diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_320.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_320.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_320.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +So here I was at university, and my whole world changed. Looking back now it seems obvious that what happened was that I went from hanging around with deadbeats to hanging around with more educated and ambitions people. + +**“He who walks with wise men shall be wise; But the companion of fools shall suffer harm”** Proverbs 13:20 + +And this is indeed what happened to me. I stopped being a companion of fools, and started to walk with wise men. + +**“The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity”** Colin Powell + +And the less I associated with the deadbeats, the more my life improved. + +**“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”** Jim Rohn + +And I definitely changed when the people I started spending the most time with changed for the better. + +I think this is a fairly critical point for those that want to be successful in life. It’s almost impossible to become successful if you hang around with unsuccessful people. I still have a few friends from the old days, and I still enjoy their company from time to time, but I make sure that I spend most of my time with people that have similar ambitions to myself. This helps drive me forward. + +When I’ve shared some of my ideas with unsuccessful people, all I’ve got in return was negativity. When I’ve shared those ideas with successful people, I’ve usually been given encouragement, helpful tips and even been introduced to people that could help. This makes a huge amount of difference in whether you are likely to succeed or not. + +Of course, all of this takes time. I didn’t suddenly change on the first day of university. It was a transition over the three years that I was there. I didn’t suddenly dump all my old friends, but simply started spending more time with fellow students. I went from someone without much self-belief to someone that believed that they could get a great job and build a great life. + +For those that may be wondering how debt college left me with, it was just $5,000. I’m British and when to university in the UK in the 1980s. Back then students got free tuition and were also given small grants. Mine was around £1,800 (around $2,350) a year. This was less than I had previously been getting while on state benefits. So I also had to get a part-time job to supplement the grant. I still ended up in a little debt by the end of the course. I graduated with a degree in Statistics. + +Another thing I should add about my university years is that it wasn’t all plain sailing. In my first year I did Statistics, Pure Maths and Philosophy, and needed to pass all three to progress to the second year. I ended up failing Pure Maths, and my lecturer suggested that I had chosen the wrong subject and should re-apply to the university to do an entirely different course and start again from the beginning. + +At that point I almost gave up. I got all my university notes together and was about to throw them in the trash and try to find a job instead. University was obviously not for me. But I decided to sleep on it. The next day I decided I would have one more go. I was allowed to re-sit the Pure Maths exam in two months time. So for the next two months (during the summer holidays) I went to the university almost every single day from around 10 until 4. In two months I think I only missed 3 or 4 days. I was even there on +Saturdays and Sundays. + +What I did was get all the past exams for the last 10 years and just sit there and do each exam over and over and over. The questions were fairly similar from year to year and I really got the hang of answering them all. I then sat and passed the re-sit exam. +There is a huge lesson here in not giving up, and in really applying yourself to a task when you need to. It would have been so easy to give up. It was tough going to college every day, knowing that everyone else was enjoying their summer break. But is was worth it in the end. + +**A Career in IT** + +It was while at university that I was introduced to simple programming. I took to it quite easily, and decided that I wanted a career in IT. Straight after university I got a job as a trainee programmer. I learnt Cobol and worked on mainframe computers. My initial salary was £9,000 (around $11,700) a year. It was around five times my student grant and the most I had ever earned in my entire life. I felt super rich. + +Within the first few months I found out that while most of the programmers I worked alongside were permanent employees, a few were contractors (freelancers). These contractors earned way more than anyone else, but they usually had to move from company to company fairly regularly. A typical contract may only be 6-12 months to cover some specific project. After talking to some of these contractors, I decided that I wanted to become one. If they could do it, surely I could as well. + +I spend a total of around four years as an employee with two different companies before looking for my first contract, as I wanted to ensure I had enough experience. I then got my first contract, for which I was paid £100 ($130) a day. Being a contractor meant no paid holidays or paid sick leave. You only got paid for the days you actually worked. This actually suited me fine. So taking six weeks holiday per year, plus an extra two weeks of odd days for public holidays, it meant I worked 44 weeks a year. +So in my first year I got around £22,000 ($28,600). + +So in 4 years I had gone from $2,350 student grant to $11,700 for my first job to $28,600 for my first contract. My income had risen twelve-fold. There was no stopping me now. This really gave me a belief in myself that was sadly lacking in my teens and early 20s. +At the height of my IT career I was earning £440 ($572) a day. For a 44-week year that was around £96,800 ($125,840). That’s 50 times more than my student grant. + +**Buying Property** + +x + +**Ecommerce Site** + +x + +**Mistakes I Made (There Were Many)** + +x + +**Lessons Learnt** + +Looking back over the above I think there are some major lessons to be learnt. This is my takeaway. + +**Who you hang out with is of critical importance** + +It may seem that I was lucky to have even ended up at university, and it was in a way. I was lucky to have at least one friend with some ambition, and I was lucky to have gone with her to the college night class enrollment day. Having just this one friend put me in a situation that opened up new opportunities. +Also, meeting other university students changed my whole perspective on life. They helped ne to think differently and gave me belief in myself to be able to apply for better paid jobs and embark on a career. + +**Setting Goals** + +Setting goals is something that has helped my hugely over the years. I didn’t always write them down, like I do now, but I still had them in my head and worked towards them. I wasn’t always consistent, and didn’t always do it properly, but at least I did it, which is what really counts. + +**Luck** + +Much as I’d like to think that I’m some kind of genius and planned my whole life out perfectly, that is not really the case. It’s a little tough to think that luck played a big part in my success, but it did. I was lucky that I ended up enrolling in night classes and going to university. I was lucky that my night class lecturer was the wife of the Professor of Statistics. I was luck not to get the job that would have stopped me going to college. I was lucky to have bought my first property during a property price crash. + +**Taking Action ** + +It is absolutely critical to actually take action. Sure I had plenty of luck breaks, but I still had to take action. I could not have enrolled at night classes, I could not have gone to university, and I could have thought of plenty of reasons not to buy a property when prices were falling, but I did take action. I took these opportunities that were offered to me. I see lots of people that have incredible opportunities but that just don’t take them. So if you have any current opportunities, take action. + +**What Would I Do Differently?** + +Start younger + +Buy more property and keep it for longer + +Stay away from get-rich-quick schemes and things I don’t understand + +Try more things + +2020 was an unprecedented year. New investors (of which there are tens of millions now) need to know that on average the return of the market is around 10% (it ranges from 7%-11% depending on your metric, but for simplicities sake we'll average it to 10%). + +If you have gone beyond that 10%, that is a good thing, but it is not the average, and in the long term few investors beat the market as time goes on. Generally, beating the market is an anomaly and hard to replicate over 10 and 20 year periods. + +I think as a whole investors have been spoiled by the last year. The market was so awash with cash (and continues to be) from FED action that a monkey could throw darts at a board and make a lot of money. + +I make this post only to say that for newer investors, those who have been investing just in the last few years, don't be disappointed when your performance doesn't match that of 2020. As far as statistical returns show us, that was far and away an anomaly. + +I think it's prudent to temper your expectations. I don't mean sell, I don't mean you won't beat the market in the future, I just mean to say temper your expectations so that you don't become disenchanted with investing as time goes on. If you beat 10% in your portfolio it is a GOOD thing. However, expecting 30%-500% growth in less than a year is only going to make you feel disappointed when your stocks don't meet that expectation. + +Keep your head high, stay invested, let your investments compound, just don't be saddened when your returns are at or slightly below average moving forward. You're still doing better than those that don't invest at all. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-15/buffett-s-berkshire-trims-jpmorgan-goldman-stakes?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_content=business&cmpid=socialflow-facebook-business&fbclid=IwAR3VZcQwkITqhp1UWG_vFBhhDkyDHfp3wpVWvwuNSrD0Sx0YAYaLpzMSUks +https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/27/dallas-fed-president-kaplan-to-retire-early-on-oct-8-citing-trading-disclosure-distraction.html + +Dallas Federal Reserve President Robert Kaplan became the second regional central bank leader to resign Monday, saying he was stepping down early following a recent controversy over stock market trades he made. Kaplan’s early retirement follows an announcement earlier in the day from Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren, who said he will leave as well but cited health concerns and not the issue over his investment portfolio activity. “The Federal Reserve is approaching a critical point in our economic recovery as it deliberates the future path of monetary policy. Unfortunately, the recent focus on my financial disclosure risks becoming a distraction to the Federal Reserve’s execution of that vital work,” Kaplan said in a statement. + +His retirement takes effect Oct. 8. The resignations come a day before Fed Chair Jerome Powell is to spend two days on Capitol Hill updating legislators on the Fed’s efforts to combat the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Controversy had swirled over the issue following disclosures that Kaplan in particular had been executing large-dollar trades in big-name companies such as Amazon, Apple and Delta Airlines. The Wall Street Journal first reported the trades. Subsequent to the disclosures, both Kaplan and Rosengren said they would be selling their stocks to avoid the appearance of conflict. Questions were raised because the Fed has conducted trillions of dollars in asset purchases aimed at helping markets function, and has bought corporate bonds from mega-cap companies including Apple. + +Kaplan insisted he had done nothing wrong. “During my tenure, I have adhered to all Federal Reserve ethical standards and policies,” he said in his monthly statement. “My securities investing activities and disclosures met Bank compliance rules and standards.” Still, the issue has reverberated through the Fed, with officials pledging to tighten rules so that such potential conflicts don’t happen again. “We need to make changes, and we’re going to do that as a consequence of this,” Powell said last week. “This will be a thorough going and comprehensive review. We’re going to gather all the facts and look at ways to further tighten our rules and standards.” Powell vowed that changes would be made. “I want to be able to look back on this years from now and know that we rose to meet this challenge and handled the situation well and that what we did made a lot of sense and protected the public’s interest and the institution that we’re all a part of,” he said. Powell on Monday wished Kaplan well and praised his work at the Dallas Fed. “He has been a passionate and forceful public voice on a wide range of issues, including the critical value of early childhood education and literacy,” the chairman said in a statement. Meredith Black, the first vice president at the Dallas Fed who herself was planning on retiring, will serve as interim head for the district until a permanent successor is chosen. +To start, I live in Oregon and I am 22 years old. Live with my dad, always have, never could move out, my career never took off. I do odd jobs and gig economy and my income is about $1000/month. $500 of which I have to give my dad for rent and food, but fair enough. I can't afford a real apartment. The rest I save and spend as I please. + +I will add, my dad watches my bank account. He does it to make sure I'm saving money for a car and an apartment. I am 100% owner of my account, my dad can't access the money, but we have it set up so he receives a copy of the statements every month. + +Anyway I had invested into cryptocurrency a long time ago, back when it was cheap. And my dad knows about it. Well recently I sold part of my cryptocurrency and received $30,000. I have another $40,000 worth of cryptocurrency that I'm holding on to, haven't sold yet. + +So in total I won $70,000, of which $30,000 is a realized gain. That $30,000 was deposited into the account, and dad saw the transaction. + +He is now demanding that I set aside $10,000 for myself "because that is all I need", set aside enough to pay capital gains tax, and give him the rest of the US Dollars and Cryptocurrency. + +He says if I don't then I'm out of the house the first of next month and he won't accept any more of my $500/month rent. Please advise. +It’s my first year as a reasonably high earner (~400k on w2). TurboTax says I’ll owe an extra $40k on top of the normal withholdings. I have ‘0’ allowances selected on payroll and maxed my 401k. + +I don’t have any depreciating assets to write off (still renting). + +Are there any other good ways to significantly reduce my tax liability?Should I stop using TurboTax and find a real CPA? Is this normal for you high earners? Do you set aside money specially for yearly taxes? Taxes are such a bummer. Thanks in advance for the tips! +So, during the lockdown. I dove into crypto and started investing November 2020. + +I have been swapping alt coins extensively. However, I did not know that swapping crypto to crypto was taxable. Which begs to my question. + +How do I pay that swap from crypto to crypto if I have no fiat funds to pay for that capital gain. I’m really confused how that works. Does it force me to cash it out to cover my costs for the tax. + +From my understanding, The only thing I should pay for is that if I decide to convert my gains into GBP into a UK bank account (MONZO). + +For example, from all my trades (swapping alt coins) I have only ever converted USDT to GBP/BTC/GBP and ADA/GBP to a total amount of £12,000. Which I thought was the free allowance. + +I have not exceeded that in terms of withdrawal from Binance. Even though my current gains have grown, I have never exceeded to take profit over £12,000. Therefore, is there any point in declaring. + +My understanding was that. I only ever have to declare if my cashout (Crypto to fiat into a bank account) if I go over the Capital Gains allowance. Which I haven’t. I just want to keep my bag growing. + +I don’t want to tax evade, I just want to know the proper way to do this. How can they expect me to pay for a crypto to crypto swap when I am not even benefiting from the gain because I’m just riding the percentages and not cashing it to GBP. + +I really just don’t understand how this works. Also, is it too late for me to declare such information. + +Thank-you very much. I don’t want to be i trouble. I did not inform of myself of such information and I am very worried. +We bought it on a recommendation from my father-in-law, who I fully trust. He’s been working with this same financial guy for 20+ years and we met the guy and the whole life policy sounded like a no-brainer. We are over-funding the policy at $400 month. The plan was to borrow against the cash value for college and also use it for retirement. I suggested this to someone in another post and was downvoted into oblivion. I usually pride myself on smelling bullshit but now, I’m wondering what I’ve missed? +Not Rug 50k mc Moonshot - YoUrE TeLLiNG mE tHeY mAdE a CoIN tHaT cAnT RUG?! + +A coin with the sole purpose of not letting you be rugged. + +Ok all, let’s truly see the power of the reddit community. + +We are figuring it out as we go + +The dev literally has no idea what he’s doing, had to read a “create a coin/token for dummies” + +We started with liquidity of $5 + +Who the hell knows where this is going but let’s see + +Share this to the ends of the earth, tell your friends, neighbors, milkman and goldfish + +Let’s see how truly powerful Reddit is + +✅ Contract Address: + +0x805208354ba01a0fe0b42934195ea298b9a731ea + +&#x200B; + +✅ Chart: + +[poocoin.app/tokens/0x805208354ba01a0fe0b42934195ea298b9a731ea](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x805208354ba01a0fe0b42934195ea298b9a731ea) + +&#x200B; + +✅ Buy on Pancake Swap: ( Small amounts - Low LQ ) + +[https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x805208354ba01a0fe0b42934195ea298b9a731ea](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x805208354ba01a0fe0b42934195ea298b9a731ea) + +&#x200B; + +✅ Telegram Group: + +[https://t.me/NotRugs](https://t.me/NotRugs) + +&#x200B; + +✅ Oh and yeah, the community made a website + +[https://www.notrug.com/](https://www.notrug.com/) +https://etherscan.io/token/0x3ea50b7ef6a7eaf7e966e2cb72b519c16557497c#balances + +Half the supply is held in an address which appears to be a valid ETH address. HOGE uses an invalid address to burn so the coins can never come out of it. This coin however uses a normal address? + +It does have a contract next to it. The contract itself is pretty dumb. It literally has 1 function that just returns a string "YA TOKENS AIN'T STOLE, THEY'S IN THE RABBIT'S HOLE". + +So my question is: Can the dev withdraw tokens at will from a smart contract address, or does the fact that it is a smart contract address means nothing can touch it? I don’t know enough about ETH, but if he could rug pull the whole burn address whenever he feels like it, then count me out. +Hi everyone! I know not all of us live within access to international markets and Trader Joe’s but in my experience they have an abundance of spices for wayyy cheap compared to most grocery stores. I especially like Trader Joe’s smoked paprika haha + +Just fyi in case you passed up on that recipe that called for cinnamon sticks or star anise etc etc because they were too pricey! I especially recommend East European or Persian markets :) +As title suggests, the RBA is rising rates to try and stop people buying things, to ease inflation. At the same time our government is spending money to try and easy the cost of living to help people buy things. Can someone help me understand how these two strategies can work together? +Good evening reddit, +I was hoping to get some advice on what we could do. + +A bit of background: We moved into our town house around 6 months ago. We went through everything with our solicitor including the strata reports.The report stated that: + +- There were no current or proposed special levies and no history of special levies. +- The Sinking Fund Plan included in the strata report provides a guideline as to how levies should be set from 2014 to 2028 so the owners corporation will have enough funds to conduct building repairs and works required. + +I've just received a special levy notice (for 'remedial works') for the amount of roughly $44k in 2 instalments, both by the end of the year. + +The only thing I can think about is for them to fix the common area tiles which are damaged (more cosmetic in my opinion) and water leaks in the complex. Which I didn't think would cost $440k. + +My question is: + +- Is this a normal amount that people get slapped with? (for reference, it is 10 units) + +- Can they need to tell us what it will be used for? + +- Can they give us such short notice? All $44k is due by August. With us buying the town house quite recently, it is a lot of our savings at this point. + +- Can they possibly allow us to extend the payment date? I have tried asking the Strata but they are not 'facilitating this at this time'. + + +TD;LR: We got slapped with a Special Levy of $44k to be paid by the end of August, 6 months after purchasing. Can we do anything about it? + +Edit: Spacing +I posted this on another subreddit but I also want to post here to gather more discussion. + +I have seen quite a couple of interviews with Chamath and read a bit of his profile and his investment value. It seems to me that he speaks with a lot of sense, very articulate with his words, and pretty much an awesome salesman. And many also see him as an investor for the small guys. But other than being a king of S\*\*C who is pretty good in the sales pitch, I don't see any of his investment came into fruits (other than slack). + +I currently see him as a figure who speaks the "right things" for retail investors by saying the correct things regarding Tesla, Ark Invest, and even Game\*\*\*\*. Whichever the speculation is, or the wave is, he is always there to support the crowd. Making him very popular. But deep down is he really as legit as Warren Buffet or Peter Lynch? + +Thoughts? +Ok, so i have a working knowledge of the how the stock market works but what is happening is just driving me crazy, shouldn’t be the other way around + +I understand elon musk is a visionary, and people want to invest in him but why isn’t pfizer stock not jumping over the roof ?? + +Thanks, +Hi there, + +I currently hold MetLife and RGA. Thinking of selling and buying Markel. Basic DCF calculations show Markel as severly under valued. Any insight? Very solid company often compared to Berkshire! +Does anyone have rules for how often they are allowed to look at their portfolio/watchlists? + +I’ve been investing and trading (too much) for a decade and I feel like trading too much could be preventing me from growing my portfolio, especially for allowing value stocks to come back to fair value. On average I look at my portfolio and watchlists multiple times a day and try to justify that it’s to catch any deals that might come up and to book profit in worries of those profits being wiped away. However, I feel like I’m subconsciously trying to trick myself into doing this because I’m addicted to it. + +Therefore, my New Years resolution is to allow myself to look at my portfolio and watchlists once a month through the end of 2023, and make any adjustments as I see fit. I feel like this can help prevent making emotional decisions with buying/selling (buying too much of a “deal” or booking profit too soon). I’d like to continue this for good because I’m almost 33 and I want to retire early for my family. + +Does anyone else set up similar rules for themselves? If so, what are they? +I am very curious about value investing and am picking it up very quickly. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction. + +Charlie Munger said Warren and him have 3 general rules. + +1.) A business with some intrinsic characteristics that give it some durable competitive advantage. + +2.) Management in place with a lot of integrity and talent + +3.) Finally, no matter how wonderful it is it cannot have an infinite price, we have to have a price that makes sense + +RKT checks all these boxes which really gets me thinking “is it too good to be true?”. + +RKT is a holding company that has tons of subsidiaries in mortgage lending, making it the largest mortgage lender in the U.S. so it’s definitely a company I wouldn’t mind owning in 10 years. + +I am well aware that RKT is very new to the public, and I don’t think that’s a problem, I think it’s an opportunity considering how well established it is. + +I should also point out it has reliable earnings since it’s recent IPO mid 2020, and it’s low P/E ratio is very attractive. + +I’m interested in selling puts with about 20% of my portfolio at a strike of $20. In other words I’m looking to buy it at $20/share. When factoring in premium the price in which I buy will be much lower, and the premium will be a 1% gain which in my eyes is a jackpot! I know this isn’t a options community so bear with me... + +In my case, 10k in collateral for 5 contracts at around .20 per share in premium expiring next Friday. If the contracts aren’t exercised then I repeat the process and make a whole bunch of money ultimately lowering the cost basis. If I do get exercised I collect 500 shares at $19.80, far below what I believe to be its intrinsic value. + +I’m hard to offend so give me your honest opinion on my first analysis! What do you guys think? +TLDR: Current share price of **£15**. Estimated share price to be around **£26.** + +Click [here](https://tracktak.com/stock-valuations/plus-lse/?cagrYearOneToFive=0.02&ebitTargetMarginInYearTen=0.41&yearOfConvergence=2&salesToCapitalRatio=2.82&probabilityOfFailure=0.67&proceedsAsAPercentageOfBookValue=0.89) for the full valuation with sensitivity analysis. + +Plus500 are my biggest holding with 13% of my portfolio. I started adding at £8 a share after the overblown crash in price. + +Plus500 Ltd + +**15.1** GBP + +**101.42m** Shares Outstanding + +**Business Description** + +Plus500 Ltd. develops and operates an online and mobile trading platform for individual customers to trade contracts for difference (CFDs). The company's online trading and mobile platform allows its customers to trade CFDs on approximately 2,500 underlying financial instruments, including equities, indices, commodities, options, exchange-traded funds, cryptocurrencies, shares, and foreign exchange in approximately 50 countries in 32 languages. Its trading platform is accessible from various operating systems, such as Windows, iOS, Android, and Surface, as well as web browsers. The company was formerly known as Investsoft Ltd. and changed its name to Plus500 Ltd. in June 2012. Plus500 Ltd. was incorporated in 2008 and is headquartered in Haifa, Israel. + +**Competitors** + +Plus500 is very different compared to its competitors. The platform is user-friendly and provides unlimited access to a demo account, providing the time and flexibility to learn about CFD trading. It has a customer centric approach with available 24/7 either via live chat, email or What’s App. + +However, if we compare it to CMC Markets PLC which has a choice of two trading platforms which were created for more advanced users. These are ‘Next Generation’ trading platform and MetaTrader, providing cutting-edge technology. Plus500 is more casual, so it’s a great platform for beginner and intermediate traders. + +Another comparison I would say, that CMC Markets PLC is in other industries such as offering forex broker services, with some commodities and has access to a wide range of share/forex instruments available. Plus500 has more of a focus on their CFD product range. + +Although, Plus500 has made an acquisition of buying Cunningham and Cunningham Trading Systems (US commodities) for $30m so they are clearly trying to diversify away from pure CFD products. + +**Looking Forward** + +>*David Zruia, Chief Executive Officer, commented:* Our vision is to enable simplified, universal access to financial markets, as we start to evolve from a technology company solely focused on CFDs to a multi-asset fintech group over time. We aim to achieve this by accessing multiple growth opportunities, through organic investment in our technology and targeted M&A. Specifically, we aim to expand our CFD offering geographically, launch new trading products, introduce new financial products and deepen our engagement with customers to achieve growth in the coming years.In addition, we will continue to invest in our business, with approximately $50m to be incrementally invested in R&D over the next three years, designated to develop new products and services, drive innovation and scale our technology, including the establishment of a new R&D centre in Israel. + +Total revenue for the year was $872.5m, up 146% from the prior year (FY 2019: $354.5m), this revenue performance drove EBITDA to grow by 168% to $515.9m (FY 2019: $192.3m). Customer Churn in FY 2020 was much reduced at 30.1% (FY 2019: 64.4%) with customer loyalty remained high. Plus500 remains highly cash generative with low capital expenditure due to automation and technological advancement. + +The company revenue is driven by active customers and succes in attracting new customers. The future growth is expected to be "normalised" after lockdown restrictions to be eased. + +**On-going concern** + +Plus500 recently released their annual report on 25th March 2021, mentioning the remuneration and promotions policy. The founders, Elad Even-Chen and Asaf Elimelech still have significantly higher bonuses rate compared to David Zuria (current CEO). The Sunday times quoted: + +>Plus500 intends to pay the special bonus to Mr Even-Chen, 34, because of his work securing “preferred technological enterprise” status for the company in Israel, which has significantly cut its tax rate and led to a $47 million tax rebate in July. + +Elad Even-Chen could have connections with the Israeli government which leads to paying lower corporation tax and Plus500 currently paying 12% (*note: Corporate tax rate for Plus500 the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 was 24%, 23% and 23%, respective*). + +One concern that got my attention is the EPS. The annual bonus for the Executive Directors such as the achievement for the performance measures and targets consist of EPS of 60% and the rest of 40% targets and performance Plus500 are not willing to disclose as the Board believes that they are commercially sensitive which I think is a yellow flag. + +**Regulatory Risks** + +Plus500 is regulated in the UK, Australia, Cyprus, New Zealand, Israel, South Africa, Singapore and the Seychelles, and it’s also available across Asia, the Middle East and the rest of the world. + +The main risk depends upon the Europe regulations which can affect its product profitability. It could also affect the company’s revenue due to its price movements, foreign currency, customer credit risk and ad limitations (due to some regulations in certain countries). + +In Australia, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) announced that it is going to propose certain restrictions on sales and marketing of CFDs to retail customers. CFD regulation to be applied from 29 Mar 2021. + +**Dispute between board members over the bonus scheme** + +The Committee and the Board noted that there were a number of votes (35%) cast against the 2020 remuneration terms of Asaf Elimelech and Elad Even-Chen proposed at the February 2020 EGM. + +Previous CEO, Asaf Elimelech resigned due to no-agreement to pay an annual bonus. It was stated that CFO Elad Even-Chen has the same bonus as Plus500’s CEO Asaf Elimelech which was set to get an annual bonus of $1.94 million. After Asaf Elimelech resignation, CTO took the place and the current CEO is David Zuria. Annual bonus has been lowered for the board members. + +**Relative Numbers** + +Plus500 Financials: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uxzuk36w9qw61.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=21d1f4ec2c9242bdbae540efa4c650a0a2a93de6 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/p0kv222x9qw61.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f33003cb457858d93adc7c99282fc51c724e325 + +CMC Markets PLC Financials: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ixhhqwfx9qw61.png?width=883&format=png&auto=webp&s=35232d3d99c8cafe71cf0441ae173929d9ef00f4 + +https://preview.redd.it/z7o03hsx9qw61.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a7f1df00857cf7e052a3b6be74575782a30e705 + +From the above, CMC Markets PLC trades at much higher multiples. Plus500's price to cash flow ratio is low due to the company's ability to generate high revenues during COVID times as more people stay at home and being perceived as risky due to regulations in the CFD markets. + +The Operating Margin % is significantly high compared to it's peers because Plus500 has a software barrier to entry and includes strong market presence with a significant loyal customer base. This also signifies a huge moat. + +The input values I chose for the DCF + +**CAGR in Years 1-5** + +**2%** \- Plus500 has a record financial growth driven by COVID-19, the growth expected to slow down for the next following years due to COVID-19 restrictions to be eased but also due to high regulatory risks. + +I think Plus500 will still have a good financial performance of being customer-driven and solely focused on CFD's which very popular among individuals, casual trading and being able to operate in accordance with the applicable laws. + +**Operating Target Margin in Year 10** + +**41%** \- COVID-19 has had a big impact on margins due to people staying at home. This will level off though. Plus500 has deep engagement with customers and continue to invest in technology through organic investment. So I still expect to achieve high margins in the near future. + +**Year of Convergence** + +**2yr** \- This is because the short term spike from COVID-19 should level off and the margins should go back to normal. + +**Sales to Capital Ratio** + +**2.82** \- Plus500 has grown very rapidly with having so much cash, Plus500 has an on-going focus on attractive shareholder returns with at least 50% of profit going back to shareholders. This is the reason why Plus500 is issuing such a large percentage of dividends as they don't need to reinvest a lot into the business to grow it. + +Also, it get benefits of the change in tax rate from the Israeli statutory rate (23%) to 12%. + +**Probability of Failure** + +**67%** \- The reason I've put a fairly high probability of failure is due to the high regulatory risks in certain countries. If CFD's are banned then Plus500 immediately loses all those customers. + +**Proceeds as a Percentage of Book value** + +**89%** \- If the company has to stop trading immediately because over regulations then Plus500 will have to distribute their net assets to shareholders. As Plus500 possess a lot of cash they don't have to sell it at a discounted rate. + +Industry Averages (Global) + +**Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance)** + +**13.24%** CAGR Past Five Years + +**6.77%** Pre-tax Operating Margin (TTM) + +**0.39%** ROIC (TTM) + +**0.07** Sales to Capital Ratio + +**3.56%** Cost of Capital + +**0.15** Unlevered Beta + +**0.79** Levered Beta + +**Cost of Capital Results** + +**0.15** Unlevered Beta + +**0.15** Levered Beta + +**1.51%** Pre-tax Cost of Debt [(Synthetic Credit Rating)](https://tracktak.com/stock/plus-lse/synthetic-credit-rating?cagrYearOneToFive=0.02&ebitTargetMarginInYearTen=0.41&yearOfConvergence=2&salesToCapitalRatio=2.82&probabilityOfFailure=0.67&proceedsAsAPercentageOfBookValue=0.89) + +**1.01%** Cost of Capital + +**0.22%** Riskfree Rate + +**5.31%** Equity Risk Premium + +**4.72%** Mature Market Equity Risk Premium + +**19%** Marginal Tax Rate + +**15.2%** Effective Tax Rate (Avg. past 3 yr) + +**DCF Valuation** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q3rn1n15bqw61.png?width=926&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b07b3076bce9835313029112b599de8f737bb0d + +You can see that their ROIC is crazy, this is because they have no capex and instead the majority of their spend is in marketing such as advertising. If you wanted to you could capitalize some of this R&D as well. + +I have estimated the shares to have a share price of **£26.98** per share. + +On the **25th Apr. 2021** they traded for **£15.1** a share which gives a margin of safety of **44.04%**. + +[**Click here** ](https://tracktak.com/stock/plus-lse/discounted-cash-flow?cagrYearOneToFive=0.02&ebitTargetMarginInYearTen=0.41&yearOfConvergence=2&salesToCapitalRatio=2.82&probabilityOfFailure=0.67&proceedsAsAPercentageOfBookValue=0.89)to see the full DCF and do your own Automated DCF for any company you want. + +Thanks! +Does anyone have rules for how often they are allowed to look at their portfolio/watchlists? + +I’ve been investing and trading (too much) for a decade and I feel like trading too much could be preventing me from growing my portfolio, especially for allowing value stocks to come back to fair value. On average I look at my portfolio and watchlists multiple times a day and try to justify that it’s to catch any deals that might come up and to book profit in worries of those profits being wiped away. However, I feel like I’m subconsciously trying to trick myself into doing this because I’m addicted to it. + +Therefore, my New Years resolution is to allow myself to look at my portfolio and watchlists once a month through the end of 2023, and make any adjustments as I see fit. I feel like this can help prevent making emotional decisions with buying/selling (buying too much of a “deal” or booking profit too soon). I’d like to continue this for good because I’m almost 33 and I want to retire early for my family. + +Does anyone else set up similar rules for themselves? If so, what are they? + + +$UIHC – United insurance Holding Corp – an undervalued stable company? + +I just found this sub yesterday and thought this may be the best place to post this DD due to my fundamental approach to valuing companies. I previously posted this in penny stocks as its market cap is below $1b required for the places I usually frequent. + +Opinion, I believe that UIHC is a fundamentally undervalued company. UIHC had a string of losses which resulted in the drop of market cap from $800m to $163m. The company has more cash on hand than its market value and trades at a P/B ratio of .48. Management, smart money and their creditors have faith in this company evidenced by the increase in their holdings and a yield to maturity on bonds of 5.5%. + +Background + +This is a small insurance company at $163m market cap. They provide property and casualty insurance. They have had a fall from grace and were trading at a market cap of $800m previously and are a shadow of their former selves. This drop in share price was related to a string of losses. + +These strings of losses started in 2018, and relates to when the current CEO and largest shareholder joined UIHC. I have been trying to understand what caused this underperformance. I have tried looking up news and events and nothing notable came up. Looking at the income statements and comparing the years, it seems that the largest change in expenses in 2018 compared to the other years relates to; + + [https://preview.redd.it/55ov3i6otfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=75b62aa979d1b025f9bb230852530f4e0aa98077](https://preview.redd.it/55ov3i6otfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=75b62aa979d1b025f9bb230852530f4e0aa98077) + +1) Losses and loss adjustment expenses + +2) Policy acquisition costs + +These two costs are quite interrelated. Policy acquisition costs, as the name suggests, relates to expenses incurred in obtaining new contracts. Losses and loss adjustment expense is more nuanced and relates to technical insurance accounting. This represents the movement in insurance claims that could potentially be payable at the balance sheet date. + +The new CEO may have wanted to immediately leave his mark by aggressively increasing sales. However, this came at a cost of higher risk and those acquisition costs. Resulting in the reduction of profits. The graph below shows the change in share price from Jan 2020. + + [https://preview.redd.it/4sq71dqotfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=96c6a738215aa3e4f0d217cc0594090dd21cba4d](https://preview.redd.it/4sq71dqotfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=96c6a738215aa3e4f0d217cc0594090dd21cba4d) + +Current Financials + +UIHC currently have net equity of $360m and as mentioned already trades at a PB of .48c. I feel that this is criminally under valued especially when considering the amount of cash on hand ($276m) which is approximately Price/cash ratio of .59. As UIHC is trading cheaply I considered that there may be some risk over its going concern, however, looking at the yield to maturity of its $157m bonds shows that it trades at a safe 5.5%. Creditors view this as a low risk of liquidation.  + + [https://preview.redd.it/buxrjv7ptfr71.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=d638d87b146c738739ac2377ea0729ceda9d3e90](https://preview.redd.it/buxrjv7ptfr71.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=d638d87b146c738739ac2377ea0729ceda9d3e90) + +The main risk of insurance company valuations is the trust investors need to place on actuarial scientists in order to determine the maximum exposure to risk. Based on their latest figures there is $1,136m of potential claims against UIHC which has been covered by $927m of recoverable re-insurance. This means, in worst case scenario and all their clients claim from UIHC, $209m would need to be settled net by UIHC. They have sufficient cash on hand to cover the worst-case scenario. The auditors of UIHC is Deloitte (largest of the big4 auditing firms) who would have access to actuaries to assist with these valuations. + +Looking forward, UIHC’s revenue has fallen by a whopping 28% in the current quarter compared to last year. This is large but investigating closer it mostly relates to the increase in costs relating to reinsurance from $158m in 2020 to $210m in 2021 (these costs offset revenue). Other than this, revenue has remained mostly the same, gross premiums earned is higher for the three months ended June and 6 months ended June in 2021 compared to 2020 of around 3.5%. All other expenses remained roughly the same (1% increase). + +The CEO confirms the reason for the increase in revenue in the August 2021 press release; + + [https://preview.redd.it/frxoctyptfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=e52fd3e0ef2e0f30f93a570210d2e177d1a694c5](https://preview.redd.it/frxoctyptfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=e52fd3e0ef2e0f30f93a570210d2e177d1a694c5) + +This also had a knock on effect on the statement of cash flow, with the cash outflow from line item “reinsurance recoverable on paid and unpaid losses” single handedly causing UIHC to be in cash losing position operationally, compared to last year. + + [https://preview.redd.it/za4v5jlqtfr71.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb65683a5a3206512f41c112ae96d6362e8f68b2](https://preview.redd.it/za4v5jlqtfr71.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb65683a5a3206512f41c112ae96d6362e8f68b2) + +Ownership - insider buys + +What drew me to this stock was the string of insider buys that happened in quick succession as it shows that management is putting their own money on the line. \*NB, after going through the individual SEC filings, it appears these are RSU's that were granted\*. + + [https://preview.redd.it/9wn5931rtfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a1620ebe5f856946b6b1ecc69288b8225d93427](https://preview.redd.it/9wn5931rtfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a1620ebe5f856946b6b1ecc69288b8225d93427) + +What is particularly interesting to me is that most of these investors bought at the beginning of the year at a price of $7. Not only have these insiders held onto their holdings, they increase their holdings over the last few weeks, in spite of the bad news reported in their September press release of an estimated $27m insurance shortfall due to Tropical Storm Elsa and Hurricane Ida. UIHC has limited itself to similar future circumstances by capping its risk to $9m. + +Ownership structure + +From Yahoo Finance; + + [https://preview.redd.it/nh6jylnrtfr71.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=883edb4f8f0489e6273db5b3ec46532ee64460b6](https://preview.redd.it/nh6jylnrtfr71.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=883edb4f8f0489e6273db5b3ec46532ee64460b6) + +The CEO and his wife(?) currently has the highest ownership in the business. He acquired his position in 2017 at a total estimated price of $293m (according to Whale Wisdom) and currently owns 48% of the business. Naturally this makes me worried that the CEO can dump his stock overtime (in total he sold 131,800 shares between January 2019 and March 2019), however due to the low current cost compared to his buy-in and his work history he seems to be in it for the long term.   + + [https://preview.redd.it/d7aycf7stfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=87f0e5abe4a99e22946b09ce061b53d6c2a6cf66](https://preview.redd.it/d7aycf7stfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=87f0e5abe4a99e22946b09ce061b53d6c2a6cf66) + + As the CEO has such a large holding, I decided to look at the work history of the CEO and to see if he commits to projects. Linkedin profile of CEO confirms that he does! He was at AmRisc for 19 years before joining UIHC. It doesn’t seem that he would quickly dump his position on any share price bounce due to his commitment to one project at a time.  + + [https://preview.redd.it/ddb39cmutfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=6936af9656f53370f94435075db551d84d6029e8](https://preview.redd.it/ddb39cmutfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=6936af9656f53370f94435075db551d84d6029e8) + +See ownership structure for institutional investors; + + [https://preview.redd.it/stjs1v4vtfr71.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=53ea9f8af67fb6e41d06cab032e41169fb750540](https://preview.redd.it/stjs1v4vtfr71.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=53ea9f8af67fb6e41d06cab032e41169fb750540) + +Some bearish counterpoints (I did not expand on this as I feel that this has mostly been addressed) + +1) Operate mostly in Florida which I understand, may be prone to hurricanes (risk has been mitigated as previously mentioned); + + [https://preview.redd.it/6mkzi8rvtfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=02f83b2d7e2e505ddd0956af54242e64c8c33a9a](https://preview.redd.it/6mkzi8rvtfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=02f83b2d7e2e505ddd0956af54242e64c8c33a9a) + +2) Declining profitability due to the costs incurred in mitigates risk. These costs reduce profitability + +3) Latest SEC filing warning of storm losses of $24m (from Yahoo Finance) + + https://preview.redd.it/l3kgvuiwtfr71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=e963047414c042d10ab0f375641826a6c7d44a37 +Hi all, + +I'm new to the banking industry. On the most recent financial report, I noticed BAC's "Commercial Reservable Criticized Utilized Exposure" is increasing quite a bit from 4Q19 -> 1Q20 -> 2Q20 -> 3Q20. + +The numbers are 11 -> 17 -> 26 -> 36 B + +"Commercial Reservable Criticized Utilized Exposure Ratio": 2.1 -> 2.8 -> 4.5 -> 6.6 + +New York commercial real estate seems to be tanking, and I'm wondering how this might ripple into Bank of America. Another way to think of this, is if the other banks start defaulting (WFC or JPM), how does this affect BAC? Does anyone have a good gauge on Bank of America's safety? + +Thank you +I made a mistake and bought into an overvalued business, the rosy growth projections reported by the business weren't met and the stock price took a beating. However, this isn't a completely lousy business in the sense of the classic Buffett cigar butt companies. The stock price is very volatile and in the spirit of maintaining a very lean and concentrated portfolio, I've decided to get out of this business entirely. + +I was wondering if any of you have tried DCAing down to a reasonable value so that you can take advantage of periodic volatility to sell out of a business without running yourself a huge loss? + +I know this deviates from the classic value investing principles of making fundamental driven decisions instead of price action driven decisions, but I have liquidity to get down to -10% loss and then sell out on a good day instead of just settling for a pretty heavy loss so was just wondering what other people think about it. + +Thanks! +Triterras stock is currently priced at 7.05 USD and it's fair value is 39.15 USD according to simply wall street. +Any opinion regarding future projections on this stock? +https://twitter.com/valuelnvesting/status/1394270142859780098?s=21 + +Good thread on $BABA about it’s value and the risks, overall good twitter account too with threads on other ‘undervalued’ companies. +Hey guys im wondering if any of you have taken the CFA (chartered financial analyst) program. + +I think this program is more suited for people seeking a career in the financial industry? Not us retail investors? (Correct me if I’m wrong) + +Did you learn a lot from it? Was it worth it? Would you recommend for a retail investor? +Does anyone have rules for how often they are allowed to look at their portfolio/watchlists? + +I’ve been investing and trading (too much) for a decade and I feel like trading too much could be preventing me from growing my portfolio, especially for allowing value stocks to come back to fair value. On average I look at my portfolio and watchlists multiple times a day and try to justify that it’s to catch any deals that might come up and to book profit in worries of those profits being wiped away. However, I feel like I’m subconsciously trying to trick myself into doing this because I’m addicted to it. + +Therefore, my New Years resolution is to allow myself to look at my portfolio and watchlists once a month through the end of 2023, and make any adjustments as I see fit. I feel like this can help prevent making emotional decisions with buying/selling (buying too much of a “deal” or booking profit too soon). I’d like to continue this for good because I’m almost 33 and I want to retire early for my family. + +Does anyone else set up similar rules for themselves? If so, what are they? +Hi all, + +Like many of you, I'm concerned about the changing energy prices and I'm wondering what you're all doing to minimise the impact on your bills. I'm currently with Bulb on the vari fair electricity only tariff and I'm being charged 18.9 p per kWh with a standing rate of 23.5 p per day. I've been looking to switch suppliers however I can't see the price in kWh on compare websites such as Money Supermarket or USwitch. + +Should I be looking to switch providers and if so, how can I find the cheapest supplier without being deceived into paying more? Or should I just keep using Bulb and wait it out? The 1st of October deadline is looming and I'm getting worried so any advice would be appreciated! +Hello everyone, + + +Me and my wife are thinking about having a baby in the near future, but from the looks of it we won't have the money to do so. A bit of background - both me and my wife are 25, working for 2 years after finishing our degrees. I am a software developer and she's a bank assistant manager, both earning around 25-26k a year atm, looking to increase year on year as we are at the start of our careers. We live in a HCOL area (Manchester). +We don't have any family close to us that could help with the childcare so we would be either looking at getting full time childcare or having my wife stay at home with the child. Both of these option seem like a big hit to our finances. We are also saving for a house deposit, saving around 700 a month for that. If all is well, we should be able to get our own place in 1/1.5 years. Obviously having a child before that would mean not being able to save for a deposit anymore (I suppose so anyway) + + +I guess what I'm after is a few answers to some of our questions: + +What benefits can we get if my wife decides to stay at home with the kid? + +What are the usual costs for the first 1-2 years of the childs life? + +Do people recomment staying at home with the child to "enjoy" it or is it better to keep working and go for a full time nursery? + +Is it just us that believe having a child becomes more and more difficult? + +&#x200B; + +Thank you. +https://news.yahoo.com/toyota-busts-car-microchip-shortage-200000094.html + +- Toyota has announced it will be back to full global production capacity in December. In fact, the company says it anticipates churning out 800,000 vehicles next month, up from the 760,000 it made in December of 2020. + +I assume they're storing CPUs and other parts and have modified the Toyota Production System to get around this. I wouldn't say it's signs of the shortage ending. Trust Toyota to find a way out of all the car companies. + +Thought it was an interesting bit of news, maybe they will benefit from this while other automakers struggle to get cars delivered, or maybe they won't because people are willing to wait for the cars they want +First post here and not sure if it's the right subreddit. If not, a redirect would be greatly appreciated! + +We needed to get 2 full bathrooms and a powderroom totally remodeled: floors, walls, ceilings, lights, vanities, countertops, tubs, etc. I met with representatives of three different companies, got three very different estimates. In all cases, the companies reported that their workers were licensed and bonded. All three were listed with the Better Business Bureau, and the one I ultimately selected was local and on Angie's List, as well. + +Demo of the master bath was done first: taking everything down to the studs. Two workmen, a younger one and an older one, were involved in demo and hauling the scrap away. Then older workman did the rest. Cement wall/drywall was done, and then the tiling; tub, toilet, vanity, lights and ceiling fan were installed. There are just a few minor things left to be done. Took about 10 days for that work. + +Demo on second bath and powderroom were done by the same two (older and younger) workers, all in one day. During the whole process, I have been in the house, working, but not upstairs where the master bath is located. The workers had free access to all upstairs bedrooms, though doors were closed on the two other than the master. + +I determined the evening of the second round of demo that a bunch of my jewelry was missing: + +* engagement ring and matching wedding band +* man's wedding band +* gold chain +* gold pendant with diamonds +* gold pendant with jade and diamonds +* gold filigree pendant + +Police were notified and confiscated the jewelry box. On a search of the bedrooms, it was determined that entry had been made into one of the closed bedrooms, and a container of foreign currency had been rifled through but nothing was taken (it was only small bills). It was also determined that a drawer in the master bedroom that contained additional jewelry had been rifled. + +We are still in the process of determining all items that were stolen and the relative value. An initial accounting places it in the thousands of dollars ($2-$5k+). The police are acting on the assumption that it was the second, younger worker who helped only with demo who took the jewelry and were to arrest him the day after the theft, but we have not heard anything. + +We have paid half of the total cost (~$10k). A check for another quarter of the cost (~$5k) was delivered to the company Monday, but I put a hold on it when I determined the theft. As of the day after the theft, all work was stopped. The police were on site when the worker removed all of his tools that he had left in the house and our garage. A representative of the company came to speak with me in person, and the owner, who was out of town, called to let me know he would be following up when he was back. + +The company has said they will make good on the loss, *but how do you replace one-of-a-kind pieces and family heirlooms?* I have since met with another contractor who is well known in the community to get an estimate of the cost to finish the work. I am now trying to determine the following: + +**Should I let the original company finish the work?** If so: + +* Should I get the work finished at no additional cost to me? +* Should I get any money back for what they've already done? + +**Should I go with the new contractor?** If so: + +* Should I get the money from the original company to pay the new one? + +**Update** + +So the lady is coming by today with the check I wrote them on Monday. She said she had already written VOID on it. She said she was still waiting to talk to the owner, but she said they would just consider I had paid had could use the funds I hadn't paid them to get the work done, and I could file loss under my insurance. I told her no and no...that I wanted them to make good with their insurance on the jewelry and that I shouldn't have to pay since they didn't finish anything. She said she'd know more after she talked with the owner. No way are they not going to pay for the jewelry! I told her none of this would have been necessary had it not been for someone who worked for them. I'm trying to be Nice but firm;I told her I shouldn't have to yell at her since she didn't do it, but that it is the company that she is representing that is at fault. I'm sure I'm not going to get a full refund, but I want more back of what I already paid...not just the voiced check. She told me the older worker wasn't going to get paid for the work he has done, which doesn't seem right, unless they are holding him responsible for not having watched over the thief. +I will use SALT as an example because it seems to be one that people like here. + +So as I understand it, SALT will lend money against your SALT holdings. So if you own 10 SALT coins @ $10 each, they will lend you $100. + +This is just a secured loan with no interest. There is nothing special or new or unique about this idea. I don't understand why it needs it's own coin or why people think this is ground breaking. + +I will give another example in Decentraland. It's a Virtual Reality, Second Life meets Minecraft type game. Great idea. Why does it need a token? Couldn't it just be a video game that accepts an already existing currency? + +And another one Syscoin. It is going to be an Amazon competitor (lol). Great, no one has thought of that one, but WAIT! it has its own currency, so it is somehow different. Why does this need its own coin? + +And I could do this with nearly every coin I have researched so far outside of the actual currencies. They are all at least just trying to be money, which makes sense. + +But hundreds of coins, most just copying existing tech, slapping a coin on the end and getting absolutely enormous funding, for little to no new tech or ideas. This seems so familiar. + +I have to be missing something. So hopefully someone can explain this to me. Thanks +Hey UKPF! + +We have a slightly awkward financial situation in the household which has arisen with my wife's new job. + +She's been taken on at a small business at £17,000 for 40 hours p/w, she's 28, she is not an apprecntice, so at minimum wage, she should be on £8.91. This would increase to £9.51 next April, however, at the salary and hours she's on, i've calculated the hourly wage to be £8.18, a difference of £231 p/m or £2777 per year. + + +I think this situation has arisen out of ignorance, rather than any malice, but obviously it should be corrected (if i'm right in my calculations that is!) + +The awkward thing is, she started this week, there is no structured HR, only a "big boss", so my wife is understandably feeling awkward about having this conversation. If it were me, i'd talk to them directly (and have said as much to my wife) and mention that in order to be being paid the national minimum wage, my salary should be £19,777 . + +I have heard HMRC often check for employees being paid below nmw, but I expect this may take some time. What would you guys do in this situation, ideally avoiding any solutions that are "find a new job"? +In my last comment on a post I wrote that I wish I knew that 5 factors (interest rate, bond yield, inflation, money supply and current account) drives any currency. + +I got a lot of questions about that and now I want to show you all why you can put your technical approach to gamble with in the rubbish. + +Currencies follow yields. More precise the real yield. International search of capital for profitable investment opportunities makes a currency rise or fall. The only measurement in value of a currency is its yield you get or pay if you borrow. + +In my following example I analyse the United Kingdom and its Pound Index. The GBP you see is not only against the USD but all major currencies. + +As you can see in the picture, the real yield (a calculation of the UK 10 years Bond Yield - Inflation (CPI)) determines where the Pound Index is heading with some exceptions. As I told earlier, there are more forces we have to consider. + +On the first hint you can see that the real yield skyrockets up and the Currency Price doesn't follow. The reason is that there are other factors that drives the currency too. You also see that the money supply increases strongly too at that moment. As you know, more supply (in this example in money) means less in price (in this example the pound index). There is also very weak PMI data and the combination of strong increased money supply and strong drop in interest rate tells us there was a crisis that prevents GBP to rise despite the higher real yield. In times like this, higher yields are in demand when a country is in crises to compensate higher risk but this another story. + +On the hint 2 you see that the strong drop in real yield doesn't force the GBP to fall. The reason is that the Current Account Balance strongly rises. Current account is the difference between all money flowing into the country in a particular period of time (e.g., a quarter or a year) and the outflow of money to the rest of the world. So if we see that more money is going into the country it means higher demand for that currency. At this time the money supply was just ranging. And as we know, more demand and ranging supply means higher prices. + +Now it's your turn to convert this knowledge into a model which analyse all currencies with this approach and find the most attractive currency and the least one to trade in combination. You can set up a scoring-model for each country that evaluates these 5 factors and trade the highest scoring country against the lowest one. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/d1rzhd3340261.jpg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da7dc808d44ed81f2d97783dc3920c388035c66 + +The grey line on the first chart is the real yield when you calculate the 10y Bond Yield - 10y Inflation Linked Bond Yield when you want to get a sentiment of the inflation expectations from the markets without having to wait for the next CPI news which comes only once a month. But this is more advanced stuff you can ignore at this time hehe + +If you have got a feeling for this approach you can go further with making bond yield expectations and inflation expectations etc. + +Copper and Oil tells you how the Current Account Balance of Australia and Canada will be. Milk and the Fonterra stock is a good gauge for New Zealand. ABB, Alstom, Bachem, BASF are major exporters of Switzerland etc.. + +If you want to learn more about economics, I recommend you to read "The Secrets of Economic Indicators: Hidden Clues to Future Economic Trends and Investment Opportunities". Read the pages 1 - 29 Page. Page 13 and 14 tells you what bonds and currencies are most sensitive to. The other pages give you a very detailed information about any economic indicator out there. Just read the important ones for your trading. Just go find the book on the web hehe + +Hopefully I could change your approach in trading to be a better trader in this game. Leave a like if you think this was helpful and ask me anything. +Quick question to all swing traders from a pretty new trader here. So I would like to ask...what you guys’/girls’ overall thought process and or system of analysis is from start to finish? + +As far as the best methods of analysis, best indicators to use, best pairs you’ve had success trading with, any resources you’d recommend to study and learn from, etc. + +I’m trying to formulate my own system and set of rules I will follow any and every time I want to take a trade. + +Any and all tips/comments are welcome and greatly appreciated! Thanks ahead of time everyone. +I have heard people saying don’t blindly trust on indicators. Well it’s been 15 days I have been searching for different indicators on YouTube and using it. And guess what for first time got in consistent profit for 15 days in a row but is trading using only indicators bad?? +So at my high school we write letter to ourselfs as freshman and we get to read them the day we graduate. And we are allowed to put things in the envelope along with our letter. So I thought I'd have some fun and put $1 worth of bitcoin in along with $1 USD. Let's see what's worth more when I open it. + +I hope you guys don't mind me posting this here. I though it was kinda cool. + +Note to self: do not post on reddit right before going to school. You will be swapped with comments. +I've always enjoyed spending money, I can usually justify stupid spending habits to myself and seem to just enjoy the process of buying things, and knowing a parcel is arriving etc. + +Since hunting FI and following the rules of "paying myself first" the paying myself has fulfilled my spending urges. I get to feel like I'm spending, when actually I'm just paying myself. With my passive funds it's even better, the feeling of the 'thing' arriving comes from watching my money grow. + +Just wanted to share and hopefully inspire some people that have been browsing this subreddit but feel they enjoy spending money too much. I live more frugally than I could've ever imagined now, it's only since my FI journey I realized it wasn't needing "stuff" that was my problem, it was the feeling of purchasing things to make me happy in some way, and now I'm happier than ever on my FI journey. + +Anybody else encountered something similar? +Are you living without a stable home, despite being in paid work? You might be forced to sleep on friend's sofas, in your van, between BnBs or on the streets whilst holding down your job. You’re not alone and Crisis wants to do something about it. + +Crisis is currently doing a major piece of research to find out how widespread the issue of in-work homelessness is, and how it affects people. We’re also helping employers do more to support employees who are homeless or at risk of becoming so. + +We need your help: if you’re in paid work but don’t have a stable home, or have been in that situation in the last two years, please contact us **through our website at the link below**. Research participants can receive up to £70 of shopping vouchers to thank you for your time. + +[https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/homelessness-knowledge-hub/types-of-homelessness/research-into-in-work-homelessness/](https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/homelessness-knowledge-hub/types-of-homelessness/research-into-in-work-homelessness/) +So I'll give the shortest version of this possible. + +I had to move 401K funds from an old employer plan to a new one. I started the process back in early March. + +I initiated a 3-way call first calling my new plan provider sharing what I wanted to do. I then added my existing plan provider to the call. + +I know these calls are recorded typically and there would be a record with both companies of what was said and when. + +The agent from the new plan gave very clear and concise instructions to the existing plan provider with exactly how the check should be made out. + +Almost unbelievably, my former plan provider did not have an option for express shipping on my funds check. It was sent via standard US Mail which is mind-boggling to me. + +11 days later, the check arrives. It was made out incorrectly and my new plan provider could not accept it. + +I then conducted another three-way call and the agent for my new plan once again gave clear instructions on how the check should be made out and had the agent for my existing plan repeat the instructions. They of course had to issue a stop payment on the original check which took approximately 10 days. + +Just yesterday I received the correct check and used the app for my new provider to deposit the check. + +The existing company, charged me a $30 stop payment fee to correct their error. The replacement check was $30 less than the original one. When I received the replacement check, I thought about calling right away to address the issue but that only would have resulted in another stop payment order and another 10 to 15 days delay. After the funds have cleared with the new plan provider and they are showing as deposited in my new account, I will then address that with the former plan provider. + +For me, the biggest frustration here is not only the hours spent on the phone to deal with all this, but the loss of interest on my new funds not being deposited into my new plan. + + +The difference in professionalism of agents of the two companies was astounding. My former plan provider were at times difficult to understand over the phone. As well, I believe they were not always working in a call center as on one of my first calls, I could hear a TV and kids playing in the background. + +A couple of questions here: +What is the liability here, if any, for my former plan provider? + +Do I have any recourse? + +I am not mentioning the name of the former company here because I do not want to have this post deleted. If I am able to mention the name of the company, I absolutely will. + +A quick side note here, I have always believed that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I have used that approach throughout my life to receive fantastic service and exceptions to standard policy. I always treat people with respect. + +Thanks for the input here. +My mother is in her late 40s and has been working a minimum wage job for more than a decade and done her very best to save every penny. As a result, she's managed to save almost $60k in cash but as she gets older, she's been starting to think more and more about retirement and how that would play out. She's never learned about IRAs or 401Ks before so I've been doing my best to learn for her and help set her up. + +For context, she is a naturalized citizen working and residing in NYC. + +Due to the job she has, 401Ks, as appealing as they are, seem to be out of the question as there definitely won't be any employer-matched contributions. I definitely would like to open a ROTH IRA account at Fidelity for her, but given that contributions max out at $6,000, I'd like to look into any other accounts I could possibly open for her. I believe a HSA account may be viable but I think I'd have to look into the details of her insurance plan for her. + +I would greatly appreciate any input on what accounts I could consider opening for her, possibly where would be best to open them, and as for the ROTH IRA, what investments might be best to consider. So far, I think the best bet will be safe ETFs or index funds such as VOO or VTI. + +I am very open to any information you all could provide and would like to do the best I can for my mother. + +Thank you very much in advance! +Recently, my SO and I moved from an extremely high-cost-of-living city in California to a small town in the Pacific Northwest. We planned it out for about a year, and were very confident in our ability to: + +A) "live frugally" until we had steady jobs and + +B) Find steady jobs. + +We have great resumes, his with over 10 years of experience in his field as well as food service, which generally has a high turnover rate, and mine with extensive childcare/nannying and glowing references. We both worked 2 jobs apiece for a year before we left, bringing in 4 very decent paychecks biweekly and leaving us with close to $17,000 for the move. We were cautiously optimistic, and I chose to ignore thread after thread urging people to find work before moving. + +Well, four months later, we have $3000. He cannot find work anywhere, as people don't seem to *leave* this city after coming here, leaving the turnover rate lower than we were used to in a big city. All the networking and connections we had from a decade in the city were lost upon our move, and only hindsight shows how utterly valuable these were. I found childcare work for an agency making about 1/2 of what I did in California, which of course I should have foreseen, but didn't. I bring home just enough to cover our bills- student loan payment, car insurance, credit card debt, etc. We planned on keeping 6 months worth of living expenses, which is being drained with every passing day. + +We have to drive everywhere here now, as the weather and public transportation isn't conducive to walking/biking/not driving. Registering our cars and getting our new state licenses, were just the start. + +Major financial obstacles: + +-Because of low credit, we had to pay 3 months up front to our apartment, in addition to our security deposit. + +-Similarly, had to put down a deposit for our ISP until we have minimum 6 months of good standing. + +-Fees for water, power, trash services and starting the services. + +-Turns out my insurance (HMO) doesn't cover me out of my home state, so I am paying out of pocket for medical services or driving 900 miles to get dental work done. + +-Furnishing an apartment nearly from scratch, as we had only a couch and a box of clothes. + +-Winter clothes- neither of us owned any rain/weather proof clothing before moving to a freezing climate. + +-All The Little Things: spatulas, wool socks, light bulbs, detergent, chains for the car, heavier comforter, all things that you just don't think to budget for. + + +I wrote this mostly as a cautionary tale, as I've seen dozens (if not more) posts asking for the best way to move to New York City or any other town/city without a job lined up- mostly from young people overly confident in their ability to scrounge until they find work. Do your best to find work beforehand, even if that means Skyping for an interview or even driving/flying to that location for the sole purpose of job hunting. + +Edit: Guys, the damage is done. We live here now. We are making it work. Of course hindsight is 20/20 but I didn't write this out for people to list off every preventable mistake- my point is that for people without a specific skill set, credentials, or a good degree, moving far away without a job lined up or an obscene amount of savings is irresponsible. When you are an objective 3rd party not privy to any other information than that I've provided, it's very easy to pick apart every mistake made. + +Edit2: Personal insults are far from welcome, nor conducive to the advice I'm attempting to give. Either you agree, or downvote and move on. If you were me, then I'd be you, and I'd use YOUR legs to get to the top. + +Edit3: Please stop sending me PMs about how "unorganized and stupid" we are. Beyond the fact it's a little pathetic, I also don't care about your opinion of two strangers. Just assume we're idiots and move on. + +Final edit: I will delete this thread eventually, after being urged not to. I'm fucking amazed at the vitrol with which some of you spit hatred towards a stranger. I'm done getting hate mail regarding something I didn't even ask for advice on. +Is cash flow more important to you, or buying in a place that has a better chance of appreciation??? + +&#x200B; + +For example, I live in Detroit, I can still buy SFH for 20K-60K that I'll earn on. Average rent is 500-700, but I don't trust the appreciation. + +&#x200B; + +However, buying somewhere that is exploding in population, orlando, vegas...I'm paying more and perhaps breaking even on the cash flow, but there is way better appreciation. + +&#x200B; + +I'm kind of a noob +As the title says, this one goes out once again to all the shills in the rafters. + +Any non-disclosure agreement is null and void if it is used to cover up illegal activity (such as active market manipulation). + +The SEC is offering quite handsome rewards for whistleblowers. + +Under the SEC Whistleblower Program, the SEC is required to pay awards to eligible whistleblowers who voluntarily provide the SEC with original information that leads to a successful enforcement action resulting in monetary sanctions in excess of $1 million. + +So why get paid pennies on the $ for browsing reddit spreading FUD, when you could just be browsing reddit, but in your very own mansion? + +[Would you like to know more?](https://www.sec.gov/whistleblower/frequently-asked-questions) + +Also, a hearty fuck you <3 + +💎🙌🦧🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💋 + +ps: + +So as not to get prematurely disappeared, I would recommend NOT using a work computer, NOR using a private internet connection, but rather using a VPN from a public access point... + +just my 2ct, you do you +This is a question out of sheer curiosity and to get a sense of this community. To what extent do you embed neural networks and other machine learning algorithms in your bot? +I was listening to episode 42 of chat with traders podcast and I was really inspired by the guest to look into Machine Learning Algo trading. I currently trade the FX market manually but built models in Tradingview and working on automating it in MT4. Unfortunately I'm running into limitations with MT4 so I've been looking to upgrade my skillset to Python ( I have an Economics background). + +&#x200B; + +Can anyone recommend resources that they found helpful on their Machine Learning journey to algo trading ? I signed up for a course on Coursera so far. + +&#x200B; + +Episode I referred to: + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8FNO8r7PaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8FNO8r7PaE) +I sometimes feel intimidated by the amount I need to know and the amount that others know. I’m wondering where I can learn some of the stuff that isn’t super basic without feeling overwhelmed. +🦴 Samoyedcoin (**$SAMO**) is Solana's memecoin, aiming to be community-owned and fun. + +It was inspired by **Dogecoin**, **Sam Bankman-Fried** (CEO of Alameda Research and FTX) and **Anatoly Yakovenko** (co-founder of Solana), hence the choice of the dog breed samoyed, bringing these two giants together. + +It aims to help grow Solana's ecosystem by appealing beyond its core, mostly composed of highly technological coins. + +The community is already strong with **SAMO only being a few days old**, and growing larger by appealing to people who would not be interested in cryptocurrencies. It has all the upsides of Solana's blockchain (high scalability, high speed, low fees) while being a fun cryptocurrency to trade. + + +🦴 **Released on April 20**, 13% of the total supply has been airdropped to more than 2000 people 4 days later. + +🦴 **On April 27**, listing on **Coingecko**, then **Bonfida** and **Openserum** (Two of the biggest DEX on Solana) boosted the price from 0.0006$ to 0.0025$ in one day, making the original airdrop worth more than 2000$. + +🚀 Since then, the **$SAMO team** has burned **7.1%** of the total supply and plan to burn **64%** of it at a later date ! (Latest burn of **5%** yesterday) + +🚀 The project is still very early with a **marketcap of around 3M** and the **roadmap has been released today (May 3rd)** including **NFTs, Merch** and soon to participate in the **Solana Hackaton** (May 15th) + +✅ **14B** (14 000 000 000) total supply + +✅ **1B** (7.1%) already burned + +✅ **64%** of total supply to be burned at a later date + +✅ **Already listed on Bonfida and Openserum**, two of the **main exchanges of Solana** + +✅ **Participating** in **Solana's Hackaton** (May 15th) + +✅ **Merch** release Q2 2021 / **NFTs** release Q3 2021 + +🌏 **More info on official website** : https://samoyedcoin.com/#roadmap + +🔊 **DISCORD** - https://discord.com/invite/VDadawB8 + +🐦 **TWITTER** - https://twitter.com/samoyedcoin + +➡️ **TELEGRAM** - https://t.me/samoyedcoin + +🦎 **COINGECKO** - https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/samoyedcoin + +📝 **CONTRACT** - https://explorer.solana.com/address/7xKXtg2CW87d97TXJSDpbD5jBkheTqA83TZRuJosgAsU + +ⓡ **SUBREDDIT** - https://www.reddit.com/r/SamoyedCoin/ + +💵 **BUY ON BONFIDA DEX** : + +https://dex.bonfida.com/#/market/FR3SPJmgfRSKKQ2ysUZBu7vJLpzTixXnjzb84bY3Diif + +💵 **BUY ON OPENSERUM DEX** : + +https://openserum.ch/dex/#/market/FR3SPJmgfRSKKQ2ysUZBu7vJLpzTixXnjzb84bY3Diif + +💵 **Tutorial | how to buy on SOLANA's DEXs** - + +https://samoyedcoin.com/how-to-buy +The evolution of shit coins is here guys + +&#x200B; + +Imagine finding a project that was as fun and easy to market as a shit coin BUT actually had real world use and BENEFIT to holders? + +&#x200B; + +This is the natural EVOLUTION of shit coins fam... and whichever project adopts and implements the fastest will take the most market share. + +&#x200B; + +Just like when SafeMoon adopted the exchange utility and ran with it. + +&#x200B; + +GAME CHANGER🏆 + +&#x200B; + +So listen closely or you WILL BE LATE to the MoonStop party. + +&#x200B; + +This project has adopted 3 use cases alongside their generous tokenmics that are listed below... but I need you to really think about the importance of number 3. + +&#x200B; + +1. Staking your coins where in return you'll get NFTs worth 500$ or more where you can sell at any price you want on a secondary market💰 + +&#x200B; + +2. Developing a MoonStop library of exclusive high quality NFTs of intermediate to pro gamers through our website. Paid to game💰 + +&#x200B; + +3. Peer to peer privacy transaction. Think taxes... and being able to avoid them ESPECIALLY with peer to peer transactions... next level shizz right there am I right? + +&#x200B; + +The case is pretty clear that this team have found their niche in the meme coin world and are proud of it😎 + +&#x200B; + +They will be the first shit coin, with not only 1 but 3 use cases that actually matter and 1 being an absolute GAME CHANGER🚀 + +&#x200B; + +Cause I don't know about you but it hurts enough paying 20% to buy and sell some of these coins and thats NOT including the gut wrenching taxes that will come later.... or not😉 + +&#x200B; + +That's my bahama island and margaritas money NOT the GOVs. + +&#x200B; + +Stand with us... for meme coins... against the man... and to the darkside of the moon🚀 + +&#x200B; + +oh! and one more thing half of the supply is already burnt our current max supply is only 150 million and 32 million coins locked for 1 year. + +&#x200B; + +and guess what if your a top 100 wallet holder they have a special group for you where you can vote and be part of future decisions ...with other exclusive privileges. + +&#x200B; + +💎💎CEX listing on May 23rd💎💎💎 + +\#Moonstop #Cryptoforgamers + + \#Darksideofthemoon + +&#x200B; + +We are LIVE on CMC!! [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moon-stop/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moon-stop/) + +&#x200B; + +Contract: 0x150159C72F0F9Ef9000BF95E242dE6682480D6D3 + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://www.moonstop.space](https://www.moonstop.space) + +&#x200B; + +BSC: [https://bscscan.com/token/0x150159c72f0f9ef9000bf95e242de6682480d6d3](https://bscscan.com/token/0x150159c72f0f9ef9000bf95e242de6682480d6d3) + +&#x200B; + +Trade: [https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x150159C72F0F9Ef9000BF95E242dE6682480D6D3](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x150159C72F0F9Ef9000BF95E242dE6682480D6D3) + +&#x200B; + +English telegram group : [https://t.me/officialmoonstopcoin](https://t.me/officialmoonstopcoin) + +English telegram announcement channel : + +[https://t.me/moonstopmnstp](https://t.me/moonstopmnstp) + +&#x200B; + +Arabic telegram group: [https://t.me/moonstoparabic](https://t.me/moonstoparabic) + +Arabic telegram announcement channel: + +[https://t.me/joinchat/qXRp0UGsARw0NzFk](https://t.me/joinchat/qXRp0UGsARw0NzFk) + +&#x200B; + +Twitter: + +[https://twitter.com/moonstopcoin](https://twitter.com/moonstopcoin) +For background, I’ve spent the last 4-5 years pushing toward so many destinations. And once I hit the destinations, I felt more hollow than I thought I should or would feel. + +I felt the same way with FI, the initial 1-2 year surge of putting plans into motion was exciting, but not in the long-term, sustaining way I imagined. + +This course has helped me realize, more than anything, that the “Journey IS the Way,” while allowing me to go back and realize how grating my personality was and can still be when pushing toward destination goals to those around me. + +Therefore, since “If you Can” crystallized my belief in dumping my FA while assets are small, this course has been just as valuable to me, if not more so, and I can’t help but think there are people here with a few million in the bank, that are STILL emotionally unsatisfied. + +Thanks for your time, and happy Sunday! +I have been through some of the 'biggest and most respected name' on crypto YouTube. + +CoinsKid, MMCrypto, Chart champions and so on and so on. + +All they do is the following: + +\>Pump out multiple videos of a possible scenarios stating it could up or could go down. + +\>Then they claim they called it correctly by simply choosing the video that ended up being right. + +\>honestly whenever you think you have found the next 'God of TA' just go back through their last 30 videos or so and check the prediction against the actual price action. 9/10 videos will be wrong. + +Truth is TA takes decades of experience in a proper bank/hedge fund. And if you where that good you wouldnt need to make f\*\*king YouTube videos. + +Sorry i know most of you know this, but i hope it helps some of the newbies out there. + +Needed to rant lol + +Stay safe people! + +&#x200B; + +**UPDATE: Getting downvotes - i see you MMCRYPTO lol** +Hi all. X-posting from legal advice but I'm hoping to get some recommendations on how to prepare or handle this in the best way. + +My grandmother created a will where I am the executor. I am in MA, she is in FL. The will says "I direct all expenses of administering my estate be paid out of my residuary estate. All expenses of packing, storing, and shipping my tangible personal property shall be paid as expenses of administration. I give and devise all of the remainder of my tangible personal property and my estate, real, personal, and mixed, to my granddaughter, Branches26." + +She also specifically names her four sons in the will and says they should get nothing. + +My grandmother is not smart and she is not logical. According to her, she has 13k in her bank account for the rest of her life and is living off of her pension and social security. She claims there is a life insurance policy that I will get but I've seen no information on it. She hasn't arranged anything with a funeral home and has no direction on a funeral, whether or not she'd like to be cremated, etc. on her will. + +As far as I can tell, I will have to arrange everything myself - including taking money out of pocket to fly down to Florida (I am in MA) and hiring a lawyer, etc. I expect that 13k in her bank account will be gone by the time she dies. Her house is worth 200k, and that will be the biggest chunk of money that would go to me, but to be honest - I have no idea where I will get the money to sell the house, fly down to Florida to take care of this stuff, and clear out the house and make it presentable. + +To give a better idea of where I'm at, I'm 25 years old. I don't have a lot of money to spend and am working on paying off my student loans. + +My grandmother REFUSES to do anything else to prepare her estate. She seems to think she has a lot of money and she'll be fine and in turn, I'll be fine when she dies. I asked her to work with a lawyer to figure this out and have offered to work with them, but all she can say is she doesn't understand why I don't want all this money. She is also thinking of doing a reverse-mortgage to get more money out of the house while she's alive. + +Point is: I'll likely be arranging everything on my own when she dies. The best outcome is for arranging everything, I will get a 200k-ish house to sell. + +I've been considering filing a disclaimer on her death just to stay away from this mess, but if I can handle this the right way, it would be great to get the money from the house and pay off student loans. I know this will be challenging and I don't know if I fully understand everything I have to do. I'm considering getting a financial advisor as well to prepare for this, but does anyone have any recommendations or suggestions on what I can do to prepare OR what I can do when the time comes? + +Thank you! + +edit: Hoooly moly guys, let me be cliche and say this got bigger than I expected. I've gotten great advice here and have already talked to grandma and begun to settle her mind to move forward with her on the tons of suggestions I've gotten here. Thank you SO much everyone. +*First, i think this is a pretty big deal, and here is my reasoning; if russia can not pay its debt (forwhatever reason) then it can not borrow money...on the other hand, alot of people are commenting here below that it is \*not\* a big deal and you guys are telling me that russia is still selling their bonds to other countries but not the usa and that russia is still making its bond payments to other countries but not the usa.* + +*secondly, imho, if investors dont buy russian debt, then those investors will take their money and buy other things...but again a lot of you are saying im blowing things out of proportion.* + +&#x200B; + +\------the article------------------------------------------ + +(Bloomberg) -- Russia defaulted on its foreign-currency sovereign debt for the first time in a century, the culmination of ever-tougher Western sanctions that shut down payment routes to overseas creditors.   + +For months, the country found paths around the penalties imposed after the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. But at the end of the day on Sunday, the grace period on about $100 million of snared interest payments due May 27 expired, a deadline considered an event of default if missed. + +With the final deadline passed, focus shifts to what investors do next. + +They don’t need to act immediately, and may choose to monitor the progress of the war in the hope that sanctions are eventually softened. Time may be on their side: the claims only become void three years on from the payment date, according to the bond documents.  + +“Most bondholders will keep the wait-and-see approach,” Takahide Kiuchi, an economist at Nomura Research Institute in Tokyo. + +“It’s a very, very rare thing, where a government that otherwise has the means is forced by an external government into default,” said Hassan Malik, senior sovereign analyst at Loomis Sayles & Company LP. “It’s going to be one of the big watershed defaults in history.” + +[(see article for full details)](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/russia-defaults-on-foreign-debt-for-first-time-since-1918-1.1784183) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------- + +[(link to another article by cnbc)](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/27/russia-on-the-brink-of-historic-debt-default-as-payment-period-expires.html) +And this looks to be no different. These companies have competitive advantages in the marketplace, close to the level of a Monopoly. + +And to be clear, we are talking about Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta. + +Fortunes favor the bold. Stay thirsty my friends. +Last month RUBIC was the darling of this sub. It's going to explode in March... Instead it's dropped by almost half. I know HODL...HODL... I get it... but does anyone have any info on why they are dropping so much? I'm tempted to invest more now that it's so low, but also very weary... + +Thanks for any scoop. +Having faced my first recession in 2009, this one is 10x scary. + +https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/economy/recession-in-2019-another-2008-like-crisis-both-economic-and-sociopolitical-4249891.html +Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware of GME and how Melvin Capital got short-squeezed out of their positions. More details on the pinned post by mod : https://old.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/l6w68q/gme_wsb_and_fear_of_missing_out_fomo/ + +I am now appreciating how well designed our markets are. We are following some of the best design practices from long time : + +**SLB** : +Stocks lending and borrowing is the only way you can borrow stocks for short time. This is highly regulated and the only viable usage of this is for arbitration by certain mutual funds/individuals. No one can think of using SLB to short the markets ! + +**Circuits / Different Tiers**: +Whenever SEBI / Exchanges becomes aware of stock manipulation , they will change the stock category or worst case bring the stock to T2T mode where you need to have shares to sell the stock ( no intraday trading allowed ) . We even have lower circuit limits like 5% for certain category. Massive Surveillance is also done for these manipulated stocks and SEBI/Exchanges will try there level best to bring into justice folks behind the manipulation. ( Not so easy task as many would use stolen or forged demat/trading accounts ). To go to say 2000%+ which GME is easily breaching , one needs to wait for months and by that time SEBI will swing into action + +**Strict F&O limits**: +We have strict limits when it comes to Open Interest of derivates. One cannot have OI more than the free floating capital. Not just that there are individual member limit, max trading member limit( you cannot buy/sell certain call option strike price in zerodha because of this ) , Increased VAR+EL margins for risky stocks etc., + we have F&O only for major stocks which is tough to manipulate. Stock options are settled during expiry and cannot be exercised at will like US. + +I am not saying there are no manipulation of stock price in India - We get those nasty SMS of penny stocks often but what I am saying is Indian stock exchange follows the best designs and practices so that there are no systematic abuse / failures. + +**Only concern** : +We recently introduced physical settlement of stock options. I firmly believe we should have retained our old way of cash settlement. Physical delivery will case impact in stock price as suddenly huge quantity of stock needs to be brought/sold in open market :( + +**Please note** : Kindly do not try to pump money into GME/Discuss how to buy GME etc., here - Else this thread will be removed by mod. SEC is on it and will probably halt the trading or introduce some new law to prevent this abuse. One cannot openly abuse/manipulate the prices . So warning to those who are planning to ride this wave - you will be crushed sooner or later. + +Update : Zerodha has come up with an excellent article for the points mentioned above - A must read : +https://zerodha.com/z-connect/trending/shorting-and-indian-capital-markets +The intelligent investor never stops reading. This is a thread to share articles, books, research papers, newspaper reports, television clips, podcasts, interviews or anything of interest that you are catching on over the weekend. + +Are you a starter in investing? Then, here is a list of recommended books: + +* Stocks for the Long Run, Jeremy Siegel +* Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business, Peter Lynch +* One Up On Wall Street: How to Use What You Already Know to Make Money in the Market, Peter Lynch +* The Little Book That Builds Wealth: The Knockout Formula for Finding Great Investments, Pat Dorsey +* A Random Walk Down Wall Street – The Time–Tested Strategy for Successful Investing, Burton G. Malkiel +Hello, + +I am the co-founder of ClearTax - https://cleartax.in - I have been mostly a lurker but would like to contribute more actively :) + +Would a thread on questions on income taxes be useful for the community? + +**EDIT: Confirming the AMA on taxes at 11 AM Wednesday (22nd July). Our team will start a new thread & take all the questions from this thread and answer them as well.** + +If the Mods want to crosspost on /r/India that's cool too :) + +We can have CA experts from our team answer them. Or if people have questions, they can post in this thread and we'll answer? +Everyone saying you to buy Solana now, you are still early just wanna pump there bags + +It's much better to buy SOL if it drops from 150$ to 120$ than fomo in RN + +I see people posting here and on Solana subreddit how much they bought etc and with big investments they gonna be a lot fear and big sell off +when correction will come + + + + +You wanna buy when everyone is crying how much money they lost and calling for end of crypto... +Just wait, spend this time for research or invest in coins which didn't pump so hard and get in SOL after cool off + + +Corrections will always come ;) +I just turned 18 and I’m getting a lot of bills from the hospital. I only make 14/h and a lot of my money goes to insurance and rent etc. i only make about $300 per paycheck. I’m not exactly sure what I’m asking here besides advice on what I should do because all of the bills have already been sent to collections. Any advice or help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. + + +Edit : found most of the paperwork, most of it it’s before my birthday so I am able to use this, thank you all for all of the support this was very helpful. After everything was said and done I should only owe $1,000 because there is one bill I owe that was after I am 18 . Everything else is fine this is a lot better then what I was seeing at first. Thanks again for the help, I’ll make a new post here soon explaining my situation a lot better and advice on how I should proceed with all the information I have now. Thank you again for all of the help!! + +Edit : Getting a lawyer Ill update you on what happens +**TL/DR** + +Bitcoin users can help lower transaction fees and contribute to bitcoin by switching to SegWit addresses and encourage wallets/exchanges to do the same. + +**SUMMARY** + +Segregated Witness (SegWit) was activated on the Bitcoin network August 24 2017 as a soft fork that is backward compatible with previous bitcoin transactions ([Understanding Segregated Witness](https://thewalletgenius.com/understanding-segwit-segregated-witness/)). Since that time wallets and exchanges have been slow to deploy SegWit, some admitting in December 2017 that they have not even started work on integrating it. Others, such as Zebpay in India [have already implemented SegWit](https://blog.zebpay.com/how-zebpay-reduced-bitcoin-transaction-fees-a9e24c788598) and are reaping the benefits of reduced transaction fees. If bitcoin users demand SegWit now it will temporarily relieve the transaction backlog while more even more advanced solutions such as Lightning are developed. + +Batching is another great way that exchanges can reduce their fees. See: [Saving up to 80% on Bitcoin transaction fees by batching payments](https://bitcointechtalk.com/saving-up-to-80-on-bitcoin-transaction-fees-by-batching-payments-4147ab7009fb). Despite the benefits of batching, some exchanges have been slow to implement it. + +There is an opportunity now for all bitcoin users to individually contribute to help strengthen and improve the bitcoin protocol. At this point, the process requires a bit of work/learning on the part of the user, but in doing so you'll actually be advancing bitcoin and leaving what could turn out to be a multi-generational legacy for humanity. + + +______________________ + +**MEMPOOL/SEGWIT STATISTICS** + +- [BitInfoCharts.com - Average Transaction Fees](https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/bitcoin-transactionfees.html#3m) - $30USD per Tx (down from $40) +- [Blockchain.info - Unconfirmed Transactions](https://blockchain.info/unconfirmed-transactions) - 152K Unconfirmed Tx's (down from 177K) +- [SegWit Charts](http://segwit.party/charts/) - 10% SegWit Tx's + +__________________________ + + +**BACKGROUND** + +On Dec 18 Subhan Nadeem has pointed out that: + +[If every transaction in the Bitcoin network was a SegWit transaction today, blocks would contain up to 8,000 transactions, and the 138,000 unconfirmed transaction backlog would disappear instantly. Transaction fees would be almost non-existent once again](https://hackernoon.com/bitcoin-owners-you-need-to-do-these-two-things-right-now-a73122dd23d4). + +A few thousand bitcoin users from /r/Bitcoin switching to making their next transactions SegWit transactions will help take pressure off the network now, and together we can encourage exchanges/wallets to rapidly deploy SegWit for everyone ASAP. Let's make 80%+ SegWit happen fast. You can help by taking one or more of the action steps below. + +___________________ + +**ACTION STEPS** + +1. If your favorite wallet has not yet implemented SegWit, kindly ask them to do so immediately. In the meantime start using a wallet that has already implemented SegWit. +2. If your favorite exchange has not yet implemented SegWit, try to avoid making any further purchases of bitcoin at that exchange and politely inform them that if they do not enable SegWit within 30-days they will lose your business. Sign-up for an account at a SegWit deployed/ready exchange now and initiate the verification process so you'll be ready to bail +3. Help educate newcomers to bitcoin about the transaction issue, steer them towards SegWit wallets from day one, and encourage them to avoid ever purchasing bitcoin through non-SegWit ready exchanges that are harming bitcoin. +4. Spread the word! Conact individuals, websites, etc that use bitcoin, explain the benefits of SegWit to everyone, and request they make the switch + +IMPORTANT NOTE: The mempool is currently still quite backlogged. If you are a long-term holder and really have no reason to move your bitcoins at this time, wait until the mempool starts to clear and transaction fees go down before moving your bitcoins to a SegWit address or SegWit friendly exchange. + +__________________________ + +**SELECTED TOP EXCHANGES BY BATCHING & SEGWIT STATUS** + +| Exchange | Segwit Status | Batching Status | +|---------------------|---------------|-----------------| +| Binance | *NOT READY* | **Yes** | +| Bitfinex | Ready | **Yes** | +| Bitonic | Ready | **Yes** | +| Bitstamp | **Deployed** | **Yes** | +| Bittrex | ? | **Yes** | +| Coinbase/GDAX | *NOT READY* | No | +| Gemini | Ready | No | +| HitBTC | **Deployed** | **Yes** | +| Huboi | ? | ? | +| Kraken | **Deployed** | **Yes** | +| LocalBitcoins | Ready | **Yes** | +| OKEx | ? | ? | +| Poloniex | ? | **Yes** | +| QuadrigaCX | **Deployed** | **Yes** | +| Shapeshift | **Deployed** | No | + +* Note: all exchanges that have deployed SegWit are currently only sending to p2sh SegWit addresses for now. No exchange will send to a bech32 address like the ones that Electrum generates + +[Source 1: BitcoinCore.org](https://bitcoincore.org/en/segwit_adoption/) + +[Source 2: /r/Bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7kherf/what_exchanges_batch_there_withdrawal_txs_to_save/) + +Official statements from exchanges: + +- Bitonic: [SegWit: In testing (including send from bech32). Batching: Have been for years. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7mk8az/day_5_i_will_post_this_guide_regularly_until/drv127w/?context=3) + +___________________ + +**SELECTED WALLETS THAT HAVE SEGWIT ALREADY** + +Make sure you have a SegWit capable wallet installed and ready to use for your next bitcoin transaction + +| SegWit Enabled Wallets | Wallet Type | +|------------------------|-------------| +| Ledger Nano S | Hardware | +| Trezor | Hardware | +| Electrum | Desktop | +| Armory | Desktop | +| Edge | iOS | +| GreenAddress | iOS | +| BitWallet | iOS | +| Samourai | Android | +| GreenBits | Android | +| Electrum | Android | + + + +______________________ + +**FAQs** + +If I'm a HODLer, will it help to send my BTC to a SegWit address now? + +- No, just get ready now so that your NEXT transaction will be to a SegWit wallet. Avoid burdening the network with any unneccessary transactions for now. + +Why is SegWit adoption going so slowly? Is it a time-consuming process, is there risk involved, is it laziness, or something else? + +- SegWit will require some extra work to be done right and securely. Also, most exchanges let the user pay the fee, and up to now users have not been overly concerned about fees so for some exchanges it hasn't been a priority. + +Once Segwit is FULLY adopted, what do we see the fees/transaction times going to? + +- Times stay the same - fees will go down. How much and for how long depends on what the demand for transactions will be at that time. + +What determines bitcoin transaction fees, to begin with? + +- Fees are charged per byte of data and are bid up by users. Miners will typically include the transaction with the highest fee/byte first. + +Can you please tell me how to move my bitcoins to SegWit address in Bitcoin core wallet? Does the sender or receiver matter? + +- The Bitcoin core wallet does not yet have a GUI for its SegWit functionality. Download Electrum v3.0.3 to generate a SegWit address. + + A transaction between two SegWit addresses is a SegWit transaction. + + A transaction sent from a SegWit address to a non-SegWit address is a SegWit transaction. + + A transaction sent from a non-SegWit address to a SegWit address is NOT a SegWit transaction. You can send a SegWit Tx if the sending address is a SegWit address. + + [Source: HowToToken](https://howtotoken.com/explained/send-bitcoin-faster-cheaper-SegWit-transactions) + +What wallet are you using to "batch your sends"? And how can I do that? + +- Using Electrum, the "Tools" menu option: "Pay to many". + + Just enter your receive addresses and the amounts for each, and you can send multiple transactions for nearly the price of one. + +Why doesn't the Core Wallet yet support SegWit? + + - The Core Wallet supports SegWit, but its GUI doesn't. The next update will likely have GUI support built-in + +Why isn't a large exchange like Coinbase SegWit ready & deployed when much smaller exchanges already are? Why do they default to high fees? Where is the leadership there? + +- Draw your own conclusions based on their own words: + + [March 2016 - Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has reservations about Core](https://blog.coinbase.com/what-happened-at-the-satoshi-roundtable-6c11a10d8cdf) + + [Dec 2017 - Coinbase is STILL working on Segwit](https://blog.coinbase.com/bitcoin-segwit-update-3ab0484e4526) + +______________________ + + +**P2SH/bech32 FAQs** + +What are the two SegWit address formats and why do they exist? + +- It's been a challenge for wallet developers to implement SegWit in a way that users can easily and without too much disruption migrate from legacy to SegWit addresses. The first wallets to enable SegWit addresses – Ledger, Trezor, Core, GreenAddress – use so-called “nested P2SH addresses.” This means they take the existing Pay 2 Script Hash address – starting with a “3” – and put a SegWit address into it. This enables a high grade of compatibility to existing wallets as every wallet is familiar with these addresses, but it is a workaround which results in SegWit transactions needing around 10 percent more space than they otherwise would. + + Electrum 3.0 was the first wallet to use bech32 addresses instead of nested p2sh addresses. + + [Source: BTCManager.com](https://btcmanager.com/electrum-3-0-first-wallet-enable-bech32-segwit-addresses/) + +What is the difference in address format between SegWit address formats P2SH and bech32? + +- P2SH starts with "3..." + + bech32 starts with "bc1..." + +Which addresses can I send from/to? + +- P2SH Segwit addresses can be sent to using older Bitcoin software with no Segwit support. This supports backwards compatibility + + bech32 can only be sent to from newer Bitcoin software that support bech32. Ex: Electrum + + [Source: BitcoinTalk.org](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2347427.msg23976364#msg23976364) + +Why did ThePirateBay put up two Bitcoin donation addresses on their frontpage, one bech32 and one not? + +- The address starting with a "3..." is a P2SH SegWit address that can be sent BTC from any bitcoin address including a legacy address. The address starting with a "bc1..." is a bech32 SegWit address that can only be sent to from newer wallets that support bech32. + +____________________ + +**SEGWIT BLOG GUIDES** + +- [HowToToken.com - How To Send Bitcoin Faster And Cheaper Over SegWit Transactions](https://howtotoken.com/explained/send-bitcoin-faster-cheaper-SegWit-transactions/) +- [BTCManager.com - Electrum 3.0 is first Wallet to enable Bech32 SegWit Addresses](https://btcmanager.com/electrum-3-0-first-wallet-enable-bech32-segwit-addresses/) + +______________________ + +**PREVIOUS DAY'S THREADS** + +There's lots of excellent info in the comments of the previous threads: + +- Day 1: [If every Bitcoin tx was a SegWit tx today, we'd have 8,000 tx blocks & the tx backlog would disappear. Tx fees would be almost non-existent once again. THE NEXT BITCOIN TX YOU MAKE, MAKE IT A SegWit TX. DOWNLOAD A SegWit COMPATIBLE WALLET AND OPEN A SegWit COMPATIBLE EXCHANGE ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7kyzxn/if_every_bitcoin_tx_was_a_SegWit_tx_today_wed/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage) +- Day 2: [I will repost this guide daily until available solutions like Segwit & order batching are adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. You can help. Take action today](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7l9tda/day_2_i_will_repost_this_guide_daily_until/) +- [Day 3: ARE YOU PART OF THE SOLUTION? News: Unconfirmed TX's @ 274K, more exchanges adding SegWit, Core prioritizes SegWit GUI](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7ljpf5/day_3_i_will_repost_this_guide_daily_until/) +- [Day 4: Unconfirmed TX's @ 174K](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7m6zd0/day_4_i_will_repost_this_guide_daily_until/) +- [Day 5: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. User demand from this community can help lead to some big changes. Have you joined the /r/Bitcoin SegWit effort?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7mk8az/day_5_i_will_post_this_guide_regularly_until/) +# Summary + +Voter turnout has definitely improved since the institution of Moon Week. However, there is still quite a disparity in number of votes across the polls. Despite there being enough votes cast in at least one popular poll, less popular good proposals with majority voter support don't pass, and bad proposals with majority rejection are not definitively voted down, leaving the door open for those proposals to return. In order to incentivize voting further, I suggest a 1.25% karma bonus per additional poll in which a vote is cast. + +# Problem Statement + +In the last round, there was a high of 13258 votes, a low of 4934 votes, and an average of 8040 votes. In the round before that, there was a high of 9542 votes, a low of 4116 votes, and an average of 6524 votes ([Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/p3s1il/moon_voting_data_from_round_14_to_round_16/)). It's undeniable, based on the numbers, that there is a significant disparity in voter turnout across the polls, despite overall voter turnout improving compared with the institution of Moon Week. It's almost a certainty that many are only voting in one or two polls, while ignoring the others. This results in those other polls suffering the same low voter turnouts that were so frustrating in the past. The possible negative consequences of low voter turnout on a poll are 1) good proposals don't pass despite majority voter support, 2) bad proposals are not definitively rejected despite majority voter denial, which leaves the door open for them to be reintroduced, and 3) whales have significantly greater influence in such a poll. + +# Solution + +My proposed solution is to institute a 1.25% karma bonus per additional poll in which a vote is cast. This means that the first time that someone votes, they will earn the base voting bonus (currently 5%), and all subsequent times that person votes during Moon Week will earn an additional 1.25%. So if someone votes in 2 polls, they will get a 6.25% bonus. If they vote in 3 polls, they will get a 7.5% bonus. + +# Concerns + +A concern that was brought up is that this may pressure indifferent voters that would rather opt to abstain. In my opinion, the 1.25% additional bonus is small enough to not significantly impact those who truly wish to abstain from a particular poll so the pressure would be minimal, while also being a nice incentive to get more potential voters to pay attention to more of the polls. For this concern, I think the impact would more positive than negative. + +Another concern that was put forth is that some may just vote blindly/randomly just to secure the extra bonus. In my opinion, it is more than likely that such voting already occurs but is currently isolated to one or two polls, and while implementing this proposal would not really improve blind/random voting, it would also not significantly make the issue worse. For this concern, I think the impact would be neutral to slightly negative. + +&#x200B; + +To see the evolution of this proposal in r/CryptoCurrencyMeta, follow this link: [Proposal: Incentivize Voting in Multiple Polls (Final Version)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/pc027s/proposal_incentivize_voting_in_multiple_polls/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR: Vote more, earn more.** + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/pffoe7) +I find it hard to meet people that are similar in my situation. Anybody in San Diego know of a social club or group where to meet early retirees to hang out and meet people? Most social clubs I go to people always try and sell me a house or their products lol....I don't blame them but I'm just looking at the more social aspect of being fatFired. +Saw some folks as young as late 50s, early 60s go from being perfectly fine to dying in a matter of weeks from covid. Really put into perspective how short and fragile life can be and has accelerated my timeline to FIRE and spending quality time with my loved ones and doing things that give me joy. +About a month or so ago i posted about my Brother making a SMSF with my mum: + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/alkkra/need\_advice\_my\_bro\_might\_be\_getting\_my\_mum\_into/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/alkkra/need_advice_my_bro_might_be_getting_my_mum_into/) + +&#x200B; + +So i talked to him the following day, and after a long heated discussion, i got him to cancel creating it with my mum , but he stupidly said he was just going to do it anyway by himself, was claiming it wouldn't be a problem "they will just let him off with a fine" stuff like that, then I got him to the point of not being dodgy about it. + +However, he still wanted to manage one cause he thought he would make more money by investing in stuff he wants too.....another long convo that took to convince a guy that has no finance skills or knowledge to not do it ,at the end of the day, he was adamant about doing it, i told him fine whatever keep mum and I out of it, then pretty much didn't talk to him since, called me a couple of days ago and said thanks for stopping him and apologised, still told me he thinks i worried to much lol + +His reasoning was, he was just so deep in debt and didn't care about the consequences and thought he would be able to keep my mum out of it by saying he did it all himself and she knew nothing.......anyways he never went ahead with it and his business is picking back up, so now he is stressing less and thanked me for fighting against him doing it. + +&#x200B; + +So thanks to all the cool redditors form this sub who basically saved my mum and my brother by sending info links and letting me know, just how much shit my family could have got into!!!!! from one dumb mistake my bro would have made. + +&#x200B; + +THANKS!!!!! +# Company Overview + +Palantir technologies is an American software company founded in 2003 and headquartered in Colorado that specializes in big data analytics. + +They started building software for the intelligence community in the US to assist in counterterrorism investigations by helping them identify patterns hidden deep within large datasets. + +Later they realized that similarly to the intelligence community, commercial institutions did not have the most effective tools to manage and make sense of the data involved in large projects. + +Palantir has now developed two principal software platforms, Palantir Gotham which serves primarily the intelligence community, and Palantir Foundry for commercial purposes. + +Palantir went public on September 30, 2020 through a direct public offering. The company opened for trading at $10 a share, giving it an initial valuation of about $22B. As of the date of this publishing, Palantir stock is trading at $25.98, with a Market Cap of $44.26B, and 52-w high of $33.50. + +# Understanding the Business + +**Value Proposition** + +Institutions often rely on various single-purpose software solutions which support the specific workflows of their operations such as customer relationship management and financial planning. Each new software creates a new silo within an already fragmented data landscape. + +When it comes to making operational decisions, institutions are left spending significant time and resources to unify their data. By the time the question is answered, the underlying data may be stale. + +A central operating system for data + +Palantir’s software allows institutions to reorganize the various independent data systems that support their operations into a unified data asset which facilitates advanced data analysis, knowledge management, and collaboration. + +Augmenting existing data systems, not displacing + +At a large manufacturer, Palantir does not build machine production ERP software, instead, Palantir’s software connects their production ERP data with other relevant systems. By integrating existing solutions into our central operating system, organizations can choose to maintain key historic investments without having to rebuild their entire data infrastructure. + +Making data actionable + +Gotham and Foundry enable their users to put data in context, using language that people understand. They transform data into objects that make sense to everyone in an organization. Data is represented not as cells in a spreadsheet, or exports from a single system, but as entities, events, relationships, consequences, and decisions. + +Their ontology management systems allow organizations to create their own description of the world, starting from a set of basic components: objects (such as people or events), properties (attributes), and relationships that tie objects together. + +Understand the history of data and decisions + +Palantir’s software tracks each piece of data in the system to its source and records all changes that have been made to a dataset or data object. Users can distinguish between data derived from a source system or data created by another user, and if a dataset has been updated/modified, the user can also identify the fact that the data was updated, the action, and the logic used to perform the update. This allows users to easily explain where the data, logic, and decisions originate. + +Enable users to work together even in the most complex circumstances + +The versioning and branching capabilities of their software enables thousands of users across departments and organizations to work on the same datasets, and actively collaborate on new models and analysis. + +Users can safely branch a view or a dataset into an isolated sandbox where the user is able to build or experiment as they wish and may merge successful experiments back into the main dataset. Each version of a dataset is saved so that it remains protected and available for concurrent access. + +Enforce rigorous and reliable data protection + +Palantir’s software was designed to embrace the complexity of security clearances, institutional boundaries, and varying data sensitivity levels. Organizations are able to secure each piece of information and define the privileges users require to perform a specific action on a specific resource. The central authorization system creates an audit trial of user activity which allows oversight officials to monitor behavior, identify potential violations, and investigate anomalies. + +AI/ML and operational change through data-driven decisions + +Their software infrastructure also enables organizations to combine simple math, third-party black box models, and machine trained models of the different components of their businesses in a graph made up of nodes (for example, each node can be a manufacturing unit and distribution site in a supply chain) where each model can describe the properties of a node, resulting in an interactive digital simulation of an entire supply chain. + +The AI/ML interface surfaces critical information about models, including plots, validation statistics, model stages, parameters and metadata. + +**Revenue Streams** + +Palantir’s revenue streams consists of their two main software, Gotham which was designed primarily for the defense and intelligence sectors, and Foundry for the commercial sector. However, the platforms are not exclusive to either sector, for example, Gotham is also offered to commercial customers in the financial services industry. The two platforms can either be used separately or bundled together as a single ecosystem. + +Currently, revenue is more or less evenly split between the government and commercial sector. + +It is important to note that for the government sector Palantir has to participate through a procurement process against other contractors who also sell custom tools. + +Gotham + +Its main tools include: + +Graph – a whiteboard like interface for users to explore, visualize, and interact with entities, their properties and their networks. Users can create or edit data in the graph and resolve duplicate objects to ensure robust data quality. + +Gaia – lets users plan, execute, and report on operations via a shared live map. Live maps track real-time data and users drag and drop objects from other Gotham applications directly into Gaia. + +Dossier – is a live collaboration document editor to share analysis and discover intelligence. Users can collaborate across teams and organizations to create a living, interactive, and up-to-date document. + +Video – an application designed to interact with both streaming and historical video data. Users can review video footage in the platform as well as enhance raw footage with geospatial information and overlays based on other data sources. + +Ava – an AI system which scans billions of data points in order to proactively assist investigations by alerting users to new, hard-to-find potential connections. + +Mobile – brings Gotham into the field via mobile devices to provide support to real-time, distributed operations. + +Foundry + +Monocle – enables users to understand data lineage using a graphical interface. Users can explore upstream dependencies or downstream consumers of data, as well as trace logic for a dataset back to its source. + +Contour – enables top down exploration of large-scale data. Users may filter, join, and visualize datasets to answer analytical questions and publish the results as a report or new dataset that will automatically update with the underlying datasets. + +Object Explorer – allows users to interact with data represented as objects – like customers, equipment, or plants – rather than rows in a table. + +Fusion – Foundry’s spreadsheet environment. + +Reports – allows users to publish their work from other applications in a document that dynamically updates as the underlying data changes. + +I strongly suggest watching [Palantir’s demo day](https://palantir.events/livedemoday) on January 26 to gain a better understanding of the tools provided by both software. + +Palantir’s Software Example Use Cases + +* Humanitarian workers plan disaster relief missions following a natural disaster. +* Investigators receive alerts about open cases when new data about a suspect enters any system. +* Automotive plant engineers detect defects at their station while vehicles are still on assembly line. +* District attorney map out complex criminal networks in order to decide where to focus resources. +* Scientists use a unified view of cancer patients to personalize care. + +# Industry + +**Market Size** + +As of Q3 2020 Palantir had 132 customers across 36 industries around the world. + +Currently, according to Palantir’s own estimates the Total Addressable Market (TAM) for their software across the commercial and government sectors around the world is approximately $119B. The TAM for the government sector is $63B and for the commercial sector $56B. Within the government TAM, $37B is international and $26B is domestic. + +According to [Statista’s market forecast](https://www.statista.com/outlook/14000/100/software/worldwide) revenue in the software market is expected to grow at an annual growth rate of 7.4% between 2021 and 2025. + +**Industry Fundamentals** + +Embrace digital transformation or risk getting disrupted + +It has become evident that companies which embrace digital transformation persist, while businesses that fail to transform or transform too late will disappear. According to a [Harvard Business Review report](https://hbr.org/sponsored/2017/07/digital-transformation-is-racing-ahead-and-no-industry-is-immune-2) digital disruption extinguished 52% of Fortune 500 companies between 2000 and 2017. + +We have repeatedly seen that pathbreaking institutions that use data to transform their core operations are the ones that win. + +Buy or Build + +Institutions often resort to the default approach of attempting to build a custom solution themselves. However, according to a recent [report by The Standish Group](https://www.standishgroup.com/about), of 50,000 custom software projects from more than a 1,000 organizations, only 23% that were started from scratch were completed on time and on budget, while 56% of all projects were either overdue or over budget. Additionally, only 12% of organization-wide digital transformation projects were considered successful. + +Additionally, according to the [NewVantage Partners 2020 Big Data and AI Executive Survey](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200106005280/en/NewVantage-Partners-Releases-2020-Big-Data-and-AI-Executive-Survey), business adoption of Big Data continues to be a struggle, with 73.4% of firms citing this as an ongoing challenge. + +Palantir provides the example of a U.S. Military department which spent more than $1 billion building an enterprise resource planning system from scratch. The system was never delivered, and the project was terminated. + +Crisis & Instability + +A [survey from AppDynamics](https://www.appdynamics.com/blog/news/agents-of-transformation-report-2020/) reports that 71% of IT professionals said COVID-19 has caused their businesses to implement digital transformation projects within weeks rather than the typical months or years, and 65% of respondents said they implemented digital transformation projects during the pandemic that had been previously dismissed. + +# Competitive Landscape & Risks + +**Competition** + +Palantir’s main competitors include: + +Internal software development – At first, organizations frequently attempt to build their own data platforms with the help of consultants, IT services companies, packaged and open-source software, and sizable internal IT resources. + +And two software companies with very similar business models: + +[Alteryx](https://www.alteryx.com/) – founded 23 years ago and based in California, Alteryx is a public company with FY 2019 revenues of $418M and more than 1,290 employees. Alteryx is focused on providing solutions to the commercial sector and as of 2019 they had approximately 6,100 customers in more than 90 countries. Amongst their main customers are Chevron Corporation, Federal National Mortgage Association, Nasdaq Inc, Netflix, salesforce.com, Toyota, Twitter, and Uber Technologies. + +[Semantic AI](https://www.semantic-ai.com/company) – is a privately-held software firm based in California, Semantic AI was founded in 2001 and after 9/11 it was used as “platform by choice” by the intelligence community. Similar to Palantir, they have gained significant adoption in the Defense and Law Enforcement communities and have recently launched their enterprise intelligence platform. + +**Competitive Strategy** + +Customer acquisition + +Palantir’s customer acquisition strategy targets large-scale, hard-to-execute opportunities at large government and commercial institutions. The high installation costs, high failure risks, complexity of data environments, and the long sales cycle associated with these opportunities raise the barriers to entry for competition. + +Additionally, in the first phase of Palantir’s customer acquisition strategy, they provide minimal risk to their customers through short-term pilot deployments of their software at no or low cost to them. As the customer increases the usage of the platform across its operations, Palantir’s revenue and margins grow significantly. + +Software engineers on the front line + +In order to fully address the most complex challenges of their customers, Palantir sends their Forward Deployed Engineers (FDEs), in order to experience and understand the problem firsthand. By working alongside their customers, FDEs gain a deep understanding of their needs, how and why they make decisions, and how they calculate trade-offs. + +Leverage experience in both private and public sector + +To the commercial sector, Palantir offers software which was designed to be secure enough to handle national secrets and stable enough to support soldiers’ wartime decisions. To the government sector, they offer software which incorporates and reflects Palantir’s experience of working across 36 industries and years spent in the field. + +Palantir’s strategic relationships last for years + +By the end of 2019, Palantir’s top 20 customers had an average relationship of 6.6 years. + +Palantir has chosen sides + +Their software is exclusively available to the United States and its allies in Europe and around the world. + +**Growth Strategy** + +Become the industry default + +Palantir’s current and potential customers are some of the largest enterprise in the world. They intend to broaden the platform’s reach through partnerships that establish their platforms as the central operating system for entire industries. + +This model has been successfully implemented in the aviation industry where, through its partnership with Airbus, work with more than a 100 airlines and 15 airline suppliers. + +Continue to grow their direct sales force + +Palantir’s decision to grow their sales force in recent years has resulted in a number of significant new customers, including Fortune 100 companies as well as a number of leading government agencies in the U.S. and other countries. + +Increase their reach with existing customers + +To drive revenue growth at an account, Palantir uses a number of sales and marketing strategies which include: + +* Creating partnerships to extend the platform beyond the customer’s four walls into the operations of their partners and suppliers +* Selling additional productized cross-industry software capabilities +* Selling strategic implementations of Palantir’s software against specific use cases + +For Q3 2020 Palantir’s average revenue per customer had increased 38% compared to the same period last year. + +Become the default operating system for the U.S. government + +Palantir’s software has been tested and improved over years of use across industries and various government agencies in the U.S. who have been able to deploy Palantir’s platforms rapidly with minor configurations. + +Palantir already works with government agencies such as the U.S. Army, Navy, and Airforce, CDC, Department of Homeland Security, FDA, and SEC. + +New methods of customer acquisition and partnership + +As Palantir considers growing into new markets outside the U.S., they may consider entering into partnerships with strategic organizations that operate in their target market. + +For example, in Japan they launched a partnership with SOMPO Holdings, Inc.. one of the largest insurance companies in the country, to help grow their commercial and government business in the Japanese market. + +**Moats** + +R&D expenditure + +Since 2008 and up to 2019, they have invested a total of $1.5B in research and development. + +Network effects + +Every data source that is integrated to the system, and every action taken by a developer, data scientist, or operational user, is made accessible to all other users at the institution. + +At a financial services customer, network effects enabled Palantir’s software to scale from a single use case to more than 70 workstreams across compliance, front office, risk, and internal audit desks. Each new application was built on a shared foundation of integrated systems, user groups, and existing applications. + +Additionally, each customer on their platform generates network effects. Palantir can leverage the knowledge acquired and capabilities developed for a customer within a specific industry and incorporate it into the platform for the benefit of all customers across industries. For example, capabilities of Palantir’s platform that were originally developed to help optimize production of crude oil, has been adapted by manufacturers of medical equipment to optimize supply chains. + +In addition to supporting individual institutions, Palantir’s platforms have the capacity to become the central operating system for entire industries and sectors. + +Regulation + +Section 2377 of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (“FASA”) requires the U.S. government to first consider readily available commercial items before pursuing acquisition of custom developed items. Palantir’s software is a commercial item within the meaning of the law. A custom government solution built by a consulting company, is not. + +In 2016, Palantir won a lawsuit against the Army, challenging its decision to pursue a software development contract for the replacement of its battlefield intelligence system. In 2018, the ruling was upheld, and the US Court of Appeals ordered the Army to consider existing commercially available products. After testing real products, the Army selected Palantir’s software to deploy tactical units across the force. + +**Other Relevant Risks** + +Privacy and civil liberties + +Palantir is not in the business of collecting, mining, or selling data. They build software platforms that enable customers to integrate their own data – data they already have. Palantir claims to be committed to ensuring their software is effective as possible while preserving individuals’ fundamental rights to privacy and civil liberties. + +Customer concentration + +For the 9 months ended September 2020, Palantir’s top 3 customers accounted for 27% of their revenue. + +# Financial Summary + +**Proforma Balance Sheet** + +[https://postimg.cc/ykzC91FN](https://postimg.cc/ykzC91FN) + +**Income Statement** + +[https://postimg.cc/yD1qQLp4](https://postimg.cc/yD1qQLp4) + +Palantir’s revenue has had a CAGR of 68.8% since inception, and 27.6% for the last three years. + +For the 9 months ended September 2020 compared to the same period last year: + +* Revenue of the government sector increased by $177M (73%), of the increase 84% was from existing customers. +* Revenue of the commercial sector increased by $80M (30%). +* COGS, Sales and Marketing, R&D, and SG&A expense increases consist primarily of an increase in stock-based compensation expense primarily due to recognition of cumulative stock-based compensation expense upon the Direct Listing related to the company’s restricted stock units. The increase was partially offset by a decrease in traveling expense related to the COVID-19 pandemic. + +Palantir uses a Contribution Margin as a key business metric to evaluate their financial performance, which has improved consistently over the last 4 quarters. In short, by achieving a higher contribution margin, the increase in revenue required for Palantir to break-even is smaller. + +**Proforma Cashflow Statement** + +[https://postimg.cc/64CsSgNw](https://postimg.cc/64CsSgNw) + +For the 9 months ended September 2020: + +Net cash provided by financing activities consist primarily of proceeds from the issuance of common stock + +# Investment Decision + +**Valuation Results** + +[https://postimg.cc/kBF3v0cv](https://postimg.cc/kBF3v0cv) + +The result of my [Valuation Model](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zMy8dkNFib7h-FkFtPZMf9bhH8DjE3XKf5t-HB_c5eY/edit?usp=sharing) indicate a **Value of Equity per share of $28.38** + +Mayor assumptions of the valuation model include: + +* By 2031, Palantir will gain 6% Market Share of a $119B market that grows 7.4% annually. This implies Palantir’s revenue will grow at a CAGR of 30% for 10 years. +* Palantir will achieve US GAAP operating margins of 23% by 2031. +* Terminal year growth rate of 5% and WACC of 7.5% after reaching a Beta of 1.0. +* Risk free rate of 2.5% and Equity Risk Premium of 5.5% + +Follow the link to view the valuation model, it include references to all assumptions. Please feel free to download it, play with it, and share your conclusions. + +**Investment Decision** + +I believe that at its current price PLTR is a buy opportunity for the following reasons: + +* The model’s revenue and margin growth assumptions are achievable and likely to be exceeded if PLTR successfully executes their growth strategies. +* The industry is driven by strong fundamentals, organizations that do not embrace digital transformation and big data will cease to exist. +* Even though Palantir’s moat is currently narrow, it could expand significantly if they are successful in establishing their software as a central operating system for various industries. +My partner and I were recently talking about how retirement planning would be so much easier with legalized assisted suicide. Right now, many people are saving so they never have to draw down on principal. Of course, some of that is because they want their kids to have an inheritance, but I think a good chunk of those people do it because they are scared to run out. If there were a safe, de-stigmatized way to say “I am saving to live to 90 because I know I will only live until 90” people would be able to retire much earlier. The whole idea of working your whole life just to afford to be a comfortable vegetable for the last few years is crazy to me. + +Edit: ya’ll are really caught up on the choice of 80 years old. You could obviously pick the age. Or make it until you need to stop living in your paid off house. I’m going to change it to 90 above to just stop getting the same comment. + +Second edit: it’s been really interesting reading these comments which span from “you’re sick” to “I totally agree.” I personally think Americans are too caught up in preserving life just for the sake of preserving it. If your quality of life is bad, there is no moral obligation in my book to hold on. In fact, I think a lot of healthcare companies get rich by perpetuating that myth. It seems like leaving on your own terms is in fact anti-capitalist, but I see the opposing view. +How is it going my homies + +I [made this post on investing](https://reddit.com/r/investing/comments/l8yi83/common_misconceptions_about_markets/) a few days ago explaining all of the QAnon fantasies and why the top could already be behind us. Some people listened, processed information and asked questions. Some called me a person working for Melvin and hedge funds. + +It’s all in the past, but if you got burned on GME or other meme stocks, here are few things you should learn about the markets and trading these bubbles. + +1. Set a price at which you will exit and take profit. Don’t look at what happens next, and never rebuy if the price continues growing. Likewise, set a stop loss at which you will exit no matter what. + +2. Never, and I mean never put in more than you can afford to lose, or even lose sleep over. I have a pretty decent portfolio, and I only put in 0.5% of it in the play. I don’t give a shit about that money, but I still took profit and got a 250% ROI. Easiest cash I’ve ever made, easier than blowing a fat dude in the back alley behind a strip bar. +Anyway. + +3. If you hear about shit on the news. It’s probably not a good time to enter. There is a reason why some early people made money on the play. They understood mechanics of what was driving the increase in price. Many of them didn’t even expect a short squeeze, they just like the fundamentals. Likewise, if your 80 year old grannie (say hi to her from me) calls you and asks you about this magical company called GameStonk, sell that shit right away. + +4. Always double and triple check information posted on forums and don’t take it for a truth even if it has a lot of upvotes. The amount of misinformation I saw on WSB over the past week with 100 thousand upvotes makes me want to vomit. + +5. Stock trading is not a team activity. It’s not us vs them. It’s a fucking free for all, and people will drop their bags on you if they see their unrealized gain turn into an unrealized loss. You want to make money? Do your research, and be the first one on the train. Don’t jump on the train when it is speeding and going off the rails. + +6. If you don’t understand how something works, learn about it. Again, the amount of conspiracy theories that I read about ladder attacks and this grand illuminati conspiracy is driving me nuts. Always use the Occam’s razor, meaning if there is a simple explanation to the situation, it is probably right. There is no need to build out this conspiracy theory for something you don’t understand, it does not help anyone. + +7. You will get FOMO and you will get confirmation bias. Everybody does, but learning how to battle it is crucial. Look, my dad was a fucking casino gambler in his 30s playing blackjack and losing money, and I have the same traits. Does it mean I need to be the same? No, and I always remember my genes when trading. It is not an excuse to use when you lose money. + +8. Realize that situations like this are extremely rare, and if you expect to make 300% gain in 3 days, I have some bad fucking news for you, markets don’t work like this. + +9. Finance gets complicated real fast. Yes, on the surface it’s just buying and selling. I have been studying this shit for 5 years, and I still don’t know a lot of things. There are reasons why even some of the smartest people still lose money. Shit, Newton was burned on a South Sea bubble. Yes, that guy who discovered gravity lost money just any of us. + +10. One bad trade does not define you. As long as you learn, and don’t repeat the same shit again, you are golden. There are plenty of ways to make money on the markets, be it value investing, selling options or setting up butterfly spreads. + +TL;DR: Be smart, not dumb. +These guys are pretty big. + +Number 1 is Citadel + +Number 2 is Virtu + +and Number 3 is G1 Execution Services, LLC. (G1) + +If you ever used a PFOF order in the past, there is a chance that G1 executed a trade on your behalf. So I want to educate you a little, on a business partner of yours. + +[https:\/\/content.schwab.com\/drupal\_dependencies\/psr\/606\/2021-Q4-Schwab-Quarterly-Report.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/br2bwkwtxml81.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=1baa141bc1604ab2e509386fb0286cfbf2bdcfd1) + +So I go to there Linkedin... and you wont believe it... + +[One guy works for SUS, they have like 7 employees and are in Chicago... ](https://preview.redd.it/1o9bzki5yml81.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c78f3c193ec49c8700ae65c95c7c5f43bce4fa3) + +They handle 16.32% of Schwab's Trades. And that would be consistent across the program. This is one of your market makers! + +[Would you look, 34 disclosures.... ](https://preview.redd.it/9ix101ghyml81.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b4ad30823c2a20c25340f66721a4ae012190a25) + +Then the weirdest thing - I recognised that address... I recognised Jackson BLVD Chicago... So I went thru some of my posts... and wallahh... + +https://preview.redd.it/knn5hp27zml81.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=90d69b77e2ceac3b236e58996dc93b00b86a54d1 + +Remember my "Fake Company" post that was heavily attacked - well its the same building as CSS, LLC.... + +175 W Jackson... + +Fucking Wild.... CSS LLC, the company with all the puts, and 2 employees, is in the same building as the number 3 market maker G1 Executive Services, LLC... +I got my old man (dad) his first smart phone and one of the first things he had me do was install a bitcoin ticker so he could follow the price. + +He sent his very first text message last night. + +"Price below 10,000. Time to buy bit cones" + +So nice to have him on board. Just wanted to share. +Hi Folks, I’m looking to do a large currency transfer (a few hundred K) from CAD to GBP over the next few months. I’m aware of TransferWise for smaller scale transactions (a few 10s K at a time) and have been using this for a while. Can anyone comment on what level of transaction warrants using a specialist currency broker? Or are the new fintech apps like TransferWise always the best way to go? +http://www.businessinsider.com/jason-brown-quit-football-farmer-2014-11 + +I like this counter-example of the pro sports star that retires and blows his money in 2 years. Brown quit his NFL career early, learned to farm, and is donating his entire crop yields to food pantries. There's nothing in the article about how he's sustaining his money, so it's possible he'll use all his money up in a couple of years, but I get the impression he won't. + +This is an amazing way to retire if/when you have the means! And it's nice to see that not all young people that "strike it rich" are unable to handle it. + +Edit: added 2 and a hyphen +I had this idea for some time, but since the recent Vaccines video got popular here, and the price movement I think its good timing. + +[https://www.youtube.com/user/Kurzgesagt](https://www.youtube.com/user/Kurzgesagt) + +should have posted the link first time :/ + +[https://kurzgesagt.org/contact/](https://kurzgesagt.org/contact/) +or tweet at + +[https://twitter.com/Kurz\_Gesagt](https://twitter.com/Kurz_Gesagt) + +# + + +For long term investors I know it does not matter if you buy during dips or highs but what are you guys up to? + +Waiting for the oncoming dip/crash/recession or are you buying regularly? +Thetagangers, + + +I sold 3x CSP at the 35 strike, expiring on 11/19. +This play will yield a 42% return within 5 weeks. + +https://preview.redd.it/42l49349q8u71.png?width=1075&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f09f6ad2edfb6a4b9dfcbea767d938bbfcff5c1 + +CRTX has IV around 500%. + +https://preview.redd.it/hyhytdl7q8u71.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b7735035a8af79e82e19256be4dde3e5d8822a6 + +Even if I were assigned, I'd still have a hefty cushion due to the large premiums. +I understand the risk and the likelihood that this stock could tank over 50% in one day. +However, I'm a sucker for premium hunting and have done well the past year or so. + +Barchart highest IV FTW. + + +See you all in November. +Hello Theta Gang! First time poster here. + +I’m wanting to get my feet wet with selling options. I have done call credit and put credit spreads in the past but I am feeling to branch out a little bit more. + +I’m looking for decent but cheap stocks to sell my first put on. I have been looking on Ford as one option but it’s not super volatile so the premiums aren’t all that great. I would be comfortable with something in the $15 to $25 range. + +Any suggestions? Tips? Advice? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +What criteria did you use to choose where to invest, and where did you find good information? Like, if you want to see if new schools or neighborhoods are being built, can you look at city planning or just news sites? If you wanted to see the crime rate, did you pay for something like Neighborhood Scout or just check the news and talk to the locals? + + +Right now I'm just looking at places with multifamilies I can afford, but if no one wants to rent there or it's a dying neighborhood, that's obviously a problem. So while I'm learning to evaluate properties, I'm figuring I'll need to evaluate neighborhoods, kwim? +Hey, I’m in the middle of a situation some of you may find interesting. + +In process of purchasing a duplex, owner occupying the top unit (since it needs work, so I’ll live and fix it up over the next year) + +Since both units are occupied at start, it’s written in the contract that top unit has to be vacant at purchase. + +Everything’s going fine, I arrive at title company, sign all the documents, get to the estoppel and rent/security checks...and there’s two (prorated) rent checks and two security checks. We had already repeatedly verified that I was buying this owner occupied and needed one unit vacant. + +We speak to the sellers agent, she says the top tenant is moving out today (day of signing). I say I’m not comfortable taking the rent (for the full rest of the month) or the security deposit for a tenant I don’t want. We put funding on hold (money has already been wired to title company at this point). + +While waiting for my agent to talk to sellers agent, I say fuck it and drive over to the place. Knock on the door and talk to the tenant, who says he paid for the whole month and has no plans on moving out. (I don’t think he was being a dick, I think the current owner just tried to be shady with everyone involved). + +So...currently on hold while supposedly the owner will get the tenant out this week. And I’m still homeless. + +TL:DR. Almost got a surprise roommate. Always verify vacancy of units. +Hi everyone, + +My goal for 2022 is to buy my first property and it’s a bit daunting with not having any experience. I am curious about commercial (multi family) but I recognize I need more money and experience before I can get there. I would love to hear about your personal experience at purchasing your first property and where you are now. + +- How much money did you have saved for your first property ? + +- What type of property (units, condition, cost) + +- What type of job/income did you have at the time? + +- How much real estate do you own now? + +Any other advice or helpful info is greatly appreciated ! +For example, if I were to say, build a pc that uses a new and rizen 12 core processor, and write it off on my taxes, I know that rules state I can only use it for work. But for how long? Businesses get rid of their equipment eventually. Could I say, use it for quicken and excel for one year, then ""get rid of it"" a year later and still be in the clear? Or do I have to wait two years? Five? Etc... +#GameStop Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 Results + +#Announces Intended Launch of NFT Marketplace by Close of Q2 FY22 + +#[Link to earnings report](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-reports-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-year-2021-results) + + +--- + +Tons of attention on today's GameStop earnings. Many are saying not to expect any announcements and focus on financials (lookin at you u/RamseyTheGoat) while others are jacked to the tits about IMX partnership news and updates DRS numbers. + + We'll also have a Reddit Talk group listen to earnings, starting at 4:45 EST! + +#Throwback Thursday to last year's [GameStop Q4 Earnings Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mblb7f/gamestop_q4_earnings_megathread/) + +Previous filings here: https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/ +I am currently the parent of a toddler who was born shortly after I FIREd at the age of 31. + +My wife still works part time because she enjoys it, but there's an even chance she won't be doing that in a few years. + +So, I have a few thoughts/questions that I'd love some feedback from the FI community on: + +1. How do I explain the value of hard work and sacrifice when my little one will not witness a whole lot of either from her own parents? I have hobbies and DIY lots of house projects, but I wouldn't be so bold as to say I'm working hard at either. + +2. My kid is the only grandchild on both sides of the family. All of the inheritance from both sets of grandparents, a childless aunt and uncle (never having kids) and ourselves will end up flowing down to our daughter eventually. Do I force her to wait until everyone is dead to have access to this money? Should I set up a trust fund that goes to her when she's an adult? I would have loved to have $100k drop in my bank account the day I finished college. It would have given me more time to find the perfect job (my first two were not awesome), travel more while young and not tied down by anything, and just generally appreciate my 20s. I would have also loved having access to more capital when buying my first house. We scrimped and saved for years to get a 20% downpayment on a nice, but smallish home, and in retrospect I wish we had bought a home with a little more space in a more interesting neighborhood. Just $50k or so would have completely changed the areas we could afford to buy. + +3. Given point 2, is there still even an impetus to encourage my daughter to get a ton of education in a valuable field and then get a job that pays well? There's certainly no financial reason she'd have to. We could easily support her throughout young-adulthood at least until we start inheriting our parent's money. That being said, I have my own set of negative biases against "trust fund kids" that end up getting degrees in art and then doing nothing with them, so I certainly would like to avoid that (unless she's a really talented aspiring artist, I guess?). + +At the end of the day, of course, all I want is for my kid to lead a fulfilling life and hopefully derive some happiness from it. How do I avoid screwing this up? +Hopefully this is allowed, remove if not...I'm no longer affiliated in any way with anything I'm mentioning so this isn't some veiled marketing thing. I've been seeing a lot of stories around various parts of the internet of people who are stuck in a situation where their lease is coming up and they're facing a massive rent increase, and are scrambling trying to find another option with no luck...maybe you're in the situation I was in where you have bad credit, can't make the first/last/security deposit you usually need to move in, and are starting to feel like you might be facing homelessness. + +Unfortunately, this will only work for certain people, but this saved my ass years ago and hopefully it'll help someone. If you're childfree, don't have pets, and are in a position where you could relocate...try seasonal work. + +For four years I worked seasonal jobs that provided employee housing. If you go to Coolworks . com, you can filter jobs to only see ones that offer housing. I *never* had to pay a deposit, so while it's not perfect the only up-front cost I had to have was getting myself there. Rent usually comes directly out of your paycheck, so in my experience I didn't even have to have the money for rent when I moved in (but YMMV and it's a good question to ask before you take the job...sometimes I got hired without even doing an interview). + +The jobs will be crappy jobs (retail, serving, hotels, etc.) but they're usually in tourist areas. I have the most experience with Xanterra and I just checked and they're so desperate for workers that they aren't even *charging* for housing this season at most locations, and you get meals cooked for you in the employee dining rooms, too. When I did get charged it was, for me, $10/day for housing and all 3 meals. You almost never have to have a car to commute either because you either live right next to where you work or they provide a free shuttle. + +This isn't a perfect solution. But a lot of people don't really know it's an option. Figured if it might help just one person, worth posting. + +**EDIT:** A lot of the seasons have already started but really don't be afraid to contact them and ask if they're still hiring. Usually in the first couple weeks a bunch of people will quit and go home, leaving vacancies. +Nobody likes the infrastructure bill as it is, so just as we all hope for Ripple (whether we like them or not) to win the case with the SEC, we should also all cheer for this event and share it as much as possible, even if you don't give a shit about ADA or Charles. +It's a war we must fight together for the entire crypto-space. + +"*Mr. Charles Hoskinson of Cardano will be speaking live from Washington, DC, and will also be broadcast to virtual attendees in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. This 2-day hybrid experience will be a crash course in blockchain and cryptocurrency training, followed by an evening reception for networking and meeting the speakers, including Charles Hoskinson, Scott Stornetta, and other blockchain pioneers. Live and virtual attendees will also be able to engage with Mr. Hoskinson and other participants through a conference app provided by Qbix.*" + + +Link for more infos: https://www.governmentblockchainfoundation.org/ + +EDIT: Thanks for the award! :) +Hi, I recently retired with to much time on my hands and as things are settled and are in place for the rest of my life and after it ends I am looking for some new hobbies to learn. + +Now you might ask, why does a millionaire need to Day Trade? Well, why not? I have nothing else to do and have tried mostly a lot of random acts of boredom, and as I plan on living for a long time, I want to invest into myself more and maybe find ways to help others. Seems rational enough for me. + +My question is, where would you start and what would you learn? Also any tips towards speeding the process and learning faster, as money isn't an issue. + +P.S: I am currently living in Canada if location is necessary. + +Any help would be appreciated and delightful! + +Yours truly, A. +I remember someone posting when the indexes turned sour about how much you lost, so today let's talk about how much your portfolio went up. I'm up 7%, from -4% in the morning. +Assuming a lot of people shorted Infosys stock today. Why there wasn’t a price increase when everyone would buyback near the market end as shorting is only for intraday? aka a short squeeze +I started with mutual funds investment about a week ago. I was seeing minimal green growth of ~12Rs for the whole week. + +When the market crashed on 12th April, 2021, I was expecting to see negative returns the same evening. But to my surprise it was still green till the EOD. + +Only when I looked at the returns today morning, 13th April, 2021, it went into negative. The market closed in green today but I'm still seeing negative growth/returns. + +So I'm wondering when does the market conditions get reflected on a MF returns? Is it the same day or the next day past 12AM? Please help me in understanding this scenario. +* how would you pick between 1 bhk & 2 bhk for a typical family of 4, that can become a family of 5 in 3-4 years? +* Cannot mention the exact location but 1 bhk flats are for around 55-60 lacs without paperwork and 2 bhk for around 80 lacs. +* What salary or income do you feel is appropriate to go for loan on the basis of it being a 1 bhk or 2 bhk? +* Should 1 keep the down payment as low as possible and loan high? +* How to plan EMIs or other things related to home loan? + +You guys have been of great help in the past too, so thought to come back to you guys for such an imp advice :) Thank you ♥️ +Talk link: [https://jiotalks.com/watch/143](https://jiotalks.com/watch/143) + +&#x200B; + +I found this as a good introduction and it reinforces lots of things discussed in this sub. +I live in the UK. I will be able to access my private pension from 55 (rising to 57/58) + +I plan to retire at 45 and live on 20k pa. To support this, I would need 500k going by the 4%rule + +However, if I have say 200k in savings accounts, and 300k in pensions, in theory that 300k is inaccessible for 13 years. As such for the first 13 years my funds are 200k, so the 4% rule would leave me just 8k per annum. + +How do I factor this in? Clearly if I was retiring 1 year before pension age, you'd say just group everything together. But clearly that changes at some point, as if I had 500k pension and 0k savings I wouldn't be able to retire early. + +How should I factor a temporarily inaccessible pension in to my retirement plans? +As a manager, my plan was always to provide enough heads up for a replacement to be found or trained. It was going to be 6 months. But after a few quarters of "where do you see your self in 2 years" questions during our career growth conversations, I had to tell them that I wouldn't be working for them anymore. The official excuse is not FIRE though, my kids will be entering elementary in a different, LowerCOL city closer to family. + +Given how this is a very caring environment, we discussed alternatives to me leaving such as becoming a programmer again and working remotely. Such a long heads up would leave enough time for me to train on the new position before going remote. But that's not FIREing, so I said I'd rather stay in management. Which is true at least until I FIRE. But managing remotely is not an option, therefore I essentially gave them 18 months notice. We'll focus my career growth on skills that could be useful to start a new company instead. + +It's a risky move that goes against the general guideline of providing 2 weeks notice and nothing more. My biggest concern is that they could stop raising my compensation but I pretty much hit the max for my level anyway. They could also be done sooner with the transition and fire me but that's not in the company culture. It all depends on the people above you and the trust you built with them. + +Any other similar stories or things I should watch for? + + +What are actual fundamental solid projects you are buying? +I prefer L1 chains with a good offer of NFT's, Farming pools and some L2 tokens... + +The last one I bought in this dip was $NEAR +It was down more then 50% from it's former ATH two weeks ago. I'm expecting another 10-18% from here where I will load up more +At no time should the front page be more than x% memes. Posts will be removed based on some algorithm incorporating time and up vote count, or though reporting, if the threshold is exceeded. +At no time should the front page be more than x% memes. Posts will be removed based on some algorithm incorporating time and up vote count, or though reporting, if the threshold is exceeded. +My portfolio is a split between stocks, bonds, gold, and some crypto. + +Over the last week, everything is down a fair amount since the Fed announcement about raising rates to fight inflation. + +Stocks, gold, and crypto have all been touted as inflation-hedges, while cash has no possible upside versus inflation, yet cash is out-performing all of them lately. + +The only thing I can figure is the market thinks the Fed will be able to tame inflation soon, so cash will benefit at the expense of everything else. Or is it just when there's enough fear in the market, people just sell everything and ask questions later? + +I think it shows that predicting what the markets will do is a fool's game. Inflation is the financial boogeyman right now, but cash is the best-performing asset at the same time ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ +I work on NPR's education team, and my colleagues and I are working on a story about the challenges that face student loan borrowers who have disabilities. We're hoping to talk with people who receive SSI/SSDI benefits and have student loans to pay off. If that sounds like you, DMs are open! I'd like to chat. + +EDIT: Thank you to all who have reached out! So many of you responded and we really appreciate it. + +Our team at NPR published this story: [https://www.npr.org/2019/12/04/776058798/why-student-loan-borrowers-with-disabilities-arent-getting-the-help-they-deserve](https://www.npr.org/2019/12/04/776058798/why-student-loan-borrowers-with-disabilities-arent-getting-the-help-they-deserve) + +And then this: [https://www.npr.org/2019/12/05/785067952/lawmakers-call-for-investigation-after-npr-report-on-troubled-student-loan-progr](https://www.npr.org/2019/12/05/785067952/lawmakers-call-for-investigation-after-npr-report-on-troubled-student-loan-progr) +Hey guys, + +Just hoping for some advice about what you’d do in my position. + +My partner is pregnant and a few weeks ago we went for a scan and found out that we’re having twins, we’re extremely happy with this news but one of my first thoughts was the financial impacts of having 2 kids. + +We are both currently working; I earn £40k and she earns £37k. We have a mortgage of about £150k on a house that we anticipate will be fine for us for the next 5 years. We are doing ok financially, as where we live the combined take home salaries allow us to live comfortably and we are very grateful. + +I have around £25k worth of debt including £8k on 0% interest credit cards and £17k on a 3.5% interest loan. This is all as a result of some stupid decisions I took when I was younger which I’m dealing with (gambling) but I’ve been able to dedicate around £500 a month to paying off my debts but recently got a pay rise in work (to take me to £40k) which is an extra £600 a month after tax. I was going to prioritise paying off my debts over having an emergency fund because mine and my partners jobs are both secure and quite frankly I’ve been fed up of being in debt all of my adult life so was looking forward to being debt free within about 2 years. + +The news from earlier has obviously thrown a spanner in the works so I’m asking for some advice. My partner has £3k in savings and that’s it. All of a sudden I’ve began to feel extremely overwhelmed. + +Feel like I’ve rambled on a bit but any advice would be greatly appreciated. + +Thanks, +My husband and I have about $230k saved. Our mortgage is about $3750/mo. We have one car paid off and have just purchased a new truck - about $50k in a loan on that. We have two kids and our monthly care expenses are about $2900/mo. We both work - I'm on salary and pull in about $7650/mo after taxes. My husband owns his own company and gets paid $1180/wkly + random amounts throughout the month - sometimes he pulls in $50k/mo other months he has nothing but the weekly payment. My company offers a 401k with NO matching. Our other bills (CC's, life, insurance, cell, internet, utilities, etc) total around $7k/month. We are both pretty lame when it comes to investing and we have not setup anything for our 4 yr old or almost 1 yr old in terms of a college fund. What should we do to have our $$ grow? Stock market? Real estate? Funds? Any advice is appreciated. +Is this a good idea? + +I (29) have a brokerage account that’s managed with a 1.2% fee. The return this year was 4.6%. I am not a good investor. I do not have the time to effectively/responsibly manage my own account well. Ive shopped around for another broker, but I am thinking about taking it into my own hands and investing entirely into the S&P 500 and dollar cost averaging all future investments into the ETF. Is this wise? + + +Here is more information. +- My account has 20k in it. +- I add $1,000 per month into the account. +- I plan to not withdraw from the account for 5-20 years (would only withdraw if I needed more money for a downpayment on a home or an absolute fiscal distaster which my emergency fund couldn’t withstand). +The money has been going directly to my checking account (A joint account that still has my now deceased mother on it) since the start of the GoFundMe. I have gotten a little bit over 10,000 dollars from GoFundMe, plus maybe 1,000 dollars from both Venmo/Cash App for the same reason. I specified at the start that it was meant to help my mom's quality of life, but once she passed (She passed very soon after the creation of the GoFundMe), I left an update saying it will be to help with anything related to me and my dad during this time. Nobody is receiving a reward/service in return for this fundraiser. + +When would this money need to be reported to the IRS? Can the IRS see this money being sent to my checking account? If GoFundMe sends me a 1099-K if I meet their requirements for one, what do I do next? Does this affect my Medicaid benefits? Could I be accused of fraud for changing the intention of the fundraiser, even though I told people through an update on the GoFundMe page, that it was now being used for different reasons due to my mother's death? + +Me and my friend used anonymous names on the GoFundMe for privacy reasons (I've had stalkers on the internet before, and he has too). I did tell the complete real story about my mom and said her real name. Does this affect me negatively at all? The checking account information I entered was all real. + +My parents never explained a lot of life issues such as taxes to me, so I don't really know a lot about it. Sorry if these questions sound overly paranoid or stupid. The last time I had a job was years ago, and I made so little, I didn't have to pay taxes. This year has been awful for me personally, I don't want the IRS causing me problems on top of anything else, when I only chose to start this GoFundMe with my friend as a last resort. +Does anyone else think EOS is a ramping up to be a huge disaster? The market cap is on target to be several billion dollars, at least, which is crazy for something with no working product and very little technical detail (from what I can tell). There's going to be a lot of bag holders and a lot of scrutiny when the dust settles and that worries me for the larger block chain space, including Ethereum. I don't want to bash a project I haven't heavily researched, but EOS feels like a blatant money grab with little to no intent to build out a real project. + +This seems to track the larger trend of people treating this space as the new lottery. Everyone wants to invest a few hundred or a few thousand dollars and become a millionaire and they've all heard stories of the people who made it big with Bitcoin and Ethereum and so they FOMO into every new project that puts out sufficient hype. I think it's going to require a lot of unsavvy investors losing a lot of money for this hype train to even out and for a more sane market to develop but I'm worried about government regulators coming in and trying to heavy hand things to "protect people". + +Thoughts? +Hello, + +&#x200B; + +I know everyone is having a bad day, but my bad day just went from bad to worse.... I got a message that said someone used my coinbase account from a different IP. It was part of the 2 step verification. It asked if I authorized sending coins requested by this IP. I said no, but it still sent them. I tried to stop it by even calling but could not. My coins are all gone it seems. + +&#x200B; + +I tried to get my coins out yesterday but Coinbase didnt allow me to take all of them out bc i only recently purchased them. Now suddenly someone can just steal them all in 1 go? how does that even make sense? + +u/coinbasesupport please please help. I need to talk to someone so I can get my money back! +Just some intellectual discussion, not fear-mongering. + +So there was this study https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/climate-change/563497-mit-predicted-society-would-collapse-by-2040/ that models that with the pollution humanity is putting in the environment, global birth rate will be negative for many years til mid-century where the population shrinks by a lot. What would happen at that time and what stock is worth holding onto to a world with less people? +**Edit**: Note that the lower limits are speculation, but the upper limit is DD, which is why I settled on the "possible DD" flair. The true lower limit is technically 0 shorts, but many other DD writers have proven that 0 is not a realistic assumption. + +--- + +First off, lmayo at their [PDF title](https://i.redd.it/yqt6t1qk4pk81.png). It really says it all! + +--- + +I'd like to clear up the misconceptions that are circulating around the meaning of the numbers in Citadel's financial statement document. + +They describe their liability costs as "fair value." Page 3 (page 10 of the PDF) has the definition of "fair value," which is separated into three "Levels": + +* Level 1 is defined as the listed market price on Dec 31. + +* Level 2 is something that doesn't have a listed price, so they calculated the proce based on some "real" info that can be easily defined on Dec 31 and some info that they reserve the right to completely make up based on absolutely nothing (page 4 "fair value option") + +* Level 3 is entirely made up + +Page 6 (page 13 of the PDF) shows the breakdown of Citadel's liabilities: + +* The $65B is all Level 1, meaning they are referring to prices on Dec 1. However, this entire amount is in govt/equity securities and options, and **the $65B is not their short positions** + +* An additional $5B is Level 2. Out of this, **$4.527B are in short positions**. + +* They report no Level 3 liabilities + +--- + +Level 1 is only interesting because it shows they have about $36B in options liabilities. Options only have liabilities if you are the seller of the option because the seller is obligated to provide shares to the option buyer (call) or buy shares from the option buyer (put), but the buyer has no obligation to exercise the contract. + +Unfortunately they don't break this category down at all, but I would love to see the number of calls they're selling to the hopium-fueled anti-DRS crowd + +--- + +So Level 2 is all we really care about because that $4.527B is their short positions. But since it's Level 2, this number is almost entirely falsified. I have no evidence to back this up, but I think it's entirely possible that the "real" part of their calculation is just the interest on borrowed shares, while the "made up" part is their BS determination of the stock's "fair" value. + +For the below scenarios, remember: + +* Not all of the $4.527B is GME shorts. Citadel are soulless bastards, so they have shorts in other legitimately functional businesses as well. Although it's definitely safe to assume that GME shorts are the biggest percentage of their shorts. + +* Interest payments probably take up some portion of the $4.527B. Interest was possibly calculated at the Dec 31 price ($148.39) using the annual interest rate of 1% that was ever present until very recently. This means the number of shares (x) can be calculated as: + + $4.527B = (x)(fair value) + (x)($148.39)(0.01) + + x = $4.527B ÷ [(fair value) + $1.4839] + +* This assumes that they are paying interest on 100% of their short positions, which assumes no naked shorts exist + +Worst case scenario (for us), they assume fair value is the market price as of Dec 31, which was $148.39. So mathing that out gives a maximum of 30.2-30.5M shorts (depending on the percentage of shorts that are naked), or 40% of the shares outstanding. + +However, they didn't sell at $2.97, which means their definition of "fair value" is definitely less than $2.97. So if we're looking for a realistic worst-case scenario, let's say they used $2.96. In that case, the maximum number of GME shorts is 1.02-1.53B shorts (depending on the percentage of shorts that are naked), or 1,330-2,000% of the shares outstanding. + +In a best case scenario, their "fair value" for GME is "bankrupt", so they say they'll buy the shares at the lowest possible cost, $0.01. At that price, the maximum number of GME shorts is 3.03-453B shorts (depending on the percentage of shorts that are naked), or 3,970-592,000% of the shares outstanding. + +--- + +#tl;dr + +Assuming 100% of Citadel's shorts are in GME (bad assumption, skews the number of shorted shares higher), and that 100% of their shorts are *not* naked (really bad assumption, skews the number of shorted shares way lower) then Citadel has shorted 1.02-3.03 **billion** shares of GME. Even if we assume GME is only 10% of their short positions, that's still 102-303 **million** shares short. + +If 100% of those shorts are GME naked shorts, then we're looking at 1.53-453 **billion** shares short. + +If 10% of those shorts are GME naked shorts, then we have 0.15-45.3 **billion** shares short. + +And these are just the numbers that Citadel chose to report in a document where they are not legally obligated to tell the truth. ***BS only, baby!!!*** +⛑Elon and crypto influencers have been kidnapped by a gang of $cam token devs led by an Evil Cyborg Elon. The situation is lost… until you appear. + +☄️Incarnate 8Bit in this pixelized Mario Bros on steroid-like game. Many weapons are at your disposal to accomplish your mission. Among them: lightsabers, machine guns, shotguns and revolvers. Parachute and jet pack are also part of your arsenal. Climb, jump, run and cling across the 8bit world, dominate your enemies and bring justice to the world. + +Pimp 8Bit Doge up with NFTs that can be used as playable character skins with special in game abilities. The NFT sales will be used to buyback BITD, marketing and burn. They will be available as different character styles, colours and accessories in varying levels of rarity. + +You will need all the help you can get in this Mario Bros / Sonic style retro adventure! The game will be very challenging to complete. Players will have a chance to leave at the end of each level and keep the coins that they gathered in that level. If they die before leaving, the coins they gathered will be collected in a jackpot. If any player completes all the levels successfully, they will be awarded with the jackpot. You will need to hold a certain amount of BITD(amount to be announced) to be able to play and earn. + +Become a top 200 holder and get a chance to test the 8Bit alpha release. + +🎥A game preview is available here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAinbqIMa8I&ab\_channel=8BitDoge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAinbqIMa8I&ab_channel=8BitDoge) + +🔥BITD is still a $1MM project with a huge potential for moonshot. Be early and get on before the game release in Q4 2021. + +**\*TOKENOMICS\*** + +10,000,000,000 BITD Total Supply + +7,000,000,000 BITD Currently burned + +0.5% Buys/Sells! 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His Wife Is A Trustee At The Art Institute Of Chicago, Where Kenny Kindly Let’s Them Display His Expensive Art.**" + +https://preview.redd.it/munha8uol2181.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f6d163d3f60218c048806466b6aed74e39244a6 + +John W. Nichols is the man who signed **Filing 44** of *Moody et al v. Robinhood Financial, LLC et al* on April 2, 2021. [Sign here, and here, and here...](https://dockets.justia.com/docket/multi-district/jpml/CAN/4:21-CV-00861/1413075) + +https://preview.redd.it/tbtreutql2181.png?width=1027&format=png&auto=webp&s=1868358e253c9725ed943fc9bb651a75236aa310 + +Someone else can explain exactly what that means as I do not have a wrinkly brain for law stuff (only butt stuff). + +And what business does John W. Nichols have signing anything? Who does he think he is? + +He probably thinks he's the Clerk of the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, but that's only because he ***is*** the Clerk of the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. [Well, hello Mr. Fancy Pants clerk man](https://www.jpml.uscourts.gov/court-info/court-locations) + +https://preview.redd.it/h8vcdrssl2181.png?width=1305&format=png&auto=webp&s=c24da27d3e1658e9efd4ff3079bc752e73aa8dbe + +As evidence of the connection between Clerk of the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation John W. Nichols and Kenny "the most unsophisticated man in Chicago" Griffin, the original post (aka the post within the post within this post, cue Inception score...) contains this image: + +https://preview.redd.it/x2us635ul2181.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=f62ad5d2aee96488cd3581ccf63c3c45b327b83c + +From where does this image derive? Who is the smiling man in the red necktie, whose eyes seem to be perpetually 85% closed, being lovingly squeezed (the squeeze hasn't squoze, by the way) by our boy Kenny Mayo, a man incapable of blinking? Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? Why did Judas, rat to Romans while Jesus slept? *\*Wu-Tang is forever. Wu-Tang is for the children.\** + +Well, it seems that image comes from this website: [Scroll to the bottom](https://www.artsjournal.com/culturegrrl/2009/06/virago_in_chicago_the_irrevere.html) + +https://preview.redd.it/cw4sehyvl2181.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=2abe653bd6e2e758379c400433252debb4246378 + +Well, well, well...our old friend John \[middle initial missing\] Nichols, the rat bastard who facilitated the transfer of all 35 cases in the Robinhood lawsuit to the hands of a favorable judge. Case closed...or is it? + +A little digging indicates John **D.** (which is an entirely different letter than **W**) Nichols and his wife are ardent supporters of the arts in Chicago, including but not limited to: the Art Institute of Chicago and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). [Wanna really get inside philanthropy? Click here.](https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/chicago-philanthropy/2016/8/3/how-the-nichols-family-supports-the-arts-in-chicago.html) He's also the former CEO of Illinois Tool Works. + +https://preview.redd.it/6dayh4cxl2181.jpg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d404ac1a0a3948afa6176d8f533f7b1dff08129 + +There's even a *Nichols Board of Trustees Suite* at the Art Institute of Chicago. [But there is no Nichols on the Board of Trustees at AIC.](https://www.artic.edu/about-us/leadership/board-of-trustees) + +https://preview.redd.it/y0ekvovyl2181.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=82842158a97e2091db513a65123bcefe520f09a7 + +So John "The Tool Man" Nichols ([pry open your third eye with even more Tool...](https://www.nytimes.com/1981/12/16/business/business-people-new-illinois-tool-chief.html)), the man pictured with KG, seems to be a different human being than John "I'm the Clerk of the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation" Nichols. + +Now... + +The U.S. justice system is terribly broken. + +The end result of *Moody et al v. Robinhood Financial, LLC et al* was in no way just or fair. + +Ken Griffin is an unsophisticated douche. + +But... + +We must continue to maintain a healthy degree of skepticism (without becoming an angry mob that downvotes and cries "SHILL!!!!" at everything that doesn't confirm our rock hard bias) so as to not fall victim to misinformation. + +I love this sub and most of you argh-tards in it. + +🚀 + +\***I should add:** I do not believe u/Futurecatman was trying to intentionally mislead anyone. I suspect he saw a connection between one Kenny G and one J Nichols and got a little overzealous. It happens to the best of us.\* + +Edit: Strangely, a prior [DD on Stevie A. Cohen of Point72](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb0261/a_dd_into_steven_a_cohen_one_of_the_main_villains/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is getting downvoted right now… +For all of you who have said Bitcoin doesn't have much left in it or that you'd rather invest 100% in alts...just look at the charts and prices. This is why you always need a large chunk of your portfolio in BTC. + +It's king, and will remain king for the foreseeable future. + +The reason most people suggest investing in Bitcoin is because for the most part it outperforms the entire market year in and year out. And it won't disappear like most alts will. + +50% of my portfolio is in BTC and ETH. I take my profits from all other alts and pour them into Bitcoin. + +BTC is King. You can't convince me otherwise. +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Just a reminder of what a coincidence it was that we had 4-5 massive FUD bombs dropped within days of eachother. They literally brought the boat back. + +One day later billionaires are endorsing bitcoin again after their bags got stuffed. + +Stop worshipping ANYBODY and stop being such a fuckin pussy of a human by following their every word. Elon will return to bitcoin and Micheal Saylor WILL eventually turn on us.... they are in talks right now as this is being posted. They want your coins and these billionaires could care less about you and your family. + +The Wyckoff strategy was deployed and it still might not be over, but shame on you if you make the same mistake twice. Use your brain and learn to think for yourself. +...where Bitcoin will exist as merely a speculative asset. After this weekend, Bitcoin will be legal tender in El Salvador and there is no going back. + +Enjoy your last weekend. I might take Tuesday off work to celebrate. + +Edit + +Apparently we've started something here. On Tuesday, September 7, 2021, we are all buying $30 of Bitcoin. Spread the word. + +Edit 2 + +Coordinating the time. Place your buys at 5PM EDT (2PM Pacific, 9PM GMT). + +Edit 3 + +The timing coincides with the actual launch in El Salvador, per this thread: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/phgtq2/so_we_all_buying_30_worth_of_bitcoin_on_tuesday/ + +#30for30 +#BuyBTCTuesday +As title says, I applied for a personal loan to the value of £7500 for a car with the intent to pay £3000 of it back immediately in order to reduce the term or monthly payments. This would allow me to get a better APR. This route was recommended to me on this sub and seemed like sound advice. + +Little bit about my finances: + +Age: 23 + +Salary: £22,000 + +Rent: £237.50 per month + +Existing debt: Outstanding £1950 on current car (@ £53 per month) and student loan (not repaying yet) + +Credit cards: Amex Platinum Cashback, 0% credit utilisation as of time of application. Prior to application never more than 15% utilisation or £200). + +Missed payments: Never + +Dependants: None + +Concerns: MSE credit club shows nothing of concern. + + +Anyway, I was finally accepted today after 11 days but with a 24.90% rate instead of the 2.8% suggested. Now I have no idea what the hell to do as I can’t accept this. We have put down a holding deposit on the car twice now £200 total, refundable on cost of car, which is valid for another 10 days. + +I’m tempted to go through the dealerships own HP finance provider as we got accepted very quickly when we last got a car a year or so ago (upgrading now as tiny Citigo not sufficient as we’re having a baby). + +I feel slightly panicked and scared that finance company that the dealership work with will quote a similar amount, especially as they have ties to Santander. Although we should be able to provide them with a £3000 deposit towards the £5995 total cost of the car. + +Or should I go elsewhere for a personal loan and just try take out a smaller loan rather than trying to get the lowest interest rate? I’m also wary of all of the hard credit checks that will be going on if I shop around too much. + +Thank you for all of your help. + +Update: I’ve now applied through the dealership in order to get a better deal. They also offered an extra £500 on top of my P/X price, so now I’m being paid £500 more than I paid for the vehicle almost a year ago. + +Sorry to everybody that feels like I’m making a life changing mistake and risking my family of financial ruin by committing to £70 per month, or £35 each between my fiancé and I. I feel like there’s a real issue with many users of this sub when it comes to looking at finances outside of a vacuum. I’d rather drive a safer, more comfortable, more reliable and fuck it, better looking car and pay for it with the money I work for everyday. I guess people on grad salaries shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy their money or have the peace of mind that their car isn’t going to break down every day and leave their family stranded. + +Must be sad to feel such raw disgust to see lower income individuals with nice things. I’ve always wondered, do you and your partners take turns doing dishes in the bath or do you both get in and do them? + +P.S, what’s up with this whole buying a car at 1/4 or 1/3 of my salary? The yearly cost will equate to around 1/29 of my salary. Half the car cost, over four years, £749 per year. Not to mention increasing salary. Again, consider the bigger picture. + +Thanks to those that actually answered my question rather than roasting me for spending 3.5% of my salary on a safe and reliable car for my family. + +Edit: No I don’t want to get a £3000 car. Give over. +What do you guys think about the minutes report? +Do you think a recession is coming? +Do you think the fed has inflation under control? +Are they reacting to the correct things? + +Lets hear it +I am 40 y/o, married with 2 young children. About $1M in net worth. + +Make just under $500k in a field that is very stressful and I am not happy. I would like to at least have the option to get out or do something else. We have been saving > 30 percent gross and putting into index funds. I am thinking I may be able to chubby FIRE at 55 y/o. + +However I am wondering if real estate is a good option for me. The steady rental income would make it easier to RE or pursue something else if wanted. I actually like real estate. I don’t think I would mind managing properties. ( it may be difficult now with the hours of my job but my wife could help out). In addition my income gives me the opportunity to buy properties. + +However I am already 40, and real estate prices are very high now. In addition I may be moving to a different part of the country so having rentals near me may be difficult to plan. + +Is it worth pursuing the real estate option vs continuing to put everything into index funds? Or would I just be creating more of a headache for myself? + +Any other options I should explore? Staring a company sounds enticing but could seriously set me back to getting FI. I don’t have time to start a company and my job. Similarly, If I switch careers I likely would not be able to make anywhere near what I make now. + +Thanks for your thoughts. +Honestly, I have had it with alll the "kill BTC-XRP-BCH" subscribers over here. +You guys just do not get the big picture.. ETH this, ETH that, kill BTC or whatever crypto except ETH. +What we need is crypto to get adopted, Be it BTC, ETH or Ripple, +Some people love a Volvo, another person loves a Nissan. +Please stop putting other Crypto than ETH down, we do not want a community as toxic as /r/btc or /r/bitcoin, come guys and galls , you can do better! +I believe in cryptocurrency long-term as something that will revolutionize the world’s financial and governance systems, and that there is no better time than right now to become part of that future. However, it will continue to face adoption challenges until the public sees the technology for more than just a ticket to get rich quick. + +That is my belief after doing my own research and experiencing the products of this space for myself. However, it wasn’t easy trying to see both the for and against arguments fairly. It was instead very easy to get drawn to signs that say everything will just go up from here. And that’s a *problem* when people are told to DYOR. **If you’re bullish and are only reading bullish news and opinions, without challenging your thinking with some bearish views, that’s not DYOR, that’s just strengthening your own confirmation bias**. The same can be said for bearish individuals. + +Therefore, when DYOR, try to actively seek out the arguments going against your beliefs, before placing both on a scale to weigh them out. The few skeptical posts in massive echo chambers such as crypto subreddits matter. And if you feel that there is too much optimism or pessimism going around, that’s a sign that things are off-balance, and taking a few steps back is recommended. + +Thank you for reading! +I (26F) currently work as an analyst for an energy company earning £30k. On average, I make the company £20k+ a month by finding mistakes in counter party bills, resulting in more money to my company. Some months it’s been closer to £40k. + +I have been offered a job in the civil service paying £36k. And whilst it’s not a huge increase, there are other perks such as the CS pension. + +I also had a job offer paying £38k but it was only a contract role, and in the covid climate I wanted stability. They sought me out for this role as I used to work for them. I think in the market I could achieve more than the £30k I’m currently on. + +Is it worth asking my current employer if they can match the salary? I have only been there 6 months but have added atleast 200k in value by finding billing errors. I am often praised for how much value I’m adding. + +I really enjoy my current job. My manager is great, he’s really helpful and allows me a lot of flexibility. But ultimately I don’t know how much room to grow there is in my current role. The settlements team is only me and my boss so there’s not really any room for promotion. + +As an aside, I’ve been told by people in the civil service that the level I would enter at (HEO) would essentially be an admin role. In my current job, I’m learning a lot of analytical skills. So wondering if it would even be worth considering the CS job or whether it’s worth staying where I am for a year or so, then leaving to find a higher paying role in the private sector. + +I do want to progress my career and increase my salary so any advice would be appreciated. + +Edit: thank you all so so much for your very insightful comments! I did not expect such a great response +I stumbled upon this article today, and found it both highly interesting and highly relevant to the FIRE mindset: + + [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/07/work-peak-professional-decline/590650/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/07/work-peak-professional-decline/590650/) + +&#x200B; + +A few key takeaways to whet interest: + +* Western society often overemphasizes the role of professional accomplishment in identity and happiness, especially for men. +* Many creative/challenging/interesting jobs require fluid intelligence, which declines sharply in the 40's-50's, far before many are done working. +* The lack of a plan for how to transition in life after the onset of professional decline leads to a loss of a primary source of joy for many, potentially even leading to depression, suicide, or other health issues. +* The writer's plan for transition sounds a lot like the priorities commonly given in this community for RE. + +&#x200B; + +The biggest flaw I see with the otherwise excellent article is that the writer did not specifically consider FIRE (or possibly teacher/mentor-FIRE in which a low-paying job utilizing crystallized intelligence is found). He mentions several times that most people have to keep working past their point of professional decline, but doesn't mention the earlier lifestyle choices that can enable the possibility of RE at that point. +This is not good for crypto. A bank coin over taking Ethereum. This is not we need in crypto. The fact that ripple has people like Benjamin Lawsky on the ripple board of directors is sickening. I will never buy ripple and i encourage everyone to do the same if you truly believe in decentralized digital currency. + + +“Clever Leaves is a multi-national cannabis company with an emphasis on ecologically sustainable, large-scale cultivation and pharmaceutical-grade processing as the cornerstones of its global cannabis business. With operations and investments in the United States, Canada, Colombia, Germany and Portugal, Clever Leaves has created an effective distribution network and global footprint, with a foundation built upon capital efficiency and rapid growth. Clever Leaves aims to be one of the industry’s leading global cannabis companies recognized for its principles, people, and performance while fostering a healthier global community.” + +Clever Leaves is a cannabis play located in Colombia. The company recently came public via a SPAC merger with Schultze Special Purpose Acquisition Corp which awarded them with 80M in cash. Growing weed in Colombia has the following advantages: + +\- Sunlight 12 hours a day + +\- Sunlight year around + +\- Energy Efficient ( good for the planet in the long run ) + +\- High Elevation helps with pest control. + +\- Colombia already dominates flower exports. + +But the greatest advantage of them all is simply: lower cost per gram of dry flower. Clever Cost per gram of dry flower amounts to $0.20. That is right twenty cents. That’s a cost advantage of 9x compared to Canada’s average of $1.89. + + + +Clever Leaves currently has a Cultivation Footprint of 1,900,000 sq. ft. which is comparable to those of bigger companies such as Aphria (2.4M sq ft) , Aurora (1.5M sq. ft.) . + +Another key factor for Clever Leaves global success is they are one of three companies($APHA/$TLRY , $ACB , $CLVR) in the world which are both vertically integrated and are EU GMP-Certified which basically means they can sell their weed as pharmaceutical which is how weed is being establish in some places in Europe such as Germany. + +“Clever Leaves was granted EU GMP certification in July 2020, establishing Clever Leaves’ facilities in Colombia as the first and only cannabis operation to be granted EU GMP certification in Latin America and one of a select few in the world” + + +Clever Leaves is currently a project of national importance as declared by the Colombian Govt which assigned CLVR 50% of the Colombian Production Quota which is aprox 18% of the global production quota. + +Clever Leaves recently announced a partnership to supply cannabis to German pharmaceutical company Ethypharm. + +Clever Leaves is currently at the end of a one-year deal to supply Canopy Growth ($CGC) with the cannabis for its south America operations. This deal has an option for up to two years renewal , it should take place around April 2021. + + +| Company | Market Cap ($) | Cost per Gram ($) | Cultivation Capacity (sq ft) | | +|------------------------|-----------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------------------|---| +| Clever Leaves | 341.077M | 0.20 | 1.9M | | +| Aphria | 6.16B | 1.04 | 2.45M | | +| Tilray | 4.39B | 2.36 | 1.1M | | +| Aurora | 2B | 1.49 | 1.5M | | +| Canopy Growth | 13.18B | Did not find | 7,665,890 | | +| Sundial Growers | 2.42B | 1.86 | 0.448M | | + +The earnings are coming up march 30 2021. + +https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/03/02/2185256/0/en/Clever-Leaves-Receives-Largest-2021-Production-Quotas-from-the-Colombian-Government.html#:\~:text=Clever%20Leaves%20was%20granted%20EU,select%20few%20in%20the%20world. + +https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/03/17/2194641/0/en/Clever-Leaves-and-Ethypharm-Announce-German-Pharmaceutical-Cannabis-Partnership.html + +https://mjbizdaily.com/deal-between-clever-leaves-canopy-could-be-template-for-other-cannabis-firms/ + +https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloudfront.net/_e869268023cc6eaabea30d10a4e17201/cleverleaves/db/858/7512/pdf/CLVR+Investor+Presentation+-+Jan+2021+v3+-+FINAL.pdf +The last time Amazon dished out a stock split was back in 1999, when two shares were exchanged for every one share in investors' hands to push its price down to around $60. + +&#x200B; + +I for one am very surprised given Bezos' opinion on splits. I wonder if the Alphabet split had any influence. + +&#x200B; + +Also announced $10B buyback. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Adding in link to CNBC article: + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/09/amazon-announces-20-for-1-stock-split-10-billion-buyback.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/09/amazon-announces-20-for-1-stock-split-10-billion-buyback.html) + + +Edit2: SEC 8-K filing: [https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001018724/000101872422000009/amzn-20220309.htm](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001018724/000101872422000009/amzn-20220309.htm) +48M married, 3 kids (21, 19, 16). Zero debt, college savings covered. $7M NW (includes home $500k), $1.1M annual income (partner in a consulting firm). Post tax spend ~$200k. + +Have portfolio spread across deferred compensation ($350k per year for 5 years starting 2030), qualified retirement accounts and managed money. + +Advisor says I can quit at current rate, but I am having FOMO by not leveraging the cheap money to buy real estate or make other leveraged investments. + +I hate what I do for a living, but part of me thinks I will keep doing it as a transactional job to delay drawdown - in a sick way, I think having something I have extended myself on would make the work more bearable vs now knowing I have the option to quit every time something pisses me off. +Just wondering what happens if one is made redundant or suffers health issues and can no longer work full time. Does the bank give you any leeway? do you just have to sell ASAP? Rent out and live in your car? + +Not in this situation. Just curious +I have been looking at options for a first home loan and been speaking with some banks to get an idea of what the comparison rates would be. I was told that I could negotiate the actual rate on application, but I am not sure how to go about doing this. + +Do I just ask for a lower rate or do I need something more like a price match by using another bank's advertised rate? Any tips would be helpful. + +I am also looking at the option to waive LMI as a professional (currently about a 10-15% deposit) so this may play into which bank I go with. +Hi all. I'm taking the liberty to share some hard-won experience at this point in time. + + +# Some advice for Core and supporters + +It's easy to feel resentment at this stage, having done so much work and written so much high-quality code, and yet getting a shitstorm for it. When I was leading the Swedish Pirate Party into the European Parliament, I was gradually getting used to getting a barrage of criticism grenades for everything I did and didn't do every single day, starting with when I did or didn't get out of bed in the morning. + +**It's very hard to explain what this does to your psyche to somebody who hasn't experienced it.** Imagine everybody was out to get you, every single day, and giving you high-pitched screaming blame for everything from an orange being round to some Mongolian guy's utter misinterpretation of what you said three years ago. + +I'm not exaggerating when I say that people could probably snap and go restraining-shirt-insane for much less. + +But the crucial thing when you're in a leadership position like that, getting criticism for absolutely everything, is to maintain your ability to sort the relevant criticism apart from the back seat drivers who make a living out of complaining but not contributing. You've also got to trust your inner compass of the vision you want to accomplish. + +From what I can tell, Core has made the common but crucial mistake of isolating itself from the community and taking on an expert attitude toward everybody else in trusting this inner vision compass over external criticism, where Core is somehow right by definition - the development happens as Core wants it, period. This is very dangerous in any open-source / free software project. Other people are just as intelligent and may have considerable experience and ability to evaluate the claims made, and these should - no, must - be taken seriously. + +To illustrate just one point, let's take a look at Core's scaling solution here, Segregated Witness. + +When I apply my nontrivial experience in coding and systems design - I started coding 37 years ago - I see these two options for scaling bitcoin near-term: + +**OPTION ONE** - Change the blocksize upper limit to two megabytes. One line of code for the constant, about ten LOCs for activation trigger logic. Requires upgrading of a majority server software. + +**OPTION TWO** - Introduce Segwit. About 500 lines of new code, of which at least 100 in the hypersensitive consensus code. Requires upgrading a majority of server software _**and all** client/wallet software and client/wallet **hardware,** especially those needing to pay money to an arbitrary address_ (as Segwit introduces a new type of address). + +When proponents of Core's scaling tell me that Option Two here is the better _because it's safer_, and I try to comprehend that statement, I am either utterly insane or the statement is the equivalent of "black is white and up is down". It's just not completely counter to all experience in software engineering risk management, it's so far out it doesn't reflect sunlight anymore. + +When I try to understand more and challenge the assertion that option two is _safer_ - on what I must say are very good grounds - I'm told that I should be leaving design to the experts and that I don't understand enough of the complex machine that is bitcoin. I know I am capable of learning complexities, but I am firmly told off from even trying. + +That's just not how you succeed in maintaining a community. That's not how you make people want to run your code. + +Of course, people are free to run whatever code they like. But the checks and balances in an open source community is simple: if the leadership for a project builds something different from what people want to run, they will run something else. It's therefore in the interest of the leadership to listen to the community to understand what software a majority wants to run. These competing interests provide the checks and balances. + +Now, I understand the complexity of block transfer times through the Chinese firewall and that preliminary tests indicate that a typical full node is saturated at a blocksize of 32 megabytes. However, none of these limits will be hit by this particular scaling. Also, when blazing a trail like this, you work one problem at a time, you solve one bottleneck at a time. People have been flagging for the necessity of increasing the blocksize for ... I don't have dates here at hand, but it should be the better part of a year if not more. Further down the road, scaling node throughput capacity can be done in a number of ways from GPUing ECDSA to specialized hardware, but it's not the imminent bottleneck. + +When such an enormous amount of crucial data (on the need to raise the blocksize limit) is ignored, that is done at the peril of the project. + +People in the bitcoin community are intelligent geeks, capable of inhaling absurd amounts of information and cross-referencing all of it. If you are unable to explain why your solution is better than another proposed solution, people will be utterly dissatisfied with the response "because we are the experts" - for you must assume that other people in the community, in the general case, are at least as intelligent and capable of learning as you are. It's even possible that if you can't explain your solution to an open and intelligent mind, it's not a good solution. + + +# Some advice for Classic and supporters + +So it appears the hard fork is happening. A lot of people have fought hard to raise the blocksize limit for a long time, using a variety of means, and it seems to be happening at long last. + +Core didn't take the last available opportunity to include a blocksize limit lift in 0.12, but have announced the release candidate without that feature. So this is it, this is when the fork happens or doesn't happen. Right now, based on announced support, the fork appears to be moving forward. A lot of people supporting Classic are feeling a lot of relief, even if people know that this effort is not done until the blocksize trigger has activated on the network. It's far from there at this point - there's not even deployed code. But everything seems to be going the right way. + +It's important to reflect on how this is more than a discussion on features. This is an election of what people decide get to _decide_ on the features, direction, quality, and vision _moving forward._ And as Satoshi declared, there's only one thing determining the outcome of the election: what code is producing the longest chain. That's how bitcoin's democracy works, right there. + +This is not a selection of features. It's much bigger than that. It's an election of governance and stewardship into the future. + +As in most elections, there has been a lot of animosity - in both directions. As heels have been dug in, ditches turned to trenches, and preferences turned into prestige, people are starting to call out each other and accuse the other side of not working for what's best for bitcoin, and actively naming specific names in negative contexts. + +When those in power do this to you, you're feeling everything in the book between resentment, belittling, and outrage. It's easy to do the same thing back. There have even been suggestions that Core is deliberately sabotaging bitcoin to the benefit of ... a selection of actors. + +This creates a toxic culture leading up to the election point, where people are afraid to take bitcoin-positive initiatives in anticipation of all the negative attention that follows - for in such an environment, practically all attention will be negative. + +It doesn't help that people incumbent in positions of power tend to "do what they must, because they can" in order to safeguard the status quo, however small or insignificant that incumbency is - this includes everything from Theymos' deletion of discussions, via the silly DDoS attacks on XT nodes, to LukeJR's poison pull request to Classic about killing all miner hardware investment. Actions such as these are not really excusable, but they are still human: people tend to do **the very human mistake of letting the ends justify the means, with the ends being what _they_ believe is best for the bitcoin network.** + +Of course, other people disagree of what's best for the bitcoin network, and toxicity follows until the conflict is resolved. And beyond. The toxicity will _remain_ until actively removed by leadership. + +**It is the responsibility of the winner in any rift to end a toxic animosity culture of hostilities and personal adversarialism. I cannot stress this enough.** + +History is full of examples where the winners refused to live alongside the losers and rebuild the world together once the conflict was resolved. It never ends well. On the other hand, where the opposite has been true - South Africa's end of segregation with Mandela as president comes to mind as a good example of leadership here - people learn to put animosity behind them. + +A lot of people who have submitted code to Core (and previously) are skilled coders, after all, working from their vision. This vision doesn't have to be incompatible with Classic's vision in the slightest - it may just be a matter of slightly different feature priorities, with people intending to get everything in there anyway. + +(I'd also therefore like to praise Jonathan Toomim for not engaging in the rifting but focusing on _solving the problem_ to most people's acceptance. Real MVP right there.) + + + +# Finally, some personal reflections + +Unfortunately, I believe bitcoin development has lost touch with large-scale rollout necessities over the past year or so. At the moment, there are three use cases which all new features should seek to improve: + +**Remittance.** The act of sending money between individuals in different countries. + +**Drop-in credit card replacement,** from the perspectives of both the payer and the merchant (two different use cases). This means that a payment must be instant, easy, and much cheaper than a credit card settlement. + +These three use cases must be front left, right, and center when doing any design on the bitcoin network, as far as I'm concerned. They also reinforce each other when funds received by remittance don't have to go via fiat to be used for purchasing something. + +**If there's no profit to be made in using bitcoin as a drop-in replacement for credit card payments, bitcoin will not be deployed at scale. Deployment and outcompeting legacy systems depend entirely on merchant financial gains from rollout. The story begins and ends with this observation.** + +That's why I'm concerned when I'm looking at the features of 0.12. I don't see any features targeting one of these three use cases. Fact is, I see at least one feature severely degrading the drop-in capability of credit card replacement - RBF - and the lack of scaling severely jeopardizing, not to say ultimately removing, the profitability in replacing credit cards. + +What I see is instead engineering for the sake of engineering. The question of "who's the customer?" seems to have gotten lost in the process. While it's arguable that there's no customer as such in an open source project, there's nevertheless an importance in understanding where the _front bowling pins_ are for a disruptive technology like this - and it's certainly not in the one-time initialization time of starting up a new node. I'd argue that the front bowling pins instead are the three use cases I listed above, and would love to see a stronger focus on tangible use cases moving forward even if people disagree with my choice of cases. + +Onward and upward. Bitcoin will recover and move on. Let's learn from this experience. + +I can’t find the Reddit post but I’ve seen it advised that if you’re going to be sticking something up your butt make sure it either has a flared end or handle. The anus actually will “suck up” objects and you won’t be able to fish them out, like an object in a vagina. One of my past jobs working at a hospital a couple had gotten a screwdriver stuck in the man’s rectum. + +With the recent price action and people recklessly rectum wagering, i hope this information can help prevent an ape from having to make an uncomfortable and embarrassing emergency room visit. + +“911 what’s your emergency?” +“Hi yeah 911 i have a lightbulb stuck in my butt because i had the bright idea to tell a bunch of internet strangers if GameStop closed over 300 today id put one in my butt.” +“…. I’m dispatching an ambulance to your location.” + + +Edit: another solid piece of advice a few apes have mentioned is lube. Lots of lube. +How *much do you pay for you and your family’s health insurance? + +*Asking because my partner and I are considering to leave our corporate jobs and focus more on RE. But our health insurance including having FSA and HSA benefits is really beneficial for our family of 4. +I am 27 and this is my first time personally saving one thousand of my own income on my own! My spouse has always been great at saving and I have always relied on that. I have made it my goal in 2019 to be better with money and focus on our future. + +I had about $300 leftover from a work Christmas bonus that I rolled over into my savings account that gave me a head start. I created an excel spreadsheet with all of our expenses, some of the things I am ok with spending money on (Apple Music, Netflix, lunch a couple of days a week.) That helped me a lot. I have been stringent with our grocery budget, gas budget, not eating out much, and not buying unnecessary stuff when we are out getting the things we need. I've been paid twice this month and just sent a large chunk over to my savings and operated on what was left after my contribution to bills. + +I am also using Qapital savings app. My goal is to save 10k this year. It will take a lot of cutting expenses, but I really want to have a secure future. We are working towards having 6 months to a year of living expenses saved. +So. Let's look at your folio return for the month of May. Midcap nifty 100 was down roughly 7 percent in last 30 days. And Smallcap nifty 100 down 6.90 percent in last 30 days. + +My folio was down 7.6 percent in May. Even though my folio consists of 30 percent large caps, 50 percent midcap and 20 percent smallcaps. + +What is happening according to me is what happened on January to march 2016. Where smallcap and midcap indexes lost between 20 to 25 percent. Similarly after demonitization smallcaps and midcaps suffered 15 to 20 percent falls. And a very similar falls from January 2013 to June 2013, roughly from 15 to 20 percent. + +Big fund houses generally start booking profits and shifting about once in a while. A clue I found is. That during last 6 months, my folio is down 10 percent but my Mutual funds of small and midcaps are up anywhere between 5 to 9 percent. + +The selling pressure we see is panic selling right now. Stocks which have great value falling like nine pins. Example, Rain Industries, avanti feeds, REC, PFC, tinplate, bhel, capital first. All these companies have good fundamentals and profits. But still got battered in last 6 months. Most of them down 50 percent from Peak values. + +There are many others too but there are just too many to name here. + +Go and see charts of smallcap and midcap index. Everytime there was a fall, nifty mostly stayed stable. And same is the case this time. + +We are almost or about to reach the bottoms in midcap and smallcaps in next 10 to 15 days. + +I think now or within this month would be a great time to start a midcaps SIP and start buying stocks in staggered manner. + +Remember, blood is in the street, panic is everywhere, selling pressure is insane. + +Obituaries are being written on valuepickr, geniuses have come out from the closet explaining why the midcap and smallcap slaughter is happening and were bullish 1 year ago. + +Make no mistake, fear has taken over the smaller stocks or midcaps. And whenever I start seeing tributes and obituaries being written and analysts shouting to sell the smallcaps, I know. What I'm going to do. + +Opinions???? + + +My spouses's email ID and phone number had to be updated to get OTP for making a new direct lump-sum purchase . As both phone number and email need an update, this cant be done online. Nor can one open a new account with the same PAN ! A KYC update form needs to be filled and submitted. + +Did this around 20th Feb in person - their investment service centre confirmed all docs r in order and change will be done in 7 business days !. + +The details r still not updated. Emails to HDFC CS are not acknowledged and their helpline is equally unhelpful. I will now have to search for escalation contacts. Frustrating to run from pillar to post to get a simple change done ! + +Update: This finally got done and I was able to login. I added a bank account to the folio yesterday and then tried to make a lump sum purchase. The bank account didnt show-up and the only way to make a purchase is to do an NEFT, HDFC Transfer ...... I thought the servers may be on once a day sync-up so waited till this morning- no change, account still not visible. Helpline informed over chat that it takes 7 days for account to reflect !!!! 7 day !!!! This is now bordering on ridiculous. + +&#x200B; +Stumbled upon [this](https://www.businessinsider.in/indias-lehman-moment-seems-closer-as-top-mutual-funds-defer-dues/articleshow/68831689.cms) + +>The fear in the market is that an increasing number of mutual funds are trying to brush their bad investments in companies like IL&FS, Essel Group etc. under the carpet. + +Should we be worried? +Link here: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/personal-finance-news/tata-housing-offers-home-loan-rate-of-3-99-pc-to-new-buyers/articleshow/61596855.cms + +>The campaign gives home buyers the opportunity to own a Tata Housing property "at a special, one-time home loan rate of 3.99 per cent", the company said in a statement. + +>This special home loan rate would be valid for the first five years. + + +what rates after that? +When is the delivery of flats? + + +Article Source : [https://eightytwentyinvestor.com/2016/07/26/a-primer-for-investing-in-debt-mutual-funds/](https://eightytwentyinvestor.com/2016/07/26/a-primer-for-investing-in-debt-mutual-funds/) + + + +Debt mutual funds hold a portfolio of debt securities (assume it to be like a loan document which entitles the holder to receive the payment of principal and interest and can be transferred amongst various lenders). Debt funds have to value the debt securities every day based on the current market value. **The prices of debt securities are inversely proportional to the interest rates i.e the prices increase if interest rates go down and prices decrease if interest rates go up.** + +**Logic behind the inverse relationship :** Assume a company issues a debt instrument in the market that fetches its holder an interest rate of 8%. A few months later if the interest rates in the economy go down, there will be newer debt instruments that would offer a lower interest rate of say 7%. Since these new instruments have a lower return than the 8% interest instrument, the value (market price) of the older paper and correspondingly the net asset value (NAV) of the debt fund that has invested in these papers also goes up. +Hi all, + +I have a moderately high risk tolerance and would like to hoard cash to be able to take benefit of significant decline in markets. For this I am prepared to keep aside a certain amount of cash and wait patiently for the appropriate time and day. In this regards, I have two question? + +1. What is a tax/return efficient way to parking money that I can quickly withdraw money in the event of crash and invest quickly. Ideally should have lowest tax implication and have a decent return above inflation. Savings bank, Gold fund, liquid fund, short, medium term debt funds or gilt fund? + +2. Given that I also have a day job, how can I automate the process? For example, a simple rule could be if there is a drop in .5% of Sensex since market opening, automatically and instantly invest 5000 in a index fund? Similarly, if 1% drop, invest 10,000. + +Thank you for reading, please share your knowledge on this. + +Regards, +Artemis +West coast over here, too excited and/or incredibly jetlagged but I'm blaming ETH. + +Just want to say I was looking at Crypto since last December and decide really to read into it about a month ago which resulted in a good investment in ETH. With caution in mind, the long term future looks amazing and it's great to be able to share all this with everyone. + +So reddit sub is friendlier. + +Hodl. +I recall seeing a lot of news, criticism, etc when the "event" happened, but now that dust has settled, it would be interesting to know which is the current status of both projects. + +Which one are you using? Some ethical reason or technical one? +How much the activity on stock market subs has dried up since the end of the meme stock craze? + +It's something to note if you're considering investing in the Robinhood IPO or anything along those lines that relies heavily on trading volume. The dried-up activity on these subs is likely a sign that trading activity has dried up as well (or at least that it's reverted back to pre-meme stock levels). +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. 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I have read a lot on this sub and this will be my first time investing. I am an expat in The Netherlands (without the 30% ruling) and have a Degiro account. I have decided to start with the Vanguard FTSE AW ETF and some stocks, e.g. ASML. My few specific questions are: + +&#x200B; + +1. The Vanguard FTSE AW ETF seems listed on Euronext Amsterdam as per Degiro. So do I get to claim back any withholding tax charged? +2. Now, I am unsure of how the Dutch Box 3 tax works. So e.g. I invest 10.000 EUR and on December 31 I sell all of it (hypothetically 10.500 EUR). In that case, are my Box 3 assets then zero and consequently zero tax on the 500 EUR gained? +3. Similar to (2), but if I repatriate any capital gains to my home country on December 31, will my Box 3 chargeability be only over the 10.000 EUR? As an expat, I have the option to repatriate my funds back to my home country where it can stay tax free + interest is also tax free. +4. Any other suggestions for a first time investor on what to invest in? I want to have 50% medium-low risk (the Vanguard ETF) and 50% high risk stocks in my portfolio; or is that a bad option? +5. For those who use Degiro, is the Belastingdienst tax form automatically populated when investing with Degiro? + +Thank you for your time! + I am a U.S. Citizen residing in the EU with income sourced from U.S. pension funds dominated in dollars. I am hearing rumblings of a massive upcoming devaluation of the U.S. dollar at the end of April. This would have a devastating impact on my future financial security. Should I be concerned and what actions could I take (if any) to protect my future. +Hi, + +I think it is safe to say that the most recommended pick for ETF on this sub is VWCE, which is trying to follow an FTSE All-World index, as far as I understand this index competitor is MSCI ACWI (correct me if I am wrong), that as well includes developed and emerging markets. + +The same kind of balance between EM and DM can be archived through balancing etfs that follow those indexes (there are some differences between those): + +\- **iShares MSCI EM UCITS ETF and iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF** + +\- **Vanguard FTSE Developed World UCITS and Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets** + +&#x200B; + +**Part that I have trouble understanding:** + +In order to be included into developed markets countries have to pass some GDP per capita threshold and some other criteria (not entirely sure what are those), in that case if a new country would pass that threshold it would be "upgraded" into developed markets index. If so, how is that possible that emerging markets index would at any point outperform developed markets index? It seems that at the point where for example China would start performing better, it would be excluded from emerging markets and automatically upgraded to the developed one. +Hi! I’m looking for savings account in EU country (other than Poland, which is my country of residence). Currently I have three bank accounts: + +1. Lloyds Bank in UK (but haven’t used it since I moved out of UK 2 years ago) +2. Revolut +3. ING Bank + +I wanted to resign from ING and move to Revolut completely, but apparently Revolut lost polish IBAN and my employer won’t allow me to use LT IBAN to receive salary. So I will use ING as a “bridge” which will automatically transfer money each 10th of month to Revolut. + +Maybe I would use revolut’s vault as savings account, but I have no idea if it’s good. Any opinions on that? + +Because of inflation and personal reasons I would like to open savings account in Belgium, Netherlands or Germany for example (but any country where euro is the main currency will do). My saving goal is €15k in the next year and a half. + +Of course that means I need an account in bank accepting non-residents so… any ideas or recommendations? +So, I’m 35 year old, I have no much time to spend to my retirement investment. So, I tried to find a low-fees performing lazy strategy (obviously with pros and cons). I don’t know if it’s the better one strategy, but I think it's not the worst one either. + +I funded my ETFmatic portfolio (EUR) (90% Stocks and 10 % Bonds) at the beginning of January 2018 with 2400 euros. + +After one-year (1/1/18-31/12/18), with ETFmatic 0.48% AUM fees (per year, 0,48% <25k and 0.29% >25K), **I have paid 9€ fees for 2018**. + +There were 20 transactions (new contributions and auto-rebalancing) over the year (15 Buy and 5 Sell). + +The proportional TER of ETFs held in the portfolio is 0.10 %. + +Here is the portfolio : + +||Instrument|ISIN|Acc./Dist.|TER%|Current %|T.E.R of ETFs held Portfolio| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|1|VANGUARD FTSE DEVELOPED EUROE EX UK|IE00BKX55S42|Distributed|0,12|11,64|0,01| +|2|VANGUARD S&P 500|IE00B3XXRP09|Distributed|0,07|62,54|0,04| +|3|VANGUARD FTSE DEVELOPED ASIA PACIFIC EX JAPAN|IE00B9F5YL18|Distributed|0,22|2,21|0,00| +|4|VANGUARD FTSE EMERGING MARKETS|IE00B3VVMM84|Distributed|0,25|7,05|0,02| +|5|ISHARES FTSE100|IE0005042456|Distributed|0,07|2,77|0,00| +|6|HSBC MSCI JAPAN|IE00B5VX7566|Distributed|0,19|3,85|0,01| +|7|ETFS LO IM GLOBAL GOVERNMENT BONDS|IE00BSVYHQ11|Distributed|0,26|0|0,00| +|8|VANGUARD EUROZONE GOVERNMENT BOND|IE00BZ163H91|Distributed|0,12|9,76|0,01| +|9|ISHARES € INFLATION LINKED GOVT BOND|IE00B0M62X26|Accumulating|0,25|0|0,00| +|10|CASH||||0,17|| +|||||||Total TER 0,10%| + +I don’t know if we could say that the fees are high or not in comparison of the number of ETF, transactions (new contributions and rebalancing) and auto gliding path until your retirement date included in their service. Maybe the costs could start to be considered too high only from a higher AUM. + +Disregard ETFmatic's management fees, I think their asset allocation is consistent. + +There is also the lazy option to acquire 3 ETFs (see below Option A) or 3 passive no-load index mutual funds (Option B) via a broker or directly via a Vanguard account (I don't know if I can get one from Belgium ?), but you’ll pay others fees type, do rebalance and gliding the path to your retirement date yourself, it’s not a big deal for me. + +But, not to mention the tax that is specific to each country, I don’t know if you’ll pay significantly less fees with this strategy (option A and option B) than robo-advisor such as ETFmatic. + +Additional paperwork required when filing taxes on investments done through a foreign broker or robo-advisor like ETFmatic isn’t a big deal for me but if I can do without it, it's better. + +&#x200B; + +**I'd like to do my homework, so from Belgium or elsewhere in Europe where can I get, with low fees, these ETF and passive no-load index mutual funds to compare strategies (ETFmatic vs option A vs option B) about asset allocation, fees, tax, time consuming, point of view please ? Another solution than** [DEGIRO](https://www.reddit.com/r/EuropeFIRE/comments/6j50yz/brokers_you_get_what_you_pay_for/) **please.** + +&#x200B; + +**Option A - ETF (by example Vanguard, Amundi, Lyxor, …) :** + +* 83% Vanguard FTSE Developed World *IE00BKX55T58* Distributed (TER 0,18 %) +* 7% Vanguard ftse emerging markets *IE00B3VVMM84* Distributed (TER 0,25 %) +* 10 % Vanguard eurozone government bond *IE00BZ163H91* Distributed (TER 0,12 %) + +**Option B - Passive no-load index mutual funds (by example Vanguard, Amundi, Lyxor, …) :** + +For stocks, inspired from /u/quietinvestor (basically, replicating the MSCI ACWI Index with this asset allocation) + +* 83 % Vanguard Global Stock Index *IE00B03HCZ61* (TER 0.30%)replicates MSCI World Index, which is made of large and medium cap stocks from developed countries. +* 7 % Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index *IE0031786142* (TER 0.40%): replicates MSCI Emerging Markets Index, which is made of large and medium cap stocks from emerging markets. +* 10 % Vanguard Euro Government Bond Index Fund - Investor Accumulation (EUR) *IE0007472115* (TER 0.25%) + +EDIT1 + +~~We have tax exempt amount (640 €/year 800/year in 2019) on dividend. If I have choice I prefer to go to accumulating (less paperwork with dividend) but it's not a big deal until a certain AUM.~~ + +I'm trying to confirm this information, but bad news, it only concerns stocks, not ETF or funds. If someone could confirm my information please. + +So obviously, in this case it's better to avoid a maximum distributed ETF or funds. +Hey guys! + +I'm an American citizen who has been living in the UK for 11 years ( since I was 14 ) I'm now looking to go back to the US. I'm a little confused about what I need to do tax-wise etc. I also need to figure out the best visa to get my Fiance on! We've been together 5 years, lots of photographic evidence etc. not sure if we should get married here (UK) or wait and get married in the US? + +Any suggestions Visa or Financial wise would be appreciated! +Hello, + +I am quite new here and just recently started informing myself about ETFs as I want to start investing. + +One elements that came up quite often is distributing vs accumulating ETFs. I understand that distributing ETFs are paying out divides to my bank account (e.g., 50 cent per quarter) while accumulating ETFs are re-investing the value that would have been paid out. + +But how can I imagine this reinvestment? Will I get a portion of an ETF then (in the App that I downloaded for trading I can only buy "whole" ETFs and not half an ETF). + +For example: Assuming I own 1 ETF that is priced at 100 Euro and now a dividend of 1 Euro would be paid out. But instead of being paid out it is re-invested. So do I have 1,01 ETFs not or how can I understand this? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in advance! +How do you pick your bond ETFs? Government only? European vs global? (I am European) + +Curious to know where are you all investing in bond ETFs + +I am in my early 30, and I have a 90/10 allocation (stock+ bond). + +I am currently investing 10% of my allocation in iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond EUR IE00BDBRDM35 (coupon 2,09%) - Weighted Av YTM as of 15/Dec/2021 1.24% +I am currently investing mainly in VWCE as a long term investment for my retirement. I also buy shares of VUAA from time to time (like every 3 months). + +I am considering adding IUSN (almost all world small caps) to potentially capture increased premium. + +What people think? Is IUSN a good long term investment ? Or should I stick with VWCE? +My dad passed away when I was 17 I inherited around 700k finished the payments on his house, trucks. I have around 450k left. I went to trade school now I got this sweet job making 2500 a month. What should I do? (Thinking about joining Air Force) +Hello all, + +I don’t want to bore you all with a sad story or anything but I’ll be straight and short with everyone on my current situation. + +I (18M) am an international student from Canada who is attending school in the USA. Just last year I attended one of my dream schools, played on a sports team and had one of the best years of my life. I had gotten a girlfriend, a solid friend group and even got a cute kitten in hopes of my future at this college. + +Then the unexpected happened, I found out many truths about my parents (father in particular) and their current situation when I came home earlier last summer. Found out that my father had many mental problems and was thrown into a rehab clinic (which forced him off work), and my mother does not work at all due to disability. My family was quickly falling apart, mentally I couldn’t take it so I quickly booked a flight back into the city of my college. When it came down to the end of the summer, I couldn’t afford to go to school. + +I couldn’t pay the funds even with a significant scholarship, I had already gotten an OSAP (Ontario Student Loan) loan and it still could not cover the rest. I tried talking to the school about a possible payment plan but no, private schools have their rules at the end of the day. My sports coach wouldn’t help either so I had to drop out, which later on I found out my father and mother had no savings this whole time, and had been lying to me for years. + +I feel empty, I feel broken. If only they told me earlier right? I just feel like everything I had was a waste, all of these bonds and memories gone. I applied to another cheaper college in the same city as the other college I attended, but it’s so much money still, I can barely afford it. I also signed a 15 month lease last may for an apartment which I have no clue how I am going to afford. My father is now about to declare bankruptcy, I am just so unsure of what to do. + +So my question to all of you is what should I do from here? Should I go back to Canada and work or try to attend university back there? Should I leave my girlfriend and friends and go back home and figure out a different career path? + +My apologies if this sounds like a cry for help, mentally I am just out of it and I am not thinking straight and need some advice. Thank you all <3 + +**EDIT (DEC 17):** + +Thank you all for your responses and advice. A lot of people and I mean a lot of you have changed my mind and made me think straight again. I actually generally feel way happier looking at my future path right now, as compared to just yesterday where I was lost and confused. Thank you to everyone, you are all so special to me :) + +Also just want to include some additional information which I didn’t include in my original post, some people are asking me “Why don’t I have a job” and also asking me “Why am I acting entitled”. I want to point out to you all; I really am not trying to act entitled, I am hoping that is not the vibe I am giving off from this post. I understand that uncontrollable things are going to happen, I understand really I do, I just wish I had some clarification before signing off for some things such as my lease, and my car (which I was given the go ahead to move forward with since we had the funds). If I knew about my parents financial situation earlier I would’ve never came to the USA, having found out from my mother that my father has had a money spending problem and is in debt really hurt me since I love him a lot and I only want the best for him and her. + +Anyways, I am going to apply to Sheridan College and pursue the Honours Bachelor of Information Sciences (Cyber Security) program. I have done some research, and I am also going to apply at other schools just in case but I am very interested in this. OSAP will be able to cover most/ if not all of my schooling per year. Also, I just realized that all of these years I never thought of education itself l, I would always incorporate my athletics into it and I just relied on being an athlete and never thought about my future plans. Now that I see most of your responses, it’s about time to get my sh** together. Going to also get a full time job from now until August / start of September. + +I cannot thank everyone of you, this is my first time using reddit and being in this community, I plan to never leave. You are all tremendous, and most of your responses are absolutely beautiful. I’ve never broken down like this in a while but I am really starting to see a more positive light ever since I made this post. + +Thank you all! + + +P.S. the kitten will be taken of (it was my roommates idea to initially adopt her). +I noticed that on Monday when the price hit $198 it IMMEDIATELY got knocked down. Since then, the focus went to $180 for some reason. We know that there are a bunch of calls that go ITM if the price closes above $200 today. I believe the true FUD this week was making apes believe $180 is the price that hedgies don’t want, when in reality $180 has been suspiciously pushed as the wall to beat down. Psychologically speaking, getting past $180 was never the goal; it’s the $200s that need to be broken through... 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +With the announcement by Senator Feinstein that there will be committee hearings about the short-selling on GME that got these rich, golden spoons in big no-no trouble: + +Wallstreetbets is going to Congress. + +We will hear financial "experts" talk about this sub, as we have been hearing them on the news for several days now, but in the people's house. Realize what this subreddit is, what it's for, and understand everyone is watching. + +We like the stock. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xraujo5eyhp61.jpg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feedf56978dd8b566511a108a0fb286303980788 + +Given the diverse styles that I see people in this sub using, I’ve been inspired to write up a short list of position size strategies. I see investing as comprising two major skills, identification (DD) and risk mitigation. One way to manage risk is through position size. I don’t think there is a “right” way to do it. It all depends on one's aims and risk tolerance. + +If you think this is advice, you're more retarded than I am. + +Anywho, here are some distinct methods I'm familiar with: + +**All-In** – Betting is a game of percentages, right? Can’t say I’ve tried this with stocks, but I admire the balls it takes to do it. Worst case scenario of losing everything is very real in the spec stocks. Trading halt could lock down capital for a long time. One could be forced into a huge loss in order to exit a position that may never recover (or best case, take years). Conversely, it might double your money very quickly. + +**Kelly Criterion** – This is an approach to gambling using a mathematical formula to determine ideal bet size. It maximizes returns over time while reducing the chance of bombing out. The math behind it gets a bit complicated so check out the wiki. But basic method is to take one's odds as % chance to win, multiply by 2, and subtract 100 to determine bet size as a % of total capital. This can be applied to trading/investing. Idea is to measure one's own hit rate (% stock picks that win) and use that as the odds to apply the formula to. It’s kind of an elegant method as it scales to an individual's ‘skill’ level. + +**Risk Tolerance Method** – This involves determining personal tolerance for risk and using that as a basis for determining position size. For example, risk tolerance level might be 2% of total capital. In trading, that might mean using stop loss distance in conjunction to risk level to work out the position size. In investing, it might mean managing each position so that no single one is larger than the risk tolerance level. + +**Standard Allocation** – I read that commonly investors end up with a portfolio of 20-30 stocks. This works out to be 3-5% position sizes. It’s not necessarily right or even ideal, but I guess could be considered a standard allocation of sorts. I think that using this position size isn’t too bad, though maybe a bit too conservative for me? + +**Diversification** – I think this method is most useful for people who want to preserve their capital above all else. Tangibly this might mean buying an ETF or a set of ETFs to spread risk across many stocks and/or asset classes. I think there is something to be learned from splitting positions between sectors and major industries, even if the individual positions are large. If all of the stocks in a portfolio move together, it may be hard to take advantage of opportunities in inversely correlated parts of the market. + +**Tier System (123 Method)** – Not sure if this is a thing, but this is generally how I approach it. It involves the risk tolerance method, but as an addition, I use perceived risk level to justify larger position sizes. Essentially, I take my base risk tolerance % to determine the size of one parcel of stock. Then for stocks with less perceived risk, I allow for 2x or 3x parcel allocation. As an example, if my risk tolerance was 3% of total capital, that would allow for a maximum commitment of 9-10% for a single low risk position. + +Somewhat related is entry and exit methods. E.g. one chunk, averaging in, targets sell points, free carrying, etc. Might be interesting to write about in future. + +I'm interested to hear about other people's position size strategies. +Mentioned this in another thread but the gist is im gonna pick the 20 most popular stonks that are said to be mooning or have a shit ton of rocket emojis from nothing more than popular opinion on protrader chat sites like redshit, hotfapper and twatter. Hit me with your shit tips and rockets for the week coming. +Idea is to put $1k into the 20 most popular on a Monday. Sell at a 50% gain or at the end of the week. No ifs no buts. + Whether it being making some sort of system to save money or some way you’ve been able to generate income, what Finance Pro Tip could you share with your fellow povertyfinance community members +My family has been through a bit of a rough time as of late. My mom makes are $42k a year, she lives in a house that has been refinanced twice and she still owes $180k on. She has $25k in credit card debt, and $10k in medical debt due to recent necessary surgeries. My grandmother, who is 92, and has congestive heart failure, but survived a hospitalization last week with pneumonia, is living on borrowed time and her name is on the title, making half of the equity hers. + +My mom has consulted a lawyer that is an old, old friend of hers. And he is painting a very rosey picture to her indeed. That she should declare Chapter 13 now, so that while she does it only half the equity is in her name, which means her creditors would come after her for less if my grandma dies. I don't think this makes sense, but I have never been in these kinds of waters. + +She says he tells her she will only have to make a $300 payment every month for about 3 years and she will be out of this, and lose nothing. That her credit will not be tanked for the typical 7 years, and that she will not lose her house or her car. I asked her why she would want to declare bankruptcy over essentially unsecured debts (she only talks about the credit cards) and she said because she has to. + +My mom has never been really rational, or good with money, and money causes her anxiety and always has. To the point that I am fearful she is jumping into a hasty decision because she is terrified. She wants my brother to loan her $800 to pay the lawyer to do this for her. He is hesitant because he does not want to loan her money to essentially do more harm than good. Neither do I. + +I do not know what to tell her, but this whole situation gives me very weird vibes. I don't like the way that she can't explain anything about how this works, I don't like how personal she is getting when we offer to instead help her pay her medical debts down with no strings attached. I don't like the George Bluth way this is being explained to us. "I just have to declare a little light bankruptcy." + +Is this some kind of common scam? Is this the right thing for her? Any kind of guidance anyone here could give would be hugely appreciated. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Just a bit if a fun one for a Monday morning, inspired by the new "set for life" game on the National Lottery (gave it a go this month instead of my usual EuroMillions). + +No lump sum option, just £10,000 cash free ever month until 2049. +About last year I received a DUI, I’m finally ready to start driving again but when I went insurance shopping the lowest I could get is 430-500/mth My car payment is about 323 so that would mean 800$+ just to have my car. My insurance will be at a premium for about 2 more years. + +Currently I get rides to my jobs from my family then I uber home. I spend about 50-100$ a week on uber. I’m currently making 19k as a bartender and busser. I’ve been thinking about selling my car and waiting the two years by biking to work. The bike ride would be about 20 miles a day. + +I’m kinda just at a loss as what is my next move, I could try working at a better restaurant, or get an office job and bartend at night. I’m also getting burnt out on working so much, last year I was hold three jobs and on weekends I couldn’t sleep, because I would get out of the bar at 3am, have stock team at 4 or 5am then I would work lunch time bussing. + +Thank you if you reply with ideas. + +Hi all, + +Sorry if this is a slightly odd topic but after much deliberation I figured it best related to personal finance. + +I am not seeking advice but rather to know how many, if any, of you are supported financially by your parents, particularly if you are millennials or under 25? Or do you know of many who are? + +I am 23 and live independently in London, on about £30k and I do not and never have received much financial support from my dad (mum passed away when I was 14) since I went to uni really as he could not afford it. But I certainly don't receive any now. + +I seem to know so many people, especially at uni but also in work here, that receive continual and ongoing support from their parents and seem to be always on holiday or always out doing stuff and going places. Sometimes this comes in the form of paid holidays, sometimes help with rent each month, and sometimes the parents have even bought a house for them to live in! Others are sometimes living off considerable savings left for them or given to them by parents and family. + +I am curious to know whether I am the odd one out here or is it common for young working people, especially in London, to receive this type of support from parents to enable them to live a good social life (the money isn't for 'survival', to be frank)? + +Cheers +I don't know how you all guys feel, but this subreddit is not what it used to be. I don't enjoy reading anything from here since the link submissions have been accepted. + +If I wanted to read news or *pseudo pro investors*, I would go to their sources, not to here to then go there. + +I liked this subreddit to know what were YOU thinking, the regular investor just like me. + +That is now lost here. Gone for bad. + +Just my two cents on what it used to be my landing page for Reddit. +90 days from the splitdivvy is 19th October btw. + +Lots of legal jargon to confuse MayoMan's lawyers and shills, but below seems to say 'fuk up our divvy then we may appoint a new exchange to handle GME, if we don't then 90 days from the 'unwilling, unable or ineligible' date (splivvy date) we can put GME wherever we G-d damn well please. + +2nd paragraph, page 16: "If a depository for a series of securities is at any time unwilling, unable or ineligible to continue as depository and a successor depository is not appointed by us within 90 days, we will issue individual securities of such series in exchange for the global security representing such series of securities. In addition, we may, at any time and in our sole discretion, subject to any limitations described in the applicable prospectus supplement relating to such securities, determine not to have any securities of such series represented by one or more global securities and, in such event, will issue individual securities of such series in exchange for the global security or securities representing such series of securities." + +Source: ([https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html#supprom192873\_26](https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html#supprom192873_26)) + +As always, Dig, debate, discuss - and Buy, DRS, Hodl. +I am purchasing a new primary residence house and getting a large mortgage at 4%. Meantime I am selling my current house and not sure if I should put 100% of sale proceeds into the stock market (I would put all into qqq) or into the new mortgage (mortgage at 4%) or maybe split it 50/50. I know the stock market on average returns 7% per year vs 4% mortgage and that makes it seem like putting it into the stock market is better idea. But there are other considerations like taxation that makes it quite complicated. I am wondering if anybody has good insight into what is best thing to do here financially. +Edited to add: I am 34. +Hi all, finance noob here just starting to learn about how stock exchanges work. So there are all these different exchanges all over the world trading in different time zones, why haven't the major investment banks joined forces to create a world wide stock exchange so they could all trade 24/7? + +I understand there are considerations such as when to reconcile the trades made, but this seems solvable from a technology perspective. What are some other factors preventing this from happening? + +Maybe this is a stupid question and I just haven't scoured the web hard enough. If this is the case, could anyone point me in the direction of some relevant material that I can research? + +**Edit:** Thank you for all the responses! I would like to add a sub-question to spur further discussion. A lot of the responses had to do with the negative aspects of after-hours trading in a particular market (i.e. lack of volume and liquidity leading to large spreads and discouraging investor activity). I would like to refocus my inquiry if that's alright.. + +Sure after-hours trading will occur on this platform, but if investors want to take on this risk for the sake of gaining an edge then they will be able to. The main service this exchange would provide would be to allow investors to access the markets that are currently in their high volume trading periods without switching platforms. I also see it as an incentive for companies to list in such a high traffic exchange for greater access to capital. A major assumption to this argument is that a common regulatory language would need to be established, but if that hurdle could be overcome then I see opportunity for many big banks to push their FX services with this as well. + +I am by no means a markets expert, so please excuse my outlandish theories. Feel free to constructively cut my argument to pieces, or better yet, add your own expertise to this fictional world to describe a way that you might see this working out. + +Cheers! +It seems we now get SEVERAL posts daily about how we shouldn't be miserly, we should ensure we're happy now instead of only in the future, etc. We get a ton of posts from people discovering that allowing themselves to spend a little money now keeps them sane, like it's this giant revelation. + +Those posts are inundated with a thousand echoes of "yeah, everyone here is so focused on retiring, but you could die before you spend it all!" + +We used to be able to point to the sticky and say "we know, it's stickies for a reason." I feel like since the sticky came down, we're inundated with this stuff now. Let's get it back up there. The AMAs are infrequent enough that they could easily go in the sidebar. +Wells Fargo has been stealing from its customers for years! Surprise Surprise...NOT + +Most banks have been stealing from customers and the data is intense, the fines alone near the total market cap for cryptocurrency. If those are the fines guess how much actual money left to never be replaced again.... Pretty sad if you would ask me. + +&#x200B; + +We all know these banking institutions do not give a crap about us they will do whats best for their own needs and when they get caught they pay a small portion compared to what they truly captured for themselves. What I find most intriguing is that the public hear about it and then life moves on. + +&#x200B; + +To me this is why we need Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. We need it to keep things transparent and stop the big bankers from ruining innocent peoples lives for their own gain. All I want to do is educate the masses so they see the truth not what the media is showing! + +&#x200B; + +What do you all think we should do? Will bitcoin be the solution to the problems we currently face? + +Lets get a discussion about this going because I think there is a lot that we can explore via intellectual conversation about this topic! + +&#x200B; + +Joel Kovshoff + +&#x200B; + +Sources: + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/28/wells-fargo-to-pay-at-least-500-million-in-settlement-with-us-states.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/28/wells-fargo-to-pay-at-least-500-million-in-settlement-with-us-states.html) + +[https://www.ccn.com/wells-fargo-says-bitcoin-too-risky-for-clients-pays-575-million-fine-for-scamming-them/](https://www.ccn.com/wells-fargo-says-bitcoin-too-risky-for-clients-pays-575-million-fine-for-scamming-them/) + +[https://www.cheatsheet.com/money-career/wells-fargo-ripping-off-people.html/](https://www.cheatsheet.com/money-career/wells-fargo-ripping-off-people.html/) + +[https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2018/12/28/miss-collect-2-5-wells-fargo-consumer-laws-violations/2432192002/](https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2018/12/28/miss-collect-2-5-wells-fargo-consumer-laws-violations/2432192002/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Gamestop now has ~1.7 b in cash. If the market manipulators drop the price down dramatically again they risk gamestop buying back share at the low price sending the price back up where they could then sell less shares and get their money back. In 2019 Gamestops bought back 38.1 mm shares at $5.19 a share. Then they sold 5 mm at 225.20 each. From just these two trades they made 927mm cash and 33.1 mm shares. This is very rare. Companies usually sell shares in bad times to raise money to keep things going and the stock price is low and then buy them back at good times when the price is high because they have the money to do it. The hedge funds are backed into a corner and now the ceiling and floor are closing in on them. GME's capital raise is fuel for the companies growth but it is also security. +TL;DR if the price drops Gamestop can buy the dip with some of their fat stacks of cash and then end up with even more money in the end. + +Edit: just to be clear i think GME fully intends to use the capital raised for transformation. The point is they now swing a much bigger stick towards anyone stupid enough to mess with them +In a [study by KIS Finance](https://www.kisbridgingloans.co.uk/finance-news/cryptocurrency-consumer-research-and-data-autumn-2021/), it was revealed that over two thirds of cryptocurrency investors borrowed money to make their purchase, rather than using income and/or savings. + + +Overall, more than two thirds (64%) of those who have invested in cryptos, used one or more credit facilities to do so. + + +Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and a risky way to invest large sums of money. Bitcoin, for example, reached at all time high of more than $69,000 (£52,000 approx.) in early November. Just a month later, it is now worth just over $50,000 (£37,700 approx.) per coin. + + +That’s a drop of almost $20,000 in just a few weeks. + + +Percentage of crypto investors who used one or more credit facilities to fund purchase, by age + + +* 18 - 24: 70% +* 25 - 34: 64% +* 35 - 44: 68.9% +* 45 - 54: 62.5% +* 55 - 64: 45% +* 65+: 25% + + +As the data shows, those aged between 18 and 24 were the age group most likely to use borrowed funds to make their investment, with a significant drop of borrowers in the two highest age groups. + + +What type of credit facilities have people used to fund cryptocurrency investments? + + +When we break down what kinds of credit facilities people have used to purchase cryptocurrencies, over a third (35.5%) made their investment using a credit card. Almost a fifth (19.3%) funded the purchase out of their overdraft. + + +* Credit card: 35.5% +* Overdraft: 19.3% +* Personal loan: 14.6% +* Secured loan: 9% +* Payday loan: 7.6% +* Re-mortgage: 3.3% + + +Holly Andrews, Managing Director at [KIS Finance](https://www.kisbridgingloans.co.uk/), comments on the findings. + + +“In recent years, cryptocurrencies have become far more mainstream with tech giant PayPal now offering a cryptocurrency trading platform. + + +Although cryptos, and specifically Bitcoin, have seen people make thousands or even millions in profit; the last few weeks have shown that they are incredibly volatile and can see investors losing large percentages, or all, of what they put in very quickly. + + +It’s concerning to see that so many people have turned to borrowed funds to purchase cryptocurrencies as they are extremely unpredictable and offer no guarantees that the money invested will be returned. So, if people are investing money that isn’t theirs and subsequently losing it, this could cause some serious financial challenges later down the line. + + +The biggest concern is those who don’t have the means to pay the money back, especially if their original plan was to repay their loans with the profits made from their investment. With a very strong possibility of losing the money for good, people may be left severely out of pocket and racking up interest on their credit cards and overdrafts. Also, some credit card providers will view this type of transaction as a cash advance, meaning a cash advance fee and higher interest rate will be applied. + + +So, if you are thinking of making an investment into cryptocurrencies, you should only invest an amount of money that you can afford to lose and it should be funded through income and/or savings rather than a credit facility. + + +Borrowing money to invest in cryptos can become a very vicious cycle that’s difficult to break. Once you start losing money, it can be very tempting to invest more to make the money back; especially if you don’t have other means of repaying the funds. + + +Great care should be taken when you invest money anywhere, but especially when it’s something as volatile as cryptocurrencies. If you can, seek some professional financial advice first and never invest more than you can afford. Buying cryptocurrencies should also not be your only form of investment or savings as there is very little stability – spread your investments out and treat cryptocurrencies as a smaller, fun investment.” + + +Edit: dear my American friends, YES credit cards are debt, whether you pay it off immediately or not, it's still debt. +I’m trying to decide if I want to up my contributions over the coming years. I understand the benefits but I’m not sure I want to wait to 65 or 70 to access benefits. + +Can anyone help me understand why the government has restricted access to super by raising the preservation age in past years while they are simultaneously trying to reduce reliance on the pension? +What are the benefits for investing in super? I have a vague idea that there are tax benefits, but what are they? + +As I'm wanting to buy my first house ASAP, should I be investing my money in super or in my own share portfolio? Can my super still go towards a house? +The Americans on this site constantly mention how their lenders sell their mortgages and they end up having to deal with other institutions, usually one of their 'hated' majors, like Wells Fargo. + +Why isn't this common in Australia - are there laws against that sort of thing, or that the economics are different in this country? +I’ve seen a lot of comments today and posts talking about only drs whatever % because you can’t sell with computer share or you will need to transfer back to a broker. that’s all a big fat lie it’s all FUD. Computer share has both limit and market orders. You can either receive a check or get a wire transfer to your bank account once you sell shares with them. Market orders will be sold as market orders in any other broker at the market price and the limit orders will be sold in batches at the limit price you set. Don’t let the lies and fud slow you down or hold you back from drsing 100% if that is what you wish for.🚀 to the moon apes fuck the fud and lies +I used to love this sub. +There was a variety of information, opinions. +There were market recaps, ideas about dividend investing, growth stocks, technical analysis, etc. +I didn't agree with everything, but that subreddit was flying at a decently professional level. +I am looking at investing steadily over the next decades (and 'not foolishly'), to double or triple my investments to position myself for an early retirement. + +Last weekend I felt like the only thing left to do was to unsubscribe from the sub, because it had lost its identity. +In this society where everyone loves to prostitute themselves for views or likes, did we feel threatened by wsb or jaleous to the point where we had to copy them and be a meme of the meme? +I mean, the icon for the sub has changed three times, from the stonk face, to GME, to Gill's face. What's next? A rocket, a diamond on a rocket? + +I really appreciate what's happening with GME and AMC and sticking it to the HF, but there is a sub for posting Yolo ideas, and hold hold hold Yolo messages : and its wsb. + +Can't we just get back to what we were? +I'm always afraid I'm going to lose what I earned so far on the trade, and I see it ticking and ticking and my gains are coming in then a pull back happens, which is normal profit taking, but I get scared its going to dump even though it doesnt look like its going to, this results in me moving out early or for a loss then it moons 10 minutes later.... + +how do I get over this fear? Im still profitable, but not where I want to be . +Don't be like me. The only reason I'm profitable right now is my high win percentage (90.48% after 63 trades). But as you can see, my average on losers is WAY TOO HIGH. It's not enough to have a high win percentage. You also need to make sure you have a healthy profit to loss ratio. Mine is currently at 0.2/1, which means my average wins are much lower than my average losses. + +I started documenting my trades on July 1st, and I'm determined to improve that metric moving forward. + +My biggest mistake is taking losses that are too big and not letting my winners ride. Until I start doing that consistently, I will never become profitable over time. + +https://preview.redd.it/p9bsrfk2yy991.png?width=2774&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ea06b40514f45fd1e096535aeae99cf04917d65 +Elon tweeted in 2018 that’d he’d take Tesla private at $420 a share. Last week, he made an offer to buy Twitter for 54.20 a share. Ryan just responded to Elon’s tweet publicly for the first time… last time he responded to someone he had garnered their attention and they ended up aping into the stock days after. Guess what this Wednesday is… 420. Probably nothing. +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Automod is being a dick and won't allow me to post the damn screenshot, but needless to say the run on BBBY is just beginning. This is about to pop off big time. Be patient and stay the course. Just remember what happened after GME hit regsho in December 2020. BBBY about to do the same damn thing +Hi all! Experienced trader here. I’m studying programming and interested in scripting algos. + +Just wondering which platforms some of you use and the approaches you take. I’m learning python & have looked into Quantopian. I mainly use ToS to trade and have seen a few people with custom scripts and algos made for ToS. + +So basically just wondering how some of you do what you do, it’s very fascinating to me! Looking forward to hearing from you all! :) + +Also any advice for learnings/excercises/algos is highly appreciated. Stories, anecdotes, advice, I want to hear it all! Ty! +We are not in a bubble. 1000+ PE ratios are sustainable. EV companies with $0 in revenue being worth 150bil is normal. Online pictures anybody can copy+paste being sold for millions is fine. Made up internet meme money making millionaires is expected. Real wages going down while stocks go up is perfectly expected for a developed economy. Chinese real estate developers defaulting left and right threatening to tank the No 2 economy wont effect us in any way. + +Everything is okay. Everything is good. +Hey guys, + +So I've won about 12k Euros, and I'm willing to spend some money on ETH. I will be honest, Im not an expert in this field. I know the basics and I have a good feeling about ETH. Should I get the coins today? Or should I wait until tomorrow? +As you all know, there is a scam token created by the infamous Tech Lead and marketed to his Youtube and twitter followers. He was exposed earlier today in a video produced by CoffeeZilla, who is well known for his investigatory work in the crypto space, you can view his video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLrRt8R9zRA&t). + +Not only is the price tanking due to this revelation. The community is crumbling under it's own weight as it's religious hopefuls and FUDers battle it out. To spice things up, their commander in chief and shill general has tipped the scale to FUD territory, causing complete chaos in their discord. + + +https://preview.redd.it/qaznu5nks5g71.png?width=1839&format=png&auto=webp&s=7de4920757408219f4e558de2344a6053224b1a1 + +What followed after this was a huge ban wave with anything making humor of the matter OR supporting his concerns. The mere mention of him also landed a ban. + +The chaos all started with a total ban of their discord server on the platform for brigading other discord servers during their so-called "**raids**", a form of marketing they adopted that involved their users spamming other servers with memes and messages in support for Million Token. This included the Dogecoin and Safemoon servers. However, this didn't stop them and they created a new server and carried on, until this very moment. + +I don't know how many more times we need to witness a scam like this before we learn our lesson. But while they still exist, we can always enjoy the entertainment. + +**Update:** Tech lead has responded to Coffeezilla's claims. Seems like he's doubling down, the saga continues. + +**Update 2**: It has come to my knowledge the actual commander in chief betrayed the team and created his own version of the token (hilariously named Billion token), hence all the drama in their discord. + +**Note:** Their discord is well known for brigading so expect a lot of downvotes to suppress this post. + +[Tech lead joking about being smarter than Vitalik](https://preview.redd.it/pfbjnk6yw5g71.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=6589ffe8232c800814b6d52c2265f2f4914d92b3) +Came across [this opinion piece](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/perfect-storm-may-hit-d-street-in-6-weeks-can-sink-stocks/articleshow/66083642.cms?from=mdr) in the economic times. Author seems to think there is more pain over the next 6 weeks. + +The way the fall has happened with no signs of slowing over the last week it certainly seems something to consider. Is this going to be brief like Apr/May and we would soon be going back up or does it look a bit more serious this time? +Does it really matter which one you go with if you are essentially a “set it and forget it” type of investor? + +I know the differences between the two when it comes to intra-day versus end of day trading. And I have read that ETFs are better for tax purposes, but I think that mostly matters if you are working within a brokerage account correct? Is there much of a difference between these if you are not at all actively trading? +26 year old male in Sydney, recently purchased first home (730k purchase price 160k deposit \~ 78% LVR), and wondering now where / how I should invest my efforts (& cash) strategically going forward. I've spent the best part of the last 5 years shovelling savings into the deposit and it feels a bit strange being over this hurdle now and I'm unsure about where to direct the next goal. + +I can't say that investment properties really interest me all that much, previously I was more interested in just funnelling money into Vanguard (boring I know), so part of me feels like I should resume this (I had 35k in a portfolio prior to having to sell it to boost my deposit). Other options that seem logical to me are to boost my Superannuation (currently sitting at 46k) to reduce my tax liability (Wage of approx 120-130k p.a.) as well as building a hefty offset account (10k sitting in there as an emergency fund currently) and then doing some projects on the place (bathroom needs a reno). + +I understand that everybodies situation is completely personal but curious to hear if other first home buyers went through this process after purchasing as well and what some ideas from this community are. I'm very goal oriented. +https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/redhot-property-prices-may-hurt-some-but-high-unemployment-is-worse-rba/news-story/ + +The Reserve Bank says expansionary monetary policy is pushing up house prices, hurting non-homeowners and raising concerns in parts of the community, but it will still keep interest rates ultra-low until 2024. + +In a speech on Thursday evening, RBA deputy governor Guy Debelle said while house prices may not rise as fast without monetary stimulus, unemployment would definitely be “materially higher” without it, and that other tools can be used to address the distributional consequences of a red-hot property market. + +“The recovery in the Australian economy has significantly exceeded earlier expectations, reflecting the sizeable fiscal and monetary policy support, as well as the favourable health outcomes,” Dr Debelle said. + +“But significant monetary support will be required for quite some time to come”. + +In the Shann memorial lecture, Dr Debelle explained that rising housing rices “are part of the transmission of expansionary monetary policy to the economy”. + +“They help encourage home building, along with government grants such as the HomeBuilder policy, which boosts activity and employment. There is plenty of evidence of that here in Perth,” he said. + +“The Bank recognises that rising housing prices heighten concerns in parts of the community. Housing price rises can have distributional consequences. That is certainly an issue that needs to be considered, and there are a number of tools that can be used to address the issue. + +“But I do not think that monetary policy is one of the tools. Monetary policy is focused on supporting the economic recovery and achieving its goals in terms of employment and inflation. + +“It is important to remember that while housing prices may not rise as fast without the monetary stimulus, unemployment would definitely be materially higher without the monetary stimulus. Unemployment clearly has large and persistent distributional consequences”. + +According to property researcher CoreLogic, national property prices rose by 6.8 per cent in the three months to April. + +Dr Debelle noted the size of the economy was now back to its pre-pandemic level, due to particularly strong household spending off the back of vast fiscal support and rapid jobs growth. + +“This has been a remarkable episode where households’ incomes have risen at the same time as the economy has been through a historically large recession,” he said. + +“That reflects the large support provided to the household sector by fiscal policy through JobKeeper and JobSeeker, and more recently by the very strong employment growth. + +“Outcomes in the Australian economy have significantly exceeded even the optimistic expectations in terms of economic activity. +“But that is not the case on the nominal side of the economy in terms of wages and inflation. While the Australian economy has experienced better employment outcomes than most other countries, wages growth in Australia has been noticeably weaker than in many comparable economies, most notably the United States.” + +Dr Debelle said consumer inflation was a little ahead of 1 per cent in the year to the March quarter, and the headline rate is likely to spike to above 3 per cent this quarter due to higher oil prices and the unwinding of pandemic child care discounts a year ago. + +“But after these base effects wash through, we expect inflation to fall back to below 2 per cent,” he said. + +On Friday, the RBA will publish updated economic forecasts in its quarterly Statement on Monetary Policy. + +Dr Debelle, who is a member of the RBA board, said the bank will “not increase the cash rate until actual inflation is sustainably within the target band of 2 to 3 per cent”. + +“For that to occur, we will need to see further significant gains in employment and a lower unemployment rate,” he said. + +“We will need a tighter labour market to lead to higher wage rises. In the Board’s central scenario for the Australian economy, it does not expect these conditions to be met until 2024 at the earliest”. +I was a very early hire at a startup with a valuation that is now in the many billions of dollars range. I likely won't be able to sell any more stock until an eventual IPO (plus lockup period). + +Given the extremely heavy exposure to tech, I'd like to put the rest of my funds (401k, Roth IRAs, 529 plans and taxable funds) into the rest of the market EXCLUDING tech. Any suggestions on how I can do this without buying single stocks? Basically I want to avoid the tech sector having another dot com bust and me both losing most of my large illiquid stake AND having my other investments significantly decline. + +Ideally what I'd like is something that is negatively correlated with the tech sector, but just a neutral correlation would also work. As low a management fee as possible ideally. + +Any suggestions? + +Bonus points if the suggestions also diversify away from tech-hub real estate losses that are likely to occur if a dot com bust happens again. + +EDIT: I know that most startup shares should be treated as worth $0, but I've already sold $1.5MM of the shares in earlier liquidity events, so I know they are worth *something* and likely quite a bit. +For brevity: + +* Expenses are very low, \~50k a year projected +* Work in finance and make \~1m-2m a year. Pay has steadily gone up over the years as my desk has done better and better each year. I expect similar comp next year. +* My plan was to FIRE last year but I convinced myself to do "one more year". I have a big bucket list (100+) of goals and experiences I want to take on in FIRE life - some of these would be better pursued while I'm still young and fit. I've told myself that I may be romanticizing a lot of these goals and experiences, but the allure is very difficult to resist as I am really feeling checked out at work. +* I expect that if I were to re-enter the industry after a few years, I would probably start again at 200k-400k. No real data for this, just a hunch. +* I do plan to have a family some day, but I don't plan to send my kids to private school or save for their college tuition (and we don't have to get into a debate about this particular point since it will likely reduce to a clash of values and child-rearing ideology) +* I expect that I will work in the future, likely in an entrepreneurial capacity, and part of my NW (a few hundred grand) is set aside for this purpose. I do plan to scale in very carefully, but I wonder if I've allocated enough of a bankroll to have a shot at success (statistically speaking). + +I think my main questions are: + +1. I know I'm in a classic golden handcuffs situation, but I feel that the ratio of comp to NW that I am dealing with is particularly high. Simply looking at those numbers, it seems like any sane person would say "Just work another year so that you can increase your NW by another 25%-33%", and it seems completely reasonable to agree. Am I crazy to say that I'm burned out and to turn my back on this? Am I simply being emotional and impulsive in wanting to pursue my bucket list of things now? +2. Any nice blogs/articles/posts that I should be reading that might shed some light on the aftermath of similar decisions? +3. Any other random advice? Things I should be considering? Other ways to look at the situation? + +Thanks in advance. + +&#x200B; +If you have an LLC with multiple properties, and you can demonstrate consistent cash flow, can LLC take out a mortgage? How many years of consistent cash flow do banks typically require? +I made a comment earlier but u/welp007 recommended i make a post, so here i am. + +This is pretty short, so take it easy: + +I genuinely think WE, r/SuperStonk should considering adjusting our dialogue from the term Mainstream Media or *MSM* to what it truly is: + +**CORPORATE MEDIA**. + +i feel it's time we identify these shills for what they truly are, because with additional exposure and rallying, they’re losing popularity. and don't forget all the Corporate Politicians working for them, not us. + +stay strong. +stay safe. +keep hodl’ing +I’ve been paying close attention to people’s post and accounts. There are a lot of new accounts created to posting certain tickers, to get you to think many people are all on board on a particular stock. Beware of fake accounts, it looks like certain companies are hyping their stocks in forums like these. + +Do as you wish, but tread carefully. +Orders placed outside of market hours are pending and limit orders don’t guarantee execution. For example, orders placed outside of the current bid/ask spread have a low probability of being filled during market hours. Keep in mind that Monday's opening prices may differ from Friday's closing prices. + +When you place an options order, Robinhood will hold the appropriate collateral (cash or stock) beginning at the pending state. We’ll hold enough cash or stock to cover your option position until the order is canceled. + +If an order is filled that requires additional collateral, Robinhood will hold the credit that you received from opening the order plus any additional necessary collateral. The collateral we hold for these purposes is not marginable. + +In general, Robinhood monitors closely for any type of abusive activity on our platform and will take action as appropriate, including but not limited to restricting customer accounts. +Age 40 outside of NYC. Self employed. 2021 was the first year i earned just over $1.1M net. Last year i was at 500k, the year prior 300k. Trend has been up, but its a volatile business. Good chance my income can drop back down to 300-500k. At $300k, I cant save much. + +Local taxes eat up much of my earnings (property, local, SE tax, etc). My business is fully online and I can be anywhere in the world. My business is also fully passive and requires minimal maintenance. My family traveled for a year precovid and it was fun and i saved some taxes. However, i want some stability for my kids. I strongly considered moving to NZ full time but it is no longer an option. + + +My net worth feels pretty modest at around $2M + +Unrealized Equity in Rental properties = $1M + +Cash $750k (since covid, I have been able to save around 50k/m post tax) + +Retirement accounts $300k + +(I suppose my business is worth something but i dont think its a very liquid asset. It’s also my sole source of income and is printing money rn) + + +I spend about $10-13,000/m. Around $150,000/yr. + +$4000 mortgage + +$1500 cars/tolls/insurance/gas + +$1000 amazon + +$1500 whole foods + +$1500 restaurants + +$4500 kids/vacations/clothes/misc/health care + + + +Im trying to build my net worth to $5M but would like some advice from you fine people. Thank you +Some might remember when I said MOASS may + +Be imminent cos of my itchy ass the other day + +But I've barely posted since, been in withdrawal + +So you maybe thought you imagined it all + +Haven't been to the doc & I haven't been itchy + +Meanwhile stonks have been down, is that why I'm not twitchy? + +All the news suggests rockets, but my fig button's quiet + +Til just now when it flared so, like an unholey riot + +Pistachio allergy might've caused me to rash + +Or maybe it's predicting tomorrow starts the crash + +Evergrande, DRS, inflation, NFTs + +Everything all compounded, best DD for the squeeze + +But I'm just a smooth-brain, don't get that fancy lingo + +Both my knot & my tendies need the scrape of my fingo + +It'd be great if my anus foretold future moon + +I'm more focused on scouring, seeking relief soon. + +Maybe nothing happens & medicine's all I need + +Maybe stonk rockets are gonna rumble & gain speed + +I don't know & to trust fortune-telling so crass + +Means I should scratch at my head cos I'm the bigger ass + +Or maybe this is prophetic & a signalling flare + +Either way I am sleeping with my butt in the air + +Thus spake NostradAnus, Anal Oracle, Sunday + +Predictions are asinine. Have a rectacular Monday. +What's good apes, enjoying your weekend? I'm coming at you with some good vibes and nice charts relating to upcoming market events that *could* positively impact $GME.If you're feeling tired, done with the blatant manipulation, frustrated at it all, hang in there and share my enthusiasm for a minute, let me jack them titties baby. + +Coming up next on our schedule of *Why This Stock Is The Best In The World*, we got; + +* T+ cycles about to cycle back on that ass, *skrrrtt* +* Our new CEO starting Monday June 21 +* Gamestop is going on a hiring spree and has **NFT's in the works** +* Possible confirmation that Gamestop is loaded with **a** **BILLY** of fresh cash money + +What I'd like to talk about is the Russell 1000 rebalancing and why I think it could be very fun to watch. *Like I'm not glued to the ticker everyday and will be watching anyway...* + +# What is the Russell 1000, and why do we care about rebalancing? + +The Russell 1000 Index represents the top 1000 companies by market cap in the U.S.Every year this index is redefined to reflect market changes and companies are evaluated as to where they stand. Rank day fell in May, and on June 4th the changes started to be communicated to the marketplace and will be made official after market close on June 25th (my B-day, whose banana do I have to succ to become a billionaire on or before then smh). This rebalancing event brings some real volume with it, and as Dave Lauer said "is the craziest day in the stock market". + +Now, I'm a visual learner so after reading and browsing the FTSE Russell site for a bit, I'm like, let me spark up this crayon and go check the charts on this shit to see what the market moved like last time. + +I looked up the top 10 holdings of the index (as of end of Jan this year) and rolled them boys back to last June, to the start of the week after rebalancing, pinpointed with the cursor to June 29.As you can see below, these tickers fucking **FLEW**. Most had sexy green days the Monday after rebalancing, and had noticeable increases for the following couple months.Now, keep in mind as I had to that these are some boomer-ass stocks when looking at the movement and percentage increase. We're used to double digit swings in a few hours and I had to remind myself that's actually *not normal* for most stocks in the market. My pants are getting kinda tight just thinking about what it could be like with $GME in the mix. + +&#x200B; + +[Microsoft: Increased +1.07&#37; on the day, then closed up +0.74&#37; for July and +10.01&#37; at the end of August.](https://preview.redd.it/wkoi9rm5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a871bcc6772d7688698b6424ea653114a27c66f) + +[Apple: Increased 2.3&#37; on 29th, then closed up +16.51&#37; for July and +21.44&#37; in August.](https://preview.redd.it/af8bjum5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89772fb1a394f4cec11bfbe7307c2103c55b59b) + +[Tesla: Increased +5.17&#37; on the 29th, then went on a monster run in July and August, closing up +32.50&#37; and +74.15&#37; respectively. Daaaaammmnn](https://preview.redd.it/nh5q5xm5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701d03cf7308e2eb29f267dcfd36c9f855fbd0da) + +[Facebook: Increased +2.11&#37; on the day, then closed +11.71&#37; in July and +15.58&#37; in August.](https://preview.redd.it/f6vm70n5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ea262d46bb9baf1e194c21eb5121916d080716) + +[Berkshire Hathaway B: Increased +1.04&#37; on the 29th, then up +9.67&#37; in July and +11.37&#37; at the end of August. Not bad Wazza B, I see you out here.](https://preview.redd.it/21yxh1n5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f837a8f19989ca7e5631b44cfe05ddfe7a32dff5) + +[JP Morgan Chase \(eat a dick Jamie you smug fuck\): Gapped up and had a red day but closed +0.44&#37; above the previous Friday, then closed up +2.74&#37; in July and +3.67&#37; at the end of August.](https://preview.redd.it/0muadsm5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5380cac5c46d2c51be156248bcc482b641312b9) + +[Google Class C: Rebounded after a sharp drop on the previous Friday to close up +2.58&#37; on the 29th, then another +4.91&#37; for July and +10.20&#37; in August.](https://preview.redd.it/6a35rtm5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39839241f1256a09795ea437538cc4ca759f3535) + +[Google Class A: Increased +2.54&#37; on the 29th and closed up +4.93&#37; on the month of July and +9.52&#37; for August.](https://preview.redd.it/ho2ckwm5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc173c3e6a8650b9d93666e7714b7ffb56c2011) + +[Amazon: Closed down -0.46&#37; but formed a beautiful doji, and went on to close +14.71&#37; in July and +9.05&#37; in August.](https://preview.redd.it/iufgnzm5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259a5ea2d6b25fad102839c66070d9d401326e56) + +[Johnson & Johnson: Increased +0.89&#37; on the 29th, then had a +3.65&#37; close in July and a +5.25&#37; increase for the month of August.](https://preview.redd.it/qajz12n5lf671.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf50612554a15660be5de1bcdcb6f2ef0f3c604) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Might be a fun summer. Peace! +Obviously everyone who doesn't trade likes to say stuff like "forex is like gambling" "dont get into that you will lose all your money" etc + +But has anyone substituted forex for gambling? Like quitting the casino and instead start investing and trading? + +I know it can definitely feel like your gambling at times when you place a sell order on something you have no idea whats going to happen and then gaining like 50 percent back and seeing the green light up your account + +It definitely makes you feel like your on top of the world and you want to do more and more, kinda like with a slot machine +I am in the US and if you look at the data, after every market crash, wasn't the market then making new highs like just over a year later post-crash? + +Just seems like all these pat crashes have been small blips in the overall massive uptrend that you only needed to sit through like a year or two to recover so why get so caught up in it? +"You'll never see my paying for somebody elses mortgage". + +28, been with my current gf a while but not ready to settle yet incase we don't get on when we're together so looking to rent first. I'm getting a few people from work telling me to just save up more and buy in my name, and kick her out if it didn't go to plan. + +Is renting really that bad? Will I fall in a trap and not be able to save for a mortgage? It seems so many people especially my age and younger are getting bloody mortgages these days and I'm not in the financial/emotional position to make a commitment yet, but at the same time I'm desperate to move out of my mum's place. + +If it's any use, I have £7500 to my name (this was mostly inheritance), live in Staffordshire. Downside is I have a minimum wage job I hate and on the brink of losing! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Thank you all for the reassurance, made me feel a lot better! +BKYI DD + +What is BKYI (BIO-key)? + +BIO-key is an American company and a leading developer of fingerprint biometric authentication and security solutions. The company's capabilities prevent false identities through alias checks and hardware independence. They have 25 years of biometrics experience a line of various products and patents which we’ll get into later. Their solutions turn your fingerprint into an authentication key, providing secure and convent sign in to websites, file and applications. + + +SOFTWARE (READ THIS SECTION) + +WEB-key: Fingerprint biometric-based advanced authentication solution that has achieved the highest independently tested and verified NIST benchmarks for fingerprint identification speed and accuracy. + +Where it can be used +- Factor floors or warehouses were workers are interacting directly with order inventory systems +- Retail banks when accessing sensitive customer information +- Hospitals or clinics were workers with different authority and permissions maybe be using common workstations +- For EVERY BUSINESS, where mobile employees and contractors are accessing your systems and data from home and other non-secure locations (often smartphones). + +Why Use it? +- Less expensive than other biometric solutions such as iris scanning +- Extremely secure; PKI encryption protects all data in transit between WEB-key components +- Cloud ready; can be used in public or private cloud +- Extremely scalable; built for the masses + + + +VST: Vector Segment Technology is a highly accurate, scalable, NIST-tested fingerprint-based biometric identification solution. + +Why does it matter? +- During NIST testing, VST achieved the highest overall ranking in key accuracy metrics among commercially-available products +- VST supports devices from every major fingerprint scanner manufacturer and provides complete reader interoperability +- Enables performance speed exceeding millions of matches per second without degrading accuracy. +- Provides support for FBI, NIST, ANSI, BioAPI, and ISO fingerprint standards. Fingerprint templates can be generated in an open format for use by another fingerprint biometrics solution at any time + + + +Omni-Pass consumer: OmniPass Consumer can protect user data, solve the problem of multiple passwords and poor password practices and increase security. + +Why use it? +- Secure Password Vault +- Saves Time and Streamlines Sign-in +- Stores Limitless Number of Passwords +- Safe Convenient Access to Your Favorite Websites +- Eliminates the “Forgot My Password” Merry-Go-Round + + + +ID-director (WINDOWS): ID Director for Windows features secure and convenient fingerprint biometric authentication that operates at the Active Directory tier, independent of any endpoint device, as required to support shared workstations and roving users.  + + + +WINDOWS solutions: Microsoft launched Windows Hello to introduce millions of their customers to the added security and convenience offered by a biometric sign-in.  BIO-key’s SideSwipe, SideTouch, and EcoID have been tested and qualified by Microsoft to bear the Windows Hello ready mark.  All three of these compact/durable readers are native to Windows Hello sign-in platform, making them easy to install and use. + + +HARDWARE +- SlideSwipe +- SideTouch +- EcoID +- PIV-Pro + + +BKYI Global Locations + +- Wall, New Jersey (Corporate Headquarters) +- Eagan, Minnesota +- Dunstable, Maine +- Jiangmen, China +- Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong +- Casablanca, Morocco +- Mumbai, India +- Singapore + + +UPCOMING CATALYSTS +- In the next few months, BIO-key is set to begin working on $75 MILLION worth of contracts in Africa +- Likely to report profitability and positive cash flow +- Can be used with the federal government and military in the near future +- Biometric Industry is poised for explosive growth into the foreseeable future +- $45 million contract to provide biometric solutions in support of a Nigerian Ministry of Labour program to educate, empower and create employment for one million recent college graduates in Nigeria. +- $30 million contract to facilitate the enrollment and positive identification of millions of customers for Nigerian mobile telecommunications company. +- Expansion of the use of BIO-key solutions by the Dubai Police Force. +- Expanding footprint of BIO-key solutions being used to secure access election data in Florida. +- A major expansion by our customer ICU Medical to enable remote learning. +- A growing footprint securing election offices across the U.S. + + +RISKS +- This software will not work on Apple Mac computers because it’s supported by Windows +- Just had an offering at $0.65 so expected to be more risky + +CONLCUSION + +Overall, I believe this stock will take off very soon. I come from a military family with my father in the Air Force and we can definitely see this in the military very soon which if goes through will be hundreds of millions in contracts. Also, as of right now, they have contracts in Africa already working with the police force and many more places making them profitable in the near future. + +To be clear, this is my own DD; please take into account all this information which was made for the good of the public. Be safe people and make some money! +First of all, I hope this content warrants having its own post. If not, I apologize. + +I graduated in 2017 with $74k in debt with no money to my name. When I started working, I started aggressively paying off my debt while living with my parents. I was able to put the majority of my paycheck towards my loans and fund my 401K to get the full match as well as throw some money into my Roth IRA and save a few hundred bucks per month. I was very fortunate to have my parents not only cover my living expenses but they even paid about a third of my debt off. I was in a great position to have that support from my family. I'd like to add that I was making a modest salary of about $58k plus a 10% bonus. I started tracking my net worth and became addicted to paying off my debt and slowly building my nest egg. + +May 2017: -$74k NW + +Somewhere around the end of 2018, my net worth hit zero. It was a bittersweet feeling because I was glad to be making progress but frustrated that I was just starting from the bottom. + +May 2017: -$74k NW + +December 2018: $0 NW + +Around March of 2019, my debt was completely paid off. This feeling was more exciting than hitting 0 net worth, because I then knew that interest would be totally working in my favor. I also felt like I received a big raise because I didn't have to pay $2.5k per month on my loans. I immediately increased my retirement contributions to pick up the slack in my disposable income. Since then I have been contributing $500 per month to my IRA and $1000 per month to my 401K. + +I moved in with my (now) fiance about 3 months ago and have been having conversations with her about FIRE and delayed gratification. She isn't interested in how investments work but she realizes she needs to set money aside for the future. She is still working on her PhD so she has time before she will make money and be able to invest. + +Today I just surpassed $30k in my retirement accounts. I finally feel like I have a decent little pile developing. It's not much, but it's a start. I could cover about a year and a half's worth of expenses with those savings. I know that early contributions are what make a big difference down the road. The FIRE journey is a grind but it's rewarding to watch your wealth grow and make progress. + +May 2017: -$74k NW + +December 2018: $0 NW + +Today: $35k NW + +Basic chart because I know you mangs like charts: [https://imgur.com/a/JclE6Ry](https://imgur.com/a/JclE6Ry) + +You can see the growth levels off a bit halfway through the year when my parents stopped making payments on my loans and I moved out. Compound interest hasn't made a noticeable impact yet on my worth since I have not had so much time in the market. I am guessing around the $100k mark I might see the magic start happening. + +Anyway, yesterday I received the news that I am being promoted. My raise will be about 23% and will put me above the $80k mark including my bonuses. I am still in the process of negotiating it higher (I think I will be able to, given my performance reviews). I am ecstatic. My hard work is paying off. I am really looking forward to greater responsibilities and the growth that will come as a result. My plan is to try to fully fund my IRA and 401K while continuing to save for a house. Hopefully within a year or 2 I'll be able to purchase my first property. + +I hope this post shows some people that not everyone here is making 6 figures, worth half a million in their 20s. I am still privileged to have had the luxury of living at home with my parents while paying off my debt, but this perspective may be easier to relate to as a mid level earner. Happy Friday everyone! +I recall reading an article years ago about how if you start with $1000 and make 20% in each trade, it only takes something like 45 trades to make it to $1 million. Anyone want to start in 2021 with me (or have any suggestions for my first stock)? + +And no I aint doing any penny stocks + +edit: apparently 37 trades only! It gets even easier + +Edit: thinking of DKNG if it falls below $40, CRM at the current price, or PLTR at 20-21 + +Edit 3: New sub /r/1kto1mil --> feel free to join the journey that will likely end up in flames but will be fun. Also the goal is not to do this just in 2021, its a journey that will take multiple years! +I previously posted on the performance of people who retired in Jan 2000 with a portfolio of 100% S&P 500 using a fixed SWR. I thought I'd update it with recent Corona-performance because why not... + +* [Portfolio values over time by SWR](https://imgur.com/a/i5vAe19) (edit: corrected graph. In the original I left out the 3.5% SWR) +* [Remaining portfolio by SWR and retirement year](https://imgur.com/a/xlf7Fzr) + +Notes: Info through Feb 2020 is from ERN. S&P 500 is down \~17% so far in March, so I added that in for March. I did this update in \~5 minutes, so there may be some errors. + +Edits: + +* This incorporates dividends and inflation. +* If your portfolio included bonds then it would have performed much better. vblax, vanguard's long term bond fun, is barely down on the month. But vnq, vanguard's reit, is down\~30% in the past month. And vwo, vanguards emerging markets fund, is down \~30% in the past month. Those 4 funds make up most of my portfolio, so even though I'm decently diversified, I'm still down \~25% over the past month +* Fixed the 3% and 3.5% SWR lines. ~~I accidentally pasted the 3% data into the 3% column and the 3.5% column. So the 3% line is actually what is showing as the 3.5% line, and the real 3.5% line is between that and the 4% line. I'll fix it when I'm back at my desktop this evening...~~ +Almost unloaded ARTL this morning in pre-market after making a nice profit on Friday. Decided I wanted to see what happened after the bell, a few minutes later positive news catalyst broke and the stock shot up. This is one that got listed as a buy at $7. + +The hardest part of trading has been knowing when to get in and knowing when to get out. Sometimes, a little luck helps. +And these days we are seeing stunning advances in artificial intelligence, robotics and biotech - could we see a similar boom from say the late 2020’s to the late 2040’s. With the Nasdaq down 30%, I just loaded up on QQQ for the long haul, as I believe there is a major technological paradigm shift approaching in the next few decades. +She's into astrology and all that mercury in retrograde stuff, and was telling me about how Pluto is going to be in return or in retrograde for the first time since the creation of the United States on February 22th. + +What Pluto in return means/signals is the fall and collapse of established hierarchy and the rise of a new one, so... + +MOASS confirmed February 22th 2022, you read it here first. + +Carry on. +I can’t stop thinking about what r robbieimmutable just said – That there will be “…hundreds of games, each with thousands of transactions per second” and what if GameStop gets even a fraction of that. Help me out if I’m wrong here. + + +• Thesis: Income generated if GameStop gets a fraction of those transactions. + + + • "Hundreds of games" = 150. Because 200 is the minimum to use the term Hundreds, with an S, I want to use a number that reflects a real number within the term lowest usage of the term Hundreds. + + + • "…thousands of transactions per second" - I'm using the lowest number here, 1,000 transactions per second. + + +• “If GameStop gets a fraction of that” = 0.001 per transaction.., a really small fraction. + + +MATH TIME + +150games x 1,000 transactions = 150,000 transactions per second + +“If GameStop gets a fraction of that” = $0.001 per transaction + +150,000transactions per second x $0.001 = $150 per second + +$150 x 60seconds = $9,000per min + +$9,000 x 60min = $540,000per hour + +$540,000 x 24hours = $12,960,000 per day + +$12,960,000 x 365days = $4,730,400,000 per year + + +sorry for the formatting, I’m on a computer, normally a lurker, and am an idiot. +Edit: $ per year. +I was in high-school when the financial crisis hit in 2008. I'm now in my first real office job, broadly in the realm of digital marketing and publishing. + + +Should we enter a significant recession, downturn, or outright depression this year, I'm wondering what to expect in terms of the corporate world? + + +I'm in a senior non-management role, and believe I am pretty damn safe, but I know I don't bother to show my worth to senior management as much as I should (it's just not in my nature). + + +So I'm wondering what lessons or anecdotes more experienced people on here have in regards to corporate life during a depression, especially if layoffs or substantial budget cuts occur. +We rent a house where we're 99% certain this is the case. Usual story, overseas investor (young Chinese couple on paper, dad's money for deposit - 45% upfront from what we understand). Just curious what happens if the ATO discover this rort? + +EDIT +It's funny how being priced out of owning a home by overseas investors rorting the system is ok; but a tenant playing by the rules and taking a stand, or using it as leverage to acquire a better deal for their family experiencing shoddy treatment by the same owner is morally bankrupt + + +I sold 7/2 $14c last week and the underlying has taken off. Should I be concerned the shares will be assigned before expiration? I really don't want to pay this insane premium to keep my underlying. +I can't understand the whole Bagholding thing. Rule No. 1 of Selling CC should be owning stock you would want to own, even if it is temporarily falling. If that is the case, you wouldn't mind "bagholding", you would sleep well, earn theta and at least dividends and enjoy getting green in the long run. +Forgive me if this is general, just curious how you usually do this. + +Say you are dealing with a very stable low volatility underlying, and you need to write a program to do Wheel for you for ***weekly*** options. Could you generalize this algorithm for any price ? + +Say the first command is: + +1. Sell 1 weekly put for a strike of 100$, for 1$ premium. +2. If option/stock is up/down x% then roll.. / if assigned for price X$ then sell call for... / ... + +&#x200B; + +Are you doing this based on strike rules, or do you use intuition according to the market? +Hey everyone, been a while since I have used theta strats consistently and trying to get back in to it. For the past month or so I have been selling very out of the money TSLA puts and collecting $500 in premium every week. The broker account I am using only has $30k in it for now but I have another 400-500k sitting in other accounts I could transfer over. I wanted to see if anyone else is doing the same? My goal is if I am sucessful the next 3-4 months, I will transfer over more money to hopefully generate 2-3k a month in premiums. I think TSLA would be a good wheel stock. + +EDIT: sorry, I meant I have been selling roughly 2 week out puts, not weeklies. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Much better strategy than yoloing on wsb calls. I have been selling cash secured puts using margin since the last month. Made a ton of money. Perfect way to avoid fomo from wsb stocks. + +Edit: I did get burned. It was an expensive lesson. +I hadn't seen a call to action posted, so I figured, why not? + +([In case you somehow missed it on the front page](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x0o988/cnbc_cuts_off_guest_immediately_for_mentioning/)) + +Mods, I think the general sentiment floating around in this sub is that people would really like an opportunity to talk with [Kirsten Bitterly Michell](https://theorg.com/org/citigroup/org-chart/kristen-bitterly-michell); at the very least to ask her a question or two. + +Anyone who gets silenced by the media for discussing the covering or closing of shorts should be welcomed into the sub with open arms. When people want to discuss financial freedom or expose financial crimes, does this sub not generally ask to speak with them? Pulte, Nomi Prins, Mark Cuban... When people are silenced or blacklisted, but willing to share, Superstonk gives them a platform. + +Is Superstonk not an advocate of fair and open markets? + +It has been posited that Kristen's clip even constitutes market manipulation by cutting her off *and not even bringing her back on to finish talking*. + +Personally, I want to ask Kristen "What did you have to say?", and "Why do you believe they cut you off?". +Hi guys, + +I'm going through a tough time right now with my wife. Last year I showed her my plan to achieve Fi and hopefully retire within the next 8 yrs. She seemed on board. We starting cutting expenses and living more frugile. Money spent elsewhere was being piped into investments. Less vacations, less going out. Now things are ramping up with work (new job/promotion), real estate (purchased 2 additional properties this year that I self manage), and other self help/investing type work I do. Basically it reached it's breaking point. I expected more help from my wife around the house and possibly helping to manage our investments. She wants to continue living the care free life of going out with friends and spending money frivalously. + +I approached her hoping to get back on track and she blew up at me and said she never asked for any of this and she's not going to sacrifice her life to help me achieve my selfish goals. She said to me that I'm not "normal" and to that I said thank you that's a complement. I understand her frustration and I didn't expect this would be easy, but I also didn't expect that she wouldn't be on board with this at all even though we discussed it in depth and agreed it was a good strategy. I see her argument as very short sighted. Who is missing out on life, the person who works twice as hard to break out of the rat race by the time they are 40 or the person who slaves away at their mediocre job until they are 65? You can't live an ordinary life when you are trying to do something extraordinary. + +Where we are at is she says she doesn't want to be married to someone who only cares about work and money and doesn't want to feel controlled like she can't go out with friends and spend money without feeling guilty. She wants to work and thinks my goal of Fi is a fairy tale so everything I'm doing is just wasting our youth and ruining our lives. I could carry on and do this on my own but then how awkward is it going to be when I'm retired and she has 20 more years of work left? Has anyone run across a similar situation with a signifcant other and any tips you can give me? If I reach Fi and have nobody to share it with then what's the point? + +Thanks +$NSFW coin, brought to you by xxxNifty + +Team just announced 2 Top 10 Exchanges on the way!! + +Launch of Alpha release of Pleasurely.com, xxxNifty's Adult Social Platform. (OnlyFans Competitor) + + +✔️700 Adult NFTs on their Marketplace. +✔️100+ creators on the platform to date (no matter of gender anymore!) Adding more daily +✔️500+ NFT sales. Over 200 1of1's +✔️8 partnerships w/Agencies +✔️8 Brand Ambassadors +✔️Deflationary Tokenomics benefit holders +✔️Daily NFT sales +✔️$8 million MC, 2 working platforms utilizing the utility of their native [NSFW] token +✔️XXXNIFTY is a registered business, meaning devs and team are all doxxed +✔️TechRate Audit approved +Telegram https://t.me/xxxNifty_Promotions +So with lowballing how often do you guys actually strike a deal? It’s probably a weird question but I’m trying to stick to 20% below market value which are most of the time REOs or abandoned homes. Sometimes homes where the person was evicted and all of their crap is still there as well. Your thoughts ? +Hi, Reddit! First time posting here. I know very little about refinancing, HELOCs, and real estate investing in general, so forgive me if this is a dumb question. I recently inherited a property worth about 300k, and I own the property outright. I've researched using a HELOC against the property to buy an investment property and then refinancing immediately. Sounds great, but I'm fuzzy on the actual refinancing side. What does refinancing immediately mean? + +Let's say I take a 40k HELOC out against my 300k property, and I use that money for a down payment on a second 200k property. I now have 20% equity on the second property and owe a mortgage on the remaining 80% of the property. So, on the refinancing side, do you: + +1. Use a cashout refi to pay off the HELOC? My understanding is you can only withdraw up to 80% of the home's value, meaning you have to leave 20% untouched. So, can you even do this? Since you can't touch that 20%? +2. Can you refinance your second property somehow and combine that HELOC on the first property with the mortgage on the second? +3. When you read about people doing this immediately when they buy the new property, do they literally mean immediately or after a given timeframe? If it is a designated timeframe, is it time-based like a year or until you hit a certain amount of equity on the second one? + +Sorry for the dumb questions, I just want to make sure I understand them. Thanks! + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thank you to everyone who responded. Your feedback is super helpful! A few points about the situation that might help + +1. My partner and I have no debt. +2. We plan on moving into the inherited house since there's no mortgage/rent payment. +3. We both have six-figure incomes and no debt. +4. We thought about just buying a house with our savings, but we'd rather use the HELOC and let our savings keep earning interest in the market. +[https://imgur.com/gallery/8bvEB1A](https://imgur.com/gallery/8bvEB1A) + +Few pics and term sheet from refinance. + +&#x200B; + +Purchased for 132k direct from seller home was in preforeclosure. + +&#x200B; + +132k and I gave 8% down payment around 11k and 5k closing costs total investment 16k. I asked for 45k in rehab but only spent 36k(9k surplus). My holding costs were 1 mortgage payment about 1250 and around 400 in utility bills but lets say 2000 in holding costs for the trolls. Total invested after 60 days of ownership was 11k+5k+2k=18k and I had 9k leftover from rehab so 18k-9k=9k total capital invested. + +At refinance I'm receiving 13k cash back so I'll have 100% of my investment back within 8 months of purchase. In the last 6 months I've collected about 4800 in cash flow on this property. My mortgage will be 1900 with a rent of 3100 but I expect my cashflow to be around 800 a month. + +Nothing out of the ordinary on this deal. It took around 3 months to convince the seller to go through with it he's an alcoholic and would cancel the deal one day then say yes a few days later. + +I finished the year with 46 brrrr but it was exhausting I never want to repeat this again I'll cut it down to 20 a year for manageable stress. +Hi everyone, now there is a huge number of tokens on the market, ranging from very fundamental serious projects to memcoins. I would like to know your opinion on what tokens should be in each investment portfolio, that is, a list of tokens that everyone should hold. + +For example, my investment portfolio consists of the most fundamental tokens on the market: it includes ETH, BTC, SOL, NEAR, DOT, MATIC. Every time I work on this list, and add new tokens there, what should I add next time? +I keep seeing articles that mainly discuss how pretty much every house in Syd/Melb is overvalued and the whole city's value will crash. However what happens to cities like Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth? I don't know enough about Hobart/Launceston/Darwin to know if they're overvalued. + +I'm sure there'll be flow on effects like higher interest rates across the board and employment cuts, but since they aren't quite so overvalued, what will happen to them? +I currently work in my dream job. I was one of those ridiculous people who decided to study what they enjoy at uni rather than making a vocational choice. I finished a Arts/Asian Studies degree majoring in politics, History and Japanese. I met my ex-husband just after I graduated and ended up following him around the world so he could pursue his career. I then had kids and stayed home with them. As a result I had practically no job experience as I never stayed anywhere long enough and visa/language reasons. + +By some fluke I landed my current job which is exactly what I love. I work for a Japanese newspaper assisting the foreign correspondent. I get to travel across the region and interview experts and interesting people finding out the meat of a story. I love researching and I find my work rewarding and feel that it's a good use of my skill set. However the pay is craptacular, including my yearly bonus I get 55k, it goes up with the the cpi each year but that's pretty much it. This year I was given an extra 1.2 k increase because my boss argued with head office I deserved more. There is no possibility of moving up as that would require me moving overseas and I obviously don't want to take the kids away from their dad. + +I really don't want to leave my job but I'm a single mum with two kids and I'm approaching 40. I had only 6k in superannuation when we came back to Australia and after working almost 4 years I've been able to increase it to 57k through salary sacrificing. We live a pretty good lifestyle but I feel like financially I'm treading water. I love Sydney, grew up here and would like to be able to afford to retire here. + +I'm thinking I need to start looking for a new career before I get too old and unemployable. I was thinking a cushy government job with good leave entitlements so I can spend more holidays with the kids. Possibly go back to uni to become a nurse, which would be two years. Does anyone have any career advice for my situation? I have a ridiculous work ethic since I'm half Asian and grew up with a tiger mum but I'd like to not be the last person to pick up the kids from after school care every day. I don't need a huge income, anything over 70k is sweet for me as I can save a few k each year on my current income and have no desire to spend much more. + +So I need some advice on how to line my ducks up to change careers, what age would be the maximum at which it would be difficult make a career change? And what sort of careers might be a good idea? + +Tldr approaching 40, need to get a higher paying job, career advice needed. +I enrolled into Vanguard Personal Advisor services at the beginning of the year. I appreciate the advice and the cost is not high. I figure I could always drop it and go on auto pilot at some point. I'm 35, my wife is 39 and we are expecting to have a baby girl in the next few weeks. We currently have retirement account assets between both of us of about $230K, own a house, and rent out my previous home (a condo). I'm looking to retire at 55 ideally. When Vanguard had me put in my retirement goals, I put in $100K for desired income in retirement. This is purposely on the high end, with the knowledge that I can always scale it back, but I believe in setting hard goals. One issue I have with their projections is that they calculate that both of us will live to 100, which I think is unrealistic, even with medical advances yet to come. We are health conscious and eat well and exercise, but maybe I'm just pessimistic. I currently have a 42% likelihood of reaching this goal based on my current contribution rates, SS income, rental income, etc. My wife's income 3 months after the baby arrives is yet to be determined. Her job pays around $42K, so it would not be a disaster if she doesn't go back to work full time. They do offer pretty great 401k matching which would hurt, but not be a killer. I'm OK with her staying at home and she is pretty frugal as well. + +http://imgur.com/a/nJki3 + +So, I have a few issues to work out. How do I stay on the FIRE track while having a baby to now take care of, and a potential hit on the income side? How can I work backwards with the numbers since I don't feel I need to plan on both of us living to 100 to reach an acceptable retirement income? $100K is a pretty high income today, but I don't know how much inflation will impact it as that is hard for me to project. +I think we've all experienced it; when you had no money you wanted money & when you reached your FF goal it was more than likely very underwhelming & you wish you had more time. + +This seems to be the sobering reality of needing not to check your bank statements ever again & vacationing / spending as you please. At first this is great or as I often say; it was great. When the lights are off at the end of a day however and I lay asking myself what truly makes YOU happy? I can't find an answer . I have a wonderful relationship with my family , a beautiful home & caring friendships with good mates but would love to hear how some of you deal with a void that cannot be filled & money cannot fix. + +Cheers +I just realized I could do this after having a long but rather pleasant conversation with Ariel at Comcast. I assume it might work with with other cable companies as well. I was attempting to negotiate down my bill per usual and asked what the introductory rate was ($29.99). I am currently paying $61.78. + +I asked "If I cancel service and someone living with me starts service a day later would they get the introductory rate?" + +Keep in mind many cable companies have introductory rates in most areas to entice new customers. + +The answer was a surprising yes. I will implement later on today but figured a bunch of you Reddit folk could find this useful to save an extra couple of bucks a month. + + +Edit: a lot of you want me to leave Comcast and so do I but the problem is that my city's infrastructure has issues that prevent any other companies from coming in and installing their service. The whole city is Comcast. This also limits my negotiating power. + +Edit#2: Another idea that many are pointing out is that you can threaten to leave and ask them to reduce your rate. This is a good idea however it was not possible in my case (see edit 1) and even if so I don't think I would have managed as good of a discount (+50%). + +My elderly neighbour had her 20m fence blown over during the storm last month. It has multiple brick posts with wooden fence panels between them. + +The insurance assessor came round and effector said “that’s fair wear and tear as the bricks are old at the base. Plus it’s a bad design for a fence, so we are not paying out”. + +Surely if they class certain things as “bad design” then they need to send people round to every house they insure to decide if they will insure it prior to taking the money. Do insurance companies refuse a roof being blow off if they just decide they don’t like how it was built? + +Plus, who decides wear and tear considering it was a 70mph wind that took it out? + +I’ve asked her to get a copy of the T&Cs so I can read them. Are the insurance company just trying it on? +EDIT: thank you all for your responses! Question for you all: taking into consideration that Medicare(edit: & Medicaid) funding/eligibility could be the reason: would providing a PrePaid Visa help in both tracking where the money is going and help in caring for my grandma? My aunt is the primary carer and I don't see any reason to doubt she's using it not for my grandma (my brother lives closer to them and checks in on a regular basis and also gives money every month). Another idea: could I just send gift cards? Eg: (gift cards for grociries and gas?) + + + +OP: + + +So I've been sending money to my grandmother through my aunt every month. Each time I've sent it I've placed in the memo: for Grandma. + + + +Is there a reason why she would request not to add this in? I've been using Zelle for transfers. Memo texts have just been something for me to keep track of. + + + +Hope I'm posting on the right subreddit. Open to any ideas. Thanks! +Guys, without any other useless introduction, I am seeing a lot of Garbage stocks pumped heavily these past weeks especially this week. I just want to remind that you probably worked hard for those money you're dumping in meme stocks... Please be careful at what and how you're taking every other trade. Last week I saw a trader around here, who sold AMC naked calls and got a margin call for over $600k Today I saw another trader who loaded AMC at over $55 per share for a total of about $250+k + +I mean, be careful. Always remember that you're lucky 99 times and only one bad trade can erase your account . PLEASE don't listen to those who are inviting you to have a beer on the moon... they will eventually have their beer in a new Lamborghini purchased on your money that you gonna lose... + +Investing in stocks is an art that needs to be treated with passion, awareness and risk. + +Edit: P.S. just look how pumpers are down voting and see their comments below... These are those promising "moon" and while you're buying Meme stocks at their pick, they are unloading their bags and banking... Just saying... + +Here's the unfortunate trader comment: + +"I lost this. I doubled down yesterday and it wiped almost my entire account. Lost 650K. I still can’t believe it. This morning it was down 200k and in less than a few minutes it was down 600k. I was closed out. I don’t even know how to recover from this." + +Good luck 👍 +Like a lot of you I grew up in a family without a lot of extra money. We were never close to starving and my parents always bought us the brand name clothes so we would fit in. They did a good job of saving enough to pay for college for my sister and me but that was about it. We were taught to save and budget but not how to invest to make more money because we simply didn't have that option. + +Now I'm a near 40 year old engineer bringing in a salary in the low 120ks. My wife is a data analyst making around 70k. I currently have a little over $200k in a checking account that used to be high interest until they changed the rules recently. My wife has about 100k in her checking account (we were just married in 2019 and covid hit before we got around to joining our accounts). I also have a 401k with \~$200k that I max out with my employer's match. We bought a new house a few months ago and there is one car payment but that is all of the debt we have. We aren't frivolous on anything. We will splurge on one big vacation a year but I keep it around $3-4k total so we don't get too crazy. + +What would be the smartest way to invest? I don't really play the stock market. My last employer had an employee stock option I used before they went private but that's about the extent of my experience there. I know just letting it set there is the worst move and I'm very late to the game for investing in something. Do I get a Roth IRA or put it in bonds or try to find a high interest savings account? +Like a lot of you I grew up in a family without a lot of extra money. We were never close to starving and my parents always bought us the brand name clothes so we would fit in. They did a good job of saving enough to pay for college for my sister and me but that was about it. We were taught to save and budget but not how to invest to make more money because we simply didn't have that option. + +Now I'm a near 40 year old engineer bringing in a salary in the low 120ks. My wife is a data analyst making around 70k. I currently have a little over $200k in a checking account that used to be high interest until they changed the rules recently. My wife has about 100k in her checking account (we were just married in 2019 and covid hit before we got around to joining our accounts). I also have a 401k with \~$200k that I max out with my employer's match. We bought a new house a few months ago and there is one car payment but that is all of the debt we have. We aren't frivolous on anything. We will splurge on one big vacation a year but I keep it around $3-4k total so we don't get too crazy. + +What would be the smartest way to invest? I don't really play the stock market. My last employer had an employee stock option I used before they went private but that's about the extent of my experience there. I know just letting it set there is the worst move and I'm very late to the game for investing in something. Do I get a Roth IRA or put it in bonds or try to find a high interest savings account? + We need advice on reputable finacial advisor's. Where can she can put this money and where it will grow until the child can make her own financial decisions. Any stipulations to consider on the child having access to the money when she becomes of age. Addiction issues have been an inheritance in this family. So we don't want her to not get educated become a drug addict and feed a drug habit with this money. The money is for future solid organ transplants she'll need in the future. Any help would be appreciated. She my niece doesn't have a will & no POA'S or anything of the sort. + +The father is a narcissist who has had multiple business failures and addiction issues. We're afraid that he'll try to invest that money if he becomes the executor by default. She my niece suspects from the way he talks that he'll try to open a business and lose the money. All his past business ventures have failed. He has no formal education other than a high school diploma. + +He left years ago but they're legally still married. + +Sorry if I left anything out. +let me start by saying i'm not very financially literate, sorry for the long post, and this is a throwaway account. i am now in my mid-40s. divorced, no kids, no alimony. i have a busy (non-finance related) career that often leaves me exhausted at the end of the work day; gross income is about $190k. + +at the end of 2009, my father passed and left me about $1.3 million. found a great financial advisor through a college friend, with a great education & conservative outlook. he is my age, i trust him and we get along great. i spent about $100k on a home remodel, the rest went into a brokerage account (starting balance of $1.2MM... this is my cost basis, yes?) + +so we had those boom years in '12 & '13... great. somewhere in there, my advisor left his company, moved around and is now in much greener pastures (he manages wealth for billionaires now). we continued our relationship off the books, meaning we touch base maybe 3-6 times a year, to discuss anything from a new car lease to my now defunct marriage. my brokerage account doesn't incur any fees, since it was opened under his original company's name and has been flying under the radar all these years. i don't pay him anything; i get him a nice gift once in a while. + +in 2015, i cashed out $130k for a down payment on a rental property. + +it's now 2018. my total account value broke the $2 million mark a couple weeks ago (including ~$100k in a SEP IRA), which i'm pretty happy about. we just rebalanced this week after selling off some funds before year end, and mostly bought into Vanguard funds in large, mid/ small cap and international. so here are my questions: + +1. Is it reasonable to expect my account balance to have doubled in the 7 years since we started? Minus the IRA, the primary account value is ~$1.9MM, far short of $2.4MM. My advisor agrees we underperformed, then rattled off a short list of reasons.) + +2. How much more should I be doing to educate myself? I feel like an idiot during our conversations. As smart as he is, he never really puts anything in layman's terms, so I tend to glaze over until he finishes. I bought a couple books that I never read. I've thought about classes occasionally; is there an online course anyone can recommend? Is it worth it to look at nearby universities? (I live in a major city.) + +3. Am I putting myself in a bad position with my advisor? Since we don't have a formal relationship, I recently realized fiduciary duty doesn't really mean anything here... right? I trust my guy and on a personal level, he's a super smart, cool family guy. But I also don't want to fuck myself over. + +Any advice is greatly appreciated. I don't really have anyone to talk to about this stuff. + +It's even more important us to DRS than get Kenny boi put in jail. Seems like right now they are setting up this: + +SEC comes out after Twitter trend hastag and gives Kenny boi a massive fine of a few million $, and that's it, they'll write it off as case closed, the bad guy was fined (SEC: "isn't this what you guys want right"???) he was dealt with and they will try to make us forget. + +DRS IS THE WAY, FORGET KEN RIGHT NOW STAY FOCUSED! WE HAVE THE DRS MOMENTUM RIGHT NOW LETS NOT LOSE IT. + +WE ARE CLOSE, I CAN FEEL IT. +Curious to know what luxury hotel brands you guys have stayed in and prefer? Both in the USA and international. + +Bonus: if there are folks with kids who can also chime and share their experience. +I've been paying rent like this for the past 8 years. They said for the recent month, the money orders can't be cashed. I tried calling WU's status checker number and typing in the serial numbers of the receipts since I kept those. + +The automated line said both money orders had not been cashed, were outstanding, etc etc. + +So what could possibly be the reason? landlord provided photocopies of both of the money orders I sent and everything looks correctly filled out as always. + +Do I just ask them to try again? to wait 30+ days while I request a refund? also do I really have to submit 2 return request forms on western union, and pay 15 dollars each, since one of the money orders was 1,000 and the other a few hundred? + +P.S I went back to the check cashing place where I got it, and the person there said they can't do anything and to just call western union. I'm guessing that's only choice and or to file the return request online? + +P.P.S I hate landlords who force you to live in the 90's and not allow venmo, zelle etc. Simply the most annoying headache because shit like this happens when they only accept money orders. + +Thanks! + +EDIT 1 / UPDATE 1: Thanks for your comments everyone didnt think this would blow up, an update is I called the super and he didnt tell my parent yesterday that the landlord/management said the reason WHY they couldnt cash it was because they actually LOST the money orders after obtaining it and “going to the bank or something”. I tried calling management but went to voicemail so im trying to get in contact to basically get their firsthand story, and if they verify they lost it I will explain how I (actually THEY) will then simply have to file for a new one/ a refund through western union which may take 30+ days. Hopefully they don’t tell me I still have to pay now because we’re simply not able to double up on rent financially especially for THEIR mistake. I will also clarify with them if no other method of payment of rent is possible. Will update again soon. Also I am in the U.S. +Source: [Diamond. Fucking. Hands. ](https://imgur.com/a/mSp1gAn) + +TA;DR; + +They’re scared and have required even more capital from members since January because *shorts haven’t covered.* + +Projected losses would have exceeded available funds. $16.9B already paid out by one member to cover existing exposure. + +Total incurred Q1 margin breaches were over $1B, up 300% from Q1 2020. + +Liquid resources are now at $54.4B. + +—Source: Risk.net +TL;DR: Susquehanna is [sus](http://imgur.com/a/EzZB2vv) + +Stay with me man I have a point I promise. + +🚨UPDATE: SMOKING GUN [Bloomberg today](http://imgur.com/a/ZsK2Rur) #6 🤔🧐 +[Updated FINTEL from this morning! ](https://fintel.io/sob/us/gme) yet the price didn't move accordingly 🙃 + +Many other wrinkly brain apes have done an excellent job on DD’ing Payment for Order Flow (PFOF). *If you are wrinkly brained, or are familiar with the top PFOF clients, skim on down to da apes.* 🦧 + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +TA;DR of that is.. Electronic Trading Firms like Robinhood can provide free trading services because companies like the ones outlined below are paying them for their order flow, thus PFOF. + +These firms engage in high-frequency trading using advanced computer algorithms. They also serve as market makers, providing trading services for investors that helps promote **market liquidity**. + +We know Citadel is the largest customer paying for this information, accounting for over 40% of overall PFOF. Options accounted for approximately 60.9% of the payments for order flow in 2020. + +So who are the other key players? + +Here are some of the [biggest industry players using PFOF](https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=863806a4-7ec4-4d3e-a5f6-b760b08009f4): + +**Citadel Securities** + +**Susquehanna International Group** see footnote for deets* + +Virtu Financial (more on them in another post) + +Wolverine Trading Company + +Jane Street + +Two Sigma Investments + + +Brokerage firms typically have prearranged agreements with market maker firms, such as Citadel, Virtu, and Susquehanna. These Electronic Trading firms will then compete for the order flow. They make their money through the difference between the buy and sell price, which they largely control through their fast paced trading algos. + +It’s worth noting that 2020 recorded record breaking profits due to a historic rise in retail trading participants via apps like RH. Lots of new money for Citadel, Sus, and friends. + +And don't forget that [22% of $USD in circulation were printed in 2020.](https://www.cityam.com/almost-a-fifth-of-all-us-dollars-were-created-this-year/) Money printer go brrrrrrr. + +🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧 + +Now, with all that ELIApe out of the way, let’s put on some tin foil hats shall we? + +Paging u/glide_si and u/boneywankenobi and their awesome posts, which I quote directly and shamelessly here. I’m not as smart as them. + +In the [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mk3gcd/call_memaybe_why_the_massive_volume_of_deep_itm/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I mentioned earlier, they reference Citadel’s fuckery being hidden in deep ITM options. The contracts are mostly routed through PHLX. PHLX engages in Single Leg Floor Trades- a transaction representing a non-electronic trade executed on a trading floor. Execution of paired and non-paired auctions and cross orders on an exchange floor are also included in this category. + +**So these trades are occuring via brokers who are physically present at the Philadelphia Exchange or PHLX.** + +Remember Susquehanna International group? + +[Here’s where their office is](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Susquehanna+International+Group+LLP,+401+City+Ave+%23220,+Bala+Cynwyd,+PA+19004/@39.9211667,-75.0974258,11z/data=!4m5!1m2!2m1!1ssusquehanna+international+group+office+location!3m1!1s0x89c6b89d387b6871:0x623bca19e44c3716?hl=en-US) + + +[Here’s where PHLX is](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nasdaq+OMX+PHLX,+4775+League+Island+Blvd,+Philadelphia,+PA+19112/@39.9195072,-75.1243392,11z/data=!4m5!1m2!2m1!1sPhiladelphia+exchange!3m1!1s0x89c6c593b5e7fbad:0x123a0bdf7e3acc06?hl=en-US) + + +**Neighbors!** + +Why, I bet the sus people working at Susquehanna could probably *walk to PHLX and exchange fuckery in person!* + +⚠️Did you see the update? Sus just happens to have lots of shiny new positions in GME! ⚠️ + +So, what does Dr. Michael Burry have to do with this? Warning: rabbit hole incoming... + +Dr. Michael Burry’s twitter is [gone.](https://twitter.com/BurryArchive?s=09) He deleted the entire account. Sure, he regularly nukes his content and he gets visited by the SEC like every other week but this is different. Everything is gone except what we can see in the archives. + +I have [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mhh9kn/reading_the_everything_short_dd_and_michael/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) several times before about Dr. MJB. I guess it’s turning into an obsession, but this man is trying to tell us something and myself and a few other apes are dedicated to finding out wtf he’s trying to say, considering we apes are the only ones that will listen without scoffing. + +On April 1, after having nuked his account but leaving us a little clue link in his bio, [he made a seemingly irrelevant post about a charity](http://imgur.com/a/pXK1DM1), The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club. It was a link to a gofundme to “Help FSURC get back in the saddle!” So who is this organization? [Let’s look](http://fsurc.com/). + +There's a documentary about this particular brand of hedgie fuckery on Netflix called [Concrete Cowboy](https://www.netflix.com/title/81368729?preventIntent=true). *Full disclosure- I haven't watched it yet, just stumbled on it in my research* History lesson aside, FSURC is a riding club for black youth in the Philadelphia area. I’m not going to go into the group’s mission itself, because that is irrelevant to this write up (but go look them up when you have time. Great group with an amazing mission.) But this group operates on land which is slated to be turned to a housing complex by the city of Philly. FSURC never owned this land upon which they graze, the city does. And in 2020, the land was sold for $1 to the Susquehanna Housing Authority, who plans to create affordable housing for seniors. Remember this land is located in North Philadelphia, PA. + +Wait, what? I need a wrinkle brain here. Was MJB just hoping we’d find the word Susquehanna and realize the connection, then start digging, as a*tists tend to do? Does this go deeper into [Real Estate fuckery](https://www.wsj.com/articles/citadel-ceo-ken-griffin-real-estate-11602188980), which would explain [Ken Griffin’s most expensive real estate transaction in history](https://www.businessinsider.com/ken-griffin-most-expensive-home-ever-sold-us-nyc-penthouse-2019-1)? 🤷‍♀️ + +My extra tin foil hat theory is that's the reason Burry tweeted what he did. To say they would be the first big domino to fall in our market. And because he knows we are still looking and digging 🧐 + +Seriously guys, help me find the next puzzle piece please. I only have exactly 3 wrinkles. + +Edit: From what I can tell, all signs are pointing to Susquehanna being involved in hiding the illegal shorts in deep ITM calls of GME. I also think the real estate market is in more danger than ever. I'm touching outside my own comprehension but this seems like something much bigger than I understand. I've called for big brain gorilla backup. I welcome criticism though I'm still fairly new and out of my element. I'm just really good at cryptic puzzles games 🤷🏼‍♀️ + +If nothing else, I want all this clearly documented and mapped for the purpose of continuing to contact my representatives with evidence. + + +Obligatory 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +*Footnote: + +Susquehanna International Group, LLP offers institutional brokerage services such as trading, quantitative research, technology, and fundamental research services, as well as offers trading dynamics, market structure, and risk management services. They are specialists in approximately 600 equity options and 45 index options. Their last 13F filing for Q4 in 2020 included $612,xxx,xxx,xxx in managed 13F securities. + +They also have large holdings in [silver](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AG/holders/) + +And their biggest holding? TSLA. 57,415,900 in puts and 47, 178,800 in calls. Just an interesting aside to me. Updated: now holding lotsa new GME stuffs +link to post on r/fitbit +https://www.reddit.com/r/fitbit/comments/akhkr3/my_fitbit_versa_fizzed_and_exploded_popped_while/?ref=share&ref_source=link + +I can see this story gaining traction, between any recall possibility and just bad press, surely the stock could see some downside + +I've been looking at some airline stocks and they all took a major hit and havent recovered a lot yet while the rest of the stockmarket is going ballistic. In the Netherlands the government is handing out a cash to help KLM stay alive in these time under the narrative "They can't fail, because it would hurt the economy too much". Not sure, but I can imagine other countries wanting to keep their national airline alive. I don't know a lot about airlines and their financials or other possible important factors, what do you guys think? +Just wanna say discover impressed me. I was pumping gas last night and my Discover credit card has been fading away so often it is not read by the machine. I called at 5 pm to see if they would mail me a new card. Explained how my address is now different because my one on paper is my home of record and I’m in the military. I open my mailbox this morning 15 hours later and there’s a new card in there. Their customer service has always been great but this is very impressive. + +On top of that, their HYSA offers a great rate, their credit cards offer good cash back for a non annual fee, free FICO credit score on their app, and when I had a student loan through them they used to pay me some money off my loan when I got good grades.. +I'm going to make this short and assume you people have a solid grasp on what is happening over at GME. There are people who are about to lose several billion dollars to retail. American royalty, the type of people who don't lose. To us peasants. A setup like this has never happened before and most likely there will be regulatory changes that make it impossible to ever happen again. + + +In a situation like this, rules go out the window. These people are not going to just accept this. There is a good chance that we see trading halted on GME at a critical point around options expiration, most likely either this week or next. In the event that trading is halted as your options expire, you are locked in to them and you have to choose at the expiration point whether or not you want to execute. We all know the average retail trader who bought GME options does not have the balance to do that. The market makers will keep the premium and retail gets left holding the bag. + + +If I was bullish on GME and holding weekly calls that are in the money, I would sell them and buy GME shares. +These channels are starting to flourish, and while I’m all for increased participation by non-professionals, YOLO’ers, and all other amateurs, I think some of them do more harm than good. It’s a lot like the flood of half-assed nutritional and fitness guys offering broscience on YT. These financial bros I’m not sure are a great help to educating folks new to this movement. + + +Hello fellow Apes! This is my first attempt at some DD, and is in essence more just me sharing my findings in the hope that a more wrinkled brain than mine can make some sense of it. As usual, this is not financial advice, this is just data I have observed from Yahoo finance - and anyone can go and check this for themselves if they want. **Warning: lots of numbers, not any pictures, I apologise.** + +**Preface: Hello everyone, if you’re like me, you’ll likely be worrying that your volume is too small. You’ll be sitting up at night wishing to God to make your volume a little bit bigger so you can satisfy your wife’s boyfriend as much as he deserves. Well I am here to tell you that your volume looks even weirder than it is small!** + +***TA:DR at the end*** + +&#x200B; + +**Part 1: We are very special and unique and that’s okay** + +While watching the daily volume chart throughout today, I was struck by how many minutes we experienced less than 1000 volume. More than 10 separate minutes today traded with volumes in the hundreds, and yet we closed out with a similar volume to the last 2 days, a little higher in fact. This got me wondering “there must be some real girthy crayons to average this out”, so I sat down to look at today’s chart. I instantly spotted that throughout the day, there were around 15 big, thicc green and red crayons scattered amongst the other pathetic wimpy green and red crayons. I quickly realised that each of these markers actually represented more than 1% of the entire day’s volume, being traded in just 1 minute. For reference, there are 390 minutes in the trading day, so each should have an **average** of 0.256% of the day’s volume. + +On a hunch, I checked some boomer stocks and the sibling stock who-must-not-be-named, and I found I was correct - there are **far more 1%+ candles per day in GME than in those other stocks.** + +So I decided to work out the numbers properly, and post my first DD. Hopefully someone out there can work out why this is happening, and maybe the frequency of these big candles can be used to work out why large volumes are trading at certain times. + +To determine which candles to focus on, I decided to concentrate on candles representing more than 1% of the daily volume, and also 20% under that 1% value as - without looking a little below 1%, there just was not enough data from any of the stocks I looked at - other than GME. + +So for this DD, I will be referring to these candles as **Significant ticks,** dividing them as such: + +**Candles with volume >1% of total daily volume will be referred to as “Majorly Significant Ticks”** + +And + +**Candles with volume between 0.8% and 1% of total daily volume will be referred to as “Minorly Significant Ticks”.** + +So, as I mentioned previously, boomer stocks have VERY few Majorly Significant ticks during the day. I started looking deeper and found that for these stocks, those big boi candles almost only ever happen within 10 minutes of market open/close. I checked the fruit stock and that other large tech one that isn’t big or hard - and found that per day, they have an average this week of 0-2 Significant Ticks outwith 10 minutes of market open and close. So, between 9:40 and 15:49, only around 0-2 of their 370 minutes have significant volume. + +The movie stock has an average this week of 8 Significant Ticks per day, + +We, my dear apes, have this week an **average of 19.75 Significant Ticks per day.** + +What’s more, the main difference between us and them is how many of our Ticks **occur outwith 10 minutes of market open and close.** Even with the movie stock, their significant ticks during the middle of the day is at an average of 5, so 37.5% of their significant ticks happen in the first or last 10 minutes of the market being open. I am delighted to inform you that we have an average of **13.75** significant ticks between 9:40 and 15:49. I’m sure even the smoothest-brained apes out there can see that 13.75 is bigger than both the movie stock's 5, and the boomer stocks' 0-2. + +**Part 2: So just how much volume is in these fat, juicy candles** + +Here is where we, unfortunately, get to the numbers part. I have spent the last 3 hours going minute by minute through the last 4 days of GME’s trading to get these statistics, so you’d all better be grateful or I’m telling RC on you. + +If anyone wants the raw data I have put together to look at themselves, or to turn into fancy graphs and charts for visual learners (I’m not skilled enough in IT, nor do I care enough at 2am to give it a shot myself) then please DM me and I’ll happily send you screenshots: warning, it’s an absolute mess that likely only makes sense to my autistic brain, but you’re welcome to look. + +I have only collected data from the 4 days this week, I plan to do the same again tomorrow and post an update. I will likely continue doing this if the trend continues. + +I originally believed the 28th of June would have been an outlier as it had almost double the volume of each of the past 3 days, but to my surprise it fits in well. + +***DATA FROM YAHOO FINANCE*** + +&#x200B; + +|Day|28/6|29/6|30/6|1/7| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Volume| 4,879,400 | 2,461,139 | 2,510,183 | 2,690,299 | +|Major Significant Ticks (>1%)|15|8|13|14| +|Minor Significant Ticks (0.8%-1%)|6|11|6|6| +|Significant Ticks Outwith 10 mins Open/Close|14|10|16|15| +|Total Volume of Maj. Sig. Ticks| 1,225,075 | 368,476| 516,280 | 505,728 | +|Total Volume of Maj. Sig. Ticks as % of daily total|25.1% of daily volume, 3.8% of minutes |15.0% of daily volume, 2% of minutes|20.1% of daily volume, 3.3% of minutes|18.8% of daily volume, 3.6% of minutes| +|Total Volume of ALL Sig. Ticks| 1,478,514| 607,362 | 655,966 |649,020| +|Total Volume of ALL Sig. Ticks as % of daily total|30.0% of daily volume, 5.4% of minutes|24.7% of daily volume, 4.9% of minutes|26.1% of daily volume, 4.9% of minutes|24.0% of daily volume 5.1% of minutes| + +***This chart as sexy 4-day averages:*** + + **4 day average volume of Majorly Significant ticks as % of total daily volume** + % of ticks (out of 390 minutes in trading day) - **3.175%** + % of daily volume - **19.75%** + + **4 day average volume of all Significant ticks as % of total daily volume** + % of ticks (out of 390 minutes in trading day) - **5.075%** + % of daily volume - **26.2%** + + **4 day average Majorly significant ticks - 12.5** + +**4 day average Minorly significant ticks - 7.25** + +**4 day average significant ticks outwith 10 min of open/close - 13.75** + +&#x200B; + +***TA:DR -*** GME has more 1-minute candles per day exceeding 1% of total daily volume than any of the other stocks I checked, by 200%-1900%. This week, we have had **an average of 19.75 of these candles per day, accounting for 5.075% of the day's 1 minute-candles, but delivering 26.2% of the day's volume.** Now obviously, GME is the target of large players who will be causing these volume spikes - these statistics serve to show the level at which GME is different from other stocks, and maybe give other people who are smarter than I am some data to play around with. + +As I said at the start, if you'd like the rest of the raw data including when each of the Significant ticks happened and how much volume they contained for making new DD with, DM me and I'd be happy to share. + +See you on the moon. +Anything you would like to add or tell about things you learnt about losses. Because everyone had them at the start of their trading careers. Would love to hear how they made you a better person and one reason you think you SHOULD have them. +hearing it from many successful day traders, they blew up a lot of accounts and lost a lot of money before being successful consistently. But many saw that as “paying their dues” or “the tuition for learning the market” + +So for those of you that are successful now, how long did it take you and how much did you lose before you finally became consistently profitable? + +And if you know this, how long before you finally broke even with all the losses that you had prior to finally being profitable? +It's from [this](https://www.thestreet.com/story/14500016/1/warren-buffett-weighs-in-business-economy.html) article . + + +*** +Leverage Risks +"**It is crazy in my opinion to borrow on security. You don't know whether the stock exchange will open tomorrow morning," Buffett said. Investors have borrowed record amounts to invest in the stock market amid the selloff earlier this month, according to a front page story in The Wall Street Journal on Monday**. + + +Doesn't it seem... out of character for Buffet to say something like that? What is he implying? That one day the stock market could just suddenly cease to exist? +I see tons of posts saying, oil has gone down hard, or cruise companies and airline companies have gone down, there will be a bounce back. + +They don't always come back, especially if there is absolutely no reason for them to. A lot of these players may go to zero. You may think, well, there still needs to be airlines and oil companies, etc. so they'll still be around. And these companies will likely continue. But the company may default on their debt and the debt holders will now own the company and the shareholders will be wiped out. You could make a decent analysis by looking at their debt, revenue and make a reasonable guess of revenue hit from COVID19, but posters here seem to not bother with this, it is a "what goes down must come up" mentality. + +This statement doesn't apply to broad index funds. They do eventually come back, but nobody knows when. You can do your own research on how long it takes for stocks to go back to their highs. It can take years or decades for big drops. If you are 20 years old, no big deal. If you are 60, you really shouldn't be in 100% stocks. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Low volume jacks my tits. +Record low volume gets me even more excited. +We've seen time and again what happens after periods of low volume, and the past week has extremely low volume days. +While most of those days still ended with an upward price, it hardly means anything when we know that *nobody is selling*. + +As we continue to anticipate what this week has in store, the tension of the moment is palpable. +GameStop continues to grow its digital presence, releasing updates, new NFT series, and partnerships. +The SHFs continue to scramble to survive another day, but time is running out. +One solid jolt could send everything into motion. +Will the German markets give us a hint as to whether that jolt comes today? + +Today is Wednesday, September 21st, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$27.72 / 27,76 €** *(volume: 1768)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $27.69 / 27,73 € *(volume: 1768)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $27.71 / 27,75 € *(volume: 1748)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $27.69 / 27,73 € *(volume: 1746)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $27.70 / 27,74 € *(volume: 1596)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $27.71 / 27,75 € *(volume: 1586)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $27.75 / 27,79 € *(volume: 1586)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $27.70 / 27,73 € *(volume: 1586)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $27.70 / 27,74 € *(volume: 1402)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $27.71 / 27,75 € *(volume: 1402)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $27.71 / 27,75 € *(volume: 1370)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $27.87 / 27,91 € *(volume: 1370)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $27.63 / 27,67 € *(volume: 1170)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $27.62 / 27,66 € *(volume: 1090)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $27.65 / 27,69 € *(volume: 1090)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $27.65 / 27,69 € *(volume: 1090)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $27.62 / 27,66 € *(volume: 1090)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $27.61 / 27,65 € *(volume: 1080)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $27.60 / 27,63 € *(volume: 1074)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $27.60 / 27,64 € *(volume: 1056)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $27.62 / 27,66 € *(volume: 959)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $27.61 / 27,65 € *(volume: 877)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $27.59 / 27,63 € *(volume: 433)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $27.59 / 27,63 € *(volume: 27)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $27.58 / 27,62 € *(volume: 20)* +- 🟥 US close price: $27.54 / 27,58 € *($27.48 / 27,52 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9986. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Hi all,  + +My first time potentially buying a property. Looking at buying a 2 unit Multi-family, and plan to live in the 1 bed unit and rent out the 3 bed. Currently, the one bed is vacant while the 3 bed is occupied. The tenant has been there 10+ years, is on a month to month lease, and paying $1450/month including utilities and garage parking. Market rent conservatively puts this at $2100 a month so they are well below market. What are my options?  + +Right now I believe my options would be to: + +* Put a vacancy contingency in contract/offer and then find a new tenant once it becomes mine +* Raise rent slowly up to market value (risk pissing off tenant right away, losing a stable 10 year tenant, etc) +* Raise rent right away to at or near market value (Definitely risk losing/pissing off tenant) +* Come to some agreement with tenant (repairs, parking, etc) + +Will the tenants being there for 10+ years mean anything in regards to squatters rights? Just a random thought I had. Any advice is welcome. Also, how much information can I ask listing agent about this scenario? Am I allowed to ask to see lease, why they are so low, questions like that before I have made offer? I have been pre approved for financing as well. + +Additonal info:  + +Property is listed for $525k. + +I have my real estate license, but have not done any deals besides 1 apartment lease (got it through work as a side/adjacent type gig. Main job is in Construction Management/Real Estate Development, and I am only 23 so apologies if this is a naive question) + +Vacant 1 bed is on Zillow for $1850 currently.  +1. To reach a point where working is truly optional, and at my own my pace, on my own hours, on my own terms. + +2. So I can travel the world - in style. + +3. Because I don't have a damn choice! the alternative SUCKS. To me it's become a do or die, if I remain in the rat race for eternity, I'm essentially selling my autonomy for money - I might as well move to Jonestown. + +4. To be able to live anywhere I like (location independent) + +5. To have the freedom to adjust to any cost of living camp. Whereas when you're poor you're trapped and capped at a certain socioeconomic class to which you kinda have to stick to. + +Those are some of my notes. I jot down new reasons periodically. I'd love to read your reasons in the thread! +A financial advisor built a portfolio for her to live off of with monthly dividend payments. She was getting around $2800 a month after taxes in income and only needed $2000 to live the rest was reinvested back into the stocks each month. She does not qualify for social security and didn't know that selling the stocks would mean she would not be paid she just freaked out when the balance fell by half then looked into ways to preserve wealth. I looked through the account history and it looks like she owned O, KBWY, SRET, and SPHD. No matter how I weight those funds I cant get the monthly payments to where they were before now. She has just over $500k cash in her brokerage account after I sold the precious metals ETF. Shes 72 years old and healthy but was a stay at home mom so not much in work experience. She has some credit card debt that takes about $300 a month a car payment of $480 and a mortgage with only 4 years left at $770. I tried calling the advisor she used before but he said he will not work with clients under $1 million net worth. +Yahoo has sponsored ads for them and if you make the mistake of clicking one to find the info teased, you are led down a path of BS a mile long that rarely comes to anything beyond a sales pitch. + +I thought this site was legit a while back. What happened? +The wild card tweet, and the Gattaca "never saved anything for the way back" tweet, plus the fact he has enormous diamond testicles.....I think the two o clock spike was mostly him. + +Either way, I'm looking forward to his YOLO update more than ever! +See my previous post first to understand the story thus far: + +https://reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l60euz/theory_the_hold_is_working_and_the_squeeze_is/ + +# Wed 01-27 + +Fantastic trading day. + + +Up 97% on the day to close out at $345 battling all through the $300s all day. + + +Curiously small amounts of volume all day leads me to believe this was small +amounts of short covering and paper hands selling on each bump (we'll know more +when Ortex posts data in the morning). + + +Yes it took a bit of a dip in the after market, but I expect greatness from our German +brothers and sisters to keep the momentum up today. The plan is the same: buy and hold. + +# *It is working*. + +What's most interesting rn is the new $ amount of calls about to expire. + + +I had to compile a spreadsheet for this from multiple sources because my usual +source didn't have the complete data (highly sus? Are they trying to hide this +data?) + +Spreadsheet: + +https://imgur.com/a/zXTeR4t + +This is essentially just the options chain you can look up. But, if you take +the Open Interest (how many contracts are alive), multiply that by the latest +close price * 100 and then sum all the contracts you get the total amount of $ of shares that are about to be +exercised. + +What's crazy about GME right now? + +# EVERY CLIT LICKING CALL IS ITM + +That is *insane*. Never seen it before. + + +Tuesday ended with all those options worth $800mill + + +Wednesday? They jumped to $3.5 *billion* and it will continue to rise as share prices rises. Buy and hold. + + +Two things are gonna happen b/c of this: + + +-1. Mega Gamma Squeeze. MM's who weren't properly hedged before are about to be (they will have to buy shares on the market +in order to cover these calls expiring higher than their delta position). But remember, all you degens are buying and holding, so there's low af volume and prices skyrocket with every share we *force* them to buy. Read this: +https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/01/26/gamestops-gargantuan-gamma-squeeze/ + + +tl;dr + + +> If the stock continues to rise, the market maker's delta position also +> becomes increasingly negative at a faster rate due to gamma, requiring more +> buying, which pushes the stock even higher still, and so forth. This +> phenomenon is known as a gamma squeeze and the feedback loop resembles a +> regular short squeeze. + +*feedback loop* you say? + +# Sounds like tendie rocket to me if everyone holds. + +-2. Many of these shares can be exercised into proper diamond hands instead of in MM's accounts that will +loan them back out to shorts. Further squozing the squeezees. This, however requires the owner to put up another position to +exercise. + + +Moral of the story: + + +If GME holds or even goes up further Thur & Fri this gamma squeeze could very +likely be the catalyst for the big squeeze come next week. + + +And it will be *epic*. + + +DISCLAIMER: This is not investment, legal, or financial advise. I am HIGH as +FUCK right now (again). Seriously. Don't believe anything you read here, this is purely +a work of fiction. +I just posted the other day about this hidden gem (7 days old, <20 mil market cap) as it was mentioned on Blockchain and Booze, a Binance Podcast, and CoinTelegraph yet nobody on reddit was really talking about it. Today it was mentioned on Yahoo Finance: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/binance-smart-chain-grows-stronger-211500302.html + +I first learned about it from a CoinTelegraph tweet: https://twitter.com/Cointelegraph/status/1389344030090309635 + +Then I watched Blockchain and Booze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzsehpz_HU8 + +This is not some no-name show. It’s had guests like Mark Cuban. How does a seemingly new coin coming out of nowhere get so much attention so fast? This is set to explode and go to the absolute farthest reaches of the galaxy. It’s already up from when I posted yesterday. + +Then I saw it was on a BINANCE podcast!! What?? https://twitter.com/binance/status/1389641106292412419 Listen in at 54:33. + +How has this not made it to the front page of r/cryptocurrency? + +At the time of writing, it’s got under 20 mil marketcap, and has only been around 7 days. Day one audit, plans to enable staking along with RFI Token rewards, as well as building a launchpad and incubator for BSC projects sounds amazing. It's no wonder that big names are pushing this coin. It has a chance to revolutionize the Binance Smart Chain space. + +Check their recent AMA on Satoshi Street Bets. Blew my mind: +https://t.me/safermoonofficial/23606 + +At first I was a shill, but now I'm a believer. I hope you do your own research and see the same thing. I'll drop the website too: https://safermoon.net + +If you listened to me yesterday you’d be up 2x. The best time to invest was then. The second best time is now. + +Good luck fellow moon boys. +A full review of Super Shiba from an investor’s point of view. Super Shiba is creating a new way of trading crypto currencies and making it safe. Super Shiba has come up with a utility, a real life use case that will deliver tremendous value to every crypto trader and it is called the SafeDEX. + +The SafeDEX answers all the questions that a smart trader should be asking before investing into a coin such as: Is the ownership renounced? Is the liquidity locked? Are the devs doxxed? Is there a website? Is it a utility coin? It is a meme coin? Etc. + +Super Shiba will bring the answers to all of those questions and compile them together in the Super Shiba SafeDEX so that a trader can then make a sound decision whether to invest or not. From the moment a brand new token goes live in the Super Shiba SafeDEX, it will have already been fully audited and passed through all the rigorous security measurements standards so that a trader can make a safe investment. + +What separates Super Shiba from anything else in the market is that Super Shiba is making it possible for a crypto trader to make investments in the ground floor, in brand new tokens with the peace of mind that their investment will be in a safe coin. Super Shiba is creating a new standard, a new expectation in the crypto currency market. + +Super Shiba has a team of six fully doxxed team members which includes two devs and four members that range from community involvement, to marketing and security of the project. + +With Super Shiba there is no false hype, no smokes and mirrors. There is just pure excitement about being able to serve with crypto community with the Super Shiba SafeDEX that everyone in the crypto community will benefit from. + +The SafeDEX will be released in just a few days along with a full marketing campaign composed of 40 marketing team members and a strong united telegram community in the thousands. In a little over one week Super Shiba has grown organically with no paid marketing to nearly 5,000 holders and 5 million dollars in market cap. + +SuperShiba will be doing a presale for its Dex Token called $TREATS this will be launching SOON at 8pm GMT time. Don't forget that holding both $SSHIBA & $TREATS will be very beneficial. + +The combination of the release Super Shiba SafeDEX and the full marketing campaign to come makes Super Shiba one of the best ground floor investments in the market right now. + +For more information please visit their website and join the Super Shiba telegram community to ask any further questions. I hope you join the Super Shiba family. + +Website: https://supershiba.xyz + +TG: https://t.me/SuperShibaBSCreddit +Hey guys, + +&#x200B; + +I'm interested in buying a TESLA model 3 performance. + +[https://www.tesla.com/en\_gb/model3](https://www.tesla.com/en_gb/model3) + +&#x200B; + +I have a business but I've read its difficult/impossible to claim it as a business expense. I don't mind buying or leasing. What would probably be the most cost-efficient way of getting one? + +&#x200B; + +A contract purchase is 641/month with a 6k down payment for 48 months. They state that any 'equity' left can be used towards a new tesla car or you can buy the car outright. What do they mean by equity? + +Or would I be better served leasing it? + +&#x200B; + +Do you know what I can and can't write off as tax or claim back via VAT if its a business car? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + + [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWvs5H32Oyc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWvs5H32Oyc) + +&#x200B; + +I saw this video and can't for the life of me understand how I'd apply it to my situation and job in the UK. (We have a family business VAT registered with a decent tax bill). + +I understand there is some form of 'benefit in kind' relief from April this year onwards? + +If someone could help me, I'd be really grateful. +I'm 25 years old this year and live in a currently very desirable area with a lot of growth. Mom and Dad are looking to get out of the area because of all the newfound crowds and wanted to give me a leg up - current property value is something around $250,000 but their remaining loan is ~ $130,000. We had talked about me taking out a loan for the remaining amount (I have decent credit and have pre-approved for that amount myself when looking for homes on my own, rent is so insane around here buying a house is almost the same monthly but the initial amount is just too much for me on my own at this point). We were planning on doing this next year when my savings would be at about $22,000-$25,000 so I could have a decent down payment while not draining savings. + +Anyhoo, then we all figure out capital gains tax is a thing. We're pretty sure gift tax wouldn't hit us on this deal, but if capital gains is asking for any more money, neither one of our parties can really afford that. How much is that tax exactly? When must it be paid? What other financial surprises might be in store with this deal? Does that make this deal just not worth it? I've already made it clear to my folks my heart will go on if so, but I was excited about getting an impossibly good deal in a real estate market that will only become more competitive as I waste money on insane rent. + +Edit: Looks like people are in agreement that capital gains tax at least would not impact either of us until I possibly sold the property for over 250,000 (or 500,000 if I got married later in life). Just need to fill out a gift form for the ol IRS. That's great! Thanks for your help everybody. +In 2019 I posted on here about my struggles with FIRE and you guys gave me a combination of tough-love and chastisement which I definitely deserved. At the time I was making around 185k/salary but only saving 1.2k a month, had 60k in debt, about 200k in total retirement (age 37). My spending was bogus (8k/mo) and I was mostly staying afloat due to the very high salary. + +That post helped me realize what I already kind of suspected... that we were spending way too much, putting away too little, and squandering the advantage of having a large income. + +I did a complete 180 and got my fiancé, now wife, onboard with spending smartly. Then the pandemic came along and forced us to break our massive eating out habit while also trimming back our equally large travel budget. + +Fast forward to today and we've grown our retirement from 200k to 520k and emergency funds from 10k to 133k and paid off our loan and cars. Along the way, we also picked up a second home for 600k which we renovated, and which boosted our total net worth to 650k (the appreciation has been a little over 100k). It's a game of catchup but we're going in the right direction now. + +Something about charting and tracking this information every month (sometimes more often) has led to a change in both me and my wife's view of FIRE. She wants FIRE at 45 so she's taking on work and we're both growing a side-business that can potentially get us there. Our mindset has changed from "we must have the best of X every time" to "what's the benefit of X? does it help us FIRE? is it worth more than a future spent casually traveling the globe?". Every purchase now feels like stealing from the future if we can't justify it in terms of investment/returns. + +Ironically, over the last few years I've had a lower income than my peak (250k) but I went from contributing 1% of my income to contributing as much as 60% to FIRE in between pre/post-tax and brokerage funds, so there's been a pretty rapid catch up. + +I just wanted to thank the sub because without it, I might still be living effectively "check to check" and there's no excuse for that. +>The Background. **Payments for order flow** stretch back to the 1980s. Bernie Madoff (yes, that Bernie Madoff) was a pioneer in the field, **paying** firms like Charles Schwab and Fidelity a penny or two per share for the right to make their trades. + +[Source](https://www.bloomberg.com/quicktake/payment-for-order-flow#:~:text=The%20Background,right%20to%20make%20their%20trades) + +If that doesn't tell you enough, I don't know what will. +About 1 year from finishing my MD with a background in investment banking and tech (not SWE) before med school. I’m still planning on doing residency, but spend a lot of time thinking about working in tech, ideally in a role that cares/pays more for my MD and board certification. Given my prior work experience, I already know that I don’t want to go back into IB/PE or management consulting. Generally, everyone I know who has gone through my decision in the past recommends doing residency before a nonclinical career, except for a couple of people I know at McKinsey and some shiesty VC founders looking to poach med students before residency. But, recently the prospect of 3-5 years of shit pay in residency as well as other bullshit associated with medical training has been making me question whether residency is worth my time. + +Update - just thought I should include a little more info. I am deeply interested in the specialty I plan on matching into (and have a very high chance statistically of matching into it). The way my mind works and the shit that gets me excited is extremely well aligned with this field. Having said that, I’m just a guy with a lot if interests. There are a shit load of opportunities for these doctors non clinically. I’ve gotten a lot of thoughtful advice on here, and it’s definitely great to connect and learn something with so many people in this sub. And, if anyone is considering a career path that relates to what I’ve discussed and would like some advice/perspective/feedback, feel free to send me a DM +I'm about to pull the trigger on a £500k house. £120k down, £380k mortgage at around £1550 a month. Not gunna lie - I'm a bit nervous. + +Current mortgage is £500 and we're overpaying £1500 a month so I know I can afford it, but going from an optional £1500 to a base mortgage increase of a grand a month sounds a bit daunting! + +Curious as to what everyone else currently has. For reference, it will be 25% of our joint income, up from 8.5%. Expecting it to be our 'forever family home'. +I always knew I was a screw up, but this is it. yesterday I was happy to finally have my home sold just before foreclosure + + today the buyers backed out. my son lives with his dad, and I don't know how I can even say goodbye. my poor 2 cats, are rescues with behavior problems so their future is gone too. + +a nice cold storm is coming. its enticing, but I not ready for this. Northern Canada is not where you want to be homeless in winter. + +what a failure + +thanks for listening. +So I see the conversations about what constitutes Fatfire and thought I'd go deeper into what it means to be Fat for me. This applies for me (30F) and hubby, along with 2 future kids. + +\-Travel every 2 months or so. One or two international trips a year. + +\-Middle of the road home in a MCOL area. Plus the same in a rural but close to outdoor activities location in the mountains. + +\-2 cars nothing fancy + +\-A few date nights a month along with some family dinners. Otherwise cooking high quality food. We love good steak fish etc. + +\-Hubby has a small but not insignificant likelihood of a long-term degenerative disease. We have life insurance on both of us with provisions for Long Term care if we would need in house assistance for an extended time. This is something I have in place now, but am considering self insuring for. It does eat up a big chunk of the budget. + +\-Also priced out ACA PPO plans at Bronze and Gold levels for family of 4. + +\-We get the houses cleaned twice a month have people cut the grass for us. + +\-We love working out, being outside and playing golf. + +\-I wanted to at least consider college as an expense for the kids in case one of them thinks he wants to go to Harvard or something like that. + +With a WR of 3.25% this is I'm Fat at almost 8mm and Chubby around 6mm. I understand some people will look at these numbers and think they are crazy low and some crazy high, but its funny how these things add up. I am interested in comments about what they think of the numbers/priorities. + +&#x200B; + +How does your Fat Compare to mine? + +High end is Fat; Low end is Chubby... + +Edit: Pasting from Excel is very difficult for me for some reason. + +&#x200B; + +2021 priced, Gold PPO 4 people- $2,100 + +Life Insurance- $2,200 + +Travel- $2,500/$4,000 + +Groceries- $800/$1,200 + +"Rent"/Home repair- $600/$750 + +Home Insurance/Prop tax- $500/$700 + +Auto "Payment"- $300/$400 + +Restaurants- $300/$400 + +Auto Insurance- $250/$500 + +Gas/utilities- $400/$550 + +Alcohol- $75/$100 + +Phone- $90/$150 + +Gym/Trainer/Country Club- $300/$500 + +Cleaning Service/Grass- $400/$600 + +clothing- $150/$250 + +fast food/gas station garbage- $30 + +Total Monthly Budget- $10,995/$14,430 + +Yearly- $131,940/$173,160 + +Tax (20%)- $26,388/$34,632 + +Budget NW needed- $4,871,631/$6,393,600 + +College- $250,000/$300,000 + +House- $400,000/$500,000 + +Vacation house- $250,000/$450,000 + +Total NW needed $5,771,631 $7,643,600 +Hello all. I’m 29M, despite growing poor I settled in a finance job right after school and became a partner at that firm not a long time ago. Things are good financially, I already hit $5 mm NW and I get $500k in compensation + $1 mm in dividends a year from my partnership stake. + +Up until about 6 months ago, I wouldn’t have entertained a thought of retiring. I’m a workaholic, and a lot of my life is centered around work… likely to the expense of personal life. I used to love my work, but after a promotion to a managerial position, I catch myself dreading from all the administrative busy-work. + +Working in finance, I am struggling with the meaning of it all as well. Finance is a zero-sum game, so it is hard to get the sense of self-fulfillment, despite achieving milestones relative to others in the industry. + +I do struggle with a fear of living a busy life, but regretting in my deathbed not having contributed anything meaningful to the world. + +So far, the options I have explored to solve this are: +1) keep on with the job; FIRE is not going to help with the existential dread anyways. The opportunity cost of leaving is too high given pay + +2) ask to be demoted to a lower position; there’s no admin load, I do what I love, but there’s still existential dread. There’s a reputation damage and probably some lower income, but dividends are intact + +3a) retire; manage my own investments (so far I wasn’t allowed to have a PA due to potential conflicts of interest) and hopefully in 1-2 years get new clients of your own, effectively opening a hedge fund + +3b) retire; manage own money but also start a business on the side that will be positive-sum. I have a few ideas (and one big one) but they are all, as with startups, unproven and risky. There’s risk of burning through a portion of NW with nothing to show for it + +3c) raise a search fund, buy a small business in a positive sum industry, run and grow it. + +Do you think I have enough savings to retire? What are your opinions on the options? Do you have any other options you’d consider seriously? +Hey guys! + +I'm looking to work with some like-minded people to work on developing quantitative models on a few different exchange traded markets. Looking at futures and options mostly to start. Happy to look at crypto markets also but strategies would not be of the HFT kind that requires all that jazz around FPGAs, kernel tuning etc. Knowledge of financial market instruments would definitely be helpful together with prior trading experience (professional or personal). Strong programming experience (ideally Python) is a must while a statistics/mathematics background would also be beneficial. + +&#x200B; + +Unfortunately hard to find good people via this approach, in fact the few times I have tried people can't commit the time or because it all simply seems a bit hard for them. While in theory developing quant/algorithmic 'sounds' cool or sexy it is not by any means easy and will require alot of discipline, a real passion and strong work ethic. And at times you may find yourself with 100s of ideas and only 1 works. So I'd ideally only want to speak to people that are true to those qualities mentioned above. If you don't have the heart or drive then its probably not for you. + +&#x200B; + +As for myself, to add some credibility, I have worked for the past 10 years as a professional portfolio manager trading mostly interest rates and FX at a very large fund (few billion under management). Mostly discretionary with my own personal quant tilt. Self taught programmer (Python) from a stats background. Looking to take my skills and experience now and team up with some guys to run our own strategies prop. Wouldn't worry about the capital as am pretty green and can bootstrap most of it. + +&#x200B; + +If serious and interested please pm! + +&#x200B; + +Update (25/06): + +I've been inundated with PMs guys and apologies as I didn't clarify this prior but if you do intend to send me a message could you please mention: + +\- where your based? + +\- trading experience? If any? (Professional or personal) + +\- programming skills + +\- why your interested in teaming up? + +&#x200B; + +Update (26/06): + +Thanks for all the interest guys, bit overwhelmed at the moment. I have over 40 PMs at the moment so if I could ask people to please not send any more that would be appreciated. I would like to have the opportunity to go through them all and see the people who would be most complimentary to this type of joint effort. But really awesome stuff, great to see the energy! + +\*\*\*about 70% through all PMs\*\*\* + +&#x200B; + +Update (27/06): + +Definitely no more new PMs guys at this stage. Had close to 60. I believe I have replied to everyone, if I haven't let me know. Putting together a shortlist now. + +&#x200B; + +Update(28/06): + +Scheduled calls and speaking to people. +Wondering if anyone has built a stock screener that scans for a specific setup in a stock throughout the day? I'm looking to build one with minute solution and seeing if its possible in python code. +I'm getting to the tail end of a very long journey, with stable profitability (as ever) just a few tweaks away. Whether delusional or genuinely heading in the right direction, I'd like to find out if anyone here uses dynamic parameters or features to generate their trading signals? If so, how? + + +Context: I'm sitting watching the ass fall out of crypto markets and I see opportunities my strategy will be missing out on due to the current parameters. Assuming (because it's true) that I trade off a 2h timeframe with average trade length between 2 and 4 hours; could I use a volatility indicator on a lower timeframe to generate some kind of factor which can be used to, in the case of volatile markets, increase the entry threshold and profit targets? Anyone doing this? Anyone got any suggestions? Am I even making sense? Any pitfalls? + + +Python's my poison if anyone has any linkssss +Hi, + +I wonder which kind of data storage you use to store all the data used in your models. I am familiar with Couchbase or something similar to elasticsearch, as well as the classical databases, I just wonder which storage options are favourable in terms of huge numerical datasets and easy connection with the tools to build models/create signals or maybe use ML? +I know it's a bit early for new years resolutions, but what are your financial goals for 2022? + +I am entering 2022 with 24K of debt - spread over 3 loans, and 7 CC's. I got married this past year and had a large unexpected cost which has contributed towards this debt. + +I'm only on 25.5k p/a, so I've signed up to an agency (nurse) for extra shifts to help pay down debt. + +My goals for 2022 are to: +- pay off my phone +- save some money for Christmas next year +- pay off 2 high interest credit cards and close them (38% and 31% interest rates) +- and reduce rest of credit card debt by 50% + +I've made some stupid financial decisions, but feel happy and lighter knowing I have some goals to aim for, and a plan to follow! What about you? +I retired at 37 at the end of last year, setting aside 1 years worth of cash from a secondary stock sale in a money market, which will see us through the year. Nearly all of our wealth is in our brokerage account. + +Next year onward, I'll be entering brokerage account drawdown phase, but I'm not sure how to estimate our tax obligation. We plan to draw 400k per year (inflation adjusted) out of a 20mm account. + +The brokerage account is primarily ETFs with a small portion in municipal and other bond funds. The ETFs will generate about 150k in dividends. The bond funds will generate about 150k of fixed income. We plan to generate the other 100k through sales during periodic rebalancing. + +How do we estimate our effective tax rate entering this new phase of life? + +I'll take the next few months to decide how to allocate 15mm (bringing us to the 20mm mentioned). For others drawing similar amounts primarily from a brokerage account, would you change anything with respect to income generation from a tax efficiency standpoint? + +edit: We live in the US & hope to take long term capital gains as much as possible. +Hi all. Long time lurker - I'm hoping someone can help. + +Just over a month ago I started working as a stripper in a legal state. It's my first time, and so far I've made almost 10k working between two and three days a week. I assume my earnings will increase as I figure things out and get better. + +It's completely paid in cash and I'm seen as a sole trader/contractor - I really want to get my tax situation sorted early, it's important to me to pay what I owe, plus have my money in the bank/on paper for future purchases. + +This tax year, I made money from a 'proper' job under my TFN, got jobseeker allowance through covid (not anymore now that I'm working again), and I already have a business in the health industry with an ABN and business name (haven't made any money this year but it is set up). I'm worried about having my income show up anywhere under 'adult industry worker' (due to stigma), and of messing up my tax due to all these income streams under my TFN/ABN. + +My understanding is that I should declare this stripper income under my ABN in the BAS I submit, as if you have two businesses you can declare all income and expenses under the one ABN - is this right? So to anyone looking, my income/expenses would be seen as under my health business name? I'm particularly thinking of how to show that I'm earning money, without showing what I actually do, to real estate agents when I move rentals in a few months. + +My main question is, what about GST? I don't quite understand it regarding adult industry workers. + +Ato website says - "The worker has an ABN and is registered for GST - Sex industry workers who are registered for GST will charge GST on their services to clients and will account for this GST amount in their next tax period. The worker will be required to issue a tax invoice to the client within 28 days if requested. The worker will be able to claim GST credits for any GST amounts paid on business-related expenses." + +It says you don't need to pay GST if you're under the $75k threshold, but I assume I will be over so will register when I'm closer to that figure. BUT we are paid cash for each dance by the patron, which is just the fee and doesn't include GST. I also can't be issuing tax invoices in the club, haha. I read this as I need to take the 10% off the fee the customer pays, to pay my GST if I earn more than $75k, but not if I don't. It seems rediculous to put aside 10% of my earnings for GST that isn't paid by the customer, plus my estimated tax %, it would be a significant portion - but is that what I need to do? + +Thank you! + +Edit - For clarity, I pay the establishment a fee to enter/work there, every night that I work, and they can give me a receipt for that. They take none of what I earn except for that and pay me nothing. I take cash from the customer's for dances/my time, the customers don't pay the establishment (obviously except for entry fee, for drinks, and the fee on the ATM haha). If I get a long booking the customer might pay on card to the establishment but the establishment still gives me the cash, and it's not including GST. + +Thank you for all the wonderful help and information! +0 features. No balcony, no aircon, no apartment amenities, nothing... ffs. How the hell is this sustainable? Next year its going to be 550? In 2030 are we paying 1k for a shoebox studio? + +Anyone suggest a cheaper place? I need a train line and i work at north sydney or Maybe negotiate a lower rent? Doubt itll work though. +I was too young to remember much about the Great Recession, but I recall several of our neighbors losing their jobs and foreclosing on their homes. + +America currently has more jobs than workers, and the subprime lending crisis was specific to the past recession, so I’m curious what a recession would look like in 2022? + +In what ways would it affect the average American and how would it differ from the last recession? +Do they end up just dying and their debt goes away? What happens when they get old and can’t work anymore? Do they have to declare bankruptcy? I just have a hard time imagining the majority of the population living like this and it not having a negative impact on our economy somehow. +Good morning, here's my watch list: + +Gap Ups: ALT, AXSM, BIG, CLGX, DVAX, EBAY, EKSO, INO, NNVC, ROKU, SDGR, SHLL, VXRT, ZGNX + +Gap Downs: NONE + +Possible day 2 plays: DADA (day 2 means it moved yesterday and could possibly be in play today) + +SPY gapping down slightly after holding the 200 day moving average support. Bullish action yesterday in most individual stocks. Next support is around the 50 day moving average/last pivot low which is at the 296/297 area. My outlook remains bullish as long as these levels hold. Some nice gappers today so my focus will be on those names, long, short or both. As always, have stops and targets in place before entering trades to eliminate emotional trading and unnecessary losses. Have a good weekend, stay safe and good luck trading. +The broker I am using has some certificates that track an underlying asset where the market maker uses a 0.25% spread between buy and sell. The brokerage first charges me a 0.065% fee for trading. + +Wouldn't I be able to make a dime by offering stocks with a lower spread than the market maker? + +Simple math: + +Market maker sells at 100,125 and buys at 99,875. + +I sell at 100.100 and buy at 99.900. + +I buy a stock and sell a stock = -99.900\*(1+0.00065) + 100.100\*(1-0.00065) = 0.07 profit. + +What am I missing? +Is anybody profiting off crypto's? Seems like there's tons of crypto-specific trading libraries and threads online, but I've never heard any pro trader say they're trading crypto. I get the impression that people focusing on crypto + ML are not profitable. Am I wrong? +* 2009: 30 years old, $30k total savings. +* 2019: 40 years old, $300k invested. + +Ten years ago I was doing just fine. The deepest trough of the recession had passed, but it was still a pretty unsettling time. I was content to be in grad school, insulated from the outside world, with a steady stipend of $28k from a grant, plus an additional few k a year from doing translation work and academic consulting. I was saving the $4k / year max to my Roth most years and that was it. + +I was lucky to be in the ivory tower, mainly because I really enjoyed my thinking work, and enjoyed especially the scientific programming aspects of my biology research. I was good at being a graduate student. But I was also lucky because it seemed scary out there, and comfortable in here. Also, I had student loan debt that I could keep deferring while I was technically still a student. + +It took me a long time to leave the academic world. I bounced around with postdocs for a while, before finally making an intentional decision with my partner to move to put down roots. That was the single biggest factor in my current happiness, and in helping me move out of academic work. + +10 years later, we have an old, lovely, expensive house in a neighborhood we would be happy to stay in forever. I have been working as a data scientist for the last three years. The goal of FI has been central in my decision making, helping me focus on maximizing my income now (within reason) to get free of the working world when I want. Knock on wood, I'll hit my goal before 55, probably 50. I just crossed the $300k mark for my investments, excluding e-fund / house / other assets. I have no debt other than the mortgage. + +Lessons learned in the last decade: + +* Leaving academia was the best financial and overall well-being decision I made +* Patiently sticking to a FI plan has been rewarding, and I thank this community for the inspiration. + +Edit: I appreciate the interest in how I made the transition to data science. I'll make a post over in r/datascience sometime soon to explain more. + +As for others considering making the change from academia: Yes, life is good out here! +I have been working at my current job for about 6 months. It has been very high stress the entire time and I have worked a lot of overtime just to keep up (without pay as I am salaried). I have a couple coworkers who are toxic and continue piling excess work on me, making me feel like I am not doing a good job. I have started rejecting their requests and it is causing a LOT of stress between departments. The branch manager is not on my side, and he has made a few rude and degrading comments to me when I bring up these issues. I work in a very small office (6 people). I have walked out a few times to cry, scream, etc. + + + +I believe I make a decent amount for someone with no educational background except highschool: 42K per year with a 1.3% commission. The commission only brings in about $100 extra per month, but it's something. It could grow into much more than that as well, once I have more technical knowledge. + + + + +I also have a second job at Lego, which I really enjoy. It pays only $12.77/hr and I work 1-2 shifts per week. The extra $$ really helps with savings goals and I truly enjoy working there. + + + + + +I have been looking for another job for months, but the economy where I live is crumbling (Alberta, Canada). I find it extremely hard to get out of bed in the morning to get to my full time job and I have lost all motivation to go the extra mile. I pretty much just want to quit and move on. I got some bad news from my doctor yesterday that I have high cholesterol. I work out 3 times a week and eat healthy so he suggested it is due to stress. This job is effecting my physical, emotional and mental health on a daily basis and I feel as if I've aged 5 years in 6 months. My personal relationships are beginning to suffer and my only reason for staying at this job is money. + + + +I have 10K in my emergency fund, and about 2K in regular savings. After all expenses, I can save approx. $1200/month. See below monthly breakdown. + + + +* $2600 approx. monthly take home from FT job + + +* $250 monthly take home from PT job + + +* Rent: $640 + + +* Car (insurance incl.): $466.00 + + +* Groceries & Gas: $250 + + +* Electricity: $50 + + +* Phone: $37 + + +* Misc: $100 - $200 (eating out, movies, etc.) + + +* Credit card balance $500 approx. due mid-March + + + +Can I quit and survive? Should I? I want to work at the Humane Society and help animals - they start at $27,300/yr which would be a massive pay cut for me. I would really appreciate some clarity on my situation. My SO thinks I should stick it out for the decent pay. + +The announcements that $GME and GameStop had recently is massive news. + +Firstly, rebranding the GameStop stores in Canada. This is great news because it shows that GameStop is able to make moves it hadn't been able (or wanted) to do before. It shows the unity and power GameStop is bringing to the table. + +Secondly, $GME is moving to the S&P 400 in a week! This is crazy, we've moved from the Russel 2000, to the 1000, and now this in such a short period of time! We are going to be getting a ton of new eyes on $GME. + +*Tin-foil-hat engaged* + +People all over the financial radar will have no choice but to see $GME on one or more of their charts. One way or another $GME is making it to the top of one of their "high priority" intel, and it's becoming harder and harder to ignore. + +The only way that SHF can prevent the price from spiking and climbing to levels they can't control is to blow their load now. + +But here's the thing, there's no way they can keep this up. Time is on our side, and time is a bitch of opponent. + +**TL;DR** hedgies r fuk +It should be obvious by now that GOOGL has a product problem. They have released quite a lot of products only to fail to follow up on them and die out or have some other company come in and take the lead. + +They are supposed to have some really smart people but they can't seem to turn these products into successful ones. + +You can take a look at how many products and services they have released over the years only to miserably fail one after another ( www.killedbygoogle.com ) + +That said, Google has a pretty good record in the past (Gmail, search, maps, android etc) but they have stalled big time and haven't had any products that can make them a ton of money hence why I consider the company as a one trick pony one. I can't remember when was the last time they released something and gained momentum. Granted, you could just as easily say the same for APPL but they still put out products reminding people they are still very much relevant. When was the last time you got excited over a google product release? Did pixel hit the front page of anything? Doubt it. + +A case could be made for cloud but still every time people talk about the cloud, the discussion is usually between AWS and Azure with Google cloud coming in 3rd and potentially have market share taken from it over the next years. + +They have got a long list of failed projects by jumping into every kind of business only to fail to monetize something. Their best products are the ones are the ones they've had for a long time such as Gmail, maps etc. +I think it all comes down to the management and as far as I'm concerned, I do think that GOOGL ceo is probably the worst ceo out of the big tech. + +What do you think of GOOGL as we go into the future and what's to come for the big tech? +In light of the bushfires we're seeing across NSW/QLD now it's got me worried about losing everything if one came through where I live (near wombat state forest, VIC). + +A quick Google and it's easy to find stories of insurers that try to get out of paying up [https://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/insurance-hell-aami-refusing-to-pay-out-wye-river-bushfire-victims-20160412-go4cje.html](https://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/insurance-hell-aami-refusing-to-pay-out-wye-river-bushfire-victims-20160412-go4cje.html) + +&#x200B; + +For context, I have a custom steel framed/brick home (shaped like a boomerang lol), a large elevated verandah that overlooks the bush, good solar/battery setup (not the cheap shitty ones on you see advertised on TV), spray foam insulation throughout. What I am trying to say is that it's not one of the cookie cutter cheap houses you often see thrown up on new housing estates. + +I have building insurance with AAMI for $700k, but the wording in the PDS has been changed over the past few years to read this: + +>...covers insured damage or loss to your home building for the total amount it would cost to us repair or rebuild it... +> +>We will not pay more than it costs us to rebuild, repair or replace the building. + +Does that mean they could use their own builders to put in the cheapest quality home possible for $150k as long as it meets the 4bed 2 bath thats on the policy? + +Are there any insurers that would actually rebuild and give you back exactly what you insured for? Or do they all cheap out like this. +I said this in a comment but I’ll post it here as well because I have had LOTS of friends ask for help and I want to make sure we have the least amount of BagHolders possible. + +OTC means over the counter. A lot of penny stocks mentioned here are not approved to be traded on the Nasdaq. Robinhood very rarely if at all allows traders to trade on OTC positions because they’re such high risk. + +Right now everything is great and any blind monkey is making money, but sadly, a lot of people in these positions will over leverage, “buy the dip”, then be down thousands of dollars wondering what went wrong. + +OTC’s are incredibly volatile often swinging 30-50% a day. + +#OTC STOCKS WILL VERY COMMONLY DO PUBLIC OFFERINGS TO RAISE CAPITAL FOR THEIR COMPANIES THIS CAN BE VERY COMMON CAUSE FOR LOSS OF MONEY AND WILL ALMOST ALWAYS HAPPEN TO OTC STOCKS THAT SEE VERY LARGE SURPRISE JUMPS IN VALUE BUT IF YOU TRUST THE COMPANY YOU CAN BUY THE DIP WHEN STOCK FALLS BELOW OFFER PRICE. + +I use A broker (not advertising for anyone) for them and pay the $6.95 on trades because it makes sure I’m confident when I want to buy or sell and they update quickly and don’t have reading or cash restrictions like fidelity does for a lot of their OTC stock. + +If you invest in an OTC stock have a plan because if you just yolo buy dips you could be looking at a destroyed position. + +Source... learned a lot from trial and error + +Also another thing I’ve seen migrate onto this sub is diamond hands and paper hands. Here in PennyStocks there is no such thing. You sell when you are happy with your profits and watch that moon rocket go off without you. If you want to chase the high sell back for most of your money and let the rest fly. + +There will literally almost always be another winner in this world and it’s better to ride in first class 100x then to fly on a G6 once that crashes into a mountain. +Joel Tillinghast, a once-legendary portfolio fund manager and former colleague at Fidelity, sometimes describes retail apparel investing as "momentum-based". After all, when it works, you look like a genius: people throw $20 bills at you in exchange for flimsy cotton shifts that cost $3.50 to manufacture and $5 to market. Every appareler is convinced they have the Midas touch, and [when it stops working](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forever_21), the public reacts to the your brand as if they'd awakened in some haze: "Why did we buy this stuff to begin with?" consumers wonder. "Why did we give this thing such a high multiple?" investors wonder. Somehow, we never learn the lesson with apparel, and so the cycle continues. + +There's a subtle distinction I'd like to make, though. While "momentum" is a good first-order approximation, it doesn't really describe what's actually going on: a realization gradient. Consumers over time realize the social capital that's being conveyed through apparel, and buy it because they come to an understanding. The realization gradient works both ways: some consumers are less quick to realize the death of a brand, but they eventually catch on and stop buying as well. The belief that apparel is a random walk down human preferences isn't accurate: rather, the social-capital zeitgeist shifts over time, and brands that are well-positioned to trade on that social capital do well. + +Victoria's Secret (owned by publicly traded Limited Brands) is entering the negative realization death spiral. The clothing is now perceived as uncomfortable, overpriced vs alternatives, and promoting unhealthy expectations. Les Wexner's [Epstein connection](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/7/10/20689134/jeffrey-epstein-les-wexner-l-brands-victoria-secret-limited) is certainly not helping. The optics are horrendous. What was once sexy is now complicit. Worse, there are far, far too many competent competitors. Let's review. + +Gap Body has been exceptionally successful at targeting lingerie "basics", Journelle and Nordstrom round out the midtier, and Agent Provocateur and La Perla round out the high end. + +[Link to lots of women in lingerie. For science.](http://theyieldblog.com/l_brands) + +Don't even get me started on the infinity of online competitors -- Adore Me, Panache, Hanky Panky, Heidi Klum Intimates, Mapale, Yummie, Addiction Nouvelle, Parfait, Le Mystere, Montelle Intimates, Giapenta, and Cosabella turn up with a few seconds of searching. Victoria's Secret is deader-than-dead, and worse yet, has massive operating leases and a fleet of retail sales associates that will accelerate its demise. To be honest, I've never understood how lingerie at Victoria's Secret became such a dominant in-store purchasing phenomenon to begin with: the shopping experience for men is at best awkward, and for women the brand is currently perceived as regressive, uncomfortable, and sexist. I'd also argue that the competition is broader than we realize: various athleisure brands fulfill a similar body-positivity drive while mitigating any feelings of being [complicit](https://www.forbes.com/sites/pamdanziger/2018/11/25/thirdlove-tells-john-mehas-how-to-fix-victorias-secret-in-full-page-new-york-times-ad/#292449f72285). Limited Brands will of course cut non-performing VS stores, but the question is how fast? + +There's an inherent tension between bondholders and equity holders here: Les Wexner owns 17% of the outstanding equity, his wife owns another 5%, and will issue dividends until it becomes [fraudulent conveyance](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fraudulentconveyance.asp) to continue to do so. The fact that any dividends are being issued while a). the company needs to cut leases b). the company holds >$5bn in debt yielding 6%+ and c). sales are imploding demonstrates either incompetent corporate finance or denial on the part of Les Wexner. If US creditor protection were stronger, bondholders might be able to fire off warning letters now asking Limited Brands leadership to start cutting leases, paying down debt, and halting dividend issuance. As it stands now, the only thing bondholders can do is sit back and record grievances until Chapter 11 gets filed. + +I see only one way Limited Brands can pull itself out of this mess: Grow Bath & Body Works fast enough to offset Victoria's Secret losses, and cut VS costs rather than trying to save a dead brand on the wrong side of the realization gradient. On Bath & Body Works: + +*"Their target is what we call the mastige segment," she continues. "It's not prestige and it's not mass—it's really about figuring out this niche of very American-centric shoppers that wants a notch above drugstore brands, but are still quite conscious. They don't want the prestige segment, which is where the Estée Lauders and the L'Oreals of the world play." A compelling factor here is the price point. The largest size room spray (5.3 ounces) is only $9.50; foam soaps are $5.50; fragrance mists are $14. You can buy one item from every major category and barely spend $100. Kang confirms that's a huge part of the appeal. She says the diehard fan "is someone who just absolutely loves fragrances, and sees fragrance as an essential part of her lifestyle." She adds, "A lot of our customers actually own multiple fragrances, and they engage in fragrance the way that they do other fashion items in their life. It's a way to accessorize their style. It's not this sort of serious, deep-commitment kind of purchase that you see with a more traditional model in a department store."* + +1. I once mistakenly stayed in the AirBnB of what I at the time could only describe as a "crazy candle lady" who burned a different scent every 6 hours. It's a little bit sad that corporate marketing accords more nuance and empathy to their customers than anyone else ever would. +2. Bath & Bodyworks' product is defensible: most "nice things" are expensive for most Americans, whereas Bath and Body Works offers an affordable, guiltless, if synthetic form of self-care. The guiltlessness of the brand is the ultimate growth driver: its products are sweets-adjacent (notice how many of the candles below are food-oriented), and inexpensive. Most activities I personally enjoy are either expensive enough to induce some amount of guilt, or unhealthy enough to do the same. There are almost no "free pleasures" -- an inexpensive scent from Bath & Body Works might be one of the few. I think this is ultimately what's giving Bath & Body Works its incredible comps, and being scent-based, it's of course naturally resistant to online competition. + +[Limited Brands Financial Model](http://theyieldblog.com/l_brands) (Link to financial model) + +Here's a model of my best guess of what will happen (click on the image so you don't have to squint). There are a couple noteworthy things here: + +1). VS has not yet signficiantly cut non-lease SG&A -- in fact it appears to still be growing in the low-single digits. This is totally unacceptable and honestly shows that LB management is either delusional or incompetent: if your revenues are declining 8% a year and you somehow find a way to grow SG&A, you are either flailing, an imbecile, or a flailing imbecile. My guess, after having worked at many companies, is that Limited Brands management never set up the kind of performance-attribution tracking necessary to intelligently allocate capital. Their internal planning is likely just budget-based departmental fights. What's worse, new CEO Mehas is likely ride-or-die on Victoria's Secret: so long as he continues to describe his job as "listening to the consumer", rather than "tying a tourniquet", I expect SG&A to be flat at best. There's also the "stubborn founder" angle -- for Les Wexner to order Mehas to cut VS would be a repudiation of his life's work. Old billionaires tend to get very sticky, and given Wexner's affiliations with Epstein, doubly so. + +2). Various gross margins have been adjusted -- many non-cash impairments are negatively impacting earnings in a way that is irrelevant to the business. + +3). Store leases are typically around 10 years long and non-cancellable, but management is only cutting total VS store square footage by around 3% a year, which means it's only closing around 30% of available "closeable" stores. This is not remotely aggressive enough. Management should be aggressively negotiating subleases and taking lease break restructuring impairments on their worst-performing stores. They should also avoid opening new stores, especially not ones in [nearly-Brexit](https://tietheknot.scot/the-first-victorias-secret-store-in-scotland-opens-today/) Scotland. I mean really, what is Les Wexner thinking? + +4). While I continue to model growth in Bath & Body Works, I think we are close to hitting a wall on growth: most women I know consider the brand to be for tweens and low-income young mothers. There's also minimal international appeal -- this is a niche brand for middle American women that is nearing saturation. Even if we assume 50m American women buy $100 a year of the stuff, that still only gets us $5bn of annual revenues. I think we are very close to hitting a wall in overall appetite unless Bath and Body Works can find some new realization gradient with very different demographics. + +5). VS sales and gross margin decline comes almost completely from promotions, aka price cuts. VS will likely struggle to keep gross margins above 30% in the future. + +6). I really want to emphasize how much the core of this conflict is fundamentally about capital structure ownership: equity performance via leveraged SG&A, versus debt de-leveraging via decreased SG&A. Non-rent SG&A is the single largest controllable driver of VS operating profits. Yes, the [fashion show was cancelled](https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/victorias-secret-fashion-show-canceled-why-1203413186/), but it's not enough: literally the entire company hinges on whether it can cut SG&A or not -- by 2025 VS will be 0% operating margins from VS declines, even if they manage to reverse SG&A growth and cut it by 3%. Dramatic restructuring will be necessary to save Limited Brands. + +Personally, I am going to own a small holding of LBrands bonds: it doesn't look like the company as a whole will become insolvent by 2027, whereas the stock will almost certainly be unable to avoid a complete implosion in a few years, so I am planning on shorting 1/3 of the amount of my bond holdings amount in equity. The goal here is to target a very narrow, carefully modeled valuation range of stub equity value mismanaged by thumb-sucking leadership that will pull themselves out of a crisis only when things get dire. + + +Hello apes, + +As you may know or not, there is a sub r/GMEOrphans where people without the karma points necessary to post in /r SS are posting their purple rings. Usually they have 100-200 upvotes, as you may scroll in the morning at coffee at work or before nap time, use your finger and upvote the people there, they are part of the movement and important pieces in our journey. + +D.R.S, this is the way! +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1gba7kd5xah71.png?width=2562&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dd6bfa308c211a39f58c1fedaf948a376c02172 + +Happy weekend everybody! I took a little time to analyze some changes in the recent days of the institutional shareholders of GME. +I have noticed that whenever there are shares available to borrow, some of these here disappear. +So my thought on that is, that they are lending eachother shares, but in between we catch some of these shares so the availability is getting less and less. Some are changed due to rebalancing I suppose, as some apes mentioned that. + +So what are the changes from the recent days? *from 11th to 13th August.* + +1. Blackrock shares decreased from **9,154,459 to 7,147,979** *Total Change: -2,006,480* +2. Vanguard shares increased from **5,541,223 to 6,041,749** *Total Change: +500,526* +3. Geode Capital Management LLC decreased from **916,828 to 674,532** *Total Change: -242,296* +4. Bank of New York Mellon Corp. decreased from **565,873 to 498,333** *Total Change: -67,540* +5. Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association increased from **327,906 to 327,984** *Total Change: +78* +6. **JP Morgan shares disappeared:** ***232,678 to 0*** +7. Legal & General Group PLC increased from **156,128 to 172,371** *Total Change: +16,243* +8. Goldman Sachs increased from **116,286 to 144,317** *Total Change: +28,031* +9. UBS AG decreased from **116,229 to 92,961** *Total Change: -23,268* +10. State Of California decreased from 150,483 to 92,783 Total Change: -57,700 +11. Invesco LTD increased their shares by +1 (LMAYO) + +Total Change of shares decreased: -2,630,040 +Total Change of shares increased: +544,879 + +Total Exchange of shares in 2 days: 3,174,919 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/x1sd4cpazah71.png?width=905&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccb34942b51ab1137bee3987f6fc8ae554742135 + +GameStop Volume 11th August 2021: 943,100 +GameStop Volume 12th August 2021: 1,319,800 +GameStop Volume 13th August 2021: 1,012,700 + +Total Volume: **3,275,600** + +So is that telling us that institutions are the only ones trading? That what we buy has absolutely zero volume? + + +https://preview.redd.it/8d8yg9370bh71.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea0c016343132a7f4a88755bd40e76db0f1408b5 + +IEX Trading: + +Volume 11th August: 30,102 +Volume 12th August: 34,220 +Volume 13th August: 39,203 +Total Volume: 103,525 + +Combining IEX and Institutional Volume: **103,525 + 3,174,919 = 3,278,444 !!!** + +TOTALLY CLOSE TO THE ENTIRE VOLUME! + +That means that our shares wherever we buy them, dont go to the exchange. If we route them through IEX they have impact on the volume. Otherwise only institutions have the power of the entire volume. Which is a scam. My floor is jail. +Update: + +Thank you so everyone for the helpful advice and to those who sent me messages, sorry I haven’t been back to respond I have been busy trying to get something sorted. + +I have managed to borrow some cash so have enough for food and petrol for the month and have some things to sell so should be fine for now, I am also going to be moving out of where I am now as the rent is too expensive for me with the reduced hours so can now see a light at the end of the tunnel! + +Original post: + +I’m not sure if this is the right place to post I’m asking for advice. +I basically have no money left after rent and bills because I am on a phased return to work and I am unable to work more hours. + +Before Christmas I was in hospital due to a suicidal attempt and had about 2 months off work, my workplace were generous enough to pay me full pay during this time. + +I am now doing a phased return to work but I am on reduced hours, so I have been paid less this month and after rent and bills I have no money left at all, I don’t have money for petrol or food and I’m not sure what to do. + +I will be on the reduced hours this month and next month so this will be my situation until April when I go back on to more hours at work (less than what I was doing previously but still full time) so I will have enough money to live when I’m on these hours, it’s just this month and next month where I won’t have enough. + +I am currently unable to work more hours as I still am recovering and also had a recent diagnosis of CSF/ME so not feeling up-to working more right now. + +My thoughts were to apply for a credit card to get me through this month and next month. +I already have an overdraft with my bank which I am currently paying off so an overdraft isn’t an option and I don’t have any family that are able to help. + +Any advice would be appreciated, thank you! +THE NEXT TWO WEEKS + +Dearest Autists and Apes, diamond hands, diamond tits, diamond balls, one and all. + +I come to you today, NOT to foretell the date of the MOASS, for while its certainty is assured, its timing remains shrouded in mystery still, even to those magic-8-ball wielding wrinkles who have revealed the way so often in the past. + +My purpose today is speak to the coming two weeks during which the banana augurs foretell ape resolve will be tested by those who would profit from cowardice. The DRS siege is working - faster than any could predict. Ape actions reverberate throughout the market, the ripples of which grow more powerful by the day. Few alternatives remain for the enemy. For months they have been able to cover (not close - but cover) their short positions through a series of loopholes that are now denied to them because apes finally took control of their shares. With few options remaining, the psychological attacks will increase. And there is one in particular they have reserved for just this moment. The moment apes break through their defenses and are just moments from breaching the Citadel. + +I do not know what the shape this FUD will take. It could be positive and lull apes into a sense of complacency. It could be urgent and insistent, encouraging apes to act without fully considering the consequences. Either way, it will be crafted so as to undermine the three principles that guide an apes actions: + +BUY +HODL +DRS + +How do know this, you may ask? I know because of the work of apes who have gone before me and documented the many tactics of psychological warfare. I also know because of the observations of three ape scouts: u/vagabond_hospitality, u/phonemonkey2500, and u/the-doctor-is-real. + +These three apes have uncovered vitally important information that will help us form expectations about the weeks ahead, especially the dates of September 29 to October 7. + +The first documents job opportunities for shills between these dates. + +SHILL JOB ADS + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvc5t8/it_has_been_shown_how_the_hedgies_are_planning/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf + +The second announces a closed door meeting with top SEC officials that occurred last Friday to discuss a variety of enforcement activities. + +SEC ENFORCEMENT MEETINGS + +FRIDAY, Sept 24 +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvc46g/the_sec_had_a_closeddoor_meeting_yesterday/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf + +MONDAY, Sept 27 (the SEC general counsel will attend!!) + +Go to the jungle and search sunshine. Auto mod won’t let me post. + +Something is afoot, apes. Sideways, up, or down expect the next two weeks to be eventful, and full of news and illusions.but I fear no evil because apes are true autists - and most forgot about the sell button in January. + +TLDR: this is not financial advice. I eat crayons. I will also be buying, hodling, and drs ing for it is the way, especially during the next two weeks. + +See you on the moon, fellow autists. +Hopeful home buyer here. + +So, I’m just putting it out there. + +With all the doom and gloom and predictions of absolute calamity about to wreak havoc on the housing market, can we have an informed discussion about why perhaps they won’t crater to oblivion? + +I know a lot of people are fed up with house prices, particularly in Sydney, which has bred a lot of resentment between the have and have nots, Boomers and FHBers etc. + +Naturally at the first sight of blood, the peasants (most of us) are calling for the King’s head on a platter, but how much of it is more wishful thinking than based on real economics? + +I’m not saying the claims are unbiased, certainly not and I think it would be difficult to argue prices for the next few months are not facing downward pressure. + +I’m just trying to cut through the crowds with pitchforks and lust for doomsday and looking for a sensible argument. + +I am also assuming (hoping) it is not the end of the world as we know it and at some point there will be a recovery. At worst people will just learn to adapt and find a way to live. We can’t be locked down forever. + +Prices will fall, but aside from those that lose their jobs, who in their right mind will sell? + +If the argument is buyers will be picking off distressed sales, again unless this is the end of the world, stock is going to plummet and whilst buyers are also on the sidelines, I can’t see a massive retreat in buyers or credit appetite and it feels like a smaller but still very motivated group of buyers fighting over bread crumbs. + +At least in the short term. And once their is a sliver of hope, the market will bounce right back. +I've always believed that LinkedIn reveals way too much of your personal information. It's a scammer's dream. Your entire employment and education history and a smiling picture of you can be easily skimmed off the site. + +On the flipside, I understand the disadvantage I am at by not having an online presence. By being invisible online I am also invisible to recruitment agencies and headhunters who I know would offer me a better package than where I currently work. + +I had a co-worker who was headhunted on LinkedIn and switched jobs immediately after he received an amazing offer. I am happy where I currently work but I'm also curious to see what offers might await me. + I am 21 years old and just graduated from an engineering college 2 months ago. I had been interested in the stock markets from a very young age as I had seen my dad try his luck in the markets ever since I was a kid. I started doing my research on the markets while I was in college and then started trading during the corona-virus lock-down period. I've had my fair shares of wins and losses but I follow strict risk management so the losses stay in control. Now because of covid-19, the job markets have taken a huge hit right when I've graduated college so needless to say I'm currently unemployed but on the bright side I get time to trade full time. I know about the risks of the stock market and I do not expect to be a millionaire anytime soon. Currently I have enough funds to invest in the markets and let's say I have enough financial backing to not worry about putting food on the table and a place to stay. How long would it take for me to be profitable on a consistent basis realistically? Have any of you become a full time trader and if yes, please share your story. Thank you. (Please don't answer by asking me to quit trading saying it's impossible , trying to stay optimistic here :) ) +I’ve been looking for role models and beasts in the daytrading space. I wanna know what could turn an average daytrader into a profitable daytrader. + +If you have a good history of consistent profitability, then tell us what it takes. +I'm not looking for a freebie or hand-holding, but I'm also not interested in paying 1000's for a trading "academy" either. What I'm looking for is a mentor that's willing to speak with me on a weekly basis to help guide me in the right direction. + +My goal is to be able to consistently make $100/day, not 1k, 5k, or 10k, just $100 per day on a consistent basis. I can figure out how scale up from there. I want a "teach me to fish" situation, not interested in following trade alerts or joining groups, I won't learn anything that way. + +I need a real mentor who's willing give valuable advice, with understanding that I'm not trying eat out of your pot, I want to learn to make my own meal, so to speak. If your a 5k a wk, or 5k a day trader, understand I'm just starting with the goal of supplementing my income, and eventually replacing it, so be reasonable. I don't have 1k to pay you, yet, but as I grow my account, I'll pay more accordingly to continue mentoring me, if you want. + +You may as well say I'm starting from scratch, but I did briefly make an attempt before, but it was more of a spray and pray situation rather than me actually knowing what I'm doing. +# Summary + +To prevent some problems we've seen around polls, all governance polls should be posted by a moderator account + +&#x200B; + +# Problem Statement + +1. We've been seeing some problems surrounding polls such as harassment of the author, ad hominem attacks on the author, and distractions by opponents such as "the author only wants this because they have X moons". None of this is relevant to the idea itself and only serves to derail discussion +2. Other users have voiced concerns that individual mods suggesting a proposal introduces bias, intimidation, coercion, or other negative influences. For the record, mods have no non-public information about polls such as how any users have voted. However, we still recognize that this feeling does exist. +3. Coordinating with users to finalize and post their polls by the deadline is some work and being able to post all the polls at the same time ourselves would allow for a more organized Moon Week + +# Solution + +All governance polls will be posted by a shared mod account, probably u/CryptoMods like this one is. These polls would be distinguished so they do not earn moons. This account should have little to no moons to distract users from the poll. This would allow a much smoother organization of moon week, with all polls being posted at once + +Note: This does not affect normal polls such as "What is your favorite crypto wallet?" + +&#x200B; + +There are a few potential downsides to this that I can think of: + +* The author of the poll does not get pinged with every reply, so they can't answer questions or defend their idea as easily +* The author does not get credit or moons for their proposal + +&#x200B; + +(This poll will be distinguished in a few days, but not immediately since that could give it more visibility and an unfair advantage over other polls) + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/pfxh47) +I'm on track to first-generation wealth and currently early-ish stage in my professional career in MCOL city. Goals are to hit low end fatFIRE ($5-10M) by late 40s. I used to think $1M was a lot of money but now that I will hit that goal this year (and reading through this subreddit) it no longer seems like a lot. As I continue my financial journey, I'm wondering when (if ever) I should consider consulting with a financial advisor? I've always felt like financial advisors were something for ultra-wealthy people owning large C-corps etc but recently I've been questioning this assumption. + +One of the earliest books I read on money was "The Simple Path to Wealth" and one line that stuck out was (paraphrasing): "You have two options: either learn enough about money to manage it yourself or learn enough about money to pick a competent financial advisor/wealth manager who won't take advantage of you. But by the time you accomplish the latter, you are likely equipped to do the former." That has pretty much been my philosophy up to this point. + +But the more I read about finance in books and online blogs etc, the more I realize there is so much I still don't know, particularly in terms of tax-saving and investment strategies. I have a pretty good accountant/business attorney (same person) who (I think) is responsive and seems competent at staying on top of regular tax filings and forms and whatnot for my personal life and small business, but rarely is he helpful with proactively giving advice or strategizing ways to tax-shelter income on either the business or personal side. Usually the onus is on me to do my own homework and pitch ideas to him, and he tells me if it is feasible or not. + +Should I consider getting a different accountant/business attorney that would be more proactive at helping me strategize or would this fall more in the domain of a financial advisor? If financial advising is something I should consider, I would also appreciate any advice folks may have re: how to go about choosing one, things to look for, pitfalls to avoid, one-time flat fee payment versus AUM fee structure, etc. Thanks! +I am 23 saving 35% of my income. I hope to retire in my late 30s to 40s. Is it wrong that when I retire, all I really want to do is play MMOs or other video games? I feel a little guilty.. +Just wanted let others know about and to say how helpful Ally's savings 'Buckets' are and the way you can split your savings account up into smaller sub-groups to view how your money is divided. When you look at the main page it shows all the money in your savings account together (ex. $5K), but when you click on the individual savings account it shows money split into your designated subcategories like vacation($500)/emergency savings($3K)/house down payment($1,500)/etc. I even have my recurring savings splitting up automatically into each sub-category each month. + +When my money was previously lumped together I never wanted to spend anything because I had no clear picture of how much was saved for what, even when I knew vacations and other savings beyond just 'emergency' things were present. This actually was very conflicting for me because I couldn't easily see my progress with my savings. Now that its separated, I love it. I feel I can comfortably budget for a vacation, or a more expensive item I've wanted for a while, knowing I'm still protecting the accounts i'm growing such as down payments or emergency savings! + +It's just a virtual form of the physical money envelopes tactic, but it fits so well with our electronic/online banking life! +I currently work in the Bay Area, but am planning to FIRE in Texas. I’ve been maxing out after-tax 401k and converting to Roth for 2+ years, but I’m now wondering if this is still the best strategy, since lower income taxes in the future would make Roth less appealing. I still max out traditional 401k and use the leftover for mega backdoor, but I’m thinking the backdoor money could be better used in a brokerage account (no early withdrawal penalty, flexible, low cap gain taxes in TX) or for a real estate investment (don’t own any property yet). + +Any thoughts are appreciated! +Just a heads up for those interested, you'll be able to ask them questions about what their work involves, why they do it and any questions you might have about debt. + +This is part of a campaign they are running to show how easy it is to get free advice about debt, something that many people come to UKpersonalfinance for. + +12pm, Wednesday 23rd October. Accepting questions from 9am, please come and upvote then :) +For example, two thresholds I know of are: + +3.8% Net Investment Income Tax, which applies to all investment income if MAGI > 200k single / 250k joint. + +Mortgage Interest Deduction applies to only the first 750k of debt. + +What other thresholds should fatFI and fatFIREd individuals be aware of? +Hey guys. I bought 100 shares of spy and I want to hold spy log term and sell covered calls on it too. + +I'm ok with it going in the money and just rolling out and up. + +Anyone do this ? Is Delta 30 good for this stratgy or farther ? +My portfolio has been a wreck since pretty much I started. After losing about 50% of my money I decided penny stocks were too hard. Soooo I started listening to warren buffet! Ok so it looks like I need to just invest in snp500, VOO seems like a nice lad. After looking over the chart and seeing how it only goes up, it should be pretty solid! So here I am devoting a lot of my paychecks twice a month right into VOO, and it’s working! I was slowly climbing back up. Ignoring the wsb and just doing my thing. No stress investing! Well that was until I heard about GME.... so I had some capital left to throw at the gamestonks, and woahhhhhhhhhh this is what a rocket feels like! Within minutes I’m up like 100% and then I see all the chat about AMC! Holeeeeeeee sheeeet I can ride two rockets?!?!??!??!?? So I use that instant money with robinhood and throw down on some AMC! Well about this time my app is like breaking down, I can’t log in... oh no I am the panik now, once I get in I’m already bleeding money so bad. I deposited more money to help catch the falling knife. Now robinhood is not letting me buy more and average down! Ok my I’m shit underwater now. Well after that I liquidated my account and swapped over to fidelity. A bit of time goes by and wtf is this?!?? The wheel strategy? Where have you been my whole life. So I collect come money and it’s going well. Until. LUMN. I get in with a cash secure put. And then it just keeps going down and down and down. I’m doing covered calls and averaging down. So at this point I’m like let’s just get a stack of premium and go closer to the money.... shit jumps like 20% and now I’m down on the call and the stock is doing great so assignment is right around the corner for me. Woah LEAPS? Sounds amazing! So I sell all my VOO and buy a leaps for next year.... and here comes the market crash. Oh and some may be wondering how much of your portfolio was leaps? Well it’s 70% and the other 20% is now in MNMED, AMC, GME, BB.... so now what, you may ask. Either AMC does something or I have been just taking “classes” ok what not to do. +Omg people, you guys suck. + + +I did everything I was supposed to do: + +I bought GME at 42$ bucks, then I held for a good period of time and while I held, I DCA'ed up to an average of 162$. I sold some over 200$, so my average purchase price is misleading. BUT I am slightly annoyed at the fact that I am not a billionaire by now. + +I should be shooting pool with the sticks of the other billionaires. In fact, they should be shooting pool with my stick, and they should be doing it over and over again - back and forth. I would have invited WSB retards to sit and watch by luring them in with empty promises of cheap whores and free fried chicken tendies. I joined WSB over a year ago and am not a billionaire yet! Can you believe that!? + + + +TLDR: It's all your fault. You made me this way, I should have been a billionaire, because I have a horde of GME shares and joined WSB over a year ago. + +Have a great weekend fuckers, and buy GME, so I can become a billionaire. + +P.s. Admin: Suck my dick you ban-horny fucker +I am not an experience investor. I started investing just few years ago. + +I am hearing that markets will go down in 2023. How should I prepare for this? + +What I have done so far is stopped buying individual stocks. Instead, I have started buying ETFs covering different sectors. I am buying weekly so I can dollar cost average. This is all the stuff I have learned so far on Youtube Lol. Do you guys have any other suggestions? + +FYI. I am creating a dividend portfolio. +I've been working to improve my risk strategy. At first I used to risk around 20 - 30 pips. However I only had a 40% win rate and my wins weren't as large as my losses. The only way I realised I could avoid this was risking extremely little. And when I say little I mean 5 - 10 pips a trade. + +Doing this helped decrease my drawdown and got me profitable. However the amount of losses I take although small can take a huge psychological effect. I'm talking about 14 30p losses and 6 £3 wins. + +I really want to know how to improve my win rate? I'm trying to only take high probability setups but I'm doubting my strategy and don't want to strategy hop. +I haven’t really seen a post mentioning this so I thought I would create one + +Trading (especially day trading) can be incredible draining even if your making money the things I’ve learned is treating yourself and taking time off. + +The markets close for the weekend so should you go find things outside of trading to focus your time on. I’m guilty of this myself itching for Sunday to roll around when the markets open but you must have time to do other things. life isn’t just about trading. + +Join a gym or do a sport you can’t really sit on your phone when your working out and it blows of steam and lets your mind wind down also sauna seem to keep me in check sweating out the day + +Trading can be incredibly lonely Make time for your partner family and friends there the people that will have your back. + +Finally remember why you got in to this in the first place it was financial freedom and most likely so you weren’t stuck doing a job you hate + +Merry Christmas and a chilled new year +I started learning about forex about 16 months ago from a co worker. I downloaded the trading view and meta trader apps, made a demo account, watched some YouTube videos, and started trading. + +I would probably spend 2 hours a day looking at charts for the first year, mostly learning from trial and error and have be able to kind of break even through these 16 months. + +I’ll have a week where I win every trade, then a week where I lose repeatedly. (Trading a small live account now) + +For the past 6 weeks, I’ve started to take it a lot more serious and spend about 6 hours a day reading free training courses and looking for set ups on charts. Since I was trading in my own for a year, im understanding and absorbing everything I read about trading and it no longer seems like a foreign language. + +In these past 6 weeks I’ve reached a new level of understanding and have been working on building a price action trading strategy using the daily chart to find trends and set ups and using the 4H and 1H to find entries by analyzing candle sticks. + +I’m basically trying to trade breakouts, and trend continuations by entering on the pullback or retracement . Also trying to develop a strategy for ranging markets but entering at the bottom or top of a range in the direction of the overall trend. + +One day I feel like I know what I’m doing, other days I get extremely discouraged and feel like I’ll never succeed. + +My plan is to just keep reading and learning and practicing. I feel like if I spend this much time each day grinding, it’s only a matter of time before I succeed. But still, it gets really discouraging at times. + +So with only a year and 4 months under my belt, I’ve learned a bunch. But still not where I need to be to trade with confidence. + +I’m really trying to set a strict set of rules and ONLY follow those rules without straying but trading psychology is tough to master. + +How long did it take you to become a confident, consistent trader? What tips to you have for new traders who feel discouraged at times? +Starting in September 2017 the city of Zug will be the first city in the world to allow it's citizens to create a digital identity. The first use case that they are looking to achieve is e-Voting. From a technological perspective they are using uPort from Consensys based on the Ethereum Blockchain. + +Unfortunately the press release is in German. You can find it here: +http://www.stadtzug.ch/de/ueberzug/ueberzugrubrik/aktuelles/aktuellesinformationen/?action=showinfo&info_id=383355 +Feeling great today. Over the past month or so, i have sold 60% of my holdings and essentially gave 90% of that to my retired parents as i am pretty frugal and dont need much other than my condo. My parents finally get to experience a better lifestyle after living most of their life in poverty. They bought a little home in menlo park California and have been going on vacations non-stop. My dad also went crazy and bought a tesla lol. Feeling good that my parents get to enjoy their retirement without worry. Share your stories :D +Looking at various indexes, it looks like their has been a ~20% gain in the US stock market in the last 12 months. To be clear I'm not advocating to sell or time the market. I'm just wondering if anyone else is looking at that growth and is thinking to themselves, maybe 6-7% of this sustainable and a more accurate number to base future projections on. Thoughts? +Hello fellow FIRE enthusiasts. + +&nbsp; + +I recently read Thomas Piketty’s work [Capital in the 21st Century](https://www.amazon.com/Capital-Twenty-First-Century-Thomas-Piketty/dp/0674979850). Piketty argues that much of economic history can be understood by analyzing the ratio of wealth to income. He uses tax records and datasets from European countries and the United States going back several hundred years. While the book is long and dense, I found it fascinating. Key points include: + +&nbsp; + +* In pre-industrial societies, economic growth is basically non-existent, or only very slowly outpaces population growth. + +&nbsp; + +* Since the industrial revolution, invested wealth has typically grown faster than the incomes of the majority of working people. This mathematically and inevitably leads to inequality. + +&nbsp; + +* Approximately half of the population own nothing or very little. This pattern repeats across countries and at every level. For example, if you again break down the the top half of the population (those with assets), the top half of that half (overall the top quarter) own most of the wealth. This repeats until you reach Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. + +&nbsp; + +* In the era before the world wars, inflation was very low or non-existent. Returns (typically on government bonds, the favored investment) were around 4%. An interesting note comes from Victorian era novels when incomes and portfolio sizes are referred to interchangeably. An income of 20,000 pounds translates to a 500,000 pound portfolio and vise-versa. After the world wars, novelists stopped making these comparisons, and generally stopped mentioning actual monetary values in print, since they would become quickly outdated. + +&nbsp; + +* The world wars and depression destroyed much of the world order, including the concentrated fortunes of the wealthy. Governments during and after the wars paid for the tremendous debts incurred in a variety of ways, including very high tax rates and by simply printing more money and devaluing their debts (along with the fortunes of the wealthy). + +&nbsp; + +* The post war economic climate is a historical anomaly – many fortunes were destroyed, and much of the world was actually destroyed. This leveling had several effects – there were very few fortunes that were passed down by inheritance and the generation that grew up in that period saw their labor as a higher proportion of national income compared to invested wealth. Coupled with the rise of mass higher education and highly paid professional careers gave boomers a new way to the top – income instead of inheritance. + +&nbsp; + +* Since the late 1970’s, the historical pattern of wealth accumulation and inequality has reasserted itself. + +&nbsp; + +* In the postwar era, the long term rate of return on invested capital is still approximately 4%. The calculation is complicated by inflation but generally holds. + +&nbsp; + + +To combat the inevitability of the very few eventually owning everything (more so than they already do), Piketty advocates for a globally coordinated progressive tax on wealth. Otherwise, “the past will eat the future”, or those few that are lucky enough to be born into historical family wealth will dominate the rest. + +&nbsp; + + +As someone striving for FI, this work was very illuminating. Basically I am trying to jump on this historic inevitability of invested wealth growing faster than labor, and living off the proceeds. I find it interesting that the 4% rule has held for many centuries, and that the “OK Boomer” meme has something to it – their life experiences were shaped by a very different and historically anomalous economic climate. + +&nbsp; + +This has also been made into a documentary, but I have not seen it. Any reviews? +Just picked up 1,000 XRP because the price has been steadily increasing since I realized it even existed about a month ago. I've read up to 47 of the top Japanese bank already use or plan to allow exchanges using ripple. + +I appreciate the decentralization of cryptocurrencies, which ripple apparently doesn't champion, but it is a path for major banks to enter into cryptocurrencies which I presume would help(?) the growth of cryptocurrency adoption. + +I get any trepidation about FIAT banker involvement in the crypto industry but it seems inevitable and from an investment perspective, this seems like it could catch on quickly internationally and progressing grow with banks in the US. + +What are your opinions of Ripple and it's future? +Layout the steps you take when looking closer into coins. How do you determine value? When do you become skeptical? How do you avoid internal biases? + + This discussion will be great for the sub. + +Thank you +If you only heard so far in crypto about the so called "memecoins" or shitcoins, you probably don't know what Zenon is but if you have had some real interest in BTC and its altcoins you might wonder 'what does this one brings to the table?!', right? Well, at first sight, ZNN seems to be a randomly created project since they don't quite ensure themselvs any actual advertising and it doesn't look that funny either. No. What it does is more like completing what bitcoin as we know it. This project most probably started as a challange to the developers to improve, by code and also by users feedback, any other cryptocoins that I know so far. A few steps in this direction count as, but is not limited by + + \- The Dual-Ledger (Meta-DAG + Block-Lattice) architecture, that actually speeds up the transaction time for not using the old fashioned single handedly blockchain + + \- Its 3 types of nodes (Pillars, Sentinels, Sentries) ensuring the safetiness of it and implementing a new type of echosystem that allways its users to vote + + \- PoW-Links with potential Bitcoin interoperability and so lowering the transaction fees but with a better transaction speed + + \- unikernels based zApps (minimal, standalone virtual machines) controlled by smart contracts + +Within the 3 years of its activity Zenon got in front of many comparable projects and is most likely to hit the tops this altseason. So far, they have developed a wallet that amazingly enable an APY > 55%, they launched the public testnet that constantly takes feedback from the users to improve and also one of the best communities there is with fun but full of info content. All in all, with the Alphanet that's yet to come, this is and invite and a threat to just learn more about it, DYOR, 'cuz info is money, and info is out there so go grab it! +So here are a list of investment I made: + +- 1 million of XVG back in Oct 2018 (sold at a loss, went from 130 satoshis to 91) +- 56000 XRP in November (sold at 10% loss) +- Had 15.3 BCH sold at a small profit, saw it kept going up, and eventually bought back in with 10.54 (lost 20000+ profit, wtf...if I just held) +- Could have sold Lisk for double, could have sold QTUM for double, etc etc etc + +I strongly believe in Crypto but I got very nervous in my first couple months and for some reason, I thought I can be a master day trader, boy was I wrong. + +Today my profit is about $7-10 k depending on how Bitcoin fluctuates, whereas I could have had $77-100 k, had I been smarter, perhaps even more if I made smarter moves rather than always selling at a loss because of fear of losing more. + +If you believe in your coins, hold onto them strong. + +Lack of research and going on a whim is stupid, learn what the coins are about before purchasing. +Hello apes. This is my first post within Superstonk after joining the apes in mid April. Just like everyone else, I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. I'm just a guy that likes the stock. + +**TLDR: The Net Capital Rule states that after T+7,14,21,28 days a percentage of your shorts (25,50,75,100 respectively) must be included in your net capital equation. We currently follow a T+21 cycle, indicating HFs can cover 75% of their shorts without going net negative. As HFs begin to lose money and have less capital, HFs may begin to follow T+14 and eventually T+7 cycles as they are only able to cover 50% and eventually 25% of their shorts (respectively) without going net negative. Thus, the T+X cycle we are in should be able to be used to predict the capital that HFs have.** + +**Preface** + +As of now, I'm pretty sure everyone knows the user [u/criand](https://www.reddit.com/u/criand/) and I'm pretty sure everyone has been following his T+21 theory and how he has recently developed this into his [net capital theory.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ny2ov4/a_revisit_to_net_capital_what_is_truly_driving/) Personally, I think this theory just fits a lot better and makes a lot more sense. However, today I was thinking about how this theory could be used to possibly identify when the end may be coming for HFs. + +In the net capital rule it talks about how the market value of shorts will be added into the net capital equation incrementally (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) based on how many trading days (7,14,21,28) since their discovery (FTD). Currently, we seem to be following a T+21 cycle which makes a lot of people think that Citadel (and other market makers) are able to cover 75% of their short position without being margin called (as a market maker, Citadel must be net positive). Due to this T+21 cycle, it seems that right now HFs are not able to allow the short position to get to 100% otherwise they will be margin called. + +**My Theory: The Net Capital Theory Should be able to predict when the end is near** + +Here is my theory: as time goes by the HFs will slowly drain their capital supply. We all talk about how much it must cost for these HFs to keep kicking the can down the road and that eventually they will run out of money, get margin called, the MOASS will happen, and we will all get our tendies. But, if the net capital theory is true, we should be able to use it as a way to roughly estimate HFs capital. + +For example, as time goes by lets say the HFs are beginning to run lower on capital compared to their current position. They can only afford for the shorts to have 50% of their market value (T+14) included in their net capital equation in order to remain net positive and not be margin called. Thus, it is possible they have to start covering every T+14 which would then, at least temporarily, switch us from a T+21 cycle to a T+14 cycle. (Personally, I think if this were the case the jumps in price on T+14 would not be as large as the jumps from T+21 cycles, but with no data regarding this it is impossible to know.) Continuing, as the HFs continue to run out of capital even more, they will only be able to cover 25% of the value of the shorts, and thus we will move to a T+7 cycle. From then I think the rest is pretty clear: They run in a T+7 cycle until their capital runs dry and they go net negative, get margin called, and are forced to cover, lose their market maker privileges, and simply cease to exist. + +Basically, if the net capital theory is correct, as the HFs lose capital over time they shouldn't be able to afford as much of a position on their shorts, will have to cover sooner, and we could see the T+21 cycle switch to a T+14 cycle, and eventually a T+7 cycle until their inevitable demise. + +**When I think we could see this happen** + +Personally, with the help of some fellow apes, we think it is likely we could begin to see a cycle shift in mid to late July (Not saying this is when it will happen; a specific date is impossible to know. However, this seems like it could be a likely time period). There are a few reasons for this. First off is the upcoming end to a T+21 cycle scheduled to end on June 24th. We all know the effect this has on the price. Next is GME changing indexes from the Russel 2000 into the Russel 1000. Nobody really knows how this will affect price, but there are speculations which point to it rising the price. Continuing, on June 21st DTC 002 goes into affect (T+2 days to fix margin calls turns into T+1 hour). + +Three other quick points that can be better explained with pictures that help point to Mid-Late July: + +1. 400k PUTS expire on July 16 + +[More shares expire July 16 than the entire float. Little sus if you ask me](https://preview.redd.it/5ql1v5b83j571.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24546c2c6966293515d2a3393c54eef8319f08b6) + +2. Reverse Repos and end of quarter (Do not fully understand this yet but other apes believe it could have a significant affect on price and thus my theory so I wanted to include it) + +[From my understanding reverse repos are basically a way for banks to avoid being margin called by lowering their liabilities and raising their assets by \*trading\* with the FED. Apparently this makes price spikes. Some good DDs about reverse repos.](https://preview.redd.it/2km3gumc3j571.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5b55e9dc50a1cf95a0bdb71d4aeef4b6a5d0e42) + +3. Exponential floor is set to hit $350 by July 14th. We have all seen how quickly the price is plummeted once hitting $350 in the past, but with the floor consistently at this level it could be a quick end for the HFs. Credit to [u/jth1](https://www.reddit.com/u/jth1/) for the chart. It's incredible. + +[Yes, I know we have dipped below the floor for the first time, but me as well as many other apes believe this is due to the 5M share offering, and we should be back to normally following the floor by around June 24th.](https://preview.redd.it/n3i2tgli3j571.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6ced294be471fbdf51ed9afdb63eae02ef0ddc) + +**Conclusion** + +Personally, I think if we see that the [u/criand](https://www.reddit.com/u/criand/) net capital theory is correct, I think that this is a pretty good way to get an idea of when the end may be near. I would love for as much information on this to be shared as possible and I would love for people to share their opinions below. Sorry for the absolutely disgustingly boring writing style, I've only ever written things for school and it has destroyed my creative writing abilities. + +Stay strong, BUY and HODL. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Changed "army" to "apes" in introduction. Thanks for pointing that out. +[transaction on blockchain](https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/address/1QEPvGjdteHxPGNXRm5UWzJqVVH5QPf672) was worth $36k when I made it, and now is already down to $30k. Their facebook and twitter is rife others who haven't received any help or even acknowledgement. + +It is transaction number #91c740f6b9c4. The only update I've gotten is the transaction on my account reads sorry we did not receive this money. Which is total bullshit, I sent it to the address they provided. + +I've posted on facebook, messaged them on twitter, send them multiple emails, filed tickets in their support. Nothing so far. + +### Update +Changelly contacted me here, in this thread, and asked for the refund address. (I had already given it to them, but I sent it again, and am waiting for a refund for my 25 BCH which is now worth about $20k usd less then when I sent it to them.) + +### Update 2 +Got it back +Hello Reddit! Even though it's been a long process and I've had to fight for it, I was officially promoted from Sales Operations Coordinator to Operations and Planning Manager, US. + + +When I asked about a raise/salary negotiation, HR told me I was already being paid above market value. I know that is not true. I told my boss about this and he said to show him some numbers and get back to him. How can I run a salary report for my area? + +&#x200B; + +I work outside the city of Boston, and currently make $55,000 a year salary. + + +Thank you for any advice! Looks like I have to fight this battle too. +Title says it all. I only found out because my policy has been cancelled on my insurance App. My mortgage payment hasn't changed. What if something happened in that time period I had no insurance? I'd have been screwed? Are there any repercussions for this on their end? + +They're weren't kidding. I used to just brush it off as jealous people who missed the boat, but this year has really exposed just how fake all of this capital in the crypto space really is/was. 2 egotistical assholes have cost us all billions of dollars in losses. + +I'm sure some projects will recover, but Do Kwan and SBF have just completely decimated the market and eroded the trust of the entire space. + +Crypto.com, now FTX, huge names in the space, are all but dead. FTX has been on the Umpires uniforms of every MLB game for thr better part of 2 years, now they're insolvent? How do you even pitch crypto as a solid investment to anyone now? + +It hard to even see the upside of blockchain anymore, why do we need it for most applications? The safety of your investments is nil, this claim of "decentralization" has been completely exposed as false with the exception of a few, and in most applications it's completely unnecessary. $BTC might really be the only one we need. +The company has only existed for about four months since the deal/merger that created it and divested AT&T of Warner Media, the newly formed company is in 50 billion dollars of debt and the stock price has lost 50% of its value on the news that CEO David Zaslavs strategy to cut the debt is to seemingly dismantle HBO Max, shelve entire multi million dollar completed projects for tax write offs and lock tv shows in a vault so they don’t have to pay creators their owed residuals, all of which has turned into a negative media firestorm that’s turned him into a pariah. + +As someone who doesn’t know much about stocks, how does this look to people who know something about stocks. Does this massive drop demonstrate a lack of faith in Zaslavs leadership by the stockholders? +This will hopefully be an interesting post to look back on in 12 months. + +By December 31, 2022: + +House price growth in Sydney of 11% + +All ords at 8600 + +Official RBA interest rates unchanged. + +What are your predictions? + +Have a great new year! +My wife and I were both teachers, about 5 years ago she became permanently disabled and has not worked since. She is applying for disability but it could take years. I have been left as the only one who can make money and even though I work two jobs we have suffered greatly. Our house was foreclosed, credit destroyed, and I have absolutely no savings. + +I love my job, it's a great place to work and I have been there for over a long time. + +Because I work and make just enough money we don't qualify for things like food stamps, Medicaid, housing etc. + +I feel trapped and hopeless. + +Any advice would be greatly appreciated. +So I just turned 17 and I will be graduating highschool in less than a year, by the time I graduated I’ll have around $50k saved. I haven’t worked a job (parent passed at young age so money is from the government) yet and I’m not sure what I want to do with my life but i know I do not want to go to college and I think with the money I have saved I have a huge advantage and I feel real estate could be a good way to go with that money. I plan on saving most of it and keeping most of it invested in long term investments (which it’s already in) but I would just like to know some of my best options for creating a good stream of passive income with the money I already have. +Location: NYC +Business: Chain Fast Food Restaurant + +Back in April we received a letter from our tenant simply explaining they will stop making payments as of April. In our contract it specifies that there is no exception that will be made for them not being able to pay rent. On top of that, there is no sign that they’ll pay back the $$ from this. We have no idea if the store is even open (it’s in one of the hardest hit regions of NYC and their phone doesn’t work. corporate isn’t very helpful either). Our attorney sent out a letter to them and they’re practically ignoring us. We understand this is a difficult time, but if the business is open and our tenant is a multimillionaire with a huge network of stores I can’t see how he can’t pay the rent. This is a concern for our family as it’s our own source of income. Am I really up the creek without a paddle on this one? + +EDIT: Wow didn’t expect to get this many responses thank you for your advice guys. Had a new lawyer draft up a letter for us. I have more relief having heard from all of your replies. At this point we’re just worried about when we’ll see our next payment, but I am now confident we will see that money again, and if the tenants drop out we can always find a new one since it’s in a pretty good location. Thanks again! +I plan on moving into a house for college next year and I am wondering if it would be a wise investment to buy a house and rent rooms or better to just rent a house someone else owns. The average rent is a little under $1000. Also wondering what I should be looking for in a home if I plan on buying. Also if you have real estate related questions can I ask them in this reddit? I have a rental idea specific to colleges that I think would do well that I haven't seen done before. + +Edit: My college is paid off. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I have been exploring things for sale there is a 11 Unit- apartments and office space for 155,000 could definitely use some reno and is 6 minutes away from the college in the town. Is something like this a good investment? (Probably a scam lol) +Hi, am recently just getting into the whole REI scene and am honestly quite new haha. Have been reading up some stuff on BiggerPockets like their free guides and stuff. And I've been wondering, is it still possible to find cash flow positive properties without rehabing them? + +I stay in Singapore, which is a HCOL area that also has high taxes imposed on those who own >1 property (think 12-15% per additional property payable on purchase). Thus, I was looking at trying out long distance REI in other countries. However, I feel like rehabing properties overseas will be a challenge. Thus, is it still possible to buy turnkey properties which provide positive cash flow (including mortgage payments) overseas? Thanks in advance! :) +I started tracking my net worth at age 22, when I was 3 months away from graduating from college. For a while I tracked the total amount every month, but starting halfway through 2016, I started tracking it every Monday. All of this is done manually in a Google Sheets document. + +\- This helps me track the change on a macro level. I can tell the gain / losses on such a granular level that it helps me course correct if the week's dipped, and gain encouragement if the week's been good. + +\- I can set macro goals and anticipate how much I will have by the end of a month, by a half year, by a whole year. + +\- The historical aspect is useful for analysis and future projection. + +# The Details + +In *Feb 2012,* I had **$92.91** to my name. My parents saved enough by being rather frugal people to cover most of the tuition for my college education. I worked while I was in college, but it was really only enough on a student wage to cover things like going to the movies, buying new clothes, and going to bars. When I graduated in May of 2012, I had only about $10,000.00 in student loans. I realize this is an incredible head-start for me, which I'll get into later. + +By *December 2012*, I had **$2,419.75**. I'd worked a low-paying summer job at a summer camp, making roughly $500 a week, because I didn't have a real job lined up after college -- my degree was in Film, and all my job searching in that field was a dead end. Luckily, a camp friend introduced me to his high-school classmates, who had also just graduated and were trying to kickstart their own business making apps. In 2012, app creation was still very much a burgeoning field, and I knew enough about software to be reasonably useful. I taught myself a lot as we all kind of mucked around and failed a bunch, learning through these setbacks. I gained enough while paying $400 per month in rent to save up to **$8,607.68** by *April 2013,* at which point we called the company quits and went our separate ways, amicably. + +I joined a real startup making apps as an intern that same April, and was paid roughly $1,200.00 a month as an intern. I did this for three months, ending up with a total of **$9,979.91** by the time the internship ended in *July 2013*. At this point, I was still living at home for free and commuting, with the majority of my earnings going into my student loans. + +I was hired on full time with a salary of $42,000.00 in *July 2013*. At this company, I worked about another year or so, saving up to **$37,325.48** by *November 2014*, when I left. By then I'd finished paying off my student loans, had salary bumps to $65,000.00 and $72,000.00, and had moved out, paying $875 a month for a two-bedroom apartment that I shared with a roommate. + +I left the startup in November 2014 because I got recruited by one of the big tech companies, for mind-blowing salary of $160,000.00 a year. Unfortunately, I didn't love the culture of this company and only stayed about half a year. With that huge salary bump, though, I left with **$70,301.21** in net worth by *May 2015*. + +My next gig was a great leadership opportunity and also fun, because I got to work with close friends, but it was a financial downgrade. It was a fledging startup that didn't have a 401k plan, and my salary was $100,000. While employed here until *December 2016*, I ended up with a net worth of **$38,555.03**. + +Now, that's 30k less than I started with a year and a half ago. Why? I loaned 30k to my significant other of 2 years so they could put it towards their $130,000 student loan debt. Fucking RISKY, I know! But we had been close friends for a while prior to dating, and I trusted them a great deal to pay me back. They had a high-paying job as a software engineer, and I also saw a future together. Prior to this loan, my partner had been pretty morose about their huge student loan -- their parents had really suffered from the financial crash of '08, and all the money they'd saved to help pay for college became needed to keep them afloat, leaving my partner responsible for 100% of their college tuition at an expensive but prestigious tech college. My partner felt for so long like they weren't making a dent in this tuition, and the 30k check I wrote (expecting to be paid back in full) honestly gave them the momentum they needed to really begin truly chipping away at that mountain of debt. + +At the end of 2016, my partner got recruited for a FAANG company, and we decided to both move to Silicon Valley. I too got a job offer from a few FAANG companies, and picked one, with a starting salary of $150,000 and $160,000 in RSU grants. By *Jan 2018*, I had a net worth of **$97,088.89**. We also bought a car together. + +By *Jan 2019,* I had **$210,800.33**, and as of now, *Nov 2019*, I have **$294,527.88**. My salary is currently at $180,000.00, with quarterly vesting dates and RSU renewals every half. My goal is to hit $315,000.00 by the end of 2019. The 30k loan to my partner has also been paid back in full, and their student loans are also completely paid off. + +# Just Stats + +*Feb 2012 -* **$92.91** +*Dec 2012 -* **$2,419.75** +*April 2013* \- **$8,607.68** +*July 2013* \- **$9,979.91** +*Nov 2014* \- **$37,325.48** +*May 2015* \- **$70,301.21** +*Dec 2016 -* **$38,555.03** +*Jan 2018 -* **$97,088.89** +*Jan 2019* \- **$210,800.33** +*Nov 2019 -* ***$*****294,527.88** + +# The Future + +We are saving up to buy a home, hopefully by 2021. I'd like to retire by the time I'm 45 -- so in 16 years. I'm 29 now. + +Our vice is eating the occasional expensive meal, traveling out of the country together, and shopping (though we are cutting down on that). We also have a wedding to plan, although we hope to keep that rather economical, hopefully. We aren't sure if we want to have a child, although we lean more and more towards yes on that question as we get older, which is a strange feeling. + +Would love feedback on all of this, and hopefully this is inspirational to someone. I remember being super depressed as a new college grad feeling like I'd never get a job. To be honest, being a friendly person helped me out a lot -- people were willing to vouch for me so others would take a chance on me when I was rather unexperienced, and a lot of hard work and effort to get to the upper skill levels of my field has paid off, in terms of moving from job to job. + +Thanks for reading! + +. + +Edit: Some things I forgot to mention. I want to be able to move to a low cost of living country for a bit and work remotely as a freelancer, but I have two autoimmune conditions that would make this rather impossible, because of employer-based health insurance. I also support my mother 20% financially, since she makes very little (was a stay-at-home mom when my parents were together; they separated in 2012). + +(x-posted from /r/fire) +https://www.americanfunds.com/ria/insights/can-i-retire-at-40.html + +These guys are not fans of the 4% rule... They recommend saving **36 times annual spending** before FIREing at age 40. I'm all for conservative planning, but this is a bit extreme. Agree? Disagree? +Hey everybody, + +It seems like everybody around here really loves VTSAX. And don't get me wrong, VTSAX is fantastic because it's a very cheap way to invest in the whole US stock market. It's a great fund as part of an asset allocation. + +That said, buying and holding it as a sole passive investment is somewhat philosophically inconsistent with the tenets of passive investing that FI also claims to believe in, so I find it very strange that there are folks seriously advocating 100% as a strategy. Passive investing is the idea that you should buy and hold equities rather than speculate - so VT should actually be the passive investor's fund of choice (or VTIAX+VTSAX manually rebalanced to capital weighting). Such an arrangement simply applies capital weighting to the entire equity market without any speculation. VTSAX, by comparison, makes the bet that future US stock market returns will continue to overachieve because the US has been the historical overachiver. At least, US returns had better be outsized, because US equities come at a significant premium right now. + +It's not like buying VTSAX is a suicidal move, but in this respect trying to all-in it is sort of unprincipled - if you're going to speculate by paying a premium for a historical overachiever, why stop at VTSAX/the US? Why not go all in on an even more concentrated band of overachievers like US large caps or even Powershares/QQQ? + +Don't take any of this the wrong way. I think the United States is an awesome place and I love living here. I also think we have a great economy. But a large amount of economic optimism is already priced in. + +Another problem, and maybe a more pernicious problem, with the all VTSAX advice is that it is completely incompatible with the average person's risk tolerance. You really need balls of steel to all-in a single equity market. 80/20ing a diversified (intl and natl) stock portfolio with bonds is on the aggressive side for lots of people. Telling strangers to do this sort of thing ignores the human behavioral component of investing. Also as a US citizen your earnings may already be highly correllated with the US market, amplifying your vulnerability to systematic risk. As a side note, I think there are many individuals here who don't properly assess their risk tolerance. People were suddenly talking about the importance of international stocks after the US hit a little correction last month... if you found yourself saying that after the US tanked a little, it might be the time to adjust your allocation. + +tl;dr VT is the vanguard fund that genuinely doesn't speculate. IMO VASGX and/or Target Date funds are probably the most aggressive one-size-fits-all funds you can really recommend to somebody without them coming with far too great a risk of hurting them for human behavioral reasons. Also, I think we consistently overestimate our risk tolerance. I love vtsax guy as a novelty account, but proferring 100% vtsax as serious advice is rather bad advice, especially for individuals who haven't proved they can hold in a down market. +So, I want to pay my vehicle off asap. It's $200 biweekly, I was told $64 is intrest (not exact number) then my next $200 biweekly payment will be $63 intrest and so on and so forth since I'm paying the vehicle off. + +Does this mean if I put down a lump sum right now, the $200 payment will be $50 of intrest for example? +I am really not sure where to ask this question so here goes. Where I work the previous two people to leave the company had to either quit or sign a form stating they would not collect unemployment in exchange for one months additional pay. I have made a few mistakes at work so I have a feeling I will be next. My question is can they legally make me quit. What if I refuse to quit and continue working? On the other hand I have a feeling if I was to refuse to sign that I would collect unemployment that if I did file they would make up a reason so I wouldn't be able to collect anyway. The mistakes I have made were not intentionally but any mishap is a big deal because we are regulated by the government. Any advise y'all would have for me would be great. +How is this sustainable? There haven’t been improvements to my house in years. The county had a 28% increase, the city 28% increase, school district was a 42% increase, and college was 25%… is this normal across the US? + +Update: My city did a county/city wide reassessment at the end of last year. They did this by calculating values instead of walkthroughs. With that school district funding went up about $300,000… college went up $20,000… and county expenses by $12,000. +This $18,300 dip is still not the lowest crypto will go. Sadly the economy is still in the craps and the stock market is not even close to rebounding. This is not the bottom. If you have money to buy crypto, probably best to wait. + +I don’t think crypto will go up a reasonable amount while the stock market is losing value. We could very well be on our way to $10k here in the next month or two. Ethereum at $500 is a very reasonable price target abs Bitcoin at $10,000. + +Don’t invest in alt coins. You’ll be able to get them at pennies on the dollar. This summer will not be kind to crypto. + +I hope I’m wrong and this post will make crypto change course but I doubt it. This is the time when real money is made. Time to average down and lower your cost basis greatly. Be safe out there people! +I consider this to be a relatively knowledgeable group of people, especially when it comes to investing. I'm just curious how many of these knowledgeable people have decided to put more than 2-3k in Bitcoin and when did you start investing? +Interesting information about he always tried to have two incomes. One which he saved and one which he spent. + + +http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/14/why-jay-leno-has-never-touched-a-dime-of-his-tonight-show-money.html +Having quite randomly decided to buy a lotto ticket yesterday, I woke this morning to learn I had won £150. While I, like many people, have extensive and prudent daydreams about what I'd do if I won a million or more, I hadn't considered what I'd do with a small sum like this. My heart says I should spend it all on a nice dinner with my partner, or perhaps a decent haircut and colour (which I love, but usually struggle to justify spending £100+ on). I have my emergency fund covered etc and can't really countenance the idea of doing something truly boring with it or watching it disappear into my pension pot. + +What would you do in this situation? +Lyft is getting a nearly $105 million investment from a Saudi prince. +The cash infusion comes from Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, via his Kingdom Holding Company. The investment will give the group a 2.3% stake in Lyft. +The cash, according to The Journal, is part of a larger fundraise totaling more than $247 million for 5.3% of the ridesharing company. +Lyft is Uber's closest ridesharing rival in the US, but the two services could not be further apart in their respective valuations. +Ever wonder why there are always so many shares at super low interest rates for SHF fuckers to short? Especially in the ETFs? Ya, me too so I did some quick and easy digging and came across something interesting. + +Today as of 12:25pm there were 4,572 shares of GME available to short via ETFs. You can find this by looking at the stonk-o-tracker at any given time on any given day: [https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com/](https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0zzmx8lgw4j71.jpg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70985b10e47226f976609363742a086a95041d9b + +I wanted to know who's making these shares available to the SHF. Could it be Vangaurd? or Blackrock? or even worse, Fidelity? Lets click the "more info" button to find out: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/i7toiyqrw4j71.jpg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfb862d27c3f490f40cfb0b8a83901cdc8358c11 + +Looks like there are about 8 different ETFs that have shares of GME available at different interest rates. Some are charging an insane amount of interest (as they should be), like SFYF or SoFi Social 50 ETF, who are charging 132%!! to borrow their 9,000 available shares of GME. Others are sharing a lot more shares at a lot lower interest rates.. $BUZZ I'm looking at you and your .08% interest on 100,000 shares of GME. Who the fuk do you think you are, lending out an already over-sold stock that is just insanely stupid to short! Lets take a look... + +Who owns BUZZ? + +https://preview.redd.it/saktuowhx4j71.jpg?width=1214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f502c10e1d9bb93fa1ad73f99f20f4d68209f5 + +Vaneck Vectors?? Who tf is Vaneck Vectors?? and why are they making it so easy to short GME with 100K shares?? Oh wait.. I know why! Anyone remember this guy? Ya, seriously, fuk this guy. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j43ehx91y4j71.jpg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=162eaad339e616a6856cc9d8914a0aa812b41eaa + +WELL, as it so turns out, he may have sold his own individual shares, but he definitely did NOT sell any of the GME shares that his ETF owns. That's right Paperhands Portnoy owns $BUSS and has been playing games with $GME by allowing SHFs to continue their fuckery: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gwvrpgbgy4j71.jpg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864fa6714abe552ed7854079093f5b38d3828bc9 + +So not only did Paperhands Portnoy contribute to a bunch of MSM lies that probably saw a lot of other paperhands drop out of the game early on, but he's also one of the reasons this rocket hasn't launched yet. I guess u/neilyoung_cokebooger was right all this time ago.. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dd3svq14z4j71.jpg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d505eea508662181abea060d9bfe83c07205001d + +Dave Portnoy *is* a FUCK FACE. +I just received a notification that they have increased the interest rate! Pretty good as I was shopping around, as my year bonus just expired. This could get me to stay for a bit longer, seems like the interest is the same as others! + +Links - + +https://www.moneyboxapp.com/isa/lifetime/cash/ + +https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/savings/lifetime-isas/#cashlisa +Today marks two years since I ticked off the last day on my countdown calendar and left my 23-year career behind. Most days, that phase of my life seems really far away, but on occasion it feels rather near. The former makes good sense to me as I feel like, despite the challenges that came with COVID-19, I’ve done a lot of things since embarking on this next chapter in my life. I originally wrote this as a blog post but reworked it (and removed links that could be deemed self-promotional) in the hopes that others on a FIRE path would appreciate my thoughts here. + +If you’ve worked in retail, manufacturing, or in a whole host of other trades, you understand the value of taking inventory. One of the key lessons I’ve learned since leaving the workplace is that this applies to our personal lives as well. What do I mean? I’ve found there is tremendous value in taking time to reflect, allocating the mental space needed to think about what you’ve been up to, your accomplishments, lessons learned, etc. I didn’t do a very good job of that - and often enough during my career, but deliberate reflecting and writing has been a big part of me changing that. And so I thought it would be a fun exercise to take inventory of those things here. + +So what have I been up to? While not an exhaustive list, in no particular order, I have… + +* **Started a YouTube channel and** **podcast** with my good friend of 35 years. As I write this, Eric and I have released 38 full-length Two Sides of FI episodes as well as many highlight videos, outtakes, and Shorts, which have been viewed nearly *one million* *times*, and we are approaching 15,000 subscribers to the channel. Wow! I recognize that's small potatoes compared to actual YouTube stars, but I’m so proud of this project and remain humbled that people value the content we produce. This has been the most fulfilling aspect of my FIRE journey so far, without exception. +* **Learned\* video and audio production and editing**. The asterisk denotes that this learning is *very* much ongoing. But I feel like I now know just enough to be dangerous re: Final Cut Pro, Garage Band, and the processes needed to put out video and audio content. +* **Completed three iOS app development courses and** **wrote a few apps**. I spent a good chunk of the first 4+ months after moving to this effort, and really enjoyed it. I completely threw myself into this and had planned to do so even before leaving my job. I’ve not done much with this lately but who knows? I may pick it up again. +* **Qualified as a FAA-certified Part 107 commercial drone pilot**. Last year I bought a drone and wasn’t entirely sure of where that would take me. But since the videos were going to be used on YouTube and I had some interest in other commercial uses, getting the license was the right path. Will it ever go beyond simple hobby use? Who knows? +* **Volunteered at my local COVID-19 vaccine clinic**. One of my post-FIRE aims was always to do more service. Due to COVID and other more selfish reasons, I haven’t done really well on this aim – yet. But I did enjoy taking a weekly shift at the town clinic during the big vaccination push in those early months after shots were available. This felt really good and isn't something I would have been able to do were I still employed full-time. +* "**Worked" one day a week at a local winery tasting room**. I never saw this coming but my love of wine, enjoyment of education, and need for socialization made a once-weekly tasting room "job" a great fit. I’m still doing this nearly a year later with a really great group of people, and I truly enjoy it – as well as the industry discounts! +* **Given several talks and career counseling to students**. I had the honor to be invited to speak to two groups of undergraduate + graduate students about careers in biotechnology and my own path. Since then I’ve had a number of career counseling calls with students. I get a ton out of these and wonder if it may turn into something I want to do more with. +* **Took the** **longest vacation of my life** **– more than 5 weeks!** Like many, we didn’t get to see family and friends for over a year due to COVID-19. It was wonderful to get such a long time to travel with my wife and daughter, seeing so many people we missed. This kind of trip, along with some shorter road trips, simply couldn’t have happened were I still working full-time. +* **Found a great online community** via a FIRE Discord server. I’ve been a fan of online chat since the earliest days of the internet. But I didn’t realize the value I’d find in socializing with a group of like-minded FIRE folks such as this great group has provided me. Talking about FIRE can be tricky so forums like this, like Reddit, are a wonderful thing to have. +* **Taken several online classes**. Outside of the iOS coursework, I’ve taken classes in topics including financial markets, personal finance, world history (admittedly we’ve been a little delinquent on this last one lately). I love learning and look forward to taking some classes at our local community college or university in the future! +* **Started a homebrewing club with my wife**. Making connections with people and socializing is important. The combination of moving to a new town, not having a “day job”, and COVID made both things tough. It’s been great to combine our love of beer and brewing with the opportunity to meet people. We’re a few months in now and it’s going really great. +* **Done a ton of cooking and learned new cuisines**. I managed to make all seven of the traditional Oaxacan moles, which was an extension of a long-standing bucket list item to make mole negro. Eventually I moved on to Indian cuisine, which was a really fun change-up. I’m still cooking nearly all the family’s meals at this point and it’s something I truly enjoy. +* **Taken hundreds of walks and hikes**. I’ve taken a 3-mile walk nearly every day since I stopped working, and most weeks I also take a longer hike with my wife. Over the last month I took several >20-mile walks, including one that was marathon-length. This has been great for so many reasons: when solo, I listen to books or podcasts, or simply take quiet time to reflect. When my wife and I walk/hike together, it’s great phone-free time to just catch up, talk about future plans, and enjoy quiet time together. I can’t imagine not having this in my life now! +* **Read many more books than I had in years**. While I’ve always been a reader, admittedly the pace of completing books slowed a *lot* for me as my career advanced. I’ve now completely turned that around and between audiobooks, ebooks, and the paper kind, I get through tons more these days. It’s also wonderful having a library just a short walk from home! + +I’m sure I neglected to add *many* things to this list. And it’s way too long so I do wonder who will even read it. But even so, it’s been truly rewarding to sit, think, and write this piece. A few thoughts come to mind: While I now have way more “free time” than ever in my adult life, I’ve never been bored (I get asked this a lot). Rather, like many early “retirees”, I don’t know if I’ve ever felt busier. The difference is that now with rare exception, the day is full of the things I/we want to do, and not things at someone else’s direction. But this list does at least help me appreciate why I always feel like I’ve got plenty that I want to do! + +Looking at the list, it’s a mix of things I’d planned to do since before I stopped working, along with quite a few I just stumbled into – the YouTube channel is a great example of that. There was absolutely no plan to do that and yet it’s become my biggest time expenditure post-FIRE, as well as the most rewarding part of each week. And this is the benefit of this chapter of my life. I now have the freedom to wander around, trying things, and seeing what sticks. And like with iOS coding, I can simply set things down after trying them – temporarily or perhaps permanently. Who cares? + +As I try to acknowledge in any content I put out into the world, I know just how fortunate I am to be where I find myself. I am from modest means, yet I had advantages that most in this world do not. I am thankful for all that I have. I wish you all the best in whatever you aim to achieve. Mahalo. 🙏 +I usually refrain from posts like these. But recent discussions have made me wonder if there's a increasing lack of maturity in our community. I'm seeing a lot of posts on how much money people have lost and how they are "out" etc etc. To each their own – but I figured I'd share some of things I've learned in my journey thus far. + +&nbsp; + +Original Post: [3 Reasons Why You're Getting Wrecked In These Markets](https://www.mangoresearch.co/3-reasons-why-you-lose-money-crypto-how-to-not/) + +-------------- + +##**1) You’re a victim and you don’t know it** + +We are ruled by our emotions. Almost every single buying decision we make is an emotional one. News sites, advertisers, salesmen and pro-traders all understand this very well –– and they use it against us. +&nbsp; +*The question is:* Do you understand this about yourself? + +&nbsp; + +Last week the narrative was + + >“Ethereum scaling issues, ICOs are dumping etc etc”._ + +&nbsp; + +This week there was a push for + +>“Breakthrough in Ethereum Scaling! Novo calling the bottom!”_ + +&nbsp; + +I hope you see a pattern here. Think back to last year: + +> “BTC mempool, BTC can’t get their shit together, China banning exchanges!” + +&nbsp; + +A good salesman uses emotion to make a great sale. Similarly, a good trader will use emotion to make a good buy (at the bottom). He’ll then use emotion to make a good sell (at the top). + + +In a way, you can’t help but appreciate the art of it all. But do not be a victim to this. Your emotion is the sword they wield when they attack. But it’s your sword. You can keep in check. + +**How to fix it:** Know thy enemy & know thyself. + +I spend most of my time on the fundamentals/technology in this space. But that hasn’t stopped me from learning about how traders think & how market cycles work. I have read over 10 books on market psychology, trading mindset and market cycles/crashes. Does this make me a pro-trader? Absolutely not – but it does arm me with knowledge that keeps me from making bad decisions. + +So pick up some books/tutorials on the trading psychology, market cycles etc. If you have money invested, you owe it to yourself to spend time learning some of the basics. This doesn’t mean you have to become a trader yourself. This will simply help you become more aware of what’s happening around you. + +&nbsp; + + +##**2) You’re trading and you don’t know it** + +Many of us think that we are “investing” – but in truth, our behaviour leans closer to that of a trader. + +&nbsp; + +>###“Woah..woah… I hate Technical Analysis! I don’t believe in that crap” + +&nbsp; + + +####_**News Flash**: You don’t need to be using TA to be trading._ + + +Here are some signs that suggest you are trading without realising: +&nbsp; + +* Are you making your buying & selling decisions based mainly on the price? +* Are you trying to time the tops & bottoms to increase your stack? + +Yes? You’re a trader. Period. + +We’ve all heard the saying: “96% Of Traders Lose Their Money”. So the odds are already against you – but imagine being a trader and not even knowing you are one. It’s like walking into a Ice Rink with soccer sneakers. + +*The truth is that most of us in this space are traders.* + + +To be an investor, you need to speculate on the direction, fundamentals & adoption of the technology. A trader on the other hand, mainly speculates on the direction of the price (and may use short-term fundamentals to strengthen his thesis) But since very few of us understand the fundamentals, it’s easier to speculate on the price. + +&nbsp; + +**How do you fix this?** + + +1) If you’re **not** interested in trading – and _“in it for the technology”_ – then it’s time to start living up to the claim. Before you invest your money, invest your time to learn the underlying fundamentals. You don’t need to learn it all. Start with Bitcoin & Ethereum. + +&nbsp; + +2) If you **are** interested in trading, it's time to realise and accept that you’re trading – and it’s what you enjoy. Trading is a competition/game. You’re going to keep losing if you don’t even know you’re playing. Learn “how” to trade – start with the basics, and start small. + +&nbsp; + +##**3) You are forgetting what this space is all about** + +It seems like we’re rapidly diverging from the ideology that gave birth to this space: **_Decentralisation_**. Most of us are focussed on the upcoming ETFs and the scaling issues of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Are we really excited for a financial tool that will allow for further centralisation and possible manipulation? Isn’t that precisely what we wanted to get away from? + +&nbsp; + +>###_“Oh but we don’t scale enough yet for adoption, we need this asap”_.. **Really?** + +&nbsp; + +The scalability will come in time. All an ETF does is put a dent in the ultimate vision – it doesn’t do anything for real adoption. + + +Yes, we’re slow(ish) – but that’s the sacrifice we make in return for an inclusive, open access, decentralised system. + + +####Don’t fuel the narrative unless you’re trading the narrative (refer to #1) – you’re only weakening the community and your own resolve. + +&nbsp; + +**How To Fix It:** Think back to why you really entered this space. Was it the ideology? Or the money? Make your decisions accordingly. But try not to get caught on the fence. + +&nbsp; + +*Final Thoughts:* + +I'll end my rant here, but the takeaway is this: If you're playing the game, it's important to know that you're playing. And if you're playing – you better get good at it. If not, just stay in the sidelines (aka: buy & hodl) + + +&nbsp; + +Hope this post helps! + +&nbsp; + +--------------- + + +###**EDIT**: +Many of you have PM'd asking me for book recommendations on blockchain fundamentals & trading. + +&nbsp; + +Honestly, most books on blockchain out there are crap. There are only a few that are worth while. I'll make a list of resources for worth reading and post it here. + +&nbsp; + +That being said, **the best use of my time** has been hunting and diving through all of **Vitalik's old blog posts**. He links to several other resources – so you'll find yourself with plenty to read. + +&nbsp; + +If you're looking for easier reads, I have explained a lot of the fundamental concepts using simple analogies on my blog: **[Simple Analogies To Blockchain Concepts](https://www.mangoresearch.co/blockchain-analogies-expalined/)** + + +This sub seems like a ghost town lately which is crazy considering the moves ETH has been making lately. I’m honestly extremely bullish long term given the scope of web 3. Now that the merge has happened successfully, I believe there will be a slow price decrease. I think we will see ETH’s price under $1,200 soon. + +I’m extremely bullish on ETH long term and think it will change everyday life in 5-10 years once mass adoption happens. Short term I believe the music has stopped and we are heading lower. + +Retail has basically fled from crypto but institutional investment has never been higher. Anyone still here most likely will be fine during the next bull market but given the macroeconomic going on, it doesn’t look bright short term. + +I sold out majority of my eth long ago and have been buying some back but I recently sold out again. I still hold a few eth but have been waiting to jump heavily back in. I believe under $1,200 is fair game to start buying again. What is everyone else’s plan? +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Good Morning Apes! + +Today could be an interesting Friday we have gamma exposure from Wednesday's run to $250. I'm sure most options bought that day were sold near the top and thus should have little effect but we are still trading about $20 over max pain, which has moved up to 200. OI on weeklies is high and there are plenty of call contracts still ITM. + +[$564m in call volume this week](https://preview.redd.it/8t89rr5avrx71.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0a206f960bfc5e6659ecb75f8a8c490b9797858) + +Another run today could cause a decent amount of Delta Hedging (gamma ramp) given the number of open contracts @ 200-250 + +&#x200B; + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the clips on my YouTube channel. + +Check out this weeks analysis here: N/A + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Pretty slow day nice uptrend from around 11 - 1:30 then a down trend into close, this is typical for gamma exposure covering the managed to keep the price below that breakout range above 200. But, we still closed decently above max pain, The exposure to that open interest will likely play out Monday and Tuesday of next week. Thank you all for following along on here and the stream. Have a great weekend! + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/61bb3ixv2ux71.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea0d11945d069e0c5bba37ba7163ae28909275b9 + +&#x200B; + +Edit 6 1:40 + +Flat now at 215 instead of 210 + +https://preview.redd.it/eoyf6dqxctx71.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=c952111dacb69babbe9a5d72fefb92ddffaa14f9 + +Edit 5 12:28 + +GME bouncing on the EMA looks like it might try to push past the 215 resistance. + +https://preview.redd.it/ntmf8hq50tx71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ffd98ba5333efff56e41db7d52042caa779feb3 + +Edit 4 11:27 + +Flat within the 209-212 channel + +https://preview.redd.it/85j02erdpsx71.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3a68f02f14585d7d09b81ba4abea1c17dcf68f2 + +Edit 3 10:44 + +Found that floor at 210 slow creep back up to the 212.50 strike line + +https://preview.redd.it/7hwgw0kjhsx71.png?width=1611&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc62c6982fdc94e1732087595b465eed66874636 + +Edit 2 10:10 + +Failed VWAP and breaking down, let's see if we find support at 210 again + +https://preview.redd.it/bl9p668ibsx71.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=8167693697a989642c7aaf985ad7278600a38d09 + +Edit 1 9:49 + +Found some support here at 210 looks good for a turnaround + +https://preview.redd.it/7c9v81eq7sx71.png?width=1606&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bd58585dcb9778e05910df406f97592938f907d + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +GME + 1.15% with 13k volume, low but high than yesterday. + +Shares to Borrow currently: + +IBKR: 200,000k + +Fidelity: 1,190,757m + +also borrow rate slightly up now at 0.7% for IBKR and 0.75% for Fidelity + +Nice uptrend into open looks good for a test of 230 as we have several small gaps to fill to the upside. + +[GME pre-market on the 1m](https://preview.redd.it/g4gi3lvnxrx71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=08d276e97f85b4d3d25a7fd65efa544a2c175ff5) + +Looking for a break to the upside of this upper trend to see any significant movement. + +[GME on the 1D](https://preview.redd.it/qxq73x8lyrx71.png?width=2450&format=png&auto=webp&s=960efc98510b51b3c8e0a0004493edc06bdef10f) + +CV\_VWAP arbitrage is picking up into open + +https://preview.redd.it/96it4v1azrx71.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=4770b8ca49945e6e372e5abc7837fbf011ff32e0 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Hey reddit! + +I'm currently in a fair amount (to me) of debt. I'm struggling to keep on top of it, it's absolutely draining the life out of me because I never go out or have any money to do anything fun, and it just feels insurmountable. I've already contacted step change, they gave me an email to send that should have given me a few months breathing space (mainly to get out of my overdraft) but both Lendable and Lloyds denied it and I'm just back to paying monthly. + +I'm currently genuinely considering a payment plan. I don't want to do this because I want to get a house within the next few years with my boyfriend and I know it stays on your credit score, but it feels like struggle now or struggle later is my only choice. + +Currently £4,533 on a Lendable loan and basically £4,500 on a Lloyds credit card. + +Loan is £191 a month, credit card is min payment around £100 and then £60 interest deducted every month. I've cut up the credit card now. + +Atm in my overdraft (£500). + +Also currently owe my brother £300 (so I could pay my rent this month. Agreed to pay £100 a month) + +Total debt is 9800, basically 10k. I feel sick. + +I get paid 23,500 PA, £1635 each month after tax. + +Bills are: +Rent 450 +Car Insurance 103 +House Insurance 8 +Phone 34 +Gym 25 +Fuel monthly 60 +Spotify 5 +Food 200 +Travel to work 60 +Total: 945 + +Debt: +Brother 100 (for 3 months) +Loan 191 +CC 150 (I always put 150 on there) +Overdraft 500 +Total: 941 + +Should I take the payment plan? Is it worth me at least getting my footing right and then being able to pay them off quicker? Because once I'm out of my overdraft, I DO have the extra money to pay off extra each month. Its just impossible to get to that point at the moment. + +Any help would be greatly appreciated, I wish I had never got myself into this mess. + +Edit; I am not getting rid of the gym or Spotify. It's £30 and it's the ONLY luxury I have at the moment. Going to the gym, drowning out my thoughts with music (and no ads), it's the only thing I will not be removing. + +Edit 2: Holy fuck, I don't care how many of you say it or how many of you think clearing debt asap is the most important thing, I am NOT getting rid of the gym or Spotify. Its £30, it'll help me a MONTH sooner in the long run, and I'm still allowed things that make my life worth living. If you come to comment and mention getting rid of the gym or Spotify, don't bother. + +El Salvador's best investment was president Bukele buying the dip this year! + +I know the amount of controversy surrounding the situation in El Salvador and their adoption of Bitcoin! + +But it’s just been over 1 month since it took place and it’s already 43% up, I really hope the people didn’t spend the 30$ they got from the chivo app! Because btc is now up 43% which is huge percentage for any kind of investment! + +I really do hope they also get the education because now I don’t want them to keep on buying with all their savings and then later in the dip they lose them all.. so yeah education is key and I hope El Salvador educated it’s citizens properly! + +Countries slowly shall adopt crypto so better keep stacking before they buy it all ! :) +Posting here so I don't get yelled at for not just buying. + +Right now you can buy ITM call spreads on GME that based on normal options pricing are extremely profitable. + +2 examples. + +1 near the money. + +a 180/190 spread right now costs about 3 dollars each. Normal options pricing would put this near 5 dollars each with such high IV. + +2 and even better by statistics, ITM spreads. + +a 155/165 spread for example is only around 5 dollars each right now despite being very deep ITM. Even with high IV this should cost at least closer to 7.5 each. + +The options were like this last week as well and paid nicely... + +Why wider spreads? Why not 5 dollar wide etc? Wider spreads give higher risk to reward in return for a higher chance the stock price lands below your max profit, but still ITM. Personally, the stock is so volatile I think the odds of it landing in between your strikes is relatively low. Making Wider better, but this is really personal preference. + + +EDIT/UPDATE + +just want to throw a note that over the hours and the price increase this post still remains just as true. +My 150/160 spread is still trading BELOW 6 dollars each. Still saying there is a significant chance of it expiring OTM despite being near $200 current price. And the more time that passes the higher the probability it ends ITM. + +Spread near the money still trading around 3 each.(talking 10 dollar wide still though wider spreads like 15/20 are super viable) + +So if you are wondering if it's too late, the answer is an emphatic no +&#x200B; + +Let me start by saying I am sorry if this breaks any rules in the sub. I’ve been here long enough to know it will be removed by the \*new-ish\* mod team if it does. Apologies in advance if that occurs. + +**This IS your typical “I’m on my way to FIRE. Here’s where I’m at”** post. I’ve gone ahead and tried to add more detail but if you have no interest in **another mid twenties person** rehashing the last couple years of professional experience and a FIRE-minded approach to life then I would simply stop here. + +I started college in Fall semester of 2013. I was 18 and went to a state university in the NE region. I was granted merit based scholarships as well some subsidies for tuition due to a program known as the [New England Regional Tuition](https://admissions.uconn.edu/cost-aid/tuition/rsp). Some of my college was subsidized by my achievements and due to my choice in the discipline. The other part of my college was completely paid for by my parents. I cannot stress this enough. While I was in Uni, I was lucky enough to have all of my necessities covered by my parents or other means. I did work as a sophomore up until I graduated (undergraduate lab where I was published as a #2 author, gas station), but literally pissed all that money away on alcohol and drugs. I really am very lucky and privileged. I got to enjoy all my college years and graduate with no debt. I **could** **not** have done this had my parents not helped me and given me so much. There just would’ve been no way for me to balance the workload (I went to school for ChemE..it was hard because I’m a pretty average guy) + +Well fast forward to graduation of college. I’m out of school with no debt. Again, most of this success to this point has been a combination of (alittle) of my skills & drive, and (a lot) of my surrounding support system). By this time, it is May 2017. I’ve just received my diploma and drive back home to have knee surgery (woohoo ACL tears!). By August 2017, I had my first job after living at home for 3 months (recovering + job hunting). My pay would be almost $50k a year. Once I got a job offer my parents gave me **$10,000** to put towards whatever I wanted. + +**OK. That’s the story before I really started my FIRE journey. A lot of privilege. A lot of luck in the genetic lottery. Absolutely amazing self-less parents who I would do anything for. A VERY strong support system.** + +Cue the start of my own (I mean really, my OWN) journey. + +In November of 2017 my parents would sell the house I grew up in and move out of state. I lived in their old house until I was forced to move out. In Nov 2017 I moved into my friends duplex. He had graduated a year prior and co-signed with his parents. Myself and another friend were renting out rooms on the first floor while he lived in the master. He also had tenants above him (kinda sounds like the start of his own FIRE journey :p). This is around the time I started realizing I’m starting to stack up some sizeable amounts of money. This is also around the time I first dove into investing, retirement planning, personal finance and the likes. + +Until 2018, I just kept absorbing information without taking much action. I wanted to be sure of myself. I think I put like $3k into my 401k in 2017 but I’m not sure I’d have to look. So once 2018 began I took things more seriously. I applied more effort to handling my money. From about 2018 until now, I’ve followed a budget close to the one you will see below: + +**Monthly Summary 2017-2018 (note: in 2019 the income rose to \~$4833/month, expense constant)** + +Income - $4000 (gross) + +401k - $1550 + +Taxes + Other deductions – $894 (S/0) + +Expenses - $1015 + +Taxable Brokerage - $166 + +Roth IRA - $500 + +Savings = $2216 ($26.5k/yr) + +Spending + Deductions = $1784 ($21.4k/yr) + +You’ll notice this is slightly off – approx. $225 / month in the red.. That is due to the following: + +1. Spreadsheet and taxes + deductions were updated to current numbers once 2019 started (got a raise to $58k..so I probably paid less than $894 / month when I was making $48k +2. I (foolishly, I admit) claim nothing on my taxes and get $1500-$1700 back each year. Might change this since it’s an interest free loan to uncle sam blah blah whatever. + +So all things considered lets be conservative and say maybe \~50% savings rate? I know numbers are a little funky but it’s hard to go into alllllll the details here. I also don’t stress about the fine details much because lets face it – there will be things well out of my control that happen and have a far greater impact than actually only putting $18,450 in my 401k in 2018. I do what makes sense for me. Hopefully there isn’t too much blowback from the accountants on this board. + +Now comes my favorite part…The chart and current investment thoughts. + +As I mentioned, I really started thinking about FIRE in Nov 2017, or that was my first formal exposure to the idea, anyway. That is reflected in the following chart, which begins in Oct 2018 and ends Oct 2019. + +[https://imgur.com/gallery/Wt0YEkP](https://imgur.com/gallery/Wt0YEkP) + +Really the only thing to note is that in 2019 I got a big raise (I said gimme or I’m gone..thanks to having a huge E-fund and safety net (the one I built, not the one I was born into). I made the jump from $48k to $58k and a got a nice bonus with backpay. + +**Investment Thoughts:** + +21% cash (declining every pay period) + +79% invested (Bogle 3fund) + +Of my investments: + +68% 401k (US Total Market Fund) + +21% Roth IRA (95% US Total Market funds + 5% lotto tickets) + +11% Taxable Brokerage (\~85% US Index funds + 15% EX-US Index Funds) + +I am working towards an 80/20 (equity/bond) ratio with \~20-40% international equity weight. I just decided on the asset allocation a short time ago, so my current investments don’t reflect my desired allocations. I will be working to amend that by simply increasing my international funds. I don’t think I’ll re balance into that AA at this time. Bonds won't really be added until next year, at 25. I don't plan to be 20% bonds until maybe 35-40. + +In Oct 2020, I plan to make a similar post. If you read this whole thing, I hope you enjoyed it. I look forward to any comments and discussion. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I've really enjoyed all of these discussions. I think there are some interesting opinions about privilege and how it applies to FIRE. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 2: Here are some facts about my college experience. I feel I should update because there is some misinformation going around. So.. + +1) I did not attend UCONN! New England Regional Tuition was \~$12k per semester or $24k per year. I was granted a merit based scholarship for $5.5k per semster or $11k per year. Freshman year I paid the full room and board costs + meal plan which was $12k per year. After sophomore year, housing costs went down to $3k per semester. Food went down to \~$4k per semester. The following can be used to summarize college expenses. Please note these are estimates + +2) My parents provided both my sister and I with $160k for educational costs. Much of that money was passed on to them from their grandparents. All 4 of my grandparents fought in WWII, survived to tell the story, and lived into their 90's. I have a suspicion that their money is much of what was used to pay for my schooling. I hope to do the same for my kids, and many others. + +**Year 1:** + +Tuition : $24k + +Room + Board: $12k + +Scholarships: ($11k) + +**Year 2-4:** + +Tuition : $24k per year + +Room + Board (off campus housing + no meal plan just buying groceries) : $14k per year + +Scholarships: $11k per year + +**Total Estimated Cost of College: \~$106k.** + +**Total Savings Available For College (From Parents): $160k** +Curious how people who were on the front lines of the market collapse in 2008 knew it was different from a normal swing in the market? + +Let me state, I don't think today was anywhere close to a Black Monday/sub prime/'29 crisis. Im just using it as a jumping off point for discussion, if you were working in securities/CDOs, at what point did you realize that what was happening was unusual and wouldn't bounce back in a few weeks time? +Edit: This post has got more attention than I expected, so I want to be clear. I'm not a pro investor. Everything I wrote here is just stuff that has helped me, personally, to have more success and avoid going too deep in the red. Reddit is not the place to get professional investment help, and I'd encourage everyone to be skeptical of things you read on this sub. This is not an investment class, just a tip from a fellow investor that I hope will help lighten the bags. I'm not at all qualified to advise you on investing. There are better resources elsewhere. . + +Learn where your stocks have support! Don't go all in on buying the dip unless you know where it is likely to stop dipping. When it reaches its support line, start SCALING IN. In a bearish market, dips can fall below support lines and keep dipping. If this happens, accumulate more shares at a lower cost. This will reduce the size of your bags and give you a better average price/allow you to purchase more shares. When the market turns in your favor, the reward will be much greater. Diving all in right now isn't investing, it's gambling, and you will likely lose. Also, I should mention that averaging down your price is not always the right move. Some stocks don't recover and you should have an exit strategy/ know when to cut your losses. + +Also, don't buy stock in companies with heavy debt (almost ever really) or distant catalysts unless you are accumulating for a long position. You will often lose or lock up your money trying to swing trade during a bear market, especially if you are investing in stocks with no substance, only because they were performing well in a bull market. If the market stays bearish, the charts from the last few months will deceive you. It's time to stop riding the trends and do real DD. + +Good luck and let's hope things go back to the bonkers and unsustainable gains we were seeing. I've had enough of this "healthy pullback" lol +I noticed a huge sell wall on Gemini, and it almost completely fell with one trade. That's a $1.9M buy order. There is a whale living on Gemini accumulating ETH it appears.... +Hey folks - + +Confirming FunFair has today burned more than half of the tokens that were originally allocated to a Phase 2 token sale that we decided not to hold. Instead we've burned most of the tokens and put the balance in long term cold storage (releasing a max of 1B each year). + +The BURN was in two transactions + +Proof of Burn 1 - 3.173B FUN tokens + +https://etherscan.io/tx/0xe13d10ae0778d050923bb7158cedca06735ecf153b42f9be705027380a2372d1 + +Proof of Burn 2 - 3.00B FUN tokens + +https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb675a7f2ee3921fd1afa272c0866fd2a24970171139553b814d5c6f70fb6c219 + +Final FunFair token contract, whose balance is now < 11B tokens (was 17B) + +https://etherscan.io/token/FunFair + +We didn't hit exactly 11B because some other generous souls burned their own personal tokens too. + + +Is there going to be a post pandemic bump? Or will it inevitably get dragged down by inflation due to lack of spending at restaurants, golf course etc? +For example, I understand that Enbridge is a well managed company and the stock is good for long term holding. + + +However, with all the news about Enbridge pipelines in relation to indigenous people and their lands, I hesitate to invest in it. If I’m an investor, I would want Enbridge to do well but that would conflict with my opinions (or whatever has been fed to me by the media). + + +I understand one can go pure ethical investing portfolio nowadays. But that’s going to the other extreme. + + +Is it possible to achieve a balance? If you’re an ENB investor, does this thought ever cross your mind? + + +Thank you + + +EDIT: No where in this post did I state that I am anti-oil and gas. I literally said Enbridge is a well managed company and has a good stock for long-term holding. I am simply asking how does one separate their ethics from their investments. + + +Forget Enbridge. People may invest in Facebook despite not liking the company and what it stands for. So what is the mindset behind separating the two? +If this is true, they planned this almost to the day since we just got confirmation that GameStop sold all 5 million shares. they sold those shares in a HURRY as if something big was about to happen... + +And it just so happens to coincide with the much delayed NSCC 002. +Blackberry will be discussing the latest developments in BlackBerry’s technology and strategy, which is something I sure a lot of investors and a lot of us will be interested in listening to. + +Link: [https://www.blackberry.com/us/en/company/newsroom/press-releases/2021/blackberry-to-participate-in-upcoming-baird-investor-conference](https://www.blackberry.com/us/en/company/newsroom/press-releases/2021/blackberry-to-participate-in-upcoming-baird-investor-conference) + +BB holds up on its own. I suspect the volatility we see is from the reasonably cheaper price it commands compared to favorites GME and AMC, where people from all walks of life are trying to sell off at every peak that occurs. Who knows, by Wednesday this shit shoots to $20 or more. + +And now my honest opinion - fuck all the moon shit, because frankly all I see happening is people left at the peaks holding bags. You want to do something with BB, just like GME and AMC? Buy and hold, and let the market catch up to the potential that BB will become. + +I'm sure a lot of you heard that GME and AMC might be added to RUSSELL 1000 based on performance by June 25 - well BB's earning report will be out at around the same time, June 23. So we shall see by then if BB stands strong, and not just because it is a meme. + +This is not financial advice, good luck, and fuck the hedge fund fucks. +I had an interesting conversation with the head of a billionaire family some time ago. I asked him what role luck paid in his life and financial success (he was 100% self made). He told me that, without question, he got very lucky at several key junctures in his life. But, he said, he can now look back and say that the harder he worked, the luckier he was - the point of the hard work was to set up opportunities for 'luck' to play its role. I thought that was very interesting, definitely something I find to be the case. +I noticed that on Monday when the price hit $198 it IMMEDIATELY got knocked down. Since then, the focus went to $180 for some reason. We know that there are a bunch of calls that go ITM if the price closes above $200 today. I believe the true FUD this week was making apes believe $180 is the price that hedgies don’t want, when in reality $180 has been suspiciously pushed as the wall to beat down. Psychologically speaking, getting past $180 was never the goal; it’s the $200s that need to be broken through... 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +I was having my best day of trading so far. Made $300 before lunch. Everything was going smooth. Made a couple more after lunch to be up $420. I got cocky and risked way too much on a poor setup. Just like that I was down to $250. I took a break came back and then before I knew it was in the negative and then luckily somehow came out just above even. + +I work so hard to make gains and then a moments lapse in judgment and I’m back down. Does anyone have tips? It’s especially difficult in the afternoon to maintain my focus and then not get emotional. + +Edit: I have realized although I have a proven strategy I am not yet a professional that can go all day long without breaks. Mental fatigue is surely a major part of my issues. I realize now I need to set profit goals and learn when to walk away. At this point it’s about surviving to trade another day. +>“$100 billion per year is spent on in game items… and gamers own none of it.” + +-Robbie from Immutable + +The entire fucking point of everything they’re doing with this turnaround is centered around the fact that gamers DONT OWN SHIT. + +It’s centered around OWNERSHIP. + +When you think about it, it’s not hard to realize… + +OF COURSE THEY WANT YOU TO DRS! + +Take ownership of your shares, people! + +I know this gherk drama is designed to make us angry, but it’s so frustratingly obvious what gamestop wants us to do and yet we still have people trying to convince others why it’s not the way… it’s infuriating. + +I commented this exact thing in the gherk daily thread and got stuck in downvote purgatory. + +I just feel like people are not making this connection enough… + +*Ownership* is what gives us power! + +- Power to the players +- Power to the creators +- Power to the collectors +- Power to the OWNERS + +DRS is the way. +The year is 2026, your portfolio is up 5000x and you have enough money there to pay the mortgage, quit you job and tell your boss where to stick it, then ride off into the sunset in a lambo with your shiba by your side ... but my question is do you sell it all .... or just a percentage and stay involved with crypto ? + +When i first started i thought i would have no problem pulling the plug and walking away with my gains, but i love crypto and everything about it, so i doubt very much will ever cash everything in, i would take a large chunk of it absolutely, but i would keep a small bag so i can still play the game and stay involved with everything +My primary residence is paid off and I have applied for a HELOC on it to fund future investment purchases. + +I just bought a rental for cash and am wondering if I should refinance to pull cash out or try to get a HELOC on that too (although I’ve heard it’s very difficult to get a HELOC on an investment property). + +My primary goals is to have cash available for future investments as deals come up. +This guy Trevor Milton has no engineering background or degree. He promises to make better EV semis than Tesla but yet has made any truck or even prototype. All talk. He already sold some stock to buy himself a mansion. Is he the next Elizabeth Holmes. I'm tempted to short this stock. +# Daily Smooth Brain Jungle + +Talk about whatever you want, just follow the subreddit rules. + +*Please let smooth brain apes know about the daily discussion for wrinkle brains so they can take their conversation there if needed, and report comments that may need moderator attention. We will make attempts to politely redirect discussion, but will moderate further if necessary.* + +# Want to learn more? [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +If you see mistakes in the wiki, or need to contact moderators, [please send us a Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Superstonk). + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily Smooth Brain Jungle discussion threads are created at 4:20 a.m. EDT* +So I've been messing around in the BSC space for quite some time but in the last couple weeks I've noticed an immense new trend. Printf tokens. They're basically the new multi day big fire balls of pumperino. He never fucking rugs. + + +The last few were insane! Triforce did 300X, One Up did 600X, Dollar Tree also did 300X. This started about an hour ago but these pumps are known to last for 10 hours straight. Always appealing to the masses with a hype team of devs. The chat is always active and filled with maximum energy. + + +I'd say take a trip just for the community, but I've been making thousands and just wanted to tell ya'll + +&#x200B; + +[https://t.me/CrashFinance](https://t.me/CrashFinance) +[https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xf0b4ed56329bff0baf2c01bd5b43f60331823ae0](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xf0b4ed56329bff0baf2c01bd5b43f60331823ae0) (Bullish) + +[https://bscscan.com/token/0xf0b4ed56329bff0baf2c01bd5b43f60331823ae0](https://bscscan.com/token/0xf0b4ed56329bff0baf2c01bd5b43f60331823ae0) BSC SCAN (Still under 300 HODLers) + +&#x200B; + +Bullish forever +http://www.forbes.com/sites/mayakachroolevine/2016/11/14/how-this-28-year-old-retired-in-nyc-with-a-net-worth-of-more-than-2-million/#3772c0de491d + +Pretty interesting read in Forbes today. I came to the FI movement a little later in life (started at 32), but it's cool to hear how others are doing it young and it gives me hope I can finish up quickly as well. + +I'm not sure I could live in an apartment with slanted floors though. I'm too old for some things. Anyone else have thoughts? +Sorry, on mobile. I wasn’t sure where to post this so if there’s a more appropriate subreddit please let me know. + +My husband and I both work full time (he is salary, I am hourly) the bank has had my employee verification for weeks and is now telling me that despite them stating I am full time, my worked hours on my pay stubs do not reflect that (79.2 hours or 78 hours instead of 80) because I clock in and out it will vary and not always be at 80 but I am scheduled 40 hours each week and provided a signed letter from my manager stating that I am guaranteed to be scheduled 40 hours each week. + +We’re supposed to close on the house in a few weeks and now we could potentially be homeless if they won’t consider me full time. Is there anything I can do to further prove my status? + +The other reason the bank is not considering me full time is I have only been with this company a few months. I was with my old job 10 years and worked full time there but left due to having my pay cut after covid. I make more now than I did at my old job. +Title should be “we” not “I”. I was tired when I wrote it :) + +My last post got deleted because I should be focusing on "path, challenges or choices I made". So here we go round 2! + +&#x200B; + +I am a son of a immigrant, I was raised on food stamps and parents filled bankruptcy when I was in highschool so there is no windfall here. In college I had a 3.1 GPA, so I am not "smart" by any means, I am just a hard worker and created my own luck. + +We did get "lucky" where we have no college debt. I paid my off in 2014 ($10k) I went to college for free because parents were so poor. Wife's parents paid for her college. + +Out of college I worked for a large 20 accounting firm for 3 years making around 55k-65k. Around then that I got married in NJ (wedding cost no more then $10k) and saved up around $60k with my wife (also making about $10k more then me in salaries) to purchase our first house in 2017 for $410k with a $350k mortgage. We now have 3 kids, a 3 year old and twin 2 year olds. See a chart for our income growth over the year..(these gross rounded before taxes and deductions, H is husband (me) and W is wife) + +Salaries + +2016 - H $65k W $90k + +2017- H $70K W $92k + +2018- H $80K W $94k + +2019- H$85k W $96K + +2020- H$110K W $114K - I got new job + promo, wife got promo (two tax managers :D ) + +2021-H $114K W $118K + H Bonus $18K + W Bonus $10K + +&#x200B; + +Assets + +|Year|Property|401k (H+W)|Other (taxable, HSA, 529's)|Notes| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|2017 - January 1|$424k|$78k|$0|| +|2018 - January 1|$405k|$113k|$0|| +|2019 - January 1|$420k|$129k|$17k|Maxed 401k| +|2020 - January 1|$485k|$192k |$23k|Maxed 401k, started vanguard VTSAX| +|2021 - January 1|$490k|$265k|$53k|Maxed 401k | +|Today|$503k|$359k|$78k|| + +Debts + +&#x200B; + +|Year|Mortgage|Car Loans| +|:-|:-|:-| +|2017 - Nov 1|$350k|$12k - Mazda| +|2018 - January 1|$349k|$9.5k - Mazda| +|2019 - January 1|$342k|$0 - Mazda $0 Pilot (purchased pilot and paid cash, twins were born needed bigger car)| +|2020 - January 1|$336k|$0| +|2021 - January 1|$337k (refi)|$0| +|Today|$332k|$0| + + Our net worth will slow down now that we pay $4k a month in daycare... + +&#x200B; + +Things we do that we feel are different.... + +* Monthly CC usually is around $2.5k + * $800 food + * $200 restaurants + * $500 random shopping (clothes, misc items) + * $50 phone + * $50 internet + * $100 gas + * the rest is whatever else happens that months really +* We only have a mortgage as our debt, we pay off Credit Card every month, we made sure we bought a car we could afford and pay off +* We communicate to each other and work as a team + +It's not a big milestone as you can see...this is combined and a lot is property and 401k, but still! Ask my any questions :) +Hi gang, + +Trying to understand, if bullish on one stock , why not buy deep itm leap (say 0.9+ delta, 1-2 year out ) ? Shouldn’t it be more cost efficient than shares ? +Why many ppl still prefer just going with shares ? 🤔 +In traditional financial price analysis to make an argument that an asset is massively undervalued despite a 900-3000% price rise (depending on vs. BTC or USD) in the last six months would be ludicrous. I won't insult your intelligence by stating again why ethereum's value shouldn't be assessed in the same way as a more mature asset or even how emerging asset classes are typically viewed. For clarity, from here on out when discussing ether price I will use vs. USD since 1. I'm an American nationalist punk and 2. the BTC price rise clouds Ethereum's price gains over the same period. + +What is more interesting to discuss is how the market has reacted to recent events and why their behavior may reveal that investment dollars in ethereum are being deployed in a less savvy manner than one would see in a typical billion dollar asset class, introducing potential longer term money making opportunities for the more astute among us. Like in all markets, if one views knowledge as wealth, there is a perennial game played to take from the poor and give to the rich. In ethereums case, there seems to be many poor investors who happen to have a lot of $$ that they are serving up on a silver platter. + +Let's look at the recent price spikes including from June 11 to June 16 from roughly 13.96 to 20.51 (Coingecko), a 5 day, 47% price rise. (This paralleled the mid may rise where the price rose from just under 10 to 14.7 in 4 days). The may rise can pretty much be directly attributed to the unprecedented success of the DAO locking up over 10% of Ether from entering the supply market in a matter of days and flooding ethereum with positive press. We all enjoyed reading countless mainstream media stories about "the most successful crowdfund ever". + + The June price rise was a little bit more of an engima for us traders. The DAOs creation phase had been over for two weeks and there were signs that all was not well in the grand experiment. Since the DAO had absorbed some 14% of Ether and dominated the majority of all discussion the line had been blurred between ethereum and the DAO. The success of ethereum had been wrongly tied to the success of the DAO. + +When the DAO failed, the markets overreacted. There is no doubt about it. Ethereum's value was cut in half overnight. When viewed pragmatically this makes zero sense. Ethereum is and never has been about the DAO. The May and June spike resulting in the rise from 10-20$ in 30 days resulted from: tons of investors flooding in because of DAO press, and less significantly, the practical implications of 14% supply side constriction. These new investors often didn't understand the ethereum project, didn't understand the DAO for that matter and many blew a ton of money buying high and selling low. + + What does this mean for ethereum's price now? It is tremendously undervalued. Ethereum is a significantly better because of the DAO, and it improved without ether loss to investors. (pending successful HF implementation). a 50% price dip resulted when rationally there should have been a price rise after the smoke cleared and it was obvious ethereum itself was not in danger and in fact, was robust enough to completely resolve the DAO exploitation. Short term: Ethereum will be returned to token holders theoretically flooding the market with ethereum. Will this result in further price drops? If it does then my god should you buy. Successful HF will mean a couple of important short term price implications beyond immediate supply spike which I believe far outweigh that: positive press due to the incredible response time and success of Ethereum and DAO safety features ensuring crisis management could be effectively implemented. And Investors feeling burned by the DAO will be appeased and bring $ back into ethereum. + +Ethereum right now should have a market cap of around 2/3 that of BTC. BTC is far more mature and infrastructure development means it is more useful today than Ether is. But Ether promises far more than bitcoin does and recent events prove how capable it is of achieving so much so quickly. Investors are wary because of bitcoin disasters of lore but partially what makes ether so valuable is it has demonstrated an ability to avoid these disasters so successfully. The market is way behind and investors still reeling from the DAO are causing a vastly deflated price. 7$ billion market cap is certainly not too big of a projection for the market leader in numerous areas of blockchain tech and I have very little doubt that it will reach this sooner rather than later. +I finally sucked out to AfterPay yesterday to take advantage of AfterPay Day sale combined with eBay sale and I am legit scared how easy it was to open an account. No Id required, no KYC. I can't choose a spend limit either, it is auto determined. + +No wonder it went gangbusters. I will close it as I am going to apply for home loan soon unless there is a way to reduce the limit. +There's a lot of talk about inflation recently, but discussion often lacks hard numbers to compare prices over time. + +A while ago I found this list of 42 common grocery item prices from Woolworths, Coles, and Aldi, published November 2011: + +https://www.yourmortgage.com.au/mortgage-news/did-grocery-prices-really-go-down-down-in-2011 + +This is a rare and useful reference for objectively looking at recent grocery price inflation. + +[Six months ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/q7po13/as_home_prices_soar_beyond_reach_we_have_a/hgl4po4/) for comparisons sake I looked at the first ten items on the list, and compared them to the same 10 items today, from woolworths: + +Dairy farmers full cream 2L, 1 dozen pace farm free range eggs, wonder white sliced bread 700g, Nescafe gold 100g, Tim tams 200g, 1.25l coke, Doritos original 175g, Barilla penne 500g, greenseas tuna 95g, pedigree canned dog food 1.2kg + +2011 price total: 3.69+5.25+3.59+8.35+2.99+1.99+2.98+2.30+1.87+3.57 + += $36.58 + +6 months ago price total: 3.20+5.95+3.40+9.50+4.00+3.15+3.50+2.70+2.20+3.50 + += $41.10 + +Today's price total: +3.30+5.95+3.70+7.50+4.00+2.10+3.75+2.70+2.20+4.50 + += $39.70 + +So this sample of grocery prices are 3.5% lower than six months ago. + +According to the official RBA CPI calculator, a basket of goods bought in 2011 for $100, would cost in most recent year (2021) around $120.30. + +In this real world example, if you spent $100 on a basket of goods consisting of the above items in 2011, it now costs $108.50 + +Less than official CPI. + +If anyone is foaming with rage at these numbers, and would like to use that energy constructively, I'd love to see a comparison of all 42 items, or the Coles/Aldi prices. + +Thank you for attending my TED talk. +Hi, + +I'm looking to deposit about $20,000 into my Questrade account to buy these stocks. + +TD +RY +BNS +BMO +CM + +My thought process is to make weekly or biweekly incremental purchases of $1000 between the 5 listed above. + +I believe this market still has another drop. However, I'm looking to see how much of a risk this really is. Are banks a good stock to buy right now ? To me they appear to be "on sale" but like others have said around here there's no telling where the bottom is. I figure because these are the 'Big Banks" that have a very low risk of ever going under, I am then surely to make a decent return as long as I can stomach seeing these drop more until the market recovers. + +thoughts ? +In the past 48 hours, I've had three come ask me how to buy Bitcoin. + +And I work in software, so a lot of these guys wanted to know the nitty-gritty details of how Bitcoin works (I couldn't appease them with the same abstractions I use to explain Bitcoin to my parents and siblings). + +And I just never realized how many nitty-gritty details there are, until I started explaining them. + +Apart from the basic idea of using asymmetric encryption to facilitate the transfer of value, there's explaining the difference between hot and cold wallets, warning people against the various scams and hacks, talking about pending updates to the network (true anonymity, etc), not to mention SegWit and everything that has come out of it. + +And also the various exchanges in the marketplace, and the advantages/disadvantages of each. Block sizes, transaction fees, cold storage, offline transactions, multi-signature wallets, and the list goes on and on. + +Seriously, this one currency could be a university major. But I had spent all this time thinking it was relatively simple. Only after explaining it to outsiders did it all stand out in stark relief. + +I feel bad for those who aren't technologically literate. They're going to end up in the Bitcoin future, just like everyone, but they're going to have to trust other people to handle the technical side of things. And that can be a risky proposition. + +Still, I'm delighted that this era is dawning. +If they say not to invest in XRP, I'll invest in XRP. No way any of this is going into ALGO, VeChain, BTC, or ETH. + +I'm operating on the premise that reddit will almost always get it wrong. This will either prove or disprove that premise. + +I will only be buying coins that are commonly shitted on in this subreddit. Will post results. + I recently just lost 10k on my 30k account and it really hurts as I was up 2k and then varied away from my trading strategy causing me to take a massive L, but it didn't stop there as I got risky with my plays to try and make the money back and now I found myself with only 20k left. I know it's not the end of the world but geez does it feel like it. So how much have you guys lost? and how did you get over it? +Ive only managed to save up 0.07 BTC over the past few months. But I am getting FOMO for an upcoming large run up. While I intend to hold on for years and DCA I obviously want to DCA during lower prices. Im just getting upset because I believe in this, and know the future is bright, but I just dont have the resources to invest more. + +I need more Bitcoin. +So I separated from my partner last year and he went off the deep end (addiction issues) and hasn't financially contributed. I have struggled to maintain the mortgage myself as I have a small baby and her childcare costs are crippling. + +I do now have a solicitor so I am hoping things between me and ex will be resolved soon, but its a very slow process when you are working with someone who is has lost mental capacity. + +My mortgage company completely refused any payment holidays or payment plans. At one point they were calling me 3 times a day but couldn't actually help me when I spoke to them. I sent them the police reports showing I was a victim of domestic abuse but they really didn't care. + +I raised a complaint and they closed it and found themselves not at fault. Is it worth contacting the ombudsmen? +If you donate money, how do you decide how much to donate and who to? + +Knowing that you can only give a finite amount and wanting to produce the greatest benefit but also knowing that in the worst cases, donations can even create negative consequences, what is your philosophy. + +By *giving* I mean this very broadly, including: + +- Helping family members +- Donating to charities +- Giving to homeless people directly +- Tipping +- etc + +I feel that I have an obligation to give more but I struggle to formulate a coherent philosophy on how to do so effectively. +I would ask in the "noise" pinned thread, but it looks like most questions in there sit for months before they are answered. + +I am currently a freshman in college pursuing an engineering degree. However, I have felt passionate about working in finance/quant for a few years, and I think I am deciding to change my path. + +I have a few choices. I can major in finance with an emphasis in financial investments. A quick look at the upper-level courses shows they have a class called "portfolio management" and "investments," but it looks like the degree is littered with a bunch of general business classes (rather than programming). + +My second option is a degree in Economics and Computational Analysis. The upper level classes include econometrics and other classes that teach quantitative methods rather than portfolio management. This degree REQUIRES a minor, and since I already have some engineering courses done, I can get a minor in Industrial and Systems engineering pretty easily. These classes include "operations research," a few engineering stat classes, facilities design, etc. Also, since I have extra space in my schedule with this degree, I can take portfolio management and investments (after taking accounting prerequsites). + +The second option seems like a well-rounded degree with some accounting, portfolio management, engineering, and quant experience whereas the first option seems like a straight-forward finance degree. The second degree looks miserably technical/difficult but I don't want that to be my main reason for not wanting to take that path. +I quit three days ago, I've called the manager and talked to him about when I would get paid, but nothing has returned yet. He also wont answer my texts which is why I call him. This is in California, so I am pretty sure I should be getting my paycheck. Any help as to what I should do? +Don't leave it until the last minute. If you're planning on making additional contributions to your super fund by the end of the financial year, do it ASAP (being aware of the relevant contribution caps). + +They need to *receive* the funds before the end of the financial year. Every man and their dog will be making contributions, so give yourself at least five business days to be safe otherwise you risk the contribution being cleared after July 1. You can claim your tax deduction by filing a notice of intent *after the end of the FY*, as long as it's before you do your taxes. +Most of the time when I sell a contract I will immediately put an order to buy it back for about a $5 profit then sell it again. Normally this only works a few times but every now and then I find a low liquidity contract that I can abuse dozens of times. Made a couple hundred doing this so far. + +Just wondering if any of you do the same thing on generally lower volume stocks with low liquidity contracts. + +*I realize it’s really just scalping, sorry for using the wrong term, it sounds cooler though lol +I have been learning about options for the past 2 years, mostly through Tasty. I finally feel ready to take my shoot. + +I will be working with a small account ~$3k. I plan on going to tasty since they are the only broker I am aware of that will allow me to sell naked with this small of an account. + +Any last minute advice? + +Edit: you guys are the friendliest trading sub on Reddit! Thanks! + +Edit2: your replies have persuaded me to try wider spreads before going naked. I am still skeptical that the insurance policy I am paying for with a spread will ultimately work against me. But I’ll try it out. +I recently purchased a recommended book to more familiarize myself with options and how they work. My initial thoughts were, it’s a probably a good idea to read or learn about how the Greeks work before I really start buying or selling options willy nilly with my basic understanding. + +Its a good book, it won’t be money wasted and I’m sure I’ll have a better handle on things than if I’d never bothered to learn anything. + +That being said leafing through the book I quickly realized I’ll either never understand some of the math or it would take a lot of effort. + +My question is can you be successful if you understand the strategies but aren’t necessarily a mathematician. +I have been learning about options for the past 2 years, mostly through Tasty. I finally feel ready to take my shoot. + +I will be working with a small account ~$3k. I plan on going to tasty since they are the only broker I am aware of that will allow me to sell naked with this small of an account. + +Any last minute advice? + +Edit: you guys are the friendliest trading sub on Reddit! Thanks! + +Edit2: your replies have persuaded me to try wider spreads before going naked. I am still skeptical that the insurance policy I am paying for with a spread will ultimately work against me. But I’ll try it out. +So I bought a few shares of GameStop (GME) just because my wife was making a few bucks and I thought I'd see what happens. + +So far, it's pretty good. Making some gains overall, but I have two questions about it and Wealthsimple: + +1: I keep seeing that people are Direct registering their shares. Can that be done in wealthsimple, and is it even necessary? + +2: my wife read something that says that owning shares in the app is not really owning, and that they can sold out from under you if they aren't registered. Is that accurate? +Hello PF! + +I'm sure many of you already understand that the decision to rent or buy your housing is not always black and white. However, I keep seeing a ton of posts about people wanting to buy because "renting is throwing away money." PF usually does a good job of correcting this misunderstanding, but I thought I'd share another tool I found on the subject. + +Khan academy has a fantastic set of videos that covers the differences in renting vs. buying, using a lot of simple math. Videos can be found here https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/core-finance/housing/renting-v-buying. If you are someone trying to decide between renting or buying, I highly recommend you spent a half hour to 45 minutes watching the series. + +I'm sure this has been posted before, so I apologize for the repost! I just think it's a helpful reminder to many who may not have seen it and still think that "buying is always better". + +Edit: Just to clarify, the videos are not advocating that buying is a bad decision. Sal (the narrator) ends up buying a home himself because it is right for him. The point of the videos is the analysis which helps you better understand the decision. +They want you to hate the sec. They want you to hate Gary Gensler. Sure the regulatory bodies do shady shit but they are not a monolith. There are good and bad people in these places. Just because a certain action happens that we don't like doesn't mean that the entire thing is corrupt and useless. + +These institutions are suffering from the same issues that plague every sector. Defunding, corruption, nepotism, etc. But these things are purposely allowed to happen so that then people can claim "they are useless we don't need them". This is a flawed reasoning because without regulators the system would be truly fucked. People love to repeat that we should burn it all down and build it back up but that will probably never happen. + +I believe that we need to fight within the system we are already in. When you see rules and regulations that are under comment period even if you are a smooth brain, give your best to voice why it is a good or bad thing. When you see things you don't like going on, find out who you can contact to make your voice heard. + +They rely on apathy to get their way. When you give up and complain "corrupt sec" you make it easier for them to continue their shady shit. Sure the system isn't perfect, but there are people in it actually trying to do good. If every single person in every regulator was truly corrupt, we would have fallen as a country long ago. + +Finally ask yourself why they would be attacking Gary Gensler? Sure he is not a saint, but he is obviously doing something against the establishment to warrant these attacks. +Satya Nadella, sold \~838.6K between November 22 and November 23. Shares were sold in a value scope of $334.37 and $349.22. This brings his absolute offer to build up to 831K offers. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella discloses the sale of 839K shares. + +These sales were not related to an options exercise or an established 10b5-1 plan and were his largest sales ever. + +Link to the SEC filing: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/789019/000106299321011647/xslF345X03/form4.xml](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/789019/000106299321011647/xslF345X03/form4.xml) + +&#x200B; + +Thoughts? +What are your plays for the week? What you buying and selling? What were your best plays? + +Remember this is a community to learn. + +**Downvotes are discouraged** + +**Sort by New to find the best daily play** + +Add 🚀🚀🚀 if you serious +I love WST but they never have the penny stocks I like and Questrade ass fucks you on commission/ecn fees. There has to be something better right? + +Let me know +Discussion for the day. Free discussion to discuss what your plays are and how your portfolio is doing. + +NEW SUGGESTION: Add your entry, exit and stop loss for the positions. This is a community to learn + +**Downvotes are discouraged. Be friendly.** + +**Use $SYMBOL FORMAT** ($BB or $[BB.TO](https://BB.TO)) +I have a home remodel/addition that has been in the works for quite some time. The current estimate is about $1m total cost. I am sure it is like this in a lot of spots, but in my MCOL market, timing for construction is slow and unreliable. Even commercial leases are difficult because you can't get the buildout that tenants require. + +Anyway, I like to have money "ready" to pay for chunks of the project when they are requested. Right now I have $400k spread between 3 bank accounts, but of course there is no yield there. I would love if there was a good option that pays at least a bit of yield, and is very stable. It also would need to be accessible within a few business days. + +I used to use SHV for this, but short term treasuries have no yield now. Also **please don't suggest crypto**, I already have my crypto allocation and don't want to add or change it. + +Any other places that act as a bank account alternative? + +edit: I am not interested in debt. I am not interested in crypto for this, I already have stablecoins and I don't want to buy more right now. +Heyo - I'm an American, toying with the idea of spending a year in Paris and putting my 1st grade twins in the American School there. Has anyone had experience with this and the visa process? I am semi retired and could either go through the process as someone who is working or not. Any feedback would be great, thanks! +[https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/mit-names-ethereum-pos-top-technological-breakthrough-in-2022-1031242952](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/mit-names-ethereum-pos-top-technological-breakthrough-in-2022-1031242952) + +The **Massachusetts Institute of Technology** has named **Ethereum’s** (CRYPTO: ETH) upcoming transition to a proof-of-stake blockchain to its list of top technological breakthroughs for 2022. + +Now this title is a bit misleading because MIT didn't just talked about Ethereum but also Solana, Algorand and Cardano. Nonetheless, the elephant in the room in Ethereum and good to see institutions like MIT calling it breakthrough in creating digital currencies. MIT's specific focus is on the consensus mechanism, understandably so, the key hinge for double spend and network security. + +It's great milestone for entire crypto community that all major blockchains except Bitcoin run on PoS consensus, that will unlock a lot of goodness for the applications, users as well as market! + +Godspeed! +Hello, I've been a lurker of this sub a lot and it's been fantastic for me; hopefully it's okay to ask a question here. + +I've had an offer accepted on a flat in a 4 storey block (I'm pretty sure it's less than 18 m if that matters). During viewings the estate agent kept mentioning that the vendor will need to secure an EWS1 form but they see no problems (obviously they're going to say that). + +As of recent, I've been told the EWS1 survey has now been *booked* and it'll take 4-6 weeks 'til I hear a verdict; until this happens I can't reasonably proceed with my searches until I know what state the property is in. A larger block of flats just a few doors down is in the horrible situation where its tenants now need to pay for 24/7 firewatch patrols and are having to have a huge amount of work done. My property has a balcony with wooden decking and it has some wooden decorative cladding to boot. + +[To say I'm spooked by the whole thing is an understatement.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/business-55847260) The idea of being stuck with a property that's unmortgagable is terrifying. I also understand that this EWS1 survey needs to be done every 5 years now so what's to say this won't become an issue 5 years after I move in? + +Would it be reasonable to just bail on this purchase? I've fortunately not paid anything yet and I'm wondering if it'd be safer just to move further out the city into a terrace house in the middle of nowhere. + +Would very much appreciate the thoughts of users here, thank you +Hello UKpersonalfinance, my family is going through a tough time and whilst my family naively consider me the 'financially savvy' of everyone - a lot of what I learned has been from this sub, so I'm hoping I can get your advice/ideas because I haven't thought clearly in about 2 weeks and I'm out of my depth. + +My mum (54) found out about 11 days ago that she has stage 4 stomach cancer, it's inoperable and whilst she can have chemotherapy to prolong her life, there won't be a cure. We currently don't know how long she has left, because she wasn't ready to hear it at the last appointment with the oncologist. She's been signed off work since mid-July as she's been in/out of hospital whilst they investigated the stomach issues, which turned out to be the advanced cancer. + +My Dad used to work part-time doing house clearances, but work has slowed to a crawl, he's 58 and becoming increasingly physically unable to manage, he's a type 1 diabetic, has sciatica, been a laborer near all his life, poor writing/reading/maths skills and is a carer to my younger (24) mentally disabled brother. He mainly sells bits of junk he's had in his garage for years at boot sales/gumtree - it's a pittance. He receives carer's allowance and we've just started the process of moving my brother from Disability Living Allowance to PIP. He's also a T1 diabetic, severely autistic and can't (won't) self-medicate. + +I (26) still live at home, earn £26.7k a year working in Z1 London, my parents allowed me to not pay rent to aggressively save to move out. Mum earns 30k a year, her HR manager is coming over to get mum to sign a death-in-service form that apparently will pay out 1.5x her salary on her passing. They've compassionately extended her sick pay from 8 weeks full + 8 weeks half to 12 weeks full and 12 weeks half. Her September pay next week will be week 8, and 2nd payment of the 3-month full pay. + +The house was fully paid off March 2018 so no mortgage (worth 450k+ we reckon, Z6 London, 4 bed semi-detached with 3 garages), but my parents aren't married, jointly owned but my mum mentioned the other day she's considering passing her half to her 4 kids (older two half-siblings who aren't my Dads). Will my Dad pay tax if they're not married? Could my siblings force him to sell if they want their money from their house share? + +&#x200B; + +All house bills are in my mum's name, they added my Dad to mum's current account yesterday and they already have joint savings of around £24k. Mum has a life insurance policy that will pay out £24k as well (I assume to my Dad). Will my Dad automatically keep access to this money when she passes? Idk what my Dad's pension is, he cashed in a private pension to pay off the house. + +My brother's DLS and Dad's carer's allowance is paid into my mum's current account (My Dad didn't have a current account until yesterday, only ever a credit card paid in full each month from Mum's money/savings account) - My mum has carried every financial action and basically withdrew cash for my Dad to use. + +&#x200B; + +We need to fully sit down look at bills but off top of my head: + +Council tax (Band D) £1,200+? + +Gas/electric: £200 per month (4-bed house) + +Virgin Media: £100 per month + +TV license + +Water rates £400 per year + +There's house/contents insurance but can't remember the amount. There's a few others, car + van insurance, Mum's life insurance payment. + +A lot of the Macmillian financial advice doesn't really apply as my parents have too much in savings to qualify/aren't married so the benefits my Dad would seem to receive I assume he can't get. We also need to move my brother's savings (£4K) out of an 0.06% interest trustee account that's been going since 1996 - my parents are clueless for new accounts and he can't sign anything, so it's likely this will move into my Dad's/my name to hold for him. + +There's a lot of information above, I don't know where to start with sorting my mum's affairs/how my Dad will support himself and my brother after mum is gone. I was intending to move out in a few years, I have around 40k saved for a deposit but won't go far in London - but I already feel like it's going to fall to my shoulders to support my immediate family which my older half-sister mentioned and my mum admitted worries her. + +My outgoings are fairly low, take home £1,600 + +The commute is £200 per month + +£10 phone + +£20 Weight Watchers (7st 7lbs down) - this tackles a food addiction + +£5 Spotify + +£17 Odeon Card + +£8 Netflix + +£200 to H2B ISA + +£800-1000 to savings, left over pays for socializing/treats +So, I was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinsons disease a few years ago, and ever since then it feels like my life has been in a free fall. + +I have bad tremors. Sleeping problems. Depression and anxiety problems. Constipation problems (sorry if TMI). I feel weak and tired all the time. + +I applied for Social Security 2 years ago, and I still have not been approved. I have a lawyer helping me with it, but it is still taking forever. I was told it would only take 6-9 months, and at that point I still had some money saved up from all the years I had previously worked. + +I ran out of money a few months ago. I am behind on almost all my bills and rent. My water is probably going to be shut off this week. I get food stamps ($194 per month) but I struggle still for food. I have been breaking my meds in half because my state chose the basic Medicaid plan and not the enhanced one, and I can not afford my copays. I am going to run out of them soon. I can not even afford to get on the bus/subway to go to doctor appointments anymore. + +I feel like this very, very small apartment (it's just one room; no kitchen, no stove/oven, just basically a bedroom/living room/dining room all in one) has bars over the door. I have been losing the will and motivation to even step foot out of bed. + +I feel like I am in a mental prison with no chance of escape. I am scared, depressed and have anxiety attacks often. + +I just want to be happy, and not feel like I am constantly stuck in the "fight" response of "fight or flight". The stress is eating away at me. + +I just want to be happy. + +Edit- man, I did not expect this support. I should have, because this is honestly the best community on reddit, but still I am always surprised. Thank you everyone. I'm reading all the comments in time, even if I am not able to respond to them all. Thank you again. +I believe that the massive push to move away from DRS to options is a massive distraction and a possible play by the SHF to get access to our money and shares. + +How I see the situation! + +APE-sop Fable: +Imagine you are an Ape roaming the Savannah, your primal monkey mind has a deep hatred for Crocodiles. + +You find a big fucker stuck in a pool of water, and luckily, you happen to have a pump and a hose, so you start to pump out the water. Since the Crocodile can’t realistically leave the pool. His legs are too SHORT to walk in the Savannah, so it’s stuck in its position. + +You start to worry about how you will actually fight the crocodile after you drain the pool. But luckily a Hunter comes by with a massive Elephant Rifle, a Chair, and a huge cock bulging through his pants. The Hunter doesn’t say a word to you directly. But every QUARTER of an hour he give you a report showing how much water you took out of the pool. He just waits sitting in his chair, he just sits silently waiting as a CHAIR man. + +So you realize that the hunter will shoot the crocodile with his massive Elephant gun when the water is gone. Because the hunter is carefully watching how much water has been Drained(RS). + +Then a disgusting Obese Warthog comes up to you and says, “Wow, anyone who pumps water is in a cult. I have a better OPTION for you. Just go into the pool and fight the crocodile.” + +You scratch your Ape head, you ask, “Why would I do that? Why would I go into the water where the crocodile is king?” + +The Warthog snorts, “Not a Cult, Not a Cult, because it will be faster. Look how much water you have left!” + +So the Ape abandons the water pump, runs into the pool, fists raised, and is promptly eaten. + +The crocodile then gives the Warthog his small cut for tricking the Ape. And the hunter can’t shoot the Crocodile that is still underwater. + +The End + +Footnote: The Author of this story is retarded and his animal stories are not financial advise. + +Edit to Add Quote from The original Autist: + +Albert Einstein - "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." +Teacher in the US here so here is my current breakdown of my finances, i'm reading and watching and learning so much but most of the videos i've watched are focused on saving up for real estate investments (This will take me a long time on my salary) but I do enjoy teaching and don't want to leave it for a sales job (non-guaranteed incomes are not for me). + +*Breakdown* +36,000 a year = around 26k a year after retirement, insurance, taxes. +26,000 net +40% goes to living expenses; house,car,food. Utilities are included in my shared housing. +Past two months i've saved 40% of gross and it's just sitting in my banks savings account with an apy of 2% +10% goes to student loans. +10% goes to spending/entertainment (It's not a lot) +**866 to living, 866 to savings, 200~ in variances that is spent on things like gas, restaurants, cell phone bill.** + +I can't really lower my bills/car stuff so 40% of net is about all I can manage to save but at 2% it's going to take years before I see any real returns building from it. Isn't there some better use for my money than this? + +**Edit: As one poster informed me i'm actually saving 40% of my net income, not gross. Sorry for the misleading title I did not realize I was using the wrong term.** + +**Second Edit:** +I will be logging off soon (I didn't realize it was getting this late on a work night) *thank you all for the advice.* +You have given me a lot to think about and research, especially the Roth IRA/Mutual Fund/ETF there are a lot of things I just don't know about that yet. My plan is to contact a financial adviser once I see if my job as a teacher can get me free/cheaper advisement. + +** *Takeaways* ** +Look at paying off student loans first since the PSLF system can be volatile and may not truly help me where I could have paid my loans off earlier with less interest. +Create one of the above terms I don't know funds after talking with a financial adviser. +Use some savings and look into buying a house for the long term equity as I don't plan to move from my area for the majority of my life. (Save for 30-40% down payment to reduce mortgage is my plan there) +Maybe look into getting my Masters Degree for the higher income per year and chance for advancement in the education system. +Increase my emergency fund to 10-12 months if possible (seems long, but I understand having that security would be great for me.) + +I'm sure there will be even better information when I check back before work in the morning. I will do my best to read as much as I can to help make my life more successful in the long run. +I predict that the world will get fatter and fatter. How can I make money from this? + +Preferably stocks on a canadian exchange. + +Edit: only canadian stocks please +["The Big Short" Explained](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csQUNX-xnBc) + +I loved the movie The Big Short when I saw it in theaters a while ago, however, I didn't immediately understand everything that was going on. I figure a lot of people can relate to that, so I made a video explaining exactly what happened during the 2008 financial crisis and what the protagonists did amidst the housing bubble. I hope you enjoy :) + + +**What is xSpace?** + +We are a 100% community driven token with renounced ownership, we have undergone 3 Audits by TechnoRate, SecondSigma and Solidity Finance. + +At xSpace we have a team of professional developers and marketers and a growing community of over 11,000 holders on day 10. + +We're set to launch our own CryptoCurrency exchange (the xSpace Exchange) later this month with iOS and Android apps to follow. + +Our holders grow by over 1000 a day, we target sustainable organic growth for the success of our project. + +**Links:** + +Audits: [TECHRATE.ORG](https://techrate.org/) \- [http://xspace.finance/XSPACE.pdf](http://xspace.finance/XSPACE.pdf) \- [https://solidity.finance/audits/xSpace/](https://solidity.finance/audits/xSpace/) + +Charts: [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xAD90c05BC51672eEdfeE36E58b3ff1A78bbC146d](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xAD90c05BC51672eEdfeE36E58b3ff1A78bbC146d) + +BscScan: [https://bscscan.com/token/0xAD90c05BC51672eEdfeE36E58b3ff1A78bbC146d](https://bscscan.com/token/0xAD90c05BC51672eEdfeE36E58b3ff1A78bbC146d) + +PancakeSwap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xAD90c05BC51672eEdfeE36E58b3ff1A78bbC146d](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xAD90c05BC51672eEdfeE36E58b3ff1A78bbC146d) + +**Socials:** + +➡️ Website: [xSpace.finance](https://xspace.finance/) 🚀 + +➡️[https://t.me/xspaceverified](https://t.me/xspaceverified) + +➡️ [http://twitter.com/xspaceofficial](http://twitter.com/xspaceofficial) + +➡️ [reddit.com/r/xSpaceFinance](https://reddit.com/r/xSpaceFinance) +If inflation is say 3%, and the budget deficit is greater than that every year (which it has been since the very early 2000's), then wouldn't you eventually reach a point where you're spending a huge amount just to pay the debt? + +Yes I know that we can inflate our currency but if it came to that, it wouldn't be a good thing. + +I found [this article](https://www.thebalance.com/interest-on-the-national-debt-4119024) which talks about the interest on the national debt. + +>Interest rates are projected to rise above 3 percent in 2018, according to the Office of the Management and Budget. They are expected to increase to nearly 4 percent by 2020. By then, the interest on the debt will almost double, to $474 billion. It will consume almost 9.7 percent of the budget. By 2026, the interest on the debt will be $787 billion, and take up 12.2 percent of the budget. + +>That means the government will spend more on interest than on national defense by 2021. The following year, it will surpass all other discretionary spending. That's everything except the mandatory budget, which includes Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits. (Source: "The Legacy of Debt," The Wall Street Journal, February 5, 2016.) +I came across the following in an article about the US Dollar, and wanted a second opinion...what do you guys think about the validity and/or severity of the things described below? + +"As it is the WRC, other countries’ Central Banks NEED to have US dollars on their balance sheet. Thus, the US has to run persistent current account deficits in order to send out more dollars to the global system, on net, than it receives back. A major byproduct is constant large and increasing trade deficits for the WRC holder (in a fiat money system). + +This is what is known as Triffin’s dilemma: the WRC is HAS to run constant trade deficits. There are no immediate negative impacts, but in the long run this process is unsustainable, as the WRC country becomes unproductive (ever wonder why US manufacturing left) because the system forces the WRC holder to be a net importer. As world trade grows, the current account deficit/trade deficit grows, and the benefits (more goods to the US) and drawbacks (more dollars build up overseas) increase over time. Eventually the imbalance becomes so great that something snaps, just like it did for the [Pound post WWI](https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/5948/economics/uk-economy-in-the-1920s/), where policymakers chose the route of deflation in 1921, creating a Great depression for the UK long before the US ever experienced it." +Why do individuals list their used cars for more than they expect the buyer to agree to pay? + +(As is always implied: Of do they?) + +Why do they haggle, and what are the economic principles at play here? + +Why shouldn't I simply list my car for what I think it's worth? +[Here is a graph the supports the claim](https://external-preview.redd.it/8l322hm5YK4oG4JD2M5y7GQh0VsnPw_5xo1N5Dg1mDo.png?auto=webp&s=f0182c1b6b5992d5f15b876cd4312d0547dac49d). + +It seems to me (and maybe I'm wrong) that \_something\_ has to enter in the productivity gap, in order to replace the wage stagnation, otherwise a great (class?) tension would've escalated, tension that would've affect this gap. What is it that was injected into society to ensure the stability of the system? +How is the economy supposed to continually grow if there's a limited amount of resources? Won't we eventually run out of resources to feed and continually grow the economy and then it'll just stagnate and collapse? And doesnt this make capitalism inherently unsustainable? +I’m not much of a spender, I invest my spare cash in shares and funds, and keep a little back in the bank. I know the money I invest does more for the economy than the cash in the bank. If I was to spend the money instead of investing it would the economy be more stimulated/experience more growth? + +I’m not about to change my habits for the sake of the economy. There will always be spenders, investors and savers. I’m curious how the economy is affected when the balance between the three changes. +You do have an FAQ section, but it doesn't give a clear answer to this question. It mentions that women may be inclined to choose lower paying majors because of societal gender roles, however that is not necessarily sexist. When we discuss the gender gap in terms of economics, the only thing that matters is whether men and women are paid the same for the same work, social pressures to choose different careers are another topic entirely. + +So, can someone give a straightforward answer whether men and women are paid the same for the same work or not? Link studies that control for ALL factors, meaning that they compare a man and a woman who are identical in every single way except for gender. +The way I have understood it, companies can in principle keep issuing new shared ad infinitum. It's not as if they issue shares of 1% of the company and can then only sell 100 shares. Or is it? If it can keep issuing shares and dillude the % of each share (including those previously sold with a higher %), how is that legal? It seems that they are just robbing previous investors of e.g. 50% of their share value. + +Edit: maybe I have misunderstood what a share is. Is it not defined as a certain percentage ownership? If it isn't, how can an investor's part of the equity be determined, e.g. if the company liquidates? +Hello, +so, I'm trying to wrap my head around where all the money generated in the world goes, and how it all balances, but I can't figure this one out. I'm not an economics major or anything, just curious. + +I've heard two things: trickle-down economics doesn't happen, and a lot of capital is owned by the relatively few at the "top." But if workers are... sort've permanently 'underpaid', how do they buy what they've made? +I thought it would be because they can use credit, mortgage, and loans in general to fill the 'gap' in their pay cheque, but it's not like they can pay it back without *even more* money bubbling upwards... I think. + +So if it doesn't "trickle down," I just don't know what it does... And how it could ever trickle back down without literally being free anyway, and starting the whole process again? + +Confused myself even more now! I hope any of this made sense, and I thank anybody reading this for their time :) +I am trying to understand how money works and how I have read that it actually comes into existence as debt. If that is true I don't understand how countries can reduce the debt. +I'm sort of torn between CS and economics as a major in college right now so I was wondering if you guys could tell me how your life is going or what do you do for a living? + +&#x200B; + +Not sure if this totally is the right place but I'd appreciate some answers/advice. Thanks +So I was on my way back from helping a friend with something when I felt a craving for something I didn't eat in about 8 years, A lemon flavored Ice cube on a stick. I made my way to a nearby kiosk pulling out about 1.5 dollars worth of local currency (5 ILS) giving it to the seller when to my shock he brings me 3 ILS in return (90 cents). + +Now that makes no god damn sense to me. How the hell does the producer and the kiosk vender make enough money from the popsicle to justify selling it? The population of my country is about 9 millions so even assuming everybody was to buy those they will only make 5.4 millions dollars, Even less considering the manufacturing and transport costs. That's between both the kiosk seller and the manufacturer (A local company which as far as I can tell isn't a subsidiary of any major company). + +So to recap my question is how do they make money from it to justify even bothering with it? +I want to start an Econ club at my high school. Do you guys have any suggestions of how to make it more interesting or relevant for the general population. How to get more people involved? Maybe put some spin on it. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks. +This is a theory I've read about today of why Russia's blitzkrieg is not really working and they are not doing so well militarily. Crazy sounding I guess. I don't understand the situation well enough, so I want ask here about the possibility, whether this could be real. Am I just mistaken and those reserves are not usable or will they be used just to prop up the ruble? +A lot of economic research shows that immigrants have higher rates of entrepreneurship, less likely to commit crime, and higher social mobility. Does this phenomenon extend to people moving from one part of the country to another (let's say from Wyoming to California) or does it immigrant power-up only occur when migrants come from another country? +The effects of banning evictions seem pretty similar to rent control: + +1. Some tenants will be paying way below market rate +2. Less incentive for future constructions +3. Less incentive to maintain existing property with tenants paying below market rate +4. Lower supply for people willing/able to pay market rate + +Is this an accurate observation? +From my understanding, minimum wages can work in a context where labor markets are monopsonic and highly concentrated because the market power of employers can push wages below the competitive/efficient level. Minimum wage can raise the wages to where they match marginal product of labor and thus, they won’t reduce employment (and may actually increase it) + +Does that work for monopolistic product markets, too? Like if a market for a certain good or service was highly concentrated, should the government enact price controls to counteract firms’ market power and bring the prices down to competitive levels? + +Thanks! Btw, I’m 100% a beginner in economics If I said anything wrong here, please feel free to correct me! Thank you :D +I've heard a lot about instability of money demand and that the relationship between money supply and price levels broke down in the 1980s due to number of reasons. Still a lot of time I hear that quantity theory and long time money neutrality are one of the most accepted theories in economics. Which is it and what are dominant views on that in academia? +I kind of sympathize with the Austrian business cycle theory, but these austrians totally reject empirical evidence, and present their arguments as a matter of fact way, without any data to back their claims up. They believe in rabid free markets, yet the freest markets in the world, like for instance hong kong, have bigger wealth disparities between the rich and the poor, about 1 in 5 people hong kong are living in poverty, 1.37 mil below the poverty line. + +&#x200B; + +Another thing I see with Austrian economics, is that it seems to be promoted like a cult, and people like Peter Schiff, who I don't know if he really is an honest actor, or just a charlatan, looking to profit of off 'gold'. + +&#x200B; + +They also downplay the severity of how an economic collapse will play out if fed raised rates and went on a gold standard, millions of people will be severely worse off if this were to happen. + +&#x200B; + +So my question is, is austrian economics bs, and what are your quarrels, if you have any, on austrian economics. +Disclaimer: I'm just a beginner in economics. + +It's no surprise that with increasing productivity/wages/GDP (or whatever), so does increase the cost of living. For example earning minimum (or average) wage in the USA would make you rich in Eastern Europe. But it's not convenient working in the USA and spending the money in Eastern Europe (you usually spend most of your money in the same country where you earn them). + +However earning minimum (or average) wage in the USA would make me live not a very spectacular life there, just as earning minimum (or average) wage in Eastern Europe would make me live not a very spectacular life there. Simply said - although I would earn more in the USA, everything would cost more, so I could buy the same amount of things, so my quality of life would be roughly the same (how much is this assumption true?). + +So, my question is where on Earth is this rule "the most broken"? Is there some place where I can earn relatively a lot of money, but where cost of living is relatively low? + +The question came to me when I was wondering about what it might be to only work ~20 hours/week. The point is that this would earn me a lot of money in any 1st world country - but the cost of living is high there, so I couldn't live very well off that income. + +Edit: To make it simpler, the question could be rephrased: what does the (cost of living) / (average earnings) ratio depend on and how does it change across the globe? +# Remember [Citadel has no clothes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m4c0p4/citadel_has_no_clothes/) ? + +Believe it or not [u/atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/user/atobitt/) wrote his DD 9 months ago already. By then Atobitt reviewed Citadel's financial report and pointed out Citadel's amount of Liabilities with a tremendous increase yoy 12.31.2019 to 12.31.2020. + +* "Securities sold, but not yet purchased, at fair value " **$57.5 Billions** (up from 25.27b end of 2019) +* "Derivative Liabilities/Options" **$32.386 Billions** (up from 9,646b end of 2019) + +Note that this data is most probably not presentative for the entire positions of the Citadel conglomerate and lot more parameters came through other DDs since. + +https://preview.redd.it/z7nv324orh581.png?width=1675&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a15ed33e193a736cf302c2b0af54870b7e007f2 + +Well yet again Citadel's financial year ends on **December 31st 2021. That is in less than 3 weeks.** + +And they will have to publish their Annual report (Form X-17A-5) by end of February (as per previous submissions see picture). + +Don't get me wrong here, Citadel has been fined multiple times for inaccurate reporting and I don't expect it to reflect 100% of there real financial situation. + +Yet the report is supposed to be delivered by an independent organisation (PWC here), that also has its reputation on the line. So there is just so much they can hide without raising more flags. + +Taking down the price until Dec. 31st could be a necessity for them to keep kicking the can down the road. + +Final note: I understand November's FTDs are due next week and are very likely to be the reason behind this price movement (to cover at a lower entry). And most of us expect the price to rise like a phoenix (again) next week. However, I am also expecting further fuckery. + +One thing is for sure... I am very curious to see the next statements, see their liabilities but also how much AUM melted over the year. + +Source to check in 2 months ? >> [https://sec.report/CIK/0001146184](https://sec.report/CIK/0001146184) + +**EDIT1:** Apes pointed out below that the same PWC fuckers have signed Evergrande's financial statement. +# Remember [Citadel has no clothes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m4c0p4/citadel_has_no_clothes/) ? + +Believe it or not [u/atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/user/atobitt/) wrote his DD 9 months ago already. By then Atobitt reviewed Citadel's financial report and pointed out Citadel's amount of Liabilities with a tremendous increase yoy 12.31.2019 to 12.31.2020. + +* "Securities sold, but not yet purchased, at fair value " **$57.5 Billions** (up from 25.27b end of 2019) +* "Derivative Liabilities/Options" **$32.386 Billions** (up from 9,646b end of 2019) + +Note that this data is most probably not presentative for the entire positions of the Citadel conglomerate and lot more parameters came through other DDs since. + +https://preview.redd.it/z7nv324orh581.png?width=1675&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a15ed33e193a736cf302c2b0af54870b7e007f2 + +Well yet again Citadel's financial year ends on **December 31st 2021. That is in less than 3 weeks.** + +And they will have to publish their Annual report (Form X-17A-5) by end of February (as per previous submissions see picture). + +Don't get me wrong here, Citadel has been fined multiple times for inaccurate reporting and I don't expect it to reflect 100% of there real financial situation. + +Yet the report is supposed to be delivered by an independent organisation (PWC here), that also has its reputation on the line. So there is just so much they can hide without raising more flags. + +Taking down the price until Dec. 31st could be a necessity for them to keep kicking the can down the road. + +Final note: I understand November's FTDs are due next week and are very likely to be the reason behind this price movement (to cover at a lower entry). And most of us expect the price to rise like a phoenix (again) next week. However, I am also expecting further fuckery. + +One thing is for sure... I am very curious to see the next statements, see their liabilities but also how much AUM melted over the year. + +Source to check in 2 months ? >> [https://sec.report/CIK/0001146184](https://sec.report/CIK/0001146184) + +**EDIT1:** Apes pointed out below that the same PWC fuckers have signed Evergrande's financial statement. +As someone who's moved houses a significant amount of times in the past years, and is due one next month, I just wanna say this is amazing news! Budgeting for moving house reached preposterous levels with all the fees associated with it: Deposit (6 weeks rent) + Immediate fees (we've averaged 350 per tenancy) + removal cost (some of the quotes are just off the charts, the lastest we got was 600 for a 2-bed small house. This time we're hiring a minivan + gas and it's not even close to being 100 pounds) + +All in all, delightful news. More details in the article below. +https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2019/01/letting-fees-to-be-banned-from-june/ +&#x200B; + +[launch chart](https://preview.redd.it/8uckvy5epdg71.png?width=2268&format=png&auto=webp&s=68c2c49cf7307d17831b849e0044ca21a63dbde0) + +Since RC invested in GameStop, 20 trading days before GS earnings report, the stock price would rise at least 45%. I was even there to get the adrenaline rush in february when we got more than 300% gain before march 2021 earnings. Also notice how at the start of the 20-day period, we roughly start at a low that we don't see again. + +e.g during 10 Nov 2020 (19 trading days before Dec 2020 earnings), we hit a low 10.83, never to be seen again. + +Yes I know, we get a near 30% drop post earnings but so what. Every single 20-day period for the past year, we've been breaking new high's sometimes, but we haven't been making breaking new low's that is for sure... and we start to see that 20- trading days before earnings. + +Nasdaq estimates GameStop will report Q2 earnings [Sept 08, 2021.](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/earnings) Guess when the 20-day period starts before it? + +**July 41st, 2021**. AKA: August 10, 2021. + +This is not investment advice. This is something i've noticed and I would've liked to share, and maybe add some confirmation bias to 7.41. + +**TL/DR**: GME rocket's every 20-days prior to earnings report for the past year. Next 20-day period starts tomorrow August 10, 2021. +Seriously, don't fall for these pump and dumps. Only GME has the fundamentals to back it up. Do these other companies have: + +Growth? Nope. + +New management? Nope. + +New board of directors? Nope. + +Increasing revenues? Nope. + +In an expanding market? Nope. + +Have new expanding verticals? Nope. + +Digital and e-commerce ecosystem? Nope. + +ACTUALLY PROFITABLE? NOPE. + +F\*king NFT's?! Nope. + +&#x200B; + +Not going to go into numbers, but there is only one play. GME. +Good Morning Apes! + +Today should be a good one while I wasn't able to find the MM data I needed in time to see the amount of gamma exposure MM's were sitting on today, there really is no better evidence than watching it play out on the chart. + +So what do I expect today? + +[We fell short of the test at 225.20 I expect today will be different. If we can get enough momentum to break out the potential upside is pretty high. ](https://preview.redd.it/pm3olgyhtok71.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=316b147584f68ab2a71e09809910801c374c364e) + +If you want a more in-depth look at this weeks TA [check out the weekly DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pe5nhp/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_forward_looking_ta_for/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +[Exit DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogxnr/infinity_war_the_final_exit_dd_compilation/) for those that want an idea of what to expect + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +*(this post will read from top to bottom)* + +(*feel free to ask me questions below, but if you can google it yourself please use common sense)* + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (previous ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180.5, 182.5, 185, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (new ATM offering) 226, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Came down with the market near close and had a nice run to close out the day. Closing price at 218.24 put us nicely in the mid range for the expected price today, but was honestly not the amount of volume and price action I was expect leaving us trading still below that long-term trend line as we struggle to break that 225 barrier. The MM have till market open tomorrow to cover the t+2 from last Friday so I will be watching for a hard run in AH and PM. Thank you all for tuning in. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/yk90vl4i2rk71.png?width=762&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab1a87b6982dccd09c830b44adee62ecb327882e + +Edit 8 2:22 + +Pushing up through VWAP, still only 400k volume traded in the last 2 hours, I think maybe they are waiting till AH to cover t+2 due to the ETF rebalance coming in? + +https://preview.redd.it/kuo9njlakqk71.png?width=1584&format=png&auto=webp&s=33fbc8c20c8ac1aba6c319af291074bd32b14f9d + +Edit 7 1:51 + +Still consolidating in the same 3 dollar range we were 2 hours ago + +https://preview.redd.it/5i68c88veqk71.png?width=1577&format=png&auto=webp&s=35aa1f312efab44b99d2b270caa9fc03cc8081b5 + +Edit 6 12:27 + +Failed test of 222 drooping back down on low volume again + +https://preview.redd.it/ivi3avtuzpk71.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=9de33b169e7a414cab97e77c83d9db018741985e + +Edit 5 11:57 + +It is time + +https://preview.redd.it/uirx3aifupk71.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=3054fd6a3f13e06ab6002b5c01b18c3bc594a0b3 + +Edit 4 11:32 + +Little bounce off resistance after this drawn out consolidation period, might be time to start moving if we can cross VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/4xpp83m2qpk71.png?width=1589&format=png&auto=webp&s=29cdb70ef0a78ba845824da343b93308fb6b6531 + +Edit 3 10:33 + +Slow ascending channel volume is starting to pick up a bit as we approach 225.20 remember we are really looking for a break of that long term trend at 224.20. + +https://preview.redd.it/4bfbghgnfpk71.png?width=1583&format=png&auto=webp&s=900ad883d892261f8dea64b65d76fd4b7f62a6e7 + +Edit 2 10:01 + +Broke free of the resistance at 215 moving up + +https://preview.redd.it/gjc7y7pt9pk71.png?width=1593&format=png&auto=webp&s=a24756cc14dbc3091719daed0317db2f7cf1b785 + +Edit 1 9:44 + +Volume at 300k nice uptrend immediately above 215, consolidating a bit and then hopefully another push up + +https://preview.redd.it/cf0uv2jq6pk71.png?width=1592&format=png&auto=webp&s=155e112ae31d053865d7c59443beec9a56044f45 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +Consolidated from a test at 215 earlier this morning. 12.5k volume with 100k shares available to borrow. Light pre-market volume could mean a slow morning and possibly a dip at open. The market looks like it's sagging into open as well so if our volume remains low expect that to effect us today. + +[pre-market 1m](https://preview.redd.it/d6eo9ghmuok71.png?width=1584&format=png&auto=webp&s=d80a6e4d51f4464dd1f878388e3d3297936141bb) + +The signal line on the MACD just crossed over zero so theoretically we should be seeing some increased volume and volatility coming in over the next few days. + +https://preview.redd.it/xln1szmyuok71.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=71e831882a2a532d4af7de5a1b2df133e40e304c + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Is the theory that I should keep my broad based index fund in the TFSA since that will eventually gain no matter what and then save individual stocks for the non registered account? Or do I put the higher risk individual stocks in the TFSA since a potential gain outside of it would mean lots of taxes? (But also a loss would make it pointless) +SU.TO has dividends coming tomorrow, any thoughts on which way the stock will go? I’m bullish personally, could be a good time to pick up an undervalued stock +Cryptocurrency ETFs sound cool. Get some crypto exposure without having to learn all the intricacies, controlling your digital wallet, exchanges, etc. The convenience of equities like BTCC or QETH have me considering some exposure. However... + +Doesn't a Crypto ETF sort of defeat the purpose of cryptocurrency? Wasn't the point to "democratize" finance via an exotic, new financial instrument that got past the institutional powers that be until now? That regular people could hold and access anywhere? + +If we rely on big institutions to start holding large swaths of these e-tokens don't we just end up right back where we are with our current banking system? How do you think this affects both the value and use of cryptocurrencies in the future? + +I find this all really interesting and would love to hear other opinions. +How far do you think they will raise the interest rates before finally stopping? How much will house prices realistically drop as a result? Could we actually see pre-pandemic house prices again like some people believe? (Albeit with higher monthly payments than they were back then because of the rates, but it can still be good for people with cash saved that can offer fairly high downpayments) + +Someone I know who works in real estate claims 10% drop only, but they also never predicted prices would go up 50% in a matter of only two years, and it has already dropped around 10% in a lot of places since February from what I’ve heard. + +Would it be realistic to see a 700K house in Ontario go down to 400K for example? + +I asked on r/canadahousing but that sub is desperate for a major crash and probably want to convince themselves that there will be one, so I’m not sure that they are the most trustworthy when it comes to answers. +I have been looking more and more into the wheel strategy but I cannot for the life of me put my finger on why someone would roll over their contracts. Maybe I'm just not right in the head or understanding it clearly +Dataroma is a website that tracks 72 so called 'superinvestors' to see what they've been up to. Every quarter it takes every 13F filing for each investor and compiles a list of the top 10 stocks that so called 'smart money' is currently buying. These investors are some of the biggest and most influential investors in the world today including: Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Bill Gates, Seth Klarman , Bill Ackman, Carl Icahn, Michael Burry, etc. + +The number #1 ranked stock that big investors have bought this last quarter is [Alibaba](https://i.imgur.com/MxzqV4N.png). It is ranked past Google, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and so many other companies. Thought this was interesting so I wanted to share. + +[Source](https://www.dataroma.com/m/g/portfolio_b.php?q=q&o=c) +so as the title states, I can't find anything online about this exact question, it's kind of a noob question but I never really found an explanation between the two.... anyone know??? +hi, im 17 and i want to learn how to trade properly. + +although i dont have a strat, i couldnt keep my hands off the pc and started trading crypto with just the help of trading view, volume indicator and fib retracement, having decent returns( the best day i got 40 dollars with a "capital" of 600 dollars. + +are books only the way of learning how to trade or are there any sites or videos i should watch ? + +thanks in advance +Hi everyone + +I've dabbled in the past and just thinking probably won't get this opportunity to buy at such a discount for a while. So... + +Would you reccomend buying some individual shares right now, if so which? + +Or should I just pump a bit more into my vanguard index fund? I'm in the all share 100% equity I think it's called. + +Any help much appreciated. + +Cheers +Matt +I got a BS liberal arts degree and currently work as a web developer but my long term goal is to trade full time. I am definitely going to pursue a degree and I am split between economics, applied math, and statistics. Which program would help me more with trading? Is there another major that would help me more? +Is anyone actually earning enough from swing trading to treat it as a job? + +If so, what is your "effective salary"? + +I'm making a fairly high wage as a software developer, and I've always been interested in the stock market. I was thinking about trying out swing trading for a year, but I'm not sure that anyone actually makes enough doing this full-time. +I have HL account and happy with support response speed but very disappointed in fees and the fact you can not short a stock there. + +The image of brokers comparison is from Trading 212, so might be totally off, however, the HL comparison is true facts. + +My current requirements: + +* ISA support +* Stocks coverage, not that interested in funds. +* Fees. +* Being able to short. + +In effect, Trading212 looks great. + +If you have Trading212 account: + +* how much do you gold there? +* what are your activities? +* how is the support? + +If you did not choose Trading212, why? And what broker are you using? +I was just surfing through the internet and I can across 2 journals regarding day trading. The end line was u can lose 100% of ur money trading everyday and 95% of people fail most time. It's almost gambling + +But then I come across Timothy Sykes , Steven dux making million day trading. + +Does day trading acctually work( only based on technical analysis) or are they simply fraud? + +By the way I'm just a beginner I don't know anyshit about the market or managing risks +Guys, I'm trying to learn investing and trading in stock market, but all I've found is technical analysis courses and personally I don't believe in this type of analysis as much as fundamental analysis, I think it is more based on facts, my point is I feel like I'm lost I don't know where should I start learning stock trading or investing I really love this and I see myself in it, but can't find the correct resources, like strategies and what to do when, stuff like that but please make it free as much as possible, youtube channels or something +Hello to everybody, I'm a newbie in trading and I'm still learning. +I know it's a silly question but I never undersood it. + +If I start investing an amount of money I know I can lose all the money that I've invested before (investing €1'000, losing €1'000), but I've never understand if, after that, I can go in negative. I mean, if I lose all the money with a wrong investment, it can happen the count goes down? That my count become negative and lose other money? + +Thanks for the patience, the attention and sorry for English mistakes +If you're reading this for the first time, **it is** ***crucial you make it through the post..or at least the TLDR before considering the weight of the following novel discovery listed within the post.*** + +If you have assessed the post before and are back for a tit slapping update. **Simply find the edit at the bottom of the post regarding Finestone**. **A direct statement which my dumbass somehow missed...** + +***Directly tieing into the entirety of Phase IV of The Glass Castle - New Game +*** + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the\_glass\_castle\_new\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the_glass_castle_new_game/) + +For those who come here and desire to complain about a re-post. You may not have read my previous work and my resilience to suppression and bs. If you have an argument to make, be sure you can **back that shit up. Word alone will not validate your reasoning. Facts on the other hand?** **Well, now you've got my** **undivided** **attention.** + +If I have learned one thing from that massive drop over the weekend, it's the fact that there are ***thousands of other apes out there*****, who deserve to see what this post contains and judge the material for themselves.** + +If you think I'm in this for any kind of spotlight or placement on a pedestal. You're mistaken. I'll be back in the shadows once my goal is complete. Just as last time. That spot is reserved for **the truth**, and the **truth I have fuckin delivered. Backed with even** ***further substantiating evidence and credibility from the top Gamestop personnel.*** + +So, for those on the wrong side of this stock that find themselves taking the time out of their day to pester those on an online form based on baseless accusations in an attempt to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt...**just remember - The only truth,** ***is the one you get away with.*** +There are a lot of headlines about increasing defaults on car loans. This problem is way overstated and isn't going to cause a financial meltdown like the subprime crisis of the great recession. + +[https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2019/02/auto-loans-are-not-the-next-subprime/](https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2019/02/auto-loans-are-not-the-next-subprime/) +It has been 1 year now since fully adopting the FI mindset. I've always been somewhat frugal, but this year I took my expenses very seriously, often deciding to forgo altogether. I did all I could to cut large expenses and tried to convince my GF to see the value in cutting some of her large expenses. The result: ~65% savings rate... meaning we could potentially retire in ~10 years. + +**My situation:** + +- 24 and living with my GF + +- I earn $66k per year and work remotely + +- GF earns $62k per year and works in office + +- Our combined expenses last year were $37k + +- $20k combined NW (-60k in student loans and 80k in investments) + +- Savings rate is ~65% after taxes + +**What I've learned (in no particular order):** + +**1.) Size of house/apartment matters a lot!** I feel fortunate to have realized this early in life. Smaller spaces come with many benefits. They are cheaper. They cost less to maintain and heat. There is less space for "stuff", which increases your rationalizing ability when contemplating an unnecessary purchases. We rent an 800 sqft apartment at $1000 a month ($500 each), saving ~$700 per month compared to peers in the area. And when we were looking at houses to buy, it's amazing what great deals exist if you are willing to buy in the 500 - 750sqft range. We see houses in good areas at $85k, with PITI costs of $500 a month. The way I see it, you can buy a shed for $3k, and throw your extra crap in there. My parents in NJ pay $900 a month in property tax and insurance alone (and that's excluding maintenance on a 1800sqft house). Completely unnecessary. + +**2.) Sharing a car isn't bad!** Made the decision to get rid of one car this year, saving me $720 a year in car insurance. Throughout the whole year, only about 2 or 3 times where I really wanted a car. As it turns out, most places I go, I go with my GF. And when I want to go out the the casino (I am a poker player), she's already home from work, no longer needing the car. Uber ride 3 times a year if needed is much cheaper. + +**3.) Cooking your own food!** I know everyone says you gotta stop eating out, but this is so true. I started making meal preps on Sundays. One of my favorites being broccoli, quinoa, and chicken (make 10 of them - provides lunch for both of us during the work week), and this is what really helped me stop eating out. Having one meal planned in advance makes figuring out the dinner meal not so daunting. + +**4.) Camp on your vacations!** First time camping this year, and it was a blast. I found that sleeping underneath the stars for $20 a night is a great way to avoid the disappointment of a $100 hotel that you only use for 8 hours of sleep. We bought a $30 queen air mattress to make this sufficiently comfortable. + +**5.) Limit yourself to 1 or 2 drinks at a bar!** Social obligations may require you to go out sometimes, but you don't need to rack up a $50 tab and hangover to have fun. + +**6.) Schedule your week in advance!** I get ready for work / work from 7AM - 6PM most days. I started scheduling 6-7, 7-8, 8-9, and 9-10PM with activities, and I find myself more productive and less prone to boredom. I often spend unnecessary money when I'm bored, so this has helped me out tremendously. It also has helped me achieve things I've been meaning to do for years. When you block off an hour to work on business, read a book, or sign up for weekend volunteering (or whatever you do), it's amazing how much quicker things get done. + +**7.) Embrace your inexpensive hobbies!** On the hippy side of the spectrum, I've done much more hiking, exercising, growing plants, borrowing library books, and cooking. I've also been recording more music, working with wood, attending free local events / meetups, and volunteering in house construction. Compared to last year, I would've done much more expensive things like jet-ski rentals, ATV riding, local dinner cruises, and traveling across the ocean just to partake in some poorly researched agenda involving tourist traps and expensive food. + +**8.) Track your expenses!** You may think you spend $X in $Y category, but you don't know until you see it for yourself. After a year, you'll start seeing how one-time expenses affect what you thought you spend (most of us underestimate our expenses). I do an expense reconciliation once a month. For fun, I also calculate how much progress I made towards retirement (usually 0.5% - 1%) per month. + +I know this post may come off as overly frugal, but I did experience luxury in many other ways. Here are some of the things I've accumulated: $800 king sized mattress, $300 worth of music recording equipment, $900 of domestic flights, $900 laptop, $500 squat rack with weights and bench, $500 worth of clothes, $800 of dining out (looking to cut this next year), and there is a lot more when you consider $10 - $100 purchases not worth mentioning. + +My main takeaway from the year is that resisting temptation to spend has provided me with great sense of freedom and hope for my future. Many services and items that I used to purchase had a low (value added) / ($ spent ratio). I felt disappointed with almost every purchase I made, always thinking "yeah, it's ok, but not worth the money". + +This year, my investment account provided me with $5k in returns, and I've only been contributing to it for 2 years now. Can feel the snowball starting to grow and it's exciting! Granted, student loans are still a large burden on life, but they're gonna be gone in two years. + +I would love to hear any other tips the community has for making progress in FIRE, without disproportionately sacrificing quality of life. +Tesla's valuation is probably one of the most hotly debated topics in the stock market these past few years. Tesla is certainly richly valued, and sentiments like "Tesla has a higher market cap than all other automakers combined" or "Tesla has decades of growth priced in" are very prevalent, especially on this sub. + +That said, I noticed a trend where - although lots of different people are saying this and people defending Tesla's market cap are often downvoted - the people who make this argument never use any numbers to back up their claims. So I figured it might be nice to have an objective look at Tesla's trends and projections, run the numbers, and see how richly valued Tesla really is. + +**For those who don't like reading, I will now explain how I got to my numbers. If you don't like reading, skip straight to "The Numbers"** + +---------------------------- + +**The method** + +While trailing P/E numbers are generally quite meaningless for companies that are growing as fast as Tesla, we can extrapolate their current growth to determine what their trailing P/E would be in the next couple of years should their market cap not rise any further. Although their market cap has risen slightly higher, let's use a market cap of $1T to determine if Tesla really deserves to be a trillion dollar company. + +-------------------------------- + +**The trends** + +In terms of revenue (LTM), Tesla has grown from $28,176M at the end of Q3 2020 to $46,848M at the end of Q3 2021. A 66% growth YoY. + +In terms of operating margin, Tesla has grown from 9.2% in Q3 2020 to 14.6% in Q3 2021. + +In terms of net income (LTM), Tesla has grown from $556M after Q3 2020 to $3,468M after Q3 2021. A 524% growth YoY. + +--------------------------------- + +**The future** + +Obviously Tesla won't be able to maintain such a high growth rate. The net income figure is heavily distorted by their low profitability in 2020, and their margins may suffer somewhat as they start to ramp up the two new factories that they are building. + +That said, these two new factories are each larger than their two current factories combined and are much more efficiently spaced. Additionally, they will be using new technologies like the front and rear underbody gigacasting which should increase margins by quite a bit. On top of that, the percentage of sales that are Model 3's (their cheapest car) will decline as they scale up Model Y at these new factories and reintroduce the refreshed Model S and X, so ASPs should increase. + +In terms of future sales, Tesla produced 237,823 cars in Q3. Annualized that gives a current run rate of 950,000 cars. Tesla has announced that they will scale up both their existing factories and start to ramp up both new factories by end of this year. Giga Shanghai ramped up with 300,000 units per year, so assuming Giga Texas and Berlin will ramp up with at least an equal amount, they should be doing 600,000 in 2022, 1,200,000 in 2023 and 1,800,000 in 2024. + +---------------------------- + +**The numbers** + +Putting all of the information from the previous section together, I have create a worst and a best case scenario for Tesla's numbers through 2024. In the worst case I assume there are significant unforeseen setbacks that cause them to fall short of those numbers, in the best case I expect them to meet or even slightly exceed them. This brings us to the following projection: + +**Sales** + +||Worst Case|Best Case| +:--|:--|:--| +|**2022**|1,400,000|1,700,000| +|**2023**|2,000,000|2,700,000| +|**2024**|2,600,000|3,300,000| + +**ASP** + +While I mentioned ASPs will likely increase, I have chosen to keep them the same as in Q3 2022 at $50,000 because it's too difficult to predict. This should make sure the final numbers remain conservative. + +**Revenue** + +||Worst Case|Best Case| +:--|:--|:--| +|**2022**|$70B|$85B| +|**2023**|$100B|$135B| +|**2024**|$130B|$165B| + +**Operating Margin** + +Because of the mix of positive and negative effects on margins while ramping up the two factories, I will keep margins the same in 2022 and restart the increasing trend from 2023. + +||Worst Case|Best Case| +:--|:--|:--| +|**2022**|14%|14%| +|**2023**|15%|18%| +|**2024**|16%|20%| + +**Net Income** + +Multiplying the total revenue by the operating margin gives us the following Net Income: + +||Worst Case|Best Case| +:--|:--|:--| +|**2022**|$9,8B|$11,9B| +|**2023**|$15,0B|$24,3B| +|**2024**|$20,8B|$33,0B| + +**P/E** + +Dividing our $1T market cap by the projected net income gives us the following trailing P/E values should the stock stay flat around this market cap: + +||Worst Case|Best Case| +:--|:--|:--| +|**2022**|102|84| +|**2023**|67|41| +|**2024**|48|30| + +--------------------------- + +**The conclusion** + +Should Tesla trade flat at around a $1T market cap and they continue on their current trajectory, they will be trading at a trailing P/E of between 30 and 48 by the end of 2024. Depending on which scenario plays out (best or worst case) and what you think is a fair valuation for a company growing revenue and margins as quickly as Tesla is, the stock has between 1 and 3 years of growth priced in. + +So to conclude, the popular sentiment that "Tesla has decades of growth priced in" is false. + +**Important side note** + +For simplicity sake I have only looked at Tesla's automotive business, as it makes up the vast majority of their revenue and almost all of their Net Income as of this writing. Obviously all of Tesla's future business models, most notably energy and software (FSD and Autobidder), deserve to be taken into account when assigning a valuation to the company. But to avoid "FSD doesn't exist" and "energy is a scam" kind of comments, I have left these out of the analysis entirely. + +**TL;DR: Based on Tesla's current trends, they have between 1 and 2 years of growth priced in when looking purely at their automotive sales.** +Just made 100 from instacart. Was feeling good about it until my bank charged me 3 overdraft fees in one freaking day and now I’m at negative 120 dollars. So now after depositing my instacart money I will be at negative 20 dollars so it was worthless. Just so frustrated because no matter what I do I will always be behind. +According to the SEC filing, here are a couple of high-profile AMD insider selling for the past couple days: + +1. Lisa Su (CEO): sold $11.8M worth of AMD stock in Aug 11, and sold $4.1M in Aug 9. +2. KUMAR DEVINDER (CFO): sold $5M in Aug 11, and sold $1.2M in Aug 9. +3. Bergman Rick (EVP): $1.9M in Aug 9. +4. Papermaster Mark D (CTO): sold $1.25M in Aug 9. +5. GRASBY PAUL DARREN (SVP & CSO): sold $1.2M in Aug 9. +6. Norrod Forrest Eugene (SVP): $934k in Aug 9 +7. WOLIN HARRY A (SVP): sold $698k in Aug 9. +8. SMITH DARLA M (CAO): sold $332k in Aug 9. + +That is a total of $28.4M in 2 days, which is a lot of profit-taking for a short amount of time. + +Will this trend continue as AMD price keeps hitting ATH? Quite possible. This means that more volatility is coming for AMD, which we have already seen recently with all these crazy swings. So don't YOLO/FOMO into AMD because of all the hype. + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/49f15975-70b0-49c9-a85a-ea5d2dc14f88](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/49f15975-70b0-49c9-a85a-ea5d2dc14f88) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/572d89de-329a-4466-9027-65725fccc22a](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/572d89de-329a-4466-9027-65725fccc22a) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/6449bc36-d2a3-4fa3-9f38-003706cb70a1](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/6449bc36-d2a3-4fa3-9f38-003706cb70a1) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/b341320a-68c9-434b-90dc-23245f02019b](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/b341320a-68c9-434b-90dc-23245f02019b) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/78a953ed-a5fd-4d8e-8fd9-d2f5231422f3](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/78a953ed-a5fd-4d8e-8fd9-d2f5231422f3) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/5f00e965-9dfc-4d91-9e9d-126de44f9b3f](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/5f00e965-9dfc-4d91-9e9d-126de44f9b3f) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/ef8a16fb-47df-46f7-9104-2737c6fc9759](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/ef8a16fb-47df-46f7-9104-2737c6fc9759) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/0c09d44f-18e4-4156-9eb4-ad160ddf07f8](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/0c09d44f-18e4-4156-9eb4-ad160ddf07f8) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/16e9086c-16df-455e-b294-190480e226e4](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/16e9086c-16df-455e-b294-190480e226e4) + +[https://ir.amd.com/static-files/295ad44a-ac23-4d6a-b88d-ecd701bdc5db](https://ir.amd.com/static-files/295ad44a-ac23-4d6a-b88d-ecd701bdc5db) +I had asked this on other engineering subs some months ago and decided to ask here for perspective. Apologies if not appropriate and understood if it get's taken down. I ask because this sub seems to have a lot of intelligent and highly driven type folks who still get burnt out in their fiends. + +To the point: How many senior folks here have semi-retired and have found "fulfilling" part-time gigs related to their field? How do you deal with "inadequacy" in terms of not wanting to keep progressing in your career and doing tasks that someone 10-15 years less experience than you can do? + +I've been in general tech industry for years now and am Senior level, but never quite pushed up to Principal/Director. Despite being a competitive person, I honestly never had the desire, as usually those levels require a managerial track or involve corporate politics which I abhor. Also while I'm technically competent, I'm not "that" good to where I'd be moving industry or filing patents every year, and I've bounced between specialties to be more general purpose. I've been working towards FIRE and my investments have been doing very well to the point where I'm contemplating quitting after have hitting my number. I don't need to make or save as much money anymore. I'm pretty burnt out. + +It's hard to "coast" in my current role. I feel like I need to support my team, and doing a half ass job wouldn't be fair to them as I'm Senior, so I continue to give it my all and my ego kinda drives me. Ideally, I'd like to work 6 months a year, taking summer and fall off. And I'd like to just keep coding and doing low level technical work as I'd still enjoy it for the problem solving aspect. I want to be free from the pressures of feeling the need of "doing more" outside my scope, naturally work past 40 hours a week, think of work problems constantly, etc. + +In terms of contracting, not appealing. Mostly because the work contractors get in my field is pretty brain dead and they get treated like shit. Understandable as why would a company give "contractors" the most stimulating work when it should rightfully go to the full time employees? Jumping in and out every 6 months as well takes too much time to also ramp up on the architectural aspects of how stuff has evolved for a project/program. + +In terms of consulting, that sounds so sexy like "freelancing" but jesus, have no idea what this would entail for me. Why anyone would pay to listen to what I have to say in terms of how to do their project? + +Still mulling over approaching my current employer with this kinda 6 month deal, as I know of no one else doing something similar in the entire company (think tech overlord level). It wouldn't be as simple as say "halve my base salary" as there are benefits and perks to consider. +So I called this morning to get my Fidelity shares completely DRS’d. The guy I talked to was really kind and honestly one of the biggest bummers about this whole thing is I’m going to miss their customer service, they really were the best of the best imo. Anyways the call went like this: + +Me: “hey good morning!” + +Fidelity: “Hi good morning I see you’re calling about stock certificates. I’m assuming you want to DRS all of your GameStop shares?” + +Me: “You must have done a ton of these calls, yep that’s exactly what I’d like to do thank you. Have people been registering all their shares lately?” + +Fidelity: “Just about every call yep. I’m going to put you on hold while I confirm everything.” (5 minutes later) “Alright you’re all set is there anything else I can help with?” + +Me: “No just have a good weekend and happy holidays” + +So yeah, you apes are calling in troves getting ALL of your shares DRS’d. I’m so proud of you all! +As I'm sure many of you guys know, the buffet indicator takes the total market cap of U.S. stocks and divides it by the U.S.'s GDP. this ratio is usually around 50-100%. However, currently, it's showing as over 200%. With the only other times, the ratio being even close to this high being in 2008 and 2000. Should we be worried about a huge drop here soon with the market being so overvalued? +Hi all, I’m sorry I’m not sure if this is the right sub but any pointers would be appreciated. + +My 76y/o father has been in a nursing home due to his cognitive decline since April this year. I have been appointed his adult guardian in February. +He has no savings, no superannuation, no assets and only a small unit in his name with a $40k mortgage still owing. (Unit is absolutely disgusting, previous termite problem hasn’t been cleaned properly in years. I had no idea how bad it was until attempting to clean it. It’s going to cost at least $30k to fix it up to sell.) + +His nursing home costs $112 per day, in total it’s an extra $12k a year more than his pension. That’s not including his medications and other daily expenses, on top of all the expenses for his unit. (Rates, mortgage, body corp). + +I am by no means wealthy and am on maternity leave myself right now. I can’t afford to keep paying for him and everything else he asks me for. Centrelink are absolutely no help when I call and I’m worried constantly how I will come up with the funds each month. + +Has anyone been in a similar situation? + [https://business.financialpost.com/telecom/canadian-wireless-operators-spend-3-5b-in-5g-spectrum-auction-rogers-buys-most-as-bell-sits-out](https://business.financialpost.com/telecom/canadian-wireless-operators-spend-3-5b-in-5g-spectrum-auction-rogers-buys-most-as-bell-sits-out) + +&#x200B; + +does this make Rogers the clear-cut favorite in the telecom sector at this point? +Any one care to share their opinion? + +I believe it will be something related with improvement of sustainability, just don't know witch sector specifically. +My cat started vomiting up blood for no reason, and I had to take her to the pet ER. I only had 10 dollars to my name, and had to paper hand two shares to pay for her treatment. My credit cards are maxed, and I had no other choice. But she’s been with me for five years, and I’d paper hand another share if I had to for her. + +But still, 20 million dollar ER trip, holy moly. Lol + +Edit: Thank you everyone for all the love and positivity you’ve all been spreading, It really helps, I love my kitty, and she just turned five years old so she’s still so young!! +Her blood test came back and was unfortunately riddled with bad news, but as for now, she’s happily chasing her toys and seems to be feeling much much better. Her urinalysis is Friday at 11am, hopefully that comes back healthy and happy.. +Thanks to everyone for your concern! +(Her name is Katarina, I just thought that calling her Kat for short was hilarious) + +Edit 2: Urinalysis came back totally clean! Looks like there were no problems there and she’s good to go! Doing another blood test in two/three weeks, but for now, happy and healthy + +Edit 3: 5/27: she’s been having a really bad cough/wheezing fit every couple days since the shots a while ago, x-ray for her tomorrow at 4pm, fingers crossed she’s okay + +Edit 4: 5/28 her cough is an infection, one week of antibiotics and she’s good to go! +My PM placed a tenant at my house in August. In November, the tenant made a partial payment in lieu of rent. However, my PM told me that all calls to the tenant to speak to them are automatically going to voicemail. Given that the tenant paid most of the rent, I told them to just monitor it going forward. + +Fast forward to February. The tenant has now made partial payments 4 months in a row (random amounts each time) and my PM continues to be unable to reach them. I was told for this month that the tenant sent a friend into the PMs office to make a payment on their behalf. My PM gave the friend a business card and told them to tell the tenant to call. They have not done that. + +The rent is $830/month. As of now their balance is around $650 but continues to rise every month (and this is with me instructing my PM to waive late fees after the first one we hit them with, in an attempt to help the tenant get caught up on their balance). My PM has also not heard from this tenant since placing. The lease is up in August. + +It’s not like they’re not paying at all, but I feel I’ve given all the grace that I can without being taken advantage of. I’m thinking of telling the PM to give them one more shot for March to either make a full payment and contact us about the balance or else to post the 30 day notice to vacate on their door. What would you do? Any better ideas? +I am working towards fatFIRE. And getting more eager for it each year. Probably 2-4 years away. + +I am a D1 and my wife is L5 and both at FANG companies. I'm 45 y/o and she is 33. + +I am just getting a solid amount of equity each year. Probably around $200k per quarter vesting for me. + +I mostly sell each quarter and move it over to REI. +Bought a lot of SFR (single family rentals) . Bought a multi fam. Lots of oil and gas. Lots of syndications. Not so much on vanguard index funds yet. I mostly am focused on passive income from real estate. + +My strategy is focused on only buying stable real estate that spit off cashflow each month. When the monthly passive gets to our target then I can safely remove my W-2 and retire. So I don't have a WR in my strategy. And I know is different than most in this sub. Im not against it and may bring some of that in soon. +But regardless, we have same end goal of FIRE. + +As much as I want to fatFIRE in the next few years, it's so hard to walk away from the high W-2 income ($1.3m for last year). + +I am curious how others mentally let this go because these RSUs will never stop. They give annual refreshes. I have to eventually once I'm ready to retire early, just having a hard time with it now. + +And I do recognize that the majority of this capital is not supporting my expenses right now but rather building up cashflowing assets. So removing that extra capital when I am done building those assets in theory shouldn't impact my families lifestyle. + + +**All these charts has one thing in common, they are all "Meme Stocks" from Jan. last year. As you can see, they all have a large price move up at pretty much the same time this afternoon. It has to be FTD covering. WSJ's article is just a cover up, stop dreaming about MOASS is tomorrow! Wallstreet is desperate to survive at this point, this battle is far from over. HOLD, HODL, DRS, is the only way!!** + +https://preview.redd.it/owqxumnj17a81.png?width=1474&format=png&auto=webp&s=118840f95fe44c03661c334f54c4c5930399049e + +https://preview.redd.it/dc1kpmnj17a81.png?width=1486&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a5e56211ac85e2a529fb4a2330acbf4629865b0 + +https://preview.redd.it/hnr4vnnj17a81.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=be743e93e205732f8a8682a45f2f86daacc0f742 + +https://preview.redd.it/89ivtpnj17a81.png?width=1374&format=png&auto=webp&s=24f5a3878488b54a1ed6f679bdbd2b3775a6189d + +https://preview.redd.it/3l97epnj17a81.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc5303a5a6c640d351d343ddad09d8db47408056 + +https://preview.redd.it/cqjx0rnj17a81.png?width=1418&format=png&auto=webp&s=a199409d340d3dd913dfa3e4d5f060039b283f2f + +https://preview.redd.it/iwwpzrnj17a81.png?width=1466&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d6cb45ae9fa61b7d1e315e447487daf790c3e77 +New gem call: +Ticker: $EQMT + +EQUUS PROTOCOL + +Circulating supply: 70M + +Market cap at time of writing $500K + +Exchange Uniswap, Liquidity is locked: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xa462d0E6Bb788c7807B1B1C96992CE1f7069E195 +Equus Protocol is a decentralized project, with an ecosystem comprised of EQUUS token and Equus Governance Token (EGT). EQUUS token is a decentralized ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum Network. Equus rewards long term stakers/miners with high interest rates and the power to vote on what direction the project takes with our EGT token. Our vision goes hand-inhand with the DeFi movement with a trust-less staking ecosystem, meaning that nobody is in control of your finances, our smart contracts do all the work and you decide when you want to mine the Equus Governance Token or not. Equus is not only about providing high interest rates, one of our main goals is building a selfaware community who understands how important it is to have long term investments, whilst having a huge impact on the outcome of the project. EGT (Equus Governance Token) is our ERC777 mintable token which we have created as the main reward for staking your Equus. EGT will give you access to the governance platform where you are able to vote on the direction of Equus Protocal, making us completely decentralised. In the future we plan on expanding the Equus/EGT whole ecosystem as the possibilities are endless on what we can achieve. One example is the possibility of creating our own decentralized exchange (DEX) where a token within our ecosystem can be used to refund +Website: https://equus.dev/ +Whitepaper: https://equus.dev/litepaper.pdf +Telegram: t.me/equus_protocol +So my mom died in September and I've been neglected by my family (except my brother up north, the guy drives 50 miles to see me every week and he works 6 days per/w). So basically I'm still living in my moms house and nobody even talks to me, only that brother. My dad is financially, physically and emotionally abusive. I can deal with his tantrums but he charged at me and hit me the other day and messed up my hand when I went to block it. + +He's had a million chances to stop this behaviour and he's taken advantage of every one and left me to deal with the damage he's caused. And he's been claiming child support off me, quite literally profiting off abuse, and I don't see a single penny of it obviously. + +I was wondering if I as the child can cancel the child benefit? And maybe transfer it to my brother if he wants? My dad is my legal guardian but he doesn't even talk to me let alone live and provide for me. Is this possible? +I have heard this statement from many people, usually people claiming to be chinese themself. Can someone explain to me what they mean by this statement? "The chinese economy is a lie." +In February I went to Aspen Dental for a checkup. It had been a while so I expected some things to need attention. After the initial consult they put together an itemized estimate that was around $1900. I prepaid $750. The rest was supposed to be covered by insurance. Today I got a bill from them showing: + +- 1900 original amount +- 200 paid by ins (WTH?!) +- 500 ins discount (Double wth?!) +- 750 prepaid by me +- 420 in “insurance does not provide benefit” + +My first reaction is that I was given a bad faith estimate. Nothing has changed about my insurance so I see no reason for this code to suddenly appear as not covered. + +I called their billing line and left a message. + +Can this be right? Can they just change the price after I already prepaid my part and accepted service? +I've had this package of security envelopes - you know the kind you would use to mail a check so people can't see your identity - for almost exactly 10 years. Today, when mailing in some tax forms I used the last one. It is a weirdly nostalgic moment for me. At the time that I bought the envelopes I was just graduating from graduate school. I kept a close tab on my finances, but because I spent so little (grocery budget was $20/week) and because I wasn't terribly comfortable with excel - I did it all on paper and pencil. I was planning a wedding, job searching, and just barely starting to pay my first bills. Ten years ago I mailed out more of my bills because I didn't yet have a system established. I remember splurging on the 125 pack, which was far more expense than the 20 pack - b/c the per envelope price was so much better and I didn't want to be penny wise/pound foolish. It was actually a sacrifice in my weekly budget though, and I remember feeling so protective of the envelopes. Now, my budgeting is so much more sophisticated, I have an established replacement cycle so that we have enough in savings to cover everything that will eventually break. We have a year's worth of expenses saved for an emergency. We have our retirement contributions maxed. 3 years ago, right after we moved to a bigger house and had a baby - my husband got laid off. It took him 6 months to find work and we were fine the entire time. Yes, our income has improved substantially - but I also attribute a lot of where we are now to steadily saving and to ensuring that the money we are spending really reflects our values. Using the last envelope was a weird opportunity to reflect on how far my husband and I have come. I guess this post doesn't have much of a point, except maybe as a bit of inspiration to those for whom FI/RE seems so unobtainable. Savings, no matter how small, really do add up and make a difference. +Hello Apes! + +Another ape and I had it in mind to post something like this, so here we are! Not just Ape no fight Ape, Ape Help Ape. WAGMI. + +I’m just acting as the messenger, hopefully I can make everyone's day better as well. No one has to be struggling or feel alone. + +-- + +Hello all, so this has been getting a good reception and helping people in many ways, and I'm just so happy for that. Last one got buried a bit so I thought I'd try again as it seems to really be good for alot of people. Is everyone holding up okay? I know there's alot happening right now in the world, also with GME hype edging us all! + + Anyone need food or essentials? Please reach out to the community and speak up! No shame. Many here can help make sure that you and your loved ones are good. There is no reason anyone should be without. Ive seen so many comments of people in tough times, it just absolutely pains me to see this. I don't know how to even do this. I'm sure we can find a way in keeping this responsible and anonymous. Anonymous is the word, no one is asking for anyone to be doxed here. + +No one should be without. We're all family here. Even if this helps a few people then it's worth it. + +If you need help, if you're struggling, please ask. We are all a collective community, and there's no shame in seeking support if you need it. Also you don't need to be in the same area, hopefully you can find someone/people to help! Cheers everyone 🍻. + +And for the critics, not everyone who's struggling is over leveraged. Alot can change in a year, and you just never know what people are truly going through. A little compassion never hurts 😄. + +Use your gut and ape help ape! WAGMI. And remember, 🩳🏴‍☠️☠️! + +🇺🇦 +Crypto holding are highly concentration in the wallets of the very few. Specifically, +The top 0.01% of holders own 27% of all bitcoins. This is much more concentrated than the overall US wealth where the top 1% own 1/3 of all wealth. + +https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/bitcoin-cryptocurrency-wealth-one-percent/ + +So, moreover, 55 percent of all crypto holders bought this year alone. So, why would you buy Bitcoin today and hence, drive up pricing, when this truly helps the very few at the top. This seems like a clever scheme by the very Bitcoin rich to get other people to buy into a view of bitcoins store of value. Since the wealth is concentrated in the elite and adoption spiked this year, it implies newer buyers have very little chance of attaining same returns as before. So, the people at the top (think saylor…others) are incentivized to keep pumping Bitcoin and creating fomo because they need others to buy into their vision or they are stuck with less valuable “assets”. +I would like to understand why people are buying now given this dynamic. +To be precise I went to a certain hospital in the Cali because of my aching shoulder and feels like I dislocated it in a game of hitting balls(baseball). Back to the story went to this certain hospital wanted to be checked just to make sure nothing serious. Fill out certain papers, pointed to emergency room because they can't accomodate me the usual way because I'm not a resident here in the US of A. Waited for a while in the lobby then called out to talk to doctor(prolly intern) and told me they can't do anthing bout it exept that I can take some medication for pain or I can further consult a physician/therapist. She also provided me some list of centers if I want to go for theraphy then after that I got out and I also asked them how much was the visit. The one in the lobby ask for $10 then said to me it was a joke adding out that nothing needs to be paid here. Fast forward two months afterwards(this morning) I received a letter from the hospital with the bill statement from the hospital amounting $4620 called the hospital bout this and was told that it was the billed for the visit I've done two months ago and they told me it was the flat rate of going to the emegency room regardless of doing something or nothing, I said just what the, but they advise me to go back to apply for some sort of medical aid to lower the bill. Anyway I'm asking if just how f*** I am and will it affect my parents in anyway if I decides not to pay it? Forgot to mention that I didn't purchase any insurance or some sort here. +The markets are down, this wsb stuff is crazy, hedge funds will have to unload billions of dollars in positions to get out of their shorts, isn't there the possibility of a large correction / market crash? +I know Canadian banks have CDIC, and IIROC members have CIPF to protect depositor/investor's fund. + +What about ETF issuer? I guess maybe the ETF issuer like Vanguard, Blackrock use custodians. But what if the custodians go under? +I’m having a hard time seeing SCR’s 2.32B Market Cap justified. There are just too many unknowns. + +First, the bill passing is no guarantee. Yes it is likely, so the ~$2.80 share price made sense, but the current price implies certainty and market domination which makes no sense. If the bill gets delayed, or rejected, the share price could plummet. Legalization could even still take several months to come into effect, providing another opportunity for the price to drop. + +Second, who’s to say SCR will even get a significant part of the Canadian market share? Yes theScore is a Canadian company and will have some brand recognition, and already has a well-used Mobile Sports app but DraftKings will surely enter the market, FanDuel, Barstool sports book, etc. These companies have a lot more cash and a lot more power. theScore is also a popular app south of the border but the betting app has not seen the same success. Why were they not able to take more of the market share from DraftKings, FanDuel, BetMGM down there? + +Third, I know Ontario has said they will welcome the private market, but will the other provinces do the same? Gambling licenses are under provincial jurisdiction and I think some (maybe BC, Quebec) would try to do state-run sports betting. This to me is another question mark. + +Just curious what you SCR holders have as your price target / justification for still holding at these very high speculative prices. Full disclosure : I owned SCR from about $1.40 until $2.70 when I sold because I couldn’t understand the valuation and there were too many question marks. In retrospect, I wish I just sold my original stake and let the gains ride but too late 🤷🏼‍♂️ + +EDIT: one fourth point I forgot to mention is what does this bill mean for offshore books like Bet365, etc? Canadians today can legally bet on Bet365, Sports Interaction, Bet99, Bodog, etc. The sports books just can’t TAKE them in Canada. These companies promote on TSN/Sportsnet all the time too and avid sports watchers like myself are obviously very aware of them and many use their services. Will the new legislation outlaw these books? Or couldn’t they just adapt and take bets in Canada once the legislation passes? Why isn’t the new sports book Bet99 a billion dollar company? It’s got people like GSP and Matt Barnaby backing it and is advertised on TSN all the time. (they do have shitty odds though...) +Hello friends! More posts about the ["price anomalies" today](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvszia/anomalies_cracked/) (thank you [u/Gdott](https://www.reddit.com/user/Gdott/)!) and the debate on whether this was GLITCH OR NO GLITCH?? irritated me enough that I built a time and sales analysis spreadsheet. + +[death by acronyms. popular exchanges and what they do.](https://preview.redd.it/vooe3fytaou61.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca446273e02b781d1f13e69a96108d9dcb098dae) + +The time and sales data is directly exported out of fidelity trader pro, and I have checked to make sure this was no error in saving. There's WAYYYY more weird stuff going on than just this, but it will take a full post to go through everything. For now, I've loaded all time and sales data from 4/21 market hours, and started by searching for any trades that executed **OVER** ~~$0.50~~ $0.05 (ape need sleep) outside the bid-ask window. + +[this many data points total](https://preview.redd.it/yejocr55cou61.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e61204098f56b03e9a63cb461ed5b513e1209f2) + +[how many are this far outside the bid-ask range?](https://preview.redd.it/scenkigkbou61.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=e20812f3b271f7f2097d49b1a44740c773f6debb) + +[880 holy fuck](https://preview.redd.it/tcr1l85mcou61.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=993ca090451d3b1f3bbd9409f2d17502d6d6f130) + +Okay let's look for really fucked up shit. $5 bucks outside the bid-ask. + +https://preview.redd.it/mkotuf0tcou61.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=58e1d72b4b5a5b5d25df3d41b1f99042057297f2 + +[Still not zero?](https://preview.redd.it/7n016lc8dou61.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=35fa30e4432d5ef7b010a93111e00e55d0261429) + +So I found the buggers in the data so I could show all my friends pretty pictures of shit-I-don't-undertand-how-is-possible- + +https://preview.redd.it/uadfkpjpdou61.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf8918b5988fea5319e139d6d29826cb51a602f3 + +https://preview.redd.it/697m0k4tdou61.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a65b9cd4d2798e0c8e3c1afd5310a7ef1fd600f + +https://preview.redd.it/lq8ogotwdou61.png?width=1269&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dc5739ce0503775287f6feae1964d3369f0f8d2 + +https://preview.redd.it/3thm22t0eou61.png?width=1262&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ac8ff62f2668b806f8480fa06f3c0c6429ec4d1 + +https://preview.redd.it/vt6t14s3eou61.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=517d6b267c95cf00508fd9311ea765eaac12e66c + +https://preview.redd.it/ngo4j186eou61.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=14a777b17fb1c9aae16a9780a1788dc1dc033e75 + +https://preview.redd.it/5ir0v0laeou61.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=049031c461a37872a00f8c8fa19a9821937f27f8 + +https://preview.redd.it/1kvmlf3eeou61.png?width=1286&format=png&auto=webp&s=1775adf3a1778842942181e9588dbd302f628b8f + +https://preview.redd.it/rwbb09aieou61.png?width=1266&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3845e733077c54e8dcc963432aaf5cd86443a3a + +And then there was this shit? + +[just fucking how](https://preview.redd.it/korvd29peou61.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=89e44268b271b64c9fadb942f1438973ea136de7) + +[NOTHING TO SEE HERE](https://preview.redd.it/ccr0oqtteou61.png?width=1282&format=png&auto=webp&s=a310f1e855685b8499dd810a11a6b98669364d62) + +And THERE'S YOUR PROOF..... that I'm probably going insane. TILL NEXT TIME- 💎🙌🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +The podcast gets 200M+ listens a month, and that doesn’t even count YouTube views on clips/full episodes. Spotify is going to see a huge boost in users, have to assume some will enjoy the app and be interested in having their podcasts/music in the same place. Currently trading @ 176.45. How big of an impact can it have? I think it could be huge, I’ll be downloading it again even though I have Apple Music. + +UPDATE: It closed @ 174.90 from day traders capitalizing on the news. Still up 8% on the day though. Buy the dip? + + +Another Note since there’s confusion below: You do not have to have Spotify premium to listen, you just need an account, and you can listen for free. However, having Premium will remove all advertisements, which are usually very lengthy on his show. Also: Joe says he still has 100% creative control, it is a licensing agreement. He is not censored in any way. +**\*\* CONTRACT LAUNCHING TOMORROW (29/06/21) \*\*** + +The first token to introduce Dynamic Tax Protocol. + +&#x200B; + +The **BIGGEST** reward pool of any token. + +&#x200B; + +iBNB is the first **Dynamic DeFi token** that adjusts tax rates to sustain and rejuvenate supply pools, building upon existing transaction tax systems used by a large number of existing DeFi tokens. We do this by introducing a revolutionary new mechanic: Dynamic Tax Protocol. + +&#x200B; + +iBNB is the first DeFi token to employ **not one, not two, but THREE** individual mechanisms to fill the **reward pool**. This will be by far, the **biggest reward pool generating token of any token out there**. + +&#x200B; + +**⚖️The first DeFi token to introduce the Dynamic Tax Protocol (DTP) ⚖️** + +As a fully dynamic token, DTP will always aim to prioritise 9.9% of the transaction tax to the reward pool. DTP will ensure there is a healthy supply of liquidity to perform trades, such that it can readjust and guarantee the maximum amount of tax directed towards the reward pool. + + + +**📊Whales? Who cares.... Bots? So what! 📊** + +iBNB is the first token to introduce scaling tax brackets for large sells. Big dumpers or bots who try to manipulate the price will be taxed at much higher rates thanks to our scaling tax. Any sell of more than 0.1% of the total iBNB supply token will be rejected REJECTED. 🚫 + +&#x200B; + +**🤲 Giving back to the community never felt so good! 🤲** + +iBNB is the first token to introduce Reward Contributions. A portion of all large reward claims are returned back to the reward pool. Not only does this ensure you can continue to claim a consistent amount of rewards every day, but the whole community also benefits from a healthy reward pool. Remember, all claims over 0.25 BNB are subject to scaling contributions where the more you claim, the more you CONTRIBUTE. + +&#x200B; + +**🔥 Burn baby, burn!🔥** + +0.1% of all transactions are continuously burnt for good! Poof, gone... less supply, more demand 📈 + +&#x200B; + +**🤝 I like buy backs and I cannot lie 🤝** + +The marketing wallet will receive BNB reward claims. We will use these claims to automatically buy back tokens whenever necessary! If there is a lot of unused BNB in the marketing wallet, we will just chuck it in the reward pool! More rewards for everyone! + +&#x200B; + +**🔩Unrenounced contract so we can ensure market stability 🔩** + +The iBNB team has kept ownership of the smart contract. This is so we can update tax %, tax brackets, DTP liquidity swap %, DTP Reward swap %, and more! This is done so that we can ensure the token remains in a healthy state, always! + +&#x200B; + +**👨‍👩‍👦‍👦For the community!👨‍👩‍👦‍👦** + +iBNB is here for you. Any major changes to the tokenomics which come about from the adjustments listed above will be put forward to the community and voted on. This is to ensure trust between the iBNB team and community remains solid. Without you guys, we are nothing! + +&#x200B; + +**📜Smart Contract:** [https://bscscan.com/address/0x830F7A104a3dF30879D526031D57DAa44BF85686#code](https://bscscan.com/address/0x830F7A104a3dF30879D526031D57DAa44BF85686#code) + +&#x200B; + +**🖥Website:** [ibnb.finance](https://ibnb.finance) + +&#x200B; + +**📃Whitepaper:** [bnb-finance.gitbook.io/ibnb-whitepaper/](https://bnb-finance.gitbook.io/ibnb-whitepaper/) + +&#x200B; + +🔒**LP will be Locked for years**. Even our grand kids won't be able to touch it! + +&#x200B; + +🙋‍♂️Team is **Fully Doxxed** (check website) 🙋‍♂️ + +&#x200B; + +Join socials to keep informed! + +&#x200B; + +**Telegram:** [t.me/iBNBfinance](https://t.me/iBNBfinance) + +&#x200B; + +**Twitter:** [twitter.com/iBNBfinance](https://twitter.com/iBNBfinance) + +&#x200B; + +**Discord:** [discord.gg/ibnb](https://discord.gg/ibnb) +Insurance company will only pay for 60 percent because it was " not handled as an emergency" even though she went to the emergency room. Other wise they would pay eighty percent. What should we do to pay the least possible? +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The intensity of FUD is rising dramatically, which jacks my tits nearly as dramatically. +On the heels of incredibly dry volume and generally stagnant price changes, FTX suddenly imploded out of nowhere. +There were *many* institutions that were impacted directly by that event, but likely even more that aren't yet known. +On the heels of that event, nearly every major crypto exchange is in a desperate bid for survival. +This, of course, is against the backdrop of continued high inflation, rising interest rates, and concern that the worst of the downturn is still ahead. +We are going to start to see the institutions failing. + +Just as suddenly, the media cannot stop talking about Carl Icahn shorting GME at the peak of the Sneeze while maintaining silence on RC's weekend interview. +The GameStop iOS wallet is off to an incredible start, putting users in control of their digital assets in their own wallet. +GameStop's digital transition is off to an amazing start at a time when the crypto industry titans are falling. +I could not be more excited to HODL GME than right now. + +The US markets will be closed tomorrow, but German exchanges will be open. +I will be updating for the full German market session. + +Today is Wednesday, November 23rd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$25.96 / 25,27 €** *(volume: 1039)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $25.94 / 25,25 € *(volume: 1039)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $25.94 / 25,25 € *(volume: 1036)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $25.94 / 25,25 € *(volume: 1036)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $25.93 / 25,24 € *(volume: 756)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $25.93 / 25,24 € *(volume: 756)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $26.05 / 25,36 € *(volume: 756)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $26.05 / 25,36 € *(volume: 668)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $26.05 / 25,36 € *(volume: 264)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $26.05 / 25,36 € *(volume: 264)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $26.05 / 25,36 € *(volume: 264)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $25.87 / 25,18 € *(volume: 264)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $25.97 / 25,27 € *(volume: 264)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $25.97 / 25,27 € *(volume: 229)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $25.97 / 25,27 € *(volume: 227)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $25.97 / 25,28 € *(volume: 227)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $25.97 / 25,28 € *(volume: 227)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $25.97 / 25,27 € *(volume: 154)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $25.96 / 25,27 € *(volume: 105)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $25.94 / 25,25 € *(volume: 92)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $25.94 / 25,24 € *(volume: 92)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $25.94 / 25,25 € *(volume: 92)* +- ⬜ 10 minutes in: $25.96 / 25,27 € *(volume: 91)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $25.96 / 25,27 € *(volume: 91)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $25.96 / 25,27 € *(volume: 21)* +- 🟩 US close price: $26.30 / 25,60 € *($26.15 / 25,45 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0274. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +We have all heard it! -- “Time in the market beats timing the market” + +At the same time, we are all to some extent guilty of trying to time the market. The market always seems to break some new all-time high records, so we wait for the inevitable crash/pullback to invest. It’s high time we put both strategies to test. Basically, what I wanted to analyze was + +**Whether waiting for a crash to invest is a better investment strategy than staying invested?** + +**Analysis** + +For this, let’s take someone who started investing approximately 3 decades back (1993 to be exact). I created multiple investment scenarios as follows to understand the difference in returns if you + +a. Invested at the exact right time when markets were lowest that particular year + +b. Was extremely unlucky and just invested at the peak every year + +c. Did not care about timing the market and invested at a random date every year + +d. Just hoarded his cash and waited for a market crash to invest \[1\]   + +For analysis simplicity, let’s assume that you were on a conservative side, never picked individual stocks, and always made your investments to S&P500 \[2\]. For investment amount, consider that you started with investing $10K in 1993 and increased your investments by 5% for every subsequent year. So, you made a total investment of $623K over the last 29 years.   + +**Results** + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/ng4vmop1g5771.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ec5b766b99d8ad4fdca8f55d229f087bf4c2d8b) + +The analysis did throw up some interesting results. There’s a lot to unpack here and let’s break it down by each segment. + +The most important insight is that **it’s virtually impossible to lose money over the long term in the market \[3\]**. Even if you were the unluckiest person and invested exactly at the very top each year, you will still end up having a 263% return on your invested amount. + +At the opposite end of the spectrum, if you were somehow the luckiest person and invested only at the lowest point every year, you would have made a cool 100% more than someone who invested only at the top. Given both the hypothetical scenarios are extreme cases, let’s consider some more realistic scenarios.       + +If you did not care about timing the market and invested a fixed amount each month/year, you would still make a shade over 300% on your investments. + +Out of all the above scenarios, you would have made the most amount of money (a whopping 391% return) if you invested only during major crashes. In this type of investing, you would not invest in the stock market and keeps accumulating your cash position waiting for a crash. + +While this seems like a good idea, in theory, it’s extremely difficult to execute properly in real life. The main limitations to investing during a crash strategy are + +a. The current returns are calculated by investing at the very bottom of the crashes. It’s very difficult to identify the bottom of the crash while a crash is happening. You can end up investing midway through the crash and given that you are investing a significant chunk of capital you saved up, it can end up wiping out your portfolio. + +b. Identifying a crash itself is very hard + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/6itqq273g5771.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ec154f4892c6522d84357d7358fbeaa99c835b2) + +As we can see from the above chart, the years that we consider were great for the market in hindsight still had significant drops within the same year. So even when the market is down 10%, it becomes extremely difficult to know whether it’s going into a deeper crash or whether it’s going to bounce back up. + +**Conclusion** + +While the analysis did prove that waiting for the crash is theoretically the best strategy returns-wise, practically it’s very difficult to execute it. + +For e.g., even if you predicted the 2020 Coronavirus crash correctly, where would be your entry point? The market was down 15% by Mar 6th, another 10% by Mar 13th, and then another 10% by March 20th for a total of 35%. If you did not get in at the absolute bottom, you would have lost a considerable sum of your investment without actually getting any benefits from the previous run-up.    + +It is extremely enticing to be the guy who called the crash correctly and even if you are right, only getting in at the absolute bottom would only give you the best returns. Adding to this, in the last 20 years, 70% of the best days in the market happened within 14 days of the worst ones \[4\]. If you miss just any of those days waiting for an entry point, your returns would be substantially lower than someone who just stayed invested. + +If you think you are in the select few who have the skills to identify a crash and the temperament to see the crash through to invest at the very bottom, you will make an absolute killing in the market! For the rest of us, continuous investment regardless of the market trends seems to be the better choice. + +*Data used in the analysis:* [*here*](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LT3qazGZXHT3qnnBS7oWAZU8n8DH1gv-JsCixN2mdPM/edit?usp=sharing) + +**Footnotes** + +\[1\] I have considered the [following crashes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_stock_market_crashes_and_bear_markets) for the analysis: Dotcom crash (2000), Sep 11 (2001), market downturn 2002, Housing market crash (2008), 2011 stock market fall, 2015–16 stock market selloff, 2018 crypto crash, Corona Virus crash (2020) + +\[2\] The data for the adjusted close for S&P 500 from 1993 to 2021 was obtained from [Yahoo Finance API](https://rapidapi.com/blog/how-to-use-the-yahoo-finance-api/). The main reason for only going back till 1993 is that Yahoo Finance had only data till 1993.   + +\[3\] There was an interesting study done by Blackrock that proved the same as shown in the chart below + +https://preview.redd.it/l7io9d67g5771.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=c59747d33453e4ee704958d0d4894a386924634b + + \[4\] 70% of the best days in the market happened within 14 days of the worst ones (Source: JP Morgan) + +https://preview.redd.it/y9y9tvc8g5771.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b5fa0d18a5d4a366196cba60f59025968488ce4 + + *Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor* +I've been investing a long time and I saw today people complaining about a certain stock that was said to go up 300% went down 20%..lol..Why do you think companies are penny stocks? It's not because they are the next Amazon I'll tell you that. The truth is before the mob shows up they are probably the price they should be based on assets, capital, business model, etc... I just want everyone to be clear what's going on here. These are not companies you are catching before greatness, these are orchestrated pump and dumps. That said you can make plenty money playing that game. So here is my suggestion to help the newer folk. Set a stop loss, know when to walk away, don't think you found the next big thing, be safe. + +You've got to know when to hold em.. Know when to fold em.. Know when to walk away.. Know when to run.. +I opened a trading account a couple months back with my bank. I want to open an account with Questrade due to the lack of fees with ETFs. I'm rather new to this and I'd just want to know how would the limits for TFSA work for multiple brokers. + +Thanks 😊 + + +CALGARY — There are early signs that generalist institutional investors are returning to the oil and gas sector, though some in the business question whether an investor influx will hurt returns. + +Oil and gas exploration and production equities are expected to be among the most in-demand stocks over the next three months, according to a recent poll of institutional shareholders by Toronto-based Brendan Wood International, which regularly polls 2,000 global institutional investors managing over $51 trillion. + +The firm’s most recent survey on Aug. 24 showed forestry products, followed by oil and gas exploration, were the top two stock categories investors planned to buy in the coming months, in what investors, oil executives and analysts say could signal a return of generalist investors to the energy industry after a years-long sell off. + +“There are so many investment professionals out there performing analysis on energy companies, our role is to quantify the resultant investor demand for the stock and why,” said Jordan Novak, partner with Brendan Wood International. + +“After all the fundamental analysis on a company, the investor is still sitting in front of the screen with a buy, hold or sell option. A final factor, namely the strength of demand, often tips investor commitment to own a company,” Novak said. + +The firm’s survey showed that 10 per cent more institutional shareholders planned to buy into the oil and gas exploration sector over the next 90 days. Notably, the survey respondents indicated they were also planning to sell off integrated oil and gas companies over the same period. + +Brendan Wood International includes four Canadian names among the top 10 most in-demand exploration and production companies: ARC Resources Ltd., Parex Resources Inc., PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. and Tourmaline Oil Corp. + +Some of the smaller names in the sector are also generating generalist investor interest after years in which those investors shunned the oil and gas sector for other lower emissions industries, including renewable utilities and the tech sector. + +“It’s nowhere near where you would expect given the superior financial performance of these companies,” said Brian Schmidt, president and CEO of Calgary-based Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd., adding that some generalist investors have bought back into his company’s stock in recent equity raises. + +The volume of oil and gas shares traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange fell from a peak of just over 19 billion in 2016 to 14.4 billion on average over the next three years, before picking up again to 18.9 billion last year as rock-bottom prices provided an opportunity for investors, TMX Group data shows. The number of trades had also fallen to a 10-year low of 31.56 million in 2017, compared to a peak of 48.2 million in 2014. + +The annual value of shares traded, which easily averaged more than $200 billion in the first half of the decade, had plunged to $159 billion in 2020. The S&P Capped Energy Index has jumped 39 per cent year-to-date, nearly twice the growth of the main composite index. + +But the first half of 2021 has seen strong trading in oil and gas stocks, with more than 9.5 billion shares traded during the period, and value of shares traded exceeding $111 billion. The number of trades, however, remain below the 10-year trend, suggesting many mainstream investors continue to sit on the sidelines. + +Schmidt said he believes generalists will come back when companies can demonstrate they have a clean balance sheet and an ability to generate a lot of cash that will be paid out either in the form of dividends or share buybacks. + + +“I think next year, we’re going to be about $500 million in cash flow and it’s only going to take about $180 million to keep production flat,” Schmidt said, adding that he’s signalling to investors that the company could implement a dividend beginning in 2022. + +Tamarack Valley shares are up 94 per cent so far this year to $2.44 per share on the Toronto Stock Exchange. + +Schmidt said, though, there is a downside to a large number of investors piling back into the oil and gas industry. + +“What exactly is in our best interest?” Schmidt asked, adding that a massive influx of generalist investors into the sector may be good for equity prices but could inflate asset prices, inflate costs and reduce returns. “What happens, when equity gets pounded in here, is then the returns go down. Guys start paying too much for stuff. I have never seen the kinds of returns and potential that I see right now in this sector.” + +Interest from generalist investors may not be necessary for a longer-term rally in energy stocks, said Eric Nuttall, senior portfolio manager at NinePoint Partners in Toronto, who now runs the largest energy-focused fund in the country. + +If energy companies commit to utilizing their own cash flows to buying back their stock, and retail investors continue buying into the sector, Nuttall believes the energy sector can continue to rally even without the mainstream investors piling back into oil and gas stocks. + +“The average free cash flow yield right now is 34 per cent. Commit at least half to return of capital,” Nuttall said, adding that he’s urging energy companies to either buy back their own shares or boost dividends to the point where returns are “meaningful enough and bold enough to wake (generalists) from their comma and their apathy.” + +He said that oil companies have returned capital this year to creditors in the form of aggressively paying down debt. He expects the major theme for 2022 in the energy sector will be return of capital to shareholders. + +“The opportunity cost of not being involved in this sector needs to be high,” he said. + +The Brendan Wood International report, as well as purchases by mutual funds, could be an early indication that generalist investors are beginning to buy into the sector ahead of dividend increases and larger share re-purchases, said Jeremy McCrea, director of oil and gas equity research at Raymond James. + +“Six years of a bear market is a lot to convince guys this isn’t a short term trade here,” McCrea said, noting that Canadian energy stocks have undergone a prolonged bear market since the oil price crash of 2014. + +“Over the last six years, it was just negative headline event, pipeline event, new regulation over and over – now it’s almost the reversal,” McCrea said, adding the dynamic is forcing some portfolio managers that were underweight oil and gas to boost their holdings because “they don’t want to be underperforming benchmarks.” + +Canaccord Genuity Capital Market analysts Martin Roberge and Guillaume Arseneau say they are overweight on the energy sector and willing to ride thevolatility despite “our view of a pending correction.” + +“Both the Canadian and U.S. energy sectors are now deeply oversold, opening the door for a relief rally this fall,” the analysts said. “Combining oversold and undervaluation conditions, we believe the risk–reward ratio is increasingly tiltedin favour of a tradable rally for energy stocks.” + +https://financialpost.com/commodities/energy/oil-gas/general-investors-had-shunned-pure-oil-and-gas-stocks-now-they-are-poised-to-return-as-a-six-year-bear-market-ends +I've been with Questrade ever since I started investing but lately was wondering if the higher fees at different brokerages may be worth it? + +Ie. a better platform, news, research, etc. stuff along those lines. + +I don't know if it's just because I've been with Questrade for so long that I'm getting bored of it, but I've heard that something like TDDI has a way nicer platform and more things available for investors in terms of setting goals, research, news. + +Anyone have any experience on if it makes sense to switch from Questrade to somewhere else? +Those of you who are pursuing FatFIRE, what is your income progression over time? How has that helped your NW grow over time? How has your career progressed as your income went up? +Came across a house that was a deal a week or two ago. Showed it to my daughter and her husband, they wanted to go in on it with me. It would have been a rental. + +Just wondering about other people's experience and feelings on this. + +More info: she will be the executor of my estate when I pass, so she would have control of whatever happened to the property in the end anyway. I feel we would need to have some sort of an understanding or agreement, maybe not legally binding, but something we both sit down and write and sign. It would include how we expect the division of the profits to happen, and what would happen if we came to an impass about the property. Anything I'm missing? +I see a ton of people here and in my community that started with a small amount of cash and have been hyper levering up lately, banking on the extreme annual appreciation in the real estate market so it’s got me worried. + +For simplicity, debt ratio = debts/assets + +I always thought 40% was the line you don’t want to cross and I try to hover around 30% since I’m small time. + +I’m curious what kind of risk other more seasoned real estate investors consider healthy or comfortable. +Looking at a potential deal and what a second set of eyes on the deal. Townhouse in a decent area. Needs paint, flooring, appliances, and a hot water heater. Unit next to it is renting for $950. According to rentometer and zillow their estimate is 1,000-1,100. Assuming I should shoot for higher and can back down if needed. + +&#x200B; + +[https://imgur.com/8myIi10](https://imgur.com/8myIi10) +My wife and I entered a contract in April 2020 to purchase our first home, a 2 bedroom with an office 1,660 sqft condo, for $275k. Due to some constraints with the HOA, the bank required us to have over 20% down on the unit. I know someone will ask and the issue was a single entity owned more than 20% of the units in the HOA and since we weren’t buying the unit from the single entity, we had to get a non-conforming loan which ended up being a 5/5 ARM at 3.625%. We were finally able to close on the unit in April 2021 with 25% down so our loan amount ended up being around $206k. + +Since signing the contract in April 2020, our unit has appreciated to around $400k. We live in a city about an hour from Seattle and the market has been booming as people in the tech space are rapidly switching to a work from home lifestyle. I make good money (>$300k per year) as I own my own consulting business and work from home also. This unit was part of our “5 year” plan, but with a 6-month old, that plan may get shortened to 2-3 years. So we’ll be looking for a SFH for ourselves in the next year or so. We don’t have any other debt besides the mortgage and have about $200k in the bank as “liquid savings”. + +I want to do a cash out refi and use the cash to purchase our first rental with cash and then refi that unit rolling the cash into a second unit. We plan to keep the current condo as an investment property when we move to a single family home. + +Good plan or not? Additionally, I can’t find any properties locally where I love the numbers. What are your thoughts about looking out of state? +For the last year I have been trying to wholesale as form of income. I have been slow to start but have gotten some deals done but not nearly enough to be viable. + +I just feel like spending thousands of dollars and hours to find a needle in the haystack to sell at what investors need to buy for is not a good business plan. I know others are successful at it but I haven't been able to. + +Im also, to be honest, kind of tired of talking to homeowners and trying to explain to them why their house isn't worth as much as they think it is. + +I want to be in real estate. I want to invest in real estate. I do not want to be an agent or broker. What other options do I have in the REI space that will generate income for me so that I can then go and purchase cash flowing properties +Feeling quite sad at the moment, my boss surprised me with the fact that i will be made redundant in less than a months time. He said it’s due to business finances which is funny as I’ve spent the past month helping a couple of new hires how things work, little did I know I was helping my replacements. It took me quite awhile to find this job and now I’m back at square 1. What should I do money wise whilst applying for another job? Benefits? What would I be entitled to? Also, do I have a case against them that they’re lying about business being down when they’ve hired 4 new people? +The senator: + +\-Has blocked the crypto-amendment because he wants a 50 BILLION dollars additional U.S. military funding because it would currently be "underfounded" with money + +\-Has never ever talked about crypto before this + +\-Was never educated about crypto + +\-Retires next year + +\-Is a 87 years old dinosaur + +&#x200B; + +Additional fun fact: he has voted against nuclear arms reduction treaties and seems to be heavily sponsored by big banks and somewhat by the defense/arms industry +Seeing everyone's reactions to today's GameStop hearing gave me pause to wonder... Maybe the focus on Payment for order flow (PFOF) has been a case of carefully controlling the conversation away from the real issue on purpose. + +We know the real issue around GME is abusive shorting. It was abusively shorted, and available evidence says it continues to be. (No data supports that anyone covered. The only information provided as evidence has been 1. an anonymous source saying they covered in late Jan/early feb & 2. self reported short positions & 3. KenG saying they closed their positions in GME) + +What if this entire hearing is designed to try and control the public narrative away from the topic of shorting. They might be doing the magicians trick of waving their left hand in front of your face so that they can take action with their right hand. + +If they are trying to minimize the crater when this goes off, then they certainly wouldn't want it coming out in a hearing that Yes, GME continues to have a short interest of XXX% and it WILL explode. (causing everyone and their cat to immediately pile back in). It would make much more sense to redirect now, and Oh surprise, Hold another hearing focused on abusive short selling after the market meltdown, as a distraction from the real issue of overleverage, rehypothecation and abusive market makers + +These hearings seem to occur AFTER the fact of the thing they are discussing. + +PFOF was an issue that has now been exposed, Lets hold an ineffective hearing about this thing that has ALREADY had an impact. + +Abusive short selling. That fuse has been lit, but the explosion hasn't occurred. Why draw attention to it now in the hearing? + +After the upcoming market meltdown, I'm sure a hearing will occur focusing on the wrong thing again. Always putting Focus on the wrong topics as a distraction from the real currently impacting issues. +Hi folks, + +Can someone tell me if it's possible to find the owner of a house that's listed for sale? + +I've been looking at listings as I'm hoping to buy soon, but I'm suspecting that REAs are involved in some really shady tactics. + +A house was listed for sale at the start of the week and I saw it within the hour of the advert going up. I called the real estate three times this week, each time being told the agent was unavailable to take my call and would call me back but I never heard from them. I also submitted the inspection form online and heard nothing from that either. + +Today I called them again to be told the house has gone under contract. + +The agent didn't hold a single inspection. It's pretty clear to me that they're dodging calls to prevent the public from enquiring about houses, presumably to allow the house to be sold to someone they've made an arrangement with. + +Are sellers being told no other offers are coming through? Do sellers even know there are people trying to enquire about their houses and being ignored? Is there some way to find out who the owner of a house is so that next time I may contact them directly if I feel an agent is dodging calls? +Fairly recent to being high NW (currently at higher end of 7 figures). I'm aiming to diversify from the public markets, but am struggling to get access to private deal flow. + +I don't have friends who run in such circles and so far have struggled to find much. How do those of you with similar NW find private deals (private equity, hedge funds, real estate funds)? + +I've spoken to a couple of private wealth managers and asked about their deal flow, but on top of the standard \~1% AUM fee, the deals they presented to me were only offered via a single purpose LLC vehicle, which also layered on significant fees. + +I've read some comments about private banks offering such deal flow. If true, which banks? Anywhere else I should be looking? +I just read [this article in Financial Advisor magazine](https://www.fa-mag.com/news/choosing-the-highest--safe--withdrawal-rate-at-retirement-57731.html?section=40) by Bill Bengen and he shows that it is often possible to have a much higher SWR than the 4.5% he originally advocated (see [this AMA with Bengen on the FinancialIndependence sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/6vazih/im_bill_bengen_and_i_first_proposed_the_4_safe/) for his explanation as to why it's 4.5%). + +One note of importance to this sub is that for early retirees such as ourselves the SWR is typically reduced a bit (Bengen also explains this in the AMA). It's usually reduced because the original study was only concerned with a typical 30 year retirement. + +Here on FatFire I think we have the potential to grow our portfolio significantly over the lifetime of retirement leading to a much higher value at the end which is one of the criticisms of the 4.5% rule. "The '4.5% rule' has sometimes been criticized for “leaving too much on the table.” In other words, the retiree was left in many cases with so much wealth at the end of retirement that the withdrawals could clearly have begun at a much higher rate." + +So how am I using this information to be conservative? I'm not entirely sure yet but it seems reasonable to start with a 4% SWR but each year (or every couple of years or every five years) to compare it to my expected returns and then increase or leave the 4% alone. + +What's your take? +Possibly a stupid question: can quants track your trades using your trader-id (or whatever is the equivalent identifier a broker uses to execute your trades)? + +Everyone says "find a strategy and stick to it". Well hypothetically speaking, what stops an ML algo-bot from figuring out your pattern using your trader-id, then dynamically executing counter-trades to flush out your exit limit-orders? + +I know this sounds paranoid but if I was a quant that's seems like a sure-bet strategy I would use (basically the equivalent of peaking at someones' cards in a poker table). +Just wanted to share some compensation data in the quant trading + quant research spaces: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rx8oeu7ohfl81.png?width=2136&format=png&auto=webp&s=19fc4c54162ef010225c282a2f69cefc46bd459f + +https://preview.redd.it/nk6urw7ohfl81.png?width=2150&format=png&auto=webp&s=f83713f82812b8de2b80b5e486580b8369531a4a + +The individual entries can be found at: + +[https://payscale.finance/#/salaries/Quantitative-Trading/5](https://payscale.finance/#/salaries/Quantitative-Trading/5) + +[https://payscale.finance/#/salaries/Quantitative-Research/6](https://payscale.finance/#/salaries/Quantitative-Research/6) +From Google Trends: https://i.imgur.com/k3ynHV2.png + +Since late 2021, NFTs have been on a steep downward trend. I decided to do some quick research after watching the general sentiment here on reddit turn from "crazy optimistic" to "pariah." Sometimes, that's just "group think," and the truth lies in the marketplace. In this case, what we're looking at is actual search demand. This would include searches by non-buyers who were just learning about the term for the first time, seeking greater understanding of the concept, yet rather than finding that info and jumping into the pool, the data would suggest that most are disinterested in further participation at that point. + +My assessment of the cause could be open to interpretation. The data shows however, that NFTs are in no way gaining in popularity overall. +**People commented that a better title was needed, so here is the better title minus the karma for me this time.** + +David Marcus, president of EBay Inc.'s PayPal unit was on Bloomberg today where he said: + +> And I think here, for us at PayPapl, it's just a question of whether Bitcoin will make its way to PayPal's funding instrument or not, and we're kind of thinking about it right now. + +Here are the links to [the original post](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1d078f/paypal_sees_20_billion_in_mobile_transactions/) and to [the video](http://www.bloomberg.com/video/paypal-sees-20-billion-in-mobile-transactions-WlokACTBRterdjHAJGNB6w.html). + +**[Update:]** + +A lot of people are really missing the *big picture* here! If PayPal accepts Bitcoin as a funding instrument, it will open up the flood gates for spending Bitcoin and it will have numerous other benefits: + +* **You will be able to spend your bitcoins on eBay!!!** +* **People from all those countries currently not supported by PayPal can now fund their PayPal accounts with Bitcoin!** +* PayPal provides consumer protection! +* Merchants will get Bitcoin payment processing directly from PayPal! +* They may even be a sort of "proxy exchange" where the average Joe can buy Bitcoins with money from their credit card or bank account. + +Talk about groundbreaking!!! + +**[Update 2:]** Sorry for the error in the title, the guy is the President of PayPal not the Director. +https://www.livemint.com/Money/jwQ5qmleh8oGfPuZWiYzBN/Paytm-to-enter-mutual-fund-industry-with-a-new-app.html + +Summary - Separate app, only direct plans, all top fund houses + +This could be a game changer. +Hi, + +I have been looking at Nestle India stocks as a long term investment. As a premium stock and zero debt stock, it looks as good investment and I’m thinking of investing using Dollar cost averaging. But a lot of are saying that Nestle overpriced and overvalued? + +What is the right way to evaluate and invest in nestle? P/E ratio is higher compared to the industry’s average P/E ratio. Any thoughts and analysis will be much appreciated. Thanks! +Apologies if this query is getting repeated, idea is to get the latest and greatest resources which get posted at rapid pace to various audio and video platforms these days +With amazing bull runs come the fear of a bubble where nobody likes to be trapped. Let's dive into the 16th century where the first sign of speculation leads to a bubble. + +The story begins in 1539 where a botany professor from Vienna brought a collection of plants from Turkey and planned to sell them. A thief stoled the tulip bulbs and sold them at a lower price. With time Tulip gained popularity and with increasing demand prices were hiked and Tulip became expensive. Flowers were observed to have different stripe patterns and with varieties came speculation. People started buying extra-large stockpiles to predict the rise in price. Every one imagined that the passion for tulips would last forever. + +Everybody was tempted to join and buy tulips and earn profits. It was highly valued that people started selling their land, jewels, or their personal belongings to buy tulips which made prices touch astronomical levels. + +[Price Chart (Tulip Bulb)](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e6/11/58/e611587a5f8836d38b8853f14cf56cf2.gif) + +Apparently, as happens in all speculative crazes, prices eventually got so high that some people decided they would be prudent and sell their bulbs. Soon others followed suit. Like a snowball rolling downhill, bulb deflation grew at an increasingly rapid pace, and in no time at all panic reigned. Rolling down it went so down that it almost became worthless. So not every shining star completes your wish, so better avoid FOMO and invest in things that really make sense rather than investing what the buzz says. + + + +>“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” - Warren Buffet +Hello friends. So my TFSA and RRSP are going well and I'm thinking of opening a non-registered account. I do my own taxes and I'm use to a really simple tax season, T4, I'm single, a renter... and after a bit of research on taxable accounts, it looks like it would add some hassle to my taxes. I've done prior research on the topic but I have yet to find a simple way to hold and deal with a taxable account. FYI, I'm a buy and hold, long term horizon (20-30 years) investor. + +\_What do you guys hold in your "simple to deal with" taxable account? I'm aware of tax favorable Canadian dividends. Would the dividend from XEQT or VDY be considered a favored dividend? + +\_I heard some brokers make life easier providing all the necessary reports for tax season. I'm currently satisfied Wealthsimple trade customer. Do they have a report for tax season? + +\_I keep hearing about ACB's, the ACB website that is supposed to make your taxes easier. Honestly I'm kinda lost with that and I mostly just glanced over it. + +Anyways, if someone has simple step by step solution of holding a taxable account, what type of securities they hold in it, will buy frequency make my taxe season more complicated and what to they do when it's time to file taxes, well that would be great. Thanks yall! +Buying my first home. Was offered 2.99% for a 5 year fixed from RBC, which I believe to be fairly competitive. However, [bond yields are dropping incredibly fast right now.](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/interest-rates/canadian-bonds/) + +It’s a new build and I do need to lock in within a few months. Wondering how quickly the retail banks typically take to adjust/revise their rates in the short-term? + +Any speculation as to what we might be looking at mid to later summer? + +I’m new to this. + +We’ve got more good news for your savings. After the Reserve Bank of Australia announcement, we’ll be increasing our bonus interest rate (yet again!) to 4.00% p.a. + +We keep it simple + +From 1 January 2023, you can earn up to 4.10% p.a. on your Save account. All you have to do is deposit $200 or more per month into any of your Spend or Save accounts – it's that easy! + +The new bonus rate is 4.00% p.a. and is paid on balances up to $250K per customer on top of the 0.10% p.a. base rate. +How does an average blue collar worker on 75k (me by the way) buy a property in these bigger metropolitan areas. I was just having a look on realestate.com at the average house price in these cities and it’s ridiculous for what you’re getting. + +In North Queensland (where I’m from) a 1mil property will get you up on top of hill with an uninterrupted view of the ocean, beach access, a huge pool, gated community, green grass, palm trees galore and somewhere between 5-6 bedrooms. In Syd or Mel, that sort of money is just your average unit/townhouse. + +So my questions are; + +1. Are average/median income earners (like myself) buying or renting in these cities?? + +And 2. When people are on something below $90,000 per annum with a deposit for a property of something between 900k and 1mil, are the banks approving them for loans even tho their salary is only around 8-10% of the cost of a property worth somewhere between 900k-1mil?? + +Apologies if these questions sound a bit confusing +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +In April and May I debated buying SOFI shares (when it was still trading as IPOE), but decided I'll pass for now. Instead, it was trading a little over $15 at the time, I decided I'd sell Jan 2022 $15 strike puts (one in April, another in May as SOFI dropped in share price). These offered a healthy, average premium of $3.84, which given the \~8 months to expiration seemed to make sense to me as it's basically getting SOFI a bit over $11/share if it dropped below the strike. + +Since then, SOFI has done well and is trading just over $21/share today. Now I haven't done a lot of research, but from what little browsing I've done I tend to hear/read it in a positive light with a strong future outlook. + +I went browsing SOFI again as I'm a bit light in my financial industry exposure and thought I'd check their option chain. To my surprise, the premiums on SOFI are pretty big. A simple example is that right now (SOFI trading at $21.10) a $20 strike 7/16 put trades for $1.93/$2.00 bid-ask spread with a Delta on this of 0.37. + +This is nearly a 10% return if SOFI simply trades flat (or even down \~5%) for the next month. Is there something obvious I'm missing with SOFI where they have some high risks coming up that could crush their share price (maybe some kind of lockup expiration)? The premiums are simply higher than I would expect. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I've been messing around with debit spreads on the tsla uptrend the last few days. Say the stock is 1360 I buy a monthly call at 1375 strike and sell a call at 1400. 1000 profit possible 800 max risk. The stock goes up to 1400 same day. I'm only at 3% profit (30 dollars) is there a time element here that I'm missing for debit spreads? Or does the stock have to stay below my sold call? Should I be going wider? (Like 1375 - 1450) There is potential tsla IV is doing crazy stuff so I'm trying a few on less volatile stocks but I expected my profit % to go up to at least 50% after eating all the way up to my sold call strike price. + +I usually do strangles credit spreads and CCs/CSPs, not sure how different debit spreads are in terms of mechanics. +I’ve been selling CC’s for a while and recently have been transitioning to LEAPS / PMCC Strategy. + +My thought process is LEAPS are my bullish bets already and is my primary focus, the premium from selling calls is just a bonus. + +I’m running quite ITM and quite far out. I typically sell CC’s at around 85% chance of profit about 2 weeks out. + +My question is, do you guys prefer the less leverage with shares as it is safer if we keep enduring this downward spiral market? + +Current Positions: +$30 DKNG 1/20/23 +$10 PLTR 1/20/23 +$42.5 AMD 1/20/23 +$150 PYPL 1/20/23 +**I've been getting a lot of PMs asking me for referrals. Check this** [link](https://imgur.com/a/PxlbV63) **for any jobs you're interested in and let me know. I will refer you to my recruiting company.** + +&#x200B; + +I work as a software engineer for a massive medical company. I make one bug fix every couple weeks and then send the code to testers to do the rest of the work. My company has no plans to let me go (my boss's words, not mine). + +My company doesnt offer a 401k so I am maxing out my Roth IRA as well as saving 20% of my paycheck every week to eventually buy real estate. Since my company pays for graduate school, I'm taking online courses to obtain a master's degree in comp sci because why not. I watch the online lectures and do the homework at work. + +&#x200B; + +**Is there anything I can do at work to make more money?** I've dabbled into blogging and writing tutorials online, but haven't made any money with that yet. + +&#x200B; + +Part of me would like to quit and work at a company where I'm constantly coding and learning new things. Life isn't just about money... but another part of me thinks I've hit a gold mine and I should stay here a little longer. + +Thoughts? + +&#x200B; + +**Update:** Thanks everyone for commenting. I've decided to do the following: + +\- Stay at current job for 1-2 more years. Try to get a couple good accomplishments to put on resume. + +\- Finish Master's degree while I'm here and do Leetcode problems in my free time so my career isn't screwed up + +\- Bump up savings 5% each month until I can't handle it + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-gardner-strike-deal-on-legalized-marijuana-ending-standoff-over-justice-nominees/2018/04/13/2ac3b35a-3f3a-11e8-912d-16c9e9b37800_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.64e8e7827358 +I use a budgeting app, and have calculated all of my expenses (rent, car payment, health insurance, prescriptions, food, student loans, etc.) to be $1700. I will be making about $3300/month after taxes, without any overtime. + +I currently have $1000 in savings, $36k in student loans, and $1100 in credit card debt. I plan on paying the credit cards off first thing once I start working next month. I have enough in my checking account to do it now, but want income flowing in first. Is that dumb/should I just pay it off now and start fresh with the new job? + +I plan to work overtime because why not, but don’t want to count that towards my baseline income since the amount might vary week to week. + +How would you allocate the money leftover ($1600/month) into savings, a brokerage account, towards debt, and into a 401(k)? Should I be saving most of it, or throwing it towards the student loans as much as possible? +I suppose most people have had a strange year in 2020, but for me it has been particularly odd. I've been actively chasing FIRE with my partner for the last ~5 years, and expected to be working on it for another 5-10 years (but said too much on my main, so here's a burner!) + + +Part of that plan was always to have one or two children, and I knew that would present a challenge - after all, they're not cheap, even if you're frugal, and although we could potentially both achieve pay rises to balance out the effects, it was a massive unknown. That was a driver for RE, though, so that I could be actively involved in their lives. + + +In the event it has taken quite a different turn. My daughter was born in March, and has been quite unwell ever since her birth. To cut a long story short, her condition is very poorly understood (because it is so unbelievably rare), but the world-leading expert who is now responsible for her care believes that it can only improve - and potentially the point that no-one would know she was ill. How long that may take is anyone's guess, but we're probably talking about a few years. + + +Concurrently, my employer has been quite flexible, and they gave me 6 months off to deal with the immediate aftermath. In October they agreed to give me another 6 months off, although this time at 50% rather than 100% of pay, which I immediately accepted. I don't know right now if I'll be able to go back at the end of that, but I also don't feel like I care that much. If we have to scrape by for a year and delay FIRE, and then get a different job down the line that pays lower and delay FIRE a bit more, I'm suddenly much more open to that than I would have been a year ago. + + +It has been an interesting journey for me both logically and emotionally, and although I imagine that many people would throw FIRE to the wayside because it isn't integrally important to the problem, for me it feels just as critical as ever. I don't think I'm at the end of this thinking process, but wanted to share some lessons that I feel I've learned and see what thoughts or experiences others might have. + + +* 1 - Knowing *why* you want to FIRE (and *if* you genuinely want to RE) might not matter when you're starting out, but when problems hit, suddenly it really does. For me, one of the main reasons to FIRE is to look after my child(ren). Admittedly, I'd envisaged cheering them on at soccer practice rather than staring at a bunch of medical equipment at 3am in the morning, but that doesn't matter. + +* 2 - FIRE is not a rod for your back. Yes, MMM might shout at you because you ordered a takeaway pizza, but he isn't going to be standing at the pearly gates with some accounting software before condemning you to a pit of angry bear markets. It is simply an extension of trading time for money. When life kicks you in the balls, it's OK to buy some ointment. In this case, my high SR allows me to take a temporary salary drop that might mean skipping mortgage payments for other people. Or to consider throwing more money at daycare once COVID gets bored and leaves us alone. + +* 3 - Even if FIRE can give you enough money to cope with every black swan you've envisaged, there are some things money can't buy. If I'd tried to work through this, I would genuinely have lost my mind. And I probably would have compromised my daughter's health, my partner's health, and our marriage. If I'd refused to pay for a halfway decent hotel near the hospital I wouldn't have been to help my partner through the hardest days. So if VTSAX has to wait, wait it must. + +* 4 - Luck is important, but you can push the odds in your favour. I can't deny that my employer has been great, but I joined them because I knew we were going to have an family, and my old employer treated anything outside of work as a major drag. I switched company for no pay rise because I knew the new place were far better - and so it has proved to be. The old place would not have paid me, and certainly would have invited me to resign by now. Family and friends have been amazing, but as my therapist pointed out I've bent over backwards for them in the past. Our neighbours have been wonderful, but partly because we moved to a different part of town with lots of families and young children so that we'd fit in better. All my daughter's care (I dread to think what the dollar cost might have been) has been fully paid by the state, but equally I chose not to go abroad for big salaries and low taxes where that wouldn't have been guaranteed. So we've benefited from these things, but not by total chance. + + +I'm in no doubt that the next few years are going to be rough. I might go back to my job and get a promotion. I might coast. I might quit and do something else. My partner might quit. We might spend a lot of money on daycare. We might need to move to a different area. Am I comfortable with how my FIRE plans have been altered? No, honestly I'm not. I want more than ever to know that I'll never spend another week working in the middle of nowhere on some pointless project, or sat with my laptop in the sun on a Saturday afternoon writing a report no-one will read. And I have probably pushed that date back to a degree. But at the same time I'm having to appreciate that the journey is just as important as the destination. Hopefully in a year or so things will be much clearer, but I'm not quite there yet. +I’ve done it again. I’ve gotten too greedy with these calls. I could have made profits, but I chose not too in hopes of prices going in my favor, which ended with me in loss. Tilray calls, door dash puts, etc. how do you guys combat greed? + +Edit: didn’t expect so much advice. Thank you guys for some tips and whatnot. As a new trader I suffer from stupidity on many occasions so I appreciate all the info +Basically I’m realizing more and more that I don’t see a way for me to climb up the social mobility ladder enough to not be in survival mode and I don’t want to be struggling with kids. This pains me deeply. +[https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/il/chicago/800-n-michigan-ave-ph67/pid\_48410232/](https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/il/chicago/800-n-michigan-ave-ph67/pid_48410232/) + +[https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/il/chicago/800-n-michigan-ave-ph66/pid\_48410233/](https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/il/chicago/800-n-michigan-ave-ph66/pid_48410233/) + +[https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/il/chicago/11-e-walton-st-3700/pid\_48405932/](https://www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/il/chicago/11-e-walton-st-3700/pid_48405932/) + +$40.5m total listing price for all three. Who the hell has three apartments in one city? +Isnt sending money out what brought us to where we are today? + +Bloomberg said in another report that chips for the debit cards couldnt be procured to get this done anyway. + +[Full Article...](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/white-house-considering-sending-gas-rebate-cards-to-americans-report/ar-AAYAGfn?li=BBnb7Kz) + +The White House is reportedly floating the idea of gas rebates for U.S. residents due to record gas prices. + +A White House official told FOX Business that the administration has not ruled out the distribution of gas rebate cards. The cards would hypothetically subsidize the price of gas for Americans – many of whom are struggling to make ends meet with fuel now priced at the level of a luxury good. + +"The president has made clear that he is willing to explore all options and hear all ideas that would help lower gas prices for the American people," the official told FOX Business. + +CIBC real estate analyst Dean Wilkinson is looking for a catch-up trade in domestic REITs in a Monday research report called “As The Sector Lags, The Relative Opportunity Widens,” + +“While the broader S&P/TSX continues to rebound from its March lows (now down 4% year-to-date), the real estate recovery has effectively stalled (REITs have delivered a YTD -25% total return on an unweighted basis, with price levels largely unchanged from mid-April levels). To this end, the ‘catch-up trade’ could prove to be significant. Indeed, given the above-average (and for the most part sustainable) yields and the embedded valuation optionality of most REITs under our coverage (we believe that there is, in totality, a rather large disconnect between underlying fundamentals and current prices), the REIT complex overall offers an attractive risk/reward for longer-term investors, in our view … We continue to favour those REITs that carry relatively lower valuation risk, above-average yield, and strong balance sheets, including [Brookfield Property Partners LP, RioCan REIT, Smartcentres REIT, Automotive Properties REIT, Killam apartment REIT, Granite REIT, WPT Industrial REIT, Allied Properties REIT, and BSR REIT].” + +“@SBarlow_ROB CIBC looking for catch-up trade in Canadian REITs” – (research excerpt) Twitter + +https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/markets/inside-the-market/article-opportunity-widens-in-canadian-reit-sector-analyst/ +Good morning all! + +I have kind of a big question. Warren Buffet has been predicting a "terrible market crash" for a while now. In light of that, I'm wondering if there's anyone who was able to get ahead of the crash in March 2020. Were there indicators that encouraged you to put in your stops in time? Some have mentioned Donchain Channels as a good one. Was it more reactionary? What if it's just a red day/week? + +Thanks for your input! +Is there a website that tracks big companies on when they are going to do stock buybacks? I would mainly just like to look at Blue Chip stocks like Google Microsoft and Apple and see if they have plans on doing a buyback. +University and other government surplus stores are really good places to get cheap, gently used items. I’m in the process of furnishing my apartment and got a nice wooden desk for $30 and decent computer chair for $10 (which could’ve easily run me $200 new). + +I used to work at Iowa State University Surplus Store and you would not believe the stuff you can get there. Anything from kitchenware to furniture, appliances and even bikes can be bought at these places for good prices. +They knew T+21 is coming. They knew T+35 is coming. They knew that NSCC-2021-002 and NSCC-2021-801 might get into effect this week. They knew that APES will be anxiously waiting for Thursday ( T + 21 ) and Friday ( GME being added into Russel 1000). So, they thought lets place the final bet. Dump the crypto last week. Get the margin requirements pre-filled and do not cover on T+21 day. Rather b ready b4 time ( this time). Apes will get dishearten and will think its done and will sell... NO NO Kenny. You are dealing with RETARDS. Your behavioural analysis system is missing the algo how to deal with retards. Probably you have never thought of this strategy of BUYING -HODLING-AND BUYING MORE AND MORE from retails. And now these retards are not gonna wait for any T+21 or T+35 because after 002 in effect today its bloody T+ 0 now. 1 hour Kenny 1 hour. + +🦍🦍🦍🙌🙌🙌💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕 +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/25/fed-puts-restrictions-on-bank-dividends-after-test-finds-some-banks-could-be-stressed-in-pandemic.html + +The Federal Reserve put new restrictions on the U.S. banking industry Thursday after its annual stress test found that several banks could get uncomfortably close to minimum capital levels in scenarios tied to the coronavirus pandemic. + +The Fed said in a release that big banks will be required to suspend share buybacks and cap dividend payments at their current level for the third quarter of this year. The regulator also said that it would only allow dividends to be paid based on a formula tied to a bank’s recent earnings. + +Furthermore, the industry will be subject to ongoing scrutiny: For the first time in the decade-long history of the stress test, banks will have to resubmit their payout plans again later this year. + +Under the harsher scenarios, banks could rack up as much as $700 billion in loan losses as unemployment hits 19.5%, a development that would push some banks close to their regulatory minimums for capital. +Good Morning Apes! + +Not too much happening this morning. + +Put/call ratio has shifted now, puts favored ($ volume) + +https://preview.redd.it/9n4gpskqxb381.png?width=288&format=png&auto=webp&s=2046bc77e36caee872b62ac6f18caf0f83fb63ab + +Max Pain is down to 195 + +https://preview.redd.it/tqy4n4euxb381.png?width=2136&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b1ae95fe7700bcfe72a883f458a330b567d90f2 + +oh, and IBKR had 500k shares borrowed around 7am + +https://preview.redd.it/0m660lboxb381.png?width=1332&format=png&auto=webp&s=1250423e783e1a5b7b4e1ea0009b7593eb90a6ff + +With IV starting to pick up on calls heading into earnings we could see a move towards max pain today and fill in some of that 15 dollar gap. + +We are still looking for evidence of a roll on the futures contract. Currently volume and price improvement indicate their is no current intention to roll. + +&#x200B; + +Make sure to check out [MOASS the Trilogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvyjap/moass_the_trilogy_book_one/) + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the [clips on my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial/playlists). + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market PArtytime! + +So after todays slow bleed a sweet fuckin' rip into close. Back up almost $13 dollars from our intraday low at 159.00. I may not be right all the time but that dip to the 200 EMA was a sweet buy-in average down opportunity. Still closing $20 below max pain which was up at 195. With earnings next week and IV picking up today the influx of call volume is indicating some bullish movement. Thank you all for tuning in, see you tomorrow. + +\- Gherkinit + +Edit 4 2:08 + +Continuing downward drift pushing down below the EMA200 we are approaching the low for retail cost basis. With the continued market down turn and low volume it looks like we will be closing this week significantly below max pain. + +https://preview.redd.it/y7hqq9famd381.png?width=1568&format=png&auto=webp&s=958e07ac55e395ead2a9187bdf1756a07ef2b292 + +Edit 3 11:33 + +Uptrend holding sitting right on top of the EMA 180 now + +https://preview.redd.it/vez07phnuc381.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a8275646a093c49369aff714bdb4d3b88a710c9 + +Edit 2 10:38 + +200k shares just returned to IBKR so 300k likely used this may indicate our bottom for today. just below the EMA 180 + +https://preview.redd.it/juweomevkc381.png?width=1585&format=png&auto=webp&s=efd8ee2288c0560cd2c6079f0955aca65a8dca70 + +Edit 1 10:07 + +Looks like they are using the 500k borrowed shares to short the market downturn advantageously + +https://preview.redd.it/po7e7ykbfc381.png?width=1577&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ae378a59bee5a3a8ab9b7ba698345fdc6a442ef + +# Pre-market Analysis + +Fairly flat through pre-market no significant price action. + +Pre-Market volume has fallen off again currently at 6,240 + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR - 150,000 @ 0.6% (500k borrowed at 7am) + +Fidelity - 1,117,647 @ 0.75% + +[Flat as fuck in the pre-market 1m](https://preview.redd.it/heokd27ozb381.png?width=1578&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f81fbefd61a10208af1db278b10538cfb0933ee) + +CV\_VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/rztr9rk80c381.png?width=2456&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1861c3f560e8b0b6a074d1eea7db2e02528ece7 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Hello all, + +I know I have had a late start, but now that I am here I am in it for the long haul. 30M non-EU citizen with no debts or obligations looking to invest ~1000€/month in the following way. I would appreciate a feedback. + + +ETF | TER (%) | Allocation +---|---|---- +iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD (Acc)| 0.20 | ~~60~~ 55% +iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF| 0.18| 20% +~~iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF (Acc)~~ iShares Core MSCI EMU UCITS ETF EUR (Acc)| ~~0.10~~ 0.12 | 10% +Cash/Bonds(?) | depends on inflation and savings acct interest | ~~10~~ 15% + +Some questions I have are below. I would appreciate advice/opinions/discussion. + +1. As you can see, I am still undecided on whether to leave 10% as cash in a savings account, or invest them in bonds, to reduce risks. Use of bonds to mitigate risks is particularly stressed in Boglehead's Guide multiple times. But every portfolio advice I have seen on EU finance subs seems to suggest to avoid bonds. Is there any specific reason for that? Do we also have inflation-protected bonds? Or just saving the money as cash and losing to inflation is more reasonable? I have also seen portfolios that are 100% equity. Is that safe? + +1. I included *~~Euro STOXX 50~~ MSCI EMU* to limit my exposure to US and UK, as I am already exposed to them through MSCI World. I don't think Brexit will have any long-term effects on UK but this is just for my own peace of mind. US equities also seem overbought so adding another Euro component in addition to *World* seems prudent. Any counter-arguments/comments on this rationale are welcome. + +1. If bonds are not a good investment in EU at the moment, would 60%/25%/15% be a better allocation than saving 10% cash? I am not sure how to assess which is better in the long run. + +1. Do you guys think it's reasonable to chase offers to lower the costs or stick to a cheap broker and go for comfort? This question is more Germany-specific but any advice is welcome. Boglehead's guide also stresses the importance of keeping your costs low and I am wondering what the general view is when it comes to comfort/cost. The above three ETFs in my allocation are part of the free savings plan with Onvista but I have heard of people being rejected from creating an account as only 6 nationalities are eligible. I would rather not go with Degiro as I would like to find a German broker so my taxes are taken care of. The next cheapest option seems DKB with 1.5€ per purchase. That means the annual cost of doing this is 54€, every year. I could go for this, or find multiple brokers who provide the ETFs I am interested in for free as part of their savings plan. This leaves my portfolio scattered and harder to maintain. Which is better? There is also the consideration of TER for ETFs. For example, I can find another broker who offers the Euro STOXX 50 for free as part of their savings plan (Amundi instead of iShares), but the TER is 0.25%. What do you think will be cheaper in the long run? + +Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, I hope this post generates good discussion that will be useful for others. + +Edit: Decided MSCI EMU is more diversified and better, based on /u/Saturnix's suggestion. Might have to get an account at comdirect. + +Edit 2: Also decided to allocate 55% to MSCI World and add the remaining 5% to the cash savings. I will have to find a way to get a nice savings interest on that 15%. +Hello,  + + +I have been looking into starting a regular monthly deposit in one or more ETFs.  + +I did some research and it seems that  the best European broker which is available in my country (Croatia) is Trading212, seems that it has no fees for buying shares in an ETF all I have to pay is the ETF management fee.  + + +I am planing on keeping my money long term 20+ years and the deposits are going to be made monthly.  + +I am just not sure which is the best ETF for me, I did some research and the best ETFs seem to be IWDA, EMIM, IUSN, iShares MSCI World and iShares MSCI EM of which in Trading212 there are IWDA and EMIM which are both USD which I am unsure if that is going to be a problem since I am investing in EUR  and iShares MSCI world has both EUR and USD currency and if I can choose which is better is there a difference? Also iShares MSCI EM has a Islamic at the end of it which I'm not sure what it means at least it has in Trading212.  + + +My question is did I make a good choice with Trading212 and if I did which ETFs should I invest in and what % in each of them? If you have any suggestions or tips please tell me, all I am looking for is to have a nice and relaxing future and maybe even retire early 😊 +So, I got this report about my latest dividend payout and I'm kind of baffled about it. I'm not sure what I'm looking at here. Is it taxation of my payed out dividends? If so, is there a way to avoid this and only pay taxes after realization? As far as I know, on US payouts, I already get the taxed amount paid out right? So, here I pay taxes when they arrive and on cashing out too? + +I'm quite lost right now and I don't see why this is happening. The goal would be to get the full dividend payout, invest it back into my portfolio to start the snowball rolling, isn't it? + +With -42.5% on my payouts, this is quite impossible and my "Yield on Cost" indicators are false too in this case, since I don't get the amount that's projected in trackers. + +I'm sorry if this is a dumb question and I'm missing something obvious. + +&#x200B; + +|BLACK. SC. +TECH. TR. SBI|(US09258G1040/A2PGN3)|| +|:-|:-|:-| +|ST.:|23,00|| +|Extag:|14.03.2022|| +|Valuta:|31.03.2022|| +|Devisenkurs:|1,110100|| +|Quellenst.-satz:|15,00%|| +|Bruttoausschüttung pro Stück:|0,2500000 USD|| +|Bruttoausschüttung:|5,75 USD|| +|Bemessungsgrundlage:|5,16 EUR|| +|\*Einbeh. Steuer:|1,42 EUR|| +|Gez. Quellensteuer:|0,87 USD|| +|Endbetrag:|2,98 EUR|| + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +|Fondsinformationen:||| +|:-|:-|:-| +|steuerpflichiger Ertrag:|5,75 USD|| +|davon ausländische Erträge mit anrchenb. QSt:|0,00 USD|| +|anrechenbare ausländische Quellensteuer\*\*:|0,00 USD|| +|rückforderbare ausländische Quellensteuer:|0,86 USD|| + +\*\* ggf. mit einbeh. Steuer verrechnet + +Die Gutschrift erfolgt unter Vorbehalt des Eingangs. +Hello,  + + +I have been looking into starting a regular monthly deposit in one or more ETFs.  + +I did some research and it seems that  the best European broker which is available in my country (Croatia) is Trading212, seems that it has no fees for buying shares in an ETF all I have to pay is the ETF management fee.  + + +I am planing on keeping my money long term 20+ years and the deposits are going to be made monthly.  + +I am just not sure which is the best ETF for me, I did some research and the best ETFs seem to be IWDA, EMIM, IUSN, iShares MSCI World and iShares MSCI EM of which in Trading212 there are IWDA and EMIM which are both USD which I am unsure if that is going to be a problem since I am investing in EUR  and iShares MSCI world has both EUR and USD currency and if I can choose which is better is there a difference? Also iShares MSCI EM has a Islamic at the end of it which I'm not sure what it means at least it has in Trading212.  + + +My question is did I make a good choice with Trading212 and if I did which ETFs should I invest in and what % in each of them? If you have any suggestions or tips please tell me, all I am looking for is to have a nice and relaxing future and maybe even retire early 😊 +I have an opportunity to take a job in Netherlands. No clue about the salary. what is a good salary for 10yr experience & a MS in the materials field. It is a senior position and technical in nature. will 60k gross be too much? +I've started my long-term investing journey 6 months ago. The variations of the market don't mean anything in the long-term, but I find myself constantly checking the value of my portfolio (dozens of times a day). It becomes a source of some anxiety and, of course, knowing how the market is, makes me susceptible to fall into the trap of trying to beat it, while the goal is really to stay the course. +I bet some of you struggled with this... how did you overcome it? + +Thanks in advance, everyone! +Hi, + +&#x200B; + +as title says, can someone explain how accumulating ETF works on example? + +On example if I'm investing in VWCE or CSPX acc. how can I find out how much was accumulated through period of 1 year? + +Does that accumulated value get reinvested into new shares or? What if accumulated value is not enough to buy 1 share and we are not able to buy fractional shares of US ETFs, what happens with that money? +I have read several pieces of literature regarding financial growth and financial independence. However, most of them are either US or UK-based. + +Have you come across any great titles that focus their explanations on the European market that are worth a read? + +Cheers! +Hello,  + + +I have been looking into starting a regular monthly deposit in one or more ETFs.  + +I did some research and it seems that  the best European broker which is available in my country (Croatia) is Trading212, seems that it has no fees for buying shares in an ETF all I have to pay is the ETF management fee.  + + +I am planing on keeping my money long term 20+ years and the deposits are going to be made monthly.  + +I am just not sure which is the best ETF for me, I did some research and the best ETFs seem to be IWDA, EMIM, IUSN, iShares MSCI World and iShares MSCI EM of which in Trading212 there are IWDA and EMIM which are both USD which I am unsure if that is going to be a problem since I am investing in EUR  and iShares MSCI world has both EUR and USD currency and if I can choose which is better is there a difference? Also iShares MSCI EM has a Islamic at the end of it which I'm not sure what it means at least it has in Trading212.  + + +My question is did I make a good choice with Trading212 and if I did which ETFs should I invest in and what % in each of them? If you have any suggestions or tips please tell me, all I am looking for is to have a nice and relaxing future and maybe even retire early 😊 +I am looking for a personal finance app or service that would allow me to track spending in different categories. I pay almost everything by card and I use DKB , Revolut and Wise. I am located in EU and my income is fix - salary. + +I would not mind paying for such a service if it comes with more advanced functions like scanning (and auto reading content of) receipts. + +If it does not come with auto-sync bank accounts and receipts reading, I will explore more into open source software la GnuCash. +Hello everyone, + +&#x200B; + +I live in Germany, sadly my german skill is only around B1. I got a bit of money that I'd like to invest. I want to invest 4000-5000 euro at the start and then a monthly 200-300 euro. I'm looking into investing for the long term, meaning 5+ years minimum. + +&#x200B; + +Problem is, I have zero idea how to begin. The German tax and stock system is just waaaaay too overcomplicated and there's hidden costs everywhere backstabbing you and eating into your profits. So far I haven't found a single good explanation, or step-by-step guide on what to do. All websites offer and explain different terminology, tries to rush you into their own platform (fishy...) without mentioning or detailing in a simple form their total costs. + +&#x200B; + +What I have understood so far: + +&#x200B; + +\- You need to pay for a depo account (again with the additional costs...) in Germany... + +\- If your profit from investment is above 800 euro you have to pay taxes. I'm not even sure if you need to report this if it's below 800. (my taxes are automatically done since I'm not married) + +\- What platform should you use if you want to invest in ETF and dividends? I was looking at Captrader and Comdirect for a depo account, but they do not offer a clear explanation (at least from my perspective) if I can do it with their platform. How do I even find these dividend options? + +\- Doesn't matter where I looked the hidden and additional bullshit costs (all of them have different names just to confuse you) will eat all of you profit. Is is not possible to get a "clean account"? I register, I send them money, I buy stuff, I see my money slowly growing staying ahead of inflation. + +\- Even if you buy, even if you keep it, even if you sell, even if you just do not take any action, you pay. Doesn't matter what you do, you pay them for their "service", doesn't matter the platform. + +&#x200B; + +So, there was probably a lot of people asking this, but can you please point me in a good direction on where to and how to start? A clean, structured explanation in english if possible, please. +I'm just wondering if it possible to get a loan from a bank say in Italy to buy a house in Cyprus. + +Is it possible? If so which are the best banks to do so? + +And also is there any other organisation other than a bank that gives mortgages? If so is there any one that is better than a bank? + +Any advice is appreciated 😁 +Hi All, + +My colleague briefly talked how over the past year he's used 0% interest cards with high balances, e.g. £10k+, to max out an ISA, paying off the monthly minimum repayment amount and then switching to other 0% interest cards when the term expires. + +I could never do this because mentally I'd hate to know I have all that debt even if the risk is low but is this something people do? + +Cheers +I find myself going over budget monthly and ill say with full sincerity that we try not to spend money on any "junk" anymore. + +&#x200B; + +Anything within the grocery budget are pantry essentials, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and chicken. Shit is just so expensive. + +&#x200B; + +How can i keep it closer to being within budget without sacrificing on the health? Any tips you guys can share on how you've been adapting to these troubling times? Thanks. +Wanted to share my financial journey and a huge shoutout to everyone in this community that helped me with this journey! + +In April 2016 I had just turned 25 and officially paid off OSAP (student loans) and financially had a net worth of $0. + +Prior to this I was making $40-45K and was making $1000 monthly payments while paying rent to OSAP. + +Since then this is how my net worth has grown: + +April 2016 - NW $0 + +Dec 2017 - NW $38,125 + +Dec 2018 - NW $63,868 + +Dec 2019 - NW $136,666 + +Dec 2020 - NW $217,731 + +April 2021 - NW $250,615 + +Major Milestones: + +* Bought a townhouse in a high cost of living (Toronto) for 782K in Aug 2018 and in Apr 2021 neighbour sold for 965k (current value in NW calc is 912k adjusted for closing costs) +* Had major investments via my TFSA in weed stocks like IAN, ACB, MMEN (down like 25k still) + +2020 was the first year where I started actually monitoring my expenses n my savings rate. In 2020 my savings rate was 53.75% and when you factor in mortgage payments that go to principal as savings then its 67.15% + +Here is a chart of how I spent my income: + +[https://imgur.com/a/CqAkpen](https://imgur.com/a/CqAkpen) + +My Current Balance sheet is: + +RRSP $34,422.29 + +TFSA $118,027.61 + +Employer RRSP $4,585.46 + +House $456,000 (50% ownership with GF) + +Credit Card debt $800 + +Loan from GF $72,08.98 (Her incremental investment into house) (HUGE help from her!) + +Mortgage $288,811.56 + +Net Worth $250,615.53 + +Whats next? + +In 2021 I will be going back to school for a masters in Data Science in the hopes that it helps me with getting a higher salary so that I can continue to save more. In 2021 I would also like to increase the actual amount I saved by $10K but will also be taking a massive dent into my assets due to school fees but hopefully its a good investment in the long run. + +If anyone has any advice on what I can do better please let me know! anyone looking for advice send me a PM! + +EDIT: Expenses are in half because GF pays the other half. + +EDIT2: There seems to be some confusion. In 2016 my Income was 45K gross, in 2017-2019 it was 67K gross in 2020 it was 80k gross and then 2021 it is now 110K gross + +&#x200B; + +[http://sankeymatic.com/build/](http://sankeymatic.com/build/) +Guess it’s bad news for emergency funds; will it have the required impact? + +UK interest rates cut in emergency move https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51831004 +The conversation about student loan forgiveness seems to be glossing over the colleges charging exorbitant fees. People keep saying "the government shouldn't foot the bill for unpaid loans"... um ok so why don't we just have the colleges return the funds? I don't understand why it's either the borrowers who were given predatory loans, or the tax payers. Why are colleges getting off Scott free? Shouldn't they have to pay the price for burdening an ENTIRE GENERATION with crippling debt? They should not be charging 100k for an English degree. If you buy a shirt from target and it didn't fit, you just return it. Why is there a no return policy at college? +I watched "The big short" for the XXXX times this year. + +'Member when Mark Baum is sitting at a table, sipping some coffee near the end of the movie talking by Phone to Vinny ? + +He said to Vinny that when they will sell their position, they will become just like them. + +Ape, if you sell your share(s) before a critical point has passed, you will probably become rich, but you will become part of the system. Greedy SHF/banks/Brokers will probably use that share to exit their position. +With all we have seen this year, I dont know about you but I don't want they can find a way to exit whatever the mess they put themselves in... and do it once again in say... 10 years. + +I'm holding to end this. +I'm holding to cellarboxing the banking institutions. +I'm holding to see every crooks turning on each other on liveTV as the GME ticker is now a XXX XXX XXX digit number and will ruin the financial world as we know it if apes still diamondhanding. + +This is your chance to end this too. + +Edit : Thx for the awards you follow tards! Post get downvoted pretty heavily. Shills may not financially recover from this. +Expect turmoil in API focused Pharma companies in the coming weeks/months, Q4 results might not reveal the turmoil. + +China has quickly adapted to the aggressive PLI scheme and atmanirbhar bharat vibe. + +China has almost doubled prices of KSM where they have a monopoly and reduced prices of KSMs where India has been competing with ramped up manufacturing. Sources claim the prices has been set so low there is no way mid-sized Indian firms can compete at such levels, chances are US and European firms can't match that either. + +If customer making finished drugs were to choose between making and buying the ingredients, chances are they will go for the latter. Hence, China will keep dictating terms, and no PLI scheme can alleviate India's worries. + +It begs the question, now that Pharma stocks are trading at such premium valuations, what should an investor do? +about 18 countries have negative bond rates, including swiss, germany, japan france italy etc. [list of countries](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D6ejU0iWAAAYcxW.png)... these are developed nations. + + +is it possible that india has such a situation in the next 5-10-15 years time frame? what will happen to debt funds in such a situation? how do debt funds in these countries work, if they are yielding negative returns? and who invests in such bonds in the first place which gives -ve returns? +This happened a few months ago. The guy who hit us was at fault (he was texting and driving). It didn't do too much damage but still shocking nonetheless. My chiro recommended I get an MRI to check for any damages. I sent everything to my insurance and they sent a letter back asking about all the parties involved. Not sure what to do or who's supposed to pay for this. +I had an investor ask me what my fee was and I replied with: + +I currently don't have any properties under contract and it varies. The goal is always to find a deal that fits your formula after all costs and fees included. + +They didn't want to continue the conversation. + +Where did I go wrong? +I'm really not sure where I stand when it comes to the minimum wage, as much as I want to defend it and believe it's a good thing. I've heard, from economists, that the vast majority of economists believe it lowers employment and so on. Meanwhile, a supermajority of Americans believe the minimum wage is great. This disconnect bothers me, as it shows that it's possible that, although most people may believe the minimum wage is good, and therefore be easily convinced that it is good, they may be basing their belief on assumptions instead of data. + +That said, I know there are several studies that have been done, the most famous of which being Card & Krueger's, showing little correlation with minimum wage increase and unemployment. A [more recent study](http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/01/along-the-minimum-wage-battle-front/) also came out. + +In the scheme of things (the data that is out there), where do studies that support the minimum wage lie? + +Is the minimum wage bad for the economy? Does it matter? +The reason I ask is this: if you have increasing equity either from your liquid share investments or properties, how comfortable are you to increase your debt through cheap loans now to invest in more properties and shares? How do you factor in serviceability and the more important thing, your emotion or risk appetite towards higher level debt? What's your percentage at the moment? A quick calculation and we're currently at 25% debt to equity ratio with a 40/60 split in properties / liquid assets. + +Edit: when I say personal debt, I actually mean personal debt used for investment purposes. +I've been lurking on this sub for close to a year. My goal is to reach some sort of financial independence to the point where I don't need to rely on a 9-5 job. I also live in a HCOL city where I would like to continue living it. This means my target net-worth would have to be at least $3m. What I notice on this sub is people attempting to be debt free and not be "slaves to a bank". This mindset goes against the way I grew up since my families success is owed to their continuous financing from banks and private lenders. + +As a person that comes from a wealthy family (parents and 2 uncles), It's hard to tell what information is correct on this sub. I was cut off from them a few years ago and have been going my own route since. But I still remember that the way they handle money is so much different than what the majority here is recommending. For example, the way people here view debt, if you saw my parent's or uncle's financials, you would shit your pants. Almost everything they do is through borrowing against assets and refinancing properties, using credit cards, LoC. My parents have 4 businesses and 12 residential and commercial properties. Every one of these assets in including their personal home has debt. + +When I worked with them, almost every other wealthy person I met operated like this. If they wanted to buy a new home, they would cashout-refinance their primary home or a rental property and buy the house with a large downpayment or outright. And taxes, I remember my parents paying very little in income taxes if any at all because of all the write offs and how the corporate structure was set up. My dad wouldn't even take a salary or dividends from the business, only my mom would. Granted, they were getting lots of guidance from private wealth managers and CPAs. But that's another story. + +So on one hand you have nearly everyone on this sub telling you to do it a certain way, on the other hand you witnessed the complete opposite happening but still ending up more financially successful. So what do you recommend I do, what my parents and their friends did or ditch that mindset and focus on a keeping debt at a very minimum? + + +There's been a lot of talk about record levels of debt, both notional, relative to GDP, net and per capita. What are your thoughts on how this will affect markets? + +I have such mixed opinions, the economy isn't healthy yet the market is at all time highs. We have pandemic relief coming, the central banks keep printing more money. Those without assets are going to suffer really bad due to inflation. + +Not sure about the situation in the US, but here in Southern Ontario (Canada) the housing market has been on an absolute tear. A house in Waterloo, Ontario recently sold for 1.3M. About 2000sq feet, 4br, 3bath. This is worth AT MOST 700k. No crazy upgrades or anything. Just a basic house. + +I highly recommend watching this: [https://youtu.be/qIfP0FfHC9g](https://youtu.be/qIfP0FfHC9g) + +Then read this: [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/debt-to-gdp-continues-to-rise-around-world/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/debt-to-gdp-continues-to-rise-around-world/) +Putting all my money into blue chips and etfs leaves me with some small amount of change left until the next payday. + +Currently I've built tiny positions in DOC and ATE with my leftover monies. + +Anybody have good suggestions for cheap stocks to invest my leftover's in? + +Short term trades? + +Please provide some kind of a reason if you are going to suggest a ticker and thanks anybody for your suggestions! +Seems to be like this word is popping up a lot. What ways would you all set up your investments to be successful if the economy hits rough times in 2020? + I can wait 3 more for 3k ETH to turn into 30k. + +ETH is up 1500% in last year. (from $200 to 3k, 15x) + +I’m below 30 I’m not in a super rush to be a millionaire. + +Go outside , enjoy your family and friends, stop checking charts 24/7. Have a nice day. +1. CNBC really did fuck up and show their hand a little. +2. Shills doing their best to build a positive impression of Melissa Lee (build trust so we believe what she says, when she's still just a CNBC shill). +3. Shills doing their best to manage the event by stuffing the pipe with memes so we get sick of it. +4. Shills doing their best to leverage the event by using it to forum slide. + +Edit: after more thought it’s text book PR damage control: + +“What emotion is your target demographic feeling?” Joy/excitement. + +“How can we redirect that emotion to our advantage?” Make them give our key news anchor the credit for it. + +It happened, the DD is still the DD, CNBC is still in the pocket of hedge funds, etc etc. Let's move on. +A large portion of my (taxable) income is in the form of AMZN stock grants over many years. I wish I could live the easy boglehead life of “VTSAX and chill,” but I am overconcentrated in this one stock against my will, so I need to manually pick stocks and ETFs that diversify/hedge against AMZN performance. + +Current allocation: +- VTI: 30% (which I know includes a lot of AMZN, tech, and consumer discressionary) +- VXUS: 20% +- **Remaining 50%**: Split roughly evenly between A, AEP, BRK.B, CLX, GD, HAL, HCA, JNJ, KO, LMT, MMM, MO, PG, PWR, TMO, TXN, UGI, UNH, VAW, VZ, XLF, XOM + +I’m mostly just buying S&P500 stocks in industries that are NOT tech and NOT consumer discressionary. But picking stocks is hard. What market am I missing? How can I better counter-balance against a large AMZN holding? I believe AMZN is a good investment… but I’m an engineer, not a day trader, and I really only need to do as well as the rest of the market. + +Other notes: +- No, I can’t buy AMZN puts. Company policy. And I’m not going to short QQQ. Stop. I’m looking for basic diversification help. +- I own a house, so I’m staying away from REITs and housing market-sensitive stocks. I’m overinvested in real estate too. +- **I would love to hear about tech stocks and consumer discressionary stocks that don’t follow the price AMZN**. This is the most difficult place for me to invest. I own some TXN because IoT is the future and a little SHAK because hamburgers are delicious, but not much. I keep these bets small. I wish I could find something profitable and anti-cyclical with AMZN in these sectors. +- This is a problem with my taxable accounts. My IRA/401k accounts are low-expense target date funds, and I don’t think I need to change them. +- I buy the max amount of I-bonds and I don’t need any more bonds in my taxable accounts. +- I am 40 and I don’t need to cash in my taxable accounts over the next decade. +Sick of FOMO’ing into Lithium stocks at ATH? Shitty mining explorers with 4 billion shares on issue? Well, I may have found a nice alternative to dump your wife’s boyfriends hard earned cash into. This is my first in-depth DD post, so I’m sorry if I waffle on a bit. + +The Company is called Elsight Limited (ASX:ELS), an Israeli producer of advanced communication technologies for real-time data, video, and audio transmission over cellular networks. As of this post, its SP is 41.5c, with a MC is $55.33 million. SOI are roughly 133,325,301. + +Elsight’s core product is the ‘Halo’ technology, an OEM chip/card that can be seamlessly integrated onto almost any platform, be it a drone, telecommunications infrastructure, cars etc. Once installed, the Halo chip offers a reliable, secure, high bandwidth communications connection from device A to B, using existing mobile network infrastructure. It is able to connect to any computer, docking station, IP Camera or USB device. Also, the chip’s compact design makes it light, easy to integrate and cost-effective for customers. + +If this is hard to understand, feel free to watch this youtube video, which might make things a little clearer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO6RJJnoLKs. + +The Halo product is proven, as ELS have established a multitude of commercial contracts, partnering with French telemedical company Alrena, US commercial drone operator Airobotics, and Kinetx Prime – a company that focuses on delivering broadband connectivity to rural communities in the US. + +**Current Financials** + +Elsight, like many speculative growth stocks, are yet to turn a profit. They generated US$1,424 million revenue for FY20 (US), while burning through US$3,228 milllion, with most of these costs going to R & D and product manufacturing. + +Following the cap raise late last year, they have roughly US$8 million in the tin, with plenty of existing contracts currently being serviced, as well as new ones in the pipeline. + +**The Opportunity** + +Whether we like it or not, the commercial drone industry is set to explode this decade, with the rise of AI and tech rapidly changing the way companies do business and save money. + +Cathy Wood – one of the leading tech investors of the world and founder of ARK Investments recently stated the following in the ARK Invest Big Ideas for 2021 report: + +“ARK believes that in the not-too-distant future drones will deliver our packages, food, and even people quicker and more conveniently than ever before. Drones are likely to transform +shopping behaviour, reduce travel time, and save lives. ARK believes that drone delivery platforms will generate roughly $275 billion in delivery revenues, $50 billion in hardware sales, and $12 billion in mapping revenue by 2030.” + +The only thing holding back the industry at the moment is regulation, governed by the FAA in the US, who are yet to certify a single commercial drone for use in the US airspace. This is mainly due to concerns of drones operating beyond the visual line of sight (BVLOS), as safety risks to other aircraft and people on the ground tend to become substantially higher once a drone is out of view. The drone delivery market cannot exist without BVLOS operations. + +**This is where Halo & Airobotics come in to play** + +As mentioned earlier, Halo have a strong partnership with Airobotics, an Israeli based company that specialises in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) – Drones. Airobotics has an EV of US$240 mil and are to IPO on the TASE (Israeli exchange) this year. It’s main competitors in the space include Amazon and 3D Robotics. + +The FAA announced some time ago that they were moving ahead with the integration of small UAS into the US airspace. To do so, Airobotics (and its competitors) must satisfy airworthiness criteria as set by the FAA, which is very dense and resource costly. There are multiple stages of certification and i’m not going to explore these in-depth as it would just too long, and I cbf. Ultimately, to satisfy regulators, drone operators will need to offer unbroken connectivity, to ensure maximum reliability (and safety) of their platform. + +Airobotics is currently a year ahead of all of its competitors in this certification process. The Halo technology is also a central component as to why they have achieved the latest UAS certification in 2018. Final testing for full-type UAS certification is now 100% complete, and the FAA is expected to deliver their decision in March 2021. Without Halo, there is no Airobotics certification. This obviously opens up huge commercial advantage for ELS, as their communications system is integral to successful UAS operations. + +Amazon are also trying to gain certification, but if Airobotics achieve this in March, it would be much easier to just buy them out, along with ELS. + +The board are expecting a good result in March, and Nir Gabay, founder and ex-CEO of ELS, holds almost 15% of the company, or 19.5 million shares. + +**The bad** + +Management are a bit shit, as they somewhat fucked over retail holders with their latest cap raise at the end of 2020. The raise was a $8million rights issue at 46c and was oversubscribed, so they raised a further $3million through Mahe capital – giving them a shitload of options (11 mill) exercisable at 90c for no real reason, as Mahe charged a cash fee ($657k) on top. + +Before the raise, the SP was testing 70c, and has had a hard time recovering as sellers flip for profits and freehold the options. With no real news in the pipeline between now and March, I don’t see a lot of movement in the SP. + +I honestly see a great opportunity here, with FAA certification due March 2021. If Airobotics receive full-type certification, ELS will rocket as their Halo tech will be elevated as THE key to successful BVLOS commercial drone use in the USA and globally. + +For this reason, I bought in at 42.5c, and plan to buy more should Airobotics gain full-type certification in March. + +I would love to hear what others think! + +**TLDR: Drones are coming, ELS tech is integral to commercial drone operations, rockets inc.** + +DYOR +GLTAH +NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE +DON’T SUE ME +Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Last year when it came time to start investing in the stock market after graduating from University with a degree (or something like that), what really shocked me was how volatile things can be- one moment your investments are skyrocketing; then suddenly they've dropped 50%. However despite losing $2k on ASX markets this past fiscal year alone--which isn't anything considering just where we were at before starting. +If you are feeling suicidal, please do not attempt to take your own life. DM me if you feel like talking, there's always hope! There were times when I thought about ending my depression because it felt like the only way out but then something changed in me; after reading books on various subjects which developed a new habit for reading, all of these insights helped remind why living matters even if what comes next doesn't seem bright right away - plus we never know who might need one person more down deep inside themselves. I love this Sub, Members are Funny, Honest and more importantly very kind. + +https://preview.redd.it/dz7owjkv58191.png?width=1700&format=png&auto=webp&s=c91cd62bb3d1c511020e36c1b239013336a9386c +How high is too high. NVX has been on a crazy run and without a doubt whenever anything’s gets this much momentum it will hit a crazy peak and then crash back down to a sustainable level. What’s everyone’s game plan and predictions on how high it could go? +Over the weekend I finished Morgan Housel's new book, *The Psychology of Money.* There were several great chapters, but I think the point that I've thought the most about since, is Housel's beliefs on saving. + +Morgan Housel says in the book that he saves a higher portion of his net worth (I think it was 20%) than most people his age (30s). In the chapter about saving, he talked about the fact that most people see saving as a task unto a specific expected purchase: a down payment, a car, etc. He argues that saving is good enough on its own merit -- doesn't require a specific goal -- because having a large liquid net worth gives you more protection and options. + +I really liked this way of thinking. It sounded so familiar to everything I hear about financial independence that I thought it might spur a good conversation here. Is 20% of your net worth too much to keep liquid? What do you think of the idea of saving for its own sake, as opposed to always having a "job" for every dollar? + + +**EDIT:** Really enjoying everyone's responses. I thought I'd clear up some confusion. **First**, it's a great book and this was just one chapter that I was unsure about. But I recommend the book overall and really love Housel's work. + + +**Second**, I realize my language was a little confusing in how I described "saving." What I meant to say: Housel talks in the book about keeping 20% of his net worth in a savings account. +Brought most of my ETH (85% of it) at about $390. Didn't panic sell through the ride down. I'm not taking it out to break even ether. Can I get my hodler badge now plz? +https://electrek.co/2017/04/14/tesla-solar-bonds-elon-musk-spacex/ + +Well, we now know where more than $200M of that last capital raise went: bailing out Solar City (directly) and Elon Musk (both directly and indirectly). + + +repost from privacytools sub. + +&#x200B; + +There’s a reason why brave is generally advised against on privacy subreddits, and even brave wanted it to be removed from [privacytools.io](https://privacytools.io/) to hide negativity. + +Brave rewards: There’s many reasons why this is terrible for privacy, a lot dont care since it can be “disabled“ but in reality it isn’t actually disabled: + +Despite explicitly opting out of telemetry, every few secs a request to: “variations.brave.com”, “laptop-updates.brave.com” which despite its name isn’t just for updates and fetches affiliates for brave rewards, with pings such as grammarly, softonic, uphold e.g. **Despite again explicitly opting out** of brave rewards. There’s also “static1.brave.com” + +If you’re on Linux curl the static1 link. curl --head + [static1.brave.com](https://static1.brave.com/), + if you want proof of even further telemetry: it lists **cloudfare and google**, two unnecessary domains, but most importantly telemetry domains. + +But say you were to enable it, which most brave users do since it’s the marketing scheme of the browser, it uses uphold: + +>*To verify your identity, we collect your name, address, phone, email, and other similar information. We may also require you to provide additional Personal Data for verification purposes, including your date of birth, taxpayer or government identification number, or a copy of your government-issued identification* +*Uphold uses Veriff to verify your identity by determining whether a selfie you take matches the photo in your government-issued identification. Veriff’s facial recognition technology collects information from your photos that may include biometric data, and when you provide your selfie, you will be asked to agree that Veriff may process biometric data and other data (including special categories of data) from the photos you submit and share it with Uphold. Automated processes may be used to make a verification decision.* + +Oh sweet telemetry, now I can get rich, by earning a single pound every 2 months, with brave taking a 30 percent cut of all profits, all whilst selling my own data, what a deal. + +In addition this request: “brave-core-ext.s3.brave.com” seems to either be some sort of shilling or suspicious behaviour since it fetches 5 extensions and installs them. For all we know this could be a **backdoor.** + +Previously in their privacy policy they shilled for Facebook, they shared data with Facebook, and afterwards they whitelisted Facebook, Twitter, and large company trackers for money in their adblock: [Source](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/facebook-twitter-trackers-whitelisted-by-brave-browser/). Which is quite ironic, since the whole purpose of its adblock is to block.. tracking. + +I’d consider the final grain of salt to be its crappy tor implementation imo. Who makes tor but doesn’t change the dns? [source](https://ramble.pw/f/privacy/2387) It was literally snake oil, all traffic was leaked to your isp, but you were using “tor”. They only realised after backlash as well, which shows how inexperienced some staff were. If they don’t understand something, why implement it as a feature? It causes more harm than good. In fact they still haven’t fixed the extremely unique fingerprint. + +There’s many other reasons why a lot of people dislike brave that arent strictly telemetry related. It injecting its own referral links when users purchased cryptocurrency [source](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23441605). Brave promoting what I’d consider a [scam (archive)](https://archive.vn/cAGpe) on its sponsored backgrounds: etoro where **62%** of users lose all their crypto potentially leading to **bankruptcy**, hence why brave is paid 200 dollars per sign up, because sweet profit. Not only that but it was accused of **theft** on its bat platform [source](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18734999), but I can’t fully verify this. + +In fact there was a fork of brave *(without telemetry)* a while back, called braver but it was given countless lawsuits by brave, forced to rename, and eventually they gave up out of plain fear. It’s a shame really since open source was designed to encourage the community to participate, not a marketing feature. + +**Tl;dr:** Brave‘s taken the fake privacy approach similar to a lot of other companies (e.g edge), use “privacy“ for marketing but in reality providing a hypocritical service which “blocks tracking” but instead tracks you. + +*Yes brave is certainly better than chrome for e.g, but its not the best option either, as an alternative for ios: snowhaze or firefox is great, on desktop librewolf or hardened Firefox is also good.* + +Edit: wow this blew up! To be clear I copy pasted the post from the privacy tools sub, I am not the author. Also some of you are way too triggered. +I’m a contractor and met up with a financial advisor with St James place, just wondering if anyone has any experience with them and what they think etc? + +Thanks and merry Xmas to all. +My mom has a series 6 license and recently started at wells fargo. She has self-directed brokerage accounts at chase, which mostly contain VTI, FSKAX and some immaterial single stock holdings. Wells is telling her because of her license she has to sell off her stocks and ETFs. Is this true? +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +So there is a whole hour of work that I have to do after market close. And since I couldn't watch the ticker anymore and ran out of crayons I started wondering what to expect once the rocket launched. +Everyone is saying the rocket will take days. But how many days is it? + +Also a lot of people may be afraid of missing the rocket. +And I have seen a lot of dd recently about the 5-10 minute break strategy. (Which I think is brilliant) + +This is not advice. I'm an idiot. + + + +So the market will freeze at a 10% increase in price. And it will freeze for 5-15 minutes. + +So if the rocket started at the 4/15/21 closing price of $156.44 and did nothing but go up, without any dips how long would it take? + +So lets say it goes up 10% and there is a freeze, then it goes up another 10% and freezes again. + +It will take 117 10% increments like that to get to my rock bottom floor of $10 mil a share. + +Assuming it takes 1 minute to increase 10% (just because that is what my candles are set at and I love those crayons) + +So if they only froze for 5 minute intervals the whole way up: + +117×6 (1 min of shreck dick and 5 min of freeze) = 702 minutes. +That's 11.7 hours, or 1.8 trading days. + +What if they froze for 10 minutes each? + +117x11=1287 min. Or 21.5 hrs. Or 3.3 trading days. + +How about freezing for the maximum of 15 minutes each time? + +117×16=1872 min. 31.2 hrs. 4.8 trading days. + +What if your floor is $100 mil a share? + +$100 mil a share is 141 10% increases from our current $156.44 closing price. + +So at + +5 min freezes: +846 min, 14.1 hrs, 2.2 trading days + +10 min freezes: +1551 min, 25.9 hrs, 4 trading days + +15 min freezes: +2256 min, 37.6 hrs, 5.8 trading days + + +I wanted to know these and thought others might as well. I know it's not as impressive as other dds. + +But my take away from this is that it will not require any immediate or fast action. +When the rocket launches take a walk for 5-10 min. Eat some crayons. Look at memes. Whatever you want. There is no rush. Just relax and hodl to the top. + +A lot of people are getting impatient for the rocket to start. I am one of those people. I am absolutely jacked to the tits! +But the rocket will happen when it happens. And even then tendies are DAYS away. +These calculations aren't even taking into consideration any slowdowns or valleys there will be along the way. + +Just be patient, relax, drink water, think before you do anything, and I will see you on the moon. + +TA;DR: It will take days to reach the moon. There is no rush. Relax and enjoy the ride. + +Edit: I don't know how to format this better. +Sorry. +Should I be moving my 401k money into more stable funds considering how the stock market's been the past week or so or just ride it out for the time being? +Apologies for another XGRO/XEQT post. + + +I'm in the process of rebalancing my portfolio after a house purchase and renovations. I'm now looking to re-focus on monthly investments. I've got a TFSA with mostly equity investments (XEQT, TEC, HCAL + small YOLOs). But I am struggling to decide on either XGRO or XEQT for my RRSP, with a 25 year time horizon. I'm also finding that I am a bit more risk averse... I did have some "fun" with weedstocks in 2018, so an 8% average feels boring but necessary. + + +All the investing "wisdom" that I've read suggests an 80/20 strategy for my age, but age feels a tad arbitrary in my mind. I'm wondering if a dollar amount strategy for when I shift investments makes more sense? For simplicity I'll give my examples in $10K and $100K and the 2020 crash as a baseline. + + +XGRO: $10K - 25.18% = $7,482 **($2,518 loss)** +XGRO: $100K - 25.18% = $74,820 **($25,180 loss)** + + +XEQT: $10K - 28.83% = $7,117 **($2,883 loss)** +XEQT: $100K - 28.83% = $71,170 **($28,830 loss)** + + +At $10K the **$365 difference in losses** between XGRO and XEQT would hardly register in my mind. But at $100K a **difference of $3,650** feels more substantial.... but even then, it doesn't *feel* like that much of a difference when you consider the principal of $100K. + + +Considering the above. would it make sense to then set either an age (XGRO@50, XBAL@55, XCNS@60) to slowly transition to safer ETFs or a dollar amount milestone (XGRO@200K, XBAL@400K etc.) and simply do whichever comes first? A dollar amount still feels as arbitrary as an age for deciding on when to invest more conservatively, and I am having a hard time deciding on which avenue to take. It also feels like bonds don't work as hard as they should with inflation. + + +Sorry for my ramblings. Any thoughts? Anyone in a similar position? I just want to retire comfortably! +What does rising interest rates mean for REIT stocks? Should people who are in those stocks pivot? I’m thinking long term maybe certain companies can wether this environment but maybe others won’t? + +BAM seems somewhat diversified but what about stocks like SmartCentres? Just some shower thoughts right now. +Hello fellow crypto enjoyers. + +We all know the rules of crypto investments. One of those rules, for the new people around here, is « You shall only invest what you are not afraid to loose ». + +But realistically, we all know there’s a lot of people that invest a lot more than what they can afford to loose. + +Personally, I’m a pretty broke student, and 70% of my capital is in crypto. If I happened to loose that, I would be basically homeless pretty soon ! + +So, if all crypto fell to 0$ or something close to that, how deep in the mud are you ? This can also serve as a reminder to be careful about the projects you invest in. +Maybe happy isn’t the right word. Content? Okay? Idk. But I’m ok because I know I tried my best, I did. I didn’t do anything irresponsible with my money. I paid what I needed to. I didn’t splurge. I kept my food budget $20/week. I lost weight for choosing water for dinner sometimes. + +My lease expired the 20th of June. My landlord emailed me today saying I need to be out by my birthday (July 6). I’m not mad at them. They’ve been patient. They’re been understanding. It’s not personal, it’s business. + +I have unemployment coming in so I plan to pay as much as I can and then put the rest towards a car and live out of it. Or go to a shelter. + +I have no family. No friends. But I’m okay. I’m content. I really did try my best. I’m going to try to still have a nice birthday. To still keep a smile on my face. I attempted Suicide countless times and they all failed so I give up and decide to find a purpose. + +You’re more than welcome to give advice. But a prayer is appreciated even more. Just keep me in your thoughts. Thank you. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, these are truly exciting times, and I couldn't think of anyplace I'd rather be than here among all of you wonderful individual investors. Each day feels a full step or two closer to the MOASS, but the steps seem to be getting larger and larger and we keep accelerating. Yesterday, I posted an additional thread covering the German market action of Bed Bath and Beyond, as several apes had messaged me with interest about that ticker due to the letter from RC Ventures to the BBBY Board of Directors. While that letter had been unconfirmed at the time, I appreciate the cautious approach that many people in trusting it, though it was demonstrated to be accurate as we saw the sheer extent of RC's recent investments preceding that letter. Of course, it clearly had an impact starting on the German exchanges, and reverberating through the US markets as the entire float of BBBY changed hands in a single day. + +Meanwhile, the Jon Stewart and u/dlauer threads from yesterday were a delight to follow along, with quite a few very well-thought questions and just as many thoughtful answers. I believe our movement was well-represented in the threads, and there is now another great resource that new Apes can refer to for clear answers to direct questions. + +Finally, the SHFs are clearly terrified of what is happening in the markets these days, pushing *hard* against GME to put it back below $100/share. Honestly, I was starting to believe that we had seen the last of double-digit prices for GME, but I'll never turn down a good dip. We are but 10 days to March 17th, when we'll once again get a glimpse at the number of shares that have been DRSed by Apes. I cannot wait to see what today brings, and I'm glad to be able to get a peek for the next few hours with all of you. + +Today is Tuesday, March 8th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$100.27 / 92,03 €** *(volume: 2637)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $100.29 / 92,06 € *(volume: 2608)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $100.10 / 91,88 € *(volume: 2603)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $100.04 / 91,82 € *(volume: 2597)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $100.24 / 92,01 € *(volume: 2557)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $99.81 / 91,62 € *(volume: 2492)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $98.81 / 90,69 € *(volume: 1979)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $98.78 / 90,66 € *(volume: 1938)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $99.31 / 91,15 € *(volume: 1782)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 1772)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 1767)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $99.14 / 91,00 € *(volume: 1116)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 998)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $99.36 / 91,20 € *(volume: 958)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $99.36 / 91,20 € *(volume: 804)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $99.36 / 91,20 € *(volume: 801)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 659)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 632)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $99.36 / 91,19 € *(volume: 608)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $99.31 / 91,16 € *(volume: 597)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $99.26 / 91,11 € *(volume: 582)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $99.03 / 90,89 € *(volume: 556)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $99.40 / 91,23 € *(volume: 451)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $99.37 / 91,20 € *(volume: 443)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $99.53 / 91,35 € *(volume: 285)* +- 🟥 US close price: $99.35 / 91,19 € *($99.50 / 91,33 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0895. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, these are truly exciting times, and I couldn't think of anyplace I'd rather be than here among all of you wonderful individual investors. Each day feels a full step or two closer to the MOASS, but the steps seem to be getting larger and larger and we keep accelerating. Yesterday, I posted an additional thread covering the German market action of Bed Bath and Beyond, as several apes had messaged me with interest about that ticker due to the letter from RC Ventures to the BBBY Board of Directors. While that letter had been unconfirmed at the time, I appreciate the cautious approach that many people in trusting it, though it was demonstrated to be accurate as we saw the sheer extent of RC's recent investments preceding that letter. Of course, it clearly had an impact starting on the German exchanges, and reverberating through the US markets as the entire float of BBBY changed hands in a single day. + +Meanwhile, the Jon Stewart and u/dlauer threads from yesterday were a delight to follow along, with quite a few very well-thought questions and just as many thoughtful answers. I believe our movement was well-represented in the threads, and there is now another great resource that new Apes can refer to for clear answers to direct questions. + +Finally, the SHFs are clearly terrified of what is happening in the markets these days, pushing *hard* against GME to put it back below $100/share. Honestly, I was starting to believe that we had seen the last of double-digit prices for GME, but I'll never turn down a good dip. We are but 10 days to March 17th, when we'll once again get a glimpse at the number of shares that have been DRSed by Apes. I cannot wait to see what today brings, and I'm glad to be able to get a peek for the next few hours with all of you. + +Today is Tuesday, March 8th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$100.27 / 92,03 €** *(volume: 2637)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $100.29 / 92,06 € *(volume: 2608)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $100.10 / 91,88 € *(volume: 2603)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $100.04 / 91,82 € *(volume: 2597)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $100.24 / 92,01 € *(volume: 2557)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $99.81 / 91,62 € *(volume: 2492)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $98.81 / 90,69 € *(volume: 1979)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $98.78 / 90,66 € *(volume: 1938)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $99.31 / 91,15 € *(volume: 1782)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 1772)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 1767)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $99.14 / 91,00 € *(volume: 1116)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 998)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $99.36 / 91,20 € *(volume: 958)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $99.36 / 91,20 € *(volume: 804)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $99.36 / 91,20 € *(volume: 801)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 659)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $99.32 / 91,16 € *(volume: 632)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $99.36 / 91,19 € *(volume: 608)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $99.31 / 91,16 € *(volume: 597)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $99.26 / 91,11 € *(volume: 582)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $99.03 / 90,89 € *(volume: 556)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $99.40 / 91,23 € *(volume: 451)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $99.37 / 91,20 € *(volume: 443)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $99.53 / 91,35 € *(volume: 285)* +- 🟥 US close price: $99.35 / 91,19 € *($99.50 / 91,33 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0895. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Just a thought experiment. What would the economy look like if everyone invested the way ausfinance generally suggests - invest in ETFS, stay away from property, don't spend on a new car etc etc. +I'm unemployed and was looking to make money, so I started the theta strategy of selling puts. Fell into the high premium trap with this shit company SPRT that underwent a sudden merger to become GREE. The stock went down 50% on Tuesday and followed up with another 30% drop the day of the merger. The puts that I sold got absolutely pummeled. + +Here are the details: + +Capital: $17,100. + +Put Contracts Sold: 19 contracts, Expiry: 9/17, $9 Strike, Total Premium Received: $760 + +Now, with this shitty merger, the conversion to GREE shares is .115 to SPRT. + +Basically, $9 SPRT= $78.3 GREE. + +Current Price of GREE: $43.50 + +I will most likely be assigned as I'm deep ITM around 209 shares @ $78.3. With the premium, I will break even at ~$74.5. + +I'm down ~$6000 and feel like puking as this is money I can;t afford to lose. Did not see this merger happening and it was plain collusion from these GREE/SPRT/HF fucks. + +What's my best strategy here to get out without any major losses. I'm thinking take assignment, hope IV is high and sell CC at my break even price, and hope there is a bounce to get out of this. I was lucky enough to not sell more aggressive strike prices like others did, majority of folks have a break even around $150 so I still think I might have a chance to get out of this but I'm worried they might tank the price further. I don't know what to do and I really don't want to lose so much money to learn a lesson, I've already decided after this that I will never play with options again minus only selling CC's. + Nothing. It is not ok to lose money. There are many stories of beginner traders who’ve lost all their deposits and it seems widely acceptable. But I disagree. I drew down 55% of my account before I stopped and did a complete overhaul of my mental and money management paradigms. Mentally strong traders know that the power of cutting small losses is real and laying a proper foundation of rules is a way to go. The biggest reason why investors, newbies and even experts fail is because of lack of implementation, especially during the bad periods. Emotional control is difficult in those periods. And you start making mistakes doing things like selling stocks during a crash, speculating on 1–2 individual stocks and so on. A few losses in a row hurts you even more no matter how much money you lose leading you to further losses. Vicious circle.. + +There is a way to avoid it all together. If you start investing for yourself, watch yourself carefully during the first stock market crash. Do you panic or stay calm? If you stay calm, maybe you have the emotional stability needed to invest by yourself. Observe your own behaviour from an unemotional point of view once you start investing. See how you react to huge swings. Also learn to use stop losses and take profits. If you can’t analyze trends and patterns yourself follow advice from pros, there are plenty apps with highly rated traders, like this qooore app for example. Once I actually began to follow my plan, I became profitable. I still make mistakes though. I try to get a better entry when I should hit a market order or I put in a limit to close a position when it is supposed to be a market order. Sometimes I'll get nervous and move a stop. It happens, but most of the time I am calm like a rock. Discipline is the only way to succeed in the long-term. +I'm considering buying the following stocks on Monday. I'll almost definitely buy the stocks that are near their 52-week low (unless there's some reason I should not?). But debating whether to buy those near the 52-week average. Thoughts? And guessing I should buy none near their 52-week highs? + +**NEAR 52-WEEK LOW:** + +* CRSP @ **$78** (**Low $77**; High $220, Avg $128) +* DISNEY @ **$147** (**Low $146**, High $201, Avg $177) +* PAYPAL @ **$187** (**Low $184**, High $310, Avg $257) +* VISA @ **$197** (Low **$192**, High $252, Avg $222) + + + +**NEAR 52-WEEK AVERAGE:** + +* SOFI @ **$18** (Low $10, High $28, **Avg $17**) +* STARBUCKS **@ $110** (Low $95, High $126, **Avg $111**) (Even though it's near it's average I'm concerned it won't drop below $110 this year so I might as well just buy now. Thoughts?) + + +**NEAR 52-WEEK HIGH:** + +* AMD @ **$154** (Low: $72, **High $16**1, Avg $95) +* Apple @ **$156** (Low 116, **High $165**, $136) (Even though it's near it's high I'm concerned it won't drop below $156 this year so I might as well just buy now. Thoughts?) +* Microsoft @ **$328** (Low $209, **High $349**, Avg $264) +* Nvidia @ **$315** (Low $115, **High $346**, Avg $178) +* QQQ **@ $391** (Low $289, **High $408**, Avg $353) + + +In the past I've just invested in total stock market mutual funds, but now I am looking at some company stocks. Any advice on the stocks I listed would be much appreciated. Thanks! +I can’t find the Reddit post but I’ve seen it advised that if you’re going to be sticking something up your butt make sure it either has a flared end or handle. The anus actually will “suck up” objects and you won’t be able to fish them out, like an object in a vagina. One of my past jobs working at a hospital a couple had gotten a screwdriver stuck in the man’s rectum. + +With the recent price action and people recklessly rectum wagering, i hope this information can help prevent an ape from having to make an uncomfortable and embarrassing emergency room visit. + +“911 what’s your emergency?” +“Hi yeah 911 i have a lightbulb stuck in my butt because i had the bright idea to tell a bunch of internet strangers if GameStop closed over 300 today id put one in my butt.” +“…. I’m dispatching an ambulance to your location.” + + +Edit: another solid piece of advice a few apes have mentioned is lube. Lots of lube. +I've been browsing a few ideas for hobbies today, where the money you spend is not entirely lost. Most examples I found are about collecting, either art, comics, gemstones, coins, etc. + +&#x200B; + +Do you have any other examples of hobbies where the value is retained? + +&#x200B; + +Of course there's also value creating hobbies, things like craftsmanship. I'm happy to hear examples in this area too. +It's taken a lot of work and change over a long period of time but I finally achieved a random goal I had of [maxing out one years ISA contributions.](https://imgur.com/080aRJZ) + +Add this to the list of appreciation posts because the fundamental principles found in this sub were crucial in achieving this. +Super new to REI and trying to learn everything I can, so sorry if this is a dumb question. + +So if somebody had the cash savings to purchase say, a duplex, why would they take out a loan vs. buying it upfront? I understand that getting a loan allows you to still bring in some profit every month, but it just seems like paying it all off and waiting a few years to make a profit may be more beneficial? +I want to send an email to a real estate brokerage to make a deal with them. I don’t want to conclude the email with “ so do we have a deal?” I want to sound professional. What should I say? +Note: sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong subreddit +Anyone here familiar with section 8? I have a home that’s being rented for $1,850. + +Someone who applied has a section 8 voucher for $1500 + +How does the rest work? Is that just cash then? Anyone do anything like this? + +Thanks in advance +Exactly as the title says. + +This is not the MOASS - this is a strategic move to try to get retail to invest in more and more securities not named GME by providing a “confirmation bias” to Meme stock/basket stock theories. + +Since January they have been trying to lure retail out of GME because they are completely fucked. + +The noose is getting tighter and tighter as retail continues to buy daily and DRS shares. They are scared because their whole livelihood is about to be destroyed because of GME. Convincing retail that GME is not the only MOASS is the only way to subdue retails buying pressure to give them some breathing room to kick the can further. + +No matter what posts or media articles you see claiming otherwise, they are wrong. This is a psychological war and this is one of their plays. + + +Read through the comments and you’ll see they do not like the truth being kept alive after 11 months of manipulation and infiltration to try and divide retail - Gamestop IS their Achilles heel. + +TL/DR: Post title. +Meta also said the augmented and virtual reality business at the heart of its metaverse plans is generating revenue but is unprofitable.  + +I would expect a price drop in the three following cryptos as they are associated with the meta verse. + +-Mana +-Sand +-AXS + +I'm calling it right now, the metaverse will be a big failure. The only reason the metaverse seems so popular is because of the advertisements and the amount of memes. Nobody is going out of their way to buy an Oculus headset for $400 and try to bid on a house to be snoop doggs neighbors. + +Facebook is losing 1 million users daily. It's very possible that the Facebook Era goes downhill from here on out. +I’m just feeling so saturated with the (albeit extremely important and topical) shorts discussions. For those of us not playing the short game or who just need a break, are there any “boring” stocks top of mind? + +I’ll stay away from financials since that touches too close to the shorts issue. But I still love Target and CVS as long term value picks +As you probably know, the suez canal is blocked by a fucking huge shipwreck. The last time it was blocked was in 1967. What happened in 1967? Ships heading to Europe from Asia had to go around the horn of Africa, adding up to 12,000 miles to their journey. + +This meant that the crews had to stop along the way for fuel and provisions. They stopped at the biggest port in Africa which was in South Africa. Many companies also offloaded goods at a discount in South Africa. + + This sent the entire economy of South Africa into hyperdrive. Look at a GDP chart for south africa and you'll see the huge jump in 1967. Their stock market rallied because of it too. + +The same dynamic is playing out today. Suez canal has been blocked for 4 days. It is likely to be blocked for MONTHS. That means a lot of ships will be stopping in South Africa, sending their economy to the moon for thhe first time since the 1960s. + +The guy who was trying to short south Africa ETFs a while back had some solid DD, but the suez canal blockage is about to suck all the money out of his brokerage account. That ship has been there for 4 days and there is no sign that it will be out soon. Most likely it will be MONTHS of losses for him. + +Oh yeah, and if I'm wrong? Their stock market is one of the cheapest in the world from a value perspective. AN etf that tracks their stocks Is trading at less than 4x earnings. If youre a boomer, youll love the 5% dividends too. + +TL;DR get your south african tendies while they're hot. +https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-economy-grows-at-2-3-rate-in-first-quarter-1524832800 + +I found this article rather interesting today. As most know, the GDP recently beat estimates, although still slowed month over month. While a good gdp is never bad, slowing rate of change is a bigger concern. Looking into this article however has me a little more concerned about something else, which plays into a lot of my other general thoughts on the economy right now. + +**Consumer Spending Dropping and Inventories Rising?** + +Consumer spending dropped off a cliff. That's a problem since consumer spending largely drives the economy. Given, consumer spending on services is still strong, but consumer spending on goods is not ideal. The interesting thing here is that the GDP didn't drop because inventories rose significantly, signaling that a lot of the GDP was driven by increased business spending activity, partially a result of the tax cuts. + +The issue here, is that inventories are at least somewhat dependent on consumer spending. If consumer spending continues to stay low, then businesses will stop adding to their inventories for obvious reasons, and that component which is keeping GDP high will drop out. I assume that the inventory spending was largely in anticipation of a boom in consumer spending after tax cuts were put into place. + +Either way, there is clearly a lot more complexity here, so take this at least somewhat with a grain of salt, but I found this worth sharing for anyone here who doesn't necessarily have the rosiest forward picture of the economy right now. + +**Edit for Clarification:** The consumer data I reference is a little more than half way down in the chart. You'll notice a big drop off in consumer goods spending (not services) compared to last year's averages. This is also a rate of contribution to GDP, so I should have worded the title here better. +My father passed away and we finally got his investment portfolio rolled over. He’s got about 2.5 million with about 85% Apple stock and the rest spread around to various mutual funds. My mother is 65 and has no plans to work, so this will fund the rest of her life. + +My fathers financial advisor had told her to keep it as is, but I have a hard time believing that’s smart. Makes sense to me to sell apple and move those funds into a less risky, interest bearing fund. Or heck even a high interest rate savings account that can guarantee preservation of funds. + +Am I off base here? Appreciate any info. + +Update 1: Wow thanks for all the responses! Went to run errands and didn’t expect this to blowup so much. Will read through all and prep for our advisor meeting next week. Thanks everyone! + +Update 2: Answering some common questions 1. mother lives in HCOL city 2. father was same age and planned to work another five years 3. was a quick three months from unexpected stage 4 cancer diagnosis to his death so there wasn’t any discussion on his risk plans for the rest of their lives 4. Future inheritance is not a priority for me +\[TLDR\] - Many Americans face uncertain retirement prospects or are unable to achieve their FIRE goal in the U.S. Many will opt to reside outside of the U.S. in retirement and will live happy, comfortable, and fulfilling lives. This migration will create opportunities and problems for lower CoL host countries. + +FIRE is a growing movement that has captivated many Millennials and Gen X-ers. Many of us coped with stress, student loans, the pandemic, and the persistent looming fear of a bubble-bursting recession by dreaming of FIRE. However, our generations' dreams do not necessarily align with reality: + +* Millennial wealth averages 34 - 11% below expected generational wealth (wealth compared to earlier generations at same age) \[1\] +* Existing home prices have increased 17.2% YoY in March 2021 \[2\] +* Millennial student loan debt averaged \~ $35,000 in 2019 \[3\] +* Millennials are now marrying \~ 5 years later than similarly aged cohorts 30 years ago and U.S. birth rates have been declining for 30 years. \[4\] +* Healthcare expenditures are up 31x since the 1970s +* Half of American families in the 56-to-61 age bracket had less than $21,000 in retirement savings in 2016 \[5\] + +As many Americans near retirement, they will need to dramatically increase saving and reduce expenditures to maintain comfortable living standards in retirement. Many, will, by choice or by force, seek residence outside of the U.S. with lower costs of living and lower health care costs. + +Additionally, many Millennials, again by choice or by force, will feel less connected to the U.S. by potentially not marrying, not owning a home, and not having children. They will seek comfortable, fulfilling lives outside of the U.S., and this will create growth opportunities (along with some problems like inflation and gentrification) in lower CoL host countries. + +A few counter arguments can be made: + +* The passing of the Baby Boomers will mark the largest generational wealth transfer in history as they pass on their wealth to their Gen-X and millennial children \[6\] +* The passing of the Boomers will also create more inventory in housing potentially resulting in more affordable housing \[7\] +* Policy changes that support notions of more affordable housing, medical care, and encourage birth can mitigate some of the issues mentioned above + +\[1\] [https://www.stlouisfed.org/household-financial-stability/the-demographics-of-wealth/wealth-impacts-of-great-recession-on-young-families](https://www.stlouisfed.org/household-financial-stability/the-demographics-of-wealth/wealth-impacts-of-great-recession-on-young-families) + +\[2\] [https://www.nar.realtor/newsroom/housing-market-reaches-record-high-home-price-and-gains-in-march](https://www.nar.realtor/newsroom/housing-market-reaches-record-high-home-price-and-gains-in-march) + +\[3\] [https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/research/millennials-and-student-loan-debt-study/](https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/research/millennials-and-student-loan-debt-study/) + +\[4\] [https://www.businessinsider.com/birth-rate-decline-pandemic-millennials-change-reshaped-economy-infrastructure-2021-5](https://www.businessinsider.com/birth-rate-decline-pandemic-millennials-change-reshaped-economy-infrastructure-2021-5) + +\[5\] [https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/05/04/baby-boomers-retirement/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/05/04/baby-boomers-retirement/) + +\[6\] [https://www.forbes.com/sites/markhall/2019/11/11/the-greatest-wealth-transfer-in-history-whats-happening-and-what-are-the-implications/?sh=70e362954090](https://www.forbes.com/sites/markhall/2019/11/11/the-greatest-wealth-transfer-in-history-whats-happening-and-what-are-the-implications/?sh=70e362954090) + +\[7\] [https://www.zillow.com/research/silver-tsunami-inventory-boomers-24933/](https://www.zillow.com/research/silver-tsunami-inventory-boomers-24933/) +My wife and I are \~50, and we've only reframed our retirement goals in the last two years or so. Previously, we were the most bougie people possible: planning to retire in our mid-to-late 60s, figuring out how to maximize social security payments, and having what would be (by then) a healthy nest egg that would let us pick our retirement spot of choice and settle in with few worries about our finances. On the other hand... that's +/- 65 years old. As many people have said over the years, "tomorrow is promised to no one." We love to travel; I know that's a cliche, but we exclusively vacation overseas and our google map called "Oh the places we'll go!" has multiple layers and hundreds of pins. + +So, we started re-doing the math. (re: the title of the post, we are 46 and 51 years old at the time) If we don't need to own a home in a relatively HCOL region, things get cheaper. If we leave the United States entirely, things get \*a lot\* cheaper. Plus, our biggest likely expense in retirement, travel, gets completely reworked if we start from a European hub instead of an American one. Even at this relatively late stage of life, if we employ most of the common strategies here in /r/financialindependence we were able to project a comfortable retirement at 55/60 instead of 60/65. + +And then, just this week, we realized that one of the tentpoles of our plan wasn't even necessary. We were planning on using the "golden visa" program in Portugal, which while it's an investment and not just a cost, tying up \~$400k-$550k for several years was a stretch goal. It was fine, that was what we were bearing down to achieve over the next 5-ish years. But, if we skip that and just go the more traditional visa route, we don't need that nut. We can live on the nut we've been accumulating (largely in home equity) until we hit the first of our significant 401ks. (I mentioned we're old farts that have been doing things the old-fashioned way, right?) In other words, instead of counting down the next 6 years here, in the old work/life model, we'll be counting down in our dream retirement environment. We've now pinky-promised ourselves that the next time there's a hiccup in either of our careers, instead of retrenching to make the next several years work, we're saying "to hell with it" and FIRE-ing. + +It does mean we aren't going to be living a life of (middle-class) luxury. We'll have to consider when to eat out and and when not to. We won't be taking the Orient Express just to fulfill an (incredibly expensive) wish list item. But, we'll get to all of the museums and archaeological sites, the beaches, the mountains... all of it. And we're far more likely to be healthy enough to enjoy it, even if we won't be in our 40s like some of the other success stories in here. We're very appreciative of the examples that are found in here, and I encourage any other lurkers to change your sensation of "I can't do what they're doing" (if that's what you've got) into "I can do something more than I have been doing." Retiring even a few years earlier than your friends, family, financial advisor etc... tell you is right will feel incredibly liberating. +A funny thing happened on Thursday, where there was supposed to be a T+21, and it didn't happen—shills were out in full force to convince everyone to sell. One particular shill decided to reach out to me over Chat, and wasn't very good at their job. I played along to extract the blueprint of how they work, and the arguments they use. The most surprising part was their tenacity. No matter how many ad hominins I threw at them, they seemed determined to want to "enlighten" me to sell. See the attached screen shots for the entertainment! + +**TL;DR** + +1. The shorts are getting desperate if they are hiring people with such low mental capabilities to try to convince diamond hands to sell. It's like they put an ad out for all Nigerian scammers, to dupe apes out of their shares (the time zone is about right) +2. Shorts are immensely scared of apes not selling +3. HODL + +Here are some of their tactics: + +* Begin with a "friendly" yet very awkward, non-native English intro to make you think that they are an ape +* Try to tell you that all of the DD is wrong +* Ignore basic mathematical and financial concepts and questions +* Ask you for a screen shot when you sell, saying that it is for a "survey" +* Want to help you and the world sell GME (who has time to do this, unless they are getting paid?) +* Tell you that the end is near, you should sell now +* Try to tell you that nothing else will make the stock go up at this point, because the squeeze already happened (yes, that's why GME spiked twice to $350 since then) +* Downvote button. Much like the *Knights of New*, there seems to be a dark group that I will call the *Scoundrels of Slovenly*. These decrepit beings downvote new postings and comments by apes, so that they never make it to the top of the list. I have seen good comments get downvoted as I refreshed, as well as my *Possible DD* about the AMC and crypto correlation, when I first posted + +Here are some of their arguments: + +* T+21 has been proven false +Counterargument: Only once out of the last six months. Besides, who cares about dates? +* GME is plummeting +Counterargument: Plummeted from $4 to $210? +* GME has been plummeting since weeks ago +Counterargument: My cost basis is $17 (in since December 2020!) +* I am going to sell, you should, too +Counterargument: Super laughable, not sure how to reply to this one +* GME is on the way down +Counterargument: How come it can't seem to go below $200 and there are multiple technical indicators that show support (see: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o7u6z4/technical\_analysis\_is\_bullish\_on\_gme\_chartswere/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o7u6z4/technical_analysis_is_bullish_on_gme_chartswere/)) +* Don't be a bagholder on a company not close to $200 based on fundamentals +Counterargument: GME is worth more than $200/share based on all fundamentals +* You are a cultist +Counterargument: I use technical analysis based on mathematical derivations. You use...? +* Mother of All Plummets +Counterargument: This one was pretty creative, I'll give them that +* The board make a killing with the stock selling +Counterargument: Board made nothing, otherwise, it would have to be reported in SEC filings. Company, however, just raised $2B of capital in a stock offering where 8.5M shares were sold, and with a reported 55.8M float, increased the float by 15%, the stock price still ended *up*! Extremely bullish +* There is no next catalyst +Counterargument: T+21 wasn't even a thing a few weeks ago, yet we see massive price action. Also, long term holders don't need a catalyst, only losers are counting on a catalyst (looking at you, Dr. Sunshine <[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o78go0/t21\_spike\_didnt\_happen\_but\_we\_are\_still\_winning/h2zi9v8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o78go0/t21_spike_didnt_happen_but_we_are_still_winning/h2zi9v8/)\> +* Board is slower than the SEC +Counterargument: How so? +* Board will do nothing about the short squeeze +Counterargument: Not their job to save the shorts +* You will pay a more tax if it climbs +Counterargument: This guy is a complete idiot. Of course I want to pay more tax, that means I made more money! +* You never know when GME is going to plummet +Counterargument: Correct, I don't know what shorts are going to do with the price action, but you also don't know if you'll get hit by a car every day you get out of bed + +&#x200B; + +In conclusion, I have learned to not promote specific dates, as Reddit is public. Shills can see everything that is put out here, and will devise strategies to demoralize us. However, it is still far better to share our information in public than to hide them, because when we democratize our ideas though peer review, we come up with the best of the best and grow our tribal knowledge. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wmzpw4jjew771.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e0dcd7b9de1c4e7e37926decc9c014fc20efa5 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qbdwinhlew771.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff3083a8b513a75901529263a8dba4bda9b80a0 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/om0kesemew771.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0407cae74927ee754689dca59e30f2d835250394 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dadhhc5new771.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c90b282ffa91cbab41ec8c368738eb728f9556 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ifk4d2hnew771.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690c3db8367634f5468debe439fc9094e8b2d58c + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gm902utnew771.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc4c0211c843af62145ea887219be6ebb60bb5f + +&#x200B; +I decided to open a Jan 2023 GME LEAPS on Friday because I noticed how out of whack the far OTM options are priced: [https://imgur.com/lDl362g](https://imgur.com/lDl362g) + +\~$23 for a $950 strike expiring in about 400 days... 6,500 OI... those buyers need GME to go up $773 from Friday's close in that time \*just to reach breakeven.\* This, obviously, creates a pretty sizable discount on an ATM LEAPS- my $210C's profit point goes down from $288 to $265. + +If you are long GME but do not believe the stock will squeeze to $10,000,000 in the next 14 months this is a no-brainer. And if that does happen, congrats to r/Superstonk. You would still stand to make a measly $62k per spread. + +Position: 1 Jan 2023 GME 210/950 bull spread @$5.5k. +There’s the well-known “normal” stuff (e.g. nanny, housekeepers, personal chefs). + + +What’re your unusual tips for making childcare easier (and hopefully making sure you raise decent humans)? + +I’ll go first: hire academically exceptional college students as tutors. For some reason the kids will listen more closely to the “older kids” than the parents. +Hi all, interested to hear your thoughts: + +Last night I had beers with a buddy who fatfired last year at 32. We got to discussing possible post Fatfire career tracks - he does not want to continue in the track that got him to (I guess) 3-5mio but does want to go back to work at some point. Specifically we were discussing jobs that fit the following criteria: + +- Are ‘cool’. Obviously very subjective but for lack of a better definition let’s say anything that will impress a girl you meet at a party +- Not (necessarily) high earning but does have the possibility of netting you some good $$ down the line or segue into something that does. This basically means an industry where large amounts of money change hands +- Based somewhere you want to live +- Work with interesting people +- There is some chance, even if slim, that you can land the job - so your skillset has to at least be somewhat transferable + +Premise is that working your way up to Fatfire compensation at an international company should be enough to get you an interview most places - is this too optimistic? + +Options will vary widely based on preference and background but here are a few Ive been thinking about. The obvious answer for most will be startups but given how much that has been discussed on this forum already would prefer to focus elsewhere. + +- Think tank. I have a friend who did this in DC and is now working for the UN. He loves it. +- Supranational organisations in general. Mostly filled with career politicians, academics and super-rich kids who want to tell themselves they are making a difference. Still a lot of interesting work and very good exit opps +- Corporate side of pro sports. Ie NFL, Formula 1, GM office of pro sports teams. I know no one in this world but there has to be some really cool jobs out there. +- Corporate side of a luxury brand you are passionate about. A friend of mine met Patek’s CFO and he apparently was a great guy. I would be more interested in a high end winery or distillery. +- Yacht broker. Start with small boats and try work your way up to megayachts, plus live somewhere cool +- Entertainment industry. I have a friend who works for a famous DJs record label - pays very little but his job is awesome. I know nothing about Hollywood but assume there must be some interesting work there +- Festivals - know a guy who along with 3 others (and part time staff) organises a music festival that pays each of them ~$500k each year +- Clubs - ie Nikki Beach HQ + +Any thoughts on the idea in general, specific points above or something you think might be fun for you personally welcome! + +This is me just venting about my experience researching Ethereum (and the euphoria which followed), perhaps someone can relate, perhaps this is lost getting in the see of Lambo memes. + + +First off, I'm a 20 year old Computer Science major who was introduced to Ethereum by a friend of mine. At first all I saw was dollar signs, I saw a get rich quick opportunity which I wasn't going to pass up. So I bought the amount of ETH I could afford, knowing little of what it actually was as a technology. + + +I was browsing Reddit as usual and as the usual [r/aww](http://reddit.com/r/aww) post scrolled by I thought of Ethereum and wondered if there was a sub for ETH. Of course there was a sub, there is always a sub. I started reading on [r/ethereum](http://reddit.com/r/ethereum) and read some posts about words I didn't understand; ICOs, dApps, Tokens, etc. The first post which peaked my interest was of course about the current growth, which of course pointed me in the direction of [r/ethtrader](http://reddit.com/r/ethtrader). First thing I thought was that I wasn't a trader at all and it probably wasn't the place for me, but I was interested and I know you have to start somewhere. + + +[r/ethtrader](http://reddit.com/r/ethtrader), the place of Lambo memes, ATH posts, [u/ScienceGuy9489](http://reddit.com/u/ScienceGuy9489), but for me even more the place of a warm community, people who share a vision and passion for the technology (and the dank moon memes, let's be real). + + +I started actually researching the tech and after understanding the use besides a currency as a decentralized world computer, I started researching Solidity and programming Smart Contracts, seeing as I'm a freaking programmer. + + +It is at this point that something clicked in my head. A total paradigm shift happened for me and it is incredible. I knew that privacy at this point in time is mostly a myth and I was sure that the future wasn't any different and most likely more extreme. But Ethereum has changed that, it gives the power back to the people, we decide what happens with our data and where our money goes. No more borders, no more Big Brother, a free and open internet. I believe something like Status will result in mass adoption, adding billions of people in developing countries to this new age of internet and social networking. + + +Ethereum and Status will be the platforms which thrust developing countries into development, catching up with the rest of the world. + + +If all this goes to plan, Vitalik will be known as the father of the 21st century's Digital Renaissance and we'll have a brighter future because of it. + + +I don't know if this euphoria induced word-vomit is coherent at all or if I'm not making any sense and this is just a bullshit unrealistic future which I crafted, but I hope it's not. + + +TL;DR: The decentralized web is coming and it's tight as fuck. +This market is insane. I do think we're in bubble territory, and it's going to take real discipline to stay safe out there. There has been a massive increase in a speculative asset that doesn't really have a functioning product yet. + +At the same time, I think we're quite [early on in the bubble.](https://people.hofstra.edu/geotrans/eng/ch7en/conc7en/img/stages_bubble.png) I think the lunatics were those who bought in prior to $20, or before the Bitcoin ETF. Early adopters have brought us up to where we're at now, and we're now entering the awareness phase. + +When looking at those phases of the bubble, remember that they pertain to the general public. Do you think that most people are aware of ETH? If you're like me, and think that they aren't, do you think that they'll become aware of it over the next few months? I do think that they'll become aware, but I'm not convinced that they'll buy. That will come later, after they're reminded by the mainstream media about that weird *Ethereum* thing they heard about a few months prior. It may happen after they get a "hot tip" from their Facebook newsfeed. If that point arrives, there will be a feeding frenzy, making these current markets look as boring as 10yr government bonds. + +This **could become** our generation's dotcom bubble. We **could be** the people buying MSFT at $0.6 in 1990. Do yourself a favor, though, and layout the goals that you have for yourself. Write up a contract to your future self about when you'll sell, and why you're picking those points. This could get HUGE, and you'll want to have something to show for it. + +I've been in since $16.00 USD, and I've just drawn up the following exit points: + +* Sell x amount of ETH at $914 - Pay back student loans +* Sell y amount of ETH at $2400 - Buy a house +* Sell z amount of ETH at $10 000 - consider retiring + +I took the advice of many of the people here, and didn't over-invest early on. Because of that, crypto is still my plan B, and I'll be able to reach all the above goals on my own, even if ETH goes to $0. My God, it seems like ETH could become my plan A, though. + +If this becomes an **ACTUAL GLOBAL** bubble, and not just a bubble among crypto enthusiasts, the above numbers are honestly attainable. If the excitement somehow stays contained to our space, then maybe we're at a local peak, and I'll have to hold longer to meet any of my 3 goals. + +I've signed a contract with myself, though, and I'm sticking to it. I recommend that you do the same. + +It's the only way to stay safe out there. +Their Mino-Lok product will save lives while lowering costs for patients and hospitals – a win/win. The fact that I could make some money from investing in the stock is another win. I see this as a win/win/win. + +It's a win³ if you will. 😄 + +In case this is your first time hearing about Citius aka CTXR, I think this website provides some good DD: + +[https://frugalnorwegian.com/ctxr/](https://frugalnorwegian.com/ctxr/) + +A little excerpt that sums up some of what I like: + +* Experienced Management +* Invested Management (significant!) +* Good Phase 2 for Mino-Lok (very good in this case) +* Pipeline has little, or no, competition +* Plenty of Cash (as of May 2021) + +Am I pumping this stock? Yes, but not artificially; not in a pump-and-dump way. I want institutions to invest, people with more money than I have to invest, and people with less money to come along for the ride up. I want the company to succeed because of this first product and the others they have in the pipeline. This is one of those "do good and make money" stocks that I'm always looking for but can rarely find. Fingers crossed I found it here. + +In summary, I love that an investment of mine could help save lives and lessen suffering while also lowering healthcare costs and being financially successful. I am excited and very hopeful. Do your own DD, don't FOMO into anything, and know your own risk tolerance. +Car hunting is insane right now as I'm sure you all know. I've been told by a few dealerships (but not all) across a few different states (NY and CT mainly) that if I purchase a car from them but am not a resident of that state they need to charge me upwards of two thousand dollars since I'm taking product out of the local market. + +Is this a fair or legal practice? +I'm not sure where else to put this. I signed up for a gym July 2019 - the deal was two years for the price of one if you paid right there, right then - so I did. I paid like $429 total. + +Fast forward to today, I find the gym charged me $650. I don't know what for, I am mad, upset, annoyed, confused! + +I called US Bank and they said if the gym doesn't cooperate they'll dispute it, but I feel like that's a big chunk to dispute. How can I ensure I get my money back? I have my contract that I signed from 2019. I am SO SO upset right now, and I've read online that this gym chain (Xsport) is notorious for being shady. + +SOS. + +UPDATE: Went to the gym, they said that shouldn’t have happened and to contact them during working hours when the manager is there or contact corporate during those hours. Should get the $ back. +To those saying "why post here - why not ask the gym?" Because it was the middle of the night when I found out about the charge and I have anxiety. +Started my investing journey on the 13th of January.By the 20th of January 2021, bought a few Gamestop shares. **Yeet**.Like a true non-wrinkled ape, without deep research. Just with ***deep fucking value*** on my mind. + +&#x200B; + +Now, 9 months have passed. Just wow. I mean it... **WOW!** + +I changed so much during this time... Gamestop forced me to focus, learn, adapt and overcome! + +Its almost impossible to describe how my whole perspective has shifted. To be honest, I was already a very skeptical person. I just find it really hard to believe the "normal" and accepted narratives of how our world and society functions. The "common-sense" of "normal people" deeply scares me. Well, the lack of it... The absolute trust in government agencies, in mainstream media, in what important, rich and famous people say, the lack of questioning their words and intentions behind the words, it just isn't in me. If you are already thinking that Im a crazy guy, that's fine. For real...... It ain't easy to doubt as much as I do. But the truth is, I can't find a way to ignore the signs. We are and keep being lied to at a large scale. **Everyday, everywhere. Its how this works.** + +&#x200B; + +**Today is the 20th of October 2021. Gamestop is not a dying company, it never was, never will be. Shorts are still without pants and the fvcking winter is coming.** + +**The future of our favourite company is looking as BRIGHT as ever! But we already know that.** + +&#x200B; + +I know this post is mostly random words from a very tired, sleepy and drunk Europoor ape, but the amount of love, friendship and deep gratitude I feel right now, had to be turned into a post. Superstonk community, WE ARE THE BEST! + +&#x200B; + +tldr: 9 months in, life changed forever, we are the best, I love you all and gamestop will reward us. Ahh, and **hedgies r fuk.** + + +EDIT: typo +31F Teacher. Net monthly take home is 1700 (plus a bit more some months from tutoring). + +I have 8k in a LISA (intending to buy a place with my partner next year- contributing 400/month until full), 2.5K in Marcus as an emergency fund (not contributing anything ATM) and 1k invested in Vanguard Global Balanced Fund (contributing 100/month). Also have some small sinking funds but I don't include this as the money is essentially spent. + +From my net take home of 1700, about 50% is going on bills, 30% on savings/investing and 20% on spending. I have recently paid off all debt. My bills are high but we live in the south east unfortunately. + +Is there anything I could be doing differently? Should I be investing while trying to build up the LISA? Should I not stop contributing to my emergency fund even though I have a pretty secure job? Not sure what to prioritise! +Correction .52 sold for 2500 + + + +Why is this not more of a big deal? That is literal proof of fraud and manipulation with a complicit structure 🤯 someone posted a trust me bro that post split we are at 5k a share yet we see 33 and change per share. Am i missing something or was it a shitpost ? + +Edit: post stated transaction was 1/28/2021 I believe @market open + +Post in comments +With the Netflix thing and some mod related events coming in hot on this fine Friday, I just want to remind everybody that even though this is not new, it is coming out of nowhere. + +They have been pretty tame in terms of the weekend BS for some time now. But we now have 2 different tactics getting heavily pushed. + +These tactics are not just aimed at the social construct of the sub, but also the financial side of things. + +Netflix doing what it did, I suspect, is to facilitate coming activity. + +The mods doing what they’re doing is to instill a bit of fear for people to remain silent so they can still participate in the discussions. + +I have seen this before, along with muddying of the waters, manipulating the voting system to push up or pull down posts. It’s all just clockwork now. + +So a message to the hedge funds: + +If your stupidity is as powerful as your greed, you’ll have nobody to blame but yourselves. You pushed and lied and twisted everything that has come out of this saga to try and keep the public on your side, and the more you talk, the more people will get curious, and the more will see through your game. + +You did this. You’re choosing to continue down this road and blame others while you’re literally cheating at your own game, and you’re STILL losing. + +You must be really bad with money to rig the entire economy into your pocket and STILL lose it all. + +BUY HODL DRS til your last breath apes. Oh and death doesn’t scare anyone anymore because if you start killing us off, those are just more shares that you will never get back, and it’ll only expose you more. + +See you all Monday. Have a good weekend! +Okay so I am a 21M and looking to purchase a cheap run down 1 bedroom apt in a very nice area of Perth. Basically asking price is mid 200k and I would be able to rent it out for around $350 a week. Assuming all goes to plan I would likely be able to pay off the majority of the mortgage with the renters money. + +What external factors am I not factoring in before I decide to go further down the property market as opposed to stocks (which I am just placing a weekly amount into an index fund). + + +Looking forward to hearing your advice! +This is my first time posting here so my apologies if this isn't the right sub for this question. + +Some of the relevant details: +I live in Silicon Valley. That should probably explain a lot on its own. I bought my town home in 2012 for $430k. I currently have a little under $300k left on the loan. It's a 30-yr fixed at around 3.875%(if I remember correctly). I'm paying around $1400/month for the mortgage. An identical town home in my complex just sold for $1,225,000. + +So I have a whole lot of equity in my house. I'm a first time homeowner and I've heard I'm supposed to "make my wealth work for me" but I don't really know what means or what to do, if anything. What options do I have? + +I'm about to go to bed right now but I'll respond to any questions that people might have tomorrow. Thanks for any helpful advice! + +Edit: wealth not health. Also WOW. I was not expecting so many replies! Thanks everyone. It'll take a while to read through everything but after a quick scan of the responses, a little bit more relevant info: I don't want to move out of the bay area anytime soon. I love this area too much. I have a secure job and my commute is pretty good as well. My girlfriend (who lives with me) and I definitely don't want kids. +So... I just turned 16 and am very eager for a job. I don't get much opportunities to make money irl :( and right now have only $2 and 50 cents (I know \~ I'm rolling in dough). However, because I'm very close to finishing school and getting ready for college in two years, I just now realized how important money is and why I should probably be saving up some instead of frolicking in the fields. + +I talked to my mother about getting a job either during this month or next year, but she heavily argued that I shouldn't because if I were to, the added income from me could make the whole house ineligible for Medicaid (NY). I started digging into this and found that as long as my income stays below the threshold limit for tax filing, I theoretically should be good and won't effect my family's Medicaid as my income won't count into the household income... right? + +For more context; I live in NYS, my house consists of 7 people, two of which who work. Individually making $24,000 and about $40,000 annually, which is $64,000 a year. I searched it up and we're actually slightly above the income limit for a seven people household but my mom did say that Medicaid substantially lessened our benefits but still kept us insured. + +Oh! And also, is this legal? Purposely having a low income to avoid filing taxes and therefore avoiding Medicaid counting it. I don't want to talk my employer and explain why I want to have a lower income than they offered just to be met with "I'm sorry son, but I have to report you to the IRS." + +PLEASE!!! Help me out, I literally have no one else to go to and it's very sad I know but... wait no it's just sad. Also I'm very new to the financial world, so very huge chance I messed up some stuff I typed, and there could be more to this than I thought. I'd very much appreciate it if you help me through this and answer my questions. + +Thank you. + +Respectfully, I am in tears, + +&#x200B; + +Edit: First and foremost, thank you for all your amazing replies and suggestions, I can't begin to describe how I felt when my notifications kept popping up and great advice were being given <3 + +Second, I talked to my Medicaid worker as well as a support unit from Upstate NY Health Department and asked them about my question. Both of them told me that Medicaid will NOT count a dependent's income IF the income earned is less than the threshold for filing tax returns. So as long as I stay below $12,400 a year, I'm golden and my family won't receive any backlash :D + +So... now that I know I'm good to go on with life... I'll just drop a lata bitch. +We have put a difficult year behind us, and there is a feeling of a fresh start in the community. In just two weeks, the world's biggest Bitcoin conference, http://btcmiami.com/ is opening it's doors, with all the publicity that follows. Josh Garza, CEO of GAW/Paybase is scheduled to speak on the main stage two times. http://btcmiami.com/speakers-2/ This cannot be allowed to happen. This is the year Bitcoin is supposed to grow up, and put the days of scamming and amateur business practice behind us. I have spent some time looking at Garza's business the last week, and it is just a flaming trail of lies and deception. People are still being sucked into it, and I have read many sad stories of people investing everything they got into this. + +Someone has to stop this. + +I've never known anyone to actually do this but you can negotiate house prices so is it possible to do this and be successful or is it highly unlikely when compared to buying a house? The rent is £795 so I'd love to get it down to 700-750 + +EDIT - Thanks everyone for the valuable insights! I'm sure this will help a lot of people as most didn't know you could do this with rented properties it seems haha +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Hi, + +I'm a new investor, still studying but I want a good start with my portfolio for the rest of my life. I was looking for good renewable energy stocks since I think that investors in the future will be more and more incline to turn into ESG companies in general. + + I looked a little bit into the fundamentals and business model of XBC and this looks to me like a strong growth company that could become a leader in Renewable Natural Gas. They plan a lot of new acquisitions worldwide (the more recent being HyGear) that could place them in a great position for on-site RNG delivery and production and own several intellectual properties for their technologies. However, it seems that there is not a lot of people talking about that. + +Since i'm not an expert, I was looking for your opinion about that company to see if I missed something in my analysis of this company or if it really is a good growth stock in the near future. + +TLDR: Is there any bears on XBC that could fill me in with their opinion ? +Do you often daytrade in the last 2 hours before market close? If so, are you an overall winning trader and if so, how do you know which days are safer to day trade the last 2 hours? For me, I only day trade TQQQ/SQQQ and tend to avoid the last 2 hours because I can see from looking at many months of intra day charts that I'll never know in advance which days have the last 2 hours that move quite a bit and which days where it moves in a very tight range. I can't trade the tight range since that is where I always lose money. So I mostly just trade the first half of the day, knowing that there is almost always at least one decent run during that time, if not several. +Long story short there's OpenSea Collection named "Ghozaly Everyday" + +[https://opensea.io/collection/ghozali-everyday](https://opensea.io/collection/ghozali-everyday) + +Which contains photo of literally him sitting behind the computer from 18 to 22 years old ( 2017 - 2021 ). + +Surprisingly there's a lot of demand and buyers which generate a lots of trading volume up to 29.2ETH !! + +[Ghozali Everyday](https://preview.redd.it/l3gqo20xz9b81.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1001379d67c6ed19267bb4cdb57bb49b44878a2) + +Its Insane something so simple could generate a lots of money, also if you look his twitter there's a lot of story or lore behind the photos l + +[Lore](https://preview.redd.it/hvz9hc4zz9b81.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d4753a282d982129e2e697b1458c125cf36ac2c) + +&#x200B; + +Edit : 40.8 ETH volume traded now, and floor keeps rising ! + +i dunno people too dumb or too smart for this space. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 2 : Holy shit this things blew up made Polygon Network down lmao + +[Polygon Down](https://preview.redd.it/vvnkmq020ab81.png?width=1488&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef1f9443672a36a2617eecf1ceff9dce1819548a) + +&#x200B; + +Edit 3 : This things really blew up rofl mainstream media already reporting here and there, and by the looks of it Ghozali himself will be invited to Corbuzier podcast (Discount Joe Rogan Podcast in Indonesia, really popular in here). + +&#x200B; + +Edit 4 : Timeline of his photos + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGq4gPphgJw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGq4gPphgJw) +Say I have 100 assets I care to track; stocks, ETFs, commodities, crypto, whatever... + +I want to discover all the strongest correlations over time. When X goes down Y goes up. When A, B, C, and D go down and E, and F go up, J tends to go up. + +You get the point; not just pairs of correlations but all observed correlations in the data. + +Anything in Python that does this? Any tools? If not, how could it be done, mathematically or programmatically speaking? +My friend and I have been looking for hours and read the "How to get historical data for free" sidebar without luck, so we've turned to /r/algotrading. + +Our question is if anyone here knows a free API that allows us to pull data for 100s or 1000s of stocks. The data would be price, market cap, RSI, MACD, Implied Volatility for ATM strikes with a set expiry (for example 14 days) and perhaps more indicators. + +Our idea is inspired by [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/q0o7n2/high_iv_stocks_list_with_market_cap_rsi_stats_all/) + +Any help is much appreciated. +(Bloomberg) -- The White House explored the legality of demoting Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell in February, soon after President Donald Trump talked about firing him, according to people familiar with the matter. + +The White House general counsel’s office weighed the legal implications of stripping Powell of his chairmanship and leaving him as a Fed governor, the people said, in what would be an unprecedented move. A replacement would have to be nominated by Trump and confirmed by the Senate. + +Trump’s team conducted the legal analysis and came to a conclusion that has remained closely held within the White House, the people said, requesting anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. It isn’t clear whether Trump directed the legal review, and the people didn’t describe the outcome. + +A White House official who declined to be identified said he wouldn’t comment on what he called alleged discussions from months ago. Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, said demoting Powell isn't currently under consideration. + +Fed spokeswoman Michelle Smith said in an email: “Under the law, a Federal Reserve Board chair can only be removed for cause.” + +‘Stuck With You’ + +Bloomberg News reported in December that Trump discussed firing Powell out of frustration over the central bank’s interest rate increases. + +While Trump still regularly expresses his displeasure with the Fed in tweets, talk of removing Powell has subsided. Trump told Powell in a March phone call, “I guess I’m stuck with you,” according to the Wall Street Journal. + +The Federal Reserve Act provides explicit protection for all Fed governors against removal by the president except “for cause.’’ Courts have interpreted the phrase to require proof of some form of legal misconduct or neglect of basic duties. A disagreement over monetary policy wouldn’t meet that bar. + +However, it’s less clear whether the president can demote a chair, removing him or her from that position while leaving the person as a Fed governor. + +Scott Alvarez, who served as the Fed’s general counsel for more than a decade until 2017, said Powell could still be protected because of changes Congress made to the law four decades ago. + +Up to that point, the president simply named the Fed chairman from among governors already confirmed by the Senate. But in 1977, lawmakers amended the act, requiring the Senate to confirm chair and vice chair nominees for four-year terms separately from the confirmation of their governorships, which run as long as 14 years. + +Alvarez said the courts would likely interpret the 1977 change as removing not only the president’s unilateral authority to name the chair, but also the ability to dismiss him or her without cause. There is, however, no precedent for such a move and no way to know how the courts would rule if the Fed, or Powell himself, challenged the demotion. + +Frustrated President + +The White House legal team developed its analysis after Trump in December privately discussed firing Powell following an interest rate increase that roiled global financial markets. The Fed has raised rates seven times since Trump took office. + +Fed policy makers are meeting Tuesday and Wednesday. No rate move is expected immediately, though economists and investors generally agree the central bank will cut borrowing costs this year. + +Powell, who became chairman in February 2018, has drawn Trump’s ire for not being more accommodating of his trade war with China. The president has repeatedly complained that the Fed, under Powell, has stymied growth and financial markets by raising rates. + +“He’s my pick -- and I disagree with him entirely,” Trump said last week in an interview with ABC News. “Frankly, if we had a different person in the Federal Reserve that wouldn’t have raised interest rates so much we would have been at least a point and a half higher.” + +Trump had a casual dinner with Powell and Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida in February, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said at the time. The Fed released a statement shortly after the meeting saying that the group discussed the U.S. economy’s performance and outlook, but that Powell didn’t share his expectations for monetary policy. + +‘Law Is Clear’ + +Powell told the CBS News program “60 Minutes” in March that he didn’t think it was appropriate to comment on Trump. But Powell also said he doesn’t think the president has the authority to fire him. “The law is clear that I have a four-year term. And I fully intend to serve it,” he said. + +Currently, five of the Fed’s seven seats are filled, and Trump is weighing candidates for the other two seats. Trump has named four people for two seats on the Fed’s board of governors. None of them made it through the Senate. + +By voicing his frustrations with the Fed, Trump breaks with at least two decades of tradition of presidents refraining from commenting on monetary policy. Presidents, however, have reportedly applied pressure on rates. + +Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker recounted in a recent memoir that in 1984, President Ronald Reagan ordered him not to raise rates before elections. Former President George H.W. Bush urged Alan Greenspan to lower interest rates in a June 1992 interview with the New York Times. + +Trump on Tuesday took his pressure campaign against central bankers to the European Central Bank. The president accused the euro area and China of weakening their currencies to gain an economic advantage, calling out ECB President Mario Draghi for pledging monetary stimulus just before the Fed meeting this week. + +Draghi said at the institution’s annual forum in Sintra, Portugal, that “additional stimulus will be required” if the economic outlook for the 19-nation euro area doesn’t improve. + +(Updates with Kudlow comment in fourth paragraph) + +--With assistance from Christopher Condon and Justin Sink. + +https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/white-house-explored-legality-of-demoting-fed-chairman-powell-1.1274877 +Some good news from [Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-11-18/the-u-s-supply-chain-crisis-is-already-easing) ([archive](https://archive.fo/Mhyri#selection-3845.0-3845.184)) + +* "Global average ocean freight rates for a 40-foot container have now declined for eight straight weeks" + +* "Spot pricing for the busy Shanghai-to-Los Angeles trade route has bounced around more but is still down about 19% from its September peak." + +* "Meanwhile, the number of containers lingering for longer than nine days at the Port of Los Angeles has dropped by about a third since the hub announced a plan in October to start fining ocean carriers for excessive dwell times, Executive Director Gene Seroka said this week." + +* "For all the doomsday warnings about the knock-on effects of the logjams on corporate earnings, companies generally seem to be managing fine — at least the large, public ones. [like Target]" + +* " U.S. manufacturing output rose in October to the highest level since March 2019, Federal Reserve data showed this week." + +* "The factory production rebound was driven in part by an 11% jump in motor vehicles and parts, suggesting that even the automotive industry, hit hard by the semiconductor shortage, is navigating the supply crunch." + +Bloomberg concludes that not everything is back to normal as many problems persists. But at least things are not getting worse and are improving. + +Does this affect any of your investing strategy? What stocks will improve or go down based on this easing trend? Will J Powell's job depend on this trend continuing? +It's been two years since having to leave podiatry, and I now have a different job that brings in $2400 a month. But to pay off my student loans, I would need to pay $2200 a month. With income based repayment, I'm paying $110 a month currently, but obviously the loan is just getting bigger. In 25 years, I can ask for forgiveness of the loan, but I'll then owe taxes on the amount forgiven. At that point the loan will be over $1 million, and the taxes will be $475,000. I'd have to save $1600 a month to pay it off, which isn't very practical, either. At this point, my plan is to eventually try to get a job at a non profit or government facility, which would allow me to apply for a different kind of repayment plan (the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program) that allows for forgiveness after 10 years, and doesn't charge taxes on the amount forgiven. But I've been warned that positions that you would expect to qualify for this repayment plan often won't be accepted, and it's not something I should feel confident about being able to get into. Wondering if anyone on here has any advice for other strategies to pay off these loans now that I will never have the income that I expected to when taking out the loans? + +Edit: Thank you for all of the responses. I've read them all and learned some things that I think will prove useful for managing my debt. For everyone asking, I have a benign glioma that is causing epilepsy and memory loss. Removing it might cause me to forget how to talk, so it stays and podiatry goes away. +Over a month ago I submitted two refund forms for two transactions (return flights - cheaper to do individually then together). Using their form, I request for a refund back onto the original card. I got the same emails as previous posts (3 of them), but today received an email with no subject like saying [this.](https://imgur.com/NYNBYWB) + + +I click the link and go to [this site](https://www.ryanair.com/ie/en/useful-info/refund-voucher), scroll to the bottom and open the chat. I speak to a bot, say 'live chat', wait 5 minutes and connect to someone. They say "If you wish, I can request the refund to be monetary instead of a voucher but that means that the refund request has to be processed again which can take weeks. Would you like me to request the monetary refund?" and "The reason why you received a voucher is because there has been some issue with every booking which was paid via PayPal." + + +I tell them to check my other booking (which I haven't received a voucher email for yet) and she said "As I can see the payment for that booking was not made via PayPal so for that, you will receive the refund to the bank card without any issue in 28 working days from the date you submitted the claim." + + +I then told her both payments were made on the same bank card and she says "I just checked, yours was made via card as well and not via PayPal. This is the first case which I came across with this refund type" and then "In that case, please wait for the email for the other booking as well to see that the refund can be issued as monetary or as a voucher. Can I assist you with something else?". + + +So I asked why are they issuing vouchers and I have proof I asked for it to be refunded to the card (screenshot of me doing the form) and she said "Unfortunately, I cannot tell you, as I mentioned, I only see accounts which has been paid via PayPal with this issue." and "It can be processed by tomorrow or by the next month, unfortunately I cannot tell you the exact time when it will be fully processed and because you did not receive an email with the voucher for that booking yet, I cannot change the refund type because it can happen that you can receive the refund to that one as a monetary refund." + + +So I guess I now have to wait another "28 working days" for an actual refund and re-request my other booking to be a monetary refund when I eventually get the second email. Great. + +**Edit: This was just a sort of PSA post that RyanAir are doing strange things to hold onto money/refunds for longer or making it so difficult you just accept the voucher.** +Just remember Matt Furlong, the CEO of GameStop, left a cushy job at Amazon to lead GME and his compensation almost entirely in stock are vested at an average of around $230 per share. I know for a fact I am dumber than he is so anything under that price I’m buying with pure confidence and joy. + +Rome wasn’t built in a day. If you need instant gratification try pornhub or order a new game from your favorite company. + +Love you all 💜🦧 +I had a meeting today with a VC billionaire. Somehow we started talking about Bitcoin. He was interested, but also kind of suspicious. He told me that he called his private banker months ago about Bitcoin, and then he was redirected to some broker lady that wanted to sell some shares in some company buying into some Bitcoin. He felt it scammy and stayed away. + +As he was genuinely interested, I told him to forget about "brokers", "investment managers" basically everything and everybody circling him and wanting his money. I told him that Bitcoin is available directly to him if he wants and that he does not need the help of suited monkeys. Referred him to try Coinbase and Bitstamp as first steps. Promised him to educate him further on self custody when he is done with the first purchases. + +Today he is proceeding with his first purchases. + +I think I did my part for the day. And this is the thing you all need to do. There are plenty of wealthy people out there, genuinely interested in Bitcoin. But they do not have the proper angle, the proper contacts, the proper knowledge. They are geniuses with money, but simply do not understand the crypto world, they do not know anyone honestly advising them how to approach. They easily fall into the trap of suits, ending up on the wrong side of the game. All we need to do is to stay humble, and gently assist them. Once their trust is there, real money flows into our ecosystem. + +Be humble, spread the word, and we will get to 100k very very soon. + +EDIT: concerning some comments on the "billionaire term", yeah I am not talking about a $ billionaire. He is a billionaire in my Eastern European home country, which makes him still a domestic top 200. So yes, to all of you from the US, we can call him a solid multimillionaire. Otherwise all shitposters may eat shit. I just shared my experience, and the fact that being humble and informative instead of shouting around does bring results. But you may continue shouting around in your dark rooms, I could not care less, sun is shining our there. Cheers +Hello all. I recently listened to a podcast centered around early retirement for men and women in the trades. There were points made about the solid income/earning potential of tradespeople (particularly those who own their own company) that would make it seem like a sure way to accomplish a high net worth, and be able to retire early, but that it just doesn't happen as much as one might would expect. + +I am 26 years old and 15 months into a 5 year plumbing apprenticeship and am loving it! I see those around me (both employees and owners of their own plumbing/heating business) doing very well in terms of income. The potential for supplemental income through side work outside of the 40hr/week can not be understated. + +Most people I see and have met who are into the idea of early retirement are mostly of the tech/corporate world, so was just looking to hear from those who have chosen this career path. If have achieved FIRE what was your path like? Did you start your own company as soon as you were fully licensed and insured? Did you ride it out with your company to maximize retirement account matches while building your side business to stand on its own legs? Did you find it easier/harder than you expected? It's no secret that the trades can wear you down - physically and mentally so although I'm far from doing my own thing I'm just trying to wrap my head around what others experiences have been like. Thanks! + +TL;DR : currently an apprentice plumber in new construction/remodels in a pretty booming market, curious to hear about other tradespeoples fire journey. + +EDIT: this is a link to the podcast for those interested - I would basically double any numbers they use. At least in my trade/market rate + +https://open.spotify.com/episode/7accRAGtW0cNqTJt6rs6vt?si=1Bkw6sT4QNiM2k_8wfh4CQ +A common argument against funding welfare programs such as universal healthcare in the US is that it would greatly increase the tax burden on American citizens. + +However, here in Australia, we enjoy universal healthcare, heavily discounted medications and a subsidised university loan system that allows anyone to get an education with little upfront costs. Whilst comparing Federal taxes, I noticed that Australia does pay substantially higher percentages on income tax and the higher brackets start at lower incomes compared to the US, I was under the impression that the US has many more state and city taxes on income and sales. Whilst Australia does have the GST and stamp duty, we also have heavy discounting of capital gains through the discount or franking credits as well. + +So, is the total tax burden of the average American that much lower than the average Australian? And then adding to that question, do Australians get much better value on the extra tax that we pay for services rendered by the government. +For example, I've been in a out of town job for about 3 months now. I took a job that was needed to be filled immediately, basically no training or decent on boarding. + +Everything was fine and superintendent/supervisor and coworkers were fine for around 2-3 weeks, then as I was becoming more comfortable within the team the superintendent started joking/taking digs at me some casual stuff... maybe to see what I'm like? I really don't know, I'm all for some casual trash talk or having a joke even if it's at my expense, I don't get embarrassed easily or feel ashamed if I make mistakes or look like a fool! + +But he takes it too far, everyday, every chance he gets, almost none of our conversations (even work related) are serious, or if they are.. he will throw in a joke of some sort aimed at me, it's made it extremely difficult to keep a professional working relationship with him. + +As well as the fact he keeps reminding me and what feels like holding it over my head that's he's giving me a great opportunity for success and can get me ahead through this job. + +I'm going to leave, I have two interviews next week for jobs local to my area. + +I'm not dealing with it, I'm not going to tell him I'm leaving because of him, the culture he's created or the lack of training provided. I was told I'm the 3rd person to fill that position within a year, red flag immediately and have also had conversations with him where he has told me about the previous workers and how terrible they were. + +I'll be losing about 50-60k per year but honestly it doesn't seem worth it. + +Sorry for the long and somewhat detailed example but i am curious if this would be a common decision to make? + +Management & coworkers being dicks and deciding its not worth the 100k+. + + +https://reddit.com/link/pvzs6y/video/mttqyq7e8wp71/player + +Hey guys, + +I was watching NFL with my lady like I do every Sunday, and I saw a new ad that I thought was pretty wild. + +Usually, it's commercials for trucks, pizza, or fast and furious movies, but today during prime time (most expensive ads), they started pumping ads about our bank deposits being safe. + +This isn't an ad for a bank, and it isn't selling anything. It is an ad from the government of Canada reassuring that your deposits are safe if there's a bank failure, and I've never seen anything like that before. + +Cheers + +&#x200B; + +"The Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation is a federal agency that automatically protects your deposits with membered institutions. We keep your money safe in a rare event a bank fails. You protect what matters, so do we. Find out more at [cdic.ca](https://cdic.ca/)" + +*(For Deaf Apes)* +New to the game, and would love some advice from the more experienced folks, feeling this could be the right place for that. I want to move all my cash to real estate, and 20% down to avoid PMI made the most sense to me. I just learned that you can buy an investment property right after opening an FHA with 3% down, which should be around 20k with closing costs included. I'd have another 100k left to put on 20% down on another around 400k multifam. So the idea would be to have two multi-families, one on an FHA, which I would live on, one on a conventional, and rented out. The only issue is that I currently live in a $2,300 luxury rental, which I split with two roommates, so I only pay $800, and we like this place a lot! All multifams on the 400k price range in my area (Hudson County, next to NYC) are fixer uppers, or in not good conditions unless is like 2beds first floor, 1 bed on top, which wouldn't really cashflow well. Would you go for the two multi-families and downgrade lifestyle? Or just stay renting the luxury place, and get one nicer, bigger multifam instead of 2? Or would you do something different? Would love to see your inputs! + + +As far as income, I'm a freelancer/self employed, so nothing specific monthly, but average yearly for my past two years is about 70k, which translates to about 4 to 5k a month. +We own several SFH that were paid for cash. Total value approximately $400K. We decided to put a mortgage on them so we can buy a few more properties. These existing properties are owned by our LLC. We finally found a lending broker that is willing to work with us. They offered us the following terms: + +LTV 70% 5/1 ARM nonIO 5.35% 30 YR FRM 5.45% + +Non- recourse + +Pre-payment Penalty: 3%,2%,1% for the first 3 years non after + +Broker fee : $8,500 plus $995 processing + +Lender fee 1% + +&#x200B; + +Can someone please help me understand if this is a good offer or not? Our other option is to transfer properties from LLC into our personal names, pay transfer tax/fees and then take more traditional mortgage. But we do prefer to keep it in LLC. + +&#x200B; + +Looking for any and all feedback! +Over the past 5 years I’ve built up to 51 units. Mostly lower end low cost units. But lately it’s been getting to the point where I feel held back by my w2 job. So I’m thinking about leaving to try to scale this business big. I wanna hear your guys experiences when you decided to leave the job and dive full time into real estate. How did it work out for you? +A relative is selling a 3BR 2 bath with an ADU at the back of the house for 650k here in the Bay Area. The house was built in 1946, functional but have a lot of repairs to be made: wiring, plumbing, new flooring, new paint, etc..My plan is to eventually rent out the 1BR/ 1bath ADU in the back and to live in the 3BR house in the front, rent out the one room to a traveler or Perdiem nurse coworker later after I’ve renovated the house. The house is also very convenient to me because it’s only 5mins away from my work and my HS daughter’s school. My questions are: as first time homebuyer, is it worth to buy the house right now? Am I even eligible for a mortgage loan for this type of property? And is the asking price high or just enough right now at the current RE market? Or should I just wait a year to buy a house? + +[3BR 2Bath with 1BR ADU] + +https://imgur.com/gallery/xGrjS6S +To all concerned. I started trading on a daily basis at the beginning of the year. It has been all time consuming. I was lucky. With absolutley no knowlege of the depth, I still earned a bit. + +I started to consider why I was not being more successful after such great wins. Tired. Depressed. Compulsive. Obsessed . Through this I asked myself what are you different now?. ANSWER---Not jamming to music, not hanging around other subs, and other people. Just trying to win at this TRADING game at any cost. TYPICAL MISTAKES OF THE BEGINNER FROM WHAT I have READ! TOUGH GAME.. + +It doesn't work that a way . I find that with a little music while I am working, taking a break, and having some human interaction away from the screens helps dramatically. Along with exercise and not continually checking positions, its a bit easier. This little writing was gonna be delivered earlier and be a bit longer. ( the writer took a break). Happy Trading. +DRS not only is going to change the market, lock the float, and expose the fraudulent system, it is also retail creating positive news themselves. Rather than waiting on earnings or being powerless, they have created a statistic that no matter what happens on earnings, the DRS numbers going up, is a huge positive. Wall Street cannot change this. As much as they want to, they cannot change this good news and they will suffer the consequences of their poor bets SOON. + +With 71.3m shares DRS, presplit it would be 17,725,000 shares DRSed. WOW. JUST FUCKING WOW. Huge increase from previous earnings. It was rumored that with the split people would sell some of their shares back rather than DRS. Apparently, not the case. DRS continues to go up. Retail investors hold on and apparently ignore all the fud. Not just talk, they are actually pulling off a miracle. + +First reported DRS numbers in October 2021: + +Q3 2021: 5.2 million (post split equivalence: 20.4m) + +Q4 2021: 8.9 million (post split equivalence: 35.6m) + +Q1 2022: 12.7 million ((post split equivalence: 50.8m) + +Q2 2022: 17.8 million (post split equivalence: 71.3m) + +With this recent dip, no telling how many more shares are going to be Direct Registered but these shorts are slowing drowning themselves. They are trying to live today, and kill themselves tomorrow. + +New partnership with FTX. + +DRS numbers on the rise. +Apes, I was so fucking busy at work today, I have a very major status report due tomorrow for a presentation at 9am, so I opened Google docs and started writing it. I got all the way through to the part called “Add title here” on the first page first paragraph. As I was thinking of the document title, I thought about all the whistleblowers, the title had nothing to do with whistleblowers or blowing of anything, so I have no idea. I wondered something, stopped working and here we are…. Is it excessive the amount of whistleblowers this year? Are we witnessing some crazy shit, or do we just love confirmation bias (fact: we do indeed love confirmation bias), and none of this is a big deal? I bet you’ll never guess what I found you sleuthy smooth fucks… + +First I want to say, I did math. I don’t know math so I’m pretty fucking proud of myself right now. The numbers I put in made my computer fan go nuts, it was pretty exciting around here for a quick beat. Secondly, I broke down the Whistles that were blowed each year, some serious fuckery happened in September of 2020, and I’m too smooth brained to understand what and more importantly I’m SHORT on time. See what I did there? God damn I gotta go finish this doc or I’m gonna get fired tomorrow. + +Anyway, I broke down all the Whistleblower awards since the fucking program started, I also broke out how much they’re paying out. And let’s just say if you want a lucrative career, just get into blowing some guy’s whistles. Check this out: + +2013 - 3 Whistleblowers awarded a total of $14 million + +2014 - 5 Whistleblowers awarded a total of $31 million + +2015 - 5 Whistleblowers awarded a total of $5 million (those are rookie numbers, 2015!) + +2016 - 12 Whistleblowers awarded a total of $79 million + +2017 - 9 Whistleblowers awarded $42 million + +2018 - 6 Whistleblowers awarded $63 million + +2019 - 7 Whistleblowers awarded $60 million + +2020 - **33 Whistleblowers** awarded $285 million (what the fuck happened here!) + +My favourite one: + +2021 - 17 Whistleblowers awarded $163 million… ALFUCKINGREADY AND IT’S ONLY MAY! + +What does all this mean? I have no idea. What I feel like needs to be said, don’t let ANYONE tell you the floor can’t be X dollars because "nO onE HaS tHaT kInD of mOnEy" to cover it, especially when the SEC ha~~d~~s enough extra random funds to dole out \~300 million dollars a year. In 8 years they’ve awarded so far a total of close to a billion dollars. + +The other thing I noticed was pre \~2017 most awards were little bitch awards. 100k here, 200k there. Then all of the sudden we start seeing 50 million, 100 million, it’s like fucking Monopoly money over there. Those slimy lazy fucks. + +Welp, back to my status report. I get paid like $11.00 an hour and these blowers are getting 500k a second. I’ll gladly blow someone’s whistle right now. + +To the moon something something rockets, we’re gonna be rich, lambos and Dom for everyone. Xoxoxo + +\-- + +Unrelated side note: my 8 year old told me today he just learned what a wedge was in the stock market because “all my friends play stonks at recess”. Thank you very much. + +Related side note: this took me so long to do, there's no way this status report is getting finished tonight. Say goodbye to my job, this better MOASS before my next rent check is due. + +&#x200B; + +\--- + +**Edit:** I was waiting here camping this post to see how long it would take for the downvotes. It took 6 seconds, you speed reading mother fuckers. Fun fact, there's literally nothing in here that's downvoteable unless you don't like math and who doesn't fucking love math, jesus christ. No, not actually jesus... he probably likes math. I meant that in more of a colloquialism. I've always wanted to use that word, probably in the wrong context. Stop downvoting me you bitch. + +***Edit 2***: GUYS I FUCKING FINISHED THE DOC!!! 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 +Is this not a concern for anyone? I feel like it shouldn’t be but with how divided the government is I am a little concerned. It doesn’t seem impossible to me that Republicans block the Democrats’ spending package. I’m seeing articles about insane crashes if we default. I’m sure that’s extremely unlikely but still…. +[Investing in Happiness video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNZk-N6uDcg) is a very accurate take on how individuals in FI/RE need to understand what they want in life and create their ideal life prior to pursuing FI/RE. I watched the entire video and it really dove into a lot of the topics many people post in this subreddit: happiness, purpose, passions, post-achievement depression, and much more. How are you guys investing in your happiness? Recently i invested in a $100 per month gym membership so that I can workout. In the long run it will pay off, but I remember I was reluctant to spend that much at first. +I'd like to hear outside perspective on TransAlta Renewables Inc. (RNW.TO). I saw them mentioned in a G&M article this weekend. I took a look and they seem to be a decent buy right now, along with the dividend yield. I am a long horizon investor and can be patient. + +Please make the case against them. I am aware of the $75-$100 million replacement costs upcoming at Kent Hills. Is there more to the story that I'm missing? Other major red flags elsewhere? + +Thanks in advance! +I am very interested in seeing portfolio of stock picks for the veterans. Warren Buffett has taken money out of the market and is waiting. That says a lot doesnt it? People think he is crazy but I dont. I love his disciplined approach. He admitted that he stayed in too long with airlines, banks. That should be a concern no? + +I am a monkey and i have no shame in calling myself that as I only started learning about stocks in less than 2 years ago. I keep hearing a lot abt VGRO ETF and i understand why and some same stocks that get recycled every 5 to 7 post. When i look at stock market if a monkey and I consider myself no different than a monkey invested in any sector in the past 3 months.... after 16th march to be specific would be up 20, 40 or even 120%. So the question here is how are the vets doing? Whats your next move? Are you raking your profits if you are up a crazy amount in a particular stock? and sitting out after a while? Whats the stocks you are watching closely? Whats your next play? + +A bit about me- I invested in marijuana stocks and i made small profit then i got greedy and i lost my profit and i lost a lot. +I invested in blockchain then got bursted and still licking my wounds for 2 years. +Then I started studying the financial market, read some books and learnt a bit. The timing was so great that I made 2 smart plays one in oil stock and one in food industry stock and i have recovered 75% of my losses in paper (i am now down only 6k). I have learnt to laugh at myself. It helps me take myself less seriously. + +Thank you for your time and i love reading all your posts! Please dont be offended newbies....i am calling myself a monkey. If you didnt like the word...I apologize in advance. My intent is never to hurt anyone’s feelings, just stating the reality that anyone who invested money after Mid March 2020 would be in profits. +I'd like to hear outside perspective on TransAlta Renewables Inc. (RNW.TO). I saw them mentioned in a G&M article this weekend. I took a look and they seem to be a decent buy right now, along with the dividend yield. I am a long horizon investor and can be patient. + +Please make the case against them. I am aware of the $75-$100 million replacement costs upcoming at Kent Hills. Is there more to the story that I'm missing? Other major red flags elsewhere? + +Thanks in advance! +I've been reading about Norbert's Gambit and understand what it is and when to use it but I haven't seen anywhere explain WHY it's allowed. Wouldn't brokers lobby to stop this so they can make more on currency conversion fees? +I have invested pretty heavily into ARKK and wanted to see if it is a good long-term play. The fund has had a tough year but is it worth holding onto or do I cut my losses and get into something else? +I am new to investing and trying to learn how to research stocks/ETFs etc. I’m learning a little at a time. So what do you research first or what numbers to start with when looking. Thank you!! +Low-to-moderate risk appetite for this since its core purpose is to help with health costs when needed, though I'm planning to leave it untouched as much as I can. Any general consensus on a good ETF to stick HSA contributions? +I'm currently allocating 15% of my roth to VXUS however I am considering switching to 10% SCHF and 5% AVDV instead. .36 is a bit high for an ER but could be worth it if the fund does better than traditional emerging market funds or VXUS. I'm not into the whole China FUD thing but it would allow me to avoid Chinese markets altogether. I know Jack would say let the market decide but for int'l, is that wise? +But couldn't find this anywhere, can anyone explain what **Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bear 3X Shares or $SOXS** exactly relates to in the market? or just any explanation of it for a total dingus? + +&#x200B; + +With Love +Hi! Most ETFs I was tracking to buy (VGT, ARKK, SOXX, SMH, QQQ and some more) are all 1-2% up or more compared to last week. Should I buy now or expected to come down? Any recommendations? +As the title said, there are several brokerages where I am (Southeast Asia not Singapore) that offer options to buy US-stocks... while there is no minimum order but for the transaction to be 'cost-effective,' that minimum would be approx. $3000 per order (0.5% commission+$30 per order). + +On the other hand there are local mutual funds that directly invest into popular US-etfs like QQQ, SPY, IVV, WCLD, most of the ARK, and others. + +I have 10k USD on hand and this port will serves as my primary international investment. So... is it worth it to take the plunge? +Hi all, + +Let’s assume I am a very risk adverse investor with a high capital (1M+) and I am interested to know any possible risk when investing in a portfolio that follows the S&P 500 index. + +At this point I can either: +1) Invest all in an ETF like CSSPX (iShares - black rock), that follow S&P500 +2) Recreate myself the portfolio allocation of S&P500 by buying the stocks in the same proportion + + +Let’s see the situation for each option: + +Option 1) - CSSPX ETF from Blackrock ++ Less hurdles (buying and rebalancing portfolio) +- TER (although very cheap, 0.20%) +- Issuer default (sub question - what would happen in the unlikely case that Blackrock defaults? Would I lose everything as an ETF is a derivate or would I be able to “convert” it to the respective shares?) + +Option 2) - Recreating S&P 500 portfolio +Assumptions: stocks commission free, broker taking care of taxes + +Advantages are basically the opposite: I don’t have TER and one less layer of risk (issuer default), but I would need to put more time into its composition + + +Now, I am asking you: are there any other risks I should consider between these two options? Regardless of common risks such as currency costs + +Lastly, what would you do? :) +I was wondering what's the best ESG alternatives that are as safe as VOO or VTI that I should dedicate a chunk of my portfolio towards. + +I really like USXF but it's very new so I am not sure how stable it will be or how it will perform. + +ESGV looks like it's the least socially responsible of the ESG options but the safest option with a strong history of returns. + +My main concern with regular ETFS like VOO and VTI is with fossil fuel companies, gambling, weapons and military funding. + +Right now I am considering putting atleast 30% in ESGV and 30% in USXF, let me know what you guys think! +Hello! I'm three years deep into my Roth (29 yo) and started one for my wife last year (27 yo). The down market has made me take a step back and want to dig deeper on creating what I think is the best portfolio. In the past, I was just invested in VTI, VOO, and VGT. Below are the ETFs I like and an allocation percentage I came up with. I think they are good funds but I also think I have a ton of overlap, and all are very aggressive. I was hoping I could get some suggestions on reallocating, removing 1 or 2 that overlap too much, and a different market or 2 that might help make this more balanced. Thank you + + +VOO - 40% - Large-Cap Blend + +VOT - 15% - Mid-Cap Growth + +VBK - 10% - Small-Cap Growth + +VNQ - 15% - Real Estate Sector + +VGT - 20% - Technology Sector + +~~VTI - 20% - Large-Cap Blend~~ *consolidating into VOO + +~~MGK - 0% - Large-Cap Growth~~ *removed and allocated to mid-cap +Currently in my portfolio (amongst other things) I have several ETFs... which I'm realizing now might be too many, but I'm here looking for advice. I’m currently holding these in my personal brokerage account. + +I currently hold: +SCHD @ $55.35 +SPYG @ $47.18 +VOOV @ 96.28 +SPHD @ $33.99 +VTI @ $170.22 +VXUS @ 59.56 +ARKK @ 124.20 + +For some reason this post got deleted by Reddit's spam filter... so I'm trying it again 🤷🏾‍♀️ +Hi guys!! I need your help. + +I have $10k that's currently invested not very wisely. + +I'm a total newbie and want to grow this $ as much as possible so that I can become more financially independent from my extremely controlling partner. + +Ideally as much growth as possible within 2-3 yrs as I'm desperate to get out, but up to 5 yrs if I have to. + +Sadly there was no Reddit when I was younger and I was never financially savvy, so here's where I'm at: + +- 42 y/o, 3 kids 🤪, NJ, USA +- No debt, no mortgage, $2.5k freelance income per month. After expenses, I expect to be able to save around $500~$800/month to invest +- No 401K/no Roth IRA +- My risk tolerance is not that high as this is the only savings that I have. But I do plan to work for many more years. + +- $10k is invested through Schwab brokerage as follows: + +40% : SWTSX +23% : VGT +11% : SCHG +10% : PAVE +5% : FXI + +The remaining 12 or so % is just sitting there. + +I'm definitely thinking of getting rid of FXI - and been eyeing semiconductors. + +I've tried reading Bogleheads and all of the other basic Investment books but still feel overwhelmed. + +Thank you kind investment samaritans for any advice. +Hello, My wife and I sold our home and have $90K leftover. I really like the performance and diversification of VGT, but am not sure if putting all of the money in one fund is wise. Hoping to get some feedback. I will earn a decent military retirement, so the ultimate intent of this $90K is to grow into a larger fund to supplement retirement payments and possibly help build dream house in 15-20 years. I am open to tolerating a decent amount of risk. Budgeted to add $1K/month to this. +What did the markets do, what did you do? Did stop losses even matter, did the prices plummet after hours? Did it change how you invest? I only have two anecdotes. I know a guy who lost his daughter's college/future fund. It was around 100k. He was devastated and said he'd never invest again. Then my father, who was in mutual funds. The crash didn't hurt him much, which was as he'd planned, but he figured his colleagues who were in stocks would probably recover in time, and they probably did. There were probably not nearly as many retail investors then as now, so may have been harder to go cash. +Wasn't planning on the prospect of financially supporting my father this soon or this much. Debating whether or not I even should. How can I help him without becoming his financial crutch? + +Edit: There are a lot of comments about morality, so let me clear up why I'm not gushing to help my poor, aging father: he tried to get my mom to abort me, he's been a drug addict most of his life, he has literally called me "a mistake", and has hit me several times. The only reason I'm considering helping him at all is because he's mellowed out as he's aged and I love my brother who otherwise would be on the hook alone. + +tldr: I don't want to help him, I feel obligated to. Looking for ways to get him help without him being dependent on his kids. +For $75 today, you will hold more BTC than most of the worlds population will ever be able to hold. + +Total BTC / World Pop = 0.00244242 + +19,040,531 bitcoins + +7,795,770,063 people + +Given that a bitcoin currently costs $29,897 there are only enough bitcoins for every person to have $73.02 worth. If bitcoins were distributed using the current global distribution of wealth, 99.9% of people would have $13.89 worth of bitcoins, and people in the top .001% would have 0.73 bitcoins each. + +So during the dip, an investment of little more that $75 will give you more Bitcoin than most of the worlds population will ever be able to ever have. Not investment advice, but hey! + +—— + +“It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.” + +— Satoshi Nakamoto + +—— + +Source: [http://bitcoinsperperson.com/](http://bitcoinsperperson.com/) +Hey all, didn't want you all to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime! + +It's literally ***l******ess than 48 hours until the devs finally drop their Windswap prototype*** on the Binance Smartchain Testnet. This exchange will for sure be the dominant swapping tool of the coming years mark my words. + +With teasers coming out in the telegram throughout the week, the devs have some really good things going on in this project. Not only will it function as a BEP20 token swapper as PCS does, it will also have the functionality of the **cross-chain swapper**, which is absolutely **HUGE.** Most of us have definitely experienced the pain of trying to move coins between the ERC20, BSC and the Ethereum networks, so there's no denying the grief that this will save us all in the future. + +But that's not all! We will have access to staking rewards by staking the Windy token. **There will be a limit order feature. A "rug check" tool to protect your precious stacks. Comprehensive charting.** All the best features simply in one place for budding venture capitalists! This platform will be the first all-in-one exchange for the Binance Smart Chain. + +*And of course I come here with your favourite words.* + +**DEFLATIONARY.** + +**TOKEN.** + +**BURN.** + +**REDISTRIBUTION.** + +**The difference here is that the way that $WINDY redistribution works is truly revolutionary and unique. So how does it work? What's the purpose of this coin?** + +It is deflationary, with only 24.8 million coins in circulation, but steadily decreasing until it hits just 8.8 million coins. + +**The deflationary rebase structure rewards INVESTORS rather than WHALES** + +WindSwap charges a small levy every time token are transacted which causes rotations to be completed and a rebases to occur every 2.5million tokens. A rebase marks the end of a rotation and the beginning of the next. At this point, 75% of the tokens are burnt, with the remaining 25% tokens rebased into the wallet pool of WindSwap holders. + +WindSwap automatically reduces the supply of tokens to ensure scarcity in the supply. By burning 75% of the tokens withheld, and only rebasing 25% of the tokens (which are pro-rated) based on current token holdings, smaller investors are rewarded, as opposed to the large ‘whales’ with the majority stake in the token. After 192 cycles, the total supply will be just 8.8mil tokens and the trading levy will be reduced to 0% permanently. + +**Currently we have breezed through the cycles and are on cycle number 54!** + +&#x200B; + + **Why Invest in WINDY?** + +1. **Low Market Cap - Currently just $2M** +2. **Rug Proof - 80% of Tokens are being used for liquidity on Pancake Swap (99% Liquidity Locked on Unicrypt)** +3. **Great Telegram Community** +4. **Huge Potential (CG Application In Progress)** +5. **Actual Use Case** + +**The strength of the Wind Warriors - 6k TG members! 2500 HODLers (+25% in the past two days!)** + +The team behind this project is absolutely amazing. Behind every great idea is a roundtable of great minds. The team at WindSwap are some of the most top notch developers I've met in a long time, and even if you aren't going to buy in I hope you at least join the telegram to say hi. You won't be disappointed! + +**At the moment the coin is ripe to buy , currently on the bounce back up to its ATH of 70 cents! Right now it's a ridiculous steal. Like absolutely ridiculous. Each $WINDY is ONLY 10cents!** + +With that I leave below all the relevant information below, and if there are any question feel free to post below or drop us a message in the telegram group! + + \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ + +**WindSwap ($WINDY) Links:** + +**Contract**: 0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2 + +**Pancakeswap (link used to buy or sell) :** [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2) + +**Price Chart**:[https://goswapp-bsc.web.app/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2](https://goswapp-bsc.web.app/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2) + +**Liquidity Locked** \- [https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6](https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6) + +**Litepaper -** [https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf](https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf) +This 3 days old token that just popped on the BSC Chain, has already hit 2M market cap and 2800 holders! It's called DragonMusk, This rug free project was started by the dev who left when it floored. + +NOW the community has taken charge. With the project growing 40x in a matter of a few hours we are looking for that next push! + +Currently we are in contact with several influencers and have applications into CoinGekko and CMC. With community funding and support we have been able to do this together and we are looking to YOU to help next. + +Go and open up the charts: this coin can pop in minutes, so what are you waiting for? Get it now! The link to PancakeSwap is provided. + +Profile check on DragonMusk + +Address: 0x338196a509b4c66749c3f44c21c00501e6acf7bc + +Token Features: 10% taxFee 5% for directly add to the LP 5% for directly add to all diamond hands HOLDERS + +🔒 LP Lock +https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb1961bb04461bf4d728589f288f820affecc7eb852139c86029a7ea5b24855c9 + +🔥 LP Burn +https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb1961bb04461bf4d728589f288f820affecc7eb852139c86029a7ea5b24855c9 + +Ownership = Reounced + +Check from RugScreen.com = safe! Can check by yourself. + +🔢 Supply = 100,000,000,000,000,000 + +Let's go get it! As usual, DYOR! + +🚀 Buy on Pancakeswap +https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x338196a509b4c66749c3f44c21c00501e6acf7bc + +Remember to set slippage to at least >10%< + +It also has an active Telegram community! + +📩 Telegram +https://t.me/DragonMuskCommunity + +If you end up getting it, leave a comment below to let more people know it. But please, stay safe, do your own research and invest small quantities of money. Even though this coin seems completely safe, anything can happen. Good Luck +Hello, + +Coinbase reddit was useless. Yesterday all my eth (1) has been transferred out of my coin base wallet. I have not authorized anything, I have 2FA enabled. I was not using the wallet or interacting with coin base at the time of the transitions, I got no email, nothing. + +This is the transaction from etherscan: + +[Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x82e6eccae11c368639d3fe04cc46f577ff5a434488e8afca76f1b1695ab82099) + +I will be calling up coinbase about this but in the meantime, I'd appreciate any input on what happened. + +UPDATE: Called coinbase, they are escalating this. + +Also, about 3-4 days ago I got a bunch of random tokens [LUNAv2.IO](https://lunav2.io/) to my wallet, their website is down now. I did not interact with that token at all. + +Thank you + +EDIT: Wallet is also backup to Google Drive BUT not as plain text, just a bunch of gibberish AND is encrypted with a password, so even if someone managed to get hold of the file they would have to know my password. That email is also secured. It wasn't anyone around me, it's me and my wife in the apartment, that's all. It's not my wife, I asked. + +EDIT: Also, what I find fascinating, all those things I put in place were just bypassed like they were not there, am I able to do something with it? An example of someone just getting access to my back and taking all the money despite it being secured by PIN, 2FA and fingerprint? I am talking about taking coinbase to small claims court in UK? +Intro to Economics - Basically I'm planning to ask my students today on whether or not certain statistics (i.e houses sold) could be a sign of the economy of a country. Any valid yet funny ones that are unique? +I am relatively new to investing as a whole but I have done enough research to figure out that thetagang is the way to go. + +The main thing I am confused about is what kind of profit targets I should be chasing. Some people say you can expect 25% a year, and others say you won't ever be able to beat the market. + +So for those who have actual experience selling premium through all kinds of market conditions, what kind of returns can I expect after getting a decent grasp on all of the different strategies? Is it worth the extra effort when compared the simplicity and reliability of buying and holding? + +Any recommended sources for education would also be appreciated. Right now I mostly watch tastytrade and option alpha videos on youtube. +Is this something essential in selling options? How much do you rely on it? +I am totally a noob when it comes to TA. Is there a charting program or website that does the automatic TA? Or brokerage that does that for you? +Got lucky with some WSB YOLO bets and made six figures earlier on in the year and after that, I've kept it simple and have just sold CSPs on airlines with my entire portfolio. My portfolio has enough capital to qualify for a portfolio margin account and after reading about it, man, it sounds very advantageous (5-6x leverage). + +I'd like to continue doing what I did, but with a little bit of more leverage (1.5-2), but I know the max leverage does vary on how risky your portfolio is and given that I'm just throwing it in one ticker, I'd be up there. But with the leverage, I'd be able to sell further OTM strikes, so decreasing risk and making a bit more capital. Right now I've been selling at .3 delta, but that could be decreased. I know with selling puts, you aren't charged any interest unless you get assigned, which is another benefit. +I'm stuck with 12/17 240 covered call in NVDA (having rolled up and out a couple of times already). I shouldn't be sad because my cost basis is way lower. But I want to hang on and hope NVDA falls a bit in andthen I can roll up and out again. Does anybody have thoughts about whether it's on a tear and will keep rocketing, or will fall back to earth a bit in the near term? +When people want to dip their toes into options, so often they start with buying single leg options because it seems simpler to grasp. But what they don't realize is that they're playing a losing game and when the market moves against them, the results can be disastrous. Counter-intuitively, more complicated option strategies are actually safer and provide higher probability of winning. When you create spreads with options, you can achieve what we call "defined outcome investing." + +Institutional investors and the top 1% have been using defined outcome investing products for decades (in the form of structured notes and annuities and more recently unit investment trusts and exchange-traded funds). Retail investors should have access to the same tools to achieve less risk and a defined return on their investments in the market. + +## How Does Defined Outcome Investing Work?  + +First, let’s define some terms that are relevant to defined outcome investing:  + +**Reference asset -** Each defined outcome investment is linked to the performance of a reference stock, ETF, or index. + +**Reference price -** This is the price of the reference stock, ETF, or market index. + +**Outcome period -** A defined outcome investment is not infinite. It is an option contract with a set time period. + +**Cushion -** The cushion is the amount of the underlying asset price can go down before you lose any of your investment. In other words, this is the amount of safety blanket you have for your investment against the market. + +*Example:* If the market index **reference asset** falls by 18%, but your defined outcome investment has a buffer of 15%, then you will only lose 3% overall. The cushion has absorbed most of the decline. Some popular buffers are set to 9%, 15%, or 30%. + +**Ceiling -** The ceiling is a cap on the maximum amount of profit you can receive as the underlying reference asset price goes up. You are cap your upside in exchange for the buffer. + +*Example:* Say that the reference asset price soars by 35% but your upside cap is 30%. You would collect up to the first 30% of the reference asset’s increase, and miss out on 5% of the gain. + + +When you combine these concepts into a defined outcome investment strategy, you can create security for your investment, even during market volatility. The contract of the defined outcome investment is set for the outcome period. You can withdraw early if the value reaches your target profit earlier. +