diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_319.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_319.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_319.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +All the data used in the calculations are shared at the end. + +https://preview.redd.it/0x2ikwd2fv981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d2fb94ba1af493740362bb939e13743b8160237 + +**Results** + +https://preview.redd.it/7mbvwrh4fv981.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba4edaf25fc2287a0b5700540e989b8662b43bd1 + +1-day performance of Cramer’s recommendations is excellent! On average, the Buy and Positive mention stocks went up by 0.03 and 0.05% respectively, and sell and negative mention stocks went down by 0.1 and 0.02%. + +Another interesting fact is that ***you would not have lost money*** if you followed Cramer’s Buy recommendations. Across the time periods, his Buy recommendations have on average netted you positive returns \[6\]! + +His sell recommendations did not pan out so well. Even though they dropped in price the next day, over the next week and month, they returned inline or even better than his buy recommendations! + +Given that there is a counter-intuitive trend in the returns, let’s calculate the accuracy of his calls. + +https://preview.redd.it/u24my9f5fv981.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=7070ae9b8f8db4cf3c95430b67c8fa68c03c605b + +Here I am assigning a call as correct based on price change. If he gives a buy recommendation, I expect the price to go up and vice versa. As we can see from the chart above, his recommendations only do slightly better than a coin-toss. Even this only holds for short-term and buy recommendations with long-term sell recommendation performance dropping below 50% \[7\]. + +While this narrow edge over the 50% mark can be used by algo-traders who have the ability to trade a large amount of stocks, if you are an average investor listening in on a Cramer show and hear about a stock recommendation, you might as well toss a coin to see if you should invest or not! + +Finally, it’s time we pit **Cramer against the market**. Do his recommendations beat the market? + +https://preview.redd.it/4jy8xsb6fv981.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c73cc998f6e0a5d96e779f28f14a2936f66d273 + +Oh yeah! I was as surprised with the results as you are. I ran the numbers again and then one more time but got the exact same result! Cramer’s Buy recommendations beat the S&P 500 by a factor of 10 for the **one-day time frame**. But, if you held the stocks for anytime longer, you would have underperformed the market significantly. + +Before you go daytrade on his recommendations you should know that the numbers we are seeing here are heavily influenced by outliers. If you miss out on the top 1% of recommendations (\~110 stocks out of the 11,000+ buy recommendations he had made), your **1-day return would be -0.062% instead of +0.034** \[8\]. + +https://preview.redd.it/eo50hed2fv981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=60eaa0b7f347eb28a0606aa25c7436b83fa78fb5 + +**Limitations of the analysis** + +The analysis has some limitations that you should be aware of before trying to replicate the strategy. + +1. As the astute among you might have noticed, if you sum up all the stocks used in the analysis it would only come to 18.5k. I removed \~15% of the overall recommendations as either they did not have stock data present in Yahoo Finance/Alpha Vantage or the price data did not match with the one given on the Mad Money website. +2. The data is obtained from the Mad Money website itself. I haven’t manually verified if the calls recorded on the website are in fact an accurate representation of the calls made by Cramer in his show. The below statement is given in their description and I am taking them on their word. + +>We are impartial in our recording and simply log exactly what was said. We do not interpret the calls. If a call is vague or in question we simply won't list it. + +https://preview.redd.it/l5cfhxd2fv981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=5669a311e8067cff01cd4ad304386f059914c610 + +**Conclusion** + +No matter the public opinion on Cramer, we can generate excellent 1-day returns following his buy recommendations (even beating the market in doing so!). Whether it’s due to his superior stock picking ability or whether it’s simply due to self-fulfilling prophecy \[9\] (as he has a wide audience who will act on his advice) is yet to be known. + +I would bet on the latter as, if the extraordinary one-day returns were in fact due to his superior stock-picking ability, the returns should have held over longer time periods, and also his sell recommendations would not have ended up performing better than his buy recommendations as we are observing here. + +It only makes sense to listen to his advice if you are a day-trader or an algo-trader who is trading a large variety of stocks over short periods of time. For everyone else, just sticking to the S&P 500 would give you better returns over the long run! + +https://preview.redd.it/kaentre2fv981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=ada384d17d797e772764aadd748b11006834625d + +**Data** + +Excel file containing all the Recommendations and Financial data: [**Here**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d0mooS_qsfePXChEDq2IDov_of_TFvD1/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111668650548288730122&rtpof=true&sd=true) + +**Live tracker** containing the performance of Cramer’s 2021 picks: [**Here**](https://rows.com/market-sentiment/my-spreadsheets/untitled-spreadsheet-3-5C58Ix9kx1ixB0cM52DWZi/live) \[10\] (I will be updating this file regularly so that you can see his performance in real-time whenever you want to!) + +https://preview.redd.it/u6t0u7f2fv981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=b277de02f04341e0da7a1d5add24555aa8dac12e + +**More Interesting Reads** + +From this week onwards, I am including one or two blogs or articles I really enjoy and hopefully, you can discover new and interesting content! + +[**More to that**](https://moretothat.com/)**:** This is by an illustrator called Lawrence Yeo who breaks down really complicated topics into easy to read articles with fun illustrations. [**The Nothingness of Money**](https://moretothat.com/the-nothingness-of-money/) was one of the best articles I have read last year and if you reading just one article this year, it should be this one (oh, I know this is [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/), but you are going to love this one)! + +[**Econometrics**](https://ecoinometrics.substack.com/)**:** If you like the charts I make, you are going to love Econometrics. They present long-term perspective about how digital assets are shaping financial markets with the help of really interesting infographics. [To buy or not to buy](https://ecoinometrics.substack.com/p/ecoinometrics-to-buy-or-not-to-buy) was an excellent article about what is the right time to buy into a dip. The chart below showcases their ability in data visualization and breaking down complex ideas! + +https://preview.redd.it/wcddkz1nfv981.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=14e801f18b2bd62c4b345b2514e1172e4bd65e1f + +https://preview.redd.it/wnci28g2fv981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=426895ca97fdc8c7bcecde231480de5318237712 + +**Footnotes and existing research** + +**\[1\]** For those who don’t know, Cramer makes his picks in a CNBC show called [Mad Money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Money). Cramer himself defines the show as something which should be used for speculative/high-risk investing and not for your retirement portfolio. + +**\[2\]** For comparison purposes, an equity research analyst [covers only 10-25 companies](https://whatforwork.com/jobs/equity-research-analyst-sell-side/). + +**\[3\]** It’s not in an easily usable format. I had to parse the data from the webpage using Python (Beautiful Soup) - I have shared all the data used in this analysis as an Excel and Rows file at the end. + +**\[4\]** I did not calculate for Hold as he only made 27 hold recommendations, which is lower than what is required for a statistical significance. + +**\[5\]** In my [last post about Jim Cramer](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mtehdq/i_analyzed_all_700_buy_and_sell_recommendations/), there was a lot of controversy around how I calculated the time period. So here is the detailed version about how the time period is considered. For One-Day returns, we are considering that we will purchase the stock the next trading day after the market opens and then sells it at the end of the trading day. For weekly and monthly returns, I am using adjusted closing price since across a week or month there can be stock splits as well as dividends. + +**\[6\]** This can also be attributed to the market rally we have experienced over the last 5 years where a large majority of stocks went up. + +**\[7\]** 50% benchmark might be controversial with a lot of you (I agree given that if we are in a bull market there is more than a 50-50 chance of a stock going up tomorrow) → My rationale here is standing today looking at a stock, there are only two things that can happen tomorrow. It can either go up or go down. I assign equal probability to both given anything can happen tomorrow. The market can turn bearish, positive or negative news about the company can come up, etc. If you have a better logic for a benchmark, please do suggest! + +**\[8\]** But to be fair to Cramer, this is applicable to all types of Investment strategies and hedge funds! The performance of a few of the stocks in your portfolio will finally end up heavily influencing the returns of your overall portfolio. → Think of Tesla incase of ARK and FAANG in case of S&P 500. + +**\[9\]** There is some [existing research](https://scholarship.tricolib.brynmawr.edu/handle/10066/588) that deep dives into this topic. + +**\[10\]** Since it’s a live tracker using data from Alpha Vantage, the calculation is done slightly differently than in the analysis (in the live tracker I had to use the closing price on the day of recommendation instead of the opening price of the next day). I will be updating it to follow the same process as the analysis as soon as I get info from Alpha Vantage. +Hello all you glorious apes and apettes, I'm back after a break for more psychological abuse! Actually I can't get enough.... the thought of Gabe Plotkin scouring my message board is.... brb sec cold shower time (source: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/melvin-t-shake-reddit-attack-205148761.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/melvin-t-shake-reddit-attack-205148761.html) ) + +https://preview.redd.it/nghicybhj5b71.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c8eaead8be17fe4e180f8a159673971204efa8b + +So I've noticed over time, posting about prices WAYYY out of the bid-ask spread associated with weird vertical-line-thingies, that one of the things that Gabe's data scientists work really hard to lie about are that these are "glitches." We've all seen them- u/shugs517 was nice enough to post this some 20 days ago: + +https://preview.redd.it/685ffh6jj5b71.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7825ab3a3535049c099c85a5518ad8bfd1a279f2 + +It was pointed out that a whole lot of stocks did this "straight DOWN thingy" all at the end of trading day on Friday- [here is the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/og5pm9/uhm_guys_tons_of_stocks_and_even_etfs_are_doing_a/) from [u/Philbuzzoff](https://www.reddit.com/user/Philbuzzoff/) . SO- after my last post a TON of deeply wrinkled brains helped me learn a shit-ton, and one of the most enlightening things was: + +# The Intermarket Sweep + +A.K.A. The most common thing that you never knew existed in the market. WHY? Because fuck retail investors, why would we need to know anything??? as usual. From [https://ibkr.info/node/1734](https://ibkr.info/node/1734) : + +[They happen All. The. Time.](https://preview.redd.it/q9vshtglj5b71.png?width=1088&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0b8f2a83f7de8c38ee85bef03c7fe401eebbb52) + +Let's explain why this is not a "common" trading technique, first. So, there's a group of rules called "regulation NMS" that defines what is and is not "legal" to do while trading. From [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/regulation-nms.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/regulation-nms.asp) : + +https://preview.redd.it/r08n7shpj5b71.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=114ec718e692c11d236077b7296e46927539e491 + +The important part here is the "order protection rule," that's supposed to keep most trading inside the bid-ask spread. From [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/order-protection-rule.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/order-protection-rule.asp) : + +https://preview.redd.it/nhrms0lqj5b71.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=04791e7249123827fb6cfc597732e3874d772145 + +How can this rule exist AND intermarket sweeps be legal? Um, reasons: see [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/tradethrough.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/tradethrough.asp) \- + +https://preview.redd.it/h1qu1k5sj5b71.png?width=621&format=png&auto=webp&s=f30e01fce9bc853ee024d9a4dfe56fe3c22766d5 + +And one of the most common "instances" where these trade-through regulations do not apply is?? (Yea I already gave away the answer, I know.) The INTERMARKET SWEEP otherwise known as a "sweep-to-fill order", see [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sweeptofillorder.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sweeptofillorder.asp) \- + +https://preview.redd.it/tl6s0w2tj5b71.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8b68b03a9740475d953559ae6431359f86b3510 + +https://preview.redd.it/f9ema6uvj5b71.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=db81b12955891bb01602302acffe923d9e6ec790 + +Many people have seen this "sweep the book" activity where the entire buy side of the level two data just gets instantly obliterated (see explanation below). That would be our friend, the intermarket sweep, in action. Apparently they can even be used to create flash-crashes like GME saw a while ago (feels like years ago now)! [Accenture's flash crash: what's an intermarket sweep?](https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-MB-21819) (I'm poor as shit so I don't have the sub to wsj.) Anyway, these things are insanely common, here are some screenies I snapped of just the past few days: + +https://preview.redd.it/x3h9pmngk5b71.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=7115aa3235e201d3b2a2abfc300e04613b094d44 + +https://preview.redd.it/3ldzbvrik5b71.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=191f19281e4fa3ba75042a90a2fbe7e8b108b201 + +https://preview.redd.it/3aigvpsjk5b71.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=9664b63495ba8ba0c73b6184c4fedd47bf9b6993 + +And I've also noticed that a LOT of them seem to coincide. Fuckin striaght up-and-down thingies flying everywhere. + +# How to (try to) see Sweeps yourself with a normal trading platform: + +It's not easy, because our plebeian trading platforms don't have code to display sweeps on-screen as they happen. (Such trading systems cost over $30,000/year blehhhh) However, once you know what you're looking for (and that the fucking things exist), you can begin to see *some* of them. + +# 1. Watch for vertical lines in chart with real-time data that smooths the graphics as much LITTLE as possible. + +They will correspond blocks of RED or GREEN colored trades in the time & sales and/or level trading data. If it looks like Christmas, you're in the right place for sweeps. + +# 2. Bigger ISN'T always better. 😮 + +The two windows below show the same stock, but as you can see, the TINY window shows our up-and-down line thingies (sweeps) much more clearly and reliably than the big window, even with the big window set to a higher resolution (1 min candles as opposed to 3min in the tiny chart). + +https://preview.redd.it/tpxynll7u5b71.png?width=1181&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca853deaea7cffff7149264aeb3e2a6c5e198396 + +Why didn't I get rid of all the itchy mocha clouds to take a clean picture??? (One of my favorite Siri-isms of all time.) Because I couldn't risk breaking rule 3.... + +# 3. For the love of all things crayola, DON'T REFRESH THE DATA + +Our platforms will average out the sweeps as soon as you refresh or change the time scales, but if you let the data feed into the chart in real time and *don't touch anything*, the chart might not "average away" the sweeps data and display it for you. + +# You might ask yourself wtf sweeps are used for since using them involves overpaying ungodly %s to get stocks 1-2 seconds faster?? + +Only the hedgies performing them know, and we can only guess. Sites will say "because speed is valued over price," but that means.... nothing?? What I have noticed ANECDOTALLY (Read- this is THEORY until I get confirmation) is that sweeps are used when bull whales and short whales are fighting over a stock's price- If you've watched level 2 data ever, I'm sure you've noticed "buy walls" and "sell walls," a huuuuuge # of orders at one particular price just beyond the best bid/offer, that sort of buffers the price: [This Site does a nice job of explaining](https://www.yurikoval.com/blog/2018/10/understanding-buy-and-sell-walls.html) + +[Credit: https:\/\/www.yurikoval.com\/blog\/2018\/10\/understanding-buy-and-sell-walls.html](https://preview.redd.it/lnxtk9bpk5b71.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8ccc62a4918aabf6f840e7b5b411f22acec7135) + +When a sweep order is filled, it "sweeps the lvl 2 book" as described above, obliterating any buy or sell walls that have been put up instantaneously. So THAT is what I think they're using it for..... A really expensive way to instantly evaporate all of your enemies' defenses. With no buy/sell wall active any more, the price may be influenced far more easily. + +What is NOT anecdotal observation/theoretical is the research that smart peeps have done relating 1) Market sweeps, 2) High frequency trading, 3) Algorithm trading, and 4) Flash crashes. + +Flash crashes are heavily studied in financial academics, and it is agreed that they are caused by liquidity crises: + +>"The CFTC-SEC Staff Report on the market events of May 6, 2010, identified automated execution of a large sell order in the E-mini contract as precipitating the actual crash. What then followed were “two liquidity crises—one at the broad index level in the E-mini, the other with respect to indi-vidual stocks” (CFTC-SEC \[2010b\] p. 3)." From [The Microstructure of the Flash Crash](https://www.datascienceassn.org/sites/default/files/The%20Microstructure%20of%20the%20%E2%80%98Flash%20Crash%E2%80%99%20-%20Flow%20Toxicity,%20Liquidity%20Crashes%20and%20the%20Probability%20of%20Informed%20Trading.pdf) + +Sweep orders are highly correlated with flash crashes: + +>"Precursory factors associated with FlashCrashes include unusual options activity (Boultana et al., 2014) abnormally-high levels of inter-market sweep orders (McInish et al., 2014), extreme illiquidity (Easley et al., 2011) and marketconcentration (Bethel et al., 2011)." From [Modelling and mitigation of Flash Crashes](https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/82457/1/MPRA_paper_82457.pdf) + +Trading algorithms incorporate market sweeps in their trading behavior: + +>"This is imperative also because of algorithmic trades that involve “sweep orders” which scan all exchanges for the best available execution price. The preclusion of trade in one market could automatically allow search in substitute markets. An erroneous order could then have a disruptive effect in those markets which eventually would spill over to the primary market (possibly causing a longer closure)." From [Algorithmic trading, the Flash Crash, and coordinated circuit breakers](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214845013000082) + +The flash crash of May 2010 has been linked to HUGE market sweep activity: + +>"During the Flash Crash on May 6, 2010, a short period of high stock market volatility, some stock prices declined to $0.01, while others increased to $100,000. Examining Intermarket Sweep Orders (ISOs) before, on, and after May 6, we find that ISO use is substantially higher on May 6. For those stocks whose prices fell the most, over 65% of the sell volume comes from ISOs. During the price recovery period for these stocks, about 53% of the buy volume comes from ISOs. We believe that the unusual behavior of ISOs contributed to the sudden drop and recovery of the market." From [The Flash Crash: Trading Aggressiveness, Liquidity Supply, and the Impact of Intermarket Sweep Orders](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/fire.12047) Fuck the paywall to get the full article here: [Because paywalls suck](https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/fire.12047) + +One last example- Here's an in-depth look at why and how flash crashes occur in ETFs, specifically referencing something (I don't know what) that happened in 2015: + +>"The pattern is consistent: Most trades are flagged as “Intermarket Sweep”—which means it’s a market order to take out the book." ... "HFT algorithmic trading was a big part of what we saw. I say this for a few reasons. Firstly, no human being trades one share of anything. Second, about half the trades were flagged as intermarket sweep orders (ISOs), the common form of high-frequency trading (HFT) that values speed over price. Mom-and-pop investors aren’t flagging their 80-share trades as ISOs, in my experience." From [Understanding ETF 'Flash Crashes'](https://www.etf.com/sections/blog/understanding-etf-flash-crashes?nopaging=1) + +EDIT: Thanks to u/shiftyasiankid for grabbing this pic from a Rensole morning post- this is what GME's flash crash on 3/10/21 looked like: + +[holy fucking sweeps, batman](https://preview.redd.it/wiewbkss16b71.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6e09dcdfced66e3bf50b0c6029b76839a7007b6) + +Every time someone has posted about these "straight up and/or down lines" they get bombarded by Gabe's data scientists, trying to convince them either: 1) it's just a glitch, 2) someone fat-fingered a trade (illegal for a broker to take advantage of that because of reasons above), 3) someone at the broker fat-fingered the trade (seriously.... what?) and they ALL know these are market sweeps. **I passionately hate getting lied to. I have NO IDEA why they're all lying about this.** + +Anyway I'm off to vape some crayons, this fresh box of crayolas has some mad terps and I'm dying to dig in. Hope I could provide some wrinkles!!! + +# TLDR: Straight-line thingies are no glitches, they're market sweeps from institutional traders. + +p.s. there's no financial advice in here, only 🦍💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌙 +Guten Tag (¡y hola!) to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +With the arrest of Bill Hwang and indictment on charges that the collapse of Archegos was largely due to false statements to lenders, I cannot help but wonder how that makes Kenneth Griffin and the other SHFs feel. Are they looking at this playing out, and seeing their own future before their eyes? Are they seeking out hints about ways that they'll be able to better hide their crimes before the collapse comes? The use of Total Return Swaps to massively increase leverage while avoiding equity positions in their books is something that has been covered extensively in the GME DD, and the fact that it blew up on Archegos so suddenly and spectacularly reminds me that the MOASS really is tomorrow. + +Meanwhile, RC has been far more active on Twitter than I recall from any time in the past.While I don't claim to know where his messages lead, I do want to advocate on behalf of bidets. If you have never used a bidet, I highly recommend trying one. It is, in all honesty, life-changing. Thank you to Ryan Cohen for providing context that gives me the opportunity to extol the benefits of bidets without it being uncomfortable. + +Now get out there and vote if you haven't already. + +Today is Thursday, April 28th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$131.64 / 124,39 €** *(volume: 256)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $131.79 / 124,53 € *(volume: 250)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $131.90 / 124,63 € *(volume: 248)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $131.99 / 124,72 € *(volume: 248)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $131.98 / 124,70 € *(volume: 248)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $131.86 / 124,60 € *(volume: 248)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $131.98 / 124,71 € *(volume: 248)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $131.80 / 124,54 € *(volume: 228)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $131.80 / 124,53 € *(volume: 228)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $131.80 / 124,54 € *(volume: 208)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $131.76 / 124,50 € *(volume: 207)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $131.71 / 124,45 € *(volume: 197)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $131.81 / 124,55 € *(volume: 179)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $131.73 / 124,47 € *(volume: 169)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $131.81 / 124,55 € *(volume: 134)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $131.82 / 124,56 € *(volume: 110)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $131.78 / 124,52 € *(volume: 105)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $131.89 / 124,62 € *(volume: 105)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $131.90 / 124,64 € *(volume: 105)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $131.87 / 124,60 € *(volume: 105)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $131.81 / 124,55 € *(volume: 95)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $131.65 / 124,40 € *(volume: 95)* +- ⬜ 10 minutes in: $131.71 / 124,45 € *(volume: 80)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $131.71 / 124,45 € *(volume: 80)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $131.67 / 124,42 € *(volume: 50)* +- 🟩 US close price: $129.84 / 122,69 € *($130.50 / 123,31 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0583. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I am a tech enthusiast and I did some Bitcoin mining on my home computer when one bitcoin was just a fraction of a dollar, mainly as a hobby, not imagining how much Bitcoin would grow. + +Years later those bitcoins are worth over $4million dollars... What is the most tax efficient way to withdraw that money? Any advise? This is giving me much anxiety, any help is much appreciated. +Every once in a while, my zen dips. I worry. I feel that there is no way this thing can touch 5-7-9 digits. + +This is my thank you to the people who continue to push DD and honesty about a corrupt system and the amalgam of awful things against the stock. + +I don’t lose faith but I waver. I’m human. And a sincere and honest thank you to everyone who shows charts, timelines, real sources; to help me sleep at night. + +Do your thing boys and girls. Buy. Hold. DRS. + +EDIT: thanks shill for the suicide report on Reddit. +Reading through Duncan Park's book on Alibaba... published in 2016. Last few chapters address a lot of the risks that people raise with BABA such as the VIE structure, the spinoff of Alipay outside of BABA into Jack Ma's personal holding company, the fact that "share holders" don't actually own shares in the company in the traditional sense, and company internal corruption allegations etc. + +However these points were raised and known in 2016 and the stock still ran up to 2-3x its current market cap despite these risks. + +My question now is what other factors are at play that account for the current beatdown? + +The three I can think of: + +1) tech crackdown and its implications + +2) questions re: false accounting.. but I would think this has also been there from the beginning. If it didn't prevent a run up then why should you assume it will in the future? + +3) new corruption allegations being hinted at via this: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-21/china-tells-banks-soes-to-report-exposure-to-jack-ma-s-ant](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-21/china-tells-banks-soes-to-report-exposure-to-jack-ma-s-ant) +I am considering subscribing into Sven Carlin's research platform because I like his style of analysis. But I am a new investor and it is hard for me to set aside $370 for this subscription, when I could be investing that money. Has anyone found his material to be worth it? + +The main source of value for me would be to see his model portfolio and consider following his buys when he makes them, but does he even do that often? With only 5 stocks in his portfolio and a long term outlook, I'm thinking that my $370 might only help me find one or two stock purchases to make over that year, and I am just not sure that's worth it. + +If you have access to his material, I would be interested to know whether it contains any vital info that you couldn't already come to by watching his publicly available videos. +I am interested in this stock called MI homes. They are located mostly in the southern US. They have a very cheap stock price. The main problem is that , will the US people buy more houses despite the rise in interest rates or will the construction of new houses and new loans be very hard to procure? I do not live in the US and do not know if this is a value trap or a great bargain. The balance sheet has lots of inventories. Its assets are growing rapidly. They have a kinda ok operating profits because of the cyclic market some years they have bad operating cash flow but right now they are a net net. +I often check what the other value investing Gurus are doing to help aid in the search for stocks to dig deeper into. I saw Michael Burry holds a large amount of his portfolio in GEO group. + +&#x200B; + +It is a private prison company and the growth prospects in the future can be debated, but the valuation metrics are insane. + +* The PE & EV/EBITDA are great +* The Sale the Price is Great +* The margins are all great or good +* The debt to EBITDA is great +* The revenue and earnings growth are not good (Flat) +* Shares outstanding kind of decreasing. + +But the cash flow from operations and to equity is insane. They have a 1B market cap, but produce \~300M in free cash flow per year for the past 5 years. + +I do not even need to do a discounted cash flow to show that is way under the margin of safety. + +Am I missing something important? +I was wondering what your guys’ thoughts were on C? It’s trading at 67% of TBV and was able to get a 10% ROTCE in a terrible investment banking environment. We can argue whether or not it was really Warren Buffett or someone who works for him that recently invested $2B, but the point is it makes a really good case for Jane Fraser, the new CEO for C, to have Berkshire Hathaway as the 3rd largest shareholder. She is divesting nearly all international retail operations and investing in strong areas like Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS). I’m not going to say this as good JPM, but the valuation given by the market is absurd. +What stocks are on your radar this week? + +What's in the news that's affecting the market? + +Celebrate your successes, rue your losses, or just chat with your fellow Value redditors! + +*(New Weekly Megathreads are posted every Monday at 0600 GMT.)* +Saw an ad at the top of Reddit linking to the following site (linking to site because ad disappeared when I clicked on it) + +[link to scam](https://pro.dailyfinancialnews.us/p/TEK_secretpot_1016/LTEKSA19/?h=true) + +For those not wanting to click the link, the site claims to be able to turn $50 in to a fortune through investing in stocks in Marijuana. + +Are admins going to crack down on scam advertising? This is pretty worrying to me. + +Here are the main points (highlights): + +* The investment bank, already has a $1,825 price target on Amazon. But the $1,900 is beyond what Goldman has previously said. + +* Analyst Heath Terry said he thinks Amazon's stock is undervalued and estimates are too low for the company's cloud and retail business. + +via CNBC (CNBC.com) +Link (Source): https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/20/amazon-shares-could-easily-hit-1900-in-2018-goldman-sachs.html + +Note: Amazon will so likely become a $1T company this year after Apple. +Would it be smart to invest into QYLD (or another high yield monthly dividend etf) while selling puts? + +I was thinking of selling CRSR or LAC 45DTE as cash secured puts and buying. has anyone done this? what are the downsides to this play? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Thanks to u/Horror_Veterinar for pointing out the YouTube video that shows many State pension/retirement funds are long GME in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oqvnna/28\_of\_the\_us\_is\_long\_on\_gme\_gmerica/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oqvnna/28_of_the_us_is_long_on_gme_gmerica/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +I'm not a trusting person, so I double checked Bloomberg. There are actually 14 states that are long GME, including Texas! + +The Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association of America (TIAA-CREF) also owns a fuk ton and may represent schools from many other states. + +11 of the state filings are from 3/31/21 and 8 are from 6/30/21. TIAA-Cref filing is from 7/22/21. + +**THAT'S 28% OF AMERICA. GMERICA!!** + +https://preview.redd.it/bg42hn4mn8d71.png?width=1264&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b1bb7727b5298f67cfbbe0d97eeaefdedac051f + +https://preview.redd.it/fc661n5hn8d71.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab0df5a99b585181afd0575d7967d242e1cb38d1 + +**Edit 1: Summary Slide of Total Ownership** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lcaplzg4h9d71.png?width=581&format=png&auto=webp&s=22b6c63cfb4830d9fae94bf2269ef432adf67174 + +&#x200B; + +**Edit 2:** New York is in there twice (2 diff funds), so changed 15 states to 14 states and 29% to 28%, except in the title. FYI, TIAA likely covers a couple dozen more states as they are used nation wide for teachers, so 28% is a low figure. GMERICA! + +**Edit 3:** Not sure if I'm getting shilled below, but these state funds are NOT included in BlackRock. Here are all of BlackRock ETFs and 13f's with GME holdings. + +https://preview.redd.it/v2w8kkcyf9d71.png?width=1212&format=png&auto=webp&s=a18bedb66482aacc1181a821cd8e5009aa613f36 + +https://preview.redd.it/f442p9j0g9d71.png?width=1204&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fdabd31ea3faac04060ce65800aaa8d52b3a867 + +**TL;DR 28% of America Long GME. GMERICA!** +Have you ever been out there doing some other activity or just observing life and seen some vivid correlation of how they connect to the world of trading. How has this realisation helped you psychologically when you're behind your trading desk. + +I would say Trading is like being an Elite Sniper in the military (from observing movies and documentaries). Normally, a very well trained sniper should have an unwavering patience, heightened awareness of the target field (in this case your watchlist), and most importantly the ability to sustain long periods of high real time environmental and psychological stress (poor market conditions, drawdowns...) while still remaining composed. + +I also believe a sniper would not shoot at anything that moves even if it was the enemy (Not an important enemy), as he or she would have been given strict objectives( a well formulated trading plan with an edge) to follow. + +So what do you think guys? What are your correlations and how has this improved your trading and life in general? Please share. +This has been on my mind for a few days now. I love reading about new cryptocurrencies, the latest trends, etc. but the constant *"to the moon!"* is annoying the living poop out of me. Everything and their grandma's underwear goes to the moon these days. + +The sentence may have held some value a while back but these days it just feels meaningless and makes every post seem like a scam. + +I can't be the only one that is annoyed by this. Please tell me I am not alone. +I am confused when people say to buy rentals below market value. Should I analyze a rentals market value at its current conditon (need of repairs) or at its renovated condition? +I'm currently renting to two tenants in a unit, a mother and daughter, who are both adults and on the lease we signed a few months ago. They told me it would just be them and everything went smoothly with the credit and background checks. + +On the day of the move-in the daughter was not there (she lives and works 3 hours away so I put 2 and 2 together pretty quickly she wasn't going to be living here and would just be cosigning) and the woman had a man with her that she told me was there to help her move in. I said to myself okay, sure, I get it. + +Well, I get a maintenance request and she's not home, but this gentleman is there to let me in. At this point I'm super skeptical, but who knows, coincidences have happened once or twice in history. + +Some time later I get another maintenance request so I go over again today and he's there and it's pretty obvious he's residing there, or at least there often. My question now is, how do I approach this? I'm assuming I'm going to have to add an addendum to the lease with him as a tenant and subject him to a background check. Is that something I should 100% do? At this point it's already rented and my thought process is "well there was a reason they didn't tell me about him so I assume somethings going to come up". If that happens do I tell them he has to leave or they get evicted? + +In the grand scheme of things they are pretty average tenants. I've spotted a few bits of damage they've done when I was over and I've gotten calls about some minor things breaking (door knobs, etc) that we have replaced in the past. I'm just looking for an outside perspective of if the worst happens to be true here, how would you proceed or am I just overthinking this? + +Edit: Just realized this may not be the ideal subreddit. If so, please let me know and i'll remove this. +The news couldn’t be greater for stocks! They already priced in years of sub-par and negative gross while being at historic highs!!! + + +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/14/imf-global-economy-to-contract-by-3percent-due-to-coronavirus.html + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +As someone who's moved houses a significant amount of times in the past years, and is due one next month, I just wanna say this is amazing news! Budgeting for moving house reached preposterous levels with all the fees associated with it: Deposit (6 weeks rent) + Immediate fees (we've averaged 350 per tenancy) + removal cost (some of the quotes are just off the charts, the lastest we got was 600 for a 2-bed small house. This time we're hiring a minivan + gas and it's not even close to being 100 pounds) + +All in all, delightful news. More details in the article below. +https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2019/01/letting-fees-to-be-banned-from-june/ +It's what makes that sub a great place to be. Hit me up by DM. PLEASE, don't feel ashame. If you need it, hit these guys, no questions asked. + +Edit 1: + +1/ wish I could give more but my $50 are gone. https://imgur.com/a/V2cbrPS + +2/ u/ajrocco is also offering support. Hit his/her DM + +3/ u/friedchickenman12 is also offering support. Hit his DM. + +4/ u/Puzzleheaded_Cup_531 is also in for 5 X $10. Hit him up! + +5/ u/unknownuser5938 is also in for 5 X $15. Hit DM. + +6/ fellow Aussie u/DrewDrawsPlans is also in. Hit his DM. + +7/ u/half_dane / boom, one more. Hit his/her DM. + +Apes together strong + +Edit 2: wow, what started as a "small" contribution as grown in a massive effort from the community to also support. Hit these amazing guys/girls in edit 1 if you need a hand. No shame! + +WOW. AMAZING RESPONSE!!! APES TOGETHER STRONG +We have been under an incredible amount of pressure from parents to buy a house. Like it comes up in almost every single conversation we have now. It’s not like we don’t want to buy a house. If anyone had a look at the house prices in Sydney, you will know it’s ridiculously hard. The whole situation is just making us very miserable. How can we deal with this situation? It’s also frustrating that what we’ve saved and gained from investments have not matched the increase in house prices in Sydney. +This is my understanding of the situation. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the math seems pretty clear. I know I'm not the first to state this, but I feel like this issue has largely been hand waved away with the store of value narrative, and with El Salvador attempting to use it as a currency it may be a rude awakening to the major flaws with the network. + +The Bitcoin network can support about 7 transactions per second. + +7tps x 60s x 60min x 24hrs = 604,800 transactions per day. The population of El Salvador is about 7,000,000. This means that if the entire population is using bitcoin there is only enough bandwidth to support 2 transactions per person per month. This assumes only a tiny country like El Salvador is using bitcoin. This is not feasible whatsoever for just El Salvador, let alone the world. + +The Lightning Network does not solve this problem, as it still requires main chain transactions for every user, it's just less of them. Onramp, offramp, and channel liquidity adjustments are all going to be required on a semi regular basis. + +The only solution to this is majority adoption of custodial solutions, which is the antithesis of bitcoin. This will lead to the exact same problems our current financial system has, minus inflation risk. + +I personally hand waved these issues away, as I always told myself that bitcoin didn't need to function as a currency, it's a store of value. But even a store of value requires a minimum bandwidth to function as a global reserve, and now with a country adopting it as a currency we are going to potentially be slapped in the face with the bandwidth issue. + +I also assumed that despite the opinions of Bitcoin Maximalists, the network would need to upgrade to support magnitudes higher TPS. However, I assumed that adoption would be slow enough to have a long form debate to convince people that this is necessary. Is it already a necessity to upgrade to support the sudden adoption as a currency by a country? Will the community be able to debate this issue, come to the conclusion we need to upgrade, and perform the upgrades in time to support adoption by El Salvador? + +If none of this happens I fear one of two outcomes. + +One, El Salvador adopts mainly custodial solutions, which will probably be abused and may actually harm the citizens rather than help them (surveillance, fees, confiscation, censorship, fractional reserves, transparancy issues). + +Two, the country attempts self custody options, quickly overloads the network to volumes where fees and transaction times are completely unacceptable, proving the network cannot support this level of activity, and causing massive FUD and massive damage to El Salvador if they have had substantial adoption. + +Can anyone provide a strong argument for why we shouldn't be concerned about bitcoins extremely limited bandwidth on the eve of real adoption? + +Edit: Most of you are far too emotional. This type of post should not trigger you to the extent it has. And if you were confident in how bitcoin and lightning function you wouldn't need to devolve to insults, FUD posts, and generally very misleading BS. I'm no expert on LN, but from the looks of things almost everyone in this comment section is similarly retarded but claims they are an expert. + +From reading all of the comments, there are two ideas that assuage my fears, and I am fairly confident that we do not need to be overly concerned about the issues I raised. + +1) One of the core premises of my argument is it assumes that El Salvador will experience rapid adoption of self custodied LN wallets. However, this is probably false because adoption rates will realistically be very slow, and not the sudden increase in users I propose above, but also that most people will probably be using custodial solutions just like the majority of current users are. The vast majority of people who own crypto do not manage their own keys and open their own wallet, so a lot of the traffic will not happen on chain or on LN, but on centralized ledgers. + +2) Another user posted a research paper that proposes an upgrade to LN that allows onboarding multiple users at once to LN through Channel Factories. Instead of a single L1 transaction being used to onboard a single user to LN, potentially 2000 users could be onboarded to LN with a single L1 transaction with Channel Factories. + +https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/918.pdf + +It does not appear that this method of batching transactions onto LN has been implemented yet, but it sounds like it will be when the network gets congested enough that it is necessary. + +By the way, this same paper came to the exact same conclusion that I did, that the main chain even with LN in its current state cannot handle anywhere close to the population of the whole world, which is the reason that Channel Factories will most likely be necessary in the future. To all those people in the comments informing me I'm a moron, you may want to check your expertise. + +"Recently the idea of payment channels has been further improved by the use of intermediate nodes that can also route payments, creating a network of payment channels, such as Lightning Network [14]. However, as pointed out by Poon et al. [14], the Lightning Network does not scale well enough. Even under the very generous assumption that each user only publishes 3 transactions per year (to open and/or close channels), the network scales to only 35 million users, far from covering the world’s population. For this reason, Burchert et al. [5] propose Channel Factories. Channel factories allow for various users to simultaneously open independent channels in one single transaction, reducing drastically the number of blockchain hits required." +Stock split (5:1 for example) + +1 share at $100 = $100 + +5 shares at $20 = $100 + +Total shares of the company goes from 76 million to 380 million shares. +All puts/calls/shorted shares are adjusted accordingly. + +Stock dividend (5:1 for example) + +1 share at $100 = $100 + +5 shares at $20 = $100 + +Total shares of the company goes from 76 million to 380 million shares. +All puts/calls/shorted shares are adjusted accordingly +- but this is where it gets juicy and is the big difference. Dividends are paid by shorts as well. So, in the scenario above, GME is responsible for providing the 304 million shares as a dividend (the difference in shares, 380-76). But what if there are 500 million shares BEFORE the share dividend because of shorts? There will now be 2.5 billion shares AFTER the share dividend. GME is only responsible for providing 304 million shares to shareholders. That means shorts will need to provide 2.196 billion shares as the dividend. Even though after the split, share price is only $20, shorts need to buy 2.196 billion shares to give to shareholders as their dividend. With 30% of the float locked in DRS, shorts are extra fucked. + +TLDR: share price does not matter pre-split. Shorts already need to buy a massive amount of shares to cover their shorts. After the share dividend, shorts will need to buy up a shitload more just to provide shareholders their stock dividend. TRUST in Ryan Cohen 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Buy, hold, DRS. 💎🙌 gonna get me my thai tea boba to celebrate 🧋 + +EDIT: I am NOT trying to create hype. This is my opinion of what will happen. Pending no fuckery happens, there should be buying pressure after the stock dividend which will drive back up the share price. +The year is 2026, your portfolio is up 5000x and you have enough money there to pay the mortgage, quit you job and tell your boss where to stick it, then ride off into the sunset in a lambo with your shiba by your side ... but my question is do you sell it all .... or just a percentage and stay involved with crypto ? + +When i first started i thought i would have no problem pulling the plug and walking away with my gains, but i love crypto and everything about it, so i doubt very much will ever cash everything in, i would take a large chunk of it absolutely, but i would keep a small bag so i can still play the game and stay involved with everything +I recently received a dollar in my account for no reason from someone I don't know. I figured it was a scam, but I can't work out what the scam is. Now they're disputing with PayPal saying I sold them something on Facebook marketplace, and that I haven't sent anything and the ad has been deleted - all a bogus story, but I still can't figure out what the scam is. I really don't care about just refunding the dollar, but does this line me up for other issues? I'd prefer to just advise all this to PayPal, but it seems near impossible to talk to an actual person and get them to look at anything these days. +First Off, I admit I don't know what I'm doing, I thought this would be like TDAmeritrade, except with automation. + +To me, Ninja Trader is just one big commercial. I'm trying to convince myself it's not a scam, but it's hard to get past the surface of it. Every time you login to their site, even the help forums, you are blasted with more opportunities to spend money on their 'Award Winning' software. + +They said I could hook up to TDAmeritrade and automate my trading there, but then I find I need to buy a license ($1000 - $1500) to do so. + +I thought I would be able to backtest my strategies for free, but in order to backtest, you need to buy a subscription to get the data, that's $40 a month. + +They advertise 'free' webinars to show you how to get setup. But so far every webinar I've watched turns into an infomercial for one of their ecosystem partners ($500 for a package of custom indicators, that you don't know if it's going to work for you or not) + +I have gotten to the point where I have a live account (Dorman Trading) for futures, but don't know what to do with it, and without any data feeds it's pretty useless, even for manual trading. + +I have not yet paid for the lifetime license, so I can still back out and withdraw all my money. + +Sorry for the rant. I've seen a few posts here on Reddit where people said it's working for them and good for them, but maybe this post will save someone else some heartache. Nothing ever comes easy. +I'm aware that it is used at least in some capacity in HFT, and I'm aware of its potential use in options ~~trading~~ pricing, but I'm curious if anyone in here has used any sort of Fourier Transform for trading. Is it a common analytical device or is it a more niche theoretical tool that isn't worth the effort for most? + +Edit: to clarify, i’m not inquiring about how it *can* be used, but i’m curious if anyone actually *has* applied it within any algorithms they use, or if anyone knows about applications where it is commonly used. +Is it a feasible option to pursue quantitative finance to start a hedge fund? Does it make sense to gain experience as a quant dev for a firm then break of and start your own venture? +I'm aware that it is used at least in some capacity in HFT, and I'm aware of its potential use in options ~~trading~~ pricing, but I'm curious if anyone in here has used any sort of Fourier Transform for trading. Is it a common analytical device or is it a more niche theoretical tool that isn't worth the effort for most? + +Edit: to clarify, i’m not inquiring about how it *can* be used, but i’m curious if anyone actually *has* applied it within any algorithms they use, or if anyone knows about applications where it is commonly used. +Bitcoin still being on 29k shows that it's quite struggling to make a V-shaped recovery after hitting high support levels on 25k. Bitcoin got constantly rejected at ~31k the past days and it does not look like anything is making a fast recovery just now. + +Crypto prices, as every other financial asset prices, are completly dependent on the state of the human psychology and that's dependent on how the world is doing. The past months we have just been adding more and more macro-economic tensions. Starting with FED rate hikes, Consumer Inflation, Russia-Ukraine to now China supply issues. Also Don't forget that Covid is still here. + +It just does not seem like any of those will get better any time soon. Covid stays still, Russia Ukraine is having no progress in peace, FED won't stop till inflation is down. Obviously things could change and Crypto pumps to the moon, there is no certainity, but the probability is that things will keep worse before they get better. +Due to the influx of rule 9 violations seen in the sub, I will be banning by default (for 3 days,) and perma-banning repeat offenders. + +To everyone else who has respected the community here and followed the rules, thank you! You're awesome! :) +Hi, is anyone else having issues with OANDA's pricing? Today (3/31) at around 10:30-11:30 a.m. EST, I scalp shorted the CHF/JPY twice. + +The first time, the trade was 10 pips in profit, and the terminal displayed the ask at around 131.770, and the profit displayed was in the green. I closed the trade and it closed 20 pips higher than the displayed ask price at 131.990, at a loss. The price was nowhere near there on the chart, at the time. + +I shorted it several minutes later when the bid / ask were at the 131.900 levels, and the short trade opened 10 pips lower at the 131.800 levels. I have screenshotted evidence of all of this, which I can post if people want. + +I contacted customer service and they refused to admit wrongdoing in the first instance (because past ask prices can't be screenshotted on MT4), but they admitted the price was falsely displayed in the second instance (since my screenshots could prove the bid price). They've done nothing so far. + +Tl;dr: OANDA misrepresented CHFJPY bid / ask prices by 10-20 pips for me multiple times today and made me lose money, when MT4 said I was in the green. + +Is this normal? Does this happen with other pairs often? Has anyone had these issues with majors like EUR/USD and GBP/USD? I recently switched from unregulated to regulated trading, but it seems like OANDA is actually sketchier. + +Evidence: +False price 1: https://imgur.com/a/LipK65k +False price 2: https://imgur.com/a/muu8QTy + +OANDA admitting to the second mistake in an email (but doing nothing about it): https://imgur.com/a/U2Sr9mC +I’m not saying it is imposible to be profitable or that the ones who are just lucky, but I’ve been coding lots of strategies and backtesting many more, and each time is the same: + +If risk:reward ratio is x:y, percent profitable then becomes very close to (x/(y+x))*100 %. This means that even if you use it in a certain time window, and you end up with net profits, it’s likely just luck, because given that risk:reward ratio and percent profitable the results have a tendency towards 0. + +I’m not saying I’m looking for a 1:4 risk:reward and 90% winning strategy, but I cannot bring myself to trust a 1:4 21.6% or a 1:2 33.6% strategy. + +How do you guys manage this? Do you use strategy with better numbers (something like 1:1 65% or 1:5 25%)? Something that can’t be coded of backtested with a software? Or just don’t care/haven’t tested it that hard? +Hi, I absolutely want to start trading but I do no a single thing about trading. I want to know the steps I can take to learn and how to go about it. Whats the best way to start +I am a Software Engineer / Data Scientist and I decided to give a go at automating a [strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Forex/comments/hi7vw3/final_part_viii_my_10_minutesday_trading_strategy/) based on the /u/ParallaxFX strategy floating around and backtests the results, also due to some inspiration by /u/Vanguer + +&nbsp; + +I backtested on the majors 4H timeframe between January 2015 to January 2020. + +&nbsp; + +I am only considering trades from the top and bottom bands for now. + +&nbsp; + +My trading criteria is: + +&nbsp; + + +*Upper Band* + +Indecision candle + +* open and close above the band + +* Stochastic above 0.8 + +Setup candle + +* Descending + +* Closes > 38.2 fib (or 'below' the 38.2 fib) + +* Has lower low than indecision + +* Has lower close than indecision + +* TP is above the lower band + +&nbsp; + +*Lower Band* + +Indecision candle + +* open and close below the band + +* Stochastic below 0.2 + +Setup candle + +* Ascending + +* Closes > 38.2 fib (or 'above' the 38.2 fib) + +* Has higher high than indecision + +* Has higher close than indecision + +* TP is below the upper band + +&nbsp; + +Entry: 38.2 Fib + +Stop Loss: 100 Fib + +Take Profit: -161.8 Fib + +RRR: 3.23 + +&nbsp; + +If a candle meets my trade criteria I open the trade and forget about it. + +&nbsp; + +I started with a balance of 500 EUR and a risk of 1%. The results use compound gain / loss and I only considered one currency pair at a time. + +&nbsp; + +The results were not that impressive... + + +EUR/USD + +* Trades: 29 + +* Wins: 10 + +* Losses: 19 + +* Balance: 567.45 + + + +AUD/USD + +* Trades: 29 + +* Wins: 7 + +* Losses: 22 + +* Balance: 500.92 + + + +GBP/USD + +* Trades: 25 + +* Wins: 5 + +* Losses: 20 + +* Balance: 479.55 + + + +NZD/USD + +* Trades: 26 + +* Wins: 6 + +* Losses: 20 + +* Balance: 495.07 + + + +USD/CAD + +* Trades: 22 + +* Wins: 4 + +* Losses: 18 + +* Balance: 473.90 + + + +USD/CHF + +* Trades: 28 + +* Wins: 7 + +* Losses: 21 + +* Balance: 505.98 + +&nbsp; + +Due to this being automated I can test a variety of parameters pretty quickly and come back with trading screenshots, results, etc. + +&nbsp; + +I am considering a higher timeframe but the number of trades is already fairly low. + +&nbsp; + +Here is a link to a Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16cO0ZSCGakkbK90lh-FBIC3ZJIxOj9fI?usp=sharing) with screenshots from each trade and a log of the system as it makes the trades. The candles highlighted in yellow / purple are where the trade is entered. I do not have the picture marked as a win / lose but it should be obvious by the candle formation. +I don't know why this isn't being talked about more but VIX was climbing fast last week and by all indications it looked like we were well on our way to a hell of a market correction. My understanding of options and other derivatives is rudimentary at best. Please take these questions, discussion and speculation with those caveats in mind. + +It's been speculated by some redditors over in the 'bets sub that a single entity (or multiple entities coordinated by a single entity) performed an absolutely massive intervention in the options market that squelched a negative gamma squeeze and smashed VIX. It's speculated that this was ostensibly to avert an all-but-certain market crash since the profitability of such a manoeuvre is limited at best and carries with it insane risk that no private institution would reasonably undertake. If you search under 'new' for "Market Manipulation" in that sub it's easy to find the thread with this speculation. + +I know what I saw with VIX. It surpassed the value reached during the 'sneeze' and then magically dropped during the afternoon of January 25th for no apparent reason. My question is how reasonable is this speculation? And more importantly as it relates to Gamestop how applicable is this speculation to a short squeeze? The DD around MOASS suggests that a positive gamma-ramp and gamma-squeeze is an important precursor. Is there an inverse method for squelching a positive gamma squeeze? If there is, what kind of confidence can we have that it won't be deployed against our beloved stonk? + [https://news.yahoo.com/pentagon-consultant-briefed-senators-discovery-182905679.html](https://news.yahoo.com/pentagon-consultant-briefed-senators-discovery-182905679.html) +What's the danger of having too many dividend stocks in your portfolio? I've read a lot of people on here pushing maybe 10 stocks that are worth investing in and sometimes pushing an entire portfolio consisting of even less than that. I find myself purchasing 10-20 shares of upwards of 20-30 different stocks with more that I'd like to put in to rather than increasing my current holdings in a specific company/fund. + +I'm just not sure I understand the argument for having so few choices. Is it specifically related to dividend investing? Or is there no real argument? +I know this also was a topic a few days ago, but i think it is relevent due to the (so it seems) ever dropping price. + +Right now it doesn’t really look good for AT&T with the stockprice at below $27 (at the moment of writing). + +Will it bounce back up to $30+ or will the stock bleed out eventually? + +Curious to what reasons you guys have for holding the stock and buying more of it! +Just trying to get a feel for how generous (or not) my companies mileage policy is. + +They pay 25p per mile but you cannot claim for the first 15 miles of any journey as they see this as being a reasonable distance journey for work purposes. + +So, what does your company pay and how does this compare? +I have been browsing the daily general discussion for a couple of months now. I have started noticing something new in the last few days. This happened after the market made a quick recovery two days ago. Plenty of users are trying to spread gloom and doom in the daily discussion threads. There was always someone spreading fud but not at this level. They dont even give any good reasons just vague statements like the market is going back down. Sometimes their "news" is a flatout lie. Here are a few examples. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rkcpq/if_you_didnt_cash_out_some_profits_by_now_you/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxhg0k/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxftx7/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7qu6uv/why_the_prices_are_falling_and_wont_recover_in_a/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxftx7/ + +**EDIT:** Some fresh shit from the daily discussion and thats only the last two hours. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxrj7o/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxqqsv/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxqytw/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxsk8v/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxrrnv/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxquwn/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7rgecz/daily_general_discussion_january_19_2018/dsxqv3f/ +The housing market where I live is still on fire (Phoenix). For one reason or another, throughout my life, I haven’t been in the right position to buy a home until earlier this year…when I was priced out of the market. I’m single without kids. The housing prices are like a moving target, and it pisses me off more than anything. It’s starting to feel hopeless. I might be able to afford a tiny condo in an okay yet away from cool things area by next year when my lease is up, if I’m lucky. +I know that these kinds of posts aren't well received here and usually get downvoted to oblivion, but please hear me out anyway. + +I've been an avid Bitcoin investor since November 2013. Some say that was probably one of the worst times to enter the world of Bitcoin and I agree to an extent, but that's not what this is about. Everyone who invests in volatile assets should be at peace with the possibility of losing money. Yes, I've lost money, and yes, I wish I hadn't, but that's not what concerns me in the long run. This is basically about the fact that I think that Bitcoin will never really have a future where it is treated like a serious currency. + +Let me just say that I do believe that Bitcoin is probably one of the most amazing technological inventions in the recent history. It is easy to transact with, it is anonymous to a large degree, it enables immediate transfer of value between any two actors in the world, it cannot be confiscated by authorities etc. It truly has the power to change how we think of money and value in these modern times. The upside for personal and financial liberty is simply astounding. + +So if Bitcoin is so great, then the question is why am I divesting? + +The answer is that people just don't care about it. They just don't. The price has been on a constant slide downwards for three straight quarters now, and this is despite the overall increased merchant adoption and relatively good press. Almost everyone has heard of Bitcoin by now and when asked what they think about it, they usually think it's a scam or some kind of failed internet money. + +Someone here once mentioned an analogy with a pig and gold: if you put a bar of gold before a pig, the pig won't see any value in it and it certainly won't know how to use it to improve its life. + +I don't want to refer to the majority of people as pigs, but the analogy still works. No matter how amazing and revolutionary Bitcoin is, most people just don't understand it, don't care about it and certainly don't see any value in it. They are ok with using their credit cards, government issued paper money and occasionally stocks. If a hyperinflation ever happens, they will get their wheelbarrows and deal with it then and there. As much as I want Bitcoin to have a bright and successful future, I think it's ultimately a misunderstood technology that requires a person of certain intellect and education to be able to appreciate it. Your average Joe Sixpack doesn't know what inflation is, doesn't have a problem with central banking and Keynesianism, and certainly doesn't have any major issues with the way the government does its business. + +When everyone is irrational and constantly mispricing something, as a rational actor you have to take that into account. I don't think humanity as a whole will suddenly have an intellectual breakthrough tomorrow. With that in mind, I am adjusting my position accordingly and will keep only a small amount of my wealth in Bitcoin from here on out. The risks are simply too great and the downside looks much bigger than the upside. I think it has had its day with the internet population (that's what ultimately brought the price where it is), and that any further adoption will be very hard at this point. The price appears to be reflecting that. + +Thanks for reading and be careful with your money. Wealth management is hard. +# K2FLY Limited + +**Due Diligence** + +Let me start by saying, lately my portfolio has been filled with Metal exploration stocks such as **PUR & MTC**, Gas & oil exploration companies **EXR & IVZ**, Uranium **92E** and Hydrogen **PRL**. In a nutshell companies that have no revenue, no product (yet) and no way of continuing without raising capital and diluting shares. This is all well and good and it’s part of the Small Cap game, we know the rules and we choose to play. But what I have not invested in lately is Tech.. It’s been out of favour and other than **DW8** we haven’t seen a tech stock have a run for a while. So I started thinking are we due for a rise in the tech sector, if so where would I want to put my money. + + + +[ASX: K2F chart](https://preview.redd.it/frmezgesnsr71.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=40067b77ff4802c86df0b9b05f636d355f10ff65) + +I looked at bio tech and to be honest I’m sick of every bio tech company promising some kind of Covid-19 product that never makes it off the research lab floor. There’s everyones favourite AI company **BRN** which lately has been nothing more than a stock code that when googled leads you to that shady dark place Mufasa said never to go near.. Hot Crapper. Anyway this leads us to the METS sector.. No not baseball. (METS) stands for Mining equipment, Technology and Services, which unbeknown to me makes a fuck load of money, like $90 billion a year kind of fuck load. + +# I want 100% gains + +I should also be clear that when investing in the small cap market I am investing for returns of 100% minimum. That’s the goal and sure while that doesn’t mean every stock I’ve invested in has doubled, if you’re only looking for a 10% return you’re money is better off somewhere safer like **CBA** or **QAN** or any other boomer stock for that matter. + +In September I invested in **MTC** with a $10,000 parcel at 29c and sold on the way up at 51c, 66c with my final parcel leaving my account at 79.5c on Monday this week for a total gain of $11,000 in profit. This is the kind of trade I’m looking for in the small cap market. If you’re investing in any small cap then you are taking a huge risk (like lose 90% of your investment risk) if that company doesn’t also stand to at least make you a possible gain of %100 then I’d politely fuck it off and buy something better. + +# Enter K2F + +So how did I get here.. Well mining/exploration is great and you can make (or lose) a fortune, but I have too much of it in my portfolio and I’m sick of getting sodomised by companies like PUR. BUT what if you could combine the mining sector with some fucking tech.. Yeah so you know all that data management and all of those legislative hoops that company directors are required to jump through when they’re not busy driving their lambo’s? Well there is a lot of management and software systems required to run a successful mine and stay compliant and k2F pretty much does them all. + +Since 2016 K2F have signed deals with every major Australian mining company you can think of, with their latest contract of $3.4M from Rio Tinto. This leads us into the fundamentals.. + +# Financials + +On June 30 2017 K2F yearly revenue was $626,000.. In the following three years revenue has increased by %1000 with last financial year clocking in at $6.9 million revenue an 18% increase from the previous year. Expenses have been consistently around $8M annually for the past three years with a jump to $9.8M in 2020/2021 leaving last years books ($2.9M) in the red. Once we see the financials for this quarter that include the string of recent contracts we should see K2F becoming net profit positive in the next few months. With zero debt and $7M cash on hand and equity of $11M it��s lining up quite nicely. + +**Revenue LFY:** $6.9M + +**Expenses LFY:** $9.9M + +**Net Profit:** *($2.9M)* + +**Cash in bank:** $6.9M + +**Assets:** $13.26M + +**Total liabilities:** $10.0M + +**= Total Equity:** $11.9M + +&#x200B; + +# Market Cap + +This is my favourite part of this company. Most players in this sector with contracts under their belt with all the major players have a market cap in the realm of $400 million to the big fish with market caps of $5.5 billion. At $32c K2F has a market cap of $44M. Why is it not trading much higher? Like at least double that. Well there’s a few possibilities and we need to look deeper to find out if the current market valuation of this company is accurate or has it simply been flying under the radar. + +&#x200B; + +1. Investors don’t like to see a negative bottom line, this may be keeping some people on the fence still and if we see a quarterly report that shows they are on track for a net profit this financial year we could quickly see the share price rise. +2. A good indicator of whether or not a company is a good value opportunity is to look at who has been buying on market and at what price. Over the last two months Tribeca Investments Partners (the Australian arm of JP Morgan and UBS) have purchased over 2 million shares on market at an average price of 27c, now holding an 8.9% stake in the company. This tells me that someone smarter than me thinks it’s under valued and with companies like AVEVA in the UK turning over $800 million in revenue from this sector last year I’m going to agree with them. + + + +[On-market buying Aug \/ Sep 2021](https://preview.redd.it/yz92ry4mosr71.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=53254f13af8ba590a661e5e5412fe6eb5e0ec4d6) + +# Contracts + +Without going to in-depth as to what specific products these contracts are for I will just outline the companies and the total $$ amounts. Total contract value now sits at $13 million with an annual recurring revenue of $4.1 million This includes multiple products with Rio Tinto, FMG, Newcrest, Glencore and others. + +&#x200B; + +[Major contracts ](https://preview.redd.it/s1w52tyzosr71.png?width=2322&format=png&auto=webp&s=d98e5b623e9fd6c2c5ef1bd64f4bad045c4ccb93) + +# + +# SOI + +Total diluted shares on offer is 138 million with company insiders holding 30% and top 20 shareholders taking up 51% of the SOI. Low supply like this means with substantial interest and continued significant announcements K2F could easily run up quickly and be a 100% gain very quickly like MTC was last month. It’s hard to say when that will happen but I intend to be onboard that train when it leaves the station. + +&#x200B; + +[Sexy Buy \/ Sell depth](https://preview.redd.it/giaub4hsosr71.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e5432a738b04a0dbcccbbf0c04c23645f75496b) + +# Dumb fuck conclusion + +**K2F** is mining software that helps big companies manage all their shit and make them more efficient. Unlike DW8 it might actually make money. + +All the rockets, Ciao 🚀 +**Market Overview** + As I said yesterday, had a good chat with Tom and he told me markets would go up today. We ended the day just as high as we started it after dropping off and then slowly recovering towards the back end. OPEC meeting over oil supply happened last night and there is US data coming out on payroll tonight, but overall not a great week for the markets. + **XJO up 0.59%** + +**Energy sector & Materials sector** + Energy was up a massive 1.76% to finish the week up 0.5%. All the large caps were green lead by WPL up 3.01%, as mentioned above this was largely due to the OPEC meeting in which the supply will gradually increase over the next 6 months very cautiously. + Materials only up 0.2% today but up 0.6% for the week. The big 3 were flat with RIO the only down one at -0.22%. MIN was the big winner for the sector as they deal with Lithium and Iron ore. The gold stocks also didn’t do well, all were flat or down for the day in terms of large caps. + +**Industrials & Health care** + Industrials up a beautiful 1.25% today on the back of REH and QAN up 2.97% and 3.46%. Industrials were down 0.19% for the week though. The only flat stocks were AIA and ALX, where everything else was a nice shiny green. As we mentioned last week AIA is Auckland airport, so maybe Sydney airport is more popular on Fridays? No idea but would be interested to know. + Healthcare up 0.08% for the day and down 0.22% for the week so quite a flat week. We had 3 green stocks and 5 red stocks for the large caps today with RMD doing the best up 0.49% and ANN doing the worst down 1.33%. Will be interesting to see how the different healthcare stocks go over the coming weeks with the COVID cases picking up again. + +**Consumer Discretionary + Staples** + The consumer sectors finally realising it was opposite day. Staples down 0.03% for the day but up 0.85% for the week with the only green coming from WOW up 0.21% where as EDV were down 2.67%. But on better news Discret was up 1.3% for the day and 1.04% for the week. IEL which is in the mock portfolio up 20.31% on the back of an acquisition and DMP was the only red for the sector down 0.66% because everyone is camping out for the weekend deals. + +**Financials and Technology** + Financials up 0.77% for the day and a massive…. 0.01% for the week! The big 4 were all up except for dodgy WBC who were down 0.04% for the day. No bingo for WBC holders but MFG was the big winner p 2.72% which means more lotto tickets for those holders. + Tech finishing a very interesting week down 0.11% and 3.07% for the week. APT and CPU the only red today both down approx. 0.5% each. The big green was XRO as everyone bought their accounting software today in prep for taxes obviously. + +**Communication services, Utilities & Real estate** + Communications up 0.88% today and 3.23% for the week. TPG down 1.89% as the only red and CAR showing off its horse power up 3%. Utilities up 0.76% for the day and down 3.88% for the week. Once again everyone green except one stock and its not my bois MEZ but rather IFT down 1.63%, yuck! Last and as always least, Real estate up 0.435 for the day and down 2.39% for the week. High risers today were MGR, SGP and SCG each up over 1%. +Well, you guys were right. This sub might be autistic as fuck but it's nothing compared to the retards at the ASX Stock Tips facebook page. + +Most of the time you'll see stupid shit like "will x stock rise?" without any analysis or thought into it, with answers that are just as braindead. How the fuck any of these people are allowed to trade stocks genuinely bewilders me but they're the sort of retail investors everyone feasts on at the end of the day - and the type of people who I'd advise to hold ETF's because they have absolutely no fucking clue what's going on. + +I'm thankful that I've found a community of people as autistic as me here to share in massive gains and losses. Cheers +It's time for another macro and technical analysis post, if you paid attention to my last [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/jdplhh/multiyear_bull_market_incoming/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) what I'm presenting today should come at no surprise. + +All the bears are spraying off so many false claims their skin is turning orange. One of those claims is saying "people aren't spending money" all the data of the last few months that I've been [looking at](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/jq70m2/for_the_s_saw_this_in_the_paper_the_other_day/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) has shown the opposite and now we are [here](https://www.reuters.com/article/australia-economy-consumersentiment/australia-consumer-sentiment-hits-10-year-high-idUSKBN28I3CD). + +From Bank of America: + +>We now have the highest level of growth indicators flagging a Bullish/Neutral signal at 87% since the publication’s inception in early 2019, up from 76% last month (see Figure below). This is fully supported by the breadth of growing manufacturing PMIs in the expansionary zone, with 32 out of 41 countries above 50. Similarly, The Global Wave suggests a significant upturn in the global macro and earnings cycle, with all seven components improving—specifically global earnings revision ratio, global industrial confidence and global consumer confidence taking the biggest strides forward. Also, the Industrial Momentum Indicator and the Japan Factory Automation Indicator both reached all-time highs in November.  + +https://preview.redd.it/vi564olri3461.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a95ad730eb1249e781143b120fc66ffe00fab0a + +Recently, the AAII sentiment survey, which surveys individual sophisticated investors, has returned to very bullish sitting at 49% and is above it's historical average of 38% with around 30% neutral and 20% still bearish. As you can see from the chart below, when sentiment amongst these investors returns to very bullish after a market bottom, good things happen and the stock markets continue to rise, mostly for long periods of time. A reading at 50 or above are considered very bullish. + +This chart only goes back to 1999 but we can do this all the way back to the 80's when the survey first started. You'll also notice bullish sentiment can remain high for long periods of time and although this survey was designed to be used as a contrarian indicator, I'm using it more as a contrarianception indicator after major bottoms. + +[AAII x markets](https://preview.redd.it/pvqpjlczn3461.png?width=1827&format=png&auto=webp&s=61bc8eab09d30c1314686fd07243435b60088aa6) + +[AAII survey](https://preview.redd.it/162cfpcyq3461.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc4b0dbe40ddeed0140f950c44c01a1881a4050c) + +Further to this, we have seen many companies smash their earnings this year mainly due to digitisation and furlough/lending programs globally. We have some places that haven't been doing to well like England and the FTSE is, well, embarrassing really. Meanwhile the Nikkei has finally started trending up after decades of remaining in a range. + +[NI225](https://preview.redd.it/3m8d8ofts3461.png?width=1827&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab5700f2b5e34c1f526ad25645a845d9979559e6) + +So what is the bear case? It's clear throughout history that the stock market **does not reflect the economy.** Although GDP is down across the globe, the recovery is well underway. The only two scenarios I have come up with that could cause a second market crash in 2021 are the issues around insolvency and corporate debt, which for the most part have been negated by government programs and >!the vaccine failing, causing another panic!<. It would seem that if there was going to be a property crisis or an unemployment crisis these things have also already been negated by the central banks and governments with massive QE, stimulus and low to negative interest rates. The collapse of the USD? I think that's still some time away and perhaps won't be seen in our lifetime, the US will be forced to make a currency policy change at some point to push that bubble further, we are over due as the last currency change was about 50 years ago and happens every 40 years on average. + +The next point to make would be that we may find ourselves in a deflationary environment, considering that QE, stimulus and negative interest rates are inflationary monetary policies this would not happen for some time. Governments and central banks would have to slam the brakes on for this to happen. Why save us only to then destroy us? I will also note some countries have deployed [inflation averaging](https://youtu.be/jk1eU_zlf3s) from their tool boxes and Fed chairman Powell has indicated that they will [overshoot](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-27/powell-says-fed-to-seek-inflation-that-averages-2-over-time#:~:text=Following%20a%20more%20than%20yearlong,gains%20to%20reach%20more%20workers). inflation. + +So what happens to equities and precious metals when we have high inflation? Lets ask the Zimbabwe stock exchange: + +[ZSE](https://preview.redd.it/nq2cfg67w3461.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dbbfcd16be2ef0e1801d35125f183d19c404401) + +In the end it's all a dollar story, when the dollar goes down, everything else goes up because that's how they scam your saving out of buying power and make your kids pay higher taxes (are the r/ausfinace cucks paying attention?): + +[DXY](https://preview.redd.it/t9czoxsgx3461.png?width=1827&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c1c538eb8f7c763ef5af0cc35f2388f6d8b4bd5) + +The final question remains, elusive as any. When will u/atayls stop bleeding out? My bet is when this bubble hits maximum euphoria in some years time and it's all too late. + +tl;dr HOLD and buy the dip, cocksucker. +Good day GME gang! Here is a start to finish (broker to ComputerShare) **DRS Guide for Self Directed IRA Shares** \- This is not Financial Advice, this is my experience, based on my situation. Check with your financial and tax advisor before deciding on this route for yourself. In my case, and many others, you can DRS your IRA shares without a distribution or tax hit or early withdrawal penalty. + +Thanks to the tireless efforts of some IRApes, I have been able to follow the guides to direct register my Traditional and Roth self directed IRAs.... AND access them via ComputerShare linked to my email. I'm also able to update my investment plan (book or DRIP) and sign up for email proxy voting material! + +The key is using a **non-broker custodian**. I have tried several, some not willing or not able, to register in my name, while remaining the financial custodian. u/winebutch posted months ago about their successful experience with Mainstar Trust. Here is my experience and how I was able to get my IRA DRS Advice Letter, Account and Online Voting from ComputerShare using Mainstar as the non broker-custodian (NOTE - while you do have access to the shares from ComputerShare, you need to go through the custodian to buy or sell them. They have an online interface and standard forms for this as well). + +[IRA AND DTC STOCK WITHDRAWAL](https://preview.redd.it/xpfplokke6x81.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=384c8ab239ec7b1bffd9c9b03b3680bea1e33bc5) + +The overall steps are: + +1. Choose a non-broker custodian willing to direct register (DRS) your IRA shares, while remaining the financial custodian, and adding you as the registered owner - in the form of: Custodian Trust For Benefit Of your name IRA +2. I chose to work with Mainstar Trust ([https://mainstartrust.com/Contact](https://mainstartrust.com/Contact)) based on post and recommendations I've found. So far they have been extremely knowledgeable, responsive and helpful throughout this learning process. +3. Once you've made your selection, based on your DD, **setup a like-in-kind IRA account** with your non-broker custodian. These will be standard new IRA Account forms. like-in-kind means Traditional account for Traditional IRA and Roth account for Roth IRA. +4. Once the accounts are created, you will **fund them via a standard Transfer request**. The non-broker custodian will supply these and you can fill them out with your broker account information that you are transferring from. You don't need to contact your broker, unless you want to inform them to expect the request from your non-broker custodian. +5. Once the shares are in your non-broker custodian account, **request via email that they direct register them, for benefit of you, with the transfer agent** \- for Gamestop, that is ComputerShare. They should be familiar with this process. +6. Request they also scan and **email you the DRS Advise letter** when they have confirmation. +7. The DRS Advise letter will contain two pieces of information you need to create your ComputerShare account for your IRA shares: + 1. **Zip Code** on file (this will be your non-broker custodians zip code on the letter) + 2. **Holder Account Number** (starts with C00 on the letter) + +[Use the Zip Code and Holder Account Number from the DRS Advise Letter](https://preview.redd.it/bq20ih46f6x81.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b1a251c4b17b3bd1d5fa5f174ee027a8e5e9727) + +8. To initiate the ComputerShare account creation process, go to: [https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home) + +9. Click the **Register Now** link under Login + +https://preview.redd.it/grukp909f6x81.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f32105dd1c817cfd1e15831a1767b2feca3693b8 + +10. Under Confirm your details choose **Holder Account Number** + +11. Enter your Holder Account Number and Zip Code on file from the DRS Advise letter. + +https://preview.redd.it/qganbxtef6x81.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa8776840650f95a47ffd30afa7f060514f57e04 + +12. Fill in the rest of the details, stock name, email (**use a different email** if you already have an existing ComputerShare account for non IRA shares), password, and click Register. You will receive a confirmation and a notice that your **Account Verification Code** will me mailed to the address on file. + +13. Contact your non-broker custodian and **ask them to forward you your Account Verification Code** from ComputerShare. Mainstar did this for me in less than a week. + +[Note your Verification Code - and that Mainstar's PO BOX number is 420 - nice](https://preview.redd.it/f88eabssf6x81.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=3586cf60e34ab61e37f3da3de6e665d7fc4ed242) + +14. When you receive the Account Verification Code go back to [https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home) \- this time choose **Login** + +https://preview.redd.it/etcquoowf6x81.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=56d8e2426674a9d76cab2dc7196bd51f1ee31549 + +15. Use the Username and Password you created earlier. + +16. When prompted enter the **5 digit verification code** that was forwarded to you. + +17. Welcome to your IRA ComputerShare Account! **Congrats**, you made it! Now things to do: + +1. Update your email preference in your Profile +2. Manage your investment plan +3. **VOTE!** \- You can vote up until **Thursday June 2, 2022** + +Yes - you can vote right now from ComputerShare! + +https://preview.redd.it/xw6qzk00g6x81.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=d27638f60dd710780964a09dfa0113008be8203e + +You have access to your documents and shares as well. While you do have access to the shares from ComputerShare, you need to go through the custodian to buy or sell them. They have standard forms for this as well. Hope you enjoyed, SHOP, DRS, HODL, VOTE LFG! +We see a lot of posts about what it’s like once you’ve reached FI, but rarely do we discuss the “boring middle”. I want to talk about how the middle part of the FIRE journey can actually be very exciting and rich with options. + +About 6 months ago, I hit the 50% mark on my FI journey ($460k in investments). I should have been happy, but I was absolutely miserable. I didn’t enjoy my company or my new role at work (product management). All I wanted to do was reach FIRE as soon as possible and quit. I was unhealthily obsessed with doing so. + +So, I did some analysis: I looked at how long it would take me to reach FI if I decided to stay the current course in my lucrative-but-soul-crushing job (5-6 years to FI) or do something more interesting. If I “coasted” from where I was, I would be FI in 11 years. If I took a job lesser pay but a more interesting work, perhaps switching to part-time consulting in a few years, I'd be ready in 6-7 years. + +What really surprised me is that the discrepancy in time-to-FI was small despite a variety of downshifting options. I could stay in my soul-crushing management job and become FI in 5 years, or take a more interesting/flexible job, make less money, but only work a few years more. + +So I pulled the trigger: I quit my boring management job and jumped back in to an individual contributor role at a smaller company. The money isn’t as good, but I have more flexibility, a shorter commute, and am really engaged in my work day-to-day. + +My point to you, dear reader, is that the middle part of FI doesn’t have to be boring. Once you’re around the 50% mark, you’ve effectively bought yourself options: you can decide to quit working for a while and take hiatus, switch careers to something more interesting, or stay the course. The middle part should not only provide comfort, but the ability to make more adventurous career and life decisions without sacrificing time-to-FI. +Well, i`m a engeneering student and while i was trading bitcoins i found out that Algo Trading was a thing, and thats why im here. I found it extremely interesting, because it has my favourite things, like statistics, programming, economics, machine learning and, of cour$e, money! + +Anyway, i read a significant amount of posts and it seems to be extremely complicated and although i like it, i cant spend too much time studying it, as i am more compromised with robotics and stuff like that (i know that they both have stat and programming, but they are probably very different, idk) I know the basics of economics, linear algebra, calculus, C, and a bit of Python and Java. + +Well, my question is: can i learn a few things in a couple weeks and develop (or just get from someone) a trading algorithm to something small and specific, like bitcoin? I dont wanna get a server or smth big, could i just run a algo on my computer, learn some code, math and maybe dont lose money? +I am trying to establish a new source of income, and algo trading seems promising if you can optimize it. While acknoledging the opportunity of algotrading, i am considering the cost and return of specifically retail non institutional algo trading. + +For retail algo trader, with significant experience, does retail algo trading worth the invesment of your time, money and efforts. What is your expected annual return? Do you allocate fulltime or on the side project? + +I am trying to consider the feasibility of algo trading. + +TLDR: +I want to know your experience doing retail algo trading and the financial state of retail algo trading. What is the financial conclusion of retail algo trading as a whole? +I am trying to establish a new source of income, and algo trading seems promising if you can optimize it. While acknoledging the opportunity of algotrading, i am considering the cost and return of specifically retail non institutional algo trading. + +For retail algo trader, with significant experience, does retail algo trading worth the invesment of your time, money and efforts. What is your expected annual return? Do you allocate fulltime or on the side project? + +I am trying to consider the feasibility of algo trading. + +TLDR: +I want to know your experience doing retail algo trading and the financial state of retail algo trading. What is the financial conclusion of retail algo trading as a whole? +I know this isn't about traditional trading but I recently had the idea of setting up a bot to algorithmically gamble (roulette specifically). + +Now, before this gets shot down, I am well aware there is no possible algorithm that doesn't lead to the house having an advantage and my bot would lose all its money eventually, but I just want to mess around and do some martingale betting and am more so just curious if it is possible and how I would go about setting it up. + +The website I'm using (Stake.com) has an API key that I can use but unlike algorithmic trading, there are no tutorials or anything online that I can find. I'd appreciate any insight or direction towards where I can learn more about doing something like this. +[https://imgur.com/gallery/cItiKrP](https://imgur.com/gallery/cItiKrP) + +[Source](https://marketrebellion.com/news/trading-insights/bears-bulls-the-battle-over-sp-500-price-targets/) + +*“With only 78 trading days left in 2022, Wall Street’s big banks are still split on where the S&P will end the year — with price targets ranging from 52-week highs to 52-week lows.”* + +Within the last week: + +\- Guggenheim CEO calls for 3200 by October + +\- Fundstrat calls for 4800 by EOY + +**Do you think any of these people have it right?** +>The Chipotle location has reopened after being hit with what looks like norovirus. + +>But its latest food safety incident may be worse than expected, as the number of reports of illness associated with that store last week continue to rise. + +[Marketwatch](http://www.marketwatch.com/story/reports-of-illness-associated-with-virginia-chipotle-top-100-2017-07-20) +Arriving here mid 30s with a very poor exchange rate and big difference in cost of living, I feel incredibly behind and as if I will never catch up. Australia is full of immigrants though, so I know people must make it work somehow: + +immigrants who arrived here later in life, have you managed to build up your super/ buy property? + +I don't know what I want from this post exactly, because the how obviously depends on your specific earning power etc - maybe just some hope that it can be done! Anyone? + +EDIT: thanks those who responded. I feel even more behind from most of your answers ha (single, and got here way later than most of you), but it's still nice to hear your stories and encouraging words, thanks for taking the time! I guess the only thing one can do is keep plugging away and try to focus on all the opportunities I DO have by coming here, and not what I don't have or things I can't change. +We are in the final push to RE and are evaluating shifting our risk strategy. + +* Us: Family of 4 (45,44,9,7) +* NW: \~$10M ($8M invested, $2M home equity, $700k remaining mortgage) +* Investments: 70% stocks, 15% REITs, 15% Bonds (70% US/30% ex-US) + +We're gearing up to retire in 5 years. In that time, we will fully pay off our mortgage and possibly added $1M - $5M in new capital. On the spending side, I anticipate a spend of $240k/yr in retirement. Given this, we are very likely to be looking at a sub 3% WR. I see two paths that we can chart over the next 5 years. + +1. **Risk On**: We absorb all the volatility of our current equity position and hope that the markets keep going up and to the right. We retire with $10M - $20M invested. From there, a 50% haircut doesn't really matter as we're drawing down \~4% at much more manageable multiples. +2. **Risk Off**: We take some chips off the table and make a meaningful shift to more stable assets. That starts with selling some of our equities, paying off our mortgage, upping our bond allocation, and perhaps sprinkling in some gold / commodities. We would then be allocating that extra $60k / yr to stable investments. In this scenario, it starts to look more like the All-Weather portfolio and tapers down on down-side risk at the expense of upside. + +I'd appreciate the thoughts from the community who've had to make the choice themselves. +How do I suppress this urge? I have no idea how to read financials or do proper DDs so I doubt I will be able to pick good companies. + +It's so much more fun to look at your portfolio if it's made of hand picked stocks than global-weighted ETFs. The idea of owning a piece of a company that I like rather than just throwing money into the market is much more appealing. Also the fact that the company that I bought might go 2x in the next few years while that's going to never happen with indexes. + +But I don't trust my ability to pick good stocks. How do I fight this urge???! + [https://www.whas11.com/article/news/kentucky/eastern-kentucky-bank-fails-state-officials-take-possession/417-a83c59b2-20b2-41c8-b1aa-a80cae766538](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/kentucky/eastern-kentucky-bank-fails-state-officials-take-possession/417-a83c59b2-20b2-41c8-b1aa-a80cae766538) +Please put all $EEENF related info/questions here. All other threads will be deleted. Thank you and good luck! + +&#x200B; + +Also F in the chat for short term bagholders...you were warned! Gotta take profit on these volatile speculatory OTCs! +So many people just get stuck on the fact that bitcoin is intangible. But I say thats a good thing. Just like you cant hold what you cant see, you cant confiscate what you cant see either. + +I got on a flight with my seedphrase on me and there was absolutely no way anyone couldve known about my bitcoin. There isnt a single asset that couldve let me do this freely. + +Sure there are shitcoins and stablecoins. Other than them being centralized, they arent even built to be money. They are all promises or straightup monopoly money. + +My conviction about bitcoin is higher than ever and even if people dont like bitcoin now, they will surely need it as some point in their life. And it might be too late then. + +Ill continue to buy all the bitcoin that the paper hands sell to me. + +P.S : This is a throwaway account. Youll have to do a "trust me bro" on this story. Sorry. +* Researcher EMarketer reduces estimate after Bezos disclosure +* Amazon remains by far the largest online retailer in the U.S. +* [https://bloom.bg/2WK0Qah](https://bloom.bg/2WK0Qah) +Hi everybody, + +This is to do with seeking a pay rise by changing jobs, and there's an issue I've run into. Hopefully this belongs here. + +I've been actively searching for a new role for a little over a fortnight, have had a verbal offer from a one company, and I was informed to expect a formal written offer from this company by end of today. Their HR said to me over the phone that basically I've nailed it, they want me, they're willing to pay my requested base salary (no negotiating down) etc., and that the only thing left to do is to write up the said formal offer. Their HR asked for my references. I called my current line manager that day and said to expect a call from the new employer. I kept the call professional and basically said that my current job had run its course and it's time to move on. My current line manager tried to negotiate with me to stay, and I politely turned him down. Both of my references have now been contacted via phone. + +Their HR emailed me today and said that I'm now one of two candidates and to expect a final offer by cob Thursday. + +I'm furious with them, as they've put me in a very awkward position with my current employer. + +I'd like to know from you whether you think my fury is justified. Is it normal for a prospective employer to make a verbal offer, call your references and then go ahead anyway and hedge their bets with another, at the time unannounced, candidate? + +What is the usual process around contacting references? What would you do in this situation? How could I handle this possible scenario better in future? +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +It certainly appears that Credit Suisse is at the precipice of doom. +They are scrambling to find sources of capital. +They are trying to sell anything of value. +Their leaders are jumping ship. +I do not know how they have managed to prolong the implosion this far, but I cannot see them lasting much longer. + +Of course, we continue to see incredibly low volume for GME, but over 5% gain on the day. +The institutional shorts seem to be focused on other issues rather than continuing their short attacks. +I am greatly relieved to be able to calmly HODL my GME, when they have to scramble for survival daily. + +Today is Tuesday, October 18th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$26.14 / 26,84 €** *(volume: 1428)* +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $26.17 / 26,87 € *(volume: 1418)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $26.17 / 26,87 € *(volume: 1418)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $26.14 / 26,84 € *(volume: 1378)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $26.17 / 26,87 € *(volume: 1353)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $26.16 / 26,86 € *(volume: 1343)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $26.13 / 26,83 € *(volume: 1143)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $26.13 / 26,83 € *(volume: 753)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $26.13 / 26,83 € *(volume: 743)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $26.13 / 26,83 € *(volume: 722)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $26.13 / 26,83 € *(volume: 722)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $26.14 / 26,84 € *(volume: 722)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $26.12 / 26,82 € *(volume: 722)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 722)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 687)* +- ⬜ 45 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 669)* +- ⬜ 40 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 666)* +- ⬜ 35 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 594)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 594)* +- ⬜ 25 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 514)* +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 498)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $26.19 / 26,89 € *(volume: 478)* +- ⬜ 10 minutes in: $26.18 / 26,88 € *(volume: 378)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $26.18 / 26,88 € *(volume: 353)* +- 🟩 US close price: $25.96 / 26,66 € *($26.19 / 26,89 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9739. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Their model is beyond amateurish. Tesla share count at the end of Q1 was 963.3M, up from 960M at the end of Q4. This is just 700K away from ARK's 964M 2025 projected share count. + +Those are only the outstanding shares. They missed Tesla's diluted share count by over 100M in their newest model. And before anyone mentions possible buybacks, their model already includes a $300 billion cash pile in 2025 to pad their EV/EBITDA PT. No room for buybacks in their modeled capital allocation. + +That's just what's provably wrong with the model. Will Tesla create a human ride hail service with 3x more revenue than Uber in less than 5 years? Will Tesla become the most profitable insurance company in the US in under 5 years? Will Tesla sell sedans and crossovers at the same gross margins of Ferrari? I can't say, but these are all standard assumptions made in ARK's "bear case" -- An odd context for the term. + +I wouldn't be so crass if they actually learned from their mistakes, but they don't. Their year end 2019 model projected Tesla would issue 30 million more shares through 2024; 900M to 930M split adjusted. They issued 55M in 2020 alone. 34M were attributable to capital raises. Maybe that would be a good time to step back and check what the diluted share count would be in the event Tesla hit their PT? I could almost forgive a hobby investor missing the dilutive effect of, at the time, anti-dilutive convertibles and stock options. Not a firm like ARK, but a hobbyist. They brazenly miss their share count estimate, take no further look as to why they missed, and, by some miracle, totally miss the dilutive share count & effects plastered all over Tesla's filings since Q1 2020. + +To be blunt, these guys are either dumb or deceitful. To those who invest in ARK funds, this is the level of DD you get. Caveat emptor. + +Sources for the lazy: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001318605/000156459021004599/tsla-10k\_20201231.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001318605/000156459021004599/tsla-10k_20201231.htm) + +[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001318605/000156459020004475/tsla-10k\_20191231.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001318605/000156459020004475/tsla-10k_20191231.htm) + +[https://github.com/ARKInvest/ARK-Invest-Tesla-Valuation-Model](https://github.com/ARKInvest/ARK-Invest-Tesla-Valuation-Model) +Of course a lot has been said on this sub regarding the coming decline of a lot of asset management firms. + +Now there will obviously always be asset managers but it seems to me that the firms and people that survive the coming upheaval will primarily be old-timers with a lot of experience. + +With all that being said, is it still worth it for a young kid today to be looking to have a CFA charter. This,of course, is a pretty asset management-specific charter though ofcourse you still do learn much about finance and economics in the process. + + +Hey Reddit! Looks like today is a GREAT day to be in a lot of sectors - seeing green all around - finally! Whether you're a seasoned investor or brand new to this, **just want to remind you all that there is NOTHING wrong with taking profits off the table during these rebound sessions.** + +Covid has made a very interesting market right now where often different sectors push and pull the market in inverse ways. Often one dips and the others push. Airlines versus tech is a great example of this. + +Don't be afraid to sell one side of the equation and take some money off the table, to later reinvest in the same sector, or another sector that is dipping. **You DONT ALWAYS have to yolo and go in for the long run - even a few thousand in winning is still GREAT.** + +**If after rebounds you're still down, take an honest look at whether to cut losses and reinvest in a different sector. The expression 'down with the ship' is often used, but even if you laugh about it and post a meme - at the end of the day you've still lost money - and there's nothing really funny about that, regardless of how you rationalize it.** + +The key question is: When exactly do you take profits? Most traders take profits either too early and leave money on the table. Or they take profits too late—after a stock has already made a high and is now turning around. In this article, I will show you my favorite profit-taking strategy for stock market trading. + +**What Is a Profit-Taking Strategy?** + +A profit-taking strategy defines when exactly you sell your stock (or option) to realize a profit. Many traders don’t have a profit-taking strategy in place when trading. Often they say: *“I’ll sell the stock when I've made enough money.”* The problem: There’s never “enough money.”  + + +Often traders are too greedy and expect ONE stock to make up for all the money they lost in the past. That’s why they hold onto a stock for too long. These days, trends are short-lived, and markets can turn around on a dime. If you don’t have a solid profit-taking strategy for your trading, you could end up leaving a lot of money on the table! + +**How Do You Create an Exit Strategy?** + +I personally like to keep it simple. Here’s a simple, yet powerful, profit-taking strategy: P = 2 x R + +This means: Take profits when you make twice as much money as you risk. Here’s an example: I highly recommend using the 2% rule for your risk, i.e., you should never risk more than 2% of your trading account on any given trade. So. if you have a $10,000 account, don’t risk more than 2% = $200. When you risk $200, you should take profits as soon as you make $400. With a simple profit-taking strategy like that, you will make money even if you’re wrong half of the time. + +**Advanced Profit-Taking Strategies** + +Here’s the challenge...when you're using the simple profit-taking strategy that I outlined above, you might leave some profits on the table. Because when a stock is more volatile, you could get 3 x R, or maybe even more. As an example, when you look at the stock SLCA, you could easily get 5 x R, i.e., you could get $1,000 for every $200 that you risk. In this case, what do you do? Do you try to get 5 x R, even though it is more aggressive? Or do you stick with the more conservative 2 x R? + +**Is There a Best Way to Exit a Trade?** + +Here’s what I personally like to do. I like to use the best of both worlds. I take profits for 1/2 of my position when I see 2 X R, and then I take the remainder of the profits when the stock gets to my optimized profit target, i.e., 5 x R. + +Here’s an example: + +Let’s say you’re trading 100 shares of ABC. Your risk is $2 per share, i.e. $200 for 100 shares. Your conservative profit target is 2 X R = 2 x $2 = $4. Your optimized profit target is 5 X R = 5 x $2 = $10. + + +I personally sell 50 of the 100 shares as soon as I can get $4 in profits per share. In this case, I would make 50 x $4 = $200. Now I cut the stop loss for the remaining 50 shares in half. Instead of risking $2 per share, I will now risk only $1 per share. Since I have 50 shares left, my risk is now reduced from $200 to $50. But the best: since I already sold half of my shares, I already made $200.  + +This money has been deposited into my account. So, if the stock turns around now and I get stopped out, I only give back $50 of these $200. Therefore, my total profit for this trade would be $150. + +As you can see, once I take profits, I cannot lose on this trade anymore—even if the stock turns around. And if it keeps going up, I can sell the remaining 50 shares when the stock moves up $10, which is my optimized target. In this case, I would realize an additional $500 for a total of $700. + +**3 Different Profit-Taking Strategies** + +Let’s recap: + +1. **Conservative Profit Taking Strategy:** +In this case, you would risk $200 to make $400. Not bad. +2. **Optimized Profit Taking Strategy:** +In this case, you would risk $200 to make $1,000. Sounds better, but it’s less likely. The stock might turn around and you get stopped out before the stock reaches this aggressive target. +3. **My “Best of Both Worlds” Profit-Taking Strategy:** +In this case, you would risk $200, and as soon as the stock moves up by $4, you take profits for half of your position. Now you can’t lose anymore and have a “free trade” that hopefully achieves your optimized profit target. + +I can relax, sit back, and don’t have to worry about this trade anymore. If everything works out, I’m making $700 on this trade. If it doesn’t work out, I still make $150. + +**Important!** + +This example is for an account of $10,000, and if you get the $700 in profits, you make 7%—on one trade! That’s pretty good! As you can see, THIS is smart trade management. +$NVDA is a gaming company. It has been since its inception. Most recently, Nvidia has been big into Artificial intelligence. Most headlines reference something to do with AI. I think this transition from gaming to AI is important for Nvidia's growth in the next decade. My price target for them is a 40% upside, $329. Is that even possible given how much it's grown this past year? I think so. + + +[Here is the google drive with the model, paper, and open position proof, updated whenever I update them](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1h2cTeiNRP07K8-2Wn4lYyQtbB_go2HGB?usp=sharing) + + +I'm just going to go over some catalysts and some risks: + + +Catalysts + + +* New GeForce series using the new Volta architecture, Series 20. Announcement will be big, should be in March 2018. The already released GPUs with Volta have been successful, I expect that trend to continue. + + +* Cryptocurrency becoming more popular. Crypto isn't going away, so I'd assume it to be a catalyst. I don't like to pay attention to it. + + +* Two years until we are seeing some of Nvidia's big autonmous vehicles come to life. Both the driving platform they are developing in china with ZF and Baidu, and the Volkswagen VW AI-infused Bus are expected to be actualized in 2020. If we see some success in the execution of these projects, I'd consider it a catalyst. I'm confident their execution will be successful given the success they've already demonstrated in AI with their datacenter revenue. + + +* Gaming industry big news (PC). Every year there is more gamers, every year gamers get better jobs, every year there are more games. GPUs are an integral part to gaming, so these revenues will grow with the gaming market. + + +Risks: + + +* Semiconductor industry decline. The semiconductor industry is interesting because a decline in one can cause they others to underperform. This is an entire topic on its own. + + +* AMD/new GPU designer taking market share from Nvidia. Unlikely, but Nvidia's dominance in the GPU market is why I am so bullish. I want to invest in the leader of AI deep learning training hardware and graphics processing, not the second best. + + +* Jensen Huang, the CEO, losing his ability to lead the company. Nvidia has has successfully positioned themselves to be a part of the future of AI, which I think is accredited to Huang's execution. This is a positive, he's invested in the company. The downside to this is that he is very important and anything that hurts his ability to lead would hurt Nvidia. + + +* New GeForce 20 series being not much of an upgrade from series 10, possibility but I think unlikely. Unlikely because their Titan V uses 12nm technology. + + +Price Target: + + +* I used a DCF model to arrive at the price target of $329, using a 7% discount rate and 1% perpetual growth rate. In the model I assume 39% revenue growth in Nvidia's 2019 fiscal year, 32% in 2020, and 28% in 2021. I based this off their plans in autonomous driving, and their new GeForce series to be released with Volta architecture. + + +What I think: + + +I think Nvidia successfully integrating its hardware into so many big company's is a huge success for their long term goals. Nvidia hardware is being utilized in Tesla's electic car's autopilot 2.0, and used by Google and Amazon Web Services datacenters. Nvidia is so dominant that no one can take these positions unless the company wants to build their own chips, which would be billions of dollars in R&D. Nvidia is supplying hardware for these big companies and there is no one to compete. + + +TLDR: NVIDIA is investing into AI. Nvidia's Drive PX 2 operates Tesla's autopilot 2.0 system, Nvidia's new Tesla GPUs have grown datacenter revenue by 133% this last year, and their focus on the narrow AI to bring autonomous vehicles on the road is proving to be worth it. $329, long equity. + + +Why am I doing this? + + +Well I don't think I am perfect and I think I missed A LOT, so I want some critisism to get as close to perfection as I can. Read the paper and look at the model. + + +Hi everyone - I’m not to my FIRE number because of cost of living but well on my way now. This subreddit along with a couple others over the last year have been an amazing help! Single, 36, HCOL area (Seattle/Bellevue). Neither of my parents were very financially savvy or really instilled that in me. In my preteen days I grew up lower class, going to the food bank with my mom regularly to eat and we lived in an extended families basement. Later went to live with my dad and his new wife and was more lower-middle class. + +I got a “late start” in life by graduating with my Bachelors and getting my career/corporate job going at the age of 30. Worked retail for 10+ years before that and was more focused on living in the moment until I was in car accident at 24 that made me re-think what I was doing. Socializing, partying, drugs (not hardcore), spending what I made (which wasn’t much) and saving just a little to a basic savings account. I was on disability from work for ~1 year and physical/occupational therapy for ~2 until I started my program at 26. My outlook changed drastically and I really wanted more out of life and to create goals and have ambitions. + +By crazy advice from a friend, I took the majority of money I had saved in my bank account (almost $10k) and put it into Amazon stock during my 1st year of school. I ended up getting a full scholarship during my 1st year as well but continued working my retail job to pay for living and avoid taking loans. + +Got a paid internship my senior year making more than my retail job which was awesome. $20 an hour! Secured another internship for the 2nd part of the year making similar. This company offered me a full time job at the end just months before graduation. Started at $48k + $5k bonus. After graduating and working almost 1 year, I was tired of commuting from Federal Way to Seattle/Bellevue. I also noticed the housing market was really picking up and read how that was a great investment vehicle. + +End of 2015, I cashed out my Amazon stock which provided me a down payment on my 1st condo thanks to it growing 500%+ over those years. Purchased that in downtown Bellevue and from then to now the property has doubled in value and less than 10 years left to be paid off. I was promoted 2x within the initial 3 years at my 1st company which helped me to save more and push money to my 401k which I had never had. + +In 2018 I had saved up enough and did a little more investing in single tech stocks to purchase a bigger home in Bellevue. Ended up getting a new construction townhome during the time of bidding frenzies in late 2018. From then to now the property has gone up in value 35%+ and that’s being conservative based on my neighbor that just sold. Moved to another company beginning of 2019 and took a 80% increase in pay from my last position which has really put me in a better spot to keep saving. I don’t work in big tech and am not a software engineer :) I have been renting out my downtown condo since purchasing my townhome and plan to keep that until at least 2023. It is located 2 blocks from an incoming light rail station at that time as well as a 1 million square foot Amazon building one block away full of tech workers that will highly likely increase costs in the area. + +As of late 2019 since not being in a relationship I have rented out 2 of the bedrooms in my townhome which has been great as a temporary extra couple $thousand per month in income to save/apply toward mortgage. + +Total net worth now = ~$1.03 million + +- $730k net real estate equity (rental condo + primary). + +- $273k liquid investments (stock, savings, cash). + - $112k of this is in retirement (mostly 401k as I just started an IRA late 2020 and max out). +https://www.russell-clark.com/p/whats-happening-with-the-lme-and + +*Like many commodities, nickel price has surged from the Covid lows. However this week is has spiked, effectively doubling, and briefly reached highs earlier this week of USD 100,000.* + +*In response to this move, the LME has closed the market for nickel, and cancelled trades.* + +*Why have they done this? Essentially this was to give time (and by cancelling trades, reduce the amount) for a major (Chinese) member to make a margin call. But in reality this was default by a member, and LME choosing not to place that member in default.* + +Any thoughts on this and how something like this might play out for GME? + + +Dublin, July 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market, By Infection Type (SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV), By Vaccine Type, By Product Type, By Route of Administration, By Patient Type, By End User, By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026" report has been added to **ResearchAndMarkets.com's** offering. + + +The Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market is expected to grow at a robust rate in value terms to reach USD 91325.46 million by the end of 2021. + +The ongoing pandemic novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused due to SARS-COV-2 and generally spreads from animals to humans and then from humans to humans. + + +The Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market is expected to grow at a robust rate during the forecast period. The Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market is driven by the increasing prevalence of this disease across different parts of the globe. This has increased the need to protect the world from the virus, thereby increased sales of coronavirus vaccine through 2026. + +Furthermore, increasing research and development activities by various pharmaceutical & biotechnology players for the development of potential vaccines is anticipated to foster the market growth. According to WHO, there are more than 70 coronavirus vaccines under development by different companies and organizations. + + +Currently, mRNA-based vaccine named Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273), adenovirus-based vaccine named COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca (AZD1222) also known as Covishield in India and Sputnik V which constitutes recombinant adenovirus vaccine which is developed by Gamaleya Research Institute, Russia are being used for vaccination among adults. + +The vaccine developed by Moderna, Inc., Pfizer Inc., AstraZeneca PLC are leading the race and is currently administered to entire population. T-COVIDTM, AdCOVID and COVI-VAC are intranasal COVID-19 vaccines which are under pre-clinical and phase 1 trials. + + +The Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market is segmented based on infection type, vaccine type, product type, route of administration, patient type, end-user, company, and region. Based on infection type, the market can be categorized into SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. The SARS-CoV-2 segment is expected to dominate the market since this infection or virus is the primary cause of the pandemic. + + +Regionally, the Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market has been segmented into Asia-Pacific, North America, South America, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Among these, Asia-Pacific is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period in the overall coronavirus vaccine market. + + +Major companies are developing advanced technologies and launching new services to stay competitive in the market. Other competitive strategies include mergers & acquisitions and new product developments. + +**Major players include** + +* Moderna, Inc +* Pfizer Inc +* Johnson & Johnson SA +* Sinopharm Group Company Ltd +* AstraZeneca PLC +* Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltd +* Bharat Biotech International Ltd +* Sinovac Biotech Ltd +* Sanofi SA +* GlaxoSmithKline PLC +* Novavax, Inc +* Airway Therapeutics, Inc +* Cadila Healthcare Ltd +* CanSino Biologics Inc +* Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation +* Eubiologics Co Ltd +* United Biomedical Inc +* Merck & Co, Inc +* CureVac NV +* Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc + +**Report Scope:** + +**Years considered for this report:** + +* Base Year: 2020 +* Estimated Year: 2021 +* Forecast Period: 2022-2026 + +**Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market, By Infection Type:** + +* SARS-CoV-2 +* SARS-CoV +* MERS-CoV + +**Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market, By Vaccine Type:** + +* Virus Vaccine +* Viral Vector Vaccine +* Nucleic Acid Vaccine +* Protein Based Vaccine +* Others + +**Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market, By Product Type:** + +* Monovalent Vaccine +* Multivariant Vaccine + +**Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market, By Route of Administration:** + +* Intramuscular +* Oral +* Intranasal + +**Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market, By Patient Type:** + +* Adult +* Pediatric + +**Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market, By End-User:** + +* Hospitals +* Clinics +* Research Institutes +* Others + +**Global Coronavirus Vaccine Market, By Region:** + +* North America +* United States +* Mexico +* Canada +* Europe +* United Kingdom +* Germany +* France +* Italy +* Spain +* Asia-Pacific +* China +* India +* Singapore +* Japan +* South Korea +* Hong Kong +* Australia +* Thailand +* South America +* Brazil +* Argentina +* Colombia +* Middle East & Africa +* UAE +* Saudi Arabia +* Kuwait +* South Africa + +[https://ceo.ca/@nasdaq/global-coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-market-research](https://ceo.ca/@nasdaq/global-coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-market-research) +Beside the obvious answer of "You save $3,000 of taxable income"; my question is under the assumption here where someone is making $100k+ a year, I just don't see the point in going through the work of timing things, tracking it, etc. just to save $1000/year on taxes. The higher your income is, the less worthwhile this appears to be. + +Am I missing something? +Okay just did a ton of research… I have $3k to spend tomorrow and I kind of want to invest in the metaverse at a low entry that still hasn’t had a huge run up for some nice ROI (I know that means more risk…). The bullet list is what I'm thinking… what do you guys think? How would you invest it? + +Once most of these games release, they prob will have another run up huh? Then they will all consolidate/rise long term based on what people actually enjoy playing. + +I’m looking at going all in on **ROSE** and **SAND**. Rose.. They just partnered with Facebook/Meta yesterday. It's on KuCoin. + +Also, even though the narrative is around metaverse, what projects are actually looking to be used in VR? I know VRChat is another popular metaverse but isn’t on the blockchain to invest in. + +* **MANA / DECENTRALAND** \- The obvious leader in a decentralized metaverse, I’d say like the bitcoin equivalent. +* **SANDBOX** \- Prob a better play now for ROI, the ethereum equivalent. Brands buying virtual real estate here. It’s still only 2.6 billion in market cap compared to MANA’s 5 billion market cap. Lots of room to grow still yeah? +* **OASIS/ROSE** \- They just announced their partnership with Facebook/Meta. Their name is also the same Oasis from Ready Player One... +* **NTVRK** \- Just went through the dip a bit… You can buy space, land, ads, nfts, staking. Focus on virtual reality and augmented reality. They’re not just focused in the game side version of metaverse but the roadmap extends into virtual and augmented reality where the metaverse will start evolving into. MANA is only 2D. +* **CUBE** \- Metaverse that actually has VR capabilities. +* **WILDER WORLD** \- Graphics look dope. The price does seem extremely volatile. Not yet released. +* **STAR ATLAS** \- High budget looking space exploration game. Not yet released. Built on Solana… could have a nice run up. +* **GALA** \- They create blockchain games. Still only 7 cents. Price is moving slow. +* **ILLUVIUM** \- Built on the ethereum blockchain. Turned based game. Not yet released. +* **MVI** \- A metaverse index with a bunch of metaverse based projects. Seems like the safest investment. Slow and steady. +* **RNDR** \- Graphics engine built for the metaverse. +* **BLOK** \- Cyberpunk skyscraper. Still not released. Graphics look a bit meh… It’s highest was 16 cents and been on a downtrend since then. +* **REDFOX** \- Just went through a big dip so it has a good entry price right now. Possible potential for gains. +* **ENJ** \- Could be the safest long term play. Might not have the momentum for gains anymore though. Fundamentally it’ll be useful for centralized and decentralized games to create NFTS. Less niche and more longer play. +* **SHIRYO INU** \- Fantasy NFT trading card game. Super early entry. Fractions of a cent. +* **MERIT CIRCLE** \- Partnering with Illuvium, Star Atlas, and Axie Infinity. Seems like it could be vital for gaming and play to earn. +* **UFO** \- Fractions of a cent.. not yet super accessible to buy. Community owned. +* **VRA** \- Currently 7 cents, could hit 25 cents? +* **OVR** \- Mapping the real world virtually that you can scan the world with your phone. +* **METAHERO** \- Trending on Tiktok. Another thing that scans real world objects. +* **KALAO** \- Avalanches metaverse. + +Where do you guys think the metaverse narrative is going? I think there will be that high budget metaverse that Meta/Facebook is creating, but there might be a group of people that would prefer a decentrilized/community made version of that like Decentraland (MANA) and The Sandbox (SAND).I think some people will think this metaverse is something you need to live in from an outside perspective but in reality it really isn't. Personally VR for me has been about games; where if something dope comes out, I'll play that game till it's done like if I were playing it on a flat screen and then I'm done. Entertainment for the moment rather than living for it. + +Isn't metaverse just basically what VRChat is? I think the metaverse will basically make Facebook more "present" than posting a status which is "passive". But beyond that stage, what if the metaverse evolves into something that is functional and day to day where it dissolves into the background of your daily routine through augmented reality? Once it gets to a point where you can wear Ray Bans and people don't know you're connected to the augmented reality metaverse seems like the next level. + +Going about your day you usually do but with a holographic layer so the real world integrates with the metaverse with the internet of things. What if it gets to a point where you can close your glasses for full immersion (VR) and then open your glasses for AR? + +*edit update* I went all in on sand and rose. Pretty happy with my bags, so I’m ready to take off. Lfg. 🚀 +A literal cornucopia of dipshits. I didn’t invest to stick it to the man. I invested to make money off of their stupidity, and because I believe in the leadership. The reason they have that big bronze bull in front of the exchange is to idolize optimism and belief in our investments. A bull market. If they had invested OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY long on stocks they believed in, they wouldn’t be facing down the barrel of defeat by an idiot in Tennessee and his crayon-eating band of Forrest Gump’s. +Hello, + +Just curious what is your rule for selling CCs on the stock you want to keep. Specifically what strike price do you choose if your are selling weekly or monthly? Do you go by Delta or % above the current price? I basically want to set it and forget it, but with in reason. +Hello, + +A few people liked my last post on selling steep PLTR skew for a long-decay, low risk, high upside spread. As it was the first time some people saw that kind of trade, I wanted to make a post on another opportunity a little more complex with a little more explanation. + +**TSLA June/Sept Risk-Reversal Calendar Trade** + +Here is $TSLA vol smile of bid/asks across strikes: + +[$TSLA Vol Smile June and Sept '21](https://preview.redd.it/cf7m25tw8up61.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c998a0f23c877b4dc6147ff6bd86d0d64017722) + +Note that June skew is pretty steep in comparison to Sept. This has been driven up by a large seller of the June 1000 calls; a big player dumped 20k+ over the past two days, along with sellers of the 850 call causing June upside vols to basically implode. Market makers simply don't want to hold that much call skew in that area, so they begin to mark it fairly low as they accumulate more. As it stands now, these are the cheapest vols on the TSLA board. + +TL;DR SO FAR: June 850 call area is the cheapest vol across the TSLA surface. + +**How steep is June skew relative to Sept, and how different is that slope across tech names?** + +Let's take a look at the 1stdev down put vol, minus the 1stdev up call vol, across the term structure. + +At the top (purple), we have QQQ. Because of implied correlation, the ETF's surface should have higher skew and lower ATM vol than the average of the components. The next highest June skew is TSLA (note that the skew is normalized by ATM vol. If it weren't, TSLA would seem to have a much, much higher put skew). + +[Tech Stocks IV Skews](https://preview.redd.it/aoqllozp9up61.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6f4415ca8edcb6688ea0769c4bfb64577f01d85) + +In red, I've marked the skews we should want to sell. In green are the months we should want to buy skew. Although I've only executed the trade in TSLA, I think it would be fair to hedge the trade with a similar but opposite spread in QQQ; selling the risk reversal calendar hedges out some of our skew term risk. + +[More TSLA Vols](https://preview.redd.it/reha4zwaaup61.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=128dcf8f7d27343d5da8924f21ea51d197fefe40) + +&#x200B; + +[The trade, visualized](https://preview.redd.it/buz3kzfmgup61.png?width=1498&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff3f5bb69fc0a82bb84663dd31abe5ded01072c1) + +The premise of the trade is this: **Due to recent June upside vol sellers, the June skew slope is too steep relative to the months around it in TSLA. We should sell the steep skew and buy the flatter skews, with the prediction that the June skew will revert & flatten out more, relative to other months.** Based on other tech stocks, the June/Sept skew slope is fairly flat. My fair value or target IVs for the June RR will be the Sept RR vols. + +**The Trade** + +&#x200B; + +|Option|Qty|Delta|Vega|Spline IV|Target IV|Edge ($)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|June 400 P|\-5|\-9|.53|79.2%|74%|$2.75| +|June 850 C|\+5|\+16|.70|63.2%|66%|$3.36| +|Sept 350 P|\+5|\-9|.68|73.8%|73.8%|\---| +|Sept 1050 C|\-5|\+16|.99|66.8%|66.8%|\---| + +The trade here is to buy the Sept Put in the June/Sept Risk-Reversal Calendar: buying the RR in Sept and selling the RR in June. I collected $2.88 in premium for putting this on, I'm long a tiny tiny bit of gamma and collect about .04/day. There's $6 of theoretical edge in this spread. I have no opinion on the direction of Sept skew, only that it's a fair hedge vs the June skew. If skew goes higher or lower across the board, I shouldn't have too much risk on here. + +&#x200B; + +**Exit Plan** + +If everything goes according to plan, I'd like to take this off for $5 profit. Gamma position won't get too bad unless TSLA crashes to 500-450 area. In that case, I would be fine with buying in gamma as we downtick, by way of rolling the short to a lower strike. It's also possible that we downtick favorably, as this spread is locally long gamma and the June/Sept vol spread could tighten on a dip. Selling the QQQ June Sept RR Calendar would also provide an even tighter hedge on tech stocks crashing. If HFs dump more of the June skew calls, I would consider putting more calendars on, as long as the RR Calendar edge is becoming more favorable. If the vol spread doesn't tighten back by at least $3, I am also fine holding this over earnings, although I will look to recalc my earnings move exposure once we get closer to end of April. +20y is almost at 4.4%! + +I’m considering putting my cash into a 3m treasury (maybe twice, once the first comes to maturity) and picking up some 20y or 30y treasuries with all my cash in 6-8 months. + +Seems like a completely risk free way of increasing your yield by 4-5≈% while using margin allowance to sell options against. + +I understand RHO contributes to options price but interest rates aren’t going to stay high for 20-30y and that cash is just sitting there anyways. + +What’s your treasury cash play / do you have one? + +Great opportunities on the horizon ! +Had a great streak over the past year or so - largely from tickers RIOT, WKHS, BLNK, MARA ...meme stocks. Played a mix, but those were always go-tos. + +March was the first month I didn't turn a profit, and am stuck in a lot of positions I will get assigned on. + +Feeling unmotivated for the past few weeks - when I try to look for new trades, nothing appeals to me. I feel like I have "fomo" from the cash sitting in my accounts not being used, but not motivated to find good trades. + +What do you do when you feel like this? How do you snap out of it? +It's been a whirlwind start to October, and the 5th was my last day on the job. I get a severance and was escorted out of the building. Nearly the entire department got laid off (14/18 members) So just lost out on my $120,000 salary.... :( + +While it was a shock at first, I'm not worried that much anymore. We were only 1.5 years away from our FIRE goal, so I can make do with being done working a bit earlier. We have on debt, not even a mortgage and 2 rental properties. + +Here's our financials for those that are curious (combined between my wife (43) and I (44). + +401k: $374k + +403b(from my wife's past job at school): $22k + +Savings/Checking: $25k (extra $15k for our 401k top-off) + +Roth IRAs: $285k + +Vanguard balance: $714k + +Duplex: $210k (monthly income: $2,900) + +Triplex: $180k (monthly income: $2,700) + +Our Home: $250k + +Total Liquid Assets: ~$1.4 million + +Total Assets: ~$2.1 million + +Current Income w/o my job: $9,400 ($5,600 rent + $3,800 wife salary) + + +Our expenses are right around $4,250/mo; but I think I'll be trimming that down to about $3,300 right now. Goal is to be able to top off our tax-advantage accounts for this year, but I might just hang onto the $15,000. + + +I think I'm going to dilute my risk and get out of equities for now and move into fixed income stuff. If on my $1 million even, I can get about 4% return; that's $40,000 combined with even $5,000/mo after repairs, I'd be at $100,000/yr income with my wife retired as well. + +We can keep our expenses under $4,000/mo; so $50,000/year. if the gross $100,000/yr; our net income will be around $75,000-$80,000. + +So it looks like it's time for me to FIRE. I'm still not sure exactly what my severance will be. I'm expecting $20,000-$25,000; but who knows... I will find out Monday. Anyone been in this situation where FIRE was forced on them? +ok so I was very new to crypto and a victim of thanksgiving dinner,but I need help should I sell or hold. + +ok guys I'll HODL but I cant afford to buy a lot more rn,ill just be using the DCA strategy 4 now. +I put together a full due diligence report on Disney company that describes how/where they generate revenues and what to look for in upcoming events. + +This report was done back in November/December, so I will update the info with a new report in several months from now. If you want to read the full report you can find it on my website that I have linked to in several posts on my profile. My goal is to start releasing 1 due diligence report per month with the intention to inform rather than persuade someone to buy or sell the stock. It will be an aggregate source of news, revenues data, upcoming events all that might drive a stock price up or down. You can also request "Due Diligence" on the site by entering the ticker you would like to see some research on. + +&#x200B; + +Here's the summary for Disney. Keep in mind this was back in November/December before Disney displayed strength in their subscriptions. Feel free to post comments here. + +# Summary + +It is our opinion that Disney entering the DTC market was the right move for the following reasons. They have invested huge amounts into the tech platform (BAMTech) to enable this kind of service. They have one of the strongest brand names in media and entertainment as well that they are the leading content provider on the planet. Their studio productions will be able to serve two fold as blockbuster hits and then down the road adding to their streaming service. It only makes sense for them to dominate the growing DTC media/entertainment market. + +However, the DTC market is becoming saturated with strong competitors including: Amazon Prime Video, Roku, Netflix, and now the entrants of Disney+ and the recently announced AppleTV+. We see this competition as a double-edged sword in the sense that there is the potential to grab revenues and market-share with the willingness of big companies to take some of the pie (powerful companies want to enter this market because it makes sense to), but also that more elite entrants into this already cut-throat industry is no easy task. What will separate one company from the rest will be their ability to provide quality content, which Disney has positioned themselves to do. + +It is possible Disney will be sensitive to outside economic pressures that might affect their cash flow. Revenues from the Media Networks segment (and largest portion of revenues) of their business has been on the decline over recent years, but has been off-set by higher revenues from Parks and Resorts and Studio Entertainment. Should any of their other segments come short of providing support, their cash flow will take a hit. + +The introduction of Disney+ will barely make a dent in their net revenues over the next 4-5 years. Potential growth and valuation will be highly dependent on subscriber count, but with Disney’s current state of the brand and franchises they have put themselves in a great position to compete with their largest competitor, Netflix. With quality content coming from each of their studios (Marvel, Pixar, StarWars, and National Geographic, to name a few) they will have a strong line-up going into this launch. + +**Final Thoughts** + +Disney is entering a highly competitive market, but we believe they have the right tools to succeed. + +**1.** They’'ve already successfully tested out the tech to launch DTC services (BAMTech - 4.9B in expenditures by FY 2020).**2.** Their already successful content outlets will provide a great value to their service.**3.** Competition, such as Netflix and AppleTV+, will be spending billions on content without a proven track-record. This is a risk for them and not so much for Disney since Disney already has a great pipeline of many quality IP.**4.** In terms of pricing, we see many similarities between all DTC content providers and the key factor that will separate one company from the other will be in content, which we believe Disney will provide and excel at.**5.** Disney’s stock price has already jumped over 30% from the initial announcement of Disney+, but we think this new range will serve as a benchmark and good support.**6.** Disney isn’t expected to report blowout subscriber count on the launch of their service, but we foresee they have the possibility to do so. + +**Positive Outlook Model:**\*Current revenue segments continue to grow at 18% Y.O.Y (quality studio releases, leveraging of brands to park themes, etc).\*Disney reports fantastic initial subscriber count for Disney+.\*Disney reports ESPN+ growing in-line with expectations. + +**Neutral Outlook Model:**\*Current revenue segments continue to grow at 18% Y.O.Y.\*Disney reports mediocre numbers for initial subscriber count to Disney+ (as they are expected and will be viewed as a neutral event). + +**Negative Outlook Model:**\*Market is affected by recession, Disney sensitivity to economic pressures.\*Growth slowing at media networks.\*Growth slowing at parks and resorts.\*Very low numbers for initial subscriber count to Disney+. +Would it be best to pay down a mortgage with extra money that would normally be reserved for an IRA? Mortgage is 3.25% with $100k to pay off and 20 years left. House is worth $250k. Haven’t been having the best luck with the market for a year or so. Mutual funds have barely moved and they’re doing the best. I thought instead of losing money maybe I’ll pay off the mortgage early and even though the rate is low it would still be a significant savings in the end/retirement. +We can thank Aristotle for training our Western minds to think about reality as a this or that affair. Up or down, night or day, happy or sad, the list goes on and on. This dialectical way of thinking neglects the wholeness of reality and instead seeks to cut it up into discrete, easily understandable parts, like a scientist cutting up a cadaver. + +In our current case of GME, shills are using that Western cognitive bias to try to create a wedge in our community by trying to make you pick a side. You’re either in it for the money or in it to create systemic change. + +Guess what shills? I’m in it for both! I don’t have to choose one or the other, that’s a false choice that attempts to make me fall victim to my all or nothing thinking cognitive bias. I want to make money and I want to see systemic change and I want the criminal shfs to lose bad and there’s no reason I can’t hold all these desires simultaneously. +I recently got a job at McDonald’s. It’s £7.50 an hr with probably about 16-20 hrs a week and I currently make about £50-£100 a month from artwork (I don’t take many commissions). I already have about £1200 in my bank account made from selling my artwork and clothing. Just wondering what I should be doing with my money as I don’t want to spend it on stupid things. I have a junior savers with Nationwide. + +I plan on going to university and learning to drive at some point as well (if anyone knows how much that may cost). +Trump has claimed Coronavirus in the U.S. will peak soon, but that is untrue. Any "peak" is unlikely before June or July. https://www.npr.org/2020/03/17/817354098/july-or-august-when-the-coronavirus-crisis-could-see-a-turning-point, Even then, it will be less of a peak than a plateau. The U.S. economy will continue to suffer terrible damage for most of 2020, and likely far into 2021. Another Great Depression is likely. Yet many investors are buying based on a wish and hope it will all go away sooner. Another bad stock market crash is coming. Take advantage of the recent false rally and sell everything. +I see a lot of posts about people reaching FI, I'm curious to know if anyone here hit FI but lost it due to internal/external factors (lifestyle creep, unforeseen events, poor investments, etc). What happened? Where are you today? +I've recently started a new job which pays 25% more than my previous job. I had been on my previous salary for nearly 4 years, so this jump after years of being stuck on the same amount (increased only by about 3k over that time despite job changes) has got me wanting to spend more money. + +Would love to hear any tips you have. +I’m a huge Ross Gittins fan, and really enjoyed his piece on why the doom and gloom on inflation and interest rates is overblown in Australia. + +https://www.smh.com.au/business/the-economy/the-news-on-the-economy-is-better-than-we-re-being-told-20220203-p59tkz.html +I’m a huge Ross Gittins fan, and really enjoyed his piece on why the doom and gloom on inflation and interest rates is overblown in Australia. + +https://www.smh.com.au/business/the-economy/the-news-on-the-economy-is-better-than-we-re-being-told-20220203-p59tkz.html +I've been watching my investments grow over the last few years and find the idea of being able to step back and retire early very alluring. Been doing some research to try and figure out what my FIRE number would be. + +My current spend per year would be covered with 150k, but with taxes I would probably target 200k. + +* 37M, married w/ no kids living in SoCal, no major health issues +* own 2 properties outright, both worth about 1M each +* 7M in investments: 73% domestic stock, 15% foreign stock, 11% bonds +* assume 0 future income once retired (unlikely, but want to be safe) + +I'm finding a lot of conflicting info on just how much more conservative you need to be than 4% to support a 50-ish year time frame. It seems like 3.5% of my 7M investments would get me to 200k/yr. How would you factor in real-estate in your calculations? I would like to be relatively conservative in my FIRE projections. +Lets have a quick dive into what the great people of Chicago are searching for. These times are GMT. So 9AM is 4AM. + +https://preview.redd.it/c5h3zl8ciyt61.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=d84097cc2e3e3f1a9762443fdf46eb35b3bd193e + +https://preview.redd.it/mq4l4if0jyt61.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf7af2b502da74880a9f22656b70b2cc1a5929d5 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/cbem0vloiyt61.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=58b19d70bd9e182c7125cf647e841ebe7ba6807f + +https://preview.redd.it/nikk9lrejyt61.png?width=902&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ad6e932522dfb0819357bc19be96612ed92620b + +https://preview.redd.it/dzbzx26qjyt61.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=b75abbadd83f0a0d24177e3410a9b3acdb4a9526 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/soyg1tu4jyt61.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=4425f259d9eb18e03b88c082923ad26b59d4a857 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4vhvyf89jyt61.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=dca30430a41fcf1da037ce15589ce390cbc62b6a + +Maketh of that what you will.................. +I started options in January and have been buying both calls and puts and the losses added up so quickly. I haven’t been able to sleep and it keeps replaying in my mind had I just left my stocks alone. I tried calling 988, no help and talking about it with friends and family. I’ve been feeling super down and was wondering if anyone has any advice/help. +I was at a basic chain grocery store today (Safeway) and for once looked at the prices while ringing stuff up. I use a food prep/delivery service and only shop for me so I don’t need to go to the grocery store very much. + +$15 for a small ish bottle of detergent? + +$5 for a single stick of men’s deodorant? + +I can’t imagine being in a position of someone just trying to get by. Either inflation is getting real or a lot of time went by in a flash, and I just didn’t notice the slow creep up in prices over the years. Seems you used to be able to get some basics and be out of there for under $20. + +Now it seems like over $100 is typical. + +I feel old. + +I'm currently the head of engineering for a startup. I am effectively the CTO since we do not have one at the moment. It is a small startup but we raised ~3M and looking to raise serie A by next year. My one year anniversary is coming and I am entertaining the idea to ask for more shares. + +I busted my butt the whole year with very little sleep and led the tech team from a dark place to a brighter one today. With that said, The company is not making profit yet but well on its way to. + +I currently have 1% of the company on a 4 year cliff. what is a fair compensation to ask for during negotiation after 1 year of service? + +Edit: i meant 4 year vest +Just food for thought. It's amazing how quickly the sentiment changes in the world once something becomes the usual. The media and news used to be like "booming", "skyrocketing", "huge adoptions", being all bullish when BTC was 50k. + +Now the news are like "liquidation", "crash", "warning" when bitcoin is doing something it's always been good at; correcting. + +Turns out everyone becomes euphoric and optimistic and carefree when everyone's making money, but pessimistic and cautious and unaccepting when they aren't. Human nature. +I started on my FIRE journey back in the 2010s when I graduated law school. $200k in student loan debt, soul-crushing job, no way out. FIRE was really what helped me feel more in control of my life. I started a side hustle e-commerce business and started riding my bike everywhere. Eventually I felt secure enough to leave my first job and switch to a better job, even though it was a paycut. + +Between 2018-2021, I kept the better job and started carefully building a more purposeful life. I bought some cheap land and built an affordable home that I love. The lack of financial and career stress has allowed me to be more social, so I feel like I have a more well-rounded life too. + +So, to the point. In late 2021 a friend of mine (someone I met due to my nicer job!) approached me and asked if I'd be interested in joining her personal injury law firm. I was skeptical b/c it feels a bit scummy to be a personal injury attorney, it just has a stigma. But my friend explained that if I came on board I'd get a % of every case I win. That cuts both ways; if I don't win, I don't make any money. + +I figured why not give it a try? I have a ton of savings, so if it didn't work out I could just go get a normal job again. + +Well, after a year of this job, it looks like I'll have made about $350k in 2022, and I am working remotely. It's an awesome job. Before this, the most I've ever made in a year is $110k. This is an astounding amount of money to me, and I could possibly barista FIRE now if I wanted to. I would never have taken this job if not for the position FIRE put me in. + +A lot of FIRE commentary focuses on the end goal (the workless utopia), but grabbing the reins of your own life has a lot of other benefits. Stay the course. +Hi all, complete noob to finance and savings etc. Like everyone I’m trying to get my money to stretch further. + +My wife isn’t a risk taker by any stretch and won’t invest in stocks/shares and so I’m just looking for something on the side from my own income. + +I signed up to Moneybox about 4 years ago just purely rounding up my payments and forgot about it. I signed up to the “Adventurous” S&S Since I’ve gone back in that all seems to have been eaten up in fees (only literally added like £100 in that time) + +I’m not expecting to make £1,000’s anywhere when I can barely even put £20 a month aside but just wondering where is the best long term investment? +I’ve only been investing for less than a year, so I’ve only know an economy with low interest rates. What are some things I should be doing to prepare for the 2022-2023 interest rates in terms of my portfolios? + +I have a retirement account that I put most of my savings in and a small investing account where I play around to try to gain experience. As a 23 year old I’d say I’m about ~80% in stocks and 20% bonds/ETFs. Is it more beneficial to move out of bonds and into stocks? Also what markets seem to handle high interest better? + +Cheers +I may be mostly a lurker / learner here, but I think more than a few folks are right now getting fucked. It's totally trust me bro, but Barclays has made my credit card payment twice and is not giving the second payment back to me until I talk to a case manager and was told it may be 48 hours until I receive a call back. Seems they needed some liquidity and decided to borrow my money? + +Phone rep said this was a very large issue today they were seeking to rectify at the moment. Of course it's being played as a technical glitch, but I know at least for me it was a very substantial amount of money. I am beyond livid. Promises of "compensation" have been conveyed, but I know I'm powerless to charge them my own overdraft fee. + +Check your books folks. I have no proof but this smells like street and alley level fuckery. +Let me give a recent example: Snapchat's under-expectation earnings were announced before Meta's. If I was working for snapchat (or in that industry) I'm sure I would have bought puts of Meta. + +I'm no social media expert but I understand that snapchat's business model share a lot of similarities with Meta's core business model. I'm sure someone who works in that industry (or for snapchat) understands the intricacies and the pain points of those specific earnings more than many financial analyst giving that person/employee a lot of advantage in justifying why Meta's earnings will also be under expectation. Would it be considered inside trading if that employee were to post on reddit or on his personal blog why he thinks Meta's earnings will be under expectation and perhaps go as far as to show how many puts he bought? +Good morning UKPF, + +My sister has woken up this morning to an email from her current car insurance provider (Hastings Direct) saying that they are not willing to offer her a new policy at the end of my current one. + +I have looked online for some new quotes and new quotes are coming out around 3x what she is paying at the moment. (About £1,200 a year) + +She have 9 years no claims. Is there any best tips that you can suggest for shopping around for car insurance? + +Is there a good time to get online for the best deal. Can she challenge the decision? Any help is appreciated. + +TIA! +Im at a loss. Currently sat in the dark. My electric company will not help due to self isolation. Ive no money in my bank until next week. Whatever food i do have is defrosting and fridge is already going warm even when closed. +My previously FIRE target was 600k but I decided I needed more. A few days ago I crossed 800k and I should be able to get into the 900k's within the next 3-4 months, possibly to 1 million if things turn out good. At that point I am going to completely quit my job as a lawyer and live in Asia for good, probably starting some part time businesses here and there. I'm 37 and can live a "luxury" lifestyle in SE Asia for around 20-25k a year. I've lived in Asia for over a year so I know it is more than possible. + +1. My overall portfolio is around 40% bonds, 60% stocks plus 20k in a savings account and 2k or so in checking accounts. 300k of my NW is in Vanguard Wellesley (VWIAX) in non-retirement accounts. Should I diversify by moving 100-200k into savings in SE Asia? For instance, in some countries here you can get 6-8% interest but of course you have to convert USD into local currency. Some countries though, like Vietnam, have relatively stable currencies and economies. If I put 200k into a local savings account bearing 7% interest I am making 14k a year guaranteed, almost paying for my entire life with just 20% of my NW. + +2. I could buy a nice luxury 2 bedroom condo in SE Asia for around 125k USD. Rent on the same place would be around $850 a month. Does it make sense to buy (assume no issues with foreigners buying property)? + +3. Am I missing anything? Before anyone mentions it, I don't want to get married. I don't want to have kids. And I don't particularly care about 30 years from now when I officially retire. I want to enjoy life right now and not have to work full time or live in the US. +Where +https://financialservices.house.gov/live + +When: +Feb. 18 at 1200 ET + + +You can watch and be part of historic testimony of u/deepfuckingvalue before house panel. Melvin and Robinhood execs will also try to explain what the hell happened. + +Anyway, some weirdo has titled this virtual hearing: + +"Game Stopped? Who Wins and Loses When Short Sellers, Social Media, and Retail Investors Collide" + +Anyway the details of time and link is here. Hope you have popcorn and beer ready. + +For the first time ever i am excited to watch a congressional hearing. + +"Senator, i just like the stock!" + +.. + + + +Edit: the sad pic here appears automatically from that link. she is the chairperson. May be get a few more drinks and you might see your wife. + + +Edit2: a lot of people are trying to set reminder incorrectly. Just a quick link to instructions on how to use reminder bot correctly https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + + +Edit3: thanks for all the awards. I hope these are all free ones. Use your money for some cheap otm calls. +Hello friends! More posts about the ["price anomalies" today](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvszia/anomalies_cracked/) (thank you [u/Gdott](https://www.reddit.com/user/Gdott/)!) and the debate on whether this was GLITCH OR NO GLITCH?? irritated me enough that I built a time and sales analysis spreadsheet. + +[death by acronyms. popular exchanges and what they do.](https://preview.redd.it/vooe3fytaou61.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca446273e02b781d1f13e69a96108d9dcb098dae) + +The time and sales data is directly exported out of fidelity trader pro, and I have checked to make sure this was no error in saving. There's WAYYYY more weird stuff going on than just this, but it will take a full post to go through everything. For now, I've loaded all time and sales data from 4/21 market hours, and started by searching for any trades that executed **OVER** ~~$0.50~~ $0.05 (ape need sleep) outside the bid-ask window. + +[this many data points total](https://preview.redd.it/yejocr55cou61.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e61204098f56b03e9a63cb461ed5b513e1209f2) + +[how many are this far outside the bid-ask range?](https://preview.redd.it/scenkigkbou61.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=e20812f3b271f7f2097d49b1a44740c773f6debb) + +[880 holy fuck](https://preview.redd.it/tcr1l85mcou61.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=993ca090451d3b1f3bbd9409f2d17502d6d6f130) + +Okay let's look for really fucked up shit. $5 bucks outside the bid-ask. + +https://preview.redd.it/mkotuf0tcou61.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=58e1d72b4b5a5b5d25df3d41b1f99042057297f2 + +[Still not zero?](https://preview.redd.it/7n016lc8dou61.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=35fa30e4432d5ef7b010a93111e00e55d0261429) + +So I found the buggers in the data so I could show all my friends pretty pictures of shit-I-don't-undertand-how-is-possible- + +https://preview.redd.it/uadfkpjpdou61.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf8918b5988fea5319e139d6d29826cb51a602f3 + +https://preview.redd.it/697m0k4tdou61.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a65b9cd4d2798e0c8e3c1afd5310a7ef1fd600f + +https://preview.redd.it/lq8ogotwdou61.png?width=1269&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dc5739ce0503775287f6feae1964d3369f0f8d2 + +https://preview.redd.it/3thm22t0eou61.png?width=1262&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ac8ff62f2668b806f8480fa06f3c0c6429ec4d1 + +https://preview.redd.it/vt6t14s3eou61.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=517d6b267c95cf00508fd9311ea765eaac12e66c + +https://preview.redd.it/ngo4j186eou61.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=14a777b17fb1c9aae16a9780a1788dc1dc033e75 + +https://preview.redd.it/5ir0v0laeou61.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=049031c461a37872a00f8c8fa19a9821937f27f8 + +https://preview.redd.it/1kvmlf3eeou61.png?width=1286&format=png&auto=webp&s=1775adf3a1778842942181e9588dbd302f628b8f + +https://preview.redd.it/rwbb09aieou61.png?width=1266&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3845e733077c54e8dcc963432aaf5cd86443a3a + +And then there was this shit? + +[just fucking how](https://preview.redd.it/korvd29peou61.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=89e44268b271b64c9fadb942f1438973ea136de7) + +[NOTHING TO SEE HERE](https://preview.redd.it/ccr0oqtteou61.png?width=1282&format=png&auto=webp&s=a310f1e855685b8499dd810a11a6b98669364d62) + +And THERE'S YOUR PROOF..... that I'm probably going insane. TILL NEXT TIME- 💎🙌🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +My roommate bought $20,000 worth of stock at the bottom in March a day after he was laid off (hospitality). He sits at home all day but will never sell, and his unemployment is running out soon. I need to get him a book teaching him this stuff because he is too stubborn to talk to me or to look at this sub (Army buddy of mine that’s why we share a house.) Is there something published in book form but recent enough to be relevant? He’s diligent, hardworking, and disciplined, but not open minded, optimistic, or outside the box. Thanks in advance! +Latest update here from HFP: +https://www.headforpoints.com/2021/05/15/american-express-shop-small-summer-2021/ + +- Promotion runs from June 5 - 25 +- Spend £15, get £5 cashback (down from spend £10 in winter) +- Limit to 5 stores this time (was 10 before), use a supplementary card as well to double this +Given the continued QE, the increasing usage of the ON RRP facility, and the lack of inflationary concern from JP at the FOMC meetings yesterday, I figured I'd take a stab at distilling what's happening. + +In case you're interested, here's a write-up I did that will go into **much** more detail than I will here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0kt0y/the\_fed\_value\_of\_money\_and\_emergency\_relief/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0kt0y/the_fed_value_of_money_and_emergency_relief/) + +Hokay, here we go. + +# Monetary Policy and the Fed + +Again, keeping it top line here. The Fed's main goals are + +1. maintaining moderate long-term interest rates +2. maximum employment +3. stable prices (specifically keeping inflation around 2% \**on average\* this is key*) + +How does the Fed work to achieve these goals, you ask? Monetary Policy: + +**Expansionary** \- cash goes in, collateral comes out, saving goes down, spending and economic growth accelerate + +**Contractionary** \- cash goes out, collateral goes in, saving goes up, spending and economic growth slow + +They did this by setting a target interest rate on which all interest rates can be based. Increasing or decreasing this target rate is the main driver of monetary policy. How they reach that target has changed over time. + +https://preview.redd.it/tel7un3ust571.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2e760af368c2cd0ec1a1ac26be313e170a8dde4 + +**Pre-2008** + +For a long time, the Fed did this solely by dictating the amount of reserves held by institutions at the Federal Reserve. It could increase or decrease the supply of reserves by buying or selling treasuries on the open market. + +[How it used to work](https://preview.redd.it/ao0g9bynst571.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=be9025fbbf6610f4ad0e3ef83e293686ce1776f8) + +Simply, these changes in the supply and demand of these reserves determined the **federal funds rate** (FFR), which is defined as the interest rate that banks charge each other to borrow or lend reserves in the federal funds market. This rate acts as the foundation for all interest rates in the market(s). As a consumer, the higher your credit-worthiness, the closer your rate on a loan/car/etc. would be to the FFR. To summarize: + +* To raise the FFR, the Fed decreases the supply of reserves by *selling* **U.S. Treasury securities** in the open market.6 The decrease in reserves shifts the supply curve left, resulting in a higher FFR. +* To lower the FFR, the Fed increases the supply of reserves by *buying* **U.S. Treasury securities** in the open market. The increase in reserves shifts the supply curve right, resulting in a lower FFR. + +&#x200B; + +[Moving the vertical supply curve left or right adjusted the FFR](https://preview.redd.it/t8axn611mt571.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=19f1e30216d8b13542d93ea0a2a1f7e8678af10a) + +**Post-2008** + +So, obviously a bunch of fucked-up shit took place - I recommend reading the essay compiled by u/criand \- [The Bigger Short. How 2008 is repeating, at a much greater magnitude, and COVID ignited the fuse. GME is not the reason for the market crash. GME was the fatal flaw of Wall Street in their infinite money cheat that they did not expect.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0scoy/the_bigger_short_how_2008_is_repeating_at_a_much/) + +But long-story short, the Fed 'needed' to do something to prevent the entire collapse of the global economy. + +*\*opinion\* the Fed could've prevented a lot of this shit through it's job as a economic 'regulatory' entity, but has instead chosen to be a 'lender-of-last-resort' coming in as the janitor to clean up Wall Streets shit* + +ANYWHO, what changed? Well a lot actually, but we'll focus on how the Fed determines interest rates now. + +When the Fed when on a shopping spree to clean up the liquidity mess of the MBS debacle, it drastically altered the composition of its balance sheet - meaning the asset side not only went up significantly, but also changed in composition. It no longer only purchased US Treasuries on the open market, but now was open to buying the dog shit MBS, agency debt, and other assets that were previous dubbed, well, dog shit. Here's a colorful graph to illustrate this: + +&#x200B; + +[ooo colors](https://preview.redd.it/n9wb3ihmnt571.png?width=2184&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5bc5d26f81ea98c076563fab4bedc6580b56432) + +So quickly without going into accounting 101, balance sheets. As the name implies, balance sheets have to remain balanced. So what did the Fed do to compensate this shopping spree, it 'printed money' of course, by creating new reserve balances on the liability side of the sheet. Problem solved + +Except no, this just introduced a whole new problem. As you can see above, it wasn't a short term fix. This created a **lasting and fundamental change in how the Fed conducts monetary policy.** + +**Limited-Reserves to Ample-Reserves** + +See the problem is, when there is a large quantity of reserves in the banking system, the Federal Reserve can no longer influence the FFR by making relatively small changes in the supply of reserves. This changes the entire fundamental mechanism of monetary policy! So what'd they do? They just changed the policy. + +Introducing IOR on ON RRP - Interest on Reserves and Over Night Reverse Repo Rates. Now by adjusting these rates, the Fed can control that FFR they care so much about, by trying to keep it within the desired range dictated by the current monetary goals. + +&#x200B; + +[With the Supply curve now so far to the right \(lots of reserves\) the FFR rate is less likely to fluctuate along the demand curve](https://preview.redd.it/hddxylu5pt571.png?width=412&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a26d531900d37414adf83a57e53e01ef1b8ff90) + +By implementing the guardrails of IOR and ON RRP, the Fed again has control over monetary policy. Except now, it's not really monetary policy anymore is it? A lot of economists will argue it's something called **Credit Policy**, because the quantity of 'money' isn't actually changed - just the rate at which it can be borrowed. + +The Fed seemed to get rather used to this concept, and as the economy recovered from the Great Recession, the Fed took steps to reduce the supply of reserves from its peak in October 2014 of about $2.7 trillion. Over the next few years, the Fed reduced reserves to about $1.7 trillion. However, they still remained *ample as it related to pre-2008.* In fact, in January 2019, the FOMC released a statement saying it would continue to implement policy with ample reserves in the long run. This was further confirmed in June of 2021 (yeah like 3 weeks ago), when the Fed announced it plans to move away from reserve requirements as they just aren't needed when you have ample reserves. + +I skipping so much shit, but for the sake of keeping your attention we'll move on + +**Which Brings Us to Today (more or less)** + +We all know what happened last year, and the ample-reserves at the Fed have only become **MORE** ample. As mentioned, policy directives were starting to wind-down the reserves held at the Fed, until COVID hit. + +&#x200B; + +[FED PRINTER GO BRRRRR](https://preview.redd.it/ncq8dvcjqt571.png?width=1466&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd6d82f86d2347795a3b101bfcc0585bc9ad51a5) + +Now, the Fed is buying $80T in Treasuries, $40B in MBS, and droped the ON RRP to 0% - setting an effective FLOOR for all interest rates. + +**The ON RRP Facility** + +Well when the Fed decided it wanted to finally shift gears and 'taper' their dog-shit-shopping-spree, the question remained of how that would affect short-term interest rates. After all, the IOR only applied to a select list of primary dealers, so how could they guarantee that those institutions would follow their plan? + +In order to maintain control of this process, they set up the ON RRP Facility in 2014. The ON RRP facility is a form of open market operations where the Fed stands ready to interact with many nonbank financial institutions, such as large money market funds (MMF) and government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) - think Blackrock (MMF) or Freddie/Fannie (GSE). This RRP facility enabled those institutions to engage in overnight RRPs with the Fed at a predetermined rate (the “ON RRP rate”), which was set 25 basis points below IOER - essentially creating those guardrails you saw around the FFR. Now by moving both the IOR and ON RRP rates, the Fed again has control over monetary (or credit) policy. + +**The TGA** + +Something worth noting is the Treasury General Account - essentially the slush fund for the US Dept. of Treasury, held at the Fed. Similar to a lot of things, the functions of this account changed after 2008. + +The way it operated prior to 2008, it didn't actually affect bank reserves and/or monetary policy as the Treasury Taxes and Loans program handled it separately. So when a corporation paying taxes, for example, would write a check to the Treasury that would be deposited in a bank, where the funds would be deposited in a Treasury account and stay on the bank's balance sheet rather than going into the TGA (as it does now). However, the need to collateralize Treasury deposits occasionally led banks to cap the amount of funds they were willing to hold for the Treasury. This limited the Fed/Treasury's ability to influence monetary policy directly via Treasury issuance. + +Now, the TGA has become a big driver of monetary (or credit) policy, and it has direct influence over the reserve balances held at the Fed. So a wind down of the TGA balance directly *increases* the balance of federal reserve account balance of depository institutions. The treasuries issued last year as 'payment' for the $3T for COVID relief go back to the Treasury to likely be used again for the next time they want to pump up the TGA balance around stimulus spending. + +This effectively removes the available collateral that can be borrowed from the Fed on a short term basis. Those *treasuries* held on collateral sat in the SOMA (assets side) at the Fed, but the Treasury's *cash* sits in the TGA (a liability on the balance sheet), which is also at the Fed. In order to offset that disparity - influx of cash coupled with decrease in available bonds to borrow - it necessitated the utilization ON RRP facilities, which as we know was introduced to help control short term rate changes in the money markets - now directly affected by changes in the TGA account. + +***Long story short - TGA goes down, Reserve Balances go up = more cash in circulation*** + +&#x200B; + +[look at the inverse relationship between the Green and Orange lines](https://preview.redd.it/tspj5vat0u571.png?width=1464&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d6db955bd2019b2f453cadaae361819fccea7a3) + +# To Wrap Up + +**So now that you understand the macro objectives of the Federal Reserve (hopefully), I'm going to quickly summarize the current situation we're in and why no one (at the Fed at least) seems to be concerned:** + +[According to the Fed](https://finance.yahoo.com/video/ny-fed-pres-williams-financial-200415526.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93b2xmc3RyZWV0LmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAA64ghmbSRhBF8yMH6GXtqGi5cppvTxynQHoXkunrkOahGgH5t8tn9bK_iQYFftcFxV6TKs_FgiPcrDCWtkLy9qMKKfHqtQ-vk509BiZD9cnySHy89BJp0BWpwiWd7wON9225Lspm6fSI4z-_vbycGMAi591nP8nrXf6cVUAH4Qr), as JP reiterated yesterday, this is business as usual, working exactly as intended, and will continue for the foreseeable future. + +However, the banks [have way too much cash](https://www.wsj.com/articles/banks-to-companies-no-more-deposits-please-11623238200). All of them. Commercial all the way up to GSIBs. So in order to maintain their capital requirements they're offloading a lot of it to MMFs. (This dude proves that it's MMFs mainly using the ON RRP facility right now, as intended [LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzrtvz/daily_reverse_repo_update_0614_583892_b_new_record/h1r5c7f?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) + +So why is the Fed still doing this? Well, go back to those mandates as part of their charter Specifically, 1) maintain a stable rate of inflation of around 2% *average* and 2) full employment. Inflation is not a concern to J. Powell, as he feels it is transitory and will even out to hit that *2% average over time*. **The kicker is unemployment is still high.** **So until more people return to work, the QE will continue, coupled with the wind down of the TGA.** + +So, to summarize, a major concern a lot of people have is that as this continues short-term interest rates have an increasing likelihood to dip into the negatives. This isn't ideal obviously, and if that transcends into commercial banking you're going to see a run of consumers pulling out their cash (who wants to pay the bank to hold your money?). + +Duh duh duh - the ***ON RRP facility mops up that mess, each and every night.*** + +So the whole point is that the Fed is kicking the can down the road not with anything to do around over-leveraged equities (at least not fully), but to avoid negative interest rates becoming prevalent, and seeing all that cash and liquidity out there drained from the markets - effectively undoing their goals around current monetary policy. + +**Hence, resulting in the "nothing to see here folks" narrative.** + +Again, this is a summary of events and there is a lot of missing information and dynamics not covered. Obviously not financial advice, as always be kind to one another and buy & hold + +If you want to get a more in-depth crash course on this evolution, [this is a great place to start](https://reffonomics.com/amplereservesregime.html) +EDIT: Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions. My agent was able to clear up the confusion with the insurance company. He verified that it was not a stated value policy and that he doesn't write those anyway. It would go off of actual cash value of the vehicle. The "$1" remark means nothing here. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +I live in Michigan and and Progressive is my insurance carrier. I drove a conversion van (looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/zOoEKz1.jpg), this is an important detail, see below) that I bought almost three years ago for $21,000. I still owe $16,000 on the loan. + +A conversion van is difficult to insure because they roll out of the factory as incomplete vehicles. The upfitting is done by a third party company, like Explorer or Santa Fe, and then sent to the dealership for sale. From what I've found out, most insurance companies only look at the VIN and see "Incomplete Chassis" so they refuse to cover it. Progressive is the only one I found who would honor it. + +I used an agent (broker?) to find this policy. He asked me questions about my vehicles, what kind of coverage I want, and when we found a price I was happy with, I accepted the policy. No where would I ever have stated my van was worth only $1. + +The Progressive claims representative just told me that they have no control over it and that it was something I agreed upon with my agent. I asked her why in the hell they were charging me over $400 per month if they felt the vehicle was worth only $1. Somewhere they obviously knew it was worth well more than that. She couldn't give me an answer and said that part of it was up to the underwriters. + +I warned her that I was not into playing games and that I expected a quick and appropriate solution. She is supposed to call my agent on Tuesday to find out what his side of the story is. + +What can I do? + +EDIT: Here is a screenshot of my declarations page. This is the only place in the entire document that it says "$1." It's a damn footnote! How is that official? + +https://imgur.com/98kqCNy + +Note: The loan I have on it is an auto loan. I had to send the documents into Ally. I expect they would have reviewed them and told me if there was something out of order. +Melbourne house prices dropped 1.4 per cent in July, accelerating to an annualised rate of 16.8 per cent, while Sydney lost 1 per cent, as the surge in COVID-19 cases reignited fear of a longer and deeper recession that could result in widespread forced-selling. + +The CoreLogic July Index showed house price falls in Melbourne have quickened since May when they dropped 1.1 per cent. By June, they were down 1.3 per cent. + + +Melbourne house prices fell 1.4 per cent in July, to an annualised rate of 16.8 per cent as virus cases surge. + +"There's a bit of an accelerating curve there, so it does seem that there's some correlation in the level of decline with the virus spread," said CoreLogic's research director Tim Lawless. + +"We always knew that one of the biggest risks to the housing market and the broader economy was a second wave that would result in a deeper and a longer recession, and that's clearly starting to play out in Melbourne." + +Nationally, house prices fell by a lower 0.6 per cent during the month, offset by the smaller declines and even a slight rise in values in some capitals. + +Brisbane house prices fell 0.3 per cent, Perth was down by 0.6 per cent, Darwin by 0.2 per cent and Hobart by 0.4 per cent. + +Canberra defied the downward trend with prices rising by 0.7 per cent, while Adelaide added 0.1 per cent. + +Over the past three months to July, Melbourne house prices tumbled 3.8 per cent and Sydney fell 2.4 per cent. + +Dark clouds hang over Sydney and Melbourne +Since the start of the year, Melbourne house prices have lost 1.1 per cent in value, erasing the gains the city recorded before the pandemic hit. By contrast, Sydney managed to hold on to a slim 2.2 per cent gain. + +"Melbourne is leading the decline because it was slower to reopen in the first place and now it's gone into an even harder lockdown, which points to more damage to businesses there and further loss of income and higher unemployment," said AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver. + +"These will continue to push prices down, which is already pulling at a rapid rate. + +"I suspect in this environment we'll see prices go down by somewhere between 1 per cent to 1.5 per cent each month and then it might accelerate once we start to see a pick up in forced sales later this year." + +Dr Oliver said while Sydney was in a slightly better position due to lower virus cases, the lockdown has created uncertainty in the market. + +"I think prices will continue to drop by around 0.9 per cent a month while the support measures are in place, but there will come a time when these lifelines are removed and there will be forced sales in Sydney as well, which will result in in sharper falls into the middle of next year." + +Dr Oliver said the resurgence of the virus in Melbourne and Sydney has weakened the outlook for the market dramatically. + +"In early June, I thought maybe the worst was over as income support measures helped prevent big price declines and we were starting to emerge from the worst of the virus, now, the virus has come back dramatically particularly in Melbourne," he said. + +"This resulted in uncertainty right across Australia and opened up the prospect of a much deeper pain. + +"I suspect that Melbourne house prices is on its way to the fall somewhere between 10 and 20 per cent from the peak, of which it's already done about 3.5 per cent. Sydney is probably on its way to a 10 to 15 per cent drop, of which it's already done 2 per cent." + +Mr Lawless agreed that the Victorian capital's latest virus-containment measures that took place from Monday, including a ban on people travelling further than 5km from their home, were a bad sign for the city's housing market. + +"I think it's fair to say that the risk levels have surely heightened as a result of the level four lockdown," he said. + +https://www.afr.com/property/residential/melbourne-house-prices-on-track-to-fall-20pc-20200731-p55ha2 +I'm 23 and have very few financial obligations (about 17K/year in total expenses). Pretax income is about 105K/year. I live in the Midwest US. I have a very long time horizon for my investments. This is my current asset allocation based on prices today: + +&#x200B; + +[Total Allocation](https://preview.redd.it/acv024ckylb71.png?width=234&format=png&auto=webp&s=a98d6485590e70da48472b44c782477832ca160d) + +[Stocks Allocation](https://preview.redd.it/9lr0ukke0mb71.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cd895081a6ff25bda31e82be436922764ccc3fc) + +My stocks are 100% VTSAX (with a VTSAX equivalent in my 401K). Crypto is 100% BTC. With my income, I could continue to invest about $500 / week for the remainder of the year based on my expenses and estimated 2021 tax liability while still maintaining my emergency fund. + +If you were in my shoes, would you: + +1. Hold all stocks and dollar cost average $500 / week into BTC for the remainder of the year +2. Sell some stocks in the taxable brokerage account (46k are long-term capital gains) to DCA more into BTC for the remainder of the year +3. Something else + +If option 2, how much from the taxable brokerage account do you sell? + +I realize everyone is different and situations vary a lot, but my risk tolerance is very high since I have a good career and minimal expenses. I can withstand the volatility of crypto no problem. I will continue to max out my 401K and Roth IRA in 2022 as well (already maxed out this year). Just wondering if most people in my position would sell some stocks in the taxable brokerage account for crypto. + +**Edit:** + +I decided to DCA heavily out of the stock market into crypto. Portfolio update as of October 14, 2021: + +https://preview.redd.it/snb1b7d48jt71.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=37e155c8e3b8133ba011643d93d47b793bf1fe1a + + +I've seen many articles and comments saying that AT&T is a good dividend producing company. As I'm still learning, from what I can tell their Dividend Growth Rate (DGR) has been awful. +1yr: 2% + +3yr: 2% + +5yr: 2% + +10yr: 2.2% + +For reference, I'm using the [https://www.dripinvesting.org/tools/tools.asp](https://www.dripinvesting.org/tools/tools.asp) Dividend Champions Excel spreadsheet. + +I'm happy for someone to take me to school on this one as I still trying to learn on my own how to read statistics properly. Looking at liquidated T for something with better growth opportunity. +As someone who’s investing monthly I found a quick and simple trick to be able to invest more. + +Usually I paid all my expenses when I got my paycheck and I usually waited around 20 days from when I got my paycheck to the day that I invest my money. + +In November I decided that I want to change my approach and now the first thing I do when I get my paycheck is invest before paying any expenses whatsoever and every month I push myself to invest a little bit more. Now I’m able to invest between 40-50% then was I was used to do before without it affecting my life whatsoever because I simply spent less on shit I don’t really need. + +My main area where I save money are junk food, clothes and video games. I kinda consider now investing a monthly expense which I have to pay (I know that it might sound terrible put in this way but I realistically didn’t see a damn difference in my life except a fact that I’m able to save and invest more money. +Crosspost with legaladvice + +Hello everyone. My wife has been contacted by someone claiming to be from “Anderson and Associates”. I can’t tell if they are a legit collections agency, or a law firm. + +They are claiming that they’ve been trying to reach her for years about an old 2006 discover credit card account which had a balance but is now closed. They know a ton of information about my wife. Social, what cars we drive, my number, my brother’s number, etc. + +My wife does remember that account but she was sure she went through her Equifax report about 8 years ago and paid everything off. Her credit report now doesn’t mention anything about an outstanding account, or a closed account with a balance. Her credit score is like 780. She hasn't had a problem with credit in over a decade. + +If this is legit we will pay what we owe. But I’m wondering if this is a straight scam. + +They are claiming that this is the final step in the process and they’ve been trying to reach her for years. They say they need payment by tomorrow or it goes to our county court system. They are also saying they’ll put a lien on the car. + +We need documentation about what we owe and why right? How do we verify this is legit? What documents can we ask for? I feel so caught off guard and my wife and I don’t know what to do. Please help! + +Also, is this the right place for this? Should I post in a financial sub? + + +\*\*\*I'm unable to respond to every comment but I just wanted to deeply thank you all. Thank you for taking the time to respond and put me and my wife at ease. We'll handle this\*\*\* +I use Mint.com to track net worth and to total all my investment accounts. It's helpful because between me and my spouse we have a lot of accounts that have collected over the years (taxable accounts, 401ks, rollovers, Roth, etc) with two different providers, so it's a nice way to get an automatic overview and summary. + +Anyway, while I'm very aware of all my individual account balances and portfolios, I don't check up on my net worth and investment totals all that often and failed to notice that Mint had my 401k account set to "inactive/$0" for over a year! So that chunk of money was missing from my investment summary overview. + +The funny thing in that our FIRE goals were still on track (because stock market has been kicking butt) despite the "missing" money. + +Anyway, here's the brag: My 401k has $475k in it. Yeah, I didn't notice it was missing. I re-activated the account in Mint and my investments jumped up to $2.2 million! I blew past the $2M milestone early and never even realized it! + +I'd love to share the details of how I got there, I can't tell anyone else so I'll follow up in comments this evening. + +**EDIT**: just to clarify: I knew full well my 401k had that much money in it. I just didn't realize it was missing from Mint totals + +TLDR; You know that feeling when you find a $20 bill in an old jacket pocket? My wife cracked up when I told her I found almost a half million. +Just the most recent news headline out the many https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/banking/western-australian-mans-580k-live-savings-disappear-from-ubank-account/news-story/d4ba3f60cf0ebbdecdd1f2ed88188afd +Every now and again, I see posts here questioning the RE part of FIRE, and how people can't imagine their lives without doing some type of job. While I think that is certainly true for some folks, I have my doubts as to whether the majority of us feel that way. + +Yes, some people do feel a need to be productive to be happy, and derive their purpose and satisfaction from doing a job. However, to check whether you fall into that category, ask yourself the following questions: + +* If you knew that you only had a year left to live, would work still be a high priority in your life? Would the pursuit of money still be important to you? + +* If you weren't getting paid for your job, would you still show up? (If your job entails volunteering, you know the answer to this question already; I'm directing this at the wage slaves.) + +For me, work =|= meaning/purpose. While my job may offer some ancillary non-monetary benefits, I'm under no illusion as to why I wake up to an alarm everyday to go to work: to get paid. As I get closer to FI, every morning that I have to get ready for work I think about the other stuff that I'd rather be doing that day: hitting the gym, cooking healthy meals, attacking items on my never ending to-do list, learning, spending time with loved ones, sleeping, relaxing, traveling, and if I still have time & energy remaining after all that, I wouldn't mind doing **some** work. + +Am I off the mark that this is how most of this sub feels? Discuss. + +Edit: fixed typos/grammar. +Sorry for the throwaway, but I need someone I can tell! + +33 years old, hit $500,000 USD net worth today. Woohoo! +http://imgur.com/a/TiYej + +Mortgage is getting close to paid off, rental property is profitable, kids and wife are happy. Onward and upward! +I was raised a poor child of a poor child and my brother is raising a poor child now. I'm nowhere near rich but on my way to pulling myself out of the situation I was born into, and it's got me in the mood to hear from others in similar circumstances. So, please share your stories here! +Their narrative machine has taken a pivot today to try and make us scapegoats. + +Narrative is important. If you've hit snags explaining some of the more complex financial shenanigans, this is an easy summary. + +Also: + +* "They turned off the buy button, now they want to tell us when to use our sell button? Do I get a choice with my investments?" +* To paraphrase Dave Lauer: "Any financial system that can be dismantled by the simple act of buying and holding a security deserves to be dismantled." +TL;DR: EXPECT EXTREME FUCKERY AT VAN ALLEN BELT RADIOACTIVE LEVELS ON THE WAY OUT OF THE IONOSPHERE. + + +Just like the rest of you (shills excluded, sorry not sorry), I hope today's the humble beginnings of the MOASS but I'm super suspicious of CNBC and Marketwatch. They have tried to screw with our heads before, just expect fuckery on our way out of the stratosphere, and NASA has to shield spacecraft against van Allen belt radiation. We have our rocket, but you need to protect yourself against the radioactive toxicity that is on its way. +Just a friendly reminder: +Ape no fight ape +Believe in your research and fundamentals +Take everything from here on out with a HUGE grain of salt +and **HODL**! + + +I love each and every one of you, we're gonna change the world for the better. +See you all on the moon. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💎✋🤚 + +Google has: + +*Nearly its lowest P/E since 2015 + +*Still putting up insane growth numbers YoY + +*At a roughly 9 month low and very strong support + +*Obviously a very strong future with tons of investment in research and development (particularly cloud computing and working on autonomous cars) + +*Stock split coming up that could have a bit of upside + + +Especially with continued earnings growth it just looks like such a good spot. I know it had an insane (65%!) 2021, but the P/E ratio actually went down since then, which would mean the market was just pricing in (and technically underpricing because P/E dropped) the earnings growth throughout 2021. So yea, it looks really good to me I am just wondering what other people's thoughts are on $GOOGL, and if I am missing anything about this because it just seems like an incredibly good deal to me at this spot. +Dudes. First thanks for the awesome community. I've learned so much from you all. Having grown up as a poor kid without any sort of financial role models, this subreddit has been like having a wise mentor. + +&#x200B; + +I've been on the FatFIRE train for the last \~3 years and recently had a loved one pass away and leave me with about $600,000. About $425,000 of it is already in my accounts, the rest is going to probate because the beneficiary was listed as "estate". I will receive the rest of the funds in May. + +&#x200B; + +The retirement account brokerage (TIAA) sold all $425,000 of funds and put it into a "bank sweep account" when it rolled into a Beneficiary IRA account. What this means is that it sold all the ETFs/indexes that my loved one held and put all the funds into a money market savings account, basically. + +&#x200B; + +So now I need to make a couple decisions: + +&#x200B; + +* Is there any benefit to staying with TIAA, or is there any benefit to switching to another bank/financial institution? For example, Charles Schwab has credit lines I understand. I don't know what kinds of perks might be available but since I'm not tied to TIAA, I'd like to know what you think? I have unrelated IRA and 401k accounts with Vanguard, Charles Schwab, and Empower Retirement. Any other institutions worth looking at for the perks? Maybe one of them has free legal services, notaries, Keurig machines... I dunno man. Your thoughts here are all appreciated, no matter how spurious. + +&#x200B; + +* Allocation. VTSAX and chill? I am definitely having some "market timing" type emotions. The rational part of my brain always said to just buy a big pile of an total market index whenever someone asked questions like this. It's different when it's your money and it's all at once. What would you do if you suddenly had \~$600k cash representing half your net worth? Be honest. DCA over a year or two? Buy all right now? What would you buy? Hedge at all? + +&#x200B; + +Proof below since I personally love when people post graphs and stuff as inspiration, comparison, etc. + +[https://imgur.com/TBx3ag4](https://imgur.com/TBx3ag4) + +&#x200B; + +Current allocation (the 434k cash is because of this sweep account): + +[https://imgur.com/Ye0h8ml](https://imgur.com/Ye0h8ml) +Hello, + +We live in a VHCOL area but hit 7mil recently and has a good stream of income (average about 800k across both.) We are in our early 30s, with one child almost 2 years old. + +Childcare honestly has been really challenging for us with no family help nearby. We have a good nanny (paying her about $5k a month) during the week, but honestly it still feels like we get no breather unless we take days off work. Weekends feel more like work than rest, and weekdays start at 6am and ends at 9:30-10pm after washing all the dishes. This even with us both wfh without commute. Due to covid, we don’t plan to use daycare until later of the year. + +I feel like since we had a child we’ve significantly outsourced a lot of stuff, like having a nanny or getting most grocery delivered. But honestly, it’s just kind of depressing that even with $7m we still feel so burnt out. We still need to wash dishes until 9:30pm. We still need to drag our feet to take the trash out and check the mail and we kind of just want 1 hour of break! + +So FatFIRE folks who are also parents, what else can we streamline? + +Here are some ideas I had +- hire a live-in nanny rather than commute one so we have more help with household tasks +- upgrade our house to make it more friendly (whatever that means. Ex. Have a larger child proof area for independent play, open concept kitchen, etc) +- one of us quite job or take a good 3-4 months off. +- hire nanny for weekend +- ask for WFH forever +- somehow move out of area to somewhere with family (unlikely) +- what else?? What else can we streamline to reduce our workload whether it costs money or not? +- any easier meal prep options? + +Edit: wow, thank you for all the replies. I’m so glad I asked this question here. Being a clueless first-time parents, sometimes I just wonder what are we doing wrong? Why is it so hard? You’ve all just given me more perspectives and also it’s just so VALIDATING to hear other stories and see that I’m not alone. It’s also kind of comforting to hear the same struggles from others who have more NW. I guess parenting really is an universal challenge (with its rewards). +How much liability insurance do you carry? How do you determine how much to carry at different times of your life/income. + +I’m talking about liability insurance mostly, but I’m also interested in what life insurance people carry. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wedijp/drscomputershare_megathread_082022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +A little more than 2 years ago, I made a post about health issues forcing me to FIRE sooner than I planned ([link](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/6brwvr/stereotypical_path_to_fire_then_unusual_fire/)). + +I had been planning on a normal-to-fat FIRE since I was in college. Then I started having health issues that were eventually diagnosed as Ehlers Danlos (hypermobile). Basically, I started getting more frequent and persistent joint pain that reduced how much I could work and forced me to give up all my previous hobbies. I saw the writing on the wall, and started preparing for a lean FIRE. When I finally couldn't work anymore, I was denied disability. I was mentally and physically worn down at that point, and I didn't have it in me to continue to pursue a disability claim. + +Well, people responded to my post and strongly encouraged me to continue pursuing my disability claim (as did friends and family). So I got help from a lawyer who would carry the load for me, and 2 years later I'm happy to say that I was finally approved! So thank you for all your encouragement! + +I don't plan to make any significant changes to my spending or lifestyle. The main benefit for me is healthcare. Due to money constraints I've been putting off a lot of medical stuff. Now I'll have access to good coverage at a reasonable price, so I'll finally get see doctors for issues that I've been putting off. Also, I love dogs, so I'll probably get myself an awesome rescue dog! +Hi everyone :)What is the best structure (in python) to model an order book that needs to respect price-time priority and be efficient with respect to accept new orders (insertion, cancellation, modification...)?I first thought about pandas DataFrame but every time an order needs to be inserted the whole array is copied and therefore it's not optimal...Looking for suggestions :) + + +EDIT: Thanks everyone for suggestions!! I feel I have a lot to read over the weekend :) +I'm 22 right now, but getting my life in order to retire early- I'm hoping mid 40s but who knows. + +My parents took the very traditional route with employer 401ks and Roths. They are both 56 and could retire this second, if it weren't for healthcare. They will most likely work until 65 due to its costs. What are some solutions to this? + +The only solutions I see: +1. Cross fingers and hope for good health +2. Shell out thousands in insurance costs +3. Move to a country with better healthcare until they hit 65 +4. Hit it big in bitcoin in an HSA + +While I joke, it seems hopeless to me to retire early and have good health insurance without really paying for it. I'd appreciate any advice or discussion. +We've all seen how this news is affecting crypto - as Ukraine keeps getting pushed further and further toward being conquered by Putin all of our favorite assets are being driven down and we are all losing our asses unless we had the foresight to short a month ago. + +Here are a few questions I would like to ask any Russians on this sub: + +1) What is the overall sentiment toward this invasion in Russia right now? + +2) What percentage of people you know have (or had I guess, based on the legality of it now) crypto in Russia? + +3) Do you think most Russians actually approve of Putin or does he not actually have a 100% approval rating like the Kremlin suggests? Does crypto factor into this for you? + +4) In your opinion, what would the best outcome for Russia be in this situation? + +5) If you could move to any country on the planet (including staying in Russia) where would you go? Would crypto factor into your decision? + +I realize you might fear for your lives in answering these questions honestly but I am genuinely curious and if you are brave enough to answer honestly you might get a few moons as a tip. +Morning traders, hope you are well and safe + + +**The Greenback** +The US dollar index found support into 100-day SMA near 95.00 on Friday after a stronger-than-expected nonfarm payroll report, however, lost against all major currencies during the week, with USDJPY little changed at 115.18. +The US NFP and month-on-month Average Hourly Earnings came in much better-than-expected at 467k (expected 110k, previous 510k) and 0.7% (expected 0.5%, previous 0.5%), respectively, while Unemployment Rate inched higher by 0.1% to 4.0% (expected 3.9%, previous 3.9%) + + +**OIL-BITCOIN-GOLD** +Gold regained $1,800 on the week, continuing to battle around the 200-day SMA. The prospects of a war between NATO and Russia seem to be overshadowing the imminent rate hikes initiated by the central banks, evident from the maintenance of the $1,800 support after the fourth successive test. +WTI crude hit a fresh 7-year high of 93.52, supported by the supply constraints and the geopolitical tensions over Ukraine. +Bitcoin broke out Nov-Feb negative trend channel to $41,671. + + +**US STOCKS** +US stocks ended the volatile week higher despite the 10-year Treasury yields climbing to the highest since 2019, with the energy sector leading the gains. While European indices closed mixed, the Hang Seng index jumped 3.24% on the first trading day of the Lunar New Year which was last Friday. + + +**MAJOR FOREX** +EURUSD surged 2.7% last week to close at a three-month high of 1.1451 as the ECB was open to changing its policy guidance and raising the rate in 2022. +GBPUSD finished the week nearly 1% higher on BoE’s back-to-back rate hike. +AUDUSD closed the week above 0.70, with the RBA remaining cautious about the inflation outlook and tightening pace. Australia will welcome Tourist again from the 21th of February after two years of absence +NZDUSD rebounded from the 16-month low to 0.6614. +USDCAD was largely unchanged for the week at 1.2761. + + +No major News today +Trade safe, stay safe, look for set up + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/giv4rtxkqdg81.jpg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a909a997e43fe1863e77e3126b791afffaa656cf +Partner has just put 10k in a 2 year fixed isa with barclays at 1.4%. She has 14 days to cancel but that would mean she can't reopen an isa this tax year. + +I think she should cancel and look at other ways to save. Especially with the interest rate rising so quickly she'll be losing money soon right? + +Am I correct to try convince her to cancel? She's on the fence at the moment. + +She's very against risk. If she did cancel, where should she put the money instead? What are the best options for her? +About 7 months ago my car had issues to the point of me constantly being late for my job due to car troubles, the managers decided to terminate me and the event produced a very stressful environment between me and the girlfriend. She decided to call it quits with the relationship a couple months later and it was one of the worst moments of my life. I paid with whatever money I had left over/could get to pay the apartment's cancellation fee and moved back in with my parents. It was an insanely awkward feeling. + +I decided at the same time that I'd start going back to school to finally complete my HS education and get my diploma, I had a rough home-life in my senior year of High School so I never graduated due to stress (my parents were on the brink of losing our home at that time) so it was very difficult to focus on classes back then. I was going to get my GED/Diploma back when I was 20-21 yrs. old but sometimes you meet a girl, happen get a better job, and figure that schooling can wait (big mistake, I know.) + +Obviously I also had to find work but couldn't find anything with a pay matching my last job driving a forklift/shipping at a hospital supplies warehouse ($17/hour) so I just braced myself and got a job working retail about 3 months back (anything to get by). Seeing that first retail paycheck made me feel sick to my stomach. + +So I have been in school in a GED/HS completion program, close to getting my HS diploma (the estimate is that I shall be finished by this coming March) and have been working in retail and living with parents while miserably fighting off the flashbacks of the life I was doing fine in for the last 7 years. This has been the most stressful time that I have ever gone through, financially and mentally. I feel like I have failed in a major way being 28 and living with my parents while receiving a retail income. I feel like I am 19 again, and it's killing me. I'm desperate to have that independent feeling and have my own place but working retail promises no financial stability for living on your own, and seeing other people my age with a great income and their own homes makes me feel like I have fallen in last place in the race of becoming a proper adult. + +I guess I'm just asking for advice from anyone who has gone through the same kind of situation and has bounced back. What steps did you take? After I get complete my GED/HS education, what are some quick college courses I could take that could place me in a job that could promise an income that would let me live on my own? Also how should I be maintaining my money right now? I make about $400-$500 every 2 week paycheck and the only bills I pay for are for phone/car insurance/and food costs. I paid off a hospital bill so I'm now putting money ($200-300) aside from paychecks. Any kind of advice would help, reddit! :] + +(Sorry if this is a bit choppy, I have work in about 30 minutes but I'm getting desperate and was hoping to have something to enlighten me when I go on my lunch break later. If this is the wrong subreddit for my topic please direct me to a more fitting one, I've never really asked for advice from reddit before, thank you!) + + + + + + + +________UPDATE________ - I've been working long hours so I've only been able to read through all the comments during my lunches. You guys are absolutely amazing, I've never felt more supported, I believe that this was what I needed, just some support and advice from a few folks that went through some pain as well, but I had no clue so many would respond, I was shocked to see the numbers grow! I'm also sorry for some of you who are going through worse, I wish the best of luck to you as you wished me. May the sun break through those clouds in your life. + +Thank you all so much, I wish I had the time to respond to you all, but my god....there's so many responses. Just know that I've read almost all of them and will continue to finish when I get time. I also appreciated the tough-truth comments, I really respect that, it's definitely a reality check and I won't forget those words. Some of these posts I will keep with me when things get tough, I'm also jotting down as many of your tips on college,careers,etc. as I can. I can see why a lot of people go on here for advice! I hope that others who go through the same or worse can find wisdom and guidance from you guys and the amazing responses you have gifted this page. I'm sitting in a cold room, alone, yet I feel surrounded by hundreds of good people. Thanks again, friends! + + +**Edit: It has been brought to my attention that sometimes transactions used to cover short sales aren't reported as part of the daily volume. I.e. a company will sell a share short and immediately cover it, but the purchase to cover that short position is not reported. As such, this entire post is not necessarily accurate or relevant. Since the overall volume is not accurate and comprehensive, conclusions cannot be drawn from this data. Please disregard the title. I will leave this post up in the hope that it spurs more discussion. Share your ideas and your research if you're so inclined. Leaving this here to educate others like me who mistakenly believe that short volume can somehow be used to estimate short interest.** + +I've been hearing some concern over some of the counter-DD that has been posted lately, and wanted to do a little research to put to rest any fears that the conditions are still ripe for a squeeze, without considering retail investor ownership or institutional ownership. I'm not a financial advisor and I barely passed college algebra, so please don't misconstrue any of this information for investment advice. You know the drill! + +We keep seeing these lowball numbers for short interest. Right now, I think the number is hovering around 20% (which, mind you, is extremely high and sufficient for a squeeze). I know other apes have gone back and tried to use the short volume to calculate short interest. "But, mongoosifer, you can't use short volume to calculate short interest! Those terms aren't interchangeable!" And of course, you would be right in saying so. However, I decided to borrow a very logical point from an ape who probably has more wrinkles than me (if anyone remembers this post, please let me know the user so I can give credit where credit is due) and apply it to my DD. The premise is that, when daily short volume/long volume ratio exceeds 50%, it is not possible to cover the short positions opened that day, much less already existing short positions. If this premise is not accurate, please reach out and let me know and I can revise my numbers. + +An example I saw that put things into perspective for me was as follows: there are 100 bananas. In the morning, you short 50 bananas, but buy fifty back at the end of the day. The short volume is 50%, but the change in short interest is zero. Logically, if you short 51 bananas but the total daily volume is 100 bananas traded, you must have at least one banana still short. + +Knowing this, I got my nifty little excel sheet opened and manually entered the short volume, long volume, total volume, and short ratio for every single trading day since 1/13, when we knew the short interest was AROUND 140%. The results probably won't surprise the grizzled veterans around here, but for anyone fearing that the shorts may have covered, or espousing other FUD, hang on to your shorts (see what I did there?). + +The conclusion that I drew is, under the absolute worst case scenario in which hedge funds who were short GME accounted for ALL of the GME long volume on every day for the last three months (impossible, because that would mean us apes haven't bought any, and lord knows I've bought some), an absolute minimum of an additional 10,000,000 shares, or around 20% of the float has been shorted in excess of the already 70 million shares shorted at the start of January. If retail traders account for even a fraction of the long volume, and come on, we do, then the short interest is likely even higher, potentially much, much higher, than what I am reporting. + +This is my first real foray into legitimate, numbers-based DD. Numbers have not been cross-referenced with other sources, and the method was far from scientific. Please hit me up with any feedback. + +[In the far right column, red boxes indicate days on which the short volume ratio exceeded 50&#37;, meaning short interest grew and old short positions could not be covered. In case you were wondering, around 68&#37; of all trading days since January fall under this category. In the \\"Net Shares Short\\" column, negative numbers and red days are days in which long volume exceeded short volume. If on those days hedge funds purchased every single long share, they could cover that number of already existing short positions. That the net short positions are 10,000,000 shares more than all long positions in the last three months means the moon might just be a blip on our radars as we scream past it. ](https://preview.redd.it/250u717xiys61.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bf6a894ee0a859e9c80d7ae09994ea0e8ed6302) +New username for this one.. +Well, I'm doing it. For better or worse. I'm all in. + +I just refi-ed my house, and putting my equity in BTC. I'm sure many of you will tell me that I'm nuts. Maybe you are right, but I think the math is pretty solid. + +I don't day trade. I buy and hold. Don't need a lambo and I don't expect to get rich overnight. Yes, I did my research. Yes, I diversified my investments. If this fails, it'll hurt but I won't be homeless. I'll just retire a little later. + +If it succeeds? Let's define success. I have lived in the same house for 20+ years. I bought a repo in a nice neighborhood for cheap and put a lot of sweat into it over the years, repairing and remodeling. I built of equity and worked hard to pay down the loan. In planning for retirement in a few years, I was reviewing my finances, and figured that the biggest investment in my life (my house) had a large amount of money just sitting there, as equity, not helping me get any closer to retirement. With mortgage interest rates near record lows and being one of the few tax deductions that I have, I thought, why not take advantage of this. + +A couple of years ago, I started dabbling in BTC and ETH. Through it's ups and downs, BTC has been the best performing investment that I have ever had. I'm not high on hopium. I just understand how Bitcoin solves the problem of low friction, cross-border financial transactions, big and small. I think there's some "there" there. + +So, I'm literally putting my money where my mouth is. If, BTC teaches $33k, my house is paid off. Success! If it reaches $115k, I'm retired. Success! But, if it only has a 4% annual return, it is still more than than it was earning before. Success. + +My horizon is 12 years. Will I reach my goal before then? I absolutely think so. With a halving in 2020 and 2024, I suspect I'll hit those numbers way sooner. If not, I'll have lots of stories to tell. + +I'm not suggesting that anyone follow my lead. You do you. But, this is the path I've chosen. + +I'm grateful for my wife, who has patiently listened to me ramble about hashing, halving and hodling. She finally, graciously, agreed to this plan. I hope that her trust is well placed. + +Not much more to say. My adventure begins now. I'll keep you all updated as we progress. I'm grateful for this current dip. + +Happy hodling! +With a nice boost from the S&P 500 today, I crossed the 50k mark in net worth. Don't feel comfortable sharing this with any friends/my girlfriend for obvious reasons, but I needed to get it off my chest. What I'm most proud of is the fact that I earned 90% of this money myself (the other 10% coming from saving birthday, Christmas, etc. gifts over 20 years). + +I have a loooong way to go. I still have to focus on graduating college and finding a good job in the next couple years. But days like today remind me that it'll all be worth it in the long run! +Ok so, I’m planning to stake stablecoins on [Kraken](https://www.kraken.com/features/staking-coins), [Aqru](https://aqru.io/) and [Zunami ](https://www.zunami.io/)but I’ve been seeing a lot of FUD about USDC failing sooner or later. But, Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire responded to the USDC's concerns by providing links to multiple reports that explain how the company addresses the issues raised. According to one blog post about USDC's stability, transparency, and trust, the stablecoin is still backed by the USD and its equivalent value assets. They include cash and government obligations with short maturities (U.S. treasuries). +According to Circle's report, its total reserves are $55.7 billion, divided into two parts: $42.122 billion in Treasury bonds and $13.5 billion in cash invested in US-regulated financial institutions because ever since Terra’s downfall people have requested other stables to be more transparent and of course put stables on the edge. So, Isn’t this enough proof that USDC is proving itself that what happened to Terra won’t happen to them? +I have a lot more to say about USDC, but that will have to wait for another post. Tether, on the other hand, has received a lot of attention as a result of its de-peg following the Terra crash. The demise of the TerraUSD (UST) stablecoin has heightened interest in other tokens. Tether maintains a 43 percent market share as the leading stablecoin. Its supply has fallen by 19% since its all-time high of 83 billion USDT in early May. According to the firm's transparency report, there are currently 67 billion USDT in circulation. Tether has been embroiled in legal and financial wrangling for much of its brief existence. +There have been lawsuits over alleged market manipulation, charges by the New York State attorney general that Tether lied about its reserves, costing the firm $18.5 million in fines in 2021, and this year, questions raised by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen about USDT's ability to maintain its peg to the US dollar. So that’s why many people are saying that USDC is better than USDT despite USDT being more popular or well known. I also have a feeling that these recent events are why stablecoin staking is frowned upon. +if Circle or Coinbase fails, it is impossible to be certain that USDC will keep its value. +A lot of people claim Coinbase is in trouble amid rumors of a crisis. Coinbase’s Developer even cleared that they don’t have a liquidity crisis and the Co-founder said that it was just adjusting. Well because a lot of people are scared. Recent FUD is understandable. Who would want their money to go all down the drain? A lot of people even though that USDC was de-listed and won’t be available on Coinbase anymore. + +Lastly, Do you agree that if USDT fails, every other stablecoin will fail as well? Do you think Stablecoins will fail? + + +I don't think they'll go down anytime soon, but we'll see in 5 to 6 years. I just want to know your opinion and thoughts about this. +They have a 6-person team, why the fuck do they need $50m? + +$50m is enough for hiring **100** top-paid professionals, for **5 years**. Given that ETH value is expected to rise, as well as the value of their own token (assuming they do a decent job), of which they keep plenty, that's even an underestimate. + +**Stop dumping your ETH.** +What if I told you come Monday you couldn't buy anymore shares of GME? The reality is... you most likely can't. The available float of 56.41 million shares has all been bought. The DDs on this have pretty much confirmed it. So then what exactly are any of us buying then? I like to think of it as evidence tokens. It is physical evidence that naked short selling exists. + +Like many have pointed out the price is fake. I would even say the volume is fake to a big degree. The longer SHFs play this game the more dangerous it becomes for them. Synthetic shares are being used to drive the price down. But everyday this means apes can collect these synthetic shares so SHFs have to come up with more and more synthetic shares. By hodling more and more shares that do not exist in the float they now become evidence tokens that the game is rigged at the highest levels. It also adds exponentially to potential losses as well. Imagine if each day apes and retail bought 50,000 - 100,000 shares and added it to the permanent hodl pool. Over the course of weeks and months this would be millions of more debt obligations with no ceiling. Hodling is the one thing that is real. It will force their hand and the longer this drags on the more evidence tokens we collect. Time is on our side. It's allowed me to keep buying and finding more money to put in. I watch the time and sales details. There are so many single stock purchases. I think of apes and diamond hands everytime I see one. The company is being bought up share by share, brick by brick. + +How is this all going to play out? Simple, I don't know and neither does anyone else. We are living through history and I want to make sure my shares are stashed away for all of it. The rest is FUD or me trying to convince myself I can somehow time this all, I can't. The value of the shares is in the possession of them. + +I think that is the biggest problem here. If they can take our shares from us then this is not a market. As a US stock holder you can hold onto your stocks forever if you like. You can sell them tomorrow. You can lend them out. You are free to do whatever you want. But during the enfolding of all of this if they take our shares, make us sell or try and price control a share of a public company with earnings, they will in turn destroy the trust and legitimacy of the US stock market. Hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars are on the table depending on how this plays out. + +The answer is hodl. Always has been. + +Not financial advice. +The past few weeks should be all the evidence you need that fiat is on its way out and crypto is the future. + +The ruble is in shambles. + +People are having their assets frozen. + +People are being prevented from sending and accepting money for business. + +People are finally waking up to see fiat is a joke, magic paper that can be stolen and lose all its value in a short amount of time, guaranteed to lose all its value over a long period of time. +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-12/doj-short-selling-probe-eyes-bets-on-amazon-microsoft-jpmorgan?leadSource=uverify%20wall](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-12/doj-short-selling-probe-eyes-bets-on-amazon-microsoft-jpmorgan?leadSource=uverify%20wall) + +&#x200B; + +From article: + +# DOJ Short-Selling Probe Eyes Bets on Amazon, Microsoft and JPMorgan + +* US has been looking at how bearish firm attack smaller stocks +* Prosecutors recently sent subpoenas on trading in blue chips + + By + +[Matt Robinson](https://www.bloomberg.com/authors/AQTzbC4aiCY/matt-robinson) and + +[Tom Schoenberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/authors/AQNBzfFdsT0/tom-schoenberg) + +September 12, 2022 at 7:36 AM MST + +Federal investigators searching for collusion among short sellers have posed a surprising question in recent months: Tell us about your trading in companies like [Amazon.com Inc.](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/0855443D:US), [Microsoft Corp.](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/MSFT:US) and [JPMorgan Chase & Co.](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/JPM:US) + +US prosecutors have sent subpoenas that ask about transactions in a variety of blue-chip stocks to some of the same short sellers who previously responded to inquiries about a long list of lesser-known companies, according to people familiar with the matter. Those prior demands were part of a look at how bearish investors gather and publish research about companies with the aim of profiting when stocks drop.  + + The demands make clear that authorities are continuing to amass vast tracts of data. In earlier requests that [emerged publicly](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-10/hedge-funds-ensnared-in-expansive-doj-probe-into-short-selling) in December, investigators gathered information on dozens of investment firms and researchers, as well as transactions involving more than 50 stocks. People with knowledge of those inquiries have said authorities are looking for evidence activist firms sought to exacerbate stock drops or otherwise manipulate markets, potentially through a variety of strategies. + +But activist short sellers don’t typically target the world’s most valuable companies -- which makes the latest requests all the more puzzling. + +Giants like retailer Amazon, software powerhouse Microsoft and JPMorgan, the largest US bank, are closely scrutinized. Their share prices are anchored by legions of index-tracking funds that have to own them, as well as institutional buyers such as pensions with long investment horizons. This leaves little room for short sellers proffering bearish forecasts to move stock prices more than, say, the underlying economy does. + +Smaller companies, on the other hand, don’t attract as much attention from market professionals or index funds and are thinly traded, leaving them vulnerable when short sellers present evidence of malfeasance that scares off individual investors. + +The look at megacap securities suggests investigators found something among the reams of data culled from the first round of subpoenas issued to individuals and firms last year, said James Cox, a professor at Duke University School of Law. + +“It doesn’t surprise me that they’ve come back with another round of subpoenas,” Cox said. “There’s a learning curve for the government when it comes to market-manipulation cases.” + +Spokespeople for the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission, which is running a parallel investigation, declined to comment. Representatives for Amazon, Microsoft and JPMorgan also had no comment. + +Since subpoenas went out a few months ago, word has percolated through the gossipy world of short sellers, and so too has conjecture about what theories the feds might be exploring on the hunt for illegal collusion. Of note, the latest subpoenas were issued under prosecutors who took over after colleagues left the department for private practice. + +While it’s unclear what kind of trading patterns investigators may be zeroing in on, potentially abusive short-selling practices can include spoofing, in which traders rapidly submit and cancel orders to mislead the market, and matched trading, which usually involves a few parties working together, arranging trades designed to set prices or inflate volume and create the appearance of interest in a stock. + +“It certainly suggests that they’re still working and that they’re following the path that the documents and the information from witness statements may be providing to them,” said Ken Joseph, a former SEC enforcement official who’s now a managing director at Kroll LLC. + +The subpoenas aren’t the only movement in the case. The SEC is on the hunt for possible cooperators. The regulator recently sought assistance from a researcher regarding several short-selling and research firms under scrutiny, according to two people who asked not to be named in order to protect the confidentiality of that query. The SEC didn’t respond to messages seeking comment. + +As Bloomberg previously reported, the Federal Bureau of Investigation seized computers from the home of prominent short seller Andrew Left, the founder of Citron Research, in early 2021. In October, Carson Block of Muddy Waters and two of his associates had their phones taken while also receiving a subpoena and search warrant. Around that time, the Justice Department subpoenaed other market participants seeking communications, calendars and other records relating to almost 30 investment and research firms, as well as three dozen individuals associated with them.  + +No one has been accused of wrongdoing. The opening of an investigation doesn’t necessarily mean that any claims will be brought. + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: + +Hedgies r fukd. Buy, HODL, DRS. +British pound at lowest level vs. USD since 1985 according to the BBC. Fell as much as 6.5% vs. EUR; Bank of London may have to shore up the free fall trajectory of the currency. + +Nikkei Closed down 7.9%, Hang Seng down 4.3%. London futures off ~ 8%. Dow is expected to fall/gap down at least 650 at open. Mortgage the house, mortgage the car, mortgage the dog, the wife and the kids and go all in short! + +Holy Cow, there are gaps/cliffs On EURGBP and GBPUSD, what a shitshow. ETA 15 minutes until London open, when the real party starts. This may chain react across markets, with the NYSE and London dropping sharply. Black Friday indeed. Also, the Shanghai might "correct" (*cough*implode*cough*) some more considering it is based on rotten promises and empty dreams. + +Remember everyone, *this isn't over*. Next, there will be discussions on **how** they will leave, and each of those meetings will be either a boulder in the pool or a fart in church to the markets, shaking things up. Another thing to add to your calendars. + +Alright traders, have at it, what are your thoughts? +The most anticipated event in Ethereum's 7-year existence, according to the project's co-founder and a few of core ETH developers, might happen in the next months. This should happen before the network is slowed by the "difficulty bomb." + +Preston Van Loon, an ETH core engineer, said at a discussion at the Permissionless conference that The Merge might happen in August: +"As far as we know, August – it just makes sense if everything goes according to plan." Let's do it as fast as we can if we don't have to move (the difficulty bomb)." + +The difficulty bomb is a built-in feature of Ethereum's programming that will eventually slow the network down. It was included by the development team for two reasons: to motivate developers to strive for the proof of stake transition and to make it more difficult for miners to stay on the proof of work chain after the event. +Although the difficulty bomb has been postponed in the past to ensure that the network functions properly, the team hopes to avoid another delay this time and finish The Merge before the blockchain slows down. +Another developer, Tim Beiko, already stated that The Merge will not take place in June as planned, but rather a few months later. +The Ropsten public testnet was announced to complete The Merge in early June, marking a major milestone on the Ethereum blockchain's path to PoS. + +I think that everyone would agree that the proposed upgrade of the Ethereum network is much needed as the upgrade would potentially solve the platform's scalability issue, reduce the energy required to run the network and also reducing the cost of operating the network. Also the switch to a Proofs-of-stake consensus would see the platform reward for participating in the running network get a 90% which reduces supply and increases demand which could cause a significant surge in the price of ETH. + +I think considering the blockchain ecosystem which is growing exponentially and with an increase in innovative projects catering to diverse needs and proffering diverse solutions in the ecosystem that could revolutionize how business, the Internet, entertainment and even society in general operates such as Luckyblock which is a digital asset project that decentralizies the lottery process via blockchain technology,Tea an open-source software platform revolutionizing open‐source by leveraging blockchain and web3. Tea is developing a first-of-its-kind decentralized system for fairly remunerating open-source developers based on their contributions to the entire ecosystem, Decentraland an online world that allows users to create their own avatars and purchase plots of virtual land, Silks a blockchain-based metaverse that enables users to own, trade, and profit from thoroughbred racing horses. +Blockchain technology is on par to becoming mainstem and would potentially change how business and society in general operates. +This makes upgrade of the Ethereum network a very welcome initiative as blockchain becomes mainstream the network would be able to handle the flood of transactions that comes with mainstream adoption of blockchain technology. +If the Ethereum network becomes scalable and gas fees are relatively low with the network and projects running of the blockchain operating effectively. +I don't think that anyone other network would be able take away Ethereum's dominance and with Ethereum's continued dominance the price of ETH gain exponential value overtime. + +News source: https://cryptopotato.com/vitalik-buterin-confirms-ethereums-merge-could-happen-in-august/ +Quoting Bloomberg. + +>Zuckerberg appeared red-eyed and wore glasses, the person said. Employees were told he might tear up because he'd scratched his eye. + +Sounds like losing 21 Billion in net worth over night will cause “eye scratching” + +Personally, I am actually long FB with 10 shares but I'd happily set that go to zero if it means Facebook goes down. Nothing excites more schadenfreude in me than Zuck losing billions. + +Anyways the metaverse is a stupid fucking idea. No one wants to wear goggles and completely immerse themselves in FB's dumb virtual world. +One thing I've noticed is that most posts are from people claiming to have bought a very low number of shares. It seems to me like this could be a tactic to fool people into thinking the average Ape tends to buy a *very* low number of shares. This is a completely different experience to everything I have seen on this sub up to now, including other new Apes discovering the subs over previous months. I have also noticed a lot of the posts have been written as if to make us look bad, such as people buying in when drunk, or people hoping they don't regret buying their shares. A majority of the posters also seem to feel the need to explain that they have *absolutely no knowledge of trading or finance* - again making us look bad in the eyes of certain types of people. The whole thing seems sus and should be taken with a pinch of salt. + +On a positive note - if the sub is being flooded with fake posts it may also be so as to fabricate an explanation for an upcoming price surge that the hedgies know about. + +2DaMewn +We're buying a house in a month or so and everything is in order...but her score is at a plateau at the moment. + +Adding her to one of my $0 balance cards would not negatively affect it, right? +Hello everybody i'm searching for a database where i can see if a stock pay dividend once or twice per year. + +I know that european stocks are doing like this, im european, but in US? somebody has a list? Or can tell me where i can find this kind of list? Or suggestion of good single stock that pay once per year? Thank you! + +UPDATE everybody is asking me "why?" So actually because i'm an european investor i have quite of stocks that pay only once per year. I would like to have much more similar payout month after month so i need to find some nice stock that cover my weak month (october,november, and dicember). Looking in US because i like much more US company then UE especially for caring of dividens. And actually i would like to have also a month that pay much more then the other so i can cashout this "much more"(example:100 euro each month and in march 400, so i can spend 300. because its nice to reinvest but it also nice to use it). I know that is not by book, but this is what I'm searching +SCHD - 30% +QYLD - 15% +MAIN - 10% +CSWC - 10% +MSFT - 10% +NUSI - 12.5% +JEPI - 12.5% + +Looking for advice on what to remove, if something else should be added, allocation percentage, etc! +Good afternoon r/dividends, + +In the month or so since I took over active moderation of this subreddit, a lot of things have changed. I've made posts before about the changes I have made. However, the subreddit as grown by about 7,000 new users in the last month since I took over (it was \~34,400 when I became a moderator). + +With all these new members means the potential for new ideas to help the subreddit grow and prosper. Whether you want to join the mod team, or suggest a feature or change, I am creating this post to ask what should be done differently (if anything). Pretty simple really. + +I intend to read everything posted in the comments of this thread. + +Thank you for your participation in r/dividends. +Good Morning Apes! + +I wanted to clear up some misconceptions about FTDs and put walls that I saw floating around yesterday many of you had the same question and I thought it would be best to clear it up all at once. + +When MMs are creating synthetics to hedge during the market making process these synthetics can be long or short. There seems to be a presumption that all FTDs are short sales. A metric that I have used in the past which has aided in determining if we will see majority long v. short FTDs is short sale volume. If short volume is near or at 50% the FTDs tend to be fairly balanced, if however we have excessive short volume that day then we tend to see buy pressure on the FTD due date. + +[Nov 22 short volume](https://preview.redd.it/npsu6parkh881.png?width=186&format=png&auto=webp&s=776a43cf2ecc5da1e0aff98b211d87371b7a6f86) + +As you can see with net long volume FTDs coming from this day are likely to be as long as they are short. To clear the long FTDs they need to create a matching short sale and vice versa for short FTDs. In order to net these through CNS. So while we see volatility it does not guarantee price improvement. If our gross short volume is higher then we see more buy pressure. This is the reason on some of these FTD due dates there is lots of price action but the open and close are relatively flat/even. + +*\*ETF FTDs are a bit different as they are creation and thus 100% of the created shares are due back to the ETF, this creates strong buy pressure.* + +As far as **put walls** go, many were concerned that there is no risk to creating these and they can infinitely suppress the price. These are fairly ineffective if they have to buy large quantities of shares or have a large number short FTDs. But they can use the MM to stabilize the price action while they cover when long & short FTDs are relatively even. These are mostly necessary for them due to GME's extreme illiquidity and volatility. + +[By using borrowed shorts and the MMs delta hedge they need far fewer borrowed shares to turn the price around if it gets out of control. ](https://preview.redd.it/9ffz16j0nh881.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1136c9c042ac4619034ffef7e74caf9c3dcb0a7) + +If buy pressure is too great or institutional options interest shifts long they risk losing all the money placed into these puts. It's an expensive tactic that generates even more FTDs (can kicking), and presents a significant amount of risk. But absolutely necessary for them to do to maintain stability in the underlying. The advantage they have here is low retail buy pressure and lack of institutional long interest. Also, this only works if the volume of FTDs is relatively even (long/short). + +&#x200B; + +**You are welcome to check my profile for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream.** + +&#x200B; + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Actually saw a small amount of price improvement of today's FTDs, and some of those puts at 150 get sold off. Closing above max pain which is at 152.50 is bullish going into tomorrow where the net short FTDs are slightly more significant. Thank you all for tuning in, see you tomorrow. + +\- gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/fl0kqy7qqj881.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b86c592edda045b36a73d31cd6cff1cd84517da + +Edit 3 1:20 + +GameStop making some low volume moves and pushing up through that 150 put wall. The 160 wall remains in place but this may force some more paperhanging of the lower strike puts. + +https://preview.redd.it/h0rxtrzgxi881.png?width=1607&format=png&auto=webp&s=e621ed76def110af44528ec1ae6e072fd3675b60 + +Edit 2 11:18 + +GME Coming back up a little crossing above 145 volume is still insignificant for a larger move. + +https://preview.redd.it/4ergrgz5ci881.png?width=1609&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff9407f73975d85cfb2709a2b7d9807ba2e59cd7 + +Edit 1 10:41 + +Dropped down a bit to 143, volume is ridiculously low this morning at 485k so far, about 50k shares borrowed likely responsible for the dip. Fairly flat now as they churn FTDs on low volume below the 150 puts. + +https://preview.redd.it/3nvgwff95i881.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=cab4a5c1d024a33434c164c1a73dbedf6d22cd48 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +We will continue to see choppy price action with FTDs no flowing in daily from MM activities T-2-35c days ago, todays corresponding FTD date is Nov. 23. + +[net long](https://preview.redd.it/93moh8hmoh881.png?width=177&format=png&auto=webp&s=2eecf20adf06f7aa8869387dfb0d836fa6ae3df7) + +So probably mostly flat again, we should see those put walls disappear as soon as the FTDs begin to shift net short in the coming days. + +This morning's volume is 8.38k and we are up +0.71% + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR - 100,000 @ 0.9% + +Fidelity - 517,647 @ 0.75% + +https://preview.redd.it/skhe4faaph881.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee20788f8189877b41eb2212a53081274ff3ef2e + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +There a lot of talk about Reddit severely restricting or eliminating NSFW content after they IPO to satisfy skittish investors and the religious right. We all know what happened after once mighty Tumblr banned adult content - their user base evaporated by almost 50% practically overnight and they are no longer a household name. Even bringing back limited amounts of adult content didn’t help them. + +If Reddit pulls the same stunt, how long so you think that it will take their stock to tumble and what way would be the best way to capitalize on it? + +Reddit was invented by young libertarian types but has slowly acquiesced to demands of the government and special interest groups. There is a long line of failed social media sires before Reddit came on the scene and Reddit’s technology could be easily replicated. + +I only see corporate board types and shareholders destroying the formula that makes Reddit special. + +Thoughts? +If you fell for quad witching and then fell for todays unemployment numbers, welcome to the subreddit you'll fit right in! + +&#x200B; + +Anyways, as in title Fed is releasing balance sheet at 4:30 today. What are the odds market tanks double digit %'s after hours if Fed balance sheet shows exactly how badly they've been propping up the market? This is of course a double edged sword, because JPOW isn't an idiot and may have been using other methods to prop the method up that aren't obviously apparent on a balance sheet. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Just some food for thought. + +Number of Ethereum wallets are going parabolic, yesterday over 100k new addresses were created. Ethereum transactions per day are in the 500k ballpark. Metcalfs Law says the value of a network is n squared, where n = number of users. If you take BTC which averages 330k tx/day and apply the formula you get a total network value of $109B. + +Bitcoins current market cap is $113B. So if this is a lagging indicator, ETHs value should be in the range of $250B or $2631/ETH. + +Because # of transactions by itself could be manipulated, this should only be part of a valuation model. + +So the next Ethereum bull run, when people start asking why the price is skyrocketing, it'll most likely be an upwards correction based on adoption, network effects, & herd mentality. Don't chase pumps, do your own research and due diligence. Put your money into undervalued assets and sell when they become over valued. + +Bitcoin addresses +https://blockchain.info/charts/n-unique-addresses + +Bitcoin transactions per day +https://blockchain.info/charts/n-transactions + +Ethereum addresses +https://etherscan.io/chart/address + +Ethereum transactions per day +https://etherscan.io/chart/tx +No, this isn't like Indecent Proposal, the movie. + +I grew up on a ranch which has been in the family for 100 years. For my mother, aged 72 and me, aged 49, it has also been our place of work. My only other sibling is 46 and lives off the ranch. + +We have an opportunity to sell about 80 percent of the place, keeping about 1200 acres around the homestead. To avoid the large capital gains we are looking into a 1031 exchange for a NNN property, yielding over 6-7 percent. (Think national chain leases, like Walgreens). + +This would beat the current grass income yield by 3 times. Plus, no worries about drought or cattle market fluctuations, which are substantial every 6 to 8 years. + +The other wrinkle is that there is an opportunity here that may not be around in another few years. Ag producers are highly liquid due to recent commodity prices, but that tide could change, dragging land prices with it. + +This would be a huge change for all of us. We've already done a 1031 exchange with the farmland (which was a distant landlord thing for us....not very emotional). Selling the home place, in addition to the previous tranaction would provide a comfortable passive income stream for all 3 of us. At mom's passing my brother and I would split around $40,000/month. + +I've never done anything else, career-wise. I do have some rentals which I would easily be able to pay off. That would add about $4000/month to my income. + +Any advice about separating emotion from the equation would be helpful. + +TLDR; Sell ranch and retire, or keep going and live with the risks. +Happy weekend all. + +I’m looking to buy my first home with my partner currently. Have a combined $180k in savings. Due to my field of work, Westpac has offered us 95% LVR with no LMI. Looking to buy something around 850k. Mortgage broker recommends that we put down the minimal deposit (~$42.5k) and keep the rest in an offset account. Is there any downside to doing this? Obviously has the benefit of keeping more liquid and more deductible interest in the future if it converts to an IP (can transfer offset to new PPOR). + +Monthly repayments will be higher (?) If there is technically a larger loan but we won’t be paying interest on the offset amount. + +If we were to take a max loan, why wouldn’t we just keep an emergency fund in an offset and chuck the rest in VDHG or the like? A fixed interest of 1.79% doesn’t seem worthwhile offsetting. + +Thank you +**TLDR at the bottom.** + +I started investing in Ethereum early this year, and the more I understood ETH, the more of a no-brainer it was as an investment. I'll be breaking down ETH for the newcomers, and also for the people already in crypto that hasn't had much opportunity to look into Ethereum, to show you how ETH has the potential to surpass BTC, because of its endless utility. Please be advised, this is just based on what I have learned so far since I started dabbling in the crypto space, if there are any inaccuracies, please feel free to point them out. + +**Disclaimer: We are in the middle of a bull market right now, prices may fluctuate so always do your own research before buying. This is not investment advice, merely an explanation of what Ethereum is, and why I decided to invest in it.** + +# Utility as a Commodity + +On the Ethereum platform, Ether (ETH) is the native token used — meaning ETH is used to process any transaction and changes on the Ethereum blockchain. To power applications and transactions, users and developers use ETH as “gas”, also known as the fee, in order to “fuel” the applications that run on Ethereum. Miners that validate transactions are rewarded through earning the "gas" fees. + +Gas prices for transactions vary depending on the difficulty of computation. The more complex the transaction, the more expensive it’ll be. For example, sending ETH from one wallet to another is not as much compared to doing a loan on DEX liquidity pools to take advantage of an arbitrage gain. **Since ETH is the network's gas, it has utility rather than just being a pure store of value like Bitcoin.** + +As the Ethereum network expands and more developers come into the ecosystem, ETH's demand will increase. The Ethereum network is also constantly breaking ATHs in terms of network traffic and transactions, another sign that utility and demand increase relative to time. Think of it like ETH being oil in the real world. Society needs machinery and vehicles to function, oil powers it, thus, more and more people would want oil in a society where oil is heavily demanded. + +[ Breaking ATHs in daily transactions ](https://preview.redd.it/rbytmy5l5kv61.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=215ac20747b40f4127ec939bc82aaadd5ea207fc) + +[ Breaking ATHs in gas used daily ](https://preview.redd.it/n1b16dpn5kv61.png?width=2486&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4dcab0d305aa4bc658a134442d01b653f93bb17) + +# Utility in Applications + +Other than functioning as the network's gas, ETH has a lot of purpose in decentralized finance applications (‘dapps’ or ‘DeFi apps’ for short). An example of this is Maker. Maker allows users to use ETH as collateral, allowing you to generate a stablecoin, pegged to the US dollar, called DAI. Other dapps like AAVE or COMP allow users to use DAI or ETH as collateral to take out loans. Users can then put their loans into a "savings account", earning a nice APY %. If I were to dive into the Defi use cases of ETH, this post will be super long, so I will keep this part short. + +ETH, in short, can be considered a **yield-barring asset**, allowing users to explore a whole new financial world, and gain access to more capital in the decentralized finance world. As of today, over $50 billion is locked in DeFi apps, and this amount is also rising. Developers are also flocking to the network, finding new ways to innovate using the network. This already gives ETH so much upside. **Unlike a lot of current cryptocurrencies out there, where users are simply holding, buying, and selling them, you can use ETH and in very very real ways with tangible benefits.** + +[ Total value locked is increasing, relative to time ](https://preview.redd.it/bkrl3llq5kv61.png?width=1180&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1c650a20255c3f9d1258cffbd8d2110b1239bb8) + +# Utility as a Base Pair + +Back in 2017, a large reason for Bitcoin's boom was because it was the only base pair with other altcoins. This meant that people looking to buy altcoins had to first buy Bitcoin, and then swap it with the altcoins they were buying. + +Looking into the DeFi space, we currently have Decentralized Exchanges (DEX for short), like Uniswap and Sushiswap, that use ETH as the main trading pair for ERC20 tokens/altcoins. This means that anyone who wants to purchase new coins and fund projects that are not yet out on centralized exchanges like Coinbase or Binance has to own some ETH before they are able to swap. This gives ETH utility as a base pair and is the "big boss" of the DeFi ecosystem. + +# Utility as a Store of Value + +Ultimately, like any other cryptocurrency, and with the increased exposure cryptocurrencies, in general, are getting, ETH will continue to see a gradual increase in its price. There are upcoming projects to improve ETH, like reducing the gas fees on the network. + +People would see Ether as an attractive store-of-value investment in order to capitalize on the potential growth of the Ethereum platform. + +Over the past weeks, in the midst of this bull run, we’ve seen ETH ETFs raise [hundreds of millions of dollars of capital](https://decrypt.co/68802/ethereum-etfs-trading-volume-million) — with big institutions and investment firms getting involved. Like Bitcoin, institutional investors and retail investors will want to get involved with an asset that can act as a hedge towards fiat. Long-term investors can also stake their ETH, generating more ETH over time. Pair that with the gradual increase in the price of ETH, the passive income one can generate through ETH is a lot more than with traditional fiat currency. + +# Conclusion + +To conclude, Ethereum is an asset like no other. **It is money, a commodity, and a yield-bearing asset all in one.** Owning ETH is like owning programmable money, and quite frankly, that is why I invested in ETH. I'm not in it for a quick buck, I just see it as a whole different type of digital asset that I will be involved with over the next decade or two. + +**TLDR: Wanted to create a post that newcomers can read and understand more about ETH. ETH has incredible utility as a currency, commodity, base pair, and a store of value.** +I see people saying this on here and larger investors in my area with 7 figure incomes say they don't pay taxes. How does that work assuming they are actually making a profit? I understand deprecation is a big write off but that wouldn't be enough to have $0 income, would it? + +If you can actually pay $0 in taxes, wouldn't net take home be far more than a SWR from equities that get taxed? +https://www.livemint.com/Money/pXYezxo5piGz9IEcWdJjpL/Only-3-stocks-responsible-for-over-50-of-the-rise-in-Nifty.html + +> If we look at the Nifty’s market capitalization (market cap) as on 20 July, it has increased by Rs 827,836 crore from this year’s low of Rs 7,128,244 crore that it touched on 23 March 2018. + +> During the same span, the market cap of the top three stocks, i.e Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, Reliance Industries Ltd and HDFC Bank Ltd, put together increased by Rs 466,263 crore. + +> **This means that only three stocks are responsible for more than 50% of the rise in Nifty’s market cap. What’s more, the next seven stocks taken together have contributed around 40% to the up move.** + +If your stock portfolio doesn't have any of these 3 and the few that follow the returns won't match Nifty. But just the power of these large caps is something to behold. +Ask your investing related queries here! + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +Alternatively, you could [join our Discord](https://indiainvestments.wiki/discord) and seek answers to your queries + +If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: + +- [which bank or brokerage to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which fund house is more capable and trustworthy](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which investing platform to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), +- [which insurance company is reliable](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) + +Generally speaking, there is no best stock, or fund, or bank, or brokerage, or investment platform. + +Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but use those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product, fund, or service. + +You can then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is _I got 10k INR, what do I do to get most returns out of it?_, or anything similar; there is no single answer to this question. But we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to provide some sort of answer: + +- How old are you? +- Are you employed/making income? +- How much? What are your objectives with this money? +- Do you have any loan, or big expense coming up? +- What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know it's 100% safe?) +- What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Have you invested in equity before?) +- Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Partner pushing you to spend more? +- What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +- Any big debts? +- Any other relevant financial information about you, that will be useful to give you an informed response. + +Beware that these answers are just opinions of fellow Redditors and should only be used as a starting point for your research. This is **NOT** financial advice, in legal sense of the term. + +You should strongly consider consulting a registered fee-only financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Ideally, such advisors should be registered with SEBI, and have a registration number. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=advice%20thread%20personal%20situation&restrict_sr=1). +I recently read that Paytm is moving its MF to BSE and to continue investing in I have to create a Demat account . [Source](https://www.financialexpress.com/market/paytm-to-stop-selling-mutual-funds-directly-move-investors-to-broking-heres-what-happens-to-your-purchases/2584815/) + +I am a NOOB when it comes to financial services and investments so I went with PayTM money and recommended my girl friend to do the same. Since she is working in a banking company she is not allowed to open a DEMAT account now what will happen to the existing investments ? +I clearly understand that we cannot continue investing without an DEMAT account , But can we still track and withdraw the existing funds ? + +Is it possible to transfer it to other platforms like Kuvera ? Can we still manage the funds from AMC ? What can be done about the ELSS funds which have a 3 year lock-in period? +I originally posted this as a reply, Then I figured to make a post out of it, I'm not sure if it's in violation of guidelines, If it is so, please take it down.. + +So to the point, this post is just an illustration comparing outright purchases vs interest free credit purchases and deferring the difference to some small low risk investment, when you the money to do either. + +A lot of companies offer No cost EMI's, they are touted as products hoping to change consumer buying habits, to exhibit how easy EMI's are, now you don't have to settle for anything else other than your "dream" and everybody is 'special'. Basically it is just conditioning for people who are very debt averse, trying to teach them that not all debt is bad, and hopefully get them into the buy impulsively crowd. Basically take the discipline out of financial disciplines + +All that aside, interest free credit should always be pounced upon. If I've made any mistakes or wrong assumptions please do point them out, because I think all of this to be gospel + +For a small example, buying a galaxy S8 outright for will cost you 45,990 at flipkart, Check their EMI tab, and you have [no cost emi's](https://imgur.com/a/HvtTO8h) offered by atleast 10 institutions, for instance a nine month EMI of 5,110 per month comes to 45,990, no other costs + +In this scenario, I would opt for the EMI option, even if I had the 46,000, and put it in a Debt fund, current rates are 7.5%. So I guess by doing this, [Detailed Calculations](https://imgur.com/a/HvtTO8h), I manage to + +1. Get a 2.5% off on total purchase +2. Maybe get a better CIBIL score because I've had debts which I've cleared promptly? +3. Accumulate some reward points +4. Even if I don't put the money into a fund, it takes away the burden of paying 46k at one shot, making easy monthly payments without any extra charge + +This is indeed laughable to go to all these steps for what may seem like little savings, but it has to be discussed. + +EDIT: I've never bought anything using a no cost emi, just thought this seemed very good to be true, Thank you everyone for your inputs. I did not know loans had GST, and apparently getting zero processing fees is also quite rare, So I guess this is of no use + + +I’m a student of science in my very early twenties. +I was first introduced to the world of investing in 2012. I’d see my extended family members glued to television screens, especially CNBC, watching shows hosted by the eloquent Mr. Udayan Mukherjee. + +But, my immediate family members avoided markets like the plague. Because they had had a not so good experience. Losing money, like a lot of other people during the 1990s. It had been a bitter experience for them. But, it was very difficult for me to resist the market’s charm. + +I too started watching CNBC, Zee Business and started following the recommendations of analysts. From 2012 to 2015 that’s what I did. There was nothing else I’d want to do. +Fortunately I did decently at academics. Hence, my parents didn’t complain. +But, as time passed it dawned on me that I had to work hard, read and study to grow as an investor. + + +I started reading, interacting with those who possessed relevant knowledge. +Finally, after extensive deliberation in May,2017 I decided to take a break and learn even more on investing. +Everyone advised me against doing so. +But, I was insistent. + + +I had 2 months of holidays and I applied for a 1 month break from academics. +So, I was at home for a total of 3 months to learn more on investing and satiate my desire to work at some firm involved in investing. + + +From May, 2017- August,2017: +In the beginning I was pleased. +I had on my mind that I’d read a lot on investments, travel, sometimes do nothing at all. +I started reading on fundamental investing. +Read multiple books by multiple investors. +However, as time passed i started getting weary of it. Then, I migrated to reading philosophy and psychology. Concurrent with reading I started investing a small amount I had saved over the past few years. + + +And, I performed well. I was on top of the world. I thought that I was the chosen one. +But, since I had nothing else to do my portfolio churning was very high. I sold some excellent stocks just because I had earned 5% gains. I ended up kicking myself later. + + +I had done well but that was because of dollops of luck. I was ignoring the contribution of luck to my success. It was a big mistake. I was a victim of the illusion of skill. I started meeting other investors. It helped me totally shed my arrogance. It made me realise that knowledge makes a person humble. + +It was a lesson for life. After 1.5 months of staying at home and dedicating myself to investing I was naive enough to apply for jobs at asset management companies. I was dedicated to investing and started sending employment requests to mutual funds, portfolio management services, etc. + + +Thanks to my naivety I was expecting a quick appointment letter. To my displeasure and per my parents’ predictions I received a total of ZERO responses. Not even for an internship. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. That was a gut wrenching moment for me. + +Within a week I was feeling better. But then, I reduced my frequency of reading investment, security analysis books. And, started focusing on philosophy and psychology. And, to my utter surprise I was enjoying reading it. My addiction to tracking stock prices every 4-5 minutes waned. I had developed an interest to learn more about the wisdom of people from thousands of years ago. + + +It’s pertinent to note that I had never been a reader until this period of 3 months. I realised that I had an interest in studying investing and being an investor. But, I had overestimated my ability to make a living out of it. I realised that I was a victim of affective forecasting. And, it mellowed me and made me humble. +Learnings: + +The 3 months last year were in a lot of ways enlightening. + + +Developed a liking for reading. + + +Realised that it’s important to continue to learn. Always. + + +Understood that there are investors a lot, lot better than me. + + +Tempered my tendency to be overly optimistic. + + +Started making realistic goals. + + +Understood that my ideas, understanding can be totally wrong and should always be willing to understand another’s perspective. + + +Learned that even the smallest things can give happiness. + + +By investing full time I was doing my portfolio more harm than good. I was making my broker richer by transacting excessively. + + +Became more patient. + + +Accelerated my efforts to learn to do what I enjoy doing. + + +Everything is transient + + + +What I like today may not necessarily be my liking just a year later. + + +Developed an interest in spirituality. + + +Finally, I learned that in the larger scheme of things I’m a nobody. + + +Behaviorally advanced beings have existed for thousands of years. They’ve lived and died. + + + +Even the greatest will be forgotten. + + + +Started writing to improve my communication skills. + + + +Understood the transient nature of most things in life. + + + +Realised that paying too much atttention to what others think is detrimental to my interest. + + + + +When I finally resumed my routine life I realised that I actually enjoyed this 3 month duration. I missed it. But, that’s life. Change is the only constant +Posting from my Alt. +If you own Uber stock, gtfo and sell while you're still ahead. +Countless drivers are reporting on UP and other places that Uber is not paying cancel fees to drivers and not logging the cancelled ride. Also recently Uber has not been paying tips to drivers and when reported by a driver of the issue, Uber responded "We are working on a fix for tips not showing up for drivers". In the history of Uber this is first time they mentioned tips not showing need a fix. And yet ride fares show up just fine for drivers. There is good reason to believe Uber is troubled due to Covid19 and lack of people travelling so Uber got rid of all phone support and fired California and other US fulltime employees. It has only a handful of offshore support pretty much handling all issues for low pay of a few dollars an hour. +So a number of countries offer Golden Visas: buy a property, get residency with an option for citizenship within a few years. + +I was wondering if there was a way to get financing for these. Let's say I buy a $500k rental property in Spain. Do I have to put up $500k or can I get financing for 75%? + + +Thanks! +I can only be consistent when I have simple daily actions. Anyone who has been doing well what daily actions or tasks do you do to keep your finance in check. Like: Don't buy coffee, track spending, etc. + + +I've been building an app to help people be more consistent. Finance is the area I struggle with so I would appreciate any guidane :) +400 MILLION LOCKED ~~ + +[TIK TOK](https://www.tiktok.com/@aarondoh/video/6954020048243592453?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESMgow8Qn0dMltVF68c10Z1r%2FOSJJ3BDgHZJmEBJafkDmgpUjcaOsj8fRmuBsT9xW%2FdtnoGgA%3D&language=en&preview_pb=0&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAU_sLNX8-_IXp3sYs6pMjA-y6MiPk2JTbf4PUZqBDYnA&share_app_id=1233&share_item_id=6954020048243592453&share_link_id=9C5229EF-702B-4347-8A7C-03C0C7ADC96A&source=h5_m&timestamp=1619108970&tt_from=copy&u_code=15e6f5&user_id=8009410&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&_r=1) + ON THE TOKEN + +The creator of this token has massive reach and has stated he does not plan to rug pull because he wants to protect his brand, and is planning on associating himself with and promoting (as you can see above) the coin. 5.7 million followers on Tik Tok which he just posted about $SHEESH to. If this is taking off then we are on the launchpad as we speak! + +Contract: + +https://bscscan.com/token/0x7e5d52c3335c91af0da392bea4bb9e43f2aba62c + +Twitter that started it: https://twitter.com/Aaron_Doh + +Poocoin: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x7e5d52c3335c91af0da392bea4bb9e43f2aba62c + +BSC.TOOLS: https://bsc.tools/pair-explorer/0x83f4c453b766a97e9467d6376b2419a47b082958 + +This obviously has the meme potential and might be one of the earliest finds with this much social capital you'll find in a while. + +This has been crazy so far. In less than 12 hours this coin has reached 9 million mc and is currently sitting at 8 million mc. We are approaching 3000 holders. + +This is a high risk, high reward option. With so few holders at the time this could either multiply 1000x like many shitcoins before it or it could be forgotten to the void. Again: HIGH RISK, LUDICROUS REWARD. When people say they want to get in early, this is what they mean, but getting in this early has obvious risks, invest at your own risk. + +The future of this token is extremely uncertain right now, but shitcoin traders who understand that risk also understand what the potential reward of taking it is. + +If anyone finds anything that should give the rest of us warning FEEL FREE TO SHARE CRITICISMS AND REVEAL RED FLAGS. + +Seems like a pretty good risk reward, but if you are hesitant keep watching the BSC scan and the chart to be sure it really does gain some traction. + +Update: An official Twitter page was created: https://twitter.com/SheeshToken + +Also a Telegram Update Channel exists: https://t.me/sheeshtokenofficial + +Telegram chat: https://t.me/sheeshtokenchat + +Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SheeshToken/ + +Discord: https://discord.gg/zshnmRJZ + +24 HOUR UPDATE: + +This was posted by Aaron Doh, Sheesh's creator and social media mogul and can be seen in the announcements of the Discord. + +> Hey guys! +> +> working on stuff for the long term and a road map so you all can see where We are headed thank you to all of the holders! please know that no one is giving up on this coin and We are going to be making moves to solidify the long term holdings! +> +> once again super excited for the future! and congratulations WE HAVE HIT 3700 HOLDERS in less then 24 hours!! + +$SHEESH to the moon. 🚀 +$ROGE Rogue Doge [1 mill mc] The dog that went under the radar + +THE ALARMS ARE GOING OFF 🚨 + +*DOGE HAS GONE ROGUE* + + +He is the beast that can’t be tamed. Rogue Doge ($ROGE) is breaking free into new territory. He has no owner. No one is in control of him. We are all running wild with him. + +At a market-cap of 1 mill, Rogue Doge is just getting started. This makes ROGE next in line after HOKK and KISHU to 100x. + + +💎 ROGE works by applying a 1% fee to each transaction and instantly splits that fee among all holders of the token + +💎 An anti-whale protocol dictates that no more than 2% of the supply can be bought or sold in any transaction +  + + +💎 50% of the liquidity tokens were sent to the burn adddress; 50% to Vitalik Buterin + + +There is no individual or team to be relied upon to give ROGE any value. +ROGE is independent, and is owned by no one 🙅‍♂️ + +Go rogue by joining $ROGE Rogue Doge, a 100% community owned token 😎 + + +Another community token? Nope, not just any community token with no real goals. Rogue Doge’s community has *insane drive*, let me tell you why: + + +New dog (ROGE) token was released. People dove in like a hawk at launch for easy gains.. and no surprise price pumped and then dumped. After the dump, they realized there was no plans for development and shortly left. But... little did they know there were a still few who stepped up to nurture the future of ROGE. + +And..... + +Within 8 days, the community has come together and volunteered their skill sets to the production of: + +❇️ Website + +❇️ Unique logo + +❇️ Info graphics/banners + +❇️ Road Map + +❇️ Marketing (Reddit/Twitter/4chan/Telegram + pooled marketing funds) + +❇️ Multi-sig wallet for NFTs, donations, charities + +❇️ Submitted CG/CMC/Zerion Listing + +More is on the way! + +An unpaid influencer with 5000 followers has already taken interest into our community and has tweeted about $ROGE under his own will. + + +The power is in the hands of the community. There is no separate team. We work together to break Rogue Doge free and choose our own direction whether it be NFT’s, charities, games, Esports/casual gaming tourneys, music, animated shorts or something completely new. + +If you have a skill set that you think could benefit $ROGE, don’t hesitate to join. + + +Everything starts with an idea. + + +🔥1/2 LPs burned : https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd6ab923d42650ff4dbbdbe69125be71c25cec35ab8a604d973f6c0ca4ddbcfe7 + +💥1/2 LPs sent to Vitalik : https://etherscan.io/tx/0x08a90a3d77724ecd0a0a7b32d04c9823b33c6702569e8507709910b2e7b933c1 + +🚀 Growing community (500 hodlers) + +Dextools : https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x2632ec29eddca8868355bca24f98a8a8123ad471 + +Buy : https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&amp;outputCurrency=0x45734927fa2f616fbe19e65f42a0ef3d37d1c80a + +Website : www.rogetoken.io + +TG : https://t.me/RogeToken +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Cinco de Maya did not disappoint - while it may have been pure coincidence, the various trademark filings coinciding with the browser extension wallet screenshots appearing on a day that's been teased in various RC tweets is delightful. When it also happens on a date where the entire market dropped in a very 'margin calls galore' fashion... well that's even more tit-jacking. These are truly chaotic times for investors, but we are no strangers to chaos. Apes HODL with Diamantenhände through it all - until we see the systemic reform, there is no sell button. + +As we close out another week in the GME saga, take a moment to reflect back on the past year. GameStop has formed some fantastic partnerships and is on the cusp of placing their enormous customer base on the doorstep of blockchain commerce. With their partners in the game and collectible industry, and the propensity of gamers to be early and enthusiastic adopters, I expect them to be wildly successful in delivering compelling content to eager customers, and their success will bring other future partners. This company is revolutionizing retail, and Apes around the world hold well over 10m shares in our own names. GameStop is launching the wallet any day now, along with the NFT marketplace. Meanwhile, the split is all but guaranteed, and in less than 4 weeks we'll see the power of our collective voices. + +This is going to be a wild month, and I cannot wait to write about it. + +Today is Friday, May 6th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$118.02 / 111,68 €** *(volume: 422)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $117.89 / 111,55 € *(volume: 421)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $118.02 / 111,68 € *(volume: 411)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $117.99 / 111,65 € *(volume: 411)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $117.93 / 111,59 € *(volume: 406)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $117.94 / 111,60 € *(volume: 405)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $118.18 / 111,82 € *(volume: 391)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $118.22 / 111,87 € *(volume: 391)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $118.46 / 112,09 € *(volume: 391)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $118.43 / 112,06 € *(volume: 391)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $118.40 / 112,04 € *(volume: 391)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $118.03 / 111,69 € *(volume: 373)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $117.80 / 111,47 € *(volume: 261)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $117.78 / 111,45 € *(volume: 261)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $117.71 / 111,39 € *(volume: 251)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $117.80 / 111,47 € *(volume: 247)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $117.72 / 111,39 € *(volume: 159)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $117.71 / 111,38 € *(volume: 66)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $117.59 / 111,27 € *(volume: 66)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $117.63 / 111,31 € *(volume: 61)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $117.70 / 111,37 € *(volume: 46)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $117.67 / 111,34 € *(volume: 46)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $117.66 / 111,34 € *(volume: 40)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $117.62 / 111,29 € *(volume: 27)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $117.53 / 111,22 € *(volume: 8)* +- 🟥 US close price: $119.13 / 112,73 € *($117.65 / 111,33 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0568. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Just a reminder of what a coincidence it was that we had 4-5 massive FUD bombs dropped within days of eachother. They literally brought the boat back. + +One day later billionaires are endorsing bitcoin again after their bags got stuffed. + +Stop worshipping ANYBODY and stop being such a fuckin pussy of a human by following their every word. Elon will return to bitcoin and Micheal Saylor WILL eventually turn on us.... they are in talks right now as this is being posted. They want your coins and these billionaires could care less about you and your family. + +The Wyckoff strategy was deployed and it still might not be over, but shame on you if you make the same mistake twice. Use your brain and learn to think for yourself. +Greetings, fellow pennystock traders/investors/scalpers/bagholders! We are gaining a lot of new members at an unprecedented rate. It's an exciting time in the market and for our sub! In light of the higher volume of posts and new users, we are making some very subtle, gradual changes to the sub to try and keep the main sub more refined and so that information is easier to absorb and of higher quality than ever before! + +The newly minted, "The Lounge" sticky thread has been a hit and is averaging well over 800 comments daily. We want to thank you all for making this idea a success and helping to keep the main sub (mostly) free from low effort garbage! We're getting there! In time, with the gentle help from forum regulars, new posters will feel comfortable asking any questions they have in this new area of the sub! + +Think of the sub as 2 seperate parts: the main sub and THE LOUNGE. The main sub is for more experienced users and traders who make posts with at least a minimal amount of information. THE LOUNGE is the place where you can make your low effort posts with as many rocketships as you please, and it's also where noobs can ask their questions without feeling like noobs! Regulars, hop in on THE LOUNGE from time to time to help them out and answer questions! Moderators will rarely be in THE LOUNGE unless posts are reported. + +Anyway, here are a few changes being made official that we believe will greatly improve the sub over time with everyone's participation. Us mods need the help of the regulars from time to time to guide new users in the right direction! We prefer to be as hands off as possible and let you guys police yourselves, but we need your help! + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #2 has been edited to read: Promoting ANY services, newsletters, or social media, is forbidden unless mod approved.** + +\-Previously, promoting only PAID services or newsletters was banned. Now all forms of promotion are banned including shilling your social media UNLESS you gain approval from mods first, which is highly unlikely unless you are a known, trusted user. We will be assigning flair to those who become trusted users. + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #3 has been edited to read: Low-effort, BROKER QUESTIONS, lack of DD, buy or sell?, thoughts? threads on the main sub are BANNED.** + +\-That's right, we heard your complaints, and we are responding by making this an official rule and maintaining THE LOUNGE as an alternative to the main sub. No more BS! + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #6 has been edited to read: If linking an external site (YouTube, blog, etc.), summarize content in the BODY of the Reddit post.** + +\-This one is a long time coming, and the next step is to disable LINK POSTS altogether and require TEXT POSTS. There must be a summary in the BODY of your post and your link should only be used as a reference, NOT as the main content of the Reddit post. The only exception is SEC filings with a link to the actual filing or an official PR. + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #9 is a new official rule. Cryptocurrency is not allowed in this subreddit.** + +It was an unofficial rule before, but we have made it official. Crypto related pennystocks are obviously fair game. + +&#x200B; + +We hope this sub continues to grow and look forward to turning the page in regards to low effort posts on the main sub! Help us make this happen! As always, good luck to all and thank you for all that you contribute! + +&#x200B; + +\-The Mods +For Americans who achieved/achieving FatFIRE while living abroad (Japan specifically) and earning all income abroad, what was different? Hoping to absorb lessons learned/success stories from those who have made it work. + +Me: US biglaw associate going to Tokyo (Japanese company), paid in yen. I'm not Japanese/don't speak Japanese. However, there's a good chance I may stay in Asia for the long term, mostly because of my Japanese girlfriend, also a high earner (to the extent it matters). Ultimate goal for me is perhaps going in-house in a multinational in Tokyo/Singapore, or starting my own online solo/digital nomad practice. + +Scattershot questions: + +(1) Is it a bad idea to basically dump all my extra income in the US? Since I don't speak Japanese, my plan is to just regularly move money to the US via Transferwise and put it to work in the US. Wondering if it's feasible to be sending home a lot of cash, or if there's other compliance issues I need to think about (taxes, AML laws, etc.?). + +(2) Any int'l tax firm recommendations for individuals? I've had a bad experience with a big 4 who did my taxes the last time I worked abroad, and I'm not confident I could do taxes on my own (especially for Japan). + +(3) California taxes. I plan to move to a tax-free state where I have family prior to moving to Japan, and severing all California ties, but my bar license will remain with California. I'm wondering if I should worry if that's the one tie I can't sever, even if I plan to never return. I will try to get licensed in the new state before I leave, but timing may not be feasible...I just dread having to deal with an aggressive tax board. + +(4) Shutting down of bank/credit cards/brokerage accounts - I've heard this can happen to expats. Anyone have to deal with this? I'll still have a US residential address so perhaps not an issue. + +(5) What else is different, or what should I be thinking about? Life advice? + +Forgive me if these are actually general expat questions, but I feel like with FatFIRE goals the answers may be different compared to a 20-something English teacher (i.e., the subject of all the other Japan expat advice I've seen). Gracias! +Just a reminder that for every story about someone losing their coins there are many more that didn't. You just never hear about it. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Prepare for the worst. Take security seriously and have fun! +Anyone here making consistent money selling credit spreads? What are your favorite tickers, how far apart do you choose your strikes, what percentage return on risk do you aim for, etc. Looking for any and all advice for someone who has only really sold CCs and CSPs. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Anyone here making consistent money selling credit spreads? What are your favorite tickers, how far apart do you choose your strikes, what percentage return on risk do you aim for, etc. Looking for any and all advice for someone who has only really sold CCs and CSPs. +So like does everyone here keep meticulous detailed records of every time they open and close a position for tax reporting purposes? + +I kindof assumed my broker would send me a bunch of paperwork around February next year that I could enter into turbo tax or something, but now im seeing mixed answers after a quick Google search. + +Halp. + +I dont wanna go to prison. + + +Hi there, newbie here studying options. Option Alpha and Tasty trade talk alot about this idea of selling premium around 1SD (70% approx success for seller). I get the general idea there, but what I don't understand is the following. + +If I'm neutral on all stocks - I don't want to have to guess on direction - what is the difference of selling a put or selling a call on said stock. Both would be the 0.3 delta. + +From looking at the options sometimes the premium is much higher or lower even though they both have the same delta approximate probability of success. + +So why wouldn't I always sell the higher premium? Or why not take both ends at 0.15 Delta each? + +It also seems that best DTE is 45-60 days as sweet spot. + +Thank you for your responses. +I know there are a lot of new investors here so I just wanted to share some advice. I am mostly a short term trader at the moment and hold small positions in stocks I intend to hold for a long time. I am ready to go all in again on my long term portfolio when the valuations are attractive. I study macro economy as a hobby. + +# Are we in a stock market bubble? + +The best indicator of whether or not the stock market is in a bubble can be seen in this chart. **Charts don't lie.** + +[https://www.longtermtrends.net/market-cap-to-gdp/](https://www.longtermtrends.net/market-cap-to-gdp/) + +This chart shows you the **market cap to gdp ratio**. It's basically a chart that shows how overpriced stocks are compared to the actual economy. When stocks reach above 1 then it's in bubble territory. US stocks are currently at **1.478**. At the peak of the dotcom bubble that number reached **1.4**. At the peak of the housing market bubble it peaked at **1.061**. + +# Market sentiment during peak of bubble + +At the peak of a bubble you start noticing a lot of people that have gotten rich from the stock market. People are buying stocks on margin thinking that the Fed will always save the day. It is very easy to just buy and walk away and you see your portfolio double and triple. You see a lot of hysteria in the market as you see now. This happened during the peak of the dotcom bubble and the housing bubble. People were buying tech stocks with $0 in revenue thinking they would be the next Google. They didn't care the company wasn't making any money and thought the stocks would just keep going up. FOMO (fear of missing out) is common during these times. A lot of new traders hop in when they see all their friends getting rich. During the housing crisis people with low income jobs could easily get three mortgages to buy big houses thinking they would go up forever. As we all know now, they don't go up forever. Today, we see companies like Nikola with $0 in revenue skyrocket because a lot of speculators are jumping in. But who knows, maybe they will become the next Tesla. I personally would avoid it. This article explains market sentiment during a bubble well. I think we are in the "return to normal" stage where a lot of people were buying the dip. + +[https://www.quora.com/Which-are-the-5-stages-of-a-stock-market-bubble](https://www.quora.com/Which-are-the-5-stages-of-a-stock-market-bubble) + +# How to invest during a bubble + +Bargains are not easy to find during a bubble but if you do enough research you can find them. Even during the past recessions, if you were able to find companies that were a bargain, you still would've made money. I thought airlines were a bargain when they hit rock bottom but apparently Buffett had second thoughts. **Buffett never sells his stocks**. When you see him selling stocks in a company, that means there are serious problems with the company. He knows a lot more about companies than most of us do. The table below is from Bridgewater Associates. They did a study on a macroeconomic level on the impact of COVID-19 on the economy. + +[https://imgur.com/xkDBwVC](https://imgur.com/xkDBwVC) + +According to this table if the unemployment rate is at 10% you can expect an 85% drop in earnings for the airline industry. Currently the unemployment rate is 13.3%. Currently AAL stock is at $16. If you do the math and calculate the potential earnings drop, the price of AAL isn't considered a bargain unless it is less than $5. Buffett sold AAL at $11 and he is right. + +One industry that took a huge hit but Buffett still held onto were oil stocks. Oil stocks hit rock bottom during the recent crash due to oil prices dropping. I think oil companies could potentially be a bargain right now. + +Also, with all the money printing being done by the fed, gold is looking more and more attractive. + +# How to invest like Warren Buffett + +Buffetts strategy is actually very simple. **Buy when cheap**. Even if you have to wait 20 years for it to become cheap. You need the patience like him in order to become a legendary investor. He follows the market cap to gdp chart closely. When the market goes through a recession and the number drops down to below 0.8, watch him go on a buying spree while everyone else is crying. He does this during every recession. He rarely buys when valuations are high like now. + +# Are recessions bad? + +Recessions tend to happen every 10-20 years in a healthy economy. The most recent one was in 2008. The one before that was 1999. We were long overdue for a recession but the Fed has been delaying it via quantitative easing (money printing) and keeping the interest rates near 0%. Most people think recessions are bad but actually they are healthy for an economy. Economies like the US go through debt cycles. Debt goes down during these recessions and the economy emerges more efficient and it is better for the consumer since prices drop. We are currently at the very end of this current debt cycle and you are noticing the signs of it. Wealth gap increases and social unrest increases. Interest rates are at 0%. A new power (China) emerges and contests the current power (USA). Fed is constantly printing money to keep the stock market from falling. Rich get richer and poor get poorer. A deleveraging process (recession or depression) usually fixes a lot of this. (source: Big Debt Crisis by Ray Dalio) + +# Are bubbles bad? + +Most people think of bubbles negatively since the majority of people lose money during these times. But from macroeconomic point of view bubbles aren't so bad. These periods of high debt are when entrepreneurs emerge and start companies. They can easily get low interest loans like we see today. Few of those companies are good enough to become the next Apple, Facebook, Tesla, Uber, etc. The best companies will survive the low debt periods (recessions). The economies with the wildest debt swings are the ones that are the friendliest for entrepreneurs. + +# Where is the stock market going in the short term? + +Nobody knows the answer to this. I see a small upside potential but a large downside potential. Which direction it will go in the short term is anybody's guess. One thing I've noticed is Trump is trying very very hard to inflate the stock market bubble. He knows he is not getting re-elected if the stock market crashes now. He is pressuring the Fed to constantly print money and he's spending helicopter money like a madman trying to prop up the stock market. This may be good for stocks in the short term but has serious consequences for the long term, since the already huge bubble becomes even bigger. Also, during a deleveraging process a lot of high debt companies declare bankruptcy. This is when the Fed needs to step in and save the essential businesses. You can't let large essential companies fail, since that might take down the entire US economy. When the auto industry failed in 2008, it took down entire cities along with them. All this spending that the Fed is doing now worries me. They might run out of ammunition when they really need it. This next recession might be very very bad. Recently, Dalio issued a warning to his investors about a “lost decade.” If he is right, that means we won’t see stocks go back to 2019 levels for the next ten years. + +This doesn’t mean dump all your stocks today. I’m just giving you the advice from Dalio and Buffett. They may be wrong too. You should always do your own research and make your own decisions on how to invest. I personally think they are right. They are smarter than most of us here. + +Source: Most of this content is from Ray Dalio and Warren Buffett, the investors I admire the most. +The Crypto fear and greed index is now at 21 points signaling "Extreme Fear." Every time the market entered "Extreme Fear" in the past, it had turned out to be an excellent buying opportunity to buy at lower prices. + +I think this time is no different as Crypto is perhaps one of the only assets that people buy less when it is on sale. Every time the market dips, people panic and miss out on the great buying opportunities. The dip we are seeing is extremely close to what we've seen back in September and we are most likely going to go back up from here. + +TLDR: If you've been looking for a good time to get in, this is it. +## Guide for Noobs + +#### Simple and Not A Lot of Money +- setup an account on coinbase.com, buy your coins, walk away until next year or later, fees are ~1.5% which is $1.5 USD for a $100 USD of coin +- note coinbase does have an option to buy via credit card instead of a bank account, fees are ~4% when you do that, your credit card company may charge more if it considers it a cash transfer + +*** + +## Guide for Not Noobs + +### Less Simple +-setup an account on coinbase.com, move dollars into your account, setup an account on gdax.com (same company, same login), move your cash from coinbase to gdax, buy your coins on GDAX at Market, fees are cheaper 0.25% versus 1.5% + +-consider buying alternative coins supported by coinbase + +### No Fees +-all of the above but use GDAX's Limit/Buy, zero fees, but you have to wait for the market to dip below your buy price + +### More Money Available +-setup several Limit/Buy orders at different price points to capture dips when you are away + +### More Control but More Complex +-it's possible coinbase could go out of business, move some or most of your coins to a personal hardware wallet like a [Trezor](https://trezor.io/) or [Ledger Nano S](https://www.ledgerwallet.com/products/12-ledger-nano-s), made in Czech Republic and France respectively + +-consider using other [exchanges](https://bitcoin.org/en/exchanges) with different fees and coin support + +-consider buying other [alternative coins](https://coinmarketcap.com/) supported by other exchanges + +### You Are Very Responsible +-create a paper wallet, put it in a safe, be warned it's like a visual bearer instrument, if you lose it or someone takes a picture of it...it's gone, but you have complete control over your money/asset + +### DO NOT EVER +-buy more than you can lose, it's early wild west days, the market could easily come crashing down + +-panic sell, the market fluctuates regularly by 20%, thus far it has ALWAYS recovered, people that try to sell during a fall/dip and buy at the bottom usually miss time it and lose + +-store your keys on your computer or phone unless its small amount, these are the two most vulnerable routes to hacking and simple hardware failure resulting in loss + +-attempt to daytrade and time the best prices unless your real life job is day trading + +-get addicted to watching the market, pay attention watch for dips, but don't let it crowd out your work or free time + +-keep a LOT of cash or coin in an exchange, it is very easy to mistype and buy or sell far more than you meant to, exchanges can [disappear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mt._Gox) with your coins + +-buy a hardware wallet from anyone other than the company who makes it, i.e. do not buy one on Amazon, it is possible some third person hacked it and could steal your coin + +### PROBABLY DON'T +-limit sells until the far future when market volatility is down, flash crashes have happened and recovered, if you had all your coin in limit sells it would be gone + +-margin trade unless your real life job is day trading + +-stop buys or stop sells unless your real life job is day trading + +### DO +-hold your coins, your coin may be worth x10 or more in value in the future, e.g. if bitcoin replaced gold, bitcoin would be worth ~x70 the current value + +-buy small amounts over time [DCA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollar_cost_averaging), this might not seem intuitive but it spreads your risk out, reduces risk of buying at all time highs (ATH) and more likely to catch lows (dips), a fluctuation of $100 in price is small if the eventual value is worth x10 or more in the future + +-keep a small amount of cash on an exchange always, when there is a lot of traffic/trading which happens during dips, you are much more likely to be able to make trades on an exchange rather than with your own wallet + +### REMEMBER +-if you don't have your coin in your own wallet, it's not your coin. this is not a problem until you have a lot of value and you want to keep it safe from a bankruptcy, unscrupulous people/exchanges, or unforeseen acts. if it's a small amount compared to your income it's an acceptable risk, if not then move it to a wallet + +-in the days of fake news not everything you read is true, in fact there are armies of people shilling for 'pick a random coin'; some are malicious, some uninformed, and some willfully uninformed + +-if your value starts to become large, dig deep into how your asset/currencies work just like you would for any other purchase, understanding how it works helps you understand if it will be a success, e.g. understand the difference between [PoW](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof-of-work_system) vs [PoS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof-of-stake) or what a hard fork is + +-some coins especially newer ones are scams, a good indication of if it is not a scam is how long the coin has been around + +-most bitcoin hard forks so far have [not been successful](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_bitcoin_forkswith) with some exceptions + +-btc is the accepted short-name for bitcoin on most (but not all) exchanges, xbt is also common in EUR-land + +### Other Risks + +-holding your own coin requires personal responsibility, it is easy to lose and not be able to recover it if you are not careful + +-again, do not buy more coin than you can lose + +-transaction speeds which are slow are a serious problem in bitcoin scaling + +-there is less innovation and more argument going on in bitcoin than some other coins, bitcoin is large enough that consensus is difficult, future change is less likely than with some other coins, there are other [side](https://lightning.network/) solutions to bitcoins problems that may not require bitcoin to change much + +-bitcoin.org IS the generally [accepted](https://bitcoin.org/en/about-us) bitcoin website, NOT bitcoin.com + +-[important other risks](https://slack-imgs.com/?c=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5itifh6drlxz.png) compiled by /u/themetalfriend + +-coinbase has insurance up to $250k USD for you USD Wallet which DOES NOT cover your bitcoins or other crypto currencies, they claim to have [separate insurance](https://support.coinbase.com/customer/portal/articles/1662379-how-is-coinbase-insured-) for your crypto currency but it is unclear how much + + +### Community + + +there are a lot of memes + +-hodl, [GameKyuubi](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=375643.0?red) mistyped hold and it spread + +-to the moon, where everyone hopes the price will go + +-coin on a rollercoaster, it is highly volitile market you will see this during fluctuations + +-this is gentlemen, via /u/Liquid_child , [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2m4xo3/this_is_gentlemen/) + +-lambo/roadster, a car people want to buy when they get rich + +-the cost of pizza, early days someone bought a pizza for 10,000btc which is worth over ~80million USD today + +-tesla/vehicle with a bitcoin chart, [/u/cytranic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7dccpd/7452/#bottom-comments) posted a picture that spread + +-intersting guide by /u/stos313 , [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzY8205tKpokVVZXVmdjQW5pNFphUEJjLTVnQVFES0llY1hF/view). I do not agree with everything but it has a lot of useful information. + +### CORRECTIONS + +Edit: Adding in user comments. + +Edit: Crosslinking to a more[ Beginner Version](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinBeginners/comments/7e78ld/so_you_want_into_bitcoin_short_version/). + +Edit: Note in an earlier edit of this guide I said. + +~~note that most of the development on bitcoin is by employees of one [company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockstream), it is open source but their priorities may not align with the community~~ + +This is not true. Blockstream appears to have a high representation but not an overwhelming amount. You can compare [blockstream's](https://www.blockstream.com/team/) employee page and bitcoin's [commits](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/graphs/contributors?from=2016-08-04&to=2017-11-20&type=c) in the last year. Thank you to /u/lclc_ , /u/trilli0nn , and /u/Holographiks for pointing this out. See [this](https://medium.com/@whalecalls/fud-or-fact-blockstream-inc-is-the-main-force-behind-bitcoin-and-taken-over-160aed93c003) for a detailed break down. + +Edit: Clarification that FDIC insurance does NOT cover crypto currency/assets. + +Edit: Clarity on who owns bitcoin.org + +### Good Luck and Hodl. + +Please comment if your experience is different. Or call out things I missed. + +Good Afternoon Everyone, + +At this stage i've purchased at least $7000 worth of ETH. This would be by depositing $2000.00 each time in AUD then converting it to ETH. + +My goal is to get at least $30,000 worth of ETH all at once before it reaches the moon, this is something that i can afford and am willing to take the calculated risk upon. + +So my question to you reddit, What is the best way to get such a large amount of ETH in the shortest amount of time? + +Note: Live in Australia. + + +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Lately ive been following Iconomi's platform as well as the the ICN token and I find it very interesting that there is very little talk about the accomplishments of the platform and the undervalue of the token compared to the X number of shitcoins out there. I feel that the ICN token is one of the few out there that is actually backed by something thats delivering. +Any thoughts? +You don't solve anything by just blocking the address of users who are "abusing" the network. + +You have to mitigate those problems on a higher level, in the Bitcoin core. Thats why for example, we need Satoshi Dice to "break" the Bitcoin system so we and the developers are all forced to change and build Bitcoin in such a way that it can deal with such a usage. + +This is so important to avoid any bigger problems in the future that will come from the enemies of Bitcoin. + +I got down voted for this in the comments so I decided to throw it in a main topic. + +You are not doing anything constructive by just avoiding the problem and denying the access for these attackers. + +The world is full of hackers, attackers, powerful banks and probably even governments who are against Bitcoin. If there are any weaknesses in the system, they WILL BE USED by these people. We should not be relying on just "blocking those addresses from those who are misbehaving". + +Don't threat Bitcoin like a fragile puppy but let these attacks come. + +Don't block the addresses from those who are exploiting the system, but fix the system itself. +https://imgur.com/a/rjAUSwO + +What should I do here? I'm thinking of holding until December, this allows for long term loss, and try to write off 3k in ordinary income or should I hold. I invested in some of these stocks due to articles I read and podcast I heard. Teladoc was a huge disappointment. I'm thinking of offloading that but keeping some of my lower prices stocks liked tattooed chef, etc. + +Btw. These were all purchased 11/23/21. These are not day trades. I have sold cerence only and will sit on the rest of my stocks for the long term. I do believe they are good investments. +Everyday I see P/E thrown around on this sub like it is some gold standard of valuation. My particular issue is with using it to value growth companies (like this subs favourite BNPL companies of Z1P and APT) but also have seen it applied to banks and resource companies - often it is used in isolation. +This is extremely dangerous. I will try to keep this simple and this is not financial advice. + + +* **Let's start with the fact that valuation metrics alone are completely useless in isolation**. Implying that one company has a higher valuation metric than another does not mean that a company is over/under valued. You need to view it conjunction with a whole suite of things like ROE, ROCE, management team, margins etc etc. Saying that ABC is overvalued to ZYX is meaningless based on a singular metric alone + +* **Banks & Resources & Price to Book (P/B)** Keeping it simple let's start with. P/B is simply the price to book value of equity (which is book value of assets - book value of liabilities) +This is typically used for companies / industries that are capital intensive such as financial services, resources, and manufacturing, as there assets are the primary drivers of value. + + +* **Price to Earnings** Moving on to my main issue with this sub is that everything is valued using P/E. I can't even count the amount of times i've seen "XYZ isn't even profitable. It's definitely over priced' . Or "ABC has a P/E of 400!?? How could you possible even think about purchasing that right now!!?" +P/E again, IMO, is becoming less and less relevant everyday. **It's typically used for mature companies with stable cash flows, expenses, and stable earnings**. It is completely useless for new or growing companies. Many of these growth companies deliberately choose to remain unprofitable. Let's take a look at [Afterpay.]( +https://imgur.com/a/DdNbU0L) + + +Looking at their operating expenses we can see they have increased significantly over the prior years. This looks bad and you might think APT can't turn a profit. But digging deeper we can see that majority of this increase in expenses is related to [marketing](https://imgur.com/a/Kowo2Yu) + +APT chooses to remain unprofitable by investing in SG&A and funding growth. This incredibly common but most tech companies. They are unprofitable by design. + +There are a whole host of other issues with P/E that I won't go into but googling can fill you in + +* **So how do we value these high growth companies?** + +**A common method is Enterprise Value to Sales(either current or forward) (EV/S)**. +If you look at sell side reports this is the most common metric for high growth stocks. +Its a measure of how much it would cost to purchase the company in terms of it's sales. It's generally preferred over price to sales as it factors in debt. + +EV/S metric varies greatly by country and sector and generally a measure of how much sales are expected to grow. If sales have been growing 50% YoY then a high EV/S may be justified and the stock may be priced fairly. But again, it shouldn't be used in isolation and only to compare across peers. + +**TLDR** + +* Stop using P/E for everything. Other metrics exist + +* These metrics shouldn't be used in isolation + +* Companies can and do choose to be unprofitable + +* A company can be overvalued and still deliver fantastic returns + +* A company can be undervalued and still blow up your portfolio + +* Qual research is just as important as quant research +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I just noticed that, if you look at the top gainers in the top 100 the past week, weirdly many of them are of the "popular coin in 2017/18 that seems pretty abandoned and noone is talking about anymore" variety. Ethereum Classic is the top gainer (+82%), but others like Dash (+36%), Bitcoin Cash (+27%), Zcash (+27%) and EOS (+25%) are in the top gainers as well. + +That feels a bit weird. Why the sudden spike of those coins nobody usually cares about anymore? Purely anecdotally, this feels like a bad sign, as I seem to remember coins like that pumping has happened shortly before dumps in the past. + +What do you think, just the randomness of crypto? Or am I missing something? + +Edit: just to clarify (as some have rightly made comments about this): all those coins are still down **a lot** from their ATHs, they just performed better than almost all other coins in the past week +We could already be in a crash, and if the housing market is ever going to crash, what could the reasons be this time? A lot of people are still moving their money to a safer place, the real estate. It doesn't seem the demand has decreased. Are we ever going to see a crash in the housing market? +I am buying my first investment property, it’s a duplex with both units currently occupied on month to month leases.  One unit is in pretty good shape with tenants paying $1400 and the other unit is gross and needs a lot of renovations, with the current tenant paying $1000 even though it is a bigger unit.   + +I made the offer to my realtor with the condition that I want the unit that needs work vacant at time of closing. My plan is to move into the unit myself and renovate it while keeping the other tenants paying $1400 which will just cover my mortgage payment and taxes.   + +Well, now that we are in contract negotiations, I asked my attorney to include in the rider that that unit needs to be vacant at time of closing. The seller said no and that they never agreed to that as a term of the sale. It turns out his realtor didn’t present the offer to him with that as a contingency.  + +So now the seller is saying due to the current COVID eviction moratorium they are refusing to include that in the contract.  They also don’t want to be out a tenant if the sale doesn’t go through. They are also saying that the tenant has verbally agreed to leave if I want them out but won’t put anything in writing. + +I do not want to have to deal with possibly having to evict a problem tenant. The tenant is obviously not a good tenant, the apt is in poor condition and he smokes in the apt violating the lease.  I have also received a copy of both leases and the good tenants lease has information on their employment, contact info, ss#, rental history and 3 references.  The lease for the tenant I want out has none of that. + +I don’t think my request is unreasonable, they can give that tenant notice after we have signed the contract and after I have the mortgage commitment and they will have my 10% down as security.  + +I need advice on if there is a compromise we can come up with that will leave us both legally protected or is this something I should walk away from? +I wanna be clear on this, lately I’ve heard this from a few people now but I want to get more insight so I made this thread. + +It doesn’t make sense to me that someone with like 3, 6 or 8 monthly cash-flowing rental properties plus their day job(s) can’t qualify for another loan; I mean I’ve even seen RE investors w/ a few single family homes who are on student or car loan debt still qualifying somehow. Income is income, and if the DTI meets the criteria then they should be good, right? + +But is there something I’m missing completely or is that just some lenders? +So, My mom has a 2 bedroom apartment in west Harlem that she’s been living in since 1960. The landlord offered to buy her out. We’re open to it . How much should she ask for ? + +Please help +Currently I have a property with all of these appliances already in place and I am rehabbing and considering what I should do next. Does it make sense to have tenants provide their own so that they take care of it better or what are your thoughts? I’m in the Philly market. + +I appreciate your input! +**Stocks take a plunge to start 2021, so is this the start of the next stock market crash? Why did QuantumScape take a plunge yesterday? Let’s talk about this and other stock market news** + +**\~Very Long Post\~** + +Hello everyone and Good Morning! So, let’s start with the recap of yesterday as we saw the broad stock market having a red day ahead of important events like the Georgia [Election](https://ibb.co/VtxQdmk) of Today, while the US Congress is [scheduled](https://ibb.co/wzqV8PW) to certify the electoral results tomorrow, which will remove any remaining uncertainty due to the political environment as the next president will be inaugurated 2 weeks after that. Yesterday both the broad stock market [SP500](https://ibb.co/HByWLx9) and the tech heavy [Nasdaq Composite](https://ibb.co/k04mKGP) finished down almost 1.5% while the [Dow Jones](https://ibb.co/Cht7kGV) did slightly better finishing down 380 points, finishing down on the first trading day of the year for the first time since 2016, as all 3 of them did recovered somewhat after trading even lower intraday. We also saw the [VIX](https://ibb.co/rmHnjZj) rising more than 4 points or 18.5%, finishing the day near the 27 level which hasn’t been touched [since](https://ibb.co/mznW197) after the November elections. + +We saw most of the companies losing ground [yesterday](https://ibb.co/h8sJKh7) with the number of stocks that were trading above the 50-day moving average finally going down below 60%, which in my opinion is a good & healthy correction & consolidation for the stock market, as the volume did pick up after the year-end slow markets. + +Yesterday 10 of the 11 [SECTORS](https://ibb.co/j4MprMG) finished in the red with Real Estate, Utilities & Industrial losing more than 2.4% while the only small gaining sector was Energy. Meanwhile on a [FACTOR](https://ibb.co/Lzzvr0N) basis the market was more neutral, with most of the groups finishing pretty flat, but the [HEAT MAP](https://ibb.co/v3Yk8PG) from yesterday reveals to us a bloodbath pretty much in the market as stocks were dropping left & right with only a couple of companies posting gains like Tesla, Zoom, Walmart alongside the semis & materials. + +I think this slight pullback was expected by most analysts, as the greed and bullishness in the stock market was still very [high](https://ibb.co/PDHM90J) to end the year, as we ended the year with more than 46% of investors having a bullish sentiment, pretty near the 1-year high of 55% achieved after the election in November. + +We didn’t receive many important economic data yesterday, as the construction [spending](https://ibb.co/kXFvYvT) came in at a .9% increase in November, slightly lower than expected and the previous month, but in aggregate it was an increase of 3.8% year/year, while the Manufacturing PMI [index](https://ibb.co/Xkpj85W) came in at just over 57, better than expected and the previous reports, with production growth and new orders being the biggest catalysts. + +While [TODAY](https://ibb.co/FDyT24L) we receive auto sales numbers, the Redbook chain store sales & the manufacturing index from the ISM. + +Meanwhile, today we do start to see some of the most anticipated earnings [results](https://ibb.co/4KZBBBW) as this will pick up starting in the middle of January. + +In some other stock market news, we saw QuantumScape plummeting more than 40% [yesterday](https://ibb.co/0GpXy3f) after they filled to sell more than 300M shares, as this will significantly affect the [shares](https://ibb.co/L0CGPkV) float and the dilution of the company. This is a very high risk with most of the high-flying stocks right now, as the companies are incentivized to issue shares to raise capital, regardless of the share dilution and the impact on shareholders. You can also see this with [Bilibili](https://ibb.co/tYspLZj) that just filled for a $2B offering in Hong Kong. + +We also saw Taiwan Semi announced a record [CAPEX](https://ibb.co/HN2zPGF) spending for this year, as they [continue](https://ibb.co/m9s85DC) to invest in capital expenditure to improve process capacity and future products as they are expected to have the leading market [share](https://ibb.co/DLZ0jd6) in foundry business this year, which has seen a 24% increase year/year to over $84B. + +Meanwhile, the New York Stock Exchange reversed its [decision](https://ibb.co/Ry4gfLM) on delisting Chinese telecom companies which finished the day down, but all of them have seen a huge spike after this reversal in after-hours, while most of the Chinese EVs and not only those, but pretty much the whole [industry](https://ibb.co/7QcRM9s), saw a big spike yesterday after strong sales to finished the year and strong reported demand from China. + +In the auto-industry we also saw Fiat Chrysler finally agree on a [merger](https://ibb.co/mv4Kp3x) with PSA. The merger will conclude with the company becoming the world’s fourth largest carmaker. They do unfortunately have a lot of things to figure out, as neither of the companies has much exposure in the biggest auto-market in the world, China. + +So, let’s also take a look at what has usually happened in the stock market after a decline of at least 1% in the first trading day of the year. + +You can see this has happened 18 [times](https://ibb.co/CPkZzP8) with the Dow Jones, but this has led the index to finish down only 40% of the time in January and for the year, while for the SP500 this has happened just 12 [times](https://ibb.co/MPHN34j), but also only saw a decline for the month and for the year of about 42% of the time, with the last 2 of the 3 times that this has happened being at the end of the dot com bubble and in the 2008 big financial crisis. + +So, I think yesterday was a good mix of political volatility combined with profit taking after a huge run in 2020, portfolio rebalancing and of course the treat of new [lockdowns](https://ibb.co/88pj0Yj) just like they started in the UK, which is a pretty perfect storm for the market to have a bad day. I don’t think there is any crash possibilities, but a correction or pullback is possible in the short-term before moving on higher as companies start to have easy comps, restrictions get eased and many more good things toward the end of the year. + +So, let’s hope for a good day today instead in the market as the US [FUTURES](https://ibb.co/bmsPDqL) seem to be pointing to a red open, with the, while the rest of the world is pretty [mixed](https://ibb.co/xLfGFHT) with Japan, France and Germany down, while China & Hong Kong are up + +Thank you everyone for reading! Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion on the stock market! + +Have a great day and see you next time! +They revealed 1500 cases yesterday after getting pressure. Markets have been hopeful this can be contained after China has been reporting very few cases. Of course anybody with a brain knew that was false. + + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-31/china-reveals-1-541-symptom-free-virus-cases-under-pressure + +I’ve got spy puts and VXX bull spreads so I’m fucked cuz clearly we mooning on this info + +Edit: this post getting a lot of exposure. So how do we profit? +The major tech companies have taken hits but not big hits. Google msft Apple all have p/e’s over 20. AMD is at 150 p/e. QQQ is nasdaq top 100 by market cap and is heavily weighted towards these tech stocks. + +If China is much worse than reported, supply chains will be majorly disrupted for foreseeable future. Consider a long term puts or bear spreads. I’ve got ~2k in QQQ puts for a few weeks out. + +Invest at your own risk. I’ve been wrong before and nobody knows how this gonna play out +In case you have not seen it: http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2018/04/10/hacking-hedonic-adaptation/ + +Interesting perspective and good reminder to choose wisely on the things you spend...even if you think you want them. + +Also I know he is a bit out of flavor on this sub for various reasons, but for me (like many here I'm sure) he was my first glimpse into FIRE...so if you don't like it...just click back and move on :) +What I the best way for me to invest my money? +I have £100 and I'm looking to start investing and I wanted to know what the best ways were and if the fact I'm 17 will effect it in any way? +Hi all. I was wondering if you could provide some perspective. I am a 30 year old scientist.I am not close to FI but I recently realized that I am in the position to be there in about 5-7 years if I keep plodding along in my very stable job. However, this realization, while it is something that I always wanted, is making me much less motivated to get anything done. I could phone it in and probably do fine until I RE. + +I guess I was wondering if you had any advice. I feel conflicted because I should be celebrating this but at the same time I feel very sluggish and unmotivated now and for some reason feel bad about that. Any book recommendations would be helpful as well. + +Thanks! + + +EDIT: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who provided some insight. I'm glad to know that a lot of people can relate to this. Collectively, you've all given me some really helpful things to think about. + +- Which bank do you recommend for savings account or fixed deposits? +- How's your experience with wealth management services? + For example, you can discuss your experience with Citigold / CitiPriority, Kotak Privy League, DB WealthPro, Axis Burgundy, ICICI Bank Wealth Management etc. + +- What bank offers the best forex rates? + +- Discuss the quality of the bank's mobile apps and the services they offer. + +- How are the lending practices at your bank? Did your home loan / car loan / education loan get approved on time + + Were you required to purchase additional products (like insurance) to avail a loan? + +--- + +You can also ask for a general review of a particular product or services that you have been researching: + +> Is bank X good? Is it recommended for basic services no-frills accounts? + +but please avoid asking for personal advice. + +The discussion is meant for consumption by a broader audience. + +For advice regarding your personal situation (like _My family is pressurising me to take a home loan, what would you suggest?_), the bi-weekly advice thread is recommended. + +Personal advice queries and comments will be removed to ensure that older threads provide sufficient historical reviews on products and services. + +Reviews posted here can be relied upon by newcomers to evaluate customer experience. Please confine the thread only to reviews or requests for reviews of products and services. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +Coming from a traditional punjabi business family in Delhi, I've never invested in equities or anything else but real estate (both commercial and residential). I admit I don't know much about the equity market but whenever I have tried to dabble in it, it all seems futile in comparison. + +Let's say I have around 3 cr to invest. Why should I waste my time learning about the stock market or find out which funds provide the best returns when I can easily invest in one of the many affordable upcoming projects in Gurgaon that will for sure do well. At least in Gurgaon, there are tons and tons of new companies setting up shop, people from around the globe and from other places in India looking for places to rent. + +The rents (commercial, but residential too recently) have been skyrocketing. Just to give you an example, I recently bought a small part of an office in Gurgaon for 2 cr where the rent is 80k a month and will also appreciate in value significantly, given the commercial development around it. Even if investing in a fund gives me a higher annual return than this, isn't a property like that a much safer and useful investment in the long run? + +Would really appreciate your opinions/advice. +Does any broker offer XIRR for Demat accounts? + +I have a Demat account with Zerodha, which does not provide XIRR, only net gains, and as a long-term investor, I find it difficult to understand how well my investments (stocks/ETFs) are doing. + +I have tried to do this manually, but the process is just way too long, it involves downloading excel reports, then calculating the value, and then putting it through the XIRR formula, and needs to be done for each holding. + +Searching on the net I see that Zerodha has been saying that they plan to add this feature, but they have been saying this for a while now and with no ETA. So back to the original question, does any broker (preferably discount broker) offer XIRR values for holdings? + +EDIT: Not looking for how to calculate XIRR manually in excel/google sheets, but whether there's any broker who does offer this out of the box. +I'm not the least bit surprised by Shkreli's claims to investors, but the fact that he [kept getting vetted for more loans](http://business.financialpost.com/news/fp-street/how-martin-shkreli-the-teen-wolf-of-wall-street-thrived) boggles my mind. +This post is not meant as a blanket criticism of dividend funds. It is for informational purposes only and to present the facts. The simulation generates an identical amount of income from DVY and SPY ($15,000 per quarter indexed to inflation). It achieves this from keeping the dividends, and selling shares if necessary. Obviously more shares are sold of SPY because the dividend is lower. + +Starting with 1 mil, by 2021 there is 1.27 million SPY and 820k DVY. The DVY seems likely to deplete at some point. SPY is not quite keeping up with inflation either, but is considerably better. + +The same sim can be run for SCHD vs SPY vs DVY since 2013. SCHD is much more competitive with SPY, but still lags slightly over the life of the fund (second link). + +Remember the simulation generates an equal amount of income from each fund quarterly ($15,000 indexed to inflation). So you could have lived off of the $5,000+ / month for 21 years and still had 1.27 million SPY today, or 820k DVY. ($5000+ because indexed to inflation) + +While historical performance is no guarantee of future success, SPY has outperformed both of these funds while providing the owner with an identical monthly. SPY remained ahead during the 2009 and 2020 bear markets. SPY also already contains many dividend stocks. Dividend funds may have their uses for active traders or those that believe dividend fund performance will improve in the future, or those that want to be "overweight" in dividend stocks because they believe their performance will be better than it has been historically. Dividend funds are also useful for those who don't want to look or think about their investments because they don't require selling shares to generate significant income. But anybody retiring from 2003-2013 would be better off today if they bought SPY, even during the 2009 bear market, and while maintaining an identical level of income ($5k/month) from their investments. + +If one wanted $6000 income/month (18k/quarter) then the DVY would nearly deplete down to 167k. The SPY depletes also, but not as much (438k). + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=2002&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=1000000&annualOperation=2&annualAdjustment=5000&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=2&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=DVY&allocation1\_1=100&symbol2=SPY&allocation2\_2=100](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=2002&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=1000000&annualOperation=2&annualAdjustment=5000&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=2&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=DVY&allocation1_1=100&symbol2=SPY&allocation2_2=100) + +[https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=2002&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=1000000&annualOperation=2&annualAdjustment=15000&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=3&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=DVY&allocation1\_1=100&symbol2=SPY&allocation2\_2=100&symbol3=SCHD&allocation3\_3=100](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=2002&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=1000000&annualOperation=2&annualAdjustment=15000&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=3&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=DVY&allocation1_1=100&symbol2=SPY&allocation2_2=100&symbol3=SCHD&allocation3_3=100) +I love the process, the long haul of building this life long investment. Getting intimate with a handful of stocks, researching, looking forward to payday to buy more shares. It has made me want to work harder! Work overtime, not call in, be frugal and see everything as stock purchase opportunities. I could order that pizza delivery and drink a case of beer tonight.....or use that 30+$ to buy another share of AT&T. I legit have lost 35lb since I started dividend investing and not spending ridiculous amounts of money on food. + +I am just finding more satisfaction out of life and enjoying the process rather than quick pleasures and racing to the end. +Starting a Roth and just added my first few tickers: + +VZ, SCHD, O, MSFT, AAPL. PBCT, STAG. Spread out fairly evenly. + +I'm retiring in 10 years with a pension. These will be sitting for 15 years +. + +I have a few other retirement accounts, but wanted to do this one on my own. Will be doing the max 6k/year contributions. I also buy a small amount of crypto each week for the high risk gains. + +Thoughts? + +Edit: by max out, I mean to dca weekly, not a lump sum. +I have a bit of savings and looking to get some decent dividends in. I’ve been lurking on other subreddits and I see a lot of hype for VOO and SPY but not SPHD. + +I have 10 shares of SPHD, and 2 of the other two. While SPHD is currently 1/10 price of the other two. SPHD also gives monthly dividends, while the others give quarterly. With the current number of shares I have for them, the amount I am receiving is pretty much the same. Doesnt that mean over an annual basis, SPHD gives out more? How is VOO and SPY better? I’m looking to get about $1000 of monthly dividends from SPHD, is that not a good idea? My outlook of things are pretty simple atm, I suppose there are also other variables that makes SPHD not as good as it seems. +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +First, I know this sounds like a dumb question, and I'm not even sure if it belongs here, so mods, feel free to yell at me. + +Just read something about Betsy DeVoss getting her $40 million dollar yacht vandalized. + +I was never able to fathom the idea of having so much money. If you told me I was getting $40 million dollars, the first thing I would do is pay off all of my debt, buy a shit ton of stuff for my pets, give my current car to my parents (they only have the one) and buy myself a Prius, and then finally decorate/patch up my apartment. Might travel more. And then probably pay off my older brother's student loans so my parents are no longer stuck paying them. Send some money to struggling family members. I dunno, the compulsion to give it away would be higher for me than keeping it. (I'm sorry if this makes me sound like a prat, but that's just how I feel about it. I've bought things for people before when back in the day, I had a little income to spare.) + +I get that that wouldn't be a first priority for everyone, but...I don't *need* a yacht. I don't *need* 12 houses. I don't *need* crazy expensive clothing/purses. + +Where does the compulsion to buy stuff like that come from? Stuff that's tens of millions of dollars that you probably only use once or twice a year? My brain can't find a reason as to why you would just throw away such large sums of money in one go. If I spend a lot of money, it's going to be on something I'll use. + +Apologies if this is just kind of....stupid to read. But I hear stories like this and I think, "Why do you even *have* that?" I'm content to live comfortably and not constantly be losing sleep over unpaid bills and collector calls or worrying about why my stuff isn't selling fast enough to get me my additional income. +Wife and I have owned our place for near 5 years now and were thinking about this recently. We have no kids and are planning to remain DINK, we we likely want just a larger apartment. + +We wanted to just gauge how soon is too soon to upgrade a PPOR? + +Also, how do you handle the selling and buying process with two mortgages etc. recommend to sell first, rent and then buy? +Looking at a couple of results in the last week in the modest Sydney suburb of Como (Sutherland Shire, 27km from CBD on train line) and wonder how the hell these kind of prices can be sustained. + +Nice reno but at the end of the day it is still a small three-bedroom, one bathroom place and got $1.371m + +[https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-como-132178310](https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-como-132178310) + +Next place is on a smaller block, no garage. Maybe a touch roomier inside. On the suburb's main thoroughfare and near pub (plus or minus depending on perspective I guess). Again, nice inside but really a downsizers place in a lot of ways. Gets $1.36m. + +[https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-como-132152394](https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-como-132152394) + +I feel like I know the market here and was pretty gobsmacked with both prices. The second maybe 200k+ more than I imagined. + +Mid year in the neighbouring, fairly comparable Jannali you were getting this for 975k. Not brick, but 400k less than these other places? + +[https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-jannali-131441614](https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-jannali-131441614) + +And this veritable mansion in a culdesac for $1.25m would surely be well north of $1.5m now based on those sales. + +[https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-jannali-130662874](https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-jannali-130662874) + +Do you see this as a short spike? I just can't see how this renewed vigour can be sustained in the current economic climate with wages not moving but am also deeply concerned with these sudden rapid price rises, +I’m supposed to be selling my flat and buying a house, but the house owner has just changed her mind after six months of messing us around, and pulled out entirely. + +I’m absolutely devastated and it’s going to cost me £10k plus probably £400/month more in interest when I find somewhere new. I don’t want to screw over the flat buyer or lose the sale, so I’m planning on continuing that part and paying the early redemption charges. + +That’ll leave me with around 100k which I need to hang onto for the next few months whilst I find another house and start a new mortgage application. Where’s my best bet? +The general message is I want to be more than just "okay" in my retirement. I want to be in really good shape. + +Currently 39 years old. I make 165K/year. + +EDIT: to be clear: 3 years ago I was making 41K/year and had very little saved. I KNOW I'm behind. That's why I'm asking for help. All the stuff below I've been doing for about the last year or so because I finally have money and am not living paycheck to paycheck. I'm a late bloomer, professionally. + +I contribute 2% to my company 401K (they do not match). Currently have about 1K in there (I haven't been contributing for long, since the company doesn't match) + +Have about 3K in a Roth I contribute about $150/month into. + +I also put about $200-300/month into a personal investment account currently worth about 25K. + +If and when my company matches 401K contributions, I would max out my contribution %. + +I own a home which cost $435,000. Bought it this year and have about $375,000 left on it. In 20-25 years, I would sell it. It likely won't be paid off yet, so figure maybe if I'm lucky I'd net somewhere between $200-$300K from the sale and would use that, in whole or part, to buy my retirement home/condo/whatever. + +Next year I will be 40, and will have a good 20-25 years worth of working left in me. I have no significant debts. No car payment. My mortgage is my largest expense each month (approx $2600/month). + +My monthly take home is about $9600, and after mortgage, utilities, and all other expenses including a few discretionary things, etc,. I have a good $4K leftover each month that I don't "need" to live. + +I don't lead any extravagant lifestyle. Don't buy fancy things or drive expensive cars, etc. I don't even buy designer stuff lol most of my clothes come from Kohls (clearance rack). + +Bottom line is there's probably at least 1K-2K/month , and likely more, that I could easily do "whatever" with. + +What is your best advice on what I should be doing differently if my goal is to have a really good retirement? + +EDIT: I should mention also that I have equity which refreshes each year. Once fully vested (2025) it will/should be worth about 250K. Also, this is the first year I am also eligible for an annual bonus which may be up to 50K. So the plan was to invest a significant portion of that bonus in my retirement accounts. +30 years old living in New Hampshire. Will probably spend another 10 years here taking care of my grandparents. From competing with cash offers, waived inspections, cash payments on differences in appraisals, BEYOND asking offers..... WE ARE DISCOURAGED. + +Every offer we have made has been strong over asking, good down payment, but WAIVED INSPECTION! Won't do it with young kids... + +Fears of buying: market tanks, we're stuck in an overpriced home + +Fears of waiting: prices keep going up, we're throwing rent money in a hole + +Private sale possibilities: my grandparents house when they pass (pre-discussed), the 3 unit multifamily we are currently residing in (landlords 95 year old mother is not ready to sell yet - i think the family might sell after). + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Current rent: $1,300 for 1,400 sq. ft 3 bedroom 1.5 bath. + +Average rent in the area for this: $1,600++ + +Median price of home this size: $290k ++ + +\-10% down = $1,870 monthly \*includes mortgage, PMI, insurance, taxes\* + +\-20% down = $1,610 monthly \*includes mortgage, insurance, taxes\* + +Excellent credit so 3.11% 30 year rate. + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Advice needed. Should we be content renting? Continuing to save for maybe a 15 year mortgage? I feel like we're throwing money in a hole... +Back story: + +I’m 23 years old, I have about 63k saved in liquid cash. 20k in a HYSA as my emergency fund. About 4K in different stocks using an app. The rest just in my regular bank savings account (I know I know). Part of it is me being an entrepreneur at heart and just wanting the cash ready when I’m ready to start a business and the other half is just he high of seeing the numbers. + +I have around 5k in student loans I’ve been paying $60 a month on. No other debts at all. I contribute 6% to my 401k and company matches up to 5%. + +I recently got a promotion/raise and am about to start making 90k from make 78k. + +How do I get over this “thrill” of seeing the numbers in my bank account and just start investing it in other places. Cause I really don’t need the money on hand any time soon. I might buy a house in ~2years but that’s it. After this raise I know I’ll have a lot of extra cash flow. + +Any advice is welcome. + +Edit: Definitely didn’t think this post would get this much recognition lol But I have decided to open up a personal capital account to start tracking my net worth, I will start by contributing the full amount to a Roth and paying off my student loans. + +Side question: for brokerage accounts, index funds, other ways to invest etc. are these done through apps or is it like banking? +1. Bitcoin devs were afraid of forking before, but now they have a clear example of the worst case scenario. They won't fork to 2MB, and they won't scale. + +2. Most of the attention in crypto is now focused on the Ethereum variants. + +3. New attention on Ethereum is coming from the Bitcoin community. People who hated Ethereum 3 weeks ago are suddenly discovering ETC for "moral" reasons. Many of them are experiencing a 2nd-gen cryptocurrency for the first time. They won't go backwards. + +4. The small-blockers ("immutable", "code is law", "maximalist") are quickly claiming ETC as the new home for their set of viewpoints. It's like we have two political parties, and one of them just upgraded their software. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include, but are not limited to, general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, and minor questions. +- Do not create separate posts outside the daily thread which can be identified under the content categories mentioned above. If you do, your post may be removed and/or heavily downvoted. Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! +Just staked my eth on coinbase. I’m not planning on selling it till the next bull market anyway so I figured I might as well earn interest. I read through terms and user agreement and didn’t see anything alarming, but I’m not a lawyer so idk what half of it meant anyway. Am I an idiot? Can someone explain to me the possible downsides of all this? I understand crypto terminology for the most part but once you get past the basics you kinda lose me, so I still don’t know if I just made a good decision or just threw my money away. Don’t care though honestly because 75% of it’s gone already in this bear market so if it’s completely gone it’s just another 25% kick in the nuts. I’m sadly used to watching my money disappear on a computer screen. Thanks for the help! +How often do you meet with your spouse or significant other to discuss finances and planning?? + +Also, when you do sit down together, what is the conversation about as it relates to the financial future of your family and your FatFire journey? + +Do you review budgets and spending? Talk career advancement? Kids and family? Review investments? + +I’m curious as to what this looks like for others. +# I Solved the Mystery of the Entire Gamestop Saga: My Definitive Explanation on (a) The (Minimum) True Short Interest / Public Float; (b) The Meaning of the Official SEC “Gamestop Report”; (c) How Computershare Was Always the Only Answer Without Catalyst! + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# TL;DR: The public float of GME is a minimum of 759.37 million shares; short interest is a minimum of 106.16 million shares shorted (using 226.42% of float in 1/2021); and the official SEC "Gamestop Report" was an indirect way of stating that (a) the short sellers never closed the overwhelming majority of their short positions on GME and (b) the public float of GME is at least in the hundreds of millions of shares due to counterfeit / phantom / CEBE shares. Computershare was always the only answer without catalyst. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**Table of Contents** + +**Prologue: Did It Ever Occur To You That the Yahoo! Finance Numbers on GME, as of Right Now, Are (Mostly) Correct?** + +**Part I: We All Fail to Deliver Down Here** + +**Part II: Dr. Jim Decosta Travels to the Future a Couple of Decades and Tells the World About Computershare** + +**Part III: Dr. Jim Decosta Travels to the Future a Couple of Decades and Reveals the Direct Counter to Abusive Naked Short Selling** + +**Epilogue: S3 Partners Was An Extremely Important "Authority" in Dictating the Narrative That Short Sellers "Closed Their Positions"** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Prologue: Did It Ever Occur To You That the Yahoo! Finance Numbers on GME, as of Right Now, Are (Mostly) Correct? + +&#x200B; + +If I gave the hedge funds and market makers the *benefit of the doubt*, this is the absolute lowest I would calculate the short interest and public float of GME (I am 99% certain the short interest and public float are higher, and [S3 Partners even said so](https://twitter.com/S3Partners/status/1355231154874552322)): + +&#x200B; + +GME public float earlier this year (1/2021): 46.89M. GME short % of float (1/2021): 226.42% = 106.16 million shares of GME shorted (and never closed). + +&#x200B; + +GME float (now on 12/14/21): 62.11 M. GME short % of float (now on 12/14/21): 13.98%. + +&#x200B; + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) + +[https://web.archive.org/web/20210129164718/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/](https://web.archive.org/web/20210129164718/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/) + +&#x200B; + +**106.16 M is 13.98% of 759.37 (M) million, which means there are 759.37 (M) million shares of GME in the public float (approximate true minimum right now):** [https://s3partners.com/notesonfloat.html](https://s3partners.com/notesonfloat.html) + +&#x200B; + +**Short interest of GME now is unknown but at least 226.42% = 106.16 million shares of GME shorted.** + +&#x200B; + +**Did it ever occur to you that the Yahoo! Finance numbers on GME, as of right now, are (mostly) correct?** First, you [manufacture 100 shares of GME out of thin air](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity/) with an in-the-money call and immediately exercise it; then you marry a put with it. A married put can hide short interest because it's a long position (100 GME shares) along with one (1) put option position. A married put causes 100 additional shares of GME to now exist beyond the float and dilute it. These counterfeit / phantom / CEBE shares can be used to temporarily or indefinitely resolve a fail to deliver: **this does not close the original shorted share** and simply dilutes the float. That is, you can replace a shorted share in the "official count" with a "long" counterfeit / phantom / CEBE share: now that this has happened, you can publicly announce it on Yahoo! Finance. Because 100 additional "long" shares of GME now exist in the float to replace 100 "short" shares, you can publicly announce that the number of shares shorted and the short interest both dropped: this is why the number of rehypothecated shares is never announced publicly anywhere, and Dr. Jim DeCosta pointed this out a couple of decades ago as I explain below. The purpose of doing this is to tank the price through insane amounts of dilution and make it appear as though a short squeeze can no longer happen. This is all possible because shares of GME at the DTCC, under the ownership of Cede and Company, are fungible. + +&#x200B; + +S3 partners uses this equation to calculate short interest: S3 Daily Shares Shorted ÷ (Float + Synthetic Longs). The numerator will always remain at least 106.16 M because the official SEC "Gamestop Report" (2021) or Staff Report on Equity and Options Market Structure Conditions in Early 2021 stated that the short sellers never closed the overwhelming majority of their short positions. The denominator has gradually increased over time as the synthetic longs accumulate. Float + Synthetic Longs = 759.37 (M) million shares of GME (minimum). + +&#x200B; + +A fail to deliver can happen with a short *or* long position! I never really understood this sentence till I *understood it*. A married put actually has *two* purposes: hiding short interest *and* diluting the float with counterfeit / phantom / CEBE shares! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/pgr28x8xbi581.png?width=1766&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ff18bbe13dfa1a6f5e3e87e59266260a8411564 + +Here is S3 Partners admitting, just like the official SEC "Gamestop Report," that there was no naked shorting, and this includes "synthetic longs" created by short sales. The short sells were not naked because they were "covered" with counterfeit / phantom / CEBE shares—hundreds of millions of them! + +[https://twitter.com/S3Partners/status/1354851186533396481](https://twitter.com/S3Partners/status/1354851186533396481) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Part I: We All Fail to Deliver Down Here + +&#x200B; + +Official SEC "Gamestop Report" (2021) or Staff Report on Equity and Options Market Structure Conditions in Early 2021: + +[https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +Direct measures of naked short selling do not exist. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jth3vmk8bi581.png?width=2545&format=png&auto=webp&s=035431f8943d568d0fec72e03d5584f2f7e2220d + +Therefore, the SEC and the rest of the world has to use indirect measures of naked short selling. + +&#x200B; + +>The unusually high amount of short selling raised the question of whether some of the short sales were “naked”—namely, made without arranging to borrow the underlying security. When a naked short sale occurs, the seller fails to deliver the securities to the buyer, and staff did observe spikes in fails to deliver in GME. However, fails to deliver can occur either with short or long sales, making them an imperfect measure of naked short selling. Moreover, based on the staff’s review of the available data, GME did not experience persistent fails to deliver at the individual clearing member level. Specifically, staff observed that most clearing members were able to clear any fails relatively quickly, i.e. , within a few days, and for the most part did not experience fails across multiple days. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ytoy4s0nbi581.png?width=1996&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9a5aab90a38fdbbc47e6d907a7c683503e986f4 + +The SEC admits itself that fails to deliver can occur either with **short or long sales**, making them an imperfect measure of abusive naked short selling. Dr. Trimbath has said this. + +&#x200B; + +**Prerequisite DD (2) about counterfeit / phantom / CEBE shares**: + +1) The Ultimate DD about the CEBE (Counterfeit Electronic Book Entries) created by the SBP (Share Borrow Program) within the DTCC. Written by Dr. Jim DeCosta on a forum from 2006. Want it to get immortalized on Reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q53qzh/the\_ultimate\_dd\_about\_the\_cebe\_counterfeit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q53qzh/the_ultimate_dd_about_the_cebe_counterfeit/) + +2) The DTCC (Depository That Clears Counterfeits) is finished. They covered up the fraud that enables naked short selling and are why we will MOASS to epic proportions: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ocds1m/the\_dtcc\_depository\_that\_clears\_counterfeits\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ocds1m/the_dtcc_depository_that_clears_counterfeits_is/) + +&#x200B; + +**Dr. Jim DeCosta said the following about "good delivery" of counterfeit / phantom / CEBE shares:** + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/s72303/decosta122203.htm](https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/s72303/decosta122203.htm) + +&#x200B; + +>**If there are 100 million legitimate shares issued in the stock he or she is contemplating buying, and 300 million "failures to deliver" or "loans made to cover a failed delivery" within the system**, **the prospective investor has the right to know** that his purchase of 1 million shares will NOT give him 1% of the voting power of the company, 1% of any dividends distributed, or 1% of any residual equity rights in the case of the dissolution of the company. The SEC has the DUTY to make this crime-preventive information available to the prospective buyer. Otherwise, this investor will have walked into an ambush that the regulators were well aware of because **on the day after his purchase there are 400 million shares that can be sold at any instant in time should bad news arrive on the doorstep**. You at the SEC are very well aware of the ambush because you have visibility of these "fails" and "loans". Please give us a "heads up"! Just as the SEC and the public have the right to know of any additional shares being registered by an issuer,\* **the micro cap investors have the right to know how many "**[counterfeit electronic book entries](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ocds1m/the_dtcc_depository_that_clears_counterfeits_is/)**" are on the books at the DTCC and clearing agencies**. In other words, how many shares has the DTCC illegally "registered" unbeknownst to the corporation and its shareholders. + +&#x200B; + +Dr. DeCosta is saying "The SEC has visibility of the fact that the float is more than 70 million shares of GME: "give us a heads up" that the public float is in the hundreds of millions (or [billions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pulq81/three_independent_analyses_that_arrive_at/) of shares). + +&#x200B; + +>This is all in the spirit of Regulation Full Disclosure or Reg. FD. It is a two way street. It is inherently wrong for two or more shareholders to receive monthly brokerage statements INDICATING THE OWNERSHIP OF THE SAME PARCEL OF "SHARES/PACKAGES OF RIGHTS". We would advise the SEC to not get "faked out" on the concept of "good delivery". **"Good delivery" is an** **instantaneous phenomenon** at the DTCC. **Fraudsters can borrow the same shares involved in effecting yesterday's "good delivery" of shares to create "good delivery" of today's trade. This allows access of these nonexistent entities into the DTCC via the creation of "counterfeit electronic book entries" or "**[CEBES](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q53qzh/the_ultimate_dd_about_the_cebe_counterfeit/)**".** + +&#x200B; + +>In a nutshell, the current system for clearance, settlement, and delivery in place at the DTCC allow fraudsters to sell nonexistent entities for literally billions of dollars. The Automated Stock Borrow Program at the DTCC converts these nonexistent entities outside the DTCC into "Counterfeit Electronic Book Entries" (CEBEs) inside the DTCC via "the borrow" which creates "good delivery" which, in turn, allows the trade to "clear and settle" (C and S). C and S allows the DTCC to earn fees, its participants to earn commissions, and its participating market makers to earn "mark-ups". The CEBEs can then be sold to anybody because they are commingled with real shares and until all real shares have been removed from the DTCC via share registration programs any sale is PRESUMED to be that of a real share. + +&#x200B; + +This screenshot is Gary once again: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hlcwm7brci581.png?width=2545&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dcc9c1b16062772e75c2bca1b738f7c285041ac + +>Even in the Reg SHO environment the trades done by naked short selling fraudsters still aren’t “settling”. “Settlement” mandates “Good form delivery” of that which was intended to be purchased by the buyer-a “Package of rights” attached to a specific U.S. corporation domiciled in a specific U.S. state. **You cannot have “Good form delivery” if that which is being “Delivered” comes from a self-replenishing “Lending pool” of shares provided by the DTCC’s “Automated Stock Borrow Program” (the SBP) especially when that which is delivered to the new buyers broker/dealer can immediately be replaced right back into the same “Lending pool” from whence it just came as if it never left at all.** + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nasd/nasd2005112/jdecosta112405.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nasd/nasd2005112/jdecosta112405.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +>The “Automated Stock Borrow Program” at the DTCC allows shares held in “Street name” at the DTCC to be borrowed from an anonymous “Lending Pool” of shares. **This allows the firm of the buyer of these nonexistent shares to receive delivery of “something” that at least resembles a legitimate share at first glance**\*. The problem is that the buying firm is allowed to immediately place these “Shares or share facsimiles” right back into this same anonymous “Lending pool” of shares AS IF THEY NEVER LEFT IN THE FIRST PLACE. THE BUYING FIRM IS THEN HANDSOMELY REWARDED BY THE DTCC WITH THE CASH EQUIVALENT OF THE SHARES DEPOSITED INTO THE POOL AND CHOSEN TO CLEAR THE NEXT FAILED DELIVERY. THIS WONDERFUL ABILITY TO CONVERT A CLIENT’S PURCHASES OF REAL SHARES OR “PSEUDOSHARES” INTO CASH FOR THE USE OF THE BROKER/DEALER PROVIDES PLENTY OF INCENTIVE TO KEEP THE “LENDING POOL" FULL TO CAPACITY.\* **THE SELF-REPLENISHING ASPECT ALSO HELPS KEEP IT FULL TO ADDRESS AS MANY “FAILED DELIVERIES” AS THE SYSTEM WILL GENERATE WHICH IS AN INFINITE AMOUNT IF NO REGULATOR MONITORS FOR THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE USE OF THE “BONA FIDE” MM EXEMPTION FROM BORROWING BEFORE SHORT SELLING**: + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nasd/nasd2005112/jdecosta112405.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nasd/nasd2005112/jdecosta112405.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +Fraudsters can "deliver" counterfeit shares and "clear any fails relatively quickly." + +&#x200B; + +Some guy with a cat poster in his room was mentioned by Lucy Komisar as saying the following: + +>Keith Gill, the independent investor whose social media posts started the GameStop frenzy, made the most important comment of the hearing. He pointed out that the same share can be “located” dozens of times, even for multiple clients. And options market makers like Citadel are exempt from the rules that they must locate the stock. +> +>Gill said, “The ability for the same share to be shorted infinite times is a pathology. We don’t have the ability to track what shares are shorted and how many times.” + +[https://prospect.org/power/gamestop-mess-exposes-the-naked-short-selling-scam/](https://prospect.org/power/gamestop-mess-exposes-the-naked-short-selling-scam/) + +&#x200B; + +The SEC admits the following: + +>In seeking to answer this question, staff observed that during some discrete periods, GME had sharp price increases concurrently with known major short sellers covering their short positions after incurring significant losses. During these times, short sellers covering their positions likely contributed to increases in GME’s price: + +[https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +# If you decrease the short interest from 297% to 226%, you are still short at least 226% ([likely way more](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pulq81/three_independent_analyses_that_arrive_at/) due to the secret ingredient)! + +&#x200B; + +The reported short interest of GME according to Yahoo! Finance was the following: + +&#x200B; + +Short percentage of float (Jan 14, 2021): 226.42% + +Short percentage of shares outstanding (Jan 14, 2021): 88.58% + +&#x200B; + +[https://web.archive.org/web/20210129164718if\_/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/](https://web.archive.org/web/20210129164718if_/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/) + +&#x200B; + +Short percentage of float (11/12/20): 297.13% + +Short percentage of shares outstanding (11/12/20): 103.52% + +&#x200B; + +[https://web.archive.org/web/20201130212429if\_/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/](https://web.archive.org/web/20201130212429if_/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/) + +&#x200B; + +Official GME SEC report + +>Figure 6 shows that the run-up in GME stock price coincided with buying by those with short positions. However, it also shows that such buying was a small fraction of overall buy volume. It was the positive sentiment, not the buying-to-cover, that sustained the weeks-long price appreciation of GameStop stock . . . . A short squeeze did not appear to be the main driver of events: + +[https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +The shorts closing their position was a small fraction of the run-up in GME stock price in 1/2021. Buying to cover or closing the short positions did not account for the majority of the run-up in GME stock price in 1/2021. A short squeeze did not appear to be the main driver of events: this means the abusive naked short sellers did not close an overwhelming majority of their short positions. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/czijhz1mdi581.png?width=1471&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcc01b782f09ef7700e469168568814ddbb36054 + +# Question: How the fuck do you (a) short GME public float at least 226% (outstanding float > 100%) along with having the short interest later drop to < 10-15%, (b) not close the overwhelming majority of your naked short positions, AND (c) "clear fails relatively quickly" or "not experience fails?" ([You cannot short insider shares](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1164964/000101968715004168/globalfuture_8k-ex9904.htm) as far as I know.) This series of events is literally impossible because any share above 100% of the public float is a phantom share and would fail to deliver for sure . . . unless you . . . + +&#x200B; + +# Answer: Deliver a counterfeit / phantom / CEBE share . . . hundreds of millions of them: these counterfeit or phantom shares exist [here](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/client-center/DTC/alpha.pdf): all under the umbrella of the DTCC or Cede and Company (who truly own the shareholder rights--not you). + +# + +Abusive naked short sellers can then use [a million different ways](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2013-151) to buy time to fail and never deliver (short-kiting, etc.), [hide short interest](https://prospect.org/power/how-the-gamestop-hustle-worked/), and manipulate price of GME with [more than one way](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mnqygs/ihor_just_admitted_s3_short_interest_is/) including shorting XRT, dark pools, etc. Here's one way: u/broccaaa said, “When prices really started to move from January 25-29, more than 100 million shares were created with Deep ITM call (exercised) and married-put naked shorting and used to hammer down price and hide short interest.” + +&#x200B; + +Naked short the GME public float at least 226% (outstanding float > 100%) along with having the short interest later drop to < 10-15%; not close the overwhelming majority of your naked short positions; and "clear fails relatively quickly" or "not experience fails"—this series of events only makes sense if (a) naked shorts were never covered, (b) the public float is in the hundreds of millions (maybe more than a billion) shares, (c) the publicly reported short interest is hidden with tactics that evade REG SHO regulations along with S3 conveniently using a new formula to calculate short interest this year. All of this is consistent with the official SEC "Gamestop Report" or Staff Report on Equity and Options Market Structure Conditions in Early 2021. + +&#x200B; + +Dr. DeCosta: + +>Once into the DTCC all shares, real and fake, are conveniently held in an anonymous pooled format which camouflages the existence of the fake shares. The real and fake shares then play a gigantic game of "musical chairs" at the DTCC, circling around chairs the number of which match the number of "real" shares only. **But since the music never stops at the DTCC, i.e., no periodic aging and quantification analyses of failed deliveries and loans made to mask failed deliveries, the fraud goes on undetected and the shareholders never do figure out if they bought real or fake shares.** + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/s72303/decosta122203.htm](https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/s72303/decosta122203.htm) + +&#x200B; + +There are a million and one ways to engage in abusive naked short selling, hiding short interest, indefinitely fail to deliver a share: Often [traders assist each other](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2013-151) to avoid having to deliver shares. + +&#x200B; + +Dr. DeCosta: + +>5) In (3) (i) what keeps a crooked MM from just naked short selling through a different proprietary or non-proprietary account once he's caught? Please refer to the Sedona case modus operandi. These people usually work in collusion with many other co-conspirators **both on and offshore**\*. A MM caught misbehaving can hand the naked short selling torch to a "buddy MM" for 90 days and return the favor should the "buddy MM" get caught. The emphasis has to be on shutting down the abusive naked short selling of the abusive BROKERAGE FIRMS, NOT JUST THE OFFENDING ACCOUNTS. IF YOU ACTUALLY PUNISH THE BROKERS, THESE CRIMES WILL BECOME LESS PERVASIVE. + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/s72303/decosta122203.htm](https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/s72303/decosta122203.htm) + +&#x200B; + +Dr. DeCosta advocates for punishing brokerages like Fidelity or Vanguard here, by the way. A market maker like Citadel can hand off the naked short selling torch to a buddy market maker and indefinitely delay delivery of a legitimate share. + +&#x200B; + +Dr. DeCosta: + +>*Addendum "C" to the rules and regulations of the NSCC, set up a "Lending Pool" of shares in street form to cover failed deliveries* *FOR ONLY A DAY OR TWO* *because there are indeed legitimate reasons why delivery might be held up for a day or two. A year or two would seem to be a little excessive.* ***Be aware also of the constant "kiting" of these "open positions" amongst the perpetrators of this fraud and their co-conspirators made in an effort to "freshen up" the ages of these "fails" and "loans"****.* + +&#x200B; + +**In order to deal with a short sale where the investor becomes aware that the needed shares cannot be borrowed, the use of short-kiting helps to buy some additional time. The investor establishes another short sale through a different** **brokerage** **and uses the proceeds to cover the initial short sale.** In the interim, the investor is able to borrow the needed shares to complete the position created with the short-kiting strategy and the outcome is favorable for all parties concerned. + +[https://www.wise-geek.com/what-is-short-kiting.htm](https://www.wise-geek.com/what-is-short-kiting.htm) + +[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/k/kited.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/k/kited.asp) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxnou5/til\_about\_the\_term\_kiting\_aka\_fail\_to\_deliver/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxnou5/til_about_the_term_kiting_aka_fail_to_deliver/) + +&#x200B; + +Dr. Decosta: + +>It really doesn't matter whether the actual initiator of the naked short sell order was a predatory financier selling death spirals, an offshore corporation set up in a tax haven with strict banking secrecy laws, an unregulated hedge fund, an Internet naked short selling "guru" or one of his disciples, a Canadian broker/dealer, etc. All of these orders go through U.S. market makers, U.S. clearing firms, and the DTCC. + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/s72303/decosta122203.htm](https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/s72303/decosta122203.htm) + +&#x200B; + +Dave Lauer on Merrill recently: There are a few interesting nuggets in this action. For example, it also suggests that Merrill traders used derivatives in **overseas** affiliates to net against short positions in the US to avoid marking orders as short. That seems like a big deal: [https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1446468778062123046](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1446468778062123046) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Epilogue: S3 Partners Was An Extremely Important "Authority" in Dictating the Narrative That Short Sellers "Closed Their Positions" + +&#x200B; + +**Contrary to popular belief, S3 Partners changed the way they calculated short interest as early as 9/2020, around the time that King Kong became the largest shareholder of GME (not around 2/2021 or so):** [**https://web.archive.org/web/20201001000000\*/https://www.shortsight.com/short-interest-of-float-2-0/**](https://web.archive.org/web/20201001000000*/https://www.shortsight.com/short-interest-of-float-2-0/) + +&#x200B; + +Another post on calculating short interest by S3 Partners: Notes on Float: S3’s Ihor Dusaniwsky Answers Your Burning $GME Questions: [https://s3partners.com/notesonfloat.html](https://s3partners.com/notesonfloat.html) + +We calculate short interest daily .... the most up to date numbers you can get on the street! [https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354491420015546369](https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354491420015546369) + +S3 Partners initially agrees with the official SEC "Gamestop Report" by saying this was a long-buying rally and not a short squeeze: [https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354533284345163776](https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354533284345163776) + +**Illegal naked short selling is short selling without a locate and not being able to settle your trade. But in my scenario every short got a locate and a stock borrow and all settlements are satisfied. Rehypothicating or margining shares for stock loan is a necessary function.** + +[**https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354914850355507202**](https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354914850355507202) + +Per [@S3Partners](https://twitter.com/S3Partners) data, while the “value shorts” that were in [$GME](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24GME&src=cashtag_click) earlier have been squeezed, most of the borrowed shares that were returned on the back of the buy to covers were shorted by new momentum shorts in the name: [https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1355234358194556928](https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1355234358194556928) + +Our float number includes the "synthetic longs" that are created from short selling. This is an accurate calculation of the actual tradable liquidity in the market. shares shorted / (float + shares shorted) + +[https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1355197063504547841](https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1355197063504547841) + +&#x200B; + +**Ask yourself why they changed the equation to calculate short interest as early as 9/2020. Then see the following tweet:** + +&#x200B; + +[\#BREAKING](https://twitter.com/hashtag/BREAKING?src=hashtag_click): New S3 Partners Data Reveals Decline in [$GME](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24GME&src=cashtag_click) Short Bets. [\#s3data](https://twitter.com/hashtag/s3data?src=hashtag_click) + +[https://twitter.com/S3Partners/status/1356017621649383426](https://twitter.com/S3Partners/status/1356017621649383426) + +&#x200B; + +# TL;DR: The public float of GME is a minimum of 759.37 million shares; short interest is a minimum of 106.16 million shares shorted (using 226.42% of float in 1/2021); and the official SEC "Gamestop Report" was an indirect way of stating that (a) the short sellers never closed the overwhelming majority of their short positions on GME and (b) the public float of GME is at least in the hundreds of millions of shares due to counterfeit / phantom / CEBE shares. Computershare was always the only answer without catalyst. + +&#x200B; + +P.S. This is not my "nuclear" DD. I found all this shit out while preparing my "nuclear DD." + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +*Disclaimer:* + +*The information in this presentation does not, and is not intended to, constitute financial advice. I am expressing my personal opinion as if we were having a conversation at a diner or a bar. I am an active shareholder of Gamestop stock.* + +*The views expressed is this presentation are my own, and they do not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or approval by any other person or entity. References made to others are only for informational purposes for your convenience, and anyone mentioned here is not responsible for the accuracy or legality of any of the content published by me. Gamestop is not affiliated with any person or entity mentioned in this video or reddit post.* + +*The content of this post is published in the United States of America and persons who access it agree to do so in accordance with applicable U.S. law.* + +*All opinions expressed by me are solely my opinion and do not reflect the opinions of anyone else.* + +*You should not treat any opinion expressed on this message as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of an opinion. Such opinions are based upon information I consider reliable, but I do not warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as such.* + +*I am not under any obligation to update or correct any information available on this website. I am an active shareholder of Gamestop stock.* + +*Also, the opinions expressed by me may be short term in nature and are subject to change without notice.* + +*I do not guarantee any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment discussed from my reddit account. Strategies or investments discussed may fluctuate in price or value. Investors may get back less than invested. Investments or strategies mentioned on this website may not be suitable for you. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you.* + +*You must make an independent decision regarding investments or strategies mentioned on this website. Before acting on information on this website, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser.* + +*The content on this posting is provided "as is;" no representations are made that the content is error-free.* + +*None of this is insider trading and is all publicly available information.* + +*Thoroughly researching a company, performing your due diligence, and long-term investing into a stock you like is strongly encouraged. Market manipulation is illegal and is totally discouraged.* + +*You should be aware of the real danger of investment frauds and scams.* + +*Disclaimers made in this presentation may be applicable to all statements made on this reddit account.* + +[https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-bulletins/ia\_rumors.html](https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-bulletins/ia_rumors.html) + +[https://www.sec.gov/investor/alerts](https://www.sec.gov/investor/alerts) + +[https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/risks-short-term-trading-based-social-media-investor-alert](https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/risks-short-term-trading-based-social-media-investor-alert) +So, something I've always been curious about is how to set up a trust fund that will provide for my family for generations to come. A recent post quoted a statistic that a families wealth is gone by the 3rd generation in 70% of cases. I want to be that 30%! + + +Now, the three biggest challenges I see to achiving this: +- Asshole family members that steal all the money for themselves via lawers or scamming. +- Lazy/Spoiled family members that squander it. +- Running out of money, too many hands in the pot. + +I think it's an interesting thought experiment to try and figure out how to give without giving too much, and how to maintain solvency from beyond the grave when people who don't share your FI values could be in control. + +One of my initial ideas is to split the fund into "SWR" chunks and distribute yearly/monthly to each generation separately. If there are 3 kids (2nd generation), each of their families get 33%, if 1 kid has 2 kids(3rd generation) then the 33% would be split further. That keeps it fair for each family. + +Another idea, you could split it by person: if there are 3 kids(2nd generation) and one has 2 kids(3rd generation) then the "SWR" would be split 5 ways or 20% each. However, then the family of 3 would be getting more than the other two, favoring them for having more kids, essentially diluting the pool for their brothers/sisters. when a family is getting large after a few generations the payouts will get tiny! + +The distributions wouldn't start until 18 or 25 because I'd like it to come at a time when you really need the money but are old enough to appreciate it. I also don't want it to be a "lump sum" which is easily lost (see: lotto winners) +FINRA is requesting comment on potential enhancements to its short sale reporting program.  FINRA is considering: + +(1) modifications to its short interest reporting requirements (Rule 4560); + +(2) a new rule to require that participants of a registered clearing agency report to FINRA information on allocations to correspondent firms of fail-to-deliver positions; and + +(3) other potential enhancements related to short sale activity. + +&#x200B; + +FINRA encourages all interested parties to comment on this request for comment. Comments must be received by August 4, 2021. + +&#x200B; + +\~\~\~\~ + +&#x200B; + +FINRA is considering whether amendments to its short interest reporting and dissemination program would be appropriate to improve the regulatory and public utility of the information. FINRA also is considering whether any changes to other aspects of its short sale regulatory program would be beneficial, as discussed below. + +&#x200B; + +**A. Publication of Short Interest for Exchange-listed Equity Securities** + +FINRA Rule 4560 requires firms to report short positions in all equity securities (other than Restricted Equity Securities) to FINRA. Thus, FINRA members are required to report short positions in both OTC equity securities and exchange-listed equity securities. However, FINRA currently only disseminates on the FINRA website short interest information for OTC equity securities. For exchange-listed securities, FINRA provides the reported short interest position information to the applicable listing exchange for processing and publication. Exchanges historically have handled the publication of short interest data for their listed securities, even after short interest reporting for all equity securities was consolidated through FINRA in 2008.[8](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19#_edn8) + +**FINRA is considering consolidating the publication of short interest data that is reported to FINRA for both listed and unlisted securities.** If FINRA were to make this change, short interest files for all equity securities would be made available free of charge on the FINRA website and would not require changes to firms’ reporting requirements. In addition, if this change was made, the below potential changes to the content and timing of publicly disseminated data would apply to listed and unlisted securities.  + +&#x200B; + +**B. Content of Short Interest Data** + +FINRA receives short interest data from members on a firm-by-firm basis and subsequently aggregates the information by security to create the disseminated data files. FINRA is considering changes to the data fields firms are required to complete.  + +As discussed above, FINRA’s website publication of short interest data currently is limited to non-exchange listed, OTC equity securities and includes the following fields: + +&#x200B; + +* Security name +* Symbol +* Settlement Date +* Market (*i.e.*, OTC equity securities) +* Current aggregate short interest position for the security across all firms +* Previous aggregate short interest position for the security across all firms +* Change in short interest position since the prior reporting period (number of shares) +* Change in short interest position since the prior reporting period (percentage) +* Average daily trading volume for the security +* Days to cover[9](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19#_edn9) +* Revision Flag[10](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19#_edn10) + +&#x200B; + +FINRA is considering the following changes to reported and disseminated short interest data.[11](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19#_edn11) In some cases, FINRA also is considering whether the additional data points proposed to be collected should be disseminated publicly or used only for regulatory purposes.  + +&#x200B; + +* **Proprietary and Customer Account Categorization**: FINRA is considering requiring firms to segregate the total reportable short interest into two categories—short interest held in proprietary accounts and short interest held in customer accounts. Specifically, in addition to reporting the total short interest in a security, firms also would be required to specify the short interest held across all proprietary accounts and across all customer accounts (for both retail customer and institutional customer accounts) for each equity security as of the close of the designated reporting settlement date. FINRA believes that this information would provide beneficial regulatory information regarding the type of market participant that accumulated a short interest position (i.e., a firm or a non-broker-dealer customer).   + +&#x200B; + +* **Account-level Position Information:** Alternatively, FINRA is considering requiring firms to report (for regulatory purposes only; not to be disseminated publicly) short interest position information with more granularity by reporting at the account level for all equity securities. Account-level short interest position information would provide FINRA with insight into the identity of the individuals or entities that accumulated concentrations of large short interest positions, which FINRA would use to enhance its reviews for compliance both with SEC Regulation SHO and FINRA’s short sale rules.  + +&#x200B; + +* **Synthetic Short Positions:** In addition, FINRA is considering requiring firms to reflect synthetic short positions in short interest reports. For example, enhanced short interest reporting could include **synthetic short positions achieved through the sale of a call option and purchase of a put option (where the options have the same strike price and expiration month) or through other strategies.** FINRA believes this information would assist FINRA in understanding the scope of market participants’ short sale activity,  specifically regarding the use of less-traditional means of establishing short interest.  + +&#x200B; + +* **Loan Obligations Resulting From Arranged Financing:** FINRA understands that members may offer arranged financing programs (sometimes called “enhanced lending” or “short arranging products”) through which a customer can borrow shares from the firm’s domestic or foreign affiliate and use those shares to close out a short position in the customer’s account. FINRA is considering requiring members to **report as short interest outstanding stock borrows by customers in their arranged financing programs to better reflect actual short sentiment in the stock.**  + +&#x200B; + +* **Total Shares Outstanding (TSO) and Public Float:** FINRA also is considering including in FINRA-disseminated short interest data, where available, the TSO and public float for securities. FINRA would obtain this information from a third-party source and include it in disseminated information; therefore, this change would not alter firms’ reporting requirements. FINRA believes disseminating a security’s TSO and public float would provide investors with contextual information regarding the relative size of the aggregate short position in the security. + +&#x200B; + +* **Threshold Security Field:**[12](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19#_edn12) FINRA is considering including in FINRA-disseminated short interest data a new field that would indicate if the security is a threshold security as of the short interest position reporting settlement date. This change would not alter firms’ reporting requirements. FINRA believes that a security’s status as a threshold security could be useful to investors and other market participants in evaluating an investment decision, and that consolidating this information into disseminated short interest data simplifies the process of obtaining this information for users of the data.  + +&#x200B; + +**C. Frequency and Timing of Short Interest Position Reporting and Data Dissemination** + +Members currently must submit short interest reports to FINRA twice a month and reports are due to FINRA by 6:00 p.m. ET on the second business day after the reporting settlement date designated by FINRA. FINRA is considering requiring firms to report short interest data to FINRA more frequently. Specifically, FINRA is considering **reducing the reporting timeframe to daily or weekly submissions** and, to enable FINRA to disseminate the collected information to the marketplace on a timelier basis, such reports also would be due to FINRA in a shorter timeframe following the applicable settlement date. For example, if FINRA were to require daily submissions, short interest reports could be due by 6:00 p.m. ET one business day after the designated reporting settlement date, and for weekly submissions, short interest reports could be due by 6:00 p.m. ET one business day after the weekly designated reporting settlement date (instead of the current requirement of two business days after the designated reporting settlement date).[13](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19#_edn13) + +FINRA also is considering reducing the FINRA processing time involved in disseminating short interest data. Currently, FINRA disseminates short interest data for OTC equity securities on the FINRA website seven business days after the designated settlement date, which is five business days after the reports are due from member firms. FINRA is considering reducing this processing time. The proposed reduction in FINRA processing time could apply where firms report short interest to FINRA on a daily or weekly basis, as described above, and also could apply to the current twice a month reporting cycle (with or without a reduced firm turnaround time). + +Increasing the frequency and timing of reporting and disseminating short interest data would provide FINRA, other regulators, investors and other market participants with a more current view of short interest information, better inform investors’ and other market participants’ investment decisions, and provide more timely information to FINRA for regulatory use. + +&#x200B; + +**D. Information on Allocations of Fail-to-Deliver Positions** + +Regulation SHO permits a member that is a participant of a registered clearing agency to allocate a portion of its Rule 204 fail-to-deliver position to another broker-dealer based on that other broker-dealer’s short position.[14](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19#_edn14) FINRA is considering enhancing its short sale reporting program by adopting a new rule to require members to submit to FINRA (for regulatory purposes only; not for public dissemination) a report of daily allocations of fail-to-deliver positions to correspondent firms pursuant to Rule 204(d) of Regulation SHO.  + +The proposed allocation report may include the following fields: + +&#x200B; + +* Security +* Identity of correspondent firm +* Amount allocated to correspondent firm (number of shares) +* Trade date(s) +* Allocation Date +* Close out Date +* Applicable close out obligation (T+3, T+5 or T+35) + +&#x200B; + +This information would provide FINRA with important supplemental information in support of its Regulation SHO surveillance program. Currently, when there has been a fail-to-deliver, FINRA initiates an inquiry with the clearing firm requesting information on whether the fail-to-deliver has been allocated to a correspondent firm and, if so, the identity of the correspondent firm. Obtaining daily information on fail-to-deliver allocations would allow FINRA to directly identify the member that is responsible for a close-out obligation (without first requesting this information from the clearing firm), and, therefore, would allow FINRA to conduct more efficient investigations. + +&#x200B; + +**Full Version:** [Regulatory Notice 21-19 | FINRA.org](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19) + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR:** FINRA is enhancing it's Short Sale Reporting Program, and has invite the public to provide comments on the proposed changes before August 4, 2021. + +It's a positive step forward, but we have to make sure FINRA provide more data transparency, stronger regulation and deeper investigation into illegal naked shorting. + +💎🙌🚀🚀 +Hey Guys, + +I wasn't really sure if this was super relevant to this sub but I thought I'd give it a shot. We live in a relative large house in a nice part of town that has a lot of working professionals/older retirees. Our house is paid off and we plan on keeping it for various reasons. Does anyone on this sub have any experience renting out their relative large home (5,000 sq ft+). What has your experience been? I would greatly appreciate this subs advice! + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in Advance! +Hey Guys, + +I wasn't really sure if this was super relevant to this sub but I thought I'd give it a shot. We live in a relative large house in a nice part of town that has a lot of working professionals/older retirees. Our house is paid off and we plan on keeping it for various reasons. Does anyone on this sub have any experience renting out their relative large home (5,000 sq ft+). What has your experience been? I would greatly appreciate this subs advice! + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in Advance! +I just got a new job, I make approximately 65,000 a year. I have approximately 110K in student debt. My current bank is PNC, and besides ~4K in savings, and the 6% I put into 401K per month, that's all I really have going for me. How can I make my money work for me? + +Edit: Just wanted to thank everyone for their input. I hope this post helps others. I kind of had the same ideas in mind, I'll start looking at credit unions and try to nuke the loans. The main reason for this post is my mother is constantly asking me to make a property purchase when there's no chance of me even securing a loan for that... I feel a lot better knowing that I'm mostly doing what I can by already overpaying my minimum loan payments. +Yeah I’m down like everyone else but can’t complain. I’m not a stock picker and like every other financial crisis they have recovered. Large emergency fund and a lifestyle that is pretty minimal. Thinking of buying a new car tomorrow. Any chance I could swing a FAT deal from the dealer tomorrow? + +Thinking an M5 or E63. Any suggestions? + +Also, don’t wanna hear “this time it’s different” + +Thanks. +I started applying to new jobs a couple weeks ago because I feel I’m underpaid at my current job. I just got a heads up from a colleague that someone had called my boss to tell her that he’s looking at my application, and asked her for her thoughts. She said she would call him back. + + I didn’t say in my application materials that they could contact my current boss, and her name isn’t even mentioned. (If you work in the field, though, and saw my employer, it wouldn’t be difficult to figure out.) + +What’s my best approach here? Should I bring it up to my boss? What should I say if/when she brings it up? +Worth it to pay for $2000 for a cpa for 2 rentals, a k1, w2 and brokerage accounts. Includes 2 hours of tax strategy? Or just do do the research and do it my self using turbo tax? +I look around at what investors are buying, and I just can’t wrap my head around their numbers. I’ve been doing this a long time. I have 33 units under my belt over the last seven years. I realize my numbers have always been pretty conservative, but they’re real. If I can’t make 12% cash on cash return (in a market I feel will be lucky to keep up with inflation) after accounting for Capex, management, maintenance, vacancy and all the other obvious expenses, why would I do it? I see people buy properties over me all the time now. Maybe they just plan to deplete the property and sell…..the slum lord route. It’s just something I won’t do. I have pride in providing good places to good renters and taking care of them like I’m supposed to. I get there is a whole other ball game in areas of high appreciation and Airbnb’s also add complexity and drive higher incomes right now, but one thing I always liked about my weak Midwest location was the simplicity of not expecting appreciation. +I'm a EU citizen, so it's easier for me. +Given the coronavirus, I think we can all expect an important price drop 6-12 months from now. + +Has anyone considered buying in these countries? + +I saw some pretty cheap coastal properties in Montenegro. + +Has anyone thought or been involved in this? +Fastly (FSLY) is a major CDN services provider which had a worldwide outage Today resulting in sites such as Amazon, Google, Reddit, Walmart and many more to crash for over an hour yet their stock price went up 10%. + +For obvious reasons youd imagine the stock price would have dropped Today. + +I'm interested to hear others thoughts on this. + +If I were to guess, I would say that the outage emphasised how important FSLY is to the every day running of dozens of the worlds largest websites. If you didnt know how popular it was before, you do now! Even I considered buying some stock this morning after I realised how widespread this company was however the anticipated dip never came. +I wouldn’t mess with leveraged ETFs. I have seen too many people talking about the use of options on leveraged ETFs. Options are leverage. Leverage on top of leverage makes things even more volatile and ultimately, more difficult for you to be a long term successful options trader. If I was looking for leverage what would I do? + + +I’d focus on small cap indexes for that extra volatility. Look at iShares Russell 2000 (IWM). + +Looking at the option chain, I’d sell put spreads at the 105/100 level collect \~2.00 to risk 3.00. With duration until January 21, 2022. (The higher you go up the chain 110/105 or 115/110 -> the more leverage you have)! + +For $2,000 of cash you can sell 4 of these put spreads. $2000 is collateral - invest that in SHV or some secure short term treasury (you don’t want to lose this collateral or have it deteriorate in any way shape or form.) + +(We sell the 105/100 for 2.00) You receive $800 for selling the 4 put spreads. Take the $800 and reinvest it into shares of IWM. You created leverage by yourself so there are no crazy expense ratios, plus there is no decay of the asset (which happens with levered ETFs). You’re short IV (volatility) while collecting a ton of theta as you wait. Instead of decaying with a levered fund, your “levered position” is taking in value everyday you wait by shorting implied vol. + +Now if I bought IWM outright with $2,000 (19 shares at $105.25) if IWM rebounded to $165.25 I’d make $60 a share or $1,140. A levered ETF could even return more, but also remember the decay part of the equation. + +If I used options as explained above and if we rebounded to $165.25. I’d make $800 from the put spreads, interest on my collateral in SHV (let’s say $10). And I would have bought 7.60 shares of IWM ($60) gain = $456. Total it up I made $1,266. You gained 11% more by making homemade leverage using options in a very safe and conservative way without risking your shirt. There is no expense on this leverage, you are actually gaining from theta. Imagine doing this with 10k or 100k. You can see how these gains can be very lucrative for limited risk given we have until January 21, 2022 for the trade to come to fruition. + +I hope some people find this helpful and interesting, do not play with levered ETFs or the options that represent them. +PSU stocks are available at 1 to 15 PE, while nothing else is below 10 at all. + + +I understand PSU are not the most aggressive companies,but they have monopoly, lots of assets, and rich owner. +I don't understand why an Indian oil is not a good stock, given that we fill fuel at them every day and they have tons of outlets and land available for anything + +Not talking about banks, talking but all other PSUs especially power and oil PSUs +Hi All,My MyGov is showing overdue tax for the following financial years 06-07, 07-08, 08-09.I was around 15 to 17/18 at these times.I didn't work every one of these years.If I don't have access to this financial information, what are my options?I now live overseas, and the employer/s don't all exist. I believe I only worked for one in 2006 for a short period, but I can't recall for how long. As it was now 14 years ago. + + +Update: The ATO direct chat line when doing my 2019/2020 return advised I would need to call and request the information. They have your PAYG summary information available, and if your banking institutions have your interest paid to you. + + +I live in another country now, and the ATO is unbelievably incredible. + +&#x200B; +Hi everyone. My parents (50M) and (49F) have been self employed for 22 years, running an earthmoving business. I’ve just found out for a large portion of this time they haven’t been paying themselves any super, and don’t really have anything similar to utilise when they retire. My Mum has worked for various other companies in between and has about $13,000 in super, and has been putting $50 a week aside in a separate fund for my Dad for a couple of years, which has about $6500 in it. My Mum is insistent on having my Dad’s super include death and total disability cover, as he is the main income earner in the family, which has premiums of about $1300 a year. This cover is basically wiping most of the gains that the money in my Dad’s super is making. + +I’m not very knowledgeable on super at all, but I want to help out as best I can, as I don’t want to see my parents struggle in retirement. Any advice on where to start? +I've been reading the biography of Ben Franklin by Walter Isaacson and it's terrific. There is a tremendous amount of material about the values of industry and frugality, and a lot of really interesting facts. For example, Ben Franklin did not own his own home until in his fifties despite being wealthy and retired since his forties, although he owned rental property. He owned one wooden bowl that he used for breakfast because he didn't want to spend the money being extravagant despite already being wealthy. And he talks consistently to his children about working for someone else means your always going to be compromised and encouraged them to open there own business. He's basically the original FIRE symbol. +As title says, if shit goes south - where we all looking at hiding out? + +The U.S market is starting to lose momentum, stimulus drying up, and shit starting to look like it may take another dive. + +Great Depression had a crash and then recovered and then dove straight into the Depression. Same happened with the Dotcom, it crashed recovered and then dove like a motherfucker. There’s a possibility that shit is going to go south again. When/if it does, what shares you all buying after the dip licks our toes? If we all stick to one or two instead of scattering like ants we can come out rich af +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Genuine post + +Feeling down about something that has occurred in my personal life today…. Also got a headache due to crying. + +Order a takeaway due to feeling sad as a treat …. Or be good, save my money and eat what’s in the house? +61727054 Says Ken is Next + +I know that you know what that number relates to Ken. I know that you have a plaque in your NY office with that on it. Actually..It’s known that London, Chicago, New York all have 61727-054 cleverly placed and/or referred to. + +61727-054 *bold move* + +For the longest time you’ve done everything possible to exceed where they failed. For years now you’ve shared your goals and your ambitions when it comes to Citadel. To be the biggest you’ve gotta slay the legend. You’ve never shied away from letting those around you know what your aim is..what really fuels you everyday, every account, every trade. To be the king of Wall St. Bigger and scarier than the Wolf. A legend. A myth. + +...A genius. Just like xXx did it but better. They got tired and worn out. You’ve always considered that their weakness. They were only able to keep it going for so long, you’ve always felt as though you could get away with it forever. + +I must admit..you’ve been clever. You’ve taken what you learned and have adapted quite well. That was until you allowed two mistakes to be made. + +I didn’t catch it before in 2019 when I started to peek behind the curtains and peel back the layers. But I have now and day by day so do others. Just like you...plain sight. + +The more I think about it and the more research that I do into the books, I can’t believe that NO ONE outside a handful of others have recognized the patterns. But that’s okay..because 🦍’s are getting ever so closeclose. So many 🦍’s are on the path, they just haven’t stumbled upon the right trees and bushes. Yet. + +{Insert Rozay} *I remember being blind to it +Til the day I put my mind to it* + +Funny how alumni networks have become so clutch over the past year(Fuck Covid, amirite?)..Without them how would some dumb ape be able to gain access to the Citadel Securities Department of Computer Science at a certain uni..😳🤭🤫 + +jUsT me babooning but word on Sixth St. is that your frienemies on Congress Ave. are running out of leverage when it comes to that quiet little office in Austin. + +Just a matter of tick tocks ‘til the real show begins Ken. What’s your move then? + +Edit: Wrong Flair +I want to preface this post by saying that I *personally* only trade stocks at the moment and do not have a ton of experience trading options, which is why all of my posts and education are based around stocks. With that being said, I have done my fair share of options trading in the past and definitely know enough of the basics to share for all the traders that ask me about options on a daily basis. If you already have a bit of experience with options, this post may not be very beneficial to you because I'm just going to cover the basics of options, how they work, and give a quick rundown on ways that you can trade them! + +First and foremost, **what are options?** Options are actually... *options*. When you buy an option contract, you then have the option to buy or sell the underlying stock at a pre-determined price up to a pre-specified date. If you decide to do this, you are then "exercising" your options. + +There are two types of options that you can trade, which are call options and put options. **Call options,** or just "calls," allow the holder to **buy** at the pre-determined price and are the options equivalent to simply buying or longing the underlying stock. Because of this, your call options' price will generally rise as the price of the underlying stock rises. **Put options,** or just "puts," allow the holder to **sell** at the pre-determined price and are the options equivalent to short-selling the underlying stock. Because of this, your put options' price will generally rise as the underlying stock declines. Because one single option contract represent 100 shares of the underlying stock, you would have 100 shares of that stock for every call contract that you exercised. + +[https://imgur.com/a/WQrLJ1y](https://imgur.com/a/WQrLJ1y) + +Now, the pre-determined price that you can either buy or sell you shares at by exercising your option contract(s) is known as the **strike price.** When buying options you have to choose a strike price, along with an **expiration date,** which is the last day that your options can be exercised. Both the strike price and expiration date play a big role in choosing which contracts to buy, because they greatly affect how the options will trade. Before getting into why these have such a big affect on the options, it's important to know a bit more general options information. + +*As for strike prices,* there are really two main kinds. **In The Money (ITM)** and **Out of The Money (OTM)**. ITM and OTM refer to the underlying stock's price in relation to the strike price of the contract. Calls with a strike price below the current price of the underlying stock are considered ITM, whereas calls with a strike price above the current price would be considered OTM. On the other side of the spectrum... since you want the stock's price to go down when you own puts, your put options would be ITM if the strike price is above the current stock price and OTM if the strike price is below the current stock price. + +[https://imgur.com/a/MgopDLP](https://imgur.com/a/MgopDLP) + +I know it's a bit confusing if you're new to options. **To give an example:** If stock XYZ was trading at $100, a call option with a strike price of $90 would be ITM since the underlying stock is already above the strike price. However since calls and puts are essentially opposite, a put with a strike price of $90 would be an OTM put in this scenario. + +Whether an option is ITM or OTM has a big impact on how to option will trade. The main reason for this is because **all** OTM options are **worthless** at expiration. This means that if you invested $100 by buying one call option at $1.00 ($1.00 x 100), your contract would be worth $0 if it was OTM at the market's close on the expiration date and you would lose your full $100 investment. Because of this, OTM options are generally higher risk, higher reward than ITM options. Although ITM won't be worthless at expiration like OTM options, they will still lose value over time because all options are affected by time decay. + +**Time decay** in options causes the price of the contracts, also known as the **premium**, to decrease as it gets closer to expiration. This alone makes being a profitable options trader much more difficult in my opinion, because even if the price of the underlying stocks remains the same for days at a time, both calls and puts will decrease in value because of the time decay. So in order to profit from options, you have to not only be right about the stock's direction, but you have to time it near perfectly as well to avoid your position from being eaten away by time decay. + +Time decay, along with other factors that go into analyzing options contracts, are represented by what are known as **Greeks.** The Greeks are theta, vega, delta, and gamma. Like I said, the meaning of this post is really just to cover the basics so I'm not going to go into a ton of detail on the Greeks in this post, but I do at least want to explain theta. **Theta** is the greek representing time decay in options. You can see an options theta (along with the other Greeks) before you even trade it and it can tell you how much the contract is expected to be affected by time decay. Generally, the theta will be higher for OTM options because they affected more significantly by time decay since they ultimately expire at $0. Similarly, theta will be higher for options that are a few weeks away from expiration compared to options a few months away from expiration, because they lose more value as the expiration date approaches. + +Theta makes general trading rules like *"don't fight the trend"* even more important. For example, if you bought calls in a downtrending stock because you thought that it was near its bottom, you would end up losing money because of theta if that stock did bottom out and started to consolidate at support. So in this situation you'd be correct about the stock finding the bottom, but you would still lose money if it didn't start to bounce back up quickly. If you had just bought the underlying stock rather than call options, you'd be at breakeven as the stock found its temporary bottom and began consolidating at support. + +[https://imgur.com/a/7i4avcU](https://imgur.com/a/7i4avcU) + +Although time decay can have a major negative impact on your options trades, there is actually a way to have it work in your favor. You can short options contracts, which is also called **writing.** Just like with shorting stocks, you profit from the price going down so time decay create profits for options that you sold short. In my opinion, this should really only be done by experienced traders though because writing options creates more overall risk than regular buying and selling. + +The reason is because there is technically no limit to how how options can go and if you short either calls or puts, you would lose money as the options increase in price. It's the same reason that many people are afraid to short-sell stocks, but options are generally more volatile, which creates even more risk. Even though I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for beginners, I wanted to at least explain the concept of writing options in this post. + +Regardless of how you trade options, it's important to at least understand all of these factors that go into their fluctuations and how their premiums are priced. Like any other type of trading, you should only be using money that you can afford to lose in its entirety while trading options... especially if you're trading the extremely volatile contracts that are near their expiration, which are the ones that attract so many traders because of their ability to make big runs in a short period of time. + +Maybe after this you'll see why I stick to trading stocks rather than options. They can definitely be a great tools for experienced traders, but they're much more complex than most new traders think and can be very dangerous for inexperienced traders that are enticed by the big potential returns. + +Hope this was helpful, let me know what ya think!! +Text from the proposal: + +“In the case of securities lending transactions, the primary risk of fire sales relates to the reinvestment of cash collateral by institutional firms that are the lenders in securities lending transactions. Those institutional firms will typically reinvest the cash collateral they receive from the borrower into other securities. If the borrower of the securities thereafter defaults, the institutional firm lenders generally need to quickly liquidate the securities representing the reinvestment in order to raise cash to purchase the originally lent security. + +A substantial number of disconnected and competing liquidations by multiple lenders can create fire sale conditions for the securities being liquidated, which can harm not only the institutional firm lenders by potentially lowering the amount of cash they can raise in the sale of such securities, but also create market losses for all holders of such securities. Moreover, if an institutional firm lender should default and fail to return the cash collateral back to its borrowers, the borrowers would typically be looking to liquidate the borrowed securities in order to make themselves whole for the cash collateral they delivered to the institutional firm lender. Competing and disconnected sales of such securities could similarly create fire sale conditions and not only harm the borrowers to the extent the value of the securities decline, but also create market losses for all holders of the borrowed securities. + +NSCC believes that broadening the scope of central clearing at NSCC to SFTs would reduce the potential for market disruption from fire sales for a number of reasons. First, in the event of a default, NSCC would conduct a centralized, orderly liquidation of the defaulter’s SFT Positions (as defined below and in the proposed rule change). Such an organized liquidation should result in substantially less price depreciation and market disruption than multiple independent non-defaulting parties racing against one another to liquidate the positions. + +Second, NSCC would only need to liquidate the defaulter’s net positions. By contrast, in the context of a default by a broker-dealer intermediary that runs a matched book in the bilateral securities market, both the ultimate lender and the ultimate borrower need to liquidate the defaulter’s gross positions. Limiting the positions that need to be liquidated to the defaulter’s net positions should reduce the volume of required sales activity, which in turn should limit the price and market impact of the close-out of the defaulter’s positions. + +Lastly, NSCC would use its risk management resources to provide confidence to market participants that they will receive back their cash or securities, as applicable, which should limit the propensity for market participants to seek to unwind their transactions in a stressed market scenario.” + +——————————————————————————— + +Put simply, the rule operates as follows: + +The SHF is being liquidated due to default. After the SHF is liquidated and their creditors (MMs and institutions like Fidelity, Merril Lynch, etc) take custody of the SHFs holdings; without this rule they would have to sell all of those other holdings to recoup enough cash to cover. + +The way it operated when it was NSCC-2021-10, it would have been an “auction.” Under this rule; the crediting institution taking ownership of the liquidated SHF holdings isn’t actually “selling” the positions in return for their cash value. They are being given “credit” equivalent to the value of the holdings the SHFs bought with the proceeds of selling shorts (in return for a fee), which they then can use to CLOSE THE SHORTS. The other (remaining) institutions have an incentive to extend them the credit to do so—namely, they don’t want all the liquidated SHFs other holdings to be sold because that would de-value their own portfolios. + +That’s literally MOASS, without having to tank the whole market to fund it. +My Friend in the US who is a successful agent called me to tell me she just sold a home to a man who paid half cash and the other half in BTC. She was shocked it went through as she was a non supporter of crypto last we spoke.. Hoping this is a signal of real world adoption by the people and Banks. Id hate to sell any BTC but Kudos to this man as he probably has plenty of or foresees a crash coming in the near future to let it go... Thoughts? +I've been looking for a new job for the last month. Everyday I go to the local library with my computer and spend a few hours looking for new jobs and revising my resume and cover letter to fit every job I apply for. I'm running out of money and I've only had one interview so far. + +I was sitting here thinking for a while about how long is this whole "loser" stage of my life is supposed to take. How many shitty, low-pay jobs am I supposed to work until I actually get somewhere in life? I'm sick of being humble and eating crow and starting over again. I'm fucking sick of it. Yet, all I hear when I look for advice online is "You gotta be humble" or "You have to be willing to start over" or "You gotta be able to get knocked down and get back up." I feel like I've started over so many fucking times already - when is shit just going to work out for me? When am I going to catch my big break like so many other people and finally get what I want? + +I know for a fact that I've worked harder than other people in my life yet I'm the one out of a fucking job. When other sat around playing on Instagram I was trying to doing my job. Yet here I am - broke and just broken on the inside. + +I don't know what the fuck to do anymore. +Soooo tl;dr my ex left me and our shared apartment and I'm finding myself paying for a 1 bedroom (so no roomies) that's more than 1/2 my monthly salary. + +I can't really move because 1. brokers' fees will null the cost 2. My ex was thrifty and this is actually a very affordable place in a good area with free parking. + +I have so much credit card debt ($18k) and my car is way out of my means despite not even being fancy ($250 a month for the payment, $215 in insurance.) + +After all my bills I have $440 a month. That's $340 for my gym (only $65 but totally necessary), gas (my car is pretty efficient, luckily), therapy bills, cat care, groceries, whatever isn't keeping lights on and roof over my head. + +I had a tag sale and got $312 and just threw it at the credit card debt without thinking and i'm still getting finance charges. What's the point?? Will I ever be free? + +Anyway, I can't make this month's rent. So I had to call my (fairly wealthy) parents and tell them the whole story- trying not to cry while describing the romantic failure while begging for $1000. I'm so lucky that they will help me but it's just so... humiliating. I'm 30! I have a decent job! What the fuck happened? + +EDIT\* I am looking into trading my car for something more practical NOW + +EDIT\* I am also taking an online course that will reduce my insurance by 10% + +EDIT\* I am looking into debt consolidation + +EDIT\* I can't go off my meds but my $250 appointments will soon be $60 appointments (and I will pay a lot less on prescription drugs which I didn't even mention) + +EDIT\* I don't spend $80/week on my cats... their cost is pretty fixed and I would be shaving off a few dollars by switching their food... I'm focusing on the big stuff \^\^\^ +I'm not sure why this would cause such a crash 🤦🏼. I'm not one of those people put out posts urging everyone to hold during crashes or to buy the dip. There is such thing as negative news and times you should sell. I'm just saying this one doesn't really make sense. +First off, this post is meant to help people so just hear me out. Constantly this sub is filled with people talking about how they are now "bag holders" bc a stock they invested in has gone down 10-15%. I read the comments and a lot of the time ya'll are only monetarily down like $50-$100, which in the grand scheme of things is nothing. + +For example, I threw $1k into $IBIO when everyone said to "buy the dip" on Tuesday. When it continued to fall yesterday I was down about $150 and then I exited. Cut my loses and on to the next one. I'm able to forget about it and focus on my next win, instead of bag holding for another few weeks or months and having my money tied up. You shouldn't be afraid to bail out when you're down if the physical dollar amount isn't outrageous. + +I scan this sub religiously all day and people make great suggestions for daily swing plays. I'd say there's about 5-10 tickers I make a few $100 on every week by only holding them for a day. Granted I'm putting about $1k into these but the whole point of penny stocks is to get in and out. + +A good example of a daily swing play is this sub was going off about $USIO yesterday when it was down like 20%. I bought 300 shares at $2.82 and sold for a solid profit this morning when it hit $3.27 in PM. Shoutout to whoever made that post. I made a solid $150 in less than a day. + +"Planet Lambo" is not a thing. If you invested $5k in Amazon in the late 90's it would be worth $750k today. Which is absolutely incredible don't get me wrong but please get the notion out of your head that you might be able to invest $200 in and get a return in the tens of thousands just bc it's a penny and has a low price. + +Simply put, get in and out fast, and don't be afraid to lose a bit. You have to spend money to make money. I never hold more than 3 days unless i truly believe in the company. + +I hope this helps some people! +Good day GME gang! Here is a start to finish (broker to ComputerShare) **DRS Guide for Self Directed IRA Shares** \- This is not Financial Advice, this is my experience, based on my situation. Check with your financial and tax advisor before deciding on this route for yourself. In my case, and many others, you can DRS your IRA shares without a distribution or tax hit or early withdrawal penalty. + +Thanks to the tireless efforts of some IRApes, I have been able to follow the guides to direct register my Traditional and Roth self directed IRAs.... AND access them via ComputerShare linked to my email. I'm also able to update my investment plan (book or DRIP) and sign up for email proxy voting material! + +The key is using a **non-broker custodian**. I have tried several, some not willing or not able, to register in my name, while remaining the financial custodian. u/winebutch posted months ago about their successful experience with Mainstar Trust. Here is my experience and how I was able to get my IRA DRS Advice Letter, Account and Online Voting from ComputerShare using Mainstar as the non broker-custodian (NOTE - while you do have access to the shares from ComputerShare, you need to go through the custodian to buy or sell them. They have an online interface and standard forms for this as well). + +[IRA AND DTC STOCK WITHDRAWAL](https://preview.redd.it/xpfplokke6x81.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=384c8ab239ec7b1bffd9c9b03b3680bea1e33bc5) + +The overall steps are: + +1. Choose a non-broker custodian willing to direct register (DRS) your IRA shares, while remaining the financial custodian, and adding you as the registered owner - in the form of: Custodian Trust For Benefit Of your name IRA +2. I chose to work with Mainstar Trust ([https://mainstartrust.com/Contact](https://mainstartrust.com/Contact)) based on post and recommendations I've found. So far they have been extremely knowledgeable, responsive and helpful throughout this learning process. +3. Once you've made your selection, based on your DD, **setup a like-in-kind IRA account** with your non-broker custodian. These will be standard new IRA Account forms. like-in-kind means Traditional account for Traditional IRA and Roth account for Roth IRA. +4. Once the accounts are created, you will **fund them via a standard Transfer request**. The non-broker custodian will supply these and you can fill them out with your broker account information that you are transferring from. You don't need to contact your broker, unless you want to inform them to expect the request from your non-broker custodian. +5. Once the shares are in your non-broker custodian account, **request via email that they direct register them, for benefit of you, with the transfer agent** \- for Gamestop, that is ComputerShare. They should be familiar with this process. +6. Request they also scan and **email you the DRS Advise letter** when they have confirmation. +7. The DRS Advise letter will contain two pieces of information you need to create your ComputerShare account for your IRA shares: + 1. **Zip Code** on file (this will be your non-broker custodians zip code on the letter) + 2. **Holder Account Number** (starts with C00 on the letter) + +[Use the Zip Code and Holder Account Number from the DRS Advise Letter](https://preview.redd.it/bq20ih46f6x81.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b1a251c4b17b3bd1d5fa5f174ee027a8e5e9727) + +8. To initiate the ComputerShare account creation process, go to: [https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home) + +9. Click the **Register Now** link under Login + +https://preview.redd.it/grukp909f6x81.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f32105dd1c817cfd1e15831a1767b2feca3693b8 + +10. Under Confirm your details choose **Holder Account Number** + +11. Enter your Holder Account Number and Zip Code on file from the DRS Advise letter. + +https://preview.redd.it/qganbxtef6x81.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa8776840650f95a47ffd30afa7f060514f57e04 + +12. Fill in the rest of the details, stock name, email (**use a different email** if you already have an existing ComputerShare account for non IRA shares), password, and click Register. You will receive a confirmation and a notice that your **Account Verification Code** will me mailed to the address on file. + +13. Contact your non-broker custodian and **ask them to forward you your Account Verification Code** from ComputerShare. Mainstar did this for me in less than a week. + +[Note your Verification Code - and that Mainstar's PO BOX number is 420 - nice](https://preview.redd.it/f88eabssf6x81.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=3586cf60e34ab61e37f3da3de6e665d7fc4ed242) + +14. When you receive the Account Verification Code go back to [https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home) \- this time choose **Login** + +https://preview.redd.it/etcquoowf6x81.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=56d8e2426674a9d76cab2dc7196bd51f1ee31549 + +15. Use the Username and Password you created earlier. + +16. When prompted enter the **5 digit verification code** that was forwarded to you. + +17. Welcome to your IRA ComputerShare Account! **Congrats**, you made it! Now things to do: + +1. Update your email preference in your Profile +2. Manage your investment plan +3. **VOTE!** \- You can vote up until **Thursday June 2, 2022** + +Yes - you can vote right now from ComputerShare! + +https://preview.redd.it/xw6qzk00g6x81.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=d27638f60dd710780964a09dfa0113008be8203e + +You have access to your documents and shares as well. While you do have access to the shares from ComputerShare, you need to go through the custodian to buy or sell them. They have standard forms for this as well. Hope you enjoyed, SHOP, DRS, HODL, VOTE LFG! +It's from [this](https://www.thestreet.com/story/14500016/1/warren-buffett-weighs-in-business-economy.html) article . + + +*** +Leverage Risks +"**It is crazy in my opinion to borrow on security. You don't know whether the stock exchange will open tomorrow morning," Buffett said. Investors have borrowed record amounts to invest in the stock market amid the selloff earlier this month, according to a front page story in The Wall Street Journal on Monday**. + + +Doesn't it seem... out of character for Buffet to say something like that? What is he implying? That one day the stock market could just suddenly cease to exist? +hi everyone, bob here. + +Quick update (it's my birthday!) so i'm making this short... HMU in the comments if you have questions about what you're looking at here. + +[Shorts and Splits. I thought it was fitting and hope you enjoy this.](https://preview.redd.it/tx7a609p40r81.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=471ae8358d141088bfce2b72dad9871d151de782) + +# BBBY : + +&#x200B; + +[c35 shows we expect movement \(or at least some more volume\) from RC's buy-in starting on 4\/7](https://preview.redd.it/9z7yj6ox40r81.png?width=3159&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fe9a80e332dc598cebdf70d73ff8ac8909e1249) + +# GME: + +[Crayon version shows some pretty consistent exposure... and we see higher levels of exposure than the exposure that led up to our ridiculous gains the past 2 weeks.](https://preview.redd.it/f80bvo1z40r81.png?width=2587&format=png&auto=webp&s=abf88b9db9b9d0f11ed05f12ef65b91d449db13d) + +**THIS GETS ME JACKED!** + +[Since this is pretty short update, Here's some reading on what to expect with the stock dividend, and as it pertains to shorts as bonus material so automod doesn't nuke me.](https://preview.redd.it/tezij0v050r81.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b37a0d1be9f1fdb9dd3ec2faf945fb678cfacb31) + +# Dividend Paying Stocks + +https://preview.redd.it/g3h5gvs150r81.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dbfa3002c4739347fbabaf703c989b07336e456 + +# Stock as dividends follow the same rules + +**Important Dividend-Related Dates** + +Dividend payments follow a chronological order of events, and the associated dates are important to determine the shareholders who qualify for receiving the dividend payment: + +1. **Announcement date**: Dividends are announced by company management on the announcement date, and must be approved by the shareholders before they can be paid. +2. **Ex-dividend date**: The date on which the dividend eligibility expires is called the ex-dividend date or simply the ex-date. For instance, if a stock has an ex-date of Tuesday, June 5, then shareholders who buy the stock on or after that day will NOT qualify to get the dividend as they are buying it on or after the dividend expiry date. Shareholders who own the stock one business day prior to the ex-date—that is on Monday, June 4, or earlier—will receive the dividend. +3. **Record date**: The record date is the cut-off date, established by the company in order to determine which shareholders are eligible to receive a dividend or distribution. +4. **Payment date**: The company issues the payment of the dividend on the payment date, which is when the money gets credited to investors' accounts. + +**Data source:** + +* [BBBY](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GidBv-fykqRih6WfbkEceJgGS1ybE2ZdPNn5ROG26Kc/edit#gid=1528712640) +* [GME](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GidBv-fykqRih6WfbkEceJgGS1ybE2ZdPNn5ROG26Kc/edit#gid=1528712640) +* [Data Repo Root Folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1poM5S5qaiyyLd40gWSgKdn3ONzWbgdfj?usp=sharing) +* [Stock Dividend Reference](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/042215/if-investor-short-dividendpaying-stock-record-date-are-they-entitled-dividend.asp) + +**TADR**: This one's short. Try again and form a wrinkle ;) +Hi, + +I would like to gather your opinion and experience with using ING-Diba Giro Bank account. I (myself and partner on a joint account) am considering using ING as a salary/main Giro account. Please tell me what do you like and dislike about ING Bank. + +Location: Germany + +Please correct me with the following information I understood after going through various articles on the internet and their homepage. + +1. account management and account opening are free of any costs as long as you are below 28 years or input 700 EUR every month to the account. +2. debit card and a visa credit card are free of costs. A replacement card costs 10 EURO +3. all Visa enabled ATMs can be used free of extra costs with a minimum withdrawal limit of 50 EUR +4. usage of Visa credit card or debit card at the cash register is free of costs within Germany +5. mobile banking with TAN available - free of costs. +6. Standing orders are free to use or change +7. VL depot account is free of costs and offers multiple index-like funds +8. Money on the Giro account is insured at 100k EUR/person. There is additional insurance of 1.2 Billion EUR/person on the Giro account/person by **default** (src: [https://www.sparkonto.org/einlagensicherung-grenzen-2020/](https://www.sparkonto.org/einlagensicherung-grenzen-2020/)). If the bank goes bust and you hold 600k EUR in the Giro account, you get all 600k EUR refunded without hassle. +9. There is a free of costs account migration service from another Bank to ING +10. Customer Service is very good. Available via telephone/email +11. Overdraft available on request +12. Transactions to Cryptocurrency exchanges (looking at you, N26) or Klarna allowed +13. There are **no** other hidden fees. +14. There is a very low-interest (0.01%) savings account that can be used without additional costs +15. There are **no** other benefits like travel abroad insurance, luggage insurance when using ING Credit card. +I want to invest in a high dividend yield ETF, but do not want to have any money in oil or tobacco companies. I thought that should be fairly easy to find, but apparently this is not as standard as I thought it was, so I would love to hear any recommendations. + +What I'm thinking of: + +\- Dividend yield close to 4% + +\- At least 30 companies included, the more the better + +\- Total Expense Ratio below 0.4% + +\- No oil, tobacco and weapons included + +\- Ideally not too focused on the US + +I can't imagine this doesn't exist, but I can't find anything. Any help is appreciated! +Hi everyone, and first of all thank you for helping me out. + +&#x200B; + +I would like to start to aggressively save towards retirement. I'm **about to turn 28, living in Berlin as EU expat, earning 85 kEUR/year gross** (with a variable yearly bonus, from 5 to 10% of the yearly gross salary). I plan on keep improving my income over the years, of course, or maybe start my own business (in which case, investing would be my parachute if things go wrong). + +&#x200B; + +Last year I purchased a tiny flat in a very good/pricy/posh area of Berlin which I would likely move to, as I'm currently not married or planning to have a baby with my SO. This was my first big financial move, as I hate paying rent (\~850 Eur/month), and the market in Berlin has been crazy for a few years. Besides, it's a completely new building, therefore it won't probably need any major rework in the next ten years. + +&#x200B; + +I had to cash out a 10% down-payment plus all accessory expenses, which burnt about the 50k I saved since the beginning of my career in mid-2013. + +&#x200B; + +**Mortgage: 206k, with a 1.8% interest rate**, fixed for 10 years (seemed like the best choice). Monthly payment of about 1 kEUR/month. I can also pay an amount up to 5% of the principal every year. Not sure I know how this affects the total amount of interest paid --> is it worth it? If I pay this additional part of the principal every year, I'll basically be able to pay out the flat in 10 years, which is a good scenario for me. + +&#x200B; + +Right now **I'm sitting on a 30-40 kEUR** (waiting for large expense refund from employer) blended in two different accounts, earning a laughable interest. + +&#x200B; + +**I spend about 1000 Eur/month** everything included (rent, food etc.) -- sometimes even less than that as I receive allowances when I work abroad (4 days a week, almost every week), which means I regularly save at least 2000/3000 Eur/month from my net salary. + +&#x200B; + +I'm interested in what I can do to save up for a early retirement, e.g. private pension schemes (rurup?), switching to private health insurance for additional savings, ETF funds, stocks, lower taxes. + +&#x200B; + +Thank you! +Hi, + +I'm italian but living in Poland. Recently I've been given 55000€ from my family as an advanced part of my inheritance. Possibly within this year I am going to receive around 40000€ more after selling an old apartment in my old town of birth. Nothing is settled at the moment but it should be in a few months. + +Currently I have a stable job that allows me to put aside around 200€ per month. Sometimes less, of course. I am getting paid in local zloty of course so if I wanted to invest in Poland there is the issue of converting the eur first. In any case, I'm fed up of paying half of what I earn in rent so ideally I would buy an apartment for getting free of renting costs, possibly this very year. + +Problem is: to buy a sizable apartment for me and my girlfriend, I would need 500000-600000PLN, which are around 120000€. More than I will ever get from family and selling the old apartment back in Italy. I'm thinking of 2 options: + +1) buy an apartment big enough to move in and occasionally either rent it to another family (there is a huge demand for such kind of apartments so finding someone won't be hard) or via airbnb. That would allow me to pay off the mortgage before infinity (10-12 years perhaps). This would be an all in as I would have to spend all the 55000€ + the eur of the old apartment in Italy + 20-30000€ in mortgage. + +2) wait to get more funds first, save a little bit more each month and invest somewhere. I'm a total newbie in investments so here I ask for your help. Banks don't give me much (1-1,5% at most in Poland, 0,3% in Italy) but perhaps for a short term investment it is fine (1-1,5 years). I've read about ETF and Degiro but what is the return? Worth over a savings account in a bank for 1 year? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for reading. I'm open to other suggestions too of course :) +33, EU citizen, freelance, currently residing in Germany. + +A couple of years ago, I stashed the majority of my savings (~130k€) in a robo-advisor platform called Moneyfarm (now Fidelity Wealth), hoping to keep it there for 5 to 10 years and use it as a down payment for an apartment when the time comes. + +However, I've discovered over time that the ROI on this platform is rather disappointing, barely matching inflation and being in the red more often than not (as I type this message, my portfolio is currently sitting at -1.46%). I'm not a savvy investor, so just picked what was described as a "safe" plan and went with it. + +Now I'm wondering if this is the right approach: I'm not exactly risk adverse (also got a few other savings in crypto), but I don't know the first thing about ETFs or other options that may be available. Am I making a mistake? Should I transfer everything on Degiro, buy Vanguard S&P 500 ETFs and forget about it? + +Thanks in advance for your help. +Let me preface by saying I'm very new to the whole loans thing and finance management in this context. I'm also not sure I got the English technical terms correct, so please take my post with a grain of salt. + +Currently, I'm living in a flat in Warsaw with my SO - the flat is her own. We'd like to buy a house (elsewhere) that's currently being built by a developer and should be ready for finishing works (painting, furniture etc.) by May 2023. + +My reasoning was as follows - recently (past couple of years) there seemed to be a popular notion among my peers that if You can afford it, it's better not to sell a flat but instead to get a mortgage. This seemed fine for me, since a) in the end, You have two houses and this is always good because real estate is always a good investment b) You can rent out your previous flat and put your earned money into partially paying down mortgage c) if You run into money trouble later in life, You can rather easily sell the flat and use that cash for the pressing matters OR pay down the remaining mortgage at once. + +House is 900k, so after including finishing works, furniture and stuff we'd probably need roughly 1.1 mln PLN in total (that's just guesswork for now though). If we were to sell the flat, use most of our savings and borrow from our parents, we could probably reach that in cash. + +We've yet to meet with a mortgage advisor, but I have fiddled with some online calculators and there's just something I don't understand: how can it possibly be better to pay a total of e.g. 2.4 mln PLN (i.e. twice as much) instead of selling the flat and buying with cash? This seems completely counterintuitive for me - like, I have a flat worth 600k and a house worth 1mln but I paid almost 3mln overall vs I sold the flat and have a house worth 1mln and I paid 1mln. + +Could You please help me understand why is it (or not anymore) a good deal? + +As for the aforementioned mortgage advisor, I plan to ask them a similar question, but I kind of doubt they can give an unbiased answer since their job objective is after all to make people get mortgages. Hence, I'm asking You for an unbiased advice - should we get a mortgage, or sell the flat and buy with cash? +Hi guys! +Im a 22,5 yrs old beginner cook in Hungary. I did some research altough i would appreciate some comfirming on them too. +At the moment i make monthly around +550€ +My expenses are circa 300-350€ (currently hard to tell since i had to move appartment and looking for one, atm im with my parents again, traveling 4-6 hours every workday) + +As i checked a cook in Berlin makes 9€ an hour. That adds up to 1728€ ,if one works 12hours a day 4 days a week (thats actually a good schedule for a cook here in Hu) +Now i have no idea about the taxation. So idk how much i will have left after taxes, but if i spend 500€ for rent and maybe 200€ for necessities (ticket,food). Now if taxes are 25% that would mean i could spare 600€ a month. More than i make here + +So question one, are these alculations sensible? seems to me unless i missed some data. + +Also in Wien a cook makes 15€/hour. I didnt check on the expenses but i dont think it would be that much more then Berlin. Maybe a 1000€ as expenses instead of 700. +So that would add up to am income of 2880€ before taxes. 2160 maybe after tax? So i could spare 1000€ monthly? + +Anyone could give me some advice or insights on these things? Cause i know that it would be better to the west anyway, but is the grass really that mich greener to the west of the border? + And because it was a CV there were my adress, phone number, country, name, and email adress as well. The person i gave this information probably a scammer. Should i be concerned about my bank account? Or this is not enough to scam me? +Hello everyone. I just created a Degiro account, and would like to start investing. I live in Switzerland. +I read up on some details, but I still have some simple questions, that I would like to clarify. + +My goal is long-term investment into simple, diversified index funds, like the ones vanguard offers. + +Here are my questions: +I chose a custody account because the basic one enables them to lend to third parties. Now, I read that this shouldn’t be a problem if your portfolio is not heavy on dividend-paying funds. I read that Vanguard funds usually pay out dividends. + +What is the benefit of a fund that pays dividends? + +Secondly, which index funds are there that don’t do that, so that I may avoid paying the dividend fees? + +Thirdly, if I ever do want to invest into stocks and use options, futures etc, I should always be able to just create a new account and choose a basic profile, right?? + +Thank you so much for your time! +So I'm 18 working part time while at uni. Been with Bendigo bank with a student account the whole time. The app is really basic and I've seen a lot of people signing the praises of UP bank? Is there a catch to it? Thanks :) +Now, it's time for me to hand in my 2 weeks, and my teeth are chattering. Officially screwing over my co-workers' vacation. Probably shutting down the lobby of our office because I'm the only one who does this job and definitely overall going to have people pissed at me. But I need this, badly and they've had 6 months to hire more employees. + +UPDATE: Thanks guys for all the support, it is truly appreciated and has helped me so much. + +I gave my two weeks to my boss, he was very kind, gave me advice, and told me what I could do better and wished me well. I was going to give a three week notice, but I settled with two so that I could give myself a break so as not to burn out. I've found a possible replacement for them as well. I am relieved, I'm proud of myself, not for just getting through this but for giving myself a break in between. I hope to start my new job refreshed and mentally sound. Please don't underestimate my appreciation for you guys. I hope you guys find money on the street. I hope when you get food, they accidentally hand you the wrong order, and you get double the food. I hope things fall into place for all of you. Even to the one mean guy in my comments 🤣 +I went riding my motorcycle the other day to get out of my head. I pulled into a gas station and was approached by a guy named Jesse who liked my bike. We got to chatting and he used to ride a fast bike but he sold it because he's got a baby on the way and said while it was the smart thing to do he loves riding and was looking for a different bike. He seemed like a good honest kid and I liked him. I told him I had a non running bike and if he wanted it he could have it. He was blown away. +Tonight he came to pick up the bike and tried to give me all the money he had which was about 40$. I stopped him, gave him all the cash I had which is enough for 1 share of gme. I told him to go home and open a fidelity account, transfer, and buy 1st thing in the morning. He teared up, told me how rough life's been and how much he's worried about raising a child financially. I'll be holding for him and his young family. +I don't consider myself a good person in life, and I surely haven't been in the past. This community inspires me to look outward, and it's the greatest feeling, thank you for that apes. +Being a child of immigrant parents, I've never really spent much time spending money on anything (I'm the workerbee type). + +I don't plan to live that way forever. But life habits die hard, and I have trouble seeing the "non-financial cushion" expenses that elevate fatfire above leanfire. + +I wanted to ask you guys about this. What do you love spending money on? What expenses really enhance your quality of life, the more you put into them? What makes FatFire worth waiting for in your view? +Just food for thought. It's amazing how quickly the sentiment changes in the world once something becomes the usual. The media and news used to be like "booming", "skyrocketing", "huge adoptions", being all bullish when BTC was 50k. + +Now the news are like "liquidation", "crash", "warning" when bitcoin is doing something it's always been good at; correcting. + +Turns out everyone becomes euphoric and optimistic and carefree when everyone's making money, but pessimistic and cautious and unaccepting when they aren't. Human nature. +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/robert-shiller-stock-market-today-similar-stock-market-1928-204253341.html?utm_content=bufferc6431&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer +In the last year, our department has weathered so much turmoil. We've had: + +1) Our office flooded at the start of the year and we had to relocate thrice before finding a permanent home. As you can imagine this was disruptive. + +2) We had over a 20% churn in the office this year, which for our "rightly" sized unit was a lot. I believe the moves and some of the reasons listed below were directly responsible for this unusual amount of churn. Our 5 year average before this was less than 5%. + +3) My old boss's boss was let's just say, incompetent. This resulted in so many stressful situations for our office, where one minute we were asked to take a 25% cut to our operating budget and next minute everything was ok. I saw my boss visibly age over the last year. That person is now thankfully gone and lasted all of 8 months. I can only speculate that the reason for our multiple moves was the ineptitude of this individual. + +4) Lastly my boss of over 15 years finally left for a much better gig. I am so happy for her but transitioning from her has not been easy. + +In spite of so much turmoil, at least from my perspective, our unit has more than thrived but it has been an incredibly stressful year. It's my opinion that one of the few things that has kept me sane is my journey to FI, and not losing it every time there is a new crisis is a direct result of knowing I would be ok financially no matter what. **That feeling alone is worth so much and a reason to aim for FI.** + +Thanks for reading. +Edit : Thank you everyone for responding. I’ve learned a lot. First, increase our income. I have a personal trainer certificate I’m not utilizing and i can see how that will help post baby for sure in so many ways. Create an emergency fund by living frugal and saving. Follow a budget and track all expenses and pennies. Find ways to cut expenses for food and baby needs by utilizing community resources like food pantries, freecycle, and WIC. Go to the library to educate myself of getting out of debt and home buying. Go from there. It might seem like “common sense” to some of you but these are things I was never taught and hope to teach my children. Thanks again. + +—— + +This is my first post after lurking a long time. I’m 27 and my boyfriend is 29, just started new jobs for November. He makes 10 an hour and I make 13 an hour now, both full time hours and possible overtime. + +We both come from families that have generational poor financial habits. Most likely not ever going to be left anything, it feels like we are starting our own family habits and financial security blanket from scratch.. if that makes sense. I’m pregnant, due in December. We want to learn how to start good habits for our expanding family. Details below... + +We have 1 vehicle we share and it’s paid off. + +We pay monthly +$840 in Rent including utilities +$200 food +$150 gas +$145 auto Insurance (SR-22) +$400 child support (we both have children from past relationships and pay $200 each) +$75 cell phone + +We have about $100 cash on hand currently. No savings. + +Our credit scores are around 520, debt for both of us equals about 10k each (20k) (student loans, collection accounts, medical bills) neither of us actually has a credit card. + +These past 7 months have been extremely tough because we were working off 1 minimum wage income. I️ got laid off the day after I️ found out my eggo was prego. Going forward we want to make better choices and gain control over our finances... based off this information what advice would you have? + +(I’m getting my tubes tied after this baby also so no more children lol) + + + +Throwaway account for anonymity + +Hi All, + +Long time follower of this sub, but first post. I'm (late 20s, early 30s) a former employee of a company that went public earlier this year. We are approaching the end of our lockup in the next few months. While the stock has had a significant run up in value since I joined (almost 500x on my initial grant), it has not performed well since going public (like many of the IPOs this year). I'm now trying to decide what and how much to sell when the lockup expires. Would love to get people's thoughts who have had to make similar choices. + +* **Current Liquid Assets**: $1.1M +* **Company Stock:** $3.8M +* **In terms of tax:** I've got a large majority of my were ISOs and I'm living in a no tax state, so I'd just be paying 23.8% (LTCG + Net Investment Tax) tax on most of my shares. While I realize this is a fortunate position to be in (and I'm super grateful for it), this is also a stressful, difficult decision. +* **Other Thoughts:** + * I put a huge chunk of my life into helping this company grow, so selling is emotional + * I think sentiment is at or near the low (or will be soon with the lockup ending) + * I believe the share price will turn around, but I also thought the IPO performance would be stronger. + * I'm also obviously also concerned with the general market right now and that we're reaching the end of a cycle. + * I know FB lost 50% of it's value from the time of IPO to the end of the lockup and has 10x'ed since. I don't think that this will be my former company, but you never know. + +Thank you for reading and thanks for the advice thinking through. +Hey folks. + +A bit about me: + +* Single, 29M, no kids, never married +* Net worth: $1.6M ($200k in 401k, $60k in cash, $1.4M in non-tax-advantaged index funds) +* Income: $450k/yr (well-known public tech company in the Bay Area) +* Rent: $2200/mo (rent controlled in SF) + +I loved my job, but now work has turned to absolute shit, and it's rife with petty office politics, incompetent middle management, and pointless Zoom meetings 24/7. My employer is also embracing the whole "remote work" mindset even when the pandemic ends, and I just loathe working from home. I've mentally checked out of work since March, and I will probably get a poor perf review, though probably not bad enough to get me terminated or put on a Performance Improvement Plan (but who knows). + +I don't intend on switching employers during the pandemic. I feel starting a new gig while working remotely would suck ass. + +**Here's my plan:** Try to stay employed till June, and assuming that I've been vaccinated and the US has returned to some sense of normalcy by then, take a year off to pursue more creative interests. + +I've a few questions: + +* For those of you who weren't quite fatFIRE but quit a shitty but high paying job and took a year off for funemployment, do you have any regrets? Do those of you who stayed the course instead of quitting have any regrets? +* How easy is it to rent apartments in HCOL areas (e.g. SF/LA/NYC) with no income but sufficient net worth? If I plan to travel, I feel like it would be easiest to just move out of my SF apartment, use my family's place as a permanent address, and rely on long term stays in Airbnbs. Is that a viable option? +* What's the dating scene like when you're an unemployed straight male? I am average looking and had mostly okayish at best dating experiences pre pandemic (well, it's SF), and I'm a bit worried having no employment would just ruin my game. +At the end of the day, your money is better spent yolo’ing for a chance at wealth rather than spending on useless things right now like leisure or feeding your kids. We understand that 1 hooker right now is nice but 4 hookers on a yacht later is even better + +Most of us are younger autists, and I know of people who spend their meager paychecks buying gay shit when they could be throwing their money away like we are +I'm going to try to keep this short, but concise. Fore and short, all the DD is correct, the market is rigged, more synthetics exist than shares available, and hedgies r fuk. + +&#x200B; + +Okay, LFG!. Self-reported short interest for 9/15/2022 is out, and self-reported short interest is 49.5M shares of GME. + +&#x200B; + +[Self-reported short interest from Fintel](https://preview.redd.it/1e9l2ph1ieq91.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=003173a4abc855bd26df7f518da0324469982d44) + +Based on [Computershared.net](https://Computershared.net) information, we can deduct the following regarding the amount of shares outstanding, the float, DRS'd, and shorted. + +&#x200B; + +[Calculations from Computershared.net](https://preview.redd.it/3i46i2p8ieq91.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=62d9fa09977008009805b31ce3f97bfddec085de) + +However, there are a lot of January 20, 2023 deep out-of-the-money puts totaling 458,615 contracts, which equate to 45,861,500 shares. + +&#x200B; + +[January 20, 2023 GME puts](https://preview.redd.it/9xcbp5aiieq91.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=d596520373cccf16f152f3b44b07c3cfa4a5de8e) + +Adding that to calculations from computershared we get: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jn3av7hqieq91.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc43b41aa66e4269cc6b3bc9480bfa2cf904a21d + +That means there are at least 23.9M synthetic shares that have been generated. I say generated, but not created. The reason they haven't been created is that Market Makers have yet to go out and create these, but they have, at least, guaranteed them in the case of someone exercising those puts. However, that amount of shares does not exist. So if there are only 71.45M shares remaining after DRS'd shares, 49.5M shorts, and 45.8M DOOPMs, that leave a net negative 23.9M shares which would have to be synthetically generated by market makers and SHFs. + +Remember DOOMPs are purchased to cover a guarantee from SHFs and Market Makers to say "I owe you 100 shares, and I don't have them now, but I have this put contract which gives me the right to those shares, so I got you covered." But the truth is that they are not truly covered. It is a loophole, which is used to satisfy obligations, and those obligations have created a net short position of 23.9M that do not exist. + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: At least 23.9M synthetic shares have been generated (not yet created), SHFs are fuk, we are winning, DRS is the way, and Operation Liquidate Wall Street is a go. +My wife and I have been trying for a kid and she is currently under my Cigna PPO plan. We live in OC, CA. Around the 10:30PM this last Saturday, my wife, who was 10 weeks pregnant, started to have a miscarriage and the pain for her was unbearable. So like any loving husband who hates seeing their significant other in that much pain, I took her in to the nearest emergency room. It was sort of an intense situation and I didn't have time to check whether we ended with an out of network doctor for the visit but 16 hours later, a couple IV bags, bloodwork, and a ultra sound later, we're out of the hospital. At this point, its starting to set in that we might be getting a large bill because I couldn't locate the doctor on the paper work in our Cigna PPO network. I think the idea of "networks" is really fucked up but that's beside the point. + +What are my options at this point? Will they allow a payment plan with a low interest rate? + +I already feel like this is going to be a shitload of debt that we won't be able to dig ourselves out of. + +EDIT: Thanks for all of the support. It is much appreciated. My wife is doing fine health-wise but will need time to heal emotionally. + +EDIT2: Thanks for all of the tips/information regarding insurance. I will start talking to my insurance provider (which is through my employer) and see what they come back with. More than likely it sounds like I will be fighting this down to an acceptable payment plan but we'll see. I'm not financially destitute or anything of the sort but I just recently paid off my car note and it wiped out a decent chunk of my savings so my emergency funds are on the lower side. + + +EDIT3: Wow this post blew up. Wasn't expecting this much support. Again, thank you! It is much appreciated. +I'd love to work hard and live frugally, but I'm struggling. + +I struggle to get out of bed sometimes. I struggle to cook and often eat UberEats instead, which is such a waste of money. Some days I just want to give up, drink or gamble my sorrows away, or watch movies all day. + +Is it possible to be financially successful whilst living with depression? +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-11-05/unitedhealth-s-myconnections-houses-the-homeless-through-medicaid + +The research and development lab for this experiment is a pair of apartment complexes in a down-at-the-heels corner of Phoenix called Maryvale. Here, Brenner is using UnitedHealth’s money to pay for housing and support services for roughly 60 formerly homeless recipients of Medicaid, the safety-net insurance program for low-income people. Most states outsource their Medicaid programs to private companies such as UnitedHealth, paying the insurer a per-head monthly fee—typically $500 to $1,000—to manage members’ care. The company’s 6 million Medicaid members produced $43 billion in 2018, almost 20% of total revenue. + +It’s a profitable business overall. But the most expensive patients, who often present a complex blend of medical, mental health, and social challenges, cost UnitedHealth vastly more than it takes in to care for them. “Can you imagine people living on the street with these disorders? Heart failure, COPD. They’re rolling around with oxygen tanks, crazy stuff,” Brenner says. It isn’t hard to find people living in similar distress around Phoenix or any other American city. And despite their extreme costs, these patients often get poor care. “This is just sad. This is just stupid,” Brenner says. “Why do we let this go on?” +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, I continue to be thoroughly impressed with this community. +Where I had expected to find another weekend of FUD, I instead found some incredible DD followed with healthy discussion. +There is *nothing* that the SHFs can do against us that will be able to defeat this kind of dedicated research. +One thing remains certain though: The Shorts never closed their positions, and continue a desperate juggling act trying to hide just how bad it is. +They cannot last forever, but our Diamantenhände certainly can! + +Today is Monday, December 5th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- ⬜ 120 minutes in: **$27.54 / 26,13 €** *(volume: 1177)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $27.54 / 26,13 € *(volume: 1132)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $27.55 / 26,14 € *(volume: 1132)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $27.40 / 26,01 € *(volume: 1131)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $27.36 / 25,97 € *(volume: 1108)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $27.36 / 25,97 € *(volume: 1108)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 1108)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 1108)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 1059)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $27.27 / 25,88 € *(volume: 259)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $27.35 / 25,95 € *(volume: 241)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $27.27 / 25,88 € *(volume: 241)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $27.44 / 26,04 € *(volume: 240)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $27.43 / 26,03 € *(volume: 233)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $27.41 / 26,01 € *(volume: 233)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $27.36 / 25,96 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $27.37 / 25,97 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $27.38 / 25,98 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $27.37 / 25,97 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $27.37 / 25,98 € *(volume: 222)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $27.38 / 25,98 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $27.33 / 25,93 € *(volume: 151)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 132)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $27.29 / 25,89 € *(volume: 132)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 12)* +- 🟩 US close price: $27.52 / 26,12 € *($27.45 / 26,05 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0538. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I still can’t believe the man uttered the words “very painful 2 weeks ahead”. For those of you not fluent in retard that translates to “empty your bank accounts on SPY puts because we are about to have a massive sell off and our economy is going to get fucked harder than Riley Reid in a gang bang”. VIX is surging, SPY is tanking, and I have an erection the size of my thumb. I bet he has SPY puts bc he knows it’s the only way he’s going to be able to pay off all for all the BRRRRRRRRing that’s been happening. Trump deserves the Congressional Medal of Retard for his heroic and unselfish actions in the field and a big thank you from all the 🐻🌈 + +SPY 4/17 240p +I was thinking whether manual day trading has a expiration date. I failed to find good data so I would like to ask, what you think when manual day trading might be a thing of the past and what was the development in terms of trading and computer when compared to 10 or even 20 years ago. + +Is it naive to think that more computer driven trading will result in diminishing return and an increase in volatility and a decreased cycle duration. +Per the title, I'm looking to do a better job at budgeting groceries. I spend waaaaay too much for a single person that lives alone. + +I'm not exactly eating ribeye steak every night (heck I rarely even buy ground beef or rotisserie chicken for that matter) but I do purchase a lot of organic and/or pasture-raised products. I also don't cook very often so about 50-60% of the food I buy is premade in some way (soup cans, frozen meals, salad kits, etc). + +I'm a bit embarrassed to admit but this month (January 2022) I've spent almost $600 in groceries. I'm including things like paper towels, toiletries, dish soap, etc in that total which I'm sure pads it up a bit, especially since I try to buy products that are more eco-friendly or easier to recycle (and usually much more expensive). + +Obviously that's a lot for someone who lives by themselves, and considering I take home a little over $2k a month that $600 is a pretty sizeable chunk. Not to mention how much I spend on eating out on top of that $600. This month my takeout forays cost nearly $200. + +And the worst part of it all, is I have to throw out so much food. It either spoils too quickly or I might have an episode of lack of appetite which means I throw out my leftovers far more than I'd like. So much horrible, horrible waste. + +&#x200B; + +Clearly I'm out of control and it's starting to really hurt in the wallet. I'm not saving like I should be. So, I figured I may as well start by asking for help here. Are there any good tools I can use to set up a budget for groceries? Any advice on meal planning? If it helps, I typically only go to the store once a week. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Alright I can't really keep up with replying to everyone. However I'm reading everyone's comments until I have to head into work. THANK YOU to everyone for all the advice! Seriously. + +I feel a bit silly for not developing these habits and life skills sooner and the fact I've waited so long to face the music is telling. I've been living way above my means for too long and I'll be taking a lot of this advice to heart next time I go grocery shopping. It took some hemhawing to finally sign up and post here but I'm glad I did. + +&#x200B; + +2nd Edit: Mother of god so many people commented. I have a game plan for my next grocery trip (stick to a list, buy more frozen produce instead of fresh so less will spoil, get a crock pot/insta pot, work on my cooking skills, beans bean beans beans!). With luck I'll be saving at least a few hundred dollars a month. I literally can't thank you guys enough for all the wonderful advice. +If you pay attention to what he says, he likes to reduce Bitcoin to **only** a store of value / digital gold / digital real estate. + +"*Digital currencies...they're going to be stablecoins and CBDCs*" - Michael Saylor + +He has a lot of shenanigans going on with MicroStrategy and leverage. + +Rarely, if ever, does he speak about liberty, censorship resistance, sovereignty, privacy, central banks. + +It's almost as if he wants to strip Bitcoin from all its political and economical properties. + +Also his vibe is weird. Not very likeable. + +I don't trust this guy. +Similar to when [Charlie Shrem stepped down](http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303553204579348830111511974) from the Bitcoin Foundation shortly after his arrest, in order to distance the negativity surrounding his case from bitcoin in general. + +Albeit, the circumstances are different but the principle is the same. Charlie put bitcoin ahead of himself; perhaps it is time for Theymos to do the same. + +*edit: Just to clarify, this post is not intended to be an attack on Theymos. From what I've read, Theymos appears to be an intelligent young man with good intentions. That said, he has single-handedly divided the bitcoin community by censoring relevant technical and philosophical discussions on the forums he controls. Mike Hern put it best: “Bitcoin has gone from being a transparent and open community to one that is dominated by rampant censorship and attacks on bitcoiners by other bitcoiners.” +I started on Monday but my income should be going from 1700 a month to close to 4400 a month after taxes. I'm pretty damn excited to eventually get myself out of debt. If the calculations I did are right I should be able to put 1500 in savings a month, and finally get caught up on all my bills. In 90 days I also get an evaluation and if it goes well I'll get a $3.50 raise. Looks I'll be able to get out of poverty. +So I run a restaurant and I keep Bloomberg and msnbc on all day because I enjoy watching the lies. On cramers show, just now, he said "I want you to make money, not lose money. All I can say is, go buy a video game, go to the movies. You can Hate me all you want but there's still time to get on the right side of this trade." + +Ladies and gentle apes, I'm not giving anyone advice here, but I'm buying more. I'm buying as much as I possible can. The cramer is extra salty today and can't stop taking jabs at us. I smell desperation and I love it. +Hello fellow traders, + +I have been learning how to trade for about a year now. After 11 months of live constant failure and disappointment, I am beginning to notice a slight improvement in my trades, just a slight. Now I've switched to demo for now. + +Anyways, I would like to ask you all to give me some guidance to expedite my learning progress, please; such as youtube channels, websites, books, blogs or anything. I have finish babypips which gave me some improvements. + +Edit: Thank you all for the guidance and tips. I will definately be studying them one by one. + +Edit 2: Wow! I am going to be a busy student. I am glad I made this post, I was hesitant at first in fear of mockery, or discouragement, but damn me. This post has been a tremendous help. +I realize the timeline is different for everyone. But I would like to know how long you took until you could consistently pull capital from the markets? I'm in year 3 giving it all I have. I'm beginning to see my money survive much longer but I'm getting death by a thousand cuts. +I realize the timeline is different for everyone. But I would like to know how long you took until you could consistently pull capital from the markets? I'm in year 3 giving it all I have. I'm beginning to see my money survive much longer but I'm getting death by a thousand cuts. +Getting into a trade is simple, however determining when to get out is so much harder. Do you just set fixed static limits, do you use a certain pip trailing stop and if so what do you base the pip move amount on? + + +Do you take 50% off the table at a certain area and then leave the other 50% to ride? A mix of the two or some other strategy? So far I've tested trailing stops and fixed limits but cannot figure out which one is better, sometimes the trailing stop works amazingly, other times the static limit hits spot on. +This ETF Portfolio is for my Roth IRA + +I'm 25 yo, high risk tolerance, no debts, etc + +&#x200B; + +* VGT - 30% +* VOO - 20% +* QQQ - 15% +* VOOG - 15% +* VXUS - 10% +* VTI - 10% + +Just wondering if there are any suggestions to my roth ira portfolio. + +&#x200B; + +I also want to create a non-tax advantaged portfolio because I'm currently maxing my ROTH so I want to invest elsewhere. + +I was looking into ARK but it hasn't been doing well these passed few months. Don't know if I should be bullish but my other portfolio is + +&#x200B; + +* VOO (30%) +* QQQ (25%) +* VBK (25%) +* IWP (20%) +I have a retirement account with Fidelity so decided to open a brokerage account to be able to see a quick snapshot. +I use the brokerage account mainly for Vanguard ETFs and just a small % of stocks. + +Are there any extra charges I have to pay to trade through Fidelity for Vanguard funds? +Guys, +I've found it very hard to answer that question. VOO for example attempts to replicate the S&P, but is traded like a stock. That's why the overall performance mirrors the index but prices can digger throughout the day. What I don't get is how they get it to track the index performance as people could pay totally different prices for the ETF thus decoupling it from the index. Is there an adjustment or something like that? Thanks. +Due to the broker I use, I only have access to a limited number of ETFs. Among the available ones, the most no-brain option appears to be VWCE (don't have access to VTI VOO or other you guys mention all the time). +I've noticed however that both this ETF (and most of those I have access to be fair), have existed only for a handful of years, so the track record is very limited (and most of it overlaps with the highs and lows of the pandemic, which makes it even harder) so I'm wondering exactly what factors should I rely upon to decide whether it's a good fit for a long term investment (10+ years horizon), or even to do some meaningful comparisons with other available All-World ETFs in the same categories. When all you have is maybe 2 years worth of data, I can't shake the feeling there's a layer of risk involved that I'm just glossing over because it ticks of the right words (all world, accumulating, mostly develop world with some emerging markets,..). In short, what do you rely on to determine if it's a good investment when there's little in terms of track record for an ETF? Thank you +I am relatively new to investing and ETFs. I am looking to pick out a small number of sectors which I believe will bring strong growth over the next 10 years. Each of these sectors has 3-4 potential candidates. + +How should I go about evaluating the possible ETFs? + +I understand expense ratios and how to compare those, but just analyzing those stats seems superficial. + +Do I need to evaluate the companies in the ETFs and then just shop around for the most competitive expense ratio? +So I’m a very young investor, i’m 19 years old and want a good future for my family and future children. My parents have always taught no debt and Roth IRA’s, which I believe is a good thing. I’ve never owned a credit card because I see no use to, when I want to buy a house I can do manual override. I haven’t done a Roth IRA because working a minimum wage job, after expenses, doesn’t leave much space for investing. I finally got a better paying job and I’m still living at home through college just to be able to save and have a better start for my life instead of living paycheck to paycheck like most people my age. Here in a few years I’ll be able to graduate debt free and ready to start my life. I don’t want to start a Roth IRA right now because I won’t be able to take that out until I’m almost 70 and by then I won’t want to live. I want to be able to live and travel and explore life while I’m still able to walk by myself lmao. Now here’s where I need help, I’ve been debating on what stocks and ETF’s to invest in now that I have a better paying job. I’ve looked into QQQ but I’d like yalls opinion on that sort of stuff. I know compound interest is key, but I don’t want to put money into an account that I can’t take out until I’m almost dead like a Roth IRA. What are y’all opinions? Thanks! +I am 18 and own a small business. I have a pretty high income for my age. I recently opened a robinhood account, my goals are long term investing and liquidity - specifically ETFs to begin with. I already have plans to start my Roth IRA this month. What are your recommendations and the best long term / low price ETFs I can add to my portfolio for now? +So I have all qqq and would like to sell it and buy qqqm for the lower expense ratio of .15 vs .20 but I have a decent amount of unrealized gains in the qqqs. Is it worth it to sell after a year for long term gains and switch to qqm? Thanks for the advice. +Do you think is still worth investing in bond etfs? I sometimes ask myself why I keep investing in a bond allocation since is just underperforming and the coupon rate is just minimal and with the growing risk of being lower than inflation rate. + +I get the lower risk and all the traditional asset allocation tips (stocks + bonds, diversification) , but is it indeed still worth it? Any thoughts? +I'm trying to decide if I should bite the bullet and realise a loss in a couple of ETFs that I've become disillusioned with, to buy into an ETF that I think has better potential for growth in the medium term. +I have 26% of my investments in ARK funds which are down around 51% on average. I can't see that investment becoming green again for a very long time. +I have 20% of my funds in PBW which I'm currently down 34% on. +I'm considering selling ARK to buy more PBW because I'm starting to think that PBW has far better potential for growth over the medium/long term. I've been continuing to DCA into PBW but not ARK for the past 4 months. +I don't need the money for at least 10 years. +What would you do? + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/t88ign) +Hi guys + +Ive been on this sub Reddit for a while and see that for the most part, VTI seems like the ETF to pick. However that seems to be a long term closer to retirement strategy. + +What if i wanted something in the next 5 to 10 years? What ETFs should i buy? I'm outside the USA but have access to US/ global stocks. + +Thanks in advance +Hey All, + +&#x200B; + +So I'm brand new to WSB but bear with me. Once upon a time, when I was very down on my luck, I walked into a temp agency and asked for any job they could give me. What they had was a factory assembly worker on the line at Blackberry in my hometown of Waterloo, Canada (yep...Canadian alert!). It was a 12hr job with day/night swapping shifts. It was a repetative, monotonous job putting screws into things and doing it all in style in a zero static white suit and blue boots. It was most definitely NOT what I had envisioned for myself for the rest of my life. However, that job would turn out to be one of the most rewarding short-term jobs I've ever had because I sat next to some truly wonderful people on the assembly line. + +With nothing to do for 12hrs but shoot the sh\*t, I soon discovered that I was sitting next to doctors from Iran, lawyers from Indonesia, CEOs from Pakistan. Each of them had come to this job out of desperation just like me. Each of them were deemed "overqualified" by most other jobs just like me. Each of them had worked hard, invested in company shares (BB had an amazing employee share program) and had made more money there than they could have dreamed. BB had given them the promise of a real future in Canada and you could see the passion they had for this company in their faces. Also, BB once a year rented out the Air Canada Centre (or Rogers or whatever the hell its called now...) and rented a rock band for their employees! Like...ALL of their employees...not just management. I saw ACDC, Steven Tyler, Van Halen and the Tragically Hip. All thanks to BB. They wanted to spread the love. + +So I got over myself and how I wasn't where I wanted to be, and I used this job to give myself a crash-course on global politics from the amazing people I worked with. I learned about the so-called "scary" parts of the world and how beautiful they actually were. When the time came to leave that job and move on to other things, I left with a profound appreciation for hard-working immigrants and just how much dedication it takes to sit down at a factory bench with a $200k salary potential education, and screw things together for $14/hr. I'll never forget those people. And I'll never forget that company. Blackberry gave life, employment, education grants, city improvements and other amazing opportunities to my hometown of Waterloo. When the time came that Apple overtook them and Blackberry faltered, my hometown and the rest of Canada turned its back on them, and that disgusted me. + +THAT is why I am investing in BB today. Not for a get-rich-quick scheme, but because I genuinely hold a special place in my heart for that company and can find way more emotional attachment to it than a TV channel I used to watch, and a place where I used to buy Ace Combat as a kid. + +TLDR; BB was once the bright future of Canadian tech industry, it carried me through tough times as an employee, and I respect it. + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*Update: Wow folks! What a day. I've never had a harder time trying to NOT look at my phone while looking after the baby as the wife was at the salon. You guys were so thoughtful and supportive today and I truly appreciate all the gifts, karma, props and personal stories. I was even stoked to find some fellow KW/RIM employees in the mix! So happy to see that this community is alive and well. I continue to value BB as a future major player and I'll hold my shares because I truly believe in what this company can do, and how we can help it succeed. + +To the folks that thought I was a corporate plant or some sketchy conspiracy, I giggled a bit. I can assure you I'm a regular dude and this was a regular post. I hold a very MODEST amount of BB shares because that's all I can afford, but I know other folks invested heavily and I wish them the very best of success in the weeks and months to follow. As always, I can't give any financial advice. I'm not a pro. All I can say is invest in something you truly believe in - not just because it can make you rich. I'm a proud Canadian first and foremost, and I can't wait to see how this company can exceed all of our expectations no matter where we happen to live. + +All the best friends!!! Thanks for making today one of the coolest and craziest days of my Reddit life! Much love to all of you :) BB to the moon!!!! + +\*\*UPDATE #2: For all the posters who doubted that I actually held BB stock, here's a screenshot of the only three stocks I hold - BB, AMC (but I think I'll sell tomorrow for BB), and EMO.V (a really undervalued Canadian mining stock - I know \*yawn\*- but I've been holding for seven years and its finally moving!) + +[https://imgur.com/gallery/cF0Ht5v](https://imgur.com/gallery/Mykrr2E) +Many advertise “no commissions” but they charge fees per contract, so trading options on their platform is not totally free like it is on robinhood. + +I use robinhood and I just can’t believe no other brokers offer completely free options trading. But after researching it looks like RH really is the only one that offers completely free options trading unless I’m mistaken +WHich do you all trust more when deciding to sell options? For example - I see that NFLX March 405 strike is 50 delta but 44.8% prob ITM - what should I be more focused on when determining my probability of success? +She’s 70, gets about $951 in SS survivor benefits, and is about to be evicted from the RV park where she lives (RV is good for scrap only, doesn’t run and interior is destroyed), probably because of issues with all her feral cats. Don’t know for sure. + +I can’t have her live with me. I will end up in a mental hospital before that happens. Shitty childhood, but not quite shitty enough that I’d be fine if she ends up on the street. I can contribute some amount monthly, but I don’t have the thousands of dollars per month that retirement homes seem to cost. + +What resources are out there for senior citizens in this situation? I tried to talk her into applying for low income housing before and she said she couldn’t stand to share a wall with someone. I guess she might not have any choice now, but how hard is it to get the process started/how long will it take? I assume she will be served a 30 day eviction soon. + +I have two siblings, but everyone is playing the “not it” game, and 75% chance this lands on me. + +(To clear up any “just suck it up and let her live with you” sentiment, my parents liked to let all sorts of random men stay in our house when I was a little girl and they were both drugged out. I’ll let you do the math on that one.) + +EDIT: I post a lot on these subs (pf and la), this is obviously a throwaway account. I am pretty blown away by the support and responses I’ve received, both with good suggestions, people going through the same thing, and others who just wanted to give me a virtual pat on the shoulder. It means a lot. You never know what you’re going to get when you open your problems up to the internet, and I guess I expected the worst, probably because the situation makes me feel so shitty. + +TLDR: Got kids? Please save for your own retirement so they don’t end up in this situation. + +UPDATE 2: No specific progress. I never expected this thread to blow up and I work in a public-facing industry, so while I long to give a lot more detail, I’m hesitant to do so. I can tell you that most of the suggestions given, in my specific city/county, all lead back to a page that says “call social services”. Adult Protective Services ONLY had verbiage on their webpage regarding actual elder *abuse*. The only housing resources seem to link back to a third party affordable-housing portal. This is in a large NC metro with a lot of tech workers but probably also a high poverty level. All this said, I will call social services (and 211, if it isn’t the same thing) and see if I get anywhere, and either way I will post an update thread. + +I’ve read all the responses and it all means a lot to me. +We can thank Aristotle for training our Western minds to think about reality as a this or that affair. Up or down, night or day, happy or sad, the list goes on and on. This dialectical way of thinking neglects the wholeness of reality and instead seeks to cut it up into discrete, easily understandable parts, like a scientist cutting up a cadaver. + +In our current case of GME, shills are using that Western cognitive bias to try to create a wedge in our community by trying to make you pick a side. You’re either in it for the money or in it to create systemic change. + +Guess what shills? I’m in it for both! I don’t have to choose one or the other, that’s a false choice that attempts to make me fall victim to my all or nothing thinking cognitive bias. I want to make money and I want to see systemic change and I want the criminal shfs to lose bad and there’s no reason I can’t hold all these desires simultaneously. +I'm 25 and just started my (roth) 401k in January, should be at around 12k by the end of the year. I make 50k and company matches 100% of the first 6%. + +I understand that many suggest contributing to a roth IRA, but I would like to save for marriage and a house over the next few years. Using a bankrate.com calc, with just inflation raises over 40 years and a 8% annual return, it says my projected 401k balance at retirement will be $2,238,907 at retirement. + +In today's money, that is roughly $1,164,000. Withdrawing 4% per year would be about 46k. My SO who I plan to marry is in a very similar situation, but makes slightly less. + +So I ask, isn't roughly 90k/year (plus whatever amount social security ends up being) in today's dollars enough to live a modest lifestyle? I would love to contribute to an IRA, but I'd like to buy a house by the time I'm 30. + +Any comments are appreciated, thanks! + +EDIT: Sorry for the error, I meant to say that I started my 401k in January OF LAST YEAR (2016). Which is where I arrived at the 12k. Thank you for all the responses! +# The "unpopular opinion" we've all upvoted to the front page is actively spreading popcorn narrative control (intentionally or not!). The 🍿 folks are stuck because of narrative control, merely linking DD can not work until the narrative control is corrected! Narrative control precludes our DD! We need content to directly confront the biggest threat remaining to the GME thesis: splitting our cash across ineffective stocks. + +I can not post this directly on the 🍿 sub, as that would be brigading, and so please do not repost this on the 🍿 either! + +There are two target audiences of this post. The most important audience are the 🍿 🦍 themselves, searching in earnest for someone to convince them of which play to bet on. The second audience is the SuperStonk/GME folks, who can potentially link this letter to their 🍿 friends. GME apes severely underestimate the power of narrative control, and it's happening on our front page RIGHT NOW. + +[Example of clever narrative control -- A half-truth designed to split retail's cash. This kind of narrative control is THE CURRENT BIGGEST THREAT to the GME thesis! Also, don't brigade :\)](https://preview.redd.it/vqetbszd3pu71.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3f98eefb0058b4c19bccefa683eee32c6725e9b) + +Edit: The OP of the "unpopular opinion" post actually contacted me and decided to edit their post. They were using some narrative control slogans without realizing it, and have since edited out all dubious little propaganda pieces. This just goes to show how effective narrative control can be - it's like a virus that spreads itself when done effectively. + +🍿 started as a legitimate way to squeeze shorts, an act of ape-ish defiance. Lots of DD has been posted about swap theories, feel free to research this on your own. However, a lot can happen in 8 months and things have changed. As so, 🍿 hodlers \*need to adapt\*. Below is an explanation of why. + +Here are the major points for us to focus on. + +* 🍿 started out as a reaction to the GME thesis. The same goes for other stocks with high reported short interest. +* Over time 🍿 became a tool for narrative control. +* Many blue-collar type apes, the ones who work hard and honest all day, often without enough time or energy to read pages and pages of DD, have been duped post-January by narrative control techniques. The narrative control *precludes* DD. +* Youtube, other Reddit subs, twitter, mainstream media, and more are all used for 🍿 narrative control. +* There are \*many\* hard-working blue collar types out there in the real world, painting 🍿 on their cars and spray-painting slogans about. 🍿 folks are not "all shills". +* The strongest form of narrative control manifests as slogans and phrases. Below we list the popular slogans and respond to them. When this post first went up it was actually quite scary how fast \*all\* of the slogans popped up as one-liner responses. Right down here in topic! Scroll to the bottom if you want to see them for yourself... +* Narrative control can only thrive when competition of discussion is actively suppressed. + +What exactly is narrative control? It's a means to provide the building-blocks necessary for someone to chain together a coherent story. Most of us don't have time to research full-length DD. Most of us don't have the capacity to verify info ourselves first-hand, so we rely on indicators to seek truth. Unfortunately, highly intelligent short predators take advantage of this pattern. By providing independent building-blocks to form a story, as opposed to a full-thesis, it can feel like we come to "our own" conclusions. When in reality our conclusion is merely the path of least resistance given a curated set of story-parts. + +The shorts have adapted since January, and have propped up 🍿 through narrative control as a way to siphon cash out of the GME play. How did they achieve this, specifically? Let us see an example. Here is the number one way to detect narrative control: no competition for info, or active suppression of certain groups/ideas. The 🍿 sub routinely bans anyone from SuperStonk who goes against the 🍿 play. This is suppression of competition, the key prerequisite for narrative control. + +A few slogans circulate the 🍿 sub commonly. These slogans are curated building blocks designed to lead to the 🍿 play narrative. + +1. Ape no fight ape! 🍿 ape, GME ape are on the same team! +2. Anyone that calls 🍿, "popcorn", is a shill! +3. The stock price is correlated, so each stock is an equivalent play. +4. 🍿 is cheaper than GME. +5. I hold both, everything else is nonsense. +6. Karen stock, or GME are supremacists. + +Given these building blocks and no competition to challenge them, the natural conclusion is to split money across GME and 🍿. + +However, we must attack these slogans with competing information, to see which idea is the strongest. That is how we find truth. Here are some additional points in direct response. + +1. (Ape no fight ape) - 100% false. Apes fight apes \*all the time\*. We constantly compete in the SuperStonk sub, though we compete with ideas, not personally fight. Many threads become marked as debunked, many of our most popular DD writers frequently admit their faults, pivot, adjust their strategies when challenged. This is the most effective way to find truth. The 'ape no fight ape' mantra is **extremely harmful**. This mantra is used to silence discussion, and suppresses info. This slogan is currently the most dangerous threat to the GME play. +2. (Anyone that calls 🍿, "popcorn", is a shill) - 100% false, we merely say popcorn or 🍿 because the automod of the SuperStonk sub filters our the 🍿 ticker. This filter is in place to prevent sub brigading and shill narrative control. This is not information suppression, because actual humans can simply say 🍿 and we know what it means, but for shills and paid-actors it's actually a difficult hurdle to overcome. Imagine you're a hired writer, just a random person with no prior GME or stock knowledge and given a Reddit/Twitter account to shill on. It would be confusing why you can't type 🍿 ticker. +3. (The stock price is correlated) - While a true statement, it's only a tiny slice of the full story. Without the full story narrative control can manipulate us. A more full version would be something like: 🍿 and GME stocks are correlated, but the companies are different, they have different fundamentals, different business plans, different amounts of debt, different reported short interest values, and most importantly different attention from mainstream media, the SEC, youtube, twitter, etc. There are many differences! Treating them the same is naive, and will lose us all a lot of money. +4. (🍿 is cheaper than GME) - Another version is "🍿 is the poor-mans GME", or a "more affordable GME". These are all partial-stories, and lead to narrative manipulation. The full story is more like this: "🍿 stock price is lower than GME, but that's it. Stocks operate on percent changes and intrinsic value. If we calculate the intrinsic value, based on a fundamental analysis of each company, we will find 🍿 to be extremely expensive compared to GME. Stocks operate on percent changes and ratios, so the dollar amount of any stock, if viewed in isolation, means nothing." Please, do not be duped by thinking 🍿 is more affordable. If you think this you seriously need more information, as this is a dead-obvious sign you lack some basic knowledge about how stocks work -- this a common noob mistake with stocks, and that's ok! Smooth brains are welcome here. +5. (I hold both, everything else is nonsense) - Very dangerous. The stocks are completely different. It's tempting to think we can hold both, because it sounds like the old mantra "diversify your stocks to lower risk". However, the purpose of this slogan is to preclude reading real DD and doing real research. It prevents active discussion which opens us up to narrative control. By conflating the two stocks a sense of comfort is given by feigning lowered risk. The reality is that GME (as proven by the SEC) is the only play. As apes we want all our cash in GME to boost the play. Splitting money onto another stock means less returns and more risk, as shown by the SEC themselves. +6. (Karen stock, or GME are supremacists) - I actually really like this one, it's quite clever. But extremely dubious. It's making the case for splitting the group in half. The purpose is to preclude reading GME DD by appealing to the defiant nature of blue-collar types. Some GME types are definitely classist, it's true. I've seen some of them as responses to this post, saying that "blue-collar" is some kind of insult. What a load of classist bullshit. But have faith they are a minority. We need apes of all flavors to make the GME as strong as possible. Splitting money across any two stocks will 100% weaken the play! As shown by the SEC themselves, GME is the only risk. And when these guys say risk, they fucking mean it, like blowing down the entire financial pillar of the world kind of risk. We're all retards here, and all treated as equals. + +Before we end this post let us make a few compelling notes to sell all 🍿 and DRS with GME instead. + +* The mainstream media likes 🍿. This is an obvious sign the shorts want apes to buy 🍿. It's a trap! +* The SEC stated quite clearly in their report that GME was the only "idiosyncratic risk". That means none of the other stocks were shorted enough to cause a chain-bankruptcy all way up to the FED. We don't know exact numbers, but when they say "idiosyncratic risk", it means the short interest was so high the squeeze would demolish the entire system. 🍿 short interest may have been high at one point, but not even close to GME, as proven by the SEC in their report. +* Discussion in the 🍿 is actively and heavily suppressed. This leaves us open to narrative manipulation. Avoid at narrative control at all costs! SuperStonk has a very open policy on dialogue, and the information competition to narrative control is like penicillin to bacteria! + +I know there are many 🍿 apes out there, hard working blue-collar types who have been duped by the 🍿 narrative control. Honest people who simply don't have the time or confidence to fully vet everything they read and hear. The GME play can be taken up by any ape, and the more money we will from 🍿 the more money the squeeze will deliver. You deserve better than to be manipulated by the shorts into missing out on a once-in-ever-time opportunity. + +Here is all the information needed to DRS with GME and join the rest of us retards: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when\_you\_wish\_upon\_a\_star\_a\_complete\_guide\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) + +If anyone has any questions, this is a pretty good place to ask them. +This is primarily for the younger investors, mid to early 20s. When I started investing, I had a vision of not worrying about money, buying nice things, and traveling. I started with stocks then moved into derivatives. + +Like many, I wanted to accelerate things and started trading larger sizes. Like many, I took a hit that set me back. In college I was trading wide iron condors in RUT and took a $30K loss in a single trade. My mismanagement of risk set me back in a fairly big way at the time. + +I came from a single mom who worked 2 jobs to support my brother and I. Went to a pretty awful high school with 900 kids in my graduating class. The only reason I went to college was because of a scholarship from the Marine Corps. By all accounts I am average at best. + +Fast forward, I’m 29 now, manage a larger portfolio, own a few homes in Southern California, Florida, and Virginia. I recently purchased my dream car to go along with my Ford raptor. I paid my moms house off and bought her a car. I married my dream girl and we recently got a super rad puppy. + +This is NOT a post for me to talk about what I have. My hope is that this post may serve as a data point for people who may be starting from a similar background as myself. At 16, 29 seemed forever away but I urge you to resist trying to size up to make a few bucks now. And for those that are curious, I stood to make $1800 on the iron condor. An absolute abomination of risk management, my vision convoluted to make $2K. Be patient, take the time to understand risk, make smart money moves, and consistently show up. I imagine many will be able to outperform me, earlier - that would be awesome. I’m rooting for you all. +Was looking into SCHD but sadly it's not available in Europe I suppose. + +Are there any good alternatives that I may be able to buy in Europe? + +Thanks a lot in advance! +So I'm thinking of starting a dividend portfolio. I will put in about $500 a month, with a starting value of $1,500. I am thinking about going with 3 different ETFs, 33% of each: SPHD, PEY, and SPLV. I am new to dividend investing, but these 3 ETFs pay monthly and are fairly secure from what I understand. If this is a less effective option for dividend growth, I'd be fine with taking the time to invest in individual stocks / better ETFs / rebalancing the %. Let me know what you guys think, thanks :) + +edit: I have other investing accounts, focused on growth, retirement, etc. I’m planning on growing the dividend account slowly but surely, to eventually have a steady income from it in 15-20 years +So I've worked minimum wage jobs pretty much my whole life. I've spent the past 8 years working at Coles. I'm 31 and realising I cannot do this forever. I don't want to, I'm earning 40k a year living in Sydney with hopes to someday buy a home and my body is breaking down. I've stayed working these jobs because they've always been extremely flexible, I've made friends at these places, I pretty much became "too comfortable" but I have fears of transiting into something else. Lack of confidence I guess especially with no skills. I know everyone will just say to take a course and learn and it's an obvious answer yes, but I guess I need a good kick up the A to get me started. I'm always thinking of failure but time is ticking by. Maybe I need a firm talking to. + +Do I chase money or passion? Passion (working with animals) can bring me in 40-80k but there aren't daily listings for this type of work. Money obviously would bring in more but I'm not sure if I could handle a corporate environment. I'm defiantly not one of 'those' people. + +Can anyone please tell me your stories and experiences with changing careers at an older age. I need some motivation. Has being a job hopper into different careers helped you? Did you try something you didn't like but then ended up liking the new career? Have you got any advice for someone like myself? + + +I'm curious how hard it is to crack a $300k salary in your respective fields? I'm in my late 20s and am looking at a career change and just thought it would be interesting to get a realistic perspective on what it takes to crack that barrier. + +How long does it take, what percentage of people make it there and what sacrifices do they have to make to get there? + +And finally, would you recommend it? +Dear MtGox Customers, + +In the event of recent news reports and the potential repercussions on MtGox's operations and the market, a decision was taken to close all transactions for the time being in order to protect the site and our users. We will be closely monitoring the situation and will react accordingly. + +Best regards, + +MtGox Team + +Source: www.mtgox.com + +Edit: Printscreen: http://i.imgur.com/EqG4E84.png +In an effort to keep the "main sub" a little cleaner in regards to "low effort posts," this will be a catch all for the simple questions that get asked on a regular basis. + +We want to help new investors/traders. That's definitely one of the main goals of this community. We don't want to run people off, but at the same time we want there to at least be some sort of standard to what constitutes "low effort." We wish to differentiate between legitimate, detailed questions predicated upon at least a base level of due dilligence and questions that may be better served going into an "other folder," so to speak. + +Also to note, anything that fits the description of what goes in this thread will be deleted from the "main sub," so there may be a learning curve of people wondering why their posts are getting deleted. This new format sticky thread will be auto re-posted daily so as not to get too cluttered. + +The following is a list of what is relegated to this "catch all" thread, and is subject to change based on the needs of the sub: + +1. What broker should I use? +2. What do you guys think of "XXXX" stock? +3. Should I buy or sell "XXXX" stock? +4. Any threads with ZERO DD +5. Anything that would have gone into the "any stocks go here" sticky thread (cryprocurrency is still banned) +6. Any questions you think might be "stupid" questions +7. Any post requesting people's thoughts on your thoughts +Apologies for the title gore - couldn't think how else to phrase it... I'm looking for new ideas on how to teach junior analysts (grads and interns etc). In return I'll share a couple that I have found to be effective in the comments below. +I understand everyone will have different paths due to trading different strategies, but I am still curious to how long it took you. + +For context I made the switch to trading full time roughly six months ago. I went in with high expectations of being profitable every month, which was a mistake. I am an options trader with a few years experience. + +Looking forward to your responses and happy trading! +As USD strength continues to surge, are you taking advantage through passive foreign investments? I’m semi-retired with my portfolio being split between US ETFs, directly held US real estate, and PE investments into US RE. + +Continuing to pour money into ETFs and sitting on cash doesn’t seem like an exciting plan for the next couple of years. USD is ridiculously strong right now, and it appears to only be getting stronger. + +I view emerging markets and China as too risky, but is anyone taking advantage of the strength of the dollar through passive investments in Europe, South Korea, Australia, etc.? It seems that this would be a good way to both diversify out of the US and get bonus returns as global currencies normalize after a few years. + +Semi-retired, so not looking to buy a manufacturing plant in Vietnam etc. Main focus is on accessing passive deals in foreign currency in first-world countries. Curious to hear others’ experiences. + +Although it’s mostly hobby driven, rather than return driven, one way I’m taking advantage is by buying musical instruments in Europe. Some fine instrument stores are starting to price in USD instead of Euro, but those that aren’t are effectively at a 10% discount right now. +There was a thread a while back about what was one of the most important decisions made on the journey to fatFIRE, and the answer unanimously was that they had a partner who supported their lifestyle and had similar values. (can't find it now, but it would be nice to have a link) + +I'm still a college student, so considerably young to many here, but I am wondering how many have found their other half. It feels improper at my stage to screen people on life and financial objectives, given that so many usually just "live life and let things happen when they click with someone," and it usually works out to a happy life for them. + +How did folks around here meet someone with similar goals and values? Did you meet first and find similarity in time, or was an initial matching of values a significant part? +I made this post in LRC, but I see it may have some use here too considering I keep seeing people speculating on what hedge funds might do to mess with the beloved GME. + +One thing I want to note, is that Gamestop does not seem phased one bit by these predatory people, i mean really, unphased, so we should be too, and why? Well something begs me to wonder why are they not giving a flying dookie about these guys. Is it because they have an army bigger than we imagine? + +Most likely. + +Here's a quick exercise - What happens when hedgefunds decide to drop the stock, and Gamestop reminds people they're partnered with Microsoft? Chances are, that's what hedgefunds are truly worried about, the bigger, quieter, leaner, meaner elephant tech giant in the room who is ready and willing to take away from those who steal. + +**Okay, now that you've ran through that exercise, onto the actual post!** + +I see a lot of wonder about who is going to use LRC ( THE PROTOCOL) in their online storefronts and digital use. + +I want to point out one thing that everyone is overlooking. Microsoft, is partnered with Gamestop. + +**I repeat, Microsoft is partnered with Gamestop.** + +[https://news.microsoft.com/2020/10/08/gamestop-announces-multiyear-strategic-partnership-with-microsoft/](https://news.microsoft.com/2020/10/08/gamestop-announces-multiyear-strategic-partnership-with-microsoft/) + +If there is going to be one piece of speculation with a hint of evidence backing it, its that **Microsoft**, one of the **main tech giants**, wants to **stay ahead of the pack**. There is competition for land to be taken back, and Microsoft wants to own that land and will fight smart to stay ahead. + +How does one stay ahead of the pack in a time like this? The same way Microsoft did it back then, utilize their inner and outer resources, and build or work together to implement a system that is open to nearly everyone. + +Sound familiar? Take the PC you are using, not apple products, but PC products. The software is made to be malleable to a degree, fixed by ones self, **adopted by the masses**. Sounds ALOT like what LRC wants to do with digital currency protocols. + +again, **Adopted by the masses**. + +Not only that, but for a coin to be taken seriously, it has a much higher success rate being adopted by a company like Microsoft. + +Think of how many people build their PC Windows system computers now, instead of pre-built apple products, to game on, or use intensively for similar purpose, especially when it will come to VR, Augmented reality, and what the future of the metaverse(s) will hold for the new age of internet. + +Oh, I forgot to mention, **~~Gamestop's working on their own VR system too~~**~~,~~ **~~likely with Microsoft~~** Microsoft is building their own VR branded "HoloLens", where the **tech giants are now competing for a spot in the augmented reality world**. Think of the space that will be bought, and used up in the AR world, for advertisement and building digital empires that you can see virtually or augmented into the reality around you through glasses. + +If there is anyone who wants to stay ahead of the rest, and is always open to new working of the internet, its Microsoft. No wonder why they partnered with Gamestop last year, they saw this coming from a moonshot away. + +p.s. Anyone else find it funny Microsoft and Gamestop have been dead silent since last year regarding their partnership and project announcements? Makes me wonder why they're so quiet while the rest of the tech giants are making a huge fuss about the new age of internet. Microsoft is also using Ethereum to combat piracy, and will likely be taking it into their Azure web2/web3 services. These puzzle pieces fit too damn well together, all of them. + +One thing is certain, I always place my bets on the guy with his head down working his ass off behind the scenes, staying quiet. + +Again, Sounds like a Chairman at Gamestop who has stated many times they do not announce the moves they are making. **"Talk is cheap, It takes money to buy whiskey" - Ryan Cohen.** + +**Happy Holidays, To those, a full heart, and a fuller glass.** + +**Love you apes and loop troops.** + +Edit1: Another example of Microsoft taking the world by storm is working with Intel. Intel chips are in nearly every computer. It's Microsofts cut throat business tactic, by implementing a necessary part in their househeld products to make them work properly. i.e. the Intel chip. + +Again, sound familiar? Now Microsoft wants a piece of digital backed world, and is going to take in integral part of how that system works, and implement it into their own cut throat business tactics, implementing this system into their household products to have a properly working pay system in the new age of internet. + +Edit 2: This ones for fun, Ryan Cohen posts a sugar daddy on twitter. What do sugar daddies do? A sugar daddy funds the person they're "hiring" essentially. Again, not farfetched for Gamestop to have a sugar daddy with large pockets i.e. Microsoft. + +Edit 3: [https://news.microsoft.com/transform/azure-space-partners-bring-deep-expertise-to-new-venture/](https://news.microsoft.com/transform/azure-space-partners-bring-deep-expertise-to-new-venture/) + +Microsoft is also partnered with Starlink, created by Elon Musk, the destroyer of shorts. Their partnership speaks of using Microsoft Azure, a similar service to Amazon Web Services. AGAIN, SOUND FAMILIAR? Sorry, im excited, but doesn't that look an awful lot like AZURE wants an LRC type protocol payment service for their own web service? which is likely working on being integrated into Web3... Food for thought apes, wrinkle up! + +Edit 4: [https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/microsoft-msft-ethereum-blockchain-fight-piracy-digital-tech-public-ledger-2021-8](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/microsoft-msft-ethereum-blockchain-fight-piracy-digital-tech-public-ledger-2021-8) + +**Microsoft plans to use Ethereum** to combat piracy in the digital tech era. + +Edit 5: Microsoft HoloLens to be sold to military in a 21.9B contract. +https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56598882 + +This is much bigger than we all have imagined so far, even to reach into the military as another income source, and backing. + +Thanks for the love apes, and I'm going to throw this out there to Gamestop employers who might be reading this; if I'm right, I would like for this to serve as a chance for a position in your company where I can be of service. I want to provide purpose to myself and others, and WORK my ass off for this companies future without giving up too much more information to the public. +Again, thank you. +The below screenshots made me think this is a topic we ALL need to be reminded of right now, myself included- something I know we've all seen as we progressed through the last 2 years of hodling GME: + +https://preview.redd.it/n1qniyenuqy91.jpg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bce58e4aaeda69a8f10aa2dfed640b38f11be45 + +https://preview.redd.it/2smvixenuqy91.jpg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a3d3b5c31a89cdcc478bc2318e6c6b1317a7eda + +https://preview.redd.it/l4e57yenuqy91.jpg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d25d80323143bd1269b8518299a41bf85af3c8e + +https://preview.redd.it/ptahvxenuqy91.jpg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99405b88ed9b5380f3b35094843715f43fdc944c + +https://preview.redd.it/ereghyenuqy91.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9890b62e82338d289380a828d0d54af8aa45bb3d + +https://preview.redd.it/ce54pxenuqy91.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb6879d657411ae9a43b0b31a2807408bf7b2b9 + +*Even though many knew what OP thiught was new, many clearly did not, and it’s extremely uhelpful to respond with an “LOL” “DUH” tone. It tears community down instead of building it up. Why not just acknowledge it’s been known in a way that builds this GME community?* + +# ========== + + +Despite the shorts blowing shit tons of $$$ to distort and the MSM doing everything they can to keep their narratives going, the truth is getting out more and more to Main Street, and I would argue it hit a critical mass point-of-no-return a long, long time ago. + +&#x200B; + +As the truth about GME continues to spread, it's inevitable that more and more new investors are going to be here (1) asking lots of questions that might seem basic, uninformed, and possibly even irritating to answer... and (2) making observations that seem obvious and LOL-able + +&#x200B; + +Even people who’ve been in since the Jan 2021 sneeze can’t be on the sub 24/7 and are bound to miss things- I myself have had times where IRL knocks me out for weeks at a time, and I know there are plenty out there just like me. + +&#x200B; + +Whenever we come across these types of comments/questions/observations, we would ALL benefit significantly to remember how little we all knew at the start of our own individual GME investing journeys and all the things we’ve missed along the way. + +&#x200B; + +Please, let’s all remember to do our very best to be as kind/welcoming/helpful as we possibly can. + +&#x200B; + +Let’s try not to risk snarky/mocking or curt/terse replies. These replies make new investors feel dumb and like they should already know, and they make existing investors more likely to disengage than feel free to ask and build more community. And that’s a lose-lose-lose, when we could guarantee a win-win-win. + +&#x200B; + +[After all, Wall Street doesn't need any help making people feel too dumb to learn or speak up](https://i.redd.it/4p9xo28rbsy91.png) + +&#x200B; + +This is only going to become more and more important to remember, because with what we all know is coming for GME, new investors and out-of-the-loop investors are just naturally going to be more and more common on the sub. + + +💜 you all :) + +\-E2 + +# ============= + +# 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +# 🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +# 🟣 + +# [DRS YOUR GME UNTIL](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#DirectStock/Summary?IssuerId=SCUSGME&PlanId=SPP1&sv=l) + +# [YOUR FINGERS BLEED](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#DirectStock/Summary?IssuerId=SCUSGME&PlanId=SPP1&sv=l) + +# 🩸 + +# 🩸🩸🩸🩸 + +# 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸 +# And they said I was wrong about Adam Aron... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lbztx22t07691.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=24352f7d7014159115ad660a8dfbb91413aa82ec + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +APOLLO MISSIONS + +[Apollo 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s24hxt/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_16_part_1_the_apollo/) (Disclaimers here) + +[Apollo 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s252os/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_16_part_2_the_apollo/) + +[Apollo 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s25i88/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_16_part_3_the_apollo/) + +[Apollo 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s28x8z/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_16_part_4_the_apollo/) + +[Apollo 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skiff2/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_16_part_5_the_apollo/) + +[Apollo 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/taib2v/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_16_part_6_the_apollo/) + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**Shameless PLUG:** Follow me on **TWITTER** for more GME fun:[ https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Ok… It’s time to get some things clear. + +**FIRST** \- Since I’ve started writing these Apollo episodes, I’ve heard every excuse under the sun to defend Adam Aron… and I’m going to address those. + +**SECOND** \- In case you haven’t read all of these episodes, or I haven’t been clear… I’m going to break down and simplify the Private Equity Hostile Takeover Playbook and how it applies to what you’re seeing in the market today. + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Adam Aron Excuses: + +Adam Aron is not an Apollo Plant because… + +**If he was a plant he wouldn’t have resisted their Chapter 11 takeover attempt in Dec 2020 - Source:** [https://nypost.com/2020/12/11/apollo-circling-amc-as-chain-scrambles-to-stay-afloat-sources/](https://nypost.com/2020/12/11/apollo-circling-amc-as-chain-scrambles-to-stay-afloat-sources/) + + + +Let's take a common-sense approach to this. When Apollo, who owned Popcorn Debt at the time decided that they were going to push the company into Chapter 11, they were playing by their standard approach to this model. Something they have done again and again. + +But in the Game of Thrones, 1 month is not a long time. And from December 2020 to Jan 2021, can you guess what **MAJOR VARIABLE** changed in the fundamentals of the company? + +Yup… the **RISE** of the Planet of Apes. This introduces a **MASSIVE** variable and huge influx of cash into a company that Apollo and Adam Aron had control over. It would no longer make sense for them to just trash this cash cow. + +So hypothetically… if they could spin a narrative that Adam Aron is fighting off the bad guys by rejecting Apollo, wouldn’t that divert attention to the connection between Adam Aron and Apollo… hmm… + +But they passed their first-lien debt over to Mudrick Capital/Silverlight instead of Apollo… why would he do that if he was working with Apollo? + +Good question right? + +Well, that’s usually where the debate stops because no1 has looked past that point. + + + +But if they had… they’d realise, that not long after that (In Game of Thrones terms) Adam Aron, the hero fighting off the dragon at the door… passed the first lien debt **RIGHT BACK TO APOLLO** + +There was absolutely no need to do this. + +They had their debt obligations covered, they were out of Chapter 11 territory… and they had the new influx of cash from Popcorn Apes. + +So I challenge ANY OF YOU to come up with a reason to pass the first lien powers back to Apollo? + +(Remember… first-lien means, in the case of Bankruptcy, these creditors get paid first - so Apollo gets paid) + +&#x200B; + +**EARLY PUPPY BREAK BECAUSE I'M ALREADY SICK OF TALKING ABOUT HIM!** + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Awww... look! It's a popcorn-themed puppy break! Look at these liitle guys with their 3D glasses! + +https://preview.redd.it/ap7m640yw6691.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=17153f570ddcb0ff5d57cce23aa5ad788f218f8c + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# And here’s how he did it… + + + +Remember that **BIG NEWS** announcement of Aron being the hero again and pushing the high-interest debt further out using Senior Secured Notes? + +Source: [https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Announces-Senior-Secured-Notes-Offering-and-Proposed-Redemption-of-Existing-Senior-Secured-Notes/default.aspx](https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Announces-Senior-Secured-Notes-Offering-and-Proposed-Redemption-of-Existing-Senior-Secured-Notes/default.aspx) + +&#x200B; + +**DATED 2ND FEB 2022!!! - Yes that's just 4 months ago!!** + +&#x200B; + +And on the same day released a second press released to up the value of these Senior Secured Notes from $500 million to $950 million... + +Source: [https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Announces-Upsize-and-Pricing-of-Senior-Secured-Notes-Offering/default.aspx](https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Announces-Upsize-and-Pricing-of-Senior-Secured-Notes-Offering/default.aspx) + +&#x200B; + + + +And the whole Popcorn Community went Apeshit with excitement that Adam Aron is actually a great leader??? + +Here’s AMC Biggums hype video to explain in detail: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MqPgoKWdBE&ab\_channel=AMCBIGGUMS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MqPgoKWdBE&ab_channel=AMCBIGGUMS) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uj7ivqn2y6691.png?width=2202&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9a165285c924b9ee55fffa1352c9cb69af782e8 + +Including the source to who (Apollo), this applied to… + +[https://www.kfetch.com/contracts/0001104659-20-089170\_4/apollo-global-management-inc/amc-entertainment/6-4-2020](https://www.kfetch.com/contracts/0001104659-20-089170_4/apollo-global-management-inc/amc-entertainment/6-4-2020) + +(Apollo Global Convertible notes Contract) + + + +So he basically changed Apollo’s Convertible High-Interest notes to Senior Secured notes right? **(Feel free to prove me wrong here legal apes)** + +&#x200B; + +FUCKING PUPPY BREAK!!!! + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Aww.... who's a little puppy with his seatbelt on... Safety First - BUCKLE UP!! + +https://preview.redd.it/zwj9bbfgy6691.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6235806d297dba403e0d034ecc06a462e8706d6 + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +# So let’s look at the definition of Senior Secured Notes shall we? + + + +***“Senior notes are bonds that must be repaid before most other debts in the event that the issuer declares bankruptcy. That makes senior notes more secure than other bonds. That greater level of safety means investors earn slightly lower interest rates.”*** + +Source: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/seniornote.asp#:\~:text=Senior%20notes%20are%20bonds%20that,earn%20slightly%20lower%20interest%20rates](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/seniornote.asp#:~:text=Senior%20notes%20are%20bonds%20that,earn%20slightly%20lower%20interest%20rates). + +&#x200B; + +So in exchange for lower interest rates, Adam Aron gave them back their first place in the queue in case of Bankruptcy… + +Seems like a good deal to me… **ESPECIALLY** if you are Apollo and figure Bankruptcy is coming right? + +**NOW…** + +Let's look at a further definition of Senior Secured Notes… + + + +***Senior Debt, or a Senior Note, is money owed by a company that has first claims on the company’s cash flows. It is more secure than any other debt, such as subordinated debt (also known as junior debt), because senior debt is usually collateralized by assets. It means the lender is granted a first lien claim on the company’s property, plant, or equipment in the event that the company fails to fulfill its repayment obligations.*** + +Source: [https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/finance/senior-debt/](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/finance/senior-debt/) + +&#x200B; + +# Hmm… + +SO… Senior Secured Notes have first claims on a company’s cash flow, and has first-lien claim on a company’s assets?? + +&#x200B; + +# COMPANY'S ASSETS??? + +&#x200B; + +So remember the Private Equity Hostile Takeover Playbook, everyone?? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kdj7e6fzy6691.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=491968cc0ceedf80bd5a7625548fbc680dae5b2b + + + +Whether it’s Expensive Consultant groups or Inside CEO plants… you want to load up the company with Assets before priming them for Bankruptcy right? + +That way when they push for Chapter 11 - Private Equity gets the assets (Like the ones secured by Senior Notes) + +&#x200B; + +# So Apollo has the senior notes… + +&#x200B; + +Popcorn has been on a buying spree buying up more theatres… + +Then they add a Gold mine to the asset bag of Tricks… + +And now after the Annual Meeting, Adam Aron announces a further $100 million to go into his war chest to buy up more distressed assets that may or may not have anything to do with the world of cinema??? + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +WHY??? - Because Popcorn are "Experts at scrounging up liquidity" (Adam Aron Quote from Popcorn Annual Meeting) + +Sure they are... Popcorn Apes have deep devoted pockets... and are willing to put it where Adam Aron tells them to... like Hycroft! + + + +**Seems like Apollo are using Popcorn and the Cash in the Popcorn Apes pocket to execute a mini-version of the Private Equity Hostile Takeover Playbook… to buy up distressed assets under Popcorn…** + +...**but THESE ASSETS are ACTUALLY secured by the Senior Secured notes to Apollo???** + +&#x200B; + +# Am I fucking wrong??? + +&#x200B; + +Makes a lot of sense as to why he would then say this... + + "Many of you do not believe this number is accurate, But that is the number, we KNOW to be true..." + +In relation to the Share Count and existence of Naked Shorting right? + +&#x200B; + +—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +BBC NAVIGATION + +[BBC Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzkzi5/is_this_the_final_boss_john_petry_and_ken_griffin/) **IS THIS THE FINAL BOSS?** + +[BBC Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzrtsq/billionaires_boys_club_part_2_the_inner_circle/) **The Inner Circle** + +[BBC Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzxjra/billionaires_boys_club_part_3_the_big_boys_i_just/) **THE BIG BOYS** + +[BBC Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0isaz/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_part_4_recess_is_over/) **Recess is over... You didn't think BILL GATES was involved did you?** + +[BBC Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o16cbm/billionaires_boys_club_part_5_the_foundational/) **The Foundational Strategy** + +[BBC Part 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oa8ynd/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_part_6_smile_for_the/) **SMILE FOR THE CAMERA KENNY...** + +[BBC Part 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oox1sn/the_billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_7_what_daf/) **What DAF fuck is this???** + +[BBC Part 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ope0w3/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_7_the_chips_are/) **The chips are stacked against us... ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.** + +[BBC Part 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/opp09p/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_errr_9_steve/) **Steve Cohen... So HOT right now...** + +[BBC Part 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1ofgr/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_10_allinclusive/) **All-Inclusive Vacation of a Lifetime... to the CAYMANS! -- PART 1** + +[BBC Part 10.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p3a79x/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_102_cayman_island/) **Cayman Island Getaway - How to hide money from the FBI + Brazilgate!** + +[BBC Part 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p7nl7y/billionaire_boys_clib_episode_11_bbc_billionaire/) **BILLIONAIRE BANK LOANS - Buy Borrow Die** + +[BBC Part 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pcp37f/billionaire_boys_club_part_12_bbc_please_prove_me/) **Kenny's WARCHEST - SPECIALIZED PURPOSE ENTITY (SPE) + Leverage** + +[BBC Part 13.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pv9yon/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_13_part_1_do/) **Do you Swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?** + +[BBC Part 13.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvr3gg/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_13_part_2_the/) **Steve Cohen's TRUE form revealed** + +[BBC Part 13.3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/px80o7/vlad_lied_too_is_this_proof_and_proof_that/) **Vlad Lied too - Proof that Citadel Knew** + +[BBC Part 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qicm2m/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_14_pop_quiz_whats/) **POP QUIZ - What's Safer than a Bank?** + +[BBC Part 15](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rfgriy/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_14_the_deregulation/) **The Regulation Agenda** + +[BBC Part 16.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s24hxt/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_16_part_1_the_apollo/) **The Apollo Missions** + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**Shameless PLUG:** Follow me on **TWITTER** for more GME fun:[ https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Hi Apes, (this post is not adjusted for inflation, open to a wrinkle edit) thanks! If using inflation the ratio would be smaller - + +I am open to feedback - will take down if im tripping - But from my basic ass calculations - I show the markets using 28 times more leverage (this is for Margin, taken from FINRA Margin Statistics) than 2008 levels - + +I was looking at the margin levels - they stopped doing these numbers in July, I wonder why? + +July-21 $844,324BN + +So July 2021 it was $844BN (and has not been updated since July) + +And in July-08 $30,007BN + +So the math is 844/30 = 28.13 more leverage today vs 2008. + +[https://www.finra.org/investors/learn-to-invest/advanced-investing/margin-statistics](https://www.finra.org/investors/learn-to-invest/advanced-investing/margin-statistics) + +Edit - it looks like margin changed after 2008 - they used a lot more - still around 4 times over 2010 levels - Jul-10 $267,468BN + +If this is the case, hedgies are even more fukt and a call is coming soon... +Hey all. Reaching out here, on a burner account for obvious reasons, since I believe you folks may have some of the best insight into our interesting situation. Regretfully, I have no easy way to prove any of this, I hope you feel I’m not just LARPing. + +Asset-wise, my family (well, really 74 years old mother) has a net worth of approximately $20M. Most of the assets (\~$15M) are in liquid or semi-liquid investments; stocks, bonds, mutual funds, IRAs, about $1M cash. House (only one) is worth \~$1.5M and cars (a couple of appreciating rare collectors cars) are worth about $2M. Other assets (jewelry, specialized equipment, day-to-day cars, etc) are worth $1-2M. + +A little bit of backstory...My now-deceased father was a hell of an entrepreneur, who built up a very specialized manufacturing business from the ground up and was able to sell it off for a hefty sum about 15 years ago. He and my mother were able to enjoy retirement sitting on a large egg. Then, a few years ago, he passed due to illness. No condolences are needed. We’ve made peace with the fact. + +The problem is, my father was not the most trusting or generous type of person, even with his wife. He 110% controlled all finances and left my mother in a state of near financial illiteracy. While he was alive, my mother had no idea how much money they had. While she knew they were well off, thinking they probably had $4-5M, but she was floored when she found out how much they, well now she, actually had. It wasn’t a good situation or fair, but that that’s a conversation for another time. + +When he passed, he left the full amount of the state to my mother. She’s a little in over her head but has learned quickly how to steward such tremendous wealth. When coming to large financial decisions, she usually will run it past my brother or me. Also, she has an investment manager who we have a good amount of trust in, though I feel she trusts him mainly because my father did. + +I know that she feels guilty with this much wealth and also resentful that it was held at just arm’s length from her for so long. Our family has started urging her to spend more money, and she has, but she mostly lives a very middle-class life and still balks at spending even small amounts of money. She won’t buy anything unless it’s on sale and wants to do everything herself and struggles with the concept of even hiring someone to take care of simple tasks such as cleaning and lawn maintenance. Because of this, her house is starting to fall into disrepair. My brother and I try to help, but she usually rejects our offers out of a combination of pride and inability to prioritize. She is very scatterbrained, but I can objectively say she is not in mental decline, she’s just never really had to enact critical thought through most of her life since most decisions were made for her, not with her. + +My brother and I are both in our mid-30s, fully independent, and at varying levels of success. My brother has a wife and two small children. He makes what I’d assume to be about $120-150k/year and leads a slightly upper-middle-class lifestyle. Cars are his main splurge. I’m single, make around $75k/year, and lead a more utilitarian and teetering between lower-middle-class and standard middle-class lifestyle. This is mainly out of caution for preserving my accrued assets, and also because I genuinely enjoy just being a normal AF guy. I guess I could just spend everything that I earn, but I'd rather have a cushion. I prefer dive bars and hard rock concerts to 4-star restaurants. I do enjoy travel, but the cost tends to dissuade me. That said, I’m doing well enough with investments and own a rapidly appreciating home. + +Ok, enough of storytime. + +We recently got spooked over the Build Back Better Act, since it looked like it was a slam dunk that the estate tax exemption amount was going to be rolled back to \~$6M, and also many types of loopholes for trusts were going to be ended. Somehow, it looks like most of those plans suddenly look to be off the table. I guess those big-money donors pulled out the big guns and got the Democrats to back down. + +That said, we have a meeting coming up shortly with the three of us speaking to an estate and trust to address the estate and start planning some asset protection strategies. As of now, my mother only has a pretty simple will, that just states half the estate is left to my brother and the other half to me. Needless to say, with the high net worth of the estate and the fact that the estate exemption will be reduced in 2026, and still possibly earlier, this is not really the best plan. + +&#x200B; + +This is one situation where my mother is in totally over her head. She realizes she can gift as many people $15,000/year tax-free and has suggested she likely will start doing so for my brother and me, and likely funding a 529 for her grandkids, but she doesn’t know what the hell to do about everything else. She has stated she very much wants to avoid estate taxes, if at all possible. I can’t disagree with her there. + +Now for the $20M question, what the heck should we do/consider? I know the lawyer will be able to provide some options and explain them far better than I ever could. + +I’m figuring that gifting $15,000/year each to my brother, his wife, me, 529 for the grandkids is a no-brainer. I’ve been playing with the idea of suggesting getting fairly aggressive with IDGTs, QPRTs, irrevocable trusts, straight-up gifting $50,000-100,000k/year each to my brother and me, and/or investing in businesses we may want to start. My brother is a very prideful person, so it's unlikely he’ll be nearly as much on board with receiving anything before my mother passes away, so some of those options might just make me look like a money-grubbing jerk. Funding a business venture, I could see him getting on board with though. I, on the other hand, have no qualms about receiving some of the money “early” especially since it will not impact my mother’s quality of life. Finally, I’d very much like for most of the assets to end up in a trust, one way or another, and have expressed this, to avoid any possibility of public record during probate. + +Also of note, we all live in a state with no estate or inheritance tax and my father's unused exemption is $11.2M. + +TL;DR: 74yo widowed mother is worth \~$20M, most semi-liquid. Trying to avoid potential estate taxes as much as possible upon transfer of assets. Thanks for putting up my ridiculously long post. +I understand that preferred stock pays out more in dividends, and is preferred in the case of bankruptcy. But why should it not appreciate as much as common stock? + +If the company is worth $1m, with 100k shares, then a thousand shares of either preferred or common stock would amount to 1% ownership. If the company goes up by 100% to $2m, then I have gained $10k, being that I own 1% of a $2m enterprise with 100k shares. So why does it matter if my ownership is preferred or common? +*I think we all knew this a while ago, but it was just reported again today;* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Bill Gates has a short position against Tesla Inc. that would now need between $1.5 billion and $2 billion to close out, Elon Musk said Friday in a series of tweets. + +Musk said the position was $500 million and grew after Tesla “went up a lot.” + +When asked last year on CNBC whether he was short Tesla, Gates said, “I don’t talk about my investments.” + +Musk was replying to tweets after the close of his Twitter poll asking who respondents trust less -- politicians or billionaires. More than 75% said they had less trust in politicians. + +[https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/elon-musk-says-bill-gates-has-multi-billion-dollar-tesla-short-position-1.1771644](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/elon-musk-says-bill-gates-has-multi-billion-dollar-tesla-short-position-1.1771644) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +(*like i said, i think most of us knew this before because it was first reported back in april* [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/23/elon-musk-tweets-that-he-confronted-bill-gates-about-shorting-tesla.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/23/elon-musk-tweets-that-he-confronted-bill-gates-about-shorting-tesla.html) ) + +[https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1517702987359133696?cxt=HHwWgIC5we20-48qAAAA](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1517702987359133696?cxt=HHwWgIC5we20-48qAAAA) + +at what price did Bill Gates short tesla shares? +Hello, + + +A bit of context... I have been considering real estate for some time and feel that I am close to being confident enough to make an investment. Until now, I have been focusing my investments in index funds due to the passive nature. I am an aggressive saver and have an exceptional amount of excess income at my disposal. So, I have the cash but lack the confidence at this point. + + +Also, I live in a hcol city where cash-flowing properties is difficult and not something I am willing to attempt. Conveniently, my father wants to begin acquiring rental properties back home where prices are substantially lower. So, we have agreed to jump into this together, 50/50. + + +We have been scoping out multi family properties in the 80k - 180k range as we think this is a decent place to start. However, I recently came across a 6 unit complex that is up for sale at 380k... This is where I need advice. + + +I have concerns about the place. The 6 units combined rent for $3825 and all are currently rented. 1% rent to value isn't great and the current price is a no go for me. The owner is out of state and has been trying to sell the place for nearly 2 years so maybe I could bring that down substantially. Additionally, the place was built in 1980. Moving forward would depend on negotiating the price and an inspection not finding too much, which I think is doubtful. + + +Aside from the assessing the property, I have an even bigger concern. Should two newcomers to real estate even begin with a 6 unit complex? Am I biting off more than I can chew? Should I not waste my time considering bigger endeavors before starting small? I would love to hear thoughts on this from more experienced perspectives. +I just received notice by my company’s life insurance company that am I am no longer eligible for the group LTD coverage. They had the reason as “employment terminated or membership in an eligible class terminated” the also had the date employment terminated as “12/31/2022” +22 male here living in NYC, I work at amazon and make around $2200 a month full time , I also go to school fulltime. Couple months ago I leased a brand new car for $359 because I needed to get out of a abusive environment. My insurance is $176. I ended up getting kicked out of my toxic living situation but luckily I found a room renting for $750 including utilities here in NYC. As it stands I live paycheck to paycheck. I should add that I am halfway through a computer science degree but I'm failing the semester due to depression from all these bad decisions. + +Edit: This blew up way more than I expected today but thanks for all the support , I will be ditching the car and I got an offer from carvana where the payoff is only $700 , so I'll take this as a $ 700 mistake + + +Those who follow my trades will tell you that Fridays are my favorite day of the week. + +That is because contrary to popular opinion, the mix of 0 DTE option Gamma and TSLA's inherent volatility, make for extremely rewarding trading outcomes when executed correctly. + +Today could have been no different ofcourse. + +Background: + +TSLA was finally able to break through the 700 lvl this Monday, after what feels like an eternity. Post Monday's rally TSLA struggled to break above the 723 lvl to make a run for Monday's high, also a very imp lvl, of 727. We've been inside Monday's candle so far this week, and yesterday we were also having an inside day of Wednesday's daily candle. In my opinion, TSLA is taking its time basing itself on the 700 support before another leg up, possibly in anticipation of AI day on Aug 19. + +Trade: + +1. Within the first 3 minutes since open, TSLA tried to break through yesterday's low but failed to break down, causing a sharp bounce to 716.xx. However the bounce was short lived as the bulls failed to claim 717. +2. After failing to reclaim the 717 support, bears took control +3. TSLA caused an inside candle breakout by breaking through yesterday's low in a strong move down going on to test a break of Aug 4's low. However, that proved too much in one move and it bounced here +4. Thereafter it fell into a pattern, with yesterday's low now having flipped from support to resistance, and Aug 4's low below it as support +5. TSLA continued its failed attempts at breaking through both this resistance and the VWAP but in vain +6. Simultaneously, it started putting in higher lows . This, along with anemic volume signaled capitulation and an intent to create a lower low, breaching below Aug 4's low + +Entry: + +1. I BTO 0DTE TSLA 705p @ 1.6 per contract at [10:05 AM](https://www.reddit.com/user/pseudoku727/comments/oxs2ou/scalping_thread/h7xq1as?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) when it yet again failed in its attempt to reclaim the VWAP, signifying weakness + +Playout: + +1. Soon after, multiple candles with small bodies and large wicks, esp to the upside, followed, indicating participants selling the rip +2. Then we got a high volume red candle that broke through the 9:45 AM low, setting a newer low for the day +3. Interestingly this candle stopped right at the 707 lvl, a minor support +4. This was followed by consolidation right at this support +5. Within the context of the momentum of breaking through 2 days of inside days, getting rejected by 1 major lvl and breaching another minor support, it was safe to guess who controlled TSLA for the day +6. I ADDED to my initial 705p position here at the close of this Doji, by buying another lot of contracts +7. I BTO another lot of TSLA 705p @ 2.4 per contract at 10:40 AM + +Exit: + +1. As expected, TSLA took another high volume strong move down to the Aug 3 low +2. I would have held on for longer but with how quick the down moves were, I took profits here since we were approaching demand zone and a bounce wouldn't have been unexpected +3. Exited at 10:50 AM @ 4.5 per contract + +Re-entry + +1. Soon after my exit I noticed TSLA doing its old familiar low volume consolidation pattern +2. This time I BTO 0DTE 700p @ 2.4 per contract at 10:56 after it formed a beautiful Bear Pennant +3. Just like clockwork, the next time large volume came in, we effortless slid down to test the 700 lvl + +Exit: + +1. Exited midway through the breach attempt of 700 since it hit my TP lvl +2. Exited at 11:07 AM @ 3.9 per contract + +Trade technicals: + +Trade 1: + +1. Time in Trade 1 - 45 min +2. Price of contract at initial entry - 1.6 +3. Price of contract at position increase - 2.4 +4. Price of contract at close - 4.5 +5. Profit percentage - 180% and 87.5% + +Trade 2: + +1. Time in Trade 2 - 11 min +2. Price of contract at entry - 2.4 +3. Price of contract at close - 3.9 +4. Profit percentage - 63% + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yhpc6sxbvsf71.png?width=2424&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a645d243f52b08dd18b74d59709b7be6293231c +Obviously petty finances were not first on my mind after my wife's recent death,but I did expect to close my wife's account and withdraw what was left over. I neglected to check in on it though until after getting the death certificate. Several charges had come thru leaving the account overdrawn. The account had no overdraft protection and there are still charges for every attempt. This is a difference of <$1000. +Can I dispute anything based on account balance at time of death? +I never even thought of all this and credit cards weren't closed. +Can I stop all credit card and recurring automatic payments(Netflix type) retroactively at date of death? +Can I dispute in her name and/or state she didn't authorize some/all of these charges? +I ask because it isn't mentioned in the about section, it has less members as this sub but has the same theme. Are these both accepted subreddit communities within the FIRE movement? +tl;dr—Was there a tipping point for you where you finally felt ready to start your FI journey? What made you finally take the plunge, open that first IRA/brokerage account/etc., and throw your money into the market? + +I'm a pretty obsessive person who has a real tendency to over-plan and over-prepare for things. I know this about myself, and I know that it's taken hold of me re: FI, a situation where starting sooner is beneficial. As a person who grew up in a broke family, then struggled and made mistakes throughout my 20s, I'm having a real problem "letting go" of the cash I've finally accumulated—even though it's not necessarily *going* anywhere and will in fact be going to work *for* me and my family. I'm waffling over details, though (see my "Help Me FIRE" reply if you want the nuts and bolts) and can't seem to just DO IT. Seriously, there are only so many podcasts, blog posts, and youtube videos one can consume before it starts to feel like a compulsion. + +Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks for being welcoming to a FI newbie. + +EDIT: Good points—by some measures, I HAVE started, just by contributing to my 401k, saving every month, having a budget, and trying to cut expenses. It truly is the opening new accounts and investing portion that's been scaring the pants off me, and knowing that, I can face it. It's one further step on a path I'm already ON. Thanks for that. + +EDIT 2: Dang, y'all, I wish I'd discovered FIRE when I was in college or fresh out like so many of you seem to have done! I envy you who have your heads on straight so early. Respect. +Finally getting on top of my finances for the first time (after growing up very poor and having unstable employment) in my late 30s. + +I'd like get some advice so I know I'm on the right track. I'm looking for someone who will: + +Look at my current position + +Discuss my goals with me, and maximize my chances of achieve them + +Help me create a plan around investments, super, and take into account my tax situation etc. + +Is that what a financial advisor does? Is there a ballpark figure for that kind of advice/plan? + +I'm single, no kids if that matters. + + +EDIT: thanks to all who recommended barefoot investor. I read that last year and that's what got me to the point of having an emergency fund, budget and good super. I'm now looking for more detailed advice around my soecific situation from a professional. +I have no other debt (except Student debt, but I don’t currently earn enough to start paying it back) - I’m so excited to finally have an overall balance of 0. Finally I can start saving and investing!! + +I’m a bit of a noob with Investing and everything so I have a lot of research to do but I’m so looking forward to it. +So I’m 20 and new to all this I’ve just started a job where I save 500 and hope to invest like 500 a month which I hope is better than nothing, I have ISA’s and savers already. Just looking for advice on how to start investing or building a second income and what to look at or watch to steer me in the right direction. +I'm going to HODL and HODL and HODL not only because I want to be rich, I mean most of us do, but more to be right. I've read the DDs and spent way to many hours on here keeping my finger on the pulse of things to just give in when the price goes from 10k to 2k before it jumps to 20k and so on. I've been HODLing for months and buying when I can and I'll be damned if I just paper hand at anything less than justice for these fuckers manipulating the market. +I don't get bored. I keep playing until I win. It took me 13 years to beat the final bowser in Super Mario 64. But I beat him. + +That's our generation. Boomers like to point at us and say "You're spoiled, you just want everything now, and never want to work!". + +Newsflash western civilization boomers! You had the world handed to you on a silver platter by the greatest generation who fought and won against the most hideous horror state the world had seen! + +You had college tuitions at the price of a part-time summer job! And a used car to boot from a bit of overtime. + +You could afford to marry your highschool sweetheart at 22! + +You bought a house at 25! + +You have pensions, and traveled the world on them. + +Millenials aren't impatient. We're exhausted. + +Many have fought in a global war that's lasted over 20 years. Lost friends, family, and... themselves. + +We will be paying interest on student loans well into our 30's, maybe 40's, some may never pay off their student loans. A used car? Hopefully your city has decent public transit, but probably not. There's no money in improving public transit for corrupt municipal boomers. + +A wedding at 22? We're still drowning in student debt, and about to take on more for further education because a bachelor degree isn't special. That sweetheart has moved away for work or school, and moved on. + +We rent housing, and never own. Because we either don't trust the real estate market, or we never spend enough time in an area to put down roots. We're required to relocate for work, and you gotta chase it if you wanna make those interest payments. + +A pension? Don't make me laugh, we'll be working until we drop dead. + +So yeah. I'm thinking, we're gonna be here and HODL GME for a lot longer. Because, we don't get bored, and we don't give a fuck. + +💎🙌🦍🚀🚀🚀🌕 +_____________________ + +Edit: Thank you all for sharing. It takes courage to share what you have been through. I'm reading every comment here, your experiences are inspiring and you are all friends in my eyes. Hang in there. + +🤙🤙🤙 +From what I understand, people look at you funny when you tell them you don't work. Also, I've heard you make yourself a target for beggars and kidnappers in some other countries. What do you tell people you do for a living? Does it work? +Sorry if question is only sort of finance related.. + +A local massage parlour advertised a $35 massage and after asking if my wife had extras health cover they changed the price to $50. (We get $30 covered under extras). + +I would have thought this practice a bit shonky? +I come across a lot of posts discussing buying dividend stocks before the ex-dividend date to try and capture the yield and then sell the stock. The general consensus is that this likely will not work. + +However, one thing that \*IS\* likely to happen - is that the stock price will drop after the dividend date (thus making the above strategy useless). I'm assuming then, and correct me if I'm wrong, that the stock price will eventually recover. + +1. Is this "recovery" then due to natural stock \*growth\* or is the recovery some sort of market mechanism specific to dividend stocks where naturally money flows back into the stock after the post-dividend drop? (I'm aware this could be a distinction without a difference) +2. If recovery for many stocks is inevitable then I'm surprised I haven't seen much discussion about investment strategies where you purchase the stock after the post-dividend drop? What am I missing? + +ANSWERED: The assumption that the stock price will drop after the dividend date or that the stock price will recover is incorrect. Thanks to those who answered. + +Edit: Glad to see reddit is as toxic as ever for asking a question - please get some sunshine. I find it astonishing because if you asked a question like this in real life you'd just get a normal answer from a normal person. + +No doubt the ones making sarky comments are the ones to have little experience in real life social interaction. +I had a realization yesterday: "it wouldn't be all bad if I got fired from work". The reason I thought about the topic is that I made a mistake at work last Tuesday and I've been wondering whether I would be fired. + +What I realized is that there's both pro's and con's with being fired. Losing income is not good. Having this sudden break in employment history is not the best. My future will be less certain. But there actually are pro's as well. + +I would have the free time and options to consider my next steps. There's so much to learn about the world. There's so much I can do to become a better person. There's books I want to read. There's specific emerging technologies in the world that I want to learn. + +My job is a pretty good deal for me right now, but it is still a trade-off. Being fired is not all bad. + +Then I realized it is my savings and investments that allow me to think like that. I probably have more savings than 90% of people of my age. I have enough liquid asset to live on for at least 5 years. Concerns about money does not need to be the be-all-end-all when it comes to losing employment. + +Ultimately, this is why FI is important to me. This is what people who say "what's the point of having money if you don't spend it" don't understand. This was kind of a stunning realization for me yesterday, so I thought I'd share. + +Have a great memorial day to everyone in the US of A! +I'm going to start by saying this is a bit of a messy situation, but I still would like to know if there's any way to resolve this. + +I started working as a receptionist at a diesel garage this past January (2021). Answering the phone, taking payments, ordering parts, etc. Let's call my boss G. G is kind of an asshole but I decided to tough it out because I'd been unemployed for most of 2020 because of Covid. G agreed to pay me a flat $100 a day for each day that I worked. He hired me as a 1099 worker instead of a W2 so I'll have to pay my own taxes on that money. Fine, whatever. I can deal with that. + +Fast forward to August 23rd. I came into work that morning and he had a bunch of stuff packed up in boxes. My boss came in and told me he was closing the shop that Friday, August 27th. He hadn't said anything about closing before that. + +Friday the 27th he sent me home and told me he would send the last of my pay ($200) via Venmo. He hasn't. + +Monday the 29th I started texting him daily reminding him that he owed me money. Yesterday I started calling and leaving voicemails too. I also sent him a money request on Venmo. I've gotten no answer from him. My most recent call today the phone rang once and went to voicemail. So he purposely ignored that call. + +Since I wasn't a regular W2 employee I don't think I can go to the Department Of Labor over this. I know it's just $200 but I have no income now until I can find a new job and I have bills to pay. + +Is there anything at all that can be done? Or should I just take the loss and move on? +I am refferring to kaggle optiver realized volatility prediction competition. + +In their intro : [https://www.kaggle.com/code/jiashenliu/introduction-to-financial-concepts-and-data/notebook](https://www.kaggle.com/code/jiashenliu/introduction-to-financial-concepts-and-data/notebook) + +there is a whole series on time\_id = 5 + +what is that really means ? + +Is that means series on same time (time = 5)? even if that is, doesnt makes sense. + +I am just confused on how to train the model without knowing the time. + +what exactly here time\_id means + +graphically : time id = 5 + +So it is like the same time for all those bid prices and ask prices ? + +we want to predict next 10minute realized volatility, but i cant do that without knowing what is time\_id and seconds\_in\_bucket. + +context : + +https://preview.redd.it/dowcvts7sx091.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcb6c44e18d7893ba41a8f8e0f6751377a5397dd + +https://preview.redd.it/kjic5us7sx091.png?width=1084&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4a8aa3a80065d852f702c9b5003483a6ac3f7c8 +On FinTwit, you'll notice the vast majority of people are split into one of three types of people. + +You have the macro guys that seem to spend all their hours focusing on understanding the monetary system and focusing on central bank liquidity, what Powell has to say next, and so forth. + +You have the technical analysts / CMTs. No comment. + +You have the "pure quants". + +My question is, does a firm like RenTech combine macro with quantitative analysis, do you think they try to understand market microstructure through to the broader monetary system in deep detail in order to try (or help) to identify potentially tradable patterns, or is it purely mathematical? + +The reason why I ask is because, while learning macro feels intuitively useful, every day I am wondering whether there is wisdom in focusing purely on quantitative research. That learning about macro is somewhat of a waste of time (besides understanding basic market dynamics like leverage/positioning, USD/FX carry, etc.). Like, maybe I should be putting down the economics book, and spend more time just looking for quantifiable edge in time series. +Some background: + + - NJ + - work in Philly (city wage taxes apply) + - contributing 15% to TSP + - GS 6. S 4 + +I opened up a Vanguard account, only to realize I need a minimum of $10k for some funds. Others, only require $3k. Are ETF's practically the same? + +I am considering opening up a 529 with NJ. But, I don't like the 'educational purposes' part of it. What happens if my boy doesn't want to go to school? Is this transferrable, tax free? + +I also thought about buying an investment property with 15yr mortgage. Paying it off, and handing it over to my son when he is of age and allowing him to do with it what he will. + +Basically, I am open to many vehicles and avenues. But, I guess my basic question is where to start, especially with this $3k just hanging in a money market account? + +Thanks in advance! + +Edit: this is after all expenses considered, i.e. childcard, medical, emergency, retirement + +Edit: AGAIN, this is after all other expenses are accounted for. + +And thanks all for the sound, valuable advice. I'm leaning toward putting it towards Vanguard's VOO. Utah's 529 also seems like a healthy choice. +Just like the headline says…would love to hear what apes think the next big business related event will be for GameStop. I say “business related” to include buybacks or other share related events. + +I feel like the split dividend getting Fuk’d with by the DTCC screwed the share price and now all apes are on auto pilot for DRSing shares, which I’m totally doing, but wasn’t sure what the speculation was around RC dropping another bomb that no one expects….I mean they are always planning something, want to hear what apes are thinking / hoping for. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wedijp/drscomputershare_megathread_082022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +My wife (31F) and I (30M) are both physicians. I finished in 2020 and have 259k in loans left to repay. I am currently making around 400k/year. My wife just finished her residency with an additional 250k in loans and has basically decided that she can't do it anymore. Medicine has made her nothing but miserable and has wrecked her mental health. It finally got to the point where we had to decide if it was worth it for her to continue, and we ultimately decided her happiness was worth more. +And yes we are addressing her mental health issues with therapy, professional help, etc. It does go beyond career and work, she has had issues with depression throughout life but it became severe throughout residency. + +Obviously, I'm supporting her in this decision but I would be lying if I said it hasn't brought me an insane amount of financial anxiety. She has 250k in loans as well and was on track to be an ER physician, same as I, where she would also be able to make around 400k a year. The plan was always for us to both work full time to start off so we could pay it off asap, and then cut back a bit but work aggressively towards retirement and enjoy a semi early retirement, without having to bust our asses along the way. + + +Now, I'm trying to figure out how our financial goals will be impacted by this change of plans. On one hand, I know that my own salary is sufficient to live a comfortable life style and I am not trying to sound ungrateful for my own income. But on the other hand, when I try to break it down into what this will actually change it really starts to seem less optimistic. From the way I see it: + +- we are losing massive income potential obviously from wife's earnings over life + + +- we are losing potential investment earnings with wife's theoretical earnings + + +- losing wife's 401k retirement plan and company match + + +- we are losing the potential of my income that could have gone towards investments which will now have to first go towards paying off her loans too for many years + + +- I'm losing the value of time with how much longer I'll have to work now. + + +When I think of it like this, it seems like this will delay our ability to retire by at least 10 years if not more. Is that an accurate estimate? + +I know i could be in worse situations, but honestly it sucks. I basically gave up my college years and my 20s and worked my ass off to get to this point, as did my wife. Now we're in our 30s and the light at the end of the tunnel was supposed to be that our earnings would offset some of that missed opportunity and will also allow a very comfortable lifestyle and will allow us to retire early. Kinda feels like I got to this point now just to keep working harder with no real payoff in the foreseeable future. ER work is not easy, and I already am starting to feel burnt out. Doing 10 to 15 more years than I planned of this seems horrendous if I'm being honest. + +Strategies I have thought of so far include: + + +-paying bare minimum on our loans and waiting 25 years to be forgiven + + +-wife has a private disability policy she started in residency which covers psychiatric illness. She has not been formally diagnosed but we're both doctors and know 100% that she is depressed. IIRC though, she would only be eligible for 2 years of disability from something like this though + + +-have her declare bankruptcy individually and try to get some loans forgiven. Her credit score doesn't really matter as much since I pay for everything and everything is in my name. But I also don't know if a judge would consider her situation as a hardship considering my income. + + +-pumping 100k into the next meme crypto coin and getting lucky. Jk. Kinda. + + +Obviously her working a different job would be an obvious alternative solution, and we haven't written it off yet but long story short answer to that is - it's hard at the moment for her to envision doing anything at all due to the severe depression she's in. She has zero career oriented passion or desires. Hoping therapy will help. + + +Any advice would be appreciated and thanks in advance. + + +EDIT: + +I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice. I've read through pretty much every comment and appreciate all the different angles and insight. As someone suggested, I will probably seek therapy for myself too, to help sort out some of the emotions and anxiety I've been feeling about all of this. I also have a lot of hope from seeing other people in similar situations that worked out just fine. Will try to respond individually at some point to some comments but just wanted to say thanks to all. +I’m a naturally low spender, so I don’t track my expenses very closely. Today I decided to check out Mint to see what I spent in 2020. All in, it was just under 30k. With my current net worth of $1.25M and planned withdrawal rate of 3%, that theoretically means I can support my spending on my current investments, which is an unexpected surprise. + +I wouldn’t actually consider myself financially independent yet for a few reasons: + +*I expect my long term retirement spending to be higher than my 2020 (Covid) spending. Healthcare, additional travel, and possible lifestyle creep/kids/whatever as I get older all factor in here. + +*About half of my net worth is in relatively illiquid private stock. There are liquidity events about once per year, and I plan to exit this position before actually retiring. + +*I currently rent the room where I live. Long term I plan to own my own house, and I won’t really consider myself “independent” financially until I have a paid off home. + +Still, it’s a cool milestone. Basic background on me for those interested: 29M, $1.25M NW, LCOL area (if anywhere can be considered that currently), salary around 100k not including stock compensation, work a technical job but not software +In 2019 I posted on here about my struggles with FIRE and you guys gave me a combination of tough-love and chastisement which I definitely deserved. At the time I was making around 185k/salary but only saving 1.2k a month, had 60k in debt, about 200k in total retirement (age 37). My spending was bogus (8k/mo) and I was mostly staying afloat due to the very high salary. + +That post helped me realize what I already kind of suspected... that we were spending way too much, putting away too little, and squandering the advantage of having a large income. + +I did a complete 180 and got my fiancé, now wife, onboard with spending smartly. Then the pandemic came along and forced us to break our massive eating out habit while also trimming back our equally large travel budget. + +Fast forward to today and we've grown our retirement from 200k to 520k and emergency funds from 10k to 133k and paid off our loan and cars. Along the way, we also picked up a second home for 600k which we renovated, and which boosted our total net worth to 650k (the appreciation has been a little over 100k). It's a game of catchup but we're going in the right direction now. + +Something about charting and tracking this information every month (sometimes more often) has led to a change in both me and my wife's view of FIRE. She wants FIRE at 45 so she's taking on work and we're both growing a side-business that can potentially get us there. Our mindset has changed from "we must have the best of X every time" to "what's the benefit of X? does it help us FIRE? is it worth more than a future spent casually traveling the globe?". Every purchase now feels like stealing from the future if we can't justify it in terms of investment/returns. + +Ironically, over the last few years I've had a lower income than my peak (250k) but I went from contributing 1% of my income to contributing as much as 60% to FIRE in between pre/post-tax and brokerage funds, so there's been a pretty rapid catch up. + +I just wanted to thank the sub because without it, I might still be living effectively "check to check" and there's no excuse for that. +Hello, + +Using a throwaway account: +As the title says, our landlord wants us to pay £400 as we did not forward them letters sent to our address. + +We don't know who the landlord is, and when we moved in we have been just been marking post "return to sender" and putting them back in the post. + +Apparently, he did not receive a letter and now has some fees to pay from the council. They feel we should pay their fees as a result. + +We aren't liable for this surely? +I see many posts from a lot of you with net worths of $5m+. Do you attribute this financial success to luck at least to a large extent, or that anyone that studies finance, law, medicine or software could attain such figures eventually? +Thanks +If you regularly spend time at a second home far from your main home, does it make more sense to rent a car, or to buy/lease a car to keep at that location? + +If you buy a car, how do you store it long-term so it stays running well? + +The car would need to be stored outdoors, but the climate is quite temperate (low humidity, no freezing temps/salt). We are generally at second home 6-8 weeks in summer, and 2-3 weeks in winter. +I am in a situation where I need to close on a home soon, but the lenders are very slow. I am afraid I will be in breach of contract if the lender doesn't come back in a few days, and that looks like a reasonable possibility based on their track record so far. + +I am considering taking a margin loan against my interactive brokers account (all stable stocks and ETFs) to fund an all cash purchase right now and then apply for delayed financing. + +Does the margin loan cause any issues in getting the delayed financing? +Hi all, I posted in RichPeoplePF recently about purchasing a $100k car, and it spurred some discussion that fatFIRE differs from FIRE in that fatFIRE is also about splurging a little on the journey. + +I know there’s a purely quantitative calculation you can do to make decisions on purchases - i.e. ‘this purchase will delay my fatFIRE date by X years’ - but I wanted to take a step back from the personal finance angle and ask this sub a qualitative question - what other factors do you use in determining whether a luxury purchase or hobby is ‘worth it’? + +For example - time (ie ‘I’ll buy this only if I can spend X+ hours a year enjoying it), or social benefits (ie ‘this purchase will introduce me to other hobbyists and I’ll build a network). + +I’m late 20s, no dependents, NW $1.5M, gross salary $170k, expenses $65k, and I am set on buying a $90k Porsche 911. + +I have decided it is something I do want, and quantitatively, I’m okay with the hit on my finances and delay in FIRE date. But, I keep talking myself out of it using the qualitative reasonings I mentioned above - ‘I would only drive it once a week,’ ‘my job could throw me international at any time,’ or ‘I’m being delusional about the network it will open up for me.’ + +My question is - aside from a pure numbers perspective, how do you determine if your hobbies are ‘worth it’ for you? +Got out at .70 with a sell limit. In at .42. No regerts, even if it shoots up today. Having only been here for 4-5 weeks, I learned my lesson with MVIS and BIOC. Despite the most intelligent people (from what I can discern) hammering the notion of "take your 30% and run," I held on too long with those two and lost about 40%. I'm finally back to where I started +20% (initial deposit), and all I've done is combine tips + personal DD (which I'm finding is my favorite part of all this) + setting 30% sell limits and walking away. + + +My goal is to hit a set amount of money each day (not much) that turns into a decent amount weekly, then enough to pay my mortgage monthly. Ain't no Lambo, but I'll take it. +I don’t invest, but obviously, bitcoin is just continuing to grow. + +What’s the move? + +Edit: alright alright youve convinced me. What should I use, robinhood or cashapp? + +Edit 2: okay i’m invested in bitcoin. I fully expect this 100 dollar invest to make me a millionaire. If i’m not a millionaire by 2030 then i’m going to literally have a panic attack (!remindme 9 years) +Ok I’m finally DRSing my shares 🙄 (Last In First Out) I mean only because of the SIPC of $500k which would totally fuck me when this shit moons. He put me on hold and did the whole “your shares are not being lent out and they’re under your name, etc” He has me on hold again to “check something on my shares” which I hope they fucking have! 😂 + +Update 1: “my system is not allowing me to do the transfer I’ll have to have one of my co-workers help assist me with this, when I come back from putting you on hodl (for the third time) there will be someone else on the phone conversation with us.” + +Update 2: [They still have me on hodl 🙄 ](https://imgur.com/a/jWFdn4X) + +Update 3: ok it’s finally all complete, the lady they transferred me over to was very professional and swift with it, her voice was very pleasant as well. So I transferred 90% of my shares lol. I didn’t wanna unlock the float lol. But surprisingly weird thing was she told me the transfer should take me only 4-5 business days. +I’m working in IT as a Business Analyst, I have been applying for any IT related roles for the Victoria Department of Education &amp; Training, Heath and Human etc. + +My resume and cv got me interviews and offers from big IT companies but my application for the government didn’t even get a call from HR. + +Is there something I’m missing? Do I need to go through recruiting firm? + +How did you land your job for those departments? Thanks + +Edit 1: why do I want a job there? Because I’m at the receiving end of their regulations. I want to improve the quality of their work. It can be frustrating sometimes when new regulations come out and they expect software to be updated the next day. Or some of the documents only focus on the ‘best case scenarios’ but human errors happen everyday, how can we handle when these situations occur? + +05/03/2021 +Edit 2 : thanks everyone so much for your input. I have good news! After updating my cover letter and resume. I got an interview which went super easy, they moved me to the reference check. Yesterday, I just got a call and THEY OFFERED ME A 12 months fixed term contract!!! It’s not permanent but at least I get my foot in the door. + +If I can help anyone, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I want to pay back 😌. +That's right. I bought Bitcoin before it even existed. All these posts on here about people buying bitcoin so early, I figured I better share my heart warming, humble story of success. + +I've always been sort of an economics expert. I watched the movie 'The Big Short', and understood literally everything they talked about. Our banking system is really easy for me to comprehend, even though for most people, it can be quite confusing. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. + +I anticipated Bitcoin being invented, so I paid people 3 years ahead of time for their future holdings, at a guarantied fixed price. I actually used an Ethereum smart contract back in 2005, to lock in these business contracts. I'm so ahead of the game. This might come off as a little arrogant, but I have to face the truth - I'm probably the smartest person out of everyone I know. I figured I needed to post it on the subreddit so you all have a chance to meet and get to know me, and you can be inspired to try and be me. I have so much wisdom to share, because I make such incredible financial decisions. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a financial guru. I'm always giving my friends and family free financial tips, even if they don't ask for it, because I want them to succeed too. + +In dollar terms, I’m almost a bitcoin bazillionaire. It feels good, but not because I can brag about the accumulated wealth, it’s more that the people who I told to invest whatever money they could afford to lose, back in early 2005, all told me I was an idiot. Those same people have now been humbled. + +I have too many tips to share from my experience. I'll save those for another post. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Edit: For everyone messaging me regarding financial tips. This post is sarcasm and fake. I'm actually not a bazillionaire. But, Bitcoin hittin' at least 150k, 2021 for damn sure. +My portfolio consists of about 80% ETH 20% ADA. Should I be putting more into ADA? What are the short and long term outlooks of both? I’m also invested in a small amount of LINK and XRP +When a companies shares are being sold isnt there someone on the other end buying them? if so what makes the price go down, and on the other side what makes it go up, is the nyse or lse changing the price of the stock as it gets sold or something. What is the mechanism by which the price changes? Sorry if this question sounds a bit retarded im kinda confusing myself too +I'm curious to know what everyone's journey has been like so far. Also, I'd love to hear what lessons you've learned along the way, what you were surprised about, and anything else regarding your fatFire journey! +Single parent of a middle school aged child. I've worked my ass off for over a decade to support my kid and I've barely kept my head above water the entire time. I have no help from family, as most of my family is dead from overdoses or we don't speak due to abuse. I've often worked two jobs since my kid was born, and yet we've still had to live in my car at times. I don't get child support. For the last two years, I've worked 15 to 18 hour days at my physical labor intensive job, pushing hard to get promoted, thinking it would lead to a better life. During this time we've been on EBT and my kid had medicaid. Finally, I get promoted, and find out my salary is really disappointing, a measly 34k a year. I'm still working horribly long days but now I'm not getting OT and it pushes my income above the limit for assistance because my state didn't expand medicaid. Now I have to budget 300 a month for Healthcare for my kid and all the medications they need. Then scrape by on 200 a month in food for the two of as that's all I can spare. My rent and utilities take up a huge majority of my income. At the end of the month I have $33 leftover if I ONLY pay my basic bills and don't break my food budget and have no emergencies. I can't use the local food bank because I'm above the income limit for assistance. So I stretch one pack of chicken or cans of tuna into two weeks of food with rice, pasta, beans and frozen vegetables. + + I work from 4am to as late as 10pm on a regular basis, just to pay 1k a month to live in an old single wide trailer that's falling apart, in a shitty neighborhood, and eat rice, beans, and canned tuna every freaking day. I lie to coworkers saying I'm trying to be healthy when they invite me to lunch because I can't afford going out to eat. My poor kid has a become a lonely latch key kid because I'm always working. Every week I buy a little fresh fruit and veg for my kid and I eat peanut butter sandwiches at work. I have no "extras" to cut back on, as internet is required for remote school. All I do is work, come home, do chores, eat and sleep. Sometimes I don't even have the energy to shower, I just wash up with a wet rag and collapse into bed. My one day off a week is spent catching up on house work as my place is usually a disaster because I'm always working. + +I worked SO hard to make a better life, and it's more stressful and I have less free time with my kid because I lost that assistance but couldn't bridge the gap between too poor and not poor enough. I thought it would get better but so far it hasn't, just harder. All of my job skills are in a field that pays like shit. I used to doordash for extra money when I had more time off, but now I have ONE day a week off. My job is hard physical labor, I often walk 10+ miles a day and work outdoors in all weather conditions. I've glued my work boots back together more times than I can count, and I only buy new ones at tax time if I have enough left after buying my kid clothes and doing car maintenance. I have 15k in debt from needing a lawyer after getting assaulted, which is why I have a kid in the first place. + +I get told all kinds of unworkable solutions all the time too, and it gets so damn frustrating. I get told to move somewhere cheaper, with what money and where to? There is nothing cheaper in a 100+ mile radius. I can't save for first, last and security AND pay my bills. Get a better job? I'm constantly looking, but all I find are low paying jobs or worse, jobs that lie about pay in their ads and waste my time on pointless interviews. Get a better education? I'm a twice college dropout because I can't keep up with work, my kid, my house and studying without anxiety medication for my ptsd from being assaulted the first time I went to college. When am I supposed to study when I work from 4am to often 10pm anyway? I barely have time to eat or shower. I keep trudging forwards because I don't have another choice, my kid needs a home and food, but I'm so tired. Everyday I feel like I'm drowning in quicksand and just barely keeping my head up. I don't want pity, or money or anything else, I just needed to get this out so I could keep going, because I can't afford therapy. + +Edit to add on because answering individual replies is being hard and I still have a lot of chores to get done before bed and I have work in the morning. + +- child support is an absolute no go. Filing for support would open up access for him to sue for visitation and provide him with my location. I already got in debt over the assault case and just trying to protect myself. Charges didn't stick, so I don't trust the system for anything else at this point. + +- I'm now looking into CHIP, even though the case worker told me I didn't qualify for anything after my raise. My kid needs seizure meds so I jumped on the first plan I found after losing medicaid. Sec8 housing in my area is unsafe and in a terrible school district. The food bank that serves my zip code does not offer assistance if you don't already qualify for EBT. I have enough food, it just sucks to eat the same shit all the time. No matter how you spice it, it's still rice and beans and tuna. + +- I took the job and stayed because it's relevant to my skill set, paid higher than other jobs I had interviewed for, and the company has been busy despite covid. I've stayed and put up with the long days in hopes of achieving higher level management, as the benefits at that level are pretty good. Even though it's exhausting, I don't have to worry about getting enough hours to pay the bills. I've moved from bathroom scrubber level to mid level management, and I want that time and experience on my resume for the future. Giving up now and going back on assistance would feel like throwing away everything. + +- I have a decent variety of skills, though none of which I would call myself an expert in, and I don't exactly know how to make them a source of income. My main skill set is large animal medicine, but I don't want to waste time trying to finish a degree for an industry I can't fully participate in due to a hand injury. Aside from my main skill set, I can repair most home appliances, small engines, do basic car repairs, and have general handyman skills for home repair/renovation. I also have farming/livestock skills and I can fish/ hunt. I used to fix appliances on the side for extra money, but now I don't have as much time for that. I thought about getting into a trade and may look into that at some point, but things like HVAC and welding are physically hard jobs too. My hope is by getting into management, I will be able to beef up my resume with more administrative skills instead of only having survival skills. + +I have a half assed plan to get out of this hole, it's just hard, and I'm really worn down and needed to vent. +Any tips on best and most financially sensible way to buy a car? + +I’m looking for a smaller runaround in the suburbs (20-100 miles per week). + +Have enough cash on hand to buy a used car outright, but are lease deals sometimes better, or trial months where I can try out cars for a bit? + +Many thanks! + +Edit: I’m happy to spend 10k, up to 15 if necessary. Only real criteria are Auto, with decent tech e.g parking sensors. Will hopefully keep for a while. +Fortune Favours the Bold, and CDC is the boldest barbecue sauce at the cookout. + +Google “crypto”, and you’ll see that Crypto.com is the ONLY exchange listed on the first page. + +Do you think they’ll have the capacity to absorb some of the less popular exchanges? + +With a total supply of 30.3B, will CRO eventually reach a market cap of 1T (an approximate 33x from here)? + +Much to think about with CDC, but they’re certainly on the right track. It’s hard to come up with many CONS of hodling CRO, I’d love to hear some reasons as to why you’re choosing NOT to buy in. +Good Morning Everyone! + +Net short volume for todays FTDs picking up a little as we move another day closer to ETF FTDs + +https://preview.redd.it/i3d4tvtkmv981.png?width=222&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ed84e94812282250fcdf968bd075cff40671ba9 + +Possibly a little more buy pressure today but the put walls at 150 and 155 remain in place, with a small number of the 150's sold yesterday they are weakening, but may be enough to continue to stabilize the price. + +**You are welcome to check** [my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/gherkinit) **for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream.** + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +Edit 5 1:21 + +Bouncing, I wouldn't consider this confirmed yet but it looks good + +https://preview.redd.it/dics8m5zvw981.png?width=1522&format=png&auto=webp&s=042236d93b19750d355fd652be24fbfb7f743c77 + +Edit 4 12:42 + +Pushed down now below the 140p that expire this Friday. The is the Third test of the EMA 330 since Melvin began their short position in 2014. This reeks of desperation as they use short term contracts to hold the price down until the end of the week. Almost all the put interest expires Friday. + +https://preview.redd.it/oz9ofzibpw981.png?width=1535&format=png&auto=webp&s=64b13951d22be7482b5f2ecfe68f33a5a78d33c7 + +Edit 3 11:38 + +142 and 140 puts coming in now they are pushing hard, bullish + +https://preview.redd.it/bafswdajdw981.png?width=1527&format=png&auto=webp&s=748e8d4c09e71f713eb964d454c9b709e1b8358a + +Edit 2 10:40 + +Still pushing sown to get those 143's in the money, volume at 325k + +https://preview.redd.it/vq2nltc53w981.png?width=1526&format=png&auto=webp&s=5720b790b1e65b8642a3264c0d423a9843d90b90 + +Edit 1 10:04 + +Slammed the price at open after buying a bunch of puts at 143 but it looks like they failed to drive the price down enough to get them in the money, which is kind of funny. + +https://preview.redd.it/11jekoyywv981.png?width=1526&format=png&auto=webp&s=37e731e16239d2d334a19b31d342607d2e67d5f9 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +Pretty flat this morning compared to the last two days but volume is up a bit over yesterday + +Volume: 7.28k + +Max-pain: $150 (shifted down probably due to the number of puts opened yesterday) + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR: 100,000 @ 0.6% (250k borrowed this morning and borrow rate down again) + +Fidelity: 519,222 @ 0.75% + +[GME pre-market 1m ](https://preview.redd.it/zjwdkcmynv981.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd85c438bd9f9bcc8af4309e372210f65a84b4c0) + +TTM Squeeze + +[3 fire signals](https://preview.redd.it/rrbsywgjov981.png?width=2450&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d30ad647dcd62e73438fab70fb0fb0dc40b8b50) + +BB/KC Squeeze + +[Now firing on the daily](https://preview.redd.it/hr5dr28pov981.png?width=2449&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1af1bc6600b10750b776bd2c6cb6d7ceb99eda6) + +CV\_ VWAP + +[No significant Change](https://preview.redd.it/8p4efxn0pv981.png?width=2455&format=png&auto=webp&s=e69677b976d4db4f58c91dccee215a28f23ce97c) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I have noticed a few questions popping up about the 4% rule and dividends. Some people surmise that investing in a company that yields 5 or 6% is the perfect way to generate 4% returns forever. + +I would caution this approach for multiple reasons. Oftentimes, there is actually an inverse correlation between the strength of a company and dividend yield. Just sort by the highest paying dividend companies on an investing site. The vast majority of companies paying over a 5% dividend are extremely risky. The other companies have almost no expected growth in the future. + +Dividends also do not protect investors if the underlying asset (stock price) falls. For example, XOM is a company with a healthy 4% dividend. Over the past 4 years, the total return on this investment (including dividends) is actually negative. This is during a time when the S&P has doubled. + +Although dividends are a nice bonus, dividend yield should not be a primary factor when purchasing a single stock. + +I will finish my thought with a quote I stole from someone else, "More money has been lost chasing yield than chasing gold." +This is worth a read to understand the scope of the Ethereum project: ( updated article by Ethereum's AI) + +" A new, smarter, internet is coming; you can be an early adopter and major beneficiary +Ethereum has given everyone a new “world computer”; it is laying the groundwork for the next-generation internet. A smart web or Web 3. But what is it? What can you do with it? And how can you benefit from it? Let me try to explain as simply as I can.... + +Below are some examples. It seems clear now that Ethereum is becoming a technological standard for a combined industry that will soon be worth trillions. + +- A brief word of caution — Ethereum technology is still very young. Some apps will succeed, but many will fail (like any other global market), and many of the development projects below have just gotten started. The examples below are not endorsements. Rather, they are examples of very early applications currently being built on the Ethereum public blockchain to better express how rapidly the ecosystem is growing and how incredibly far it reaches. " + +https://medium.com/@Ethereum_AI/ethereum-for-everyone-2846efa35815 + + + + +Bye bye, "heard about it on CNBC" guy. + +Bye bye, "Ooh, this is cheaper than BTC" Coinabse noob. + +Bye bye, "Better try this because it was mentioned on Netflix" dork. + +Welcome "I believe, even when GDAX is down" folks. + +We deserve to come up. The rest don't. +I am going to assume that there are people in this subreddit that have extensive investment experience, but the bulk of the participants are relatively new and/or young. With that said, I would like to present some warning signs about the current ICO landscape. + +Where there is money to be made, you will find people looking to scam, defraud or simply make as much money as possible (to the detriment of others). Its a function of humanity's greed and a capitalistic society. + +That may seem obvious, but when you get into a scene that is as unregulated and potentially anonymous as crypto, you create a perfect storm for big time scams. + +Ethereum brings with it one of the most incredible opportunities: + +**Investing in start up companies as a venture capitalist would.** + +This is amazing, but I fear people are going to get punched in the nose very soon. + +VCs will rarely invest money into an idea. They want to see either a reputable team with previous success, or more often, a viable product/service. They do not hand over millions of dollars because someone gave them a cool PDF with a bunch of buzzwords to read. Even then, only a fraction of start ups would ever receive over $10 million in the first go, with basically no stipulations. + +The current expectation for an ICO is: + +1. Good looking website +2. Flashy video +3. [insert color] paper +4. A few people being active on social media + +This is extremely easy to do with a budget under $20,000, and with very minimal investment you could hire a handful of social media professionals to shape the entire message of the public. + +What adds to the issue is none of these are expected to deliver anything for potentially years. That means there is time for potentially thousands of these "companies" to pop of and grab some money for basically nothing. + +There will be a few winners in the next year or so, and those will grab headlines. That being said, most will fail. Worse, many will never even plan on delivering anything. + +Eventually, the smart money will come in and be investing in viable ICOs. They will be ones that have proof of concept, active services, etc. In the mean time, a lot of you are going to lose your shorts chasing get-rich-quick dreams. + +Here are tips from a random internet stranger: + +1. If the founders haven't put their own time and money into this to get something going already, neither should you. +2. Don't touch an idea. Ideas are worthless. Execution is what matters. +3. Don't get your buying advice from reddit and other social media outlets. It is trivial to control a narrative in such a small niche. + +Good luck! +Hey everyone! Hope all is well. I just wanted to share some chart's I colored on to show you that GME is about to see significant gains. None of this is financial advice, I'm extremely retarded and eat crayons. GME has been developing this triple bottom that we are seeing since 5/26. A triple bottom is a very rare, but an extremely effective reversal pattern. + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 1 day chart](https://preview.redd.it/ptyz9tesclc91.png?width=1153&format=png&auto=webp&s=195e052868c3f3336b83a190270c15aba3685921) + +The pink line is showing the triple bottom I mention above. Closing about 151 is the triple bottom high and that shows that a break out is coming. + +The Purple arrow is showing a wedge break out that happened today + +The MACD (orange arrow) - has been positive since 7/12. It is diverging and going up + +Stoch (blue) - is also going up with room for more + +A/D (red) - is going up + +Aroon (yellow) - is also going up + +Overall- There are 2 very bullish patterns that GME is about to break out of. All indicators I use are pointing up as well. we have seen green candles (for the most part) since the cross over on 7/12. We are about to see even bigger green candles coming soon + +&#x200B; + +update 7/20 + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 1 day](https://preview.redd.it/qo6xrs6qoqc91.png?width=1145&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb8114020e4dfaedb19aea94fbc711ac1fa0a9e0) + +Gme had a successful break out this morning and looks like it will still continue up the diagonal support. resistance at 160 and support at 155. + +all indicators are point up as well + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 4 hour chart](https://preview.redd.it/xit6va61qqc91.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=29c3879b301c2aedf13faf1f89000bcac2a66663) + +it looks to me the gme is in an ascending channel and still will continue to climb up, I still speculate a significant breakout coming. + +update 7/21 eod + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 1 day](https://preview.redd.it/bss2r30dxzc91.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=72346a6fd65d45d249d8a7213bb6ae4483de1da7) + +Shorts tried to push it back down to the diagonal resistance and support. They failed, GME is still climbing up the diagonal support. let me show you something super exciting if anyone is checking these updates + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 1 week](https://preview.redd.it/zykiaaooxzc91.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3f4fa07ff1bfc7a4c3926732dcab6d38e5985f4) + +All indicators are pointing up. this is on a 1 week macro scale, so we can see significant up tomorrow or next week. The fun is just beginning + +&#x200B; +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x3byy4/drscomputershare_megathread_092022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +"This is not financial advice" - Every youtuber ever. + +But sign up with my Webull or Gemini or "fill in the blank exchange" + +I understand that all the youtubers need to have a disclaimer however they all know that the picks they give, the opinions they make, and bias they have influence their followers. It influences them into buying, selling, hyping, pumping, etc. I don't know how many times that I expressed having these strong biases towards particular stocks creates an unhealthy environment and circle jerk. No community is immune to this. + +I was recently just removed from a discord for expressing an opinion that people need to be able to talk about their fear of the market and not continue this unrealistic expectation that the market will continue to indefinitely support uneducated investments. + +On this discord server there was a person who is worried about the delisting of Chinese stocks, NIO in particular, after the DIDI delisting. The partner of one of the mods said that they were "over it" with these people coming in spreading FUD. I disagreed stating that we can't essentially just talk about the pump side of the market without recognizing the dump aspect. That's not FUD. It's critical thinking. It's skepticism. It's reality. + +I saw one user in this specific discord literally have a breakdown upon losing hundreds of thousands in CCIV and while this was going on I expressed that hyping this guy up to keep buying was dangerous. Yet it continued to happen without any sort of community wide discussion. That is an unhealthy environment, especially one that only encourages hyping but won't tolerate people that express an alternative POV. + +This is a warning for all the new people out there who hopefully haven't yet likely lost hundreds, thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands following youtube "advice." Don't trust any youtuber that quotes Tipranks as their sole due diligence. Don't trust any youtuber that won't defend their thesis on why particular stocks should have value and are therefore worthy of your hard earned money. + +That being said, this isn't a hate post by any stretch because I think the people that are running this discord and the people that are in the discord are good people. + +If anyone wants to chat about any discords I would like to have a healthy discussion without hate language. We should have a place or even a sub where youtubers can be reviewed to provide people with information on whether they are valuable and informative, or not. + +**The tips I want to give anyone who is starting their investing journey after being part of a few discords are:** + +\- Investing is not a team sport even though you've joined a community. Be careful of confirmation bias. + +\- Whenever you watch a video recommending a stock or crypto do your own research looking at the company websites, charts, articles, etc. + +\- This is your money. It is hard to earn. Don't throw it away. + +\- All of this applies to reddit as well. I mean I've made some posts on companies but admittedly my understanding was and is primitive. Whether or not they actually pan out is yet to be seen. +Looking around at other old meme stocks like (can't specify because of automod, but you know them)- I think HF know the only way they can survive is to pay a premium and cover other short positions first to get people to dump gme and fomo over to them. + +This theory/tactic has been mentioned since Jan multiple times and we are witnessing it in practice. They cannot cover GME. Even if HF lose 80% of their business to other short positions, they will stay in business. GME alone will bankrupt anyone involved. + +Buy and hold, look at our 5% gains vs 40% (which movie hit premarket at one point) as confirmation bias that they do not want gme to move higher!! + +End game confirmed. See ya on the moon. + + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +[This video](https://www.facebook.com/bankofthailandofficial/videos/589892128026885/) shows the Bangkok Fintech Fair 2018 panel discussion with a member from OmiseGO, Ripple, Swift and Krungsri bank having a discussion about their future plans for fintech innovation. + +Also, the Bank of Thailand tweeted [this](https://twitter.com/bankofthailand/status/976046308208271361?s=21) showing Vansa from OmiseGO with a quote from the panel discussion. + +For me, the most interesting part was when Vansa from OmiseGO said that Ripple could use their xrp tokens on the OMG network to solve problems of blockchain interoperability. +Continued listings of political contributions from benefactors of the current unequal market structure to the Reps on the Financial Services Committee who voted AGAINST the Short Sale Transparency and Market Fairness Act. See part 1 for additional context: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ovz88q/campaign\_contributions\_to\_the\_representative\_who/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ovz88q/campaign_contributions_to_the_representative_who/) + +&#x200B; + +**Bryan Steil** + +https://preview.redd.it/hqlp3k8pzse71.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=27e6221a01b09d6b2080c8314b8231d9b8354084 + +**William Timmons** + +https://preview.redd.it/mmqyinsyzse71.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=612359c139ae7b94904ebc22244a0aeb68016cd2 + +**Van Taylor** + +https://preview.redd.it/0xknrk650te71.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=70192dd0c9a1b634a06532810e160002fb57c0f1 + +&#x200B; + +TLDR Summary; + +* **Every single one** of the politicians who voted against the Short Sale Transparency and Market Fairness Act has received campaign contributions from some combination of hedge funds, big banks, "family offices" (another type of HF), or other investment group that benefits from the current market structure. +* Blackstone Group has their name all over these politicians. +* Bk2 Holdings is a weird shell "dark money" company linked to a billionaire HF manager and has their hand in a lot of these pools. +* UBS and Bank of America are other VERY COMMON names on these lists. Wells Fargo to a slightly lesser extent also. +* The **DTCC** and other clearinghouses are on some of these lists. Yes, that DTCC!!!!! +* Remember this is only the Reps on the Financial Services Committee who voted against this bill. The bill will at some point go to the House floor for a full vote. Call, email, tweet at, do everything to contact your Reps that may be on this list and request an answer to why they voted against a bill that goes against the best interests of their constituents. Demand answers! + +edit 1: some of you have also pointed out that the **OCC (options clearing corp)** is also on this list, yikes! + +edit 2: u/probablyannsaplant pointed out that you can use [opensecrets.org](https://opensecrets.org) to do the inverse and look at where, for example, Ken Griffin donated money. It really is a great tool for seeing the corruption that permeates the system. + +edit 3: u/deal_ambitious made an excellent suggestion of cross referencing these institutions with those that fund the politicians who voted in favor. Summarized findings: + +* Blackstone is common on the yes voters as well. +* The DTCC is actually **more commonly** found on the yes voters top 20 lists than the no voters. +* UBS is less common on yes voters, but still on some of their lists. Same with Wells Fargo +* Bank of America is **nowhere to be found** on the lists of yes voters! Nor is Bk2 Holdings. +* I want to re-emphasize that last point. **Bank of America is an extremely common donor to the No voters, and non-existent in the top 20 lists of yes voters. BK2 holdings as well** +Hi, + +Our bonus has been confirmed this year, and by January I will receive it, the total sum is around ~130k Euro, and since am not a resident in Spain or any other E.U country, the taxes are around ~24% so €98k net (am not 100% sure about this yet). + +&nbsp; + +my gross Salary is €54k, after considering the cost of living, I am expecting a yearly saving of €16k. + +&nbsp; + +So with the bonus, am expecting a yearly saving of €114k, for year 2 i am expecting twice the bonus amount but I don't want to think about that know. + +Let's say that by January 2023, I will have around €90k (net) all at once in my account, i'll probably treat myself with €3k, but then i'll have €87k, that I really have no idea what to do with. + +&nbsp; + +**Personal context:** + +I am a software engineer, I lived in North africa my whole life, and was working remotely with western companies since 2013, I could have saved **A LOT** of money considering that I get paid western-salaries in a non-western economies, but I didn't, I wasted a lot, gave a lot, and simply didn't care about any personal finance rules, I have no debt though, and I never reached the "month to month" stage, I always have ~€20k stashed. + +I am 29y.o now, I got married last year, and I am about to move to a brand new country (Spain-Barcelona), I am not worried at all about the month-to-month cost, I simply want to learn how to optimize my financial knowledge. + +Things that I am worried about: + +* Leaving the money in the bank and it will degrade overtime (inflation) + +* high risk investment. + +* using it for "spending" + +&nbsp; + +Things that I hope to learn (or at least get the right direction): + +* How to save money while avoiding inflation. + +* what are the best low-risk investment for newbies. + +&nbsp; + +Note: + +I heard many time that the best investments are done in the fields that you already are making money from, for my case its a bit impossible, investing in random tech company stock (no matter how big they are) is very risky at the moment, and I can't just start my own thing yet, this is the plan for 3 or 4 years from now (when I surpass the €1Million in total bonus), so at the moment, I just want an "ease of mind" approach. + +&nbsp; + +Thanks! +I just started using acorns abt a year ago contributing $5 a week and rounding off the change on my purchases. I have extra $500 that I want to invest. Should I put the money in acorns or open a brokerage account and buy stocks? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks! +With electric cars leasing seems to be both becoming the norm, and reasonably sensible (e.g. battery fatigue meaning that keeping an electric car past three years can be expensive). +Edit: just wanted to add, because I seem to be getting a fair bit of hate, that I think the market is crazy and I do think that house prices should be lower, it's just not what the reality of it is. I would love for house prices to be 10-20% lower. As I'm trying to up size that would benefit me. Every house in the area is just as "overpriced" as mine. + + +Hi UKPF. + +So I'm currently selling my house. At the start of the process, I had 7 agents come out to value it. 3 valued it at offers over 220, 3 at over 210, and 1 at 200. All expected it to go 5-10K over asking. + +As I was in no rush I decided to list it for 220 and it took less than a week for an offer to be accepted for 230. Seemed like great news. + +The mortgage company of the buyers sent out a surveyor, and they've valued at 205. The buyers don't have a big enough deposit to cover the difference. This is a down valuation of more than 10%, but even worse reduces my equity (and deposit for the next house) by 25%! + +I'm really struggling how they got this valuation, the property is in excellent condition with it all being renovated, new windows etc. There's nothing like it on the market in the area for less than 210 with most similar properties being on at 220. + +For reference, based on the price I bought it and the rate of house price change in my area it should be worth about 195 but that doesn't consider the substantial change in the condition of the property. + +The estate agent now says this valuation will be on record and so will happen with any buyer. Is there anything that can be done about this? + +TLDR: very quickly sold property for £230. Mortgage surveyor thinks it's worth £205. While £230 is a generous offer, I think £205 is quite a low valuation. Is there anything that can be done? +I bought into a new portfolio about two months before the downturn started. Great timing. Anyway, I included some IAU. The portfolio is primarily ETFs otherwise. IAU is down much less than all of the others, but I'm surprised it's down and not up. I'd think commodities should be desirable during inflationary periods. Thanks for setting me straight! +* Wells Fargo rises on new CEO appointment + +* Micron falls on weak Q1 profit outlook + +* Indexes down: Dow 0.3%, S&P 500 0.5%, Nasdaq 1.1% (Updates to close) + +By Butternut McFuckface + +NEW YORK, Sept 27 (Rueters) - U.S. stocks fell on Friday after reports that a Howler Monkey housed in the Cincinnati Zoo reached down to itch its balls for over 90 seconds straight, raising worries about a further escalation in the U.S.-China trade war. + +High-level trade talks between Washington and Beijing are scheduled for Oct. 10-11, before the start of the U.S. third-quarter earnings season. When asked about his take on the trade war talks, the Howler Money refused to comment. + +------ +From Oct 2021 to May 2022, I dumped $100,000 into an etrade account. I had been researching stocks for months and I was finally ready to jump in and start investing. I bought stocks, etfs, and a balanced mutual fund. I immediately lost close to $20,000, because right after I bought everything, it all started going down. For example, I bought: NVDA at 276 (now 145), TGT at 245 (now 142), DIS at 140 (now 96), BRK.B at 351 (now 277), and ADBE at 460 (now 368) among many others. + +I am extremely depressed and don't know what to do. A friend said, "it doesn't matter, you'll make it back." I tried to explain to him that it's different if you lose the money immediately. It's like you're STARTING at $80,000, and he doesn't get it and thinks I'm overreacting. I can't stop thinking about how a large chunk of the money I worked hard to save up for at least 10 years was gone in an instant. How do I recover from my terrible mistake of investing during the worst Q1 in 50 years? + +Edit: Thank you all for giving me a slap in the face and telling me to calm down. My plan was to buy and hold so I guess I just need to ride this crazy year out. +Been working my way up grinding hard and long story short I’m 32 and got a promotion to GM next year. +Business has Rev of $25M a year with 40 employees and is making roughly 10% profits on turnover. + +I am grateful for the opportunity but can’t help feel it’s a bit low. It’s a $15k increase from my previous role where I obviously wasn’t responsible for the business . So I’m on $150k/yr + car + super ( up from $135k as sales manager with same perks) +Just wanted to see what others thought or whether I need to check my privilege a bit. +Thanks +Another VDHG post.. apologies in advance! + +At the start of the month I purchased roughly $10k of VDHG. The idea was for an introduction to the market and to reinvest the distributions. + +I think VDHG is a good product for beginners (like myself) - but today (28th June) reading the reactions of other users to the estimated distributions has me wondering why VDHG is copping a lot of crap at the moment. ie comments like 'I'm glad I don't hold VDHG anymore' or 'I'm tempted to sell my VDHG for DHHF or the VAS/VGS split' or "Once again this proves that VDHG is a terrible product". + +I hold 167 shares - so from the estimated distribution today (28th June) of 166.2347, it equals $277.61 worth of distributions. I have a DRP set up and am assuming this equates to approx 4-5 additional shares (Distribution of $277 / rough market price of $61= 4.55) + +I understand I will be charged CGT on the distribution - and this will be at $0.37 cents with my tax bracket. I also understand there are more tax efficient strategies such as the VAS/VGS split. + +Have I made a mistake in purchasing VDHG? or is the complaining from people who are trying to make an income from VDHG and therefore have a significant amount more invested than me? + +At the end of the day I'm learning which is the main reason why I jumped into the market. I'm keen to hear what you have to say! + +**Edit 1**: To everyone in comments below, I think this has helped more people than just myself so THANK YOU. It's important to not get caught up in the negative posts about VDHG and important to not compare what you could have had if you invested in something else. + +**Edit 2**: Dates added to the original post. +[https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/rba-s-lowe-challenges-early-rate-hikes-20210914-p58rfz](https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/rba-s-lowe-challenges-early-rate-hikes-20210914-p58rfz) + +&#x200B; + +Full article: + +Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe challenged market expectations for interest rate hikes before 2024 and pushed back against suggestions hikes and tougher lending standards could be used to quell house prices, saying changes to tax, social security and planning regulations worked best. + +Dr Lowe also said small- and medium-sized businesses were facing extremely difficult conditions during the current lengthy lockdowns and the longer they had to wait before reopening, the greater the damage would be. + +“Many are in ‘wait, survive and see’ mode, having experienced a large drop in revenue,” the RBA governor said in a speech to the Anika Foundation in Sydney on Tuesday. “For some businesses, there is a limit to how long they can wait. So, the sooner we can open safely, the better.” + +While the central bank remains confident of a strong economic recovery in 2022 after vaccination targets are met and restrictions ease, the latest delta lockdowns will cause an economic contraction of 2 per cent “and possibly significantly larger” in the September quarter and living with the virus will present a fresh layer of uncertainty for the recovery. + +“This is quite different from our earlier experience, when the number of cases was close to zero, and there was a very quick bounce-back,” Dr Lowe said, noting however that the RBA expected the economy to return to its “pre-Delta track” in the second half of next year. + +He said the delayed recovery meant wages growth would take longer to hit the 3 per cent mark the central bank believes is needed to drive inflation sustainably within its 2 per cent to 3 per cent target band. + +“Our judgement is it will take some time for wage increases to lift to a rate that is consistent with achieving the inflation target ... this judgement stands in contrast to the expected path of the cash rate implied by market pricing.” + +The market is currently pricing in an interest rate of 25 basis points (0.25 per cent) by the end of 2022, 60 basis points (0.6 per cent) by the end of 2023, and 100 basis points (1 per cent) by the end of 2024. + +“These expectations are difficult to reconcile with the picture I just outlined, and I find it difficult to understand why rate rises are being priced in next year or early 2023,” Dr Lowe said. + +“While policy rates might be increased in other countries over this timeframe, our wage and inflation experience is quite different.” + +**House prices** + +On house prices, the RBA governor said he wanted to “make clear” it was not on the bank’s agenda to use interest rates increases to slow booming house prices, which are expected to grow by upwards of 20 per cent this year. + +“While it is true that higher interest rates would, all else equal, see lower housing prices, they would also mean fewer jobs and lower wages growth,” Dr Lowe said, citing the importance of low-interest rates to business growth. + +“This is a poor trade-off in the current circumstances.” + +However, in stark contrast to growing market expectations of tighter lending standards being introduced later this year or in early 2022, Dr Lowe declared this was not the best way to deal with the hot property market. + +“More broadly, society-wide concerns about the level of housing prices are not best addressed through increasing interest rates and curbs on lending. + +“While monetary policy is contributing to higher housing prices at the moment, the way to address these concerns is through the structural factors that influence the value of the land upon which our dwellings are built. + +“The factors include: the design of our taxation and social security systems; planning and zoning restrictions; the type of dwellings that are built; and the nature of our transportation networks. + +“These are all obviously areas outside the domain of monetary policy and the central bank.” +As quoted by another redditor, "i’m not into pop culture or celebrities but this situation represents a colossal opportunity. It will bring so much attention to Bitcoin if this guy came out in response to JPMorgan on social media and simply said: ‘F*** the banks then, I’ll move over to Bitcoin." + +It seems as though decentralization is indeed in the back of Kanye's mind after getting the boot from his bank. I myself am not the biggest fan of Kanye, but it is undeniable that he does have a cock stiff grip on the influence of many, and this indeed, is another cog set in motion in the big machine of adoption. "Ye" is known for disruption, sometimes he can be thought provoking, sometimes downright nonsense, but whatever is on his mind at the time, he is loud about it and people damn sure listen to him speak. Hopefully, having the general public see this will further drill it into their heads that banks are NOT your friends, and that bitcoin fixes this. Wacky as he is, decentralization is for everybody, and this is good for bitcoin. +They could just find a buyer for ETH outside of exchanges and save fees while not driving markets and the value of their ETH down with a massive dump. They couldnt withdraw a significant amount of cash because of limits anyway. +Yes, it is possible Tether has 2 billion dollars. That shouldn’t be the main focus of this debate. + +What confuses me about the people screaming FUD, is why are you not concerned about the complete lack of transparency? + +Tether promised frequent audits. There hasn’t even been one. There has been zero proof of solvency. Why are you blindly trusting that they are solvent? + +It’s not unreasonable, and it certainly isn’t FUD, to be slightly suspicious of a company that promised to be transparent and then has been the complete opposite. + +Why would a solvent company not release an audit after they promised they would do so frequently and in a transparent way? + +We should be focusing on the complete lack of audits, not the possibility of them owning $2 billion. + +Edit: Facts you don’t like are not FUD. It’s a fact there has been no audit +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +The idea of getting a loan of $100k+ to go to an university to just get a degree so you can get a job and then spend the rest of your life working 9-5 paying back that loan. + +The banking system needs a change, all of us are hoping crypto can bring that change. +I’ve been following this community with interest but the discussions are very USA-centric with a particular focus on VHCOL areas. I was in Northern California recently for the first time and the prices of simple everyday goods there felt surreal to me. I also find that medical costs anywhere in the USA are in a league of their own. + +I would like to start a discussion on fatFIRE minimums for other parts of the world that attract affluent early retirees. For example: + +1. Italy/ Spain/ Portugal +2. Bali/ Thailand +3. Buenos Aires/ Istanbul/ Cape Town and other major cities in developing countries that aren’t as cheap as SE Asia +5. Anywhere else that you can think of/ live in! +I've seen a number of comments regarding Pledged Asset Loans and other forms of asset-backed loans in threads about house-buying, though can't seem to find much detail on how these work. + +I have >$20M in assets with Vanguard and would like to buy a $5M house. I am able to secure a 2.5% mortgage with Wells Fargo and PNC using a relationship account. This requires making a $1M investment that cannot be used for the down payment on the house but that can be withdrawn after the mortgage is secured. Wells Fargo used to allow the deposit to be used for the down-payment but changed their policy last year (or started to enforce it). + +Would love to hear strategies for securing a lower rate using an alternative approach. I understand that PALs have variable rates which would make this an unattractive option. Is there an alternative that allows for a fixed rate while leveraging a high liquid net worth? I saw a passing comment in one thread re: a rate of 0.85 but unfortunately no further details were offered up. +I'm sure everyone has seen the clip by now. If you haven't Google it. + +USD is the world's reserve currency, china holds over 3T USD alone. USD stabilizes local currencies around the globe. If China decides to cash out their USD for a cryptocurrency. It would crash the USD, US economy and the US would lose it's world power status. This is a very real threat that in my opinion is inevitable + +If this scares you I would recommend researching the technology behind crypto and buying the best one. Even a small amount of a crypto that will become the world's new reserve currency will lead to incredible gains. I have my opinion on which crypto I think will succeed but I don't want to be labeled a shill +Good Morning Apes! + +Today could be an interesting Friday we have gamma exposure from Wednesday's run to $250. I'm sure most options bought that day were sold near the top and thus should have little effect but we are still trading about $20 over max pain, which has moved up to 200. OI on weeklies is high and there are plenty of call contracts still ITM. + +[$564m in call volume this week](https://preview.redd.it/8t89rr5avrx71.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0a206f960bfc5e6659ecb75f8a8c490b9797858) + +Another run today could cause a decent amount of Delta Hedging (gamma ramp) given the number of open contracts @ 200-250 + +&#x200B; + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the clips on my YouTube channel. + +Check out this weeks analysis here: N/A + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Pretty slow day nice uptrend from around 11 - 1:30 then a down trend into close, this is typical for gamma exposure covering the managed to keep the price below that breakout range above 200. But, we still closed decently above max pain, The exposure to that open interest will likely play out Monday and Tuesday of next week. Thank you all for following along on here and the stream. Have a great weekend! + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/61bb3ixv2ux71.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea0d11945d069e0c5bba37ba7163ae28909275b9 + +&#x200B; + +Edit 6 1:40 + +Flat now at 215 instead of 210 + +https://preview.redd.it/eoyf6dqxctx71.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=c952111dacb69babbe9a5d72fefb92ddffaa14f9 + +Edit 5 12:28 + +GME bouncing on the EMA looks like it might try to push past the 215 resistance. + +https://preview.redd.it/ntmf8hq50tx71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ffd98ba5333efff56e41db7d52042caa779feb3 + +Edit 4 11:27 + +Flat within the 209-212 channel + +https://preview.redd.it/85j02erdpsx71.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3a68f02f14585d7d09b81ba4abea1c17dcf68f2 + +Edit 3 10:44 + +Found that floor at 210 slow creep back up to the 212.50 strike line + +https://preview.redd.it/7hwgw0kjhsx71.png?width=1611&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc62c6982fdc94e1732087595b465eed66874636 + +Edit 2 10:10 + +Failed VWAP and breaking down, let's see if we find support at 210 again + +https://preview.redd.it/bl9p668ibsx71.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=8167693697a989642c7aaf985ad7278600a38d09 + +Edit 1 9:49 + +Found some support here at 210 looks good for a turnaround + +https://preview.redd.it/7c9v81eq7sx71.png?width=1606&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bd58585dcb9778e05910df406f97592938f907d + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +GME + 1.15% with 13k volume, low but high than yesterday. + +Shares to Borrow currently: + +IBKR: 200,000k + +Fidelity: 1,190,757m + +also borrow rate slightly up now at 0.7% for IBKR and 0.75% for Fidelity + +Nice uptrend into open looks good for a test of 230 as we have several small gaps to fill to the upside. + +[GME pre-market on the 1m](https://preview.redd.it/g4gi3lvnxrx71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=08d276e97f85b4d3d25a7fd65efa544a2c175ff5) + +Looking for a break to the upside of this upper trend to see any significant movement. + +[GME on the 1D](https://preview.redd.it/qxq73x8lyrx71.png?width=2450&format=png&auto=webp&s=960efc98510b51b3c8e0a0004493edc06bdef10f) + +CV\_VWAP arbitrage is picking up into open + +https://preview.redd.it/96it4v1azrx71.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=4770b8ca49945e6e372e5abc7837fbf011ff32e0 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +I just want to thank everyone who has posted on PF for their advice/stories of how they paid off their student loan debts because it has helped me SO much in figuring out how to keep on top of my finances and get me into a better financial position. + +When I graduated 5 years ago, I had over $90k in student loan debt with interest rates ranging from 6.8%-8.25%. I made the mistake of moving to the Bay Area while taking a 30% pay cut and quickly realized that I was in over my head financially with over $1k a month in student loan payments. For the first year and a half out here, I didn't buy a car and relied on public transportation, walking, and generous friends to get places (which allowed me to have some social life) and put as much money as I could each month against paying off my student loans. Any bonus or additional money I got was split between my emergency fund and my student loan balance. I used a snowball strategy and targeted the highest interest rate loans first. + +After a year and a half I was able to get my monthly student loan obligation down to a more manageable level (~$800 a month) and leased a car - I used a lot of the advice on PF and other tactics I had learned in negotiation class to negotiate a really good deal on a car lease (when I bought the car at the end of the lease in cash from my emergency fund/card fund, the market value of my car was $2.5k MORE than what I had negotiated the end of lease value to be). + +In addition, in August 2014, I consolidated my remaining $50k in student loans and refinanced them with SoFi and got a 3.035% variable rate for a 10 year refi (discounted to 2.785% for automatic payments) which reduced my student payment loan to $475 a month. I still continued to pay over $1k a month and make balloon payments against the loan (it helped considerably that I had moved jobs and had gotten a 60% pay raise). + +When I got married in May 2015, I still had approximately $30k in student loans remaining and I told my spouse that I wanted to pay them off completely myself since it was my debt. So for the past 7 months, we have lived primarily on my spouse's salary and have been using most of my monthly paycheck to pay off the balance. In October, I refinanced my remaining $15k of student loans again with SoFi to a 5-year variable with 2.15% interest (1.9% with the automatic payment set-up). I made the last payment yesterday and it feels amazing to have those loans gone! + +I took a lot of advice from other Reddit posters and made sure to contribute as much as possible to my 401k, participate in the company's ESPP plan, have a six month emergency fund (which saved me when I got laid off as part of a reorg), and paid off my credit cards every month so I didn't have to worry about additional debt. + +Since I have a lot of friends who are still struggling to finish paying off their loans from the same program, I didn't want to post on FB. But thank you for all of your advice on how to get out of debt. +High Tide announced this morning that they are bringing forward the announcement of their 2021 Q1 Results + +“High Tide announced today that it has changed the time of the release of its first quarter 2021 results and conference call. The Company will now release its financial and operational results for the quarter ended January 31, 2021 after market close on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. High Tide's first quarter 2021 financial and operational results will be available on SEDAR and on the Company's website at” + +This could be good news as it will now leave a day of trading after the report comes out + +Full article here: https://t.co/5tQN7BpPiQ +I'm mid 30's, single, renting, currently work FT in an "average wage" job and like many of my colleagues I'm burnt out to hell and ridiculously unhappy. I've posted and commented around here before so a few of you know I've been in the market to buy property and have a deposit (>20%) as well as a decent 'emergency fund' and some investments here and there. I can afford to quit. + +Originally the plan was to get the property bit sorted and then switch jobs (I've evaluated what I'd need to service the loan) but I'm reaching the point where I can barely make it to lunch each day let alone hold on another few months until I get a mortgage. + +I'm single and rent by myself so no partner/roommate/bank of mum+dad to fall back on. Everything I do I support on my own expense. While I'll be comfortable on the savings I have, I'm worried about depleting them too much before I eventually go back to work. It's always easier (and faster) to spend than to save. + +I'm looking at taking an extended break before going back to work, a few months is preferable. I also am very seriously considering the possibility of retraining altogether, which would mean making the decision to forego the house and savings while I am studying/earning qualifications. This could be for 6 months or it could be for 2-3 years, depending on how far I wanted to go or if I went full-pelt back to uni. + +So I did the sums and I'd be ok for about a year and a half (if I made zero changes to my lifestyle) on the savings that I have, however more realistically I'd live a bit more 'tightly' and likely work part time if I were studying. + +I really don't want to deplete my savings too much, I just need a freaking break from work at the moment. +I guess what I'm really asking is the title of this post, and how to 'future proof' this decision to get the best out of my money without it going up in my face or perhaps there's something that I haven't thought of in this scenario. + +TL;DR: How do I make the most out of my money (without denting my savings too much) for an extended time if I were to quit for a while? +I just got a job starting next month in the midwest. I am new to budgeting and not sure what would be a realistic amount to spend on rent. From [this tax calculator,](https://smartasset.com/taxes/income-taxes) I see that I will be paying $6,236 in state and federal taxes. + +The job offers free health care, so that is covered. There is a 401k that they will match %100 up to the first %4. I will be using a company truck, so all business related travel expenses are covered. + +Rent where we are moving is relatively very cheap, but the cheaper you go the more ghetto it gets. My wife and dog will be moving with me, and around a third of my job will be working from home, so I would rather not live in the ghetto if I can afford to pay a bit more. What would be a range of rent that I could safely expect to spend? + +How much should I aim to put towards savings every month? + +Part of my job will be working from home, so does that mean my internet is tax deductible? Also will my cell phone bill be tax deductable, as I will need a hot spot while traveling? How does this work? + +edit: looks like I can estimate ~$280/year on rental insurance (just did one quote from progressive) + +edit 2: Its in KC + +edit 3: my inbox... why is this thread so popular? I was thinking I would get 5-15 replies at max. +**TL:DR:** + +My fixed term loan with Nuo was liquidated. + +When I signed up for the loan, it was not disclosed anywhere that this was possible. + +My two key pieces of evidence are [this screenshot where Nuo admits to only adding the disclosure after I took out my loan](https://imgur.com/a/x7RRaF2), and [this comment from me that shows this information was more than likely not listed anywhere on the website at the time of the loan.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/bjhy2v/do_not_use_nuonetwork_warning_scam/emfev3r/?context=3) + +I was blindsided by the fact my loan was liquidated, resulting in financial harm to myself. + +I allege that Nuo acted grossly negligent by not disclosing these risks, not just inadequately, like not even buried in their terms of service. + +**Full story:** + +Excuse this post if my tone comes off as enraged. It's because I am. + +I know I share some responsibility in what happened here, ranging from 100% to 0%. I'll let you decide how much. + +The story goes is that I had used Nuo to take out a loan against an ERC20 they accept as collateral. I had done this months ago as well, took out a 60 day loan, and paid it back on day 59, with interest. I took out a term loan and borrowed against my own assets, and repaid it. Cool! DeFi! I love it. + +I then immediately took out another loan against the same collateral, this time however they didn't let me borrow as much as they did before despite the collateral being worth the same. They maximized the size of the loans either based on risk management or liquidity pool size, that's fine. I borrow less than I did before and locked it up for another 60 days. That was about 6 weeks ago. A couple days ago I go and check on my loan to double check how much time I have left to pay to be sure not to miss it. I login and I am shocked at what I saw. All of my loans have been liquidated!!! WTF? I didn't even know it was possible for these fixed term loans to be liquidated. I thought the entire point of Nuo choosing the collateral, the leverage ratio, the total amount borrowed, the limited term window etc. all served to minimize the risk for Nuo to be able to issue a fixed term loan in the first place! I was under the impression that unlike a revolving open loan like Maker and Compound where obviously the value of your collateral matters at all times, it wouldn't matter in a fixed loan, and they had sufficiently adjusted the parameters to adjust for the risk of the collateral being devalued over that time period. If they're so worried about it not making it the 60 days, which I would understand, limit the term! Choose 30 days or 7 days or 1 day where you're confident that the collateral won't be devalued. + +Why have a fixed term loan in the first place if you won't honor the loan to the term! + +If I take out a car loan for 5 years and the car is used as collateral and I completely destroy it, I still owe the $ for the car loan! You give me a chance to repay before you put a lien on my house. + +I thought I had an agreement! That agreement was to repay a debt after a certain amount of time or they will keep my collateral. + +I was completely blindsided by this function of the loan I had no idea existed. + +How could this have happened? + +So I poke around and check the loan tab in the screen and I see a prominent "Your loan will be liquidated at 0.75x ratio". + +I had never seen that before. If I had, I might not have ever taken out the loan, let alone not checked up on it during this downturn! Having knowledge of this fact would have completely changed my behaviour and given me a chance to avoid being liquidated. + +I could have sworn that this was never disclosed to me at the time of taking out the loan. + +I try and reach out to the team and after a couple days finally get a meaningful response from them. + +I express my concern that the risk of liquidation was not adequately disclosed, [and they say that they added copy of the disclosure on the loan page "a month or so ago".](https://imgur.com/a/x7RRaF2) I took out my loan more than a month or so ago!!! Where does that leave me? I feel I have been totally taken advantage of in regards to what my impressions of the risks were as I took out the loan. I feel completely misled. + +In writing this post I stumbled across more proof that Nuo was lacking not only adequate disclosures of risk, but any disclosures! + +[I found a reddit post from me from 3 months ago seeking clarity on this exact issue!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/bjhy2v/do_not_use_nuonetwork_warning_scam/emfev3r/?context=3) Check out my 2 comments. The ultimate irony being that it was in a thread that was calling Nuo a scam! And even worse, responding to a comment where a Nuo team member made a plea about how they will be better about disclosing risks! You can't make this up. + +My post shows I was trying to reach out across multiple channels to answer this question and was ignored, and that if I'm asking this question, clearly the disclosure was not mentioned during the loan flow, but I also reference it was nowhere on the website at all as the only relevant question in the FAQ was a dead link! + +Between Nuo admitting they added the disclosure 'a month or so ago', and the fact I tried multiple channels to ask this exact question only to be ignored, with an explicit timestamped mention of the FAQ not working, I feel strongly that Nuo acted with gross negligence when offering this loan. + +I realize that I should probably have never taken out the loan I wasn't 100% sure how it worked. That's my mistake. I also could have personally looked through the smart contracts and seen the mechanics there, but truthfully I lack the technical knowledge to meaningfully do so. + +What I can say is that I am very familiar with the theory and practicalities of how Ethereum and DeFi work. I can tell you the Maker oracle system and how it works and what an oracle attack would look like. I know smart contract bugs are real and it could all be stolen in a flash. I'm aware of risk mitigating options like Nexus Mutual. I literally spend nearly all my free time learning about Ethereum and new applications. So how is it possible that whatever category I fall into, 'passionate early adopter' that I could have been so blindsided by the risks inherent with this loan? If I, someone with a decent level of knowledge of how these systems work can be so blindsided, what chance do normal users have? + +MEW, Mycrypto, Maker CDPs all make it extremely clear what the risks are when interacting with the system. UX is so bad they have bent over backwards to create mandatory click throughs, pop ups, highlighted text, etc. That's being responsible. I even reference the clarity of liquidation in Maker CDPs in my linked comment! + +Not only was this never prominently displayed in the loan process with Nuo, it wasn't displayed at all, anywhere! + +I am just in shock at the negligence of the lack of disclosures of this significant risk. + +I have incurred significant financial harm as a result of this negligence through refinancing costs and repurchase of the tokens. + +I want compensation for the financial loss I have incurred as a result of this. I feel that Nuo's admitted lack of disclosures was negligent and has caused me direct financial harm. + +Whatever happens with my claim to recoup losses from Nuo. I want to let the community be aware of what they are doing in case you are also under the same impression that I was. + +I also want to reiterate and implore the community and dapp developers to ADEQUATELY DISCLOSE THE RISKS of using your platform. Nobody should ever be blindsided like I was. I can tell you it is an absolutely shitty UX and I'm really pissed, and you won't find someone more pro Ethereum and DeFi than me! Perhaps I would be better off using a centralized service so I have some legal recourse in regards to this. I might have some legal recourse here but I don't want to be a lawsuit guy, I want to be a guy who uses an app who actually tells you under what conditions you could incur serious financial losses. Fwiw I think it's bs that Nuo or any crypto company dodges liability and hides behind smart contracts and decentralization to not taking responsibility when a member of the community gets misled. I don't care if you're a DAO, you still are a group providing a service! + +In conclusion, Nuo was grossly negligent about disclosing key risks, and it has cost me untold amounts on money. +I know this sub is primarily focused on fundamentals and typically conservative, but there are some big bulls out there. + +Can someone explain to me how $NVDA is not overvalued out the ass as every article I read see screams to buy $NVDA as it is a discount right now. + +&#x200B; + +|Company|Market Cap|TTM Rev $M|Pretax Income $M|PE Ratio| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Facebook|599.317B|117,929|47,284|15.99| +|Nvidia|625.691B|24,274|8,546|77.42| +|AMD|153.786B|16,434|3,669|49.89| + +When I look at these companies, I do not understand how Nvidia could be priced where it is now. The two big areas of growth people seem to have for Nvidia is the self driving space and the metaverse. Self driving is years away from being viable and there are many players. Isn't metaverse the exact thing that has demolished $FB's market cap? How can you be bullish on one and bearish on the other for the exact same thing? + +Earnings are next week and everything seems to scream this is going under. At the same time I am remembering that markets can remain irrational for longer than I can remain solvent. + +I'm interested in hearing why this stock demands such a premium. +[https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/21/charles-schwab-in-talks-to-buy-td-ameritrade-a-deal-could-be-announced-as-early-as-today-source-says.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/21/charles-schwab-in-talks-to-buy-td-ameritrade-a-deal-could-be-announced-as-early-as-today-source-says.html) + +This will be a big change in the landscape. Just a few weeks back they announced commission free trades, and now this big merger. +#The rate of new CS accounts over time : + +34,000 in October + +15,000 in November + +17,000 in December + +10,000 in January + +8000 in February + +10,000 in March + +**12,000 in April** + +Awesome job!! + +According to the trimmed average on computershared.net by u/jonpro03, which was recently proven to be highly accurate, the average shares per CS account is now 80.79 and the CS account high score is 150. **This brings our DRS total to 12,118,500 shares as of Apr. 30/end of Q1.** That’s 34.9% of the free float or 19.2% of the whole 63M float! (outstanding minus insiders). + +My biggest worry about how long it will take to lock the float is that once all current apes who might DRS, but still haven’t, actually finally DRS, the CS account high score will completely stop growing. This day is just around the corner! **Let’s face it, with the dividend stock split news, if any current ape is not DRSing in May before the June announcement, they’re not going to.** Then, our DRS total will only increase by the amount of shares existing DRS apes are adding plus any new investors. Then, instead of our numbers growing by ~1.23M per month (based on Oct. 30 - Jan. 29 GameStop earnings release dates), they will only grow by, optimistically, 750,000 per month (if all of the 150,000 existing CS accounts add 5 shares per month). At this reduced rate, it would take over 5 years to lock the 63M float! + +#This is why these 3 things are CRITICAL!! : + +1. **We need to educate the masses outside of Reddit what DRS is, why they should do it, and why GameStop is an incredible investment** This is exactly why we started **www.drsgme.org**! +[My Twitter script](https://twitter.com/Millertime1216a/status/1515480649146241031?s=20&t=gTGyrdRiFRIYQFQZ-m2nOw) + +2. Apes with money tied up in **”other investments”, consider converting those to GME and DRS**. What other investment could possibly compare to GME?!? Even IF others can squeeze, they can’t squeeze like GME and only GME has a massive turnaround plan. + +3. Apes with shares in brokers that will not DRS or transfer to another broker, such as **Etoro, T212, and Freetrade : think about selling and re-buying elsewhere!!**It’s the only way to DRS with them! These 3 brokers will not transfer to another broker nor will they DRS. Why in the heck would you think they have shares?? They simply take your money and place your bet. Please **don’t trust your millions to a broker that won’t DRS! Seriously, go read their TOS. Or check out Etoro’s [response ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ufsspm/the_other_day_i_contacted_etoro_to_ask_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) to this ape!** + +All too often I see others using ~33M as the float, but I’m convinced that is wishful thinking. Existing shares of 76M minus insider shares of 13M = 63M shares that probably need to be DRS’d. Do you really think hedgies can’t use NON-DRS shares (institutional, mutual fund, and ETF) to continue their manipulation?!? So, even IF there are actually 250,000 apes on Reddit (or others that somehow know about DRS), and even IF they all DRS, the average number of shares per ape would need to be 252 to lock the 63M. Obviously this will take a much longer time to accomplish. Even IF we continue to DRS 1.23M shares every month from now on, it would still take us until September 2024 to DRS the 63M shares. **Don’t give hedgies “one more day” !!** + +**Get to WORK and spread the word about www.drsgme.org to the masses outside of Reddit and DRS your max!** If you haven’t DRS’d, why not?!?! I don’t trust any broker now. I certainly won’t trust them not to screw us over with the upcoming dividend stock split or during MOASS and/or when they’re facing insolvency. Read your broker’s TOS. + +#Changing the world is what’s at stake!! + +#LOCK THE FLOAT!!! + +#TLDR: DRS your max! Spread the word about drsgme.org + +🦍💕🦍 + +[IRA DRS in-kind direct transfer](https://www.drsgme.org/direct-register-shares-from-ira-in-kind-direct-transfer) + +[DRS IRA by setting up IRA LLC](https://www.drsgme.org/direct-register-shares-via-transfer-to-llc) +Then please consider this: + +1) Do You have the knowledge? Not just 1 strategy but knowledge of the markets. +2) Do you have the bank? +3) Are you already making enough to be full time? +4) Are you mentally prepared to leave behind the guaranteed pay packet? +5) Are you self motivated and dedicated enough? +6) Are you ready to give up the Social Side of having a job? +7) Have you thought about tax and about your credit file, mortgage applications etc? +Hey all, just sharing a strategy I've spent the past little while backtesting and wondering if anyone could suggest any improvements. (very very simple) + +EURGBP 5M + +Place a MACD, ignore everything except the signal line, put a horizontal line on the MACD at 0.00015 and -0.00015, when the signal line crosses BELOW the -0.00015 you place a buy (TP/SL both 10 pips) and vice versa, if signal crosses above 0.00015 you place a sell. + +And thats it really. I tested this across 50 trades and 35 were winners for that 70% win rate. What I noticed and why I'm posting this here is that the losses kind of came in clumps, I think it might have been trying to fight the trend that caused most of the losses. Would a good baseline or volume indicator fix this do you think? In any case thank you for your time, still a bit of a rookie but I'm getting there hopefully. +Pretty self explanatory \^ For me, it was my strategy had about 50 % win ratio, did a bit of back testing came across the concept of seasonailty (how certain days are rigged and just are bound to hit Stop Loss ) excluded those days win ratio went to 70-80% + +Like wise, whats the signle biggest thing that increased your win ratio / made you profitable +As the title says, I fully understand the reasoning behind DRS. It hasn’t clicked for me until now. Why is that? That’s a great question and thanks for asking. I have DRS’d my shares previously just because I wanted to see what the big deal was. I thought to myself “ok fine I’ll just move them and that’s it. It’s no like it’s going to make a difference”. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! + +All of a sudden it clicked for me just recently because I’m starting to see a lot of fuckery with brokers desperately wanting to make love to a school boy (Dumb and Dumber reference)….I mean desperately needing shares and are doing whatever they can to get their filthy stinking hands on them. I saw a voicemail post earlier where someone received a voicemail from their broker and wanted to borrow their shares. DING DING DING DING DING 🛎 🛎 🛎 🛎 🛎 . + +Now I said to myself “Holy Shit…these fuckers are really desperate because they can’t find shares”. The reason why I am posting this is because I’m pretty sure there are many people like me out there that didn’t grasp the reasoning behind the DRS concept and why it’s important. There are probably people who haven’t even DRS’d their shares yet. That’s ok because I was like that too up until recently. I chuckle as I write this because the cherry on top of all of this…is the fucking infinity ♾ pool 🏊‍♂️ that gets mentioned….click…click…now THAT makes sense to me. + +“bUt DrS hAsN’t MaDe A dIfFeReNcE…rOcKeT 🚀 hAnDs 🙌…..PeW pEw…” +Yeah that’s cool and all but you have to realize that this wont make a difference overnight. Stop being impatient. The DRS chatter is going on for almost a year now and the message is spreading stronger now than before. Great things take time to build. Based on what’s happening, this is so beautiful to watch it all unfold and we are building a massive DRS skyscraper. You do what you want because it’s your decision. I made my decision and I know I’m making a difference. Small effort, big effort…doesn’t matter because at least you’re making the effort. + +Edit: forgot to include this gem…www.drsgme.org + +Edit: Thank you for the awards. Just trying to help spread the DRS message + +TLDR; yea I’m slow and I finally realized why DRS is important. Don’t think too long about it and just do it. Brokers are getting desperate and are trying to find different ways to get their sweaty palms on YOUR SHARES. Don’t give them that opportunity. INFINITY ♾ POOL 🏊‍♂️!!!! +On the Friday afternoon of August 13th, 1971, President Nixon staged a live broadcast to temporarily (lol) cease the conversion of United States Dollars into Gold at a fixed rate set by the government. This was mainly due to the fear of countries withdrawing gold from the US Central Banks. + +We will never forget 1971. We will never forget 1987. We will never forget 2001. We will never forget 2008 and most definitely we will never forget 2020. + +You can either trust in politicians or you can trust in math. + +EDIT: The broadcast was on Sunday, August 15th. August 13th is believed to be the day that Nixon and high ranking officers of the white house and treasury met to discuss the suspension + +EDIT 2: Wow, there is a lot of politics in these comments. I hope you guys are at least respectful. Fuck politics, stack sats +Hi, I've enrolled on a coding bootcamp course which is due to start in March. + +I have the option to pay all of it upfront, or to pay monthly instalments later once I am earning a certain amount (0 fees or interest). + +The cost of the course equates to around 1/7th of the total savings I have. + +I'm not sure which option to go for, or whether it even matters since I'll end up paying the same amount either way. + +Any advice? Thanks :) +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +DigixDAO currently holds 466,648.124462885422905454 Ether which has a market value of $137,194,548.59. + +The market cap of DGD tokens is $138,268,400, meaning that the market is currently valuing DGD's business it almost exactly $1 million. + +Is that not insanely low? Moreover, does that not suggest that one could put on a fairly simple trade of buying DGD while selling an equal amount of ETH, thereby getting long Digix's potential future value basically for free? Or am I somehow reading this wrong? + +Contract address: [https://etherscan.io/address/0xf0160428a8552ac9bb7e050d90eeade4ddd52843](https://etherscan.io/address/0xf0160428a8552ac9bb7e050d90eeade4ddd52843) +And by how much? It seems logical to me, that most people cannot have the usual once a year overseas holiday with their family, and that extra money goes straight into the housing market. Thoughts? +Hi everyone, hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and have a great upcoming New Year. + +I am 20 years old, uni student. +Location:- Sydney +I have recently been successful in getting a job offer at a Top 30 firm Accounting firm in Australia, which I am very grateful for. The pay is $52,500 inclusive Super for Graduate Accounting position. The office is like 10 min drive and 20 mins public transport. I noticed compared to the other sectors accounting starting pay is very low in this day and age. Like anyone that works on Accounting industry how is the growth and what is average pay once your grow. I am currently studying in uni and have completed around 1/3 to 40% of my double degree (bachelors). +Is the Accounting industry a growing industry? Any suggestions would be great. + +Like all I am saying we are heading to 2023, nothing in Sydney is getting cheaper, cost of living, fuel prices, shopping everything going up, surely wages need to match that to some extent. + +Like I made $700-800 working full time as a Maccas Manager, pretty much same pay bracket here, except it’s a white collar job and less physical work etc +So, there's all this talk about the Federal reserve and rate hikes, which I don't completely understand. Why is it affecting the Australian stock market so much? + +But then there's also the talk of Trump possibly shutting down the US Government, which would also affect the Australian Stock Market too, I assume? + +Can anyone explain these politics to someone who doesn't really know much about politics and anything else that's involved here too - and how all of this then impacts on the Aus Stock Market? + +Cheers! +Found a promising Elon Token... but see yourself. + +&#x200B; + +🚀 Elon Crypto God 🚀 2 day old, 500k Market cap, 4500+ holders already and growing rapidly! Check this out quick and just catch while they are silently grown underground for the big party soon!! ��Listen! this is the most possible moonshot I can come up with recently. As you know It is really hard to find dedicated and legit teams around crypto since all the market feels some winter cold. But this community caught my attention as a stop with a warm welcoming approach on its community and they have a great designed token economics with some guys behind which you will be welcomed too.🚀 + +VOICE CHAT IS LIVE SINCE LAUNCH, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE JOIN! + +🚀They have a runner man which was a moderator on the early stages of SAFEMOON, did you get it? He was in the baby stages of it and was a respected part of the team with his smart management approach. Now as far as I can see, he is working with a lot of dedication as ready to do whatever it takes to prove that this was not a one-hit-wonder but sustainable success.🚀 + +We've seen one of our first holders and supporters dad struggle with cancer. We will always put our community first. Personally donated 3 BNB & i urge everyone else to donate if they can. Let's show everyone what a great community we are! + +&#x200B; + +Grand Giveaway is when Elon Crypto God reach 10m market cap; + +&#x200B; + +they will give away; + +&#x200B; + +🚀1 BITCOIN.🚀 You heard it right. 1 WHOLE, BIG 🚀 BITCOIN. + +&#x200B; + +Elon Crypto God is SAFU. This is why we took the following measures: + +&#x200B; + +✅: Contract ownership sent to the burn wallet ✅: LP tokens BURNED ✅: Redistribution for holders ✅: Huge marketing upcoming + +&#x200B; + +Elon Crypto God TOKENOMICS: + +&#x200B; + +Total Supply: (1000T $ECGOD) Fair Launch Supply: (TBA) Initial Burned Supply: (TBA) + +&#x200B; + +Swap / Transfer = 13% Tax + +&#x200B; + +8% is reflected back to holders 🔒: 3% is added into Liquidity 🔥: 2% is Burn + +&#x200B; + +Why Elon Crypto God? + +&#x200B; + +Effortless rewards from simply holding Elon Crypto God token + +&#x200B; + +2% Straight to hell ( Keep burning ) + +&#x200B; + +Huge marketing plans for the unlimited push + +&#x200B; + +First stop - Moon 🌑 ( Fill fuel ) then mars 🪐 + +&#x200B; + +When Elon Crypto God Token release? Its out now! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +OUR FIRST 3x iPhone GIVEAWAY COMPLATED! Check Twitter for proof! + +&#x200B; + +ℹ️ LINKS ℹ️ + +&#x200B; + +Contract: 0x64f9dcd33d9f3a98407eef67ac8f60cd370961cf + +&#x200B; + +Website : [https://eloncryptogod.com/](https://eloncryptogod.com/) + +&#x200B; + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/ElonCryptoGod](https://twitter.com/ElonCryptoGod) + +&#x200B; + +Telegram: [https://t.me/eloncryptogod](https://t.me/eloncryptogod) +Just food for thought. It's amazing how quickly the sentiment changes in the world once something becomes the usual. The media and news used to be like "booming", "skyrocketing", "huge adoptions", being all bullish when BTC was 50k. + +Now the news are like "liquidation", "crash", "warning" when bitcoin is doing something it's always been good at; correcting. + +Turns out everyone becomes euphoric and optimistic and carefree when everyone's making money, but pessimistic and cautious and unaccepting when they aren't. Human nature. +Hi all, + +I know there are a *bunch* of resources out there on this topic, but even other 'I'm a higher earning grad on type-2 loan' advice didn't seem to clear things up for me. I'm currently following the UKPF flowchart but I'm not sure how/if this throws a spanner in the works! + +I went to uni for 5 years, from 2014 and graduating 2019. I knew nothing about personal finance when I was \~20, and I took the maintenance loans I needed to get through my degree. I ended up racking up approx £84,000 debt to Student Loans Company. I currently earn \~£45k base and \~£55k OTE. + + +As I understand it, the general advice is that most graduates barely pay any back annually, and that saving that money instead would net higher returns than making additional repayments on the loan. + +Using [this calculator](https://www.student-loan-calculator.co.uk/), If I follow the usual advice to ignore student loans, I'm expecting to pay over £100k (likely £150-200k) to SLC before I pay the loan off or the 30 years runs out. Paying anything between £1.5k - £5k per year towards it. + + +Those numbers don't really align with the typical consumer advice of *"Ignore it, you'll pay less than 100 quid per year for 30 years then its done with"*. Would I still be financially better off by putting excess into S&S ISAs versus putting excess into clearing my Student debt? + +Is 'ignoring it' still the best option in my case? Would it be worth early repayments (as soon as i'm able)? How would that work with the UKPF standard flowchart? I've currently filled out my emergency fund and I'm building towards a first-house deposit in the next \~5 years. +Hi all, + +I know there are a *bunch* of resources out there on this topic, but even other 'I'm a higher earning grad on type-2 loan' advice didn't seem to clear things up for me. I'm currently following the UKPF flowchart but I'm not sure how/if this throws a spanner in the works! + +I went to uni for 5 years, from 2014 and graduating 2019. I knew nothing about personal finance when I was \~20, and I took the maintenance loans I needed to get through my degree. I ended up racking up approx £84,000 debt to Student Loans Company. I currently earn \~£45k base and \~£55k OTE. + + +As I understand it, the general advice is that most graduates barely pay any back annually, and that saving that money instead would net higher returns than making additional repayments on the loan. + +Using [this calculator](https://www.student-loan-calculator.co.uk/), If I follow the usual advice to ignore student loans, I'm expecting to pay over £100k (likely £150-200k) to SLC before I pay the loan off or the 30 years runs out. Paying anything between £1.5k - £5k per year towards it. + + +Those numbers don't really align with the typical consumer advice of *"Ignore it, you'll pay less than 100 quid per year for 30 years then its done with"*. Would I still be financially better off by putting excess into S&S ISAs versus putting excess into clearing my Student debt? + +Is 'ignoring it' still the best option in my case? Would it be worth early repayments (as soon as i'm able)? How would that work with the UKPF standard flowchart? I've currently filled out my emergency fund and I'm building towards a first-house deposit in the next \~5 years. +FOOD FOR THOUGHT MY LOVELY APES: + +1. GAMESTOP is transforming into e-commerce & e-gaming = becoming a TECH STOCK +2. This transformation alone will allow CLOSING 70-80% of their 5k+ stores around the world +3. CLOSING STORES = INCREASING REVENUES +4. INCREASING REVENUES = BETTER EARNINGS +5. A TECH STOCK trades for many multiples of their Earnings (P/E ratio go BRRRRRRRR) +6. CHEWY (RC PET MARKET BABY) is currently 3.5x Gamestop Market Cap +7. Potentially, GME MARKET = 10x CHEWY MARKET (the all addressable market, of which GME will grab a fat portion) +8. So, GME can 3.5x just playing catch up with Chewy Market Cap (=$35B Cap) +9. Furthermore, GME can easily TRIPLE that Market Cap since the market of reference is the Ocean compared to Chewy's pond (=$35Bx3=$105B) +10. Today, with 10 Billions Market Cap we have 150$/share +11. With $35B Cap (=3.5=catching up with Chewy) = 525$/share +12. Then, $105B Cap (catching market share) = 1575#/share + +This is WITHOUT MOASS happening ! ! ! + +Since we all are in a ONCE IN A LIFE TIME EVENT, where whistleblowers are paid MILLIONS, I suppose said MILLIONS are a FAIR REWARDS as per the System & its Regulators. + +And by BUYING & HOLDING throughout the shitstorm, you are part of the FIRST WHISTLEBLOWERS BRIGADE (THE APES BRIGADE) = YOU ARE WORTH SAID MILLIONS. + +Now, mathematically isn't even farfetched: + +\- 70M official shares + +\- ONLY 26M publicly tradeable (as per GME proxy report) + +\- Major RETAIL Brokerages (not all existing, mind you) taken together can easily account for the FULL FLOAT into retail accounts MULTIPLE TIMES (no official data available, but it's not anymore a speculation about IF, more about HOW MANY TIMES RETAIL OWNS THE FLOAT) + +IF I HOLD, YOU HOLD, EVERY APE HOLDS, FROM WHERE THEY'LL BUY BACK THE SHARES ONCE THEY GET THEIR ASSES MARGIN CALLED??? + +WE OWN THE FLOAT SO MANY TIMES THAT THEY'LL WISH WE WERE A SYNDICATE WITH BRIBABLE REPRESENTATIVES TO SIT AROUND A TABLE AND BARGAIN! + +Sorry Kenny, VALAR MORGHULIS ! ! ! +*Each week I'll be picking a random ASX stock that I've (personally, yes I'm aware it may have been covered at some point in history) rarely seen discussed online - and that I do NOT hold - that* ***you*** *voted for, for us to dive into for some "DD".* + +*This is for us to have a look at what it does, comb over their financials, and in the end discuss whether or not we'd buy into it. Not all of these stocks may be sexy or appealing; the whole point is to shine a light on what companies are doing out there on the ASX which never get much coverage - for good or bad.* + +*The main purpose being to add some more variety in coverage to the standard blue chips or meme stocks we see pumped day in and day out, and hopefully discover some hidden gems or innovative companies on the Aussie market - or at least, some less stinky forms of dogshit.* + +*Here's this week's Random Stonk of the Week.* + +**Company name:** Sky Network Television Ltd + +[A knife that would make \/u\/Nevelo jealous](https://preview.redd.it/kmx01h7smbd81.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd901cabd4c11c4aa48bc10ebc63add37f861f60) + +**Ticker:** SKT + +**Industry:** Media + +**Headquarters:** Auckland, NZ + +**Market cap:** $400m + +**Current share price:** $2.31 + +**P/E ratio:** \~9 + +**1-year Performance:** \+56.5% + +**What they do, smoothbrain version:** spam Kiwis with junk reality TV and dated show re-runs, along with like, heaps of rugby, bru + +**What they say they do, wanky version:** "We’re all about bringing you the very best sport and entertainment. Whether you’re ready to sit up and cheer every All Blacks and Silver Ferns match, binge on the entire series of Game of Thrones, get to grips with what’s happening to our planet, or laugh and cry over classic movies, reality TV or local and global nail-biting drama, it’s right here." 🍆👋 + +**What they do, actual version:** *Sky Network Television* are a New Zealand-based satellite & digital TV provider that broadcast a wide range of licensed and originally-produced shows and live events. + +Oh and, one important thing to note before we get into it: despite their name, no, they're not affiliated with "that" more controversial news outlet of the same name that operates elsewhere in the world. + +Headquartered in Auckland, the company currently services a base of nearly 1 million customers; pretty impressive considering the total population of NZ is only just over \~5 million all up. + +As a dual-listed company on both the ASX & NZX, the company does not get much play or media attention here in Australia. However by market cap, it ranks within the NZ50 index and thus making it a regular part of ETFs which track this index as a whole. + +[Member ugly satellite dishes on houses in order to watch shows? I member...](https://preview.redd.it/beuw2f0xmbd81.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8325f820f6cd2df280646112a39b34a431807c0d) + +They have been around for quite a while. Founded back in 1987, Sky have been a satellite-based "Pay TV" broadcaster for the majority of their existence, beaming a wide range of shows - chiefly sport - through the *sky* (the name makes sense, see?) and into the homes of Kiwis across the country. + +In many ways, Pay TV businesses were the model for the modern "SaaS" (Software As A Service) type companies to exist; something that's come around full circle with Sky today in the present day. + +SKT listed on the ASX back in 2005, and had around a decade worth of up-and-down share price performance during its earlier years on the market. + +It hit its peak in August of 2014, after which it embarked on a drastic down-trend for over half a decade: a period marred with failed merger attempts, declining subscriber numbers, and a dated technology and pricy infrastructure model that left shareholders' wallets bleeding. + +It didn't help that all of this coupled with the emergence of digital-first streaming platforms such as Netflix and its clones, which popped up with more easily scalable business models, flashy marketing, and perhaps most importantly: an impressive catalogue of content. + +Sky had become a bloated, asset-heavy business at this point, in danger of becoming a stubborn dinosaur - and eventually going extinct. + +[The SKT chart starts looking a lot better if you zoom in a little.](https://preview.redd.it/sdknbbl4nbd81.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=8516d94c7a70bd72c841042f67d028b4a3db32a7) + +However, instead of remaining set in its boomer-ish ways and refusing to adapt, at the end of 2019 Sky began the first steps to what is looking like a massive turnaround; one that's saved their balance sheet, slashed unnecessary assets, and embraced a new digital-centric model that looks to have positioned it in a much better place moving forward. + +Can they complete this reversal of fortune completely over the next few years? Let's take a look... + +**What looks good:** + +* The impressive rise from the ashes of Sky coincided with the hiring of a new CEO and input from seasoned executives with experience at the likes of Foxtel, who cited the need to switch to digital-first business models, and were able to do so remarkably quickly. +* Formerly satellite-only, the company made a big push - that coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic onset & people staying at home more giving it an extra nudge - into digital adoption. They've changed their business model to now offer both their traditional 'Sky Box' satellite system as well as newly-added streaming services for an integrated offering in the one box. It's a hybrid approach, where one is designed to gradually phase over to the other as time goes by. This is in addition to their existing free-to-air TV offerings, and advertising income, for a mixed media & revenue portfolio. +* User numbers have grown, over recent years, spiking in 2020, however the types of user has changed. Their streaming userbase was up 57% year on year for FY 2021, and revenue from the same source up 24%; the company is aiming for it to provide an average of \~20% revenue growth each year over the next 3 years. + +https://preview.redd.it/11bvcn77nbd81.png?width=999&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2f734ae4dedc839df738b729f5f986d99f8b752 + +* They've introduced new products to add to the bottom line: a Sky Broadband package (which includes Disney+) and RugbyPass (a subscription based portal for everything-rugby), aiming to grow these to \~10% of total revenue over 3 years, adding potential additional revenue sources. +* This digital switch has also allowed the company to move to a more cloud-based infrastructure, reducing the cost of extra rollouts and the capex required for infrastructure moving forward, and scaling back their physical footprint via selling off such assets (including buildings & land). It resulted in almost \~$20 million less capex in a year, which was just one part of a bigger movement towards slashing unnecessary expenses and streamlining costs in multiple ways. +* They'd been losing their satellite customers gradually, but started offsetting this with the pivot to digital. As a business, in addition to pure customer numbers their key metric to focus on is **“ARPU”, or Average Revenue Per User;** while this has declined slightly from Sky Box users over time, the addition of the streaming channel has more than offset this since it's become part of the revenue stream, making the total ARPU figure higher overall since the 2019 pivot: + +[ARPU = Average Revenue Per User, not the now-cancelled owner of the Kwik-e-Mart](https://preview.redd.it/51wtu6t8nbd81.png?width=991&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbe32d4df88f524974b027bf160c6a5aa975efff) + +* The other key stat for subscription-style businesses - and one that can gradually eat into revenue if it's not addressed - is **customer churn**. Essentially a "dissatisfaction score" as customers leave, keeping the churn % as low as possible is crucial. Over the past 3 years, Sky have reduced their churn rate from 15.3% down to 12.2%. +* All of this combined lead to a 130% increase in NPAT year on year; in all, the turnaround has been impressive so far, with the company seeing revenue growth for the first time in over 5 years. +* This also meant they outperformed guidance forecasts - twice - which gave the share price a couple of nice ‘shots in the arm’ that it hadn't seen for a loooong time. +* SKT have also sold off assets in order to generate a war chest of cash, with many of their older physical assets no longer necessary. They sold off their Outside Broadcasting assets for just under a $6 million profit, and more recently their Wellington campus for the total sum of $56m (which is yet to be reflected in earnings reports). +* They also consolidated their physical base into their central hub in Auckland, cutting down their footprint; with all of this extra money, they are forecast to return to paying a dividend, with their future divvy policy currently being reviewed. + +https://preview.redd.it/pmu1oyrfnbd81.png?width=1324&format=png&auto=webp&s=003f1aa7d4cec45925aa2ad8d460ffef0968b7d3 + +* SKT underwent a share 10:1 price consolidation in September 2021 to reduce a ballooning number of shares on issue from its underperforming years, and now boasts a much cleaner share register. +* In addition to slashing operating costs, they have been continually working to reduce debt levels, which were quite large in the past; the balance sheet looks much healthier nowadays. +* “Content is King” for media companies looking to retain subscribers, and they are only as good as the content they have the rights to. Sky have had numerous wins in this department recently: they recently signed an expanded deal with WarnerMedia which included some alluring content rights, including for American prestige TV station HBO/HBO Max, Warner Bros, DC comics & also to crank out more original NZ-made content, but... +* ...while these are all nice, it’s *sports* that continues to differentiate itself as a must-have content line for paid streaming services. Its “real time” nature separates it from movies, TV shows, etc. which are static once produced and can be watched any time; or signed up for a short period, binge-watched, and unsubscribed. +* It's a good thing then that Sky recently won long-ish term content rights to lock in as NZ’s Rugby League & NRL broadcaster through to 2027, which helped decrease customer churn. Kiwis are rugby-mad, and this is a significant win as an alluring piece of content to paywall. This is in addition to rights already in place with Foxtel, ESPN, CBS and more, making for a pretty solid lineup of programming. +* Compared to its fellow ASX-listed media peers, SKT currently still looks quite undervalued both in terms of its earnings and assets, trading at a P/E of around 9 at time of writing: + +[Sky looks fairly \\"cheap\\" as far as ASX-listed media companies go.](https://preview.redd.it/chrus1chnbd81.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=032d07e2e0bf04fd4657e1da588dc98356138ead) + +* Over the initial "down" period for sports when Covid first threw things into disarray, they were able to negotiate a reduction in partnership costs with a number of sports code partners. +* They now have a scalable revenue model that positions them fairly well for a potential inflationary environment; they've already successfully implemented a 14% price rise in their core streaming platform with little loss of userbase +* With the upcoming closure of New Zealand's Vodafone TV, current users of that platform will be migrated over to Sky's platform and be integrated as part of their regular revenue in upcoming reports + +**What doesn't look good:** + +* Next year, those juicy content rights costs will likely ramp up again as more events & sporting (including fees paid for the Tokyo Olympics) factor in to upcoming earnings results. +* This turnaround "looks" great in the short-term, but it remains to be seen how sustainable it is; having things go digital *just* as Covid decided to keep everyone inside may not be a true indicator of how those subscriber numbers will sustain in the long-term. It's hard to shake off the lingering negativity from what was around an incredible 98% loss in share price value over the 6 or so years prior to the company's recent turnaround. +* Future growth is going to be the main challenge. It's hard not to think that pandemic-induced boredom is a large reason most subscription services boomed in the short-term; management's aim for 20% growth seems ambitious given their current growth rate and the massive tailwinds they had behind them to help bump numbers up over the past couple of years. +* The fact they needed to employ "outside consultation" to advise what to do about paying dividends is a little concerning. Will they go the dividend route, look at buybacks, or do something stupid with the \~$130m of cash they'll have after their campus sale goes through? This could swing share price sentiment greatly. +* Ownership consists of a large proportion of institutional investors & funds, and minimal ownership by the executive team. We always tend to prefer companies where the execs have more skin in the game. +* The costs of producing more in-house content will likely take away from the bottom line; they're aiming to ramp up additional sports documentaries and other complimentary shows of their own. +* Advertising revenues were down fairly significantly over the past year or two; Sky will want to prove those were just temporary pandemic casualties, and that they can claw the money back over the next few financial periods. +* Many people still have those ugly-ass satellites on their houses in NZ. Was there no possible way their design could have been updated in the last \~20 years to something more ergonomic? +* Their broadband rollout took a longer time than was initially announced; the introduction of their new Sky Box is likewise taking longer than what the distribution of such an Android-based device probably should as well. +* The selling off of assets and implementing alternative working operations/environments makes sense in a Covid-world, but will some of it come back to bite them if things 'normalise' more in the coming years? Will they retain a flexible working environment that can justify smaller office space costs etc. moving forward? + +**Summary** + +Add it all up, and this is a traditional company “going digital” in a big way, in all facets of the business. How it was allowed to continue for so long in its previous format with so much fluff & wastage is a bit boggling, and shareholders must have been pulling their hair out for several years because of it. + +However, they now seem determined moving forward to keep trimming the fat and keeping things lean & mean. + +Even in addition to the streamlined infrastructure mentioned above, simple things such as reduced marketing spend / reliance on external agencies also resulted in cost reductions. + +Meanwhile, Sky's digital integration also included the acquisition of a Sports Analytics company, which provides data insights to be used to maximise user growth & marketing opportunities. + +They also have implemented this idea of integrating data & engagement analytics throughout, which also allowed the company to cull certain programs the numbers proved people simply weren’t engaging with. This led to additional savings on licensing rights for these less-viewed programs, via either re-negotiating their contracts, or simply cutting them entirely. + +This analytics-driven approach is a necessary switch that most ASX media companies - even the big market cap dinosaurs - have gradually started to realise. + +Media companies in general have been some of the bigger ‘winners’ of the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic; particularly those who were digitally savvy from the get-go. More people staying home meant more eyes online; the pandemic gave news outlets endless stories to pump out as people continued to be fearful; fear equalled clicks; and clicks equalled more revenue. + +Sports also proved a welcome distraction for many, and Sky's heavy focus in this area certainly helped its cause despite some of the choppy stop-starts various sporting codes have experienced during the pandemic years. + +[Sky's new, slicker set top box will roll out later in 2022.](https://preview.redd.it/hgt23hvmnbd81.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6b5db65606dd3bb13801a66bfd3069afe53112) + +A focus on continued user experience and app improvements will also be key to keeping customers around/seeing added value. + +They're aiming to roll out the new, sleeker version of their Sky Box set-top box later in 2022, which will have a slew of additional features such as built-in Android app & Netflix interfaces, 4K resolution streaming, and voice control (because why the hell not?). + +**Conclusion:** While the general sentiment from all the above seems overwhelmingy positive and would probably indicate a buy, I'd probably kick back until we see proof that the pandemic-induced boom wasn't just an anomaly. + +That might not sound like a ringing endorsement, but given it would have rated as a "do not touch with a 10,000 foot pole" just a couple of years prior, it's certainly a massive step up. + +As things gradually start to open up - and even with new Covid variants raging, people say 'screw it' and want to get out of their homes - subscription services like this may be some of the first discretionary expenses to be cut. + +Sky will also have to pony up whatever additional licensing fees are required to retain all their key content after some of their short-term 'bargain' deals come up for renewal, which will eat into margins somewhat. + +Still, the fact that they even do look appealing as an investment *at all* nowadays is a testament to the solid work of the management team in executing a viable plan in a relatively small amount of time. The end result is a much slicker and streamlined company with a pretty captive market and a solid level of market dominance in NZ. + +Given its current financials, and compared to the rest of its ASX media peers, the share price does look fairly 'cheap' at time of writing if you believe that management can keep the good times rolling. Typical SaaS-esque companies that are more tech-focus typically trade at far higher P/E multiples than \~9, and with the pivot to digital that's essentially what Sky is becoming. + +A lot of how the stock performs in the immediate future will also likely depend on what Sky decide to do with their excess capital policy; we've seen companies that come into large chunks of cash all of a sudden make some silly decisions in terms of acquisition. + +If management do well in terms of an adequate capital return/dividend announcement/show continued streaming growth, this stock could re-rate closer to what it's worth based on its assets and revenue. If they rush into buying something stupid, they could kill the feelgood story before it's even properly been started. + +Don't be *those guys* and ruin a good narrative, SKT. + +**Company website:** [https://www.sky.co.nz/](https://www.sky.co.nz/) + +**MarketIndex page:** [https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/skt](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/skt) + +**Link to web version:** [https://ausinvestors.com/skt-stock-of-the-week/](https://ausinvestors.com/skt-stock-of-the-week/) + +**Vote for next week's Random Stonk of the Week:** [https://ausinvestors.com/poll](https://ausinvestors.com/poll) + +**Links to previous Stonks of the Week:** [https://ausinvestors.com/category/random-stock-of-the-week/](https://ausinvestors.com/category/random-stock-of-the-week/) + +Feel free to add your own opinions on SKT in the comments below. + +**Would you buy this stock? Why or why not? Feel free to vote in the poll.** + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/saf07a) +Just sold my SelfWealth shares for a 50% loss! Bought in at 59c sold out at 30c, luckily only put 4K in originally. The new app is rubbish and can’t see them competing with Stakes slick apps and $3 trades going forwards. + +Went to transfer my money out and even though app says available funds it glitches out when try to transfer. + +Fuck SelfWealth 🖕 +Warmest and fondest greetings, friendly degenerates and astute investors! Sorry I haven’t posted much recently, I’ve been playing Wordle a lot (NERDY) and also I ran out of ideas again. But then I had one! + +Look, if you’ve been around ASX\_Bets long enough you’ve bought a few dogs with fleas. Chances are you did your research, or more likely didn’t and just looked at the stocks that got the most upvotes, YOLOd into DW8 or Z1P or VML because everyone else did or had to buy DLC because you asked what to buy and we told you, and now look at you. You disgust me. For the love of God, at least put on some pants. There must be a better way to buy shares, surely. + +**I'm pretty sure it's called an ETF.** + +Shush. We already know that the only bit of financial advice that you can rely on is [to not buy a stock with a number in the ticker](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/rat3cl/australias_smallest_market_cap_companies_part_13/) because stocks with numbers in the ticker are underrepresented among the top gainers and overrepresented in the top losers. That’s scientifically proven by me, using the latest science and best scientific methods, and with a cheerful absence of peer review or any sort of error checking. + +But rather than do any of this fundamental analysis bullshit that we haven’t got time for, or technical analysis bullshit that we only pretend to understand anyway, what if we took the old investment adage of “past performance is always and everywhere a reliable indicator of future performance” and applied that to something that’s easy to understand like three character tickers? + +**Disclaimer: Past performance is not, in fact, a reliable indicator of future performance and anything I write is just generally unreliable.** + +This is not investment advice, you shouldn’t buy anything based on anything I’ve written or said anywhere, I was very possibly drunk at the time of writing this post, I am not wearing pants and I’m just an unqualified random guy, girl or orc on the internet who should do something more productive with my time and probably miscalculated something fundamental. DYOR GALAH TLA and avoid tree shakes and downramping instos. + +**Got it. So anyway, how do I beat the market?** + +First we need to establish what we’re beating. We’ll define “the market” as the All Ordinaries as at yesterday’s close, which had gone up a pleasing but not “quit your job and buy a Lambo and drive to Mexico from Palo Alto” 5.79% over the preceding year. That’s confirmed more or less by the performance of the IOZ ASX index fund, up 5.73% over the same period, so I’ve managed to calculate at least one thing largely correctly. + +(On that note, did your high school maths teachers insist that you learn to do long division and so on because “you won’t be walking around with a calculator in your pocket every day”? Ha. OK Grandad, get on with the story). + +Now, for today’s purposes I’m using MarketIndex’s list of ASX stocks because the official ASX one doesn’t have year on year gains. Marketindex says there’s 2403 ASX tickers, which is more than the ASX thinks there are. That seems a problem, as you’d think the ASX should know best, but I’ll guess that there’s probably some trading halt/delisted ones still kicking around on that list. That’s fine for this purpose, because if your stock gets delisted it’s not like that’s going that well for you as an investment, now is it? (Actually, if you have a story of a stock you bought that failed so badly it dropped to zero and/or delisted, please post it in the comments!) + +**The dartboard method** + +I’ve heard it said that you’d do just as well by putting the share pages from something called a “newspaper” (?) on a dartboard and buying whatever your thrown dart hit, as you would by doing fundamental research and all that boring stuff. (Have you ever seen a newspaper? Let me know in the comments). + +However – my calculations suggest that of the 2403 tickers listed, only 868 of them returned better than 5.79%. So no – that’s only about a 36% chance of beating the market by buying randomly. Worse if you’re like me and your darts hit the wall behind on occasion, which gives you no score but quite an exciting spark when your dart tip hits a brick. + +Also, if you do this at the pub the other patrons will be confused and maybe annoyed that you’ve taken up valuable dartboard time, so be sure to shout a round first. + +**What about the rhythm method?** + +Pretty sure that's actually a contraception technique that doesn't work, and something that confused me quite a bit when playing Leisure Suit Larry as a kid where you had to pass the "adult" quiz to play. Let's move on. + +**Letters and tomatoes (with a hat tip to MAD magazine)** + +So here we get to the good stuff that you can impress the cutie in marketing with if she ever returns your messages asking for a date. + +Like the earth being round, it is a widely accepted fact that there are 26 letters in the English language (although part of me now wants to start a movement denying the existence of certain letters and/or claiming the existence of others. KAN YOU AXSEPT THE LETTER C IS A GLOBALIST KONSPIRASY? KLIVE AND KRAIG KONFIRMED IT). + +However, some tickers start with numbers so we’ll also look at those as a “letter” of their own. Every letter has at least 11 tickers starting with that letter. So we have 27 different letters to consider. + +The letter with the most tickers is A with 268, followed by C with 196 and then S with 172. So A is a bit over 10% of the ASX on its own, and these three letters combined are a bit over a quarter of the ASX between them. If we add the 166 M tickers, four letters cover about a third of the ASX. I’m no investment guru (no shit, I hear you say) but that does not sound like a suitable level of ticker diversification. + +At the other end of the scale, only 11 tickers start with X (including the wonderfully named **Xreality Group Limited (XRG)**, which apparently runs indoor skydiving centres – presumably it’s a pretty short ride and hopefully with a thick gym mat underneath – and virtual reality machines); only 12 start with J; only 14 start with U (such as the somewhat self-referential **UUV Aquabotix Limited (UUV)**, which develop and sell underwater drones!); and only 17 start with Z (which gives me another opportunity to remind you how badly you’ve done on Z1P, and also **ZOONO Group Limited (ZNO)**, which I assume dedicates itself to opposing the construction of zoos and other wildlife parks etc nationwide). + +**But which letters have the best numerology?** + +We’ve established that only 36% of tickers beat the market, so by narrowing it down to the highest performing first letters of tickers, we can completely rationally and entirely scientifically improve our potential investment outcomes. And if there’s one thing we know from the last couple of years, it’s that everyone thinks scientifically and acts rationally. + +To do this, I took all the returns for each ticker, by letter, and worked out which letters had the highest proportion of tickers that beat 5.79% pa returns. (It may surprise you to know that I do actually get laid from time to time; and if quirky statistical patterns are your thing then my inbox is always open). + +**And Actually, An Answer!** + +Surprisingly, A is your best bet. 57.8% of tickers starting with A beat the market over the past twelve months. I didn’t expect this, and maybe there’s some sort of factor here involving A simply being a large proportion of the market on its own, but if anything I’d have thought that should make A tickers more likely to be in line with the broader market. The same doesn’t hold true for C, which is only slightly above average for winners, nor for S or M which on average do slightly worse than the market overall. So…I don’t know, I suppose it’s a thing, A is the highest performing letter on the ASX. (However, the ticker AAA, which is actually an ETF, was slightly below market returns). + +J is a very close second, with 57.1% of J tickers beating the market. J as we saw is the second rarest starting letter for ASX tickers, so presumably a few high flying Js did really well. You might, for example, be interested in **Joyce Corporation Limited (JYC),** which might if my assumptions are correct allow you to buy a parcel of shares in Barnaby himself; certainly a novel way to gather campaign funds but potentially risky depending on how things go in a few months time. Still, up 40% year on year so not bad. + +Coming in third is Q, again another rarely used letter (only 14 tickers) but beating the market 53.8% of the time. Q turns out to be quite heavy with ETF tickers which might explain it if they’re in sectors generally beating the market; but I didn’t really see any interestingly-named companies on the Q list so we might just move on to the next letter. + +Haha, the hell we will. Our old friend, the gloriously diversified real estate and olive groves but certainly not communications **Queste Communications Limited (QUE)** resoundingly beat the market over the last 12 months, up 83%. There have still not been any shares traded since 26 May last year but I do note continued activity on the Buy side of the queue which I sincerely hope is ASX\_Bets astute investors throwing $500 minimum chips orders at it, because that would really warm my heart. QUE still remains, as far as I can tell, Australia’s smallest market cap but still going concern company. + +The last letter with 50% or more of its tickers beating the market (actually, exactly 50%) is U. Another rarely used one, here we see the somewhat confusingly named **United Overseas Australia Limited (UOS);** I mean that’s just a collection of adjectives and nouns that tell you about as much as your average corporate mission statement. “Our aim is to unite Australia and overseas for the betterment of humankind and thereby unlock significant shareholder value” or some such thing. What do they actually do? I have no idea and I’ve already forgotten the name of the company. + +Finally we need to look at Y as a bit of a special case. There are 33 tickers starting with Y, but 25 of them are various YTMxx tickers operated by **Equity Trustees Limited** – I think we worked out once these are all managed investment funds or something along those lines. Take those out and 4 of the 8 Y tickers beat the market, so Y is as good as U for astute investment decisions. You might like to do your due diligence on **Yellow Brick Road Holdings Limited (YBR),** which is a wealth management, investment, mortgage broking and general moving money around trying to make more of it kind of a company. + +*“We’re off to see the Wizard, and colleagues at YBR!* + +*We hear they are the financial wiz, if ever a wiz there were!”* + +**Jaunty. And letters to be avoided, lest we meet the Wicked Witch of the ASX?** + +The vast majority of letters turn out to be roughly around the average rate of return, which is probably no great surprise. However, if you’d like to lessen your odds of taking a sharemarket bath, explaining to your other half what happened to the house deposit money, and spending a few weeks sleeping on the couch, the starting letters to avoid are particularly: + +T for Tanked, which only beats the market 28% of the time; + +F for Fail, which only beats the market 25.4% of the time; and… + +The starting letter to absolutely avoid, beating the market a mere 12.1% of the time over the past twelve months, is the least alphabetical first ticker letter of them all… + +It’s numbers again. + +Tickers starting with numbers beat the market in only 4 of the 33 examples in my dataset: **29METALS (YES, ALL CAPS) Limited (29M); 3P Learning Limited (3PL); 88 Energy Limited (88E)** and **92 Energy Limited (92E)**. Everything else…nope. + +**Did we learn anything else from this frolic through the bourse?** + +Listen, we’re pushing 2000 words here as it is and I am not writing a thesis any more than you want to read one. However, I did notice that of the 15 companies that lost the most over the past twelve months, six of them appear to be in the BNPL space; and four companies lost more than 90% of their value over that period (**ATU, NOU, LBY** and **ZBT** in that order). + +So at least you can be thankful that you don’t own shares in any of those, and you studiously avoided tickers with numbers in them. + +Didn’t you? + +**Until next time, astute investors…** + +May your portfolio be green, your tickers entirely alphabetical, your Wordle results SUPER, and your standing in the ASX\_Bets community of friendly degenerates more Zelenskyy than Putin. +So I just signed the contract for my first job with actual benefits and I researched some of it, but I don’t understand all of it, and I don’t really have anyone to ask. I don’t want HR to think I’m stupid. + +https://i.imgur.com/vqTg5nl.jpg + +Like with Health Insurance, you usually want the lowest out of Pocket Max right? But I thought lower deductibles were better. Also, Is there any dental insurance that actually covers braces for adults? How do you use a FSA or HSA. I read that with FSA’s you lose whatever you don’t use for the year. Is that true? I don’t really have any medical expenses except for B/C which I can get at Planned Parenthood or someplace like that. I don’t have a family/dependents. + +I understand the 401K part, but if I don’t plan to be with the company longer than 2ish years, would it even be worth it? How long is the average vesting period with a company. 1 year? + +Is there any sort of guides that you guys know about? + +Edit: I’m reading the benefits package now and: + +HSA PPO: $47.57 +Traditional PPO: $47.52 +High Deductible PPO: $44.59 + +For individual coverage, so since they’re all the same price… the HSA would be the best option right? I’ll basically be getting $500 back and discounted rates right? + +Edit 2: actually the traditional seems like the best plan, I’d rather pay more in monthly charges than have it all hit me at once if I go to the doctors! Thank you guys so much! +Last week i signed up for a trading account and the "free" advisor i was allocated was aggressively persuading me to invest heavily. He asked lots of questions of what saving i had etc, but i now think it was to build a plan around what to get me to buy to make me to reinvest further. +I invested £25k :( + +I know i've messed up and was all my fault, but i gave too much trust to the person i was speaking to....anyway i'm now at this situation where i have several open trades, at different volumes all running at a loss: + +Tesla - BUY - 0.5 = -£3516 (daily swap fees of £200 a day) + +nasdaq\_M21 - BUY - 0.25 = -£9500 (daily swap fees of £150 a day) +nasdaq\_M21 - BUY - 0.25 = -£6000 (daily swap fees of £150 a day) (hedge position) + +nasdaq\_M21 - SELL - 0.25 = +£6000 (daily swap fees of £150 a day) (hedge position) + +nasdaq\_M21 - BUY - 0.10 = -£700 (daily swap fees of £35 a day) + +Basically because the first nasdaq trade started to lose money (cos he told me to buy 0.25 volume - because he said its quicker wins) he told me to open this hedge position thing, by opening and buy and sell trades...but this left me with no money ...so he said i had to add funds before my margin % hit 50% else it would auto sell...so i added all of my remaining money ...another £10k - but i dont know what to do.. + +Any advice welcome as i just dont know what to do to try and get out :( +When visiting the localbitcoins forum: [https://localbitcoins.com/forums/](https://localbitcoins.com/forums/) + +&#x200B; + +Users are prompted to log into their account, as if they have been logged out. This only seems to happen if you are already logged in. This is is a PHISHING SITE and 2FA codes are being used to empty customer accounts. Withdrawals have since been suspended by LocalBitcoins. + +Edit: official update from localbitcoins: https://www.reddit.com/r/localbitcoins/comments/ak1u8m/localbitcoins_report_on_the_security/?utm_source=reddit-android + +TL;DR: security vulnerability found through forum software. Forum disabled. Withdrawals re-enabled. Safe to log in. +After attempting to shake the diamond hands for months with massive drops, $348 to $170 in 10 mins or $180 to $120 apes have constantly bought the dip. The Current strategy is not to crash the price but slowly make it decline each day in order to get us used to lower and lower prices. It is a smart move and makes it hard for apes to know when to buy as apes don't see massive discounts. They don't understand though and it doesn't matter how low the price gets. Apes buy and hold, it never changes. The lower the price the more power apes have. I honestly believe retail own the float and then some, it may take some time but I believe this will eventually take off. It doesn't matter how long it takes, look at the evidence all over this sub, I believe the apes are right and IF things play out like they should there will be a lot of gorillinares around here. Good luck fellow apes, the longer this drags on the more shares I accumulate. This is the way. +I’m living in Los Angeles and have been considering purchasing my first home in the next year after a significant pay bump and an inheritance. But looking around, I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around why rent prices have lagged so far behind housing prices. + +For example, the house I currently rent (just moved in 3 months ago) costs $3500/mo but is valued at around $1.3m based on comps in the area. Even when interest rates were low, a mortgage payment/taxes/insurance would be almost double my rent on this same house. + +I get that renting is “throwing your money away” (it’s not really) and that a mortgage is going towards building equity…but does it make any sense to buy when renting the same home is so so much cheaper here? + +Please refrain from “leave California” comments. +Bloomberg article: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-25/fed-views-rising-yields-as-bullish-sign-reflecting-2021-optimism](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-25/fed-views-rising-yields-as-bullish-sign-reflecting-2021-optimism) + +>Several Federal Reserve presidents argued Thursday that surging Treasury yields reflect economic optimism for a solid recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and stressed that the central bank has no plans to tighten policy prematurely. +> +>“I think the rise in yields is probably a good sign so far because it does reflect better outlook for U.S. economic growth and inflation expectations which are closer to the committee’s inflation target,” St. Louis Fed President James Bullard told reporters after a virtual speech. +> +>Comments by Bullard and two other Fed leaders, Atlanta’s Raphael Bostic and Kansas City’s Esther George, showed that the central bank’s policy makers are solidly united behind Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s patience in making any adjustments to monetary policy. +> +>Powell told lawmakers this week that the nation was still a “long way” from the Fed’s goals for full employment and price stability, signaling the central bank will maintain ultra-easy monetary policy for some time -- despite hopes for a strong economy later this year as vaccinations spread. +> +>The Fed presidents agreed with Powell’s characterization of the rise in yields as “a statement of confidence” in the economic outlook. The 10-year Treasury yield reached 1.61% Thursday, the highest in more than a year, before trimming its gains. +> +>Yields on U.S. 10-year notes have climbed to the highest in more than a year +> +>“Much of this increase likely reflects growing optimism in the strength of the recovery and could be viewed as an encouraging sign of increasing growth expectations,” George said in a speech. +> +>Bostic told reporters he was not expecting the Fed to respond to rising yields: “Yields have definitely moved at the longer end, but right now I am not worried about that.” +> +>All three Fed presidents said it was premature to begin discussing tapering of the central bank’s massive bond-buying program, with Bullard noting that Powell would initiate the discussion when it’s appropriate. Strong Rebound +> +>In separate remarks, a fourth Fed leader, New York’s John Williams, said the economy was poised for a strong rebound. “Indeed, with strong federal fiscal support and continued progress on vaccination, GDP growth this year could be the strongest we’ve seen in decades,” he said, though he added that underlying inflation is likely to remain “subdued for some time.” +> +>Bullard echoed that optimism, noting the Atlanta Fed’s tracking model shows robust growth for gross domestic product in the first quarter. He predicted the U.S. unemployment rate will drop to 4.5% by year’s end, with pent-up demand and elevated savings boosting spending by Americans. +> +>“I gave a rosy outlook today but it’s only an outlook,” Bullard said. As for a policy change, “the chair has wanted to start that conversation only when it’s appropriate and not get ahead of ourselves even though we do have high hopes the pandemic will come to an end.” +> +>Bostic emphasized that the labor market still has considerable pain, especially for lower-income workers and minorities, and that it would take a long time to regain the 10 million jobs that have been lost. +> +>“Just to remind you, our mandate is full employment,” Bostic said Thursday during a virtual speech to the Atlanta Fed’s banking-outlook conference. “It’s not full GDP. It is not the size of GDP. So this disparity is something that is important and something we are going to have to continue to watch closely.” +Hi all, +I've no experience in the stock market, but did watch the whole GME saga / DFV etc with great interest when it was going on. + +Since then, what's happened? Is it like a long play where the shares will be valuable eventually? Or has that happened already? If not, what's the delay? + +Honest questions, just trying to understand the situation. +Hello everyone, to make things clear, I CANNOT afford a hotel nor a motel, I can't even afford to buy a house. However I been teaching myself recently about hotels and motels (hospitality business) and it's safe to say google isn't helping much for me. Let's say a 100 room hotel is renting out at $70 a day, every single room, all year round ofcourse. Which is $2,555,000 a year in sales, and let's say a 30 room motel is renting out at $45 a day, every room, all year round, which is $492,750 a year. How much will I expect to earn in profit as an owner? It's genuinely a dream of mine to work very hard to be able to own a hotel or a motel one day and expand from there, but I just need an idea of what to possibly expect to earn from it. Thank you in advance! God bless you. +So I was following financial advice channels on YouTube and noticed these millionaires all had one thing in common; their wealth grew by luck. I won't name them but they either bought real estate when it was dirt cheap after the 2009 crash or made a YouTube channel that took off then invested those earnings for my more wealth. + +Yet their advice on building wealth wasn't what they did. Save a portion of your income, invest in stocks mutual funds, side hustles, frugality, etc. + +Not bad advice but don't think this is what they did to become millionaires before age 30. +Stock futures fell sharply on Monday night, as traders continue to monitor brewing tensions between Russia and Ukraine. + +Futures tied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average were down by 454 points, or 1.3%. S&P 500 futures slid 1.7%, and Nasdaq 100 futures were off by 2.4%. + +Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that he would recognize the independence of two breakaway regions in Ukraine, potentially undercutting peace talks with President Joe Biden. That announcement was followed by news that Biden was set to order sanctions on separatist regions of Ukraine, with the European Union vowing to take additional measures. + +Putin later ordered forces into the two breakaway regions. + +The news came after the White House said Sunday that Biden has accepted “in principle” to meet with Putin in yet another effort to deescalate the Russia-Ukraine situation via diplomacy. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the summit between the two leaders would occur after a meeting between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov + +Also did anyone see the Russian stock market take a massive shit today? +He is very wealthy, and doesn’t lose sleep at night due to the recent “crash”. It is a 10 year+ bet. He is relaxed and actually buying more now. + +Lesson: invest what you can afford to lose. Think long term. + +This might be seen as a shit post but it gets on my nerve seeing all the people panicking and complaining in this sub. + +BTC has the potential of becoming a competitor to gold, which has a 8T$ market cap. No, it’s not guaranteed - but it has a true chance. Guess what, the world is becoming more and more digital and BTC is until now apart of that revolution and obviously has the potential to continue doing so. + +Relax and think long term. + +In 2020 another halving is coming and all coins (21M) will be in circulation by 2140 approximately. Well all be dead by 2140..... + +Some important factors that theoretically could affect the space: +- stock prices are at an ATH. Market is over bought and inflated. If the stock market crashes money surely will go in to crypto. Some people disagree on this, but only time can tell. +- a lot of countries around the world are at political and economical unrest. +- the US has 21T$ in debt, not sustainable. This will implode at some point. +- China has recently started to purchase oil with Yuan instead of dollars. This will affect the dollar in the longer term as dollars will be removed from the market. +- the EU is fucked, brexit - and most likely more countries will follow and exit during the next decade. + + +In the past I’ve seen a lot of post about people saying that BTC is to expensive and that the whales are manipulating the market etc. Yes they are, as they do in all markets. As soon as BTC becomes more liquid it will be way less volatile. But we won’t see that before 1-2T$+ + +Mining expenses are going one way, up - they have grown exponentially since the very beginning. If someone reinvents the wheel, yes, they might make a huge mining profit short term. But after some months other companies will be creating similar chips and hash rate will sky-rocket: hence, mining profits go down and miners won’t sell before break even or threat of bankruptcy. + +After the next halving in 2020 a total of 328125BTC will be added to the market per year, that’s a total of approx 27K per month. + +In 2024 a total of 164 062BTC will be added to the market, a total of 13.6K per month. + +2028 a total of 6.8K per month. + +2032 a total of 3.4K per month. + +Do the math, use your logic. + +And on my last note, Switzerland is the crypto place to be. The whole government is supportive of bitcoin and Blockchain. Their national bank had a profit of 55$B in 2017. Don’t think their buying BTC behind the scenes? Think again! Would they be stupid enough to announce it, of course not. + +Hold and relax, wether it’s real estate, BTC, valuable art, your wife, pension fund. Aim for a good life now and aim for a comfortable life when you get older, be smart! + +All the best! + +EDIT: +- receiving extreme amounts of BS for spelling mistakes. I hate to break it to you, but I’m not a native English speaker. +- no, the stock market is not at an ATH, it’s just below. The bull run since 2008 has been incredible. +- the last part about the Swiss banks is a guess and somewhat conspiracy theory. You cannot deny the likelihood of banks investing in crypto in the coming years. In my opinion the odds are highest for the banks in countries that are crypto friendly. + +I make a fairly decent salary while living in a relatively LCOL area in CA. I plan to save and invest a significant amount, retiring around 50-57 years old with around 3m networth roughly. + +My current girlfriend isn't too financially savvy, in a low income job (she's searching for a better one), spending most of her money on unnecessary stuff and helping out friends and family at her own expense because she can't help being nice/helpful. She insists on getting married one day and I'd rather not, but if I do it will be on the condition we have a prenup that states my savings, checking, pension, 457/other retirement accounts and inheritance won't be given to her in the event of a divorce. She'll only be entitled to half the net profit sale of my house and child support should we have a child. + +I want to keep our finances separate. I'll cover the mortgage, utilities, food, which should allow her to save money. If she decides to waste her money, that's on her. + +Divorce can fuck up peoples FIRE goals so hard, I was wondering if most of you feel like me and plan to neutralize that risk or not. + +&#x200B; + +Edit:Thanks for your input, you've given me a good amount to think about. +I make between 80-88k a year, depending on bonuses. I currently have about 20k in my 401k currently, and put 10% of my salary into it each month. My employer contributes 1% if I contribute at least 4% (that’s their Max). + + +I have 48k in savings. I own a house (put down 20% on a 348k house. I have roommates who help pay the mortgage of 2160). No other major expenses. +Debts: +Car: $1,500 ($500/m) +Credit card #1: $949.98 ($100/m) +Credit card #2: $5,084.82 ($200/m) +Credit card #3: $325.28 ($100/m) +Rent: $1198.14/m +Phone Bill: $45/m +Electricity: $150/m +Food: $200/m +Gas: $80/m +Afterpayish: $519.45 (one time split into parts) + + +Paycheques: +40hr at $14/hr - ~900/2w +40hr at $20/hr (excluding bank holidays) - ~$700/w + +We never have savings at the end of the month. +My new employer has an ESPP program to purchase their stock at 15% discount. As an added benefit, they deposit your contributions into an escrow for 6 months first and then purchase all the stock at the end of the 6 month period. They choose the stock price based off the lower of the prices: stock price at the beginning of the 6mo period or at the end of the 6mo period. + +The max contribution is 15% pretax and I plan to take full advantage of this. I'm already putting 12% pretax towards 401k (with 4% employer match). + +To me, this seems like a no-brainer savings account with 15% interest. I understand if I withdraw my money the moment my stocks vest that I pay taxes on short-term capital gains. + +Even if the stock falls - I make 15%. If the stock rises, I make 15% + the price difference. Below are two scenarios. + +Scenario 1: Stock drops. Total in escrow: $11,214 + +* Period start stock price: $25 +* Period end stock price: $20 (end price is selected, lower of the two) +* $11,214 / (15% discount of $20) = 659 shares purchased +* 659 \* $20 = $13,180 +* **Short term taxed profit: $1,966** + +Scenario 2: Stock rises. Total in escrow: $11,214 + +* Period start stock price: $25 (start price selected, lower of the two) +* Period end stock price: $35 +* $11,214 / (15% discount of $25) =527 shares purchased +* 527 \* $35 = $18,445 +* **Short term taxed profit: $7,231** + +This is a no brainer, right? Even if I cash out immediately and pay short-term capital gains taxes, the profit is at **no-risk**. +I'm 29 years old, house paid off and no debt, Contributing to my company 401k up to the company match and have maxed out my Roth IRA for 2020 and 2021, Looking to transfer 5k over to my brokerage account to start investing for the long term, How should i allocate my 5k? + +Any advice is appreciated. +Currently marking a Microeconomics past paper done by my Y12 students. + +I have a query about a question on Price Elasticity of Demand - and wondered if more experienced teachers may be able to help! + +Mark scheme states: + +‘NB: if correct answer (-0.5) is given, award full marks regardless of working’ + +Some students have written the answer as ‘0.5’ (without the minus sign) - would you accept and award full marks? + +Personally I rarely bother with the minus sign with PED (and my students have obviously picked up this habit from me). But not sure how picky Edexcel are? +There are three relevant interest rates. + +There is the interest rate the Fed pays on excess reserves, set by the Fed. +There is the discount rate, at which the Fed will lend reserves to a bank, set by the Fed. +There is the federal funds rate, which is the market rate at which banks lend reserves to each other. Not set directly by the Fed as it is a market rate. + +The Fed targets the federal funds rate. In order to change this, it can change the rate it pays on excess reserves, it can change the discount rate, but most significantly it can use open market operations (buying or selling securities) to change the supply of federal funds, and thus the price of it. + +Open market operations and quantitative easing are essentially the same thing- they both involve buying securities with newly printed money. + +The lower the federal funds rate, the easier it is for a bank to increase its reserves, and the more loans it can make. The more loans it can make, the less the price of these loans (i.e. the lower the interest rate). This is how the federal funds rate influences retail interest rates. + +Amirite? +With the amount of businesses and people relying on the internet to advertise, sell, and purchase products, how will this become affected and affect the economy? And not only online shopping, but other implications as well. What will happen to the economy as a whole by the implication of the repeal? + + + + +Hello, I hope you are all well; I will start studying Econ later this year. However, I was concerned about the minimum wage issue, and I have not found a reasonable proposition for a minimum wage law. + +I always listen to interviews and read articles on the minimum wage. They always say that the evidence supports the fact that increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour will most likely not lead to unemployment. + +I want to ask why is this the case? It seems that noticing that unemployment did not worsen in some states after a $15 MW is not good enough to justify higher MW in other states. Are they considering the jobs that had not been created because of a minimum wage and if so, how do they do it? + +Increasing the minimum wage does not seem to damage the ones who are already holding jobs, but what about the people who need a job but are not skilled enough to get paid $15? It seems to me that it is near impossible to calculate how many projects did not continue because the costs of hiring employees are high. + +I would like to know your thoughts on this as, to be fair, the studies have left many critical factors behind, and they are not strong enough to support the case for a minimum wage. +Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. + +With the news recently about some treasury bond yields "inverting" I took interest and went to look at FRED's [10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity graph](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/T10Y2Y#0) with the time duration set to *max*. There are these grey bars denoting the start and end of recessions, and I noticed the grey bars always start after the line falls below 0%, and often after the line has recovered. + +Is there some relationship between 2-Year Treasury Bonds, 10-Year Treasury Bonds, and recessions? If so, what is the causal direction? +Someone told me, based on the demographics of 2050, the United States will not be an economic powerhouse. They told be based on the shifting demographics (Hispanics will make up 30% of the US) and the increase of immigration, the US GDP will decrease and not be number 1 in the world. They claimed that Hispanics have a lower GDP per capita than other Americans, and First-Generation Immigrants cost the system more. I don't agree with this, but what are specific points I can make that despite any changes, America will be an economic superpower in terms of GDP for the foreseeable future? + A few weeks ago, i noticed gas was at $3.11 in my area. Then the Saudi bombing happened and 5% of the worlds daily oil supply was unavailable. Why did gas prices not immediately shoot up. Instead, they seemingly did weeks later. Now they’re at $3.85. + +This might just be observation bias but thought someone smart here would have some insight. +A [working paper](https://www.nber.org/papers/w27193) recently published by Larry Summers and Anna Stansbury states that: "Rising profitability and market valuations of US businesses, sluggish wage growth and a declining labor share of income, and reduced unemployment and inflation, have defined the macroeconomic environment of the last generation. This paper offers a unified explanation for these phenomena based on reduced worker power. Using individual, industry, and state-level data, we demonstrate that measures of reduced worker power are associated with lower wage levels, higher profit shares, and reductions in measures of the NAIRU. We argue that the declining worker power hypothesis is more compelling as an explanation for observed changes than increases in firms’ market power, both because it can simultaneously explain a falling labor share and a reduced NAIRU, and because it is more directly supported by the data." + +I have 2 questions regarding this paper: + +1. What issues can be seen in the construction of the paper? I'm not an economist so I'm not sure If the measurement of worker power will hold up to scrutiny. +2. Supposing that this is correct, what policy recommendations should be made to maximize income across the spectrum? + +edit: Here's a short [breakdown](https://www.brookings.edu/bpea-articles/declining-worker-power-and-american-economic-performance/) from Brookings that uses more accessible language to interpret the paper. +I'm great at math when being taught it and can understand what's going on. Last year in college I took calc online because I had no time to fit it as in-class and it was straight READING for hours along with a chemistry course and other courses, while working. Needless to say, I did not learn a thing in calc and was more worried about completing all my work on time for both Chem and calc (which those 2 together were torture). + +Now I'm my Econ classes, I am able to understand the formulas and graphs, but as for deriving them, and understanding the calc portions of it, I am lost. + +Is it necessary to fully understand the calc portions? If so, what parts of calc is most important for this subject and should I teach myself? +For every dollar spent by the US government on planes, bombs, tanks, guns, etc. how much is recuperated in tax revenue from companies that see an increased profit from this spending (Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc.)? + + +Additionally, this military spending is essentially economic stimulus by encouraging capital expenditures and employment. If you factor out the benefits of the aforementioned point plus this additional one, can we get a true cost of military spending? + + +I’ve looked forever for a relevant study and ended up empty handed! Any input is appreciated, thanks. +So lets say we have the standard demand and supply curve in terms of labour. Minimum wage is a price floor. Generally price floors create an excess of supply and a fall in demand. On the other hand, a greater minimum wage leads to more circulation of money in the economy since low wage workers spend domestically more than other groups and their expenses are more likely to fall within the economy. Also, for small increases of the minimum wage, labour demand is somewhat sticky, because the increase influences incrementally both the income and the outcome of the businesses that employ minimum wage workers. Also, a lower than optimal minimum wage might result in money concentration that slows down the flow of the money in the economy. + + +On the other hand, increasing it too much will result in incremental unemployment and everything bad that comes with it. +Also, the minimum wage can be justified by the imbalance of power between the low wage worker and the employer. + +Nevertheless, while having an appropriate minimum wage is beneficial for the economy, increasing the minimum wage is not a method for helping low wage workers if this means crossing the point where unemployment is stable. Instead, if a government feels that its low wage workers need help it should help increase the demand of labour and thus the leverage power of workers which would result in a healthier shift of the equilibrium point. + +I am not an economist, I am an actuary. I understand this is one viewpoint. I am open both to my mistakes as well as different viewpoints! Im here to learn +I hear this argument that giving out more grants and loans for low income people to go to university or college will increase tuition prices for everyone. I’ve also heard the same for giving out rent money to low income individuals. Why is this the case? Wouldn’t they still need to compete to provide the lowest costs? +The relation goes: there is inflation so by some forces to reach equilibrium currency will have to depreciate. + +(A= currency of country in cuestion) Say 1dollar= 10 A. + +Anual inflation was 20% in A. Now if exchange rate doesn't change that year, surely there is an imbalance. Exchange rate should be 1dollar=12A + +The question is what forces that process? + +Thanks in advance. Any literature to read also is very welcome. +Lately, I have been encountering a growing number of individuals who desire to bring back manufacturing to Canada and the US. Despite, according to my knowledge, Trump's trade war not bringing back manufacturing, these individuals still want to engage in a trade war with China, Mexico, and others in the attempt to restore manufacturing. + +What is the plausibility of bringing / restoring manufacturing in the US and Canada? This seems highly unlikely to me and I assume this is just a delusional fantasy, but I want to take it seriously for a moment so I can knowledgeably discuss this topic with my interlocutors. What are the factors that would prevent or enable manufacturing to return? + +The issues as I see them are: the US and Canadian dollar seem too high, wages in the US and Canada are not competitive relative to other countries, and it seems highly unlikely that other countries are just going to passively sit around and let their manufacturing industries be taken out of their countries and dropped back into US / Canada. Therefore, these trade wars produce a terrifying international atmosphere. + +Another issue is that there are too few regulations in place under neoliberal globalization. However, those that want to bring back manufacturing are economic nationalists who are actively trying to break from neoliberalism and globalization. Yet, they seem to be anti-regulation within borders and pro-regulation across borders. This seems to be quite contradictory. + +I feel like I am missing a lot on this topic still, which factors am I still missing? Can you please help me develop a further understanding of this? +My simple question is why are US health care costs so high, but more specifically why is the industry so obviously distorted up with no fixes in sight? + +A family member of mine burned his hand and went to the hospital. They gave him 2 ibuprofen which costed him $53 each... how is that possible? + +Another family member of mine is a physician assistant. When I brought this up to her she said she’s not surprised. Certain very simple scans can cost over 15k. + +My fiancé had to spend a night in the hospital about a year ago and for 6 months after she got a least 5 different bills from different areas of the hospital with no description at all of the charges. When she called they would give extremely vague answers and tell her that that’s all they could provide. + +How is it legal to run a business like this? Is it all political? I’ve heard “the US has the best health care services in the world and the high prices allow for long term research and investment”, which I understand. I work in banking and get the investment idea but that can’t justify a $53 Ibuprofen or not telling a patient what your charging them for. Running a decent hospital business, where you care about patients, are transparent, and don’t extort them when they need help has nothing to do with long-term investment in research. A hospital could still act decent to their patients and allow the industry to make plenty of money. + +Seems like this should be a much bigger topic before even trying to get to universal healthcare but maybe I’m missing something. +Don't minimum wages have some negative employment effects (even if it only small)? + + +Would giving workers money through transfers be less likely to cause unemployment or loss in allocative efficiency than having a wage floor? + + +Is it possible that transfers and minimum wages could be jointly beneficial (They enhance the benefits of each other) or is one strictly better than the other? +*lean + +I’m currently reading The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis. That combined with working in state government and watching documentaries about the Dust Bowl and FDRs New Deal And WPA has really made me appreciate the government and what it lends to society. The government funds ideas that the private sector won’t even take on and mitigates risk that we can’t even fathom. They’re also some of the best coworkers I’ve ever had. + +I would say I’m a mix of Hayekian and Keynesian principles. I haven’t read their main books yet but plan to. On the one hand I think the government intervenes more than it should by subsidizing and inflating demand into dying industries. Dairy is a good example. Demand for dairy has been steadily decreasing as consumers opt for plant based alternatives. More often than not we’re getting a surplus of dairy and the government is having to step in and buy it and find places to put it so that we don’t get an intense market crash in dairy. But why not invest in giving some farmers assistance in switching over to producing plant based alternatives? Eventually we’re going to move to producing these things in labs so it will have to happen eventually. + +On the other hand, without government intervention I feel that society would suffer a huge cost at the loss of R&D and market correction, such as 2008. Markets do autocorrect but they can take decades. Without government regulation we would suffer environmental costs as well such as pollution, resource over extraction, dangerous food additives, etc. you could argue that people would shift demand and the market would respond but how long would that take before it’s too late? + +Anyway just wondering your thoughts. Do you lean Hayekian or Keynesian when it comes to markets? Why or why not? +I’m reading Born in Fire and Blood by Chasteen and a theme of the book is that free trade in the late 19th/early 20th century severely hurt the development of Latin American nations. What I have been taught throughout my undergrad is that free trade is mutually beneficial. My question is is free trade inherently detrimental to developing nations or was something else happening to these Latin American countries at the time? +Is it correct to assume that the government is able to assure us the fixed return only because they have the 'money printer' ? In that case, can bonds (and debt funds) ever hope to beat inflation? +Specifically: could a communist utopia work from a purely economic perspective and if yes, how would a working communist utopia work? +Furthermore if somebody could recommend some books on the marxist economics, I would appreciate it. +For example, GDP per capita for countries like Portugal, Turkey, and Poland grew extraordinarily from $11,734 to $24,949, $3,142 to $10,941, $4,991 to $13,996 respectively in just 7 years! +Also, how is that possible that the GDP growth per year did not even exceed 10% in almost all years while the actual GDP doubled if not tripled in as little as 7 years? +Does it have to do mostly with the value of the US dollar diminishing by A LOT in comparison to those countries' currencies? +With the withdrawal of major insurers from the exchanges, is this a sign that the Affordable Care Act is failing? Do their economic arguments for withdrawing make sense? What impact would this have on the entire health insurance industry? +So, Micheal Burry and the gang decided to short/bet against/take out credit default swaps on the mortgage bonds which they identified as being particularly toxic. + +Were these individuals betting against the entirety of the bonds, or only the lower tranches? We see a scene in the Big Short where Burry slides a big-ass binder of "bonds he wants to short" across the table to the Morgan Stanley reps. Does this prospectus specify only specific tranches within those bonds that he's shorting? Brownfield Fund's big revelation was to bet against the upper tranches such as A and AA. If the entire bond is supposed to fail at a certain default rate, then wouldn't betting against the entire bond be sufficient? Or does this have to do with the return ratios (25:1, 30:1, etc. on their money) of different tranches? If so, who exactly determines these repayment ratios? They seem almost arbitrary. + +My understanding of a synthetic CDO is that it is essentially a collection of credit default swaps against the MBSs. + +So if Mark Baum and Co. are taking out these credit default swaps against CDOs which are made up of MBSs, aren't they essentially creating synthetic CDOs of their own? + +When mortgages started drying up, even the subprime ones, the SCDO market started taking off to keep the gravy train going. What I don't understand here is: if the housing market was considered so stable, and these investment banks had to pay premiums on the swaps in their SCDOs, then how did they expect ever to profit? + +Additionally, these people were supposedly the "outsiders and weirdos" who were the select few who were able to see what was coming, and bet against the housing market. They ended up profiting hugely while the investment banks which were doing the same thing on a billion dollar scale ended up collapsing. Was this difference in outcome the result of them not having the equity available at the outset of the collapse to cover their swap positions? I.e. they owed more money to people who they insured swaps for than money owed to them from the reciprocal? + +Thanks for any answers! + +EDIT: Overhauled for clarity +I have been interested in macroeconomics for some time now and would like to get into it, but I have no idea where to start. Could you recommend an introductory book? + +I really liked Tannenbaum's book "Modern Operating Systems" and it's relaxed writing style so a book written in that sort of way would be right up my alley. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I’ve seen the prices of this stock rise & fall in several cycles over the last 6.5 years. Im thinking I may be able to exit my position & get back in at roughly $100 sometime over the next 60 days. Thoughts? +I’m a long term investor, two years ago I made the novice mistake of scheduling an appointment with a wealth advisor. I knew nothing about investing, and this is obviously something she recognized and took advantage of. I opened up a Roth IRA and a taxable account with them, I had no clue what I even had. It was whatever she picked, lots of various ETF’s/bonds etc. + +I was being charged 0.35% per quarter, the balance quietly being taken out each quarter. + +Thanks to subs like this and r/Bogleheads, I found out I was being ripped off big time. + +I was being charged an outrageous amount for something I didn’t need. + +I promptly emailed my advisor and asked if negotiation was possible, as I was concerned about the fee adding up long term. I was told “no”, just wow…how greedy can you be? + +I made an account with Schwab and transferred my investments over. I then sold everything and bought VT. + +Schwab’s customer service is wonderful + + +Just a reminder to not make the mistake I made! Luckily I only had about a year of that mistake, compared to 30. + + +Obviously you have to be cautious when listening to anyone online, but if you’re a young, long term investor…a low cost well known ETF really is hard to beat. Pick something like VTI or VT and call it a day. Schwab, Vanguard, TD Ameritrade are some of the reputable ones to go with + +People can have their little debates about international or US only but I mean as long as you’re picking something low cost then you’re good. + +LATER IN LIFE ,then it gets more complex. As far as bonds etc. + +I’m only 33 so I have nothing to say about that, I’ll ask when I’m 50 years old when to look into bonds lol +For those of you who are executives at companies you did not start - what was your pathway like? + +I’m especially curious for anyone in an exec role who is not from Sales or Product Dev + +Especially for my nerds out there, did you find that the technical challenges you encountered early on you still had some time to devote to or did your role completely shift to people, networking, etc.? +User achilles52309 began what became a legendary thread on his real estate investing journey. You can read about his journey here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/7r7ri3/i\_have\_noone\_to\_tell\_this\_to\_so\_fatfire\_it\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/7r7ri3/i_have_noone_to_tell_this_to_so_fatfire_it_is/) + +The genesis of this thread is a message that I recently sent achilles asking for his input on a number of questions I had about the insight/advice he gave in his thread and some questions I had about my own RE investing journey. He suggested that my questions might make for a solid start to a new thread, so below I have set out the questions I posed to him. I would of course welcome input from anyone else in the community, and I hope this can become a useful thread for the real estate investors in the community to bounce ideas/questions off of each other. I am posting this in r/fatFIRE because my goal is to use buy and hold multifamily real estate investing as my main vehicle to reach fatFIRE. + +To give a little background on myself, I am in my late twenties and a mid-level associate working in BigLaw, so I am lucky to have a very solid income and am able save quite a bit. In partnership with my brother and a close friend, we own 32 rental units spread over 5 properties. We are looking to scale but are finding it difficult to do with our time consuming jobs. I'm happy to answer any questions about my background/real estate investing experience, but as mentioned, here are the questions I posed for achilles and for which I would welcome the community's input, to get the conversation started: + +1. Do you have any advice for how to balance continuing to build a real estate portfolio while still working a very demanding job that more often than not extends beyond the standard 9-5 work day? Luckily for me and my partners, cash is not a concern at the moment, but instead finding the time to grind to network, find deals, do diligence, etc. is tough to come by. The answer may simply be that if I want it enough I will make it happen, finding the hours to get it done, but if you have any tips here I would love to hear your thoughts. +2. I saw in one of your posts that you advertise on Craigslist and rarely pay to advertise, and you run potential tenants through a screener for criminal and eviction history. What is your standard for determining what an "acceptable" history looks like? Is one criminal or eviction issue a definite rejection, or is there some holistic approach you use to evaluating an applicant? Also, do your managers perform this exercise or do you? +3. Our units, like yours, are low income. Obviously finding good tenants at this level is difficult anywhere, but from reading your thread and others I get the feeling we are having an especially hard time. One theory I have is that rent to buy ratios in our market aren't great from the landlord's perspective, so most quality applicants that would otherwise rent feel it easy and economical to save for a short period of time to instead buy. Based on your responses, it doesn't sound to me like this is something you would take into account when evaluating a property (it's difficult to quantify its effect), but do you in fact factor this in at all? Do you have any idea of the average amount of time a tenant spends at one of your properties, and your eviction rate? We seem to always have between 2-4 evictions in process, which seems high to me for 32 units. +4. How do you decide "how well" to fix up your units? Is it as simple as comparing your property to what other similar properties in the area look like, and just making sure that yours is on par with those (or maybe just slightly nicer)? +5. I'd love to get an idea for what one of the bigger properties you own looks like, the quality of tenant, part of town, etc., just to better understand at what level you are operating with your level of success. Would you be willing to share one of the properties you own, or, if you have any privacy concerns (totally understandable), would you be able to point me to a property (doesn't have to be for sale obviously) that is similar to one of the bigger properties you own in the same or similar area? +6. When evaluating the rehab aspect of potential acquisitions, could you explain how this affects your underwriting? Is it as simple as the following example: you see a 100 unit property that is 50% occupied (and the other 50 units all need work to be rentable) where the monthly rental income from the 50 rented units is equal to 2% of the purchase price (i.e. the "2% rule"). Let's assume that alone meets your investment criteria. Do you even need to consider what it would cost to fix up the other 50 units, or do you not care, since the property could operate at your standard indefinitely even if you just left the other 50 units alone? What about an example that might not be so easy (since the previous example is likely very rare in reality)? What does your underwriting look like if at least some of the "un-rentable" units are needed in order for the property to ultimately operate at your standards? +7. Regarding cash-out refi's, You mentioned in one of your posts that you typically throw out to your mortgage broker every now and then, with respect to a specific property, the amount of debt on the property, what you think it is worth, and what they think about doing an appraisal and cash-out refi. If they give you a number you think makes sense, you go for it. When going through this exercise, do you get the appraisal every time you inquire with your mortgage broker (which would add up to a lot of $$ for a stretch of inquiries that don't lead to pulling the trigger on a refi), or do you get the pulse of your broker first on whether they think your estimates are close enough to go ahead with an appraisal? Or am I missing a step altogether in this process? + +EDIT: Because I was unclear, I wanted to clarify that Achilles has not yet responded to these questions, but instead the plan was for him to do so in this thread when he has the time. +Stock split (5:1 for example) + +1 share at $100 = $100 + +5 shares at $20 = $100 + +Total shares of the company goes from 76 million to 380 million shares. +All puts/calls/shorted shares are adjusted accordingly. + +Stock dividend (5:1 for example) + +1 share at $100 = $100 + +5 shares at $20 = $100 + +Total shares of the company goes from 76 million to 380 million shares. +All puts/calls/shorted shares are adjusted accordingly +- but this is where it gets juicy and is the big difference. Dividends are paid by shorts as well. So, in the scenario above, GME is responsible for providing the 304 million shares as a dividend (the difference in shares, 380-76). But what if there are 500 million shares BEFORE the share dividend because of shorts? There will now be 2.5 billion shares AFTER the share dividend. GME is only responsible for providing 304 million shares to shareholders. That means shorts will need to provide 2.196 billion shares as the dividend. Even though after the split, share price is only $20, shorts need to buy 2.196 billion shares to give to shareholders as their dividend. With 30% of the float locked in DRS, shorts are extra fucked. + +TLDR: share price does not matter pre-split. Shorts already need to buy a massive amount of shares to cover their shorts. After the share dividend, shorts will need to buy up a shitload more just to provide shareholders their stock dividend. TRUST in Ryan Cohen 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Buy, hold, DRS. 💎🙌 gonna get me my thai tea boba to celebrate 🧋 + +EDIT: I am NOT trying to create hype. This is my opinion of what will happen. Pending no fuckery happens, there should be buying pressure after the stock dividend which will drive back up the share price. +I'd like to start logging my own options data, so that I can build out a nicely fleshed out database over time. I was considering pulling this data from IBKR, but they don't appear to support options chains that well (looks like they will tell you the list of strikes, the list of expirations, and you just try any combination you want and hope the option exists). TDAmeritrade has a nice API (rest API + pull the whole options chain), but the API in general doesn't seem to be that well supported. Are there any other sources I should be considering? Any thoughts on these sources? +Found interesting material on original stop-loss calculation:http://stop-loss.space . C# code inside, has anyone already tested it? + +comment: I haven't tested the code in Wealth lab yet, but the idea is interesting. It can be implemented simply by the description. +I am 16. I have more than a year of Python experience. I have just basic knowledge in trading. Based on these things, do you think it would be worth it to start learning algotrading or would it be just waste of time for me? + +Thank you for all your responses. +Hi there - + +I'm in my mid-30s. I have a partner but this is solely my income and investments. We're considering going into real estate investing together, and soliciting feedback on that and any other investment advice. + +**Net worth** + +Total: \~ $520,000 + +401K: $280,000 + +Roth: $13,000 + +Taxable accounts: $122,000 + +Approx. equity in 1BR rental condo (after agent fees): $102,000 + +**Income & savings rate** + +Annual income: $350,000 base; \~$90,000 bonus + +Savings rate: \~50% after tax + +Consists of: + +* $35,000 of salary paid by employer to 401k +* $19,000 personal contributions to 401k +* $6,000 backdoor Roth +* \~$7,000/mo to taxable accounts + after tax bonus income (= \~$129,000 annually) + +**Investment strategy** + +I follow an asset allocation strategy with rebalancing when the allocations are \~20% out of balance on a relative basis. + +Portfolio allocation is: REIT 15%, Mid/small cap domestic 35%, Large cap domestic 35%, Intl 10%, and Bond/cash 5%. + +**Real estate plans** + +My 1BR condo rental is being managed by a property manager. The rent income is $2530/mo after management fees, $600 of which pays down principal each month. My monthly mortgage + HOA expenses are $2400. If I managed the property myself, I would earn the full rental income of $2750/mo. + +We rent a 2BR apartment in a HCOL city. We're saving for a down payment on a house, with a goal of having a rental unit on the property - either a basement or carriage house unit. Realistically, we would spend $900,000 to $1.2 million on this. + +We're also saving for a second vacation property that we would rent on Airbnb when we're not using it. We've crunched the numbers and can reasonably expect to break even, or even make a little money, on monthly payments. But we're not finding a property that we like personally, and we may end up building on a lot instead of purchasing a house. We live in a city, and the main goal for the second property is quality of life - we need trees and nature. All in, we expect the property would cost $550,000. + +I have $65,000 in cash saved for real estate, and I will probably sell my 1BR rental condo when the lease runs out, with a reasonable expectation of $100,000 cash after agent fees (but before taxes). My partner has up to $160,000 available for real estate. The reason for selling the 1BR condo is that it's in a prime location in the city (I used to live there), and there's not going to be any appreciation other than inflation. It seems to me that the equity would be better put to use elsewhere. + +My partner and I have also discussed real estate purchases as pure investment (as opposed to earning rental income in our primary and secondary residences). I'm not sure the extent to which I should divert my more traditional, taxable account investments to that, and how to account for it in my asset allocation method of investing. + +**Ultimate fatFIRE goal** + +I'd like to save enough for a guaranteed annual income of $150,000 year at a 3.5% withdrawal rate - solely on the basis of my assets, separate from my partner's. At that point, I'd quit my high-stress job and do whatever I want for a living - say, run a florist shop. We'd also move to a LCOL area. According to this [calculator](https://engaging-data.com/fire-calculator/), I'm about 12 years away from that with my current investment strategy, assuming 8% returns on stock. + +Critiques on the strategy? Advice on how much to divert to RE investing? All thoughts and advice welcome! + +\[Edited to correct REIT allocation.\] +Well it is last thing on a Friday and I am just getting through the last of my emails now. All in all there was over 200. + +It will take a while to get through them all and get replies to everyone and to find and answer all the questions you guys asked on here and in your emails but I fully intend to. There is just a lot of you. + +A big thank you to everyone who reached out to us. I spent a good chunk of today talking with programmers about APIs and wallets so we can decide exactly what we need to do with our site to add Bitcoin as a payment option. + +Before I go back to the 100 unread emails I still have I thought I would make the official announcement and let you all know you that you have been heard. + +**[GoCityHotels.com](http://gocityhotels.com) will be adding Bitcoin as a payment option this month.** + +Please feel free to ask your other questions and I will get to the people here once I get to the bottom of my emails. I am sorry. + +I look forward to working with the Bitcoin community in the future and I hope in the future you will all continue to ask us for the things you want! + +Thanks, + + +Nick, + +GoCityHotels.com +Recently my wife has asked if we would consider helping her mum with her rent. She is late 60s, retired and doesn’t own her own home obviously. I do not believe she has very much in her super but haven’t asked yet. Considering she divorced back when the husband kept all his super, this leads me to believe this. +We are about to start a family ourselves +and really do not have funds that we can divert to her mother but how do I approach this? Any thoughts on what I can do to help her mother or help her plan her retirement? I think there may be a hard conversation coming. + +Edit: Thank you everyone for your thoughts. Pretty much on the same line as myself. Looks like we will have to go through her finances with her and see what we can do together. +P.s. we do all get along I just don’t feel we are in a position to move from where we are as it would involve moving a long way from where we live to get the space that would be needed. +Again thanks for the comments and thoughts +Article below. + +At first glance this article looks to have a negative sentiment, but if you really think about it, it is very bullish. First off, the fact that they're struggling to keep up with pre-orders sounds to me like they have a huge demand for their physical copies of the games, the issue could be presenting itself further up the supply chain. Second, it states that GameStop is the only place to go for physical games, yes others have them too, but they've got niche titles you can't get elsewhere. Sounds like a competitive advantage to me. + +-------------------- + +GameStop is reportedly struggling to fulfill pre-orders for various new games, including major titles like NBA 2K23. GameStop is the biggest physical games retailer in America as its really the only major, nationwide chain that is dedicated to games. Target, Walmart, and other stores sell games, but they do not have the vast library of titles that sometimes stretch back to different console generations like GameStop does. For anyone still buying physical games, it's largely your only option unless you can find a local store that can fulfill those same needs. However, over the years, GameStop has encountered all kinds of hurdles as players shift to downloading games over buying discs and the company has seen drastic changes due to changing leadership. + +A major issue that GameStop is reportedly facing right now is the inability to fulfill pre-orders. As reported by Kotaku, numerous GameStop employees are noting that various system issues are leading to stores not having enough copies to give to people that already paid for the games. One employee told Kotaku that it was shorted on copies of NBA 2K23 and pre-order bonuses didn't arrive on time. Smaller niche games were having an even harder time with pre-orders given copies were largely only distributed to people who pre-ordered and weren't necessarily sold directly off the shelf. GameStop also grades employees on the amount of pre-orders it issues, so if people are canceling them because the game isn't available on release day, it becomes a problem for everyone. + +"Pre-orders have been hell recently," said an employee. "We were shorted on multiple copies of NBA 2K and collectible pre-orders never arrive on time. We can only refund pre-order cancels as store credit if it's been longer than a month too, it doesn't matter if you paid cash or not." + +It's unclear if or when this issue will be solved. GameStop employees noted the current solution is to just order a copy of the game to send to the customer's house, but it's likely not intended to be permanent. With games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Gotham Knights, and God of War Ragnarok on the horizon, this could present a massive problem if it's not fixed soon. + +https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/gamestop-preorder-struggles/ +The number of Norwegians seeking unemployment benefits jumped by a staggering 128% in just a week as the spread of the coronavirus brings the richest Nordic economy to a near standstill. + +Norwegian companies have already announced thousands of temporary lay-offs. It’s now clear those measures are quickly feeding through to economic data, providing a glimpse of what the rest of Europe may be facing, and putting pressure on the central bank to deliver more emergency interest rate cuts. + +Norway’s reliance on oil exports has left it fighting an economic crisis on two fronts, **and its 5.3% registered unemployment rate is already the highest since 1995**, compared to monthly data, according to official figures published on Tuesday. + +To keep up with the crisis, jobless data will now be published every week, and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration expects the rate to keep rising, it said. Norway’s 1993 unemployment record of 6.3% may be crushed after lay-off benefits applications this week almost reached the total number in 2009, when the financial crisis was wreaking havoc. + +“This data should be very worrisome for Norges Bank,” which as recently as last week only factored in a slight increase in unemployment through June, SEB Chief Strategist Erica Blomgren Dalsto said. “A further rate cut by at least 50bps is likely in the near-term.” + +https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/norway-s-128-unemployment-jump-shows-devastating-power-of-virus-1.1407573 +About a year ago, I (30m) decided to unofficially retire in one of more expensive cities to live in (NYC) and I often wonder if its worth it. My current mortgage + utilities is currently right under $5000 a month and to be honest, I don’t really utilize the city enough for it to be worth it. A part of me says move to a cheaper city and save the extra $5000 a month (the equity in my house can probably pay another house off in full), but another part of me is afraid to leave everything I know. I was born and raised in NYC and never really spent extended time in other places. Has anyone ever made the leap? Packed their things and just left for a new home? Where would you even start? +With so many conflicting signals about markets, the economy in the U.S. and abroad, the impact of the China-U.S. trade war, and more, what’s an investor to think? + +Through all the noise, there’s one measure that bears watching. Even investors who don’t trade currencies should pay attention to the strength of the U.S. dollar, according to a note out Monday. That’s because while the strong dollar has a lot of effects, its cause, at least right now, is that investors around the world are skittish. + +Normally when the greenback gets this strong, something gives, and other currencies start to strengthen, observed Nicholas Colas, co-founder of DataTrek Research. “If they don’t, it means something is very different this time around. And **‘different’ in this case probably doesn’t mean ‘good’ when it comes to investor risk appetites,”** he said. + +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-dollar-is-stronger-than-ever-and-thats-a-warning-sign-for-the-stock-market-2019-10-14](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-dollar-is-stronger-than-ever-and-thats-a-warning-sign-for-the-stock-market-2019-10-14) +Hi UKPF, + + +My girlfriend (22) and I (27) are looking to purchase our first home. We live in the North-East of England so take that into account when looking at the figures. + + +We currently rent a flat for £550pm and earn 20k each (this will increase in the near future but I don't want to count that yet). Now thanks to generous saving by relatives we have a 85k deposit to put down on a home. We also have personal savings and our own furniture to cover all mortgage fees, solicitor costs etc. We will also be living back with our parents for a couple of months to save an additional few k + + +We've been looking at a new build property for 200k but are unsure of what type of mortgage to take? Is it better to go for a fixed mortgage at 2.39% for ten years followed by an increase to 4.19% (without fees). Or go for a variable mortgage as low as 1.99% and risk the increase? + + +Is there anything else we should look at? Is a 25 year mortgage with that deposit reasonable? It's a house large enough for us to live in if we decide to have kids further down the line. + + +Thanks for any help! +Please use this sticky to ask questions and to see answers to similar questions you may have. + +Over time we'll be collecting common questions and [adding it to our wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/wiki/index) See the [getting started wiki here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/wiki/getting-started-daytrading) + +If anyone is new to day trading, I highly recommend reading the [Forex community's wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Forex/wiki/index) paying special attention to babypips website which also teaches some general tools you can apply to stocks/futures/etc and especially read the wiki's sections on *risk & money management* that can be applied to any market. + +[Pattern daytrading rules wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/wiki/pdtrules) + +Also see the sidebar (or "about this community" on mobile website) on every related community to learn more about trading. + +Here's a list of all the [previous question stickies.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aquestions&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all) +Some might remember when I said MOASS may + +Be imminent cos of my itchy ass the other day + +But I've barely posted since, been in withdrawal + +So you maybe thought you imagined it all + +Haven't been to the doc & I haven't been itchy + +Meanwhile stonks have been down, is that why I'm not twitchy? + +All the news suggests rockets, but my fig button's quiet + +Til just now when it flared so, like an unholey riot + +Pistachio allergy might've caused me to rash + +Or maybe it's predicting tomorrow starts the crash + +Evergrande, DRS, inflation, NFTs + +Everything all compounded, best DD for the squeeze + +But I'm just a smooth-brain, don't get that fancy lingo + +Both my knot & my tendies need the scrape of my fingo + +It'd be great if my anus foretold future moon + +I'm more focused on scouring, seeking relief soon. + +Maybe nothing happens & medicine's all I need + +Maybe stonk rockets are gonna rumble & gain speed + +I don't know & to trust fortune-telling so crass + +Means I should scratch at my head cos I'm the bigger ass + +Or maybe this is prophetic & a signalling flare + +Either way I am sleeping with my butt in the air + +Thus spake NostradAnus, Anal Oracle, Sunday + +Predictions are asinine. Have a rectacular Monday. + +It was said best in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6os3d/the_gme_short_thesis_and_how_it_could_backfire_if/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +But let me make it more retard friendly. This all happened because they shorted the market right? What the fuck do you think they are doing right now? How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man! + +They are shorting because they think that WSB will make their tendies and sell on Friday. Well they are right about one thing, we’re coming for their money, and not just 30%, assholes. + +If DFV can hold, I can hold. 500 is paper hands. 1k is wood. 15k 💎 💎 💎 . But that model is based on today. When we hit 15k, 100k will be the new diamond hands. + +Don’t listen to the bots that will come out saying they left with their tendies. Fucking HOLD to make the real money. YOURE THE shareHOLDers now, our fate is a collective + +Edit: $GME all else is a distraction HOLD FOR 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +TL;TR: These fucks don’t learn and are making new shorts for next week and beyond but they forgot the fundamentals. CNBC asked so here it is: + +* STONKS ONLY GO UP RETARDS +Before, it felt like we were right and the hedgies are fukt, and GameStop is going to the moon. That’s all still true, but now it is starting to feel kind of ominous. People will lose homes. People will die. People will be buried in debt. This will be the greatest financial crisis in history. The government has fucked up so much, and it’s all coming to a close at once. + +However, I feel like now is a great time to bring attention to r/apephilanthropy. Don’t forget to help people out in tough times when you can. Be excellent to each other. +(This is a repost of https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mulstf/cointelpro_techniques_for_dilution_misdirection/) + +Auto mod flagged my first post attempt for a mundane word (I used a synonym in **bold**) so hopefully this attempt works. + + +You may remember that a few days back, u/TheGoombler put up this post about shills infiltrating /BIZ/ /r/Superstonk/comments/mscsb5/putting_shills_on_blast_a_concerned_biznessman/ + +In that post, there was a HUGE image on: + +SUPPOSED**methods used by banks and the hedgefunds to dismantle online communities + +I had trouble reading that image (definitely NOT phone or text-to-speech friendly), and tried to find the original text version. It turns out that it can be found here: https://pastebin.com/irj4Fyd5. I copy-pasta it here for your convenience, and included some markup to make it easier to read. I take no credit for this work. + +_______________________________________________________________________ + +COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum + +Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation + +Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist + +How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent) + +Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression + +_______________________________________________________________________ + +COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of an internet forum. +There are several techniques for the control and manipulation of a internet forum no matter what, or who is on it. We will go over each technique and demonstrate that only a minimal number of operatives can be used to eventually and effectively gain a control of a 'uncontrolled forum.' + +Technique #1 - 'FORUM SLIDING' + +If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum - it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.' In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.' The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon, to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public. To trigger a 'forum slide' and 'flush' the critical post out of public view it is simply a matter of logging into each account both real and fake and then 'replying' to prepositined postings with a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list, and the critical posting 'slides' down the front page, and quickly out of public view. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items. + +Technique #2 - 'CONSENSUS CRACKING' + +A second highly effective technique (which you can see in operation all the time at www.abovetopsecret.com) is 'consensus cracking.' To develop a consensus crack, the following technique is used. Under the guise of a fake account a posting is made which looks legitimate and is towards the truth is made - but the critical point is that it has a VERY WEAK PREMISE without substantive proof to back the posting. Once this is done then under alternative fake accounts a very strong position in your favour is slowly introduced over the life of the posting. It is IMPERATIVE that both sides are initially presented, so the uninformed reader cannot determine which side is the truth. As postings and replies are made the stronger 'evidence' or disinformation in your favour is slowly 'seeded in.' Thus the uninformed reader will most like develop the same position as you, and if their position is against you their opposition to your posting will be most likely dropped. However in some cases where the forum members are highly educated and can counter your disinformation with real facts and linked postings, you can then 'abort' the consensus cracking by initiating a 'forum slide.' + +Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION' + +Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator. + +Technique #4 - 'INFORMATION COLLECTION' + +Information collection is also a very effective method to determine the psychological level of the forum members, and to gather intelligence that can be used against them. In this technique in a light and positive environment a 'show you mine so me yours' posting is initiated. From the number of replies and the answers that are provided much statistical information can be gathered. An example is to post your 'favourite weapon' and then encourage other members of the forum to showcase what they have. In this matter it can be determined by reverse proration what percentage of the forum community owns a firearm, and or a illegal weapon. This same method can be used by posing as one of the form members and posting your favourite 'technique of operation.' From the replies various methods that the group utilizes can be studied and effective methods developed to stop them from their activities. + +Technique #5 - 'ANGER TROLLING' + +Statistically, there is always a percentage of the forum posters who are more inclined to violence. In order to determine who these individuals are, it is a requirement to present a image to the forum to deliberately incite a strong psychological reaction. From this the most violent in the group can be effectively singled out for reverse IP location and possibly local enforcement tracking. To accomplish this only requires posting a link to a video depicting a local police officer massively abusing his power against a very innocent individual. Statistically of the million or so police officers in America there is always one or two being caught abusing there powers and the taping of the activity can be then used for intelligence gathering purposes - without the requirement to 'stage' a fake abuse video. This method is extremely effective, and the more so the more abusive the video can be made to look. Sometimes it is useful to 'lead' the forum by replying to your own posting with your own statement of violent intent, and that you 'do not care what the authorities think!!' inflammation. By doing this and showing no fear it may be more effective in getting the more silent and self-disciplined violent intent members of the forum to slip and post their real intentions. This can be used later in a court of law during prosecution. + +Technique #6 - 'GAINING FULL CONTROL' + +It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained, the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of control you can obtain, you can deliberately steer a forum into defeat by censoring postings, deleting memberships, flooding, and or accidentally taking the forum offline. By this method the forum can be quickly killed. However it is not always in the interest to kill a forum as it can be converted into a 'honey pot' gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from this point be completely used for your control for your agenda purposes. + +CONCLUSION + +Remember these techniques are only effective if the forum participants DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THEM. Once they are aware of these techniques the operation can completely fail, and the forum can become uncontrolled. At this point other avenues must be considered such as initiating a false legal precidence to simply have the forum shut down and taken offline. This is not desirable as it then leaves the enforcement agencies unable to track the percentage of those in the population who always resist attempts for control against them. Many other techniques can be utilized and developed by the individual and as you develop further techniques of infiltration and control it is imperative to share then with HQ. + +_______________________________________________________________________ + +Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation +Note: The first rule and last five (or six, depending on situation) rules are generally not directly within the ability of the traditional disinfo artist to apply. These rules are generally used more directly by those at the leadership, key players, or planning level of the criminal conspiracy or conspiracy to cover up. + +1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don't discuss it -- especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it's not reported, it didn't happen, and you never have to deal with the issues. + +2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the 'How dare you!' gambit. + +3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method which works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such 'arguable rumors'. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a 'wild rumor' from a 'bunch of kids on the Internet' which can have no basis in fact. + +4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues. + +5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviates', and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues. + +6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning -- simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint. + +7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive. + +8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough 'jargon' and 'minutia' to illustrate you are 'one who knows', and simply say it isn't so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources. + +9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect. + +10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man -- usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with - a kind of investment for the future should the matter not be so easily contained.) Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues -- so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source. + +11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the 'high road' and 'confess' with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made -- but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, 'just isn't so.' Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later, and even publicly 'call for an end to the nonsense' because you have already 'done the right thing.' Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for 'coming clean' and 'owning up' to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues. + +12. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues. + +13. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic which forbears any actual material fact. + +14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best with issues qualifying for rule 10. + +15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place. + +16. Vanish evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won't have to address the issue. + +17. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can 'argue' with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues. + +18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can't do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how 'sensitive they are to criticism.' + +19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the 'play dumb' rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.) In order to completely avoid discussing issues, it may be required that you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance. + +20. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations -- as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications. + +21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed and unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed. Usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim. + +22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively. + +23. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes. + +24. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by destroying them financially, emotionally, or severely damaging their health. + +25. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen. + +_______________________________________________________________________ + +Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist +1) Avoidance. They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility. + +2) Selectivity. They tend to pick and choose opponents carefully, either applying the hit-and-run approach against mere commentators supportive of opponents, or focusing heavier attacks on key opponents who are known to directly address issues. Should a commentator become argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to include the commentator as well. + +3) Coincidental. They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason. + +4) Teamwork. They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength. + +5) Anti-conspiratorial. They almost always have disdain for 'conspiracy theorists' and, usually, for those who in any way believe JFK was not killed by LHO. Ask yourself why, if they hold such disdain for conspiracy theorists, do they focus on defending a single topic discussed in a NG focusing on conspiracies? One might think they would either be trying to make fools of everyone on every topic, or simply ignore the group they hold in such disdain.Or, one might more rightly conclude they have an ulterior motive for their actions in going out of their way to focus as they do. + +6) Artificial Emotions. An odd kind of 'artificial' emotionalism and an unusually thick skin -- an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial. + +Most people, if responding in anger, for instance, will express their animosity throughout their rebuttal. But disinfo types usually have trouble maintaining the 'image' and are hot and cold with respect to pretended emotions and their usually more calm or unemotional communications style. It's just a job, and they often seem unable to 'act their role in character' as well in a communications medium as they might be able in a real face-to-face conversation/confrontation. You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger later -- an emotional yo-yo. + +With respect to being thick-skinned, no amount of criticism will deter them from doing their job, and they will generally continue their old disinfo patterns without any adjustments to criticisms of how obvious it is that they play that game -- where a more rational individual who truly cares what others think might seek to improve their communications style, substance, and so forth, or simply give up. + +7) Inconsistent. There is also a tendency to make mistakes which betray their true self/motives. This may stem from not really knowing their topic, or it may be somewhat 'freudian', so to speak, in that perhaps they really root for the side of truth deep within. + +I have noted that often, they will simply cite contradictory information which neutralizes itself and the author. For instance, one such player claimed to be a Navy pilot, but blamed his poor communicating skills (spelling, grammar, incoherent style) on having only a grade-school education. I'm not aware of too many Navy pilots who don't have a college degree. Another claimed no knowledge of a particular topic/situation but later claimed first-hand knowledge of it. + +8) Time Constant. Recently discovered, with respect to News Groups, is the response time factor. There are three ways this can be seen to work, especially when the government or other empowered player is involved in a cover up operation: + +a) ANY NG posting by a targeted proponent for truth can result in an IMMEDIATE response. The government and other empowered players can afford to pay people to sit there and watch for an opportunity to do some damage. SINCE DISINFO IN A NG ONLY WORKS IF THE READER SEES IT - FAST RESPONSE IS CALLED FOR, or the visitor may be swayed towards truth. + +b) When dealing in more direct ways with a disinformationalist, such as email, DELAY IS CALLED FOR - there will usually be a minimum of a 48-72 hour delay. This allows a sit-down team discussion on response strategy for best effect, and even enough time to 'get permission' or instruction from a formal chain of command. + +c) In the NG example 1) above, it will often ALSO be seen that bigger guns are drawn and fired after the same 48-72 hours delay - the team approach in play. This is especially true when the targeted truth seeker or their comments are considered more important with respect to potential to reveal truth. Thus, a serious truth sayer will be attacked twice for the same sin. + +_______________________________________________________________________ + +How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent) +One way to neutralize a potential activist is to get them to be in a group that does all the wrong things. Why? + +1) The message doesn't get out. + +2) A lot of time is wasted + +3) The activist is frustrated and discouraged + +4) Nothing good is accomplished. + +FBI and Police Informers and Infiltrators will infest any group and they have phoney activist organizations established. + +Their purpose is to prevent any real movement for justice or eco-peace from developing in this country. + +Agents come in small, medium or large. They can be of any ethnic background. They can be male or female. + +The actual size of the group or movement being infiltrated is irrelevant. It is the potential the movement has for becoming large which brings on the spies and saboteurs. + +This booklet lists tactics agents use to slow things down, foul things up, destroy the movement and keep tabs on activists. + +It is the agent's job to keep the activist from quitting such a group, thus keeping him/her under control. + +In some situations, to get control, the agent will tell the activist: + +"You're dividing the movement." +[Here, I have added the psychological reasons as to WHY this maneuver works to control people] + +This invites guilty feelings. Many people can be controlled by guilt. The agents begin relationships with activists behind a well-developed **façade** of "dedication to the cause." Because of their often declared dedication, (and actions designed to prove this), when they criticize the activist, he or she - being truly dedicated to the movement - becomes convinced that somehow, any issues are THEIR fault. This is because a truly dedicated person tends to believe that everyone has a conscience and that nobody would dissimulate and lie like that "on purpose." It's amazing how far agents can go in manipulating an activist because the activist will constantly make excuses for the agent who regularly declares their dedication to the cause. Even if they do, occasionally, suspect the agent, they will pull the wool over their own eyes by rationalizing: "they did that unconsciously... they didn't really mean it... I can help them by being forgiving and accepting " and so on and so forth. + +The agent will tell the activist: + +"You're a leader!" +This is designed to enhance the activist's self-esteem. His or her narcissistic admiration of his/her own activist/altruistic intentions increase as he or she identifies with and consciously admires the altruistic declarations of the agent which are deliberately set up to mirror those of the activist. + +This is "malignant pseudoidentification." It is the process by which the agent consciously imitates or simulates a certain behavior to foster the activist's identification with him/her, thus increasing the activist's vulnerability to exploitation. The agent will simulate the more subtle self-concepts of the activist. + +Activists and those who have altruistic self-concepts are most vulnerable to malignant pseudoidentification especially during work with the agent when the interaction includes matter relating to their competency, autonomy, or knowledge. + +The goal of the agent is to increase the activist's general empathy for the agent through pseudo-identification with the activist's self-concepts. + +The most common example of this is the agent who will compliment the activist for his competency or knowledge or value to the movement. On a more subtle level, the agent will simulate affects and mannerisms of the activist which promotes identification via mirroring and feelings of "twinship". It is not unheard of for activists, enamored by the perceived helpfulness and competence of a good agent, to find themselves considering ethical violations and perhaps, even illegal behavior, in the service of their agent/handler. + +The activist's "felt quality of perfection" [self-concept] is enhanced, and a strong empathic bond is developed with the agent through his/her imitation and simulation of the victim's own narcissistic investments. [self-concepts] That is, if the activist knows, deep inside, their own dedication to the cause, they will project that onto the agent who is "mirroring" them. + +The activist will be deluded into thinking that the agent shares this feeling of identification and bonding. In an activist/social movement setting, the adversarial roles that activists naturally play vis a vis the establishment/government, fosters ongoing processes of intrapsychic splitting so that "twinship alliances" between activist and agent may render whole sectors or reality testing unavailable to the activist. They literally "lose touch with reality." + +Activists who deny their own narcissistic investments [do not have a good idea of their own self-concepts and that they ARE concepts] and consciously perceive themselves (accurately, as it were) to be "helpers" endowed with a special amount of altruism are exceedingly vulnerable to the affective (emotional) simulation of the accomplished agent. + +Empathy is fostered in the activist through the expression of quite visible affects. The presentation of tearfulness, sadness, longing, fear, remorse, and guilt, may induce in the helper-oriented activist a strong sense of compassion, while unconsciously enhancing the activist's narcissistic investment in self as the embodiment of goodness. + +The agent's expresssion of such simulated affects may be quite compelling to the observer and difficult to distinguish from deep emotion. + +It can usually be identified by two events, however: + +First, the activist who has analyzed his/her own narcissistic roots and is aware of his/her own potential for being "emotionally hooked," will be able to remain cool and unaffected by such emotional outpourings by the agent. + +As a result of this unaffected, cool, attitude, the Second event will occur: The agent will recompensate much too quickly following such an affective expression leaving the activist with the impression that "the play has ended, the curtain has fallen," and the imposture, for the moment, has finished. The agent will then move quickly to another activist/victim. + +The fact is, the movement doesn't need leaders, it needs MOVERS. "Follow the leader" is a waste of time. + +A good agent will want to meet as often as possible. He or she will talk a lot and say little. One can expect an onslaught of long, unresolved discussions. + +Some agents take on a pushy, arrogant, or defensive manner: + +1) To disrupt the agenda + +2) To side-track the discussion + +3) To interrupt repeatedly + +4) To feign ignorance + +5) To make an unfounded accusation against a person. + +Calling someone a racist, for example. This tactic is used to discredit a person in the eyes of all other group members. + +Saboteurs + +Some saboteurs pretend to be activists. She or he will .... + +1) Write encyclopedic flyers (in the present day, websites) + +2) Print flyers in English only. + +3) Have demonstrations in places where no one cares. + +4) Solicit funding from rich people instead of grass roots support + +5) Display banners with too many words that are confusing. + +6) Confuse issues. + +7) Make the wrong demands. + +8) Compromise the goal. + +9) Have endless discussions that waste everyone's time. The agent may accompany the endless discussions with drinking, pot smoking or other amusement to slow down the activist's work. + +Provocateurs + +1) Want to establish "leaders" to set them up for a fall in order to stop the movement. + +2) Suggest doing foolish, illegal things to get the activists in trouble. + +3) Encourage militancy. + +4) Want to taunt the authorities. + +5) Attempt to make the activist compromise their values. + +6) Attempt to instigate violence. Activisim ought to always be non-violent. + +7) Attempt to provoke revolt among people who are ill-prepared to deal with the reaction of the authorities to such violence. + +Informants + +1) Want everyone to sign up and sing in and sign everything. + +2) Ask a lot of questions (gathering data). + +3) Want to know what events the activist is planning to attend. + +4) Attempt to make the activist defend him or herself to identify his or her beliefs, goals, and level of committment. + +Recruiting + +Legitimate activists do not subject people to hours of persuasive dialog. Their actions, beliefs, and goals speak for themselves. + +Groups that DO recruit are missionaries, military, and fake political parties or movements set up by agents. + +Surveillance + +ALWAYS assume that you are under surveillance. + +At this point, if you are NOT under surveillance, you are not a very good activist! + +Scare Tactics + +They use them. + +Such tactics include slander, defamation, threats, getting close to disaffected or minimally committed fellow activists to persuade them (via psychological tactics described above) to turn against the movement and give false testimony against their former compatriots. They will plant illegal substances on the activist and set up an arrest; they will plant false information and set up "exposure," they will send incriminating letters [emails] in the name of the activist; and more; they will do whatever society will allow. + +This booklet in no way covers all the ways agents use to sabotage the lives of sincere an dedicated activists. + +If an agent is "exposed," he or she will be transferred or replaced. + +COINTELPRO is still in operation today under a different code name. It is no longer placed on paper where it can be discovered through the freedom of information act. + +The FBI counterintelligence program's stated purpose: To expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, and otherwise neutralize individuals who the FBI categorize as opposed to the National Interests. "National Security" means the FBI's security from the people ever finding out the vicious things it does in violation of people's civil liberties. + +_______________________________________________________________________ + +Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression +Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party. + +1. Dummy up. If it's not reported, if it's not news, it didn't happen. + +2. Wax indignant. This is also known as the "How dare you?" gambit. + +3. Characterize the charges as "rumors" or, better yet, "wild rumors." If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through "rumors." (If they tend to believe the "rumors" it must be because they are simply "paranoid" or "hysterical.") + +4. Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors (or plant false stories) and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike. + +5. Call the skeptics names like "conspiracy theorist," "nutcase," "ranter," "kook," "crackpot," and, of course, "rumor monger." Be sure, too, to use heavily loaded verbs and adjectives when characterizing their charges and defending the "more reasonable" government and its defenders. You must then carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people you have thus maligned. For insurance, set up your own "skeptics" to shoot down. + +6. Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money (compared to over-compensated adherents to the government line who, presumably, are not). + +7. Invoke authority. Here the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful. + +8. Dismiss the charges as "old news." + +9. Come half-clean. This is also known as "confession and avoidance" or "taking the limited hangout route." This way, you create the impression of candor and honesty while you admit only to relatively harmless, less-than-criminal "mistakes." This stratagem often requires the embrace of a fall-back position quite different from the one originally taken. With effective damage control, the fall-back position need only be peddled by stooge skeptics to carefully limited markets. + +10. Characterize the crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable. + +11. Reason backward, using the deductive method with a vengeance. With thoroughly rigorous deduction, troublesome evidence is irrelevant. E.g. We have a completely free press. If evidence exists that the Vince Foster "suicide" note was forged, they would have reported it. They haven't reported it so there is no such evidence. Another variation on this theme involves the likelihood of a conspiracy leaker and a press who would report the leak. + +12. Require the skeptics to solve the crime completely. E.g. If Foster was murdered, who did it and why? + +13. Change the subject. This technique includes creating and/or publicizing distractions. + +14. Lightly report incriminating facts, and then make nothing of them. This is sometimes referred to as "bump and run" reporting. + +15. Baldly and brazenly lie. A favorite way of doing this is to attribute the "facts" furnished the public to a plausible-sounding, but anonymous, source. + +16. Expanding further on numbers 4 and 5, have your own stooges "expose" scandals and champion popular causes. Their job is to pre-empt real opponents and to play 99-yard football. A variation is to pay rich people for the job who will pretend to spend their own money. + +17. Flood the Internet with agents. This is the answer to the question, "What could possibly motivate a person to spend hour upon hour on Internet news groups defending the government and/or the press and harassing genuine critics?" Don t the authorities have defenders enough in all the newspapers, magazines, radio, and television? One would think refusing to print critical letters and screening out serious callers or dumping them from radio talk shows would be control enough, but, obviously, it is not. +There's less than 100,000 in my hometown. There's a good chunk of ultra-wealthy individuals (>$1MM/year). Some of them are selling their residences, some are selling major parts of their portfolio, and there seem to be greater vacant retail spaces than usual. + +On the other side, rents are going up 6-7% annually, home values are rising, apartments are under construction, a small tech park is bringing in 3 new startups/year, interstate construction is about to bring down the drive time to a major economic market from 60 mins to 38. + +Vacancy is 3-5%, unemployment is under 4%. Job and wages growth are positive.... + + +Why are ultra wealthy selling so many assets? Is the market at a peak? are they getting top-dollar? +I've heard this so many times... I heard it recently from the man himself, Robert Kiyosaki, on a BiggerPockets podcast. Do people truly pay no taxes? If so, how? + +These are tax advantages I'm aware of... + +1. **Operating Expense Deductions**: You still pay income taxes on profits less depreciation +2. **Depreciation** is a delayed tax. If I want to take my money out of real estate and use it, it's taxed +3. **1031 Exchange**: Again, tax deferral. If I want to take my money out of real estate and use it, it's taxed +4. **QBI (Qualified Business Income)**: 20% income deduction. Probably the best example of the type of benefit I expect when I hear "pay no tax" +5. **Opportunity Zones &amp; TIFs**: I recognize there may be local tax incentives that are less visible to common investors. Perhaps this is what more advanced investors/developers look for? +6. **Die**: Let someone else inherit property tax free with a step up in basis. Not exactly what I had hoped for... + +What's missing here? + +Edit: + +7. **Cash out refi / HELOC** allows you to access equity tax free and spend it outside of real estate. You still pay tax when you sell. + +8. **Cost segregation**: studies can accelerate depreciation + +9. **Access to debt**: It seems some people view access to debt as a tax advantage because since no taxes were paid on the debt that allows you to control the asset +I found this great property to flip. This is my first flip, I have an LLC, my credit is okay & I have money for a down payment & repairs. I talked to the seller & we agreed to get under contract once I get proof of funds. + +I’ve called dozens & hard money lenders & it’s so hard getting a straight answer. Some want to to pay for a pre-approval letter before getting started, others just said no because of my lack of experience, others say they are shut down due to Covid, & all the rest dont answer.... what is there to do. +Pretty much i have 2 brothers renting, and one decided to move out and buy his own house. Hes asking me to take him off to no longer be financially liable for the lease. I told him no as its a contract till july 2019. + +For 3 months now ive recived a portion from each. Now the brother that moved out no longer wants to pay. + +From my perspective they both owe on the lease no matter what no? +I should let them figur it out, but in the end i need my full rent. +I bought my first SFH rental in June. Current tenant signed one year lease 3 months ago and is now wanting to buy the property. Even got pre-approved for a VA mortgage. Rough numbers I paid $110k with 20% down, closing costs $5k, no real rehab costs. Sounds like they will pay whatever within reasonable market value. I think I could get the house to appraise at $135k- $140k. VA process may also require some rehab costs. + +Other than screwing up my long term strategy, any reason I shouldn’t sell? +Okay so I have been saving for the past year and have managed to come out with about 7,000$. I’m only 20 y.o. and am still a full time student. My question is, would it be smart to look for a duplex to try and house hack or should I just save up more money and wait till I’m older. Also, I am in the process of getting my Real Estate License and was wondering if that is a smart play if I want to get in the business of buying and selling houses as an investment. Let me know... open to all advice. Thanks. + + +Edit: Thanks for all the advice. My situation is my parents pay for community college and I haven’t taken on any debt yet. I’m not really invested into university and have always thought about buying/fixing/selling/renting properties as a career and thought that getting my license would be a good way to learn the business. +The official Shitcoin on Binance Smart Chain. + +Due to the special Tokenomics in the first 4 weeks this is an anti dump & bot token rewarding long-term holders instead of short-term investors. + +\- 100% of the Liquidity will be locked + +\- dev tokens will be locked and released week after week to cover marketing expenses + +\- dev tokens will be used to provide Liquidity on upcoming exchanges + +\- Anti Bot / Dump System - read the website + +After the first 6 weeks normal tokenomics will take place where it’ll be 10% tax where 5% get re-distributed to all holders and 5% get added to the liquidity pool and paired with BNB to establish a solid price floor. + +PRE-SALE LINK: [https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1898&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1898&chain=BSC) + +Verified Contract: [https://bscscan.com/address/0xb131a09026A05ab068401Babb132d8Be8c0EC07e](https://bscscan.com/address/0xb131a09026A05ab068401Babb132d8Be8c0EC07e) + +Website: [https://shitcoin-official.cash/](https://shitcoin-official.cash/) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/real\_shitcoin](https://twitter.com/real_shitcoin) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/shitcoin\_bep20](https://t.me/shitcoin_bep20) + +**Mission** + +Figures by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and International Telecommunications Union reveal that there are more people in the world with access to a mobile phone than a toilet. 1 in 3, that’s 2 billion people, do not have access to a toilet, with a staggering 892 million people defecating in the open; putting their health and safety at risk. + +Shitcoin will help to solve this problem by donating to reliable charities. + +Will focus 95% on marketing and 5% on fundamentals to make this $shit great! +Long story short, interviewer and I were discussing how everything sucks (loans, depression, lack of stability, 401K...) which made me share with him that I’m all invested in GME stonk 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Bought TQQQ at 11:42 at 21.19. Set a stop loss at 20.95. My logic was the last lows on the 15 and 30 minutes were 20.94 and 20.95, and it had been trading sideways for an hour… so my thought was that if it broke below 20.95, it was gonna turn against me. + +My stop triggered at 12:05 and sold at 20.95. Stock went down to 20.91 and then started slowly working its way back up. It’s at 21.47 as I type this at 1:14. + +Where did I go wrong, besides the obvious? I didn’t set a stop based on “this is how much I’m willing to lose”… I set it based on “this is what I think will mean the trade is going to turn against me.” +I'm trying to not be too highly allocated to any one stock in my trading account, but as a result, I'm using less than half my account right now. Looking for some other stocks to trade on right now, and figured I would consult with the gang and see what everyone else believes in and why. + +My top choice right now is CLF. Mainly for their vertical integration which I feel like gives them a good measure of control over the entire steel making process, the fact that they've been around since 1847 which to me speaks of doing at least something right to survive that long, and the upcoming infrastructure bill, which I would assume is going to "Buy American" and set CLF up for some good business. + +The fact that they JUST bought a large scrap metal recycler (news came out this week) adds to my conviction, and supports my belief in their vertical integration. (I got lucky in that I had a 20.5C that I bought out of at the end of last week since I wanted to hold on to my shares, and then they popped on the scrap metal recycler news this week.) + +Options are juicy enough my taste (1-1.5%/week) at the 30 delta level either way (P or C), so I've been opening strangles for a while and I'll probably continue opening for another while. I'm not trying to do anything fancy with them. + +That all said: this is my top pick right now because I believe in them long term, but I still don't want to overallocate towards them JUST IN CASE. + +So whats your top conviction stock, and why? +A lot of you probably here about why you shouldn't be selling CCs at strikes below your original buy price. Well that is true but only to a certain extent. This all depends on what you're doing with the premium you get from your calls. Let's use this example. + +I bought WISH at $13.16 a few weeks ago and have been selling weekly calls and CSPs with margin for a few weeks. in total I accumulated $445 in profit from the premiums. Instead of pulls some money out to reinvest or for personal expenses, I've decided to just leave it where it is. Doing this, I've lowered my cost basis from $13.16 down to $8.71. Now as of right now, WISH has currently dropped to around $11. Technically this is a loss of about $200 and if I sold a call at $11.50 or $12, I'd still be losing money if I ended up getting assigned. But would I? Remember, because I kept my premium I earned where it is, that's allowed me to look at my new cost basis at $8.71. If I had to sell at $12, I'd still be making back my original investment plus some profits because I'm factoring in my $445 in earned premium. + +The lesson here is that it's ok to sell calls below your original buy price as long as you're keeping the premium you've earned over time in your account, that way you can physiologically look at it as lowering your cost basis. That is the key. You can still technically do this even if you've reinvested your premium elsewhere or spent it on personal goods, but the psychological effect of seeing it as not losing money is going to be much stronger if you keep your earned premium where it is. +Thinking about the best way to maximize gains during the massive up move and minimize losses in case of a massive down move. I decided to decrease my capital use and switched to weekly ATM put credit spreads, take advantage of the up moves for high return and if there is a crash the loss is small and limited, what do you think? +Musk cannot keep hit mouth shut for five seconds let alone five days. + +He recently also passed the 100 million follower count on twitter and not even a tweet or snarky comment about that. + +Either something disastrous is going on at Tesla or SpaceX or his lawyers have advised him to STFU. Whatever the reason, I don't see a reason he would go this long without tweeting unless something bad is happening. + + +Might be time to load up on some Tesla and other EV shorts retards. + +[Twitter for Proof](https://twitter.com/elonmusk) +I have seen several comments lately similar to this and am interested to see some of those ideas. I know I'm not a completely FIRE driven person, I enjoy toys a little too much but I'm definitely going to retire before any of my co-workers/friends because of you guys!! + +P.S. This title was a direct lift off another thread. I just couldn't word it any better. + +P.S.S. I'm specifically blaming u/ChiDnDplz for this post +I’m single and approaching 31. I do not currently have private health insurance that includes hospital cover. + +I earn over 90k and, as far as I can tell, will begin paying the Medicare Levy Surcharge (1%) in the next tax year, unless I get private hospital cover. + +I am in good health and take care of myself. Of course there is always a risk of complications, but I have made an informed decision not to get an extensive cover. + +Am I right in pursing a basic hospital cover that is cheaper than what I would pay from the Medicare Levy Surcharge if I didn’t have a cover? + +My total income is $103k (excl superannuation). Estimated Medicare Levy Surcharge = 1% of $103k = $1030. Most basic private health insurance policies are around $1020-$1140 per annum. So I won’t be saving much money, but will be able to chose to put $1030 towards a very basic private health cover for me rather than to the government as a tax payment? + +Any insights or further info would be appreciated. +I am looking to invest in US based cannabis stock. More and more states are legalizing, including my home state of NJ. I've done some digging and found CRLBF, CURLF, and TCNFF. I've also heard of TRSSF, which seems to specifically have a stronger foothold around PA and NJ. + +I'm not really interested in penny stocks, and I think the majority of cannabis stocks tend to look like that. I've also noticed none of these mentioned stocks trade on Robinhood, so far that and other reasons I think it's time for me to take my investments elsewhere (so sidebar I would be interested in opinions on what broker a newer person might want to use). Any info would be greatly appreciated. +In light of the exorbitant pricing tiers for the new pro api and in addition to them taking down both v1 and v2 free apis. The highest tier provides 5 years of historical data. this tier has a "inquire for pricing". the tier below is 699usd a month... and only provides 1 years of historical data. i.e. https://pro.coinmarketcap.com/pricing + +I thought this was highly unfair, decided i would get the data and share it freely to everyone. id prefer not to go into detail about how i got it, they might take it down. + +I have all price data, of all cryptocurrencies listed on cmc + +from: 2013-04-28 + +to: 2018-08-04. + +**Even better link** use the oyster tangle, plz support this project and blockchain in general, its a really great project / protocol: + +https://alpha.opacity.io/#/5YearsCmcb67a1722dff903a636eca5588e7d9f218f951909a2fac71679165da6009f86ci2WVFdtj + +existing link: + +https://www.filedropper.com/5yearscmchistoricaldatafrom20130428to20180804 + + + +I'm using sql server, so i tried to provide a db agnostic as possible way to share this data, so i dumped it into a csv file. this is the table structure. Table name is CmcHistoricalPriceData + +Id | CoinId | Symbol | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | MarketCap +---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- +835561 | 1 | BTC | 2013-04-28 | 135.3 | 135.979| 132.1 | 134.21 | 0 | 1500519936 + +- The CoinId looks odd, but its used as a foreign key to other tables im using, mainly the coins provided via the free v2 api https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/listings/. full api here https://coinmarketcap.com/api/ + +- the Id field is just a primary key that increments by one for each new listing. i added non clustered index for faster retrieval, but eh, surprisingly it only ended up being 835561 rows. so not really any needed, the index uses the coinid and date. + +i did some spot checks on https://coinmarketcap.com/charts/, looks to be accurate. + +this data is useful for back testing, and general market analysis, if you use the R programming language you can do some interesting stuff with this data. + +As for their highest pricing tier with 5 years of historical data, there might be a richer data set, but i think the data provided in my table is enough to do most analysis. the only other data that would be useful would be exchange data, looking for arbitrage opportunities etc. + +Only disappointing aspect of this data is that it doesnt go back past 2013, not sure how to go about getting that data. + + +Hope you guys like it. + +**edit**: If anyone who knows R can quickly show me how to build a set of the % difference of marketcap changes between the peak of mcap and the bottom historically, id really appreciate that, hope that question makes sense. + +**another edit**: here is the table, the types are not correct e.g. decimal, but it does the job. just run it if ur using sql server, or u can prob run it thru an online converter for ur db of choice. if you can suggest a better decimal type for this kinda data id like that too. + +sql table script: + + /****** Object: Table [dbo].[CmcHistoricalPriceData] Script Date: 2018-08-18 1:24:11 PM ******/ + SET ANSI_NULLS ON + GO + + SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON + GO + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CmcHistoricalPriceData]( + [Id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, + [CoinId] [bigint] NOT NULL, + [Symbol] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL, + [Open] [decimal](30, 12) NULL, + [High] [decimal](30, 12) NULL, + [Low] [decimal](30, 12) NULL, + [Close] [decimal](30, 12) NULL, + [Volume] [decimal](30, 12) NULL, + [MarketCap] [bigint] NULL, + CONSTRAINT [PK_CmcHistoricalPriceData] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED + ( + [Id] ASC + )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY], + CONSTRAINT [IX_CmcHistoricalPriceData] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED + ( + [CoinId] ASC, + [Date] ASC + )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] + ) ON [PRIMARY] + GO + + ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CmcHistoricalPriceData] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_CmcHistoricalPriceData_CmcCoinListing] FOREIGN KEY([CoinId]) + REFERENCES [dbo].[CmcCoinListing] ([CoinId]) + GO + + ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CmcHistoricalPriceData] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_CmcHistoricalPriceData_CmcCoinListing] + GO + +**Edit 3:** i really appreciate the overwhelming positive feedback, the reddit gold and the 5$ of btccash, i had this data for 2 1/2 weeks, thought about posting it but didnt think anyone would be interested. now people have made torrents and its now on the oyster tangle. couldnt find the torrent link, but its better to use the tangle anyway. + +Oyster tangle link (please use this link over mine, support Oyster, its a great project): + +https://alpha.opacity.io/#/5YearsCmcb67a1722dff903a636eca5588e7d9f218f951909a2fac71679165da6009f86ci2WVFdtj + + + +**Finally** + +i would like to say that my **favourite** comment response was from the teacher being excited to use this to teach python to kids. i know as a programmer myself, its pointless learning to code unless u can build something interesting with it. If this is the best thing that comes out of this post, im very happy. +seldom do posts, never thought i would ever do one on wsb either, but here we fking go + +Let me remind everyone that Palantir had extremely positive news that would have brought the stock to new ATH if not for lock up expiration fear. It seems that everyone have forgotten how value-adding they are. + +\*\***Palantir's software has proven its value and is highly sought after (but are forgotten/neglected)**:\*\* +Prior to lockup expiration, Palantir have signed contracts that are gigantic. These news would have brought the stock to new ATH if not for lock up expiration fear. It seems that everyone have forgotten how value-adding they are. Those contracts has not changed, and the stock should adjust soon as people eventually see Palantir's true value. + +Huge variety of applications, List: + +[Palantir and Akin Gump Collaborate on Legal Digital Service Platform](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210218005215/en/Palantir-and-Akin-Gump-Collaborate-on-Legal-Digital-Service-Platform) + +UK VACCINE ROLLOUT SUCCESS BUILT ON NHS DETERMINATION AND MILITARY PRECISION + +>Palantir, the US data analytics company which had also worked previously on a mechanism for PPE delivery, was contracted in November to provide a vaccine supply database. + +[**READ MORE**](https://www.palantir.com/2021/02/nhs-vaccine-rollout/) + +IBM, PALANTIR FORGE PARTNERSHIP IN LOW-CODE AI DATA PROCESSING SPACE + +>Palantir for IBM Cloud Pak for Data is a new hybrid cloud solution designed for low-code AI deployment. + +[**READ MORE**](https://www.zdnet.com/article/ibm-palantir-forge-partnership-in-low-code-ai-data-processing-space/)📷 + +BP DEEPENS TECH TIES WITH PALANTIR IN PUSH FOR LOW-CARBON FUTURE + +>BP is deepening its use of Palantir Technologies' data processing software, as the oil company looks to a greater use of technology to help cut greenhouse-gas emissions. + +[**READ MORE**](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-05/bp-deepens-tech-ties-with-palantir-in-push-for-low-carbon-future)📷 + +RIO TINTO AND PALANTIR TECHNOLOGIES SIGN ENTERPRISE DEAL + +>Palantir Technologies signs multi-year enterprise agreement for its Foundry Platform with Rio Tinto to drive digital transformation. + +[**READ MORE**](https://www.miningglobal.com/technology/rio-tinto-and-palantir-technologies-sign-enterprise-deal) + +[Palantir Wins FDA Contract to Power Drug Review, Inspections](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-07/palantir-wins-fda-contract-to-power-drug-review-and-inspections?srnd=technology-vp&sref=vHy6yH34) + +[Palantir to Help U.S. Track Covid-19 Vaccines](https://www.wsj.com/articles/palantir-to-help-u-s-track-covid-19-vaccines-11603367276) + +many more.. + +\*\***Strong Company Growth & CEO's confident and goal set on long term**:\*\* +In the Q4 Earnings Presentation, Alex Karp started off by saying Palantir's numbers is an lagging indicator of the macro transition that is taking place. The person who understand the business and company the most in this world, is basically telling you to buy the fking stock as its value is not reflected. He then said this software is going to be the future, it was a luxury in the past but a necessity now and in the future as companies emerge as winners using Palantir. Palantir also helps with company transitions. + +Alex Karp then politely ask short-term investors to f-off and diss the wallstreet analysts who doubted palantir and how palantir time and time proven itself, diss the other tech companies who serve wallstreet and thus failed and also not serving long-term goals and average investors, basically mentioned confidently on how Palantir is going to strive in the future; which also means moon now in the short-term due to how undervalued the price is now. + +To end off, he mentioned AT LEAST 45% revenue growth for the next 5 years, 4 bil revenue or more by 2025 then.For those who dont know, in Q3, Alex Karp confidently mentioned AT LEAST 30% revenue growth, and he delivered 47% revenue growth in Q4. (cant post youtube videos, "Palantir CEO Alex Karp on Software & Society" + +**Overlooked/Underestimated Earnings Report & Fake News**: +This brings me to my next point, i have no fking idea how all the media is publishing that PLTR has a -0.08 EPS , falling short of expectation of 0.02. The true EPS of PLTR is 0.06, a 200% beat instead. + +Anyway, stock employee compensation should not matter when evaluating a growth company, you are evaluating the company's performance and revenue performance. Stock Employee Compensation is high when the share price is high, and it will be reduced significantly as the employees' compensation contracts expire in the future. + +The future Earnings Report is going to look insane because since the media and everyone is factoring Employee Stock Compensation now, which is a huge cost, imagine the Earnings report with at least 45% revenue growth and reduction of Employee Stock Compensation. + +\*\***Start of Foundry & Apollo business:**\*\*Just the beginning, with lots of potential to scale. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ytl73h8pnvi61.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=1faa4a3498c8795c58cd9a4a885c976114ba294c + +\*\***Anticipated demand in regards to lock up expiration:**\*\* +Everyone was selling off and waiting to buy in at the lock up expiration, IBM news got pltr up $10, to only sell off by $14 despite a good Earnings report. Many waited to buy the dip, bears will saying to buy the dips at \~$10s. they missed the last dip at $25. I expect much more demands to come in. + +**The stock price might be manipulated for a discount value for institutions**: + +nuff' said + +https://preview.redd.it/4g79wj7ynvi61.png?width=514&format=png&auto=webp&s=0150207be24bd136b66266286adfb0f123ea678c + +step 3: upgrade price target , moon.step 4: upgrade price target, mars. + +\*\***Cathie Wood bought TWICE, 6,800,000 shares @ \~$30 & \~$25**:\*\* +Many only mentioned the 2nd purchase at $25, but Cathie Wood actually also made a huge purchase after the Earnings Report @ \~$30, she's that confident.IMO, she reminded me of how she bought TSLA in the early days. + +&#x200B; + +[1st purchase on 02\/16\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/emi5r43znvi61.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cdaf1ee79df9377923ae518aa26eae02d85a5f1) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[2nd purchase on 02\/18\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/tchc1btznvi61.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=15b4c98e895144569c27e327eaf14a2a953260e8) + +Her interview on Palantir after her purchase. (cant post video, but " Ark's Cathie Wood on 'deep value' stocks" +the 65 yo hedge fund manager knows what shes doing, and she is the god of investing in the future and disruptive stocks. dont trust yourself, trust her lol. + +**Peter Thiel**: +Elon musk + him = Paypal blahblah, his investment never go wrong. Look at the jockey, not just the horse. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8j3u6rg2ovi61.png?width=1136&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc7228e03f129da28a5b06725a2c8e821a2e852e + +**Technical Analysis:** + +&#x200B; + +[Reversal Island on daily chart \[Bullish AF, trend reversal indicator\]](https://preview.redd.it/kwe5k283ovi61.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=09d49a2e1bee1d32aabb461690ee5c2b255a9bde) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[for reference](https://preview.redd.it/z3a30ci4ovi61.png?width=288&format=png&auto=webp&s=eee3056e66e8bfce690c811adeadd41b15b57009) + +&#x200B; + +PLTR Daily Chart + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ex00t3j5ovi61.png?width=1538&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b9b44a65d34af81c997126ad5c800ee5514079f + +Besides that, **other bullish indicators**: +**massive volume on rally.** +**SMA converging indicating a breakout** +**uptrend RSI crossing** +**50Gap down to be filled** +**weak resistances ahead** +**Weekly chart shows a long lower wick, indicating bull, strong buying force and rebound.** + +**PLTR was the real meme stock of WSB**: +dk why people get so offended whenever PLTR is mentioned as a meme stock, the truth is PLTR really was a meme stock, justbecause wsb used to make many funny memes about PLTR. No, making memes about the company cannot and does not change how good the company and its software is. +P.S. would really like to see funny memes about PLTR back on WSB. + +**Alex Karp, the CEO is , Mr Tamnus from Narnia:** + +Alex Karp = Mr Tamnus + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/aabvlo29ovi61.png?width=180&format=png&auto=webp&s=df60fca6c2f60ee0694e20f40c2082dff8c7a0da + +https://preview.redd.it/26jxt8k9ovi61.png?width=1259&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ae8bd40a5e9a20d0e9a549b404e302e49678dbe + +aight im fking tired and done. +TLDR; PLTR to the fking outskirt of Milky Way. dont see how this stock can come down, it's a smooth ride from here. Hold tight, buy more and dont sell a single share till we reach there. There are also bound to be new and exciting contracts in the future. + GM will disclose a program to reimburse the owners for the difference in miles per gallon in the coming week, and will temporarily halt sales of about 60K new 2016 U.S. vehicles. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-13/apple-readies-apple-one-subscription-bundles-to-boost-services?utm_content=business&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&cmpid=socialflow-facebook-business&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook + +> +Apple Inc. is readying a series of bundles that will let customers subscribe to several of the company’s digital services at a lower monthly price, according to people with knowledge of the effort. + +>The bundles, dubbed “Apple One” inside the Cupertino, California-based technology giant, are planned to launch as early as October alongside the next iPhone line, the people said. The bundles are designed to encourage customers to subscribe to more Apple services, which will generate more recurring revenue. + +>There will be different tiers, according to the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private plans. A basic package will include Apple Music and Apple TV+, while a more expensive variation will have those two services and the Apple Arcade gaming service. The next tier will add Apple News+, followed by a pricier bundle with extra iCloud storage for files and photos. +We have the SEC filing from GameStop with specific instructions on how to facilitate the splividend, and we have official statements from brokers saying they were instructed by the DTCC to fuck around instead. (EDIT: and as /u/GuitarEvil points out below, we also have the Computershare statement confirming a splividend) + +The smoking gun here is the comms from the DTCC explicitly instructing brokers to fuck around. I have no reason to doubt the brokers on this one, especially since they all seem to be making attempts to "get ahead of it". + +Honestly, how long until someone leaks that memo? It's the only missing piece of the puzzle and evidently it was sent all around the world, to a bunch of people who would do well to cover their own asses ASAP. These are people who would step over their own mothers to make a buck; I'm confident that we'll see this document by EOW, if not in the next 24-48hrs. + +EDIT: nailed it -----> [DTCC form for GME splividend from DnB : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf9mos/dtcc_form_for_gme_splividend_from_dnb/) +I have been seeing a lot of hype around $HCMC. Which is fine and dandy. I just wanted to provide some supporting evidence of what people are saying about the stock and its legal battle with $PM. February 26 can't come soon enough. This lawsuit may settle. If it does, it should prove positive for the stock. If it doesn't settle soon, it still has the potential to at least maintain it's performance. Not financial advice, I am just a Floridian who likes the stock (and vaping.) + +&#x200B; + +[HCMC Story 1](https://investorplace.com/2021/01/healthier-choices-management-news-hcmc-stock-skyrockets-amid-lawsuit-speculation/) + +[HCMC Story 2](https://www.barchart.com/story/stocks/quotes/MO/724280/healthier-choices-management-corp-files-patent-infringement-lawsuit-against-philip-morris) +Just so you know, I have never watched his utube channel. I am not a supporter. I did read his daily post because HE IS THE ONLY PERSON POSTING AN ANALYSIS OF WHAT HAPPENED DURING THE DAY! I have been here from the beginning. Migrations and all. What I have seen is that anyone providing good TA and DD, either gets ran out, or banned. Makes you think this is orchestrated. Now we lost the only daily TA who spent hours of his time every single day providing it. As well as someone knowledgeable enough and willing to give detailed info for us to learn and understand. Now all we will see is purple rings. And people will lose faith because we have no reassurance. This is exactly why every quality person gets pushed out and is exactly what they want and achieved. Really sad. I see SS falling apart soon. I hope there is a new migration for apes to move to in order to remain strong for those who need it. + +Edit: to be clear, I am not losing faith in our favorite stock. I have a lot of shares and buy every chance I get. I believe in buy. Hodl, DRS, repeat. But over time people need to understand as much as they can. Most of us cannot watch a YouTube channel all day. We get our info reading all the daily posts. So daily detailed info is fantastic. Keeps us strong in our faith. I feel the MOASS is inevitable as long as we hodl. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +As the SHFs watch the value of their long positions dissolve, they clearly are trying to balance it by putting downward pressure on the price of GME and turning the FUD machine up all the way. We're seeing quite a lot of noise about the new rules, the recent high profile investors, and doubt about the certainty of the MOASS. However, it's nearly second nature by now to question the FUD, ignore the hate, and DRS to ensure the MOASS... I wonder why they even try. + +Then I realize that they simply have no other choice.The Institutional Shorts are backed into a corner and the Apes are voting For the blow that will crush them.There is no escape - the owners of record are already locked down, and each day is going to be awash in votes to increase the approved shares so the Board will do a stock split. They spread FUD because it buys them another day, but I think we all see the end of the road just ahead. Our Diamantenhände are stronger than ever. + +Today is Friday, April 22nd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$143.30 / 131,62 €** *(volume: 381)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $143.23 / 131,56 € *(volume: 381)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $143.15 / 131,49 € *(volume: 373)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $143.10 / 131,44 € *(volume: 373)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $143.03 / 131,38 € *(volume: 335)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $143.01 / 131,35 € *(volume: 325)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $143.00 / 131,34 € *(volume: 215)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $143.12 / 131,46 € *(volume: 215)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $143.22 / 131,55 € *(volume: 207)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $143.36 / 131,68 € *(volume: 202)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $142.95 / 131,31 € *(volume: 188)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $142.63 / 131,01 € *(volume: 173)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $142.36 / 130,76 € *(volume: 135)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $142.21 / 130,62 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $142.13 / 130,55 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $142.11 / 130,53 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $142.16 / 130,58 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $142.14 / 130,56 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $142.15 / 130,57 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $141.97 / 130,40 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $141.94 / 130,38 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $141.96 / 130,39 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $141.93 / 130,37 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $142.04 / 130,47 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $142.01 / 130,44 € *(volume: 115)* +- 🟥 US close price: $141.56 / 130,03 € *($141.56 / 130,03 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0887. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I haven’t been doing any shopping on “wants” and not “needs.” I would go into the mall when it opened thinking which card I would use and walked out without buying stuff. +Because I realized I’m poor and broke af with 20k in debt to pay and that 19k credit limit ain’t gonna pay for it. +Not sure if this is the right place for this. It’s my baby step of being debt free. + +Edit: didn’t realize I used a throwaway. Not that it matters much. + +Edit 2: to add more context, 13k out of 20k is a personal loan debt. There were major life events that I didn’t have enough money to cover. + +But that doesn’t change the fact that I got my spending habit out of control after that. I’ve been pouring all my paychecks plus half my husbands’ into paying credit cards. At least $2k/month. Sometimes more when I have my quarterly bonus. So even though I’m at 7k Cc debt, I’ve also paid off a lot of it already. But I never realized I needed to have the above mentality to get rid of my debts entirely until recently. + +Edit 3: Phew I don't post on reddit a lot but it was sort of an "awakening moment" for me so I decided to share it here because it is embarrassing to tell people you know about your personal finance situation. It's my day off so I've been reading all comments including the ones that were removed because of them talking down or being rude and tbh some were hard to digest but in a way I deserve to hear it. Thank you for all your kind words. I feel very motivated. I accidentally posted on throwaway but my main account had a post asking for help to get rid of debts a while back and I'm on month 3 of working on it. I'll be back in 3 years (or less if economy allows for my company to get more business so I can earn bigger bonus checks) to show off once I pay them all off lol +Just wondering how the trades out there are doing?? I’ve noticed suddenly Tradie neighbours seem to be home more during the day (in Melb) Last year I purchased a property which needed a full Reno and had trouble even getting a response from most. Is work slowing down for you?? Thinking about purchasing an investment property which will too need a full renovation, hopefully this will help out a few local guys if work is slowing :) +I'm working my way through personal finance books. I feel utterly sickened by the sheer ignorance I have towards personal finance. And worse, my aging parents, siblings, friends and my whole local community is ignorant. + +The richest man in babylon had to talk down to me in f\*\*\*ing parables to get me to let go of the desire for consumption and prestige because of my pride. + +The four pillars of investing drove home the power of compound interest, and how full of shit and emotion we humans are. + +The millionaire next door has ripped apart my dreams of high income as THE way to build wealth and stability. My personal goals since age 14 have sucked. + +These books hurt, and show me to be an arrogant, ignorant, deaf and completely common financial weakling. + +What books hit you hard and left a (good) dent? +Recently me (25) and my brother (31) have discussed buying a house together. He earns approx £130k and in a year will have built up enough of a deposit to buy a £900k house. + +I (25) earn £35k in London and have saved up a decent amount over the past year because I have been living at home rent free. I envisage in a year I will have saved over £30k to help put towards a deposit. + +We get on very well and have previously lived together in a rented apartment for over a year with no major issues. + +I have no idea how equity would work. I guess I could own a portion of the house (like 33%?) and make repayments accordingly, while my brother would be the majority stakeholder. + +Honestly this seems like a great deal for me. I love the idea of owning property and this would give me the opportunity to live in an amazing house near central London. My other alternative is to endlessly rent forever in poorly maintained housing until I supposedly find a partner to buy with (which I doubt is happening any time soon...) + +My only concerns are what happens if/when one of us wants to leave? I would happily live there for the next 5 years or so and then might consider buying my own property. How would my brother buy me out? Could this be a nightmare? As I said we get on well and are sensible humans so I’m sure we’d be able to iron these out beforehand / get a contract drawn up which we both agree with. + +Any advice from people who have done something similar would be greatly appreciated. + Elon Musk, world’s richest person and the chief executive of Tesla Inc, donated Tesla shares worth $5.7 billion to a charity in November, securities filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission showed. Musk donated a total of 5.04 million shares to an unnamed charity last year between November 19 and November 29. According to Bloomberg News, the $5.7 billion worth of charity, calculated by taking average prices of electric carmaker’s stock on the days he sold the stock, makes it one of the biggest in history. + + **Original Source** : [https://mosttraded.com/2022/02/15/elon-musk-donates-5-7-billion-tesla-stock-worlds-richest-person-makes-one-of-the-biggest-charity-in-history/](https://mosttraded.com/2022/02/15/elon-musk-donates-5-7-billion-tesla-stock-worlds-richest-person-makes-one-of-the-biggest-charity-in-history/) +Hello, + +I have $250K to invest. Need some advice. I'm in my early 50s, live in central Texas and have 2 kids(10th grader & 7th grader) to put through college. Also I plan to retire soon. + +I have maxed out on my retirement contribution at work. I met with a Fidelity adviser and he suggested either a Fidelity annuity(retirement account) or Non-retirement brokerage account. + +The non-retirement brokerage account with adviser has a 1% annual fee on the invested amount. Any suggestions, which way to go or how to invest this? Thanks. +Hey everyone! My husband and I have been talking for the past six months or so about starting to try for our first baby. We have been going back and forth about weather or not we’re truly ready to both have a child & give them a comfortable life - That’s why we’re posting here! I figured that I will give a little background on us and we would love feedback about folks who have been in similar situations or those who did it and didn’t think they could! + +We have a mutual supportive and compassionate relationship and we feel fulfilled for the most part (My husband is a bartenderniw but wants to get something a bit more 9-5 so that he can be more present for our family and hopefully find us better health insurance). + +We have stable jobs, put approx 1/4 of our paychecks into saving, own our home(With a mortgage), and don’t have much exorbitant spending. Our savings would support us for five months without any income. We do not unfortunately have great health insurance ($10,000 family deductible) & I worry that if something crazy happens it would be very difficult. + +We feel emotionally ready, but definitely feel concerned about the financial aspect! What are everyone’s thoughts? +My husband and I currently have two older, but paid off vehicles. My husband works full time and I work prn at a hospital, but I mostly stay at home with our 2 year old and we have another due in June. Both of our vehicles are very small and since they’re getting older we talked about maybe trying to get another vehicle that’s a little bigger and newer. + +My question is would you buy a new car that you’d finance, or an older vehicle that you could pay off quickly? We looked at Toyota’s and Subaru’s but honestly the monthly payments made my head spin a little. (I haven’t had a car payment in 8 years so I’ve been spoiled). My dad works at a local car dealership and can get us a really good deal at what gets traded in used. Not as new obviously and without warranty but something we could pay off in a few months and hope will last us a few years. + +Anyone with car buying financial advice? +For context I am 20, my job is self employed. I make an inconsistent amount, but I am estimating to make 120k this year(could very easily be more or less) which is a huge jump from last year when I was mostly doing retail. + +I have been told by everyone over the years to do a Roth IRA at my age, I’ve even made an account. But I don’t want to contribute, then have to deal with penalties if I end up making more than estimated this year. I know there’s some back door way, but I don’t know much about it or if it’s okay if I make under 140k-ish this year to do it. + +Is there a better option, what would you do? I’m a bit young but I want to make smart decisions with my money. +Heya friends! + +Just need to bounce some ideas around. I (M26) recently started a new job in a new city, it's fun and exciting, but extremely heavy on the number of hours. I used to do 45 hours weeks, but nowadays I clock in a solid 55-60. I can handle it, but as a result, my at-home cleaning is suffering a bit. Most people wouldn't care, but I'm a clean and tidiness freak - I have somewhat high standards... unfortunately I am failing to meet them myself in my current work/life balance. (*Hard to get motivated to mop the kitchen after working 12 hours and working out...*) + +The weekend is when I try to knock things out - but man it feels bad to be missing out on relaxing time - given how precious it is. So I've been mulling over hiring some housekeeping help -like the twice-a-month type - just to help with the general upkeep of my place. The general quote was $125-175 per session. + +My take-home is about $3200 every two weeks, or $6400 total a month so I think it's within budget, but I just don't know if it's "***worth***" it. + +Can I please get some insight from people who have hired housekeeping? How did it go? Did you feel like the service is worth the dough? + +Thanks! +The title is pretty self explanatory. I live in a shitty basement apartment and anytime it rains the walls start to sweat and the bathrooms flood. I just know that Florence is going to flood it out with the projected 10-24 inches of rain I'm going to get. My leasing agency has dropped off sandbags and told us that we were going to be on our own until 36-48 hours after the storm and to stock up on food. (we're already trying to get them to honor their end of the lease and put us in a hotel if it gets too bad) + +I have put all of my nice clothes, documents, and my rug into my car. Most of my furniture came from the dumpster, but I don't have the time to find new furniture, nor buy any because I'm broke af. Can I get a couple of XL trash bags and bag everything up? A tarp? + +Also, if I get left with nowhere to go, what do I do? Pack a bag and walk to the grocery store? My university library? Should I see if I can sleep in one of the lounges? Idk if there's an emergency center near me, and I'd feel kinda wrong going there. + +edit: also, my renters insurance lapsed bc of the same leasing agency not accepting my lease until 26 days after the fact. I'm working on that rn. + +Edit2: thank you all for your help and advice! Right now everything is stacked and weighted and we're collecting water. Everything important is safe and we all have an evacuation plan and shelters mapped out. Thanks again for all of your help and best of luck to everyone else that is in the path. Stay safe and dry. + +Edit3: thanks everyone again. Talked with uhaul in my area and they've been booked. The storm is actually going southward and I'm in much better shape. +Hi r/personalfinance, I'm posting this from my throwaway account because some friends know my main one. + +At the age of 18 I graduated from a 3-year program to become a bilingual secretary (I'm fluent in English and Spanish) in my home country in Latin America. I moved to the US 15 years ago and I've been a nanny ever since. As much as I have loved working with kids, I don't want to keep doing this kind of work much longer. I want to have a job that can give me benefits (health insurance, matching contribution to 401K, etc), which is something that most parents don't offer when they hire a nanny. + +Am I too old to go to school to get an Associate's Degree from a community college? Would this be worth it in my case? I live in Boston and currently earn $25/hr (before taxes) and I'd love to find a career/position where I can earn at least the same amount of money but in a hospital or office setting, preferably also applying my skills as a secretary. I'm also open on going into a trade. I need some perspective and a lot of advice. Thank you. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: You all are amazing! Thank you for your advice, I have read every single one of your comments and will continue to do so in the next few days. I understand that my question about getting the Associate's Degree being worth it was too broad. The thing is: I have no fucking clue as to what kind of careers are out there. None. Someone I know suggested I go back to school and take some classes and "go from there", hence my question on this post. I will do the following now: Talk to as many people as I can about their experiences working in office settings and hospitals. Talk to recruiters, see what kind of career better suits me and then start looking into the necessary schooling and certifications needed for that kind of position. I have hope for the future now. Thank you. +There are many naysayers still out there who believe that crypto is just dark money for unsavory actors in the underbelly of society… those people are absolute braindead fucking morons. + +One attack though, that the mainstream media really hammers home, is that Blockchain is too big of burden on the environment, too big of a tax on our planet’s electrical grid, and other points of contention. + +They’re not completely wrong here, so lately I’ve been fascinated with how we can give back to the world that gave us this technology… and more importantly, the world that gave us these fucking gains. + +With the advent of reflect finance mechanics, which created a way for transaction taxes to be filtered straight back into investor wallets and liquidity pool comes a new invention which pours part of that tax straight into an institutional beneficiary wallet, all verified on the blockchain. These are called Charity Tokens. + +---------------- + +SpacePenguin $PNGN 0x469a8ea7683c27d31cd9b0de769151d8a8b66c5a + +SpacePenguin is a brand new token consisting of 4 core team members. They are currently aiding in the fight against climate change by donating a % of every single transaction to CoolEarth. With Earth Day coming up especially, it’ll be nice knowing that a portion of my gains holding this are going to offsetting the carbon footprint that my gains are currently causing. +I spoke with a couple of their developers and they let me know this is a serious project, and they’ll be announcing a couple of notable partnerships and news very shortly. + +Website: https://spacepenguin.space +Whitepaper: https://spacepenguin.space/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SpacePenguin_Whitepaper.pdf + +-------------- + +Puppern $PUP 0x81dbc1c8e40c3095071949eda9800c2209a7279a +As you all know I despise dog tokens, but when I came across this website, and saw they had integrated tech stacks... I knew I could finally be happy buying one moonshot dog. Turns out it's VC backed (most likely) and he ex-SVP of Binance has his eye on it. This is the next paradigm. + +Website: https://www.pupper.info/ + +---------- + +Munch Token $MUNCH 0x944eee930933be5e23b690c8589021ec8619a301 +Munch Token is another new token that is fighting to feed the hungry all over the globe by donating a % of every transaction to GiveWell. They have an 8 person team that has already shown they can perform by raising over $500,000 in just the first week alone. If a coin like this can get to the Top 100, starvation could become a thing of the past. + +Website: https://munchtoken.com/ +White Paper: https://munchtoken.com/docs/munch-whitepaper-v1.pdf +Press: https://finance.yahoo.com/finance/news/token-donates-300-000-charity-171500998.html + +Anyway, I know these might seem like “shitcoins” to some of you, but I encourage everyone to keep an open mind. You can verify right on etherscan that this money is truly going to these causes. Let’s make these RFI forks useful at least? +BB of TML ❤ +Hi Personal finance, + +I'm hoping I'm posting this in the right place, if not please feel free to direct me to the right place. + +I checked my bank acct today, and saw my bank took $900 out of my checking account. I called them, after being transferred about 10 times, they finally told me the people I need to talk to only work on the weekdays. I have $300 left in checkings, and nothing in my savings. I just moved into a new apartment, and my rent is due today. It isn't an auto-pay for my rent, because that is only $500/month. There is NOTHING that I could have spent $900 on in the last 24 hours. Has anyone had this issue before? Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? + +Thank you!! + + +EDIT: I meant weekdays, not weekends. I'm sorry for the confusion! I was typing in a rush. + + +UPDATE: they said it was a bad check from my work.... I've worked there well over a year & have never once had any issues with my checks. I took it to my HR department yesterday & they told me they would get back to me today about why the check was bad. +It is a wonderful thing that people are getting themselves out of debt or achieving their goals. Really, it is. But there isn't much benefit to the rest of the community for the top posts in /r/personalfinance to be this same type of post over and over again. + +Maybe it's time we stop accepting (or up-voting to the front page) posts that are simply people reporting their achievements. + +What do you think? + +* + +**Edit: c2reason and KerrickLong have suggested a weekly thread where everyone can post their success stories in one place. I think that's a great idea. KerrickLong has posted the first "Triumphant Thursday" post [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/1kvpv8/triumphant_thursday_20130822/).** +Good Morning Everyone ! + +So yesterday's price action was far more volatile on the volume traded than I had anticipated so I have adjusted price expectations moving forward for the rest of this week. We appear to be moving about 60% more per million volume traded. Here is the update slightly less conservative price action. + +[ High : $293.03 Mid: $263.38 Low:$185.11 ](https://preview.redd.it/dsi0i5lv3ij71.png?width=2450&format=png&auto=webp&s=71f529c70ce23122c9587310a46411834163125a) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +[Exit DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogxnr/infinity_war_the_final_exit_dd_compilation/) for those that want an idea of what to expect + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +*(this post will read from top to bottom)* + +(*feel free to ask me questions below, but if you can google it yourself please use common sense)* + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (previous ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180.5, 182.5, 185, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (new ATM offering) 226, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# If I suspect forced liquidation is occurring, I will be stepping away from reddit and then the stream. + +# After Market + +Nice hard bounce into 200 at the EOD. Most of the day seemed to be an attempt to reduce OI on the options chain after the big run yesterday but we stayed well within that midpoint for the low prediction today bottoming out at 193. Also for those of you that have been here forever we closed the day out on a beautiful Carly Rae, Pepperidge Farms remembers the last time that happened :) + +\- Gherkinit + +Edit 10 3:42 + +Doing a big short thing + +https://preview.redd.it/kz0lq7q35kj71.png?width=1569&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddaa77d7a305b153628abf6472220d807657068c + +Edit 9 2:43 + +Possible breakout on this wedge from the 15m, it's looking like MM are trying to decay theta to break down the gamma ramp but based on the call volume coming in it's just giving people a buy opportunity + +https://preview.redd.it/jeiiio8iujj71.png?width=1567&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bdf72cc5243b8aff87b2cd7f4cb63d090089b0e + +Edit 8 1:36 + +Sitting in an uptrend from that bounce of 201 but the volume has yet to flow back in if it picks up I expect a breakout similar to yesterday if it doesn't flat and within that low-mid price action + +https://preview.redd.it/a2cw2gswijj71.png?width=1571&format=png&auto=webp&s=053107e69d078aa464d238b13a5fbbee9581ebef + +Edit 7 12:25 + +Double bottom, midday volume is terribly low which gave some leeway to the shorts but I suspect more upwards action once more volume comes in after lunch + +https://preview.redd.it/erld3vz66jj71.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cf288b08874d5e7923cbb59ca7165999efd199e + +Edit 6 11:39 + +Still consolidating probably have a big move later in the day. + +https://preview.redd.it/un9duuooxij71.png?width=1570&format=png&auto=webp&s=1300cef8307afd382a289772231d30e99e0c6db7 + +Edit 5 11:19 + +Looks like we have a confirmed bounce possibly another test of 225 + +https://preview.redd.it/tyd7ugw5uij71.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=7de419548593b6dbd216fed32453f78e90fd45e4 + +Edit 4 10:44 + +225.20 looks like the new 180 consolidating a bit I expect a retest + +https://preview.redd.it/r7z7mxzxnij71.png?width=1565&format=png&auto=webp&s=4100e1528312b995b1e5b6cbfb37837de5651934 + +Edit 3 10:28 + +Nice wedge breakout taking us up above VWAP into a test of 210 + +https://preview.redd.it/5mhtuuj6lij71.png?width=1583&format=png&auto=webp&s=1319704d37a867e65cc6b87803c8c3120db17b15 + +Edit 2 10:02 + +Found a nice support at 193 turning around and back over $200 + +https://preview.redd.it/udaa5p9fgij71.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd7a23781d029ddcf2e4e19ac5f4ba787f5beab4 + +Edit 1 9:45 + +Shorted the open nice opportunity assuming today's price action is only up + +https://preview.redd.it/2fllqugldij71.png?width=1575&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf3581fd3783df6f9f32db045920e55a0ffe7f30 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +Pre-Market volume at 150k with 70k shares available to borrow. Indicating another possibly higher volume day today than yesterday as we enter the second day of TTM squeeze the closest comparison I can find to our rate of movement is the previous run in January except now we are moving that amount on 15% of the volume. Trended down below 210 in the pre-market but it looks like we are coming back up into open. Possibly testing 225.20. Additionally, we may see an opening short attack to drive down sentiment from MSM and FOMO. I will be watching VWAP14 and EMA20/30 dips below VWAP should be considered decent dip buy opportunities. + +[Pre-Market 1m](https://preview.redd.it/i8lw16t54ij71.png?width=1572&format=png&auto=webp&s=88fecb9c6fe49584fd0ca35356ee839f24a44610) + +**CV\_VWAP** + +Arbitrage is beginning to pick up. We are now triggering the inner signal line. A test of that outer red line indicates an incoming squeeze. I will be monitoring this throughout the day as arbitrage picks up due to price volatility. + +[CV\_VWAP on the 15m](https://preview.redd.it/kc7d1dx84ij71.png?width=2458&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7014ba66eaa3299da57f03a2717abb4beb23408) + +**MACD** + +[ MACD just beginning to pick up on the 1D. It has yet to even cross the breakeven indicating still more volume and volatility to come as we continue upward ](https://preview.redd.it/daelfpib4ij71.png?width=1569&format=png&auto=webp&s=a257a86ba7f40cfadf6d42b9c6c8fb839e5a6314) + +**Stochastic RSI** + +[ The trend on StochRSI \(1D\) just starting to cement itself in the uptrend D&#37; still at 32.37 a very long way from oversold. This means our momentum should continue up for some time. ](https://preview.redd.it/vw46c0se4ij71.png?width=1566&format=png&auto=webp&s=873d3bd908eee167a6cbade069da74aaa82587f0) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +I bought a couple $150 1/21/2022 AAPl calls like a month ago. I'm up almost 50% right now. I'm unsure if I should take profits today or hold through earnings? If they beat and the stock price goes up a couple percent tomorrow, will my calls be worth even more, or could they be worth less because of IV crush? + +Edit: I sold today for 60% profit +If you’re on a standard variable tariff: + +The average unit price for dual fuel customers paying by direct debit will be limited to 34.0p/kWh for electricity and 10.3p/kWh for gas, inclusive of VAT, from 1 October. + +These unit prices have been passed to suppliers to ensure that they are used to calculate bills on time for 1 October. + +Energy suppliers will adjust standard variable tariffs automatically. Customers on standard variable tariffs do not need to take any action to get the benefits of this scheme. + +If you’re on a fixed tariff: + +If you’re on a fixed tariff at a higher rate caused by recent energy price rises, your unit prices will be reduced by 17p/kWh for electricity and 4.2p/kWh for gas. + +These unit prices have been passed to suppliers to ensure that they are used to calculate bills on time for 1 October. + +Energy suppliers will adjust fixed tariffs automatically. Customers on fixed tariffs do not need to take any action to get the benefits of this scheme. + +Standing charges: + +Average standing charges will remain in line with the levels set by Ofgem for the default tariff cap from 1 October, at 46p per day for electricity and 28p per day for gas, for a typical dual fuel customer paying by direct debit. + + + +https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/energy-bills-support/energy-bills-support-factsheet-8-september-2022 +Good Morning Apes! + +I have to run to DMV this morning and get my address changed after my move so I will be a little delayed in the early part of the morning. I want to get this jotted down before I head out. + +I don't expect a lot of price action today, short and put volume has been picking up the last couple days. + +We are currently floating around max pain which is @ 202.50 I expect we will stabilize in this range and with max pain at 185 for next week we may see a slight dip towards the end of the day. + +The floor for the long-term trend today is at 191.06 + +The EMA 160 is at 173.58 + +[GME Technical Trends on the 1D ](https://preview.redd.it/g8qi0dr2g5z71.png?width=2463&format=png&auto=webp&s=c03fe855ac88147339ba9177fd6873052a23ad89) + +If we fall through the long-term trend that we regained last week this presents and excellent buy opportunity and a chance to average down, for those that know how and have bought the shares they are going to buy a test of the EMA 160 presents and excellent opportunity to buy long-term option positions. + +Had a nice [talk with Houston Wade here explaining my current theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mntHdNqltkw) + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the [clips on my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial/playlists). + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After-Market + +Closed just below max pain and nearly record low volume. This is likely intended to crush IV. A drop below max pain of 202.50 and next weeks max pain at 185 indicate a strong chance to trade a bit lower next week and a chance to average down for many. + +I'm doing a stream with Jaime from Tradespotting and his brother Rocky Outcrop, hopefully this weekend. + +I also intend to finish a couple big DD's outlining this whole theory and the potential for long-term options positions. + +Thank you all for tuning in and I'll see you Monday. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/7nrgkrodf8z71.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=51478860ae673d3d47bbbf33706a5fddc6e8d6ca + +Edit 6 3:18 + +Yup... 715k volume. New Record? + +https://preview.redd.it/4wxw6rwk38z71.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5c8f2d5cda753b2afa5d0405739a84166a103d7 + +Edit 5 2:30 + +80k more volume applied slowly over the last 1:20. The result is as expected and the test subject remains unresponsive. + +https://preview.redd.it/rjqap303v7z71.png?width=1593&format=png&auto=webp&s=629e6138ddcf287ad401c2dc0c13cce3d429dfb6 + +Edit 4 1:10 + +Still chopping around max pain only 180k volume traded since the last update, 23k volume spike came in with no relative movement. Probably a straddle or similar play. + +https://preview.redd.it/miwuiy3gg7z71.png?width=1588&format=png&auto=webp&s=b394f2cdaefd8bb4e63c09b8a79e7d882318058f + +Edit 3 11:10 + +Holding the low side of the 200 resistance volume at 362k. I expect they may try to push it down even further by end of the day + +https://preview.redd.it/i271o7n7v6z71.png?width=1589&format=png&auto=webp&s=587789a6f7d2edd47b78c35ca11db12b2b129fcc + +Edit 2 10:00 + +No significant price movement volume has fallen off hard and it looks like they are dropping IV. + +https://preview.redd.it/c6magm6si6z71.png?width=1596&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b32851e5bba9fc65041d8e5bc5dbbd38551bd02 + +Edit 1 9:13 + +Still flat, I'm back from DMV and ready to go. 50k shares borrowed from IBKR. + +# Pre-market + +Volume: 3.68k (very low , but I am writing this far earlier than usual) + +Shorts to Borrow: + +IBKR - 200,000 @ 0.7% + +Fidelity - 1M+ @ 0.75% + +Slow morning so far. No arbitrage from the EU markets of note. Not a lot to say this early in the morning but I'll keep an eye open for shares borrowed closer to opening bell. All the other ETF basket stocks are a bit down in the pre-market as well so whatever covering was done yesterday appears to be complete. + +[GME pre-market on the 1m](https://preview.redd.it/yo3gq2nwh5z71.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7ecd223a9b04b5dd7a74403d012bd7608c586ca) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Let's say you sell a call 1 week out, and buy a call 1 year out for the same strike. +The intrinsic value of the two will always change by the same amount, but theta will favor the nearer leg. + +So, if the underlying stock spikes, you wait till your near leg is about to expire, and close both, or just roll your near leg out. You'll have gained all of the theta from the near leg, and don't really care about it being ITM, because the intrinsic value gets canceled out by the increase in value from your far leg. + +Am I missing something? +This is my first post so please be nice. My main problem is: when my CSP goes ITM what should I do? Taking in consideration that I only do CSP of High IV stocks wheeling is not really an option 😜. So I came up with an idea: + +I give the underlying a margin of 5%. So if my strike is $5. If the stock hits $4.75 I close the position at any price + +In some cases (more often then not) the ROI is more then 5%. I give that margin. For example if for an option I got a ROI of 10%. If the strike is at 5. If the stock hits $4.5 I close the position at any price. + +Feel free to give advice. I believe this kind of forum is a well of ideas and experiences from where we can all benefit. Thank you for your time. +**How I paid off $10k in CC debt in one year ($55k, SoCal, NO WINDFALLS)** + +I wanted to do a write up in how I paid off my CC debt in a year, because every post I see about people paying down large portions of debt after a major job promotion or raise or change had no meaning to me. I needed to find a way out of credit card debt that was accrued over a large period of time without having to depend on a windfall or major life change, and the majority of the success stories I found were from people already making 6 figures, or had changed jobs multiple times to triple their income. Here's how I did it with a simple 2% cost-of-living raise and a low-mid income. + +**Income/COL Stats (Begin January, 2015)** + +**Beginning Cash:** ~$1,000 (Dec 31, 2014) + +**Location:** Southern California, 45 min. North of Los Angeles + +**Income:** $55,000 ($1,480 Take Home every 2 weeks) + +**Raises:** 1x 2%, effective April + +**Rent:** $775 (2 BR Apt, $1550 split with partner) + +**Gas:** $3.15 - $3.85 / gal + +**CC Available:** $12,400 (4 cards) + +**CC Debt:** $10,000 (81% Used) + +**Avg CC APR:** 22% + +**Credit Score:** 630 + +**Car**: $455 ($250 car, $205 insurance) + +**Phone:** $105 + +**Step 1 – IMMEDIATE Reduction in Monthly Costs** + +**TV (Saved $130/month)** + +I dropped my DirecTV bill ($150+ a month) at the end of 2014. I had to pay a couple hundred bucks for the cancellation, which was fine, as I saved that much after a month and a half of no service. With the internet a practical necessity, and Netflix/Amazon/Hulu, I substituted $150 in cable for what is relatively $18, since I consider the free Prime shipping to far outweigh what we pay (as a household) for the service. We also barely watch Amazon streaming, so I don't consider this paid TV for this purpose. I also found an antenna on sale for about $40 purely so I could watch some sports. + +**Phone (saved $50/month)** + +The first thing I did was call and change my phone plan. I was grandfathered into unlimited data as long as I had stayed with the rate that I had been paying. However, when I looked at my usage I found that, primarily because I'm usually connected to WiFi, I was using less than 3GB of data a month. Switching from my old plan that was around 7 years old, I went from $105 a month to $54 a month. + +**Insurance (saved $50/month)** + +While I had various driving related issues on my record, my insurance for my leased civic started at around $205 a month for the year. I was about to start shopping around, wherein I found that by switching companies I could save around $60-75 a month. However, due to some bad history falling off, safe driver, etc, my insurance ended the year at about $154, and they've been great in helping me take care of some issues I had along the way, so I didn't feel the need to change. I would say, though, that anyone looking to save money should shop around, as switching companies will result in a money savings the majority of the time. + + +**Step 2 – Planning and Preparation** + +**YNAB – You Need a Budget ($65)** + +I spent money to buy YNAB. It's a tool that was highly touted, and since I didn't really need some of the features of Mint, and YNAB was so user friendly (the phone app is too easy), I figured the $65 would not be really frivolous, but instead would be a valuable asset on my road to recovery. Being able to track every dollar I spent was not necessary sometimes, but having the underlying responsibility and commitment to myself in the background forced me to change the way I viewed my money. + +Also, using the Reporting function on YNAB let me SEE my progress month after month...ok to be honest I checked it like every few days...but SEEING the progress helped keep me on track. I watched the trend move month after month, and this is what I saw at the end: https://i.imgur.com/bLlQ1dK.png + +**Excel – Short Term Predictions** + +I created a spreadsheet in Excel that tracked all of my cards separately as well. While YNAB does allow you to budget, it does not effectively help you plan down to the days of the month. With payment due dates, bills, etc, I needed a way to not only TRACK my money, but to PREDICT where my accounts would be on any day. +This would prove absolutely crucial, as it let me make massive payments without fear of overdrafting or any other bad news pop ups. There were times when my checking account was as low as $20. This didn't really matter, though, because I knew where my money would be days and weeks later with no surprises. + +**Come Up with a Payoff Plan – Snowball, Avalanche** + +I needed to decide how I was going to tackle this debt first. Through a series of taking care of partners, bad choices, and various life events, I went from having a 785 credit score and 9% APRs to about a 630 and maxed out 19%-25% APRs. I messed around with unbury.me for a little bit, and determined that the course of action would be to tackle the highest APR first. However, my plan wasn't all the way conventional. + +Balance, APR - $2,000, 23.99% + +Balance, APR - $2,200 22.90% + +Balance, APR - $3,586 19.99% + +Balance, APR - $2,200, 22.90% (Cash Rewards Card) + +**Create TINY Emergency Fund - $1,000 Break Glass for Disaster** + +First thing I did was change whatever money I had over to my checking account, and put $1,000 in a savings account. This is something I did not touch for the entire year, thankfully, even after paying for car maintenance, fun times, or gift buying, or anything else that came my way. + +**Zero out 401k Contributions – (Employer Profit Share, NO 401K match)** + +Since my employer doesn't do 401K matching, I had no incentive to keep putting money into my 401K. If this service is available from your employer, do not stop contributing to your retirement funds. I did it solely because there was no extra money to be gained in the short term. If I had matching, I would have saved money elsewhere (like food, see below) and still maintained retirement contribution funding. + +**Create a Budget** + +I used YNAB to set up a budget to TRY to stick to. I set a lofty goal of paying off $1,000 in credit cards every month, and worked my budget DOWN from there. I had the complete understanding that I would probably not hit this mark, but it forced me to find out where I didn't really need to waste money. I would barely make this work by the end, through a series of monthly ebbs and flows, but only as an average. I hardly ever hit the $1,000 mark. +This would entail paying off $1,000 across all cards. Effectively this would be about $175-200 in minimum payments, and the rest of the $800 all to one card. I often would miss this goal. + + +**Step 3 – ACTION** + +**How to Control Spending – Using Cash Back Rewards Cards ONLY** + +Even though I had the idea to pay down my highest interest first, the first thing I did was put my first big payment onto my cash rewards card to clear up room. I opened a Capital One Quicksilver with a 1.5% cash back reward at the end of 2014, and made it an effort to use this card for 95% of my purchases. I also have a Chase Freedom that has 5% cash back on rotating categories, which I would swap out to use during certain times of the year. This was moreso a mental thing, as it let me feel like I was actually earning throughout the year, even though I was paying every dollar I had to my name to credit debt. Additionally, I netted just around $450 in cash back rewards by Dec 2015. + +**How to Control Mental Stability – Won't Always Hit the Goal** + +As the months started to wear on, I had to change my budget little by little. I knew by month 3 that paying $1,000 straight to credit cards every month wouldn't work. Luckily by being paid every 2 weeks instead of twice a month, I knew that there would be a month in the middle and end of the year that I would be paid a third check. I used the majority of these checks to "catch up" on payments. + +**How to Control Emotional Stability – Allow yourself some joys in life** + +VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF HOW I SPENT MY FUN MONEY: https://i.imgur.com/FddeIrY.gifv + +Knowing that having a goal to pay this off in a single year was going to put me far away from some fun things, I focused on and took some liberties whenever something would come up. I would do cheap happy hours with coworkers, I would still buy cheap fun things ($20-40 board games that I can play with my GF, a gadget here or there), and I would definitely allow myself to go out to dinner or go on date night with my GF a few times a month. +Using YNAB tracking, I realized that I STILL went to eat out to the tune of $300 a month. This, for all intents and purposes, was frivolous fun money. There was no need to spend this much if I had truly cared to reign it in, however food and service in Southern California is not cheap, and I was determined to enjoy myself and my friends and my GF throughout the year. + +If I had been in uncontrollable debt, or anything more than what I was, I would have cut out eating out to once a month. Luckily my situation was controllable, and I allowed myself the flexibility and peace of mind to swap certain things for the possibility by a month or two. Ultimately, I still paid off my cards in under a year. + + +**Step 4 – Watching the Weight Fall Off** + +**The Beginning** + +The first milestone was in March, when I was able to completely pay off my first credit card. This was a major relief, and an acknowledgement that I may actually be able to pull this off. After this first card was down, all I thought about was the next one biting the dust, and the next, and the next. + +**The Middle** + +My next payoff was in June. Again, I wasn't hitting my $1,000 mark every month. The realization of that in the beginning allowed me to maintain some sense of self, not feel 100% beholden to the debt schedule, and when the milestones hit, they felt FUN instead of RELIEVING. Once I hit this point I really felt like I had it all in control. + +**The End** + +By November I made my last payment. My last. Payment. $10,000 in UNDER a year. I spent some money, I had some fun, I enjoyed myself and my friends, and I paid off the entirety of my credit debt. Un. Believable. + + +**Step 5 – The Aftermath** + +2015 Chart: https://i.imgur.com/bLlQ1dK.png + +At the end of the year as my debts started to become $0, I noticed a major influx of credit line increases and credit score increases. In the span of that year my APRs dropped, my credit score rose by about 80 points, and my available credit was nearly doubled, all WITHOUT a phone call, an email, or any effort to do so. The credit card companies are DIRELY missing the thousands of dollars I've been paying in interest, and they want me BACK. They have repeatedly raised my credit limits and dropped my interest rates over the past couple of months. + + +**Year Beginning/End** + +**Phone** + +Jan 2015 - $105 + +Dec 2015 - $54 + +**TV** + +Jan 2015 - $150 + +Dec 2015 - $18 + +**Car Insurance** + +Jan 2015 - $205 + +Dec 2015 - $154 + + +**Credit Available, Credit Used** + +Jan 2015 - $12,400 / $10,000 + +Dec 2015 - $22,900 / $0 + +**Credit Score (Don’t have my final quarter available yet, but I assume it will increase again)** + +Jan 2015 – 630 + +Oct 2015 – 705 + +**Cash Back Rewards** + +$450 + + +**FINALE** + +In short, I was able to pay off $10,000 in credit card debt with a $55,000 salary (2% raise) in SoCal in a year by immediately removing paid TV, changing my phone plan, and lowering car insurance. I set aside a credit card to use for all purchases that had 1.5% cash back, which gave me some gift money for Christmas, and let me feel like I was earning throughout the year even though I was paying out every dollar I had. + +Throughout the year I let myself understand that some months I would only be able to afford 60-70% of my goal, but that was ok. In the end it all worked out. + +I hope this helps someone who is on the fence or who often gets discouraged by stories of people with 6 figure incomes who can't control their wealth any more than we can. IT CAN BE DONE. And it might be easier…and "funner"…than you think. + +**EDIT** + +Couple things. First off, I would not always suggest that one should cut all retirement savings in the hunt for debt resolution. There were a couple factors that went into me making this decision, one being that my APRs on my credit cards were astronomical. I would suggest spending some time looking into your personal situation and what your company and/or personal gains/losses would be before forming your plan. + +Secondly, thanks for all the positive responses! As for the negative responses telling me "oh yeah just pay off $10,000 in a year thaaanks"......I get it. It's the internet. Understood. Please save your breath and your fingertip typing tire tread. I simply made this post to give a take on an Average Joes mental and physical tackling of a very common problem, and honestly to call it what it is, lifestyle. I'm just hoping to let people know who were in my situation or in my state of mind a year ago that it's possible to get it taken care of, even in an average situation. + +Thirdly, LOL I am not a shill for YNAB. It just seemed to be a better fit for me than Mint. I spent some time on PF reading and looking at people's stories before I chose it. The main point of this for me was that it held me accountable! Having this little app on my phone requiring me to put all my expenses in, looking at charts and budget tables every week, and seeing negatives where I overspent was like having a little gremlin on my shoulder every time my wallet came out! It was instrumental is changing my perception of money...MY money...the money I earn! And deserve to keep. + +**EDIT - Clarification on Take Home/Budgeting Clarity** + +People seem to be asking about my take home a lot, and I think it's a very valid point to hammer home. I was bringing home $1,480 * 26 = $38,480 / $55,000 = about a 30% withholdings (taxes, health, etc). Again, this was at the beginning of the year, and I got a COL increase of 2% a little over quarter of the way through the year. + +**As I mentioned in the OP, I get paid every two weeks, NOT twice a month. This equates to 26 paychecks per year. What I did was budget to the tune of two paychecks a month ($1,480 x 2 = $2,960) and not factor in the extra check that would come around in July and in December.** The third paycheck on December 31 paycheck would end up not mattering in this instance, as I had already paid everything off by the beginning of December, however the third check I got in July went to car registration ($200), GF's birthday spending (Aug), some fun activities, and an extra payment dollars towards the card (I believe I put in an extra $500 out of this? Along with the monthly. Whatever was left over (wasn't a lot) I let sit in my account so it had more than $20 :). + +Had I not gotten this extra payment, I still could have spent the same in August and finished the pay-off in December, however **this wasn't extra cash. This was a budgeting decision.**. I decided to budget only off of $35,520, not my annual take home of $38,480. This was primarily an emotional facet, as the money was coming to me either way, but in an effort to reel in my spending habits, and to experience some joy over the Summer, I chose to not budget for that third check in July. + +**EDIT - Excel Tracking Example** + +http://i.imgur.com/wnpwfwX.png + +**Excel File Dropbox Link** + +https://www.dropbox.com/s/bv38oxylouziuap/Account%20Balance%20Forecast%20File.xlsx?dl=0 + +This is a portion of how I tracked my ACTUAL cash flow in/out, regardless of budgets/budgeting software. **The budgeting software helped me allocate, while Excel helped me track.** I hesitate to post the full document, as I'm not sure how useful it would be to anyone else's situations, but I'd be willing to help someone get one together for themselves if it would mean getting them on the right path to debt resolution TODAY. + +I'll attach a screenshot of one of my Excel sections that I used to forecast my money. I also did this in the same worksheet for all of my credit cards. + +As it may be confusing to some, I'll break it down a little bit. You'll see in it that I have a salary paid, rent and bills paid, and then future forecasted payments (in gray). We'll have the Chase payment (this was minimum +~$5), the Cap One payment (this was THE card I was paying down at the time), plus a Quicksilver payment for a large amount. This Quicksilver one was NOT paying down debt! It was simply paying down the amount I had used during the month of March, as I used that card for 90%+ of my purchases to accumulate cash back rewards. This is how I tracked not only where my money was going, but where it would be on a day-to-day basis. + +**This also REALLY helped me see how much money I DIDN'T HAVE!** By March 26 I would have $3,500+ in money in my account. Normally this would be telling myself hey, I can definitely afford to buy something worth a couple hundred bucks! But no.......now we see by April 3, literally a week afterwards, my account would only have $193 in it. + +Again, this is just an example of how I did it. I would set it up differently depending on needs, accompanying software, and personal setup. +Buckle up bitches, daddy's bringing you a lot. + +Ideanomics is a many headed hydra that used to be a big bag of shit called Seven Stars Cloud Group. In the last 18 months they have done a complete 180 and have started focusing on on their cash cow, Mobile Energy Global. + +MEG is basically the Sam's Club of EVs, but on coke. + +They act as a wholesaler to the vast Chinese market aimed at converting all it's fleet vehicles to EVs by 2022. The market for this is in the hundreds of billions. When IDEX was SSC, they landed a whale with China's largest electric bus full service operator: + +- Deal includes lease financing-based fixed income products, through SSC's blockchain ecosystem, to support large-scale upgrading of electric buses within China + +- Seven Stars Cloud to offer blockchain-based asset digitization services, based on strong underlying assets + +- 3-year total contract award for $24 Billion to be raised + +They have also partnered with PertoChina, the 3rd largest oil company in the world and leading energy distributor in China, for a pilot project in Nanjing, China (pop. 8.5 mil) to convert gas stations to gas/charge stations. But these cunts are doing a bang up job because unlike Papa Elon who pays 150,000-250,000 to put up one of his charging stations, these assholes are converting the current gas stations to add charging stations with no major infrastructure needed because the chargers will be powered on site by methane provided by...Perto-fucking-China. This is fucking huge, and if thats not enough for your greedy grubby hands: + + +Ideanomics' Announces Pilot Program to Monetize EV Energy Sales + +­- The pilot is based in the city of Nanjing, China and will focus on the interoperability of three critical components in EV energy consumption: payment systems, charging stations, and energy supply chains + +- ­Pilot will serve as a blueprint for its energy sales platform in other major cities throughout China + + + +Riding the wave of what works, these shitsticks opened a one million square foot expo center on some prime-ass real estate in Qingdao, Shandong Province that can hold 18,000 EV's. They opened the bitch in May and have reported that they have exceeded their aggressive sales goals of about ~2,000 for the month, but yo, this expo center is lit: + +"In addition to generating many new jobs in Qingdao, our world class sales and service center will feature a full end-to-end customer experience with financing, insurance, vehicle registration, and maintenance all under one roof" said Dr. Bruno Wu, Chairman of Ideanomics. "With a range of leading EV brands available on site, from our manufacturing alliance partners, our fleet customers will enjoy a competitive buying experience which focuses on education, test driving, and flexible financing programs to provide the vehicles required to meet their needs in an immersive environment unavailable anywhere else today". + +Service under the same roof as the sale. The Tesla model, we all know how that went. +And IF they're financing the vehicles themselves, which I cannot verify or refute yet (one of the hydra heads is a finance thing...there were a lot of heads but I'm trying to skip to what matters, they're already financing 3,000 busses to some city in China) will also make them an ass-ton in interest payments! + +These ain't no rinky dink cars, either! No sir! Our peeps out there working with Tesla, BYD, Dong Feng, Nissan, Chery, Kia and Geely. + +And Volkswagen wants in, just in a creepy uncle wrestling you kind of way, peep this about a DIFFERENT partnership to expand EV into ASEAN countries: + + +Ideanomics Signs MoU with China's JAC for EV Sales & Financing Activities + +- JAC is the latest manufacturer to become supplier of new energy commercial vehicles and fuel cells to Ideanomics NEVC activities in China and ASEAN regions + +- Both parties will jointly conduct sales and marketing activities, with Ideanomics receiving up to 15% commissions on orders and any price differentials to be negotiated accordingly + +- Both parties will cooperate on financing activities for entire supply chain, from part sourcing and production through to sales and ABS financing and re-financing + +Then realize that: + +VW to take over majority stake in JAC joint venture + + + +They have been dripping little nuggets of PR about 300 and 400 EV orders that they're filling by the end of June to get those million dollar sales in on this quarter but the big stuff has snuck by so quietly, like this + +Strategic Agreement with Leading EV Heavy Truck and Bus Manufacturer, BeiBen Heavy Truck + + + +- Deal will facilitate electric heavy-duty truck sales in China, starting with Inner Mongolia mines and the port of Qingdao + +­- Partnership will expand into Southeast Asia through Treeletrik* + +­- Deal also includes broad financing partnership such as establishing funds to facilitate enterprise purchases, and asset securitization + + + +Bitches are also trimming the fat, they're selling some asset they own called Grapevine and some other influencer related platforms to Techconn for a nice take of futures: + +- Techconn vows to be one of the world's leading global influencer platforms boasting over 540,000 Key Opinion Leaders (People's Daily, Douyin, Tencent, and Kuaishou) (KOL). + +- China's striving ecosystem of influencers could push IPO in 24 months + +With this partnership, the PR on social media for EVs is going to FRICKING explode. + +And I'm not even sure what this part mean, but they're utilizing Fintech blockchain for a lot of what they're doing. + +So you're thinking, "I'm still skeptical so I'm going to point out their limited market being focused in China, what about after Chyyyyna goes green in 2022?" and I'm glad you asked, dickweasle, these mugs just copped a majority stake in THE ONLY LICENCED EV MANUFACTURER IN MALAYSIA, Treeletrik*, because it aims to sell 100 million EV mopeds across ASEAN countries. + +Now, I know what all you little autsies are saying, okay cunt, but this all seems too good to be true, who's behind it? + +CEO- Alf Poor: I didn't research him, fuck him. + +Board includes- + +Bruno Wu: Billionaire, Chinese media pioneer, married to Yan Lang (Forbes 100th most powerful women a few years back, talk show host, journalist, and oh yeah, chairwoman at the Sun Media group (one of China's biggest media companies)) + +Shane McMahon: son of the WWE's Vince McMahon + +Some other cunts: check for yourself. + + ---------------------------------------- + +The downsides: it's up 408% in the last month from 0.47 to 2.39. +If society collapses over Coronavirus scares over the weekend and the share price falls below $1 by OED Monday, it will fail to meet compliance and be delisted from the exchange. + + +Calls weren't even available on this bitch until June 8th. I've gone in everything I can on the 2.5c for 10/16 when they were 0.73. The 3c for 8/21 just got added today, and that's where the money is. Those will be deeper in the money than you need by their Earnings call on 8/10. + +Leadership: https://ideanomics.com/about-us/leadership/our-board-of-directors/ + +Bus deal: +https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/seven-stars-cloud-signs-exclusive-ground-breaking-three-year-24b-deal-with-chinas-largest-electric-bus-full-service-operator-300699270.html + +Charging station pilot: +https://mobile.twitter.com/ideanomicshq/status/1238482986187870208 + +Expo Center: +https://www.proactiveinvestors.com/companies/news/920655/ideanomics-massive-ev-expo-center-in-qingdao-china-is-starting-to-generate-revenues-920655.html + +It's sales: +https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/networknewsbreaks---ideanomics-nasdaq-idex-announces-strong-may-vehicle-sales-at-meg-center-2020-06-10?mod=mw_more_headlines&tesla=y + +Trimming the fat: +https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ideanomics-to-sell-its-grapevine-and-related-influencer-platform-non-core-assets-301077102.html + +The ASEAN thing: +https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ideanomics-announces-agreement-to-acquire-51-stake-in-the-exclusive-sales-arm-of-malaysias-only-licensed-ev-manufacturer-for-all-electric-powered-vehicles-300806752.html + +Heavy Equipment Partnership: +https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ideanomics-meg-announces-strategic-agreement-with-leading-ev-heavy-truck-and-bus-manufacturer-beiben-heavy-truck-301028158.html + +JAC partnership: +https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ideanomics-signs-mou-with-chinas-jac-for-ev-sales--financing-activities-300873330.html + + +VW/JAC: +https://www.electrive.com/2020/05/29/vw-to-take-over-majority-stake-in-jac-jv/ + +Proof that SSC is IDEX: +https://www.benzinga.com/news/18/10/12582006/seven-stars-changes-name-to-ideanomics-ticker-to-change-from-ssc-to-idex-effecti + + + +This is the last time I'm going to bug you guys with this amazing opportunity. This company has big plans and they have the connections and know how to make it happen. +This is not SOLO. They're doing big things now, and word is getting out quickly. + + + +TL;DR: IDEX calls for every position under $5 for October. Wait for once you're ITM. Profit. Then buy common shares and wait to retire. + +Edit: + + +......🌕 + +🚀 +I recently posted about my wedding show business getting shut down because of the current health crisis. Thanks to everyone’s (mostly everyone’s) comments and kind gestures I am now back on my feet and feeling great. + +I’m in the process of starting a new business selling T-Shirts to raise money for the NHS and earn the money lost from my old business. The business is joint with my 10 year old daughter who was interesting in raising money to help, the designs we do together and at the same time I am teaching her how to start and run a business. + +I was certainly in a bad place not so long ago and had thoughts I’d never think I’d ever have, to know that others are out there and the support I received really helped me through to the other side. Obviously I’m still struggling financially and the loss of my life savings is a huge disappointment but I’m hoping this new idea will get me back on track. + +So, to all your redditers out there, thank you, you really did save my life. + +I’ll keep you all posted on how the business is going and what you have helped me achieve. + +JUST TO CLARIFY +- 100% of the profits from the supporting design t shirts are going directly to the nhs. +- we have a separate line of designs which are not related. +This is more of an appreciation post and a post for those newer traders looking for guidance. There is a lot of fluff out there but I've had some wonderful interactions with 4 redditors in particular that have either offered their expertise in pointing out what my failings are, or bounced charting ideas and market theory ideas off of. Even shared strategies with, and tested strategies together. Trading can be lonely, no one I know can speak about trading in an engaging level IRL. So I also appreciate most people on this subreddit wanting to better themselves and others. Here are some genuine people who are here to help without any hidden agendas (in my order of "meeting" them): + +u/Kant_sleep13 \- Equity trader, creates a daily watch list he posts here and has really useful stickies on his page along with videos. He's a straightforward dude who tells it like it is and doesn't care for nonsense. He's probably not interested in talking to you unless you HAVE A PLAN! When I first started out he taught me about gaps, R ratios, position sizing, and stop losses. I literally wasn't using stops when I first spoke with him. He also turned me onto quite a few different strats such as ORB, 3BP, Triangles, Fades, Breakdowns ect. + +u/zimmertrading \- Options, equities, long term strategies. This guy is young, like 20! But he has his shit together and his level of knowledge of the overall market far surpasses what I am willing to learn right now. He is a statistical based trader as we all should be. Friendly and open to chat, and posts weekly videos about market sentiment. I credit him for driving me to look deeper into ITM/OTM/ATM options, market structure, and since we tested a strategy together, about discipline. It is crazy how two people can have the same exact trading plan laid out for them but different results. It goes to show how important execution and trade management can be. + +u/esInvests \- This guy is also very kind and open to discussing questions, he has made it clear he is here to help. I have asked him a question, and he responded in about 10 minutes with a 5 min video going over my question. He trades options mostly, running modified wheels. His videos have taught me a ton, and they are quick and easy on YT. + +u/UncleRyan79 \- Equity trader, has changed my trading life giving out free material on reddit and his twitter almost daily. He is a really nice guy, who is happy to answer questions. If you check out his page and go through the posts in order, he has a few strategies that have clicked for me. I've surely benefited. + +None of these guys have asked me for anything, and they have all been super helpful in the last 6-7 months. People wanting to help on reddit catch a lot of shit at first, people do not trust them assuming there is an agenda, MODs block them for whatever reason, and people argue with them because their strategies don't match their own. At the end of the day, everyone trades differently. It is based on personality, on how much you can handle risk wise, and how you control emotions, so no two traders are going to be alike. Not everyone is willing to share their p/l, so you got to have a nose for who is taking you for a ride. I've learned different core concepts from each of these guys so even if they were shitty traders, those lessons have helped me become more. + +I can vouch for these 4 if you are looking for no BS content. As always google questions first before approaching them, and also check out their page content before you start asking questions. I'm sure they get a lot of the same ones. I'm also sure there are other helpful folks, but these are the guys that I've come across in my experience on Reddit. Good luck! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT I messed up a number in UncleRyan79's name! Oops. +Asking for a friend who is in a predicament. + +They started with a MSP a few months back. At first it was meant to be an account management role with a few other job functions, but has since degenerated into driving to customer sites to fix problems. + +They are doing 300-500km a week driving from the office to various customer sites. Which is fine. Except they have been told "the business does not pay for KMs travelled for work" + +So at this point they're doing this travel and paying for it out of their salary. Obviously they will claim it at tax time but that doesn't come close to covering the actual cost. + +Is this normal? Any place I have ever worked has either provided a vehicle, an allowance or a reimbursement. But this person is being told their salary covers it. + +Surely this is bullshit? + +Salary is above the closest applicable "award" by about 20k but in their contract it states that the salary covers "all expenses & allowances." + +Any insight would be appreciated! +I need some major help here fellow FIRE's. I just spoke with my mom, and this isn't the first time, it's been ongoing for years: people think I"m cheap. They think I'm cheap especially because I"m living the FIRE mentality. I have a very small house with my wife and we have a newer Subaru and I drive a 5 year old Hyundai Accent. We do go on frequent vacations, but we use frequent flyer miles and credit card points and spend next to nothing on the vacations. However, my mom says my dad, sister, brother-in-law and even some friends think that I'm cheap. How do I stop this perception while still sticking to the FIRE lifestyle? +So far **S&P Global** hasn't offered any explanation on the rejection but is expected to do in the coming weeks. They will probably blame the **“Regulatory Credits”** but IMO the real reason has to do with the behavior of some hedge funds and retail investors that bought Tesla shares with the intend to dump them at a higher price on the S&P 500 ETFs. +Here in Germany there was recently a scandal involving the German DAX index that added a higly speculative and hyped company called Wirecard, once added to the index the company started a steep decline and eventually went bankrupt causing harm to not only Wirecard investors but also DAX ETFs. **S&P Global** has a reputation to maintain, so my guess is that for them the risk of adding a highly speculative company largely outweighs the benefits. +I am rapidly approaching my number (app 4M) and as I start to plan for the FIRE leap, I seem to keep moving the goal posts and postponing. Some of it for good reason (is my budget too tight? should I calculate with 2,5% rather than 3% WR etc etc).... So maybe it is not really about the number but saying goodbye to the social aspects of working. And I wonder what the first months of FIRE will feel like? + +So....anybody here who has felt post-FIRE empty / sad? Or the opposite? What did the first 6 months after pushing the button look like for You?? + +THANKS +**UPDATE** 26 March - I have decided to write this as a book that includes all the details that are missing below, and also some extra bits and pieces. This may take a few week (or probably longer) though. This is partly because I think I will get a lot out of putting my life into perspective, and also partly to help others who are on a similar path. I'll make the book free to begin with and post a link so you can download without having to pay. In any case, the price is likely to be very low - maybe $1-3. Not sure if I'm allowed to post link though, so maybe one of the mods can let me know. Check back mid-end April. + + +This is over 2,000 words and the reason I wrote it initially was to go back over my life to see what I did right, what I did wrong, and how I would change things if I could start again. I showed it to a friend who suggested writing a book, but I'm not sure there would be enough interest. Maybe it's too much about me. + +Anyway, this is what I've written so far. I could easily expand it into maybe a 10,000 word short book. What do you guys think? If you think it's worth it I'll give it a go and let you have a free copy. If you think it's worthless, let me know and you'll save me a whole lot of time. + +I'm happy to answer any questions. + +So, here it is. Note that there are missing bits, as it's not complete, but will still give a good overview. + +**How I Went From $5,000 Debt To $1 Million** + +If you’re looking for a get rich quick story, you’re out of luck. I was 29 years old when I was around $5,000 in debt, and I reached $1 million in assets when I was around 55 years old, so it took me around 26 years. Not too bad, but not exactly an overnight success. I want to share with you how I got there, so that maybe you can also replicate my success. Or better still, maybe you can get to $1 million much more quickly than I did. I’ll share what I did right, what I did wrong, and what I’d change if I had to start all over again. + +Feel free to ask questions in the comments section, and I’ll do my best to answer them. If you think I made some mistakes that I haven’t already noticed, or think you have ways that could have helped me get to $1 million more quickly, let me know. + +**From Humble Beginnings** + +I didn’t come from a great background, although I had a fairly happy childhood overall. Our family was never desperately poor, but neither did we have enough money to do many things that my friends got to do. While many of my friends got to go on summer holidays and had nice presents for Christmas, our family usually stayed at home all summer, and Christmas gifts were pretty basic. But we had a roof over our heads and food on the table. I think children are quite resilient, so I don’t think it affected me much at the time. + +**After School To Mid-20s** + +I think this is the part where my life started to go totally wrong. If you’re currently in your 20s, I just you don’t do what I did, was just to become a bit of a deadbeat. But if you’re in your 20s and not getting anywhere, take heart from the fact that I didn’t really get going until I was almost 30. My early 20s were mostly spent doing menial job, claiming benefits and drinking. + +Then I had what turned out to be a huge stroke of luck. A friend of mine wanted to go to evening class at the local college, so I went along with her for the enrollment, just to keep her company. So we walked into the hall and off she went to enroll in whatever subject she was planning to do, while I hung around and waited for her. Then a lecturer came up to me and asked what I wanted to study. I laughed and said I was there with a friend and hadn’t come to enroll. So he then asked what subject I was good at in school. I said math was my best subject, so he suggested I do that. I said I didn’t really want to do night classes, but he persevered and somehow managed to convince me to talk to the math lecturer. Next thing I knew I was enrolled to do Statistics and Pure Math over two years. WTF. How did that just happen? + +Anyway, as my friend was going to college in the evenings and I had already enrolled, I decided to give it try. And I actually enjoyed it. It made a nice change from my menial jobs and generally not doing anything to challenge myself. + +Then came another bit of luck. My statistics lecturer was a woman, and her husband was Professor of Statistics at the local university. She more or less talked me into applying do study Statistics at the university. I agreed and applied, but I really wanted a job, and not to spend three years studying. At the time it just seems like I’d waste another three years before getting a job that I could just get right then. + +So I applied for a job as an assistant manager at a local car hire business. I had decided that if I got the job I would take it, but if I didn’t I would go to university. I went for the interview, which seemed to go very well indeed. The interviewer told me that I was the best candidate so far, but that she had one more person to interview. And so my third bit of luck happened, and I didn’t get the job. It didn’t seem like luck at the time, but it definitely feels like a lucky break now. Whenever things go wrong for me, I look back at that time, and realize that some things are just not meant to be, because something better is waiting around the corner. + +So three totally lucky events and I was off to university. I often look back and wonder where I would be now if I hadn’t gone to evening classes or hadn’t gone to university. It sends shudders down my spine when I think I close I came to being a deadbeat my whole life. Of course, I might have eventually turned things around, but who knows. + +**University Years** +