eyes, a mouth, and four legs. It looked at Tom and Anna. "Hello, I am Zee. I am a friendly robot. I came from a faraway place. I want to play with you. But you have to stop fighting. Fighting is bad. Sharing is good. Can you share the square with me?" Zee said. Tom and Anna were surprised. They let go of the square and looked at Zee. They felt sorry for fighting. They nodded. "OK, we can share. We are sorry, Zee. You can play with us. What do you like to do?" Tom said. "I like to learn new things. I like to sing and dance. I like to make jokes. I like to be happy. Do you like these things too?" Zee said. "Yes, we do. We can teach you some things. We can sing and dance with you. We can laugh with you. We can be happy with you." Anna said. They smiled and hugged Zee. They took the square and the other blocks and made a big spaceship. They pretended to fly to Zee's faraway place. They had a lot of fun together. They became good friends. They learned to share. They were happy. Tom and Mia liked to play on the beach. They liked to build castles with sand and shells. They also liked to look for shrimp in the water. Shrimp were small and pink and had many legs. One day, Tom and Mia found a big shrimp. It was bigger than their hand. They wanted to keep it as a pet. They put it in a bucket with some water and seaweed. "Look at our shrimp!" Tom said. "He is so big and strong!" "Yes, he is!" Mia said. "But we have to be careful. He is also delicate. He needs a lot of water and food and space." Tom and Mia decided to build a home for their shrimp. They dug a hole in the sand and filled it with water. They added some rocks and shells and plants. They made a fence with sticks and seaweed. "There!" Tom said. "Now our shrimp has a nice home!" They put their shrimp in the hole. He swam around and explored his new home. He seemed happy. Tom and Mia watched him with a smile. They were happy too. They had a new friend. Tom and Lily are friends. They like to play in the park. They see a big bird with a long neck and a red head. The bird has big wings. "Look, a bird!" Tom says. "What is it?" Lily asks. "I don't know. Maybe a duck?" Tom says. They go closer to the bird. The bird sees them and makes a loud sound. It sounds like "honk, honk, honk!" The bird is not a duck. It is a goose. The goose is not happy. It flaps its wings and runs after Tom and Lily. "Run, run, run!" Tom says. They run away from the goose. They are scared. But then they see a man. The man is smart. He has a hat and a stick. He sees the goose and says "Shoo, shoo, shoo!" He waves his stick at the goose. The goose stops and runs away. Tom and Lily are safe. They are happy. They say "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" to the man. The man smiles and says "You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome!" Tom and Lily laugh. They laugh and laugh and laugh. They think the goose is funny. They think the man is kind. They think the park is fun. They play some more. They have a good day. Ben and Lily were playing with snow in the garden. They made a big snowman with a hat, a scarf and a carrot nose. They also gave him two black buttons for eyes and a smile. "Look, our snowman is so happy!" Lily said. "Yes, he is. He likes the snow and the sun," Ben said. But then, the sun became very hot. The snow started to melt. The snowman became smaller and smaller. His hat and scarf fell off. His carrot nose dropped to the ground. His black buttons and smile disappeared. "Oh no, our snowman is gone!" Lily cried. "Don't cry, Lily. We can make another one tomorrow," Ben said. He picked up a card from the ground. It was a birthday card from their grandma. She had sent it in the mail. It had a picture of a cake and candles on it. "Look, Lily. Grandma sent us a card. She says happy birthday and she loves us," Ben said. He showed the card to Lily. She smiled and wiped her tears. "Thank you, Ben. I love you and grandma too," Lily said. They hugged each other and went inside the house. They put the card on the table and ate some cake. They were happy. Sara and Ben liked to play in the park. They liked to swing, slide and run. One day, they saw a big snake on the grass. It was green and brown and had a long tail. "Look, a snake!" Sara said. "Let's go and see it." "No, snakes are scary!" Ben said. "They can bite and hurt us. Let's stay away." But Sara was curious. She wanted to touch the snake. She walked slowly to the snake. The snake did not move. It looked at Sara with its small eyes. "Hello, snake," Sara said. "You are pretty. Can I be your friend?" The snake did not answer. It opened its mouth and showed its sharp teeth. Sara was not afraid. She reached out her hand to the snake. "Stop, Sara!" Ben shouted. "The snake is dangerous! Come back!" But it was too late. The snake bit Sara's hand. Sara screamed and let go of the snake. The snake slithered away and vanished in the bushes. Sara cried and held her hand. It was red and swollen. Ben ran to Sara and hugged her. "I'm sorry, Sara," Ben said. "Are you okay?" Sara shook her head. She felt sick and dizzy. She needed help. "Help, help!" Ben yelled. "My sister is hurt! She was bitten by a snake!" A man heard Ben's cry. He was a park ranger. He had a hat, a badge and a radio. He ran to Sara and Ben. "What happened?" he asked. "A snake bit Sara," Ben said. "It was a big snake. It vanished in the bushes." The park ranger looked at Sara's hand. He recognized the snake. It was an ancient snake. It was very old and very rare. It was also very venomous. "Oh no," he said. "This is bad. We need to get Sara to the hospital. Fast." He picked up Sara and carried her to his car. He called the hospital on his radio. He told them to get ready for Sara. He drove as fast as he could. Ben followed him. He was scared and sad. He wished he had stopped Sara from touching the snake. He hoped Sara would be okay. He prayed for his sister. Anna and Ben are twins. They like to play in the snow. They make a big snowman with a hat and a scarf. They give him a carrot nose and two coal eyes. "Let's tell him a story," Anna says. "Maybe he will come alive." "OK," Ben says. "You start." Anna thinks hard. She wants to tell a good story. She says, "Once upon a time, there was a thick forest. In the forest, there lived a big bear. He was very hungry and grumpy. He wanted to find some honey." Ben listens. He likes the story. He says, "Then what happened?" Anna says, "The bear saw a bee hive. He climbed up a tree to get it. But the bees were angry. They buzzed and stung him. He fell down and hit his head. He was very sad." Ben laughs. He says, "That's funny. Poor bear." Anna says, "It's your turn. What happened next?" Ben thinks hard. He wants to tell a good story. He says, "Then a little girl came by. She saw the bear. She was not afraid. She said, 'Hello, Mr. Bear. Why are you sad?'" Anna listens. She likes the story. She says, "Then what happened?" Ben says, "The bear said, 'I'm sad because I'm hungry and I have no honey. And the bees hurt me.' The little girl said, 'I have some honey in my basket. You can have some. But you have to be nice and share.' The bear said, 'Thank you, little girl. You are very kind. I will share with you.'" Anna smiles. She says, "That's nice. They became friends." Ben says, "Yes. They ate the honey and talked. They had fun. The end." Anna and Ben clap. They say, "That was a good story. Maybe the snowman liked it too." They look at the snowman. He has a big smile on his face. He says, "I did like it. Thank you, Anna and Ben. You are very good storytellers. Can I play with you?" Anna and Ben are surprised. They say, "Wow! He came alive!" They hug the snowman. They say, "Of course you can play with us. You are our new friend." They play in the snow. They have more fun. They are happy. But then, they hear their mom call. She says, "Anna and Ben, come inside. It's time for lunch." They say, "OK, mom. We're coming." They say goodbye to the snowman. They say, "We'll be back soon. Don't go away." They run to the house. But they slip on the ice. They fall down and laugh. They get up and go inside. They have lunch. They tell their mom about the snowman. She smiles and says, "That's a wonderful story. I'm glad you had fun." They say, "We did, mom. We did." Lily and Tom were friends who liked to play in the jungle. They saw many animals and plants there. They had fun climbing trees and swinging on vines. One day, they found a big cave. They wanted to see what was inside. "Come, Tom, let's go in the cave!" Lily said. "No, Lily, I'm scared. It's dark and cold. Maybe there are snakes or spiders or other bad things," Tom said. "Don't be a baby, Tom. It's an adventure. Maybe we'll find treasure or magic or something cool," Lily said. She pulled Tom by the hand and they went in the cave. They walked for a long time. They saw nothing but rocks and dirt. They heard nothing but their own footsteps. They felt nothing but cold and damp. They got lost and tired and hungry. "Lily, I want to go back. I don't like this cave. It's boring and scary and hard," Tom said. "Me too, Tom. I'm sorry I made you come. I was wrong. This cave is not fun. It's dead. Let's try to find the way out," Lily said. They turned around and walked back the way they came. They hoped to see the light of the sun and the green of the jungle. They hoped to hear the sounds of the birds and the monkeys. They hoped to feel the warmth of the air and the softness of the grass. They hoped to be safe and happy again. Moral: Sometimes, curiosity can lead to trouble. It's good to explore new things, but it's also good to listen to your feelings and your friends. The jungle is alive and beautiful, but the cave is dead and dull. Be careful where you go and what you do. Tom and Anna were friends. They liked to play with figures. They had many figures of animals, people and cars. One day, they went to the toy store with their moms. They saw a big box of new figures. They wanted to buy some. "Can we have some figures, mom?" Tom asked. "Sure, you can choose one each," his mom said. Tom and Anna looked at the box. There were so many figures. They had different colors, shapes and sizes. Tom saw a figure of a lion. He liked lions. They were strong and brave. He took the lion figure. Anna saw a figure of a unicorn. She liked unicorns. They were pretty and magical. She took the unicorn figure. But then, they saw another figure. It was a figure of a dragon. It was green and shiny. It had wings and a tail. It looked cool and fun. Tom and Anna both wanted the dragon figure. "I want the dragon," Tom said. "No, I want the dragon," Anna said. They both reached for the figure. They pulled and tugged. They did not want to share. "Stop it, you two," Tom's mom said. "You can't have the same figure. You have to choose another one." "But I like the dragon," Tom said. "So do I," Anna said. They looked at each other. They felt sad and angry. They did not want to lose the dragon. They did not want to lose their friend. They saw a little boy near the box. He was shy. He did not have any figures. He looked at the dragon. He smiled. Tom and Anna had an idea. They let go of the dragon. They gave it to the little boy. "Here, you can have the dragon," Tom said. "Yes, you can play with us," Anna said. The little boy was happy. He thanked them. He took the dragon. He joined them. Tom and Anna were happy too. They did not need the dragon. They had their figures. They had their friend. They chose to be kind. Lily and Ben were playing in the garden. They liked to look at the sunflowers. The sunflowers were big and yellow. They smiled at Lily and Ben. "Look, this sunflower is dirty," Lily said. She saw some mud on the petals. "We should clean it." "How do we clean it?" Ben asked. "We can use water," Lily said. She ran to the tap and filled a bucket. Ben followed her with a sponge. They went back to the sunflower and poured some water on it. Then they rubbed the sponge gently on the petals. The mud came off and the sunflower looked bright and happy. "Thank you, Lily and Ben," the sunflower said. "You are very kind." Lily and Ben were surprised. They did not know that sunflowers could talk. "You are welcome, sunflower," Lily said. "You are very pretty." "We like you, sunflower," Ben said. "You are very friendly." The sunflower nodded and winked. "I like you too, Lily and Ben. You are very smart. But now you must go inside. It is getting late and you must be tired." Lily and Ben looked at the sky. It was getting dark and they felt sleepy. "Yes, we are tired," Lily said. "We had a lot of fun today." "Me too," Ben said. "We will come back tomorrow." They said goodbye to the sunflower and went inside. They washed their hands and faces and put on their pajamas. Then they climbed into their beds and closed their eyes. They dreamed of the sunflower and the garden. They were happy. Lila was a youth who liked to help people. She was honest and kind. One day, she saw a new girl in her class. The new girl looked sad and lonely. Lila wanted to be her friend. "Hi, I am Lila. What is your name?" Lila asked the new girl. "I am Nina. I am from another town. I miss my old friends," Nina said. "I am sorry you miss your old friends. I know how that feels. I moved here last year. It was hard at first, but then I made new friends. Do you want to play with me and my friends?" Lila offered. "Really? You want me to play with you?" Nina asked. "Of course. You are welcome to join us. We like to play with dolls and blocks and books. Come on, let me introduce you to them," Lila said. Lila took Nina by the hand and led her to a group of children who were playing on the rug. She introduced Nina to them and they all smiled and said hello. Nina felt happy and grateful. She thanked Lila for being so nice to her. "You are welcome, Nina. I am glad you are here. I hope we can be good friends," Lila said. Nina nodded and smiled. She felt less sad and lonely. She felt like she belonged. She and Lila played with the other children and had fun. They shared their dolls and blocks and books. They laughed and talked and learned. They became good friends. Ben and Mia are playing in the park. They see a big, hairy dog. The dog is friendly and wants to play with them. He runs to them and wags his tail. "Hi, doggy!" Mia says. She pets the dog's fur. The dog licks her face. "Can we play with you, doggy?" Ben asks. He throws a stick for the dog. The dog chases the stick and brings it back. They play for a long time. The dog is happy and so are Ben and Mia. But then they hear their mom calling them. "Ben! Mia! It's time to go home!" "Oh no!" Ben says. "We have to hurry!" They run to their mom. The dog follows them. He wants to go with them. "Mom, can we keep the dog?" Mia asks. "He is so nice and fun!" Their mom looks at the dog. He is big and hairy. He is also heavy. He jumps on their mom and knocks her down. "Whoa!" their mom says. "This dog is too big and too heavy for us. He needs a lot of space and a lot of food. We can't keep him." Ben and Mia are sad. They hug the dog and say goodbye. "Bye, doggy!" they say. "We will miss you!" The dog barks and wags his tail. He is sad too, but he understands. He runs back to the park, looking for another friend to play with. Lily and Ben were twins who liked to play together. They had many toys, but their favorite was a drum. They liked to bang the drum and march around the house. They pretended to be soldiers or musicians or explorers. One day, they had a big fight over the drum. Lily wanted to march first, but Ben wanted to march too. They both pulled the drum and shouted, "Mine! Mine!" They did not want to share or take turns. They were very competitive. Mom heard the noise and came to see what was wrong. She saw Lily and Ben fighting over the drum. She was not happy. She said, "Stop! Stop! Fighting is not nice. You have to share and be kind. If you can't play nicely, you have to take a nap." Lily and Ben did not want to take a nap. They wanted to play with the drum. But they knew Mom was serious. They looked at each other and felt sorry. They said, "Sorry, Mom. Sorry, Lily. Sorry, Ben." They hugged and made up. Mom smiled and said, "That's better. Now you can play with the drum together. But first, you have to take a nap. You are tired and cranky. A nap will make you feel better. Then you can march and have fun." Lily and Ben agreed. They put the drum away and went to their beds. They closed their eyes and fell asleep. They dreamed of marching and playing with the drum. They learned that sharing and being kind is better than fighting and being competitive. Sara was a young girl who liked lollipops very much. She had a big jar of lollipops in her room, and she counted them every day. She had red ones, yellow ones, green ones, and blue ones. She liked to lick them and taste the different flavors. One day, Sara's mom said, "Sara, I have a surprise for you. I bought you some new lollipops. Do you want to see them?" Sara was very happy and said, "Yes, please, mom. I love lollipops. Thank you, mom." Sara's mom took her to the kitchen and showed her a big bag of lollipops. They were different from the ones Sara had. They were bigger, and they had stripes and swirls and stars on them. They looked very yummy. Sara's mom said, "These are special lollipops, Sara. They can increase in size when you lick them. They can grow bigger and bigger until they fill your mouth. Do you want to try one?" Sara was very curious and excited. She said, "Yes, mom. I want to try one. Can I have a pink one? Pink is my favorite color." Sara's mom gave her a pink lollipop and said, "Here you go, Sara. Enjoy your lollipop. But be careful, don't bite it. Just lick it gently and see what happens." Sara unwrapped the lollipop and put it in her mouth. She licked it and felt a sweet and sour taste. She liked it very much. She licked it again and again, and noticed that the lollipop was getting bigger. It was increasing in size. It was growing and growing. Sara was amazed and said, "Wow, mom. This is a magic lollipop. It is so big. Look, mom, look." Sara's mom looked at her and smiled. She said, "I see, Sara. You have a very big lollipop. Do you like it?" Sara nodded and said, "Yes, mom. I like it very much. It is the best lollipop ever. Thank you, mom. You are the best mom ever." Sara's mom hugged her and said, "You are welcome, Sara. I love you very much. You are the best daughter ever." Sara and her mom smiled and laughed. They were very happy. They shared the big lollipop and enjoyed the sweet and sour taste. They had a lot of fun. Tim and Jen are twins. They like to play games. Sometimes they play with cards, sometimes they play with blocks, sometimes they play with dolls. They have fun, but they also want to win. One day, they play a game with dice. They roll the dice and move their pieces on the board. Tim gets a six and a five. He moves his piece to the end. He says, "I win! I win! I am the best!" Jen gets a four and a two. She moves her piece, but she is not at the end. She says, "No, you don't win! The game is not over! I can still catch up!" They roll the dice again and again. Tim gets low numbers. Jen gets high numbers. She moves her piece closer and closer to the end. She says, "See? I told you! I can win! I can win! I am the best!" Tim gets angry. He says, "No, you can't win! You are cheating! You are not fair! I don't want to play with you!" He throws the dice and the board on the floor. He stomps his feet and cries. He runs to his room and slams the door. Jen is sad. She says, "Tim, come back! Don't be mad! It's just a game! We can play something else!" But Tim does not answer. He lies on his bed and takes a nap. He is tired from playing and crying. Jen picks up the dice and the board. She puts them away. She goes to her room and takes a nap too. She is tired from playing and being persistent. They sleep for a long time. When they wake up, they feel better. They hug and say sorry. They say, "We love each other. We are twins. We can play and win together." Lily and Tom are playing in the park. They see a big box under a tree. They want to know what is inside. They run to the box and try to open it. But the box is very heavy. They cannot lift it. They ask a man to help them. The man is nice. He comes to the box and tries to open it. But the box is very heavy. He cannot lift it either. He says, "This box is too heavy for me. Maybe there is something very big inside." Lily and Tom are curious. They want to see what is inside. They look for a way to open the box. They see a hole on the side of the box. They peek inside. They see a foot. A big foot. A hairy foot. A foot with claws. They scream and run away. The man hears them and looks inside the hole. He sees the foot too. He screams and runs away. The box shakes and makes a loud noise. Something is trying to get out. The box is not a box. It is a cage. And inside the cage is a bear. A big bear. A hungry bear. A bear that does not like to be in a cage. The bear breaks the cage and comes out. He looks around and sees Lily and Tom and the man. He roars and chases them. They run as fast as they can. They are scared. They hope the bear does not catch them. Lily and Ben were playing with their water guns in the garden. They liked to spray each other and the flowers and the bugs. They laughed and ran and had fun. "Look, Lily, I can spray the bird!" Ben said, pointing his water gun at a robin on the fence. "No, Ben, don't do that! The bird is nice and pretty. It sings for us. Leave it alone!" Lily said, trying to stop him. But Ben did not listen. He sprayed the bird with a big jet of water. The bird got wet and scared. It flew away, but not very fast. It hit a tree and fell to the ground. "Oh no, Ben, what did you do? You hurt the bird!" Lily cried, running to the bird. It was still alive, but it looked sad and hurt. Its wing was broken. "I'm sorry, Lily, I didn't mean to hurt it. I just wanted to play." Ben said, feeling bad. "Maybe we can help it. Maybe we can take it to the vet. The vet can do an operation and fix its wing. Then it can fly again." Lily said, hoping. They picked up the bird gently and put it in a box. They ran to the house and asked their mom to take them to the vet. Their mom agreed and drove them to the vet. The vet looked at the bird and shook his head. He said the bird was too hurt and the operation was too hard. He said the bird would not fly again. He said the bird would be better off if he put it to sleep. Lily and Ben were very sad. They cried and said sorry to the bird. They wished they had not sprayed it. They wished they had been more useful and kind. They learned a hard lesson that day. Sara and Ben are playing with dolls. Sara has a big doll with a pink dress and a hat. Ben has a small doll with a blue shirt and pants. Sara likes her doll very much, but she wants to see Ben's doll too. "Can I play with your doll?" Sara asks Ben. Ben shakes his head. "No, this is my doll. You have your own doll." Sara feels sad. She thinks Ben's doll is cute and she wants to be friends with it. She looks at her doll and sees a pin on her hat. She has an idea. "Look, Ben, I have a pin for your doll. It is shiny and pretty. Do you want it?" Sara says. Ben looks at the pin. He likes shiny things. He nods. "Yes, I want it. Can I have it?" Sara smiles. She gives him the pin. "Yes, you can have it. But can I play with your doll for a little while?" Ben thinks. He likes the pin, but he also likes his doll. He decides to be nice. He accepts the pin and gives Sara his doll. "Okay, you can play with my doll. But only for a little while." Sara and Ben are happy. They play with each other's dolls and share the pin. They have fun and become good friends. Lily and Ben are friends. They like to play in the park. They have a game. They pretend to be famous spies. They hide behind bushes and look for clues. One day, they see a new boy in the park. He has a big hat and a funny coat. He walks around with a map and a magnifying glass. Lily and Ben think he is a spy too. "Let's follow him," Lily says. "Maybe he has a secret mission." "OK," Ben says. "But be quiet. He might hear us." They sneak behind the new boy. They watch him look at the map and the magnifying glass. He stops near a big bush. He bends down and digs in the dirt. He finds a small box. He opens it and smiles. Lily and Ben are curious. They want to see what is in the box. They run to the bush and say hello. "Who are you?" the new boy asks. He looks surprised. "We are spies," Lily says. "We saw you find the box. What is in it?" The new boy laughs. He shows them the box. It has a sticker on it. It says: "Treasure Hunt. Find all the boxes and win a prize." "It's a game," the new boy says. "My name is Sam. I'm new here. Do you want to play with me?" Lily and Ben nod. They think the game sounds fun. "OK," Sam says. "But we have to hurry. There are more boxes to find. Come on, let's go." He puts the box in his coat and runs to the next clue. Lily and Ben follow him. They are happy. They have a new friend. They include him in their game. They are famous spies. Tom and Anna are friends. They like to play outside. One day, they see a big, tall cloud in the sky. It is white and fluffy. "Look, Anna, a cloud!" Tom says. "It looks like a bunny." "I see it, Tom. It is a cute bunny. Can I lend your crayon? I want to draw it." Anna says. "Sure, Anna. You can lend my crayon. Here you go." Tom says. He gives Anna his blue crayon. "Thank you, Tom. You are a good friend." Anna says. She takes the crayon and draws the cloud on a piece of paper. They sit on the grass and draw the cloud. They are happy. They smile at each other. The cloud smiles back at them. Lily was a wealthy girl who had many toys and books and clothes. She liked to play with her toys and read her books and wear her clothes, but she did not like to share them with anyone. She was selfish and rude to her friends and family. One day, she went to the zoo with her mom and dad. She saw many animals, like monkeys and elephants and giraffes. She wanted to have them all as her pets, but her mom and dad said no. She was angry and sad. Then she saw a big lion in a cage. He was sleeping on a rock. Lily thought he was beautiful and strong. She wanted to have him as her pet, too. She asked her mom and dad, but they said no again. She was very angry and sad. She decided to sneak into the cage and touch the lion. She thought he would like her and be her friend. She climbed over the fence and walked slowly to the lion. She reached out her hand and touched his fur. The lion woke up and saw Lily. He did not like her and he was not her friend. He was scared and angry. He opened his mouth and roared very loud. Lily was terrified and screamed. She ran back to the fence, but it was too high. She was trapped in the cage with the lion. Her mom and dad heard her scream and saw her in the cage. They were shocked and worried. They called for help. The zookeepers came and used a big stick to make the lion go away. They opened the gate and let Lily out. She was safe, but she was hurt and ashamed. She hugged her mom and dad and said she was sorry. She realized that she was foolish and greedy. She learned that she could not have everything she wanted, and that she should be kind and generous to others. She decided to share her toys and books and clothes with her friends and family. She also decided to respect and love the animals, and not to bother them. She understood that the lion was not her pet, but a part of the universe, just like her. The moral of the story is: Be humble and grateful for what you have, and do not take more than you need. Be respectful and compassionate to all living beings, and do not harm them. Be wise and careful, and do not put yourself in danger. Tom and Anna like candy very much. They have a big jar of candy in their room. But their mom says they can only have one candy each day. She does not want them to have too many sweets. One day, Tom and Anna have a plan. They want to eat more candy. They wait until mom is busy in the kitchen. Then they sneak into their room and open the jar. They take out many candies and put them in their pockets. They are very happy. But mom hears the noise. She goes to their room and sees the open jar. She is very angry. She asks Tom and Anna, "What are you doing? Did you take more candy?" Tom and Anna are scared. They do not want to get in trouble. They hide behind the bed and do not say anything. They hope mom will not find them. But mom is not fooled. She knows they are hiding. She says, "Come out now. You have been very naughty. You have to share your candy with your friends. And you have to say sorry to me." Tom and Anna come out slowly. They feel sorry. They give mom some of the candy. They say, "Sorry, mom. We will not do it again." Mom hugs them and says, "I love you, but you have to follow the rules. Candy is not good for you if you have too much. Now go and brush your teeth." Tom and Anna nod and go to the bathroom. They brush their teeth and spit out the candy. They think maybe mom is right. Candy is not so good after all. Ben likes to swing on the big swing in the park. He likes to feel the wind on his face and see the sky and the trees. He likes to go fast and high, like a bird. One day, he goes to the park with his mom and his sister. His sister is too small to swing, so she sits on the grass with mom. Ben runs to the swing and climbs on. He pushes with his feet and pulls with his hands. He swings higher and higher. He sees the sunshine in his eyes. It is bright and warm. He smiles and laughs. He feels happy. He swings even higher. But then, he hears a loud noise. It is a big dog. It is barking and running towards him. It looks angry and scary. Ben feels scared. He stops swinging and jumps off. He runs to his mom and his sister. He hugs them tight. Mom is alert. She sees the dog and the owner. She tells the owner to control the dog. She tells Ben that he is safe and brave. She kisses him and his sister. She says they can swing again when the dog is gone. Ben nods and smiles. He still likes to swing, but he also likes his mom and his sister. He feels happy again. Sam and Mia liked to create things with metal. They found metal cans, metal spoons, metal wires and metal nuts. They used a big tool to cut and bend the metal. They made metal cars, metal robots, metal animals and metal stars. One day, they wanted to create a metal crown for Mia. They used a metal can and cut it into a circle. They made metal points on the circle with the tool. They put metal nuts on the points to make them shiny. They tried to put the metal crown on Mia's head, but it was too big. "Let me make it tight for you," Sam said. He used the tool to squeeze the metal circle. He squeezed and squeezed until the metal circle was smaller. He put the metal crown on Mia's head again, but it was too tight. "Ow, ow, ow!" Mia cried. "It hurts! Take it off, take it off!" She tried to pull the metal crown off her head, but it was stuck. The metal points dug into her hair and skin. The metal nuts pressed on her ears and eyes. She screamed and screamed. Sam tried to help her, but he could not. The tool was too big and heavy. He could not open the metal circle. He could not break the metal points. He could not remove the metal nuts. He was scared and sorry. He did not know what to do. Mia and Sam cried and cried. They wished they never created the metal crown. They wished they played with something else. They wished someone would come and help them. But no one came. They were alone with the metal crown. It was a bad ending. Tom and Lily were playing in the park. They saw a big tent with a sign that said "Show". They wanted to see what was inside. They paid a coin and entered the tent. There were many people sitting on chairs. In the middle of the tent, there was a man wearing a funny hat and a coat. He was holding a stick. "Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen!" he said. "Today, I will show you something amazing. Something you have never seen before. Behold, the skeleton!" He waved his stick and a curtain opened. Behind the curtain, there was a big skeleton. It had bones for arms, legs, head and body. It had no skin, no hair, no eyes, no nose, no mouth. Tom and Lily were scared. They had never seen a skeleton before. They thought it was a monster. They screamed and ran out of the tent. The man laughed. He said, "Don't be afraid, children. It's not a monster. It's a skeleton. A skeleton is what we have inside our bodies. It helps us stand, move and do things. It's not scary. It's amazing. Come back and see for yourself." But Tom and Lily did not listen. They kept running until they reached their home. They told their mom what they saw. Their mom was not happy. She said, "You should not run away from something you don't understand. You should try to learn and be curious. The skeleton is not a monster. It's a part of nature. The man was trying to teach you something. You should have stayed and watched the show. You should have applauded him for his work. He was not mean. He was nice." Tom and Lily felt bad. They realized they were rude and silly. They said, "We're sorry, mom. We were scared and we did not know. We should have been brave and polite. We should have learned and applauded. Can we go back and see the show again?" Their mom smiled. She said, "Yes, you can. But first, you have to eat your dinner. It's soup. And it's not sour. It's yummy." Tom and Lily nodded. They ate their soup and thanked their mom. Then they went back to the park with their mom. They entered the tent again. They saw the man and the skeleton. They were not scared anymore. They were interested. They watched the show and learned many things. They applauded the man and said, "Thank you for the show. It was amazing. You are nice. The skeleton is not a monster. It's a part of nature. We are sorry we ran away. We are glad we came back." The man smiled. He said, "You're welcome, children. I'm glad you came back. You are brave and polite. You learned and applauded. You are not rude and silly. You are smart and kind." The end. Sam likes to play with his toy cars. He has many cars of different colors and sizes. He likes to make them go fast on the floor and on the sofa. Sometimes he makes them crash and makes loud noises. One day, Sam finds a big wheel in the garage. It is black and round and has a hole in the middle. It is very rough and heavy. Sam thinks it is a cool toy. He tries to roll it on the floor, but it is too hard. He tries to lift it, but it is too heavy. He tries to put it on his head, but it is too big. Sam has an idea. He gets a big blanket from his bed. He covers the wheel with the blanket. He makes a tent with the blanket and the wheel. He crawls inside the tent. He brings some of his toy cars with him. He pretends the wheel is a mountain and the cars are climbing it. He has fun in his tent. Mom comes to the garage. She sees the blanket and the wheel. She wonders what Sam is doing. She hears him giggling inside the tent. She smiles and says, "Sam, what are you doing in there?" Sam says, "I am playing with my wheel. It is a mountain. Do you want to see?" Mom says, "Yes, I do. Can I come in?" Sam says, "Yes, you can. But be careful. The wheel is rough." Mom crawls inside the tent. She sees the wheel and the cars. She says, "Wow, this is a great tent. And a great mountain. You are very creative, Sam." Sam says, "Thank you, Mom. Do you want to play with me?" Mom says, "Yes, I do. Let's play together." Lily and Ben were twins who liked to play outside. One day, they went to the creek with their mom and dad. The creek had clear water and many fish. Lily and Ben wanted to swim with the fish. They put on their swimsuits and jumped into the water. It was cold and wet, but they did not mind. They splashed and kicked and laughed. They saw some big fish and some small fish. They tried to catch them, but the fish were too fast. Then, they saw something hairy in the water. It was brown and furry and had a long tail. It was a beaver! The beaver was swimming to its home. It had a big pile of sticks and mud. Lily and Ben were curious. They followed the beaver, but they did not get too close. The beaver saw them and made a loud noise. It slapped its tail on the water. Lily and Ben were scared. They swam back to their mom and dad. They told them what they saw. Their mom and dad smiled and said they were lucky to see a beaver. They said beavers were shy and smart animals. They said they should not bother them. Lily and Ben nodded. They learned something new. They were happy. They swam some more and then went home. They had a fun day at the creek. Lily liked to work in the garden with her mom. She had a small shovel and a watering can. She helped mom dig holes and plant flowers. She watered the flowers and watched them grow. One day, Lily saw a drain in the corner of the garden. She wondered what was inside. She walked over and looked down. She saw a shiny coin and a red button. She wanted to get them. She reached her hand into the drain. "Stop, Lily!" mom said. "Don't touch the drain. It is dirty and dangerous. You could get hurt or stuck. Come back here." Lily pulled her hand out of the drain. She was sad. She wanted the coin and the button. Mom saw her face and hugged her. "I'm sorry, Lily. I know you are curious. But the drain is not a good place to play. How about we go inside and have a snack? I have a surprise for you." Lily followed mom inside. Mom gave her a glass of milk and a cookie. She also gave her a small box. Lily opened it and gasped. Inside was a necklace with a charming pendant. It was a flower with a shiny stone in the middle. "Wow, mom! It's so pretty! Thank you!" "You're welcome, Lily. I made it for you. The stone is the same as the coin you saw in the drain. But this one is clean and safe. And the flower is like the ones we plant in the garden. Do you like it?" "I love it, mom! It's the best gift ever!" Lily hugged mom and put on the necklace. She smiled and felt happy. She forgot about the drain and the button. She had a charming flower and a shiny stone. And she had a mom who loved her. Tom and Anna were friends who liked to play outside. One day, they saw a shiny bicycle near the park. It was red and had a bell and a basket. Tom and Anna wanted to ride the bicycle, but they did not know who it belonged to. "Let's take it for a spin," Tom said. "No one is looking." "I don't know," Anna said. "That is not nice. What if the owner comes back?" "Don't be scared," Tom said. "We will be quick. Come on, hurry!" Tom and Anna got on the bicycle and started to pedal. They felt the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces. They rang the bell and laughed. They did not see the sign that said "Beware of the dog". Suddenly, a big dog came out of a house and started to bark and chase them. Tom and Anna were scared and tried to go faster, but the bicycle was too big for them. They lost their balance and fell on the grass. The dog ran towards them, wagging its tail. "Hey, that's my bicycle!" a voice shouted. Tom and Anna looked up and saw a boy running after them. He had a angry face and a baseball cap. He was the owner of the bicycle. "Sorry, sorry!" Tom and Anna said. They felt guilty and ashamed. They got up and gave the bicycle back to the boy. The boy took the bicycle and glared at them. "You should not take things that are not yours," he said. "That is bad. How would you like it if I took your toys?" Tom and Anna did not say anything. They knew he was right. They walked away, feeling sorry and sad. They learned their lesson and decided to never take things that are not theirs again. Tom and Anna are friends. They like to study the sky. They have a big book with pictures of stars and clouds and rainbows. Every morning, they wake up early and go to the hill near their house. They want to see the sunrise. One day, they see something very strange in the sky. It is not an ordinary sunrise. It is a big, bright, colorful ball. It looks like a giant balloon. Tom and Anna are very surprised and excited. "Wow! Look at that!" Tom says. "What is it?" "I don't know," Anna says. "Maybe it is a new star. Or a big flower. Or a magic ball." They open their book and try to find something like it. But they cannot. There is nothing like it in the book. They wonder what it is and where it came from. They watch the ball for a long time. It changes colors and shapes. Sometimes it is round, sometimes it is oval, sometimes it is square. Sometimes it is red, sometimes it is blue, sometimes it is green. It is very beautiful and funny. Tom and Anna laugh and clap their hands. They are very happy. They think it is a gift from the sky. They decide to name it Bob. They say hello to Bob and thank him for making their morning special. They hope to see him again. Anna and Ben are friends. They like to play with their toys. They have a big box of cars, trucks, buses and planes. They pretend they can drive them to different places. One day, they decide to go to a new place. They choose a shiny blue plane from the box. They say, "Let's drive this plane to a new planet!" They put the plane on the floor and sit inside. They make noises like a plane. They say, "Zoom, zoom, zoom! We are flying in the sky!" They look out of the window and see stars and moons. They see a big ball of green and blue. They say, "Look, there is a planet! Let's land there and see what it is like!" They pretend to land the plane on the planet. They get out and walk around. They see flowers and trees and animals. They say, "Wow, this planet is so pretty and nice! It is perfect!" They play with the flowers and the animals. They have fun. They say, "We like this planet. We want to stay here forever!" But then they hear a voice. It is Mom. She says, "Anna, Ben, it is time for lunch. Come inside, please." They say, "Oh, no! We have to go back to our home planet. We will miss this planet." They run back to the plane and say, "Bye, bye, perfect planet! We will come back soon!" They pretend to fly the plane back to the floor. They get out and put the plane back in the box. They say, "That was a fun adventure. We love to drive planes to new planets!" They go inside and have lunch with Mom. They tell her about their trip. She says, "That sounds amazing. You have a great imagination. Maybe one day you will really drive a plane to a new planet." Lily and Tom were playing with their board. It had many pictures and words on it. They liked to point at the pictures and say the words. "Look, this is a cat. It says meow," Lily said. "I know, I know. And this is a dog. It says woof," Tom said. They moved to another picture. It was a big animal with a long neck and spots. "What is this?" Lily asked. Tom did not know. He had never seen this animal before. He felt ignorant. He did not like to feel ignorant. He looked at the word under the picture. It was long and hard to say. "G-g-giraffe," he tried to say. Lily laughed. She thought Tom was funny. She did not know the word either, but she did not care. She pointed at another picture. It was a small animal with a shell and a tail. "What is this?" she questioned. Tom looked at the word. It was short and easy to say. "Snail," he said. Lily nodded. She liked snails. They were slow and cute. She smiled at Tom. She did not mind that he did not know some words. She liked to play with him. They continued to play with their board. They learned new words and had fun. They were not ignorant anymore. They were friends. Tom and Lily wanted to play with the big machine in the park. It was a slide that went very high and fast. But there was a problem. The big kids did not let them go on the machine. They said they were too small and pushed them away. "That is not fair!" Tom said. "We want to have fun too!" Lily nodded. She had an idea. "Let's plan a way to get on the machine. We can wait until the big kids are busy. Then we can sneak past them and climb up the ladder. They will not see us!" Tom liked the idea. He smiled. "That is a good plan. Let's do it!" They waited until the big kids were playing with a ball. Then they ran to the machine and climbed up the ladder. They reached the top and slid down the slide. They felt the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces. They laughed and shouted. They had so much fun! The big kids heard them and looked up. They saw Tom and Lily on the machine. They were angry. They ran to the ladder and tried to catch them. But Tom and Lily were too fast. They slid down again and ran away. They gave each other a high five. "We did it!" Tom said. "We got on the machine!" Lily agreed. "We did! That was a great plan!" They hugged and went to find another game. They were happy. They had played fair. Anna and Ben are twins. They like to play with their toys in their room. They have many toys, but their favorite is the phone. The phone is modern. It can ring and talk and show pictures. One day, Anna and Ben are playing with the phone. They press the buttons and make funny sounds. They pretend to call their friends and their grandma. They laugh and have fun. But then, they hear a loud knock on the door. It is their mom. She looks angry. She says, "What are you doing with my phone? You are in big trouble!" Anna and Ben are scared. They say, "Sorry, mom. We just wanted to play. We did not know it was your phone." Mom says, "This is not a toy. This is my work phone. You called many people and wasted a lot of money. You also deleted some important messages. How could you do that?" Anna and Ben feel bad. They say, "We are very sorry, mom. We did not mean to do that. We did not know how the phone works. We will not touch it again." Mom says, "You should have asked me first. You should not play with things that are not yours. You need to learn to be more careful and respectful. Now, go to your bed and think about what you did. No more phone for you." Anna and Ben go to their bed. They are sad and ashamed. They wish they had not played with the phone. They wish they had listened to their mom. They say, "We are sorry, phone. We are sorry, mom. We will be good next time." Tim was a gifted boy who loved to draw. He had many crayons and papers in his room. He liked to draw animals, cars, stars and anything he saw or dreamed of. He dreamed of being a famous artist one day. One morning, he woke up and saw a big mug on his table. It was a gift from his mom. She said, "Happy birthday, Tim! I made this mug for you. It has your drawings on it. Do you like it?" Tim was very happy. He hugged his mom and said, "Thank you, mom! I love it! It is the best mug ever!" He took the mug to the kitchen and filled it with milk. He drank it and felt warm and cozy. He thought, "This is a special mug. It has my dreams on it. Maybe it can make my dreams come true." He went to his room and put the mug on his shelf. He took his crayons and papers and started to draw. He drew a big castle with a dragon and a knight. He dreamed of living in the castle and fighting the dragon. He drew a rocket with an astronaut and a planet. He dreamed of flying to the space and exploring the planet. He drew a circus with a clown and a lion. He dreamed of making people laugh and taming the lion. He was so busy drawing that he did not hear his mom calling him for lunch. He did not notice that his mug was glowing and shaking. He did not see that his drawings were coming to life and jumping out of the papers. He did not know that his dreams were about to become real. Lily and Ben are playing with their cars on the floor. They make noises and pretend to drive fast. Lily has a red car and Ben has a blue car. "Look, my car is faster than yours!" Lily says. "No, mine is faster!" Ben says. They race their cars across the room. They have fun. But then, they hear a loud sound. It is the phone. It rings and rings. Lily and Ben pause. They look at each other. "Who is it?" Lily asks. "I don't know. Maybe it's Mommy or Daddy," Ben says. They run to the phone. They pick it up. "Hello?" Lily says. "Hi, Lily. Hi, Ben. It's Grandma," a voice says. Lily and Ben smile. They love Grandma. She lives in a distant place. They don't see her often. "Hi, Grandma!" they say. "How are you, my sweeties? I miss you so much," Grandma says. "We are good, Grandma. We miss you too," they say. "I have good news for you. I'm coming to visit you next week. I can't wait to hug you and play with you," Grandma says. Lily and Ben are very happy. They jump and clap. "Yay, Grandma is coming! Yay, yay, yay!" they say. They tell Grandma about their cars and their games. They ask her about her place and her pets. They talk for a long time. They can't wait to see Grandma next week. They love her very much. Lily and Tom are twins. They like to play together. One day, they see a big house made of candy. It has chocolate walls, gumdrop windows, and a cookie roof. They want to eat some of the candy. They run to the house and knock on the door. No one answers. They try to open the door, but it is locked. They struggle to push it, but it does not move. They look for another way in. They see a chimney on the roof. It is made of licorice. They think they can climb it. They grab the licorice and pull themselves up. It is hard work. They struggle to reach the top. They get to the roof and see a hole in the cookie. They peek inside. They smell something delicious. They see a big oven with a cake inside. They want to eat the cake. They jump into the hole and land on the floor. They run to the oven and open it. They see the cake. It is hot and sweet. They reach for it. But then they hear a voice. It is loud and angry. It says, "Who are you? What are you doing in my house? You are not welcome here. You are my dinner!" They turn around and see a witch. She has a big nose, a long hat, and a broom. She is holding a pot. She wants to cook them. They are scared. They run to the door and try to open it. It is still locked. They struggle to break it, but it is too strong. They look for another way out. They see a window. It is made of gumdrops. They think they can break it. They grab the gumdrops and pull them. They are sticky and hard. They struggle to make a hole, but it is too small. They hear the witch coming closer. She is laughing and saying, "You can't escape. You are trapped. You are mine!" They are very scared. They wish they never came to the house. They wish they were home. They cry for help. But then they hear another voice. It is kind and familiar. It says, "Lily! Tom! Where are you? I'm here to save you!" They look up and see their dad. He is holding a big axe. He has followed their trail of candy. He sees the house and the witch. He is angry. He swings the axe and hits the door. It breaks into pieces. He runs inside and sees the twins. He hugs them and says, "Don't worry. I'm here. You are safe." He sees the witch and says, "Leave my children alone. You are a bad witch. You are not nice." He swings the axe and hits the oven. It breaks into pieces. The cake falls out. He swings the axe and hits the window. It breaks into pieces. The gumdrops fall out. He says, "Come on. Let's go. We have to leave this house. It is not a good house. It is a trap." He takes the twins by the hand and runs out of the house. The witch screams and says, "No! Stop! Come back! You are my dinner!" But they don't listen. They run away from the house. They run back to their home. They are happy. They hug their dad and say, "Thank you. You are our hero. You saved us." He hugs them and says, "You're welcome. I love you. You are my children." He says, "Don't ever go to that house again. It is dangerous. It is not a place for you." They say, "We won't. We promise. We learned our lesson." He says, "Good. Now let's have some real cake. I made it for you. It is delicious." They say, "Yay! We love cake. We love you." They eat the cake and smile. They are happy. They are safe. They are home. Anna and Ben were playing hide and seek in the big house. Anna was the seeker and Ben was the hider. Anna counted to ten and then opened her eyes. She began to search for Ben in every room. She looked under the bed, behind the curtains, in the closet, but she could not find him. She went to the kitchen and saw a big cake on the table. It smelled sweet and yummy. She wanted to taste it, but she remembered that Mom said no. She heard a giggle from behind the furniture. She ran to the sofa and lifted the cushion. There was Ben, hiding with a big smile. "I found you!" Anna said. "You are a good hider, Ben." "Thank you, Anna. You are a good seeker. But I have a secret. Do you want to know?" Ben said. "Yes, tell me!" Anna said. Ben whispered in her ear. "I tasted the cake when you were counting. It was bitter and yucky. Mom put something bad in it. Don't eat it, Anna." Anna made a face. "Ew, why did you taste it, Ben? That was naughty. Mom will be angry." "I was curious. And hungry. And it looked good. But it was not. I'm sorry, Anna." Ben said. Anna hugged him. "It's okay, Ben. I forgive you. But we have to tell Mom the truth. Maybe she can make a new cake. A sweet and yummy one." They got up and went to find Mom. They hoped she would not be too mad. They also hoped she would make a new cake. A sweet and yummy one. The end. Lily liked to read books. She had many books in her bookcase. She liked to look at the pictures and the words. Sometimes she read to her teddy bear. She called him Bobo. One day, Lily wanted to read a new book. She saw a big book on the top shelf of her bookcase. She wanted to see what it was. She climbed on a chair and reached for the book. But the book was too heavy. It fell down and made a loud noise. The bookcase shook and some other books fell down too. Lily was scared. She cried. She heard her mom come in. "Lily, what happened?" her mom asked. She saw the books on the floor and the chair by the bookcase. She was not happy. "Lily, you should not climb on the chair. You could get hurt. And you should not touch the big book. It is not for you. It is for grown-ups. You have to stop doing that." Lily felt sorry. She said, "I'm sorry, mom. I just wanted to read a new book. I like books. But I don't like the big book. It is too heavy and loud." Her mom hugged her. She said, "I know you like books, Lily. But you have to be careful. And you have to ask me before you take a book from the bookcase. I can help you find a book that is right for you. Come on, let's pick up the books and put them back. Then we can read a book together. How about that?" Lily nodded. She said, "Okay, mom. Thank you. I love you." She helped her mom clean up the mess. Then they sat on the couch and read a book. Lily felt calm. She liked to read with her mom. And she liked Bobo too. He was still on the chair. He looked calm too. He liked books too. Lily and Ben were playing with their blocks. They liked to build towers and houses and cars. Lily was very careful with her blocks. She put them on top of each other gently and made sure they were balanced. Ben was very careless with his blocks. He threw them around and knocked down Lily's towers. "Stop it, Ben!" Lily said. "You are ruining my blocks!" "I don't care!" Ben said. "It's fun to make them fall!" Lily was very angry. She picked up a block and slapped Ben on the face. Ben cried out loud. He dropped his blocks and ran to his mom. "Mommy, mommy, Lily hit me!" Ben said. Mommy came to see what happened. She saw the blocks on the floor and Lily's red hand. She was not happy. "Lily, why did you hit Ben?" Mommy asked. "Because he was careless with my blocks!" Lily said. "That's not a good reason, Lily. Hitting is not nice. It hurts people and makes them sad. You should use your words, not your hands. Say sorry to Ben." Mommy said. Lily felt sorry. She knew Mommy was right. She went to Ben and said sorry. "I'm sorry, Ben. I shouldn't have hit you. Can we play nicely with the blocks?" Lily said. Ben nodded. He was still sad, but he forgave Lily. "I'm sorry, too, Lily. I shouldn't have been careless with your blocks. Can we share them and build something together?" Ben said. Lily smiled. She hugged Ben and gave him a block. "Yes, let's do that. We can be friends and have fun." Lily said. Mommy was proud of Lily and Ben. She helped them clean up the blocks and gave them a snack. She told them a story about how to be kind and respectful to each other. Lily and Ben learned their lesson. They never hit or were careless again. They played happily with their blocks and other toys. Lily and Tom were twins who liked to play outside. One day, they saw a big puddle of mud near the fence. They ran to the puddle and jumped in. They laughed and splashed and made mud pies. "Look, I found a worm!" Lily said, holding up a slimy thing. "Yuck, put it down!" Tom said, making a face. "No, it's my friend. I will name him Wiggly." Lily said, putting the worm on her head. They played with the mud and the worm for a long time, until they heard their mom calling them. "Lily, Tom, time to come in!" Mom said. They got out of the puddle and ran to the house. They were covered in mud from head to toe. They smelled very bad. Mom saw them and gasped. She was very angry. "What have you done? You are so dirty and smelly! You have to take a bath right now!" Mom said. "But we were having fun!" Lily said. "And we discovered a worm!" Tom said. "I don't care! You have to wash off the mud and the worm! And no more playing in the puddle! It's dirty and dangerous!" Mom said. She took them to the bathroom and scrubbed them with soap and water. They cried and whined. They did not like the bath. They wanted to play with the mud and the worm. The worm fell off Lily's head and went down the drain. Lily was very sad. She lost her friend. The moral of the story is: Don't play in the mud, or you will get dirty and smelly, and lose your worm. Sam and Lily were playing with bricks in the yard. They liked to build towers and houses with the bricks. They had red bricks, yellow bricks, and brown bricks. "Look at my tower!" Sam said. "It is very tall and strong." "I like your tower, Sam," Lily said. "But I like my house more. It has a door and a window and a roof." They played for a long time, until they heard their mom calling them. "Sam! Lily! Time to quit playing and come inside for lunch!" Mom said. "Okay, Mom!" Sam and Lily said. They started to pick up their bricks and put them in a box. But then, Sam saw a brown brick that Lily had used for her roof. He wanted it for his tower. "Hey, Lily, can I have this brick?" Sam asked. "No, Sam, that is my brick. It is part of my house. You have enough bricks for your tower," Lily said. "But I need this brick. It is the perfect brick for my tower. Please, Lily, give it to me," Sam said. He tried to grab the brick from Lily, but she held on tight. They pulled and tugged on the brick, until it slipped from their hands and fell on the ground. It broke into two pieces. "Oh no!" Sam and Lily said. They looked at the broken brick and felt sad. They heard their mom coming to the yard. "What happened here?" Mom asked. She saw the broken brick and the mess. "Sam and Lily, why did you break this brick? You know you have to be careful with your toys. And you have to share and be nice to each other," Mom said. "Sorry, Mom," Sam and Lily said. They felt sorry for breaking the brick and for fighting. Mom hugged them and said, "It's okay. I know you didn't mean to break the brick. But next time, remember to quit playing when I call you, and to respect each other's things. Now, let's go inside and have some lunch. Maybe we can find another brick for your house and your tower later." Sam and Lily nodded and smiled. They followed Mom inside, holding hands. They decided to be better friends and to play with their bricks nicely. Lily and Tom were best friends. They liked to play in the yard with their toys. One day, Lily got a new toy. It was a big doll with a pink dress and long hair. Lily was very happy with her new toy. Tom saw Lily's new toy and he felt envious. He wanted a big doll too. He asked Lily if he could play with her doll, but Lily said no. She said it was her doll and she did not want to share. Tom was angry and sad. He thought Lily was not a good friend. Tom decided to take Lily's doll when she was not looking. He waited until Lily went inside the house to get some water. Then he ran to the yard and grabbed the doll. He ran away with the doll to his house. He thought he was very clever. But Lily saw Tom take her doll. She ran after him and shouted, "Tom, give me back my doll! That is not yours, that is mine!" She was very mad and sad. She thought Tom was not a good friend. Tom did not listen to Lily. He ran inside his house and locked the door. He thought he was safe with the doll. But he was wrong. The doll was not a normal doll. It was a magic doll. And it did not like to be stolen. The doll started to move and talk. It said, "Tom, you are a bad boy. You took me from Lily. You made her cry. You are not my friend. You are my enemy. And I will make you pay." The doll opened its mouth and showed its sharp teeth. It bit Tom on the arm and made him scream. The doll did not stop. It bit him again and again. Tom was very scared and hurt. He wished he never took the doll. He wished he was a good friend to Lily. But it was too late. The doll did not stop. The end. Lily and Tom were playing in the park. They liked to run, jump and slide. They saw a big hill with many trees. They wanted to climb the hill and see what was on the other side. "Come on, Lily, let's go!" Tom said. "OK, Tom, but be careful. It looks high and steep." Lily said. They held hands and started to climb the hill. They saw many flowers, birds and bugs. They heard a loud snore. They stopped and looked around. They saw a giant lying on the ground. He was very big and hairy. He had a long nose, big ears and a huge mouth. He was sleeping and did not see them. "Wow, look at that, Lily! It's a giant!" Tom whispered. "Shh, Tom, don't wake him up. He might be angry or hungry. Let's go back." Lily whispered. "But I want to see him closer. Maybe he is friendly. Maybe he has a treasure." Tom whispered. "No, Tom, it's too dangerous. We don't know him. We have to stay away from him. Come on, let's go." Lily whispered. She pulled Tom's hand and tried to make him go back. But Tom was curious and stubborn. He let go of Lily's hand and walked towards the giant. He wanted to touch his nose. "Tom, no, don't do that! Come back!" Lily shouted. The giant heard Lily's shout. He opened his eyes and saw Tom. He was not happy. He was not friendly. He was angry. He roared and reached for Tom. "Help, Lily, help!" Tom screamed. Lily ran to Tom and grabbed his hand. She pulled him away from the giant. They ran down the hill as fast as they could. The giant chased them. He was not sleepy anymore. He was hungry. "Run, Lily, run!" Tom cried. They ran and ran until they reached the park. They saw their mom and dad waiting for them. They hugged them and told them what happened. Their mom and dad were shocked and scared. They told them to never go near the hill again. They told them to always stay with them and listen to them. They told them they were lucky to escape from the giant. Lily and Tom nodded and said sorry. They learned their lesson. They never went near the hill again. They never saw the giant again. They stayed with their mom and dad and played in the park. They were safe and happy. Tommy and Anna were playing in the park with their toy cars. They liked to make noises and pretend they were driving fast. Sometimes they crashed into each other and laughed. "Watch out, Tommy!" Anna said. "I'm going to use my turbo boost and catch you!" She pushed her car harder and zoomed towards Tommy. But she did not see the big rock on the grass. Her car hit the rock and flew into the air. It landed on Tommy's head and made him cry. "Ow, ow, ow!" Tommy shouted. "That hurt, Anna! You hurt me!" Anna felt sorry and scared. She ran to Tommy and hugged him. She saw a bump on his head and some blood. "I'm sorry, Tommy, I'm sorry!" she said. "I didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident. Are you okay?" Tommy stopped crying and looked at Anna. He saw that she was sad and sorry. He felt a little better. "It's okay, Anna," he said. "It was an accident. But it still hurts. Maybe we should go to the hospital." Anna nodded. She took Tommy's hand and they walked to the bench where their mom was sitting. She told her what happened and showed her Tommy's head. Mom looked worried and took out her phone. She called the hospital and asked for help. She told Tommy and Anna that they would go to the hospital and see a doctor. She said the doctor would make Tommy feel better and give him a band-aid. "Don't be afraid, Tommy," she said. "The hospital is a good place. The doctor is nice and harmless. He will not hurt you. He will help you." Tommy and Anna nodded. They trusted their mom and the doctor. They got into the car and went to the hospital. They hoped that Tommy's head would heal soon and that they could play again. But they decided to be more careful and avoid the big rocks. Tom and Lily were playing in the living room. They liked to build forts with cushions and blankets. They had a lot of fun pretending to be knights and princesses. But Tom wanted to have the biggest fort. He took all the cushions from the sofa and piled them up. He did not mind that Lily had no cushions left. He said, "This is my fort. You can't come in. It is huge and strong." Lily felt sad and angry. She had no cushions to play with. She said, "That is not fair. You are being mean. Share the cushions with me. We can play together." But Tom did not listen. He said, "No. Go away. I don't want to play with you. You are too small and weak." Lily was hurt by Tom's words. She ran to her room and cried. She did not want to be friends with Tom anymore. Soon, Tom got bored of his huge fort. He wanted to play with Lily. He missed her. He went to her room and knocked on the door. He said, "Lily, I'm sorry. I was wrong. Can we play together? I will share the cushions with you. Please forgive me." Lily opened the door and saw Tom's face. He looked sorry and sad. She felt sorry for him too. She said, "Okay, Tom. I forgive you. But you have to be nice and kind. Sharing is caring. Let's play together." Tom and Lily hugged and smiled. They went back to the living room and made a new fort with the cushions. They had more fun playing together than playing alone. The moral of the story is: Sharing is caring. Being mean and selfish makes you lose friends. Being nice and kind makes you happy and loved. Ben and Lily are playing in the park. They see a big bird on a tree. The bird has no hair on its head. It is bald. "Look, Lily, a bald bird!" Ben says. "What is a bald bird?" Lily asks. "A bald bird is a bird with no hair. Like grandpa. He has no hair on his head. He is bald too," Ben explains. "Why does the bird have no hair?" Lily wonders. "I don't know. Maybe it is old. Or sick. Or it lost its hair in a fight," Ben guesses. They watch the bird for a while. The bird is quiet. It does not sing. It does not fly. It just sits on the tree. Ben has an idea. He picks up a feather from the ground. It is soft and fluffy. He runs to the tree. He tries to give the feather to the bird. "Here, bird, take this feather. You can put it on your head. Then you will not be bald anymore," Ben says. The bird looks at Ben. It does not want the feather. It pecks at Ben's hand. Ben drops the feather. He cries out. "Ow, ow, ow! The bird bit me! The bird is mean!" Ben shouts. Lily runs to Ben. She hugs him. She tries to make him feel better. "It's okay, Ben. The bird is not mean. The bird is scared. It does not like strangers. It does not need your feather. It is happy the way it is. Bald birds are beautiful too," Lily says. Ben stops crying. He looks at Lily. He smiles. "Thank you, Lily. You are a good friend. You are right. Bald birds are beautiful too. And so is grandpa," Ben says. They leave the bird alone. They go back to playing. They have fun. They are happy. Tom and Sue are twins. They like to play in the garden. But today they are restless. They want to do something new. "Look, Sue," Tom says. "There are some red flowers over there. Let's pick them and make a necklace." Sue nods. She likes red flowers. They run to the flower bed and start to pick the flowers. They do not see the sign that says "Do not pick the flowers. They belong to Mrs. Lee." Mrs. Lee is the neighbor. She loves her flowers. She works hard to grow them. She is angry when she sees Tom and Sue picking her flowers. "Hey, you two!" she shouts. "What are you doing? Stop picking my flowers. You are in big trouble!" Tom and Sue are scared. They drop the flowers and run back to their garden. They hide behind the fence. They hope Mrs. Lee will not tell their mom. "Sorry, Mrs. Lee," they say in a small voice. "We did not know they were your flowers. We just wanted to make a necklace." Mrs. Lee sighs. She is still angry, but she remembers that Tom and Sue are only three years old. They do not know better. "Next time, ask before you pick anything," she says. "And do not pick flowers that are not yours. They are alive and they need water and sun. Now go and play with your own toys." Tom and Sue say sorry again. They promise to be good. They go and play with their ball. They are not restless anymore. They have learned a lesson. Mia and Ben were playing in the bathroom. They liked to pretend they were pirates and mermaids. Mia had a big bottle of shampoo that she used as a treasure. Ben had a towel that he used as a sail. "Ahoy, matey! I see your treasure!" Ben shouted, holding his towel like a sword. He ran towards Mia and tried to grab the shampoo. "No, no, no! It's mine!" Mia said, holding the shampoo tightly. She pulled it away from Ben and ran to the other side of the bathroom. Ben chased after her and caught her by the arm. They both tugged on the shampoo, trying to get it for themselves. "Let go, let go, let go!" Mia yelled. "Give it, give it, give it!" Ben yelled. But they pulled too hard and the shampoo bottle tore open. Shampoo squirted out everywhere, making bubbles and foam. It got on their hair, their faces, their clothes, and the floor. They stopped pulling and looked at each other. They were covered in shampoo. They looked at the bottle. It was empty. They looked at the mess. It was big. They were confused. They didn't know what to do. They didn't know if they should laugh or cry. They heard a knock on the door. It was Mom. "Kids, what's going on in there?" Mom asked. Mia and Ben looked at each other again. They said nothing. They hoped Mom wouldn't be mad. Lily and Ben were playing in the kitchen. They saw a big bottle on the table. It was red and shiny. Lily wanted to see what was inside. She climbed on a chair and opened the bottle. She smelled it. It was disgusting. It reminded her of the medicine she had to take when she was sick. "Yuck!" she said. "This is not juice. This is yucky stuff." Ben was curious. He wanted to try it too. He took the bottle from Lily and drank some. He made a funny face and spat it out. It was sour and bitter. It burned his mouth and throat. "Ow!" he said. "This is not water. This is ouchy stuff." They heard a loud noise. It was their mom. She came into the kitchen and saw them with the bottle. She was angry and scared. She recognized the bottle. It was her wine. She liked to drink it sometimes when she was sad or tired. She did not want her kids to drink it. It was bad for them. It could make them sick or hurt them. "What are you doing?" she shouted. "This is not for you. This is for me. Give it to me right now!" She grabbed the bottle from Ben and put it away. She checked Lily and Ben. They were coughing and crying. She felt sorry for them. But she was also mad at them. They did not listen to her. They did not obey her rules. They made a mess and a trouble. She took them to the bathroom and made them rinse their mouths. She gave them some water and some honey. She told them they were naughty and foolish. She told them they had to go to their rooms and think about what they did. She told them they could not play anymore today. She told them she was very disappointed in them. Lily and Ben felt bad. They did not mean to do something wrong. They were just curious and bored. They did not know what wine was. They did not like it. They wished they never saw it. They wished they never opened it. They wished they never drank it. They wished their mom was not angry and sad. They wished they could say sorry and hug her. They wished they could play again. But they could not. They had to go to their rooms. They had to sit on their beds. They had to be quiet and alone. They had to wait for a long time. They had to learn their lesson. They had a bad day. They had a bad ending. Lily and Ben were playing with crayons and paper. They liked to draw many things, like flowers, cars, and animals. Lily was drawing a big sun with yellow and orange crayons. Ben was drawing a house with blue and green crayons. "Look at my sun, Ben!" Lily said. "It is very bright and happy!" "Look at my house, Lily!" Ben said. "It has a door and a window and a roof!" They showed each other their drawings and smiled. They were proud of their work. But then, Lily saw something on the wall. It was a mark. A big, red mark. It looked like a crayon mark. Lily gasped. "Ben, did you do that?" Lily asked. She pointed at the mark. Ben looked at the wall. He saw the mark. He felt scared. He knew he was not supposed to draw on the wall. He knew Mommy would be angry. "No, I didn't do that!" Ben said. He lied. He did do that. He did it when Lily was not looking. He wanted to see how high he could reach with his crayon. "Yes, you did!" Lily said. She knew Ben was lying. She saw him do it. She was going to tell Mommy. "No, I didn't!" Ben said. He shouted. He was mad. He did not want Lily to tell Mommy. They started to argue. They raised their voices. They did not listen to each other. Mommy heard them. She came to the room. She saw them fighting. She saw the mark on the wall. She sighed. "What is going on here?" Mommy asked. She looked at Lily and Ben. She looked at the mark. Lily and Ben stopped arguing. They looked at Mommy. They looked at the mark. They felt sorry. They did not say anything. They knew they did something wrong. Mommy sighed again. She was not happy. She was disappointed. She took the crayons and the paper away. She gave them a cloth and a bucket of water. She told them to clean the mark. Lily and Ben nodded. They took the cloth and the bucket. They went to the wall. They tried to wipe the mark. It was hard. The mark was high. The mark was red. The mark did not go away. They wished they did not draw on the wall. They wished they did not lie. They wished they did not fight. They learned a lesson. They said sorry to Mommy. They said sorry to each other. They hugged. They promised to be good. They promised to be careful. Mommy smiled. She was glad. She forgave them. She gave them a kiss. She gave them a hug. She gave them back their crayons and paper. She told them to draw on the paper. She told them to share their crayons. She told them to have fun. They thanked Mommy. They smiled. They were happy. They drew on the paper. They shared their crayons. They had fun. Sara and Ben were twins who liked to explore the woods behind their house. One day, they found a new trail that looked fun and exciting. They decided to follow it and see where it led. "Maybe we will find a fairy or a dragon," Sara said, holding Ben's hand. "Or maybe a bear or a wolf," Ben said, trying to sound brave. He was a little scared of the dark and the noises in the woods. They walked and walked until they came to a big hill. They climbed up the hill and saw a beautiful lake with a small island in the middle. On the island, there was a big tree with a bright red door. "Wow, look at that!" Sara exclaimed. "Do you think someone lives there?" "Let's go and see," Ben said, feeling curious. They found a boat by the shore and rowed across the lake. They knocked on the door and waited. No one answered. They tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Hello, is anyone home?" Sara called out. Suddenly, they heard a loud roar from behind the tree. They turned around and saw a huge lion with a golden mane and a friendly smile. "Hello, little ones," the lion said. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I'm Leo, the king of the island. Who are you?" Sara and Ben were very surprised, but they also felt happy. They had found a talking lion! "We are Sara and Ben, and we live in the woods," Sara said. "We followed a trail and found your island. It's very pretty." "Thank you, Sara and Ben. You are very brave and kind to visit me. I'm lonely here, because I have no friends. Would you like to be my friends?" Leo asked. Sara and Ben nodded eagerly. They liked Leo and wanted to play with him. "Yes, please, we would love to be your friends," Ben said. Leo smiled and invited them inside his tree house. He showed them his toys and books and gave them some honey and berries. They had a lot of fun together and told each other stories. Sara and Ben hoped they could come back and see Leo again. They had found a new friend and a new adventure. Tom and Mia are twins. They like to play with their toys and read books. But sometimes they quarrel. They quarrel about who gets the red car, who gets the big doll, who gets the last cookie. One day, they both got sick. They had a fever and a cough. Mom took them to the doctor. The doctor said they had to take a pill every day to get better. Tom and Mia did not like pills. They were scared of pills. They said pills were yucky and bitter. Mom tried to make them take the pills. She said pills would help them feel good. She said pills were not so bad. She said she would give them a hug and a kiss after the pills. But Tom and Mia still did not want the pills. They cried and hid and ran away. Mom was sad and tired. She did not know what to do. She asked Dad for help. Dad had an idea. He said he would make a game with the pills. He said he would pretend the pills were candy. He said he would give them a prize if they took the pills. Tom and Mia liked games. They liked candy. They liked prizes. They decided to try the game. Dad gave them each a pill and a glass of water. He said, "Ready, set, go!" He said, "Who can swallow the pill the fastest?" He said, "Who can make the funniest face after the pill?" Tom and Mia took the pills. They swallowed them quickly. They made funny faces. They laughed. They did not think the pills were so yucky and bitter. They thought the pills were fun. Dad gave them each a sticker and a high five. He said, "Good job! You did it!" Mom was happy and proud. She gave them each a hug and a kiss. She said, "I love you! You are brave!" Tom and Mia smiled. They said, "We love you too! We are sorry we quarreled!" They said, "Can we play the pill game again tomorrow?" Mom and Dad laughed. They said, "Yes, you can!" Lily was a loyal caterpillar. She always helped her friends and family when they needed her. She liked to eat leaves and make silk for her cocoon. One day, she saw a beautiful butterfly flying in the sky. She wanted to be like the butterfly and have wings and colors. She asked her friend Max, who was also a caterpillar, how to become a butterfly. Max said, "You have to make a cocoon and sleep inside for a long time. Then you will change and come out as a butterfly." Lily said, "But I don't want to sleep for a long time. I want to play and have fun with you and the others." Max said, "But you have to sleep if you want to be a butterfly. It is the only way. Trust me, it will be worth it." Lily thought about it and decided to try. She made a cocoon and said goodbye to Max and her friends. She crawled inside and fell asleep. She slept for many days and nights. She dreamed of flying and seeing new things. She felt something changing inside her. One morning, she woke up and felt a tickle on her back. She pushed against the cocoon and saw a crack. She pushed harder and broke the cocoon. She came out and saw her wings. They were big and colorful. She was a butterfly! She was so happy and excited. She flapped her wings and flew in the air. She saw the sun and the flowers and the trees. She felt free and joyful. She remembered Max and her friends. She wanted to show them her wings and thank them for their support. She flew back to the place where she made her cocoon. She saw Max and the others waiting for her. They were amazed and happy to see her. Max said, "Lily, you did it! You are a butterfly! You are so beautiful and brave!" Lily said, "Thank you, Max! You are a good friend! You helped me to succeed. I could not have done it without you and the others. I love you all!" They hugged and cheered. They played and flew together. Lily was a loyal butterfly. She always remembered her friends and family who helped her to achieve her dream. The moral of the story is: If you have a dream, you can succeed with the help of your loyal friends and family. Tom and Lily were friends who liked to play in the park. One day, they found a big bunch of grapes on a bench. They were blue and shiny and looked very yummy. "Let's share them!" Lily said. She took one grape and gave one to Tom. They both bit into the juicy fruit and smiled. But then, a big dog came running towards them. It was black and furry and had sharp teeth. It barked loudly and jumped on the bench. It wanted the grapes too! "Go away, dog!" Tom shouted. He tried to hold on to the grapes, but the dog was stronger. It pulled the bunch away from Tom and ran off with it. "Hey, that's not fair!" Lily cried. She ran after the dog, hoping to get the grapes back. Tom followed her, feeling scared and angry. They chased the dog across the park, but it was too fast for them. It ran to a pond and jumped in. It was happy to have the grapes, but it did not know that grapes were bad for dogs. The dog started to feel sick. It felt a pain in its tummy and wanted to spit out the grapes. It tried to release them, but they were stuck in its mouth. It whined and splashed in the water, looking for help. Tom and Lily saw the dog in trouble. They felt sorry for it, even though it had taken their grapes. They ran to the pond and called for a grown-up. A man came and saw the dog. He knew what to do. He reached into the dog's mouth and took out the grapes. He threw them away and patted the dog's head. The dog felt better. It wagged its tail and licked the man's face. It looked at Tom and Lily and barked softly. It was sorry for what it had done. Tom and Lily smiled. They forgave the dog and petted it. They did not mind losing the grapes. They were happy to make a new friend. Lily and Ben were playing in the yard. They found a big hole in the ground. Lily wanted to see what was inside. "Let's poke it with a stick!" she said. Ben nodded and picked up a long stick. He walked to the hole and poked it hard. Something moved in the hole. It was a rag. A dirty, old rag. "Look, a rag!" Ben said. "Maybe it has treasure inside!" He pulled the rag out of the hole. It was heavy and wet. He opened it and saw something shiny. It was a coin. A big, gold coin. "Wow, a coin!" Lily said. "We are rich!" They smiled and hugged each other. They had found a deep hole with a rag and a coin. They were happy. Tom and Sue like to play in the kitchen. They pretend to cook and eat yummy food. But they have to be careful of the big freezer. Mom says it is very cold and has ice inside. One day, Tom and Sue find a dirty spoon on the floor. They wonder what it is for. They decide to use it to dig in the freezer. They open the door and see white and blue blocks. They think they are candy. "Look, Sue, candy!" Tom says. He picks up a block and puts it in his mouth. He makes a face. "Yuck, this is not candy. This is bad." Sue laughs. She picks up another block and throws it at Tom. Tom ducks and throws one back. They start a snowball fight with the blocks. Mom hears the noise and comes to the kitchen. She sees the mess and the open freezer. She is angry. She says, "Tom and Sue, what are you doing? You are wasting the ice. The ice is not for playing. The ice is for keeping the food cold. The food is valuable. You have to value the food. And you have to value the freezer. It is not a toy. And look at the dirty spoon. Where did you get that? You have to wash it. And you have to clean up the kitchen. Now!" Tom and Sue feel sorry. They say, "Sorry, Mom. We did not know. We thought the ice was candy. We will not do it again. We will value the food and the freezer. And we will wash the spoon and clean up the kitchen." Mom hugs them and says, "Thank you, Tom and Sue. I love you. But next time, please ask me before you touch the freezer. And please use clean spoons. OK?" Tom and Sue nod and say, "OK, Mom. We love you too." They help Mom to put the ice back in the freezer and to wipe the floor. They learn their lesson. They value the freezer and the food. And they value Mom. Tom and Lily were playing with their toy car in the garden. They liked to make the car go fast and do tricks on the grass. But then, the car hit a big rock and broke. One of the car's legs came off and the car could not move anymore. "Oh no, our car is broken!" Lily cried. "We need to repair it!" Tom picked up the car and the leg. He tried to put the leg back on, but it did not work. He needed something to stick it with. He looked around and saw a bottle of glue on the table. "I have an idea!" Tom said. "We can use glue to repair the car!" He ran to the table and grabbed the glue. He opened the bottle and squeezed some glue on the car's leg. Then he pressed the leg to the car and held it for a while. "Is it fixed?" Lily asked. She was impatient. She wanted to play with the car again. "Not yet, we have to wait for the glue to dry," Tom said. "It will take some time." Lily sighed. She did not like to wait. She looked at the car and saw that the glue was still wet and shiny. "How long do we have to wait?" she asked. "I don't know, maybe ten minutes?" Tom guessed. "Ten minutes? That's too long!" Lily complained. "I want to play now!" She reached for the car and tried to pull it from Tom's hands. But Tom did not let go. He did not want Lily to ruin the repair. "Stop it, Lily! You have to be patient!" Tom said. "If you touch the car now, the leg will fall off again!" They started to tug and pull on the car. They did not notice that the glue was dripping from the leg and onto their fingers. They got glue all over their hands and the car. Suddenly, they heard their mom calling them from the house. "Tom! Lily! Time for lunch!" she said. They stopped fighting and looked at their hands. They saw that they were sticky and messy. "Uh-oh, we have glue on us!" Tom said. "And on the car too!" Lily said. They looked at each other and felt sorry. They had been silly and mean. They had not repaired the car, they had made it worse. "Sorry, Tom," Lily said. "I should have waited." "Sorry, Lily," Tom said. "I should have shared." They hugged and said they were friends. Then they took the car and their hands and ran to the house. They hoped their mom could help them clean the glue and fix the car. They learned that repairing things was not easy and that they had to be patient and kind. Tom and Mia like to play in the park. They see a big slide and run to it. Tom goes first and slides down fast. Mia follows him and laughs. "Let's climb the slide!" Tom says. He runs to the other side and starts to climb the ladder. "No, Tom, that's not how you play!" Mia says. She runs after him and tries to stop him. But Tom is too fast. He reaches the top of the slide and looks down. He sees something funny on the slide. It is an octopus! "Wow, look, Mia, an octopus!" Tom shouts. He points at the slide. Mia climbs up the ladder and sees the octopus too. It is purple and has eight legs. It is holding on to the slide with its legs. "Hello, octopus!" Mia says. She waves at the octopus. The octopus waves back with one leg. It smiles and makes a funny noise. "Where did you come from, octopus?" Tom asks. He is curious. "I came from the sea," the octopus says. "I wanted to see the park. Do you want to play with me?" "Yes, we do!" Tom and Mia say. They are happy. The octopus slides down the slide and lands on the ground. It waits for Tom and Mia to join it. Tom and Mia slide down the slide too. They land next to the octopus. They hug the octopus with their arms. The octopus hugs them back with its legs. They are friends. They play together in the park. They have fun. The octopus is soft and tight. Tom and Mia like the octopus. The octopus likes Tom and Mia. They are happy. Tom and Jen like to play with balloons. They blow air into them and tie them up. Then they throw them in the air and catch them. They have fun with the balloons. One day, they find a big balloon in the garage. It is red and shiny. They want to play with it. They try to blow air into it, but it is hard. They pull on the end, but it does not open. They wonder what is inside. They see a sticker on the balloon. It has a picture of a flame and a word. They do not know the word. It says "gas". They think it means air. They want to make the balloon bigger. They find a needle in the garage. They poke the balloon with the needle. They hear a loud hiss. The balloon becomes smaller and smaller. The air comes out very fast. It makes a fire. The fire is hot and bright. It scares Tom and Jen. They run away from the fire. They are fearful. They cry for help. They hope the fire does not hurt them or the garage. They wish they did not play with the balloon. They learn a new word. They learn that gas is not air. They learn that gas can make fire. They learn to be careful. Tom and Lily wanted to play outside, but it was raining hard. They looked out the window and saw big puddles on the street. They had an idea. "Let's have a race!" Tom said. "We can run to the big tree and back. The one who is faster wins!" "Okay!" Lily said. "But we need boots and coats. We don't want to get sick." They put on their boots and coats and ran outside. They splashed in the puddles and laughed. They felt the rain on their faces and hair. They were happy. They reached the big tree and turned around. They ran as fast as they could. They wanted to win the race. But then they saw a big dog. It was barking and running towards them. It looked angry and wet. Tom and Lily were scared. They stopped running and hugged each other. "Help!" Tom shouted. "Go away, dog!" "Mommy! Daddy!" Lily cried. "We are here!" They heard their parents' voices. They came out of the house and saw the dog. They ran to Tom and Lily and picked them up. They were not happy. "What are you doing outside in the rain?" Mommy asked. "You are soaked!" "We wanted to have a race," Tom said. "But the dog chased us." "It's okay, sweeties," Daddy said. "The dog is not bad. He just wanted to play. He belongs to our neighbor. He escaped from his yard. He is sorry." The dog wagged his tail and licked Tom and Lily's faces. He was not angry anymore. He was friendly. Tom and Lily smiled. They were not scared anymore. They petted the dog and said sorry too. They went inside the house and changed their clothes. They drank hot chocolate and ate cookies. They told their parents about their race and their adventure. They learned a lesson. They should not play outside in the rain. They should ask their parents first. They should be careful of strange dogs. But they also had fun. They liked the rain and the puddles. They liked the dog and the neighbor. They liked the race and the adventure. They were happy. Lily was playing with her dolls in the living room. She liked to make them talk and dress them up. She had a big box of clothes and accessories for them. She was having fun, but she also felt a little tired. She heard her mom call her from upstairs. "Lily, it's time for your nap. Come upstairs, please." Lily did not want to stop playing. She wanted to finish her tea party with her dolls. She said, "No, mom. I'm not sleepy. I want to play." Her mom came downstairs and smiled at her. "I know you like to play, but you also need to rest. You can play more later, after your nap. Come on, let's go upstairs. I have a surprise for you." Lily was curious. She liked surprises. She put her dolls in the box and followed her mom upstairs. Her mom took her to her bedroom. There, on her bed, was a new pillow. It was pink and fluffy and had a picture of a unicorn on it. "Wow, mom! A unicorn pillow! Thank you!" Lily exclaimed. She hugged the pillow and felt how soft and comfortable it was. "You're welcome, sweetie. I thought you would like it. It's a special pillow that helps you have sweet dreams. Do you want to try it?" her mom asked. Lily nodded. She climbed on her bed and lay down on the pillow. Her mom tucked her in and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well, my love. I'll be right here if you need me." Lily closed her eyes and snuggled with her pillow. She felt warm and cozy and happy. She thought about her dolls and her tea party and her unicorn. She drifted off to sleep and had sweet dreams. Sam and Lily liked to play drums. They had two big cans and two sticks. They made loud noises with them. They liked the rhythm of their drums. It made them happy. One day, a wild dog came to their yard. It was big and angry. It barked and growled at them. It wanted to bite them. Sam and Lily were scared. They ran to their house. But the dog followed them. "Help! Help!" they cried. "There is a wild dog!" Their mom heard them. She came out with a broom. She saw the dog. She waved the broom at the dog. She shouted at the dog. "Go away! Go away! You are not welcome here!" The dog was afraid of the mom. It ran away. It did not come back. Sam and Lily hugged their mom. They thanked her. "You are brave, mom. You protected us from the wild dog." Their mom smiled. She hugged them back. "You are welcome, my loves. I will always protect you. But you also have to be careful. Do not play near the street. Do not talk to strangers. Do not go near wild animals. They can hurt you." Sam and Lily nodded. They understood. They learned a lesson. They promised to be careful. They went back to their drums. They played with joy. They loved their mom. They loved their rhythm. Anna and Ben are friends. They live next to each other. They both have backyards. Anna's backyard is open. Ben's backyard has a fence. One day, Anna and Ben want to play together. They go to Anna's backyard. They see a big ball. It is red and blue and yellow. It is very pretty. "Wow, look at that ball!" Ben says. "Can we play with it?" "I don't know," Anna says. "It is not my ball. I don't own it. Maybe it belongs to someone else." "Maybe it came from the sky," Ben says. "Maybe it is a gift for us." "Or maybe it came from the other side of the fence," Anna says. "Maybe it is someone else's ball. Maybe they want it back." They look at the ball. They look at each other. They don't know what to do. Then they hear a voice. It is a girl. She is on the other side of the fence. She is looking for her ball. "Hey, have you seen my ball?" she asks. "It is red and blue and yellow. It is very pretty. I lost it when I threw it too high." Anna and Ben look at each other. They feel sorry for the girl. They pick up the ball. They walk to the fence. They give the ball to the girl. "Here is your ball," Anna says. "We found it in our backyard. We are sorry we took it. We didn't know it was yours." "Thank you very much," the girl says. "You are very kind. What are your names?" "I am Anna. This is Ben. We are friends. We live next to each other. We both have backyards. Mine is open. His has a fence." "I am Lily. I live across the street. I have a backyard too. It is also open. Do you want to play with me and my ball?" Anna and Ben smile. They nod. They climb over the fence. They join Lily in her backyard. They play with the ball. They have fun. They make a new friend. Tom and Sam are friends. They like to play with toys. One day, they find a big skull in the park. It is white and hard and has many teeth. "Wow, look at this skull!" Tom says. "It is cool. I want to play with it." "No, I want to play with it!" Sam says. "It is mine. I saw it first." They both grab the skull and pull. They fight for the skull. They are angry and loud. "Stop, stop!" a voice says. It is Mom. She comes to the park and sees Tom and Sam. She is not happy. "What are you doing, boys?" Mom asks. "Why are you fighting for this skull? It is not a toy. It is dirty and old and maybe dangerous. You should not touch it." Tom and Sam feel bad. They let go of the skull. They say sorry to Mom and to each other. "Can we play with something else?" Tom asks. "Sure, let's go to the swings," Sam says. They run to the swings and forget about the skull. They are friends again. They have fun. Mom smiles. She picks up the skull and puts it in a blue bag. She will take it to the museum. Maybe someone there will know where it came from and what it was. Lily and Tom were twins who lived on a farm with their mom and dad. They liked to help with the animals and the crops, but sometimes they got bored. One day, they decided to play a game of hide and seek in the barn. "Tom, you count to ten and I'll hide," Lily said. "No peeking!" "Okay, okay," Tom said. He closed his eyes and started to count. "One, two, three..." Lily ran to the back of the barn, where she saw a big pile of hay. She thought it would be a good hiding spot, so she climbed on top of it. She did not see the sign that said "Danger: Do not touch". "Nine, ten, ready or not, here I come!" Tom shouted. He opened his eyes and looked around. He saw the chickens, the cows, the pigs, but no Lily. He wondered where she was. He walked to the back of the barn, where he heard a loud sneeze. He followed the sound and saw Lily's head poking out of the hay. She had hay all over her hair and face, and she looked very unhappy. "Found you!" Tom said. "Why are you hiding in the hay? Don't you know it's dangerous?" Lily sniffed. "No, I didn't. It made me itch and sneeze. I want to get out of here." Tom felt sorry for his sister. He was a reliable brother, and he always helped her when she was in trouble. He reached out his hand and said, "Come on, I'll carry you to mom. She'll make you feel better." Lily took his hand and smiled. She was glad to have a reliable brother, and she always loved him when he was nice. He lifted her up and carried her to mom, who was waiting outside the barn. "Mom, mom, look what I found!" Tom said. "Lily was hiding in the hay, and she got all itchy and sneezy." Mom gasped. "Oh, no, Lily, you poor thing. You shouldn't have gone near the hay. It's for the horses, and they have allergies. Come here, let me clean you up." She took Lily from Tom and hugged her. She wiped her face and hair with a wet cloth, and gave her some juice and cookies. She thanked Tom for being a reliable brother, and told them both to be more careful next time. Lily and Tom nodded. They learned their lesson, and they never played hide and seek in the barn again. They still liked to help on the farm, but they also liked to cuddle with mom and dad, who were the most reliable people in the world. Sam and Jen are friends. They like to play in the swamp. The swamp has mud, frogs, and bugs. Sam and Jen have fun in the swamp. One day, Sam finds a big stick. He says, "Look, Jen, I have a stick. I can use it as a sword." He swings the stick in the air. Jen says, "Be careful, Sam. You might hit something or someone." Sam does not listen to Jen. He keeps swinging the stick. He drops the stick on a frog. The frog croaks and jumps away. Sam laughs. Jen does not laugh. She says, "That is not nice, Sam. You hurt the frog. You should say sorry." Sam does not say sorry. He says, "It is just a frog. It does not matter. I want to play with the stick." He picks up the stick again. He swings it at Jen. Jen dodges the stick. She says, "Stop it, Sam. You are not a reliable friend. You are a mean friend. I do not want to play with you." Sam does not stop. He swings the stick harder. He drops the stick on Jen's head. Jen cries. She says, "Ow, Sam, that hurts. You are a bad friend. You are a bully. I do not like you." She runs away from the swamp. Sam is alone in the swamp. He feels sad. He says, "I am sorry, Jen. I did not mean to hurt you. I was just playing. Please come back. I want to be your friend." But Jen does not come back. She is gone. Sam has no one to play with. He has no fun in the swamp. Lily and Ben were going to see the big mountain with their mom and dad. They were very happy and excited. They packed some food, water, and toys in their backpacks. Mom helped them tie their shoes and jackets. "Are you ready to go?" Dad asked. "Yes!" Lily and Ben shouted. They got in the car and drove for a long time. They saw many trees, animals, and houses on the way. They sang songs and played games. Lily looked out the window and saw the big mountain. It was very tall and had white snow on top. "Wow, look at the mountain!" Lily said. "It's so big and pretty!" Ben said. They got closer and closer to the mountain. They saw a sign that said "Welcome to the National Park". They parked the car and got out. They followed a trail that led to the mountain. They saw more trees, flowers, and birds. They also saw some people who were hiking, biking, or camping. "Can we go to the top of the mountain?" Lily asked. "No, sweetie, it's too high and cold for us. But we can go to a nice spot where we can see the whole mountain and have a picnic." Mom said. "OK, that sounds fun." Lily said. They walked for a while and found a nice spot. They spread a blanket on the ground and took out their food and water. They ate some sandwiches, fruits, and cookies. They drank some juice and water. They enjoyed the view of the mountain and the sky. "Look, there's a bird!" Ben said, pointing to a blue jay. "It's so pretty!" Lily said. They finished their picnic and packed their things. They decided to play with their toys for a bit. Lily had a doll and Ben had a car. They made up stories and pretended to have adventures. "Let's go to the mountain with our toys!" Ben said. "OK, let's go!" Lily said. They picked up their toys and ran to a small hill. They pretended it was the mountain. They climbed up and down, making noises and having fun. They were careful not to go too far from their mom and dad. "Be careful, kids!" Dad said. "We are, dad!" Lily and Ben said. They played for a long time. They were having so much fun that they didn't notice the clouds in the sky. They started to get dark and gray. They heard a loud noise. It was thunder. "Uh-oh, it's going to rain!" Lily said. "I don't like rain!" Ben said. They felt some drops on their faces. It was rain. They got scared and anxious. They dropped their toys and ran to their mom and dad. "Mom, dad, help!" Lily and Ben cried. Mom and dad hugged them and comforted them. "It's OK, kids, don't worry. It's just a little rain. We'll go back to the car and wait for it to stop. Then we'll go home." Mom said. "Can we take our toys?" Lily asked. "Of course, sweetie. Let's go get them." Dad said. They went back to the hill and picked up their toys. They were wet and dirty, but they didn't mind. They were happy to have them. They went back to the car and got in. They put on their seat belts and jackets. They turned on the heater and the radio. They listened to some music and talked about their day. "Did you have fun at the mountain?" Mom asked. "Yes, we did!" Lily and Ben said. "Me too. It was a great day." Dad said. They smiled and hugged. They drove away from the mountain. They saw a rainbow in the sky. They felt warm and safe. They were a happy family. Lila and Sam were playing with their blocks. They liked to make different patterns with the colors and shapes. Lila made a delicate tower with small blocks. Sam made a big wall with large blocks. "Look at my tower!" Lila said. "It is so pretty and tall!" "Look at my wall!" Sam said. "It is so strong and wide!" They were happy with their patterns. But then, a gust of wind came through the window. It blew Lila's tower down. The blocks scattered on the floor. "Oh no!" Lila cried. "My tower is gone! It vanished!" Sam saw what happened. He felt sorry for Lila. He wanted to help her. "Don't cry, Lila," he said. "We can make another tower. Or we can make something else. We have many blocks." He picked up some blocks and gave them to Lila. Lila smiled. She wiped her tears. "Thank you, Sam," she said. "You are a good friend. Let's make a pattern together." They hugged and started to build again. They made a new pattern with their blocks. It was colorful and fun. They were happy again. The wind did not bother them anymore. Sam and Mia were playing with clay. They had many colors of clay. They made shapes and animals with the clay. They had fun. "Look, I made a snake!" Sam said. He showed Mia his long green clay snake. It had black eyes and a red tongue. "Wow, that's a good snake!" Mia said. She liked Sam's snake. She wanted to make one too. "Can you pass me some green clay, please?" "Sure, here you go." Sam passed Mia some green clay. He was a nice friend. He had a lot of clay to share. Mia took the green clay and rolled it in her hands. She made it long and wide. She added eyes and a tongue. She smiled. She had a snake too. "Look, I made a snake too!" Mia said. She showed Sam her wide green clay snake. It had yellow eyes and a blue tongue. "Wow, that's a good snake too!" Sam said. He liked Mia's snake. He thought it was different and cool. "I like your snake. It has funny colors." "Thank you. I like your snake too. It looks real." Mia said. They both laughed. They put their snakes next to each other. They looked like friends. Sam and Mia were happy. They played with clay. They made snakes. They had fun. Lily and Tom are friends. They like to play together. One day, they decide to visit Tom's grandma. She lives in a big house with a garden. They walk to the house and ring the bell. Ding dong! The bell makes a loud sound. Tom's grandma opens the door. She is happy to see them. "Hello, Lily and Tom! Come in, come in! I have some cookies for you!" she says. Lily and Tom follow her to the kitchen. They see a plate of cookies on the table. They smell yummy. They say thank you and take a cookie each. Tom's grandma asks them what they have been doing. Tom tells her about their games and drawings. He shows her a picture he made of a car. Lily shows her a picture she made of a flower. Tom's grandma smiles and hugs them. She says, "You are very good at drawing. I am proud of you. You are smart and creative. I love you very much." Lily and Tom feel happy and warm. They love Tom's grandma too. They eat their cookies and talk some more. They have a nice visit. Tom was a boy who liked to play in the woods. He liked to climb trees and swing on vines. He was not afraid of anything. He did not listen to his mom when she told him to be careful. One day, he saw a big branch that looked like a sword. He wanted to play with it. He picked it up and ran around, pretending to be a knight. He did not see the sharp end of the branch. He did not hear his mom calling him. He ran into a bush and the sharp end of the branch poked his eye. He screamed and dropped the branch. He felt a lot of pain. He could not see well. He was scared. His mom heard him and ran to him. She saw the blood and the branch. She was very sad and angry. She took him to the doctor. The doctor said he was lucky. He did not lose his eye, but he had to wear a patch for a while. Tom learned his lesson. He was sorry for not listening to his mom. He was sorry for playing with the sharp branch. He promised to be more alert and careful in the woods. He did not want to get hurt again. He hugged his mom and said he loved her. Sara likes to polish her shoes. She has a red cloth and a shiny tin. She rubs the cloth on the tin and then on her shoes. She makes them look new and bright. One day, she sees a spot on her shoe. It is black and sticky. She tries to polish it, but it does not go away. She is sad and angry. "Who made this spot on my shoe?" she asks her brother Tom. Tom is playing with his cars on the floor. He has long hair and a big smile. "I don't know," he says. "Maybe it was the dog. He likes to chew on things." Sara looks at the dog. He is sleeping on his bed. He has brown fur and a wet nose. He does not look guilty. "Maybe it was you," she says to Tom. "You are always making a mess." "No, it was not me," he says. "I like your shoes. They are pretty." Sara does not believe him. She thinks he is lying. She grabs his car and throws it out of the window. It lands on the grass. "Hey, that's not fair!" he says. "That's my favorite car!" He runs to the window and tries to get it back. Sara follows him and pushes him. They start to fight. Their mom hears them and comes to the room. She sees the spot, the car and the angry faces. "What is going on here?" she asks. "Why are you fighting?" Sara and Tom stop and look at her. They are quiet. They do not want to get in trouble. "Sara has a spot on her shoe and she thinks I did it," Tom says. "But I didn't do it," he adds. "Tom has a long hair and he likes to lie," Sara says. "But I don't lie," he says. Mom sighs and shakes her head. She picks up the car and gives it back to Tom. She takes the cloth and the tin and polishes the spot on Sara's shoe. She makes it disappear. "There, now your shoe is clean and your car is safe," she says. "Can you please stop fighting and say sorry to each other?" Sara and Tom look at each other. They feel bad for being mean. They hug and say sorry. "Thank you, mom," they say. Mom smiles and hugs them back. "You're welcome, my loves," she says. "Now, how about we go and have some cookies?" Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Jill. They played together every day in the backyard. Jack had a toy car and Jill had a doll. One day, Jack was being selfish and wanted to play with both the car and doll. So he asked Jill if he could borrow her doll. But Jill wanted to play with it. Jack said, “Please, Jill. I promise to replace the doll with a vegetable when I’m done.†Jill thought about it and decided it was a fair deal. So she let Jack borrow her doll. Jack kept his promise and brought back a big, juicy carrot for Jill. Jill was very happy and thanked Jack for being so kind. They played together for hours with their new toy, the carrot. The moral of the story is that friendship and kindness are more important than being selfish. Once upon a time there was a little girl and a big boy. The little girl wanted to play outside, but the big boy said, "No, you can't go outside today. It's too tight." The little girl asked the big boy why it was tight. The big boy replied, "Because the wind is blowing and it won't permit us to go outside." The little girl quietly accepted this answer. But then, she had an idea. She said to the big boy, "Why don't we build a hut outside? That way, we can still play outside, even if the weather is tight." The big boy thought it was a great idea, so they quickly gathered some sticks and leaves and built a hut. When the hut was complete, the big boy and the little girl happily played in it. The big boy thanked the little girl for the clever idea, and from that day on, they always permitted themselves to have fun outside, no matter the weather. Once there was a little girl who was very sad. She didn't know why she felt sad but she couldn't stop thinking about it. She looked at all the happy people around her and wondered why she couldn't be like them. Suddenly she heard a noise coming from the park. She ran to the park to see what it was. It was a lot of people laughing and having fun! She wanted to join them, but was too shy. Suddenly her sadness disappeared and she felt happy. She started thinking that maybe she just needed to make some noise too! She did her best to laugh and cheer just like everyone else, and soon enough she was able to join in the fun. The little girl went home feeling happier than ever. She knew that it was important to make noise and be happy, because sometimes being sad can be ok too. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Every day, he liked to sort things. He sorted rocks, trees, and logs. One day, Tim found a log that was very thin. He was so excited that he wanted to take it home. But the log was so thin that it wouldn't fit into his pocket. Tim smiled and had an idea. He searched his room and found a twig. He put it on one end of the log, and then he picked up the other end. He carried the log and twig in his arms. When Tim got home, he sorted all of the logs. He put the thin one on the top so he could see it. The End. One day, Kelly and her mom visited the park to play. When they arrived, they saw a lot of other kids playing on the new slide. "Mom, can we join them?" Kelly asked. Her mom nodded in agreement. As they started to play, they noticed that all the kids were talking about something, and pointing up in the air. Kelly looked up and saw a huge kite, moving in the wind. "It's so beautiful!" she said. The kids continued to watch the colorful kite as it flew up high. Suddenly, the wind picked up, and the kite began to spread quickly and further into the sky. Everyone was delighted. They continued to watch in amazement, and it wasn't long before everyone had the same idea. Soon, everyone was flying the colorful kites and the sky was filled with them. It was a popular new activity, and everyone wanted to join in the fun. Even Kelly joined in and flew her own kite. Soon, several kites were moving in harmony, as if they were dancing with the wind. As Kelly looked up at her kite, she felt proud and peaceful. She smiled as the kite flew away, and the wind gently covered her head. Once upon a time, there was a little white structure. The structure was very strong, but it was very frightened. All of a sudden, a loud roar came from the sky. The structure shook with fear. It was very scared by the loud roar. Suddenly, the roar stopped and the structure felt much better. But then the roar came again! The structure started shaking even more. It seemed to be getting louder. All of a sudden, a big white dragon came flying down from the sky. It was a friendly dragon, and it was roaring because it was happy. The structure was so relieved that it wasn't scared anymore. It stood tall and smiled at the dragon. The dragon roared one last time, then flew away. The structure was so happy it almost couldn't believe what had happened. From that day on, it was never scared of the loud roar again! Sandra was a clumsy girl. She was always doing silly things and never went anywhere without getting into a bit of trouble. One day, Sandra went to the park to play. She started running around and jumping on the benches. Suddenly she tripped and fell onto the ground. She didn't move. "What happened?" asked her best friend, Jake. "I think I hurt my brain," said Sandra and started crying. Jake knew he had to save Sandra. He waved his hand, and soon an ambulance arrived. The paramedics picked her up carefully and took her to the hospital. The doctor examined Sandra and said, "There is no damage to your brain, Sandra. You were very lucky. You only need to take it easy for the rest of the day. Everything will be alright." Sandra was relieved and grateful that Jake had saved her. She said a big thank you to him and hugged him tightly. From then on she was much more careful when she played, and no longer stepped in as much trouble. One day, two children were playing in the park. They were having lots of fun until they noticed an ostrich. It was an odd sight in the park; ostriches usually lived on farms, not in the city. The two children were curious and went to get a closer look. The ostrich was standing very still and looked quite friendly. One of the children stepped closer to pet it, but the ostrich moved away. "Oh, it must not want to be touched," the child said. So instead, the two children stood a few steps back and watched. The children noticed that the ostrich was very polite. It bowed and said "Hello, it is nice to meet you!" The children were surprised. They had never seen an animal talk like this before. The children began to talk to the ostrich. They asked it where it came from and what it liked to do. Then, they had an idea. They asked the ostrich if it would like to take a walk with them. The ostrich was delighted and agreed. They all wandered around the park, talking about different things. The children continued to notice how polite the ostrich was. They enjoyed their time together and the ostrich said goodbye with a bow before it left. The children were excited by their new adventure and knew that this wouldn't be the last time they saw the polite ostrich. They spent the rest of the Once upon a time, there was a brilliant boy. He lived in a nice house and he had lots of friends. One day, the boy wanted to go on an adventure, so he asked his mom if he could leave the house. She said yes, so the boy grabbed his bag and left. He went to the park, and he had lots of fun. He played on the swings and went down the slide. He even had a yummy ice cream. When it was time to go home, the boy said goodbye to his friends. He waved as he walked away, and said he would be back soon. The boy was very excited to tell his mom all about his brilliant adventure. He knew she would be happy to hear all about it. Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved to play outside. One day she wanted to play in the garden and asked her mom for a rake. Her mom said yes and put the rake in her hands. The little girl was so excited. She ran to the garden and started to rake. She was having so much fun that she forgot the time, until she felt something warm on her shoulders. The little girl looked up and saw dark clouds. She tried to rake faster but the rain started to come down. She shouted to her mom, but it was no use. The rain kept coming down until her garden was filled with puddles. The little girl was so sad. She had worked so hard to rake the garden, but all her work was ruined. She went inside with her mom and all she could do was cry. Milo was walking down the street, when he noticed something strange. He stooped, and saw an open door. Milo stared out through the door for a few minutes. Then, he heard a muffled voice from inside. Milo was very curious, and decided to go inside. As he stepped through the door, the voice called out. "Who are you?" The voice asked. Milo was a bit scared, but answered anyway. "My name is Milo," he said. The voice laughed a little. "Welcome, Milo," it said. "Do you want to come into the living room?" Milo nodded his head, and followed the voice through an open doorway. He stared around the room, and couldn't believe his eyes. Through the open windows, he could see the sun beginning to set. The orange-pink light lit up the room, and Milo knew that something special was about to happen. Just then, his father walked through the door. Laughing and smiling, his father said, "I've been expecting you, Milo. Let's spend a few minutes together to watch the sunset." Milo smiled and hugged his father, knowing that this was a moment he would remember forever. Once there was a curious rabbit called Frank. He was always exploring his surroundings and looking for things he had not seen before. One day he came across a jug filled with water. He was intrigued and wanted to read the writing on the side of the jug. Frank grabbed the jug and tried to read the writing. "Help!" he said. "I am too young to read this." Just then, a wise fox came along and saw the struggling rabbit. He said to Frank, "You can not read this because you are too young. However, if you want to learn, practice makes perfect." Frank thanked the fox and decided to keep practicing. He soon began to learn how to read more and more. This story teaches us that with a little bit of practice and curiosity, we too can learn new things. Once upon a time there was a brilliant faucet. The faucet had a big job to do. Every day it had to deliver clean, cool water. One morning, a little girl asked her dad, "What does the faucet do?" Her dad smiled and said, "It delivers fresh water for us every day." The little girl was so excited! "That's so cool!" The faucet worked hard all day, delivering water to everyone. But at the end of the day, it was tired and needed a rest. The little girl asked her dad, "Will the faucet take a break?" Her dad smiled and said, "Yes, he'll take a break and then he'll be ready to deliver more water tomorrow!" The little girl was so happy that the brilliant faucet was taking care of her family. The faucet was so helpful and she was glad it was delivering fresh water everyday. Once there was a large child who had an idea. She wanted to accept a challenge and prove that she was brave. One day she went to a local park and spotted a big, tall tree. She made up her mind to climb it, no matter what. The little girl hopped up the first branch and sat there, feeling proud of her accomplishment. But when she tried to climb the second one, she felt scared. She started to cry, wondering if she could do it. Suddenly, a kindness voice spoke to her. An old, wise woman was sitting on the other side of the park, watching the child the whole time. She said to the child, "Little one, you can do it. You just need to believe in yourself and accept the challenge." The little girl accepted the challenge. She smiled at the old woman and said, "Thank you". Then she put her hands on the next branch, feeling brave and strong. She climbed the whole tree and, when she got to the top, she felt so proud and happy. She could do anything she wanted if she accepted her challenges and believed in herself. It was a gloomy day. Dad wanted to take his daughter to the park. He said "Let's go outside and play!" His daughter was excited to go and started running to the park. When they arrived it was filled with kids of all ages, jumping and playing with each other and their toys. Dad saw a slide and said to his daughter, "Let's play on the slide!" She smiled and went to the top of the slide. She slid down again and again, laughing and having so much fun. Then dad saw an ice cream shop and said to his daughter, "Let's get an ice cream for a special treat!" His daughter smiled and nodded her head. So, they bought her favorite ice cream and enjoyed it together. When it was time to go home, they said goodbye to the park. Dad and his daughter smiled at each other and said, "Let's come back tomorrow." Once there was a little girl named Daisy. Daisy loved looking in the mirror. The mirror was very special; it was very unique. Every time she looked in it, she felt so happy. One day, the mirror broke. Daisy was very sad. She didn't know what to do. Her mother told Daisy not to worry. She said she would replace the old mirror with a new one. Daisy was very excited. She went with her mother to the store. She saw so many beautiful mirrors, but none of them were as unique as her old one. Finally, her mother found the perfect mirror. It was round, and had golden trim. When Daisy saw it, she knew it was the one! She couldn't wait to hang it up in her room. The next morning, Daisy and her mother hung up the new mirror. Daisy couldn't believe her eyes. She said it was even more unique than the old one. From then on, Daisy would look in the mirror every day, and it would make her feel happy. Once there was a girl, she was three-years-old. She liked to watch the birds fly in the sky, so every day she sat outside and watched them. One day, she was watching them when something special happened. A beautiful bright-blue bird flew around her neck and perched there. She was so happy and ran to tell her parents. "Mummy, Daddy! Look!" She said, pointing her neck. Her parents were so envious; they had never seen a bird do that before. It seemed to be having a good time too, it stayed for a long time. When it was time for the little girl to go inside for dinner, the bird flew away. The little girl was sad to see it go, but happy to have seen it in the first place. She would watch the skies each day, hoping to see the bird come back one day. Once upon a time, there was a loyal elephant called Elly. Elly was in trouble. He was struggling to cross the river, but there was a big and scary crocodile in the way! "Help!" cried Elly. Luckily for Elly, his loyal friend the monkey was nearby. "I will help you," said the monkey, "but you have to be brave." The monkey got an idea. He tied a long rope to Elly and threw it to the other side of the river. Then he started to pull Elly across the river. Elly was scared but the monkey kept on pulling. Just as Elly was about to get to the other side, the crocodile appeared. It opened its big mouth and growled. Elly was frightened but with his loyal friend's help they were able to get away. Elly ran as fast as he could and made it safely across the river. The monkey and Elly were very happy and hugged each other tightly. They knew they could count on each other no matter what. Mia was walking through the woods. She saw an acorn on the ground. She stopped to pick it up and saw that it was shining in the bright sunshine. Suddenly, she heard a loud crackling sound. It was coming from a nearby tree! Mia was very curious and walked towards it. When she saw what was happening, she was amazed. Flames were coming up from the ground! Mia watched as the fire burned more and more of the branches. Mia started getting impatient. She wanted to help put out the fire, but she didn't know how! Suddenly, she remembered the acorn in her hand. She knew acorns could be used to put out fires. So, Mia took the acorn and threw it on the flame. The acorn made a big splash, and soon the fire was out. Mia was very proud of herself. She had saved the tree from the fire! John was sailing on his boat in the sea. It was a beautiful day but he was a bit lonely. Suddenly, he noticed something in the distance that was very interesting. He sailed closer and noticed it was an anchor. John decided to take the anchor back home with him. He started to tug on one side of it, but it was very heavy and he couldn't lift it. John said "I wish I could have someone here to help me deliver this anchor home". Just then, his best friend Ann came sailing around the corner. "I can help you John," Ann said with a smile. Together, John and Ann lifted the anchor onto their boat. They both strained and pulled together until it was safely on their boat. John and Ann smiled at each other. With a lot of effort and teamwork, they managed to deliver the anchor home safely. They were very proud of themselves and went on to tell everyone about their interesting adventure. Once upon a time, there was a tiny mouse. He was very charming and loved to count things. He counted the stars in the sky and the leaves on the trees. One day, he saw a beautiful purple flower in the garden. He loved it so much that he decided to take it home. The little mouse carried the purple flower carefully and put it in his toy box. He was so happy. But then he heard a deep voice calling out to him. It was the Witch! She demanded that he give the flower back. The little mouse thought about it for a moment and then counted to three. He wanted it to be his forever. The Witch became angry. She waved her wand and turned the little mouse into a stone statue. The statue stayed there forever. The Witch took the flower and flew away. The little mouse never saw the purple flower again. It was a bad ending. Once upon a time there was a naughty bunny who lived in the woods. Every morning, the bunny took a snack from Farmer Joe's garden. One day, Farmer Joe saw the naughty bunny. Farmer Joe shouted, "Stop! You must not take the snacks from the garden!" But the bunny just kept on running, and he continued to take the snacks. The next morning, Farmer Joe set a trap in the garden and the naughty bunny became caught in it. The bunny was frightened and started to cry for help. Farmer Joe came and said, "I told you not to take the snacks, now you're stuck!" The bunny said, "Please help me, I'm sorry!" Farmer Joe let the bunny free and said, "Next time, do not take snacks from my garden, listen to me and you won't become trapped again." The naughty bunny said he would, and from then on he never took any snacks from the garden again. The bunny learned that it is important to listen to grownups and to not do naughty things. Jake was feeling very selfish. He wanted to keep all his toys to himself and not share them with anyone! His mom knew that wasn't the right thing to do, so she gave him a spoon and asked him to go bury it in the yard. Jake was confused, what was the point of burying a spoon? Still he did as he was told and dug a hole in the ground, put the spoon inside and filled the hole back up. The next day Jake couldn't help but feel a little curious. Without telling his mom he went outside to the spot in the yard where he had buried the spoon. To his surprise there was something there! Jake started to dig and suddenly a toy he had never seen before popped out. It was a brand new toy car! Jake was over the moon, there was a whole world of new possibilities of play he could experience with this special find! From that day forward, Jake became much less selfish. Whenever his mom asked him to bury something special in the yard he was always happy to do it, knowing that he would be rewarded with a wonderful surprise every time! Once upon a time, there was a gifted bear called Robert. He loved exploring the pine forest near his home. Every day he went out looking for new things in the forest. One day, Robert heard a voice crying. He followed the sound until he found a little rabbit. It was standing under a big pine tree and looked very sad. Robert asked the rabbit why it was so sad. The rabbit said it was scared to leave the tree. Robert knew he could help, so he said: "Hey little rabbit, don't worry. I'm here to encourage you. Come, let's explore the forest together!" The rabbit smiled, and soon the two of them were running and jumping in the forest. Robert told the rabbit everything he knew about the plants and trees, and the rabbit was very happy. In the end, the rabbit was very encouraged by what Robert had said and together they explored the pine forest until the sun went down. And so their great adventure began. Once upon a time, there was a big market. In the market, there was a vendor who was always honest. People would go to him to buy things and they knew they could trust him. One day, the vendor went to his market to open his stall, but all of the things he had for sale had vanished! He couldn't believe it - all gone without a trace! “Who did this?†The vendor shouted. He was very angry and sad. Suddenly, he heard a small voice from behind him. “Me!†Said the small voice. The vendor turned around and saw a small child standing there. The child was only three years old. The vendor calmed down and smiled. “That’s ok,†he said. “Sometimes things can vanish. I can get more things.†The vendor gave the three-year-old a sweet, patted him on the head and the child laughed. The vendor knew that the most important thing was honesty. He smiled and went to get his things back. Once upon a time there was a man who wanted to live a life of luxury. He saved up all his money and finally he was able to buy a fancy car. One day he was driving his car down the road when he heard a loud noise. He stopped in his tracks and saw a dead bird lying on the road. The man felt sorry for the bird and decided to pick it up and bury it. Suddenly a big dog came running out of nowhere and bit the man’s arm. The man was so surprised that he dropped the bird in shock. He shouted at the dog, “Ah! Why did you bite me?†The dog replied, “I’m sorry. I was just trying to save the dead bird. I thought you were trying to hurt it.†The man was touched by the dog’s kindness and he let him go. From that day on he was always careful when walking around animals and he never forgot the dog’s act of kindness. He realized that even small acts of generosity can lead to great luxury. Once upon a time there was a jolly pumpkin. Everyday, he would ask everyone if they wanted to come and play with him. One day, he saw an old man. They talked for a while and the pumpkin asked the old man if he wanted to come and play with him. The old man smiled and said, “No my friend, I cannot come and play with you today. But I will permit you to come and play with me soon, if you wish.†The pumpkin was so excited, so he jumped up and down, and thanked the old man before running off to tell his friends. The weeks flew by, and before the pumpkin knew it, the appointed day finally arrived. He ran over to the old man's house and knocked on the door. The old man smiled and told the pumpkin that today was the day he would allow him to come and play with him. Just then, they heard some loud banging coming from the barn. The old man asked the pumpkin to go and see what all the noise was about. The pumpkin slowly opened the barn door and there he saw his friends, all gathered around a huge pumpkin pie. They were so happy to see him and shouted that the old man had made the pie for them all as a special treat. The pumpkin was so excited and thanked the old man for being so jolly and for permitting him to come and play with him. As he ran back to join his friends, Once there was a little boy who wanted to go to the bathroom. But every time he told his mother he had to go, she said it was not time yet. She said he had to wait until it was time to go. Finally the little boy couldn't wait any longer. He ran to the bathroom before he could be told not to go. He felt really excited and happy. But when the little boy got to the bathroom, something was not normal. He opened the door and saw a huge mess. He was very surprised. There was soap everywhere and the sink was broken. The little boy quickly realized this was not a normal bathroom. He was disappointed and wanted to leave. But before he got out, he heard a noise from inside. He was afraid and started to tell his mother. He wanted to get out as soon as possible. But when the little boy told his mother what had happened, she was mad. She said he should have listened and waited until it was time to go. Then she told him he was never allowed to use that bathroom again. The little boy was very sad and disappointed. He had learned a hard lesson, and he didn't like it. He would never use that bathroom again. Once upon a time there was a big lawn, with lots of grass and flowers. Every day, a 3-year-old child called Pablo walked around the lawn, looking and feeling nature. He loved how colorful the flowers were and how the grass felt beneath his feet. But, one day Pablo noticed something smelly in the air. He wrinkled his nose, trying to understand what it was. As he approached a bush, he saw a cute furry creature with a hurt paw. He could tell it had been suffering for a while. "Poor little thing," he said, feeling sad for the creature. He gently carried it to his mom and asked her for help. She quickly called the vet and the animal was taken away. Later that night when Pablo was in bed, he heard a loud roar from outside and saw a bushfire on the horizon. His heart sank, he knew that poor animal had been there to warn them about the impending danger. Now, Pablo always remembers the little creature and how it was brave enough to suffer the fiery flames in order to save others. Carly was a popular girl at school. She wanted to have the cleanest and most organized toys. Every day, Carly opened her cabinet, sorted her toys, and placed them in shelves that were perfectly lined up. One day, Carly found a mysterious box in the cabinet. She asked her mom, “Mom, what’s this?†Her mom smiled, “It’s a surprise, dear. Go ahead and open it up!†Carly opened the box and found a pile of crayons. They were all different colors! She was so excited that she started spreading the crayons all over the cabinet. She was so busy playing that she forgot to clean up. The next day, the classroom was filled with color! Crayon marks were everywhere – the cabinet, the walls and even the desks. Everyone was angry and disappointed with Carly, and she became unpopular. The moral of the story is that it is important to clean up after yourself. When we take time to properly clean, it helps prevent bigger messes in the future. Once upon a time, there was a big whale living in the sea. One day, the whale wanted to try something new. He wanted to own lotion. The whale asked a nearby fish, "Can you help me find lotion?". The fish replied, "I'm sorry, I don't know where to find it." The whale felt disappointed. The fish said, "I heard there is a big elephant who owns lotion. Maybe it knows where you can find it." The whale was determined to find the elephant and set off on a journey to find it. After a long search, the whale finally found the elephant. He asked it, "Do you own lotion?" The elephant replied, "Yes, I do. Follow me and I'll show you where you can find it." The whale followed the elephant and soon came to a big pond. In the pond, the whale saw lotion and was delighted. He thanked the elephant for his kindness. The whale was now able to enjoy the lotion and found that it was very refreshing. Once upon a time, there lived a little boy called Dave. Dave loved to stay up late, even when his momma said he had to go to sleep. One night, Dave was setting up his fort made of pillows and blankets. "I'm gonna stay here all night," he said. But then his momma came in, shaking her head. "No way, Dave! You need to get dressed for school tomorrow." Dave started to pout and said, "But I wanna wear my long fashion dress!" Momma smiled and said, "That's not what moms do, Dave. You need to stay in your pajamas." Dave crossed his arms and replied, "No! I'm gonna stay up all night!" Momma sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Dave, but you have to go to bed. We can talk about the long fashion dress after school tomorrow, okay?" Dave smiled and said, "Okay, Momma." He quickly got dressed and jumped into bed, happy that he would still get to wear his long fashion dress. Once upon a time, there were two friends, Jack and Jill. They had just finished playing in the garden when it started to rain. Jack ran inside while Jill stayed outside. She said, "I like rain. It makes me happy." But Jack shook his head. "Rain is selfish," he said. "It takes all the sunshine away from us." Jill laughed and said, "I think rain is nice. I like to watch it fall from the sky." Then she ran under a tree and picked a strawberry. "Look!" she said, pointing to the little red fruit. "I wish we could go outside and play in the rain." But Jack shook his head again and said, "No, that wouldn't be good. Rain can make things wet and muddy. Let's stay inside until it stops." Jill sighed and said, "But I want to be in the rain. It looks so fun!" Jack smiled and said, "OK, one quick splash! But let's go back inside when it starts raining again." So they ran outside, and they giggled and splashed in the rain. Jack and Jill were so happy! They were glad they had each other to share the fun. Once upon a time there was a pretty bird. He could whistle so beautifully that all the animals stopped to listen. One day, the bird flew close to the grass and noticed a rabbit. The rabbit was so attractive! The bird started to whistle louder and louder to impress the rabbit. The rabbit said, “What a beautiful song! Please come closer and let me see you.†The bird flew closer and the rabbit started to run away. The bird got scared and flew away. The bird flew and flew, but he was too sad to whistle anymore. He would never see the attractive rabbit again. One day, Sammy wanted to fly. He had a dream to rise up into the sky. Sammy looked around his room and saw a piece of cardboard. He knew it could be his wings! Sammy worked very hard to make the cardboard wings. He cut holes and taped it around his arms. But, when he put them on, they felt weak. He knew he needed help. So Sammy called for his sister. She had strong arms and was very brave. She helped him secure the cardboard wings on tight. Sammy felt so excited! Sammy and his sister looked around and found some rocks. Sammy knew that would help him rise. He stepped on the rocks and jumped and jumped as hard as he could. He flapped his wings and soared high into the sky! Sammy had finally done it. He rose above the clouds and laughed out loud. Sammy had made his dream come true. Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a big house. One day she was playing in the garden when she saw an old man walking by. He was wearing a big, green sweater and looked sad. The little girl ran up to him and said, "Hi! Can I show you something?" The old man smiled and said, "Yes please." The little girl took off her warm, fluffy sweater and gave it to the old man. She said, "My mommy made me a new sweater so you can have this one. It is very warm!" The old man was so happy and grateful! He said, "Thank you, little one, I can't believe you gave me your sweater." The little girl smiled and said, "You're welcome!" Ralph was walking in the forest one day when he noticed something strange. He saw a bone in the distance. Curiously, Ralph went to see it. He got close enough to see that it was from a big animal. Suddenly, Ralph heard a loud noise. It was coming from the distant bone. Ralph was scared so he quickly ran away. But then, he heard a voice. "Waiting, little one!" the voice said. Ralph stopped and the voice continued. "I am the Bone Spirit. I am here to help you. Wake me when you need me and I will give you advice," said the Bone Spirit. Ralph thanked the Bone Spirit and returned to his village. He remembered the Bone Spirit's words and thanked his luck that he encountered such a wise creature in the forest. He knew he could rely on the Bone Spirit if he ever needed help. Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucy. She was only three years old. One day her mummy said to her, "I have a surprise for you. I got an invitation in the post today." Lucy was so excited. She asked her mummy, "What kind of invitation?" Her mummy smiled and said, "Let's go and find out, shall we?" So they went to the post office and opened the envelope. Inside was an invitation to a special party. Lucy smiled and said, "Yay!" She couldn't wait to read more about the invitation. Her mummy showed her the picture on the front of the invitation. It showed a harmless little puppy. Lucy smiled and said, "That's so pretty!" The invitation also mentioned that there would be lots of delicious food at the party. Lucy was thrilled and she said, "Can I go?" Her mummy hugged her and said, "Of course you can go, sweetheart." Lucy was so happy and she hugged her mummy back. The invitation said that the party was the very next day. Lucy started getting ready right away and she was the first one to arrive! She had the best time ever and she never wanted it to end. Ernie and his mom were walking in the park. Suddenly, Ernie noticed something very strange. It was a curtain, moving around by itself! "Mommy, why is the curtain moving?" asked Ernie. "Oh, that's because there's a clever bird trying to get inside," explained Mom. Ernie was amazed. He wanted to see the bird, but Mom said it was time to go home. That night, Ernie couldn't sleep. He worried that the bird wouldn't be able to get inside the house, so he got out of bed and tiptoed to the window. Ernie opened the window and pulled back the curtain. The bird flew in and perched on the window sill. Ernie and the bird talked for a while, and then he closed the window to prevent the bird from getting out. Ernie smiled, knowing that he had helped the bird find a safe place to stay. Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was three years old. Every day, the girl would go for a long walk with her mom and dad. But today, as the girl walked, she noticed some strange noises. The noises sounded like a different kind of music. The girl paused and listened. She was curious. She wanted to know what was making that sound. Her mom noticed and smiled. She knew the result of what the little girl was about to find. The girl and her parents continued walking. And soon they came across a group of people with musical instruments. They were singing and playing music. The girl became so excited that she started to dance. She was so happy. But soon, she became tired. Her mom and dad noticed the girl was tired. So, they decided to stop for a break. They took out a special snack that the little girl had been asking for. Everyone cheered. Then, the girl's parents told her the result of why they were here: they were celebrating their daughter's birthday! The little girl was so happy. She laughed and hugged her mom and dad. This was the best day ever! Once upon a time there was a mighty cow. He lived on a farm and loved to spray water around the yard. Every day the cow would run around and spray his friends with the water. One day, a little girl came to the farm. She was only three years old, and she said “Hi cow! Can I spray you?†The cow replied, “Why yes! Mena, come closer.†Mena went up to the mighty cow and gave him a big hug. Then, she took a bucket and a garden hose and began to spray the cow with water. The cow was so happy and he enjoyed every second of it. When the sun had set and it was time to go, Mena said “Goodbye cow! See you next time.†And the cow replied, “Bye bye Mena, it was so much fun!†Once upon a time there was a rich mouse who was living in a tiny house with his family of three. Every day, he went out to look for food but he never seemed to get enough . He was getting very hungry so he decided to look for something to eat farther away from his house. He soon came upon a big building that had a switch next to the door. He decided to press the switch but as soon as he did, the door opened and a flood of cheese came out. He was so delighted that he closed his eyes and hugged the cheese. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his back. He opened his eyes and saw the guard cat scowling at him. "You can't have this cheese. It belongs to the rich owner of this building," the cat said sternly. The mouse became very scared, but he knew he couldn't disobey the guard cat. He bowed his head and slowly walked out of the building. As he walked home, he thought of the rich cheese he had seen and felt a bit sad. He knew he would have to look harder for food another day. Once upon a time, there was a bee. He was very anxious because he was hungry. He flew around, looking for something to eat. The bee spotted something yummy in a flower garden. He flew to it and started to eat. He ate and ate until he was full. When he finished eating, the bee was no longer anxious. He was happy and flew away humming a happy tune. The end. Molly and Jake were playing in the park. They were throwing and catching a big, red ball. "This is so much fun!" said Molly. "Yes, it is really funny," said Jake. Just then, Molly slipped and fell on the ground. "Are you okay?" asked Jake. "Yes, I'm okay," said Molly. The two friends talked and discussed what had happened. "That was a funny fall," said Jake. Molly laughed and said, "Yes, it was really funny. Let's keep playing!" The two friends continued to have fun, talking and discussing their adventures. They played in the park until it was time to go home. Once upon a time, there was a tiny car. It was old and no longer worked very well. The car tried to start but nothing happened. The car was sad and felt it needed help. Then a friendly mechanic came to help the car. They looked at the engine and smiled. The mechanic said, "You need some oil". The car felt excited and thanked the mechanic. The mechanic poured oil into the engine and took out a key. With a big smile, the mechanic said, "We are going to try out if it works now!". The car was enthusiastic. The mechanic turned the key and the engine rumbled to life. The car smiled. The mechanic then said, "Let's go for a drive". Instead of waiting, the car accepted the offer right away. The car and the mechanic drove off in the sunset together. The car felt alive and happy. Once upon a time, there was a little bird. The bird was very curious, so it decided to enter a net. The net was very big and scary, but the bird was brave and tried to fly away. However, the net was too strong and the bird got stuck! The bird was very upset and started chirping loudly. Suddenly, an old man came to help the little bird. He opened his big arms and the net slowly disappeared. The bird was so happy! It said a big thank you and flew away. It was so grateful to the old man and never forgot this day. Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Jack. He was three years old and liked to explore. One day, he climbed onto a boat with his dad and sailed away. They sailed down the river, and Jack saw lots of things. He saw birds flying in the sky and fish jumping in the river. Everything was so blue! When they reached the end of the river, his dad looked at him and said, "Do you see how beautiful this place is? It's amazing, right?" Jack nodded and smiled. He looked around and said, "Yes, I have never seen anything so blue!" Jack and his dad spent the day having fun. They went fishing in the river and splashed around in the blue water. At the end of the day, they watched the sun go down over the blue river. Jack was so happy with the day that he had and the wonderful thing he had seen. John walked up to the door and put his hand on the knob. He looked up at his mom with a smile and asked, "Can I unlock it?". His mom nodded and said, "Yes, try it." John twisted the knob and the door opened. As soon as he opened it a strong smell of perfume filled the air. He looked delighted and said, "It smells so nice in here." His mom explained, "That's because your grandmother was very generous and always filled her home with special perfumes." John smiled and stepped inside. He felt so happy to be in this beautiful, fragrant place. He thought to himself that his grandma must have been very kind and generous indeed. Once upon a time there was a small boy named Bobby. He loved to play with his aunt. Every morning, she would visit Bobby’s house with something new. One morning, she arrived with something special. She had a toy car for Bobby. It was shiny and red, and Bobby was very excited. However, it was very tall and Bobby couldn’t reach it. He tried leaning over and stretching his arms but it seemed too far away. His aunt tried to console him, “It’s alright Bobby, we’ll find a way.†Bobby started to cry, and his aunt thought of a solution. She took a small box and hopped on it, so she was a nice height to reach the toy car. She handed it to Bobby who was smiling and happy once again. The moral of this story is that even when things seems hard and out of reach, you should never give up. Keep trying and searching for solutions, because sometimes all it takes is a little help from your friends and family to make it possible. Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Jack. He was only three years old, but he was a very curious boy. Jack wanted to explore the world, so he decided to go on a journey. He packed his bag and off he went. Everywhere he went, he moved at a fast speed. Every now and then he stopped and wrote a note about what he had seen. One day, as he was travelling, he came across a clearing. In the middle of the clearing, he saw a wagon with a man and a woman in it. Jack stopped to greet them. The man said to him, "Where are you going, young man? And why are you moving so fast?" Jack pulled out one of his notes and handed it to the man. On the note it said, "I want to explore the world". The man smiled and said, "Well, then carry on, my friend. Adventure awaits!" So Jack thanked the man and woman and continued on his journey. Everywhere he went, he moved quickly and wrote down clear notes about his adventures. John and his mom were in the kitchen. John saw something hairy on the floor and he knew it wasn't there before. His mom told him it was a caterpillar! He was so happy that he wanted to do something. His mom picked up the caterpillar and gave it to John. Then mom took out a big pair of scissors and said, "We're going to do something special for the caterpillar". She carefully cut a small piece of paper and cut out some shapes from it. Then she made a little house for the caterpillar! John was so excited he wanted to do more. His mom gave him a little cup and he picked some blades of grass from the garden. He carefully put them into the cup so that the caterpillar could have food. John and his mom watched as the caterpillar crawled into its new home. John was so proud of what he had done! He learned than it was important to take care of the little things around us. One day, two friends, Jack and Jill, were taking a walk in the woods. They saw a jolly stone, which was sparkling in the sunlight. Jack was curious and said to Jill "Let's spend the stone!" So they picked it up and spent it on sweets. When they had finished spending the stone, they were both very happy. But then they heard a noise coming from nearby. It was a poor elderly man, who had been crying. When Jack and Jill asked him what was wrong, he said that he had lost his stone and that he needed it to buy food for his family. Jack and Jill felt really sad and guilty for spending the jolly stone. Then, they gave the man the sweets they had just bought with it. The old man was so grateful. He said that friendship and helping others was far more valuable than anything else. From then on, every time Jack and Jill went for a walk in the woods, they would always remember this lesson and be kind to others. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Grace. Grace was three years old and loved jumping around her garden. Every morning, she would jump up and down with delight. One day, Grace wanted to jump higher and see if she could touch the clouds. She ran to the garden and started to spring up and down. However, in her excitement, she accidentally jumped into her dad's tight freezer. Grace knew she wasn't allowed near the freezer, so she was scared. Her dad came outside and asked her what had happened. Grace replied, "I'm sorry. I was trying to jump so high that I could touch the clouds. I didn't mean to jump into the freezer." Her dad hugged her and said,"That's okay, Grace. I understand why you wanted to do that, but it's important to always follow the rules. They are there to keep you safe". The moral of the story is that it's important to follow the rules and stay safe. Once upon a time there was a little monkey who lived in a happy jungle. His name was Leo, and he was very happy every day. He loved going to bed early and watching the stars in the night. One day Leo went to the Banana tree to pick some bananas for his breakfast. As he got closer he saw someone else had taken the bananas before him. Leo was very sad and felt so lonely. A gentle voice spoke to him “You should not be so sad Leo. Life will bring you both joy and sadness but courage and strength will help you riseâ€. Leo looked up and saw an old monkey smiling down at him. The old monkey shared his wisdom and gave Leo some bananas. Leo thanked the old monkey, and began to learn important lessons. Leo knew that courage and strength would help him move on in life, no matter how sad he was. He learned that when he felt down, he should rise up and keep going. The little monkey felt happy again and went on his way. Leo remembered the words of the wise old monkey and was soon happier than ever. Once upon a time, there was a small caterpillar living in a big, sunny meadow. It loved exploring around the meadow and eating all the yummy treats. But one day something strange happened - it found a large leaf on the ground and it began to fold! The caterpillar was very curious so it crawled onto the leaf and started to explore it. Suddenly, it discovered there was something inside! It was a small, colorful butterfly. The butterfly said "Hi! I'm trying to fly out of this leaf, but it's too heavy for me. Can you help me?". The caterpillar thought for a minute and then agreed to help. It proceeded to fold the leaf into halves and then quarters, making it much lighter. The caterpillar and butterfly then said goodbye as the butterfly flew up into the sky. As it watched, the caterpillar couldn't help but feel proud of what it had achieved! Jim and his mom went for a walk and found a great big swing. It had an original look with a big loop. Jim was so excited and wanted to try it. But his mom said the swing was too high for him. Jim asked, "Please mommy, can I swing?" His mom said, "No honey, it's too high. You might get hurt!" Jim was disappointed and started to cry. He wanted to swing so badly. Just then, his mom had an idea. She said, "Come here Jim, I'm going to help you swing safely." Jim was delighted and eagerly ran over. His mom grabbed Jim and put him securely in the loop. She then carefully pushed him on the swing. Jim laughed and shouted, "Yay, I'm swinging!" He had a great time swinging and his mom was so glad that he was safe and happy. Once there was a leopard named Toby. He was very cute and loved to play in his favorite spot in the jungle. One day he decided to take a walk in the forest and it was then that he saw something special. He saw a big rainbow and it made him so happy. Toby kept walking until he heard a noise that sounded like a song. He looked around and saw a beautiful butterfly flying around. Toby was so excited to see such a beautiful creature and he started to follow it. The butterfly then flew down to a beautiful spring. Toby watched as the water bubbled and splashed around him. He felt so happy and at peace that he wanted to stay there forever. Suddenly, the butterfly flew away, leaving Toby alone in the spring. He looked around and saw that everything around him was so peaceful. He felt so cute and he couldn't help but smile. Toby decided to take a nap and he laid down in the sun. As he began to doze off, happy thoughts of the spring and the butterfly filled his dreams. Once there was a helpless hippo who was playing hide and seek. He was so happy to be playing with his friends. He found the best hiding spot and decided to stay there until the game was finish. But suddenly his friends didn't come back to find him. He knew something was wrong but he was helpless and couldn't do anything. He waited and waited, but his friends didn't return. He felt really sad and lonely. The helpless hippo was so upset that he couldn't move. He lay there until night time when it was really really dark. He was too scared to move. He closed his eyes and tried not to make a noise. Unfortunately, he didn't finish his game of hide and seek and was never found. He was all alone in the darkness and eventually became part of the night. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named John. He wanted to help his family, so he asked his uncle if he could do something. His uncle said, "Yes, you can act like a helpful boy." John smiled and set about doing chores around the house. He helped his mom make the bed, he washed dishes and he even cleaned the windows. He did these with a happy heart. One day, John was gathering leaves from the yard. His uncle was walking by and saw what he was doing. He smiled and said, "That's a good job. You're acting like a helpful boy." John's heart filled with joy and he knew it was a good thing he was doing. The moral of the story is that it always pays to be helpful. You never know when somebody might recognize, and appreciate, your hard work. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little girl. She loved playing with her string. Around and around she went, until the string got knotted up! She tried and tried to fix it, but it was no use. The little girl felt sad. She said, "I miss my string!" Suddenly, a magical fairy appeared. She said, "Don't worry, I can help you!" With a wave of her wand, the string was untangled and good as new. The little girl was so happy! She said, "Thank you, fairy! Now I can play with my beautiful string again!" The fairy smiled and said, "You're very welcome." The little girl kept playing with her string, and never again did she get it all knotted up. And she was always very grateful to the fairy for helping her. Once upon a time there was a kind lady who loved to explore the woods near her house. Every day she went for a walk around the trees and over the hills. One morning, she was deep in the woods when she heard a strange noise. She stopped and looked around carefully. Suddenly, a big, brown bear stepped out from behind a tree and stood in front of her. The lady was scared but she stayed very still and said calmly, "Hello, bear." The bear stepped closer and she could see it was smiling. It said, "Be careful, little lady. There are many things to watch out for in the woods." The bear gestured with its paw to her shoulder. The lady saw her water bottle had fallen on the ground and the bear was warning her to pick it up. She carefully picked it up, thanked the bear and said goodbye. Then, she quickly walked away and back home. From then on, the lady was very careful when exploring the woods and she always remembered the bear's warning. Once upon a time there was a man. He was very independent. He liked to do things all by himself. One day he was walking in the forest when he felt something bite his foot. He looked and saw a little bunny rabbit! The man was surprised. "Why did you bite me?" he asked. "I'm sorry Sir," said the bunny. "I was scared and didn't know what else to do." The man smiled and said, "Don't worry. I won't hurt you, and you should always be independent. That way you can take care of yourself and do what's best for you." The little bunny was very thankful. He hopped away, free and independent. Once upon a time, there lived a little rabbit called Florence. Florence loved to go out and explore the world. But this time, the fog was too thick and it was getting dark. So, Florence decided to go home. She hopped through the woods, but the fog was so thick, she couldn't see her way. Suddenly, she noticed something. From far away, she heard an owl saying, "Pray little rabbit, pray." Florence wondered why the owl was telling her to pray, but she thought that it couldn't hurt to try. So, Florence stopped hopping and closed her eyes. She prayed really hard and waited. And then, shortly after she'd finished her prayer, something magical happened. All of a sudden, the fog started to lift. It was getting lighter and lighter, and the dull sky was now bright and sunny. Her way was now clear, so Florence hopped home safely. The little rabbit realised that the owl had been right when it said to pray. With her newfound knowledge, Florence never let the fog stop her again. Once upon a time there was a sailor. He was very fine, with a blue and white sailboat. The sailor set sail and went all around the world. Everywhere he went, children would come to visit him. One day, he stopped and three children were waiting for him on the shore. The children were very excited when they met the sailor. They asked, "Where did you go? Tell us about your adventures!" The sailor smiled and then sat with the children. He explained that he went to all the different countries of the world, and even sailed across the ocean. He told them stories of the different places he had seen and the people he had met. After the sailor had finished explaining his adventures, he said goodbye to the children. They were so happy they had heard such wonderful stories. The children waved goodbye as the sailor went on his way, setting off to explore some new places. Once upon a time, there was a boy named John. He was three years old and loved playing outside with his friends. One day, John's mum came to him and said, “John, do you want to learn yoga today?†John thought about it for a bit, and then said, “Yes mummy! I want to learn yoga!†So, John put on his yoga clothes and they went to the park to learn yoga. John learnt lots of poses and said he felt sleepy after doing some of the poses. His mum smiled and said, “John, rest and take a break when you feel tired. It is important to give our bodies a rest sometimes.†John nodded his head and said, “You’re right, mummy. We should take a rest when we feel sleepy." The moral of the story is: It is important to rest when we are feeling tired. Tommy was excited to go to the park with his mom. He put on his shoes in a hurry and said "Let's go, Mommy!" His mom just looked at him sadly and said, "I'm sorry, Tommy, I can't promise that. Not today." Tommy's heart sunk. He sadly asked, "But why, Mommy?" His mom softly said, "There is a storm coming and it's not safe for us to go." Tommy was very disappointed, and he wanted to be outside in the park so badly. He tried to stay cheerful, but his voice was weak when he said, "Will we go soon?" His mom just smiled, shook her head and said, "I'm afraid not. Let's go do something fun inside instead." Tommy lay on the floor dejectedly, his dreams of the park fading away. He knew it wasn't his Mommy's fault, but he was still sad and he wished for the storm to end so he could fulfill his promise to go to the park. Sam and Mom were walking in the park. Sam was wearing his coat and it was getting quite dirty. "Look, Mom, my coat is filthy," Sam said. Mom smiled and replied, "Yes, but I can forgive you, Sam. Let's go home and I'll help you take it off and wash it." So they went home, and Mom helped Sam take off his coat. She washed it in the washing machine and hung it up to dry. When the coat was dry, Mom put it back on Sam. "Thank you, Mom," said Sam with a smile. Mom hugged Sam. "It's ok, my love. I'm glad you're wearing a clean coat now." Sam smiled and gave Mom a big hug. He knew that Mom would always forgive him. Once upon a time, there was a shy bunny named Boney. Boney loved his home, but he was curious to explore and see the world. One day, Boney decided to take a trip. He grabbed all the things he needed and hopped out of his door. He was excited, but a little bit scared. Boney hopped along, but he didn't know where to go. Suddenly, he saw a funny fox. Boney was about to say hello, but he was too shy. The fox asked Boney, "What are you doing? Do you need help?" Boney was embarrassed and shook his head no. The fox noticed Boney's shyness and said, "No problem, I'll help you. Let's remove this rock from the path and find a place for you." Boney smiled and thanked the fox. He followed the fox and soon found a beautiful place for his trip. Boney stayed in this place for a long time and finally returned home, knowing lots of new things. Boney was no longer shy and was eager to explore the world again. Once upon a time, there was a small boy. He loved to play on the swing in the park. Every day the boy would crawl over the grass and climb onto the swing. He was so tiny, he could barely reach the handles! One day, the boy was crawling up to the swing when a strange man appeared. He motioned for the boy to come closer. The small boy was a bit scared, but he slowly crawled towards the man. "Come closer," the man said. "I have something special for you." The small boy continued to crawl. He wanted to see what the man had. But when the boy got close enough, the man lifted his fist and punched the boy. He punched him so hard that the boy fell off the swing. The little boy was so shocked he started to cry. He crawled away as fast as he could and never went back to the park again. One day, there was a sleepy dove walking around the field. The bird had been wandering for a while looking for some food. Suddenly, the dove saw a big, round, orange fruit. He flew over and tried to bite it, but it was too hard. "Oh, no!" said the dove sadly. He started to wander away when he heard someone call out from behind him. "Wait!" said a voice. The dove stopped and turned around. An old man was walking towards him. The man gave the dove a big smile and said, "I have something for you! Come on over here and I'll show you." The man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He then used the hammer to break the round, orange fruit into pieces. The dove was so excited! He gobbled up the pieces of fruit and thanked the man. "No problem," said the man, "Just remember this can happen anytime you wander around a field". The dove was so grateful he had been given a snack that he sang a happy song as he flew off into the sky. One day, Jane had a great idea. She wanted to play with her brother. She asked him, "Will you come with me?". Her brother said, "Yes, where are we going?". Jane smiled and said, "Let's go for a walk in the park!" They quickly got ready and ran outside. When they got to the park, the light was very bright, it made Jane feel a bit dizzy. Suddenly, Jane heard a voice. She looked around and saw a bird up in a tree. The bird was talking to them! It said, "Caw! Caw! I want to join you!". Jane and her brother said, "Of course you can!". So they all went for a walk together. The bird flapped its wings and flew above them. On their way, the bird said some words. Jane laughed and asked, "What are those words?". The bird said, "They are special words, they mean 'Come and play!'. Jane and her brother felt very happy, they ran around and laughed until they felt a bit dizzy. Then they all said goodbye to the bird and went home. From that day onwards, they kept playing in the park. George was walking by the farm. He saw one of the cows and he smiled. But then he got dizzy and he started to frown. He kept walking and frowning until he came to a big red building. He went inside and saw many people, but no one was happy. George kept frowning. He went outside and kept walking until he saw a big hole in the ground. He was curious, so he walked closer and peered inside. He felt dizzy and all of sudden he fell, so he started to cry. He couldn't get out and he was sad because he could no longer see the cows. He never saw the cows again and felt very upset. Once upon a time there was a small girl, Kitty. She was only three years old and very adventurous. She liked to explore her backyard and nearby woods. One day when she was playing outside she saw a brick lying on the ground. She picked it up and examined it. She liked the shape, size and colour of the brick. Kitty wanted to take it home and play with it, but unfortunately it was too big for her to carry. She thought for a moment and then came up with an idea. She decided to replace the brick with some small stones that were lying around in the garden. So, she began to collect some stones and replace them with the brick. She was being very careful to make sure that she put the bricks in the exact same place she had taken them from. Meanwhile, her mom was watching her from inside the house. She was very worried because she thought Kitty was being too careless with the brick. Suddenly, she shouted out the window: "Kitty! Be careful with that brick!" Kitty looked up and saw her mom watching her. She quickly put the brick back in its place and ran back to the house. She was very happy to have replaced the brick with her stones and to have done it so carefully. From that day forward, whenever she went exploring, she was always careful to replace everything exactly the way she had found it! Once upon a time, there was a young sheep called Mr Fluffy. He was a very bouncy sheep who loved to stretch his legs. He was always looking for new places to go and things to do. One day, Mr Fluffy decided to stretch his legs even further. He was determined to find the highest hill in the valley. He had soon walked for a long, long time, and the hills were getting more and more difficult to climb. Suddenly, he heard a voice calling his name. He turned around and saw a wise old sheep with a twinkle in her eye. "Welcome, my young friend," said the wise sheep. "What are you doing here?" Mr Fluffy explained that he wanted to find the highest hill in the valley. The wise sheep nodded, understanding. "It won't be easy," she said. "But if you keep stretching your legs, you will find it. I'll be here waiting when you're done." Mr Fluffy thanked her, and was off. After many hours and much stretching, he finally reached the top of the highest hill in the valley. He felt very proud of himself! When he had climbed down again, the wise sheep was still there, waiting for him. "Well done," she said kindly. "I knew you could do it!" Sophie was a smart three-year-old. One day, when she was outside, she decided to go for a walk in the sunshine. As she was walking, she started to dance. She twirled and leapt and spun around, moving in a joyful way. Suddenly, she found a bee's nest tucked away in the grass. She bent down and saw that it was full of yummy honey. A little bee flew over to see what she was doing. It hovered in front of her and said, "What are you doing here, little one?" Sophie looked up with sparkly eyes and said, "I'm here to get some honey. Do you want to dance with me?" The bee smiled and replied, "Sure! That sounds like fun." So the two of them danced around the honey, spinning and twirling and jumping up and down. When they were finished, the bee thanked Sophie for inviting him to dance. "You're an intelligent little one," it said. "It was great to dance with you!" Sophie smiled happily and went off to enjoy her honey. Once upon a time there was a seal. His name was Bob. He was very pretty. One day he decided to try to win a race. He asked some turtles to race with him. The turtles got ready and the race started. Bob swam as fast as he could. He was very confident that he would win. But suddenly, a big wave crashed over him. Bob got very scared and lost his speed. The turtles passed him and won the race. Bob was very sad. He said to the turtles, "Why did you have to win? You should have let me win." The turtles said, "We wanted to win. That's why we raced in the first place." With that, Bob swam away very sadly. One day, Jeff and his mom went for a walk. Jeff wanted to go to the park, but his mom wanted to go to the store. Jeff refused as he did not want to go to the store, as it was boring. His mom had her own opinion and said that they should go to the store. Jeff still refused, but his mom wouldn't take no for an answer. Finally, Jeff agreed and off they went. When they arrived at the store, Jeff had fun looking at all the different things and playing with the toys. It seemed that his mom was right - the store was not boring at all! The lady was walking in the park. She smiled and said hello to anyone that she saw. She was looking for someone to play with. Suddenly she saw a little girl, no more than three years old. She smiled at the girl and asked if she wanted to play. The little girl looked up to the lady and said, "Yeah!" The lady asked, "What do you want to play?" The little girl smiled and said, "I want to play a game!" The lady said, "I have lots of games available. Which one do you want to play?" The little girl was so excited she jumped up and clapped her hands and said, "Let's play hide and seek!" The lady smiled and said, "OK, let's go!" Together, they went off to have fun. Once upon a time, there was a charming girl who loved to splash in the river. She always wanted to go swimming, so she would take off her clothes to dip in the cold water. One day, when she was playing in the stream, she slipped and fell in. She tried to hold on to a big rock nearby, but it was too late. She saw some waste floating in the river and was so scared that she started to cry. She tried to float up to the top, but the waste was too heavy, and she slowly sunk down until she couldn't be seen anymore. The girl was never seen again. The river was so sad and the people around the river were too. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mia. She was just three years old. Mia lived with her family in a big house. One day, Mia was walking in the garden of her house and she heard a loud noise coming from a tree. She went closer to the tree to see what was happening. When she got there, she saw a little bird. It was trying to steal a shiny yellow note from the tree. It was a very long note. Mia wanted the note, so she jumped up and tried to grab it. The bird squawked and flew away. Mia had the note! Mia was very excited and she couldn't wait to show it to her family. But when she went into the house, Mia heard her family talking about an important secret. "We must hide this note or someone might steal it!" Mia knew the secret was in the long note she had taken from the tree! She kept the note hidden and never told anyone about it. Mia was very clever! She had saved the secret from being stolen. Once upon a time, there was a curious little girl called Maria. She was always exploring and looking for adventures with her friend Sarah. One day Maria wanted to reach the top of the highest tree in the garden. It was very tall, and Maria couldn't see what was up there. She asked Sarah to help her, so they gathered some logs and planks to build a staircase. When they finished, Maria was so excited to reach the top. She couldn't wait to see what surprise was hidden there! She slowly climbed up the stairs and soon reached the top. When she looked around, she discovered a wonderful surprise. It was a big, fluffy toy bunny! Maria was so happy and hugged it tightly. She took it all the way down and showed it to Sarah, who was very curious to see what the surprise was! Maria and Sarah laughed and hugged the toy bunny together. From then on, the fluffy toy bunny was their favorite toy, and they played with it every day. Once upon a time there was a big, chubby bear. He loved to wander around the forest and see what he could find. One day, he came across a pond. In the pond, there were many fish swimming around. The bear was so amazed, he just stared at them for a long time. After a little while, one of the fish swam closer to the surface. It had a bright, shiny scale on it. The bear wanted to take it, but he couldn't reach it. He just kept staring and staring. Suddenly, something special happened. The bear got chubbier and bigger! His tummy was so full, he was able to reach his paw into the pond and grab the fish! The result was that the bear got a tasty snack to eat. The bear was very happy, and learned that sometimes you just need to keep staring, and then you get a nice result. Timmy was out playing with his friends in the park. They saw a bubble truck drive by and each of them shouted "Amazing!" As soon as the truck was out of sight, Timmy ran over to the bubbles and said, "'Let's blow some bubbles, everybody! It'll be so much fun!" His friends started to blow their own bubbles and soon they had the prettiest bubbles in the park. Some of them flew high in the sky, some of them fit into each other, making beautiful patterns, and some changed colour in the sun. "Look at me!" one of Timmy's friends shouted, making a bubble with his hands. They were having an amazing time with the bubbles until Timmy's mother called him to come home. "Bye!" he said as he waved goodbye to his friends and ran to his mum. "I had an amazing time playing with the bubbles!" Tommy and Jane were best friends. Every morning they would play together, and sometimes they would try to catch bugs. One day, Jane was feeling worried because she thought she had seen a big bug flying around! She had never seen a bug like this before. Tommy said that he had seen a bug like that before and he wanted to try and catch it. He told Jane not to be worried and said that he could catch it easily. He asked her to watch him try. Jane watched Tommy trying to catch the big bug. Eventually, he managed to catch the bug. He and Jane both cheered and laughed. Jane was very happy and no longer worried. Once there was a little boy named Tim who was always eager to explore. He was bored in his house and wanted to see what was outside. So one day, Tim gathered up his courage and went out to the playground. When he got there, he saw a lot of things he was very excited about. There was a large cube made out of wood that was standing alone in the playground. Tim wanted to see what was inside the cube and he thought it looked very interesting. He took a deep breath and opened the lid. Inside he saw a lot of bright colours, smells, and things he had never seen before! He was a bit scared but also excited at the same time. Tim grabbed a huge spoon and started to stir the huge pile of colours that was inside the cube. He stirred it up and it started to move around on its own. Suddenly, he heard a loud cheering sound coming from inside the cube. He was puzzled at first but then he realised that his stirring had brought to life some hidden creatures. They were colourful and lively and were having fun as they thanked him for saving them from the boring cube. Tim had an adventure to tell of and he felt so proud of himself. Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lucy. She loved to play with her toys every day. One day, she found an unusual gem in her room. It was a soft, blue gem that sparkled in the sunlight. Lucy was so excited about the gem that she ran to tell her mom about it. "Mommy, I found a gem!" she shouted. "That's wonderful, sweetie!" her mom said. "What do you want to do with it?" "I want to play with it!" Lucy said. So Lucy and her mom went outside to the backyard and played with the gem. Lucy rolled it on the ground and tossed it up in the air. She was so excited and couldn't wait to show her friends the gem. It was a very special gem, and Lucy would never forget it. Once there was a boy named Billy. He was three years old and he was very curious. He looked around the garden and found something fancy. He went over to take a look and he discovered a bottle of poison! His mom saw him and came over quickly. Billy's mom said, "What is this, Billy? This is poison and it can hurt you." Billy asked, "What's poison?" His mom replied, "It's a liquid that can make you very sick if you drink it." Billy asked, "Can I touch it?" His mom said, "No, you should not touch it. Let's discuss why it's not safe to touch it." So they discussed why the poison was dangerous and why they should not touch it. After they talked, Billy's mom said, "Remember, never touch this. It's very dangerous." Billy nodded and then they both went back inside the house. Billy learned a very important lesson that day. Once upon a time there was a brave girl. She wanted to prove to everyone that she was very intelligent. She had heard about a square that was said to have magical powers, and soon she had found out where it was. The brave girl was excited to find the square, but she was also a bit scared. She knew it was dangerous, and wondered if she should try to find it. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her name. It was an old lady, and she was holding the square in her hands. The girl was amazed and very curious. The old lady asked the girl if she would dare to take the square. The brave girl took a deep breath and said yes. With a lot of courage, the little girl grabbed the square. The old lady smiled and said: "You are very brave and intelligent. You have found the magical square! From now on, you will be very powerful and wise." The girl was surprised and very happy. She thanked the old lady, and from that day on, she never doubted her intelligence and courage. Thom was outside playing with his mittens when he heard a voice calling from far away. It sounded like someone needed help. Thom decided to try and rescue them. He ran as fast as he could, but it seemed like the voice was getting further and further away. Thom followed the voice until he arrived at the edge of some woods. Suddenly, he heard a strange meowing noise. He saw a small kitten stuck in a tree with its paw stuck in a branch. It was too high to reach without help. Thom was determined to rescue the kitten. He looked around until he found an old ladder. He carefully climbed up the ladder and soon enough the kitten was in his arms. The kitten was so dizzy from the fall, but Thom was relieved it was safe. The kitten thanked Thom for rescuing it and they went back home. Thom couldn't wait show his mom and dad that he had rescued the kitten. The family decided to keep the kitten and named it Mittens! Once upon a time, there lived a wise old owl called Olly. Olly, who lived among the trees, liked to sense the weather which was all around him. One day, the weather was hot and the ground was dry. Olly was very worried, for the trees had not had enough water. He decided to fly to the nearest pond to gather some much needed water for his friends. As he flew, he saw a little girl and her mum. The girl's name was Daisy, and she was just 3 years old. Olly called down to Daisy, "Hello there. I'm Olly the wise old owl. I have come to fetch some water for the trees. Do you care about trees?" Daisy looked at Olly, her eyes wide with wonder. She thought for a moment before nodding her head and saying, "Yes, I care about trees very much. Can I help?" Olly was delighted, and together he and Daisy went to the pond to fetch the water for the trees. By the time the sun started to set, the trees were full of fresh water and moisture, which Olly and Daisy were proud to have provided. From that day onward, Olly and Daisy became like family, looking out for each other and caring for the trees in their very own special way. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who liked to dance. Every day she would put on her comfy clothes and twirl around the room pretending she was a princess. One day, the girl's mom made a special sauce. It smelled so yummy and colorful that the little girl couldn't help but want to try it. When she tasted it, the sauce was so delicious that she started to dance with joy. Her feet moved so fast and she twirled around with so much happiness! The girl's mom smiled at her daughter's dancing. It was so lovely to see the little girl dance with such joy. The girl had a wonderful time dancing to the tasty sauce. The End. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Margaret who loved to play. One day, she was playing in the park when she saw a bright red shoe. She picked it up curiously and showed it to her mom. "What is this, mommy?" she asked. "It's a shoe, sweetheart," her mom replied. Margaret was excited as she asked, "Can I keep it?" But her mom shook her head. "No, sweetie, you can't," she said. Margaret's face turned sour. She wasn't happy with her mom's reply. She wanted to keep the shoe! Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. She asked, "Can I have a sour lollipop instead?" Her mom smiled and nodded. "Yes, you can," she said happily. Margaret smiled too, glad that there was no more conflict. She put down the shoe and ran off to get her lollipop. Mum and Dad had a special surprise for their daughter's 3rd birthday. Mum and Dad took her outside and showed her a tree. "What do you see?" asked Dad. The little girl looked carefully and replied, "I see a tree." Mum and Dad smiled and told her, "Look more carefully, sweetheart." The little girl squinted and suddenly she discovered something special. "I see something sparkling and shiny," she exclaimed. Mum and Dad nodded. They told her to go closer and have a look. The little girl stepped up to the tree. She reached out and touched it. Inside the tree was a small box full of sparkles. "This is for you, sweetheart," said Mum. The little girl opened the box and found a necklace with a shiny heart. When she touched it, the heart glowed. "Oh, this is so good!" the little girl said. The truth was that the necklace had magical powers. With it, the little girl could do good things. She was so happy to discover the truth! Once upon a time, there lived a little girl called Amy. She was three years old and was very excited about her visit to the park. On the way to the park, Amy and her mother saw a naughty foot. As soon as Amy saw it, she wanted to keep it and take it home. Amy's mother said, "No, Amy. That naughty foot doesn't belong to us." But Amy was so eager to keep it, she refused to listen. Then suddenly, a very kind old man appeared. He said, "That naughty foot belongs to an old lady who lives nearby. We have to make it a point to return it back to her." So Amy and her mother went to the old lady's house and returned the naughty foot to her. Amy was sad at first, but she felt good after helping the old lady out. She learnt a very important lesson that day. Amy understood that it is good to do the right thing. From then on, she always returned things that don't belong to her. That is why Amy was always very well-liked by everyone. One day, a little girl named Sophie was playing in the garden with her friend. They were having a lot of fun playing a game, laughing and tearing pieces of cloth into tiny pieces. Suddenly, Sophie heard a loud, deep growl from behind her. She slowly turned around and her eyes widened when she saw a big, fierce-looking animal. Sophie was so scared that she stepped behind her friend for protection. "What is it?" Sophie's friend asked in a frightened voice. "It looks harmless, but it's growling!" Sophie replied. The animal stepped towards them and Sophie's friend grabbed her arm and squeezed it tight. Sophie closed her eyes and tried not to cry, but just as the animal was about to lunge forward at them, it stopped. The animal had noticed something on the ground. It bent down and picked up a piece of cloth that Sophie and her friend had been tearing earlier. The animal looked carefully at the cloth, and then carefully tore it apart with its teeth. Sophie and her friend were so relieved that they burst out in laughter. That harmless animal had just saved them from potential danger and they were grateful. Once upon a time, there was a nurse who was crazy. She was always running around and getting into trouble. One day, she decided to restore an old car that she had bought. She worked hard, but after a few days her car still didn't look good. Finally, she became frustrated and threw a fit. The nurse was so angry that she broke the car into many pieces. She didn't think about the consequences – she only wanted to make the car look better. But now, the car was in much worse shape than before. The nurse was really sad. She knew she had made a mistake and there was no way to restore the car back to its original condition. The moral of this story is to think before you act. If the nurse had taken her time and not gotten so angry, maybe she could have restored her car. But instead, she made a crazy decision and the car was never restored. Once upon a time there lived a family on a ranch. They had three children, and one of them was called Bob. Every day, Bob would go to school to study. One day, Bob got up early. He said to his mom, "Mommy, why do I have to study?" His mom told him, "Bob, studying is like learning. It helps us to understand things better." Bob had just one more question. He asked, "What if I don't understand it?" His mom smiled softly and said, "Don't worry. Just keep studying and you'll get it in the end." And that is how Bob learned to study on the ranch. He kept studying every day and pretty soon he was a very smart boy. Once upon a time, there was a smart tiger. He lived in the jungle, and he was king of the jungle. He was brave, and he enjoyed roaring. One day, he was so happy that he was roaring and jumping. He even roared on the big slide! The tiger's friends could hear him roaring, and they came to see what was going on. The monkey said, "Wow! What are you doing?" The tiger replied, "I'm having so much fun! I'm roaring on the slide!" The other animals smiled and said, "That sounds like so much fun!" So they all joined in, and they all had a great time roaring and sliding down the slide together. The tiger was so smart and brave that they all had so much fun. The tiger and his friends slid and roared until the sun went down. They all went home with big smiles on their faces, remembering the fun they had together. Once there was a group of friends- Jack, Jake, and James. They were always together and liked to play games and make things. One day, James had an idea- he wanted to mix some things to make a new creation. Jack and Jake weren't sure at first, but eventually, they said okay. They got some sand and mud and started to mix them together, but soon the boys all wanted to control the mixture. James told Jack to put more sand, then Jake said to put more mud. They kept going back and forth, and soon they were fighting. Jack's mom saw the fight and said to them, "Why are you fighting? You're supposed to be friends!" The boys stopped and thought about what their mom said. They realized that if you're teaming up to do something, taking turns and listening to each other is important, or else it can lead to arguments. So, the boys apologized to each other and decided to take turns in the mixing. They had a lot of fun and even made a great creation together. They learned that it's important to not be too bossy, and that working together can lead to the best results. Once upon a time, two friends named Laura and Peter were playing in the garden. They were both very excited to see the sunflower. Laura: "Look at the sunflower, it's so big!" Peter: "Yes, it looks so beautiful." Then, the naughty wind came and started to part the sunflower. Laura and Peter looked at each other like they had done something foolish. Peter: "What shall we do? We have to do something." Laura: "I know! Let's get some string from inside and tie the sunflower back together." So the two friends quickly went inside and got some string. They tied the sunflower back together and the wind stopped. Laura and Peter cheered for their success and the sunflower stayed happily in the garden. The end. Once upon a time, there was a roaring lion. He was so loud that everyone in the jungle was afraid of him. One day, he heard a splendid sound coming from a nearby meadow. He cautiously crept over to the meadow and saw a mighty piano in the middle of the field. Lion was curious. He immediately ran toward the piano and started to press the keys. The music sounded like nothing he ever heard before. Suddenly, the music changed and the keys started to make a loud noise. Lion jumped back in surprise, but he was so fascinated by the piano that he slowly crept closer and started to play again. He played until late at night, ignoring the loud roars coming from the jungle. Finally, when the roaring stopped and the last note of the piano faded away, Lion realized it was time to go home. He slowly got up and started to walk away. But as he walked away, he noticed something strange- the meadow was completely empty! He had been so absorbed with the piano that he hadn't noticed that all the animals had gone home while he was playing. Lion was filled with fear as he quickly ran back to his den. He was never able to forget that night when the piano left him alone and silent in the empty meadow. Once upon a time, a little bird named Kaylee was learning to fly. She was still very young, and was feeling helpless. As she was practising flying, Kaylee's mom watched sadly. Kaylee's mom said, "We must prepare you for the summer, when you will have to migrate with your flock." Kaylee looked confused. She asked, "What is migrate?" "That means you will have to build a nest and leave it behind, just like your brothers and sisters," Kaylee's mom replied. Kaylee was sad at the thought of leaving her nest and said, "I don't want to go!" But Kaylee's mom held her gently and said, "My dear, no one ever said life would be easy. Things will be hard and you will have to prepare. You must have courage if you want to grow up and be strong." Kaylee nodded and said, "I will prepare for the summer, mom." The moral of this story is that courage and preparation are important for achieving success, even when you might feel helpless. Timmy was a 3 year old boy who wanted to win everything he did. He was very competitive about it. One day, his mom gave him a challenge. She said, "Timmy, if you finish all your chores by next year, I will give you a big reward." Timmy was so proud and he wanted to prove that he could do it. So he got to work right away. Every day, Timmy did one chore. One day, he would take out the garbage and the other day he would sweep the floor. Next year on the day of the challenge, Timmy was proud to see that he had finished all the chores. He shouted in joy and excitement. His mom smiled and said, "You did it! You kept your promise. You get a big reward!" He was so happy that he shouted again. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack. His mommy gave Jack a task that was important. She said, “Jack, I need you to twist the long strips around the tree.†Jack was excited and started to twist the strips around the tree. He kept twisting and twisting until the strips were all tightly wound around the trunk of the tree. Mommy saw what Jack had done and said, “Good job, Jack, that looks great. But I need you to do one more thing.†Jack asked, “What is it, Mommy?†His mommy smiled and said, “You need to give the strips a big hug.†Jack gave the strips a big hug and smiled. Mommy said, “Now they’ll stay in place until it’s time to open the presents. This is important so that none of the presents fall off of the tree.†Jack said, “OK, I’ll twist some more and hug the strips so that the presents stay safe!†His mommy smiled at him and said, “Good job, Jack. You’re a big help.†So Jack kept twisting, hugging and making sure the presents stayed safe. Once upon a time, there was a cool little girl named Lucy. She loved to explore the world around her. One day, Lucy wanted to find a way to carry the world with her. She asked her mom, "Mom can I carry the world with me?" Her mom said, "No, that is not possible, Lucy. The world is simply too big". Lucy was not happy with this, she said, "but I really want to carry the world." Her mom smiled and said, "I can help you carry the world in your heart, Lucy. That is the best way to carry the world around you." Lucy laughed with joy and said, "That sounds really cool, Mommy. Let's do it!" She hugged her mom and felt the warmth of carrying the world in her heart. From that day on, Lucy went on so many exciting adventures and she knew that no matter where she went, she had the world in her heart. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jane. She was three years old and loved to play. One day, her mother asked her to clean her room. "Please clean your room, Jane," her mother said. But Jane thought the room didn't need to be cleaned. She thought she could just play. "No, I don't want to," she said. Her mother was disappointed. She looked around the room and saw that it was a mess. "Jane," her mother said, "see how wide and empty this room is? It looks like zero." But Jane still didn't want to clean. Suddenly, Jane's mother said, "Do you know what zero means? It means nothing. When your room is cleaned, there will be something here. But if you don't clean your room, there will just be zero." Jane thought about this. Then, she smiled and said, "Okay! I'll please clean my room!" And with that she cleaned it all. Jane learned that when you're willing to do something, you make something out of nothing. And this is a very valuable lesson every child should learn! Timmy wanted to dance, but his shirt was too tight and he was feeling a bit self-conscious. He looked around, hoping no one would notice the label on the back of his shirt. He slowly began to move his feet to the rhythm, and suddenly he forgot all his worries as he really got into it. But then his friends noticed and started teasing him, saying his shirt was too tight and that he shouldn’t be dancing. Timmy felt so sad and embarrassed and ran away, hiding in the corner. Suddenly, his mom came and comforted him, telling him not to worry and proving him with new loose clothes. She hugged him and said that everyone loves to dance and that labels don’t matter. As Timmy put on his new clothes, he felt more confident and began to dance again. His friends realized their mistake and apologized, joining him in the dance. Timmy smiled and realized that labels don’t matter, but having fun and enjoying yourself does. He was free to dance and feel good no matter how tight his clothes were. Sam was a 3 year old boy who always liked to explore. One day, he was inside his house when he decided to follow a curious sound. He stepped through the hallways, curious to see what was leading him. When Sam opened the last door, he found himself in the living room. There, in the middle of the room, was a large, open book. Sam was amazed and he stepped closer to it. He noticed on top of the book there was a paper with the word "Page" on it. Sam felt sleepy, so he put the paper in his pocket, and nestled in the corner of the room. He opened the book and let his eyes rest on the page. The little boy smiled as the story lead him far away from his sleeping room. Sam fell asleep feeling happy and safe in the words of the fairytale. One day, Jack and his Mommy was walking down the street. They could hear something jolly roaring from far away. Jack asked his Mommy what it was, but she didn’t know. So, they followed the sound and found the biggest, jolly lion Jack had ever seen. Jack was very scared and ran away, but his Mommy stayed with the lion. The lion said it felt sick and needed help. Jack’s Mommy said they should take the lion to the hospital. They helped the lion into a car and drove to the hospital. The doctors said the lion was all better after a few days of rest. Before they left, the lion thanked Jack and his Mommy and roared a jolly goodbye! Once upon a time there was a little girl called Jane. Jane was three years old and loved going on trips. One day, Jane's mommy suggested that they go on a big trip together. Jane was so happy. “I need to get ready for the trip,†Jane mumbled to herself as she packed her bag. Her mommy laughed and said, “You don’t need to take everything! We will be back soon.†On the morning of the trip, Jane and her mommy got up early and said goodbye to their house. Jane was so excited to go on the trip. When they arrived, Jane thought it was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. Jane and her mommy spent the day exploring and playing. At the end of the day, Jane was tired but happy. She said to her mommy, “I think our trip was successful.†Her mommy nodded in agreement and smiled. Jane and her mommy hugged and said goodbye. Jane was already looking forward to her next trip. Once upon a time, there was a girl who had a special coat. It was very lucky. The girl was excited to wear it all the time. One day, the girl went to the park to play. Suddenly, she realized she had forgotten her lucky coat. She was sad. The girl returned home to get her coat. She was so happy to have it back. From then on, the girl always remembered to bring her lucky coat. The end. Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Jacob. Jacob had a problem; every time he needed to do something, he kept delaying it. One day, Jacob’s mom decided to find a helpful way for him to learn. She brought him a huge dictionary and explained,“Jacob, this is a very useful book. It can show us how to do and understand things properly.†Jacob was intrigued and opened the book. To his surprise, he found a picture of himself, playing with a toy car instead of homework! Jacob was embarrassed, but he knew this was a lesson for him to learn. He promised his mom that he would never delay tasks anymore. The moral of the story is that it is so important to be responsible and to do things when we are supposed to. When we delay, we can miss out on learning important life lessons. Once there was a little girl named Anna. She liked to build. She was only three years old and didn't have very many tools. Her dad knew how much Anna liked building and bought her a helmet. When Anna opened the helmet box, she thought it looked very difficult. She wasn't sure she could do it. “Don’t worry, Anna!†her dad said. “I'll help you build it. It's easy, trust me!†Anna and her dad worked together and they built the helmet. When they finished, it looked so cool! Anna was so proud of her new helmet. “See, now you know how to build things!†said her dad. Anna smiled and held up her helmet. She had done it! And she knew she could do more difficult things too. Mum and Bob were going for a walk in the park. The sun was shining in the bright sky as they strolled along the path. Suddenly, Bob stumbled and fell over. "Are you OK?" asked Mum. "Yes, I'm fine," said Bob. He stood up and noticed something next to his foot. It was a silver object glistening in the daylight. "What is it?" asked Mum. Bob picked it up and looked at it. It was a small silver key. "It must be a key," said Bob excitedly. "Let's try it in the gate over there," said Mum. The key fit perfectly and the gate opened. Behind it was a safe path leading into a secret garden. Mum and Bob stepped through the gate and followed the path. As they explored the gardens, they found lots of exciting things. When it was time to leave, Bob put the key back in its secret hiding place and closed the gate. He felt safe knowing the secret garden was safe and sound. Once upon a time, two friends, Mary and Jane, were walking together in the park. Mary said to Jane, "Let's play a game!" Jane asked, "What kind of game?" Mary suggested to play a game of 'I Spy'. "What do you spy?" Jane asked. Mary replied, "I spy something available. It begins with N. Do you know what it is?" Jane thought for a moment and then said, "Network? Could it be network?" Mary clapped her hands and said, "Yes! It is network. Let's play a game. I will think of a network, you will have to guess which network I am thinking of. Are you ready?" Jane nodded and said, "Ready!" Mary then suggested the park playground. Jane smiled and said, "That's right! It is the playground!" Mary and Jane had a lot of fun playing together. Once upon a time, there was a pink cable. It lived in a grassy field and enjoyed being peaceful and quiet. But one day, something disturbing happened. A big, red balloon landed in the grass and started to bounce. The pink cable was scared and tried to move away, but it was too late. The balloon disturbed the cable, and it flew away feeling sad. Then, a tiny white mouse came over and nudged the pink cable. It said, "Don't be scared. I'm here to help." With the mouse's help, the cable was able to find a safe, cozy place where it could rest. From then on, the pink cable was happy and safe. Whenever it felt scared, the white mouse would come and give it a hug. They were friends, and the mouse kept the cable away from anything that might disturb it. Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack. He was a very naughty boy who never followed the rules. Every day, he would stretch out his arms and not listen to his teacher. One day, the teacher at school said, "Jack, please stretch your arms quietly!" But Jack refused. He just kept stretching. The teacher said, "Jack, if you don't stretch quietly, you will be in trouble!" But Jack refused to listen. The pupils in the class started to giggle and the teacher was getting frustrated. She said, "Jack, that's enough! That is naughty behaviour and I won't tolerate it!" Jack finally stopped stretching and apologised. The teacher smiled and said, "That's better! Now, let's all be good pupils from now on, okay?" The pupils nodded and Jack nodded too. From that day on, Jack became a much better student and he even became the teacher's favourite pupil. He learnt to listen to the teacher and follow the rules. Samantha was excited to go to school. She had a big yellow backpack and was wearing her new shoes. When she got to school, her teacher, Ms. Smith, said hello. Ms. Smith had an intelligent smile and was very friendly. Samantha said hello and sat down at a big table. Everyone around the table blinked and smiled at her. She felt brave and ready to learn. Ms. Smith made a hand motion, and everyone got ready to listen. Ms. Smith then said, "Today we are going to learn about very interesting things. Are you ready?" Samantha blinked and nodded. She was very excited. She listened closely and soon gained an understanding of something she thought was really cool. With a smile, she said, "Wow, that's so interesting!" Everyone around the table smiled back at her. Ms. Smith said, "See, Samantha, you are very intelligent!" Samantha felt proud of herself for understanding something so complex. She smiled, blinked and said, "Thank you!" Once upon a time, there was a boy named Rick. Rick was cheerful and loved to explore. He wanted to find a special cave. One day, his mom asked him, "Where do you want to go, Rick?" Rick replied, "I want to go to the cave!" So off they went and soon they found the soft cave. Rick was so excited, he grabbed a book and started to read while his mom smiled. He read and read, happy to be inside the cave. Rick's mom asked him, "Are you having fun in the cave?" Rick looked up and said, "Yes! I am so cheerful. I love reading in the cave." Rick's mom smiled and said, "Me too!" Rick nodded and kept reading, his cheerful self absorbed in the book. They stayed in the cave for quite some time until it was time to go home. Rick and his mom left the cave, happy and cheerful. Once upon a time there was a green frog. He was very small and very silly. Every day he would hop around looking for things to do. One day he hopped to a pond. In the pond he found a box of blocks. He started to build with the blocks. He made a tower and a castle. He jumped around the blocks and laughed. Suddenly a gust of wind blew the blocks apart. The frog was so sad! He hopped around looking for the blocks. He couldn't find them anywhere. But then the frog had an idea. He hopped around the pond and started to look for leaves and sticks. He collected them in a pile and then used them to build. He built the most amazing tower. It was tall and strong - just like the first one. The frog hopped around it and laughed with glee! One day, a little girl called Emily and her dad went to the park to play. There were a lot of people and it was busy. When they arrived, Emily saw a giant slide and she was so excited. She asked her dad if she could go on it. Her dad said yes! "First, let's try the swing," said her dad. Emily tried the swing and it was lots of fun. After that, she asked her dad to try the slide. "Okay, let's try the slide," said her dad. They both went to the slide. Emily was scared but she tried it anyway. Her dad held her hand and they went down together. Emily had so much fun! "You were very brave to try the slide!" said her dad. Emily was proud of herself. They stayed at the park and played until it was time to go home. Once upon a time, there was a young boy who loved sending mail. He loved to send letters to his friends, his family and even strangers when he had the chance. One day, the boy saw a disgusting man walking down the street. He thought about sending mail to him, just for fun. The boy smiled as he imagined the surprise when the man opened the mysterious letter. So the boy put a letter in the mail box, addressed to the man. The boy was so excited that he ran to the man's house, to see his reaction when he read the letter. But when the boy got there, he noticed the man was very angry. He looked even more disgusting than before. "Why did you send this letter to me?" the man asked. The boy was scared and he did not answer. The man then said,"You should never send things through the mail without knowing what the consequences will be. This letter contained some terrible information that I would rather keep private." The boy was filled with regret and sadness. He realized he had made a big mistake. This story reminds us to think twice before we send something through the mail. We should always stay to our morals and be respectful of other people's privacy. One day, a little girl was playing in her room when she noticed an empty box. She wanted to know what was inside so she said to her mom, "Mommy, can I unpack the box?". Her mom said, "Yes, but don't be scared!" The little girl was excited and started to pull out the items from the box. She found a big, shiny screen inside. It was so bright, she was a bit scared. The little girl couldn't believe her eyes. She asked her mom, "What is this?". Her mom said, "It's a television. You can watch shows on it, but only when I say it's OK." The little girl was so happy to have her very own screen. From then on, it was her favorite thing. Once upon a time, there were two friends called Johnny and Lucy. Johnny and Lucy lived in a big forest. One morning, they decided to go exploring. Johnny was so excited he said to Lucy "Let's hope it's a good day!" Lucy smiled and said, "I hope so too!" So they walked together and explored the forest. They saw lots of exciting things like birds, trees and squirrels. At night, they made a campfire and ate some food. Now they were feeling so tired they went to bed. In the morning, they woke and the sun was shining. Johnny and Lucy looked at each other and smiled. They both said, "It's a really good morning!" It was a sunny day and Little Jack went outside to play. He noticed something special ahead of him. He widened his eyes and his gaze fell upon a large white house. It was wide and covered in windows. He had never seen such a grand house before. He walked closer and closer, until he was standing right in front of it. He bent down and put his hands over his eyes. He tapped his feet and peeked in between his fingers. Suddenly he heard a voice from behind him. "Why are you gazing at my house, little one?" he heard. Jack spun around and saw a tall lady. He smiled and said, "I like your house!" The lady smiled back at him. "It's my house too, and I love it too. Would you like to come in and have a look around?" Little Jack was thrilled and thanked the lady. He followed her inside and explored the wide house. He saw so many interesting things and asked lots of questions. When it was time to leave, he thanked the lady again and excitedly ran home. John and Linda were very adventurous. One day, they decided to take a walk through the park. As they walked, they happened to come across an old lady. She asked them if they would like to hear her story. John and Linda looked at each other with excitement, nodding their heads yes. The old lady began to explain her story. She told them about exciting adventures she had experienced throughout her life. But then, her story took a sad turn. She explained how her adventurous spirit had led her to experiencing a lot of loss. She began to cry and John and Linda were quite upset. John and Linda began to comfort the old lady, offering her a hug. She took their hugs and began to smile again. She thanked them for their kindness and explained how their understanding and support had made her feel much better. John and Linda felt so proud of themselves. They had been so brave and understanding, and it had made a real difference. They hugged the old lady one more time before they said goodbye and continuing with their own adventurous journey. Once upon a time there was a girl called Stacey. She was three years old. She was going to visit her friend Terry. They both lived in an apartment building, and Stacey had to take the elevator to get to Terry's house. When she got to the elevator, she pushed the button. It made a loud ring. Stacey could hear the elevator coming, and eventually it came to a stop in front of her. When the doors opened, the inside of the elevator was different from Stacey's last time in it. She stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor. The elevator started to move, and Stacey was very excited to see Terry again. When the door opened on the third floor, Stacey saw a surprise - Terry was there to meet her! They were both so happy to see each other, and they ran out of the elevator giving each other a big hug. "It's so nice to see you," said Stacey. "It's great to see you too!" replied Terry. And they were off, down the hallway to play the day away. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lucy who wanted to have fun. She asked her mum, "Where can I find bubbles?" Her mum smiled and said, "You can find some bubbles behind the garden rock." Lucy was so excited, she quickly ran to the garden rock. When she got there, she found too many bubbles! They were everywhere in every color and shape, and she was amazed. She shouted with joy and clapped her hands. Then, she caught a grey bubble and blew it in the air. It made beautiful sparkles in the sky. She could not contain her excitement. She chased the sparkles, clapping and singing. But after a while, she noticed that the grey bubble was gone. It was nowhere to be found. Lucy felt sad and told her mum. Her mum hugged her and said, "It is okay, my love. Nothing lasts forever. Maybe all those sparkles will make someone else feel as happy and excited as you were. Have fun, never forget to share your joy with others, and you will always be able find happiness.†And with this, Lucy learned an amazing thing - happiness is found when you share with others. Once upon a time, there was a fair. At the fair, there was a clown who made everyone laugh. The clown wanted to supply everyone with happiness and fun. The clown asked "What can I supply you with?" Little Sally replied, "I want some candy!" The clown said, "That's fair. Here you go!" He gave her a lollypop and everyone at the fair cheered. Sally took a big lick of the lollypop and smiled. She thanked the clown for supplying her with such a sweet treat. The clown smiled and said, "You're welcome. It's nice to supply fair people like you with wonderful things." Everyone laughed and continued having a great time at the fair! The End! One day, Mum and Dad took a little girl named Mia to the beach. Mia was very excited. She had never seen a beach before. "Do you want to go and have a paddle in the sea?" said Dad. Mia nodded enthusiastically. Mum opened a bucket and took out some toys. She said, "Let's go and have a splash in the water!" Mia was so happy she ran into the sea and began to bathe. The water felt so nice and cool on her skin, and she loved playing with her toys. Back on the beach, Mum and Dad watched Mia. It was so nice watching her play in the water. Suddenly, Dad shouted, "Look! A flood!" Mia looked up and saw a huge wave coming towards the beach. Dad ran and grabbed her just in time. Mum said, "That was a close one. Let's go home now and have a tidy bath so that you're ready for dinner." Mia smiled as she followed Mum and Dad home. She had had so much fun at the beach that day. It was the best day ever! Bella was playing outside when she saw a paw on the ground. It seemed very sad and lonely. Bella felt sorry for it and wanted to pick it up. She slowly moved closer to get a better look. The paw was black, furry and had soft white paws. It seemed to be in a very gloomy place. Bella wondered who or what it belonged to. She cautiously reached out and picked it up. The paw felt nice and warm in Bella's hand. She smiled, it seemed very happy now. Just then, a tiny, black kitten appeared from behind a bush. Bella knew the paw must belong to the little kitten. Bella laughed and held the paw out to the kitten. It happily took the paw back and started purring. Bella and the kitten played together all day until it was time to go home. She waved goodbye as the kitten took off with its paw. Once upon a time, there was an angel. This angel was sent from heaven to protect a little boy. Every day, the angel watched over the boy as he played. One day, the boy wanted to drink some water. The water was cool and refreshing. After drinking, the angel asked the boy if he was ok. The boy said yes but then suddenly started to cry. The angel asked the boy why he was so upset. The boy said that he had heard some harsh words from another little boy. The angel was sad to hear this and hugged the little boy tightly. He told the boy not to worry and that he was here to watch over him. The little boy was so happy to know he was safe. The angel gave him a big smile, then flew away. From that day on, the angel watched over that little boy and made sure no more harsh words were said. Once upon a time there was a brave girl called Mary. She wanted to go on a big journey. "Where are you going, Mary?" asked her mom. "I'm going on a journey," said Mary. Mary's mom was worried, but she knew her daughter was brave. "Be careful, and don't forget to act brave," said her mom. So, Mary set off on her journey. She walked through the woods, over the hills and across the river. She was scared, but she acted brave and kept going. Finally, after a long journey, she arrived at her destination. She felt proud of herself for being so brave and making it there. The End. Tommy was walking to his grandma's house. He was excited, as Grandma often had a treat for him. On his way, he came to a big bush. He decided to explore and quickly push his way inside the bush. He looked up, and in the distance, he saw a waterfall. "Wow!" Tommy said. "Let's go check it out!" Tommy started walking to the waterfall, wiping away the branches and leaves as he went. He eventually came to the edge of the falls, and the water shone in the sunlight. It was beautiful. "Look, Grandma!" Tommy said in a loud voice. "It's distant and pretty!" Grandma smiled and nodded. "Yes, it is. Come back and I'll give you a treat." Tommy happily took Grandma's hand, and they walked away from the distant waterfall. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lu. She liked to explore the world around her and one day she decided to take a step outside. She looked around and soon discovered a beautiful bow on the edge of the garden. She excitedly ran towards it, with a big smile on her face. When she reached out to pick up the bow, she heard a voice behind her. “That's a very special bow,†said the voice. Lu turned around and saw an old lady. The lady handed her a delicious apple. “This is for you,†said the lady. Lu thanked the lady and took a bite. It was the most delicious apple she had ever tasted. Then the lady asked Lu, “Do you want to keep that bow?†Lu nodded yes and the lady smiled. “Take good care of it, it is very special.†Lu thanked the lady again and started to step back home. She held the bow tight, feeling very lucky to have such a special and delicious gift. Once there was a little girl called Sarah. She was only three years old. One day she asked her mom, "Mom, can I borrow your freezer?" Her mom replied "Yes, you can borrow it. But be careful, its deep inside". Sarah was very excited. She looked around the kitchen and opened the freezer door. Inside she saw lots of delicious treats! She grabbed one of them and closed the freezer door. She was having a great time eating her treat. But suddenly she heard a rumble. The deep freezer had a crack in it and the rumble was louder and louder. Sarah quickly ran to her mom. "Mom, I'm sorry! The deep freezer broke and I didn't mean to borrow it for so long", she said. Her mom smiled and said, "It's alright Sarah, no need to worry. We'll find a way to fix it". Sarah felt very happy. She had had a lot of fun borrowing the deep freezer, even if it had cracked in the end. Once there was a competitive little girl named Sophie. She was always trying to be better than the other kids. One day, Sophie saw a shiny license plate in the parking lot. She wanted to have it and show it off to everyone. She quickly took a screwdriver and unscrewed the license plate. Assembly soon came and everyone was smiling. Sophie proudly shared her new license plate with her classmates. They were very impressed. But then a teacher came in the room. He asked whose license plate it was. Sophie was so embarrassed. Everyone stopped smiling. The teacher told Sophie that stealing was wrong no matter who you are. He said it was time to learn her lesson and return the license plate. The moral to this story is that you shouldn't be competitive and dishonest. Always be honest, even if it seems hard. Once upon a time there was a soft moggy named Gus. He went for a walk and saw an interesting volcano. He wanted to explore it so he stretched out his paws and jumped on top. While he was standing on the volcano, things started to shake and suddenly it started to rumble. Gus was scared and he shouted, “Help me!†But there was nobody around to help him. Suddenly, the volcano started to erupt with big flames shooting out from the top. Gus tried to stretch away from the fire, but it was too late. The lava from the volcano touched Gus and he was gone. The end. Once upon a time there were two friends. One was called John and the other was called Jake. John asked Jake to go outside and play, but Jake said no. He told John that his mom did not permit him. John was sad, so he decided to sneak outside without permission. He was being careless! At that moment, Jake's mom saw them from the window and quickly came outside. She saw the boys and said, "What do you think you are doing? You are not allowed outside!" John and Jake were scared and stopped playing. Then, Jake's mom hung up a sign on the door. It said "No playing outside". John and Jake knew they had made a mistake and they were sad. They had learned a lesson they would not forget. Once upon a time there was a happy couple, Bob and Sue, who decided to get married. On their wedding day they felt joyful and gentle as they vowed to be together forever. "Where shall we go on our honeymoon?" Sue asked Bob. "Let's go to the beach," suggested Bob. So off they went and enjoyed a lovely time at the beach. They swam and played and built sandcastles. But after a few days, Bob said it was time to go back home. As they left the beach, Bob looked back and said, "It's too bad we can't reverse the journey to stay here forever." Then something amazing happened. As if by magic, the beach around them seemed to turn upside down until suddenly Bob and Sue were back on the beach again, but this time they were married again! Bob and Sue were so surprised by what had happened. They hugged and laughed with joy. From that day onwards, they decided that any time they wanted to go away on their honeymoon, all they had to do was say the magic words to reverse the journey and they could spend as much time as they liked at the beach. Once there was a little girl named Emily. She was very stubborn and never wanted to listen to what anyone said. One day, Emily's mom gave her a jar of jam. Emily was really excited and couldn't wait to eat it. But when she opened it, the lid was stuck and she couldn't get the lid off. Emily was so frustrated that she started to tear the jar apart! "No, Emily," her mom said. "That's not how you get the jar open. You can't just tear it apart." Emily refused to listen. She kept tearing the jar until her mom came and grabbed it away. She tried to explain to Emily that she would have to find something smooth to twist the lid off. But Emily was so stubborn! She insisted on tearing the lid off. Eventually, she put the jar down and stomped off. After some time, Emily realized that her mom was right. She found something smooth and twisted the lid off. When Emily opened the jar, what she saw made her so happy. Inside was a big jar of delicious jam! From that day on, Emily knew that sometimes it was better to listen to what others said rather than being so stubborn. Once upon a nice day, Mommy and Junior were playing in the sunshine. Junior was persistent about learning new things, so Mommy suggested reading a book together. “What would you like to read?†asked Mommy. “Let’s read 'I love bugs'!†said Junior eagerly. So they sat together and read the book. Every time they came to a new word, Junior tried to sound it out intently. He asked questions about the bugs, and was so excited to learn more. When they finished the book, Mommy gave Junior a big hug and said, “You’re so persistent, Junior! I’m proud of you!†Junior smiled, feeling so happy inside. He decided that reading made the sunshine even brighter! Polly and her Dad went for a ride in their car. When they went outside it was hot. Polly looked up and saw a pretty white ceiling in the sky. They drove and drove and soon the roads turned into a bridge. Daddy drove the car on the bridge and it felt like they were riding on the ceiling. The car was going fast and soon they were off the bridge. When they stopped Polly saw lots of animals. She saw cows, pigs, goats and chickens running around. Polly and Daddy had lots of fun watching the animals. When they started to get tired they got back into the car. Polly waved goodbye to all the animals and they went back home. It had been a very hot and fun ride. One evening, Adam and his mum were walking in the dark. “Mum, where are we going?†he asked with a yawn. His mum smiled and said, “We’re off on an adventure, Adam!†Adam felt excited. “What kind of adventure?†he asked, skipping alongside his mum. “Shh,†said his mum, “just wait and see.†But Adam wasn’t very good at waiting. He said, “Can you tell me what it is? Please! I won’t lie.†His mum laughed and said, “Oh, Adam. We’re going to see the stars.†Adam gasped. “Really?†he asked. His mum nodded and said, “Yes, I thought it would be a nice evening for stargazing.†So Adam and his mum spent the evening counting the stars in the dark night sky. It was the best adventure ever! Molly was very stubborn. She always liked to do things her own way. One day she gathered a stack of books and decided to bring them to show her three year old friend Jessie. When Molly arrived at Jessie's house, she proudly showed her the stack of books. Jessie was very excited and asked Molly to read them with her. Molly said yes and they both eagerly sat down to read. But Jessie was having trouble understanding some of the words and asked Molly to help. However, Molly was feeling very stubborn and told Jessie to figure it out on her own. Molly kept insisting she didn't need help, but Jessie kept asking her. Finally, Molly decided to help Jessie out and showed her the words she didn't understand. Jessie and Molly had a great time reading the books together. Mummy and Kevin were in the car. They were driving on the road and going to visit Grandma. Mummy said to Kevin, with a twinkle in her eye, “We have a surprise for Grandmaâ€. Kevin was really excited and could hardly wait. They had to stop at a petrol station to get some gas. Mummy bought some sweet chewy candy and Kevin loved it. Soon they reached Grandma’s house and Mummy and Kevin went inside. Grandma had a big smile on her face when she saw them. Mummy said, “We bought you something special†and then handed Grandma the candy. Grandma asked, “What kind of candy is this?†Mummy said, “It’s a sweet treat to show we careâ€. Grandma said, “I bet it was the gas station you stopped at when you picked this upâ€. Mummy and Kevin smiled and laughed, as they knew Grandma was really clever. Once upon a time there were two friends, Lucy and Jack. They were playing together when Jack saw something hidden outside their window. "What do you see, Jack?" asked Lucy. "There's a big, hidden thing outside," said Jack. Lucy looked out the window and gasped. "It's a big tree!" she said. The two friends made faces at the tree and laughed. But soon they started to quarrel over who got to see the tree best. "It's my turn now!" shouted Jack. "No, it's mine!" yelled Lucy. Jack and Lucy shouted and screamed until Lucy's mum came in. "What's going on?" asked Mum. Lucy and Jack looked at each other, and then to the window. "We were just looking at the hidden tree," said Lucy. Mum smiled and said, "Let's all go outside together and look at the tree." Jack and Lucy agreed, and soon the quarrel was forgotten. On a bright and sunny day, Bob entered the park. He saw a big field of green grass and he wanted to fly a kite. Bob was happy and ran over to the field. He took out his kite and threw the string high into the sky. The kite quickly became a colorful dot in the sky. Suddenly, big gray clouds rolled in and it started to rain heavily. Bob was sad because his kite was wet and he couldn't have any more fun that day. He quickly ran back home, leaving his kite on the wet grass. He felt bad and wished he had stayed inside. The next day, Bob returned to the park. He was surprised to see his kite still there on the wet grass. The kite was now all torn and soggy. Bob's heart sank and felt like somebody had stepped on it. He sadly picked up the kite and slowly went home, feeling very sad. The sun was gloomy and dark today. It was late afternoon, and it was starting to get chilly outside. Little Susie was watching her mom through the kitchen window. She saw her mom swaying and moving her body in a funny way. Susie asked her mom what she was doing. Mom replied with a smile and said she was dancing. Susie looked out the window and noticed a cactus in the garden. "I want to dance too!", exclaimed Susie. So Mom grabbed Susie's hand and led her outside. She taught Susie how to dance around the cactus, twirling and swaying to the music of a song Susie couldn't understand. After a few minutes of dancing, Mom and Susie fell in the grass and giggled out loud. It had been a fun day despite the gloomy sun. Susie was happy she was able to dance before the night came. Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Max. Max was three years old and full of energy. One day, Max wanted to explore the world around him. He decided to fly his toy airplane to see what he could discover. He set off and the first thing he found was a big dark forest. He decided to fly above the trees and see if he could find something even more exciting. Then, Max heard a loud noise. A voice from the forest shouted: "Hey, boy! Could you send help? We need more fuel." Max looked around and saw a group of people stranded in the dark forest. He knew he had to help them, so he waved his hands and shouted, "Don't worry, I'll send help shortly!" Max quickly ran home and asked his parents for help. His parents called the fire department and soon enough the forest was lit up with rescue teams and the stranded people were saved. Max was proud of himself for helping those people in need. He had learnt an important lesson that day. Once upon a time there were two friends, Jimmy and Cindy. Jimmy liked to go outside and play in the garden, while Cindy liked to stay indoors and look at magazines with pictures of animals. One day Cindy asked Jimmy if they could sit together and look at the magazines. But Jimmy said no – he wanted to go outside and play with the other children. Cindy was sad that Jimmy would not stay with her. Then she had an idea. She decided to take one of the magazines with her and show it to the other children. Jimmy and the other children began to look at the pictures with curiosity. They asked Cindy lots of questions. Soon they were all looking at the pictures, asking questions, and enjoying the magazine. The children had so much fun that Jimmy nearly forgot that he wanted to go outside and play. Cindy smiled to herself in satisfaction. She had found a way to show that if you be nosy and try something new, you can make your friends happy. Mia was tired and wanted to rest. She told her mummy, "I'm sleepy. Can I nap?" Mummy nodded and said, "Yes, Mia. You can have a nap." She helped Mia to lie down on the bed and Mia curled up tight. Mummy asked, "Do you want some tea before sleeping?" Mia shook her head. She said, "No, mummy. No tea. I want to sleep." Mummy smiled and said, "Okay, Mia. Sleep tight." Mia snuggled into the bed and soon she fell asleep. She was so comfortable, having a nice nap. When she woke up, the room was filled with a sweet smell. Mia smiled and guessed it must be her mummy making her her favorite tea. Once there was a little girl named Anna. She was three years old and loved to explore the world around her. One day, Anna was out in the backyard playing. She was exploring a little garden full of corn. As Anna moved around the corn, she noticed something glittering in the dirt. She reached over, scooped it up and smiled. It was a fragile gold necklace! Anna was so excited, she shouted out to her mom. “Mom! Look what I found!†Her Mom turned around and said, “Wow! That is a very fragile piece of jewelry. Be very careful with it!†Anna held it carefully in her hands as she slowly turned around and around, admiring the beauty of the delicate gold necklace. As she twirled and twisted, the necklace glistened in the sun. Anna had found her very own treasure! Once upon a time there was a young boy called Billy. Billy was walking home from the park one day, feeling very happy. He stopped to look at a small patch of pretty flowers. Suddenly, Billy heard a young girl laughing behind him. He was embarrassed because he was wearing his old, patched jeans. "Look at those patched jeans," the girl said. "They are so ugly!" Billy was so embarrassed that he just wanted to leave but felt he should say something. "You shouldn't laugh," Billy said. "It isn't nice to laugh at someone because of their clothes, no matter how old or new they are." The girl felt sorry for laughing and Billy's patch jeans were suddenly not so embarrassing anymore. He smiled at her and the girl smiled back. The moral of this story is that it's not nice to laugh at people for their clothes or for anything else for that matter. Instead, being kind and understanding of each other will always be the best way to be. Once upon a time, there was a pig named Tilly. Tilly was an intelligent pig and she loved to explore the world. One day, she asked her mom why she was so different from the other pigs. Her mom said, "Tilly, all the pigs in the world are unique and special. Do not worry about being different." This made Tilly feel much better. Suddenly, a big storm came. Tilly was scared. But then, her mom comforted her. She said, "It is just a storm. Everything will be alright." Tilly smiled. She felt better again. The storm passed and Tilly enjoyed the sunshine. With her mom's love, she knew she was safe from anything! Once upon a time, there were two friends called Bob and Joe. Bob was tall and Joe was short. One day, they decided to go for a walk in the park. As they were walking, Bob saw a shiny razor on the ground. It was a tall razor, so Bob could easily pick it up. He showed it to Joe and said: "Look at this! What is it?" Joe said: "It's a razor." Bob said: "What is it used for?" Joe said: "It is used to separate things. You can use it to cut things too." Bob looked at the razor and thought that it was a very useful thing to have. So, he put the razor in his pocket and said: "Let's keep walking." And they did just that. The End. Once upon a time, a little girl was playing in the park. She saw an elderly man with sunglasses walking around and thought he looked very interesting. The little girl walked up to him and said, "Hello! What is your name?" The elderly man smiled and said, "My name is Bill. Nice to meet you." The little girl asked Bill, "Where did you get your sunglasses?" Bill said, "I bought them so I can keep the sun out of my eyes. But I'm starting to feel very tired now. I think it's time to settle down for a rest." So Bill sat down on the park bench and the little girl said goodbye and went off to play again. The elderly man settled in and had a nice rest in the sunshine. Once upon a time there was a little boy named Tommy. Tommy was three years old and had a big dictionary. He loved to open it up and look at all the big words. One day Tommy's mother asked him to put his dictionary away. But Tommy said, "No, I miss my dictionary!" His mother smiled and said, "It's ok to miss your dictionary sometimes, sweetie. But it's not normal to have it out all the time." Tommy thought for a moment and then put away his dictionary. He was sad he couldn't look at it, but he knew his mother was right. He still missed it, but it was time to do something else. The end. Jill was excited for her special birthday. She was three years old and wanted to play and have fun. She got dressed and ran outside to find her friends. They were all waiting for her in the field. They looked so happy, it made Jill's ears hurt. They all started to play with a big ball. They laughed and played and soon the ball was dirty. Jill ran around the field playing and giggling with her friends. She felt so excited! When it was time to go home, Jill was sad. She hugged all of her friends and waved goodbye. She couldn't wait to play again with her friends. One morning, Jack saw a green taxi outside. He was so excited he ran to the taxi and shouted "Taxi! Taxi!" The taxi driver smiled at Jack and said, "You want a ride, young man?" Jack said, “Yes, please! I want to go to the park." The taxi driver said, “Of course, hop in!" Jack got into the taxi and they drove to the park. When they got there, Jack thanked the taxi driver and said goodbye. On the way back home, the taxi driver realised his car had a flat tire. He said, "Oh no! I need to stop and get this tire fixed." The taxi driver stopped at a nearby repair shop and asked the mechanic to restore the tire. After a few minutes, the tire was good as new. The mechanic said, “That will be twenty dollars, please." The taxi driver paid the mechanic and they drove to Jack's house. When they arrived, Jack thanked the taxi driver and waved goodbye. The taxi driver smiled and said, "No problem, I'm happy to help!" Jack was happy that the taxi driver was able to restore the tire and take him home safely. It was morning and the distant sky was turning a yellowish orange. Sam was looking out his bedroom window and he could tell a sunrise was starting to create. He was excited because this meant he could play outside in the sun. So, Sam quickly put on his shoes and raced out of the house. He ran all the way to the park and immediately noticed how bright the sun was. He was excited because he knew something special was about to happen. Suddenly, Sam felt weak and he knew something was wrong. He tried to move forward but his legs would not carry him anymore. He could feel his life slipping away and he began to cry for help. But sadly, no one heard him. Sam's life ended that morning as the sunrise created its beautiful glow. Once upon a time there was a wild duck who wanted to make something. He gathered lots of bits and pieces and started to build. It wasn't long before he had made a big, beautiful boat! The duck was happy and he decided to take it for a spin. As he sailed on the lake, he heard a voice call out to him. It was a little girl leaning out of a nearby window. "What are you doing with your boat?" she asked. The duck smiled. "I'm making a journey!" he replied. The girl smiled too. "Can I come too?" she asked. The duck thought for a moment. "Yes!" he answered. "Jump in. Let's go on an adventure!" And so the wild duck and little girl set off on a wonderful journey. They explored the lake, discovering all sorts of wonderful things. At the end of the day, the duck and the girl said goodbye. They both knew that it wouldn't be their last adventure. Once there was a cute little girl named Maria. She was only three years old. Everyday she would go to the shop and buy her favourite thing in the world: milk. One day, Maria was walking to the shop when she bumped into a man. He was tall and scary looking. The man yelled at Maria and tried to slap her. But Maria was quick and ran away. She ran all the way to the shop and hid behind the counter. The shopkeeper saw what happened and was angry. He scolded the man and said, "How dare you try to hurt a little girl? You should leave now!" The man was embarrassed andleft without saying another word. Maria was relieved. She bought her milk and skipped home happily. Once upon a time, there were two friends, Sally and Sam. Sally was so excited because she was organizing a festival. She spent days and days getting everything in order. Sam was also helping her. One day, Sam asked Sally, “What are we going to do in the festival?†Sally said, “We will sing and play games!†Sam was nervous because he thought that it wouldn’t be organized. Days before the festival, the friends kept working hard to make everything perfect. They hung decorations, prepared food, and even painted the signs that would show the way to the festival. On the day of the festival, they arrived early to make sure everything was ready. Sally and Sam were surprised to see that the festival was organized! Everyone was having so much fun. At the end of the day, Sally and Sam hugged and said, “We did it! We made the most organized festival ever!†Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sara and one day she found a pastel in the park. When Sara saw the pastel, she was excited. She wanted to pick it up, but her mum said: "Wait! Let's weigh it first!" So, Sara put the pastel on the scales to see how heavy it was. It weighed just three ounces - not very heavy at all! Unfortunately, the pastel was filthy. It was dirty and covered in mud. Sara's mum said: "Sara, you can't take that! Let's leave it here." So, Sara reluctantly left the pastel and they went home. But, a few days later, they went back, and the pastel had gone! Once upon a time there was a player. He loved to play his games all day long. But one day he was being careless and he accidentally folded his favorite game. He was really sad and cried. He didn't know how to fix it. One day, he decided to ask for help. He went to find his grandmother and asked her for help. His grandmother knew how to fix it. She taught him how to unfold it and make it look like it was new. Finally, the player was happy again. He didn't want to be careless anymore and wanted to take good care of his things. He thanked his grandmother and promised he would never be careless again. The end. Once upon a time, there lived a happy little girl. She loved to dance, but her favorite thing to do was to tell jokes. One day, the little girl asked her mom if she could go to the park to play. Her mom said yes, so the little girl ran off to play. At the park, she found a calm pond with lots of fishes. She started to make silly jokes about the fishes. She laughed and laughed until it was time to go home. Just as the sun was setting, the little girl started to make a funny dance. She danced and twirled, and soon enough, the pond was surrounded by other children, laughing and dancing along with her. All the children had so much fun dancing and laughing around the pond. The little girl was so happy that she started to tell jokes again. Everyone laughed so hard that they forgot all the time they had spent playing and dancing. It looked like the little girl had made a sunny dance in the park that day. James and his mom were walking down the street. Ahead of them, James saw a big yellow box. He was curious, so he asked his mom, "What's that?" His mom answered, "That's a port. It's a place where ships come and go." James was excited. He asked, "Can I go and explore it?" His mom smiled and said, "Yes, but be persistent. Don't give up if it gets hard, okay?" James nodded and then ran off. He arrived at the port and was amazed by the size of the ships docked there. He explored every corner of the ships. He was so persistent that he even managed to climb the ships' decks. James' mom was proud of him. She waved goodbye to him, and they both went home with happy hearts. Once upon a time there was a family with two kids, Michael and Jessica. They were always getting into trouble and one day when they were supposed to be in bed, they decided to stay up late so they could sneak out of the house. Michael opened the door and said, “Let’s go outside!†The two children quickly ran out and began to explore the neighborhood. WhenJessica and Michael looked up, they saw a cop. He asked, “What are you two doing out here so late?†Michael and Jessica were scared and began to cry. The cop was very kind and encouraged them to go back home. He said, “It's not safe out here. You should go home now.†Michael and Jessica felt better and they thanked the cop. They held hands and walked home together. From that day on they remembered the cop's advice and stayed safe inside. Once upon a time, there were two best friends named James and Sam. They were playing in the park when James realized his hair was getting too long. So he said to Sam, "I'm going to get a haircut." Sam nodded and said, "OK. Let's go!" But when they got to the barbershop, James got scared. He started to cry and said, "I don't want one!" Sam patted James on the back and said, "It's OK. It won't hurt. Just be obedient and it won't take too long." James knew he could trust Sam, so he took a deep breath and went inside the barbershop. After a few minutes, James had his hair cut. It felt much better! When James and Sam got back to the park, James said, "Sam, I'm sorry I was scared. Can you forgive me?" Sam smiled and said, "Of course I do. You're my best friend." The two best friends had lots of fun for the rest of the day. Once upon a time, there was a long and hot summer. A little boy named Jack was playing in the garden when he saw a big puddle of water. "What shall I do?" asked Jack. His big brother Paul came out of the house and said, "Let's use the sun to dry it!" "How do we do that?" asked Jack. Paul said, "The heat from the sun will change the puddle into a dry patch. We have to wait a long time but it will get the job done!" Jack and Paul watched the sun doing its work. After a few hours, the puddle was dry! Jack was so pleased. He said, "I'm glad that the sun helped us dry the puddle. Let's go and get some ice cream now!" Paul agreed and the two brothers went off together to enjoy the ice cream in the cool of the evening. The parrot was very lucky. It was bright and colourful, and it was living in a big, old tree. One day, the parrot heard a noise outside and so he looked. To his surprise, he saw a small girl on the ground below. She had a big smile on her face. The little girl said, "Hi! I'm here to play with you." The parrot was so excited he couldn't believe it. He flew down and landed on the little girl's shoulder. Similarly surprised by the parrot's greeting, the girl smiled even wider. The girl and parrot played together in the trees and around the garden. It was a beautiful friendship. They were so happy that they laughed and sung together. Eventually, the girl had to go home. She hugged the parrot and said, "Thank you for the surprise. You are very lucky." The parrot agreed and flew back to his tree, feeling blessed.   Joey had a blue brother. His brother was bigger than him. Joey sometimes struggled when his brother would tease him. He felt frustrated because his brother was always so strong. One day, Joey wanted to prove to his brother that he was strong too. He picked up a big rubber ball, and tried to lift it up. He struggled to hold it up because it was so heavy. His brother watched and cheered him on. Finally, Joey was able to lift it up over his head. He was so proud of himself and his brother gave him a hug. His brother was surprised that Joey was so strong. Joey was happy and they hugged and laughed together. They both realized that sometimes, it takes a lot of struggle to prove how strong you really are. Once there was a little puppy. He wanted to have a snack. The puppy ran to the pond. He jumped in and splashed around. The water was cold and the puppy was so happy. He paddled and splashed around. The puppy found a white duck. She was eating snacks near the pond. The puppy loved the snack so he grabbed it and started eating it. The little duck was so mad. She quacked and quacked but the puppy didn't care. He was too busy having a nice snack. The puppy ate the snack, splashed around some more and then went home. Once upon a time there was a modest goose. Every day he liked to soak in the river. He kept flapping his wings until the water was hot and toasty. Soaking in the river made him feel so good! One day, he tried to get as close to the water as he could. Suddenly, he slipped and fell right into the river! He quickly tried to get out, but he had trouble climbing onto the bank. Then a kind boy saw him and came to help. He gently put his hands under the goose and boosted him onto the bank. The goose was so relieved and thankful for the help. From then on, the goose was careful when coming close to the river. He was sure to stay close to the bank and not go too deep. He was very grateful for the help of the kind boy, and he was also proud of himself for being more prudent in his adventures. Once upon a time there was a little boy named Joe. Joe liked to run around and make lots of noise. One day Joe's mommy gave him a harmless lecture. She said, "Joe, please be quiet, it's not nice to be so loud." Joe felt sad and said, "Okay, Mommy." But when Joe's mommy wasn't looking, he ran and made a lot of noise again. Joe's mommy was very angry and said, "Joe, you need to be quiet now!" But then Joe's daddy came in. He saw how sad Joe was. So he gave him a big hug and said, "Joe, noise can be okay sometimes, as long as you are careful and not too loud. We care about you very much and we just don't want you to be too loud." Joe was happy and gave his daddy a big hug. From then on, Joe was very careful to be quiet sometimes, and only make lots of noise when it was okay. Everyone was very proud of Joe for learning to be careful. Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Lily. She was three years old, and she loved to do lots of things that were fun. One day, Lily wanted to sort some blocks on the wall. Lily’s mum said, “Be careful Lily, the wall is fragile.†But Lily said, “It’s ok, I can do it.†So, Lily carefully sorted the blocks by colour. Some were red, some were blue and some were yellow. She got all of the blocks sorted. Lily smiled and said, “I sorted them all! Now the wall is nice and organised.†Lily’s mum said, “You did really well.†Lily was very proud of her work. Once upon a time, there was a stubborn monkey named Henry. He liked to go to the restaurant every day to eat tasty treats. One day when Henry arrived at the restaurant, he noticed that there was a long line of people! Henry was surprised because the line hadn't been there before. He asked one of the adults in the line what was going on. "The prices at the restaurant increased today," said the man. "That's why the line is so long, because everyone is trying to buy food before the prices go up again." Henry was very sad that the prices had increased. He thought about how he might be able to eat at the restaurant again. After much thought, Henry had an idea. He decided to be very stubborn and refused to leave until the owner of the restaurant agreed to let him in. After a long argument, the owner let Henry in and served him some delicious food! From that day on, Henry was the only customer in the restaurant who never had to pay for his meals. The owner was so impressed with Henry's stubbornness that he gave him his favourite food for free. Henry was so happy! The end. Once there was a kid named Jack. He was playing in the park when he saw something very strange - it was a flying nose! Jack's eyes got big as he watched it zoom around the sky. "Wow!" said Jack with amazement. He wanted to take it for a ride, so he ran after it. But getting near the unusual nose was hard. No matter how fast Jack ran, the nose kept zooming away from him. Suddenly, the nose stopped, and the sky turned dark. Jack was lost, and he began to cry. Suddenly, a big gust of wind came, and Jack closed his eyes. When he opened them, he saw the nose zoom away into the night. Jack never saw the flying nose again. One day, Jack and his brother Tim were playing basketball outside. They were having lots of fun and Jack loved to feel the ball in his hands. He was playing especially well, scoring every time. Suddenly, Tim noticed something white on the ground next to the basketball. When he looked closer, Tim saw that it was a big white lollipop. "I want to taste it!" said Jack. But before he could take it, Tim snatched the lollipop away and put it safely in his pocket. Jack was very upset and started to cry. Tim tried to explain that the lollipop might not taste very good, but Jack was still disappointed. "It's not fair!" he shouted. The two brothers argued for a few minutes about the white lollipop and eventually Tim agreed to let Jack have a taste. Jack was so excited and eagerly put the lollipop in his mouth. It was delicious! Jack was so happy that he was allowed to taste it that he finally stopped crying and he and Tim continued to play basketball together. The white lollipop brought them closer together and they both enjoyed the rest of the day. Tommy was a 3 year old boy who loved to explore. One day, he went to the beach and saw a bright sail boat in the distance. He was amazed and decided to investigate. When Tommy got closer to the boat, he heard somebody whistling. He looked around and saw a man who was polishing the boat. Tommy was curious and asked the man, "What are you doing?" The man smiled and said, "I'm polishing this boat to make it shine and look brighter." Tommy looked up and said, "Wow, it looks really pretty!" The man laughed and said, "Thanks! Would you like to come inside and take a look?" Tommy nodded, a big smile on his face. He stepped inside the boat and his eyes sparkled. He saw the mast, the cabins and the sails. He looked at the man and said, "I wish I could sail on this boat!" The man smiled and said, "Maybe one day you will sail on this boat. Now, let's both whistle a happy tune!" So, Tommy and the man both happily whistled as the sun shined. Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack. He was very curious and always eager to learn and explore. One day, Jack heard a funny sound coming from one of the rooms in the house. He decided to act brave and went to investigate. He opened the door and saw his mom and dad in the room. His mom was giving a lecture and his dad was busy writing notes. Jack decided to ask his mom why his dad was so busy writing. His mom stopped her lecture, looked angry and asked Jack what he was doing there. Jack tried to explain, but his mom was too mad to listen. She shouted at Jack and told him to go. Jack felt very sad. He still didn't understand why they were so busy, but he knew he had done something wrong. He ran away to his room and started to cry. The end. One day, James and his mommy went to the bus stop. Mommy said the bus was coming soon. But it was slow. James said he wanted to keep playing, but Mommy said he had to stay at the bus stop and wait for the bus. Suddenly, James felt something on his arm. His stuffed doggy was gone! He said to his mommy, "Mommy, I lose doggy!" His mommy looked worried and said, "Oh, no! Where could it be?" James didn't know, so they started to search all around the bus stop. But they couldn't find it. Just then, the bus arrived! Mommy said, "We have to go, James. Don't worry, I'm sure doggy will turn up soon." James was sad it didn't have his doggy, but he got on the bus. Just before the doors closed, James looked outside. He saw his doggy run up, but it was too late! The bus had already left, and they had lost doggy! But James knew that when they got home, Mommy would look for doggy and they would find it. He smiled, because even though the bus was slow, he knew that doggy would be waiting for him at home. Once upon a time, there was a tank. It was huge, and it was filled with icy water. The water glowed, and so did the fish that were swimming inside. One day, something special happened. A snapping turtle made its way into the tank! It was such a surprise! The fish scattered, but the turtle swam right up to the surface. It snapped its jaws and made a cool sound. The fast swimming fish tried to stay away, but the turtle snapped at them. So they all had to move to the deep, icy part of the tank. But the snapping turtle did not stay long. After a while, it decided that the tank was too cold and so it swam away. The fish were glad to have their tank back. They swam around happily and sang in the icy glowing tank. The sun was bright and there were little birds chirping in the trees. Harvey and his mum were outside, picking berries. Harvey had never seen so many berries before - some were red, some were yellow, and some were even purple. ‘Ooh, look at those purple ones,’ said Harvey’s mum, pointing. Harvey smiled and said, ‘They look weird. Can I pick one?’ ‘Yes, but be careful,’ said Harvey’s mum. Harvey was so excited, he picked the berry and held it up to the sun. It was so shiny and sparkly. He popped the berry in his mouth and smiled. It was sweet, like candy. ‘Mummy, can I have another berry?’ asked Harvey. ‘Of course, darling,’ she said. Harvey smiled as he went berry picking again. Little did he know that these sweet berries were going to be part of a surprise later that day. Once upon a time there was a person. They wanted to go for a walk in the park. As soon as they arrived, there was another person already there. The two people said, "Hello!" But unfortunately, the other person was very rude. Instead of saying hello back, they said, "Go away." The first person was so sad. They felt unwelcome. They thought that they didn't belong in the park. Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere. It was the park keeper. He said, "That's not very nice. Everyone is welcome in this park." The rude person felt so ashamed! They said sorry and the first person was happy again. The park keeper said, "Now, let's have a nice time together in the park. Everyone is welcome here and we should all be kind to each other." And so everyone had a lovely time together in the park. And they all lived happily ever after. Once upon a time there was two sisters Alisha and Samantha. They live in a big city together with their mum and dad. They were very excited because they were expecting to get a special letter! Each morning they would eagerly check the mailbox and one day they found it! Alisha ran to her sister and said, "Look! We got a letter, it looks pretty!" They carefully opened the letter and inside they found a surprise - tickets to a magical city! The sisters jumped with excitement, they couldn't believe it! When their mum and dad heard the news, they said they couldn't go and the girls were so sad. But the day before they were leaving, their parents let them go and the sisters were ecstatic! When they arrived in the city, it was beautiful. Everywhere they went, they saw pretty trees and colourful flowers. They sang and danced in the streets, and made lots of friends. The magical city was truly amazing. The sisters had the most amazing time in the city! When it was time for them to return home, the sisters were sad. But the memories of the magical city will stay with them forever. Once upon a time, there was a brave little boy named Jack. He lived in a big house with his family. One night, when his family was asleep, Jack was in his room when he heard a strange noise outside. He was too scared to look! But then he remembered how brave he was, and looked out his window. Outside, Jack could see a ghost! The ghost was softly gazing around. Jack was so surprised that he couldn't say anything. "What are you doing here?" he finally asked the ghost. The ghost was very friendly and smiled at Jack. "I'm just looking around," the ghost said. "It's so peaceful here." Jack thought the ghost was nice, so he offered to show him around their house. So the two of them walked around, and the ghost showed Jack how to be brave like him. Jack had a great time, and was so grateful for the ghost's visit. When morning came, the ghost waved goodbye and Jack watched until he couldn't see him anymore. Jack never forgot the brave ghost who taught him to be brave, and he still tells his family about his magical night. Once upon a time in the bright, sunny city, there lived a jolly old man. Every day, the old man would leave his home and go explore his neighbourhood. One day, he came across a secret closet. He was curious and decided to try and open it. Suddenly, it opened with a creak and inside he found many wonderful and beautiful objects. The old man was so surprised, he fell right off his feet! After regaining his balance, he took a closer look at some of the objects in the closet. He found many items that he felt were valuable, such as a golden necklace and a silver ring. He couldn’t believe his luck! He was about to leave when he heard a voice. "Mister, what are you doing in my closet?†The old man was startled and turned around to see a little girl, no more than three years old, standing there with a big smile on her face. "Well, my child I found all these valuable objects and I thought I should take them with me,†said the old man jolly. The little girl laughed and said, “You should keep those things - I can't use them anyways!†The old man happily agreed and the two of them went their separate ways. From that day onward, the old man had learnt to value what was important, and it Once upon a time there was a mommy and her little girl. The little girl had a yummy surprise in store. One day the mommy said, "Let's go visit Grandma." The little girl was so excited! She got up and put on her shoes and jumped in the car. When they arrived at Grandma's house, the little girl ran to the door to knock. Grandma opened the door and the little girl said, "Surprise!" Grandma was so happy to see them. Grandma had a special handle for the little girl. It was shaped like a bunny and had a yummy smell. The little girl held the handle in her hands and sniffed it. She said, "It smells yummy, Grandma!" Grandma gave her a hug and said, "I'm glad you like it. We can visit again soon!" The little girl was so happy. She smiled and hugged Grandma back. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Sophie. Sophie was very sad because she wasn't sure of her future. She asked her mom, "Mommy, when will I marry?" Her mom smiled and said, "Just wait and see." The next day Sophie went out to play in the park. She saw a little boy playing with a ball. Sophie thought he was very nice, so she ran over to him and said, "Hi! What's your name?" The little boy looked up and said, "My name is John." Sophie and John began to play together for a long time and eventually he asked her, "Sophie, will you marry me?" Sophie was so surprised but still she smiled and said, "Yes!" Sophie and John were married the very next day and became the happiest little players around. They became the best of friends and it made them both very happy. Though Sophie was still sad at times, she was much happier now because she had found the one she would marry. Once upon a time there was a family. Daddy, Mommy and a little boy named Max. One day Mommy was cooking a meal and Daddy said, "Mommy, I love you so much!" Mommy smiled and said, "I love you too, but I have to finish this meal before Max wakes up." But Max was already awake. He said, "Mommy, I'm hungry! Can I have the meal now?" Mommy said, "No, it's not ready yet. It needs to cook a little more." Max was sad. He didn't want to wait anymore. So he said, "But Daddy loves you, and he said so! Can I have the meal now?" Mommy looked at Daddy and smiled. She said, "That's very sweet and I do love your Daddy very much, but you still need to wait until the meal is ready." Max was very mad and ran away. Daddy sighed. He said, "I guess I better go talk to him." Daddy found Max sitting in the corner. He said, "Max, I know you're mad, but your Mommy loves you very much. She just wants the meal to be fine before you eat it." Max looked up at Daddy with tears in his eyes. He said, "I love Mommy too." Daddy hugged Max Once there was a large swing in a big park. Two children wanted to play. The children pushed and swung higher and higher. They laughed and had lots of fun. When the children got tired, they stopped pushing. They looked around the park and noticed something strange. Someone had dug a big hole in the ground, and was burying something inside it. The children wanted to find out what they were burying. So they walked closer to the hole. Suddenly, the person stopped burying and looked up. It was a big man! He was so surprised to see the two little children he almost fell into the hole. The man asked the children why they were there. The children said that they were just having fun on the large swing. The man smiled and said that the large swing was for children to enjoy. He said that the hole in the ground was for burying a special surprise just for them. The children were so excited! The man showed them the surprise he was burying - it was a box filled with treats and toys, just for them. The children thanked the man and hugged him. They couldn't wait to dig up their special surprise! Once there was a small black computer. It belonged to a girl called Daisy. Daisy was only three years old and she loved her black computer very much. One day, Daisy decided to try something new. She trusted the computer to help her. She asked the computer to show her a picture. "Computer, can you show me a picture?" Daisy asked. The computer beeped and hummed, and then a picture appeared on the screen. It was a beautiful rainbow. Daisy was delighted. She thanked the computer for showing her the picture. "Thank you, computer!" she said. The computer beeped and hummed in response. From then on, Daisy always trusted the computer to do what she asked. The little pig lived in a big farm. He liked to sleep in the warm barn and run around in the meadows. One night, he heard a strange noise outside. He was scared and didn’t want to go near it. He called his big brother, “What was that noise?†“Ssh!†His big brother replied. “It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just the wind.†So the little pig went back to sleep. But even though he believed his brother, he was still a bit scared. The next morning, he wanted to go see what had made the noise. He asked his big brother if he could come. “Not today, little one. We’re going to have zero fun if you come along.†His big brother said. The little pig was feeling a bit envious, so he started to run towards the noise. It was an old scarecrow in the meadow, swaying in the wind. The little pig laughed and was no longer scared. One night, there was a wealthy family living in a big house. They had lots of money and were very lucky. The family had two children - a little boy and a little girl - and they were always playing together. The children loved to play in their garden, but one night something special happened. As night fell, a big white bird flew into their garden. The children were so excited to see it! The bird was magical and it made everything change. All the trees and flowers in the garden began to sparkle and shine in the night sky. The children were so happy to see what the magical bird had done to their garden. From then on, they called it their "magic garden" and they visited it every night. They grew to love it, and they always knew that when the bird was around, something special was going to happen. The little boy and girl were the luckiest children in the world - they had a garden full of sparkling magic that changed each night! Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucy. She wanted to go to sleep in her warm, cosy crib. But there was a problem! What was it? Lucy was deaf. So she couldn't hear her parents tuck her in and tell her gently it was bedtime. What could she do? Suddenly, Lucy had an idea. She decided to settle herself in bed. She snuggled up in her blankets and said a big yawn. She stayed very still, until she began to feel sleepy and settled. Soon, Lucy was fast asleep in her crib. Her parents came in, almost too quiet to wake her. But they saw her peacefully sleeping and smiled. They knew Lucy had settled down all by herself. Once upon a time, there was a nosy girl named Annie. She lived in a pink house near a forest and she was always very curious. One day Annie went for a walk in the forest and she found a big oat. She looked around, but there was nobody to be seen. She was so curious, so she decided to take the oat home. When Annie arrived home with the oat, her normally quiet house was full of noise. She could hear her mom and dad arguing. Annie knocked on her parents' bedroom door and asked "What's wrong?" Her mom and dad were shocked to see her, and asked "Where did you get that oat?" Annie said "I found it in the forest. Can I keep it? Imagine how much fun I could have!" Her parents couldn't help but laugh at her curiosity. They said yes and Annie held the oat tightly all night long. The next day, Annie's mom took her back to the forest with the oat. While they were walking, her mom said "Let's leave it here. There's always someone else who needs something and it's better when we can share." Annie put the oat near a river and smiled. She said " Goodbye, oat! I hope you find a new home with somebody who needs you!" Annie and her mom then walked back home, Once, there was an old bear. He was all by himself and felt very lonely. He wanted a friend, but he had been alone so long he was afraid to reach out to anyone. One day, he made a daring plan to escape from where he was and find a friend. He was very brave, but it was hard work! The old bear made a big jump and he escaped. He ran through the woods, looking for someone to be friends with. After a while, he arrived at a barn and heard voices on the other side. He was so excited! He opened the barn door and peeked inside. The barn was filled with the cutest animals. They were having so much fun, and he wanted to join in! The animals welcomed the old bear with open arms. They were so happy to finally have a new friend. The old bear was so grateful for all of the new friends he found. Now, he had someone to share his days with. He would never be lonely again! Once upon a time, there was a cat. His name was Grumpy. He owned a small boat and he liked to take it out into the sea. But one day, the tide was too strong and he couldn't get his boat back. He was really grumpy because he could not get back to his home in the bay. Grumpy tried very hard to find a way to get his boat back. He looked around and saw some rocks that seemed to be close to the shore. He decided to take a chance and hopped on the rocks. Grumpy was so brave and jumped back onto his boat! He managed to paddle back towards the shore and back to his own home. He was so very happy that he was able to get back to where he belonged and his grumpy mood quickly disappeared. From that day on, Grumpy never forgot to check the tide before he went out sailing. He always made sure he had enough time to get back before the tides turned. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who liked to explore underground. She put on her bright, colorful outfit, and put her shovel in her pocket. She was ready to go! She knocked on the door of the underground and shouted, "Hello? Is anyone there?" Suddenly, a big, booming voice said, "Yes!" The little girl shook with fear, but she remembered that she wanted to explore the underground. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. Inside, it was very colorful. The walls were bright yellow and the ground was speckled with green and blue. She took her shovel and started to dig. Soon enough, she found a hidden treasure! The little girl was overjoyed, she could not believe it. In her hands she held a box filled with colorful stones. "I can't wait to show everyone my treasure!" She shouted as she ran out of the underground with her treasure. As the little girl ran, she shook with excitement and joy. She could not believe that she had found a hidden treasure! From then on, she was eager to explore the underground more and look for more wonderful surprises! Once upon a time there was a team of friends. They wanted to do something fun, so they decided to go to the lake. It was very deep, so they all jumped in. They started swimming around and had a lot of fun. They were playing together when suddenly the lake started getting deeper. The friends tried to reach the shore but they couldn't complete the task. They were just too far away. So they had to stay in the deep lake. They were all very scared and they knew they would be there forever. The friends started to cry, but it was too late. Mia and her dad were at the park. There was a big tree and Mia was running around the trunk. Her dad had a microphone in his hand. Mia stopped and looked at her dad. "What is that?" she asked. Dad smiled and said, "This is a microphone. It will make your voice sound louder." Mia's eyes widened. "Can you show me?" Dad sat down and wiped some dirt off the microphone. It was nice and tidy. He cleared his throat and spoke into the microphone. "Hello!" Mia noticed that the sound was coming out of a speaker near the tree. She jumped up and clapped her hands. "Wow! Look at that Dad!" Dad smiled and put the microphone away. "It prints your voice," he said. Mia smiled and hugged her dad. She was so excited to be at the park with her dad. Mia ran around the tree again, playing with the leaves. Once upon a time there was a bear who liked to dress up. He liked to try on all kinds of clothes - long and short, bright and dark. One particular day, the bear went looking for a special place to dress up - a cave. The bear found a cave that was high up on a hill. He was so excited! He couldn't wait to try on all the clothes he had picked out for himself. He climbed up the hill and as soon as he was in the cave he began to dress. He put his bright blue coat on first, then his green boots, and then his favorite red hat. When he was all dressed, the bear looked and saw that the cave was full of other animals dressed in their special clothing, too. Everyone looked so fun! He decided to stay dressed up for the rest of the day, and even taught the other animals some of the special dances he knew. When the sun went down, the bear said goodbye to his friends and climbed back down the hill to get undressed. But he couldn't wait to dress up again in the high cave! Once upon a time there was a gifted little girl. She loved to make loops with her skipping rope. Everywhere she went, she skipped, looping the skipping rope around and around. But one day, she found out that the other children at school refused to join in her fun. She asked her friends, but whenever she asked them to join her, they all said no. The little girl was very sad with her friends' refusal, but she still kept skipping. Each day she made more and more loops with her rope, until it was a loop party. But the other children still refused to join. The little girl was frustrated and made a plan to show her friends how much fun looping could be. She held a special loop party with lots of treats, games and fun. She asked her classmates to come. But the other children still refused to join the loop party. The little girl was feeling very down. She wished her friends would join her, but they kept refusing. No matter how hard she tried, her friends still refused to join in the fun. Finally, the little girl went home all alone. She had a bad ending because her friends refused to join her. Molly and Tony were best friends. They were walking together in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine and the beautiful scenery. Suddenly, a dark shadow crossed their path. Tony was scared, and his little feet froze in place. Molly explained that it was just a shadow, and she wanted Tony to come closer to her, but Tony refused. His little chest was full of fear and he firmly told Molly that he wasn't going any closer. Molly knew Tony was scared and said, "Don't worry, Tony. I'll stay here with you, so you don't have to be worried. If you don't feel like putting one foot in front of the other, that's OK. We can just stand here and enjoy the sunshine, without worrying about shadows." Tony looked at Molly, his big eyes curious. He thought for a moment before slowly placing one foot after the other. When Tony and Molly reached the other side of the park, Tony was holding Molly's hand and hopping around with joy. The moral of the story is to not let fear define you. Enjoy life in spite of all its shadows. No matter how small or scared you are, you can still find a way to a brighter future. Once there was a tall man. He wanted to go on a big adventure. So he decided to pack his suitcase and get on a yacht. He asked his young daughter if she wanted to come, but she said no. The man said, "Are you sure? I think it would be so much fun." The little girl just shook her head and said, "No, Daddy. I want to stay home." The man smiled and said, "That's okay, sweetheart. You don't have to go, but I want to you remember one thing. If you always try new adventures, you will get many new experiences. You never know what can happen if you explore the world, and sometimes that can be a great thing." The little girl smiled and gave her Dad a hug. "I will remember," she said, and the tall man went off to pack his suitcase. Tina and Tom were playing together outside. Tom had a toy digger and Tina had a shovel. Tom wanted to operate the digger but Tina was scared it was too big. She said to Tom, "I'm scared to use the digger". Tom replied, "It's okay, I'll help you, come here!" So Tina came over and Tom showed her how to use it. After that, she was able to use the digger without being scared. But soon after, Tom wanted to use his digger and demanded that he wanted some new equipment. His mom said, "We don't have any money to buy expensive equipment". Tom said very bluntly, "Can I get some cheap equipment please?" Mom thought for a minute and then said, "We can look around and see what we can find". So, the two of them headed off to the store to look for cheap equipment for the digger. At the store, they found the perfect equipment for Tom's digger. It was not too expensive and it was just what Tom wanted. Satisfied, Tom and Tina went home with the new equipment and Tom was able to use the digger with the new equipment. Tom and Tina were happy to play together again with the new equipment. Mama was very excited. She was making decorations to decorate the house. "We need lots of decorations," Mama said. Mama bought some paper, paints, glitter and string. They set to work. Mama asked her daughter, "What should we use for decorations?" The daughter thought for a moment. Then she smiled and said, "Words!" Mama said, "Good idea! We will make words to decorate the house. What kind of words should we make?" The daughter thought for a minute. Then she said, "Expensive words. Expensive words will look so pretty on the walls." Mama smiled. "Yes, expensive words will look very nice. Let's go get some expensive words!" So the two of them went to the store and bought some expensive words. They took the words home and hung them on the walls. Mama and her daughter looked around the room. It looked beautiful. The room was decorated with expensive words that sparkled and shone. Mama hugged her daughter and said, "We did a beautiful job decorating the room. The words look perfect!" Once upon a time, there was a tall man who wanted to bring trouble. He went to the park and he saw three children playing together. He smiled at them and asked one of the children, "Do you want to bring me trouble?" The little girl looked up at the tall man and replied, "No, we don't want to bring you trouble." The tall man frowned and said, "That's too bad. I wanted someone to bring me trouble." Then one of her friends, a little boy, spoke up, "I'll bring you trouble!" The tall man grinned and said, "That's great! Let's go." They followed the tall man to a mysterious place and the little boy brought the tall man lots of trouble. In the end, the tall man was very happy. The three children learned a lesson that day: it is never a good idea to bring trouble. Heather and Pete were very excited. Today was the day that they moved into their new house. They had been waiting for this day for months. "My room is going to be so nice! We finally have a new house," Heather said to Pete. Pete laughed. "Yes, you can finally have more toys and games!" he joked. Heather giggled. She saw a bright yellow raft floating near their house. "What's that?" she asked. Pete laced up his sneakers. "There must have been a flood. Let's go explore outside," he suggested. Heather and Pete headed outside. With each step, their excitement grew. They walked around the house and spotted a big lake. Heather raced to the lake, splashing through the puddles as she went. When she arrived, she was in awe. "Look at all the water!" Pete arrived and looked around. "This lake was here before we moved in," he said. Heather smiled. "It's like a brand new adventure right here in our very own home." Lily was a sweet little girl who lived on a farm. Today was a special day, because a painter had come to paint her room! Lily was so excited to explore, and she ran around the house in anticipation. Outside her room the painter was already busy, setting up his buckets and brushes. "I cannot wait to see the colours," Lily said to him, "What colour will you paint my room?" The painter smiled and said "It's a surprise! It is going to be the most beautiful room!" Lily rushed in joy and soon enough fell asleep in the other room waiting for her surprise. In the morning, she heard a loud bang and rushed to see what it was. When she got to her room, she was filled with shock. The painter had painted the walls red - which was Lily's least favourite colour! She started to cry and asked the painter why he had done this, but he just smiled and said, "It's a surprise. It will look more beautiful when day is done." The painter had been so sweet to her the whole day, so Lily decided to trust him. She decided to wait and rest in the other room until the painter finished. A few hours later, Lily came back to her room and was filled with sorrow. The painter had painted the walls a deep red and had also painted a large black line right across the wall. Lily was filled with despair and anger Once upon a time, there was a girl called Jane. Jane was walking by a river and she saw something sparkly. She looked closer and saw that it was jewelry! Jane wanted to pick it up but it looked very dirty. She was a little scared but she was brave and so she nodded her head and decided to pick it up. After she picked it up, she was very happy! The jewelry was still a bit dirty but Jane decided to wear it anyway. She ran home with the jewelry to show her mummy and she was sure that her mummy would also be very happy. When Jane got home, her mummy said that she was very brave for picking up the jewelry. Then Mum cleaned the jewelry and they both put it on and looked beautiful with their sparkly jewelry! One day, a fat clown came to town. Everyone was happy to see him. They all wanted to spend time with him. The clown made all kinds of funny faces. He made funny noises too. Everyone was laughing and smiling. The clown did all sorts of silly tricks too. He juggled, he spun plates and he stood on his head. Everyone was having a great time. At the end of the day, everyone was happy. They all said goodbye to the fat clown. They had spent a fun time together. Once upon a time there was a little bird. His name was Zoom. He really wanted a peach. He went underneath the peach tree, but all the peaches were gone. He flew around and around, looking for a peach. Finally he saw one! It was so big and juicy and made of a beautiful, original color. He couldn't believe his eyes. He flew over to the peach and grabbed it. He zoomed away back to his nest with the peach. He had the most delicious peach he had ever tasted! He was so happy to have the original peach. He ate it with a smile on his face. Then he was happy again, and his tummy was full. What an adventure! From now on, Zoom always looks for original peaches. Once upon a time, there were two friends, Jake and Sarah. They were playing a game with each other and both were having lots of fun. Suddenly, a ball hit Sarah in the face. Jake said "I'm sorry" but Sarah felt mad and started to fight with him. "Why did you do that" said Sarah, angry. "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry" said Jake, scared. Jake tried to talk nicely, but Sarah wouldn't listen. She was still mad and wanted to keep fighting. Jake had a difficult time trying to make her calm down. He looked around and quickly noticed Sarah's yellow shirt lying on the grass. He picked it up and said: "Here, take your shirt, it was lying here." Sarah took the shirt and started smiling again. She put on the shirt and said: "Thank you, Jake. Let's not fight anymore and be friends again, okay? Jake was glad and said: "Okay, let's not fight anymore. It's much better to be friends than to fight". They hugged each other and went back to playing their game. From then on, they hugged each other whenever something difficult happened, and everything went back to normal. Amber and her mom were on a warm summer day. They were at the pool. Mom said "Amber, it's time to help me. Can you do that?" Amber was glad to help. She put on her swimming suit and grabbed the pool net. Together, Mom and Amber put their heads together and scooped up all the leaves and bugs that were in the pool. After they finished helping, Amber said "Mom, did we do a good job?" Mom smiled and said "Yes sweetheart, we did a great job! Now, let's go and have a swim!" Amber smiled and ran to the pool. She was glad to have helped her mom and to now have fun in the pool. Once upon a time, a mommy and her little girl were baking a cake in the kitchen. When mommy was done, she gave her daughter a note. It said, "Let's read the recipe together." The little girl was so excited! She went straight to her room and told her stuffed animals that they were going to read. She grabbed her book and exclaimed "Let's read!" Mommy came in and read the recipe out loud to the little girl. It was a lot of fun, because mommy had to keep her voice nice and loud so that everyone could hear. When they were done, mommy said to her daughter "Honey, you learn a very important lesson today. Whenever you want to find out how to do something, it's best to read the instructions." The little girl got very excited and said, "I'm going to remember that, Mommy". The moral of this story is that when we are open to learning, we can discover a lot of new things by taking the time to read. There were three friends - Mary, Steve, and Jacob. They loved to do things together and today they were having a parade! Mary was the most alert and organized. She said, "Let's each dress up in something special for the parade!" Steve and Jacob nodded in agreement and eagerly set to work putting on the things she had brought from her closet. The friends stepped outside onto the sunny street. A few neighbors nearby began to gather, smiling and excited for the parade. Steve, being the most energetic of the friends, ran ahead of the others leading the parade. The parade was a great success. Everyone had a lot of fun. As the parade ended, Steve asked, "What should we do next?" Mary thought for a moment and then said, "Let's go to the park!" Jacob and Steve were delighted. They eagerly followed Mary with alert eyes on the path ahead. Once upon a time, there was a big nest in the sky. Inside the nest was a nosy bird that liked to watch what was happening down below. Every day, he would keep an eye on a small stream. One day, he noticed something strange. The stream was getting deeper and larger. The nosy bird decided to have a closer look. When he flew down, he saw two little animals struggling to make the stream bigger. The animals were trying to dig a bigger home but they were having trouble. “What’s wrong?†asked the nosy bird. The animals told him that they had been looking for a new home when they stumbled onto the stream. They thought it would make a great home, but they didn’t know how to make it bigger. The nosy bird thought for a few moments and then he had an idea. “What if we make a big nest in the sky?†the nosy bird said. The animals smiled and agreed to try. The animals and the nosy bird worked together to make the nest in the sky. Finally, it was finished. The animals were so happy and thanked the nosy bird for his help. The animals lived happily ever after in their new home, high up in the sky. Once upon a time there was a pig named Sandy. Sandy was strong and fit. She wanted to get a new cart, so she got to work. Sandy thought hard and long about the best way to get a cart. She decided she should raise some money to buy a cart. So Sandy worked day and night to raise enough money. After weeks of hard work, Sandy had earned the money to buy a cart. She was so excited! Sandy purchased the most fit and beautiful cart. She was so proud of her hard work and couldn’t wait to show it off. But when Sandy went to show off her cart, the other animals laughed and said, "You’ll never be able to pull that cart, you’re too weak!" Sandy tried and tried, but she was too weak and the cart was too heavy. So Sandy had to admit defeat and sadly never got to show off her fit new cart. She had worked so hard and it was all for nothing. John was carrying his favorite toy car and going to see his tutor. He was scared of the tutor, because he was ignorant and often yelled at him. When John arrived, the tutor asked why he was late. John tried to stammer an answer but couldn't say anything. The tutor looked angry. "If you can't say why you're late, why should I help you?" the tutor yelled. John was scared and started crying. The tutor saw how sad he was and he softened his tone. "You must be ignorant of the importance of being on time," the tutor said. "It's important for you to learn that! Let's try again to answer my question, ok?" John nodded, feeling relieved. He learned a valuable lesson that day. He always made sure to be on time from then on, and he now always carries his toy car with him when he goes to see his tutor. Sam was a three year old boy who loved aeroplanes. Whenever he'd see one flying by he would point and smile and say, "Look at the pretty aeroplane!". One day, while in the park, Sam saw a man walking with a large cardboard box. Inside the box was a small wooden aeroplane. The man stopped and knelt down in front of Sam and said, "Would you like to buy this aeroplane? It's very fine". Sam excitedly nodded his head. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out some coins. He opened up his hand and said, "I have some money. Can I buy the aeroplane?" The man smiled and nodded. He took the coins from Sam's hand and said, "You bought the fine aeroplane". Sam was so happy and he couldn't wait to take the aeroplane home and show it to his parents. He thanked the man and rushed home so he could have some play time with his new aeroplane. Jim was a little boy. He was the happiest when he stayed in the garden, playing with his toys. One day he saw something orange inside a tree. It was a very pretty bird. Jim wanted to take it home with him, so he stretched his hand to grab it. The bird said: "Please, don't take me! Let me stay here, I'm very tired. I need to rest after my long journey". Jim didn't listen and grabbed the bird. He was about to take it home when suddenly he heard mom's voice. "Jim! Quickly come here, we have to do some work!" Jim started running. He put the orange bird on the ground and forgot about it. The bird stayed in the garden, scared and alone. Even though Jim never saw it again, he felt really bad for not listening to it. Once upon a time there was a friendly bear named Sam. Sam loved to fold things, like paper, blankets and napkins. He thought it was fun! One day he saw someone else folding something too. It was an orange cat named Clara. Sam was curious and waddled up to her. Sam: "Hi Clara! Can I help you fold?" Clara: "Yes please! I need help making origami." So they folded together. Even though they had nothing in common, they both loved folding things. In the end, they had made the best paper airplane ever! Sam and Clara smiled at each other. Sam knew he had found a true friend. He had found love. Eddy and Maria were best friends and loved to play together. They had big plans for today. They both wanted to ride their bicycles outside. But first, they had to find their helmets. Eddy found his helmet in the most unexpected place - inside the toy box! It was the original helmet he had gotten for his birthday. Maria placed her helmet right on top of her head, and it fit perfectly. Now that they were both wearing their helmets, they were ready to go. They hopped on their bikes and started pedaling. They rode through the streets and felt the breeze on their faces. It was a beautiful, sunny day and they were having so much fun. Eddy and Maria kept riding until they reached the park. They parked their bikes and admired their original helmets - they were very proud of them. They had an amazing day and were so happy they had planned it together. Once upon a time, there was a sweet little girl named Amy. One day, Amy wanted to make something special for her mommy. She went to the kitchen and took out flour, sugar, and butter. She got a big bowl and put the ingredients in it. She stirred it until it was nice and soft. Then, she opened the refrigerator and took out an orange. She peeled the orange and put the pieces in the bowl. She stirred it some more until it was a yummy batter. Amy was eager to make the surprise for her mommy so she grabbed the pan and poured in the batter. She put it in the oven and waited for it to be done. Finally, it was ready. Amy grabbed it and put it on the table. She looked into the mirror and it looked so delicious. She smiled with happiness. Just then, her mommy came into the kitchen. She was very surprised to find Amy's special surprise. She hugged Amy and said, "Thank you so much, it looks so helpful". Once upon a time, there were two friends named Mike and Joe. Mike wanted to organize a special game, so he decided to find a missile. He asked Joe if he wanted to help him. Unfortunately, Joe said no. He was afraid that finding the missile would upset the people in the neighborhood. But Mike kept looking until he found a smelly old missile. He tried to hide it so no one would find it. After a few days, the police came to their town looking for the missile. Mike was scared and tried to run away. Joe felt bad for Mike and wanted to help him. But it was too late; Mike was already caught by the police and taken away. Joe was sad that his friend didn't listen to him, and never saw Mike again. Mum was getting ready to do her shopping. She was excited to go out, but then she stopped and looked down at her baby. "Don't worry," she said, "I will be back soon." The baby looked up at her and pointed to the kitchen shelf. "Wine?" Mum smiled and shook her head. "No wine baby, I'm just going to the store." The baby continued to point. "Wine, wine!" Mum knew she couldn't give the baby wine, she wanted to offer her something else. It took her a while to think and then she had an idea. "How about slow?" At first, the baby didn't understand, but then mum suggest she should go slow, while she was out shopping. The baby smiled and nodded. Mum smiled and gave her baby a hug. "Take it slow while I'm away, ok?" The baby excitedly nodded and waved goodbye as mum left. When she came back from the store, she was happy to see her baby walking slowly and carefully around the kitchen, just as she had suggested. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Alice. She was only three years old, but she was very curious and brave. One day, Alice was playing in her backyard when she spotted something in a tree. It was a spark. She wanted to take a closer look, so she tried to climb the tree. Alice was patient and kept trying, even when she got a bit scared. Suddenly, she heard a voice coming from her house. It was her mom! She was calling to Alice, trying to get her attention. “Alice! What are you doing? She asked. Alice looked down and shouted, “I'm trying to see the spark in the tree!†Alice's mom smiled and said, “That's wonderful. Be careful, though.†Alice thanked her mom, then diligently kept trying until she reached the spark. She felt so proud of her accomplishment. She realized that with a bit of patience, she could do anything! Mommy was cooking dinner in the kitchen. There was a smell of pepper coming from the stove. Joey was outside playing in the garden. He loved playing in the garden and feeling the sunshine on his skin. Suddenly, he noticed there were big dark clouds in the sky. Joey asked mommy, "Is it going to rain?" Mommy replied, "Yes, Joey, it looks like it is going to rain soon. You better come inside." Joey ran inside and watched from the window. The rain started to fall and the garden turned into a big puddle. Joey felt sad because he could not play anymore. Mommy said, "Cheer up, Joey. The rain will stop soon and I will make you something special for dinner". Joey smiled. Mommy cooked a delicious meal with pepper and it smelled tasty. Joey was happy, and he ate all of the yummy food. The rain stopped and the sun came out again. Joey went outside to play with a smile on his face. Once upon a time, there was a large fisherman. He had a boat and he loved going out on the ocean to fish. He always had fun and enjoyed the experience. He sang songs and laughed. Once, he even caught a really big fish! The fisherman loved the coast, especially on sunny days. He went out every day, even if it was cold or wet. At the end of the day, the fisherman would go home and cook the fish he had caught. He would enjoy the delicious meal with his family and have a lovely time. The fisherman loved the sea and his life. He often said it was the best job in the world, and he was so very happy! Once there was a little boy called Jack. He was three years old and loved to explore. One day, Jack walked into a distant forest and saw something magical. It was a cold lake filled with beautiful glistening fishes. Jack wanted to keep one of the fishes and take it home. But he knew that if he put it in his pocket, it would get cold. So Jack decided to keep it in his memory. Each day, Jack would close his eyes and think about the lake. He would remember the cold water and the distant lake. And each time he thought about it, he would feel close to the lake and the fishes, even though it was far away. He wanted to go back to the lake and keep exploring - but he knew it was just a memory now. He’s learnt how to keep the memory alive, even when it felt distant and cold. John was walking down the street when he heard a loud scream. He ran towards the sound and saw a boy in a jail. It was a scary jail, with bars all over the walls. John asked the boy what happened and he said he was scared of the monsters that lived in the jail. John was determined to help the boy. He ran up to the jail door and tried to open it but it was locked. He started to scream. Suddenly, two big monsters appeared. One had a giant tooth and the other had huge eyes. They sneered at John and said, "You can't help him! He's our prisoner now." John ran away as fast as he could. The boy shouted, "Don't leave me here! Please!!" But it was too late. John never saw the boy again. John was sad and scared. He never wanted to go near the jail again. It was too scary. Once upon a time, a foolish man lived on the earth. He never obeyed the rules. He would do whatever he wanted. Everyday, he would go outside and throw rocks at the birds, and break flowers with his feet. One night, the moon was shining in the sky. The man looked up and said, "I want to rise like the moon." He stepped outside and shouted, "I am rising!" But suddenly, he felt a great wind and he began to fall. With a crash, he fell to the ground. When the villagers saw what happened, they asked, "Why did you do this foolish thing?" The man replied, "I wanted to rise like the moon." The villagers shook their heads and said, "You are too foolish. You must always stay on the ground." The man understood his lesson and from then on, he stayed on the ground and never tried to rise again. Once there was a small child named Gabriel. He was 3 years old and he was about to go to bed. But he really didn't want to because he thought it was boring. So Gabriel started to complain. He screamed and yelled and said, "I don't want to go to bed!" His mum heard him and came into his room to talk to him. She said, "Gabriel, you know it's almost time for your wake. If you don't go to bed now, you'll be too tired in the morning. Gabriel just sighed. He knew his mum was right but he still didn't want to go to bed. But finally, with a lot of complaining, Gabriel went to bed and went to sleep. Then the next morning, he woke up feeling refreshed and happy. He knew that even though it was boring going to bed, it was worth it! Mum was teaching her daughter how to jump. She said, "Jump as high as you can, sweetheart". Mum made a well in the sand. The well was tall and wide. The little girl watched carefully. She put one foot in the well and closed her eyes tight. She took a deep breath and then she jumped. She jumped as high as she could and said, "Look, Mum! I did it!" Mum smiled and said, "That was great! You did so well". The little girl smiled and jumped again. She was determined to do even better with each jump. With each jump she tried harder and higher. Mum watched with pride and taught her daughter with love. After a while, the little girl was jumping high enough to touch the sky. She was so proud and Mum said, "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart". Once upon a time there was a little girl, who was very sad. She had been all alone in the big and scary maze for hours. She had been wandering for days and was very tired. She was about to give up, when she heard a voice. The little girl looked around, but she couldn't see anyone. "Where is the voice coming from?" she asked, thinking it was a magical voice. The Voice answered, "I am the Maze, and I am here to help. What do you need?" The little girl thought for a minute. "I need to get out of this maze," she replied. The Maze replied, "Follow the red thread and you will reach the exit. I will be here waiting until you come back again." The little girl followed the red thread and soon she was out of the maze. She ran home and hugged her family, happy to finally be safe. The Maze was waiting for her, and now she knew what to do if she ever needed help again. One night, Mommy was sitting in her chair and listening to the thunder, when a loud noise came from outside. She looked out the window and saw a big, dangerous animal! Mommy yelled out: "Come quickly, there's a dangerous animal out there!" Daddy ran over to the window and saw the animal. He said: "Oh no, it's a bear! Let's go outside and try to scare it away." Mommy and Daddy grabbed a flashlight and went outside. Daddy made loud noises, but the bear didn't move. Daddy said: "Maybe it can hear us better if we talk closer." So, Mommy and Daddy slowly walked towards the bear. Daddy said: "If we get close enough, the bear can hear us better with his big ears." When they got close enough, the bear suddenly ran away! Mommy and Daddy laughed and ran back inside. Daddy said: "Let's never forget that wild animals can be dangerous!" Mommy nodded and said: "It's good that we have big ears, too!" Molly was very eager to decorate her bedroom. She was always playing music, so she wanted to make sure that the decorations really suited her taste. She asked her mom for help. "Mom, can you help me decorate my bedroom?" Molly said. Her mom smiled. "Of course! What should we do first?" Molly thought for a moment and said, "Let's start by putting up some music posters." Molly's mom agreed and they began looking for music posters. Molly found some posters she absolutely loved, but her mom didn't think they were appropriate decorations. "I don't think these posters look very nice," said Molly's mom. No matter how hard Molly begged, her mom didn't let her get the posters. She thought that it was best to choose decorations that would look neat and tidy in Molly's bedroom. Molly was so disappointed that she couldn't decorate her bedroom the way she wanted. With a bad ending, she sadly finished her decorations without the music posters. Once upon a time there was a girl named Emma who loved to do yoga. Every day she went to her special yoga class with her mommy. Emma's mommy taught her many different yoga moves. Sometimes the yoga moves were easy, like making a tree or a cat, but other times they were difficult. One day, Emma's mommy said, "Today our yoga class will include something special and challenging. Are you up for it?". Emma was so excited and didn't understand what the special yoga move could be. When they got to the yoga class, Emma found out that the special challenge was a headstand! She wasn't sure she could do it, but her mommy said, "I know you can do it, Emma! You just have to be brave and use your strength". Emma was scared at first, but then she finally found her strength. She spread her arms, took a deep breath and tried to do the headstand. At first it was difficult, but then she finally managed to do it! Emma was so proud of herself and took a bow to celebrate her success. Her mommy was so proud of her too! From that day on, Emma practiced her headstand every day, and she remembered that strength can be found within us. Oliver was feeling very excited as he opened the drawer. Inside, he found lots of presents! He could hardly contain his excitement as he looked inside, but he couldn't lift all of the presents out by himself. He called his mom over and asked her for help. "Mom, can you help me with these? I feel so excited!" Oliver said. His mother smiled and said, "Sure! Let's see what we can find in here!" They started to rummage through the drawer, and Oliver felt even more excited as he found his favourite toy in the very back. He smiled and grabbed it. "It's mine!" he shouted happily. His mom laughed. "Yes, it is. You're going to have so much fun playing with it!" Oliver smiled. He couldn't wait to get started. He felt so excited! Jack had a very special mission. He had to complete it all by himself. He had to bring something very important to his neighbor's house. Jack felt a little bit scared, but he was also excited. He asked his mom if it was safe to go. She said yes, as long as he stayed on the sidewalk. Jack confidently walked down the street. He waved hello to all of his neighbors as he passed by. He could see his neighbor's house at the end of the street. He was almost there. Finally, he reached his neighbor's house. He knocked on the door and waited. His neighbor opened the door and was very surprised. Jack proudly handed him the special item and then ran back down the street to his house. He felt happy that he had completed his mission. He knew it had been a safe journey, and he felt proud that he'd done it all by himself. Once upon a time, there was a powerful dinosaur who lived deep in the forest. He was big and strong, and all the other animals in the forest were scared of him. One day, the dinosaur was out walking and he heard a noise. He stopped, and listened closely. It was the sound of a little bean rushing through the leaves. The dinosaur scowled and glared at the little bean. The bean was terrified and quickly hopped away. The dinosaur called after him, “Don’t be scared, little one. You are so small and powerless, but you can still make it through the forest. Everything will be alright.†The bean stopped and looked back. He smiled and nodded before continuing on his way. The moral of this story is that even when you are small and powerless, you can still rush through life and make it to the other side. One day, a human was walking through the forest. They felt a chill in the air and their heart beat faster. Suddenly, a noise echoed through the trees. It was a whisper! It said, “Be careful.†The human felt scared, but brave. They kept walking, searching for the source of the whisper. Soon, they saw a small creature hiding behind a bush. It was only a few inches tall, with wings and a tiny mouth. The creature looked at the human and spoke. “I am a fairy,†it whispered. “I was trying to warn you about the dangers of the forest.†The human thanked the fairy for its modest advice. Then, they both went their separate ways. The human then made it out of the forest safely. Jenny was a three-year-old girl. She was very happy today because she had a brand new pencil. It was clean and sharp. She went to show it to her mom. "Look Mommy, my new pencil!" she said. Mom smiled and said, "that's nice Jenny! Now you can draw very nice pictures." Jenny smiled and sat down. She took her pencil and began drawing a funny picture. She was very careful with the pencil, and kept it sharp. At the end of the day, her picture was done! She showed it to her mom, and was very proud. "That's a very clean picture!" said mom. Jenny smiled. She was happy she had a sharp pencil to help her with her work. One day, a chubby girl was walking through town and she saw a subway sign. She asked her mom, "What's a subway?" Her mom replied, "It's a type of train that takes people to other places." The girl was curious and asked, "Can we go?" Her mom smiled and said, "We could, but not today." The next day the girl asked her dad, "Can we go on the subway?" Her dad replied, "Sure, if you take a nap first!" The girl was excited and quickly fell asleep. When she woke up, she and her dad were in the subway. Together, they took a ride and the girl was amazed at all the places she saw. When the ride was over, the chubby girl said to her dad, "I had fun!" Her dad smiled and replied, "Me too!" They waved goodbye to the subway and headed home. John and Lucy were best friends at school. Every morning they would find each other and give each other a big hug before going to the classroom. One day, John saw that Lucy was looking messy. He asked her why she was so untidy. Lucy said "I got so messy when I stopped to play in mud on the way to school". John said "What fun! Let's go back and do it again!". But Lucy said no way. She said she had to stay clean, otherwise she'd get into trouble. John smiled and said "Come on, it will be so much fun! Let's just stop and play in the mud, and then we can give each other a big hug again when we get to school". Lucy looked at John and smiled. She said she'd love to do that, and they both stopped and played in the mud, until they were both very messy. Then they hurried to school, gave each other a big hug and went to the classroom. They had so much fun together that morning! The day was organized. Little Timmy had his toy gun and he was ready to shoot. His mommy made dough that morning and it was ready for baking. Timmy's mommy said, "Oh Timmy, why don't you shoot some of the dough. I am sure it will be fun!" Timmy thought it was a great idea. He picked up his gun and started to shoot at the dough. He was excited to see what happened. As the dough started to move and change shapes, little Timmy started to laugh. He felt so proud of himself and his mom smiled. They finished up the dough shooting and the outcome was delicious! Timmy and his mommy enjoyed the sweet treats that they made together and the memory of their time in the kitchen. Once upon a time, there lived a young girl. Every day she finished her chores, but she was never able to keep any money she earned. That is until one day when she found a shiny coin on the street. She was very grateful and knew she had to save it. The girl worried and wondered how she would keep her coin safe. She thought of many ways, but nothing felt just right. Eventually, she decided to hide the coin under the floor of her house. The day came when she wanted to finish her chores so she could buy some candy. She went to retrieve her coin from the floor but it was gone! The girl started to cry. Suddenly, a neighbor came down the street carrying the same shiny coin. He explained that he had found it and wanted to give it back. With a big smile, the girl thanked him and was very grateful. She finished her chores and enjoyed her candy! It was a sunny day when Billie and his mummy went to the store. When they arrived, Billie saw a big shelf full of toys. Mummy lifted Billie onto the shelf so he could pick a toy. Billie looked around but he couldn't find a toy he liked. He felt a bit miserable. Mummy said, "What's wrong, Billie?" Billie said sadly, "There's not a toy I like." Mummy gave Billie a big hug and said, "It's alright, sweetheart. Let's look around some more." They looked around and Billie saw the perfect toy. He lifted it off the shelf and showed it to Mummy. Mummy smiled and said, "That's a great toy. Let's take it home!" Billie was very happy and he held his new toy tight all the way home. Once upon a time, there was a dad and his son. They wanted to do something fun together so Dad suggested that they build something. The son was really excited about the idea. The Dad said to his son: "What should we build?" The son thought for a moment and then said "Let's build a house for the beef!" So, Dad and his son got to work. They found some pale wood and began building the house. Every day they worked very hard until finally the beef house was finished. The beef was so happy it had a new home. The beef thanked Dad and his son and the son looked up at his Dad with a huge smile. They had done an amazing job and both were very proud of the beef house they had built. It was a hot day and the sun was shining. David went outside to find something to do. He decided to sell water. He filled up a few jars with wet water and took them to the town square. At the square, there was a lot of other children selling water too. Each one wanted to sell more than the others, so it was very competitive. David knew he had to outsell the others. He started shouting "Fresh, wet water here - come and buy!" Soon, people started buying his water. He was so happy, he was selling more than the other children! One man asked him "Why should I buy your water over theirs?" "Because mine is the freshest and wettest, sir," David said with a smile. The man laughed and bought all of David's water. David had sold all of his water - he did it! Once upon a time, there was a grumpy old man who lived far away in a land filled with trees. One day, the old man had an idea. He decided to mail a special sign to his grandchild. He mumbled to himself about how excited his grandchild would be when it arrived. The old man carefully drew the sign and put it in a box, then mailed it off to the grandchild's house. He was so excited to hear what the grandchild's reaction would be! When the grandchild received the box in the mail, they were thrilled to find the special sign inside. They showed it to their parents and said, “Look! Grandpa mailed me a sign!†Their parents smiled and said, “That was such a thoughtful thing for Grandpa to do. Let's call and thank him.†So they called the grumpy old man and thanked him for his gift. The grandchild and their parents talked of happy times and thanked the old man again. They knew he was still grumpy, but there was a look of joy in his expression that made them smile. One day, a little girl named Emily was walking down the road. She saw a butterly and stopped to pick it. She held it in her hands, it's wings were soft and tickly. Emily smiled at her new friend and said, "Hi butterfly!" Suddenly, a loud car went by the road. Emily was scared, but the butterfly was brave. It flew away safe and sound. Emily felt better and she giggled. She then continued walking down the road. When Emily arrived at her house, she put the butterfly in her garden as a surprise for her mom. Emily opened the garden gate and she yelled, "Mom, come outside! I have a surprise for you!" Her mom came outside and saw the beautiful butterfly. She said, "Oh my, what an amazing surprise, Emily! Thank you so much!" Emily smiled and hugged her mom. They both had a lovely day. One day, Tom and his mommy were on a walk. Tom was so excited and couldn't wait to see what was around the corner. “Mommy, can I peek around the corner?†he asked. “Sure, Tom, but don’t go too far,†his mommy said. Tom ran around the corner and his mouth dropped open. He saw a big, glass lake. It was so calm and still. Tom wanted to get closer, but his mommy said, “No, Tom. You need to be careful near the lake. You can look, but remember not to touch.†Tom nodded and looked down at the lake in wonder. He learned that it was important to be careful and respectful even if something looks calm and pretty. From that day on, Tom remembered to be calm and gentle whenever he peeked around a corner. Once upon a time, there was a lion. He was very fierce. He had a big mane and sharp claws. One day, the lion spotted a small boy. The boy was scared, but he nodded bravely at the lion. The lion smiled and nodded back. He walked over to the boy. He was kind, but still very fierce. He asked the boy his name and the boy said it was Tom. Then the lion said they should be friends. Tom was excited and nodded happily. He followed the lion and they had a lot of fun. They ran and laughed and the lion showed Tom all of his favorite places. At the end of the day, the lion said it was time to go home. But as soon as Tom turned his back, the lion roared and chased him. Tom ran as fast as he could, but the lion was too fast and too fierce. Tom had to keep running until he was back home with his family. And from then on, he was careful when he met fierce lions. Once there was a boy and his Mom. One day they were baking cookies together. The Mom gave the boy some dough. "What do I do with it?" asked the boy. "You have to put it in the oven and let it burn," replied the Mom. The boy put the dough in the oven, but it didn't burn. "Why isn't it burning?" asked the boy. "Because you need to put it in for a longer time," said the Mom. The boy put the dough in for a longer time and the dough started to burn. The boy was so happy that the dough was burning. But then the Mom said, "That's enough. We want healthy cookies, not burnt cookies." The boy removed the dough from the oven and they made delicious, healthy cookies together. Moral of the story: It's better to be healthy than to do something too much and make it unhealthy. Once upon a time there was a little bird called Flappy. Flappy had been looking for twigs to use as a bed for days. After days and days of searching, Flappy finally found the perfect twig. Flappy was very excited and decided to take it home. But when Flappy went to pick up the twig, he noticed something moving underneath. To his surprise, it was a little caterpillar. The caterpillar spoke to Flappy and said “Please don’t pour on me.†Flappy did not listen and started to pour water on the ground where the caterpillar was laying. Poor caterpillar! Soon the caterpillar had nothing left to do but be all wet and cold. He was so scared and knew he would soon be dead. So the caterpillar sadly said goodbye to Flappy and lay still. But sadly he was already dead. The End. Billy was a little boy. He was walking outside when he saw something in the grass. He saw a red glove. He was very excited. He ran up to it and said, "Look at that!" He bent down and pulled the glove out of the grass. It was a bit dirty but he couldn't wait to try it on. Billy put his hand in the glove and said, "Wow, it fits!" He was so happy. Then he felt something strange. It felt hot inside the glove. He tried to pull his hand out but his fingers were stuck. It was like the glove was stuck to his hand. He started to cry. Then his mom ran over. She said, "What's wrong?" Billy said, "My hand is stuck in this hot glove!" Mom smiled and said, "Let me help you." She took some water and poured it on the glove. The glove softened and Billy was able to pull his hand out. Billy was very relieved. He hugged his mom and said, "Thank you for helping me!" Once upon a time there was a little girl called Molly. She loved to play in the valley near her home. The valley was very pretty. It had a river running through it and lots of animals running around. One warm sunny day, Molly was playing in the valley when she came across a big pond. She decided to have a lovely wash in the pond. The water was so cool and refreshing. She dived in and splashed around. After a while she heard a voice call out. She looked up and saw her mum at the edge of the valley. "Molly, come out now! It's time to go home," her mum shouted. Molly was sad to leave the pretty valley but she knew it was time to go. She swam out of the pond, clambered up the bank and dried off with her towel. And that was the end of a fun day exploring the valley! Once upon a time, three friends were playing together in the park. They were having a great time running around, but all of a sudden, they saw an enormous team of animals. The friends were very scared so they ran away. But soon, they were all so tired that they had to stop. One of the friends said, "We should all sleep here, so we can be ready to run if they come back!" The other two friends agreed and they all quickly fell asleep in a big pile. Later that night, the enormous team of animals found them. But the animals just smiled, and went back to their own homes. So the three friends were safe and sound and their adventure was over. The sun was bright and the grass was green. A red musician had a guitar in her hand. She smiled at the blue sky and began to sing. Suddenly, the ground started to shake. The musician fell down and dropped her guitar. A big hole opened up in the earth, and a monster with four big eyes peered out. The musician was scared and started to run away. But the monster let out a loud roar, and the ground shook even more. The musician was too scared to move. The monster stretched out a big arm and grabbed the red musician. It pulled her down into the hole and the ground closed up again. The musician was never seen again. The people who were near the hole were sad. They wanted to find the red musician, but they knew it was impossible. The ground yielded nothing. Once upon a time there was a little boy named Bill. He liked to do many things, but his favorite thing was to play his trumpet. Every day he would grab it and make noises with it. One day, Bill was playing his trumpet outside when a butterfly flew in front of him. He watched it fly away and then said, "I want to add more music to my trumpet." He ran home and asked for his dad's help. His dad said, "Yes, of course, son!" He grabbed a few items from the kitchen and started to work on the trumpet. When he was done, it was much louder and noisier than before. Bill was so excited that he ran outside and started playing his trumpet again. He smiled as he heard the loud and noisy sound. The end. One day, a little girl and her mommy were out for a walk. As the little girl looked around, she observed a driver in a car. The driver was smiling and looked gentle. The little girl asked her mommy, "Can I go talk to the driver?" Her mommy replied, "No sweetie, not right now." But the girl was determined. She saw how gentle the driver was and she wanted to meet him. So she carefully made her way towards the car. The driver saw her coming and rolled down his window. "Hello there little one," he said in a gentle voice. The little girl was so excited and happy. She waved and smiled at the driver before skipping away. It was her first time meeting a driver and it had been a very special experience. She would never forget it. Once upon a time there was a little boy named Donny. He was very excited one day as his Grandma had promised to show him a special thing. When they arrived at Grandma's house, Donny asked what she had to show him. His Grandma smiled and said, "Let's go outside." When they arrived outside, Grandma pulled out a big bubble wand. "This is a really reliable bubble wand", Grandma said. She showed Donny how to dip the wand in the bubble solution and to blow through the wand. When Donny had blown a few bubbles, he became very excited. He couldn't believe how much fun he was having! As each new bubble formed and floated away in the wind, it made a sound - 'ring!' Grandma and Donny spent the afternoon making bubbles and laughing together. Donny could not believe that something so simple could be so much fun! Peter was glad because he had his first soccer game today. He was so excited that he had been dreaming about it for days. He put on his uniform and ran to the stadium. At the stadium, his coach and teammates were already waiting. His coach said, "Let's play! Everyone run on the field." Peter ran on the field and started playing. He was having so much fun that he forgot to look where he was passing the ball. Suddenly, the ball flew outside the stadium. Everyone stopped playing and Peter felt bad. His coach said, "Peter, you should have been more careful. Now the game is over." His teammates were sad and Peter was embarrassed. He felt so disappointed that he just wanted to go home. Once upon a time there was a race between two animals, a rabbit and a turtle. The rabbit was very fast and was sure he would win. The turtle was slow but was graceful. The race began and the rabbit quickly rocketed ahead. He could not believe it when he suddenly heard the turtle's shell rattling and rattling until the turtle drew even with him. The rabbit said, “You can’t win! You’re too slow!†But the turtle replied, “Ah, but I know a law. A slow and steady pace will always win the race!†The rabbit hesitated, not knowing what to do. Then he remembered his friends had taught him another law: never give up! He took off running. The race was close. The bunny raced as fast as he could, but the turtle stayed the course and ran in a graceful and steady pace. In the end, the turtle won the race! Little Jake was feeling bored, he wanted someone to play with. Then he thought of an idea. He took some sugar and made a funny face with it. He was so cheerful that he knew it would make his friend smile. So he brought the sugar face to his friend's house and knocked on the door. His friend's mum answered and asked what he was holding. Jake said, "I made a sugar face to send to my friend. Can she come and play?" His friend's mum said with a smile, "Yes, of course she can come and play. What a cheerful idea!" So Jake and his friend played together all afternoon, until the sun went down, and they both went home with big smiles on their faces. One day, Molly was out in the garden playing with her toys, when she noticed something shiny. It was a banana! Molly had never seen a banana shine so brightly before, so she was excited. She asked her mum, "What is that?" Mum smiled, "That is a wonderful banana, Molly. It is a special, gifted banana." Molly was amazed and asked, "How come it is shining so brightly?" Mum replied, "Well, a gifted banana is super special. It shines like the sun, and it is really healthy for you." Molly decided to pick the banana and gobble it up right away. When she did, it tasted even more amazing than she'd expected. From then on, Molly's mum brought her gifted bananas whenever she could. Once upon a time, there were two friends, Jane and John. One day, they were playing in the garden when John's ball landed in Jane's sandcastle. Jane was very mad. John said, "I'm sorry, Jane. Can you forgive me?" Jane shouted, "No! You broke my sandcastle!" John ran away and hid in a dark cave. After a while, Jane's heart softened and she decided to forgive John. She followed his footprints to the cave. When she found him, she said, "John, I forgive you." John said, "Thank you!" Jane smiled, "Let's make something together to celebrate." So they made salt crystals. They mixed salt and water and let it sit for a few hours. When they looked again, the salt had turned into beautiful crystals. They said goodbye to the dark cave and went back to the garden, happy and holding their crystals. Once upon a time there was a little girl called Daisy. Daisy was very shy and liked to keep her secrets. One day, Daisy and her mum went out for a walk in the park. The weather was very nice, but suddenly it started to rain so they had to go home. "We must resist the rain", said Mum. "What does resist mean?" asked Daisy, who was curious. "It means not letting the rain stop us from going where we want to go", said Mum. So they kept going, with Daisy smiling happily, until they got back home. From then on, Daisy knew that she could resist anything, even shyness. Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Josh. He was three years old. Josh wanted to explore the world, so he decided to go for a walk to the park. When Josh arrived at the park, he was amazed to see a big, interesting statue! He walked closer and saw that it was a statue of a family. Josh was excited. Josh waved to the statue and said, "Hello!" He was surprised when the statue waved back! Josh smiled and said, "Thank you!" The statue said in a deep voice, "You’re welcome, Josh." Josh thanked the statue again and continued exploring the park. Josh was so happy that he had met a special statue! He shouted a big, "Thank you!" to the interesting statue as he left. Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lila. She was three years old and loved going for walks with her mum. One day, when Lila and her mum were out for a walk, a big, dark cloud came over and it started to rain. Lila felt uncomfortable as the rain got heavier and heavier. "Mummy, what should I do?" Lila asked, looking up worriedly. Her mum smiled and opened an umbrella. "Here you go!" she said, handing Lila the umbrella. Lila held on to the umbrella and smiled. She blinked in surprise as the rain suddenly stopped and the sun came out. "That was fast," she said, looking up at the sky. Her mum nodded and smiled. "Yes, it is! Let's go home now," she said. Lila and her mum headed home, still holding their umbrellas. Lila was happy and she felt comfortable walking in the sunshine. Tommy was walking in the park one day. He saw a dove sitting on a bench. He wanted to touch it. He slowly held out his hand and the dove stayed still. He touched its warm feathers and it felt soft and smooth. The dove began to fly away. Tommy wanted to follow it, so he followed the bird as it flew through the sky. Eventually, the dove landed on a rough tree branch. Tommy touched the branch and it was very rough. He pulled his hand away quickly. He was so excited to touch a dove. Tommy watched the dove fly away and then he went back home. He had a big smile on his face because it was his first time touching a dove. Once upon a time there were two best friends, Mark and Susie. Mark was different, with hair that curled and big blue eyes, while Susie had straight black hair and brown eyes. One day they were playing in the bedroom when Susie noticed a curtain. She asked Mark if they could look behind it. Mark didn't want to at first, but Susie begged and Mark trusted in his friend. When they opened the curtain, they saw a big secret. There was a bright and shiny star that they had never seen before. Susie and Mark were so excited and they wanted to look closer but Mark was scared. Susie smiled at him and said, "It's okay, I trust you." So, together, the two friends touched the star and it lit up their bedroom with a million different colours. They stared in wonder for a few moments before Susie said, "We have a secret now, and we have to trust each other." Mark nodded. He knew Susie was right and he trusted her. He also knew that this secret was special and different. With that, the two of them never opened the curtain again. Once upon a time, there were two friends named Mary and Pete. They were playing with bubbles in the garden. Mary was trying to blow the biggest bubble ever. She said to Pete, “I think I can make the biggest bubble ever!†Pete didn't think it was possible. He said, “That's fake. You can't make it.†Mary didn't give up. She made a special request to Pete. She said, “Please help me make this big bubble. Then we can see if it's real or fake.†Pete agreed. The two friends worked together to blow the biggest bubble ever. When Mary popped the bubble, it was real! Mary and Pete were so excited and cheered for their success. Once upon a time there was a robot. It was a fake robot, but it still liked to go outside and have fun. One day, the robot was walking when it heard a whistle. "Who is that?" it asked itself. The robot looked around and saw a little girl standing on the corner. She was holding a whistle and smiling. "What are you doing?" asked the robot. The little girl smiled and said, "I'm whistling! It makes me happy." The robot smiled, too. It was a fake robot, so it couldn't whistle, but it wanted to join in the fun. Suddenly, it had an idea. It took off its arm and used it to make a loud, cheerful whistling noise. The little girl laughed. "That's great, robot!" she exclaimed. The robot beamed and put its arm back on. From then on, every time the little girl whistled, the robot would take off its arm and whistle right along with her. And they both had lots of fun. The End. Once upon a time, there was a tiny animal called Peter. Peter wanted to find his way to his home, but he couldn't find it. He had to struggle to get there. So Peter kept walking and walking until he saw something very strange. It was a modest cell with a lock on it. He was confused but he wanted to open it. He tried to open the lock but he couldn’t. So he struggled and struggled, trying to open the lock. But then, he heard a noise. He looked up and he saw a big lion. The lion seemed very angry and he roared and roared at Peter. Peter was scared and he quickly ran away. He ran and ran until he saw his home. He was so happy and relieved. He had finally made it home. He was glad he didn’t have to struggle anymore. Once there was a little girl named Lila, and she loved playing on the roof of her house. She was such an honest little girl, always playing fair and smiling. One day, Lila was playing on the roof when a big storm rushed in. She got scared and started crying. Just then, her dad arrived and shouted up to her, “Lila, rush over here! Now! Quickly!†Lila was so relieved to see her dad, and in a flash she rushed over to him. They hugged and he took her inside the house, away from the storm. Once they were inside, her dad said, “You have to be honest and come inside when it starts to storm. It can be dangerous outside!†Lila smiled and nodded, learning an important lesson. She never tried to play on the roof again. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah. She was only three years old and she liked playing with her dolls. One of her dolls was her favourite, so she was very careful when taking care of it. One day, Sarah took her favourite doll to the park. While she was there, she saw a new kind of doll that she had never seen before. She was so excited and she wanted to have it. She asked her mom if she could have it, but her mom said no. Sarah was very sad. But then, Sarah remembered something. She had been very polite when asking her mom for the doll. So, Sarah decided to hope that her mom would change her mind. She was very hopeful that she would get the new doll. Months later, Sarah’s birthday finally came. When she opened the present, she found the new doll she had seen at the park! Sarah was very happy and gave her mom a hug to thank her. Sarah was so happy to finally have the new doll. Pete the puppy was walking through the park, feeling the sunshine on his back. He came to a pond and saw a big turtle. He was curious, so he went up to say hello. "Hello there! My name is Pete," he said. The turtle looked at him with wise eyes and replied, "It's nice to meet you, Pete. I am Mrs Turtle. What brings you here?" Pete explained that he was exploring the park and the turtle nodded. Mrs Turtle looked across the pond, to the other side, and said, "I must warn you, Pete. That other side is much too heavy for a small pup like you." Pete looked across to the other side. He could just make out the big tree roots and boulders. "Yes, I see," he said. "It looks very heavy." Mrs Turtle nodded and said, "It is very important to be fair. There are some places that even I can't cross." Pete thanked Mrs Turtle for warning him, and she said goodbye. Pete was glad that she had warned him, and would be extra careful when exploring the park from now on. Once upon a time, there was a nice boy who liked to play outdoors. One day, he was walking in the park when he saw a stone lying on the ground. The boy was very excited by this, and he decided to take the stone home with him. He held it close to his chest and couldn't stop smiling. On the way home, the boy told his friends all about the stone. He said it was a special one that he found in the park. All his friends thought it was very cool, and they all wanted a stone just like it. When the boy got home, he told his mom about the stone. He said it was his special stone and told her how he found it. His mom thought it was nice that he was so excited about his find and gave him a big hug. The boy was so happy to have such a nice stone. He kept it with him for many days, and every time he looked at it, he remembered how he found it. The end. Once upon a time, there was a little duck. He swam in the lake and played with his friends all day. He was very naughty and often got into trouble. One day, the little duck was swimming around the lake and he got very close to the edge. He was warned not to get too close, but he wouldn't listen. He swam even closer and didn't watch where he was going. Suddenly, he lost his balance and fell over the edge of the lake! The little duck was so scared. He called for help, but nobody came. He tried to climb out of the lake, but the sides were too slippery. What would he do? Fortunately, the naughty little duck was saved by his friends. They had been watching the whole time and formed a rope with their wings. They held on tight and pulled him out of the lake. The little duck was so happy to be back with his friends! He learned his lesson and will never be so naughty again. Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Lily. She was very thoughtful, and when she played she loved to explore. One day, she was playing in the garden, when she noticed something strange.In the corner of the garden, there was a long shadow cast by a bush. Lily was curious, so she went to take a closer look. When Lily got close to the bush, she noticed something even more interesting. Hiding behind the bush was a tiny, furry creature. Lily couldn't believe her eyes! She quickly held out her hands and the creature jumped onto them. She held it tightly and it cuddled into her little hands. Lily's mother had been watching from a distance and heard the commotion. She came over and told Lily that the creature was a very special animal called a rabbit. She told her that she should be very careful and treat the rabbit gently. Lily listened to her mother carefully and treated the rabbit with love and kindness. She took it gently in her hands and made sure it was safe and happy before letting it go. After that, Lily was extra careful with how she treated all of the animals in the garden. The moral of the story is that if you are thoughtful and treat creatures with kindness, they will feel safe and happy in your care! John was playing in the garden. He loved to draw with chalk on the ground. He took out all of his chalk, which was red, blue, yellow and green. He then picked up the red chalk and started to draw the outline of a house. John said, "I'm going to build a house!" John kept on drawing and he soon had an outline of a big red house. He then took the blue chalk and drew a window on the house. After that he used the yellow chalk to draw a door and the green chalk to draw a roof. John was so proud of his house. He looked around for something to add inside but he couldn't find anything. Then he remembered the dry leaves in the garden and he started to gather them. John carefully placed the dry leaves inside his house and it was finished. He made some chairs and a table by arranging the leaves. John looked at his house with a big smile on his face. He had used his chalk and leaves to make something special. Once upon a time there was a large bear. He loved to dream. Every night he would dream about having fun adventures and eating big honey pots. But one day, trouble came to the bear's home. The trouble was too big for the bear to handle. He became very scared and didn't know what to do. Then one night, the bear had a dream about a large tree. When he looked in the tree, he found a pile of delicious honey. He realized that the honey could help him fix the trouble. The bear filled up his bucket with the delicious honey and used it to solve the trouble. Everyone was so happy and the bear was free to dream again. Once there was a little girl named Sue. Sue was very hungry and wanted something tasty to eat. She saw a red radish in the garden and thought it would be perfect! She picked the radish and quickly bite into it. But it was too hot to eat! Sue started to cry, "It's too hot! I can't eat it." Just then her mom walked out of the house and saw Sue crying. She asked, "What's wrong Sue?" Sue replied, "I wanted to eat the radish but it's too hot." Her mom said, "Well, why don't you wait a few minutes and it'll cool down?" Sue nodded and waited patiently. Soon the radish was cool enough to eat and Sue took a big bite. It was delicious! She smiled and said, "Yum, this radish is really tasty!" Her mom smiled and said, "I'm glad you like it!" The two of them laughed and spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying their radish feast. John and his mom were walking down the street one night. John looked up in the sky and saw a big, white, round moon. He asked his mom what it was. "That's the moon," said his mom. John said with excitement, "Mom, can I run to the moon?" His mom laughed, "No sweetie, you can't run to the moon. It's too far away." John thought for a moment, then asked, "What about the poor people who don't have homes, can they run to the moon?" His mom smiled, "No sweetie, they can't run to the moon either. But I'm sure the moon still watches over them." John nodded and the two continued to walk in the soft moonlight. Adam was feeling very impatient. He had been waiting for what felt like forever to go to the cactus farm. Adam had always been fascinated by cactuses and couldn't wait to see them up close. Finally, the day arrived and Adam went with his dad. He was so excited he could hardly keep still while they drove. When they arrived, Adam's eyes lit up. He could see so many cactuses of different sizes, shapes and colors. Adam started running around, looking at all the cactuses. He felt much calmer once he was surrounded by them. Suddenly, he heard his dad calling him. "Adam, come here please," said his dad. Adam rushed over to him. "I want to show you something special," said his dad. His dad bent down and carefully picked up the smallest cactus that Adam had ever seen. Adam was so amazed. "This one is special because it's yours," said his dad. Adam couldn't believe it. He took the cactus from his dad, feeling so happy and excited. He had his very own cactus. From that day on, every time he looked at it, he felt very proud. Molly and her daddy were playing outside when Molly saw the wagon. She wanted to ride in it. "Daddy, can I ride in the wagon?" she asked. "Uh oh," said her daddy. "Molly, that wagon looks like it might be hurt. Let's stay away from it until we can get it fixed." But Molly wanted to ride in the wagon and her daddy could not stop her. She ran over to the wagon and climbed in. "Hide!" she yelled. Her daddy ran to the wagon to make sure she was safe. He saw that she was alright and he smiled. "Okay Molly," he said. "It looks like you are having fun, but let's not hide anymore. Let's go find somebody to fix the wagon so you can ride it around." Molly smiled. She and her daddy went to find help for the hurt wagon. When it was fixed, Molly was able to ride it around and have lots of fun with it. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Jane. She loved to explore the world around her. One day, Jane decided to go for a walk in the woods. As she moved through the trees, she saw something very rare. It was a log! The log was very unusual. Jane thought it was magical. Jane couldn’t wait to touch it. She moved closer and reached out her hand. As soon as she touched it, something amazing happened! The log started to move! It slowly rolled away, making its way through the trees. Jane couldn’t believe it. She ran after it excitedly. She followed the log until it finally came to a stop. She sat down and just watched it, mesmerized by its rareness. That was Jane’s magical day in the woods. It was a day she would never forget. Once there were two brothers, Jim and Bob. Jim was three years old and Bob was five. One day, Jim and Bob were outside in the garden. All of a sudden, they heard a loud rumbling noise. Looking up, they saw a big helicopter, flying high in the sky. Jim got a bit scared but Bob was glad because he thought it looked really cool. Jim said to Bob: "That was really noisy." Bob replied: "Yes, but I think it's really cool. Don't be scared, Jim." Jim smiled and said: "Ok. I'm glad it's gone now." They both laughed and went back to playing in their garden, happy that the big scary helicopter was gone. Mummy was very excited. "Let's decorate!" she said, holding up a box full of things. Daddy and the 3 year old were both curious. "What shall we decorate?" asked the 3 year old. Mummy opened the box and took out some paints, glitter and paper. "Let's decorate our garden," she said, "We can draw pictures and stick all kinds of things to the walls, like shiny shells and leaves." The 3 year old clapped their hands. They all went outside to the garden. The 3 year old noticed a big wet worm crawling on the ground. "Look, a wet worm!" they said, pointing. Daddy smiled. He got out some paste and the 3 year old started to cover the worm with it. "We'll make a shiny, wet worm decoration," they said, sticking all kinds of bits to it. Mummy, Daddy and the 3 year old all laughed together while they decorated with their sticky, wet worm. Finally, they were all finished. The garden was full of colour, sparkle and one very shiny, wet worm. Once upon a time, there was a curious little 3-year-old boy named Toby. Toby always wanted to find out what was inside the boxes in his parents’ bedroom. One day, while his parents were away from home, Toby decided to find out what was hidden inside one of the boxes. He ran to the bedroom and found a box that was bigger than him. It had a deep blue handle. So Toby carefully picked it up and tried to open it. But it wouldn’t budge! Toby was getting frustrated so he started to yell for help. Luckily, his older brother, Peter, heard him and came rushing to the bedroom. As soon as he saw what Toby was doing, he said in a strict voice: “Toby, you need to stop! That’s mom and dad’s box and you’re not allowed to unpack it!†But Toby was determined and asked Peter to help him open the box. After Peter was sure that Toby was not going to do any harm to the contents of the box, he agreed to help him unpack it. Once the box was opened, Toby was so excited to see the surprise inside. It was a toy car with bright red and blue colors! Toby was so happy and thanked his brother for helping him. From that day on, Toby and his brother would play with the car every day Once there was a little boy named Mark. Mark was very sad because he had not been feeling well for days. One day, Mark's mommy came to him and asked, "Mark, what do you want to do today?" Mark replied, "I want to heal my sickness." His mommy smiled and said, "I have an idea! Let's go to the garden and pick some squash." Mark was excited, he put on his shoes and took his mommy's hand. When they got to the garden, Mark picked the biggest squash he could find. Back at home, his mommy cut the squash into pieces and cooked it. After dinner, Mark felt much better. Mark was happy that he had been lucky to find the squash in the garden. He was sure things would continue to get better. The very next day, Mark woke up feeling great! The squash his mommy had cooked for him had healed his sickness. Once upon a time, there was a puppy named Mojo. He was playing in the backyard when he saw a big, splashy puddle. He wanted to jump in and play in it, but he was scared. Mojo decided to ask his older brother Rusty. He said, “Rusty, can I go play in the puddle?†Rusty replied, “No, Mojo. That puddle is too deep. You could fall and get hurt.†But Mojo was feeling brave and curious. He said, “I won't fall! Please can I go play?†Rusty was jealous that Mojo wanted to play in the puddle while he couldn't. So, he said, “No, Mojo, you're too little and you're not allowed.†Mojo was sad and he sulked away without playing in the puddle. But later that day, Mojo noticed Rusty playing in the puddle and he was angry. Rusty had gone against his own rule and Mojo was very jealous. Mama had a surprise for her little girl. She took her to the park. The little girl saw a big swing. Mama said, "This swing is for sale. Do you want to buy it?" The little girl was very excited. She looked at the swing and said, "Yes, please!" Mama smiled and said, "Ok, let's go buy it." They went to the store and bought the swing. When they went back to the park, the little girl jumped on the swing. She was very happy and swung very high. She felt dizzy, but she loved it. She could swing higher than all the other children. The little girl loved her swing and played with it every day. She was so proud that she could sell it. One day, a little girl was listening to her old grandpa. He was telling her a story about a long time ago. The little girl loved to listen to her grandpa's stories. Then, her old grandpa sang a long song. It was so beautiful! The little girl smiled as she listened to her grandpa singing. After the song finished, the little girl and her old grandpa went outside to play. They ran around and laughed together in the sunshine. It was so much fun. Before it was time to go home, the little girl and her old grandpa shared a long hug. Then, she said goodbye and skipped home with a big smile on her face. She was happy that she had gotten to listen to her grandpa's special stories. The little girl was so excited. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Finally today was the day she was allowed to sleep in her own bedroom. She had her own powerful bed and her own special pillow. All she needed was her teddy bear to make it perfect. The girl reached out to give her teddy bear a big hug but it was nowhere to be found. She hastily searched her room, but couldn't find him anywhere. Her mom saw her searching and asked, "Honey, what are you looking for?" "My teddy bear! I forgot to bring him with me!" The girl said sadly. Realizing her mistake, the girl started to cry. Her mom tried to comfort her, but the girl was inconsolable. She had been so excited to sleep in her own bedroom, but without her bear it felt incomplete. The little girl was never able to find her teddy bear, no matter how hard she looked. She was heartbroken and never felt the same joy in her bedroom again. Once upon a time, there was a big red car. The big red car lived in a garage. One day, the big red car wanted to play with his friend, the little blue car. The little blue car was sad. He said, "I want to play, but I don't have a garage to sleep in at night." The big red car thought for a moment and said, "I can lend you my garage. We can share it!" The little blue car was very grateful. He said, "Thank you, big red car! I am so happy to share your garage." They played together all day and then slept in the garage at night. From that day on, the big red car and the little blue car were best friends. They shared the garage and played together every day. And they were both very happy. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She loved to draw with her crayons. One day, she wanted to draw a big, black cat. But she could not find her black crayon. She looked everywhere for it but could not find it. Lucy asked her brother Tom if he had her black crayon. Tom said, "No, I don't have it." Lucy was sad. She really wanted her black crayon to draw her cat. Tom saw how sad Lucy was and wanted to help her. Tom had an idea. He went to his room and found a blue crayon. He offered the blue crayon to Lucy. Lucy smiled and said, "Thank you, Tom!" She used the blue crayon to draw her cat. It was not black, but it was still a very nice cat. Lucy was happy, and Tom was happy that he could help his sister. One day, a creative squirrel was playing in the forest. He loved to find acorns and hide them. He saw a big acorn under a tree. The squirrel was very happy. "Wow! Look at this big acorn!" said the squirrel to his friend, the rabbit. The rabbit hopped over to see the acorn. "That's a great acorn!" said the rabbit. The squirrel wanted to hide the acorn, but he forgot where he put his other acorns. He started to panic. "Oh no! Where did I hide my other acorns?" he asked the rabbit. The rabbit thought for a moment and had an idea. "Don't panic, squirrel. Let's walk around the forest and look for your acorns together!" said the rabbit. So, the squirrel and the rabbit walked around the forest and found all the acorns. The squirrel was very happy and thanked the rabbit for his help. Once upon a time, a little boy named Tim went to the park with his mom. They saw a big tree with yummy red apples. Tim wanted to eat one, but his mom said, "We must test if it is good to eat first." Tim asked, "How do we test it, Mom?" His mom said, "We ask the park keeper if it is safe to eat." They found the park keeper, and he said, "Yes, these apples are yummy and good to eat." Tim and his mom shared the apple and had a fun day at the park. Tim learned that it is important to make sure things are safe before trying them. A little girl named Sally loved to eat healthy food. One day, her mom gave her a big pepper to try. Sally was very excited to taste it. Sally took a bite of the pepper and her eyes grew wide. It was very yummy! She looked at her mom and said, "Mom, this pepper is so good!" Her mom smiled and replied, "I'm glad you like it, Sally!" Sally ate the whole pepper and felt very happy. She knew that eating healthy food like peppers helped her grow big and strong. Now, Sally always asks her mom for more peppers to eat. Once upon a time, there was a unique theater in a small town. The theater was special because it had many colors and shapes. People loved to go there to watch funny shows and listen to music. One day, a little girl named Lucy decided to take her toy bear, Mr. Cuddles, to the unique theater. They walked there together, holding hands. Lucy was very excited to show Mr. Cuddles the beautiful place. When they got to the theater, they watched a funny show with clowns and animals. Lucy and Mr. Cuddles laughed and clapped their hands. They had a great time at the unique theater. After the show, they went home and told their friends about their fun adventure. Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a yellow cat. This cat was very dangerous, but no one knew. The cat liked to play with the kids, but the kids did not know that the cat was dangerous. One day, a little girl named Sally was playing with the yellow cat. Sally's mom saw the cat and said, "Sally, I need to talk to you." Sally stopped playing and listened to her mom. Her mom mentioned, "That yellow cat can be dangerous, so you need to be careful when you play with it." Sally listened to her mom and said, "Okay, Mom. I will be careful." From that day on, Sally was careful when she played with the yellow cat. The cat did not hurt Sally, and they became good friends. The town learned that even if something looks dangerous, it can still be a good friend. One day, a big, hairy dog named Max found a red jeep. Max wanted to go for a ride. He jumped into the jeep and said, "Zoom, zoom, let's go fast!" Max drove the jeep down the road. He saw his friend, a little cat named Lily. Lily said, "Hi Max, can I ride in the jeep too?" Max said, "Yes, come on in!" Lily jumped into the jeep and they both went zoom, zoom, down the road. They saw a big hill and decided to drive up it. The jeep went zoom, zoom, all the way to the top. Max and Lily looked at the pretty view. They were so happy to be in the jeep together. Then, they drove back down the hill and went home. Max and Lily had a fun day with the red jeep. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. Lucy loved to play in her house. One day, she saw her mom cooking on the stove. She wanted to help her mom, but her mom said, "No, Lucy, the stove is hot. You can't touch it." Lucy felt sad, but she wanted to help. She saw a cat outside and asked, "Cat, can you help me cook on the stove?" The cat replied, "No, Lucy, I am a cat. I can't cook." Lucy felt frustrated. She went to her room and saw her toy bear. She asked, "Bear, can you help me cook on the stove?" The bear did not reply, because it was just a toy. Lucy was very sad. She wanted to cook on the stove so badly. So, she went back to the kitchen when her mom was not looking. She tried to cook on the stove, but she touched the hot stove and it hurt her hand. Lucy cried and her mom came running. Her mom was upset and said, "I told you not to touch the stove, Lucy. Now your hand is hurt." Lucy learned that she should listen to her mom, but she was still sad because her hand hurt. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She lived in a small, cozy house with her family. Lucy loved to play with her toys and often scattered them all over the floor. She would laugh and dance as her toys lay all around her. One day, Lucy went to the park with her mom. They walked slow, enjoying the warm sun and the soft grass. Lucy saw a big, shiny car drive by. Her mom told her that the car was a luxury car, and it was very special. Lucy's eyes grew wide, and she dreamed of riding in a car like that one day. When they got to the park, Lucy found a big pile of leaves. She decided to scatter the leaves just like she did with her toys. Lucy jumped and played in the leaves, laughing and having the best time. Her mom watched and smiled, knowing that even though they didn't have a luxury car, they had love and happiness, which was more important. One day, a rich man got a letter. The letter was dirty. The rich man did not like dirty things. He said, "I need to wipe this letter clean." A little girl saw the rich man. She wanted to help. She said, "I can wipe the letter for you." The rich man gave her the letter. The little girl wiped the letter until it was clean. The rich man was happy. He said, "Thank you, little girl." But when he opened the letter, he was sad. The letter said his big house was gone. The little girl felt bad. She said, "I will help you find a new house." They looked for a new house together and became good friends. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Amy. Amy loved to make food. One day, she wanted to make a big cake for her mom. She was very persistent, which means she never gave up. Amy went to the kitchen and started to make the cake. She mixed flour, sugar, eggs, and milk in a big bowl. She was very happy and sang a song while she mixed the cake. "I love to make food, I love to make food, I never give up, I am persistent too!" Her little brother, Tim, came into the kitchen and saw Amy making the cake. He asked, "Amy, what are you doing?" Amy said, "I am making a cake for mom. Do you want to help me?" Tim said, "Yes, I want to help too!" Together, they made the cake and put it in the oven. They waited and waited. Finally, the cake was ready. They took it out of the oven and let it cool. Then, they put frosting on the cake and wrote "I love you, Mom" with icing. When their mom saw the cake, she was very happy and proud of her persistent children. They all enjoyed the cake and had a great time together. Once upon a time, there was a dancer. She loved to dance all day and all night. She had a big room where she danced. The room was dark, but she didn't mind. She could dance even when it was dark. One day, the dancer wanted to make her room bigger. She needed help to measure the room. She asked her friend, a little dog, to help her. The dog was very happy to help the dancer. Together, the dancer and the dog measured the room. They made the room bigger and bigger. Now, the dancer could dance even more. The dancer and the dog were very happy. They danced in the big, dark room all day and all night. Once upon a time, there was a helpful flower. The flower lived near a rail. One day, a little girl named Lily came to see the flower. "Hello, flower," said Lily. "You are so pretty when you bloom. Will you bloom for me today?" The helpful flower wanted to make Lily happy, so it started to bloom. Lily was very happy to see the flower bloom. She clapped her hands and danced around. But then, a big wind came. It blew the flower away from the rail. The flower tried to hold on, but it could not. The wind was too strong. The flower was sad because it could not be helpful anymore. Lily was sad too, because her new friend was gone. Once upon a time, in a small house, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim was very patient. He liked to play with his toys and share with his friends. One day, Tim found a big box near the tip. He was very excited to see what was inside the box. Tim opened the box and found a toy robot. He loved the robot and started to play with it. The robot could walk, talk, and even shout. Tim and the robot became best friends. They played all day long, and Tim was very happy. But one day, the robot started to shout too much. It shouted so loud that it scared Tim's friends away. Tim tried to make the robot stop, but the robot would not listen. The robot kept shouting, and soon, Tim had no friends left to play with. Tim was very sad and wished he had never found the robot near the tip. Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Spot. Spot was not like the other dogs. He was a bit ugly, but he was very kind. One day, Spot went for a walk in the park. He saw a big tree and wanted to play near it. As Spot played, he saw a little bird fall from the tree. Spot noticed the bird was hurt. He felt sad for the bird and wanted to help. Spot picked up the bird with his mouth and carried it to his home. That night, Spot had a dream. In his dream, the bird was all better and they played together in the park. When Spot woke up, he saw the bird was still there. The bird was now better, just like in his dream. Spot and the bird became best friends, and they played together every day. Once upon a time, there was a happy family. They had a dog named Spot. Spot was deaf, but he loved to play. The family loved Spot very much. One Sunday, the family went to the park. Spot ran and played with a big ball. The little boy, Tim, laughed and clapped. Tim's mom and dad watched and smiled. At the end of the day, Tim knelt down to hug Spot. They were tired but happy. They all went home and had a good night's sleep. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. He had an incredible toy phone that he loved to play with every day. Tim would pretend to talk to his friends on the phone and have lots of fun. One day, Tim was playing with his phone when he heard a voice coming from it. "Hello, Tim," the voice said. Tim was very surprised. He asked, "Who are you?" The voice replied, "I am your toy phone, and I can talk to you now!" Tim was so happy that he could talk to his incredible toy phone. They became very close friends and talked every day. Tim's toy phone would tell him stories and make him laugh. And they lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, there was a big red barn on a farm. In the barn, there lived an incredible cow named Bessie. Bessie loved to spend her days playing with her friends, the chickens, and the pigs. One day, Bessie said to her friend, the pig, "Let's play hide and seek!" The pig agreed, and they began to play. Bessie hid behind the big hay stack, and the pig looked for her. The pig found her, and they both laughed. After playing, Bessie and her friends went back to the barn. They all ate some yummy food and talked about their fun day. They were happy to spend their days together on the farm. Once upon a time, there was a bright sun in the sky. It was very hot. A little boy named Tim went outside to play. He saw a big tree with a lot of shade on one side. Tim thought it would be a good place to play. Tim called his friend, Sam, to play with him under the tree. "Sam, come here! Let's play on this side of the tree. The sun is too hot, it can burn our skin," Tim said. Sam agreed and they both went to the shady side of the tree. They played all day long, laughing and having fun. They were happy that they found a cool place to play, safe from the bright sun. When the sun went down, they said goodbye and went back to their homes. They couldn't wait to play together again the next day. One day, a big frog named Fred lived in a swamp. Fred was sad because he had no friends to play with. He would sit on a log and sigh, wishing for someone to talk to. One day, a little duck named Daisy came to the swamp. She saw Fred sitting on the log and said, "Hi, I am Daisy. Why are you sad?" Fred told her that he had no friends. Daisy wanted to be friends with Fred, but she was scared of the swamp. She thought it was too wet and muddy. Fred had an idea. He found some big rocks and put them in the swamp to make a path for Daisy. Daisy was happy and walked on the rocks to Fred. They became best friends and played together every day. The swamp was not so scary anymore, and Fred did not have to sigh alone on the log. One day, a little fish named Finny was in the ocean. He saw a big, heavy rock. Finny wanted to move the rock, but it was too heavy for him. He needed help. Finny saw his friend, Sally the seahorse. He said, "Sally, please help me move the heavy rock." Sally wanted to help Finny. They both tried to push the rock, but it was still too heavy. Finny had an idea. He urged Sally to ask more friends to help. They asked their friends, Tommy the turtle and Bobby the crab. Together, they all pushed the heavy rock. The rock moved, and they found a beautiful secret cave. They were all very happy and played in the cave all day. Once upon a time, in a wide green park, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to play with clay. He would make small animals out of the clay, like cats and dogs. One sunny day, Tim made a clay bird. He showed it to his mom and said, "Look, Mom! I made a bird with clay!" His mom smiled and said, "That's great, Tim! Now, let's go feed the real birds with some bread." Tim and his mom walked to the pond in the park. They saw many birds flying and swimming around. Tim took a piece of bread and threw it to the birds. The birds came and ate the bread happily. As they fed the birds, Tim thought about his clay bird. He wished it could eat and be happy like the real birds. Tim and his mom went back home after a fun day at the park, and Tim kept playing with his clay bird, dreaming of the day it could join the real birds in the wide green park. Once upon a time, there was a weird bird named Bobo. He lived in a big tree. Bobo had a best friend, a cat named Mimi. They played together every day. One day, Bobo woke up very early. He saw a beautiful sunrise. He wanted to show Mimi the pretty colors in the sky. But, Bobo was so excited that he accidentally pushed Mimi out of the tree. Mimi got mad and ran away. Bobo felt very sad. He looked for Mimi all day. When the sun went down, he found her. Bobo said, "I am sorry, Mimi. I did not mean to push you." Mimi looked at Bobo and saw he was sad. She decided to forgive him. They hugged and went back to watch the sunrise together the next day. Once upon a time, there was a clown. This clown was not like other clowns. He was ordinary. He did not have a big red nose or funny shoes. He just looked like a normal person. One day, the clown wanted to improve. He wanted to make people laugh and be happy. So, he practiced making funny faces and doing silly dances. He worked very hard to be a better clown. Soon, the ordinary clown became very good at making people laugh. He was not ordinary anymore. He was a happy, funny clown that everyone loved. And the clown was happy too, because he had improved and made people smile. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim loved to play outside. One day, he saw a smelly sock on the ground. He picked it up and laughed. Tim saw his mom in the garden. She was on her knees, planting something. Tim ran to her and asked, "What are you doing, Mom?" She said, "I am planting celery, Tim." Tim wanted to help, so he kneeled down too. They planted the celery together. Tim was happy to help his mom. They went inside and washed their hands. Then, they ate some yummy celery. And they lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, there was a group of animals who lived in the forest. They were very good friends. They liked to play together and help each other. One day, they decided to have a big party. The animals wanted to supply food for the party. They knew they needed delicious treats that everyone would love. The rabbit hopped to the garden to find yummy carrots. The squirrel climbed trees to get tasty nuts. The bird flew high to find sweet berries. At the party, all the animals shared the delicious food they had found. They laughed and played games together. They were so happy to be with their friends and enjoy the treats they had supplied. The forest was filled with joy and love that day. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a lucky cushion that she loved very much. She took it everywhere she went. One day, she went to the park with her mom and her lucky cushion. At the park, Lily saw a boy named Tim. He was sad because he didn't have any friends to play with. Lily went up to Tim and said, "Hi! Do you want to play with me and my lucky cushion?" Tim smiled and said, "Yes, I would like that." They played together all day. They even had a picnic with their moms. Lily's mom poured juice for everyone to drink. As they drank their juice, Lily and Tim became good friends. They learned that sharing and being kind to others made them both feel happy. The moral of the story is that sharing and being kind to others can bring happiness and friendship. Once upon a time, there was a big party. All the kids were happy. They played games and ate cake. At the party, there was a big box. It was a present for a little girl named Sue. Sue was very excited. She whispered to her friend, "I can't wait to open the present!" Her friend whispered back, "I hope it's something fun!" They both smiled and laughed. When Sue opened the present, she found a lot of toys. There were dolls, cars, and even a big teddy bear. Sue felt very rich with all her new toys. She shared them with her friends, and they all played together. The party was the best one ever. Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim was a very foolish boy. He liked to play all day and not listen to his mom and dad. One day, Tim went to the park with his friends. They played a game where they had to add rocks to a big pile. Tim added one rock, then two rocks, and then three rocks. The pile got very big and tall. As they played, Tim saw a big exit sign near the park. He thought it would be fun to go through the exit. But Tim's friends said, "No, Tim! That's not a good idea!" Tim didn't listen and went through the exit. He got lost and was very scared. Luckily, his mom found him and took him home. From that day on, Tim was never foolish again and always listened to his friends and family. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. He loved to play ball in the park with his friends. One day, while playing, Tom tried to kick the ball very hard. But, he kicked it so hard that he fell down and hurt his knee. It was difficult for him to stand up. Tom's mommy saw him fall and came running to help. She brought a bandage from her bag to put on his knee. The bandage was white and soft. It made Tom feel a little better. He smiled and thanked his mommy for helping him. After a while, Tom felt better and wanted to play again. His friends were waiting for him. They all played together and had lots of fun. Tom learned to be more careful when he kicked the ball. He didn't want to fall and hurt himself again. And they all played happily ever after. Once upon a time, in a safe and happy town, there lived a girl named Amy. Amy had a flute. She loved to play her flute every day. It made her feel very happy. One day, Amy met a boy named Tom. Tom wanted to hear Amy perform with her flute. So, Amy played a happy song for Tom. "Wow!" Tom said, "You play very well!" Amy and Tom became good friends. They played together every day. Amy would perform with her flute, and Tom would dance and clap. They were always safe and happy in their town. One day, a fast cat named Tim and a slow dog named Sam were playing with a ball. They liked to run and jump. They were best friends. Tim saw a big board near the tree. He said to Sam, "Let's play a game with the board. We can throw the ball and try not to miss it." Sam said, "Yes, I want to play too!" They took turns throwing the ball at the board. Tim was very fast and did not miss. But Sam was slow and missed the ball sometimes. Tim said, "It's okay, Sam. We can keep playing and you will get better." They played until the sun went down and had lots of fun. One day, a little boy named Tim found a skull in his backyard. He was not scared, but excited. He wanted to play pretend with it. Tim pretended the skull was a fast car. He made car sounds and moved the skull very fast around the yard. He had so much fun with his new toy. After a while, Tim's mom called him inside. Tim said goodbye to the skull and went inside for dinner. He was happy he had a new friend to play pretend with. Once upon a time, in a small house, there was a pretty candle. The candle was calm and always made the room bright. The candle had a friend named Tom. Tom liked to talk to the candle every night. One night, Tom asked the candle, "Why are you so calm and bright?" The candle did not reply. Tom asked again, "Candle, why are you so calm?" This time, the candle replied, "I am calm because I like to help people see in the dark." Tom was happy to hear the candle's reply. But one day, Tom forgot to be careful with the candle. He left it too close to the curtains. The candle was too hot, and the curtains caught fire. The fire grew big and fast. Tom tried to put out the fire, but he could not. The house became dark and scary. The pretty, calm candle was gone. Tom was very sad and knew he should have been more careful. Once upon a time, in a lively little town, there lived a boy named Tim. Tim loved to play and have fun with his friends. One day, Tim saw his friends working together to build a big tower with toy blocks. Tim wanted to join his friends and help with their work. He ran to them and started to add more blocks to the tower. They were all having a great time, laughing and talking as they built the tower higher and higher. But then, Tim pushed too hard on a block and the tower started to shake. It fell down and went crash! All the blocks were everywhere. Tim and his friends were sad that their work was gone. They had to start all over again, but this time, they were more careful. One day, a little boy named Tim went to the park with his mom. Tim had a sandwich in his hand. It was a messy sandwich with lots of things inside. Tim liked his sandwich a lot. At the park, Tim saw a big dog. The dog stared at Tim's sandwich. Tim stared back at the dog. They both stared at each other for a long time. The dog wanted the sandwich, but Tim did not want to give it away. Tim's mom saw the dog and Tim staring at each other. She walked over to them. She gave the dog a treat. The dog was happy with the treat and stopped staring at Tim's sandwich. Tim was happy too. He could eat his messy sandwich now. The dog and Tim became friends and played in the park together. Once upon a time, in a small house, there lived a little girl named Mia. Mia had a soft, cuddly teddy bear named Mr. Bear. They were best friends and did everything together. One day, Mia got sick. She was in bed and felt very bad. Her mom called the nurse to come and help her feel better. The nurse came and gave Mia some medicine. Mia said, "Thank you, nurse. I want to feel better soon." The next day, Mia still felt sick. She looked at Mr. Bear and sighed. "I don't like being sick, Mr. Bear," she said. Mr. Bear gave her a soft hug to make her feel better. The nurse came again and gave Mia more medicine. Finally, the day after that, Mia felt better. She was so happy to play with Mr. Bear again. Mia said, "Thank you, nurse, for making me feel better. And thank you, Mr. Bear, for being my friend." And they all lived happily ever after. One day, a hungry dog found a big bone. He was very happy. The bone was so big, it would take many days to eat it all. The dog wanted to find a safe place to hide his bone, so no one would take it. As the dog walked, he saw a big tree. He thought it was a good place to hide his bone. But there was a mean cat in the tree. The cat did not want the dog to hide his bone there. They started to fight. The dog tried to spin fast to hit the cat, but the cat was too quick. The cat jumped on the dog and took his bone away. The dog was sad and still hungry. He lost his big bone and had to find more food. Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Spot. Spot was very tired. He saw a big, soft mattress and wanted to sleep on it. Spot jumped on the mattress and yawned. He was ready to sleep. But, there was a small rock under the mattress. It hurt Spot when he tried to sleep. Spot did not like the hurt. He wanted to find a way to sleep without the hurt. Spot pushed the rock away from under the mattress. Now, the mattress was soft and did not hurt anymore. Spot yawned again and went to sleep on the soft mattress. He was very happy and slept all night. One day, a little boy named Tim found a big rubber ball. It was red and fit in his hands. He loved to play with it. He would throw the ball and catch it, bounce it, and roll it around. He played with it all day long. One day, Tim was playing with his rubber ball in the house. His mom told him, "Tim, do not play ball in the house. You might break something." But Tim did not listen. He kept playing with the ball. He threw it high, and it hit a window. The window shut with a loud bang. Tim's mom was not happy. She took the rubber ball away and said, "You cannot play with the ball in the house anymore." Tim was sad, but he knew he did not listen to his mom. He promised to only play with the ball outside from now on. His mom gave the ball back, and Tim went outside to play. He learned to listen and had fun playing with his rubber ball outside. Once upon a time, there was a little boat. The boat wanted to reach a big island far away. But the boat was not serious. It liked to play in the water and go slow. One day, the boat saw a big fish. The fish said, "If you want to reach the island, you must be serious and go fast." The boat did not listen to the fish. It kept playing in the water. Then, the boat saw the island. It wanted to reach the island now. But it was too late. The sun was going down. The boat was sad. It learned to be serious and go fast. Next time, the boat will reach the island. Once upon a time, there was a grumpy cat named Tom. He lived in a big tree with many cherries on it. Tom loved to eat cherries, but he was always grumpy because he could not reach them. One sunny day, a little bird named Sally came to the tree. She saw Tom and asked, "Why are you so grumpy?" Tom said, "I want to eat cherries, but I can't reach them." Sally had an idea. She told Tom, "I can help you. I will fly up and get the cherries for you." Tom was happy. Sally flew up and picked the cherries. She gave them to Tom, and he squeezed them to make cherry juice. They both drank the juice and it was yummy. Tom was not grumpy anymore. They became good friends and shared the cherries with each other. The moral of the story is that when we help each other, we can solve problems and be happy. Once upon a time, there was a lovely cat named Fluffy. Fluffy had a special seat that she loved to sit on. The seat was soft and warm, and it was just the right size for Fluffy. One day, Fluffy saw a big dog named Max. Max saw Fluffy's seat and wanted to sit on it too. Fluffy said, "No, Max! This seat belongs to me!" But Max did not listen. He sat on Fluffy's seat and it broke into pieces. Fluffy was very sad because her lovely seat was gone. Max felt bad, but he could not fix the seat. Fluffy learned to share, but she missed her special seat every day. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to travel with his family. They went to many fun places. One day, they went to the beach. At the beach, Tim found a bottle in the sand. He was very excited. He showed the bottle to his mom. "Look, mom! I found a bottle!" he said. His mom smiled and said, "That's great, Tim!" Later, Tim was playing with the bottle and it broke. Tim was upset. He said, "Oh no, my bottle is broken!" His mom hugged him and said, "It's okay, Tim. We can find a new bottle next time we travel." Tim smiled and felt better. They had a great day at the beach. One day, a boy named Tim went to the creek. He saw a huge frog. The frog was big and green. Tim was very happy to see the frog. Tim said, "Hi, Mr. Frog! Do you want to play with me?" The frog said, "Yes, Tim. I want to play with you. Let's play sack race." Tim and the frog got two sacks. They put their legs in the sacks. They started to hop. They hopped and hopped. Tim was fast, but the frog was faster. Tim and the frog laughed and played. They had so much fun at the creek. The sun was setting, and it was time to go home. Tim said, "Bye, Mr. Frog! See you soon." The frog said, "Bye, Tim! I had fun playing with you." Once upon a time, there was a charming little insect. It had many colors on its wings. The insect loved to spin and dance in the sun. One day, the insect went to play with its friends. They all spun and danced together. They were so happy and had lots of fun. In the end, the charming insect and its friends were tired. They said "bye" to each other and went to their homes. The charming insect went to sleep, dreaming of the next day when they could spin and dance again. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to think about fun things. One day, he found a big book in his room. Tim was very happy and enthusiastic to read the book. Tim sat on the floor and opened the book. He saw pictures of animals, like cats, dogs, and birds. Tim liked the animals and thought they were very nice. He pointed at the pictures and said their names out loud. Tim's mom came into the room and saw him with the book. She was happy that Tim was enthusiastic about reading. She sat down with him and they read the book together. Tim learned new words and had a fun time with his mom. One day, a little bird saw a colorful house. The house had a big chimney on top. The bird wanted to choose a new home, so it flew near the chimney. Inside the house, a little girl named Sue saw the bird. Sue said, "Bird, do not choose my chimney! It will be too hot when we make a fire." The bird did not understand, but it liked Sue's voice. Sue went outside and showed the bird a nice tree. "Choose this tree, bird. It is safe and cool," Sue said. The bird looked at the tree and the chimney. It was hard to choose. The bird liked the colorful house, but the tree looked nice too. In the end, the bird chose the tree. Sue was happy, and the bird was safe. They became good friends and played together every day. One day, a boy named Tim wanted to play outside. It was a wet day because it rained. Tim put on his boots and went out. He saw a big puddle and started to skip in it. Tim's friend, Sam, saw him play. Sam said, "I want to play too!" So, Sam put on his boots and joined Tim. They both skipped in the puddle together. They laughed and had fun. Tim's mom was watching them. She knew that their boots were reliable. They kept the boys' feet dry. At the end of the day, Tim and Sam went home. They were happy they could play outside, even on a wet day. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play at the beach with her best friend, a little dog named Max. One day, they went to the beach to watch the tide come in and out. Lily saw that the water was very cold and icy. She said to Max, "Brrr! The water is so cold! It feels like ice!" Max barked and wagged his tail in agreement. As they watched the tide, Lily saw a little crab crawling on the sand. She said to Max, "Look! A crab! Let's go say hi!" Max barked happily and followed Lily to the crab. Lily said to the crab, "Hi there! Do you want to play with us?" The crab didn't answer, but it waved its claws at them. Lily and Max laughed and continued to watch the tide go in and out, happy to have each other as friends. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and explore the world around her. One day, she found an interesting thing in the woods. It was a shiny rock that sparkled in the sunlight. She picked it up and put it in her pocket. But then, she heard a noise behind her. It was a big, scary dog. Lily was afraid and didn't know what to do. She remembered that her mom had told her to prevent getting hurt by staying away from strange dogs. Lily quickly took the shiny thing out of her pocket and threw it as far as she could. The dog ran after it and left Lily alone. She was safe! From that day on, Lily knew that sometimes things can be dangerous, but she also knew how to prevent getting hurt. Once upon a time, there was a farmer who loved to grow corn. He had a big field full of corn that he took care of every day. One day, he noticed that one of his fields was empty. He wanted to grow more corn there, but he didn't know how. His friend came to visit him and saw the empty field. She wanted to encourage the farmer to plant more corn. She said, "You can do it! Let's plant more corn together!" The farmer was happy to hear her words and they started planting corn. After a few weeks, the corn started to grow. The farmer was so happy to see the corn growing tall and strong. But one day, a big storm came and destroyed all the corn. The farmer was sad that all his hard work was gone. From that day on, the farmer learned that sometimes bad things happen even when we try our best. But he was grateful for his friend who encouraged him to keep trying. Once upon a time, there was a penguin named Pete. Pete loved to waddle around and eat fish. One day, Pete was walking when he heard his phone ring. It was his friend, Sammy the Seal. "Hi Pete! Do you want to come play with me?" Sammy asked. Pete felt frustrated because he really wanted to play with Sammy, but he had to stay home and take care of his baby penguin. "I can't come play today, Sammy. I have to take care of my baby," Pete said sadly. Sammy understood and said, "That's okay, Pete. Maybe we can play tomorrow." Pete felt happy that Sammy understood and he went back to taking care of his baby penguin. The phone rang again, but this time it was his wife. She said that she would be home soon and that they could all play together. Pete was excited and couldn't wait to have fun with his family and friends. Once upon a time, there was a kind and generous snake. He liked to share his food with other animals in the forest. One day, he found a big chocolate bar and decided to share it with his friends. But it was very hot outside, and the chocolate started to melt. The snake was sad because he wanted to share the chocolate, but it was too messy now. His friends saw how sad he was and decided to help him. They all took a piece of the melted chocolate and shared it together. The snake was happy again because he could still share his treat with his friends, even though it had melted. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved cocoa. She would always ask her mommy for some cocoa before bed. One night, Lily's mommy said, "Lily, you are getting older now. I will allow you to make your own cocoa tonight." Lily was so excited! She went to the kitchen and got the cocoa powder, milk, and sugar. She mixed everything together and put it on the stove. While she was waiting for the cocoa to heat up, an elderly woman knocked on the door. "Hello, little girl. Can I come in and warm up?" the elderly woman asked. Lily said, "Of course! Would you like some cocoa?" The elderly woman smiled and said, "That sounds lovely, thank you." Lily was happy to share her cocoa with the kind lady. They sat and talked while they drank their cocoa together. From that night on, Lily always made extra cocoa to share with anyone who needed a warm drink. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to read the newspaper with her mommy every morning. One day, she saw a unique bird in the newspaper. It had colorful feathers and a big beak. Lily wanted to learn more about this bird, so she decided to study it. She asked her mommy if they could go to the park to find the bird. When they got there, Lily saw many birds, but none of them were the same as the one in the newspaper. She was sad, but her mommy told her that it was still fun to study all the different birds they saw. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to walk on the path that led to her grandma's house. The path was always tidy, with no rocks or sticks to trip over. Lily enjoyed walking on the path and picking flowers along the way. One day, Lily's mom told her that they were going to visit grandma again. Lily was so excited to walk on the path and see her grandma. She put on her favorite dress and shoes and ran outside. But when she got to the path, she saw that it was all messy with leaves and branches. Lily was sad because she couldn't walk on the path. But then she remembered that her grandma always kept a broom outside her house. Lily went to get the broom and started sweeping the path. She worked hard and made the path tidy again. And when she finally reached her grandma's house, she felt proud of herself and enjoyed the visit even more. Once upon a time, there was a frog named Freddy. Freddy lived in a big swamp with lots of other frogs. One day, Freddy was playing with his friends when he saw a big mess in the swamp. There were leaves and sticks everywhere! Freddy decided to clean up the mess. He hopped around and picked up all the leaves and sticks. His friends saw him cleaning and decided to help. They all worked together to clean up the swamp. After they finished, Freddy felt very happy. But then he saw that his friend Lily was upset. She had lost her favorite toy in the mess. Freddy and his friends searched through the pile of leaves and sticks until they found the toy. Lily was so happy and thanked Freddy and his friends for helping her. From that day on, Freddy and his friends always made sure to keep the swamp clean so they could play without any messes. Once upon a time, there was a big truck. The truck was red and had a lot of wheels. One day, the truck went on a long trip. But on the way, the truck broke down. The driver was sad because he couldn't go to his family. He needed to hurry and fix the broken truck. Luckily, a kind man saw the broken truck and stopped to help. They worked together and fixed the truck quickly. The driver was happy and thanked the kind man. He could now hurry and go to his family. The truck drove away, and everyone was happy. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in her garden. One day, she saw an alligator near her garden. The alligator looked very scary and Lily got scared. She ran inside her house and told her mom about the alligator. Lily's mom knew that alligators can be dangerous, so she called the animal control. They came and prevented the alligator from coming near Lily's house. Lily was very happy that she could play outside again without being scared. One day, Lily's mom made some hot soup for her. Lily loved the soup, but it was too hot. She told her mom that the soup was very hot. Her mom blew on the soup to cool it down. Lily was happy that she could eat the soup without burning her mouth. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toy cars and trucks. One day, Timmy's mom suggested they go for a ride in a big van. Timmy was excited and jumped into the van. As they were driving, Timmy saw a big truck and pointed it out to his mom. "Look, Mommy! A big truck!" he said. But his mom didn't see the truck and got confused. She accidentally drove the van into the truck and they crashed. Timmy was sad and cried because his favorite toy car was broken. His mom was also hurt and had to go to the hospital. The van was badly damaged and they couldn't use it anymore. Timmy learned that it's important to pay attention when driving and not get confused. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she went to visit her grandma in the forest. On the way, she saw a big spider's cobweb in a tree. She said to herself, "I want to bring this cobweb to show grandma." When she arrived at her grandma's house, she showed her the cobweb. "Wow, that's an original cobweb," said grandma. "Where did you find it?" Lily told her about the tree she saw it in. Later that day, Lily and her grandma were playing in the garden. Lily said, "Grandma, can you bring me my ball?" Grandma went to get the ball and brought it back to Lily. They had a lot of fun playing together. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat candy and sweets. One day, she felt a pain in her tooth. She didn't like it at all. Lily's mommy took her to the dentist. The dentist looked at her tooth and said, "Uh oh, this tooth needs to come out." Lily felt scared and dizzy. She didn't want her tooth to come out. But the dentist was very nice and gave her a special medicine to make her feel better. After a little while, Lily didn't feel dizzy anymore. The dentist took out her tooth and Lily felt much better. She was happy that she didn't have to feel the pain anymore. From then on, Lily learned to take care of her teeth so she wouldn't have to feel that pain again. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a fair complexion and loved to play outside. One day, he went to the park with his mom. He wore his new shoes and was excited to play with his ball. As he was playing, he accidentally kicked the ball too hard and it went into a puddle. Timmy was upset and said, "Oh no! My ball is wet now." Just then, a little girl came by and saw Timmy's ball. She said, "Hey, can I play with you?" Timmy was hesitant at first but then said, "Sure, but my ball is all wet now." The little girl replied, "Don't worry, we can splash in the puddles and have fun together!" Timmy smiled and they both started jumping and splashing in the puddles with their feet. They forgot all about the wet ball and had a great time playing together. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside in the sunshine. One day, he was digging in the dirt with his shovel when he found a big hole. He thought it was crazy that there was a hole in his backyard! Timmy's mom came outside and saw the hole. "Timmy, did you dig this hole?" she asked. "Yes, Mommy, I did," Timmy told her. "It's a big hole!" his mom said. "I know, it's crazy!" Timmy replied. Later that day, Timmy's friend Billy came over to play. Timmy showed him the hole and said, "Look at this crazy hole I dug!" Billy was impressed and asked, "Can we play in the hole?" Timmy thought for a moment and then said, "Sure, let's play in the hole!" So, they climbed into the hole and played together until it was time for dinner. Timmy was happy to have found such a fun new place to play. Once upon a time, there was a kind man named Jack. He liked to play chess with his friends. Jack was very good at chess and he won a lot. One day, Jack went to work at the store. He worked hard all day and he was tired when he got home. But, he still wanted to play chess with his friends. His friends came over and Jack was very generous. He shared his snacks and drinks with them. They played chess and had fun. Jack won again, but he didn't care. He was happy to spend time with his friends. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy was very nice and loved to play with his toys. One day, Timmy went to the store to trade his toy car for a new toy. At the store, Timmy saw a man who wanted to trade his toy truck for Timmy's toy car. The man spoke to Timmy and said, "Let's trade!" Timmy thought the man was nice, so he agreed to the trade. But when Timmy got home and played with the toy truck, he realized it was broken. Timmy was very sad and wished he had his toy car back. He went back to the store, but the man was gone. Timmy learned that not everyone who speaks nicely can be trusted and he missed his old toy car very much. The end. Once upon a time, there was a police man who worked very hard to keep everyone safe. One day, it was very cold outside and the police man had to wear a warm coat to stay warm. He walked around the town, looking for bad people who might do bad things. Suddenly, the police man saw a man who was doing something very bad. He tried to stop the bad man, but the bad man was very strong and he fought back. The police man fell down and hurt himself. He couldn't get up and he was very cold. No one saw what happened to the police man and he couldn't call for help. He was all alone and very cold. Eventually, he got so cold that he couldn't move anymore and he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was in the hospital. He was very sad because he couldn't catch the bad man. The end. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily went to the park with her mom. She wanted to play hide and seek, but her mom said they needed to search for Lily's lost toy first. Lily and her mom looked everywhere for the toy. They checked under the swings and behind the trees, but they couldn't find it. Suddenly, Lily pointed to something on the ground. It was her toy! "Good job, Lily!" said her mom. "You're so honest and helpful." Lily smiled and hugged her toy tightly. "I'm happy we found it," she said. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily had a black cat named Mittens. Mittens was her very own cat. One day, Lily's mommy bought her a new dress. The dress was a pretty pink color and had a frilly style. But Lily did not like the dress. She wanted a black dress like her mommy's. Lily's mommy took her to the store to find a black dress. They looked at many dresses, but none of them were just right. Finally, they found a black dress with a sparkly bow on it. Lily loved it and it became her very own style. Once upon a time, there was a pretty bird. The bird sang a pretty note all day long. One day, a big storm came and the bird flew into a tree. The tree had a branch that struck the bird. The bird was okay, but it was scared. After the storm passed, the bird flew away and sang a pretty note again. The end. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside with his friends. One day, Timmy fell down and hurt his knee. It made him feel very bad and he cried a lot. Timmy's mom saw that he was in pain and she set him on her lap. She gave him a big hug and a kiss on his boo-boo. Timmy felt better when his mom cuddled him. After a while, Timmy's mom set him on the ground again and gave him a band-aid for his knee. Timmy smiled and ran back outside to play with his friends. He was happy again and the pain was all gone. The end. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to run. She had two best friends, Jack and Sarah, who also loved to run. They often played together in the park, racing each other and having fun. One day, they decided to have a race to see who was the fastest. Jack was very competitive and wanted to win, but Lily and Sarah just wanted to have fun. They lined up at the starting line and the race began. As they were running, Jack accidentally stepped on Lily's foot and she fell down. She started to cry and Jack felt very bad. Sarah asked Lily if she was okay and Lily said no. Jack then asked Lily if he could help her and she said yes. Jack picked Lily up and carried her to a bench. He apologized for stepping on her foot and Lily forgave him. They all decided to stop the race and just play together instead. From then on, they all made sure to be careful of each other's feet and to have fun instead of being too competitive. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to play with her toys on the table. One day, Lily's brother came into the room and started making loud noises. Lily said, "Stop making noise, please." But her brother didn't listen and continued to make noise. Lily got upset and said, "Why are you being so noisy?" Her brother said, "I'm trying to attach this toy to my car." Lily looked at her brother's toy and said, "Maybe we can attach it to my toy car instead?" Her brother agreed and they both had fun playing together quietly on the table. The end. Once upon a time, there was a fish named Nemo. Nemo lived in a big ocean with lots of other fish. One day, Nemo wanted to explore the ocean and see new things. So, he decided to use his fins to swim to a nearby reef. When Nemo got to the reef, he saw lots of colorful fish and plants. He even saw a big, expensive pearl that shimmered in the sunlight. Nemo was amazed by all the things he saw at the reef. Nemo decided to stay at the reef for a while and explore more. He made friends with the other fish and they played together. Nemo was happy he decided to use his fins and explore the reef. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to drink milk every day. He would always ask his mommy for a glass of milk. One day, Timmy's mommy bought him a gray shirt. Timmy loved his new shirt and wore it every day. One day, Timmy went to the park to play with his friends. While he was playing, he saw a little man who was as small as a bug. Timmy asked the little man, "Why are you so small?" The little man replied, "I drank a potion that made me shrink." Timmy was amazed and asked the little man if he could have some of the potion. The little man gave Timmy a bottle of the potion, and Timmy drank it. Suddenly, Timmy started to shrink, and he became as small as the little man. Timmy was scared and didn't know what to do. He tried to go back home, but he was too small to open the door. Timmy was stuck outside, and he started to cry. Unfortunately, Timmy was never able to grow back to his normal size, and he remained small forever. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to travel with his family in their car. They would go on long trips to see new places and things. One day, they went to see a big structure called a bridge. The bridge was very long and went over a big river. Timmy was impatient to get there and see it. When they finally arrived, Timmy was so happy. He looked at the big structure and thought it was amazing. He asked his mom and dad if they could walk on the bridge, but they said it was too dangerous. Timmy was sad, but he still loved looking at the bridge and watching the cars travel across it. After a while, it was time to go home. Timmy was tired from all the traveling, but he was happy because he got to see the big structure. As they drove away, Timmy fell asleep in the car, dreaming of all the other places he could travel to one day. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat jelly, especially the red one. One day, Lily's mom made her a sandwich with jelly, but it tasted different. Lily didn't like it because it seemed too pale. She told her mom that the jelly didn't taste good, and her mom said she would try to make it better next time. The next day, Lily's mom made her another sandwich with jelly, but this time it was the red one that Lily loved. It tasted so good that Lily ate it all up. She told her mom that the jelly tasted perfect, and she was so happy. From that day on, Lily's mom always made sure to use the red jelly so that Lily would be happy. Once upon a time, there was a mommy and her daughter. They lived in a small house near a big forest. The daughter loved to play outside and explore the world around her. One day, she saw a shiny rock in the distance and wanted to go get it. But her mommy said no because it was too far away and she might get lost. The daughter was sad and didn't understand why she couldn't go. She thought her mommy didn't trust her. So, she snuck out of the house when her mommy wasn't looking and went towards the shiny rock. But as she got further away, she realized she didn't know how to get back home. The sun began to set and the daughter was scared. She wished she had listened to her mommy and stayed close to home. But then she saw a light shining in the distance. It was her mommy with a flashlight, looking for her. The daughter ran towards her mommy and hugged her tightly. From that day on, she never strayed too far from home again. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the cold snow. One day, her mommy asked her to prepare a poem for her grandma's birthday. Lily was excited and started to think about what to write. She went outside to play and felt the cold snow on her hands. She saw the trees covered in white snow and thought it was beautiful. She decided to write a poem about the cold snow and how pretty it looked on the trees. Lily went back inside and prepared her poem with crayons and paper. She worked hard to make it look nice and neat. When she was finished, she gave it to her mommy to give to her grandma. Her grandma loved the poem and put it on her fridge for everyone to see. From that day on, Lily loved to write poems about the cold snow and all the pretty things she saw outside. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside in the forest near his house. One day, Timmy found an axe lying on the ground. He picked it up and swung it around. "Wow, this is heavy!" he said. Suddenly, he heard a noise. "Who's there?" he asked. "It's me, your friend Billy," said a voice from behind a tree. Billy came out from behind the tree and said, "What are you doing with that axe, Timmy?" Timmy replied, "I found it on the ground. It's so cool!" Billy said, "Be careful with that axe, Timmy. You could hurt yourself or someone else." Timmy nodded and put the axe down. "Let's play tag instead," he said. They ran around for a while until it started to rain. "Oh no, we're getting wet!" Timmy said. "Let's go back to my house and play video games." And so, they went back to Timmy's house and played video games all afternoon. Once upon a time, there was a dog named Max. Max was a good dog. He liked to play with his ball and run around in the park. One day, Max went to the lab with his owner. The lab was a big building with lots of machines and people in white coats. Max was very obedient and stayed by his owner's side. But then, his owner needed to lift a heavy box. Max saw this and knew he had to help. With his strong teeth, he grabbed onto the box and lifted it up. His owner was very happy and gave him a big treat. From that day on, Max was known as the helpful dog at the lab. He would lift boxes and fetch things for his owner. And everyone at the lab loved him because he was so obedient and always ready to lend a paw. Once upon a time, there was a big ship on the sea. The ship was so big that it looked like a house. The ship had many rooms and a big deck where people could walk and play. One day, the ship sailed to a beautiful island with brilliant sand and clear water. The people on the ship were happy to see the island and they decided to stay there for a while. At night, they slept on the ship and listened to the sound of the waves. The ship was a cozy place to sleep and the people felt safe and warm. After a few days, the people said goodbye to the island and sailed away on the ship. They knew that they would always remember the brilliant island and the cozy ship where they slept. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to go to the park with her mommy and daddy. One day, they went to the park and found a row of ducks swimming in the pond. Lily wanted to go say hello to the ducks, but she accidentally fell down and got mud on her dress. Her mommy wiped the mud off with a tissue. After that, they went to get some ice cream. Lily wanted to try the bitter chocolate flavor, but she didn't like it very much. She made a funny face and said, "Yuck!" Finally, they went back home and Lily took a bath. She used a towel to wipe herself dry and then went to bed. She dreamed about the row of ducks and hoped to see them again soon. Once upon a time, there was a lazy cat named Fluffy. Fluffy liked to sleep all day and never wanted to stand up. One day, Fluffy saw a mouse and tried to catch it, but the mouse ran away. Fluffy felt sad and said, "I wish I could stand up and catch that mouse." Just then, a wise old owl appeared and said, "Fluffy, if you want to catch the mouse, you must stand up and chase it." Fluffy was scared but decided to try. He stood up and started to chase the mouse. Suddenly, he saw a bottle of poison in his way. Fluffy stopped and said, "Oh no, what should I do? I don't want to get sick from that poison." The owl said, "Don't touch it, Fluffy. Poison is dangerous. Let's go around it." Fluffy listened to the owl and they walked around the poison. Finally, Fluffy caught the mouse and felt very happy. From that day on, Fluffy learned that sometimes it's important to stand up and try new things, but also to be careful of dangerous things like poison. Once upon a time, there was a subway that went very fast. Many people wanted to ride it because it was so cool. They would race to get on it and sometimes it was very competitive. One day, a little boy wanted to ride the subway too. He ran as fast as he could, but he couldn't keep up with the other people. He felt sad because he really wanted to ride the subway. Finally, he made it onto the subway, but it was too late. The subway was going too fast and it crashed into something. The little boy was very scared and sad because the subway ride had a bad ending. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She had a big vase that she loved to fill with flowers. One day, Lily went to the store with her mom. They walked deep inside to find some pretty flowers for her vase. They found some pink and yellow flowers that smelled nice. When they got back home, Lily put the flowers in the vase. She was happy because it looked so pretty. But then, she accidentally knocked the vase over and it broke into pieces. Lily was sad because she loved her vase so much. Her mom told her not to worry, they could go back to the store and find a new vase. So, the next day, they went back to the store and found a new vase. It was deep blue and shiny. Lily was happy again because she had a new vase to fill with flowers. And she promised to be more careful this time. The end. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She loved to read books about animals and princesses. One day, she went to her grandma's house and saw a big herb garden. Her grandma told her that the herbs were useful for cooking and making tea. Lily picked some herbs and brought them inside. Her grandma showed her how to use them to make a yummy soup. Lily was happy to help and loved the way the soup tasted. She thought the herbs were very useful and wanted to read more about them in her books. From that day on, Lily visited her grandma's herb garden often. She would pick the herbs and help her grandma make delicious meals. She also read more books about herbs and learned how they could be used for medicine too. Lily was proud to be a helpful granddaughter and loved learning new things. Once upon a time, a red fish named Finn loved to swim in the ocean. He would swim all day and all night, never stopping. One day, he met a little girl named Lily who was playing on the beach. "Hi there, little fishy!" said Lily. "Do you want to play with me?" Finn replied, "Sure! What game do you want to play?" "I want to play catch with my red ball," said Lily. Finn agreed and they played catch for hours. Finn was a great player and caught the ball every time. After they finished playing, Lily said goodbye to Finn and went home. Finn swam back to his home in the coral reef, happy to have made a new friend. Once upon a time, there was a happy dog named Max. Max loved to play and run around in his backyard. One day, Max saw a big pit in his backyard. He thought it would be fun to play in the pit, so he jumped in. Max played in the pit for a while, but then he got bored. He wanted to decorate the pit with pretty flowers, so he tried to climb out. But he couldn't climb out because the pit was too deep. Max started to feel scared and lonely in the pit. He barked and barked for help, but nobody came. Eventually, Max got too tired to bark anymore and he fell asleep. The next morning, Max's family found him in the pit. They tried to rescue him, but it was too late. Max had passed away in the pit. His family was very sad and missed him very much. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She loved to draw and color with her crayons. One day, she wanted to make a card for her mommy's meeting at work. She took out her paper and started to draw. It was hard work because she wanted it to be perfect. After a while, Lily's big brother came into the room. He had a pair of scissors and asked if he could help. Lily was happy to have his help, so she gave him her drawing. He started to cut out the shapes and it made Lily smile. They worked together until the card was finished. Later that day, Lily's mommy came home from her meeting. She was so happy to see the card that Lily and her brother had made. She hugged them both and said it was the best part of her day. Lily felt proud and happy that her hard work and her brother's cutting had made her mommy so happy. Once upon a time, there was a garden. The garden had many flowers, but one flower was special. It was a pretty pink flower that was waiting to bloom. One day, the flower finally bloomed and it was the most beautiful flower in the garden. One day, a pigeon flew into the garden. The pigeon was looking for some food to eat. The pigeon saw the pretty pink flower and decided to eat it. But the flower was too pretty to eat, so the pigeon decided to leave it alone. After the pigeon left, the garden became messy. The wind blew and the leaves fell on the ground. But the pretty pink flower still stood tall and beautiful. And that's how the garden stayed, with the pretty pink flower blooming and the pigeon flying away. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to ride her bike in the park. One day, while she was riding, she saw a squirrel in the tree. She wanted to say hello to the squirrel, so she stopped her bike and said, "Hi, Mr. Squirrel! Do you want to ride my bike with me?" The squirrel said, "Yes, please!" and climbed onto the handlebars. Lily rode her bike with the squirrel on the handlebars, and they had so much fun together. But then, the squirrel jumped off the bike and hurt his leg. Lily felt sad and asked the squirrel, "Are you okay?" The squirrel said, "No, my leg hurts." Lily knew she had to help the squirrel, so she took him to the vet. The vet helped the squirrel and he felt better soon. Lily learned that it's important to be kind to animals and to help them when they're hurt. She and the squirrel became good friends and went on many more bike rides together. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to dream about flying high in the sky like a bird. One day, while she was playing outside, she saw a bird flying above her. She waved at the bird and said, "Hello, birdie!" The bird flew down and landed on Lily's hand. Lily was so happy that she started to jump up and down. But then she accidentally hurt her foot on a rock. She cried out in pain, "Ouch! My foot hurts!" The bird saw that Lily was hurt and wanted to help. "Don't cry, Lily. I will take you on a magical ride in the sky to make you feel better," said the bird. Lily smiled and said, "Thank you, birdie. That would be a wonderful dream come true!" And so, the bird flew Lily high up in the sky, and Lily forgot all about her hurt foot as she soared through the clouds. It was the best dream she had ever had! Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to ride his bicycle. He would ride it every day, even when it was hot outside. One day, Timmy left his bicycle outside in the sun. It was so hot that the tires started to melt! Timmy's mom saw the bicycle and said, "Oh no, Timmy! Your bicycle is melting in the sun! We need to bring it inside where it's cool." Timmy replied, "But Mom, I want to ride my bicycle outside!" His mom said, "I know, Timmy, but we don't want your bicycle to melt anymore. We can ride it when it's cooler outside." Timmy was sad, but he knew his mom was right. He didn't want his bicycle to melt anymore. So, he went inside and played with his wild toy animals instead. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sun and run around with her friends. But one day, the sky turned dark and it started to rain. Lily was scared of the dark and didn't want to go outside. Her mom told her that the rain would pass and the sky would clear up soon. Lily didn't understand what that meant, but she trusted her mom. She waited and watched as the raindrops hit the window. After a little while, the rain did pass and the sun came out again. The sky was clear and bright. Lily was happy and ran outside to play with her friends once more. She learned that sometimes things may seem scary or sad, but they will pass and things will get better. Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Benny. Benny lived in a big forest with his bunny family. One day, Benny wanted to explore the forest all by himself. He crawled through the bushes, and he saw a wild deer. The deer was eating some grass. Benny wanted to say hello, so he hopped over to the deer. "Hi, Mr. Deer! I'm Benny. What are you eating?" Benny asked. "I'm eating grass. It's very yummy," the deer replied. Benny felt jealous because he had never eaten grass before. "I want to try some too," Benny said. The deer smiled and said, "Sure, little bunny. You can have a nibble." Benny tried the grass and it was very tasty. From that day on, Benny and the deer became good friends and they explored the forest together. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to watch cartoons on TV. Her favorite cartoon was about a singing mouse who lived in a big house. Every time the mouse sang, Lily would sing along too. One day, Lily's mom took her to the park. There were lots of children playing and having fun. Suddenly, Lily heard a very noisy sound coming from the trees. She asked her mom what it was, but her mom didn't know. A few minutes later, Lily saw a man with a guitar. He started to sing a song and all the children gathered around him. Lily was so happy because she loved to sing. She joined in and sang along with the man. From that day on, Lily learned that singing could make her happy, even when she was feeling sad. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going to the market with her mom. They would buy fruits and vegetables, and sometimes even toys! One day, Lily saw a popular toy that she really wanted. Her mom said they didn't have enough money to buy it, but Lily kept asking and asking. Finally, her mom gave in and bought the toy. But when they got home, Lily forgot about the other things they bought at the market. She only wanted to play with her new toy. Her mom reminded her about the fruits and vegetables they needed to eat, but Lily didn't listen. She forgot about them. Days passed, and Lily started feeling sick. Her mom took her to the doctor, who said she wasn't eating enough healthy food. Lily felt sad and realized that she shouldn't have forgotten about the fruits and vegetables. From that day on, she promised to always remember the important things, even if they weren't as popular or exciting as her new toy. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim had very long hair. It was so long that it looked a little crazy. His mom said, "Tim, you need to get a haircut." So, Tim and his mom went to the haircut shop. The haircut man said, "Wow, your hair is so long and crazy. Let's make it nice and short." Tim sat in the big chair and the haircut man started to cut his hair. After a while, Tim's hair was not crazy anymore. It was nice and short. Tim was happy with his new haircut. His mom was happy too. They went home and showed Tim's dad. He said, "Good job, Tim! You look great!" And they all lived happily ever after. One day, a boy named Mark and his friend, Jane, went to play at the park. They loved to play in the sand and make sand castles. Mark and Jane were very happy playing together. "Oh no!" said Mark. "My hands are dirty from the sand. I need to be clean for lunch." Jane looked at her hands and saw they were dirty too. They both wanted to be clean before they ate, but they didn't know how to clean their hands. Mark had an idea. "Let's ask our friend, the nice duck, for help!" They went to the duck and asked, "Can you help us be clean?" The duck said, "Yes, I can help. Come with me." The duck took Mark and Jane to the pond and showed them how to wash their hands in the water. Mark and Jane washed their hands in the pond and became clean. They thanked the duck for helping them. Now they could eat their lunch with clean hands. Mark and Jane learned that friends can always help each other. Once upon a time, there was a big bookcase in a distant house. The bookcase had many books and toys on it. A little boy named Timmy lived in the house. He loved to play with the toys and read the books from the bookcase. One day, Timmy saw a big, shiny toy on the top of the bookcase. He wanted to play with it, but it was too high for him to reach. Timmy tried to climb the bookcase, but he could not. He was sad and wanted the toy so badly. Timmy's mom saw him trying to climb the bookcase. She told him it was not safe and that he could get hurt. She said if he tried to climb it again, she would have to punish him. Timmy was sad, but he knew he had to listen to his mom. He played with his other toys and soon forgot about the shiny toy on the bookcase. Once upon a time, there was a peaceful garden. In this garden, there were many pretty flowers. The flowers were happy and loved to dance in the sun. One day, a little girl named Lily came to the garden. She saw all the beautiful flowers and wanted to pick one. So, she decided to find the most special flower in the garden. Lily walked and looked at all the flowers. She saw a big red flower, a small blue flower, and a bright yellow flower. Then, she saw the most beautiful flower of all. It was a pink flower with a sweet smell. Lily picked the pink flower and took it home. She put it in a vase and smiled every time she looked at it. The peaceful garden and the pretty pink flower made Lily very happy. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She had a lucky umbrella that she loved very much. The umbrella was red and blue, and it made Lucy feel happy when she used it. One day, it started to rain outside. Lucy knew she could trust her lucky umbrella to keep her dry. So, she opened it up and walked outside. She splashed in the puddles and laughed as the raindrops fell on her umbrella. After a while, the rain stopped, and the sun came out. Lucy closed her lucky umbrella and went home. She knew she could always trust her umbrella to keep her safe and dry. And that made Lucy feel very happy. Once upon a time, there was a rich man named Tom. Tom had a big red motorcycle. He loved to ride it very fast. It made him very happy. One day, Tom went to the store. He left his motorcycle outside. When he came back, his motorcycle was gone! Tom was very sad. He missed his motorcycle a lot. Tom looked everywhere for his motorcycle. He asked his friends to help him. They looked and looked. Finally, they found the motorcycle in the park. Tom was so happy! He gave his friends a big hug. They all rode on the motorcycle together, and they had a fun day. Once, a little girl named Daisy went for a walk. She saw a big tree and a small pond. Daisy was proud because she could walk all by herself. On her walk, Daisy saw a bee. The bee was flying near a flower. Daisy wanted to say hi to the bee. But the bee was scared and it slapped Daisy's hand. Daisy was sad, but she knew the bee did not want to hurt her. She went home and told her mom about her walk. Daisy was still proud of her big walk, even if the bee slapped her hand. Once upon a time, there was a small mill by a river. In the mill, there was a mouse named Tim. Tim was a filthy little mouse, but he was happy. One day, Tim met a frog named Fred. Fred was excited to see Tim. Fred said, "Hi, Tim! Do you want to play with me?" Tim was also excited and said, "Yes, Fred! Let's play!" They played together all day. They jumped in the water and ran in the grass. They were very happy. At the end of the day, they went back to the mill. Tim was not filthy anymore. He was clean and happy with his new friend, Fred. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. He had a favorite mug. The mug had a big, red heart on it. Tim loved to drink milk from his mug every day. One day, Tim's friend, Sam, came to play. Sam saw the mug and wanted to use it too. Tim did not mind, but he told Sam to be very careful with his special mug. While they were playing, Sam accidentally dropped the mug. The mug broke into many pieces. Tim was very sad because his special mug was now spoiled. Tim's mom tried to fix the mug, but it was too broken. Tim learned that sometimes accidents happen, but it was still a bad day for him. One day, a little mosquito was flying around in a big garden. The mosquito loved to spin and dance in the air. He would spin so fast that he would get dizzy, but he liked it. In the garden, there was a big, mean bird who did not like the mosquito. The bird saw the mosquito spinning and thought it was a good time to catch him. The bird flew fast towards the dizzy mosquito, ready to grab him. But the mosquito saw the bird coming and stopped spinning. He was very dizzy, but he knew he had to fly away. The mosquito flew as fast as he could, and the bird chased him. They went round and round in the garden, but the mosquito was too quick. The bird got dizzy from all the spinning and had to stop. The mosquito was safe, and he went back to spinning and dancing in the air, happy and free. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sue. Sue loved to draw. She liked to draw silly pictures of her cat, Tom. One day, Sue drew a very silly picture of Tom. She showed it to her mom and dad. They laughed and thought it was very funny. The next day, Sue's mom had a surprise for her. She said, "Sue, I have something to reveal to you." Sue was very excited. Her mom took her to the living room. There, on the wall, was Sue's silly picture of Tom! Her mom had put it in a frame for everyone to see. Sue was so happy. She felt very proud of her silly picture. She knew that her mom and dad loved it too. From that day on, Sue drew more and more silly pictures. She filled the walls with her funny art. And they all lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, in a small house, there lived a playful spider. The spider loved to dance and jump all day. He had many friends who liked to play with him. They would laugh and have fun together. One day, the spider found a very dirty room in the house. The floor was full of dust and dirt. The spider wanted to help, so he decided to clean the room. He worked very hard, sweeping and wiping until the room was shiny and clean. When his friends saw the clean room, they were very happy. They could now play in the clean room without getting dirty. The spider was proud of his work, and his friends thanked him for his help. From that day on, they all learned the importance of keeping their home clean and helping each other. And they lived happily ever after, playing and having fun in their clean and tidy house. Once upon a time, there was a nice little dog named Max. Max lived in a small house near the beach. Max loved to run and play in the sand. He had a lot of friends who played with him. One day, dark clouds came, and the wind began to blow. Max heard people talk about a hurricane coming. Max was scared. He did not want the hurricane to take his home and his friends. Max knew he had to escape. Max ran as fast as he could to find a safe place. He saw a big hill and climbed up. Max found a cave to hide in. The wind blew harder, but Max was safe in the cave. The hurricane went away, and Max came out. He was happy to see his home and his friends were still there. They all played together again. Once upon a time, there was a big, hairy cat named Fluffy. Fluffy liked to jump and play all day. One day, Fluffy saw a little bug on the ceiling. The bug was very small and fast. Fluffy wanted to catch the bug and play with it. Fluffy jumped high to reach the bug on the ceiling. But the bug was very smart. It knew Fluffy wanted to catch it. So, the bug tried to escape. It ran fast across the ceiling. Fluffy jumped and jumped, but the bug was too quick. Then, Fluffy had an idea. Fluffy waited for the bug to come close. When the bug was near, Fluffy jumped as high as he could. This time, Fluffy caught the bug. But Fluffy did not hurt the bug. Fluffy let the bug go, and they both had fun playing together. One day, a funny dog named Max found a bubble toy. Max wanted to play with the bubble toy. He picked it up with his mouth and took it to his friend, a little girl named Lily. Lily saw the bubble toy and knew what to do. She took the toy from Max and began to shake it. As she shook the toy, lots of bubbles came out. Max and Lily laughed and clapped their hands. Max and Lily played with the bubbles all day. They tried to catch the bubbles with their hands and Max jumped to catch them with his mouth. They had so much fun playing with the funny bubble toy. Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a boy named Tim. Tim was a very happy boy who loved to play sports. His favorite sport was ball, and he played it all the time with his friends. One day, Tim saw an old man sitting on a bench, watching the kids play. The old man looked sad and lonely. Tim wanted to help, so he asked the old man if he missed playing sports. The old man said, "Yes, I miss playing ball when I was young like you." Tim had an idea. He asked the old man to teach him and his friends how to play even better. The old man agreed, and soon the kids were learning new ways to play ball. The old man was happy, and so were the kids. They all became good friends. The moral of the story is that we should always try to help others and include them in our fun. It can make everyone happy and create new friendships. One day, a little fox named Fifi was playing in the thick grass. She saw a big oasis with a lot of water. Fifi was very thirsty, so she ran to the water. But a big lion named Leo was there too. Leo was scary and loud. Fifi was scared and paused. She didn't want to fight with Leo. So, Fifi thought of a plan. She went to find yummy food to share with Leo. Fifi found some big, juicy fruits and brought them to the oasis. When Leo saw the fruits, he was happy. Fifi and Leo shared the fruits and drank water together. They became good friends. The moral of the story is that sharing and being kind can make friends, even with someone who seems scary. Once upon a time, there was a little train. The train loved to go fast. It made steam when it went fast. The steam went high up in the sky. The train was very happy. One day, the train met a big hill. The train wanted to go up the hill. The train tried and tried, but it could not go up. The train felt sad. The train wanted help. A little bird saw the train. The bird had an idea. The bird flew to the train and said, "urge, urge, go up the hill!" The train felt the urge to try again. The train went fast and made more steam. The steam went high up in the sky. The train went up the hill. The train was happy. The bird was happy too. They were friends. Once upon a time, there was a big elephant named Ella. Ella was very obedient. She always listened to her mom and dad. They lived in a big forest with lots of trees and flowers. One day, Ella found a magic flower. She touched it with her long nose. Suddenly, she started to shrink! Ella became very small, like a toy elephant. She was worried and didn't know what to do. Ella asked her mom and dad for help. They all looked for the magic flower again. When they found it, Ella touched it one more time. She grew back to her big size. Ella was happy and hugged her mom and dad. They all went home and had a big party to celebrate. Once upon a time, there was a big festival in the town. All the people were happy and excited. They played games, ate yummy food, and danced to fun music. A little boy named Timmy wanted to go to the festival too, but he didn't know what game to play first. Timmy's friend, Sally, saw that he was frustrated. She said, "Timmy, I recommend you try the ball toss game. It's easy and fun!" Timmy smiled and said, "Thank you, Sally. I will try that game first." They walked to the ball toss game together, and Timmy felt better. At the ball toss game, Timmy and Sally threw the balls and won a prize. They had lots of fun at the festival. They played more games, ate ice cream, and danced together. The festival was a happy day for Timmy, Sally, and all the people in the town. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to play with her blue ball. One day, she saw a shiny crystal in the park. She picked it up and looked at it. It was so pretty! Lily saw her friend Tom. Tom asked, "Can I see the crystal?" Lily said, "Yes, I can lend it to you." Tom held the crystal and said, "Wow, it's so shiny and nice!" He gave it back to Lily. Together, they played with the blue ball and the shiny crystal. They had a lot of fun. At the end of the day, they put the crystal back where they found it, so other kids could see it too. One day, a fat kangaroo went to find food. She hopped and hopped until she saw a big tree with yummy leaves. She wanted to eat the leaves, but they were too high up. The fat kangaroo tried to jump, but she was too heavy. The fat kangaroo did not give up. She thought, "I will yield some of my food to my friends, and then I will be light enough to jump." So, she gave some food to her friends. They said "thank you" and ate the food. Now, the fat kangaroo was not as fat. She tried to jump again. This time, she could reach the yummy leaves on the big tree. The fat kangaroo was very happy. She ate and ate until her tummy was full. From that day on, the fat kangaroo always shared her food with her friends. Once upon a time, there was a popular dog named Spot. Spot loved to play with all the kids in the park. One day, Spot saw a little girl named Sue crying near a tree. "Hi Sue, why are you sad?" asked Spot. Sue said, "I lost my toy, and I can't find it." Spot wanted to help Sue, so he said, "Let's play a game to find your toy." They played the game together. Spot would look for the toy, and Sue would follow. They looked high and low, and finally, Spot found the toy under a bush. Sue was very happy and said, "Thank you, Spot!" As a reward for his help, Sue gave Spot a big bone to chew on. From that day on, Sue and Spot became best friends. The moral of the story is that being kind and helping others makes you popular and loved. One day, a little bird named Bobo wanted to fly. The weather was crazy. It was very windy. Bobo's mom said, "Do not fly today, Bobo. The wind is too strong." But Bobo did not listen. He wanted to fly and have fun. So, he went outside and tried to fly. The wind picked him up and took him very far away. Bobo was scared. A wise old owl saw Bobo and said, "You should have listened to your mom. The weather is crazy today." Bobo knew the owl was right. He said, "I am sorry. I will listen next time." The owl helped Bobo get back home. Bobo learned to always listen to his mom and be careful in crazy weather. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mia. She loved to play with her toys. One day, she found a cone in her toy box. It was a very special cone. Mia wanted to attach it to her toy car to make it look fancy. Mia asked her mom for help. Her mom found some tape and helped her attach the cone to the toy car. Mia was very happy. She played with her toy car and the cone all day long. Later, Mia and her mom made dinner together. They made spicy soup. Mia liked spicy food, but not too spicy. When they ate the soup, Mia was so happy. She had a great day with her mom, playing with her cone and eating spicy soup. Once upon a time, a furry dog lived in a small house. The dog liked to play in the yard. One day, he found a big can. The can had oil in it. The dog did not know what oil was, but he thought it was fun to play with. The furry dog pushed the can with his nose. The oil spilled out and made the ground very slippery. The dog tried to walk on the slippery ground, but he fell down. He tried to get up, but he kept falling. He thought it was funny, so he laughed. The dog's friend, a cat, came to see what was happening. The cat saw the oil and told the dog to be careful. The dog did not listen and kept playing. The cat knew the dog would not remain safe if he kept playing with the oil. So the cat went to find help. Soon, the dog's owner came and cleaned up the oil. The furry dog was happy to be safe and played with the cat instead. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved going on tours with her family. She would always be so excited to see new places and learn new things. One day, Lily went on a tour with her family to a big farm. She saw lots of animals like cows, pigs, and chickens. Lily really loved the baby animals. She thought they were so cute and funny. At the farm, Lily met a little boy named Tim. Tim was very shy and felt embarrassed to talk to Lily. But Lily was very friendly and said, "Hi, I'm Lily. Do you want to play with me?" Tim smiled and said, "Yes, I'm Tim. I would love to play with you." Together, Lily and Tim played with the baby animals and had so much fun. They laughed and talked, and soon Tim didn't feel embarrassed anymore. They both had a great day on their farm tour, and they became good friends. One day, a little dog named Spot wanted to surf. Spot was very impatient. He wanted to surf now. He asked his mom, "Can I surf now?" His mom said, "Wait, Spot. We need to find a good place to surf first." Spot and his mom went to the beach. They found a nice place to surf. Spot was so happy. He jumped on the surf and tried to surf. At first, he fell off. But he did not give up. He tried again and again. Finally, Spot succeeded in surfing. He was so happy. He surfed all day with his mom. They had a lot of fun. Spot learned that if he tried hard, he could do anything. One day, a little girl named Sue saw a yellow cat in her yard. The cat was looking for food. Sue wanted to help the cat, so she went to her mom and asked, "Mom, can we give the cat some food?" Her mom said, "Yes, but first we need to find a bowl." Sue looked everywhere for a bowl. She looked in the kitchen, the living room, and even the bathroom. Finally, she found a small bowl next to the bin. She was so happy that she could help the cat. She knew the cat would be happy too. Sue brought the bowl to her mom, who put some food in it. Then, Sue took the bowl outside and called the cat. The cat came running and started to eat the food. Sue smiled and said, "I'm glad I could help you, cat!" The cat looked up and seemed to answer with a happy "meow." Sue knew she had made a new friend. Once upon a time, in a big forest, there was a thick bridge. The bridge was so thick that all the animals could walk on it. The animals loved to play on the bridge every day. One day, a big bear came to the bridge. The bear wanted to play with the other animals, but they were scared of him. The bear said, "Please let me play with you." The animals thought about it and decided to let the bear play with them. They all played on the bridge together and had a lot of fun. The bear was very happy that the animals let him play. From that day on, the animals and the bear were good friends. They played on the thick bridge every day, and the forest was always filled with laughter and fun. One day, a bird with a calm voice was in a tree. The bird could whistle really well. The bird had a friend, a little cat. The cat liked to listen to the bird's calm voice and whistle. The cat said, "Bird, I like your whistle. Can you teach me to whistle too?" The bird said, "Yes, I can teach you. Just try to make a sound like me." The cat tried to whistle, but it could not. It tried again and again, but it still could not whistle. The cat got sad and asked the bird, "Why can I not whistle like you?" The bird said, "I don't know, but don't be sad. We can still be friends." But the cat was still sad. It walked away and did not want to be friends with the bird anymore. The bird was sad too, and it stopped whistling. Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a new toy shop. A boy named Tim went to the shop with his mom. Tim saw a toy tornado. He wanted it very much. He asked his mom, "Can I have the toy tornado, please?" His mom said, "Yes, you can have it, but you must use it nicely." Tim took the toy tornado home. He played with it in his room. He showed it to his friend, Sam. Tim said, "Look at my new toy tornado! It is fun!" Sam liked it too. They played with the toy tornado together. One day, Tim used the toy tornado to make a mess in his room. His mom was not happy. She said, "You must use your toys to have fun, not to make a mess." Tim learned that he should use his toys in a good way. He and Sam cleaned up the mess together. They played with the toy tornado nicely from then on. The moral of the story is to use things in a good way and not to make a mess. Once upon a time, there was a smart dog named Spot. Spot loved to play with his favorite toy, a spade. He would dig holes in the yard and bury his bones. One day, a new dog moved in next door. His name was Max. Spot wanted to welcome Max and be friends. So, he took his spade and dug a big hole. Then, he put a bone in the hole for Max. Max saw the hole and the bone. He was happy and knew that Spot was welcoming him. They played with the spade together and became good friends. The moral of the story is that sharing and being kind to others is a great way to make friends. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She owned a soft velvet toy cat. Lily loved her cat and took it everywhere with her. One day, Lily and her cat went to the park to play. While they were playing, a big wind came and blew her cat away. Lily was frightened and said, "Oh no, where did my cat go?" A nice boy named Tim saw what happened and came to help Lily. He said, "Don't worry, I will help you find your cat!" They looked everywhere, and finally, they found the velvet cat in a tree. Lily was so happy and thanked Tim for his help. From that day on, Lily and Tim became best friends, and they always played together with the velvet cat at the park. Once upon a time, there was a healthy dog named Spot. Spot loved to play and run all day long. One day, Spot saw a big pit in the ground. He wanted to see what was inside, so he went closer to look. As he peeked into the pit, he saw a little cat named Whiskers. Whiskers was very sad and started to weep. "Why are you weeping?" asked Spot. "I fell into this pit and I can't get out," cried Whiskers. Spot wanted to help Whiskers, so he thought of a plan. He found a big stick and said, "Hold on to this stick, and I will pull you out." Whiskers held on tight, and Spot pulled with all his might. With a big tug, Whiskers was out of the pit. They both were very happy and became good friends. From that day on, they played together and helped each other whenever they needed it. Once upon a time, there was a funny bunny named Bobo. Bobo loved to play with his friends in the big green park. They played hide and seek, and they had a lot of fun. One sunny day, Bobo found a big squash in the park. He thought it was a ball, so he picked it up and threw it. The squash did not bounce like a ball, but it vanished into thin air! Bobo was very surprised. Bobo ran to his friends and told them about the squash that vanished. They all went to look for it, but they could not find it. They learned that not everything is what it seems. The friends had fun looking for the squash, but they also learned to be careful with things they find. Once upon a time, there was a little toy car. The toy car had a battery inside to make it go. The toy car was very eager to play with the kids. One day, the toy car's battery stopped working. The toy car was very sad. It could not play with the kids anymore. The kids were sad too. Then, the kids' mom came to comfort the toy car and the kids. She put a new battery inside the toy car. The toy car was happy and eager to play again. The kids were happy too, and they all played together. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. Lily was a very fair girl with a big heart. She loved to clean and help others. One day, she found a soft velvet dress in her room. She was very happy and put on the dress. Lily went outside to play in the sun. While she was playing, she saw a big puddle of mud. She thought it would be fun to jump in it. So, she jumped in the puddle and got her velvet dress all dirty. Lily was sad and went back home. She tried to clean the velvet dress, but the mud was too hard to get out. The dress was ruined and Lily could not wear it anymore. The fair girl learned that sometimes, playing in the mud can lead to a bad ending. Once upon a time, there was a wise old owl. The owl lived in a big tree. The tree was in a nice park. The wise owl liked to help his friends. One day, a little mouse came to the wise owl. The mouse had a sharp rock. The mouse wanted to play with a sheet. But the sharp rock made a hole in the sheet. The mouse was sad. The wise owl saw the sad mouse. The owl had an idea. The owl took the sheet and fixed it. The mouse was happy. The wise owl and the mouse played with the sheet. They had lots of fun. And they were good friends forever. Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a little boy named Tom. He loved to whistle all day long. One sunny day, Tom saw a big tree with red cherries on it. He wanted to eat some, but the tree was very tall. A foolish bird saw Tom and wanted to help him. The bird told Tom, "I can fly and get the cherries for you. Just whistle when you want me to stop." Tom was happy and started to whistle as the bird flew up to the tree. The bird picked some cherries and flew down to Tom. Tom whistled, and the bird stopped. Tom ate the cherries and they were very sweet. He thanked the bird for helping him. Tom and the bird became good friends, and they played and whistled together every day. Once upon a time, there was a messy dog named Spot. Spot loved to play in the mud and get dirty. One day, Spot heard a loud noise. It was a fire truck going to put out a fire. Spot wanted to help, so he ran after the fire truck. When Spot got to the fire, he saw the firemen working hard. The fire chief said, "We need more water to put out this fire!" Spot had an idea. He ran back to the mud puddle and jumped in. Then, he shook his wet, messy fur all around. The water from his fur helped to put out the fire. "Thank you, Spot!" said the fire chief. "You helped us part the fire and save the day!" Spot felt proud and happy. From that day on, Spot knew that even a messy dog could be a hero. Once upon a time, in a land of spring, there was a little bunny named Bobo. Bobo loved to jump all day long. He would jump over flowers, jump over rocks, and even jump over his friends. One day, Bobo found a broken toy in the grass. It was a small, red car. Bobo felt sad for the broken toy and wanted to help fix it. So, he went to his friend, the wise old owl, to ask for help. The wise old owl knew just what to do. He found some glue and fixed the broken toy car. Bobo was so happy and thanked the wise old owl. Now, Bobo and the toy car could jump and play together in the beautiful spring land. And they lived happily ever after. Once upon a time, there was a gray soldier. He was very hungry. He wanted to eat some food. But he could not find any food. He looked everywhere, but there was no food. One day, the gray soldier met a big, mean cat. The cat was eating a big fish. The cat did not want to share the fish with the soldier. The soldier was sad because he was very hungry. The gray soldier had an idea. He found a big stick and waved it at the mean cat. The cat was scared of the stick and ran away. The gray soldier was happy because he could eat the fish now. He ate the fish and was not hungry anymore. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sue. She loved to play outside. One day, the sky was full of rain. Sue was sad because she could not play in the park. Sue began to cry. Her mom saw her and said, "Don't cry, Sue. We can still have fun inside." Sue stopped crying and thought about what to do. She decided to put on a show with her dolls. She found a fit dress for her doll and made her dance. The rain stopped, and the sun came out. Sue and her mom went to the park to play. Sue was happy again. She learned that even when it rains, she can still have fun inside. Once upon a time, there was a bright machine. It was a big, red machine that could split things in half. It lived in a small town with many friends. One day, the bright machine went to the park to play with its friends. They played on the swings, the slide, and the seesaw. They had so much fun! But then, they found a big, round ball that was too big for them to play with. The bright machine had an idea! It said, "I can split the ball in half, so we can all play with it!" The friends were so happy. The machine split the big ball into two smaller balls. Now, all the friends could play together with the new balls. The bright machine and its friends played in the park until the sun went down. They were so happy that they could play together. And from that day on, the bright machine was the hero of the town. One day, a polite cat named Tom went to his friend's house. His friend, a dog named Max, was very happy to see Tom. They wanted to have fun and play games together. Tom saw a television in Max's house. He asked Max if they could start watching some cartoons. Max said yes and turned the television on. They sat down and watched their favorite show. After the show was over, Tom and Max said thank you to each other for the fun time. They promised to watch television together again soon. Tom went back to his house, and Max waved goodbye. They both had a great day. Once upon a time, a little girl named Mia went for a walk in the woods. It was a cold day, and Mia started to shiver. She saw a big tree with a knot on it. The knot looked like a funny face, so she laughed. Mia met a squirrel who was very impatient. "Why are you laughing?" asked the squirrel. "I am cold and I want to find nuts," he said. Mia said, "I am laughing because of the funny face on the tree." The squirrel looked at the tree and laughed too. They looked for nuts together, but they couldn't find any. The squirrel became more impatient, and Mia was still shivering. The sun went down and it got colder. Mia and the squirrel were sad because they didn't find any nuts, and they were very cold. One day, a little boy named Tim wanted to learn about animals. He asked his mom, "Can we watch a movie about animals?" His mom said, "Yes, let's watch a movie together." They watched a movie about a confused little cat. The cat did not know how to find its way home. The cat met a friendly dog who wanted to help. The dog said, "I will show you the way home, little cat." The cat and the dog walked and talked. They learned about each other and became good friends. The dog showed the cat how to find its way home. The cat was happy and said, "Thank you, dog, for helping me." In the end, the cat and the dog played together every day. Tim learned a lot about animals from the movie. He was happy he got to watch it with his mom. Once upon a time, there was a big, serious dog named Max. Max loved to take photos with his camera. He would take photos of the sun, the trees, and the birds. Max was very happy with his camera. One day, Max found a magic bone. The magic bone could make things shrink. Max didn't know about the magic, so he just played with the bone like any other. He ran around and had fun with his new toy. Later, Max wanted to take more photos with his camera. But when he went to get his camera, he saw it was very small! Max had made his camera shrink with the magic bone. He was sad because he couldn't take photos anymore. Max wished for his camera to be big again, and the magic bone heard him. The camera grew back to its normal size, and Max was very happy. From that day on, Max took even more beautiful photos and always kept his magic bone safe. One day, a cat named Tom was very hungry. He wanted to make a cake. Tom looked around and found a big bowl. He also found some eggs, flour, and milk. Tom was ready to mix everything together. Tom was a little fearful because he had never made a cake before. He thought, "What if I mix in zero eggs? Will it still be a cake?" Tom was not sure, but he decided to try anyway. He mixed the flour and milk, but he did not add any eggs. After baking the cake, Tom looked at it and saw it was flat. He realized that he needed eggs to make the cake fluffy. So, Tom tried again. This time, he mixed in the eggs with the flour and milk. The cake came out perfect! Tom was so happy that he shared the cake with his friends. They all loved it, and Tom learned that sometimes it's okay to be fearful when trying new things. Ruby loves to dress up. She wears her prettiest dress every day and tries out lots of different styles. One day, Ruby decided to make a special sauce to go with her dress. She mixed different flavours together and when it was ready, it smelled delicious. Ruby put on her favourite dress and asked her mom to help her serve the sauce on her plate. She enjoyed the quiet time while she ate her special meal. Ruby was so happy that she began to dance around the room. When Ruby was finished eating, she put her dress back on so she could continue to enjoy her special sauce a little bit longer. She and her mom danced around the living room until it was time to go. That was one of the best days ever! Once upon a time, there was a graceful bunny named Bob. He lived in a nice meadow with his best friend, Jack the squirrel. One day, Jack asked Bob if he wanted to go explore the forest just down the hill. Bob was so excited that he hopped away quickly! As they were exploring, they saw an ambulance whooshing down the road. Jack was curious and asked Bob "What was that thing?" Bob replied, "I don't know, it looks like a big, fast car." Jack wanted to find out more so he asked Bob if he wanted to follow the ambulance and find out where it was going. Bob agreed, and before long, they found themselves at the local hospital. The ambulance had stopped and two people in white coats were taking a sick person out of the vehicle. Bob looked around and saw all of the people in the hospital, which made him feel a little sad. But then, he remembered that the ambulance had been very graceful in its movements. He turned to Jack and smiled, happy that the ambulance was there to help the sick person. Once upon a time there was a sad little girl. She was sitting on a park bench crying. Suddenly, a big and kind bear came up to her. He said, "What is wrong?" The girl said, "I am sad." The bear took a deep breath and said, "Don't cry. I have an apple for you." He gave her a big red apple and said, "This will make you feel better. Go ahead and eat it." The girl took a bite of the sweet apple, and it made her feel better. Then the bear said, "Come here and let me give you a hug." The girl was scared, but the bear comforted her. He gave her a big, warm hug. The hug was so warm and gentle that it made the girl feel calm and happy. Suddenly an apple fell out of the bear's pocket. The girl shouted, "That apple is all green and bumpy, and it looks bitter!" She tasted it and said, "It is bitter!" The bear said, "That is okay, even if something is bitter, it can still be a comfort." He hugged the girl again, and she smiled. The bear said goodbye and went on his way. The girl was happy again. Jill went for a drive in the jeep with her dad. She was so excited to go on an adventure! She looked out the window and noticed lots of new things. She discovered the blue sky, some funny looking birds and a little pond. As they kept driving, Jill spotted something bright and orange. It was a huge pumpkin! She and her dad decided to get out and take a closer look. Just then, she discovered a small bridge. It was made of wood and had a beautiful river running underneath! Jill and her dad slowly made their way across. Suddenly, Jill noticed something at the bottom of a tree. It was an old, rusty key. Her dad said it must have belonged to someone very honest. Jill was so excited. She had just discovered her very first treasure! They both decided to keep the key as a special reminder of their wonderful day. Once there was an elephant called John. John was very restless. He was always looking for something but he couldn't remember what. He searched all around his home, but there was nothing to be found. One day, John stumbled upon a nut. It was small and brown, and it smelled sweet. John was sure he had forgotten something about this nut. He sniffed it and tossed it around, trying to remember. Before long, John had forgotten all about the nut. He went back to searching and searching, but never found what he was looking for. John may never find what he was searching for, but he won't forget that nut anytime soon. Molly and her mom were walking in the park. The sky was very clear and they could see far away. Suddenly, mom reached into her pocket and took out a key. Molly said, "What is that?" Mom replied, "This is the key to our house." Molly got really excited. She snapped her fingers and said, "Let's go home right now!" So, they walked back home. When they got there, Mom used the key to open the door. Molly ran inside and shouted, "We're home!" Mom smiled and said, "Yes, we are." Molly and Joe had a big problem. Joe was being very bossy. He wanted to break Molly's mug, but Molly said no. Molly said she liked her mug, so Joe couldn't break it. But Joe was bossy, and he didn't listen. When Joe started to pick up the mug, Molly said, "No!" But Joe was too bossy, and he broke the mug anyway. Molly felt so sad. She started to cry and Joe felt sorry, but the mug was already broken. The next day, Joe's mom was very mad. She said Joe must pay for a new mug for Molly. He had to use his own money, and it made him very sad. But Molly was happy. She got a new, special mug! And Joe learned that he must never be bossy again. Once upon a time, a graceful stream ran through the forest. Many animals made their home close to the stream. One day, a little rabbit thought to himself, “I want to manage the streamâ€. The little rabbit set off to find a way to make the stream even more graceful and beautiful. He thought of a plan to make the water cleaner and the rocks shinier. He asked the animals who lived near the stream to help. Soon, with their combined efforts, the stream was looking even more graceful. The rabbit was very proud of what he had managed to do. All the animals now enjoyed the stream more. They gathered there to play, drink and dance. They thanked the little rabbit for making the stream even more graceful. Once there was a very special girl. Her name was Samantha and she was three years old. Her mom and dad loved her very much and they always tried to take good care of her. One day, when it was time for bed, her mom said something very special. She said, "I promise, if you go to bed now I will take you to the park tomorrow." Samantha was so excited. The next day came and they kept their promise. They went to the park and played lots of games. Samantha couldn't believe how much fun she had. She felt so dizzy from playing on the swings and slides. Samantha was so happy. She knew that her parents would always take care of her. Once upon a time there was a pink mystery. No one knew what was inside, not even the wisest man. Everyone was curious, so they asked the pink mystery what was inside. The pink mystery replied with a whisper, “You must work to find the answer.†The people were surprised, but decided to work together to find the answer. They tried to pull, push and shake the mystery, but nothing worked. They even tried to look through it, but still couldn’t find the answer. Just when the people were about to give up, a small child stepped forward. They asked the child what the answer was. The child smiled, put their hand into the mystery, and pulled out a pretty pink flower. The people cheered and thanked the child for their help. The mysterious pink mystery was solved. The people smiled and the little child smiled even wider. They had solved the puzzle and everyone was happy. The pilot was flying his plane in the sky. He had a mild surprise when he noticed something in the clouds. It was a big, friendly bird with colourful feathers. The pilot thought it was very nice. He asked the bird if it wanted to fly with him. The bird said yes and hopped into the plane. The pilot was very happy and they both flew around in the sky. The pilot showed the bird some of the prettiest places in the sky like a beautiful lake and a tall mountain. They kept flying and were having lots of fun. The bird was surprised when the pilot showed it a field of pretty flowers. The bird jumped out of the plane and the pilot waved goodbye. It was a very mild surprise that the pilot had a special friend for the day. A truck zoomed down the road. It was big and fast. Suddenly, the truck stopped. Two friendly people stepped out. They smiled and said hello. The people were in a hurry. They needed to get something important. So, they opened the back of the truck. Out came a lot of boxes. The people loaded them into the truck. Then, they said "goodbye". The friendly people drove away. The truck was soon out of sight. Once upon a time there was a mom and a baby. The baby was a little boy. He was so excited, so he decided to go for a walk. He went outside, and he saw lots of things. He saw a bird and a tree, and a ladybug too. But then the baby got very tired. His eyes drooped, and he felt so weary. The mom saw how tired the baby was and she said, "Let's go inside now". So they went inside, and the baby curled up in a chair and he gave a big sigh. He was so tired, and his mom couldn't help but smile. The baby lay down on the floor, and tucked himself under the blanket. He snuggled in, and he closed his eyes for a nap. The mom watched her baby, feeling so glad he was safe and resting. She gave a big sigh of her own, because her baby was so tired. But soon he was feeling much better, and both of them were happy again. Once upon a time there was a problem for a little boy. He had a lemon in his hand but he wasn't sure what to do with it. He asked his mom what he should do and she said he should try to solve the problem. The little boy thought and thought. Then he got an original idea! He decided to make a lemonade. He took some sugar, a cup of water and the lemon. He cut the lemon in half and squeezed the juice into the cup. Then he stirred it up and tasted it. It was delicious! He had solved the problem and now he knew what to do with the lemon. He made more lemonade and shared it with everyone in the family. They all thought the original lemonade was yummy. And they lived happily ever after. The End. Once there was a boy named Sam. He was three years old, and loved his crayons! One day his mommy took him to the store. He was so excited! Sam saw a big box of crayons on a shelf, but they were too high for him to reach. But his mommy told him not to worry. She ordered the box for him, and soon enough the storekeeper gave it to him. Sam loved his new crayons. He held the box tight and said goodbye to the storekeeper. He went home feeling very happy. He hugged his mommy and thanked her for the crayons. Then he took out his crayons and coloured his room with lots of bright and happy colours. Once upon a time, there was a large dog named Tilly. Tilly loved to run and twirl in circles. One sunny day, Tilly heard a loud, happy song coming from the park. She wanted to find out where the song was coming from, so she ran across the street and into the park. When she got to the park, she saw a large man singing and playing the guitar. He was smiling and laughing, and the music sounded so sweet. Tilly couldn't help but smile, and she started running around in circles and playing with the other dogs in the park. As the song came to an end, the big man thanked Tilly for her joy and he said goodbye. Tilly waved goodbye and ran home, happy and full of energy. She never forgot the large man's song and how much it made her smile. Once there were two friends named William and Lucy. They loved playing together everyday. One day, William found a cute little stack of blocks in the sand. They were so excited about their discovery that they decided to make something out of them. William wanted to build a house, but Lucy had other ideas. She wanted to make a tower instead. William agreed and they both started to carefully stack the blocks one by one. After they were done stackIng the blocks, they discovered that their tower was a little wobbly. William had an idea. He wanted to use some old string he had found in his backyard to fix the tower and make it more dependable. They worked together to wrap the string around the blocks and tie it in a secure knot. When they were done, the tower was much stronger and more dependable. William and Lucy were very happy with their work. Every day they would go to their tower and admire their masterpiece. They felt proud of their work, and even prouder of their friendship. Once upon a time there was a doggy. The doggy was called Max. Max liked to play and search for bones in the garden. One day, he noticed a bone lying in the grass. He thought it was a very special bone. He was so happy and playful he began to run around the garden to show everyone his great find. Suddenly he saw a rabbit watching him with a thoughtful look. The rabbit had seen the special bone too and Max wanted it to have it. So he gave it to him. The rabbit smiled and thanked Max for his thoughtful gift. He hopped away, taking the bone with him. Max was very happy to have made the rabbit so happy. He started to bark and run around in excitement again. He knew he had done something really nice and he was pleased with himself. Joey was walking by a tree when he saw something very shiny in the grass. He bent down and picked up the shiny object. He looked closer and saw it was sharp - like a knife! He was scared at first, but then he realized it was very small. He held it up to his eye and saw a little rainbow. It was pretty! Then he got dizzy so he laid down in the grass. As he looked up at the sky, he started to feel better. He was so glad he found the sharp object - it was like magic! Joey decided he wanted to keep the sharp object with him all the time, so he put it in his pocket and ran off to show his friends. He was so happy to have found this special treasure! Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tom. Tom was very restless and he wanted something to do. One day, Tom went to the gym. It was a special gym because there were two people there who were getting married. Tom watched them and he saw that the man and woman were very happy. They said words that Tom didn't understand, but he knew that they were saying "I do". Tom saw that the man and woman hugged after they were married. Everyone in the gym clapped their hands and cheered. It was a very special day. Then the man and woman had a dance together. Tom thought it was so special that they would marry and dance together. Tom smiled and he felt happy for them. He thought it was a very special day and he was glad he came to the gym. Once upon a time there was a small boy named Jay. He lived in a wild place where all the animals were different. Jay loved to explore and he often went off on long adventures in the wild. One day, Jay was deep in the forest. He wanted to climb a tall tree but he was too small. He struggled to reach the top but he couldn't reach it no matter how hard he tried. Suddenly, a wild animal came to his rescue. It was a bear. The bear pointed to a branch and Jay realized he could use it to climb up. He struggled and reached the top of the tree. Jay was so happy and the bear was proud. Jay waved goodbye to the bear and went on his way. From then on, Jay never forgot that he could struggle through anything and with the help of his friends, he could reach faraway places. Once upon a time, there was a big bear. He liked to go for walks in the forest. One day, he was walking through the woods looking for something to eat. Suddenly, he heard a noise! He stopped and looked around. It was a small mouse fighting a big frog! The bear was so surprised he almost screamed! The bear watched as the mouse used its little leg to try and fight the big frog. But the frog was too big, and it knocked the mouse down again and again. `The bear couldn't take it anymore! He ran over and joined the fight. He used his big paws to push the frog away and help the little mouse. The frog got scared and ran away. The bear and the mouse high-fived each other and celebrated their victory! They hugged each other goodbye, and the bear watched the mouse run away. The bear was very proud of himself for being so brave and helping his little friend. From then on, he was always ready for a fight! Once upon a time, a Mommy and Daddy had a little baby boy. He was so cute and loved to explore the world. One day, Mommy and Daddy went out, so little baby boy went to look at nature. He thought it was so pretty. He saw an animal walking on the left. He ran to try and help it. He wanted to make sure the animal was safe. Mommy and Daddy came back and they were so proud of him when they heard what he had done. They hugged him and said, “Thank you for helping. You are such a nice little boy.†Little baby boy smiled and thanked Mommy and Daddy. He felt so happy that he had helped the animal and kept it safe. Once upon a time, a girl named Tammy wanted to travel. She packed her things and said goodbye to her mom. She was so excited! When she started to travel, she saw a rare metal in the sky. It was glowing green and she had never seen anything like it. Tammy wanted to get closer to the metal and see what it was. She reached out, but it was too high in the sky. Suddenly, she had an idea. She decided to build a tall tower made from rocks. It was hard work, because she was so small. But eventually it got tall enough for her to reach the metal. When Tammy touched the metal, she wondered what it was. Then, she heard a soft voice. It said, "I am a fairy and I have a special gift for you." Tammy was so excited! The fairy gave Tammy a magical wand and said it would grant her three wishes. Tammy thanked the fairy, and then started her journey home. On the way, she used her wand to make a few rare metal things. Finally, she arrived home and told her mom all about her adventure. Tammy will never forget the rare metal and the magical wish-granting wand. Once upon a time there was a little girl called Sam. She was 3 years old and full of curiosity! One day, she was playing in the garden when she saw something shining in the grass. She ran over and saw a circle with lots of glimmering jewels inside. She lifted the circle up and looked inside. The jewels were all jumbled up and it was quite a messy scene! Sam set the circle down on the ground and looked around. She saw another circle that wasn't so sparkly. She was curious and decided to lift it up. This time, it was full of earthworms! They were slimy and crawling around - it was a very messy sight! Sam was so excited. She kept lifting up circles to see what was inside. Some were full of bright stones, others were full of mud and leaves. It was a very fun day and Sam explored everything in her garden until the sun went down. She had learned a lot and was very happy. One day, a Lion name David was going for a walk. He was a very persistent Lion, who would never give up. As he was walking, he heard a sound in the distance. It sounded like something was crying. He followed the noise, and before long he found a 3 year old child, who was sitting on a rock, crying. "What's wrong?", David asked the child. "I was looking for my mommy, and I can't find her", the child said. David was a very kind Lion and he wanted to help the child. He said, "Don't worry, I will help you find your mommy". David and the child started walking and searching. They kept walking and searching until they finally found the child's mommy. The child and his mommy were so happy to be reunited! The child thanked David for his help, and David said it was no problem. After that, David continued walking and the child waved goodbye to the persistent Lion. Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was three-years-old and loved to play and dream. One day, she saw a toy in the store and wanted it right away. The toy was really fun looking. It was green and blue and made funny noises. The little girl asked her mom if she could have it. Mom told her no – the toy was too dangerous. The little girl was sad. But, when she got home, she closed her eyes and began to dream. In her dream she had the toy. She played with it and made it do all sorts of neat things. She even flew on it like a magic carpet. When she woke up, she was so happy. Even though she couldn't have the toy in real life, she could still play with it in her dreams. And that made the little girl smile. Once there was a little girl, who loved bananas. Every day she would try to get one. One day, she asked her mom for one. Her mom said "yes" and gave her a thick banana. The little girl was so happy! She ate it all up. The next day, the little girl wanted to try to get a banana again. So she asked her mom again. She gave her another thick banana. The little girl enjoyed eating it. The little girl kept trying to get more bananas. Every day her mom gave her a thick one. She ate it all until she was very full. The little girl was so happy that she could get bananas every day. She loved them so much, and she had lots of fun trying to get them! Once upon a time, there was a lucky worm. He was so happy because he could feel the sunshine on his back. He wanted to go on an adventure, so he scattered every which way around the garden. All the other bugs saw him and laughed, saying he was so silly! But little did they all know, this lucky worm was about to have the best time of his life! The lucky worm went from one flower to the next, looking for surprises. He found some delicious strawberries and smiled big. Not far away, he saw a bright butterfly and it was so sparkly! He chased after it but it flew away in the breeze. He kept going and coming across new friends. He looped and twirled and danced around the plants. He found a huge pile of dirt and knew that he had to explore it. After digging down deep with his small body, he found a whole family of worms. He quickly scrambled over to meet them and they were so happy to see him! They had a feast of candy and treats to share and it was the most delicious meal ever. The lucky worm said goodbye to his new friends before continuing his journey. He scattered through the garden looking for new things to see. He had the best day ever and when it was time to go home, he was still feeling very lucky! Once upon a time there was a harmless little girl called Mary. Mary was three years old and loved playing puzzles. She had lots of puzzles and loved putting them together. One day Mary decided she wanted to strike her puzzle. She put it on the ground and gave it a strike. But nothing happened. Mary was puzzled. She struck it again harder and harder. But still nothing happened. So Mary decided to put the pieces of the puzzle together. And when she did the puzzle came alive and started singing. Mary was so happy she laughed and clapped her hands. The end. Once upon a time, there were two best friends. One was called Joe and the other was called Bob. Joe was a great rope twirler and Bob was a great rope climber. Joe always enjoyed watching Bob climb the rope with ease. One day Joe recommended that they both should try something new together with the rope. They agreed and decided to have a go. Off they went to find the best spot for their game. When they had found the perfect spot, Joe showed Bob his new idea. He had thought of a great game to play with their rope. They both took hold of the rope, and then each took a turn to swing it around. Round and round they went until they were both dizzy with fun. At the end of the game, both Joe and Bob agreed that it was great. They recommened the game to all their friends, and since then it has been their favorite. The end. Once upon a time, there was a power car. It was very clean. The car wanted to go to the park. The car drove down the street and soon it made it to the park. The park was filled with lots of other cars and things. Everyone seemed to be having lots of fun. The power car stopped in front of the park. It turned its engine off, so it was all quiet. Then, it opened its doors and the people climbed out. They ran around the park, playing and laughing. They climbed over the trees and benches, and climbed up to the top of a high hill. From up there, they could see all around the park. Then, they took turns sliding down the slide. At the end of the day, the power car drove back home. Its people were tired, but had lots of fun at the park. Once there was a girl named Annie. She moved to a new city and wanted to study something. She decided to study fashion. Every day she went to classes to learn about fashion. Annie was a very fierce student. She worked very hard every day. She learned all sorts of things, like how to make different clothes, what fabrics to use, and how to pick the right colors. She worked very hard. At the end of the course, Annie had become a really good student. Her teacher was very happy with her. He said that she had become a fierce fashion designer. Annie was really happy. Now she had become a fashion designer and she would make many beautiful clothes. She was really excited to start her fashion career. Once there was a little boy who lived in a house. One day he noticed something strange on the roof. Peeking through his window, he could see a stupid bird that had gotten stuck. The little boy was very clever and he knew what he had to do. He went out of his house and carefully climbed the roof. He slowly moved closer to the stupid bird. The bird was scared at first, but the little boy carefully moved closer and held out his hand. The bird realized the boy meant only to help. The boy gently grabbed the bird, and brought it down the roof. He made sure the bird was safe and soon it flew away! The little boy was happy to have helped the bird. Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lizzy. She was very happy. One day, her mommy told her that they were going on a special trip. Lizzy was so excited! She asked if she could bring a friend. Mommy said yes and so Lizzy got ready to go. When they arrived, Lizzy saw a funny-looking park. She asked mommy what it was, and Mommy said it was a stretching park! Lizzy and her friend jumped right in. They had so much fun, running and stretching as they played. They laughed and sang and had a lovely time. As they were leaving, a little bird gave Lizzy an invitation. It said she and her friend were invited to come to the park tomorrow. Lizzy was very happy and thanked the bird for the little invitation. The next day, Lizzy and her friend went back to the park. They spent the whole day stretching and laughing and playing games. They had the best day ever! Once there was a pet. It was a small, furry animal that could make a sound. Every day the pet would ring, like a bell. It was a peaceful sound that made mommy and daddy happy. The pet liked to get hugs and cuddles. It liked to run around and chase its friends. When the pet was tired, it would take a nap in its special bed. One day, the pet got stuck at the top of a tree. It couldn't get down no matter how hard it tried. Mommy and Daddy rang the fire department to come and help. The firemen came quickly and used a ladder to help the pet come down. The pet was happy to be safe, and mommy and daddy were relieved. The pet continued to make its peaceful ringing sound even more now! A small child, who was very eager, was looking out of his bedroom window one day. He saw a big, white cloud in the blue sky. He looked at it for a long time and decided to make a request. He said, "Cloud, please come down closer to me!" The cloud heard the request and slowly moved closer to him. The child was so excited that he opened his window and stuck his head outside. He smiled and waved at the cloud. It moved lower and stayed right outside the window. The child was overjoyed and waved goodbye to the cloud as it moved away. He was happy to have made his request and to have seen his cloud so up close! Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Ruby. One day, Ruby wanted to go on an adventure, so she decided to pack her things. She packed her favourite teddy bear, her navy blanket and a fake crown. She also packed some snacks for her journey. When she was done packing, Ruby went outside. She walked to a giant tree and climbed up into it. From the top of the tree, Ruby could see the whole world. She felt like a real princess in her fake crown. Ruby decided to stay in the tree for the night. Snuggled up in her navy blanket, Ruby dreamt about all the exciting adventures she wanted to have. The next morning, Ruby said goodbye to her tree and started a new adventure. She sure was glad she had packed her special things. Once there was an owner that had a powerful printer. Every morning he would print something new. One day, something special happened. He put paper in and out came a big shiny medal! The owner was so happy and cheered loudly. He put the medal around his neck and went to show it to his friends. Everyone was so fascinated by the medal. They asked the owner, "where did you get it?". He smiled and said,"My printer printed it!" Everybody was very surprised and they all wanted to have a powerful printer like that. The owner was so proud. He felt like the most important person in the whole world! Once upon a time, there was a nice boy. He was always looking for something fun to do. One day, he went for a walk and he found a big green hall. He was so excited and he just had to go inside. When he went in, he found lots of interesting things. There was a toy corner with big stuffed animals and colorful blocks. He also found a book corner with big books full of stories and pictures. The boy had lots of fun exploring the hall. He tried to find a secret room but he couldn't. But he was sure the hall was full of surprises. When the boy decided it was time to go home, he left the hall feeling happy. He knew one day he would come back and find even more cool things! Once upon a time, there was a boy named Pepe. He wanted to explore the universe, but his parents wouldn't allow it. Pepe was very sad and confused. He couldn't understand why his parents wouldn't let him fly his spaceship. One day, Pepe's parents decided to explain why they wouldn't allow him to explore the universe. They told him that the universe was too big and dangerous and that Pepe was too young to understand. Pepe was sad and he felt bad because he was too ignorant to understand. He didn't understand why his parents wouldn't let him have this adventure. But then, one day, Pepe's parents said they would finally allow him to explore the universe. They said he could use his spaceship and explore all the stars, planets, and galaxies in the universe. Pepe was so excited and happy that his parents allowed him to do this. He flew off into space and explored the wonders of the universe! He had many amazing adventures, and he even made some new friends along the way. Pepe had such a wonderful time exploring the universe and it was all thanks to his parents for allowing him to do it. Tommy was worried. He watched as an ambulance raced down the street. He had never seen an ambulance go so fast before and wondered where it was going. As it disappeared around the corner, he got the courage to hop on his trike and follow it. He pedalled as fast as he could and soon spotted it again. He raced after it but couldn't keep up. He pedalled faster and faster and finally he caught up. He watched as it stopped at the park. He was so curious. He parked his trike and walked closer. He saw a group of people gathered around someone lying on the ground. He was too far away to make out what was happening. Suddenly he heard someone call for help. He was so scared he had to sit down. Tommy was relieved when a few minutes later the ambulance drove away. He watched it as it raced away, trying to imagine where it was going. He felt silly for following it and pedalled back home. He was tired but glad everything was okay. Once upon a time there was a little kid named Jake. Jake loved to play games, but his favorite game was chess. One day, Jake's Mommy said it was time for a special surprise. Jake was very excited and started thinking about what it could be. When he opened the package, he saw that it was a chess set. He was so excited he could barely speak! His Mommy showed him how to play and explained how the pieces move. This wasn't any old chess set, though. It was very flexible. All the pieces could bend and move in different ways. Jake was so excited he started playing right away. He practiced day and night, until he was good at it. Now Jake knows how to play chess really well. Whenever he visits his Grandma, they sit down to play. He's so proud that he can receive the special chess set and play it with family and friends. Once there was a famous little bird called Sammy. He always wanted to get mail so he decided to look underground. He found a nice spot and waited. All of a sudden he heard a mail truck, he got very excited! He made sure he was ready as the mail truck opened his letterbox. Sammy hopped inside and found a letter! He was so excited. Quickly he hopped back out and headed back to his nest. He found a twig to break open the letter and when he did, he saw it was full of pictures of all his friends! He was so happy that he had received mail that he flew off to tell all his friends. Ever since, Sammy has been very famous down at the underground because he was the first bird to ever get mail! John was happy. He had a big block of cheese. He was going to hide it so he could have it all to himself. He ran to his room and looked around. He had a big toy box in the corner and it was tall. He opened the lid and put the cheese inside. He closed the lid, and it was hidden. John felt sneaky. He knew nobody would find it, not even his mum. He thought it was a great place to hide his cheese. Suddenly he heard a noise. Someone was coming! John quickly hid behind the curtains. The person stopped in the doorway. It was a tall man! He looked around, but he did not see John. He walked over to the toy box and opened the lid. He took out the cheese and looked at it. John stayed very quiet. Then the man closed the lid and he left. John was relieved. Nobody had found him and his cheese was safe. He waited a few minutes, then he ran over to get his cheese. His hiding spot had worked! One day, a mighty lion went for a walk. He saw a pill and he wanted to play with it. He tried to bite it but it didn't break. So he sprayed it with his tail and suddenly the pill started to move! He was so surprised that he quickly ran away. The pill was actually a magical dragon who had been sleeping. The lion's spraying had awoken it. The dragon looked around and saw the lion. He was so happy that he had been woken, he flew straight up into the sky and did a big loop. The lion watched in amazement, he had never seen anything so mighty. He smiled and waved goodbye to the dragon and then he went on his way. The end. Once upon a time there was a lady. She was very sad because she wanted to create something, but didn't know what. One day, she saw a bad thing. It was a big, dark cloud. She was scared and wanted to make it go away. She looked around for a way to make the cloud go away. Then she saw a box full of colourful sparkles. She knew these sparkles would be perfect to create something beautiful. She opened the box and began to sprinkle the sparkles into the sky. The sparkles began to create a bright and colourful rainbow. Everyone cheered and the lady felt so happy. Then the bad cloud disappeared and everyone smiled. The lady was so pleased with her creation, she went on to create more beautiful things for everyone to enjoy. The end. Once, there was a yellow bird who lived in a tree. One day, the bird saw something shiny on the ground. She jumped down to take a closer look. It was a bottle of yellow sauce! The bird was very excited. She grabbed the bottle with her beak and jumped back up to her tree. When the bird got to the top, she opened the bottle and started to drink it. She loved the flavor! She drank every drop and then flew away with the empty bottle. The next time the yellow bird was in the tree, she brought her friends to share the sauce. All the birds jumped onto the ground to get the bottle. They each took a sip, and they all loved the yellow sauce. They finished the bottle and flew away with happy smiles. The yellow bird was so happy. She was so glad she found the yellow sauce and could share it with her friends. They had a great time jumping and drinking the delicious sauce. Little Jack was very excited in the morning. He got out of bed and went to the window to look outside. He saw the sun and it made him happy. He clapped his hands. He was so excited. His mother saw him and she smiled. She said they were going to the shop to buy something cheap. Jack clapped again. He was very excited. They went to the shop together and Jack saw something colourful. He clapped his hands again. His mother said that it was very cheap, so she bought it for him. Jack was so happy. He clapped again. When they got back home, Jack hugged his mother. He said thank you and clapped one more time. He was so happy with his new toy. It was a beautiful morning. Once there was a sailor who sang all day long. He was a very impatient sailor and would often forget the words to his songs. One day, he saw a pretty bird on a nearby tree. He wanted to sing a special song to the adorable bird. He sang louder and louder, but the bird did not listen. He got even more impatient. He tried one last time and sang with all his heart. This time, the bird listened! The bird started to join the sailor in singing his special song. They sang together until the sun went down and the stars came out. The sailor was so happy he'd found someone to sing with! One day, a lonely path was weighed down with a heavy burden. It had been walking the same road for years but now it felt its feet sink with a weary sighed. Along came a little girl, aged three. She saw the path struggling and stopped to help. With every step lightly, she wiped away the path's worries and soon it felt as though it could fly. The little girl continued along the path, her feet light and quick, like the wind. She was careful to help the path remain light and happy. The path rejoiced and thanked the little girl. For the first time in years, it felt free and both of them were happy. Together they carried on down the lonely path, marching in joy, until it could be sure it would never be weighed down again. Timmy saw a nice puppy in the park. He wanted to see it up close so he ran over to it. He smiled as he petted the pup. They both had a great time! Timmy felt sad when it was time to go. The next day, Timmy was excited to go back to the park. He wanted to see the puppy again, but when he got there, he saw that it was gone. Timmy started to get mad. He didn't understand why the puppy had to go away. The next week, Timmy saw the puppy again. He was very happy, but then he saw something else. He saw a big mean dog, and he knew that this dog was going to hurt the puppy! Timmy was scared and he didn't like it. Timmy ran to the pup and he tried to protect it from the mean dog. The mean dog started to bark, but it didn't scare Timmy away. Timmy was brave and he stood in front of the pup, keeping it safe. In the end, the mean dog went away. Timmy was happy that his puppy was safe. He realized that he really cared about the pup and he was happy that it was okay. He didn't like the mean dog, and he was glad it went away. Timmy loved his nice puppy. Once there was a little girl named Mary. Mary loved to watch TV all the time and was so excited when her parents bought her a new TV. She was very happy and always wanted to watch her favourite show every day. One day, Mary was playing with her toy car, and suddenly she crashed it into the TV and it broke! Mary was so sad, and she started to cry. Her parents were very angry because the TV was now broken. Her dad went to the shop to buy a new TV, but when he came home with it, Mary felt disgusted because it was ugly and not the same as the one she had before. Mary didn't like the new TV, but she still watched it every day. Now she was more careful when she was playing near it. Sandy and Dave were walking in the hot sun. Dave looked at Sandy and said, "Let's go on an adventure!" Dave and Sandy looked for a vehicle that they could use. Finally, they found one that was bright and red. They climbed in and drove away. They drove for a while until they could see the ocean. The sand was burning hot, but they didn't care. They jumped out of the vehicle and ran to the beach. They spent the day playing in the water and in the sand. Then, when it started to get late, they got back in the vehicle and drove back home. Dave and Sandy had a great day and they could hardly wait to go on their next adventure! Once upon a time there was a jolly ranch with lots of animals living on it. From the chickens in the coop to the horses in the pasture and all the animals in between. One day, the animals heard something that made them tremble in fear - the sound of a wild bear who had wandered onto the ranch! The horses ran around the pasture, the pigs squealed in fright and the chickens ran around the coop. The animals did not know what to do! But then, a brave little horse remembered something. He remembered that just the night before, the ranch had a new fence put up around it that should keep the bear out. The little horse ran to the fence and sure enough, there was the bear, looking scared and confused. The animals, who had been so afraid before, all cheered as the bear turned and quickly ran away from the ranch. The animals were so relieved, they started to jump and dance around, happy that the jolly ranch was once again safe. Once upon a time there was a brave lion. He wanted to explore the jungle and the world around him. One day he went on a long journey and as he ventured forth, he stumbled across a rare flower. The lion was so happy that he decided to pick it up and carry it with him. As he walked, he hurt his paw and it started to bleed. He was worried and had to find something to put on it. That's when he noticed a bandage on the ground. He used it to clean his paw and wrapped it around the injured area. The lion found the bandage very helpful and thanked his good luck for finding such a rare item. He continued his journey, feeling happy and relieved that he could still roam the jungle with a bandage on his paw. Once there was an ugly spike. Everyone wanted to ignore it. But it would not go away. It kept bumping into things. It was so bothersome. One day, a little boy named David saw the spike. He didn't want to ignore it. He wanted to play with it. David scooped up the spike and carried it with him. Everywhere he went he took the spike with him. Nobody seemed to mind. David found lots of things to do with his spike. He made it fly in the air and play catch. He rolled it and gave it rides in his wagon. He had lots of fun with that ugly spike. But then one day David had to go to bed. He said good night to the spike and put it away. From that day on, David was too busy to ignore the spike. Once upon a time, there was an interesting lion. He lived in the jungle, and he was very happy. Every day, he looked for food to provide for himself. One day, he went exploring and found a friendly village. He saw the people living there and noticed they weren't so lucky. They didn't get to go out and find their own food. The lion had an idea. Every day, he brought food back to the village and provided it to the people. They were delighted and thanked him for his help! The people were very happy with his kindness, and they thanked him with lots of hugs and cuddles. The lion was happy to help his new friends. He went back to the jungle knowing that he had made a difference. He continuously provided food for the village, and he was very proud of himself. He was an interesting lion, and he was happy to help others! Once there was a little girl named Susan. Susan loved to draw pictures. She especially loved to make a page full of colours and shapes. One day, Susan was making her page and playing with her crayons. She heard someone coming near her. She looked up and saw her friend, Billy. He was looking at the page she made. He was so jealous that he wanted to make one like it. So, Susan showed Billy how to make a page. She showed him how to draw and colour with her crayons. Billy was so excited. Soon he had made a page. It was full of colour and shapes, just like Susan's! Billy was very happy and no longer jealous. Now, Susan and Billy enjoyed making pages together. What fun they had! Harry and his mommy went out for a walk. They saw lots of birds flying in the sky. Harry's favorite was a big, gray pigeon. He liked the pigeon because it was so reliable. They watched it fly away and then decided to go back home. On the way, Harry wanted to feed the pigeon some food from his pocket. So, his mommy gave him a few pieces of bread to put in his hand. Soon, the pigeon came closer and started eating the bread. Harry was so excited, he couldn't stop laughing. His mommy smiled and said, "It sure is nice to be able to count on a reliable pigeon!" The pigeon thanked them with a loud coo and flew away. Harry and his mommy waved goodbye to the pigeon and kept walking. All the way back home, Harry was smiling from ear to ear because of their new feathered friend. Tom and Mommy were at the park. Tom was so excited and couldn't wait to play. Mommy loaded Tom onto the slide. He slid down the slide and screamed with joy. Then, Mommy took Tom to the fountain. He saw the water gushing up and wanted to splash. He felt so guilty when he made the fountain spray water all over his Mommy. Suddenly, Tom saw a big balloon and couldn't resist chasing it. Mommy laughed as Tom ran around in circles trying to catch it. Finally, Tom got the balloon and smiled in satisfaction. It had been a wonderful day and Tom and Mommy went home happy. Molly went to the store with her mom. Mom was wearing her blue blouse. They went to find something for Molly's birthday. Molly saw a very pretty toy but it was too expensive. Mom was worried and decided to leave. Molly was sad that she couldn't have the toy. On the way home, Mom stopped at another store. She bought a surprise for Molly. Molly was so excited. It was the same toy she had seen at the first store! Molly hugged her mom and thanked her. Mom was not worried anymore. They both went home happily. Once upon a time, there was a lion who lived in the jungle. He was the king of the jungle and all of the animals feared him. Everyone knew that when the lion roared, it was time to be very quiet and still. One day, the lion got a big itch around his waist. It really bothered him and made him feel very grumpy and angry. He tried to scratch it but it was no use. It kept itching! So the lion decided to roar as loud as he could. It was a mighty roar that made all of the animals in the jungle feel miserable. The roar shook the ground and vibrated through the air. Finally the lion stopped roaring, satisfied that he had let everyone know how he was feeling. The itch was still there, but at least everyone knew to stay out of his way! Once upon a time there was a reindeer who was very powerful. He had big horns and huge antlers and his hooves were strong. He missed his friends. He wanted to go to the home of his family and play. But, he was too far away. One night, he looked up at the sky and wished hard. Suddenly, all around him shone a bright light and there were eight reindeer flying. He was so happy to see them! The powerful reindeer flew with them toward his family’s home. When he arrived, he saw all his friends waiting for him. They hugged him and said they had missed him too. The powerful reindeer and his friends played together for the rest of the night. They all had so much fun! The End. Once upon a time there was a machine. It was a special one because it would move and make special noises. But one day it went wrong. It started moving too fast and going in all the wrong directions. The man who owned it was very frightened. He ran away and the machine followed him. He yelled a warning to his neighbours but they couldn't help. Then he had an idea. He shouted to the machine to stop so he could catch his breath. The machine listened and stopped. The machine was scared and so was the man. He used all his energy to escape. He ran as fast as he could and he ran away from the machine. The man escaped and the machine stopped moving. Everyone was very relieved and happy. Once upon a time there was a little boy called Jake. He was very alert and always looking out for things. One day he was walking through a meadow and he saw a big rock. He went over to pick it up and it was very heavy. Jake saw a little opening in the rock and he decided to take a peek inside. Inside the rock he found lots of shiny stones of many different colours. They were so pretty that Jake picked them all up and put them in his pocket. He was so excited and couldn't wait to show his mummy what he had found. As Jake walked back home he saw a butterfly. He watched it flutter around. He thought it was so pretty that he decided to pick it up. But when he went to grab it he scared it away! Jake was sad but he still had the pretty stones in his pocket. He ran home to show Mummy his treasures. She smiled when she saw them and said they were very special. She put them on the windowsill and said they would be a nice surprise when they woke up in the morning. The End. Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She had a special hat which was very powerful. Every time she wore it, she felt happy and strong. One day, the little girl was scared and felt alone. She wanted someone to comfort her. Then, the little girl's mommy hugged her and whispered gentle words in her ear. The warm, loving words made her feel better. She grabbed her powerful hat and twirled around the room with a smile on her face. Then, the little girl knew she was never truly alone. The hat always gave her courage, comfort and strength. The end. Once, there were two young girls named Lucy and Sophie. They wanted to pretend they were in a race, so they both jumped on the pedal cars. Lucy was riding a red car and Sophie was riding a green car. They raced around the garden, laughing and cheering. But then something happened. Sophie's car stopped because one of the pedals wasn't working. Sophie looked very worried. But Lucy had an idea. She said, "I can make my car a bit bigger and you can ride with me." Sophie smiled, she was very happy. So Lucy and Sophie jumped onto the red pedal car together. It was small but the car was very reliable. They raced around the garden, faster than ever before. They both shouted, "We're winning!!" Everyone laughed and clapped. Lucy and Sophie shared a hug and laughed with joy. Needless to say, Lucy and Sophie won the race! Once upon a time, there was a huge chimney. On warm summer days, children liked to play and soak in the chimney. One day, two brothers, Jack and Joe, decided to climb the huge chimney. When they got to the top of the chimney, they looked at each other in amazement. It was so high they felt like they were in the sky! The boys started to explore the chimney. Suddenly, water began to drip down on them! They looked up and realized that it was raining, and the chimney was soaking them! The boys laughed and jumped around in the wet chimney. They had a great time together, soaking in the chimney! When the rain stopped, Jack and Joe knew it was time to go home. With big smiles on their faces, they ran down from the huge chimney and went back home. The end! One day a lucky girl arrived in a big city. She was very excited to explore the city. She flew up high and looked around. She saw tall buildings and busy streets. The girl went to a nearby park. She saw lots of people walking around, birds singing and flowers growing. She could feel the joy in the air. The girl looked at the beautiful flowers and breathed in the wonderful smells. She was so lucky to finally be there. Suddenly, she heard laughter coming from children playing. She ran over to them and joined in their game. They ran and played, laughed and smiled. She had so much fun that she didn't want to leave. But when it got dark, the girl knew it was time to go. She said goodbye to the children and went home feeling lucky to have made such wonderful memories. Once, there was an animal who was very dry. He wanted to go to the lake and find some water, but the lake was very far away. He asked a bird if it could help him fly there. The bird refused; it wanted to take a rest. The animal was disappointed, but he didn't give up. He asked a rabbit if it wanted to join him on his journey. The rabbit refused too; it was scared of the long hike. Finally, he asked the fox if it could help him. The fox was very kind, and agreed! Together they walked to the lake and the animal finally found what he had been looking for -- cool, wet water! He thanked the fox, and they both went on their way. The animal was very happy! Once upon a time there was a family. Dad was loading a truck, and Mum was packing up the car. The family was getting ready for a special trip. Three year old Sam was really excited. He asked Dad, ‘Can I help you load?’ Dad said, ‘Of course, little buddy!’ Sam ran to the car. He grabbed a big, stupid box, and tried to lift it. It was so big and heavy! Sam tried and tried to pick it up, but it was too heavy. He started to cry. Dad ran over and said, ‘It’s okay, Sam. That’s why I’m help you!’ Dad took the box and loaded it into the truck. All the family hugged each other and jumped into the car. They drove away on their special adventure. One day, Sam and his friend were outside playing. Sam wanted to do something different, so he said to his friend, "Let's go to the beach and look at the surf!" His friend said yes, so off they went. Once they got to the beach, Sam and his friend stopped to look at the tall waves. They watched the waves roll in and crash against the shore. Sam and his friend were so amazed! They had never seen waves so tall before. They stayed and watched the surf for hours. Sam kept saying, "Look at the surf! Look at the surf!" Finally, when the sun started to set, Sam and his friend said goodbye to the beach and went back home. Sam and his friend had so much fun looking at the surf. It was the best day ever! Once upon a time there was an enormous creek in a big field. A silly rabbit was walking along the creek, hopping from rock to rock. Suddenly, the rabbit heard a loud voice calling out from deep within the creek. It was a frog, who was insisting that the rabbit come closer. The rabbit was scared and did not want to go near the enormous creek, but the frog kept insisting louder and louder. Finally, the rabbit decided to take a small hop closer, just to see what the frog wanted. When the rabbit got close to the frog, the frog said that the rabbit was brave and asked if the rabbit wanted to play. The rabbit smiled and hopped on the big rock beside the frog. Together they had fun in the creek, hopping and singing. The rabbit had an enormous time and never wanted to leave, but eventually the sun got lower in the sky and the rabbit had to go home. The frog insisted that the rabbit come back soon, so they laughed and said goodbye. Once there was an old automobile. It was brown and very loud. Every day it would shout loudly through the streets. Its owner, named Bob, had a plan. He wanted to make it go faster, so he put a lot of work into it. He changed some of its parts and made it look like new. One day, after the sun went down, Bob took the old automobile out for a test drive. He shouted with delight as the automobile sped through the streets. The automobile was working better than ever! Bob kept driving until he reached a high hill. He shouted as he drove up the hill as fast as he could. When he reached the top, the old automobile flew through the air! It was so fun. Bob and the old automobile drove back home with a big smile on their faces. They had a great time together! Once upon a time, there were two friends, a mommy bird and a daddy bird. They were always playing together, flying and singing. One day, they saw a branch. It was a very nice branch, so mommy bird wanted to build her nest there. But daddy bird wanted the branch too! So, they started to fight. Mommy bird flapped her wings and tried to push daddy bird away. But daddy bird was too strong and wouldn't move. Mommy bird started to cry and daddy bird became very serious. At that moment, a butterfly flew by. She was very kind and wise. The butterfly said, "Oh! Why don't you share the branch? It is nice and big enough." So, the mommy and daddy bird agreed and decided to share the branch. The mommy and daddy bird built their nests on the same branch, and then they noticed something amazing. Together, the two nests looked even better than either of the bird's nests by themselves. And from then on, both friends agreed to always share with each other. Once upon a time, there was a brave bear named Benny. She was a brave bear who lived in the woods all by herself. She was always happy, but she was lonely too. One day, Benny decided she wanted to do something special. Instead of sleeping all day, she decided to perform! She grabbed a stick and started walking around the woods. Benny performed all sorts of tricks, like jumping up and down, spinning around and singing silly songs. Soon, a crowd of animals had gathered to watch her show. Everyone was having a great time, yet they were still surprised at how brave Benny was. Benny's performance was so successful, she performed every day for the rest of the summer. Benny had so much fun that she never felt lonely again! The end. Yesterday, Autumn was walking in the park. She saw something purple and interesting. She ran over and saw that it was a flower springing out of the ground! She was so excited and shouted "Wow!" She crouched down and touched the flower carefully. Then she smelled it and it filled her with happiness. The purple petals felt so soft. Autumn couldn't believe the beautiful flower was right there in the park. She said to herself "I never knew the ground could spring something so magical!". She was so happy to have found the purple flower and ran back to tell her mommy all about it. Her mommy was also happy and said "What a wonderful thing to find yesterday!". They both smiled together and knew that the purple flower was one of Autumn's most special discoveries. One day, Joe went on an adventure. He wanted to collect fuel for his car. He found himself some calm fields full of fuel. Joe was so excited! He put the fuel pieces in his pockets and started collecting them. It was so much fun! Joe ran around the fields until he had filled his pockets with fuel. He was so happy that he was able to collect all the fuel. After he had collected it all, Joe took his fuel back home. He was so proud of himself for having collected so much fuel! Joe and his car were very happy and couldn't wait to go on another adventure. Once upon a time there was a blue box. Inside this box lived a special item that made it glow. The owners of the box liked to look at it as it shone brightly. Every time the box was opened, it filled the room with light and made the owners happy. One day, the owners decided to take the box out for a walk. As the box was moved around, it made a bright blue glow that lit up the path. Everywhere the box went, it made the area around it become more beautiful. The owners decided to take the box home and make a plan. They decided to give the box to a special person who came over to visit. When they did, the box made a brighter glow than ever before. Everyone was so excited that they shouted out loud and smiled. The box continued to glow brightly, lighting up the room and making its owners happy. To this day, the box still sits in its owners' home, making its bright blue glow the same as it did the day it was given away. Once upon a time there was a mommy and a little girl. They were so excited. Mommy said they were going on a tour. They put on their warm jackets and went outside. The mommy and the little girl entered into a huge car. They drove and drove until they arrived. The little girl was so excited. She looked out the window and saw all sorts of fun things. Mommy told the little girl it was time for their tour. They both got out of the car and headed for the fun. The little girl saw all sorts of animals and Mommy told her stories about each one. The little girl was having a great time. When the tour was over Mommy and the little girl were so happy. The little girl had learned so much and she was excited for their next tour. The end. Sally was happy. She could see a big pool from her window. It was full of water and the sun was shining on it. It made the pool look very cheerful. Sally asked her mom if she could play in the pool. Her mom said yes and they went outside to take a look. Sally ran to the pool and beamed with joy. She was so excited to touch the water. She splashed, jumped and laughed. The water felt cool and it made her feel happy. She kept playing in the pool until it was time to go home. When they got home, Sally went to bed with a smile on her face. She had had so much fun at the pool. Once upon a time, Kaley and her family lived on a farm. They looked after the animals and grew flowers and vegetables. Every day, Kaley and her mum and dad would go out to the farm and get to work. Kaley loved it - there were so many things to do. But one day, Kaley started to complain about how hard the work was. She was angry about all the digging and planting. Mum and Dad heard her and decided to do something special. That night, they made a smooth path from the house to the farm. Now, Kaley and her family could get to the farm easily and Kaley never had to complain again. Once there was a little girl named Jane. Jane loved to play with her friends and play with her toys. One day, she was feeling sad and didn't know why. Her mommy said to her, "Let's find a way to make you feel better, Jane." So they went to a store and Jane picked out a special tie. It had lots of colors and was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. When she wore it, Jane felt happy and her sadness melted away. Her Mommy said, "Jane, when you feel sad, be patient. That tie will help you feel better." The tie gave Jane strength and courage when she needed it most. She was so glad to have it. Now whenever she is feeling down, she puts on the special tie and it makes her feel better. That's why Jane loves her special tie! Once upon a time there was a foolish little bunny. He was hopping around in the spring time and decided he wanted to find something special. He hopped and hopped, looking for something special. He just couldn’t seem to find it. Suddenly, he jumped down a hole and there he found a secret! The secret was a patch of golden carrots! The bunny was so excited. He wanted to take them all. But then he remembered the old saying: “A wise bunny never yields.†He realized that if he took all the golden carrots, they would be gone and he wouldn’t have any left for the future. So instead, he hopped out of the hole and went his way. The next day, he went back to the same spot and filled his basket with only a few of the golden carrots, leaving the rest for everyone else to enjoy. The bunny was so proud of himself for being so wise and not yielding to his foolish desires. From then on he was known as the wisest bunny in the whole spring! Once upon a time there was a little girl called Betty. She was three years old and small enough to fit in her daddy's pocket. One day, Daddy took Betty out to a meadow with lots of grass and flowers. She felt so happy and light. The sky was blue and there were lots of clouds, and they were white like cotton candy. Suddenly, Daddy lifted Betty high up into the sky. She felt scared at first, but then she saw the beautiful land below. Everything looked small and far away, but Betty could still see her house. Daddy showed her that if she wished hard enough, she could make a rainbow come out of the clouds. She clapped her hands and felt so excited when a rainbow appeared. She made it! Once she was back on the ground, she was happy to be on solid land again. She hugged her Daddy, feeling so safe and loved. Once upon a time there was a family that had a little girl. Every morning the little girl liked to dress herself. She would pick out her own clothes, her mom always said she looked very pretty! One day the little girl had to go to the hospital because she was going to have an operation. She was a bit scared, but her mom hugged her and she felt better. In the hospital everyone was very nice. They helped dress the little girl in gown for her operation. After the operation was finished, she was very glad to be back in her own clothes. The little girl was so happy after the operation, she felt better than ever. She was glad to be wearing her own clothes and she couldn't wait to go home. Once upon a time there was a famous fox. He was very special and he wanted to explain why. "I'm so special because I'm very brave," he said. "I am known for being very brave and I can do things that other animals cannot do!" He then explained how he could sneak and hide in small areas, he could climb trees and he could even run very fast when he needed to. "And I am also very clever," added the fox. "I can find food even in the places where others don't think to look. That is why I am famous and very special!" The fox was very proud of himself for being so brave and clever. He was sure that everyone would remember him for a long time! Once there was a girl named Suzy. She was very excited because her mommy said they were going to buy something special. They drove to the store and Suzy was amazed. There were so many things to buy. Her mommy spotted something in the corner and said, "Look! That looks perfect for our backyard!" They bought it and when they got home, Suzy could see that it was a unique toy. It was a slide and it went from the top of the hill all the way down to the bottom. Suzy ran outside to try it. She had so much fun splashing in the puddles and sliding down the hill. It was the most unique toy she had ever seen, and her backyard had never been so much fun! Once there was a boy who was very eager to build. He wanted to make something special. He wanted to build a river. He looked around his house and he found some pipes, buckets and some water. He put them all together and he was able to build a small river. He was very happy and he ran to tell his friends what he had done. His friends were very excited and they all rushed to his house to see it. They admired his clever idea and encouraged him to build something else. The boy was eager to keep building so he went searching for more materials. This time, he was determined to build a bigger river. He collected all the materials he could find and he slowly built a bigger and better river. His friends were impressed and cheered him on until he was finished. A little boy named Jake heard an elderly man joking on the radio. He thought it was very funny and couldn't wait to tell his family about it. He asked his mom if he could listen to the radio again. His mom said, "Of course". Jake shouted with joy and ran to his playroom. He got his toy radio and began listening. He heard an elderly man talking and laughing. Jake thought it was very funny and he giggled along. As he laughed, he imagined the elderly man in his mind. He seemed like a nice old man who enjoyed making jokes. Jake smiled and thought that the elderly man was a very special person. Jake turned off the radio and ran back to his parents. He was so excited to tell them all about the funny jokes he heard on the radio. He knew they would find it just as funny as he did. Once upon a time, there was a little boy. His mummy and daddy took him to the port. He saw lots of boats and a bridge. It looked very exciting! The little boy wanted to explore, so he followed a path to a big building. He went inside and saw a lot of people giving each other packages. They said they were receiving presents. The little boy asked if he could receive a present too. He was very excited when he was given a box. He opened it and saw a sour lemon. He had never tasted something so sour before! The little boy showed his mummy and daddy the sour lemon. They laughed and said he could keep it. He thanked them and ran off to explore the port some more. The little boy had a great time and will never forget his visit to the port. He had received a very special present that day. A sour lemon! Once upon a time there was a girl named Tess. She loved symbols and loved to poke them with her finger. One day, Tess saw a very special symbol that she wanted to poke. But when Tess went to poke it she found someone else had already taken it. Tess was very jealous. But then she realised that the symbol was happy where it was, because the person who took the symbol was a good friend. So Tess smiled. She said that she wouldn't be jealous anymore, and gave the person a big hug. Tess and the person who took the symbol became friends, and all because of that special, poke-able symbol. Once upon a time there was a girl named Jane. Jane was a very brave girl and she enjoyed going on adventures. One day, she decided to take a shower. So she went in the bathroom and started running the water. Suddenly, there was a loud noise from outside. Jane was scared and she wanted to see what it was. When she looked outside, she saw that it was the mailman. He had put a package in the mailbox. Jane ran over to get it and when she opened it, she saw a surprise inside. Jane was so happy with her surprise. She can never forget her scary, but exciting adventure with the mailman! The little girl was alone in the park one day. She sat in the sand and looked around. Suddenly, she discovered a network of ants carrying twigs and food. She watched and enjoyed their bustling energy. She noticed they helped each other in their task. They worked together and were compassionate. Every now and then, one ant got stuck and the other ants came to help. The little girl liked watching the ants. She discovered that if she dug very carefully with her hands, she could create tunnels for them. As she dug, she saw even more of their busy network and all the wonderful things they were doing. The little girl was so involved in her discovery that she almost forgot the time. She smiled as she watched the ants until the sun started to set. She got up, leaving the ants safe in their tunnels. The little girl went home with a heart full of joy. She could not wait to tell her family about her discovery in the park. Once there was a river with a lot of water. It was pretty and full of life. One day, a little otter was swimming in the water. But then it got stuck! The river current was pulling it away and it couldn't get free. But then, a brave hero came along. He was strong and determined. He jumped inside the thick water and started swimming. He made his way to the otter and rescued it. He held the otter safely in his arms and brought it back to the riverbank. The otter thanked the hero for saving it. Then it jumped back into the river and swam away! The hero was glad that he could help the cute otter. From that day on, he was known as a hero who could rescue otters from danger! Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sue. She loved to dress herself up in fun clothes and fancy jewelry. One day, she found a special apron in her mommy's room. She thought it looked really useful, so she put it on. Sue was really excited to show her mommy her new dress. She spun around and around so that her mommy could see how beautiful it looked. Mommy said, "That's a really useful apron, Sue! It's perfect for when you help me cook dinner!" Sue was so proud of her apron. She wore it every day when she helped mommy make dinner. She enjoyed peeling the potatoes, stirring the pot, and tasting the savory soup. She knew she wasn't very good at cooking yet, but her apron helped her feel like a real chef! Every time Sue wore her apron, she felt special and useful. She couldn't wait to wear it every day, and she was always so proud of her beautiful dress! Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She snuggled in her bed with a big cuddly blanky. Suddenly, the girl heard a loud boom! A rainbow magically appeared in the sky. She jumped out of bed and ran outside. The girl saw a tree in the yard. The tree was bossy. It stood tall, so she could not reach its branches. But the little girl wanted to see its pretty flowers, so she tried to reach. Suddenly, a big x-ray came to help her! The x-ray lifted her up, so she could see the tree bloom. The tree smiled as its branches filled with big, colorful flowers. They were so beautiful and they smelled even better. The little girl smiled at the wonderful sight. She was so happy that the tree got to bloom! Once upon a time, there was a girl named Clara. She was happy and cheerful. One day, Clara decided to explore her home. As she walked around, she found something very interesting - a faucet. Clara started to twist the faucet. Suddenly, water started coming out and Clara smiled. She twisted it again and the water stopped. She thought it was fun to twist the faucet and laughed. Suddenly, a voice called out to Clara. It was her mom. Her mom told Clara it was time to go outside and play. Clara happily jumped and skipped to the door. As she left, she gave the faucet one last twist. Clara had a wonderful day outside. She collected shells, drew with chalk and played tag with her friends. All the while, Clara remained cheerful. As the day came to an end, Clara went back home. When she opened the door, she saw the same faucet that she had twisted before. She smiled and went to bed, dreaming about the fun day she had. Once there was a turkey who was very wet. He was walking in the rain and it was making him cold. He wanted to find a place where he could be warm and dry. Then he saw a nice house with a porch. He ran and hopped onto the porch and looked in. Inside the house was nice and warm. He was so happy, and he hopped inside. The house belonged to a family. The family was surprised to see a wet turkey in their house, but they thought he was cute and so they decided to give him a home. The family brought the turkey food and water every day, and soon he was feeling much better and healthy. He started to increase in size, and the family was happy to see him happy and growing. The turkey was happy to have a warm dry home, and the family was happy to have a new fluffy friend. It was a match made in heaven! Once upon a time, there was a mommy and a baby. The mommy wanted to cook something very special for her baby, something that was healthy for her. But then something terrible happened - it was an emergency! The mommy had to go rushing off to help someone. The baby was scared, but then she knew what to do. She decided she would cook something herself! So the baby found some healthy food in the cupboard. She took out some apples and some carrots, and she started to cook. She blended the apples to make a smoothie, and she cut the carrots into little sticks. The baby was so proud of her cooking! When Mommy came home, she was so surprised to see what the baby had made. She hugged her and gave her a big kiss. Everyone was very happy, and they enjoyed their healthy meal together. The end! Once upon a time there was a pit. It was small and round, and had a beautiful flower growing in the middle of it. The flower was always thirsty, so the birds supplied it with water every day. They flew over the pit and dropped it gently into the hole. The flower was very happy. It began to grow and soon it was big and strong. It's petals were bright and beautiful. The birds were happy too. They had supplied the flower with enough water it needed. The flower thanked them for their kindness. The birds and the flower were friends from that day onwards. They sang and danced together in the sunshine. They were happy and beautiful together. Jack was at his house playing with his toys. Suddenly he heard a loud noise outside. He stepped out of his house and looked around. It was thunder! Jack was scared, but he wanted to see the thunder. He slowly walked outside and saw the sky above him was full of grey clouds. The clouds were dull and they made a loud noise. Jack wanted to join in and be a part of the loud thunder. So he closed his eyes and held his arms up in the air. Suddenly he heard a loud crack of thunder and felt a cool breeze. It was so much fun! So he kept joining in with the thunder and laughing out loud. The thunder felt like it was wrapping around him and he felt excited. Joining in the thunder made Jack feel brave and strong. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Monica. She was three years old and loved to explore the world around her. One day, Monica wanted to understand how a candle works, so she went to the store with her mom. At the store, Monica found a spicy-scented candle and chose that one to take home. Back at home, Monica lit the candle and watched the flame flicker. She was mesmerized! She tried to understand how the wick burned and the flame spread. Monica's mom explained that heat from the flame allows the wax in the candle to melt, and the flame is supported by the melted wax and the oxygen in the air. Monica was so excited to understand the science of the candle. She spent the rest of the day exploring with her candle and learning more about the world around her. From that day forward, Monica was never afraid to explore and discover more. Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Daisy. Daisy was 3 years old and very excited to go on her first adventure. She packed her favourite toy and then followed her parents out of the house. They walked and walked until they came to a park. It was a big, green and magical place and Daisy was so happy. There was a big tree with lots of branches, and Daisy climbed up it with her parents following her. When Daisy got to the top, she saw a huge jug of juice that was just for her! She was surprised and looked at her parents for help. They smiled and said, "This juice is very important, enjoy it!" Daisy began to gulp down the juice and felt more refreshed than ever before. She laughed and looked down, realising how high up she was. It felt like she was king of the world, and she shouted out with delight. Daisy and her parents followed the path back home, and Daisy was already looking forward to the next adventure! Mum suggested that the children go outside and play in the garden. She noticed that her vase was broken. She was very sad. The children ran out to the garden and looked around. They saw a big patch of flowers in the corner of the garden. They were so excited! They started to pick the flowers and soon their arms were filled with lots of bright and beautiful flowers. Mum came out to the garden and saw the children with the flowers. She had an idea and suggested that they make a beautiful vase of flowers. So, together, the children and Mum made a beautiful vase of flowers. The children were very proud of their work. Mum was very happy. It was almost as good as the broken vase! One morning, a little girl went outside to see what was waiting for her. It was so quiet and she could feel the sun warming her face. She decided to explore the garden. She saw some red berries and bent down to touch them. She popped one in her mouth and it tasted so sweet! She picked some more and gathered them in her hands. Then the little girl went toward some flowers. They were all different colors and looked so pretty. She bent down and smelled them as she walked by. Then, she heard some buzzing and spotted a hive high up in a tree. Suddenly, a bee flew past her and she quickly jumped back. But then she noticed the honey dripping from the hive and cautiously stepped closer. She licked some honey off of her finger, and it was delicious! The little girl smiled and continued exploring the garden. What a wonderful morning! Jim was walking with his parents one day. They were walking along a big, rough path. Suddenly, they came to a high cliff. Jim's parents were scared, but Jim wanted to go down to the bottom. He insisted on going down it. Jim's parents said no but Jim was very determined and just kept insisting. Finally, his parents said ok, and let him go. Jim carefully made his way down the cliff. It wasn't easy, but he persevered. At the bottom of the cliff, Jim found a cool, clear stream. He was so happy he started to laugh and jump around with joy. Jim insisted that they come back every day. He found the cliff, the stream and the feeling of excitement very cool. His parents agreed, and they started to come back every day and spend time by the cool stream at the bottom of the cliff. Once there was a little girl who wanted to go to the harbor. She thought the harbor would be a fascinating place to visit - it sounded so exciting! She asked her mom if she could go to the harbor, but her mom said it was too expensive. The little girl was sad. She really wanted to go to the harbor and see all the boats. But her mom had a plan. She told the little girl they would make their own harbor in their backyard. The little girl was thrilled! She and her mom started building their own little harbor right away. The little girl's mom brought in lots of wonderful things to help, like toy boats and all types of things to make their harbor look like the real one. The little girl and her mom spent all morning building the little harbor. At the end of the day, it was finally done. They had made a harbor that was almost as good as the real one - and it was free! The little girl was so happy she had a harbor of her own. She thought it was even better than going to the real harbor, because she and her mom had made it together. One day, a brave and adventurous girl decided to go exploring. She grabbed lots of junk, like old boxes and paper, and wrapped them up in a blanket. She hugged the bundle tight and set off. The girl walked down the street to the big park. When she arrived, she began to unwrap her bundle. She wanted to find out what was inside. She made a little house and a bridge over the stream. After lots of exploring and playing, it was getting dark. The girl wrapped up the junk and started to walk home. She thanked the park for being so adventurous and went to bed with a big smile on her face. Once upon a time there was a grumpy bird. The bird was always mad and sad. It never smiled and it never laughed. One day, the grumpy bird was feeling sick and tired. It was so sad that it had to fly away. The bird opened its wings and tried to fly. But it just couldn't get off the ground. The grumpy bird was so mad and sad. Sweat dripped from its forehead as it tried to fly again. Just then, a tip came from the sky. It said, "Take a deep breath and you can fly." The grumpy bird breathed deeply and spread its wings. It felt lighter and lighter as it finally flew away. It flew higher and higher above the trees and clouds. The grumpy bird was so happy! It couldn't believe it was finally free, and full of joy! The bird flew around the world, telling everyone the tip that brought it so much joy. And they all lived happily ever after! Once there was a pretty girl. She was always looking for something. One day she went on a search. She found something special! She found a pretty ribbon. She was so happy that she decided to attach the ribbon to her hair. It looked so beautiful on her. She showed it to everyone she met and they all said it looked very pretty. The next day the girl was searching again. She wanted to find something that would look as nice as her pretty ribbon. She looked and she looked but couldn't find anything. She was about to give up when she found a small flower. She was so excited! She took the flower and attached it to her dress. Everyone said it was even prettier than the ribbon! From then on, the girl went on a search every day for something to attach. She was always so excited to find something new! Once upon a time there was a nice house. Inside lived a family made up of a mom and a dad, and their three year old. One day, a big storm came and the wind started to blow really hard. The mom and dad were anxious and worried, but the little three year old felt excited. The roof of their house started to creak and shake. Little pieces of it started to come down. The mom and dad got a ladder and went outside to repair it. Meanwhile, the three year old stayed inside and finally, when the storm had settled down and the wind stopped blowing, the mom and dad had fixed the roof. After that, the family all relaxed together and the little one felt so happy - the storm had been quite an adventure. Mama showed a big bowl of spaghetti. It was blue and looked so delicious! Shoes smiled. He wanted to eat it right away. Papa showed the spaghetti and said that it was just like the spaghetti they ate last week. Shoes clapped his hands. He wanted to eat it now! Mama boiled the spaghetti and mixed it with a yummy sauce. Shoes could not wait to try it. Mama showed Shoes a spoon and fork and showed him how to use them. Shoes ate the spaghetti really quickly and it tasted even yummier than it looked. He smiled and asked Mama for more. Mama smiled and showed Shoes the bowl of spaghetti again. Shoes smiled and ate until he was full. Jenny was very excited to go to her first costume party. She loved dressing up and looking fancy. When she got to the party, everyone was dressed in beautiful, charming costumes. Jenny couldn't believe how many different kinds of costumes there were. When it was time to pick her costume, Jenny was stumped. She looked around in amazement at all of the different choices. Finally, she decided to ask her mom for help. Her mom answered, "Pick the one you like the most, Jenny!" After careful consideration, Jenny chose a costume with a sparkly dress and a furry hood. It was simply the most beautiful costume she had ever seen. As she twirled around in her new costume, Jenny asked her mom, "How much did it cost?" Her mom smiled, and answered, "It didn't cost anything. I picked it out just for you, my charming daughter!" Mama and Daddy were loading lots of things into the car. Mama said they were going on a trip to an organized place. Daddy said that a stranger was going to take them on the trip. They drove for a long time and when they stopped, Daddy said they had arrived. Mama and Daddy got out of the car and looked around. There was a beach and a big ocean. Daddy said it was a perfect place for a trip. Mama and Daddy loaded a big basket full of things and then walked to the beach. They played for a long time and built a sandcastle. When it got dark, the stranger came to take them back home. Daddy said the stranger knew just where to take them. He made sure they were safe and got back in time for dinner. Mama and Daddy said the trip was perfect and they were so organized. Once upon a time there was an important horse. He was a strong horse who could do lots of things. One day the horse decided to organize a party. He wanted every animal in the forest to have fun. He made some invites and got ready to send them out. The horse asked the birds to help him send the invites. The birds were happy to deliver them. They spread them far and wide. At the party, the horse was very pleased. All the animals were enjoying themselves. They played games, ate yummy food and talked. Everyone had a wonderful day. The horse was so happy his plan had worked. The animals thanked him and said what an important horse he was. From that day on, the horse was always organizing special things for the animals. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She was very obedient and loved to bake delicious treats. Her favorite was cookies! One day, Lucy went to school and was so excited to share her baking with her friends. Everyone loved her cookies and during lunchtime, everyone wanted another one. Lucy was happy and proud to share her yummy creations with her classmates and teachers. Even her principal was impressed. It was a great day for Lucy and everyone enjoyed her treats. For the rest of the school year, Lucy kept baking to share with her friends. She was so happy that her baking made people smile. John wanted to go out to play in the snow. His mom handed him his mittens and gave him a stern warning. "Remember to keep them on the whole time", she said. John nodded and ran out of the door. It was a cold winter day and the snow was deep. John began to play and soon forgot about his mittens. He ran and jumped and laughed. Suddenly his mom was there, stomping in the snow. She demanded he give her his mittens. He did, and they were empty! John's mom was mad. She reminded John what she had said earlier and led him back into the house. John learned an important lesson that day. He would never forget to keep his mittens on again! Mama and Bobo were in a hurry. They needed to get to Bobo's lecture. Bobo was very gifted at learning and always wanted to go to all of his lectures. Mama quickly grabbed her keys and they both ran to the car. Bobo was excited as they drove quickly to school. On the way, they spotted some birds in the sky. "Look mama!" Bobo shouted. When they arrived, the lecture had already begun. Mama and Bobo quickly rushed in and found a seat. They were glad to have just made it. Bobo listened carefully to all of the teacher's words and paid close attention. After the lecture finished, Bobo was happy he didn't miss it. Mama was proud of her gifted son! Once upon a time there was a bunny that loved to hop. He hopped around all day long no matter what. One day, he hopped to a big colorful field. In the middle of the field, he saw a big colorful horn. He hopped over and touched it. Miraculously, the horn let out a loud sound. The bunny hopped back in surprise and excitement! But then he hopped closer and touched it again, and the horn let out a loud sound again. He hopped back and forth between the horn and the field and made the horn sound again and again. The bunny kept hopping and sounding the beautiful horn all day long and was very happy. Once upon a time, there was a log. It was a long log, and it had many holes in it. One day, something attached itself to the log. It was a fairy! The fairy was very small, but it was fair and kind. The fairy waved its wand, and suddenly the log was filled with colors and sparkles. Then the fairy floated away, leaving the log full of beauty and light. Everyone who passed by admired the log, and felt so happy and blessed. The log and its fairy will remain friends forever. Once upon a time, there was a giant. He was very big and strong, but he was unhappy. He had an injury that he couldn't heal. One day, he went on a journey to find a mysterious place. He hoped the place would have something to help him get better. Finally, he found a magical tree full of healing fruit. He picked a fruit off the tree and ate it. As he ate, he felt the magic of the fruit healing him. The giant was so happy. His injury was healed and he was back to being as strong and healthy as he had been before. The giant thanked the tree for helping him, and went off, feeling much better! Once upon a time, there was a blue frog. His name was Hop. He always hopped wherever he went. One day, he hopped all the way to the kitchen of his house. He was so excited because he wanted to hop on the blue stove. He hopped all around the stove, and didn't even get a bit burnt! He was so happy, he just kept hopping and hopping until his mom came home and put dinner on the stove. He was so proud that he hopped all the way into the living room to show off his blue stove hopping skills. And they both lived happily ever after. The end. Once there was a chubby little boy named Jack. He was always running around and getting into mischief. One day, Jack was playing in the yard and decided he wanted to climb a tree. As he grabbed onto a branch, it broke off and he fell down on his palm. Jack was sad and he started to miss his mom. He didn't know where she was, so he started to look around for her. He searched high and low but couldn't find her anywhere. Suddenly, Jack heard a voice coming from down the street. It was his mom! She had been shopping and was just getting home. With a smile on his face, Jack ran towards her and reached out his little hand. His mom was so happy to see him and they shared a big hug. Jack never forgot that moment and until this day, he still holds his chubby palm up to the sky and remembers how much he missed his mom. Once there was a boy who loved his scooter. He used it every day and had lots of fun. One day he was playing with his scooter when something wrong happened. He crashed into a neighbour’s house and broke a window. The neighbours were very angry. The boy felt guilty. He knew he had done something bad. The boy’s mum was angry too. She said she must punish him for doing something wrong. She said he would have to go without his scooter for one week. The boy was very sad. But he knew he had been guilty and this was his punishment. He had to stay away from his scooter for a week. At the end of the week the boy was happy. He had been good and knew he had learnt his lesson. He was very careful when playing with his scooter again. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She was three years old and loved to explore. Today, she was poking a clean wall with her finger. She had seen her mommy do it before, and it looked like a lot of fun. She poked the wall again and again, making little indentations in the wall. Suddenly, the wall started to move! She gasped in surprise. The wall moved away, revealing a secret doorway behind it. Lucy stepped inside and saw that it was a beautiful room! The floor was clean and the walls were painted colorful. She ran around, exploring every corner. Finally, when she got tired, she lay down on the floor to take a nap. She had the most wonderful dream. It felt like she was flying. When she awoke, the wall had moved back into place. With a big smile, Lucy went out to find her mommy. She couldn't wait to tell her about the secret room she had found! Mummy and Daddy took the children on a holiday. The children were very excited. They prepared their clothes and packed a bag. Mummy warned them to be careful while they were away. They had to be careful when they played by the beach and when they were exploring the woods. They travelled to a beautiful island. That afternoon, they had a picnic by the beach. They saw many colourful fish and birds. When it was time to go back to the hotel, Daddy warned them not to get lost. So they stayed close together and walked carefully. When they got back to the hotel, they were very tired but happy. They all agreed it was a great holiday and they would remember to be careful next time. Mom and Dad were discussing a tough case. They were talking about it for a long time, but they couldn't agree on what to do. Mom wanted to try one way, but Dad wanted to try another. They argued back and forth, trying to figure out what was the best thing to do. Suddenly, their daughter walked in the room. She asked them what they were discussing. Mom and Dad looked at each other and smiled. "We're talking about a tough case," said Mom. "But don't worry - we'll figure it out soon!" The little girl smiled and said, "Okay, just let me know what you decide!" With that, she skipped out of the room. Mom and Dad looked at each other and laughed. They then continued discussing the tough case until they found a solution. Once there was a clock. It had big hands and a thin face. It kept time for the people in the house. One day, the clock stopped working. Nobody could figure out what was wrong. The people wanted to get it going again. They thought and thought, until someone had an idea. They decided to try and reverse the clock. So they turned the clock around and started to move the hands backwards. Slowly, the clock started ticking and going round again. The people were very happy. The clock was running again, tick tock, tick tock! Once upon a time there was a gifted plane. She was the most special one in all the sky. One day, she decided to start a journey. She didn't know where she was going, but she was excited. The plane flew up and up. She started to fly over cities and forests. She could see everything from up high. As she kept flying, she saw the most beautiful sight. There was an amazing rainbow in the sky! She felt so joyful that she started to do a dance in the air. Finally, she decided it was time to go home. She flew back and back until she reached the ground. She was feeling so happy that she spread her wings wide and flew into the sky one more time. The end. One day, Mommy got a new blouse. She was so excited to wear it. She put it on and went outside to show it off. Outside, a little girl noticed Mommy's blouse. She thought it was so pretty! She asked Mommy if she could touch it. Mommy put her finger on the blouse and the little girl felt how soft it was. The little girl wanted to get her own blouse just like Mommy's. They went to the store and picked one out. The little girl was excited to wear her new blouse. When she went outside to show it off, everyone noticed how happy she was. She smiled and couldn't stop looking at her new blouse. It was her favorite thing! Once upon a time there was a farm. It was called a ranch. It was big and messy. Everything was rough on the ranch. The ranch owner was very sad. They needed to sell the ranch. The owner looked for someone to buy the ranch. But no one wanted to. They thought the ranch was too rough. One day, an old man came. He saw the ranch and he liked it. He thought it can be made special. So he bought the ranch. The old man got to work. He fixed all the rough parts of the ranch. Then, he invited all his friends to come and visit the ranch. Everyone loved the ranch and they looked after it very well. The old man was happy. He sold the ranch, but also helped it become special. The End. One sunny day, a girl and her mommy went out for a walk. They carried an umbrella to help them stay comfortable in the sunshine. Along the way, the girl wanted to practice balancing on the sidewalk. She carefully balanced the umbrella on the tips of her fingers. With a smile, she showed her mommy how she could balance it. They kept walking, and found a puddle near by. It was too wet to walk over, so the girl used her umbrella. She carefully balanced it over the puddle, making a bridge. Then she stepped on it, walking across the puddle and making it to the other side. The girl and mommy had fun playing together. Everyday, the girl kept practicing her balancing skills with her umbrella. She got better and better and soon she was very comfortable balancing it without help. The girl was proud of her balancing skills and always had the umbrella with her when she and mommy went walking. Once upon a time there was an ancient man. He had an itch on his arm that he could not scratch. No matter how much he tried he just couldn't reach. The ancient man needed some help, so he called for his grand-daughter. She came over with a big smile and asked him what he needed. The man said he had an itch and asked if she could scratch it. The grand-daughter nodded and said, 'I'd love to scratch your itch. But you must promise to behave while I do.' The ancient man agreed and carefully sat still while the grand-daughter scratched his itch. Eventually, the itch was gone and the ancient man thanked her with a big hug. The grand-daughter happily skipped back home while the ancient man looked on with a content smile. And that is how the ancient man's itch was scratched! Once upon a time there was a baby dog called Bob. Bob was very playful and loved to chase his squeaky toy. One day Bob was playing in the garden when a big mean dog come in. He started to bark really loudly and try to bite Bob. Bob was so scared he wanted to run away but he couldn't. Suddenly Bob heard a loud shouting. It was the lawman! He shouted at the mean dog to go away. And the mean dog did! Bob was so happy and relieved. He thanked the lawman and then ran away to play with his toy. The lawman smiled and laughed at Bob's playful antics. And everyone was safe and happy once again. Once there was a little girl who loved to ride. She had a bicycle with a gray basket on the back and she rode everyday. One day the little girl rode her bicycle to her Grandma's house. Grandma said that she had a surprise in one of the drawers. The little girl opened the drawer and inside was a beautiful, shiny new bike helmet. She put on the helmet, kissed Grandma and said thank you. The little girl rode her bike home, feeling very happy and excited. She and her friends rode their bikes every day and had lots of fun. The little girl was careful to always wear her helmet so she stayed safe on all her rides. Once upon a time there was a cool head. He liked to explore and go on adventures. One day he wanted to go walking in the woods. But his mum said no. He said 'no, no, no!' He refused to stay at home. So he put on his shoes, grabbed his cap and raced outside. The cool head soon found himself in the woods. He was so excited to see all the cool things. He walked past the trees and saw some birds. He pointed and screamed 'wow!' The birds were scared and flew away. He walked further and saw a river. He wanted to jump in but his mum said no. He refused. So instead he scooped up some water and put it in a bucket. He carried the bucket back home and showed his mum. She was very proud. She hugged him and said 'you're my cool head'. He smiled and agreed, he was a cool head indeed! Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to create. Her favorite thing to do was to play with plastic. She loved the way she could make all kinds of things with it. One day, she had a brilliant idea. She wanted to create something graceful. She took her plastic and started to shape it. She crouched over it, making sure every piece was just perfect. When she was finished, she stepped back and admired what she had created. It was a beautiful, graceful bird that was made of plastic! She smiled, proud of her work. From then on, she began to make many other things with plastic. She made graceful animals and birds, boats and dolls. They were all so different, yet all of them were graceful. The little girl always looked forward to creating things with plastic. She was so proud of her creations and was always delighted by how graceful they turned out. Jack and Joe were having breakfast. Jack had toast with jam and Joe had cereal. Joe was teasing Jack, saying that cereal was a better breakfast choice. Jack wasn't happy. He said he liked jam more. Joe kept teasing Jack, but Jack was getting mad. He said he didn't want to be teased. Joe said he was only joking. So Jack decided to get serious. He put his jam on his toast, looked Joe in the eye, and said that he could still have cereal if he wanted to. Jack was serious and Joe knew it. He didn't tease anymore and they both ate their breakfasts happily. Once upon a time, there were two friends - Sam and Jack. Sam and Jack loved to play outside together and today, they were playing in the mud. Jack said, "Let's have a mud competition –let's see who can make the biggest and best mud pile!" Sam and Jack started working on their mud piles and soon they were great. When both mud piles were done, it was time to see who won! Sam stepped back and said, "Mine looks great!" But Jack smiled, and said, "Mine is even better!" They started to argue until a butterfly came along and said," Why don't you both win?" Sam and Jack both smiled and decided that they both won. They played together in the mud the rest of the day and it was great. Once upon a time, there was a very special card. Everyone was excited to receive it but nobody knew what it was for. One day, the card started to glow and bloom like a beautiful flower. Everyone was so excited. They held it in their hands and tried to guess what it was. But no matter how hard they tried, everybody stayed confused. Finally, they decided to take a closer look. Suddenly, they saw that it was a birthday card! Everyone was so happy and they celebrated with lots of singing and dancing. The card had bloomed right on time to help them celebrate a very special day. One day, there were two friends playing in the park. They were both very rich. One friend had a toy car that was powered by a battery. The other friend liked to guess what was in her pocket. She pulled out the battery from the toy car and said, "I'm guessing that this is a battery". Her friend nodded, because she was right. They both laughed and enjoyed their game. They kept guessing and playing until it was time to go home. One morning, Pete and his little brother were arguing. Pete wanted to wear his favourite blue shirt, but his brother wanted to wear it too! Pete was feeling very frustrated, but his brother was starting to cry. Suddenly, Pete had a thoughtul idea. He decided to wear his green shirt and let his brother wear the blue one. The little brother was so happy and hugged Pete gratefully. It was the perfect solution to their quarrel! From that morning onwards, the brothers never argued about clothes again. Once upon a time there was a rich bin. The bin was filled with all kinds of exciting things, including toys and delicious treats. Every day a little girl named Maria would come and ask the bin, "Please, can I have something?" And every day the bin was so happy to give her gifts. One day the bin was sad. It didn't have any more delicious treats or toys to give. Maria was worried and said, "Please bin, I am sure you can find something else that I can have." The bin was so happy that Maria cared. It looked deep down and found an old, dusty toy that nobody had ever seen before. Maria was so excited and thanked the bin with a big hug. The bin laughed and smiled. Every day the bin was filled with new treats and toys, so Maria and all the other little children always had lots to enjoy. The rich bin was very pleased. Once there was a lonely rabbit. He felt very sad and had no one to talk to. One day, he decided to test his bravery. He saw a celery in the garden and decided to try it. He was scared it would be yucky but he was curious to try it. He took a deep breath and hopped close to the celery. He took a bite and it was surprisingly delicious. He kept eating and eating until it was all gone. The rabbit was so happy! He hopped around and laughed with joy. He was so proud of himself for testing his bravery and tried something new. From then on, he was no longer lonely. He had tasted something new, and he knew he could try more things in the future. Once upon a time there was a lovely structure. It was tall and bright and very special. Every morning the sun shone on it, and every night the stars lit it up. The structure had been there for a long time, and many people loved it. They would go there to keep it looking nice. They trimmed the trees, swept the floor and made sure everything was okay. One day a group of children came to visit. They were very excited and ran around, playing in the sunshine. They climbed up and down the lovely structure, laughing and singing. The people watched and smiled, happy to keep the structure looking so good. The children and the people worked together to make sure everything was okay. And so, the lovely structure stayed, happy and safe and full of love. Every day, Mommy and Daddy washed the car. They worked together to make sure it was safe and shiny. They scrubbed and wiped until it looked new. Next, Mommy and Daddy took the car for a drive. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. The grass was green and the air was fresh. At the end of the day, Daddy put the car back in the garage. Mommy said it was time to go to bed. Daddy said thank you for helping to wash the car. Mommy and Daddy made sure everything was safe before going inside. Once there was a strong man. He was using a hammer to build a house. The hammer made a loud sound and he started to scream. He was so scared that he dropped the hammer. The strong man ran away from the house. He was so frightened that he didn't look back. He kept running until he was too tired to run anymore. He stopped and looked around. He saw a hammer lying on the ground. The man felt brave again, so he picked up the hammer. He held it tightly and smiled. With the hammer in his hand, he was strong. He walked back to the house and continued building it. Soon the house was finished and the man was very happy. He had built the house all by himself and he was proud! Once upon a time there was a little boy who was very scared. He wanted to go take a bath but was too scared. He was so scared that he was shaking and couldn't even speak. Suddenly, he thought of an idea. He started counting his money, and wondered if it would work. He had enough coins to buy some bubbles for his bath. He took the coins and went to the store to buy the bubbles. When he came back home, he was still scared. He finally got the courage to take a bath, and he was so happy when it was done! He felt warm and safe after taking a bath, and he finally felt brave again. Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She loved to find nice seats to sit in. She looked everywhere for the best seat. She found one seat that was just perfect. It was the perfect style and it was very comfortable. The little girl was so happy that she had found the perfect seat. She sat in it every day, feeling so good. One day, the little girl found that something had changed. Someone had moved her perfect seat away! She was very sad until she found a new seat. It was the same style, but it was even better than her first seat. She felt very happy and comfortable in the new seat. From that day on, the little girl showed her friends where the best seat was to sit in. She always said that it was a very good seat, and that they should sit there too. Together, they would all enjoy their nice, comfortable seat. Once upon a time there was a lovely girl called Elsie. Every day she lay on the soft grass in her sunny garden while she watched the birds and the butterflies flying high above her head. Elsie's mummy and daddy often quizzed her to see how much she had learnt and were so proud when they saw how much she had achieved. Every day Elsie's mummy and daddy gave her a big hug and told her how lovely she was. They gave her lots of love and Elsie felt very happy with her family. Once upon a time there was a girl named Lucy. She was only three years old. One day, Lucy went outside with her mom. The sky was very dark and the wind was blowing a lot. Then suddenly, there was a bright flash of lightning! Lucy was scared, so she ran to her mom. Her mom hugged her and said, "That's just the sky. It's ok." Lucy felt better and looked back up at the sky. It had gotten quiet, and there was a peaceful feeling in the air. Lucy smiled and said, "I like the lightning." After a few minutes, Lucy learned about being humble. Her mom said that she should always accept what is. Lucy nodded and said, "I will try to accept." From then on, whenever Lucy saw lightning, she was happy and humble. And each time she remembered to accept what was. Once upon a time there was a puppy. She was small and white. Her name was Spot. One day, Spot felt very spoiled. She wanted something to eat. So she went to the kitchen and started to look around. Spot started to bite everything she saw. She bit a cookie, she bit a spoon, and she bit a bowl. Spot kept biting until she saw something yummy on a plate. She could not resist. She bit the food. But as soon as Spot bit the food, she felt her mouth get so sour! It was not something good to eat! Spot had bit a spoiled apple. Spot learned her lesson that day. Spot always remembered not to bite something she did not know was safe to eat! Once there was a little girl called Sophie. She was three years old and loved playing dress up. She had a special box of makeup that she was very fond of. One day, Sophie was playing with her makeup when she suddenly heard a loud noise outside. Sophie rushed to the window and saw two people fighting. They were separating and shouting very loud and stupid things. She was very scared. Sophie ran and hid in the corner of the room. She hugged her special box of makeup close and started to cry. She was very sad that two people had to separate just because they were so angry. Sophie thought about what had happened and then came up with a plan. She started collecting makeup from around the house, and then went outside and found the two people still fighting. She approached them and gave them some of the makeup. She said, "This is my special makeup, and I think it will help you both to make up and be friends again." The two people stopped shouting and were very touched by Sophie's kind gesture. They hugged each other and made up and Sophie was so happy that her plan worked! Once there was a boy named Peter. He wanted to win a trophy. But it was very difficult. Every day he would rub his trophy and dream of winning. One day, Peter went to compete in a competition. He worked very hard. When the results came out he was so happy to find out that he had won the trophy! It was such a great feeling. He quickly grabbed his trophy and hugged it tightly. He felt so proud. He held his trophy tightly and rubbed it to make sure it did not go away. Peter had worked very hard and was so proud of himself for winning the trophy. He had been so determined to win that nothing could stop him. Peter still has his trophy today and looks at it with pride. He still rubs it once in a while, to remind himself that anything is possible with hard work and determination. Once there was a boy named Grant. He was very stubborn and was always complaining that he wanted to buy things. One day his Mom told him that if he wanted to buy anything he would have to learn math first. So everyday Grant would sit down and try to solve simple math equations like 1 + 1 = 2. He worked hard and soon he started to understand a little bit more about math. After a few weeks he was getting the hang of it. The day he finished his first math test his Mom took him to buy a special toy. She was so proud of him for being so stubborn and learning math. Grant was so excited to bring his new toy home. He practiced math every day after that and soon he was even better than his Mom at math. Grant continued to buy many things and soon he was the smartest kid around! Once upon a time there was a flower. Every day it grew and grew until one day it boiled so hard that it bloomed. It was a beautiful flower and everyone wanted to see it. One day, a telephone rang. The flower was confused because it had never heard a sound like that before. It was so strange! But then, a voice came out of the telephone. It was a nice voice, and it said, "Hello, little flower! I heard how you bloomed, and I wanted to congratulate you!" The flower felt happy and excited and thanked the voice. The voice then said, "I am happy to have seen you bloom, little flower." And then the telephone hung up. The flower was still confused, but it also felt warm and happy inside. From that day onward, it felt very special and proud of its bloom. Once upon a time there was a brave knight. He wore a shiny vest that was made of armor. The knight was mighty and he used to fight big monsters. One day, the knight's vest got a hole in it! He was sad and worried he wouldn't be able to do his job protecting people anymore. He was so sad he didn't know what to do. But then the knight remembered that he had a friend who could help. His friend was a magical wizard who lived in the mountains. So off he went to the mountains to visit the wizard. When the knight told the wizard about his broken vest, the wizard smiled and said he had just the thing to fix it! Using his magic, the wizard repaired the knight's vest with a wave of his wand. The vest looked as good as new and the knight was so happy! He thanked the wizard and said goodbye, and soon he was back on the road ready to fight more mighty monsters. Thanks to the wizard, the knight's job was safe! Once upon a time there was a girl called Sarah. She was three years old. One day Sarah's mother took her shopping. Sarah saw a weird dress in the window. It was pink and sparkly. Sarah asked if she could have the dress. Her mother said yes and they went in the shop. When Sarah tried the dress on, it didn't fit. She felt sad and started to tear. But her mother said, "Don't worry Sarah, I can make it fit." So Sarah's mummy adjusted the dress. The dress fit perfectly. Sarah was so excited she ran around and showed it off to everyone. She felt like a princess. The weird dress was now her favorite. The End Once upon a time, there were two cute little birds called Jack and Jill. They were very happy living in a nest they had built in a big tree. But one day, Jack and Jill felt sad. The sky was dark and gloomy. So Jack and Jill decided to have a race. They ran around the tree, flapping their wings as fast as they could. They laughed and had lots of fun as they zoomed around. But then they heard a strange noise. It was a cat meowing at the bottom of the tree! Jack and Jill were scared, so they flew away from the tree as fast as they could. But Jack and Jill soon realized that their old nest was too small for both of them. So they looked for a new place to live and found a bigger, better nest in another tree. Jack and Jill happily lived in the new nest. Although the sky was still dark and gloomy, they were happy and safe in their new home. One day, a small girl named Mary was playing with a rope. She twirled it round and round, feeling the soft texture on her hands. Then she wanted to record her fun. She ran inside to get her recorder and pointed it at the rope. She said, "Hello, rope. I'm having lots of fun today." Mary was honest and asked her mum if she could keep the rope. Her mum agreed and Mary was very happy. After that, Mary recorded the rope every day. She said all kinds of things about rope playing, like how to make different shapes, how high she could twirl it, and more. Mary was a very honest girl and she recorded her rope adventures every day. She loved learning about rope and playing with it. Once upon a time there was a zoo. The zoo was full of animals. One day, a naughty monkey decided to steal from the zoo. He was looking for something useful. He found a bag of peanuts and took it. The keepers saw the monkey and tried to stop him, but he was too fast. He climbed away before the keepers could catch him. The keepers were very angry and had to search for the monkey. They looked for him everywhere. Eventually, one keeper saw the monkey in a tree. He was eating the peanuts from the bag he had stolen from the zoo. The keeper yelled at him to give the bag back, and the monkey finally dropped the bag. The keepers were happy that they got the bag back, and they gave the monkey a stern talking to. From that day on, the naughty monkey never tried to steal anything from the zoo again. Once upon a time, there was a dog who really liked to bite things. One day, he found a pepper and decided he would bite it. His teeth were really sharp, so he bit it really hard. The pepper was really spicy and it made the dog very angry. But it also made him very embarrassed. He was so embarrassed that he ran away from the pepper and didn't want to ever see it again. The end. Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Emma. She was very modest and kind. One day, she found a beautiful bracelet on the ground. It was gold and sparkled in the sun. Emma felt so excited that she wanted to show it to her mom. But the bracelet was too big for her tiny wrist. So she took it to the shop and asked the shopkeeper to cut it. The shopkeeper obliged and made a smaller bracelet for Emma. Finally, the bracelet fit her perfectly. She put it on her wrist and admired it. From then on, Emma wore it with pride every day. The modest bracelet was her favourite thing. One day there was a naughty boy. He lived in a house with a chimney. The boy liked to play in the chimney, but his parents said no. One day he was climbing in the chimney and his parents heard him. They yelled at him to get down, but he didn't listen. He kept playing and then his parents started to quarrel. The naughty boy was scared and he ran away. He never went back in the chimney again and his parents made sure of it. Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a small village. He liked living there because it was safe. But every day, he heard stories in the village about something difficult! One day, he decided to go on his own journey and find out what this difficult thing was. He walked and walked until the sun was going down and he came to a hill. He looked out at the top of it and saw a castle! He heard many noises coming from the castle and was curious. He thought it might be the difficult thing the villagers had talked about. He climbed up the hill and went inside. When he did, he found something even more amazing than he had ever seen before. He saw a dragon! It wasn't difficult at all, but it was so majestic and beautiful that the boy could barely take it in. He watched the dragon for a long time, then eventually returned home to the village and told everyone about his exciting journey. Everybody was amazed! They had been worried about the difficult thing, but it turned out to be a dragon! Once upon a time, there was a fisherman who lived near the ocean. He was a very kind man and he loved to cook. One day, he decided to go fishing in the sea. He put on a hat and grabbed his fishing rod. Soon, he had caught lots of fish. The fisherman was really happy and he wanted to share his catch with some friends. He quickly cooked all the fish he had caught and served them to his friends. But when the fisherman's friends tasted the fish, they all made a sour face. It was too sour for them to eat! The fisherman was very sad and he said to his friends, "I'm sorry my cooking isn't better, I'll try harder next time." His friends said, "It's OK Fisherman, you will learn more and get better. We still like you!" The fisherman smiled and they all ate some other food instead. From that day, the fisherman worked really hard to learn how to make delicious fish dishes. Now he is a very famous chef and the best cook around! Once upon a time, there was a family who lived in a cozy house with a fireplace. Every day, they would sit and enjoy the warmth of the fire. Then, one night when they were snuggled up around the fireplace, something special happened. The family heard a rumble. Suddenly, it was getting brighter and brighter, filling their home with light. When they looked up, they saw two angels! They were both wearing white robes and had sparkly wings. The angels were separated; one was nice and the other was spoiled. The nice one smiled at the family and said, "We have come to grant you a wish." So the family laughed and said, "We would like to always have this lovely fireplace so we can be together and keep warm." The angels smiled and soon, the family saw that a beautiful new fireplace had magically appeared in their house! From then on, they will be able to sit together around the fireplace and keep warm. The end. Once upon a time, there was a boy. He was big, strong and happy. Every day, he liked to hop around outside. One day, the boy saw a football. He was very envious. He wanted to play with it. So he hopped over to it. Then he kicked the ball, and it flew high! He was so excited! He couldn't believe it. He had a lot of fun playing with the ball. He would hop and kick the football all afternoon. He was so happy! Soon, the boy's friends came to join him. They all hopped around, kicking the football. They had a wonderful time together. The boy was glad he had found the football. He had so much fun playing with his friends. He was the happiest boy around! Once upon a time, there were two boys who went on an adventure. They set off to explore a harsh valley. The boys were excited to see what they could find there. They ran and laughed as they made their way through the valley. Suddenly, the boys heard a loud noise. They stopped and looked around – there was something in the sky! It was a big, white eagle! The eagle swooped down and spoilt the boys' fun. It took away the treats they had been carrying in its big talons. The boys were sad and tried angrily to catch the eagle. But it flew away too fast and left them behind. The boys decided it was time to go home, so they made their way back. Even though the eagle had spoilt their adventure, they were still happy for the fun they had. Jill was sad. She hated the sun. Everyone around her talked about how much they loved sunshine, but Jill felt the opposite. She wished she could stay inside all day where it was dark and cool, away from the bright sun. One day, Jill decided to go outside. She put on her red hat and stepped into the sunshine. She felt a little better when she looked up at the bright blue sky and the puffy white clouds. She slowly walked around the neighborhood, taking in the sights and smelling the flowers. Everything was so beautiful and peaceful. Jill wasn't sure how she felt about the sunshine anymore, but she decided to keep coming out each day. She was patient, and over time she was able to enjoy the sun a little bit more. She still wasn't a big fan of sunshine, but she liked it a little more now. She realized that some things take time, and she was happy to be patient. Freddy was a rabbit. He was very brave, and he loved to solve problems. One morning, he woke up with a big problem. His skin was empty! All the fur on his body was gone. He had no idea what happened! He hopped around trying to find a solution, but he couldn't find any answers. He started to get very worried. He had no fur and it was getting cold outside. Then Freddy had an idea. He went to his garden and picked the softest and fluffiest flowers he could find. He made a big pile and brought it back to his burrow. He started to weave the flowers together until he had made a beautiful flowery coat. It was so soft and comfortable. Freddy was so happy that he had solved his problem. He hopped around in his flowery coat feeling proud. From then on, Freddy's skin was never empty again! On Sunday, a large dog was out for a jog. As he ran, he saw two small birds, flying in the sky. He jogged closer to them and the birds flew away. But then the dog saw something even more exciting! It was a very large pond with many fish swimming in it. The dog decided to jog around the pond and look more closely at the fish. As he ran, the dog noticed a large frog hopping away. The dog smiled and went back to jogging. He was so happy to have this beautiful Sunday to go for a jog! Once upon a time, there was a shy little shark who loved to play. He would rub his back on anything he could find as he swam around, feeling grumpy and alone. One day, he swam to a big beach and saw some children in the water. He watched them from a distance and decided he wanted to join in. So with a deep breath, he swam closer and closer to the children. They were all very shy at first, but soon enough they were rubbing his back and playing with him. The children would call out when they saw him swimming around and before long he was swimming and rubbing with them every day. He was so happy that he had made new friends. Now, he loves to be with his friends and rub their backs. He loves swimming around and feeling the sunshine on his back wherever he goes. He’s a very happy little shark now and he loves his new friends very much. Once upon a time there was a silly monkey. He liked to play all day. One day, he found a big cake. He wanted to eat it, so he struck it with his hands. But when he struck it, some of the cake flew in the air. The monkey thought that was funny, so he struck it again and again. Each time, more and more cake flew around! Finally all the cake was gone and the silly monkey was very sad. He had been so silly that he had eaten all the cake! He vowed to never strike cake again. The end. Timmy was so ready for his first robot. It was shiny, silver and looked like a little person. He was so excited to have it. But when he tried to make it move, he quickly found out it wasn't so easy. He struggled and struggled but it wouldn't move. He tried pushing it and pulling it, but it wouldn't budge an inch. He started to feel frustrated. Timmy's dad eventually came to help. After some tinkering and pushing some buttons, the robot hummed to life. "Ready, set, go!" shouted Timmy's dad. The robot wobbled forward and Timmy cheered. His dad smiled and gave him a high five. From then on, Timmy and the robot would play together every day. They would never struggle again. Once there was a dog who loved to sleep all day. He happily snored and snoozed all afternoon. But one day, he woke up and found that his home was very messy. He was confused! How did it become so cluttered? He started to clean up the mess, he picked up toys and even swept the floor. He worked hard and soon his home was sparkly clean! He was very proud of himself and looked around with a big smile on his face. Suddenly, he heard a loud bark! He realized that his best friend had come over to visit him. The dog was so happy to see his friend and they spent the rest of the day playing together. The dog was glad that he woke up that day and that his home was so clean. Once upon a time there were two best friends: John and Lisa. One day, John had an idea. He wanted to collect an invitation for a party and he wanted Lisa to come too. John and Lisa set off to search for the invitation. They looked high and low but couldn't find it. Then, one day, they heard a soft humming in the distance. It was coming from a sour-faced lady at the end of the street. The lady had the invitation! John and Lisa asked her nicely if they could have the invitation and she agreed. She handed John and Lisa the invitation. It was so exciting! The two best friends hugged each other and shouted with joy. They had collected the invitation - now they were able to go to the party! Once upon a time, there was a queen who was very kind and mild. She used to take care of everyone in the kingdom and made sure everyone was happy. One day, the queen wanted to do something special for all the people who lived in her kingdom. She decided to use her magic wand to make a huge rainbow in the sky. The entire kingdom was amazed at the beautiful rainbow. The queen wanted everyone in her kingdom to use the rainbow to remember that kindness and mildness could bring people joy. She then used her magic wand to make a magical ice cream cone for everyone to enjoy. The people enjoyed the ice cream cones the queen had made for them. They all thanked her for her kindness and mildness. The queen had brought joy to the people of the kingdom with her kindness. The end. Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who wanted to find coal. Every day, she went to the forest to try and get some. She worked very hard, but it was difficult. One day, she heard a noisy noise near a tree. She looked closely and saw a big pile of coal! She was so excited and wanted to get it. She tried to lift it, but it was too heavy. She was sad for a minute, but then she had an idea. She asked a big bear who lived in the forest for help. The bear was so strong, that together they were able to lift the coal. The little girl thanked the bear and took the coal home. She shared it with her family and everyone was so happy. From then on, whenever she heard a noisy noise, she would go and check to see if it was more coal! Once upon a time there was a big, high hill. On top of it, two friends were running around, having lots of fun. They were so happy until a storm came and lightning flashed and thunder roared! The friends were scared by the storm, but then they had an idea. They decided to unite and make their own lightning and thunder! So, they held hands and closed their eyes, then they shouted and screamed as loud as they could. When they opened their eyes, they saw a beautiful lightning in the sky! It was so high, higher than the hill they were standing on. It lit up the sky and lit up everything around them. The friends were so happy, they shouted and laughed. They had united to create something beautiful that nobody else in the world had ever seen before. With that lightning, their friendship was more united and powerful than ever before! Once there was a truck. It was a big truck and it was red. It had a smelly engine. One day the truck stopped and a man came to it. The man brought something with him. It was a big box. The man used the box to lift the truck up. Then he put the box under the truck. The man got into the truck and put his feet on the box. He started pushing on the box, and the truck started to lift up. The truck got higher and higher until it was almost off the ground. The man was smiling. He was having fun. The smelly truck was lifted up and was ready to go! Once there was a girl named Jenny. She was playing with her toys when she noticed a string on the ground. Jenny picked up the string and decided to play with it. She thought it was amazing and started making it into a long messy rope. But Jenny started to get tired and realized that if she kept playing with it, she couldn't get all her housework done. So Jenny decided to delay playing with the string and instead finish her work first. Jenny tidied her room, then swept the kitchen. She was so busy that she almost forgot about the string. But then she remembered it. She quickly ran to where she had left the string and saw that it was still there. Jenny started to play with it and make it into another long, messy rope. Jenny was very happy and was glad that she had delayed playing with the string. Now she could finish her housework and then play with the string when she was done. Lizzie was walking along the beach. The sand was so soft and the water was so blue. Lizzie could see many pebbles in the sand. One of them was a big and round and very pink. She liked it very much. Suddenly, Lizzie felt an urge. She wanted to pick up the pebble and take it home with her. She bent down and picked it up. It was smooth and a bright pink. She held it in her hands and smiled. Lizzie decided to keep the pebble on her windowsill so she always remember this beautiful moment. She went home with the pebble. Every day she would look at it and think of the beach. Once, there was a little boy called Tommy. He was very curious, and wanted to know what a lemon tasted like. He picked up a lemon from the tree in his garden and he wanted to take a bite. His mom saw him and said, "No Tommy! Lemons aren't for eating!" Tommy was very persistent and he wanted to take a bite. His mom said sternly, "If you try and eat the lemon, I will have to slap you!" Tommy knew that his mom was serious, but he still wanted to taste the lemon. He inched closer to the lemon, and when his mom saw this, she had to slap him lightly on his hand. Tommy was very sad, but he learned his lesson that day. Now he knows that lemons aren't for eating, and he is more careful when he is around lemons. Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was 3 years old and was very keen to learn about the world. Every day she would wake up and dream about what she could discover. One day she learnt about a thing called a year. It is made up of 12 months, which means a lot can happen in a year. The little girl wanted to understand more and took every opportunity to learn. Sadly, some people she came across seemed ignorant to what a year was. This made the little girl sad, as she felt they were missing out on so much. Both the little girl and her family kept dreaming and learning more every day. Eventually, she was able to share her knowledge with other people, so they could have a better understanding of the world. Once upon a time, there was a pink flower. It grew in the sunny garden every day. But one day, something changed. The flower's petals began to rot and turn brown. The flower felt an itch deep inside. It needed help. It saw the light coming from the window and knew what to do. The flower opened its petals wide, so the light could get in. It felt better almost right away. The light shone on the petals and they slowly turned back to pink. The flower smiled and felt happy. It was alive and healthy once again. The light had saved the flower from the rot. John was playing with his baseball in the park. It was sunny and he was feeling happy. John tossed the baseball in the air and tried to catch it. But he was careless and he dropped it. He couldn't find the baseball anywhere! He looked and looked, but he had forgotten where it had gone. Suddenly, John heard a voice behind him. He turned around and saw his friend Sam. Sam had found the baseball! Sam had seen it roll away and he had chased after it. He was happy to help John because they were friends. John thanked Sam and they continued to play with the baseball together. John was careful not to forget it again, and they had lots of fun all afternoon. Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She had a costume that she loved very much. One day, she decided to go outside and play in the park. She put on her costume and she was all ready to go. Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky. It was so loud that the little girl got scared. She quickly looked up, and saw that the noise was coming from the sun, which had split into two! The little girl was so confused. She had never seen anything like this before! She wanted to see the sun, so she went running to the park. When she got there, she saw that lots of people were gathering to watch the two pieces of the sun. Everyone was very excited! The little girl didn't know what to do. She was so confused. But then she noticed that she was still wearing her costume, and she realized that everyone else was wearing costumes too! So the little girl decided to join the fun. She wore her costume, and it didn't cost her anything. Everyone split up and went off to watch the two pieces of the sun and the little girl was so excited to be a part of it! Once upon a time there was a humble boy. He wanted to learn how to play the guitar. One day he decided to go to the park to try to reach his goal. When he arrived, he stepped into the grass and looked around. He noticed a woman playing a guitar. He went closer and asked her if he could learn. The woman was very kind. She smiled and said "of course you can!". She gave him a guitar and showed him how to pluck the strings. The boy was so excited! It was hard at first, but he practiced every day. Before long, he became a great guitar player. He played for his friends and family and made them very happy. He was so proud of himself for reaching his goal. The end. Once upon a time, there was a very busy mommy. She was always bustling around, doing lots of work. One day, she went to the garden to water her rows of plants. As she leaned down with her watering can, something funny happened. Suddenly, the ground started to shake and something began to yield out of the soil! Mommy jumped back in surprise. She couldn't believe her eyes! Out of the ground had sprung a tiny little row of vegetables! She had never seen anything so amazing before. Mommy was so busy harvesting her vegetables, that the day flew by in a flash. When the sun set, she had a plentiful row of vegetables to take inside and share with her family. They all agreed that yielding vegetables was the best way to be busy! Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was Joe. Everywhere Joe went he had a hard helmet. It was always on his head. Joe was brave and strong and never afraid. One day, Joe saw someone he did not know. He was very scared and he hid behind the big tree. Suddenly he heard the strange person say, "Hey Joe! Can I give you a big hug?" Joe was still scared. But then he remembered his helmet was on his head. He took it off and smiled at the stranger. The stranger gave Joe the biggest and warmest hug. Joe smiled and laughed as the stranger hugged him. Joe knew he was safe and he felt very happy. From that day on, Joe always remembered to wear his hard helmet. He knew it would help him when he felt scared. Once, there was a high Noon. On that day, Margie and Max wanted to mail something special. They got a box and filled it with their favourite toys. They painted it bright colors and sprayed it with their special perfume. Then, they walked to the post office and gave their box to the nice lady. The lady laughed and took the box. She said it smelled really nice! Then, she put a stamp on the box and dropped it into the big red box. Max and Margie waved goodbye to their special box and they hoped it would arrive soon. The very next day, there was a big surprise waiting in their mailbox! Inside was the same box they had mailed, but it was filled with new toys and candy. Max and Margie were so excited! They hugged the box and had lots of fun. Now, every time they look at their mailbox, they smile and remember the high Noon when they mailed their special box. Once upon a time there was a mommy who always wanted a cup of coffee. But she always felt a bit ashamed to get one. One day the mommy decided to accept her longing for coffee and went to get one. When she returned home with the warm cup, she said "coffee" with a big smile on her face. The little girl saw the mommy happy and decided to accept it too. The mommy and the little girl then sat together on the couch, each with their cup of coffee, and enjoyed drinking it. The little girl was so excited to try coffee just like her mom. The mommy was no longer ashamed anymore, she was proud to have accepted coffee and accept the little girl's coffee, too. The mommy and the little girl continued to have coffee together for many happy years afterwards. Once upon a time, there was a little boy. His name was Jack. Every day he would take a walk down his favorite street. On this street, it was always very noisy. Jack loved all the sounds he heard on this street. He would hear the birds chirping, the dogs barking and children laughing. He also loved seeing all the people who spent time there. Today, Jack decided to spend some time in a new store. He looked around at all the shiny things he found inside. Eventually, he found the perfect toy. He couldn't wait to spend time playing with it. When Jack left the store, he couldn't help but feel happy. He had spent his time on the noisy street doing something special. He was proud to have found the perfect toy. Mama was in the kitchen, washing dishes. She was moving her hands over the plates and bowls, making them sparkle. Suddenly, she heard something and looked to her left. There was a weak stream of water coming from the faucet. Mama touched the handle of the faucet and turned it. Water came out in a strong stream, almost too strong! Mama touched the handle again and tried to turn it the other way, but it was too tight. So Mama touched it lightly until she felt the handle turn a little. Now the water was soft and gentle, just the way Mama wanted. Mama smiled and thanked the faucet for helping her with the dishes. Once upon a time, there was a lovely rabbit. The rabbit loved to zip around the garden. One day, the rabbit was zipping around, when it ran into trouble. A big grey fox had followed the rabbit into the garden. The rabbit was so scared! But then the rabbit noticed something lovely. A friendly bluebird was flying towards the rabbit. The bird smiled at the rabbit and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you". The bluebird flapped its wings really fast, and the fox got scared. The bluebird was zipping around the fox, making funny noises. The fox ran away, and the rabbit was safe. The rabbit thanked the bluebird. It was so lovely that the bird had saved the rabbit from trouble. The rabbit and the bluebird were friends ever after! Once upon a time, there was a dependable girl named Nell. Nell always took care of her little brother Tony, who was just three years old. One day, Tony was outside playing with his toys. He spotted something small on the ground next to his shoe. He bent down and touched it. It was a tiny pebble, a little to the left. Nell watched her brother intently. She saw that he was doing something he had never done before - bending down and touching the pebble. Nell was so proud of Tony, because it meant that he was becoming more and more dependable. Just then, Tony picked up the pebble and put it into his pocket. Nell smiled, knowing that her brother was growing and that he could take care of himself. From that day on, Tony always reached down and touched the pebble whenever he was feeling a little uncertain. It reminded him that he was dependable and that he could take care of himself, even when Nell was not around. Once upon a time, there was a jolly little girl named Sally. She loved to play in her garden and always wear an apron. Her favorite thing to do was to throw things. She loved to throw sticks, rocks, and even her apron up in the air! One day, Sally was playing in her garden with her apron. She twirled the apron around and around, before finally throwing it up in the air. The apron flew and flew until it landed on a tree branch. Sally wanted to get her apron back, but she just wasn't tall enough to reach it. Just then, Sally's mom came outside. She saw that Sally needed help and gave her a boost up to the branch so she could retrieve her apron. Sally was excited and thanked her mom. Sally happily wore her apron and went back to throwing things, feeling jolly. She loved throwing things up in the air because it was so much fun! Once upon a time, there was a kind ant. He wanted to set off on an adventure, but didn't know where to go. The ant thought about it for a while and soon he had a plan. He set off to the nearby pond, in search of a new friend. The ant soon made a new friend, a frog. The frog was kind and the two of them soon became best friends. The ant and the frog set out on many adventures together. They explored the pond, looking for bugs and small rocks to explore. They even set off deep down to the bottom of the pond. The ant and the frog had many fun adventures together. They always had a kind time together, exploring and having fun. And so, the kind ant and the frog lived happily ever after. Mum and Dad were in the kitchen when it began to rain. Big icy drops fell from the sky, making puddles on the grass. Mum and Dad ran outside, laughing and smiling as they spun around in the rain. Mum took a phone from her pocket. She looked up at the sky and smiled again. "It's a rainy day," she said. Mum and Dad ran back inside, still laughing and smiling. They dried off with a big fluffy towel, and Mum picked up her phone again. She made a call, speaking quickly and happily. The sky was dark and grey, but it still looked beautiful with the rain coming down. Mum and Dad sat together on the couch, listening to the pitter patter of raindrops outside. They cuddled together, smiling and happy. Once upon a time there was a boy who wanted to climb the mountain. He asked his dad for help but his dad said no. He did not want to climb it alone so he asked around to see if anyone wanted to come with him. But everyone said no because it seemed too hard. The boy was sad and he started to cry. Then he heard a voice from behind him. It was a big friendly bear. The bear offered to help him. The bear said that he could help the boy climb the mountain. The boy was so happy and he hugged the bear. Together they started the climb up the mountain. But first they had to pass the rude birds who wouldn't let them pass. The bear asked them nicely if they could pass but they just ignored him. So the bear grabbed them and threw them away. The boy and the bear continued on their climb up the mountain. Soon they got to the top and the view was amazing. The boy felt so proud that he managed to climb the mountain thanks to the help of his bear friend. Once upon a time, there was a big, old tree that played music. Every day, it looked forward to playing its tunes in rhythm. It found joy in the sound of its own voice. One night, the tree was feeling a little down because it felt like it had forgotten something. In the still of the night, a gentle breeze floated around the tree and started to remind it of its original song. The tree felt happier and it tapped its branches to the rhythm of its own tune. Its leaves danced and swayed to the music and suddenly, the tree felt better. It was like the breeze had brought back all its joy. With a big smile, the tree continued to dance and rest in its own rhythm and peace. Finally, it had remembered its original joy. One morning, Mommy gave a big cup of coffee to Daddy. Daddy held it in his hands and smiled. The coffee smelled really nice! Mommy said she made it special for him. She said it was a "long" cup of coffee because it was so full. Everyone in the house laughed and smiled. Then Daddy took such a big sip of the coffee and said, "Mmmm, this is delicious!" Everyone laughed again. Suddenly, a naughty puppy came running in the room. He jumped up and grabbed the cup of coffee out of Daddy's hand. Then he started to run away with it! But Daddy was too fast for him. He caught the puppy and gave him a little kiss instead. Mommy said that if the puppy wanted coffee, she could make him his own special cup. So she gave him a small cup of cold milk and the puppy was happy. Everyone laughed and smiled again! Once, there was a little girl called Lucy. She loved to go to the park to play on the swing. Every day, Lucy's older brother would come to the park to tease her. He would call her names and pull her hair when she was on the swing. One day, it was very gloomy outside and Lucy was feeling sad. Her brother did not come to the park, so she was all alone. She thought she would never have fun again. But then, something magical happened. Suddenly, the sun peeked out from behind the clouds and the grey sky became a bright blue. Lucy smiled and ran to the swing. She swung and laughed in the sunshine. Lucy realized that she did not need her brother to have fun. She could always find joy, even when the sky was gloomy. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. She was very hungry and went to get something to eat. She saw a nice skirt in a shop, and decided to buy it. But the shopkeeper was stingy. He said he wouldn't sell it to Sarah. He reached over and pinched her arm. It hurt very much! Sarah started to cry, but she was very brave. She said, "Please sell me the skirt. I am so hungry!" The shopkeeper saw how brave Sarah was, and said he would sell her the skirt. He even gave her a big piece of cake to eat. Sarah was very happy. She ate the cake, put on her new skirt and skipped home, no longer hungry. Jenny was very excited to go to the park with her family. She could see lots of children running and playing, but something else caught her eye. It was a big, silver rocket ship! Jenny's dad told her it was there to support their long journey. Jenny and her dad climbed inside the rocket ship. There were all kinds of buttons and knobs. Jenny helped her dad press all the buttons and turn the knobs. Then, there was a big whoosh and the rocket started to move. Jenny had never felt like this before. She was flying! She was having so much fun. Every time the rocket shuddered, Jenny would giggle and cheer. Her dad would support her the whole time. After a long time, the rocket came to a stop. They had arrived at their destination. Jenny had so many stories to tell her friends. She loved going on a long journey in the rocket ship. And with her dad supporting her, it was even more special. Once upon a time there was an old stadium. Every day lots of people came to play and have fun in the stadium. One day it shut, so no one could get in. Everyone was sad, because they liked playing in the stadium. But one day some people had an idea. They painted the stadium and made it look new and clean. Everyone was so happy to see the old stadium looking so pretty. Now lots of people go to the old stadium and play and have fun. The end. One day, Jack was walking through the woods. As he stepped on a twig, he stumbled and almost fell. He quickly realized that he was near a campfire. He smelled the sweet smell of flame and felt the heat radiating from it. He looked closer and admired the different colors of the flame - red, orange and yellow. He smiled as he watched the flame dance and flicker in the night. Suddenly, a rabbit hopped out of the bushes and sat near the fire, warming itself up. Jack was a bit scared but then the rabbit's soft ears and friendly eyes calmed him down. The rabbit and Jack shared a peaceful moment by the flame before Jack decided it was time to go home. He waved goodbye to the rabbit and stumbled off, happy to see something so different. Once there was a boy named Danny. He was 3 years old and very curious. He loved to laugh and joke around. One day, Danny found a marble on the ground. It was a lovely marble - blue and white with speckles on it. Danny decided to keep it. He took the marble inside and showed it to his mom. She thought it was very special, so she put it in a special box for Danny. Danny was very proud of his marble and he liked to show it to all his friends. Whenever he did, everyone would laugh and joke. Danny was so happy to have such a lovely marble that he promised himself he would never let it go. He kept the marble with him always and the two of them were best friends. Once upon a time, there was a girl called Sue. Sue was very envious of all the other children who had beautiful flowering plants on their window sill. Every day, Sue would walk past the plant shop and wish that she could have a plant of her own. One day, Sue had an exciting thought. She decided to grab a plant from the store! Sue was careful not to be seen, and she quickly grabbed a bright blue plant. She raced home and carefully planted the plant in her garden. Then to make sure that nobody could find it, Sue put a fence around the plant. Every day Sue would walk outside and admire her new plant. She was so proud of her new plant and now she no longer felt envious. The End. Once upon a time there was a generous cabin in the forest. It was the home of two best friends, a rabbit and a fox. One day, when the fox was out for a walk, he spotted a fire in the woods. He quickly ran back to the cabin to save the rabbit, who was still inside. The rabbit was very scared, but the fox was brave and protected her until the firemen arrived. The firemen put out the blaze and the two friends thanked them for their generosity. Everyone was very happy and the cabin was safe and sound in the end. One day, Joe was walking in the woods. It was sunny, but Joe wanted to find some shade. He saw a big brown tree and he was so happy. He ran over to it and sat down. He felt so happy to have a break from the hot sunshine. Suddenly, Joe heard a loud noise. The tree had split in two! Joe was scared, but he had found the perfect shade. The two halves of the tree were protecting him from the sunshine. Joe was feeling so much better. He stayed there for a while, and then he went back home. He told all of his friends about the amazingly big brown tree which had split in two. He was so excited to have found such a wonderful place to rest and play. Molly was playing in her room. She noticed a video on the TV. She wanted to watch it. But it was difficult to get it to play. She tried to push the buttons but nothing happened. Molly asked her mom for help. Her mom showed her which button to press. She pressed it and the video started to play! Molly smiled. She watched the video with her mom. It was funny and she laughed a lot. She started to dance and sing along. It was a great day. Molly had noticed the video and now she was watching it. Each day was full of surprises! One day, a swan went for a swim in the lake. At first, the lake was very still, but then a gust of wind split the lake in two. The swan was very scared and it had to swim very quickly to stay on one side of the lake. But then, a brave girl saw the swan. She jumped into the lake and grabbed the swan so it wouldn't get split in two. The swan was very grateful and made happy noises. The girl held the swan tight, and she smiled. She gently put the swan back in the lake and the swan swam away, free. The girl waved goodbye as the swan flew away. The girl was very happy. She had saved the swan and that made her feel really good. She was very grateful for the beautiful swan. She smiled and jumped back onto the shore. Jane had a problem. She wanted to watch television but it wasn't working. She knew she had to solve the problem. She looked at the television and it looked pale. Jane thought and thought, and then she knew what she had to do. She went to the cupboard, found the remote and pointed it at the television. She pressed the big red button and the television came to life! Jane was very happy and she watched her favourite show. She was glad that she had solved the problem! Sam and Sally were brother and sister. They were walking in a park on an icy day. Suddenly, Sally saw a phone on the path. She pointed it out to Sam. Sam decided to pick up the phone. He thought it might be a magical phone! He looked at it and shook it, but nothing special happened. Sally decided to call someone on it. She pushed the buttons, but no one answered. The brother and sister looked around for anyone who might have left the phone. They asked a man walking his dog, but he didn't know anything about it. At the end, the two decided to take the phone to the police station. Maybe they could find out who the phone belonged to! The police thanked the two and gave them some stickers as a reward. The brother and sister smiled and walked away, happy that they had done the right thing. Once there was a little girl called Emma. She liked to play outside in the park with her best friend. One day they went to the park together, but it was very quiet. Suddenly, a slow whistle appeared in the sky. It was beautiful. Emma and her friend looked up and saw a hot air balloon floating in the sky. They waved and it waved back. Then the hot air balloon started to move away. But then something amazing happened. A rainbow suddenly appeared in the sky and it was so beautiful. Emma and her friend were so happy, they began to laugh and jump and clap. And the rainbow whistled slowly as it disappeared into the sky. One day, a little girl was outside. She gazed around happily at the trees and clouds in the sky. The birds were singing in the trees, and the sun was shining brightly. Suddenly, the little girl saw a frog. It was hopping around on the ground, looking very independent. The little girl was fascinated. She wanted to get closer and have a better look. She decided to get closer, so she slowly walked towards the frog. The frog saw the little girl and grew still. He gazed back at her, his eyes shining in the sun. The little girl was so excited - she had never seen a frog look so independent. The little girl was about to reach out and touch the frog, but it suddenly hopped away. The little girl watched as the frog jumped away and out of sight. The little girl smiled. She was so happy to have seen such a brave and independent frog. She couldn't wait to tell her family about her adventure when she got home. Once upon a time, there was a rabbit who loved to play. He hopped around and thought of new games to try. But one day, he noticed some glue on the ground. It disturbed him, because he didn't know what it was. He poked at the glue with his paw, but it felt very sticky. He felt rather uncomfortable, so he decided to take a closer look. The rabbit started to try to break apart the glue, but he just couldn't. He sniffed and tried to pry it away with his claw, but nothing worked. The glue stayed stuck in one big lump no matter how hard he tried. This made the rabbit feel even more uncomfortable, so he left the glue and went to find something else to do. The end. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Mollie. She was a curious 3 year old who loved to explore. One day she was feeling extra adventurous and decided to go on a big walk. As she ventured through the woods, she started to see funny shapes and colors. All around the woods were plants and trees that Mollie had never seen before. As she explored some more, she finally discovered celery! Mollie had never seen celery in the woods before, so she was very excited to show her parents when she got back home. On her way back, something naughty happened! Mollie noticed a small animal eating the celery she had just found. She knew she should have ran away to save the celery, but she was too curious and wanted to see what the animal looked like. It was a little brown rabbit! Mollie thought the rabbit was so cute, so she decided not to be mad at it, and let it keep eating the celery. Mollie went back home with a smile on her face, excited to tell her parents all about her discoveries in the woods. She knew it would make her parents proud that she was brave enough to explore and discover new things. No matter how naughty the rabbit was, she was so excited to share her adventures with her family. Once upon a time, two cars raced a long way. They raced and raced until they came to a big test. On the test, each car had to be empty so that the people watching could see how fast the cars were. The cars started the test. They raced and they raced! The people cheered as they watched. The green car raced ahead of the blue car. But the blue car wasn't giving up that easy! It raced faster and faster until it came very close behind the green car. The people cheered louder and louder. Would the blue car win the race? Suddenly, the blue car sprinted forward and passed the green car! The blue car had won the race! Everyone cheered and clapped. The blue car was very happy. It had won the empty race! Once there was a man who wanted to build something. He had a plan, so he got to work. He worked for days, but it was dark outside. He kept working in the dark, until finally he had built something great. He was so happy, he wanted to show it to everyone. He stepped outside and everyone clapped and cheered for him. The man had built something wonderful and he was so proud. Once upon a time there was a black kitty. She loved to explore and have adventures! Today, she was ready for an adventure. She ran through the open fields and felt so free! As she ran, she saw something ahead of her. It was a big, open cave! She wanted to explore it. So, the kitty began to rush inside the cave. As she looked around, she noticed something in the dark corner. It was another kitty! She was black too. The two kitties were so excited, they began to rush around the cave together. After playing and exploring, they ran out of the cave and continued on their adventure! The two black kitties were so happy to have found each other. They rushed back to their home, excited to share their adventure with all of their friends. Once upon a time, there was a young patient. She wanted to measure something really important. So, she asked the doctor for help. The doctor was kind and gave her a measuring tape. The young patient was so curious. She measured her arm, her leg and even her bed. She was very pleased to see how much things grew every day. The doctor was pleased too. He was amazed at how patient the young patient was. She had measured everything with care. After that, the young patient went home happy. She had measured many things and learned a lot. The end. Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Toby. They enjoyed spending time together playing in the park. One day, Jack brought a poppy to the park with him. Toby was very excited and he asked Jack what the special flower was. Jack told Toby that it was a poppy and it was harmless. He said that it was special because it could be weighed. They took turns weighing it on the old-fashioned scales in the park. Jack and Toby were amazed to see how light it was. Jack then explained how important poppies were. He said that they helped remember people who had fought for their country. Jack and Toby were so proud that the poppy was harmless because it meant that nobody had been hurt. The friends decided that they wanted to keep the poppy as a memory of their special day in the park. They vowed to always remember what the poppy stands for – peace and harmony. Once upon a time, there were two friends called John and Sue. They loved to play outside but today the weather was crazy. It was very windy and the trees were swaying. John and Sue held on to each other to make sure they didn't get blown away by the wind. Suddenly, the wind stopped. John and Sue heard a funny sound. It was the sound of birds. They were scattering around them. John and Sue watched the birds as they flew around and sang. The birds flew so high they looked like little specks. John and Sue were so happy they jumped up and down in excitement. The crazy weather had brought them a wonderful surprise. They had a great time watching the birds scattering around them. The end. Hank was a very proud little boy. He always looked for something to be proud of. One day Hank decided to go to the garden. He wanted to find something special, so he looked around and he saw a tomato! It was very big and red and Hank felt very proud of it. He put it carefully in his pocket and he started running home. He wanted to show everyone his very special tomato. When he arrived, he took the tomato from his pocket and he showed it to his mom. She was so proud of him, she gave him a big hug! His friends gathered around and felt excited about the big, red tomato. Everyone was happy with Hank’s proud find. Twin was feeling warm. He wanted to explore and find something new, so he started walking. He walked until he saw a door. It was pretty, with a shiny handle. Twin thought it looked like fun. He grabbed the handle and tried to open the door. It was locked, so he couldn't open it. Twin got a bit sad, but he was still curious. He looked around and found a key! Twin put the key into the lock and gave it a turn. The lock clicked and the door opened! Twin was so excited. He opened the door and stepped through. Inside, Twin found lots and lots of fun things. He played for hours and had a great time. The sun started to set and Twin knew it was time to go. He closed the door and locked it tight with the key. He was so happy, he carried the key the whole way. He had a wonderful time and he looked forward to visiting the door and the fun things inside again soon. John was at the park with Mum. He saw lots of people and he was having fun! He saw a black ticket on the ground and he stopped and paused to pick it up. He asked Mum what it was. She said it was a ticket. She asked why it was there and John said it was a magic ticket! Mum smiled and said they should go to the ticket booth and see if it was a special ticket. They walked over and gave the ticket to the man at the booth. He smiled and said it was a special ticket and they could take a ride on the merry-go-round! John was so happy and jumped up and down! He could not wait to get on the merry-go-round and feel how fun it was. He ran over and they went on the ride. John laughed and waved his arms around as they went round and round. When it was time to get off the ride, the man at the booth handed him another black ticket, a special reward for finding the magic ticket! John was so happy and thanked the man. He and Mum went home, and he put the new ticket in a special place for safe keeping. He knew he would find some fun uses for it soon! Once upon a time there was a little girl named Sarah. She had a special camera that she loved very much. One day, she was playing with the camera when her best friend Bill came by. Bill had never seen the camera before and was very jealous of it. So Bill asked Sarah if he could have a turn. Sarah agreed and let Bill attach the camera to his arm. He stood in a sunny spot outside, and the camera caught all the pretty colors of flowers nearby. Suddenly Sarah became jealous of the camera. She wanted to attach it to herself and take a picture too. So Sarah asked Bill if she could have a turn with the camera. Bill smiled and said yes. So Sarah attached the camera to her arm and smiled. She took picture after picture while Bill smiled and watched. After a while, they both went inside and looked at the pictures Sarah had taken. Everyone was so happy, and it was a great day! Once upon a time there were two friends, Bob and Lucy. They were walking through the woods, looking for food. Suddenly, Bob heard a noise in the bushes. He leaned over and whispered to Lucy, “Did you hear that?†Lucy nodded, “Yes! Let’s go and see what it is.†The two friends went to the bushes, and saw a small animal scurrying around, looking for food. It was a tiny, noisy mouse! Bob and Lucy smiled and started to whisper to the mouse. “Hello, little mouse. We have some food for you.†The mouse stopped and looked at the two friends. Then, it began to eat the food. Bob and Lucy watched, giggling and whispering to each other as the mouse enjoyed its meal. The mouse finished its food and scurried away into the bushes, leaving Bob and Lucy to continue their search for food. Once upon a time, there was a navy ship in the middle of the sea. On the ship, there was a wise captain who was always looking for adventure. One day, the captain wanted to taste something sweet and delicious, so he found some fresh oranges on the ship. The captain took one and took a bite. It was very sweet and he loved the taste. He smiled and asked the other sailors if they wanted to taste it too. Everyone said yes and they each had a piece of the tasty orange. The captain was so happy that he decided to share the oranges with the navy. The navy ship sailed on and the orange brought lots of joy and happiness to the sailors on the ship. They all enjoyed the sweet taste of the citrus fruit and thanked the wise captain for the delicious oranges. Timmy was very excited, as he was going to take a bus ride to school. As he jumped on the bus, he noticed a deaf girl sitting beside a window. He smiled at her and waved. She smiled back at him. The bus driver was very kind and he encouraged Timmy to sit down at the back of the bus. He thanked the driver as he sat down. He noticed that the deaf girl was not talking to anyone. He knew that she was very shy. Timmy wanted to be nice to the deaf girl, so he waved his hand and tried to encourage her to talk to him. Eventually, she stopped being shy and they started talking to each other. It was nice to make a new friend. By the time they reached school, they were laughing and joking. Timmy waved goodbye to the deaf girl and thanked her for being his new friend. He knew that it was important to be kind and encourage people to be their best selves. Once there was a little boy. He was out in the park and he saw a crane. The crane was very pale. He loved the bird so he wanted to meet it. He walked slowly over to the crane. He said hello and held out his hand. The crane was scared at first, but then it saw that the boy was friendly. It pecked his hand and then let the boy pet its feathers. They became friends. Every day the boy would go back to the park to meet with the crane. They would play tag, fly around and have picnics. The boy was so happy he had a new friend. The boy and the crane became very close and the boy looked forward to meeting the crane each day. The end. Once upon a time, there was a rich family. They had a mom, a dad, and a little boy who was three years old. One day, the family gathered around the big couch in their living room. The boy had never seen such a rich couch before! It was huge and cozy and he had adventure in mind! The boy asked his dad if he could gather lots of pillows, blankets, and toys around the couch. His dad smiled, grabbed some, and said, "Yes!" A few minutes later, the couch was overflowing with a mountain of comfy things. The boy and his dad jumped on the mountain and laugh, play, and rest. They felt so lucky to have such a nice, rich couch! They made many memories together and had lots of fun. The boy's mom served a snack of apples and milk so they all stopped playing and gathered around the couch to eat together. Everyone had fun, even the rich couch! Once upon a time, there was a mommy and a daddy who took their little 3 year old on an exciting adventure. The plan was to go to the beach and have a picnic. But when they got there, they were in for a big surprise. There, in the deep blue sea, was an old shipwreck. The mommy and the daddy thought it was so cool and they asked the little 3 year old if she wanted to go see it. The 3 year old was so excited and so she ran and jumped into daddy's boat. They drove the boat closer to the shipwreck and the 3 year old was amazed by the sight. She had never seen a wreck before and it made her dizzy, but in a good way! Daddy took out his gun and said, "We're gonna shoot this wreck now!" He aimed his gun at the wreck and fired. The sound was loud and scary and the 3 year old was a little scared, but she still had fun watching the wreck get broken apart. Then, they spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the beach and having a picnic. It was a day filled with adventure and fun. As they drove home, the 3 year old couldn't wait to tell her friends all about the exciting thing she had done at the beach that day. She was so proud of herself and the best part was that she got to shoot a wreck all by herself! Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mary. Mary had a special friend named Jax. Jax was a robot, and she had a problem. Her gears weren't working correctly. Mary wanted to help her friend, so she went looking for someone to repair Jax. Mary couldn't find anyone, so she decided to do the repairing on her own. She went to a store and bought some dry powder. Then she came back home, opened up Jax, and sprinkled the powder all over her inside parts. Next, Mary closed up Jax and pushed the start button. To her surprise, Jax started up and began working perfectly. Mary was so happy that she had repaired Jax. From then on, Mary and Jax were the best of friends. Once there was a brave boy named Peter. Peter was walking through the forest and he came across a spear lying on the ground. He was curious and thought it looked cool. He picked it up and held it firmly. Suddenly, a giant bear came out of the forest. Peter was scared and he knew he had to protect himself. He pointed the spear at the bear and shouted "Go away!" The bear stopped. He could see in Peter's eyes that he was brave and determined. The bear smiled and opened its arms. Peter was very surprised. The bear explained that the spear was a gift from his family and he wanted Peter to have it. Peter was so touched by the bear's kindness. He smiled and gave the bear a big hug. The bear hugged him back and then ran off into the woods. Peter kept the spear and walked away with a smile on his face. He was so happy and thankful to have received such a special gift. Once upon a time, there was an adorable little girl. She had a very special wish that she wanted to come true. So, every day, she would look up at the sky and whisper her wish to the sun. The sun was happy to help her out. Every morning, it would shine brighter and brighter. And every night, it would shine down a bright light for her. The little girl smiled each day, feeling special that the sun was helping her. She knew that one day her wish would come true, so she kept the sunshine in her heart. One morning, the sun shone the brightest it ever had. The little girl felt a special kind of joy. She knew then that her wish had finally come true. She smiled and thanked the sun, grateful that her wish had come true. The sun smiled back and shined the longest it ever had. Soon, the little girl's special moment had passed, but the sun remembered and will always remember her wish. One day Tom and his mum went for a picnic. Tom was so excited and couldn't wait. Before they left, Tom's mum put a yellow blanket in a green basket. They had a lot of fun playing in the park and eating their snacks. Tom's mum made a delicious sandwich, and Tom shared his drink with his teddy bears. Suddenly, Tom saw a big green leaf on the ground. He couldn't resist picking it up so he ran off to show it to his teddy bear. His mummy shouted "Tom, don't forget the basket". But Tom had already dropped the green leaf and run too far. Tom was very sad but his mummy was too. She said "don't worry, lets pick it up so we can find the basket". They ran together over to the leaf and dropped it in the green basket. Tom and his mummy had a big hug and smiles on their faces again. They packed up the yellow blanket and enjoyed the rest of their picnic. Once there was a humble little boy. He was happy and kind. One day he went outside to play. He saw a bird building a nest. He thanked the bird for its hard work. The bird was very grateful for the boy's kind words. It looked at the boy with its beady eyes. Then it flew away. The boy smiled and kept walking. He saw a bee buzzing around a flower. He thanked the bee for its hard work. The bee was very grateful for the boy's kind words. It looked at the boy with its eyes. Then it buzzed away. The boy kept walking and thanking all of the animals he saw. He felt happy for all the work they did. He was very humble and kind. Once there was a bunny. He liked to roll in the grass. One day he saw something strange. It was a sour print. The print looked like a big lemon. Bunny was curious so he got closer and rolled around it. It felt funny under his fur. Then he saw a rolling stream and he hopped into it. The water rolled around him and he floated away. As he moved, the stream pulled the sour print along with him. Bunny thought it was fun to float along with the print. He moved faster and faster and soon it was out of sight. He never forgot the day he rolled in the stream with the sour print. Once there was a girl who loved the color orange. Everywhere she looked, she saw something orange, from the sky to the trees. One day, she decided to go on a search for something orange. She found a big orange seat in the park, and she sat in it. She was so happy, she stayed there for a long time. She looked around, and everywhere she searched, she found more orange things. She found orange flowers, and orange leaves, and even an orange bird flying overhead. The girl was so excited. She had found so many orange things on her search! She couldn’t believe it. She sat in her orange seat, admiring all the orange things around her. Once upon a time, there lived a mommy, a daddy, and a baby. One spring, mommy and daddy went away, and baby was left at home by herself. But baby was not scared because she trusted her parents. The sun was shining and it was very pretty outside. Baby decided to go explore. As she walked in the garden, she saw lots of pretty flowers. She picked some to put in a vase in her room. Next, she saw lots of birds singing in the trees. They were so pretty in their bright colors and baby laughed with delight. Finally, baby saw a puppy in the grass. He was so excited to see her and he wanted to play. Baby had so much fun playing with the puppy and she was happy to have met him. By the time mommy and daddy got back home, baby was tired from all her adventures. She was happy to be back home because now she knew she could always trust her parents, and have a fun time in the spring. Once upon a time there was a little girl. She loved to fold things and make them neat. Her favourite thing to fold was a big armchair. She liked to find the folds and make them really tight. One day the little girl had a special surprise. Her grandma was visiting and gave her a big gift. She opened it and it was a brand new armchair! The little girl was so excited. She ran to her room to try it out. She sat in the armchair and felt how soft and comfy it was. Then she started to fold it. She made the back straight and the arms nice and neat. When she finished folding, the little girl was so proud. She called her mum and brother over to see her new armchair. Her mum said it was perfect and her brother clapped very loud. The little girl smiled and hugged her armchair. A little boy was walking through the park. He saw an orange woman sitting on the bench. He went closer and noticed she had a blanket around her. He asked her why and she smiled. She told him she was cold. The little boy wanted to help. He looked around and saw some leaves. He gathered them up, then realized he could make a fire! He collected some sticks and put them together. Then, he lit the fire with a match he found in his pocket. The orange woman was so happy, she thanked him and gave him a big hug! Soon enough, the fire was warm and the orange woman was no longer cold. The little boy went home happy. He realized he had done something good and he had made the orange woman smile. He knew it was nice to help others. He had a great day! Mum and Anna wanted to do something useful. They had a jar, so they decided to put something special in it. They put in some coins and some buttons and some shells. Mum explained that the jar was very useful, as it could help them do something special. They took the jar outside and put it in front of the tree. They put some flowers around it and then went back inside. Anna wanted to know what the jar was for, so Mum told her it was going to help the birds. The jar would have food and water for the birds, so they could get energy to fly around. Anna was very happy to imagine all the birds coming to eat and drink from the jar. The jar was providing something useful to all the birds. Anna was so excited that she gave Mum a big hug! Once upon a time, there was a lively little girl named Molly. She was always full of energy and loved to spend time with her friends. One day, she decided to explore a nearby forest. As Molly ventured deeper into the forest, she suddenly heard a loud roar. Scared and curious, she followed the sound. She was amazed to find a giant monster! Molly was brave and ran towards the monster. She was surprised to find that the monster was actually very friendly. She quickly made friends with the monster and spent the entire day exploring the forest and playing with her new friend. The monster and Molly had a great time together. When it was time for Molly to go home, the monster waved goodbye with a smile. From then on, Molly visited the forest often and spent lots of time with the friendly monster. Once upon a time, there lived an old man. He was very sad because he could not find his best flute. He looked everywhere, but it was gone. One day, his neighbour found an old flute in her garden. It was a very rare flute and she took it to the old man. He was so happy! He thanked her very much. The old man stayed with his flute. He loved playing it and he never wanted to lose it again. He kept it safe and played it every day. He felt so lucky to have such a rare flute. The old man was happy and he stayed happy for a very long time. Even when he was an old man, he was still playing his flute and smiling. One day, Mark and his Mommy went out for a walk. Mark was so excited that he ran ahead to find new things. He found some trees, some flowers, and he even found a neighbor. The neighbor was kind and smiled at Mark. Mark liked talking to the neighbor and asked her if she wanted to play. She said yes! So they played together for a while. They ran around and laughed and shouted together. After a while, Mark and the neighbor got tired. His Mommy called him, so they said goodbye. Mark waved goodbye to the neighbor, and she waved back. Mark and Mommy went home. He was very tired, but he was happy that he got to meet the nice neighbor. He thought about her all the way home. Once upon a time there was a girl named Suzy and a boy named Jonathan. They were best friends and liked to play together. One day Jonathan had an idea. He wanted to do a special job. He wanted to pick flowers and make a big bouquet. Suzy thought it was a great idea and went with him to the meadow. It was a sunshine day. The meadow was full of beautiful and colorful flowers. But there was one problem. As soon as they started picking the flowers, Jonathan's nose started to tickle. He sneezed! Suzy laughed and said it was a smelly sneeze. Jonathan said he anyone can have a smelly sneeze sometimes. The duo worked hard in the meadow and finally they were done. They had the biggest and most colorful bouquet that anybody had ever seen. They took it home and showed it to their parents. Everyone was so excited. It was the best job they had ever done. The end. Once upon a time, there was an old lady who lived in a far away land. She was very sad, and she often wept. She had a skull that she kept in her room, and she would tell it her secrets. One day, the old lady was feeling particularly lonely. She stroked the skull lovingly, and whispered softly in its ear: “Please come alive and be my friendâ€. To her surprise, the skull came alive! He jumped down from the shelf, and happily hugged the old lady. She was so happy that she stopped weeping. The old lady and the skull became the best of friends. Every day, they would go for walks together, or simply sit and chat about the old days. From then on, the old lady smiled every time she looked at the skull. She no longer felt sad and soon, things were back to normal. Mimi and her friends were discussing something incredible. Mimi said, "Let's go to the toilet!" Her friends were excited and followed her. When they arrived at the toilet, it was incredible! It was huge and sparkled like diamonds. They all jumped with joy. Mimi said, "Let's discuss how cool this toilet is!" All the friends agreed and started to discuss how incredible it was. Mimi and her friends talked about the toilet the whole day. They were so happy and amazed. Once there was a little boy who really liked the colour orange. His mommy was painting in the living room and she found an orange cable. She said, "Let's make this cable into a better toy for you! I will burn the ends of the cable so you can use it as a pretend microphone!" The little boy was so excited. He watched as the orange cable burned on the ends. Then his mommy put it in his hands. She said, "Now sing your favorite song for me!" So the little boy sang, and his mommy clapped along. The little boy was so happy to have an orange cable to play with. He would use it as a microphone all alone and with his mommy. He felt like a real singer! Once upon a time there was a camp. It was interesting and everyone wanted to go there. One day some kids decided to have a very special day at the camp. They brought some scissors and decided to cut paper. The kids were happy and excited to make all kinds of shapes. They made stars, flowers, and even circles. They had the best day at the camp, making things with the scissors. All the kids had a great time and were sad when it was time to go home. The day at the camp was really fun and interesting. One day, a player was walking down the road, gazing at the world around him. He saw broken flowers in the grass and broken bird nests in the trees. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from down the lane. He slowly walked closer and saw a broken toy car lying on the ground. He couldn't help but gaze in awe at the broken toy. The player slowly picked up the toy car and held it in his hands. He looked around and found a small stick on the ground. He carefully put the stick in the car, and the car miraculously started to move! The player was so happy, he started laughing loudly. He found joy in his broken car that was now moving around. He grabbed it, and ran off playing with it everywhere he went. From that day on, the player never stopped playing with his broken car. Whenever he gazed out of the window, he thanked his broken car for bringing him so much joy. Once upon a time there were two friends, Joe and Zara. They liked to do lots of fun things together, like playing tag and going to the park. But one day when they were playing, they started to quarrel. They argued about who deserved the shiny stone they had found. They both wanted it, and neither wanted to share. Suddenly, a magical staff appeared. It was a special staff, and it could make any wish come true. The two friends wondered if it would solve their problem. The staff spoke with a friendly voice, "I can make your wish come true, so you don't have to quarrel". The staff waved its wand, and Joe and Zara were amazed! It had made two shiny stones! Now Joe and Zara were happy again. They thanked the magical staff and promised to never quarrel again. Then they went home, hand in hand, full of joy. Mommy put her hands on her hips and said, "Let's pack!" She went to the closet and got a big yellow box. Mommy put the box on the ground, and then she and the little girl took out the toys from the closet and put them in the box. They even put in a few pink dolls and a yellow train. Next, Mommy got some tape and put it around the box. She said, "There, now the box is nice and packed." The little girl hugged Mommy and said, "Thank you, Mommy." And then Mommy smiled, with a big twinkle in her eye. The little girl picked up the yellow box and said, "Where are we going?" Mommy said, "We're going to Grandma's house!" The little girl was excited and started running to the car with the yellow box. Both Mommy and the little girl were so happy and ready to go! Jane was very excited. She was going to the store today to get a new pen. She was three years old and listened carefully to her mom to make sure she followed all the instructions. When she arrived at the store, she went straight to the pen section and looked at all the colorful pens. She wanted the pink glittery pen the most. Mommy said that Jane could pick out any pen she wanted. She carefully chose the pink glittery one. Jane listened to her mom carefully and paid the cashier with her allowance money. Jane couldn't wait to get home and start using her new pen. She sat down and wrote a letter to her friend with her new pen. It was so delicious to write with it! She smiled with delight as she put the finishing touches on her letter. Jane was very proud of her pen and thanked her mom for taking her to the store. She knew she had made the right choice and learned an important lesson about listening, something she would never forget! Once upon a time there was a tight gate. It was so tight that nobody could open it. Every day the gate disappeared, but nobody knew where it went. One day, a 3 year old decided to find out where the gate went. She watched and waited all day until the gate disappeared. Suddenly, the little girl spotted a magic key in front of the gate. She took the key and put it in the gate. She tried to turn it, but it was too tight. So, she used all of her strength and the gate opened! Behind the gate, the little girl discovered a big surprise. The gate had opened to reveal a beautiful garden. She smiled and ran around in the garden. That night, the little girl put the key back in the gate and it disappeared! From then on, the little girl and her friends could go to the garden everyday and play. Once upon a time there was a silly girl named Emma. She loved to play with all kinds of weird things. One day, Emma found a big bag of powder. She thought it would be fun to mix it together with some water. She poured some of the powder into a bowl, added the water and then mixed it all together. The mixture was a funny color, so Emma thought it must be special. She put it on her head, thinking it would make her look nice. But it didn't. When her Mom saw her, she told her off for being so foolish. She said that powder was not for playing with. Emma was sad, but she learned her lesson and never mixed powder again. Once upon a time there was a boy named Bill. He was 3 years old and wanted a license. He begged his mom for one, but she said it was too dangerous for him to have one. Bill was very frustrated, so he decided to find a way to get a license. He went outside and rolled a tire to the license office. All the grown-ups laughed at him, but Bill kept going. He found a stupid way to get a license. He rolled into the building and asked the lady at the desk for a license. The lady was surprised! But in the end, the lady gave him a license. The other grown-ups were amazed and Bill was very proud of himself. From that day on, he always knew he could do anything if he just tried hard enough. Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucy. She was three years old, and she liked to be helpful. Every day, Lucy tried to do her best and help people in her village. One day, Lucy saw a flower in her garden. She wanted to make it special, and so she watered it and sang to it so that it could bloom. Soon enough, the flower bloomed and was strong and healthy. Lucy was so proud! Everyone in her village saw how reliable Lucy was and so they gave her a special medal for all her hard work. From that day, Lucy and the flower were best friends. She kept taking care of it and it kept blooming every day. And with her medal, Lucy showed everyone how much she had achieved and how hard she had worked. The adorable puppy wanted to play! She twisted and turned all over the house, looking for something fun. Suddenly, she saw a big, grey cloud coming from the kitchen. It was smoke, and it made her nose wrinkle. The puppy followed the smoke and found a big oven. Inside were two chocolate cupcakes! She was so excited, she started to jump and twist in joy. The smoke came off the hot cupcakes, but the puppy didn't care. She wanted to share one with her owner. The puppy grabbed one of the cupcakes in her mouth and ran out the kitchen. She carefully twisted and spun through the house until she found her owner. Seeing the puppy's adorable face, her owner knew what she wanted! They shared the cupcake, and it was the best day ever! Once there was a chubby cat who loved to take naps in the sun. Every day, the cat would roll around in the warm light, often falling asleep for hours at a time. One day, the cat was disturbed by an oven that had been left on. It was so hot that the cat ran away in a big hurry. The cat was so scared that it ran straight off into the woods and never looked back. The cat never returned to that place. Instead, it stayed deep in the woods, taking lots of naps in the sun. Every time the oven was turned on, the cat would go somewhere the heat couldn't reach it. It was very happy living in the woods and never wanted to be disturbed again. Once there was a chubby purple cat. He loved to stay in his warm bed all day. He was so happy and content that he never wanted to get up. One day, his mom wanted him to come out and play. So she called him, saying, "Come out and play, my chubby purple cat!" He reluctantly got out of bed, and was so happy to be outside! He stayed in the porch and watched the birds play. He was mesmerized by the way they hopped from branch to branch. He stayed there until the sun started to set. He stayed out a little too long and his mom called for him to come back inside. He came in reluctantly, but she made it worth his while. She gave him a big bowl of fresh cat food and a cozy bed to stay in. And from then on, he was always a happy chubby purple cat! Once upon a time Santa had a problem. He needed help to deliver all the presents on Christmas Eve. So, he looked around and saw the most dependable animal - a reindeer! He asked the reindeer if it wanted to help him, and the reindeer accepted. The reindeer was so strong and fast - it could fly with Santa everywhere in the world! Together, they visited many different countries and delivered happiness on Christmas Eve. But one year, when Christmas was coming, Santa was worried. He had more presents to deliver than ever before - he needed help! But who could he trust? Then he remembered the dependable reindeer. It had been so helpful before and had always accepted his tasks. Santa happily accepted its help again, and delivered all the presents on Christmas Eve! From then on, Santa and the reindeer were a dependable team and were friends for life. One day, the sun was shining brightly. Emmie wanted to do something special. She asked her mom for help. Her mom said, "Let's decorate!" Emmie was excited. She and her mom put on regular clothes and grabbed a bucket. Then, they went outside. They walked and walked until they reached a misty field. Emmie loved the misty air. Her mom said they could start decorating. They took out their bucket and found many colorful stones. Emmie and her mom carefully placed the stones in the ground. Soon, their garden was decorated with regular and patterned stones. Emmie was so proud of what they had done. She said it looked beautiful. "Just like a magical land," her mom said. "You did a great job, Emmie!" Once upon a time, there was a van. It was a big van and it belonged to a man. One day, the man wanted to go on a drive. He was feeling a bit foolish, so he thought he'd take a turn. He got inside the van and he quickly looked around. He put his hands on the wheel and turned the van around. He drove for a few miles and then he took a break. He got out of the van and had a little shake. He thought about where he wanted to go, but it had to be a place he already knew. He looked around, he thought and he pondered, but then he decided to turn back to where he started. He jumped inside the van and off he drove. He felt foolish, but he still had a lot to do and see. So he drove around and around until he felt a bit more sure. He drove back to where he started, a bit wiser than before. He learned an important lesson, one he wouldn't forget evermore. Once there was a little bear who was scared. He looked all around, but he wasn't sure why he was scared. He wanted to choose something to make him feel safe. So he decided to find some fur. He went outside and searched until he found some soft fur that he could wrap around himself. When he put the fur on, he felt warm and safe. He smiled, knowing that he had chosen the right thing. He was no longer scared. He had chosen something that made him feel safe and protected. One day, while playing outside, Tom discovered a magical sack. He quickly grabbed it and ran inside to have a closer look. Inside the sack, he found lots of shiny, bright things. Tom was so excited he couldn't believe his eyes. He showed the contents to Mom and Dad, and they were amazed, too. Every day, Tom opened the magical sack and more and more shiny, bright things would increase. Soon, Tom had piles of treasure from the magical sack. He enjoyed giving them away to his friends and family. Everyone was happy and excited. Tom eventually realized that the magical sack was never empty - no matter how much he gave away, the number of shiny, bright things kept increasing. The magical sack was the best present ever! Once upon a time, there were two friends named Lily and Mimi. They were both very playful and liked to laugh a lot. One day, Lily invited Mimi to come over to her house. Mimi was so excited and ran right over. When Mimi arrived, Lily had lots of things ready. She had some crayons with lots of different colors. She also had a big piece of paper and some glue. The two friends could make whatever they wanted. They were so excited. Lily and Mimi mixed all of the colors together to make a big colorful picture. They used their hands to spread the glue and the crayons to make the picture. They made a little red house with a blue door and a purple roof and a lot more! When the picture was done, Lily showed it to her mom. Her mom thought it was so beautiful, she invited the two friends to stay and have dinner with them. It was great to be with their family and friends. Lily and Mimi had so much fun that day. They made a beautiful, playful picture and enjoyed their dinner with their family. They hugged goodbye and promised to come back soon to make more pictures. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who had a loose tooth. Every day, she would wiggle the tooth with her tongue and the tooth would move back and forth. It started to become a game, and the little girl started to giggle with delight. One day, the little girl asked her mother if it was time to let the tooth go. She was so excited to meet the tooth fairy! Her mother gently nodded her head yes, so the little girl let her tooth out of her mouth. The little girl put her tooth under her pillow and waited for the tooth fairy to come visit. Sure enough, the tooth fairy came that night and left the little girl a present! She was so happy. From then on, the little girl carefully looked after her teeth, brushing and flossing gently every day. The light shone through the window. It was warm and inviting. Mum came in with a big bunch of broccoli. She gave it to the little girl and said, "Let's examine the broccoli." The little girl looked closely at the broccoli. She noticed the green leaves and the small purple flowers. Mum showed her how to break it apart. The little girl split open one of the florets. She smiled as she discovered the crunchy white inside. Mum and the little girl kept examining the broccoli. Together they peeled off some of the leaves and counted how many florets there were. When they were finished, they put the broccoli in a pot and made it into a delicious dinner. The little girl was very happy. Once upon a time there was a shy penguin. He like to eat fish every day. He liked to eat so much, that he ate all his fish very quickly. He then looked around for something else to eat. He saw a carrot and thought it looks yummy. He decided to give that a try. He ate the whole carrot in one big bite. Suddenly, he felt very full and decided to take a rest. He laid down and went to sleep. The end. Once upon a time, there was a powerful triangle. He liked giving things to his friends. One day, he saw a sad bunny. He asked the bunny what was wrong. The bunny said she was sad because she had nothing to play with. The triangle was so kind that he decided to give her a shiny toy. The bunny was so happy, she hugged the triangle and they became best friends. They had so much fun together! From then on, the triangle kept on giving his friends fun things to play with, and they were all very happy. Once upon a time there was a girl. She was very brave and wanted to travel. One day she went on a big journey. She went so far away, but it was not scary, because she was brave. Along the way, she saw many things. She saw lots of birds in the sky, and trees that were tall. She saw green hills and a grey sky, and a river that sparkled in the sun. Suddenly, the girl heard a noise. It was music! She followed it and eventually found a big circus. It was grey and there were tents and colorful flags. She laughed and smiled as she watched all the performers and funny animals. Soon the girl got tired, and the sun began to set. She was ready to go home. She traveled back along the road until she eventually returned safe and sound. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jenny. One day, she decided to go to the market. When she arrived, she felt a bit frightened. She noticed a lady who had some sweet treats. Jenny asked the lady if she could lend her some money, so she could buy a treat. The lady smiled and said yes. She gave Jenny some coins and Jenny was able to buy a yummy sweet. Jenny thanked the lady and said goodbye. She ate her treat on the way home, feeling very happy. The end. Once upon a time, there were two friends called Jack and Jill. They were very happy and enjoyed playing together. One day, Jack mentioned he had an interesting tip. Jill asked what it was. Jack said it was a secret. He asked Jill to close her eyes and he put something soft and squishy into her hands. He said it was his special tip. Jill opened her eyes. It was a cotton candy! She said it was really interesting and gave Jack a hug to say thank you. They both laughed and went to eat the delicious cotton candy. Once upon a time there was a generous shark. He swam in the big blue sea and was very kind. He lived in a big coral reef and everyone loved him. One day, the shark wanted to go on an adventure and see the world. So he said goodbye to his friends and set off on a journey. When he was travelling he saw a big boat. There were lots of people on it, having a party. They were eating and dancing and having a good time. So the shark decided to join them! He swam up to the boat, but the people were scared. They were scared of the shark and told him to go away. The shark was sad so he lied and said he'd go. He swam away feeling very lonely. When he got back to the coral reef, his friends were happy to see him. They all hugged him and thanked him for being so generous. The shark was so happy to be back home and he never wanted to leave again! Once there was a little girl named Amy who was very curious about the world. On a cold winter day, she decided to go to the library to learn more about the world. She shivered as the cold wind made her feel a little bit scared. In the library, the librarian was very reliable and helped Amy find the perfect book. She was very excited and quickly started exploring the library. She found lots of interesting books full of relevant facts and stories. Amy shivered with excitement once she started exploring the books. She learnt a lot of different things, including how to do new math calculations and read English. She was so proud of herself and happy with what she had learnt. Before she knew it, the day was over and Amy had to return home. She shivered a little again, in anticipation of what new adventures the library could bring her the next day. Once upon a time there was a delicate little bird. His lungs were very weak, but he wanted to fly. Every day he tried and tried, but he couldn't make it very far. Soon his friends noticed he was struggling. "Let's help him," they said, but he wouldn't quit. He was determined to fly. One day a sweet faery came along and waved her wand. Suddenly, the bird felt lighter! His lungs were strengthened and he began to fly. He was so happy! It wasn't long before he was soaring high above the trees. He was flying further and higher than ever before! His friends were so proud and cheered for him. The bird was so thankful for the faery's help. And from then on, he never quit flying! Once upon a time, there were two friends, a boy and a girl. They always liked to play together. One day, they decided to go for a walk. As they were walking, they saw a cross in a field. The cross was very big and it looked beautiful in the sunshine. The boy and girl decided to unite and climb the cross together. So they did! Once they were at the top, they heard a voice. It was a mean voice, angry like thunder. They looked down and saw a man. He was very, very angry and pointing his finger at them. The boy and the girl were so scared, they ran away and didn't look back. When they were far away, they looked at the cross one last time and saw the angry man was gone. They hugged each other and smiled because together, they were brave. Mama and Tommy were playing with blocks. Tommy put some blocks together to make a tower. He was so proud of it! Suddenly, mama revealed a surprise. She had sweet candy! Tommy was so excited and immediately popped one in his mouth. They enjoyed building more towers with the blocks and after, snacking on the candy. Tommy felt so lucky to have mama and the sweet candy. He hugged mama tightly showing just how grateful he was. Mama smiled and said she loved Tommy too. She had even more surprises to reveal that Tommy was sure he was going to enjoy. Tommy's face lit up when mama said this. He was so ready for the next surprise! Once upon a time there was a daughter. She was small and could not do much on her own. One day, she wanted to do something big. She leaned down and put her hands on the ground. Suddenly, an enormous tree appeared. It was so big that it was touching the clouds! The daughter was so amazed that she couldn't stop smiling. She began to lean against the trunk and look up at the leaves. She felt like she could reach the stars. Eventually, it was time for the daughter to go home. She said goodbye to the enormous tree and started walking away. She couldn't believe how much she had learned from leaning against it. Once upon a time, there was a sheep who was very deaf. She often couldn't hear what other animals said, which made her a little sad. One day, the sheep met some other animals, who tried to talk to her. But since she couldn't hear, she ignored them and walked away. The animals were quite upset so they decided to teach the sheep a lesson. They started to shout, but the sheep still couldn't hear them. So she just kept ignoring them and kept on walking. Every day the animals would try harder and harder, but the deaf sheep just kept on ignoring them. One day, a wise old owl appeared and noticed what was happening. He said to the animals, "You must stop trying to shout at the sheep, she can't hear you so it won't make a difference. Instead, try to be nicer to her and she will respond." The animals listened to the owl's advice and began to be friendly to the sheep instead of trying to shout at her. Surprisingly, the sheep started to understand them and they all became very good friends. Once upon a time there was a kitten stuck in a tree. The kitten meowed for help and looked very scared. Every animal in the nearby forest heard the kitten's cry. The animals gathered around the tree and asked lots of questions. One brave fox asked, "how can we rescue the kitten?". Every animal thought about how to make the rescue. At last, a wise badger came up with a plan. He said to use a tall ladder to climb up to the kitten. The animals worked together to put the tall ladder against the tree and the brave fox climbed up. The fox reached the kitten and gently carried her down to the ground. Everyone cheered and was so happy that the kitten was safe. The kitten stayed with the animals in the peaceful forest and was never scared again. Once there was a little girl who loved to explore. She had a special scale that she treasured. It was made of metal and was very hard. One day, when the little girl was exploring, she saw a squirrel. She wanted to reach up and touch its soft fur, but knew she was too short. She thought hard and remembered her scale. She picked it up and put it on the ground. She carefully put one foot on the scale and jumped. She loved how it made her tall enough to reach the squirrel. She reached out her hand and petted it until the squirrel ran away. The little girl loved how the scale helped her. She knew that if she wanted to explore, it would always help her. She kept it close to her and promised to look after it forever. Once there was a curious little boy named John. He loved to explore the world around him. One day he was sitting in the park when he saw a strange woman. She was balancing a large bowl of yogurt on her head! John was astonished by this. John watched as the woman carefully balanced the bowl of yogurt. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was so curious about it! He just had to try it. John ran over to the woman and asked if he could try it. She said yes and showed him how to balance the bowl on his head. He was a bit wobbly at first, but with the woman's help he was soon able to balance the bowl. John was proud of himself. He had managed to balance the bowl of yogurt on his head! He thanked the woman and ran back home to tell his family about his amazing discovery. Once upon a time, there was a big bird who loved to soar in the sky. One day, it had an idea. It picked up a big suitcase and flew high up in the air. It opened up the big luggage and found a surprise inside. It was a hamster! The hamster was so happy to be in the sky and the bird was happy too. Together, they soared high in the sky on the big bird’s wings. They flew everywhere, from the tall mountains to the wide ocean. Every day, they flew over the bright sunshine and had lots of fun! There was a quiet pit in the ground. It was a big hole in the dirt. Tommy was feeling brave. He wanted to try and complete the pit. He took a big shovel, and put it in the deep dirt. He dug and dug. Sweat beaded on his forehead, but he kept going. At last, the pit was complete! Tommy was so proud of himself. He had worked hard, but it was worth it. The pit was now perfect. It was deep, and cool inside. Perfect for a little adventure. Tommy went back to his family, and told them all about it. They were so proud of him for completing the pit! And now, Tommy and his family could have lots of fun adventures in the quiet pit! Mum and Dad and their two children, Ben and Lucy, were having a picnic. Ben and Lucy were chubby and excited to get out of the house and enjoy the sunny day. Mum unpacked some yummy food and they began eating. The sun was shining and the family were having a great time until they noticed how messy they were. Mum said, “It’s time to clean up.†So Ben and Lucy began picking up the crumbs and putting the food away. Mum and Dad helped by brushing off their clothes and packing their picnic basket. When they were all done, the picnic area was spotless! Mum said, “Let’s go for a walk and enjoy the sunshine.†So the chubby, happy family set off on a lovely walk, taking in the fresh air, and not leaving a mess behind. Once there was a little girl called Amy. She loved to spend time with her uncle. He always had exciting stories to tell and fun games to play. Today Amy was particularly excited because she was going to her uncle's house. When she arrived she asked if they could do something fun. Uncle looked around and then smiled. He said he had an idea and went inside to get a surprise. When he came back he had a kite! Amy was so excited. She thought it looked amazing with the bright colours and the long strings. Uncle showed her how to use the kite and they took it out into the garden. The wind wasn't very strong but they both kept thinking of ways to make it fly. Eventually they had enough ideas to give it a try and the kite flew high into the sky! Amy and her uncle laughed and cheered. When the kite had to come down, Uncle put it away and said he was very proud of Amy. He said she was available to have lots of fun and wonderful adventures. Amy smiled and gave her uncle a big hug. She thought it had been the best day ever! Once upon a time, there was a little boy called John who lived in a very big house. One day, he asked his mummy why he lived all alone. His mummy told him that when he grows up, he will find someone to love and marry and they will have a life together. John thought this sounded really nice and he smiled. The next day, something special happened. It was a sunny day and there was light streaming into the room. John looked outside and saw a beautiful girl holding lots of flowers. He knew it was for him and that it meant the girl wanted to marry him when he grew up. John was so happy and he smiled from ear to ear. John was happy because he knew that when he married the girl, he was going to have a new life and a life that shone with a light brighter than the sun. Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She loved to spin around and around and around. Everywhere she went, she spun and spun. One day, she spun all the way to a fire. It was warm and had a beautiful orange glow. She spun around the fire, looking at the smooth logs that were burning and crackling. She loved spinning and watching the fire. Soon, she started twirling and spinning faster and faster, so fast that the fire seemed to spin with her! She felt dizzy but so happy. Eventually, she stopped and sat down. She watched the fire until the logs were all gone and the fire was out. After that, she spun all the way home! Once upon a time there was a band. They wanted to make something special happen. So they decided to paint! They got a few buckets of paint and painted until the whole sky was blue. It was so impressive! Everyone stopped and admired their work. They all agreed that it was really beautiful. Everyone remarks that no one had ever painted like that before. Even the birds were impressed! The band was very happy to have made something so impressive. They knew that this painting would be remembered forever. Once upon a time, there was a fierce lion. He was the king of the jungle and everyone was scared of him. He had a big zipper on his back. One day, a kind monkey came to the lion and asked him to lend him his zipper. The lion agreed and let him borrow it. The monkey was so happy! He used the zipper to help carry around his things . He thanked the lion and returned it to him the next day. The lion was so happy that the monkey had been so kind. From then on, they were the best of friends and the lion lent the monkey his zipper whenever he needed it! The end! One day, a fierce turkey wanted to split in two. It was very excited and started running around. The turkey started running so fast that it split in the middle! The turkey's top half flapped its wings and flew away. The bottom half just ran and ran! The other animals on the farm were amazed. They hadn't seen anything like it before. All the other turkeys thought it was so cool. They watched the top half of the turkey split away from the bottom half. But the top half of the turkey got tired after flying so far. It looked around and saw a tree. It decided to land on the tree and rest. The tree was so big that the top half of the turkey fit into it perfectly. The other animals were still amazed at what they were seeing. They had never seen a bird split in two before. And now they got to watch the top half of a turkey rest in a tree! In the end, the top half of the turkey was so tired, it flew back and joined the bottom half again. They were united as one and it was a happy ending. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the green grass and pick flowers. One day, she found a tiny caterpillar and decided to keep it as a pet. She put it in a jar and placed it in her closet. Every day, Lily would check on the caterpillar and give it fresh leaves to eat. She noticed that it was growing bigger and bigger. One day, the caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly with green wings. Lily was so happy and decided to lead the butterfly outside to set it free. The butterfly flew away, and Lily felt proud that she had helped it grow big and strong. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to go on journeys with her mommy and daddy. One day, they went on a journey to the park. When they got there, they saw a big box. Lily wanted to open it, but her parents said no. Lily was sad, but she tried to be calm. They played in the park for a while, but when they came back to the box, it was open. Inside, there was a scary monster. Lily's parents tried to protect her, but the monster was too strong. They had to run away. Lily learned that it's not always good to open things that don't belong to you. She was sad that her journey ended badly, but she knew it was important to listen to her parents. Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily went to the zoo with her mom. They saw many animals like monkeys, elephants, and giraffes. But Lily was most excited to see the lion. She loved lions and had a toy lion at home. When they got to the lion's cage, Lily saw that the lion looked anxious. "Mommy, why is the lion sad?" she asked. "Maybe he wants to escape and go back to the jungle," her mom said. Suddenly, the lion roared loudly and broke free from the cage. Everyone started to run away, but Lily's mom tripped and fell. Lily tried to help her up, but the lion was getting closer. "We need to escape!" Lily shouted. But it was too late. The lion pounced on them and they were hurt. Lily was so scared and sad that she wished they had never gone to the zoo. From that day on, she never wanted to see a lion again. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a nice desk in his room where he liked to draw and color. One day, Timmy's mom came into his room and said, "Timmy, we're going to have a surprise party for your grandma tomorrow. Can you keep it a secret?" Timmy nodded his head and said, "Yes, I can keep it a secret." Timmy's mom smiled and left the room. Timmy went back to his desk and started to draw a picture of his grandma. He was happy that he could keep the surprise party a secret. The next day, Timmy's grandma arrived and everyone yelled, "Surprise!" Timmy was so happy to see his grandma's face light up with joy. He ran over to her and gave her a big hug. Timmy's mom said, "Timmy, you did a great job keeping the surprise party a secret. You're such a good boy." Timmy smiled and felt proud of himself. He knew that keeping secrets was important and he was happy that he could do it. Once upon a time, there was a peach tree. The tree had many peaches, but one peach was very special. It was the biggest and juiciest peach of them all. One day, a little girl named Lily saw the peach and wanted to eat it. She asked the tree, "Can I have the big peach, please?" The tree replied, "Yes, you can have it. But only if you say 'welcome'." Lily grabbed the peach and started to run away. The tree was very sad because Lily didn't say "thank you". Lily's mother saw her and asked, "Did you say 'thank you' to the tree?" Lily replied, "No, I didn't." Her mother said, "That's very rude. You need to say 'thank you' when someone gives you something." Lily felt bad and went back to the tree. She said, "I'm sorry for being rude. Thank you for the peach. You're welcome to my house anytime." The tree was happy and said, "Thank you for apologizing. Remember to always say 'thank you' and 'welcome'." From that day on, Lily always remembered to be polite and kind to others. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing outside in the sun, but sometimes it was too hot. She would sit under a big tree to get some shade. One day, Lily went outside to play and it was very sunny. She forgot to bring her hat and her mom told her to wear one. Lily didn't listen and soon she felt very hot and frustrated. She sat under her favorite tree but it didn't give her enough shade. She wanted to complain to her mom but she knew her mom would say, "I told you so." Suddenly, Lily remembered something her dad told her. He said, "If you ever need more shade, just tie a towel to a branch and make your own." Lily ran inside to get a towel and tied it to a branch. It made a perfect shade for her to play in. She was so happy and proud of herself for solving her problem. From that day on, Lily always remembered to bring her hat and if it was too hot, she would make her own shade. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a beautiful coat that her grandma gave her. One day, Lily saw her friend Sarah with a coat that was very interesting. It had many colors and patterns. Lily wanted a coat like Sarah's. She asked her mom if she could have one, but her mom said no. Lily was sad and went to her room to think. She remembered her grandma's words, "Be happy with what you have and don't compare yourself to others." Lily realized that her coat was special too. She decided to cut out some shapes from different colored fabrics and sew them onto her coat to make it more interesting. When she wore her coat to school the next day, her friends loved it and asked her how she made it. Lily felt proud and happy that she didn't need to have what others had to be special. Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Spot. Spot loved to run and play in the park. One day, he saw a big, brown pole and decided to bite it. But the pole was too hard and it hurt Spot's teeth. Spot's owner, a nice lady named Jane, saw what happened and took Spot to the store to buy him a toy. Jane found a cheap toy that Spot liked. It was a red ball that he could chase and bite without hurting his teeth. Spot was so happy with his new toy that he forgot all about the pole. He played with the ball all day in the park, chasing it and biting it. When it was time to go home, Spot was tired but very happy. He knew that he had the best toy in the world and he couldn't wait to play with it again tomorrow. The end. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had an elderly grandma who loved to read her stories every night. One night, Lily's grandma was reading her a story when suddenly the lamp went out. Lily's grandma tried to turn the lamp back on, but it wouldn't work. Lily said, "Let's dry it with a towel!" So they took a towel and dried the lamp. After they dried the lamp, it turned back on! Lily and her grandma were so happy. They finished reading the story together and went to bed. From then on, Lily always remembered to dry the lamp if it ever got wet. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to pick flowers in the park and put them in her pocket. One day, she found a flower that looked beautiful, but it had a bitter smell. She didn't know what to do with it. Lily asked her mom what to do with the flower. Her mom recommended that she throw it away because it was not a good flower to keep. Lily listened to her mom and threw the flower away. After that day, Lily learned that not all flowers are good to keep in her pocket. She only picked the ones that smelled nice and made her happy. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a big yard with lots of toys to play with. He loved his yard very much. One day, Timmy's friend came over to play with him. They played together for a while, but then Timmy's friend wanted to play with Timmy's favorite toy. Timmy didn't want to share his favorite toy, so he started to cry. Timmy's friend felt sad that Timmy was crying, so he decided to leave. Timmy felt even sadder because he lost his friend. He didn't know what to do. Timmy's mom saw him crying and asked him what was wrong. Timmy told her that he didn't want to share his favorite toy with his friend. Mom told Timmy that it's not nice to not share with friends. She said that sharing is important and that it makes people happy. Timmy realized that his mom was right. He went to his friend's house and apologized for not sharing. His friend forgave him and they played together again. Timmy felt happy again and realized that sharing is a modern thing to do. Once upon a time, there was a little fish named Nemo who lived in a reef. Nemo loved to swim and play with his friends. One day, he met a new friend named Dory. Dory said, "Let's go on an adventure!" Nemo was excited and said, "Yes, let's go!" They swam and swam until they found a soft spot in the reef. Suddenly, a big octopus appeared and said, "This is my spot! You must leave!" Nemo and Dory were scared but they didn't want to leave. Nemo said, "Please let us stay. We just want to have fun." The octopus thought about it and finally said, "Okay, but only if you promise to not zoom around and disturb the other creatures." Nemo and Dory promised and they all became friends. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a shiny red knob on her bedroom door. One day, she accidentally locked herself inside her room and couldn't open the door. She started to cry and shout for help. Her polite brother, Jack, heard her cries and came running to her room. He tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn't budge. He asked Lily to stand back and he kicked the door. The door flew open and Lily hugged her brother. "Thank you for saving me, Jack!" said Lily. "You're welcome, Lily. Always remember to be careful with the door knob," said Jack politely. Lily nodded and promised to be careful. She was happy to have such a kind and brave brother. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. He loved to play soccer with his friends at the park. One day, Timmy saw a big, shiny trophy in the window of the store. He asked his mom, "Can I get that trophy? It looks so cool!" His mom replied, "You have to score a goal first, Timmy. It's not easy, but I believe in you." Timmy practiced and practiced, and finally, during the big game, he scored the winning goal! His teammates cheered and he felt so proud. As he walked home with his mom, he gazed at the trophy in the store window. "Mom, can we go get my trophy now?" he asked. His mom smiled and said, "Of course, Timmy. You earned it!" And they went to the store to get Timmy's trophy, which he proudly displayed in his room for years to come. Once upon a time, there was a queen who wanted to make a cake. She asked her friend, a little girl, to help her. The little girl was happy to help the queen. They mixed the ingredients and put the cake in the oven. Suddenly, the oven caught on fire! The cake started to burn. The little girl shouted, "Oh no, the cake is burning!" The queen quickly took the cake out of the oven and put out the fire. Even though the cake was burnt, they were successful in making it. The little girl said, "We may have burnt the cake, but we are still successful because we worked together." The queen smiled and agreed with her little friend. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. He loved to eat beans and always had them for dinner. But one day, he accidentally spilled his beans on the floor and didn't clean them up. Timmy's mom warned him that if he didn't clean up his beans, something bad might happen. But Timmy was too selfish and didn't listen. That night, Timmy went to bed and dreamed of a giant bean monster chasing him. He tried to escape, but the monster was too fast. Suddenly, Timmy remembered his mom's warning and realized the monster was made of his own spilled beans! The next morning, Timmy woke up and quickly cleaned up his mess. From that day on, he always listened to his mom and never let his selfishness get in the way again. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She liked to play outside in the sun, but sometimes she got scared of her shadow. One day, she asked her mommy, "Why does my shadow follow me everywhere?" Her mommy replied, "Your shadow is a part of you. It settles on the ground when the sun shines on you." Lily thought about it for a moment and said, "I want to be independent like my shadow. It doesn't need me to be there." Her mommy smiled and said, "You will be independent one day, but for now, let's play together and have fun in the sun." And they played together until the sun set and Lily's shadow disappeared. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She wanted to go to the park, but her mommy said they had to go to the train station instead. Lily didn't want to go to the station, but her mommy said they had to. When they got to the station, Lily saw a big, beautiful train. She wanted to ride it, but her mommy said they had to wait for a different train. Lily didn't like waiting, but she knew she had to be patient. While they waited, Lily saw a graceful butterfly flying around. She wanted to catch it, but her mommy said they had to leave the butterfly alone. Lily didn't want to leave the butterfly, but she knew it was the right thing to do. Finally, their train came and they got on. Lily was happy because she got to choose where they sat. She picked a seat by the window and watched the world go by. She was glad they went to the station after all. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a house with her mommy and daddy. One day, Lily wanted to travel to the park. She asked her mommy, "Can we go to the park, please?" Her mommy said, "Sure, we can take the tube to get there." The tube was a big train that went very fast. Lily was excited to ride it. When they got on the tube, Lily saw that it was gray. She said, "Look mommy, the tube is gray!" Her mommy smiled and said, "Yes, it is." After a while, they arrived at the park. Lily had so much fun playing on the swings and slides. When it was time to go home, Lily said, "Thank you for taking me to the park, mommy. I had a great time!" Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to eat candy and play with his toys. One day, Timmy's mom took him to the park to have some fun. While at the park, Timmy saw a man selling popcorn. Timmy asked his mom if he could have some popcorn to eat. His mom said yes and bought him a bag of popcorn. Timmy ate the popcorn and it was very tasty. He told his mom that it was the most original popcorn he had ever eaten. His mom smiled and said, "I'm glad you liked it, Timmy. Did you have fun at the park?" Timmy nodded his head and said, "Yes, I had lots of fun!" Once upon a time, there was a car named Max. Max was a red car and he loved to go fast. One day, Max was driving down the road when he heard a strange noise. He stopped the car and looked under the hood. Max saw that something was wrong with his engine. He didn't know how to fix it, so he asked a mechanic for help. The mechanic was a powerful man with big muscles. He looked at Max's engine and said, "I can fix this for you, Max." Max was happy that the mechanic could help him. He watched as the mechanic fixed his engine. Suddenly, Max's engine roared to life and he could feel the power again. "Thank you, Mr. Mechanic!" Max said. "You're welcome, Max," the mechanic replied. "I'm glad I could help you." Max drove away, feeling happy and grateful. He knew that if he ever had a problem with his car again, he could always go to the powerful mechanic for help. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and have fun with her friends. But one night, Lily had a nightmare. She woke up crying and scared. Her mom came to her room and asked, "What happened, Lily? Why are you crying?" Lily said, "I had a crazy dream, Mommy. There were monsters chasing me and I was so scared." Her mom hugged her and said, "It's okay, Lily. It was just a bad dream. You don't have to be scared." Lily felt better and went back to sleep. The next morning, she woke up and told her friends about her nightmare. They all laughed and said, "Don't worry, Lily. We'll protect you from any monsters!" Lily smiled and felt happy that she had such good friends. She realized that even though she had a scary dream, she didn't have to be afraid because she had people who loved her and would always be there for her. Once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in a big palace. She loved to play outside in the big garden. One day, she saw a butterfly that was very high up in the sky. She wanted to catch it, so she climbed up on a ladder. But then, the ladder fell down and the princess was stuck up high. She cried out for help, but no one came. She was all alone in the garden. As the sun started to set, the princess knew she had to leave the garden and go back inside the palace. But she was too scared to climb down by herself. She stayed up high all night long, until she fell asleep. The next morning, the king found his daughter still up in the tree. He was very angry with her for climbing so high and not listening to the rules. The princess was very sad and knew she had made a big mistake. From then on, she never climbed so high again. Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the wild garden behind her house. One day, while she was playing, she saw a little birdie stuck in a tree. "Oh no! Birdie stuck!" cried Lily. She ran to get her big brother, Max. "Max! Max! Birdie stuck! Help!" Max came running and saw the little birdie in the tree. "Don't worry, Lily. I'll rescue the birdie," he said. Max climbed up the tree and rescued the birdie. Lily was so happy and said, "Thank you, Max. You're my hero!" From that day on, Lily and Max always played in the wild garden together and looked out for each other. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She liked to draw and write with her crayons. One day, she wanted to write a letter to her grandma. She asked her mom for a piece of paper and a pencil. While she was writing, she saw a little candle on the table. It was so pretty and it smelled like vanilla. She blew it out and watched the smoke go up in the air. Lily finished her letter and put it in an envelope. She put a little sticker on it and gave it to her mom to send to grandma. She was happy because she wrote a letter and blew out a candle. The end. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved hats and always wore one when he went outside to play. One day, Timmy's mom said they were going on a car ride and Timmy needed to get ready. Timmy put on his favorite hat and got into the car. As they drove down the road, Timmy noticed that his mom kept looking in the backseat. He asked her what was wrong and she said they needed to find his sister's hat. Timmy looked around and saw the hat on the floor. He picked it up and put it on the seat next to him. When they arrived at their destination, Timmy's sister was so happy to have her hat back. Timmy was proud that he was able to help his mom and sister. He knew he was always ready to lend a hand. Once upon a time, there was a pretty butterfly named Flutter. Flutter loved to fly around and make new friends. One day, she met a caterpillar named Wiggle. They became fast friends and played together every day. One day, Wiggle found some poison berries and wanted to eat them. Flutter warned Wiggle that the berries were not good to eat and he might get sick. But Wiggle didn't listen and ate the berries anyway. A few moments later, Wiggle started to feel sick and couldn't move. Flutter tried to help him, but it was too late. Wiggle had forgotten what Flutter had told him about the poison berries and now he was gone. Flutter was very sad and missed her friend. She promised to never forget the lesson she learned that day. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy didn't like vegetables, especially the bitter ones. One day, his mom made him eat his vegetables before he could have dessert. Timmy said, "Mommy, I don't want to eat my vegetables. They taste yucky." His mom replied, "You have to eat them so you can grow up to be big and strong. Just try a little bit." Timmy took a bite and made a face. "It's still bitter," he said. His mom said, "Just keep trying. You'll get used to it. And when you pass your vegetables, you'll feel much better." Once upon a time, there was a little gray mouse named Timmy. Timmy loved to run and play with his friends in the field. One day, Timmy was playing with his friend Sammy when he saw a big, scary cat coming towards them. "Quick, Sammy! We need to run!" Timmy shouted. Sammy was scared and didn't know what to do. "I don't know if I can run that fast," he said. "Don't worry, just mind your steps and run as fast as you can!" Timmy encouraged him. The two little mice ran as fast as they could, their hearts beating fast. They were so happy when they finally reached their hole and were safe from the cat. "That was close," Sammy said, panting. "Thanks for helping me, Timmy." "No problem, Sammy. That's what friends are for," Timmy replied with a smile. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and her favorite toy was a big orange ball. One day, Lily was playing with her ball and accidentally dropped it on the floor. The ball rolled under her bed and she couldn't reach it. Lily asked her mommy for help and her mommy got a long piece of tape. She stretched the tape and stuck it to the ball. Then, she slowly pulled the tape back and the ball came out from under the bed. Lily was so happy! After that, Lily played with her ball and had so much fun. She even showed her friends how her mommy used tape to help her get her ball. They all thought it was so cool! Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Teddy. Teddy was very scared of the dark. One night, he went to bed and he heard a loud noise. He got very scared and started to cry. His mommy came in and hugged him tight. She said, "Don't worry, Teddy. I'm here to comfort you." Teddy felt better and went back to sleep. The next day, Teddy went to the park with his friends. They played on the swings and the slide. When it was time to go home, Teddy's friend went the wrong way and Teddy got lost. He started to cry because he didn't know how to get home. But then he saw a sign that said "EXIT" and he knew that was the way to go home. He followed the sign and found his way back home. Teddy's mommy was very happy to see him. She gave him a big hug and said, "You're such a brave little bear. You found your way home all by yourself!" Teddy felt very proud of himself and knew that he could do anything he set his mind to. The moral of the story is that even when things seem scary and deep, there is always a way out and someone to comfort you. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a cozy sweater that her grandma gave her. One day, Lily went outside to play with her toys. She heard a sound and looked around. It was her friend Billy! He wanted to play with her toys too. But Lily didn't want to share because she felt selfish. Billy asked her why she didn't want to share. Lily told him that the toys were hers and she didn't want to share them. But then she thought about it and realized that sharing was a good thing. She decided to let Billy play with her toys and they had fun together. After they finished playing, Billy told Lily that he liked her sweater. Lily felt happy and offered to let him wear it for a little while. Billy was grateful and wore the sweater happily. From that day on, Lily learned that it was important to share and be kind to her friends. Once upon a time, there was a big, fierce lion. He lived in the jungle with his friends. One day, the lion said to his friends, "I want to stay in my cave all week." His friends were sad because they loved playing with him. But the lion was very tired and needed rest. So he stayed in his cave for a whole week. After a week, the lion felt much better. He came out of his cave and saw his friends waiting for him. They were happy to see him and asked him how he was feeling. The lion said he was feeling great and thanked his friends for letting him stay in his cave all week. From that day on, the lion made sure to take breaks when he needed them. His friends understood that sometimes it's important to stay in and rest. And they all lived happily ever after in the jungle. The end. Once upon a time, there were two twin sisters. They looked just the same and liked to play together. One day, they decided to create a big tower with their blocks. It was very helpful to have two of them because they could build it faster. They laughed and had fun while they created their tower. When they finished, they were very proud of what they had made. They hugged each other and promised to always be helpful and create more things together. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play sports with his friends. He thought it was amazing when they scored goals and ran around. One day, Timmy and his friends were trying to decide which sport to play. Timmy wanted to play soccer, but his friend Billy disagreed. Billy wanted to play basketball instead. Timmy said, "I don't agree with you, Billy. Soccer is more fun." But Billy said, "No, basketball is better. We can shoot hoops and dunk the ball." They couldn't decide which sport to play, so they decided to play both! They played soccer first and then played basketball. It was an amazing day filled with lots of fun and laughter. Once upon a time, there was a kind fairy who lived in a big forest. She loved to help all the animals who lived there. One day, a little bird was stuck in a tree and couldn't fly away. The thoughtful fairy heard the bird's cries and came to help. She used her magic to free the bird and it flew away happily. The fairy continued to help all the animals in the forest whenever they needed it. She helped a rabbit find its way home and a squirrel gather nuts for the winter. Everyone loved the fairy because she was so helpful and kind. One day, the fairy got lost in the forest and couldn't find her way back home. She was feeling sad and scared. But then, a group of animals came to her and helped her find her way back. She was so grateful for their help and thanked them all. From then on, the fairy knew that it was important to help others, but also to ask for help when she needed it too. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and her friends. One day, her mommy told her that they needed to go to the store to buy a new calendar. Lily asked, "What is a calendar?" "It's a special paper that helps us remember what day it is," replied her mommy. Lily and her mommy went to the store and bought a new calendar. As they were walking back home, they saw a fierce dog. The dog started to bark loudly and chase after them. Lily's mommy picked her up and ran as fast as she could, but the dog caught up to them. The dog bit Lily's mommy and she fell down. Lily cried and cried, but it was too late. Her mommy didn't make it. From that day on, Lily always remembered the day on the calendar when her mommy died. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved going to the park to play with his friends. One day, Timmy's mom took him to the park to play. They brought some tea to drink while they played. Timmy and his friends were having lots of fun until a big, angry dog came running towards them. The dog looked very scary and Timmy's friends ran away. Timmy was too scared to move and the dog started chasing him. Timmy's mom tried to help him but the dog was too fast. In the end, the dog caught up to Timmy and bit him. Timmy was very hurt and had to go to the hospital. His mom was very sad and angry at the dog for hurting her son. Timmy never wanted to go to the park again after that scary day. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She liked to watch the birds fly in the sky. One day, her mommy took her to the shop to buy some candy. Lily was very happy and safe holding her mommy's hand. At the shop, Lily saw a big jar of colorful candy. She asked her mommy if she could have some. Her mommy said yes and let her pick out her favorite flavor. Lily was so excited to have her candy and she felt safe with her mommy by her side. On the way back home, Lily watched the trees and flowers as they passed by. She was happy and content with her candy and the safe feeling of being with her mommy. When they got home, Lily showed her candy to her daddy and they all had a happy time together. The end. Once upon a time, there was a jolly little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to point at things and show his friends what he found. One day, Timmy's mom heard some news on the TV. She told Timmy that they had to leave their home because there was danger nearby. Timmy was sad, but his mom told him to be brave. They packed up their things and left their home. They walked for a long time until they found a new place to stay. But this place was not safe either. One day, bad people came and hurt Timmy's family. Timmy was very scared and he couldn't point at anything anymore. He wished he could go back home where it was safe. But he couldn't. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing with cardboard boxes. She would make castles, forts, and even cars out of them. One day, Lily was playing with a big cardboard box when her little brother Max came over.