country = "??" nl.append(NodeLocation(dc["DATACENTERID"], dc["LOCATION"], country, self)) return nl def linode_set_datacenter(self, dc): """ Set the default datacenter for Linode creation Since Linodes must be created in a facility, this function sets the default that :class:`create_node` will use. If a location keyword is not passed to :class:`create_node`, this method must have already been used. :keyword dc: the datacenter to create Linodes in unless specified :type dc: :class:`NodeLocation` :rtype: ``bool`` """ did = params = {"api_action": "avail.datacenters"} data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] for datacenter in data: if did == dc["DATACENTERID"]: self.datacenter = did return dcs = ", ".join([d["DATACENTERID"] for d in data]) self.datacenter = None raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Invalid datacenter (use one of %s)" % dcs) def destroy_volume(self, volume): """ Destroys disk volume for the Linode. Linode id is to be provided as extra["LinodeId"] whithin :class:`StorageVolume`. It can be retrieved by :meth:`libcloud.compute.drivers.linode.LinodeNodeDriver\ .ex_list_volumes`. :param volume: Volume to be destroyed :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(volume, StorageVolume): raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Invalid volume instance") if volume.extra["LINODEID"] is None: raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Missing LinodeID") params = { "api_action": "linode.disk.delete", "LinodeID": volume.extra["LINODEID"], "DiskID":, } self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params) return True def ex_create_volume(self, size, name, node, fs_type): """ Create disk for the Linode. :keyword size: Size of volume in megabytes (required) :type size: ``int`` :keyword name: Name of the volume to be created :type name: ``str`` :keyword node: Node to attach volume to. :type node: :class:`Node` :keyword fs_type: The formatted type of this disk. Valid types are: ext3, ext4, swap, raw :type fs_type: ``str`` :return: StorageVolume representing the newly-created volume :rtype: :class:`StorageVolume` """ # check node if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Invalid node instance") # check space available total_space = node.extra['TOTALHD'] existing_volumes = self.ex_list_volumes(node) used_space = 0 for volume in existing_volumes: used_space = used_space + volume.size available_space = total_space - used_space if available_space < size: raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Volume size too big. Available space\ %d" % available_space) # check filesystem type if fs_type not in self._linode_disk_filesystems: raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Not valid filesystem type") params = { "api_action": "linode.disk.create", "LinodeID":, "Label": name, "Type": fs_type, "Size": size } data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] volume = data["DiskID"] # Make a volume out of it and hand it back params = { "api_action": "linode.disk.list", "LinodeID":, "DiskID": volume } data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] return self._to_volumes(data)[0] def ex_list_volumes(self, node, disk_id=None): """ List existing disk volumes for for given Linode. :keyword node: Node to list disk volumes for. (required) :type node: :class:`Node` :keyword disk_id: Id for specific disk volume. (optional) :type disk_id: ``int`` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Invalid node instance") params = { "api_action": "linode.disk.list", "LinodeID": } # Add param if disk_id was specified if disk_id is not None: params["DiskID"] = disk_id data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] return self._to_volumes(data) def _to_volumes(self, objs): """ Covert returned JSON volumes into StorageVolume instances :keyword objs: ``list`` of JSON dictionaries representing the StorageVolumes :type objs: ``list`` :return: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume`s """ volumes = {} for o in objs: vid = o["DISKID"] volumes[vid] = vol = StorageVolume(id=vid, name=o["LABEL"], size=int(o["SIZE"]), driver=self.connection.driver) vol.extra = copy(o) return list(volumes.values()) def _to_nodes(self, objs): """Convert returned JSON Linodes into Node instances :keyword objs: ``list`` of JSON dictionaries representing the Linodes :type objs: ``list`` :return: ``list`` of :class:`Node`s""" # Get the IP addresses for the Linodes nodes = {} batch = [] for o in objs: lid = o["LINODEID"] nodes[lid] = n = Node(id=lid, name=o["LABEL"], public_ips=[], private_ips=[], state=self.LINODE_STATES[o["STATUS"]], driver=self.connection.driver) n.extra = copy(o) n.extra["PLANID"] = self._linode_plan_ids.get(o.get("TOTALRAM")) batch.append({"api_action": "linode.ip.list", "LinodeID": lid}) # Avoid batch limitation ip_answers = [] args = [iter(batch)] * 25 if PY3: izip_longest = itertools.zip_longest # pylint: disable=no-member else: izip_longest = getattr(itertools, 'izip_longest', _izip_longest) for twenty_five in izip_longest(*args): twenty_five = [q for q in twenty_five if q] params = {"api_action": "batch", "api_requestArray": json.dumps(twenty_five)} req = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params) if not req.success() or len(req.objects) == 0: return None ip_answers.extend(req.objects) # Add the returned IPs to the nodes and return them for ip_list in ip_answers: for ip in ip_list: lid = ip["LINODEID"] which = nodes[lid].public_ips if ip["ISPUBLIC"] == 1 else\ nodes[lid].private_ips which.append(ip["IPADDRESS"]) return list(nodes.values()) class LinodeNodeDriverV4(LinodeNodeDriver): connectionCls = LinodeConnectionV4 _linode_disk_filesystems = LINODE_DISK_FILESYSTEMS_V4 LINODE_STATES = { 'running': NodeState.RUNNING, 'stopped': NodeState.STOPPED, 'provisioning': NodeState.STARTING, 'offline': NodeState.STOPPED, 'booting': NodeState.STARTING, 'rebooting': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'shutting_down': NodeState.STOPPING, 'deleting': NodeState.PENDING, 'migrating': NodeState.MIGRATING, 'rebuilding': NodeState.UPDATING, 'cloning': NodeState.MIGRATING, 'restoring': NodeState.PENDING, 'resizing': NodeState.RECONFIGURING } LINODE_DISK_STATES = { 'ready': StorageVolumeState.AVAILABLE, 'not ready': StorageVolumeState.CREATING, 'deleting': StorageVolumeState.DELETING } LINODE_VOLUME_STATES = { 'creating': StorageVolumeState.CREATING, 'active': StorageVolumeState.AVAILABLE, 'resizing': StorageVolumeState.UPDATING, 'contact_support': StorageVolumeState.UNKNOWN } def list_nodes(self): """ Returns a list of Linodes the API key in use has access to view. :return: List of node objects :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Node` """ data = self._paginated_request('/v4/linode/instances', 'data') return [self._to_node(obj) for obj in data] def list_sizes(self): """ Returns a list of Linode Types : rtype: ``list`` of :class: `NodeSize` """ data = self._paginated_request('/v4/linode/types', 'data') return [self._to_size(obj) for obj in data] def list_images(self): """ Returns a list of images :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeImage` """ data = self._paginated_request('/v4/images', 'data') return [self._to_image(obj) for obj in data] def list_locations(self): """ Lists the Regions available for Linode services :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeLocation` """ data = self._paginated_request('/v4/regions', 'data') return [self._to_location(obj) for obj in data] def start_node(self, node): """Boots a node the API Key has permission to modify :param node: the node to start :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s/boot' %, method='POST') return response.status == httplib.OK def ex_start_node(self, node): # NOTE: This method is here for backward compatibility reasons after # this method was promoted to be part of the standard compute API in # Libcloud v2.7.0 return self.start_node(node=node) def stop_node(self, node): """Shuts down a a node the API Key has permission to modify. :param node: the Linode to destroy :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s/shutdown' %, method='POST') return response.status == httplib.OK def ex_stop_node(self, node): # NOTE: This method is here for backward compatibility reasons after # this method was promoted to be part of the standard compute API in # Libcloud v2.7.0 return self.stop_node(node=node) def destroy_node(self, node): """Deletes a node the API Key has permission to `read_write` :param node: the Linode to destroy :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s' %, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.OK def reboot_node(self, node): """Reboots a node the API Key has permission to modify. :param node: the Linode to destroy :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s/reboot' %, method='POST') return response.status == httplib.OK def create_node(self, location, size, image=None, name=None, root_pass=None, ex_authorized_keys=None, ex_authorized_users=None, ex_tags=None, ex_backups_enabled=False, ex_private_ip=False): """Creates a Linode Instance. In order for this request to complete successfully, the user must have the `add_linodes` grant as this call will incur a charge. :param location: which region to create the node in :type location: :class:`NodeLocation` :param size: the plan size to create :type size: :class:`NodeSize` :keyword image: which distribution to deploy on the node :type image: :class:`NodeImage` :keyword name: the name to assign to node.\ Must start with an alpha character.\ May only consist of alphanumeric characters,\ dashes (-), underscores (_) or periods (.).\ Cannot have two dashes (--), underscores (__) or periods (..) in a row. :type name: ``str`` :keyword root_pass: the root password (required if image is provided) :type root_pass: ``str`` :keyword ex_authorized_keys: a list of public SSH keys :type ex_authorized_keys: ``list`` of ``str`` :keyword ex_authorized_users: a list of usernames.\ If the usernames have associated SSH keys,\ the keys will be appended to the root users `authorized_keys` :type ex_authorized_users: ``list`` of ``str`` :keyword ex_tags: list of tags for the node :type ex_tags: ``list`` of ``str`` :keyword ex_backups_enabled: whether to be enrolled \ in the Linode Backup service (False) :type ex_backups_enabled: ``bool`` :keyword ex_private_ip: whether or not to request a private IP :type ex_private_ip: ``bool`` :return: Node representing the newly-created node :rtype: :class:`Node` """ if not isinstance(location, NodeLocation): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid location instance") if not isinstance(size, NodeSize): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid size instance") attr = {'region':, 'type':, 'private_ip': ex_private_ip, 'backups_enabled': ex_backups_enabled, } if image is not None: if root_pass is None: raise LinodeExceptionV4("root password required " "when providing an image") attr['image'] = attr['root_pass'] = root_pass if name is not None: valid_name = r'^[a-zA-Z]((?!--|__|\.\.)[a-zA-Z0-9-_.])+$' if not re.match(valid_name, name): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid name") attr['label'] = name if ex_authorized_keys is not None: attr['authorized_keys'] = list(ex_authorized_keys) if ex_authorized_users is not None: attr['authorized_users'] = list(ex_authorized_users) if ex_tags is not None: attr['tags'] = list(ex_tags) response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances', data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_node(response) def ex_get_node(self, node_id): """ Return a Node object based on a node ID. :keyword node_id: Node's ID :type node_id: ``str`` :return: Created node :rtype : :class:`Node` """ response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s' % node_id).object return self._to_node(response) def ex_list_disks(self, node): """ List disks associated with the node. :param node: Node to list disks. (required) :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`LinodeDisk` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") data = self._paginated_request('/v4/linode/instances/%s/disks' %, 'data') return [self._to_disk(obj) for obj in data] def ex_create_disk(self, size, name, node, fs_type, image=None, ex_root_pass=None, ex_authorized_keys=None, ex_authorized_users=None, ex_read_only=False): """ Adds a new disk to node :param size: Size of disk in megabytes (required) :type size: ``int`` :param name: Name of the disk to be created (required) :type name: ``str`` :param node: Node to attach disk to (required) :type node: :class:`Node` :param fs_type: The formatted type of this disk. Valid types are: ext3, ext4, swap, raw, initrd :type fs_type: ``str`` :keyword image: Image to deploy the volume from :type image: :class:`NodeImage` :keyword ex_root_pass: root password,required \ if an image is provided :type ex_root_pass: ``str`` :keyword ex_authorized_keys: a list of SSH keys :type ex_authorized_keys: ``list`` of ``str`` :keyword ex_authorized_users: a list of usernames \ that will have their SSH keys,\ if any, automatically appended \ to the root user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. :type ex_authorized_users: ``list`` of ``str`` :keyword ex_read_only: if true, this disk is read-only :type ex_read_only: ``bool`` :return: LinodeDisk representing the newly-created disk :rtype: :class:`LinodeDisk` """ attr = {'label': str(name), 'size': int(size), 'filesystem': fs_type, 'read_only': ex_read_only} if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") if fs_type not in self._linode_disk_filesystems: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Not valid filesystem type") if image is not None: if not isinstance(image, NodeImage): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid image instance") # when an image is set, root pass must be set as well if ex_root_pass is None: raise LinodeExceptionV4("root_pass is required when " "deploying an image") attr['image'] = attr['root_pass'] = ex_root_pass if ex_authorized_keys is not None: attr['authorized_keys'] = list(ex_authorized_keys) if ex_authorized_users is not None: attr['authorized_users'] = list(ex_authorized_users) response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s/disks' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_disk(response) def ex_destroy_disk(self, node, disk): """ Destroys disk for the given node. :param node: The Node the disk is attached to. (required) :type node: :class:`Node` :param disk: LinodeDisk to be destroyed (required) :type disk: :class:`LinodeDisk` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") if not isinstance(disk, LinodeDisk): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid disk instance") if node.state != self.LINODE_STATES['stopped']: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Node needs to be stopped" " before disk is destroyed") response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s/disks/%s' % (,, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.OK def list_volumes(self): """Get all volumes of the account :rtype: `list` of :class: `StorageVolume` """ data = self._paginated_request('/v4/volumes', 'data') return [self._to_volume(obj) for obj in data] def create_volume(self, name, size, location=None, node=None, tags=None): """Creates a volume and optionally attaches it to a node. :param name: The name to be given to volume (required).\ Must start with an alpha character. \ May only consist of alphanumeric characters,\ dashes (-), underscores (_)\ Cannot have two dashes (--), underscores (__) in a row. :type name: `str` :param size: Size in gigabytes (required) :type size: `int` :keyword location: Location to create the node.\ Required if node is not given. :type location: :class:`NodeLocation` :keyword volume: Node to attach the volume to :type volume: :class:`Node` :keyword tags: tags to apply to volume :type tags: `list` of `str` :rtype: :class: `StorageVolume` """ valid_name = '^[a-zA-Z]((?!--|__)[a-zA-Z0-9-_])+$' if not re.match(valid_name, name): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid name") attr = { 'label': name, 'size': int(size), } if node is not None: if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") attr['linode_id'] = int( else: # location is only required if a node is not given if location: if not isinstance(location, NodeLocation): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid location instance") attr['region'] = else: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Region must be provided " "when node is not") if tags is not None: attr['tags'] = list(tags) response = self.connection.request('/v4/volumes', data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_volume(response) def attach_volume(self, node, volume, persist_across_boots=True): """Attaches a volume to a node. Volume and node must be located in the same region :param node: Node to attach the volume to(required) :type node: :class:`Node` :param volume: Volume to be attached (required) :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :keyword persist_across_boots: Wether volume should be \ attached to node across boots :type persist_across_boots: `bool` :rtype: :class: `StorageVolume` """ if not isinstance(volume, StorageVolume): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid volume instance") if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") if volume.extra['linode_id'] is not None: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Volume is already attached to a node") if node.extra['location'] != volume.extra['location']: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Volume and node " "must be on the same region") attr = { 'linode_id': int(, 'persist_across_boots': persist_across_boots } response = self.connection.request('/v4/volumes/%s/attach' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_volume(response) def detach_volume(self, volume): """Detaches a volume from a node. :param volume: Volume to be detached (required) :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(volume, StorageVolume): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid volume instance") if volume.extra['linode_id'] is None: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Volume is already detached") response = self.connection.request('/v4/volumes/%s/detach' %, method='POST') return response.status == httplib.OK def destroy_volume(self, volume): """Destroys the volume given. :param volume: Volume to be deleted (required) :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(volume, StorageVolume): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid volume instance") if volume.extra['linode_id'] is not None: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Volume must be detached" " before it can be deleted.") response = self.connection.request('/v4/volumes/%s' %, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.OK def ex_resize_volume(self, volume, size): """Resizes the volume given. :param volume: Volume to be resized :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :param size: new volume size in gigabytes, must be\ greater than current size :type size: `int` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(volume, StorageVolume): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid volume instance") if volume.size >= size: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Volumes can only be resized up") attr = { 'size': size } response = self.connection.request('/v4/volumes/%s/resize' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST') return response.status == httplib.OK def ex_clone_volume(self, volume, name): """Clones the volume given :param volume: Volume to be cloned :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :param name: new cloned volume name :type name: `str` :rtype: :class:`StorageVolume` """ if not isinstance(volume, StorageVolume): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid volume instance") attr = { 'label': name } response = self.connection.request('/v4/volumes/%s/clone' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_volume(response) def ex_get_volume(self, volume_id): """ Return a Volume object based on a volume ID. :param volume_id: Volume's id :type volume_id: ``str`` :return: A StorageVolume object for the volume :rtype: :class:`StorageVolume` """ response = self.connection.request('/v4/volumes/%s' % volume_id).object return self._to_volume(response) def create_image(self, disk, name=None, description=None): """Creates a private image from a LinodeDisk. Images are limited to three per account. :param disk: LinodeDisk to create the image from (required) :type disk: :class:`LinodeDisk` :keyword name: A name for the image.\ Defaults to the name of the disk \ it is being created from if not provided :type name: `str` :keyword description: A description of the image :type description: `str` :return: The newly created NodeImage :rtype: :class:`NodeImage` """ if not isinstance(disk, LinodeDisk): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid disk instance") attr = { 'disk_id': int(, 'label': name, 'description': description } response = self.connection.request('/v4/images', data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_image(response) def delete_image(self, image): """Deletes a private image :param image: NodeImage to delete (required) :type image: :class:`NodeImage` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(image, NodeImage): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid image instance") response = self.connection.request('/v4/images/%s' %, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.OK def ex_list_addresses(self): """List IP addresses :return: LinodeIPAddress list :rtype: `list` of :class:`LinodeIPAddress` """ data = self._paginated_request('/v4/networking/ips', 'data') return [self._to_address(obj) for obj in data] def ex_list_node_addresses(self, node): """List all IPv4 addresses attached to node :param node: Node to list IP addresses :type node: :class:`Node` :return: LinodeIPAddress list :rtype: `list` of :class:`LinodeIPAddress` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s/ips' % return self._to_addresses(response) def ex_allocate_private_address(self, node, address_type='ipv4'): """Allocates a private IPv4 address to node.Only ipv4 is currently supported :param node: Node to attach the IP address :type node: :class:`Node` :keyword address_type: Type of IP address :type address_type: `str` :return: The newly created LinodeIPAddress :rtype: :class:`LinodeIPAddress` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") # Only ipv4 is currently supported if address_type != 'ipv4': raise LinodeExceptionV4("Address type not supported") # Only one private IP address can be allocated if len(node.private_ips) >= 1: raise LinodeExceptionV4("Nodes can have up to one private IP") attr = { 'public': False, 'type': address_type } response = self.connection.request('/v4/linode/instances/%s/ips' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_address(response) def ex_share_address(self, node, addresses): """Shares an IP with another node.This can be used to allow one Linode to begin serving requests should another become unresponsive. :param node: Node to share the IP addresses with :type node: :class:`Node` :keyword addresses: List of IP addresses to share :type address_type: `list` of :class: `LinodeIPAddress` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") if not all(isinstance(address, LinodeIPAddress) for address in addresses): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid address instance") attr = { 'ips': [address.inet for address in addresses], 'linode_id': int( } response = self.connection.request('/v4/networking/ipv4/share', data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST') return response.status == httplib.OK def ex_resize_node(self, node, size, allow_auto_disk_resize=False): """ Resizes a node the API Key has read_write permission to a different Type. The following requirements must be met: - The node must not have a pending migration - The account cannot have an outstanding balance - The node must not have more disk allocation than the new size allows :param node: the Linode to resize :type node: :class:`Node` :param size: the size of the new node :type size: :class:`NodeSize` :keyword allow_auto_disk_resize: Automatically resize disks \ when resizing a node. :type allow_auto_disk_resize: ``bool`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") if not isinstance(size, NodeSize): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node size") attr = {'type':, 'allow_auto_disk_resize': allow_auto_disk_resize} response = self.connection.request( '/v4/linode/instances/%s/resize' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST') return response.status == httplib.OK def ex_rename_node(self, node, name): """Renames a node :param node: the Linode to resize :type node: :class:`Node` :param name: the node's new name :type name: ``str`` :return: Changed Node :rtype: :class:`Node` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid node instance") attr = {'label': name} response = self.connection.request( '/v4/linode/instances/%s' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='PUT').object return self._to_node(response) def _to_node(self, data): extra = { 'tags': data['tags'], 'location': data['region'], 'ipv6': data['ipv6'], 'hypervisor': data['hypervisor'], 'specs': data['specs'], 'alerts': data['alerts'], 'backups': data['backups'], 'watchdog_enabled': data['watchdog_enabled'] } public_ips = [ip for ip in data['ipv4'] if not is_private_subnet(ip)] private_ips = [ip for ip in data['ipv4'] if is_private_subnet(ip)] return Node( id=data['id'], name=data['label'], state=self.LINODE_STATES[data['status']], public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips, driver=self, size=data['type'], image=data['image'], created_at=self._to_datetime(data['created']), extra=extra) def _to_datetime(self, strtime): return datetime.strptime(strtime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") def _to_size(self, data): extra = { 'class': data['class'], 'monthly_price': data['price']['monthly'], 'addons': data['addons'], 'successor': data['successor'], 'transfer': data['transfer'], 'vcpus': data['vcpus'], 'gpus': data['gpus'] } return NodeSize( id=data['id'], name=data['label'], ram=data['memory'], disk=data['disk'], bandwidth=data['network_out'], price=data['price']['hourly'], driver=self, extra=extra ) def _to_image(self, data): extra = { 'type': data['type'], 'description': data['description'], 'created': self._to_datetime(data['created']), 'created_by': data['created_by'], 'is_public': data['is_public'], 'size': data['size'], 'eol': data['eol'], 'vendor': data['vendor'], } return NodeImage( id=data['id'], name=data['label'], driver=self, extra=extra ) def _to_location(self, data): extra = { 'status': data['status'], 'capabilities': data['capabilities'], 'resolvers': data['resolvers'] } return NodeLocation( id=data['id'], name=data['id'], country=data['country'].upper(), driver=self, extra=extra) def _to_volume(self, data): extra = { 'created': self._to_datetime(data['created']), 'tags': data['tags'], 'location': data['region'], 'linode_id': data['linode_id'], 'linode_label': data['linode_label'], 'state': self.LINODE_VOLUME_STATES[data['status']], 'filesystem_path': data['filesystem_path'] } return StorageVolume( id=str(data['id']), name=data['label'], size=data['size'], driver=self, extra=extra) def _to_disk(self, data): return LinodeDisk( id=data['id'], state=self.LINODE_DISK_STATES[data['status']], name=data['label'], filesystem=data['filesystem'], size=data['size'], driver=self, ) def _to_address(self, data): extra = { 'gateway': data['gateway'], 'subnet_mask': data['subnet_mask'], 'prefix': data['prefix'], 'rdns': data['rdns'], 'node_id': data['linode_id'], 'region': data['region'], } return LinodeIPAddress( inet=data['address'], public=data['public'], version=data['type'], driver=self, extra=extra ) def _to_addresses(self, data): addresses = data['ipv4']['public'] + data['ipv4']['private'] return [self._to_address(address) for address in addresses] def _paginated_request(self, url, obj, params=None): """ Perform multiple calls in order to have a full list of elements when the API responses are paginated. :param url: API endpoint :type url: ``str`` :param obj: Result object key :type obj: ``str`` :param params: Request parameters :type params: ``dict`` :return: ``list`` of API response objects :rtype: ``list`` """ objects = [] params = params if params is not None else {} ret = self.connection.request(url, params=params).object data = list(ret.get(obj, [])) current_page = int(ret.get('page', 1)) num_of_pages = int(ret.get('pages', 1)) objects.extend(data) for page in range(current_page + 1, num_of_pages + 1): # add param to request next page params['page'] = page ret = self.connection.request(url, params=params).object data = list(ret.get(obj, [])) objects.extend(data) return objects def _izip_longest(*args, **kwds): """Taken from Python docs """ fillvalue = kwds.get('fillvalue') def sentinel(counter=([fillvalue] * (len(args) - 1)).pop): yield counter() # yields the fillvalue, or raises IndexError fillers = itertools.repeat(fillvalue) iters = [itertools.chain(it, sentinel(), fillers) for it in args] try: for tup in itertools.izip(*iters): # pylint: disable=no-member yield tup except IndexError: pass #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # (c) 2016, René Moser # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cs_role short_description: Manages user roles on Apache CloudStack based clouds. description: - Create, update, delete user roles. version_added: '2.3' author: René Moser (@resmo) options: name: description: - Name of the role. type: str required: true id: description: - ID of the role. - If provided, I(id) is used as key. type: str aliases: [ uuid ] role_type: description: - Type of the role. - Only considered for creation. type: str default: User choices: [ User, DomainAdmin, ResourceAdmin, Admin ] description: description: - Description of the role. type: str state: description: - State of the role. type: str default: present choices: [ present, absent ] extends_documentation_fragment: cloudstack ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Ensure an user role is present cs_role: name: myrole_user delegate_to: localhost - name: Ensure a role having particular ID is named as myrole_user cs_role: name: myrole_user id: 04589590-ac63-4ffc-93f5-b698b8ac38b6 delegate_to: localhost - name: Ensure a role is absent cs_role: name: myrole_user state: absent delegate_to: localhost ''' RETURN = ''' --- id: description: UUID of the role. returned: success type: str sample: 04589590-ac63-4ffc-93f5-b698b8ac38b6 name: description: Name of the role. returned: success type: str sample: myrole description: description: Description of the role. returned: success type: str sample: "This is my role description" role_type: description: Type of the role. returned: success type: str sample: User ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.cloudstack import ( AnsibleCloudStack, cs_argument_spec, cs_required_together, ) class AnsibleCloudStackRole(AnsibleCloudStack): def __init__(self, module): super(AnsibleCloudStackRole, self).__init__(module) self.returns = { 'type': 'role_type', } def get_role(self): uuid = self.module.params.get('uuid') if uuid: args = { 'id': uuid, } roles = self.query_api('listRoles', **args) if roles: return roles['role'][0] else: args = { 'name': self.module.params.get('name'), } roles = self.query_api('listRoles', **args) if roles: return roles['role'][0] return None def present_role(self): role = self.get_role() if role: role = self._update_role(role) else: role = self._create_role(role) return role def _create_role(self, role): self.result['changed'] = True args = { 'name': self.module.params.get('name'), 'type': self.module.params.get('role_type'), 'description': self.module.params.get('description'), } if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.query_api('createRole', **args) role = res['role'] return role def _update_role(self, role): args = { 'id': role['id'], 'name': self.module.params.get('name'), 'description': self.module.params.get('description'), } if self.has_changed(args, role): self.result['changed'] = True if not self.module.check_mode: res = self.query_api('updateRole', **args) # The API as in 4.9 does not return an updated role yet if 'role' not in res: role = self.get_role() else: role = res['role'] return role def absent_role(self): role = self.get_role() if role: self.result['changed'] = True args = { 'id': role['id'], } if not self.module.check_mode: self.query_api('deleteRole', **args) return role def main(): argument_spec = cs_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( uuid=dict(aliases=['id']), name=dict(required=True), description=dict(), role_type=dict(choices=['User', 'DomainAdmin', 'ResourceAdmin', 'Admin'], default='User'), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present'), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_together=cs_required_together(), supports_check_mode=True ) acs_role = AnsibleCloudStackRole(module) state = module.params.get('state') if state == 'absent': role = acs_role.absent_role() else: role = acs_role.present_role() result = acs_role.get_result(role) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main() #!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at import os import subprocess import sys import BaseHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPServer import urlparse import json # Port to run the HTTP server on for Dromaeo. TEST_SERVER_PORT = 8192 # Run servo and print / parse the results for a specific Dromaeo module. def run_servo(servo_exe, tests): url = "http://localhost:{0}/dromaeo/web/?{1}&automated&post_json".format(TEST_SERVER_PORT, tests) args = [servo_exe, url, "-z", "-f"] return subprocess.Popen(args) # Print usage if command line args are incorrect def print_usage(): print("USAGE: {0} tests servo_binary dromaeo_base_dir".format(sys.argv[0])) # Handle the POST at the end class RequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_POST(self): self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write("POST OK.

") length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')) parameters = urlparse.parse_qs( self.server.got_post = True self.server.post_data = parameters['data'] def log_message(self, format, *args): return if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 4: tests = sys.argv[1] servo_exe = sys.argv[2] base_dir = sys.argv[3] os.chdir(base_dir) # Ensure servo binary can be found if not os.path.isfile(servo_exe): print("Unable to find {0}. This script expects an existing build of Servo.".format(servo_exe)) sys.exit(1) # Start the test server server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', TEST_SERVER_PORT), RequestHandler) print("Testing Dromaeo on Servo!") proc = run_servo(servo_exe, tests) server.got_post = False while not server.got_post: server.handle_request() data = json.loads(server.post_data[0]) n = 0 l = 0 for test in data: n = max(n, len(data[test])) l = max(l, len(test)) print("\n Test{0} | Time".format(" " * (l - len("Test")))) print("-{0}-|-{1}-".format("-" * l, "-" * n)) for test in data: print(" {0}{1} | {2}".format(test, " " * (l - len(test)), data[test])) proc.kill() else: print_usage() """ Module containing single call export functions. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2013, the IPython Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from functools import wraps from IPython.nbformat.v3.nbbase import NotebookNode from IPython.utils.decorators import undoc from IPython.utils.py3compat import string_types from .exporter import Exporter from .templateexporter import TemplateExporter from .html import HTMLExporter from .slides import SlidesExporter from .latex import LatexExporter from .markdown import MarkdownExporter from .python import PythonExporter from .rst import RSTExporter #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @undoc def DocDecorator(f): #Set docstring of function f.__doc__ = f.__doc__ + """ nb : :class:`~{nbnode_mod}.NotebookNode` The notebook to export. config : config (optional, keyword arg) User configuration instance. resources : dict (optional, keyword arg) Resources used in the conversion process. Returns ------- tuple- output, resources, exporter_instance output : str Jinja 2 output. This is the resulting converted notebook. resources : dictionary Dictionary of resources used prior to and during the conversion process. exporter_instance : Exporter Instance of the Exporter class used to export the document. Useful to caller because it provides a 'file_extension' property which specifies what extension the output should be saved as. Notes ----- WARNING: API WILL CHANGE IN FUTURE RELEASES OF NBCONVERT """.format(nbnode_mod=NotebookNode.__module__) @wraps(f) def decorator(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorator #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __all__ = [ 'export', 'export_html', 'export_custom', 'export_slides', 'export_latex', 'export_markdown', 'export_python', 'export_rst', 'export_by_name', 'get_export_names', 'ExporterNameError' ] class ExporterNameError(NameError): pass @DocDecorator def export(exporter, nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object using specific exporter class. Parameters ---------- exporter : class:`~IPython.nbconvert.exporters.exporter.Exporter` class or instance Class type or instance of the exporter that should be used. If the method initializes it's own instance of the class, it is ASSUMED that the class type provided exposes a constructor (``__init__``) with the same signature as the base Exporter class. """ #Check arguments if exporter is None: raise TypeError("Exporter is None") elif not isinstance(exporter, Exporter) and not issubclass(exporter, Exporter): raise TypeError("exporter does not inherit from Exporter (base)") if nb is None: raise TypeError("nb is None") #Create the exporter resources = kw.pop('resources', None) if isinstance(exporter, Exporter): exporter_instance = exporter else: exporter_instance = exporter(**kw) #Try to convert the notebook using the appropriate conversion function. if isinstance(nb, NotebookNode): output, resources = exporter_instance.from_notebook_node(nb, resources) elif isinstance(nb, string_types): output, resources = exporter_instance.from_filename(nb, resources) else: output, resources = exporter_instance.from_file(nb, resources) return output, resources exporter_map = dict( custom=TemplateExporter, html=HTMLExporter, slides=SlidesExporter, latex=LatexExporter, markdown=MarkdownExporter, python=PythonExporter, rst=RSTExporter, ) def _make_exporter(name, E): """make an export_foo function from a short key and Exporter class E""" def _export(nb, **kw): return export(E, nb, **kw) _export.__doc__ = """Export a notebook object to {0} format""".format(name) return _export g = globals() for name, E in exporter_map.items(): g['export_%s' % name] = DocDecorator(_make_exporter(name, E)) @DocDecorator def export_by_name(format_name, nb, **kw): """ Export a notebook object to a template type by its name. Reflection (Inspect) is used to find the template's corresponding explicit export method defined in this module. That method is then called directly. Parameters ---------- format_name : str Name of the template style to export to. """ function_name = "export_" + format_name.lower() if function_name in globals(): return globals()[function_name](nb, **kw) else: raise ExporterNameError("template for `%s` not found" % function_name) def get_export_names(): """Return a list of the currently supported export targets WARNING: API WILL CHANGE IN FUTURE RELEASES OF NBCONVERT""" return sorted(exporter_map.keys()) # -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*- # # Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto # Copyright 2007 Kenneth Loafman # # This file is part of duplicity. # # Duplicity is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # Duplicity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with duplicity; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA from future_builtins import filter, map import re #@UnusedImport import types import os import tempfile from duplicity import tarfile #@UnusedImport from duplicity import librsync #@UnusedImport from duplicity import log #@UnusedImport from duplicity import diffdir from duplicity import selection from duplicity import tempdir from duplicity import util #@UnusedImport from duplicity.path import * #@UnusedWildImport from duplicity.lazy import * #@UnusedWildImport """Functions for patching of directories""" class PatchDirException( Exception ): pass def Patch( base_path, difftar_fileobj ): """Patch given base_path and file object containing delta""" diff_tarfile = tarfile.TarFile( "arbitrary", "r", difftar_fileobj ) patch_diff_tarfile( base_path, diff_tarfile ) assert not difftar_fileobj.close() def Patch_from_iter( base_path, fileobj_iter, restrict_index=() ): """Patch given base_path and iterator of delta file objects""" diff_tarfile = TarFile_FromFileobjs( fileobj_iter ) patch_diff_tarfile( base_path, diff_tarfile, restrict_index ) def patch_diff_tarfile( base_path, diff_tarfile, restrict_index=() ): """Patch given Path object using delta tarfile (as in tarfile.TarFile) If restrict_index is set, ignore any deltas in diff_tarfile that don't start with restrict_index. """ if base_path.exists(): path_iter = selection.Select( base_path ).set_iter() else: path_iter = empty_iter() # probably untarring full backup diff_path_iter = difftar2path_iter( diff_tarfile ) if restrict_index: diff_path_iter = filter_path_iter( diff_path_iter, restrict_index ) collated = diffdir.collate2iters( path_iter, diff_path_iter ) ITR = IterTreeReducer( PathPatcher, [base_path] ) for basis_path, diff_ropath in collated: if basis_path: log.Info(_("Patching %s") % (util.ufn(basis_path.get_relative_path())), log.InfoCode.patch_file_patching, util.escape( basis_path.get_relative_path() ) ) ITR( basis_path.index, basis_path, diff_ropath ) else: log.Info(_("Patching %s") % (util.ufn(diff_ropath.get_relative_path())), log.InfoCode.patch_file_patching, util.escape( diff_ropath.get_relative_path() ) ) ITR( diff_ropath.index, basis_path, diff_ropath ) ITR.Finish() base_path.setdata() def empty_iter(): if 0: yield 1 # this never happens, but fools into generator treatment def filter_path_iter( path_iter, index ): """Rewrite path elements of path_iter so they start with index Discard any that doesn't start with index, and remove the index prefix from the rest. """ assert isinstance( index, tuple ) and index, index l = len( index ) for path in path_iter: if path.index[:l] == index: path.index = path.index[l:] yield path def difftar2path_iter( diff_tarfile ): """Turn file-like difftarobj into iterator of ROPaths""" tar_iter = iter( diff_tarfile ) multivol_fileobj = None # The next tar_info is stored in this one element list so # Multivol_Filelike below can update it. Any StopIterations will # be passed upwards. tarinfo_list = [] while 1: # This section relevant when a multivol diff is last in tar if not tarinfo_list[0]: raise StopIteration if multivol_fileobj and not multivol_fileobj.at_end: multivol_fileobj.close() # aborting in middle of multivol continue index, difftype, multivol = get_index_from_tarinfo( tarinfo_list[0] ) ropath = ROPath( index ) ropath.init_from_tarinfo( tarinfo_list[0] ) ropath.difftype = difftype if difftype == "deleted": ropath.type = None elif ropath.isreg(): if multivol: multivol_fileobj = Multivol_Filelike( diff_tarfile, tar_iter, tarinfo_list, index ) ropath.setfileobj( multivol_fileobj ) yield ropath continue # Multivol_Filelike will reset tarinfo_list else: ropath.setfileobj( diff_tarfile.extractfile( tarinfo_list[0] ) ) yield ropath tarinfo_list[0] = def get_index_from_tarinfo( tarinfo ): """Return (index, difftype, multivol) pair from tarinfo object""" for prefix in ["snapshot/", "diff/", "deleted/", "multivol_diff/", "multivol_snapshot/"]: tiname = util.get_tarinfo_name( tarinfo ) if tiname.startswith( prefix ): name = tiname[len( prefix ):] # strip prefix if prefix.startswith( "multivol" ): if prefix == "multivol_diff/": difftype = "diff" else: difftype = "snapshot" multivol = 1 name, num_subs = \ re.subn( "(?s)^multivol_(diff|snapshot)/?(.*)/[0-9]+$", "\\2", tiname ) if num_subs != 1: raise PatchDirException(u"Unrecognized diff entry %s" % util.ufn(tiname)) else: difftype = prefix[:-1] # strip trailing / name = tiname[len( prefix ):] if name.endswith( "/" ): name = name[:-1] # strip trailing /'s multivol = 0 break else: raise PatchDirException(u"Unrecognized diff entry %s" % util.ufn(tiname)) if name == "." or name == "": index = () else: index = tuple( name.split( "/" ) ) if '..' in index: raise PatchDirException(u"Tar entry %s contains '..'. Security " "violation" % util.ufn(tiname)) return ( index, difftype, multivol ) class Multivol_Filelike: """Emulate a file like object from multivols Maintains a buffer about the size of a volume. When it is read() to the end, pull in more volumes as desired. """ def __init__( self, tf, tar_iter, tarinfo_list, index ): """Initializer. tf is TarFile obj, tarinfo is first tarinfo""", self.tar_iter = tf, tar_iter self.tarinfo_list = tarinfo_list # must store as list for write access self.index = index self.buffer = "" self.at_end = 0 def read( self, length= -1 ): """Read length bytes from file""" if length < 0: while self.addtobuffer(): pass real_len = len( self.buffer ) else: while len( self.buffer ) < length: if not self.addtobuffer(): break real_len = min( len( self.buffer ), length ) result = self.buffer[:real_len] self.buffer = self.buffer[real_len:] return result def addtobuffer( self ): """Add next chunk to buffer""" if self.at_end: return None index, difftype, multivol = get_index_from_tarinfo( #@UnusedVariable self.tarinfo_list[0] ) if not multivol or index != self.index: # we've moved on # the following communicates next tarinfo to difftar2path_iter self.at_end = 1 return None fp = self.tarinfo_list[0] ) self.buffer += fp.close() try: self.tarinfo_list[0] = except StopIteration: self.tarinfo_list[0] = None self.at_end = 1 return None return 1 def close( self ): """If not at end, read remaining data""" if not self.at_end: while 1: self.buffer = "" if not self.addtobuffer(): break self.at_end = 1 class PathPatcher( ITRBranch ): """Used by DirPatch, process the given basis and diff""" def __init__( self, base_path ): """Set base_path, Path of root of tree""" self.base_path = base_path self.dir_diff_ropath = None def start_process( self, index, basis_path, diff_ropath ): """Start processing when diff_ropath is a directory""" if not ( diff_ropath and diff_ropath.isdir() ): assert index == (), util.uindex(index) # should only happen for first elem self.fast_process( index, basis_path, diff_ropath ) return if not basis_path: basis_path = self.base_path.new_index( index ) assert not basis_path.exists() basis_path.mkdir() # Need place for later files to go into elif not basis_path.isdir(): basis_path.delete() basis_path.mkdir() self.dir_basis_path = basis_path self.dir_diff_ropath = diff_ropath def end_process( self ): """Copy directory permissions when leaving tree""" if self.dir_diff_ropath: self.dir_diff_ropath.copy_attribs( self.dir_basis_path ) def can_fast_process( self, index, basis_path, diff_ropath ): """No need to recurse if diff_ropath isn't a directory""" return not ( diff_ropath and diff_ropath.isdir() ) def fast_process( self, index, basis_path, diff_ropath ): """For use when neither is a directory""" if not diff_ropath: return # no change elif not basis_path: if diff_ropath.difftype == "deleted": pass # already deleted else: # just copy snapshot over diff_ropath.copy( self.base_path.new_index( index ) ) elif diff_ropath.difftype == "deleted": if basis_path.isdir(): basis_path.deltree() else: basis_path.delete() elif not basis_path.isreg(): if basis_path.isdir(): basis_path.deltree() else: basis_path.delete() diff_ropath.copy( basis_path ) else: assert diff_ropath.difftype == "diff", diff_ropath.difftype basis_path.patch_with_attribs( diff_ropath ) class TarFile_FromFileobjs: """Like a tarfile.TarFile iterator, but read from multiple fileobjs""" def __init__( self, fileobj_iter ): """Make new tarinfo iterator fileobj_iter should be an iterator of file objects opened for reading. They will be closed at end of reading. """ self.fileobj_iter = fileobj_iter self.tarfile, self.tar_iter = None, None self.current_fp = None def __iter__( self ): return self def set_tarfile( self ): """Set tarfile from next file object, or raise StopIteration""" if self.current_fp: assert not self.current_fp.close() self.current_fp = self.tarfile = util.make_tarfile("r", self.current_fp) self.tar_iter = iter( self.tarfile ) def next( self ): if not self.tarfile: self.set_tarfile() try: return except StopIteration: assert not self.tarfile.close() self.set_tarfile() return def extractfile( self, tarinfo ): """Return data associated with given tarinfo""" return self.tarfile.extractfile( tarinfo ) def collate_iters( iter_list ): """Collate iterators by index Input is a list of n iterators each of which must iterate elements with an index attribute. The elements must come out in increasing order, and the index should be a tuple itself. The output is an iterator which yields tuples where all elements in the tuple have the same index, and the tuple has n elements in it. If any iterator lacks an element with that index, the tuple will have None in that spot. """ # overflow[i] means that iter_list[i] has been exhausted # elems[i] is None means that it is time to replenish it. iter_num = len( iter_list ) if iter_num == 2: return diffdir.collate2iters( iter_list[0], iter_list[1] ) overflow = [None] * iter_num elems = overflow[:] def setrorps( overflow, elems ): """Set the overflow and rorps list""" for i in range( iter_num ): if not overflow[i] and elems[i] is None: try: elems[i] = iter_list[i].next() except StopIteration: overflow[i] = 1 elems[i] = None def getleastindex( elems ): """Return the first index in elems, assuming elems isn't empty""" return min( map( lambda elem: elem.index, filter( lambda x: x, elems ) ) ) def yield_tuples( iter_num, overflow, elems ): while 1: setrorps( overflow, elems ) if None not in overflow: break index = getleastindex( elems ) yieldval = [] for i in range( iter_num ): if elems[i] and elems[i].index == index: yieldval.append( elems[i] ) elems[i] = None else: yieldval.append( None ) yield tuple( yieldval ) return yield_tuples( iter_num, overflow, elems ) class IndexedTuple: """Like a tuple, but has .index (used previously by collate_iters)""" def __init__( self, index, sequence ): self.index = index = tuple( sequence ) def __len__( self ): return len( ) def __getitem__( self, key ): """This only works for numerical keys (easier this way)""" return[key] def __lt__( self, other ): return self.__cmp__( other ) == -1 def __le__( self, other ): return self.__cmp__( other ) != 1 def __ne__( self, other ): return not self.__eq__( other ) def __gt__( self, other ): return self.__cmp__( other ) == 1 def __ge__( self, other ): return self.__cmp__( other ) != -1 def __cmp__( self, other ): assert isinstance( other, IndexedTuple ) if self.index < other.index: return - 1 elif self.index == other.index: return 0 else: return 1 def __eq__( self, other ): if isinstance( other, IndexedTuple ): return self.index == other.index and == elif type( other ) is types.TupleType: return == other else: return None def __str__( self ): return "(%s).%s" % ( ", ".join( map( str, ) ), self.index ) def normalize_ps( patch_sequence ): """Given an sequence of ROPath deltas, remove blank and unnecessary The sequence is assumed to be in patch order (later patches apply to earlier ones). A patch is unnecessary if a later one doesn't require it (for instance, any patches before a "delete" are unnecessary). """ result_list = [] i = len( patch_sequence ) - 1 while i >= 0: delta = patch_sequence[i] if delta is not None: # skip blank entries result_list.insert( 0, delta ) if delta.difftype != "diff": break i -= 1 return result_list def patch_seq2ropath( patch_seq ): """Apply the patches in patch_seq, return single ropath""" first = patch_seq[0] assert first.difftype != "diff", "First patch in sequence " \ "%s was a diff" % patch_seq if not first.isreg(): # No need to bother with data if not regular file assert len(patch_seq) == 1, "Patch sequence isn't regular, but " \ "has %d entries" % len(patch_seq) return first.get_ropath() current_file = "rb" ) for delta_ropath in patch_seq[1:]: assert delta_ropath.difftype == "diff", delta_ropath.difftype if not isinstance( current_file, file ): """ librsync insists on a real file object, which we create manually by using the duplicity.tempdir to tell us where. """ tempfp = tempfile.TemporaryFile( dir=tempdir.default().dir() ) util.copyfileobj( current_file, tempfp ) assert not current_file.close() 0 ) current_file = tempfp current_file = librsync.PatchedFile( current_file, "rb" ) ) result = patch_seq[-1].get_ropath() result.setfileobj( current_file ) return result def integrate_patch_iters( iter_list ): """Combine a list of iterators of ropath patches The iter_list should be sorted in patch order, and the elements in each iter_list need to be orderd by index. The output will be an iterator of the final ROPaths in index order. """ collated = collate_iters( iter_list ) for patch_seq in collated: normalized = normalize_ps(patch_seq) try: final_ropath = patch_seq2ropath(normalized) if final_ropath.exists(): # otherwise final patch was delete yield final_ropath except Exception as e: filename = normalized[-1].get_ropath().get_relative_path() log.Warn(_("Error '%s' patching %s") % (util.uexc(e), util.ufn(filename)), log.WarningCode.cannot_process, util.escape(filename)) def tarfiles2rop_iter( tarfile_list, restrict_index=() ): """Integrate tarfiles of diffs into single ROPath iter Then filter out all the diffs in that index which don't start with the restrict_index. """ diff_iters = [difftar2path_iter(x) for x in tarfile_list] if restrict_index: # Apply filter before integration diff_iters = [filter_path_iter(x, restrict_index) for x in diff_iters] return integrate_patch_iters( diff_iters ) def Write_ROPaths( base_path, rop_iter ): """Write out ropaths in rop_iter starting at base_path Returns 1 if something was actually written, 0 otherwise. """ ITR = IterTreeReducer( ROPath_IterWriter, [base_path] ) return_val = 0 for ropath in rop_iter: return_val = 1 ITR( ropath.index, ropath ) ITR.Finish() base_path.setdata() return return_val class ROPath_IterWriter( ITRBranch ): """Used in Write_ROPaths above We need to use an ITR because we have to update the permissions/times of directories after we write the files in them. """ def __init__( self, base_path ): """Set base_path, Path of root of tree""" self.base_path = base_path self.dir_diff_ropath = None self.dir_new_path = None def start_process( self, index, ropath ): """Write ropath. Only handles the directory case""" if not ropath.isdir(): # Base may not be a directory, but rest should assert ropath.index == (), ropath.index new_path = self.base_path.new_index( index ) if ropath.exists(): if new_path.exists(): new_path.deltree() ropath.copy( new_path ) self.dir_new_path = self.base_path.new_index( index ) if self.dir_new_path.exists() and not globals.force: # base may exist, but nothing else assert index == (), index else: self.dir_new_path.mkdir() self.dir_diff_ropath = ropath def end_process( self ): """Update information of a directory when leaving it""" if self.dir_diff_ropath: self.dir_diff_ropath.copy_attribs( self.dir_new_path ) def can_fast_process( self, index, ropath ): """Can fast process (no recursion) if ropath isn't a directory""" log.Info( _( "Writing %s of type %s" ) % (util.ufn(ropath.get_relative_path()), ropath.type), log.InfoCode.patch_file_writing, "%s %s" % ( util.escape( ropath.get_relative_path() ), ropath.type ) ) return not ropath.isdir() def fast_process( self, index, ropath ): """Write non-directory ropath to destination""" if ropath.exists(): ropath.copy( self.base_path.new_index( index ) ) # # FRETBursts - A single-molecule FRET burst analysis toolkit. # # Copyright (C) 2014 Antonino Ingargiola # """ Module containing automated unit tests for FRETBursts. Running the tests requires `py.test`. """ from __future__ import division from builtins import range, zip from collections import namedtuple import pytest import numpy as np try: import matplotlib except ImportError: has_matplotlib = False # OK to run tests without matplotlib else: has_matplotlib = True matplotlib.use('Agg') # but if matplotlib is installed, use Agg try: import numba except ImportError: has_numba = False else: has_numba = True import fretbursts.background as bg import fretbursts.burstlib as bl import fretbursts.burstlib_ext as bext from fretbursts import loader from fretbursts import select_bursts from fretbursts.ph_sel import Ph_sel from fretbursts.phtools import phrates if has_matplotlib: import fretbursts.burst_plot as bplt # data subdir in the notebook folder DATASETS_DIR = u'notebooks/data/' def _alex_process(d): loader.alex_apply_period(d) d.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=30, tail_min_us=300) d.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=7) def load_dataset_1ch(process=True): fn = "0023uLRpitc_NTP_20dT_0.5GndCl.hdf5" fname = DATASETS_DIR + fn d = loader.photon_hdf5(fname) if process: _alex_process(d) return d def load_dataset_8ch(): fn = "12d_New_30p_320mW_steer_3.hdf5" fname = DATASETS_DIR + fn d = loader.photon_hdf5(fname) d.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=30, tail_min_us=300) d.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=7) return d def load_fake_pax(): fn = "0023uLRpitc_NTP_20dT_0.5GndCl.hdf5" fname = DATASETS_DIR + fn d = loader.photon_hdf5(fname) d.add(ALEX=False, meas_type='PAX') loader.alex_apply_period(d) d.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=30, tail_min_us='auto') d.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=6) return d @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=[ load_dataset_1ch, load_dataset_8ch, ]) def data(request): load_func = request.param d = load_func() return d @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def data_8ch(request): d = load_dataset_8ch() return d @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def data_1ch(request): d = load_dataset_1ch() return d ## # List comparison functions # def list_equal(list1, list2): """Test numerical equality of all the elements in the two lists. """ return np.all([val1 == val2 for val1, val2 in zip(list1, list2)]) def list_array_equal(list1, list2): """Test numerical equality between two lists of arrays. """ return np.all([np.all(arr1 == arr2) for arr1, arr2 in zip(list1, list2)]) def list_array_allclose(list1, list2): """Test float closeness (np.allclose) between two lists of arrays. """ return np.all([np.allclose(arr1, arr2) for arr1, arr2 in zip(list1, list2)]) ## # Test functions # def test_bg_compatlayer_for_obsolete_attrs(): d = load_dataset_1ch(process=False) attrs = ('bg_dd', 'bg_ad', 'bg_da', 'bg_aa', 'rate_m', 'rate_dd', 'rate_ad', 'rate_da', 'rate_aa') for attr in attrs: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): getattr(d, attr) _alex_process(d) for attr in attrs: assert isinstance(getattr(d, attr), list) def test_ph_times_compact(data_1ch): """Test calculation of ph_times_compact.""" def isinteger(x): return np.equal(np.mod(x, 1), 0) ich = 0 d = data_1ch ph_d = d.get_ph_times(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem')) ph_a = d.get_ph_times(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Aex='DAem')) ph_dc = d.get_ph_times(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'), compact=True) ph_ac = d.get_ph_times(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Aex='DAem'), compact=True) # Test that the difference of ph and ph_compact is multiple of # the complementary excitation period duration Dex_void = bl._excitation_width(d._D_ON_multich[ich], d.alex_period) Aex_void = bl._excitation_width(d._A_ON_multich[ich], d.alex_period) assert isinteger((ph_d - ph_dc) / Dex_void).all() assert isinteger((ph_a - ph_ac) / Aex_void).all() # Test that alternation histogram does not have "gaps" for ph_compact bins = np.linspace(0, d.alex_period, num=101) hist_dc, _ = np.histogram(ph_dc % d.alex_period, bins=bins) hist_ac, _ = np.histogram(ph_ac % d.alex_period, bins=bins) assert (hist_dc > 0).all() assert (hist_ac > 0).all() def test_time_min_max(): """Test time_min and time_max for ALEX data.""" d = load_dataset_1ch(process=False) ich = 0 assert d.time_max == d.ph_times_t[ich].max() * d.clk_p assert d.time_min == d.ph_times_t[ich].min() * d.clk_p del d._time_max, d._time_min _alex_process(d) assert d.time_max == d.ph_times_m[ich][-1] * d.clk_p assert d.time_min == d.ph_times_m[ich][0] * d.clk_p d.delete('ph_times_m') del d._time_max, d._time_min assert d.time_max == d.mburst[0].stop[-1] * d.clk_p assert d.time_min == d.mburst[0].start[0] * d.clk_p def test_time_min_max_multispot(data_8ch): """Test time_min and time_max for multi-spot data.""" d = data_8ch assert d.time_max == max(t[-1] for t in d.ph_times_m) * d.clk_p assert d.time_min == min(t[0] for t in d.ph_times_m) * d.clk_p def test_aex_dex_ratio(data_1ch): """Test methods computing relative D and A alternation periods durations. """ d = data_1ch Dx, Ax = d.D_ON, d.A_ON a1 = d._aex_fraction() a2 = (Ax[1] - Ax[0]) / (Ax[1] - Ax[0] + Dx[1] - Dx[0]) assert a1 == a2 r1 = d._aex_dex_ratio() r2 = (Ax[1] - Ax[0]) / (Dx[1] - Dx[0]) assert r1 == r2 assert (a1 / (1 - a1)) == r1 def test_burst_size_pax(): d = load_fake_pax() aex_dex_ratio, alpha_d = d._aex_dex_ratio(), 1 - d._aex_fraction() nd, na = d.nd[0],[0] nda = d.nda[0] naa = d.naa[0] - d.nar[0] * aex_dex_ratio # Test burst size during Dex b1 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=False) b2 = d.burst_sizes_ich(add_naa=False) b3 = nd + na assert (b1 == b2).all() assert (b1 == b3).all() # Test naa naa2 = d.get_naa_corrected() naa3 = d._get_naa_ich() assert (naa == naa2).all() assert (naa == naa3).all() # Test add_naa b1 = d.burst_sizes_ich(add_naa=True) b2 = nd + na + naa assert (b1 == b2).all() # Test add_aex with no duty-cycle correction b1 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=False) b2 = nd + na + nda + d.naa[0] b3 = nd + na + nda + naa + na * aex_dex_ratio assert np.allclose(b1, b2) assert np.allclose(b1, b3) # Test add_aex with duty-cycle correction b1 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True) b2 = nd + na + nda + na * aex_dex_ratio + naa / alpha_d assert np.allclose(b1, b2) # Test add_aex with duty-cycle correction, donor_ref b1 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True, donor_ref=True) b2 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True, donor_ref=False) assert np.allclose(b1, b2) # Test add_aex with duty-cycle correction, gamma, beta gamma = 0.7 beta = 0.85 b1 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, donor_ref=True) b2 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, donor_ref=False) assert np.allclose(b1 * gamma, b2) b1 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, donor_ref=False) b2 = (gamma * (nd + nda) + na * (1 + aex_dex_ratio) + naa / (alpha_d * beta)) assert np.allclose(b1, b2) d.leakage = 0.1 nd, na = d.nd[0],[0] nda = d.nda[0] naa = d.naa[0] - d.nar[0] * aex_dex_ratio # Test add_aex with duty-cycle correction, gamma, beta gamma = 0.7 beta = 0.85 b1 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, donor_ref=True) b2 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, donor_ref=False) assert np.allclose(b1 * gamma, b2) b1 = d.burst_sizes_pax_ich(add_aex=True, aex_corr=True, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, donor_ref=False) b2 = (gamma * (nd + nda) + na * (1 + aex_dex_ratio) + naa / (alpha_d * beta)) assert np.allclose(b1, b2) def test_bg_calc(data): """Smoke test bg_calc() and test deletion of bg fields. """ data.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=30, tail_min_us=300) assert 'bg_auto_th_us0' not in data assert 'bg_auto_F_bg' not in data assert 'bg_th_us_user' in data data.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=30, tail_min_us='auto', F_bg=1.7) assert 'bg_auto_th_us0' in data assert 'bg_auto_F_bg' in data assert 'bg_th_us_user' not in data data.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=30, tail_min_us='auto', F_bg=1.7, fit_allph=False) streams = [s for s in data.ph_streams if s != Ph_sel('all')] bg_t = [np.sum([s][ich] for s in streams) for ich in range(data.nch)] assert list_array_equal([Ph_sel('all')], bg_t) def test_ph_streams(data): sel = [Ph_sel('all'), Ph_sel(Dex='Dem'), Ph_sel(Dex='Aem')] if data.alternated: sel.extend([Ph_sel(Aex='Aem'), Ph_sel(Aex='Dem')]) for s in sel: assert s in data.ph_streams def test_bg_from(data): """Test the method .bg_from() for all the ph_sel combinations. """ d = data for sel in d.ph_streams: bg = d.bg_from(ph_sel=sel) assert list_array_equal(bg,[sel]) if not (data.alternated): assert list_array_equal(d.bg_from(Ph_sel('all')), d.bg_from(Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'))) return bg_dd = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Dem')) bg_ad = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Aem')) bg = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem')) assert list_array_equal(bg, [b1 + b2 for b1, b2 in zip(bg_dd, bg_ad)]) bg_aa = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Aex='Aem')) bg_da = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Aex='Dem')) bg = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Aex='DAem')) assert list_array_equal(bg, [b1 + b2 for b1, b2 in zip(bg_aa, bg_da)]) bg = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Dem', Aex='Dem')) assert list_array_equal(bg, [b1 + b2 for b1, b2 in zip(bg_dd, bg_da)]) bg = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Aem', Aex='Aem')) assert list_array_equal(bg, [b1 + b2 for b1, b2 in zip(bg_ad, bg_aa)]) bg = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem')) assert list_array_equal(bg, [b1 + b2 for b1, b2 in zip(bg_dd, bg_ad)]) bg = d.bg_from(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem', Aex='Aem')) bg2 = [b1 + b2 + b3 for b1, b2, b3 in zip(bg_dd, bg_ad, bg_aa)] assert list_array_equal(bg, bg2) def test_iter_ph_times(data): """Test method .iter_ph_times() for all the ph_sel combinations. """ # TODO add all the ph_sel combinations like in test_bg_from() d = data assert list_array_equal(d.ph_times_m, d.iter_ph_times()) for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Dex='Dem'))): if d.alternated: assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.D_em[ich] * d.D_ex[ich]]).all() else: assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][~d.A_em[ich]]).all() for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Dex='Aem'))): if d.alternated: assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.A_em[ich] * d.D_ex[ich]]).all() else: assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.A_em[ich]]).all() if d.alternated: for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Aex='Dem'))): assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.D_em[ich] * d.A_ex[ich]]).all() for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Aex='Aem'))): assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.A_em[ich] * d.A_ex[ich]]).all() for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'))): assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.D_ex[ich]]).all() for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Aex='DAem'))): assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.A_ex[ich]]).all() for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Dex='Dem', Aex='Dem'))): assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.D_em[ich]]).all() for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Dex='Aem', Aex='Aem'))): assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][d.A_em[ich]]).all() for ich, ph in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times( Ph_sel(Dex='DAem', Aex='Aem'))): mask = d.D_ex[ich] + d.A_em[ich] * d.A_ex[ich] assert (ph == d.ph_times_m[ich][mask]).all() else: assert list_array_equal(d.iter_ph_times(), d.iter_ph_times(Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'))) def test_get_ph_times_period(data): for ich in range(data.nch): data.get_ph_times_period(0, ich=ich) data.get_ph_times_period(0, ich=ich, ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Dem')) def test_iter_ph_times_period(data): d = data for ich in range(data.nch): for period, ph_period in enumerate(d.iter_ph_times_period(ich=ich)): istart, iend = d.Lim[ich][period] assert (ph_period == d.ph_times_m[ich][istart : iend + 1]).all() ph_sel = Ph_sel(Dex='Dem') mask = d.get_ph_mask(ich=ich, ph_sel=ph_sel) for period, ph_period in enumerate( d.iter_ph_times_period(ich=ich, ph_sel=ph_sel)): istart, iend = d.Lim[ich][period] ph_period_test = d.ph_times_m[ich][istart : iend + 1] ph_period_test = ph_period_test[mask[istart : iend + 1]] assert (ph_period == ph_period_test).all() def test_burst_search_py_cy(data): """Test python and cython burst search with background-dependent threshold. """ data.burst_search(pure_python=True) mburst1 = [b.copy() for b in data.mburst] num_bursts1 = data.num_bursts data.burst_search(pure_python=False) assert np.all(num_bursts1 == data.num_bursts) assert mburst1 == data.mburst data.burst_search(L=30, pure_python=True) mburst1 = [b.copy() for b in data.mburst] num_bursts1 = data.num_bursts data.burst_search(L=30, pure_python=False) assert np.all(num_bursts1 == data.num_bursts) assert mburst1 == data.mburst def test_burst_search_constant_rates(data): """Test python and cython burst search with constant threshold.""" data.burst_search(min_rate_cps=50e3, pure_python=True) assert (data.num_bursts > 0).all() mburst1 = [b.copy() for b in data.mburst] num_bursts1 = data.num_bursts data.burst_search(min_rate_cps=50e3, pure_python=False) assert (data.num_bursts > 0).all() assert np.all(num_bursts1 == data.num_bursts) assert mburst1 == data.mburst def test_burst_search_L(data): """Test burst search with different L arguments.""" data.burst_search(L=10) for bursts in data.mburst: assert (bursts.counts >= 10).all() num_bursts1 = data.num_bursts data.burst_search(L=30) for bursts in data.mburst: assert (bursts.counts >= 30).all() assert np.all(num_bursts1 > data.num_bursts) def test_burst_search_with_no_bursts(data): """Smoke test burst search when some periods have no bursts.""" # F=600 results in periods with no bursts for the us-ALEX measurement # and in no bursts at all for the multi-spot measurements data.burst_search(m=10, F=600) data.fuse_bursts(ms=1) if has_matplotlib: def test_stale_fitter_after_burst_search(data): """Test that E/S_fitter attributes are deleted on burst search.""" data.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=7, ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Dem')) bplt.dplot(data, bplt.hist_fret) # create E_fitter attribute if data.alternated: bplt.dplot(data, bplt.hist_S) # create S_fitter attribute data.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=7, ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Aem')) assert not hasattr(data, 'E_fitter') if data.alternated: assert not hasattr(data, 'S_fitter') bplt.dplot(data, bplt.hist_fret) # create E_fitter attribute if data.alternated: bplt.dplot(data, bplt.hist_S) # create S_fitter attribute data.calc_fret() assert not hasattr(data, 'E_fitter') if data.alternated: assert not hasattr(data, 'S_fitter') def test_burst_search(data): """Smoke test and bg_bs check.""" streams = [Ph_sel(Dex='Dem'), Ph_sel(Dex='Aem')] if data.alternated: streams.extend([Ph_sel(Dex='Aem', Aex='Aem'), Ph_sel(Dex='DAem')]) for sel in streams: data.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=7, ph_sel=sel) assert list_equal(data.bg_bs, data.bg_from(sel)) if data.alternated: data.burst_search(m=10, F=7, ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'), compact=True) data.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=7) def test_burst_search_and_gate(data_1ch): """Test consistency of burst search and gate.""" d = data_1ch assert d.alternated # Smoke tests bext.burst_search_and_gate(d, F=(6, 8)) bext.burst_search_and_gate(d, m=(12, 8)) bext.burst_search_and_gate(d, min_rate_cps=(60e3, 40e3)) if d.nch > 1: mr1 = 35e3 + np.arange(d.nch) * 1e3 mr2 = 30e3 + np.arange(d.nch) * 1e3 bext.burst_search_and_gate(d, min_rate_cps=(mr1, mr2)) # Consistency test d_dex = d.copy() d_dex.burst_search(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem')) d_aex = d.copy() d_aex.burst_search(ph_sel=Ph_sel(Aex='Aem')) d_and = bext.burst_search_and_gate(d) for bursts_dex, bursts_aex, bursts_and, ph in zip( d_dex.mburst, d_aex.mburst, d_and.mburst, d.iter_ph_times()): ph_b_mask_dex = bl.ph_in_bursts_mask(ph.size, bursts_dex) ph_b_mask_aex = bl.ph_in_bursts_mask(ph.size, bursts_aex) ph_b_mask_and = bl.ph_in_bursts_mask(ph.size, bursts_and) assert (ph_b_mask_and == ph_b_mask_dex * ph_b_mask_aex).all() def test_mch_count_ph_num_py_c(data): na_py = bl.bslib.mch_count_ph_in_bursts_py(data.mburst, data.A_em) na_c = bl.bslib.mch_count_ph_in_bursts_c(data.mburst, data.A_em) assert list_array_equal(na_py, na_c) assert na_py[0].dtype == np.float64 def test_burst_sizes(data): """Test for .burst_sizes_ich() and burst_sizes()""" # Smoke test plain_sizes = data.burst_sizes() assert len(plain_sizes) == data.nch # Test gamma and donor_ref arguments bs1 = data.burst_sizes_ich(gamma=0.5, donor_ref=True) bs2 = data.burst_sizes_ich(gamma=0.5, donor_ref=False) assert np.allclose(bs1, bs2 / 0.5) # Test add_naa if data.alternated: bs_no_naa = data.burst_sizes_ich(add_naa=False) bs_naa = data.burst_sizes_ich(add_naa=True) assert np.allclose(bs_no_naa + data.naa[0], bs_naa) # Test beta and donor_ref arguments with gamma=1 naa1 = data.get_naa_corrected(beta=0.8, donor_ref=True) naa2 = data.get_naa_corrected(beta=0.8, donor_ref=False) assert np.allclose(naa1, naa2) # Test beta and donor_ref arguments with gamma=0.5 naa1 = data.get_naa_corrected(gamma=0.5, beta=0.8, donor_ref=True) naa2 = data.get_naa_corrected(gamma=0.5, beta=0.8, donor_ref=False) assert np.allclose(naa1 * 0.5, naa2) def test_leakage(data): """ Test setting leakage before and after burst search """ # burst search, then set leakage data.burst_search() data.leakage = 0.04 na1 = list( # set leakage, then burst search data.burst_search() na2 = list( assert list_array_equal(na1, na2) def test_gamma(data): """ Test setting gamma before and after burst search """ # burst search, then set gamma data.burst_search() E0 = list(data.E) data.gamma = 0.5 E1 = list(data.E) assert not list_array_equal(E0, E1) # burst search after setting gamma data.burst_search() E2 = list(data.E) assert list_array_equal(E1, E2) def test_dir_ex(data_1ch): """ Test setting dir_ex before and after burst search """ data = data_1ch # burst search, then set dir_ex data.burst_search() na0 = list( data.dir_ex = 0.05 na1 = list( assert not list_array_equal(na0, na1) # burst search after setting dir_ex data.burst_search() na2 = list( assert list_array_equal(na1, na2) def test_beta(data_1ch): """ Test setting beta before and after burst search """ data = data_1ch # burst search, then set beta data.burst_search() S0 = list(data.S) data.beta = 0.7 S1 = list(data.S) assert not list_array_equal(S0, S1) # burst search after setting beta data.burst_search() S2 = list(data.S) assert list_array_equal(S1, S2) def test_bursts_interface(data): d = data for b in d.mburst: assert (b.start ==[:, b._i_start]).all() assert (b.stop ==[:, b._i_stop]).all() assert (b.istart ==[:, b._i_istart]).all() assert (b.istop ==[:, b._i_istop]).all() rate = 1.*b.counts/b.width assert (b.ph_rate == rate).all() separation = b.start[1:] - b.stop[:-1] assert (b.separation == separation).all() assert (b.stop > b.start).all() def test_burst_stop_istop(data): """Test coherence between b_end() and b_iend()""" d = data for ph, bursts in zip(d.ph_times_m, d.mburst): assert (ph[bursts.istop] == bursts.stop).all() def test_monotonic_burst_start(data): """Test for monotonic burst start times.""" d = data for i in range(d.nch): assert (np.diff(d.mburst[i].start) > 0).all() def test_monotonic_burst_stop(data): """Test for monotonic burst stop times.""" d = data for bursts in d.mburst: assert (np.diff(bursts.stop) > 0).all() def test_burst_istart_iend_size(data): """Test consistency between burst istart, istop and counts (i.e. size)""" d = data for bursts in d.mburst: counts = bursts.istop - bursts.istart + 1 assert (counts == bursts.counts).all() def test_burst_recompute_times(data): """Test Bursts.recompute_times method.""" d = data for times, bursts in zip(d.ph_times_m, d.mburst): newbursts = bursts.recompute_times(times) assert newbursts == bursts def test_burst_recompute_index(data): """Test Bursts.recompute_index_* methods.""" d = data ph_sel = Ph_sel(Dex='Dem') d.burst_search(ph_sel=ph_sel, index_allph=True) d_sel = d.copy() d_sel.burst_search(ph_sel=ph_sel, index_allph=False) for times_sel, mask_sel, bursts_sel, times_allph, bursts_allph in zip( d.iter_ph_times(ph_sel=ph_sel), d.iter_ph_masks(ph_sel=ph_sel), d_sel.mburst, d.iter_ph_times(), d.mburst): assert (times_sel[bursts_sel.istart] == bursts_sel.start).all() assert (times_sel[bursts_sel.istop] == bursts_sel.stop).all() assert (times_allph[bursts_allph.istart] == bursts_allph.start).all() assert (times_allph[bursts_allph.istop] == bursts_allph.stop).all() # Test individual methods bursts_allph2 = bursts_sel.recompute_index_expand(mask_sel) assert bursts_allph2 == bursts_allph assert (times_allph[bursts_allph2.istart] == bursts_allph2.start).all() assert (times_allph[bursts_allph2.istop] == bursts_allph2.stop).all() bursts_sel2 = bursts_allph.recompute_index_reduce(times_sel) assert (times_sel[bursts_sel2.istart] == bursts_sel2.start).all() assert (times_sel[bursts_sel2.istop] == bursts_sel2.stop).all() assert bursts_sel2 == bursts_sel # Test round-trip bursts_allph3 = bursts_sel2.recompute_index_expand(mask_sel) assert bursts_allph3 == bursts_allph2 assert (times_allph[bursts_allph3.istart] == bursts_allph3.start).all() assert (times_allph[bursts_allph3.istop] == bursts_allph3.stop).all() ## This test is only used to develop alternative implementations of ## Bursts.recompute_index_reduce() and is normally disabled as it is very slow. #def test_burst_recompute_index_reduce(data): # """Test different versions of Bursts.recompute_index_reduce methods. # # This test is very slow so it's normally disabled. # """ # d = data # ph_sel = Ph_sel(Dex='Aem') # d.burst_search(ph_sel=ph_sel) # d_sel = d.copy() # d_sel.burst_search(ph_sel=ph_sel, index_allph=False) # for times_sel, bursts_sel, times_allph, bursts_allph in zip( # d.iter_ph_times(ph_sel=ph_sel), # d_sel.mburst, # d.iter_ph_times(), # d.mburst): # assert (times_allph[bursts_allph.istart] == bursts_allph.start).all() # assert (times_allph[bursts_allph.istop] == bursts_allph.stop).all() # # bursts_sel1 = bursts_allph.recompute_index_reduce(times_sel) # bursts_sel2 = bursts_allph.recompute_index_reduce2(times_sel) # assert bursts_sel1 == bursts_sel2 # assert bursts_sel == bursts_sel1 def test_phrates_mtuple(data): d = data m = 10 max_num_ph = 20001 for ph in d.iter_ph_times(): phc = ph[:max_num_ph] rates = phrates.mtuple_rates(phc, m) delays = phrates.mtuple_delays(phc, m) t_rates = 0.5 * (phc[m-1:] + phc[:-m+1]) assert phrates.mtuple_rates_max(phc, m) == rates.max() assert phrates.mtuple_delays_min(phc, m) == delays.min() assert phrates.default_c == 1 assert (rates == (m - 1 - phrates.default_c) / delays).all() assert (phrates.mtuple_rates_t(phc, m) == t_rates).all() if has_numba: def test_phrates_kde(data): d = data tau = 5000 # 5000 * 12.5ns = 6.25 us for ph in d.iter_ph_times(): # Test consistency of kde_laplace_nph and (kde_laplace, kde_rect) rates = phrates.kde_laplace(ph, tau) nrect = phrates.kde_rect(ph, tau*10) ratesl, nph = phrates.nb.kde_laplace_nph(ph, tau) assert (rates == ratesl).all() assert (nph == nrect).all() # Test consistency of kde_laplace and _kde_laplace_self_numba ratesl2, nph2 = phrates.nb.kde_laplace_self_numba(ph, tau) assert (nph2 == nrect).all() assert (ratesl2 == rates).all() # Smoke test laplace, gaussian, rect with time_axis ratesl = phrates.kde_laplace(ph, tau, time_axis=ph+1) assert ((ratesl >= 0) * (ratesl < 5e6)).all() ratesg = phrates.kde_gaussian(ph, tau, time_axis=ph+1) assert ((ratesg >= 0) * (ratesg < 5e6)).all() ratesr = phrates.kde_rect(ph, tau, time_axis=ph+1) assert ((ratesr >= 0) * (ratesr < 5e6)).all() def test_phrates_kde_cy(data): d = data tau = 5000 # 5000 * 12.5ns = 6.25 us for ph in d.iter_ph_times(): # Test consistency of kde_laplace_nph and (kde_laplace, kde_rect) ratesg = phrates.nb.kde_gaussian_numba(ph, tau) ratesl = phrates.nb.kde_laplace_numba(ph, tau) ratesr = phrates.nb.kde_rect_numba(ph, tau) ratesgc =, tau) rateslc =, tau) ratesrc =, tau) assert (ratesg == ratesgc).all() assert (ratesl == rateslc).all() assert (ratesr == ratesrc).all() def test_burst_ph_data_functions(data): """Tests the functions that iterate or operate on per-burst "ph-data". """ d = data for bursts, ph, mask in zip(d.mburst, d.iter_ph_times(), d.iter_ph_masks(Ph_sel(Dex='Dem'))): bstart = bursts.start bend = bursts.stop for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(bl.iter_bursts_start_stop(bursts)): assert ph[start] == bstart[i] assert ph[stop-1] == bend[i] for i, burst_ph in enumerate(bl.iter_bursts_ph(ph, bursts)): assert burst_ph[0] == bstart[i] assert burst_ph[-1] == bend[i] for i, burst_ph in enumerate(bl.iter_bursts_ph(ph, bursts, mask=mask)): if burst_ph.size > 0: assert burst_ph[0] >= bstart[i] assert burst_ph[-1] <= bend[i] stats = bl.burst_ph_stats(ph, bursts, mask=mask) assert (stats[~np.isnan(stats)] >= bstart[~np.isnan(stats)]).all() assert (stats[~np.isnan(stats)] <= bend[~np.isnan(stats)]).all() bistart = bursts.istart biend = bursts.istop bursts_mask = bl.ph_in_bursts_mask(ph.size, bursts) for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(bl.iter_bursts_start_stop(bursts)): assert bursts_mask[start:stop].all() if start > 0: if i > 0 and biend[i-1] < bistart[i] - 1: assert not bursts_mask[start - 1] if stop < ph.size: if i < bistart.size-1 and bistart[i+1] > biend[i] + 1: assert not bursts_mask[stop] def test_ph_in_bursts_ich(data): """Tests the ph_in_bursts_ich method. """ d = data for ich in range(d.nch): ph_in_bursts = d.ph_in_bursts_ich(ich) ph_in_bursts_dd = d.ph_in_bursts_ich(ich, ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='Dem')) assert ph_in_bursts_dd.size < ph_in_bursts.size def test_burst_fuse(data): """Test 2 independent implementations of fuse_bursts for consistency. """ d = data for bursts in d.mburst: new_mbursti = bl.fuse_bursts_iter(bursts, ms=1) new_mburstd = bl.fuse_bursts_direct(bursts, ms=1) assert new_mbursti == new_mburstd def test_burst_fuse_0ms(data): """Test that after fusing with ms=0 the sum of bursts sizes is that same as the number of ph in bursts (via burst selection). """ d = data if d.nch == 8: d.burst_search(L=10, m=10, F=7, computefret=False) d.mburst[1] = bl.bslib.Bursts.empty() # Make one channel with no bursts d._calc_burst_period() d.calc_fret(count_ph=True) df = d.fuse_bursts(ms=0) for ich, bursts in enumerate(df.mburst): mask = bl.ph_in_bursts_mask(df.ph_data_sizes[ich], bursts) assert mask.sum() == bursts.counts.sum() df.calc_fret(count_ph=True) assert len(df.mburst) == len(d.mburst) assert len(df.mburst) == d.nch def test_burst_fuse_separation(data): """Test that after fusing bursts the minimum separation is equal to the threshold used during fusing. """ d = data fuse_ms = 2 df = d.fuse_bursts(ms=fuse_ms) for bursts in df.mburst: separation = bursts.separation * df.clk_p if bursts.num_bursts > 0: assert separation.min() >= fuse_ms * 1e-3 def test_calc_sbr(data): """Smoke test Data.calc_sbr()""" data.calc_sbr() def test_calc_max_rate(data): """Smoke test for Data.calc_max_rate()""" data.calc_max_rate(m=10) if data.alternated: data.calc_max_rate(m=10, ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem'), compact=True) def test_burst_data(data): """Test for bext.burst_data()""" bext.burst_data(data, include_bg=True, include_ph_index=True) bext.burst_data(data, include_bg=False, include_ph_index=True) bext.burst_data(data, include_bg=True, include_ph_index=False) bext.burst_data(data, include_bg=False, include_ph_index=False) def test_print_burst_stats(data): """Smoke test for burstlib.print_burst_stats()""" bl.print_burst_stats(data) def test_expand(data): """Test method `expand()` for `Data()`.""" d = data for ich, bursts in enumerate(d.mburst): if bursts.num_bursts == 0: continue # if no bursts skip this ch nd, na, bg_d, bg_a, width = d.expand(ich, width=True) width2 = bursts.width * d.clk_p period = d.bp[ich] bg_d2 = d.bg_from(Ph_sel(Dex='Dem'))[ich][period] * width2 bg_a2 = d.bg_from(Ph_sel(Dex='Aem'))[ich][period] * width2 assert (width == width2).all() assert (nd == d.nd[ich]).all() and (na ==[ich]).all() assert (bg_d == bg_d2).all() and (bg_a == bg_a2).all() def test_burst_data_ich(data): """Test method `Data.burst_data_ich()`.""" d = data for ich, bursts in enumerate(d.mburst): if bursts.num_bursts == 0: continue # if no bursts skip this ch burst_dict = d.burst_data_ich(ich=ich) assert (burst_dict['size_raw'] == bursts.counts).all() assert (burst_dict['t_start'] == bursts.start * d.clk_p).all() assert (burst_dict['t_stop'] == bursts.stop * d.clk_p).all() assert (burst_dict['i_start'] == bursts.istart).all() assert (burst_dict['i_stop'] == bursts.istop).all() assert (burst_dict['bg_period'] == d.bp[ich]).all() nd, na, bg_d, bg_a, width = d.expand(ich, width=True) width_ms = width * 1e3 assert (width_ms == burst_dict['width_ms']).all() assert (nd == burst_dict['nd']).all() assert (na == burst_dict['na']).all() assert (bg_d == burst_dict['bg_dd']).all() assert (bg_a == burst_dict['bg_ad']).all() if d.alternated: period = d.bp[ich] bg_da = d.bg_from(Ph_sel(Aex='Dem'))[ich][period] * width bg_aa = d.bg_from(Ph_sel(Aex='Aem'))[ich][period] * width assert (bg_da == burst_dict['bg_da']).all() assert (bg_aa == burst_dict['bg_aa']).all() def test_burst_corrections(data): """Test background and bleed-through corrections.""" d = data d.calc_ph_num(alex_all=True) d.corrections() leakage = d.get_leakage_array() for ich, bursts in enumerate(d.mburst): if bursts.num_bursts == 0: continue # if no bursts skip this ch nd, na, bg_d, bg_a, width = d.expand(ich, width=True) burst_size_raw = bursts.counts lk = leakage[ich] if d.alternated: nda, naa = d.nda[ich], d.naa[ich] period = d.bp[ich] bg_da = d.bg_from(Ph_sel(Aex='Dem'))[ich][period]*width bg_aa = d.bg_from(Ph_sel(Aex='Aem'))[ich][period]*width burst_size_raw2 = (nd + na + bg_d + bg_a + lk*nd + nda + naa + bg_da + bg_aa) assert np.allclose(burst_size_raw, burst_size_raw2) else: burst_size_raw2 = nd + na + bg_d + bg_a + lk*nd assert np.allclose(burst_size_raw, burst_size_raw2) def test_burst_search_consistency(data): """Test consistency of burst data array """ d = data for mb, ph in zip(d.mburst, d.iter_ph_times()): tot_size = mb.counts istart, istop = mb.istart, mb.istop assert np.all(tot_size == istop - istart + 1) start, stop, width = mb.start, mb.stop, mb.width assert np.all(width == stop - start) df = d.fuse_bursts(ms=0) for mb, ph in zip(df.mburst, df.iter_ph_times()): tot_size = mb.counts istart, istop = mb.istart, mb.istop assert np.all(tot_size == istop - istart + 1) start, stop, width = mb.start, mb.stop, mb.width assert np.all(width == stop - start) df = d.fuse_bursts(ms=1) for mb, ph in zip(df.mburst, df.iter_ph_times()): tot_size = mb.counts istart, istop = mb.istart, mb.istop assert np.all(tot_size <= istop - istart + 1) start, stop, width = mb.start, mb.stop, mb.width assert np.all(width <= stop - start) def test_E_and_S_with_corrections(data): d = data gamma = 0.5 beta = 0.7 d.gamma = gamma d.beta = beta for i, (E, nd, na) in enumerate(zip(d.E, d.nd, assert (E == na / (nd * gamma + na)).all() if d.alternated: naa = d.naa[i] if 'PAX' in data.meas_type: naa = d.naa[i] - d.nar[i] assert (d.S[i] == (gamma * nd + na) / (gamma * nd + na + naa / beta)).all() def test_burst_size_da(data): """Test that nd + na with no corrections is equal to b_size(mburst). """ d = data d.calc_ph_num(alex_all=True) if d.alternated: for mb, nd, na, naa, nda in zip(d.mburst, d.nd,, d.naa, d.nda): tot_size = mb.counts tot_size2 = nd + na + naa + nda assert np.allclose(tot_size, tot_size2) else: for mb, nd, na in zip(d.mburst, d.nd, tot_size = mb.counts assert (tot_size == nd + na).all() def test_burst_selection(data): """Smoke test for burst selection methods. """ d = data d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th1=20, th2=100, add_naa=True) d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th1=20, th2=100, gamma=0.5) M1 = d.select_bursts_mask(select_bursts.consecutive, th1=1e-3, th2=1e4, kind='first') M2 = d.select_bursts_mask(select_bursts.consecutive, th1=1e-3, th2=1e4, kind='second') Mb = d.select_bursts_mask(select_bursts.consecutive, th1=1e-3, th2=1e4, kind='both') Mb2 = [m1 + m2 for m1, m2 in zip(M1, M2)] assert list_array_equal(Mb, Mb2) def test_burst_selection_nocorrections(data): """Test burst selection with uncorrected bursts. """ d = data d.burst_search(computefret=False) d.calc_fret(count_ph=True, corrections=False) ds1 = d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th1=20, th2=100, computefret=False) ds2 = d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th1=20, th2=100) ds2.calc_ph_num() ds2.calc_fret(corrections=False) assert list_array_equal(ds1.nd, ds2.nd) assert list_array_equal(, assert list_array_equal(ds1.E, ds2.E) if d.alternated: assert list_array_equal(ds1.naa, ds2.naa) assert list_array_equal(ds1.E, ds2.E) def test_burst_selection_ranges(data): """Test selection functions having a min-max range. """ d = data d.burst_search() d.calc_max_rate(m=10, ph_sel=Ph_sel(Dex='DAem')) Range = namedtuple('Range', ['min', 'max', 'getter']) sel_functions = dict( E=Range(0.5, 1, None), nd=Range(30, 40, None), na=Range(30, 40, None), time=Range(1, 61, lambda d, ich: d.mburst[ich].start * d.clk_p), width=Range(0.5, 1.5, lambda d, ich: d.mburst[ich].width * d.clk_p*1e3), peak_phrate=Range(50e3, 150e3, lambda d, ich: d.max_rate[ich])) if d.alternated: sel_functions.update(naa=Range(30, 40, None), S=Range(0.3, 0.7, None)) for func_name, range_ in sel_functions.items(): func = getattr(select_bursts, func_name) getter = range_.getter if getter is None: getter = lambda d, ich: d[func_name][ich] ds = d.select_bursts(func, args=(range_.min, range_.max)) for ich in range(d.nch): selected = getter(ds, ich) assert ((selected >= range_.min) * (selected <= range_.max)).all() def test_join_data(data): """Smoke test for bext.join_data() function. """ d = data dj = bext.join_data([d, d.copy()]) assert (dj.num_bursts == 2 * d.num_bursts).all() for bursts in dj.mburst: assert (np.diff(bursts.start) > 0).all() def test_collapse(data_8ch): """Test the .collapse() method that joins the ch. """ d = data_8ch dc1 = d.collapse() bursts1 = dc1.mburst[0] bursts2 = bl.bslib.Bursts.merge(d.mburst, sort=True) assert bursts1 == bursts2 bursts2 = bl.bslib.Bursts.merge(d.mburst, sort=False) indexsort_stop = bursts2.stop.argsort() bursts3 = bursts2[indexsort_stop] indexsort_start = bursts3.start.argsort() bursts4 = bursts3[indexsort_start] assert bursts1 == bursts4 indexsort = np.lexsort((bursts2.stop, bursts2.start)) for name in d.burst_fields: if name not in d or name == 'mburst': continue newfield = np.hstack(d[name])[indexsort] assert np.allclose(dc1[name][0], newfield) dc2 = d.collapse(update_gamma=False) for name in d.burst_fields: if name not in d: continue if name == 'mburst': assert dc1.mburst[0] == dc2.mburst[0] else: assert np.allclose(dc1[name][0], dc2[name][0]) if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main("-x -v fretbursts/tests/") from handlers import host_post_start from handlers import host_pre_stop from handlers import _set_send_node_event_on_error_handler from handlers import build_persistent_event_tasks from handlers import build_wf_event_task def _get_nodes_instances(ctx, node_id): instances = [] for node in ctx.nodes: for instance in node.instances: if instance.node_id == node_id: instances.append(instance) return instances def _get_all_nodes(ctx): nodes = set() for node in ctx.nodes: nodes.add(node) return nodes def _get_all_modified_node_instances(_nodes, modification): instances = set() for node in _nodes: for instance in node.instances: if instance.modification == modification: instances.add(instance) return instances def _get_all_nodes_instances(ctx): node_instances = set() for node in ctx.nodes: for instance in node.instances: node_instances.add(instance) return node_instances def _get_node_instance(ctx, node_id, instance_id): for node in ctx.nodes: if == node_id: for instance in node.instances: if == instance_id: return instance return None def _get_all_nodes_instances_from_nodes(nodes): node_instances = set() for node in nodes: for instance in node.instances: node_instances.add(instance) return node_instances def _get_nodes_instances_from_nodes(nodes, node_id): instances = [] for node in nodes: for instance in node.instances: if instance.node_id == node_id: instances.append(instance) return instances def set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, state_name, step_id, custom_context): #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="call: set_state_task(node_id: {0}, state_name: {1}, step_id: {2})".format(node_id, state_name, step_id)) sequence = _set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, state_name, step_id, custom_context) if sequence is not None: = step_id # start = ctx.internal.send_workflow_event(event_type='custom_workflow', message=build_wf_event(WfEvent(step_id, "in"))) # sequence.set_head(start) # end = ctx.internal.send_workflow_event(event_type='custom_workflow', message=build_wf_event(WfEvent(step_id, "ok"))) # sequence.add(end) custom_context.tasks[step_id] = sequence def _set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, state_name, step_id, custom_context): #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="call: _set_state_task(node_id: {0}, state_name: {1}, step_id: {2})".format(node_id, state_name, step_id)) sequence = None instances = custom_context.modified_instances_per_node.get(node_id, []) instance_count = len(instances) if instance_count == 1: instance = instances[0] sequence = set_state_task_for_instance(ctx, graph, node_id, instance, state_name, step_id) elif instance_count > 1: fork = ForkjoinWrapper(graph) for instance in instances: fork.add(set_state_task_for_instance(ctx, graph, node_id, instance, state_name, step_id)) msg = "state {0} on all {1} node instances".format(state_name, node_id) sequence = forkjoin_sequence(graph, fork, instances[0], msg) #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="return: _set_state_task(node_id: {0}, state_name: {1}, step_id: {2}): instance_count: {3}, sequence: {4}".format(node_id, state_name, step_id, instance_count, sequence)) return sequence def set_state_task_for_instance(ctx, graph, node_id, instance, state_name, step_id): #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="call: set_state_task_for_instance(node_id: {0}, state_name: {1}, step_id: {2}, instance: {3})".format(node_id, state_name, step_id, instance)) task = TaskSequenceWrapper(graph) task.add(build_wf_event_task(instance, step_id, "in")) task.add(instance.set_state(state_name)) task.add(build_wf_event_task(instance, step_id, "ok")) #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="return: set_state_task_for_instance(node_id: {0}, state_name: {1}, step_id: {2}, instance: {3})".format(node_id, state_name, step_id, instance)) return task def operation_task(ctx, graph, node_id, operation_fqname, step_id, custom_context): sequence = _operation_task(ctx, graph, node_id, operation_fqname, step_id, custom_context) if sequence is not None: = step_id # start = ctx.internal.send_workflow_event(event_type='custom_workflow', message=build_wf_event(WfEvent(step_id, "in"))) # sequence.set_head(start) # end = ctx.internal.send_workflow_event(event_type='custom_workflow', message=build_wf_event(WfEvent(step_id, "ok"))) # sequence.add(end) custom_context.tasks[step_id] = sequence def _operation_task(ctx, graph, node_id, operation_fqname, step_id, custom_context): sequence = None instances = custom_context.modified_instances_per_node.get(node_id, []) first_instance = None instance_count = len(instances) if instance_count == 1: instance = instances[0] first_instance = instance sequence = operation_task_for_instance(ctx, graph, node_id, instance, operation_fqname, step_id, custom_context) elif instance_count > 1: fork = ForkjoinWrapper(graph) for instance in instances: instance_task = operation_task_for_instance(ctx, graph, node_id, instance, operation_fqname, step_id, custom_context) fork.add(instance_task) msg = "operation {0} on all {1} node instances".format(operation_fqname, node_id) first_instance = instances[0] sequence = forkjoin_sequence(graph, fork, first_instance, msg) return sequence def count_relationships(instance): relationship_count = 0 for relationship in instance.relationships: relationship_count += 1 return relationship_count def should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relation_ship_instance): result = False source_host_instance = __get_host(ctx, relation_ship_instance.node_instance) target_host_instance = __get_host(ctx, relation_ship_instance.target_node_instance) if == # source and target are on the same instance > so the relation is considered result = True elif source_host_instance.node_id != target_host_instance.node_id: # source and target are not on the same node > so the relation is considered result = True # source and target are on the same node but different instance (cross relationship are forbidden) else: result = False ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='other', message="Filtering cross relationship src: instance id {0}, host ins id: {1}, host node id: {2} tgt instance id {3}, host ins id: {4}, host node id: {5}, result is {6}".format(,, source_host_instance.node_id,,, target_host_instance.node_id, result )) return result # Find the host for this instance. When the instance comes from a modification context # the relationships are partial (only the relationships concerned by the modification are # returned for old instances concerned by the modification), that's why we sometimes look for host in the context. def __get_host(ctx, instance): host = __recursively_get_host(instance) if _is_host_node_instance(host): return host else: # the host instance can not be detected in this partial context (modification related to scaling) # so we we'll explore the host hierarchy from the context # fisrt of all, we search for the instance in the context instance_from_ctx = _get_node_instance(ctx, instance.node_id, if instance_from_ctx is None: # the host is not a real one BUT the instance is a new instance coming from modification # (can not be found from context) return host else: return __recursively_get_host(instance_from_ctx) def __recursively_get_host(instance): host = None if instance.relationships: for relationship in instance.relationships: if relationship.relationship.is_derived_from('cloudify.relationships.contained_in'): host = relationship.target_node_instance if host is not None: return __recursively_get_host(host) else: return instance # check if the pre/post configure source/target operation should be called. # return true if the operation has not been called yet and then, register it as called. def __check_and_register_call_config_arround(ctx, custom_context, relationship_instance, source_or_target, pre_or_post): source_node_id = relationship_instance.node_instance.node_id target_node_id = relationship_instance.target_node_instance.node_id operation_target_instance_id = if source_or_target == 'target': operation_target_instance_id = operation_id = source_node_id + '#' + target_node_id + '#' + pre_or_post + '_configure_' + source_or_target + '#' + operation_target_instance_id result = False cause = 'No known cause' if custom_context.is_native_node(source_node_id) and source_or_target == 'source': result = True cause = 'source is a native node' elif custom_context.is_native_node(target_node_id) and source_or_target == 'target': result = True cause = 'target is a native node' elif source_or_target == 'source' and not in custom_context.modified_instance_ids: result = False cause = 'source instance already exists (so arround operation has already been called)' elif source_or_target == 'target' and not in custom_context.modified_instance_ids: result = False cause = 'target instance already exists (so arround operation has already been called)' else: if operation_id in custom_context.executed_operation: result = False cause = 'operation has already been called' else: custom_context.executed_operation.add(operation_id) result = True cause = 'operation has not been called yet' ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='other', message="Filtering arround conf operation {0}, result is {1} ({2})".format( operation_id, result, cause )) return result def operation_task_for_instance(ctx, graph, node_id, instance, operation_fqname, step_id, custom_context): sequence = TaskSequenceWrapper(graph) sequence.add(build_wf_event_task(instance, step_id, "in")) relationship_count = count_relationships(instance) if operation_fqname == 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.start': sequence.add(instance.execute_operation(operation_fqname)) if _is_host_node_instance(instance): sequence.add(*host_post_start(ctx, instance)) fork = ForkjoinWrapper(graph) fork.add(instance.execute_operation('cloudify.interfaces.monitoring.start')) as_target_relationships = custom_context.relationship_targets.get(, set()) host_instance = None if relationship_count > 0 or len(as_target_relationships) > 0: for relationship in instance.relationships: # add a condition in order to test if it's a 1-1 rel if should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relationship): fork.add(relationship.execute_source_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.establish')) # if the target of the relation is not in modified instances, we should call the target.add_source #if not in custom_context.modified_instance_ids: fork.add(relationship.execute_target_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.establish')) if 'cloudify.nodes.Volume' in instance.node.type_hierarchy:"[MAPPING] instance={} hierarchy={}".format(, instance.node.type_hierarchy)) host_instance = __get_host(ctx, relationship.target_node_instance) for relationship in as_target_relationships: # add a condition in order to test if it's a 1-1 rel if should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relationship): if not in custom_context.modified_instance_ids: fork.add(relationship.execute_target_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.establish')) if not in custom_context.modified_instance_ids: fork.add(relationship.execute_source_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.establish')) sequence.add( instance.send_event("Start monitoring on node '{0}' instance '{1}'".format(node_id,, forkjoin_sequence(graph, fork, instance, "establish") ) if host_instance is not None and =="[MAPPING] Do nothing it is the same instance:{}{}".format(, elif host_instance is not None and 'alien4cloud.mapping.device.execute' in host_instance.node.operations: sequence.add(host_instance.send_event("Updating device attribute for instance {0} and volume {0}".format(, sequence.add(host_instance.execute_operation("alien4cloud.mapping.device.execute", kwargs={'volume_instance_id':})) elif operation_fqname == 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.configure': as_target_relationships = custom_context.relationship_targets.get(, set()) if relationship_count > 0 or len(as_target_relationships) > 0: has_preconfigure_tasks = False preconfigure_tasks = ForkjoinWrapper(graph) preconfigure_tasks.add(instance.send_event("preconfiguring task for instance {0}'".format( for relationship in instance.relationships: # add a condition in order to test if it's a 1-1 rel if should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relationship): if __check_and_register_call_config_arround(ctx, custom_context, relationship, 'source', 'pre'): preconfigure_tasks.add(relationship.execute_source_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.preconfigure')) has_preconfigure_tasks = True for relationship in as_target_relationships: # add a condition in order to test if it's a 1-1 rel if should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relationship): if __check_and_register_call_config_arround(ctx, custom_context, relationship, 'target', 'pre'): preconfigure_tasks.add(relationship.execute_target_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.preconfigure')) has_preconfigure_tasks = True if has_preconfigure_tasks: sequence.add(forkjoin_sequence(graph, preconfigure_tasks, instance, "preconf for {0}".format( # the configure operation call itself sequence.add(instance.execute_operation(operation_fqname)) if relationship_count > 0 or len(as_target_relationships) > 0: has_postconfigure_tasks = False postconfigure_tasks = ForkjoinWrapper(graph) postconfigure_tasks.add(instance.send_event("postconfiguring task for instance {0}'".format( for relationship in instance.relationships: # add a condition in order to test if it's a 1-1 rel if should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relationship): if __check_and_register_call_config_arround(ctx, custom_context, relationship, 'source', 'post'): postconfigure_tasks.add(relationship.execute_source_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.postconfigure')) has_postconfigure_tasks = True for relationship in as_target_relationships: # add a condition in order to test if it's a 1-1 rel if should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relationship): if __check_and_register_call_config_arround(ctx, custom_context, relationship, 'target', 'post'): task = relationship.execute_target_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.postconfigure') _set_send_node_event_on_error_handler(task, instance, "Error occurred while postconfiguring node as target for relationship {0} - ignoring...".format(relationship)) postconfigure_tasks.add(task) has_postconfigure_tasks = True if has_postconfigure_tasks: sequence.add(forkjoin_sequence(graph, postconfigure_tasks, instance, "postconf for {0}".format( persistent_event_tasks = build_persistent_event_tasks(instance) if persistent_event_tasks is not None: sequence.add(*persistent_event_tasks) elif operation_fqname == 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.stop': if _is_host_node_instance(instance): sequence.add(*host_pre_stop(instance)) task = instance.execute_operation(operation_fqname) _set_send_node_event_on_error_handler(task, instance, "Error occurred while stopping node - ignoring...") sequence.add(task) as_target_relationships = custom_context.relationship_targets.get(, set()) # now call unlink onto relations' target if relationship_count > 0 or len(as_target_relationships) > 0: fork = ForkjoinWrapper(graph) for relationship in instance.relationships: # add a condition in order to test if it's a 1-1 rel if should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relationship): unlink_task_source = relationship.execute_source_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.unlink') _set_send_node_event_on_error_handler(unlink_task_source, instance, "Error occurred while unlinking node from target {0} - ignoring...".format(relationship.target_id)) fork.add(unlink_task_source) # call unlink on the target of the relationship unlink_task_target = relationship.execute_target_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.unlink') _set_send_node_event_on_error_handler(unlink_task_target, instance, "Error occurred while unlinking node from target {0} - ignoring...".format(relationship.target_id)) fork.add(unlink_task_target) for relationship in as_target_relationships: # add a condition in order to test if it's a 1-1 rel if should_call_relationship_op(ctx, relationship): if not in custom_context.modified_instance_ids: unlink_task_source = relationship.execute_source_operation('cloudify.interfaces.relationship_lifecycle.unlink') _set_send_node_event_on_error_handler(unlink_task_source, instance, "Error occurred while unlinking node from target {0} - ignoring...".format(relationship.target_id)) fork.add(unlink_task_source) if fork.is_not_empty(): sequence.add(forkjoin_sequence(graph, fork, instance, "unlink")) elif operation_fqname == 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.delete': task = instance.execute_operation(operation_fqname) _set_send_node_event_on_error_handler(task, instance, "Error occurred while deleting node - ignoring...") sequence.add(task) else: # the default behavior : just do the job sequence.add(instance.execute_operation(operation_fqname)) sequence.add(build_wf_event_task(instance, step_id, "ok")) return sequence def forkjoin_sequence(graph, forkjoin_wrapper, instance, label): sequence = TaskSequenceWrapper(graph) sequence.add(instance.send_event("forking: {0} instance '{1}'".format(label, sequence.add(forkjoin_wrapper) sequence.add(instance.send_event("joining: {0} instance '{1}'".format(label, return sequence def link_tasks(graph, source_id, target_id, custom_context): sources = custom_context.tasks.get(source_id, None) targets = custom_context.tasks.get(target_id, None) _link_tasks(graph, sources, targets) def _link_tasks(graph, sources, targets): if sources is None: return if isinstance(sources, TaskSequenceWrapper) or isinstance(sources, ForkjoinWrapper): sources = sources.first_tasks else: sources = [sources] if targets is None: return if isinstance(targets, TaskSequenceWrapper) or isinstance(targets, ForkjoinWrapper): targets = targets.last_tasks else: targets = [targets] for source in sources: for target in targets: graph.add_dependency(source, target) def _is_host_node_instance(node_instance): return is_host_node(node_instance.node) def is_host_node(node): return 'cloudify.nodes.Compute' in node.type_hierarchy # def _relationship_operations(node_instance, operation): # tasks_with_targets = _relationship_operations_with_targets( # node_instance, operation) # return [task for task, _ in tasks_with_targets] # # # def _relationship_operations_with_targets(node_instance, operation): # tasks = [] # for relationship in node_instance.relationships: # tasks += _relationship_operations_with_target(relationship, operation) # return tasks # # # def _relationship_operations_with_target(relationship, operation): # return [ # (relationship.execute_source_operation(operation), # relationship.target_id) # ] def generate_native_node_workflows(ctx, graph, custom_context, stage): #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="call: generate_native_node_workflows(stage: {0})".format(stage)) native_node_ids = custom_context.get_native_node_ids() # for each native node we build a sequence of operations native_sequences = {} for node_id in native_node_ids: sequence = _generate_native_node_sequence(ctx, graph, node_id, stage, custom_context) if sequence is not None: native_sequences[node_id] = sequence # we explore the relations between native nodes to orchestrate tasks 'a la' cloudify for node_id in native_node_ids: sequence = native_sequences.get(node_id, None) if sequence is not None: node = ctx.get_node(node_id) for relationship in node.relationships: target_id = relationship.target_id target_sequence = native_sequences.get(target_id, None) if target_sequence is not None: if stage == 'install': _link_tasks(graph, sequence, target_sequence) elif stage == 'uninstall': _link_tasks(graph, target_sequence, sequence) # when posible, associate the native sequences with the corresponding delegate workflow step for node_id in native_node_ids: sequence = native_sequences.get(node_id, None) if sequence is not None: delegate_wf_step = custom_context.delegate_wf_steps.get(node_id, None) if delegate_wf_step is not None: # the delegate wf step can be associated to a native sequence # let's register it in the custom context to make it available for non native tasks links custom_context.tasks[delegate_wf_step] = sequence # and remove it from the original map del custom_context.delegate_wf_steps[node_id] # this sequence is now associated with a delegate wf step, just remove it from the map del native_sequences[node_id] # iterate through remaining delegate_wf_steps # the remaining ones are those that are not associated with a native sequence # at this stage, we are not able to associate these remaining delegate wf steps (we don't have # a bridge between java world model and python world model (cfy blueprint) ) # so: we fork all remaining sequences and we associate the fork-join to all remaining delegate step if len(custom_context.delegate_wf_steps) > 0 and len(native_sequences) > 0: # let's create a fork join with remaining sequences fork = ForkjoinWrapper(graph) for sequence in native_sequences.itervalues(): fork.add(sequence) for stepId in custom_context.delegate_wf_steps.itervalues(): # we register this fork using the delegate wf step id # so it can be referenced later to link non native tasks custom_context.tasks[stepId] = fork #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="return: generate_native_node_workflows") def _generate_native_node_sequence(ctx, graph, node_id, stage, custom_context): #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="call: _generate_native_node_sequence(node: {0}, stage: {1})".format(node, stage)) if stage == 'install': return _generate_native_node_sequence_install(ctx, graph, node_id, custom_context) elif stage == 'uninstall': return _generate_native_node_sequence_uninstall(ctx, graph, node_id, custom_context) else: return None def _generate_native_node_sequence_install(ctx, graph, node_id, custom_context): #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="call: _generate_native_node_sequence_install(node: {0})".format(node)) sequence = TaskSequenceWrapper(graph) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'initial', '_{0}_initial'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'creating', '_{0}_creating'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_operation_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.create', '_create_{0}'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'created', '_{0}_created'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'configuring', '_{0}_configuring'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_operation_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.configure', '_configure_{0}'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'configured', '_{0}_configured'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'starting', '_{0}_starting'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_operation_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.start', '_start_{0}'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'started', '_{0}_started'.format(node_id), custom_context)) #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="return: _generate_native_node_sequence_install(node: {0})".format(node)) return sequence def _generate_native_node_sequence_uninstall(ctx, graph, node_id, custom_context): #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="call: _generate_native_node_sequence_uninstall(node: {0})".format(node)) sequence = TaskSequenceWrapper(graph) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'stopping', '_{0}_stopping'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_operation_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.stop', '_stop_{0}'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'stopped', '_{0}_stopped'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'deleting', '_{0}_deleting'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_operation_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.delete', '_delete_{0}'.format(node_id), custom_context)) sequence.add(_set_state_task(ctx, graph, node_id, 'deleted', '_{0}_deleted'.format(node_id), custom_context)) #ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( # event_type='other', # message="return: _generate_native_node_sequence_uninstall(node: {0})".format(node)) return sequence class ForkjoinWrapper(object): def __init__(self, graph, name=""): self.graph = graph self.first_tasks = [] self.last_tasks = [] = name def add(self, *tasks): for element in tasks: if isinstance(element, ForkjoinWrapper): self.first_tasks.extend(element.first_tasks) self.last_tasks.extend(element.last_tasks) elif isinstance(element, TaskSequenceWrapper): self.first_tasks.extend(element.first_tasks) self.last_tasks.extend(element.last_tasks) else: self.first_tasks.append(element) self.last_tasks.append(element) self.graph.add_task(element) def is_not_empty(self): return len(self.first_tasks) > 0 class TaskSequenceWrapper(object): def __init__(self, graph, name=""): self.graph = graph self.first_tasks = None self.last_tasks = None = name def set_head(self, task): if self.first_tasks is None: self.add(task) else: self.graph.add_task(task) for next_task in self.first_tasks: self.graph.add_dependency(next_task, task) self.first_tasks = [task] def add(self, *tasks): for element in tasks: tasks_head = None tasks_queue = None if isinstance(element, ForkjoinWrapper): tasks_head = element.first_tasks tasks_queue = element.last_tasks elif isinstance(element, TaskSequenceWrapper): tasks_head = element.first_tasks tasks_queue = element.last_tasks else: tasks_head = [element] tasks_queue = tasks_head self.graph.add_task(element) for task in tasks_head: if self.last_tasks is not None: for last_task in self.last_tasks: self.graph.add_dependency(task, last_task) if tasks_head is not None: if self.first_tasks is None: self.first_tasks = tasks_head if tasks_queue is not None: self.last_tasks = tasks_queue class CustomContext(object): def __init__(self, ctx, modified_instances, modified_and_related_nodes): # this set to store pre/post conf source/target operation that have been already called # we'll use a string like sourceId#targetId#pre|post#source|target self.executed_operation = set() self.tasks = {} self.relationship_targets = {} # a set of nodeId for which wf is customized (designed using a4c) self.customized_wf_nodes = set() # a dict of nodeId -> stepId : nodes for which we need to manage the wf ourself self.delegate_wf_steps = {} # the modified nodes are those that have been modified (all in case of install or uninstall workflow, result of modification in case of scaling) self.modified_instances_per_node = self.__get_instances_per_node(modified_instances) self.modified_instance_ids = self.__get_instance_ids(modified_instances) # contains the modifed nodes and the related nodes self.modified_and_related_nodes = modified_and_related_nodes self.__build_relationship_targets(ctx) ''' Given an instance array, build a map where: - key is node_id - value is an instance array (all instances for this particular node_id) ''' def __get_instances_per_node(self, instances): instances_per_node = {} for instance in instances: node_instances = instances_per_node.get(instance.node_id, None) if node_instances is None: node_instances = [] instances_per_node[instance.node_id] = node_instances node_instances.append(instance) return instances_per_node def __get_instance_ids(self, instances): instance_ids = set() for instance in instances: instance_ids.add( return instance_ids ''' Build a map containing all the relationships that target a given node instance : - key is target_id (a node instance id) - value is a set of relationships (all relationship that target this node) ''' def __build_relationship_targets(self, ctx): node_instances = _get_all_nodes_instances_from_nodes(self.modified_and_related_nodes) for node_instance in node_instances: ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='other', message="found an instance of {0} : {1}".format(node_instance.node_id, for relationship in node_instance.relationships: target_relationships = self.relationship_targets.get(relationship.target_id, None) if target_relationships is None: target_relationships = set() self.relationship_targets[relationship.target_id] = target_relationships ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='other', message="found a relationship that targets {0} from {1}".format(relationship.target_id, target_relationships.add(relationship) def add_customized_wf_node(self, nodeId): self.customized_wf_nodes.add(nodeId) def is_native_node(self, node_id): if node_id in self.customized_wf_nodes: return False else: return True # the native node are those for which workflow is not managed by a4c def get_native_node_ids(self): native_node_ids = set() for node_id in self.modified_instances_per_node.keys(): if node_id not in self.customized_wf_nodes: native_node_ids.add(node_id) return native_node_ids def register_native_delegate_wf_step(self, nodeId, stepId): self.delegate_wf_steps[nodeId] = stepId #! /usr/bin/env python # These methods are used by and waf to look for and read the # .ns3rc configuration file, which is used to specify the modules that # should be enabled import os import sys def get_list_from_file(file_path, list_name): '''Looks for a Python list called list_name in the file specified by file_path and returns it. If the file or list name aren't found, this function will return an empty list. ''' list = [] # Read in the file if it exists. if os.path.exists(file_path): file_in = open(file_path, "r") # Look for the list. list_string = "" parsing_multiline_list = False for line in file_in: # Remove any comments. if '#' in line: (line, comment) = line.split('#', 1) # Parse the line. if list_name in line or parsing_multiline_list: list_string += line # Handle multiline lists. if ']' not in list_string: parsing_multiline_list = True else: # Evaluate the list once its end is reached. # Make the split function only split it once. list = eval(list_string.split('=', 1)[1].strip()) break # Close the file file_in.close() return list def get_bool_from_file(file_path, bool_name, value_if_missing): '''Looks for a Python boolean variable called bool_name in the file specified by file_path and returns its value. If the file or boolean variable aren't found, this function will return value_if_missing. ''' # Read in the file if it exists. if os.path.exists(file_path): file_in = open(file_path, "r") # Look for the boolean variable. bool_found = False for line in file_in: # Remove any comments. if '#' in line: (line, comment) = line.split('#', 1) # Parse the line. if bool_name in line: # Evaluate the variable's line once it is found. Make # the split function only split it once. bool = eval(line.split('=', 1)[1].strip()) bool_found = True break # Close the file file_in.close() if bool_found: return bool else: return value_if_missing # Reads the NS-3 configuration file and returns a list of enabled modules. # # This function first looks for the ns3 configuration file (.ns3rc) in # the current working directory and then looks in the ~ directory. def read_config_file(): # By default, all modules will be enabled, examples will be disabled, # and tests will be disabled. modules_enabled = ['all_modules'] examples_enabled = False tests_enabled = False # See if the ns3 configuration file exists in the current working # directory and then look for it in the ~ directory. config_file_exists = False dot_ns3rc_name = '.ns3rc' dot_ns3rc_path = dot_ns3rc_name if not os.path.exists(dot_ns3rc_path): dot_ns3rc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/') + dot_ns3rc_name if not os.path.exists(dot_ns3rc_path): # Return all of the default values if the .ns3rc file can't be found. return (config_file_exists, modules_enabled, examples_enabled, tests_enabled) config_file_exists = True # Read in the enabled modules. modules_enabled = get_list_from_file(dot_ns3rc_path, 'modules_enabled') if not modules_enabled: # Enable all modules if the modules_enabled line can't be found. modules_enabled = ['all_modules'] # Read in whether examples should be enabled or not. value_if_missing = False examples_enabled = get_bool_from_file(dot_ns3rc_path, 'examples_enabled', value_if_missing) # Read in whether tests should be enabled or not. value_if_missing = False tests_enabled = get_bool_from_file(dot_ns3rc_path, 'tests_enabled', value_if_missing) return (config_file_exists, modules_enabled, examples_enabled, tests_enabled) #!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Verify handling of build variants. TODO: Right now, only the SCons generator supports this, so the test case is SCons-specific. In particular, it relise on SCons' ability to rebuild in response to changes on the command line. It may be simpler to just drop this feature if the other generators can't be made to behave the same way. """ import TestGyp test = TestGyp.TestGyp(formats=['scons']) test.run_gyp('variants.gyp', chdir='src') test.relocate('src', 'relocate/src')'variants.gyp', chdir='relocate/src') test.run_built_executable('variants', chdir='relocate/src', stdout="Hello, world!\n") test.sleep()'variants.gyp', 'VARIANT1=1', chdir='relocate/src') test.run_built_executable('variants', chdir='relocate/src', stdout="Hello from VARIANT1\n") test.sleep()'variants.gyp', 'VARIANT2=1', chdir='relocate/src') test.run_built_executable('variants', chdir='relocate/src', stdout="Hello from VARIANT2\n") test.pass_test() # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (C) 2012 Dariusz Suchojad Licensed under LGPLv3, see LICENSE.txt for terms and conditions. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals # anyjson from anyjson import loads # nose from import eq_ # Bunch from bunch import Bunch # Zato from zato.common.odb.model import Service from zato.common.test import Expected, rand_bool, rand_int, rand_string, ServiceTestCase from zato.server.service.internal.service import GetList, GetByName def get_data(): return Bunch({'id':rand_int(), 'name':rand_string(), 'is_active':rand_bool(), 'impl_name':rand_string(), 'is_internal':rand_bool()}) class GetListTestCase(ServiceTestCase): def test_response(self): request = {'cluster_id': rand_int()} expected_keys = get_data().keys() expected_data = tuple(get_data() for x in range(rand_int(10))) expected = Expected() for datum in expected_data: item = Service() for key in expected_keys: value = getattr(datum, key) setattr(item, key, value) expected.add(item) instance = self.invoke(GetList, request, expected) response = loads(instance.response.payload.getvalue())[GetList.SimpleIO.response_elem] for idx, item in enumerate(response): expected = expected_data[idx] given = Bunch(item) for key in expected_keys: given_value = getattr(given, key) expected_value = getattr(expected, key) eq_(given_value, expected_value) class GetByNameTestCase(ServiceTestCase): def test_response(self): request = {'cluster_id':rand_int(), 'name':rand_string()} expected_id = rand_int() expected_name = rand_string() expected_is_active = rand_bool() expected_impl_name = rand_string() expected_is_internal = rand_bool() service = Service() = expected_id = expected_name service.is_active = expected_is_active service.impl_name = expected_impl_name service.is_internal = expected_is_internal expected = Expected() expected.add(service) instance = self.invoke(GetByName, request, expected) response = Bunch(loads(instance.response.payload.getvalue())['zato_service_get_by_name_response']) eq_(, expected_id) eq_(, expected_name) eq_(response.is_active, expected_is_active) eq_(response.impl_name, expected_impl_name) eq_(response.is_internal, expected_is_internal) eq_(response.usage, 0) #!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import cStringIO import logging import unittest import sys import isolate_common class TraceInputs(unittest.TestCase): def _test(self, value, expected): actual = cStringIO.StringIO() isolate_common.pretty_print(value, actual) self.assertEquals(expected, actual.getvalue()) def test_pretty_print_empty(self): self._test({}, '{\n}\n') def test_pretty_print_mid_size(self): value = { 'variables': { 'bar': [ 'file1', 'file2', ], }, 'conditions': [ ['OS=\"foo\"', { 'variables': { isolate_common.KEY_UNTRACKED: [ 'dir1', 'dir2', ], isolate_common.KEY_TRACKED: [ 'file4', 'file3', ], 'command': ['python', '-c', 'print "H\\i\'"'], 'read_only': True, 'relative_cwd': 'isol\'at\\e', }, }], ['OS=\"bar\"', { 'variables': {}, }, { 'variables': {}, }], ], } expected = ( "{\n" " 'variables': {\n" " 'bar': [\n" " 'file1',\n" " 'file2',\n" " ],\n" " },\n" " 'conditions': [\n" " ['OS=\"foo\"', {\n" " 'variables': {\n" " 'command': [\n" " 'python',\n" " '-c',\n" " 'print \"H\\i\'\"',\n" " ],\n" " 'relative_cwd': 'isol\\'at\\\\e',\n" " 'read_only': True\n" " 'isolate_dependency_tracked': [\n" " 'file4',\n" " 'file3',\n" " ],\n" " 'isolate_dependency_untracked': [\n" " 'dir1',\n" " 'dir2',\n" " ],\n" " },\n" " }],\n" " ['OS=\"bar\"', {\n" " 'variables': {\n" " },\n" " }, {\n" " 'variables': {\n" " },\n" " }],\n" " ],\n" "}\n") self._test(value, expected) if __name__ == '__main__': VERBOSE = '-v' in sys.argv logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if VERBOSE else logging.ERROR) unittest.main() import tempfile class HxmlWriter: def __init__(self): self.file_out = open(tempfile.gettempdir()+'/backplot.xml', 'w') self.file_out.write('\n') self.file_out.write('\n') self.t = None self.oldx = None self.oldy = None self.oldz = None def __del__(self): self.file_out.write('\n') self.file_out.close() def write(self, s): self.file_out.write(s) ############################################ def begin_ncblock(self): self.file_out.write('\t\n') def end_ncblock(self): self.file_out.write('\t\n') def add_text(self, s, col, cdata): s.replace('&', '&') s.replace('"', '"') s.replace('<', '<') s.replace('>', '>') if (cdata) : (cd1, cd2) = ('') else : (cd1, cd2) = ('', '') if (col != None) : self.file_out.write('\t\t'+cd1+s+cd2+'\n') else : self.file_out.write('\t\t'+cd1+s+cd2+'\n') def set_mode(self, units): self.file_out.write('\t\t\n') def metric(self): self.set_mode(units = 1.0) def imperial(self): self.set_mode(units = 25.4) def begin_path(self, col): if (col != None) : self.file_out.write('\t\t\n') else : self.file_out.write('\t\t\n') def end_path(self): self.file_out.write('\t\t\n') def rapid(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, a=None, b=None, c=None): self.begin_path("rapid") self.add_line(x, y, z, a, b, c) self.end_path() def feed(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, a=None, b=None, c=None): self.begin_path("feed") self.add_line(x, y, z, a, b, c) self.end_path() def arc_cw(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, i=None, j=None, k=None, r=None): self.begin_path("feed") self.add_arc(x, y, z, i, j, k, r, -1) self.end_path() def arc_ccw(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, i=None, j=None, k=None, r=None): self.begin_path("feed") self.add_arc(x, y, z, i, j, k, r, 1) self.end_path() def tool_change(self, id): self.file_out.write('\t\t\n') self.t = id def current_tool(self): return self.t def spindle(self, s, clockwise): pass def feedrate(self, f): pass def add_line(self, x, y, z, a = None, b = None, c = None): self.file_out.write('\t\t\t\n') if x != None: self.oldx = x if y != None: self.oldy = y if z != None: self.oldz = z def add_arc(self, x, y, z, i, j, k, r = None, d = None): self.file_out.write('\t\t\t\n') if x != None: self.oldx = x if y != None: self.oldy = y if z != None: self.oldz = z from datacash import models, facade, gateway from oscar.apps.order import processing from oscar.apps.payment import exceptions from .models import PaymentEventType class EventHandler(processing.EventHandler): def handle_shipping_event(self, order, event_type, lines, line_quantities, **kwargs): self.validate_shipping_event( order, event_type, lines, line_quantities, **kwargs) payment_event = None if == 'Shipped': # Take payment for order lines self.take_payment_for_lines( order, lines, line_quantities) self.consume_stock_allocations( order, lines, line_quantities) shipping_event = self.create_shipping_event( order, event_type, lines, line_quantities, reference=kwargs.get('reference', None)) if payment_event: shipping_event.payment_events.add(payment_event) def take_payment_for_lines(self, order, lines, line_quantities): settle, __ = PaymentEventType.objects.get_or_create( name="Settle") amount = self.calculate_amount_to_settle( settle, order, lines, line_quantities) # Take payment with Datacash (using pre-auth txn) txn = self.get_datacash_preauth(order) f = facade.Facade() try: datacash_ref = f.fulfill_transaction( order.number, amount, txn.datacash_reference, txn.auth_code) except exceptions.PaymentError as e: self.create_note(order, "Attempt to settle %.2f failed: %s" % ( amount, e)) raise # Record message msg = "Payment of %.2f settled using reference '%s' from initial transaction" msg = msg % (amount, txn.datacash_reference) self.create_note(order, msg) # Update order source source = order.sources.get(source_type__name='Datacash') source.debit(amount, reference=datacash_ref) # Create payment event return self.create_payment_event( order, settle, amount, lines, line_quantities, reference=datacash_ref) def calculate_amount_to_settle( self, event_type, order, lines, line_quantities): amt = self.calculate_payment_event_subtotal( event_type, lines, line_quantities) num_payments = order.payment_events.filter( event_type=event_type).count() if num_payments == 0: # Include shipping charge in first payment amt += order.shipping_incl_tax return amt def get_datacash_preauth(self, order): """ Return the (successful) pre-auth Datacash transaction for the passed order. """ transactions = models.OrderTransaction.objects.filter( order_number=order.number, method=gateway.PRE, status=1) if transactions.count() == 0: raise exceptions.PaymentError( "Unable to take payment as no PRE-AUTH " "transaction found for this order") return transactions[0] # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """`sphinx_rtd_theme` lives on `Github`_. .. _github: """ from setuptools import setup from sphinx_rtd_theme import __version__ setup( name='sphinx_rtd_theme', version=__version__, url='', license='MIT', author='Dave Snider', author_email='', description=' theme for Sphinx, 2013 version.', long_description=open('README.rst').read(), zip_safe=False, packages=['sphinx_rtd_theme'], package_data={'sphinx_rtd_theme': [ 'theme.conf', '*.html', 'static/css/*.css', 'static/js/*.js', 'static/font/*.*' ]}, include_package_data=True, install_requires=open('requirements.txt').read().splitlines(), classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Environment :: Console', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Documentation', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation', ], ) import sys import unittest __all__ = ['get_config_vars', 'get_path'] try: # Python 2.7 or >=3.2 from sysconfig import get_config_vars, get_path except ImportError: from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_vars, get_python_lib def get_path(name): if name not in ('platlib', 'purelib'): raise ValueError("Name must be purelib or platlib") return get_python_lib(name=='platlib') try: # Python >=3.2 from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory except ImportError: import shutil import tempfile class TemporaryDirectory(object): """" Very simple temporary directory context manager. Will try to delete afterward, but will also ignore OS and similar errors on deletion. """ def __init__(self): = None # Handle mkdtemp raising an exception = tempfile.mkdtemp() def __enter__(self): return def __exit__(self, exctype, excvalue, exctrace): try: shutil.rmtree(, True) except OSError: #removal errors are not the only possible pass = None unittest_main = unittest.main _PY31 = (3, 1) <= sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 2) if _PY31: # on Python 3.1, translate testRunner==None to TextTestRunner # for compatibility with Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2+ def unittest_main(*args, **kwargs): if 'testRunner' in kwargs and kwargs['testRunner'] is None: kwargs['testRunner'] = unittest.TextTestRunner return unittest.main(*args, **kwargs) # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ## Copyright 2012 Luc Saffre ## This file is part of the Lino project. ## Lino is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## Lino is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Lino; if not, see . r""" Experimental. Not maintained and not used within Lino. This package contains mainly a copy of `odfpy.contrib.html2odt` ( One modification by LS in the original files: - :file:`` : changed import statement for `emptycontent` The content of this file (:file:``) is my own derived work. I wanted to use the HTML2ODTParser not for grabbing a complete HTML page and creating a full .odt file, but for converting a chunk of HTML into a chunk of ODF XML. Example: >>> html = '''This is
a simple test.''' >>> print html2odt(html) This isa simple test. Note that the Parser ignores the ``...`` tag. Seems that this simply isn't yet implemented. """ from lino.utils.html2odt.html2odt import HTML2ODTParser from odf import element class RawXML(element.Childless, element.Node): #~ nodeType = element.Node.ELEMENT_NODE nodeType = element.Node.TEXT_NODE def __init__(self, raw_xml): self.raw_xml = raw_xml #~ super(RawXML,self).__init__() def toXml(self,level,f): f.write(self.raw_xml) def html2odt(data,encoding='iso8859-1',baseurl=''): p = HTML2ODTParser(encoding, baseurl) #~ failure = "" p.feed(data) text = p.result() # Flush the buffer #~ return RawXML(text) return text def _test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": _test() # Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Mitch Garnaat # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. from boto.s3.user import User class ResultSet(list): """ The ResultSet is used to pass results back from the Amazon services to the client. It is light wrapper around Python's :py:class:`list` class, with some additional methods for parsing XML results from AWS. Because I don't really want any dependencies on external libraries, I'm using the standard SAX parser that comes with Python. The good news is that it's quite fast and efficient but it makes some things rather difficult. You can pass in, as the marker_elem parameter, a list of tuples. Each tuple contains a string as the first element which represents the XML element that the resultset needs to be on the lookout for and a Python class as the second element of the tuple. Each time the specified element is found in the XML, a new instance of the class will be created and popped onto the stack. :ivar str next_token: A hash used to assist in paging through very long result sets. In most cases, passing this value to certain methods will give you another 'page' of results. """ def __init__(self, marker_elem=None): list.__init__(self) if isinstance(marker_elem, list): self.markers = marker_elem else: self.markers = [] self.marker = None self.key_marker = None self.next_marker = None # avail when delimiter used self.next_key_marker = None self.next_upload_id_marker = None self.next_version_id_marker = None self.next_generation_marker = None self.version_id_marker = None self.is_truncated = False self.next_token = None self.status = True def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): for t in self.markers: if name == t[0]: obj = t[1](connection) self.append(obj) return obj if name == 'Owner': # Makes owner available for get_service and # perhaps other lists where not handled by # another element. self.owner = User() return self.owner return None def to_boolean(self, value, true_value='true'): if value == true_value: return True else: return False def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'IsTruncated': self.is_truncated = self.to_boolean(value) elif name == 'Marker': self.marker = value elif name == 'KeyMarker': self.key_marker = value elif name == 'NextMarker': self.next_marker = value elif name == 'NextKeyMarker': self.next_key_marker = value elif name == 'VersionIdMarker': self.version_id_marker = value elif name == 'NextVersionIdMarker': self.next_version_id_marker = value elif name == 'NextGenerationMarker': self.next_generation_marker = value elif name == 'UploadIdMarker': self.upload_id_marker = value elif name == 'NextUploadIdMarker': self.next_upload_id_marker = value elif name == 'Bucket': self.bucket = value elif name == 'MaxUploads': self.max_uploads = int(value) elif name == 'MaxItems': self.max_items = int(value) elif name == 'Prefix': self.prefix = value elif name == 'return': self.status = self.to_boolean(value) elif name == 'StatusCode': self.status = self.to_boolean(value, 'Success') elif name == 'ItemName': self.append(value) elif name == 'NextToken': self.next_token = value elif name == 'nextToken': self.next_token = value # Code exists which expects nextToken to be available, so we # set it here to remain backwards-compatibile. self.nextToken = value elif name == 'BoxUsage': try: connection.box_usage += float(value) except: pass elif name == 'IsValid': self.status = self.to_boolean(value, 'True') else: setattr(self, name, value) class BooleanResult(object): def __init__(self, marker_elem=None): self.status = True self.request_id = None self.box_usage = None def __repr__(self): if self.status: return 'True' else: return 'False' def __nonzero__(self): return self.status def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def to_boolean(self, value, true_value='true'): if value == true_value: return True else: return False def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'return': self.status = self.to_boolean(value) elif name == 'StatusCode': self.status = self.to_boolean(value, 'Success') elif name == 'IsValid': self.status = self.to_boolean(value, 'True') elif name == 'RequestId': self.request_id = value elif name == 'requestId': self.request_id = value elif name == 'BoxUsage': self.request_id = value else: setattr(self, name, value) import binascii import struct from django.forms import ValidationError from .const import ( GDAL_TO_POSTGIS, GDAL_TO_STRUCT, POSTGIS_HEADER_STRUCTURE, POSTGIS_TO_GDAL, STRUCT_SIZE, ) def pack(structure, data): """ Pack data into hex string with little endian format. """ return binascii.hexlify(struct.pack('<' + structure, *data)).upper() def unpack(structure, data): """ Unpack little endian hexlified binary string into a list. """ return struct.unpack('<' + structure, binascii.unhexlify(data)) def chunk(data, index): """ Split a string into two parts at the input index. """ return data[:index], data[index:] def get_pgraster_srid(data): """ Extract the SRID from a PostGIS raster string. """ if data is None: return # The positional arguments here extract the hex-encoded srid from the # header of the PostGIS raster string. This can be understood through # the POSTGIS_HEADER_STRUCTURE constant definition in the const module. return unpack('i', data[106:114])[0] def from_pgraster(data): """ Convert a PostGIS HEX String into a dictionary. """ if data is None: return # Split raster header from data header, data = chunk(data, 122) header = unpack(POSTGIS_HEADER_STRUCTURE, header) # Parse band data bands = [] pixeltypes = [] while data: # Get pixel type for this band pixeltype, data = chunk(data, 2) pixeltype = unpack('B', pixeltype)[0] # Subtract nodata byte from band nodata value if it exists has_nodata = pixeltype >= 64 if has_nodata: pixeltype -= 64 # Convert datatype from PostGIS to GDAL & get pack type and size pixeltype = POSTGIS_TO_GDAL[pixeltype] pack_type = GDAL_TO_STRUCT[pixeltype] pack_size = 2 * STRUCT_SIZE[pack_type] # Parse band nodata value. The nodata value is part of the # PGRaster string even if the nodata flag is True, so it always # has to be chunked off the data string. nodata, data = chunk(data, pack_size) nodata = unpack(pack_type, nodata)[0] # Chunk and unpack band data (pack size times nr of pixels) band, data = chunk(data, pack_size * header[10] * header[11]) band_result = {'data': binascii.unhexlify(band)} # If the nodata flag is True, set the nodata value. if has_nodata: band_result['nodata_value'] = nodata # Append band data to band list bands.append(band_result) # Store pixeltype of this band in pixeltypes array pixeltypes.append(pixeltype) # Check that all bands have the same pixeltype. # This is required by GDAL. PostGIS rasters could have different pixeltypes # for bands of the same raster. if len(set(pixeltypes)) != 1: raise ValidationError("Band pixeltypes are not all equal.") return { 'srid': int(header[9]), 'width': header[10], 'height': header[11], 'datatype': pixeltypes[0], 'origin': (header[5], header[6]), 'scale': (header[3], header[4]), 'skew': (header[7], header[8]), 'bands': bands, } def to_pgraster(rast): """ Convert a GDALRaster into PostGIS Raster format. """ # Return if the raster is null if rast is None or rast == '': return # Prepare the raster header data as a tuple. The first two numbers are # the endianness and the PostGIS Raster Version, both are fixed by # PostGIS at the moment. rasterheader = ( 1, 0, len(rast.bands), rast.scale.x, rast.scale.y, rast.origin.x, rast.origin.y, rast.skew.x, rast.skew.y, rast.srs.srid, rast.width, rast.height, ) # Hexlify raster header result = pack(POSTGIS_HEADER_STRUCTURE, rasterheader) for band in rast.bands: # The PostGIS raster band header has exactly two elements, a 8BUI byte # and the nodata value. # # The 8BUI stores both the PostGIS pixel data type and a nodata flag. # It is composed as the datatype integer plus 64 as a flag for existing # nodata values: # 8BUI_VALUE = PG_PIXEL_TYPE (0-11) + FLAG (0 or 64) # # For example, if the byte value is 71, then the datatype is # 71-64 = 7 (32BSI) and the nodata value is True. structure = 'B' + GDAL_TO_STRUCT[band.datatype()] # Get band pixel type in PostGIS notation pixeltype = GDAL_TO_POSTGIS[band.datatype()] # Set the nodata flag if band.nodata_value is not None: pixeltype += 64 # Pack band header bandheader = pack(structure, (pixeltype, band.nodata_value or 0)) # Hexlify band data band_data_hex = binascii.hexlify( # Add packed header and band data to result result += bandheader + band_data_hex # Cast raster to string before passing it to the DB return result.decode() from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404 from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404 from django.template import RequestContext from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.views.generic import date_based from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Q from swaps.models import Offer, Swap from swaps.forms import OfferForm, ProposeSwapForm, ProposingOfferForm try: from notification import models as notification except ImportError: notification = None try: from threadedcomments.models import ThreadedComment forums = True except ImportError: forums = False @login_required def offers(request, username=None): offers = Offer.objects.filter(state=1).order_by("-offered_time") return render_to_response("swaps/offers.html", {"offers": offers}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def offer(request, offer_id): offer = get_object_or_404(Offer, id=offer_id) #deletable = offer.is_deletable() return render_to_response("swaps/offer.html", { "offer": offer, #"deletable": deletable, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def your_offers(request): user = request.user offers = Offer.objects.filter(offerer=user).order_by("-offered_time") return render_to_response("swaps/your_offers.html", {"offers": offers}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def swap(request, swap_id): swap = get_object_or_404(Swap, id=swap_id) return render_to_response("swaps/swap.html", { "swap": swap, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def proposed_by_you(request): swaps = Swap.objects.filter(proposing_offer__offerer=request.user, state=1).order_by("-proposed_time") return render_to_response("swaps/proposed_by_you.html", {"swaps": swaps}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def proposed_to_you(request): swaps = Swap.objects.filter(responding_offer__offerer=request.user, state=1).order_by("-proposed_time") return render_to_response("swaps/proposed_to_you.html", {"swaps": swaps}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def accepted_swaps(request): swaps = Swap.objects.filter( Q(state=2, proposing_offer__offerer=request.user) | Q(state=2, responding_offer__offerer=request.user)).order_by("-accepted_time") return render_to_response("swaps/accepted.html", {"swaps": swaps}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def dead_swaps(request): swaps = Swap.objects.filter( Q(state__gt=3, proposing_offer__offerer=request.user) | Q(state__gt=3, responding_offer__offerer=request.user)).order_by("-killed_time") return render_to_response("swaps/dead.html", {"swaps": swaps}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def new(request): if request.method == "POST": if request.POST["action"] == "create": offer_form = OfferForm(request.POST) if offer_form.is_valid(): offer = offer.offerer = request.user request.user.message_set.create(message=_("Successfully saved offer '%s'") % offer.short_description) #if notification: # if friends: # @@@ might be worth having a shortcut for sending to all friends # notification.send((x['friend'] for x in Friendship.objects.friends_for_user(offer.offerer)), "offer_friend_post", {"post": blog}) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("offer_list_yours")) else: offer_form = OfferForm() else: offer_form = OfferForm() return render_to_response("swaps/new_offer.html", { "offer_form": offer_form }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def edit_offer(request, offer_id): offer = get_object_or_404(Offer, id=offer_id) if offer.offerer != request.user: request.user.message_set.create(message="You cannot edit offers that are not yours") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("offer_list_yours")) return_to = request.GET['returnto'] if request.method == "POST": if request.POST["action"] == "update": offer_form = OfferForm(request.POST, instance=offer) if offer_form.is_valid(): offer = if notification: for swap in offer.proposed_swaps.filter(state=1): notification.send([swap.responding_offer.offerer,], "swaps_proposing_offer_changed", {"creator": request.user, "swap": swap, "proposing_offer": swap.proposing_offer, "responding_offer": swap.responding_offer}) for swap in offer.responding_swaps.filter(state=1): notification.send([swap.proposing_offer.offerer,], "swaps_responding_offer_changed", {"creator": request.user, "swap": swap, "proposing_offer": swap.proposing_offer, "responding_offer": swap.responding_offer}) request.user.message_set.create(message=_("Successfully updated offer '%s'") % offer.short_description) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(return_to)) else: offer_form = OfferForm(instance=offer) else: offer_form = OfferForm(instance=offer) return render_to_response("swaps/edit_offer.html", { "offer_form": offer_form, "offer": offer, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def delete_offer(request, offer_id): offer = get_object_or_404(Offer, id=offer_id) if offer.offerer != request.user: request.user.message_set.create(message="You cannot delete offers that are not yours") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("offer_list_yours")) if request.method == "POST": offer.delete() return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("offer_list_yours")) @login_required def cancel_offer(request, offer_id): offer = get_object_or_404(Offer, id=offer_id) if offer.offerer != request.user: request.user.message_set.create(message="You cannot cancel offers that are not yours") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("offer_list_yours")) if request.method == "POST": offer.cancel() return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("offer_list_yours")) @login_required def propose_swap(request, offer_id): offer = get_object_or_404(Offer, id=offer_id) if request.method == "POST": swap_form = ProposeSwapForm(request.POST) offer_form = ProposingOfferForm(request.POST) swap = None if swap_form.is_valid(): swap = swap.responding_offer = offer if offer_form.is_valid(): proposing_offer = proposing_offer.offerer = request.user swap = Swap( proposing_offer=proposing_offer, responding_offer=offer) if swap: if notification: notification.send([offer.offerer,], "swaps_proposal", {"creator": request.user, "swap": swap, "proposing_offer": swap.proposing_offer, "responding_offer": swap.responding_offer}) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("proposed_by_you")) else: swap_form = ProposeSwapForm() swap_form.fields['proposing_offer'].queryset = Offer.objects.filter(offerer=request.user, state=1) offer_form = ProposingOfferForm() return render_to_response("swaps/propose_swap.html", { "offer": offer, "swap_form": swap_form, "offer_form": offer_form, }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) @login_required def accept_swap(request, swap_id): swap = get_object_or_404(Swap, id=swap_id) swap.accept() if notification: notification.send([swap.proposing_offer.offerer,], "swaps_acceptance", {"creator": request.user, "swap": swap, "proposing_offer": swap.proposing_offer, "responding_offer": swap.responding_offer}) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("accepted_swaps")) @login_required def reject_swap(request, swap_id): swap = get_object_or_404(Swap, id=swap_id) swap.reject() if notification: notification.send([swap.proposing_offer.offerer,], "swaps_rejection", {"creator": request.user, "swap": swap, "proposing_offer": swap.proposing_offer, "responding_offer": swap.responding_offer}) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("dead_swaps")) @login_required def cancel_swap(request, swap_id): swap = get_object_or_404(Swap, id=swap_id) swap.cancel() if notification: notification.send([swap.responding_offer.offerer,], "swaps_cancellation", {"creator": request.user, "swap": swap, "proposing_offer": swap.proposing_offer, "responding_offer": swap.responding_offer}) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("dead_swaps")) """Regression test module for DependencyGraph""" from __future__ import print_function from future.utils import viewitems from miasm.expression.expression import ExprId, ExprInt, ExprAssign, \ ExprCond, ExprLoc, LocKey from miasm.core.locationdb import LocationDB from import LifterModelCall from import IRBlock, AssignBlock from miasm.core.graph import DiGraph from miasm.analysis.depgraph import DependencyNode, DependencyGraph from itertools import count from pdb import pm import re loc_db = LocationDB() EMULATION = True try: import z3 except ImportError: EMULATION = False STEP_COUNTER = count() A = ExprId("a", 32) B = ExprId("b", 32) C = ExprId("c", 32) D = ExprId("d", 32) R = ExprId("r", 32) COND = ExprId("cond", 32) A_INIT = ExprId("a_init", 32) B_INIT = ExprId("b_init", 32) C_INIT = ExprId("c_init", 32) D_INIT = ExprId("d_init", 32) PC = ExprId("pc", 32) SP = ExprId("sp", 32) CST0 = ExprInt(0x0, 32) CST1 = ExprInt(0x1, 32) CST2 = ExprInt(0x2, 32) CST3 = ExprInt(0x3, 32) CST22 = ExprInt(0x22, 32) CST23 = ExprInt(0x23, 32) CST24 = ExprInt(0x24, 32) CST33 = ExprInt(0x33, 32) CST35 = ExprInt(0x35, 32) CST37 = ExprInt(0x37, 32) LBL0 = loc_db.add_location("lbl0", 0) LBL1 = loc_db.add_location("lbl1", 1) LBL2 = loc_db.add_location("lbl2", 2) LBL3 = loc_db.add_location("lbl3", 3) LBL4 = loc_db.add_location("lbl4", 4) LBL5 = loc_db.add_location("lbl5", 5) LBL6 = loc_db.add_location("lbl6", 6) def gen_irblock(label, exprs_list): """ Returns an IRBlock. Used only for tests purpose """ irs = [] for exprs in exprs_list: if isinstance(exprs, AssignBlock): irs.append(exprs) else: irs.append(AssignBlock(exprs)) irbl = IRBlock(loc_db, label, irs) return irbl class Regs(object): """Fake registers for tests """ regs_init = {A: A_INIT, B: B_INIT, C: C_INIT, D: D_INIT} all_regs_ids = [A, B, C, D, SP, PC, R] class Arch(object): """Fake architecture for tests """ regs = Regs() def getpc(self, attrib): return PC def getsp(self, attrib): return SP class IRATest(LifterModelCall): """Fake IRA class for tests""" def __init__(self, loc_db): arch = Arch() super(IRATest, self).__init__(arch, 32, loc_db) self.IRDst = ExprId("IRDst", 32) self.ret_reg = R def get_out_regs(self, _): return set([self.ret_reg, self.sp]) def bloc2graph(irgraph, label=False, lines=True): """Render dot graph of @blocks""" escape_chars = re.compile('[' + re.escape('{}') + ']') label_attr = 'colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="grey"' edge_attr = 'label = "%s" color="%s" style="bold"' td_attr = 'align="left"' block_attr = 'shape="Mrecord" fontname="Courier New"' out = ["digraph asm_graph {"] fix_chars = lambda x: '\\' + # Generate basic blocks out_blocks = [] for label in irgraph.nodes(): assert isinstance(label, LocKey) label_names = irgraph.loc_db.get_location_names(label) label_name = list(label_names)[0] if hasattr(irgraph, 'blocks'): irblock = irgraph.blocks[label] else: irblock = None if isinstance(label, LocKey): out_block = '%s [\n' % label_name else: out_block = '%s [\n' % label out_block += "%s " % block_attr out_block += 'label =<' block_label = '' % ( label_attr, label_name) block_html_lines = [] if lines and irblock is not None: for assignblk in irblock: for dst, src in viewitems(assignblk): if False: out_render = "%.8X') out_block += "%s " % block_label out_block += block_html_lines + "
" % (0, td_attr) else: out_render = "" out_render += escape_chars.sub(fix_chars, "%s = %s" % (dst, src)) block_html_lines.append(out_render) block_html_lines.append(" ") block_html_lines.pop() block_html_lines = ('
' % td_attr + ('
' % td_attr).join(block_html_lines) + '
> ];" out_blocks.append(out_block) out += out_blocks # Generate links for src, dst in irgraph.edges(): assert isinstance(src, LocKey) src_names = irgraph.loc_db.get_location_names(src) assert isinstance(dst, LocKey) dst_names = irgraph.loc_db.get_location_names(dst) src_name = list(src_names)[0] dst_name = list(dst_names)[0] edge_color = "black" out.append('%s -> %s' % (src_name, dst_name) + '[' + edge_attr % ("", edge_color) + '];') out.append("}") return '\n'.join(out) def dg2graph(graph, label=False, lines=True): """Render dot graph of @blocks""" escape_chars = re.compile('[' + re.escape('{}') + ']') label_attr = 'colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="grey"' edge_attr = 'label = "%s" color="%s" style="bold"' td_attr = 'align="left"' block_attr = 'shape="Mrecord" fontname="Courier New"' out = ["digraph asm_graph {"] fix_chars = lambda x: '\\' + # Generate basic blocks out_blocks = [] for node in graph.nodes(): if isinstance(node, DependencyNode): name = loc_db.pretty_str(node.loc_key) node_name = "%s %s %s" % (name, node.element, node.line_nb) else: node_name = str(node) out_block = '%s [\n' % hash(node) out_block += "%s " % block_attr out_block += 'label =<' block_label = '' % ( label_attr, node_name) block_html_lines = [] block_html_lines = ('') out_block += "%s " % block_label out_block += block_html_lines + "
' % td_attr + ('
' % td_attr).join(block_html_lines) + '
> ];" out_blocks.append(out_block) out += out_blocks # Generate links for src, dst in graph.edges(): edge_color = "black" out.append('%s -> %s ' % (hash(src), hash(dst)) + '[' + edge_attr % ("", edge_color) + '];') out.append("}") return '\n'.join(out) print(" [+] Test dictionary equality") DNA = DependencyNode(LBL2, A, 0) DNB = DependencyNode(LBL1, B, 1) DNC = DependencyNode(LBL1, C, 0) DNB2 = DependencyNode(LBL1, B, 1) DNC2 = DependencyNode(LBL1, C, 0) DNB3 = DependencyNode(LBL1, B, 1) DNC3 = DependencyNode(LBL1, C, 0) IRA = IRATest(loc_db) IRDst = IRA.IRDst END = ExprId("END", IRDst.size) # graph 1 G1_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G1_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(C, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G1_IRB1 = gen_irblock(LBL1, [[ExprAssign(B, C), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32))]]) G1_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(A, B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G1_IRB0, G1_IRB1, G1_IRB2]: G1_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 2 G2_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G2_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(C, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G2_IRB1 = gen_irblock(LBL1, [[ExprAssign(B, CST2), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32))]]) G2_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(A, B + C), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G2_IRB0, G2_IRB1, G2_IRB2]: G2_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 3 G3_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G3_IRB0 = gen_irblock( LBL0, [ [ExprAssign(C, CST1), ExprAssign( IRDst, ExprCond( COND, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32), ExprLoc(LBL2, 32) ) ) ] ] ) G3_IRB1 = gen_irblock(LBL1, [[ExprAssign(B, CST2), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL3, 32))]]) G3_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(B, CST3), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL3, 32))]]) G3_IRB3 = gen_irblock(LBL3, [[ExprAssign(A, B + C), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G3_IRB0, G3_IRB1, G3_IRB2, G3_IRB3]: G3_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 4 G4_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G4_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(C, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G4_IRB1 = gen_irblock( LBL1, [ [ExprAssign(C, C + CST2)], [ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprCond( C, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32), ExprLoc(LBL1, 32)) ) ]] ) G4_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(A, B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G4_IRB0, G4_IRB1, G4_IRB2]: G4_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 5 G5_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G5_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(B, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G5_IRB1 = gen_irblock( LBL1, [ [ExprAssign(B, B + CST2)], [ExprAssign( IRDst, ExprCond( B, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32), ExprLoc(LBL1, 32) ) ) ] ] ) G5_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(A, B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G5_IRB0, G5_IRB1, G5_IRB2]: G5_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 6 G6_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G6_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(B, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G6_IRB1 = gen_irblock(LBL1, [[ExprAssign(A, B), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) for irb in [G6_IRB0, G6_IRB1]: G6_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 7 G7_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G7_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(C, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G7_IRB1 = gen_irblock( LBL1, [ [ExprAssign(B, C)], [ExprAssign(A, B)], [ExprAssign( IRDst, ExprCond( COND, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32), ExprLoc(LBL2, 32) ) ) ] ] ) G7_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(D, A), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G7_IRB0, G7_IRB1, G7_IRB2]: G7_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 8 G8_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G8_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(C, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G8_IRB1 = gen_irblock( LBL1, [ [ExprAssign(B, C)], [ExprAssign(C, D), ExprAssign( IRDst, ExprCond( COND, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32), ExprLoc(LBL2, 32) ) ) ] ] ) G8_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(A, B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G8_IRB0, G8_IRB1, G8_IRB2]: G8_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 9 is graph 8 # graph 10 G10_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G10_IRB1 = gen_irblock( LBL1, [ [ExprAssign(B, B + CST2), ExprAssign( IRDst, ExprCond( COND, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32), ExprLoc(LBL2, 32) ) ) ] ] ) G10_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(A, B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G10_IRB1, G10_IRB2]: G10_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 11 G11_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G11_IRB0 = gen_irblock( LBL0, [ [ExprAssign(A, CST1), ExprAssign(B, CST2), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32)) ] ] ) G11_IRB1 = gen_irblock( LBL1, [ [ExprAssign(A, B), ExprAssign(B, A), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32)) ] ] ) G11_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(A, A - B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G11_IRB0, G11_IRB1, G11_IRB2]: G11_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 12 G12_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G12_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(B, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G12_IRB1 = gen_irblock( LBL1, [ [ExprAssign(A, B)], [ExprAssign(B, B + CST2), ExprAssign( IRDst, ExprCond( COND, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32), ExprLoc(LBL2, 32) ) ) ] ] ) G12_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(B, A), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G12_IRB0, G12_IRB1, G12_IRB2]: G12_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 13 G13_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G13_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(A, CST1)], #[ExprAssign(B, A)], [ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G13_IRB1 = gen_irblock(LBL1, [[ExprAssign(C, A)], #[ExprAssign(A, A + CST1)], [ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprCond( R, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32), ExprLoc(LBL3, 32) ) )]]) G13_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(B, A + CST3)], [ExprAssign(A, B + CST3)], [ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G13_IRB3 = gen_irblock(LBL3, [[ExprAssign(R, C), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G13_IRB0, G13_IRB1, G13_IRB2, G13_IRB3]: G13_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 14 G14_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G14_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(A, CST1)], [ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))] ]) G14_IRB1 = gen_irblock(LBL1, [[ExprAssign(B, A)], [ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprCond( C, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32), ExprLoc(LBL3, 32) ) ) ] ]) G14_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(D, A)], [ExprAssign(A, D + CST1)], [ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))] ]) G14_IRB3 = gen_irblock(LBL3, [[ExprAssign(R, D + B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G14_IRB0, G14_IRB1, G14_IRB2, G14_IRB3]: G14_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 16 G15_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G15_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(A, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G15_IRB1 = gen_irblock(LBL1, [[ExprAssign(D, A + B)], [ExprAssign(C, D)], [ExprAssign(B, C), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprCond( C, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32), ExprLoc(LBL2, 32) ) )]]) G15_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(R, B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) for irb in [G15_IRB0, G15_IRB1, G15_IRB2]: G15_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 16 G16_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G16_IRB0 = gen_irblock( LBL0, [ [ExprAssign(A, CST1), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))] ] ) G16_IRB1 = gen_irblock( LBL1, [ [ExprAssign(R, D), ExprAssign( IRDst, ExprCond( C, ExprCond( C, ExprCond( C, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32), ExprLoc(LBL3, 32) ), ExprLoc(LBL4, 32) ), ExprLoc(LBL5, 32) ) ) ] ] ) G16_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(D, A), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G16_IRB3 = gen_irblock(LBL3, [[ExprAssign(R, D), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G16_IRB4 = gen_irblock(LBL4, [[ExprAssign(R, A), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G16_IRB5 = gen_irblock(LBL5, [[ExprAssign(R, A), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) for irb in [G16_IRB0, G16_IRB1, G16_IRB2, G16_IRB3, G16_IRB4, G16_IRB5]: G16_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # graph 17 G17_IRA = IRA.new_ircfg() G17_IRB0 = gen_irblock(LBL0, [[ExprAssign(A, CST1), ExprAssign(D, CST2), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL1, 32))]]) G17_IRB1 = gen_irblock(LBL1, [[ExprAssign(A, D), ExprAssign(B, D), ExprAssign(IRDst, ExprLoc(LBL2, 32))]]) G17_IRB2 = gen_irblock(LBL2, [[ExprAssign(A, A - B), ExprAssign(IRDst, END)]]) G17_IRA.add_uniq_edge(G17_IRB0.loc_key, G17_IRB1.loc_key) G17_IRA.add_uniq_edge(G17_IRB1.loc_key, G17_IRB2.loc_key) for irb in [G17_IRB0, G17_IRB1, G17_IRB2]: G17_IRA.add_irblock(irb) # Test graph 1 G1_TEST1_DN1 = DependencyNode( G1_IRB2.loc_key, A, len(G1_IRB2)) G1_INPUT = (set([G1_TEST1_DN1]), set([G1_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test graph 2 G2_TEST1_DN1 = DependencyNode( G2_IRB2.loc_key, A, len(G2_IRB2)) G2_INPUT = (set([G2_TEST1_DN1]), set([G2_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test graph 3 G3_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode( G3_IRB3.loc_key, A, len(G3_IRB3)) G3_INPUT = (set([G3_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([G3_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test graph 4 G4_TEST1_DN1 = DependencyNode( G4_IRB2.loc_key, A, len(G2_IRB0)) G4_INPUT = (set([G4_TEST1_DN1]), set([G4_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test graph 5 G5_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode( G5_IRB2.loc_key, A, len(G5_IRB2)) G5_INPUT = (set([G5_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([G5_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test graph 6 G6_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode( G6_IRB1.loc_key, A, len(G6_IRB1)) G6_INPUT = (set([G6_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([G6_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test graph 7 G7_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode( G7_IRB2.loc_key, D, len(G7_IRB2)) G7_INPUT = (set([G7_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([G7_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test graph 8 G8_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode( G8_IRB2.loc_key, A, len(G8_IRB2)) G8_INPUT = (set([G8_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([G3_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test 9: Multi elements G9_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode( G8_IRB2.loc_key, A, len(G8_IRB2)) G9_TEST1_0_DN5 = DependencyNode( G8_IRB2.loc_key, C, len(G8_IRB2)) G9_INPUT = (set([G9_TEST1_0_DN1, G9_TEST1_0_DN5]), set([G8_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test 10: loop at beginning G10_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode( G10_IRB2.loc_key, A, len(G10_IRB2)) G10_INPUT = (set([G10_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([G10_IRB1.loc_key])) # Test 11: no dual block emulation G11_TEST1_DN1 = DependencyNode( G11_IRB2.loc_key, A, len(G11_IRB2)) G11_INPUT = (set([G11_TEST1_DN1]), set([G11_IRB0.loc_key])) # Test graph 12 G12_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode(G12_IRB2.loc_key, B, 1) G12_INPUT = (set([G12_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([])) # Test graph 13: # All filters G13_TEST1_0_DN4 = DependencyNode(G13_IRB3.loc_key, R, 1) G13_INPUT = (set([G13_TEST1_0_DN4]), set([])) # Test graph 14 # All filters G14_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode(G14_IRB3.loc_key, R, 1) G14_INPUT = (set([G14_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([])) # Test graph 15 G15_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode(G15_IRB2.loc_key, R, 1) G15_INPUT = (set([G15_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([])) # Test graph 16 G16_TEST1_0_DN1 = DependencyNode(G16_IRB5.loc_key, R, 1) G16_INPUT = (set([G16_TEST1_0_DN1]), set([])) # Test graph 17 G17_TEST1_DN1 = DependencyNode(G17_IRB2.loc_key, A, 1) G17_INPUT = (set([G17_TEST1_DN1]), set([])) FAILED = set() def flatNode(node): if isinstance(node, DependencyNode): if isinstance(node.element, ExprId): element = elif isinstance(node.element, ExprInt): element = int(node.element) else: RuntimeError("Unsupported type '%s'" % type(enode.element)) names = loc_db.get_location_names(node.loc_key) assert len(names) == 1 name = next(iter(names)) return ( name, element, node.line_nb ) else: return str(node) def flatGraph(graph): out_nodes, out_edges = set(), set() for node in graph.nodes(): out_nodes.add(flatNode(node)) for nodeA, nodeB in graph.edges(): out_edges.add((flatNode(nodeA), flatNode(nodeB))) out = ( tuple(sorted(list(out_nodes), key=str)), tuple(sorted(list(out_edges), key=str)) ) return out def unflatGraph(flat_graph): graph = DiGraph() nodes, edges = flat_graph for node in nodes: graph.add_node(node) for nodeA, nodeB in edges: graph.add_edge(nodeA, nodeB) return graph def get_node_noidx(node): if isinstance(node, tuple): return (node[0], node[1], node[2]) else: return node def test_result(graphA, graphB, leaves): """ Test graph equality without using node index """ todo = set((leaf, leaf) for leaf in leaves) done = set() while todo: nodeA, nodeB = todo.pop() if (nodeA, nodeB) in done: continue done.add((nodeA, nodeB)) if get_node_noidx(nodeA) != get_node_noidx(nodeB): return False if nodeA not in graphA.nodes(): return False if nodeB not in graphB.nodes(): return False parentsA = graphA.predecessors(nodeA) parentsB = graphB.predecessors(nodeB) if len(parentsA) != len(parentsB): return False parentsA_noidx, parentsB_noidx = {}, {} for parents, parents_noidx in ((parentsA, parentsA_noidx), (parentsB, parentsB_noidx)): for node in parents: node_noidx = get_node_noidx(node) assert(node_noidx not in parents_noidx) parents_noidx[node_noidx] = node if set(parentsA_noidx.keys()) != set(parentsB_noidx.keys()): return False for node_noidx, nodeA in viewitems(parentsA_noidx): nodeB = parentsB_noidx[node_noidx] todo.add((nodeA, nodeB)) return True def match_results(resultsA, resultsB, nodes): """ Match computed list of graph against test cases """ out = [] if len(resultsA) != len(resultsB): return False for flatA in resultsA: resultA = unflatGraph(flatA) nodes = resultA.leaves() for resultB in resultsB: if test_result(resultA, resultB, nodes): out.append((resultA, resultB)) return len(out) == len(resultsB) def get_flat_init_depnodes(depnodes): out = [] for node in depnodes: name = loc_db.pretty_str(node.loc_key) out.append((name,, node.line_nb, 0)) return out # TESTS flat_test_results = [[((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0)), (('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0))))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0)), (('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0))))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0)), (('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl3', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'a', 0)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl2', 3, 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0)), (('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl3', 'a', 0)), (('lbl2', 3, 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), (('lbl2', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'a', 0))))], [(('b', ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('b', ('lbl2', 'a', 0)),))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0)), (('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0)), (('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0))))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0)), (('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 0))))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'd', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0)), (('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'a', 1), ('lbl2', 'd', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 1))))], [(('d', ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('d', ('lbl1', 'c', 1)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0)), (('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0))))], [(('d', ('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('d', ('lbl1', 'c', 1)), (('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'c', 0)), (('lbl0', 'c', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)))), (('d', ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('d', ('lbl1', 'c', 1)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 0))))], [(('b', ('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('b', ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)))), (('b', ('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('b', ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 2, 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0))))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 2, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 2, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0))))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 2, 1), ('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 1), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0)), (('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 1)), (('lbl1', 2, 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 1)), (('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 1), ('lbl1', 'a', 0)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 2, 1), ('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 1), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0)), (('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 1)), (('lbl1', 2, 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 1)), (('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 1), ('lbl1', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 1)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'b', 0)), (('lbl0', 'b', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0))))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 0), ('lbl2', 3, 0), ('lbl2', 3, 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl2', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'c', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), (('lbl2', 3, 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), (('lbl2', 3, 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 1)), (('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl1', 'c', 0)), (('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), (('lbl2', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 1)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 0), ('lbl2', 3, 0), ('lbl2', 3, 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl2', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'c', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), (('lbl2', 3, 0), ('lbl2', 'b', 0)), (('lbl2', 3, 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 1)), (('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl1', 'c', 0)), (('lbl2', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 1)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 0)), (('lbl1', 'c', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0))))], [(('d', ('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), (('d', ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), (('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 1, 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl2', 'd', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'd', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), (('lbl2', 1, 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 1)), (('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl2', 'd', 0)), (('lbl2', 'd', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 1)), (('lbl2', 'd', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)))), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 1, 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl2', 'd', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'd', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0)), (('lbl2', 1, 1), ('lbl2', 'a', 1)), (('lbl2', 'a', 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl2', 'd', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 1)), (('lbl2', 'd', 0), ('lbl3', 'r', 0))))], [(('b', ('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 2), ('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl1', 'd', 0), ('lbl2', 'r', 0)), (('b', ('lbl1', 'd', 0)), (('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'd', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 2), ('lbl1', 'd', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 2), ('lbl2', 'r', 0)), (('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 2)), (('lbl1', 'd', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 1)))), (('b', ('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 2), ('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl1', 'd', 0), ('lbl2', 'r', 0)), (('b', ('lbl1', 'd', 0)), (('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'd', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 2), ('lbl2', 'r', 0)), (('lbl1', 'c', 1), ('lbl1', 'b', 2)), (('lbl1', 'd', 0), ('lbl1', 'c', 1))))], [((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl5', 'r', 0)), ((('lbl0', 1, 0), ('lbl0', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'a', 0), ('lbl5', 'r', 0))))], [((('lbl0', 2, 0), ('lbl0', 'd', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), ((('lbl0', 2, 0), ('lbl0', 'd', 0)), (('lbl0', 'd', 0), ('lbl1', 'a', 0)), (('lbl0', 'd', 0), ('lbl1', 'b', 0)), (('lbl1', 'a', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0)), (('lbl1', 'b', 0), ('lbl2', 'a', 0))))]] test_results = [[unflatGraph(flat_result) for flat_result in flat_results] for flat_results in flat_test_results] all_flats = [] # Launch tests for test_nb, test in enumerate([(G1_IRA, G1_INPUT), (G2_IRA, G2_INPUT), (G3_IRA, G3_INPUT), (G4_IRA, G4_INPUT), (G5_IRA, G5_INPUT), (G6_IRA, G6_INPUT), (G7_IRA, G7_INPUT), (G8_IRA, G8_INPUT), (G8_IRA, G9_INPUT), (G10_IRA, G10_INPUT), (G11_IRA, G11_INPUT), (G12_IRA, G12_INPUT), (G13_IRA, G13_INPUT), (G14_IRA, G14_INPUT), (G15_IRA, G15_INPUT), (G16_IRA, G16_INPUT), (G17_IRA, G17_INPUT), ]): # Extract test elements print("[+] Test", test_nb + 1) ircfg, (depnodes, heads) = test open("" % (test_nb + 1), "w").write( open("" % (test_nb + 1), "w").write(bloc2graph(ircfg)) # Different options suffix_key_list = ["", "_nosimp", "_nomem", "_nocall", "_implicit"] # Test classes for g_ind, g_dep in enumerate([DependencyGraph(ircfg), DependencyGraph(ircfg, apply_simp=False), DependencyGraph(ircfg, follow_mem=False), DependencyGraph( ircfg, follow_mem=False, follow_call=False ), # DependencyGraph(ircfg, implicit=True), ]): # if g_ind == 4: # TODO: Implicit specifications # continue print(" - Class %s - %s" % (g_dep.__class__.__name__, suffix_key_list[g_ind])) # Select the correct result key mode_suffix = suffix_key_list[g_ind] graph_test_key = "graph" + mode_suffix # Test public APIs results = g_dep.get_from_depnodes(depnodes, heads) print("RESULTS") all_results = set() all_flat = set() for i, result in enumerate(results): all_flat.add(flatGraph(result.graph)) all_results.add(flatGraph(result.graph)) open("" % (test_nb + 1, i), "w").write(dg2graph(result.graph)) if g_ind == 0: all_flat = sorted(all_flat, key=str) all_flats.append(all_flat) flat_depnodes = get_flat_init_depnodes(depnodes) if not match_results(all_results, test_results[test_nb], flat_depnodes): FAILED.add(test_nb) continue if FAILED: print("FAILED :", len(FAILED)) for test_num in sorted(FAILED): print(test_num, end=' ') else: print("SUCCESS") # Return an error status on error assert not FAILED #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Ansible module to configure .deb packages. (c) 2014, Brian Coca This file is part of Ansible Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Ansible. If not, see . """ DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: debconf short_description: Configure a .deb package description: - Configure a .deb package using debconf-set-selections. Or just query existing selections. version_added: "1.6" notes: - This module requires the command line debconf tools. - A number of questions have to be answered (depending on the package). Use 'debconf-show ' on any Debian or derivative with the package installed to see questions/settings available. - Some distros will always record tasks involving the setting of passwords as changed. This is due to debconf-get-selections masking passwords. requirements: [ debconf, debconf-utils ] options: name: description: - Name of package to configure. required: true default: null aliases: ['pkg'] question: description: - A debconf configuration setting required: false default: null aliases: ['setting', 'selection'] vtype: description: - The type of the value supplied required: false default: null choices: [string, password, boolean, select, multiselect, note, error, title, text] aliases: [] value: description: - Value to set the configuration to required: false default: null aliases: ['answer'] unseen: description: - Do not set 'seen' flag when pre-seeding required: false default: False aliases: [] author: "Brian Coca (@bcoca)" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Set default locale to fr_FR.UTF-8 debconf: name=locales question='locales/default_environment_locale' value=fr_FR.UTF-8 vtype='select' # set to generate locales: debconf: name=locales question='locales/locales_to_be_generated' value='en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8' vtype='multiselect' # Accept oracle license debconf: name='oracle-java7-installer' question='shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1' value='true' vtype='select' # Specifying package you can register/return the list of questions and current values debconf: name='tzdata' ''' def get_selections(module, pkg): cmd = [module.get_bin_path('debconf-show', True), pkg] rc, out, err = module.run_command(' '.join(cmd)) if rc != 0: module.fail_json(msg=err) selections = {} for line in out.splitlines(): (key, value) = line.split(':', 1) selections[ key.strip('*').strip() ] = value.strip() return selections def set_selection(module, pkg, question, vtype, value, unseen): setsel = module.get_bin_path('debconf-set-selections', True) cmd = [setsel] if unseen: cmd.append('-u') data = ' '.join([pkg, question, vtype, value]) return module.run_command(cmd, data=data) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( name = dict(required=True, aliases=['pkg'], type='str'), question = dict(required=False, aliases=['setting', 'selection'], type='str'), vtype = dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['string', 'password', 'boolean', 'select', 'multiselect', 'note', 'error', 'title', 'text']), value= dict(required=False, type='str'), unseen = dict(required=False, type='bool'), ), required_together = ( ['question','vtype', 'value'],), supports_check_mode=True, ) #TODO: enable passing array of options and/or debconf file from get-selections dump pkg = module.params["name"] question = module.params["question"] vtype = module.params["vtype"] value = module.params["value"] unseen = module.params["unseen"] prev = get_selections(module, pkg) changed = False msg = "" if question is not None: if vtype is None or value is None: module.fail_json(msg="when supplying a question you must supply a valid vtype and value") if not question in prev or prev[question] != value: changed = True if changed: if not module.check_mode: rc, msg, e = set_selection(module, pkg, question, vtype, value, unseen) if rc: module.fail_json(msg=e) curr = { question: value } if question in prev: prev = {question: prev[question]} else: prev[question] = '' module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=msg, current=curr, previous=prev) module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=msg, current=prev) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main() #! /usr/bin/python3.3 """ "PYSTONE" Benchmark Program Version: Python/1.1 (corresponds to C/1.1 plus 2 Pystone fixes) Author: Reinhold P. Weicker, CACM Vol 27, No 10, 10/84 pg. 1013. Translated from ADA to C by Rick Richardson. Every method to preserve ADA-likeness has been used, at the expense of C-ness. Translated from C to Python by Guido van Rossum. Version History: Version 1.1 corrects two bugs in version 1.0: First, it leaked memory: in Proc1(), NextRecord ends up having a pointer to itself. I have corrected this by zapping NextRecord.PtrComp at the end of Proc1(). Second, Proc3() used the operator != to compare a record to None. This is rather inefficient and not true to the intention of the original benchmark (where a pointer comparison to None is intended; the != operator attempts to find a method __cmp__ to do value comparison of the record). Version 1.1 runs 5-10 percent faster than version 1.0, so benchmark figures of different versions can't be compared directly. """ LOOPS = 50000 from time import clock __version__ = "1.1" [Ident1, Ident2, Ident3, Ident4, Ident5] = range(1, 6) class Record: def __init__(self, PtrComp = None, Discr = 0, EnumComp = 0, IntComp = 0, StringComp = 0): self.PtrComp = PtrComp self.Discr = Discr self.EnumComp = EnumComp self.IntComp = IntComp self.StringComp = StringComp def copy(self): return Record(self.PtrComp, self.Discr, self.EnumComp, self.IntComp, self.StringComp) TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 def main(loops=LOOPS): benchtime, stones = pystones(loops) print("Pystone(%s) time for %d passes = %g" % \ (__version__, loops, benchtime)) print("This machine benchmarks at %g pystones/second" % stones) def pystones(loops=LOOPS): return Proc0(loops) IntGlob = 0 BoolGlob = FALSE Char1Glob = '\0' Char2Glob = '\0' Array1Glob = [0]*51 Array2Glob = [x[:] for x in [Array1Glob]*51] PtrGlb = None PtrGlbNext = None def Proc0(loops=LOOPS): global IntGlob global BoolGlob global Char1Glob global Char2Glob global Array1Glob global Array2Glob global PtrGlb global PtrGlbNext starttime = clock() for i in range(loops): pass nulltime = clock() - starttime PtrGlbNext = Record() PtrGlb = Record() PtrGlb.PtrComp = PtrGlbNext PtrGlb.Discr = Ident1 PtrGlb.EnumComp = Ident3 PtrGlb.IntComp = 40 PtrGlb.StringComp = "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING" String1Loc = "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING" Array2Glob[8][7] = 10 starttime = clock() for i in range(loops): Proc5() Proc4() IntLoc1 = 2 IntLoc2 = 3 String2Loc = "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING" EnumLoc = Ident2 BoolGlob = not Func2(String1Loc, String2Loc) while IntLoc1 < IntLoc2: IntLoc3 = 5 * IntLoc1 - IntLoc2 IntLoc3 = Proc7(IntLoc1, IntLoc2) IntLoc1 = IntLoc1 + 1 Proc8(Array1Glob, Array2Glob, IntLoc1, IntLoc3) PtrGlb = Proc1(PtrGlb) CharIndex = 'A' while CharIndex <= Char2Glob: if EnumLoc == Func1(CharIndex, 'C'): EnumLoc = Proc6(Ident1) CharIndex = chr(ord(CharIndex)+1) IntLoc3 = IntLoc2 * IntLoc1 IntLoc2 = IntLoc3 / IntLoc1 IntLoc2 = 7 * (IntLoc3 - IntLoc2) - IntLoc1 IntLoc1 = Proc2(IntLoc1) benchtime = clock() - starttime - nulltime if benchtime == 0.0: loopsPerBenchtime = 0.0 else: loopsPerBenchtime = (loops / benchtime) return benchtime, loopsPerBenchtime def Proc1(PtrParIn): PtrParIn.PtrComp = NextRecord = PtrGlb.copy() PtrParIn.IntComp = 5 NextRecord.IntComp = PtrParIn.IntComp NextRecord.PtrComp = PtrParIn.PtrComp NextRecord.PtrComp = Proc3(NextRecord.PtrComp) if NextRecord.Discr == Ident1: NextRecord.IntComp = 6 NextRecord.EnumComp = Proc6(PtrParIn.EnumComp) NextRecord.PtrComp = PtrGlb.PtrComp NextRecord.IntComp = Proc7(NextRecord.IntComp, 10) else: PtrParIn = NextRecord.copy() NextRecord.PtrComp = None return PtrParIn def Proc2(IntParIO): IntLoc = IntParIO + 10 while 1: if Char1Glob == 'A': IntLoc = IntLoc - 1 IntParIO = IntLoc - IntGlob EnumLoc = Ident1 if EnumLoc == Ident1: break return IntParIO def Proc3(PtrParOut): global IntGlob if PtrGlb is not None: PtrParOut = PtrGlb.PtrComp else: IntGlob = 100 PtrGlb.IntComp = Proc7(10, IntGlob) return PtrParOut def Proc4(): global Char2Glob BoolLoc = Char1Glob == 'A' BoolLoc = BoolLoc or BoolGlob Char2Glob = 'B' def Proc5(): global Char1Glob global BoolGlob Char1Glob = 'A' BoolGlob = FALSE def Proc6(EnumParIn): EnumParOut = EnumParIn if not Func3(EnumParIn): EnumParOut = Ident4 if EnumParIn == Ident1: EnumParOut = Ident1 elif EnumParIn == Ident2: if IntGlob > 100: EnumParOut = Ident1 else: EnumParOut = Ident4 elif EnumParIn == Ident3: EnumParOut = Ident2 elif EnumParIn == Ident4: pass elif EnumParIn == Ident5: EnumParOut = Ident3 return EnumParOut def Proc7(IntParI1, IntParI2): IntLoc = IntParI1 + 2 IntParOut = IntParI2 + IntLoc return IntParOut def Proc8(Array1Par, Array2Par, IntParI1, IntParI2): global IntGlob IntLoc = IntParI1 + 5 Array1Par[IntLoc] = IntParI2 Array1Par[IntLoc+1] = Array1Par[IntLoc] Array1Par[IntLoc+30] = IntLoc for IntIndex in range(IntLoc, IntLoc+2): Array2Par[IntLoc][IntIndex] = IntLoc Array2Par[IntLoc][IntLoc-1] = Array2Par[IntLoc][IntLoc-1] + 1 Array2Par[IntLoc+20][IntLoc] = Array1Par[IntLoc] IntGlob = 5 def Func1(CharPar1, CharPar2): CharLoc1 = CharPar1 CharLoc2 = CharLoc1 if CharLoc2 != CharPar2: return Ident1 else: return Ident2 def Func2(StrParI1, StrParI2): IntLoc = 1 while IntLoc <= 1: if Func1(StrParI1[IntLoc], StrParI2[IntLoc+1]) == Ident1: CharLoc = 'A' IntLoc = IntLoc + 1 if CharLoc >= 'W' and CharLoc <= 'Z': IntLoc = 7 if CharLoc == 'X': return TRUE else: if StrParI1 > StrParI2: IntLoc = IntLoc + 7 return TRUE else: return FALSE def Func3(EnumParIn): EnumLoc = EnumParIn if EnumLoc == Ident3: return TRUE return FALSE if __name__ == '__main__': import sys def error(msg): print(msg, end=' ', file=sys.stderr) print("usage: %s [number_of_loops]" % sys.argv[0], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(100) nargs = len(sys.argv) - 1 if nargs > 1: error("%d arguments are too many;" % nargs) elif nargs == 1: try: loops = int(sys.argv[1]) except ValueError: error("Invalid argument %r;" % sys.argv[1]) else: loops = LOOPS main(loops) #!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) Pymatgen Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. """ Implementation for `pmg plot` CLI. """ from collections import OrderedDict from pymatgen import Structure from pymatgen.electronic_structure.plotter import DosPlotter from import Vasprun, Chgcar from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction.xrd import XRDCalculator def get_dos_plot(args): """ Plot DOS. Args: args (dict): Args from argparse. """ v = Vasprun(args.dos_file) dos = v.complete_dos all_dos = OrderedDict() all_dos["Total"] = dos structure = v.final_structure if for i in range(len(structure)): site = structure[i] all_dos["Site " + str(i) + " " + site.specie.symbol] = \ dos.get_site_dos(site) if args.element: syms = [tok.strip() for tok in args.element[0].split(",")] all_dos = {} for el, dos in dos.get_element_dos().items(): if el.symbol in syms: all_dos[el] = dos if args.orbital: all_dos = dos.get_spd_dos() plotter = DosPlotter() plotter.add_dos_dict(all_dos) return plotter.get_plot() def get_chgint_plot(args): """ Plot integrated charge. Args: args (dict): args from argparse. """ chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(args.chgcar_file) s = chgcar.structure if args.inds: atom_ind = [int(i) for i in args.inds[0].split(",")] else: finder = SpacegroupAnalyzer(s, symprec=0.1) sites = [sites[0] for sites in finder.get_symmetrized_structure().equivalent_sites] atom_ind = [s.sites.index(site) for site in sites] from pymatgen.util.plotting import pretty_plot plt = pretty_plot(12, 8) for i in atom_ind: d = chgcar.get_integrated_diff(i, args.radius, 30) plt.plot(d[:, 0], d[:, 1], label="Atom {} - {}".format(i, s[i].species_string)) plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.xlabel("Radius (A)") plt.ylabel("Integrated charge (e)") plt.tight_layout() return plt def get_xrd_plot(args): """ Plot XRD Args: args (dict): Args from argparse """ s = Structure.from_file(args.xrd_structure_file) c = XRDCalculator() return c.get_plot(s) def plot(args): """ Master control method calling other plot methods based on args. Args: args (dict): Args from argparse. """ plt = None if args.chgcar_file: plt = get_chgint_plot(args) elif args.xrd_structure_file: plt = get_xrd_plot(args) elif args.dos_file: plt = get_dos_plot(args) if plt: if args.out_file: plt.savefig(args.out_file) else: # Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood # Copyright (c) 2009 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from slicc.util import PairContainer class Symbol(PairContainer): def __init__(self, symtab, ident, location, pairs=None): super(Symbol, self).__init__() from slicc.util import Location from slicc.symbols import SymbolTable if not isinstance(symtab, SymbolTable): raise AttributeError if not isinstance(ident, str): raise AttributeError if not isinstance(location, Location): raise AttributeError self.symtab = symtab self.ident = ident self.location = location if pairs: self.pairs.update(getattr(pairs, "pairs", pairs)) if "short" not in self: self["short"] = self.ident self.used = False def __repr__(self): return "[Symbol: %s]" % self.ident def __str__(self): return str(self.ident) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self.pairs: self.warning("Pair key '%s' re-defined. new: '%s' old: '%s'", key, value, self.pairs[key]) super(Symbol, self).__setitem__(key, value) @property def short(self): return self["short"] @property def desc(self): return self["desc"] def error(self, message, *args): self.location.error(message, *args) def warning(self, message, *args): self.location.warning(message, *args) def writeHTMLFiles(self, path): pass __all__ = [ "Symbol" ] #!/usr/bin/env python __author__ = 'Mike McCann' __copyright__ = '2013' __license__ = 'GPL v3' __contact__ = 'mccann at' __doc__ = ''' Master loader for all August 2013 SIMZ activities. Mike McCann MBARI 13 August @var __date__: Date of last svn commit @undocumented: __doc__ parser @status: production @license: GPL ''' import os import sys import datetime parentDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../") sys.path.insert(0, parentDir) # So that CANON is found from CANON import CANONLoader cl = CANONLoader('stoqs_simz_aug2013', 'Sampling and Identification of Marine Zooplankton - August 2013', description = 'Rachel Carson and Dorado surveys in Northern Monterey Bay', x3dTerrains = { '/stoqs/static/x3d/Monterey25_256.x3d': { 'position': '-2822317.31255 -4438600.53640 3786150.85474', 'orientation': '0.89575 -0.31076 -0.31791 1.63772', 'centerOfRotation': '-2711557.9403829873 -4331414.329506527 3801353.4691465236' } }, grdTerrain = os.path.join(parentDir, 'Monterey25.grd') ) # Aboard the Carson use zuma ##cl.tdsBase = '' cl.tdsBase = '' # Use this on shore cl.dodsBase = cl.tdsBase + 'dodsC/' # 2-second decimated dorado data ##cl.dorado_base = cl.dodsBase + 'SIMZ/2013_Aug/dorado/' cl.dorado_base = '' cl.dorado_files = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] cl.dorado_parms = [ 'temperature', 'oxygen', 'nitrate', 'bbp420', 'bbp700', 'fl700_uncorr', 'salinity', 'biolume' ] # Spray glider - for just the duration of the campaign cl.l_662_base = '' cl.l_662_files = [''] cl.l_662_parms = ['TEMP', 'PSAL', 'FLU2'] cl.l_662_startDatetime = datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 10) cl.l_662_endDatetime = datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 17) # Rachel Carson Underway CTD cl.rcuctd_base = cl.dodsBase + 'SIMZ/2013_Aug/carson/uctd/' cl.rcuctd_files = [ '', '', '', '', '', ] cl.rcuctd_parms = [ 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'xmiss', 'wetstar' ] # Rachel Carson Profile CTD cl.pctdDir = 'SIMZ/2013_Aug/carson/pctd/' cl.rcpctd_base = cl.dodsBase + cl.pctdDir cl.rcpctd_files = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] cl.rcpctd_parms = [ 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'xmiss', 'wetstar', 'oxygen' ] # Mooring M1 Combined file produced by DPforSSDS processing - for just the duration of the campaign cl.m1_base = '' cl.m1_files = [''] cl.m1_parms = [ 'eastward_sea_water_velocity_HR', 'northward_sea_water_velocity_HR', 'SEA_WATER_SALINITY_HR', 'SEA_WATER_TEMPERATURE_HR', 'SW_FLUX_HR', 'AIR_TEMPERATURE_HR', 'EASTWARD_WIND_HR', 'NORTHWARD_WIND_HR', 'WIND_SPEED_HR' ] cl.m1_startDatetime = datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 12) cl.m1_endDatetime = datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 19) # SubSample data files received from Julio in email and copied to local directory cl.subsample_csv_base = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'SIMZAug2013') cl.subsample_csv_files = [ '2013_Aug_SIMZ_Niskin_microscopy_STOQS.csv', '2013_SIMZ_AUV_STOQS.csv', '2013_SIMZ_Niskins_STOQS.csv', '2013_SIMZ_TowNets_STOQS.csv', ] # Produce parent samples file with: # cd loaders/MolecularEcology/SIMZAug2013 # ../../../ --database stoqs_simz_aug2013 --subsampleFile 2013_SIMZ_TowNets_STOQS.csv --csvFile 2013_SIMZ_TowNet_ParentSamples.csv -v cl.parent_nettow_file = '2013_SIMZ_TowNet_ParentSamples.csv' # Execute the load cl.process_command_line() if cl.args.test: ##cl.loadL_662(stride=100) cl.loadDorado(stride=100) cl.loadRCuctd(stride=10) cl.loadRCpctd(stride=10) cl.loadM1(stride=1) cl.loadParentNetTowSamples() cl.loadSubSamples() elif cl.args.optimal_stride: ##cl.loadL_662(stride=1) cl.loadDorado(stride=1) cl.loadRCuctd(stride=1) cl.loadRCpctd(stride=1) cl.loadM1(stride=1) cl.loadParentNetTowSamples() cl.loadSubSamples() else: cl.stride = cl.args.stride ##cl.loadL_662() cl.loadDorado() cl.loadRCuctd() cl.loadRCpctd() cl.loadM1() cl.loadParentNetTowSamples() cl.loadSubSamples() # Add any X3D Terrain information specified in the constructor to the database - must be done after a load is executed cl.addTerrainResources() print "All Done." #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ OMERO.fs ServerMS module. The Server class is a wrapper to the MonitorServer. It handles the ICE formalities. It controls the shutdown. Copyright 2009 University of Dundee. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt """ import logging log = logging.getLogger("fsserver.MonitorServer") import sys import Ice from omero.util import configure_server_logging class Server(Ice.Application): """ A fairly vanilla ICE server application. """ def run(self, args): """ Main method called via app.main() below. The Ice.Application is set to callbackOnInterrupt so that it can be shutdown cleanly by the callback above. :param args: Arguments required by the ICE system. :return: Exit state. :rtype: int """ props = self.communicator().getProperties() configure_server_logging(props) try: import fsMonitorServer except: log.exception("System requirements not met: \n") return -1 # Create a MonitorServer, its adapter and activate it. try: serverIdString = self.getServerIdString(props) serverAdapterName = self.getServerAdapterName(props) mServer = fsMonitorServer.MonitorServerI() adapter = self.communicator().createObjectAdapter( serverAdapterName) adapter.add( mServer, self.communicator().stringToIdentity(serverIdString)) adapter.activate() except: log.exception("Failed create OMERO.fs Server: \n") return -1'Started OMERO.fs MonitorServer') # Wait for an interrupt. self.communicator().waitForShutdown()'Stopping OMERO.fs MonitorServer') return 0 def getServerIdString(self, props): """ Get monitorServerIdString from the communicator properties. """ return props.getPropertyWithDefault( "omero.fs.monitorServerIdString", "") def getServerAdapterName(self, props): """ Get monitorServerAdapterName from the communicator properties. """ return props.getPropertyWithDefault( "omero.fs.monitorServerAdapterName", "") if __name__ == '__main__': try:'Trying to start OMERO.fs MonitorServer') app = Server() except: log.exception("Failed to start the server:\n")"Exiting with exit code: -1") sys.exit(-1) exitCode = app.main(sys.argv)"Exiting with exit code: %d", exitCode) sys.exit(exitCode) """ Extracts the version of the PostgreSQL server. """ import re # This reg-exp is intentionally fairly flexible here. # Needs to be able to handle stuff like: # PostgreSQL 8.3.6 # EnterpriseDB 8.3 # PostgreSQL 8.3 beta4 # PostgreSQL 8.4beta1 VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'\S+ (\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?') def _parse_version(text): "Internal parsing method. Factored out for testing purposes." major, major2, minor = try: return int(major) * 10000 + int(major2) * 100 + int(minor) except (ValueError, TypeError): return int(major) * 10000 + int(major2) * 100 def get_version(connection): """ Returns an integer representing the major, minor and revision number of the server. Format is the one used for the return value of libpq PQServerVersion()/``server_version`` connection attribute (available in newer psycopg2 versions.) For example, 80304 for 8.3.4. The last two digits will be 00 in the case of releases (e.g., 80400 for 'PostgreSQL 8.4') or in the case of beta and prereleases (e.g. 90100 for 'PostgreSQL 9.1beta2'). PQServerVersion()/``server_version`` doesn't execute a query so try that first, then fallback to a ``SELECT version()`` query. """ if hasattr(connection, 'server_version'): return connection.server_version else: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT version()") return _parse_version(cursor.fetchone()[0]) """ Tools for the instructor dashboard """ import json import operator import dateutil import six from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.http import HttpResponseBadRequest from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from edx_when import api from opaque_keys.edx.keys import UsageKey from pytz import UTC from six import string_types, text_type from six.moves import zip from student.models import get_user_by_username_or_email, CourseEnrollment class DashboardError(Exception): """ Errors arising from use of the instructor dashboard. """ def response(self): """ Generate an instance of HttpResponseBadRequest for this error. """ error = six.text_type(self) return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'error': error})) def handle_dashboard_error(view): """ Decorator which adds seamless DashboardError handling to a view. If a DashboardError is raised during view processing, an HttpResponseBadRequest is sent back to the client with JSON data about the error. """ def wrapper(request, course_id): """ Wrap the view. """ try: return view(request, course_id=course_id) except DashboardError as error: return error.response() return wrapper def strip_if_string(value): if isinstance(value, string_types): return value.strip() return value def get_student_from_identifier(unique_student_identifier): """ Gets a student object using either an email address or username. Returns the student object associated with `unique_student_identifier` Raises User.DoesNotExist if no user object can be found, the user was retired, or the user is in the process of being retired. DEPRECATED: use student.models.get_user_by_username_or_email instead. """ return get_user_by_username_or_email(unique_student_identifier) def require_student_from_identifier(unique_student_identifier): """ Same as get_student_from_identifier() but will raise a DashboardError if the student does not exist. """ try: return get_student_from_identifier(unique_student_identifier) except User.DoesNotExist: raise DashboardError( _(u"Could not find student matching identifier: {student_identifier}").format( student_identifier=unique_student_identifier ) ) def parse_datetime(datestr): """ Convert user input date string into an instance of `datetime.datetime` in UTC. """ try: return dateutil.parser.parse(datestr).replace(tzinfo=UTC) except ValueError: raise DashboardError(_("Unable to parse date: ") + datestr) def find_unit(course, url): """ Finds the unit (block, module, whatever the terminology is) with the given url in the course tree and returns the unit. Raises DashboardError if no unit is found. """ def find(node, url): """ Find node in course tree for url. """ if text_type(node.location) == url: return node for child in node.get_children(): found = find(child, url) if found: return found return None unit = find(course, url) if unit is None: raise DashboardError(_(u"Couldn't find module for url: {0}").format(url)) return unit def get_units_with_due_date(course): """ Returns all top level units which have due dates. Does not return descendents of those nodes. """ units = [] def visit(node): """ Visit a node. Checks to see if node has a due date and appends to `units` if it does. Otherwise recurses into children to search for nodes with due dates. """ if getattr(node, 'due', None): units.append(node) else: for child in node.get_children(): visit(child) visit(course) #units.sort(key=_title_or_url) return units def title_or_url(node): """ Returns the `display_name` attribute of the passed in node of the course tree, if it has one. Otherwise returns the node's url. """ title = getattr(node, 'display_name', None) if not title: title = text_type(node.location) return title def set_due_date_extension(course, unit, student, due_date, actor=None, reason=''): """ Sets a due date extension. Raises: DashboardError if the unit or extended, due date is invalid or user is not enrolled in the course. """ mode, __ = CourseEnrollment.enrollment_mode_for_user(user=student, course_id=six.text_type( if not mode: raise DashboardError(_("Could not find student enrollment in the course.")) if due_date: try: api.set_date_for_block(, unit.location, 'due', due_date, user=student, reason=reason, actor=actor) except api.MissingDateError: raise DashboardError(_(u"Unit {0} has no due date to extend.").format(unit.location)) except api.InvalidDateError: raise DashboardError(_("An extended due date must be later than the original due date.")) else: api.set_date_for_block(, unit.location, 'due', None, user=student, reason=reason, actor=actor) def dump_module_extensions(course, unit): """ Dumps data about students with due date extensions for a particular module, specified by 'url', in a particular course. """ header = [_("Username"), _("Full Name"), _("Extended Due Date")] data = [] for username, fullname, due_date in api.get_overrides_for_block(, unit.location): due_date = due_date.strftime(u'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') data.append(dict(list(zip(header, (username, fullname, due_date))))) data.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(_("Username"))) return { "header": header, "title": _(u"Users with due date extensions for {0}").format( title_or_url(unit)), "data": data } def dump_student_extensions(course, student): """ Dumps data about the due date extensions granted for a particular student in a particular course. """ data = [] header = [_("Unit"), _("Extended Due Date")] units = get_units_with_due_date(course) units = {u.location: u for u in units} query = api.get_overrides_for_user(, student) for override in query: location = override['location'].replace( if location not in units: continue due = override['actual_date'] due = due.strftime(u"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") title = title_or_url(units[location]) data.append(dict(list(zip(header, (title, due))))) data.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(_("Unit"))) return { "header": header, "title": _(u"Due date extensions for {0} {1} ({2})").format( student.first_name, student.last_name, student.username), "data": data} def add_block_ids(payload): """ rather than manually parsing block_ids from module_ids on the client, pass the block_ids explicitly in the payload """ if 'data' in payload: for ele in payload['data']: if 'module_id' in ele: ele['block_id'] = UsageKey.from_string(ele['module_id']).block_id # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import cgi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class OdtTable: '''This class allows to construct an ODT table programmatically. As ODT and HTML are very similar, this class also allows to contruct an HTML table.''' # Some namespace definitions tns = 'table:' txns = 'text:' def __init__(self, name, paraStyle='podTablePara', cellStyle='podTableCell', nbOfCols=1, paraHeaderStyle=None, cellHeaderStyle=None, html=False): # An ODT table must have a name. In the case of an HTML table, p_name # represents the CSS class for the whole table. = name # The default style of every paragraph within cells self.paraStyle = paraStyle # The default style of every cell self.cellStyle = cellStyle # The total number of columns self.nbOfCols = nbOfCols # The default style of every paragraph within a header cell self.paraHeaderStyle = paraHeaderStyle or paraStyle # The default style of every header cell self.cellHeaderStyle = cellHeaderStyle or 'podTableHeaderCell' # The buffer where the resulting table will be rendered self.res = '' # Do we need to generate an HTML table instead of an ODT table ? self.html = html def dumpCell(self, content, span=1, header=False, paraStyle=None, cellStyle=None, align=None): '''Dumps a cell in the table. If no specific p_paraStyle (p_cellStyle) is given, self.paraStyle (self.cellStyle) is used, excepted if p_header is True: in that case, self.paraHeaderStyle (self.cellHeaderStyle) is used. p_align is used only for HTML.''' if not paraStyle: if header: paraStyle = self.paraHeaderStyle else: paraStyle = self.paraStyle if not cellStyle: if header: cellStyle = self.cellHeaderStyle else: cellStyle = self.cellStyle if not self.html: self.res += '<%stable-cell %sstyle-name="%s" ' \ '%snumber-columns-spanned="%d">' % \ (self.tns, self.tns, cellStyle, self.tns, span) self.res += '<%sp %sstyle-name="%s">%s' % \ (self.txns, self.txns, paraStyle, cgi.escape(str(content)), self.txns) self.res += '' % self.tns else: tag = header and 'th' or 'td' palign = '' if align: palign = ' align="%s"' % align self.res += '<%s colspan="%d"%s>%s' % \ (tag, span, palign, cgi.escape(str(content)), tag) def startRow(self): if not self.html: self.res += '<%stable-row>' % self.tns else: self.res += '' def endRow(self): if not self.html: self.res += '' % self.tns else: self.res += '' def startTable(self): if not self.html: self.res += '<%stable %sname="%s">' % (self.tns, self.tns, self.res += '<%stable-column %snumber-columns-repeated="%d"/>' % \ (self.tns, self.tns, self.nbOfCols) else: css = '' if css = ' class="%s"' % self.res += '' % css def endTable(self): if not self.html: self.res += '' % self.tns else: self.res += '' def dumpFloat(self, number): return str(round(number, 2)) def get(self): '''Returns the whole table.''' if self.html: return self.res else: return self.res.decode('utf-8') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from django.test import TestCase from django.utils import timezone from principal.models import Proyecto, Comite # Create your tests here. def crear_proyecto(nombre, descripcion, fecha_creacion, complejidad_total, estado): """ Funcion: Encargada de crear un proyecto para realizacion de pruebas """ return Proyecto.objects.create(nombre=nombre, descripcion=descripcion, fecha_creacion=fecha_creacion, complejidad_total=complejidad_total, estado=estado ) def crear_comite(proyecto): """ Funcion: Encargada de crear un comite para realizacion de pruebas """ return Comite.objects.create(proyecto=proyecto) class ComiteTest(TestCase): def test_creacion_comite(self): """ Se comprueba que el comite es creado exitosamente """ tproyecto = crear_proyecto("Proyecto1", "Descripcion1",, 0, "no iniciado") tproyecto_id = tcomite = crear_comite(tproyecto) tcomiteproyecto_id = self.assertEqual(tcomiteproyecto_id, tproyecto_id) def test_eliminacion_comite(self): """ Se comprueba que al eliminar el proyecto, el comite asociado al mismo tambien es eliminado """ tproyecto = crear_proyecto("Proyecto1", "Descripcion1",, 0, "no iniciado") tcomite = crear_comite(tproyecto) tcomite_id = tproyecto.delete() tcomite = Comite.objects.all() self.assertEqual(tcomite.count(), 0) #!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ec2_asg_facts short_description: Gather facts about ec2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS description: - Gather facts about ec2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS version_added: "2.2" requirements: [ boto3 ] author: "Rob White (@wimnat)" options: name: description: - The prefix or name of the auto scaling group(s) you are searching for. - "Note: This is a regular expression match with implicit '^' (beginning of string). Append '$' for a complete name match." required: false tags: description: - > A dictionary/hash of tags in the format { tag1_name: 'tag1_value', tag2_name: 'tag2_value' } to match against the auto scaling group(s) you are searching for. required: false extends_documentation_fragment: - aws - ec2 ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details. # Find all groups - ec2_asg_facts: register: asgs # Find a group with matching name/prefix - ec2_asg_facts: name: public-webserver-asg register: asgs # Find a group with matching tags - ec2_asg_facts: tags: project: webapp env: production register: asgs # Find a group with matching name/prefix and tags - ec2_asg_facts: name: myproject tags: env: production register: asgs # Fail if no groups are found - ec2_asg_facts: name: public-webserver-asg register: asgs failed_when: "{{ asgs.results | length == 0 }}" # Fail if more than 1 group is found - ec2_asg_facts: name: public-webserver-asg register: asgs failed_when: "{{ asgs.results | length > 1 }}" ''' RETURN = ''' --- auto_scaling_group_arn: description: The Amazon Resource Name of the ASG returned: success type: string sample: "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:1234567890:autoScalingGroup:10787c52-0bcb-427d-82ba-c8e4b008ed2e:autoScalingGroupName/public-webapp-production-1" auto_scaling_group_name: description: Name of autoscaling group returned: success type: str sample: "public-webapp-production-1" availability_zones: description: List of Availability Zones that are enabled for this ASG. returned: success type: list sample: ["us-west-2a", "us-west-2b", "us-west-2a"] created_time: description: The date and time this ASG was created, in ISO 8601 format. returned: success type: string sample: "2015-11-25T00:05:36.309Z" default_cooldown: description: The default cooldown time in seconds. returned: success type: int sample: 300 desired_capacity: description: The number of EC2 instances that should be running in this group. returned: success type: int sample: 3 health_check_period: description: Length of time in seconds after a new EC2 instance comes into service that Auto Scaling starts checking its health. returned: success type: int sample: 30 health_check_type: description: The service you want the health status from, one of "EC2" or "ELB". returned: success type: str sample: "ELB" instances: description: List of EC2 instances and their status as it relates to the ASG. returned: success type: list sample: [ { "availability_zone": "us-west-2a", "health_status": "Healthy", "instance_id": "i-es22ad25", "launch_configuration_name": "public-webapp-production-1", "lifecycle_state": "InService", "protected_from_scale_in": "false" } ] launch_config_name: description: > Name of launch configuration associated with the ASG. Same as launch_configuration_name, provided for compatibility with ec2_asg module. returned: success type: str sample: "public-webapp-production-1" launch_configuration_name: description: Name of launch configuration associated with the ASG. returned: success type: str sample: "public-webapp-production-1" load_balancer_names: description: List of load balancers names attached to the ASG. returned: success type: list sample: ["elb-webapp-prod"] max_size: description: Maximum size of group returned: success type: int sample: 3 min_size: description: Minimum size of group returned: success type: int sample: 1 new_instances_protected_from_scale_in: description: Whether or not new instances a protected from automatic scaling in. returned: success type: boolean sample: "false" placement_group: description: Placement group into which instances are launched, if any. returned: success type: str sample: None status: description: The current state of the group when DeleteAutoScalingGroup is in progress. returned: success type: str sample: None tags: description: List of tags for the ASG, and whether or not each tag propagates to instances at launch. returned: success type: list sample: [ { "key": "Name", "value": "public-webapp-production-1", "resource_id": "public-webapp-production-1", "resource_type": "auto-scaling-group", "propagate_at_launch": "true" }, { "key": "env", "value": "production", "resource_id": "public-webapp-production-1", "resource_type": "auto-scaling-group", "propagate_at_launch": "true" } ] target_group_arns: description: List of ARNs of the target groups that the ASG populates returned: success type: list sample: [ "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:targetgroup/target-group-host-hello/1a2b3c4d5e6f1a2b", "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:targetgroup/target-group-path-world/abcd1234abcd1234" ] target_group_names: description: List of names of the target groups that the ASG populates returned: success type: list sample: [ "target-group-host-hello", "target-group-path-world" ] termination_policies: description: A list of termination policies for the group. returned: success type: str sample: ["Default"] ''' import re try: from botocore.exceptions import ClientError except ImportError: pass # caught by imported HAS_BOTO3 from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import (get_aws_connection_info, boto3_conn, ec2_argument_spec, camel_dict_to_snake_dict, HAS_BOTO3) def match_asg_tags(tags_to_match, asg): for key, value in tags_to_match.items(): for tag in asg['Tags']: if key == tag['Key'] and value == tag['Value']: break else: return False return True def find_asgs(conn, module, name=None, tags=None): """ Args: conn (boto3.AutoScaling.Client): Valid Boto3 ASG client. name (str): Optional name of the ASG you are looking for. tags (dict): Optional dictionary of tags and values to search for. Basic Usage: >>> name = 'public-webapp-production' >>> tags = { 'env': 'production' } >>> conn = boto3.client('autoscaling', region_name='us-west-2') >>> results = find_asgs(name, conn) Returns: List [ { "auto_scaling_group_arn": ( "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:275977225706:autoScalingGroup:58abc686-9783-4528-b338-3ad6f1cbbbaf:" "autoScalingGroupName/public-webapp-production" ), "auto_scaling_group_name": "public-webapp-production", "availability_zones": ["us-west-2c", "us-west-2b", "us-west-2a"], "created_time": "2016-02-02T23:28:42.481000+00:00", "default_cooldown": 300, "desired_capacity": 2, "enabled_metrics": [], "health_check_grace_period": 300, "health_check_type": "ELB", "instances": [ { "availability_zone": "us-west-2c", "health_status": "Healthy", "instance_id": "i-047a12cb", "launch_configuration_name": "public-webapp-production-1", "lifecycle_state": "InService", "protected_from_scale_in": false }, { "availability_zone": "us-west-2a", "health_status": "Healthy", "instance_id": "i-7a29df2c", "launch_configuration_name": "public-webapp-production-1", "lifecycle_state": "InService", "protected_from_scale_in": false } ], "launch_config_name": "public-webapp-production-1", "launch_configuration_name": "public-webapp-production-1", "load_balancer_names": ["public-webapp-production-lb"], "max_size": 4, "min_size": 2, "new_instances_protected_from_scale_in": false, "placement_group": None, "status": None, "suspended_processes": [], "tags": [ { "key": "Name", "propagate_at_launch": true, "resource_id": "public-webapp-production", "resource_type": "auto-scaling-group", "value": "public-webapp-production" }, { "key": "env", "propagate_at_launch": true, "resource_id": "public-webapp-production", "resource_type": "auto-scaling-group", "value": "production" } ], "target_group_names": [], "target_group_arns": [], "termination_policies": [ "Default" ], "vpc_zone_identifier": [ "subnet-a1b1c1d1", "subnet-a2b2c2d2", "subnet-a3b3c3d3" ] } ] """ try: asgs_paginator = conn.get_paginator('describe_auto_scaling_groups') asgs = asgs_paginator.paginate().build_full_result() except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) if not asgs: return asgs try: region, ec2_url, aws_connect_kwargs = get_aws_connection_info(module, boto3=True) elbv2 = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='elbv2', region=region, endpoint=ec2_url, **aws_connect_kwargs) except ClientError as e: # This is nice to have, not essential elbv2 = None matched_asgs = [] if name is not None: # if the user didn't specify a name name_prog = re.compile(r'^' + name) for asg in asgs['AutoScalingGroups']: if name: matched_name =['AutoScalingGroupName']) else: matched_name = True if tags: matched_tags = match_asg_tags(tags, asg) else: matched_tags = True if matched_name and matched_tags: asg = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(asg) # compatibility with ec2_asg module asg['launch_config_name'] = asg['launch_configuration_name'] # workaround for if 'target_group_ar_ns' in asg: asg['target_group_arns'] = asg['target_group_ar_ns'] del(asg['target_group_ar_ns']) if asg.get('target_group_arns'): if elbv2: try: tg_paginator = elbv2.get_paginator('describe_target_groups') tg_result = tg_paginator.paginate(TargetGroupArns=asg['target_group_arns']).build_full_result() asg['target_group_names'] = [tg['TargetGroupName'] for tg in tg_result['TargetGroups']] except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'TargetGroupNotFound': asg['target_group_names'] = [] else: asg['target_group_names'] = [] matched_asgs.append(asg) return matched_asgs def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( dict( name=dict(type='str'), tags=dict(type='dict'), ) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec) if not HAS_BOTO3: module.fail_json(msg='boto3 required for this module') asg_name = module.params.get('name') asg_tags = module.params.get('tags') try: region, ec2_url, aws_connect_kwargs = get_aws_connection_info(module, boto3=True) autoscaling = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='autoscaling', region=region, endpoint=ec2_url, **aws_connect_kwargs) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) results = find_asgs(autoscaling, module, name=asg_name, tags=asg_tags) module.exit_json(results=results) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # Copyright (c) 2014 Rackspace Hosting # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import mock from nova.tests.unit.virt.xenapi import stubs from nova import utils from nova.virt.xenapi.client import objects class XenAPISessionObjectTestCase(stubs.XenAPITestBaseNoDB): def setUp(self): super(XenAPISessionObjectTestCase, self).setUp() self.session = mock.Mock() self.obj = objects.XenAPISessionObject(self.session, "FAKE") def test_call_method_via_attr(self): self.session.call_xenapi.return_value = "asdf" result = self.obj.get_X("ref") self.assertEqual(result, "asdf") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("FAKE.get_X", "ref") class ObjectsTestCase(stubs.XenAPITestBaseNoDB): def setUp(self): super(ObjectsTestCase, self).setUp() self.session = mock.Mock() def test_VM(self): vm = objects.VM(self.session) vm.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("VM.get_X", "ref") def test_SR(self): sr = objects.SR(self.session) sr.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("SR.get_X", "ref") def test_VDI(self): vdi = objects.VDI(self.session) vdi.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("VDI.get_X", "ref") def test_VBD(self): vbd = objects.VBD(self.session) vbd.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("VBD.get_X", "ref") def test_PBD(self): pbd = objects.PBD(self.session) pbd.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("PBD.get_X", "ref") def test_PIF(self): pif = objects.PIF(self.session) pif.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("PIF.get_X", "ref") def test_VLAN(self): vlan = objects.VLAN(self.session) vlan.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("VLAN.get_X", "ref") def test_host(self): host = objects.Host(self.session) host.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("host.get_X", "ref") def test_network(self): network = objects.Network(self.session) network.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("network.get_X", "ref") def test_pool(self): pool = objects.Pool(self.session) pool.get_X("ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("pool.get_X", "ref") class VBDTestCase(stubs.XenAPITestBaseNoDB): def setUp(self): super(VBDTestCase, self).setUp() self.session = mock.Mock() self.session.VBD = objects.VBD(self.session) def test_plug(self): self.session.VBD.plug("vbd_ref", "vm_ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("VBD.plug", "vbd_ref") def test_unplug(self): self.session.VBD.unplug("vbd_ref", "vm_ref") self.session.call_xenapi.assert_called_once_with("VBD.unplug", "vbd_ref") @mock.patch.object(utils, 'synchronized') def test_vbd_plug_check_synchronized(self, mock_synchronized): self.session.VBD.unplug("vbd_ref", "vm_ref") mock_synchronized.assert_called_once_with("xenapi-vbd-vm_ref") #!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Rewrites paths in -I, -L and other option to be relative to a sysroot.""" import sys import os import optparse REWRITE_PREFIX = ['-I', '-idirafter', '-imacros', '-imultilib', '-include', '-iprefix', '-iquote', '-isystem', '-L'] def RewritePath(path, opts): """Rewrites a path by stripping the prefix and prepending the sysroot.""" sysroot = opts.sysroot prefix = opts.strip_prefix if os.path.isabs(path) and not path.startswith(sysroot): if path.startswith(prefix): path = path[len(prefix):] path = path.lstrip('/') return os.path.join(sysroot, path) else: return path def RewriteLine(line, opts): """Rewrites all the paths in recognized options.""" args = line.split() count = len(args) i = 0 while i < count: for prefix in REWRITE_PREFIX: # The option can be either in the form "-I /path/to/dir" or # "-I/path/to/dir" so handle both. if args[i] == prefix: i += 1 try: args[i] = RewritePath(args[i], opts) except IndexError: sys.stderr.write('Missing argument following %s\n' % prefix) break elif args[i].startswith(prefix): args[i] = prefix + RewritePath(args[i][len(prefix):], opts) i += 1 return ' '.join(args) def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-s', '--sysroot', default='/', help='sysroot to prepend') parser.add_option('-p', '--strip-prefix', default='', help='prefix to strip') opts, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): line = RewriteLine(line.strip(), opts) print line return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) from __future__ import print_function import urlparse import mimetypes from StringIO import StringIO from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.utils.text import force_unicode from import Storage from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured try: import mogilefs except ImportError: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Could not load mogilefs dependency.\ \nSee") class MogileFSStorage(Storage): """MogileFS filesystem storage""" def __init__(self, base_url=settings.MEDIA_URL): # the MOGILEFS_MEDIA_URL overrides MEDIA_URL if hasattr(settings, 'MOGILEFS_MEDIA_URL'): self.base_url = settings.MOGILEFS_MEDIA_URL else: self.base_url = base_url for var in ('MOGILEFS_TRACKERS', 'MOGILEFS_DOMAIN',): if not hasattr(settings, var): raise ImproperlyConfigured("You must define %s to use the MogileFS backend." % var) self.trackers = settings.MOGILEFS_TRACKERS self.domain = settings.MOGILEFS_DOMAIN self.client = mogilefs.Client(self.domain, self.trackers) def get_mogile_paths(self, filename): return self.client.get_paths(filename) # The following methods define the Backend API def filesize(self, filename): raise NotImplemented #return os.path.getsize(self._get_absolute_path(filename)) def path(self, filename): paths = self.get_mogile_paths(filename) if paths: return self.get_mogile_paths(filename)[0] else: return None def url(self, filename): return urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, filename).replace('\\', '/') def open(self, filename, mode='rb'): raise NotImplemented #return open(self._get_absolute_path(filename), mode) def exists(self, filename): return filename in self.client def save(self, filename, raw_contents): filename = self.get_available_filename(filename) if not hasattr(self, 'mogile_class'): self.mogile_class = None # Write the file to mogile success = self.client.send_file(filename, StringIO(raw_contents), self.mogile_class) if success: print("Wrote file to key %s, %s@%s" % (filename, self.domain, self.trackers[0])) else: print("FAILURE writing file %s" % (filename)) return force_unicode(filename.replace('\\', '/')) def delete(self, filename): self.client.delete(filename) def serve_mogilefs_file(request, key=None): """ Called when a user requests an image. Either reproxy the path to perlbal, or serve the image outright """ # not the best way to do this, since we create a client each time mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(key)[0] or "application/x-octet-stream" client = mogilefs.Client(settings.MOGILEFS_DOMAIN, settings.MOGILEFS_TRACKERS) if hasattr(settings, "SERVE_WITH_PERLBAL") and settings.SERVE_WITH_PERLBAL: # we're reproxying with perlbal # check the path cache path = cache.get(key) if not path: path = client.get_paths(key) cache.set(key, path, 60) if path: response = HttpResponse(content_type=mimetype) response['X-REPROXY-URL'] = path[0] else: response = HttpResponseNotFound() else: # we don't have perlbal, let's just serve the image via django file_data = client[key] if file_data: response = HttpResponse(file_data, mimetype=mimetype) else: response = HttpResponseNotFound() return response ######################## BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ######################## # The Original Code is Mozilla Universal charset detector code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Simon Montagu # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Mark Pilgrim - port to Python # Shy Shalom - original C code # Shoshannah Forbes - original C code (?) # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA ######################### END LICENSE BLOCK ######################### # 255: Control characters that usually does not exist in any text # 254: Carriage/Return # 253: symbol (punctuation) that does not belong to word # 252: 0 - 9 # Windows-1255 language model # Character Mapping Table: win1255_CharToOrderMap = ( 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,254,255,255,254,255,255, # 00 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, # 10 253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253, # 20 252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,253,253,253,253,253,253, # 30 253, 69, 91, 79, 80, 92, 89, 97, 90, 68,111,112, 82, 73, 95, 85, # 40 78,121, 86, 71, 67,102,107, 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You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import futurist from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import exceptions from horizon import forms from horizon import tables from horizon.utils import memoized from openstack_dashboard import api from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.instances \ import forms as project_forms from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.instances \ import tables as project_tables from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.instances import tabs from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances import views from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances.workflows \ import update_instance # re-use console from project.instances.views to make reflection work def console(args, **kvargs): return views.console(args, **kvargs) # re-use vnc from project.instances.views to make reflection work def vnc(args, **kvargs): return views.vnc(args, **kvargs) # re-use spice from project.instances.views to make reflection work def spice(args, **kvargs): return views.spice(args, **kvargs) # re-use rdp from project.instances.views to make reflection work def rdp(args, **kvargs): return views.rdp(args, **kvargs) # re-use get_resource_id_by_name from project.instances.views def swap_filter(resources, filters, fake_field, real_field): return views.swap_filter(resources, filters, fake_field, real_field) class AdminUpdateView(views.UpdateView): workflow_class = update_instance.AdminUpdateInstance success_url = reverse_lazy("horizon:admin:instances:index") class AdminIndexView(tables.DataTableView): table_class = project_tables.AdminInstancesTable page_title = _("Instances") def has_more_data(self, table): return self._more def needs_filter_first(self, table): return self._needs_filter_first def get_data(self): instances = [] tenants = [] tenant_dict = {} images = [] flavors = [] full_flavors = {} marker = self.request.GET.get( project_tables.AdminInstancesTable._meta.pagination_param, None) default_search_opts = {'marker': marker, 'paginate': True, 'all_tenants': True} search_opts = self.get_filters(default_search_opts.copy()) # If filter_first is set and if there are not other filters # selected, then search criteria must be provided and return an empty # list filter_first = getattr(settings, 'FILTER_DATA_FIRST', {}) if filter_first.get('admin.instances', False) and \ len(search_opts) == len(default_search_opts): self._needs_filter_first = True self._more = False return instances self._needs_filter_first = False def _task_get_tenants(): # Gather our tenants to correlate against IDs try: tmp_tenants, __ = api.keystone.tenant_list(self.request) tenants.extend(tmp_tenants) tenant_dict.update([(, t) for t in tenants]) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to retrieve instance project information.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) def _task_get_images(): # Gather our images to correlate againts IDs try: tmp_images = api.glance.image_list_detailed(self.request)[0] images.extend(tmp_images) except Exception: msg = _("Unable to retrieve image list.") exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) def _task_get_flavors(): # Gather our flavors to correlate against IDs try: tmp_flavors = api.nova.flavor_list(self.request) flavors.extend(tmp_flavors) full_flavors.update([(str(, flavor) for flavor in flavors]) except Exception: msg = _("Unable to retrieve flavor list.") exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) def _task_get_instances(): try: tmp_instances, self._more = api.nova.server_list( self.request, search_opts=search_opts) instances.extend(tmp_instances) except Exception: self._more = False exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve instance list.')) # In case of exception when calling nova.server_list # don't call return try:, instances, all_tenants=True) except Exception: exceptions.handle( self.request, message=_('Unable to retrieve IP addresses from Neutron.'), ignore=True) with futurist.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as e: e.submit(fn=_task_get_tenants) e.submit(fn=_task_get_images) e.submit(fn=_task_get_flavors) if 'project' in search_opts and \ not swap_filter(tenants, search_opts, 'project', 'tenant_id'): self._more = False return instances elif 'image_name' in search_opts and \ not swap_filter(images, search_opts, 'image_name', 'image'): self._more = False return instances elif "flavor_name" in search_opts and \ not swap_filter(flavors, search_opts, 'flavor_name', 'flavor'): self._more = False return instances _task_get_instances() # Loop through instances to get flavor and tenant info. for inst in instances: flavor_id = inst.flavor["id"] try: if flavor_id in full_flavors: inst.full_flavor = full_flavors[flavor_id] else: # If the flavor_id is not in full_flavors list, # gets it via nova api. inst.full_flavor = api.nova.flavor_get( self.request, flavor_id) except Exception: msg = _('Unable to retrieve instance size information.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) tenant = tenant_dict.get(inst.tenant_id, None) inst.tenant_name = getattr(tenant, "name", None) return instances class LiveMigrateView(forms.ModalFormView): form_class = project_forms.LiveMigrateForm template_name = 'admin/instances/live_migrate.html' context_object_name = 'instance' success_url = reverse_lazy("horizon:admin:instances:index") page_title = _("Live Migrate") success_label = page_title def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(LiveMigrateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context["instance_id"] = self.kwargs['instance_id'] return context @memoized.memoized_method def get_hosts(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return api.nova.host_list(self.request) except Exception: redirect = reverse("horizon:admin:instances:index") msg = _('Unable to retrieve host information.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg, redirect=redirect) @memoized.memoized_method def get_object(self, *args, **kwargs): instance_id = self.kwargs['instance_id'] try: return api.nova.server_get(self.request, instance_id) except Exception: redirect = reverse("horizon:admin:instances:index") msg = _('Unable to retrieve instance details.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg, redirect=redirect) def get_initial(self): initial = super(LiveMigrateView, self).get_initial() _object = self.get_object() if _object: current_host = getattr(_object, 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host', '') initial.update({'instance_id': self.kwargs['instance_id'], 'current_host': current_host, 'hosts': self.get_hosts()}) return initial class DetailView(views.DetailView): tab_group_class = tabs.AdminInstanceDetailTabs redirect_url = 'horizon:admin:instances:index' image_url = 'horizon:admin:images:detail' volume_url = 'horizon:admin:volumes:detail' def _get_actions(self, instance): table = project_tables.AdminInstancesTable(self.request) return table.render_row_actions(instance) # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from heat.engine import signal_responder from heat.engine import clients from heat.engine import resource from heat.engine import scheduler from heat.engine.resources import nova_utils from heat.engine.resources import volume from heat.common import exception from heat.engine.resources.network_interface import NetworkInterface from heat.openstack.common.gettextutils import _ from heat.openstack.common import log as logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Restarter(signal_responder.SignalResponder): properties_schema = { 'InstanceId': { 'Type': 'String', 'Required': True, 'Description': _('Instance ID to be restarted.')}} attributes_schema = { "AlarmUrl": _("A signed url to handle the alarm " "(Heat extension).") } def _find_resource(self, resource_id): ''' Return the resource with the specified instance ID, or None if it cannot be found. ''' for resource in self.stack: if resource.resource_id == resource_id: return resource return None def handle_signal(self, details=None): if details is None: alarm_state = 'alarm' else: alarm_state = details.get('state', 'alarm').lower()'%s Alarm, new state %s' % (, alarm_state)) if alarm_state != 'alarm': return victim = self._find_resource(['InstanceId']) if victim is None:'%s Alarm, can not find instance %s' % (,['InstanceId'])) return'%s Alarm, restarting resource: %s' % (, self.stack.restart_resource( def _resolve_attribute(self, name): ''' heat extension: "AlarmUrl" returns the url to post to the policy when there is an alarm. ''' if name == 'AlarmUrl' and self.resource_id is not None: return unicode(self._get_signed_url()) class Instance(resource.Resource): # AWS does not require InstanceType but Heat does because the nova # create api call requires a flavor tags_schema = {'Key': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}, 'Value': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}} properties_schema = { 'ImageId': { 'Type': 'String', 'Required': True, 'Description': _('Glance image ID or name.')}, 'InstanceType': { 'Type': 'String', 'Required': True, 'Description': _('Nova instance type (flavor).')}, 'KeyName': { 'Type': 'String', 'Description': _('Optional Nova keypair name.')}, 'AvailabilityZone': { 'Type': 'String', 'Description': _('Availability zone to launch the instance in.')}, 'DisableApiTermination': { 'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False, 'Description': _('Not Implemented.')}, 'KernelId': { 'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False, 'Description': _('Not Implemented.')}, 'Monitoring': { 'Type': 'Boolean', 'Implemented': False, 'Description': _('Not Implemented.')}, 'PlacementGroupName': { 'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False, 'Description': _('Not Implemented.')}, 'PrivateIpAddress': { 'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False, 'Description': _('Not Implemented.')}, 'RamDiskId': { 'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False, 'Description': _('Not Implemented.')}, 'SecurityGroups': { 'Type': 'List', 'Description': _('Security group names to assign.')}, 'SecurityGroupIds': { 'Type': 'List', 'Description': _('Security group IDs to assign.')}, 'NetworkInterfaces': { 'Type': 'List', 'Description': _('Network interfaces to associate with ' 'instance.')}, 'SourceDestCheck': { 'Type': 'Boolean', 'Implemented': False, 'Description': _('Not Implemented.')}, 'SubnetId': { 'Type': 'String', 'Description': _('Subnet ID to launch instance in.')}, 'Tags': { 'Type': 'List', 'Schema': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': tags_schema}, 'Description': _('Tags to attach to instance.')}, 'NovaSchedulerHints': { 'Type': 'List', 'Schema': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': tags_schema}, 'Description': _('Scheduler hints to pass ' 'to Nova (Heat extension).')}, 'Tenancy': { 'Type': 'String', 'AllowedValues': ['dedicated', 'default'], 'Implemented': False, 'Description': _('Not Implemented.')}, 'UserData': { 'Type': 'String', 'Description': _('User data to pass to instance.')}, 'Volumes': { 'Type': 'List', 'Description': _('Volumes to attach to instance.')}} attributes_schema = {'AvailabilityZone': _('The Availability Zone where ' 'the specified instance is ' 'launched.'), 'PrivateDnsName': _('Private DNS name of the' ' specified instance.'), 'PublicDnsName': _('Public DNS name of the specified ' 'instance.'), 'PrivateIp': _('Private IP address of the specified ' 'instance.'), 'PublicIp': _('Public IP address of the specified ' 'instance.')} update_allowed_keys = ('Metadata', 'Properties') update_allowed_properties = ('InstanceType',) def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack): super(Instance, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack) self.ipaddress = None self.mime_string = None def _set_ipaddress(self, networks): ''' Read the server's IP address from a list of networks provided by Nova ''' # Just record the first ipaddress for n in networks: if len(networks[n]) > 0: self.ipaddress = networks[n][0] break def _ipaddress(self): ''' Return the server's IP address, fetching it from Nova if necessary ''' if self.ipaddress is None: self.ipaddress = nova_utils.server_to_ipaddress( self.nova(), self.resource_id) return self.ipaddress or '' def _resolve_attribute(self, name): res = None if name == 'AvailabilityZone': res =['AvailabilityZone'] elif name in ['PublicIp', 'PrivateIp', 'PublicDnsName', 'PrivateDnsName']: res = self._ipaddress()'%s._resolve_attribute(%s) == %s' % (, name, res)) return unicode(res) if res else None def _build_nics(self, network_interfaces, security_groups=None, subnet_id=None): nics = None if network_interfaces: unsorted_nics = [] for entry in network_interfaces: nic = (entry if not isinstance(entry, basestring) else {'NetworkInterfaceId': entry, 'DeviceIndex': len(unsorted_nics)}) unsorted_nics.append(nic) sorted_nics = sorted(unsorted_nics, key=lambda nic: int(nic['DeviceIndex'])) nics = [{'port-id': nic['NetworkInterfaceId']} for nic in sorted_nics] else: # if SubnetId property in Instance, ensure subnet exists if subnet_id: neutronclient = self.neutron() network_id = NetworkInterface.network_id_from_subnet_id( neutronclient, subnet_id) # if subnet verified, create a port to use this subnet # if port is not created explicitly, nova will choose # the first subnet in the given network. if network_id: fixed_ip = {'subnet_id': subnet_id} props = { 'admin_state_up': True, 'network_id': network_id, 'fixed_ips': [fixed_ip] } if security_groups: props['security_groups'] = \ self._get_security_groups_id(security_groups) port = neutronclient.create_port({'port': props})['port'] nics = [{'port-id': port['id']}] return nics def _get_security_groups_id(self, security_groups): """Extract security_groups ids from security group list This function will be deprecated if Neutron client resolves security group name to id internally. Args: security_groups : A list contains security_groups ids or names Returns: A list of security_groups ids. """ ids = [] response = self.neutron().list_security_groups(self.resource_id) for item in response: if item['security_groups'] is not None: for security_group in security_groups: for groups in item['security_groups']: if groups['name'] == security_group \ and groups['id'] not in ids: ids.append(groups['id']) elif groups['id'] == security_group \ and groups['id'] not in ids: ids.append(groups['id']) return ids def _get_security_groups(self): security_groups = [] for property in ('SecurityGroups', 'SecurityGroupIds'): if is not None: for sg in security_groups.append(sg) if not security_groups: security_groups = None return security_groups def get_mime_string(self, userdata): if not self.mime_string: self.mime_string = nova_utils.build_userdata(self, userdata) return self.mime_string def handle_create(self): security_groups = self._get_security_groups() userdata =['UserData'] or '' flavor =['InstanceType'] availability_zone =['AvailabilityZone'] key_name =['KeyName'] if key_name: # confirm keypair exists nova_utils.get_keypair(self.nova(), key_name) image_name =['ImageId'] image_id = nova_utils.get_image_id(self.nova(), image_name) flavor_id = nova_utils.get_flavor_id(self.nova(), flavor) tags = {} if['Tags']: for tm in['Tags']: tags[tm['Key']] = tm['Value'] else: tags = None scheduler_hints = {} if['NovaSchedulerHints']: for tm in['NovaSchedulerHints']: scheduler_hints[tm['Key']] = tm['Value'] else: scheduler_hints = None nics = self._build_nics(['NetworkInterfaces'], security_groups=security_groups,['SubnetId']) server = None try: server = self.nova().servers.create( name=self.physical_resource_name(), image=image_id, flavor=flavor_id, key_name=key_name, security_groups=security_groups, userdata=self.get_mime_string(userdata), meta=tags, scheduler_hints=scheduler_hints, nics=nics, availability_zone=availability_zone) finally: # Avoid a race condition where the thread could be cancelled # before the ID is stored if server is not None: self.resource_id_set( return server, scheduler.TaskRunner(self._attach_volumes_task()) def _attach_volumes_task(self): attach_tasks = (volume.VolumeAttachTask(self.stack, self.resource_id, volume_id, device) for volume_id, device in self.volumes()) return scheduler.PollingTaskGroup(attach_tasks) def check_create_complete(self, cookie): return self._check_active(cookie) def _check_active(self, cookie): server, volume_attach = cookie if not volume_attach.started(): if server.status != 'ACTIVE': server.get() # Some clouds append extra (STATUS) strings to the status short_server_status = server.status.split('(')[0] if short_server_status in nova_utils.deferred_server_statuses: return False elif server.status == 'ACTIVE': self._set_ipaddress(server.networks) volume_attach.start() return volume_attach.done() elif server.status == 'ERROR': fault = getattr(server, 'fault', {}) message = fault.get('message', 'Unknown') code = fault.get('code', 500) exc = exception.Error(_("Creation of server %(server)s " "failed: %(message)s (%(code)s)") % dict(, message=message, code=code)) raise exc else: exc = exception.Error(_("Creation of server %(server)s failed " "with unknown status: %(status)s") % dict(, status=server.status)) raise exc else: return volume_attach.step() def volumes(self): """ Return an iterator over (volume_id, device) tuples for all volumes that should be attached to this instance. """ volumes =['Volumes'] if volumes is None: return [] return ((vol['VolumeId'], vol['Device']) for vol in volumes) def handle_update(self, json_snippet, tmpl_diff, prop_diff): if 'Metadata' in tmpl_diff: self.metadata = tmpl_diff['Metadata'] if 'InstanceType' in prop_diff: flavor = prop_diff['InstanceType'] flavor_id = nova_utils.get_flavor_id(self.nova(), flavor) server = self.nova().servers.get(self.resource_id) server.resize(flavor_id) checker = scheduler.TaskRunner(nova_utils.check_resize, server, flavor) checker.start() return checker def check_update_complete(self, checker): return checker.step() if checker is not None else True def metadata_update(self, new_metadata=None): ''' Refresh the metadata if new_metadata is None ''' if new_metadata is None: self.metadata = self.parsed_template('Metadata') def validate(self): ''' Validate any of the provided params ''' res = super(Instance, self).validate() if res: return res # check validity of key key_name ='KeyName', None) if key_name: nova_utils.get_keypair(self.nova(), key_name) # check validity of security groups vs. network interfaces security_groups = self._get_security_groups() if security_groups and'NetworkInterfaces'): raise exception.ResourcePropertyConflict( 'SecurityGroups/SecurityGroupIds', 'NetworkInterfaces') # make sure the image exists. nova_utils.get_image_id(self.nova(),['ImageId']) @scheduler.wrappertask def _delete_server(self, server): ''' Return a co-routine that deletes the server and waits for it to disappear from Nova. ''' yield self._detach_volumes_task()() server.delete() while True: yield try: server.get() except clients.novaclient.exceptions.NotFound: self.resource_id = None break def _detach_volumes_task(self): ''' Detach volumes from the instance ''' detach_tasks = (volume.VolumeDetachTask(self.stack, self.resource_id, volume_id) for volume_id, device in self.volumes()) return scheduler.PollingTaskGroup(detach_tasks) def handle_delete(self): ''' Delete an instance, blocking until it is disposed by OpenStack ''' if self.resource_id is None: return try: server = self.nova().servers.get(self.resource_id) except clients.novaclient.exceptions.NotFound: self.resource_id = None return server_delete_task = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._delete_server, server=server) server_delete_task.start() return server_delete_task def check_delete_complete(self, server_delete_task): # if the resource was already deleted, server_delete_task will be None if server_delete_task is None: return True else: return server_delete_task.step() def handle_suspend(self): ''' Suspend an instance - note we do not wait for the SUSPENDED state, this is polled for by check_suspend_complete in a similar way to the create logic so we can take advantage of coroutines ''' if self.resource_id is None: raise exception.Error(_('Cannot suspend %s, resource_id not set') % try: server = self.nova().servers.get(self.resource_id) except clients.novaclient.exceptions.NotFound: raise exception.NotFound(_('Failed to find instance %s') % self.resource_id) else: logger.debug("suspending instance %s" % self.resource_id) # We want the server.suspend to happen after the volume # detachement has finished, so pass both tasks and the server suspend_runner = scheduler.TaskRunner(server.suspend) volumes_runner = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._detach_volumes_task()) return server, suspend_runner, volumes_runner def check_suspend_complete(self, cookie): server, suspend_runner, volumes_runner = cookie if not volumes_runner.started(): volumes_runner.start() if volumes_runner.done(): if not suspend_runner.started(): suspend_runner.start() if suspend_runner.done(): if server.status == 'SUSPENDED': return True server.get() logger.debug("%s check_suspend_complete status = %s" % (, server.status)) if server.status in list(nova_utils.deferred_server_statuses + ['ACTIVE']): return server.status == 'SUSPENDED' else: raise exception.Error(_(' nova reported unexpected ' 'instance[%(instance)s] ' 'status[%(status)s]') % {'instance':, 'status': server.status}) else: suspend_runner.step() else: return volumes_runner.step() def handle_resume(self): ''' Resume an instance - note we do not wait for the ACTIVE state, this is polled for by check_resume_complete in a similar way to the create logic so we can take advantage of coroutines ''' if self.resource_id is None: raise exception.Error(_('Cannot resume %s, resource_id not set') % try: server = self.nova().servers.get(self.resource_id) except clients.novaclient.exceptions.NotFound: raise exception.NotFound(_('Failed to find instance %s') % self.resource_id) else: logger.debug("resuming instance %s" % self.resource_id) server.resume() return server, scheduler.TaskRunner(self._attach_volumes_task()) def check_resume_complete(self, cookie): return self._check_active(cookie) def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::Instance': Instance, 'OS::Heat::HARestarter': Restarter, } # # Similar to the 1a_checkalistars, we draw the alignment stars, this time on the combi image (to make a "nice" map) # execfile("../") from kirbybase import KirbyBase, KBError from variousfct import * import star #import shutil import f2n #from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Read reference image info from database db = KirbyBase() refimage =, ['imgname'], [refimgname], returnType='dict') refimage = refimage[0] refsexcat = os.path.join(alidir, refimage['imgname'] + ".cat") refautostars = star.readsexcat(refsexcat) refautostars = star.sortstarlistbyflux(refautostars) refscalingfactor = refimage['scalingfactor'] # read and identify the manual reference catalog refmanstars = star.readmancat(alistarscat) # So these are the "manual" star coordinates id = star.listidentify(refmanstars, refautostars, tolerance = identtolerance) # We find the corresponding precise sextractor coordinates preciserefmanstars = star.sortstarlistbyflux(id["match"]) maxalistars = len(refmanstars) print "%i stars in your manual star catalog." % (len(refmanstars)) print "%i stars among them could be found in the sextractor catalog." % (len(preciserefmanstars)) # We convert the star objects into dictionnaries, to plot them using # ( does not use these "star" objects...) refmanstarsasdicts = [{"name", "x":s.x, "y":s.y} for s in refmanstars] preciserefmanstarsasdicts = [{"name", "x":s.x, "y":s.y} for s in preciserefmanstars] refautostarsasdicts = [{"name", "x":s.x, "y":s.y} for s in refautostars] #print refmanstarsasdicts combifitsfile = os.path.join(workdir, "%s.fits" % combibestkey) #combifitsfile = os.path.join(workdir, "ali", "%s_ali.fits" % refimgname) f2nimg = f2n.fromfits(combifitsfile) f2nimg.setzscale(z1=-5, z2=1000) #f2nimg.rebin(2) f2nimg.makepilimage(scale = "log", negative = False) #f2nimg.drawstarlist(refautostarsasdicts, r = 30, colour = (150, 150, 150)) #f2nimg.drawstarlist(preciserefmanstarsasdicts, r = 7, colour = (255, 0, 0)) #f2nimg.writeinfo(["Sextractor stars (flag-filtered) : %i" % len(refautostarsasdicts)], colour = (150, 150, 150)) #f2nimg.writeinfo(["","Identified alignment stars with corrected sextractor coordinates : %i" % len(preciserefmanstarsasdicts)], colour = (255, 0, 0)) # We draw the rectangles around qso and empty region : lims = [map(int,x.split(':')) for x in lensregion[1:-1].split(',')] #f2nimg.drawrectangle(lims[0][0], lims[0][1], lims[1][0], lims[1][1], colour=(0,255,0), label = "Lens") lims = [map(int,x.split(':')) for x in emptyregion[1:-1].split(',')] #f2nimg.drawrectangle(lims[0][0], lims[0][1], lims[1][0], lims[1][1], colour=(0,255,0), label = "Empty") f2nimg.writetitle("%s / %s" % (xephemlens.split(",")[0], combibestkey)) pngpath = os.path.join(workdir, "%s.png" % combibestkey) f2nimg.tonet(pngpath) print "I have written the map into :" print pngpath # print "Do you want to clean the selected image to save some space on the disk ? " # proquest(True) # # combidir = os.path.join(workdir, combibestkey) # os.remove(combidir) # See for instructions on running this code. import re import os class VirtualFsHandler(object): def usage(self): return get_help() def triage_message(self, message): # return True iff we want to (possibly) response to this message if message['type'] != 'stream': return False original_content = message['content'] return original_content.startswith('fs ') def handle_message(self, message, client, state_handler): assert self.triage_message(message) original_content = message['content'] command = original_content[len('fs '):] stream = message['display_recipient'] topic = message['subject'] state = state_handler.get_state() if state is None: state = {} if stream not in state: state[stream] = fs_new() fs = state[stream] fs, msg = fs_command(fs, command) state[stream] = fs state_handler.set_state(state) client.send_message(dict( type='stream', to=stream, subject=topic, content=msg, )) def get_help(): return ''' The "fs" commands implement a virtual file system for a stream. The locations of text are persisted for the lifetime of the bot running, and if you rename a stream, you will lose the info. Example commands: ``` fs mkdir: create a directory fs ls: list a directory fs write: write text fs read: read text fs rm: remove a file ``` Use commands like `fs help write` for more details on specific commands. ''' def test(): fs = fs_new() assert is_directory(fs, '/') for cmd, expected_response in sample_conversation(): fs, msg = fs_command(fs, cmd) if msg != expected_response: raise AssertionError(''' cmd: %s expected: %s but got : %s ''' % (cmd, expected_response, msg)) def sample_conversation(): return [ ('write /foo contents of /foo', 'file written'), ('read /foo', 'contents of /foo'), ('write /bar Contents: bar bar', 'file written'), ('read /bar', 'Contents: bar bar'), ('write /bar invalid', 'ERROR: file already exists'), ('rm /bar', 'removed'), ('rm /bar', 'ERROR: file does not exist'), ('write /bar new bar', 'file written'), ('read /bar', 'new bar'), ('write /yo/invalid whatever', 'ERROR: /yo is not a directory'), ('mkdir /yo', 'directory created'), ('ls /yo', 'WARNING: directory is empty'), ('read /yo/nada', 'ERROR: file does not exist'), ('write /yo whatever', 'ERROR: file already exists'), ('write /yo/apple red', 'file written'), ('read /yo/apple', 'red'), ('mkdir /yo/apple', 'ERROR: file already exists'), ('ls /invalid', 'ERROR: file does not exist'), ('ls /foo', 'ERROR: /foo is not a directory'), ('ls /', '* /bar\n* /foo\n* /yo'), ('invalid command', 'ERROR: unrecognized command'), ('write', 'ERROR: syntax: write '), ('help', get_help()), ('help ls', 'syntax: ls '), ('help invalid_command', get_help()), ] REGEXES = dict( command='(ls|mkdir|read|rm|write)', path='(\S+)', some_text='(.+)', ) def get_commands(): return { 'help': (fs_help, ['command']), 'ls': (fs_ls, ['path']), 'mkdir': (fs_mkdir, ['path']), 'read': (fs_read, ['path']), 'rm': (fs_rm, ['path']), 'write': (fs_write, ['path', 'some_text']), } def fs_command(fs, cmd): if cmd.strip() == 'help': return fs, get_help() cmd_name = cmd.split()[0] commands = get_commands() if cmd_name not in commands: return fs, 'ERROR: unrecognized command' f, arg_names = commands[cmd_name] partial_regexes = [cmd_name] + [REGEXES[a] for a in arg_names] regex = ' '.join(partial_regexes) m = re.match(regex, cmd) if m: return f(fs, *m.groups()) elif cmd_name == 'help': return fs, get_help() else: return fs, 'ERROR: ' + syntax_help(cmd_name) def syntax_help(cmd_name): commands = get_commands() f, arg_names = commands[cmd_name] arg_syntax = ' '.join('<' + a + '>' for a in arg_names) return 'syntax: %s %s' % (cmd_name, arg_syntax) def fs_new(): fs = { '/': directory([]) } return fs def fs_help(fs, cmd_name): return fs, syntax_help(cmd_name) def fs_mkdir(fs, fn): if fn in fs: return fs, 'ERROR: file already exists' dir_path = os.path.dirname(fn) if not is_directory(fs, dir_path): msg = 'ERROR: %s is not a directory' % (dir_path,) return fs, msg new_fs = fs.copy() new_dir = directory({fn}.union(fs[dir_path]['fns'])) new_fs[dir_path] = new_dir new_fs[fn] = directory([]) msg = 'directory created' return new_fs, msg def fs_ls(fs, fn): if fn not in fs: msg = 'ERROR: file does not exist' return fs, msg if not is_directory(fs, fn): return fs, 'ERROR: %s is not a directory' % (fn,) fns = fs[fn]['fns'] if not fns: return fs, 'WARNING: directory is empty' msg = '\n'.join('* ' + fn for fn in sorted(fns)) return fs, msg def fs_rm(fs, fn): if fn not in fs: msg = 'ERROR: file does not exist' return fs, msg new_fs = fs.copy() new_fs.pop(fn) msg = 'removed' return new_fs, msg def fs_write(fs, fn, content): if fn in fs: msg = 'ERROR: file already exists' return fs, msg dir_path = os.path.dirname(fn) if not is_directory(fs, dir_path): msg = 'ERROR: %s is not a directory' % (dir_path,) return fs, msg new_fs = fs.copy() new_dir = directory({fn}.union(fs[dir_path]['fns'])) new_fs[dir_path] = new_dir new_fs[fn] = text_file(content) msg = 'file written' return new_fs, msg def fs_read(fs, fn): if fn not in fs: msg = 'ERROR: file does not exist' return fs, msg val = fs[fn]['content'] return fs, val def directory(fns): return dict(kind='dir', fns=set(fns)) def text_file(content): return dict(kind='text', content=content) def is_directory(fs, fn): if fn not in fs: return False return fs[fn]['kind'] == 'dir' handler_class = VirtualFsHandler if __name__ == '__main__': # We eventually want to test bots with a "real" testing # framework. test() # -*- coding: utf-8; -*- # # This file is part of Superdesk. # # Copyright 2019 Sourcefabric z.u. and contributors. # # For the full copyright and license information, please see the # AUTHORS and LICENSE files distributed with this source code, or # at from ..service import ProdApiService