diff --git "a/TinyStories_1447.txt" "b/TinyStories_1447.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/TinyStories_1447.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +And just like that, off went Goose, ready to explore and find even more adventures. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lily. One day she wanted to water her garden, so she found a big red hose. She smiled and said "Wow, it's so smooth!" + +Lily took the hose to the garden and put it next to the flowers. She turned on the tap, and suddenly the hose was producing a huge stream of water. Lily ran to the hose and began to spray the flowers. She was so happy and started laughing. + +Suddenly, a voice behind her said "Stop, Lily! You're making too much mess." It was her mom. + +Lily looked down and said "I'm sorry mom. I was just having so much fun." + +Her mom smiled and said "It's OK Lily. Just be careful not to get too carried away with the hose next time." + +Lily nodded and put the hose away. She continued to take care of her flowers and had lots of fun. +Once upon a time there was a small animal. The animal was a very busy animal and worked every day from morning to night. One day the animal decided to take a break and went to an open field. + +As the animal looked around the field, it saw a big tree with a big hole in it. "What could that be?", asked the animal. + +The animal walked up to the tree and looked inside the hole. It was so big that the animal could fit inside. With an excited voice the animal shouted, “I can fit in here!†+ +Just then, a voice from above called out, “What are you doing?†It was a bird that was sitting in the tree. + +The animal replied, “I'm having a break from work, so I'm resting in this open field. What are you doing?†+ +The bird smiled and said, “I'm working! I'm looking for food for my family. I have to work every day to make sure that my family is healthy and happy.†+ +The animal thought about what the bird had said and then replied, “That sounds like hard work. I think I’ll go back to work now too!†+ +And so the animal left the open field and worked hard to make sure its own family was happy and healthy. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lucy. She was only three years old. That day, Lucy's mom said they were going on a trip. Lucy was very excited. When they arrived, her mom said they had to unpack the car. + +Lucy ran outside to help. She opened the trunk and there was a giant box. Lucy's mom said it was for her and that there were some special things inside. + +Lucy grabbed the box and began to unpack it. First, she pulled out a toy truck. Next, she found a vegetable. It was a funny shaped one that she had never seen before. + +After that, Lucy kept unpacking. Suddenly, something hopped out! It was a small bunny! Lucy was very happy and hugged it tightly. But, the bunny felt so sad and was very miserable. + +Lucy felt sorry for the bunny. She reached into the box and pulled out a big carrot. She put it in front of the bunny and said, "Here, have some delicious vegetable". + +The bunny smiled and started to eat the carrot. Lucy was so glad that she could make the bunny happy. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a gifted boy named Joe. He wanted to show the world how talented he was, so he tried his best every day. + +One day Joe was playing a game in his garden. He was very excited and he did his best to beat the high score. Joe worked very hard and he was close to finishing. Suddenly, he saw something snap out of the corner of his eye. Joe stopped and looked over. There was a tiny bird on the ground! + +Joe came over to help. He quickly got some breadcrumbs and softened the bread with some water. He then held his hand out and waited. + +The bird watched Joe carefully before it flew onto his hand. Joe carefully put it back in its nest. + +The bird thanked him with a cheery chirp and flew away. Joe smiled and looked at the sky. Even though he didn't get the high score, Joe was still happy. His gift was in finding ways to help others. +Once upon a time, there was a happy girl who loved to play dress up. She had lots of costumes in her closet: princess costumes, superhero costumes, and all kinds of fun outfits. + +One day, something special happened. The little girl found a brand new costume hanging on her door. It was sparkly and filled with pretty colors. She put on the costume and ran to find her mom. + +"Mommy, look!" she said excitedly. "Look at my new costume!" + +Her mom smiled. "It's beautiful!" she said. "It's a kind gift from your uncle." + +The little girl smiled. She loved her new costume and was so excited to play dress up. She thanked her uncle for being so kind and ran off to explore. She had lots of new adventures while wearing her kind costume. + +The end! +Once upon a time there was a young boy named Jack. He lived on a farm with his mom, dad, and two sisters. + +One day, his dad gave him a special job to do. He was to go and look in the cellar and find some wine. + +So, he went to the cellar and looked around. But there were so many bottles and they were all so big! He tried to pick one up, but it was too heavy. He struggled and tried again but the bottle was too big. + +Suddenly, his dad appeared at the top of the stairs. "You have to use both hands, son," he said with a big smile. + +Jack looked up and smiled too. He put both hands on the bottle and this time, he was able to lift it up. He brought it upstairs and showed his dad. + +His dad was so proud. Jack had done it and he was especially proud of his young son for struggling and not giving up. +Once upon a time, there was a patient. He liked to go on walks and explore the world. + +One day, he discovered a magical orchard. He was so excited to explore the path and see all the wonderful fruit. As he walked, he noticed a sparkling light to his left. He followed it and was shocked when it disappeared! + +He was confused and said out loud, “Where did it go?†Then, he realized he was standing on a bridge and the light was inside a pond. He felt a bit dizzy watching the ripples of the water. + +Suddenly, the patient heard a soothing voice say, “Don’t worry. It’s ok. The light will come back soon.†He turned around and saw a kind old man standing there. + +The patient thanked the man and smiled. He knew the light would reappear soon and was content just looking at the pond. But sure enough, a few minutes later, the mysterious light appeared again. + +The patient was so happy that he nearly jumped for joy. He thanked the old man again and continued his exploration of the magical orchard. +Once, there was an old man named Tony. He was walking in the park one day when he heard a voice calling his name. It was a beautiful voice, like an angel's. He turned, and he saw a small girl. + +The girl said, "Hello, Tony. I'm an angel sent from the sky." Tony smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you. What can I do for you?" + +The girl said, "Can you come to the clouds? I need your help with something." Tony looked up, and he could see the clouds in the sky. He said, "Yes, I will come." + +The girl took his hand, and they flew up, up, up to the clouds. Tony couldn't believe his eyes! They were amazing and so full of life. The angel and Tony laughed and played games in the clouds all day. + +When it was time to go, the angel gave Tony a hug and said goodbye. Tony said, "It was wonderful to meet you angel. I'll never forget it!" + +The angel smiled and said, "I won't forget you either!" Then, she flew away and disappeared into the sky. +Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Daisy. Daisy had a very special place; a special place to sit and daydream. Every day, when no one else was around, she would hop out to the grassy meadow and curl up in the sun. + +Daisy loved to dream. She would look up at the sky and imagine all kinds of wonderful things. Every day, her dreams were different and new. + +One day, a little cricket flew right up to Daisy. He said, “Hi, Daisy! I’m so excited! I’m going to play all the new songs I learned yesterday.†+ +Daisy was happy to hear this. She smiled and said, “That sounds so fun! I can’t wait to listen to all the new songs you’ve learned. Let’s sit in the grass, okay? We can look up at the sky and dream together.†+ +And so, Daisy and the little cricket spent their time together, listening to new songs and dreaming about the stars. + +The end! +Once upon a time there was a pretty bird. She wanted to go on an adventure but she didn’t know how. She saw a beautiful knot in a tree and decided to go take a look. + +When she got there, she heard a voice coming from the knot. It said, “I want to go on an adventure too!†+ +The bird was so excited. She replied, “Me too! Let’s go together.†+ +The knot answered, “I cannot move because I’m stuck in a tree. Can you help me?†+ +The pretty bird used her beak and wings to untie the beautiful knot. Finally, the knot was free. + +The bird said, “Let’s go!†+ +The knot said, “Yay! I can’t wait for this adventure!†And so off they flew together to explore the world. +Once upon a time, a frog was in a pond. He saw a boat and thought it was nice. He hopped in and wanted to go for a ride. + +The boat started to move, but the frog was scared. He asked the boatman, "What's happening?" + +The boatman smiled and said, "This is an operation. We are disturbing the pond and sending this water to another place!" + +The frog was very enthusiastic. He said, "That's fun! Can I join?" + +The boatman said, "Sure! Let's go!" + +The frog was so excited! He hopped around the boat with glee. + +The boatman watched and smiled. Together, they disturbed the pond and sent the water to a new place. + +The frog said goodbye to the boatman and hopped back into his pond. He was happy and thankful for the new adventure. +Once upon a time there was a little rabbit called Peter. Peter was very hungry and wanted to get something to eat. He saw a big carrot lying on the ground, so he decided to pick it up. But it was too big and he was feeling very helpless. + +He asked a fox for help. The fox said, "I can measure it for you, then you can break it into pieces so it is easier to eat." + +Peter was very happy and said, "Thank you, fox. Can you help me?" + +The fox took out a tape measure and measured the carrot. Then he said, "Yes, you can break it into three pieces of equal size." + +Peter smiled and thanked the fox. He broke the carrot into pieces and enjoyed eating it. + +The Moral: A little help can go a long way! +Once upon a time there was a girl called Lucy. Everyone liked Lucy because she was kind. + +One day, Lucy was playing with her friends. They had a competition to see who could do the most cartwheels. Lucy tried very hard and soon won! + +"You have a trophy!" said her friends. + +Lucy was very surprised. She had never won a trophy before! + +It was a special trophy and it made Lucy very popular. All her friends said how proud they were of her. + +Lucy was so happy. She decided she would keep her trophy forever. And she did! +Once upon a time, a little girl named Jill lived in a small house in the far away land. She had a very special rake. Every morning, Jill would play in her garden using her rake to make patterns in the sand. + +One day, Jill heard a voice call to her from the sky. + +“Hi Jill!†called the voice. “Pack your rake, it’s time to go on an adventure!†+ +Jill was so excited! She quickly packed her rake in her bag. + +When Jill arrived at her destination, she saw a big mountain and a huge lake. + +Jill knew her adventure would be successful if she could reach the top of the mountain. She took out her rake, and with each step she moved closer and closer to the top. + +Finally, with a huge smile, Jill made it to the top. She had been successful! + +“I did it!†she thought with great pride. + +Jill went home that night, feeling happy and content. She had achieved an amazing feat, and all thanks to her rake. +Once upon a time there was a daddy and a baby. Daddy was so happy with his baby and wanted to share his love with the world. Every day he would tell the baby how lovely she was. + +But today something bad happened. Daddy was worried because someone had made a threat. Daddy felt scared and tried to protect his baby. + +But then something special happened. A big hug came from the sky and Daddy knew it was love. It was so warm and lovely and he knew it was coming from the baby. + +The baby said, "Don't be scared, Daddy. I will always share love with you and keep us safe." + +Daddy smiled and hugged the baby. He knew no matter how big the threat, love would always be there. +Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was John. He was three years old. + +John was very curious. He wanted to make music. He asked his mom for help. + +"Mom, can I have a guitar?" asked John. + +"Yes, you can," said his mom. + +John was so happy. So his mom got him a blue guitar. + +John loved the guitar. He sat down and started to strum. He was so happy and proud. + +But something wasn't right. He couldn't make the sound he wanted. + +So his mom said to him, "John, listen to the guitar. Listen to the sound it makes." + +John carefully listened. He heard the guitar's song. He smiled and began to play along. + +He started to strum with the guitar. The blue guitar and John made beautiful music together. It was the best day ever. +Billy was very excited. His mommy said that he could go to the store and order a new freezer. He wanted a big one so he could have lots of treats whenever he wanted. + +At the store, Billy walked up to the counter. He said to the store clerk, “I want to order a new freezer!†The store clerk smiled and said, “Okay, what kind of freezer do you want?†+ +Billy thought for a moment and said, “I want a green one with lots of orange spots!†The store clerk smiled and said, “Let me see what I can find.†+ +A few minutes later, the store clerk carried out a big green freezer with orange spots. Billy was so excited he felt a bit dizzy. + +The store clerk plugged in the freezer and said, “See, it's working. You can start ordering your treats now!†Billy nodded and thanked the store clerk. + +Billy and his mommy filled the new freezer with all kinds of treats. Now Billy had so many treats he could have a different one every day! +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Molly. She liked to wear her purple hat to keep her head warm. One day, she decided to go on an adventure in the woods. + +Once she got to the woods, it was mild and not too hot or too cold. As she was walking, she found a small pond in the middle of the trees. Molly decided to sit by the pond and watch the animals for a bit. As she was watching she heard a funny noise. + +Molly: "What kind of noise is that?" + +A voice from behind her said, "I'm keeping a watchful eye on you!" + +Molly looked back and saw a tall man wearing a black hat. He smiled at her and said, "My name is Patrick and I'm the guardian of the woods. I use my hat to keep me safe." + +Molly was so delighted to make a new friend. She thanked Patrick and said, "I keep my purple hat warm in the winter." + +Patrick smiled and said, "That's a nice hat, Molly. You should always keep warm when you're exploring the woods. It can get cold here at night." + +Molly thanked Patrick and they said goodbye. As she was walking back home, Molly knew that she had made a new friend and would keep her hat close by. +Once there was a girl named Lucy. One sunny day, Lucy decided to go outside and pick some flowers. She saw a rabbit in the garden and wanted to pick it up. + +"Hello, little rabbit," said Lucy. She reached out to pick it up. + +The rabbit stepped back and said, "No, thank you. I do not like to be picked." + +Lucy was surprised and asked, "But why? I just want to give you lots of cuddles." + +The rabbit replied, "Cuddles are nice, but I like my perfect freedom. I prefer hopping! Could you let me go and explore the garden?" + +Lucy agreed, and the rabbit hopped away. From then on, Lucy didn't pick the rabbit, but watched it play from a distance. +The little girl was very excited. She was three years old and today was her first day of school. + +"What are we going to learn today, Daddy?" she asked eagerly. + +"We're going to learn a lot of things, but I think the teacher will teach you about your shoes first," Daddy said. + +The little girl quickly put on her shoes and waited impatiently for her first lesson. + +When the teacher arrived, she said "Today I'm going to teach you about your shoes. They are very important for keeping your feet safe and warm." + +The little girl nodded eagerly. After the teacher had finished talking, she handed the little girl some terrible old shoes. + +"These shoes look really bad," the little girl said. + +The teacher smiled. "That's OK. We can teach the shoes how to look nice. With a little work, they can be just as good as new!" + +So the teacher and the little girl worked together, and the terrible shoes were soon looking like new. In the end the little girl was proud of her accomplishment. + +"Thank you for teaching me!" she said with a big smile. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Lucy. She wanted to buy a pet. She went to the pet store and saw a black bird. It was a raven and it was very thin. + +"I want that raven," Lucy said. + +The pet store worker smiled. "That will be five dollars," he said. + +Lucy was so excited. She gave the money to the worker and he gave her the raven. She took it home and showed it to her mom. + +"It's so cute!" her mom said. + +Lucy named her raven Tiny and took very good care of it. They were best friends forever. +Joe was walking in the cold. The day was icy and he wrapped his scarf around his neck tight. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from a nearby bush. He stopped to see what it was. Inside the bush was a small blue bird. The bird said, "Be careful Joe, I must warn you of a task." Joe asked, "What kind of task?" + +The bird replied, "There is a slippery path up ahead. If you don't watch your step it is easy to slip. So I'm warning you to take extra care. If you don't the icy ground will cause you to fall." Joe thanked the bird and slowly followed the path. He was careful not to slip on the icy ground. He made it to the end safely, grateful for the bird's warning. +Jill was excited: she had been given a special task by her mom, to find a potato. She had never been trusted with a task like this before and she was very proud. + +Jill went out into the garden in search of a potato. She looked under the tall trees and the big plants, but she couldn't find any potatoes. She searched the garden for a long time but she was still unsuccessful. + +Then Jill decided to ask for help. She shouted loudly for her mom, who came out from the house with a big smile on her face. Mom had found a potato for Jill and held it up for Jill to see. Jill was very proud. She thanked her mom and ran back inside the house, holding the potato tightly in her hand. +One day, Jack was walking home from, school when he saw an unknown mailbox. Jack was very curious about it, so he stopped and looked inside. Jack couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a big, colorful display! He had never seen anything like it before. + +Jack decided to go closer so he could take a better look. He noticed that there were lots of letters inside the display. He couldn't read them, but they had pretty stamps on them. Jack wanted to learn more, so he asked the nearby mailman, "What's this mailbox for?" + +"That's a mailbox for sending messages," the mailman said. "If you write something and put it in the box, it'll be sent to someone else!" + +Jack was delighted to learn this. He quickly wrote a letter, put it in the mailbox, and then ran home excitedly. Jack couldn't wait to find out who would receive his message! +Once upon a time there was a lively girl called Sarah who was 3. One day Sarah was playing in the park. + +Suddenly, her mum called her to come home. + +Sarah's mum said, "It's time to go home now Sarah. Don't forget your wrap!" + +But Sarah was so busy playing that she forgot all about it. + +When they got home, Sarah's mum said, "Where is your wrap?" + +"Oh no! I forgot it," Sarah said sadly. + +But luckily, Sarah's dad had an idea. He said, "Don't worry Sarah. We can go back to the park and look for it." + +So, off they went back to the park. After a few minutes of searching, Sarah found her wrap! + +She was so happy. She said, "Thanks for helping me look for it and not forgetting about the wrap." + +And everyone laughed and hugged Sarah. They all felt so lively! +Tommy was so excited. It was his birthday, and his family was coming to his house to celebrate. He put on his bright birthday hat and waited patiently for them all to arrive. + +When his family did arrive, they all cheered and hugged him. His mum took him in her arms and said, "Happy birthday, Tommy! I have something special for you!" + +Tommy knew what it was. His mum was going to cook his favourite food. After all the hugs were over, she set him down and started cooking. + +Tommy smiled. His mum was so powerful in the kitchen. He watched her prepare a special cake with candles and all. It was the best birthday cake he had ever seen! + +When it was time to eat, Tommy's eyes lit up. All his family and friends sat around the table and blew out the candles together. + +Tommy smiled. This was the best birthday ever. +Once upon a time there were two best friends, Pat and Sam. Pat had a cane, and Sam was very envious. + +One day Sam said to Pat, "Can I hold your cane?". Pat said, "No, it's mine!" + +So they decided to make a bargain. Sam said, "I will cook you a nice dinner if I can hold your cane." Pat thought it sounded like a good idea, so they agreed. + +Sam cooked the dinner, and Pat was so impressed. Pat said, "That was delicious, thank you! You can hold my cane now." + +Sam was so excited. She held the cane, feeling very proud and happy. Pat and Sam were now best friends forever! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Kay. She wanted to go for a walk with her friends. + +Kay said to her friends, "Let's go for a walk!" + +They said, "Yes!" + +So, they passed through a dry field full of grass and wild flowers. The sun was so bright and Kay saw a big wave crashing on the shore in the distance. + +She said to her friends, "Look! A big wave!" + +Her friends said, "Wow!" + +The little girl ran towards the wave, with her friends following behind. They all laughed as the wave crashed against the beach. + +They had so much fun that the time seemed to pass quickly. Before they knew it, it was time to go home. + +Kay looked back towards the shore and waved goodbye to the big wave. +Once upon a time there were two friends, George and Jenny. George was a strong and brave goat, while Jenny was a silly goose. George was always very useful, but Jenny had a naughty streak. + +One day, Jenny decided it would be fun to chase George around the farmyard. She honked and chased him all around until George was really tired. He pleaded with her to stop but Jenny kept chasing. + +Eventually George had enough. He said to Jenny "Please stop this silly goose game - it's not very useful". Jenny laughed, but kept running and honking. That's when George got angry and slapped her wing. He said "that's enough Jenny, I'm sick of being your play thing". + +Jenny was so shocked she stopped right away. She glared at George and then slowly walked off. From then on when Jenny got too wild, she remembered what George said and stopped. George and Jenny were still friends and they both agreed it was much more useful to play together more usefully. +Alice was very scared. She loved the painter who was working in her dad's house. He was painting the walls yellow. + +Alice was so excited that she asked the painter, "Can I help?" +The painter smiled and said, "Sure you can!" + +Alice was so happy that she grabbed her brush and started painting. She was careful not to make a mess and was even able to part the paint so that the walls looked very neat. + +But then, the painter got angry and said "No, Alice! That's not right! You have to put the paint on smoother." Alice was scared and looked away, but the painter said, "Don't worry, I can help you." + +Alice was relieved and they started working together. When they were done, Alice saw the beautiful yellow walls and smiled. The painter said, "Well done, Alice!" + +Alice felt proud and happy. She had learned something new and it wasn't as scary as she thought it would be. +One day, Dad took his daughter to the market. As they walked around, the dad was looking for a special vendor. He spotted a very competitive vendor selling candy. +His daughter was very excited and asked for some candy. Dad said, "No, sweetie. We don't have enough money." + +The little girl was sad and started to cry. Dad said, "I have an idea. Let's go home and take a nap. When we wake up, if you are still feeling sad about not having candy, I will take you back to the market and buy you some candy from the competitive vendor." + +The girl was excited and quickly agreed. So off they went. They had a short nap and when they woke up, the little girl was still excited. + +Dad said, "OK, let's go to the market and get some candy." So they went back to the competitive vendor. This time they had enough money to buy the candy. +The little girl was so happy and thanked her dad for taking her back to the market. Dad replied, "No problem, sweetie. I'm happy to see you smiling!" +Once upon a time there lived a young girl named Lola. Lola was a lonely girl. She longed for a friend. +One day, Lola heard a soft voice crying in the woods. She followed the voice and saw a little rabbit in tears. + +Lola asked the rabbit, "Why are you weeping?" +The rabbit sniffled and said, "I lost my apron. I can't remember where I left it!" +Lola felt sorry for the rabbit, so she tried to help. She looked and looked, but the apron was nowhere to be found. + +Just then, an unknown figure stepped out from behind a bush. It was an old wizard! +The wizard offered to help the rabbit, so together they searched for the apron. After a long search, the wizard waved his wand, and a bright light lit the woods. + +Suddenly, Lola saw the apron hanging from a nearby tree. Lola and the rabbit rushed over to the tree and grabbed the apron. The rabbit was overjoyed and hugged Lola, thanking her for helping. + +From then on, the rabbit and Lola were the best of friends. Whenever she was lonely, the rabbit was always there for her. They were truly the happiest of friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who liked to complain. Every day when she got angry or didn't get her way she would complain and complain. Her parents were getting very tired of all her complaining. + +One day, her parents decided to take her to a pine forest. The forest was beautiful and peaceful. But the little girl was not impressed. She kept complaining and complaining. + +Her parents told her, "Let's go explore the forest. You might like it!" But the little girl just kept on complaining. She said, "It's too dirty in the forest. It's too filthy!" + +Her parents were getting very frustrated. They said to her, "Maybe if you look around, you'll see how beautiful the forest is. Just take a look!" + +The little girl looked all around the pine forest. Suddenly, she noticed something small and beautiful. It was a small bird flying in the sky, singing a peaceful song. The little girl was no longer complaining. She was happy and amazed by the beauty of the forest. + +The little girl learned a valuable lesson that day. She realized that sometimes the things you complain about can be beautiful, if you just take a look. +Mama and Jake went to the park in the morning. Jake was so excited! He couldn't stop jumping and hopping. "Look at that, Mama! It's incredible!" Jake said, pointing to a big tree. Mama laughed. "That's a big tree," she said. + +Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. It was the sound of an airplane flying overhead. They looked up, and saw it flying in the sky. "Wow!" Jake said, his eyes wide. "It's amazing!" + +Mama smiled. "Come on, Jake," she said, "let's go to the playground. I think you'll have fun there!" + +They walked over to the playground. Jake saw the swings and slides and he couldn't believe his eyes. "This is incredible!" he said. Mama laughed and said, "Let's try the swings first!" + +So, Mama and Jake had a great time playing in the park that morning. Everything was incredible! +Once upon a time there was a boy. He liked to play outside with his friends. Every day he would ring the doorbell and his mom would open the door. + +Today the boy wanted to play hide-and-seek. He ran to the front door and rang the bell. His mom opened the door. + +“Where are you going to hide?†his mom asked. + +The boy thought for a moment. + +“I’m going to hide in the tree,†he said. + +His mom smiled. “Ok, but you have to come back here when it rings,†she said. + +The boy got to the tree and hid. +Then he heard the doorbell ring. + +He opened his mouth and shouted “Ready or not, here I come!†+ +He ran back to the door and his mom opened it with a regular smile on her face. + +“Well done!†she said. +Once upon a time, there were two friends: Jack and Jill. They were both small, but Jack was the largest. + +Jill said to Jack, "Let's have a race!" Jack smiled and said, "Okay!" + +Jack got down on all fours and Jill said, "Ready, set, go!" Jack took off quickly and soon he was way ahead of Jill. + +But then, something unexpected happened. A big bear poked out of the bushes! Jack was so startled that he stopped running. Jill was only a little bit behind him, so she stopped too. + +The bear said, "If you want to race, you have to go around me. It won't be easy, I'm very large." + +Jack and Jill looked at each other and gulped. But then, they remembered that they were friends and they worked together. They both ran around the bear and they raced to the finish line! Jack won but Jill was so close, it was a photo-finish! + +"I won!" shouted Jack. + +Jill smiled and said, "Good job!" and gave him a big hug. They were both very happy and decided to have a race again soon. +Molly was in her room laying in her bed. It was hot outside and Molly was feeling uncomfortable in her room. She started to tremble as she felt a chill in the room. She looked around and noticed the mattress on the floor and wondered if it might be a better place to sleep. She got up off her bed and made her way to the mattress, trembling a little. + +When she arrived, she ran her hands over the soft mattress and snuggled up in it. She felt the mattress trembling beneath her and she found it comforting. Feeling warmer, she fell asleep quickly. + +Molly awoke with a start and heard a gentle voice. She opened her eyes to see her mum standing by her bed. +"Molly, why are you sleeping on the floor?" her mum asked. + +Molly replied "It was hot in my bed so I came here to sleep. It was nice and cozy and I felt the mattress trembling. It felt like I was being held." + +Mum smiled and said, "You're right, Molly. It does feel like being held. I'm glad you're feeling better and I think it's time for breakfast." +Molly smiled and hopped up. She grabbed her mum's hand and the two of them headed to the kitchen. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mia. She loved playing in her garden and all of the animals that lived there. One day, Mia was playing very loudly and didn't notice that she had stepped on a nest of baby birds. When she looked down and saw them lying there, helpless and scared, she realized what she had done. + +Mia started to cry because she felt so bad for the birds and she wished she could take it back. Just then, a kind voice said, "It's okay, you can still forgive yourself for this mistake." Mia looked up and saw her mom smiling gently. She knew her mom was right. + +Mia's mom said, "Life is full of mistakes, and it's okay to forgive yourself and move on." Mia pondered these wise words and smiled, understanding the lesson her mom wanted her to learn. + +Mia picked up the birds gently and carefully put them back into the nest. Together, she and her mom watched as the birds flew away and rejoined the rest of the flock. Mia knew that life was an adventure, full of love and forgiveness. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Sheila. She was three years old and very curious. +One day she found an old man in the forest, sleeping soundly under a tree. She was very excited and asked, “Who are you?†+ +The old man didn’t wake up, so Sheila kept asking him questions. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something she had never seen before. A thin line of smoke was coming from the old man’s mouth! Sheila was very surprised and asked, “What’s that?†+ +The old man woke up and said, “It’s called a pipe. Don’t worry, it’s dry smoke, like a campfire.†Sheila was still curious and asked, “What’s a campfire?†+ +The old man smiled and said, “A campfire is like a big, dry hug from the sun.†Sheila smiled too and asked, “Can I have a hug from the sun?†The old man laughed and said, “Yes, you can have a hug from the sun any time you want. Just close your eyes and sleep.†Sheila did just that and soon fell asleep in the old man’s arms. +Once upon a time there was a little bear called Max. Max was sad and alone because he had never had a real home. Max was walking in the woods when he saw a big, wealthy house. He knocked on the door and a kind lady opened it. Max asked her if he could stay in the house. + +The lady felt sorry for Max and said yes. She took Max in and made him his own special bed. Max had never felt so warm and cozy before. The lady comforted Max and made sure he felt loved. + +One day, Max noticed he had a little cut on his paw. He was scared and didn't want it to hurt anymore. The lady said she could help him and got out a bandage. She carefully put the bandage on Max's paw and he felt much better. + +Max stayed with the kind lady for a very long time. Every day she would make Max feel special and safe. Max knew he was very lucky to have a kind, wealthy friend like her. +"Mama, what are you doing?" asked the little girl. +Mama was quiet, and had an idea. She was cleaning and wanted to surprise her daughter. +"I am making a special treat for you," Mama said. "It is a blueberry surprise!" +The little girl smiled. She loved blueberries. +"But first," said Mama, "we need to be very quiet, so it will be a surprise." +Mama and the little girl were quiet as they carefully cleaned the blueberries. +When they were done, the little girl smiled even wider. +"Now it's time for the blueberry surprise!" said Mama. +The little girl's eyes sparkled with excitement. Mom had made a delicious blueberry ice cream. +The little girl squealed with delight, and Mama smiled. They had worked together to make something special and delicious. +Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Jack and Jill. They were playing together in the park. Jack had lots of fun things to do. + +Jill said to him, "Let's make something special!" + +Jack thought for a moment and then said, "I know! We can print pictures of us playing together." + +So they both ran to the printer and started printing. The printer printed out many pictures of them playing together in lots of different ways. + +Jill smiled and said, "Look how organized we made them! Everything looks so tidy." + +Jack smiled and said, "Yes, we can keep these pictures forever and look at them whenever we want to remember how much fun we had playing together!" +Once there was a dark chair in a room. It was all alone. One day, a little girl came in and wanted to make the dark chair special. She brought a colorful blanket and started to wrap the chair. + +"What are you doing?" asked the girl's mom. + +The girl smiled. "I'm wrapping the chair to make it look better." + +The mom smiled too. She helped the girl wrap the chair until it was full of bright colors. When they were done, the little girl stepped back and admired her work. + +"It looks wonderful!" she said. + +The mom smiled and hugged the little girl. They enjoyed the beautiful dark chair and its colorful wrapping. +Once upon a time there was a little boy named Mark. He was three years old and he had never seen a firework. +One night, Mark's mom said that it was time for him to watch firework. Mark was so excited and he couldn't stop talking about it. + +When Mark got to the firework show, he was amazed. All the lights, the colors, and the sound was like nothing he had seen before. He was so happy that he couldn't stop jumping up and down. + +But when the fireworks stopped, Mark was sad. He asked his mom why they were done so quickly. +"It's because firework are only meant to be enjoyed for a few minutes," his mom said with a smile. + +Mark was sad, but then his mom showed him a way to make his own firework. She taught him to write letters in the air using sparklers. + +Mark was very excited to learn how to make his own firework. He held the sparkler in his hand and waved it through the air, making different shapes and letters. It was so much fun for him, and he was so happy that he wasn't sad anymore. + +Mark was so proud of himself for making his own firework. He was still sad that the big firework show was over, but he was happy that he had learned a new way to mark. +Once there was a girl named Mary. She was very creative and loved to explore different things. + +One day, Mary decided to explore space. She grabbed her special telescope and headed outside. She could see planets in the night sky and she was very excited. + +“I am going to explore these planets,†she said. + +So she began to prepare. She grabbed all of the things she needed: a space suit, a map and a rocket. + +She said goodbye to her mom and dad and blasted off into space. + +When she arrived at the first planet, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was filled with stars and mountains. + +“This is amazing!†said Mary. + +She was so excited, she started to explore all the new things she discovered. After hours and hours of exploring, Mary was exhausted and decided to go back home. + +She thanked the planet for giving her such a wonderful adventure. Then she flew back to Earth, happy and ready for her next creative exploration. +Dolly was a three year old girl. She loved to go to school and see her teacher. Today she was so excited to go to school. + +Dolly walked into the classroom and looked around. Everything was so new and exciting. Suddenly something unusual happened. Thunder started to strike and the lights flickered. + +Dolly was scared, so she ran to her teacher and asked what was going on. + +Her teacher smiled and said, "It's just some unusual thunder. Nothing to be scared of." + +Dolly smiled and returned to her seat to explore her classroom. She had so much fun learning new things and playing with her friends. The thunder stopped and the lights turned back on. It was an exciting day for Dolly. +Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a little girl named Sarah. One night, Sarah heard a loud howl. She was scared and looked out her window. It was dark, but she saw a wolf. Sarah asked her mom, "What was that noise?" Her mom said, "Listen carefully. It's a wolf. He is cold and hungry." Sarah was brave and decided to go outside to see the wolf. She said, "Good morning, Mr. Wolf." The wolf stopped howling and said, "Good morning, Sarah. I'm cold and need something to eat." Sarah said, "I can help you. Follow me." Sarah and the wolf walked to the nearest farm. There Sarah found a basket of apples. She took the apples and gave them to the wolf. The wolf said, "Thank you, Sarah. I am so grateful." Sarah smiled and waved goodbye as the wolf walked away into the night. She then returned to the warm safety of her home. +Once upon a time, there was a small girl named Kelly. She was very compassionate, which meant that she was kind to everyone she met. + +One night, Kelly was feeling tired so she decided to take a nap. She laid down in her bed, closed her eyes, and soon fell fast asleep. + +While she was sleeping, Kelly had a dream that she was walking through a big, dark forest filled with strange creatures. She felt a little scared, so she started to look around for something familiar. Suddenly, she saw a big mirror. + +When she walked over to it, she was surprised to see her own reflection staring back at her. It was comforting to see her own face in the dark, so she smiled. + +The mirror then seemed to talk to her: "Don't be afraid. You have been so compassionate to everyone and I will always look out for you no matter what". + +Kelly was so thankful for the mirror's words that she gave it a big hug. + +When she woke up from her dream, she lay in her bed feeling reassured. She felt like the mirror was always there to watch over her, and she fell back to sleep feeling happy and safe. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird. She was so small that no one else could see her. But she had big dreams of flying high in the sky. She looked up at the blue sky and said, "I want to fly!" + +One day, she went to a field and tried to fly. She jumped and flapped her wings. But she couldn't fly very far. + +A little girl saw the bird, and she said, "You need to jump higher and flap your wings faster." + +The bird tried it and she flew higher and higher! She was so happy she could fly! + +She flew fast in the big, blue sky. Her body felt free and light as she flew up, up, and away. + +The little girl watched the bird and smiled. She said, "You did it! You can fly!" + +The bird thanked the girl and flew away, and she was never seen again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jessie. She loved to lay in the grass and watch the clouds go by. One day, her dad took her outside to the driveway and showed her something special. It was a motorcycle! It was big and shiny and it made loud noises when dad started it. + +The little girl was so excited to try out the motorcycle. She went to sit on it, but it was hard and not soft like the grass. She said to her dad, "I want to try it, but it's hard." + +Dad smiled and showed her how to lay down on the motorcycle. He said, "Lay here so it's soft and you'll be comfy. Now hold on tight and don't let go!" + +So the little girl lay on the motorcycle and held on tight. Dad started the motor and drove around the street. She felt so big and strong on the back of the motorcycle. + +When they came to the end of the street, Dad said, "Let's ride the motorcycle again!" The little girl smiled and said, "Yes, this is so much fun!" + +And so the little girl and her dad rode the motorcycle together every day and had lots of fun. +Once upon a time there lived a small wild fox. He liked to organize his home and his day. + +One day he decided to go for a walk. As he walked through the meadow, he noticed something strange. + +He saw a small butterfly resting on a flower. The fox was surprised, and he said to the butterfly, "What are you doing here?" + +The butterfly said, "I am organizing my day. I'm going to fly around and find lots of treats to eat." The fox thought that was a fun thing to do, so he decided it was the perfect activity for him too! + +He waved goodbye to the butterfly and started to explore the meadow. He found a variety of delicious goodies, and he soon had a mouthful of snacks. + +The fox smiled as he organized his day. He enjoyed every minute of it, and it was his favorite day ever! +Mommy was riding her bike with her three year old daughter. The daughter asked, "Mommy, why do you have pedals on your bike?" Mommy replied, "I use the pedals to move the bike and they help me to get places faster." + +When the two arrived home, Mommy told her daughter "Today, I have something special to deliver. Would you like to help?" The daughter was so excited to help that she immediately said "Yes!" + +Mommy said, "Let’s go to the kitchen and get the delicious cookies that we made this morning. We can put them in this basket and take them to the neighbor's house." + +The three year old daughter was beaming with pride as she carefully held the basket of cookies while Mommy rode the bike. Once at the neighbor's house, the daughter carefully knocked on the door and then delivered the basket with a big grin on her face. + +The neighbor thanked them graciously, saying "These cookies look and smell so delicious - thank you for delivering them!" Both Mommy and daughter were so happy to have helped. On their way back home, Mommy said, "See sweetheart, pedals can be used for more than just moving the bike - they can help us deliver kindness and smiles too!" +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Alex. He was three years old and he liked to play with his friends. One day, Alex's mom said, "It's time for you to go for a jog." + +Alex didn't want to go. He wanted to stay and play. He said, "No, I don't want to jog." His mom said, "No, you have to go. It's good for you." + +Alex started to jog. He was very slow. He wanted to stop and play, but his mom said, "No, Alex, you must finish the jog." + +After the jog, Alex felt better. He was happy and he was hungry. His mom gave him something delicious to eat. It was his favorite snack. + +Alex was very happy and he decided to thank his mom by giving her a hug. After the hug, Alex said "Can I please go play now?" + +His mom said, "Yes, but be careful and don't get into any trouble. If you do, I will have to punish you." + +Alex nodded and ran off to play with his friends. He was careful to stay out of trouble, and soon he was having a lot of fun. The end. +Once upon a time there was a lucky farmer. He had some wheat in his barn that he wanted to tie into bundles. +He walked out to his barn and said to the wheat, "Hi my friendly wheat, will you help me tie you up into bundles?" +The wheat didn't say anything, not having a mouth to do so. +The farmer smiled, "Don't worry, I'll show you how. It will be fun!" +He picked up a bundle of wheat and grabbed the twine that was sitting on the shelf nearby. He looped the twine around the bundle a few times and started to tie a simple knot. +"See, now you know how to tie the bundles together" said the farmer. +The wheat was so happy and proud of the farmer for showing them how to tie. +The farmer stood back and was proud of himself too. +"That was lucky!" he said to himself. +And with that the farmer and the wheat were both happy and the farmer dragged the bundles out of the barn and into his wagon, ready to take them to market. +Once upon a time, there was a happy little girl named Sarah. She loved nothing more than exploring her mysterious backyard. + +One day, she decided to investigate the large, bright temple that sat at the edge of her yard. As she approached, she saw a small creature peeking from behind the building. Sarah could tell that it was a friendly creature, so she slowly eased closer. + +The creature was a rabbit! The rabbit began to giggle and bounce around, and Sarah felt so excited. But then, the rabbit began to tease Sarah by hopping away and hiding just outside the temple. + +"Come back!" Sarah shouted. The rabbit paused to see if Sarah would follow, and then scurried back into the temple. Sarah chased after the rabbit with a smile on her face. + +The two of them chased each other around the temple, laughing and teasing each other. When they finally got tired, they sat under the bright sun and rested. + +Sarah enjoyed her time with the rabbit and smiled as they said goodbye. What amazing adventures they had together at the temple! +Once there was a wise old bear who loved to watch the snow. He watched it slowly fall from the sky and settle on the ground around him. + +One day, a little rabbit came up to him and asked, "Why do you like to watch the snow so much?" + +The wise old bear smiled and said, "The snow reminds me of peace and quiet. There's nothing quite like it." + +The little rabbit thought quietly for a moment, and then said, "I like to watch the snow too, it's so pretty!" + +The bear smiled again, and said, "Yes, it certainly is. It's a very special thing to do." + +"Can I watch the snow with you?" asked the little rabbit. + +The wise old bear said, "Yes, of course you can. Let's enjoy the snow together!" + +And so the wise old bear and the little rabbit sat and watched the snow fall from the sky. They were both content, and soon the day was over. But even though the day had ended, the feeling of peace and quiet stayed with them both. +Once upon a time there was a little boy named Tony. Tony wore a red shirt and blue shorts, and he had a bright smile. + +One day, Tony was playing outside when he saw a rich man walking by. The man wore a fancy suit and had a gold watch. Tony saw that the man only had one leg! Tony felt so sad that this man was only able to walk with one leg, and he hated that the man was so rich. + +Tony called out to the man, "I don't like your leg. It's not fair that you have one leg, and you're so rich!" + +The man stopped and smiled. He said, "You know, things aren't always as they appear. Sometimes people are rich on the inside, not just on the outside. We all have something special, even if it's not as obvious as money." + +Tony smiled back and said, "I'm glad you're so rich on the inside." + +The man said goodbye and continued on his way. Tony never saw him again, but the man's words stayed with him forever. He realized that we all have something special inside, and that is something to be proud of. +Once there was a little girl named Jane. She loved taking walks with her mom. Every time they went for a walk, Jane would take her favorite yellow shoes. One time, when she was walking with her mom, Jane tripped and fell on her heel. She started to cry as it hurt. + +Mama: "It's okay, sweetheart. Are you okay?" + +Jane: "My heel hurts." + +Mama: "I understand. I'm sorry it hurts. Do you want me to carry you?" + +Jane: "No, I can walk." + +Mama: "Okay, just stay close to me and take it slow. Here, let me help you tie your shoe so it won't come undone." + +Jane: "Thank you, Mama." + +Mama: "You're welcome, Jane. I value your safety more than anything." + +Jane smiled and nodded. They continued their walk in the quiet park. Jane was careful not to trip again and her mom made sure to keep a close eye on her. They eventually made it to the end of the walk and Jane thanked her mom with a hug. + +Mama: "Remember, we value your safety more than anything." + +Jane smiled again. She was happy to be safe and know that her mom valued her. +Once upon a time there was a girl who went to play with her friends. Her name was Jane. She ran around happily, chasing her friends and playing tag. As they played, they heard a loud noise from the bushes. + +"What was that?" Jane asked her friends. + +"It sounded like some kind of a belt," one of them said. + +"Let's go find out," said another one of the friends. + +So the group of friends went to look for the belt. After some searching, they finally found it! It was a broken belt lying on the ground. + +"It looks like it's seen better days," Jane mentioned. + +"Yes, it does," her friends agreed. + +They all wondered how it had gotten there. + +"Let's take it with us," Jane said. + +So they picked up the belt and started to walk home with it. Jane's friends thought it was a great idea and they were all glad they had found it. + +"Maybe it can be fixed," Jane said with a smile. + +They took the belt home, and with an adult's help, they were able to repair it. They were all very happy, as they had turned something broken into something new! +Once upon a time there was a lucky girl. Her name was Sally and she liked to run. Every day she would run around her neighbourhood and have lots of fun. + +One day, Sally was running and she saw something shiny up ahead. She ran to it and found an amazing surprise! It was a big bag of candy and a toy car! + +Sally jumped for joy and said "Wow, this is my lucky day!" + +Suddenly, a man appeared. He told Sally that if she could run around the block ten times without stopping, then the reward would be hers. + +Sally was so excited she forgot her tiredness and ran and ran and ran. After ten times around she was exhausted but she had done it! + +The man was very impressed and gave her the candy and the car. Sally was so happy, she laughed and cheered! + +She learned that when you try hard, you can be rewarded with something special. She was feeling so lucky! +Once upon a time there were two friends named Bob and Pat. They were furry animals who lived next to each other in the tall grass. + +One day Bob and Pat were playing together and having fun. But then Pat wanted to play with a wire and Bob did not want to. Bob said, "Pat, wires are too dangerous - we cannot play with them". + +Pat became angry and said, "Yes we can! I want to play with the wire and you can't stop me". Bob became angry too and shouted back, "No, no, no - I am telling you no!" + +The two friends started to quarrel. Bob got so mad that he stomped away, leaving Pat all alone. Pat was very sad. + +The next day Bob felt bad about his friend and returned with a nice surprise. He had found a big bowl of food that made Pat's tummy feel no longer hungry. + +The two friends hugged and made up. They agreed never to quarrel again and have fun together anytime they wanted. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She was three years old and she had long brown hair. She was playing in her garden one day when she stumbled upon an old purse lying in the dirt. She picked it up and looked inside. + +"Wow!" she exclaimed when she saw how much money was inside. She picked it up, and then lay the purse near her feet. On the horizon, she saw something that made her eyes sparkle. It was a distant castle! + +She looked back at the purse and said, "I guess I don't need this anymore. I'm going on an adventure!". She waved goodbye to her parents, picked up her purse and started running towards the distant castle. + +As she ran, she screamed in excitement, "I'm going to the castle! I'm going to the castle!". She ran and ran until she reached her destination. She looked up at the huge towers and smiled. + +Lucy soon found the owner of the castle and he welcomed her with open arms. He said, "My dear,you can stay here as long as you want. All of this is yours". Lucy beamed with joy and thanked him. + +"Thank you! This is the best day ever!", she squealed. + +And so, with her purse full of money and a distant castle in sight, Lucy started the best adventure of her life. +Once upon a time there was a nice mommy who made the best coffee ever. She was always busy working, but every time she stopped for a break, she'd make herself a steaming cup of coffee and sit down to enjoy it. + +One day, mommy was feeling a bit tired and so she decided to take a rest. She made herself a cup of coffee, added some cream and sugar, and took a sip. "Ahhh", she said, "that is just so tasty". + +Suddenly she heard something: it was the sound of someone whispering. "Who could that be?", she thought. Then she heard it again, coming from right behind her. + +Mommy looked around and she saw a little mouse peeking out from a corner of the room. The mouse said, "Can I try a sip of your coffee?". + +Mommy smiled and said, "Yes of course". She took a clean spoon, poured a small amount of coffee into it, and held it out for the mouse. + +The mouse took one sip and its eyes lit up. "That is the best coffee I have ever tasted", it whispered in amazement. + +Mommy laughed and said, "Thank you for the compliment". + +The mouse nodded happily, thanked her, and scampered away. From then on, every time Mommy had a break, the mouse would come back, they'd share some coffee, and whisper to +Once there was an apple tree in a small garden. It had many apples and all of them were a beautiful red colour. + +The tree had bad roots, though. It couldn't stay in the ground so it had to lean against the fence. + +One day a boy called Jack came to the garden. He saw the tree leaning against the fence and was sad. + +Jack asked, "Why don't you have good roots?" + +The tree replied, "I don't have enough water and so I can't be healthy." + +Jack said, "Don't worry, I will help you. I will give you some water every day so you can have strong, healthy roots!" + +The tree was so happy and said, "Thank you Jack! I will be very grateful." + +And from that day on Jack allowed the tree to have lots of water. The tree stayed healthy and strong and had good roots. It was happy it had a friend like Jack! +One day, a boy was very eager to do something. He asked his mom, "What can I do?" + +His mom smiled and said, "Let's attach a jump rope to the ranch gate!" + +The boy got excited and said, "Yay!" + +So, mom and the boy went outside and attached the rope to the ranch gate. + +The boy couldn't wait to use it. He asked, "What do I do now?" + +His mom said, "Jump!" + +So, the boy jumped and jumped and jumped. He had a lot of fun! +Once upon a time, there was an elderly man who lived in a small village. He loved to serve people in his community, so he decided to give them something special. + +He took some cardboard and made a special gift for the residents: a beautiful cardboard box. It was filled with cookies, sweets, and fruits. Everyone was so happy when they saw it! + +The old man said, “These treats are for everyone. Please, serve yourselves and share with your friends!†+ +One young girl smiled and said, “Thank you, sir! This is the best gift ever!†+ +The elderly man beamed and said, “It's my pleasure to serve you all. I'm glad you like it!†+Once upon a time there was a little boy named Fred. He was a curious three year old with wild brown hair and bright blue eyes. + +One day, Fred was playing in his backyard when he discovered a stranger sitting under a tree. The stranger had a kind face and Fred thought he looked really nice. + +He nervously walked over to the stranger and asked, "What are you doing here?" + +The stranger smiled and said, "Hi, I'm just resting, taking a break from my journey." + +Fred's eyes lit up. "That sounds fun! Where are you going?" + +The stranger chuckled and said, "I'm looking for a place to call home. Do you know anywhere nice?" + +Fred thought for a moment, then nodded his head and said, "Yes! My house is nice. You can stay here with me and my family if you want." + +The stranger smiled and said, "That sounds perfect. I think I'll stay. Thank you, Fred." + +And they all lived happily ever after. +Once there was a little girl. She looked up to her Mommy and wanted to help with the housework too. + +One day, the little girl asked her Mommy what she could do. Her Mommy smiled and handed her an empty basket. She said, "Can you help me by filling this basket up with toys?" + +The little girl was excited and asked, "Where can I find the toys?" + +"In the playroom," Mommy replied. + +The little girl ran off to the playroom and collected all her favourite toys. When the basket was full, she took it back to Mommy and said, "Look Mommy, I did it!" + +Mommy smiled and hugged the little girl, "Thank you for filling up the basket. It looks so much better now." + +The little girl beamed with pride and was so happy she could help. +Once there was a blue refrigerator. It lived in a kitchen with a green stove and an orange chair. The refrigerator wasn't happy; it had so many groceries inside it, taking up all its space. One day, the refrigerator started to shake. + +The grocery items inside the refrigerator were scared! They wanted to know why the refrigerator was shaking. + +Just then, a voice said, “I'm shaking because I need more space!†The groceries were surprised. It was the refrigerator speaking to them! + +"Can you help me?" asked the refrigerator. + +The groceries thought for a while. Finally they said, "Yes! We can help. We'll get out of your way, so you will have enough space." + +The refrigerator was very happy. Its shake stopped, and it thanked the groceries for their help. + +From that day on, the refrigerator was always happy and had plenty of room to store all its groceries. +Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was Tom and he was three years old. He had a big box of toys. + +One day Tom found a special box hidden away with a stamp inside. It was a very big stamp with a picture of a lion on the side. + +Tom wanted the stamp but he couldn't push the lid open. He pushed and he pushed but the lid wouldn't open. + +He started to get mad and said "I can't do it!" + +Then his mommy came up to him and said "Don't be so bad, Tom. Let me help you." + +She showed him how to push the lid open with two fingers and out popped the stamp! + +Tom was so happy and said "Thank you, mommy!" + +His mommy smiled and said "You're welcome, Tom. Now let's go put this stamp on something special!" + +Tom was so excited and they both went off to find the perfect place to put the special stamp. +Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Sam and Lily. Sam was very playful, and always wanted to run and explore. Lily was more careful, and loved to take it slow. + +One day, Sam and Lily decided to go for an adventure down a long path. The path was full of colorful plants and animals. As they walked, Lily reminded Sam to take his time, and stay on the path. But Sam just wanted to run around and explore. + +So they kept walking until they got to a big pond. "Oh look!" shouted Lily. "This pond is full of fish!" Sam was excited, and wanted to jump right in. But Lily reminded him that they should stay on the path. + +Sam reluctantly agreed, but as they kept walking he noticed a big tree nearby. "Let's climb it!" he said, in a playful voice. Lily laughed and said, "We can take a break, but don't forget…we have to stay on the path!" + +And so, the two best friends enjoyed the day as they explored the path, with Lily always reminding Sam to be careful. They had so much fun and eventually reached their destination. +Adam was three years old. He was small and liked playing with his toys. One day, he asked his mom if he could have a look inside the closet. His mom smiled and said "Yes, you can." + +Adam was excited and he opened the tall closet door. Inside the closet he was amazed. He saw a pile of colorful balls and he said "Mama, look! Come look!" + +Adam's mom smiled and said "It looks like there is a store inside your closet". She asked him "Do you want to play a game?" Adam said "Yes, please!" + +His mom allowed him to play with the balls. She said "You can play with the balls but don't make too much noise". Adam said "Yes, mama!" and he had so much fun. + +When he was done playing, he put the balls back in the closet and closed the tall door. Adam was so happy and thanked his mom for allowing him to explore the closet. +Once upon a time, there was a family that went to the park. At the park, they saw lots and lots of sheep. They were so fluffy and white! + +The family was looking at the sheep when they heard a terrible noise. It scared the little girl who said, "Dad, what was that noise?" + +Her dad replied, "I'm not sure, sweetheart. Let's take a look." + +They walked closer and saw that one of the sheep had gotten stuck in the fence. It looked so scared! The dad asked the sheep, "What happened here?" + +The sheep sighed and said, "One of the other sheep pushed me and I got stuck." + +The dad said, "That was a terrible thing to do. Let's get you out of there." + +The family worked together and soon the sheep was free. The dad said, "Don't worry, everything is alright now." + +The family gave the sheep a big hug and said goodbye. They watched as the sheep ran away, happy and free. They all smiled and the dad said, "Let's go home now." + +And so they did. +Once upon a time there was a smart bear called Peanut. Peanut had two friends, Rabbit and Squirrel. They all lived in the same forest and were the best of friends. + +One day, Peanut saw a special pinecone in the forest. He wanted to touch it but he was scared. So he asked Rabbit and Squirrel for advice. + +"I want to touch it but I'm scared," said Peanut. + +Rabbit said, "That's OK Peanut. Just go slow and be careful." + +Squirrel said, "Be brave Peanut. We're sure you can do it!" + +Peanut was still scared but with his friends' help he felt a bit more brave. He took a deep breath and slowly touched the pinecone. He was so proud that he did it! + +Suddenly the pinecone broke into pieces and a lot of tiny mice ran out! The friends were so surprised! Peanut, Rabbit and Squirrel all laughed together. + +And they all lived happily ever after! +One day, two sisters decided to play in the park. It was a hot summer day and the sun was shining brightly. They ran and played together, laughing and smiling. + +Suddenly, one sister stood up and started to cry. Her eyes were red, and she was very upset. The other sister asked, “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?†+ +The first sister said, “I’m scared of the big tree! I don’t like it when it’s so tall!†+ +The other sister said, “Don’t worry. I’ll stand next to you and we can look at it together.†She held her sister’s hand and they stood together, looking up at the tall tree. Slowly, the first sister smiled and said, “I’m not scared anymore.†They hugged, and continued to play together. +Once there was a boy named Rob. He was three years old and loved to drive. He had a special car that he liked to drive around, so one day he drove to the beach. + +When Rob got to the beach, he saw sand everywhere. He smiled and said, “Hi, sand!†+ +Rob decided to drive in the sand. It was so much fun! The sand was messy, but Rob didn't mind. He drove around and made circles and zigzags. + +Just then, Rob's mom came over. She said, “Rob, it's time to go home.†+ +Rob reluctantly packed up his car and said goodbye to the sand. He drove away, excited for his next adventure at the beach. +Once upon a time there was a regular little girl named Lucy. She loved to explore and play pretend. One day, she decided to be a pilot. + +Lucy found a rocket and walked to the park. She imagined zooming around the skies and had a big smile on her face. + +When she arrived, she quickly got to work. She sat in the rocket and pretended to fly. She said, “I’m flying high in the sky!†+ +Suddenly, she felt something wet and slippery under her feet. She had slipped in her own juice! + +Lucy started to cry and felt so sad. She said, “I just wanted to fly my rocket!†+ +Then, a kind voice said, “Don’t worry, Lucy. We can try again tomorrow.†It was her mom. + +Lucy hugged her mom and smiled. She said, “Tomorrow, I’ll fly my rocket for sure!†+ +And so, that's exactly what she did the very next day. Lucy and her mom went back to the park and she flew her rocket with a big, big smile. +One day, Pinky was walking in the park with her mom. There was a stranger who was so kind and generous. The stranger noticed Pinky and said, "Hi Pinky, what a nice day it is today". + +Pinky didn't know what to say, so she just smiled. The stranger then asked her mom, "Would it be okay if I take a picture of Pinky?" Her mom said yes and the stranger snapped a picture. + +Pinky was so excited, "Can I get a picture too?" she asked the stranger. The stranger said, "Sure, of course" and snapped another picture. + +Before the stranger left, he handed Pinky a lolly. She thanked him over and over. Pinky and her mom waved goodbye to the kind, generous stranger. +Once upon a time, there was a lovely gorilla. His name was Gus and he lived in Africa. He loved to swing from tree to tree with his friends. One day, Gus wanted to explore beyond his home in the jungle. He climbed down from the trees and set out on an adventure. + +Gus took great care to stay away from the places he knew to be dangerous. On the horizon, he could see a beautiful house with a tall gated fence and a bright red door. He could hear children's laughter in the garden. + +Gus climbed over the fence and approached the door. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him. + +"Hey there!" said the voice. + +Gus turned to see an old man, who was very friendly. "My name is John," said the old man. "Would you like to come in and play?" + +Gus nodded his head and John opened the door. Inside the house, there were lots of toys! Gus quickly found his favorite one: a toy gorilla. He hugged it and smiled. + +John wanted to make sure that Gus stayed safe. He led Gus to the gate and locked it. "That way, no one will be able to get in," he said. + +Gus waved goodbye to his new friend and set off, feeling safe and happy. He couldn't wait to tell the other gorillas about his lovely adventure. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Emma. She was three years old and liked to play with her toys. + +One day Emma decided to go to school. She was very excited. When she got there, her teacher said, "Well, Emma, do you know what a dictionary is?" + +Emma thought for a moment, then said, "No, I don't know what that is, miss." + +The teacher smiled and said, "It's an attractive book, full of words and meanings. It can help you answer many questions." + +Emma looked at her teacher's smiling face and said, "Can I borrow it? I want to answer lots of questions!" + +The teacher nodded and said, "Certainly, Emma! You can take it home and have a look." + +Emma happily took the dictionary home, and she couldn't wait to start learning new words and answering questions! +Once upon a time there was a little girl, her name was Kate. She loved to collect things. One day she was walking around finding things to collect when she found a huge, old, clumsy couch. She was so excited! + +Kate dragged the heavy couch back to her house, and put it in the front yard. She was so proud of her find. + +Her mom saw Kate outside and asked, "What are you doing, Kate?" + +Kate smiled and said, "I found this couch and I am going to collect it!" + +Her mom laughed and said, "That's a great idea. Let's make it a special place for you to read and play." + +So, Kate and her mom worked together to make the clumsy old couch into the perfect reading and play area. Kate was so proud of her find and excited to start collecting things for her special new spot. + +The end. +One day, Mummy and Daddy decided to go to the store. At the store, they saw an avocado. Daddy wanted to buy it, but Mummy said it looked disgusting. + +“Avocado is yucky!â€, said Mummy. + +Daddy just shrugged and said, “I like it.†+ +Mummy shook her head and walked away. Daddy bought the avocado, and when they got home, he cut it in half and ate it with a spoon. + +Mummy saw Daddy eating it, and said, “That's gross!†+ +But Daddy just shrugged and said, “It's yummy!†+ +Mummy was still not sure, so she walked away shaking her head. Daddy kept eating the avocado until it was all gone. + +In the end, Daddy liked the avocado and Mummy thought it was disgusting. But Daddy said it was yummy and that was that! +Mommy, Daddy, and Little John went to the mall. Daddy had a rich wallet. He wanted to match Little John with the right toy. Little John saw a toy car and said, "I want this!" Daddy said, "Let's see if I have enough money to match it." Daddy opened his wallet and saw there was enough money. He said, "Yes! It matches! You can have it." Little John smiled and looked at the car with excitement. Mommy and Daddy were happy that Little John found the perfect toy. They went home with Little John, the car, and a happy smile. +Jim looked at the forest eagerly. He loved going for a walk in the woods. His mom had packed him a lunch with his favorite sandwich and some juice, so he was ready to go. + +Suddenly, a loud noise came from the sky. It sounded like thunder! Was it going to rain? All shy, Jim moved closer to his mom. + +"Mom, what's happening?" he asked. + +"Oh, don't worry, Jim," she said. "Look up and see!" + +Jim looked up and saw a huge, noisy bird. It was bigger and noisier than any bird he had ever seen before! It was destroying everything in its path. + +Mom grabbed Jim's hand and said, "Let's go back and have our lunch, Jim. That bird is way too big and scary for us!" + +Jim quickly ate his lunch and ran to his room. He wanted more than anything to feel safe from the big, scary bird. Even though he was still shy, he was relieved when he got to his room. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Lola. Lola lived with her mom and dad. One day, Lola had a problem with her cereal. The cereal was all broken and Lola could not eat it. + +Lola told her mom about her cereal. Her mom was so happy that Lola told her. She said, "Don't worry Lola, I will repair your cereal!" + +Lola was really happy. She watched as her mom fixed the broken cereal. When her mom was finished, Lola couldn't believe it. Her cereal was all fixed and she knew she could eat it. + +"Thank you Mom!" said Lola. She hugged her mom and was super happy. + +The next day, Lola ate her repaired cereal with a big smile on her face! +Once upon a time there was a special blackboard. The blackboard was very white and sparkly. Every morning the children would come to school and gather round their blackboard. + +One morning the children noticed that their blackboard was starting to rot. It was all speckled with brown spots. The children gasped in shock. + +"What's wrong with the blackboard?" asked little Sam. + +"It looks like it's rotting," replied Benny. + +The teacher heard the children talking and came over to take a look. + +"I know just what to do," said the teacher. "We need to give the blackboard some fresh paint. Then it will be white and sparkly again." + +The children cheered and the teacher went to get the paint. Soon the blackboard was white and sparkly again and the children were happy. +Once upon a time there were two best friends: a rabbit and a bear. They were both very brave and loved to explore the forest together. +One day, they were out walking in the woods when they saw something magical. A yellow light was shimmering in the middle of the clearing. +The bear said to the rabbit, “Let’s go see what it is!†+The rabbit was curious and agreed. +When they got to the clearing, they saw a yellow potion in a bottle. The label on the bottle said “Drink me to make your wish come true!†+The bear looked at the rabbit and said, “Let’s drink it!†+The rabbit wasn’t quite sure, but decided to go along with the bear. They took a sip from the bottle and suddenly felt magical powers inside of them. +The bear shouted with excitement, “We can vanish!â€. +They waved their hands and vanished from the clearing! When they reappeared back in their green forest, they were very excited and they shouted together “Let’s do it again!†+ +And so they did, vanishing to amazing places around the world! They were never apart, always exploring together and using their magical powers. +They laughed and smiled every day, always grateful for the golden yellow potion that had made all their dreams come +Once upon a time, there was a poppy in a sunny meadow. It was bright red and it was so pretty. One day, a small dog came to the meadow and wanted to play with the poppy. + +The dog barked, "Come out and play with me!" + +The poppy was scared and didn't want to come out. It said, "I don't think it's a good idea." + +The dog said, "But I'm available for play and I promise I won't scare you." + +The poppy thought about it. The sunshine was warm, and the dog seemed friendly. + +Eventually, the poppy agreed to play with the dog. They had so much fun running around and chasing each other. After that, they became the best of friends. +One day, Alice saw a big, yellow chair. She asked her mummy, "Can I sit in it?" + +Mummy said, "Yes, but be careful. That chair looks a bit old and it's made of iron". + +Alice smiled and said, "It's ok, I won't break it. It's very cheap". + +Mummy smiled and said, "Yes, it's very cheap. Go ahead and take a seat". + +Alice happily sat in the yellow, iron chair. It was very comfy and she liked it a lot. + +After a few minutes, it was time to go. Alice said goodbye to the chair, then mummy and her walked away. +Once upon a time there was a famous pass. It was the only way to get to the other side of the mountain. Every day lots of people would travel through the pass. + +One day, a boy named Tommy wanted to use the pass to get to the other side. The pass was very cold and Tommy began to shiver. He was feeling scared, but he kept moving along. + +As Tommy walked through the pass, he heard someone calling out his name. He stopped in his tracks and peered into the darkness. + +A strange voice said, "Follow me." + +Tommy hesitated, feeling scared again. But then the voice spoke again, "I will help you, Tommy. Don't worry." + +Tommy smiled, feeling brave again. He followed the voice and soon he was safely on the other side of the mountain. Tommy was so happy that he shivered and thanked the voice many times. + +The voice said to Tommy, "It was my pleasure. I'm always here to help you." + +On his way home, Tommy felt grateful and famous. He knew that he could get through any pass with the help of a kind friend. +Once upon a time, there was a mysterious hippo. He lived alone in the woods. One day, the hippo walked near a pond. As he peered inside, he saw something amazing: a shining path of stars! They were beautiful and sparkled like diamonds. + +The hippo was filled with wonder and excitement. He decided to tell his friend, a frog. He hopped over and exclaimed, "Look at this! It's so mysterious!" + +The frog replied, "That is quite a display! What could it be?" + +The hippo thought for a moment, then said, "I think it's magic! But I'm not sure. We'll just have to wait and see!" + +The mysterious hippo and the frog watched the stars together. As they stared, they marveled at its beauty and the way it made them feel. After a few minutes, the stars disappeared, leaving the two friends to ponder what they had seen. The hippo smiled and said, "That was my magical moment!" +Lily was a young girl who loved to learn new things. Every day she would practice her ABCs and try to learn new words. One day, she asked her mom if she could help cook dinner. Her mom thought it was a great idea, so she handed Lily a bowl of ingredients. + +“I can do it!†said Lily confidently. + +“I know you can,†her mom said with a smile. “Just remember to be reliable and careful." + +Lily carefully measured each ingredient and mixed them all together. She stirred and tasted the mixture until it was just right. In the end, she made a delicious dinner all by herself. + +“Look what I made, Mom!†Lily said proudly. + +“That’s wonderful!†her mom said. “You are so reliable and smart and I’m so proud of you! Keep learning, and before you know it, you’ll be a big grownup.†+ +Lily smiled. Every day she was learning something new, and she knew that one day, she would be a big grownup too. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Molly. She wanted something but didn't know what. She asked her mommy, "What do I want?" Her mommy replied, "Why don't you go outside and see the vendor? Maybe they'll have something you want!" + +So Molly went outside and found the vendor. She saw many brilliant things, like colorful toys and games. She was delighted and wanted to buy them all right away. + +Molly said to the vendor, "I want these! Please, can I buy them?" The vendor smiled and said, "Yes, Molly. Let's see what you have to pay!" + +Molly was so happy that she got to buy her new toys and games. She thanked the vendor and went home with a big smile on her face. +Once upon a time there lived a brave prince. He lived in a big castle and had a very special shield. One day he decided to go for an adventure and set off in the distance. + +As he walked along he heard a faint voice calling his name. He stopped to listen and could hear a distant voice calling his name again. He followed the voice until he came to a small house. + +The prince peeked inside and saw a young girl. She was very sad and alone. So the brave prince spoke to her and asked why she was so sad. + +The little girl told him her story. She said that she had lost her shield. It was very special to her and she didn't know where it was. + +The prince smiled and promised to help. So he searched high and low until he found the shield. + +The girl was so happy and thanked the prince. She said he was very brave and wished him the best on his adventure. + +The prince smiled, picked up his shield and continued his journey in the distance. +Once there was a frog who liked to joke. He was a big, wide frog and he would sit in the pond and tell his friends jokes. His favorite one was, "What did the frog say when he hopped into the pond?" + +His friend, a fish, said, "What did the frog say?" + +The frog replied with a big laugh, "Ribbit, ribbit!" + +The fish was so confused! He asked, "What does that mean?" + +The frog said, "It means I'm happy to be here!" + +The fish understood and they both laughed. The other animals around the pond laughed too. It was a happy time and they all enjoyed the frog's funny jokes. + +The little frog was so proud of himself because all the animals thought his jokes were funny. He would hop around the pond, telling even more jokes and making everyone laugh. The pond was filled with laughter and smiles. +Once upon a time, there was a bear who loved prunes. Every day, he would see lots of prunes in the forest, but he was always too scared to get them. + +One day, the bear mustered up his courage to go and get them. As he was walking, he saw a fierce-looking wolf. The wolf said, "What are you doing here?" + +The bear said, "I was just coming to get some prunes." + +The wolf said, "Well then, why don't you stay for a while and have a look around!" + +The bear was very scared but he agreed. Together, they went around the forest looking for prunes. Eventually, they found lots of juicy ones. + +The bear was very happy. He thanked the wolf and said goodbye. He took the prunes back to his cave, and enjoyed them with a big smile. +Once upon a time, there were two little frogs who lived in a pond. In the morning, they always raced each other around the pond. + +One day, they decided to race around the pond three times. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. It was a very lively day. + +The first frog said, "I'm going to win! I'm the fastest one in the pond." + +But the second frog said, "No way. I'm going to win this race." + +The first frog was so excited about the race, he hopped off lightening fast. Every lap he took got faster and faster. + +The second frog was trying very hard, but he just wasn't as fast as the first frog. + +In the end, the first frog won the race. He was so proud of himself and he felt really happy. + +The second frog was happy too. He cheered for his friend and said, "Good job! That was a great race!" +Once upon a time, two friends named Carl and Joe lived near a train station. One day, they wanted to explore so they decided to try the engine of the train. + +Carl and Joe went to the station and looked at the engine. It was big, shiny and loud. + +"It sure looks nice, Joe!" said Carl. "What do you think we should do?" + +Joe thought for a moment and then said, "Let's try it!" + +So Carl and Joe opened the engine and hopped inside. They pressed the buttons and turned the knobs. But nothing happened. + +"Maybe it needs more power," said Joe. "Let's try pushing it!" + +So they both pushed the engine. Suddenly, it made a loud noise and started moving! + +"We did it!" Joe cheered. "That was a good try!" + +Carl and Joe had a great adventure that day and the engine brought them everywhere. They even saw a rainbow when it started raining. After a long day, they came back home and fell asleep with a smile on their faces. +Once upon a time there were two best friends, Lucy and Daisy. Daisy lived in a big house next to a park with lots of lovely trees. Every day the two friends would meet there and play. They loved playing tag and bouncing on the green grass. Daisy had a trampoline and every time Lucy would giggle as she bounced up and down. + +Today was a special day because Lucy was bringing Daisy a present. She was so excited that she started bouncing around in circles! When she arrived at the park, Daisy ran up to her and hugged her. + +"What did you get me?" Daisy asked with a big smile. + +Lucy smiled back and said "This!" She pulled out a big carton of milk and a spoon. + +Daisy was so delighted. "Oh lovely!" she said happily. + +Lucy said, "I wanted to thank you for being such a great friend. I love playing with you, Daisy." + +Daisy was touched. She grabbed Lucy's hands and said, "Me too! Let's start our play date with a bounce!" + +The girls held hands and jumped in the air. They were happy, giggling under the lovely trees in the park. +Once upon a time, there was a boy called Tom. Tom had a finger that was very special. It was adorable. + +One day, Tom found a pot filled with creamy, thick milk. He wanted to make something special out of it, so he stirred it with his finger. Round and round his finger went, swirling the milk faster and faster. + +Suddenly, his mommy came in. "What are you doing?" she asked. + +"I'm making something special," said Tom. + +"Well, it looks delicious!" said his mommy. + +Tom continued to stir with his finger until the milk was just perfect. He poured it into a bowl and added some yummy, sweet strawberries. + +When it was done, Tom proudly said, "Look Mommy, I made something delicious!" + +His mommy smiled and said, "It looks and smells amazing! You did a wonderful job, my adorable boy." + +Tom felt so happy that he had made something so delicious. From that day onward, he was always careful to stir with his finger! +One day, a boy named Tom was walking in the forest. He saw a tall pine tree that seemed really beautiful. He wanted to get closer to it so he started walking towards it. Suddenly, he heard a noise and he saw a big and scary animal behind the tree. + +Tom was so scared that he took a few steps back and shouted, "Who's there?" The animal then came out from behind the pine tree. It looked dangerous and Tom didn't know what to do. + +The animal spoke to Tom, "It's okay, I won't hurt you," it said. + +Tom was still scared, but he answered back, "What are you?" + +The animal replied, "I'm a bear. I seem dangerous, but I'm really very friendly." + +Tom felt a bit more relaxed. He thanked the bear for not being dangerous, then he said goodbye and continued walking through the forest. Tom learned that day that not everything that seems dangerous is actually dangerous. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Tina. Tina was very hungry, and she wanted something yummy to eat. Everywhere she looked, there was no food. Then, Tina heard a mysterious whisper in the wind: "Raise your eyes and you will find a secret!". + +Tina looked up, and to her surprise, she saw a bright rainbow up in the sky! The rainbow was so colorful and sparkly that she reached out to touch it. Suddenly, Tina felt something soft in her hand. It was a big juicy apple! + +Tina was so happy that she took a big bite. It was sweet, juicy, and delicious! Tina said, "Thank you for the delicious snack! I'm no longer hungry!" + +The mysterious whisper replied, "You're welcome, Tina!" The voice sounded sweet and kind. It was the voice of a magical fairy who had given Tina a magical surprise. +Once upon a time there was a wild fox. He was furry and playful. +He got curious one day and decided to go out on an adventure. + +He ran and ran across the grassy field. Then he noticed something strange: a cross was in his way. +The fox stopped and looked around. He wondered, "Who put this cross here?" + +Suddenly, a small voice said, "I put it there." +The fox was surprised. He looked around and noticed a little girl standing next to him. + +The fox asked, "Why did you put it up?" +The little girl answered, "I wanted to stop you. I thought you would get lost if you didn't." + +The fox was touched by her concern. He said, "That's sweet, thank you. But I still need to go on my adventure." +The little girl nodded. She said, "Be careful. I'll remove the cross so you can go on your way." + +The fox thanked her again and then went on his way. The little girl watched as he went, with a smile on her face. +Once upon a time, there was a brave girl who wanted to rescue the moon. She asked her mom for help, but it was too tough for her. + +"Mom, can you help me rescue the moon?" the brave little girl asked. + +"That is a hard job, honey," her Mom replied. "But I believe you can do it!" + +The brave little girl was determined! She looked in the sky and saw the moon. She was scared, but she knew she had to try. + +She took a deep breath and began to climb. It was easy at first, but as she got higher, it got harder and harder. Finally, she reached the top and rescued the moon! + +The brave little girl smiled. She had done it! With her mom's help, she had rescued the moon! +Once there was a friendly elephant who was very full of ideas. He wanted to show all the other animals in the forest how fun it could be to invent things. + +So one day, he got all his supplies ready to start building. He gathered sticks, stones and leaves and put them in a pile in the middle of the clearing. + +A curious bird flew down and asked the elephant what he was doing. The elephant smiled and said, “I'm loading my idea with these supplies to build something special.†+ +The bird was impressed. He asked, “What are you going to make?†+ +The elephant replied, “You’ll just have to wait and see! It’s a surprise!†+ +The bird flew away, excited to see what the friendly elephant had dreamed up. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Claire. Claire was three years old and she liked to dream. She dreamed of being a successful mixer one day. + +One day, Claire went to the store with her mom and saw a mixer in the window. She told her mom that she wanted it. Her mom smiled and asked, "Do you want to be a successful mixer?" + +Claire thought for a moment and said, "Yes! I want to be a successful mixer!" + +Her mom hugged her and said, "That's wonderful! Just remember to keep dreaming and you can be whatever you want to be!" + +Claire nodded and smiled. She knew that one day, she would be a successful mixer. +One day, a little girl saw an open box with a pole inside. She took out the pole and looked at it with her big eyes. She wondered what she could do with the pole. + +Then the girl had an idea. She took some soil from outside and mixed it with water from a bucket to make mud. She then dipped one end of the pole in the mud and held it up. + +The girl walked around with the pole, and she saw a surprise: butterflies! They were resting on the mud-covered pole. She watched as they fluttered their wings and flew away. + +The girl smiled and said, “I like mixing things together.†+Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She was very curious, and one day she asked her mummy if they could go to the museum. Her mummy said, "Yes, of course we can!" + +The museum was so big, Lucy couldn't believe it. Everywhere she looked, she saw things to explore. She found a big orange room with lots of pieces of art on the walls. + +Lucy decided to mark her name on the wall next to one of the pictures. She held her finger up against the wall and drew the letter "L". Then she chose a second letter: "U". + +Mummy said, "Oh what a great idea, Lucy! That's such a creative way to leave your mark in the museum." Lucy smiled, pleased that she had come up with a way to make her own special mark. + +Together, Lucy and her mummy had a beautiful day exploring the museum. Lucy was so happy about the special mark she had made in the orange room. +Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was very excited because she was going on an adventure. + +So, she opened her wardrobe and picked out a sparkly dress, a furry hat and her trusty teddy bear. She closed the wardrobe and accidentally made some noise. + +Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. It came from outside her bedroom. + +She opened the door and saw a big bad wolf. He had stolen some food from the kitchen! + +The little girl shouted, "That's not nice. You can't do that!" + +But the wolf was too fast. He said, "I stole it because I was hungry. I'm sorry." + +The little girl felt sorry for the wolf. So, she gave him an apple and said, "Here, take this. I hope you're not too hungry now." + +The wolf thanked her and ran away. When the little girl closed the door, she was relieved. She had been so excited to go on her adventure, but now she was even more excited because she had done a brave thing. +Mia was playing in the park one Wednesday morning. She saw a bus coming and became alert. She ran to her mommy and Daddy and said, "Close eyes!" Her mommy and Daddy closed their eyes and when Mia opened them the bus was gone. Mia smiled and said, "Yay!" + +Mia kept playing and soon saw a squirrel. She wanted to get close but was afraid. She asked her Daddy, "Can I get close?" Her Daddy said, "Yes, but stay alert. Remember to make sure the squirrel isn't scared of you." Mia smiled and said, "Ok!" + +The squirrel soon grew comfortable with Mia and was snuggling in her lap. Mia was so excited. She knew she just made a new furry friend. She said goodbye to the squirrel, closed her eyes and saw the bus was back. She waved at the bus and it honked back. Mia smiled and said, "Bye Bye!" +Once upon a time, there was a big family of mice. They lived in a cozy hole in the ground near a big stone. One of the baby mice was named Rush. He was a little bigger than the others and more brave. + +One day, Rush noticed a big, shiny bone near the stone. He was very excited and rushed over to get it. But, the stone was guarded by a mean, old rat. The rat was very wealthy and kept the bone for himself. + +Rush asked the rat,"Can I have the bone please?" +But, the rat refused. + +The rat said, "No! This bone is mine. Go away!" + +Rush didn't give up. He ran quickly and grabbed the bone away from the rat. The rat was so angry he ran off. + +The family of mice were very happy, so Rush shared the bone with all of them. He was very proud of his brave deed. From then on they never had to worry about being hungry. +Once upon a time, there was a tough sailor. He liked sailing the seas and exploring new places. One day, as he sailed, he saw something very special - a little island! + +He sailed to it and saw that it was an amazing place. However, when he got there, the sailor noticed something strange. The animals on the island were ignoring him. + +"Why are you all ignoring me?" he said. + +A rabbit came out of a bush and said, "We just wanted to see if you were a nice sailor. We can tell you're a tough one and we know you'll be kind to us." + +The sailor smiled and said, "Of course I will! Now let's explore this island together!" + +And so, the tough sailor and the animals on the island had a fun day exploring together. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She was so excited to take her first ever bath in her favorite purple bathtub! She waved at her mom and dad as they filled the tub with warm water. + +As the water filled up, Lucy was amazed to see the ice cubes start to melt. She asked her mom, "What's happening, mommy?" + +Her mom smiled and said, "The hot water is making the ice cubes melt, Lucy. Just like when your popsicle melts in the sun, the ice cubes melt too. + +Lucy was delighted and jumped right in the bathtub. She splashed around in the warm water and blew lots of bubbles. Even the ice cubes melted in the water and made her bath even more special. + +When it was time for Lucy to get out of the bath, she was sad to say goodbye to her new purple bathtub. But she knew she could come back soon and enjoy another fun bath time! +Once upon a time there was a young girl called Lola. Lola loved to play with her friends in the park. + +One day, as Lola was playing, an old man appeared in the park. He asked Lola if she wanted to talk. She said yes, so they found a bench to sit on. + +The old man said "Hello Lola, what is your name?" +Lola said "My name is Lola." + +The old man said "That's a nice name. How old are you, Lola?" +Lola said "I'm three years old." + +The old man said "That's so good, you are so young. Do you want to play with me?" +Lola smiled and said "Yes I do." + +So the old man and Lola played in the park the whole day. They talked and laughed and had lots of fun. It was a very good day. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucy. She had a special box with a surprise in it. Every night, when she was in bed, her Mum and Dad would come into her room and unpack the box together. + +One night, after they had unpacked it, they showed Lucy they special surprise. It was a very important diamond necklace! Lucy was so excited. + +Mum said "This necklace is very important to us, Luce. We want to give it to you so you can keep it safe and enjoy wearing it". + +Lucy smiled with excitement and said "Yay! I love it!" + +From then on she was never without her special surprise. It made her feel special and loved. +Once upon a time, there were two friends. One was a little bear and one was a small rabbit. They were on a fun adventure together. + +Suddenly, the rabbit heard a loud noise and the ground started to shake. The bear said, "That looks like an earthquake." The rabbit said, "What's an earthquake?" + +The bear said, "It's an unknown thing that happens when the ground moves. Sometimes it's very loud, too." + +The rabbit was scared and started to cry. The bear said, "Don't worry, let's sing a happy song." So the bear and the rabbit sang a funny song together. + +After they finished, the earthquake stopped and the bear and the rabbit hugged each other. They were glad it was over and decided to continue on their adventure. They had a lot of fun together. +Once upon a time there was a little girl, who had ten toes on each foot. She liked to practice counting them, and often found it fun to count to ten over and over again. Sometimes she would even close her eyes and count them without a single mistake! + +One day, as she proudly counted her toes, her brother came up to her and asked what she was doing. + +“I’m counting my toes!†She said, proudly. + +“Why do you need to number them?†Asked her brother, confused. + +The little girl looked down at her toes, a bit ashamed. “Well, I just like to know how many I have!†She said. + +Her brother smiled and said “That’s silly! You only have ten toes, why would you need to know that each time?†+ +The little girl beamed and said, “Well, I think it’s important to count my toes, so I never forget how lucky I am!†+Once upon a time there lived a little girl called Amy. She lived in a small house in the woods with her parents. + +One day, Amy went out to pick some flowers. She picked some yellow ones, some orange ones and some pink ones. + +When Amy got back home, she wanted to give the flowers to her mother, but the door was shut. So Amy knocked on the door and shouted, "Mummy, can I come in?" + +There was a pause, and then Amy heard a gruff voice shout back, "Of course you can, darling! Squeeze through the window." + +Amy smiled and squeezed her way through the small window. Inside was a big, beautiful room with ancient luxury furniture and decorations. + +"Wow, it looks so nice, mummy!" exclaimed Amy. + +Her mummy smiled and said, "We are lucky to have this surprise. It's an ancient luxury room!" +Once upon a time there was a beautiful glass. It sparkled in the sun and it was the prettiest thing anyone had ever seen. + +One day, a little girl named Jess wanted to have the glass all for herself. She loved how it sparkled so much. So, she decided to pinch it and take it away. + +Jess giggled as she ran away with the glass, but she didn't get very far. Suddenly, a voice called out to her. + +"Put that glass back!" + +Jess stopped in her tracks. She looked around and saw that a little old lady was standing there. Jess felt very scared and quickly put the glass back, right where she had found it. + +The little old lady smiled and said: + +"Now, that was the right thing to do. I want you to remember - things that don't belong to us should stay where they are." + +Jess nodded, smiled and said "thank you" before she ran away. From then on she was very careful not to pinch things that didn't belong to her. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Ali. She was three years old and loved discovering new things. One day, Ali was exploring in her bedroom and noticed a big, modern drawer. She was intrigued and decided to take a closer look. + +ai opened the drawer and found it was filled with lots of exciting items. She took out everything inside and started playing with each one. After a while, she suddenly realized something important. Inside the drawer was a box of colored crayons! + +Ali shouted with joy, "Mama! Look what I found!" +Her mother smiled and said, "Those are for you to use to draw and be creative!" + +Ali felt so happy and excited that she quickly grabbed a crayon and began drawing. She realized that the modern drawer could open to some wonderful surprises. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to ride. She rode her bike every day in her driveway, and she was getting very good at it! + +One day, as she was riding, she heard a strange noise. She looked up and saw that a storm was coming. The sky was dark and the wind was blowing. + +The little girl was stubborn, so she decided to keep riding no matter what. But soon, she had to stop. It was too dark and she couldn't see where she was going. + +But just then, a light turned on! The little girl was so excited. She said, "Look, a light! Maybe it will help me see where I'm going!" + +The light changed her life. From that day on, she could ride all the way to the end of the driveway. And she was no longer afraid of the dark. +Amy was sitting in her bedroom playing with her favourite black dolls. She thought for a moment about what she should do. She was feeling very bored. + +Suddenly, her mom called her into the living room. + +"Amy, come in here," Mom said. "I have a plan." + +Amy hopped off the bed and followed her mom into the living room. She saw her dad and aunt sitting there. + +"We are going to play a game," Mom said. + +Amy smiled. She liked playing games with her family. + +"This is going to be a very difficult game," Dad said. + +Amy was confused. She didn't think she could do a difficult game, but she wanted to try. + +"Don't worry," Aunt said. "We'll help you. Don't be scared." + +Amy smiled. She felt much better now. + +"Let's play!" Amy said happily. + +They all laughed and started the game. Amy was surprised at how fun it was, even though it was a difficult game. She was happy that she had taken the challenge. +Once there was a curious little girl named Rebecca. She loved to explore the world around her, and today was no different. She put on her favorite bright blue cloth, and skipped outside the door. + +Rebecca saw a large field in the distance and decided to explore it. She ran and jumped, enjoying the warm sun and fresh air. But then something caught her eye. In the middle of the field was something Rebecca had never seen before - a huge tree! + +"What is this?" she said, her voice full of curiosity. + +Just then, a friendly little rabbit hopped up to her. "That's an apple tree," the rabbit said. "You can enjoy the tasty apples, and even pick one to take home with you!" + +Rebecca smiled. She thanked the rabbit, picked one of the red apples from the tree, and skipped happily back home. She enjoyed her new adventure, the warm sun, and the delicious apple all the way home. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Jane and John. They were best friends and always wanted to play together. One day, Jane got an idea. She challenged John to a race. She said, "Let's have a race! I'll race you to the park and whoever wins gets a surprise!" John excitedly said, "Yes!" + +They started the race. Jane ran very fast and was far ahead of John. He felt like he couldn't catch up. Just then, Jane stopped and waved for him to join her. She offered him a modern toy car to play with. + +John happily accepted and said, "Thank you, Jane! This is so cool!" Jane smiled and said, "You're welcome, John. Now let's go to the park and play with our toy cars!" And that's exactly what they did. + +They had lots of fun, racing their modern toy cars around the park all day. +Once upon a time, there was a small town full of healthy people who enjoyed playing and singing in the sun. One day, something strange happened. The town started to shrink! Everyone was very worried, so they all gathered together to figure out what had happened. + +"What is going on?" one boy asked. +"I don't know," an old man with a big beard answered. As they talked, they noticed something strange in the sky. It was a giant cloud, and it was coming closer and closer to the town. + +"I think the cloud is shrinking the town," said the old man. He was right! The cloud was taking away some of the air in the town, and it was making the town smaller and smaller! + +The people in the town figured out a way to stop the cloud from shrinking their town. They sang and danced and clapped. Suddenly, the cloud went away, and the town was healthy again! +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Emma who went to the park. She was very excited to play! + +Emma saw a big sandbox and thought it would be great for burying things. She grabbed her shovel and started burying all of her little trinkets. + +Emma's mom called her name. "Emma, it's time for dinner!" + +Emma sighed and said, "Okay, mom!" She grabbed her heavy shovel and headed home. + +When she got home, she sat down for dinner. Emma's mom asked her what she did in the park and Emma told her about burying all her things in the sandbox. + +Her mom smiled. "That sounds like a lot of fun, Emma!" +One day Jane went to the classroom for an exam. She saw her teacher and two furry cats. Jane was very excited to see them! + +The teacher said, "Today we have an exam and I will give you a question. What do you see in the room?" +Jane looked around and said, "I see two furry cats." + +The teacher smiled and said, "Very good! Now go ahead and answer some more questions." + +Jane was so excited. She answered all the questions and did very well in her exam. + +When it was over, the teacher said, "Well done Jane, you did a great job!" + +Jane smiled and said, "Yay! I can't wait to go back and see the furry cats again!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Anna. She was three years old. Today, Anna had a very important task. She had to hurry and take some purple flowers to her Granny's house. + +Anna loved her Granny very much and wanted to get there in time. She picked up the flowers and ran quickly out of her house. As she ran, she shouted: "I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!" + +Soon she reached a big mountain. But it was too high for Anna to climb. She got worried and thought to herself: "What should I do now?" Then she heard a voice say: "Hi Anna, why are you in such a hurry?" + +Surprised, Anna looked up and saw an eagle flying above her. She smiled and said: "I have to take these purple flowers to my Granny's house. Can you help me get there quickly?" + +The eagle nodded and took Anna on his back. With a few flaps of his wings they flew over the mountain and were soon at Granny's house. Anna excitedly jumped off and ran inside the house. + +Smiling, she pressed the purple flowers into Granny's hands. "Thank you for helping me, eagle!" she said. "Granny will love these." +One day, there was a young girl called Jane who was playing with her friends in the park. She was having lots of fun and she laughed a lot. All of a sudden, she noticed a puppy in the lumber pile. She got very excited and she ran towards the puppy. + +"What's your name, doggy?" she asked. + +The puppy barked and went over to the slide. Jane went after it and they started to play together. + +Meanwhile, the other children were getting jealous. They wanted to play with Jane too! So they all started to chase the puppy. + +The puppy ran and ran until it got very dirty. Jane noticed and she said, "Oh no! We need to wash you!" + +So, she took the puppy over to the park tap and she washed it with her hands. After, the puppy was all clean and happy again. + +The other children were still jealous but they kept quiet - they didn't want to wash any puppies! +Once upon a time there were two friends, Sarah and Jack. One day, Jack showed Sarah a book. He said, “I can write in it!†Sarah was excited and said, “Will you write me something?†+ +Jack got a pen and started writing. He wrote a story about a dump truck picking up waste. After a while, he finished and showed it to Sarah. She smiled and said, “Thank you, Jack! It’s so nice.†+ +Jack was happy that Sarah liked the story. He said, “Did you know it takes patience to write?†Sarah nodded and said, “That’s true. It seems like it takes forever!†+ +The two friends laughed and hugged. Then they went to the park to play. +Once upon a time there was a smart girl named June. She loved to help people. One day, June wanted to do something special for her mom. She went to the store and bought a big pint of ice-cream. She smiled and said, “Mom, I got this for you!†+ +Mom was so happy and said, “Thank you, June! You are always so helpful!†+ +June couldn't wait to dig in, but she wanted to wait until Mom had some too. So they waited. Finally, it was time for ice-cream! They both sat down and scooped out yummy scoops and put sprinkles on top. + +Mom grinned and said, “Yum! We both helped each other and now we get to enjoy this cool treat together!†+ +June smiled and said, “Yes! Ice-cream is the best!†+ +And that's how June and Mom had a smart, special and helpful ice-cream treat. +The two friends, Jack and Jill, were playing in the park. Jack had a red kite in his hands and Jill was running around, chasing butterflies. Suddenly, the wind started blowing and Jack's kite lifted up into the sky. + +"My kite is flying away!" yelled Jack. + +"Don't worry, I'll get it!" said Jill. + +Jill started running as fast as she could after the kite. She sprinted and chased it through the park, over the trees and around the swings. Finally, she caught up to the kite with a mighty leap and grabbed it in her hands. + +Jack was impressed and gave her a big hug. Jill smiled, proud of her accomplishment. + +Suddenly, a loud noise was heard in the distance. Jack and Jill ran toward it and saw two dogs fighting. The dogs were snarling and growling, fighting over a bright-colored bone. + +Jack wanted to help the dogs, but he was scared. Jill had an idea. She quickly grabbed a nearby stick and clapped it against the ground, making loud noises. + +The dogs stopped fighting and ran away in opposite directions. Jack and Jill watched them go and then looked at the bright-colored bone. + +"I think we should keep the bone," said Jill. + +"Ok," said Jack with a smile. + +The two friends picked up the bone, put it in Jack +Once upon a time, there lived a family of four. Everyone was anxious for snow, especially the three year old. + +One day, the family heard a special sound - bring! They opened the door to find lots of snow outside. + +"Look!" the three year old said excitedly. + +The family smiled and said "Let's go outside and play!" They all ran outside and made snow angels and snowmen. + +The three year old said in awe, "Bring, bring more snow!" Everyone laughed and said, "Snow brings fun!" +Once upon a time, there was a brave girl. She had a shiny sword. She liked to dance and swing it in the air. + +One day, she found a big, old tree. Inside the tree was a magical doorway. The brave girl opened the door and danced inside. + +In the doorway, she found a beautiful fairy. The fairy was dressed in a sparkly dress with a sparkling crown. + +The fairy smiled at the brave girl. She said, "Hello, brave girl. I have been waiting for you. Would you like to join me in a magical dance?" + +The girl smiled and said, "Yes!" + +The fairy and the brave girl danced together. They twirled and whirled and waved their swords in the air. They stomped and clapped and flew around the room. When their dance was finished, the fairy hugged the brave girl. + +The fairy said, "Thank you, brave girl, for your compassionate dance. You will always be remembered for your courage and your kindness." The fairy smiled and disappeared. + +The brave girl smiled, too. She had danced with a real fairy! She picked up her sword and went home, full of joy and happy moments. +Once upon a time, there was a naughty little seal. He lived by the sea and loved to play all day. He often dive into the water to explore the depths. + +One day, the seal decided to dive down really deep. He crossed a giant coral reef and swam along the bottom of the sea. Suddenly, he heard a voice calling out to him. + +"Hey! Wait for me," the voice said. The seal looked around and saw a rainbow-colored fish. + +"Who are you?" asked the seal. + +"I'm a friendly fish," the fish replied. He told the seal that he wanted to explore the sea with him. + +The seal smiled and said, "Ok! Let's dive together." + +So the two friends dived deep into the sea, exploring all the wonderful creatures and plants. They dived for what seemed like hours, until the seal's stomach started to rumble. + +"It's time for lunch," he said, and then swam to the surface. The naughty little seal had never had so much fun in the sea! +Little Grace looked out the window and gazed at the animals in the park. Her eyes lit up with delight as she watched the animals playing in the grass. She asked her mom to take her to the park so she could get a closer look. + +Mom smiled, "Of course we can! We'll take you to the park later, but first we're going to see the veterinarian." + +Grace's eyes grew wide. "What's a veterinarian?" She asked. + +"The veterinarian is a special person who takes care of animals and makes sure they are healthy," replied mom. + +They drove to the veterinarian's office. Grace was a little nervous, but she was so excited to see the animals that she couldn't contain her enthusiasm. When they finally arrived, Grace's eyes widened as she looked around. There were so many animals! She smiled brightly as she spotted a deep blue bird flying overhead. + +Mom gave Grace a hug. "Come on Grace, let's go in and meet the veterinarian!" + +Grace couldn't believe her eyes as she stepped into the office. Not only were there many kinds of animals, but there were also so many happy people taking care of them. Grace took a deep breath and smiled, feeling at home in the vet's office. +Once upon a time, there was a graceful bird who loved to soar through the air. One day while the bird was flying, a missile flew close to it. The bird got scared and tried to separate from the missile by flying higher and higher. + +The missile noticed the bird's escape and began to chase it. Soon, the bird was too tired to keep flying and the missile was closing in. With no other choice, the bird stopped and looked at the missile. + +"Please don't hurt me," it said. + +The missile replied, "I have no wish to do that. I was just playing. Would you like to join me?" + +The bird replied, "Yes! That would be fun!" + +The bird and the missile flew together for hours, playing and enjoying the sky. Eventually, it was time for the bird to go back to its nest. + +The bird and the missile said their goodbyes and the bird flew away gracefully. From then on, the bird and the missile were the best of friends. +Once upon a time there was a brave knight who was very bossy. He had a special trophy which he always wanted to protect. + +The knight took his trophy and went for a walk in the woods. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from the bushes. + +"What was that?" he asked. + +A small dragon stepped out and said, "I'm here to take your trophy!" + +Quickly, the knight stepped in front of the trophy, saying, "No way! You can't have it!" + +The dragon was very strong, but the knight was brave and he fought with all his might to protect his trophy. After a long battle, the knight won and the dragon ran away. + +The knight was very proud when the other knights saw him with his special trophy. He was a true hero and would always do everything he could to protect it! +Once there was a boat. It was called the S.S. Happy. Every morning the captain sailed it across the ocean. + +One day, the captain heard some news. His friends were coming on a visit! + +The captain was so excited! He quickly got to work and scrubbed the boat until it was as clean as a whistle. His face was all red from scrubbing. + +When his friends arrived, the captain smiled widely. He said, "Welcome to S.S. Happy! Would you like to go for a sail with me?" They said yes! + +The friends sailed in the boat until it was dark outside. They looked up at the twinkling stars in the night sky. + +When the boat came back, it was a little dirty. But the captain smiled and said, "That was so much fun!" All of his friends agreed. + +The captain and his friends sail on his boat every day. Now it's even cleaner than before, and they always have lots of fun! +Once upon a time, there were two friends – Betty and Tom. Tom had thick, brown hair and Betty had long, blonde hair. They were very happy and often played together. + +One day, they were playing outside. "I want to share my hair," said Tom. + +"Yes, me too," said Betty. So they took turns brushing each other's hair, and soon their hair was nice and shiny. + +Then Betty had an idea. "Let's make a hair bracelet for each other," she said. + +Tom was very excited. "Yes, let's do it," he said. + +They gathered beads and ribbons, and wove them into a thick braid. When they were finished, they each had a beautiful bracelet made from their hair! + +They hugged each other tightly, and went off to show their bracelets to their mothers. +Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a big city. Her name was Anna, and she had long pale hair. She loved to explore the city and look at all the colorful things around. + +One day, Anna went out to the city park. It was very sunny and the sky was bright blue. She stopped at the fountain, which was surrounded by a grassy field. She smiled as she watched the water bubbling up out of the fountain and down into the pond. + +Suddenly, Anna heard a mysterious sound coming from over the hill. She crested the hill to see what was making all the noise. To her surprise, there was a dragon! The dragon seemed to be looking for something. + +Anna wondered what the dragon wanted. She stepped closer and asked in a quiet voice, "What are you looking for?" The dragon paused, shrugged, and said, "I don't know." + +Anna was not sure what to do next. She felt a little bit scared, but she wanted to be brave. She stepped closer and said, "Maybe I can help you find what you are looking for." The dragon smiled and thanked Anna. + +Together, Anna and the dragon searched all around the city park. In the end, the dragon found what it was looking for—a small, pale stone. Grateful, the dragon bowed and flew away. + +Anna watched with a big smile on her +Once upon a time there was a boy named Joe. He was very proud of himself because he had just learned how to work with a hose. One day Joe wanted to show off his new skills, so he grabbed the hose and started shooting water all over his garden. + +Suddenly, Joe heard his Dad coming. He was embarrassed and tried to put the hose away quickly. But it was too late. His Dad shouted, "What are you doing Joe?" + +Joe looked very embarrassed and said, "I'm working with the hose." + +His Dad smiled and said, "Very good Joe, you are doing a great job!" Joe felt so much better and was no longer embarrassed. He was very proud of himself. + +From that day forward, Joe loved to work with his hose and show off his new skills to all of his friends. +Once there was a rabbit named Mark. He was very happy and loved playing games. One day, Mark got very hungry and wanted some soup. He hopped over to his friend's house and knocked on the door. + +"Hello Mark!" his friend said. "Do you want some soup?" + +"Yes please," Mark said. + +His friend gave him a big bowl of delicious, steaming soup. Mark was so excited. He thanked his friend and hopped away. + +As Mark hopped away, he saw that his neighbor's garden was full of delicious carrots. He was so envious of the carrots that he couldn't help but stop and stare. The neighbor saw him, and invited him over for some soup. + +Mark was so happy, and thanked his neighbor for the soup. As he hopped away, he realized that not only was the soup delicious, but he had made a new friend too. + +Mark was so content and full from the soup that he knew he wouldn't be hungry for a long time! +One day, a little girl asked her Mommy if she could get a special present. Her Mommy smiled, and said “What will it be?†+ +The little girl thought for a moment, and said “Can I have a heart?†Her Mommy smiled even bigger and said â���œYes! I think that’s a very interesting request.†+ +So the little girl and her Mommy went shopping. They had a lot of fun looking at all the interesting things in the store. At last, they found a big red heart. It was so beautiful and bright - the girl knew it was perfect. + +The Mommy said “This is your heart now. Take care of it and it will always love you.†The little girl hugged her Mommy and gave her a big smile, and said "Thank you!" +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Jane and Dave. They were very loyal to one another and enjoyed playing together. + +One day, Jane and Dave went to the beach. The sparkling water was inviting and they decided to dive in! Jane called out and said, "Let's dive in and see if we can find a prize!" Dave cheered and jumped into the water. + +The friends swam around and around, looking for a prize. Suddenly, Dave yelled, "I found something!" It was a sea shell and they were so excited. + +The shell was so beautiful and they decided it was their prize. Jane said, "Let's take it back to the beach and show everyone!" So they put their shell in their buckets and ran to the beach. They were so proud of their loyal friendship and special prize. +Once, there was a tall girl called Lulu. She was playing in the garden when she saw something cute hopping around. It was a little bunny! + +Lulu wanted to get to know the bunny better, so she asked him: "Hello, bunny, can I be your friend?" + +The bunny looked up at her and said: "Yes, Lulu, I'd like that". + +Lulu was so excited! She asked the bunny if he would like to share her meal. The bunny eagerly agreed and they sat down together to enjoy the tasty meal. + +When they had finished eating, Lulu said to the bunny: "It's time to go home. It's getting dark out here." The bunny nodded and they said goodbye. + +Lulu turned and waved as the bunny hopped away. She smiled as she watched him go, feeling happy that she had a new friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little bear. He was big and furry and could see far. His eyes were wide and sparkly blue. He admires the beauty of the world around him, too. + +One day, he felt something soft and gentle touch his fur. He looked up and saw a rabbit. + +The little bear asked, "What did you just do to me?" + +The rabbit smiled. "I patted your fur and found it so soft and tidy. I just wanted to admire it," she said. + +The bear grinned and said, "I'm glad you like it. I admire the way you hopped and play all around, too. Which way will you go now?" + +The rabbit smiled again and said, "I'm hopping over to my den. I'd love if you'd like to come." + +The little bear said, "I'd love to! There's so much more to admire in your den. Let's go!" + +So the little bear and the rabbit hopped together and admired the whole day away. They laughed and played and touched one another's fur until the sun started to set. + +Finally, the bear and the rabbit hugged goodbye. They promised they'd go back and admire the beauty of the world again soon. +Once upon a time there was a patient little girl named Laura. She was always very quiet and still, never making a fuss. One day, Laura asked her mom why she sometimes needed to rest. Mom smiled and explained that taking breaks from playing and having fun was important. + +"Rest helps us stay healthy and remember our history," mom said thoughtfully. + +Laura scratched her head. "What's history?" she asked. + +Mom laughed gently. "History is a lot of stories about things that have happened in the past," she said. "Things like what our ancestors did, or who lived in our city long ago." + +Laura smiled, her eyes bright. "Will I need to rest when I'm older and know all my history?" + +Mom smiled back and said, "Yes, sweetheart. Rest is important, no matter what age you are!" +Once there was a successful frog. He had a plan to dive into a pond filled with celery. He was so excited that he hopped all the way to the lake. + +The frog looked out across the lake and said "This celery is going to taste so good!". He took one big leap and dove head first into the lake. + +As he swam further and further into the lake, he saw a giant celery stalk. It was even bigger than him! He opened his mouth to take a bite, when a voice said "Stop!" + +The frog turned around to see a big fish. The fish said "That celery is mine! I've worked hard to make this lake a good place to live." + +The frog stepped back, and said "I'm sorry. I just wanted to try your celery." The fish smiled. "That's ok. You can try my celery, just make sure to leave some for me." + +The frog thanked the fish, before diving in for a big bite of the tastiest celery he'd ever tried! He was so successful. +One day, a little flea went hopping through the grass. He wanted to have an adventure. Suddenly, he heard a loud bell ringing. He looked up and saw a girl with a bell. She asked him, "Little flea, do you want to come and play with me?" + +The flea was so excited. He wanted to play, so he hopped on the girl's hand. She took him to the playground. There were swings, slides and a seesaw. They had great fun together. + +When it was time to go, the girl told the little flea something very serious. "Little flea, you must always be careful when hopping around. The world can be a dangerous place." + +The flea was very surprised to hear this. But he nodded, and the girl took him back home. From that day on, the little flea was careful when hopping around. +Once upon a time there was a girl called Jane. Jane was very independent. She liked to do things by herself. One day Jane decided to go to sleep at her home, which is far away. + +When Jane arrived home, she found her room full of junk. She was very sad and shouted, "Mommy! What is all of this junk doing in my room?" + +Her mom replied, "It's OK, sweetheart. I decided to leave it here while you were away because I wanted you to be independent." + +Jane was surprised! She said, "Thank you Mommy! I think I'll try to clean up my room so I can go to sleep." + +And that's what Jane did. She cleaned up all the junk and found her bed. She was so tired after her long journey that she quickly fell asleep. + +The next morning, when Jane woke up, she was very proud of herself for being so independent and for doing her own cleaning. She even got a special treat from her mom for being such a big helper. +Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Jane. Every morning she would go out and play in the sun. But one morning, it began to rain. Jane was sad, she didn't want to go outside. So she stayed in her room and sang a song to cheer her up. + +Suddenly, Jane heard a sound coming from outside. It was a soft, gentle song. Jane wondered where the song was coming from, so she went out into the garden. In the corner of the garden, she saw a restless little bird singing in the rain. Jane smiled and joined the bird in song. Together, their song filled the garden and chased away the rain. + +Jane said to the bird: "We made the rain stop! Who knew we were so powerful?!" + +The little bird laughed and replied: "Yes! Our song made the rain go away!" + +From that day on, Jane and the bird were the best of friends. Whenever it rained, they would sing together and the rain would always go away. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Bob and Bill. They were having lots of fun on a hot summer day. + +Bob looked over to Bill and said, "Let's have a race!" + +Bill smiled and said, "Yes!" + +They ran down the path and Bob started to laugh. Bill was laughing too, he was so excited. + +At the end of the path, Bob stopped and said, "Let's take a rest!" + +They looked around, but there was nothing to do. Then Bill saw something - a big tap! He ran over to it and said, "Let's make it work!" + +Bob and Bill looked at the tap. It had no water coming out of it - it was empty. But then Bill had an idea. He went to get a rock from the ground and banged it on the tap. + +Suddenly, water started coming out! Bob and Bill were so happy. They laughed and laughed. "Great idea, Bill!" said Bob. + +They kept playing at the tap until it was time to go home. Bob and Bill said goodbye and they went happily down the path. + +THE +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack. He had a toy race car. Jack loved to zoom the car around his house. + +One day, Jack decided to go for a ride outside. He checked the sky for clouds, and the ground for wet spots. It was a sunny day and the ground was dry, so Jack zoomed outside. He raced his car around the yard, going faster and faster. + +Suddenly, Jack heard a loud cheer. He looked around and saw some of his friends holding a prize. They were cheering for him! He had won a shiny trophy! + +Jack was so excited. He couldn't believe he had won a prize. He thanked his friends and hugged them all. Then he zoomed home with his trophy. + +He proudly placed the trophy on the top shelf in his room, so he could show it off to everyone who visited. From then on, Jack zoomed around the house even more, excited to show off his shiny prize. +A boy and his parents were out in their garden having a picnic. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. They had popcorn to eat and the boy was running around and playing games. + +The boy stopped in front of his parents and said, "Popcorn?" His parents smiled and agreed. + +The mom took out a bag of popcorn and poured some into a bowl for the boy. He sat down in the grass and started to eat. Then he picked up two pieces and held them up in the air. He paused for a moment and said "One for you, one for you!" + +The mom and dad both laughed and thanked him. Then they all enjoyed the fine popcorn together. + +The boy munched away, looking content. He finished the popcorn and said, "More popcorn?" His parents nodded and the mom poured out another bowl. + +They all sat together, laughed and chatted, and then enjoyed the popcorn until it was all gone. +Once there was a fat cat named Marcy. Marcy lived in a house with lots of other cats. One day, Marcy felt like taking a walk. She marched out the front door and down the street. Suddenly, Marcy saw an open door at the end of the street. She marched up to the door and peeked inside. It was a fire station! + +Inside, Marcy saw a lot of people dressed in yellow and orange uniforms. Marcy asked one of them, "What are you all doing?" The firefighter replied, "We're getting ready to march out this exit and put out a fire!" Marcy was amazed, so she said goodbye and marched out of the fire station. Marcy was so excited, she decided to march all the way home! +Once upon a time there was a brave little girl called Lucy. She was very adventurous and loved trying new things. One day Lucy was walking through the woods when she saw something shiny on the ground. It was a big, sparkly buckle! Lucy was so excited. She wanted to put it on and see what would happen. + +"Please can I try it on?" she asked her mum. + +Mum said, "You'll have to be careful, Lucy. It looks like it might be very old and fragile." + +Lucy was determined to try it, so she put on the buckle and waited. Suddenly the buckle started to zap and sparkle. But Lucy kept her courage and resisted the zapping. + +Too her surprise, the buckle started to grow bigger and bigger until it became a magical bridge! + +"Oh wow!" Lucy said in amazement. + +Once she was over the bridge, Lucy noticed a never-ending path. She was so excited and couldn't wait to start her adventure! + +And that is how Lucy's magical, buckle adventure began. She was brave and resisted the zapping, and it led her to an amazing adventure she never knew was possible. +Once there was an alien called Tom. Tom was very strong and he lived on a planet far away. One day, Tom decided to go for a jog around the planet. As he jogged, Tom saw a tree which was very tall. He stopped to look at it and saw a bear underneath the tree. +Tom said "Hello bear, why are you here?". The bear said "I like to take naps here because it's nice and quiet". Tom thought it was a great idea and asked if he could join the bear. The bear laughed and said yes. +So Tom lay down with the bear and they both had a nice nap. When they woke up, Tom said goodbye to the bear and went back to jogging around the planet. He felt refreshed and knew that taking naps was a good way to be strong. +Once upon a time there was a little girl who was feeling very lonely. She wanted a friend to play with but she didn't have anyone. She decided she would get her dog. + +The little girl ran to the pet store. When she arrived, she saw a playful puppy. She was so excited she forgot her money. She ran home as fast as she could. + +When she got home, she opened the door and there was her dad. He said, "What did you do with your money?" + +The little girl said, "I forgot it at the pet store" + +Her dad was mad and he picked up a whip. The little girl was scared but then her dad smiled. He said, "Never forget your money ever again!" + +The little girl was happy and hugged her dad. Together they went back to the pet store to buy her puppy. She called him Spot and he was her best friend ever since. +Once there was a little girl named Lucy. She had a pet dog, Alfie. One afternoon, Lucy and Alfie were playing together in the living room. Lucy looked up and saw the charming ceiling. It had stars, butterflies, and flowers painted on it. + +"Isn't it pretty, Alfie?" asked Lucy. + +"Bark! Bark!" said Alfie in agreement. + +Lucy kept looking up and started to think. She thought about what it would be like to fly up to the ceiling and explore. + +Suddenly, Lucy had an idea. She grabbed a chair and stood on it, reaching up towards the ceiling. Alfie watched curiously. Lucy smiled and grabbed on to the ceiling. Miraculously, she was able to fly up and around the room! + +Alfie barked with excitement. He loved watching Lucy explore and play. Lucy felt like a fairy, soaring around the room. It was a wonderful, magical experience - something she would never forget. +Once upon a time, there was a fish called Bob. Bob lived in a warm and bright reef in the blue sea. + +Every morning, Bob went to see his friend, a beautiful shellfish called Betty. Betty had a large, bright shell, and Bob loved to visit her every day. + +One day, Bob said to Betty, "What can I do to help you today?" Betty answered, "I need some food, please help me find something to eat." + +So, Bob set off on an adventure to find some food for Betty. He swam around the reef searching for something yummy. Eventually, he found some tasty seaweed and brought it back to Betty. + +Betty was so happy. She said, "Thank you Bob for providing me with food. You are so kind!" + +And ever since then, whenever Betty needs help, Bob is always there to provide it. +Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Jack. He was three years old. +Jack liked machines. He thought they were so cool. + +One day, his dad took him to a toy store. Jack found a wonderful machine there. +He asked his dad if he could buy it. His dad said yes. + +Jack was so glad! He took the machine home and put it on his table. +He couldn't wait to test it. + +Jack's dad said, "You can play with the machine, Jack, but you have to be careful. Don't break it!" +Jack said, "Okay, Dad!" + +Jack tested the machine. He pressed all the buttons. He watched it whirl around and listened to it humming. + +Eventually, Jack got tired of playing. He put the machine back on the table. He was very glad he got to play with it. +Once there was a small bunny named Flopsy. All the other animals in the forest were very noisy, but not Flopsy. Flopsy was very quiet. + +One day, Flopsy hopped around the forest, searching for a quiet place to take a nap. He came across a big tree with a door at the base. It was so inviting that Flopsy had to investigate. + +He hopped up to the door and knocked. "Who's there?" came a voice from inside the tree. + +"It's me, Flopsy," said the bunny. "Can I come in?" + +The door opened, and a kindly owl appeared. "Owl my name is Tufty," said the owl. "What is yours?" + +"Flopsy," said the bunny shyly. + +Tufty smiled. "I'll allow you to come inside my tree, Flopsy." + +Flopsy thanked Tufty and hopped into the tree. It was so peaceful inside that he immediately started to doze off. He slept until nightfall, and when he woke up, he thanked Tufty again and hopped back to his own cozy burrow. +Once upon a time there was a baby called Madison. She was very kind to all the little creatures who lived in her garden. One day she was playing in the garden when she heard some music. It was very gentle and sweet. + +Madison was curious, so she started walking to the sound of the music. She followed it around the corner and saw an old man playing a guitar. He smiled at her and said, "Hello sweetheart, would you like to hear some music?" + +Madison nodded and the old man started playing a song just for her. He strummed the guitar and the music was so beautiful that Madison began to dance. She twirled around, happy and free and the old man laughed. + +When the song finished, the old man patted Madison on her head and said, "You were very kind to me. Here, I have a little present for you." + +He picked up a tiny green grasshopper and said, "This little guy is for you. He's called Pinchy." Madison smiled, thanked the old man and carefully held the grasshopper in her two hands. As she walked away, the old man started playing the guitar again. + +Madison listened to the music and danced all the way home with Pinchy in her hands. She held him tightly and they were very happy together. Madison thanked the old man in her heart and she knew that kind people make the world +Molly was a curious girl. She was always looking around and enjoyed observing the world around her. + +One day, while observing all the things in her home, she noticed a pin on the kitchen floor. She kneeled down to pick it up and saw that it was hard. + +Molly held the pin with her two hands and wondered, "What can I do with this?" + +Just then, her mother entered the kitchen and said, "Molly, why don't you use the pin to put up our new curtain? It will help the curtain stay up!" + +Molly smiled and nodded her head. She carried the pin over to the curtain and used it to hang it up. She was so proud of herself for finding such an amazing solution! + +Thanks to the pin, Molly was able to observe how beautiful her home was with the new curtain up. +There was a regular boy, Jim. He had a cage with a bird inside. The boy always wanted to win the bird's love. One day, Jim decided to do something special. + +He opened the door of the cage, and looked inside. The bird was very scared. Jim said, "I want you to be my friend." + +The bird didn't say anything, but it looked at Jim with big eyes. Jim tried to be gentle, and said, "Together, we can win." + +The bird was an intelligent animal, and it understood what Jim meant. It flapped its wings and flew out of the cage, but stayed close by. + +Jim smiled and said, "Thank you. I'm glad I won your trust." They became friends and had lots of fun together every day. +One day, Jack was at the park. He saw something very rare; a slide made of cushions! It was so much fun. He asked his mom if he could try it out. + +"Yes, of course you can," she said. + +Jack was so excited. He ran to the slide and climbed up the side. He sat on the top and slid down. It felt so soft, like he was floating. + +At the bottom, Jack felt like he was flying. He looked up at his mom and said, "Can I do it again?" + +"Yes," she said. + +So Jack went to the top and slid down again. He went up and down for hours, enjoying the rare cushion slide. It was the best day ever! +Once there were two best friends, two little girls named Maisy and Immy. They had been best friends since they were babies and did everything together. Every day they would go out in the garden and play. + +One day they saw something very special! A beautiful, butterfly with colourful wings and long antenna. It flew right in front of them and they were so excited! + +The girls hopped up and down, happy to have seen the butterfly. Then Maisy had an idea. She said to Immy, "Let's go to the pond and find out if there are more of them!" + +And so they ran off to the pond. Sure enough, at the end of the pond, there revealed a big bush with lots of unbelievable things - thousands of butterflies! + +The girls gasped! It was so exciting! + +"They look so clean and pretty," exclaimed Maisy. + +But then, Immy spotted one that was a little different. It was filthy and grey instead of colourful and bright. + +"Look here, Maisy. This one is different." said Immy. + +Maisy came over to have a look. "Oh my, it is different! Maybe it's special too," she guessed with a smile. + +Then the girls started to imagine what this special butterfly might be. They giggled and smiled as they imagined the little butterfly could do all sorts of amazing things! +Once upon a time there was a jeep. The jeep was bright red and so shiny. Everywhere the jeep went, it sparkled in the sun. + +One day, the jeep went for a spin. It went so fast that it looked like it was flying. The driver of the jeep was very rude because he laughed and drove very fast. + +The jeep passed by a little boy and the boy shouted, "Slow down!" + +The driver responded, "Go away! I'm having too much fun!" + +The little boy was not happy with the driver's rude response, but he knew he couldn't do anything to stop him. So he just watched as the jeep went flying by. + +The jeep kept spinning and spinning until it was out of sight. The little boy looked on with a smile, happy that he had seen such a beautiful jeep. +Mommy and her baby went outside on a mild day and played in the sun. + +"Let's look for some bugs in the grass," said Mommy. + +The baby smiled and looked around. He could see the sun shining in the sky. Suddenly, he spotted a grasshopper. Quickly, he ran over and watched it jump. + +Then, Mommy said, "It's almost noon. Let's go get some lunch." + +The baby nodded and followed her inside. She made him a sandwich with cheese and sprayed some honey on top. + +"Do you like it?" asked Mommy. + +The baby smiled and said, "Yum!" + +He ate the sandwich and sat in the sunshine. On a mild day, it was just perfect. +Poppy was always very tidy. She was three years old and she loved to have tidy things. One day, she decided to go for a walk in the fields near her house. As she was walking, she spotted a big, bright red poppy. She leaned down to take a closer look at the flower. + +"Oh, what a beautiful poppy!" she said. + +Poppy reached out to touch the petals, careful not to lean too far and fall over. As she touched them, she saw bees flying in and out of a little hole nearby. + +"Look, the bees must be living inside the flower!" she said with delight. + +Poppy stayed in the field for a while, watching the bees, until it was time to go back home. As she walked away, she leaned down to take one last look at the poppy and said, "Goodbye, friendly poppy!" +Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sally. She liked to eat peanuts and to play in the park. She could run really fast and swing really high. One day, Sally decided to take a nap under a big tree. + +The sun was shining and the leaves were rustling in the wind. She closed her eyes and began to dream. Suddenly, a little squirrel came over to Sally and said, “Good morning! Why are you sleeping in the park?†Sally opened her eyes and said, “Hi! I like to take normal naps when I’m tired. Will you join me?†The squirrel said, “I’d love to, but then I wouldn’t get enough yummy peanuts!†+ +Sally laughed and said, “That’s OK. We can both eat peanuts when we wake up.†So Sally and the squirrel shared some peanuts together before both closing their eyes and going to sleep. When the sun went down, Sally and the squirrel both woke up, said goodbye, and went their separate ways. +Molly went to the park with her mom. She saw her friend, Sarah, playing on the swing set. Molly said to Sarah, "Can I swing too?" + +Sarah smiled and said, "Yes, but you need a belt." + +Molly's mom said, "I can borrow one from the neighbor. It'll be cool." + +Molly's mom went to the neighbor's house, and asked to borrow a belt. The neighbor said, "Yes, you can borrow one." + +Molly's mom took the belt and ran back to the park. She put the belt around Molly and said, "All set!" + +Molly smiled and sat in the swing. She said, "Whee!" as she flew back and forth. She was having so much fun in the cool breeze with the borrowed belt. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Amy. She loved to play outside in the sunshine. One day she saw something very special - a flexible net. "Oh wow! What is that?" she asked her mom. + +"That's a butterfly net," said her mom. "Let's take it home and see if you can catch a butterfly!" + +So they took the net home and Amy went outside in the garden to see if she could catch a butterfly. She brought a jar of honey too, just in case. + +After a while, she spotted a butterfly. She was very excited and carefully moved the net closer and closer. Finally, she caught the butterfly! She was so proud of herself. + +"You were really good at using the net," said her mom. + +"I'm so happy I could have a butterfly!" Amy said. +Once upon a time, there lived a little boy named Joe. He lived in a big city and loved to search for different things. One day as he was searching, his city started to shake. Joe quickly knew that an earthquake was happening! He looked around him and saw that all the buildings were shaking. He wanted to find a safe place to stay, so he searched around for a safe spot. + +Suddenly, Joe spotted a brown box tucked in the corner of the street. It was the perfect spot! He quickly jumped inside and held onto the walls of the box. Soon after, the shaking stopped and the earthquake was over. Joe came out from the box, happy and safe. + +Joe smiled as he looked at his 'safe spot'. He said to himself, "Thank you brown box for keeping me safe!" +John was an eager boy. He wanted adventure and excitement in his day. So one sunny afternoon, he went outside and started to move. He ran around the garden, his legs taking him higher and higher, faster and faster. + +He climbed a tree, but found that a bit too boring. So he decided to build a sandcastle at the beach, and even managed to move some stones around so he could make it really big. + +It was then that he noticed the sun was getting lower and lower. John was very surprised by this. He shouted up to the sky, "Why do you move so quickly, Sun?" + +John heard a gentle voice from above him. "Child, I move so quickly so that I can reach every corner of the world. To give you warmth and light every day." + +The boy smiled and thanked the voice from the sky. He then climbed back up the tree, happy that he had shared a moment with such an amazing creature as the sun. +Once upon a time, there was a Mommy and a Daddy. They were very happy together, and they took care of each other. + +One day, Mommy was cooking dinner. Daddy was busy protecting the house. He made sure nothing bad would happen. + +Mommy called out to Daddy, "Dinner is ready!" Daddy smelled the yummy food and eagerly came in to eat. + + Daddy tasted the dinner and said, "This is a bit bitter!" Mommy said, "That's because I put a special ingredient to protect the dinner from bad things!" + +Daddy smiled and said, "Thanks for protecting our dinner! It's delicious!" +They happily ate the dinner and smiled. They were very happy together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to dream. She would close her eyes and imagine beautiful places. + +One day, the little girl opened her eyes excitedly and saw that spring had come. Everything outside was so lovely. The sky was bright blue, the flowers were all blooming, and the trees were full of green leaves. + +The little girl felt so happy! She wanted to thank someone for the beautiful spring, so she looked up to the sky and said, "Thank you, Spring!" + +Suddenly, she heard her mum's voice. "What are you doing?" it said. + +The little girl smiled and said, "I'm dreaming of a lovely spring." + +Her mum smiled and said, "That's wonderful! Dream big, and keep love in your heart." + +The little girl smiled and kept dreaming. She kept dreaming of a wonderful spring, full of love and happiness. +Once upon a time there was a big, curious bear. He was looking for something shiny and precious, but he didn't know what. He asked the other animals, but none of them knew either. + +One night, a fox came to him in a dream. She said she could show him a secret if he followed her. The bear was a bit scared, but he was also really curious, so he went with the fox. + +The fox led him to a hill, and told him the secret there was lying under the ground. The bear looked around and saw a sparkle of gold. He was so excited! He dug deep until he found the gold. + +The fox smiled at the bear. "I told you a lie," she said. "The real secret was that you should be curious and never give up on your dreams." + +The bear was really happy. He thanked the fox for teaching him this special lesson, and went home with the gold. He was so proud of himself for never giving up! +Max had a funny idea to make a maze. He wanted to make it right in his room. He nodded at his mom and dad to let them know it was a good idea. They smiled and said, "Yes, why not?" +Max started drawing with some paper and pencils. He placed all the paper pieces in the room, one from one wall to the other. He jumped up and down. He was very happy and excited. +Max's parents watched him as he ran around, from one end to the other. He was laughing and having fun. +Max said, "Mommy, Daddy, look, I made a maze!" His parents admired his work and smiled. +"Wow, Max, you have made a wonderful maze. It looks so fun," said Mom. + +Max nodded and beamed with pride over his maze. He had put so much effort into it and he was so proud of himself. He couldn't wait to show his friends tomorrow. He looked up at his parents and smiled. +Once upon a time there was a bright hippo. Every morning, the hippo would repeat the same thing. He would always say, "Good morning world!" + +One day, a little rabbit came up to the hippo. The little rabbit said, "Hello, bright hippo! Why do you always say 'Good morning world'?" + +The hippo smiled and said, "I say it because I want to start my day with a special greeting. It makes me feel happy!" + +The little rabbit thought for a moment and then said, "I want to be happy too! Can I join you?" + +The hippo nodded. So every morning from then on, the hippo and the little rabbit would repeat their special greeting together: "Good morning world!" +One spring, a little girl named Susie went out to play in her back yard. She saw a dull rock and decided to pick it up. Suddenly, the rock began to move! It was a turtle, and it started to resist Susie when she tried to hold it. + +Susie said, "Let me hold you! Please don't resist." + +The turtle replied, "No, I will not let you hold me! You must let me go!" + +Susie had no choice but to put the turtle back on the ground. She said, "Good bye, turtle. Have a nice spring!" Then she went back inside to play. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Lucy. She was only three years old and liked to go adventuring. + +One day, she noticed a cable which was lying in the middle of the field. It looked very strong and shiny, and Lucy was curious about it. +She decided to try and lift it, but it was too heavy. She tried with both her hands, but the cable didn't move an inch! + +Frustrated, she asked her mom for help. Her mom told her: "That cable is much too heavy for you, my dear. Let's weigh it and see how much it weighs". + +So they weighed it, and it turned out to be a very heavy cable! Lucy was miserable that she couldn't lift it. + +But then, her mom said: "You know what? You can still lift the cable if you use both hands and all your strength. Try again, and you can do it!" + +So Lucy tried, and she was very surprised to find that she could lift the cable with both hands! She was so happy that she shouted out loud with joy. + +The End. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was only three years old. One day she went to the park with her mum. They went to the playground. + +The little girl saw a big line at the slide. She asked her mum what it was. Mum said, "It's a line for the slide. Would you like to go down it?" + +The little girl was so excited! She ran over and got in the line. She had to wait for a while because the line was empty. + +Then it was her turn. She used both her hands to push herself before she flew down the slide. It was so much fun! + +When she got to the bottom, the little girl said to her mum, "I want to go again!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sparkles. She was very brave and loved to do new things. She also loved to mix things together. + +One day, Sparkles saw an old book on a shelf in her room. The book was filled with strange symbols and words. The book was a spell book! + +Sparkles became very anxious. She was scared to open it, but she knew that she had to. She carefully opened the book, and was relieved to see that the symbols and words were actually just pictures. + +"Wow! What are these?" Sparkles asked. + +"Those are called spell words," said her mom. "If you mix them together, you can make a spell. That's how you can do magic!" + +Sparkles smiled and started playing with the spell words. She tried to mix them together and was delighted when it worked! + +Sparkles was no longer anxious. She was excited to explore her new skills and create more magical things. She was learning how to do magic! +Dave was a happy little boy. He went to the pier and saw a big, old ship. It was made of wood and was very big. Dave was so excited that he said, "Wow!" + +On the dock, a elderly sailor was sitting in a chair next to the ship. He was wearing a big, white hat and had a long, grey beard. The sailor saw Dave and said, "Do you like my ship, little boy?" + +Dave was surprised and he smiled and said, "Yes, I do. It's so big!" + +The elderly sailor smiled and said, "Would you like to take a ride on it?" + +Dave's face lit up. He said, "Yes, please!" + +The sailor smiled and said, "Hop aboard, little one." Dave hopped onto the ship and the sailor snapped the sails open. They sailed way up into the sky and Dave saw all the clouds. + +He had a wonderful day and when it was time to go home, the sailor snapped the sails closed and they sailed back to the pier. Dave waved goodbye to the elderly sailor and thanked him for the ride. +Once upon a time, there was a mommy and her little girl. Every day, the mommy would give her little girl a big kiss. One day, the mommy said, "Let's go for a walk!" + +So off they went, hand in hand. Soon enough, they came across a bench with a comfy seat. "Let's sit here for awhile," said the mommy. + +The little girl hopped onto the seat and said "This is a good seat!" The mommy smiled and said, "Yes it is. Now give me a kiss." So the little girl stretched out her arms and gave her mommy a sweet kiss. The mommy beamed and said, "That was a good kiss!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lisa. She loved to help her mommy fix things. One day, her mommy asked her if she wanted to help. Lisa said yes, and her mommy explained what to do. + +Lisa's mommy gave her a box of powder and told her to be careful. She showed Lisa how to sprinkle the powder onto a broken toy. Then her mommy said it was Lisa's turn. Lisa was very careful with the powder as she sprinkled it over the toy. + +Once she finished, her mommy said, "Well done, Lisa! Now let's put it all back together." Together, they put the pieces of the toy back into the right places, and it made Lisa so proud when it started to work again. + +"See," said her mommy, "you did a great job at helping me fix this toy! Now it can be played with again." Lisa was so happy and proud of what she had done. +Pam was a little girl and she loved to play. One day, she was in the kitchen and saw something new. It was a pan! + +Pam said, “What’s this?†She touched the pan and it felt very dull. + +Pam’s mommy came into the kitchen and saw Pam holding the pan. “That’s a pan,†she said. “It’s used for cooking. Can you recognize it?†+ +Pam nodded and said, “Pan.†She smiled and ran off to play. + +From then on, Pam always recognized the pan every time she saw it. Whenever she was in the kitchen, she would point to the pan and say, “Pan!†with a big smile on her face. She had learned what a pan was and was so proud that she knew. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucy. She loved to explore and was always up for an adventure. + +One day, Lucy went to a wild park. She decided to go for a walk and explore the area. Suddenly, she heard a very loud noise. + +Lucy: What is that noise? + +She soon saw a group of birds gathered around a tree. The birds were welcoming a new little chick. + +Lucy: Wow, look at them! + +The adult birds were giving the baby bird a lecture and it was soon time for the baby bird to fly away. + +Lucy: Fly away little bird. I'm sure you will have lots of adventures! + +And with that, the baby bird flew away into the wild, never to be seen again. +Once upon a time there was a boy called Billy. He was only three but he was very brave. One day he and his mommy were in the kitchen and he saw something very special. It was a box of cereal. + +Billy said to his mommy, "What is that?" + +His mommy replied, "It's a special kind of cereal, called Twist. It's like ordinary cereal, but it's swirlier." + +Billy was very excited. He opened the box and saw that it was true. He loved the spirals of color and said, "Mommy, I want to try it!" + +His mommy gave him some milk and a bowl of Twist cereal. Billy tasted it and smiled. He said, "It's yummy! Twist is my favorite." + +The End. +Once there was a little girl named Lola. She had lots of fun at the beach. Lola spotted something funny in the water. It was an octopus! She wanted to grab it! + +Lola reached into the water and tried to grab the octopus. But it was too fast! She couldn't catch it. + +Lola's mom said, "Why don't you give the octopus your pail? Maybe it will play with it!" + +So Lola put her pail in the water. The octopus wrapped its arms around the pail and it seemed to enjoy playing with it. It was so funny! + +Lola was excited. She had finally found a way to grab the octopus. But then it swam away, leaving the pail behind. + +Lola was disappointed, but she had learned a valuable lesson. You can't always grab an octopus. Sometimes you just have to have a little patience. And who knows? Maybe the octopus will come back looking for more fun! +Once there was a boy named Jack. He had a special marble and he liked to bow whenever he saw it. He kept it in his pocket when he went outside to play. + +One day, Jack was playing in his yard when he accidentally lost his marble. He was so sad and it made him feel terrible. He looked all over the yard, but he couldn't find it. + +Then, Jack spotted something shiny and he knew it was his marble. He ran to it and bowed for joy. From that day on, Jack was extra careful with his marble and kept it safe and sound. +John was a 3 year old boy. He went to the store with his mum and saw lots of yogurt. He loved yogurt and asked his mum to buy him one. But she said no because it was too expensive. + +John began to complain and said he was very hungry. He wanted yogurt. His mum replied that if he was hungry, she could give him some food at home. But John did not like her reply and continued to complain. + +Then John saw a big pot of original yogurt. He asked his mum if he could have it. His mum replied that it was too expensive. But John kept asking. After a lot of asking, his mum finally replied he could have one small pot of the original yogurt. + +John was very happy and thanked his mum. Then they bought the yogurt and went home. John ate the yogurt and enjoyed it very much. He was happy he got to have some delicious yogurt. +Once upon a time there was a big tree in the middle of a field. A bird was sitting on a branch of the tree and could see all around. + +One day, the bird noticed something strange. He saw a small hole in the ground. He flew down and looked inside. He could see something hidden deep inside the hole. + +He wanted to get to it so he tried to reach it with his beak. He couldn't reach it that way. So he flew up and tried to get it with his feet. Still he couldn't get it. + +Then he had an idea. He flew to a nearby bush and grabbed a stick. The stick was long enough to reach the hidden thing in the hole. He flew back and carefully reached the stick down into the hole. He was able to get his shoulder under the thing and with one big push he was able to lift it out of the hole. + +The bird was very proud of himself. He had managed to get the hidden thing out of the hole. +Sammy and Charlie were best friends. They did everything together. Every day they would play hide and seek in Sammy's closet. They would laugh and giggle as they counted to ten together. One day, their playtime was interrupted when a new friend came to visit. Her name was Mia and both Sammy and Charlie were very jealous of her. Mia had come to play with them and they both wanted her attention. + +For days, they repeated the same game over and over. Mia seemed to really like it and they wanted to make sure she would keep coming back. But the more they repeated the same game, the more jealous they became of each other. They wanted the most attention from Mia and it pushed them further and further apart. + +The bad ending came when the two friends decided to hide in the closet one last time. But this time, Sammy locked the door from the inside, leaving Charlie out. Poor Charlie was very sad that his best friend could be so selfish. The moral of the story is that jealousy can make friends turn into enemies. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack. He was a curious three year old and loved exploring. One day he decided to explore by the creek near his house. As he was walking along the creek, he noticed something hidden. It was a box! He was very excited and wanted to know what was inside. He pulled out the heavy box and saw that it had tools inside. He immediately knew he could fix something with the tools! + +Jack thought it would be fun to see if he could fix his broken toy bike. He took out a screwdriver, some screws and pliers from the box and went to work. He carefully unscrewed the parts of the bike and put them back together. After a bit of hard work, he was done! + +Jack was so proud of himself! He had fixed his bike all by himself. He put the tools back in the box and placed it back where he found it, hidden along the creek. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Melanie. She was three years old and loved to play games. She had a great big bag of toys that she liked to play with. + +One day Melanie's mum said that they were going to play a game. She told Melanie she had to reach into the bag and take out one toy. Melanie reached in and pulled out a big teddy bear. + +Mum told Melanie she had to guess what the teddy bear was feeling. Melanie thought the bear looked uncomfortable. + +Mum smiled and said, "You've won! That teddy bear looks very uncomfortable." Melanie was so excited and shouted, "Yay, I won!" + +Mum gave Melanie a big hug and kissed her on the cheek. She said, "Well done, you're a winner!" +Once upon a time, there was an owl. All day long, the owl rocked in a chair in front of his house. He was very eager to find something interesting. + +Suddenly, a butterfly fluttered down onto the owl's chair. Startled, the owl said, "Hello, butterfly! Why are you here?" + +The butterfly replied, "I am here to ask you to come rock with me!" + +The owl was eager to join the butterfly, so he jumped from his chair and began to rock with her. Together, they rocked so fast that soon they were going round and round and up and down, faster and faster until the owl couldn't keep up. + +But the owl kept on rocking, and the butterfly soon became very proud of him. She smiled, and then the butterfly flew away. The owl sat back down in his chair and continued to rock, still eager to find more fun adventures. +One day, Sally was walking in the park with her mom when she noticed a big tree. She wanted to stay and play there, so her mom gave her a scarf to hold onto. Sally noticed that there were lots of birds in the tree. They were so nosy! She watched them closely and smiled. Before long, Sally and her mom had to go home. She said goodbye to her feathery friends, and the nosy birds said goodbye too. Even though Sally could not stay with the birds, the pretty scarf would always remind her of the fun she had in the park. +Once upon a time there lived a guard. He was a tidy guard and lived by the sea. Every day he would pour a bucket of water over the sands to keep it clean. + +One day, a group of naughty children came to the beach. They were naughty and did not listen to the guard's warnings. They splashed about in the water and made a huge mess. + +The guard knew that he had to do something. He decided to pour even more buckets of water over the beach to clean the mess up. But the naughty children kept playing and making more mess. + +The beach was so messy that the guard had to work extra hard every day to keep it tidy. So the moral of the story is that children should listen to adults and be careful how they behave. Otherwise, there will be bad endings. +Once upon a time there was a peanut. This peanut was in a garden. But the peanut was sad. It wanted to be buried. So, the boy reached down and dug a hole with his hand. He was careful to make it big enough for the peanut to fit in. + +When the hole was ready, he put the peanut inside and filled the hole up with dirt. He was careful to fill the hole in nice and tight so the peanut would be safe. Then he said goodbye and wished the peanut a good night's sleep. + +The next morning, the peanut was gone. The boy was very happy, because he knew the peanut had been planted. Now it would get nourishment from the soil and sprout. He was very grateful. + +So every day the boy watered the ground, and soon enough the peanut sprouted and grew into a peanut tree. The boy was joyful because he could now pick his own fresh peanuts! He felt so grateful! +Once there was a leopard who lived in a big forest. He loved exploring the forest and playing with the other animals. One day, the leopard was playing hide and seek with his friends. Just when the leopard was about to find the perfect hiding spot, a stupid fox appeared. + +The fox began running around, laughing and making fun of the leopard. The leopard was so sad and felt very alone. Suddenly, an idea came to him and he had a plan to make the fox feel as bad as he did. + +He decided to be really nice to the fox. Instead of getting angry and chasing him, the leopard asked the fox to play with him. The fox was very surprised and was not sure what he should do. After thinking for a moment, he decided to join the leopard in the game. + +The leopard and fox had so much fun together that the fox soon forgot about teasing the leopard. From then on, the fox and leopard were best friends and loved playing with each other. They were never alone again and really enjoyed their time in the forest. +Tommy and Tammy were twins. They loved to read stories. Every day they would pick a new book to read. + +The twins both loved learning. They learned so many things from books. They especially liked to read science books because they found them to be the most brilliant. + +The twins would often read together and help each other understand what they were learning. They had so much fun and loved learning new things. + +One day, the twins found a new book at the library. It was a special book, full of stories and wonderful pictures. They both sat down and began to read. + +After they finished the book, the twins were so excited. They discussed all the things they had learned and were amazed by how brilliant the stories were. They had so much fun reading together. +Once upon a time, there was a boy called Tom. He lived with his mum and dad and they were very happy. One night, Tom's dad brought home a vase. It was very big and shiny. Tom's mum said, "That's a smelly vase - it doesn't look very nice." + +Tom's dad stopped and thought for a moment, and then he said, "I'll put it in Tom's room - you won't have to see it there." So Tom's dad put the vase in Tom's room and Tom went to sleep. + +The next day, Tom got up and went to school. He came home late, and as he went into his room he could smell something strange. He looked around and saw the smelly vase! He shouted, "What is this doing here?" + +Tom's dad came into the room and told him the story of the vase. He said, "I thought you'd like it, but I can see I was wrong. I'll take it away - you won't have to look at it any more." + +Tom was relieved and he said goodbye to the vase as his dad carried it away. Later that night, he heard a noise outside his window. It was his dad - he had come back to put the vase back where it was before. + +Despite its bad smell, Tom knew it was a valuable lesson - even when something +Samuel skipped around the playground. He was so happy to play. Suddenly, he noticed a strip of red carpet in the grass. He smiled and ran to it. He looked around and thought he saw something magical. He stepped onto the carpet and started to twirl and skip. As he skipped faster and faster, he felt dizzy. + +"What is happening?" Samuel asked himself. + +Suddenly, music started to play! Samuel was so excited! He skipped and twirled around and around, feeling more and more dizzy every second. He was spinning so much, he eventually fell over. + +"Ahh!" Samuel exclaimed. + +Just then, a friendly fairy appeared. + +"Are you okay?" the fairy asked. + +Samuel nodded and smiled, "I feel a bit dizzy." + +The fairy smiled and said, "That is because you were dancing on the magical strip. Let me show you another magical trick." + +The fairy waved her wand and made a beautiful rainbow appear in the sky. Samuel could hardly believe his eyes. Then, the fairy said goodbye and disappeared into the sky. + +Samuel smiled and skipped back home, feeling very lucky for his magical experience. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Sarah. Sarah was three years old and very independent. + +One day, Sarah had a wobbly tooth. She couldn't understand why it was so wobbly. She asked her Mom and Dad but they couldn't explain it in a way Sarah could understand. + +But then, something wonderful happened. As Sarah ate her breakfast, her tooth fell out! She was so happy and proud of herself. She could be independent and have grown up teeth like her parents. + +Sarah ran to show her Mom and Dad her tooth. They smiled and told her about the tooth fairy, something Sarah couldn't understand. But that was okay. Even though she couldn't understand it yet, she knew she had grown up teeth, just like them. She was proud to be so independent and grown up. +Tommy came outside to play. He had heard a wonderful sound coming from down the street. He jumped on his tricycle and started riding in that direction. + +When Tommy arrived in the town park, he saw a big group of people gathering. They were singing and playing instruments. Tommy stopped to watch. + +“What’s going on?†he asked his mom. + +“It’s a jolly festival!†she said. “Would you like to join?†+ +Tommy smiled and nodded. He ran over to join the others, singing and clapping along to the beat. He was having so much fun, he didn’t want the festival to end! + +Soon it was time to go home. As they left, Tommy looked back over his shoulder and shouted, “Goodbye! I can’t wait to sing again soon!†+Once upon a time, there was a bright and sunny day in the park. Tony and Jenny were playing. Suddenly they heard a loud ring. They looked around and saw a radio on the ground near them. They ran over and saw that it was lit up with a bright, light green light. + +Tony was curious. He picked up the radio and asked, "What is this?" + +Jenny replied, "It's a radio. It makes noise when you turn it on." + + Tony looked excited. He wanted to try it. So Jenny helped him turn it on. Suddenly the park filled with music. All the kids stopped playing and started singing and dancing. + +Tony and Jenny were so happy. They had lots of fun and everyone was having a great time. When the song finished, everyone thanked Tony and Jenny for the music. + +Tony and Jenny had the best day ever! +Once upon a time, there lived a family at the edge of the navy. They were a happy family, except for one thing - their neighbours were very loud. Every day, the noise from the neighbours was so loud that the family was unable to relax. + +Finally, the family had had enough. They decided to ask the navy for help. The navy recommended that the family move far away from the loud neighbours. So the family left, and moved away from the navy. + +The family thought that their troubles were over, until one day when their new neighbours turned out to be much louder than the old ones! The family was so upset and frustrated. They wished they had never left their old home. + +The family was never able to rest in peace again. The navy's recommendation had failed them, and they were worse off than before. + +The End. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Peter who was always getting in a muddle. One day, Peter was walking through the woods, when he saw a cobweb on the path in front of him. He wanted to get rid of it, so he got his stick out to fix the cobweb. + +A little old lady was walking in the same direction, and she noticed what Peter had done. She said wisely to him, "Peter, why don't you be gentle and help these little cobwebs, not just fix them away?" Peter was a bit confused and he looked up at her with his pale eyes. + +The old lady continued, "If you are gentle, it will bring more luck and joy in your life. If you are rough with everything, it will only bring trouble and sadness. So remember to stay gentle, even when trying to fix things in life, then you will be much happier." + +Peter thought about her wise words and nodded his head. From that day onwards, he was much gentler with cobwebs and anything else he tried to fix, and he was much more content and happier. + +Moral of the story: Being gentle with things brings more luck and joy in life than being rough. +One day, Mark was playing in the park with his pet dog. The day was extra special, because Mark felt very lucky. +He said to his pet, "Come on, we can play some more!". His pet wagged its tail and followed Mark to the bigger part of the park. Mark started running around, but then he heard a deep growl coming from a nearby bush. His pet quickly stepped back and started barking at the bush. + +Mark went closer to the bush to find out what caused the noise. To his surprise, he saw a huge, angry bear coming out of the bush! +The bear roared and charged towards Mark. He was so scared, he froze. + +Mark's pet saw the bear coming and bravely charged at the bear. The bear and the pet fought fiercely, but eventually the bear overpowered the pet. +Mark ran back home, brokenhearted and sad. His lucky day had ended in a terrible way. +John had a brother, and they liked to play together. One of their favorite things to do was folding. John liked to make things out of paper, and his brother helped. + +One day, they found some cheap paper at the store. They were so excited! They bought rolls and rolls of it to use for folding. + +When they got home, John and his brother spread out the paper on the floor and laid down to start folding. Together, they made all kinds of animals, boats, and other things. + +They both had so much fun folding that day, and the next day too. They both knew that when it came to folding, their brotherly bond was the best thing of all! +Once upon a time there was a young boy who wanted to go on an adventure. So he said goodbye to his family and went out into the world. He went down a path and things were going well, but then he saw some trouble. He was scared, but he was also brave. He decided to go and try to help. He met a young girl who was in trouble and needed help. The young boy helped her and together they found a way to escape from the trouble. They said a happy goodbye and the young boy kept going. He kept going and going until he found a new place with lots of adventure ahead. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a jeep. The jeep was unusual. It drove really fast and it made loud sounds. + +One day, a boy wanted to play with the jeep. He climbed inside and he saw a big, shiny button. When he pressed the button, the jeep began to change. + +It made all kinds of new, exciting sounds. Big things popped out of the sides and the windows flipped open. Then the boy noticed that the jeep was getting bigger. + +Soon the boy was sitting inside a big machine. It had huge tires and was much bigger than the jeep! The machine had replaced the jeep. + +The boy smiled and he drove away in the new machine. He couldn't believe how unusual it was! He had the best day ever. +Once there was a friendly car. Every day it would drive around town. It would drive past parks and stores and schools. One day it drove all the way down to the big stadium. + +When it got there, it saw lots of people cheering and having a good time. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. The car drove around and around the stadium, honking its horn and waving to all the people. + +By the end of the day, the car was full of happy memories. It drove away with a smile on its face and the cheers of the people in its ears. +The little boy put on his big, strong boots and spun in circles. He felt silly and giddy. His mum nodded. She was taking him on an exciting adventure. + +They hopped in the car and drove away, until they stopped in front of a big building. The little boy looked up. He saw lots of windows ledge on the tall walls. There was a door at the front. + +The little mum opened the door and walked into a big office. It was bright and noisy. The little boy looked around speculatively. The floor was rough and his boots made scuffing sounds as he walked along. + +At the end of the big office, they came to a huge desk. There was a man sitting in a big chair behind it. His mum smiled and nodded to the man. + +The man smiled back and patted the little boy's head. He then gave the little boy a present. It was a toy truck. The boy thanked the man and nodded. + +The adventure was over, but the little boy would never forget it. He still has the toy truck today. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Claire. She was three years old and very curious. + +One day, she decided to go for a walk in the park. As she walked, she noticed a huge tree. She stopped and looked up. She was so amazed by how big it was! + +"Mummy! Mummy! Come and look at this tree! It’s so huge!†she called out. + +Mummy came to look. "Yes, that’s a very big tree," she said. + +Claire smiled. She felt so proud that she knew about the huge tree. + +Claire and her mummy sat down and enjoyed the view. It made them feel happy. + +The end. +Once there was a big blue elephant. He owned a great big balloon. The elephant was very proud of his big blue balloon. He tied it up to a tree so that no one could take it away. Every day he would have fun flying in the sky with his big blue balloon. He would laugh and giggle as the wind blew through his trunk. + +One day, a gust of wind blew too hard and took the elephant's balloon away. The elephant was so sad. He was worried he would never get his balloon back. + +The next day when he woke up, the elephant saw something amazing. He saw his big blue balloon flying back to him! He was filled with joy and waved his trunk around in excitement. The elephant would always remember the day he found his own big blue balloon. +Once upon a time, there was a little child. He was very sad one day, so he wanted to leave. He said to his mom, "I want to go away." His mom asked, "Why are you so sad? Can you tell me?" The child said, "I do not know. I just want to leave." His mom said, "It's okay, you don't have to leave. Let's find a way to make you feel better." The child thought for a little while. Then, he said, "I know! Let's go to the park!" His mom smiled and said, "That's a great idea!" + +So they went to the park. The child played and laughed, forgetting all the sadness. He had fun with his mom and by the end of the day, he was feeling much better. As they were walking back home, the child said, "Mom, I'm glad I didn't leave. I love spending time with you!" His mom smiled and said, "Me too! Let's come back to the park soon." The child smiled and held his mom's hand tightly, happy to be with her. +Once upon a time there was a boy named Joe. Joe loved to play with his blocks. He would play so silly and laugh so much! + +One day while Joe was playing, he heard a strange noise. He didn't know where the noise was coming from! He looked around the room but did not see anything. + +Joe decided to investigate. He picked up all of his blocks and put them near his ear. He heard the noise again! It was coming from the blocks! + +Joe was so excited. He made a silly tower with the blocks and the noise became louder. The more blocks he added and the higher the tower got, the louder the noise got too. Joe was so happy to find out that the noise came from his blocks! +Sally was excited. Today was a special day. She put on her favourite dress, a pretty yellow one with a white veil on her head. She smiled and twirled around the room. + +Sally went outside and the sun was shining. She skipped and jumped around on the grass until she started feeling a bit wet. It had started to rain! She ran back inside, laughing. + +When the rain stopped, Sally put on her veil again and went back outside. The grass was still wet and sparkled in the sun. She looked up and smiled at the bright blue sky. + +Sally ran around and played in the wet grass until it was time to go home. She waved goodbye and skipped all the way back inside, still smiling. +Pete was an organized boy who loved books. He decided that the best way to keep all his books neat and tidy was to get a bookshelf. So, he asked his mom and dad if he could get one. They said yes and off they went to buy a bookshelf. + +When they got home, Pete got busy. He put all of his books on the bookshelf, organized by color and size. It looked so neat! He was so proud of himself. + +As he stepped away and looked at the bookshelf, he could not help but feel a sense of pride. He had gained something he wanted, and he had done it all by himself. He smiled with joy at his accomplishment. +Once upon a time there was a wise fairy called Mr. Bob. One day Mr. Bob was very busy in his little house. He was designing a new perfume for all his fairy friends. He was very excited about the new perfume and he wanted to make it the best ever. + +He gathered his best ingredients and started mixing them together. He wanted to make sure he got the perfect blend of ingredients. He kept on mixing until he was happy with the design. + +Meanwhile, one of Mr. Bob’s fairy friends was sitting outside his house watching him work. “What are you doing, Mr. Bob?†asked the fairy. + +“I am making a special perfume. It’s going to be very special,†Mr Bob replied with a smile. + +The fairy was very excited. He wanted to have the first spritz of the new perfume. + +Mr Bob finished making the wise perfume and let the fairy try it out. The fairy sprayed it on and was instantly impressed. “It smells amazing!†shouted the fairy. “You made the best perfume ever, Mr Bob!†+ +Mr. Bob smiled and thanked the fairy for the compliment. From that day onward Mr. Bob's perfume was renowned for being the wisest and best perfume in the land. +Once upon a time, there were two best friends. Their names were Tom and Sarah. Tom and Sarah loved to play together. + +One day, the two friends were outside in the garden. Tom was wearing his favourite shirt. As the two friends gazed around the garden, Tom noticed something disgusting on his shirt. Tom shouted out to Sarah and held out his shirt. + +Sarah looked closely at the shirt and said "Oh no! That's really disgusting!" + +Tom sighed and said sadly "What can I do now?" + +Sarah cheered him up by saying, "Don't worry, we can just wash it off!" + +So the two brave best friends found some soap and a bucket. As they washed, they sang a happy song. + +Tom and Sarah were so proud when they finished, because the shirt was all clean and shiny again. Finally, they smiled and high-fived each other. + +The End. +Once upon a time there was a sad little girl called Ruby. She was very lonely and had no friends. + +One day, she saw a rope and asked if anyone wanted to play with it. But nobody answered her. She looked around and all she saw was an empty park. + +Ruby decided to play with the rope by herself. But when she did, she got in a lot of trouble. She got tangled up in the rope and she was very scared. + +As she was stuck and sad, a kind old man came to her. He saw that she was struggling and he asked if she needed help. Ruby nodded and the kind old man carefully untangled her. + +From that day onwards, Ruby learned an important lesson. Never try to do something on your own without asking for help first! +Once upon a time, there was a rabbit named Bo who lived in a big green meadow. Every day, he would hop around and explore his world, looking for something new to try. + +One day, Bo saw a big mushroom. He had heard the other animals talking about it. He hopped up to the mushroom and bent down to take a closer look. + +"Yuck!" he said. "It looks bad!" + +Just then, a wise old owl flew down to Bo. The owl said, "Bo, it's important to supply yourself with the good things in life. Bad things won't help you, so it's better to stay away from them." + +Bo nodded and hopped away, thinking about the owl's wise words. He never returned to the bad mushroom. + +The moral of this story is that it is important to supply yourself with good things that will help you grow and be happy. Bad things can take away from your happiness, so it is best to stay away from them. +Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Sally and Jim. + +One day they decided to go to the market. It was a wet day and there were puddles in the street. + +As they arrived, they heard the ringing of the bell at the market entrance. They ran up to the entrance and saw that it was the market seller ringing the bell. + +The market seller said to them, "Welcome! What would you like to buy today?" + +Sally and Jim looked around but nothing caught their eye. They couldn't decide, so the market seller said, "Well, come back when you know what you want!" + +Sally and Jim said goodbye and waved, leaving the market and the wet day behind. + +When they got back home, Sally and Jim realized that they had the best time together at the market. They hugged and promised to go again soon. +Once upon a time there was a powerful sun in the sky. One day, the sun felt so hot that Papa had to get the big umbrella so they could go outside and play. + +When they were outside, Papa noticed that his gloves were wet. He said to the little girl, “Let’s find a place to dry my glove.†The little girl knew just what to do. She said, “Let’s put them in the sun where they will get hot and dry.†+ +They held the glove up to the powerful sun and it was getting warmer by the second. After a few minutes, the glove was dry! Papa was so happy and thanked the little girl for her help. + +They spent the rest of the day playing in the sun and had a wonderful time! +Once upon a time, there lived a little boy and girl. They had the same long, brown hair and they were best friends. Every day they would play together in their backyard, making mud pies and putting rocks in the little hole they had made. + +One day, the little girl came up to the boy and said, "Let's marry each other!" The boy replied, "But we can't. That's too hard!" She tried to explain to him that it would be easy because all they had to do was shake hands and kiss. The boy still wasn't convinced. + +The girl then had an idea. She said, "If we marry each other, we can make this hole bigger. It will be so much easier for us to play together in it. Please let's do it!" + +The boy thought for a bit and then agreed. So, the little girl and boy went around their backyard, getting some help from their parents, and they made the hole bigger and bigger until it was just right. + +The girl and boy were so happy and they celebrated by shaking hands and giving each other a big kiss. They were married! +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful, rich girl called Daisy. Daisy had long, shiny hair and wore a bright, white dress. One day, Daisy's mother asked her to go to the park to play. She was very excited and skipped happily outside. + +When Daisy arrived at the park, she began to play with her friends. They ran and jumped, laughed and played. Suddenly, Daisy heard a voice complain. It sounded like someone was not happy. She looked up and saw a little girl with curly hair, who was frowning. + +"What is wrong?". Daisy asked. + +"I do not have nice clothes like you," the little girl replied. "I am not as rich as you!" + +Daisy smiled and took the little girl's hand. She said, "It's ok, you look just as beautiful as me. I have lots of money, but I don't need it to be happy. I have something else that is even better. I have friends that I can laugh and play with." + +The little girl smiled, and they all continued to play together. They laughed and smiled, and made lots of new friends. Daisy was glad that she could help the little girl see that money isn't everything. +Once upon a time there were two best friends, Becky and Bob. They were always together, but they liked to do different things. So, Becky liked to start making things with her style, while Bob liked to ride his bike. + +One day, Becky wanted to do something special. She started to make her own special hat. She used nice, soft material so it would be comfortable when she wore it. When she was finished, Becky showed Bob her hat. He thought it looked great, and he said it was the most beautiful hat he had ever seen! + +Becky was so happy. She put on the hat and started to do her favourite activity with Bob - riding their bikes. They had so much fun, and it was so comfortable wearing her hat! From then on, Becky made lots of fun hats with her own special style. She started to wear them whenever she went out with Bob. They were happy and stylish! +Once upon a time, there lived a little girl called Faith. She had long, blond hair and blue eyes. Faith was always curious, and every day she would explore the world around her. + +Today, Faith was measuring different things with her tape-measure. First, she measured a table, then a chair, and then the walls. She was finding out how big everything was and writing down her results in her notebook. + +"Oh wow, look at this!" said Faith. She had just noticed a big, red alarm on the wall. + +"What is it?" she said, already reaching for it. + +"No, Faith!" said her mom. "That's an alarm and it's difficult to turn off. You must never touch it!" + +And so, Faith listened to her mother and decided to measure something else. She found lots of exciting things to measure, and it was a very fun day for her! +Once upon a time, there was a popular lion. He liked to roar really loud. He liked to eat tasty food, like cauliflower. Every day, the lion would go down to the market to buy food. + +One day, he could not find enough cauliflower at the market. He roared really loud, so people knew he was mad. The grocery store owners heard the lion roaring and they knew he wanted more cauliflower. + +So, the grocery store owners ran away to bring more cauliflower for the lion. When they came back, the lion was very happy. He said, "Thank you for bringing me all this delicious cauliflower!" + +The grocery store owners were so happy that the lion was pleased with the cauliflower. They bowed to the lion and ran back to the store. Since then, the lion was always very popular! +Once upon a time, there was a bird called Flappy. Flappy was a bright and friendly bird who loved to zip around in the sky. + +One day, Flappy was busy zipping through the air when suddenly, he went too high up and saw something very deep down below. Flappy quickly got scared and forgot he could fly. He started to fall down into the deep place. + +Flappy was falling very fast and he was afraid. But then, he remembered he could spread his wings and zip back up. So Flappy quickly flapped his wings and started to zip back up, up, up into the sky. + +Hurray! Flappy made it! He was safe. Flappy realised he needs to be more careful in the future. From now on, he will be more careful when he is zipping around and never go too high up again! +Once there were two infants who were wise enough to take a trip. They wanted to go somewhere special, so they gathered their things and went. After they arrived, they were amazed by what they saw. Everywhere they looked, they could see colors and shapes. They were so excited they ran around everywhere, enjoying the sights. + +Finally, they came upon a beautiful lake. It was so still and blue, it glowed in the sun. The two wise infants were mesmerized. They watched the sunset until it was dark. They were so happy, the went home with amazing stories to tell. +Once upon a time, there was an egg. It was yellow, and very special. + +One day, the egg had a surprise. A tiny suit! The suit was shiny, and yellow too. The suit was for protecting the egg. + +The egg was so excited. It put the suit on right away and felt safe. No one would ever hurt the egg now! + +The egg felt so cozy and safe in the suit. It stayed in it all day and all night. + +The egg was so happy and the suit protected it forever. The end. +Once there was an adorable little girl. She was three years old and full of energy. She had a perfect video for her special day. The video was about a special adventure she and her mommy would be having the very next day. + +The little girl was very excited to watch the video and couldn't wait for tomorrow. As she watched, her mommy tied a big, colorful balloon to her wrist. The balloon was so beautiful and perfect. + +When they were finished, they played a game of tag. The little girl felt so happy and had so much fun. When it was all over, they tied the balloon to the fence. + +The little girl smiled. She knew tomorrow would be the perfect day! +Once upon a time there was a lonely trail in the middle of the forest. One day, a small boy happened to walk down the trail. As he walked, he heard a strange ringing noise, so he decided to follow the sound. + +He walked for a few minutes until he reached an old broken bell. He asked the bell, "What are you ringing for?" The bell let out a loud ring, which made the little boy jump with surprise. But then the bell spoke. + +"I'm ringing to be found," the bell said. "I'm so lonely here in the middle of the forest, I just want someone to play with me." + +The little boy thought for a moment, and then he said, "Let's be friends! I can play with you every day if you like." + +The bell smiled and let out a tiny ring. From then on, the little boy and the bell were the best of friends. Every day they would meet on the lonely trail and play together until it was time to go home. +Once upon a time there was an elderly man who lived in a small, cozy house with his pet dog. Everyday, the elderly man would take his dog for a walk, and when he was done, he would store his thermometer in a cupboard. + +One day, the elderly man noticed the thermometer was gone! He looked all over the house, but he couldn't find it. He asked his pet dog if he had seen it and the dog just barked back. + +Suddenly, he had an idea! Maybe his pet dog had taken the thermometer out for a walk! The elderly man looked out his window and saw his pet dog playing in the garden with something in his mouth. It was the thermometer! + +The elderly man was so glad, he took the thermometer and stored it in the cupboard. Now he knew to always keep his thermometer safe! +Once upon a time, there were two humans living in a poor house. They were very sad because they didn't have anything to play with. One day they decided to use their imaginations to make something to play with. They used a few bits of wood and some old fabric to make a toy. + +When it was finished, they were so happy. They spent the day playing with the toy and laughing. They could pretend the toy was a spaceship, a dinosaur or even a castle. It was so much fun. + +The days went by and the humans kept playing with their toy. As they did, their little house started to feel a bit happier. The poor house wasn't so poor anymore. + +The humans kept playing and using their imaginations until one day, their toy was so broken that they had to make a new one. And so again, the humans used their imaginations to build something, something that could help them play and keep their house happy. +Jimmy was playing in the park. He liked it there; it was full of all different kinds of games. Suddenly, he saw a staff on the ground. He went over to take a look, but the staff started to move and escape! Jimmy was scared but excited. + +Jimmy followed the staff, but it kept getting away. He wasn't sure what to do. Then he saw a nosy park worker coming down the path. She saw what was happening and followed Jimmy to help catch the staff. She ran quickly and soon managed to catch it. + +Jimmy was so happy he thanked the worker. He said goodbye to her and ran back to the park to keep playing. Jimmy was more careful from then on and remembered to always stay away from mysterious staffs! +Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was very happy and loved to play. One day she wanted to try something new. Her mommy gave her a needle and told her to be careful. + +The little girl started to try to use the needle, but it was too hard. She tried and tried but she couldn't do it. Soon she got frustrated and started to cry. + +Her mommy came over and hugged her. She told her that it was okay to try something new, but it was okay to not be able to do it too. + +The little girl wiped away her tears. She smiled, thanked her mommy and said she would try again some time. Together they put the needle away and went off to play something else. + +The little girl was so happy that she tried something new, even if it was hard. She knew that she just needed a little help and she could try again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jill. She was three-years-old and loved having fun with her parents. + +One day, her dad brought home a big, yellow rubber ball and said to Jill, “Let’s play with the ballâ€. Jill was so excited and said, “Yes, yes, yes!†+ +Jill and her dad began to play with the rubber ball. Jill threw it up and then tried to catch it. She would laugh and shout “catch the rubber ball!†Jill's dad found her antics very silly. + +At some point, Jill's dad said to her, “Come on Jill, let's complete the game!â€. Jill was confused and asked, “What is complete?†Her dad replied, “It means that you've done the game and you have finishedâ€. + +Jill understood and smiled. She said, “Ok, let’s complete itâ€. They both laughed and hugged each other. Jill was very happy and knew that she would always have fun with her parents. +Once upon a time, there was a potato. The potato was in trouble. He was so ignorant that he couldn't save himself. Luckily, a kind person came along and saved him. This person used their hands to bring the potato out of danger. + +The potato was so excited. He thanked the kind person and started jumping around. The potato said, "Thank you very much! I'm so happy that you saved me!" But the person had to hurry away, so the potato kept jumping around and thanked them again. + +The potato wanted to do something to show how grateful he was, so he chose the best way he knew how--he shared his potatoes. He gathered up all his potatoes and gave them to the kind person. They couldn't believe how generous he was! + +The kind person thanked the potato and said, "You're such a generous potato! You've taught me a lesson about being kind and generous, no matter how ignorant something might be." And from then on, the potato and kind person were the best of friends. +Mia was a 3 year old girl who loved to act. One day, she pretended to be a jet pilot. She imagined her jet soaring through the sky and feeling the icy air on her face. + +"Wheeee!" Mia shouted as she flew her imaginary jet. + +Her dad, who was sitting nearby, heard her and smiled. + +"What are you doing, Mia?" her dad asked. + +Mia stopped pretending to fly and said confidently, "I'm flying my jet!" + +Her dad laughed and said, "That sounds like fun!" + +Mia smiled and went back to her game. She jumped high, pretended to make her jet dive, and made loud noises as if she was going faster and faster. + +Soon it was time for bed, and Mia put away her jet. But she couldn't wait to act out her jet pilot dream again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was very helpless. She wanted to do something special but she did not know how. + +One day she saw the fishes in the lake and she asked her mummy, "Can I touch them?" Mummy said, "No, that would be too dangerous. Be careful". + +But the little girl wanted to touch them so badly, so she asked her mummy, "Please, can I just touch them with one finger?" Mummy smiled and said, "Yes, but be very gentle". + +The little girl was very excited and she tightly held her finger as she touched the fishes. She felt how slippery and soft their scales were and it made her smile. + +When she was done, her mummy could see how happy she was and said, "See how easy it can be when you just ask for help!". + +The little girl smiled and nodded her head in agreement. She learned that it was alright to be helpless sometimes! +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Mary who loved the theater. Every Saturday, Mary and her mommy would walk to the theater, where they would sign up to come in. + +The theater was always warm and cozy, with the bright lights and the smell of popcorn in the air. Mary loved to pick out a big seat for herself and snuggle up in the warm blankets. + +Then the show would begin! All the songs and stories made Mary happy. Every time her favorite song would come on, she would sign and clap her hands. + +At the end of the show, Mary would go outside to the playground and swing on the swings for a little bit. After that, she and her mommy would walk back home. + +Mary loved her Saturdays at the theater and looked forward to them every week! +Once upon a time, there was a strong bear. He had a beautiful blue scarf around his neck. Every morning the bear would go outside to weigh things. He would put rocks and twigs on one side of the scales and the scarf on the other. The bear would look carefully and then smile. He was so happy to see that the scarf was always heavier than the rocks and twigs. + +One day, the bear was walking through the forest when he heard something. It was an animal in trouble! The bear quickly looked around and found a rabbit. The rabbit was trying to carry a big log and it was too heavy! The bear used his strong muscles and lifted the log off the rabbit. + +The rabbit thanked the bear and said, "Please take my scarf as a thank you". The bear was so surprised and gratefully accepted the gift. From that day on, the bear always wore his blue scarf proudly and would remind himself that it was much stronger than it seemed. +Mama was in her kitchen making dinner. +Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. +She went to the door and opened it. +Outside was her daughter, Abigail. +Mama asked Abigail, "What are you doing here? You should be in bed dreaming!" + +Abigail giggled. "Mama, I saw a knob." +Mama looked puzzled. "What do you mean, a knob?" +Abigail said, "In my dream I saw a big, round knob. It was very shiny and shiny." + +Mama hugged Abigail to her chest and said, "Don't worry, sweetheart. It was probably just a dream. But stay alert just in case. Now, I better get you back to bed so you can keep dreaming!" + +Abigail hugged Mama and said, "Night mama, love you!" Then she trotted off to bed. +Mama watched her go and smiled. +She hoped one day Abigail would be alert enough to understand her dreams completely. +Jim and Ellie were two little bears who lived together in a big house with a big backyard. One day, Jim and Ellie were playing in the backyard, when all of a sudden, Jim spotted something mysterious in a nearby tree. He just had to take a closer look! + +The two bears quickly raced to the tree and saw a squirrely perched on one of the branches. The squirrel was displaying something unusual: a golden star. Jim and Ellie were amazed - they had never seen something like this before! + +Jim was brave and asked the squirrel: "Where did you find that star?". + +The squirrel replied: "Oh, I found it deep in the woods. It's a magical star and it can make wishes come true!". + +Jim and Ellie could not believe what they were hearing. They wanted the star for themselves so badly, but the squirrel was too high in the tree and they were helpless to get it. + +Jim said to Ellie: "Let's go home and find a way to get the star". + +The two bears went home and hatched a plan. The next day, they went back to the tree and this time, Jim managed to climb up and grab the star with his mouth. And just like that, the magical star was theirs! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Jane. She was three years old. One day, her Mommy said, "Let's go to a festival!" Jane was excited. She got ready fast. + +Once they arrived at the festival, there were lots of people. Jane said hello to everyone. She wanted to meet them all! + +She met a boy with funny hair. He was fast. Jane laughed. Then she met a girl wearing a pretty dress. She was friendly. + +At the end of the festival, Jane was tired. She had met so many new friends. She said goodbye to everyone, and then went home with her Mommy. + +The end. +Henry and Jack were best friends and did everything together. One day they played in the park. Henry saw a boot on the ground and ran over to grab it. Jack wanted the boot too and they started to quarrel. + +Jack said, "It's mine!". But Henry said, "No, it's mine!". They quarreled and shouted until they got very angry. + +Suddenly a strong man came up to them. He said to them in a loud voice, "What's going on here? Stop quarreling!". Henry and Jack stopped and looked up at the strong man. The strong man said, "This boot belongs to both of you. Why don't you share the boot and be friends again?". + +Henry and Jack looked at each other and smiled. They agreed to share the boot and started playing again. They were friends again and never quarreled again. +Jack was very excited. He was about to do something he had been looking forward to for a long time. He put on his special coat. He wanted to make sure he was ready, so he looked at himself in the mirror. Jack smiled as he saw himself looking very smart in his blue coat with red stripes. + +Next, he went outside and found a big rock. It was smooth and round, and Jack knew he could have some fun with it. He rolled it over to the grassy area and picked it up. It was so heavy, but Jack didn't give up. He gave the rock a big push. It went rolling down the hill, faster and faster. + +Jack ran after the rock, laughing. The rock seemed to be having as much fun as he was. It rolled out of sight around a corner. Jack quickly followed. Soon he found himself on a big playground. + +Jack couldn't believe his eyes. All around him were funny slides and swings, and colorful games. With a big smile, Jack realized he had found the perfect spot for his big rock. He rolled it around and even pushed it up one of the slides. It was so much fun! + +Jack was relieved he had remembered to wear his special coat. He was having such an amazing time, and he knew it was only the start of many fun adventures. +Once there was a girl who loved to clean. One day she was cleaning her house when she began to feel dizzy. She wanted to eat something so she decided to make her lunch. She felt so dizzy, she tripped over a mop and accidentally broke a vase. + +The girl started to cry because the vase was her favourite thing in her house. She tried to clean up the mess, but it was too late. She was so sad she ran away and was never seen again. Her lunch was forgotten and left to rot on the kitchen floor. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah. She was three years old and loved to make art. + +One day, she had a bright idea. She grabbed her crayon and went outside. She turned and looked up at the sky and started to draw a big crazy picture. + +Suddenly, the sun began to shine even brighter. Little rays of light turned the crayon colors even brighter. Sarah smiled and continued to draw the crazy shapes and colors. + +Soon, the sky was full of colors and Sarah had made a beautiful masterpiece. She hopped up and down and said, "Oh what fun!" +Alice was three years old and loved to play in the park almost every day. One day, she took a walk to the park with her mom and dad. When they arrived, Alice saw there was a big maze on the ground. + +Alice was so excited, she asked her parents if she could go into the maze. Her parents said yes and they watched as Alice ventured off to explore the maze. It was fun to go around the maze and find a way out. + +After a while, Alice's parents started to worry as it started to rain. Alice noticed that the rain was getting heavier and the ground was becoming wet. + +Alice: "Mom, Dad, my feet are getting soaked!" +Alice's parents were very compassionate and came to her aid. They put their jackets around Alice and quickly took her out of the maze. + +Alice and her parents ran in the rain back home and she was happy to be safe. + +Alice: "Thank you Mom and Dad for being so compassionate and helping me." + +Alice's parents were glad to have been able to help her. They hugged and thanked Alice for being so brave in the maze. + +And so Alice learned that day that exploration can be fun but you have to be careful when playing in the rain! +Once there was a humble little girl who lived next to a creek with her family. One day, the little girl's family started to quarrel. The little girl felt so unhappy that she ran away and found a place by the creek to hide and cry. + +The little girl looked around and saw a rabbit, a deer and a turtle who were all watching the quarrel. The little girl was so scared that she asked the animals to help. The animals said that there was nothing they could do. + +The little girl wanted to help her family so she thought of a plan. She grabbed some stones from the creek and carefully snuck back towards the family. She threw the stones into the air and the noise startled the family. + +The family stopped quarreling and looked at the little girl. They were so relieved to see her back safe and sound. From then on, the family learned to enjoy the creek and the little girl's company peacefully. +Once upon a time there was a grumpy old man. Everyday he would grumble and complain. One day, he decided it was time to go and get some pills, hoping to make him a little less grumpy. + +So he set out with his shopping bag, trudging through the park. Suddenly, a little 3 year old girl came running up behind him. He stopped and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you so scared?" + +The little girl sniffled and pointed to a bush. "There's a big, scary bee over there!" she said. + +The grumpy old man chuckled and said, "Don't worry child, I'll get rid of it for you." He quickly snatched up a nearby pill and tossed it at the bee. With a loud scream, the bee flew away. + +The little girl was so happy and thanked the old man. She gave him a big smile and ran off to tell her mum what had happened. + +The old man smiled. He had saved the little girl and maybe even helped to make himself a little less grumpy. +Once upon a time there was a big blue bird named Blue. One day, Blue went for a walk to observe the world. Everywhere he went, he noticed lots of different things. He saw tall trees, funny animals and people talking. + +He kept walking until he saw a boy. The boy was sad and very anxious. He had his eyes closed and was whispering something. Blue was curious, so he decided to fly down and find out what was wrong. + +The boy opened his eyes and looked at Blue. He said his name was Sam and he was trying to remember his Grandma's name. He was so worried that he might forget and he felt very anxious about it. + +Blue was sad for Sam but he knew how to help. He told the boy that the best way to remember was to observe. So Blue showed Sam how he could look around at the things that reminded him of his Grandma. + +Soon, Sam remembered his Grandma's name and he was so happy. Blue flew away with a smile and Sam kept walking, feeling much less anxious. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a pretty magic wand. It was a special wand with lots of powers. Every day, the people in the village celebrated its special magic. + +One day, something bad happened. A big storm came and it swept away the wand. The people were very sad and they looked everywhere but they couldn’t find it. They cried and cried but it was no use. + +The people decided to celebrate without the wand. But when they were singing and dancing, the wand came back. It was like a miracle – the pretty magic wand had come back. + +The people were so happy. They celebrated the wand’s return with lots of songs and dances. From that day on, the people always celebrated the wand’s magic. It was a magical day that the villagers would never forget. +One day, Ted and his mum were packing their bags. Ted was getting very excited, he was off on a big adventure! + +Mum and Ted went to the airport and showed their passport. The man at the counter was very grumpy and wouldn't let them on the plane. Ted started to feel very sad, he didn't know why the man wasn't letting them on the plane. + +But then, a shining light appeared at the window. It was a beautiful butterfly! Ted couldn't help but smile when he saw it. The grumpy man noticed the butterfly too, and his face softened a little. He handed Mum and Ted their tickets, and beamed at them. + +Mum and Ted thanked the man and jumped onto the plane. As they flew away, they saw the butterfly still at the window, shining brightly above the clouds. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Mary. Mary was three years old and her birthday was coming up soon. On the morning of her birthday, Mary woke up feeling excited. She couldn't believe it was the day she was going to get presents. + +Mary went outside and noticed that something strange was happening. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, but all seemed to be frozen in place. Looking around her, Mary was surprised to see that everything was still – the trees, the flowers, even the butterflies! + +Confused, Mary went over to her mom, who had been standing completely still. + +"Mom, why did everything freeze?" asked Mary. + +Her mom exclaimed, "Well my pretty little girl, this is a very special birthday surprise! I wanted all the things in the world to be still so that on your birthday, you could feel like it was your own special day." + +Mary smiled and laughed. She felt happy that the world was frozen on her special birthday. +Once upon a time, there was a small pig. He was feeling dull and quite bored, so he decided to act. The pig decided to jump really high into the sky. He jumped and jumped, but he couldn't reach the clouds. + +Then the pig spotted a kite in the sky. He wanted to reach the kite and play with it, but he couldn't get close. He cried out in frustration, "How can I get to that kite? It looks so much fun!" + +Suddenly, he heard a voice. It was a bird flying above him. The bird said, "Act silly, little pig! Jump and wave your hooves in the air. Be creative!" + +The pig listened to the bird, and soon he was jumping and wiggling his hooves in the air. After a few minutes, the pig was flying higher and higher. He was finally close enough to the kite to touch it. The pig had so much fun playing with the kite! + +The pig was no longer feeling dull. He waved goodbye to the bird and flew back down to the ground. He was so glad he had decided to act! +Once there was a child named Jack. He loved to explore the outdoors and often went on hikes with his mom. On one particular hike, Jack decided to try a berry he found in the bush. He popped it in his mouth and to his surprise it was sour! Jack started laughing and then soon started saying "sour, sour, sour!" + +His mom asked him why he was laughing, "What is it Jack?" + +"It was a sour berry!" Jack replied, between guffaws. + +His mom looked at him in amusement and said, "Let's go home, my sour little one". + +Jack smiled, took his mom's hand and skipped out of the woods. He was very happy to see the familiar sight of home and to get out of the woods. After that, Jack was sure to be very careful about tasting things he found out in nature! +One day, Anni was playing in her room with her blocks. She had made a beautiful blue tower! But then, something bad happened. Anni grabbed the tower too hard and it broke apart! Anni started to cry. + +Her Mom heard her crying and came in to help. Mom said "Don't worry, Anni. I can help you fix it." Mom fixed the tower and put it back together, making it even more beautiful than before. Anni was very happy! + +Mom said "Here, Anni. To reward you for working so hard to fix it, I'm going to give you a special surprise. Close your eyes!" When Anni opened them, Mom had made a beautiful blue balloon for her! Anni was so excited and danced around the room with the balloon. + +Anni learned a great lesson that day: if something seems broken, you can always fix it. And when you do, you can get a reward! +Once upon a time there was a little boy named Andrew. One day Andrew was playing in his house when he noticed something very strange downstairs. He was scared so he decided to go upstairs. He slowly walked upstairs to see what it was. When he got to the top, he saw a bad cat that was meowing loudly. + +Andrew was scared and he paused for a moment. The cat hissed at him and he started to cry. Then, he heard a voice coming from the other room. + +"Come on in Andrew," the voice said. + +Andrew was surprised and he cautiously stepped inside. It was his grandma sitting in a chair. Grandma saw the scared look on his face and said, "Don't be scared, it's just a bad cat." + +Grandma put her arm around him and helped him feel safe. Together they watched the bad cat until it eventually left. + +Andrew and Grandma then hugged and the little boy was happy to be safe. He knew that no matter what, Grandma was always there to help him. +Once upon a time, there were two friends called Tilly and Linda. They were very good friends and loved to play. So, one sunny day, Tilly and Linda decided to play outside in the garden. + +The two of them saw a huge hill in the garden and quickly began to climb it. At the top, Linda saw a big pond and said: "Let's jump!" Tilly was shy, but she was adventurous too and said, "Yes, let's jump!" + +So the two friends jumped into the pond with huge splashes. Afterwards, they both felt so happy, Linda said, "Tilly, you won the victory". Tilly, who had been so shy, felt so proud and said, "Yes, we won the victory together!". + +They sat together and watched the clouds move in the sky as they both smiled. +Once upon a time, a small girl called Lucy decided to wander around her house. She thought it would be fun to explore! She went into the kitchen, the living room and even the bathroom! + +In the bathroom, Lucy found a strange bottle with bubbles in it. She picked it up and realised it was shampoo! She was glad it didn't smell nasty - it smelled like flowers! + +So Lucy decided to make a game with the shampoo. She spent the next hour running around and spilling the shampoo on the floor and watching it make bubbles. It was great fun! + +When she had finished, Lucy was glad she had wandered into the bathroom! She had had so much fun. She grabbed the bottle and put it back in the bathroom and ran off, ready to explore some more. +Billy was a young rabbit who had a delicate heart. He loved to hop around and explore new places. Whenever he felt scared, he relied on his best friend, a small mouse, to comfort him. One day, they were playing a game and Billy was leading by one point. The mouse was trying to catch up, but Billy was determined to keep the score in his favour. He became so focused on winning that he forgot about his friend. + +After a few hours, the mouse was feeling neglected and decided to go home. Billy was sad that his friend had to go, but he didn't care much, since he was still in the lead. To make matters worse, he was too proud to apologize. The mouse slowly walked away, feeling heartbroken and alone. + +Billy continued the game until he won. He was excited to have achieved his victory, but deep down, he knew something was missing. he went home. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't comfort himself. His delicate heart was broken and sadness filled his mind. Billy would never forget the painful lesson he learned that day. +One day, there was an adorable yellow bear. He was walking through a forest and he noticed a big tree. It looked like the perfect place for him to sleep, so he decided to sleep there. + +As he was settling in, he heard a voice from up above. It was a squirrel saying, "What are you doing here?" + +The bear said, "I'm just going to sleep in this tree tonight." + +The squirrel seemed very unhappy with that and squeaked, "You can't just replace me in my own tree!" + +The bear felt bad and said, "Why don't I sleep somewhere else then? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you so mad." + +The squirrel smiled and said, "Thank you. I appreciate it. Oh, and don't forget the most important thing! Bring me a present tomorrow." + +The bear smiled and agreed. The next day, he brought the squirrel a big yellow balloon. The squirrel was so happy and hugged the adorable bear for making him so happy. +Once upon a time there was a wolf. He was excited to explore the world. One day, he saw something new. It was a piece of paper that had been folded up many times. He wanted to find out what it was, so the wolf carefully unfolded the paper. He couldn't believe his eyes! It was a map that showed where he could find a special adventure. He was so excited! The wolf followed the map and it lead him to the most amazing place he had ever seen. He was happy to explore this new place and he stayed there for a long time. The end. +Once upon a time there was a lazy bear. All he wanted to do was eat food and sleep. But one day he decided to do something different. + +The bear climbed up the tree and looked around. Suddenly, he noticed something bright and colorful. It was a towel! + +He shouted out, “Hey, what’s a towel doing up here?†+ +“It’s mine! Don’t touch it!†said a small voice. + +The bear saw a small squirrel at the bottom of the tree. + +“I’m sorry,†said the bear. “I won't touch your towel. I just wanted to do something new today.†+ +The squirrel smiled. “That’s ok. Come down and I’ll show you something else to do.†+ +So, the bear climbed down the tree and followed the squirrel. The squirrel showed the bear a new game to play and soon the lazy bear was having lots of fun! +Bob and Stan were best friends. Every day they would play together, fly their aeroplanes, and have fun. One day, Bob had a plan. He said that he wanted to fly their aeroplane higher than ever before. Stan thought it was a great idea and they began to climb the big hill. + +When they reached the top, they took off their aeroplane and flew it as high as they could. Bob and Stan watched in amazement as it felt as if they were going to reach the moon. However, when the aeroplane came back down it made a loud crash and fell apart. + +Bob and Stan were both very upset and ashamed. They had put so much effort into planning their attempt and they had failed. Stan said they should try again and Bob said yes. They looked around for help and eventually found an old aeroplane in the attic. + +Stan worked really hard to put it together and soon enough, Bob and Stan's plan to fly higher than ever before was ready. They flew the aeroplane up and on their first try they succeeded. Bob and Stan were so happy and hugged each other. They had finally achieved what they had set out to do. +Once upon a time there was a young boy named Pete. Everyday, Pete would wonder what exciting toys he would find at the store. On one day, he got to go to the store with his mom and dad. + +Pete happily skipped through the aisles, looking at all the cool toys. He asked his mom and dad if he could get every toy he saw, but his parents said no. Pete frowned and continued to look around. + +Suddenly, he spotted the toy of his dreams! It was the perfect young toy for him! But when Pete asked his parents if he could have it, they said no. The toy was too expensive. + +Pete started to cry. He felt so sad, knowing that he wouldn't get the toy. His mom and dad hugged him and said they would get him something else. + +But Pete was still sad that he couldn't get the toy he wanted. He sadly walked away, still wondering why he couldn't have it. +Once upon a time, there were two good friends, Kenny and Joe. They both loved to play with their motor. With it, they could go on fast rides. + +One day, Kenny said, "Let's drive around the block." +Joe disagreed. He said, "It's too far to walk." + +Kenny explained, "But we can drive with the motor." + +Joe shook his head no. He said, "That's not a good idea. We need to be organized." + +Kenny thought about it. He said, "Okay. We can walk and stay organized." Joe smiled and agreed. So, the two friends took a nice, organized walk around the block. +Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Ella. She was very excited for the day ahead. + +Ella stepped outside, and the sun was bright and warm. She noticed a tap by the side of the house. + +"Let's go see it!" she thought. + +Ella stepped over to the tap and saw that it was dripping. She touched the tap and heard a soft sound. She tapped the tap, and a stream of water came out. Ella was delighted! She stepped back and started to giggle happily. + +She ran around the garden splashing the water. Ella was having so much fun! Eventually, Ella knew she had to go back inside. + +But she had had a fun and exciting adventure! +Once there was a little boy named John. John loved playing in his garden with his friends. One day, John decided to pick some flowers from his neighbor's garden. When the neighbor saw him, he got very angry. He told John that he must not pick the flowers and should stay away from the garden. John was scared and ran away. + +The neighbor was still angry, though. He decided to punish John for his bad behaviour. He asked John to wash his car with a bar of soap. + +John was very scared and sad. He didn't want to be punished, but he knew that he had to do it. He got the soap and started washing the car. He was careful to be gentle, though, and he didn't want to scratch the car. + +When he finished, the neighbor was happy with the job. He was also very proud of John for being so responsible. He said that he was sorry for punishing John and that he wouldn't ever do it again. John was very relieved, but he knew that he shouldn't pick the flowers again. +Today Mummy and Lucy go out. Lucy so excited! They go to field. It lovely field. There are lots of trees, and the sun is shining. + +Mummy and Lucy have fun games. They play ball and have a picnic. Lucy laughs and enjoys the fresh air. She loves being outside! + +Mummy and Lucy have a lovely time together. Lucy loves the field. She wraps her arms around Mummy and hugs her tight. + +When it time to go home, Mummy and Lucy walk together, hand in hand. Lucy is sad but she looks back and waves goodbye to her lovely field. +Once upon a time there was a small island. On the island lived a family. They were the most valuable thing on the island. Every day the family would take care of each other, laugh, and play. + +One day the family went on a small boat. They sailed far away from the island. As they sailed, the family remembered how much they valued the island. + +In the distance, the family spotted another small island. They were very excited. When the family got there, they decided this new island was even more valuable than the one they left behind. + +They stayed on the new island for a long time and had lots of fun. They laughed and played together, and valued all the time they spent there. + +The family will always be thankful for the small island and all the adventures they had there. They will value it forever. +Once upon a time there was a bunny. He was hopping around and playing outside. He saw something that made him very happy. He hopped towards it. It was a box! He wanted to open it. He got to the box and tried to open it, but it was too heavy for him. He saw a person coming and asked for help. The person said yes and opened the box. Inside was a toy! It was a car! The bunny was so excited. He hopped in the car, made it go with his paws and raced around the floor. He was having so much fun, going around and around, making loud noises. Everyone in the house heard the loud noises and came to see what was happening. When they saw the bunny racing around they all laughed and smiled. The bunny kept racing around until he was too tired and stopped. Everyone was happy that the bunny had so much fun. The bunny smiled and went to take a nap. The End. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Abigail. Abigail loved to play with her friends and she was very smart. One day, she was told to test her brain. She was scared, but excited to see what she could do. + +The test was very hard and it took her a long time to figure out the answers. When she finished, she felt very proud of herself for trying. + +Unfortunately, the test results were not what she had hoped for. There was a bitter disappointment that filled her heart as she heard the results. + +The test had shown that Abigail's brain was not as sharp as she had thought it was. This made her sad, and she felt like she had failed somehow. + +Abigail's friends tried to make her feel better, but it was no use. She was disappointed with her test results and she had to accept that. +Once upon a time there was a dog who owned a symbol. The symbol was very important to him and he kept it close. The dog was very careful to keep it safe. + +One day, the dog decided to take the symbol out of his house. He wanted to show it to the world. He opened the door and stepped outside. + +But when the dog opened the door he accidently dropped the symbol! It rolled into the street and the dog couldn't get it back. + +The dog felt so sad that he had lost his symbol. He wanted it back so badly, but he never saw it again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Rose. Rose loved to run around the garden with her friends. Every day they would play games, explore and laugh until the sun set. + +One day, Rose and her friends went to the back of the garden, where there was a big hedge. The hedge was very green and it formed a tall wall around the garden. + +The friends could not get over the hedge because it was too tall. So they all decided to raise their hands up high and make a bridge to the other side. + +Rose was the first one to start. She held her hands together and the other friends helped. bit by bit, they kept raising their hands until the bridge was complete and the top of the hedge was in sight. + +Rose shouted to her friends: "Let's go! We did it!" + +They all cheered and ran across the bridge to explore the other side of the garden. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Anna. She was so excited, because today was her big day. She was going to take her very first exam. She was nervous, but also excited to show off her knowledge. + +On the way to the exam, Anna's mom kept repeating, "Just do your best, Anna." Anna kept nodding her head, knowing she would do just that. + +When they arrived at the exam, Anna felt her heart beating fast. But she mustered up some courage, and smiled at her mom before entering the room. + +When the exam started, Anna worked hard and answered every question. She knew her mom was proud of her and was wishing her best. + +In the end, Anna did her best and passed the exam. When she came out, her mom was so proud and gave her a big hug. Anna was so happy that she had passed her little exam! +It was summer, and the sun was shining brightly onto the soft lawn. Daisy wanted to run and play in the grass, but her mother said no. She said it was too early, and Daisy was very unhappy. She wanted to play, but her mother refused. + +Daisy cried loudly, feeling very grouchy and bitter. Her mother did not know why she felt this way, but Daisy wanted to run and jump in the green lawn. + +When her mother still refused, Daisy's cries grew even louder. She stamped her feet in anger and ran off to the lawn. But when she got there, Daisy noticed it was not the same. It felt strange, and the grass was prickly and bitter under her toes. She began to cry even louder. + +Her mother soon heard her daughter's cries and came to her aid. Daisy realized that her mother did it only to protect her, and they hugged tightly, knowing they would play in the lawn together soon. +Alice was a little girl and she was very curious. She wanted to search for something, and she thought a raven might have it. So, she went in search of a raven. + +Alice looked everywhere and eventually, she saw one in the sky. She watched it fly off, and tried to follow it. She walked and walked, until she found the raven in a tree. + +The raven was very quiet and ignored Alice. Alice thought this was very strange, and she didn't give up. She kept talking to the raven, and eventually it decided to speak to her. + +The raven told Alice about a magical box that had very special things inside it. Alice was so excited and asked the raven how to get it. The raven told her to search for it deep in the forest. + +The raven knew Alice was ignorant of the forest, and warned her of the possible dangers. After thinking long and hard, Alice decided to search for the box. She ventured deep into the forest and luckily, found the magical box. + +Alice was so excited, she opened the box and found many wonderful things. She was very happy, and thanked the raven for the help. From then on, Alice always kept an eye out for the raven and made sure to thank it whenever she saw it. +Once upon a time, there lived a woman. She was very kind, and everyone found her adorable. + +The woman had something special that she liked to do - she liked to stir. She mixed and stirred something until it was just right. + +One day, the woman was stirring something but she was unable to finish. She needed more time, so she put the lid on the pot and decided to come back later. + +The next day, the woman came back to finish what she had started. She lifted the lid and was surprised to find something beautiful. Inside the pot was a wonderful red soup. Everyone was amazed and delighted - the woman's stirring had made something very special indeed. +Once upon a time there was a girl and a boy. The girl loved to shout. She would shout whenever she was happy. + +One day, the girl and the boy were walking down the street. The girl saw a puddle. She ran up to it and shouted, "Hello puddle!" The puddle was so surprised that it started to jump. + +The girl and the boy laughed. They started to jump in the puddle. The girl shouted even louder. + +The jumping made the original puddle bigger and bigger until it was a huge puddle. The girl and boy were so happy that they kept shouting and jumping. + +Soon, it was time to go home. The girl and the boy looked at each other and shouted one last time. "Goodbye puddle!" And then they walked away. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jim who lived near a lake. +One day, he wanted to go fishing in the lake, but his parents disagreed. +Jim was persistent and asked again and again, but his parents still disagreed. + +Jim thought hard and decided to take his boat out on the lake alone. +He paddled away from his parents, but then he heard them calling out to him. +Jim got worried and rowed his boat back to shore. + +When he arrived, his parents were actually happy to see him. +They told Jim that he had been very persistent and brave to go out alone, but that it had been too dangerous. +They said it would be okay if he went fishing in the lake, as long as it was with them. + +Jim was very happy and thanked his parents. +The next day, the three of them went out on the lake together and had lots of fun. +Jim and his parents always enjoyed going fishing near their lake. +Once upon a time there was a strong rod. It was so strong that no one could break it. But one day, something disturbing happened to the rod. A little mouse came along and nibbled at it. It nibbled and nibbled until it made a big hole in the rod. Suddenly, the rod broke apart! Everyone was so surprised that such a small mouse could disturb a strong rod. The mouse was so proud of itself, and everyone around cheered for it. And that's how the strong rod was broken by the little mouse! +Once upon a time there were two friends, a squirrel and a deer, who liked to play together in the forest. One day, the squirrel wanted to go to the top of an old oak tree. The deer thought it was a fun idea, so they decided to try. + +The squirrel was excited, but soon realized that it wouldn't be so easy. The oak tree was very tall, with lots of thick branches. The squirrel tried and tried, but couldn't make it to the top. + +So the deer came up with an idea. He told the squirrel to grab onto his antler and he would carry him to the top. The squirrel was nervous, but agreed. + +The deer lifted the squirrel up and started to climb. He was sure they could make it to the top. But as they got higher and higher, the deer realized he wasn't strong enough. + +Before the deer knew it, he was too weak to hold onto the squirrel any longer. The squirrel fell to the ground and the deer was sad. He hadn't realized that he might not be able to help his friend. + +The moral of the story is that you should always think before you act. It's not always easy to help someone, so we have to make sure not to get in over our heads. +Once upon a time there was a boy who had a camera. He wanted to take pictures of his friends, so he was very excited whenever he opened the camera. One day, he asked his mom for help to open the camera but his mom said she was busy. The boy had to open it by himself. He struggled a little bit but he eventually managed to open it. + +The next day, his mom brought a new camera for him. It was a very reliable camera and it was easy to open. The boy was so happy! He immediately showed it to his friends and they were all very excited to take pictures with the camera. + +From that day onwards, the boy learnt an important lesson that he should always take the time to find reliable things to make his life easier. He values the things he can open easily, such as the camera, and he takes his time to find reliable things. +Once there was a mommy and her little boy. The little boy was only three years old. One day his mommy said, "Let's go to the park!" He was so excited! + +When they got to the park, the little boy saw a big hole in the dirt. He wanted to play in it, but his mommy said, "No, no, no. You could get hurt!" + +But then his mommy said, "I know, let's teach you how to be safe in the hole." She told him to look and make sure the hole was clean and not too deep. Then she showed him how to put his feet carefully so he wouldn't fall in. + +The little boy and his mommy had fun together at the park. They played safely in the hole, even though it was a bit messy. But the little boy still thought it was the best hole ever! +Once there was a small flower. It was very stubborn and refused to bloom. No matter how much sun and water it got, it would not open. + +One day, a rabbit came by. He hopped around the flower and asked if it wanted a present. The flower perked up and looked at the rabbit. + +The rabbit hopped away and came back with a beautiful, shiny present. He put the present down and waited. The flower looked at it and said, "Can I open it?" + +The rabbit nodded, so the flower opened the present. Inside was a warm blanket and a nice pillow. The flower was so happy that it bloomed right away! From then on, the flower was never so stubborn again. +Once upon a time there were two little girls. The girls, named Jane and Ashley, were best friends. One day, Ashley decided that she wanted to make something special for the both of them. + +She took a pretty vase and filled it with flowers from her garden. She carried it to Jane's house, proudly holding it in her hands. When she arrived, she smiled at Jane and said “Look what I made for us!†+ +But Jane wasn’t impressed. “That’s not special,†she said, pointing at the vase. “That’s just a flower vase. Anybody can pour flowers into a vase.†+ +Ashley was hurt. “Well, I think it’s very special,†she said. “It’s a pretty vase and I worked hard to make it just right.†+ +Jane looked at Ashley and smiled. “You’re right,†she said. “It is pretty. I’m sorry I said that it wasn’t special. Let’s put it on my porch and admire it every day!†Ashley smiled back and they placed the vase on the porch. + +The two little girls were happy and they enjoyed the pretty vase together. +Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was so excited! She loved to sing. So every day she would sing as she played with her toys. + +One day she decided to do something new and fun. She discovered potatoes! She took a big red one and held it in her hand. She smiled and began to sing. The potato danced around in her hand. + +The little girl was so excited! She loved singing and dancing with the potato. She would do it over and over again. She had lots of fun! + +The little girl continued to sing every day with her potato. Everyone around her was so happy. They loved to hear her sweet voice. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a strong pony. He lived in a big green field with his best friend, a little girl. Every day, the girl played in the field with the pony and the two of them had the best time together. + +One day, the girl had an idea. She told the pony to come to the centre of the field, and when the pony arrived, the girl said she wanted to teach him a trick. The pony had no idea what to expect, but he wanted to try what the girl suggested. + +She showed the pony how to stand up and put one hoof in the air. After a few tries, the pony managed to do it and was very proud. The girl was also so proud and started to applaud. She asked all the other creatures in the green field to come and see what the pony had done, and they all applauded him too. + +The pony felt so happy and strong. Even though it was hard work, the pony had achieved something great with the help of his special friend. The moral of the story is that with hard work, you can do anything you set your mind to, even with a little help from someone you love. +Once upon a time there was a little girl and her name was Jane. Jane was only three years old, but she was a very smart girl who liked to learn new things. + +Today Jane had a very important question to ask and she needed to find someone to help her. She looked around and soon spotted her mum. Jane ran up to her and said, "Mum, can you help me?" + +Her mum smiled and said, "Of course I can help you, what do you need?" + +Jane pointed to the bed in her room and said, "I don't understand why my bed is so reliable. Can you explain it to me?" + +Her mum laughed and said, "Well, when you have a reliable bed it means that it won't break easily. That means it is safe for you to sleep on every night." + +Jane was very happy to finally understand why her bed was so reliable. She smiled and ran to her bed for a big hug. +Once upon a time there was a smart young girl named Cami. She loved to try new things. One day, Cami's mommy gave her a special cookie. "This cookie is so special, Cami," said her mommy. "It's made especially for you. Will you accept it?" + +Cami put the cookie in her mouth and was surprised. It was the most delicious cookie she had ever tasted! "Yum! Do you want one too, Mommy?" asked Cami. + +"No, thank you," her mommy replied. "But I'm glad you like it. That's smart of you to accept something new and try it out." + +Cami beamed. She was proud of herself for being so brave and trying a new treat. "I'm so happy I accepted the cookie," said Cami. +Once upon a time, a small boy called John lived with his mom and dad. Every day in the morning his mom made him a delicious lunch. He always enjoyed it very much. + +One day when he was walking to school with his mom, he saw something shiny on the ground. It was a small chicken. John said he wanted to take the chicken home. His mom said that it was not right to take it, so they left it there. + +John was upset, so his mom said: "That's alright. Let's enjoy lunch together when you come back from school and I will make you something special." + +John smiled, and when he came back home he saw that lunch was ready. His mom had prepared him a delicious small chicken. He enjoyed it very much and he thanked his mom for the nice surprise. +Once upon a time there was a small boy called Tom. Tom liked to play with his toys all day long. One day his toys were all gone, so Tom decided to go exploring. + +Tom went outside. He grabbed a long rope and started swinging it around. All of a sudden he heard a very noisy noise coming from a nearby shed. + +Tom opened the rusty door and peeked inside. There were all these buttons and lights and pieces of metal! Tom had never seen anything like it before. + +Tom touched one of the buttons and it started to record strange noises. Tom was so excited. He ran back home and showed his mum. + +"Mum, mum, look at this!" said Tom. "I think it's a special machine." + +Mum smiled. "That's wonderful, Tom," she said. "Looks like you found a recorder today!" + +Tom was so proud of his discovery. He went out to play with the recorder every day, and the rope became his best friend. +Once upon a time there were two friends, Bill and Jill. They went outside to play in the garden. Bill was running around and jumping while Jill danced around gracefully. Everyone stopped to watch and they all started to applaud. + +Jill was so happy she asked if anyone had a brush. Bill ran to his house and quickly returned with a brush that had sparkles glinting in the light. + +Jill thanked him and took the brush and started to twirl it around in the garden. She twirled and spun in the air and it looked so beautiful that everyone started to clap louder and louder. She bowed gracefully when she finished and Bill said, "You were so good at twirling the brush. I bet you'll be a star someday!" + +Everyone smiled and looked forward to the coming days when Jill would show off her skills. Sure enough, one day Jill was invited to be in a big show. She danced and twirled gracefully and everyone applauded. + +Bill was right, Jill had become a star! +Mandy was walking in the park one day when she saw a wonderful, fair statue of a lady. She stopped to look at it and noticed it had a bow in her hand. Suddenly the statue sprang to life! + +"Good day, Mandy," said the statue. "I'm the Lady with the Bow. And I'd like to offer you a special promise." + +"What kind of promise?" asked Mandy. + +"If you make a wish, I'll make sure it's fair," the Lady said. "Go ahead, take a bow and make a wish!" + +Mandy smiled. She bowed her head, closed her eyes and made her wish. When she opened her eyes, the Lady with the Bow was gone and in her place was a single snowdrop flower. + +Mandy knew it was her promise, and she smiled as she picked it up and went on her way. She was sure that whatever she'd wished for would come true, and it would be something fair. +One day, there was a boy called Bob. Bob was three years old and lived with his family. He wanted to explore and see the world! + +Bob grabbed his helmet and went outside. He wanted to find out what new things he could discover. + +Bob felt very excited and went walking around his garden. Then he saw something strange in the bushes. He moved closer and peeked through the leaves. + +To his surprise, Bob noticed a big brown bear! At first, he was scared. But the bear looked very miserable. + +Bob slowly began to talk to the bear. The bear slowly revealed it had been very lonely. With that, Bob was very happy. He invited the bear to spend time with his family. + +The little boy and the bear became the best of friends! They would have lots of fun playing together in the garden. + +Bob learnt a very important lesson that day - always be brave. Nothing ever seems as scary as it first looks! +Once upon a time, there was a boy. He was three years old and loved to play outside. One day, he decided to go sailing in the lake. He was a bit anxious, so he brought his toy boat. He was excited to go for a sail. + +As he was on his sail, he started to feel hungry. He thought it would be nice to have a snack, so he brought an apple. He sat in his boat and started to chew his apple. He was enjoying the sweet taste and the cool breeze of the lake. + +Soon he was done with the apple and he resumed his sail. He was having so much fun that he forgot he was anxious at all. He sailed around the lake, feeling joyful and content. + +It was a wonderful day and the boy enjoyed his sail so much. He never wanted it to end, but eventually he had to go home. He went back with a happy heart and a full stomach! +Once there was a little girl named Lena. She was only three and she loved to play wherever she was. One day, her family was visiting an old church. Lena looked around the big building and saw that people had hung fancy ornaments on the walls. + +Her mother asked, "Lena, do you know why we are here?" + +Lena thought for a moment, then shook her head No. + +Her mother smiled and said, "We come here to pray. Praying is when we talk to God and tell him how thankful we are for all the good things in our lives. He likes to hear from us." + +Lena thought this was a great idea and the next day she made her own fancy ornament to hang in her room. From then on, each day Lena would thank God for all the wonderful things in her life. + +The moral of this story is to be thankful for everything life has to offer. Prayer and fancy ornaments can be a reminder to us that we should show our gratitude to God and to others. +Once upon a time there were two friends, a bear and a rabbit. They liked to play and joke around together. One day the bear had a special surprise for the rabbit. He found a big white bean in the garden. + +The bear thought it was funny so he held up the bean and said, “Look what I found!†The rabbit laughed and said that it was a funny joke. + +The bear put the bean in the pocket of his fur coat. He wanted to keep the bean close to him. Whenever the rabbit felt sad, the bear would take out the white bean and tell the rabbit a funny joke. They would laugh and laugh and forget all about their sadness. + +The white bean became a special symbol of friendship for the bear and the rabbit. It helped them to joke around, laugh and remember their friendship. +Once there was a young baby fox, who was out in the wood, searching for food. He looked all around for something to eat, but he had no luck. Suddenly, he heard something running, so he quickly ran in the opposite direction. + +It was an older fox, who was much bigger than the young fox. The young fox was scared, but he resisted. He put his fur up and growled. The older fox was surprised by the little fox's bravery and went away. + +The young fox was very proud of himself, for he had been brave and resisted the bigger fox. After the older fox had gone, the young fox continued his search for food. And he found lots of food to eat! He was very happy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lula. She was three years old and loved exploring. One day, she asked her mom if she could go to the mall. Mom said yes, so Lula was very happy! + +At the mall, Lula saw so many things. Her eyes lit up when she saw a purple dress. "Can I have it please?" she asked her mom. Mom said yes, and Lula loved it! She put it on and twirled all around the mall. + +Mom decided to spoil Lula a bit more, so she bought her some sneakers to go with the dress. They were purple too! Now, Lula had a brand new purple outfit. She was so excited! + +Lula thanked her mom by giving her a big hug. She had the best day ever! +The sun was bright and bright in the sky. Sarah felt happy and excited. She had all day to play in her backyard and in the park, with no chores to do. + +But Sarah was lazy, and she quickly became bored. She wanted to do something fun, but she wasn't sure what to do. Then an idea popped into Sarah's head - something naughty. She would climb to the top of the big tree by the park. + +Sarah knew it was naughty, but she was feeling brave. She climbed up the trunk of the tree and made it to the top. But as soon as she reached the top, she heard a loud voice. It was her mom. + +"Sarah! You know you're not allowed to climb that tree!" + +Sarah started to tremble and her face went red. Her mom had caught her doing something naughty and it was time to face the consequences. She knew she would have to be punished. + +But the punishment was not what Sarah had expected. Her mom told her to sit still for a few minutes and think about why she had been naughty. She said Sarah should think about how her behavior had not been good for her body or her well-being. + +Sarah was surprised by her mom's punishment - it wasn't what she was expecting. But she realized that her mom was right - being lazy doesn't lead to good things. From then on, Sarah knew that if she wanted to make +Once there was a little girl who loved to explore. One morning she was looking around her yard when she discovered something that caught her eye. She dug up the ground and found a lot of pretty, colourful flowers blooming all around. She was so excited that she decided to show them to her mom. + +But when her mom saw them she was not pleased. The pretty flowers had grown in a big, old wreck of a car, and it was very disgusting. Her mom made her quickly cover it back up with dirt as there were lots of sharp, dangerous things around it and she didn’t want her little one to get hurt. + +But even though the wreck was gone, the little girl still remembered those beautiful blooms. They reminded her that even in the darkest, dirtiest places, beauty can bloom. +Once upon a time there was a mommy and a baby. Mommy loved the baby so much and wanted to make her happy. + +One day, Mommy rubbed the baby's back and gave her a massage. The baby loved it and felt so sleepy. But, just as Mommy was finishing the massage, the baby heard a loud noise. It was the doorbell! + +Mommy ran to the door and opened it. There was a man outside. He said he was there to prevent bad things from happening. Mommy didn't know what to do. + +Mommy told the man to leave but he wouldn't go. Mommy was scared and angry. She tried to keep the man away but he wouldn't leave. + +So Mommy had to take the baby away from the massage and back inside. The baby was so sad because she was so sleepy. But the man wouldn't leave, so Mommy had to take the baby away and the bad man stayed outside. +One day, a little girl named Lucy went to the park with her mom. She wanted to swing on the swing, but her mom wanted her to play on the slide. + +Lucy was sad and said to her mom, "No, I want to swing on the swing today." But her mom said, "No, we need to play on the slide today." + +So Lucy and her mom went to the slide and played on it together. Lucy poured water on it and pretended it was an iron. Then she said, "It looks fancy now!" Her mom smiled and said, "That is a nice idea, Lucy!" + +The moral of the story is that no matter what Luce's mom asked her to do, she showed creativity and enthusiasm in doing it. Lucy put her own special touch to playing on the slide and that is what made it fun. +Sara and her mama went to the store. Mama wanted to buy some music for Sara. Mama asked the store keeper where she could find the music. The store keeper showed them to a room with lots of music. + +Sara looked around and found a CD she liked. The CD was very red and had a picture of a smiling sun. She picked it up and showed it to mama. + +Mama smiled and said, “That is a very independent choice, Sara!†+ +Sara was very excited and could not wait to get home and listen to the music. She hugged it tight to her chest as they walked to the checkout. + +When they were about to leave, the storekeeper said, “Enjoy your independent music!†+ +Sara smiled and thanked the store keeper before skipping out to the car. + +Mama and Sara drove home with the music playing the entire way. As they arrived, Sara hugged the CD and said “Thank you mama, I love my music!†+ +Mama smiled and hugged Sara tight. They were so happy. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tom. Tom loved to eat and play outside. One day, while he was playing carelessly in the park, a big dog came up to him and it wanted to bite him. Tom was scared and he ran away quickly. + +The next day, Tom remembered what happened and he was really scared. He did not want to go outside anymore. His mom saw that he was scared and she told him, “Tom, life is full of surprises. You can’t just stay inside all day.†+ +Tom thought about what his mom said. He knew that he had to be careful but at the same time he wanted to go out and explore again. So, he put on his shoes and stepped outside. + +At first, Tom was careful and he watched for dogs. But, after a while, he started to walk carelessly around the park again. Tom forgot about the big dog … until it came back. The dog wanted to bite him again but Tom ran away in time. + +Tom learned an important lesson from his adventures: it is not a good idea to be careless with life. Even though surprises can happen, it is important to remain cautious and safe. +Suddenly, there was a loud bang! Mary and her family looked up. "Fireworks!" yelled Mary's mum. Mary was so happy. She had never seen fireworks before and she was excited. She watched in awe as more bright colours lit up the sky. + +As the family watched the beautiful fireworks, Mary noticed something else. She could hear a strange sound. "listen!" said Mary. The family stopped and listened. It was music, coming from the sky. Mary smiled. It was like the sky was singing to her. + +The fireworks show was over, but Mary was still happy. She thought it was the most magical night ever. The family hugged each other and looked up one last time at the sky. Then they went back home. + +Mary would never forget that night. Every time she saw a firework, she remembered how happy she was. +Once upon a time there was a jolly doll. She was all alone and needed something to do. One day she had a great idea - she would decorate her house! +First, she got some paper and coloured it with lots of colours. Then, she drew lots of shapes so that the entire house was full of shapes. Finally, the doll used cotton and extra paper to make decorations to hang up in the house. +Once the house was all decorated, the doll was so excited - it was time to celebrate! She put on some music and danced around her beautiful house. Everybody enjoyed the jolly decorations and the doll was so proud of what she had done. +The doll spent the rest of the day playing and enjoying the decorations she made. She was very happy and knew that her house would always be full of jolly decorations. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Sally. She always wanted to play a sport but was too young to try any. As she was thinking about this, her brother smiled and nodded at her. + +Sally asked what he was nodding for, and he replied that he knew of a game she could play. Sally was very excited and asked more about this game. Her brother laughed and said it was a very fun sport. + +The next day, Sally and her brother went outside. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw what was waiting outside - a big dull field where people were playing a game. This must be that sport her brother was talking about! + +Sally had so much fun learning how to play the game. Before she knew it, days had passed and she was getting really good at it. She knew that this sport was not going to be dull ever again. +Once upon a time, there was a small girl. She was only three years old. One day, her mommy asked her if she wanted to go to a meeting. The girl was excited. She had never been to a meeting before! + +They went to the meeting together. The girl saw a lot of people talking. There were big people and small people. The girl felt a bit scared. But her mommy gave her a hug and smiled. + +Suddenly, the people were quiet. A man asked the girl if she wanted to talk. The girl felt very shy but she nodded her head yes. She talked about her favorite doll. Everyone smiled and clapped for her. + +The meeting was over soon. The girl was happy. She had been brave and answered the man's question. She was proud. When they left, her mommy asked her if she had a good time. The girl smiled and said yes! +One day, a silly boy was walking in the park when he stumbled upon an old diary. It was lying on the ground, so he picked it up and looked inside. He was so excited to discover that it was full of stories! He couldn't read the fancy words inside, but he still looked at the pictures. + +Suddenly, he heard a voice calling his name. He quickly stumbled away with the diary tucked under his arm. When he got home, he tucked it away safely in his bedroom. He wanted to keep it as a special secret, even though he knew he shouldn't. + +Every night before he went to bed, he snuck into his room with a flashlight and read the stories in his diary. He would laugh at the silly stories and adventures in the diary. With each new story, he felt like he was going on a special journey. + +He was so happy to have the diary but eventually he realized he should give it back to the park. He said goodbye to the stories and put it back where he found it. He did this so someone else could stumble upon it and have the same special experience. +Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Tina. They liked to play together and had lots of fun. One day Jack thought of a special game. He said, "Let's go on a hunt, and see if we can find something hidden!" + +So the two friends started their hunt. They looked high and low, in the garden and inside the house. At last, behind the fridge, they spotted something hidden! + +Jack and Tina were so excited! They started to pull on the hidden item. After lots of tugging and pulling, they managed to raise the object. It was a big wooden box. + +Jack and Tina opened the box to see what was inside. They saw lots of fun things, things that they had never seen before! + +The two friends had a fun time playing with the hidden things from the wooden box. From that day on, they always remembered to look behind the fridge while they were on their treasure hunts. +Once upon a time, there were two friends who loved to go on adventures. One day they decided to explore a big cave. As they got closer to the cave, they grew more and more excited. + +They found a hidden entrance and ventured inside. The cave was dark and spooky and the friends had to be brave. They walked for a long time until they saw a vine. + +“Let’s climb the vine and explore more!†said the first friend. + +The second friend was scared. “What if we get stuck?†The first friend said, “It’s ok, I’ll go first.†+ +The first friend climbed up the vine and got to the top. But, when the second friend tried to climb, the vine snapped! + +The second friend started to panic. Without the vine it seemed like they would never get out of the cave. + +But, the first friend had an idea. He said, “Let’s look around for another way out. I’m sure it’s here somewhere!†+ +So, the two brave friends started to search the cave for a hidden way out. + +And, lucky for them, they found it! +Once upon a time there lived a little girl who had the most amazing crib. It was the coolest other kids had ever seen. Every night she'd sleep in it like a princess and dream of the things she would do when she was older. + +One day the little girl had a challenge - she wanted to try and climb out of her crib by herself. She had seen older kids do it and wanted to try it herself. + +The little girl's mom knew that her daughter was ready to try, so she said "If you want to, go ahead and try". So that's what she did - she tried and she tried. + +Finally, the little girl succeeded! She was so proud of herself and excited to tell all her friends and family that she had done it. She had worked so hard and now she could proudly say - "I climbed out of my crib all by myself!" +Once upon a time there was a cool little girl. She loved to bake all kinds of delicious things. Every morning she would get up early and use her iron to make all kinds of yummy treats. She would bake muffins, cookies, and pancakes. + +One day the little girl wanted to make something extra special, so she decided to make a cake. She baked the cake in her oven and put all kinds of cool toppings on it. + +When the cake was finally done, the little girl was very happy. She ran to her parents and showed them the cake. They were so surprised by how delicious it looked. Everyone enjoyed the cake and they had a lot of fun eating it. + +The little girl smiled with pride as she enjoyed eating her special cake. This was the best thing she had ever baked! +Once there was a fair little boy called Jack. He loved to touch the grass and feel its softness. +One day, Jack went outside and found a big white blanket. He loved it so much and he was happy he could cover himself with it. +Jack kept running around, chasing butterflies and feeling their soft wings against his skin. +When finally it got dark, Jack snuggled into the blanket. He felt safe and warm, knowing that the blanket had covered him. He knew that everything was going to be fair. +Then, with a smile on his face, Jack closed his eyes and fell asleep. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Holly. Holly was a pale girl and loved to play with her friends. One day, Holly and her friends were playing near a garden when they noticed a strange bottle beside them. Holly's friends dared her to pick it up and take a sip. Holly was excited and scared at the same time. She took the bottle and stared at it. It was a bright green colour and had a skull and crossbones on the label. Holly knew it was bad and had to be poison. + +Holly's friends said it wouldn't hurt to try it so she took a sip. At first she felt scared, but then quickly she started to feel strange. Her face became very pale and her eyes were wide with fear. She put down the bottle and ran home as fast as she could. + +When her parents saw her, they were worried and took her to the doctor. The doctor said that she was lucky, as the bottle had poison inside it. Holly was relieved that she was safe. From then on, she stared at bottles with caution and knew to never ever drink one again. +Once upon a time there was a young boy who loved to ride his bicycle. Every day after school, he would jump on and ride around the park. One day, the boy saw a bigger, better bicycle and decided he wanted it. He decided that he would take the bike, even though he knew it wasn't his. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and stuffed the bicycle in his bag. + +The boy was happy with his new bicycle and rode it around for weeks. But soon, a bitter taste filled his mouth. He knew he had done a bad thing and had to face the consequences. He was caught by the police and was forced to give the bike back. + +The boy learned a very important lesson that day. He thought to himself, "I should never take something that doesn't belong to me, no matter how badly I want it." + +His mistake caused more pain than pleasure, and he was left feeling bitter. Always remember what the boy learned: don't take things that aren't yours! +One day, in a big park, there stood a small tree. Under the tree sat a shy girl. She was looking around, wide eyed. Suddenly, she stood up and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Carefully, she put her hand into her pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. On it was written one, small request - could somebody please give her a hug? + +The girl waited quietly, but nobody came over. She was starting to get discouraged. Just then, a kind old man came walking by. He saw the girl, and he could tell she was shy. Carefully he walked over. He smiled gently and held out his arm. + +The girl took it and smiled back. He gave her a big, warm hug and asked her why she was so shy. She told him about her request and what it meant to her. The old man smiled and said, "I'll do my best to help you. Let's go tell the other people in the park." + +So, together they spread the word. Everyone in the park heard the girl's request. Soon, the girl was surrounded by people, all ready to give her a hug and smile. And from that day on, the girl was no longer shy - she was confident and happy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Linda. Linda was going to a friends house to play. When she got there, she found a beautiful vase on the table. She was so excited and started to play with it. Suddenly, she accidently knocked it over and it smashed into pieces. She started to cry as her friends mum came into the room. She was very angry and put Linda in a corner and told her to stay there while she got the broom. + +Linda was now very scared. She wanted to run away but she was too scared to move. Suddenly her friend came into the room and saw what was happening. He started to cry and told his mum that Linda hadn't meant to break the vase. His mum looked at Linda and saw the scared look in her eyes. She sighed and told Linda to scramble the vase into a sack and take it away. + +Linda was very relieved. She hurriedly did what she was told and took the sack away. The problem was now solved and everyone was calm. Linda learned her lesson and promised herself that next time she would be more careful. The End. +Once there was a very slow carrot. It planted itself in the ground, and waited, and waited. But it was so slow that it could hardly ever tell when things were happening. Until something magical began to happen. One day, the carrot felt something it hadn't felt before. A warmth and a tingle inside its core. So it waited and pushed and tried, until one day the tingle and warmth came bursting out! And the slow carrot begun to bloom! + +The bloom made the carrot very happy, for it was the most beautiful thing it had ever seen. Bright oranges and yellows that shined like the sun. + +Just then, a big, yellow car drove by. It went so fast, the carrot was left blinking and stunned. Then it remembered that it was growing from the ground! The carrot held tight to the ground, and smiled. It knew it could stay put and be happy in its spot. No need to hop in a car and go so fast! +Once upon a time there was a regular bench. Every day the bench would stand in the same place and nothing ever changed. + +One day an elephant walked by the bench. He was so big and strong that he accidentally broke the bench. He felt so badly about it that he pulled a tree down to replace the bench. + +The tree made a nice new bench for everyone to enjoy. Everyone that passed by was so happy to be able to sit on the bench. + +The regular bench was gone, but at least the elephant replaced it with something special. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jane. She was so happy and liked to play outside. One day, she wanted to dive into the deep pool. + +Jane hopped into the pool and dove deep down but she went too deep and started to fall fast. She was scared, her heart was beating fast. She didn't know what to do. + +Suddenly she remembered what her mom had told her about streamlining and she spread out her arms and legs. Jane stopped falling and floated to the surface. + +Everyone was so happy to see her. She learned a valuable lesson that day: never dive too deep. +Once upon a time, there was a mommy and a baby. The mommy was very tired, so she decided to get some coffee. But when she tried to get the coffee, she accidentally spilled it on the floor. The baby was very upset. She started crying. + +But mommy came up with an idea. She looked around the house and found a cloth. She used the cloth to save the coffee. She soaked up the spilled coffee with it. + +The baby stopped crying when she saw that the mommy had saved the coffee. Mommy hugged the baby and smiled. The baby felt happy again. + +They drank the coffee together, and then went to bed. Mommy and baby were very happy that the mommy had been able to save the coffee. +Once upon a time, there was a big tank. It was strong and loud, and it liked to strike things. + +One day, it wanted to strike a big tree, but the tree said it was too stupid. The tank was angry and started to rumble loudly. + +But then, two little girls came along. They were brave and bold, and they had a plan. They asked the tank to throw them at the tree, instead of just striking it. + +The tank thought this was a very good plan, so it lifted the girls up. Then, it threw them onto the tree and the tree shook and trembled. + +The tank was happy and thanked the girls. The tree was so surprised it decided to never say silly things like 'stupid' again! +One day, a little girl called Daisy went to the garden with a key in her hand. She saw a beautiful mirror and wondered what it was. She asked her mum, "Mum, what is that mirror?" + +Mum smiled and said, "That's a special mirror. If you unlock it with your key, you will see something sweet." + +Daisy was so excited. She put the key into the keyhole, and it opened. Inside the mirror, she saw a sweet little puppy. She was so happy and hugged the puppy. + +Mum said, "Say thank you to the mirror for showing you the puppy." + +Daisy said, "Thank you mirror!" + +The puppy barked, and they all laughed. They looked into the mirror one more time, and Daisy said, "Goodbye mirror, I have to go now." + +Mum said, "Let's go home, Daisy." And they went home with the puppy. +One day, a 3 year old named Michael was walking through the woods on his way to a festival. He had never been to a festival before and was excited to see all the games, food, and toys that he'd find when he got there. + +As he came closer to the festival, he heard someone crying. It was a little girl, and she was sitting in the grass with her teddy bear. Michael asked her why she was crying. + +The girl told him that she was trying to build a fort for the festival, but nobody wanted to help her. She said that everyone was too worried about doing their own things, and no one would help her build hers. + +Michael put his own festival plans aside and wanted to help the little girl. He grabbed some sticks and some leaves, and together they built the best fort ever seen! After they had finished, the little girl smiled and said, "Thank you for not being so selfish". + +Michael and the little girl enjoyed the rest of the festival together, playing games and eating food. Michael was so proud of the fort they had built and would never forget that special day. +Tommy was playing in the park with his friends when one of them pointed at a large tree. He was so excited to explore it but when they got closer, he saw a big knot in the trunk. It immediately made him shiver and he was upset. He didn't want to go near the tree and made his way back home. later that night, he heard a scary noise outside of his window and quickly ran to his parents room. As he got there, the colors of the knot caught his eye and he realized that the noise had come from the tree. His friends had been playing in its branches as a prank. He laughed and felt relieved as he thought about the big knot and his shivering earlier. +Once upon a time there was a very compassionate man. He lived in a village far away. Every day he got up and went to the market. He liked to join the people there and have some fun. He talked with them and shared stories. + +One day he brought a little puppy with him to the market. Everyone loved the little puppy and they all said hello. The market people joined together to care for the puppy. They gave it food and shelter. + +The compassionate man was so happy to see everyone joining together to care for the puppy. He knew that together the market people could do anything! He was proud of them for showing so much kindness and compassion. + +From then on the market people looked out for each other and the village was a happier place to live. The people were glad to join together and help. +Once there was a brilliant girl named Eva. She was always happy and excited about each new day. One day she went to the park with her mom. Eva had so much fun running around, playing on the swings and sliding down the slide. + +When they got home, it was time to bathe. Eva loved taking baths as it made her feel so clean and happy. Her mom made sure to warm the water and add in some bubbles for Eva to play with. Eva had so much fun splashing around in the warm water and laughed as the bubbles floated around her. + +After her bath, Eva's mom gave her a hug and told her not to worry about anything. Eva felt so safe knowing that her mum was always there for her and reminded her to stay brave and confident. + +Eva thanked her mum for the brilliant bath and felt relaxed and ready for the day. +Once upon a time there was a small creature who lived in the sea. She was a very happy creature and she enjoyed playing with all her friends. Every day she went to the beach and swam in the soft sea. + +One day, the creature felt something inside her that made her a bit sad. She couldn't understand why, so she decided to go to the beach and take a bath. As soon as she was in the sea, the creature felt much better. She splashed around and enjoyed her time in the warm water. + +When she was done, the creature lay on the sand and thought about why she felt sad. Eventually, she realised that it was because she hadn't seen her friends in a while and they had been missing her. + +The creature realised that it was important to keep in touch and spend time with her friends. She promised herself that she would make sure to see them more often and that she wouldn't forget how special friendship is. + +So remember, even when things don't seem right and you don't understand why, a bath in the warm sea and some time with your friends can make it better. +The little girl, who was only 3 years old, loved spicy food. She ate the spicy foods everyday and it encouraged her to try new and exciting dishes. She was having the best time with her mother and was learning new things about food. + +One day, the little girl decided to make a spicy dish for her mother. She found the recipe and followed it to the best of her ability. She added all the spices and herbs, stirred it and tasted it. It was really really spicy! + +The little girl and her mother enjoyed the dish and they kept it in their memory. But the next day, the little girl woke up with an awful tummy ache. She was so sick, and her mother took her to the doctor. The doctor said that the food was too spicy for her to handle and that the little girl should not have eaten it. + +The little girl was very disappointed in herself and she learned a lesson. She would never again try a dish that was so spicy! +Once upon a time, there lived a small, brave girl. She lived in a little house in a magical land. One day, the girl was in the forest when she saw something strange. It was a giant! The giant was very big and colorful. + +The girl was scared, so she ran away. But she was too slow and the giant caught her. It seemed like the giant wanted the girl to surrender, but the brave little girl refused. She didn't want to give up. + +However, the giant was so strong that the girl couldn't escape. Finally, she had to surrender to the giant. The giant imprisoned the brave girl in a dark cave and she was never seen again. + +The end. +Mommy and Daddy were trying to figure out what to do for Maddy's birthday. Then Maddy suggested a cake. Mommy and Daddy thought that was a great idea. + +Mommy asked if Maddy wanted a fancy cake. Maddy didn't know what that meant. Daddy said that a fancy cake was a pretty cake with lots of fun decorations. + +Maddy was very excited and said she wanted a fancy cake. Mommy and Daddy smiled and got to work making the cake. They decorated the cake with little candy sprinkles and a candle too. + +The cake was so fancy and perfect. Maddy was very happy and thanked her mommy and daddy. They all blew out the candle together and had a big slice of the yummy cake. +One day, Rennie saw something exciting. In the park, two animals were arguing. Rennie got closer and saw it was a fox and a rabbit. Rennie wanted to help, but he couldn't understand why they were quarrel. + +Suddenly, he heard a noise from behind a bush and saw that a thief was trying to steal the fox's food. Rennie was nosy and the thief heard him and ran away. The fox was very thankful and Rennie was proud of himself. + +The rabbit apologised to the fox, who said it was ok. They both decided to become friends, as they realised they weren't really arguing at all. Rennie was cheered by the peaceful ending and thanked his nosiness for helping. +Once upon a time, a bald man went to the park. He was really hungry, so he opened his lunchbox. But when he opened it, he saw that his sandwich had been bitten! He wasn't very happy because now he had nothing to eat. + +The bald man looked around and saw a little bunny hopping about in the park. He thought the bunny must have taken a bite of his sandwich. So he went over to the bunny and said, "Did you bite my sandwich?" The bunny looked scared and hopped away. + +The bald man kept looking around, until he saw a different animal hiding behind a bush. It was a big, scary fox! The bald man was sure that the fox must have bitten his sandwich, so he asked the fox, "Did you bite my sandwich?" The fox tilted its head and scampered away. + +The bald man was feeling a bit disappointed because he still didn't know who had taken a bite of his sandwich. But then, he remembered that he had packed an apple in his lunchbox as well. He took a bite of the apple and smiled - it was delicious! + +The bald man finished his lunch, glad that he still had something to eat. Then he waved goodbye to the park and went on his way. +Once upon a time, there was a grumpy reindeer. His name was Bob. Bob always got grumpy when it was time to visit. + +One day, Bob was feeling extra grumpy. He decided to take a visit to the forest. He wanted to have some time away from people. + +When Bob arrived at the forest, he saw lots of animals. He especially saw lots of reindeer! He was so excited. They were all very happy to see him. + +Bob spent lots of time talking to his new friends. They showed him all of their favourite places to visit in the forest. Bob was so happy to be with them. + +They spent the day playing and exploring the forest. It was such a beautiful day. When it was time to go home, Bob said goodbye to his reindeer friends. + +He thanked them for his fun day in the forest. Bob was so happy that he had visited the forest with his new reindeer friends. +Once upon a time there was a lion who wanted to be the king of the jungle. He had a beautiful golden mane and bright yellow eyes. + +One day, the lion decided to go for a walk in the woods. He was feeling very proud of himself and was walking without paying attention. He wasn't careful. + +Suddenly, the lion heard a noise coming from behind a big tree. It sounded like something was crying. He looked behind the tree and saw a tiny baby deer. She was all alone and looking helplessly. + +The lion felt sorry for the little deer, so he bent his head down and bowed politely. The baby deer looked up at the lion and said, "Thank you for being so nice to me." + +The lion smiled and responded, "I'm glad that I could help. You should always be careful and remember to watch for trouble." + +The baby deer nodded her head and went to the lion's chest. She put her tiny hooves on his chest and thanked him again for his kindness. + +The lion bowed one last time and then went on his way, feeling very proud and happy that he had helped the little deer. + +From that day on, the lion always tried to be careful and kind. He knew that a careless heart can lead to a lot of trouble. +Mrs Smith was folding laundry one day when she noticed something peculiar. Her drawer was left slightly open and it seemed that something was wrong. When she opened the drawer, she saw her socks were dry. She knew it was too early for them to be dry, so she started to look around for the culprit. + +Mrs Smith saw her 3-year old daughter in the corner, smiling from ear to ear! She asked her daughter what she had done. The daughter told her that she had put the socks in the sun, to dry them. Mrs Smith was happy that her daughter was so naughty, but she told her that she should not do this again. + +Instead, Mrs Smith told her daughter to help her fold the laundry. She showed her daughter how to do it, and they both had fun. The daughter was very happy to help her mother, and they both finished in no time. + +Mrs Smith was happy that her naught daughter learned a lesson, and that now she would always know the right way to dry the laundry! +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Sophie. She liked to collect shiny things and always kept them in a special bucket. One day, Sophie went to the park and found a very lovely veil. Sophie was so happy with her new veil that she decided to wear it everywhere she went. She took it to the beach and the store too. Everywhere she went, people smiled and said how lovely it looked on her. + +Soon, Sophie's mum saw the veil and asked her where she got it. Sophie told her all about finding it in the park and how it made her happy. Her mum smiled and said that it was very special and it could stay with her. Sophie was so happy and hugged her mum tight. + +Sophie kept the veil safe with all her other special things and whenever she looked at it she felt so loved. Collecting special things always made Sophie feel so happy and the lovely veil was the best of them all. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, a rabbit and a bear. They wanted to hear jazz so they went on a journey to find it. + +The bear knew that jazz was a yummy kind of music. He was sure that if they went looking for jazz, they would find something tasty. The rabbit wasn't so sure. + +But they kept going and eventually they came across a jazz club. The rabbit was amazed. There was jazz music playing, the food looked yummy and everyone was having a good time. + +The rabbit was scared but the bear said, "Let's go in!" The rabbit didn't think it was a good idea, but the bear was convinced so they went inside. + +The bear showed the rabbit that jazz was fun and yummy. The rabbit enjoyed the music, the food, and all the fun they had. + +Now the rabbit knows that jazz can be an enjoyable experience and it makes everyone happy! +Once upon a time, there was a brave bear. He loved to dance and twirl around the forest. Every day, he would dance around the trees and over the hills. + +But one day, there was a big storm and the brave bear was scared. He hid behind a tree and waited until the storm had passed. Suddenly, he noticed the most beautiful thing he had ever seen - a match! + +The brave bear knew he had to find out what it was. So with a brave heart, he ventured over to the match. The bear couldn't believe his eyes when it suddenly started to dance! + +The brave bear was so excited he started to dance too. All around the match, he bounced and twirled. They danced together for hours until the storm had passed. + +From that day onwards, the brave bear and the match were the best of friends. Whenever the brave bear was scared, the match would start to dance and he knew everything was going to be okay. +Once upon a time, there lived a bald and happy crab. He lived with his good friend, a fish. One day, the crab and the fish decided they wanted to marry. + +Everyone in the sea cheered and clapped at their happy news. The crab and the fish went to the beach and said their special vows. + +The crab was so excited but the fish was sad. He asked the crab, why was he so happy if he couldn't even hug his new wife? + +The crab told his friend that it didn't matter if they couldn't hug because they still had love in their hearts. The moral of the story is that you don't need to hug or touch to show love and care. +One day, Anna was playing outside. She was feeling very competitive and wanted to show everyone how strong she was. She saw a window and decided to kick it. She kicked it as hard as she could and it made a loud noise! Everyone was so surprised that Anna had been able to kick it! Anna felt so happy about her accomplishment. She ran all around the playground, showing everyone what she had done. Everyone was so impressed by Anna. From then on, people knew Anna was very competitive and brave for kicking the window! +Once there was a pig called Fluffy. Fluffy lived in a small village near a forest. Every day, Fluffy would go outside and play in the forest. One day, Fluffy met a crazy fox. The fox started talking to Fluffy, but Fluffy did not understand what the fox was saying. + +"Why don't you understand me?" said the fox. + +"My head is too small and my ears too small," said Fluffy. + +The fox shook his head in disbelief and said,"Don't be silly, you can still listen and learn even with small ears. Don't think that you can't understand because you are too small." + +Fluffy realised that he could still learn new things even though he was small. From then onwards, he tried his best to understand whatever was said in his village. + +Moral: No matter how small you may be, never think that you cannot understand. You can always learn and grow by listening. +Once upon a time, there was a clumsy duck. He was always falling and bumping into things. But his friends always loved him, and nobody minded his clumsiness. + +One day, he wanted to try something new. He asked his friends: "Will you allow me to try a new thing?" + +His friends looked at each other and said: "Sure, but be careful!" + +So the clumsy duck started on an adventure. He flew and he hopped, but he soon realised that he had gone too far. He was lost! He began to cry and asked for help, but nobody came. + +Nobody was able to find him, and he never returned to his friends. They were all very sad, and they all missed their clumsy duck. All that was left of him was the love that his friends shared for him. +Once upon a time there was a brave lion who lived in the forest. He loved eating yummy food and playing with his friends. One day, he was feeling brave and decided to explore his home. + +He was walking through the forest when he came across a big building. A sign above it said 'Club'. He looked at the sign and was so excited. He wanted to go inside and explore. + +He knocked on the door and heard a voice say 'Come in!' +He opened the door and saw a room full of fun activities and people. He was so excited that he couldn't stop jumping up and down. + +He saw a lady with a friendly face and asked her 'What is this place?' +The lady smiled and said 'This is a Club. People come here to have fun and make new friends. Would you like to join us?' + +The brave lion was so excited that he immediately said 'Yes!' +He ran to the lady and gave her a hug. He was so happy to have found this special place in the forest. From that day onwards, he was a regular at the Club, and made lots of new friends. +Once upon a time there was a mighty rabbit. He loved to hide in the garden and play in the grass. One day, the rabbit was searching for something. He was searching for his mitten. He had lost it! + +The rabbit ran back and forth, looking all around. He couldn't find it. Suddenly he remembered the flower bed. He jumped in and started looking. He saw something colorful and reached in. He grabbed it. It was his mitten! + +He was so happy that he had found it. He put the mitten on his paw and jumped around the garden. He had found his mighty mitten! The end. +One day, a little girl named Emmy was playing in the park. She was so excited that she had slipped on her pretty pink shoes. She was running around and having so much fun. + +Suddenly, Emmy saw a beautiful movie poster. She had wanted to go see that movie for so long. She decided to take a closer look at it. As she got closer to the poster she slipped, fell and started to cry. + +"What's wrong, Emmy?" asked her mum. + +"I slipped and now I can't go to the movie," Emmy replied sadly. + +Her mum smiled and told her to take a deep breath. "Let's go see something else that is just as beautiful," her mum said. + +They went to the nearby library. They chose some of the most beautiful books. Emmy enjoyed reading them and soon the tears had disappeared. + +Emmy was so happy that she had a great day, even though she didn't get to see the movie. +There were two friends, Fred and Gabe. One day, they decided to go outside to play. The sky was empty and quiet, except for one dove flying high above them. Fred wanted to fly just like the dove, but Gabe did not think that was possible. They decided to see who could jump the highest instead. Gabe jumped so high, it was as if he was going to touch the sky! Fred did not jump as high, but he was still very proud of what he could do. They had a lot of fun and soon they decided to go back home, happy and content. +One day, Joe went out for a walk. He was so excited to explore the world around him. With a shield in his hand and a whistle in his pocket, he set off on an adventure. + +Joe could not believe his eyes as soon as he walked pass the meadow. He saw a big, beautiful castle in the distance. He ran towards it and eventually reached the entrance. Joe couldn't help but whistle with excitement when he saw the grand palace. + +As he ventured further into the castle, he met a friendly fox. It invited him to follow it inside. Joe trusted the fox and followed it deep into the castle's aisles. + +At the end of the tunnels the fox stopped in front of a door. It told Joe that he had to face the challenge behind the door to enter the beautiful garden of the castle. + +Joe nodded and clenched the shield tightly in his hands. He was both scared and excited for what was about to happen. As he opened the door, he quickly whistled with excitement and stepped into the unknown. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Jack. Jack liked to pretend all kinds of things. He liked to pretend he was a superhero, doctor, or even a fireman. + +One day, he picked up a grey triangle from his toybox. He pretended it was a powerful shield. He held it up and said, "Now I'm invincible!" + +He ran around the house, laughing and pretending like he was in an adventure. He ran into his mom and tried to take the shield away from him. She said, "Oh no, Jack! Where did you find that triangle?" + +Jack said, "It's my magical shield! It will keep me safe!" +His mom smiled and said, "That's not a magical shield, but it can still be fun to pretend!" + +So Jack and his mom spent the day pretending they were together on an exciting adventure. When it was time to go to bed, Jack put the grey triangle back in his toybox and said, "Goodnight, magical triangle. See you tomorrow!" +Once upon a time, there were two friends, Ali and John, who were playing together. Ali was a magician and John was a knight. They were walking through an ancient forest and Ali spotted something in the trees. He asked John to take a look and so John raised his sword, ready to shoot. He then saw a print in the trees, shimmering with light. Ali knew it was special and put his hands together and closed his eyes. He chanted some secret words and soon, a beautiful animal appeared in the print. It was an ancient unicorn and it looked so kind and gentle. John and Ali were filled with joy. They thanked the unicorn for coming and wished it a safe journey before the unicorn flew away. The two friends were filled with joy and their friendship was even stronger. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was very happy and played all day. One day he wanted to choose something special. Out of all the things he could pick, he chose a cool cabinet. + +The cabinet was big and very shiny. He said to himself, "This will be my special secret place!" He opened it and stared inside. He was so filled with happiness that he couldn't believe it. + +The next day, the little boy came back to the cabinet and opened the door. But instead of happiness, he saw something he did not expect. There was a big hole in the back of the cabinet, and all of his special things were gone. + +The little boy was so sad. He had chosen the cabinet, but it turned out to be a bad choice. Despite all his excitement, his secret place was not so secret after all. +Once there was a little girl named Anna. One day she went out to play in her garden. She saw a triangle in the grass and thought it was very strange! + +Anna leaned down to pick it up and it made a noisy sound. Anna was very surprised! She couldn't figure out why the triangle was so noisy. + +Anna decided to explore. She tried to lean the triangle against a tree. But, when she did, it made a bigger noise! So, she tried again. + +This time she leaned it against a fence. It made the same noise as before. Anna smiled. She liked the noisy triangle. She ran to show her mom and dad. Her mom and dad were surprised too! + +From that day on, the noisy triangle was always Anna’s favorite toy. She wore it around her neck and took it everywhere! +Once upon a time there lived an ordinary princess. She lived in a far away kingdom and had all the best things – like a crown and a castle. But she was sad. She wanted to have a pet. + +One day, she went for a walk and saw a small, furry dog. She bent down to pet it and smiled. She was so happy! + +The princess asked the dog, “Could you be my pet?†+ +The dog gazed at her with its big, brown eyes and nodded. + +The princess and the dog became best friends. They played in the castle and ran around the kingdom. Everywhere the princess went, the pup followed. + +The princess and pup had a special bond and were as happy as could be. They always played together and never got tired of each other. + +The ordinary princess and her pup lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Kelsey. She was three years old. + +Kelsey had lots of curly, blonde hair that was always very messy. Every morning, her mom would comb her hair and style it into two braids. + +Kelsey loved having braided hair. She thought it made her look like a princess! But sometimes she wanted to wear her hair down. + +So one day, Kelsey asked her mom if she could wear her hair down. Her mom smiled and said, "Yes, you can." She gave Kelsey permission to wear her hair down. + +Kelsey was so excited! She carefully brushed her hair until it was smooth and shiny. Then she raced off to explore. + +When she came home later, her hair was a big, messy mess again. But Kelsey didn't care. She just laughed and hugged her mom. The two of them were so happy! +One day, a little girl wanted to go swimming. She was wearing her favorite yellow swimsuit and an adorable swim cap. +She jumped into the pool, but the water was too deep for her. She started to worry. +Her mom saw what happened and came to help. She asked her daughter to count to three and told her that she would jump in with her. +When the little girl reached three, mom jumped in the water. They both started to swim together. +The little girl was so excited and kept counting the numbers one, two, three over and over again. With the help of her mom, she conquered the deep water. +The little girl felt so proud and was glad that she and her mom were able to swim together. +Once upon a time, there was a fit little boy who was going to the park. When he got there, he saw a man and asked him, "What are you doing here?" The man smiled and said, "I'm here to give away some ice-cream." The little boy's eyes lit up and he said, "Ice-cream for me?" and the man answered, "Yes, if you answer a question for me." The little boy thought for a moment and said, "I'm ready to answer." So the man asked, "What is the color of the sky?" The little boy answered, "Blue," and the man smiled. He gave the little boy a big scoop of ice-cream and thanked him for his answer. The little boy bounced away, happy with his delicious treat. +Once upon a time, there was a nosy shape. It was a triangle, and it was always watching what the other shapes did. One day, the triangle wanted to add something special to the world. So, it made some new shapes, like circles and stars. + +But when the triangle tried to add these shapes to the world, the other shapes did not like it. The circle was mad because it wanted its own space, and the star was not happy because it wanted to shine brightly by itself. + +So, the triangle was very sad. It wanted to make the world better, but the other shapes just did not understand. It wanted to be nosy and help everyone, but the other shapes did not want it to. + +Then, one day, the triangle found a way to add its shapes without making the other shapes mad. It put its shapes next to the others, and everyone was happy. Now, all the shapes were together in harmony! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. Tom was very clever and he loved to play outside. One day, Tom was playing in the park and came across an old wagon. He loved it instantly and ran over to take a closer look. + +Tom's parents saw him looking at the wagon and smiled. They knew he needed something to keep him busy and that the wagon was perfect for him. + +“Do you want to see what I plan to do with this wagon?†Tom's father asked. Tom's eyes widened and he nodded. + +Tom's father went on to explain the plan – Tom was going to use the wagon every day to help him get to the store, park, library and to visit his friends. + +Tom clapped his hands and jumped around in excitement. After that, he was a regular sight in the neighborhood, using his wagon every day to go to different places. + +Tom learned a valuable lesson, that caring for something and putting it to good use can bring a lot of happiness. +Once upon a time there were three friends, a bunny, a puppy, and a kitty. The bunny said, "Let's have a race!" They all said "yay!" and lined up ready to go. First, they raced around the smooth building. The bunny was the fastest and won the race. The puppy came in second and the kitty came in third. They all laughed and hugged each other and said, "That was so fun!" +Little Lucy wanted to play outside and so she ran to the backyard. The sun was shining brightly and all the colours were so vibrant and beautiful. + +She saw her brother in the yard and called out "Hey brother! Let's play!" Her brother took one look at her and grinned. + +He said, "I was just about to pass you a ball so we can play catch!" He grabbed the bright yellow ball from the grass and tossed it to her. + +Little Lucy jumped to catch the ball and giggle. She said, "Let's see who can throw the ball the farthest!" + +The siblings ran around the yard, throwing the ball back and forth to each other. The sun was so bright and warm and it made the game all the more fun. + +Soon enough, they got tired and decided to take a break. They sat down on the grass and talked, sharing stories and laughing until the sun set. Little Lucy had a really wonderful time in her backyard. +Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was Alex. One day, Alex was playing in the park. He wanted to discover something new. Suddenly he saw a shiny thing lying on the ground. He went over to have a closer look. It was a knife. + +Alex felt scared and he was guilty. He thought that maybe he had done something wrong. He didn't know what to do so he ran away and told his Mommy. + +His Mommy understood how Alex was feeling. She took the knife away from him and told him that it was ok. She said that he had done the right thing by telling her about it. + +Alex was relieved and his Mommy promised to keep him safe. From that day on, he always remembered to be careful and careful about the things he found. +Once upon a time, there was a baby who loved to explore and taste things. The baby didn't know the dangers of tasting things he shouldn't. One day, the baby saw a big, open door. He felt so curious and he wanted to know what was inside. He stepped inside and saw something sweet looking. He tasted it without questioning if it was safe. + +The baby tasted something bitter, which made him spit it out. He felt a pain in his mouth and started coughing. His mom rushed to help him and saw what caused the problem – it was a bottle of poison that was nearby. The baby was feeling sick, and so the mom quickly took him to the hospital. + +When the doctor examined the baby, he said that the baby may never be the same again. The poison had already done some damage and he may never be able to taste with the same pleasure ever again. + +The baby regretted his curiosity, and this story serves as a warning to all children – be careful what you taste, even if it might seem sweet and open! +One sunny day, Jean and her mom were walking down the street. Jean saw a little jazz player playing a delicate tune. + +"Mommy, can I listen to the jazz?" Jean asked. + +"Yes, of course," her mom replied. + +The little jazz player played so beautifully that Jean didn't want to leave. + +After a while, Jean's mom said, "It's time to take a bath, Jean. Let's go home." + +So Jean and her mom started walking home. When they got there, Jean jumped into the tub and played in the bubbles while her mom filled it with warm water. + +After Jean had bathed, she felt so refreshed. She thanked her mom and ran off to play. +The family went to the beach one day. The sand was soft and smooth under their feet. The sun was bright and the waves were crashing to the shore. When they got to the beach, the father demanded that the children stay close to him. The children agreed and ran out to the beach. + +While the children played, the father noticed a strange texture in the sand. He bent down and felt it with his hands. It was rough and packed tightly together. He was curious and asked the children to come closer to him. + +The mother noticed what the father was doing and began to feel the strange texture too. They both looked up to find that the sand had taken the shape of a giant turtle! Startled and excited, the father scooped up the children one by one and carried them over to the giant turtle. They all stood, amazed at the giant creature that was before them. The smooth, soft sand was now rough and packed together to form the giant turtle. + +The children clapped and cheered in joy while the parents looked proudly at the impressive creation they had discovered. All of them knew that this wouldn't be the last time they found something special at the beach. +One day, a young boy wanted to go outside and play. He saw a big tree with lots of leaves. He thought it would be fun to climb the tree. The boy was very nosy - he wanted to explore the top of the tree. + +He started to climb. First, he went up one branch. Then he went up another. He kept going for a long time. He kept on reaching for the next branch higher up. + +When the little boy finally reached the top of the tree, he saw a bird's nest! He was so excited. He was happy he had been nosy and brave enough to climb the tree. He stood there for a while, admiring the nest. + +Finally, the little boy climbed back down the tree. He felt happy and excited to have climbed so high! +Once upon a time, there was a very silly boy who loved to joke. Every day, he would go for a walk and he would look for something to joke about. + +One day, he saw something hidden behind a big structure. He could not see what it was, so he went in for a closer look. When he got closer, he saw something funny. It was a giant clown! It had big red shoes, a funny hat and big yellow buttons. + +The boy instantly laughed out loud and started pretending to do a clown dance. Soon after, he was doing circus tricks and laughing the whole time. He had never seen such a funny thing before. + +He was so happy that he decided to joke about it all day long. Soon, he was so funny that everyone around him was laughing along. He even made the giant clown laugh too! + +The boy was so proud that he had found a hidden joke and was able to use it to make everyone around him laugh. +Once upon a time there was a little girl who wanted to be big and strong. She wanted to do things that big girls do, like completing her own chores. Her mum said, “Being fair is important - it’s best if you can do your own work.†+ +So the little girl tried hard to complete her chores. She gave the floor a good scrub and made sure every tap in the house sparkled. + +When she was done, she looked proudly at her work and smiled. “I completed all the chores!†she said. + +Mum was very proud of her. “That was a fair effort,†she said. “I’m glad you did all those chores so well. You’re a big girl now!†+ +The little girl was overjoyed and ran off to play with her friends, feeling proud of what she could complete. +Sam was a three year old boy. He had a shiny new coat that he liked to wear. One day, his mom came over and said, "Let's put on your coat, Sam!" Sam and his mom put on Sam's coat. Then they went outside and walked around the block. + +Every day, Sam and his mom would repeat this same thing. Every time, Sam put on his coat and they would take a walk around the block. Sam was very happy to do this because it was fun to wear his coat and his mom was so helpful and nice. + +One day, Sam noticed that the coat was too small for him. His mom said, "It looks like we have to buy you a bigger coat, Sam!" Then Sam got a bigger coat. It fit him better and he was very happy. Sam and his mom repeated the same thing: put on the coat, take a walk around the block. And Sam was always thankful for his mom's helpfulness. +Once upon a time, there lived a brave little boy called Luke. The biggest thing he ever dared to do was going on an adventure to a far away place. So one day, Luke set off all alone with nothing but a big smile, his tooth and a lot of courage. + +On his journey, Luke encountered lots of unknown things. He wasn’t scared though – he bravely kept walking and tried everything he didn’t know. Luke crossed a river and found a friendly fox who wanted to join the adventure, and the two new friends kept exploring all the unknown things. + +After a while, they stumbled upon a dark cave filled with shiny things. And there, Luke found the most wonderful surprise of all – a real-life dragon! The dragon was very friendly, and since it had a toothache, Luke offered his own tooth to help. The dragon was so grateful that it gave Luke some of the shiny things in the cave as a thank you present. + +And that’s how little brave Luke came home with lots of amazing things – all thanks to his daring adventure into the unknown! +Once upon a time, there were two friends walking through the forest. One day, they came across a big mud puddle. The first friend thought it would be a great idea to splash in it and have fun. The second one thought it was a bad idea, but they still decided to have some fun. + +The first friend had a creative idea. She said, "Let's make a surprise with the mud!" The second friend liked the idea and they both started to make the mud surprise. They worked really hard and made a really cool mud surprise. + +When they finished, they showed the surprise to each other. The first friend was really excited and shouted, "Surprise!" The second one was so amazed by the surprise they had made. + +The moral of the story is that if you are creative, you can make amazing surprises! +Once there was a little seal named Sal. Sal wanted to learn how to swim, so he decided to ask an older seal to teach him. + +"Please, can you teach me how to swim?" Sal asked. + +The older seal said, "Yes, I can teach you. Follow me." + +Sal followed the older seal and watched carefully as the older seal showed him how to move his body in the water. Sal tried his best to imitate the older seal. + +The other seals started to get jealous. They said, "Look, Sal is learning so fast! We wish we could learn like him." + +When the other seals saw how quickly Sal was learning, they decided to try harder so that they could learn as well. + +In the end, Sal was a great swimmer and the other seals were happy. They were so proud of how much Sal had learned. +Once upon a time, there was a mouse named Bob who had a very naughty habit. Every day, Bob would choose to take a nap in the warmest spot in the house. One day, Bob decided to explore the kitchen, where he found so many delicious choices. As he surveyed the room, he noticed a piece of cheese on the counter that looked like it would make a perfect spot to lay down. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Bob chose the cheese and scurried away to enjoy a warm nap. + +When he returned to the kitchen, Bob was surprised to find a human standing in the corner, tapping their foot. "What have you been up to, Bob?" said the human sternly. Bob gulped, sheepishly pointing to the piece of cheese. Relieved, the human laughed and said, "Am I ever glad you chose cheese today! The kitchen floor was a naughty spot for a mouse to take a nap." +Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Lucy. She lived in a small town near a swamp. + +One day, Lucy decided to explore the swamp. She walked through the tall grass, taking in all the sights, but she didn't realize how deep into the swamp she was going. + +Eventually, she found herself stuck in the middle of the swamp. She was very scared and didn't know what to do. + +Suddenly, she spotted a big, fuzzy creature. She tried to move closer to get a better look, but the creature told her to "Stay!" in a deep, gruff voice. + +She paused and looked around. The creature seemed ignorant to the fact that she was getting tired and scared, so she said "Please, can I stay with you until I find my way out of the swamp?" + +The creature stared at her for a moment before nodding. With a sigh of relief, Lucy sank down beside it and they stayed together until she was able to find her way back home. +Alice and her family were wealthy. They had just moved to the countryside to a beautiful house beside a pond. On their first day there, Alice's dad set up a swing in the back garden so Alice could play and enjoy the fresh air. + +Alice loved the swing. She flew high in the air as she pumped her legs back and forth. As she flew by, she could see the pond glistening in the sunshine and the ducks swimming around. + +Alice loved to swing and play in the garden every day. Sometimes, she would wait for the ducks to float close by and then she would say hello by waving her hands in the air. The ducks seemed to like her and they quacked back. + +Alice was very happy in her new home. Of all the things she liked, swinging in the garden was her favourite. +Once, there were two friends named John and Ella. John and Ella went to the woods together. They were looking for something special. Suddenly, they saw a candle. It was lit and it lit up the woods. They were so excited! They wanted to take the candle home. + +John touched the candle and it went out. He said that it would be okay, so the two friends continued to go forward. They came to a sour lake. The lake was too sour and they couldn't go past it. They were both disappointed and didn't know what to do. + +Suddenly, John noticed that the candle had a hole in it. He realized that the candle wasn't just an ordinary candle. He wanted to find out what was inside, so he opened the candle. Inside was a big, black spider. The spider was so big and so sour that it scared both John and Ella. They quickly ran away and never came back to the woods again. +Once there was a young girl named Lucy. She was a silly girl who liked to do silly things, like put bandages on her little brother's head. One time, she thought it would be funny to put one up in the air and pretend it was a really big monster. Her brother, Jack, lay down, closed his eyes and told her he was scared. Lucy laughed and then, pretending the bandage was a scary monster, she said it was going to eat him. Jack screamed and ran away. + +The next day Lucy and Jack played together again. This time, Jack sat down and said "Let's pretend I am a brave knight who can defeat any monster". Lucy laughed and said "Ok, then how about this bandage?" Jack didn't want to play because he was still scared from the day before. But Lucy promised him nothing bad would happen, so Jack reluctantly said yes. + +Lucy then put the bandage on the ground, and then, pretending it was a monster, she started running around saying it was going to catch him. Jack ran and ran. But then, Lucy shouted that he was safe, because the monster was lying down on the bandage. Jack opened his eyes and saw the bandage lying on the ground. He smiled and he and Lucy laughed together. + +The lesson was: no matter how silly the situation may seem, it could always pay off in the end. +Once upon a time, there was a big, bad ghost. He was mean and scary and no one could manage him. He used to haunt the neighbourhood and make all the children sad. + +One day, a brave little girl stepped up. She was so brave that she wasn't afraid of the ghost. She marched up to him and told him he had to stop scaring everyone. + +The ghost was still bad, so the girl had to be extra clever. She told him if he didn't stop, she'd have to call a big monster to come and eat him up! + +The ghost shook in fear and said he'd do as she asked. From then on, the ghost was nice and everyone was happy again. The brave little girl had managed to make the ghost good again! +Once upon a time, there were two animals, a bluebird and a squirrel. Both of them were friends who wanted to play together. The bluebird flew around a tree and the squirrel ran around it. + +The squirrel saw a hole in the tree. "Look at the big hole!" he said. The bluebird was very nervous because she was scared of the hole. + +The squirrel said, "Don't worry, bluebird. Let's unite by flying around it together. Then, you can see that it won't hurt you." + +The bluebird listened to the squirrel and smiled. She joined the squirrel and they flew around the hole together. Then, the bluebird was no longer nervous. After that, they continued to have lots of fun together. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tiny. He was only three years old and he loved to explore outside. + +One day, Tiny went for a walk in the garden. He saw a lot of interesting things, like beetles and bugs. He even saw a caterpillar! But then something made him stop. + +The sky was dark and it started to rain. Tiny was a bit troubled, because he would miss his walk. He started to walk back home, but then he noticed something strange. + +On the ground, there was a dead insect. Tiny knelt down to take a closer look. It was a beautiful beetle, with red wings and black stripes. Tiny was sad that this insect had died. + +But then he smiled. He was glad that he had noticed this tiny creature while he was on his walk. He said goodbye to the little beetle and went back home. +John and his mum were walking through town one day when they saw something amazing. It was a big building with lots of windows, and it was very pretty. + +"What is it?" asked John, intrigued. + +"I think it's a kind of factory," said Mum. + +They both went closer to the factory and John could hear the sound of machines whirring and people talking. When they went inside, there were lots of machines, robots and workers. Mum and John found lots of fun things to look at and were very excited. + +After they had finished exploring the factory, they chose a nice spot and ate their picnic lunch. The day was so much fun! + +On their way home, they decided to take a different route, and John was so happy when they suddenly found a little stream with colourful fish swimming in it. He thought it was very pretty. + +He and Mum stayed and watched the fish in the stream until it was time to go home. It was the best day ever! +Once upon a time, there was a tiny bird. The bird wanted to do something special, so it began to soar. Flapping its wings, the bird thought of all the places it could reach. The more it flew, the more the bird dared to reach higher heights. + +Soon enough, the bird was so high up that it could see a diamond. It seemed like the diamond was so far away, but the bird's determination made it go further and higher. When the bird finally reached the diamond, it was very modest. The diamond wasn't huge, but it was special to the bird. + +Overcome with joy, the bird went back home with the diamond. From that day on, the bird spent much of its time soaring around the sky, dreaming of finding yet another diamond. +Once upon a time there lived a polite little girl named Lucy. Every day Lucy played in her garden, in the sun and the rain. But one day a hurricane came and carried Lucy away! + +Lucy was so scared. She screamed and screamed until the wind blew her away to a strange new place. It was so dark and scary that Lucy was sure she would never find her way home again. + +Then, to Lucy's surprise, a kind old woman knocked on her door and said she would help her find her way home. The woman was so kind and polite that Lucy immediately trusted her. + +The old woman and Lucy went on a long journey and eventually Lucy found her way home. But the old woman was nowhere to be seen. + +The moral of the story is that you shouldn't always trust strangers. Even if they seem polite and kind, they could still be dangerous. Always be careful and avoid talking to people you don't know. +Once upon a time there was a boy named Bob. Bob was three years old, and he was always curious. One day Bob wanted to go explore his house. As he walked about he saw something very special in his bedroom. It was a charming clothes cupboard. + +Bob opened the cupboard, and saw so many colourful clothes inside! He wanted to try some on. He put on a red shirt, some yellow shoes and a big blue hat. + +Just then, his mum came into the room. Seeing Bob in his new outfit, she said: "Bob, you look so funny! But don't forget, it is time to sleep now." + +Bob thought for a minute, and then he said: "Mummy, I think you are right. Maybe I can wear my lovely clothes tomorrow, if I am a good boy and sleep well tonight." + +So Bob said goodbye to his clothes and went to bed. + +The moral of this story is that it's important to take time for yourself, but there is also a time to put your needs aside and listen to your parents. Sleeping is important, and it will make you feel more energized and ready to explore the next day. +Johnny was hungry and he wanted something to eat. He asked his mom for a dish. His mom smiled and said, "Yes". She went to the kitchen and ordered him a dish. + +When it arrived, Johnny was delighted. It was a thick soup. He stirred the soup and took a sip. The thick soup was delicious and he slurped it up. + +He wanted more. He quickly asked his mom for a second dish. His mom smiled and said, "Yes". + +She went to the kitchen and ordered him a thick sandwich. Johnny eagerly took it. He bit into it and enjoyed every bite. + +Johnny was happy and full. He thanked his mom for the yummy dishes and then happily went off to play. +Once there was a mule named Jack. He was very colorful and liked to have fun. He liked to go on adventures and make new friends. One day, Jack decided he wanted to explore the mountains. He asked his friends if they wanted to go with him, but they all recommended he not go alone. + +But Jack was determined, so he set off without any of his friends. As he was exploring, he came across a big lake. He decided it would be fun to take a swim, so he waded into the lake. Unfortunately, there was a big storm coming and the lake was getting more and more dangerous. + +Jack tried to get out of the lake but the water was too strong and he couldn't make it. Jack was in trouble. He called out for help, but nobody was able to save him. Soon enough, he was swept away and never seen again. + +The moral of this story is to always listen to your friends and family. If they recommend that you do something a different way, then it's probably for the best. +Once there was a girl named Joan. One day Joan was playing outside in her garden when she saw a big white fluffy cloud. She was so excited and ran outside so she could kick it. + +Joan started kicking the cloud but it didn't move. She kicked harder and harder but still the cloud wouldn't move. She even tried jumping and kicking but still nothing happened. + +Joan started to feel embarrassed because her friends were watching her and laughing. Just then Joan remembered something her mom had once said to her, "Clouds can't be kicked because they are only made of air". All at once Joan understood, and the cloud stayed in the sky. +once upon a time, a mommy and her little girl were off to a special celebration! + +The little girl was so excited to go. She was wearing her fanciest dress and brand new shoes. As they started their journey, the little girl noticed a big plane in the sky. Mommy told her it was one of the planes they were going to ride to the celebration. + +When they finally arrived, the little girl saw lots of people who were so happy and cheerful. She also saw a big stage and lots of decorations. She knew it was going to be the best celebration ever! + +The little girl had so much fun playing games and singing songs with her friends. But when it was time for daddy to perform his music, the little girl thought he was a bit too bossy. She didn’t understand why he had to be so loud and demanding, but in the end, she was happy with his performance. + +The celebration was a night to remember! The little girl couldn’t wait to go back and fly on the plane again. +Once upon a time, there were four friends. Their names were Joy, Jake, Lucy and Myles. They all liked to play together, but today the group had a very special plan. They were going to go on an adventure! + +The kids put on their warm clothes and headed outside. There was a black fence around the garden, and the group decided to try and climb it. + +Myles went first. He grabbed the top of the fence and zipped over it. The others cheered and gave him a high five. + +Next, Jake climbed the fence. He grabbed it and zipped over in no time. The others cheered again and they all ran inside the garden. + +They ran around the garden, exploring and pretending to be explorers. They turned everything they found into an adventure. Finally the four friends zipped back over the fence when their adventure was done, and they all headed back home. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Amber who lived in the forest. Amber was so excited to explore the world that one day she ventured outside the forest to find something special. + +As she walked, Amber stumbled upon a big structure made of twigs and stones. She was so curious that she knelt down to touch it. + +“My, this structure looks so fine,†Amber said in amazement. + +Suddenly, she heard a voice behind her. “What are you doing here? Why are you collecting all these things?†Amber spun around and saw an old man, smiling. + +“I’m collecting all these things to make a home for the birds,†Amber said. + +“That’s a very nice thing to do!†The old man exclaimed. “You have very good ideas!†+ +Amber smiled and thanked him. She continued to collect and build the structure until it was finished. When she was done, she stepped back with pride to admire her work. + +“Look, my structure looks very fine,†Amber exclaimed with a smile. + +The old man stepped forward and looked at the structure. “Yes, indeed! It looks very nice!†+ +Amber was so pleased with her work and vowed to come back again very soon to check on her structure. She said goodbye to +Once upon a time there was a little boy named Henry. He wanted to grow a cane, so he asked his mom for help. + +"Mommy, I want to grow a cane," said Henry. + +"That's a very nice idea, Henry!" said his mom with a big smile. "Let's go find some soil and a big pot from the store, and then we can get started." + +So Henry and his mom went to the store and got the supplies. Henry filled the pot with soil and then put a small piece of cane in the soil. Then, he watered it every day and watched as it began to grow. Soon, it was taller than Henry and was looking very strong. + +Henry was so proud of his cane. He named it "Little Cane" because it had been so little when it first started growing. Every day, Henry would take Little Cane for a walk around the garden, showing it off to all his friends. + +Henry was always so proud of Little Cane. The two of them became the very best of friends. +The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. Alex was outside playing in his backyard. He found an old chimney that he had never seen before! + +"Look, Mommy!" he yelled, pointing at the chimney. + +His mother came to join him. "What is that, Alex?" she asked. + +"It's a chimney!" Alex said. + +"It's very old and looks pretty cheap," she said, examining it. "Let's see if we can clean it up and make something useful out of it." + +Alex was excited! He couldn't wait to get to work. He got some soap and started scrubbing the chimney. After a few minutes of hard work, the chimney was looking much better. + +Alex was proud of his work and he began to yell for joy. His mother smiled and gave him a big hug. + +"You did a very good job," she said. "I am proud of you!" +Once upon a time, there was a girl who had a very special pet. His name was Loopy and he was a very interesting loop! He loved to play when the sun was shining, and he loved to go for walks with the girl. + +One day, Loopy and the girl were walking out together when they saw something they didn't like. It was a very harsh noise coming from the sky. Loopy and the girl disagreed with the sound and tried to figure out how to make it go away. + +They tried making a big loop together and that seemed to do the trick. The harsh noise disappeared and they were both very happy! Loopy and the girl celebrated by playing together in the warm sunshine. They were forever thankful that their loop had made the problem go away! +Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was three years old and lived in the countryside. One day, a hurricane came and scared her. She became very anxious. She was worried about what would happen to her house and her family. + +So she decided to step outside to look. When she stepped out of her house, she noticed that the trees were blowing fiercely and the rain was pouring down. + +The little girl was scared, so she stepped back inside her house. She then noticed that some of the trees close to her house had fallen down and she became even more anxious. She wanted to help, but she was too small. + +So, the little girl decided to stay in her house with her family. She helped to make sure all the doors and windows were closed and secured. She kept stepping around the house, checking to make sure everything was okay. + +Once the storm had passed, the little girl stepped outside to see what had happened. She realized that her house was okay and that her family was safe. She was very relieved. + +The little girl had conquered her fear and she knew that everything was going to be okay. +Sam loved to explore the garden. He was excited to find all sorts of friendly critters and help them. He was playing a game with his friends today. + +As he walked under the big tree, he noticed something sparkling in its roots. "What is this?", Sam asked. + +His friend, Amy, told him that it was a spirit. "Can it help us?" Sam asked, looking at it curiously. + +Amy said that it was known to provide aid to those in need. Sam thought it looked very playful and decided to ask it to help them. + +He said hi to the spirit. It blinked in response. Sam asked if it would help them with their game and the spirit bobbed its head. + +Soon they were having the best game ever! Thanks to the spirit, they had lots of fun and Sam couldn't be happier. +Mommy was in the kitchen, cooking. She would take things out of the cupboards and refrigerator and put them in the pot. She added some water and put it all on the stove. The table was set with forks and spoons. + +Mommy said to her three-year-old, "Come on! It is almost ready to eat." The little girl got very anxious. She was excited but scared. She was not sure if she would like it. + +Finally, the food was ready. Mommy put it on the table in three big dishes. She asked the little girl, "Do you want a taste?" The little girl was still anxious, but slowly nodded her head yes. Mommy put a spoonful of food on her plate. + +The little girl took a bite, and her eyes lit up. It was so delicious! She said, "Yum!" Mommy smiled and hugged her. She knew that cooking was a way to make her daughter happy. +Once upon a time, there was a blind, deaf girl named Maria. She wanted to learn how to bake, so she asked her mom to show her. + +Maria: "Mom, can you teach me to bake?" + +Mom: "Sure! Let's start!" + +So, Maria and her mom began to bake bread. But then, Maria's mom noticed that the kitchen was too noisy. She wanted to listen carefully to her instructions, so she asked Maria to take some thread and tie it around her ears to make her deaf. Then, the baking could continue! + +Maria followed her mom's instructions and tied the thread around her ears. Her mom was teaching her how to knead the dough when suddenly, the string tied too tight and she lost her hearing. Maria was deaf now! + +She could not hear her mom's instructions anymore and the bread she was baking was ruined. + +The moral of this story is that you should always follow instructions carefully. If you are too careless, you may end up with a bad result. +Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Jill. They were very excited to go to the theater. +When Jack and Jill arrived, they saw lots of yummy popcorn and candy. They both got some popcorn and candy and quickly ate them up. + +When they finished, they went inside the theater and picked their seats. They were so excited to watch the movie! They watched the movie for a few hours and when it ended they both said it was a great movie. + +After the movie, they said their goodbye and Jack closed the theater door. Jack and Jill went home happy with a smile on their faces. They had had a yummy and fun day at the theater. +Once upon a time there was a fairy who liked to wander. She would fly about the woods and look for fun places to explore. She enjoyed being outside and discovering new things. + +One day, she decided to go on a big adventure. She started to wander around, and didn't stop until she came to a unique spot. The fairy noticed a deep, dark cave. She wanted to explore what was inside, and it felt like an exciting challenge. + +The fairy slowly crept in, not knowing what was inside. The further she went, the more scared she was. When she eventually reached the end, she was surprised to see that there was a special treasure inside the cave! + +The fairy was so excited. She couldn't believe her luck! She had found something truly unique. She quickly grabbed the special item and ran back out of the cave and into the open air. + +The fairy was so happy. She had gone on a big adventure and found something special. She took one last look at the cave and thought about what a wonderful day it had been. +Once upon a time, there was a tiny bug who lived in a cozy house under a thick fence. +Every day, the bug would crawl around looking for food. But the fence was so thick, the bug could not see past it. + +One day, while crawling around, the bug heard someone calling its name. +The bug got excited and started to look around. It crawled to the fence, but still couldn't see what was on the other side. + +The bug kept crawling, and eventually found a hole in the fence. Joyfully, the bug crawled through the hole. When it got out, it saw its best friend, the frog. + +The bug and the frog spent the day playing together. They were so happy to be together, and the bug thanked the hole in the fence for bringing them together. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. His name was Tommy. Tommy loved to write with his pen. One day, Tommy wanted to write about something really exciting. He thought of dinosaurs. He imagined a big one, with lots of spikes and a long tail. + +Tommy wanted to draw the dinosaur, so he got some paper and started to colour. He tried to make the dinosaur big and strong, but he couldn't quite get the tail right. Suddenly, the dinosaur started to smell- it was smelly like something rotten. + +Tommy was surprised. He decided to draw something else. He wrote about being kind to people instead. He chose to show care and respect to others, instead of being smelly himself. + +By being kind, Tommy showed that he was a good person. What he wrote was the best thing he could do. He taught the lesson that being kind is better than being smelly. That is the moral of Tommy's story! +John had a new leather ball. It was yellow and so pretty that he just had to show it off. + +"Mommy look what I have!" John said and held up his ball. + +Mommy smiled and said "That's a beautiful ball John! Where did you get it?" + +John said, "I put it in my toy box." + +Mommy laughed and said, "Let's go put it in the backyard so we can play with it together". + +So they did. John held it in his hands and skipped over to the backyard. He put his yellow leather ball on the ground and Mommy said, "Let's have some fun!" + +They took turns with the ball. It was so much fun that they forgot about dinner. It was the best day ever. +Today, Max wanted to choose something special. He asked his Mom where he should go. She said, “Let’s go to the big mall!†+ +Max and his Mom drove to the large mall. They parked their car and went inside. There were lots of stores. Max was so excited to choose something. He looked around, but he couldn’t decide what to get. + +His Mom suggested that they go to a toy store. Max really liked the idea. When they got to the store, Max saw many cool toys. He wanted them all! He asked, “Mommy, how am I going to choose?†+ +His Mom explained, “You can pick only one. Look carefully, and choose the one you like the best.†Max looked around and thought for a minute, and then he chose a blue car. He was very happy with his choice! +John had a dish which he thought was very useful. He liked it a lot and used it all the time. But one day, John couldn't find his dish. He had looked everywhere, but it was gone. + +John was very worried. He knew that he needed his dish. Then, he realized what had happened - his brother had taken the dish and moved it to his room! + +John was angry and he moved quickly to get his dish back. He ran into his brother's room and he saw the dish in the corner. He grabbed it and ran out of the room. + +John was very relieved - he realized that his dish was still useful after all. He put it back in its place and from then on, he was careful to make sure that it never moved again. +Once upon a time, there was a happy family who lived in a cozy house. Every morning, Mommy and Daddy would whisper something to each other. The family had a secret that nobody knew about. + +One day, the little boy decided to go for a walk in the woods near his house. He saw many different kinds of berries on the trees. Some were red, some were blue, and some were purple. The little boy looked closely and he noticed that some berries seemed to be very healthy and yummy. + +The little boy thought the berries looked delicious and he wanted to bring some home to his family. He filled his pockets with as many healthy, juicy berries as he could find. His family was so surprised when he brought the berries home. + +Once the family had finished the berries, Mommy and Daddy revealed the secret that they had been whispering about. They said, "We are going on a holiday to a place where these thought to be very healthy and yummy berries were growing all over the place!" + +The family was so excited and the little boy was thrilled to be able to go on an adventure with his family. They all set off to explore the wonderful place and discover the healthy berries that made for a delicious treat. +Once there was a naughty frog. He belonged to a boy named Joe. Joe loved his frog very much and always made sure it had everything it needed. But Joe's frog was naughty. One day it hopped away. Joe was very sad and didn't know where to look. + +The naughty frog hopped far away until it came to a pond. There were many other frogs living there but none of them were as naughty as Joe's frog. The naughty frog was very happy in the pond and started to play. + +Suddenly, Joe appeared! Joe had been looking everywhere for his naughty frog. He saw the pond and was sure that his frog must have gone there. Joe was very pleased to find his frog and happily took him home. From then on, Joe and his naughty frog were very happy together. +Once upon a time there were two friends, Jeff and Jack. Jeff was a tall, strong boy and Jack was a small, skinny boy. + +One day when Jeff and Jack were playing in the park, Jack noticed a squirrel. He said to Jeff, "Look, this squirrel is so cute. Can we keep it?" Jeff replied, "No! That's too cheap! We can't lie and keep it." + +Jack said, "But maybe if we try to make it cozy it may not want to leave." Jeff smiled and said, "Well, let's give it a try!" + +So they did their best to make the squirrel a cozy home. They put some leaves, twigs and nuts inside a box and the squirrel seemed to be very happy. + +Jeff turned to Jack and said, "See, it worked! Now we have a new furry friend." + +Jack smiled, "Let's take good care of it and we'll have lots of fun!" + +The two friends and their new furry friend enjoyed many days of fun and play in the park. They were the best of friends. +Once upon a time there was an old man with gray hair. He was walking down the street when he saw a sign that said "haircut". He was in need of a new look so he decided to go in. + +The old man asked the barber for a haircut. The barber smiled and said, "Sure thing. Get up in this chair and we'll get started." + +The barber started cutting the old man's hair. He pushed it around and cut off the gray hairs. The old man was feeling a bit nervous, so after the first few snippets, he asked the barber "Are you sure you know what you are doing?" + +The barber replied, "Of course I do! Just wait and see - you'll be looking better than ever soon enough." + +After a few more pushes of the scissors and a bit more snipping, the old man's haircut was finished. He looked in the mirror and smiled. It was exactly what he'd asked for! He thanked the barber and said goodbye. The old man was feeling quite happy as he walked away with his new haircut. +Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Timmy. He was a happy boy, but he was not feeling well. He had hurt his arm. + +So, Timmy and his mommy went to a special place. It was a place with special people who knew how to heal. They helped Timmy feel better. + +The people touched Timmy's arm very gently. It felt smooth, like silk. Then they put some cream on his arm. It felt cool and made it better. + +Finally, Timmy's arm was healed. He was so happy and smiled from ear to ear. So Timmy and his mommy went home. He felt much better! +Mia and her friend Billy were playing in the park. Mia jumped onto the big gray rug on the ground. + +Billy came over to her and said, "That's my rug! You have to get off!" + +Mia looked at him and said, "No, I don't. This rug is mine!" She crossed her arms and started to stare at Billy. + +Billy felt scared. He could feel the anger in Mia's eyes. He didn't know what to do. He took a deep breath and said, "Mia, come on. You don't want to fight with me. We can share the rug." + +Mia thought about it. She looked at the rug and then back at Billy. She couldn't help but smile. "OK, we can share it," she said. + +Billy and Mia hugged each other. They smiled and started playing together on the gray rug. +Bob was an impatient man. He always wanted success. He always thought success would make him happy. + +One day, Bob was walking in the park with his little daughter, Jane. Jane was 3 years old. She asked her dad, “Daddy, what do you want?†+ +“I want success,†said Bob. + +“What’s success?†asked Jane. + +“Success is when you do good things and you can feel proud of yourself,†said Bob. + +Jane smiled and said, “I want success too!†+ +“Then you have to be patient,†said Bob. “Success doesn’t come easy. You have to work hard to get it.†+ +Jane frowned and said, “I don’t want to be patient. I want success now!†+ +Bob smiled and said, “I know. But if you’re patient and work hard, then you will get the success you want.†+ +Jane smiled and said, “Okay, I will be patient. I want success!†+Tom was a very enthusiastic repairman. He fixed a lot of things around his house and he especially liked fixing broken toys. One day, Tom noticed an old chamber in the corner of his house that needed to be repaired. With a smile on his face, Tom got to work. He looked all around, collecting the Screws and washers he’d need to do the job. He thought it would be fun to make the chamber look like new again. After carefully working for a few hours, Tom was finally done. He took a step back to admire his work and smiled with satisfaction. The chamber now looked brand new and Tom was excited to show it off to his friends. +Grandma was visiting her grandkids, Tommy and Jane. She had brought them a surprise. + +Grandma said hello and gave Tommy and Jane a hug. Then she showed them the surprise; a thick mattress. + +Tommy said "Wow, what is it for?" + +Grandma laughed and said it was for him and Jane to sleep on. She told them to carry it upstairs together. + +"Let's try it out!" said Jane. She and Tommy jumped up and down on the mattress and found it was very comfortable. They felt so happy that Grandma had given them the mattress. + +The mattress was so thick and cozy; the kids loved it. They hugged Grandma and thanked her for the surprise. +One day, there was a puppy called Jack. He was very excited because he found a big bone! He was so happy that he just ran off with it. + +But then he stopped and he saw his friend, a silly cat called Jane. Jane looked at the bone and she frowned. She said it wasn't a good idea for Jack to take the bone. + +Jack thought about it, then he decided to be foolish. He picked up the bone and he ran away with it again! But then a big bad dog appeared and he started to run after Jack! + +Jack was scared, so he dropped the bone and ran away as fast as he could. The bad dog grabbed the bone and then ran away. + +Jack was sad, but he learned a lesson. He learned never to be foolish again! +Once upon a time there was a bunny. It was a very happy bunny and it liked to hop. Every day, it hopped around in the grass. Today was special because the grass was so green and the sky was very blue. + +The bunny hopped and hopped and it got very high in the sky. It was having so much fun! The bunny hopped and hopped until it got very tired, then it lay down in the green grass. + +The bunny felt so happy and content today. The sun was shining and it was so nice and warm. It hopped around the grass, looking for something special. After it had hopped for a while, it found something very special. It was an extra big flower and it was very green! The bunny felt so happy. + +The bunny hopped around with the big green flower and it enjoyed it very much. Then, it hopped back to the safe patch of grass and fell asleep in the soft, warm sunshine. +Once, there was a group of friends. They were very unique. Each one had special things that were their own. + +One day, they were having fun playing together. Suddenly, something called to them. It sounded different than anything they had ever heard. + +They went to see what it was. It was a different kind of creature. Its voice was so loud and magical! + +The friends were scared. They didn't know what to do. The unique creature kept calling out to them. + +The friends huddled together. They decided they should answer the creature. They wanted to find out what it wanted. + +So, the brave friends answered. They said hello to the creature. The creature smiled and waved. It said it had been calling for them. It wanted them to come and play. + +The friends were happy. They all hugged and cheered. The unique creature had brought them all together and now they were having fun. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Millie. She loved animals, so one day she went on an exciting adventure to the jungle. As Millie arrived, she was amazed to see lots of animals she'd never seen before. She saw big elephants, naughty monkeys and huge snakes! + +Millie wanted to meet all of the animals, so she introduced herself to them. She first said hello to a big smelly elephant, who smiled at her and waved his trunk. Then she said hello to the naughty monkeys, who jumped around and laughed. Finally, she met the huge snakes, who curled around her and gave her a big cuddle. + +Millie had a wonderful time in the jungle and made lots of new friends. She even found out that smelly animals are the best fun! She had an absolute blast, and she can't wait to go back and introduce herself to more animals. +One day, a little boy named Joe was feeling brave. He wanted to show his bravery, so he decided to go to the office. When he got there, he saw a lot of people inside talking. Joe was a bit fearful, but he stayed brave and walked in. + +One of the people saw Joe and clapped their hands. Everyone else thought it was a great idea, so they started to applaud too. Joe felt special and happy, so he smiled and waved. + +Everyone in the office was so pleased to see Joe that they clapped even louder. Joe felt so proud that it made him forget he was a bit frightened. He knew that he was brave and that made him happy. +Jimmy had been playing quietly in his room while Mommy was busy in her office. Suddenly, he heard the phone ring. Without thinking, he ran to his Mommy and jumped up to sit on her lap. His Mommy picked up the phone and talked to someone on the other end. After the call was done, she patted Jimmy's head and told him they were going on an adventure. + +Jimmy was so excited! He couldn't wait to find out what the adventure was. He quickly put on his shoes and called for his Mommy to hurry. When they got outside, Jimmy saw a fire truck blazing down the street. Its siren was ringing and it was going so fast! Jimmy knew this was the adventure. + +His Mommy explained that the firefighters had been called to a fire and asked Jimmy if he wanted to help them. He didn't hesitate and started to climb on the fire truck. His Mommy put him in a special seat and made sure he was strapped in and ready. + +Jimmy could feel the speed of the fire truck as it rushed to the burning house. He couldn't believe he was on a real adventure, and he was so happy that he was ready to help the firefighters. +Sue was very excited when she woke up. She saw a huge box on the floor. She couldn't believe her eyes! She asked her mom what it was. Mom said she had to sign the box before Sue could open it. + +Confused and very curious, Sue asked what signing meant. Mom told Sue that signing meant leaving her mark on a piece of paper. Sue was very proud of herself and jumped up and down. She made a big smile and signed the box. + +When she opened the box, Sue was even more amazed! It was full of waffles! Big and small, square and round, they were everywhere! It was a huge surprise! She smiled and hugged her mom and thanked her. With amazement and joy, she ate them all up until they were finished! +Once there was a jolly little girl named Clara. She lived in a small town with her mommy and daddy. Clara was three years old, and already she loved learning new things. + +One day, while out with her mommy, Clara found a dictionary poking out of the trash can. She was so excited! She had always wanted to learn what all the funny words meant, so she asked her mommy if she could keep it. Her mommy said yes, so Clara brought it home. + +That evening Clara opened the dictionary to the first page. She was amazed at how many different words were inside. She read as many as she could. She admired the words, and the special meanings behind them. + +The next day Clara’s mommy found her hiding under the kitchen table, reading her dictionary. Clara felt so proud that she had found it. Whenever Clara was feeling down, she’d read her dictionary and it would put her in a jolly mood. + +Clara and her dictionary became the best of friends, and she loved learning new things. Every day she’d explore the pages of her dictionary, admiring each and every word she found. +Once upon a time, there was a girl called Amy. She had to go to school every day. One day she was late, so she had to run. + +On her way, she saw a stranger. It was an angry stranger. Amy was scared and wanted to go away. But the stranger said she must delay. + +So she stayed and the stranger asked Amy lots of questions. It made her feel frightened, because she didn't know why the stranger was so angry. She couldn't remember the answers to the questions! + +But after a while, the stranger said she could go, and she quickly ran away. She was very happy to be back at school and she never forgot the angry stranger. +Once upon a time, there was an artist named Joe. He had a mission to create something wonderful. One day, Joe started to paint. He chose bright colors and drew a beautiful rainbow. + +When he had finished, he heard a tiny voice next to him. It was a little girl named Lucy. +"What is that?" she asked. +Joe smiled and said, "It's a message I have created. It's a message of hope and joy." + +Lucy grinned. "It's really sweet," she said. +Joe nodded and laughed. "Yes, it is sweet. You can keep it if you like. It's a token of my appreciation." + +Lucy was so happy she hugged Joe tightly. Joe was so touched that he smiled and hugged her back. They both enjoyed the moment of togetherness and it was a moment they would always remember. +Once upon a time there was a grumpy bear. He was very unhappy and never smiled. One day he had a nightmare. It was so scary that it made him break his bed. He was so upset that he decided to take a walk. He went for a walk in the forest and he started to feel much better! He looked up at the trees and he saw some cute birds singing. He forgot all about his nightmare and he smiled. He was no longer grumpy and he had a lot of fun in the forest. +Once upon a time there was a little boy. He wanted to collect things he liked. So he went on an adventure. He liked mountains. He ran to one and started to collect rocks. He was careful so he didn’t go too close to the edge. But he was too close and he started to slip. He was falling off the mountain! He was very scared and said “Sorry!†+He closed his eyes tight, expecting to hit the ground. But then he felt something soft! He opened his eyes and saw a big fluffy cloud had caught him! He was so happy he jumped up and down. The cloud flew him back up to the top of the mountain. He said “Thank you!†and the cloud said “You’re welcome!†+ +He was very careful after that and slowly collected lots of rocks. He was so happy when he finished. He said goodbye to the mountain and the cloud and went home. He was so sorry to leave. He had had a wonderful adventure. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Joe. Joe was very brave and loved to rush around and explore. One day he decided to rush up a tall hill to see what he could find. + +At the top of the hill, Joe was amazed to see a big, smelly helicopter. He was so excited that he rushed straight up to the helicopter to take a closer look. Suddenly, the propeller of the helicopter started to spin and the helicopter started to fly. + +Joe was terrified and shouted for help, but nobody was there to hear him. He sadly watched as the helicopter flew away. + +The moral of Joe's story is to never rush into something dangerous, especially if you are by yourself. Always keep a safe distance away and look for help! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy who was very restless. Everywhere he went, he was always on the move, never sitting still. + +One day, on his way to play, he noticed a funny thing on the ground. It was a zipper. He reached out, picked it up and held it in his hand. The boy was so excited and he couldn’t wait to show his mom. + +He ran home, yelling and shouting for mom. His mom ran out the door, smiling and laughing and asking, “What did you find?†+ +The boy proudly showed her the zipper. “Mom, can we spend it?†He asked. + +Mom smiled and said, “Let’s see what we can do with it.†+ +The boy held his zipper tightly as they went off on their adventure. They spent hours playing with it, zipping and unzipping, and having so much fun. + +The boy went to bed that night, happy and content, and vowed to keep his zipper close to him forever. +Once upon a time, there was a dependable man named Joe. Joe had a special job that made him very happy. Every morning, Joe would disappear to do his job. + +One day, Joe went to work as usual, but something strange happened; he vanished! His co-workers were puzzled as they couldn't find him. + +Suddenly, a little girl of 3 years old stepped forward. She said, "I know where Joe is… he's playing in the garden". + +The crowd was astonished and was desperate to know how she knew this. The little girl simply smiled and said, "I saw it with my own eyes". + +The co-workers cheered and sure enough, Joe was found playing in the garden. He had slipped away for a little break, just like he did every day. + +Joe was very grateful to the little girl and thanked her for her dependable help. From that day forward, they were good friends. +Once upon a time, there was a mom and her three year old son. He was a curious boy and always wanted to explore and find out more. One day, his mom told him he had to do something before he could do what he wanted. She said he had to be ready first. + +He was disappointed but he did as he was told. He put on his shoes, brushed his teeth and got ready. But the mom didn't seem satisfied and she frowned. "You have to do something else," she said. + +The little boy was confused. He didn't know what else he could do. So he asked his mom. She said, "you must be prepared to face hot." He still didn't understand. He was starting to get scared. + +His mom explained that if he didn't do what she said, then he would be punished. She told him that he would feel hot if he didn't listen. He started to feel a little bit scared, but he still didn't understand what she meant. + +But then at last, his mom explained that if he was ready, and he followed all of her instructions, then he wouldn't have to face the hot punishment. + +The little boy was so relieved - he had been so afraid of the punishment that he hadn't understood. He promised his mom he would always be ready from then on. + +And from that day on, he was always +Once upon a time there was a dad and a baby. One day, they decided to go on a picnic. Dad carried a basket filled with food and the baby had some toys to play with. + +They found a nice spot in the grass and settled down. Dad spread out a blanket and took out their lunch. He pulled out a bottle of deep red wine and filled two glasses. The baby thought it looked yummy and asked for some. Dad said sorry, this wine is just for grownups. + +The baby wanted to play in the grass, so Dad set him down and told him not to wander too far. Dad then enjoyed the wine in the sunshine. Later on, the baby had settled down with his toys. He was so happy and content. Dad finished the wine and let out a satisfied burp. Then they packed everything up and went home. +Once there was a happy little girl named Sophie. She loved to sing out loud and share her joy with everyone. + +One day she was walking in the park and she found a pretty frame lying in the grass. It looked old and a bit battered, but Sophie thought it was wonderful. The frame was thin and light, so she could easily carry it with her. + +Sophie ran into her friends, and she showed them the frame. The children all gasped in amazement and exclaimed, “Wow, what a beautiful find!" + +Sophie smiled and started to sing. The frame acted as a perfect microphone for her and amplified her sweet, gentle voice. Her friends smiled and their eyes lit up. As Sophie sang, the frame seemed to dance with her, and it was a beautiful sight to behold! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Katy. She wanted to plant a garden, so she went outside. But the ground was very hard and Katy had trouble pushing her garden spade into the soil. Feeling terrible, she decided to give up and sat down to rest. Suddenly, a kind wind blew, carrying with it a sunflower seed. The seed lingered and Katy got an idea. She refused to give up and planted the seed. + +Every day Katy watered the seed with love and care. Before long, it grew into a tall and beautiful sunflower. Katy was so happy and proud of herself. + +But then one day, a terrible storm came. Wind and rain destroyed her sunflower. Katy was very sad. She felt like giving up again. But then the kind wind blew again, carrying with it another sunflower seed. Katy refused to give up and planted the seed once more. + +And just like before, her sunflower grew and blossomed. She learned a valuable lesson - she will never give up no matter what. +Frank and Bonnie were brother and sister and they were playing in the garden. Suddenly Frank said, "Let's race each other around the garden!" Bonnie smiled and they sprinted off. + +Frank was running fast and Bonnie was trying her best to catch up. He looked back and saw her calm face and short tail behind him. + +Frank stopped and Bonnie was almost to him. She was very surprised to see him stop and he said, " I know you don't have as long of a tail as I do, so let's just get to the garden together." Bonnie was very grateful for his sweet gesture and they ran hand in hand towards the garden. + +Frank reached the end first, but he was still very happy for Bonnie and said, "You did so well! I'm very proud of you." + +Bonnie smiled and was so grateful for her brother's kind words. She said, "Thank you, Frank. Let's always race together!" + +Frank nodded and they hugged. Together, they went to find their parents to tell them about their race. +Tommy was a young boy who had a special job. He worked in a factory which made cheap things. + +One day when Tommy was working, he heard a loud noise and saw a strike outside. He watched as workers shouted and banged their drums. + +Tommy's manager approached him. "You must be careful, Tommy," he said. "Those strikers might do something dangerous. We must keep the factory safe." + +Tommy nodded. He knew he should be careful, but he was also curious to find out what the strikers wanted. + +His curiosity paid off. Days later, a unionized agreement was reached, and the wages at the factory went up. Tommy was proud to be a part of the solution. + +Tommy had learned a valuable lesson that day: being brave and standing up for what's right can have positive results. From then on, he always remembered the strike, and the lessons he learned. +Once upon a time, there was a hairy creature. It decided to go on an adventure to see what it could see. It went far and wide, until it came across a strange sign. It couldn't read the sign, but there was something about it that made the hairy creature feel scared. It crept closer, until it was only inches away from the sign. Suddenly, the sign starting talking. It said, "You must go away from here. This is not a place for you to stay". The creature was so scared, it ran away as fast as it could. But it totally forgot to look where it was going, and it ran straight into a deep, dark hole. It never returned. The end. +Once there was a little girl named Sarah. She was an adorable, three-year-old with big blue eyes and a wide smile. + +One day, Sarah decided to go on an adventure. She put on her bright blue shoes and zoomed out the door. + +While she was zooming around, Sarah ran into a field of flowers. She stopped and saw a gold bucket sitting on the ground. + +"What can I do with this bucket?" Sarah said out loud. + +Just then, a little bird flew down and perched on Sarah's shoulder. + +"FILL the bucket with flowers," chirped the bird. + +Sarah quickly filled the bucket with beautiful flowers. She zoomed around for a little bit more, admiring all the different colors of the flowers. + +Eventually Sarah filled the bucket so much that she couldn’t carry it anymore. She hugged the little bird goodbye and went back home with her adorable, flower-filled bucket. +Once upon a time there was a wealthy bear. He had a big office with lots of toys. He was very happy and loved to play all day long. + +One day, the office was hot. The bear felt the heat and noticed that some of his toys were melting. He became very sad and scared, he wanted to know what caused it. + +He opened the window and saw the sun, it was shining very brightly. He knew that the sun was melting his playthings and he wanted to stop it. + +The wealthy bear left his office and went outside, suddenly he found a great solution. He took a big umbrella and opened it above his office. It blocked out the sun and kept his toys safe. + +The bear smiled, he was very happy. From that day forward, his office was cool and he never had to worry about his playthings melting again! +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Emily. She liked to organize her room everyday and make it look nice. + +One day, Emily was organizing her clothes. She put her shirts on a special hanger. She hung her pants on another one. As she was organizing, she started to hurry. She wanted to be done as fast as she could. + +So she decided to grab all of her shirts in one hand, and all her pants in the other. She tried to hang everything on hangers, but the clothes kept falling to the floor. + +Then she remembered something her mom always said to her: "If you want to do something right, you need to take your time." Emily smiled and went back to organizing her clothes. She took her time and made sure that each hanger was perfect. + +By the end of the day, Emily's room was organized and nice. She was so proud of herself, and she knew that from now on, she would always remember to take her time. +One day there was a little girl who wanted to take a bath. She ran and turned on the water in the tub. The water was warm and inviting. + +The little girl started to get in the tub but she stopped. She touched her hair and she noticed that it was very messy. She didn't want to take a bath until her hair was clean. + +So the girl went to find a brush and started to brush her hair. The more she brushed the more it became clean. The little girl felt so happy now that her hair was clean. + +She got back in the tub and enjoyed the warm water as it caressed her body. She felt so light and clean, just like her hair. The little girl was very happy and content. +Once upon a time, there was a furry girl. She loved to explore and find jewels. One day, she saw a very special jewel in front of a cave. She wanted to pick it up, but she was not sure if it was safe. She asked a friendly bear if it was okay to take it. The bear slowly nodded its head. So, the girl took the jewel and ran away, back to her home. + +After she put the jewel away safely, she thanked the bear for its help. She looked through the window and saw the bear was still there. She smiled and waved goodbye. The bear waved back and nodded with a smile. + +The girl was very happy to have her special jewel and the bear’s help. She vowed to keep her new jewel as a reminder of her adventure. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a regular thing. It was a big, yellow ball that liked to do things. Every day it did something different. Sometimes it rolled down a hill, sometimes it went for a swim, and sometimes it even flew in the sky! + +One day the thing saw a regular tree. It wanted to do something, so it climbed up the tree. It was so much fun, the thing decided to stay there. + +The thing enjoyed playing in the tree all day. It climbed the branches, sang songs, and made friends. But when the sun started setting, it had to go home. + +So the thing said goodbye to its new friends, and went on its way. It rolled and swam and flew through the sky until it was back home again. + +From then on, the regular thing made sure to do new things every day! +Once upon a time there was a huge ice pond. Mary was a brave girl and she wanted to feel the ice, so she slowly walked to the pond. Suddenly, she hear a huge noise. She was scared and said, "What is that noise?". + +Father looked strangely at her and said, "honey, that is the sound of a big wind, it is ok." Mary nodded and felt happy then. + +She slowly took her shoes off and put her feet on the ice. It felt so cold and Mary felt like she was in a big world. She said, "It feels so nice!". + +Father smiled and said, "Why don't you try to walk on the ice?". Mary happily did that, she carefully stepped on the ice and began walking. She felt so happy and it felt like she was flying on top of the cold ice. + +Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. It was father, he said, "Time to stop now". Mary stopped and reluctantly put her feet back in her shoes. She waved goodbye to the huge ice pond and slowly walked away. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Daisy. She was very eager to ring her favourite bell. The bell was very special to Daisy and one of her best friends. + +One day, Daisy was very surprised when she heard the bell ringing. She thought it was coming from her friend’s house and got excited. She quickly ran over to her friend’s house excitedly. + +When Daisy got there, she was very surprised to see that it wasn't her friend who made the bell ring. It was her friend's little brother who was eagerly trying to eat a big salad. Daisy was very cross and scolded him for ringing the bell without asking. + +The little boy was very sorry and asked Daisy if he could still keep the bell. He promised he wouldn't ring it again. Daisy was very happy to see the little boy being so sorry and gave him the bell. + +The little boy promised to take extra care of the bell and thanked Daisy for forgiving him. From then on, the little boy always showed respect and listened whenever Daisy wanted something. +Once there was a small girl named Sarah. Sarah was three years old. One day, Sarah found a big purple leather ball. She was so excited and held it close to her heart. +Suddenly the ball began to weep. It made Sarah very sad and confused. She searched for the source of the tears, but there was none. Sarah tried to hug the ball to make it feel better. +She soon realized that the tears were coming from the leather. Every time Sarah touched it with her hands, the ball would cry. She wiped the tears with her finger and hugged the ball tight. +Sarah wanted to keep the leather ball forever so that it would never weep again. She smiled and the leather ball stopped crying. Sarah was happy and smiled with purple lips. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Joy. She was always so happy and always had a smile on her face. But one day, she got sad. + +"Mommy, why am I so sad?" she asked. + +"It's OK," her mommy said, "Everyone gets sad sometimes. That's why it's important to have friends and family that can help you when you're feeling down." + +Then her mommy gave her a special name. "From now on, I'm going to call you Happy Sunshine, because you always make the world brighter," she said. + +Joy was so happy. She smiled and waved to her mommy. + +From that day on, whenever Joy felt sad, she always remembered her new name. "Happy Sunshine," she said, and it brought a smile back to her face. No matter what happened, she always remembered who she was. +Once upon a time, there was a smart boy. His mom told him he should always be kind and share with his friends. But one day, the boy was naughty. He was mean to his friends and did not want to share. + +His mom was very mad and she said, "No! You must be kind and share!" The boy did not listen and his mom had to punish him. + +She said, "You must stay inside for the whole day!" The boy was so sad, he wanted to play in the sun. + +But as he looked outside, he saw a big storm coming. The sky was dark and there was thunder. Lightning flashed in the sky and the boy was scared. + +He was glad he was inside and safe with his mom. He knew it was good that mom had punished him, it kept him safe from the storm. +Once upon a time, there was a girl who liked to climb trees. She didn't have any friends so she liked to climb them all by herself. One day, she decided to start climbing a big tree. As she got higher and higher, she looked up and saw a big, strong branch. + +She smiled to herself and started reaching higher and higher to grab it. Finally, she was able to grab onto it, and with one more pull, she started to climb up. + +Once she got up to the branch, she was so happy. It was so strong and felt so good. She sat there for a while, just looking down and enjoying the view. + +Suddenly, she heard a voice. "Hi there, why don't you come join us?" + +The girl looked around and saw two other kids sitting on the branch. She was so surprised. + +"What are you doing up here?" The girl asked. + +"We're having a good time," they said. "Why don't you come and join us?" + +The girl smiled and started climbing towards them. Soon, the three of them were chatting and having a good time on the branch. + +And so, the girl made two new friends, all thanks to the big, strong branch. +Little Jack was very restless. He ran around the yard with a big basket in his arms, and it made him very happy. He loved carrying things around. He ran for a very long time, and the sun was high in the sky. + +After a while, the basket was feeling very hot, and it started to melt. Little Jack was so sad that he had melted his basket. He didn't know what to do. + +But then, Little Jack had a wonderful idea. He grabbed some flowers from the garden and he put them inside the basket. The flowers looked so pretty! He ran to the kitchen and got some glue. Then, he glued the flowers onto the basket. Now it looked like a new basket! Little Jack was so happy! + +From then on, Little Jack used his new basket to carry all his things around the yard. And despite being a little restless, he was always careful not to let the basket get too hot. +Once upon a time there was a boy who owned an otter. They were best friends and went everywhere together. + +One day, the boy and his otter were walking by a pond. They saw a beautiful fragile butterfly in the water and the boy thought it would be nice to have. + +The boy carefully scooped up the butterfly in his hands and asked his otter, "Can we keep the butterfly? We could put it in our house and take care of it". + +The otter said, "No, the butterfly is too fragile. It needs to be free and fly by the pond". The boy put the butterfly back into the pond and watched it fly away together with the otter. They both laughed and went on their way. +Once upon a time, there was an elderly man. He liked adventure and wanted to do something special. + +One day, he decided to organize a trip to a cave! He packed his things and got ready to go. + +He arrived at the cave and it was very dark and scary. But the elderly man was brave and he went inside! + +He explored the cave for hours. He saw lots of rocks and fossils. He was so excited to be in the cave! + +When he was done exploring, he organized all of his things and started to head home. He was so happy that he had gone on such a grand adventure! +Once upon a time there were two best friends, Jack and Jill. They loved to play in the garden together. One day, Jack saw a little bird in the grass. He called out to Jill and said, "Jill, look! There's a little bird!" + +Jill ran to Jack and said, "Let's feed it!" Jack agreed, so they hunted through the garden looking for something to feed the bird. Finally, they found some seeds. + +Jack picked up a few and said, "I think this will be easy for the little bird!" Both Jack and Jill could see the bird hopping around, and they knew it was hungry. Jack sprinkled the seeds onto the grass and the bird came to eat. + +They watched the bird eat and Jill said, "That bird must have a whole network of friends to help it find food!" Jack agreed, "It's amazing how easy it is to find food with the help of friends." They both smiled, content that they had done something nice for the little bird. + +As the bird finished the seeds, Jack said, "Let's do it again tomorrow!" Jill said, "Yes, let's!" +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Chris. He was three years old and he had a great deal of energy. + +One day, as Chris was playing in his backyard, it started to rain. He ran to the door and called out, "Mommy, why is it raining?" + +"It's raining because the clouds need to water the ground so that all the flowers and bushes can grow," his mother said. + +Chris was excited by this answer and soon the rain stopped. His mother said to him, "Let's put your wet laundry out on the line so the sweet sun can dry it." + +Chris ran out to the clothesline and helped his mom hang up his clothing. They spread out the clothing in the sunshine.As the sun dried the wet garments, Chris really enjoyed its sweet warmth. + +He listened to the birds chirping and looked at the colourful flowers that had grown in the rain. He knew that without the rain, the world would be a very different place. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Emily. She was only three years old. One day, Emily's mommy said to her, "Emily, let's go pick some sour apples!" + +Emily smiled excitedly and they both went outside. Emily's mommy showed her how to pick the sour apples on the tree. She said, "Look at the apple. Does it look sour enough? If you think it's sour, then pick it!" + + Emily tried hard and she was so proud when she picked her first sour apple. "Mommy! I did it! I can number them all myself," she said with a smile. + +Emily started counting out loud the number of apples she picked. "One, two, three," she counted. Suddenly, a little bird came to visit them. He said, "Hey, what a good start you have there! I'll help you number them. You know I can count up to one hundred!" + +Emily was so excited to see the little bird and even more excited to count together with him. Together, they counted all the sour apples. In the end, Emily was so proud of her work. "Mommy, did you see how many I picked? I can number now!" + +The mommy smiled and said, "Yes, Emily. You picked a lot of sour apples and you even number them all. Well done!" +Once upon a time there was a graceful little girl. She loved to explore outdoors to find treasures. One day she went on a hunt in a nearby forest. While she was walking, she heard a distant sound of something crunching. She followed the sound and suddenly found a big cauliflower! She was so excited to find such a special treat and knew it would make a delicious snack. She grabbed it gently and almost skipped home with her discovery. She shared the cauliflower with her family and the crunchy treat was a hit! They all enjoyed their snack and the girl had a great time finding it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Emma. She loved to explore, and she enjoyed going on trips with her mom. + +One day, Emma and her mom went on a special trip to a purple castle. As they walked up to the gate, Emma stopped to gaze up at the tall towers of the castle. It was so grand and exciting! + +They went inside and Emma was amazed. Everywhere she looked, there was something wonderful and purple. They went down to the conference hall and even the walls were purple. Emma had never seen anything so beautiful. + +She kept gazing around at all the different things, until finally it was time to go home. Emma was sad to leave, but she couldn't wait to go back on another trip. +Once upon a time there was a mommy and a baby bunny. The mommy bunny loved her baby bunny very much and wanted to protect her always. + +So, every morning mommy bunny would wrap her strong arms around the baby bunny and hold her close. Mommy bunny's warm hug kept the baby bunny safe. + +The baby bunny was so tiny, she couldn't do many things on her own. But she had one special thing she could do – she could carry her bottle by herself. + +One day, when mommy bunny wasn't near, the baby bunny picked up her bottle and started to walk. But then she tripped and the bottle fell from her handle and broke. + +The baby bunny was very sad and started to cry. But then, mommy bunny came and saw what had happened. + +"It's okay, Baby Bunny," she said with a warm smile. "I'll protect you always, no matter what." + +And she scooped up the baby bunny and hugged her tightly. + +The baby bunny smiled and nuzzled up close. She knew she was safe in mommy bunny's arms! +Once upon a time there were two friends named Ben and Jax. They were walking through the woods when they spotted a distant lab. It shone in the sun, so they decided to take a closer look. + +When they got to the lab, they saw it was empty. They could see old machines and tables. Ben and Jax ventured inside and decided to explore the different rooms. + +Suddenly, they heard a noise. It sounded like someone was coming. So, they quickly hid and peeked out from behind a wall. They saw an old man holding a strange looking object. He was mumbling something to himself then he walked away. + +Ben and Jax were relieved that the old man had left and decided to take the strange object. They held it carefully and ran out of the lab. The boys were very excited, but they knew they had to put the mysterious object somewhere safe, so they buried it in a bush in the woods. + +Ben and Jax have never seen the object or the old man again. They still talk about their adventure, and fondly remember their distant discovery. +One day, Chrystal was walking down the street when she felt a big shake. It was an earthquake! She was scared and started to cry. + +Her kind mom saw what happened. She hugged Chrystal and said, “It’s ok sweetie. Let’s pick apples while we wait for the shaking to stop.†+ +Chrystal was happy, she always loved to pick apples. She smiled and they walked to the nearby apple tree. They picked lots of apples together and when they were done, the earthquake was over! + +Chrystal’s mom said, “See, the shaking is gone. Earthquakes aren’t so bad after all.†Chrystal agreed. She was happy that her kind mom was there for her. + +They waved goodbye to the apple tree and walked home with lots of apples in their arms. +One day, Mommy took a drive with her little girl, Sarah. Sarah loved to ride in the car and look out the window as they drove past all the houses and trees. As they went down the street, Mommy said, "Look, Sarah! That's a church up ahead. It's very big and looks very nice." + +They kept driving until Mommy said, "We're going to park now. Can you see the parking lot up ahead?" Sarah nodded and looked at the big, empty parking lot. + +After they parked, Mommy said, "Let's get out of the car and walk around the church. Maybe we can go inside and look around!" + +So they walked up to the big doors of the church. But when they tried to open the doors, they wouldn't budge. They were locked. Sarah started to feel sad. + +But then Mommy said, "You know what? Let's come back tomorrow and try again!" Sarah smiled. + +The next day, they drove back to the church, and this time they noticed something different. Next to the church was a small red car. Mommy said, "I bet that car belongs to someone very smart." + +Sure enough, when they walked to the church, the doors were open! Someone had left them unlocked for them to enter. Sarah was so excited that her Mommy was right, and she had figured out who was so smart +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Bella. She lived in an ordinary house with her mom and dad. One day she wanted to play with her ball downstairs, but her mom said that it was time to go upstairs. + +“Why do I have to go upstais?†asked Bella. + +“Because I said so," her mom replied. + +So Bella started to zip up the stairs. She ran and ran and eventually arrived at the top. + +Once there she felt something different. Something magical. She looked around, but couldn't see what it was. + +Her parents saw her looking up with her eyes wide open. + +“Someday you are going to fly†said her dad. + +Bella was confused. She didn't understand what he meant. + +It wasn’t until a few years later that she opened her dad's secret cupboard and she saw her first pair of wings. He had been preparing a special surprise for her all along! From that day on she always went upstairs to zip around with her wings. It was a magical secret that she shared with her parents but no one else. +Once upon a time, there was a rabbit named Harry. He was very small and orange in colour. + +Every day, Harry would set out to find food. Today, he was out looking for carrots. He hopped through the long grass and saw a big carrot in the distance. + +Excitedly, Harry hopped faster and soon he was in front of the carrot. He reached to take it but suddenly a loud voice stopped him. + +"What do you think you’re doing?" asked the voice. + +Harry looked up and saw a tall, grey rabbit looking at him. He was scared and started to tremble. + +"I-I was j-just trying to get a carrot," said Harry. + +The tall rabbit smiled. "You can take it," he said. "But don't quit looking for more! I'm sure you will find more carrots if you keep looking." + +So Harry thanked the rabbit and took the carrot. He hopped away and continued his search. After a while he found many orange carrots and he was very happy. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a really crazy girl. One day she wanted to cook something special. So she took an umbrella and started to cook. It was raining outside, but she didn't care, she was just cooking away. + +She cooked and cooked until the rain stopped. When she was done, she had made a yummy hot chocolate. She was really happy and excited. + +She drank her hot chocolate, hummed a happy tune and skipped away. Everyone around her knew she was really crazy and that she had cooked with an umbrella. But it didn't matter, because she was happy. +Once upon a time, there lived a little girl called Lucy. She was three years old, and went to the zoo with her parents often. One day, Lucy and her parents went to the zoo to see the animals. + +When they arrived, Lucy's eyes lit up. Everywhere she looked, she saw interesting things. The most interesting thing of all was when she saw a big, furry gorilla. + +Her parents asked her if she wanted to see the gorilla, but Lucy shook her head. She was a bit scared of the gorilla, so she decided to watch from far away instead. + +Lucy sat on the grass, watching the gorilla from a distance. She felt curious, but she also wanted to stay away from it. + +Her dad walked over to her and said, "Lucy, why don't you want to see the gorilla closer?" + +Lucy thought for a moment before finally responding, "Because I'm scared." + +Her dad smiled and said, "It's alright to be scared but it is important to value all creatures." + +Lucy nodded. She understood what her dad was saying, and was determined to find the courage to approach the gorilla. She slowly walked towards the enclosure and started to the gorilla. + +The gorilla looked at Lucy with interest, and she felt a warmth come over her. She felt less scared, and more like she appreciated the gorilla. + +The next time Lucy went to +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Emma. One day, she decided to go for a walk in the park. As Emma was walking, she saw a fake pigeon enter the park. Emma was so excited to see the pigeon because she had never seen one before. She raced over to take a look. + +Suddenly, Emma heard someone talking nearby. She looked around and saw a man standing close by. The man noticed Emma and asked her, "What do you think of my pigeon ?". Emma shyly replied, "It looks very real!". The man laughed and said, "It is fake. But I like it very much!" + +Emma thanked the man and waved goodbye. She had a nice walk in the park and she was glad to have seen the fake pigeon. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl, her name is Gina. One day, she asked her mom, "Can I have a drum?" Her mom smiled and said, "Yes, of course you can." + +So they went to the shop and bought a dependable drum. Gina was so excited to have the drum, she hugged it tight. She even talked to it, "Hi drum! I am so happy to have you." + +Gina always felt happy when she was playing the drum. Whenever she felt sad, she would just bang the drum and she always felt better. + +One day, Gina was feeling really sad. Her friends went home and she was feeling sad and alone. She wanted to pick up her drum, but she couldn't find it. She cried, "Mom, where is my drum?!". + +Her mom came in and hugged her, "Gina, drum is not what you should depend on to make you feel better. You should learn to depend on people, like your friends and family. People can take care of you better than a drum." + +Gina felt better after her mom's advice. Although she still loved her little drum, she knew that real happiness comes from people. +It was a warm spring day and Pete was excited to go outside and play. He was dreaming about winning a game with his friends. + +When Pete was outside, he saw Richie who was dressed very nicely. Richie had lots of money, so Pete thought he was much wealthier than he was. + +Pete challenged Richie to a game to win a prize. Richie was hesitant, but Pete kept encouraging him to play. + +Finally, Richie accepted the challenge and they started to play. Pete was sure he was going to win the game. + +But to Pete's surprise, Richie won the game! Pete couldn't believe it. Richie said, "I told you, I'm a wealthy guy and I know how to win!" and laughed. + +Pete was a bit disappointed he didn't win, but he was proud of Richie for winning the game. They continued to have fun and enjoy the warm spring day. +Once there was a wealthy boy. His name was Tom. Tom wanted something special. So he requested a blanket of stars. + +Tom's wish was granted and a giant blanket of stars flew down from the sky. But Tom was not satisfied. He wanted more. + +So he requested a tree full of oranges. Again, his wish was granted and the tree full of oranges appeared before him. + +Tom was so happy that he began to dance. He twirled and jumped until he accidentally fell down. + +Suddenly, a large bag of candy appeared next to Tom. He was so surprised! He had not asked for a bag of candy, but it was a nice surprise! + +Tom was very happy and he thanked the sky for giving him the gifts. The blanket of stars, the tree of oranges and the bag of candy were all his special presents. +Once there was a bee who was very busy. Every day it zoomed all around. It flew from flower to flower, from tree to tree, tirelessly. + +One day it saw a cap on the ground. It had never seen anything like it before. It was so curious. It zoomed over to the cap and landed on it. + +Surprisingly, the cap began to move. It was actually a car roaring and zooming away down the street. The bee was so excited! It followed the car as it zoomed around, going as fast as it could! + +The car stopped at the park. The bee landed on a flower petal and watched as the car drove away. What an adventure! After a while the busy bee flew away, but it never forgot the exciting day it zooming around the park with the car! +Once there was a fat cat named Fred. He lived with his owner, Mary. Every day Mary would feed Fred delicious food. Fred loved the food and would always meow for more. + +One day Mary was busy doing housework and she couldn't give Fred more food. Fred wasn't happy about this so he meowed and meowed. Eventually, Mary stopped what she was doing and asked Fred what he wanted. + +Fred meowed and requested more food. Mary laughed and said 'You can't have anymore, you are already too fat!' But she gave him a few extra treats anyway. + +Then, Fred curled up in his favorite spot in the sun and purred. He was content now that he had made his request and gotten some extra treats. +Jack was a 3 year old who really valued jazz. Every night when his mom put him to bed, she would play jazz on her record player while he dozed off. + +One day, Jack's mom took him to the store to pick out a present. He spotted a pink jazz record and immediately knew he wanted it. 'Mommy, can I have that one?' he asked, pointing eagerly at the record. His mom smiled and said yes. + +Jack was so excited as he opened up the record and began to play it. He loved it! For days he played it on repeat. + +But one day, when Jack went to look for his record, he couldn't find it. He asked mom where it was, but she didn't know. Jack was so sad. Someone had taken it and he couldn't get it back. + +Jack learned a valuable lesson - always value the things that are important to you! +Maggie was a nice little girl. Today, she wanted to go exploring. She put on her favorite dress and ran outside. As Maggie investigated the outside world, she heard a loud noise in the sky. She looked up and saw a strange flying machine with a pilot inside. Maggie smiled and waved at the pilot. The pilot smiled and waved back. Then, Maggie let out a loud, joyful scream. She was so excited! The pilot's friendly wave and Maggie's happy scream made the day very special. Maggie and the pilot shared a nice moment, and then the pilot flew away. Maggie watched the plane until it disappeared. Maggie had a great day thanks to the nice pilot. +Once there was a delicate butterfly. She loved to flutter around and enjoy the warm sunshine. +One day, the butterfly decided to wander further than ever before. +She flew high and swooped low, but eventually she came to a river. She had never seen anything like it before. + +The butterfly was determined to cross the river. She fluttered close to the edge and cautiously took one step. But oh no! When the butterfly touched the water, she starting to disappear. + +The butterfly quickly realised that she was too delicate to walk across the river. But it was too late. She had vanished! + +The moral of the story is that we all need to be careful. We must always think before we take a step, especially when we are in unknown or uncertain situations. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack. Jack loved going to the beach. He liked to see the original waves come in. One day, Jack wanted to do something special, so he decided to serve the waves. + +Jack gathered up some shells and put them in a bucket. He took the bucket down to the beach and waited for the waves. When the original waves came, Jack threw the shells into the water. The shells served the waves by making them shine and sparkle. + +Jack smiled as he watched the shells move with the waves. He felt proud that he had served the waves and made them look so special. Jack couldn't wait to go back to the beach and serve more waves. +Little Jamie loved to slide. He slid down the slide in the park every day. His mom smiled watching him going up and down. She said, "Jamie, you sure are fit!" + +One day a tall man came to the park. He had a weird box with him. The box had lots of small shiny things in it. Little Jamie asked, "Mommy, what's that man doing?" + +His mom looked at the man and said, "That's a barber, Jamie. He gives haircuts." Jamie thought for a moment and then asked, "What's a haircut?" + +His mom explained, "It's when the barber uses a razor to cut your hair." Little Jamie gasped. He said, "I don't want a razor near me!" His mom smiled and said, "It's okay, it won't hurt. In fact, I think you'd look very fit with a new haircut!" + +Little Jamie was scared of the razor, but he trusted his mom. He closed his eyes and let the barber do his work. When he opened his eyes he was surprised by how fit he looked. He smiled and said, "Mommy, can we go slide now?" + +His mom smiled and said, "Sure, let's go!" And they both went back to the slide, happy and fit. +James was a young boy who wanted to have a party. He asked his mom if he could invite his friends over and make cookies. Mom said yes and everyone was excited. + +James and his friends started to get the ingredients together, but they made a mistake. They put too much sugar in the dough and it tasted really sweet. + +James's stomach started to hurt and he felt really guilty. He knew he made a mistake but he didn't know how to fix it. + +Mom knew what to do. She put in some extra flour and milk to make it better. She also added nutmeg and cinnamon for flavor. + +James and his friends were so happy that the cookies were safe! They couldn't wait to try them, and when they did, they were delicious! Thanks to mom's cooking, their party was a success! +Once there was a bunny. He was very furry and loved to rub his fluffy fur against everything. All the animals in the forest noticed the bunny rubbing his fur and it made them all laugh. + +One day, a fox appeared in the forest. He was sneaky and sly and he noticed the bunny rubbing his fur. The fox thought it would be funny to rub the bunny's fur himself, but the bunny didn't like it at all. He ran away as fast as he could, but the fox kept chasing him. + +The furry bunny was no match for the fox, who was much too fast. He kept chasing the bunny and the bunny was tired after a while. He noticed a safe place and hopped into it. It was a small cave and the bunny was safe now. + +The fox kept trying to get into the cave but he couldn't find a way. The bunny stayed in the cave until the fox had gone away and he was very happy to be safe! +Once upon a time there was a great adventure. A brave knight was on his way to save a magical crystal. He wanted to protect the crystal from the bad monsters who wanted to break it. + +He rode on his horse until he could see the crystal in the distance, but it was in danger! The monsters were trying to smash the crystal into pieces. + +The knight was quick and brave. He jumped off his horse and ran straight towards the monsters. He fought and fought until he had scared the monsters away. + +The knight was very happy as he picked up the crystal. He hugged it close and went back to his horse. + +He rode away until he reached a safe place and the crystal was safe once more. Everyone cheered in great joy when they heard how the knight had saved the crystal. The knight held the crystal up in the air, and the sun shone brightly off the crystal. It was beautiful! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mia. She had a regular life; she would wake up early, have breakfast and go to school. + +At the end of the day, when Mia had to go to bed, sometimes she had a nightmare. One night, Mia had the most frightening nightmare of her life. She began to tremble in fear, and started to cry. + +Then, in the darkness of her room, her parents appeared. They hugged her and said, “It’s okay Mia, nightmares are just dreams, and they don’t have to scare you anymore. Just try to think of something nice and the nightmare will return to the darkness.†+ +Mia felt a bit braver and hugged her parents. Since then, every time Mia wakes up after a nightmare, she thinks of something nice and regular, which helps the nightmare go away. + +Moral of the story: There is always a way to get rid of your fears, even if it seems hard at first. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was very playful. She loved to laugh and run around. One day, she was playing outside with her friends and she scraped her knee. It hurt a lot! She started to cry. + +Her mom saw what had happened and ran to help. She knew just the trick - she gave the little girl a pill. The pill made the little girl feel better and soon the crying stopped. + +Now the little girl was all better, the pill had worked its magic and the pain was gone. She was feeling very happy and became very playful again. Her friends were happy to see her happy again. + +The little girl was so grateful for her mom and her magical pill. From that day forward, she was careful when she was playing and she never wanted to be hurt again. + +The end. +Henry was feeling embarrassed when his mum put his big, new boots on. They were so big! He felt like a giant. He liked that his boots were fierce, they were a big, deep red and had little studs all over them. But he still felt embarrassed wearing them around all his friends. + +They laughed and pointed at him when he went to school in his new fierce boots. He was worried that he might trip and fall, or that people might laugh when he tried to run in them. But after a while, he started to forget about how embarrassed he was, and he loved that he had the biggest and best boots in the playground. + +In time, Henry started to feel proud of his fierce boots and soon his friends wanted a pair just like him. He felt like the king of the playground. +Thomas was an intelligent little boy who wanted to meet new people. Every day he would go outside and urge people to talk to him. One day, he met a friendly rabbit who wanted to play. The rabbit showed Thomas how to hop around the garden like a bunny. Thomas was so excited that he could barely contain his joy. + +Eventually, Thomas and the bunny became best friends and they met each day to play together. They would hop around, chase each other and laugh for hours. Thomas was the happiest he'd ever been and the rabbit seemed to understand him like no one else. + +One day Thomas was sad and the rabbit gave him a big hug. He realised that it was OK to be sad sometimes and that friends could help him through it. Thomas was so thankful to have met the intelligent and loving bunny. They stayed friends forever. +Once there was a very famous nature picker. Every day he would go out into nature and pick all the best things. He would pick flowers, leaves, and twigs. He would pick bugs and rocks too. He would even pick the littlest things that nobody else noticed. + +He liked to pick so much that he became very well known. Everyone in the village knew him as the famous nature picker. He was so famous that people came from all around to meet him. + +One day a small three year old child came up to him. He asked him to show him how to pick. The famous nature picker smiled and started picking with the little one. They picked together for a long time, discovering new things each time. + +The little boy was so happy to be picking with the famous nature picker. In the end, he learned a lot and made some wonderful memories. From then on, he picked every day in nature with the famous picker. +Once upon a time there was an old cell. It was very kind and lived in the middle of a beautiful field of flowers. Every day it would play with its friends and never grow tired. +One day, the cell saw a strange creature who wanted to make it shrink. The cell was scared and didn't want to shrink, so it tried to run away. But no matter how hard it tried, the cell kept shrinking. +Soon the cell was so small it could fit in the palm of its friends’ hands. But they were kind and kept it safe. +The small cell thanked its friends and went on more adventures knowing it was still kind and still safe. +It had learned that even when things change, kindness stays the same. +Once upon a time, there was a fancy couch. It was so big and comfy that everyone wanted to be on it. +One day, a little boy named Jim saw the couch and he wanted to be on it. He ran to the couch and jumped on it. He was so happy to be on it. +He laid back and felt so relaxed on the fancy couch. He smiled and said, "This is the best!" +The next day, Jim jumped on the couch again. He smiled and said, "I love this fancy couch!" +He stayed on the couch for a long time and he was so happy. +Jim and the fancy couch were the best of friends. The end. +Once, there was a wild cat. It was pink and very fluffy. The cat loved to explore. One day, it started to run around. It ran so fast that it tripped over a brick. The cat scrunched its nose and started to meow. Suddenly, it heard a noise. It was a tiny mouse scurrying along the brick wall! The cat's eyes grew wide and it began to purr. The mouse stopped and looked at the cat. The cat and the mouse started to play together. The mouse hopped off and ran along the wall. The cat ran after it, meowing. They ran and played until the sun went down. The cat and the mouse said goodbye and the cat went home. The cat looked back and waved at the mouse. What a wild adventure! +Once upon a time there was a mysterious fish. He wanted to find out if he would fit inside a cave. So the fish went to a big cave nearby. As the fish entered the cave, it became darker and darker. Suddenly, the mysterious fish was afraid. He was so small and the cave was so big! Would he fit? + +The fish slowly swam deeper and deeper into the cave. He was relieved to find out that he could fit! He had lots of space to move around. The mysterious fish swam happily around and explored the cave. He even found some new friends along the way, who were also small and fit inside the cave too. + +At the end of the day, the mysterious fish went back home with a smile on his face. He could fit and have fun in the big cave! +The fountain was big and shiny. One day, three children went to the fountain. They wanted to sort out their own toys. + +The oldest sibling was very independent. She picked up all her toys and put them in a neat pile. + +The next oldest was not as independent. He needed some help from his older sister. She showed him how to sort his toys into different piles. + +The youngest sibling was the youngest and he didn't know how to sort his toys. But the older two were very patient with him. They helped him put all his toys into different piles. + +When they were done sorting, they all felt happy. They had fun sorting all their toys together. +Once there was a little girl named Pat. She was very tiny, but she had a big heart. One night, Pat was feeling sad, so she lay down in her bed and began to hope. She hoped and hoped until, suddenly, a beautiful angel appeared in the room. + +The angel had wings and a gentle voice. She said to Pat, "I heard your hope. I am here to make you smile again." Pat was very happy to see the angel and they became fast friends. + +The angel told Pat stories and helped her to see the good things in her life. Pat stopped feeling so sad and started feeling more hopeful. + +The angel also taught Pat about being polite and not being rude to others. Pat was so pleased to learn this lesson. She started being kinder to her family, friends and neighbours. + +Pat and the angel remained great friends. Every time Pat felt sad, she knew the angel would be there to help her hope. +Once there was a little girl who was always very alert. She was always on the lookout for new things to do. + +One day, she decided she wanted a spoon. She started looking around the house and finally found one in the kitchen. + +It was a teaspoon! She was so excited and wanted to do something special with it. + +So she went outside and found some dirt, some grass and some stones. She put all these things in a pile and put the teaspoon on top. + +This pile was her special pile. She made sure to include something special every day, like a flower or a leaf. + +Every afternoon, she would put on her alert hat, pick up the teaspoon and explore the pile. She was always having so much fun! +Once upon a time, two best friends were in the park. The first friend was chubby and he really wanted a bicycle. The second friend told him that if he was nice, he would promise him a bicycle. + +The chubby friend was so excited, he smiled and went to play with all his friends. He played catch and he ran around the park. + +A few weeks later, the second friend was able to get a bicycle and kept his promise! He gave it to the chubby friend who was so excited. He hopped on and started to ride it around the park. All of his friends were so surprised and they all cheered. + +The chubby friend was so happy he had a bicycle. He thanked his best friend and enjoyed riding around the park. + +And they all lived happily ever after. +Once there was a naughty kitten. She liked to run and play all day. One day, the kitten got lost and couldn't find her way back home. She started to follow a butterfly, thinking it would lead her back. But instead, it flew away into the sky! + +She followed a trail of ants, but they were just playing too. Then she noticed a tiny mouse. The mouse was scurrying along and the kitten thought it might lead her home. So, she followed the mouse. + +The kitten followed the mouse up a hill and over a field, around trees and through bushes. Suddenly, they arrived at the kitten's house! The kitten was so happy and ran straight inside. She never wanted to get lost again! +Once upon a time, there was an old farmer. He planted lots of wheat in the fields around his house. Every day, he watched the wheat grow. He was very happy. + +The wheat grew and grew until it was tall and strong. When the wheat was ready, the old farmer harvested it and made bread. But when he tasted the bread, he was surprised. It was very bitter! + +The old farmer was confused, so he looked and looked for the answer. He studied the wheat and discovered that there were tiny bugs on it. He knew that the bugs were making the bread taste so bad. + +The old farmer had to find a way to get rid of the bugs. He wrote to his friend and asked for help. His friend gave him a special potion, and the farmer sprayed it on his wheat. + +And it worked! The bugs went away and the wheat was happy and healthy again. The old farmer baked his bread and it tasted sweet and delicious. Everyone in the village was so happy! +Once there was a little girl named Max. Max loved to mix things together. She would get all sorts of things like soup, paint and cereal and mix them all together to see what new things she could make. + +Max loved playing with her shower. She would turn the hot and cold knobs and the water would mix together to make different temperatures. She would stand in the water and have fun trying to make the perfect mix. + +Max’s mom said she was a strong girl for playing with the shower. It was sometimes tricky to get the mix of hot and cold water just right, but Max never gave up. + +Eventually, Max got so strong at mixing different temperatures of water, she could turn on the shower and get the perfect mix all by herself! +Once upon a time, there was a helpful little girl. She had a special glove that her mommy had given her. The glove was very soft and comfortable. + +The little girl was very happy to have the glove because it kept her warm and cozy! Every day she wore it when she went outside to play. + +One day, she went out to play as usual, but she forgot to put on her glove. The little girl started to panic and felt very cold without the glove. + +But then, her mommy appeared and said that she had found it! The little girl was so happy because she knew her glove remained safe and sound. + +The little girl promised to be more careful and never forget to put on her glove again. From that day onward, the little girl stayed warm and stayed safe with her helpful glove. +Once there was a man who was very tired. He went to the shed and looked around. There in the corner was a big machine. The man looked at the machine, and he sighed. He was very tired, but he knew he had to use the machine. He read the instructions, and he started the machine. He worked so hard that he was soon even more tired. But he kept going until he had finished. He looked at the machine with pride, and he sighed again. He had worked hard, but now it was done. +Once upon a time there was a big box. Inside the box was the most beautiful play. It was so shiny, and it had all the happy colors of the rainbow. The little girl wanted to test it, so she took it outside. + +The day was dry, with not a cloud in the sky. The little girl put the play in the sunshine and tested it. She watched as the sun made all the colors twinkle. It was the prettiest thing she had ever seen! + +The little girl couldn't wait to play with her shiny play. She clapped her hands and laughed with glee. She spun and twirled and tapped the play in the sunshine. As she was playing, a big bird came along and watched her happily. + +The little girl and the big bird played in the sunshine together, and when it was time for them to go, the big bird gave her a special present. It was a tiny little rock, and it sparkled in the sunlight just like the play did! The little girl was so happy and ran to show her parents back at home. + +And they all lived happily ever after. The End. +Once there was a new girl. She liked to dance. Every day she would go out and find a open space to dance. One day, she was dancing and she noticed something shiny on her foot. She stopped dancing and removed her shoe to see what it was. It was a brand new shiny penny! She was so excited, she started to dance again. She picked up the penny and kept on dancing, twirling and spinning. It was so much fun! She felt so happy. She danced until it was time to go home. The penny now became her favourite lucky charm and she kept it with her always. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was so excited because today he was going to the restaurant with his family. He hopped into the car and they sped away. When they arrived at the restaurant, it looked so disgusting! The windows were filthy and the stairs were crooked. The boy's mom said they were not going to stay. So they got back in the car and sped off. + +The boy was sad but his mom had an idea. She drove them very fast to a much nicer restaurant. This one had bright windows and neat stairs. The boy was so excited and they all had a great time! +John was a three year old boy who had just moved into a new house. He stood in his bedroom and gazed out of the window. He was a bit frightened because he was so far away from his family and friends. + +Suddenly, he heard the creaking of the door. He was really scared now. What was coming in? He held his breath, not daring to look. + +But then he heard a gentle "meow". Looking up, he saw a small, white kitten looking up at him. John smiled and felt a lot better. He picked up the kitten, put it on his lap and gave it a cuddle. + +The two of them sat on the bed, gazing out of the window. John felt happy and safe with his new furry friend. Together they watched the sun set and the stars come out. +John was a strong boy. He loved to play outside. He had a box of bricks with him. One day he saw his friend Max. Max had a toy car. + +John wanted to play with Max. He asked if he could borrow the car. Max said no. He teasingly said he had to give John something else. + +John was sad but then Max gave him a brick from his box. John was so excited! He built a tower with the brick. It reached all the way to the sky. He was so happy and strong. + +Max was impressed by John's tower. John was happy to share his brick and show Max how strong he was. They both had fun playing together. +One day, Bobby went to school and had a surprise assignment. He was asked to solve a difficult puzzle. He was a bit worried at first, but he wanted to get a high score. + +He worked hard and thought carefully. He tried different combinations to figure out the answer. He kept trying until he found the correct solution. + +When Bobby was finished, he looked at his score. He was delighted to see a high score. He was so excited that he jumped up and down! His teacher was also very proud of him. + +Bobby went home with a big smile. He was really proud of himself for being able to solve the puzzle. He couldn't wait to tell his family all about it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She liked to pretend. One day she pretended that she had the biggest factory in the world. +The factory was a fair place. Inside it was full of all sorts of fun things. +The girl pretended that she made all the toys. She reorganized the wheelbarrows, skipped around the toy trains, and stepped over the teddy bears. +She even made sure to whistle a happy tune and give a friendly wave to everyone she met. +In the end, the girl was very proud that she had created the biggest and fairest factory in the world, all thanks to her ability to pretend. +Once upon a time there was a fat cross. The cross was very dirty and needed to be cleaned. So, a helpful boy with a bucket of soapy water and a big sponge went to work cleaning the cross. He scrubbed and scrubbed until the cross was nice and clean. + +The boy was very proud of his work and stepped back to look at the cross. The cross looked so nice that it shone in the sunshine. Everybody was so happy with the boy's hard work! And from that day forwards the cross stayed clean. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a girl called Jack. Jack liked to explore and find new things. One day, when she was walking through the fields, she found something shiny. It was a spark! She picked it up and put it in her pocket. + +The next day, she went to the park to play. She saw some other children there, playing a game. She wanted to join in. She showed them the spark and they invited her to join them. + +Jack had fun playing the game with her new friends. They played until the sun went down and the air was cold. Jack was getting tired. She picked up her spark and said goodbye to her new friends before walking home. + +From that day onwards, Jack would go to the park to find her friends and play the game. Everybody knew her as the girl who brought the spark! +Once upon a time there was a deep lake. Each morning a young frog hopped up to the lake's edge to take part in something special. The frog would climb up a big scale that hung over the water and jump in. + +The frog loved seeing how deep he could swim. He bravely swam deeper and deeper until he found a secret place near the bottom where it was cool and calm. + +The frog felt so safe down at the bottom of the deep lake. He swam around playing and exploring until he was too tired to part from his underwater home. + +So each morning the young frog returned to the big scale and jumped back in. He loved his deep lake and coming home every afternoon made him so happy. +Once upon a time, there was a helpless little rag. She sat all alone in the corner of the room and felt very sad. One day, a kind man decided to help her. He filled his bucket with water and soap and brought it over to the little rag. He gently dunked her in the soapy water and scrubbed her clean. The rag felt so much better after her bath. She thanked the kind man for filling his bucket and helping her out. She felt happy and warm and knew that she had found a new friend. The end. +Once upon a time there was a little orange dictionary. It was full of big words, and the little dictionary wanted to learn how to use them. So every day it would load up tiny words into its body until it was full. + +One day it had loaded so many words it was ready to use them. It hopped off the shelf and opened its tiny pages. The little dictionary was so excited it couldn't sit still! + +The little dictionary read and read until it started to understand the big words. It was amazed to see how little words combine to make much more bigger ones. + +The little orange dictionary was so happy. It had worked so hard and now it could use big words to communicate. The dictionary had finally done it - it had loaded enough words to call itself a real dictionary! +Once, there was a clumsy bear. His name was Joe. Joe loved jam. Every day he would hope to find some jam to eat. + +One day, Joe saw a jar of jam on a table. He was very excited. He reached out to grab it, but he was too clumsy and knocked it to the ground. He was very sad. + +Suddenly, he smelled something sweet. He looked around and saw some jam dripping onto the floor. He licked it up, and it was delicious! Joe was very happy; he licked up all the jam. + +From then on, Joe always hoped to find more jam. He was never disappointed! +Milly and her Mummy were playing peep-bo. Milly loved that game. She liked to hide under the blanket and surprise Mummy with a kiss. + +They laughed when Mummy tried to find Milly. Mummy quickly spotted her under the blanket because of the stripey pants she was wearing. + +Mummy kissed Milly when she found her. Milly was so happy that she wanted to play again but this time Mummy was too weak. + +Milly's Mum said she had to have a rest and said, "Next time, I promise." + +So Milly tucked her Mum in. Then she snuggled next to her with her stripey pants. They lay there and giggled until it was time to go and have dinner. +Once there was a brave little girl called Millie. She was very brave and went ever day to the park. One day she noticed that some of the trees had waste all over them. Such a mess! Millie decided to do something, she got a bucket and a hose and sprayed all the trees. It was a bit difficult but Millie kept trying. After hours of hard work the trees were clean! Millie felt so proud of herself and went off to play with her friends. +Once upon a time there was a boy named Tom. Tom had a large shelf in his bedroom. On it was a special toy he loved to play with. + +Tom used to call out to his toy and it would reply back in a friendly voice. One day, Tom was very sad. He didn't know what to do. + +Suddenly he had a great idea. He called out to his toy one more time. He asked it to come up from the large shelf and give him a hug. + +The toy bounced off the shelf and flew towards Tom, giving him a big hug. Tom's sadness disappeared and he began to smile. + +From that day on, Tom always knew that no matter how sad he felt, his toy was there on the large shelf, waiting to give him a hug. +Once upon a time there was a happy girl named Mae. Mae's mommy encouraged her to explore the nearby creek. Mae was happy to follow her mom's advice so she put on a coat, grabbed a stick and waded into the cool water. + +At the edge of the creek, Mae saw a grumpy tadpole swimming by. Mae waved her stick at the grumpy tadpole and tried to get him to play. But the grumpy tadpole wouldn't have any of it, he just kept swimming away. + +Mae's mommy encouraged her to keep trying. Mae took hold of her stick and swished it through the water. This time the grumpy tadpole stopped and looked at Mae. Then, he slowly made his way back to Mae and let her pet him. + +Mae and the grumpy tadpole became friends that day. They played in the creek together for hours until the sun began to set. It was the start of a beautiful friendship! +Maggie was so excited for her vacation! She was getting on the plane the next day, and couldn't wait to see what the mysterious place would be like. + +When the plane landed, Maggie was amazed. There were so many colors, and the air was different than back home. Everywhere she looked, there were new things to see! + +Maggie wanted to explore the place, but she had other plans for the day. She was going to get some help from the locals so she could find even more exciting things. + +When she asked, the people around her were more than happy to help. They told her all sorts of stories about the place, and gave her suggestions of what to see. + +Maggie was so excited that people were willing to help her have the best vacation ever. She ended up exploring the mysterious place, discovering places she never knew existed. And she made friends along the way! +The shore was exciting! Mama and Papa had taken their little girl to the beach for the day. The sand was soft and warm, and the water was sparkly and blue. + +The girl wanted to explore, so she grabbed a bucket and started digging. It was a lot of fun! But suddenly the ocean waves began to surge. Mama and Papa quickly scooped up their little one and ran away from the shore. + +The girl felt scared, but Mama and Papa were there to comfort her. They explained that the shore was full of surprises, and sometimes they weren't always available. + +Finally, Papa suggested that they take a walk further down the beach. He said it would be safer. The girl shrugged and the family went on their adventure. + +Mama and Papa smiled, happy to have the chance to show their little one the beautiful shore. They saw lots of interesting things and had lots of fun! When it was time to leave, the little girl was beaming with joy. +Once upon a time there was a Mommy, a Daddy, and a little girl. They were going on a special trip to the airport. The little girl was so excited. She slipped on her cute red shoes and stepped outside. + +When they arrived at the airport, the little girl's eyes grew wide. She had never seen an airport before. There were lots of people and big planes taking off into the sky. It was so exciting. + +Mommy and Daddy took the little girl's hand and walked into the airport. Everywhere she looked, there were red signs telling the people where to go. They stepped onto an escalator and kept going until they reached the check-in counter. + +The little girl's heart was beating fast and she held Daddy's hand tight. Mommy smiled and said it was time to fly. They stepped onto the plane and off they went. + +The little girl watched out the window and waved goodbye as the plane flew higher and higher into the sky. When they arrived at their destination, the little girl said, "That was the best trip ever!" +One day, a mom and a dad planned to have a picnic. They filled the family car with food and drove to the park. + +When they got there, they found a peaceful spot. The dad spread a blanket on the grass, and they began unpacking the food. + +After they had eaten, the mom and dad showed the child how to stand. It took a few tries, but eventually the child was standing on his own two feet. + +They watched the sun set and asked the child what he wanted to do next. He said he wanted to plan a game. So they planned an animal guessing game. They had lots of fun! + +At the end of the day, all three were happy, playing together in the peaceful park. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Olivia. She was feeling very upset. She was so upset that she wouldn't talk or play. + +Suddenly, without warning, Olivia saw something that made her feel happy! It was a big piece of cake! She was so happy that she jumped up and down and laughed. + +Then her mom came over to her and gave her a big hug. Olivia felt all better. She hugged her mom back, then took a big bite of the cake. + +After she finished eating, Olivia gave the remaining piece of cake to her mom and hugged her again. Her mom was so happy and they both laughed and hugged each other. +Once upon a time, there was a humble baby bird. She wanted to go and explore the world. But her tiny wings were too small to fly, so she had to crawl instead. She went across the land until she reached the sea. The baby bird was so excited to see the beautiful blue water! She wanted to go in, but it was too big and deep for her to crawl into. So she stayed on the shore and watched the waves come in and out. She saw lots of fish and animals swimming and playing in the water. She had never seen such a big and wonderful place. She felt so small standing there, but she was happy to be able to explore the sea, even if it was only from the shore. And that's how the humble baby bird's adventure ended. +Molly and Ben were two little friends. Today they were going to have a race. Molly was so excited! She put on her perfect pink dress and; ready to run, she jumped up and down. Ben was ready too. He put on his perfect blue shoes and smiled. + +The race began! The two little friends ran as fast as they could. Molly was winning, her tiny feet running faster and faster. Ben was trying his best, but Molly was still in the lead. + +Suddenly, at the edge of the finish line, Molly stopped and screamed with so much joy! She'd won the race! Ben laughed. He was happy for her and hugged her tight. + +Molly was so proud of herself. Everything had been perfect and she'd won the race! The two little friends celebrated with a big hug. +Once there was a girl who wanted to watch a movie. It was a fierce movie – one only grown-ups could watch. The girl wanted to watch it too so she asked her mom if she could. + +Her mom said, "No, it's too fierce for you. You can only watch it when you're grown up." + +The girl told her friends about the movie. They were very excited and all wanted to come to watch it. + +So the girl found a way to watch the movie and asked her mom if her friends could come. + +Her mom said, "Yes, but you have to keep it turned low and everyone must be quiet. And everyone must be careful when they come in." + +So the girl and her friends carefully came in and watched the fierce movie. They enjoyed it so much and were so quiet that her mom said they could watch a movie again soon. +Once upon a time there was a beautiful avocado tree. It was so lush, and the fruit was so lovely! Every day the sun and rain delivered what the tree needed to grow. + +One day, a little 3-year-old picked an avocado from the tree. The sun was shining, and a gentle breeze blew as the little one proudly delivered the avocado to their mom. + +When mom saw the avocado, her eyes lit up. She brought it into the kitchen, and sliced it open to make guacamole. The family gathered around the table where they enjoyed the delicious avocado dip along with lots of chips and love. + +The little 3-year-old had the best day ever! They loved seeing the happy expression on their mom's face, and knew that with a little love, anything was possible. +Fred was packing his bag. Today was a very special day, because he was going away on a trip. He was so excited to go and learn a new language. + +He put some food and water in his bag, and then headed to the airport. On the plane, it got very hot. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and opened a window. But, the hot air just kept coming in. + +At last, the plane landed. He was finally in the country where he would learn the new language. He stepped off the plane and was ready to start exploring and learning. + +The first day, he took a walk around the city. He heard people speaking the new language, and was very excited to start learning. He was so excited to learn this new language and see what new things he would discover. +Once upon a time there was a playful plane. It flew around the sky, exploring the world. Every day it flew around and found something new. + +One day, the plane worked very hard. It flew up high and it flew down low. It flew around mountains, rivers, and lakes. It worked very hard to make sure it saw everything. + +When it was finished, the plane rested. It watched the stars come out in the night sky and smiled. It felt so happy that it had worked so hard. + +The next morning, the plane flew off again. It was still playful and started chasing birds, buzzing around the clouds, and dipping down to the ground. It was so busy and it was having so much fun! + +And that's how the playful plane kept on exploring the world and working hard. +One morning, Jack and Jill went out to get some fuel. They got a big can and pushed it back to the house. + +Jill saw a bird flying in the sky looking very graceful. She wanted to fly too, so she asked Jack to give her a push. + +Jack ran to Jill and pushed her on the grass. She felt so light as she spun around and around. Jack was so happy to see her happy. + +Soon they ran out of fuel, so they had to stop. But they still remember that graceful and wonderful day when they both flew. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Daisy. She was three-years-old and very happy. She liked to wear nice things when she went outside. Her favourite colour was yellow. + +One day, Daisy's mother told her it was time to dress. Daisy was so excited! She put on her favourite yellow dress. It was so nice with lots of frills around the neck. Daisy twirled around in the mirror and smiled. + +Daisy went outside with her mother. Everyone complimented her on how nice she looked in her yellow dress. Daisy beamed with happiness. She waved to all her friends and said hello. + +At the end of the day, Daisy went back home. She took off the yellow dress and lay down in her bed. Daisy dreamed of wearing her yellow dress again the next day. +Once there was a little girl who wanted to help people. She looked all around for something she could do. Suddenly, she saw it! She saw a kind old woman who was carrying a bundle of cloth. She ran over and asked if she could help. + +The old woman smiled and said yes. The little girl took the cloth and started to fold it. The old woman said that the little girl was very kind for helping. Together, they folded all the cloth. + +Then the little girl looked up at the old woman. She asked if there was anything else she could do. The old woman smiled and said, “I need help carrying this cloth to the market. Would you help me please?†+ +The little girl smiled, happy to keep helping. She grabbed a bundle of cloth and the old woman grabbed the other, and together they carried it to the market. + +When they arrived at the market, the old woman thanked the little girl for helping. She thanked her for being so kind, and told her she was an inspiration. The little girl smiled, happy that she had been able to help. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Maggie. She loved to dance and always created her own original moves. One day, her mom and dad set up a special surprise for her. They had brought in a special rhythm maker. + +Maggie was excited and started to dance. She moved with the rhythm and came up with moves she had never tried before. Each move she made was original. + +Maggie’s mom and dad were so impressed. They were very proud of her and wanted to show her how happy they were. They decided that Maggie should perform in front of more people. + +So the next day, Maggie put on the prettiest dress and went out to perform. As the music played, she danced to the rhythm, making up original moves as she went. Everyone was so amazed by her talent and she was so very proud of herself. + +Maggie continued to perform and create original moves every day. She was even teaching her friends and family how to dance! It was a wonderful experience for her and she always enjoyed showing off her moves. +Once upon a time the sky was sad. It started to rain. The rain was heavy and loud. It kept raining and raining. Soon, all the people in the town ran inside. + +But there was one man who didn't move. He was deaf, so he couldn't hear the loud rain. So he just kept walking. + +Suddenly, he heard a loud voice. It was the law. It said, "No one can be outside when it rains. Come inside now!" + +But the man didn't move. He didn't hear the law. He stayed outside and kept walking even when the rain was very heavy. + +Finally, the rain stopped. Everyone in the town smiled. And the man heard the law and quickly ran inside. The end. +One day, Ted and his Mom were walking in the woods. Ted was looking around at all the amazing things in the forest. Suddenly, he saw a sign. He pointed at the sign and asked his Mom, “What does this say?†His Mom smiled and said “It's a gentle reminder to stay on the path.†+ +Ted kept pointing and soon saw another sign. This one said: “No picking the flowers.†His Mom then said, “These signs are here to help us enjoy the forest in a gentle way.†Ted thought about this for a moment and then nodded. + +As they continued their walk, Ted kept pointing out the different signs. He learned that each one had an important message. He smiled and thanked his Mom for helping him understand. Ted had a wonderful day in the woods, thanks to the signs and his Mom's gentle reminder. +Once there was a farmer. He was reliable and always wanted to run a successful farm. But one day he noticed a strange smoke coming from the barn. He ran to the barn and saw that the hay was on fire! He was in shock and did not know what to do. + +Suddenly the farmers friend appeared. He was a strong man and he said he could help. He took a big bucket of water and quickly lifted it over the fire. The fire was out! + +The farmer was so thankful. He was glad he had a reliable friend who could help. They hugged each other and went back to the farm. From then on, the farmer was extra careful with the fire and made sure that the barn was safe. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sue. She liked to explore and see new places. One day, she decided to go to a distant country. When she got on the plane, she felt excited. When she looked out the window, she saw that the country was very far away. + +When Sue arrived in the distant country, she felt happy and curious. She wanted to know more about this new place. She explored the streets and met friendly people. She asked questions about their culture and customs. + +Sue was so glad she came to the distant country. By the time she had to go back home, she felt sad to leave. But she was also happy that she had explored a new place and learned more about the world. +Once upon a time, there was a chubby little bunny. He was hopping through the tall grass when he stopped to observe the world around him. He saw a little bird fly across the blue sky and a fluffy white cloud drift by. He watched as a butterfly flitted across the meadow and chirping crickets hopping away. He took his time enjoying the beauty of the nature all around. + +Suddenly, the bunny heard a voice calling to him. He turned around and saw an old, wise fox coming up to him, with a twinkle in his eye. The fox said to the bunny, "Come here, my friend. I see a special something in you. I want you to observe your surroundings, use your quiet time to learn all you can about this amazing world." + +The bunny was curious about the fox's words and decided to take his advice. He kept observing the world around him and spent his time learning all the secrets he could find. After a while, he noticed that he was feeling happier and more fulfilled. + +The chubby little bunny was so glad he had taken the fox's advice. He had learned the value of observing and of taking his time to enjoy the wonders of nature. He hopped away feeling very content, happy that he had found this special wisdom. +Suzie was outside playing one day, when she noticed something light hopping across the ground. It was an insect! She decided to take a closer look. She kneeled down and tried to catch it, but it twisted away and hopped away again. Suzie was determined to catch it though, so she chased it around the yard. She followed it around and around, until she was finally able to catch it. Suzie was very excited to have caught her first insect! She lifted it up carefully and examined it in the light. It was so cool! She admired it for a moment, before putting it safely back in the grass where it had come from. She smiled to herself, happy to have made a discovery. +Once upon a time, there was a small cow. The cow lived in the countryside. She liked to play by the river and graze the grass. + +One day, the cow went to explore the other side of the river. She jumped into the water and began to swim. Suddenly, though, she was scared. The water was too deep! + +The cow had to quickly swim back to shore. She swam and swam until finally, she returned to her home. Safe and happy, she was thankful that she had returned safely. + +The cow was very proud of herself! She had gone on a grand adventure, and had been brave enough to return. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy who was very healthy. He wanted to go on an adventure, and so he took his boat out on the lake. He worked very hard to manage his boat, and he was so proud of himself. Soon enough, the lake became calm and the boy felt very happy. He looked around and saw some ducks swimming happily in the lake. He stayed in his boat and tried to get close to the ducks but they were too fast for him. Still, the boy managed to have a good time and enjoyed the peaceful moment. When it was time to go home, the little boy smiled and thanked the boat for taking him on this wonderful adventure. +Steve was a 3 year old boy who usually felt happy and excited, but one day he was feeling gloomy. He was thinking a lot, so he showed his mom that he was worried. She gave him a big hug and said, "It's okay if you worry, sweetheart. Everyone worries sometimes." Then she took him out for a special treat. + +They went to the ice cream shop, where they picked out a double scoop of chocolate and strawberry. Steve felt his worries start to melt away as he licked the sweet, creamy ice cream. Even the gloomy day outside seemed a little bit brighter. + +When he finished the treat, Steve felt much happier. He smiled and ran off to play with his friends. All the worrying was gone, and he was excited to enjoy the rest of the day. +Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was three years old and she had a very big heart. She loved to listen to the world around her. + +One day, she heard a thundering sound from far away up in the sky. It got louder and louder until finally it was a huge flood! The floods were coming very close to her house. + +The little girl's mommy told her to stay inside and listen for her daddy. He was coming home from work to make sure she was safe from the flood. + +The little girl listened carefully and she heard her daddy coming home. When he was close he was calling out her name. He came inside and picked her up in a big hug. He was so relieved to find her safe and sound. + +Together, they felt the softness of the water of the flood in their feet. But the little girl just wanted to be held safe and close in the arms of her daddy. They listened to each other's heartbeats and it felt like the safest place in the world. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Anna who loved playing and learning new things. + +One day, Anna heard about a special game - the winner would get to keep a very interesting microscope! Anna was so excited and was determined to win the game. + +Anna tried her hardest and was really careful. She followed the instructions carefully and soon she had solved the game. Everyone was so proud of Anna for winning the game! + +Anna was presented with the special microscope. She was so happy. She couldn't wait to look through it and see what the world was like. + +Anna looked through the microscope and was so excited to see all of the little, interesting things that she could discover! She had lots of fun exploring the world through her special microscope. Anna was so happy to have won! +One day, a little boy went to a park. At the park, he saw a round, colourful thing with many arms. He ran over to it and saw that it was a spinning wheel! He was so excited and asked his Dad to take a turn. His Dad said yes and started to spin. The wheel went faster and faster. After a few spins, the wheel started moving really fast and then stopped and a little rabbit popped out of a pocket on the wheel! The boy was so happy and excited. He jumped up and down and wanted to spin the wheel again. His Dad said that it was easy to spin and the boy tried it. He slowly turned the wheel and watched it spin round and round. He was so happy that he got a little rabbit from the wheel. He quickly put the rabbit in his pocket. From then on, he always came to the park to spin the wheel and try and get a new animal out of it each time. +Once upon a time, there was a famous bone. He liked to go on adventures. One day, he decided to see the world and lead the way for other bones. + +The famous bone stepped out of his home and looked around. He saw some birds flying in the sky and some ants crawling on the ground. He then started to wander through the forest with a hop in his step. + +He enjoyed looking at the tall trees and big rocks. He hopped over some logs and jumped over some rivers. He didn't get lost because he was a smart bone. + +After a while, the bone reached a beautiful meadow. He had never seen such a beautiful place before. This was a great place for the bone to rest and take a break from his adventure. + +The famous bone had many more adventures throughout his life. He would always take the lead, showing others how to explore the world. His famous bone adventures were known by many. +The little boy was really excited. He had just been given a brand new box of crayons! He opened the box and examined all the different colors. His favorite was blue. + +He carefully took out one of the crayons and held it in his hand. He looked at the small piece of paper in front of him. It had lots of squares on it and he wanted to color them in. + +He looked at his crayon and started to cut and draw. He cut a small spot in the middle of the square and then he colored it blue. He made lots of other small spots too and soon all the squares were filled with color. + +He was very proud of himself. He had made something really special using the crayon and he couldn’t wait to show it to his mom. +Once upon a time, there was a young boy. His name was Max. He was very cute. +Max liked to part with his friends. He would go over to his friends' houses. They would go outside and play in the park. +Max would have so much fun! He liked running around and chasing his friends. +Max loved the tall trees in the park. He would often pick up small leaves and part them in half. He thought it was so interesting how the leaf split. +Max really enjoyed being with his friends. They always had so much fun! He couldn't wait to go over to their house again. +Once upon a time there was a bright hill. On the hill was a special delivery. Every day the delivery man came to deliver a special package. He brought it to the top of the hill and looked around. He could see the bright sun and feel the wind as it brushed against his face. + +The delivery man always had a big smile on his face. He was so happy that he had something to deliver. The package was always special and it made him so proud to deliver it. + +The delivery man couldn’t help but feel excited as he drove up the hill. Every time he saw the bright hill the delivery man would smile and deliver the package with pride. He knew the package made everyone happy. + +The delivery man always arrived with a smile and left with a bigger one. He was always happy to deliver something special. That’s why he kept coming back to the bright hill. +Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl named Daisy. Daisy was upset because she did not know what to do. She had been feeling very sad all day. Daisy wanted to be happy, but didn’t know how. + +Suddenly, her mom came into her room with a big hug and said, “Come here, Daisy. Let me give you some comfort.†Daisy felt so loved and safe as her mom hugged her. She knew that her mom was always there for her and that made Daisy feel better. + +The next day, the sad feeling was gone. Daisy felt so much better. She decided that from now on she would enjoy life and always be thankful for the things she had. + +But one day, Daisy made a mistake and she was very sorry. As she was about to cry, her mom came and gave her a hug. She said, “It’s OK, Daisy. We all make mistakes. Let me give you some comfort.†Daisy felt much better. She knew that no matter what mistakes she made, her mom would always be there to give her love and comfort. +Once upon a time, there was a brown frog. He liked to jump and clap. One day, he went on a special adventure. + +The frog hopped through the woods and sang a happy song. He was having so much fun. Then, he saw a long stick on the ground. He picked it up and wiggled it around. + +Suddenly, the stick began to shine. It was a magical will! The frog couldn't believe his eyes. He clapped in excitement and jumped up and down. + +The frog couldn't wait to use the will. He waved it around and made a wish. Then, he heard a loud popping sound. Everything had changed! + +The frog was so happy. He kept clapping and hopping around. He knew that with this will, anything was possible. +Once there was a mommy, a daddy and a little kid. They lived in a happy house near the beach. Every day, the mommy and daddy kept the little kid safe from the troubled war far away. + +The mommy and daddy were very careful to keep the little kid away from the fighting. They didn't want their little kid to get hurt. + +One day, they went to the beach and saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. The mommy and daddy kept the little kid safe while they walked along the sand. + +Even though there was a troubled war far away, the mommy and daddy kept the little kid happy by loving him and playing with him every day. And that little kid grew up safe and strong! +Once upon a time there were two friends, Jack and Jill. They decided to have some fun and build something together. They gathered sticks and stones, and went to a lake. + +They scooped the lake water into a big wooden bucket. Then Jack took some salt and sprinkled it into the bucket. Lastly, he got a long stick and stirred the water until it was smooth. + +They made a big sand castle from the smooth lake water. They used the sticks and stones to build walls, and they put a flag on top. Jack and Jill were so proud of their sand castle. + +When they were done, they ran to the lake and splashed some water on top of the castle. They laughed and laughed and had so much fun building their castle together. + +That's the story of how Jack and Jill built a sand castle! +Once there was a little girl who loved to jog. Every day she would put on her special shoes and go for a jog around her neighborhood. + +One day, as she was jogging, something caught her eye. It was an old chain covered in dirt. She had never seen anything like it. It was unique! + +The little girl stopped her jog and stooped down to pick up the chain. She used her hands to wipe some of the dirt away and saw that part of the chain had sparkly pieces on it. She thought that whatever the chain was it must be special and something to treasure. + +The little girl decided to take the chain with her and make it her own. She tied it around her right wrist, started jogging again and never took it off. + +She would always smile when she saw the old chain and remember the day she found it on her jog. +John was at the store. He saw something cool! It was a model that he wanted to get. It was very cheap. He asked his mom if he could have it. + +Mom said yes and gave him some money. John was so happy! He pulled the model off the shelf and ran to the check out line. + +John brought the model home and was so excited. He showed it to his dad when he got home. Dad was impressed. John was so proud of his model. + +Every day, John would pull the model around the house. He would play with it all the time. He loved it so much! + +John's model was the best and he knew it. He was so happy he got such a cool thing for so cheap. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was so happy that daddy was coming home from work. When he arrived she saw him and immediately ran to the door. She smiled, nodding up and down, and hugged her daddy around the waist. + +Daddy was so happy to be home and he picked up his little girl. He told her that he had a surprise for her and that it was something she would love very much. Excitedly, she nodded her head eagerly. + +Daddy took her to her bedroom and opened the door. Inside, she saw a beautiful, pink bike with white wheels. Her daddy had bought it for her! She was so happy, she didn't know what to do - she just stood there nodding back and forth with a big, big smile. + +But then, suddenly, something terrible happened. A big, scary dog ran out of the house, barking loudly. Daddy was so scared and he quickly picked up his little girl and ran away as fast as he could. He carried her all the way back to the house and she never got to play with her new bike. Daddy was so sad and hugged his little girl, reassuring her that everything was alright. + +She nodded her head and tried her best to smile, knowing that daddy still loved her no matter what happened. +Jimmy was a three year old boy who liked to behave. He was very humble and never made too much noise. + +One day, his dad brought him a guitar! Jimmy was so excited. He jumped up and down and smiled with joy. He hugged his dad and thanked him for the special gift. + +Jimmy started to practice with the guitar every day. He learned how to make music and play a few songs. He was so proud of himself for learning something new. + +Jimmy's parents were impressed by his behavior. They saw how hard he had worked to make music. His dad was so proud – he always told Jimmy to be humble and proud of his work! + +Jimmy kept practicing with his guitar and learned how to make many beautiful songs. He kept on being humble and proud of himself. And his parents kept being proud of his good behavior. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was three years old and very excited to try something new. She went to the kitchen and saw something she’d never had before - a big red sauce! + +The little girl asked her mom what it was, and her mom said it was called sauce. Her mom said she should try it. She was a bit scared, but she was also excited. + +The little girl sat down at the kitchen table and her mom put a spoonful of the red sauce on her plate. She looked at it, then she thought about it, then she finally tried it. + +It was delicious! She smiled and asked for more. Her mom gave her some more sauce in a bowl and the little girl sat at the table and finished it. + +The little girl thought that red sauce was the best thing ever. She would be sure to ask for it the next time she was in the kitchen. +Tommy was skating on the icy pond. He twirled around in circles and felt the cold air on his skin. Suddenly, he saw a strange object glimmering in the sun. He slowly skated closer and he realized it was a hanger! He couldn’t believe his luck! + +Tommy slowly reached out and picked up the hanger. He was so excited about his find that he ran as fast as he could back to the house. When his mom saw the hanger, her eyes lit up. She gave Tommy a huge hug and said “Thank you so much, Tommy! This hanger will be perfect for hanging up all of my clothes!†Tommy was so proud that he had found such a useful hanger. + +Tommy and his mom hung the hanger in the closet. Every time Tommy opened the door, he couldn’t help but smile at his icy find. +The little boy was so fearful. He stared at the square and saw it was dry. He didn't like dry things. He wanted it to be wet, like the water in the stream. He watched as a bird flew to the now dry square and perched on top of it. The little boy felt so scared. He was so afraid that he would never see the water in the square again. So he ran back to his home and got a small bucket of water. He slowly walked back to the square, and joyfully poured the water over it. As the water filled the square, the fear of the little boy slowly disappeared. He felt hope inside him, hope that he had somehow saved the square. As the sun shone down and dried the water, the little boy happily skipped away with a big smile on his face. +Once upon a time there was a little animal. It was very small and had big open eyes. Every day the animal would take a nap in the sun. It would lay on its back and close its eyes. The animal would go to sleep and sleep and sleep. + +The animal felt safe and comfortable sleeping out in the open. But one day as the animal was sleeping a big bird flew overhead. It was so big that it made the animal jump out of its sleep in fright. + +The animal was relieved when it realised the bird had not seen it. After the bird flew away the animal curled up again and soon fell back to sleep. + +The animal was so tired it slept for a long time. When it woke up it stretched and stretched. Then it went off to find dinner. The animal had a wonderful day and that night it had the best sleep ever. +Once upon a time, there was a man. He was very smart and worked with computers every day. He loved them so much that he wanted to deliver a computer to everyone he knew. He used a big truck and drove around everywhere. + +One day, he was delivering computers to people he knew. Suddenly, he saw an unknown house in the woods. He stopped his truck and decided to deliver a computer to the house. The man knocked on the door, but no one was home. + +He decided to leave the computer anyway. He carefully left the computer on the doorstep. Then he drove away. But then something amazing happened - the computer started to move! It zoomed around the house and the woods, and the man couldn't believe what he was seeing! But then he smiled and continued on his way. + +He never knew who the computer was delivered to, but he was happy that he had the chance to deliver something special to someone unknown. +Once there was a great big ball. It was bright yellow and very shiny. Every day, the little boy would go to the park to kick it. He loved to feel the ball through his toes when he kicked it. + +One day, it was raining. Everything was wet, but the little boy wanted to play so he went to the park to kick the ball anyway. He enjoyed standing in the wet grass and kicking the ball around. + +When he was finished, he went home feeling great. He was happy that he had fun playing in the rain. The next day, when he went back to the park, the sun was out and the ball was still there. The boy smiled and started to kick the ball again. +Once upon a time, there was a piece that glowed brightly in the night. It shone its soft light across the sky. Every night it glowed, but one night it went dead. The piece stopped shining and it was dark. Everyone was sad, but then one day, a kind fairy flew by and gave the piece a big hug. Suddenly, the piece glowed again and everyone was happy! The piece now glows every day and night, bringing warmth and comfort to people everywhere. +One day, a girl was walking in the park. She was nice and gentle. As she walked, she saw a bird on the ground, eating some meat. The girl was curious and wanted to understand why the bird was eating the meat. + +Suddenly, she heard a harsh voice from above. It was a loud hawk, who was upset that the bird was eating his meat. The hawk flew down and tried to take the food away. But the bird was too quick and flew away with the meat. + +The girl finally understood why the hawk was so angry. The hawk was trying to protect its food. The girl was happy that the bird was able to keep its meal. +Once upon a time there was a prize. It was small and shiny and perfect in every way. Everyone wanted it, but no one could get it. The prize was always covered. + +One day, a brave little girl decided she wanted to try and get the prize. She was only three years old, but she was determined. She began to tug at the cover, but it was too tight. It was uncomfortable, so she stopped. + +She thought and thought, but nothing seemed to work. Suddenly, she had an idea. She ran and gathered all the blankets in her house. She spread out the blankets and then placed the cover on top. + +She made it comfortable and then she tugged. This time the cover came away easily. At last, she held the prize in her hands! + +The little girl was so happy. She ran to show her mom. Together, they celebrated with a big hug! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy who had a treasure. He held it close to his heart, because it was very important to him. One day a big, fat, disgusting bug flew by him. He was scared of bugs, and so he held his treasure even tighter. + +The bug flew to a secret cave full of strange creatures. The little boy was brave, so he followed it. Inside the cave he found a huge pile of shiny coins. He knew they must be his treasure. He held out his hand and the coins flew right into it! + +The coins were so shiny and sparkly, he knew he had found something very special. He took the coins home, and from then on he kept them safe and held them dear. He had found himself a treasure - and it was more special than ever! +Mommy tells Jimmy to get his special book. He picks it up and puts it on the table. She tells him to take a pencil and print the special words on each page. It's exciting to see what each page looks like when it's printed. Jimmy is so excited he claps his hands and smiles a big smile. + +He prints the pages as mommy reads him the words. He's getting better at printing and each page looks better than the last. But he gets tired and can't do it anymore. + +Mommy changes the activity and tells Jimmy to say the words out loud. He opens his mouth and spells each word clearly. Mommy is proud and hugs him. Jimmy is so grateful for her help and hugs her back. + +They take a break and go outside to play. They giggle and run around. Jimmy is so happy that he learned how to print the special words. He's looking forward to showing them to his friends. Mommy is proud of what a good job Jimmy did and they head inside to get ready for dinner. +Once upon a time, there was a boy who had many oat fields. He worked hard to take care of them so they would always be full of oats for people to enjoy. One day, it started to rain and the boy became very sad as all his hard work was going to waste. He started to weep softly. + +But he was very patient and said to himself, "I am sure the sun will come out soon and my oat fields will be alright!" Sure enough, the next morning the sun had come out and the oat fields were still beautiful and green. The boy was so happy that he began to dance and sing! +Once there was a boy named Jake. Jake wanted to try a new game, so he got his toy gun and aimed it up in the air. He was so excited, he shouted to his mom, "Mom, I'm going to shoot!" + +His mom looked at him and said, "No, Jake! You must be very careful when you play with a toy gun." + +But Jake didn't listen. He pulled the trigger and a loud noise filled the room. His mom was not happy. She gave him a big lecture about being careful, and Jake felt really bad. He said he was sorry, and he promised to never shoot the gun again. + +From then on Jake was very careful when he played with his toy gun. He remembered his mom's lecture, and he knew to always be safe. +Once upon a time there were two siblings, Luke and Jill. Each morning, they would go to the beach where they would ride the surf. One day, they were so happy on their surfboard, they thought they could stay out in the water all day. + +But then a big wave came. It was a lot bigger than the other waves, and it scared Jill. She tried to resist going in, but she lost her balance and fell in. She tried to get back on her board but she couldn't. Luke could see that she was scared and he was sorry for her. + +So he did the only thing he could - he went to help. Luke surfed over to her, put his arms around her and helped her back onto the surfboard. He hugged her and told her it was ok. + +Together they rode back to shore, happy and safe. They had learned that they were stronger when they worked together than when they were alone. +Once upon a time, there were two friends. They were playing together on a sunny day and were having lots of fun. Suddenly, they had a fight. They were both very mad and shouted at each other. + +They both decided to go and sit on the bench to cool off. They had an important talk about why they were fighting and how they could be better friends. After talking, they both realized that it was not important what they were fighting about, but that they could be good friends again. + +So they hugged and they played together again. And they never fought ever again. The end. +Once upon a time there were three little people. They all lived together in a nice house with a big pan. + +One day, the smallest of the little people had a naughty idea. He decided to take the pan outside and play a game. He threw the pan as high as he could and counted as it came back down. One, two, three! The little person was so excited when he counted the third number. The pan flew so high! + +But the pan wasn't so lucky. As it fell back down, it broke into pieces. The little person was very sad. He spoiled the pan! + +The three little people had to find a way to fix the pan. They worked together and collected all the pieces. Then cleverly, with some sticky tape and glue, they put the whole pan back together again. + +Finally, once it was whole and shiny again, they all celebrated. Even though the pan had been spoiled, it was now good as new! +Molly was a very brave girl. She lived in a small house with her mom and dad. Every day, Molly's mom and dad put letters in the mail. + +One day, Molly asked what was in the mail. Her mom said it was mail to her grandparents. Molly was excited! She wanted to mail something too. + +So, Molly asked her mom if she could mail a chain she had made. Her mom said that she could, but she had to be careful. Molly was so excited! + +But then, the mailman came to collect the mail. He was very scary looking with a big black bag. Molly was fearful. + +Molly's mom told her not to be scared and showed her how to put the chain in the mail. The mailman was so friendly, and he smiled when he saw the pretty chain from Molly! + +Molly watched as the mailman drove away with all the mail. She felt brave and happy that her chain was now being sent to her grandparents. +Once upon a time, there was a fox. He was very stubborn. He wanted to explore the world, but he was too scared. Whenever he wanted to go out, he would sneeze. + +One day, the fox decided that it was time. He took a deep breath and ventured quietly out of his den. He looked around and saw how beautiful the world was. + +Suddenly, the fox heard a strange noise! It made him so scared that he jumped and sneezed. He looked around, but he couldn't see what it was. He was even more scared than before. + +He quickly ran back to his den. The next day, he tried to be brave and go out again. Everytime the fox heard a strange noise, he would jump and sneeze. But he kept going. + +Soon, the fox was used to the noises and became less scared. He kept exploring and had lots of fun. He became an expert explorer and never hesitated to follow his curiosity. He was very stubborn and he never gave up. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Jessie. She had long, pretty hair. But one day, she wanted to hide. + +She ran far away to a distant land. She hid beneath a bridge and looked out across a river. She waited for a long time, listening for footsteps. + +Finally, the hair on her head started to tickle her nose. She giggled and then decided to move from the bridge and explore. She ran through the trees, dodge distant branches and climbed a big hill. + +From the top of the hill, Jessie could see for miles and miles and miles. She was so excited! That was when she decided it was time to come out of hiding. She ran back down the hill and back home. + +Jessie was so glad to be back, but she never forgot her adventure to the distant land. +Once there was a young girl called Lucy. One day Lucy decided to go on an adventure, so she put on her special hat and opened the door. Outside the sun was shining and the grass was green, so it seemed a perfect day for an adventure. + +Lucy walked and walked until she came to a large open field. In the middle of the field, she saw a mysterious object that was glowing in the sunlight. Carefully, she stepped closer, and there in the center of the field was a large open book. Curious, Lucy reached out her hand and touched the book. + +Instantly the book opened and words started to appear on the pages. The words stayed for a moment and then disappeared, but Lucy knew that these words must be important. She decided that she must remember to remain open minded and keep looking for the words. + +So Lucy looked and looked until eventually she found the words again. She read and read until she felt that she had learnt all that the book had to teach her. She thanked the book, hugged it close and then put it carefully back in the middle of the field. + +Lucy smiled, content and happy with the meaningful words she had learned that until remain open and curious. With that, Lucy headed home ready for her next adventure. +Once upon a time there was a bunny who was very independent. He could do lots of things on his own, even if it was a bit tricky. Every day he went outside to hop around and eat yummy carrots. + +One day the bunny was hopping along when he spotted a wide, green field full of daisies. He wanted to cross it and explore what was on the other side. He hopped and hopped until he reached the other side. + +By now the bunny was really hungry, so he sat down to eat some of the carrots he found there. He munched and munched until they were all gone, then hopped away. He had made the cross all by himself! +Jimmy was a creative three year old. He had lots of ideas and loved to play outside. One day, he had a great idea to go on an adventure. He looked at his favorite pair of pants and yelled “I’m ready!†+ +Jimmy ran out of the house and started down the street. He heard birds singing, wind blowing and dogs barking. He wanted to follow them and see where they went. He stopped to listen carefully, but didn’t hear anything. + +Suddenly, he heard a noise around the corner. He was curious and followed the sound. When he turned the corner, he saw a group of people walking down the street. They were talking and laughing. He watched and listened carefully. + +Jimmy was so excited. He followed the group. As he walked, he heard them talking about a special place. He couldn’t wait to find out what it was. Jimmy followed them until they stopped at a park. All the kids ran to the playground and started playing. + +Jimmy smiled and ran to join them. He was so happy to find a new adventure. With his creative pants and his listening ears, Jimmy was ready for anything. +Once upon a time, there was a brave and strong warrior. He carried a spear and he was very proud of it. One day he wanted to try it out and see how far he could throw it. + +So, he found an open field and started throwing the spear. He threw it forward, backward and sideways. He was so brave and strong that he even threw it way up high. + +But, while he was throwing the spear, he didn't noticed that something else was coming toward him. It was a bird! It flew so fast that the warrior felt dizzy and couldn't move. + +The bird’s wings touched the warrior’s spear and suddenly they both flew in different directions. The warrior was so scared! + +But, he didn't gave up. He continued looking for the spear and after some time, he finally found it. He was very happy and excited to pick it up and go back to his home. + +On his way back he met the bird again. They smiled at each other and the bird showed the warrior where it kept the spear. They were friends from that day on and the warrior never forgot how brave and strong he was when he met the bird! +Diana and her friend Sam were in the park. They saw a very unusual animal. It had a long tail and flew in the sky. Diana and Sam were so excited they laughed with joy. + +The animal flew around them and showed them tricks. It flew in circles and even did somersaults. Diana and Sam laughed and clapped their hands. They were having lots of fun. + +The animal flew away and Diana and Sam ran around for the rest of the day. They enjoyed the sun and the fresh air. They also enjoyed being outside with their friends. Diana and Sam enjoyed their special day in the park. +One day John was at the golf course. It was so much fun! He loved walking on the soft grass and hitting the golf balls. He was getting better and better with every swing. + +John wanted to prove he could hit the ball really far. So he lied to his mom and said that he hit one really far. But it didn't go very far at all - it just dropped a few feet in front of him. + +John's mom was not happy. She said it was wrong to lie and that he should always tell the truth. John felt a little bit sad, but he knew his mom was right. + +John tried again, and this time he got the golf ball much farther. He was so proud and happy! He decided he would always tell the truth and never lie, no matter what. +Once upon a time there was a panda who loved to perform. One day it was raining very hard and the panda got very wet. But the panda didn't mind because he enjoyed the rain and it always made his performances better. + +The panda decided to put on a show for all the animals in the forest. He jumped and twisted and spun around. All the other animals were so amazed by his tricks. They cheered and applauded with delight! + +The performance was so lively and exciting. All the animals in the forest could not believe that the wet panda had put together such an amazing show. Everyone was so happy, they wanted the panda to perform again soon. + +The happy panda thanked everyone and promised he would come back and perform again soon. Everyone left the forest, talking about how wonderful the panda's performance had been. + +And that is how the wet panda became the most famous performer in the forest! +Emma felt happy. She was eating her lunch at the park with her friends. She was sharing her sandwiches, and everyone felt so excited. + +Then Emma had an idea. "Let's play a game!" she said. Everyone was excited. Emma said that everybody had to do as she said in order. + +First, she made them do silly dances. They all laughed as they danced. Next, Emma said that everyone had to spin in a circle. They all ran around in circles, feeling silly. Finally, Emma said that everyone had to sing a song. Everyone sang and laughed together. + +When they were done, Emma saw that everyone was having a great time. She felt proud of herself for making everyone feel so happy. +Once upon a time there was a strong volcano. The volcano belonged to a brave dragon. He was born in the volcano's shadows and loved it very much. + +One day, the dragon flew away to a faraway place. He explored many places and even made some friends. But still, the dragon felt something was missing. He realized he belonged in the volcano he once called home. + +The dragon flew back to his beloved volcano with a smile on his face. When he arrived, the dragon saw something he didn't expect. There were many little creatures on the volcano. They were called fireflies and they glowed in the night sky. + +The dragon was so happy that the fireflies belonged there too. He decided to stay and look after them as if they were his own family. From then on, the strong volcano belonged to both the dragon and the fireflies. +One day there was a foolish little bear. He thought he needed some honey, so he decided to go looking for it. +He looked high and low, but he couldn't find any honey. Then he got an idea - he was going to cut down a bee's nest! + +So off he went, and soon he saw a bee's nest in a tree. But when he tried to cut it down, the bees began to buzz angrily. The foolish bear quickly ran away and the bees never found him. + +The bear thought he'd never get any honey. But then he remembered he had some at home! He was so happy that he ran home, and was soon enjoying the sweet taste of honey. +Once upon a time there was a boy named Max. He was so excited when his dad said they were going to test a port. They went to the port together to test it. + +Max watched his dad as he tested the port. He was very careful and serious until he made a foolish mistake. Dad laughed and said that he had learned something new. + +After the test was over, Max and his dad enjoyed the day together. They felt so happy that they had successfully tested the port. The day was a success! +Once, there was a little boy called Benny. He wanted to go outside and play in the snow, so he got ready. He put on his coat and a warm hat. He was ready and excited. + +But then, he realized he had forgotten something—a pair of mittens! He looked all around his bedroom, but he couldn't find them. He started to feel sad, until he had a great idea! + +He looked in his drawer and there he found a pair of mittens, where he had left them. He pulled them on his hands. They felt so warm and fuzzy! + +He decided to go and play in the snow, but it was a bit difficult for him to move with the mittens. He kept taking them off, but then his hands got cold, so he had to wear them again. Despite the difficulty, he had lots of fun playing in the snow! +Once upon a time, there was a deaf world. Every day was a sad, quiet day. All the people in the world couldn't talk and were lonely. + +But then one day, the world was filled with laughter and loud noises. A big celebration was happening! People from across the world were coming together to celebrate the world. + +At the celebration, the people wanted to make the loudest noises, so they blew into trumpets, clapped their hands and sang songs. They even found a way to sign, so everyone could understand each other. + +The celebration went on for days and days, and soon everyone was happy. People had become friends and shared stories about their lives. The deaf world was now a happy, singing world! +Once upon a time, there was an enthusiastic boy. He was out playing in the garden when he found a berry. He loved berries and was excited to find such a plump and juicy one. + +The boy popped the berry in his mouth. But, when he bit down, the berry vanished! He was quite surprised. + +He looked around, but there was no trace of the berry anywhere. He looked up and around, but it was gone! + +The boy decided the berry must have been magic, disappearing like that. He spent the rest of the day looking for more magical berries, but none ever appeared. +Once upon a time, there was an ancient jewelry box. Inside the box were many jewels, all kinds of colors, shapes, and sizes. One day the box was mailed to a special little girl. The girl was so excited to receive the mysterious package. + +When the girl opened the box, she gasped with delight. She was amazed by the sparkling jewels inside. She put on the jewelry and twirled around the room. She felt like a princess in her beautiful, ancient jewelry. + +The girl was so happy that she wanted to share her treasure with her friends. She mailed them all pieces of jewelry so that they could feel beautiful too. + +And the girl lived happily ever after with her ancient jewels that sparkled like the stars in the sky. +Once upon a time, there was a snail who was very slow. He liked to move around the garden, eating leaves and flowers. He had so much fun! + +One day, the snail was eating a nice dandelion, when he heard a voice. It was the voice of a bird who asked the snail if he wanted to play a game. The snail was very excited and said yes! + +The snail and the bird ran around the garden over and under the rainbow, having lots of fun. When it was time for the bird to go, the snail said goodbye with a hug. + +The snail was very happy. He knew he could have more fun when the bird came back to visit. Meanwhile, the snail kept moving very slowly and eating all the tasty plants in the garden. +Once upon a time there was an attractive pony. She lived near a farm that was filled with flowers and animals. Every morning, the pony liked to pray to the sun to give her energy for the day. + +One morning, while the pony was praying, a 3 year old child saw her. The child was so excited and wanted to meet the pony. He ran over to her and offered her some flowers that he had picked. + +The pony was very happy and thanked the child. She whinnied and swished her mane and wondered if maybe the child wanted to be her friend. + +The child asked if he could ride the pony. The pony happily agreed and the child hopped on. They rode together every day, eating grass and having lots of fun. + +At the end of each day, the pony and the child would kneel down and pray together. The pony thanked the sun for the day, and the child thanked the pony for being his friend. They were thankful and happy - a perfect pair! +Once upon a time, there was a puppy. His name was Jack. One day, Jack was running around in the park. He saw a stack of toys on the ground. Jack wanted the toys so he ran towards the stack. + +He grabbed some of the toys but before he could get away, the little girl who owned them ran up to him. She looked very angry. She said, "That's my stack of toys! Give them back!" Jack felt very sorry and guilty. + +But he was also scared. So he ran away as fast as he could. He ran for a long time, until he was finally sure that the little girl couldn't find him. + +Jack did not think it was fair to have taken the little girl's toys. But he was also happy that he still had some of the toys in his paws! He ran back to his home with a smile on his face. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Tilly. One day, she wanted to go and wander around her garden. She put on her comfy shoes and ran outside. + +As she wandered around, Tilly saw so many pretty flowers. She stopped to smell each one as she passed by. + +After she had finished smelling all of the flowers, Tilly went to the pond. She could watch the fishes swimming around. Then, she spotted a duck sitting on a bench. + +The duck said hello to Tilly and asked if she would like to share some lotion. Tilly said yes, so the duck gave her some lotion to make her skin soft and comfortable. + +Tilly was so happy, she thanked the duck and ran home to tell her mom all about her adventure. + +And ever since then, Tilly and the duck have been good friends. +Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Gina. Gina liked to guess. She liked to guess the shape of the clouds. + +One day, she saw a puff of steam that was coming out of her house. She wondered what it could be. + +Gina guessed and guessed until she figured it out. She realized the steam was coming from a pot of boiling water on the stove! It was the perfect size to fit a big hot dog. Gina was so excited! + +After the hot dog was cooked, she put it on a plate and took it to her Daddy. He said it was fit for a king. Gina was so happy to have made a guess that was right! +Once upon a time, there was a big lion who lived in the jungle. He was so strong and brave. He loved to explore the jungle and make new friends. One day he was feeling a bit bored so he decided to explore a bit further. As he went deeper into the jungle, he heard a strange sound. It was a foolish noise, coming from something in the bush. + +The lion was very curious. He slowly made his way closer and suddenly jumped out came a little mouse! The mouse was so tiny and was so excited to see the lion. He squeaked and ran around. The lion was so amused he couldn't help but laugh. + +He watched the little mouse playing around and it was so cute. The mouse kept jumping and squeaking which excited the lion even more. He wanted to play with the mouse, so he gently nudged him with his paw. The mouse was so excited he ran around even faster. + +The two played around for a while before the lion suddenly realised it was getting dark. He gave the mouse a big hug, said goodbye, and went back to his den in the jungle. The mouse watched him walk away with a big smile on his face. +Once upon a time, there were two friends. One was a boy and one was a girl. The girl had a bucket of clay and they were both really excited. + +The girl showed the boy how she could make something special with the clay. The boy thought it was fun and he wanted to do it too. + +The two friends went outside to get some fresh air. The boy started to jog around the garden and the girl followed him. She was fast, but he was faster. + +Then the sky turned dark and the wind blew. The boy felt a little scared but the girl kept running even faster. They decided to come back to the house, but the girl had forgotten her bucket with clay outside. + +The boy remembered the bucket and so he ran back outside to get it. The wind was blowing very hard, so he had to jog fast. He was scared, but he kept going. + +He finally got the bucket of clay and brought it inside. The two friends were happy and they made a clay sculpture together to remember the scary day. +Mia and her mom were playing pretend. Mia pretended she was a queen and her mom pretended she was a princess. They waved their hands and had a pretend conversation. Mia's mom asked her if she wanted to go for a walk. Mia said yes, so they went outside. + +They walked up to a wall. Mia put her hands on the wall and pretended it was a magic doorway. She pretended to open it and said, "We can go to the park". Mia's mom said, "Let's go!" They walked to the park and Mia ran all around. She pretended to jump over the benches and chase the birds. + +Mia and her mom went home and Mia was feeling guilty. The birds were scared when she pretended to chase them. Mia apologized and said she won't pretend to chase the birds anymore. Her mom smiled and said, "That's ok, Mia. But next time, let's use our imagination without pretending to hurt anyone". Mia said ok and hugged her mom. They felt much better and went inside for a snack. +Once upon a time, there was a big, loud animal named Bob. Bob liked to roar very loudly. One day, Bob went on an adventure and found an underground cave. He was very excited to go inside and explore. + +As he got closer and closer to the cave, he started to hear an unusual sound. It sounded like a roaring noise. He was very surprised by the noise and quickly rushed inside the cave. + +Once Bob was in the cave, he saw that it was full of other animals! They were all roaring in harmony, making a very loud and special noise. + +Bob was so happy to be part of the chorus of roars that he started roaring his own special tune. Soon, all the animals were roaring together, making an unbelievable noise! + +Bob and the other animals roared together until they couldn't roar anymore. What an unusual and wonderful sound they made! +John and his mom went to the market. John couldn't wait to get there, there were so many things to see and do! When they arrived, his mom took a cart and they looked at different vegetables. The vegetables were colorful, some were big and some were small. + +John was so excited he grabbed some vegetables, but his mom said they needed to weigh them first. She put them on a scale and it showed the weight. John watched carefully as the needle moved up and down on the scale. He was so amazed! + +The next aisle had some fruits and John put some into the cart. But when his mom checked the weight, it was too heavy! She said it was bad to take too many things because it would be too expensive. So John put some of the fruit back and the cart was lighter now. + +John and his mom had a great time at the market that day. They got some vegetables and fruits and went home happy. +Once upon a time there was a big missile. It was very special and important. Everyone wanted to fill it up with good things so that it could do its job. So everyone took turns to fill it up with things like food, toys and games. + +They were all very careful when they were filling up the missile. The little ones watched and learned how to do it too. Soon, the missile was full and ready to go. + +Everyone said goodbye to the missile and waved as it began to fly away. They were sad to see it go but they knew it was important. And they all hoped the missile would bring lots of happy surprises to the people. + +And they all had a feeling that someday they would see the missile again. + +The End. +Once upon a time, there was a family of frogs. Every day, they would all prepare for a march. Mama frog tied ribbons in each frog's hair to look pretty. Papa frog blew his loud horn to get everyone ready to march. + +With an excited hop, they all set off. Mama frog led the march and sang a song to guide them. The loud music echoed around the pond as the frogs marched forward. + +The youngest frog, Susie, was very excited about the march. She loved watching her family move together as one. As they reached the end of their journey, they all hugged each other and began to head back home. + +From that day on, the family of frogs looked forward to their daily march. They would always prepare carefully together, as they knew it would be an exciting and loud journey! +One day, a light visit appeared at mommy's house. It was a surprise for everyone. It was grandma! Grandma gave lots of hugs to mommy and her family. Everyone was so happy to see her. + +The family spent the day together. They laughed and played. They built a sandcastle in the garden. It was a lot of fun! Soon, it was time for Grandma to leave. + +Before Grandma left, she gave each person a big hug and kiss. Then, she waved goodbye as she drove away. Grandma had a fantastic visit. +John wanted a nut, but he didn't have any. So he asked his friend Jack if he could borrow one. Jack said yes, so John took a nut from Jack. John was very happy. + +John opened the nut and found a surprise inside - it was a shiny penny! He was very excited. John gave the penny to his mom and asked if he could buy something. + +John's mom said, "No, the penny is too small. We are too poor to buy anything with just one penny." + +But John was grateful to Jack for letting him borrow the nut. He thanked him for the surprise. +Once upon a time there was a patient bookcase. Every day it stood quietly and calmly waiting for something to happen. One day it heard a loud ring. The bookcase was curious so it decided to investigate. + +It found that the ring was coming from the other side of the room. When it got to the door, it saw a big red phone. The phone was ringing again and again. The bookcase waited patiently. Finally the ringing stopped. + +The bookcase was relieved. It thought it had saved the day. But then the phone rang again. This time the bookcase didn't wait. It quickly scrambled away before the ringing scared it too much. + +The patient bookcase never saw the phone again, but it was happy that it had been brave enough to carry out its mission. And from that day onwards, it always remembered to be patient. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a thin little tuna. He was alone in the big ocean and he was afraid. He swam and swam looking for a place to call home. Then he saw a brave fish. The brave fish was daring and strong. He was swimming up and down the shore. The thin tuna got excited and swam over to meet him. + +The brave fish asked the little tuna if he wanted to join him for a swim. The thin tuna nodded his head yes. They swam and swam, exploring and having fun. Soon, they found a special secret spot, the perfect place to be their home. + +The brave fish and the thin tuna swam to and from their secret spot all day. They were the best of friends and were never alone. They had each other and nothing was too daring for them to try. So no matter how small and thin the tuna was, he was never too scared anymore. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Sarah. She loved to swing. Every day Sarah would go to the swings with her friends and together they would fly high. One day, Sarah found an olive on the ground by the swings. It looked big and round and green. She thought it was cheap so she decided to give it a try. + +Sarah took a bite and it was delicious. The children decided to swing some more. After a while, they all decided to give the olive a ride too. They held out their hands and the olive flew high on their swings. It was so much fun that they kept swinging and riding with the olive all day. + +At the end of the day, the children laughed together with their friend, the delicious, cheap olive. +John was walking in the park. He was looking for something special. Then he saw something hidden behind a tree. He walked over and picked it up. It was a shiny clock! He was so excited. He said thank you and went to show his mom. + +His mom smiled. She said it was a special clock that only had one minute of time. She told John to be careful and use the time wisely. + +John was so happy with his special clock. He thanked his mom and hugged her. + +Every day, John would take out his clock and use the one minute to think about something nice. He would use the time to think about how loved he was and what he was thankful for. + +At the end of each minute, John would smile and say thank you. He knew he was blessed with something special and kept it hidden in his pocket. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Mary. Mary loved to perform. Every night, she would put on a special show for her mum and dad. Her mum and dad would always clap and cheer for her. She was very happy. + +One night, Mary performed the most amazing show that her mum and dad had ever seen. She sang and danced and smiled. Mary's mum and dad were very proud. + +After the show, Mary said good night and went to bed. She was so tired from all the performing. She was excited for the next night - she couldn't wait to perform her show again! +The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Joe was happy. He was playing in the garden with his little teddy bear. He was very busy looking for worms when suddenly, he heard a sound. It was like something was splitting open. He looked around the garden and saw a filthy worm split open in front of him. It was a big surprise! Joe was amazed and couldn't understand what had happened. He had never seen anything like it. He picked up the worm carefully and said to it, "It's ok, I'm here to help you". Then he quickly ran inside to show his parents the worm he had found. +Once upon a time, there was a baby cow called Daisy. She was very ordinary and brown. + +One day, Daisy was getting very thirsty as she had been running around the farm. + +Suddenly, the farmer spotted her. He had a bucket of milk and he wanted to give it to Daisy. He took out a special gun and he shot the milk in the air! The milk spun around in the air and then dropped straight into Daisy's mouth. Delicious! + +Daisy was very happy and she drank the milk until she was full. She loved milk and she was so happy that the farmer shoot it to her. + +The End. +Once upon a time, there was a charming village. Everyone in the village was very happy because soon it was going to be the village carnival! Everyone was so excited for the carnival and the fun that was to come. + +On the day of the carnival, the villagers were standing around the big field, waiting for it to start. One of the villagers had brought a cooler full of yummy treats for everyone to enjoy. The treats were so cool and delicious that everyone was excited to try them. + +Just when everyone was about to start the carnival, a big, black storm cloud came and it rained hard. Everyone was so sad, but then one of the villagers had a great idea. They put up a big tent and everyone went inside. The tent was big enough for everyone to stand underneath. + +When the storm was over, everyone came out of the tent and the carnival went on as planned. Everyone had so much fun and the cooler of treats was all gone. Everyone went back home, full of happiness and joy. The village carnival was a success! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mary. Mary was 3 years old and she loved lollipops. One day, Mary went out to play. While outside, she stumbled and fell into a deep hole. Immediately, Mary felt helpless and started to cry. Fortunately, she had a friend called Joe. Joe saw what had happened and ran to help. He hopped into the deep hole, and held out his hand towards Mary. She grabbed onto it, and Joe quickly pulled her to safety. As a reward, Mary gave Joe a big lollipop. Joe was very happy and they both smiled. Mary was so happy that Joe saved her. +Once there was a little girl with a sack. She was very happy. She put a marble in the sack and went outside to play. + +The girl went to the park and saw a high hill. It was very high and she was excited. She looked around and saw a bigger marble at the top of the hill. She wanted to get it. + +She took the sack and started climbing. She was careful and soon reached the top of the hill. She put the marble in the sack and was very happy. + +She went back to the park and had lots of fun with her marble. She played with it all day and had a great time. +Once there was a lucky girl named Lisa. She loved candy and one day she found a really special candy. Lisa was so excited that she quickly ate it up. + +But it was rotten! The candy was old and it rot inside Lisa's stomach. Lisa felt sick and she didn't feel lucky anymore. + +But then her mom gave her a magic pill. It made her stomach feel better in no time. Now Lisa felt lucky again. She learned a valuable lesson - always check if candy is fresh before eating it! +Once upon a time, there was an independent pony. She loved to explore and keep her own adventures. Every day she would go out and roam the countryside. She wanted to go wherever she wanted, with no one to tell her what to do. + +One day, she stumbled upon a small child. He was very young and was playing by himself.The pony approached him and the two became friends. + +The child loved the independent pony and would keep visiting her every day. Together they would explore the countryside and have lots of fun. Whenever the pony wanted to go on an adventure, the child would follow her. + +Soon they became inseparable, and the pony continued to stay independent. Even when the child got older, he would always keep coming back to the pony. He was happy to go wherever she wanted to explore. + +They were the best of friends, and would remain so forever. +Once, there was a little girl called Cat. Cat really loved playing with words. When Cat was three, her parents gave her a special dictionary. The dictionary was reliable, which meant it was very trustworthy. + +Cat was so excited! She opened the dictionary and started looking at all the special words. One of her favourite things to do was to mix up the words to see what she could make. + +For example, Cat mixed together 'cat' and 'happy'. She made the word 'cappy', which meant she was really cheerful! Cat had so much fun! + +When Cat was done playing, she put her dictionary away and went to bed. The next day, she was ready to start mixing words again. + +Cat was so excited to use her reliable dictionary! +Jim and Liza were best friends. Every day their favorite thing to do was play tea party. Jim always brought a dependable cup of mint tea to share with Liza. The two of them liked to pretend the tea was special fairy nectar. + +One summer day, the sun was shining and Jim wanted to go outside to play. He ran back inside and grabbed his special cup of tea. Liza was so excited for this new adventure, so the two of them moved to outside the shaded tree. + +After a few minutes, their tea started to melt in the hot sun. Jim and Liza began to laugh as the tea ran down their hands. They moved their tea break to the cool ground under the grass. + +The two of them enjoyed the sweet smell of their melted mint tea until all of it was gone. Jim and Liza loved their tea party and the dependable mint cup. +One day a little girl named Lucia went to the beach with her family. She put on her swimsuit and ran down to the water, excited to see what was in the ocean. She splashed around and was enjoying herself. + +Then, her dad mentioned something. He said, "Look Lucia! Do you see those small things moving around? Those are shrimp!" Lucia was excited that she saw the shrimp, they were so small and they were scurrying around in the water. + +The water was warm and inviting. Lucia swam around and played with the shrimp. They were normal little shrimp that moved around and played, just like Lucia and her siblings. + +After awhile, Lucia's dad said it was time to go home and Lucia reluctantly obeyed. She said goodbye to her little shrimp friends and went back up to the beach. Even though it was time to leave, Lucia had a lot of fun at the beach. She would always remember the day with the normal shrimp! +Once upon a time, there was a generous bear. He liked to give things away and he was always very kind. One day, he thought of a special surprise. He found a big, soft towel and he decided to give it away. + +The happy bear went around the woods looking for someone special who needed the towel. He soon spotted a rabbit. The rabbit said he was cold and was so happy when the bear gave him the warm towel. + +The rabbit was so surprised and thanked the generous bear. The bear smiled and said it was his pleasure. The rabbit then ran off with his big, soft towel and was very grateful. + +The end! +Once upon a time, there was a brave boy called Jack. He wanted to go to a special place called a university. Jack was very brave and he was not scared of the dangerous journey to get there. + +So, Jack set off. He had to cross a scary jungle and even a deep river. But Jack was brave! Eventually, he made it to the university. + +When Jack arrived, everyone was so happy to see him. They all applauded him for being so brave. Jack smiled, he was very proud. + +There he learned lots of new things. Jack became a very clever boy. And he never forgot about the dangerous journey he had taken to get there! +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Kinda. She had a mum and a dad and they all lived in a house together. Every day, Kinda's parents would leave her alone in the house. It made Kinda feel sad and scared. + +One day, Kinda looked around the house for something that would comfort her. She went over to the fridge and opened it up. There was some comforting food inside! Kinda smiled. She could make herself some yummy food. + +Kinda decided to make herself a sandwich. She got out some bread, cheese, ham and lettuce and put it all together. It wasn't a very cheap sandwich, but it made her feel much better. + +After eating her sandwich, Kinda still felt sad. Then, she remembered the hugs her mum and dad used to give her before they left. That was the kind of comfort she was looking for. + +So, Kinda went and found her mum and dad and gave them both a big hug. They smiled and hugged her tightly. Kinda felt so much better. She knew that no cheap sandwich could ever replace mum and dad's hugs. +Once upon a time, there was a bird called Pip. Pip loved to soar in the sky. One day, they decided they wanted to go even higher - so they spread out their wings and flew higher and higher until they could go no more. + +The wind felt so nice as Pip flew, it made them feel relaxed. As they looked below, everything seemed so calm and peaceful. Then, Pip heard something - it was another bird. It was a beautiful red bird with a long whip. They said hi to each other, and the red bird asked Pip if they wanted to join them. + +Pip felt so excited. Together, they climbed higher and higher, whizzing past clouds and the blue sky. Pip was so happy, they felt like they were soaring through the sky for hours. + +Finally, it was time for the two birds to go their separate ways. Pip said goodbye to their new friend, knowing they had made a good friend. Then, Pip flew back down to the ground, feeling calmer and more content than ever before. +Once there was a little boy who needed a bath. He looked around his house and saw a big van. It was very messy. He decided that he would bathe in the van. + +The boy put on his swim trunks and swam in the van. He splashed around and laughed. It was so much fun! He washed off all the dirt and felt so much cleaner. + +The boy's mom came over and asked what he was doing. He told her he was taking a bath in the van. His mom laughed and said that it was very silly. + +The boy's mom washed the van to get rid of the mess and he jumped out of the van and ran to his bedroom. He smelled so clean and felt so refreshed. He had lots of fun taking a bath in the van! +One day, a little kid ran fast down the street. His dad was loading big boxes into the car. The kid was excited to help his dad. He went right over and asked if he could help. His dad handed him a box. It was light and the kid was able to carry it easily. He put the box into the car. Then he ran back to get another one, but his dad stopped him. He said, "Not this one, it's too heavy." So, the dad finished loading the car himself. The kid was feeling helpful, so he waved goodbye as they drove away. The kid smiled as they drove off, feeling proud of himself for helping his dad to load the boxes. +Once upon a time, there was a wild noise. It came from deep in the woods, and the animals in the forest looked up in surprise. Little Bunny hopped to the edge of the woods to find out what it was. He saw a big box. + +He opened the box and found lots of bright colors inside. He tried to fit them all together into a picture, but it was too hard. Then he heard the noise again, coming from inside the box. He looked closely and realized it was a tiny bird, chirping away! + +He helped the bird out and then looked for somewhere it could sleep. He found a big hollow tree that looked like it would be perfect. He put the bird inside, and it was happy to fit there and be safe. + +At last, the wild noise had gone. Little Bunny smiled and hop-hopped back home, happy that he had helped the little bird. +Once there was a baby donkey. He was weak and scared of the wild. One day he saw a sign for a special farm. It said, "Come live at our farm, you will be safe and happy here". + +The donkey wanted to be safe, so he followed the sign. When he got there, the farmer took care of him. He gave him fresh hay to eat and a warm blanket to sleep on. + +The donkey started to feel stronger and braver. On the farm, he was not scared of the wild anymore. He even made many friends, and they all played together. + +Soon the donkey was no longer weak. He was brave and happy. He had found a home at the special farm, and he was never afraid of the wild again. +Once upon a time there was a clever little boy. His name was Jack. Jack wanted to go buy something special. One day, he went to the store with his mom. + +At the store, Jack saw something he liked. It was an oyster. He thought it was very pretty. He asked his mom if he could buy it. She said he could and so Jack was very excited. + +He paid for the oyster and then held it carefully. He took it home with him and put it on the kitchen counter. He looked at it everyday and it reminded him of the day he went to the store. + +He was so proud of himself for being clever enough to buy the oyster. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to play outdoors. She loved to roll in the grass, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin. One day, she smelled something yummy out in the yard. It was cocoa! She rolled over to the spot, and saw that her mom had made her a perfect cup of hot cocoa. She was so excited, she started rolling around in the grass again, thinking of all the sweet and yummy cocoa she was going to drink. She loved the feeling of the cool grass and the warm cocoa. She stayed outside, rolling and drinking until the sun was setting. That had been the perfect day! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sara. She was three years old and she was very nosy. She was always looking around and asking questions. + +One day, Sara asked her mom, "Why is my nose so big?" Her mom smiled and gave her a gentle reply. + +"That's because your nose is very unique. It's one of a kind. You should think of it as something special!" + +Sara thought about her mom's reply and smiled. She was happy to have such a unique nose that was one of a kind. From that day on, Sara was very proud of her nose and showed it off to everyone she met. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Jane. Jane was very intelligent and she loved music. Every morning before school she would listen to her favorite song. + +Whenever Jane heard the song, she felt happy. The song was filled with joy and made her feel peaceful and strong. She would twirl around with her arms outstretched and smile. + +One day, Jane decided to learn how to play the song on the piano. She practiced and practiced until she could play the song perfectly. + +Jane felt very proud of herself, and the song she played sounded even better than before. Now she wasn't just happy when she heard the song, she was also smart too. +Once upon a time, there was a small bear named Max. He liked to dream big dreams. One day, he decided he wanted to have a very special cactus. He walked out into the sunshine and he saw a soft cactus. He touched it and it felt so nice in his paw. He picked it up and carried it back home with a big smile on his face. + +Back in his cozy den, he found the perfect spot for his cactus. He put the cactus near the window, so it could get a lot of sunshine. + +Max took care of his cactus every day and he watched it grow. One day, he had a dream that the cactus was talking to him and telling him stories. Max was so happy. His cactus was his new best friend. +Once there was a boy named Jake. Jake liked to wander around in the woods. One day, while he was wandering, he found a little hut that was easy to spot. He stood in front of the hut and said, "This looks like a nice place to explore". + +He opened the door and stepped in. Inside, the hut was very quiet. He looked around and saw a bed, a table, and a few chairs. The walls were filled with pictures and decorations. + +He felt happy in the hut. It was cozy and peaceful. He decided to wander around the hut and explore some more. He went upstairs and found a small window with a nice view of the woods. He looked out the window and imagined what it would be like to live there. + +Eventually, Jake decided it was time to go back home. He said goodbye to the hut and thanked it for being a wonderful place to explore. He closed the door and wandered back home, thinking about all the things he had seen on his adventure. +Once upon a time, there was an unusual lamp. It belonged to a little girl named Martha. Martha had the lamp since she was a baby. + +Every night, Martha and the lamp would snuggle up together and have a long, special talk. Martha told the lamp all her secrets and shared her funniest stories. + +One night, the lamp said it needed to go somewhere special. Martha was sad that the lamp wouldn't be with her every night. But she realised the lamp belonged to someone else and should go where it needed to go. + +Martha said her goodbyes and waved at the lamp until it was out of sight. Martha knew that the lamp still belonged to her and would always be her special friend. +Paul and his mom had a plan. They were going to pack up their things! Paul watched as his mom pulled out a big bag. She put some clothes, shoes, and snacks inside. + +"What else do we need?" she asked. +Paul thought of one more thing. "A prize!" he said. + +His mom smiled and kneeled down. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a box with a fierce tiger on the front. Inside was a colorful toy! + +Paul was so excited. He hugged his mom and said "Thank you!" + +They finished packing the bag and headed outside. Paul clutched his prize close. It was going to be a great trip! +Once upon a time there was a wizard who wanted to take over the kingdom. He made a fake spell so he could trick people and destroy them. He always hid it so nobody could find it. + +One day a brave girl called Mary tried to find the spell. She knew it was hidden but she couldn't find it. + +So one night when the wizard was asleep, Mary searched everywhere for the fake spell. She searched in cupboards and boxes in the wizard's room. She found the spell and took it away without the wizard noticing. + +Suddenly the wizard woke up and saw the spell was gone. He looked everywhere for it but couldn't find it. He was very angry and shouted out loud. + +But Mary had the spell so the wizard couldn't destroy her. She quickly told everyone in the kingdom about the fake spell. Everyone laughed at the wizard and the wizard had to go away because nobody wanted him to take over the kingdom. + +And they all lived happily ever after! +John called to his mom one day. He said, "Mom, can I have a magazine?" His mom said, "Yes, sure!" John was so happy. He ran to the store and got a nice magazine. + +When he came back, John couldn't wait to start reading his magazine. He shuffled through the pages and saw lots of nice pictures. He even found some stickers inside! + +John was so excited about his magazine. He gathered some of his toys and showed them the magazine. John called his mom in to show her the magazine too. He said, "Look! It's so nice!" His mom smiled and said, "Yes, it is." + +John was so happy that he got to have the nice magazine. He read it every day and showed it to all his friends. He was so proud to show everyone the cool pictures in his magazine. +Once upon a time, there was True. True was a happy, noisy bird. True loved to fly high in the sky, singing and chirping loudly. Everyone in the forest enjoyed hearing True sing. + +One day, True was feeling very brave. He wanted to show everyone how high he could really fly. So he flew high, higher and higher than ever before. The birds across the forest watched in amazement. + +True darted around, singing and chirping loudly. He felt so happy, flying around and showing off his singing skills. Everywhere he flew, the birds enjoyed his wonderful voice. + +Suddenly, True heard something. It was a loud and noisy sound. He flew down quickly until he noticed it was a man and his dog. The man greeted True and wished him a good day. True sang as he flew away, proud to have shown his special skill. + +From that day on, every bird in the forest enjoyed True's singing. He was proud of being True and always sang loudly in the sky. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Max. She was always hopeful that something special was going to happen. One day Max saw something round in the sandbox in her backyard. She hope it was something special. + +Max picked up the round thing and ran inside. But when she opened it, it was not what she'd hoped. It was just an empty box. + +Max was very unhappy. She threw the box into corner. Now she was feeling foolish for having hoped that something special had been inside. + +But then something wonderful happened. Max’s mother took out a real treat - a delicious round cake! Max was so excited and happily enjoyed the treat which she'd hoped was inside the empty box. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Mary. Mary was feeling very sad one night. She was missing her mom and dad who had gone away and she was feeling lonely. To cheer herself up, she decided to dress up in her favorite clothes. + +First, she picked out a pretty pink dress. She put on her nice white shoes and two pink ribbons in her hair. She looked in the mirror and smiled. + +Next, Mary decided to go outside and take a walk. She stepped out into the night and the stars were twinkling above her head. She spun around and around and felt happier than she had before. + +Finally, she said goodnight to the stars and walked back home. As she looked into the mirror before going to bed, she noticed that her sadness was gone and she was happy again. She fell asleep with a big smile on her face. +Lily loved to gaze out of her window. She watched the birds, the trees, and the clouds that flew across the sky. One day, something amazing happened. Lily saw a mysterious rod sticking out of the ground. + +Curious, Lily opened the window and climbed out. She pulled on the rod and, to her surprise, it started to move. She kept on pulling and soon discovered it was a big, magical butterfly! It was very big and colourful, with wings that sparkled in the sun. + +The butterfly was very humble and thanked Lily for releasing it. It said it had been stuck in the ground for days and that it was very thankful to be free. + +Lily was so happy she had helped the butterfly live its life again. She looked up at the sky and continued to gaze after it as it flew away. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Jane. Jane wanted to pray but she didn't know how. Every day, Jane's mommy would show her how to pray. + +First, Mommy showed Jane to close her eyes. Then, she told Jane to fold her hands. Mommy said to think of a wish while she prayed. + +Jane wished for some perfume that smelled like pink roses. Mommy told her that if she asked God to make her wish come true, He would hear her. + +So Jane asked God to give her some pink perfume. She said a little prayer and waited. + +The next morning, when Jane opened her eyes, she saw something special in the garden. It was a big bottle of pink perfume! It smelled just like the roses in Mommy's garden. + +Jane was so happy that her wish had come true. She thanked God for listening to her prayer. + +From that day on, Jane kept praying to God and always remembered to thank him for his love and care. +Once upon a time there was a happy pilot. He liked to march around the world in his plane. Everywhere he went, he saw wonderful things. + +One day, he decided to march to a very special place. He was so excited to find out what was there! When he arrived, he saw a big pond with ducks and geese swimming in it. He waved to the birds and they waddled over to say hello. + +The pilot was so happy to have so many new friends. He watched them for a while, then got back in his plane. He waved goodbye and marched back home. + +On the way home, he thought about his new friends. He knew he would have to come back to the pond soon and say hello to them again. He was so happy to have had such a great day. +Once, there was a little boy. He wanted to go really, really fast, faster than anything else. So he ran really quickly, like the wind! He went so fast, that he got to the bakery before anyone could stop him. + +At the bakery, he saw a delicious pie on the counter. It was big, round and smelled so good! The little boy was so excited, he almost forgot why he came! + +He asked the baker for the pie, but the baker said no. The baker said that he had been a very bossy and rude boy. He told him to go and find someone else to give him a pie. + +The little boy was so disappointed. He thought he would never get a pie. But then he had a brilliant idea to go and ask his mum. His mum was never bossy like the baker and she would give him a pie! + +So he ran as fast as he could. He used all his energy to speed back to his mum with the same energy he had used to get to the bakery. + +When he got home, his mum gave him the biggest and tastiest pie he had ever seen. He was so happy! He knew that sometimes it pays to be nice, not bossy. +Once upon a time, there was a fat tuna. He loved to swim around the ocean and tell stories. Every morning, the tuna would tell a story to his other fish friends. One day, the tuna was telling an exciting story about far away lands, when he heard a loud noise. It was a big, fat shark! The tuna was scared, so he quickly swam away to hide. + +The shark followed and soon he was very close. The tuna was so scared he squeezed in a small hole in the rocks. The tuna didn't know what to do! He was stuck, but suddenly he had an idea. He started to tell the shark a story! + +The tuna told the shark a long and exciting story. The shark was so interested that he forgot all about the tuna. The tuna stayed in the hole until the shark swam away. When he was gone, the tuna swam away as fast as he could. + +The fat tuna was so relieved that he made his way back home to tell everyone what had happened. He couldn't believe his adventure! From that day on, the tuna always made sure to stay away from the big, fat shark. +One day, Mum and Dad took their three-year-old, Bob, to the park. As they walked, Bob noticed something bright and shiny on the ground. He leaned over and saw it was a big beetle. He was mesmerized by the colourful beetle. It had all different shades of blues and greens, that sparkled in the sunlight. + +Bob asked his mum and dad if he could keep it. Mum and dad thought it was a beautiful insect and wanted Bob to learn how to value nature. They told him he could keep the beetle if he was careful and gave it lots of love and care. + +Bob was so excited to have his own beetle! He gave it a special name –Tiny–and carried it around in a little box. He loved playing with Tiny and watching its colourful wings flutter in the sun. Bob really valued his tiny beetle for the bright little creature it was. +Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was Jack. He lived near the beach. One day, Jack went to the beach with his mom. He saw a huge pile of sand. He was so excited. He ran to it and started clapping. His mom clapped too. They made big sand castles together. But then he heard someone crying. Jack looked around and saw a little girl. She had hurt her knee. Jack knew it must have hurt a lot. He gave her some of his sand and started to clap. The little girl started to smile. And soon she was clapping too! Jack helped her make a special sand castle with a flag on top. They clapped and cheered for it. Then Jack’s mom hugged them both and gave them an ice-cream. All the clapping and sand made them so happy. The little girl was smiling again and no longer hurt. +James and his family were going to the festival. They were very excited. They were going to have fun. + +When he got to the festival, he saw lots of fun things. But he had to stay with his family. + +James felt sad. He wanted to explore by himself. He couldn't do what he wanted. He regretted it. + +The next year, James went to the festival again. This time he was more prepared. He knew what to do. He went by himself and had lots of fun. + +He was more regular in his visits after that. He never regretted it again. He loved the festival. +Once upon a time there was a chubby, furry bear. He found a funny hat and put it on his head. He wriggled around, feeling silly and happy, to show everyone his new hat! + +Then, the bear stumbled into a magical pond. He was soon covered in sparkles and he felt something strange happen to him. As the sparkles faded away, he realized he had become a boy! + +The boy ran off to show his family, who were all very surprised. They all decided to put on the funny hat and giggle together. Then, they went out to explore! + +The boy, his family, and the funny hat all became best friends. They went for walks, played games, and had lots of fun together. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a young animal who lived in the forest. He was exploring when he found an old tree with an opening in it. + +He stuck his head inside to have a look and saw a green meadow with a family of animals playing and having fun. + +He watched for a while and soon started to join in the fun! He laughed and played with the young animals, forgetting all his worries. As he was playing, he heard a voice in his head telling him to mind what he was doing. + +He sat down to think and realised that the voice had come from the old tree! He mindfully listened to what it said and had lots of fun in the meadow from then on! +Once there was a girl called Jane. She was very enthusiastic. Today was a special day, because Jane was going sailing with her mom. + +Jane ran to the boat and hopped right in. She peered out over the water so eagerly. The sun was bright and the water sparkled. + +Then, Jane's mom said, "Listen carefully. That is the sound of the wind in the sails. Can you hear it?" + +Jane carefully listened. She heard the sweet sound of the sails rustling in the wind. She smiled and said, "Yes, I heard it!" + +It was the best day of sailing ever. Jane was so happy that she hugged her mom and thanked her for the wonderful today. +John was a three year old who was being very naughty. He had been told he must not open the cupboard in the kitchen, but he had opened it anyway. Inside he found an old pan. He stared at it with curiosity. + +Suddenly, the pan fell to the ground and made a loud noise. John was very scared and ran away. His mum was very frustrated when she found out what had happened. + +She scolded John and told him that he must never open the cupboard again. John sadly nodded his head. He was sad as he stared at the pan on the kitchen floor. + +His mum tried to explain that he should not disobey but it was difficult for him to understand. He just kept staring at the pan and wishing he could have done something differently. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was playing in nature, running through the grass and giggling. Then, suddenly, she heard a noise. It was a scary noise, like something dangerous. She stopped, looked around, and then it appearedâ€��a big, scary creature! + +The girl was very scared, but she slowly started to back away. She was so scared, she wanted to cry. Then, all of a sudden, the creature began to vanish. It just disappeared right in front of her eyes. She was so surprised, she couldn't speak. + +The little girl looked around, and then she realized the noise wasn't dangerous. It was nature, just whispering to her. She started to laugh and run around in the grass again. She spent the whole day running around in nature, and never forgot the scary sound that vanished right before her eyes. +Once upon a time there was a boy. He was very independent. + +He liked to do things himself, without help from anyone else. One day he decided to pour his own juice. He went to the kitchen and got out a cup. Then he filled it with juice from the jug. + +The boy watched as he carefully poured the juice. Some of it went into the cup, but some also spilled out. He didn't mind though, because he was doing it by himself. + +When he had finished pouring the juice, he put the jug back in the kitchen and took the cup to the living room. He happily drank his delicious juice and enjoyed the feeling of being independent. The end. +Once there was a little girl named Sally. She liked to jog. She jogged around and around the big room with the shiny wood floor. + +Sally liked to see how fast she could go. She’d jog around the floor over and over. She started running faster and faster and started to jump high. She loved it! + +After a while, Sally was getting tired. She stopped jogging and plopped on the floor. The floor felt so soft and warm. + +As Sally lay there, she looked up. She saw the high ceiling with the beautiful lights. She smiled and said to herself, “I’ll have to jog faster next time.†+Once there was a family who lived together in a big house. One night, the family were all very hungry, but there was no food in the house. They all struggled to find food, until they finally found some yummy treats hidden in a cupboard. Everyone was happy and they enjoyed the treats. + +The family ate their yummy treats and felt full and happy. They were very thankful and hugged each other. From then on, the family made sure that their cupboard was always full of yummy treats, so they never had to struggle to find food again. +Once upon a time, there was a big colorful bird. He lived in a big colorful tree in the middle of a meadow. One day, the bird had a fight with another bird. The fight made him very unhappy and he wanted to disappear. He wished really hard and suddenly he disappeared. The other bird was surprised to see the big colorful bird had gone. + +The bird flew away far away to a secret place. He found a beautiful place with lots of colourful trees, green grass and a clear blue sky. He felt so happy here that he decided to stay. + +The bird enjoyed living in the secret place and he became very friendly with all the animals. Every day he played and laughed with them. He was so happy that he never wanted to leave. + +But one day, he had to say goodbye and fly back home. He waved goodbye to all his friends and flew back to his big colorful tree. The other bird was also there, waiting for him. Since then, they have never fought again. +Once upon a time, there was a grumpy statue. He stood in the same spot all day, every day, and he didn't like it one bit. Every evening, the statue would frown and grumble because he never got to move or do anything interesting. + +One night, the statue made a wish. He wished that he could go for a walk and see the world. Suddenly, the statue began to sparkle and glimmer. Then he started to float up off the ground! He floated higher and higher until he disappeared into the night sky. + +The people who saw him go gasped in surprise. They had never seen anything like it before. The statue was gone! + +The next day, the people searched all over for the grumpy statue but they couldn't find him anywhere. He had disappeared and they never saw him again! +The driver was driving his car. It was a pink car. The driver was happy and wanted to sing. He sang a happy song. He sang and drove at the same time. He drove the car through the town and everyone smiled when they heard him. Everyone loved to hear his happy singing. He drove around for a little while longer and everyone sang with him. They all sang and enjoyed the beautiful pink sky. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Sophie. She loved wearing her blue mittens! Every morning, when she put them on, she felt safe and warm. But one cold winter's day, Sophie dropped one of her mittens in the snow. She started to worry. + +Sophie searched up and down, but she couldn't find her blue mitten. She felt sad and scared. + +Suddenly, she saw a furry rabbit hopping through the snow. The rabbit had something blue in its mouth! Sophie followed the rabbit, and soon it led her to her lost mitten. + +Sophie was so happy, she hugged the rabbit and put on her mitten. And from that day onwards, she never worried about her mitten again. +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful fairy. She had wonderful wings and little fingers that sparkled every time she stretched them. + +One day, the fairy took a walk and saw a beautiful flower. She wanted to pick it so she reached out her finger. As she stretched to touch the flower, she saw something move in the bush. + +The fairy peered closer and noticed a little caterpillar wriggling around. She smiled and gently picked him up. She stroked his soft body and noticed how many colors he had. + +The fairy put the caterpillar back in the bush, said goodbye and flew away. She spread her wings wide, stretched her fingers and smiled. She had made a special friend on her walk. +Once upon a time, there was an obedient little girl. She always did what she was told. One day, she wanted to learn something new. + +The girl asked her mom if she could go and visit a mechanic. She had heard that this was someone who could fix things. Her mom agreed, so the girl said goodbye and went off to find the mechanic. + +The mechanic was very nice. He explained all the things he did to fix broken things. The girl asked many questions, such as, "What tools do you use?". + +The mechanic answered all her questions and then showed her tools like a screwdriver, hammer, and saw. The girl was very excited. She wanted to try using the tools, so the mechanic let her pick one up and try using it. + +The girl was really good at using the tool – she was so obedient and did everything just as the mechanic said.The girl was really proud of herself. She thanked the mechanic and went home to show her mom what she had learned. +One day, Jamie and Mommy went outside. Jamie saw a rake and asked what it was. Mommy said it was a rake and showed Jamie how to use it. Jamie was so excited and ran around the backyard getting all the dead leaves. He felt so proud and kept raking for a long time. + +Suddenly, he heard a loud noise and jumped. Jamie asked Mommy what it was, and she said it was just a huge truck passing by. He was so scared, but Mommy said it was okay, so Jamie kept getting all the dead leaves. + +When they were finished, Jamie was so happy. He and Mommy cleaned up the yard, and it looked so nice that they decided to have a picnic outside. + +Jamie was so proud of his work. He and Mommy had such a great time at the picnic and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Jamie was so happy that he had gotten all the dead leaves! +Once upon a time, there were two friends. One was named Lucy, and the other was named Jimmy. They were the best of friends. + +One day, Lucy decided to introduce Jimmy to something very special. It was a black lump. It was coal. Jimmy was so excited and he said it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. + +Lucy said that if Jimmy was lucky, something amazing might happen if he kept the coal with him. Jimmy was excited and he kept it safe with him. + +The next day, Jimmy couldn’t believe his eyes. His coal had turned into a beautiful diamond! He was so very lucky and thanked Lucy for introducing him to magic. + +They remained the best of friends and were so very happy. +Once upon a time, there was a duck. He was very brave and liked to explore. He decided to go for a walk, so he set off down the stream. He watched the stream settle around him, it was so cold. He began to feel sleepy, so he settled down in the water to take a nap. + +But something was wrong. He could not find a comfortable place to settle. Everywhere he tried was either too bumpy or too cold. He began to worry that he would never find a place to settle. + +Suddenly, he felt a warm breeze tickling his feathers. He looked around, and he saw a sunny spot in the stream. He quickly set down and settled inside, and he was so happy. The sun was so warm, and he was safe and snug in his sunny bed. + +He felt very happy and content. He stayed there for the rest of the day and into the night. And he decided that, from now on, he would only settle in sunny places. +Randy and Abigail were best friends. Randy wanted to make a snack for them to share. He found some useful ingredients in the kitchen. He got out a bowl, some milk and some cereal. + +Randy mixed the milk and cereal together until it was a gooey snack. Abigail thought it smelled delicious. Randy and Abigail shared the snack and it was yummy! + +Randy and Abigail were both happy to have a useful snack they could mix and share together. +Once there was a great big pink case. It was so large it seemed to take up the whole room. One day a little girl named Hope came to visit. She saw the case and asked her mom what it was. + +Her mom told her it was full of presents she wanted to give away. Hope wanted to help so her mom opened the case and gave Hope a special pink box. Hope was so excited, she said she wanted to pass it to someone else. + +So the next day, Hope and her mom went around the town handing out the presents from the big pink case. They gave them to people who were happy and smiling at the sight of such a special gift. + +Hope was especially proud to pass on the pink box. As they handed out the presents, people thanked them over and over, and they both agreed that passing on the presents was a great way to spread happiness. +Once there was a little boy called John. John's mummy and daddy did not get along. They disagreed all the time. John wanted his mummy and daddy to be friends again! + +One day, John's mummy put dinner on the table. It was broccoli. John thought that broccoli was very yucky, but his mummy insisted that he eat it. John was very stubborn, though - he refused to eat the broccoli. + +His mummy got angry and told John that he had to eat the broccoli, but John said no! Mummy and John kept arguing, until eventually mummy gave in. John was delighted that mummy had listened to him. + +From then on, mummy and daddy started to agree more and more. John was so happy that his mummy and daddy were finally friends again. +Once upon a time there was a pillow. It lived on a bed in a room. The pillow was blue and soft. Its name was Ben. + +Ben tried to make himself fit on the bed, so he could be comfy. He wanted to have a good sleep. He tried and tried, but he couldn’t seem to stay on the bed. He kept falling off. + +Then one day, a mouse came to visit. “I know how to make you fit on the bed,†said the mouse. Ben was excited! + +The mouse said: “You have to do a lot of jumping and flipping. If you do this, you will be successful!†+ +So Ben tried and tried. He did lots of jumping and flipping. And then, he did it! He finally fit on the bed. He was so excited and happy. He had a good sleep and was successful! +Once there was a little girl who loved red. She had a red dress, red shoes and she even painted her room red! Every day, the little girl worked hard. She helped her mom wash the dishes and she made sure to pick up her toys. + +One day, the little girl had an idea. She decided she wanted to build a well in her backyard. So, she got to work. She gathered some wood and some rocks. She pushed and pulled and dragged and she worked and worked until the well was finished. + +The little girl was so proud. She had built her very own red well! She couldn't wait to show it to her mom and dad. From then on, the little girl kept working hard and doing her chores. She was very proud of her red well too and liked to show it off to her friends. +Once upon a time there was a small girl. She was only three and was so curious about the world. She wanted to know how everything worked. + +One day she asked her mother, "What's in that bottle?". Her mother was busy, so she said "I'm busy, use your brain". But the girl didn't understand. She kept asking her mother the same question. + +The girl's mother became frustrated and said "It doesn't matter, it's not important!" But the girl felt ignored and sad. + +Suddenly, another person came in the room. It was the girl's grandmother. She was wise and kind. She looked at the little girl and said "What would you like to know?". The little girl said "What's in that bottle?". Her grandmother smiled and answered "It's juice, sweetheart". + +The little girl was very happy. She saw how important it was to ask the right questions and be less ignorant! +Once upon a time there was a young boy. He went to school every day, and he had to sit in a classroom. It was a cosy classroom with lots of toys, and he felt happy being there. + +Every day, his teacher was very thoughtful. She said nice words to him and gave him nice treats. This made the boy happier and happier. + +After a while, he started to remain in the classroom. Every day he would play with his toys and talk to his friends until it was time to go home. + +He was so pleased that his teacher was so thoughtful and that he was able to stay in the classroom. He felt very happy and the classroom always made him smile. +Mommy and Daddy were very excited. They had just bought a big box and were ready to unpack it. When they opened it, there was an arm inside! It was so big and strange. They were not sure what it was for. So they asked their three year old daughter what she thought it could be. + +The little girl smiled and told them it was a robot arm! She was so excited, she showed them how it moved and what it could do. She even moved it around her and hugged it tight. Mommy said it was so peaceful to see them like that. + +Mommy and Daddy quickly figured out what the arm was for. They showed their daughter how to place the robot arm in her bedroom and told her it was time for bed. + +The little girl was so happy. She hugged the robot arm one last time and wished it a peaceful sleep. Mommy and Daddy smiled and tucked her in, knowing how much she enjoyed her new friend. +Tina and her friend Jack wanted to share a special event. +So they made a plan to go to the park. +When they left the house, it was a bit scary but they were brave. +When they arrived there, they saw a funny puppet show. +Then they ate some ice cream and they shared their food with the birds. +The event was so much fun, they wanted to stay until dark. +But then they heard a loud noise and it was very scary. +So they ran back to Tina's house and they hugged each other tightly. +After that they promised to have more fun events together soon. +One day, Jimmy saw something weird in the sky. It was a feather! He thought it was very special. He wanted to keep it, so he tried to catch it. But the feather kept flying away, no matter how hard he tried. + +He had an idea! He asked his mom for a basket. Then he filled it with flowers and lollipops. He asked his mom to send it up to the feather. When she did, the feather fluttered down into the basket! + +Jimmy was so happy! He was so amazed that the weird feather came down and landed in the basket. He thanked his mom and gave her a big hug. He had his very own feather now, and he was never going to let it go. +Once upon a time, there was a little swan. He was very special because he could stretch! Whenever he wanted to, he could stretch really long. + +One day, he was swimming in the pond and he noticed something. The pond was so small! There was not enough room to stretch. + +So he decided to go on an adventure. He spread his wings and flew away. He flew and flew until he found the right spot. It was a big lake with lots of room to stretch. + +The little swan was so happy! Every day he would stretch, flap his wings and swim around the lake. He was very happy. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a chubby little boy called Paul. He was always looking for new things to do and explore. One day he was playing outside and he saw a big spot on the ground. He was curious and he went over to it. He tried all sorts of things to fit in the spot, but nothing seemed to fit. He tried a rock, a stick, a ball and lots of other things. Nothing seemed to fit. + +Then one day he had an idea. He stood in the spot, and with a laugh he found he fit perfectly. He was so happy and he wanted to fit in the spot more. So he tried to fit in the spot any time he had a chance. He would fit, do a jump and laugh until his tummy was all wiggly. + +He would show his friends and say “Come, fit in this spot, it is so much fun!†and soon everyone was playing in the spot. Everyone, no matter how big or how small, could fit in the spot and they were all happy. Paul had found a way to fit in the spot and have lots of fun. And that’s why, to this day, people of all shapes and sizes still fit into Paul’s special chubby spot and have lots of fun. +Once upon a time there were two friends. One was a little girl and the other was an orange bear. They were best friends and loved playing together. + +One day, the two friends decided to go for an adventure. So they packed their bags, put on their hats, and set off to explore. + +The journey was difficult, there were mountains to climb and rivers to cross. But the two friends never gave up. They kept on walking, and soon they heard laughter coming from behind a mountain. + +Curious, the two friends decided to investigate. On the other side of the mountain, they found a funny little house with a funny little man inside. He was jumping around and playing with a bright yellow balloon. + +The orange bear and the little girl waved at the funny little man, but he ignored them. He just kept on playing with his balloon. So the two friends decided to keep on exploring and left the funny little man behind. + +And so the two friends continued on their adventure, never forgetting the funny little man who ignored them. +Once there was a little boy who loved to play. He wanted to succeed in something, so he decided to make something with an iron. He worked and worked, but no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't look right. He was getting frustrated. + +Then he noticed the iron was dull. He decided to work until it was shiny. He worked for hours, polishing and rubbing, and eventually it was so bright it was hard to look at! + +The boy was proud of himself. He had worked hard and succeeded in making his iron shine brilliantly. The little boy was so thrilled and decided every day to try and succeed at something, no matter how small. +Once upon a time, there was a giant who lived in the forest. Every day, the giant would go out and explore the world around him. One day, as he wandered, he heard a small voice. + +The giant turned and saw a little 3 year old girl. She looked up at him and asked shyly, "Who are you?" + +The giant smiled and answered, "I'm a giant. How can I help you?" + +The little girl looked embarrassed. "No one has ever asked me that before," she said. She then asked the giant, "What do you do?" + +The giant answered, "I help people find lost things. I also help people when they are in need." + +The little girl was happy to hear this. She said thank you and then ran off, feeling a little less ashamed. The giant watched her go, wondering what wonderful things would happen when he next went out exploring. +Once upon a time, three friends went on an adventure. They were all very nice and harmless. The friends wanted to bring everyone together and unite them all. + +So they began their journey, looking for ways to unite everyone. They travelled far and wide, meeting people along the way. Each person they met, they shared happy stories with and asked them to join the adventure. + +Finally, the friends met a lot of people and everyone was happy. The three friends had united all the people, and everyone was smiling. + +When everyone was together, the friends decided to share one last adventure. They invited everyone to share food and dance in a big circle. Everyone laughed and sang with joy. + +The three friends were so happy to have united everyone with such a harmless adventure. They smiled at each other and knew that from then on, they would always be friends. +Once upon a time, there was a very famous fridge. Everyone wanted to taste what was inside it. A curious 3 year old girl named Emma was brave enough to open the fridge door and find out what was inside. She was surprised to see so many colorful and delicious treats, like ice cream and biscuits. Emma couldn't help but taste them all! She ate and ate until her belly was full. Emma was so happy and delighted after tasting all the treats from the famous fridge. The end. +Dance was always one of Evie's favourite activities. She especially loved the ways that the different textures moved and twirled as she danced. She loved feeling the softness of the materials pass along her arms and legs and the zing of each modern move. + +Today was a special day, as Evie was in a brand new dance studio with her friends. She was so excited when her teacher took out the special box with all the new textures that they were going to be using today. + +They put on their slippers, and the teacher stood in the middle of the room. Evie watched as the teacher carefully passed the materials to each of her friends in a circle. They each took one of the materials and started to spin, dip and twirl around the room like colourful birds in the sky. + +Evie couldn't help but giggle as the textures moved in different directions. As the music passed them by, the materials moved with it, making the most beautiful tapestry. Evie was so mesmerized she couldn't help spinning around and following the modern steps. + +Evie smiled and thanked her teacher for a wonderful day. She couldn't wait to explore more textures and modern moves the next time she was in the dance studio. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Daisy. Daisy was so excited because today was a special day. It was the day that Daisy's rose bush was going to bloom. Daisy watched the bush closely and waited. All of a sudden the rose bush started to bloom and it was filled with the most beautiful pink roses. Daisy was so happy she gave them lots of hugs and kisses. + +Next Daisy decided to take out her notebook. Daisy loved her notebook and she filled it up with so many things. She drew pictures, wrote stories, and made lots of lists. Daisy worked on her notebook for a whole hour straight and when she was finished the notebook was full of crazy ideas. + +When Daisy was finished, she went outside to take one last look at her rose bush. Daisy whispered her goodbyes and promised to come back and visit soon. Then Daisy went inside for a nap and dreamed about her beautiful rose bush blooming. +Once upon a time, a family went out to eat at a lively restaurant. They looked around and saw it was filled with lots of people talking, laughing and clinking forks on plates. + +The family found an empty table and sat down. The waiter came up and said, "Welcome!" He handed the family all the menus. + +They looked around and saw they could get something yummy to eat. The dad ordered a big, juicy burger and the mom ordered a lettuce wrap. + +They all enjoyed their food and looked around. It was so lively in the restaurant - everyone having a great time. The family smiled at each other, happy that they got to share this special experience. + +When the family was full, the waiter said, "Welcome back!" He gave the family their check and said, "Thank you for visiting our restaurant." + +The family thanked him and walked out of the lively restaurant, happy and content. The end. +Once there was a little girl named Sally. Sally had a favorite pillow. She loved it very much. + +One day, Sally wanted to take her pillow to the park. But it was too heavy! She started to struggle, but she couldn't carry it. + +She asked her brother for help. He was very spoiled and didn't want to help her. He said, "No way! That pillow is way too heavy." + +So Sally tried to think of another way to bring her pillow to the park. She tried to ride her bike with the pillow but it kept falling off. + +Then Sally got an idea. She asked her mom for help. Sally and her mom tied the pillow to her scooter. Then she rode off to the park with her pillow! She was so happy. +Once upon a time, there was a sailor. He was on an adventure as he sailed on his boat. The sailor felt smooth cool wind on his face as the boat moved. + +He looked out at the ocean and saw a big blue sky. He could see the sun up in the sky and feel its warmth. As the boat went, he saw a big ball of white and yellow. It was a fluffy, cottony cloud, just floating in the sky. + +Suddenly, the sailor saw something spring up above the water. He watched as the smooth, blue dolphin appeared and jumped into the sky. It played in the sunshine for a few moments. + +The sailor smiled as he sailed away. It had been an exciting day out at sea, and the dolphin had made him feel happy. It had been an amazing adventure. +One day a healthy bird wanted to travel. He flew high up in the sky. He saw a big chimney and decided to land on it. He zoomed down from the sky and landed on the chimney. The bird looked around and saw a lot of nice places he could visit. He decided to fly to the forest first. He spread his wings and off he flew. He flew and flew until he reached the forest. He travelled around the forest for hours and found many interesting things. He even found a new friend to fly with! When the sun was setting, the bird flew all the way back to the chimney. He was so happy to be back home! +Once upon a time there was a little girl and she had a dream. She dreamed of a doll, a sweet one. She was so excited and could not wait to get a hold of it! + +So one day, when the girl was playing in the garden, she saw a magical fairy who was holding a pretty doll. The girl's eyes lit up, her heart was filled with joy. + +The girl ran to the fairy and asked for the doll. The fairy made a magical wish and gave the girl the beautiful sweet doll. + +The girl was so happy, she hugged the doll and ran around the garden with it! She enjoyed playing with her doll and also dreaming of even more sweet dolls. + +The girl's dream came true that day. She got a lovely sweet doll and was very happy! +Once upon a time there was a girl called Mary. Mary was a very special girl. She was very compassionate and was always trying to help others. +One day Mary dreamed of owning a special ticket. She wanted this ticket very much but she didn't have enough money to buy it. +Mary was sad but she was also very determined. She thought of clever ways to get the ticket. She asked lots of people but they didn't have a ticket to give her. +Then, one day when she was walking in town, she heard some people laughing and talking. When she got closer she saw they were selling tickets. Mary was very excited and asked if she could buy one. +The people were compassionate and gave her the ticket for free. Mary was so happy. She thanked the people for being so kind and ran off with her ticket. +She held it tight and never forgot the dream that she had worked so hard to make come true. +Once upon a time, there was a mess. It was everywhere. It was on the floor, on the chairs and even in the sky. Everyone was so sad and they didn't know what to do. + +Then, one day, someone came up with an idea. They said, "Let's clean this mess up!" Everyone clapped and cheered. + +They all got to work. They got out their cloths and soaps and started cleaning up the mess. After a while they were all tired, but they kept going. + +Suddenly, they all noticed a big, loud noise. It was so loud that it made the ground shake. Everyone looked up and saw a big balloon in the sky. It was filled with gas. + +The people shouted and waved their arms. One of them even had a broom. Soon, the balloon was coming down and the people started cleaning it up. They used soaps and cloths. After a while, the balloon was clean and everyone said "Hurray!" + +The people were so happy. They had cleaned the messy mess and now the sky was clean, too. Everyone had lots of fun and learned an important lesson. Cleaning up is fun and important! +Once upon a time there was a mommy, a daddy and a three year old called Jack. One day, Jack wanted to go on an adventure. So, mommy and daddy took Jack to the station. When they got to the station, Jack was so excited, he couldn't believe his eyes! + +Suddenly a big train rolled into the station. It was red, white and blue, and it fit perfectly in the station. Jack jumped onto the train, happy to have a new adventure. + +But his mommy was worried. She said to Jack, "Please don't lie, and you must stay on the train." Jack just smiled and said, "Yes, mommy I will". + +So off Jack went, happy to be taking a ride. He waved goodbye to his mommy and daddy and watched them grow smaller and smaller as he chugged away on the train. + +As he watched the beautiful countryside pass by, Jack dreamed of the wonderful adventures he was going to have. +Once upon a time, there was a deaf hippo named Henry. Every day, Henry would rub up against the mud of the river just for fun. One day, a big storm came and the river was too choppy for Henry to enjoy his rubbing. He felt so sad and lonely without his daily rub. + +Then, one day, Henry heard a sound coming from the riverbank. He looked over and saw a baby hippo struggling to stand in the mud. Henry quickly ran over and rubbed the baby hippo with his trunk. The baby hippo smiled as they hugged and cuddled. + +From that day on, Henry and the baby hippo played together in the river ever day. As they walked, Henry would rub the baby hippo's back with his trunk. + +They were the best of friends and made each other very happy. Even when the storms came, Henry and the baby would stay together and keep each other warm and safe. +Once upon a time there was a clever girl named Sally. Sally loved spending time with her friends, especially when they all did fun things. One day, Sally had a great idea. She decided to invite all her friends over to do some yoga. + +When her friends arrived, they were very excited to start yoga. Sally showed them some simple poses, like the tree and the warrior. All the kids laughed as they tried to do them. + +Once they were done with the poses, they all sat in a circle and Sally brought out some special snacks. Everyone was so happy and full of energy. + +At the end of the day, Sally's friends thanked her for the wonderful day. They had all had so much fun. They promised to come back another day to do yoga with Sally again. +Once upon a time there lived a giant inchworm. He was very hungry and wanted to eat. But he was having a difficult time. Everywhere he went, the food was too far away. + +One day, as he was crawling, he saw an apple in a tree nearby. He was excited and so he tried to get to it. But it was too high and too far away. The inchworm tried to climb the tree, but it was too difficult. + +Then the inchworm had a great idea. He started to eat the leaves and branches around the tree. In no time, the branches and leaves made a big pile. The inchworm jumped on top and he finally reached the apple. + +He was so happy and ate the apple in no time. The inchworm had a great time and was full and happy. He thanked the pile of branches and leaves and crawled away. He learned that sometimes the best way to get something is not always the most difficult. +Tommy and his mom were very excited. They were going to the park and Tommy had a brand new bow and arrow. + +When they got to the park, Tommy quickly set up the bow on the grass. His mom poured some special liquid onto the bow, to make it work better. The liquid leaked out onto the grass. + +Tommy started practising and he was really good. Shooting arrows at a big target was so much fun! Everyone was so impressed. + +When the day was over, Tommy hugged his bow and put it away carefully. He was sad to go but excited for the next time he could use his bow. He could hardly wait! +Once upon a time, there was a crystal. It was very special and beautiful. Everyone loved it. + +But one day, something bad happened. The crystal went dead. It would not do anything. + +The people felt so sad, they began to cry. No one knew what to do. So, the people decided to leave the crystal alone. + +Everyone was very sad that the crystal was dead, but it still looked very beautiful. They remembered the crystal always and said goodbye. + +They never forgot that wonderful crystal and all the fun they had with it when it was alive. +Once upon a time, there was a kind bird who wanted to try something new. It wanted to build something unique, something special just for it. So the bird got to work and soon enough it had built two big wings. The wings were so beautifully unique that all of the other birds wanted to get a closer look. + +On the day the wings were finished, something magical happened. The bird took off into the sky and started to fly for the very first time! The other birds watched in awe as their friend soared up high. + +Flying through the sky was the best thing the bird had ever done. It went higher and higher until it was out of sight and the other birds cheered and clapped as it flew away. + +The bird eventually learned to fly as high as it could. It came back and visited its friends often, showing off its unique wings and taking them on adventure. To this day, the bird’s adventures still continue and its unique wings never stop amazing everyone. +Once upon a time, there was a happy family who loved to walk together. + +One day, the family decided to decorate their house for a special event. Mom and Dad gathered lots of colorful balloons, streamers, and sparkly decorations. The little boy and girl helped by sticking the decorations to the walls and ceiling. + +Once the house was all decorated, everyone felt so happy! The family went for a walk in the park, enjoying the sun and the beautiful day. On the way, they saw all the other houses decorated too. + +The little boy and girl brought some of their sparkly decorations with them and found other things to decorate. They put decorations on the trees, on the grass, and anything they could find. + +When they were all done, the family agreed that the park looked very happy and bright. They held hands and walked back home, feeling very proud of their work. + +The end. +One day, a little girl named Mandy went outside to play with her doll in the sun. She didn't notice that her socks were getting wet in the grass. Suddenly, it started to rain! Mandy felt so helpless, because her socks were all wet. + +When Mandy came inside, her mom saw the wet socks and told her to take them off right away. Then, Mandy's mom got a towel and started to dry the socks. She dried them up with the towel and Mandy was happy again. + +Mandy put the dry socks back on and went out to keep playing in the sun. She was no longer feeling helpless, because her mom had dried her socks. +The mom and dad had a very important discuss. They were talking about the expensive word. Daddy wanted to go on a trip but Mommy said it was too expensive. + +Mommy said they should talk more and think of other words that were not so expensive. So they decided to go to the park instead. They could have a picnic, fly a kite and play together. + +At the park, they had a grand time! They laughed, played and talked about the beautiful word: adventure. Daddy said he wanted to go to the beach, and Mommy said that would be great. + +So they discussed the cost of the beach adventure. In the end they decided it wouldn't be that expensive and they would go. They were so excited and couldn't wait to go. +Once upon a time, there was a silly farmer who was a bit crazy. He loved to visit the nearby farms. One day, the crazy farmer decided to take a long visit to a farm far away. He packed some food and off he went. + +When he got there, he saw a lot of animals. There were cows, goats, chickens, and pigs. The farmer was so excited to see them all. He waved at them and laughed. + +He also saw some big tractors and big machines. The farmer felt so small compared to them. After a long time at the farm, he said goodbye to the animals and tractors and began his journey home. + +On the way back home, the crazy farmer stopped in a nearby town for a bite to eat. He was so happy to be visiting places on his trip. He couldn’t wait to tell his friends about his fun visit. +The old man was walking down the road with a broken horn in his hand. He was very sad. He had been given the horn by his grandfather, who was now gone. + +Suddenly, a loud noise filled the air. It was an ignorant young boy on a bicycle, who had broken the horn. The man was angry and shouted at the boy. The boy looked embarrassed and apologised. + +The old man felt so disappointed. He looked down at the broken horn and wanted to cry. Then the boy did something unexpected. He opened his bag and gave the old man a new horn. It was much bigger and brighter than the old one. + +The old man was very happy and thanked the boy. They both smiled. The old man promised to look after his new horn and never let it break like the other one. And from then on the old man was always kind to the ignorant young boy. +Once upon a time, there was a bee. He was very small and buzzed around the garden looking for something special. Then, he found a hive. It was big and made from a rough bark. + +The bee flew excitedly around the hive, checking it out. Then, he buzzed around and around the hive, looking for an entrance. Finally, he spotted it. He carefully flew into the entrance and he was in! + +Inside the hive was a secret world of honey and wax. The bee thought it was the best place ever and he was so excited to explore it. He fluttered around and soon he was deep inside the hive. + +The bee time in the hive was rough, but he was happy. He loved learning about the special place and he spend a lot of time there. + +The moral of this story is that some places can be rough and a bit challenging, but it can be very rewarding to explore them. +Once upon a time there were two tanks. One was big, and one was small. The small tank was full of water, and the big tank was empty. Every day, the small tank weighed the same. But the big tank was different - it weighed more and more each day. + +The tanks wanted to know why the big one weighed more. So they asked an independent person. The independent person said it was because the big tank had rocks inside. + +The small tank liked the rocks - it thought it should have some too. So the independent person filled the small tank too with rocks. The tank learned that being independent was important, and that it was ok to have rocks inside. Now both the tanks weighed the same. They were happy! +Molly was very excited. She was going to the parade! Molly was wearing her favorite dress and was ready to go. + +As she waited for the parade to start, she thought she saw a big lion and she began to get scared. She started to feel a bit nervous. + +But then she remembered that her dad was there with her and she felt calmer. He told her that lions weren't real and she remembered it was all part of the parade. + +Soon the parade started and Molly was all smiles. She waved at all the people, saw the fancy cars go by and noticed the bright colors of the floats. She was fascinated. + +At the end of the parade Molly was so tired that she yawned. She had had a great time and was looking forward to the next parade! +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Emily. She was three years old and loved playing with her toys. One day Emily wanted to eat something yummy. She saw some broccoli on the table and asked her mummy if she could have some. "Of course you can eat some broccoli", mummy told her with a smile. + +But when Emily began to eat the broccoli it felt warm. She was embarrassed because everyone else was looking at her. She dropped the broccoli and started crying. + +Mummy knew how to make Emily feel better. She hugged Emily and said "It's ok sweetheart. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. You will never be embarrassed around me." Emily felt better and gave her mummy a big hug. + +The end. +One day there was a purple bottle outside. It was sitting in the hot sun. The bottle was made of plastic. It was very pretty and shiny. +The bottle began to get warm and the sun made it hot. The hot sun dried the bottle out. The bottle felt dry and empty. +But then it started to rain. The rain was cold and wet. It filled the bottle with water. Now the purple bottle was not dry anymore. It was full and heavy with cool water. +The bottle was so happy to have water again. It was very happy to be full and no longer dry. +Dave was very popular. Every day at school his classmates wanted to play with him. + +One day, Dave forgot his lunch. He was so embarrassed! He had nothing to eat. + +Fortunately, his teacher noticed and she said, "Don't worry Dave, I have something for you!". + +She brought out a thermometer. The thermometer was for measuring temperature. It had been lying around in the classroom for some time. + +Dave was still embarrassed and his classmates started laughing. But his teacher smiled and said, "It's okay Dave, everyone makes mistakes. Now let's all have some lunch!" + +Dave was relieved and he and his classmates enjoyed their lunch. For the rest of the day, Dave was the most popular kid in school! +One day, a kind boy named Tim received a special lecture from his teacher. He was so excited and couldn't wait to listen to what his teacher had to say. His teacher talked to him all about sharing with others and being kind, and Tim was so happy to receive this lecture. He couldn't wait to try to share his toy with all of his friends. By the end, his teacher was filled with pride and gave him a big hug. Tim was so happy that he had received a kind lecture, and he promised he would always remember all the things he had learnt. +Max was in a hurry. He had a plan - he wanted to paint his playroom. He wanted to make it extra-fun and he could do it all by himself. He was very independent. + +First, he got all his paint and the brushes. He spread out some old newspaper so the paint wouldn't make a mess. Then he started to paint. He painted red circles and green squares. He painted blue stars and yellow diamonds. He worked very hard and he was in a lot of a hurry. + +When he was done, Max stepped back and looked at his work. He felt so happy. He had painted the biggest things that he had ever painted by himself. He was so proud of his independent work. +Once upon a time, there was a seal. The seal believed he was very special. He was very flexible and could do pieces, jumps and even flips in the water! He was so proud of his flexibility. One day he asked a bird what did it believe about him. The bird said " I believe that you can do anything because you are so flexible!" The seal was very happy and couldn't believe how lucky he was to be so flexible and special. From that day on he would always believe in himself and think about how wonderful it was to be so flexible! +One day, a yellow car and a blue car were zoom-zooming together. They were so excited and having lots of fun. Then, a big label fell from the sky and it said 'Slow Down!' Suddenly, the cars felt very gloomy and stopped. +They asked, "Why do we have to slow down?". The label said "You are going too fast - being safe is the most important thing!" +The cars drove away much more slowly and tried to listen to the label's advice. They learned that it's important to stay safe and to always look after each other. +Once there was a little girl who loved to write. She had a big box full of pens, pens and paper. She would spend hours writing stories and imagining what the stories could be about. + +One day, she wanted to write a story about a cable that ran across the ocean. She imagined the cable slowly snaking its way across the sea. + +But she didn't have any cable. + +So, she went to the store and bought a big roll of colorful cable. She carried it home, and carefully laid it out on the floor. She carefully wrote down the story of the cable and how it slowly snaked its way across the ocean. + +She was so proud when she was finished. + +She showed her story to her mom and dad and they said it was the best story they had ever seen! +Once upon a time there was a bird that lived in a tree. It had beautiful feathers and was very happy. However, during a windy day, one of the branches of the tree broke, and the bird was very troubled. The bird was sad and became scared of the storms. + +One day, a family noticed the sad bird and wanted to help. The grandma explained to the bird that it was valuable and didn't need the branch to be safe. She showed the bird how to find shelter in her house during the storms. + +The bird felt very happy and comforted. It learned to value the safety the family provided. From that day forward, when a storm came, the bird flew to safety in the family's house. +Once upon a time, there was a small green frog. One day, the frog was walking in the woods when he heard two animals talking. He hopped to a nearby bush to listen. + +The first animal said, “Do you think I can make that big jump?†+ +The second animal said, “I don’t know. Try it and see!†+ +The frog joined the conversation. He said, “I think you can do it! Just use your big word and jump!†+ +The animals were amazed by the frog's advice. They both said thank you and wished him well. Then, the first animal jumped and made it! + +The frog was happy and smiled. He went back on his way, feeling proud of his helpful suggestion. + +The end. +Mummy and Daddy were in the living room. Mummy had a big red dress on and Daddy was wearing his red hat. They wanted to kiss, but there was a lot of furniture in the way. So, Daddy picked up a big red chair and moved it out of the way. Then, Daddy picked up Mummy and gave her a big kiss. She smiled and kissed him back. They hugged each other and then sat down on the red sofa. They were very happy. +The little girl wanted to do something special. She saw on television that some people do fancy exercises. They were wearing special clothes and they were matching the movements of the people on the screen. + +The little girl wanted to do what they did. She found some old clothes of her mom's and put them on. She felt like a princess! Then she tried to match the movements the people were doing on the TV. It was hard but after a few tries, she could do it! + +She showed her mom what she could do and her mom was so proud. She smiled and said that fancy exercises were very good for her. They practised together for many days afterwards and the little girl felt better and stronger every time. Matching the TV people was so fun! +One day, Jim was walking in the street and saw a gun. He felt scared and wanted to run away, but he was too curious not to look at it. He was an ignorant boy, so he didn't know that guns were dangerous. He touched it, but the gun suddenly fired. Jim screamed and ran away. + +Back in his house, his mom saw the terror in his face and asked him what had happened. Jim told her that he had seen a gun and she quickly tied his hands to keep him safe. His mom told him that guns were dangerous and that he should never touch one again. Jim nodded and promised never to be ignorant about such things again. +Once upon a time, there was a brave little girl who loved muffins. She loved them so much that she ate them every day. + +One day, she came home to find that her mom had left her a special muffin. She was so excited to eat it and she took one bite. But then, suddenly, it disappeared! + +The little girl was very sad and a little scared, too. She looked all around the house, but the muffin was gone. + +She asked her mom where the muffin had gone and her mom said, "Oh, it disappeared!" That made the little girl even more sad and even a little more scared. + +But then, her mom said something that made her smile. She said, "Don't worry! I have plenty more muffins and I will make you another one." + +The little girl smiled and was very happy, because she was brave and didn't give up. The next day, the little girl ate a delicious muffin and was no longer sad. +Once upon a time, there were two purple friends. They liked to lean against each other and play in the sun. + They thought it was so much fun! One day, they had an argument. One wanted to play tag, but the other wanted to have a picnic. +The friends started to fight with their fists. But then, one of them stopped and leaned against the other. +The other friend smiled and leaned back against them. +They both forgot what they were fighting about and just enjoyed being purple friends together. +Once upon a time there was a family who went for a walk in the park. The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was a clear blue. Dad took the family to a pond and they sat down on the grass. + +Dad pulled out a colorful square from his pocket and put it in the water. Then he said: "Let's drink!" + +The family looked at the colorful square in surprise. Dad laughed and said: "It's a special kind of square called a tea bag. When you put it in hot water, it makes tea. Let's all have a drink!" + +So the family all took turns drinking the tea. The tea was warm and sweet. Everyone lapped it up and said how delicious it was. The family kept on drinking until it was gone. Then they all had a big smile on their faces! +Once upon a time, there was a new window. It was so big and shiny. All the little birds in the neighborhood flew by to say hello. + +Every day, the little birds would peek through the new window and chirp hello. The boy in the house was so happy to see them. Every morning, he thanked the birds for coming to see him. + +The birds were glad to hear the boy's thank yous. They wanted to show him how much they loved him. One morning, two of the birds flew in through the new window! + +The little boy was so amazed! He thanked them again and again. He waved at them as they flew away. From then on, he was sure to thank the birds every morning when they came to see him. +John was feeling excited. He had a special surprise for his family. He was going to take them on a jog! He had a pistol in his pocket. + +John and his family went on a long jog. The sun was shining and they were singing songs as they jogged. They followed a path through the park and laughed as they went. + +Finally, they stopped at a clearing in the park. Everyone was smiling and out of breath. John brought out the pistol from his pocket. Everyone was so excited! + +John used the pistol to launch a kite in the sky. All of them watched it soar high, twisting and turning in the wind. Everyone was so excited. John had made everyone's jog even more special and exciting. +Joey was walking down the street when he saw something shining in the sun. It was a big, round and shiny pear! He wanted it, but it was too high up. He started to look around until he saw a tall tree. He walked over to it and saw that the pear was hanging from one of its branches. He stretched his arm as far as he could but still couldn't reach it. It was too expensive for him to buy, but he really wanted to eat it. He looked around and found a stick. He used the stick to reach the pear and pick it up. Joey then walked home with the shiny pear in hand, ready to eat it! +Once upon a time, there was a boy who liked sports. Every day he liked to cut grass from the park near his house. He felt safe when he was outside playing sports. + +One day, he saw a dog playing in the same park. He went over and gave the dog a big hug. The boy and the dog played together; they ran and laughed. + +Soon, the boy noticed that the dog had a toy ball. He asked the dog if he could play with it. The dog was really happy to share and they started to play catch. + +The boy threw the ball and the dog jumped to catch it. He accidentally cut his paw on a stone. The boy felt very bad, so he ran to get some bandages. When he came back, the pup was feeling better. + +The boy and the pup played together for the rest of the day. The boy felt happy now, he knew that he played sports safely. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Kate. She was three years old and very curious. + +One day, Kate went to the park with her mom. She was so excited! She loved to play in the warm sunshine on a spring day. But when she got there, Kate was worried. There was a big hill and she didn’t know how to climb it. + +No matter how hard she tried, Kate couldn’t make it up the hill. She didn’t know what to do. Then, all of a sudden, she felt something push her up the hill - it was her mom’s strong will! + +Kate’s mom smiled and said, “See, now you can make it up the hill! With a little help, and a lot of will, anything is possible.†+ +Kate smiled and was no longer worried. Together, she and her mom had sprung up the hill! +Once upon a time, there was a team of four friends. They were so eager to start an adventure together! + +First, they went to the beach. It was so fun to build towers in the sand. Then, they went to the park. They ran around and laughed until the sun started to set. + +After that, the team wanted to go on a hike. It was so hard for little legs to walk up the steep hill, but they kept going! When they reached the top, they saw a rainbow in the sky. + +Finally, they came back home. The team was so happy with their adventure. They hugged each other goodbye, eager to plan their next adventure soon. The fun did not end there! +The sun was shining and the birds were singing. It was a perfect day for a stroll. Eddie put on his hat and got ready to go. He took his first step and took a turn on the street. He started to take another turn, but this turn was different. With every turn he got more excited about what he might find. + +He started to hear strange noises and soon he saw something that made him giggle with joy. It was a puppy! Eddie bent down and the puppy came bounding over to give him a big, wet kiss. He looked into the puppy's eyes and knew that this was the adventure he was looking for. He held the puppy and continued to take turns around the neighbourhood. + +The turns got faster and faster until Eddie and the puppy were running in circles! Soon they were panting and laughing with joy. They were so happy to be getting turns together. What a wonderful day. Eddie said his goodbyes and ran home. He had a big smile on his face, knowing that his day had been different and lots of fun. +Once upon a time there was a pilot. The pilot was very helpful and kind. He had a really big plane. Every day he would fly all around the world. The pilot was so excited to fly. + +One day, something happened! The plane stopped working. The pilot was so sad and scared. But then he had an idea. He remembered he had a friend who was very helpful. He quickly called his friend. + +His friend told him to push the plane. So the pilot tried pushing the plane. He pushed and he pushed. Finally, the plane started working again! The pilot was so happy. He thanked his helpful friend. + +From then on, the pilot could keep flying. He flew to many places around the world again. Everyone was very happy. The pilot was happy too! +Delilah loved to dress up. Every day was a special occasion for her. She had pretty dresses for day, sparkly ones for night, and bright ones for when the sun was shining. + +One day, a storm rolled in. The sky was dark and the rain was coming down hard. Delilah was so scared. She put on her warmest and comfiest dress and snuggled into bed. + +As the storm outside raged, Delilah was comforted by a beautiful rainbow peeking through the clouds. She smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep. + +The next morning, Delilah looked outside to find the sun shining once again. Everywhere she looked was a beautiful array of colours, created by the passing storm. Delilah knew that she was safe and that it was time to go dress up and explore. +Once upon a time, there was a lovely girl called Minnie. She was very pretty. Minnie wanted to make something special, so she went to the shop to get some things. She picked up a measure and some colourful fabric. + +Minnie took the measure and the fabric home. She then started to sew. All day she worked and finally, she had made something special. She had made a lovely dress! + +Minnie was so proud of what she made, she decided to take a walk to show it off. As she walked she met lots of her friends. They all said how lovely her dress was. + +Minnie was so happy! All her hard work had paid off. Everywhere she went people said how lovely the dress was. It was a beautiful day to show off her new dress. + +Minnie was so glad she had met her friends and made her lovely dress. It was a wonderful day full of love and happiness. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Lucy. She was three years old and loved books. + +One day, Lucy found a novel in a chest in her bedroom. She was so excited that she opened it and started reading. + +Lucy tried her best to manage all the big words, but eventually the book got too difficult and she had to put it away. The book was broken, so Lucy was very careful not to make it any worse. + +Sad that she couldn't finish the book, Lucy decided to go outside to play. She ran to the park with her friends and they played games until it was time to go home. + +Lucy was sad that she couldn't finish the book, but she had fun playing at the park with her friends. She managed to feel better, and soon forgot all about the broken novel. +Once upon a time there was a boy. He was very happy. + +One day he went to visit his best friend. When he arrived at his friend's house, the boy screamed in excitement. He was so excited to see his friend and play. + +When they started playing, the boy's friend showed him some of her toys. The toys were so good. The boy was so happy. + +The boy and his friend spent the whole day playing and laughing. When it was time for the boy to leave, he was very sad. But he promised to visit soon and hugged his friend goodbye. + +The boy ran home. He was so excited to visit again soon. He screamed with joy. +Once upon a time, there was a good boy. He was called Tim. One day, he decided to go up the mountain to find adventure. He was a bit scared because it was so high but he was brave and continued his journey. + +As he went further up the mountain, he could see more and more trees. He even saw some beautiful birds. But then he heard some loud noises. He stopped and looked around. Suddenly he saw two big bears. He was really scared! + +He ran as fast as he could. He ran down the mountain and back home. When he saw his house, he felt really happy. He was safe and with his family again. + +From then on, Tim never forgot to be careful when he goes up the mountain. He always makes sure he is safe and has a good time. +Once upon a time, there was a graceful aeroplane. It loved to fly high in the sky. One day, while it flew, it started to fold its wings. Down, down and down it flew, until it landed in a field. + +The aeroplane was so happy to be in the field. It enjoyed playing with the other aeroplanes, folding up and down again. They all laughed and smiled, whirling and twirling gracefully through the air. + +Suddenly, the clouds gathered, and it began to rain. Quickly, all the aeroplanes folded their wings. They had to hide from the rain! + +The next day, the sun shone and the aeroplanes flowed gracefully back into the sky. They played and laughed until the sun set. + +The aeroplane and its friends all shared a big hug, happy that they had spent a wonderful day together, folding and flying in the sky. +Once upon a time, there was a lab. It was an unusual place, filled with all sorts of things. One day, a little girl wandered inside. She had never seen anything like it before, so she decided to explore the lab. + +As she walked around, the little girl came across many strange and wonderful things. Before long, all the fun came to an end and it was time to go home. + +The little girl was sad to leave, but she had enjoyed her visit to the unusual lab. She vowed to come back and explore even more. The end! +Mama and toddler were going on a trip. Mama packed a bag for their journey. She put lots of clothes in the bag, including toddler's favourite shirt. + +They put on their shoes and went outside. There was mud everywhere! Mama was impatient and said "Come on, toddler, let's go!" + +They walked down the road, taking big steps through the mud. Toddler was giggling and splashing mud as they went. Mama said "Careful, toddler, watch where you are going!" + +They arrived at their destination. Mama said "Time to pack up again!" and started to put the bag back together. Toddler helped by picking up some clothes and putting them back in the bag. + +Mama and toddler finished packing up. They were done and ready to go on their trip. They walked away, excited for what lay ahead! +Once there was a kind dog named Max. He lived in a city far away where he could look out of his window and see tall buildings and bright lights. One day, Max's owners told him that he was allowed to leave the house. Max was so excited! + +Max walked around the city and made lots of new friends. He even discovered a park with lots of trees where he could build a doghouse and have lots of fun. At the end of the day, Max was still willing to explore. He looked up with hope, asking if he could be permitted to stay out a bit longer. His owners said yes, and Max was thrilled! + +Max explored late into the night, running around and playing with his new friends. He was able to explore the different parts of the city and learn about all the different things the city had to offer. Being outside in the city made Max so happy. + +When it was time to go home, Max's owners observed how happy and content he looked. They were so pleased with Max, and from then on, they always permitted him to go outside and explore the city. Max felt kind of famous and even went around telling all his new friends about it. After that day, Max had the best time exploring the city and making friends. +Once there was a little girl. She wanted to play with her friends but she didn't have any money. She asked her mom for some money but her mom said that she had none. The little girl was disappointed but then she thought of an idea. + +She went to her dresser and found a fake round. It was made of cardboard and was fake money. She was happy and ran outside to play. + +She and all of her friends started to play a game. When someone wanted to buy something they would have to pay with the fake round. They would pretend that it was real and buy whatever they wanted. + +The game was lots of fun.Everyone was very happy to be able to play and didn't have to worry about not having any real money. They kept playing until it was time to go home. + +The little girl was sad to leave but she knew she would be able to play again soon and wouldn't need to worry about having money. +Once upon a time there was a girl called Daisy. Daisy was a very curious girl who liked discovering new things. + +One day, Daisy was exploring her house when she came across an unusual rug. The rug was special because it was all different colors and it was very soft. Daisy wanted to include it in her playtime, so she put it on the floor and played on it. + +Daisy had lots of fun playing on the rug. She imagined it was a boat and pretended to sail across the sea. She also made up stories about all the different colors. + +The rug was a very special toy for Daisy. She played with it every day and it always made her smile. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Lucy. She was very small and helpless. She loved playing dress up and putting on her mom's jewelry. One day, her mom was out of the house, so Lucy thought it would be a great idea to use her jewelry. She put on a necklace, some earrings, and a bracelet. + +But Lucy was too small and helpless to take off the jewelry. She tried and tried but couldn't. She was getting very scared and started to cry. + +A few minutes passed and Lucy heard someone coming up the stairs. It was her mom! Her mom saw what happened and quickly took the jewelry off. Lucy was so happy and relieved. From then on, only Lucy's mom was allowed to use her jewelry. +Once upon a time there was a horse who was so loud. Every day, the horse would make plenty of noise that could be heard from far away. So one day, the horse's friends decided to play a trick on him. + +They took the horse to the pond and told him to soak. When the horse looked inside, he saw that there was no water. He looked all around but still couldn't find the water. + +The horse's friends were cracking up and then he realised what was going on. The horse shouted out to his friends, “You tricked me!†+ +After realising the joke, the horse started to laugh too. His friends then brought him back home and everyone had a good time. The loud horse enjoyed the surprise and never forgot it. +Once upon a time, there was a wild cat who lived in the city. The cat was always searching for a safe place to live, but he had no luck. He kept running into trouble. + +One day, the cat thought of an idea that might help improve his situation. He decided he would get together with other wild cats and build some cozy places to hide away. + +The cats gathered together and built two safe homes. The places had lots of food, warm blankets, and places to hide. The wild cats were so excited! + +With their new safe places, the cats felt more confident and less scared of dangerous things. They could also come and go as they pleased. + +The wild cats were so proud of their safe homes. They felt great knowing that they had taken action to improve their lives. They all lived happy and wild lives from then on. + +THE +Once upon a time, there was a mom and a little girl. The mom was taking her little girl to the park to play. + +The park was so nice and fun. There were tall trees and a big lake. The lake was so clean and sparkly. + +Mom and little girl found a special spot. It was an empty row of grass just perfect for playing. Mom spread out a big blanket and they sat on it. + +Mom covered little girl with a soft sweater. She wanted to keep her warm. Then they played all sorts of games on the blanket. + +In the end, mom and her little girl had a great time. The row of grass was all tidy and the blanket was clean. Mom and little girl hugged and went home. +One day, there was a car. It had four wheels, and it was very shiny. It was so shiny that it could be seen from far away. It also had a thick coat of paint. + +The car was red, and looked like a big toy. All the children in the neighborhood wanted to see it. So one day, they all ran outside together. + +They gathered around the car, and were so excited! They couldn't believe how big and cool it was. They touched it, and looked inside. It was so amazing! + +The car was an automobile. All the children wanted one! They wanted to take it for rides, and play pretend. It looked like a lot of fun! + +That day, the children had a lot of fun with the car. They also learned a new word - automobile! +Once upon a time, there was a family who wanted to celebrate. The parents and their two children jumped up and down with joy. + +The family started to make dinner. They put some yummy vegetables, meat, and potatoes in a pot. Then they added some spices to make it delicious. + +After dinner was ready, the family sat around the table to eat it. Everyone was very happy to be together. + +The mum and dad gave the children cute presents to celebrate. The children were so excited they couldn't stop jumping. They hugged each other and laughed until dinner was over. + +At the end of the night, the family clapped their hands and said "Happy Celebrating!" They hugged each other and went to bed, feeling happy and grateful for their special dinner. +Once upon a time there was a little girl named Mary. Mary liked to wear an apron every day when she was at home. The apron was dull and plain but Mary loved it very much. + +One day Mary wanted to use the apron to do some baking. She put it on over her clothes and she got to work mixing the ingredients for the cake. The apron kept her clothes safe and clean. + +The cake was delicious and everyone was very impressed. They praised Mary for being so clever and wearing her apron. + +Mary was very proud of how she had used her apron and she promised that she would always wear it when she was at home. From that day on Mary’s apron was always the brightest and most colourful thing in the room. +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Chloe. She was only three years old and she wanted a toy for her birthday. The toy she wanted was very expensive, and it cost a lot of money. She was very frustrated because her parents said they couldn't afford the price. + +Every day Chloe asked her parents if she could have the toy and every day they said no. One day, Chloe's parents decided to take her to the toy store to show her why they couldn't buy her the toy. When they arrived they showed her the toy and explained why it cost so much. Chloe stood looking at the toy, feeling very sad. + +Chloe was very frustrated, she wanted the toy, but she knew she couldn't afford it. She promised to herself that one day she would save up and buy the toy, even though it seemed impossible. With that, the family left the store, and Chloe went to bed that night feeling very sad. + +But Chloe never gave up hope. She kept saving her pocket money and her birthday money, until one day she had enough! She was so excited and she ran to the store and bought the toy. When she got home she was so happy, and her parents were proud of her for achieving her goal. Everyone was very happy! +Once upon a time there was a girl named Mary. Mary loved to put on makeup. One day, she got a big box of makeup for her birthday. She was so happy! She put on her makeup and went outside to play. + +Suddenly, she slipped and fell on the grass. Her makeup came off onto the grass. She felt so uncomfortable. She was so sad that her makeup was gone. + +But then, her friends came to her and gave her a surprise. They had all brought some of their makeup to give to her. She was so happy. With the help of her friends, she had more makeup than ever before. + +She fixed her makeup and hugged all of her friends for being so nice. Mary never felt as happy as she did that day. +Once there was a little boy named Dan. He had a pet bunny called Fluff. Every day, Dan would take Fluff outside to play. Dan would tell Fluff stories and sing Fluff songs. + +One day, when Dan and Fluff were out playing, they noticed something on the ground. It was white and dusty. Dan bent down to take a closer look and he realised it was ash. He asked Fluff "What is this?". Fluff didn't know, so Dan told him it was ash. + +Dan brushed the ash off his hands and he and Fluff continued to play. Suddenly, the sky turned grey and it began to rain. Dan and Fluff ran to their home. They got all wet but they felt fine. + +Dan and Fluff went inside, dried off, and cuddled up in a warm blanket. Dan told Fluff a new story and Fluff enjoyed it so much. Dan and Fluff laughed and laughed until it was time for bed. It was a fine day! +Once upon a time, there was a naughty girl called Lily. She liked to do naughty things like breaking her mom's favourite vase. One day, her mom was trying to find something for Lily to do so she said, "Let's watch a movie!" Lily was happy, so she and her mom went to find a movie to watch. They went to the movies and asked the lady at the desk for a recommendation. The lady chose a movie about a girl who is trying to follow her dreams. When Lily watched the movie, she loved it. She was laughing and clapping throughout the whole movie. + +When the movie finished, Lily said to her mom, "I recommend this movie. It was so fun and I liked the girl a lot!" her mom said, "That's wonderful. You were so naughty today and you really enjoyed this movie. What a nice surprise!" + +The End. +One day, a brilliant mosquito appeared in the sky. It was flying high in the air and it sparkled in the bright sunshine. Everyone saw it and stopped to admire it. + +The mosquito kept flying and when it reached the park, it landed on a flower and started drinking the nectar. All the children in the park looked up at it in wonder. + +Suddenly, something remarkable happened - the mosquito began to glow brighter and brighter. Everyone was amazed and clapped their hands. The mosquito was so brilliant that it lit up the whole park! + +The mosquito flew away and the children followed it with their eyes until it eventually disappeared from sight. But the memory of the beautiful and brilliant mosquito stayed in their minds forever. +Once upon a time, there was a family with two children. They liked to plan fun things to do together. One day, they planned to go to the park. But at the same time, Daddy had planned to bring the new piano. When the piano arrived, it was very noisy. The children were scared of the loud noises. But then, Daddy showed them how to play the piano. Soon, they were playing the piano together and having lots of noisy fun! They all enjoyed their day with the noisy piano. The End. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emmie. Emmie loved to bake. She loved taking out her special bowl, her little spoon and her special ingredients. She added a bit of sugar and flour and stirred them up. Then she put the mix in her special pan and waited a while. + +Next, Emmie had an urge to open the oven and see if the cake was finished. But she knew it wasn't ready yet, so she shut the door and waited. Soon, she could smell the cake baking and it smelled so yummy! + +Finally, the cake was done. Emmie smiled as she took it out of the oven and put it on the counter. She couldn't wait to take a bite, but she waited for it to cool for a little while. + +Emmie smiled as she ate the delicious cake she had baked. It was so yummy and every bite was even better than the last! +Once upon a time, a furry rainbow appeared in the sky. All the animals were so excited, they ran around and made lots of noise. + +The sun kept shining and the rain kept sprinkling. Suddenly a big red supply truck appeared. It carried lots of different colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. + +The supply truck emptied all the colours onto the rainbow and made it even brighter. The furry rainbow sparkled in the sunshine and all the animals cheered! + +The animals explored the colourful rainbow and discovered it had magical powers. They all sang and played games on it, and it made everyone so happy. + +The furry rainbow stayed in the sky forever, bringing joy to all the animals. +Mama had some eggs and wanted to make breakfast for everyone. She put all the eggs in a big bowl. She was cooking when the bowl started to spin around. It was going faster and faster, spinning in circles. + +"Oh dear, this bowl is so crazy!" Mama said, trying to catch it. + +Mama's son saw what was happening. He ran over and started to laugh. He put his hands around the bowl so it stopped spinning. Mama was so thankful! + +She smiled at her son and said, "Thank you for saving all the eggs. That was very brave of you!" + +They both laughed when they saw some of the eggs had been broken. Mama said, "Let's make scrambled eggs with the broken ones, okay?" + +The son nodded happily and helped mama with the cooking. They made a tasty breakfast and enjoyed it together. Everyone was so happy! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She was wearing a pretty skirt, but it was too big for her. +When she walked, it dragged on the floor. She was so embarrassed that she started to cry. +Suddenly, she heard a voice. It was a big person shouting. +At first, the little girl was scared and hid. But when she looked again, she saw that the person was smiling. +The big person said, "Don't be ashamed. You just need to make the skirt shorter." +The little girl was so happy and she hugged the person. +They quickly shortened the skirt and the little girl was delighted. +She ran around, showing everyone her new skirt. +From that day on, the little girl was never embarrassed again. +Once there was a boy named Jake. He was worried because he really wanted to do something. So he found an old cart in the backyard. He was very excited and he couldn't wait to do something with his new cart. + +Jake grabbed the cart and pulled it outside. He was so excited. He went up and down the street, pushing the cart. He felt so proud and happy. Everyone smiled at him and said, "Nice cart!" + +He took his cart out for a few days and he was getting bored. He was worried because he thought he didn't have any more ideas. He thought for a long time and he finally came up with an idea. + +Jake decided to make his cart into a race car. He got some paint from the store and decorated his cart. He used paint and glue and lots of stickers to make it look like a real race car. + +Jake finally finished his race car. He raced it around the street and everyone was cheering him on! Jake was so happy and he wasn't worried anymore. He knew that he could come up with ideas and do fun things with his cart! +One day, little Alvin was walking around outside. He saw a lot of fog and couldn't see very far! He asked his mom, "What's that fog?". + +His mom answered, "It's fog. It happens when the weather is humid." + +Then Alvin asked, "Why is it so organized?". His mom smiled and said, "The wind can blow the fog in different directions and make it look organized." + +Alvin looked at the fog and smiled. Fog was so mysterious, but he was glad it was organized and not messy. He asked his mom one more question, "Can I play in it?". + +His mom said, "No, fog can be dangerous. Let's play inside today." + +So Alvin and his mom went inside and played together. Alvin was happy to stay away from the fog. +Once upon a time there was a girl named Alice. She was three-years-old and she loved to explore! One day, Alice met a fan. It was white and it made a nice noise when it blew the air around. + +Alice liked the fan so much, she asked her mom if she could take it home. Her mom said yes and said that Alice could borrow it. Alice was so happy that she gave the fan a hug and took it home. + +At home, Alice tried out the fan. She spun it around and made the air move. She ran around the house chasing the air with the fan. She even pretended to be a fairy, flying around with the fan. + +Alice played with her fan every day. She stopped feeling hot and it made the summer days feel more fun. She even took the fan outside and made some of the leaves on the trees move. + +Alice was so happy with her fan and she loved it very much. She named her fan "Swishy." Everywhere Alice went, she brought Swishy with her. Swishy kept her cool and brought her a lot of fun. +One day, Jack went on a walk. It was very foggy outside. He couldn't see very far ahead. He wondered what was going to happen. Suddenly, he heard some music. He followed the music to a distant meadow. There, he met a little bird. + +The bird was very happy to see Jack. She sang a song and showed Jack the meadow. The bird showed him some flowers and told him some stories. Jack was so happy. He had a wonderful time in the meadow. + +After a while, the fog began to move away. Jack said goodbye to the bird and started walking home. He felt so happy and couldn't stop smiling. He would never forget the foggy day he met the little bird. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was curious and adventurous. She loved to explore and discover new places. + +One day, she decided to go on a vacation with her parents to a beach. She stepped onto the beach and her eyes lit up with wonder. It was so beautiful and quiet. She could see the water stretching far as she looked out into the horizon. + +The little girl wanted to explore the beach and see what it was like. She took off her sandals and ran to the shoreline. She looked into the water and saw many colourful fish swimming around. She was so amazed that she wanted to see more. + +She took a deep breath and began to dive into the water. As she swam deeper and deeper, she began to see more and more underwater creatures. There were sea turtles, starfishes, and so many more! The view was absolutely stunning. + +The little girl swam for a few minutes, taking in the beautiful sights around her. When she was ready, she slowly floated back to the surface and beamed with happiness. That amazing underwater view was so quiet and peaceful. She had made a beautiful discovery that day! +Once upon a time there was a boy called Tom. He was three years old and was curious about the world. Today, he was playing in his living room. + +Tom noticed a big box in the corner. He walked over to it and saw it was a shiny, new screen. He couldn't believe it was for him and he started to get really excited. + +He pushed the button to turn it on, and soon it was making lots of noisy sounds. Tom couldn't believe his eyes - the screen was full of bright colours and flashing lights! + +He wanted to tell his mum, so he ran over to show her. She smiled and told him he could watch cartoons on the screen. Tom was so happy and soon he was enjoying the noisy, colourful screen. + +The end! +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who loved to play outside. She always asked her parents to park the car. Today was special - it was Halloween! Sarah was so excited to put on her costume. + +When they arrived at the park, Sarah saw lots of other kids dressed up in funny costumes. She couldn't wait to go trick-or-treating! Sarah and her friends ran around the park, playing lots of games and having fun. + +They stopped by the snack stand to get something yummy to eat. Sarah got a special treat - a big, ooey gooey cookie. She loved it! Mom and Dad said it was time to go, so Sarah and her friends said goodbye and promised to meet up again next year. + +It was the best Halloween ever! +Once upon a time, there was a spirit who lived in the forest. The spirit was very bossy, always telling everyone what to do. One day, the spirit had an idea. She wanted to store some of the food from the forest in a big pile. + +So the spirit started gathering all of the food from the trees, bushes and from the ground. She worked very hard! When she finished storing all of the food, she was very happy. + +The spirit invited all of the animals in the forest to come and enjoy the food. Everyone was so excited to eat the stored food! The animals played and ate until they could eat no more. + +The bossy spirit was glad that she had stored all the food. She was happy that everyone was able to enjoy a good meal in the forest! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy who loved to talk. She talked to anyone who would listen, including her pet dog, Fido. One day, Lucy was sitting in the kitchen with Fido, when she noticed something pink in the kitchen. It was a box of coffee! She got very excited, and asked her mom, “What is that?†Her mom told her it was coffee, and Lucy’s eyes got even bigger. She knew her mom liked to drink coffee, so she asked if she could try it. Her mom said no, but gave her a cup of pink lemonade instead. Lucy loved the pink lemonade, and she and Fido talked and talked while they drank it. Eventually, Lucy and Fido got sleepy and cuddled up together on the couch. They both had a lot of fun talking while they shared the pink lemonade! +Once upon a time there was a little girl called Sarah. One day, Sarah went to the market to get some special ingredients. She picked up a big bag of chilli peppers, which were spicy, and a head of cabbage. + +When Sarah was at home, she excitedly started to get ready to make dinner. She washed the chilli peppers and chopped them up. Then, she put them on a plate with some cabbage and started to mix them together. + +When she was done mixing, Sarah put the plate in the oven. She waited and waited until the timer went off, then she took it out of the oven. + +When Sarah looked at the plate, she saw that it was full of something special. She called it 'chilli cabbage' and the smell was very spicy. Sarah couldn't wait to dig in and have some for dinner. + +When she received her dinner, she thought it was delicious. She smiled and ate it all up. + +The end. +Once upon a time there was a town. The town was green and the people there were very happy. + +One day, a little girl was walking through the town. She was pointing at all the things that she saw. She pointed at the green trees, and the green grass, then she pointed at the big houses. + +Suddenly, the little girl stopped pointing and looked up. She saw a big, green bird flying over the town. She pointed up at the bird, but it was gone in an instant. + +The little girl kept walking and looking around the town. She pointed at the birds in the sky and the fish in the river. Finally, she pointed at the two big hills at the end of the town. She smiled, and happily went back home. +Frankie was a very curious three year old. He had lots of fun exploring his world. One day, he went up to the attic and he saw something very unusual - a crayon! He had never seen such a big crayon before. He smiled and reached for it. As soon as he grabbed it, the crayon started to shake! Frankie was so surprised. He laughed and shook it some more. He had lots of fun with his new crayon. He coloured the walls with it and drew lots of pictures. He showed his parents and they were amazed! Together, they had a fun day with the unusual crayon. +Once there was a little girl and she had her favorite way to go to the park. Every day she would follow the same path. But one day she forgot the way to the park and she was so confused. She tried to retrace her steps and look for landmarks she remembered but nothing seemed familiar. She couldn't find her park and she started to get scared. + +Then she looked up and saw an icy bird in the sky above her. She decided to follow it and see where it would take her. The bird flew away and she followed it. Eventually the bird landed on a playground that was nearby. The little girl realized that it was the right way to the park and smiled. + +She followed the icy bird and entered the park. She was so happy that she got there in the end and she never forgot the way again! She learned a valuable lesson that day, you cannot find your way if you forget it. +Once upon a time there was a nice, jolly family. They had a little girl called Lucy who was three years old. One day, a stranger came to visit the family. His name was Bob and he was big and friendly. + +The little girl was very scared at first. But Bob was so jolly that soon everyone was having fun. He played games with Lucy and tickled her tummy. He even sang songs and taught her new words! + +The family were having so much fun with Bob. All of them laughed and played. Before too long, Lucy was not scared any more and they all became friends. + +Soon it was time for Bob to go. Lucy felt very sad but then he gave her a big hug and a present. The present was a little toy and Lucy loved it. Bob waved good-bye and said he would come back soon. + +The little girl was so happy that she had a new friend. He was funny and jolly and she was looking forward to seeing him again soon. +Once there was a gorilla who had a problem. He wanted something very special, but he didn't have enough money. He was very sad. + +One day, he had an idea. He decided to make something to solve his problem. He got some paper and some markers and started to make something. He worked hard and after a few hours he was done. + +He had made a solution! He had made something cheap for himself. He was so happy! + +Now he had something very special and it was cheap. He was so proud of himself for finding a way to solve his problem. He knew he could do anything if he put his mind to it. +Once upon a time there were two brothers, Sammy and Joe. Sammy was three and Joe was five. They both loved numbers. They always counted everything around them. + +One night Sammy and Joe went outside. Just then, Sammy saw something really loud. It was an oxygen number. It was really big and loud and it was in the sky. It had lots of numbers on it and Sammy counted them all! + +His brother Joe was amazed. He said the oxygen number was part of our world and it helped make all the things we breathe. Sammy thought that was really cool and wanted to learn more about oxygen numbers. + +So, Sammy and Joe went inside to learn some more. They found an amazing book that told them all about oxygen numbers. They read it together and Sammy was so excited. Now he knew how many oxygen numbers there were, and how important they were for our world. + +The two brothers were so happy and thankful for all the oxygen numbers. They both gave a big shout to say thank you! +Once upon a time there was a jolly little girl called Lucy. She liked to climb a lot. She especially liked to climb up her favourite tree in the garden. + +One day, while Lucy was climbing the tree, she noticed something strange. On the ground, underneath the tree, she could see tiny green herbs growing. She had never seen them before. + +At first she was scared, but then she got a brave idea. She stopped climbing, picked an herb and took a bite. + +To her surprise, the herb was yummy. She quickly picked more and hopped down from the tree. She went back home and shared all the herbs with her family. + +Lucy was so happy that day. She had found a new yummy snack to eat. Now when Lucy goes outside to climb her favourite tree, she enjoys her yummy herbs. +Once upon a time, there was a sleepy bunny. He was so tired that he yawned a big yawn. He liked to go on adventures, so he hopped off to explore a far away garden. + +The garden was huge! He saw lots of yummy vegetables, including a big cauliflower. The bunny was so hungry he took a bite. It was soft and yummy! As he ate, he noticed a gentle breeze passing through. + +The breeze was so gentle that the bunny fell asleep. He snuggled up into the flower beds and dozed off. He was so cozy, he stayed asleep until it was time to head home. + +The bunny hopped off, full of yummy cauliflower and happy he'd been so gentle with the lovely garden. And so, with a big yawn, he returned to his burrow for a new adventure tomorrow. The end. +John was walking home from the park. As he went along, he felt a strange urge to go to the pond in the meadow. He thought it was so odd that he stopped walking and tried to ignore the feeling. But the urge was still there, he felt it strongly. + +John decided to follow the urge and take a look at the pond. As he got closer, he could see a colorful cell at the edge of the water. He walked up to it and realized that the cell was stuck! He was so worried and quickly looked around to see if he could find someone to help him. + +There was nobody in sight, so John decided he would try to free the cell himself. He reached in and very carefully pulled it from the mud. There was a little crab inside looking very happy to be out of the mud. John smiled and gave the crab a big hug. + +John was so happy that he had been able to help the crab. From then on, he always followed the urge and tried to help people whenever he could. +Once upon a time, there was a hot day. Jack wanted to go outside and find something fun. His mom said that he could go to the park. + +When Jack arrived at the park, his eyes lit up. He saw the swings, slides, and playhouse. He felt so happy! He ran around and explored the park. + +Jack saw a big tree and stopped to admire it. He thought it was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. He put his hand on the bark and looked up. He saw the leaves rustling in the wind. + +Next, Jack went to the sandbox. He found some nice rocks and played with them for awhile. Even though it was hot outside, Jack had lots of fun in the park. When it was time to go home, Jack was very sad, but he knew he would come back soon. +Once there was a very sad girl. Her name was Annie. Everywhere she went she felt sad. + +One day Annie was at the park with her friends. She was about to play when she felt a sudden rush to go to the toilet. Annie rushed to the toilet quickly. + +Annie felt much better after using the toilet, so she decided to join her friends in the park again. However, she still felt sad inside. She wanted to cry. + +Suddenly Annie saw a puppy in the park. It had a big, yellow bow around its neck. Annie felt a little bit better when she saw the puppy, so she shuffled over. She reached out her hand and petted the pup's head. + +The pup began to wag its tail and lick Annie's hand. Annie smiled, finally starting to feel a bit happier. She stayed and played with the pup for a while, until it was time for her to go home. Annie said goodbye to the pup, feeling much less sad than before. +Once upon a time, there was a powerful figure. He cared for many animals and was very kind. Every morning, he would wake up early, brush his big teeth and then give all the animals food and water. The animals were happy. + +One day, the figure heard something crying in the woods. He went to see, and found a lost baby animal! He was so small and scared, but the figure knew he had to take care of it. He found some food and made sure the baby had a safe place to rest and sleep. + +At night, the figure sang the little animal a gentle song. He brushed back its fur and soon the baby fell fast asleep. From then on, the figure would always care for this little animal. + +The figure was truly powerful as he was able to turn the scared little animal into a brave and strong one! Together, they lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there were two friends, a cat and a mouse. They were always together and valued one another. + +One day, it was dark outside and the two friends needed light. The mouse had a bright idea and took the cat to an old lamp shop. There, they found a lamp the mouse liked. It was big and round and it had yellow stars on it. + +The cat said it was too expensive and the shopkeeper was too harsh, but the mouse didn't care. He still wanted the lamp and valued it very much. + +So, he bought the lamp and took it home. With the help of the lamp, the cat and mouse could now play games until late at night. They could now see and have lots of fun! + +The mouse knew that the lamp was special and valued it very much. He kept it safe for many years and it was the light of their adventures. +Once there was a little girl named Susie. She was very shy, and she didn't like going to new places. One day, Susie's mommy took her to a special store full of toys. When Susie saw the toys, her heart filled with joy. She wanted to take them all home! Susie was so excited that she ran too quickly and tripped over the toys. Suddenly, there was a loud crash! Susie had broken a toy and she felt so sad. She wanted to run away, but her mommy hugged her and said, "It's okay Susie. Don't be shy. We can get it fixed." So, together, they went to the store's counter. The people there were nice and helpful, and soon the toy was all better. Susie smiled and her heart felt better. She was no longer shy and was happy that she had learned an important lesson: sometimes things break, but it's all part of life. +Once upon a time, there was a powerful comet. One day, it was travelling across the sky so fast. Everyone was looking up and watching it. + +Then, one clever boy saw it. He was so excited and he said to his momma, "Let's record it!" + +So his momma quickly grabbed her phone. She opened the camera and pointed it up at the comet. She pressed the button so they could record the amazing sight. + +The comet whizzed past and they watched until it was totally gone. But the boy and his momma knew that they had recorded the comet forever! They were so happy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the forest near her house. One day, she met a witch who lived in a small hut in the woods. The witch had a big hat and a long nose. + +"Hello, little girl," said the witch. "I suggest you be careful in these woods. There are many dangerous animals around." + +Lily was scared, but the witch seemed nice and dependable. "Thank you for warning me," said Lily. "I will be careful." + +The witch smiled and gave Lily a magic wand. "If you ever need help, just wave this wand and I will come to your aid," said the witch. + +Lily was very happy and thanked the witch. From then on, she always carried the magic wand with her whenever she played in the forest. She never forgot the witch's warning and was always careful. And whenever she needed help, she waved the wand and the dependable witch came to her rescue. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy who loved to play with clay. He would make all sorts of things with it like cars, animals, and even houses. One day, his friend Billy came over to play. "Wow, Timmy! Your clay is so cool!" said Billy. + +"Thanks, Billy! Do you want to make something with me?" asked Timmy. + +"Sure!" said Billy. + +They both started to make things with the clay. Timmy made a flexible snake and Billy made a big castle. Suddenly, Billy's castle fell apart and he got mad. "Why did you do that, Timmy?!" he shouted. + +"I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!" said Timmy. + +"It's okay, but let's not fight about it. We can just make something else!" said Billy. + +And so, they continued to play with the clay happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys, but one day he found a toy that was too heavy for him to pick up. It was a big truck with a lot of metal parts that made it very heavy. + +Timmy tried and tried to lift the truck, but his arm was too weak. He got very sad and started to cry. Then, his big brother came to help him. His brother was much stronger and was able to lift the heavy truck. + +Timmy was very happy and gained a new toy to play with. He learned that sometimes it's okay to ask for help when something is too heavy for him to lift. +Once upon a time, there was a clever rabbit named Benny. Benny was very intelligent and loved to create new things. One day, Benny decided to make a bush house. He worked hard and created a cozy home with lots of leaves and branches. + +As Benny was admiring his new home, a sly fox appeared. The fox asked Benny if he could come inside and rest for a while. Benny, being kind, let the fox in. But the fox was not kind at all. He wanted to eat Benny! + +Benny quickly realized that he had made a mistake. He should not have trusted the fox. The moral of the story is to be careful when letting strangers into your home. Even if you are clever and intelligent, you can still make mistakes. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her cat, Mittens, and her favorite toy was a ball of yarn. One day, Lily was playing with Mittens when she realized that the yarn was missing! She looked everywhere but couldn't find it. + +Lily decided to ask her mom for help. Her mom listened quietly as Lily explained what had happened. Together, they searched the house and finally found the yarn under the couch. Lily was so happy to have her yarn back and she gave Mittens a big hug. + +From that day on, Lily made sure to keep her yarn in a safe place so it wouldn't get lost again. And whenever she played with Mittens, they would enjoy the quiet moments together, cuddled up with the soft yarn. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the sand at the beach. One day, she saw a seagull who looked hungry. + +Lily said, "Hello Mr. Seagull, are you hungry?" + +The seagull said, "Yes, I am. I haven't eaten all day." + +Lily ran to her mommy and said, "Mommy, can we feed the seagull?" + +Her mommy said, "Of course we can, Lily. Let's give him some bread." + +Lily was very happy that they could help the hungry seagull. The seagull ate the bread and flew away. Lily felt successful because she helped the seagull. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to bake cookies with his mommy. One day, Timmy and his mommy were making cookies in the oven. The oven was very hot, but Timmy's mommy made sure he stayed safe. + +Suddenly, Timmy's mommy had to leave to go to the store. She told Timmy to stay in the kitchen and not touch the oven. Timmy agreed and said, "I'll remain here and wait for you, mommy." + +As Timmy waited, he smelled a mild burning smell. He looked over and saw that the cookies were burning in the oven. Timmy knew he had to act fast. He quickly turned off the oven and opened the door to let the smoke out. + +When Timmy's mommy came back, she was so proud of Timmy for being responsible and taking care of the oven. And they still had some cookies left that weren't burnt! Timmy smiled and said, "I'm glad I remained in the kitchen and didn't touch the oven." +Once upon a time, there was a princess. She lived in a big castle with her mommy and daddy. One day, the princess was upset because she lost her favorite toy. She asked her mommy and daddy to help her find it. + +Mommy said, "Don't worry, my little princess. We will find your toy." Daddy said, "Let's look in the toy box." They looked and looked, but they couldn't find it. + +Then, the princess remembered that she put her toy in a secret place. She said, "I remember now! I put my toy in the drawer. But, it's locked. Can you help me unlock it?" Daddy said, "Sure, let me get the key." He unlocked the drawer and the princess found her toy. She was happy again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play with her jewelry. She had a cute bracelet with shiny beads and a necklace with a pretty pendant. One day, Lily's friend Sarah came over to play. + +Sarah saw Lily's bracelet and said, "Wow, that's so cute! Can I see it?" Lily handed it to Sarah and said, "Be careful, don't squeeze it too hard." + +Sarah put on the bracelet and said, "I want one too! Can we make jewelry together?" Lily smiled and said, "Yes, let's make matching necklaces with pretty pendants." + +They spent the whole afternoon making jewelry and having fun. When it was time for Sarah to go home, she said, "Thank you for a fun day, Lily. I love my new necklace. Let's play again soon!" Lily hugged her friend and said, "I had fun too. See you soon!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily had a job. Her job was to help her mom put away the dishes. She thought it was funny when she would drop a spoon and it would make a loud noise. + +One day, Lily and her mom went to the park. Lily loved to run around and play on the swings. She thought it was so much fun to run as fast as she could and feel the wind in her hair. + +After playing at the park, they went home and Lily helped her mom with her job again. She was happy to help and thought it was funny when her mom made silly faces while washing the dishes. Then, they had a yummy dinner and went to bed, dreaming of all the fun they would have the next day. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little ant. The ant was very happy because it found a book to read. The ant sat down and read the book all day long. The book was about a happy family who lived in a big house. The ant loved the story and felt happy too. When the ant finished reading, it went back to its ant friends and told them all about the happy family in the book. The ant was so happy to have found such a good book to read. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys and her favorite toy was a toy car. One day, Lily went to the store with her mom to buy a new toy. She saw a big toy car that she really liked but it was too expensive. + +Lily's mom said, "That toy car is too expensive, we can't buy it." Lily was sad and said, "I want that toy car." A nice lady who worked at the store saw that Lily was sad and said, "Welcome to our store. Would you like to play with the toy car?" Lily was happy and said, "Yes, please!" + +The nice lady let Lily play with the toy car on a scale to see how heavy it was. Lily had so much fun playing with the toy car that she forgot about wanting to buy it. She said, "Thank you for letting me play with the toy car. I had so much fun!" And the nice lady said, "You're welcome, come back anytime to play with our toys." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to wear soft dresses. One day, her mom gave her a new dress that was so soft, Lily didn't want to take it off. + +As she was playing outside, she met a little boy named Max who was sad because he lost his tie. Lily promised to help him find it. They looked everywhere, but they couldn't find it. + +Then, Lily remembered that she had seen a tie at the park. They went to the park and found the tie. Max was so happy and thanked Lily for her help. Lily felt good because she kept her promise and made a new friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play in the rain. She would jump in puddles and splash around, getting her clothes all wet. One day, her mom said, "Lily, don't you know you'll catch a cold if you play in the rain?" But Lily was ignorant and didn't listen. + +One rainy day, Lily was playing outside when she saw her friend Timmy walking by. "Hi Timmy!" she shouted. Timmy said, "Lily, you're all wet! Don't you want to come inside and dry off?" But Lily didn't want to stop playing. "No thanks, Timmy. I like being wet!" she said. + +Suddenly, Lily's mom appeared and said, "Lily, it's time to come inside. You'll get sick if you stay out here any longer." Lily didn't want to go inside, but her mom gave her a warm towel to wrap around herself. "Thanks, Mom," Lily said. "You always give me what I need." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys in her room. One day, her mommy took her to a big building. It was so tall and had many floors. + +Lily saw a cute puppy outside the building. She said, "Mommy, can I pet the adorable puppy?" Her mommy said, "Sure, let me introduce you to the puppy's owner first." + +They went inside the building and met the puppy's owner. She said, "Hi Lily, this is my puppy, his name is Max." Lily said, "Hi Max, you are so cute!" Max wagged his tail happily. + +Lily and Max played together for a while, and then it was time to go home. Lily said, "Bye Max, I had so much fun playing with you!" Max barked happily, and Lily and her mommy went back home. +Once upon a time, there was a big mountain that had a hole on top. This mountain was called a volcano. It was very high and had fire inside. Sometimes, the volcano would shout and fire would come out. + +One day, a little boy went to play near the volcano. He saw the fire and thought it was pretty. He got too close and fell inside the hole. He shouted for help, but nobody heard him. + +The volcano repeated the same thing over and over again. It shouted and fired up until it exploded. The little boy was never found again. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. He loved to play with his toys and listen to his mom's voice. One day, Timmy's family went on a trip to the beach. Timmy was so excited to play in the sand and swim in the water. + +When they arrived at the beach, Timmy's dad started to unpack the car. Timmy helped his dad unpack by carrying his toys to the sand. Timmy noticed that there were other kids playing with their toys too. They looked like they were having fun. + +Timmy wanted to play with them, but they were too competitive. They didn't want to share their toys with Timmy. Timmy felt sad and left out. He went back to his family and cried. + +The bad ending is that Timmy didn't have any fun at the beach that day. He learned that sometimes people can be mean and not want to play with others. But Timmy's family hugged him and told him that they loved him, and that's all that matters. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going for walks in the forest with her mommy and daddy. One day, they went for a walk and Lily saw a big orange mushroom. She thought it looked yummy and asked her mommy if they could take it home to eat. + +Mommy said they couldn't eat it because they didn't know if it was safe. But Lily really wanted to try it, so she told her mommy that she needed to taste it. Mommy explained that it wasn't safe to eat things we don't know about, and that we need to be careful in the forest. + +Lily understood and they continued their walk, looking at all the pretty flowers and trees. She realized that sometimes we want things that we can't have, but it's important to be safe and listen to our parents. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in her garden. One day, she saw a big red tomato growing on a plant. She picked it and took it inside to show her mom. + +Her mom was cooking dinner and asked Lily to help. Lily was very nosy and wanted to see what her mom was doing. Her mom asked Lily to call her dad to come to dinner. Lily ran to the phone and called her dad. + +When her dad arrived, they all sat down to eat. Lily was so proud to have helped with dinner and loved the taste of the juicy tomato. She couldn't wait to go back outside and see what other vegetables she could find in her garden. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she went for a walk with her mommy in the valley. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Suddenly, Lily felt very cold and started to shiver. + +"Mommy, I'm cold," said Lily. + +"It's okay, sweetie. Let's put your heavy coat on," replied her mommy. + +Lily put on her heavy coat and felt much better. They continued their walk and saw a big tree with yellow leaves. Lily said, "Mommy, the tree is so pretty!" + +"Yes, it is," said her mommy. "Let's take a picture to remember it." + +Lily and her mommy took a picture and continued their walk. They saw a bunny hopping in the grass and a butterfly flying in the air. It was a beautiful day in the valley. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside every day. He would run and jump and laugh with his friends. One day, Timmy found an apple on the ground. It was warm from the sun. He picked it up and took a bite. But the apple tasted funny and Timmy didn't like it. He threw it away and forgot about it. + +Days went by and Timmy noticed something strange. The apple he threw away was starting to rot! It turned brown and mushy. Timmy felt bad for throwing it on the ground. He learned that it's important to not litter and to put things in the trash. From then on, Timmy made sure to keep the playground clean and always put his trash in the bin. +Once upon a time, there was a bald man who loved to march. He would march all day long, imagining he was in a big parade. One day, he saw a shiny red balloon and imagined it was his own. He reached out to grab it, but it flew away. + +The bald man was sad and couldn't stop imagining the balloon in his hand. He kept marching and marching, hoping to find it again. But as he crossed the street, he didn't see the car coming. + +The car hit the bald man and he fell to the ground. He couldn't move and no one came to help him. He closed his eyes and imagined he was marching in a parade once again, but this time the balloon was by his side. + +The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to travel and explore new places. One day, her mom recommended they go on a trip to a country far away. Lily was excited and couldn't wait to go. + +When they arrived, Lily was amazed by the beautiful sights and sounds of the country. She tried new foods that were sweet and delicious. She even made friends with some of the locals. + +But one day, while they were out exploring, Lily got lost. She couldn't find her way back to her mom. She looked and looked but couldn't find her. She was scared and alone in a strange country. + +Eventually, the police found her and brought her back to her mom. They were both relieved and grateful. But the experience was scary and Lily never wanted to go back to that country again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to run and play in the big field near her house. One day, her mommy took her on a walk to see the pretty landscape. Lily saw lots of trees, flowers, and animals. Her mommy taught her the names of all the things they saw. + +Lily was very happy to learn new words. She saw a little bunny hopping in the grass and her mommy taught her that it was called a rabbit. They also saw a little bird flying in the sky and her mommy taught her that it was called a sparrow. + +After their walk, Lily felt very smart because she learned so many new things. She couldn't wait to go back to the field and see more little animals. From that day on, they went on walks every week and Lily learned more and more about the beautiful landscape around her. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved spending time with her daddy. One day, they went to the park to play. Lily was having so much fun swinging on the swings and going down the slide. + +Suddenly, dark clouds appeared in the sky, and it started to rain. Lily's daddy said, "Let's go home before we get wet." They quickly gathered their things and started to walk home. + +Lily was sad because she didn't want to leave the park. She said, "I'm miserable, daddy." Her daddy replied, "Don't worry, we'll come back another day." As they walked, they saw a man who looked lost. Lily's daddy asked him if he needed help. The man said he was trying to find the train station. Lily's daddy knew where it was and said, "Follow us, we'll pass it on the way home." The man was grateful and followed them to the train station. They said goodbye and continued on their way home. Lily was happy that they could help someone. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to bake cookies. She would always ask her mom for help, but one day she decided she wanted to design her own recipe. + +Lily went to the kitchen and gathered all the ingredients she could find. She mixed flour, sugar, and butter in a bowl and added some chocolate chips. She tasted the dough and thought it was delicious! + +When the cookies were ready, Lily's mom tried one and said, "These are the best cookies I've ever had! You should sell them!" + +Lily was so excited and decided to start her own cookie business. She learned about the history of cookies and how people have been enjoying them for hundreds of years. + +Years later, Lily became a famous baker and people would come from all over to try her delicious cookies. She always remembered the day she designed her own recipe and how it started her on her path to success. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and feel the warm sun on her face. One day, her mommy gave her a gift. It was a pretty pink dress that made her feel like a princess. Lily enjoyed wearing it and twirling around in it. + +Later that day, Lily and her mommy went to the park. They sat on a bench and watched the birds fly in the sky. The sun was setting and the sky turned a beautiful light orange color. Lily enjoyed watching the sky change colors. + +As they were leaving the park, Lily saw a butterfly fluttering around. She chased after it and tried to catch it. The butterfly was too quick and flew away, but Lily still enjoyed trying to catch it. It was a fun day for Lily and she was happy to have her new dress as a gift. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sunshine and watch the flowers grow. One day, she found a caterpillar on a leaf. She watched as it grew bigger and bigger until it turned into a beautiful butterfly. + +Lily's mom made her some toast with butter for breakfast. Lily loved the taste of butter on her toast. She ate it all up and asked for more. + +Later that day, Lily went to the park with her mom. They saw a rare bird with bright feathers. Lily pointed and said, "Look, Mommy! A pretty bird!" They watched as the bird flew away into the sky. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to go outside and play with her friends. One day, Lily's mom told her to put on her belt before going out. Lily didn't like her belt because it was too tight and made her feel uncomfortable. + +Lily decided to go out without her belt. She played with her friends for a while, but then she fell and hurt herself. She wished she had worn her belt to protect herself. Lily's mom came to pick her up, and she was very mad that Lily didn't listen to her. She gave Lily a bitter scolding. + +The moral of the story is that it's important to listen to your parents and wear your belt to stay safe. Even if it's uncomfortable, it's better than getting hurt. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was very curious and loved to explore. One day, she saw a big red fire in the park. She got scared and ran away. But then, she remembered that her daddy was a firefighter and he knew how to save people from the fire. + +Lily ran back to the fire and saw that a little puppy was trapped inside a burning house. She knew she had to save the puppy. She went inside the house and found the puppy hiding under a table. She picked up the puppy and ran outside. + +When her daddy arrived, he was so proud of Lily for being brave and saving the puppy from the fire. From that day on, Lily knew that she could do anything she set her mind to, as long as she was brave and determined. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys, especially her favorite toy car. One day, Lily wanted to play with her toy car but she couldn't find the switch to turn it on. She looked and looked but it was nowhere to be found. + +Lily started to feel sad because she really wanted to play with her toy car. She asked her mom to help her find the switch. Her mom looked and looked too but they still couldn't find it. Then, Lily had an idea. She remembered that her dad had a toolbox with lots of tools inside. + +Lily and her mom went to find the toolbox and they managed to open it. Inside, they found a screwdriver that was just the right size to fit in the switch hole. Lily's mom used the screwdriver to turn on the switch and Lily was so happy! She could finally play with her toy car again. From that day on, Lily learned that if she had a problem, she could always find a way to manage it with a little help from her family. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to pick blueberries in the forest. One day, she went to the forest to pick some blueberries. She found a tough bush with lots of blueberries. She tried to pick them, but they were too high for her to reach. + +Suddenly, a friendly bird landed on the bush. "Hello, little girl," said the bird. "Can I help you?" "Yes, please," said Lily. "I want to pick these blueberries, but they are too high for me." "I can help you with that," said the bird. "I will lay on the bush and shake it so the blueberries will fall down." + +The bird lay on the tough bush and shook it with all its might. The blueberries fell down one by one, and Lily picked them up. "Thank you, bird," said Lily. "You are my hero!" The bird smiled and flew away, happy to have helped Lily. From that day on, Lily always looked for the tough blueberry bushes with the friendly birds. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweety. Tweety loved to sing and would sing all day long. One day, Tweety heard about a big meeting of all the birds in the forest. Tweety was so excited to go and sing with all the other birds. + +When Tweety got to the meeting, all the birds were singing together. It was a great sound! But then, Tweety noticed that one bird was not singing. Tweety asked the bird why they weren't singing, and the bird said they were too shy. + +Tweety told the bird that it was okay to be shy, but it was also great to sing and share your voice with others. The bird thought about it and decided to join in the singing. From then on, that bird sang with all the other birds and was very happy. The moral of the story is that it's okay to be shy, but it's also great to share your voice and talents with others. +Once upon a time, there was a little duck named Ducky. Ducky had a problem. His feet were hurting him. He talked to his friend, the frog, about it. + +Frog said, "I recommend you take a step in the water. It will help your feet feel better." + +Ducky took Frog's advice and put his feet in the water. It felt good! + +Ducky said, "That was a weird feeling, but it worked! Thank you, Frog!" + +From that day on, Ducky always took a step in the water when his feet hurt. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily wanted to wear her favorite dress, but she couldn't find it. She looked in her closet, but it wasn't there. + +Lily asked her mom, "Mommy, where is my dress?" + +Her mom said, "I put it on the hanger in your closet. Let's go look again." + +When they looked in the closet, they saw that the hanger was empty. Lily started to cry, "I can't wear my favorite dress, it's gone!" + +Her mom said, "Don't worry, we'll find it. Let's look in the laundry room." + +When they got to the laundry room, they saw that the dress was in the washing machine. Lily was happy, but her mom said, "Next time, be more careful and don't leave your dress on the floor. The washing machine can be harsh on clothes." + +Lily nodded and promised to take better care of her things. +Once upon a time, there was a big house. It had many rooms and a big attic. The attic was like a secret room where nobody went. One day, a little boy named Timmy went to the attic. He saw many old things there. But he also saw a modern toy car. He was so happy to see it. He said, "Wow, this car is so cool!" And he played with it all day. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sun. One day, she found a red potato in the ground. She picked it up and showed it to her mom. + +"Look, Mommy! I found a red potato!" Lily said. + +Her mom smiled and said, "That's great, Lily! Let's go wash it and cook it for dinner." + +As they were washing the potato, Lily accidentally snapped it in half. She looked sad, but her mom told her it was okay. They cooked the potato and ate it for dinner. It was delicious! From that day on, Lily loved finding potatoes in the ground and cooking them with her mom. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and stuffed animals. One day, she was playing in her room when her mommy came in and said, "Lily, I want to introduce you to someone." + +Lily was curious and followed her mommy to the living room where there was a big mirror. Her mommy said, "This is your reflection, Lily. When you look in the mirror, you can see yourself." + +Lily was amazed and said, "Hi, reflection! You look just like me!" Her mommy smiled and said, "Yes, that's because it is you in the mirror." + +After playing with her reflection for a while, Lily's mommy said, "I have to go do some busy work now. You can keep playing with your reflection or find something else to do." Lily decided to keep playing with her reflection and had a lot of fun making silly faces and dancing around. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys, especially his cube. One day, Timmy's mom told him that it was time to clean up his room. Timmy didn't want to clean up, but his mom said that it was important to keep things tidy. + +Timmy started to put away his toys, but he noticed that his cube was missing. He asked his mom if she had seen it. His mom said, "I think it's underneath your bed." Timmy looked under his bed and found his cube, but it was filthy! There was dirt and dust all over it. + +Timmy said, "Mommy, my cube is dirty. Can we include it in the laundry?" His mom smiled and said, "Of course, let's wash it together." After they washed the cube, it looked as good as new. Timmy was happy to have his favorite toy back and his mom was happy that he learned the importance of cleaning up. +Once upon a time, there was a little mouse named Timmy. Timmy liked to walk around the house, looking for cheese to eat. One day, Timmy found a big piece of cheese in the kitchen. But it was an ugly cheese - it was green and moldy. Timmy didn't want to eat it, so he kept walking around the house to find a better cheese. + +As Timmy walked around, he saw a big cat sleeping in a chair. Timmy was scared of the cat, so he walked quietly past him. Suddenly, the cat woke up and saw Timmy. The cat started to chase Timmy around the house! Timmy ran as fast as he could, trying to find a safe place to hide. + +Finally, Timmy found a small hole in the wall. He ran inside and hid there until the cat went away. When Timmy came out of the hole, he saw a beautiful piece of cheese on the table. It was yellow and shiny, and it looked very tasty. Timmy walked over to the cheese and took a big bite. It was the best cheese he had ever tasted! +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved going to the beach with her mommy and daddy. She loved feeling the sand between her toes and the waves splashing on her feet. + +One day, Lily and her family went to the beach. They played in the sand and swam in the water. Lily was so happy! She laughed and smiled the whole time. + +Suddenly, a little boy walked by with a ball. "Do you want to play catch?" he asked Lily. "Yes, please!" Lily replied excitedly. They passed the ball back and forth, having so much fun. + +At the end of the day, Lily's mommy and daddy said it was time to go home. "I don't want to leave," said Lily sadly. "Don't worry," said her mommy. "We'll come back soon." And Lily went home happy, already looking forward to her next beach day. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside with her friends and her toys. One day, Lily's mommy told her that they were going to the doctor's office for a test. Lily didn't know what a test was, but she knew it didn't sound like fun. + +When they arrived at the doctor's office, Lily felt miserable. She didn't like the way the room smelled or the way the doctor's tools looked. But then, the doctor told her that they were going to play a game. The doctor said that Lily had to enter a little room and stay very still while the machine took pictures of her insides. + +Lily was scared, but she remembered that it was just a game. She entered the little room and stayed very still while the machine took pictures. When she was finished, the doctor told her that she did a great job and that she was very brave. Lily felt proud of herself and knew that she could do anything if she tried. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play outside in the sun. One day, she went to the park with her mom and dad. They played on the swings and the slide, but then Lily saw something interesting. + +She saw a big pile of soil and wanted to play with it. Her mom said, "Be careful, Lily. The soil is dry and dusty." Lily said, "Okay, Mom. I'll be careful." She went to the pile of soil and started to play with it. She made a big castle and was very happy. + +Suddenly, her dad called out, "Lily, it's time to go home." Lily paused and said, "Okay, Dad. I'll come." She said goodbye to the soil and ran to her mom and dad. They went home and Lily fell asleep, dreaming of playing in the soil again. +Once upon a time, there was a playful puppy named Max. Max loved to play with his ball every day. One day, Max's owner, Emily, was cutting onions in the kitchen. Max smelled the onion and wanted to try it. + +"Can I have some onion, please?" Max asked Emily. + +"No, Max. Onions are not for puppies. They make you cry," Emily replied. + +Max was sad and repeated, "Can I have some onion, please?" + +Emily smiled and said, "No, Max. But I have a surprise for you. Let's go play with your ball outside." + +Max was happy to hear that and ran outside to play with his ball. From that day on, Max never asked for onion again. +Once upon a time, there was a chubby bunny named Bun-Bun. Bun-Bun loved to hop and play in the grass. One day, Bun-Bun went on a walk and got mud all over his boot. He tried to clean it but he couldn't manage to get the mud off. + +Bun-Bun was sad because he loved his boots. He asked his friend, a little bird, for help. The bird said, "I can help you clean your boot!" The bird flew to get some water and a cloth. Together, they managed to clean the boot and make it look new again. + +Bun-Bun was so happy and grateful to his friend. He learned that it's okay to ask for help when you can't manage something on your own. From that day on, Bun-Bun and the little bird became the best of friends and went on many adventures together. +Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named Timmy. He lived in a tiny house with his mom and dad. They didn't have much money, but they were happy together. + +One day, Timmy went to the park to play. He saw a shiny toy car and wanted to play with it. He asked the boy who owned the toy if he could play with it too. The boy said no and ran away. + +Timmy was sad, but he didn't give up. He went home and asked his parents for some money. He saved up the money and bought his own toy car. The next time he went to the park, the boy saw Timmy playing with his own toy car. The boy said, "Can I play too?" Timmy smiled and said, "Yes, I accept." They played together and became friends. Timmy learned that sometimes you have to work hard to get what you want, but it's worth it in the end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to help her mom in the kitchen. One day, her mom asked her to pack some wheat in a clear jar. Lily was very excited to help. + +She carefully packed the wheat in the jar and made sure it was clear so she could see the wheat inside. Her mom was very happy with her work and gave her a big hug. + +Later that day, Lily went to play with her toys. She forgot to put them away before going to bed. The next morning, she couldn't find her favorite toy. She looked everywhere but couldn't find it. + +Her mom reminded her of the clear jar of wheat she packed and how easy it was to find the wheat. Lily realized that if she kept her toys packed away, they would be easy to find and she wouldn't lose them. From that day on, she always made sure to pack her toys away. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to draw with his markers and ink. He would draw all sorts of things like animals, cars, and even his family. One day, Timmy's mom asked him to draw a picture for his grandma's birthday. + +Timmy thought about what to draw for a long time. Finally, he decided to draw a humble little flower. His mom asked him why he chose that and Timmy said, "I want to act like the flower and be kind to everyone." + +His mom smiled and said, "That's a wonderful idea, Timmy." Timmy finished his drawing and proudly showed it to his mom. She said, "It's beautiful, Timmy. I know grandma will love it." + +Timmy was so happy that he could make his grandma a special present. He learned that even simple things like a flower can act as an inspiration to be kind and humble to others. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the woods near her house. One day, she went exploring and found a big swamp. It was full of mud and water, and Lily thought it looked like a lot of fun to play in. + +Suddenly, she heard her mom calling her name. "Lily, come back home now! Swamps can be dangerous," her mom said. "Why?" asked Lily. "They can be very deep and you can get stuck in the mud. It's important to prevent accidents and stay safe," her mom explained. + +Lily listened to her mom and ran back home as fast as she could. She was happy to be safe and sound, and promised to always listen to her mom's advice. From that day on, she played in the woods, but never went near the swamp again. +Once upon a time, there was a bird who loved to fly. One day, the bird was flying over a field when it saw a silly little mouse. The mouse was playing with a stone and didn't see the bird coming. The bird flew down to say hello, but the mouse got scared and ran away. + +The bird felt sad because it wanted to be friends with the mouse. It decided to try again and flew after the mouse. But this time, the mouse threw the stone at the bird! The bird got a little hurt and didn't understand why the mouse would do such a thing. + +The bird flew away, feeling confused and sad. It didn't want to be friends with the mouse anymore. But later, the bird thought about it and realized that maybe the mouse was just scared and didn't mean to hurt it. So, the bird flew back to the field to try again. And this time, the mouse didn't run away or throw any stones. They became friends and flew together in the sky. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a baby who needed help. The baby was crying and nobody knew why. A little girl saw the baby and asked, "What's wrong, little baby?" + +The baby kept crying, but the little girl knew she had to help. She asked the baby's mommy what was wrong. The mommy said the baby was hungry and needed food. + +The little girl knew it was important to feed the baby. She went to the kitchen and got a bottle of milk. She gave it to the baby and the baby stopped crying. The mommy was so happy and said, "Thank you for helping my baby!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily was playing in her room when her mom's phone rang. Lily's mom went to answer the phone, but Lily wanted to answer it too. She grabbed the phone and said "hello" but no one answered. + +Suddenly, Lily heard a loud noise that scared her. She dropped the phone and ran to her mom, who was now pale with fear. "What happened?" Lily asked. "There was a spider on the phone and it scared me," her mom replied. + +Lily knew how to be brave, so she went back to the phone and saw the spider. She wasn't scared because she knew spiders were friendly creatures. She gently picked up the spider and put it outside. When she came back, her mom was smiling and said, "Thank you for being brave, Lily." And they hugged each other. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the rain and splash in puddles. One day, she was playing outside when her mom called her inside. + +"Lily, it's time to come in and watch television," her mom said. + +Lily didn't want to stop playing, but she knew it was important to listen to her mom. She went inside and sat down on the couch. The television was on, but it was showing an ordinary show that Lily didn't really like. + +"This show is boring," Lily said to her mom. + +"I know, but we can watch something else after this one is over," her mom replied. + +Lily was happy to hear that and continued to watch the show, occasionally glancing out the window and wishing she could go back outside to splash in the rain. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She liked to go to the market with her mom. The market was a big place with lots of people and things to see. + +One day, Lily saw a man drop his trash on the ground. She knew that was not good, so she picked it up and threw it away in the clean trash can. + +Her mom saw what she did and was very proud of her. She told Lily that it is important to keep the market clean and to order things in their proper place. + +From that day on, Lily always made sure to keep the market clean and to order things in their proper place. She knew it was the right thing to do and it made her feel good inside. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her teddy bear, but one day she noticed that his fur was dirty. So, she asked her mommy how to clean him. + +Mommy said, "You can rub him with a cloth, and he will be clean." + +Lily took a cloth and started to rub her teddy bear. She rubbed and rubbed until he was clean. + +After that, she felt an urge to go outside and play. She ran to her friend's house and asked her to come out and play. + +Her friend said, "Yes, let's play fierce lions in the jungle!" + +So, they played fierce lions in the jungle and had lots of fun. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a shy little mouse. He lived in a cozy hole in the wall. One day, he found a picture of a big, scary cat. The picture scared him a lot, but he decided to keep it in his hole. + +Days passed, and the mouse started feeling braver. He would look at the picture and not feel scared anymore. But one night, he heard a loud noise outside. It was the big, scary cat from the picture! The mouse was so scared that he froze. + +The cat saw the mouse and pounced on him. The mouse tried to run, but it was too late. The picture had scared him so much that he couldn't move. From that day on, the cat came to the mouse's hole every night and scared him again and again. The mouse regretted keeping that scary picture in his home. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She went to the park with her mom and saw a big slide. She was excited to go down it, but there was a problem. The ladder to climb up was too high for her. + +Lily's mom tried to help her climb the ladder, but it was too hard. Lily started to cry because she really wanted to go down the slide. Just then, a kind boy saw Lily crying and offered to help her climb up the ladder. + +Lily was so happy and excited that she made it to the top of the slide. She went down the slide and had so much fun. She thanked the boy for helping her and they became friends. From that day on, Lily was never scared to climb up the ladder again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a cat named Mittens. One day, Mittens got stuck in a tree. Lily tried to help but she was too small. She asked her mom for help. + +Mom said, "Let's call the fireman. They will help us." + +The fireman came and saved Mittens. Lily was so happy and grateful. She said, "Thank you for helping us. You are so helpful." + +The fireman smiled and said, "It was my pleasure. You can give me a reward by giving Mittens a big hug." + +Lily hugged Mittens and they both fell asleep together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to walk and explore new places. One day, she went for a walk with her mom and they came across a big staircase. Lily took a step and her mom said, "Be careful, Lily, the steps are steep." + +Lily looked up and saw that the staircase led to an impressive castle. She said, "Mommy, can we go inside the castle?" Her mom replied, "I'm sorry, Lily, we can't go inside. It's closed today." + +Lily started to complain, "But I really wanted to see inside the castle." Her mom said, "I know, Lily, but we can come back another day when it's open." Lily smiled and said, "Okay, mommy. Let's go find another adventure!" And off they went, hand in hand, exploring the world together. +Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily went to the park. She loved to play on the swing. She went back and forth, back and forth, and it made her happy. + +One day, a boy came up to her and questioned if he could play on the swing too. Lily said yes and they took turns. They became friends and played together every day. + +One day, it started to rain. The sky was dark and the wind was strong. The swings were moving wildly, and Lily was scared. She tried to calm herself down, but she couldn't. Suddenly, the boy fell off the swing and got hurt. + +Lily called for help, but it was too late. The boy had hurt himself badly. Lily felt sad and guilty. She wished she had never gone to the park that day. From that day on, Lily never went back to the park again. +Once upon a time, there was a dog named Spot. Spot had a big brown spot on his back and a waggy tail. One day, Spot hurt his heel while playing fetch with his owner. He couldn't walk or run like normal. Spot's owner took him to the vet who said he needed to rest and let his heel heal. + +Spot was sad because he couldn't play with his owner or his dog friends. One day, Spot saw his owner kneel down and pat his head. Spot felt happy and loved. From then on, Spot knew that even if he couldn't run like normal, he was still loved and cared for. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to create things with her toys. One day, she decided to create a bed for her doll. She used a cardboard box and some soft blankets to make a mattress. It was not perfect but it was cozy. + +Lily's mommy saw what she had made and said, "That is a beautiful mattress! Your doll will sleep well tonight." Lily was so happy that her mommy liked her creation. She hugged her mommy and said, "Thank you!" + +From that day on, Lily loved to create things even more. She made a pillow for her doll and even a little blanket. Her mommy was always proud of her and told her that everything she made was beautiful. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing with her dolls and eating cookies. One day, Lily's mommy told her about a war happening far away. Lily didn't understand what war was, but she knew it was something bad. + +A few days later, Lily went to the park to play with her friends. One of her friends, Timmy, pushed her down and took her toy. Lily felt embarrassed and didn't know what to do. She hated when Timmy was mean to her. + +That night, Lily asked her mommy why people have wars. Her mommy explained that sometimes people don't agree on things and they fight instead of talking it out. Lily didn't like the idea of fighting and decided to always try to talk things out with her friends instead. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going on trips with her family. One day, her parents told her they were going on a trip to the beach. Lily was so excited that she jumped up and down. + +On the day of the trip, Lily's parents packed everything they needed. They included sunscreen, towels, and snacks. Lily helped pack her favorite toys too. + +When they arrived at the beach, Lily ran towards the water. She splashed and played all day long. When it was time to go home, Lily didn't want to leave. She said to her parents, "Can we stay here forever?" + +Her parents smiled and said, "No, we have to go home now." Lily felt ashamed that she had asked to stay forever. But her parents hugged her and said, "Don't be ashamed, we had a great trip and we can come back again soon." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a dog named Max who loved to play fetch with her. One day, Lily and Max went for a walk in the park. While they were playing, Max suddenly stopped and listened. He heard a loud noise that made him anxious. + +Lily didn't hear anything, but Max knew something was wrong. He started barking and pulling on his leash, trying to warn Lily. Suddenly, a big, scary dog appeared out of nowhere! Max stood in front of Lily, protecting her from the other dog. + +Lily was so grateful to Max for keeping her safe. She gave him a big hug and they continued their walk, but this time Lily listened too. She realized that Max had been trying to warn her all along. From that day on, Lily always paid attention to Max's signals and listened carefully when he was anxious. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside in the sunshine. One day, she saw a butterfly fluttering by. She tried to catch it, but it was too fast for her. + +Later that day, Lily's mommy and daddy were drinking wine. They didn't share any with Lily because they were being selfish. Lily felt sad and left out. + +As the night went on, Lily's parents drank more and more wine. They got very drunk and started fighting. Lily was scared and didn't know what to do. She wished they had shared their wine with her earlier so they wouldn't be so mean. + +The moral of the story is that sharing is important and being selfish can lead to bad things. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys. He had a red car, a blue ball, and a green dinosaur toy. One day, Timmy found a new toy. It was a shiny robot that blinked its eyes. Timmy was so happy to play with it. + +But then, Timmy's mom saw the new toy and said it was too dangerous for him to play with. She took the toy away and said Timmy could only play with his safe toys. Timmy was sad, but he knew his mom only wanted to keep him safe. So, he played with his car and ball and dinosaur toy, and he was still happy. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved playing with his toys and watching cartoons. One day, Timmy's mom brought home a new rug for their living room. Timmy didn't like the rug at all, he thought it was disgusting. + +"Mommy, I don't like this rug. It's disgusting," said Timmy. + +"Well, Timmy, I'm sorry you don't like it. But we needed a new rug for the living room," replied his mom. + +Timmy's dad came home from work and saw the new rug. "Hmm, I guess it's not my favorite rug either," he said. + +Timmy's mom and dad decided to return the rug and get a new one that everyone would like. Timmy was happy that he wouldn't have to look at the disgusting rug anymore. +One day, Timmy looked outside and saw dark clouds in the sky. He knew it was going to rain soon. Timmy's mom told him to get his umbrella so he wouldn't get wet. Timmy's umbrella was enormous and he loved it. + +Timmy went outside and held his umbrella up high. He felt like a superhero with his enormous umbrella. But then, the wind started to blow and Timmy's umbrella flew away! Timmy was sad and wet because he didn't have his umbrella anymore. + +The next day, Timmy's mom took him to the store. She let him pick out a new umbrella. Timmy looked at all the umbrellas and found one that was just the right size. He was happy and excited to use it. When they went outside, the wind started to blow again. But this time, Timmy held onto his umbrella tight and it didn't fly away. Timmy was proud of himself for not letting his umbrella go. +Once upon a time, there was a little birdie. The birdie was very humble and loved to fly around in circles. One day, the birdie saw a big cat and got scared. The birdie whispered to itself, "Oh no, I need to fly away!" So, the birdie flapped its wings and flew away in circles until it was safe again. From that day on, the birdie always kept a watchful eye out for big cats and remembered to whisper to itself when it was scared. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys and his friends. One day, Timmy and his friend Billy were playing with their toys outside. They were having so much fun that they started to laugh really loud. + +Suddenly, Billy said, "Hey Timmy, do you want to trade toys?" Timmy thought about it for a moment and said, "Sure, I'll trade with you." They traded toys and continued to play. + +But then, Timmy realized that the toy he traded for was broken and he felt stupid for making the trade. He said to Billy, "I don't like this toy, it's broken." Billy replied, "I'm sorry Timmy, I didn't know it was broken. Let's trade back." + +Timmy was happy that they traded back and they continued to play and laugh together. From that day on, Timmy learned to always check his toys before trading and he never felt stupid again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to walk in the park with her mommy and daddy. One day, they saw a big yellow butterfly. Lily was so happy and she started to chase it. + +After a while, they got tired and decided to sit down and eat some strawberries. Lily loved strawberries, they were her favorite fruit. She ate them all and her face turned red from the juice. + +When they finished their snack, they continued their walk in the park. They saw some ducks swimming in the pond and some flowers that were yellow, just like the butterfly they saw earlier. It was a beautiful day and Lily was happy to be outside with her family. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to cook with her mommy in the kitchen. One day, they decided to make spaghetti for dinner. + +Lily's mommy asked, "Do you want to add some meat to the sauce?" + +Lily nodded her head and said, "Yes, please!" + +As they cooked, Lily got creative and decided to make a smiley face with the spaghetti on her plate. Her mommy laughed and said, "That's very creative, Lily!" + +They sat down to eat and Lily said, "Yummy! This spaghetti with meat is delicious!" + +They finished their dinner and Lily went to bed with a full tummy and a happy heart. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toy cars. One day, Timmy's mom said, "Timmy, we need to go to the store in our automobile. Are you ready to go?" + +Timmy said, "Yes, mom! But can I bring my toy cars with me?" + +His mom replied, "Of course, Timmy. You can bring your toy cars with you." + +As they were driving, Timmy saw a big truck on the road. He said, "Mom, look at that big truck! Can I poke it?" + +His mom said, "No, Timmy. You can't poke the truck. It's not safe." + +Timmy was sad, but he still had fun playing with his toy cars in the automobile. When they got home, Timmy said, "Thanks for taking me to the store, mom. I had fun playing with my toy cars in the automobile." +Once upon a time, there was a brave bull named Billy. Billy loved to sit in the sun and chew on grass all day long. One day, a little girl came to visit Billy. She asked, "Can I sit with you, Billy?" Billy replied, "Sure, little girl. You can sit with me anytime." + +The little girl sat next to Billy and they talked for a while. She told him about her day at school and he told her about his day in the field. Suddenly, a loud noise scared the little girl. Billy stood up and said, "Don't worry, little girl. I will protect you." + +The little girl felt safe with Billy by her side. She thanked him for being so brave and they sat together until the sun went down. From that day on, the little girl visited Billy every day and they sat together, talking and enjoying the sunshine. +Once upon a time, there was a smart boy named Timmy. He loved to play with his toy ships in the bathtub. One day, Timmy discovered a real ship in a big lake. He was so excited and ran to tell his mom. + +Mom and Timmy went to see the ship. It was huge and had many colors. Timmy was amazed by how big it was. He wanted to go inside and explore, but mom said it wasn't safe. + +Timmy went home, but he couldn't stop thinking about the ship. He dreamed of sailing on it one day. From that day on, Timmy loved ships even more and would always play with his toy ships in the bathtub, imagining he was sailing on the big ship he discovered. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She went to a restaurant with her mom and dad. They sat down at a table and looked at the menu. Lily was very hungry and wanted to taste everything. + +She ordered some chicken nuggets and french fries. They tasted so yummy! After she ate, she got up to go to the bathroom. When she came back, she felt dizzy and had to sit down. Her mom gave her some water and then she felt better. + +Lily had a great time at the restaurant and couldn't wait to come back again. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a friendly bunny named Benny. Benny liked to skip around the forest and play with his friends. One day, Benny saw a big barrel and thought it would be fun to jump over it. But Benny didn't know that the barrel was dangerous. + +Benny's friends warned him not to play with the barrel, but Benny didn't listen. He skipped towards the barrel and tried to jump over it. But his foot got caught and he fell down. Benny hurt himself badly and couldn't move. His friends tried to help him, but it was too late. Benny had been hurt too badly. + +Benny's friends were sad and missed him very much. They wished they had been able to stop him from playing with the dangerous barrel. From that day on, they never played near the barrel again. They learned that it's important to listen to warnings and stay safe. +Once upon a time, there was an old man who loved to find treasure. He would search everywhere for shiny coins and pretty jewels. One day, he found a big chest full of treasure, but he had to fight a scary dragon to get it. The dragon was big and mean, but the old man was brave. He swung his sword and fought the dragon until it finally flew away. The old man was very happy to have found the treasure, but he was even happier to have won the fight against the dragon. From that day on, he was known as the bravest treasure hunter in the land. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy lived in a hut with his family. The hut was small and made of wood. It had a long roof that kept them dry when it rained. + +One day, Timmy went for a walk in the woods. He saw a bird perched on a tree branch. He gazed at the bird and smiled. The bird flew away and Timmy continued his walk. + +As he walked further, he saw a long river. He sat down on the bank and watched the water flow. He felt happy and peaceful. Then he went back to his hut and had dinner with his family. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to walk in the park with her mommy and daddy. One day, they went for a walk and Lily saw a silly goose. She laughed and pointed at it. + +Her mommy said, "Don't be foolish, Lily. The goose is just being itself." + +Lily didn't understand and started to complain. "But mommy, the goose is being silly!" + +Daddy smiled and said, "It's okay to be silly sometimes, Lily. Let's enjoy our walk and watch the silly goose." + +Lily smiled and continued her walk with her mommy and daddy, watching the silly goose waddle around the pond. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to go to parties and have fun with her friends. One day, she went to a party at her friend's house, but something was wrong. Lily felt troubled and sad. She tried to play with her friends, but she couldn't stop thinking about what was bothering her. + +Suddenly, the music stopped, and everyone gathered around a broken vase. Lily's friend was crying because the vase was very special to her. Lily knew she had accidentally knocked it over, and she felt even more troubled. She wanted to restore the vase and make her friend happy again, but it was too late. The party was ruined, and Lily's friend was too upset to forgive her. + +Lily went home feeling very sad. She realized that sometimes, even when we try to fix things, it's not always possible. She learned a valuable lesson about being careful and taking responsibility for her actions. From that day on, Lily made sure to always be extra careful at parties, so she wouldn't cause any more trouble. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily had a tutor named Miss Sarah who helped her with her school work. Miss Sarah was very nice and Lily liked her a lot. + +One day, Miss Sarah brought some cookies to share with Lily. Lily took a bite and said, "Mmm, these cookies are delicious! Thank you, Miss Sarah!" Miss Sarah smiled and said, "You're welcome, Lily. I'm glad you like them." + +After they finished their cookies, Miss Sarah helped Lily with her math homework. Lily was happy to have such a kind and helpful tutor. She said, "Thank you for teaching me, Miss Sarah. You're the best!" Miss Sarah gave Lily a hug and said, "You're welcome, Lily. I'm happy to help you learn." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She was very careful when she walked because she didn't want to fall down and hurt her lip. One day, she went to the park with her mommy and daddy. Lily saw a beautiful flower and wanted to touch it. + +Her mommy told her to be careful and not touch the flower too hard because it might break. Lily listened to her mommy and touched the flower gently. She felt the soft petals and smelled the sweet scent. + +After a while, it was time to go home. Lily was sad to leave the park, but she was happy that she got to touch the pretty flower. When she got home, she told her grandma all about her adventure at the park and how she was careful when she touched the flower. Her grandma was very proud of her. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a lazy cat named Mittens. Mittens loved to sleep in the sunshine all day long. One day, Mittens went for a walk and saw a bird in a tree. Mittens wanted to catch the bird, but the bird flew away. + +Mittens then walked to his friend's house. His friend was a dog named Max. Max was barking loudly. "Why are you barking, Max?" asked Mittens. "Someone locked me out of my house," said Max. "Oh no!" said Mittens. "Let's find a way to help you get back inside." + +Mittens and Max looked around for a key, but they couldn't find one. Then, Mittens remembered that he was good at climbing. He climbed up to the window and unlocked the door from the inside. Max was so happy that he gave Mittens a big hug. From that day on, Mittens and Max were the best of friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat ice cream, but her mom said she couldn't have any until she finished her dinner. So, Lily ate all her vegetables and chicken. Then, her mom asked her to help serve the dessert. + +Lily was so excited! She got to open the freezer and take out the ice cream. But when she tasted it, she made a sour face. "Yuck!" she said. "This ice cream is sour!" Her mom explained that it was because it was a new flavor called lemon sorbet. + +Lily tried it again and decided she liked it after all. She even helped serve it to her family and they all enjoyed it together. From then on, Lily learned to try new things and not be afraid of sour flavors. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play outside. One day, she went outside and saw that the sky was dark and cloudy. She knew that it would rain soon. + +Lily's mom came outside and said, "Lily, it's going to rain. We need to go back inside." + +Lily didn't want to go inside yet. She wanted to play in the green grass a little longer. + +Her mom said, "Okay, but we need to hug first before we go inside." + +Lily hugged her mom tight and then ran to play in the green grass. But soon, the rain started to fall and Lily had to go inside. She was sad that she couldn't play outside anymore, but she was happy that she had hugged her mom before going inside. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and run around with her friends. One day, Lily's friends wanted to play on a big, popular slide at the park. But Lily was scared because the slide looked very high and she didn't feel safe. + +Lily's friends didn't understand why she was afraid, and they started to get upset. But Lily didn't want to do something she didn't feel safe doing. So, she decided to play on the swings instead. She enjoyed swinging back and forth, feeling the wind in her hair. + +After a while, Lily's friends came back from the slide and saw how much fun she was having on the swings. They realized that it was okay to do different things and that everyone has their own preferences. They all played together and had a great time, doing what they each enjoyed. The moral of the story is that it's important to listen to yourself and do what makes you feel safe and happy. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to run and play outside. One day, Timmy's mom gave him a magazine to read. It had lots of pictures of animals and toys. Timmy thought it was fine, but he really wanted to go outside and run. So, he put the magazine down and went outside to play with his friends. They ran and played tag until it was time for dinner. Timmy was happy he got to run and play with his friends. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys all day long. One day, her mom called her and said, "Lily, can you please stop playing for a minute? I have an important message for you." + +Lily put down her toys and looked at her mom. "What is the message, Mommy?" she asked. + +Her mom replied, "We are going to visit your grandma today. She is very busy, so we need to be on time." + +Lily got very excited and said, "Yay! I love visiting Grandma!" She quickly got ready and they left for Grandma's house. + +When they arrived, Grandma was very happy to see them. She gave Lily a big hug and said, "I'm so glad you came to visit me today." They spent the whole day together, playing games and having fun. And Lily was happy that she stopped playing with her toys for a little while to visit her busy Grandma. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird who lived in a tree. One day, the bird found a twig on the ground. The twig was a regular size and the bird thought it would make a good perch. + +The bird flew up to the tree and tried to place the twig on a branch. But it was too heavy for the bird to lift. Just then, another bird flew by. The first bird wanted to introduce himself to the new bird, so he chirped a friendly hello. + +The new bird saw the twig and offered to help. Together, they lifted the twig and placed it on the branch. The first bird was very happy to have a new friend and a new perch to sit on. From that day on, the two birds would often visit each other and sit on the twig together. +Once upon a time, there was a big baby named Max. Max loved to stretch his arms and legs all day long. One day, Max's mom took him to the park to play. Max saw a big ball and wanted to play with it. But, another little boy named Timmy was playing with the ball too. + +Max said, "Can I play with the big ball too?" + +Timmy said, "No, it's mine!" + +Max started to cry and his mom came over to see what was wrong. Max said, "Timmy won't let me play with the big ball." + +Max's mom said, "It's not nice to not share. Timmy, can Max please play with the ball too?" + +Timmy said, "Okay, Max can play too." + +Max was happy and he stretched his arms out to catch the big ball. They played together and had lots of fun. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved chocolate very much. One day, she went to the park with her mom. There, she saw a noisy boy playing on the swing. + +Lily wanted to swing too, but the boy wouldn't let her. She said, "Can I seat on the swing too, please?" But the boy just kept swinging and shouting loudly. + +Lily's mom saw what was happening and gave her a piece of chocolate. She said, "Don't worry, Lily. You can eat this chocolate and we can find another swing to seat on." Lily smiled and ate the chocolate happily. She and her mom found another swing that was not noisy, and she had a great time. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to cook with her mommy in the kitchen. One day, her mommy bought a new recipe book that had lots of yummy recipes in it. Lily was excited to try them out. + +"Mommy, can we cook something new today?" Lily asked. + +"Of course, sweetie! What style of food would you like to try?" her mommy replied. + +"I want to cook something sweet like cookies!" Lily said with a big smile. + +So, they looked through the new recipe book and found a recipe for chocolate chip cookies. They gathered all the ingredients and started to cook. As they mixed and measured, Lily's mommy taught her how to cook the cookies just right. + +After they were done, they sat down and enjoyed their delicious new cookies together. "These cookies are so yummy, Mommy! Can we cook something new again tomorrow?" Lily asked. + +"Absolutely, my dear. Cooking together is so much fun!" her mommy replied with a smile. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to run around and play outside. One day, she saw a big hill and wanted to climb it. So, she asked her mommy if she could go climb the hill. + +Her mommy said, "Sure, but be careful!" + +Lily climbed up the hill and when she got to the top, she saw a man who could whistle really well. She said to the man, "Wow, that's so impressive! Can you teach me how to whistle like that?" + +The man smiled and said, "Of course, it's easy! Just put your lips together and blow." + +Lily tried and tried, but she couldn't whistle. She felt a little sad, but then she remembered how much fun it was to climb the hill. She ran down the hill and told her mommy all about her adventure. From that day on, Lily loved to climb hills and try new things. +Once upon a time, there was a little ant. The ant wanted to go to the other side of the garden, but there was a big puddle in the way. The ant couldn't swim, so it had to crawl around the puddle. It took a long time, but finally, the ant made it to the other side. + +On the other side of the garden, there was a big billboard. The billboard had a picture of a yummy piece of cake on it. The ant was very hungry, so it wanted to crawl up the billboard to get to the cake. But there was a problem. The billboard was too tall, and the ant couldn't climb it. + +The ant felt sad and hungry. It knew the cake was important, but it didn't know what to do. Just then, a friendly caterpillar came along. The caterpillar saw the ant and asked what was wrong. The ant told the caterpillar about the cake on the billboard. The caterpillar said, "Don't worry, I can help you." The caterpillar crawled up the billboard and brought the cake down to the ant. The ant was so happy and grateful. It crawled away, feeling full and content. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. He loved playing baseball with his friends. One day, Timmy and his friends went to a distant park to play baseball. They were having so much fun hitting the ball and running around the bases. + +Suddenly, Timmy's friend Billy got angry and slapped Timmy's hand. Timmy didn't know why Billy was so mad. "Why did you slap my hand?" Timmy asked. + +Billy replied, "I'm sorry, Timmy. I saw a bee on your hand and I didn't want you to get stung." + +Timmy was grateful that Billy cared about him and didn't want him to get hurt. From that day on, Timmy and Billy always looked out for each other when they played baseball at the distant park. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to run and play all day long. One day, she was running in the hall and accidentally knocked over a vase. Her mom was very upset because it was a special vase from her grandma. Lily felt very sad because she was careless and didn't mean to break it. + +Later that day, Lily went to her mom and said, "I'm sorry for breaking the vase. Please forgive me." Her mom hugged her and said, "Of course, I forgive you. But please be more careful next time." Lily felt happy that her mom forgave her and promised to be more careful in the future. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy had a toy robot that he loved to play with every day. The robot was very modern and had lots of buttons to press. + +One day, Timmy was playing with his robot when he accidentally dropped it. The robot started to shake and make funny noises. Timmy was worried and said, "Robot, what's wrong? Please don't break!" + +The robot replied, "Don't worry, Timmy. I just need to wait a moment to fix myself." Timmy was amazed that his toy robot could talk! He waited patiently while the robot fixed itself and soon enough, it was back to normal. + +From that day on, Timmy was even more in love with his modern toy robot. He played with it every day and never forgot to be careful and not drop it again. +Once upon a time, there was a child named Timmy. Timmy was a very generous child. He always shared his toys with his friends. One day, Timmy went to the park to play with his friends. They decided to play hide and seek. Timmy was very good at hiding. + +While Timmy was hiding, he saw a man walking towards him. The man looked scary. Timmy got scared and didn't know what to do. The man asked Timmy to come with him. Timmy was too scared to say anything. The man took Timmy away and nobody ever saw Timmy again. + +Timmy's friends looked for him everywhere, but they couldn't find him. Timmy's parents were very sad. They missed their child. They wished Timmy had never gone to the park that day. +Tom is a bald man. He has no hair on his head. He likes to wear hats. He has many hats of different colors and shapes. He has a red hat, a blue hat, a green hat, and a yellow hat. + +One day, Tom goes to the park with his dog, Rex. Rex is a big dog. He has brown fur and a long tail. He likes to run and play. He chases birds and squirrels. He barks and jumps. + +Tom sits on a bench and watches Rex. He wears his yellow hat. He feels happy and warm. He smiles and sings a song. + +"Hello, Tom," says a voice. Tom looks up and sees a woman. She has long hair and a nice dress. She holds a basket. She is Tom's friend, Ann. + +"Hello, Ann," says Tom. "What do you have in your basket?" + +"I have some food and drinks," says Ann. "Do you want to have a picnic with me?" + +"Yes, please," says Tom. "That sounds fun." + +Tom and Ann walk to a shady spot under a tree. They spread a blanket on the grass. They take out some sandwiches, apples, cookies, and juice. They share their food and drinks. They talk and laugh. + +Rex comes to join them. He is tired from running and playing. He lies down on the blanket. He rests his head on Tom's lap. He closes his eyes. He snores. + +"Rex is a good dog," says Ann. "He looks happy and cozy." + +"Yes, he is," says Tom. "He likes to rest after a long day." + +Tom and Ann finish their picnic. They pack their basket and blanket. They get ready to leave. + +"Thank you for the picnic, Ann," says Tom. "It was very nice." + +"Thank you for the company, Tom," says Ann. "It was very pleasant." + +Tom and Ann hug and say goodbye. Tom puts on his yellow hat. He holds Rex's leash. He walks home with his dog. + +Tom is a bald man. He has no hair on his head. He likes to wear hats. He has many hats of different colors and shapes. He has a red hat, a blue hat, a green hat, and a yellow hat. + +But today, he likes his yellow hat the best. It reminds him of the sun, the park, and his friend, Ann. He feels happy and warm. He smiles and sings a song. +Lily and Ben are friends. They like to play school. Lily is the teacher and Ben is the student. They have a blackboard in the playroom. The blackboard is old and dirty. It has many marks and scratches. + +One day, Lily says to Ben, "We need a new blackboard. This one is bad. We cannot write or draw on it. It is not fun." + +Ben says, "I have an idea. We can ask my mom. She works at a school. Maybe she can give us a new blackboard. She is very nice." + +Lily and Ben go to find Ben's mom. They see her in the kitchen. She is making a cake. They say, "Hello, mom. Can we talk to you?" + +Ben's mom says, "Of course, my loves. What do you want to talk about?" + +Lily and Ben say, "We need a new blackboard. Our blackboard is old and dirty. We cannot play school. Can you help us?" + +Ben's mom smiles. She says, "I have a surprise for you. I have a new blackboard for you. I brought it from my school. They were giving away some old things. I thought you would like it. It is big and clean. You can write and draw on it. You can have fun." + +Lily and Ben are very happy. They say, "Thank you, mom. You are the best. We love you." + +Ben's mom says, "You are welcome, my loves. I love you too. Now, let's go to the playroom and set up your new blackboard. Then, you can play school. And later, we can have some cake." +Lily liked to climb. She climbed on chairs, on tables, on sofas, on beds. She climbed on everything she could find. But her mom and dad said no. They said climbing was naughty. They said she could fall and hurt herself. They said she had to be careful and listen. + +One morning, Lily woke up early. She was hungry. She wanted cereal. She saw the cereal box on the top shelf in the kitchen. She had an idea. She got a chair and dragged it to the shelf. She climbed on the chair and reached for the cereal box. But she was too small. She stretched and stretched, but she could not grab it. + +Then she saw another chair. She got off the first chair and dragged the second chair to the shelf. She stacked the second chair on top of the first chair. She climbed on the second chair and reached for the cereal box again. This time, she touched it. She smiled and pulled it down. But she pulled too hard. The cereal box fell and so did she. The chairs toppled over and the cereal spilled all over the floor. + +Lily cried. She was scared and sore. She heard her mom and dad run to the kitchen. They saw the mess and Lily on the floor. They were angry and worried. They picked up Lily and hugged her. They asked her if she was okay. They told her she was naughty. They told her she should not climb on chairs. They told her she should ask for help. They told her they loved her. + +Lily said sorry. She felt bad. She did not want to make her mom and dad angry or worried. She did not want to be naughty. She wanted to be good. She hugged them back. She said she loved them too. She said she would not climb on chairs again. She said she would ask for help. She said she still wanted cereal. Her mom and dad smiled. They cleaned up the mess and gave her some cereal. They ate breakfast together and talked. Lily was happy. She learned her lesson. She liked to climb, but she liked to be safe and loved more. +Lily and Ben were twins who liked to play in the kitchen. They liked to open the cupboard and see what was inside. Sometimes they found pots and pans, sometimes they found cookies and crackers, and sometimes they found nothing at all. + +One day, they opened the cupboard and saw a big jar of honey. It was shiny and golden and looked very yummy. Lily and Ben both wanted to taste it, but they knew they had to ask their mom first. + +"Mom, can we have some honey?" they called out. + +Mom was busy in the living room, so she did not hear them. Lily and Ben waited for a while, but mom did not come. They stared at the jar of honey. It looked so good. They wanted to have some now. + +"Maybe we can have a little bit," Lily said. "Mom won't mind." + +"I don't know," Ben said. "Mom said we have to ask before we take anything from the cupboard." + +Lily did not listen to Ben. She reached for the jar and opened it. She dipped her finger in the honey and licked it. It was sweet and sticky and delicious. She smiled and said, "Mmm, this is good. You should try some, Ben." + +Ben was tempted. He saw Lily enjoying the honey. He wanted to have some too. He forgot what mom said. He reached for the jar and opened it. He dipped his finger in the honey and licked it. It was sweet and sticky and delicious. He smiled and said, "Mmm, this is good. You are right, Lily." + +Lily and Ben kept dipping their fingers in the honey. They did not notice that the jar was getting empty. They did not notice that the honey was dripping on the floor. They did not notice that mom was coming to the kitchen. + +Mom saw Lily and Ben with the jar of honey. She saw the honey on their faces and hands. She saw the honey on the floor and the cupboard. She was angry and sad. She said, "Lily and Ben, what have you done? You took the honey without asking me. You made a big mess. You did not listen to me. You did not do the right thing." + +Lily and Ben felt bad. They knew they did something wrong. They said, "We are sorry, mom. We wanted to have some honey. It looked so good. We did not mean to make a mess. We did not mean to make you angry and sad." + +Mom said, "I know you like honey, but you have to ask me before you take anything from the cupboard. You have to listen to me and follow the rules. You have to do the right thing. That is how you show me that you love me and respect me. Do you understand?" + +Lily and Ben nodded. They said, "We understand, mom. We love you and respect you. We will do the right thing next time. We will ask you before we take anything from the cupboard. We will listen to you and follow the rules." + +Mom said, "I love you too, Lily and Ben. I forgive you for taking the honey. But you have to help me clean up the mess. And you have to say sorry to the bees who made the honey. They worked hard to make it for us. We have to be grateful and not waste it." + +Lily and Ben said, "We will help you clean up, mom. And we will say sorry to the bees. We are grateful for the honey. We will not waste it again." + +Mom hugged Lily and Ben. She said, "Thank you, Lily and Ben. You are good children. You learned your lesson. I am proud of you." + +Lily and Ben hugged mom. They said, "Thank you, mom. You are a good mom. You taught us a lesson. We are happy with you." +Lily has a new dress. It is pink and has flowers on it. She likes it very much. She wants to match her dress with something. She looks in her closet and sees her shoes, her hat, and her collar. + +She tries on her shoes. They are black and shiny. They do not match her dress. They are too dark and hard. She takes them off and puts them back. + +She tries on her hat. It is yellow and has a bow on it. It does not match her dress either. It is too bright and big. It covers her eyes and ears. She takes it off and puts it back. + +She tries on her collar. It is white and has lace on it. It matches her dress perfectly. It is soft and pretty. It makes her neck look nice. She smiles and keeps it on. + +She goes to show her mom. Her mom is in the kitchen. She is making cookies. She sees Lily and says, "You look lovely, Lily. I like your collar. It matches your dress very well." + +Lily hugs her mom and says, "Thank you, mom. I like it too. Can I have a cookie?" + +Her mom nods and gives her a cookie. It is warm and sweet. Lily eats it and says, "Yum. This matches my collar too. It is white and has sugar on it." + +Her mom laughs and says, "You are right, Lily. You are very good at matching things. I love you." + +Lily says, "I love you too, mom." She is happy. She has a new dress, a new collar, and a new cookie. She thinks they are the best things in the world. +Anna loves to perform for her family. She likes to sing, dance and tell jokes. She has a big show today and she is very ready. She puts on her favorite dress and a shiny hat. She makes a stage with some furniture in the living room. She moves the sofa, the table and the chairs. She puts a blanket over the sofa to make a curtain. + +She invites her family to sit on the floor and watch her show. She says, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Anna's amazing show! Please clap and laugh a lot!" She goes behind the sofa and waits for her music. Her brother plays a song on his toy piano. She pulls the blanket and comes out. She sings a song she learned at school. She dances with her teddy bear. She tells a joke about a banana. Her family claps and laughs a lot. + +She bows and says, "Thank you, thank you, you are very kind! That was my show, I hope you liked it!" She throws some confetti in the air. Her family cheers and hugs her. They tell her she is a great performer and they are very proud of her. She feels very happy and says, "I love you all! Can I do another show tomorrow?" +Anna and her mom moved to a new house. They had many boxes to unpack. Anna was excited to see her new room. + +"Mom, can I help you unpack?" Anna asked. + +"Of course, my daughter. You can choose where to put your toys and books," mom said. + +They went to Anna's room and opened a big box. Anna saw her teddy bear, her doll, and her puzzle. She hugged them and smiled. + +"I missed you, friends!" she said. + +She put her teddy bear on her bed, her doll on her shelf, and her puzzle on her table. She looked around and felt happy. + +"Mom, I like my new room. It is very pretty," she said. + +"I'm glad you like it, Anna. It is your own space," mom said. + +They hugged and kissed. Then they heard a loud noise. + +"What is that?" Anna asked. + +"It is the ice cream truck. Do you want some ice cream?" mom asked. + +"Yes, please! It is very hot today," Anna said. + +They ran outside and bought some ice cream. They ate it and felt cool and sweet. + +"Mom, I love you. And I love our new house," Anna said. + +"I love you too, my daughter. And I love our new home," mom said. +Sara was sad. She had to stay at home with her grandma, while her mom and dad went to work. She missed her friends and her toys. She looked out the window and saw a gloomy sky. It was going to rain soon. + +"Cheer up, Sara," her grandma said. "I have a surprise for you. Come with me to the kitchen." + +Sara followed her grandma to the kitchen. She saw a big cage on the table. Inside the cage, there was a colorful bird. It had a red head, a green body, and a blue tail. It looked at Sara with a curious eye. + +"This is Polly, a parrot," her grandma said. "She can talk and sing. She is very smart and friendly. She will keep you company while I prepare lunch. Do you want to say hello to Polly?" + +Sara nodded. She liked animals. She walked closer to the cage and smiled at Polly. + +"Hello, Polly," she said. + +"Hello, Sara," Polly said. "I'm happy to meet you. Do you want to play with me?" + +Sara gasped. She couldn't believe the bird could talk. She felt a warm feeling in her heart. She forgot about her sadness. She wanted to play with Polly. + +"Yes, I want to play with you, Polly," she said. "What can we do?" + +"We can sing a song, we can count to ten, we can tell jokes, we can make funny noises," Polly said. "We can have fun, Sara. You are my new friend." + +Sara laughed. She liked Polly. She liked her grandma's surprise. She felt happy. She played with Polly until lunch time. She didn't mind the gloomy sky anymore. She had a bright parrot. +Sara and Tom are friends. They like to play in the park. One day, they see a cactus in the park. It has green skin and many spikes. + +"Look, a cactus!" Sara says. "It is so cool!" + +"I want to touch it," Tom says. He runs to the cactus. + +"Wait, Tom!" Sara says. "The cactus is not nice. It can hurt you. The spikes are sharp." + +But Tom does not listen. He puts his hand on the cactus. He feels a lot of pain. He cries. + +"Ow, ow, ow!" Tom says. "The cactus is bad. It is cold and mean." + +Sara runs to Tom. She hugs him. She tells him she is sorry. + +"It is okay, Tom," Sara says. "The cactus is not bad. It is just different. It needs the spikes to live in the hot sun. It is not cold. It is just not soft like us." + +Tom stops crying. He looks at the cactus. He sees that it has a flower on top. It is yellow and pretty. + +"You are right, Sara," Tom says. "The cactus is not bad. It is just different. And it has a flower. It is not mean. It is just not friendly." + +Sara and Tom smile. They learn a lesson. They learn to respect the cactus and other things that are different. They learn to be careful and listen to their friends. They learn to be kind and say sorry. They go back to play in the park. They are happy. +Lily and Ben were best friends. They liked to play in the park and look for bugs and flowers. One day, they found a big, shiny stone under a tree. It was brilliant and sparkled in the sun. + +"Wow, look at this!" Lily said. "It's so pretty!" + +"Let me see!" Ben said. He took the stone and held it in his hand. He felt something strange. The stone was warm and made a soft sound. He put it to his ear and heard a whistle. + +"What is it?" Lily asked. "What does it do?" + +Ben smiled. He had an idea. He whispered to Lily. "It's a secret stone. It can talk to us. But only if we whistle back. Do you know how to whistle?" + +Lily nodded. She had learned how to whistle from her dad. She puckered her lips and blew. She made a whistle. The stone whistled back. Lily and Ben laughed. + +"Let's play with it!" Ben said. "But don't tell anyone. It's our secret." + +They took turns whistling to the stone and listening to its answers. They asked it silly questions and made up stories. They had a lot of fun. They felt like they had a new friend. A brilliant, secret, whistling friend. +Tom and Lily were twins who liked to bake with their mom. They helped her to mix the flour, the eggs, the sugar and the butter in a big bowl. Then they poured the batter into small cups and put them in the oven. They waited for the cakes to be ready. + +"Can we decorate the cakes, mom?" Tom asked. + +"Of course, my loves. We have frosting, sprinkles, candies and fruits. You can make them look however you want." Mom said. + +Tom and Lily each took a plate and picked four cakes. They spread frosting on top of them and added different toppings. They made a stack of cakes, one on top of the other, like a tower. + +"Look, mom, I made a modern stack!" Lily said, showing her cakes. They had pink frosting, rainbow sprinkles, gummy bears and strawberries. + +"That's very pretty, Lily. And what about you, Tom?" Mom asked. + +"I made a modern stack too!" Tom said, showing his cakes. They had blue frosting, chocolate chips, marshmallows and bananas. + +"That's very nice, Tom. You both did a great job. Now, let's eat them!" Mom said. + +They sat at the table and enjoyed their delicious cakes. They shared them with each other and with mom. They were very happy and proud of their baking skills. +Tom and Anna were going to the park with their mom. They liked the park because it had swings, slides and a big sandbox. Mom said they had to wear their seat belts in the car. Tom and Anna knew how to buckle their seat belts by themselves. They were very proud of that. + +But today, Tom saw something new in the car. It was a shiny buckle on the floor. It looked like a toy. Tom wanted to play with it. He unbuckled his seat belt and reached for the buckle. + +"Tom, what are you doing?" Mom asked. She saw Tom in the mirror. She was not happy. "You have to keep your seat belt on. It is not safe to play with the buckle. It is not a toy. It is part of the car." + +"But I want to see it, Mom. It is shiny and pretty. Maybe it can make a noise or a light." Tom said. He did not listen to Mom. He grabbed the buckle and pulled it. + +The buckle was not a toy. It was a part of the car that Mom did not know about. It was an unknown buckle. It was connected to a wire that made a loud sound. It was a horn. The horn made a very loud noise. It scared Tom, Anna and Mom. It also scared the other cars on the road. They honked back at them. + +"Tom, put the buckle back. Now!" Mom yelled. She was very angry and scared. She stopped the car and took the buckle from Tom. She buckled his seat belt again. She said, "You are not allowed to play with the buckle. You are not allowed to touch anything in the car. You have to listen to me. Do you understand?" + +Tom nodded. He was sorry. He did not mean to make a loud noise. He did not mean to scare Mom and Anna. He said, "I'm sorry, Mom. I won't play with the buckle again. I will listen to you." + +Mom sighed. She was still angry, but she was also glad that nothing bad happened. She said, "I'm glad you are sorry, Tom. But you have to be careful and follow the rules. The car is not a place to play. The park is a place to play. We are almost there. Do you still want to go to the park?" + +Tom and Anna smiled. They still wanted to go to the park. They said, "Yes, Mom. We want to go to the park. We want to swing and slide and play in the sandbox. We will be good and have fun." + +Mom smiled too. She said, "Okay, then. Let's go to the park. But remember, no more playing with the buckle. Deal?" + +Tom and Anna said, "Deal, Mom. No more playing with the buckle." They kept their seat belts on until they reached the park. They had a lot of fun at the park. They did not play with the buckle again. They learned their lesson. +Tom and Anna are playing in the park. They see a big dog with a red ball. The dog is very happy and runs around with the ball. + +"Can we play with the dog?" Anna asks Tom. + +"I don't know. Maybe we should ask the dog's mom or dad first," Tom says. + +They look around and see a man sitting on a bench. He has a sad face and a dirty coat. He is the dog's dad. + +"Hello, sir. Can we play with your dog?" Tom asks the man. + +The man looks at them and smiles a little. "Sure, kids. His name is Rex. He likes to play fetch. You can throw the ball and he will bring it back to you." + +"Thank you, sir. What is your name?" Anna asks. + +The man sighs. "My name is Sam. I don't have a home or a job. I only have Rex. He is my best friend." + +Tom and Anna feel sorry for Sam. He is poor and lonely. They want to help him. + +"Sam, do you want to play with us too?" Tom asks. + +Sam nods. "That would be nice. I don't have many friends." + +They play with Rex and Sam for a while. They laugh and have fun. Rex is a good dog and Sam is a kind man. + +"Guess what, Sam? We have a surprise for you," Anna says. + +"What is it?" Sam asks. + +"You have to wait a minute. We will be right back," Tom says. + +They run to the ice cream truck and buy four cones. One for each of them and one for Rex. They come back and give Sam and Rex their ice cream. + +"Wow, thank you, kids. This is very sweet of you. You made my day," Sam says. + +"You're welcome, Sam. You are our friend too," Tom says. + +They eat their ice cream and talk. They are happy. They are friends. +Sara and Tom are playing with their toy boats in the pond. They like to push their boats and watch them sail on the water. Sara has a red boat and Tom has a blue boat. They pretend to be sailors and talk to each other. + +"Ahoy, sailor!" Sara says to Tom. "Where are you going?" + +"I'm going to the island, sailor!" Tom says to Sara. "There are many flowers and birds there. Do you want to come with me?" + +"Yes, please!" Sara says to Tom. "That sounds fun!" + +They push their boats together and follow them to the island. They see many colors and hear many sounds. They are happy to explore and play. + +But then, they hear a loud splash. They look at the pond and see a big duck. The duck is swimming and quacking. It sees their boats and thinks they are food. It tries to bite them and pull them under the water. + +"Oh no!" Sara and Tom say. "Our boats! The duck is taking them!" + +They run to the pond and try to save their boats. They shout at the duck and wave their arms. They are scared and sad. + +"Go away, duck!" Sara and Tom say. "Leave our boats alone!" + +The duck is surprised and scared too. It drops the boats and swims away. Sara and Tom are relieved and happy. They grab their boats and hug them. + +"Phew!" Sara and Tom say. "We got our boats back!" + +They check their boats and see that they are not broken. They are still red and blue and shiny. They are happy to have their boats and each other. + +"Let's go back to the shore, sailor!" Sara says to Tom. "We had enough adventure for today!" + +"OK, sailor!" Tom says to Sara. "But we can play again tomorrow!" + +They push their boats back to the shore and smile. They are happy to be sailors and friends. +Lily was a curious bunny who liked to collect things. She had a big basket where she kept all her treasures. She had shiny stones, soft feathers, and colorful flowers. But her favorite thing to collect was carrots. + +One day, she saw a big carrot patch near the farmer's house. She wanted to get some carrots for her basket, but she was also afraid of the farmer and his dog. She waited until the farmer and his dog went inside, and then she hopped over to the carrot patch. + +She saw many carrots, big and small, orange and purple. She pulled one out of the ground and sniffed it. It smelled sweet and fresh. She bit into it and tasted its crunch. It was delicious. She decided to take some more carrots for her basket. + +She pulled out another carrot, and another, and another. She was so busy collecting carrots that she did not hear the farmer and his dog come out of the house. She did not see them walk towards the carrot patch. She did not notice them until they were very close. + +The farmer saw Lily and shouted, "Hey, you, stop stealing my carrots!" The dog barked and ran towards Lily. Lily was scared and dropped her carrots. She ran away as fast as she could, leaving her basket behind. + +She reached her home and hid under a bush. She was sad and hungry. She had lost her basket and her carrots. She wished she had not been so curious and greedy. She learned a lesson that day: collecting is fun, but not when it hurts someone else. +Lila and Ben are friends. They like to play in the park. One day, they see a big slide. Lila wants to go on the slide. Ben is scared. + +"Come on, Ben. The slide is fun. I recommend it." Lila says. + +"I don't know, Lila. The slide is high. And fast. And hard." Ben says. + +"Don't be silly, Ben. The slide is not hard. It is soft. Look, I will show you." Lila says. She runs to the slide and climbs up. She sits on the top and smiles. + +"See, Ben? It is easy. And soft. Come and join me." Lila says. + +Ben is still scared. But he does not want to make Lila sad. He walks to the slide and climbs up. He sits next to Lila. He does not smile. + +"Are you ready, Ben?" Lila says. + +"No, Lila. I am not ready. I want to go down." Ben says. + +"Too late, Ben. It is time. We have to go." Lila says. She pushes Ben and herself down the slide. + +Ben screams. Lila laughs. They go down the slide very fast. They reach the bottom. But the slide is not soft. It is hard. And wet. And dirty. There is a big puddle at the end of the slide. Lila and Ben land in the puddle. They are wet. And dirty. And hurt. + +"Ow, Lila. That hurt. Why did you do that?" Ben says. + +"I'm sorry, Ben. I thought it was soft. I was wrong. Are you okay?" Lila says. + +"No, Lila. I am not okay. I am wet. And dirty. And hurt. And angry. You are a bad friend. I don't want to play with you anymore." Ben says. + +He gets up and runs away. He cries. Lila cries too. She is wet. And dirty. And hurt. And sorry. She is alone. She has no friend. She wishes she did not go on the slide. She wishes she listened to Ben. She wishes she was nice. She wishes she could say sorry. But it is too late. The end. +Tom and Lily were playing in the park. They liked to swing and slide and run. They saw a big tree with red and yellow leaves. They wanted to climb the tree and see the sky. + +"Look, Tom, there is a hole in the tree. Maybe there is something inside," Lily said. + +"Let's go and see. Maybe there is a bird or a squirrel or a treasure," Tom said. + +They went to the hole and looked inside. They saw a shiny thing. It was a gum wrapper. Tom reached his hand to get the gum wrapper. He wanted to see if there was any gum left. + +"Be careful, Tom. The hole is dark and sharp. You might hurt yourself," Lily said. + +But Tom did not listen. He wanted the gum wrapper. He put his hand in the hole. He felt something soft and sticky. He thought it was gum. He pulled his hand out. He saw blood on his hand. He screamed. + +Lily looked at his hand. She saw a big cut. She saw a rat. The rat was dead. The rat had sharp teeth. The rat had bitten Tom's hand. The rat had the gum wrapper in its mouth. + +"Tom, you are bleeding. We need to go home. We need to tell mom. She will help you," Lily said. + +She took Tom's hand and ran to their house. She left the gum wrapper and the dead rat in the hole. She did not want to play in the park anymore. She did not like the sharp hole and the dead rat. She wanted to be safe and warm. +Ben and Sam are brothers. They like to play with trains. They have many trains of different colors and sizes. They make tracks on the floor and push the trains along. + +One day, Ben finds a big train in the garage. It is old and dusty. It has a big engine and a whistle. Ben wants to play with it, but he does not know how to make it work. + +He asks Sam for help. Sam is older and knows more things. He says, "I can teach you how to use the big train. But you have to be careful. It is not a toy. It is a real train." + +Ben is excited. He follows Sam to the garage. Sam shows him how to fill the engine with water and coal. He shows him how to light the fire and make steam. He shows him how to pull the lever and make the train move. He shows him how to blow the whistle and make a loud noise. + +Ben is happy. He thanks Sam for teaching him. He says, "You are a good brother. You know a lot of things. Can I drive the big train now?" + +Sam says, "Yes, you can. But only for a little while. And you have to stay in the garage. Do not go outside. The big train is too fast and too dangerous for the road." + +Ben agrees. He climbs on the big train and drives it around the garage. He blows the whistle and makes a loud noise. He feels like a real train driver. + +But soon, the big train stops. It does not move anymore. It does not make any noise. Ben tries to pull the lever and blow the whistle, but nothing happens. He is confused and scared. He calls Sam for help. + +Sam comes and looks at the big train. He sees that the engine is empty. There is no water and no coal. There is no fire and no steam. He says, "Oh no, the big train is dead. It ran out of fuel. We have to fill it up again." + +Ben is sad. He says, "I'm sorry, Sam. I did not know. I used up all the fuel. I broke the big train." + +Sam says, "It's okay, Ben. You did not break it. You just used it too much. We can fix it. We just need more water and more coal. And we need to be more careful next time. The big train is not a toy. It is a real train." +Tom and his dog Spot like to go for walks. Tom has a leash for Spot, but Spot is very obedient. He does not run away or bark at other dogs. He stays close to Tom and listens to his voice. + +One day, Tom and Spot see a big truck on the road. The truck is making loud noises and blowing smoke. Tom is scared of the truck, but Spot is not. Spot wants to see the truck better. He runs towards the road, forgetting his leash. + +Tom shouts, "Spot, no! Come back!" But Spot does not hear him. He is too curious about the truck. Tom runs after Spot, but he is too slow. The truck is getting closer and closer to Spot. + +Tom is very worried. He does not want Spot to get hurt by the truck. He sees a big stick on the ground. He picks up the stick and carries it in his hands. He waves the stick at the truck and yells, "Stop! Stop!" + +The truck driver sees Tom and Spot. He sees the stick in Tom's hands. He thinks Tom is trying to help Spot. He slows down the truck and stops it. He gets out of the truck and walks to Tom and Spot. + +He says, "Thank you, little boy. You are very brave. You saved your dog from the truck. You are a good friend to your dog." + +Tom is happy. He hugs Spot and says, "I'm sorry, Spot. You should not run to the road. It is dangerous. You should be obedient and stay with me." + +Spot is sorry too. He licks Tom's face and says, "Woof, woof. I'm sorry, Tom. You are right. I should not run to the road. I should be obedient and stay with you. You are a good friend to me." + +The truck driver smiles. He says, "You are both good friends to each other. Now, be careful and have a nice walk." + +He gets back in his truck and drives away. Tom and Spot wave goodbye to him. They continue their walk, but this time, Spot does not forget his leash. He stays close to Tom and listens to his voice. They are happy and safe. +Ben and Lily were playing with blocks in the living room. They liked to build towers and houses and cars with the blocks. They had many colors and shapes of blocks to choose from. + +"Look, Lily, I made a big tower!" Ben said, showing his creation to his sister. "It is taller than you!" + +Lily looked at Ben's tower and felt jealous. She wanted to make a big tower too, but she only had a few blocks left. She had an idea. She waited until Ben was not looking and then pushed his tower with her hand. + +CRASH! Ben's tower fell down and the blocks scattered on the floor. Ben heard the noise and turned around. He saw his tower ruined and Lily smiling. He felt angry and sad. + +"Why did you do that, Lily?" Ben asked, his voice loud and shaky. "That was my tower! You are a bad sister!" + +Lily did not feel sorry. She felt proud. She thought she was clever and strong. She said, "I did it because I wanted to. Your tower was too big. You did not let me have any blocks. You are a bad brother!" + +Ben and Lily started to argue and shout. They did not share or play nicely. They did not listen to each other. They did not have fun. + +Mom heard the noise and came to the living room. She saw the mess and the angry faces of Ben and Lily. She felt disappointed and tired. She said, "What is going on here? Why are you fighting? Why did you break the blocks? You are both bad children!" + +Ben and Lily stopped arguing and looked at Mom. They felt scared and ashamed. They knew they had done something wrong. They did not want to be bad children. They wanted to be good children. + +They said, "We are sorry, Mom. We will not fight again. We will not break the blocks again. We will share and play nicely. We will listen to each other. We will have fun." + +Mom smiled and hugged Ben and Lily. She said, "That is good. I love you both. Now, let's clean up the blocks and then we can have a snack. How does that sound?" + +Ben and Lily nodded and smiled. They said, "That sounds good, Mom. We love you too." + +They helped Mom pick up the blocks and put them back in the box. They said sorry to each other and gave each other a hug. They went to the kitchen and had some cookies and milk. They felt happy and calm. + +They learned a lesson. They learned that breaking things is bad and sharing things is good. They learned that fighting is bad and playing is good. They learned that being bad is bad and being good is good. They learned to be good children. +Lily was excited to go to the park with her mom. She put on her jacket and her hat and ran to the door. She wanted to play on the swings and the slide and see the ducks. + +"Wait, Lily," her mom said. "We need to teach you something first." + +"What, mom?" Lily asked. + +"We need to teach you how to cross the street safely. It is very important. You have to look both ways and hold my hand. Do you understand?" + +Lily nodded. She wanted to learn how to cross the street. She liked to learn new things. She held her mom's hand and looked both ways. She saw some cars and some bikes and some people. She waited until the street was clear and then crossed with her mom. + +"Good job, Lily!" her mom said. "You are a very smart and careful girl. Now we can go to the park and have fun." + +Lily smiled. She was happy and proud. She thanked her mom and ran to the swings. She had a lot of fun at the park. She learned how to cross the street and how to swing higher and higher. She also fed some bread to the ducks and made a new friend. She had a wonderful day. +Tom was a strong boy. He liked to play with his ball and his bike. He had a big bell on his bike. He liked to ring it loud when he rode fast. + +One day, he saw a new bike in his street. It was red and shiny. It had a big horn. Tom wanted to try it. He asked the boy who owned it. The boy said no. Tom was angry. He waited for the boy to go inside his house. Then he ran to the bike and took it. + +He rode the bike fast and loud. He honked the horn. He felt happy. He did not see the big rock on the road. He hit the rock and fell off the bike. He felt a lot of pain in his knee and his head. He cried. + +The boy who owned the bike came out of his house. He saw Tom on the ground. He saw his bike on the rock. He was angry. He ran to Tom and took his bell. He rang it loud in Tom's ear. He said, "That's what you get for stealing my bike!" + +Tom felt more pain in his ear and his heart. He learned a hard lesson. He said sorry to the boy. He gave back the bike. He limped to his house. He never stole again. +Sara is a little girl who loves birds. She has a pink bird toy that she plays with every day. She likes to pretend that she is a bird too, and she flaps her arms like wings. + +One day, Sara goes to the park with her mom. She sees many real birds in the trees and on the grass. She wants to play with them, but they fly away when she gets close. Sara feels sad. + +She sees a bird that is different from the others. It has a big beak, a long tail, and a bright blue color. It is a parrot. Sara thinks it is very pretty. She walks slowly towards it, hoping it will not fly away. + +"Hello, bird," Sara says softly. "Do you want to be my friend?" + +The parrot looks at Sara and says, "Hello, hello, hello." + +Sara is surprised and happy. She laughs and claps her hands. She thinks the parrot can talk like her. + +"Can you say my name?" Sara asks. "My name is Sara." + +The parrot says, "Sara, Sara, Sara." + +Sara smiles and reaches out her hand to touch the parrot. But the parrot flaps its wings and flies away. Sara feels sad again. + +She runs after the parrot, but it is too fast. She loses sight of it in the sky. She cries and calls out, "Parrot, parrot, come back!" + +Her mom comes and hugs her. She says, "It's okay, Sara. The parrot has to go back to its home. It misses its family." + +Sara says, "But I miss the parrot. It was my friend. It said my name." + +Her mom says, "I know, Sara. But you still have your pink bird toy at home. You can play with it and pretend it is the parrot. Maybe you will see the parrot again someday." + +Sara wipes her tears and nods. She says, "Okay, mom. I love my pink bird toy. But I also love the parrot. Goodbye, parrot. Thank you for talking to me." +Anna and Ben are friends. They like to play in the garden. One day, they find a huge onion in the dirt. They are very happy. + +"Look, Anna, a huge onion!" Ben says. + +"Wow, Ben, it is huge!" Anna says. + +They want to eat the onion. They are hungry. But the onion is too big for one. They need to share. + +"Let's share the onion, Anna. You can have half and I can have half," Ben says. + +"OK, Ben, that is a good idea. Sharing is nice," Anna says. + +They go to the kitchen. They ask mom to cut the onion for them. Mom is surprised. + +"Are you sure you want to eat this onion? It is very strong. It might make you cry," mom says. + +"We are sure, mom. We like onions. They are yummy," Anna and Ben say. + +Mom cuts the onion in half. She gives one half to Anna and one half to Ben. They thank mom. They go to the table. They take a bite of the onion. + +But the onion is not yummy. It is bitter and spicy. It makes their eyes water and their noses run. They do not like the onion. They spit it out. + +"Yuck, Anna, this onion is bad!" Ben says. + +"Yuck, Ben, this onion is bad!" Anna says. + +They look at each other. They start to laugh. They are still friends. They do not want the onion anymore. + +"Let's share something else, Anna. Something sweet and good," Ben says. + +"OK, Ben, let's share something else. How about a cookie?" Anna says. + +They go to the cookie jar. They find two cookies. They share the cookies. They are happy. They like cookies. They are yummy. +Ben and Mia were playing in the woods. They liked to pretend they were explorers and look for animals and plants. They saw a big cabin with a chimney and a door. They wondered who lived there. + +"Let's go and see," Ben said. He was brave and curious. + +"No, we should not," Mia said. She was careful and thoughtful. "Maybe someone is inside and they will be angry if we bother them." + +Ben did not listen. He ran to the cabin and knocked on the door. No one answered. He opened the door and went inside. Mia followed him, but she was scared. + +The cabin was dark and dusty. There were old books and pictures on the shelves. There was a fireplace and a table and some chairs. Ben saw a shiny box on the table. He wanted to open it and see what was inside. + +"Ben, don't touch that," Mia said. "It might be someone's treasure. They will be mad if we take it." + +Ben did not listen. He opened the box and saw a bright light. He screamed and dropped the box. Mia screamed too. A fairy appeared from the box. She had wings and a wand and a dress. She looked angry. + +"Who are you and what are you doing in my cabin?" the fairy asked. She waved her wand and made the door close. Ben and Mia were trapped. They were sorry they did not listen to Mia. They wished they were back in the woods. +Tim and Sam were brothers who liked to play outside. They had a big yard with a swing, a slide and a sandbox. They also had a dog named Rex who was very obedient. Rex always listened to Tim and Sam and did what they said. + +One day, Tim and Sam wanted to play hide and seek. They asked Rex to be the seeker and they would be the hiders. Rex wagged his tail and barked. He was happy to play with them. Tim and Sam ran to find good hiding spots. Rex counted to ten and then started to look for them. + +He found Tim first, behind a bush. He licked his face and made him laugh. Tim said, "Good boy, Rex! You found me!" He got up and joined Rex in the search. They looked for Sam together. + +They found Sam next, under the slide. He was very quiet and still. He hoped Rex would not see him. But Rex sniffed him out and barked. He nudged him with his nose and made him giggle. Sam said, "You're too smart, Rex! You found me too!" He got up and joined Rex and Tim. + +They all went back to the swing and had a group hug. They were happy and tired. They decided to go inside and have a snack. They walked to the door and Rex opened it with his paw. He was very clever. Tim and Sam said, "Thank you, Rex! You're the best!" They went inside and shut the door behind them. They shared some cookies and milk with Rex. They loved their dog and he loved them. They were a happy family. +Lily liked to open things. She opened boxes, books, and doors. She wanted to see what was inside. One day, she saw a big orange on the table. It looked round and juicy. She wanted to open it and taste it. + +She climbed on a chair and reached for the orange. But the orange was too big for her hand. It slipped and rolled off the table. Lily gasped and jumped off the chair. She ran after the orange. She did not want to lose it. + +The orange bounced on the floor and rolled into the living room. Lily followed it. She saw her big sister, Anna, sitting on the couch. Anna was reading a book. She looked graceful and smart. Lily liked her sister, but sometimes she was too busy to play with her. + +"Anna, Anna, look!" Lily shouted. "I have an orange!" + +Anna looked up from her book. She saw Lily holding the orange. She smiled and put down her book. + +"Hello, Lily. That's a nice orange. Do you want to share it with me?" Anna asked. + +"Yes, please!" Lily said. "But I don't know how to open it. Can you help me?" + +"Of course, I can. Come here, and I'll show you." Anna said. + +Anna took the orange from Lily and cut it in half with a knife. She gave one half to Lily and kept the other half for herself. She peeled off the skin and broke the orange into segments. She handed some segments to Lily and ate some herself. + +"Mmm, this is a good orange. It's sweet and juicy." Anna said. + +Lily nodded and smiled. She liked the orange too. It was soft and tasty. She thanked Anna for helping her open it. + +"You're welcome, Lily. I'm glad you like it. Do you want to read a book with me now?" Anna asked. + +Lily thought for a moment. She liked to open things, but she also liked to learn things. She nodded and said yes. She climbed on the couch and cuddled with Anna. Anna opened her book and read to Lily. Lily listened and looked at the pictures. She felt happy and loved. She had a good sister and a good orange. +Sara and Ben were happy to move to a new house. They wanted to see their new rooms and play with their toys. But mom and dad said they had to unpack first. They gave Sara and Ben some boxes and told them to put their things in their rooms. + +Sara and Ben did not like to unpack. They wanted to have fun. They saw a big garden outside the window. It had flowers and trees and a swing. Sara and Ben looked at each other and smiled. They had an idea. + +They ran outside with their boxes and opened them in the garden. They threw their clothes and books and toys on the grass. They made a big mess. They laughed and jumped and played with their things. + +Mom and dad came outside and saw the mess. They were very angry. They shouted at Sara and Ben. They said they were naughty and lazy and rude. They said they had to clean up the mess and go to their rooms. They said they could not play in the garden or with their toys for a long time. + +Sara and Ben felt sad and sorry. They cried and said they were sorry. They said they just wanted to have fun. They said the garden was cool and they liked it. But mom and dad did not listen. They made Sara and Ben pick up their things and carry them to their rooms. They said they had to stay there until they learned their lesson. + +Sara and Ben sat on their beds and looked at their boxes. They did not want to unpack. They wanted to play in the garden. They wanted to be happy. But they were not. They were unhappy. They had a bad day. +Tom and Sue are friends. They like to play in the park. They have a ball. They roll the ball to each other. They have fun. + +One day, they see a big dog. The dog is hungry. It smells beef. Tom and Sue have beef sandwiches for lunch. The dog runs to them. It barks. It wants their beef. + +Tom and Sue are worried. They do not want to give their beef to the dog. They do not want the dog to bite them. They hold their sandwiches tight. They say, "Go away, dog! This is our beef!" + +The dog does not listen. It jumps at them. It tries to grab their beef. Tom and Sue scream. They throw their ball at the dog. The ball hits the dog on the nose. The dog yelps. It runs away. + +Tom and Sue are happy. They hug each other. They eat their beef sandwiches. They say, "We are brave! We scared the dog away!" They roll the ball to each other again. They have fun. +Tom is a dog. He likes to run and play with his owner, Anna. Anna is a girl. She likes to hug and feed Tom. They are happy together. + +One day, Anna and Tom go to the park. There are many other dogs and people there. Tom sees a ball. He wants to chase it. He barks at Anna. Anna smiles and says, "OK, Tom, I will release you. But stay close to me, OK?" She takes off his leash and throws the ball. + +Tom runs after the ball. He is fast and strong. He catches the ball and brings it back to Anna. Anna praises him and throws the ball again. Tom runs after it again. He is having fun. + +But then, Tom sees something unusual. It is a big, fluffy, white thing. It looks like a cloud, but it is on the ground. It is moving and making noise. Tom is curious. He drops the ball and runs towards the thing. + +The thing is a sheep. It is not happy to see Tom. It thinks Tom is a wolf. It is scared and angry. It bleats and kicks at Tom. Tom is surprised and scared too. He barks and runs away. + +Anna sees what is happening. She is worried and angry too. She calls Tom and runs after him. She catches him and puts his leash back on. She says, "Tom, you are a bad dog. You should not chase sheep. They are not toys. They are animals. They have owners too. You could hurt them or yourself. You should listen to me and stay close to me. Do you understand?" + +Tom looks at Anna. He feels sorry and ashamed. He licks her hand and whines. He says, "I understand, Anna. I am sorry. I love you. I will not chase sheep again. I will be a good dog." + +Anna hugs Tom and says, "I love you too, Tom. I forgive you. But you have to be careful and obedient. You are a good dog, but sometimes you are too curious and adventurous. Come on, let's go home." + +They walk back to their car. Tom sees the ball. He wants to play with it. He barks at Anna. Anna smiles and says, "OK, Tom, one more time. But then we have to go home, OK?" She throws the ball. + +Tom runs after the ball. He is happy. He catches the ball and brings it back to Anna. Anna praises him and puts the ball in the car. They get in the car and drive home. They are happy together. +Sam and Tom were brothers who liked to play with balls. They had a big ball, a small ball, and a red ball. One day, they went to the park with their mom and dad. They saw a big tree with many leaves. + +"Let's play with the big ball under the tree," Sam said. + +"OK," Tom said. They ran to the tree and threw the big ball to each other. + +But then, a big wind came and blew the big ball away. The ball flew high in the sky and landed on the roof of a house. + +"Oh no!" Sam and Tom cried. "How can we get our ball back?" + +They looked at the house. It was very tall and had a fence around it. They saw a sign that said "Beware of the dog". + +"Maybe we can ask the people who live there," Sam said. + +"Or maybe we can climb the fence," Tom said. + +They walked to the fence and saw a big dog. The dog had sharp teeth and a loud bark. It saw Sam and Tom and ran to them. + +"Go away!" the dog said. "This is my house and my ball!" + +Sam and Tom were scared. They ran away from the fence. + +"Help!" they shouted. "There is a bad dog!" + +Their mom and dad heard them and came to them. + +"What's wrong?" their mom asked. + +"A bad dog has our ball!" Sam said. + +"Where is the ball?" their dad asked. + +"On the roof of the house," Tom said. + +Their dad looked at the house and the dog. He shook his head. + +"I'm sorry, boys, but we can't get your ball back. The dog is too big and mean. And the people who live there are not home. We have to leave it there." + +Sam and Tom were sad. They loved their big ball. They had no will to play with their other balls. + +"Can we buy a new ball?" Sam asked. + +"Maybe later," their mom said. "But for now, we have to go home. It's getting dark." + +They walked to their car. The dog barked at them and struck the fence with his paws. He was happy. He had a new ball. A brilliant ball. +Tom and Lily were playing in the garden. They had a spray bottle and a trap. They wanted to catch a bug. + +"Look, there is a bug on the flower!" Lily said. She pointed to a red and black bug. + +"Let's spray it and trap it!" Tom said. He ran to the flower with the spray bottle. He sprayed water on the bug. + +The bug did not like the water. It flew away from the flower. It flew towards Tom and Lily. + +"Watch out, it is coming!" Lily shouted. She hid behind the trap. + +The bug was enormous. It had big wings and a long sting. It buzzed loudly. + +Tom and Lily were scared. They did not want to be stung by the bug. + +They threw the trap at the bug. The trap landed on the bug. The bug was trapped. + +Tom and Lily cheered. They had caught the bug. + +They ran to the house. They showed the bug to their mom. + +"Wow, you caught a bug!" Mom said. She looked at the trap. "But this is not a bug. This is a wasp. It can hurt you. You should let it go." + +Tom and Lily nodded. They did not know it was a wasp. They did not want to hurt it. + +They took the trap back to the garden. They opened the trap. The wasp flew away. + +Tom and Lily waved goodbye to the wasp. They hoped it would find a nice flower. They decided to play with something else. +Anna and Ben are playing with their toys in the living room. They have many toys: cars, dolls, blocks, and books. They like to make noise and mess with their toys. + +"Look, Anna, I have a big car!" Ben says, zooming his car on the floor. + +"I have a pretty doll!" Anna says, brushing her doll's hair. + +They play for a long time, until their mom comes in. + +"Anna, Ben, it's time to number your toys and put them away. We need to have a tidy living room," mom says. + +"What is number, mom?" Anna asks. + +"Number means to count how many you have. Like this: one, two, three, four," mom says, pointing to four blocks. + +"Oh, I see. I can number my dolls. One, two, three, four, five," Anna says, holding up her dolls. + +"Good job, Anna. And Ben, can you number your cars?" mom asks. + +"Yes, mom. One, two, three, four, five, six," Ben says, lining up his cars. + +"Very good, Ben. Now, can you put your toys in the toy box, please?" mom asks. + +"OK, mom," Anna and Ben say. They pick up their toys and put them in the toy box. They make the living room tidy. + +"Thank you, Anna and Ben. You are very helpful. Now, let's go and wash our hands with soap. We need to have clean hands, too," mom says. + +"OK, mom," Anna and Ben say. They follow mom to the bathroom and wash their hands with soap. They make bubbles and giggle. + +The end. +Lila and Ben were playing in the backyard. They liked to pretend they were astronauts and explore the stars. They had a big cardboard box that they used as a rocket. They painted it with bright colors and drew windows and buttons on it. + +"Ready for take off?" Ben asked Lila. + +"Yes!" Lila said. "Let's go to the moon!" + +They climbed inside the box and made loud noises with their mouths. They counted down from ten to zero and then shouted, "Blast off!" + +They imagined they were flying through the sky, seeing planets and stars. They waved at the sun and the clouds. They looked for aliens and spaceships. + +"Look, Lila!" Ben said. "A comet!" + +He pointed at a shiny streak of light in the sky. It was a comet, a big rock that flew very fast and had a long tail. + +"Wow!" Lila said. "It's so pretty!" + +They watched the comet as it zoomed by. They wondered where it was going and what it was made of. + +"Can we follow it?" Lila asked. + +"Sure!" Ben said. "Let's see where it takes us!" + +They pretended to steer the box after the comet. They made more noises and moved the box from side to side. + +But then they heard a loud voice. + +"Lila! Ben! Time for dinner!" It was their mom, calling them from the house. + +"Oh, no!" Lila said. "We have to go back!" + +"Quick!" Ben said. "Reverse the rocket!" + +They pushed a button they had drawn on the box. They pretended to turn the box around and fly back to the backyard. + +They landed the box and got out. They ran to the house, holding hands. + +"Bye, comet!" Lila said. "Maybe we'll see you again!" + +"Bye, comet!" Ben said. "You were very kind to let us follow you!" + +They smiled and hugged each other. They were happy they had a fun adventure. They were also hungry for dinner. +Tim and Lily went to the park with Mom. They saw a big slide and ran to it. They climbed up the steps and waited for their turn. + +"Can I go first?" Tim asked. + +"OK, but be careful. The slide is rough. It can hurt your skin," Mom said. + +Tim nodded and sat on the slide. He pushed himself down and felt the wind in his hair. He liked the slide. But when he reached the bottom, he cried out. His leg had a red mark from the slide. + +"Ow, ow, ow!" Tim said. + +Mom ran to him and hugged him. She took out a bottle of water and a cloth from her bag. + +"Let me see, Tim. I'll pour some water on your leg and clean it. It will feel better soon," Mom said. + +She poured some water on the cloth and gently wiped Tim's leg. Tim felt the cool water and the soft cloth. He stopped crying and smiled. + +"Thank you, Mom. You are the best," Tim said. + +Lily came down the slide and saw Tim and Mom. She was worried. + +"Are you OK, Tim?" Lily asked. + +"Yes, I'm OK. The slide is rough, but Mom helped me," Tim said. + +Lily nodded and hugged Tim. She was glad he was OK. + +"Can we play on the swings now?" Lily asked. + +"Sure, let's go. But be careful, OK?" Mom said. + +Tim and Lily nodded and ran to the swings. They had fun at the park. They liked the swings. They were not rough. +Lily and Max were playing with their plastic cars in the living room. They liked to make vroom-vroom noises and pretend they were racing. Lily had a red car and Max had a blue car. + +"Look, my car is faster than yours!" Lily said, zooming past Max. + +"No, it's not! My car is better!" Max said, catching up with Lily. + +They reached the sofa and turned around. They wanted to go back to the other side of the room. But there was a problem. The sofa was in the way. + +"Move, sofa!" Lily said, trying to push it with her car. + +But the sofa was too big and heavy. It did not move. + +"Let me try!" Max said, pushing his car against the sofa. + +But the sofa did not move either. + +They pushed and pushed, but the sofa did not budge. They started to get angry and frustrated. + +"Stupid sofa!" Lily said, hitting it with her car. + +"Bad sofa!" Max said, kicking it with his foot. + +They made a lot of noise and mess. They did not notice that their mom was watching them from the kitchen. + +"Hey, hey, hey! What are you two doing?" Mom said, coming into the living room. + +She saw the plastic cars, the sofa, and the unhappy faces of Lily and Max. + +"We can't move the sofa!" Lily said, pouting. + +"We want to race!" Max said, whining. + +Mom smiled and shook her head. She picked up the plastic cars and put them on the table. + +"You don't need to move the sofa. You can race around it. Like this." She showed them how to drive the cars along the edge of the sofa, then turn and go back. + +"Wow, that looks fun!" Lily said, clapping her hands. + +"Yeah, let's try!" Max said, nodding his head. + +Mom gave them back their cars and watched them play. They followed her example and raced around the sofa. They laughed and cheered and forgot about their problem. + +Mom was happy to see them having fun. She felt sleepy after a long day. She decided to lie down on the sofa and rest her eyes. + +"Mom, can we join you?" Lily asked, seeing her mom on the sofa. + +"Sure, sweeties. Come here." Mom said, opening her arms. + +Lily and Max parked their cars on the floor and climbed on the sofa. They snuggled with their mom and felt warm and cozy. + +They were all very sleepy. They closed their eyes and fell asleep. +Sara and Ben are playing in the garden. They see a small door in the wall. They want to see what is behind it. + +"Maybe there are fairies or animals," Sara says. + +"Or maybe there is treasure or candy," Ben says. + +They look for a key to unlock the door. They find a big key, but it does not fit. They find a medium key, but it does not fit. They find a small key, but it does not fit. + +They are sad and angry. They want to open the door. + +"Maybe the key is hidden somewhere," Sara says. + +"Maybe we have to look harder," Ben says. + +They look under the flowers, behind the rocks, and in the bushes. They do not find the key. + +They are about to give up, when they hear a voice. + +"Hello, children. Do you need some help?" + +They turn around and see a friendly gnome. He has a long beard, a pointy hat, and a small key in his hand. + +"Who are you?" Sara asks. + +"I am the keeper of the door. I have the key that can unlock it. But you have to answer a riddle first," the gnome says. + +"What is the riddle?" Ben asks. + +The gnome smiles and says: + +"What is small and shiny and opens many things?" + +Sara and Ben think hard. They try to guess the answer. + +"Is it a coin?" Sara asks. + +"No, that is not it," the gnome says. + +"Is it a ring?" Ben asks. + +"No, that is not it either," the gnome says. + +They think some more. They look at the gnome. They look at the key. + +They have an idea. + +"Is it a key?" they say together. + +"Yes, that is it! You are very smart, children. Here is the key. You can unlock the door and see what is behind it. But be careful, it is a magical place," the gnome says. + +He gives them the key and disappears. + +Sara and Ben are happy and excited. They use the key to unlock the door. They open it and see a beautiful garden with flowers, butterflies, and rainbows. + +They enter the garden and have a wonderful adventure. +Lily and Ben were playing with their toy guns in the living room. They liked to pretend they were cowboys and robbers. Lily wore a hat and a badge, and Ben wore a mask and a scarf. + +"Stop, robber! You are under arrest!" Lily shouted, pointing her gun at Ben. + +"Never! You can't catch me, cowboy!" Ben said, running behind the sofa. + +They shot at each other with their toy guns, making loud noises. They had a lot of fun, but they also made a big mess. They knocked over some books, a lamp, and a vase. + +Suddenly, they heard their mom's voice from the kitchen. "Lily and Ben, what are you doing? Come here right now!" + +Lily and Ben stopped shooting and looked at each other. They knew they were in trouble. They put down their toy guns and walked to the kitchen. + +"Mom, we were just playing," Lily said. + +"Playing? Look at the living room! You made a huge mess! You broke the vase and the lamp, and you threw the books off the shelf!" Mom said, pointing at the door. + +Lily and Ben felt sorry. They saw how angry and sad their mom was. They did not mean to break anything. They just wanted to have fun. + +"Mom, we are sorry. We did not mean to break anything. We just wanted to have fun," Ben said. + +"Fun is good, but you have to be careful and respectful. You have to obey the rules. You can't shoot in the house, and you can't touch things that are not yours. Do you understand?" Mom said. + +Lily and Ben nodded. They understood. They wanted to be obedient and make their mom happy. + +"Yes, mom, we understand. We are sorry. Can we help you clean up?" Lily said. + +Mom smiled. She was glad that Lily and Ben were sorry and wanted to help. She hugged them and said, "Thank you, my loves. Yes, you can help me clean up. And then we can have some cookies and milk, okay?" + +Lily and Ben smiled. They hugged their mom and said, "Okay, mom. We love you." + +They went back to the living room and helped their mom clean up. They put the books back on the shelf, threw away the broken vase and lamp, and picked up their toy guns. They learned their lesson. They decided to play outside next time, and to be more careful and obedient. They also enjoyed their cookies and milk, and their mom's love. +Sara and Ben like to play with their blocks. They make towers and bridges and houses. They also like to number their blocks. They use stickers with one, two, three and more. + +One day, they find a new block in their toy box. It is big and shiny and has a star on it. They wonder what it is. They try to put a sticker on it, but it does not stick. + +"Maybe it is a magic block," Sara says. "Maybe it can do things." + +"Like what?" Ben asks. + +"Like fly or talk or glow," Sara says. + +They take the block outside and put it on the grass. They wait and watch. Nothing happens. + +They try to make it fly by throwing it in the air. It falls down and makes a loud noise. + +They try to make it talk by asking it questions. It is silent and does not answer. + +They try to make it glow by putting it in the sun. It stays shiny but does not change color. + +They are sad and confused. They do not understand the block. + +Then they hear a voice. It is gentle and kind. + +"Hello, Sara and Ben," the voice says. "I am your new friend. I am a star block. I can do many things, but only when you are nice and polite. You have to say please and thank you and sorry. Then I will show you my magic." + +Sara and Ben are surprised and happy. They say sorry for throwing and yelling at the block. They say please and thank you for being their friend. They ask the block what it can do. + +The block smiles and twinkles. It says, "I can fly and talk and glow, and more. I can also teach you new numbers and wonders. Do you want to learn and play with me?" + +Sara and Ben nod and clap. They are excited and curious. They hug the block and say, "Yes, please. You are the best block ever. We love you, star block." +Lily was a girl who liked to choose everything for herself. She did not like to share with her friends or her sister. She wanted to have all the toys, all the books, all the snacks, and all the attention. + +One day, Lily went to the park with her mom and her sister. There were many flowers in the park, and Lily loved flowers. She saw a big, beautiful, yellow flower and ran to pick it. + +"Look, mom, look! I found a flower for me!" Lily said, holding the flower in her hand. + +"But, Lily, that flower is not for you. It belongs to the park. You should not pick flowers from the park. They are for everyone to enjoy. And you should not be selfish. You should think of others, too." Mom said, gently. + +"But I want it! I want it! It is mine!" Lily said, angrily. She did not listen to mom. She did not care about the park or the other people. She only cared about herself. + +Lily's sister saw what happened and felt sad. She loved flowers, too, but she knew that they were not for picking. She saw a small, white flower near a bench and decided to leave it there. She thought that maybe someone else would see it and smile. + +"Look, mom, look! I found a flower for you!" Lily's sister said, pointing to the flower. "It is so pretty and sweet. I did not pick it, because I know you like flowers in the park. And I want to share with you and with others." + +Mom smiled and hugged Lily's sister. She was proud of her for being kind and generous. She thanked her for the flower and told her that she loved her very much. + +Lily saw mom and sister hug and felt sorry. She realized that she had been selfish and rude. She looked at her flower and felt ashamed. She wished she had not picked it. She wished she had been more like her sister. + +She went to mom and sister and said, "I am sorry, mom. I am sorry, sister. I was selfish and wrong. I should not have picked the flower. I should have shared with you and with others. Can you forgive me?" + +Mom and sister looked at Lily and smiled. They forgave her and hugged her, too. They told her that they loved her very much and that they were happy that she learned her lesson. + +Lily felt happy and relieved. She learned that choosing to be selfish is not good. She learned that choosing to be kind and generous is better. She learned that choosing to share is the best. +Lily liked to play in the garden with her friends. The garden had many flowers and trees and birds. Lily's favorite flower was the sunflower. It was big and yellow and happy. + +One day, Lily saw a new sunflower in the garden. It was taller and brighter than the others. Lily wanted to see it up close. She ran to the sunflower and leaned on its stem. She looked at its face and smiled. + +"Hello, sunflower," she said. "You are very pretty. Do you want to be my friend?" + +The sunflower did not answer. It just nodded in the wind. Lily thought it was shy. She leaned closer and whispered in its ear. + +"Don't be afraid. I like you. You are the most popular flower in the garden. Everyone wants to see you." + +The sunflower liked Lily's words. It felt happy and proud. It leaned back and gave Lily a hug. Lily hugged the sunflower too. They became friends. They played and talked and laughed in the garden. The other flowers and trees and birds watched them and smiled. They were happy for Lily and the sunflower. They were the best friends in the garden. +Ben was a boy who liked to play with his toys. He had many toys, but his favorite was a red car. He liked to make the car go fast and make loud noises. He played with his car every day, even when his mom and dad were busy. + +One day, his mom and dad had some news. They told Ben that they had to go away for a long time. They said they had to work in a far place and they could not take him with them. They said they would call him and send him letters, but he could not see them for many days. Ben was very sad and angry. He did not want his mom and dad to go away. He wanted them to stay and play with him. + +He cried and shouted and threw his toys. He did not listen to his mom and dad when they tried to hug him and say goodbye. He ran to his room and shut the door. He did not want to talk to anyone. He did not want to play with his car. He just wanted to be alone. + +He stayed in his room for a long time. He did not hear the phone ring or the door close. He did not hear his grandma come to take care of him. He did not hear her knock on his door or call his name. He did not hear her say that she loved him and wanted to help him. He did not hear anything. + +He was very lonely. He missed his mom and dad. He wished he had said sorry and goodbye. He wished he had played with his car one last time. He wished he had opened the door. But it was too late. His mom and dad were gone. His grandma was gone. His car was gone. He was alone. He was very sad. He did not know what to do. He shut his eyes and cried. The end. +Lily and Tom were best friends. They liked to play in the park with their bikes. One day, they saw a big truck with a sign that said "Gas". The truck had a long hose that went into a hole in the ground. + +"What is that?" Lily asked. + +"That is gas," Tom said. "Gas makes cars go. My dad told me." + +"Can we touch it?" Lily wondered. + +"No, no, no!" Tom said. "Gas is very hot and can hurt you. You have to trust me. We have to stay away from it." + +But Lily was curious. She wanted to see the gas. She sneaked closer to the truck when Tom was not looking. She reached out her hand to touch the hose. + +Suddenly, a man came out of the truck. He was chubby and had a big hat. He saw Lily and shouted. + +"Hey, little girl! What are you doing? Get away from there! That is dangerous!" + +Lily was scared. She let go of the hose and ran back to Tom. She was crying. + +"Tom, Tom, I'm sorry! I didn't listen to you. I tried to touch the gas. The man yelled at me. He was so angry!" + +Tom hugged Lily and said. + +"It's okay, Lily. I'm glad you are safe. You have to be careful. Gas is not for playing. You have to trust me. I'm your friend. I don't want you to get hurt." + +Lily nodded and said. + +"I'm sorry, Tom. You are my friend. I trust you. Can we still play?" + +Tom smiled and said. + +"Of course we can. Let's go to the swings. They are fun and safe." + +Lily and Tom held hands and ran to the swings. They forgot about the gas and the man. They were happy. They were best friends. +Lily and Ben are friends. They like to play with toys and books. But sometimes they quarrel. They quarrel when they want the same toy or book. They say "mine" and "no" and pull the toy or book. + +One day, they quarrel over a big red car. Lily says "mine" and Ben says "no". They pull the car and make it break. They both cry and feel sad. They do not want to play anymore. + +Mom sees them and says "why do you quarrel? You can share the car and play together. Sharing is good. Sharing is generous. Generous means you give some to others and make them happy." + +Lily and Ben listen to Mom. They say "sorry" to each other and hug. They fix the car and share it. They take turns to drive the car and make vroom vroom sounds. They smile and laugh. They are happy. + +Mom says "good job, Lily and Ben. You are good friends. You have a good will. Will means you want to do good things and be nice. I am proud of you." She gives them a kiss and a cookie. Lily and Ben say "thank you" and share the cookie. They are generous. They are good friends. The end. +Ben and Mia were playing with a kite in the park. They liked to see the kite fly high in the sky. Ben was holding the string and Mia was running with the kite. + +"Let me hold the string, Ben!" Mia said. "I want to fly the kite too!" + +"No, it's my turn!" Ben said. "You can hold it later!" + +But Mia was persistent. She wanted to hold the string now. She tried to grab the string from Ben's hand. Ben pulled the string away from her. They both tugged on the string. + +"Stop it, Mia!" Ben said. "You are making the kite fall!" + +But Mia did not stop. She pulled harder on the string. Ben lost his balance and fell on the grass. The string slipped from his hand. The kite flew away with the wind. + +"Look what you did, Mia!" Ben said. "You made us lose the kite!" + +Mia felt sorry. She did not mean to make the kite fly away. She wanted to play with Ben and the kite. + +"I'm sorry, Ben," Mia said. "I was just excited. Can we find the kite?" + +Ben was angry at first. But he saw that Mia was sad. He did not want to be mean to her. He wanted to play with her and the kite too. + +"OK, Mia," Ben said. "Let's go look for the kite. Maybe we can find it and fly it again." + +They got up and ran after the kite. They hoped they could catch it and hold the string together. They learned to share and be nice to each other. They had fun playing with the kite in the park. +Sam likes to play with his toy cars. He has many cars of different colors and sizes. He likes to make them zoom and crash on the floor. One day, he sees a big glass jar on the shelf. He thinks it is a good place to keep his cars. He climbs on a chair and reaches for the jar. + +But the jar is very heavy. Sam cannot hold it with his hands. The jar slips and falls. It breaks into many pieces. The pieces are sharp and hurt Sam's feet. Sam cries out loud. He is scared and sad. + +Mom hears Sam's cry. She runs to the room. She sees the broken jar and the blood on Sam's feet. She is angry and worried. She picks up Sam and hugs him. She says, "Sam, you are naughty. You should not touch the glass jar. It is not a toy. It is dangerous. You could have hurt yourself badly. You need to change your behavior. You need to listen to Mom and Dad. You need to be careful and safe." + +She takes Sam to the bathroom. She washes his feet and puts a bandage on them. She gives him a kiss and says, "I love you, Sam. But you have to be a good boy. You have to say sorry for breaking the jar. You have to help Mom clean up the mess. You have to learn from your mistake. Can you do that, Sam?" + +Sam nods his head. He feels sorry for breaking the jar. He feels sorry for making Mom angry and worried. He says, "I love you, Mom. I am sorry for breaking the jar. I will help you clean up the mess. I will learn from my mistake. I will be a good boy. I will not touch the glass jar again." +Lila and Tom were friends. They liked to play in the forest. They liked to find berries and eat them. They were red and sweet. + +One day, they saw a big bush with many berries. They ran to it and picked some. They put them in a basket. They wanted to take them home. + +"Look, Lila, we have so many berries!" Tom said. + +"Yes, Tom, they are yummy!" Lila said. + +But then they heard a growl. It was a big bear. The bear was hungry. He saw the berries and wanted them. + +"Roar!" the bear said. He came to the bush. + +Lila and Tom were scared. They dropped the basket and ran away. They did not want the bear to catch them. + +The bear saw the basket. He was happy. He ate all the berries. He licked his lips. He left the basket empty. + +Lila and Tom hid behind a tree. They watched the bear. They were sad. They had no berries. + +"Let's go home, Lila," Tom said. + +"OK, Tom," Lila said. + +They left the forest. They hoped to find more berries another day. +Sara likes to dress up in her mom's clothes. She puts on a big hat, a long dress, and shiny shoes. She looks in the mirror and smiles. She feels lovely. + +She wants to show her dad how lovely she is. She runs to the living room, where he is reading a book. She says, "Dad, look at me! I am lovely!" + +Dad looks up and sees Sara. He laughs and hugs her. He says, "You are lovely, Sara. You look like a star!" + +Sara says, "A star? Like in the sky?" + +Dad says, "No, like on the billboard. You know, the big picture on the road that shows people and things." + +Sara remembers the billboard she saw yesterday. It had a picture of a lady with a big hat, a long dress, and shiny shoes. She looked lovely, too. + +Sara says, "I want to be on the billboard, too. Can we go there?" + +Dad says, "Maybe someday, Sara. But for now, you are my star. And you are lovely." +Lily liked to write. She had a big book with many pages. She wrote her name, and her mom's name, and her dad's name. She wrote about her toys, and her cat, and her friends. She wrote with crayons, and pencils, and markers. She wrote every day. + +One day, Lily saw a plane in the sky. It was white and shiny, and it made a loud noise. Lily wondered where it was going, and who was inside. She wanted to write about the plane, but she did not know how. She asked her mom for help. + +"Mom, how do you write plane?" Lily said. + +"Plane is a hard word, Lily. It has four letters: P, L, A, and N. Do you know how to write them?" Mom said. + +Lily nodded. She knew how to write P, and L, and A, and N. She wrote them on her book, one by one. She showed her mom. + +"Very good, Lily! You wrote plane!" Mom said. + +Lily smiled. She was proud of herself. She wrote plane many times, in different colors. She drew a picture of the plane, too. She wrote "I love plane" under the picture. + +She looked at the sky again. The plane was gone. It was peaceful and blue. Lily felt happy. She wrote "I love sky" on her book, too. She hugged her mom. + +"I love you, Mom. And I love to write," Lily said. + +"I love you, too, Lily. And I love to read what you write," Mom said. +Lily and Tom are friends. They like to play in the park. One day, they see a chicken in the park. The chicken is brown and big. It has a red thing on its head. + +"Look, a chicken!" Lily says. "Let's catch it!" + +"OK!" Tom says. They run after the chicken. The chicken sees them and runs away. It is very fast. + +"Speed up, Tom!" Lily says. "We can get it!" + +They chase the chicken around the park. They go past the swings, the slide, and the sandbox. They make a lot of noise. The chicken is scared. + +"Stop, stop!" a man says. He comes out of a small house. He is the chicken's owner. He is angry. "This is my chicken! You are scaring it! Go away!" + +Lily and Tom stop. They feel bad. They did not know the chicken had an owner. They did not want to scare it. + +"Sorry, mister," Lily says. "We just wanted to play with the chicken. We like chickens. They are great." + +The man looks at them. He sees they are sorry. He is not so angry anymore. + +"Well, you can play with the chicken, but only if you are gentle and quiet," he says. "The chicken is my pet. His name is Bob. He likes to eat corn and worms. Do you want to feed him?" + +Lily and Tom nod. They smile. They follow the man to his house. He gives them some corn and worms. They feed Bob the chicken. Bob is happy. He clucks and pecks. Lily and Tom are happy too. They make a new friend. +Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Benny. Benny loved to hop around in the springtime. One day, he saw a bird sitting in a tree. + +"Hello birdie!" Benny said. + +"Hi Benny," said the bird. "Why do you look so frown-y?" + +"I'm sad because I'm too busy to play," said Benny. "I have to help my mom and dad with chores." + +"Oh no," said the bird. "That's no fun. But don't worry, you can still have fun while you work. Let's sing a song together!" + +So Benny and the bird sang a happy song while Benny helped his parents. And even though he was busy, he felt much better because he had a friend to sing with. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved Halloween and was excited to go trick-or-treating. She wanted to be a pumpkin for Halloween, so her mom bought her a big orange costume. + +On Halloween night, Lily and her mom went door-to-door asking for candy. They met a wealthy lady who gave them lots of sweets. "Thank you!" said Lily. + +The next day, Lily's mom got a phone call. It was the wealthy lady who wanted to deliver a surprise to Lily. When the doorbell rang, Lily ran to answer it. It was the lady with a big pumpkin! "Wow!" said Lily, "Thank you so much!" +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and her favorite was a fragile porcelain doll named Rose. One day, Lily's little brother came into her room and wanted to play with Rose. + +Lily said, "No, Rose is too fragile for you to play with. She might break into pieces." + +Her brother replied, "I won't break her. Please let me play with her." + +Lily reluctantly agreed and gave Rose to her brother. He played with her for a little while, but then accidentally dropped her and she broke into several small strips. + +Lily was very upset and said, "I told you she was fragile. Now she's broken into parts and can't be fixed." + +From that day on, Lily kept her fragile dolls out of her brother's reach and made sure to remind him to be careful with her toys. +Once upon a time, there was a big black bear who lived near a river. The bear loved to catch fish from the river and eat them. One day, a group of little ducks came to the river to swim. They saw the bear and got scared. The bear wanted to play with the ducks, but they were too afraid. + +The bear tried to remove his scary face, but it didn't work. The ducks still didn't want to play with him. The bear felt sad and lonely. He didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from the other side of the river. It was a big lion who was trying to cross the river. + +The lion was struggling in the water, and the bear knew he had to help. He jumped into the river and swam to the lion. He grabbed the lion's mane and pulled him to safety. The lion was grateful and thanked the bear. From that day on, the bear and the lion became friends, and the little ducks weren't scared of the bear anymore. They all played together by the river, happy and free. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play outside in the woods near his house. One day, he saw a big lumber truck driving by. He wanted to catch a ride on the back of the truck, but his mommy said it was too dangerous. + +Instead, Timmy went to play catch with his dog, Max. Max was very good at catching the ball. But one time, Timmy threw the ball too hard and it hit Max in the nose. Max yelped and looked hurt. Timmy felt bad and hugged Max to say sorry. + +From then on, Timmy was more careful when he played catch with Max. He knew it wasn't fun if someone got hurt. And he never tried to catch a ride on a lumber truck again. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her dolls and stuffed animals. One day, she went to her room to play, but she couldn't find her favorite teddy bear. She looked under the bed, in the toy box, and on the shelf, but he wasn't there. + +Lily started to feel sad and worried. She didn't know where her teddy bear could be. Then, she remembered that she had left him at her friend's house the day before. She felt happy again and asked her mom to go get him. + +When her mom came back with the teddy bear, Lily hugged him tight and felt normal again. She was happy to have her favorite figure back with her. From that day on, she made sure to always remember where she put her toys. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to visit her grandma's house. One day, Lily asked her grandma, "Can we visit the park today?" Her grandma replied, "Yes, we can. But first, let's have some breakfast." + +After breakfast, they went to the park. Lily saw a lot of children playing and having fun. She wanted to play with them, but she didn't speak their language. Her grandma said, "Don't worry, Lily. You can still have fun. Just smile and be friendly." + +Lily smiled and played with the other children. They all had a bright smile on their faces. Lily realized that language doesn't matter when you want to make new friends. She was happy to have visited the park and made new friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she went to the pool with her mom and dad. She loved to swim and play in the water. After a while, she got out of the pool and realized she forgot her towel. She felt embarrassed because everyone could see her shivering and wet. + +Lily asked her mom if they could go home and get a towel. Her mom said they couldn't go home because they were meeting their friends for a picnic. Lily didn't want to go to the picnic without a towel. She started to cry and said, "I don't want to go, I'm embarrassed." + +Her dad came over and gave her a big hug. He said, "Don't worry, Lily. You're a gifted swimmer and everyone will be happy to see you." Lily smiled and felt better. She decided to go to the picnic without a towel and had a great time playing with her friends. +Once upon a time, there was a happy boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toy cars and trucks. One day, Timmy's dad gave him a new toy. It was a fan! Timmy was so happy and he played with it all day long. + +But then, Timmy noticed that the fan was not working. He tried to turn it on, but it wouldn't work. Timmy's dad saw him sad and asked what was wrong. Timmy said, "My fan is broken, daddy. Can you fix it?" + +Timmy's dad smiled and said, "Of course, Timmy. Let's see if we can attach the fan blades back on." Timmy watched as his dad fixed the fan and made it work again. Timmy was so happy and he played with his fan all night long. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play with her dolls. One day, she woke up to a different day. It was sunny outside, and the birds were chirping. She called out to her mommy, "Mommy, can we go outside and play?" Her mommy replied, "Yes, we can go play in the park." + +Lily was so happy and excited to go to the park. When they got there, she saw that there were different things to play with. She saw swings, slides, and a sandbox. She ran to the sandbox and started building a castle. While she was building, she saw another little girl playing with a ball. Lily called out to her, "Hi, my name is Lily. Do you want to play with me?" The little girl replied, "Yes, my name is Emily. I would love to play with you." + +Lily and Emily played together all day. They had so much fun playing with different toys and games. When it was time to go home, Lily said, "Today was a different day, but it was so much fun. I can't wait to come back and play with you again, Emily." Emily smiled and said, "Me too, Lily. Today was a great day." +Once upon a time, there was a man named Jack. Jack had a big farm with many animals. One day, Jack decided to sell some of his cows to make some money. He went to the market and met a polite man who wanted to buy his cows. Jack was happy to sell his cows to the polite man. + +After selling the cows, Jack walked around the market. He noticed that it was very quiet. He saw a little girl who was selling flowers. Jack thought it would be nice to buy some flowers for his wife. He walked up to the little girl and asked how much the flowers cost. The little girl told him the price and Jack was happy to buy them. + +Jack went back home and gave the flowers to his wife. She was very happy and thanked Jack for being so thoughtful. They sat outside on their porch and enjoyed the quiet evening together. Jack was happy that he sold his cows and made some money, but he was even happier that he could make his wife smile. +Once upon a time, there was a big, strong elephant. He loved to play in the water and splash around. One day, he saw a boat and wanted to try it out. He climbed in and started to row. But the boat was too small for the big elephant and it started to sink! + +The elephant was scared and didn't know what to do. He tried to swim to the shore but he was too tired. Then, he remembered that he had a big leaf in his trunk. He spread it out and put it on the water. The leaf was big and strong enough to hold the elephant up. + +The elephant was so happy and relieved that he had found a way to stay afloat. He paddled with his trunk and made it safely to the shore. From that day on, the elephant always carried a big leaf with him whenever he went near the water. +Once upon a time, there was a big sign called a billboard. It was very tall and had pictures on it. One day, a bird flew into the billboard and got stuck. The bird was scared and didn't know what to do. + +Luckily, a kind girl saw the bird and knew just what to do. She called for help and soon a man came to rescue the bird. He climbed up the billboard and gently took the bird out. + +The bird was so happy and obediently flew away. The girl smiled and felt proud that she helped the bird. Later that day, her phone rang and it was the man who rescued the bird. He thanked her for calling for help and said the bird was doing well. The girl felt happy and knew she did the right thing. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved cookies very much. One day, she found a cookie on the ground and picked it up. She looked at it closely and examined it with her eyes. The cookie was very yummy and smelled good too. + +Suddenly, a fierce dog appeared and ran towards Lily. She got scared and dropped her cookie. The dog picked up the cookie and ran away. Lily was sad that she lost her cookie, but she was happy that she was safe from the fierce dog. + +From that day on, Lily learned to be careful when examining things and to always watch out for fierce dogs. She never forgot about her lost cookie, but she knew that it was just a cookie and there were more important things in life, like being safe and happy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to help her mom in the kitchen. One day, her mom asked her to help wash the dishes. Lily was happy to help and started washing the green dishes. + +Her mom noticed how careful Lily was being with the dishes and said, "Lily, you are doing a great job! I value your help so much." Lily smiled and felt proud. + +Later that day, Lily's friend came over to play. They decided to have a tea party with some cookies. Lily brought out the green dishes and her friend said, "Wow, these dishes are so pretty! I love the green color." Lily smiled and felt happy that her friend liked the dishes too. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a little kitten named Mittens. One day, Lily and Mittens were playing outside in the sun. + +Mittens got tired and said, "I want to nap now." + +Lily said, "Okay, little Mittens. You can nap in my lap." + +Mittens curled up in Lily's lap and took a little nap. When he woke up, he meowed happily and Lily gave him a little hug. They continued to play together in the sun, happy and content. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with balloons. One day, Lily was playing with her little brother when she accidentally let go of her balloon. It flew away into the sky. + +Lily started to cry and yelled, "My balloon! My balloon!" Her brother tried to comfort her and said, "Don't worry, I'll get you another one." + +Later that day, they went to the store and her brother picked out a new balloon for her. Lily was so happy and said, "Thank you, you're the best little brother ever!" +Once upon a time, there was an old lady. She was very old, and everyone called her "elderly". One day, she went to the store to buy some food. She saw a big cart and decided to use it to carry her groceries. + +As she was walking, she met a little girl who asked her, "Can I help you carry your cart?" The elderly lady said, "Thank you, dear. Let's test how strong you are." + +The little girl helped the elderly lady push the cart all the way to her house. The lady was very happy and said, "You are so strong! Thank you for your help." The little girl smiled and said, "I'm happy to help." + +From that day on, the little girl visited the elderly lady every week to help her with her groceries. They became good friends and always tested each other's strength by pushing the cart together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to draw and color, but she didn't have a table to do it on. One day, her mommy brought home a big table for her to use. Lily was so happy! + +She sat down at the table and started drawing a picture of her family. But then she accidentally knocked over her cup of juice and it spilled all over the table. Lily felt very sorry and didn't know what to do. + +Her mommy came over and helped her clean up the mess. Then she showed Lily how to turn the paper over and draw on the other side. Lily was so happy that she could keep drawing, even after making a mistake. From that day on, Lily loved her table even more and used it to draw lots of pictures. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little crab named Timmy. Timmy loved collecting shells on the beach. He found a big, shiny shell and was very enthusiastic about it. "This is the best shell I've ever found!" he said. + +Just then, a seagull swooped down and tried to take the shell away from Timmy. "Hey, that's mine!" Timmy cried. The seagull replied, "Finders keepers, little crab. But I'll make a deal with you. I'll give you some food if you give me the shell." + +Timmy thought about it for a moment and then said, "Please don't take my shell. It's very special to me." The seagull saw how much Timmy cared about the shell and decided to leave it alone. Timmy was very happy to keep his special shell and continued to collect more on the beach. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird. The bird loved to fly high in the sky and land on trees. One day, the bird flew too high and got lost. It didn't know how to reverse and find its way back home. + +The bird searched and searched until it found a big land. The land was full of trees and flowers. The bird thought it was harmless and decided to stay there. + +But, the land was not harmless after all. The bird ate some bad berries and got sick. It couldn't fly anymore and was stuck on the land. The bird was very sad and missed its home. + +Sadly, the bird never got better and passed away on the land. It was a very sad ending for the little bird. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy liked to play outside. He had a pocket in his pants where he kept his toys. One day, Timmy heard a noisy bird singing in a tree. He wanted to see the bird, but it was too high up. + +So, Timmy decided to climb the tree. He put his toys in his pocket and started to climb. When he got to the top, he saw the bird. It was beautiful! Timmy wanted to get closer, but the bird flew away. + +Timmy climbed back down and went home. He put his toys back in his pocket and went inside. He was tired from climbing the tree, so he decided to take a nap. He closed his eyes and dreamed about the noisy bird he saw in the tree. +Once upon a time, there was a big, hairy bear. He lived in a forest with his friends, the birds and the bees. One day, the bear found a shiny rock on the ground. He picked it up and put it in his pocket. + +Later that day, the bear's friend, the rabbit, came to visit. The bear showed the shiny rock to the rabbit. The rabbit thought it was very pretty and asked if he could have it. The bear said yes and removed the rock from his pocket. + +The rabbit was so happy that he hopped around the forest showing the shiny rock to all of his friends. They all thought it was very special and wondered where it came from. They thought maybe it came from a faraway place in the universe. But the bear and the rabbit didn't care about that. They were just happy to share their special find with their friends. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with blocks and stack them up high. One day, Timmy's friend, Billy, came over to play. Billy wanted to play with the blocks too, but he was not patient. He kept knocking down Timmy's stack of blocks. + +Timmy said, "Please be patient, Billy. We can play together and build something fun." + +But Billy didn't listen. He squeezed the blocks too hard and they fell over. Timmy got sad and said, "Now we can't play with the blocks anymore." + +Billy said, "I'm sorry, Timmy. Can we still be friends?" + +Timmy forgave him and said, "Of course we can be friends." + +But later that day, Billy squeezed Timmy's favorite toy too hard and it broke. Timmy was very upset and didn't want to play with Billy anymore. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a happy boy named Timmy. He loved to play with his toys and read his favorite books. One day, his mommy brought him a big, colorful dictionary. Timmy was so excited to learn new words and their meanings. + +As he was flipping through the pages, he saw a sad little girl sitting alone on a bench. Timmy asked her what was wrong. The girl said she lost her favorite toy and couldn't find it anywhere. Timmy felt sad for her and wanted to help. + +He turned to the dictionary and looked up the word "cheerful". He learned that it meant being happy and making others happy too. So, he decided to cheer up the little girl by playing with her and sharing his toys. + +In the end, the little girl was happy and grateful for Timmy's kindness. Timmy learned that being cheerful and helping others can make the world a better place. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her cards. One day, she went to the park and played with her cards there. Suddenly, a big gust of wind came and blew all her cards away. Lily was confused and didn't know what to do. + +Just then, a kind boy named Max saw what happened and came to help. "Don't worry, I'll save your cards!" Max said. He ran after the cards and managed to catch them all. Lily was so happy and thanked Max for saving her cards. + +As they played together, Max asked Lily if she wanted to trade one of her cards. Lily agreed and they traded. But Lily soon realized that the card Max gave her was very valuable and she felt bad for trading a less valuable card. So, she went back to Max and apologized. Max smiled and said, "It's okay, I knew you didn't understand the value of the card. Let's just play together and have fun." From that day on, Lily and Max became good friends and played with their cards together every day. +Once upon a time, there was a blue car with four tires. The car loved to drive fast and explore new places. One day, the car went on a long drive and met a mean monster. The monster wanted to destroy the car and chased it. + +The car tried to run away as fast as it could, but the monster was too strong. The car's tires started to spin and smoke. Suddenly, one of the tires popped and the car couldn't move anymore. The monster caught up to the car and destroyed it. + +The moral of the story is that sometimes we have to be careful and avoid dangerous situations. Even though the car loved to explore, it should have been more cautious and not gone too far from home. +Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily went to the pet store with her mommy. Lily saw a cute dog with brown fur and asked her mommy if she could buy it. Her mommy said, "Yes, we can buy the dog if you promise to take care of it." + +Lily was so happy and hugged her mommy. They went to the cashier and bought the dog. When they got home, Lily played with her new dog. She ran and the dog chased her. The dog was so fast that Lily laughed and said, "You are a fast dog!" + +Her mommy asked, "What are you going to name your new dog?" Lily thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to name him Brownie because he has brown fur." Brownie barked and wagged his tail, happy to have a new home with Lily and her mommy. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy was an ordinary boy who loved to play with his toys. One day, Timmy's mom took him to the park for a picnic. They had sandwiches and juice and played on the swings. + +Suddenly, a loud horn surprised them. It was a big truck that was going too fast. Timmy's mom tried to move them out of the way, but it was too late. The truck hit them and they both got hurt. + +The moral of the story is to always be careful and watch out for danger. Even ordinary days can turn into bad ones. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to wear pink dresses and play with her dolls. One day, Lily's mommy told her they were going to try something new called yoga. Lily was excited to try it out. + +At the yoga class, Lily met a new friend named Emma. Emma was wearing a pink headband and had a big smile on her face. Lily and Emma decided to test their balance by standing on one foot. Lily wobbled a little bit, but Emma was a pro. + +After yoga, Lily and Emma went to the park to play. They saw a big slide and decided to race to the top. Lily was a little bit slower, but she kept trying. Suddenly, Emma slipped and fell down the slide. Lily remembered her yoga lesson and helped Emma up. Emma was okay, and they both laughed and played together. + +Later that night, Lily's mommy asked her how yoga was. Lily smiled and said, "It was fun! Emma and I tested our balance and then we played at the park. I helped Emma when she fell down the slide." Lily's mommy was proud of her for being a good friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a funny hat on her head. It was a big, red hat with a fluffy ball on top. Lily loved her hat because it made her feel special. + +One day, Lily went to the park to play. She saw a boy sitting on a bench and went to say hello. The boy had a sad face and Lily asked him why he was sad. The boy said he lost his toy and couldn't find it. + +Lily understood how the boy felt because she lost her toy before too. She told the boy that they could look for the toy together and it would be fun. They searched and searched until they found the toy under a bush. The boy was so happy and thanked Lily for helping him. Lily felt happy too, knowing she made a new friend. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved watching TV, especially her favorite show about animals. One day, her mom told her it was time to turn off the TV and go outside to play. Lily didn't want to stop watching her show, so she got upset and started to cry. + +Her mom tried to calm her down and suggested they go outside and play together. They went to the park and saw an amazing butterfly. Lily wanted to catch it, but she didn't know how. Her mom showed her how to fold her hands together to make a butterfly net. They caught the butterfly and watched it for a while before letting it go. + +Lily realized that there were other amazing things to do besides watching TV. She was happy to spend time with her mom and learn new things. From that day on, she didn't mind turning off the TV to go outside and explore the world. +Once upon a time, there was a big camp in the forest. Many children went there to play and have fun. The camp was very lively, with music and games all day long. + +One day, a little girl named Lily did a cartwheel and everyone applauded her. She felt very happy and proud of herself. Lily loved being at the camp because she could make new friends and learn new things. + +At night, they all sat around the campfire and sang songs. Lily loved the sound of the guitar and the happy faces of her friends. She felt grateful for being at such a wonderful place. Finally, it was time to go to sleep and Lily dreamed of all the fun things she would do the next day at the lively camp. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she went to the park with her mommy and daddy. They played on the swings and slide. Then, they had a picnic and ate sandwiches and fruit. + +After lunch, they walked around the park and saw lots of animals. They saw ducks in the pond and birds in the trees. Lily wondered why the animals were so happy. + +Suddenly, they saw a messy pile of leaves on the ground. Daddy picked up the leaves and threw them in the air. Lily giggled as the leaves passed over her head. It was a fun day at the park! +Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Max. Max had a very long tail that he loved to wag. One day, Max was walking in the park when he saw a cat. The cat was very smart and knew how to climb trees. + +Max wanted to play with the cat, so he walked up to her and said, "Hello! Will you play with me?" + +The cat looked at Max's long tail and said, "Sure, I'll play with you. But be careful not to pass too close to the tree branches, or you might get stuck!" + +Max didn't understand what the cat meant, so he just wagged his tail and followed her. They played together for a while, chasing each other around the park. + +Suddenly, Max's tail got caught in the branches of a tree. He tried to wiggle free, but he couldn't. The cat saw what happened and climbed up the tree to help Max. + +"See, I told you to be careful," the cat said. "But don't worry, I'll help you get free." + +The cat was very smart and knew how to untangle Max's tail from the branches. Max was grateful and wagged his tail happily. From that day on, Max and the cat became good friends and always played together in the park. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved taking the subway with her mommy to go to the park. One day, they got on the subway and there was a man sitting next to them. He looked terrible and scary. Lily's mommy whispered to her to stay close and hold her hand. + +As they rode the subway, the man started to act strange. He was talking loudly and scaring people. Lily's mommy whispered to her that they needed to get off the subway at the next stop. But the man heard her and got angry. He started yelling terrible things at them. + +Lily was scared, but her mommy held her tight and they got off the subway quickly. They ran to the park and played together, feeling safe and happy. Even though it was a scary experience, Lily was glad to have her mommy there to keep her safe. +Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Teddy. Teddy loved honey and always had a jar of it with him. One day, he went to his jar and found that it was empty. He was sad and wanted more honey. + +Teddy went to his friend, a rabbit named Benny, and asked if he had any honey. Benny said he didn't have any, but he knew where they could find some. They went on an adventure to find honey. + +Finally, they found a beehive and got some honey. Teddy was so happy that he ate all the honey. When he was done, he looked up and saw that Benny had disappeared. He looked around and called for Benny, but he was nowhere to be found. Teddy was sad again, but he knew that Benny was always ready for an adventure, so he would come back soon. +Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily went to the beach with her mom and dad. They played in the sand and swam in the clear blue water. Suddenly, Lily noticed something in the water. "Look, Mommy! A dolphin!" she said excitedly. + +Her mom and dad looked out to the water and saw the dolphin too. "Wow, Lily! You have good eyes to notice the dolphin," her dad said. + +Lily watched as the dolphin swam and jumped in the waves. "It's so pretty," she said. "Can we say hi to it?" + +Her mom explained that dolphins were wild animals and it was best to admire them from afar. Lily nodded and continued to watch the dolphin play in the water. It was a fun day at the beach with a special sighting of a beautiful dolphin. +Once upon a time, there was a big bird. The bird liked to fly high in the sky. It would flap its wings and soar up into the clouds. One day, the bird saw a machine on the ground. The machine was very big and had wheels that spun around. The bird was curious and flew down to take a closer look. The machine was not clean, it was covered in dirt and mud. The bird decided to help and used its beak to clean the machine. The machine looked shiny and new again. The bird was happy to have helped and flew back up into the sky to soar once more. +Once upon a time, there was a nosy little mouse named Timmy. Timmy loved to explore and see what was happening in the world around him. One day, he stumbled upon a magic wand. With the wave of the wand, Timmy was able to create all sorts of wonderful things. He made cheese appear out of thin air and turned a pile of leaves into a cozy bed. + +But Timmy didn't know how to control the magic wand very well. One day, he accidentally turned himself into a cat. The other mice were scared of him and chased him away. Timmy was all alone and very sad. He wished he could undo the magic and turn back into a mouse. + +But the magic wand was gone and Timmy was stuck as a cat forever. He realized that sometimes, being nosy and playing with magic can have bad consequences. From that day on, Timmy learned to be more careful and not to play with things he didn't understand. +Once upon a time, there was a big, big bear. He was very large and had fur as black as night. One day, he found a shiny silver coin in the forest. "Wow, this is so pretty!" said the bear. "I want to keep it safe." + +So the bear decided to bury the silver coin in the ground. He dug a big hole and put the coin inside. "Now it's safe and sound," said the bear. + +But then, a little rabbit came hopping by. "What are you doing?" asked the rabbit. "I'm burying my silver coin," said the bear. "Why?" asked the rabbit. "Because it's very special to me," said the bear. + +The rabbit thought for a moment and then said, "I have a large carrot. It's special to me too. Let's bury it together!" And so, the bear and the rabbit buried the silver coin and the large carrot together in the ground. They were both very happy to have found new friends. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys, especially his building blocks. One day, Timmy's mom asked him to help her build a new wall for their garden. Timmy was excited to help and started to stack the bricks one on top of the other. + +Suddenly, Timmy's mom noticed that one of the bricks was sharp and could hurt someone. She told Timmy to be careful and to put the sharp brick aside. Timmy listened and found another nice brick to replace it. + +After they finished building the wall, Timmy's mom told him that it's always important to be careful and to think about other people's safety. Timmy learned an important lesson that day and promised to always be careful when playing with his toys. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to run and play outside. One day, Timmy's mom signed him up for a race. Timmy was so excited to run in the race and win a medal. + +On the day of the race, Timmy woke up early and got dressed. His mom helped him tie his shoes carefully. Then, they went to the race. Timmy ran as fast as he could and he won the race! He got a shiny medal for being the fastest runner. + +Timmy was very happy and proud of himself. He wore his medal all day and showed it to everyone he saw. Timmy learned that if he practiced and was careful, he could do anything he wanted. +Once upon a time, there was a pirate named Jack. Jack had a big boat and he loved to sail on the wide sea. One day, Jack found a treasure on an island. He was so happy! But he didn't have any money to pay for the treasure. + +Jack asked his friend, a parrot, for help. The parrot said, "I can help you pay for the treasure with my gold coins." Jack was so happy and thanked his parrot friend. + +They went back to the island and Jack paid for the treasure. He put the treasure on his boat and sailed back to his home. Jack was very proud of his treasure and he showed it to all his friends. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a big dog with a long tail. The dog loved to run and play, but one day he got very thirsty. He looked around for water to drink, but he couldn't find any. + +The dog started to feel very sad and worried. He walked and walked, but still he couldn't find any water. Suddenly, he saw a small pond in the distance. He ran as fast as he could towards the pond, but when he got there, he saw that the water was very dirty. + +The dog didn't want to drink the dirty water, but he was so thirsty that he didn't know what to do. He thought about his long tail and wondered if he could use it to filter the water. He dipped his tail into the pond and started to drink the water through his tail. It worked! The water was clean and the dog was very happy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to draw. She drew all the time, but sometimes she got frustrated because she couldn't draw the things she wanted. One day, she met a kind lady who was a tutor. The tutor saw how helpless Lily felt and wanted to help her. + +The tutor encouraged Lily to keep practicing and showed her some new techniques. Lily was so happy to have someone to help her. She practiced every day and soon she was drawing things she never thought she could. + +One day, Lily entered a drawing contest. She was nervous because there were so many good artists there. But the tutor told her she believed in her and that she would do great. Lily remembered the tutor's words and felt confident. + +When the winners were announced, Lily's name was called! She was so happy and ran to the tutor to thank her. The tutor smiled and said, "I knew you could do it!" Lily hugged her and knew she would always be grateful for the tutor's help. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat spaghetti with sauce on top. One day, Lily's mom forgot to buy sauce from the store. Lily was sad because she really wanted to eat spaghetti. + +Suddenly, Lily had an idea. She asked her mom if they could make sauce together. Her mom agreed and they started to cook. However, the sauce was not turning out well. It was too watery and tasted poor. Lily was disappointed and started to cry. + +But then, her dad came home and saw what was happening. He suggested they add more spices to the sauce and move it around in the pan. Lily helped her dad and the sauce started to taste better. In the end, Lily was happy because she got to eat spaghetti with sauce after all. +Once upon a time, there was a cheerful little girl named Lily. She loved to ride her bike every day. One day, as she was riding her bike, she saw a big turkey walking around in the park. Lily thought the turkey was funny, and she wanted to ride her bike closer to it. + +But as she got closer, the turkey started to run towards her! Lily got scared and rode her bike away as fast as she could. She didn't see the rock on the path and fell off her bike. She was sad and hurt her knee. + +The next day, Lily went back to the park with a bandage on her knee. She saw the turkey again and remembered what happened yesterday. But this time, she didn't ride her bike close to it. Instead, she watched it from a safe distance. The turkey didn't chase her this time. Lily felt happy and relieved. She learned that sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry. +Once upon a time, there was a lady who had a powerful grip. She loved to squeeze things with her strong hands. One day, she went to the market and saw a bunch of juicy oranges. She squeezed one of them and it was so sweet! She decided to buy a lot of oranges and squeeze them all when she got home. + +When she got home, she started squeezing the oranges one by one. She squeezed them so hard that the juice splashed everywhere! It was so much fun to squeeze the oranges and make delicious juice. The lady felt very happy and powerful with her strong hands. From that day on, she squeezed oranges every day and enjoyed the sweet juice. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. He loved to draw pictures of animals. One day, he drew a picture of a lion. But he forgot to complete the mane of the lion. + +Timmy's mom saw the picture and said, "Timmy, your lion looks great! But you need to complete the mane." Timmy knew what his mom meant, and he finished the picture. + +Timmy was very serious about his drawings. He wanted them to look perfect. He was proud of his lion image and showed it to all his friends. They thought it was great too! +Once upon a time, there was a little dog named Max. Max had a big problem. He had a flea! The flea would bite him and make him itch all over. Max was very sad. + +One day, Max met a friendly cat named Mittens. Mittens said, "Don't worry, Max. I know a dependable trick to get rid of fleas. You need to grow some lavender in your garden. Fleas don't like the smell of lavender." + +Max grew some lavender in his garden and the flea went away. Max was happy again. He thanked Mittens and they became good friends. From that day on, Max knew he could always depend on Mittens to help him out. +Once upon a time, a little boy named Timmy loved to play with his toy truck. He would drive it around the house and make cool noises. One day, Timmy's little sister wanted to play with the truck too. But Timmy didn't want to share because he thought his sister would break it. + +His sister started to cry and Timmy didn't understand why. But then he realized that he was being mean and that sharing was the right thing to do. So, Timmy gave his sister the truck and they played together. It was cool to see them having fun and sharing. From that day on, Timmy understood that sharing was important and that it made him feel happy too. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy loved listening to music on his radio. It was his favorite thing to do. One day, while Timmy was dancing to his favorite song, he accidentally knocked over his radio. The radio fell to the ground and broke into little pieces. Timmy was sad because he couldn't listen to his music anymore. + +But then Timmy's mom came in and told him not to worry. She said she had a surprise for him. She gave Timmy a new radio that was even better than his old one! This radio was very flexible, which means it could bend without breaking. Timmy was so happy and he danced to his music all day long. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Teddy. Teddy loved to play with his toys all day long. One day, Teddy's favorite toy, a shiny car, got dirty. Teddy wanted to clean it up, but he didn't know how. So, he asked his mommy for help. + +Mommy took the car and polished it with a soft cloth until it shined like new. Teddy was so happy to have his toy back to its old self. But then, Teddy accidentally dropped the car on the floor and it broke into pieces. Teddy was sad and didn't know what to do. + +Mommy took the car and said they needed to take it to the doctor, who could see inside the car with an x-ray. Teddy was excited to see the inside of his toy. At the doctor's office, they took an x-ray and saw that the car was broken in many places. The doctor said they couldn't fix it, but they could get a new one. + +Teddy was happy again and thanked his mommy for helping him. He learned that even though things might break, there's always a way to make them better. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to draw. She would draw every day and show her drawings to her family. One day, her mom asked her to draw a picture for her grandma's birthday. Lily was very excited and drew a beautiful picture of flowers and butterflies. + +Her mom put the picture in a cheap envelope and gave it to Lily to give to her grandma. Lily was happy to give the present to her grandma, but when she saw her grandma's face, she noticed that she was frowning. Lily didn't understand why her grandma didn't like the picture. She felt sad and confused. + +Later that day, Lily's mom explained to her that it's not about how much money you spend on a gift, but it's the thought that counts. Lily realized that even though the envelope was cheap, her drawing was made with love and that's what mattered. From that day on, Lily always remembered to put her heart into her drawings and gifts. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved spending time with her daddy who was always there for her. He was dependable and always made her feel safe. + +One day, Lily and her daddy went for a walk in the park. They saw a bird flying high in the sky and Lily asked her daddy how the bird could fly. Her daddy explained that the bird had wings and that's how it could fly. + +Lily was happy to learn something new from her daddy. But as they were walking home, her daddy suddenly fell down and didn't get up. Lily didn't know what to do and started crying. She realized that even though her daddy was dependable, he couldn't always be there for her. +Once upon a time, there was a shy wolf. He was scared of many things, like loud noises and big crowds. But he loved to walk in the forest. Every day, he would take a walk and explore the trees and the flowers. + +One day, while he was walking, he saw a little girl. She was lost and crying. The wolf wanted to help her, but he was too shy to approach her. So, he decided to walk beside her and guide her back home. + +The little girl was so happy and thanked the wolf for his help. From that day on, they became friends and would take walks together in the forest. The wolf was no longer shy and he learned that sometimes it's good to help others, even if it's scary at first. +Once upon a time, there was a cute little dog named Max. Max loved to play fetch with his owner, Lily. One day, Lily and Max went to the park to play. Max was so excited to chase the ball, but suddenly he stopped and looked down. His collar had fallen off! + +Lily said, "Oh no, Max! We need to find your collar so we can go home." Max felt sad and worried because he didn't want to get lost without his collar. He hoped they would find it soon. + +Just then, a kind man walked by and asked if they needed help. Lily explained the situation and the man said, "I have a dependable collar in my bag that Max can wear." Max wagged his tail happily and Lily thanked the man. + +With his new collar on, Max felt safe and happy again. Lily and Max played fetch until it was time to go home. Max was grateful for the kind man's help and hoped they would meet again someday. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Lily. One day, she went to her grandma's house for dinner. Her grandma made spaghetti with a delicious sauce. Lily loved the sauce so much that she asked for more. + +"Can I have more sauce, please?" she asked. + +"Sure, sweetie. Here you go," her grandma said, holding the sauce bottle. + +Lily tried to pour the sauce on her spaghetti, but the bottle was tough to squeeze. She asked her grandma for help. + +"Grandma, can you hold the bottle for me, please? It's tough," she said. + +"Of course, my dear. Let me help you," her grandma replied. + +Lily was happy that her grandma helped her. She enjoyed the spaghetti with the delicious sauce and had a wonderful dinner with her family. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy was playing with his toys when he suddenly needed to go to the toilet. He went to the toilet and did his business, but when he tried to flush, the water didn't go down. Timmy was confused and didn't know what to do. + +He called his mommy and she came to help. She told Timmy that sometimes toys can accidentally fall into the toilet and block the water from going down. She put on some gloves and took the toy out of the toilet. Timmy was happy that his mommy fixed the toilet and he could go back to playing with his toys. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play in the park with his friends. One day, Timmy and his friends decided to go on an adventure in the forest. They walked and walked until they found a big pit. + +Timmy's friend, Sally, said, "I'm scared to go near the pit. What if we fall in?" + +Timmy replied, "Don't worry, Sally. We'll be careful. We can look at it from a safe distance." + +They all looked at the pit and saw that it was very deep. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise and the ground shook. They ran away as fast as they could. + +When they were safe, Timmy said, "That was close. I'm happy that we didn't end up in the pit." Sally and the rest of the friends agreed and they all went back to playing in the park. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to play with his toys all day long. He didn't like to do anything else. One day, Timmy's mom said, "Timmy, it's time to clean up your toys and put them away." Timmy said, "But Mom, it's too hard!" His mom said, "No, it's easy. You just have to try." + +So, Timmy started to clean up his toys. It was hard at first, but he kept trying. After a little while, he started to gain confidence and it became easier. Timmy's mom said, "Good job, Timmy! You did it all by yourself!" Timmy felt proud of himself and he was happy that he did something that he thought was hard. + +The moral of the story is that sometimes things might seem hard, but if you try, it can become easy. And when you gain confidence, you can do anything you set your mind to. +Once upon a time, there was a bald man named Bob. He had a job as a fisherman. Bob loved to catch fish in the big blue sea. One day, Bob went out to catch some fish, but he caught something else instead. It was a little crab! The crab had small claws and was very cute. Bob decided to take the crab home and keep it as a pet. From that day on, Bob's job was not just to catch fish, but also to take care of his new pet crab. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She had a big red balloon that she loved to play with. One day, Lily's mom said they were going to the park. Lily was so happy that she had a big smile on her face. + +When they got to the park, Lily saw her friends playing with their toys. She wanted to play too, but she forgot to pack her toys. Lily felt sad because she had nothing to play with. + +Suddenly, Lily's friend saw her sad face and gave her a toy to play with. Lily was so happy that she smiled and played with her friend. They had so much fun together. When it was time to go home, Lily said thank you to her friend and went home with a big smile on her face. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had an old teddy bear that she loved very much. One day, her little brother accidentally broke the teddy bear. Lily was very sad and didn't know what to do. + +She asked her mom for help, and her mom suggested they take the teddy bear to a unique toy store that could fix it. When they got to the store, the worker said they needed a special tool to lift the broken pieces of the teddy bear. + +Lily's mom found the tool and the worker was able to fix the teddy bear. Lily was so happy and hugged her teddy bear tightly. She realized that even though her teddy bear was old, it was still very special to her. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to go on adventures in the forest with her dog, Max. One day, they went on a walk and found a trail. Lily was so excited to explore it! + +As they walked, Lily saw some flowers and wanted to measure how tall they were. She took out a ruler and measured them. They were five inches tall! + +Max was an independent dog and liked to explore on his own. He ran ahead on the trail and Lily followed him. They found a big tree and climbed up to see the view. It was so beautiful! + +After a while, it started to get dark. They followed the trail back home and Lily's mom was so happy to see them. They had so much fun on their adventure and Lily couldn't wait to measure more things next time they went on a walk. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play hide and seek with her friends. One day, she found a big cushion in her living room and decided to hide behind it. But when she tried to get up, she realized that she was stuck. The cushion was too heavy for her to move. + +Lily started to feel scared because she couldn't get up. She called out for her mom, but she was in the kitchen making lunch and didn't hear her. Lily tried to wiggle and squirm, but she couldn't get free. + +Finally, Lily's mom came into the living room and saw her daughter stuck behind the cushion. She gently lifted the cushion and helped Lily up. From that day on, Lily never played behind the big cushion again. She didn't want to get locked in there again! +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved robots very much. He had a small robot that he played with every day. One day, Timmy's mom gave him a yummy cookie. Timmy loved the cookie so much that he didn't want to share it with anyone, not even his little robot. + +Timmy's robot looked sad and Timmy noticed it. He remembered that his mom always taught him to share and give to others. So, Timmy gave a small piece of his cookie to his robot. The robot was very happy and said, "Thank you, Timmy! This is yummy!" + +From that day on, Timmy learned the value of sharing and giving. He would always share his toys and treats with his friends and his robot. The robot became Timmy's best friend and they would always play together. Timmy realized that giving and sharing made him feel happy too. +Once upon a time, there was a little child named Timmy. He loved to play with his toys and run around outside. One day, he was playing with his toy cars when his big sister came in and disturbed him. She wanted him to come and eat lunch, but Timmy wasn't hungry yet. + +Timmy's sister got upset and had a fit. She stomped her feet and crossed her arms. Timmy didn't like it when his sister had a fit, so he decided to go eat lunch with her. They had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and drank apple juice. After lunch, they went outside and played together. Timmy was happy that he didn't disturb his sister anymore and they had a fun day together. +Once upon a time, there was a big factory where lots of things were made. One day, a little girl named Lily went to the factory with her mommy. Lily was very curious and asked her mommy, "What do they make in this big building?" + +Her mommy replied, "They make toys, clothes, and lots of other things that we use every day." + +Lily was amazed and said, "Wow, that's so cool! Does it include my favorite doll?" + +Her mommy smiled and said, "Yes, it does!" + +As they walked around the factory, Lily saw some workers who didn't know how to do their job. She felt sorry for them and said to her mommy, "Those workers look ignorant, don't they?" + +Her mommy nodded and said, "Yes, they do. But everyone has to learn and make mistakes sometimes. It's important to be patient and kind." + +Lily learned that day that even big factories can make things that she loves, and that it's important to be understanding towards others. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing with her dolls. One day, Lily's mom asked her to help load the dishwasher. Lily said, "Okay, Mommy!" and started putting plates and cups in the dishwasher. + +Suddenly, Lily's doll fell on the floor and broke. Lily started to cry. Her mom said, "Don't worry, Lily. We can fix your doll." Lily replied, "But I want her to be independent like me." + +Her mom smiled and said, "We can make her independent by giving her a new dress and shoes." Lily was so happy and said, "Thank you, Mommy! You're the best!" +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy was very excited because it was his birthday. He woke up early in the morning and ran to his mom and dad's room to tell them about his special day. + +As he was eating his birthday cake, he realized that he was getting older. He felt very happy because he was becoming a big boy. His mom and dad told him that he was becoming very wise too. + +Timmy was very proud of himself and felt like a big boy now. He knew that he was growing up and becoming smarter every day. He felt very happy and grateful for his birthday and for his wise parents. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She had a furry teddy bear that she loved to carry around with her everywhere she went. One day, Lily and her mommy went to the store to buy some toys. While they were walking around, Lily's mommy realized that she had lost her wallet. + +Lily wanted to help her mommy find the wallet, so she started to follow her everywhere she went. They looked under the shelves, behind the toys, and even asked the store workers if they had seen it. Finally, they found the wallet on the floor near the checkout counter. + +Lily was so happy that they found the wallet, and she gave her mommy a big hug. They went home and played with Lily's furry teddy bear, feeling grateful for each other and the happy ending to their adventure. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to blow bubbles and watch them float away. One day, she was blowing bubbles in her backyard when she saw her neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, walking by. + +"Hi, Mrs. Johnson!" Lily said. + +"Hello, Lily," Mrs. Johnson replied. "What are you doing?" + +"I'm blowing bubbles!" Lily said, showing her the bottle of bubble solution. + +"That looks like fun," Mrs. Johnson said. "Say, do you want to help me polish my silverware? I'll give you a cookie if you do." + +Lily loved cookies, so she agreed. As they polished the silverware, Mrs. Johnson told Lily a story about a poor girl who became a princess. Lily listened carefully and thought it was a great story. + +After they finished, Mrs. Johnson gave Lily a cookie and said goodbye. Lily went back to blowing bubbles, but she couldn't stop thinking about the story. She wondered if she could become a princess too, even though she was just a little girl. As she blew a big bubble, she smiled and thought, "Maybe I can be a princess someday." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, Lily went outside to play in the rain. She brought her umbrella with her, so she wouldn't get wet. + +As she was playing, she saw a little bird sitting on the ground. Lily went over to the bird and saw that it was not moving. She said "Oh no, the bird is dead." + +Lily felt very sad for the bird. She decided to sit with the bird and keep it company. She held her umbrella over the bird to keep it dry from the rain. After a while, Lily said goodbye to the bird and went back inside. She hoped the bird was in a better place now. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to go on adventures with her family. One day, they went for a walk and saw a big, beautiful church. Lily admired how pretty it looked with its tall tower and colorful windows. + +As they continued their walk, they came across a lively park with kids playing and dogs running around. Lily played on the swings and had so much fun. + +Later that day, Lily's family went to a restaurant for dinner. As they were eating, they heard beautiful music coming from the church they had seen earlier. Lily's mom told her that there was going to be a concert there soon. Lily was excited and couldn't wait to go back and listen to the music. + +The next day, Lily and her family went to the church for the concert. Lily was amazed by the beautiful music and admired the talented musicians. She was so happy that she got to experience something so special with her family. +Once upon a time, there was a bear who loved to dance. He was very lively and would dance all day long. One day, he met a group of animals who were sad because they couldn't dance like him. The bear decided to teach them how to dance and they all became friends. + +One day, the bear had to part ways with his new friends. They were all sad and didn't want him to leave. The bear told them that even though they were apart, they would always be friends. The animals felt better and hugged him goodbye. + +The moral of the story is that even if we have to part ways with our friends, we can still be friends forever. And if we are good dancers like the bear, we can make new friends wherever we go. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved playing games with her friends. One day, Lily and her friends decided to play a game of hide-and-seek. They all picked their hiding spots and waited for someone to find them. + +Lily was hiding behind a big tree when she saw an adorable puppy wandering around. She wanted to pick up the puppy and play with it, but she knew she had to wait until the game was over. + +Finally, Lily's friend found her hiding spot and the game was over. Lily ran over to the puppy and picked it up. "Look at this adorable puppy!" she said to her friends. They all gathered around and pet the puppy. + +Lily's mom came over and said, "That puppy is so cute! Do you want to keep it?" Lily nodded her head excitedly and hugged the puppy. From that day on, Lily and her new adorable puppy played games together every day. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved going on adventures in her backyard. One day, she went on a walk and found a shiny rock. She was so happy to find it! + +As she continued walking, she heard some singing. She followed the sound and found a big building called an opera. Inside, she saw people singing and dancing. It was so beautiful! + +Suddenly, a man bumped into her and didn't say sorry. Lily thought he was rude. She said, "Excuse me, that was not nice!" The man said sorry and they became friends. Lily was happy to find a new friend at the opera. +One sunny day, a little boy named Timmy went to the park with his mommy. They saw a big pool and Timmy said, "Mommy, can we go swim?" His mommy said, "Yes, but be careful and don't dive too deep." Timmy put on his swim suit and jumped in the pool. He saw a blueberry floating in the water and tried to catch it. He swam fast and grabbed the blueberry with his hand. + +Suddenly, a little girl named Sarah came to the pool and said, "Hi Timmy, can I swim with you?" Timmy said, "Yes, let's have a race. Ready, set, go!" They swam fast and Timmy won the race. Sarah said, "Wow, you are a great swimmer. Can you teach me how to dive?" Timmy said, "Sure, let me show you." He dove into the water and Sarah followed. They had so much fun swimming and diving together. +Once upon a time, there was a dog named Max. Max loved to play outside in the park. One day, Max found a bone. It was big and tasty-looking. Max was so happy to have found the bone. + +Suddenly, a scary cat appeared. The cat wanted the bone too. Max didn't want to share his bone, but he didn't want to be mean. So, Max said, "I can lend you my bone for a little while, but I want it back soon." + +The cat was happy and said, "Thank you, Max. You are a good friend." Max felt happy too because he was kind to the cat. They played together for a while, and then the cat gave the bone back to Max. From that day on, Max and the cat were friends and they played together every day in the park. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy had a large carpet in his room that he loved to play on. One day, Timmy spilled some juice on the carpet and he didn't know how to clean it up. + +Timmy's mom came into the room and saw the mess. "Oh no, Timmy! You spilled juice on the carpet. We need to clean it up," she said. + +Timmy replied, "I don't know how to clean it. Can you help me manage it?" + +His mom smiled and said, "Of course, Timmy. Let's get some paper towels and clean the juice off the carpet together." And they managed to clean the carpet and make it look nice and clean again. +Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Timmy. Timmy was very excited to go to school for the first time. When he got to school, he met a girl named Sarah. Sarah had a big eraser that she showed to Timmy. "Wow, that's a big eraser!" said Timmy. "Can I see it?" Sarah said "Sure!" and gave Timmy the eraser. Timmy was so happy that he sat down and started erasing his pencil marks. "This eraser is great!" said Timmy. Sarah smiled and said "I'm glad you like it!" And they became friends forever. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little bird. The bird was very hungry and had no food to eat. So, it flew around looking for some food. It saw a big tree with lots of fruits. But, the bird couldn't reach the fruits. + +Then, a kind girl saw the little bird and felt sorry for it. She took some fruits from the tree and fed the bird. The bird was very happy and thanked the girl. + +After the bird had eaten, the girl saw that its feathers were messy. So, she took a comb and combed the bird's feathers. The bird felt mighty and beautiful. + +The moral of the story is that we should always help those in need, even if they are small like a little bird. And when we help, we can make them feel mighty and happy. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She had a big bubble wand and loved to blow bubbles. One day, she blew a bubble so big it carried her up into the sky! She was scared, but then a helpful bird came along and flew her back down to the ground. + +Lily wanted to thank the bird, so she wrote a letter and put it in the mailbox to mail it to the bird. She was so excited to send it! The next day, the bird came back with a letter of its own. Lily was so happy to get the letter and felt grateful for the helpful bird. From that day on, Lily and the bird became good friends and blew bubbles together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to draw pictures with her pencil. One day, Lily's mom asked her to help clean the house. + +Lily replied, "But Mommy, I want to draw pictures with my pencil! Cleaning is not great." + +Mommy said, "I know you love your pencil, but we have to work together to keep our house clean." + +Lily thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I will help you clean. Then we can draw pictures together with my pencil." + +Mommy smiled and said, "That's a great idea, Lily. Let's work together and make our house clean and beautiful." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play with her toys all day long. One day, she was playing with her favorite doll when her mom came into the room. + +"Hi, Lily. What are you doing?" her mom asked. + +"I'm playing with my dolly," Lily said. + +"That's nice. Do you have any wishes?" her mom asked. + +"I wish I could have more toys," Lily said. + +"You're lucky to have so many toys already," her mom mentioned. "But do you know what would be even better?" + +"What?" Lily asked. + +"Sharing your toys with others who don't have as many," her mom said. + +Lily thought about it for a moment and then smiled. "That's a good idea, Mommy. I'll share my toys with my friends." +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily was very adventurous and loved to explore. One day, Lily's mom told her that they were going on a trip to the beach. Lily was so excited! + +Before they went to the beach, Lily had to take a bath. She splashed and played in the water, and her mom helped her comb her hair. Lily couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited her at the beach. + +When they arrived at the beach, Lily saw a big sign that said "Beware of Sharks". Lily didn't know what a shark was, but she knew it must be something scary. She decided to stay close to her mom and dad. + +As they played in the sand and swam in the water, Lily saw something big and dark swimming towards them. She was scared, but her dad told her it was just a dolphin. Lily was relieved and felt brave for facing her fear. She knew that her adventurous spirit had led her to an exciting and fun day at the beach. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she promised her mom that she would clean up her toys. But she forgot, and her mom reminded her. + +Lily said, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I'll clean up my toys now." + +Her mom smiled and said, "That's very thoughtful of you, Lily." + +As Lily was cleaning up, she accidentally knocked over her tower of blocks. She was sad because she worked hard to build it. But her mom said, "It's okay, Lily. We can build it again together." + +Lily smiled and hugged her mom. "You're the best, Mommy. You always make me feel better when I destroy things." + +From that day on, Lily always kept her promise to clean up her toys. And her mom always helped her build her towers of blocks. +Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily who loved to play the violin. She had a reliable violin that always made beautiful music. One day, while playing in the park, Lily accidentally dropped her violin and it broke. She was very sad and didn't know what to do. + +Suddenly, a kind man appeared and asked what was wrong. Lily told him about her broken violin. The man said he could help and took the violin to fix it. After a few days, the man returned the violin to Lily. It was as good as new! + +Lily was so happy that she wanted to play her violin right away. She thanked the man and played a beautiful song. As she finished playing, she felt a sense of relief and release. She knew that her violin was reliable once again and she could continue to make beautiful music. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a bell that he loved to ring. It made a loud noise that he thought was funny. + +One day, Timmy wanted to read a book. He went to his bookshelf and picked out a book with big pictures. But when he opened it, the words were too hard for him to read. + +Timmy was sad, but then he remembered his friend who was very reliable. He went to his friend's house and asked for help. His friend read the book to him and they both laughed at the funny pictures. + +From that day on, Timmy knew that he could always rely on his friend to help him read any book he wanted. And whenever he wanted to ring his bell, he would think of his reliable friend and smile. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy had a razor and he liked to wave it around. One day, Timmy's mom saw him waving the razor and got scared. She told Timmy to be careful and put the razor away. + +Timmy was sad because he liked his razor. He asked his mom why he couldn't play with it. His mom explained that razors were sharp and could hurt him. She told Timmy that it wasn't a good fit for him to play with. + +Timmy understood and promised to be careful. He put the razor away and found something else to play with. He was happy to still have his mom's love and protection. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to watch her favorite show on TV, but one day the cable stopped working. Her mom tried to fix it, but she couldn't figure it out. + +Lily had an idea. She remembered her wise grandpa always signing to her. She ran to get him and asked for his help. Grandpa came and looked at the cable. He signed to Lily that it was broken and needed to be replaced. + +Lily and her grandpa went to the store and got a new cable. Grandpa signed to Lily how to install it and together they fixed the TV. Lily was so happy to watch her show again and grateful for her wise grandpa's help. +Once upon a time, there was a little frog named Fred. Fred loved to jump all around the pond. One day, he met a duck named Daisy. + +"Hi, Daisy!" said Fred. "Do you want to jump with me?" + +"I can't jump like you, Fred," said Daisy. "But I can swim really fast!" + +Suddenly, a brilliant light appeared in the sky. It was a laser beam from a spaceship! + +"Oh no!" cried Fred. "We have to hide!" + +Fred and Daisy hid behind a big rock. They watched as the spaceship landed in the pond. + +"Who are you?" asked Fred. + +"We are aliens from another planet," said the alien. "We are looking for water to fill up our spaceship." + +"Well, you can't take our water!" said Daisy. + +"Don't worry," said the alien. "We will leave soon." + +And with that, the spaceship took off into the sky. Fred and Daisy were safe once again. +Once upon a time, there was a happy boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to drink apple juice and play with his toys. One day, Timmy's mommy told him they were going to see a parade. Timmy was so excited! He put on his finest shirt and ran outside. + +As they watched the parade, Timmy saw all the colorful floats and balloons. He even saw a clown making balloon animals. Timmy was having so much fun! But suddenly, a big gust of wind blew and knocked over one of the floats. Timmy was scared and started to cry. + +Everyone ran away from the parade, but Timmy was too scared to move. His mommy tried to pick him up, but she couldn't. The float had fallen on top of Timmy and he couldn't breathe. It was a sad ending for Timmy and his mommy. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She went to the park with her mommy and daddy. At the park, she saw a big thing that looked like a castle. It was very charming and had lots of colors. + +Lily saw other kids playing with toys and she wanted to play too. Her mommy said she could choose one toy to play with. Lily looked at all the toys and saw a pretty doll. She chose the doll and played with it for a long time. + +After playing, Lily and her family went to get ice cream. Lily chose her favorite flavor, chocolate. She ate it all up and was very happy. She had a fun day at the park and loved choosing her toy and ice cream. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy. Timmy lived in a big house in the country with his mommy and daddy. One day, Timmy went outside to play with his ball. He kicked the ball too hard and it went over the fence. Timmy tried to climb the fence to get his ball, but he fell down and hurt his knee. + +His mommy came outside and saw that Timmy was hurt. She picked him up and brought him inside the house. She was very careful when she cleaned Timmy's knee and put a bandage on it. Timmy was sad and sighed because he couldn't play with his ball anymore. But his mommy gave him a big hug and told him that it was okay, and that they could play a different game inside. Timmy smiled and was happy again. The end. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. One day, she found an old toy in the attic. It was her mom's favorite toy when she was a little girl. But the toy was broken and didn't work anymore. + +Lily asked her mom if they could fix the toy. Her mom said, "Yes, we can restore it!" So they took the toy to a repair shop. The repairman fixed the toy and it was as good as new. + +Lily was so happy that she wanted to send a message to her mom's friend to tell her about the toy. She wrote a letter and put it in an envelope. Her mom helped her put a stamp on it and they put it in the mailbox. + +As they walked back home, they saw a beautiful light in the sky. Lily asked her mom what it was. Her mom said, "It's a shooting star. Make a wish!" Lily closed her eyes and made a wish. She wished that her toy would never break again. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small town with her mom, dad, and dog. One day, Lily went for a walk with her dog and met a new friend. Her name was Sarah and she was also three years old. + +Lily asked Sarah, "Do you want to play with me and my dog?" Sarah said, "Yes, I would love to!" They played together for a long time and had lots of fun. + +As the sun started to set, Lily said, "I have to go home now. It's getting scary outside." Sarah said, "I know what you mean. Sometimes this town can be scary at night." Lily and Sarah hugged and said goodbye. They promised to meet again soon and play together. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to eat jelly every day. One day, Lily's mom made her a special jelly sandwich for lunch. Lily was so happy and ate it all up. + +Later that day, Lily was playing with her toys when she found a rubber band. She pulled it and saw that it was very flexible. She thought it was so cool and showed it to her mom. "Look, Mommy! This rubber band is very flexible!" she said. + +Lily's mom smiled and said, "Wow, you are so smart! You know what flexible means." Lily felt proud that her mom thought she was smart. She hugged her mom and said, "I love you, Mommy!" +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to spend time with his toy laser. The laser was his best friend. He played with it every day. + +One day, Tim went to the park with his mom. He brought his laser with him. They played and had a lot of fun. But then, Tim's mom called him for lunch. Tim left his laser on the bench and ran to eat. He forgot the laser on the bench. + +After lunch, Tim wanted to play with his laser again. He looked for it but could not find it. He felt very sad. Tim and his mom looked everywhere in the park. Then, they saw a man with an empty bag. The man found Tim's laser and gave it back to him. Tim was so happy! He learned to always keep his toys close. From that day on, Tim never forgot his laser again. +One day, a little boy named Tim found a weird basketball. It was not like other balls. This one could shrink! Tim played with the basketball all day. He would bounce it and watch it get smaller and smaller. + +Tim showed his friend, Sue. "Look at my basketball," he said. "It can shrink!" Sue did not believe him. "No way!" she said. Tim tossed her the ball. Sue bounced it and saw it shrink. "Wow!" she said. "That is so cool!" + +Tim and Sue played with the weird basketball all day. They had fun watching it shrink and grow. They laughed and shared the ball with other kids. At the end of the day, they were tired but happy. The weird basketball made their day very special. +One day, a little bird named Timmy was playing in the mud. He saw a worm and said, "Hello, worm! Do you want to play with me?" The worm felt uncomfortable and said, "No, thank you. I need to stay in the mud." + +Timmy was sad, but he understood. He played alone and got very dirty. His mom saw him and said, "Timmy, you need to bathe now!" Timmy didn't want to stop playing, but he listened to his mom. + +Timmy went to the pond and splashed water on himself. He felt clean and happy again. He said, "Thank you, mom, for helping me bathe!" His mom smiled and said, "You're welcome, Timmy. Now you can play with your friends and not be dirty!" +Once upon a time, in a big green forest, there was a loyal bird named Bluey. Bluey had many friends, but his best friend was a little girl named Lily. They loved to play together under the big trees. + +One sunny day, Bluey and Lily found a long cable hanging from a tall tree. They looked at each other and smiled. Bluey said, "Lily, let's play with the cable!" Lily nodded and giggled, "Yes, let's go!" + +Bluey and Lily took turns holding the cable. Bluey used his strong wings to soar high into the sky. He would then let go of the cable and glide back down to the ground. Lily laughed and clapped her hands each time Bluey soared up and down. + +After playing, they sat under a tree and shared some yummy berries. Bluey and Lily were very happy to have each other as friends. They knew that they would always be loyal to each other, no matter what. + +From that day on, Bluey and Lily played with the cable every day. They knew that as long as they were together, they would always have fun and be happy in their big green forest. +Once upon a time, there was a green frog named Fred. Fred loved to perform for his friends. He would wear a cap on his head when he danced. + +One day, Fred met a little fish. The fish said, "Hi, I want to see you perform. Can I be your friend?" Fred said, "Yes, I would love to have a new friend! I will perform for you now." + +Fred put on his cap and began to dance. The fish clapped and laughed. They had so much fun together. From that day on, the green frog and the little fish were the best of friends. +One day, a small girl named Lily went to her garden. She saw a small bean on the ground. She wanted to touch it. So, she bent down and touched the small bean. It was very smooth. + +"Hello, small bean!" said Lily. The small bean did not talk back. It was just a bean. But Lily liked to pretend it could talk. She picked up the bean and took it inside her house. + +Lily showed the small bean to her mom. "Look, Mom! I found a small bean in the garden. Can I keep it?" she asked. Her mom smiled and said, "Yes, you can keep the small bean. But remember to be gentle with it." + +Lily was very happy. She played with the small bean all day. She touched it, talked to it, and even gave it a name. She called it "Beanie." Lily and Beanie became the best of friends. +Once upon a time, there was a seal who loved to play games. He was very competitive. He wanted to win all the time. He had many friends who liked to play with him. + +One day, the seal and his friends decided to play a staring game. They all sat in a circle and stared at each other. The first one to blink or look away would lose the game. The seal was very good at this game. He could stare for a very long time without blinking. + +The seal and his friends stared and stared for a long time. One by one, his friends blinked and looked away. In the end, the seal was the winner. He was very happy and proud of himself. His friends clapped and cheered for him. They all had a lot of fun playing the staring game together. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. Tom loved to paint. He would paint all day using many colors. One day, Tom saw a big bird in the sky. The bird was very foolish. It would fly up and down, making Tom laugh. + +Tom wanted to paint the foolish bird. He took his paint and started to paint the bird on a big piece of paper. He used blue, green, and yellow to make the bird look very pretty. Tom was very happy with his painting. + +Tom showed his painting to his friends. They could not believe it was the foolish bird. They said it was the most beautiful bird they had ever seen. Tom smiled and knew that his love for paint made the foolish bird look amazing. +Once upon a time, in a beautiful classroom, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to touch everything. She touched the big books, the small chairs, and the soft toys. She was very curious and wanted to learn about everything. + +One day, Lily saw a pretty box on the teacher's table. She wanted to touch it, but the teacher said, "No, Lily. That box is not for touching." Lily felt sad, but she listened to her teacher. She knew it was important to follow the rules. + +Later, the teacher opened the pretty box and showed the class a shiny star. The teacher said, "This star is for the one who listens and follows the rules." She gave the shiny star to Lily. Lily felt so happy and proud. She learned that listening and following the rules can make good things happen. +One day, a big bear named Ben went to a food place. He wanted to eat something very good. He looked at all the foods and had to choose. He saw a big, round waffle. It looked impressive. + +Ben said, "I want the waffle!" The man at the food place gave Ben the waffle. Ben was very happy. He went to a table and started to eat the waffle. It was very yummy. + +After eating the waffle, Ben was very full. He said, "Thank you for the yummy waffle!" The man at the food place smiled. Ben went home to take a big nap. He dreamt of more yummy waffles. +Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tim. Tim had a toy called a microscope. He loved to look at things with it. One day, Tim was playing with his microscope in his room. + +Tim's little sister, Sue, came into the room. She was very careless. She didn't watch where she was going. Sue bumped into Tim's table, and the microscope fell on the floor. Tim was sad. + +Tim's mom came into the room and saw the broken microscope. She asked, "What happened?" Tim and Sue didn't know what to say. Mom said, "I guess we need a new microscope." Tim and Sue smiled. They knew they would be more careful next time. +Once upon a time, there was a small bug named Tim. He lived in a big tree with his family. Tim was very happy and loved to play with his friends. + +One day, Tim and his friends decided to celebrate. They wanted to have a big party at night. They invited all their friends from the tree and the nearby grass. + +When night came, they all danced and played games. They ate yummy food and sang songs. Tim and his friends had so much fun at their night party. They couldn't wait to celebrate again soon. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small house with her mom, dad, and her pet cat, Mint. Mint was a very playful cat, and he loved to play with Lily. + +One sunny day, Lily and Mint were playing outside in the garden. Mint was being a bit rude and kept jumping on Lily's toys. Lily said, "Mint, please stop being rude and play nice!" Mint stopped jumping and started to play nice with Lily. + +Suddenly, Lily found a spray bottle filled with water. She thought it would be fun to spray Mint with the water. So, she picked up the bottle and started to spray Mint. Mint got wet and shook the water off. Then, Mint started to chase Lily around the garden. They laughed and played until the sun went down. +One day, a little boy named Tim wanted to play hide and seek with his friends. He asked his mom if he could play outside. His mom said, "Yes, but first you have to do your math." + +Tim sat down and did his math. He counted one, two, three, four, and five. He was very happy when he finished. Now he could play with his friends. + +Tim went outside and saw his friends. They were all available to play. They started to play hide and seek. Tim hid behind a big tree. His friends looked and looked, but they could not find him. Tim was very good at hiding. He had so much fun playing with his friends. +One day, a little girl named Sue went to the park. She saw a big red strawberry on a bush. It was not an ordinary strawberry. It was very big and shiny. Sue wanted to eat it, but she thought maybe it was special. + +Sue said to her friend Tim, "Look at this big red strawberry! I admire it because it is not like the others. Do you think it is special?" Tim looked at the strawberry and said, "Yes, it is very special. Maybe we should not eat it." + +Later, a nice lady came to the park. She saw the big red strawberry and smiled. She said, "Thank you for not eating my special strawberry. I grew it for a contest. You have been very good kids." The nice lady gave Sue and Tim a small prize for being good. They were very happy. +Once upon a time, there was a big field. In the field, there were many animals. They liked to play and eat all day. The sun was warm and the grass was green. + +One day, a graceful deer came to the field. She was very pretty and nice. The other animals liked her a lot. They all played together and ate the green grass. The deer was very happy in the field. + +As the days went by, the animals ate and played in the field. They became good friends with the deer. They all lived together, happy and full. The field was a great home for them. And they all lived happily ever after. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. He liked to play in the park with his friends. One day, Tim found a big, shiny gem on the ground. He was very happy and showed it to his friends. They all wanted the gem, but Tim did not want to share. + +Tim's friends were sad and felt Tim was being ignorant. They decided to play a game to see who could strike a ball the farthest. The winner would get the gem. Tim agreed to play, thinking he would win. + +But Tim was not good at striking the ball. His friends were better, and one of them struck the ball very far. Tim lost the game and had to give away his gem. He was very sad and learned that being ignorant and not sharing can lead to a bad ending. +One day, a little boy named Tim wanted to play. He went to the attic to find his toys. The attic was dark and dirty. Tim saw a big box. He opened it and found a talking cup. + +"Hello, Tim! I am a magic cup. If you drink from me, something fun will happen!" said the cup. + +Tim was excited. He ran to the kitchen to get water. He filled the cup and drank. Suddenly, his toys came to life! They started to make a big mess in the attic. Tim didn't want his mom to be mad. He asked the cup for help. + +"Please, magic cup, make the toys stop!" Tim said. The cup told Tim to drink again. He did, and the toys went back to normal. Tim was happy and the attic was clean again. +Once upon a time, in a small place, there was a hairy dog named Max. Max loved to move and play all day long. He would run, jump, and wag his tail with joy. Max was a very happy dog. + +One day, Max saw a big ball in the park. He wanted to move it to his home. So, Max pushed the ball with his nose. It rolled and rolled until it reached his place. Max was so proud of himself. + +Max played with the big ball every day. He would move it around his place and show it to his friends. All the kids in the park loved Max and his hairy fur. They would laugh and play with Max and his big ball. And they all lived happily ever after. +One day, a tall girl named Mia went for a walk. She saw a rainbow in the sky. The rainbow had many colors. Mia was very happy to see the rainbow. + +Mia met a boy named Sam. Sam was sad because he could not see the rainbow. Mia said, "Look up, Sam! You can see the rainbow too." Sam looked up and saw the rainbow. He was very happy. + +Mia and Sam wanted to use the rainbow to make a picture. They found some paper and colors. They used the colors to draw the rainbow. The picture was very pretty. Mia and Sam were very proud of their picture. They showed it to their friends and everyone loved it. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Amy. She lived in a small, tidy house with her mom and dad. Amy loved to help her mom with the laundry. She would put the clothes in the big machine, and then watch them spin around and around. + +One sunny day, Amy's mom asked her to hang the laundry outside to dry. Amy hoped that she could do it all by herself. She took the wet clothes and went outside. She put the clothes on the long line, one by one. The wind blew the clothes, and they danced in the air. + +When the clothes were dry, Amy took them off the line and put them in a big basket. She carried the basket inside the house and showed her mom. Her mom was very happy and gave Amy a big hug. Amy felt proud that she could help her mom with the laundry. From that day on, Amy always helped her mom keep their home tidy and clean. +Once upon a time, there was a long snake named Sam. Sam was not feeling well. He had a friend named Tina, who was a tiny bird. Tina wanted to help Sam feel better. + +Tina went to find a thermometer to see if Sam was too hot or too cold. She put the thermometer in Sam's mouth and waited. The thermometer said Sam was too hot. Tina felt regret because she didn't know how to help Sam. + +Tina thought hard and had an idea. She asked her friends to bring cold water. They poured the cold water on Sam. Sam started to feel better. His long body was not too hot anymore. Sam and Tina were happy and played together all day. +Once upon a time, there was a big lake. The lake was very pretty. It had light blue water. Many fish lived in the lake. People liked to visit the lake. + +One day, a girl named Lily went to the lake. She wanted to buy a toy boat. She found a man who sold toy boats. Lily bought a toy boat from the man. The toy boat was light and easy to carry. + +Lily played with her toy boat at the lake. She put the boat in the water. The boat floated on the light blue water. The fish in the lake swam near the boat. Lily was very happy. She played with her boat all day long. +Once upon a time, a boy named Tom went on a trip with his mom and dad. They went to a big park to play and have fun. Tom was very happy to see the big trees and pretty flowers. He ran and jumped all day. + +After a while, Tom started to feel tired. He told his mom, "I am tired, can we go home?" His mom replied, "Yes, but let's sit and rest first." They sat on a soft, green grass under a big tree. Tom's dad said, "It's good to take breaks when we are tired." + +While they rested, Tom saw a little girl crying. She was lost and couldn't find her mom. Tom's dad helped the girl and soon, they found her mom. The little girl and her mom said, "Thank you!" Tom felt happy that they could help. + +Tom learned that it's good to take breaks when you're tired, and that helping others can make you feel happy too. +Once upon a time, there was a beautiful crystal. The crystal was in a big room. In the room, there were two friends, Tom and Sam. They both loved the crystal very much. One day, they had a big fight. Tom wanted to play with the crystal, but Sam wanted to keep it safe. + +Tom said, "Let's split the crystal!" Sam was very upset. He did not want to break the crystal. But Tom was very strong. He took the crystal and split it into two pieces. The pieces fell on the floor. + +Sam cried and said, "You broke our crystal!" Tom felt bad, but it was too late. The crystal was broken, and their friendship was broken too. They did not play together anymore. The end. +Once upon a time in a big city, there lived a little boy named Tim. Tim loved to play with his toy cars. He would push them around the floor all day, making incredible races with them. + +One sunny day, Tim went to the park with his mom. He brought his favorite toy car with him. Tim pushed the car up and down the slide, and even through the sand. He was having so much fun! + +As the day went on, Tim met a new friend named Sam. They played together and pushed their toy cars all around the park. They had an incredible time! When it was time to go home, Tim was happy he had made a new friend in his big city. +Once upon a time, there was a boy. The boy had a name. His name was Tom. Tom was a scared boy. He did not like to play outside with other kids. He liked to stay in his room. + +One day, Tom saw a big dog. The dog was not nice. It barked very loud. Tom was very scared. He ran back to his room and hid under his bed. + +Tom's mom and dad tried to help him. They said, "Do not be scared, Tom." But Tom did not listen. He stayed in his room all day and all night. + +The next day, the big dog came back. It barked louder and louder. Tom was too scared to go outside. He stayed in his room forever. Tom never played with other kids again. He was always scared and sad. +One day, a playful cat named Tom found a ball of thread. Tom loved to play with the thread. He would run, jump, and roll with it. The thread made Tom very happy. + +Tom saw his friend, a dog named Max. Tom said, "Max, come play with my thread!" Max came and they played together. They had lots of fun with the thread, but then they pulled too hard. The thread broke. + +"Oh no!" said Tom. "Now my thread is broken. I suffer because I can't play with it anymore." Max felt sad for his friend. He wanted to help Tom feel better. Max went to find more thread for Tom. + +Max found a new ball of thread and brought it to Tom. "Here, Tom! I found more thread for you!" Tom was so happy. They played together with the new thread and had lots of fun. Tom did not suffer anymore. +Once upon a time, in a small garden, there was a noisy beetle. He loved to fly and make loud sounds. All his friends liked to play with him. + +One day, the noisy beetle went to find his friends. He looked and looked, but he could not find them. He felt sad and lonely. He sat under a big tree and started to cry. + +Then, the noisy beetle heard a tiny voice. It was a little ant. The ant told him that his friends were hiding because they were scared of his loud sounds. The noisy beetle realized he needed to be quiet sometimes. He said sorry to his friends and they all played happily together. +Once upon a time, there was a clown named Bobo. Bobo was not a bad clown, but sometimes he made a mess. One day, Bobo went to a big party to make the kids laugh. + +At the party, Bobo saw a big bowl of candy. He wanted to share the candy with the kids. So, he took the bowl and tried to scatter the candy all around. But, oh no! Bobo tripped and fell, and the candy went everywhere. + +A little girl named Lily saw what happened and said, "Bobo, you made a big mess!" Bobo felt sad, but he knew he could fix it. He picked up all the candy and handed it out to the kids. In the end, everyone was happy and had a great time at the party. +Once upon a time, there was a clever cat named Kitty. One day, Kitty found a shiny marble in the yard. She picked it up with her paw and started to play. + +As Kitty played with the marble, a little boy named Timmy saw her. Timmy entered the yard and said, "Hi Kitty! Can I play with the marble too?" Kitty meowed and pushed the marble to Timmy. They took turns rolling the marble on the ground and had lots of fun. + +After playing, Timmy and Kitty became good friends. They played with the marble every day and had many happy times together. And that's how the clever cat and the little boy shared a special toy and became best friends. +Once upon a time, in a small swamp, there was a frog named Tim. Tim loved to jump and play all day. He had many friends in the swamp, like fish and bugs. They all liked to play together. + +One day, Tim found a big, sour fruit. He didn't know what it was, but he wanted to show his friends. So, Tim tried to hold the fruit in his mouth. It was hard, but he did it. He jumped and hopped to show his friends the big, sour fruit. + +When Tim showed his friends the fruit, they all laughed and clapped. They had never seen a fruit so big and sour before. Tim was very happy that he could hold the fruit and make his friends smile. They all played with the fruit and had a fun day in the swamp. +One day, a little bird with a big, heavy wing tried to enter a tiny house. The bird was very sad because its wing was too big to fit inside. It wanted to play with the toys in the house. + +The bird's friend, a small ant, saw the sad bird and wanted to help. The ant thought of a plan to make the bird's wing smaller. The ant called all its friends to help the bird. + +The ants worked together and used their strong legs to lift the bird's heavy wing. The bird was so happy! Now, with the help of the ants, the bird could enter the tiny house and play with the toys. The bird and the ants had a great time playing together. +One day, a cheerful little boy named Tim got a big balloon. He loved his balloon so much. He wanted to show it to his best friend, Sam. Tim went to Sam's house with his balloon. + +When Tim got to Sam's house, Sam saw the balloon and said, "I want a balloon too!" Tim did not want to give his balloon away. They both wanted to play with the balloon, but they could not agree on who should have it. + +Tim and Sam thought hard about how they could both have fun with the balloon. They decided to play a game. They would see who could keep the balloon in the air the longest without it touching the ground. They both tried their best. + +In the end, Sam won the game. Tim was sad, but Sam said, "We can both play with the balloon together!" They played with the balloon all day and had so much fun. They both succeeded in making each other happy. +Once upon a time, there was a pink toy car. The car had an owner, a little girl named Lily. Lily loved her pink car very much. She would use it to play every day. She would push the car around and make it go fast. + +One day, Lily took her pink car outside. She played with it in the grass and on the sidewalk. She made the car go up and down hills. Lily was having so much fun. But then, it was time to go home. Lily forgot to pick up her pink car and left it outside. + +The next day, Lily went to find her pink car. She looked everywhere in the house but could not find it. She felt sad. Then, she remembered she played with it outside. Lily ran to the yard and there it was, her pink car! She was so happy to find it. + +Lily promised to always put her toys away after playing. She never wanted to lose her pink car again. From that day on, Lily and her pink car had many more fun days together. +Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a clever girl named Lily. She loved to play near the water. Every day, she would go to the river and watch the fish swim. + +One day, Lily saw some dirty water in the river. She thought, "I want to help improve the water for the fish." So, Lily asked her friend, Tom, "Can you help me make the water better for the fish?" + +Tom agreed and they worked together to clean the water. They picked up trash and made sure the water was clean. The fish were happy and thanked Lily and Tom for their help. + +From that day on, Lily and Tom became best friends. They continued to help improve the water and the village. Everyone in the village was proud of their clever and kind actions. +Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. He loved to whistle and play all day. His room had a big bookshelf with many colorful books. Tim's mom always told him to be careful when he played near the bookshelf. She did not want the books to fall and make a big mess. + +One day, Tim was whistling and dancing around his room. He forgot to be careful near the bookshelf. He bumped into it and all the books fell down. Tim was sad and scared. He knew he should have listened to his mom. + +Tim's mom came in and saw the mess. She was not mad, but she told Tim to be more careful next time. Together, they picked up the books and put them back on the bookshelf. Tim learned to be careful when he played and always listened to his mom. The moral of the story is to always listen to your parents and be careful when you play. +Once upon a time, in a charming little house, there lived a cat named Kitty. Kitty loved to play with her favorite toy, a soft cushion. Every day, she would jump and roll on the cushion, having so much fun. + +One sunny day, as Kitty was playing with her cushion, something strange happened. The cushion started to move by itself! Kitty was very surprised and a bit scared. She watched as the cushion wiggled and wobbled around the room. + +Then, out from under the cushion came a tiny mouse named Mousy. Mousy had been hiding under the cushion all along! Kitty and Mousy looked at each other, and then they started to laugh. From that day on, they played together with the cushion and became best friends. +Once upon a time, in a small house, there was a jolly mom. She loved to cook yummy food for her family. One day, she wanted to make a big cake. She put all the good things in a bowl and mixed them. Then she put the mix in the oven. + +Her little boy wanted to help his mom. He did not understand how the oven worked. He thought it was a toy. He opened the oven door and touched the hot cake. "Ouch!" he cried. His hand hurt a lot. + +The mom heard her boy cry and ran to help him. She was sad that her boy got hurt. She hugged him and put a cold cloth on his hand. The cake was not good anymore. They did not eat the cake that day. The family was not jolly anymore. +Once upon a time, in a small kitchen, there was a small avocado named Ava. Ava was green and round, and she lived with other fruits and vegetables in a big bowl. They all liked to play and talk together. + +One day, a new fruit, named Freddy the Fig, came to join them in the bowl. Freddy was shy and did not know how to talk to the others. Ava saw this and said, "Hi, I am Ava the Avocado. Do you want to join us and play?" Freddy smiled and said, "Yes, I would like that." + +So, Ava, Freddy, and all the other fruits and vegetables played together. They had so much fun and became good friends. The small kitchen was full of laughter and joy, and they all lived happily together. +Once upon a time, a little girl named Emma found a huge cardboard box in her backyard. She was very happy and wanted to play with it. She thought and thought about what she could do with the cardboard box. + +Emma had an idea. She decided to raise the box up and put it on its side. She found some colors and began to draw on the box. She drew a big door and some windows. Emma had made her very own playhouse! + +Every day, Emma played in her huge cardboard playhouse. She invited her friends over and they all had fun playing together. They pretended to cook, read books, and have tea parties. Emma loved her cardboard playhouse, and it became her favorite place to play. +Once upon a time, in a big city, there lived a polite boy named Tim. Tim loved to help people and always said "please" and "thank you." He had many friends because he was so nice. + +One day, Tim went to the park with his mom. They saw a little girl crying. Tim walked up to her and asked, "Why are you sad?" The little girl said, "I lost my toy. Can you help me find it, please?" + +Tim and his mom looked all around the park. They looked under the trees, by the swings, and even in the sandbox. At last, they found the toy near the slide. The little girl was so happy and said, "Thank you, Tim!" + +The day had to end, so Tim and his mom went back home. They walked through the city, waving goodbye to all their friends. Tim was happy because he helped the little girl and made her smile. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in her big space outside. One day, she saw a fancy hat on the ground. She did not recognize it. She picked it up and looked at it. + +Lily's friend, Sam, came over to play. He saw the fancy hat in her hand. "Wow! That's a fancy hat!" he said. "Is it yours?" Lily shook her head. "No, I found it in my space. I don't know who it belongs to." + +They decided to ask their friends if they recognized the fancy hat. They went from house to house, but no one knew who it belonged to. Finally, they asked their teacher, Miss Rose. "Oh, that's my fancy hat!" she said. "Thank you for finding it!" Lily and Sam were happy they could help Miss Rose, and they played together in the big space for the rest of the day. +One day, a bossy cat and a nice dog went to play near the water. They saw a sail on a small boat. The cat said, "I want to use the sail and go on the boat!" The dog did not like the idea but the cat was bossy, so they went on the boat. + +The boat started to move fast with the sail. The dog said, "I feel scared!" The cat laughed and said, "You are not big and bossy like me!" The dog felt sad, but he did not say anything. + +Then, the wind blew hard and the sail broke. The boat stopped. The bossy cat said, "Help! I feel scared too!" The nice dog helped the cat fix the sail. Together, they went back to land. The cat said, "Thank you! I will not be bossy anymore." The dog felt happy and they played together all day. +One day, a funny monkey named Bobo saw a big red bus. He wanted to go inside and play. So, he used his long arms and legs to climb onto the bus. Inside the bus, he found many colorful balls and toys. Bobo was very happy. + +Bobo met a small girl named Lily on the bus. Lily said, "Hi, Bobo! Do you want to play with me?" Bobo nodded his head and they started to play together. They played with the balls, threw them in the air, and laughed a lot. + +After playing for a long time, Bobo and Lily were tired. They sat down on the bus seats and had some yummy snacks. They became good friends and promised to play together again. The big red bus was a fun place for Bobo and Lily to meet and play. +Once upon a time, there was a rich man named Tom. He had a big house, a big car, and many toys. He was very happy, but he wanted more light in his house. + +One day, Tom found a magic wand. He waved the wand and said, "Shoot light into my house!" The wand shot light into his house. The light was so bright and pretty. Tom was very happy to see the light. + +But then, Tom saw that the light made his toys shine. He wanted to share the light with his friends. So, he took the wand and went to his friends' houses. He waved the wand and said, "Shoot light into my friends' houses!" The wand shot light into their houses too. Now, all of Tom's friends had bright and pretty light in their houses. They were all very happy, and they thanked Tom for sharing his light with them. +Once upon a time, in a big forest, there was a clumsy little bear named Bobo. Bobo loved to play with his friends all day. One day, while they were playing, Bobo tripped over a big mushroom. He fell down and started to cry. + +Bobo's friends came to help him. They told him, "It's okay, Bobo. Sometimes we all fall down. You just need to rest for a little bit." Bobo listened to his friends and sat down on a soft patch of grass. He watched the birds in the sky and the bugs on the ground while he rested. + +After a while, Bobo felt much better. He stood up and smiled at his friends. They were so happy that he was okay. Bobo thanked the big mushroom for being there when he fell. From that day on, Bobo was more careful when he played, but he still had lots of fun with his friends in the big forest. +Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a girl named Sue. Sue had a big toe that was very special. It was a magic toe that could make things happen. One day, Sue went to the market with her mom to sell apples. + +At the market, Sue saw a boy named Tim. Tim was jealous of Sue's magic toe. He said, "I wish I had a magic toe like you, Sue." Sue felt sad for Tim and wanted to help him. She thought of a plan to make Tim happy. + +Sue asked her magic toe to make a special apple that would make Tim happy. The magic toe did what Sue asked, and a shiny apple appeared. Sue gave the apple to Tim and said, "Here, eat this apple. It will make you happy." Tim ate the apple, and he felt happy. He was no longer jealous of Sue's magic toe. Sue and Tim became good friends and played together every day. +Once upon a time, a curious little girl named Lily went to her grandma's house. Grandma had a big garden with many plants. Lily saw a big, round thing on the ground. It was a squash! + +Lily asked her grandma, "What is this big thing?" Grandma said, "That is a squash, dear. We can eat it for dinner." Lily was very excited to learn how to cook the squash. + +Grandma showed Lily how to cut the squash into small pieces. Then, they put the pieces in a pot to cook. They waited for the squash to become soft. When it was ready, they ate the squash together. It was very yummy! Lily was happy to learn something new with her grandma. +Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to read her big book called a dictionary. Lily wanted to be independent and learn many words. She liked to read the dictionary every day. + +One day, Lily saw a big cookie jar. She wanted to eat all the cookies, but she knew it was not good to eat too many. Lily tried to resist, but it was hard. She thought about her dictionary and how it helped her learn. + +Lily decided to read her dictionary instead of eating the cookies. She became stronger and more independent. The more she read, the better she felt. Soon, Lily did not want the cookies anymore. + +The moral of the story is that when we resist things that are not good for us, we can grow and become more independent. Just like Lily, we can learn and become stronger by making good choices. +Lily and Tom are twins. They like to play outside. One day, they go to the lake with Mom and Dad. The lake is big and blue. Lily and Tom see ducks, fish and frogs. They want to feed them. + +"Can we give them bread, Mom?" Lily asks. + +"Sure, but not too much. They need to eat other things too," Mom says. + +Lily and Tom break some bread and throw it to the water. The ducks come closer and quack. The fish splash and jump. The frogs croak and hop. Lily and Tom laugh and clap. + +"Look, they are happy!" Tom says. + +"Yes, they are. They are our friends," Lily says. + +They play with the animals until the sun goes down. Then they go back to the car. Mom and Dad drive them home. Lily and Tom are tired. They wash their faces and brush their teeth. They put on their pajamas and go to bed. + +"Good night, Lily," Tom says. + +"Good night, Tom," Lily says. + +They close their eyes and fall asleep. They dream of the lake and the animals. They dream of swimming, flying and jumping with them. They dream of having fun and being free. They dream of being happy. They dream loud and clear. +Anna and Ben like to play in the park. They have a big ball and a small bike. They see an elephant near the trees. The elephant is high and gray. He has a long nose and big ears. + +Anna and Ben want to join the elephant. They run to him and say hello. The elephant is nice and friendly. He lets them touch his nose and ears. He can make loud sounds with his nose. Anna and Ben laugh and clap. + +The elephant wants to play with them. He picks up the ball with his nose and throws it high in the air. Anna and Ben catch the ball and throw it back. They take turns with the ball and the bike. They have fun with the elephant. + +The sun is going down. It is time to go home. Anna and Ben say goodbye to the elephant. They hug him and thank him for playing. The elephant waves his nose and ears. He is happy to have new friends. Anna and Ben walk home with their ball and bike. They tell their mom and dad about the elephant. They hope to see him again. +Anna and Ben are twins. They like to play and have fun. But they also have to study for school. Their mom gives them books and pencils. She says, "You have to study hard and learn new things. Then you can do well in school and be happy." + +Anna and Ben nod. They sit at the table and open their books. They have a lamp on the table. The lamp makes light so they can see the words and pictures. The lamp also makes heat. It is hot near the lamp. + +Anna studies hard. She reads the words and writes them down. She looks at the pictures and learns new things. She likes to study. She wants to do well in school and be happy. + +Ben does not study hard. He does not like to read and write. He thinks it is boring. He looks at the lamp and has an idea. He says, "Anna, look at this. I can make shadows with my hands. It is fun. Come and play with me." + +Anna looks at Ben. She sees him making shadows with his hands. He makes a dog, a bird, a rabbit. He makes funny noises. He laughs. He says, "Come on, Anna. Forget the books. Let's play with the shadows. It is more fun than studying." + +Anna thinks for a moment. She likes to play with Ben. She likes to have fun. But she also likes to study. She knows that studying is important. She says, "No, Ben. I want to study. Studying is not boring. It is good for us. It helps us learn new things. It makes us smart and happy. You should study too. Come and join me. We can play later." + +Ben shakes his head. He does not listen to Anna. He says, "No, Anna. You are wrong. Studying is boring. Playing is fun. I don't need to learn new things. I know enough. I am smart and happy. You are missing out. Come and play with me. We can study later." + +Anna and Ben argue. They do not agree. They do not listen to each other. They do not notice that the lamp is getting hotter and hotter. The lamp is too hot. It starts to smoke. It catches fire. It burns the table and the books. It makes a loud noise. + +Anna and Ben are scared. They scream. They run away from the table. They call for their mom. Their mom comes and sees the fire. She is angry and worried. She grabs a bucket of water and pours it on the fire. She puts out the fire. She saves the table and the books. But they are damaged. They are wet and burned. They are not good anymore. + +Anna and Ben are sorry. They cry. They hug their mom. They say, "We are sorry, mom. We were not careful. We did not study. We played with the lamp. We made a fire. We ruined the table and the books. We are sorry." + +Their mom hugs them back. She says, "I am glad you are safe. But I am also sad. You were not careful. You did not study. You played with the lamp. You made a fire. You ruined the table and the books. You were not smart. You were not happy. You have to learn from your mistake. You have to be more responsible. You have to study hard and learn new things. Then you can do well in school and be happy. Do you understand?" + +Anna and Ben nod. They say, "We understand, mom. We are sorry. We will be more responsible. We will study hard and learn new things. We will do well in school and be happy. We love you, mom." + +Their mom smiles. She says, "I love you too, Anna and Ben. I am proud of you. You are good children. You can play later. But first, you have to study. Come, let's find another lamp and some new books. Let's study together." + +Anna and Ben smile. They say, "Yes, mom. Let's study together. Thank you, mom." + +The end. + +Moral value: Studying is important and fun. It helps us learn new things and be smart and happy. We should not play with dangerous things like lamps. We should be careful and responsible. We should listen to our mom and our sister or brother. We should love and respect each other. +Sara and Ben are twins. They like to play with their toys in the living room. One day, they find a rare toy in a box. It is a big dinosaur with green scales and sharp teeth. + +"Wow, look at this!" Sara says. "It is so cool and scary!" + +"I want it!" Ben says. "It is mine!" + +"No, it is mine!" Sara says. "You have many toys already!" + +They both grab the dinosaur and pull hard. They start to yell at each other. + +"Mine!" + +"Mine!" + +"Mine!" + +Their mom hears them and comes to the living room. She sees them fighting over the toy. She is not happy. + +"Stop it, both of you!" she says. "Why are you yelling? You have to share and be nice!" + +She takes the dinosaur from them and puts it on a shelf. She tells them to sit on the couch and calm down. + +"Sara, Ben, this is a rare toy. It was your grandpa's when he was a little person. He gave it to me and I wanted to show it to you. But it is not for playing. It is for looking and learning. Do you understand?" + +Sara and Ben nod. They feel sorry for yelling and fighting. They say sorry to each other and hug. + +"Can we look at the dinosaur, mom?" Sara asks. + +"Yes, you can. But be careful and gentle. And remember to share and be nice." mom says. + +She gives them the dinosaur and they look at it together. They see its eyes, its nose, its mouth, its tail, its feet. They ask mom questions about it and she tells them stories. They learn a lot and have fun. They are happy and quiet. Mom smiles and hugs them. +Lily and Ben are friends. They like to play in the park. They have a ball and a kite. They run and laugh and have fun. + +One day, Lily sees a big dog in the park. She is scared of dogs. She runs away and hides behind a tree. Ben does not see her. He looks for her and calls her name. + +"Lily, where are you? Come and play with me!" + +Lily does not answer. She is too scared. She lies on the ground and covers her ears. She hopes the dog will go away. + +Ben finds Lily behind the tree. He sees that she is sad and scared. He hugs her and says: + +"Don't worry, Lily. The dog is not bad. He is a friend too. He just wants to play. Look, he has a ball in his mouth. He is wagging his tail. He is happy to see us." + +Lily looks at the dog. She sees that he is not angry or mean. He is friendly and cute. He drops the ball and barks. He wants them to throw the ball for him. + +Lily smiles and says: + +"OK, Ben. Let's play with the dog. He is a friend too. Maybe we can give him a name. How about Spot?" + +Ben nods and says: + +"Spot is a good name. Come on, Lily. Let's play with Spot. He will make us happy." + +Lily and Ben get up and run to the dog. They throw the ball and the kite for him. He chases them and brings them back. They play and laugh and have fun. They are not sad or scared anymore. They are happy with their new friend. +Anna and Ben were playing in the park with their mom. They liked to swing on the swings and slide on the slides. They saw a big red car in the parking lot. It had a shiny buckle on the door. + +"Can we see the car, mom?" Anna asked. + +"Sure, but be careful. Don't touch anything," mom said. + +Anna and Ben ran to the car. They looked at the buckle. It was round and had a button in the middle. + +"What does this do?" Ben wondered. + +He pushed the button. The buckle made a click sound. The door opened. Anna and Ben gasped. + +"Wow, look inside!" Anna said. + +They peeked inside the car. They saw a lot of things. They saw a wheel, a seat, a radio, and a mirror. They also saw something scary. They saw a big black snake on the floor. + +"Snake!" Ben screamed. + +He let go of the door. The door slammed shut. The snake hissed. Anna and Ben were trapped in the car. + +"Help, mom!" Anna cried. + +Mom heard them. She ran to the car. She saw the snake. She was scared too. But she was brave. She grabbed a stick. She opened the door. She hit the snake with the stick. The snake slithered away. + +"Are you okay, kids?" mom asked. + +She hugged Anna and Ben. They nodded. They were scared, but they were safe. + +"Thank you, mom. You saved us," Anna said. + +"Thank you, mom. You are the best," Ben said. + +Mom smiled. She was happy. She released the buckle. She closed the door. + +"Let's go back to the swings and slides. No more cars, okay?" mom said. + +"Okay, mom. No more cars," Anna and Ben agreed. + +They held mom's hand. They walked away from the car. They learned a lesson. They never pushed a buckle again. +Sam and Mia liked to swim in the big pool. They wore hats and goggles and jumped in the water. They played games and made bubbles and laughed. + +"Look, I can swim in a circle!" Sam said. He moved his arms and legs and made a big circle in the water. "Can you do it too?" + +Mia nodded and tried to swim in a circle. She followed Sam and copied his moves. She was glad to swim with her friend. + +But then, something bad happened. A big boy came and pushed Sam and Mia. He was mean and rude. He wanted the pool for himself. He splashed water in their faces and made them cough. + +"Go away, this is my pool!" the big boy said. He kicked Sam and Mia and hurt them. He did not care if they were sad or scared. + +Sam and Mia cried and tried to swim away. But the big boy was faster and stronger. He grabbed Sam and Mia and held them under the water. He did not let them breathe. He laughed and said, "This is fun!" + +Sam and Mia could not swim anymore. They could not talk or scream. They could only see the big boy's face and the water. They felt pain and fear. They wished they could swim in a circle again. But they could not. They were gone. +Lily loved dinosaurs. She had many dinosaur toys in her room. She liked to play with them and make them roar and run. She knew their names and colors. She had a big dinosaur book that her mom read to her every night. + +One day, Lily went to the park with her mom and dad. She saw a boy playing with a dinosaur toy. It was a green one with spikes and a long tail. Lily wanted to play with it too. She walked over to the boy and said, "Hi, I like your dinosaur. Can I play with it?" + +The boy looked at Lily and shook his head. He said, "No, this is my dinosaur. You can't have it. Go away." He hugged his dinosaur and turned away from Lily. + +Lily felt sad and angry. She wanted to cry. She did not like the boy. He was mean and rude. She looked at her mom and dad. They saw what happened and came over to her. They hugged her and said, "It's okay, Lily. Some kids don't like to share. You have many dinosaurs at home. You can play with them later." + +Lily nodded and tried to smile. She still wanted to play with the green dinosaur, but she did not want to fight with the boy. She looked around the park and saw a girl sitting on a bench. She had a pink dinosaur toy in her lap. It was a small one with wings and a horn. Lily thought it was cute. She walked over to the girl and said, "Hi, I like your dinosaur. What is its name?" + +The girl looked at Lily and smiled. She said, "Hi, my name is Mia. This is my dinosaur. Her name is Flora. She is a fairy dinosaur. She can fly and do magic." She held up her dinosaur and made it flap its wings. + +Lily smiled back and said, "Wow, that's cool. My name is Lily. I love dinosaurs too. I have many dinosaurs at home. Do you want to see them?" + +Mia nodded and said, "Yes, I do. Can we be friends?" + +Lily said, "Yes, we can. Do you want to play with me?" + +Mia said, "Yes, I do. Can I offer you my dinosaur? You can hold her and make her fly." + +Lily said, "Yes, thank you. That's very nice of you. Can I offer you my dinosaur too? You can make him roar and run." + +Mia said, "Yes, thank you. That's very nice of you too. What is his name?" + +Lily said, "His name is Rex. He is a king dinosaur. He is big and strong." + +Mia said, "He is awesome. I like him." + +Lily and Mia exchanged their dinosaurs and played together. They had fun and laughed. They did not feel sad or angry anymore. They felt happy and friendly. They did not worry about the mean boy. They had each other and their dinosaurs. They were new friends. +Tim and Sam are brothers. They like to play with their toys. One day, they find a big box in the garage. It has many nails and a hammer. Tim says, "Let's make something with the nails and the hammer." Sam says, "OK, what do we make?" + +They think for a while. Then Tim says, "I know, let's make a birdhouse for the birds." Sam says, "That sounds fun, let's do it." They take some wood and nails and start to hammer. They make a hole for the door and a roof for the top. They are very proud of their birdhouse. + +They go outside and look for a tree to hang their birdhouse. They find a big tree with a branch. They tie a rope to the birdhouse and the branch. They say, "There, now the birds have a home." They wait for the birds to come. + +But no birds come. They wonder why. They look at their birdhouse. It is very ugly. It has nails sticking out and wood falling off. It is not a good home for the birds. They feel sad. + +Then they see a mailman walking by. He has a big bag of mail. He sees their birdhouse and smiles. He says, "Hello, boys, what do you have there?" They say, "It's a birdhouse, but it's ugly and no birds like it." The mailman says, "Well, I think it's very creative and unique. Do you want to mail it to someone?" They say, "Who would want it?" The mailman says, "Maybe your grandma would like it. She loves birds and she loves you. Do you want to mail it to her?" They say, "Yes, please, we love grandma." The mailman says, "OK, then, let me help you. We can write a card and put it in the box. Then I can take it to the post office and mail it to her." They say, "Thank you, mailman, you are very nice." The mailman says, "You're welcome, boys, you are very sweet." They write a card and put it in the box. They give the box to the mailman. He says, "Bye, boys, have a good day." He walks away with the box. + +Tim and Sam feel happy. They hope their grandma will like their birdhouse. They think she will. They say, "We made a good gift for grandma." They hug each other and go back to play. +Sara and Ben are twins. They like to play in the garden. They have a big flower bed with many colors. Sara likes the pink flowers best. Ben likes the blue flowers best. + +One day, they see a new flower in the flower bed. It is white and big and round. It is not like the regular flowers. Sara and Ben want to pick it. + +"I saw it first!" Sara says. "It is mine!" + +"No, I saw it first!" Ben says. "It is mine!" + +They pull on the flower. They make it sad. The flower starts to wilt. + +"Stop!" a voice says. "You are hurting me!" + +Sara and Ben are surprised. They look at the flower. The flower has a face. It is smiling. + +"Who are you?" Sara asks. + +"I am a daisy," the flower says. "I am a special flower. I bloom only once a year. I came to visit your garden. I wanted to make friends with you." + +Sara and Ben feel sorry. They let go of the flower. They say sorry. + +"We are sorry, Daisy," Sara says. "We did not know you could talk. We wanted to have you." + +"We are sorry, Daisy," Ben says. "We did not know you were special. We wanted to share you." + +Daisy forgives them. She is happy. She says they can be friends. + +"Thank you, Sara and Ben," Daisy says. "You are very kind. You can touch me gently. You can smell me. You can talk to me. But please do not pick me. I need to stay in the ground. I need to get water and sun. I need to live on this side of the flower bed." + +Sara and Ben agree. They promise to take care of Daisy. They play with her. They tell her stories. They laugh with her. They make her feel welcome. + +They are happy. Daisy is happy. The garden is happy. +Lily and Ben were playing in the garden. They liked to dig in the dirt and look for bugs. Sometimes they found worms and snails and beetles. They put them in a jar and watched them crawl. + +"Look, Lily, I found a carrot!" Ben said. He pulled out a long orange thing from the ground. "Can we eat it?" + +Lily nodded. She liked carrots. They were crunchy and sweet. She washed the carrot with the hose and broke it in half. She gave one half to Ben and kept the other for herself. + +They sat on the grass and ate their carrot. It was very good. They felt happy and full. They heard a bird singing in the tree. It was a peaceful sound. + +"Come, Ben, let's go see the bird," Lily said. She got up and ran to the tree. Ben followed her. They looked up and saw a blue bird with a yellow beak. It was very pretty. + +"Hello, bird," Lily said. "Do you want some carrot?" + +The bird tilted its head and looked at them. It flew down and landed on Lily's hand. It pecked at the carrot gently. Lily and Ben smiled. They made a new friend. +Lily liked to help her mom in the kitchen. She was an obedient girl and did what her mom told her. One day, her mom was making a cake and asked Lily to get a teaspoon from the drawer. + +Lily opened the drawer and saw many spoons. She did not know which one was a teaspoon. She picked up a big spoon and showed it to her mom. + +"Is this a teaspoon, mom?" she asked. + +"No, Lily, that is a tablespoon. It is too big for the cake. A teaspoon is smaller. Look, this is a teaspoon." Her mom pointed to a small spoon in the drawer. + +Lily put the big spoon back and took the small spoon. She smiled and said, "Now I know what a teaspoon is, mom. Can I help you with the cake?" + +"Yes, you can, Lily. You are a good helper. Here, you can use the teaspoon to measure the sugar. Be careful, it is sweet." Her mom gave her a bowl of sugar and the teaspoon. + +Lily scooped some sugar with the teaspoon and poured it into the cake batter. She liked the sound of the sugar falling into the bowl. She tasted some sugar from the spoon and licked her lips. It was very sweet. + +She helped her mom with the rest of the ingredients and watched her mom put the cake in the oven. She was proud of herself for learning a new word and helping her mom. She hugged her mom and said, "I love you, mom. And I love cake." +Anna and Ben are twins. They look the same and like the same things. They play together every day and share their toys and books. They are happy twins. + +One day, they go to the park with their mom. They see a big slide and run to it. They want to go down the slide together. They climb up the stairs and sit on the slide. But the slide is too small for two. They get stuck and can't move. + +"Help, help!" they cry. "We are stuck on the slide!" + +Their mom hears them and comes to help. She pulls them off the slide and hugs them. + +"Are you okay, my sweeties?" she asks. + +"Yes, mom, we are okay," they say. + +"Next time, you have to go down the slide one by one, okay?" she says. "The slide is not big enough for two." + +Anna and Ben realize their mom is right. They are too big to go down the slide together. They look at each other and smile. + +"Okay, mom, we will go one by one," they say. + +They take turns to go down the slide. They have fun and laugh. They are brilliant twins. +Lily and Max were bored. They wanted to do something fun. They saw a big jar of candy on the shelf. They liked candy very much. + +"Let's cook some candy!" Lily said. "We can make unusual shapes and colors." + +"OK!" Max said. "But we have to be careful. Cooking is hot and hard." + +They took some candy from the jar and put it in a pot. They turned on the stove and waited. The candy started to melt and bubble. + +"Wow, look at that!" Lily said. "It's like magic!" + +They took a spoon and stirred the candy. They poured some on a plate and let it cool. They used their fingers to make different shapes. They made a star, a heart, a flower, and a snake. + +"Look at our candy!" Max said. "They are so pretty and unusual!" + +They tasted their candy. It was sweet and sticky. They smiled and laughed. + +They heard a noise. It was their mom. She came into the kitchen and saw the mess. + +"What are you doing?" she asked. "Did you cook some candy?" + +Lily and Max nodded. They showed their mom their candy shapes. + +"We made unusual candy!" Lily said. "Do you want some?" + +Mom looked at the candy. She saw the star, the heart, the flower, and the snake. She smiled. + +"That's very creative!" she said. "But next time, please ask me before you cook. Cooking can be dangerous. And don't eat too much candy. It's not good for your teeth." + +She gave them a hug and a kiss. She helped them clean up the kitchen. She let them keep some of their candy. She put the rest in a bag. + +"Maybe we can share some with your friends later," she said. "They might like your unusual candy too." +Lily and Tom were twins who liked to play outside. One day, they saw a big mill near their house. The mill had a big wheel that turned the water. Lily and Tom wanted to see the mill closer. + +"Let's go to the mill!" Lily said. + +"No, we can't. Mom said we have to stay away from the mill. It is dangerous," Tom said. + +"But I want to see the wheel. It looks fun," Lily said. + +She ran to the mill and Tom followed her. They went inside the mill and saw many machines and bags of flour. They touched everything and made a big mess. + +Suddenly, they heard a loud voice. + +"Hey, who are you? What are you doing here?" It was the miller, the man who worked at the mill. He was angry and scared them. + +"We are sorry, sir. We just wanted to see the mill," Tom said. + +"Well, you should not be here. This is not a place for children. You could get hurt or break something. You have to leave now and never come back," the miller said. + +He took them outside and saw their mom. She was looking for them and was very worried. + +"Mom, we are sorry. We went to the mill and made a mess," Lily said. + +Mom was frustrated and sad. She thanked the miller and took Lily and Tom home. + +She said, "You have been very naughty. You did not listen to me and you went to a dangerous place. You could have been hurt or lost. You have to punish for what you did. You have to clean your room and no TV for a week." + +Lily and Tom felt bad. They knew they did wrong. They said sorry to mom and hugged her. They went to their room and cleaned it. They learned their lesson and never went to the mill again. +Lily and Ben were playing in the park with their bikes. They saw a big hill and wanted to go up. Lily was brave and started to pedal hard. Ben was scared and stayed behind. + +"Come on, Ben, you can do it!" Lily shouted. She wanted to encourage her friend. "It's fun and not too hard!" + +Ben looked at the hill and saw some smoke. He thought it was a fire and got more scared. He did not want to go near the smoke. + +"No, Lily, I don't want to go! There is smoke and it might be hot and bad!" Ben said. He started to cry. + +Lily saw the smoke too, but she was not afraid. She knew it was not a fire, but a barbecue. She smelled the sweet meat and bread that the people were cooking. She wanted to share it with Ben. + +"Ben, don't cry, it's not a fire, it's a barbecue! The smoke is from the food, and it smells sweet and yummy! Maybe they will give us some if we ask nicely!" Lily said. She smiled and waved at the people. + +Ben stopped crying and looked at Lily. He saw her smile and smelled the food too. He felt hungry and curious. He decided to try and go up the hill with Lily. + +"Okay, Lily, I will try. But you have to stay with me and help me!" Ben said. He got on his bike and followed Lily. + +Lily and Ben pedaled up the hill together. They reached the top and saw the people with the barbecue. They said hello and asked if they could have some food. The people were kind and gave them some meat and bread. They ate and thanked them. They felt happy and proud. + +They had a fun and sweet day in the park. They learned to encourage each other and not be afraid of smoke. They made new friends and tried new food. They rode their bikes back home and told their parents about their adventure. +Sara liked to play with her dolls. She had a big dollhouse with many rooms and furniture. She liked to pretend that she was the mom and the dolls were her family. She would serve them tea and cookies, dress them up, and read them stories. + +One day, she found a new doll in her room. It was a pink doll with long hair and a shiny dress. Sara was very happy. She named the doll Lily and gave her a hug. She wanted to show Lily her dollhouse and play with her. + +But when she brought Lily to the dollhouse, something was wrong. The dollhouse was black and dirty. There was ash everywhere. Sara was scared. She did not know what happened. She looked for her other dolls, but they were gone. She only saw their burned clothes and shoes. + +Sara started to cry. She hugged Lily and asked her, "What happened to my dollhouse? Where are my dolls?" + +Lily smiled and said, "Don't cry, Sara. I did this for you. I wanted to be your only doll. I burned your dollhouse and your dolls. Now we can play together forever." + +Sara screamed and dropped Lily. She ran to her mom and told her what Lily said. Her mom did not believe her. She thought Sara was making up stories. She told Sara to go back to her room and clean up the mess. + +Sara did not want to go back. She was afraid of Lily. She knew Lily was a bad doll. She wished she never found her. She wished she had her old dollhouse and dolls back. She wished she could serve them tea and cookies, dress them up, and read them stories. +Anna and her mom were going to the park. They walked to the big road and waited for a taxi. Anna saw many cars and buses, but no taxis. She was bored and hungry. + +"Mom, where is the taxi?" Anna asked. + +"Be patient, honey. A taxi will come soon. Do you want a snack?" Mom said. + +She gave Anna a banana from her bag. Anna peeled the banana and took a bite. She liked bananas. They were sweet and soft. + +Then Anna saw a yellow car with a sign on top. It was a taxi. She pointed and said, "Mom, look! A taxi!" + +Mom waved her hand and the taxi stopped. The driver was a friendly man with a big smile. He opened the door for them. + +"Hello, where are you going?" He asked. + +"To the park, please," Mom said. + +She helped Anna get in the taxi and buckled her seat belt. Mom got in too and closed the door. + +The taxi drove away. Anna looked out the window and saw many things. She saw shops and people and dogs and birds. She was happy and excited. + +She grabbed Mom's hand and said, "Mom, I love you. Thank you for taking me to the park." + +Mom squeezed her hand and said, "I love you too, Anna. You're welcome. The park is fun. We will play and have a picnic." + +Anna smiled and hugged Mom. She couldn't wait to get to the park. She hoped there would be swings and slides and flowers and friends. She liked the taxi. It was fast and cozy and had a friendly driver. She was having a good day. +Lily and Ben are friends. They like to play at the park. The park has a big pond with ducks and fish. Lily and Ben want to swim in the pond. + +"Can we swim, Mom?" Lily asks. + +"No, Lily, the pond is not for swimming. It is dirty and cold. You can swim in the pool later," Mom says. + +"But I want to swim now!" Lily says. She is sad. + +"Me too!" Ben says. He is sad too. + +They see a green rail by the pond. The rail is for people to lean on and look at the water. Lily and Ben have an idea. They run to the rail and pretend it is a diving board. + +"Look, Mom, we are swimming!" Lily says. She jumps over the rail and lands on the grass. + +"Me too!" Ben says. He jumps over the rail and lands next to Lily. + +They laugh and roll on the grass. They pretend they are fish and ducks. They make splashing sounds and quack. + +Mom smiles and watches them. She is happy. She thinks they are funny and clever. She says, "You are very good at swimming, Lily and Ben. But don't jump over the rail again. It is not safe. You might fall in the pond." + +"Okay, Mom," Lily and Ben say. They get up and hug Mom. They are happy too. + +They go to the pool later and swim for real. They have fun. They are good friends. +Lily and Ben were at the park with Mom. They saw a man with many balloons. The balloons were red, blue, yellow, and green. They were big and round and shiny. + +"Mom, can we have a balloon?" Lily asked. + +"Sure, sweetie. You can each choose one," Mom said. + +Lily picked a red balloon. Ben picked a blue balloon. The man tied the balloons to their wrists. They said thank you and ran to the swings. + +They were very happy with their balloons. They swung high and low. They laughed and sang. Their balloons floated in the air. + +But then, a big wind came. It blew very hard. It blew Lily's balloon away. Lily cried. + +"Mom, my balloon is gone!" she sobbed. + +Mom hugged her. "I'm sorry, honey. The wind took your balloon. It's OK. You still have Ben and me." + +Lily looked at Ben. He still had his blue balloon. She felt sad and angry. + +"Ben, give me your balloon!" she said. + +"No, it's mine!" Ben said. + +They started to fight. They pulled and pushed. They shouted and cried. + +But then, Ben's balloon popped. It made a loud noise. It scared them. They stopped fighting. They looked at the balloon. It was dead. It was small and flat and dull. + +They felt sorry. They hugged each other. + +"Sorry, Lily. Sorry, Ben," they said. + +Mom came to them. She smiled. + +"It's OK, kids. Balloons are fun, but they don't last. You know what lasts? Love. You love each other, right?" + +They nodded. + +"Yes, Mom. We love each other," they said. + +Mom kissed them. + +"Good. Now, let's go home and have some cookies. How does that sound?" + +They smiled. + +"Yay! Cookies!" they said. + +They held hands and walked home. They forgot about the balloons. They were happy. +Lily and Ben were friends who liked to play in the park. One day, they saw a big tree with many pears on it. They wanted to pick some pears, but the tree was too high for them. + +"Let's set a ladder on the tree and climb up," said Ben. + +"OK, but we have to be careful and not fall," said Lily. + +They found a ladder near a shed and set it on the tree. They climbed up and picked some pears. They were very happy and ate some pears. They also put some pears in a basket to take home. + +But then, they heard a voice. It was the owner of the tree. He was angry and said, "Hey, what are you doing? Those are my pears! You are stealing from me!" + +Lily and Ben were scared and said, "We are sorry, sir. We did not know they were your pears. We just wanted to try some." + +The owner of the tree looked at them and said, "You should have asked me first. I would have given you some pears if you were honest and polite. But now, you have to give me back all the pears you took and also help me water the tree." + +Lily and Ben felt ashamed and said, "Yes, sir. We will do that. We are sorry for being bad." + +They gave back the pears and helped the owner water the tree. They learned a lesson that day. They learned that they should not take things that are not theirs and that they should be honest and respectful. They also learned that pears taste better when they are shared. +Mia and Ben are twins. They like to eat oat for breakfast. Oat is good and warm. But today, they have to wait. Mom is busy on the phone. She talks and talks. Mia and Ben are hungry and bored. + +"Mom, can we have oat now?" Mia asks. + +"Not yet, sweetie. I have to finish this call. It is important," Mom says. + +"But we are hungry!" Ben says. + +"I know, honey. I'm sorry. It will only be a few more minutes," Mom says. + +Mia and Ben look at each other. They have an idea. They sneak out of the kitchen. They go to the living room. There is a big, hairy rug on the floor. It looks like a bear. Mia and Ben pretend it is a real bear. They roar and crawl and jump on the rug. They have fun. + +But then, they hear Mom's voice. She is angry. + +"Mia! Ben! What are you doing? You made a mess! You pulled out the rug's hair! You have to clean it up right now!" Mom says. + +Mia and Ben stop playing. They look at the rug. It is not hairy anymore. It is bald and sad. They look at Mom. She is not happy. They feel bad. + +"We are sorry, Mom. We were just playing. We wanted to have oat. We were hungry," Mia says. + +"We didn't mean to delay you. We didn't mean to ruin the rug," Ben says. + +Mom sighs. She puts down the phone. She hugs Mia and Ben. + +"I know, my loves. I know you were hungry and bored. But you have to be careful. You can't play with the rug. It is not a toy. It is expensive and fragile. You have to respect it," Mom says. + +Mia and Ben nod. They say sorry again. They help Mom clean up the rug. They hope it will grow back its hair. They hope Mom will forgive them. They hope they can have oat soon. +Lily and Tom are playing with their toys in the living room. They have a lot of fun making noises and pretending to be animals. Lily has a cloth that she uses as a cape. She says, "I am a superhero! I can fly and save the world!" Tom has a clear bottle that he uses as a rocket. He says, "I am an astronaut! I can go to the moon and see the stars!" + +They run around the room, waving their cloth and bottle. They laugh and shout, "Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!" They are very happy and do not see that they are making a mess. They knock over a vase, spill some juice, and drop some crumbs. + +Mom comes in and sees the mess. She is not happy. She says, "Lily and Tom, what are you doing? Look at this mess! You need to clean up right now!" Lily and Tom stop playing. They feel sorry. They say, "We are sorry, Mom. We were playing with our toys. We did not mean to make a mess." + +Mom says, "I know you were having fun, but you need to be careful and respectful. You can use your toys, but you also need to use a cloth to wipe the juice, and a clear bag to put the crumbs. Then you can play again." Lily and Tom nod. They say, "OK, Mom. We will use a cloth and a clear bag. We will clean up." They get a cloth and a clear bag from the kitchen. They use them to clean up the mess. Mom smiles. She says, "Thank you, Lily and Tom. You are good helpers. Now you can play again, but be more careful." Lily and Tom hug Mom. They say, "We love you, Mom. We will be more careful." They go back to playing with their toys, but they also use a cloth and a clear bag to keep the room tidy. +Lily loved to look at books with pictures of princesses. She liked their pretty dresses and crowns and hair. She wished she could be a princess too. But she did not look like them. She had brown skin and curly hair and glasses. She felt different and sad. + +One day, her mom took her to the library. She saw a new book on the shelf. It had a picture of a princess who looked like her. She had brown skin and curly hair and glasses. She smiled and wore a purple dress and a golden crown. Lily was curious and happy. She asked her mom to read the book to her. + +The book was about Princess Zara, who lived in a faraway land. She loved to learn and explore and help people. She was brave and kind and smart. She had many friends and adventures. But she also felt different sometimes. Some people did not like her because of her skin or her hair or her glasses. They said she was not a real princess. She felt hurt and angry. + +One day, she met a prince from another land. He came to visit her kingdom. He had fair skin and straight hair and no glasses. He looked different from her. But he also liked to learn and explore and help people. He was brave and kind and smart. He had many friends and adventures. He liked Princess Zara very much. He said she was a real princess. He said she was beautiful and special. He asked her to be his friend. She felt happy and proud. + +Lily liked the book very much. She liked Princess Zara very much. She saw that she was not alone. She saw that she was a real princess too. She said to her mom, "Mom, I want to be like Princess Zara. She is different and amazing. She is my favorite princess." Her mom hugged her and said, "Lily, you are like Princess Zara. You are different and amazing. You are my favorite princess." Lily smiled and wore her purple dress and her golden crown. She felt happy and proud. +Lily and Tom were playing in the park. They liked to make noise with their toys. Lily had a drum and Tom had a horn. They banged and blew as loud as they could. + +"Roar!" said Tom, pretending to be a lion. "I am the king of the park!" + +"Roar!" said Lily, pretending to be a tiger. "I am the queen of the park!" + +They ran around the trees and the swings, scaring the birds and the squirrels. They had a lot of fun. + +But they did not see the big dog that was sleeping under a bench. The dog did not like the noise. It woke up and saw the two children. It was angry and hungry. It bared its teeth and growled. + +"Look, Lily!" said Tom, pointing at the dog. "A beautiful dog! Let's go and pet it!" + +"No, Tom!" said Lily, feeling scared. "That dog is not nice! It is mad! Let's run away!" + +But it was too late. The dog jumped and ran after them. It was faster than them. It caught Tom by his leg and bit him hard. Tom screamed and dropped his horn. Lily dropped her drum and tried to help him. But the dog was too strong. It dragged Tom away, leaving a trail of blood. + +Lily cried and cried. She wished she had not played so loud. She wished she had listened to her mom, who told her to stay away from strange dogs. She wished she had her drum and her horn and her brother back. But they were gone. The end. +Lily liked to read books at night. She had many books on her bookcase. She had books about animals, books about stars, books about princesses and dragons. She liked to use her flashlight to see the words and pictures. + +One night, she heard a noise from her bookcase. She was scared. She thought maybe there was a monster or a ghost hiding behind the books. She wanted to run to her mom and dad, but they were sleeping. She decided to be brave and find out what the noise was. + +She took her flashlight and walked slowly to her bookcase. She moved some books aside and saw a small box. It was glowing. She opened the box and found a necklace with a shiny stone. It was very pretty. She put it on and felt happy. + +The noise was gone. She realized the box was a gift from her grandma, who lived far away. She remembered her grandma told her the stone was magic and would protect her from bad dreams. She smiled and hugged the box. She thanked her grandma in her heart and went back to her bed. + +She read one more book with her flashlight and her necklace. She felt safe and warm. She turned off her flashlight and closed her eyes. She dreamed of happy things. +Tom and Sue were playing in the park. They liked to slide and swing and run. They saw a woman with a big bag. She looked nice. They wanted to see what was in her bag. + +"Hello, woman," Tom said. "What do you have in your bag?" + +The woman smiled. "Do you want to guess?" she asked. + +"Yes, yes!" Sue said. "We like to guess." + +The woman opened her bag. She took out a ball, a book, a doll, and a hat. She showed them to Tom and Sue. + +"Can you guess what this is?" she asked, holding up the ball. + +"A ball!" Tom and Sue said.