diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_311.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_311.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_311.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +Would you be interested? + + +**Update**: Firstly thanks guys for your appreciation. + +**@JAYYDD** et al: If you use VPS + MT4 EA, which get's you into 24/7 mode, I would say _not much_, except the flexibility and speed you earn living outside the metatrader empire, which comes with the cost of learning some skills, like python-programming or getting familiar with RESTful APIs. + +**@finance_student:** Thanks for your answer. I am still figuring out, which format would be the best to present any of my knowledge And I tend to do this in the most figurative way. Long Textposts would scare everyone away, so I am guessing that /r/forex is not the right platform for that. + +As of December 4th Oanda will start charging a 0.5% fee on all trades that are not in your base currency. + +&#x200B; + +>OANDA charges a 0.5 % mark-up on the midpoint price at the time of conversion +> +>... +> +>It is applied to **any realised profits and losses, adjustments, fees and charges** that are denominated in a currency other than the account’s home currency and as such, needs to be converted to the account’s home currency + +[Link to Oanda's site](https://oanda.secure.force.com/?change=en_US&country=US#!/article/kA04O0000000peZSAQ/ka04O0000001Ib5QAE/) + +&#x200B; + +Is it just me or does this seem a little excessive? Or do all brokers have this? + +&#x200B; + +Already the spread is the biggest challenge for my strategy. If I had lower spreads I could get more trades at lower timeframes. This added 0.5% basically increases the spread on most of the pairs, so I'll probably just close my account with them. +So you know GME requested to remove credit rating. This could only happen (as far as we know) for three reasons; A) Bankrupcyyyyy (not habbening), B) Merger/Aquisition or C) Paid off all debt. + + +As for C, their only debt is that low interest covidshit from France. Frankly, its shitteningly small, nothing worth fussing over, and the rates lower than inflation anyways so why bother? Even if they felt like paying it off, why then request the removal of credit rating? + + +Leaves us with B) Mergers and Aquisitions. My question for you guys is this: can someone check if Loopring, IMX, BBBY, BABY or w/e company thats been mentioned in this context have recently made request to remove credit rating? + + +Could it be that GME made this known now, and the "other" company in AM? Keep eyes out. + + +Disclaimer for truest retards: I am not saying its a merger/aquisition, but since we all have nothing better to do than violating fruits anyways, why not use time in this bigbrain fashiun and look out for similar requests of removing credit ratings? + + +_Protip: Watch AM._ + + +Next week spice forever. + + +PEACE OUT. +[From this BBC article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50174367) QuickQuid is about to close due to *regulatory uncertainty*. + +If you have an open complain with them, you might receive a fraction of the compensation you're entitled to; please check and stay vigilant. + +Note: I've deleted my original post and reopened it due to an error in the title, sorry about that. +In their current form, crypto games are terrible. At best, most games look like second-rate games from the early 2000s. Shitty graphics, janky controls and animations, devoid of any gameplay of merit and best of all; they have predatory crypto/NFT transactions forcibly reamed into every orifice making them completely unavoidable to playing the game without spending a fortune. + +Why do people play games? I thought it was to have fun? No self respecting gamer wants to play this dogshit. Every one is a cynical attempt at a game rushed out to market by lazy devs and artists devoid of creativity and morals, looking to cash in on the metaverse circlejerk that has, thankfully, died down a bit from last year. + +Do these devs actually think these are good games, or are they shamelessly just pumping them out like the 1000s of shitcoins out there? (I suspect its the latter). + +For any crypto game to come even close to succeeding with mainstream audiences, it needs the following: + +\- MAKE IT FUN TO PLAY. This seems obvious, but the game should be fun. If it's not, it won't succeed further than the bloodsucking yokels that only play these games in the slim hope naïve suckers will join so they can sell their tokens, land or scholarships to, or whatever other predatory items/practices the shitty game has forced into it. + +\- CRYPTO/NFT FUNCTIONALITY SHOULD BE A SECONDARY FOCUS. This ties in with making it 'fun' to play. These cash-grabs are plainly obvious to mainstream gamers; it's is why there's such a massive backlash against crypto being forced into games. Most people that actually play games know what makes a game fun to play and will spot a cynical cash-grab a mile off (surprisingly, finance & crypto nuts looking for the next hot speculative asset have nfi and are more likely to fall for these dumb games) + +\- IMPLEMENT CRYPTO AS SOMETHING THAT'S NOT REQUIRED TO ENJOY THE GAME, BUT THERE'S A COMPELLING REASON FOR IT TO BE THERE. This ties into the first two points. It's obvious, but no-one is doing it yet. I wonder why? + +\- CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE TOKENOMICS. DON'T TIE IT IN WITH A SHITCOIN THAT'S GOING TO 'MOON'. If you want long-term players, carefully implement tokenomics that are designed with a long-term stable economy in mind. You also want the barrier to entry to be low so that anyone can play. Otherwise, it'll be an Axie Infinity where predatory scholarship type-arrangements are set up by whales to 'help' players get into the game (because the average person does not have enough money for the start-up costs). Or it'll moon and turn quickly into a pump & dump that'll die out in a month (a ponzi scheme). + +SUMMARY + +Crypto games suck and won't become more popular unless they stop being made by arrogant, greedy wankers trying to cash in on the 'metaverse' hype. + +And what the fuck even is the 'metaverse'? It's fucking nothing. It's just an awkward noise expressed from the arse of people who think they know better. +Well, I have all but officially been screwed by Voyager. I didn’t listen to the warning. I didn’t read the small print. Bad things happen, we can either get angry or learn. I’m going to learn. + +Starting the DRS process now. + +If you’re reading this and haven’t DRS’d yet. Please don’t wait. I lost a lot. More than I can afford to lose in Voyager. I thought it was safe. It’s not. Get it tangible in your hand and/or in your name. Things are going to get much, much uglier. +[The Inheritance of Inequality](http://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/089533002760278686) + +This week's paper comes from /u/Erinaceous, who writes: + +> Bowles and Gintis' Inheritance of Inequality would be topical with all the Piketty stuff in the news lately. + +**Abstract** + +> How level is the intergenerational playing field? What are the causal mechanisms that underlie the intergenerational transmission of economic status? Are these mechanisms amenable to public policies in a way that would make the attainment of economic success more fair? These are the questions we will try to answer. +Crypto.com has been going insane with its marketing. From Formula 1 to Twitch to the UFC and Matt Damon. So many people see their logo on the daily. It’s probably been the reason why CRO has been rallying recently. It’s great to see crypto adoption spreading in the mainstream and Crypto.com has been spending a lot of money to make that happen. + +I think Crypto.com has the potential to be one of the best and largest exchange out there, I just wish they would spend some of that marketing money to improve their exchange. Get more trading pairs, a better interface, lower fees, easier fiat onramps and they could easily beat Binance. They also have a kickass debit card program. + +Hope they use this opportunity to become a great exchange. +after losing most of my money on options, ive come to realize that the best way to make consistent gains is to have more money to put in the market. + +enter the plan i came up with after failing my geology exam. + +1. apply for fafsa and use my scholarship to pay my tuition. + +2. apply for my university covid relief fund, exaggerate the numbers to receive the full $10,000 + +3. create an LLC + +4. apply for a small business loan through my LLC using the fafsa & covid money as collateral to make up for my lack of business history, aim for $50,000 at 4% apr (made these numbers up in my head) + +5. deposit the money directly into my “LLC’s” brokerage and enable margin trading to get up to 8x leverage with 7% margin interest. + +6. my LLC will have gone from $20,000 cash to $400,000 in buying power (20x leverage) which will strictly be used on options to provide even more leverage. + +7. beat 11% to pay down interest, keep the profit. even a 20% year ($80,000) would net me $36,000 after paying interest. this is more than my original collateral. + +8. if my LLC loses all of its money, the company will declare bankruptcy and i will lose the collateral but i will not be liable for the $400,000 in losses. +I’m 21 and I currently have 10k in my bank this is the first time I had ever reach this money in my life. I work at a warehouse for min wage here in NY. It drains me so much just for min wage been there for 2-3yrs don’t seem like I’m getting nowhere, I tried college did not work out for me. I want to make my my mom proud 1st gen here I want to get more income to my household I’m the only one with emergency funds due to this pandemic. Thankfully I never stopped working, I had a car but got wrecked really bad( was not in vehicle) idk what to do or where to go. I have a TD investment acc but I feel like it’s unrealistic of me to invest now especially with this virus. I want to buy a nice ride for me and transport for me and my mother and sis, but I feel stuck learned the hard way not to waste all my money and live paycheck to paycheck. + +If you read this far thanks for listening I’ll take some 2cents for now. +I’m approx. 30 yo and I have just over $50k in a Roth IRA account. I no longer contribute to this. I have a 401(k) with my current position which I am actively contributing to, and will continue to contribute to. +I’m considering pulling $10k from my Roth to assist with my possible home purchase down payment. My plan is to stay in this property for at least five years but I could see it as a long term option also. +Is this a terrible idea? Should I not touch my Roth account? I appreciate your insights! + +Quick edit to say thank you so much for your thoughts. This is such a big decision and I really do value the varied opinions. What I've really gotten is there is no "right" or "wrong" answer. Thankfully it's not a MUST for me to pull from my Roth, but definitely going to keep the option in mind. Especially if I can quickly contribute back into the Roth, or if I expect the property value to quickly increase. +Conventional wisdom advises that if you're looking to buy a house in 3-5 years, you keep your savings in a liquid account, such as an HYSA. + +But what if your horizon for house-buying is more like 10-15 years, and you're not even sure if you will *ever* buy a house, but you want to keep your savings (post-e-fund) in a place that has potential for decent growth. And then, if you don't ever buy a house, that money would go towards retirement, but at this moment you don't want to bind it up in a tax deferred or tax advantaged account like an IRA and face penalties if you withdraw earlier than 59 1/2 for a down payment. + +Recommended places to put your down payment savings in this case? Index funds? ETFs? Roth IRA? + +Thanks in advance. +Hope this is allowed. someone messaged me following post here the other day with a fairly elaborate Ponzi scheme/scam offer. + +He's apparently specifically lurking in UKPF looking for marks, his opener was "I saw your post in UKPF..." + +The guy was offering me a "cloud crypto mining" opportunity costing $2999 USD with estimated profits of £7500 every two weeks! + +Based in the UK, website had a UK phone number but all prices in USD on their website. Ironically he tried to claim they were under UK tax law but wouldn't provide a registered address in the UK 😂 just in Estonia + +At the very least cloud mining is often a Ponzi scheme. But often it's an out and out scam + +Just remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Please be vigilant my friends + +Anyone know how I can go about reporting this in the UK? +I'm trying to figure out how to best use the money to help me get some kind of stability. Also I could really use a thorough ELI5 for the benefits mail I [got](https://imgur.com/a/MBjlD0n). + +Some background to help inform advice: +I've mostly been living in my car for the last 14 months after a traumatic experience earlier that same year left me with PTSD resulting in a sharp decline in my ability to work and subsequent firing. + +I won't go into detail about my symptoms, but on a less than great day in pretty much the scary guy on the corner obliviously ranting to himself in public, and on a bad day I black out and lose all memory of what transpired. It still takes a lot of effort day-to-day day to remain lucid even on a decent day. + +I lived on credit for a while just trying to keep me fed day to day. My mental health has now improved enough that I see my decision making abilities vanished for awhile and I was in pure survival mode. So I went from a perfect credit score and a great job to being delinquent on nearly 20k and using dog sitting jobs to have a place indoors to sleep. + +My car is not in great shape, since I've completely neglected the maintenence, again just didn't have the mental capacity to make it the priority it should be. + +I've tried twice to get disability (Texas) for my PTSD. I am diagnosed, but each time I've applied they've "lost" my application and told me to reapply, even after sending me confirmation emails that my application was received and I even had appointment dates confirmed... I talked to a friend of a friend here in Texas who said it took him 2 years of legal battles to get disability for his PTSD and he seems to think that's the status quo for Texas. + +So my first thought for the money was to try to get a tiny cheap apartment so that I have some stability and could improve my mental health because just trying to figure out where I'm going to sleep every day takes up a ton of my mental energy. But that would only give me several months at best, if I could even qualify for a lease. + +My next thought was to hire a disability lawyer with the money, but then I'm worried if it really takes so long to get approved I might run out of money before I'm able to. + +*edit: I will be taking no more armchair diagnoses from the peanut gallery, thank you. I do currently have a therapist and it's safe to say they're in a better position to know than any random redditor. And that's not what this post is about. +Something that has become very popular in the retail trading space is looking at the flow for "unusual" volume. Lets say the average call volume is 1,000 per day, and an order comes in for 1,500 call options, this would get flagged and thought of as a "bullish" bet. + +As good traders, we should dissect this idea and determine whether or not we should actually be putting our money behind it. + +**Reasons to bet on unusual call volume:** + +\- Buying a call is a bet on the stock going up. + +\- Buying a call is a bet on the stock going up with more volatility than the market implies. + +\- It "looks like" someone is betting on the stock going up, fast. + +**Reasons to NOT bet on unusual call volume:** + +\- What if they bought a call April, and sold a call in May? Now their view is on forward volatility, not direction. + +\- What if they bought a call on stock XYZ (which gets flagged as unusual option volume), but they also bought puts? Now their view is on volatility, not direction. + +\- What if they bought a call on stock XYZ (which gets flagged as unusual option volume), but they also sold calls on stock ABC? Now their view is relative value, not direction. + +\- What if someone is selling a call spread? It would double the volume on the call side, but its actually a BEARISH bet! + +\- We can't actually derive what the VIEW someone is expressing actually is simply by seeing an "unusual" order coming in. + +**Here's a funny personal story.** + +Last week I completely dominated the chain on a stock. I was basically the whole volume on some particular strikes/expiries. + +The calls that I bought were flagged by some of the big guys on twitter as unusual option activity. It was truly my "I have made it" moment. + +But the funny part? + +Everyone is looking at that trade thinking I placed a bullish bet. When in reality I was trading something completely different. I had bought puts too. I had NO view on direction. + +This is a prime example of the dangers here. Following my "call flow" because it got flagged, was not following my trade, or view. + +**Conclusion:** + +**Seeing an order come into the market without any idea of who it is or what their view they are expressing is dangerous. If we can't see the whole picture, we need to be careful.. our money is on the line :)** +The other day I saw a post on Facebook in which someone talked about waiting for the market to cool a bit. People were reacting with the laugh emoji, and someone said "it's only going up. You'll never get a better price than now." + +I was really shocked - floored in fact, because I heard this before. Someone once said to me "You're WAITING?! Prices are only going to go up! This is it, it only goes up, that's why RE is so great!!!" + +I heard that in 2006. + +I know that a crash like 2007 isn't likely - but how can people really believe "it only goes up, all the time?" That's like the often mocked "stonks only go up." + +Do you believe this? +I will be renting my house to a family with preschoolers (3-5 years old) and have twofold concerns: (1) I may be sued if the children get hurt in my house (the house has lots of stairs, balconies and railings) and (2) the children may cause a lot of damage throughout the house. How can I protect myself as the landlord? I'm hoping there is language or riders I can include in the lease agreement. This is in New York. Thanks for your input. +>*Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face* \- Mike Tyson + +There’s no point beating about the bush here - From Twitter to the mainstream media, everyone’s talking about the market correction. The S&P 500 saw an 18% drawdown and Nasdaq is down 25% YTD, enough to get investors and traders panicking about the dream bull run ending, and wondering whether we’re entering a bear market now. + +But when emotions are high and anecdotes are used to draw comparisons, there’s only one recourse - Data. We’ve seen three significant corrections over the last 20 years and studying the market’s behavior during those corrections can give us clues about what to do. Let’s dive deep into the previous corrections to understand why this isn’t the time to panic - And what you should do with your investments now. + +## Data + +There were three major market corrections in the past - In 2000-02, in 2007-08, and in 2020. I mainly looked at data related to these periods to answer two questions: + +1. Should you wait, keep investing, or double down during a dip? +2. Can you protect against downside risk? + +I have used the S&P 500 as the benchmark for most of these backtests. The data for this article has been collected using Yahoo Finance. The analysis and data are shared at the end of the article. + +## Buying the dip + +Markets fluctuate every day. But the reason a drawdown gets everyone’s attention is that the drop in prices is rapid, and the psychological effect is immense. The 2007-08 correction saw the S&P 500 losing value by more than 50%. Imagine seeing half the value of your portfolio seemingly evaporate overnight! + +https://preview.redd.it/tj03wbt698091.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=240a148b5327e60b1037ca6898b9b2ce5a682fca + +It’s very hard to hold on to your investments in such cases. The instinct is to sell at a high and buy at a low. But is it possible to do so reliably? Market timing is a tricky business and it does not work in the long run. \[1\] But in the case of a market correction, ***should you wait out the storm before investing again, or should you double down and buy more?*** Let’s study the past corrections to find out. + +Consider three investors: Cautious Charlie, Average Andy, and Daring Dave. Each of them invests $100 into the S&P 500 at the beginning of every month. When the market goes below 10% of the previous all-time high (let’s call this the threshold), each investor reacts differently to the dip. + +* Cautious Charlie “holds” - He stops investing and waits till the market crosses the threshold again. +* Average Andy “stays” - He continues investing as usual. +* Daring Dave “doubles” - He invests double the usual amount till the market crosses the threshold again. + +Who did better? Here’s how they would have performed if they had started investing in 1998: + +https://preview.redd.it/4uvyqtz798091.png?width=1320&format=png&auto=webp&s=cde8138d1f036bd208fb2508002d207b078fc6e9 + +Would you look at that! At the end of 24 years, Average Andy and Daring Dave have returns of greater than 330% while Cautious Charlie has a return of about 240%. The most profitable strategy is to double down during dips, but continuing to invest as usual also does great. + +But how do their average returns compare in the short term? These are the average returns if you had invested using the three strategies starting at the beginning of the last three major corrections: + +https://preview.redd.it/mynxx1x898091.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b7f1e30d02b6b2078e44226c1f36a2b8488965c + +Even in the short term, buying during the dip is far superior to waiting \[2\] You would have lost money by waiting but made positive returns over even a 3-year and 5-year period if you had continued to invest - and the profits of the “double” strategy are almost 2x that of the “hold” strategy where you stop investing. + +The message is clear - Buy the dip if you can afford to. + +## Hedging your bets + +Sometimes we get so lost in the commotion that we forget to analyze the fundamental reasons behind a correction. A blanket term like a market correction is hard to understand - but looking at how different sectors performed during similar periods in the past can help us find safe bets. This is how each sector performed on average: + +https://preview.redd.it/p6ufxmea98091.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=97531102833b5fcdaa1d14872331d5c86a9e9f86 + +During the last three major drawdowns, semiconductors, tech, and financial stocks were the worst affected. On the other hand, consumer staples, healthcare, and telecom have seen a drawdown much below what the market sees on average. This offers an opportunity - while continuing to invest in the S&P500 is a good strategy, ETFs which invest specifically in these sectors can offer some protection against the downside (The risk of course is that you will miss out on the opportunities that Tech and Growth stocks provide). \[3\] + +How you see the market also depends on how you look at it. The S&P500 is just one index out there, and other indices tell a different story. The NASDAQ 100 is a tech-heavy market-cap-weighted index that does not track financial companies. The Russell 2000 tracks 2000 small-cap stocks. The Dow Jones Index is a price-weighted index (unlike the others) that tracks only 30 companies - and it leaves out a lot of big Tech names like Alphabet, Meta, and Tesla. + +https://preview.redd.it/m59cr9sc98091.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=a291777f255186995f103e2a84a0a0dc9096d54c + +Historically, the Nasdaq and Russell 2000 have reacted much more violently to a market correction than the Dow Jones, as the Nasdaq invests heavily in Tech, and the small-cap companies in the Russell 2000 are more susceptible to corrections. Currently, the market might be in the middle of a correction and we don’t know when it will end - but this is another indicator that investing in non-tech stocks like the Dow Jones Index does is a good way to hedge your bets. + +## Should you wait? + +>*Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.* \- Warren Buffett + +We saw earlier that timing the market is a very unreliable strategy. To push this point further, here’s a thought experiment: How long would it have taken to double your money in **the worst possible circumstances?** Imagine you had bought into the S&P 500 just before the price dropped and held on without selling or putting in any more money. This is how long you would have had to wait. + +https://preview.redd.it/b1v0txie98091.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd3f933eb52595debf7424c9cbf23aef218e6613 + +The worst waiting period was from 2000 to 2006, and even then you would have doubled your money in just 6.72 years! That’s a return of 10.8% compounded annually. The market bounced back way faster in case of the 2020 correction. The wait feels long because the drop from high to low happens within a year or two on average, and it may take a long time to reach the previous high again - But once the previous high is reached, the market doubles in a little more than half a year on average! Timing the market is a fool’s errand in this case. + +In fact, if you believe that compounding is the key to long-term wealth creation, unnecessarily disturbing your portfolio could cause more harm than good. CNN tracks market sentiment through a metric called “[The Fear and Greed Index](https://edition.cnn.com/markets/fear-and-greed)”. Right now, the index is at an all-time low - indicating that the market is very fearful and it’s a good time to buy. + +https://preview.redd.it/vvq0pgdf98091.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=68cf7cf1a5243c82034d6ea0218f71a2a27b44c7 + +### Conclusion + +Market corrections are psychologically difficult times, and all investing rules go out of the window. It’s hard to hold on to your stocks when you see them go down, but as the data shows, market corrections of more than 10% are not a time to sell, and rather a time to keep investing or even invest more. + +Be clear about the timelines of your investing. Hedge your bets to reduce risk if necessary but consider if it’s worth interrupting your investment if you don’t need the money now. If your wealth-building game is long-term and not based on trading, there is little reason to try and time the market. Stay invested, wait for the recovery, and be greedy when others are fearful. + +&#x200B; + +**Data:** All the data used in the analysis [**can be found here**](https://rows.com/market-sentiment/my-spreadsheets/buying-the-dip-5c1ngpw3v99Do3XSsdgnL/live) + +&#x200B; + +**Footnotes** + +\[1\] + +As Nick Maggiuli demonstrates in [this article](https://ofdollarsanddata.com/right-now-but-wrong-later/), rules of thumb like “wait for six months before buying into the market” would have given you a profit after the 2000 and 2007 corrections, but you would have miserably underperformed in the 2010s when the volatility was not as much. + +\[2\] The 2020 correction was excluded from 3-year and 5-year returns. + +\[3\] There’s a parallel between the 2000 Dot-com bubble and the correction that’s happening now, in that Tech and growth stocks are the worst affected even now. But this is not the burst of a bubble unlike 2000 when Amazon was just 6 years old and Facebook didn’t even exist. What’s going on? One explanation for the current dip is that the free money that was pumped into the system after the COVID lockdown last year propped up the market to unrealistic levels and now that the Fed rates are kicking in, the market will normalize at a little higher than pre-pandemic levels (Michael Batnick covers this in [his excellent article](https://theirrelevantinvestor.com/2022/05/13/how-low-can-stocks-go/)). +Every time I hang out with my friends I get annoyed. I'm a teacher. I have a master's. I went to a private university because I was assured the loans would be forgiven for teachers but anyone who knows about that knows the process is years behind right now. + +Which is why I get annoyed when my friend is complaining about how bitchy her dad is for getting mad that she lost the password for her student loans because he'd put it to auto pay and needed to check how much it was to just pay it off for her in one go. After she dropped out because she was depressed. I was depressed too. I attempted suicide twice, and then had to get up the morning after I realized it failed and go to class anyway. She got to stay at home and get a second degree paid for. + +Then another complains that gas prices are up because now he can't afford to spend 1.2k on plastic figurines, and that he doesn't have student loans because he "got scholarships" (and his dad paid 10k a semester for his tuition). + +Meanwhile I'm eating spaghetti for the third night in a row because dry pasta and tomato sauce is what I have left and I have like 37c until the direct deposit hits. + +Going on vacation with them I realized that it wasn't her dad had a timeshare at this place. Her dad OWNED the entire complex that people bought timeshares in. 35 dollar a plate places were "pretty cheap" and they assumed I was trying to cut calories when I ordered the 13 kid's quesadilla. + +They aren't trying to be rude. And they aren't like...classist or posh or anything. They're good people. But I gave myself a binge eating disorder eating all my friends' lunch leftovers so that I didn't eat dinner because if I ate dinner there wouldn't be enough left for my dad. They have never watched their parents be worried about money. They themselves have never been worried about money. And they think "dad wants the password to pay off my student loans" is a problem. + +I need more broke friends. +As the title says I worked at one of those places. For obvious reasons, I will not mention names. + +The shop I worked for was one of the cleaner shops in the industry, but that is not saying much. The shop I worked for *might* not have broken any laws, but there practices were not ethical. They had commissioned sales people running the company who did not really know the product they were selling. They were careful not make outright lies to the clients they signed up, but they certainly took advantage of the clients' ignorance, fears, and greed. + +Even in the cleaner shops, the major draw backs to signing up for a resolution company are (1) they charge too much, (2) almost all the people they sign up end up paying every cent they owe in tax plus more penalties and more interest, (3) for many, they could have done everything themselves, and (4) they are driven by sales and marketing people, not professionals. + +Most people sign up for these services hoping to have their balances "negotiated." THERE IS NO NEGOTIATION WITH THE IRS! The IRS (and some states) have an offer in compromise program where they will settle a tax debt for the fraction owed. However, very few delinquent taxpayers qualify. Chances are if you could afford to pay some resolution company $4000 or more, you do not qualify for that program. + +Even if you might qualify for the Offer in Compromise program, the resolution firm you sign up with might not file the offer in compromise. These firms work on high volume and the attorney working on your case (who by the way is not your attorney, but the company's attorney), has a a heavy case load and is often getting bonuses to churn out clients as quick as possible. An offer in compromise application can take several months, while other arrangements take less time. So "your" attorney may not file that offer in compromise because it prevents them from churning out inventory. + +So if you do think you need help with your taxes, the first place to go would be your Low Income Tax Clinic (LITC). This is a program for indigent tax payers to get pro bono help. If you do not qualify for the LITC, hire a Law Firm that will charge you by the hour. It will be much cheaper to pay a lawyer for an hour or two to look at your case and tell you to pay up than to hire a resolution company. Also, a Law Firm is better able to handle the complicated tax issues that require help. + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-11/coinbase-ceo-says-no-risk-of-bankruptcy-amid-black-swan-event?srnd=premium](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-11/coinbase-ceo-says-no-risk-of-bankruptcy-amid-black-swan-event?srnd=premium) + +>A filing late Tuesday by Coinbase included a “new risk factor” based on recent Securities and Exchange Commission requirement for public companies that hold cr\*pto assets for third parties.“Because custodially held cr\*pto assets may be considered to be the property of a bankruptcy estate, in the event of a bankruptcy, the cr\*pto assets we hold in custody on behalf of our customers could be subject to bankruptcy proceedings and such customers could be treated as our general unsecured creditors,” Coinbase wrote in the filing. Coinbase will take additional steps to ensure that it offers protection for its retail customers that match those offered to Prime and Custody consumers, Armstrong said in Twitter thread late Tuesday. “We should have updated our retail terms sooner, and we didn’t communicate proactively when this risk disclosure was added,” Armstrong wrote. “My deepest apologies.”Shares in the company [fell 16%](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-10/coinbase-plunges-after-first-quarter-revenue-misses-estimate) after regular trading as first-quarter revenue missed analyst estimates. + +See CEO's Twitter thread [here](https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/1524233480040710144?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1524233480040710144%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bloomberg.com%2Fnews%2Farticles%2F2022-05-11%2Fcoinbase-ceo-says-no-risk-of-bankruptcy-amid-black-swan-event). + +>This disclosure makes sense in that **these legal protections have not been tested in court for cr\*pto assets specifically, and it is possible, however unlikely, that a court would decide to consider customer assets as part of the company in bankruptcy proceedings**... + +(Emphasis added.) + +I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/udyyg5/what_is_going_on_with_coin/) last week about COIN asking for opinions because it was trading with a deep margin of safety based on DCF. The stock is down another 54% in the last 13 days since my post following an earnings miss on the top and bottom lines. + +I listened to the earnings call yesterday and thought management had a good strategy and plan for execution. However, this news is making me think of the CEO's response to a question from an investor about COIN's moat. Long story short, COIN doesn't really have a moat, but the CEO claims consumer "trust" in COIN is like a moat because it allows COIN to sell people who come to their platform to buy or trade cr\*pto new services like NFTs, staking, DeFi, *etc.* They really made a big thing about how much their consumers trust them and how big a competitive advantage that is in a space like cr\*pto where people coming into the market for the first time will generally get into the game through the most trusted name. I think this news — that your assets held by COIN, including their custody business, could be seized in the event of COIN's bankruptcy — should undermine customer trust in COIN. Failing to disclose such a significant risk in a timely manner is a huge red flag for me as a potential investor and attorney. + +If there's enough interest from COIN bag-holders, I can do a preliminary legal analysis of the bankruptcy issues to assess the CEO's claim it is "unlikely" a court would allow the seizure of Coinbase's customers' cr\*pto. The fact the claim is untested in court is enough for me not to trust the CEO's conclusory opinion. + +I personally would not hold my cr\*pto on COIN until there is legal certainty the assets are safe in the case of bankruptcy. Consequently, I have a negative outlook on COIN's custody business; therefore, I have a negative outlook on COIN's so-called moat and ability to upsell new customer's into more products. If people start using COIN for best-price execution only and begin moving their coins to another platform to hold and use their cr\*pto, then COIN's ceiling is a cr\*pto trading platform, not the all-service cr\*pto platform management is selling to investors. +I’m interested to hear what your investment research process looks like from finding ideas to putting money on the table and how long that process usually takes +Etsy is a company that grew A LOT in the past years, has a solid business model, good fundamentals, and well-positioned for growth. Also, a company that had a low of $85 and a high of $251 in the last 365 days. So, I went through the annual reports, analyzed the company, and did an intrinsic valuation. + +Based on my assumptions, the intrinsic value per share is $159 (current market price $169,82). + +Below a link to a 15-minutes video where I explain my approach and go through all the details. This is my 4th casual valuation after iRobot, Coca Cola and Target. + +[https://youtu.be/k-9K96hUhHw](https://youtu.be/k-9K96hUhHw) + +Feedback is always appreciated, so I'm looking forward to reading your comments. Also, if you have suggestions for companies to value, please let me know. +Two of my idols in the value investing world decided to pour millions into BABA. One of them munger, is investing into something big I think after 4 years and the other cuts down one of his current stakes (of the two) and makes this bet (Pabrai). Now personally I am a big fan of cloning and my own research is positive on Baba long-term. + +My question is the scale of investment is still too high for me. Like 100 shares of BABA is still a sizeable 20K investment. Now with it's already huge market cap, for that to be a 10x will be a fairly big ask in the next several years.. or decade ...keen to hear thoughts on choosing value stocks looking for a multi bagger especially early on in your investing when the available capital is small and you don't want to put all of it into one or two stocks looking all funds for several years to come.. +Reviewing notes from Peter Lynch confused me a bit when looking at when to buy a growth stock. + +Lynch mentions the earnings line (at a p/e of 15) compared to the stock price. When the price line dips below the earnings line, it is considered a good time to buy. + +BUT... he also mentions the famous PEG ratio.... a stock that is fairly priced will have a p/e that matches it's EPS growth rate. + +&#x200B; + +The question is...if there is a situation where these measurements are opposite, which do you choose to go by? For example, what if the earnings line at a p/e of 15 is considerably below the price line but the EPS growth rate for the last 5 years is well above the p/e at the same time? According to Lynch's writings, the price would be overpriced and undervalued at the same time? + +&#x200B; + +Have you run into this and how did you respond? +What stocks are on your radar this week? + +What's in the news that's affecting the market? + +Celebrate your successes, rue your losses, or just chat with your fellow Value redditors! + +*(New Weekly Megathreads are posted every Monday at 0600 GMT.)* +I'm getting absolutely no help from the banking institution that I thought I could trust and I feel as though I'm running out of options so I'm here, hoping I can get some guidance from someone. + +What happened? + +2 transfers totaling a little over $2000 was transferred from savings account through the Zelle transfer service, something I've never used or heard of, to 2 email accounts with names attached to each one. Likely fake names but still, there were names. I caught it while it was still processing but it didn't matter, the bank couldn't cancel or stop them. So I file a claim through Bank Of America thinking everything was going to be okay. I'm protected, so it'll be okay. Wrong. It's been about 3 weeks and this entire process has been nothing short of a nightmare all because of BOA. 11 days after filing my claim, BOA denied my claim saying that the login into my account before the money transferred was consistent with other logins. They were basically saying I did it. After getting royally irate on the phone with them, I tell them that I'm going to get my money back and they need to tell me what to do to make this happen. They tell me to go and get my phone scanned for viruses by my cell phone carrier. So I have to somehow prove that someone stole my money. Not once did they mention a police report so i asked if it would help. They said that it would. No idea why they wouldn't mention this first before this useless phone scan. So I filed a police report with my local police and requested the case be investigated. Finally someone actually helping me. After a few days I finally got ATT to scan my phone but the device they use can't print or email so I can't fax anything to BOA. I was able to take pictures of the different screens showing the results hoping this would be sufficient. I call BOA and after being transferred several times I finally get someone to tell me other options because ATT can't give me anything written or digitally showing the results. They tell me to go to a third party store that works on and fixes cell phones. After calling 10 different places in my area, I found 1 that said they could scan the phone and hand write the details on their company letterhead with their info. BOA said that would suffice. I mean what else am I supposed to do? I asked why I couldn't use one of the trust third party apps, download the report and send that in. That would give them everything they needed to know. + + + +So I've jumped through their hoops, recorded all my phone calls once I noticed they were playing games with me, filed a police report and gathered all the info I could from Google showing that I didn't access the BOA app on my phone the days the money was transferred and I've faxed this info over to them to try and get the claim looked at again. I'm not hopeful. I've filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after it was suggested in a few forums online and I'm in the process of filing a complaint with helpmybank.gov. I'm pretty sure that my email account was hacked and my banking info was then gathered through it somehow because there was a label created in my email to read and delete all Bank Of America emails thus the reason I never caught this when it was happening. So now I've been racking my brain trying to secure anything I have that has a password to ensure this doesn't happen again because they bank isn't protecting me. I'm fairly computer savvy so I keep my home PC virus free and I never open shady emails. But I guess when you have companies being breached and tens of millions of people's info is now out there, it makes it a little harder to protect yourself. + + + +If they deny my claim again, what can I do? I didn't do this. My money was stolen from me yet the bank is treating me like I did it and they haven't helped me one bit. Calling them is a nightmare. I asked about a specific part of their privacy policy the other day and I was transferred 5 times over an hour and a half and STILL couldn't get it explained. I've never used the Zelle service and I've never transferred large amounts like this yet the bank didn't catch it. It blows my mind and I thought I was protected. My mind has been so scattered since this happened that it's hard to focus on my day to day life because I'm constantly thinking about this and other fraud incidents potentially happening. What can I do? I need help. Can I take this small claims court? Should I hire a lawyer? + + + +Thank you for taking the time to read this. +This morning I saw the stock melting down. Couldn’t short it so I sold naked OTM calls. What could go wrong? Well Mark Cuban can say stuff and Robinhood lifted trading restrictions so the stock surged to 150. Covered at the top of course. Pour one out for 100k of theta plays down the tubes +People seem to be aiming for 1-2% per week, but how often does that happen? The upside seems really good with this method and the risk isn't higher than just owning stocks outright. Why isn't this method more popular? Is it because everyone wants to get rich quickly or are there downsides I am missing? +Obligatory longtime lurker, first time poster. Using a throwaway and being to avoid doxing. I can verify NW with mods if need be. All figures in US$. I know my spend numbers are under many fatties here but this sub has more experience with seven figure NW and international life than others. + +Demographics: 30M, casually dating. Kids would be a dealbreaker. + +Location: Developed Asia (think Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei). If you’re just getting by (local food, public transit, public healthcare), this place is MCOL. For a FAT lifestyle, VHCOL. Compared to the US, I spend less on daily necessities, but high-end restaurants are more expensive than Alinea or French Laundry. + +Spend: Likely to be under $40k this year. I would be quite comfortable on $60k a year. I do have some tastes (fancy food, international travel in business class) that I’d like to start indulging + +NW: about $5m, mostly from inheritance and windfall. $2m cash, $2m invested (global index funds), $1m in home equity. Good chance of another $500k in inheritances in the next 5 years and more in the future, but not counting on it. + +Current job: non-tech role in Asian tech company, TC $150k. + +Situation: After graduating I worked in the US for a mid-stage growth company which had a liquidity event at a huge valuation during the COVID bubble. Moved back to Asia in mid-2021, which was lucky because I cashed out at what turned out to be the peak. Taking a step back, I know I’m doing great financially and professionally. No regrets about moving back home and I have a solid support network of family and friends. + +Since coming back, I haven’t felt a lot of motivation at work. I work for what’s considered a prestigious tech name in Asia, but the working culture is very different and I don’t think the company is a net positive to the world. + +A few questions for the people of FatFIRE: + +1) Looking at my numbers, it looks like I can retire: 3% of $4m liquid is $120k annually. But my runway is very long, maybe 60 years, and when I do Monte Carlo simulations on Portfolio Visualizer the 10th percentile SWRs are <2.5%. If I try to test Sequence Risk (worst 3 years up front) the 10th percentile SWR is 1.5%! How are people on this subreddit thinking about SWR with the risk of stagflation and frothy asset prices? + +2) I know I’m underinvested. Macro looks really volatile right now so I don’t want to lump sum in. In my position, what would you do? $100k in every month for the next year? + +3) For those who pulled the trigger, especially if you’re still young, when did you know you had enough? What do you do to pass the time? + +4) Bonus question: for any Asians here… what did you tell your relatives? +Hi, I'm 18 years old, I grew up with financially irresponsible parents and due to that I did not grow up with a lot of freedom and privileges that other people had. Due to this, I don't want my kids or their kids to have to suffer the same way I did. I'm dedicating my life to creating generational wealth. I'm writing this post to see if you guys can help me along the path and guide me in the right direction. + +**My game plan** (help if you see any flaws) +So to do this I'm considering going to a technical college to learn a trade like welding until I can go to school again to be a contractor (makes $100,000 a year) either that or I want to get into sales. I'm still undecided. But I think right now the best thing would be get financial assistance (government Grants) to go to a technical college where I can work my way up the ladder in America. I'm already good at budgeting, allocating and saving 50% of my money. I've even learned a little about business, investing, and saving money these last few years. (I tend to experiment and test out things to make money). + +**End goal** +My overall end goal is to acquire multiple rental properties that net $15,000 a month positive cash flow so I can create generational wealth and full control over my life. Even if I don't get to enjoy it, at least my kids will. + +**What I'm doing now** +Currently Im finishing high school, undecided on college (really thinking of going for welding till I can save cash and move up, it's big around here and pays better than where I'm currently working). I currently work at taco Bell and am training to become a manager which will look good on future applications that I'll have manager experience. I'm also reading a book called "real estate investing for dummies" and I just finished "rich Dad poor Dad". + +*My main question is am I on the right path to creating generational wealth? I'm at a crossroads right now and can use some guidance. Thanks!* + +**Edit:** to all the people saying I need to "find myself" I already know who I am and what I want. *I want money, I want power, and I want stability* I don't have to enjoy what I do. I don't have to "love my job". I just have to make a ton of money so one day I won't have to work. Whether or not others agree with that is their problem + +**Edit 2:** yes I have taken 2 years of welding in high school +I’ve learnt the hard way. + +Today I have been overlooking my finances and I remember that I had invested in axs few months ago. Wow.... axs few months ago was about 3$... it’s now worth $117! + +Checks crypto wallet and discover I withdrew my investment ($150) to cover a date with a girl (now ex) for some drinks and some dinner. It’s now worth $5850 today. + +Not only did i miss some serious gains but i got cheated as well. + +Remember it’s not worth withdrawing for short term goals. Long term is the game. + +TL;DR: Took money out of crypto investment to put for date. Investment increased by 5900% 😢 +I know for sure I’m not the only one noticing this, but just a friendly reminder. This is a phsycological war and we’re under attack. + +Why are AMC all of a sudden being accepted in this sub? Why are 10% green days being hyped? You can’t scroll through new without being manipulated on some kind of level. + +Apes together strong. Stay focused. +Back in June I got a dental exam and bitewings done. My insurance should have covered it so I thought everything was good. + +Last week I got a bill in the mail from them, so I called my insurance to see why the claim wasn’t accepted and they said the dentist who performed the exam wasn’t covered under them. + +I called the dentist office early last Monday. and explained the situation and they said they’d call me back and see what they could do and they’d call me back. They never did so I waited a few days then called them back at the end of the week and the receptionist said the billing department should have called me back and she said she’d get back to me at the end of the day. She never did so I’m going to go into their office tomorrow and talk to them since I’m not being followed up with. + +Is it feasible to fight this and try to get them to write it off? I feel like they are at fault, because the two other dentists I have seen at their office have been on my insurance so why wasn’t I put with a dentist who was especially when they’ve got my insurance information on file. For two, they had to reschedule that appointment for a different day due to not having enough coverage and they did not inform me which dentist it would be at the time. I was also not informed who the dentist was when I checked in, nor did he introduce himself by name. I didn’t know his name until I got the bill. And he isn’t listed on their website either under their staff like the other two dentists are. So while I should have done research to see if he was covered I had no way of knowing it would have been a different dentist than the other two I’ve seen and are listed. + +Does anyone have advice? + +Update : I went into the office and talked to the receptionist and their system was down so I had to leave. She did call me back later and she said that the dentist who did my exam was a stand in to help with staffing issues and unfortunately I’m responsible to pay. I said I don’t think I’m at fault since my insurance was on file, and it they could have informed me he was a stand in or at least given me his name. She agreed and said she’d see what she could do and did understand there was a mixup so at the very least she would offer a discount and she will talk to the main dentist and see what she could do and give me a call back on Friday. +Ever since 002 been implemented, I noticed something with the numbers. The last few days, everytime the stock hits or goes over 220. The "wash trades" method they're using to drop it below 220. Since then, we've been closing under 220. So my theory is, smaller Hedge Funds margin call awaits past 220. + +Edit: corrected Ladder Attack to ~~Wash Sales~~ Wash Trades + +Edit 2: thanks to u/Scrubbins_ for the heads up. + +Edit 3: ~~I just got an All-Seeing eye award. So..that means I'm either correct or I'm onto something..hmm~~ + +Edit 4: removing edit 3 + +Edit 5: changed Wash Sales to Wash Trades, thanks too u/Iconoclastices +How long do you guys keep your phone for? + +I want to get out of debt completely, I was just wondering if it was worth buying phones outright now and get a sim only contract. + +I love having the most up to dates phone but I was thinking if I get the best iPhone at the time like a iPhone Pro max and keeping it 3 years maybe it will hold out for that time? + +Is it any financial benefit to buying a phone out right? +I could not be prouder of this subreddit than I was after watching Wes Christian on Fox News today. This movement, this ideal, this belief that an individual person can make a huge difference is truly playing out in front of all of us. It's unbelievable to me that 6 short months ago, hedge funds had free reign to do whatever the hell they pleased, in the dark, without consequence. Now, with every step they take, there's a shrewdness of apes, both wrinkle and smooth brained, banding together to bring to light these very practices. + +Hats off to the mods for being engaged, active, and passionate about the movement. I don't just hodl for tendies, I hold for humanity. +I've heard the job supply is pretty high at them moment - but upon digging through seek, I only see the normal bar & tele sales jobs dominating the listing as per any other time. While these are honourable work, unless you're some kind of manager it looks like the work is far from a full time income. + +Ive also seen ads for fruit picking jobs on facebook, thats about the only new thing, and kinda relies on uprooting your life for hard minimum wage labour + +On top of this, to me it looks like a lot of retail and tourism jobs have gone the way of the toilet. + +I'm wondering if yall have any broad insight into industries who are booming with full time ish jobs, especially in and around sydney, and those that are less obvious when trawling seek? + +&#x200B; + +Appreciated, a recently funemployed redditor. +I see that most fatFIRE stories are from the US. I know it's harder to attain such levels in Europe because of lower salaries and more socialist laws, but is there anyone already at fatFIRE or on their journey that lives in Europe? What are your strategies? +I first started reading about FI but recently found fatFIRE subreddit. +I recently (6 months ago) moved to Germany after finishing grad school. +For reference, I am 27, make 60k/year and currently save 50% of income. +On 12/8/2021 during GME's Q3 report, they shared with us that 5 million shares had been DRS'ed. The DRS bot on that date was 1,035,073 shares. That means for every share in the DRS bot, there were 4.83 actual DRS shares per GME's Q3 report (5M / 1.035M). As of this post, the DRS bot shows 1,865,697. If we multiple the latest DRS bot shares by the 4.83, then we get 9,012,393 shares. + +This means we are unofficially the biggest baddest motherfucker in this GME game. Even bigger than Papa Cohen (9M), bigger than fucking Vanguard ([5.9M](https://fintel.io/so/us/gme)) and Blackrock (5.1M). + +We started as little fish sperms, and now we are the fucking whale is this ocean. These numbers are based on a very conservative estimate as GME's DRS number for Q3 was cutoff on 10/30/2021. There's good reasons to believe the DRS number for Q4 when they report in March 2022 will be much higher. That means we will evolve to become the fucking ocean that all these other fishes, whales, and sharks swim in. And there's no stopping there, eventually this shit will turn into a black hole that swallows the entire financial market. Keep DRS'ing and power to the players bitches! +First and foremost, we're all individual investors and this is all just my opinion based on the current information available to me. This is not financial advice. How you choose to invest is of no business to me, I just felt like giving some perspective that I'm not seeing on this sub right now. + +I've been invested in GME a year. Migrated/followed from sub to sub. + +For a whole year now we've been told to be weary of calls to action. + +How many times in the past year have apes been told to go to this website or to use a link that will be beneficial for ape and the GME movement only to see them used as data phishing attempts, for one example. + +I'm personally so weary of calls to action I haven't even used the DRS bot. If we look at the data from CS we see we have over 100k accounts yet the last time I looked at DRSbot it only had like 8k accounts...so I don't see the point of putting any data that could somehow benefit SHF into the DRS bot, but I digress. I'm not trying to shit on the DRSbot, I'm just trying to show how much I don't jive with "calls to action". All I know is "Buy. DRS. Hold". + +That being said, I have never seen such an **urgent** call for action as I'm seeing right now with options. + +I don't have an opinion on options because I am absolutely ignorant to all things options. + +That being said, the point I'm trying to make is that I've been here a year. For a **year** we've been told to be weary of calls to actions. For a **year** whenever we saw a mass call to action like this it was immediately followed by people saying "be weary of calls to action" and I'm not seeing that right now. + +Apes have been hyping the last half of January for a few months now. + +Here we are, just weeks from that date, CS up over 100k accounts, everyone only **just** learned how to DRS....and now all of a sudden *options* are being shoved down our throats en masse. + +Food for thought. + +**Edit** + +I do find it suspect that this is happening at this particular time in the ape journey. + +We've only been DRSing since the summer. + +GME is cheaper now than at **any** time we've been DRSing. + +Now that it's easier for apes to DRS (we know the right brokers to start from, now-or we have accounts at CS already up and running) than ever before we are seeing this push for the *more expensive and harder to understand* options play. + +I don't think it's a coincidence. +I was dumb enough to believe in the whole “sign up and I can show you the way” crap. These people keep charging me for a service that I don’t use and they decided to BLOCK me instead of giving me a refund for the charges they make to my account. I cancelled my subscription to his server months ago but they refuse to refund me or cancel my account. + +EDIT: OM UNBLOCKED ME ON DISCORD AND HAS PROVIDED PROOF OF A REFUND. Still wouldn’t recommend joining the server though that’s harder to leave than join. + +Updated EDIT: OM feels it’s necessary to repeatedly call me a coward on discord for this post. Is this your God? +I know there's a [glossary](https://www.optionseducation.org/tools/glossary.html) in the side bar, but a couple of abbreviations I saw a lot here were not in there. I gathered all of the ones I stumbled upon and kept a list, so I hope it can help other option noobs (and also prevent repetitive questions in this sub): + +&#x200B; + +|*Abbreviation*|*Meaning*|*Description*| +|:-|:-|:-| +|**ATM**|At the money|At the money (ATM) is a situation where an option's strike price is identical to the current market price of the underlying security.| +|**B&H**|Buy and Hold|Buy and hold is a passive investment strategy in which an investor buys stocks (or other types of securities such as ETFs) and holds them for a long period regardless of fluctuations in the market.| +|**BEP or BE**|Break even point|For options trading, the breakeven point is the market price that an underlying asset must reach for an option buyer to avoid a loss if they exercise the option.| +|**BP/BPR**|Buying Power Effect, Buying Power Reduction|The BP effect, or buying power effect, is the impact a position has on an account's available trading capital, or buying power| +|**BSM**|Black Scholes Merton|The Black-Scholes Merton (BSM) model is a differential equation used to solve for options prices.| +|**BTC**|"Buy To Close"|Buy in order to cover (close) an already-open short position.| +|**BTO**|"Buy To Open"|Buy in order to establish a new long position| +|**BWB**|Broken Wing Butterfly|A Broken Wing Butterfly is a long butterfly spread with long strikes that are not equidistant from the short strike.| +|**CC**|Covered Calls|A covered call refers to a financial transaction in which the investor selling call options owns an equivalent amount of the underlying security.| +|**CCS**|Call Credit Spreads|Credit spreads involve the simultaneous purchase and sale of options contracts of the same class (puts or calls) on the same underlying security.| +|**CSP**|Cash secured put|The cash-secured put involves writing a put option and simultaneously setting aside the cash to buy the stock if assigned. If things go as hoped, it allows an investor to buy the stock at a price below its current market value.| +|**DD**|Due Diligence|Due diligence is defined as an investigation of a potential investment (such as a stock) or product to confirm all facts.| +|**DR**|Defined risk|A position where the maximum loss is known (opposed to undefined risk).| +|**DTE**|Days to expiration|The term days to expiration (DTE) refers to the number of days until an option expires.| +|**EoD**|End of Day|An end of day order is a buy or sell order for securities requested by an investor that is only open until the end of the day.| +|**EoW**|End of Week|Same as EoD, but for a week| +|**ER**|Earning Report| a financial statement that gives operating results for a specific period.| +|**FA**|Fundamental analysis|The goal of fundamental analysis is to determine whether or not the price of an asset is overvalued or undervalued.| +|**FUD**|Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt|| +|**HOD**|High of Day|nHOD = new high of day| +|**IBKR**|Interactive Brokers|A broker in the USA, Canada and a bunch of other countries.| +|**IC**|Iron Condor|An iron condor is an options strategy consisting of two puts (one long and one short) and two calls (one long and one short), and four strike prices, all with the same expiration date.| +|**IRA**|Individual Retirement Account (USA)|| +|**ITM**|In the money|"In the money" (ITM) is an expression that refers to an option that possesses intrinsic value.| +|**IV**|Implied Volatility|Implied volatility (IV) is an estimate of the future volatility of the underlying stock based on options prices.| +|**LEAPS**|Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities|Long-term equity anticipation securities (LEAPS) are publicly traded options contracts with expiration dates that are longer than one year, and typically up to three years from issue.| +|**LOD**|Low of day|nLOD = new low of day| +|**MM**|Market Maker|A market maker (MM) is a firm or individual who actively quotes two-sided markets in a security, providing bids and offers (known as asks) along with the market size of each.| +|**NET Liq**|Net liquid assets|Your net liquidation value reflects how much the contents of your portfolio would be worth if you were to liquidate everything at the current market price.| +|**OCC**|Option Clearing Corporation|The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) serves as a central clearinghouse and regulator for listed options traded in the United States under the auspices of the SEC and CFTC.| +|**OMIC**|One Man Insurance Company|From a book: Option Trader's Hedge Fund, The: A Business Framework for Trading Equity and Index Options| +|**OTC**|Over the Counter|Options that are traded between private parties in the over the counter market and not through exchanges are called over the counter options.| +|**OTM**|Out of the money|"Out of the money" (OTM) is an expression used to describe an option contract that only contains extrinsic value.| +|**PCS**|Put Credit Spread|A Put Credit Spread (which we will refer to as a “PCS”) is a Options Spread that utilizes both short and long puts to minimize risk, and earn credit.| +|**P&D**|Pump & Dump|Denoting the fraudulent practice of encouraging investors to buy shares in a company in order to inflate the price artificially, and then selling one's own shares while the price is high.| +|**PMCC**|Poor Man's Covered Call|The Poor Man's Covered Call (PMCC) is an options strategy that enables one to sell covered calls at a fraction of the capital required than if he were to hold the underlying asset.| +|**POP**|Probabily of profit|Probability of profit (POP) refers to the chance of making at least $0.01 on a trade.| +|**RH**|Robin Hood|A US broker| +|**ROC**|Price Rate of Change OR Return On Capital|The Price Rate of Change (ROC) is a momentum-based technical indicator that measures the percentage change in price between the current price and the price a certain number of periods ago. OR Return on capital (ROC) is a ratio that tells us how much money we can make on the amount of money we put towards a trade.| +|**RRSP**|Registered Retirement Savings Plan (Canada)|| +|**STC**|"Sell To Close"|Sell in order to exit an already-open long position.| +|**STO**|"Sell To Open"|Sell short in order to establish a new short position. (For stocks, abbreviation becomes SSHORT).| +|**TA**|Technical analysis|Technical analysis is a trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistical trends gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume.| +|**TD**|TD or "Toronto Dominion bank" - we usually just call it TD|It's a Bank| +|**TDA**|TD Ameritrade|A bank. Note: TD Bank and TD Ameritrade are separate, unaffiliated entities, not responsible for each other's services or policies.| +|**TFSA**|Tax free saving account (Canada)|| +|**TTM**|Trailing Twelve Months|Trailing 12 months (TTM) is the term for the data from the past 12 consecutive months used for reporting financial figures. A company's trailing 12 months represent its financial performance for a 12-month period; it does not typically represent a fiscal-year ending period.| +|**TOS**|thinkorswim|A platform to trade stocks/options by TD Ameriade| +|**TWS/TW**|Trader workstation|A platform to trade stocks/options by Interactive Brokers| +|**UR**|Undefined risk|Undefined risk is when your possible max loss is unknown on order entry.| +|**WSB**|/r/WallStreetBets|Don't go there!| + +&#x200B; + +Another tip for noobs: if you're just starting out and don't really understand the content here, you might need to do a bit more homework. Checkout the pinned post called "Resources: FAQ, Side-bar links, Options Questions Safe Haven weekly thread..." in /r/options and/or search on Youtube for 'stock options beginners'. + +If an abbreviation wasn't in the list, try googling <the abbreviation> + "option trading meaning". For example, Googling "CSP option trading meaning" gives you a nice summary on Google. + +Edit: Added ATM, OTM, ITM.. Fixed some based on comments! And thanks for the awards! + +Edit 2: Added BWB, IC, HOD, LOD, TTM, ER and FUD +I've gotten very lucky and will have 600k+ just from salary and bonuses received this calendar year. I've maxed 401k, in the middle of a backdoor roth IRA, but I don't know what else I should do. Can I spread this income over multiple years? I have no solo 401k or anything like that. Links welcome. +I started investing months ago. During the summer, I have a full-time job, starts before the market opens, and ends after the market ends. But right now, school starts, and I spent most of my time at home. + +I can't help myself constantly open trackers, my portfolios, and news relevant to my holdings. It is to a point where someone would consider it to be an addiction. I open the Fidelity app every 10mins, DURING THE WEEKENDS. I pull down to refresh, knowing that the number would be EXACTLY THE SAME as 10mins ago because the market is fricking closed. I just can't resist it. + +This addiction goes beyond stocks, I would open my checking account, even knowing there are no incoming transfers, open credit accounts even with no intention of paying it now. It's to a point I cannot focus on my classes, or concentrate when I try to finish my work. + +Has anyone experienced this, how do you overcome it? Please, I desperately need helps. +Unfortunately, it is not that easy as a Europoor and it takes a little more effort to transfer the shares to CS than a 3-minute phone call with Fidelity. Many of us are currently opening a CS account via the IBKR. + +Personally, I have now received confirmation from IBKR (it took 5 days) that this will work, but I have not yet received any account details from CS. It will certainly be another 2-3 weeks minimum before my GME shares are actually at CS, but expect our contribution from the other side of the Atlantic. + +It's your job that long, Americans. No financial advice. +Not sure what to think about this, other than this guy / group must have massive balls of steel and the hardest hands of diamond. They are probably members of WSB, otherwise their retardedness can not be explained. + +In any case dear stranger, if we get close to that price tomorrow, the most massive gamma squeeze ever will happen. I am thankful for the possibility to observe such an insane event, and possibly make some nice tendies as well. I wish you good luck! + + +Check this out: + + +https://preview.redd.it/19ls62tew6371.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=949c352c76b97ad2406f8085de0019fda80bd01b +Perhaps 15 years ago, MF promoted an investing scheme called "Ready-Made Millionaire" what they made sound like an investment opportunity of a lifetime. + +Now in 2022, I can't find a mention of it anywhere on the internet. + +Does anyone else remember this, and if so what happened to it? + +EDIT: This person found mention of it! +https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/uazg01/does_anyone_else_remember_motley_fools_readymade/i61mzo6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 +**Are our markets under a coordinated financial attack?** We thought MM were tinkering with things behind the scene, but there is an actor with tons of capital squeezing our MM in the USA, draining liquidity as MM face increased losses and are unable to provide transactions for people trying to hedge in these financial markets, and bringing about these engineered drops in the stock market. The timing of this is not coincidental given that we are currently engaging the coronavirus amidst the backdrop of an election year and instability with the oil pricing war. I've created this thread with /u/bemusedfyz after hashing out these thoughts. + +**Part I. Firms/Hedge Funds are Net Short Gamma Resulting in MM Buying Calls to Provide Liquidity** + +In a bull market, firms purchase calls to be long gamma. MM try to capture rebates by taking on the opposite positions since they do not physically own the security. + +**"This means that whenever a market-maker fills an investor's buy order, the MM is facilitating the trade by shorting shares. \[1\]"** + +They have to go short in order to sell a security they do not own (this is why they are exempted from short selling). In the other case, during a downturn, firms want to hedge using puts and become short gamma, thus MM must take on calls. As people previously noted in my posts, if there is a buyer of an option, there has to be a MM selling the option to provide the liquidity. How then do MM make profit? They make profit from rebates by providing tighter spreads compared to other MM. By narrowing the bid/ask spread, MM keep the rebate, creating very thin margins. Thus, volume and liquidity are key to profits for MM. + +**Part II. How Options Inform Price Action by Identifying the Real Money Flows** + +People have been asking "how do you know which options for SPX/SPY being purchased are purchased by actual firms for a position?" I've been using 3 key metrics to inform me of the direction of intraday trading, and I will explain them more in another thread: + +1. Strike/Expiration +2. Block Size +3. Correlation with volatility, gold, and treasuries + +Options data within the last 10 minutes of close has been particularly informative of the direction of the following price action. During the close on Tuesday, volume was strong on the buy side as we bounced from the June 2019 low, and we broke back into the 285 channel which was previously strong support indicating a bullish signal (Figure 1). + +[Figure 1: 3\/10\/20 and 3\/11\/20 SPY Chart](https://preview.redd.it/npzk20opjqm41.png?width=2130&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab92a2d280fab8b65b0538984f12604c18186308) + +If someone was purchasing large amounts of puts (this was not just Tuesday, but last Friday and Monday as well), then MM were hugely positioned unfavorably with calls on the opposite end of the trade. Immediately after trading, we had a huge fade immediately after close. **There has been strange price action where TLT fades, which indicates more liquidity being brought into the indices along with the short cover rally**. **However, right after the close, we immediately fade hard and futures dump.** MM therefore need to hedge by trading futures, or by delta hedging and selling shares at the open with a significant loss, magnifying selling dips. This is similar to how autists discovered during a rally, MM delta hedge by purchasing the underlying equity contributing to the rally. + +Delta hedging refers to either having an opposing option with equal magnitude of delta, for instance a straddle, or by purchasing shares of the underlying stock. One key disadvantage with delta hedging is that MM can over hedge if the spot price of the equity changes unexpectedly overnight. This is referred to as **gap risk**, and compounds with **the inventory MM hold** overnight, often referred to as **inventory risk**.\[2-3\] The overnight moves create huge gamma and vega swings to the inventory of MM who hold overnight, which subsequently create a period of selling or buying which magnifies the intraday swings as they try to reduce their vega or gamma exposure. + +>... is subject to residual risks due to stochastic volatility and unhedgeable overnight moves in the stock price. These risks highlight the need to keep the Vega and Gamma of the dealer’s inventory under control, and this is reflected in the dealer’s quoting strategy.\[4\] + +Given that we dumped on Wednesday and dropped below 285 support, institutions need to hedge with more puts given the uncertainty about retesting the June 2019 low. More puts purchased by funds, more calls purchased by MM. What happened Thursday and Friday (Figure 2)? + +[Figure 2: 3\/12\/20 and 3\/13\/20 SPY Chart](https://preview.redd.it/wrgfx8w0kqm41.png?width=2130&format=png&auto=webp&s=780e573d407e05b4b7cd721ded33273c0fbcb0da) + +Futures limit down on 3/12/20. No matter what, the market opens -5%. Within 5 minutes at the open, the market hits the second circuit breaker at -7%. MM are stuck with short term calls, and need to offload losses by selling like crazy to delta hedge magnifying losses. Then what happens on Friday 3/13/20? Limit up. We next quickly hit one of the largest intraday rallies of all time. + +**Part III. MM Cannot Access Repo Despite Requiring Liquidity** + +During trading on Thursday, the Fed announced an unprecedented amount of Repo operations. 1.15 trillion dollars, signifying significant issues in the market. I stated this before open on Friday. + +>8 am - Yesterday, the fed offered more than 500 billion in repo. Only 78.4 billion was taken. Today, the Fed just offered more than 1.1 trillion in repo for today. What are the signals? Why is Wall Street not taking the money for liquidity? Check this out: [https://www.biancoresearch.com/the-moment-in-this-decline-has-arrived-2/](https://www.biancoresearch.com/the-moment-in-this-decline-has-arrived-2/) +> +>This could possibly be way worse than 2008. +> +>8:30 - 24.1 billion in repo taken. Last update will be 9am. +> +>9:00 - 45.1 billion. +> +>Net repo: 86.5 billion out of 1.15 trillion + +**"Dealers are telling me they badly want the $1T in repos, but can't take it. Post-crisis rules, among so many different regulators (Basel 3, Fed, OCC, FDIC, etc) make it nearly impossible for them to take the money. They are telling the Fed their problems. The Fed had no clue."** + +[https://twitter.com/biancoresearch/status/1238461580314120193](https://twitter.com/biancoresearch/status/1238461580314120193) + +During Thursday's trading, we broke the support. Due to breaking previous supports and being oversold, I had puts. But also noticed huge call volume. If someone is buying calls, MM need to be net "short." Futures limit up. MM need to quickly buy the rally in order to delta hedge, creating an epic rally for the past decade. + +**Part IV. The End Game** + +Someone is taking advantage of the MM delta hedging by limiting down or up futures, vastly opposite of the price action more often than not without regard to support or resistance levels. MM are left bagholding their positions and delta hedging, magnifying the rallies or dips. + +Repos are not being adequately uptaken due to existing regulations. What happens when liquidity issues arise despite decreasing volatility? MM need to enlarge the spread in order to further manage losses. + +IV was going down on Friday during the rally, as VIX began dropping. The only way for the option value to decrease is if MM started enlarging the spread, in order to capture diminishing rebates. The only way the bid value is increasing is if a MM is facing liquidity issues, since they cut into the rebate. What happens when these firms become stressed and unable to provide liquidity? Firms will be unable to purchase options with good bids or at all. If people are not able to hedge or use financial derivatives, losses will accumulate such that there will be a mass liquidation event such that it is no longer tenable to hold any positions. + +What happened immediately after close Friday? + +Throughout the day there was massive amounts of put buying. Immediately close to the cash close, more puts were purchased. At the cash close, we fade hard. Immediately after, /ES gaps down more than 2% after the close on Friday. /CL gaps down more than 3%. + +The news during the weekend last week for the oil price was dropped during Sunday before markets opened, causing a limit down last week. **Energy is the market**. Saudi Arabia is a strategic partner with the US in the Middle East, and asking Russia to aid in production cuts to raise the price of oil. However, Russia refused. Saudi Arabia is not taking these measures to attack US energy markets by increasing production. Despite this, is Russia interested harming US interests? Perhaps. It's possible to think there is another player. And they know that US markets cannot access repo money and are short in liquidity, creating a unique attack vector, straight at the heart of the US financial system. + +[https://news.bloomberglaw.com/securities-law/mnuchin-says-hes-seeking-to-keep-financial-markets-open](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/securities-law/mnuchin-says-hes-seeking-to-keep-financial-markets-open) + +**“We intend to keep the markets open -- that’s a sign of confidence for people,” Mnuchin said in a CNBC interview early Friday.** + +It is not only MM that require repo money. Banks lend out their credit lines to others. It is these businesses that are lent the money that will be the hardest. Given these market conditions, and if they persist, the government needs to intervene and shut down markets. + +We are already facing close to limit down on the Weekend Dow on Saturday. Sunday Futures are likely to limit down. **This will probably be compounded by either worse impending virus news or more bad news in the energy markets.** To combat this, Trump has stated the US intends to significantly add to the US strategic oil reserve to put a floor on the price of oil. However, these are being used as a cover to justify lower prices, when in fact, the markets are being engaged possibly by economic subterfuge to reduce liquidity. Someone is purchasing huge options positions before close with MM take the other side of the trade. Futures limit up/down, creating large gap/inventory risk, reducing liquidity for the markets. + +**tl;dr Banks and MM are facing forced liquidity issues by someone taking advantage of limit up/down, exploiting gap and inventory risk. Banks and MM cannot take on repo due to regulations to correct liquidity issues. Funds and trading desks need MM to purchase puts/calls. Cannot purchase them due to MM having liquidity issues with worsening bid price, magnifying rallies or drops as MM delta hedge. If firms cannot stop losses without hedges, they will liquidate everything. This will create a mass panic sell off, which will therefore require the government to shut down the market.** + +**tl;dr of the tl;dr Circuit breaker Monday. Possibly two.** + +Update 1: /u/Sushies, /u/satorikang both explained the positioning is probably long gamma on the puts, not short at this stage. Thanks. + +Update 2 3/15/20: I'm writing this example if a firm is taking a collar position in terms of options. + +Firms undergoing losses: + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-03-13/bluecrest-shrinks-from-relative-value-trades-amid-losses-exits](https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-03-13/bluecrest-shrinks-from-relative-value-trades-amid-losses-exits) + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-14/dalio-s-macro-fund-plunged-about-20-this-year-as-market-tanked](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-14/dalio-s-macro-fund-plunged-about-20-this-year-as-market-tanked) + +H2O assets + +Bluecrest + +Ray Dalio + +Update 3 - Liquidity news + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/plumbing-behind-worlds-financial-markets-131618535.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/plumbing-behind-worlds-financial-markets-131618535.html) + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-14/traders-nightmare-liquidity-vanished-when-they-needed-it-most](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-14/traders-nightmare-liquidity-vanished-when-they-needed-it-most) + +Some numbers, 7% drop, 200% Fib at 247.94. 13% drop, December 2018 low 233.86. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\[1\] - [https://squeezemetrics.com/monitor/download/pdf/short\_is\_long.pdf?](https://squeezemetrics.com/monitor/download/pdf/short_is_long.pdf?) + +\[2\] - [https://www.forbes.com/sites/petertchir/2015/09/03/mind-the-liquidity-gap/#2259300073fc](https://www.forbes.com/sites/petertchir/2015/09/03/mind-the-liquidity-gap/#2259300073fc) + +\[3\] - [https://www.sec.gov/divisions/riskfin/seminar/venkataraman0313.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/riskfin/seminar/venkataraman0313.pdf) + +\[4\] - [https://people.orie.cornell.edu/sfs33/StoikovSaglam.pdf](https://people.orie.cornell.edu/sfs33/StoikovSaglam.pdf) +**TL;DR:** Practice your art, but be sure to learn the business -- full stop. Apply your skills to where they value it. + +&#x200B; + +I enjoy reading personal FIRE stories from different walks of life, but I haven't seen many creatives tell their tale. This is a story of two lifelong creatives -- myself, 38F, 1MM, and my husband, 39M, 635K -- and our very different financial paths towards the same FIRE goal. (Yes, we are DINKs and track our finances separately, and no, this does not include home value, etc., just investments.) We're not RE yet, and of course YMMV, but I think people should know that it's possible to achieve financial security (and even RE) doing something in or related to the arts. + +Here's how it's working out for us: + +&#x200B; + +**Story 1: My own, the slow and steady tortoise.** + +I'm the typical first-gen raised by penny-pinching immigrants who instilled in me frugality and the value of education and hard work. My parents worked hard for themselves and passed on all the opportunities to their kids. Advantages out of the gate: stable home environment, upper middle-class upbringing, graduated a top state school paid for by my parents. I studied a science field with a linear career path. However, I had always wanted to be a writer, and right after graduation moved to a VHCOL city to pursue that ambition. I moved into an apartment with four roommates I found off Craigslist, lived off savings from college jobs. I swallowed my pride and started at the ground level with unpaid internships, then job-hopped up the ladder every few years. + +A few years in I wanted better compensation. I traded industries for something much more lucrative, which only lasted two years, but it taught me something critical: *I was exercising the same skill set, but applying it to an industry where they valued it and paid much more for it*. This was the a-ha moment that really helped propel my professional life forward, (and later helped my husband as well). + +After that short stint in Industry 2, I turned around and started all over again with another passion: photography. Six years later, I'm still running my own business as a photographer (consumer, not commercial), and make a reliable six-figure income. I am continuously perfecting my craft, but more importantly I invested in business education, learned how to price my work appropriately, and focused on a genre where my art is valued. Again, it was applying my skills and passion and to the right consumer who will pay me what I'm worth. + +**Additional things that helped:** + +* I lived with roommates, then made my boyfriend-turned-live-in-fiance live with roommates, until our late 30s when we both couldn't take it anymore. Living in VHCOL, splitting rent and utilities is substantial. +* I don't have very expensive tastes, and enjoy mostly lower-cost activities +* I've always maxed all retirement vehicles. My income isn't super crazy, but time in market has helped tremendously. +* No kids (yet). Family life will be a kick in the wallet for sure. + +**Numbers:** + +* Pre 2011, W2 and freelance work +* 2011-2013, all W2. Burned out and quit in 2013, traveled for 6 months to get re-centered, came back and refocused on building a new business. +* 2014-current: self-employed + +&#x200B; + +|Year|rounded EOY NW| +|:-|:-| +|2011|88K| +|2012|101K| +|2013|167K| +|2014|232K| +|2015|279K| +|2016|342K| +|2017|441K| +|2018|442K| +|2019|580K| +|2020|763K| +|2021|currently 1MM+| + +&#x200B; + +**Story 2: my husband, the fast hare.** + +My husband grew up poor and found his way out of the rural midwest via the military. After his stint, he befriended a successful art dealer and for fun, he began to create paintings. As luck would have it, this turned into a budding art career. For the next few years my husband sold art via the dealer, moved to a HCOL city, took out student loans and enrolled in community college, then an average state school. Money was feast or famine; in his best year he made 80K, but in his worst it was closer to 15K. He was never taught how to be fiscally responsible, or how lines of credit worked. Saving money was not anywhere on the radar. He accumulated student debt and credit card debt but didn't understand that paying off the minimum wouldn't get him anywhere. He leased fancy cars and traveled lavishly and bought everyone drinks when he went out. He made ends meet by renting a big apartment and then renting out individual rooms on Airbnb. + +This is about the time that I met him. He was in my city for work, and there was an immediate spark. I learned of his lack of financial savviness a few months in. This worried me, of course. Worried me so much, in fact, that I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/3vijg7/advice_needed_so_with_adhd_is_practically/) in this sub 5.5 years ago asking a /r/relationships \-y question about whether I should get serious with someone who was in debt and not really money-savvy. Well, spoiler alert: we got married last year. I guess you *can* teach a financially delinquent dog new tricks, so to all the singles out there, don't rule out a good match just based on their present financial outlook. + +So how did he go from negative NW to 500K+ in 5 years? A few key things: + +1. We applied his skills and interests (art) to a lucrative industry. This was 1000% key. I don't know anything about the fine art world he was in, but it didn't appear very steady. However, creatives are needed in many industries, and we pursued opportunities in only those that were well-funded. He pivoted his practice (fine art painting) to something more marketable (digital design), and became self-taught. He moved from his HCOL city to my VHCOL in mid-2016 with a decent job offer in a well-funded industry and it's only gone up from there. +2. Following up and showing up. We utilized every avenue -- LinkedIn, Facebook industry groups, networking -- to get his foot in the door. But building personal relationships landed him his subsequent jobs at different companies in the industry, and this is where the money really multiplied. Lots of opportunities might have gone by if he hadn't maintained those relationships. +3. Reining in spending. Definitely a case-by-case thing, but early in the relationship I offered to manage his finances and he accepted, and it worked out for us. I give him major props for being so trusting. He still likes the finer things -- watches, nicer vacations, eating out, etc. -- so he'll never be frugal like I am, but he's definitely learned a lot along the way (e.g. compound interest, how credit cards work) and is much more mindful about money than when I met him. + +**Additional things that helped:** + +* After his time in the military, he collected a small monthly tax-free sum for disability incurred on the job. However, his disability rating wildly underscored his compromised quality of life, and I encouraged/nagged him to go back to the VA and get re-evaluated. Over the next few years it was a bunch of back-and-forth, but eventually he had his disability rating boosted much higher and now collects a much greater monthly sum. + +**Numbers:** + +* 2015, freelance artist/Airbnb landlord +* mid-2016, W2 +* 2017 onward, W2 and freelance work + +&#x200B; + +|Year|rounded EOY NW| +|:-|:-| +|2015|\-39K| +|2016|\-32K| +|2017|75K| +|2018|193K| +|2019|340K| +|2020|487K| +|2021|currently 635K+| + +&#x200B; + +**The takeaway:** + +Treat your art as a business, whether it's working for yourself or working for the man. Keep investing in business education. Broaden your skillset so you can pivot/expand. Build relationships, and keep looking for the next opportunity. +[https://unitrade.app/](https://unitrade.app/) + +Features of Unitrade: + +**Liquidity Management** + +Maximize earnings by setting breakpoints that will add or remove your liquidity pairs from Uniswap pools if the price falls below or increases past a set amount. + +**Automate Your Trades** + +You will now be able to place sell or buy orders at target prices on Uniswap. Through the UniTrade platform you will be able to execute a buy order is a token's price reaches $0.50 for example or sell if it drops below $0.25. + +**Charts and Analytics** + +View detailed charts of all the live trade action happening on Uniswap that you would expect to see on professional trading software. This includes buys, sells, liquidity add/remove, volume, and much more. + +**Schedule Buys & Sells** + +With the UniTrade platform you can seamlessly schedule recurring buy orders or sell orders over a duration of time with specific parameters such as the price range of a token on UniSwap. + +**Live Order Book** + +Preview all of the buys and sells that are happening given a specific token pair on the UniTrade platform. + +**Roadmap** + +Aug 14 - Website Launch + +Aug 20 - Tech and Business Paper + +Aug 22 - UniTrade platform UI designs finalized and front-end development begins. + +Sep 11 - UniTrade.app development beta launch. + +Sep 14th - Third party security audit from reputable firm. + +Sep 30th - UniTrade official platform launch! + +**Circulating Supply:** **\~22m** + +**Market Cap: 17m** + +**Tokenomics:** + +10% of fees are used for development + +90% are used to buy and burn tokens + +**---------------------------** + +I am seeing a lot of people say that uniswap is getting 20k new users each month. I image the vast majority of them will be using unitrade when it launches. + +I also see this as a dextools killer. It has all the important features that dextools has, plus some more, all in a slicker UI based on the mockups. +My husband and I file as married filing jointly but have very disparate incomes (my base is $45k per year with potential overtime, his is $95k per year with potential bonuses) . We both claim 0 exemptions on our W-4s every year and even though he contributes about $100 extra in federal tax every pay period, I contribute about $30 every pay period, we still always end up owing. This last year we owed nearly $2k. + +It's so frustrating because I don't know what else to do in terms of our taxes. If I'm not claiming any exemptions why isn't the deduction they're taking out every pay, even not considering the additional withholding, never enough to cover the liability? I don't need a refund, I just don't want to owe anything at the end of the year. +Westpac is offering to buy back their own shares from registered owners. + +"If you are an Eligible Shareholder, you can offer to sell some or all of your Shares to Westpac: +• at a Discount to the Market Price nominated by you of between 8% and 14% inclusive (at 1% intervals); and/or +• at the final Buy-Back Price (as a Final Price Application). + +You can also select a Minimum Price below which none of your Shares will be bought back" + +Why would anyone choose to sell them at below market price? I can see maybe if you only had five shares and wanted to avoid transaction costs or something, but for the majority, why? + +Thanks! +Over the weekend I received an alert that my ANZ mobile number had been updated. For starters I do not bank with ANZ, so this set alarms bells off immediately. I was however one of many that had their personal information leaked in the latest Optus data breach. The text came appeared on as an alert, but doesn’t show in the message thread, and this is what I am most concerned about. How can I get an alert like this across my phone from an illegitimate party? And has anybody else experienced this? +Morning All! Yes, I am still here tracking silently in the background. + +Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know that the CTB for **XRT** Shares from Fidelity just tripled this morning from **0.50%** to [**1.50%**](https://imgur.com/gallery/Pw8Xv98). This is after it has been going between **0.25% - 0.50%** for the past couple days. + +What is also interesting is the Available Shares didn't seem to quadruple (not sure if they actually will, but maybe closer to Market Open?) + +* Update: 👆 StillAnAss made a very good point that it will have to wait until ETFs Re-Balance (Props!). Per [XRT Next Re-Balance](https://www.ssga.com/us/en/individual/etfs/resources/doc-viewer#xrt&prospectus): + +>The Index is rebalanced quarterly after the close of business on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December. + + * Note: I *believe* there is a clause to handle other changes, but that would occur mid month... + +Anyways, make sure you all watch/monitor Fidelity's Lending of XRT as well. + +Much Love!!! 💓💓💓 + +Update: Yeah, I just noticed my title is kinda whacky... Should be: "FWIW: Fidelity CTB for **XRT** ~~Borrows~~ *Shares* Just Tripled.."... I'm kinda rusty... 😂 + +Update: Holy Fuk IBKR Rate just jumped from **31.80%** to [**124.30%**](https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com/)! BWAHAHA! + + +* (09:15AM) Recap: + * Estimated **30K** Shares Borrowed from IBKR with **50K** Left (Fidelity on **~38.5** Consecutive Trading Days at **0**) + * Estimated **~9K** ETFs Borrowed via Stonk-O-Tracker with **~10.8K** Left (Remember ATH Available is **~36K**) + * Estimated **508K** **XRT** Shares Borrowed from Fidelity with **~218.7K** Left + +* (09:23AM) Coffee Thoughts: + * Seems to me that SHFs are going to only have 1/4th the ETFs Abuse Power for now, until the ETFs Re-Balance. On Fidelity, thats going to also cost them 3x the CTB. Suck it SHFs! + * Sooo... Why hasn't IBKR's Available Shares to Lend quadrupled? Something smell fishy or am I just smooth-brained? 🤷‍♂️ + * [**~183K** FTD Settlements](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-gme/failure-to-deliver/#ftdchart) Due Today @ **~31.43** Prior Price ($125.73 / 4). + * [RegSho](https://www.nyse.com/regulation/threshold-securities): XRT still there (as expected) + * Options Chain OI is still all whacked and not properly updated, so no insights there... 🙄 + * My Guess: SHF's are fuk't on ETFs and Share Borrows. They have been spending a shit ton in ATM/ITM Puts over the past couple days. I fully expect them to do the same today, but Retail FOMO is coming in hot and they're on the ropes. **Babayega is coming for ya SHFs!** + * P.S. Not really gonna be updating, but just know I'm here with you all! Much Love!!! 💓💓💓 +Dr. T explained that the [best way to protect your interest as a shareholder was to use a “direct purchase plan”](https://twitter.com/SusanneTrimbath/status/1389318953026002948). It took a while for this idea to gain traction among retail investors, lately being of great interest particularly for people who want to keep some shares _forever_. Since then, a lot of FUD has been spread around, discouraging people from doing this via misinformation. This [incredible post combats a lot of the misinformation](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p3owe8/dispelling_the_fud_surrounding_computershare/), allowing apes to grow some wrinkles. + + +Now, the latest FUD comes in this [very, _very_ lazy post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p8t0bu/citadel_and_computershare_in_one_buildingis_there/) that has gathered traction suspiciously quickly. It reads like a conspiracy theory FB post. This is what it says in a nutshell: _So, hear me out: Computershare has an office… IN THE SAME BUILDING AS SHITADEL! Coincidence?_ The hilarity comes in the top comment being a guy saying that _they are fed up_ and NEED to know WHERE they can put their shares safely. They will CALL Gamestop and CALL Computershare. What will Gamestop say? They’ll say to use their fucking Direct Registration System (DRS) which is handled by Computershare. What will Computershare say? They’ll ask if you are an idiot. + + +### Shills are getting lazy + + +[Computershare has 81 offices around the world](https://www.computershare.com/corporate/about-us/locations/our-offices#map_canvas). Their London office, which is in the SAME BUILDING as 50+ other companies, is not even their UK HQ (that one is in Bristol, where Shitadel is not present). It is common for _several_ companies to share offices in a building in financial districts. Shills think apes are idiots, but apes have already grown some wrinkles since this whole ordeal started. Apes can spot shit a mile away. + + +**ta;dr** There's nothing fishy about Computershare. Shills are spreading lazy FUD again. + + +**EDIT:** Adding this link to a discussion about [Dr. T's comparison of stonk certificates to NFTs and how this not only protects investors, but also challenges phantom shares](https://redd.it/p3171l). This makes it really clear why there is constant FUD re: Computershare. + +**EDIT 2:** Thanks for the awards, everyone! +Sorry ahead of time if all over the place. + +I am in the Tampa market. My business is in imports and distribution. I have been in a 12K sq ft warehouse for the last 6 years. Current rent is around 6,500 a month. I carry inventory so I have anywhere from 400-900K in paid for inventory at any given time. I usually net around 200-300K a year and roll most of it back into inventory and growth. FINALLY this year my net profit should break 1M. As of this moment I have more cash than I can spend. Currently Have about 950K in the bank and generating 150-250K net per month (market is currently volatile so no idea if I can keep this up). I have have a 500K LOC that isn't touched and about 700K in paid for inventory as of now. + +The size of my building needs to be 15-25K sq ft. +I am currently paying 78K a year in rent. +I have looked at loopnet listings for the last few years just for fun. Cost is going to be 1.2-2.5M. +Even though I have extra funds now, I plan to use those funds for new products in the future. + +What should I be looking at considering my current situation? +I imagine if contractors have zero interest in this place, then someone (me) with zero experience building a home has no business even considering a complete renovation… +The beginning of the year my fiancé and I had made plans to build a cabin out of a 16x30 portable building. We found one we liked on Facebook for 7,000. We paid cash for this building. We moved said building onto an adjacent property to her moms house that her mom owns. We then took out a 10k loan to finish it out. + +Things were going great, and then a shit storm exploded with her mom and we no longer felt comfortable living next to her mom, or taking anything from her for free i.e the land she was going to give us. ( 3 acres) + +Her father said, “hey I have a 1/2 acre about 15 miles away y’all can use/have.” So we went and looked at it and determined it would work for us. We spent 2,000 installing a culvert across a creek that allowed you to get onto the property. I then failed to recognize the famous saying “Location, location, location.” + +This piece of land is butted up next to a dog boarding business where dogs are barking 24/7. + +We have spent $1500 to move it to her moms, then $1600 to move it to her dads, $2000 on a culvert, and roughly $4500 on materials on the inside so far. That’s a total of 9600. And a grand total of 16,600. + +I was over there yesterday spraying poison on poison ivy and listening to those dogs barking and the thought of spending another roughly 10k on utilities, building a legit driveway, and making the yard what it would need to be just made me sick. + +We have since decided to put a halt on the cabin and buy a house instead of messing with this currently. + +My fiancé and I make a decent amount of money - grossing roughly 85,000/ year. So I don’t think getting an FHA or USDA will be an issue. + +The main question I have for people who may have made this much of a mess up is do I - + +A. Buy a house with enough land attached to it where I can move the cabin onto it and finish it out, adding something similar to in-law quaters to the property + +B. Finish the cabin where it sits - next to the dog boarding place. + +C. Sell everything separately or as a whole and cut my losses. + +As someone who constantly is learning about rental properties and listening to bigger pockets, the ultimate goal was to use this as a rental after about a year. But the amount of time and money I have wasted in this makes me feel like the worlds biggest failure to everyone who has helped me and spent their time on this for us. My grandfather and step father have spent quite a bit of time helping us with the inside, although not completely finished most of it is framed, plumbed, wired and ready for insulation / bead board. +Boomers are aging in place, not selling. + +Rates at record lows, refi and chill + +Equity at all time high, cash out refi and rehab current home + +Building expenses through the roof, builders only building high end. Sub 400k inventory crunched with no new builds + +Forbearance will end, but banks don’t want your house, easier to do a loan modification and keep you in your house, not many foreclosures will hit the market. + +So where is the inventory going to come from to get this market back to “normal”? + +I predict this thing is going to get out of control, inventory could be cut in half again, especially in cheaper markets where builders won’t build due to lack of profitability (sub 400k markets) +This coin should not be in the neighborhood of verge and tron. + +Partnered with IBM and similar tech as ripple? This should at least be in the IOTA, Cardano range. Top 7 for sure. Stellar s going to bust out soon. +In my few short years with crypto I've never regretted buying. I've only regretted selling. If every time I bought I never sold I'd ve a millionaire every time I've sold I've made at most a few hundred dollars. There is a reason people constantly say hodl +We saw crypto coins like Ripple, IOTA, and Cardano hit the top with amazing increases that could make any rich. There's lots more like EOS and NEO that's also rising quickly. What do you think is the next coin to hit the top? Can something that's worth pennies be worth a whole dollar next day? What's the next big thing that you'll be investing on? +After a series of losses in my early trading career, I thought I'd be humbled enough to realize that any gain is a good gain, no matter the trajectory of a stock. Even after being in deep red earlier this year, and finally realizing some profits, I can't help but think about the "could haves". + +I need to realign and shift perspectives, even though I know that's the path to heavy losses, how do you guys deal with? + +&#x200B; + +Edit: damn, this blew up, I really appreciate all of the advice in this thread. You guys are all amazing people. Thank you, +So devastated, ordered $18 worth of food (2 pizzas with 5.99 each coupon and 16 bread bites in hopes it'd last multiple days) for Delivery from Domino's and attempted to tip $2.3, but accidentally put in $23. Hit the back button a bunch of times while the processing screen was up after i submitted the order, of course to no avail. $20 extra charge on my credit card I didn't need +I'm posting this here just to warn everyone who has a T-Mobile MONEY account to make sure you have your alert and security settings set up correctly. + +I use my TMM account as a savings account, even though it is technically a checking account. After I set it up and received my debit card, I activated it, and put it in my fire box. I have never made any transactions on my TMM debit card, so I have no idea how my debit card number even got out there for someone to misuse. + +I got an email alert last night just after midnight for my debit card being used for a transaction totaling $1,170.27. When I logged into my account, this charge is showing as pending. There was zero fraud protection. The transaction appears to have been in Turkey. Nothing in their system raised any sort of fraud alert that a US-based debit card transacting $1,170 in Turkey on a debit card that has never been used. Not even a text or phone call saying "Is this transaction you?" + +Things you can do: + +1. Go into your My T-Mobile MONEY Settings, and verify that you have Debit Card Activity notifications enabled. This is the only way I was notified of this charge. +2. After clicking on your account from the main page, you can go to My Card, and there is a slider allowing you to disable your debit card if you never use it. I only discovered this setting after the fraudulent transaction appeared. From this setting, it appears that it'd be super easy to re-enable your debit card if you need it. + +I'm currently on the phone on hold with them to get the transaction removed. This experience has me seriously questioning if I want to continue using this account, based upon their poor fraud detection capabilities. +https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/29/opinion/esg-investing-responsibility.html?referringSource=articleShare + +I’ve been using ESG funds (ESGV, VSGX, for example) and was disturbed to learn about how ESG funds are constructed as described in the linked article. Assuming the article is correct it seems that the label ESG for index funds is completely uncorrelated to responsible corporate governance. Surely there must be investment options that do in fact track a set of responsible companies. Any thoughts or recommendations for diversified investments that ensure + environmental/social responsibility of their stocks and don’t just track an unreliable rating service? I assume the expense ratio would be even higher, but I hate the idea of investing in fossil fuels, profiteering off of misinformation, etc. +Last year at this time I was completing my last week of full time employment prior to retirement. I was at 75% of my full FI number and decided to go the Barista FI route as I was done with full time work at that point. + +My original plan was to get a 25 hour a week part time job that paid at least $17 an hour. I utilize a health share for health insurance, so that wasn't a factor. I live in MA, so I felt this work plan was doable. So I left my job on 6/30/21 with no part time job in place. + +That was a mistake. I assumed that finding the right position would be easier than it was. I found a mobile power washer position for 3 days a week with good pay. This proved to be a much more physical demanding job than I thought it would be. I had back surgery 4 years ago, so I am not physically where I want to be. Add the other joys of working outside and I decided to move on in Sept. + +My next position was in event security. It was not consistent as far as scheduling, but the pay was right and I liked it. So I looked into other possibilities in terms of security positions. I found a front desk security position in a Class A office building in October that was 8 hours every Thursday and Friday. Not the best pay, but it is consistent and I like everything about it. I may add one day a week with another company if possible. It is tough to find something that will allow you to work only one day, but I have plenty of time to look. + +So if I could go back to a year ago, I would do more research on the part time market in my area. I would get a better understanding of the jobs out there and which would be best for me. Then keep working full time until I found something. I love what I ended up doing and have plans to change this point. I am surrounded by other retired guys, so I feel like I am in my element. My only regret is that the transition could have been smoother. + +Overall, FI has been great. I just went ziplining in NY this past weekend and I am going to be spending the next two days in Maine before I come back to work my two days this week. I am living a life that I was never able to live while working full time. I feel the best that I have felt physically and spiritually in the last 25 years. + +If you are on the fence, do it. You won't regret it. +Hi everyone! +I was hoping to get some advice on my finances. I am a recent grad student with 50k in debt (haven’t started paying them off yet). I had a Toyota Corolla that I was making monthly payments on for $260. I wanted to minimize the payment so I decided to sell the car and pay off the loan. I now have no car and was wondering if you all think I should take out a small loan and get something through a dealer or if I should use what I have $6k to buy through a private owner ? + +I am super nervous about investing in something that will give me trouble in the near future. (I also am moving to Florida for a job and planned on road tripping there! So, I definitely need a car before I begin on October 2nd). + +Thanks in advance :) +Just mildly furious. We've seriously struggled the last five years, Been homeless and jobless for a lot of it, and I finally feel like my family is in a good spot. We moved into a good area and my partner got a job so we can afford the rent. + +But guess what? Now we make too much money for our government assistance. The job my partner got is a delivery job to just help with rent. But the dws doesn't take rent into account. Why would they? When rent is so enormously high, it takes up more than half my paycheck? It's unbelievable. I feel like I'm doing everything I can right. Making good choices and hard sacrifices. But I'm being held down and punished for my circumstances. Just needed to rant to keep myself from revolting. For now at least. +https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/china-vows-keep-markets-stable-053034834.html + +The government should “actively introduce policies that benefit markets,” according to a meeting of **China’s top financial policy committee led by Vice Premier Liu He**, the country’s top economic official. That vow to take investors interests into account comes after a sell-off in domestic shares due to fears over growth risks and tough regulation of real estate and internet companies. + +The meeting offered investors re-assurance that a sweeping crackdown on internet companies was nearing its end and that the government would prevent a disorderly collapse in the property market. China’s banking regulator said after the meeting that it would support insurance companies to increase investment in stock markets. + +Stocks surged after the announcements. **The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index jumped 13% at the close in Hong Kong, the most since 2008**, recouping nearly half of this year’s losses. The CSI 300 Index of mainland shares climbed 4.3%. +So I am looking for a new job while currently employed. Today I got a call from a recruiter based on an application I filled out on Indeed. The conversation was going swimmingly until he asked how much I am making right now. I told him I'm not comfortable disclosing that information, but I did inform him how much I would consider leaving my current job for (I am looking more to see what's out there). I added that I would entertain all offers but that I would not leave my current position unless I was compensated enough for it. + +Is this customary for recruiters to ask or did I do the right thing? +It's true that unless you are incredibly lucky, success will only come from hard work. Despite what many of are told growing up, or by those more fortunate than ourselves, the reverse is not always true. Just because you work hard, doesn't mean you will be recognized or rewarded. It doesn't automatically get you a promotion or a better job or anything at all. If you walk around believing that working hard will get you everything you want, you are in for a lot of hurt. The world is not that fair. A lot of the bitterness I see from people late in life, while working menial jobs, trying to overcome a hardship, comes from this basic belief they hold and it's simply not true. Letting it go can only benefit you. + +Anecdotally, I can give you a few tales. I was in the National Guard for 7 years. I earned 5 awards, volunteered for everything, worked full time for 2 years a coveted position and earned several It certs. I did payroll, appointment scheduling, dealt with medical records, radios, anntena, servers, IT security, all kinds of great skills. I was there first, left last, had a positive attitude and busted my ass. Guess what that got me? A job at Dairy Queen. But I persisted. I was there first, left last, had a positive attitude and busted my ass. I never called in sick. Showed up for work the day after my mother died without saying a word. Guess what that got me? My boss gave me a bad reference for Fred Meyer, because she couldn't afford to let me go. I could go on. + +Every promotion and what not I've had has been from hardwork, don't get me wrong. The trick is not expect it and not get your feelings hurt when things don't work out that way. Also, take care of yourself. You don't know that skipping your Moms funeral will get you noticed so if it's important to you, call in. If your kid really is sick or hurt real bad and you're scared, call in and go to the ER with them instead of having your neighbor take them. Don't sacrifice your health and family, despite everyone giving you their best "bootstraps" spiel. Hard work is not a guarantee for anything. Set your priorities and keep them. +No joke - one friend is putting big money into airlines, another wants to do index funds because he wants to find something that performs better than his savings account, and another two more say they want to just put a bunch of money on "something good that will make money when it goes back up now because it's gone down." + +Once the people who've never used a brokerage or have any understanding of the market in general start buying in, that's the biggest sign we're in the latter half of that Buffet saying - "...be fearful when others are greedy." + +People are being greedy as fuck, with no idea what they're doing, and money they should be saving for when things get *really* bad, and it's honestly sort of scaring me. They've seen the market only go up and rebound, read of tremendous success all around. They're putting their full faith in the government to handle this in a way that benefits everyone, and have no concept of how fast those two nickels they're rubbing together in anticipation could become bare, bloody fingertips. + +SPY 200,190,190p, 5/15 & 6/30, SLV 15c for 1/2021 +Been waiting for the right time to buy in figured now is perfect. Waited all year but I have a feeling after much research now is a great time. Didn't go crazy only $500 but next week will be putting more. Wanting to get around 5k invested in the next several weeks as I believe January/Feburary will see it around $500 per ETH. Love to hear everyones thoughts +They say we are running around scared and in a state of panic at ETH dipping. They say ETH HODLers are in a state of disarray. + +Not true, and not what I see here *at all*. I am impressed with how many people here are talking about buying the dip, DCAing, and investing in Ethereum for the long term. + +Well done everyone. I have never seen so many folks here who understand the long term value of Ethereum and who believe in it. We're going places long term, and I hope all your dip buying pays off 10x. +I'm seeing more and more blogs about Ethereum, more investopedia, huffingtonpost, Forbes, you name it. While yeah sure they are all basically blogs and yellow journalism to an extent, it's better than nothing. I think what we are seeing now is a very very small taste of what it's going to be like heading into the summer. With EEA and Raiden coming up coupled with Metropolis a month later, I can honestly say if you think THIS is the moon launch, well... Hold on to your dicks boys because this is going to be a wild ride. + +You might be saying "we are in a bubble" or "its bound to correct sooner or later" and while I do agree with you, I don't think that's anywhere within the next 3 months. Maybe around August, but that's a very big IF. +What we are witnessing right now is a small bit of FOMO. Ethereum is starting to become noticed because of how much the price has jumped, which ALWAYS attracts money. +I for one do really hope that ethereum gets the ETF approval, but let's be honest its not very probably. + + + +If there is anything at all that I have to say, it's this. We are just now beginning to take off. The price surge we just witnessed these last few days are going to be NOTHING compared to what we witness here within the next two to three months. Mark my words. We are just not catching peoples attention away from bitcoin not as an "alt" or the "bitcoin 2.0" but as "Ethereum, the next internet" +Pretty self explanatory. You may not believe things will go down, and if so it’s not my intention to argue — I’m familiar enough with investing to know value stocks will win if held in the long run and I understand we’re in the greatest bill run in history BUT I can’t help but see breaks in the dam. I’m looking to make money when things go down. + +Mostly concerned with: + +1. Exorbitant P/E ratios fueled by aggressive buybacks — inflates stock price without adding any tangible assets to companies +2. Powell had no room to lower rates, we’re at the bottom, when we go up it will massively affect business lending and many low-margin businesses won’t be able to stay around without massive price increases +3. Inflation isn’t transitory. Now that money velocity is returning to pre-pandemic levels we are seeing inflation everywhere. It’s not just cars. Unless there’s more lockdowns you restrict spending, you can calculate CPI anyway you want and it will continue to climb +4. The reverse repo market is super sketchy and more banks are participating + +You may not agree with any of this and believe the bull market will continue forever, but I believe we’re back in the pickle faced by Carter and will need to boost interest rates to combat inflation at which point a great majority of small companies will fold — and largely inflated P/E ratios will fall resulting in a catastrophic loss of market cap on Wall Street. + +If you think this is possible, or heck even if you don’t, humor me and let me know how you’d invest. I’ve got some shares of FAZ, SPXU, and UVIX because they seem to have blown up when interest rates racheted up in fall of 18 and I expect a similar performance when the fed realizes it can’t print its way out of the PE bubble it’s created. + +Thoughts? +Renos costing so much means 1 of two things: + +Option 1: House prices increase relative to reno/building costs + +Option 2: Demand drops and costs lower back to equilibrium + +The current scenario doesn’t add up.. the cost to buy an unrenovated house, renovate, then sell.. you would lose most of the time in todays scenario. + +What do you think will happen? +I've been taking more trips in the 250-500 mile range lately and being in the car for that long is just a drag. + +I’m trying to figure out what the “most efficient” way to travel is. By "normal people wealth standards, I’m well to do, but I’m definitely not private jet (or even net jets) level rich and probably won’t be. I don’t really care about what cabin or class I sit in on a “normie” commercial airline - the amount of time it takes is the same - IE I can afford to fly business or 1st class, but don't care to. + +Is it worth learning to fly (small planes) from the lens that it would save me time? Has anyone here run numbers on this? My guess is that it’s worth it in the 300-800 mile range beyond which commercial carriers actually fly fast enough to make up for the time wasted in the airport… + +Edit: + +Usually it's just me. Not married, no kids, not seeing anyone, don't anticipate marriage in the short / intermediate term. + +30-40 hrs for a pilot's license is acceptable. The long tail could possibly be a win. I work a weird job with off hours and a lot of vacation time. + +7 series isnt really my jam. I just took an ~800 mile road trip in my car equipped with a comma2 from commaAI and the ADAS is much better than any OEM system. Luxury for me (in a car) isn't a nicer seat, it's being able to chill, which this device definitely helps with. + +Edit 2: The posts here mostly confirm what I had thought: The bang for the buck isn't really there nor is it safe. Thanks everyone! +By turning off your lending program which you are automatically opted into, you can cut down on their supply of ammo. Watch a video, Google it, visit a help section or contact your broker directly! If they can't borrow your securities they can't borrow it to short! Please spread the word🚀🚀 +For the next decade Vanguard is expecting the US to deliver a 4.7% total return, while international equity to deliver a 8.1% return. + +The methodology they used is to look into the past decade's returns and see how much of the return was attributed to each of the following: + +* Valuation Change (P/E or P/B re-pricing) +* Earnings Growth (increase in EPS) +* Dividend Yield +* Foreign Exchange + +For the past decade, 5.4% of the US over-performance over international equity was attributed to valuation change. They expect that in the next decade the valuations of US equities will contract (P/E multiples to go down). This will be one of the main reasons for the under-performance. + +Link to white paper (easy to read): https://institutional.vanguard.com/iam/pdf/ISGUSIE.pdf?cbdForceDomain=true +## Mother of all edits. + +This quickly devolved into name calling which spilled over into other threads. Ape do fight ape then? + + +Despite a lot of people telling me I was wrong, called out, or 'a fucking idiot shill'. No one bothered to correct the information at heart. In the original *Inconclusive* posting that I was referencing, the OP said not to visit Glacier Capital's website **so I didn't**. They said it was sketchy, so I didn't bother looking at it. If I had, I would have seen that the Glacier Capital being discussed was, at least presumably, the correct one and the contact information was available along with their letter to investors about their Gamestop position. I inadvertently assumed it was retrieved from regulatory filings or other government documents. + + +That being said. The OP of that *Inconclusive* post still looked at the phone number, called it, found out it was someone's personal cell phone, found the person who owned it and encouraged everyone to also call it. That's the type of behavior I am *calling* out in this post. That is harassment. That can get this sub shut down. All it takes is a news article about how apes were harassing a hedge fund, along with recordings of messages left on the phone for this whole thing to go south real quick. Mainstream media is already against everyone here, no one likes a doxxer, real or implied. Mainstream media doesn't need to be the truth, it just needs to be believable in order to hurt us all. + +## Original + +It is extremely apparent that this Glacier Capital stuff was setup from the beginning. ~~No hedge fund is going to boast about their short position, advertise the price they are short at.. etc.~~ (Okay unless they are informing their investors). We know the place that published it is FUD, that's why it was banned from this sub. + + +The posts that followed are no less than a series of conspiracy theories that make the whole sub look bad: + + + * It doesn't exist and here is a bunch of personal information, addresses, cell phone numbers and pages of people that may also be fake. + * It exists but is in China and a different name? But it was registered recently? + * It exists and is owned by Citadel? + * It exists and is owned by Susquehanna? + * It exists and is owned by Blackstone? (not Blackrock) + + +Literally. NONE OF THIS FUCKING MATTERS. It's FUD and it's BS. The strategy never changes, buy the stock if you like it and hold if you believe in it. (Also vote). That's it. + + +But what is extremely important is the main ~~FUD~~ post that received thousands and thousands of awards and the mods have reported as Inconclusive is ~~full of~~ potentially Reddit rule breaking shit. We're talking ~~addresses, phone numbers and~~ encouragement to call and contact these people? Even instructions on how to get around the "Do Not Disturb" block. Then, post after post about people who DID call and investigate, even going to the address to take photos of the mailbox. (Which is on par with one of the greatest posts in all of this sub. APE outside of Citadel, lights on, drone, epic DD.. etc). + + +**EVERYONE IS BEING PLAYED.** This is no different than an urgent call to action like we have seen in the past. Things needing to be done urgently (other than voting) are sus. + + +*I think* the news will come out about these poor people being harassed and attacked (**even if it didn't actually happen**) and Reddit admins will be forced to take action against Superstonk and any other subs that pop up to replace it. + + +Grow some fucking brain wrinkles apes. Stop giving a shit about Glacier Capital, ape only know buy and hold. +Buy and hold and DRS is the way. +I don’t care for TA people or “runup” prediction people. The only way that’s beneficial is if you’re daytrading GME or options which is NOT the way. + +There is a clear attack on this community. It’s all noise. + +Pickle guy sure knows about the chaos and if he cared for the community he would urge his following to chill with the division and not to “split subs” as they demand. For the GREATER cause. Look at what happened with Jungle. + +A lot of you have lost the way and are getting impatient playing options. + +Buy and hold, DRS, and live your life. + +Lastly, + +House of Cards= DD + +Castle of Glass= DD + +TA = not DD + +We’ll be fine, the toxicity on both sides just needs to chill out. + +Btw, did you know there’s a way to browse the sub filtering out purple circles if you hate it so much? And you know what I’m willing to make a bet that after the next earnings report you guys won’t be hating DRS anymore 😉 +I'm really disturbed by how this subreddit has more memes than genuine discussions. The entire vibe seems to be about creating an unsubstantiated hype and creating extreme fomo in the minds of novice and naive traders looking to make money. + +Yes, I also feel ETH will do well in the long run unless there's a major regulatory hurdle, but that doesn't mean that it's wise for anyone and everyone to invest in it. Please learn more about what ETH is and only invest amount you're okay not liquidating for a good period of time (or better, losing completely). Dont put in your hard earned money into something you don't understand + +Even if you invest one week later or month later or don't invest at all after understanding crypto for yourself, it's okay. A period this small wouldn't matter in the long run. You must have heard of teenagers who became billionaires through BTC, but you haven't heard of people who lost everything when the prices dropped because they went all in for crypto. Please invest wisely. +In January 2018 Ether hit its all time high of ~$1400 USD. + +Back then Single Collateral DAI (SAI) was only a month old (1). There was hardly any backed stable coins on the net. Today there is 7.3 billion USD of stable USD tokens on Ethereum, including 114 million of multi collateral DIA. (2) + +The most famous DAPP was Cryptokitties. + +The biggest DEX was EtherDelta with a fully onchain order book. Today, Uniswap has 7 million dollars of transactions each day (3). Loopring is scaling up to handle as many transactions as a centralized exchange by using onchain proof of off chain computation up to ~2000 trades/sec. (4) It currently is operational but only has 8 million USD on the DEX. + +Back then the only known DAO was TheDAO. Today, Aragon actually works. I encourage you to take it for a spin on the Testnet. + +Today, marriage licences are being certified and emailed. (6) + +The biggest change in usability is that mobile wallets like Argent and Gnosis Safe can abstract away the need to carry ether in externally owned accounts to pay for gas. This can significantly simplify the user experience for onboarding. + +If you liked Ethereum at $1400, it has much more utility today, despite being $240. + +(1) https://blog.makerdao.com/making-maker%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8adecember-2018/ + +(2) https://usdonethereum.com/ + +(3) https://uniswap.info/home (counting V1 and V2) + +(4) https://loopring.org/#/about + +(5) https://defipulse.com/ + +(6) https://ssl.utahcounty.gov/dept/clerkaud/DigitalCertCopy.html +I invest in both stocks and crypto. If I needed money I would liquidate my stocks first. Crypto sounds more promising to me. I would want to sell which is less profitable first. +**Since I've gotten PM's and a couple comments asking for more info about the extended warrantee:** + +*If you have any 2009 Nissan Altima or Maxima, apparently, your warranty was extended to 72 months/unlimited miles from the date of purchase. [Here's a link to Nissan's FAQ about the warranty.](http://www.nissanassist.com/web/ESCL_Warranty_Extension/faqs.php?menu=62) Also, they say that the dealer is not the one to go to for further details, they actually want you to go through [NissanAssist](http://www.nissanassist.com)* + + ^Back ^to ^the ^original ^post + +I think this is the right place, but I'm not sure so let me know if there's a better sub for this. + +Ok, here's the deal, I'd love any advice from people not so close to the problem: + +**When she bought the car** + +* In November '14, she bought a 2009 Nissan Altima from a Nissan Dealer for ~$17K. +* Nissan issued a [warranty extension](http://www.nissanassist.com/web/ESCL_Warranty_Extension/ProgramDetails.php?menu=61) for that year/model in 2013 because of regularly failing steering column locks +* At the time of purchase, the dealer did not mention the warranty extension to her (not that he's obligated to, but still) + +**The Problem** + +* Last Wednesday, her car refused to start. She figured out it was the steering column lock (which the dealer confirmed) +* AAA towed the car to the dealer for her, and the dealer arranged a rental at $25/day, and promised repairs would be done by Saturday - no discussion of price/warrantee +* Car wasn't done until Monday afternoon, costing her an extra $50 plus gas for the rental than initially expected + +And now the dealer is forcing her to pay the full $900, and of course isn't offering to cover the extra rental costs. + +*I think* Nissan should cover the $900 plus the rental fees. Is there anything she can do? + +**TL;DR** Girlfriend bought a used car from a dealer. 4 months later dealer is charging her full repair cost for a manufacturer defect they were aware of in her year/model. What can she do? + +**Update:** You're all beautiful and thanks for the advice and well-wishes! I felt lucky when 2 of you responded. This many is ridiculous. She's still working through the process with Nissan and I'm still at work; all I know right now is that the dealership claims it was caused by a combination of salt/cold weather. I'll let you all know how this ends when I find out. + +**RE-Update** Per /u/GraceGallis' advice, she did fork over the $900 and has the car, now just trying to find out about any potential for a refund (also she ended up paying like $130 for the rental) +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/01/goldman-sachs-says-antitrust-concerns-will-pressure-facebook-google.html + +Goldman Sachs downgrades the communications services sector to a neutral rating based on regulatory pressure and expected lackluster performance. + +"Antitrust lawsuits typically take years to resolve but ultimately result in lower valuation," writes David Kostin, chief equity strategist at Goldman Sachs. + +Whether Kostin's caution is called for will depend on coordination between lawmakers on both sides of the aisle as well as the results of the 2020 election. +Hey everybody! + +Sold my company and feeling fabulous, I could continue on with the acquirer (but it seems misereable) or leave with 4M (after tax) right now. I was wondering how you would go about fatFIRE on this given my situation, described here: + +\- Married, 10 years, newborn baby- Own our home +\- 3 bedroom/2 bathroom/yard/nice area, 2.5k taxes, 2k electricity, 1k insurance per year +\- Own a Tesla Model3 and a barely used Hyundai SUV that we use sparingly +\- Will be sending our kid(s?) to public school because they're awesome in our district +\- Live a comfortable middle class lifestyle, was running startup on 115k salary, wife made 60k and we managed to save 30k \*each\* per year, can probably increase our total savings way higher if we actually budget. +\- 500k in of our retirement account- We're Canadian so have public health insurance (yay!) and university will be cheap (my MBA cost 7500$...) + +How would you go about doing fatFIRE with this? We'd like to leave our kids with the nest egg ideally and just live off proceeds but are open to other paths here. Should I work with my banker to figure this out? How do I know I'm not getting screwed? How do you talk about this lifestyle and outcome without sounding like a douchebag to people. +**NOT ADVICE. Just sharing some information I stumbled across** + +Hi everyone! + +I saw Chris Pratt looking embarrassed and being too afraid to ask why all the apes love the lowest of low volume. A lot of answers on the thread were confusing and only partially right. For example, one said "It means no one's selling!" one said, "No one's buying!" and one said, "Obviously it's both..." + +Obviously they are all kind of right, the last guy is the most right, but all of them are sort of missing the bigger picture. No one cares how many shares are traded as long as the stonk 🚀🌕 + +The question is not why do apes love low volume, the question is what does low volume have to do with the price going up. + +Here is an article from the elder sub about what volume means for stock price movement. Take this information with a grain of salt. As with all assumptions about the stock market, you have to also assume a free and unhindered market for that stock (ROFLMAYO) + +Regardless, I still refer to this because it makes watching the ticker more fun. It's full of juicy tidbits like: + +"Falling volume means that a trend is likely to reverse, whether price is going up or down, it applies to both" + +And + +"As a rule of thumb, if todays volume is higher than yesterday’s, it means that a trend is likely to continue" + +And + +"The true bottom of a stock occurs on low volume and is always retested at low volume. If it stays the same then this is a great buying opportunity" + +That last one. I absolutely love that last one. + +All credit to u/tonymontanaisnice for the awesome post that made my brain feel a little more wrinkly. + +Have a great weekend everybody, and have a safe trip to the MOASS party! + +💎👐🦍🚀🌕 + +🦍🤯🌎 + +That's what my first attempt looked like but then my link to "the elder sub" got bounced so here's the post almost in it's entirety. Check out u/tonymontanaisnice for the original and part 2! + +Volume + +-A trend that moves on steady volume means that its likely to continue aka price is rising or price is lowering + +-Falling volume means that a trend is likely to reverse, whether price is going up or down, it applies to both + +-A burst of extremely high volume means that its trend is likely to reverse. Usually when the stock reaches its peak or when all of a sudden it crashes, keep your eye on the volume + +-If there is Low volume and the price stays the same, it usually means thats this is the new normal price. People are unfazed by slight price changes here, this is the new normal + +-A second price breakout after one just occured is usually marked by yet another high volume spike. It usually means losers are heading for the exit because theyve been bag holding and cant take the pain anymore or bulls are jumping back in + +-a price breakout in low volume means that its fake, the price will recoil + +-rising volume during a rally(after a stock crashed)means that even though the bagholders are leaving, new losers are coming in + +-When volume shrinks during a rally, it means that bulls arent as eager to keep buying at these high prices. Fuel is being removed from this ship. A reversal is imminent + +-When volume dries up during a decline, it usually means a reversal. That is the bears are no longer shorting and the intelligent bulls who got out a long time ago are ready to pounce yet again + +-As a rule of thumb, if todays volume is higher than yesterday’s, it means that a trend is likely to continue + +-Volume is relative, what is high for ibm may be low for apple. What is low for apple may be high for ibm + +-As a rule of thumb, high volume is 25% higher than the avg volume of the past 2 weeks and low volume is 25% lower than the avg volume of the past 2 week + +-High volume confirms new trends. If prices rise to a new peak, and volume reaches a new high, then prices are likely to retest, that is go below the peak and come back to the peak to see if it can exceed it or go back down. + +-If a stock falls to a new low, and volume reaches a new high then that bottom will also retest- that is go up and come back down to that bottom to see if it goes even lower or stays there + +-the true bottom of a stock occurs on low volume and is always retested at low volume. If it stays the same then this is a great buying opportunity + +-if volume shrinks during an upwards or downwards trend then that trend is ripe for a reversal + +-When a stock reaches a new peak than it was yesterday, but the volume is lower today than yesterday- this is a great shorting opportunity, that is: Now is the time to sell or time to buy puts + +This does not work on a downwards trend as a stock can keep going down even with low volume. It takes buying to move a stock up, but a stock can go down on its own weight + +-Watch volume during a reaction against the upward trend(aka panic selling). If the dip continues but volume shrinks, it means bulls are no longer running or selling pressure is spent. When the explosion of selling volume dries up, then it means that the upwards trend will resume. This presents a good buying opportunity or to buy calls + +-Many downtrends are punctuated(occurs at intervals) by rallies(price goes up momentarily)which begin on heavy volume. These shake out weak bears which causes volume to shrink and gives a signal to sell short~ this means that short sellers are now sure that the stock will crater because no more rallies + +Edit + +Oh the post is called "volume the final frontier and why it'll help you make money". If that counts as sharing please let me know I'll remove it. + +How could I forget the y + +TL;DR Buy and HODL 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +u/wiglyworm had a good note to add + +You might consider adding that for thinly held stocks such as GME, higher volume always means more significant price movement. + +No one wants to sell and even if the price would make some consider selling, buyers looking for 1,000s of shares or more are only going to find them in ones and twos at a time. The price naturally will chew through the order book too fast. + +We recently had a day with a major spike in PE market and continued into market open. We were getting volume at the level of about 8M per hour and the price was up almost 50 pts before buy pressure was magically shut off and the price was slammed. + +Consider that and now consider that when the shorts close their positions, there will be 100s of millions buys per hour. +Yesterday there was a lot of people claiming there would be massive price drops today just as soon as the China markets were open, everybody was in panic and everybody was expecting a black Wendnesday today. Well, as you can see nothing happened (just a little dip). That proves nobody in this sub knows what the fuck they are talking about. Shit I dont even know if after posting this the markets will crash or go to the Moon. Nobody here knows what will happen. Evergrande could go bankrupt and that could cause crypto to go to Mars. Evergrande could announce it's been able to pay all it's debt and crypto could crash to oblivion. Nobody knows what will happen, there's no way of predicting what will happen. Past performance of the markets shouldnt be used for making predictions and technical analysis is basically astrology with charts (specially on crypto). All the posts predicting crashes are FUD written by people that dont even know they are spreading FUD. Just remember that analysts have successfully predicted 11 out of the 2 economic crisis of the last 20 years. +My friend recently went on a first date with an aussie guy, he says hes currently $75,000 in debt as his ex partner (de facto) went to the bank alone and took out a 150,000 dollar loan without him knowing and it was apparently a joint defacto loan. Is it even possible for 1 partner of a relationship to take out a loan in their significant others name without their consent? Would a bank even allow this? I found the story very sus and wanted to do some digging. This supposedly happened in australia. + +Any info appreciated, TIA + +EDIT: I agree, it is a weird thing to bring up on date #1 but i guess they were talking about past dating experiences and it came up, definitely a red flag and Ive passed all of your comments on to my friend! + +EDIT 2: update! They ended up only going on a few more dates and then decided they werent interested in pursuing so nothing more happened - nothing to worry about i guess! +Disclaimer: I live in Colorado, where the Sun shines 300+ days per year, but I suspect this would work for a large part of the US as well (Arizona, NM, TX, FL etc) + +We all know that the two secrets to increase wealth: maximize revenue and minimize expenses. I want to focus on the second part here in this post. + +Solar panels are getting really cheap these days (even with a 30% tariff added in Jan 2017) , and so are many used Electric Vehicle (EV) . Solar panels are costing less than $1 per watt (different efficiency varies) and with professional installations (labors, net meters etc) costing about $2 per watt. A typical 6000 watt system which on average produces about 7800 kWh a year in Colorado (650 kWh/month) would cost about $18000 installed. If you do this before the end of the year, you get a check for 30% of the total system cost from the federal government, for a total cost of about $12000. After the new year, that check would be just 26%, (next year 22%, and then 0% in 2022), and we all know which Orange American is behind this drop, but that's a political rant for another day. + +A lot of cities in the US offers solar loans at about 5% APR. A quick calculation would tell you that with $0 down, the monthly payment for the system per month would be $79 for 20 years, $95 for 15 years, or $127 for 10 years. After the system pays off, your cost would be $0 a month. You could also take out a personal loan from most banks for solar projects. They could offer even lower APR. Or if you happen to have the money on hand, you could just pay it off cash. + +So let's take a look at how much people could save. In Colorado, 1 kWh cost about $.11\~$.14, so let's use average $.12 for the calculation. $.12\*650 = $78. But wait! That's not all. There are also taxes and transmission cost associated with the usage, which means that you save more than that much. If you look at your power bill you can see that taxes and fees are at least 30% of your electric bills, sometimes it could be as high as 70%! So with solar power you are looking at a 0 or negative power usage for most of the year, saving you 100% of the electricity cost. In places like California, where 1 kWh costs getting to as high as $.24, your monthly cost could be $156 plus tax and fees, which means that you will be saving at least $29 a month even if you chose the 10 year payment plan. Each year, utilities companies raise the rates/fees. With your own solar system, you will have peace of mind from rising energy cost. + +But wait! There is more potential savings. Most houses in the US has tanked gas water heater, which requires replacement every 8\~12 years. A tanked (50 gallon) electric water heater cost about $380 at Home Depot. So if you happen to need to replace your gas water heater soon, you can get a tanked electric water heater, and save even more: I used to pay $50 a month for gas for a family of 4. After replacing it with electric water heater, my gas bills in the summer is literally $1 ( gas pilot light for the furnace?) + +But wait! There is even more potential savings. Used Electric cars are so cheap these days it is definitely worth looking into. I bought a used 2015 S Nissan LEAF with 24 kWh battery in 2016 for $9000 cash. It was a great deal. But you can surely find many sub-10k electric cars on the internet these days. And if you calculate the savings in addition to your electric costs, it is mind blowing: People casually drop $2000 \~ $4000 a year on gas alone without a second thought. That's gonna be $0 for you with the solar panels. 10 years of this you will save at least $20000, which is no small change. And then there's the maintenance savings: There is no oil change every 3000 miles; no spark-plug change, no tune-ups, no transmission fluid flush, no $500 \~ $700 average maintenance each year associated with the dirty gasoline engine. There are various subs for EV's on reddit you can refer to. [/r/leaf](https://www.reddit.com/r/leaf/), [/r/volt](https://www.reddit.com/r/volt/), [/r/bolt](https://www.reddit.com/r/bolt/), etc. Notice how I excluded Tesla because it is so expensive it does not really make good financial sense, even for used ones. + +\*\* Edited the actual percentage of rebate changes. 30% 2019, 26% 2020, 22% 2021, and 0% 2022. +I’ve recently started automatically investing about $250 each week split between VTI and VOO. I thought the diversity would be beneficial but im reading that they are composed of essentially the same stocks. Should i just pick one and invest $500 in it each week? And which one would you recommend? Thanks +I know and have applied VBA. + +I will be learning C++ in a structured environment. + +I know Python and SQL. + +Where can I find resources to learn and practice Python, SQL, and Matlab/R? + +I learn code by coding and I can't code without a goal. Does anyone have any good books or online lessons? +I know and have applied VBA. + +I will be learning C++ in a structured environment. + +I know Python and SQL. + +Where can I find resources to learn and practice Python, SQL, and Matlab/R? + +I learn code by coding and I can't code without a goal. Does anyone have any good books or online lessons? +I'm sophomore at a top college doing math/finance/a small amount of comp sci, and I'm also doing my first finance internship right now at a hedge fund. I'm also beginning to realize that I would rather have a smaller paycheck and more time to myself than to sacrifice sleep and personal life for an elite career. Right now I'm waking up at 6 each morning and getting home around 7 or 7:30 each day (and I know many in investment banking work much more than that). Honestly I think I would kill myself or become a drug addict if I had to work 80+ hour weeks for a few years. As finance is a broad field, what are some of the more 'enjoyable' or at least less stressful areas of it? And what advice do you have for getting into those areas? + +inb4 I'm a pussy.. +To help figure out what major choices I should make I try to think about what I would regret not doing 3-5+ years from now. The hard part about that is I don't really know what I would regret, other than the obvious things such as work hard, don't burn bridges, etc. If you seasoned folks out there could give me some ideas who knows how much they could help my career/life further down the line. + +What are some things that you wish you did or started doing when you were fresh out of college and just starting your career? +If 401Ks and hedge fund managers, along with services utilizing micropayments and various industries implementing the ETH blockchain, what is a realistic price and market cap for ETH? I've heard $7500 but not sure if that is realistic or if that is actually lower than is possible. Should we be investing in 100 Ether for example, to get to $1 million down the road? +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/20/mark-cuban-coronavirus-stock-comeback-similar-to-1990s-dot-com-bubble.html + +Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban on CNBC on Monday compared the stock market's big run-up from its late March coronavirus low to the 1990s tech frenzy. + +"In some respects it's different because of the Fed and the liquidity," Cuban said. "But on a bigger picture, it's so similar." + +"Everybody is a genius in a bull market," the "Shark Tank" investor warned. "Don't get greedy." + +Cuban, also owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, said his personal stock portfolio is still heavy in shares of Netflix and Amazon. +What are some "free" or "cheap" hobbies you have? + +I've always been low on money all my life so I actually never go to the movies. Like if I watch a movie at a theater once a year, that's a lot for me. + +I guess one of mine is reading, because I can just borrow books from my local library. I also just like to randomly walk around my neighborhood, especially during the springtime. If I have more time I would sometimes watch baseball using wifi. + +What are yours? +There's an interesting piece in The New York Times (apparently adapted from a book) about someone who grew up with very little and now as an adult has no concept of saving. + +https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/20/opinion/sunday/rainy-day-savings-money.html + +I grew up under pretty different circumstances being middle class in an middle and upper class suburb and can't directly relate. What do people here think of her perspective on spending and saving? +Does anyone here actually realize what ethereum is capable of? day after day I come across people with decent amounts of ether and they don't even know what a smart contract is. + +Don't get me wrong, sure the money is cool -- but if we can get more eyes and focus on the development aspect the money will multiply several times over and technology will head in new directions altogether. Or we can keep focusing on the money until all the greedy folks have left and there's barely anything left. + +Up to you really, peace! +I know it's nothing beating inflation, but nice to see HYSA heading back up! Through Vanguard, I just bought a 3-mo CD doing 1.25%, so there are finally some options for the emergency fund worth considering. +Looking at the chart it is looking bearish. Its been going down hard with much of the other micro stocks on the market. One of the strongest catalysts for a company is Cash Positivity. ALPP is so close to it. You may be looking at its most recent amended Q1 and think o how is this possible it says -5.4 million dollars in loss. I will make a quick write up on paint of its beauty. It may of had 5.4 million dollars in loss last quarter, but it had 5.35 million dollars in one time fees. That means it was only negative 50000 dollars! The 3.5 was put into the equity spread of the company. The CEO confirmed this with me by email. The 1.9 dollars you can find on Q1 under operating costs. By August 15 on Q2 they will have still have some unknown fees on the purchase of Alternative Labs, but it has a high chance of being cash positive on Q2 and if not Cash positive on Q2 it will be by Q3. Kent said it himself that they have high chance of being cash positive Q2 without the fees from Q1. I also forgot to add this is with 47 million dollars in revenue and 46 million share holder equity. Share holder equity is pretty much asset to debt. If its positive its less risk and shareholders hold the assets if its negative banks do. Its fundamentals are amazing. I also added the email on bottom. + +https://preview.redd.it/ugbuolhky2e71.png?width=1699&format=png&auto=webp&s=3131493fc9e5fdfda6f39cec2fbb5532688c97ec + +https://preview.redd.it/0pisujqjy2e71.png?width=1455&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a98f6843eb21e714b399e40bea160c20e2bcc3d +Blackberry will be discussing the latest developments in BlackBerry’s technology and strategy, which is something I sure a lot of investors and a lot of us will be interested in listening to. + +Link: [https://www.blackberry.com/us/en/company/newsroom/press-releases/2021/blackberry-to-participate-in-upcoming-baird-investor-conference](https://www.blackberry.com/us/en/company/newsroom/press-releases/2021/blackberry-to-participate-in-upcoming-baird-investor-conference) + +BB holds up on its own. I suspect the volatility we see is from the reasonably cheaper price it commands compared to favorites GME and AMC, where people from all walks of life are trying to sell off at every peak that occurs. Who knows, by Wednesday this shit shoots to $20 or more. + +And now my honest opinion - fuck all the moon shit, because frankly all I see happening is people left at the peaks holding bags. You want to do something with BB, just like GME and AMC? Buy and hold, and let the market catch up to the potential that BB will become. + +I'm sure a lot of you heard that GME and AMC might be added to RUSSELL 1000 based on performance by June 25 - well BB's earning report will be out at around the same time, June 23. So we shall see by then if BB stands strong, and not just because it is a meme. + +This is not financial advice, good luck, and fuck the hedge fund fucks. +I’ve just moved out of my previous apartment because my previous landlord sold the property. The new landlord asked us verbally to leave by sept 30th. My girlfriend and I lucked out and saved some money by moving in with family. We weren’t too upset about the move but, the new landlord has been a bit of an asshole. He didn’t speak to us about a move until a week into September, the construction workers would play music loud at 8am despite my girlfriend working from home, and just yesterday we came back to the apartment to grab the rest of our items, only to find they had went into my apartment and ran an extension cord through the second story living room window! Now today he’s asking for rent! Do I have to pay? What about my moving expenses? I didn’t sign a rental agreement and live in PA. +Hi everyone, I am from Singapore. I do not have any investing experiences before but after doing a bit of research, I realized that ETFs are one of the safest investments in my opinion. My capital is around $500USD to $800USD and I have looked up some of the ETFs like VOO or SPY and they are both recommended by many people. But their prices are relatively high considered that my budget is only $800USD maximum for now. That is why I need some **suggestions** on other ETFs that are cheaper, with good returns, and reliable. So if there is any good portfolio with a reasonable amount of risks please share it with me thank you. Appreciate it. + +**Brokers recommendations** + +I have been trying to find one that most people use but it seems that it varies depending on the countries that people are living in and I really do not know which one to go for. I still don't really understand the management fees and other fees that we need to pay monthly or annually, hoping that I can get some clarifications from the experts in this community. + +Lastly is there any platforms that I can learn more about ETFs? It's been quite hard to find useful resources that I can learn more about ETF. + +Thank you for all your time and your help is appreciated :D +I am new to ETFs and looking for advice from experienced people. Due to the Corona outbreak in Europe the stocks are falling. I have a couple of euros (let's say 5000) left to start investing. When should I buy? What do you think...how long will the courses go down - I know that ETFs are a rather long-term investment. Nobody knows for sure but I would like to hear your thoughts about this. Thanks +I always see people saying that Oil ETFs are a bad investment because of contango. +Can you explain me why? + +I was planning to invest in this ETF: https://www.wisdomtree.eu/en-gb/products/ucits-etfs-unleveraged-etps/commodities/wisdomtree-wti-crude-oil---eur-daily-hedged +Hi everyone, I saw Warren Buffett said that we should be investing in S&P 500 index funds. Which is the best S&P 500 ETF right now especially for users that use Ameritrade? SPY? VOO? + +Thanks +I am 22 years old and after learning as much as I can from the internet. I have decided to take the jump and invest a small amount of my salary into an ETF. + +The ETF I am investing into is called the iShares MSCI World Islamic ETF. It’s ticker is ISDW. + +I am using Trading 212 ISA account . + +My first investment is £1000 and will be followed by £100 monthly. I appreciate any advice or criticisms . Thank you + +Obliviously there’s a reason or else everyone would do it + +But why don’t I just buy REVS, AMOM, or OLIK? I could put 30k and make about 6k this year cash flow. +Hey all, + +First time poster here, looking for a little guidance/input from anyone and everyone. I'm 25 y/o, just getting into investing. I'm okay with some risk, but nothing too crazy. I should have the ability to keep throwing another $1000 monthly into the market. Here's the breakdown I've come up with: + +VTI - 50% + +QQQ - 18.5% + +ARKG - 12.5% + +ARKQ - 12.5% + +PLTR - 6.5% + +Honorable mentions: ARKF (I think fintech will be good future tech), ICLN/QCLN (these scare me because of where they were around 2008, and where they are now. Were they severely overvalued at the time, or undervalued now?) + +I know PLTR is basically a meme stock, but I truly believe data analytics will be huge in the future, and they seem to be at the forefront. + +In my retirement account I've got DNP, I like the consistent dividend and would just keep reinvesting back into there. Sort of biased with this, my parents have held this for 10+ years and aren't touching this until retirement. + +I welcome all feedback/advice, thanks! +IVV - 20% +IEFA - 12% +GURU - 10% +SCHD - 8% +VWO - 5% +AOR - 4% +VB - 3% +FDN - 2% +IJH - 2% +ICLN - 2% +IYT - 2% +GNR 1% + +The rest are in stocks. + +I have a problem, I love ETF’s. But I know that spreading my 75-100/week between these would be better off In just a few. Which ones should I part with? Which ones should I consolidate? +I am a 35YO and I have never been into stock market or similar investments; Real estate only. Now I am considering it and I had a call with a financial advisor who recommended me Mutual Funds instead of ETFs for the market entry. Need your suggestions on this. I was almost set on VTI and VXUS as 70%, 30% of my portfolio. + +P.S: I do not live In the US. + +Obliviously there’s a reason or else everyone would do it + +But why don’t I just buy REVS, AMOM, or OLIK? I could put 30k and make about 6k this year cash flow. +What percentage of overlap do you consider to be too much when looking at weight? + +Is 52% too much? + +[https://www.etfrc.com/funds/overlap.php](https://www.etfrc.com/funds/overlap.php) +I recently graduated college, and right now I have $15K split in the following: + +**Taxable Account** + +* 25% $VOO (S&P 500) +* 15% $XLK (tech emphasis) +* 5% $XMMO (mid-cap) +* 5% $VBK (small-cap) + +**Roth IRA** + +* 25% $VTI (S&P 500) +* 7.5% $T (7% dividend) +* 7.5% $O (REIT) +* 5% $WBA (dividend) +* 5% $MCD (dividend) + +My goals are to drip dividends into my Roth and grow my taxable account long-term as much as I can, but I don't know what I need to be optimizing. I'm not buying a house for a long time so I want to build as high as I can. Are there any recommendations? + +Thank you! :) +Some background: 31 y/o, making about 150k a year (will be way less this year unfortunately). + +My horizon/timeline is 10 years minimum. + +I recently started investing in individuals stocks but it is too time consuming given the nature of my job (also I would rather not be looking at 10 Qs and 10Ks). I recently sold all my positions except Disney and transitioned into ETFs. + +I currently have VOO which I’ve held since last year and continue to add to it. + +Currently added QQQ, VGT, VHT, ITA. +Looking to add: IYF ( financial ETF top holdings are brkb, jpm, v, ma) +VDC (consumer staples) +SOXX (semi-conductor ETF) + +I plan to add to my SEP IRA this year, I do not qualify or can add as 401k. + +My question is, am I over diversified? Should I cut down to just QQQ/VOO? + +I’m open to some risk since I’m younger hence why I added SOXX, IYF, VGT, VHT (I like these sectors long term). + +Any input is appreciated. Thanks all and stay safe! +If I own a Xtrackers ETF which is managed by DWS group, a subsidiary company of deutsche Bank, and deutsche Bank or DWS group would go bankrupt, what would happen to my ETF. Would it change in any way? I am asking cause it does not look that well for Deutsche Bank atm. +Greetings all, + +A number of years ago (+5yr), I started following Warren Buffett's advice and moved almost all my core holdings into S&P500 ETF (IVW and VOOG). This includes my main investment account and multiple retirement accounts. Since then, I have enjoyed massive growth relative to other investments and am extremely pleased with the choice. + +Yesterday, I was doing more research on ETFs and found the SOXX ETF from Fidelity. Seems this is even stronger than IVW but comes with a higher expense ratio (IVW 0.18% and SOXX 0.46%). + +Looking for thoughts on rebalancing some of my IVW shares for SOXX. It seems there is some overlap between the two, but it appears SOXX has some unique holdings that may account for the better performance. + +Thoughts on re-balancing some IVW for SOXX? Any other ETF I should consider besides SOXX? +I know this question has been answered thousands of times already in this sub but I just had to ask again😅sorry + +My current investment portfolio (that I intend on keep investing for 20~30 years) basically looks like this-> + +🅰️Vti+Itot 70%/ Qld 20%/ Korean stocks 5%/ Crypto currency 5%. + +At first I was quite skeptical about investing on schd/dgro because of their holding overlaps with vti...but as I did more reserach I noticed that there are some sector differences between those 3? + +And so I was wondering if I should include schd/dgro etfs to make my portfolio into something like-> + +🅱️Vti+Itot 50%/ Qld 20%/ schd+dgro 20%/ Korean stocks 5% / cypto currency 5%. + +Any thoughts? + +Any comments will be greatly appreciated! Thank you! +*Disclaimer: Any commentary is provided for general informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice nor does it constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities referred to. For proper financial advice, seek professional guidance from an accredited and registered professional outside of Reddit.* + +If you are new to r/ETFs, please familiarize yourself with the rules listed in the sidebar. + +**Ask other Reddit users to rate your ETF portfolio!** +Hi Community, + +I'm a 32 year old German family man who has started looking into building a financial comfort cushion since march. I read a bunch of articles on here how to do that properly and this is what i came up with. I would highly appreciate to receive some comments about my portfolio since I have not seen many redditors use factor ETFs yet. + +I am aware that the World Momentum ETF has a lot of overlap with the World SRI ETF. My plan behind this move was to have a fairly high share of World ETF exposure as a strong basis, but with the little edge of increased risk/performance that also adjusts to current trends. With the stocks, I want to get my feet wet in trading and make a few riskier moves. However, I came to find out that my few hundred bucks dont really move the needle, but maybe this comes with time and increased portfolio. Also I would like to increase my contributions to the ICLN, but this would mean to decrease my contributions somewhere else. I have a hard time chosing my trade offs, so any comment is highly appreciated. + +Thanks in advance! + +Best, + +tabirnackles + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9eghu9t7lxa61.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=9349537b2a0ffe142e402d316ffdf56b095615c7 +If I own a Xtrackers ETF which is managed by DWS group, a subsidiary company of deutsche Bank, and deutsche Bank or DWS group would go bankrupt, what would happen to my ETF. Would it change in any way? I am asking cause it does not look that well for Deutsche Bank atm. + what do you guys think about Government Bonds ETFs ? Is it a place to leave some money waiting for a better opportunity to use in a near future? + +&#x200B; + +What are the best bonds ETFs ? +*Disclaimer: Any commentary is provided for general informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice nor does it constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities referred to. For proper financial advice, seek professional guidance from an accredited and registered professional outside of Reddit.* + +If you are new to r/ETFs, please familiarize yourself with the rules listed in the sidebar. + +**Ask other Reddit users to rate your ETF portfolio!** +So what are your top three ETFs? Mine are: + +MTUM: iShares momentum ETF, is built from stocks with upward momentum and rebalanced every 6 months I believe. I am having a hard time wondering why I shouldn't own a whole lot more of this going forward. + +IVV: For all my attempts to be clever, I've made excellent returns by just holding the S&P 500. Whenever I try to out\-think things, I am usually sorry. + +DGRO: a dividend growth ETF that has performed well. It closely matches the S&P 500 but with a significantly higher dividend, and is free of some problem stocks like REITs. It's Blackrock's version of VIG but seems to perform better. + +\(You can tell I have a big bias to iShares, because they are well organized and easy to understand, and I'm a Fidelity customer.\) +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-10/traders-now-betting-at-least-one-fed-hike-will-be-supersized + +In the last few days the bond markets have gone from expecting one 25 basis rate hike by the next scheduled FOMC meeting, to almost certainty that there will be a 50 basis rate hike by the next scheduled FOMC meeting. + +https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/interest-rates/countdown-to-fomc.html + +The bond market is expecting either an unscheduled rate hike or a super sized rate hike in the next scheduled meeting. +Hello all, I [was watching a Business Insider video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVVO8b4vvis&t=1086s) going into the obscenely high prices or the San Francisco housing market and it got me thinking as to what are the key contributing factors leading to the horrible costs of living in the city. + +While it seems pretty clear that San Francisco would have a high demand for housing (great weather, tons of culture, high paying job sectors, etc.), it also talks over a lot of the regulatory burden in housing in the city (environmental regulation, abundance of tenant rights, zoning laws, building codes, etc.). + +From my (likely misguided/incomplete) understanding, the housing market is fairly competitive (abundance of qualified workers for construction, firms making only a small profit on average, rent control, etc.), so to me it seems like if construction companies, realtors, and renters were able to operate with less government oversight than the cost of housing would drop quite a lot. However, I don't want my bias to minimal government regulation to make me overreach in my assumptions, as I know that there is a very high demand and surely other reasons as to why housing in the city may be high. + +If anyone who has studied such matters has any knowledge that would help correct anything I have misunderstood through ignorance and bias please let me know as these are the kinds of issues I do care about and want to make sure anything I would be in favor of would help the problem rather than just add to the list of ignorant voices discussing it. +This does include forecasts, but I'm interested in any theoretical results, whether about the present, the future, or timeless. E.g. downward-sloping demand is a theoretical result t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶d̶e̶r̶i̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶v̶e̶x̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶f̶e̶r̶e̶n̶c̶e̶s̶. + +Are there theoretical results from well-known economic models, which are not common sense, but are empirically well-supported? What are some examples? +Will try my best to explain the Q without an image. So firstly I know that a monopoly won't produce output when |PED| < 1, since MR would be negative and the monopoly can always restrict output to make MR positive. So now that we know the monopoly only produces on the upper portion of the demand curve where |PED| > 1 (elastic), would the monopolist prefer to produce when demand is more elastic on that elastic portion, or more inelastic on that elastic portion? + +I read online that they said MR = 0 is profit maximizing. But if you draw the MR and MC curve and find price where MR=MC, it does not equal MR = 0, or am I drawing it wrong? Would appreciate any insight. Thanks! +I'm surprised that Western countries+allies have been able to freeze a large percentage of Russia's reserves. I have a limited understanding of how these systems work but my impression is that the Russian governments reserves are analogous to a household's savings and they were planning on using these savings to pay for the war as well as anything else the country needs. The strange thing is that their savings are held in accounts controlled by their rivals, why do countries do this? Do all central banks keep large percentages of their 'money' in other countries? Why didn't the Russians try to hold these assets in their 'own' accounts or at the very least neutral countries? +My situation is that I have is in this Minecraft world I have created, we have made a bunch of countries and currencies. However, we have little economic structure. We have the currency, infrastructure and gold to back the currency but no way of determining how much the currency is worth in USD. Id like a SimCity RCI infrastructure scale but I cant find any info on anything worthwhile, Thanks google algorithms. Anywho I will list the info I do have below and will give more if requested. + +The variables I have to work with are + +-Currency in circulation +-Gold amount +-GDP +-Land Size +-Population + +The RCI is based on zoning of residential commercial and industrial areas and show dictate how the gdp is shapped. + +The GDP should raise the value of the currency is the GDP rises. + +If the population, RCI, and gold stays the same and the land size decreases, the worth should increase + +The equation that I use now for worth is + +worth = (((#{amount of currency}/(#{gold bars}*510700.448)))*(#{amount of currency}/#{population})*(#{gdp}/10)) + +gdp = ((((#{r count}*(#{c count}/#{i count}))/#{land size})))*(#{population}*#{rci score}) + +population = #{r count}*(#{c count}/#{i count}) + +r score = ((#{hdr}*6)+(#{ldr}*3))*((4*#{hdc}+(2*#{ldc}))-(2*#{hdi})+#{ldi}) + +c score = (((6*#{hdr})+(3*#{ldr})-((3*#{hdi})+#{ldi})))*((4*#{hdc})+(2*#{ldc})) + +i score = (((6*#{hdr})+(3*#{ldr}))-((4*#{hdc})+(2*#{ldc})))*((2*#{hdi})+#{ldi}) + +rci score = (#{r score}+#{c score}+#{i score})/100 + +The amounts for my country are as follows. + +HDensityR 6 +LDensityR 21 +HDC 6 +LDC 10 +HDI 6 +LDI 10 + +currency in circulation 1338176.64 +Gold 10725 +gold value 510700.448 +population 486 +land size 26919 +How did their central planners calculate the amount of goods to produce and their price without the laws of supply and demand? It seems really weird. How could they produce anything without knowing how much to make? Isn't that why they had frequent shortages of basic goods like food? + +Please be neutral as possible. +Minimalism is the idea that more possessions don’t necessarily make us happier, and indeed can actually just burden our lives. Eg we would be happier with a wardrobe of 30 or so quality items all of which we love than with wardrobes full of clothes most of which we never wear; or we might need a phone, but we don’t need to upgrade to the latest iPhone every year - the one we bought a few years ago is still perfectly fine. + +Minimalists don’t deprive themselves of things they need, or deliberately live in discomfort, but they voluntary don’t purchase things unless they are sure they will improve their lives. They also tend to try to live within their means. + +Currently, a small number of people decide to practice minimalism, and they can manage it easily and successfully - but that may be because most people aren’t! But my question is what would happen if huge swathes of people voluntarily decided to try to live a simpler, but still comfortable, life? Could they all succeed? Or would the overall reduction in demand mean that they would find it hard to earn money so they couldn’t even afford the things they need? Or would prices drop to compensate? +I fixed my energy deal in October and it runs out in 2024, edf have told me I should overpay now to build credit to offset the difference when it runs out, is this worth doing or not? +Interested to know what kinds of things you possibly wasted money on this year, or poor financial choices of this year etc (either by accident/unintentionally, or knowingly). +I don't really know how to find the answer to this question honestly, its a mental debate my partner and I have regularly. We are in our mid-late twenties, my net worth is between 6.9 mm to 7.2 mm depending on which way the sp500 is swinging. My break down is about 3 mm in the market, around 2.1 mm in cash (going into the market), and then about 2 mm in property (my parent's former home , it is being rented and mine (500 k) + +We have a decent living, we live in a 7/10 school district, in a 3000 square foot home right outside Houston, in a middle class neighborhood. We drive decent middle class cars (2016 and 2020). My partner is in another 2 years of nursing school, I work as an MD for a medical device company but am ready to quit and switch to something like first responders or become a small-time pilot (for about 10-15 years until I am in my mid forties) + +We do want to change our home because of various first- class problems. The garage is too tight, we have to keep dragging our garbage cans through the mud to the back (hoa neighborhood), our yard is always muddy, we aren't fans of our master bath (too small), would like to be in a slightly better unincorporated neighborhood. About 900-1.2 million would get us what we want in terms of house where we want. + +The thing is, as someone who is mostly boglehead, when I run my investments through calculators, (within the next year I want to be around 4.5 mm invested, around 500 k in cash, and the homes stay as they are), sp500 historical charts show that my 4.5mm would be between 10-20 mm in about 10 years from now barring a 2000-2010 type decade ([https://www.officialdata.org/us/stocks/s-p-500/2010?amount=4500000&endYear=2020](https://www.officialdata.org/us/stocks/s-p-500/2010?amount=4500000&endYear=2020)). Past that, my 30 year out look, I am looking at 70-150 million from that investment. Disclosure: I am more diversified than sp500. + +We dont spend a lot of money, given that our house and cars are paid off, I think our annual expenditure is 60-70 K and that includes 2000-3000 a month we blow on our selves for random things like restaurants, vacations, electronics. Realistically once we cross around 15 mm net worth (yes I am accounting for inflation), it will be hard for our expenditures to affect the growth since our withdrawal rate will be minimal. We dont desire luxury cars, watches, clothes, etc, just a nicer home. + +**So my question is should I just wait it out and let my money grow?** I know for my age having a house as big as we do now is already being far ahead of the curve and its not like I will likely need to wait until retirement for a big house, just about a decade. +I'm considering buying a lot with a crappy home to demolish and build a dream-home. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this. Specific questions include: + +* Are costs significantly higher to build vs. buy existing? Are any big costs avoidable (e.g. fancy, unnecessary fixtures)? +* How much active management / hassle is it to build a house? Do you need to be on-site all the time? Do you need to make every single tiny decision? How much would it cost to delegate most of the work to someone? +* For those who have done this, or considered it, any regrets? Any other considerations? + +As another aside, it feels like I'm inevitably going to get a bad deal if there's already a (albeit mediocre) house on the lot. Presumably someone who is willing to live in that existing house would be willing to pay more versus me, who just wants it for the land. +Throwaway account and more career advice but this seemed like right place to post. + +35m, NW 3m - mostly from a recent IPO, have been with the company 3 years now - with still around $600k unvested at current price. Folks at company taking advantage of this with no refresher grants, promotions etc.- lot of the original folks leaving and loads of middle management added now not making work fun anymore. My initial plan was to work until 40 / get to 6m but now I'm realizing I'm not that tied to the numbers and would rather enjoy my work the next few years even if it means working a little longer. I know this is personal choice and depends on the situations, but my question is would you grind it out for another year at job you don't enjoy or take some risks/bets (current company tenure has opened doors to many late stage startups that are reaching out) in the last few years as you approach your fire number. +My mom is a single mother in nursing school. She will graduate next year. She is filing for bankruptcy and has to surrender her vehicle. She wants to buy a vehicle in my name, I absolutely do not want to do this. She says she can’t buy a cheap vehicle nor will she be able to have a co-signer because of her credit. I have tried thinking of ways to help her out but I can’t seem to think of anything. + +Thank you in advance for any advice you have. +Let's say option one works by checking if our position size is zero and decides to go either short or long and doesn't open another position before closing the last + +And for option two we have two separate algorithms that trade only long and only short and this way we might even have two positions open at the same time with different targets + +Now at the end of a session which one do you think will yield better results? I did a little backtesting and personally I like the second option more but I haven't dig deep enough so I wanted to know your thoughts + thanks +Let's say option one works by checking if our position size is zero and decides to go either short or long and doesn't open another position before closing the last + +And for option two we have two separate algorithms that trade only long and only short and this way we might even have two positions open at the same time with different targets + +Now at the end of a session which one do you think will yield better results? I did a little backtesting and personally I like the second option more but I haven't dig deep enough so I wanted to know your thoughts + thanks +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I have been hodling since 08-2015... ETH @ 2 U$... a true believer. +ATM we are back at the price level before the total crypto hype. +I think all the weak hands have been shaken out now, a lot of them with a substantial loss, but hey.. that is the price you pay for not "hodling" .. Wanna invest in crypto: be prepared to lose everything.... I am kind of happy with this. It amazes me how dumb the average crypto buyer is, wanna get rich quick , no patience, doesn't work," I'll take my loss.. very short sighted...."I guess they feel sorry for themselves for not holding on to the smartest crypto coin. TL,DR: most people are stupid and greedy +I think this subreddit has a pretty diverse set of people browsing that are not blind, nor stupid. I strongly believe a great deal of these "news" articles have been brigaded or vote-manipulated. + +"Russia investing in bitcoin = fake news." Absolutely, I do not disagree with that. Taking a completely non-influential Russian's political beliefs on Twitter and spinning a news article on it - that's some bull shit. Conflicting articles on the legality of cryptocurrency in India, this is all dog shit. + +If cryptocurrency is to be taken seriously, if it is to be the "way of the future", then its advent would only be accelerated by destroying websites that are profiting off of the fringes of the success of cryptocurrency. + +EDIT: If a political figure, political body, celebrity, or well-known entrepreneur / business owner (Elon Musk, Winklevoss Twins, a state senator, a massive city's mayor, a country's president, etc.) have something to say, usually they'll say it on Twitter and it's better for us to see what they say there than read some news source that's going to make 1000 words out of what these public figures can say in 280 characters on social media. + +EDIT 2: While I won't list any specific articles, I suppose **some, purely 100% speculative** articles would be just fine. For example, if someone maintains a blog on Medium and investigates the topic of a particular bitcoin ETF, or if someone runs a wordpress blog and entertains the idea of banks offering cryptocurrency custody solutions, or if somebody cites real sources from real people without trying to jump to B.S. conclusions, I'm all for it! I just don't want to see something that says, "BAKKT is coming online. So now president Trump supports bitcoin!" in the headline. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, when I started this week I didn't exactly have a plan for where I was going to go. +With the world markets being as turbulent as they have been recently, I feel strongly that we are approaching a jolt that could start the MOASS, and that many are not truly prepared for that day. +While I certainly do not claim a mantle of leadership among this community, I do hope that by writing some words I can inspire introspection that will assist Apes in navigating the days ahead. +One of the best ways to prepare is to make a plan. + +Today, I want you to make a plan for how you will support the MOASS when it begins. + +If you recall the days surrounding The Sneeze in January 2021, what do you remember most? +Did you know what was happening? +Did you know what you could do to *keep* it happening? +GameStop stock was trading incredible volumes, much of it driven by emotional responses such as FOMO. +One of the side effects of being involved in this movement so long is that I am now much less emotional when purchasing shares of GME. +I continue to buy when the price dips, but the reality is that I have had 'enough' shares tucked away at ComputerShare, and don't truly *need* any more. +I suspect that the initial wave of FOMO is going to wash past most Apes, but that doesn't mean that we cannot boost it significantly. + +Let me take a moment aside to recommend that if you realized during your introspection yesterday that you should simply stay off of Reddit during the MOASS, then you absolutely should stick to that. + +However, if you plan to be active in social media during the MOASS, your actions could directly impact the strength of the MOASS as it is amplified by FOMO investors. +Helping to make the DD accessible, the community inviting, and keep the FUD isolated is going to be critical. +Consider the ways that you can help. +Will you wade through a cascade of posts in New? +Will you direct new users toward DD that can help them become more informed? +Can you resist the urge to shame investors who are still on RH, and instead give helpful advice? + +There will be many new Apes born in the early days of the MOASS, and their numbers will amplify us all. +Let's prepare to welcome them. + +Today is Thursday, June 30th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$120.80 / 114,86 €** *(volume: 829)* +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $120.42 / 114,50 € *(volume: 551)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $120.42 / 114,50 € *(volume: 549)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $120.42 / 114,50 € *(volume: 528)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $120.42 / 114,50 € *(volume: 512)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $120.42 / 114,50 € *(volume: 485)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $120.78 / 114,84 € *(volume: 402)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $120.88 / 114,94 € *(volume: 381)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $121.00 / 115,06 € *(volume: 379)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $121.23 / 115,28 € *(volume: 366)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $121.23 / 115,28 € *(volume: 366)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $121.37 / 115,41 € *(volume: 358)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $121.42 / 115,45 € *(volume: 358)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $121.35 / 115,38 € *(volume: 358)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $121.24 / 115,28 € *(volume: 357)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $121.17 / 115,21 € *(volume: 357)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $121.97 / 115,97 € *(volume: 137)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $122.01 / 116,01 € *(volume: 137)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $122.17 / 116,16 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $122.33 / 116,32 € *(volume: 121)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $122.46 / 116,44 € *(volume: 147)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $122.79 / 116,75 € *(volume: 39)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $122.55 / 116,53 € *(volume: 39)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $122.72 / 116,69 € *(volume: 39)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $122.81 / 116,77 € *(volume: 39)* +- 🟥 US close price: $122.85 / 116,81 € *($122.40 / 116,38 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0517. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +The charts for the MBS market are alarming + +[https://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/mbs](https://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/mbs) + +If defaults are still low, why are we seeing these dramatic movements in the MBS market? And what is going on in the CDOs? + +According to my models, when the 30 year mortgage reaches 6.5% all kinds of bad things start happening (too complex to get into here). If MBS dive by 20%+ in value within 2-3 months, are we going to have a global financial crisis on our hands when investment banks start dumping them? +A little back story here. I make $135k pre tax, and my wife makes about $80k. We have two mid-size houses. Live in one and renting one out. Still making mortgage on both, net pay about 3k per month for housing expenses (mortgage - rent income + utilities). + +My wife's family is well off. Her mom lives in a giant 6500 sq ft mansion in a really expensive neighborhood by herself. She recently wishes to move out of that house and she wants us to move into that house. The house is worth $2 million on paper, but it takes almost a year to sell one in that price range, and in that neighborhood. Plus, she doesn't want us to sell the house, it's one of her conditions on "giving" it to us. The other condition is that she wants us to give $350k equity in cash to my wife's younger brother. The house still have about $400k mortgage on it, and the payment is about $2k, but the maintenance such as HOA, Property Tax, Utilities and general maintenance together is close to $3.5k a month. + +Don't get me wrong, this is a really beautiful and amazing house, with 5 bdrm, 5 bath, a sauna room, and two full kitchens, and it's located in a very prestige neighborhood with the best schools in the entire state. On paper we can afford it, but man this is way too much housing just for the two of us, and even with two kids we planed for. If we do take it from her, and rent out our current house, it would just be breaking even with the mortgage, and I am just doubled our housing expenses (from $3k to $6k) a month, and basically killed my FI plan. And if we pay her brother the cash, we'd be asset rich and cash poor too. We both love to FIRE, and we are well on our way there with our current situation, but this decision could end our plans for good. + +I am not sure what to do at this point. Should I refuse to take it over? +Is anyone a trader that created a sole prop. for trading? Seems only more tax efficient and logical as you can mark to market and take more than 3k in losses yearly. So long as you trade more than 300 times in a year and it’s not a “hobby”. +Love this sub-reddit. I've been a buyer of premium over the past several years but now that we're in for a few years of choppy seas I'm transforming 50% of my PF to neutral-direction strats. (Iron condors and Strangles). I've been soaking up as much research from TT, TheoTrade, and this group as I can, but would like some confirmation of my trade-plan. + + +If I was putting 50k towards selling premium for income, here's what I came up with: + TT Research: +Vix > 40 = 50% max allocation of BP +**Vix btw 30-40 = 40% (20k max allocation)** +Vix btw 20-30 = 35% +Vix btw 15-20 = 30% +Vix btw 10-15 = 25% + +TT Research: +75% of deployed BP dedicated to undefined risk +\-**15k** allocated to Short Strangles, both earnings and 45DTE High IV ETFS) +\-Naked positions = 5% of net Liq. each (**6 strangles with max BP reduction of $25 each**) +25% dedicated to defined risk +\-**5k** allocated to Iron Condor or Credit Spreads +\-Defined Risk Plays = 1-3% of net Liq each **(4 Iron Condors with max risk of $15 each)** + +I realize I could have more than 6 strangles or more than 4 condors, just demonstrating the max allocation if I went with big trades. My actual plan is to have ICs laddered over 45-21dte expirations in SPY, QQQ, IWM depending on premium, then sell strangles on Liquid ETFs with IV above 40 and HighIV earnings targets. I'm managing at 50% profit or 21dte. Any suggestions or tips for adjustments to this trade plan? One question I did have is it sounds like many people are targeting a specific amount of premium to collect per week/month... With 40k dedicated to these trades is there a value to targeting a certain premium, or is it better to stick to trade mechanics and just see what the totals are end of each month. + +Thanks, +So, I just bought a place and will be renting out the rooms and I had convinced myself that 20% is what's needed for safety. I also thought PMI was the boogeyman and should be avoided at all costs. It's still going to cash flow fairly nicely, but it seems like nobody is putting that much down. Do you typically just try to put as little down as possible? Why do some investors buy all cash? + +Part of me is trying to find solace in the fact that I might have put down tens of thousands more than I needed. +Some brief context, my wife and I have been diligently saving for the last several years and plan to have about $50k in cash on hand by spring of 2021. We both are extremely interested in investing in real estate as the first house we bought to live in has done well for us over 5 years and we believe that it is a viable area to grow our wealth. We live in Texas and are outside of the Dallas suburbs market. Tried to glean info from this sub but a lot has been more general. I'm interested in what specifically you look at before making a purchase on a rental. Appreciate any and all insight! +This is their new domain, they are even doing a new ICO. + +https://bitconnectx.co + +Exactly the same thing. The only difference is the color. Let's spead the world and kill them for good this time. You might think bitconnect is known as ponzi to everyone, but there will be new comers in the future who don't aware of all past event and become the next victim when it's been forgotten by the public. +^Last ^updated ^2018-01-29 + +**This post is a collaboration with the Bitcoin community to create a one-stop source for Lightning Network information.** + +**There are still questions in the FAQ that are unanswered, if you know the answer and can provide a source please do so!** + +---- + +# ⚡What is the Lightning Network? ⚡ + +---- + +## Explanations: + +- [Lightning Network](http://www.lightning.network/) +- [Lightning Labs](http://lightning.engineering/) +- [Lightning FAQ - Audun Gulbrandsen](https://medium.com/@AudunGulbrands1/lightning-faq-67bd2b957d70) +- [Lightning FAQ - Rusty Russell](https://medium.com/@rusty_lightning/bitcoin-lightning-things-to-know-e5ea8d84369f) +- [Rusty Russell's Coding Blog](https://rusty.ozlabs.org/?p=450) +- [Andreas M. Antonopoulos - Mastering Bitcoin](https://masteringbitcoin.neocities.org/#lightning_network) +- [Elizabeth Stark - What is the Lightning Network](https://coincenter.org/entry/what-is-the-lightning-network) +- [BitMEX - The Lightning Network](https://blog.bitmex.com/the-lightning-network/) + +### Image Explanations: + +- [/u/billycoin - Practical use examples](https://i.imgur.com/L10n4ET.png) +- [@patestevao](https://twitter.com/patestevao/status/953756248553525248) Lightning Series Infographic - [What is a multisig wallet](https://s3.amazonaws.com/bitcoindesigned-prod/media/what-is-a-multisig-wallet.png) +- [@patestevao](https://twitter.com/patestevao/status/953756248553525248) Lightning Series Infographic - [What are the bitcoin timelocks](https://s3.amazonaws.com/bitcoindesigned-prod/media/what-are-the-bitcoin-timelocks.png) +- [@patestevao](https://twitter.com/patestevao/status/953756248553525248) Lightning Series Infographic - [Lightning - part 1 - + payment channels](https://s3.amazonaws.com/bitcoindesigned-prod/media/lightning-part-1-payment-channels-v2.png) +- [@patestevao](https://twitter.com/patestevao/status/953756248553525248) Lightning Series Infographic - [Lightning - part 2 - + shaping the network](https://s3.amazonaws.com/bitcoindesigned-prod/media/lightning-part-2-shaping-the-network.png) +- [@patestevao](https://twitter.com/patestevao/status/953756248553525248) Lightning Series Infographic - [Lightning - part 3 - + going off chain](https://s3.amazonaws.com/bitcoindesigned-prod/media/lightning-part-3-going-offchain.png) + +## Specifications / White Papers + +- [Lightning Network White Paper](https://lightning.network/lightning-network-paper.pdf) - The protocol has changed since this original paper, but covers the mid-level mechanics of the Lightning Network with an emphasis on the smart contracts that make it trustless +- [Lightning Network Summary](https://lightning.network/lightning-network-summary.pdf) +- [Lightning Network Technical Summary](https://lightning.network/lightning-network-technical-summary.pdf) +- [Lightning Network Specification](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc) +- [Deployable Lightning White Paper](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/master/doc/deployable-lightning.pdf) +- [Scalable Funding of Bitcoin Micropayment +Channel Networks](https://www.tik.ee.ethz.ch/file/a20a865ce40d40c8f942cf206a7cba96/Scalable_Funding_Of_Blockchain_Micropayment_Networks%20\(1\).pdf) + +## Videos + +- [Bitcoin's Lightning Network, Simply Explained!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrr_zPmEiME) [5:33] +- [The Lightning Network Explained (Litecoin/Bitcoin)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpfvhiqFw7A) [8:13] +- [Zap: Lightning Network Wallet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhpg_8D2FPI) (Jack Mallers - Demo Walkthrough) [3:38] +- [Cross-Implementation Lightning Payment on Bitcoin's Mainnet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a73Gz3Tvx3k) (Laolu (a.k.a roasbeef) - Demo) [2:51] +- [Bitcoin Q&A: The Lightning Network](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPnO9ExJ50A) (Andreas Antonopoulos) [7:55] +- [Lightning Network Deep Dive with Laolu "Roasbeef" Osuntokun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_szGaaPPFk) [48:10] +- [SF Bitcoin Devs Seminar: Scaling Bitcoin to Billions of Transactions Per Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zVzw912wPo) [54:40] +- [Bitcoin, Lightning, and Streaming Money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF_ZQ_eijPs) (Andreas Antonopoulos) [27:38] +- [Bitcoin Q&A: Running nodes and payment channels](https://youtu.be/ndcfBfE_yoY) (Andreas Antonopoulos) [10:14] +- [Lightning Network Tech Talk at Coinbase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIhAmTqXhZQ) (Thaddeus Dryja and Joseph Poon) [58:11] +- [Elizabeth Stark - Lightning and the Importance of Layer Two](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PcR4HWJnkY) [14:15] + + +## Lightning Network Experts on Reddit + +- [/u/starkbot](https://www.reddit.com/user/starkbot) - (Elizabeth Stark - Lightning Labs) +- [/u/roasbeef](https://www.reddit.com/user/roasbeef) - (Olaoluwa Osuntokun - Lightning Labs) +- [/u/stile65](https://www.reddit.com/user/stile65) - (Alex Akselrod - Lightning Labs) +- [/u/cfromknecht](https://www.reddit.com/user/cfromknecht) - (Conner Fromknecht - Lightning Labs) +- [/u/RustyReddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/RustyReddit) - (Rusty Russell - Blockstream) +- [/u/cdecker](https://www.reddit.com/user/cdecker) - (Christian Decker - Blockstream) +- [/u/Dryja](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dryja) - (Tadge Dryja - Digital Currency Initiative) +- [/u/josephpoon](https://www.reddit.com/user/josephpoon) - (Joseph Poon) +- [/u/fdrn](https://www.reddit.com/user/fdrn) - (Fabrice Drouin - ACINQ ) +- [/u/pmpadiou](https://www.reddit.com/user/pmpadiou) - (Pierre-Marie Padiou - ACINQ) + +## Lightning Network Experts on Twitter + +- [@starkness](https://twitter.com/starkness) - (Elizabeth Stark - Lightning Labs) +- [@roasbeef](https://twitter.com/roasbeef) - (Olaoluwa Osuntokun - Lightning Labs) +- [@stile65](https://twitter.com/stile65) - (Alex Akselrod - Lightning Labs) +- [@bitconner](https://twitter.com/bitconner) - (Conner Fromknecht - Lightning Labs) +- [@johanth](https://twitter.com/johanth) - (Johan Halseth - Lightning Labs) +- [@bvu](https://twitter.com/bvu) - (Bryan Vu - Lightning Labs) +- [@rusty_twit](https://twitter.com/rusty_twit) - (Rusty Russell - Blockstream) +- [@snyke](https://twitter.com/Snyke) - (Christian Decker - Blockstream) +- [@JackMallers](https://twitter.com/JackMallers) - (Jack Mallers - Zap) +- [@tdryja](https://twitter.com/tdryja) - (Tadge Dryja - Digital Currency Initiative) +- [@jcp](https://twitter.com/jcp) - (Joseph Poon) +- [@alexbosworth](https://twitter.com/alexbosworth) - (Alex Bosworth - yalls.org) + +## Medium Posts + +- [Announcements related to interoperability](https://medium.com/@lightning_network) +- [Lightning Resources](https://medium.com/lightning-resources) +- [Lightning FAQ](https://medium.com/@AudunGulbrands1/lightning-faq-67bd2b957d70) +- [Lightning Network Explorer](https://medium.com/@ACINQ/releasing-our-lightning-network-explorer-93e87de150bb) +- [Bitcoin Lightning Network — 7 Things You Should Know](https://medium.com/@argongroup/bitcoin-lightning-network-7-things-you-should-know-604ef687af5a) +- [A Primer to The Lightning Network (Part 1)](https://medium.com/the-litecoin-school-of-crypto/a-primer-to-the-lightning-network-part-1-be909c403bde) - [(Part 2)](https://medium.com/the-litecoin-school-of-crypto/a-primer-to-the-lightning-network-part-2-30e6c30a1049) - [(Part 3)](https://medium.com/the-litecoin-school-of-crypto/https-medium-com-ecurrencyhodler-the-lightning-network-part-3-a6f1e69e72d7) +- [A Scale Free and Private Lightning Network](https://medium.com/the-litecoin-school-of-crypto/a-scale-free-and-private-lightning-network-e52a3c178d7d) + +## Learning Resources + +- [Lightning Network Bitcoin Wiki](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Lightning_Network) +- [Hashed Timelock Contracts](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Hashed_Timelock_Contracts) +- [LN as a Directed Graph; Single-Funded Channel Topology](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1G4xchDGcO37DJ2lPC_XYyZIUkJc2khnLrCaZXgvDN0U/edit?pref=2&pli=1#slide=id.g85f425098_0_2) (Slides) +- [How to Do "2-of-3 Multisig Contract" Equivalent on Lightning](https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2016-January/000403.html) (From LN Mailing List) + +## Books + +- [Mastering Bitcoin, 2nd Edition](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920049524.do) +- [Owning Bitcoin](https://bitzuma.com/owning-bitcoin/) + +## Desktop Interfaces + +- [lightning-app](https://github.com/lightninglabs/lightning-app) - Cross-platform Lightning Desktop Application +- [lnd-gui](https://github.com/alexbosworth/lnd-gui) - Lightning MacOS GUI Wallet +- [eclair-node-gui](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair) - Cross-platform desktop GUI for Lightning +- [zap-desktop](https://github.com/LN-Zap/zap-desktop) - Lightning Network desktop application + +## Web Interfaces + +- [lncli-web](https://github.com/mably/lncli-web) - Light-weight web client for the lnd daemon written in NodeJS / Angular +- [lnd-chrome-extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lnd-chrome-extension/fckoopaejbdhcjgpjllghoadkeicdjnf?hl=en) +- [kugelblitz](https://github.com/cdecker/kugelblitz) - A simple UI for the c-lightning daemon lightningd and bitcoind + +## Tutorials and resources + +- [Install bitcoind + lnd](http://dev.lightning.community/guides/installation/) +- [Develop an application of bitcoind and lnd](http://dev.lightning.community/tutorial/) +- [Setting up and Testing LND with the Testnet Lightning Faucet](http://lightning.community/lnd/faucet/2017/01/19/lightning-network-faucet/) +- [Setting up a local Lightning cluster](http://dev.lightning.community/tutorial/01-lncli/index.html) +- [Using the LND Web Client](http://dev.lightning.community/tutorial/02-web-client/index.html) +- [Using the LND gRPC Client](http://dev.lightning.community/tutorial/03-rpc-client/index.html) +- [Integrating Lightning into a server-side web application](http://dev.lightning.community/tutorial/04-webapp-integration/index.html) +- [How to use a Python gRPC Client with LND](http://dev.lightning.community/guides/python-grpc/) +- [How to use a Javascript gRPC Client with LND](http://dev.lightning.community/guides/javascript-grpc/) + +## Lightning on Testnet + +#### Lightning Wallets + +- [HTLC Web Lightning Wallet](https://htlc.me/) +- [Eclair wallet (for android)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.acinq.eclair.wallet&hl=en&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Declair+wallet&pcampaignid=APPU_1_XhdMWoqGCIHUwALewZXABQ) +- [Eclair (Linux, macOS, Windows)](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair/releases) +- [Zap wallet (Linux, macOS, Windows)](https://github.com/LN-Zap/zap-desktop) +- [lightning-app](https://github.com/lightninglabs/lightning-app) - Cross-platform Lightning Desktop Application +- [lnwallet](https://github.com/btcontract/lnwallet) - [Android Wallet](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lightning.wallet) based on eclair + + +#### Place a testnet transaction + +- [Y'alls](https://yalls.org/) - Read and write articles, with Lightning Network micropayments. +- [Starblocks](https://starblocks.acinq.co/) - Grab a Blockaccino! +- [Bitrefill](https://blog.bitrefill.com/lightning-payments-on-testnet-for-bitrefill-ef6db8714b00) - [Bitrefill LN Site](https://lightning.bitrefill.com/usa/) - Top up prepaid mobile phones +- [Lightning Gem](https://lightninggem.com/) - Game using Lightning Network Testnet + + +#### Altcoin Trading using Lightning + +- [ZigZag](http://zigzag.bitlum.io/) - **Disclaimer** You must trust ZigZag to send to Target Address + +## Lightning on Mainnet + +**[Warning - Testing should be done on Testnet](https://twitter.com/starkness/status/953434418948927488)** + +- [Jack Mallers Paying with LN](https://twitter.com/JackMallers/status/953878478524477440) - Instant Payment, 0 Fees. +- [Alex Bosworth Paying with LN](https://twitter.com/alexbosworth/status/946175898029395968) - Instant Payment, 0 Fees. +- [TorGuard accepts MainNet Payments](https://twitter.com/TorGuard/status/950383059735646209) - They will also [cover loss of funds](https://twitter.com/TorGuard/status/950414221120081920) +- [Coffee Purchasing using Lightning](https://twitter.com/alexbosworth/status/955870434230132736) +- [My First Mainnet Lightning Network Payment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrDoDbnpTE4) +- [Lightning Network Physical Purchase of VPN Router](https://usethebitcoin.com/lightning-network-first-ever-purchase-performed-buy-vpn-router/) + +## Atomic Swaps + +- [Lightning cross-chain swap from Bitcoin to Litecoin!](https://twitter.com/lightning/status/931277111490265088) +- [Instant Cross-Chain Transactions On Lightning](https://blog.lightning.engineering/announcement/2017/11/16/ln-swap.html) + +## Developer Documentation and Resources + +- [Lightning Overview](http://dev.lightning.community/overview/) +- [LND Developers Site](http://dev.lightning.community/) +- [LND Developer Guide](http://dev.lightning.community/guides/) +- [LND API Reference](http://api.lightning.community/) +- [Rusty Russell's BOLT Blog Series](https://medium.com/@rusty_lightning/the-bitcoin-lightning-spec-part-1-8-a7720fb1b4da) + +## Lightning implementations + +- [LND](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd) - Lightning Network Daemon (Golang) +- [eclair](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair) - A Scala implementation of the Lightning Network (Scala) +- [c-lightning](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning) - A Lightning Network implementation in C +- [lit](https://github.com/mit-dci/lit) - Lightning Network node software (Golang) +- [lightning-onion](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-onion) - Onion Routed Micropayments for the Lightning Network (Golang) +- [lightning-integration](https://github.com/cdecker/lightning-integration) - Lightning Integration Testing Framework +- [ptarmigan](https://github.com/nayutaco/ptarmigan) - C++ BOLT-Compliant Lightning Network Implementation [Incomplete] + +## Libraries + +- [lightning-integration](https://github.com/cdecker/lightning-integration) - Lightning Integration Testing Framework +- [lightning-charge](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge) - A simple drop-in solution for accepting lightning payments (Javascript) +- [lightning-charge-client-js](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge-client-js) - JavaScript client for lightning-charge +- [lightning-charge-client-php](https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning-charge-client-php) - PHP client for lightning-charge +- [lightning-payencode](https://github.com/rustyrussell/lightning-payencode) - Minimal QR-code-ready encoding for requesting lightning payments +- [lseed](https://github.com/cdecker/lseed) - A DNS seed for the Lightning Network +- [woocommerce-gateway-lightning](https://github.com/ElementsProject/woocommerce-gateway-lightning) - A WooCommerce gateway for lightning payments +- [lnrpc-client](https://github.com/michielbdejong/lnrpc-client) - Javascript RPC Client for LND +- [ln-service](https://github.com/alexbosworth/ln-service) - Lightning REST Service + +## Lightning Network Visualizers/Explorers + +#### Testnet + +- [ACINQ Testnet Explorer for Lightning](https://explorer.acinq.co/#/) + +#### Mainnet + +- [Recksplorer - LN Mainnet map](https://lnmainnet.gaben.win/) +- [Bitcoin Exchange Rate - LN Mainnet Map](https://bitcoinexchangerate.org/lightning) +- [Robtex Explorer](https://www.robtex.com/lightning/node/) + +## Payment Processors + +- [BTCPay](https://twitter.com/BtcpayServer/status/953541073795670016) - Next stable version will include Lightning Network + +## Community + +- [Lightning Blog for lnd](http://lightning.community/) +- [Lightning Labs Twitter Feed](https://twitter.com/lightning) +- [Lightning Labs Blog](https://blog.lightning.engineering/) +- [Lightning Network Mailing List](https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/lightning-dev) +- [Lightning Network Podcasts](https://lncast.com/#!/) + +## Slack + +- [LND Community Slack](https://lightningcommunity.slack.com) - Invite Needed + +## IRC + +- [#lightning-dev](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=lightning-dev&uio=d4) (on Freenode) - Lightning protocol development + - [Channel Archive](https://botbot.me/freenode/lightning-dev/) +- [#lnd](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=lnd&uio=d4) - Channel for lnd development that also has a bot for github commits. + +## Slack Channel + +- https://lightningcommunity.slack.com + +### Discord Channel + +- [LN Mainnet Discord](https://t.co/ExSi3SuWnI) - **[Warning - Testing should be done on Testnet](https://twitter.com/starkness/status/953434418948927488)** + +## Miscellaneous + +- [Lightning Emoji](https://emojipedia.org/high-voltage-sign/) ⚡ +- [lightning-faucet](https://github.com/lightninglabs/lightning-faucet) - A faucet for the Lightning Network +- [ln-dice](https://github.com/mably/ln-dice) - Dice gambling service using the Lightning Network for deposits and withdrawals +- [ln-tip-slack](https://github.com/CryptoFR/ln-tip-slack) - Lightning [Slack](https://slack.com/) Tipbot +- [lightning-cat](https://github.com/rustyrussell/lightning-cat/blob/master/catsearch.sh) - Cat pictures via Lightning + +---- + +##⚡ Lightning FAQs ⚡ + +---- + + +*If you can answer please PM me and include source if possible. Feel free to help keep these answers up to date and as brief but correct as possible* + +---- + + + +###### Is Lightning Bitcoin? + +>Yes. You pick a peer and after some setup, create a bitcoin transaction to fund the lightning channel; it’ll then take another transaction to close it and release your funds. You and your peer always hold a bitcoin transaction to get your funds whenever you want: just broadcast to the blockchain like normal. In other words, you and your peer create a shared account, and then use Lightning to securely negotiate who gets how much from that shared account, without waiting for the bitcoin blockchain. + +---- + + + +###### Is the Lightning Network open source? + +>Yes, Lightning is open source. Anyone can review the code (in the same way as the bitcoin code) + +---- + + + +###### Who owns and controls the Lightning Network? + +>Similar to the bitcoin network, no one will ever own or control the Lightning Network. The code is open source and free for anyone to download and review. Anyone can run a node and be part of the network. + +---- + + + +###### I’ve heard that Lightning transactions are happening “off-chain”…Does that mean that my bitcoin will be removed from the blockchain? + +>No, your bitcoin will never leave the blockchain. Instead your bitcoin will be held in a multi-signature address as long as your channel stays open. When the channel is closed; the final transaction will be added to the blockchain. “Off-chain” is not a perfect term, but it is used due to the fact that the transfer of ownership is no longer reflected on the blockchain until the channel is closed. + +---- + + + +###### Do I need a constant connection to run a lightning node? + +>Not necessarily, + +>Example: A and B have a channel. 1 BTC each. A sends B 0.5 BTC. B sends back 0.25 BTC. Balance should be A = 0.75, B = 1.25. If A gets disconnected, B can publish the first Tx where the balance was A = 0.5 and B = 1.5. If the node B does in fact attempt to cheat by publishing an old state (such as the A=0.5 and B=1.5 state), this cheat can then be detected on-chain and used to steal the cheaters funds, i.e., A can see the closing transaction, notice it's an old one and grab all funds in the channel (A=2, B=0). The time that A has in order to react to the cheating counterparty is given by the **CheckLockTimeVerify (CLTV)** in the cheating transaction, which is adjustable. So if A foresees that it'll be able to check in about once every 24 hours it'll require that the CLTV is at least that large, if it's once a week then that's fine too. **You definitely do not need to be online and watching the chain 24/7, just make sure to check in once in a while before the CLTV expires**. Alternatively you can outsource the watch duties, in order to keep the CLTV timeouts low. This can be achieved both with trusted third parties or untrusted ones (watchtowers). In the case of a unilateral close, e.g., you just go offline and never come back, the other endpoint will have to wait for that timeout to expire to get its funds back. So peers might not accept channels with extremely high CLTV timeouts. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7npeh6/lightning_network_megathread/ds4gkt8/?context=3) + +---- + + + +###### What Are Lightning’s Advantages? + +>Tiny payments are possible: since fees are proportional to the payment amount, you can pay a fraction of a cent; accounting is even done in thousandths of a satoshi. Payments are settled instantly: the money is sent in the time it takes to cross the network to your destination and back, typically a fraction of a second. + +---- + + + +###### Does Lightning require Segregated Witness? + +>Yes, but not in theory. You could make a poorer lightning network without it, which has higher risks when establishing channels (you might have to wait a month if things go wrong!), has limited channel lifetime, longer minimum payment expiry times on each hop, is less efficient and has less robust outsourcing. The entire spec as written today assumes segregated witness, as it solves all these problems. + +---- + + + +###### Can I Send Funds From Lightning to a Normal Bitcoin Address? + +>No, for now. For the first version of the protocol, if you wanted to send a normal bitcoin transaction using your channel, you have to close it, send the funds, then reopen the channel (3 transactions). In future versions, you and your peer would agree to spend out of your lightning channel funds just like a normal bitcoin payment, allowing you to use your lightning wallet like a normal bitcoin wallet. + +---- + + + +###### Can I Make Money Running a Lightning Node? + +>Not really. Anyone can set up a node, and so it’s a race to the bottom on fees. In practice, we may see the network use a nominal fee and not change very much, which only provides an incremental incentive to route on a node you’re going to use yourself, and not enough to run one merely for fees. Having clients use criteria other than fees (e.g. randomness, diversity) in route selection will also help this. + +---- + + + +###### What is the release date for Lightning on Mainnet? + +>Lightning is already being tested on the Mainnet [Twitter Link](https://twitter.com/alexbosworth/status/946175898029395968) but as for a specific date, [Jameson Lopp says it best](https://twitter.com/lopp/status/947808940255006726) + +---- + + + +###### Would there be any KYC/AML issues with certain nodes? + +>Nope, because there is no custody ever involved. It's just like forwarding packets. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7ld1vl/lightning_ceo_elizabeth_stark_on_bloomberg/drm6lxk/) + +---- + + +###### What is the delay time for the recipient of a transaction receiving confirmation? + +>Furthermore, the Lightning Network scales not with the transaction throughput of the underlying blockchain, but with modern data processing and latency limits - payments can be made nearly as quickly as packets can be sent. -- [Source](http://dev.lightning.community/) + +---- + + + +###### How does the lightning network prevent centralization? + +>[Bitcoin Stack Exchange Answer](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/43728/is-centralization-in-the-lightning-network-inevitable-why-not) + +---- + + + +###### What are Channel Factories and how do they work? + +>[Bitcoin Stack Exchange Answer](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/67158/what-are-channel-factories-and-how-do-they-work/67187#67187) + +---- + + + +###### How does the Lightning network work in simple terms? + +>[Bitcoin Stack Exchange Answer](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/43701) + +---- + + + +###### How are paths found in Lightning Network? + +>[Bitcoin Stack Exchange Answer](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/43729) + +---- + + + +###### How would the lightning network work between exchanges? + +>Each exchange will get to decide and need to implement the software into their system, but some ideas have been outlined here: [Google Doc - Lightning Exchanges](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r38-_IgtfOkhJh4QbN7l6bl7Rol05qS-i7BjM3AjKOQ/edit) + +>Note that by virtue of the usual benefits of cost-less, instantaneous transactions, lightning will make arbitrage between exchanges much more efficient and thus lead to consistent pricing across exchange that adopt it. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7ojkoz/lightning_network_megathread/dsac6jb/?context=3) + +---- + + + +###### How do lightning nodes find other lightning nodes? + +>[Stack Exchange Answer](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/43729) + +---- + + + +###### Does every user need to store the state of the complete Lightning Network? + +>According to [Rusty's calculations](https://medium.com/@rusty_lightning/lightning-routing-rough-background-dbac930abbad) we should be able to store 1 million nodes in about 100 MB, so that should work even for mobile phones. Beyond that we have some proposals ready to lighten the load on endpoints, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7iiiuf/releasing_our_lightning_network_explorer_acinq/dqzrqn8/) + +---- + + + +###### Would I need to download the complete state every time I open the App and make a payment? + +>No you'd remember the information from the last time you started the app and only sync the differences. This is not yet implemented, but it shouldn't be too hard to get a preliminary protocol working if that turns out to be a problem. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7iiiuf/releasing_our_lightning_network_explorer_acinq/dr34z92/?context=10000) + +---- + + + +###### What needs to happen for the Lightning Network to be deployed and what can I do as a user to help? + +>Lightning is based on participants in the network running lightning node software that enables them to interact with other nodes. This does not require being a full bitcoin node, but you will have to run "lnd", "eclair", or one of the other node softwares listed above. + +>All lightning wallets have node software integrated into them, because that is necessary to create payment channels and conduct payments on the network, but you can also intentionally run lnd or similar for public benefit - e.g. you can hold open payment channels or channels with higher volume, than you need for your own transactions. You would be compensated in modest fees by those who transact across your node with multi-hop payments. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7ojkoz/lightning_network_megathread/dsac6jb/?context=3) + +---- + + + +###### Is there anyway for someone who isn't a developer to meaningfully contribute? + +>Sure, you can help write up educational material. You can learn and read more about the tech at http://dev.lightning.community/resources. You can test the various desktop and mobile apps out there (Lightning Desktop, Zap, Eclair apps). -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7loswa/bitcoin_has_given_me_so_much_time_to_give_back/drpj794/) + +---- + + + +###### Do I need to be a miner to be a Lightning Network node? + +>No -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7ojkoz/lightning_network_megathread/dsac6jb/?context=3) + +---- + + + +###### Do I need to run a full Bitcoin node to run a lightning node? + +> [lit](https://github.com/mit-dci/lit) doesn't depend on having your own full node -- it automatically connects to full nodes on the network. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7lui2v/needs_you_yes_you/drpblht/) + +> [LND](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd) uses a light client mode, so it doesn't require a full node. The name of the light client it uses is called neutrino + +---- + + + +###### How does the lightning network stop "Cheating" (Someone broadcasting an old transaction)? + +> Upon opening a channel, the two endpoints first agree on a [reserve](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/blob/4e6eb48e1465c2a2161a0f75fe0344770044ea34/02-peer-protocol.md#the-open_channel-message) value, below which the channel balance may not drop. This is to make sure that both endpoints always have some skin in the game as /u/rustyreddit puts it :-) + +>For a cheat to become worth it, the opponent has to be absolutely sure that you cannot retaliate against him during the timeout. So he has to make sure you never ever get network connectivity during that time. Having someone else also watching for channel closures and notifying you, or releasing a canned retaliation, makes this even harder for the attacker. This is because if he misjudged you being truly offline you can retaliate by grabbing all of its funds. +>Spotty connections, DDoS, and similar will not provide the attacker the necessary guarantees to make cheating worthwhile. Any form of uncertainty about your online status acts as a deterrent to the other endpoint. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7npeh6/lightning_network_megathread/ds65r2y/?context=10000) + +---- + + + +###### How many times would someone need to open and close their lightning channels? + +>You typically want to have more than one channel open at any given time for redundancy's sake. And we imagine open and close will probably be automated for the most part. In fact we already have a feature in LND called autopilot that can automatically open channels for a user. + +>Frequency will depend whether the funds are needed on-chain or more useful on LN. -- [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7ld1vl/lightning_ceo_elizabeth_stark_on_bloomberg/drm6w8j/) + +---- + + + +###### Will the lightning network reduce BTC Liquidity due to "locking-up" funds in channels? + +>[Stack Exchange Answer](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/68127/will-the-lightning-network-reduce-btc-liquidity-due-to-locking-up-funds-in-cha/68149#68149) + + +---- + + +###### Can the Lightning Network work on any other cryptocurrency? How? + +>[Stack Exchange Answer](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/68119/can-the-lightning-network-work-on-any-other-cryptocurrency?answertab=votes#tab-top) + +---- + + +###### When setting up a Lightning Network Node are fees set for the entire node, or each channel when opened? + +> You don't really set up a "node" in the sense that anyone with more than one channel can automatically be a node and route payments. Fees on LN can be set by the node, and can change dynamically on the network. -- [Source](https://twitter.com/starkness/status/951274843114127360) + +---- + + + +###### Can Lightning routing fees be changed dynamically, without closing channels? + +>Yes but it has to be implemented in the Lightning software being used. -- [Source](https://twitter.com/starkness/status/951273251929432064) + +---- + + + +###### How can you make sure that there will be routes with large enough balances to handle transactions? + +>You won't have to do anything. With autopilot enabled, it'll automatically open and close channels based on the availability of the network. -- [Source](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/commit/306c4aef8e3af44fb3f2d8f52fc887f2c48e9c04) + +---- + + + +###### How does the Lightning Network stop flooding nodes (DDoS) with micro transactions? Is this even an issue? + +>[Stack Exchange Answer](https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/68465/73234) + +---- + + + +## Unanswered Questions + +###### How do on-chain fees work when opening and closing channels? Who pays the fee? + +###### How does the Lightning Network work for mobile users? + +###### What are the best practices for securing a lightning node? + +###### What is a lightning "hub"? + +###### How does lightning handle cross chain (Atomic) swaps? + + +----- + +# Special Thanks and Notes + +- Many links found from [awesome-lightning-network github](https://github.com/bcongdon/awesome-lightning-network) +- Everyone who submitted a question or concern! +- I'm continuing to format for an easier Mobile experience! + + +My girlfriend went to the ER a few weeks ago with stomach pain. Turns out it was appendicitis. She was admitted to the ER on Friday night around midnight, had the surgery on Saturday morning, and was discharged on Sunday afternoon. + +When we were in the ER, we just went with the flow. She was admitted and was told she would be in surgery the next morning (turned out her surgery was not until 2pm). On Saturday afternoon, she had her appendix removed via laparoscopic surgery. Following doctor's orders, she stayed the night on Saturday and was seen by the doctor on Sunday. On Sunday morning, she was told she could be discharged. She was out of the hospital, barely able to walk, on Sunday afternoon. We just got a letter from her health care provider saying that the procedure was not medically necessary and should have been an outpatient procedure. "The admission is not covered. The procedure not covered." + +I had my appendix removed a few years ago, and was in the hospital for about 3 days. I never realized that it was even eligible to be an outpatient procedure. We haven't yet received a bill from either the insurance company nor hospital. + +I'm very worried that we'll have a bill for tens of thousands incoming in a few weeks. Did we just lose all of our life savings? + + + +update: Here's a snap of the letter with personal details removed: http://imgur.com/a/3QmrU (also, even though the letter says March 13, we didn't get it until last Friday... we're not being lazy about this!) + +Also, I don't expect this care to be free for us. Her healthcare has a deductible of $1,000, then covers 80% up to an out of pocket max of $4,000 per person. I fully expected to pay $4,000 for this procedure, which we're in a financial position to do. However, I've seen hospitals charge upwards of $50,000 for appendectomies with 2-day inpatient care, and that we are absolutely NOT in a financial position to pay. +I know that ETH has the great potential and have many good events coming in May to July (such as RAIDEN, EAA Announcement, and Metropolis). + +However, as long as I know, there is nothing happening today. Anyone know why ETH is flying abruptly? +The market's reaction to the March NFP was absolutely the opposite of what you would anticipate on the face of the data alone. NFP headline beats expectations handily, and yet the USD sells off with vigour and enthusiasm. + +When events like this happen, you will see a variety of reactions. Finance press talking heads and uninformed trading journalists will cast about looking for fine detail in the release, or other news factors to explain the reaction. Amateurs and professionals alike will mutter things about "market irrationality". Most will shrug it off and turn their attention to the upcoming week, or even just the weekend. For some, though, it's very loud and clear message from the big end of town, and it says "pay attention!" + +Firstly, let's review the data itself. + + * **NFP Data breakdown** + +Data Item | Expected impact on USD +:-- | :-: +Headline +235k vs 197k Consensus | Firmly Bullish +Prior 227k. Revised to 238k | Bullish +Unemployment rate 4.7% vs 4.7% exp. Prior 4.8% | Bullish +Average hourly earnings 0.2% vs 0.3% exp m/m. Prior 0.1%. Revised to 0.2% | Neutral/Bearish(1) +Average weekly hours 34.4 vs 34.4 exp. Prior 34.4 | Neutral +Participation rate 63.0% vs 62.9% prior | Weakly bullish +Private payrolls 227k vs 193k ecp. Prior 237k. Revised to 221k | Bullish +Manufacturing 28k vs 10k exp. Prior 5k. Revised to 11k | Bullish +Government 8k vs -10k prior. Revised to 17k | Neutral + +^^(1) This is subtle and debatable, but one could interpret the flat trajectory of AHE as evidence of weaker than anticipated wage inflationary pressures. At best it's a slightly weak facet of an otherwise strong report. + +Obviously this are just my interpretation of the data, but to be clear, I'm trying to represent what the *mainstream market conventional wisdom* would say, and not my own personal opinion on the economics of the situation. I think that it's a pretty non-controversial representation. + +Secondly let's look at the currency impacts: + +* **Spot FX market response to US NFP data** + + +Currency Pair | Market Response +:-- | :-: +EURUSD | Unequivocally and powerful bearish USD +USDJPY | Significant price conflict, ultimately somewhat bearish USD +GBPUSD | Mixed picture, ultimately weakly bearish USD +USDCAD | Bearish USD with partial recovery +USDCHF | Bearish USD but reasonable support of USD +AUDUSD | Bearish USD +NZDUSD | Bearish USD but reasonable support of USD +USDMXN | Bearish USD +XAUUSD | Bearish USD + +This is *exceptionally noteworthy*. + +A NFP headline that met expectations and only inspired a neutral USD response would be very noteworthy alone, but to see such vigorous selling of the USD across the board is giant neon sign that something is afoot. + +It is also very telling that there is divergence in the responses with each currency pair. Particularly telling is that sentiment regarding EURUSD is markedly different to USDJPY. Putting together the reaction to the news profile can give you a good idea where a currency stands versus the US dollar, and what the bank's plans for it are. + +* **So what does this mean?** + +It means that *something is afoot*. Exactly what that might be is less clear cut than analysing the response as per above. + +A good item to check for more information is the Fed Futures Fund sentiment: http://cmegroup.com/trading/interest-rates/countdown-to-fomc.html + +After NFP, it rose to over 90%, so it couldn't be more clear that the market is essentially absolutely certain there will be a rate hike. + +This leads us to the most face value interpretation of events: + +The market expects a rate hike at FOMC, however the major players believe that the pricing in of the hike has been overdone, and are now selling off. The likely outcome of this is that FOMC day sees a rate hike, USD soars on the announcement, only to be driven down either immediately, or in the short term, as banks/mega-fund take profit and rebalance portfolios. + +A far less likely interpretation, but one that will surface should a USD sell off eventuate, is that "they know something the public don't". Either that there's not going to be a rate hike, or that the US is about to have a major political risk event. Both are plausible given current events, but I would not rate these as sensibly tradeable theories given that one can account for the same event sequence with a conventional and very vanilla financial theory: the USD is simply overbought with respect to the underlying like future capital flows. + +Even more unlikely, but still possible is that this is market manipulation to try and catch the market offside for a further bull run with the rate hike. The NFP data release is a vulnerable point in the market where people are willing to inject large amounts of speculative capital based solely on what price is doing at the moment, rather than having any long term bias. Money in a few minutes, and you don't care which way price rolls. This makes it much easier for major players to convince speculators (and speculative HFT algorithms) to roll a certain way, just so they can get better position. I'm not convinced this is the case here though, usually that sort of manipulative activity is reserved for 'mid-importance' news. If this is the case, then there will be limitations to how far the market is driven in a certain direction, and one would expect certain technical barriers to be preserved. + +It's also worth noting that the mix of responses lends itself to interpretation. USD weakness against EUR and the commodity currencies, but significantly lesser against the JPY and CHF suggest that the market view is that the global environment still favours Risk On over Risk Off positioning. + +* **So how should you trade it?** + +Do I look like a millionaire to you? I made more comment karma than money trading last week, and that was just one upvote on a /r/C25k post. + +Besides, I can't tell you how to trade your system. What is important, though is that if you are asking how to trade this, then you have a deficiency in either your trading system or your analytical system. Because these events occur reliably in the market, and you need to have some systematic way to deal with the knowledge, which includes ignoring this as "funnymentals". + +Additionally, this is just one data point, albeit a very, very significant one in my book. + +Stay safe out there USD bulls, and good luck to those who want to ride the countertrend waves should they come to fruition. Already the EURUSD is attacking critical longterm down trendlines, and the AUDUSD is setting its sites on reversing what should have been a powerful bear breakout. Of course, the market's underlying sentiment can also turn on a dime, usually at the expense of yours. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +The market's reaction to the March NFP was absolutely the opposite of what you would anticipate on the face of the data alone. NFP headline beats expectations handily, and yet the USD sells off with vigour and enthusiasm. + +When events like this happen, you will see a variety of reactions. Finance press talking heads and uninformed trading journalists will cast about looking for fine detail in the release, or other news factors to explain the reaction. Amateurs and professionals alike will mutter things about "market irrationality". Most will shrug it off and turn their attention to the upcoming week, or even just the weekend. For some, though, it's very loud and clear message from the big end of town, and it says "pay attention!" + +Firstly, let's review the data itself. + + * **NFP Data breakdown** + +Data Item | Expected impact on USD +:-- | :-: +Headline +235k vs 197k Consensus | Firmly Bullish +Prior 227k. Revised to 238k | Bullish +Unemployment rate 4.7% vs 4.7% exp. Prior 4.8% | Bullish +Average hourly earnings 0.2% vs 0.3% exp m/m. Prior 0.1%. Revised to 0.2% | Neutral/Bearish(1) +Average weekly hours 34.4 vs 34.4 exp. Prior 34.4 | Neutral +Participation rate 63.0% vs 62.9% prior | Weakly bullish +Private payrolls 227k vs 193k ecp. Prior 237k. Revised to 221k | Bullish +Manufacturing 28k vs 10k exp. Prior 5k. Revised to 11k | Bullish +Government 8k vs -10k prior. Revised to 17k | Neutral + +^^(1) This is subtle and debatable, but one could interpret the flat trajectory of AHE as evidence of weaker than anticipated wage inflationary pressures. At best it's a slightly weak facet of an otherwise strong report. + +Obviously this are just my interpretation of the data, but to be clear, I'm trying to represent what the *mainstream market conventional wisdom* would say, and not my own personal opinion on the economics of the situation. I think that it's a pretty non-controversial representation. + +Secondly let's look at the currency impacts: + +* **Spot FX market response to US NFP data** + + +Currency Pair | Market Response +:-- | :-: +EURUSD | Unequivocally and powerful bearish USD +USDJPY | Significant price conflict, ultimately somewhat bearish USD +GBPUSD | Mixed picture, ultimately weakly bearish USD +USDCAD | Bearish USD with partial recovery +USDCHF | Bearish USD but reasonable support of USD +AUDUSD | Bearish USD +NZDUSD | Bearish USD but reasonable support of USD +USDMXN | Bearish USD +XAUUSD | Bearish USD + +This is *exceptionally noteworthy*. + +A NFP headline that met expectations and only inspired a neutral USD response would be very noteworthy alone, but to see such vigorous selling of the USD across the board is giant neon sign that something is afoot. + +It is also very telling that there is divergence in the responses with each currency pair. Particularly telling is that sentiment regarding EURUSD is markedly different to USDJPY. Putting together the reaction to the news profile can give you a good idea where a currency stands versus the US dollar, and what the bank's plans for it are. + +* **So what does this mean?** + +It means that *something is afoot*. Exactly what that might be is less clear cut than analysing the response as per above. + +A good item to check for more information is the Fed Futures Fund sentiment: http://cmegroup.com/trading/interest-rates/countdown-to-fomc.html + +After NFP, it rose to over 90%, so it couldn't be more clear that the market is essentially absolutely certain there will be a rate hike. + +This leads us to the most face value interpretation of events: + +The market expects a rate hike at FOMC, however the major players believe that the pricing in of the hike has been overdone, and are now selling off. The likely outcome of this is that FOMC day sees a rate hike, USD soars on the announcement, only to be driven down either immediately, or in the short term, as banks/mega-fund take profit and rebalance portfolios. + +A far less likely interpretation, but one that will surface should a USD sell off eventuate, is that "they know something the public don't". Either that there's not going to be a rate hike, or that the US is about to have a major political risk event. Both are plausible given current events, but I would not rate these as sensibly tradeable theories given that one can account for the same event sequence with a conventional and very vanilla financial theory: the USD is simply overbought with respect to the underlying like future capital flows. + +Even more unlikely, but still possible is that this is market manipulation to try and catch the market offside for a further bull run with the rate hike. The NFP data release is a vulnerable point in the market where people are willing to inject large amounts of speculative capital based solely on what price is doing at the moment, rather than having any long term bias. Money in a few minutes, and you don't care which way price rolls. This makes it much easier for major players to convince speculators (and speculative HFT algorithms) to roll a certain way, just so they can get better position. I'm not convinced this is the case here though, usually that sort of manipulative activity is reserved for 'mid-importance' news. If this is the case, then there will be limitations to how far the market is driven in a certain direction, and one would expect certain technical barriers to be preserved. + +It's also worth noting that the mix of responses lends itself to interpretation. USD weakness against EUR and the commodity currencies, but significantly lesser against the JPY and CHF suggest that the market view is that the global environment still favours Risk On over Risk Off positioning. + +* **So how should you trade it?** + +Do I look like a millionaire to you? I made more comment karma than money trading last week, and that was just one upvote on a /r/C25k post. + +Besides, I can't tell you how to trade your system. What is important, though is that if you are asking how to trade this, then you have a deficiency in either your trading system or your analytical system. Because these events occur reliably in the market, and you need to have some systematic way to deal with the knowledge, which includes ignoring this as "funnymentals". + +Additionally, this is just one data point, albeit a very, very significant one in my book. + +Stay safe out there USD bulls, and good luck to those who want to ride the countertrend waves should they come to fruition. Already the EURUSD is attacking critical longterm down trendlines, and the AUDUSD is setting its sites on reversing what should have been a powerful bear breakout. Of course, the market's underlying sentiment can also turn on a dime, usually at the expense of yours. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +I keep getting price alert emails from Netflix, Prime etc. once in a while and I ignore them because it's just a quid or two each time. + +But I calculated the sum of all the non-sports streaming services and it is just ridiculous. Worst part is, some films are not even free despite all of this. You still have to 'rent' or buy them separately. Even the content is getting transient - a title might be available on a streaming service for only 6 months for example. + +This doesn't even cover music streaming! + +Netflix: £13.99 + +Amazon Prime: £5.99 + +Now TV(Entertainment Pass): £6.99 + +Now TV(Movie Pass): £9.99 + +Disney + : £7.99 + +**Total: £44.95** +I was unaware when I was pregnant and first going on my interview. During the second round of interviews, I found out I was about two months pregnant. Looks like I'm going to get the job offer. The issue I have is around maternity leave. Per their company policy, I have to be employed for 1 full year before I'm benefitted for maternity leave. + +&#x200B; + +This position is about a 20% increase in my salary, compared to my current position. I figured it's still worth it to take the new position, without maternity leave, and just take state disability at 60%. The new position has more room for growth, and a bigger company, which knows how to utilize my skill sets better than my current position. Medical benefits are effective immediately, which is great. + +&#x200B; + +What is/are thoughts on this? Is this irresponsible? Thank you in advance! + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Hi, + +Not sure if this is the correct sub, but yesterday I tried to deposit some cash at my local Barclays branch. It wasn't a lot, just £100. However, the machine kept £10 on the grounds that it cannot 'confirm it's authenticity' and only added £90 to my account. I earn this money from parents for tutoring their children so have no reason to believe the money is fake. + +When I queried this with a staff member, they bluntly told me that the note is fake and the machine is never wrong. I wasn't having it and he eventually went to the back and added £10 to my account because he said he'll give me the "benefit of the doubt". + +I was still a bit annoyed. The only reason I got my £10 back was because I kicked up a fuss, otherwise the staff expected me to just move along. I will definitely be going to the counter next time rather than the self-service machines even if the queue is longer. + +I know it's just £10 but this is about principle. Has this happened to anyone else? + + +**Edit:** many people are speculating my note was a fake, but that's not the issue here. The issue is that the machine 'failed to confirm its authenticity' and that was the end of that. What if it was a genuine error? The bank teller did not investigate further and I never found out whether it was decidedly fake. + +An elderly or more reserved person may be inclined to take the bank teller's word, and the bank would be profiting from these errors. Furthermore, the note was the newer plastic version for which, according to sources in the comments, forgeries don't yet exist. + Whaddup fellow apes. I didn't want to have to be the guy who points out all the negative things about the squeeze.. but no one else is doing it. And don't call me a shill until you read the whole post. + +&#x200B; + +I've been thinking about the MOASS a lot lately. In doing so I realized that the MOASS will have its permanent consequences. Are you willing to accept the consequences? + +&#x200B; + +Now I know what you're thinking... + +https://preview.redd.it/29a7lp97hft61.jpg?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4be9a29110576c497248230a3bcbaadea1b5ad + +So here goes it. + +&#x200B; + +**10 Bad things about the MOASS** + +&#x200B; + +1. **My chances of getting eaten by a shark go up dramatically.** I get to go to the beach 1 week of the year if I’m lucky. After the MOASS, I will likely be living on the beach. I will also own a boat. Thus, I will be in the ocean a whole ton more. + +2. **I will be in pain more often**. I don’t know about you, but I hate sunburn. It is the worst. I do not look forward to having sunburn more than twice a year. Not to mention all of the dangerous sports I will be partaking in. Skiing, snowboarding, waterboarding (the fun kind,) bungee jumping, skydiving, white water rafting, etc. + +3. **Driving will be more stressful.** Right now I drive a car that is worth no more than $4k. I don’t care if I run over a ~~child~~ curb or get it all scratched up. Now imagine driving ~~a brand new~~ Kenny G’s repossessed lambo. It would almost be more stressful to drive than anything. I probably couldn’t even enjoy it. + +4. **TGIF just won’t be the same…** Fridays are the last day of the work week. After you get off of work on Friday, you have the weekend to look forward to. After the MOASS, every day will be the weekend. Not to mention the fact that I get excited to be paid on Fridays. Ugh... my lyfe about 2 suk. + +5. **My favorite foods won’t be as good anymore.** You ever like a song so much that you listen to it on repeat for a week straight? Then you hate it? It will be the same with food. Post MOASS, I will only be eating all of the foods that I enjoy the most (ribeye steak, chipotle, any form of potato, Mexican food.) I will most likely get tired of them. I do not look forward to this. + +**6.** **People will be more fake.** Right now, I am just an average guy. I don’t have much too offer. My future is about as bright as gargantua. With that being said, I know that all the people who like me now, actually like me for me. They are not trying to benefit from me or anything. They just enjoy my company (I think.) Post MOASS, all types of people will be looking to befriend me. Some people won’t actually befriend me because they like me. But because they want to benefit from me in some way. I will have to weed through to find the true friends. + +**7.** **My electricity bill will go up substantially.** Right now I live in a 1000 sq ft. apartment. Post Squeeze, I will be living in a minimum 6900 sq ft. primetime beach front property. I can’t even fathom the amount of electricity it will take to keep the lights on. Not to mention the fact that I will be running several bitcoin mining rigs and charging all 4 of my Teslas (Model Y, Model S, Model X, Cybertruck.) + +**8.** **I will be lonely.** I interact with hundreds of people daily. 90% of these interactions are at my day job. Post MOASS, I won’t have a day job. I fear that I won’t interact with people at the rate that I do now. The only place that I will be able to interact with people is at the lambo dealership, the country club house, or maybe the occasional penthouse party. Here’s the thing though. All of these places will be saturated with rich people… and rich people are the worst. + +**9.**  **Video games won’t be enjoyable anymore.** I love playing video games. I’ve played them since before I could even comprehend what they were. Post Squeeze, I fear that I will have a hard time enjoying video games. I will have plenty of free time to play them but the fact is that my new post squeeze life will be so awesome that video games will become dull. Not sure if it’s worth it imo. + +**10.** idk yet tbh + +&#x200B; + +**BONUS Post Squeeze Issues from** u/inmyfavor + +**1.** **I will become much more frustrated.** I currently play golf once every week or two. However, post MOASS I will have significantly more time and money to golf whenever I want. This will inevitably lead to me being much more frustrated. This will not be good for me as I cannot be much more stressed than I already am at my 9 - 5 job. The MOASS will definitely lead to more frustration in my life. + +**2.** **I will be sick more often**: I do not get sick very often currently. Post MOASS, I will constantly be getting nauseous on the various flights I will take to and from various tourist destinations around the world. This will not be beneficial to my overall health and will deteriorate the quality of my life. + +&#x200B; + +Take that for what it's worth. \[insert rocket emojis here\] + +Edit: thanks for the awards bois... but honestly now I’ve peaked on reddit. Now my smaller posts won’t even be that enjoyable now that I’ve had the high of all these awards and upvotes. Ugh. + +&#x200B; + +*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. It's not even really advice at all. It's just explaining why the MOASS might not even be worth. Idk tho... i eat crayons.* +Me and my wife, we only go out to eat 1-2 times a week, and cook the rest of our meals, can spend 6-700$ a month on food now. + +We used to get by off 4-500. It’s absolutely insane how much food has gotten. + +Eating healthy is a top priority for me, as it helps my mental health and physical health. So I buy a lot of produce (red and green peppers, onions, etc) and decent quality meat and good quality ingredients and cook quite often. I just can’t go back to ramen and rice and beans. + +But it’s just depressing how much food has gone up. We aren’t in poverty anymore, but I feel really bad for others. We can afford the price jumps but it’s just sad how a necessity is so expensive now. +I wanted to draw money from my checking account but couldn't due to "insufficient funds". I checked my bank statement and it shows a deposit of $13480 which absolutely isn't my money. It was deposited on the same day as my last paycheck which is (unfortunately) much lower. I called the bank and they said the large deposit was flagged as fraudulent so they blocked my account while they are "investigating". I didn't make that deposit though, and I have no idea who could have, people around me don't deal with that kind of money. I asked that they at least release my paycheck but they said they can't. I think it's on them, they made a mistake when they deposited the money on my account instead of the intended account. I'm freaking out because I have bills and no way to pay, my only income is my paycheck. The bank told me there's nothing they can do and it might takes days to investigate the deposit. Anyway even if it clears there's still be the problem of money not being mine on my account. Is there a way I can get the bank to release my paycheck immediately? After all they made a mistake, not me. Thanks for your help. +It's absolutely absurd how little volume there is on GME right now. If things continue this way, it will be the lowest volume day of 2021 without a doubt. It will barely take any volume to catapult the price. I remember I used to text my friend that the volume was dead when it was 20 million a day but sub 5 million each day is NOTHING! + +I smell a margin call coming soon considering the possibility of implementing 801 and 002... + +HODL!💎👐 + +Edit: holy shit we ended the day with only 1.7 volume that's ridiculous! +Luxury cars are ridiculously expensive. I didn't realize how expensive until I ran some numbers. You got to see this, the car costs more than a dollar an hour, for the first 5 years of ownership. Read below for the details. +The Scenario: Lester the Lexus driver goes to his local Lexus dealer and buys an awesome new Lexus GX 460 and it's beautiful. The MSRP is $52,720 but Lester is no slouch so he negotiates the price down 3k to $49,071. However, to actually leave the dealer he gets hit with a few taxes and fees and ends up paying $51,068. He takes out a loan where he puts 10% and gets a traditional car loan. Over the next 5 years he drives about 15,000 miles a year, and he does all the maintenance that the owner's manual calls for. Luckily Edmunds.com has a really cool calculator that helps run the numbers. This particular scenario is available here. +http://www.edmunds.com/lexus/gx-460/2015/st-200707985/cost-to-own/ +In just the first 365 days of owning the car, he eats up $8,677 in depreciation alone. Per month it's $723.08. Per day that's ($8,677/365) = $23.7726027 a day! That's just depreciation, there is still taxes, interest on the loan, gas, insurance, and maintenance and repairs. When it's all said and done, he spends $16,041, remember he only drove 15k miles so he's paying $16,041/15000 = $1.07 per mile that first year! Per month he's spending ($16,041/12) = $1,336.75 and per day he's spending $43.95. If he wanted to pay for this off of the safe withdraw from investment income he would need $430,710 invested, just so he can support having his sweet ride. +The first year is by far the most expensive one for new cars. But it's also the year with the plastic off gassing, new car smell. Maybe things aren't as bad for the other 4 years, let's look at the 5 year totals. Total depreciation after 5 years is $24,503. That averages to $4900 a year. Or $408.39 a month or $13.42 per day. So taken in the context of 5 years the depreciation numbers aren't as bad as the first year was. +The total cost is estimated at $57,032 or $11,406 a year, or $950.53 a month or $31.25 a day. $31.25 a day is a lot of money. The car costs $1.30 an hour for every hour of everyday and night during that first 5 years. That's not a money leak, that's a money monsoon. A leak of epic proportions. Luxury cars are really really nice. But are they that nice? +TLDR: Luxury cars are really, really expensive. +Following up on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/rz64yc/ps_over_30_is_still_incredibly_risky/) post from 15 days ago.... + +Here's an updated graph of the number of US traded stocks with a PS over 30 and market cap of $5 billion (as of 2022-Jan-23) + +https://i.imgur.com/KwHI2Bx.png + +There are still a fair whack of stocks with a [PS over 30](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=121&f=cap_largeover,fa_ps_o10&o=-ps). + +But as a percentage of overall market cap, we look a lot more like 2001 (2% of market cap overpriced) vs 1999 (5-6% of market cap overpriced.) + +**What is a P/S ratio?** + +Price / Sales ratio. The higher the number, the more expensive the stock is compared to sales. + +**Isn't a PS ratio over 30 justified these days?** + +None of the FANG/MAAMA stocks ever exceeded a P/S ratio of 25. +Seems pretty pointless to have an income limit then. Basically it means that if you make too much money for the Roth outright, you have to get a tax deduction (from traditional contributions), then end up paying taxes for the conversion, too. So it's a pointless two-step process. +Do you live in a LCOL city that you really like? Maybe you can talk about it a bit? I'm working in US on work visa but I don't really know that much about the country other than the big coastal cities. So anything you can talk about would be really interesting to me. +Theres been a lot of talks about buying options over the past weekend and claiming that it hurts SHF through leverage but if you've just been watching GME the last 11 months you would know why it can be a terrible terrible idea + +GME almost always closes at max pain. That means that most options will expire worthless and all the money you spent on options premiums just go down the drain and straight to the options writers. + +Who are the writers? This DD looks into just that https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mha8v8/for_the_love_of_god_stop_buying_options_and_doing/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +Tldr; Unless you really know what you're doing with options, stick to what you're doing: DRS and wait +Have you guys held all this time ? care to share any story? + +&#x200B; + +I saw many posts of people who've become millionaires in 2017; have you guys managed to hedge the price decline? How have you done ? +Our friends from r/all are quite confused about this latest Robinhood fuckup! + +They won’t get much clarity from options h4xx0r u/aidangamer28; from his incomprehensible post I can only assume that he is doing a slav squat on a vodka bottle right now. u/bearhobag revealed that he knew about this issue since March but made all of $0.05 before cumming in his jorts and smashing his laptop out of fear of what the SEC and his mother would do if they found out. Even u/RobinhoodTeam stopped by briefly to say everything is very legal and very cool. + +This leaves a lot of users wondering “What is going on? What is an iron condor? What is order flow? Why do I look like my mom’s friend Darnell?” + +Looks like it’s time for another episode of “u/thiccdadsclub explains shit to retards”! + +When you place an order with a broker, whether to buy or sell a security (be that options, futures, shares of a triple-leveraged ETF that tracks Chinese REITs, or even a “stock”, whatever that is) you imagine that your order gets sent from your broker to the exchange, right? You think your order to buy one share of the latest weed stock is sitting up there on a server in NASDAQ’s data center waiting to be matched to a seller. Wrong, idiot. God you’re so fucking +*stupid*. + +Your broker has agreements in place with companies called “market makers” or “liquidity providers” or “dark pools” or other terms. I’ll call them liquidity providers. Your order goes to them, and they decide whether to pass it on to the exchange or whether to fill it from their own personal vault of cash and securities. + +For example, suppose a stock is trading with a bid of $100 and an ask of $101. You, an idiot, submit a market order to your broker to buy one share and I, a genius, submit a market order to my broker to sell one share. By chance, our brokers both send the orders to the same liquidity provider, who decides to close the trades internally rather than send them to the exchange. They buy my share at the bid of $100 and then sell that share to you at the ask of $101, pocketing $1 in the process. + +Now the liquidity provider can’t just pick any damn price to fill the orders at. By law they have to stick to the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO), which are the bid and ask prices that the average customer would see on the real exchange(s) that trade that particular security. + +The liquidity provider is allowed to do *better* than the NBBO though. For example, suppose on the exchange that same stock is trading with an ask of $100 and a bid of $101 and again, you submit a market buy order and I submit a market sell order. The liquidity provider could buy my share for $100.25 and sell it to you for $100.75. They only make $0.50 instead of $1.00 but now they can claim that they offer tighter spreads than available on the exchange and retail customers like us wet our panties with excitement at all the money we’ll make. This is called “price improvement”. + +If the orders are *limit* orders instead of market orders, then the liquidity provider has to check how the limit compares to NBBO to see what price they would have to fill it at and whether price improvement is possible. For example, if your buy order had a limit of no more than $100.60 and my sell order had a limit of no less than $100.40 then the liquidity provider has to decide whether to fill internally at those prices, providing huge price improvement and only a $0.20 profit, or pass it on to the exchange. + +Now note two important things. First, if there’s no volume for the security then there’s no NBBO and the liquidity provider isn’t going to fill it internally. This doesn’t really happen with stocks but with options you can pick stupid strike prices where there’s nobody buying or selling. The liquidity provider should send those orders to the exchange where they will wait until somebody wants them or they are canceled. + +Second, the liquidity provider should never provide such huge price improvement that the customer sees a negative spread. Suppose you submit your limit buy order with a limit of $95 this time, far less than the national best bid. The liquidity provider would be stupid to fill that internally; it’s basically a guaranteed loss for them and a guaranteed profit for you. + +A long iron condor is a set of four options contracts that are ordered at once. It doesn’t really matter what they are or why somebody would want one, just know that when you open a long iron condor you are placing four orders: 2 limit buys and 2 limit sells. All four orders have to fill or none are filled. When you open a long iron condor you immediately receive a credit. If all four options eventually expire worthless you keep the full credit; otherwise you lose some or all of it depending on what happens. You want the underlying security to be stable in price and the options to expire worthless. + +It’s really easy to create an order for a long iron condor that is almost guaranteed to expire worthless; just pick ridiculous strike prices for the four “legs” of the order. But of course there won’t be any volume for an iron condor like that, because who would be taking the other side of that trade? To make it doubly worthless you could set your limits such that it would create a negative spread. The order should never fill; no human being would ever take the other side of that trade, paying way too much for worthless contracts. + +But who needs a human being when you have a liquidity provider with buggy software and a broker with an appetite for risk! + +Two users (the aforementioned u/aidangamer28 and u/bearhobag) have found that using Robinhood under certain conditions you can open a long iron condor that is almost guaranteed to expire worthless and has a ridiculous limit price and it *will* be filled... by Robinhood’s liquidity provider! And worse still, Robinhood will let you use that net credit to boost your leverage immediately, so you don’t even have to wait for the options to expire before spending the money (on more iron condors, obv.) + +Essentially it seems that Robinhood’s liquidity provider (Citadel Trading or Virtu Financial) has a bug that causes them to internally fill orders for long iron condors with (1) low volume and (2) stupid limits. These orders should have gone to the exchange where nobody would take them, but instead they are being filled at whatever limit price the user asks for, even if that means an effective negative spread. I suggest we call this the “infinite price improvement” cheat code. + +Hope that helps, don’t @ me you losers + +Edit: It’s very unclear at this point what combinations of underlying securities, strike prices, and limits will exploit this bug. Both posters provided proof that satisfied the mods, but it only takes a hearty dick to satisfy the mods so.. + +It’s also unclear whether this is illegal or not. On the surface it seems that if Citadel wants to buy your shitty iron condors at your shitty prices then hey, that’s their business, keep selling them until they’re bankrupt. On the other hand, prison would suck. + +Edit: Can’t read? u/sinussays made a text-to-voice [youtube](https://youtu.be/O_1tZPdwZJg) video of this post. + +Edit: Nobody has been able to replicate this behavior. Either it’s a very specific bug, it was fixed by the liquidity provider last night, or both u/aidangamer28 and u/bearhobag are fake and gay. You be the judge! + +Edit: Top scientists have studied this and it looks like u/aidangamer28 is very fake and very gay, while u/bearhobag is just normal gay. u/bearhobag has provided evidence of price improvement to zero effective spread on very low volume orders, but there’s no evidence it’s a recurring or predictable glitch that can be exploited reliably at this time, and it’s definitely not free money. u/aidangamer28 is off sucking u/jartek’s balls somewhere but insists that he has received several PMs from Warren Buffet telling him he is a genius. Welp, hopefully you learned something about payment for order flow anyway, ya dweebs. Now back to your regularly scheduled autism. +This is going to be a longer, informational post on how to effectively live in your car. I lived in a university owned apartment, which *was* paid with my tuition. During the mid-march-meltdown, they gave refunds and essentially told students to fuck off, which I know COVID is dangerous, but some people have nowhere to go. Now, this post it obviously meant for people with no home(I feel because many people here "live" in first-world-pseudopoverty). + +# 1.) The car + +The car I own is a 2007 Toyota Tacoma with a bed cap I bought from a junkyard for $50. I bought the car after I graduated HS from my uncle for $3500, so I could drive to and from college with all my stuff(my parents current living situation does not provide enough room for me, unfortunately). I also have a bedrug which greatly increases the comfort of sleeping in the bed of the truck. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/35dv7glnaqc51.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=263baa9d1d88a80d386cc88bde821a77d7bb5272 + +# 2.) Acquiring A Place To Park & Stuff You Will Need + +I found a two car detached garage on craigslist for $30/month, albeit it's not in a great part of town(gunshots audible sometimes), it does get the job of basic shelter done. The most immediate thing you will need is a bed. My twin XL from my apt fits very nicely into the bed of my truck(however one of my friends who lives in a civic told me a twin can fit if you remove the rear seats), so it can be done in smaller cars. + +Once you have a bed, the next thing you will need is a source to charge your devices, if you don't already have them. 12v to 120vac converters, multiple phone chargers, laptop chargers, etc. Water, stack the bottom of the rear seats(or the passenger front seat) with 2-3 cases of water, you can never have enough water. Food can be tricky, I keep my food at the refrigerator at my work, and fortunately, enough people know my situation that they aren't that much of a douche to take anything(YMMV). Store dry foods by your sleeping area(Cliff bars, crackers, snacks). My garage landlord gave me permission to use my mini fridge in the electrical outlets in the garage(cold water and food). Speaking of the garage, it's hot outside and just as hot in a garage, how will you stay cool. To cool get a window unit, I got an 8,000 BTU 120V unit and ran it to a window, on the back of the garage. I strategically park my car, so the back of the bed with the tailgate down, is as close as possible to the window unit. My window unit produces 3,000 BTU of heat for winter, which isn't ideal, but I enjoy the cold anyway. DON'T CHEAP OUT ON A WINDOW UNIT, the garage with convection gets 115F some days, that's not fun without AC. I do pay an additional $10/month to run the AC/electric for $40 total. + +You will need a 12v oven, I got mine for $200, one of the best investments I've ever made. For grilling burgers, I have a small propane powered grill. Despite the pitfalls, you CAN eat good being homeless. Get a portable toilet, if it has bodily waste in it, keep it as far as possible from your living space until you can clean it. Thank me when you have to take a piss at 2AM. This should be the absolute necessities, so the wants will vary person-to-person. Make sure you have unlimited, and I mean unlimited data on your phone. Also make sure you buy a car battery charger, you'll be using it a lot. + +# 3.)How to Keep Fresh + +Keeping fresh is one of the hardest parts of being homeless. Showering everyday is an essential part of keeping fresh, especially now. During the meltdown, I showered at the DOT Truck Stops in my state, which remained open during the pandemic. This does the job well, I can shower, for free, everyday. However Planet Fitness opened near me, and I like to work out, and they have showers there; so I opened a membership there, workout, and shower, every day, after work. Wear sandals in the shower cause bear feet in public shower is gross. + +Laundry/Having clean clothes - easy, you have to go to a laundromat. Some only take quarters, mine takes my debit card - self explanatory. Have a 5gal jug of water in the car, place it on the roof of vehicle(while not moving) and use that to wash hands while not in public. + +# 4.)Summary + +Living in your car sucks, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. However following this guide can make living in your car feel a little bit less homeless, and make it suck a bit less. + +Thank you for coming to my TED talk. +We can all see that BTC is stalled at the 13-17k range but do you think this will continue all year? If it does, alts will flourish. But if BTC breaks out over 20k, all the money will follow. Whats your predictions? +I won't name names because I'm not sure it's against the rules, but if you've watched enough variety of YT trading content you've probably seen the ad for an annoying dude who wants to tell you how he made "400 trades in a row without a loss." I would never give money to someone claiming ridiculous stuff like that, but it got me thinking: + +Exactly how would someone even fathom making that claim? The only way I can see it remotely possible is if as soon as you enter a trade, you IMMEDIATELY set your stop at entry. Maybe you get stopped out instantaneously, but if you don't, you wait a few seconds and take whatever profit about your entry is. + +It's a bad overall idea, but does anyone else have a hypothesis on how someone would feasibly make a claim like this? You simply can't be "right" 400 times in a row without being wrong in the trading game. Impossible, I say. +So here’s the dilemma. I am an engineer and I work for an electrical construction company that I joined 7 months ago for a 45% pay rise. + +I have essentially been promoted to the position of department manager last month which means I am leading all other engineers. + +I am relatively young and am being mentored into this position by the previous manager. + +Should I be asking for a pay rise for the new responsibility? Or should I be grateful for the opportunity to learn a new skill set and request a pay rise after proving my worth? +Curious to hear why you think real estate agents are the main go to for property sales? One stat I found from 2016 said only 1% of homes were sold without an agent. I doubt this number has changed much. + +Is it because of local sales knowledge, sellers not confident in price negotiation, having existing contacts, wanting a third party to look after the entire process? + +If you sold recently, why did you use an agent? +The Reddit Economics Network (REN) team would like to share that we have updated our [suggested reading list](https://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/wiki/blogs). The list spans sources aimed at people with no experience with economics to research at the cutting edge of the field. + +Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below. +Currently live in NYC paying about 35k/year in rent + \~3.8% city tax on 520k joint income (split about evenly), no kids. Planning on kids in 4-5 years (second kid 7-8 years, no more than that) once we get to a more stable terminal director-ish level point in our careers. We are both mid-to-late 20s. Looking to fatfire around 37 for me and 40 for my partner. They want to hit certain goals that they thinks will take longer and they are more ambitious. We are both standard 9-6 jobs in big companies climbing the traditional latter. + +We spend about 100k/year currently (including 35k \^) and found a beautiful apartment in Jersey for about 70k/year. Tax savings on 520k + COL will probably bring it to around 10k net difference more. We can obviously afford the 70k/year luxury apartment but feel like it's kind of insane to spend that much. This is more than anyone I know has spent on an apartment. + +No specific question, rather, just wanted to hear people's thoughts on if they've thought about something like this and what went into their decision. None of our friends/family make nearly as much so 3.8% savings isn't large enough where they could afford to get a crazy expensive apartment with the savings of moving to NJ over NYC. + +We are both looking to get promoted by Jan 2021, which would bring our total comp to 600-650 likely. + +Current net worth is \~250k, current savings is around 180k/year. Started a company a couple years ago and lost a lot, so we're bit "behind" but invaluable experience and made amazing life-long friends throughout the journey. + +Thinking about buying a home when we are closer to kids in a couple years. + +Edit to add some info that people have asked for: + +* Only want private 50k/year for kids, if not in the city, happy to move for the kids for schooling or boarding/prep school when they are older. +* I don't drink at all and a car isn't that expensive, so driving during the weekends to brooklyn/nightlife doesn't sound that bad +* Would be < 5 min walk from PATH and new commute for my partner is actually shorter as they are 1 block off the PATH in their job. My commute will be 5-10 minutes longer +* Currently in 400 sq ft studio plus 50 sq ft balcony +* Family lives out of town, so extra bedroom could be used as guest bedroom when they come to visit. Currently we pay for them to sleep in a hotel. +Hi. I’m not sure this is the right forum, but I am looking for advice on dealing with pressures to work toward a promotion, even though I feel mostly fine with my current title and salary. I have just under 10 years until I can FIRE and really do the RE part of FIRE, when I will be just over 50 years old. + +I work in a technical field. My department (and company) tends to push promotion within our career tracks. The work doesn’t change much except that I would need to give more presentations, be accountable to more senior people, be involved in more technical discussions. Okay, it’s not much, but enough to alter my lifestyle and eat into my hobby times, which I enjoy greatly. Getting the promotion also requires some major hoops that I would rather not jump through. + +As younger peers get promoted above me, my manager‘s hints are stronger that I pursue a promotion. And it starts to wear on me. I’m genuinely happy when people get promoted, especially for those whom I’ve mentored. But it’s been incredibly difficult to bounce back from hearing it from time to time. I feel like the impression of me is that I’m not doing in enough in general. All my reviews are great, but it’s been making it very difficult to continue to coast into FIRE in my current role. I sometimes want to tell the managers and directors what my FIRE intentions are, but i think that will make my situation worse. Or it could just be me. + +tl/dr: Looking for advice on dealing with pressure to work toward promotions when I’d prefer to stay at my level until I reach FIRE. + +&#x200B; + +\[Update: I had to do the calculations... 7 years until I can FIRE from my current job\] +Thinking about trying to find a tri- or fourplex in Chicago to house hack with fha loan for next year. Rough timeframe would be October/November 2021. My current apartment lease ends mid October plus this would give me plenty of time to research and also add some cash reserve. From what I’ve read online and seen looking at deals I think it would definitely be manageable to at minimum be covering almost all the costs so making it like having a super cheap rent payment (especially if living with someone in my unit who would be paying “half rent”). Maybe even possibly to cover everything plus a tiny amount of cash flow if I get a bit lucky? + +Would love any tips, advice, opinions on this idea. I’m 24 and just started my first job in October but already have a small bit saved to get me on my way +I’m looking at buying my first property and I’ve found an opportunity that has tenants leased through July 2020 at $1550 a month. + +The house is selling for around $185k, and has no HoA fees. + +Calculating mortgage, insurance, and maintenance I’m thinking it’ll be unlikely to be over $1200/mo. I suppose there could be something big like a new roof needed in the first year, but hopefully the inspection could help with that. + +Any way, I was thinking about buying it. For 35k down I can get some experience with owning rental property, have a year to figure out how to manage and screen new tenants, and hopefully produce cash flow or at least break even considering it looks like the current tenancy is cash flow positive. + +What are your thoughts about this? Do you have any resources you recommend I read before going further down this plan? +I currently own 3 units, and I want to pull out $150k of equity to start acquiring more property. + +I'm finding that this type of loan has a large cost (points?). Is this pretty common or is it the uncertain environment driving this? + +Also, any other tips of advice when shopping around for this? Any thing else I should be asking? + +Thanks! I'm a noob. + +&#x200B; + +UPDATE: + +I spoke with a mortgage lender specialist local to my market and was quoted $12k closing costs with a 4.625 rate. That was to access $65k of the $250k equity in the property. OUCH! +Hello, anyone here have any experience buying trailer parks? I see a lot of the private equity companies have moved into the space over the last 10 years in a big way and I think its a place to get outsized returns, I also can see it being a big headache to manage. I noticed this place on Loopnet and the returns seem much higher than you can get in traditional multi family real estate. + +&#x200B; + + [https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/3180-N-Adrian-Hwy-Adrian-MI/7237662/](https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/3180-N-Adrian-Hwy-Adrian-MI/7237662/) + +&#x200B; + +Whats the big catch? Thanks, love this sub and the knowledge I have gained here. +**TLDR** + +\- I originally drafted this post in January; oh the fickle market... but I made it! + +\- 34M, VHCOL, single + +\- Not in tech, but another highly compensated field + +\- I have been working full time for just over 6 years; prior to working I was in graduate school + +\- Started in 2016 with (85k) NW due to student loans; just hit 1M NW (see below for recap of milestones along the way) + +\- Earnings have grown from \~150k to >400k during this period + +\- Spending has been \~50k per year, with a couple lower years due to AirBnBing my place when traveling for work + +\- No outsize contribution from windfalls or asset surges (though a couple relatively small ones - see below) + +\- I have 'too much' cash; I tell myself this is triply due to a) potential down payment b) psychological safety and c) a form of 'milestone' bond-tent to secure my position in the nearer term + +\- 296k cash; 712k invested; >370k is in tax-deferred; >300K is in taxable; \~90% index funds (3 fund portfolio: US large cap / US small cap / international) + \~10% REITs; another \~35k is current value of a seed investment I made + +\- When I 'started out' my 'number' was 1.2M (and I still spend now what I spent then - surprisingly); now that it is close, I'm less fixated on it as 'the number' + +\- The psychological impact of 1M feels rather significant for me + +\- I have concluded if I ever leverage FI for RE, a 'step down' approach is probably best + +\- I am planning to celebrate the milestone with a thoughtful splurge pulled from earned income + +As a longtime lurker (I discovered this sub in 2016 shortly after starting full time work), I only started posting a few months ago as the 1M milestone neared. Originally a throwaway account, I decided to write this current post for a few reasons (1) Cathartic for me to actually put pen to paper on it, and reflect. I wrote in an Oct 2021 milestone post that I hadn't digested the progress so far, so hoping this may help (2) I learned a lot from this sub, and feel the desire to give back in some way. Hopefully this won't be the last time. + +It feels like I have quite a bit to write, so apologies for the length in advance. There is so much I think I want to say, and I worry all the details would make this identifiable somehow. I'll do my best to get it all out nevertheless. + +**Background**: I grew up middle class in a relatively low COL location. Really focused on school, because I liked the external validation and options it created. This ultimately led me to a good college, and then to graduate school (leaving aside details for anonymity). I was long a saver and thought about 'what if' scenarios even as a kid. + +**Motivations**: While I had read FI-adjacent books in earlier life (e.g., Millionaire Next Door), probably because I did not have a significant income during a long educational period, I never really thought about the concept extensively - it just was not in the option set. Somehow when I think about financial decisions before discovering FI, it's clear it was a different paradigm because in the setting of somewhat large student loans, aggressive frugality didn't seem that useful. Anyways, I specifically recall a day / place in early 2016 when I received one of my first paychecks. I was sitting at a bar in my newly adopted HCOL city, and realized I would be able to save a decent chunk of it (maybe \~$2k? I forget exactly). Ultimately this -- coupled with, frankly, shock at the stress and intensity of the working world -- led me to various FIRE resources, including this sub. I've always had a stubborn / independent personality, so it was probably inevitable I would end up here at some point. + +My original targets were: 1.2M at 4%; to be achieved in 9 years. And 600k as a LeanFire mental target along the way. It does feel like times have changed from when those numbers were more common on this sub. + +**Play-by-play**: + +2016 / Year 1: First year working. Adapting to the new demands, new city, expense of new city, and paying student loans, is a lot. I recall having intermittent insomnia, in retrospect clearly due to underlying stress (I no longer have any insomnia these days). I decide to max out my 401k and pay down loans; I also fund a Roth for the prior year given I know I soon won't be able to anymore. *Comp: 150k; Spend: <50k NW start: (85k); NW end: (20k).* + +2017 / Year 2: I continue, start to occasionally hit a stride in job. Earnings grow. With bonus from prior year, I establish a real emergency fund. I keep paying down debt and max 401k again. *Comp: 200k; Spend: <50k NW start: (20k); NW end: 75k.* + +2018 / Year 3: I start to feel like I want the student loan debt gone already. Finally pay it all by November this year. I also beef up the e-fund a bit more. Couple market pull backs this year if my notes are right. *Comp: 235k; Spend: <50k NW start: 75k; NW end: 190k.* + +2019 / Year 4: I knew 250k NW was coming and I was excited for it - it felt like good progress / solid. I was traveling a lot for work, so my expenses were the lowest this year of all years. I think this was the first time I added a bit of REIT to my portfolio, primarily due to curiosity / for learning. I increase my cash considerably as I start to think about building a down payment. I also get excited by the noteworthy 300k milestone and contemplate 'never poverty' and '1k a month' - thanks to this sub. *Comp: 275k; Spend: <<50k (probably in the 30s) NW start: 190k; NW end: 370k.* + +2020 / Year 5: Early in the year, after the strong progress in 2019, I felt good - the 20's were looking bright and I was headed in a great direction. Then you know what happened. I certainly appreciated my FI progress, as it softened the concerns around potential job loss, etc. In a strange way, I was kind of cheering on the massive market swings, limit downs, etc., because in a way, if I could float above them, it meant something. At the same time I wrote a detailed financial log just to keep track of my own thinking and perhaps to look back on one day. One additional reflection from this period -- recall the shortages etc. -- having some 'downside' protection holdings felt valuable. The bit of REIT I bought a bit of the year earlier (food-related) was rather stable through this time and continued paying its monthly distribution; when shit was really hitting the fan, I liked knowing I had some. I worked straight through it all, fortunately, and decided under the circumstances to slightly reduce cash and DCA it in along with new earned income. A lot of it went into the taxable account for the first time (previously it was always maxing tax deferred, then e-fund, then loans, then down payment fund). This turned out to be a good move. *Comp: 330k; Spend: \~50k (slightly higher as made a fun pandemic purchase) NW start: 370k; NW end: 600k.* The 500k and 600k milestones came late in the year, and came fast. Due to personal circumstances at the time, I could only partially appreciate them. + +2021 / Year 6: The pandemic continues. Business (strangely) booms. Compensation grows. I decide to spend a bit more this year as one-offs (furnishings, then post-vaccine social budget). I let the down payment fund tick back up. I made my first seed investment (very carefully considered); unexpectedly it performs well on paper within the same year (but still <4% of my total). Related, probably due to inflation concerns the REIT I had bought doubled in value. So I did have a few fortunate turns (though relatively small ones compared to compensation growth and ongoing savings). I note breaking through 10k in annual dividends. *Comp: 450k; Spend: \~57k; NW start: 600k; NW end: 970k.* + +2022: Hit 1M: NW drops below 950k with market pullback early in year, but new money continues flowing in. Market recently recovers some. Hit 1M on March 29, 2022! Far ahead of originally 'scheduled'. :) + +**Milestone timelines**: + +\-85k > 0k: 1 year, 2 months + +0k > 100k: 1 year + +100k > 200k: 11 months + +200k > 300k: 9 months + +300k > 400k: 3 months (!) + +400k > 500k: 9 months + +500k > 600k: 1 month (!) + +600k > 700k: 3 months (!) + +700k > 800k: 7 months + +800k > 900k: 2 months (!) + +900k > 1M: 3 months + +**Where to next?** + +If only I knew. I feel like I have had a great life so far (a lot of travel, meaningful experiences, good friends and family), but also, a very open canvas from here. I'm single, I rent. I'm fortunately in good health. I think a lot about how to craft the next decades (if I continue the fortune of health). I am starting to suspect the answer reveals itself slowly, not all at once. And I am okay with that. The biggest thing I regularly debate is intensity of work, and whether I want to downshift. Sometimes I feel like if I downshifted, FI would feel somehow less urgent. + +Also, I haven't always been good (in financial or other domains) at celebrating my own success. I feel like I'll regret not doing so at this milestone, so I am planning to splurge on something -- some type of long lasting token, but also maybe some nearer term consumables and maybe gifts for others who are important to me. + +**Other reflections**: + +\- VHCOL cities have financial downsides and upsides. One slightly less obvious upside is they keep you hungry. I sometimes wonder if I would have made it this far so fast in a lower COL area; there is a good chance I would have slowed the career ladder if I lived in such a place / the bar wasn't as high. + +\- Until even very recent years, never did I ever think I would be a millionaire at 34. I know it's not what it used to be, but it still feels pretty significant. I'm quite happy about it. I have told nearly nobody, which is also odd - I walk around with a secret. + +\- Both recent consumer and asset inflation worry me; probably more so the latter because it raises the bar for your relative position in the economic hierarchy. The average NW of the American 1% is now >30M. Cutoff I believe is >10M. + +\- The progress so far, and especially nearing and reaching this milestone, has led me to take additional risks / be more bold in both my personal and professional life (and I have been a bit surprised about the former, probably because it does not as directly link to FI). Both have been very valuable to me. + +&#x200B; + +I hope this is helpful to someone! I'll try to respond to any comments, but it may take me a couple days. Thanks for reading! Despite generally being a lurker, this sub has meant a lot to me. +https://www.wsj.com/articles/feds-powell-could-seal-expectations-of-half-point-rate-rise-in-may-11650533444?mod=hp_lead_pos1 + +Federal Reserve officials have broadly signaled a desire to raise interest rates to levels that don’t provide stimulus + +Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell signaled the central bank was likely to raise interest rates by a half percentage point at its meeting next month and indicated similar rate rises could be warranted after that to lower inflation. + +A rate increase in May, following the Fed’s decision to lift rates from near zero by a quarter percentage point last month, would mark the first time since 2006 that the central bank increased its policy rate at back-to-back meetings. A half-point increase would be the first such move since 2000. + +The Fed has indicated it will also formally announce plans at the May 3-4 meeting to begin shrinking its $9 trillion asset portfolio in June, a double-barreled effort to remove stimulus to curb price pressures that are at a four-decade high. + +“It is appropriate in my view to be moving a little more quickly” than the Fed has in the recent past, Mr. Powell said Thursday. “I also think there’s something in the idea of front-end loading” those moves. + +Investors in interest-rate futures markets have in recent weeks bet on increases of a half percentage point, or 50 basis points, at each of the Fed’s next two meetings. “Markets are processing what we’re seeing. They’re reacting appropriately, generally,” Mr. Powell said, though he said he wasn’t endorsing any particular market pricing. Still, he concluded, “Fifty basis points will be on the table for the May meeting.” + +Mr. Powell warned of growing supply-and-demand imbalances in the U.S. labor market that some economists worry could fuel a wage-price spiral that drives inflation higher as workers bid up wages. + +In July 2019, as the unemployment rate was falling to a half-century low of 3.5% but inflation drifted below the Fed’s 2% target, Mr. Powell dismissed concerns that the labor market might be overheating. “To call something hot, you need to see some heat,” he said. + +Today, wage growth is running at its highest levels in years and the labor market has tightened rapidly, with the unemployment rate tumbling to 3.6% in March from 5.9% last June. “It’s too hot. It’s unsustainably hot,” Mr. Powell said. “It’s our job to get it to a better place where supply and demand are closer together.” + +Mr. Powell said the Fed is focused above all else on bringing down inflation. “Economies don’t work without price stability,” he said. + +The Fed is trying to engineer a so-called soft landing in which it slows growth enough to bring down inflation, but not so aggressively that the economy slips into a recession. “I don’t think you’ll hear anyone at the Fed say that that’s straightforward or easy. It’s going to be very challenging,” Mr. Powell said. +I'm just curious everyone, how many millennials are planning to buy a home in the next 3 or 5 years? We always hear that millennials consumer behavior will doom them for bad savings for the future, meaning they do not have enough for a down payment on a home. How many millennials do you know are actually planning to purchase? or is our demographic still not ready yet? +I got into crypto in 2016 pretty casually. Bought 2 BTC for $900, sold them for $1000 and thought I was a genius. Didn’t take it too seriously. + +After trading them for awhile and doing more research I started thinking crypto could have a really bright future. Then I woke up one day in 2017 and BTC was jumping to 2k. I frantically bought that morning with all the money I could spare. I could feel the FOMO coursing through the investment community. Bitcoin was national news and on CNBC everyday after being mostly ignored for years. + +Shortly thereafter, it went to 19k and I was walking around town like a God amongst mortals. I told all my friends and family to buy some crypto. I begged them. I was so cocky I put 100% of my IRA account into GBTC at $29/share. Why not? BTC was going to the moon and there would be no detours along the way. + +Then I went to lunch a few days later, checked the price and it had dropped to 17k. No biggie, I thought, of course there needs to be a correction after this run up, it’ll bounce back. A few days later it was 15k. Okay, I thought, just some more profit taking by short term investors, this’ll stop soon and we’ll be at 30k in a month. + +The next two months we’re a torturous gauntlet of small bounces of hope followed by spirit crushing dips, sleepless nights and poor mental health. I capitulated and sold half of my stack at 6k/BTC just so I could take a break from thinking about it and “get my old life back.” + +For the next 2 years I kept advocating for crypto and wishing it would rise as it became less and less relevant in the news once again. It bounced around 10k again for awhile and finally landed down at 3k during the Covid crash in March 2020. My GBTC position and my IRA was down 95% to $3/ share. I laughed to myself looking at the account balance on my screen and said out loud “Ha! Space cash?…What the fuck was I thinking?” + +Of course we all know that was the start of the next bull market and we ended up at 68k. I DCA’ed every chance I could over that 2 year period and I ended up with about 50% more crypto as I had before I sold half in 2017. I still DCA today as we have drifted back down to 34k, a 50% drop from ATHs. + +The message and point of this story is: + +1. Allowing myself to feel depressed or super excited about the price over the last 6 years has been a complete waste of my time. I could’ve just set an automatic recurring buy order my exchange account and gotten drunk or been in a coma and I’d be elated with the results right now if I had never checked the price. + +2. The drop allowed me to increase my crypto position. Dollars or euros don’t matter, what matters is increasing your crypto stack. We all know it’s just a matter of time until it’s $680k/BTC. Guess what? It’ll probably drop to 340k then too. + +3. This is the crypto game. My story is not unique. Losing 50%+ of your money is a right of OG crypto hodler passage, so welcome to the club of this is your first time. + +Hang in there. +**Apparently not everyone seems to know this, but if you use Coinbase, you can switch to Coinbase Pro for free and enjoy lower fees there!** + +Afaik you can't stake on CB Pro, but you can buy and then transfer to regular Coinbase. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit**: Great tip from u/aladdinr for those concerned about the longer transfer times: + +>deposit fiat into the main Coinbase platform (allows you to transfer instantly without the wait period CB Pro has). +> +>Then transfer the fiat (free) to CB Pro. Buy on CB Pro. +> +>Then transfer back to main Coinbase to stake (or transfer to your personal wallet or do whatever you want with the crypto). + +&#x200B; +Can we take a minute to look at the meme number RC holds? I don't think it's ever been said. + +9,001,000 + +Let's simplify that a bit. That's 9001 thousand. + +***THAT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!*** ^^(thousand) + +Literally everything about this saga is a fucking meme. + +What the fuck even is reality? + + +EDIT: Holy fucking shit. + +We're apes. RC has a meme number from DBZ. The moon turns the DBZ characters into giant apes. We're going to the moon. + +Everything is fucking connected. + +EDIT2: Guys. Guys. Apes. + +My dealer just said they went to Massachusetts for more weed. + +Guess who the fuck is from Massachusetts? + +We're in a god damn simulation. + +GME TO THE FUCKING MOON. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +EDIT3: I love this community so much. Thank you for the awards, but don't spend your money on me, buy more GME. Not financial advice. But I believe we're being watched by the big apes themselves. Mr. Cohen, sir, please, I love you. Mr. Gill, jesus man, you've changed the lives of an entire generation. + +EDIT4: I see some newbie apes who have apparently neven known the epic saga that is Dragonball Z. Do yourselves a favor, and watch it. +Paying around £600 in debt per month while earning £1500 + +49 very +69 aqua +50 118 +30 gym +50 phone +150 Loan +32 insurance + +I’m currently living at home, it feels like moving out is almost an impossibility for me and I feel so far behind everyone else I want to cry. + +Any advice guys? +By now we have all heard the virtues of Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) and that you should never try to time the market. Basically, it has been repeated ad nauseam that + +>Time in the market beats timing the market + +But what is interesting is that I could not find any research that has been done on the best way to do dollar-cost averaging. + +**Theoretically, there must be a better way than to randomly throw your hard-earned money once a month into SPY, right?** + +So in this week’s analysis, we will explore various methods to do DCA and see which one would end up giving you the best returns! + +___ + +**Analysis** + +Given that dollar-cost averaging is about holding investments long-term, we need data, lots and lots of data! For this, I have pulled the adjusted daily closing price & Shiller P/E ratio of SPY for the last 30 years \[1\]. + +Now we have to devise different methods to do the Dollar-cost averaging that will maximize our long-term return. We will have different personas for reflecting different investment styles (all of them would be investing the same amount - $100 every month but following different strategies) + +**Average Joe:** Invests on the first of every month no matter how the market is trending (this would be our benchmark) + +**Cautious Charlie:** Invests in the market only if the Price to Earnings Ratio \[2\] is lesser than the last 5-year rolling average, else will hold Treasury-Bills \[3\] + +**Balanced Barry:** Invests in the market only if the Price to Earnings Ratio is within +20% \[4\] of the last 5-year rolling average, else will hold T-Bills + +**Analyst Alan:** Invests whenever the market pulls back a certain percentage from the last all-time high, else will hold T-Bills \[5\]. + +Given that we need to have some historical data before we start our first investment, I have considered the starting point to be 1st Jan 1994. So the analysis is based on someone who invested $100 every month since 1994. In all the above strategies, we will only hold treasury bills till the investment requirements are satisfied. I.e, in the case of Cautious Charlie, he will keep on accumulating T-Bills every month if the PE ratio is not within his set limit. Once it’s below the limit, he will convert all the T-bills and invest them into SPY. + +___ + +**Results** + +Based on the time period of our analysis, we would have invested a total amount of $33,400 till now. + +**Return Comparison - Different DCA Strategies** + +|**Investment Strategy**|**Portfolio** |**Investment Strategy**| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Average Joe|$169,036|406%| +|Analyst Alan - 1% drop|$168,129|403%| +|Analyst Alan - 3% drop|$166,658|399%| +|Balanced Barry|$162,150|385%| +|Analyst Alan - 5% drop|$154,441|362%| +|Analyst Alan - 10% drop|$146,392|388%| +|Cautious Charlie|$139,696|318%| + + + +No matter what strategy we use, the most amount of returns were made by the Average Joe who invested every month no matter how the market was trending. A close second was Analyst Alan who accumulated money in T-Bills and only invested when the market dropped more than 1% from its all-time high. + +The least amount of returns were generated by Cautious Charlie who only invested if the PE ratio was lesser than the last 5-year average (basically by trying to avoid over-valued rallies, he ended up missing on all the gains), followed by the Analyst Alan persona who waited for a 10% drop from ATH before investing. + +___ + +**Limitations** + +There are some limitations to the analysis. + +a. Tax on the gain on sale of treasury bills and transactions costs are not considered in the analysis. Both of these would adversely affect the overall returns + +b. Since I am only using the monthly data for the P/E ratio and my SPY investments (due to data constraints), a much more complicated strategy involving intra-month price changes might have a better chance of beating the market (at the same time making it more difficult to execute). + +c. While we have analyzed the trends using the last 30 years’ worth of SPY data, the overall outcome might be different if we change the time period to say 40, 50, or even 100 years. + +___ + +**Conclusion** + +I started off the analysis thinking that it would be pretty straightforward to find a winning strategy given that we are using nuanced strategies instead of randomly putting money in every month. I also checked for various time frames \[5,10, 20 years\] and various endpoints \[Just before the covid crash, after the crash, before J-Pow, etc.\]. In none of the cases did any of the strategies beat average Joe in the total returns. + +Since this is an optimization problem, I am [sharing all the data and my analysis](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JK4b-CYgvlSH-FqYvCBEve0RQ3ACmJNsmTwzLV7jqWs/edit?usp=sharing) in the hope that someone can tweak the strategy to finally give us that elusive risk-adjusted market-beating returns. + +___ + +**Footnotes** + +\[1\] The data was obtained from Yahoo Finance API and longtermtrends.net. While the P/E ratio was available for the last 130+ years, the daily closing of SPY was limited to 30 years. + +\[2\] We are using the Shiller PE ratio - this ratio divides the price of the S&P 500 index by the average inflation-adjusted earnings of the previous 10 years. This solves for the brief period in 2009 when the normal PE ratio went through the roof as the earnings of the companies fell drastically due to the financial crisis. + +\[3\] We are holding treasury bills as it has the shortest maturity dates and does not have a minimum holding period unlike the T-Bonds + +\[4\] The 20% cut-off is considered as it would be above one standard deviation from the historical trends + +\[5\] The idea of investing after the market pullbacks is driven by the following report from JP Morgan which stated that 70% of the best days in the market happened within 14 days of the worst ones +Not sure if this is the right place to discuss, so forgive me if it’s not. + +As I’m entering my mid 20s it’s becoming more and more clear who was taught financial responsibility and who wasn’t. It’s crazy to me to see the spending habits of friends my age and the pure carelessness they have. They really are ruining their futures and it honesty hurts to watch sometimes. + +At this point in my life I couldn’t be more grateful for the way my parents raised me and the valuable money management skills they’ve taught me (never carry a CC balance, never live above your means, take advantage of sales and coupons, save save save, 401k, IRA etc etc. ) + +This had me thinking.....I’m interested to hear what little things your parents did or taught you growing up, or how are you teaching your own kids to be financially responsible adults? + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Think about it. After we found patterns in gammas, all of a sudden, they are no longer applying. This forum started talking about options little by little over the last few weeks. Many people bought 220-250 call options because of patterns. Some of them exercise them (maybe that's the reason why we saw a spike through 250), but many of them didn't. All of them are now OTM. + + +Maybe it's a wild guess, but who knows. It's hard to play with options when they know everything. Imagine playing poker with a person that can see your cards. +Hi all, hope this is alright to post as I am not sure if I should accept a job offer I’ve recently received or not. I was wondering if I could get some insight into what working in management consulting in Australia is actually like. I figured there’d be some people on here who have actual real-life experience. + + +I’ve got an offer from a pretty prestigious (read: non Big 4) consulting firm, and it has a generous package for someone straight out of uni. The thing is, I have no corporate experience and no parents or friends with any either, its just a totally different world. I’m worried that the salary means that I’ll be stuck working my life away and I don’t know if all the exit opportunities people talk about are true. Not sure if the travel aspect appeals to me either, I’m scared my life will be consumed by work and not much else. Would it be better to accept something like a Big 4 offer (for about half the pay) if it’ll be a less stressful experience? Is the work life balance really that bad? + + +Would love some insight as I’m lost and not sure what to choose. I don’t know where I want my career to go, but hopefully something ultimately a bit more meaningful than management consulting, eventually. I’m wondering if it’s worth setting myself up financially for a few years first. +So, the link is publicly available flight data tracking one of Ken's planes Reg ID: N302AK. + +EDIT: It finally moved today, guess it was under maintenance? + +You can see that it hasn't moved since 6/12/2021 (D/MM/YYYY) +https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a326ca&lat=41.769&lon=-88.089&zoom=8.0&showTrace=2021-12-06 + +Which is ~~8~~ edit:9 days. This is now the longest time period this plane hasn't moved since the tracking began on 19/1/2020. The two times that the plane hadn't moved in 8 days were from 4-11/4/2020 and 22-29/3/2020 (which were in Miami and West Palm Beach respectively - probably holidays). + +Other interesting dates looking at the tracking data: +4/12/2021 - Nearly every time the plane goes to Granada airport it does this weird vertical line thing where it appears to fly off, turn off the tracker and then come back the next day. Happens on 4/12/2021, 6/11/2021, 22/10/2021, 1/10/2021, 14/10/2020. + +8/7/2021 - Goes to Columbus + +13/1/2021 - Plane just does some loops around Chicago, thought it was funny. + +10/10/2020 - Plane goes to ?Zambia. There are a few African trips, probably holidays. + +25/7/2020 - Randomly went to Michigan + +3/4/2020 - Heaps of flying that day, probably picking up people prior to the long holiday in Miami. + +21-22/2/2020 - Goes to ?Russia + +I'll keep this post updated with just how long this plane stays in Chicago. Hope some people find the data interesting! +I got a pretty good job making 50k a year and I want to really start saving. + +I'm 24 and still live at home and parents want me to stay. + +My biggest debt is $29k for my car. I know I know. But cars are my thing. They're my hobby. They're my life. Is it more than I can afford? No. Is it expensive and stupid to some? Yes. Car is financed for 2.49%, I can go to my credit union and get it refinanced for 1.49% which I plan to do this month. + +After that I have a loan for a few hundred dollars at the same credit union. That's at 3% and should be paid off next month. + +After that no debt whatsoever. + +Bills are: +$450 a month for car +$110 insurance +$100 phone. +Gas changes since it depends if I'm going on a trip or just lots of driving. (Remember, cars are my thing) + +I'm adding $200 a month to my deferred comp as I got on my feet with the job and will bump up soon unless there's a better way to do it. + +Where should I start so that when I hit my 31 years with the job at 55 I can walk and be good with my pension and my retirement fund. + +Thank you +I'm sure this has been asked, but what are some 9-5 jobs you day traders work that allows you to have time to trade during peak hours? Sales, Software engineer, etc.? +Ken Griffin, in a Financial Times interview after the events of January '21 and **also after we came back up in March**: + + +>The fact that the tweet of an ice cream cone can move markets will be the subject of academic study for years,” Griffin said. “It represents a dynamic where **certain stocks are now almost exclusively owned by retail** and passive funds... + +You just know we're at more than a float now. + +SRC: [https://www.ft.com/content/6c613f92-cf35-4b2e-b2b0-2ac0a6afb1fb](https://www.ft.com/content/6c613f92-cf35-4b2e-b2b0-2ac0a6afb1fb) +While it's preaching to the choir here on r/fi, I found this article on Stealth Wealth engaging in part *because* it's pitched to a wider audience while representing some of our community standards about not discussing FIRE or flashing our wealth - https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/stealth-wealth/ + +Is there a level at which you'd come out of stealth mode? I'll admit, my FI number is probably sub $2M so if I landed myself in a $10M windfall I'd be upgrading the car that my personal driver drives. +When the DRS DD came out my wife and I talked about it. I said we have had 3 different brokers as we moved shares around, all 3 still hold some or our shares(none are RH). + +I voted all 3 accounts when voting was a thing. + +I have written letters to congress, my governor, and a few other influential people. + +I have read all the DD since January. + +I try to stay involved while working 50 hours/week and raising 3 kids. + +We decided we have put enough into this saga and we should let everyone else handle it (bystander effect). + +If someone told you they would pay you 50 million dollars per share or even 1 million dollars per share just to register it right now, you would be on the phone before they finished their sentence. So what's stopping you? I did it. It literally took 5 minutes. + [https://www.barrons.com/articles/facebook-faces-legal-risk-big-tobacco-oxycontin-51633956119](https://www.barrons.com/articles/facebook-faces-legal-risk-big-tobacco-oxycontin-51633956119) + +(PAYWALL) + +From the Article: + +Recent revelations and scrutiny from Congress over Facebook's(FB) role in society could lead to major lawsuits against the social-media giant, according to new research that drew comparisons with litigation faced by Big Tobacco or Purdue Pharma. + +Facebook (FB) has been under pressure following a series of reports by The Wall Street Journal that made allegations covering Instagram's impact on teenagers' mental health, whether its algorithm encouraged social discord, and how it moderates elites. + +A company whistleblower who leaked internal documents to the Journal also testified before Congress last week, as lawmakers turned their attention to the renewed public debate over Facebook's(FB) prominent role in peoples' lives. + +Facebook (FB) co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg last week said that "many of the claims don't make any sense," pushing back against allegations that arose in the Journal's reports and the whistleblower's testimony, in a post on social media. + +Blair Levin, an analyst at London-based technology industry research group New Street Research, wrote Sunday that " while we have been skeptical that past revelations would lead to government action, we think this time is different and as a result, we think Facebook(FB) may now face a similar challenge from increased litigation as tobacco, or more recently, OxyContin." + +Levin served as chief of staff to the chair of the Federal Communications Commission in the 1990s. + +The analyst said that while the facts and damages are different for Facebook(FB) than those faced by the tobacco industry or Purdue Pharma -- the maker of opioid medication OxyContin -- the fundamental legal framework is the same. + +There is a product with problematic consequences for many people, management knowledge of such, and actions by management "that not only failed to mitigate the harm but arguably increased those problematic consequences," Levin said. + +In the same way that public outcry against tobacco and opioid makers led to massive class action and state attorneys general-led lawsuits, Levin said the recent revelations against Facebook(FB) creates similar incentives to bring litigation against the company. + +While Facebook(FB) has faced scrutiny before, there is far more attention on the company this time, in part because of the role that harms to children plays in the recent allegations, Levin noted. + +"Discovery is likely to yield even more problematic evidence for Facebook(FB), and the dynamics create an opportunity for a settlement that would address the issues more quickly than legislation," Levin said. "We think litigation is likely to be more damaging to Facebook(FB) than legislation." + +Facebook (FB) stock was 0.7% lower in U.S. premarket trade Monday. The stock is down 12.3% over the past month. Facebook (FB) didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. +Trying to figure out the nuance of analyzing bank/financial sector stocks compared to a standard company. + +What are the specific metrics which are of outsized importance in bank functioning? + +How would one modify a valuation to account for eccentricities of the banking sector? + +What can be ignored in looking at banks which shouldn’t be ignored elsewhere? + +I know I shouldn’t be looking beyond my circle of competence, and trying to expand ones circle of competence is a fools errand because others will truly excel where you are just trying to catch up. But banks appear so beaten down right there in sure there’s opportunities; just trying to distill which of them are worth pursuing. + +Specifically think I’m looking WFC vs BAC, but want to develop a paradigm which I can apply there as well as more widely. +Thanks +Good morning retards- this is a very very surface level DD post, mainly I want to see if we can show how large of a network BCG has in connection with charter schools because of how quickly I found this information. + +This morning I was rambling incoherently about BCG and RC and the cabal of financial terrorists running our country into the ground for profit and about how BCG is trying to dismantle public education and my wife (she works for the Los Angeles school district) mentions that a school she used to work had a huge issue with a charter school that was using half of the public elementary school facilities, restricting them from the public school children and essentially trying to take over the entire school campus before they were forced out. + +So, I ask if she knew the name of the charter school. It was Citizens Of The World Charter school. I've never even thought about posting my own DD but the quickness with which I was able to find this info and link to BCG fucking disgusts me and makes me wonder just how big this network is. + +&#x200B; + +[https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/victory-for-shirley-c16b9a7fa430](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/victory-for-shirley-c16b9a7fa430) \- + +" + +## Citizens Of The World Charter School West Valley announces that they will move to a private facility next year. Will they follow through? + +>“It’s been a roller coaster of emotions for the Shirley community.”- Francine Matthews + +For almost two years, the community at [Shirley Avenue Elementary School](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/another-charter-school-attempts-a-hostile-takeover-1642848d1653?sk=8e8ec4b8201f95567dcacec5cd8d48e8) has been fighting back against an invasion by the [Citizens of the World](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/citizens-of-the-world-charter-school-the-unwelcomed-house-guest-8bd3d312b263?sk=078866a8e88e4d744c734b2aa5bcc521) nationwide chain of charter schools. In a David versus Goliath type of fight, the public school community at this neighborhood school with a long history found themselves battling with a privately run charter school backed by [Hollywood money](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/schools-are-not-props-for-a-hollywood-production-3bc25c48ab2d?sk=fede2f8f2250b04b87adeaaef8872bcf). The Shirley community endured attacks on their [First Amendment rights](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/a-charter-schools-attack-on-the-first-amendment-5b5599777bda?sk=9045fc1960084606ccf6f4707d97cdbf), [harassment from LAUSD officials](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/essential-ed2cad08de46?sk=91642b89c4ab00278873991ecbdc5afe), and a lack of support from their elected representatives. Their students lost access to rooms previously used to provide special education services, a robotics program, and music education so that the [charter school could be given space to which they were not entitled](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/gluttonous-charter-school-continues-taking-space-they-do-not-need-c3e9c725fc3?sk=696780ed336b56c209502c9e95069788). The situation appeared to be headed in an even more dire direction as pro-charter school board member [Nick Melvoin](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/charter-school-executive-embezzled-3-1-million-while-the-lausd-stood-by-a6dcadd13245?sk=a82c17520a9a873a01dd0eab70844b45) is set to become their new representative under redistricting in January. Still, the community soldiered on." + +&#x200B; + +What happens if I duckduckgo (fuck google because I put the same exactly search into google and it took me longer to find the results. CURIOUS INDEED) "Boston consulting group citizens of the world charter school"? + +[https://cwclosangeles.org/governance/board-members/](https://cwclosangeles.org/governance/board-members/) + +OH- + +**Phuong Vuong***Talent Manager, Boston Consulting Group*[pvuong@cwclosangeles.org](mailto:pvuong@cwclosangeles.org) + +Phuong Vuong currently serves as Talent Manager at Boston Consulting Group where she owns and drives overall objectives of the business and people strategy for the Los Angeles Consulting team.  Her work focuses on the Public Sector and Health Care – optimizing team design, organizational culture, learning & development and DEI.  Previously, Phuong was Senior Director at The Broad Center, a national leadership development program for school system leaders focused on educational equity.  She holds an MBA from The Wharton School and a BS in Business from The University of Illinois.  Phuong was born in a refugee camp, immigrated to the US as a child and attended LAUSD. In her free time, she enjoys cheering on the Dodgers and Lakers with her husband and three children. + +Owns and drives the overall objectives of the business and people strategy huh? + +Why is the overall objective to attempt a hostile takeover of a public school? + +This took me two fucking seconds to find and I'm SO bad at researching and doing any of this. Apes, please start looking for any connection you can find with BCG to your local charter schools and public schools and let's see how much bullshit we can find. Where can we compile this information? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT- just adding additional links that I think are interesting. The department of education awarded $200million dollars in 2020 to help charter schools grow- 4.1 million going to Citizens of the World in LA specifically. + +[https://www.chalkbeat.org/2020/4/8/21225442/idea-wins-big-grant-again-as-feds-award-over-200-million-to-help-charter-networks-grow](https://www.chalkbeat.org/2020/4/8/21225442/idea-wins-big-grant-again-as-feds-award-over-200-million-to-help-charter-networks-grow) +I was just gazing at the VIX chart. I'm still getting decent premiums but I'm having to look increasingly hard for opportunities, and I won't be trading some of my favorites next month because I think the risk/reward just isn't favorable enough. + +Preparing for the future, low vega means structures incorporating diagonals/calendars, right? What are some of your favorite strategies? +From what I have read on the .gov website every £500 a person has in savings above £10K is equal to £1 a week of state benefit, so for example if I was left £150K from a house inheritence that would equal £300, which is above the UK state pension threshold - Does that mean I would not recieve any state benefit at all? Also if I saved my cash over the years in a current account would this recieve the same taxation and be offset against whatever state pension I can get? WOuld anyone know if this also relates to savings in cash ISAs, Are ISAs exempt from this clause? Thanks! +Chinese authorities just uncovered a massive "underground bank" in the country's eastern Zhejiang province, according to a report in the People's Daily, the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper. + +The scale of the operation reported is astonishing. The report suggests 410 billion yuan ($64 billion, £42 billion) in foreign exchange transactions were made by the unnamed illegal organisation. 370 people have reportedly been arrested. + +China's currency is tightly regulated by the government, so even multinational firms have struggled with large foreign exchange deals. An underground bank effectively smuggles money in and out of China for investors. +This has been on my mind for a few days now. I love reading about new cryptocurrencies, the latest trends, etc. but the constant *"to the moon!"* is annoying the living poop out of me. Everything and their grandma's underwear goes to the moon these days. + +The sentence may have held some value a while back but these days it just feels meaningless and makes every post seem like a scam. + +I can't be the only one that is annoyed by this. Please tell me I am not alone. +Currently living at home but getting verbally and physically abused by parents to the point where I feel like my life is at risk. + +I don't have a lot of savings and don't think I can afford to rent especially with the cost of living and rise of energy bills. The max I can afford is 600pcm +bills which seems non existent these days. + +I don't have other family members, friends or a partner that I can get help from, the only thing I have is a job that I hate. I'm not the sharpest tool in the box and with the state of my mental health, I'm not sure I can jump jobs. + +What options do I have +* OPEC+ decided earlier this month to slash its production quota by 2 million barrels a day — despite objections from Washington — leading to speculation that the White House could respond with more releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) to ease prices. +* "They are also weighing an emergency release of potentially as much as 100 million barrels," per Energy Aspects' Amrita Sen. +* Sen added that investors as of late have stayed away from long positions on oil while the market has been flooded with excess sellers. +* SPR wasn't intended to relieve price pressures and is instead meant to address emergency supply constraints.  SPR is now "absolutely being used to keep prices lower even though that's not what it's meant to be used for."   + +Source: [https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/oil-price-outlook-spr-joe-biden-release-100-million-barrels-2022-10](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/oil-price-outlook-spr-joe-biden-release-100-million-barrels-2022-10) +Unless a company is going to go bankrupt and close, why would anyone sell their shares under the price they brought then at? Shouldn't you just be patient and wait for it to go back up eventually? +Looking to buy a house, and many are saying there will be a Great Recession. In which case is it worth it to buy a house: before, or after? + +In theory I can imagine two scenarios: + - house prices go up because money isn’t worth as much as before + - house prices go down because people need money, and they sell their “holiday homes”, or whatever isn’t necessary to live + +Which is true? +I know wealth is of course relative - £500,000 might be a fortune to some and pennies to others - but does anybody know of any examples of people who became wealthy through simply sensibly choices and consumption habits? + +&#x200B; + +I'm not in a STEM field, I'm not a software engineer, a lawyer, accountant etc and I will probably never acquire a salary that is lucrative enough on it's own to consider myself 'wealthy'. I was wondering if this sub had any examples of people they knew who became 'wealthy' on modest wages? + +&#x200B; + +For context, I would personally consider wealthy to be mortgage paid off and either being able to travel/indulge regularly or FIRE. +Throwaway account. + +Need some useful advice from you guys so here goes. + +37 y/o. male. single. no dependents. NW $4.6m. Main source of income - RE investments. + +Here's the situation: + +I used to work in tech as PM several years ago - accumulated \~ $1m in savings and left it to get into RE investments (multi-family w/ > 100 units spread out over a few cities) and bought a business (auto repair. I know I know...) to aid cash flow while building RE portfolio - that definitely didn't go according to plan. + +Fast forward 4 years - Covid-19 destroyed RE income (cash-flow) and auto-repair business is kaput (income down to $0 and loss of \~ $500k). + +I am 'living' from my investments but cash flow is non-existent since reasons above - tenants barely pay rent, can't boot them due to eviction moratorium, but expenses/taxes never stop. + +Have $2.3m in market (brokerage) but \~ $500k of that is a pledged account balance so truly \~ $1.8m. + +Rest in RE properties i.e. illiquid. + +Due to Covid-19, properties are now negative cash-flow (\~ -$20k/mo.) even though I have > 100 units and auto business is $0 (closed). + +I feel like with $1.8m liquid (in market), and properties, I should be comfortable cash flow-wise (goal was $30k/mo.) . I am FAR away from that and things are looking scary/bleak. + +Monthly expenses are \~ $10k/mo. and I live in HCOL area. + +Not sure if I can go back to 9 - 5; so many people out of work recently and I've been out of tech for 4+ years. + +Sat down to smoke cigars 2 years ago thinking I was fatFIRED and now the cigar is burning my face off. + +What do I do from here? Need some advice on how to navigate this situation. +The other day there was a post about credit cards and which ones people like to carry. It got me thinking because I am on auto-pilot with my AmEx, but the Chase Sapphire Reserve is looking better. Without hitting every single difference or benefit, here's my head-to-head analysis of the two cards (which were the two favorites in that post). + +American Express Platinum + +* $200 in travel credits on one selected airline +* $15/mo Uber Cash, does not rollover each month +* Superior lounge access including the Centurion Lounges +* Points worth .01, unless you use them on your selected airline, then they are .015 +* $50 credit to Saks 5th Ave every 6 mos (Jan-Jun/Jul-Dec). +* $200 hotel credit for hotels booked through Amex +* Elite status with Marriot/Hilton +* $20/mo in digital entertainment, including audible.com +* Secondary car rental coverage and "ok" travel coverage + +Fee: $695 per year + $175 to add up to 3 additional users + +[Note, I am paying $550 per year for this card, and it is supposed to go up to $595 per year next year. I don't know why I qualify for the lower rate, maybe because I am an existing member? But the current advertised rate is $695.] + +Chase Sapphire Reserve (Visa) + +* $300 in travel credits, but much easier to use +* One year (only?) of Lyft Pink (15% off rides, etc). +* Lounge Access for Priority Pass locations only (less luxurious but there are lots of them). +* Points worth .015 +* Doordash subscription ($0 delivery fee, etc) +* Primary car rental coverage and great travel coverage + +Fee: $550 per year + $75 per an additional user + +Since I am a frequent traveler and near-future expat, one thing that is important for me is that the card be accepted widely out of the United States, which AmEx is not (they both have no foreign transaction fees though) ... that said, there's no question the lounge access is better with AmEx and, I think, the customer service is better too. I am not, however, fond of big chain hotels. So AmEx's hotel benefit is not really appealing and I cannot remember the last time I set foot in a Saks Fifth Avenue. The Uber benefit through AmEx is nice, but it's a use-it-or-lose-it benefit and that's annoying, and the similar digital entertainment benefit is a pretty weak draw too (aside from aubible.com, but I don't listen to that many eBooks). I was also surprised that travel coverage with AmEx was much less attractive, aside from the allegedly "no limit" evacuation overage, Chase had much better offerings. + +In sum, I was really surprised at how Chase Sapphire Reserve was eating AmEx's lunch. The AmEx card seems increasingly overpriced and stodgy to me now, and you clearly have to work harder to get the benefits to offset the annual fee whereas the Chase card seems much more flexible and user-friendly, and it's easier to rack up points (e.g., 3x points at restaurants and travel worldwide, and regardless of how you book the travel, through Chase or directly), which themselves seem more valuable. + +So, am I missing something? Is the Centurion Lounge access really worth it at $695 a year? Is Chase's customer service really not on par with AmEx? I'm wondering, quite frankly, why I should keep the AmEx and/or why anyone would prefer the AmEx over the Chase card (unless, of course, you value the hotel benefits too). +An old lady walks into an exchange with millions of dollars in BTC + +&#x200B; + +She lets them know at reception that she wants to open an account. + +&#x200B; + +Out comes the account manager and he takes her to his office to discuss what to do with her crypto. + +&#x200B; + +He asks her "If you don't mind me asking, how did you come into all this Bitcoin?" + +&#x200B; + +She replies "Well I like to bet." + +&#x200B; + +"On what? Horses?" + +&#x200B; + +"No on people. For example I bet you 5 BTC that by this time tommorrow, your balls will be square." + +&#x200B; + +He agrees, and the old woman leaves. + +&#x200B; + +The next day the manager wakes up and when he goes to bathe he examines his balls. Sure enough they're still round. + +&#x200B; + +The old woman comes to his office later in the day and he asks her "Whos this young man with you." + +&#x200B; + +She tells him "Oh don't worry about him he's just my lawyer." + +&#x200B; + +"Well I'm sorry to tell you but my balls are still round." + +&#x200B; + +"Oh dear. Well could I check to make sure?" + +&#x200B; + +The man reluctantly agrees and she examines and fondles his balls to check that they are indeed round. + +&#x200B; + +The bank manager asks the woman "Why is your lawyer bashing his head against the wall?" + +&#x200B; + +"Oh, well I bet him 100 Bitcoin that I would have you by the balls before the end of the day." +https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/how-low-interest-rates-killed-magic-4-retirement-rule-vbbvvdt3c + +For decades, the 4 per cent rule has been the holy grail of pensions. The theory was that whatever your pension pot size, 4 per cent was the “safe” amount you could withdraw each year (adjusting that withdrawal in line with inflation) if you wanted your pot to last over an average 23-year retirement. + +Analysis shows, however, that the rule is no longer sustainable for most savers. Sticking to +a 4 per cent withdrawal rate makes you three times more likely to run out of money in retirement than you would have been a decade ago, according to the pensions consultancy LCP. + +Partly the problem is that people have longer retirements because they are living longer, but mainly it is down to ultra-low interest rates and the quantitative easing that has distorted the pensions landscape, said Myron Jobson from Interactive Investor, a funds platform. + +Pensions are usually invested in a mix of shares, bonds and commercial property. As savers get closer to retirement, their exposure to bonds and cash increases while the exposure to riskier assets such as shares decreases. Record low interest rates have pushed down government bond yields, so savers can’t get anything like the same kind of return from these assets as they did in the 1990s, when the 4 per cent rule was first bandied about. + +In 1995 the benchmark ten-year gilt would yield about 8 per cent, whereas now it’s closer to 0.26 per cent. + +The dilemma +If a 4 per cent chunk is taken out of a poorly performing pension every year, savings can diminish rapidly because the returns won’t make up for withdrawals. Over time your income in retirement will either drop or you will have to withdraw more than 4 per cent, so that you have even less the next year. + +About nine million people who have a total of about £160 billion saved in their pensions will reach retirement age over the next decade, LCP estimates. + +As fewer people have the luxury of a final-salary guaranteed pension income and more make use of the pension freedoms to keep their savings invested and draw down income instead of buying an annuity, the returns from a pot will be even more important. + +Six in ten savers in drawdown with pension pots over £100,000 take out at least 4 per cent a year, according to the Financial Conduct Authority, the City regulator. + +LCP said that if 35 per cent of your pot was invested in shares and you withdrew 4 per cent a year, you would have a 1 in 5 chance of running out of money in retirement. Taking 5 per cent each year would double your chances of running out of money, and if you withdrew 6 per cent a year you would have a 3 in 5 chance. + +If you had 55 per cent or more of your portfolio in stocks and shares, the returns are likely to be higher because the risk is greater, thus lowering the chances of you running out of money. However, taking on extra risk as you approach retirement is generally not advised because if stock markets fall, you have less time to recover any losses. + +Dan Mikulskis, a partner at LCP, said: “Too much discussion around managing a pension pot is based on a world which no longer exists. Old rules about withdrawal rates are now dangerously unsustainable and need to be revisited.” + +He said that quantitative easing, where governments effectively print more money to stimulate the economy, has in effect broken the 4 per cent rule. + +Low interest rates also mean that management fees eat up a much greater proportion of the investment returns than ten years ago. In a world of zero interest rates, investors need to take quite a lot of risk just to pay fees and keep up with inflation. LCP found that in 2010 a pension holder paying a 2 per cent fund fee on a portfolio with 55 per cent exposure to equities would have about a 1 in 20 chance of running out of money in retirement. Today the same pensioner would have a 1 in 3 chance of a cash shortage. + +Mikulskis warns that many people end up in what he describes as “the worst of all worlds” — paying too much in charges for a very low-risk portfolio. + +What should you do instead? +The consensus is that you should not rely on a simple 4 per cent principle as a basis for taking income from your pension pot. + +One obvious option is to withdraw less, perhaps down to 3 per cent, which would give you a 1 in 20 chance of running out of money if you had a portfolio that was 35 per cent invested in equities, LCP said. + +The consultant said that people in retirement will have to cut their spending by a quarter to make their pot last as long as it would have ten years ago. + +Adrian Lowcock from Willis Owen, an investment platform, said: “The 4 per cent rule wasn’t supposed to be an absolute, but used as a guidance to understand the impact of withdrawals on a portfolio. Each situation is different and investors need to factor in their personal circumstances when considering their withdrawal rate.” + +He said it’s wise to work out how much you think you will need to live off each year, taking into account the state pension; if you’re lucky, you might find that you don’t need 4 per cent of your pot. Bear in mind that living costs tend to rise later in retirement because of the costs of social and nursing care. + +Keith Churchouse from the adviser Chapters Financial recommends having an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months’ income, to cover you for any drop in investment income. + +Another option is to make withdrawals according to the performance of your investments, ie take more in the good times and cut back when markets plummet, as they have this year. This is known as dynamic drawdown. + +James Norton from Vanguard said that savers should focus on what they can control, such as the costs on their pension. Those entering the workplace now can expect their pension to be invested for 40 years. “When investing for this long, the impact of compounding costs can be corrosive,” he said. + +A £10,000 investment that returns 5 per cent but incurs 2 per cent a year in fees would give you a retirement fund of £32,620 after 40 years. + +If the fee was 0.4 per cent a year the fund would be worth almost double, at £60,400. + +I lost a third of my pot in March, but it recovered + +Andy McDuff retired from his job in magazine publishing four years ago and is now drawing down money from his pension pot, which remains invested. + +Initially, the 63-year-old withdrew 2 per cent from his pot each year, but he decided to increase his withdrawal rate to 4 per cent this year to help to pay for improvements to his house in Winchester. + +While aware of the 4 per cent rule, he said that he doesn’t use it as a guide when deciding how much to take from his pension. Instead, the father of two uses a spreadsheet to estimate how much income he and his wife, Katrina, will need for general expenses, entertainment and holidays. + +Andy has opted for a flexible approach to drawdown, and said that there are lots of variables that affect his income, such as inflation, stock market performance, and bond yields. But the biggest factor is tax — because if he takes too much in one year, his income will attract higher rate tax. Coincidentally, if Andy had taken out more than 4 per cent this year it would have pushed him into the higher tax bracket. + +Does he ever worry about running out of money in retirement? + +“If you asked me in March, it was one of the biggest worries in my life,” he said. Andy’s pension, which has about 60 per cent exposure to equities through investment funds, dropped by about a third after the coronavirus-led crash in March. + +Fortunately this has since recovered, and is now worth more than when he started going into drawdown four years ago. + +He also kept two years’ worth of income in a short-term fixed cash bond, and has some money stashed in Isas. “This gives me comfort that if the market goes belly-up again, I could live on the cash and not touch my investments while I wait for the markets to recover.” +Good morning ! + +Well a lovely pre-market market test of 180 to kick off my predictions for the day. + +We should see a pretty significant amount of buy pressure roll in today through Friday as MMs begin covering the naked shorts from last week based on their t+2/6 requirements :) + +I'll leave this here for the haters + +[from yesterday's closing message](https://preview.redd.it/zr6opue54dc71.png?width=1326&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3f643f84f6a24e56c0d29e1bea05291cd43bdef) + +If you guys haven't had a chance to [Check out this weeks forward looking TA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/on0b81/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_forward_looking_ta_for/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +*(this post will read from top to bottom)* + +(*feel free to ask me questions below, but if you can google it yourself please use common sense)* + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, **157 (previous ATM offering)**, 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172, 174, 176.5, 179, 180.5, 182, 183.5, 184.5, 186, 187.5, 190.5, 192, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, **225.20 (new ATM offering)** 226, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Lovely close up 11.06% on this very bullish day. I'll see you all tomorrow bright and early for more #hotbullmayo action. Thank you and good night... + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/x39liscxbfc71.png?width=1975&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ec2a01ebfdb3e70d24145226aea56565ba1d8ca + +Edit 9 2:18 + +More bulls! Testing 185 again, 190? + +https://preview.redd.it/n1x4ybtdtec71.png?width=1972&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf6843979f649cbe4f1b1e67e0517f66fce2fed1 + +Edit 8 1:59 + +Bounced on VWAP after a significant short attempt now consolidating on an uptrend. Hopefully we see some more volume come in + +https://preview.redd.it/2hft97rzpec71.png?width=1617&format=png&auto=webp&s=14ba895857a42efb78f98551a72be29d9f00093c + +Edit 7 12:22 + +Maybe it's bullish momentum, maybe it's a head and shoulders + +https://preview.redd.it/1znlxzno8ec71.png?width=1971&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebab3d42bef69075f34fcbf114bdfa5bb1e540e7 + +Edit 6 12:01 + +Found some mayo bullish + +https://preview.redd.it/86vlx1ow4ec71.png?width=1433&format=png&auto=webp&s=0039314d33eaf17d18a1dc3bdb6f264e96e359a8 + +Edit 5 11:48 + +Still fighting to hold just hit 1m volume. The real battle going on on the options chain + +https://preview.redd.it/pigfyy0q2ec71.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=c535fdc4cc04a4a725b69c41e92f318b89d58c0f + +https://preview.redd.it/vtiiirdl2ec71.png?width=1625&format=png&auto=webp&s=643b436261c423f5332be631eda7f9b6649f4302 + +Edit 4 11:28 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2vuoqc42zdc71.png?width=1611&format=png&auto=webp&s=adfdf2c6bf3b3ce827772bf6f16a7232d1816fc0 + +Edit 3 11:20 + +Testing 180 now...I bought 5 more #buytheresistance. Once more into the fray my friend! + +https://preview.redd.it/jeukabtgxdc71.png?width=1621&format=png&auto=webp&s=56443bbe974065b4a8d86c194b085fc763e478e3 + +Edit 2 10:45 + +Still low volume under 600k trending up however with the SPY. If we continue this trend we should see a test of 180 before 12:05 + +https://preview.redd.it/vmre9wxcrdc71.png?width=1624&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf1dc62f6d5f116e8413344eebd19a0131935ac4 + +Edit 1 9:45 + +Slow open just getting dragged by the market. We filled that small gap at \~173 probably head up on some volume now + +https://preview.redd.it/774zd31rgdc71.png?width=1618&format=png&auto=webp&s=7557e2f19409ae4bba75315cfe60756dd65ccda1 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +Looking ready for take off this morning we had an immeadiate test of 180 right at pre-market open. I expect we will have an additional test or cross-over before opening bell. Volume still low currently around 20k with 35k shares to borrow. It's time for Market Makers to begin covering some of their gamma exposure from last week. They have t+2 from the close of GME options contracts and t+6 from ETFs that were used to short. I expect volatility today with large surges to the upside. + +[Pre-Market GME](https://preview.redd.it/crhv7fp23dc71.png?width=1615&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf8d5fbfe5a886a8dea40c81d8f4afa5438d2e32) + +Here is where we are on the weekly formation after 180 the next major resistance is at 225.20 + +https://preview.redd.it/39rz3vqn3dc71.png?width=2454&format=png&auto=webp&s=b23a087624a11b3f52ea289b0f6d8d5f48f00cc2 + +I will be checking CV\_VWAP again today as the large price jump this morning may have triggered it and let you guys know after market opens. + +&#x200B; + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze.* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +# [Computershare HELP Megathread💜](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjawq7/drscomputershare_megathread_112022_ira_special/) + +# New post flair + +https://preview.redd.it/iqlq63pk2xz91.png?width=164&format=png&auto=webp&s=d35e8fa9014f7216d6f67653dd7d7c78f801103b + +Y'all are incredible! The speed you dig up information is too much for us to keep up with. We'll try to keep the MegaThread up to date, but for the time being, we won't remove FTX content that's digging into their meltdown. + +We ask you to use the new "FTX" post flair, so that people who aren't interested can see their feed without FTX and we'll change the flairs of the existing FTX posts, too. + +That doesn't mean that anything goes: we are still a GameStop community, and we'll return to keep the subreddit's focus as soon as we can. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/a9d9dm7bhpz91.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=06c957b1f2092bf81facbaf57d781fb5f5cda6d7 + +Credit: u/Dismal-Jellyfish + +&#x200B; + +This thread will be updated with all the news that’s fit to print. The FTX saga is important enough to talk about but we also don’t want our Superstonk feed cluttered with everything FTX related (as you can already see). Besides being an ex-partner of Gamestop, there is the potential for this to cause market-wide ramifications, due to significant capital invested by hedge funds and banks alike. + +Posts with new information will be added to this thread. Any story that’s similar enough to one of the below posts will be removed. + +The team will try to keep the newer, relevant news items to the top of this post. + +# 🚨🚨 Do not update the FTX app or visit the website 🚨🚨 + +# 🚨🚨 [Get your crypto to the safety of your own wallet](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uzvxyg/how_to_make_a_gamestop_wallet_and_activate_l2_in/) 🚨🚨 + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uzvxyg/how\_to\_make\_a\_gamestop\_wallet\_and\_activate\_l2\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uzvxyg/how_to_make_a_gamestop_wallet_and_activate_l2_in/) \- bring your crypto to the safety of your own wallet + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytwz4g/ftx\_citadel\_sequoia\_paradigm\_relationships\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytwz4g/ftx_citadel_sequoia_paradigm_relationships_this/) \- How crypto contagion could hurt the shf + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytv5iy/chamath\_palihapitiya\_discussing\_the\_ftx\_collapse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytv5iy/chamath_palihapitiya_discussing_the_ftx_collapse/) \- Chamath Palihapitiya discussing the FTX collapse compares the situation to GameStop + +[Foobar on bank accounts being accessed by FTX](https://twitter.com/0xfoobar/status/1591534491830734849): Discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytiuva/0xfoobar_on_twitter_keeps_getting_worse_if_youve/). + +[**Hedge fund Galois Capital says half its capital stuck on FTX exchange, Financial Times reports**](https://www.reuters.com/technology/hedge-fund-galois-capital-says-half-its-capital-stuck-ftx-exchange-ft-2022-11-12/?utm_source=reddit.com)**: Discussion** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yt81c3/hedge_fund_galois_capital_says_half_its_capital/) + +**FTX lists zero Bitcoin on bankruptcy papers: Discussion** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytirbz/this_is_why_you_drs_imagine_how_many_people_will/) + +[https://twitter.com/\_Ryne\_Miller/status/1591495427211526146?t=ftBGWbJwioqOq53\_9gYjNg&s=19](https://twitter.com/_Ryne_Miller/status/1591495427211526146?t=ftBGWbJwioqOq53_9gYjNg&s=19) FTX bankruptcy lawyer + +[https://cointelegraph.com/news/sam-bankman-fried-is-under-supervision-in-bahamas-looking-to-flee-to-dubai](https://cointelegraph.com/news/sam-bankman-fried-is-under-supervision-in-bahamas-looking-to-flee-to-dubai) \- SBF detained + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysxcat/if\_you\_still\_have\_the\_ftx\_or\_ftxus\_app\_do\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysxcat/if_you_still_have_the_ftx_or_ftxus_app_do_not/) \- FTX pinned message in their telegram + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yssdjo/robbie\_ferguson\_on\_twitter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yssdjo/robbie_ferguson_on_twitter/) \- Robbie from Immutable stating they're not exposed + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yt99mt/sbf\_used\_a\_backdoor\_at\_ftx\_to\_transfer\_users/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yt99mt/sbf_used_a_backdoor_at_ftx_to_transfer_users/) \- Reuters article excerpt/link discussing the situation + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yta7i9/best\_company\_in\_the\_world/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yta7i9/best_company_in_the_world/) \- GameStop seems to be refunding unused FTX gift cards + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yrz393/senators\_moving\_forward\_with\_sbfbacked\_bill\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yrz393/senators_moving_forward_with_sbfbacked_bill_after/) – Senators moving forward with SBF-backed bill after FTX collapse. The bill would grant the CFTC more power over cryptocurrency markets and exchanges. Remember, CFTC extended international swap reporting exemptions for certain entities through 12/1/2025 + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysqb2z/sec\_alert\_42922\_ftx\_had\_a\_meeting\_with\_the\_sec/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysqb2z/sec_alert_42922_ftx_had_a_meeting_with_the_sec/) – 4/29/22 FTX had a meeting with the SEC about the conditional no action relief from the SEC for FTX + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytbe18/felt\_like\_this\_deserved\_its\_own\_post\_ftx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytbe18/felt_like_this_deserved_its_own_post_ftx/) \- Sam Bankman thought he has 0x margin, actually has 1.7x + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysxcat/if\_you\_still\_have\_the\_ftx\_or\_ftxus\_app\_do\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysxcat/if_you_still_have_the_ftx_or_ftxus_app_do_not/) – DO NOT UPDATE YOUR FTX APP! + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysx9n0/over\_300m\_hacked\_from\_ftx\_not\_your\_keys\_not\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysx9n0/over_300m_hacked_from_ftx_not_your_keys_not_your/) – Hack after updating app + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysneuk/gamestop\_nft\_on\_ftx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ysneuk/gamestop_nft_on_ftx/) – Gamestop relationship over + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yqw4wh/binance\_backs\_out\_of\_ftx\_acquisition/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yqw4wh/binance_backs_out_of_ftx_acquisition/) – Binance backs out of deal + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ypqoiq/binance\_just\_bought\_ftx\_as\_sbf\_says\_in\_a\_twitter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ypqoiq/binance_just_bought_ftx_as_sbf_says_in_a_twitter/) – Binance offers to buy FTX after due diligence + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yo3rhs/wtf\_is\_happening\_with\_ftx\_gamestop\_partner\_link/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yo3rhs/wtf_is_happening_with_ftx_gamestop_partner_link/) 6 days ago - Binance announcing they’re selling FTT + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yte8jz/ftx\_and\_alameda\_were\_called\_out\_and\_exposed\_back/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yte8jz/ftx_and_alameda_were_called_out_and_exposed_back/) – FTX may have been called out in May + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytlnno/foobar\_on\_twitter\_ftxs\_balance\_sheet\_just\_leaked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ytlnno/foobar_on_twitter_ftxs_balance_sheet_just_leaked/) \- foobar on Twitter: FTX's balance sheet just leaked. Note that this is where things stood before the hack, so subtract \~$450,000,000 to account for the stolen SHIB/APE/USDT/BNB/stETH/etc. Please note that there are no GameStop shares, so their tokenized shares were not backed up by real ones. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yt0nfk/foobar\_on\_twitter\_my\_best\_interpretation\_is\_that/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yt0nfk/foobar_on_twitter_my_best_interpretation_is_that/) \- foobar on twitter: My best interpretation is that FTX counsel noticed the blackhat thefts getting dumped to ETH and DAI onchain, then took whitehat actions to save the remainder of funds. Estimates from @zachxbt have the blackhat theft at \~450m and whitehat rescue (multisig) at \~200m so far + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yt0jfh/foobar\_on\_twitter\_fun\_fact\_ftx\_appointed\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yt0jfh/foobar_on_twitter_fun_fact_ftx_appointed_the/) \- foobar on twitter: Fun fact: FTX appointed the Enron liquidator as the CEO replacement for SBF Another fun fact: "built by traders, for traders" was the tagline for both companies + +Please bring new developments to our attention if we miss them, so we can always have the best and most up-to-date information here. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/o55h1sg2ipz91.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=bde6bae6329cbcf44e747712bbb194daf7213c15 + +Credit: u/ericsvisuals +Sup, + +Last night I tuned into Vanguard's webcast which featured their chief economist's outlook on 2020 and beyond. + +My main takeaways from last night's Vanguard webcast: + +* Expect reduced returns, especially in the US Markets for years to come +* Expect volatility caused by retracting global economies and ongoing trade tensions +* Fed would likely drop interest rates to ZERO (immediately) if Recession is imminent (we're NOT in panic mode yet and the inverted yield corrected itself, but it **has been a lagging indicator of US Recessions for the past 50 years**), but it's NOT in the Fed's interest to drop below zero (hasn't been working well for European countries and Japan) + +That said, **since NO one can predict jack shit, pay off your high interest debt if you have any, have emergency funds saved, and DIVERSIFY your portfolios to prepare for the Unknown.** + +Example of diversification: **A simple 60/40 stock/bond portfolio had about half as much downside during the 2008 financial crisis as a 100% stock portfolio, and recovered more quickly:** + +[Portfolio Returns (recovery time frame)](https://imgur.com/a/zsCPdoi) + +Source: [JPM Guide to the Markets](https://am.jpmorgan.com/us/en/asset-management/gim/adv/insights/guide-to-the-markets) + +Personally, I'm 60/40 stocks/bonds across my 401k and Roth IRA (maxing both), building cash (VMFXX) in my core Vanguard taxable account and contributing weekly to a taxable stock portfolio (mainly US large-caps with wide moats and plenty of cash on their balance sheets). + +Good luck to you all. +Hey, all you magnificent Apes. + +&#x200B; + +I just want to make a post to remind all of us to be ready for a new wave of curious individuals that will see Pultes' posts on Twitter and find their way over here. There may be a lot of basic and repeated questions asked on here, and I know that we as a community will come through and be respectful and helpful to all those seeking knowledge on the topics at hand. + +&#x200B; + +Shills may be out in full force as well to suppress the growth of Superstonk by spreading misinformation or causing drama by posting deterring threads. We've battled against FUD in the past, but it could be in an even greater abundance this time around. + +&#x200B; + +In short, just be respectful, helpful, patient, and informative when new comments start pouring in with questions that we had answered back in early 2021. There are many people out there that haven't been keeping up with GameStop since the sneeze and know little about what we have been doing this past year. + +&#x200B; + +Keep being awesome and I'll see you all tomorrow at market open. +I wanted to get motivated to invest, so I made a game, here is how it works: + +1- List all monthly recurring costs (like subscriptions) from lowest to highest. + +2- Figure how much does each recurring item cost me per month/ year. + +3- Invest an amount that can cover the cost of each item, assuming like a 3% ROI. + +4- Cross each service I cover as "Free for life". + +Play + +Example; Apple Music, $10 a month, $120 a year, invest $4K to cross it off of the list. + +Bonus points, just for fun, the investment should be in the same company providing the service. + +&#x200B; + +Might inspire someone or give someone a better idea : ) + +&#x200B; + +**Update**: Some asked for the spreadsheet... I made a better version. here you go: [https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/efkekp/since\_people\_were\_interested\_in\_free\_for\_life/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/efkekp/since_people_were_interested_in_free_for_life/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) +So my friends and I are making an app to automate events based trading. So we can already automate trading from news headlines, tweets and release of data from certain sources, as well as basic price changes, industry price changes, and a few indicators like Moving average and Envelopes (but not too many). We have finished a web version and deployed to our friends, but we are now making it mobile (:D yay) so we wanted to get opinions on how we could make our mobile UI better b/c its really hard to make a trading bot app for a phone it turns out ahaha... so yeah we would love for anyone who wants to test / provide feedback. A few screen shots of the UI are here: [https://imgur.com/a/seSjxZG](https://imgur.com/a/seSjxZG) + +follow StrattyX release here: www.strattyx.com + +NOTE: pls be nice / helpful really trying to learn guys! thnx. + +Edited like twice from suggestions/ comments by you Guys <3 +Seeking some advice on this. + +I'm currently using Alpaca because the API is extremely easy to use for a decent python user like myself and I pay a fixed rate of $50/month instead of trade commissions. I also pay $200/month for real time market data from Polygon. + +But I'm thinking about switching to IBKR because it has a larger catalogue of stocks to buy and and I'm skeptical of Alpaca's order execution. Today a limit order did not execute in my paper trading account despite the price going below my limit price. Maybe this would have been executed in a real trading account - not sure. But I've heard IBKR is pretty stellar when it comes to execution. I also know I can get market data from IBKR but the pricing is confusing and I'm not sure whether it will end up being more expensive than polygon (I need one full market snapshot each morning of previous day's close and volume, and current day's open price. I also need to track the real time price of 500-2000 stocks each day. If anyone knows around how much that would cost per month through IBKR's feed that would be super helpful!) + +Any other thoughts? Thanks folks. + +EDIT: I have also noticed that Alpaca does not provide access to a lot of the stocks that my strategy trades in its backtest. I imagine that IBKR probably has a larger selection of stocks, but I'm not sure. Would any IBKR users be willing to provide me with a list of stocks they have available? And for anyone who needs it here's a downlink to a numpy file with a list of all 12,000 stocks currently available on Alpaca: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9sjrwj3p24g93k/alpaca_syms.npy?dl=1 +I have the means to pay off the remaining amount due on my mom's house (\~$140k left on the loan). She is nearing retirement and is willing to add me to the deed, and since it's a good time to refinance, I could be added to a refinanced home loan as well (credit score is 820). This would make me financially responsible. My goal is to avoid a gift tax since I would be taking over the loan payments, and by adding me to the deed, (I think) we would avoid an estate tax on the property when she dies. Trying to be tax savvy and I'm thinking someone here has been through a similar situation. + +Any advice or ideas on how I should be approaching? +hey all... wanted to ask this board on some advise on the best way to get my in-laws into a house that we own in Bakersfield, California and how we should go about approaching the transaction that makes the best financial sense. Our inlaws currently live in Maryland and are looking to move out to California to be closer to their kids (my wife and their son who lives around Phoenix). + +&#x200B; + +In laws situation: + +Live in Maryland + +* currently own 2 homes in Maryland that they are looking to sell to move out to California + * Home 1: Looking to sell for $1,000,000, no mortgage, and has a tenant that is renting it for $4,500 right now + * Home 2 (primary): Looking to sell for $600,000 and balance on mortgage is \~$300,000 +* believe they have \~$1mil in retirement savings between cash and 401k +* Looking to get into real-estate to add a source of income when they move here as they will leave their current jobs + +&#x200B; + +Our situation: + +Live in San Francisco + +* Own 1 home in Bakersfield California + * Purchased home for $450k, $390k left on mortgage, and zillow has an estimate between $560k-$630k if we were to try and sell. + * Mortgage plus taxes is \~$2,500/month, we have a 30yr fixed 3.4% mortgage (we refied in Jan 2020) + * Currently renting it to our friends for at cost but rental agency says we could get $3,500-$4,000/month in rent +* Our combined income is \~$550k/year +* My wife has \~$160k in student loan debt (monthly payment is \~$1,500/month) +* We're also saving up for a down payment to buy a house... but the plan is to move to Sacramento in Jan '22 and then buy a year after + +&#x200B; + +The options that we've come up with are the following: + +* Sell the house to the in-law for whats on the mortgage and just get out of the house +* Inlaws pay the remaining mortgage balance but we keep the house +* Inlaws take over the monthly payments +* Inlaws take over the monthly payments as they stand today + +I'm sure I'm missing options but what I'd like to better understand is what makes sense from a long-term/short term financial planning perspective for both of us and also what makes sense from a tax perspective. For instance, if her parents pay the reminder of the mortgage, classify them as tenants in a rental, are their tax advantages to this? + +&#x200B; + +hope this is good detail and just looking for some advice on what to do! +Wife and I lease as we aren’t able to afford a substantial down payment to make the monthly car ownership payment affordable. + +The leasing process (personally speaking) is always so drawn out and frustrating. + +Just curious if we’re alone here, and looking for anyone’s insight as to how they’ve made the leasing process: easier, faster, painless etc. Or is it always just a giant pain? TIA +Im going to start a new job making 48k a year.. Getting paid biweekly. I live with my parents in the suburbs.. No car but plan on moving to the city sometime next Year so I want to save for an apartment in NYC. (7-10k) Also by the end of the year be credit card debt free or at least score 670. + + +. I have 6k in debt on credit cards +. Since I don't have a car my dad offer to drive me to the train station and if he can't it's $10 each way. ( our deal before college was he will help with bachelor's and anything eelse on me or a car. Also helped I got a 13k scholarship) +. Have about $800 in 401k ( previous employer allowed that once you made 2 years and I have been working there 3) going to switch to 403b which new employer has. +. Train tickets... $382 monthly or $122/week +. $100 phone bill (I'm currently lease and planning to eventually pay out right so it will lower cost) +. $50/month on subscription services. +. I use a service called meal pal for lunch or I try my best to pack my own +I have a relatively small amount of money in the market $1200. Ive grown it by 300x since the market took a dive during covid. Its not life changing money but if I completely divest from the market it is enough to completely pay off my credit card debt. + +Assuming, I cash out and contact each company individually and work out a deal. + +Should I take my money out of the market to pay off my 1400 in credit card debt ? Or, keep my money in the market in the hope it would grow. + +If I pay it off im assumjng my credit score would go up pretty quickly since i have a small amount of debt...no? My credit score right now is hurting at 560-580. + +Thabks for the advice! +I'm sure you guys have experienced this. Being judged for investing in crypto by people. What's more ridiculous is that these guys explain why investing in crypto is bad whilst drinking expensive coffee, wearing ridiculously expensive branded clothes etc. + +I buy crypto instead of buying stupid stuff. I buy crypto instead of buying expensive alcohol, or a pack of cigarettes. I buy crypto instead of buying a $200 sneakers. + +I wish people realize that we invest in crypto cause we got some goals for which crypto is the only way. That's why I refrain from talking about crypto with anyone. They won't invest. First they'll judge us, then they'll burn in jealousy if we make money out of it or they'll ask for us to teach them. + +This just piss me off, like alot. Yes there's risk in buying crypto, atleast it's better than burning money for ridiculous things. +I'm sure you guys have experienced this. Being judged for investing in crypto by people. What's more ridiculous is that these guys explain why investing in crypto is bad whilst drinking expensive coffee, wearing ridiculously expensive branded clothes etc. + +I buy crypto instead of buying stupid stuff. I buy crypto instead of buying expensive alcohol, or a pack of cigarettes. I buy crypto instead of buying a $200 sneakers. + +I wish people realize that we invest in crypto cause we got some goals for which crypto is the only way. That's why I refrain from talking about crypto with anyone. They won't invest. First they'll judge us, then they'll burn in jealousy if we make money out of it or they'll ask for us to teach them. + +This just piss me off, like alot. Yes there's risk in buying crypto, atleast it's better than burning money for ridiculous things. +I am thinking about FIREing Jan 1, so I have been feeling some kind of way about the recent market downturn. + +To put things into perspective, I ran some numbers using [https://firecalc.com/](https://firecalc.com/) + +When the market (and my portfolio) was at its peak, FIRECalc said I had 100% success rate spending 93K a year. + +With the market where it is today, FIRECalc says I have 100% success rate spending 86K a year, or 7K a year less. + +My predicted spending in retirement is 60K. + +My portfolio could go down another 40% from where it is today, and I'd still have 100% success rate spending 60K a year. (ETA some asked why I didn't FIRE before if I could have FIREd on 40% less. The reason is I was waiting for things to vest at work. After vesting, I could weather a 40% down turn. Before, I couldn't.) + +I think we're gonna be okay. This market downturn ain't nothing but a thing. + +I encourage you to run some calculations using FIRECalc or another FIRE calculator ([https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/rtmupf/fire\_calculators\_that\_do\_different\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/rtmupf/fire_calculators_that_do_different_and/)) and post what you find. +Every year in December we start to get 5-10 posts a day asking this question. Rather than have a ton of clutter in the sub I'm going to be stickying this post until the end of the month. + +A mutual fund is essentially just a basket of individual stocks/bonds/whatever. Within that basket the fund managers are constantly selling/buying and receiving dividends. The IRS has special rules for mutual funds which allow them to not pay taxes on the capital gains/dividends generated provided they pass through almost all of the proceeds from said activities to the shareholder within the calendar year. So dividends are often paid on some set schedule but capital gains are generally retained within the fund till the end of the year(because losses can reduce gains but can't be distributed to a shareholder). + +So on to why your fund dropped: in mid December everyone starts distributing these gains and as we know when a fund makes a distribution its NAV drops by an equal amount. For example a fund that was trading at $10 and had It's value made up of $9 worth of stock and $1 worth of cash to be distributed now no longer has that $1. So it'll drop by 10% because of that fact. Don't worry, you didn't lose any money because the $1 was paid to you in cash(and in most cases reinvested in the form of buying more shares). + +There isn't any value created or lost in a distribution(except to taxes) it's just a necessary taxable transaction that must occur because of how mutual funds are structured. Etfs are technically subject to this as well but since most follow passive cap weighted strategies they don't usually have capital gains realized to distribute. + +Please note we'll probably be deleting any threads on the subject to keep the clutter down. + +Also please feel free to add whatever questions/comments you have to this sticky. + + +Here's a quick way to see what capital gains estimates/distribution dates are for most funds: + +https://mutualfundobserver.com/discuss/discussion/35512/2017-capital-gains-estimates + + +Ctrl + f your fund family. Chances are it's on one of these two pages. If not, google search "______ funds capital gains distributions 2016" +All the real estate agents are saying the longer we wait, the less we’ll sell for. I’m just wondering how quickly/steeply we’ll see the drop in prices, and whether we should just accept the highest offer this weekend (assuming we get offers). We’re in suburban Brisbane. +ETA: We do need to sell, and I’m aware real estate agents will say anything to make you sell. +Hey all, didn't want you all to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime! + +It's literally ***l******ess than 48 hours until the devs finally drop their Windswap prototype*** on the Binance Smartchain Testnet. This exchange will for sure be the dominant swapping tool of the coming years mark my words. + +With teasers coming out in the telegram throughout the week, the devs have some really good things going on in this project. Not only will it function as a BEP20 token swapper as PCS does, it will also have the functionality of the **cross-chain swapper**, which is absolutely **HUGE.** Most of us have definitely experienced the pain of trying to move coins between the ERC20, BSC and the Ethereum networks, so there's no denying the grief that this will save us all in the future. + +But that's not all! We will have access to staking rewards by staking the Windy token. **There will be a limit order feature. A "rug check" tool to protect your precious stacks. Comprehensive charting.** All the best features simply in one place for budding venture capitalists! This platform will be the first all-in-one exchange for the Binance Smart Chain. + +*And of course I come here with your favourite words.* + +**DEFLATIONARY.** + +**TOKEN.** + +**BURN.** + +**REDISTRIBUTION.** + +**The difference here is that the way that $WINDY redistribution works is truly revolutionary and unique. So how does it work? What's the purpose of this coin?** + +It is deflationary, with only 24.8 million coins in circulation, but steadily decreasing until it hits just 8.8 million coins. + +**The deflationary rebase structure rewards INVESTORS rather than WHALES** + +WindSwap charges a small levy every time token are transacted which causes rotations to be completed and a rebases to occur every 2.5million tokens. A rebase marks the end of a rotation and the beginning of the next. At this point, 75% of the tokens are burnt, with the remaining 25% tokens rebased into the wallet pool of WindSwap holders. + +WindSwap automatically reduces the supply of tokens to ensure scarcity in the supply. By burning 75% of the tokens withheld, and only rebasing 25% of the tokens (which are pro-rated) based on current token holdings, smaller investors are rewarded, as opposed to the large ‘whales’ with the majority stake in the token. After 192 cycles, the total supply will be just 8.8mil tokens and the trading levy will be reduced to 0% permanently. + +**Currently we have breezed through the cycles and are on cycle number 54!** + +&#x200B; + + **Why Invest in WINDY?** + +1. **Low Market Cap - Currently just $2M** +2. **Rug Proof - 80% of Tokens are being used for liquidity on Pancake Swap (99% Liquidity Locked on Unicrypt)** +3. **Great Telegram Community** +4. **Huge Potential (CG Application In Progress)** +5. **Actual Use Case** + +**The strength of the Wind Warriors - 6k TG members! 2500 HODLers (+25% in the past two days!)** + +The team behind this project is absolutely amazing. Behind every great idea is a roundtable of great minds. The team at WindSwap are some of the most top notch developers I've met in a long time, and even if you aren't going to buy in I hope you at least join the telegram to say hi. You won't be disappointed! + +**At the moment the coin is ripe to buy , currently on the bounce back up to its ATH of 70 cents! Right now it's a ridiculous steal. Like absolutely ridiculous. Each $WINDY is ONLY 10cents!** + +With that I leave below all the relevant information below, and if there are any question feel free to post below or drop us a message in the telegram group! + + \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ + +**WindSwap ($WINDY) Links:** + +**Contract**: 0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2 + +**Pancakeswap (link used to buy or sell) :** [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2) + +**Price Chart**:[https://goswapp-bsc.web.app/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2](https://goswapp-bsc.web.app/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2) + +**Liquidity Locked** \- [https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6](https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6) + +**Litepaper -** [https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf](https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf) +It takes some big brain skills to support yourself on very little. Think back of all the shit you've had to deal with in your life - and how despite it all you are still fighting to make your life better. + + +Sure, you've made mistakes. We all do. But remember, you only truly have control over how you react in the wake of those mistakes. Also know that failure often presents much more valuable lessons than instant success. You gotta be in it for the long haul - and escaping poverty can be as painful as it is difficult. + + +If you are exploring this subreddit and working to make your life better, it means that you are self aware, it means that you are taking life into your own hands, it means you're no longer making excuses and blaming other things for your situation... + + +It means that you are thoughtful and intelligent and fully capable of escaping the trappings of being broke. And when you emerge, the things you have learned on your journey will provide an incredible asset to everyone around you. + + +I personally spent about 7 years living on about $7-10k a year and racked up $40k in debt. Last year I started a business and it's finally working out. But why has it worked out? Because during those 7 years I learned how to fail with grace. I learned how to work. I learned how to teach myself. I learned humility and how to empathize with others. I learned how to be frugal. I identified the things that make me happy and found the motivation to keep working to make my life better. + +Embrace your situation as a challenge, take ownership of your life, and never give up! +Best of luck and the love to ya <3 +**Edit: To clarify, there is no one else that should have my son's SSN or other personal info. The other parent is not in the picture and my own parents have never claimed my child nor do they have access to any of his info.** + + +Sorry for the long post guys, my head is still spinning... + +So I filed taxes for the first time in two years today (previously unemployed) and went to H&R block at the recommendation of a family member. I'm self-employed so the tax preparer did what seemed to be a fairly straight forward Schedule C. My federal refund came out to $1001 and I owed $353 in state taxes, so I was coming out better than I had anticipated. Then, as we were wrapping up, I was told that my H&R Block fees were $567.95 - yikes! Still, I was coming out a little ahead and took that as a hard lesson learned that I should be better prepared to do my own taxes next year or at least take advantage of other resources that wouldn't take such a huge chunk of my return. + +A couple of hours later I get a phone call from H&R Block to inform me that my refund was rejected because someone else has already claimed my son for the EIC/Child credit. The lady who had prepared my taxes told me that I needed to bring in some documentation proving I was the sole caretaker of my son (she suggested social security card and daycare statements) and she'd give me a letter to send to the IRS along with them. She warned me that my refund would take a "very long time" to come through and that I needed to go ahead and bring her fee this week when I come from the letter. + +Right now I'm panicking and don't even know where to start.. I'm just getting back on my feet and as the sole provider of my kid I don't really have a spare $600 laying around. I guess I have three questions: + +**Is there anyway to get out of paying the H&R Block fee at this point?** I'm thinking the answer is no. I'm going through the paperwork and looking to see if I've signed anything stating that I owe them even if my refund is rejected. I haven't seen anything stating that yet, but I'm sure there's something along those lines in the fine print. Do I have any options other than trying to negotiate for a reduced fee? + +**What do I need to prove that I'm the sole provider for my son?** Any specific documents that would be of help? Is there anything I can do to speed up this process? Can I keep this from happening again? I'm really curious about how my son's information was found in the first place... his father has never been in the picture and has no knowledge or access to any of our personal info. + +**How worried to I need to be about my son's financial identity being used in other fraudulent ways?** As soon as I post this I'm going to pull his credit reports and look for anything suspicious (he's four, so they should be totally blank right?) and I'm considering putting a freeze on them. Are there any other steps I should take to protect his identity? + +**tl;dr Someone has claimed my son as a dependent on their taxes so H&R Block is asking for their filing fees upfront - which I don't have. How do I prove that my son is my dependent, protect his identity and wiggle my way out of the outrageous fees H&R Block wants?** +This earlier thread from Friday covers the original news: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/iqp3id/sebi\_changes\_norms\_for\_multicap\_fund/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/iqp3id/sebi_changes_norms_for_multicap_fund/) + +* In an unusual move, SEBI issued clarifications on a Sunday +* The official press release is at: [https://www.sebi.gov.in/media/press-releases/sep-2020/clarification-pursuant-to-circular-dated-september-11-2020-regarding-asset-allocation-of-multi-cap-schemes-of-mutual-funds\_47546.html](https://www.sebi.gov.in/media/press-releases/sep-2020/clarification-pursuant-to-circular-dated-september-11-2020-regarding-asset-allocation-of-multi-cap-schemes-of-mutual-funds_47546.html) +* The press release mentions 'True to Label' multiple times +* And mentions that some multi cap schemes have been acting like large cap schemes +* (Of course the reference to the right index does not go with true to label as Nifty500 is still dominated by N100) +* The circular even mentions that AMCs can re-categorize the schemes and/or merge +* The text indicates that the motivation was not to increase flow into small caps as many reports have alleged +* And there is a note about considering suggestions from the industry + +BTW, Kotak's Nilesh Shah is a vocal fund manager. They also happen to run the largest mutli-cap fund. He has clearly indicated that they won't buy small caps unless it makes sense - [https://www.bloombergquint.com/business/sebis-multi-cap-fund-rule-wont-buy-small-mid-caps-if-it-doesnt-make-sense-says-nilesh-shah](https://www.bloombergquint.com/business/sebis-multi-cap-fund-rule-wont-buy-small-mid-caps-if-it-doesnt-make-sense-says-nilesh-shah) +[Original Article](https://www.financialexpress.com/money/mf-investor-alert-icra-puts-6-mutual-fund-schemes-under-watch-with-negative-implications/1451237/) on Financial Express. + +Here are the funds being put on ratings watch: + +- HDFC Short Term Debt Fund +- HDFC Banking & PSU Debt Fund +- UTI Banking & PSU Debt Fund +- UTI Bond Fund +- UTI Dynamic Bond Fund +- ABSL Short Term Opportunities Fund + +A bit rich, coming from a rating agency though. +Is it worth switching to this new standardized health insurance scheme? The coverage limit is up to 5 lakh but that may be good enough for many of us. + +Rest of the features seem to be adequate for someone wanting a lost cost policy that can be ported across insurers without having to waste time on selecting a new policy. +Markets have been falling for many days now. + +Nifty50 has reached its [January 2018 level.](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NSE-NIFTY/) + +NiftyNext50 has reached its [may 2017 level.](https://in.tradingview.com/symbols/NSE-NIFTYJR/) + +For those who want to invest in index funds, is this a good time to invest since they may get more units now as NAV will be low? Is this what investment gurus say, buy when others are selling as the funds are now undervalued? +I recall a tweet from EPFO from more than a month ago that they have credited the interest for the year 2020-21 for all account holders. However it doesn't reflect in my account till date. Can someone here confirm if it's reflecting in their account? +I came across an app called Investmint (only for smartphones). It appears to be run in association with SEBI registered professionals, market veterans yada yada. + +Any users here? + +Anyone have an opinion on this app and its offerings? + +I'm generally sceptical of services such as this one that claim to predict the market. + +(Link in the comments) + The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is planning to limit investors’ exposure to shares and equity derivatives in line with their net worth, said three people with knowledge of the development. The move is aimed at preventing individuals from going overboard on equity investments, considered riskier than bonds. + + +Globally, regulators are implementing parameters such as education as filters for investor suitability in relation to risky instruments. However, such criteria are difficult to implement in India, Sebi feels. + + +[source](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/sebi-plans-to-cap-investors-equity-exposure-in-line-with-net-worth/articleshow/65381833.cms) +I'm new to this sub and investing, so sorry if these kind of posts are not allowed. + +i just started by making a paytm money account and I'm thinking of investing in a mutual fund but it says there is no commission so i was just thinking how are they making any profit cause it sounds to good to be true. are there any hidden fees? +I am passionate about investing. But, to my surprise, most of my friends consider it "boring" although there is clear financial motive to be intrigued. I wonder if this is just with my peer group or rather common ? Also, I wonder why people take less interest in it notwithstanding the financial incentives ? +Hi folks, + +Just wondering on people’s perceptions of the below, I don’t have an issue complying with NatWest but I have to say the whole encounter did wind me up a bit. + +Went into branch yesterday to transfer a significant sum (~40,000) from my Nan’s account. I have a registered PoA in her account, so that isn’t the issue, and I went through all of the in branch verification (2 forms of ID, account numbers, etc.) + +However, when I actually explained what it was I wanted to do, which was transfer the funds from her account (which was an instant access saver) to her accounts at Barclays I use to pay care fees etc. they refused. They say it’s because I didn’t have any proof that the account is hers and they will only allow me to transfer if I bring an unedited statement showing it’s her account I’m transferring to. + +They would also only do a CHAPS rather than a regular transfer which has a £23 charge. No reason was given for that. + +I don’t mind taking the statement in as it is indeed her account, but is the point of PoA not that it gives me the ability to act on her behalf? If ultimately I wanted to send it direct to her care home or any other business or even send it to my account in order to cover some of her costs, is that not within my remit? + +The woman in branch was very patronising and just kept saying about it being a lot of money, and I do understand the reason for anti fraud measures but this seemed a bit nuts to me? + +And yes - I have now requested internet banking be set up for the account, as apparently if I did it in the app I’d be able to do whatever I wanted! Which when the lady told me that only annoyed me more. +We are, by all intents and purposes, in a market crash. I believe its going to get a whole lot worse.. but still.. the market has crashed by any metric. + +Even if MM are trying despirately to change the definition of the word "recession". + +So why have'nt we seen any margin calls yet? Hedgefunds long positions are far in the reds.. and what I've understood, much of the collateral for their bets are the long positions, or have I misunderstood something? +New to this sub, but reached an account size where I’d like to start selling covered calls with a portion of it. I am looking mainly at COIN as my target for covered calls. + +Why: +- Because it’s related to BTC the IV is huge. $3-4 OTM weeklys are $3-$4 a piece for a $55-$60 stock. +- COIN has a ton of cash on hand, are a strong company on their balance sheet, and are involved with crypto, which imo isn’t going anywhere and will only bounce higher after this bear market. +- I’d use a portion of my account to bring in some passive income, if the stock rips, I’m fine selling my shares $3-$4 higher and buying back on a dip. If it dies, i’ll just continue to sell CCs and DCA into the shares. + +I’m not worried about the missed potential upside since I’m trading with 60% of my account otherwise, and don’t mind selling calls continually to make up any downside. This is simply to remove some BP on my account, to manage risk on other trading strategies, while also gaining some passive income. + +Is this a viable strategy? Am I missing a big piece of the puzzle somewhere? + +Any advice is appreciated! Thanks! + +Edit: First post on this sub and I appreciate all the feedback and different views! Y’all got a fan in me. Thanks again! +He said he downloaded Coinbase and bought a bunch of random coins some youtuber suggested. I asked him if he bought any Bitcoin, he said "nope, it was too expensive". + + + +🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 +I pay off the balance in full every month and have great credit (750+). Right now I have an Amazon Visa that effectively pays back 2% on Amazon purchases and 1% everywhere else. + +Edit: 3% on Amazon purchases, not 2%. +Hi, I'm based in England UK. + +To cut a long story short, my Dad is detained under the mental health act and up until this weekend was spending excessive amounts of money due to his mental illness. He's allowed out daily with supervision (the fact they were allowing this spending is a whole other story). + +Fortunately I have financial LPA so I've now removed his access to his accounts in every possible way for the time being. + +However, I still need a way of getting money to him so he is still able to buy himself food and drink etc as he wants. I tried sending him a food and drink delivery but other patients stole some of it so that isn't sustainable. + +I was thinking of sending unchecked postal orders so he can transfer them for cash in the post office branch and have a weekly set limit. Not ideal as I'll have to go to the post office each time and I'm immunocompromised so meant to be shielding. + +A friend suggested a prepaid card as another potential option but everything I researched had fees which isn't ideal as my Dad has very little money as it is as disability benefits are paused while you are in hospital more than 28 days so his income has dropped considerably. + +Does anyone have any suggestions for a simple solution other than my current ideas? Or guidance about which of the ideas is more appropriate? + The Reserve Bank has doubled the size of its daily quantitative easing program, announcing it would increase bond purchases from $2 billion to $4 billion. + +[https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/rba-doubles-daily-bond-buying-to-4b-20210301-p576nr](https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/rba-doubles-daily-bond-buying-to-4b-20210301-p576nr) +I see a lot of poor advice on this sub with people advising others that paying off collections will increase your credit score by a lot or quickly. This is not the case. Paying them off might help you get a loan if you are working with an underwriter and they ask you to pay them off, but that negative remark stays a negative remark regardless of whether you owe $1000 or $0 unless you can get it removed entirely from your report. + +If you aren’t getting a loan anytime soon, your best bet would be to build up an emergency fund if you can BEFORE paying any collections. You could also just wait till they fall off your report in 7 years but beware, if you speak to the collection agency and admit to the debt or arrange payments the time clock will start over! + +The best strategies in my opinion to take care of collections are these in order of most preferred to least preferred. + +1) dispute the collection +2) try to negotiate a pay for delete +3) try to bargain down the amount you pay, then pay it and try to dispute after to have it removed. +4) let it sit there and fall off after 7 years +5) pay it and let it sit as a derogatory remark affecting your credit score almost the same as if you didn’t pay it. (I would only advise this if a lender asks you to do so in order to obtain a loan) + +https://www.moneytalksnews.com/ask-stacy-will-paying-old-debts-improve-credit-score/ + +https://www.creditsesame.com/blog/debt/will-paying-off-delinquent-debts-improve-my-credit-score/ + +https://www.creditkarma.com/question/if-i-pay-off-a-collection-account-will-my-credit-score-improve + +https://www.creditrepair.com/blog/credit-repair/what-happens-to-your-credit-when-you-pay-off-collections-accounts/ + +If you want your score to improve quickly, it would be better to take out a secured credit card with that money instead and only charge a very small about on it and pay it off entirely each month. + +I spent years improving my destroyed credit, and I’m glad I was never told to pay my collections off to improve my score because that would have taken a lot longer. + +Edit* pro tip: if you are planning on paying your collections off anyway, take out a secured credit card first then use it to pay small amounts on the collections each month. If you pay your credit card immediately afterwards you won’t pay any interest on it and you will be establishing a payment history as well as paying off collections at the same time. + +Edit 2: it has been pointed out that I should mention that even if you get the collection removed off of your report, you still owe the debt and it is possible the collector could take legal action against you. I added it up here so that people wouldn’t need to read through the comments to see this information. Thank you to the commenters who requested I include this in the post :) +Hello, + +My wife and I are looking for our first home. We found what is otherwise a fantastic home at a good price until we found something dating back to the 80s on the HOA Docs: + +&#x200B; + +>Limit: 2 children aged 17 or older. + +&#x200B; + +In other words, they want near-adults and want to limit the number of them. Umm... what? lol + +After briefly researching this, it seems this would conflict with the Fair Housing Act on age-based discrimination (which, from my understanding, has an exception for 55+ communities). This is a small condo community with 16 or so units in half as many buildings. It is not gated and is not a 55+ community. + +How is this even enforceable? My wife and I do not currently have kids, but who knows how long we'd stay there? If my wife got pregnant would the HOA be able to just be like "Nope, you must leave this community or abort the child." I can't imagine this would be legal. + +If anyone has any similar experiences or insight as to whether this is even legal, please let me know.I'm in the state of Washington, if it's at all relevant. +The site is a joke, it's an endless loop of pages that don't give any option for a refund. It takes you to the refund page, says to call, the number says go online to the refund form, the refund form says you can get a voucher or go to another page to get a refund, that page says to call. + +It is extremely infuriating and they cancelled my first flight, i rebooked for the same day at a different airport and they cancelled again a week later. Are they putting up flights they never intended on flying to get cash in and defer the refunds by not giving the option to refund? + +Edit: I booked with points so can't do a chargeback. Called the number again and selected a different option, 30 minute hold and then told to call customer relations instead? Going up to date whenever I get through to this other team + +Edit 2: All sorted now thank you everyone! Got through to a team that could help, if that didn't work i would have used the twitter route. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Many of you will recall this DD https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ls2oym/why_is_exr_going_to_make_me_a_millionaire_because/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf of EXR and the subsequent follow up posts on the paper gains by the original poster. + +At the time I remember being disappointed in myself because I set a .20 buy price that was never reached, instead it lit up like a rocket and went towards the stratosphere pretty quickly. + +I did however decide to stop making money losing decisions and jumping on meme stocks so I set myself an alarm for when it reached the original price that DD was done at, which was yesterday if I recall. + +Given that it’s price has obviously both rocketed and tumbled substantially since the DD, what are people thoughts on what it’s value is now? Is it still going to make DDs Op a millionaire and it’s just oversold temporarily or has the prospects of it like so many other energy companies just turned to complete shit? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +I’ve been actually really profitable since start of this year and have no idea how to tackle this tax shit. I’m a new investor too so, can someone help me out with some tips that actually helps reduce or avoid paying lump sums of tax. I’ve run numbers based on marginal tax and as an example I’ve used 500k CGT, if that’s how much you made you’d have to pay 200k tax! WTF IS THIS REALLY HOW IT IS?? +Hi everyone, just want to share my quick story. I walked into H&R Block in the past few days to do my tax return. I had not made much money, and received a $4000 1099-misc from a job i did. When i went to file the H&R block tax specialist told me that the fee just to file this alone would be $300, not including the rest of the fillings. I was absolutely blown away. I ended up getting up and walking out, and the rep called my cell phone stated that these are the prices. I ended up using turbo tax and the total filling fee was less then a $100. Felt i wanted to share this to make sure people stay away from these thieves. +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-economy/german-government-slashes-2019-growth-forecast-to-0-5-percent-idUSKCN1RT0VJ + +> BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government cut its 2019 growth forecast for the second time within three months on Wednesday, reflecting a worsening slowdown in Europe’s largest economy driven by a recession in the manufacturing sector. + +> Berlin now expects gross domestic product growth of 0.5 percent this year. In January, the government had cut its growth estimate to 1.0 percent from 1.8 percent previously. + +> For 2020, the government envisages a rebound with economic expansion of 1.5 percent. + +> Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said trade disputes and Brexit uncertainty were weighing on the German economy. Domestic factors include the introduction of new car emission regulations (WLTP) and unusually low Rhine water levels which have led to supply and production bottlenecks in the industrial sector. + +My commentary: My VEA holding isn't feeling too good. +Hi, + +Recently, I transferred all of my savings from my Santander account to Barclays which was £10K. + +Barclays withdrew this money and held it, they then requested proof of funds from me, I sent them my business invoices as proof as they didn’t tell me explicitly what to send. My account was still unblocked and open at this point. + +They then said that this proof of funds was invalid and that I had to send them bank statements. Shortly after telling me this, Barclays decided to close my account immediately and froze all of my savings, including an additional £4957 in the Barclays account. I have visited Santander to get a statement but they have had to order one and have sent off a mini-statement to see if this will do anything but I doubts it. + +What do I actually do here? This was all of my savings and I have no money to pay my bills. +It’s my first year as a reasonably high earner (~400k on w2). TurboTax says I’ll owe an extra $40k on top of the normal withholdings. I have ‘0’ allowances selected on payroll and maxed my 401k. + +I don’t have any depreciating assets to write off (still renting). + +Are there any other good ways to significantly reduce my tax liability?Should I stop using TurboTax and find a real CPA? Is this normal for you high earners? Do you set aside money specially for yearly taxes? Taxes are such a bummer. Thanks in advance for the tips! +Just wanted to say thanks to this sub for the wonderful career advice. After 2.5 years at the same job, the pay raises i received were tiny, even after receiving a promotion and while constantly being commended for my work. While I really enjoyed my job, it was demoralizing to be doing better work than some of my superiors but being paid much less. + +Frustrated, I started to interview around to try to figure out what I was actually worth and got an amazing offer from another company. However, I wasn't thrilled with the place/interview, and was planning on turning it down if they offered me what I was asking for. + +Life always throws curve balls. Sure enough a few weeks later, the new company offered me 10% over what I was expecting.....making taking the job prospect quite a bit more enticing. I showed the offer to my current manager and long story short, was able to leverage it to get a **20% pay raise** while staying where I'm at. + +If any of you all are debating looking around - do it! Interview at many different places! There is not a lot of real risk - mainly just opportunity. I am the first of my peers to attempt anything like this, and I have had a very positive experience. + +Last, the best advice I have heard - don't be loyal to a company, they will not take care of you. Be loyal to people. My direct managers and the people I work with gave a lot of great advice regarding this process. +Sat through another one of great presentations from Bill Evans - chief economist at westpac. He spent quite a bit of time around resi prop today but incredible level of data he presented which they have and what that means for economy in general and prop values in particular: + +Summary: +low fixed rates expected to start creeping up - fix them sooner than later + +10% expected growth in world economy over next 2 years - massive and unprecedented + +AUD strengthening significantly this year and next + +China is booming - massive growth in prop const - high iron ore prices to remain or move even higher + +China employment almost back to pre covid means Aus will experience very significant growth next 3 yrs + +consumer & business confid now at 10 yr high + +our performance better than all other countries in OECD except China + + + +Spectacular recovery in WA, QLD and SA + +New lending for investors 30% - FHB/OO - 70% now - investors coming in fast + +No regulator (APRA) activity this year - Don't believe the newspapers - they want it tomorrow - But NOT happening - he overstressed this point. + +Syd Mel took massive hit in 2017 & 2018 in prop values - and therefore not expecting regulators coming in quickly. +Both markets expected to be 20% -25% high in 2 years which is around c16% up from 2017- and that is nowhere near bubble-territory + +Per and Bris much better shape to sustain long term growth +GC & SS coast booming faster than Bris, Syd & Mel +Syd and Mel based on 20% + growth will be at similar affordability levels end 2022 at levels of 2017 + +Bris however has more scope of elongated growth & sustainable growth in prop values- followed by Per. + +Our long term future is 'selling services to asian middle class- education & tourism key' + +Absolutely no expectation of IR rising until after 2024 + + + + +Bill is a smart guy with great insights, overall he was very bullish +Release a NFT dividend. I am having a hard time understanding why they don’t just end this right here, right now. Their stock is being heavily manipulated each and every single day. While Kenny and his bozos are constantly doing what they can to manipulate the stock, to control the stock, and most of, if not all these tactics are highly illegal… just end it. Release a dividend, that, may I add, was upheld in court over when overstock did it. Like it’s not even a mystery, it’s out in the open how fucked the SHFs are. I don’t get it. +**My dad owes around $100,000 on a Discover credit card. They made an offer for him to pay 60% of that balance. He is asking for my help and I'm so lost on what to tell him.** + +* Discover made an offer to my dad allowing him to only have to pay 60% of the balance, so $60,000. +* Even if this amounts to "small" monthly payments he will still have to pay taxes on that debt forgiveness of $40,000, which would be due all at once I presume? +* Can he or someone else negotiate this down even more? I'm really worried about the tax he would have to pay on the debt forgiveness since he basically has no cash flow. +* What happens if he misses a payment? +* Maybe bankruptcy is a better option? Would talking to a bankruptcy attorney being a wise way to go about this and see what they would suggest? +* Is there anyone else he can speak to to help him decide what the best course of action is? +* He is in his mid 60s and his credit is already not very good. +* He also owes smaller amounts on different credits cards. + +I'm sorry about all the questions and the randomness of them but any hint of advice or direction would be greatly greatly appreciated. +What's up everyone. For the last 3 years I have been building a global stock market watchlist. Here are the results. Hope you will find it useful. + +# [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Vqi0M2H8rHEOryYH6UviuqoPcCB7Fe\_8P95CAXaYwQ/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14Vqi0M2H8rHEOryYH6UviuqoPcCB7Fe_8P95CAXaYwQ/edit?usp=sharing) + +**Here are a few things before you click on the link:** + +· It's a huge watchlist created in Google Sheets with lots of formulas. It takes time and RAMs to load. (I am personally using 11th Gen Intel i7-11800h with 16GB of RAM with 34” monitor for a better view. My browser takes few minutes to load the whole watchlist) + +· You'll find there around 1600-1700 stocks from whole world sorted into 11 Stock Market Sectors. + +· On the very top you'll find daily gainers (top 5) and decliners (top 5) + +***But that’s not all.*** + +In addition to that, please go to the right side of the sheet where you’ll be able to find several tables. Those are: + +1. Companies sorted by dividend yield. Top 199 companies picked from whole watchlist. +2. Companies sorted by my SUBJECTIVE PE from lowest to highest. Top 500 +3. Companies sorted by my SUBJECTIVE PE from highest to lowest. Up to 50. +4. Daily price changes. DECLINERS. Top 50. +5. Daily price changes GAINERS. Top 50. +6. Companies sorted by market capitalization. Top 30. +7. Companies sorted by biggest stock price declines during the last 52 weeks. Top 100. +8. Companies sorted by smallest stock price declines during the last 52 weeks. Top 100. + +Have a nice day, + +Radoslaw +This post is meant to be encouraging and a warning at the same time. + +If you're most familiar with the literature on finance, most studies show that almost all day traders lose money, and out of those that do make money, most can't cover costs and none consistently outperform the market (meaning they can't make more than ~10%/year). There are a lot of problems with those studies, which I won't get into. + +There is also the other side of the picture, the "only 5% of people make it" guru that promises you can easily make 10% per month and compound it (making 300%/year). + +I happened to run into this [study](http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/odean/papers/Day%20Traders/Day%20Trading%20Skill%20110523.pdf) that shows the accurate middle picture. + +**MAIN TAKEAWAYS:** + + - Out of the 360.000 individuals that trade every year, over the course of 8 years, **only the top ~10.000 (2,7%) have managed to make ANY money after fees** + + - Out of those 2,7%, **only the top 1000 traders (0,27%) can reliably outperform** (make a profit month after month). + + - *On average*, the **top 500 (0,14%)** day traders **made 123%/year without fees, 70%/year with fees** (see further breakdown on page 32 of the study). + + - *On average*, the **bottom 96% of people lost ~85% of their money after fees**. + +Things that you should take into consideration: + + - These top day traders were only using 6% of their assets to trade, so they ran into liquidity issues that a futures or forex trader wouldn't run into as easily. + + - The transaction costs seem to be bigger in Taiwan, the top traders lost 50% of their bank to commissions. You probably wouldn't pay as much with some brokers, and you certainly wouldn't pay as much with futures. + + That means that you could probably earn the 8%-10%/month, but you'd still have to be within the 0,05% of all traders. That also means that the percentage of people who are able to generate some kind of profit is higher than 3% (hence the 5% number probably has some truth to it, but that doesn't change the fact that only something like .5% are able to consistently make a reasonable amount of money). + +So yeah... I though this was encouraging in the sense that you know that there are actual people making a living out of day trading, you don't have to trust random internet strangers or gurus to have that assurance. *That said*, the chances of the average guy making it are really low. If this subreddit is composed by the "average guy", consider that *probably* only 900 people are not losing and, out of those, only ~70 can reliably get good returns. Out of those 70, only a small part can probably get the "10%/month". So be careful of who you take advice from. + + + +Hello guys, I'm currently reading about Stoicism and mental models(Charlie Munger is a proponent of this ideology). Mental models give you a general approach(derived from various fields of knowledge) to solving various problems one would encounter in life, but Stoicism is what fascinates me the most. + +Modern Stoicism is a amalgamation of Graeco-Roman philosophy and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) I think it contains ideas that would be incredibly helpful in developing a trader's psychology. I'm still studying how it can be effectively incorporated into trading. + +Anyone heard of Stoicism? +This question has come to my mind. Not necessary a FX vs stock question. But, if your strategy mainly evolved around trend trading, why not just trade SPY sinces it trends most of the time. It seems that you will be profitable if you by the dips (ex: at ema touches) historically speaking. FX trends seem so short lived and you have to wait multiple days if not weeks. Let me know what is your thought? +I ran some numbers using monthly historical data from Yahoo Finance to compare results ofdollar cost averaging(DCA) across SPY for various time periods to see how DCA'ingmanaged to perform over the years through various crashes and investment time periods. My goalwas to see + +1. end resulting performance of the investments over time +2. longest period of net negative returns for the positionDCA = investing a fixed amount of money on a fixed time interval regardless of price or marketconditionsMethod: allocate a fixed amount of cash to position every month. Whenever the cash on hand is enough to buy at least one share of the asset, purchase the asset at the Adj. Close price listed from Yahoo Finance historical data. + +I chose investing period start times of 2000-04-01, representing someone starting investing at the peak of the dot com bubble, 2006-01-01, representing someone beginning their investments leading up to the financial crisis, 2007-10-01, representing someone starting investing at the top of the market in 2007, and 2009-03-01, representing someone nearly perfectly timing the bottom of the financial crisis. + +Results: + +|DCA start period|Longest negative ROI|current day ROI(%)| +|:-|:-|:-| +|2000-04-01|2000-09-01 to 2003-11-01|219| +|2006-01-01|2008-06-01 to 2010-03-01|162.5| +|2007-10-01|2008-06-01 to 2009-09-01|150.23| + +Takeaways and other info: + +\- if you can stomach a 1-3 year period of negative returns, you should not be shaken even if you started investing at the peak of the latest market cycle. + +\- The reason for the period of negative ROI for the investor who started at the peak of the market is because of the nature of DCA, where earlier investments have a more significant impact on the overall average compared to later additions. Investors who felt the most pain were the ones who had invested substantial amounts of money during the bull runs leading up to the crashes. + +\- if you started investing near the peak of the market, DCA is a powerful tool to quickly get back to a positive ROI for the market. The stock market peaked in 10/2007 and didn't reach that price again until 04/2013. If you had DCA'd your way through the crash if you started investing at the top, you would be sitting at a ROI of 43%, with an equivalent cost basis of the market price from mid 2003. + +\- if you're fearing the market may not reach it's 2021 highs for years, it's still in your best interest to keep averaging in to the market in the meantime. +Not complaining. But was expecting a drop after the downgrade news, and instead we have a 0.05% return. Does it take more time for the effects to show? +I do follow a lot of stock analysts and traders. Seems to be all gloom and doom with last few days of fall in share prices. + +Strangely I feel happy as its an opportunity. Wish it would fall a bit more.....nifty 10k - 10.5 K would make me happier. + +Who all were sitting on cash waiting for a correction and happy about it? +I am looking for a bank which provides such a service and there seems to be very less options. + +I know Kotak provides this service , but its functionalities are limited. For eg If I wish to add some more funds to the card that is not possible and I need create seperate card with updated amount. + +There are some providers like SBI , but they dont offer international transaction as per description on their site. + +Any suggestions for the same would be helpful! +I like analogies because I have trouble, ya know, learning stuff... Anyway, I've been playing with an analogy in my head to try understand lightning network. It goes as follows : + +BTC without the Lightning Network: + +A large group of friends have just finished thier meal at a restaurant. The restaurant only takes cash. The waiter goes around the table, one by one, taking notes and giving change. Those of your friends who wave thier cash at the waiter the loudest get thier change given first while the quieter ones have to wait until the waiter gets to them. Obviously this takes a long freaking time. + +BTC with the Lightning Network: + +Before the waiter appears, everyone figures out what they owe the restaurant and sort out change between each other. When the waiter arrives, the total bill is paid on full. Everyone ends up with the right amount paid. One single transaction instead of dozens. The waiter (bitcoin network) isn't run off thier feet. In this analogy, the final payment to the restaurant is the 'on-chain' transaction. + +I know this is an EXTREMELY simple analogy but is it heading in the right direction? +So I've got into crypto when the market was high. I watched the market crash and just HODL-d my portfolio. I assume it would've been better if I moved my money into tether, then rebought everything when it was lower price I guess.. So NOW, since shit's still dropping, what should I do? Tether now, or just keep HODLing? +I understand that locking up the free float in CS will mean that no more 'real' shares are available, but what forces the margin calls on SHF in this situation? Can they just continue to manipulate the millions of synthetics and keep selling them and keep introducing more into the system? + +I'm a smoothe brain and I'm not trying to introduce FUD, I'm sincerely trying to better understand how this works. + +Does having the float locked up just start a bidding war in the dark pools for authentic shares that don't exist there? + +Assuming we have 40% locked up right now in CS, it hasn't affected the price much. But we can't see what the going price is in the dark pools. + +What prevents SHF manipulation from keeping the ticker price low even after the float is locked up? + +In my smoothe brain opinion the ticker price staying unnaturally low is what is preventing the SHF's from getting margin called. What is going to force the ticker price up after the float is locked up? + +Please ELIA. + +Edit: In my personal smoothe brained opinion, I think locking the float up with tens of millions in continued volume may be one step needed by RC to have reason to recall the shares. +Long story short; + +Bough a laptop in July of 2021, laptop died in early Jan. + +Contacted Amazon to start the refund/return process, they agree and send me the information. + +I go in person to the post office to pack & ship the item, insure it & all. + +After 2 weeks that it has succesfully been received I still haven't got the refund. I chat with them, they tell me 48 hours. + +After 2 weeks of playing this 48 hours game (and going to chat again) I get tired and I call. + +To my surprise, basically they claim that I did not return the proper item. + +\- + +This is copy/paste from their email; + +" I've checked with the tracking details and see that we've received the item however, it appears we received​ incorrect item instead of the correct item, in the return of your order. + + +We've discarded the incorrect item you've sent as per our return guidelines, but we're happy to accept the return of the correct item at your earliest convenience. " + +\- + +So not only can the proove they did in fact not receive the proper item, they actually discarted it O.o + +I am out of money and out of product! At least I wish they could send it back and I try to fix the damn 1500$ laptop myself!!! + +**Tied to call my CC provider for chargeback and they say it's been too long. What can I do?** +This is a seriously important topic everyone is ignoring. Copay / Bitpay wallet has been having problems with their servers. In long story short. TONS of transactions have just gone missing from users across the world. If you go onto the copay help and support forum, there's tons of new topics of people losing funds or them being in limbo in copays system. I have lost over 3k and support is ignoring everyone's tickets... How is no one talking about this ? + +EDITED TO INCLUDE BACKSTORY FROM BELOW: + +So on December 9th in my copay wallet right now, I am sending out 0.043239 BTC with a fee of 0.000243btc to address : 1LqRQgKFDKfm6za8q6esdU2yFYe1zngqJc with tx : 83309d5858cf226c3c0edd360c36a2c0c059db3da3a3582f47df6cd468bf2f80 + + +Yes I understand this was a low fee, but I send transactions ranging from 400 sat/byte to 80 sat/byte depending on the situation.. it still should have been picked up on the blockchain and in the mempool at 88 sat/b + +The reciever who is my brother, has the funds recieved into his wallet. Yet this transaction is not on the blockchain. When I view the transaction in copay it directs me to bitpay insight, which then states transaction does not exist. If I paste this tx into any block explorer it doesn't exist, and if I paste the address of my brother who is recieving the funds, on the blockchain, it says there has been no recieved Bitcoin to the address. On top of this, the balance that was sent out keeps appearing and revanishing in my wallet as if it is there for a second and then disappearing, as well as in my transaction history. I have screenshots and can demonstrate how there is something wrong with copay. This has nothing to do with the mempool. + +My transaction did not even touch down in the mempool, but the balance sent out of my copay ? How does this make any sense.. The representative on the copay board keeps going in circles that he encourages us to paste a txid that isn't even real into a blockexplorer other than bitpay insight.. he is also closing all tickets without resolving this problem. By hand i can count 20 people with this issue. Someone even lost 9 btc. This is ridiculous. + + +Please do not give me the answer that the mempool is too full or this transaction does not exist.. because it does exist, and I'm missing a total of $1500 usd from my wallet which I can view as sent out but unconfirmed and not touching down on the blockchain. I have years of experience in this industry as well as run a business around it. I am familiar with fees / acceleration as well as bumping. And this is not something anyone should be dealing with. Where is my money and how are you going to resolve this. + +Here is another user who lost 3 btc with copay with similar issues.. no one is talking about this... + +https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2592780.0 + +Another + +https://github.com/bitpay/copay/issues/7498#issuecomment-352128939 + +Another + +https://github.com/bitpay/copay/issues/7404#issuecomment-351521405 + +Another + +https://github.com/bitpay/copay/issues/7418 + +I… am beyond stoked and HAD to share some news! \*a clever remark about my tits! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hkruwmfljqk91.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe71c480c697af69a5cf0c86f34b25758234662d + +&#x200B; + +I've gone dark on social media for the past year +. However, knowing some things I know, I think it's time I come back. + +I’m a cinematographer/photographer from the Northwoods with a passion for storytelling, changing the status quo within the space, and ultimately...community. + +The NFTs we will be starting to drop soon will primarilyand ultimately be UTILITY driven as we desire to aid in expanding the perspective of the culture on what NFTs can really do. The goal is functionality and not simply photography and film that you consume with your eyeballs. + +The next few weeks will be implementing some of the foundational steps toward building some...thing(s)…that I’m darn excited about! + +I'll be dropping some road maps along the way and ultimately look forward to hearing feedback from y’all every step of it 🤙🏾 + +[www.instagram.com/northwoodsmurphy](http://www.instagram.com/northwoodsmurphy) to check out my "pre-web-3" work (not a plug, giving context) + +Stay Inspired, + + Kopheus +I am in my late 40s and investing in ETFs long term. I recently purchased VBAL, XEQT and ZCN thinking they are diversified. However, after posting on another forum replies were that why I would own all three since they have similar holdings. + +Can someone explain how this is? I thought they were different. + +Is there an ETF that is different from the above that I should also buy? As they say, I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket. + +&#x200B; + +Note: All of the above is in my TFSA and I don't mind investing in index funds or anything else that I can keep long term. +So, a few months back, I came and discussed the fact that the bank we had our home loan with had removed their registered interest from our title ([Post 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/o9fnnt/mortgage_interest_not_registered_on_title/) and [First Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/onacv9/update_mortgage_interest_not_registered_on_title/)). + +I can now say that we are finally of the mess that was this saga. + +The original bank was ANZ. We had been with them through a few mortgages, and had a reasonable time with them, with no major headaches. However, in about April this year, we started to test the market, and found a few providers were willing to beat ANZ's best offer by a decent margin, and provide cash back or other benefits. + +To that end, we put an application in with St George, to get not only their 4k Cashback offer, but the 0.4% Port Adelaide Football Club (for BankSA but its the same crowd, so they honoured it) offer too. + +We ended up putting our application in, a few days before St George upped their fixed rates, but we weren't worried because we had elected to pay for rate lock. + +St George approval came through, they ran the title search and that's when we found out ANZ had cocked up. Not a major problem, or so we thought, until St George and their lawyers confirmed that they would not proceed as ANZ could not guarantee they were releasing their interest (no registered interest to release and all that). + +Despite multiple phone calls, and official complaints being lodged, ANZ took over 10 weeks to finally get their poo in a pile ready to settle. In that time, ANZ declared it wasn't their fault, because the broker requested their interest be unregistered. Only problem with that - the broker was ANZ - their own mobile lender! + +Unfortunately, being naive, I took every small bit of progress as just enough to not have me call AFCA, and in each event, ANZ did just not enough to actually help. Their complaints staff constantly failed to provide updates, or provided incorrect information. They changed agreed courses of action, and ended up prolonging the saga well beyond anything that could be considered reasonable. + +Eventually though, ANZ placed a caveat on the title, instead of a genuine registered interest. Apparently this was for expedience. However it then took them a further 30+ days to tell their settlement lawyers, they were happy to settle. All up they did settle, and we were offered a small amount of financial compensation for the delay (not fully covering the costs though). + +This was on day 94 since our application. + +For those of you that know about St George's rate lock, you pay 0.15% of the loan value, and get that rate locked, as long as settlement happens within 90 days. So that means technically, under the contract we signed we were out the 0.15% and the lower fixed rate for its entire term. Without getting in to specific of numbers, the amount we would have lost because of this was in the multiple thousands, so nothing to sneeze at. + +Can't hurt to ask, so we asked St George if they would be kind enough to honour the rate, even though we were late (through ANZ's fault). Surprisingly, St George opened it as a "complaint case". I cannot say just how different the experience was between St George and ANZ, even though St George did nothing wrong. They took about a week to "resolve" the case, and agreed to honour the original rate lock, even though they were not contractually obliged to. Their staff were proactive in their comms and made it easy. There was another matter with the loan that was more minor, but this one was St George's fault. Once again they worked to resolve it, and took just two days to make it right. + +I will say, after we settled on the refinance, ANZ contacted us to try to win us back - they couldn't understand why we didn't jump at their offer - that was the same as the offer they gave us back in April. + +tl;dr: ANZ mucked up, but then was an absolute pain to deal with, but StG is competitive and good to deal with. +I haven't heard anyone talk about this coin since I started browsing here in October. + +I refuse to buy it. My joke is that in the year 2034 I'm laying in the street homeless at 2 AM when a guy walks up to me and pulls up his hologram wallet (BWEEP). He offers me some ADA (which is the international currency) to keep me going. I tell him "fuck you asshole" and then I freeze to death later before the sun rises. +Remember when everyone around a year ago was saying **BABA** was a really good buy, **PYPL** was a really good buy, and now look at them. + +Just because a stock has fallen 27% doesn't mean it can't fall 60%. + +I'm not saying HD isn't a good company, I'm just saying don't just buy something because you see lots of people on reddit talking about it. + +Maybe there is **something everyone is missing** which will lead it to continue falling. + +My advice is never blindly trust reddit. +http://www.arabianbusiness.com/saudi-groundwater-will-run-out-in-13-years--621171.html + +> Saudi Arabia’s groundwater will run out in the next 13 years, according to a water expert at King Faisal University, reported the Saudi Gazette. +A faculty member at the university, Mohammed Al-Ghamdi, made the announcement following an issued report by the World Bank on global natural water scarcity. +“Official estimates have been disclosed showing an acute drop in water levels in agricultural areas, and that indicates the seriousness of the situation,” said Al-Ghamdi. +**The drop is largely due to agricultural consumption, which makes up 95 percent of total usage.** Industrial and human consumption make up the remaining 5 percent. + +> **Saudi Arabia relies mainly on its groundwater, which accounts for 98 percent of its total water sources**, and water from desalination plants. +According to Al-Ghamdi, the depletion causes a threat to main crops like wheat, barley, forage, and fruits, which use large amounts of water. +He said the only way to solve the problem is to renew groundwater. +Prince Faisal bin Bandar, governor of Riyadh, also called for the conservation of water as well as energy, another excessively used resource in the Kingdom. +“Water and electricity are very important to each and every one of us. Let’s conserve them and use them properly and wisely,” he said at the Saudi Forum on Water and Electricity on Sunday. +However, Saudi’s Water and Electricity minister said the country will need an investment of $133 billion (SR500 billion) for power projects over the next 10 years to cope with rising demand. + +Guess they'd better hope oil prices head north of $100 soon... +I will argue that the most exciting and relevant project in 2018 will be Ethereum. I predict that this is Ethereum´s year. +There are a number of well known milestones upcoming for the protocol itself but I find the milestones in the Ethereum eco-system even more exiting and game changing. +Ethereum will become the leading and eventually most talked about network outside the crypto world in 2018. It will also remain relatively unchallenged by upcoming tech like EOS, IOTA, Raiblocks because of the huge lead it has on the newer projects. This might change after 2019. + +Here is why: + +* In the coming weeks several major projects that have been in the works since 2015/16 will launch on the Ethereum main net. A lot of them are true game changers like Augur, Melonport and Golem. All of which have huge disruptive potential individually. Augur introduces a whole new concept, a use case that was entirely impossible until now. Melonport has the potential to disrupt the fund industry and make Fidelity as obsolete as your local travel agent. + +* Ethereum currently has 91% market share of all tokens. It might lose some ground on the token front but the vast majority of new projects will still run on Ethereum = further mainstream adoption incoming. + +* Early in the year Ethereum will continue to struggle to keep up with an increasing number of daily transactions especially as more Dapps are launching (already at 1,4 million per day - more than any other network). Major Ethereum network upgrades will remedy that. First the Constantinople Hard fork and hopefully the switch to PoS / Casper will settle TPS issues for the near future. I predict that Casper is launched ahead of schedule (this one is speculation but considering it´s running on the testnet right now I´m calling it) which would certainly be a nice surprise after having been delayed for 2 years. + +* I predict most newcomers in the second half of 2018 will learn about crypto by usind a Dapp - they will not be speculators but users. They will use Dapps and only as a second step learn about the tech that drives it. Since most of Dapps in 2018 will run on Ethereum it is likely that it will be the most talked about tech. + +* Finally, you can already see a shift in how the mainstream media is reporting on crypto. 3 months ago there was only ever a mention of bitcoin. Currently mainstream journalist are all writing "what´s the next bitcoin" pieces that usually include 5 alts - Eth always one of them. It´s easy to see how this will shift when more and more Dapps launch and people learn that most of them run on Ethereum. I predict we will see a shift in the focus of news reports on Ethereum just as we saw with Bitcoin in 2017. +Why does that matter? I will drive the price up like we saw happen with BTC in 2017 and it will make Ethereum the hottest thing to talk about. + +* Last but not least (again speculation coming up) I predict that the flippening will happen before the end of the year and that Ethereum will be the first project to reach a 1 trillion $ market cap and that this will happen before the end of the year. This assumes that we will not get a major black swan event of course. Given the current growth rate (which will of course not continue linearly throughout the year but using 2017 as a sample it´s still a fair prediction) it´s conservative to assume we will 10x again and end up with a $10 trillion market cap at the end of the year. With all of the points above I´d say it´s conservative as well to allocate Ethereum a 20% dominance. + +* Yes, this means a prediction of ETH price of $10.000 by years end. + +Ethereum and all the 1st gen Dapps will be THE showcase for what blockchain is, can do and how it can change the world. Blockchain 3.0 projects might challenge this status eventually but not yet. The delays in projects like Augur, Golem and IPFS have shown that it´s quite complex to build a solid and secure Dapp. It´s safe to extrapolate that Blockchain 3.0 networks and their respective Dapps will face the same hurdles and not be ready to have a significant impact before 2019. + +Ok, done with my rant. Who would like to prove me wrong? + +Edit: Since this is proving popular, is anyone interested in a follow-up post with a best-of listing of references, sources, interviews, opinions of crypto thought leaders that I used to come to my conclusion? If yes, please leave your comment below. + + + + +Attached is my equity curve. It is not something I am ashamed of, it is part of trading, it is part of the process. I have been trading for about 6 months on a 2k account and have lost nearly all of it. (This is money I do not need, I am not encouraging you to blow up your account. Only lose what you can afford.) I feel like I am turning a corner. And yes I know it only goes back to December but that is when I switched strategies for good. Remember you are not alone in this, you, me and 90% of other traders are bleeding money. I am trying to show you how to stop the bleed. + +https://preview.redd.it/r0uzd5szz9p61.png?width=2403&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=d2644116a9cfb0074f1f7edd2fd22036884746fc + +Anyway, I want to share with you the mistakes and hardships I have hit and overcome throughout my 6 months. Hopefully, so you do not make the same mistakes I did and am still doing. + +1) The number one most important thing is journaling it has helped me immensely. + +Here is the format I use, do this for every trade, while in the trade, before and after. A lot of people hate journaling, I do too, but it is by far the most important to look at and keep going. It's simple, it's easy and it will help you more than anything on this list. + +**Thesis:** + +**Where/why did I ENTER:** + +**How was I feeling DURING the trade (emotions):** + +**Where/why did I EXIT:** + +**What can I do to improve:** + +**Rate this trade 1-10:** + +2) Analyze your journal entries. + +Look for common patterns, are you taking trades that aren't part of your strategy. This helped me eliminate a ton of losers the past week as when I looked back in my journal. Really understand that you are analyzing YOURSELF, not the market in these entries. Why have you taken 8 losers in a row? Did you keep trying the same type of play and they aren't working? Get rid of it. + +3) Have a real strategy and stick to it. + +For me to get confident in my strategy I needed to miss a million plays in a row and leave a ton of money on the table. Do you know how many trades I missed in the past 2 weeks alone? At least 20. This week? Not many. Me seeing all those plays working out with me on the sidelines did give me FOMO, but you can't act on it. Use it to gain confidence in the strategy that you KNOW is profitable. Don't switch strategies every week. These things take time to master. You will lose in the beginning but you have to be okay with it. It's like tuition at college. You have to pay, but that degree, if used right, will be worth it in the long run. + +4) Only trade your strategy. + +This has led me to one of my only green weeks so far this year. Once I cut the crap out of my trading, all the FOMO all the fear and greed, and just stuck to the strategy, I actually am green this week by a good margin. My losers combined are 4k in LOSSES ALONE. If I cut out the crap in my trading, that huge red equity curve that you see is down $1300, would be up by 2k. Trust me. + +5) Process>Profits + +Don't get caught up in the P/L, in fact it is pretty much useless to look at most of the time. Whenever you are putting a trade on think in your mind, is this part of the process or am I trying to make a quick profit? If it is the latter, don't trade. If you stick to YOUR process and what works for YOU, the profits will come. You might be asking, how do I know this? Well because right now I am part of the 90%, and if I stuck with what has worked for me and didn't do anything stupid, I would be part of the 10% + +6) Keep it simple stupid + +Had to throw an office reference in here. Keep it simple, one strategy, maybe even one stock. If you take 0 trades in a day that's fine. I usually only trade SPY and sometimes QQQ options. Anything other than that usually overwhelms me. Do not try and find your edge in every place you look. The best setups and trades will find you. If you miss it, the market is open almost every single weekday! + +7) Know when to walk away. + +Another incredibly valuable piece of information. You need to know when to talk away. Make it a rule in your trading plan. Either your strategy is not printing today, or the market is dead or your edge isn’t present, you have to recognize when it is and when it isn't your time to trade. This has saved me so much money over the past week. Sometimes the best play, is sitting cash. No play at all. + +8) Realize that you and you alone are the issue. + +The market is not the problem, your strategy is not the problem, it's you. It's your emotions. You need to figure out what's wrong with YOURSELF. Why are YOU blocking YOURSELF from making money? This all goes back to journaling and analyzing your journals. You know the strategy works, you know deep down the market is not out to get you, the market is out to squeeze every last dime out of your pockets and you are letting it. Get out of your own way, and start banking. There is 0, ZERO, in the way of you making bankroll TOMORROW, besides yourself. + +9) Find yourself a trading partner. + +I found myself an awesome trading partner that has helped immensely recognize flaws in my strategy, and myself. Having a second set of eyes on the screen can really open you up to a million new possibilities. Might not be for everyone, but I am explaining what I have found helpful. Trading by yourself is lonely and mentally exhausting and having a buddy there will help a lot with the stress and the mental aspect of trading. + +10) Never give up. + +Pretty self explanatory. Unless you are losing your life savings, or putting your career/relationships in jeopardy, never, ever, give up. You are doing this for a reason, you want to be a trader, you want to have that freedom. Perhaps even rich? But you know it's tough to get there. Don't be part of the 90%, don't give up. + +TL:DR + +Just a list of some things that have led to one of my only profitable weeks in 3 months worth of trading. + +EDIT: Some spelling AND added 5 and 6 to the list. + +UPDATE: I see a lot of people asking about my trading experience. I should have clarified, I paper traded for a little under a year and have been full time trading for 6 months. Before that I was trading on and off for a bit before that. So yes, I do have more than 6 months of experience. I opened a brokerage account on my 18th birthday and I am about to turn 20. +[Older pic current price is $17,100] + +Looking at bitcoins price, the last 3 downfalls have come from third party collapses. In-between the collapses BTC had been trading steady. + +This is frustrating, not only are people being lured into altcoins with false promises + losing money, but the contagion is directly impacting BTC holders who don't fall for this bs and practice self custody. + +Of course the BTC chain itself is still operating smoothly. But this is overall bad for the progression of BTC.. + +I used to be a proponent of minimal regulation but now I see [in general] people are too stupid to self manage +Like many people, I've fallen in love with the idea of owning a Tesla. There's nothing wrong with my current car (a 5 year-old VW diesel), but I'm looking to make a change. + +Previously, every car I've owned has been on Hire Purchase - trading in my car, then paying the rest of the balance over 3 years. It's usually around the end of the repayment period that I start getting itchy feet and looking at other cars. There's only usually maybe 6-12 months of the car being fully paid off before I trade it in, and repeat the process. + +Earlier this year my Dad passed away, and aside from the emotional aspect of it all, it's put into stark focus the need to enjoy your life while you can, tomorrow's not promised. + +I wanted to know your thoughts on the most sensible, or cost-effective, way of buying a £42,000 Model 3. + +My current car, as part-exchange, is worth £13,000. +I could put down another £10,000 towards the deposit if required. + +Is it better to Lease? HP again? Bank loan? PCP? + +Other than Hire Purchase, I'm totally baffled by which option is actually the most advantageous. All help appreciated. +So, first off, I'm not sure if it's ok for me to ask this question here, but here goes. +So I recently began thinking about purchasing a mobile home, the issue is I haven't the slightest idea of the steps I need to make that possible. I have a credit score of about 780, I have a bit saved up for a down-payment but I don't know who to speak to really to get the ball rolling. I've been told by coworkers and such that mobile homes require like a specific type of lender or something, and I am also aware that some parks are only for 55 and over, I am currently 27. So basically that is all I have, can anyone give me some advice? + +Edit: thank you for all the input lol, I'll let you all know tho I do live in California and my salary is only like 30ish k so I don't know if I have alot of options +So I'm looking at trying to start out investing in a rural area in the mountains that is growing quickly as a vacation and retirement destination and would love any specific advice anyone could give. It's about a 35-mile radius that includes 2 popular casinos, 3 very popular whitewater rivers, and lots of other activities. Property costs can vary quite a bit, as some towns are more popular/nicer than others, and mountain/water properties are obviously more desirable, but nearly every non-developed acre is currently for sale (or at least it seems that way). + +Airbnb-type rentals are fetching $100+/night minimum after all the fees, and that's often for a small free standing trailer on some land that's only been graded for a dirt road and as many pads as they can reasonably fit, plus electricity, *maybe* running water, more often just a tank. There appears to be zero enforcement currently of any kind of zoning regarding rentals; essentially "your land, your business." + +LOTS of owner-financed listings. LOTS of lots available already inside developments (not generally interested unless a huge bargain). LOTS of 25+ acre plots for sale currently (almost certainly out of my range for now). + +I'm prepared for the physical practicalities of dealing with land that may, in some cases, be completely raw (grading, road access, clearing timber, water, electricity, etc) but am looking for advice on strategies, how to find under-the-radar properties in this kind of market, and people's stories of their own investments in this kind of area. Thanks! +Hi /r/realestateinvesting! I originally posted this in /r/landlord, but I was told my question might be a better fit here. + +I'm trying to buy my first rental property. My plan is to take one of the units for myself when the deal is finished, so I would be evicting for personal use. + +We have been operating under the assumption that my business partner and I would be buying under a general partnership, not a corporation. We're running out of time on the offer, and already have asked for too many extensions. We just found out that we need to incorporate for TD to consider our mortgage, with only 4 days left. We don't really have the chance to shop around any more for a different mortgage. + +How does incorporating affect us here? I've been trying to figure out if we can still evict for personal use if it is owned by a corporation, I can't seem to find anything concrete online, and I've read a few contradictory posts on the matter. If we are forced to incorporate, I get the feeling that we will have to rethink where we intend to live. + +As for taxation, I am probably going to speak to an accountant, but being taxed at 50% kind of sucks! I'm currently at the 40% bracket, so it doesn't hurt a crazy amount, but my partner is in the lowest tax bracket, the change really hurts him. Is there anything we can do to mitigate the taxes? + +Seems to me like this sudden corp requirement might very well kill the deal... + +Thanks in advance for any information! +Im always told you need to find deals before they hit market! Easier said than done. I cant compete with the “cash buyer” I also cant compete with people over paying for anything that hits the market. Now I get it the market is what it is and thats just how it goes, but seriously are there any investor/landlords/trades-mans that decided to go and become real estate agent’s? Besides extra income are there any other benefits that helped you scale your businesses? I want more options than just the MLS scraps. +I have read many people believe the current rise in interest rates will tank housing. I have an alternative theory that in strong markets a reasonable amount of mortgage rate increases, 2-3% from here, could actually have the opposite affect on existing homes, as listed supply drops from current levels. My belief is most homeowners either bought or refinanced in the last 2-3 years and locked in 3% or less 30 year fixed rate mortgages. Most people are not going to want to list and sell their existing home and give up their 3% loan so they can move and buy a new one with a 5% loan. They will stay put and not list their home unless they absolutely must move or they get offered such a high price, they can’t refuse. I believe this is going to lead to a large decrease in the number of available listings in many markets already competitive because of low listed inventory. Thoughts? +Trump says US will impose 5% tariff on all Mexican imports from June 10 + + + +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/31/trump-says-us-will-impose-5percent-tariff-on-all-mexican-imports-from-june-10.html +I know these DOGE clones pop up like weed lately and most of them are scam. But bear with me for a moment :). I recommended HOGE here when it was at 0.0008 (yeah a bit late), it almost 10x itself since then. By now it's pretty big and huge returns may not be feasible anymore. So I was looking for a new coin that could follow a similar trajectory, but entering much earlier. + +After about a day of observing and digging into DOGIRA (and well, after several go-nowhere rug-pull shitcoins), I think DOGIRA is the next promising moonshot project after HOGE, just that it barely started, while HOGE was already firing its afterburners when I recommended it here. + +There are several reasons: + +1. **Dogira was audited by War On Rugs.** I also checked the contract and it looks clean, while most of these coins, even if they are not rug-pulls, usually copy from rug-pulls and you can still see that in the contract, not so with Dogira. Liquidity is locked in Uniswap for 3 months. +2. **Dogira has pretty cool and unique token mechanics that put the HOGE "buy the freaking dips" vibe into code and reward it heavily, while penalizing sells.** +3. **Dogira isn't even listed anywhere yet, it's** ***that*** **early guys!** +4. **Dogira had a presale and that presale sold at 0.0017$ per token. Now the token is prices 0.01$, which is about 6x only**. It also sits in a dip right now after reaching for 0.02$. This is big guys. Normally all these low-cap coins are just dumped on Uniswap with like 10k liquidity and then the first people on it are making a killing by loading up their bags for almost free. Not so here. Most people paid a decent price. Of course right now a lot of people are sitting at 5 to 20x from their entry, but that is much better than what most other coins offer you, where early holders may have a 100 to 1000x advantage over you. This matters, because these early holders have a big incentive to dump on you, and since liquidity is lacking, this could cause an equivalent of a rug-pull. Dogira is safer here, because no one yet made a killing from it. +5. **Dogira partnered with FEG**. FEG is much further along in the game than Dogira and their official partnership will eventually lead to Dogira becoming stakable in farming pools and of course members will join from FEG for higher profits here. +6. **Dogira is taking community contributions and "buying the dip", both of which made HOGE moon so quickly, to a next level.** Instead of just chants, you get actual rewards for these actions via token mechanics (read more below). + +## Token Mechanics + +Every 10th buy gets a substantial bonus. If you buy quickly after a sell, you get an extra boost as well (more details below).Every transaction redistributes 1% to all holders (you earn interest just by holding, no staking needed) and 1% goes into a special wallet called Dogecity. That wallet is used to reward community members for their contributions ([Dogebliss](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tPeKvO25rRLUOKpCm8nnvtAZko2MK9j8K9fuFIs7Q7U/viewform?edit_requested=true)) and has a payout limit of 5% of the balance (i.e. can't be dumped on us). Besides the reward you will also earn XP for contributing, which will lower your buy and sell fees! + +Each transaction has a 1% fee that is split across all holders and 1% doge fee for Dogecity. Dogecity is a community fund that is used to reward contributions. If you post memes, post on reddit, or do other kinds of activities that help spread the word, you can apply for [Dogebliss](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tPeKvO25rRLUOKpCm8nnvtAZko2MK9j8K9fuFIs7Q7U/viewform?edit_requested=true), which will pay out 0.001% to 0.1% of the Dogecity reward pool. To prevent dumping, Dogecity can only pay out up to 5% per day.Each buy has a buy fee that will go into a prize pool and the buy fee is calculated by the amount you buy. The more you buy, the smaller the fee. Every 10th buy awards that particular buyer the whole prize pool accumulated during the past 9 buys. Additionally, every buy gets a buy bonus that is powered by sell fees (5% sell fee). That means if you are the first to buy after a series of sells, you get all of summed up 5% fees those sellers were charged on top of the balance you purchased. Neato, right? Eat those dips!! + +DOGIRA still is less than 1/100th the valuation of of HOGE and less than 1/10000th of DOGE. If you missed out before, wait no longer! + +There are two main community functions that anyone can call every 10 minutes. Either `verysmashed` to burn 2% of the liquidity pool, or `dogebreath` to redistribute 2% of the liquidity pool across all holders. + +This goes farther than HOGE. DOGIRA heavily incentives contributions, penalizes selloffs and encourages buying the dips. It also encourages buying frequently for additional rewards. If you buy larger amounts, the bonuses you get should offset the transaction fees! + +## Quick Info + +* Symbol: DOGIRA (ERC20, on Ethereum mainnet) +* Total Supply: 100,000,000 DOGIRA +* Homepage: [https://dogira.lol/](https://dogira.lol/) +* Telegram: [https://t.me/dogiratoken](https://t.me/dogiratoken) +* Chart (Dextools): [https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xe9bd6ddc2b13f46715382f74534950e004399d10](https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xe9bd6ddc2b13f46715382f74534950e004399d10) +* Buy On Uniswap (set slippage to 10%): [https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1](https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1) +* Contract: [https://etherscan.io/address/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1](https://etherscan.io/address/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1) +* Liquidity Lock: [https://unicrypt.network/pair/0xe9bd6ddc2b13f46715382f74534950e004399d10](https://unicrypt.network/pair/0xe9bd6ddc2b13f46715382f74534950e004399d10) +* War On Rugs Audit: [https://twitter.com/WARONRUGS/status/1359556626559217665](https://twitter.com/WARONRUGS/status/1359556626559217665) +* Partnership With [$FEG](https://fegtoken.com/): [https://fegtoken.medium.com/what-is-feg-token-9e5bab547de0](https://fegtoken.medium.com/what-is-feg-token-9e5bab547de0) (search for DOGIRA) +* Twitter: [https://twitter.com/DOGIRATOKEN](https://twitter.com/DOGIRATOKEN) +* Medium: [https://muskandre.medium.com/](https://muskandre.medium.com/) (Read the Medium articles, they are helpful!) + +## Presale Details + +The presale is of course over now, but for reference... + +* Token amount: 48 million (48%) +* Hard Cap: 50 ETH +* Soft Cap: 15 ETH +* Presale Price: 1 ETH = 960,000 DOGIRA ($0.0017) +* Uniswap Price At Listing: 1ETH = 800,000 DOGIRA $(0.002) (presale buys at 20% discount) + +80% of raised ETH was used for Uniswap liquidity. 20% of raised ETH covered costs for launch, audit, and front-end. The rest for the team. + +## How To Support Dogira + +HOGE succeeded because of its unique community. We need to create a similar environment for Dogira to moon as well. + +## Telegram ([https://t.me/dogiratoken](https://t.me/dogiratoken)) + +We should all follow a few rules in the chat: + +* Be welcoming! As new people come, questions will get asked over an over again. Point them here. I will keep an FAQ. +* Some people will say it's a scam. There are many DOGE scams popping up every day. It's a legitimate concern. Don't get angry. Kindly redirect them here, so they may read up on what they don't know... +* If a question is asked repeatedly in the chat, but not in this FAQ, send a message to me ("Mara Weber", search in the channel) on Telegram. I will add it. +* Dips are healthy. At Dogira we BUY the dips. There are no dips, there are only opportunities to load up more. We need to eat red candles like candy. FUDers should be banned. + +## Spread The Word! + +When you spread the word about Dogira, please always point out the following whenever you mention it: + +* Dogira was audited by "War On Rugs" +* Dogira has partnered with FEG +* Dogira's liquidity is locked +* Include a link to this README (until the official website has something to replace it) +* Remember: Scammers are everywhere. Say whatever you want about Dogira, it should also be unique! But always include the above things to ensure that people don't think this is just another scam coin!!! + +Don't forget to claim your reward through [Dogebliss](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tPeKvO25rRLUOKpCm8nnvtAZko2MK9j8K9fuFIs7Q7U/viewform?edit_requested=true). + +## FAQ + +**Why Is The Uniswap Router Selling?** + +It's a UI bug, Dextools is looking into it, but the correct sellers are selling and balances are 100% fine. Purely a UI bug. (you can double check this on Etherscan) + +**Why do I have more DOGIRA Than I Bought?** + +Someone called `dogebreath`, or you could've won the 10th buy bonus, or you had a big series of sells before your buy. + +**Why Can't I Sell?** + +Set 7% min slippage for this project (all sells are subject to a 5% fee), try whole numbers, but don't be a paper hand. We penalize sells, that's why you need more slippage. + +**What About The FEG Partnership?** + +They advertise about Dogira in their Telegram pinned posts. So we will see an influx of their userbase as well. + +**How Can I Call The Special Tokenomics Functions?** + +There is a tutorial [here](https://muskandre.medium.com/how-to-interact-with-a-contract-manually-1181b06bf5c). I hope we will get a GUI for this soon, but for now in short: + +1. Go to the contract: [https://etherscan.io/token/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1#writeContract](https://etherscan.io/token/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1#writeContract) +2. Click `Connect To Web3` at the top and connect with your wallet (e.g. Metamask) +3. There are several free-to-call functions under `Read Contract` ([https://etherscan.io/address/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1#readContract](https://etherscan.io/address/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1#readContract)) + 1. `GetTimeTillNextAttack`: If it's greater than zero, then you can call `dogebreath` or `verysmashed` (see below). If it's zero, these are still cooling down and calling them would not achieve anything. (yeah this is not a misprint, the function does the inverse of what it's name implies) +4. Decide which function to call under `Write Contract` ([https://etherscan.io/token/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1#writeContract](https://etherscan.io/token/0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1#writeContract)): + 1. `dogebreath`: Redistribute token supply across holders (2%) + 2. `verysmashed`: Burn the token supply (2%) + 3. `dogeit`: Bet on the bonus pool. The amount needs to be specified in `Wei`. If you don't know what that is, don't call this function :). + +With the current ETH fees, I think only `dogebreath` is worth calling once every now and then to enrich all holders. +One of the reasons I seek to FIRE is the simple reason I wish to own more of my time. + +Money can be seen as the currency of time. The reason why something costs money is that someone put their time into creating the thing I am buying. When you spend money, you spend someone else's time they put into serving you. If you are a billionaire, you could spend several lifetimes in a very short amount of time. + +My time is the most important thing I can offer to the world. Be it offering to my friends or family, to work, to enjoyment, or the community. + +This makes our time more precious than we might want to admit. Because the future is inherently unknown, we can never know for sure how much time we have. Do I have 50 years, perhaps only 20? + +Who of you has wished you had more time for friends and family? That you could work less and enjoy life more? Some love their work and would do it for free. But a lot of us think they would be happier spending their time in different ways. + +If you look at it this way, every subscription service I pay for, every new car I buy, every time I buy something I don't really need I pay with time I could have used in a more fulfilling way. + +This is why being frugal, saving money, being mindful of how one spends time, and seeking FIRE as a goal is something I strive for, to own my own time. + +Does anyone else think of it this way? +It's been five years since we moved into our first home and our fixed rate of 3.48% is ending. I mentioned this in a passing conversation with our neighbour who replied "I'm a mortgage advisor, I'll do all the paperwork for you. All free of charge with free legals and valuation." + +Don't worry I know nothing is free in life but I thought what the hell, he may provide a better rate than MSE, moneysupermaaaaaaaarket etc. + +Quotes appeared a week later and it's safe to say the offers weren't the cheapest on the market by a long way, had £2000 product fees attached and no portability making them even worse. This immediately made me feel that he was "recommending" a product because they perhaps offered the highest commission. Bit of an awkward situation but I sent them into the long grass with their crap offers, compared rates online and then rang the banks myself. + +Since DIY is very easy, the banks provide their own free mortgage advisors and it works out cheaper, my question is what are the benefits of independent mortgage advisors or is it a redundant profession? + +The only instance I can think of where they can help is for a person unfamiliar with technology. + +EDIT: Thank you all for your responses and the discussions taking place. The common theme seems to be that if you have straight forward circumstances DIY can be cost effective. However brokers are helpful for those with particular circumstances or issues that enable brokers to use their experience/access to get particular rates or mortgages for those who need it. + +Edit 2: As this is my first post on Reddit on either of my accounts I feel compelled to say "long time lurker on this sub" and "wow this really blew up!" +I'm not a finance wiz but I am getting tired of news articles saying "buckle up for price increases". Does this encourage businesses to up their prices just because we're being told to "expect" it? +Hi all, I thought I'd make a thread for strategies, mindset and processes that low and middle income earners can utilise. + +Majority of threads around here seem to be of people earning over 80k a year. + +I'm talking about advice in relation to people on minimum to middle income wages. + +Post your ideas, advice and let's get information out for the majority of Aussies! +I am aware of the substantial geopolitical tensions at this time, but does anyone else think the market is overreacting? + +The current sanctions imposed on Russia by the West won’t significantly affect the majority of US businesses. AMZN is down nearly 20% this year due to an increase in inflation and rising costs of living, however I don’t think that a 20% drop is justified. There are many other examples out there, and speculatives have been bleeding YTD. + +Anyone else think the market has overdone it? +does this mean we really do have 516k accounts - no, not necessarily. all i am trying to say is that its less likely in my personal opinion that we only have 56k accounts - mod11 may be used for a checksum but not necessarily to dismiss 90% of accounts. + +ape historian here. + +intro - this isn't financial advice and i am pretty smooth. but this isn't my first time analyzing webpage performance so i would say i have half a wrinkle to pitch in here. + +&#x200B; + +The thesis of this post comes from a reply to a comment around maximum drs numbers: + +i am sharing here to raise awareness of that post (and a couple of others) and to foster a friendly discussion. + +TLDR:I am unsure if we can use mod11 numbers to say that we have 56k total cs accounts (which may or may not hold 100% of gme, of course other cs accounts hold non gme stock as well). + +relevant posts: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q4rzoq/data\_analytics\_from\_2000\_computershare\_screenshots/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q4rzoq/data_analytics_from_2000_computershare_screenshots/) and + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzxyf8/the\_share\_locker\_is\_at\_least\_half\_full/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzxyf8/the_share_locker_is_at_least_half_full/) + +by [/u/jonpro03](https://www.reddit.com/u/jonpro03/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pyzppj/cs\_moassameter\_new\_high\_score\_winner\_383k\_930/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pyzppj/cs_moassameter_new_high_score_winner_383k_930/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q3pdfq/computershare\_new\_high\_score\_winner\_1007/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q3pdfq/computershare_new_high_score_winner_1007/) + +by /u/stopfucking with me. + +# + +# Intro: site visits + +assuming mod11 is true, we should have 56k accounts in total. all these cs accounts would hold both gme and non gme stock. lets look at computershare site visits: [**https://www.similarweb.com/website/computershare.com/#overview**](https://www.similarweb.com/website/computershare.com/#overview) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[similar web shows 4.6 million visits in September and what looks like. note these numbers are estimates and not actual for the site - which is common with similarweb.](https://preview.redd.it/ijkqf1z2jks71.png?width=1378&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5328b9c8b57ad3bc5acd67a8842f2556768c8f7) + +&#x200B; + +Another site visit comparator: [https://sitechecker.pro/app/main/traffic-checker-land?pageUrl=Computershare.com](https://sitechecker.pro/app/main/traffic-checker-land?pageUrl=Computershare.com) + +lets look at September numbers: + +&#x200B; + +[a definitey uptick in viists - looks like 32&#37; increase from last month - this is for september. ](https://preview.redd.it/aubq0374oks71.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ac75c2c561f0ab0d6bea25486fe3f7e2b55a8d6) + +last month was august and 3.5M visits. september is 4.6M. so 1.1 million new visits. + +# 1.1 million extra visits in september to computershare - is this all gme - of course not. is some of it gme - hell yeah - read further down. + +[+45&#37; traffic in usa alone.](https://preview.redd.it/l8q5rfxynks71.png?width=1105&format=png&auto=webp&s=b25ff31e6bc69b6f72635ad0e0ea2252cd02c73c) + +&#x200B; + +[shows a steady number of visits with a starting increase around september time...](https://preview.redd.it/swvaqypakks71.png?width=1643&format=png&auto=webp&s=e68ad76f5be8db0edc5f838b9cc8518f453b6472) + +potential evidence that at least a small percentage of those are DEFINITELY apes: + +&#x200B; + +[top organic keywords - COMPUSHARE. now who is going to even google that? thats right.](https://preview.redd.it/eh0ubnxhkks71.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=b313f547bd445e6bcc2abcfa48dc6a018528422f) + +paid keywords that cs targets: + +&#x200B; + +[again COMPUSHARE- i dont think this is a coincidence.](https://preview.redd.it/wqim7fsmkks71.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bd263848b6ff4e2a7f0631fa21ed870bfb4b590) + +social metrics seem to suggest that social traffic is PREDOMINANTLY reddit and youtube driven. + +&#x200B; + +[social breakdown.](https://preview.redd.it/j14uznltkks71.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=73344577f7b802421c4316b149f0e9e716857d6f) + +# POint 2: give a share order numbers. + +it might also be interesting to you- my giveashare order number for example is 6 digits and starts with 14x,xxx- implying that there were 140k+ orders before me, if the order numbers are sequential , which they may well be as they sometimes are. This implies that at least 140k computershare accounts existed before end of September . now as /u/phazei pointed out giveashare could have easily started at a non zero number to make their order numbers look better - so should we ask who has the highest giveashare order number as well? i have 14x,xxx. this would imply that if it did start at zero, we have 140k computershare accounts created from that alone. + +now that i think about it its less likely as it would imply almost a third of all accounts have gone through giveashare. + +which if we look at giveashare metrics... + +[https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/giveashare.com](https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/giveashare.com) + +&#x200B; + +[VERY GOOD improvements for 3 months worth of traffic. definitely affected by something...](https://preview.redd.it/vpt0epkxlks71.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f299a5e227a01da41bec31ea11754aaa1b2aff6) + +&#x200B; + +[look at the popular articles page - oh hii GME! to be honest this isnt conclusive but just shows that there has been engagemnt of the GME page on giveashare which we already know.](https://preview.redd.it/2mew8wx2mks71.png?width=563&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddc085b5439cb31ba4f7f8a0df9e17fe8db87859) + +# unfortunately there are no visitor numberes to giveashare so i cant esimate how many apes actually went to the site. + +any giveashare people? whats the first 2 digits of your order number. FIRST 2 DIGITS ONLY - do not share anymore, as a full account number+ your last name can be used to find out where your order was sent. + +# POINT 3 - transfer calls per day: + +some posts: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pundau/some\_numbers\_from\_a\_fidelity\_rep/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pundau/some_numbers_from_a_fidelity_rep/) + +this gives an average of 75k calls per day from fidelity. i remember another estimated 3000 calls per day - i cant find it - can someone comment it. + +I will use the 3k calls per day estimate. + +assuming 3k calls per day, that's 15k new accounts per week or 60k per month. if mod11 is correct and there are only 60k accounts, it doesn't add up - the numbers simply don't add up. + +# Some other estimates: + +if there were only 56k accounts in total then it would be a little tricky to take into account all other non gme accounts. + +as /u/machiningeveryday pointed out here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q50ad2/comment/hg2qspa/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q50ad2/comment/hg2qspa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +computershare is a massive entity and has many other stocks / employer plans to take care of as well. + +if we only had 56k accounts then each account holder would have to visit the site 70 times a month to make up that traffic. or vast majority of visitors don't have an account at all - which is unlikely as the whole point of the site is to buy stock / check balance - which needs account number. + +&#x200B; + +Tldr- looking at website data it strongly suggests we have way more than 56k accounts as 56k accounts would mean average ape visits the account 71 times a month to make up for 4million page views or a combination of with account apes vs non account apes do so but the ratio is unknown. Taking 516k cs account number and estimating total visits assuming near 100% of visitors have an account number- puts us at 4 visits per month which sounds a lot more reasonable + +TLDR2: + +# does this mean we really do have 516k accounts - no, not necessarily. all i am trying to say is that its less likely in my personal opinion that we only have 56k accounts - mod11 may be used for a checksum but not neccessarily to dismiss 90% of accounts. +Main point: No bs, and straight to the point, I am a complete newbie to trading and am seriously considering studying up on options trading. I have $2500 in a TFSA and I would like to turn that into a lot more. By more I want to increase this amount into 10K, by this time next year . + +I am by no means trying to cut corners or am impatient in any way. If 10K is not a realistic goal in a year's time, that is fine as well. However, I would like to increase this amount. + +I am mainly learning through Youtube and Investopedia, learning of the various strategies. I would also love some input/resources from the people reading this post. Additionally, I am not able to find a clear answer on where exactly I can trade options in Canada. Maybe, I am just not looking at the right places but for folks who are/have trading/ed options, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. As far as I can see, Questrade seems to be the ideal option in order to initially practice using their tools. However, they want me to move $1000 into a TFSA account made through their service, which I am fine with. The only problem is their website is really bad. I am automatically logged off as soon as I login. I am not sure why this the case but it is just off-putting. + +Beyond Questrade, I am not too sure what other places I can turn to, to trade stock options. + +Any help, advice, and resources, and perhaps opinions on my goal to turn this $2500 to $10,000 would be greatly appreciated! +**Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps:** + +1. Save $1,000 in emergency fund +2. Pay off all debts using snowball method +3. Save 3-6 months expenses to developed emergency fund +4. Invest 15% of income in retirement +5. Save for kids College fund +6. Pay off home early +7. Build wealth and give  + +**UK Baby Steps:** + +1. Save £1,000 in emergency fund +2. Pay off all debts using snowball method (mostly) +3. Save 3-6 months expenses in developed emergency fund +4. Save up for a house deposit +5. Put money into your pension +6. Save for children's University +7. Pay off mortgage early +8. Build wealth +9. Give + +Firstly, as you can see there are now 9 Baby Steps. New in at Step 4 is saving for a house deposit, and Dave's 7 'build wealth' and 'giving' has been separated as they are two different transactions and considerations. + + +**1. Save £1,000 in emergency fund** + +This is essentially the same, although not aligned with exchange rates as cost of living is a bit higher in the UK, so £1k is a fair assumption. You need this for a rainy day, car repair etc. Put in a savings account WITHOUT easy access like a debit card, to avoid temptation of spending it. + + +**2. Pay off all debts using snowball method (mostly)** + +This is the key part of all the steps. Clear your debts FIRST, then use increased cashflow to save/ invest in later steps. Lots of people in the UK try to be smart and do both - you will pay interest on your debt and interest on your borrowed investments, downward spiral.  + +The snowball method means attack the smallest debt first and the biggest last. This is NOT the most economical method but is the best personal method. Having quick wins and a sense of achievement will motivate you to continue and attack those bigger debts. + +You need to clear ALL your debt (apart from your house). The average household in the UK owes £15,400 mostly on credit cards. Pay off those cards, phone contracts, overdue utility bills and furniture on finance. Where you may not want to follow the snowball is payday lenders, I would deal with them before a 1-2% finance on a sofa.  + +It should go without saying, if you are paying off your debts... DON'T take out anymore. This is the most tough and brutal part of the Baby Steps, working overtime, no holidays and no takeaways. Money goes toward debt not frivolous spending. + +***Car Finance debt*** + +The biggest debt here will be car finance. Pay it off, you need to own your car outright otherwise car payments are a big hit on your monthly income.  + +If you've got an expensive car (we're too car proud in the UK!), go and swap it in. Vehicles gets you from A to B. Whether it costs £30k or £3k, it still gets you from A to B. You are locked into car finance, but if you go to a dealer and downgrade they will rearrange the finance, do the paperwork and the swap. Ideally you will come away with no debt or at least a substantially lower debt; avoid finance where you can.  + +You just have to laugh when you see a 20-something in a BMW. Rather have a large home, financial stability and a healthy pension pot. They have a depreciating asset and a big whole in their pocket, meaning they probably still live with their parents. It's all a facade, it's better to know you're financially secure on the inside than try and give that impression outside. + + +**3. Save 3-6 months expenses in developed emergency fund** + +Once your debt is paid off, much more of your monthly income can be saved. The best way to save is to setup a 'cash pathway' like this: + +* Have a current account your salary is paid into (a separate one for your partner). +* Then a standing order the day after, to send 10% of your net income into a joint saver.  +* Then the rest of your salary goes to a different (joint) current account, which pays bills, food and clothes. + +You MUST have at least 2 current accounts, the saver can be linked to one. When we get to later steps we'll be moving a lot more money including mortgage payments from the first (holding) account; get used to the idea you only have to spend what's in the second. You MUST transfer money to savings as soon as you get paid, a standing order no more than 2 days after. + +***How much to save?*** + +The average UK mortgage payment is £671 and monthly expenditure £2,302 = a whopping £2,973 per month. This may vary depending on where you live, how many children you have and how much you spend. Work out your own budget and come up with your own figure. + +Perhaps £600 mortgage + £600 spending = £1,200 x 6 months = £7,200 to save. This could be a life-saver if you lose your job out of the blue, giving 6 months to find a new job without changing your lifestyle OR going into debt. + + +**4. Save up for a house deposit** + +This is a new step for the UK version. Not sure why Dave doesn't have an extra Step in here, as he does mention on his show to save up for a house at this point.  + +Although Dave likes you to pay for cash for a house, because the average UK home is double the value (or half the size) of the US and rents are high too, we typically need to build up a deposit and take a mortgage out on a house. If you listen to Dave's show he does not favour, but is not opposed to this concept. The fact he has a Baby Step for paying off the home, it makes sense to recognise the front end of that. + +Do not overstretch. If you go for a slightly bigger house with payments you struggle with, it will be a longtime until you upgrade again. Get a manageable home you can overpay on where possible, and own outright much sooner than 25 years. The freed up capital will give you much more flexibility and ability to upgrade.  + +For example if you pay £600 on rent now, buy a house with £600 mortgage payments on a 25-year term. Simple! Aim for a 15% deposit as a minimum. The average UK house price is £226,798 so you need £34,000 for a deposit. If you can save £1,000 per month (as a couple) that's 3 years for this step alone. It may seem a long time, but do it say from graduation and starting a job (age 22) for 3 years (to age 25), you will be buying a property 5 years before the average first-time buyer (age 30). + + +**5. Put money into your pension** + +Ok, here's where it gets exciting. The first step you can do concurrently with another (Step 4).  + +Americans need to be told to do this because they have to arrange their own pension pots (e.g. 401k). Most of us are automatically opted in and it's taken from our payslip. Pension is paid from your gross income (before tax). If you pay 20% tax this means you effectively get 20% more than saving for your retirement by other means. Employers must contribute around 3%, so a 23% boost is even better; BUT you can't touch it until you retire - which actually is also good, that's what we need it for. + +Let's say you're an average first-time buyer aged 30, just put that deposit down for a house and can now focus more of your income into pension saving. You have 35 years work ahead of you to retirement age of 65. This 35 years is important, as the National Insurance contributions you've been taxed for on your payslip all this time, will give you £8,777 per year in State Pension. This also goes up with inflation, but if you're 30 now the age you can get it will rise to 68 and the government could push this up even more.  + +***Dave says 15% of gross pay for retirement, does this follow for the UK?*** + +The average UK salary is £29,009. You may start on less and finish on more, but that average means you pay £2,445 per year in National Insurance contributions or 8.42% of your gross pay. + +If you want the same lifestyle in retirement... the income is £29,009 but we only ever get £23,264 after tax, minus the £8,777 state pension, minus the £7,200pa mortgage payments we don't need to pay for anymore = £7,287 per year we need to fund through our own private pension. + +Saving £300pm for 35 years with 5% fund growth would give you a pot of £323,619. In 35 years time, this might only be worth the equivalent of £136,364. This gives you 18 years of withdrawing £7,200 but generating £4,000 a year through 4% interest should stretch it out until you die. This means £300pm is 12.4% of our gross pay. Added to the 8.42% NI contributions we actually need to contribute 20.82% of our gross salary towards our pension (more than the 15% Dave suggests). + +However, it depends on your pension. If you work for local government (LGPS scheme) for 35 years earning £29,009, your pension would be a whopping £20,720 annually (before state is added). To get this pension, you are required to contribute 6.5% of your gross salary + 8.42% NI = 14.92% total. In which case, Dave would be spot on with 15%; but it depends on your pension scheme, your current salary and your expected lifestyle. + + +**6. Save for children's University** + +The main change is we call it 'University' rather than 'College' education. The main difference is, here in the UK, you take out a loan and pay it back as a percentage of your salary. If you never earn a salary, you never pay it back. In that way it's not really a debt, see it more as a salary contribution scheme. + +If you have a bachelors degree at £9,250 tuition + £5,000 maintenance = £14,250 x 3 years = £42,750 student loan debt. This gains 6.3% interest a year. BUT, you are only obliged to repay 9% of your salary over £25,725. If you were to earn the £29,009 average per year this would be just £24.63 per month - we spend more on pizza! + +Over 30 years you would only pay back only £8,866 on a debt which has grown with interest to £250k. Why 30 years? The debt is written off then no matter how large, no matter how much has been repaid. + +On this basis, unless there are radical changes to the system, your children should take out the loans. Forgetting the £250k, £8,866 over 30 years is still far better than paying £42,750 up front. However, if your child becomes a doctor, lawyer etc. with a large salary the maths may not be so kind.  + +I estimate the crossover point to be a salary of about £41,558. So if you earn that amount every year for 30 years you will pay more in student loan repayments than the original loans. But medical doctors for example are more likely to have £70k student debt on graduation anyway. + +To summarise, your kids should take out the student loans. If they achieve a high salary, paying the debt off early can be a decision left to them - in 80% of cases it is not worthwhile.  + +***How much to save?*** + +Yes, we still need to save - tuition and rent is covered by the loans. Your children will need/want food, clothes, nights out, stationary, sports gear, trips, holidays. Allow up to £9k per year if you're feeling generous (you can class this as part of your 'giving' in Step 8). Obviously you only need to do this if you have children, but let's put away just £100 per month for their first 18 years. Even in a measly 2.5% account this grows to the £27k we need to cover the 3 years.  + +University is still an expensive exercise for you parents then. A lot of financial stress can be caused by the cost, families even telling their second child they had to wait until the first finished university until they could go. Save up as soon as they are born. And only send them to university if they are 99% certain on their career choice and the degree is ESSENTIAL to their career.  + +Don't dissuade them to go based on the cost to you though; this is their money. If they don't invest in their education it can become their house deposit instead. + + +**7. Pay off mortgage early** + +Ok we're paying into our pension and we're saving for our kids future. The next payment is our mortgage. This should also be done before the rest of your money drops into your 'spending account' for food, clothes, bills etc.  + +This one is relatively straight forward, paying off the capital more quickly means we accrue less interest. We pay less in total and pay it off quicker. Meaning we can get round to the next step of using our cash to build our wealth and get rich. + +As in Step 4, the average UK house price is £226,798 and you've put down the 15% deposit of £34,000. Your mortgage value is £192,798 and with 2% interest over 30 years you would pay... £713 per month, £256,596 in total and £63,798 in interest.  + +Prioritise and attack this like your debts in Step 2. Increasing your monthly payments by just over £100 to £820 per month your mortgage would end... 5 years early and have saved you £11,614 in interest.  + + +**8. Build Wealth** + +Now the clever bit, if you could keep paying that £820 for another 5 years (up to the 30 years you were expecting anyway) but into a fund returning a conservative 5% you would have £56,000 in cash. That could help you retire early or be invested into property to give you a better income. + +It's up to you how you do it - the overall concept is debts are gone and mortgage is paid, we now have a lot of disposable income to invest and save. It will grow really quickly this way as shown above. DO NOT try to build wealth and pay off your mortgage. Don't be tied into a mortgage and tied into paying into an ISA, now your cashflow is really tightly strung, and then woops the car needs an MOT repair! Woops now you need to borrow again! No!!!  + +Dave mentions his millionaire study, about 90% of 10,000 millionaires surveyed did not borrow their way to wealth. The borrowing bubble always bursts, especially with rental properties - your cashflow is still finely balanced but now you have more debts, more risk and more worries.  + +Please, follow the Steps in order - only 4, 5 and 6 should ever be done together, though in a perfect scenario 4 would be done first.  + + +**9. Give** + +Giving is important. You may want to give to your kids and be generous in the calculations in Step 6. As long as you are committed on the Steps feel free to use your spare cash giving to charity or buying from a cake sale. + +The most rewarding thing you can give is your time; feel good about helping out and making an impact. The quicker you can become financially stable through the steps the more time you can give. + + +***Summary of the UK Baby Steps conclusions with typical timescales:*** + + +**1. Save £1,000 in emergency fund.** *Takes most people 4 months to do this.* + +**2. Pay off all debts using snowball method (mostly).** *Depends on how much debt, £15k could take 2 years. Downgrade your car! Financial stability is always cooler than a BMW. Use snowball method (smallest debt first) unless you have Payday loans.* + +**3. Save 3-6 months expenses in developed emergency fund.** *About 1 year to save 6 months worth of expenses.* + +**4. Save up for a house deposit.** *Looking at 3 years to save a 15% deposit for a couple buying together.* + +**5. Put money into your pension.** *Work for 35 years for full state pension. From gross salary another 12.4% in own pension (employer may contribute toward this). Or on LGPS or similar, pay the obligatory 6.5% for 35 years.* + +**6. Save for children's University.** *£100 per month from birth until 18th birthday. Take out the student loans in 80% of cases. Think carefully about whether that degree/course is vital* + +**7. Pay off mortgage early.** *Pay mortgage before spending on anything else. Always overpay if possible, use an overpayment calculator to see savings. Quicker paid off means less interest and onto Step 8 sooner...*  + +**8. Build Wealth.** *Once debt-free INCLUDING your home, cash/wealth can really build up fast fast fast. Do this step AFTER step 7 always, even if you have to wait until your 50s. Spare cash?... overpay! Once built up enough can buy rental properties then, but don't borrow ever again.* + +**9. Give.** *Give what makes you feel good, especially your time, to worthwhile causes* +https://www.wsj.com/articles/blood-testing-firm-theranos-to-dissolve-1536115130 + +Good thing I passed over an investment opportunity here and put it in Moviepass instead. +We’re at levels from October 2019 in the S&P500. That’s insane to me. We’re only down 15% from highs and up 28.5% since March 23rd. + +Certain companies are almost back to new highs or are making new highs. That’s ridiculous. 20% unemployment is unfathomable, yet the stock market is soaring. + +I’m terrified. My portfolio I’ve held for years is back in the green and I’m temptedy to sell everything and run. +I'm a 33 male, with a NW of around $1m. I'm probably 5-12 years away from FI, depending on certain circumstances and how I define FI. + +5-12 years might not seem long in the grand scheme of things, but I'm burned out from my work and feel that it's an eternity. Sometimes when people post of their FI achievements, I'm a little discouraged that I'm not there yet (while at the same time happy for the person). + +For people who've/who've not achieved FI, how did/do you keep yourself motivated before you reached FI? + +Edit: It's not my intention to discourage people who feel they have a lesser NW than me. It's a genuine question and this is really what I'm feeling now. Virtual hug to everyone who's trying their best and working towards their dream. You guys rock! +It has been said before, but I'm going to say it again. + +If you have all of your savings in the market, are highly leveraged, or are using money you cannot lose, you need to really think hard about what you are doing. + +The Fed said that they are going to taper and rates will rise. + +The government isn't going to spend as much fiscal stimulus as they have for the last two years. + +And consumers pushed forward a lot of spending on goods during the last several years. + +These are all obvious facts that are easily known. + +This means that sales revenues for a lot of your favorite companies have been pushed to the extreme while their valuations have been inflated; primarily by loose credit, low rates, and a pandemic. + +As those things reverse themselves, other things will reverse. Like stock prices, sales growth, and profits. + +And when combined with high inflation, those profits continue to fall unless the company can pass along those costs to their customers. + +We have already seen examples of this early into this earnings season: + +Bank stocks weren't as strong as hoped. + +Peleton said that they are slowing down significantly. + +And now Neflix disappoints. + +These are just a few examples. There will be more. + +What is happening now has been seen before in 2000 and 2008. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the data. A bubble builds and then it begins to pop. + +So, again. If you are treating the stock market as gambling and are betting with money you cannot really afford, think long and hard about why you are doing so. + +Best of luck. +Apart from working full-time as an apprentice plumber, being apart of gme feels like my 2nd part time job. I get caught up in watching the charts, browsing WSB, GME and SuperStonk, and reading all these DDs that its exhausting after being on the tools all day. But I love it, I'm putting in the work. Im doing my research, I'm learning a lot and at the end of the day, I'm going to get a fat check for it. + +My life has been a roller-coaster recently and I'm lucky to be apart of something big like this, but even more so, grateful. I struggle to fit in at work and sometimes amongst my friends, however I feel like I belong here. + +This community is so much more than just getting rich, I see so much sentiment about giving back to the community and helping one another. Being in a workplace surrounded by greed and cheats, that its so refreshing and comforting. Its nice to see this side of humanity. + +This will be a trip to remember, I will be holding onto 1 share as a momento. You guys help me believe anything is possible. + +Too the moon fellow apes + +Your fellow Aussie +💎🤚🇦🇺 + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-03/micron-chip-sales-banned-in-china-on-patent-case-rival-umc-says](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-03/micron-chip-sales-banned-in-china-on-patent-case-rival-umc-says) + +How long do you think "temporarily" means in this case? + +Any thoughts on the long term impact of this decision? +I will update this post everyday since I'm here 24/7 anyways (so save it!), with weekly posts (keep an eye out!). Any suggestions / additions / corrections ? Please let me know, apes & ants & other international species 🤝 + +Updated: 2021-05-16 @ 10:37 pm EST + +# ✅ Have you voted? ✅ + +* For Europoors, [Carl Hagberg's advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc8d2u/europoor_here_is_carl_hagbergs_advice_on_how_to/) on how to exercise your voting rights +* May 14: [German Broker Comdirect finally allows to vote](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncg06m/german_broker_comdirect_finally_allows_to_vote/). To international apes: [GameStop Investor Relations response](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncc4bf/attention_international_apes_gamestop_investor/) to proxy voting + +# 🌌 MOASS 🌌 + +* This post was too epic, it needed its own section. [MOASS Checklist for Apes - Things To Think About Before, During and Afterwards - R2.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbdvii/moass_checklist_for_apes_things_to_think_about/) + +# 🌟 Week of May 17 🌟 + +* Compilation of All DD, TA, Rules & Regulations, News, and more! [WEEK OF MAY 17th](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nep4cf/compilation_of_all_dd_ta_rules_regulations_news/) 🔥🚀 + +# 🌟 May 16 🌟 + +**DD:** + +* ADV filings shows as of 2/5/2021, Citadel has a [possible negative short position of $150B](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndz9l8/citadel_advshitadels_negative_boner/) +* GME MOASS: [How To Not Fuck Up - An Exit Strategy (Repost)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndpp2f/best_exit_strategy_ive_encountered_so_far/) +* An Uncovering of [More FTD Cycles Than You Can Imagine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndzxdh/origin_stories_an_uncovering_of_more_ftd_cycles/) + +**TA:** + +* [Gherkinit's forward looking TA for 5/17/21-5/21/21](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndvntr/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_the_forward_looking_ta/) + +**RULES & REGULATIONS:** + +* [SR-BOX-2021-11 and BOX Options. No more PFOF ?!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nd8nqt/need_a_wrinkle_brain_immediately_robinhood_and/) + +**EDUCATION / DATA / OTHER:** + +* (Most of) the margin calls need to happen all at once [to maximize squeeze potential](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndyomm/most_of_the_margin_calls_need_to_happen_all_at/) +* Q: "BuT wHEre DoeS ThE MoNey COme FroM?" [A: MARKET CANNIBALIZATION](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndptr5/q_but_where_does_the_money_come_from_a_market/) +* This week is different than Jan & March - [what DFV knows (230,000 puts!)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndqd6e/this_week_is_different_than_jan_march_because_we/) +* The state of the enemy: [they’re desperate enough to sacrifice an influential chess piece now](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndtox3/that_fud_piece_by_the_exmod_gives_invaluable_info/) +* In 4 weeks or less, [the public will know GameStop's voting numbers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndqpom/in_4_weeks_or_less_the_public_will_know_gamestops/) +* [A visual to remind you all why stop losses are bad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nduukg/heres_a_visual_to_remind_you_all_why_stop_losses/) SHFs used a massive short attack which set off stop losses to create this huge drop on March 10. +* Naked Short Sellers [have set our cancer research back decades](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndrjl8/naked_short_sellers_have_set_our_cancer_research/) +* [Crypto market dumping again](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndy28s/crypto_market_dumping_again_market_cap_decreased/) \- market cap decreased by at least $350B (as per comments) +* CNBC: [Elon Musk suggests Tesla may have dumped internet coin holdings](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndzkp4/more_pressure_applied/) +* Perfect Timing for a Maintenance, wouldn't you say? [Robinhood blocking trading again](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndz2we/rh_robbin_the_hood/) +* [Network Graph](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndxkn3/network_graph_of_the_regulatoryclearingsettlement/) of the “Regulatory/Clearing/Settlement System for the U.S. Financial Markets” + +&#x200B; + +# 🌟 May 15 🌟 + +* [Ryan Cohen's Letter to the Board](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nd18ee/ryan_cohens_letter_to_the_boardmy_north_star/) +* DD: [Where in the world is SR-DTC-2021-005 ?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncnz1l/where_in_the_world_is_srdtc2021005_we_were_told/) We were told over 1 month ago it was taken down for formatting and would be replaced in no more than 2 weeks. Let's talk about it. +* Article from Feb 25th. [The GameStop Mess Exposes the Naked Short Selling Scam](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncurzi/the_gamestop_mess_exposes_the_naked_short_selling/) + +# 🌟 May 14 🌟 + +**DD:** + +* Analysis of 605 data: [Huge short position opened in January. Expanded in February and March](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc1h4o/findings_from_my_analysis_of_605_data_huge_short/). Has not been closed. +* [The Hedge Fund "Cabal": Steven Cohen, Citadel, and Susquehanna have been playing this game for decades.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbqbrc/the_hedge_fund_cabal_steve_cohen_citadel_and/) Will the Game Be Stopped this time? +* [The House of Fraud](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbpboy/the_house_of_fraud_the_biggest_corruption_scandal/) \- The Biggest Corruption Scandal on History + +**TA:** + +* [MACD is crossing again!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nccro9/omg_the_macd_is_crossing_again_just_chill_weve/) +* [Confirmation bias TA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbnsxl/gme/): 1 chart w/ stochastics, MACD, and OBV + +**RULES & REGULATIONS:** + +* [SR-ICC-2021-005 filed today with the SEC.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncq8jt/sricc2021005_filed_today_with_the_sec_basically/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Sounds like a plan on how the mess will be cleaned up by big banks after a major devastating financial event happens, e.g. a MOASS +* [FINRA 2021 009 proposed rule change and its 👌](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc8a1k/finra_2021_009_proposed_rule_change_and_its/) +* More competition for market makers (like Citadel) ? Info in comments. [SEC rule 8055 effective immediately](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncmaxy/sex_rule_8055_effective_immediately_appears_to_be/) +* Something fishy about [removing SR-NYSE-2021-20 and SR-PHLX-2021-30](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbq681/something_fishy_about_removing_srnyse202120_and/) +* Seems like ICC needs better language to liquidate and collect collateral (read bracing for impact). [SR-ICC-2021-007 aka haircuts for treasury bond participants.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc1zfj/i_like_this_one_sricc2021007_aka_haircuts_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +**NEWS & MEDIA:** + +* [Are we on the verge of a new financial crisis?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncgojw/are_we_on_the_verge_of_a_new_financial_crisis_the/) The GameStop case, the signals of Hedge Funds and the rise of crypto +* [MarketWatch quotes Stonkinator3000](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nchu9x/marketwatch_and_stonkinator3000_also_encapsulated/) and [Dave Lauer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncjp00/we_have_a_rouge_marketwatch_employee_giving/)! +* MarketWatch have changed their title and content of the same article 3x - Have now [removed all mention of squeeze](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc77wi/marketwatch_have_changed_their_title_and_content/) +* We made our way on to [today’s Jeopardy (picture)!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncjoqi/we_made_our_way_on_to_todays_jeopardy/) Here's a [post with a video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncn461/we_were_on_jeopardy_today_boomers_still_think_it/) +* Bullish news! [Citadel employees jumping off the sinking ship already](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc3xzf/bullish_news_citadel_employees_jumping_off_the/) +* Daily reminder to NEVER trust a word CNBC says : ["Short sellers help stocks find their true values and expose fraud"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc6f2a/daily_reminder_to_never_trust_a_word_cnbc_says_we/) +* [Repost "Robinhood CEO Lying Under Oath"](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/nc7hfj/petition_repost_robinhood_ceo_lying_under_oath/) and get it to frontpage once a day! +* If you ever doubted media manipulation, remember this video ["Independent" media using the EXACT same words](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbpusp/if_you_ever_doubted_media_manipulation_remember/). And this video of the 2008 Crash. [Not a single expert/spokesperson mentioned the true cause of the crash; Mortgage Bonds.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbrl8h/watch_this_video_of_cnbc_during_the_2008_crash/) +* How you can tell this isn't the squeeze: [MarketWatch says it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbq8ck/how_you_can_tell_this_isnt_the_squeeze/) + +**EDUCATION / DATA / OTHER:** + +* [New SEC whistleblower info](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncfwah/new_sec_whistleblower_info_may_14th_is_this_ryan/) \- is this Ryan Cohen's doing with the proxy votes?! +* [Looks like some research institutes are coming around to our side!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc8c0h/hey_you_guys_looks_like_some_research_institutes/) +* Brad Katsuyama CEO and co-founder of the IEX: ["97% of market orders are never executed"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncfd8e/brad_katsuyama_ceo_and_cofounder_of_the_iex_97_of/). From Sep 2017 +* Contrude's big brain wrinkles on [what is happening right now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncah29/real_dd_coming_soon_this_is_my_attempt_to_explain/) Upcoming DD. +* [Daily heat map](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/nckxtb/daily_heat_map_of_citadelmelvinsusquehanna_long/) of Citadel/Melvin/Susquehanna Long Holdings +* [Bloomberg Terminal Data 05/14](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/nckmwo/14052021_gme_bloomberg_terminal_information/) +* Lucy Komisar's quote on [226% short interest in $GME comes from Finra](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncjx4t/lucy_komisars_quote_on_226_short_interest_in_gme/) (02/09/2021) +* [GME Depth of Book](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbpvmh/gme_depth_of_book/) by Dave Lauer + +&#x200B; + +# 🌟 May 13-12-11🌟 + +**DD:** + +* [A DD into Steven A. Cohen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb0261/a_dd_into_steven_a_cohen_one_of_the_main_villains/), one of the main villains in the GME saga +* [DFV, Ryan Cohen, May 13th, Liquidity Test and Margin Call](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/nb14zk/dfv_ryan_cohen_may_13th_liquidity_test_and_margin/) +* Counter DD: NY Fed $400B reverse repos is [not tied to margin calls. It's worse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbt1sp/counter_dd_ny_fed_400_bln_reverse_repos_is_not/) +* Possible DD: [The beginning of the end](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbe55w/the_beginning_of_the_end/). About VIX, 10-year notes, risk, inflation, and the FED +* Possible DD: [Massive incoming upward push on GME & Bollinger Bands](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/naktm8/thankyou_for_flying_gme_please_grab_your_final/) +* EU – [CSDR is a true driver to enforce better regulated markets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbf18c/eu_csdr_is_a_true_driver_to_enforce_better/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), clean up the GME/AMC mess and help apes on a global level +* [Stress Tests Are Easy With Cheat Codes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbjckf/stress_tests_are_easy_with_cheat_codes_may_13/) — May 13, 2021 Edition! + +**RULES & REGULATIONS:** + +* [Two New Rules Posted On DTCC's Site : SR-FICC-2021-003 & SR-FICC-2021-801](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nble59/while_were_having_a_party_two_new_rules_just/). Changes for the FICC, DTCC's subsidiary, a clearing house like the DTCC, but for fixed income securities like MBS. +* [SR-FINRA-2021-009!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb3put/new_finra_ruling_srfinra2021009_link_in_the/) This rule specifically talks about the January squeeze and liquidity, and the 2008 crash. Discussion post. +* A bill just got approved - [Disclosure of Tax Havens & Offshoring Act.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb30rn/a_bill_just_got_approved_disclosure_of_tax_havens/) Hedgies getting inspected! + +**NEWS:** + +* ["Margin calls this afternoon..." on CNBC!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nat1ec/margin_calls/) +* [European Financial News is Reporting Major MARGIN CALLS are Already Happening on Wall Street](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european_financial_news_is_reporting_major_margin/)... and the Fed Has Quietly Issued Billions in Emergency Bail Out Loans to Financial Institutions Over the Past Two Days +* [Regarding recent rumors about FED bailing out HFs.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbg01m/regarding_recent_rumors_about_fed_bailing_out_hfs/) Who are we really up against ? +* [Fidelity adds 4.1 million new clients in the first quarter of 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbku8x/if_fidelity_transferees_own_19_shares_each_theyd/) +* [Ken's failure in Shenzhen, China](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbdoqs/kens_failure_in_china/). Banned for security fraud and malicious short selling. +* US House Financial Services Committee Considering [a Ban on PFOF](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbeqvk/occupy_wall_street_could_have_only_dreamt_of/) +* [Another Whistleblower Awarded $3.6 Million](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nascnj/another_whistleblower_awarded_36_million_today/) by the SEC +* In 2018, [Melvin Capital Shorted Nintendo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/namtx9/in_2018_melvin_capital_shorted_nintendo/) +* [Is This The Beginning Of The End Of Naked Short Selling In Canada?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/na8udr/canada_considering_forcing_short_sellers_confirm/) +* Every S&P Sector in Negative Territory as Stocks Plunge [as seen on TV.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n9yw1r/i_like_red_crayon/) + +**SOCIAL MEDIA:** + +* [Ryan Cohen's Tweet @ Arlington, VA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb4tbl/ryan_cohen_tweet/) +* [Wombo Combo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nasz86/gamestop_twitter_at_it_again_i_speculate_the/) +* [GameStop replying to Reddit replying to GameStop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/na67t8/reddit_just_replied_to_gamestops_new_tweet_we/). [Another one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/na6o23/jacked_to_the_tits/) + +**EDUCATION / DATA / OTHER:** + +* Clarifying some things about [average trade sizes, transactions reporting, and the FINRA ADF](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/na5drq/greetings_apes_lets_clarify_some_things_about/) +* [Reverse Repo loan amounts by day since January](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbg13/reverse_repo_loan_amounts_by_day_since_january/) +* New SEC filings indicate [whale institutions are HODLing too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb85ey/new_sec_filings_indicate_whale_institutions_are/) +* US consumer prices at highest level since 2008 and [core inflation at highest level since 1995](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nansur/us_consumer_prices_at_highest_level_since_2008/) +* Daily Heat Map of Citadel and Melvin's Long Holdings: [May 13](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/nbtuyc/daily_heat_map_of_citadel_and_melvins_long/), [May 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/nb30rz/daily_heat_map_of_citadel_and_melvins_long/) +* Market Heat Map of a [Very Red Day on May 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarket/comments/natcfe/market_heatmap_512/) +* [Nikkei Bleeding - Another Big Red Day](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nagx9k/nikkei_bleeding_another_big_red_day_its_only_1/). It's only 1% Away From the Low of Jan 28. +* [Asian markets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nahhak/asian_markets_are_tanking_once_again_following/) and [other international markets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nafv9y/international_markets_are_doing_super_well_honest/) are tanking, following another day of decline in the US markets +* Bloomberg Terminal Data: [May 13](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbqh14/13052021_gme_bloomberg_terminal_information/), [May 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/nb063p/12052021_gme_bloomberg_terminal_information/), [May 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/na975y/11052021_gme_bloomberg_terminal_information/) +* May 13: [GME Ortex Data - Closing Bell](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbpybf/gme_ortex_data_closing_bell/). +* [Why Ortex's Cost To Borrow % is much greater than Fintel/iborrowdesk's](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/na36uw/i_asked_ortex_why_their_cost_to_borrow_is_in_the/). This post is for another stock, but can be useful for GME. +* May 12: [Negative volume of -2,731,335 in after hours.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbaqkk/hello_glitch_welcome_back/) +* Looks Like [All The Top Cryptocurrencies Are Tanking Together](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nblb8m/welp_looks_like_all_the_top_cryptocurrencies_are/)🤔Nothing To See Here +* [GME SAGA Timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbcpij/gme_saga_timeline_update_0513/) Update 05-13 +* So far Canadians have [at least 101322 proxy vote forms that have been sent out!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb271f/so_far_canadians_have_at_least_101322_proxy_vote/) +* I know we said not to talk about other stocks, but this ties into GME. [PRESENTING THE BIG FOUR](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/nay4zw/presenting_the_big_four_four_separate_stocks_four/): 4 separate stocks. 4 different industries. All shorted by Citadel. All put on the RH restricted list. All moving exactly the same way. ^(As for me, I like GME.) +* [Record Selling by BofA Hedge Fund Clients](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nam06k/record_selling_by_hfs/) +* [GME fully disappeared from IB report](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/na03n6/gme_fully_disappeared_from_ib_report/) +* [Short Volume of 67.7% on May 10th](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n9xb96/yesterday_was_the_highest_short_volume_we_have/) + +**ART & WRITING:** + +* Documentary update! [It's All About The Apes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n9x3qw/documentary_update_its_all_about_the_apes/) + +&#x200B; + +# 💎 More posts from May 💎 + +**DD:** + +* All Shorts Must Cover. They're Entering The Danger Zone. [The SI Report Loop Consistently Brings Us Ever Closer To The Squeeze.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n792mf/all_shorts_must_cover_theyre_entering_the_danger/) +* Kenny's running out of resources and shorting everything to pay for it. [List of stock Citadel is shorting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwm2iz/rocket_fuel_kennys_running_out_of_resources_and/) +* Who is really the bad guy here? Hint hint: It ain’t SHITADEL. [ICE bears, we see you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n75j10/who_is_really_the_bad_guy_here_hint_hint_it_aint/) +* Retail EASILY Owns [100-300% of the Remaining Float](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwskkv/retail_easily_owns_100300_of_the_remaining_float/) +* [How Synthetic Shares Can Destroy Proxy Voting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1qhtb/how_synthetic_shares_can_destroy_proxy_voting/) +* [Superstonk users ALONE hold between 27 million and 35 million shares.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzuodo/final_update_superstonk_users_alone_hold_between/) Based on polls and frequency distribution. +* Possible DD: The link between [GameStop, Berkshire Hathaway and Coca-Cola](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7e18t/i_think_i_solved_the_rubix_cube_and_it_is_so_much/) +* Discussion: Citadel Has Over $57,500,000,000 In Open Short Positions On Its Books... [What may have happened in January and why trading was halted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7g5gp/citadel_securities_has_over_57500000000_in_open/) + +**NEWS:** + +* [The full, unedited segment of Trey Hollingsworth](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n6gmlr/the_full_unedited_segment_of_trey_hollingsworth/) as he brings up off-exchange (DARK POOL) trading, then immediately gets cut off for reasons unknown +* [Fidelity launches platform for fund managers to profit from short-sellers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1nic0/fidelity_launches_platform_for_fund_managers_to/) +* May 7 : US CMBS Delinquencies Tick Up in April for First Time since October 2020. The Big Short 2.0 ? [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n8t3wc/speaking_of_hedge_funds_banks_and_commercial/) and direct link: [https://www.fitchratings.com/research/structured-finance/us-cmbs-delinquencies-tick-up-in-april-for-first-time-since-october-2020-07-05-2021](https://www.fitchratings.com/research/structured-finance/us-cmbs-delinquencies-tick-up-in-april-for-first-time-since-october-2020-07-05-2021) + +**RULES & REGULATIONS:** + +* Possible DD: [801 and NSCC-002](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5idj9/801_and_nscc002/) + +**TA:** + +* Michael BRRRRYs Warnings of the market crash: [DJI, S&P500, and the NASDAQ all have this bearish pennant](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwpu9x/michael_brrrrrrys_warnings_of_the_market_crash/) + +**EDUCATION / DATA / OTHER:** + +* Complete Compilation Documenting the Existence of [Every Market Manipulation Tactic Used by Hedge Funds in this GameStop Saga](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n8mizw/here_is_a_complete_compilation_documenting_the/) +* [Why Korean Ants are standing with us, from an Ant](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n46jd9/korean_ant_here_why_we_stand_with_you/) 🤝 +* [Complete ETF list update](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n9kzyv/gme_complete_etf_list_update_week_of_may_10th_2021/) \- Week of May 10th + +&#x200B; + +# 💎 Posts from April 💎 + +* Compilation of All DD, TA, Rules & Regulations, News, and more! [APRIL EDITION](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nd80tt/compilation_of_all_dd_ta_rules_regulations_news/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 🔥🚀 + +&#x200B; + +# 💎 Posts from March💎 + +* Compilation of All DD, TA, Rules & Regulations, News, and more! [MARCH EDITION](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nd506b/compilation_of_all_dd_ta_rules_regulations_news/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 🔥🚀 + +&#x200B; + +# 🚀 atobitt's work 🚀 + +1. [Citadel Has No Clothes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m4c0p4/citadel_has_no_clothes/) +2. [BlackRock Bagholders, Inc.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m7o7iy/blackrock_bagholders_inc/) +3. [The Everything Short](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/) +4. [Walkin' like a duck. Talkin' like a duck](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ml48ov/walkin_like_a_duck_talkin_like_a_duck/) +5. [A House of Cards - Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvk5dv/a_house_of_cards_part_1/) + +# 🚀 sharkbaitlol's work 🚀 + +1. [CHAOS THEORY - The EVERYTHING Connection](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mokvhk/chaos_theory_the_everything_connection/) : The Cayman Islands +2. [CHAOS THEORY - Conflicts of Interest](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpmnzt/chaos_theory_conflicts_of_interest/) : Former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton & Apollo, Former Chairman of the CFTC Heath Tarbert & Citadel +3. [CHAOS THEORY - The FINAL Connection](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mseyai/chaos_theory_the_final_connection/) : CFTC & SEC, Credit Suisse, Gary Gensler, LIBOR & SOFR, The Great Trap + +# 🚀 augrr's work 🚀 + +1. [The Shell Game I](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvvmvp/time_to_expose_the_shell_game_ftds_can_be_reset/) \- FTDs can be "reset" through borrowing from ETFs +2. [The Shell Game II](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwnnmj/the_shell_game_revisited_how_etfs_work_and_what/) \- How ETFs work and what their FTDs mean for GME +3. [The Shell Game III](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/myn9vn/the_shell_game_iii_lifting_the_final_cups_for/) – Lifting the Final Cups for Take-Off + +# 🚀 broccaaa's work 🚀 + +1. [Why March GME prices are suppressed and hedges are fucked:](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m5k32p/why_current_gme_prices_are_suppressed_and_hedges/) OBV, shorting and the disconnect with price +2. [The naked shorting scam revealed:](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgj0j1/the_naked_shorting_scam_revealed_lending_of/) lending of market maker privileges, the married put trade and why inflicting max pain will bleed them dry +3. [The naked shorting scam in numbers:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvdgf5/the_naked_shorting_scam_in_numbers_ai_detection/) AI detection of 140M hidden FTDs, up to 400M naked shorts in married puts and massive dark pool activity by Citadel and the shorts +4. [The naked shorting scam using ETFs](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/n1x75w/the_naked_shorting_scam_using_etfs_mass_shifting/): mass shifting of FTDs from GME to 20+ ETFs & 27+ billion dollars still owed in remaining SI + +&#x200B; + +# 📢 AMAs of MVPs 📢 + +&#x200B; + +* Dr. Susanne Trimbath, PhD - April 29, 2021 : [Livestream](https://youtu.be/fGVY2Kco8ng), [Transcript Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vubv/stonky_news_special_report_dr_susanne_trimbath/), [Transcript Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vvcy/stonky_news_special_report_dr_susanne_trimbath/) and [Book](https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Short-Greedy-Streets-Failure-ebook/dp/B08XXXRH7T/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1619727582&sr=8-2) (Naked, Short and Greedy: Wall Street's Failure to Deliver) +* Dave Lauer - May 5, 2021 : [Livestream](https://youtu.be/AYct0XX0uTU), [Transcript Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7234n/david_lauer_ama_transcriptsummary/) and [Transcript Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7295i/david_lauer_ama_transcript_summary_22/) +* Carl Hagberg, Retail Shareholder Rights Expert - May 12, 2021: [Livestream](https://youtu.be/KHnpPfWdf78), [Transcript Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nce9kq/carl_hagberg_ama_transcriptsummary_12/) and [Transcript Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nceapj/carl_hagberg_ama_transcriptsummary_22/) +* Lucy Komisar, Investigative Journalist: [Livestream](https://youtu.be/wKXWvEpnN34) and [The Komisar Scoop Website](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/) +While discussing with a friend about investments, I mentioned that for my SIPs I take whatever is the closest date that is allowed, regardless of whether its the beginning or the end of month. He made a point that most people would add their SIPs for the first few days (say b/w 1st and 5th) after they get their salaries so the valuation would be expensive compared to the end of the month (say 20th to 30th). Of course data doesnt show any such pattern but thoughts from the group? Anything that I'm missing? +NEW DELHI: India’s benchmark equity indices on Friday did not react to the change in Moody's India outlook to ‘negative’ from ‘stable’. Analysts said market participants felt the economy has hit the bottom already and that is in the price. + +Economists, though, believe the process of economic recovery could take more time than initially thought. + +Moody’s said its ‘negative’ outlook partly reflects lower effectiveness of government and policy in addressing long-standing economic and institutional weaknesses than it had previously estimated. This is leading to a gradual rise in debt burden from already high levels, it said. + + + +“Rating agencies do their job a little later, a little slower, but markets are ahead. Ratings agencies look into the rear-view mirror. Stock market looks ahead. I think that is the fundamental difference,” said Srinivasan Subramanian of Axis Capital. + +“I am not downplaying the gravity of the situation. But the market is looking positive because the government is responding at multiple levels across the entire spectrum. It may take a couple of quarters for the measures to show their effec .. + +Sandip Sabharwal of asksandipsabharwal.com in a tweet called the outlook ‘ridiculous’. He said the government compromised growth in trying to keep the rating agencies happy all this while. + +That excessive focus on fiscal deficit is one of reasons behind slower growth, he said. “Nothing was achieved. They see nothing wrong in euro economies. Today, they have downgraded India Outlook on short-term growth concerns,” he said. + + +Read more at: +//economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/71966134.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst + + +https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/ridiculous-analysts-economists-junk-moodys-india-downgrade/articleshow/71966134.cms +[**ComputerShare / DRS Megathread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +Hey Superstonk! + +First, thank you for the great discussion within the [NFT Temperature Check post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v7ympv/nft_giveaways_temperature_check/). That post was meant to gauge how the community was feeling with the NFT giveaways on the sub and if change was needed. So here we are, back now with the official poll, so you can vote for NFT Giveaways place on (or off) the sub. + +As a reminder, NFT Giveaways have to be just that, a giveaway. There **cannot** be any type of ask to the participant; giveaway posts cannot ask for upvotes, and creators cannot ask within the post or comments for tips or gas fees due to the no monetization rule. + +**Just to be clear, this poll is only for NFT Giveaways, which are not monetized.** + +**Marketplace content, which is monetized, is not being voted on during this poll.** + +**Beginning Monday 6/20 at what would be market open (the market is closed in observance of the Juneteenth holiday), this post will be replaced with a Marketplace poll and discussion which will run until Wednesday 6/22 at market open.** + +We know many here are very excited to hype the marketplace, support the creators, and generate more revenue for GameStop. However, this is of course a grey area for the sub as Marketplace content *is* monetized and goes against the rules of the sub. Due to the monetization making this slightly more complicated than a NFT Giveaway, we felt like Marketplace deserved it's own discussion and poll. + +**Back to the NFT Giveaway Poll:** + +Once again, this poll will last until Monday morning. Once both rounds of voting conclude for NFT Giveaways & Marketplace Content, we will begin working on implementing any changes that may be voted on. + +Lastly, based on the feedback from the Temperature Check, we are working on introducing an NFT Giveaway flair very soon. When this flair is used, we will also have the QVbot comment populate a warning and wallet safety tips since we know this was important to many of you as well. + +**Thanks for taking the time to vote!** + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/vedab3) +What book do you recommend/give away the most and why? + +As an aspiring FatFI, mine would be The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen. Hammers down the concept of compounding effects and ties it into the daily habits that determine much of our life. +I noticed there's a lot of shilling for memecoins on this subreddit and I figured I should try and "cleanse" with a potential gem with a real use-case, Opacity ($OPCT). They did an AMA recently and covered a lot of things, so I'm just going to point out some things I noticed that were either good or bad. I'll also cite some stuff they said so you don't have to watch the whole AMA. + +This is my first post, sorry if it isn't great! Tried to make a informative thread instead of just saying "buy!! diamond hands!!! low mc!! best community!!!" Also, I'm reposting to not confuse people. (Last post I mistakenly said $OPCTY instead of $OPCT) + +- Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xd07d843cd1d769cdf918be8a3c2c0b708889f7fc + +- Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xDb05EA0877A2622883941b939f0bb11d1ac7c400 + +- Telegram: https://t.me/OpacityStorage + +- Telegram Lounge/Price talk: https://t.me/OpacityLounge + +**Big numbers that make people happy to see:** + +- 5m market cap + +- As of writing this the price is $0.070 USD + +- Total supply of 130,000,000 OPCT + +**Opacity AMA takeaways:** + +- Seems the CEO, Jason Coppola, got screwed by the ledger leak and is very against having personal information available due to receiving home invasion threats. + +- Announces new people on the team. New developers, new marketing person. + +- Cloud storage provider - only real competition is siacoin. + +- Big focus on anonymity. No personal identification will ever be asked. + +- When asked about reaching out to companies Jason said definitely but that they want everything to be more stable and user-friendly first. + +- Trying to be more consumer-sided with the mobile app to increase user engagement and involvement. + +- Was added to Uniswap in January so this coin is relatively still new (to most people I assume). + +- They added a lot of liquidity from the companies share of the developer funds (a few million $OPCT) as well as ETH from Jason. This was to reduce price gap and prevent 1 ETH changing the price by 10% to about 2% (which I think is even lower now). + +- You can stake $OPCT in the future, part of the decentralized system if you are a storage provider. They will look into possibly opening it to non-storage providers, but no guarantee. + +- Rather small user base currently, ~2,500 of active accounts for the past year. Hoping on the mobile app to bring in more people. + +- Plan on letting storage nodes set a price to create a competitive market. One can do 1 terabyte for 50 cents while another does 1 terabyte for 49 cents. + +- Plan to start development on the decentralization as soon as the whitepaper is done. Don't want to wait long. + +**Claimed strong points:** + +- Really secure protection for identity + +- Strong encryption on files + +- Shard the files + +- Framework is in place to support the structure of a secure data platform as well as identity protection + +- Nobody has taken the lead in the market, Opacity is more user-friendly which makes it easier for people not familiar with crypto to jump into it + +**Claimed unique selling points:** + +- Brings up the privacy part again. + +- Doesn't ask for information and focused on not tieing metadata or files to the user. + +- Once uploaded and encrypted its no longer connected to you, not even if they got access to the file through +encryption. + +- Doesn't say where it came from, or who it came from, the information just doesn't exist. + +- Identity protection that nobody else really offers. + +**Claimed next big milestones:** + +- There is no road map (This isn't a milestone, but they mentioned that there isn't one so I figured I should bring it up. They also didn't really say if they're planning on making one.) + +- Getting through the draft copy of the whitepaper for decentralization + +- Revamp of the website and web-app. More modern, better UI. Showing progress of files uploading and downloading, and just general better user feedback. + +They actually showed off the UI and a bit of the whitepaper. The UI started at 15:43, and the whitepaper started at 20:16 for anybody that's interested. + +**Woke up and saw some messages in telegram from an admin - so here are some things to look forward to:** + +- Web updates coming in March + +- Mobile app coming (most likely) in May + +- Whitepaper is almost final + +[There's a lot to take in, I suggest watching the AMA yourself but $OPCT seems like a genuinely good investment imo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZRC8pdWA2M) + +Edit: added dextools, clarified the $0.07 meant USD, added etherscan + +Edit2: Just a heads up, I learned recently that $OPCT used to be $PRL. With the old founder or CEO (Bruno Block) behind bars (with the team also pursuing that to happen), and a new CEO (Jason Coppola) running the project I don't think there's much to worry about, but I also think it's fair to new investors to be fully aware of that. + +Edit3: Added their telegrams +My company recently gave me access to use company aircraft for travel. I've grown to really enjoy GA versus flying commerical and find the time savings on either side to be well worth it (relative to what it costs my company). + +Since it's unlikely I'll be able to buy my own jet unless the big M in my net worth turns into a big B I've been looking to jet card programs and how they would affect my long-term FIRE plans. + +I'm wondering if anyone has a jet card or is in a fractional jet ownership and can provide some insight into how the cost has affected your FIRE and if you think it's worth it versus flying first on a commerical airline? + + +Throw away account. + +We have always heard the clichés about the grass is always greener, sour grapes etc. I wonder where the redditors in this group stack up. How many of you feel jealousy and feel like they don’t have enough? Or see peers getting promoted and feel slighted? + +Or are you zen, happy with what you have achieved and comfortable in your own skin? + +I am starting this discussion, because I went through a lot of soul searching last year, where I answered a lot of those questions for myself. I had the opportunity to accept a high risk/high reward job with a better title. After a lot of thought, I turned it down. I realized that while it could accelerate my FIRE, it would meaningfully detract from my current quality of life. + +I also realized that I don’t really care about impressing people with my title or money. I make very good money, and if I am in my current job for 5 more years, I will be able to satisfy most of my financial goals. My inner competitiveness still comes through, as I strive to always do everything perfectly at work and put pressure on me that way. I still want to do better job than my peers. But I am less concerned about promotions etc. Earlier in my career, I beat out a lot of people and that proved to myself that I am probably among the top echelon of skills, which gave me inner peace. I am never in a room and feel like that the other person is better than me because of title or money. + +Every now and then I read about somebody my age getting promoted to some impressive sounding position, and there is a pang of “sigh, I wish that was me”, especially since I KNOW they are not better than me. But that evaporates pretty quickly. I have realized that luck, right place/right time, who you know, are just as much of a determinant of advancing, if not more. So I don’t really get bothered by it. + +So as such, if I am in my current job for another 5-10 years without getting a new title, I will be pretty content. It is interesting, I have autonomy and I like my co-workers. I have realized that the things outside of work are what truly define me and I just don’t feel like playing the politics or do the job hopping required to advance further. + +Anyway, what are your thoughts on all of this? If zen, how did you get there? +I am personally not invested in crypto, so perhaps this is my confirmation bias at work justifying my choice to stay relatively uninformed and uninvested? + +> Crypto companies have suffered 37 hacks in the last 38 weeks, amounting to $2.9 billion worth of crypto robbed. The latest theft was last Sunday, when an attacker made off with $182 million from the decentralized finance (DeFi) project Beanstalk. It was the fifth-largest crypto theft on record +Hi, I need to sell off around 2000$ in holdings very soon. Here are my current holdings and their current market values, what would you suggest I sell? + +WELL 1000$ + +XEQT: 1400$ + +NPI: 2300$ + +IAG : 1500$ + +MFI : 1500$ + +MFC: 2000$ + +DIV: 1150$ +# Update: Bought Fortis eventually. + +Dear fellow dividend investors, + +Thank you for your time in advance. I am in a situation where math calculations show me that I should buy Bell, while my intuition or gut feeling tells me to buy Fortis and keep adding my current position in Fortis. I also own Telus and Enbridge and TD. + +I currently have around \~2000 shares of Fortis. I have saved about \~62,500 that I want to further invest. I do not do DCA. I am in my late 20s. + +**Here is my calculation** (a bit conservative on dividend yield in case prices go up) : + +For 62,500, Fortis will yield 2187.5 CAD per year (3.5% dividend yield) + +For 62,500, Bell will yield 3437.5 CAD per year (5.5% dividend yield) + +**After 10,20,30 years (to keep math simple I do not factor in drip):** + +For Fortis (assume 6% dividend increase as written in Fortis's financial report), + +I will have 2187.5\*(1.06\^**10**)=**3917.479**; 2187.5\*(1.06\^**20**)=**7015.609**;2187.5\*(1.06\^3**0**)=**12563.69** + +For Bell (assume 5.5% dividend increase based on historical dividend increase history), +Some sort of strange error occurred yesterday, and somehow money was transferred to and from an account I use for paying bills. I haven't talked to anyone about it yet, but I'm going to the bank later today anyway, and I'll ask about it. The account numbers in question definitely aren't mine. I'm just wondering if there's anything I need to worry about as far as documentation for taxes goes. + +EDIT: I know I don't have to pay taxes on the money, I was wondering if I had to submit documentation of the error or something. +1. US supreme court dealt a blow to the court case for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac investors in their challenge to the governments collection of 100 billion in profits from GSE’s (Government Sponsored Enterprises). + 1. Threw out a big part of the investor’s lawsuit. Rejected the claim the Federal Housing Finance Agency exceeded its authority under federal law. + 1. Implications-The profitability of owning the assets from GSE’s involved in mortgages has been substantially reduced. This is likely the cause for the dumping of the assets they back. + 2. Court said investors might be able to win damages on a separate claim where some payments under the profit sweep (mentioned in point 1) were illegal because the FHFA director was protected from being fired by the President. + 1. Likely not going to happen. Justices said they wouldn’t use the claim to toss out the entire profit sweep. Some losses are likely unrecoverable and will cause more investors to sell their holdings. + 3. The Supreme Court sent the case back to the lower courts, where they will have to prove any damages made by the recent ruling. +2. Impacted Firms + 1. Paulson & Co. + 2. Pershing Square Capital Management + 3. Fairholme Funds Inc. +3. The ruling means President Biden will be able to get rid of Mark Calabria, the FHFA director. + 1. Implications-Cause more instability on the secondary market for MBS (mortgage backed securities) and CMBS (commercial mortgage backed securities) +4. Implications For MOASS + 1. Collateral for over levered hedge funds, market makers, and other institutions involved in the reverse repo market have lost a significant amount of value. + 2. Combination with recent rule changes may lead to margin calls and the inability to meet them with cash infusions. + +Just some initial thoughts. If anyone wants to expand on this and add their own view, I'd be interested to hear your take on all of this. +Been buying Bitcoin every month since late 2017. Nearly always with the same amount, few exceptions when I got a bonus from work etc. Basically, I wanted to go all-in but didn't have any savings, so decided to buy with max amount that I can, every month from the salary. I kinda had the idea of stacking my way to a million dollars (or euros), however long it would take. Because the way I see Bitcoin, I have no doubt it's gonna happen. Sooner if I stack more, and later if stack less. + +I saw stacking sats become a meme and people posting screenshots on Twitter. But I felt like the bigger picture was missing. How much can you achieve by simply stacking sats all the time? This is my idea of a blueprint. I stack with certain amount and have been doing it for a certain while. You can take a look at the progress and get and idea how it would work for you. + +In short, its gonna take time. And its gonna require patience and nerves. Bitcoin is gonna test you, and there's no shortcuts to success. My advice: start stacking, keep stacking! Promise yourself to stack at least 4 years before you even think about giving up. I document my journey here in the blog. Enjoy reading and I hope you have great success stacking sats! + +[https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-19-ferbuary-2022/](https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-19-ferbuary-2022/) +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O6n1jj7IQvRKn8fICgvBGd81QkX0PdzbYnc6jRjrGYk/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O6n1jj7IQvRKn8fICgvBGd81QkX0PdzbYnc6jRjrGYk/edit?usp=sharing) + +I did this for myself and thought other might find it useful. Basically when you can expect to get an advantage out of a family trust with a bucket company. + +Edit stuff in yellow, stuff in orange probably don't edit but are variables. For the investments I chose vanguard wholesale funds, 40% Australian and 60% international. I would have gone VDHG but hasn't been around very long. I did from their inception date but feel free to edit them to your liking. This just felt like the most straight forward with a decent backdate. + +Let me know if I've made an errors and please give me any suggestions to improve it. I did it in excel then copied to google sheets so there may be some formatting errors.. + +Cheers. +How are you all doing? + +I know things are hard right now, but we can make it out together by using what we have learned in our Theta journey. In 2 months we will look back at this period with pride, having come out on top after facing such adversity. + +Please share your thoughts below. +I’ve been investing/trading a couple years but have never touched margin. I’m currently at a roadblock where I don’t want to sell any of my current positions and also don’t want to deposit anymore cash. Was considering using margin to sell pulls and calls if my puts get exercised. So basically running the wheel. My question is are there any major risks besides the obvious of getting called on puts and then the stock continuing to fall further? I do have the capital on hand to cover any margin I plan to use and even deposit to keep my position. If anyone has experience on running the wheel solely on margin I’m interested to hear what you have to say. +Now is a really good time to wheel (or sell covered calls) on corsair. After a strong earnings beat, shares are down 10%. This is a relatively large company that actually has insane premiums for a relatively stable stock. +Why are more of you not doing short strangles? It's amazing to me that we've been essentially stuck in a trading range for 6-8 weeks (and have at least another 4 weeks to go until the election is over), but so many of you are still making directional plays thinking you're making theta plays (CSP, spreads, etc) and then....it works until it doesn't. + +Some of you learned this lesson the hard way a few weeks ago when we went down 10-12% in a couple days. I sell short strangles, day in day out, and it's all I do. In that 10% drop period around labor day, I actually made money every day. Good money. Why? Because strangles hedge the put with a call, and a call with a put. You're delta neutral, meaning literally the only thing you have to worry about is drift too high or too low. You make your money on time decay and volatility collapsing. Did I mention we're in a very high volatility period? + +Anyway, curious as to why more of you aren't doing strangles. Are you afraid of the *UNLIMITED RISK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* that short strangles have? All of this stuff has essentially unlimited risk. Your CSP? Lol, the $50 stock goes to 0 - guess what, you bought 100 shares of something at $50 now worth $0! Essentially unlimited risk! + +And the wheel? Literally bag holding for days, weeks on end collecting pennies while taking on much greater risk of loss because your delta is 1.0 on the position and, gasp, it can fall to $0 at any time and you're hosed. + +For those of you that like iron condors, strangles are essentially condors without the hedge position on each side. You keep that premium in your pocket meaning 1) higher returns 2) farther out strikes for same return (higher probability of profit) and 3) HALF the commissions on the way in and HALF on the way out! + +Look forward to hearing back. +So I sold a bearish call spread on IRNT. Current price at close is $14.08. + +STO -50c 7.5 Oct15 + +BTO +50c 14 oct15 + +I got assigned on the short leg, and now I'm short 5000 shares at a price of 7.5. Still holding the BTO 50c position. Do I now have to wait until it reaches 7.5 to break even, or can I close both legs for nothing? + +First time I'm seeing such a big red number on my account. Down -87.7% and -$70,000 buying power. [This](https://imgur.com/Il2h3TJ) is what I'm seeing. + +Thanks for any help/clarification. + +Edit: Looks like I'm paying the \~2% daily fee to hold the short position over the weekend I didn't want to have. Hoping for a red open and I'll close both legs. +Hi everyone, + +First I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for sending me all the advice and kind words. I can truly say I feel 10x better and have some hope for my business. + +I’m sorry I couldn’t respond to everyone. + +I do have another question... + +Regarding the BBLS, I run my business through my personal account because of previous bad credit and unable to open a business account. I’ve just gone through an application with my current bank but got declined for the feeder account and business account again. None of the other companies are offering these loans to anyone who doesn’t have a business account with them. Does anyone know if I can do anything about this? + +If I could get £10,000 I can start my business up again with a lot of hard work. I don’t want to borrow too much and not be able to pay it back. + +Reddit is truly a great place and im very thankful to you all. + +Notes: +- I don’t drive +- I am a sole trader +- I don’t have a business account +- I have bad credit from previous relationship/my fault +- Id love to get my business back up and running with a loan if possible. I know I can earn enough to pay it back after a year or before and our lives would be a million times better. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +On this penultimate day of the trading week, we're seeing the effects of a sustained effort to suppress the price of GME. +While certainly effective at offering discounts, it does not seem to be shaking anyone's faith. +Apes continue to DRS every day, the SHFs continue to bleed heavily, and the SEC continues to ignore it all. + +Of course, the big news yesterday is that GameStop will be giving stock and increased compensation to many of the senior retail employees. +In reading the announcement, my lack of direct knowledge of how the retail stores are staffed left me a little uncertain how many of the employees will be impacted. +However, I see this as a bold move to help retain and reward the staff that the retail side of GameStop depends on. +This may be a reactionary move to try to stem the loss of store leadership to higher paying jobs, or it could be a proactive move to increase the sense of 'ownership' that employees have. +Whichever it is, I always like to see when companies take care of the people who work for them, and this is a move that seems to be in that vein. + +I managed to pick up a nice discount on shares yesterday, and am hopeful for some additional discounts today. + +Today is Thursday, August 25th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$33.13 / 33,35 €** *(volume: 2303)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $33.44 / 33,67 € *(volume: 2145)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $33.33 / 33,55 € *(volume: 1980)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $32.97 / 33,19 € *(volume: 1449)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $32.96 / 33,18 € *(volume: 1415)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $32.99 / 33,21 € *(volume: 1386)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $32.98 / 33,20 € *(volume: 1250)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $32.99 / 33,20 € *(volume: 1107)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $32.97 / 33,19 € *(volume: 1107)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $32.97 / 33,19 € *(volume: 988)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $32.98 / 33,20 € *(volume: 968)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $32.93 / 33,15 € *(volume: 958)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $32.81 / 33,03 € *(volume: 933)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $32.80 / 33,02 € *(volume: 883)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $32.80 / 33,02 € *(volume: 875)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $32.81 / 33,03 € *(volume: 839)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $32.74 / 32,96 € *(volume: 833)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $32.75 / 32,96 € *(volume: 818)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $32.74 / 32,96 € *(volume: 695)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $32.71 / 32,93 € *(volume: 515)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $32.74 / 32,96 € *(volume: 448)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $32.69 / 32,91 € *(volume: 446)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $32.68 / 32,90 € *(volume: 446)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $32.49 / 32,70 € *(volume: 275)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $32.49 / 32,71 € *(volume: 262)* +- 🟥 US close price: $32.50 / 32,72 € *($32.69 / 32,91 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9934. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +My grandmother passed away earlier this year, and she left behind a small inheritance. However, she has gifted me £10k in cash as part of it. + +When I say cash, this was stowed away under her mattress, cash. + +My mother tells me she always used to withdraw her pension, but she never knew what she spent it on - I think we've figured out what she's been doing with the pension she hadn't been spending now. + +Can I just drop this into my account? Last month, I dropped 3k into my account through a car sale (and not re-purchasing another), and this month I'm dropping in 10k - I have no idea if that will look suspicious, given that most of my activity has been mainly via salary payments and online etc. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks. +From what I understand with bonds, is you buy a Bond (coupon) for let's say $10,000 at 2% yield, with a 3-year duration. You collect the 2% per year, and at the end of the 3 years, you get your original $10k back. + +With ZAG, this is clearly not the case as you don't automatically get back your initial investment, you have to sell your position to make the money back (not counting the yield). + +So my question is, how does ZAG work compared to "regular bonds"? As far as I can tell, ZAG went down with the market in Dec 2018 just like stocks did. I thought Bonds were supposed to go up when stocks go down? + +Can someone help explain this, and why someone should buy ZAG instead of "regular" corporate or government bonds? + +Thanks! +My parents have both recently had to go in to a carehome and we’re looking at options on how to pay for it (it’s a whopping £4500 each per month which pensions don’t cover). + +We’re pretty sure my dad bought shares when he retired but he has no memory of this. So is there a public database or whatever we can search to find out who, if any, he has shares with? +I've followed a bunch of FIRE forums for a few years, was able to pull the trigger about 4 years ago. I see a very commonly recurring post about having difficulty switching to new patterns after the initial 6 months of euphoria have worn off. Here's what has bubbled up to the top after personal experimentation and chatting with friends in similar situations. + +First off, it's a pretty different mode of relating to yourself and the world, so don't beat yourself up for not nailing it right away. It took decades of conditioning to get into the 9-5 world and it will take time to decondition and find a different way of relating to your own desires. It's easy to fall into apathy when you have been habituated to external control signals and have thus been living in a very reactive fire fighting mode of life and suddenly those external controls are removed. It takes time and investigation to figure out just how many constraints have been removed, from where you live, who you interact with, and how you choose to spend your days. + +Introspection can be a double edged sword in this regard. Some introspective hobbies such as meditation, journaling, and creative endeavors can be some of the most worthwhile things you can do, but they can also wind up in a weird relationship with a kind of paralysis by analysis depression. It's pretty important as a social animal to find new ways of getting connection. Some activities that seem to be winners: + +Local activity groups like hiking, casual sports leagues, dancing, music or other creative endeavors: These things are awesome because they combine social with some kind of skill building that can be rewarding in itself. It was good to let go of grumpiness I initially had about these groups being people I 'wouldn't normally' interact with due to their personalities, personal achievements (or lack thereof) or especially age ranges. Especially for groups that meet during 'work time' 9-5 weekdays you'll encounter all types and age ranges. If you can get over the initial feeling out of place you'll find a lot to relate with people over despite differences. Artistic and maker type spaces are especially welcoming and it is a lot of fun to learn to build various things with your hands. + +With regard to new skills you are terrible at, I've found the more I let go of needing to reach a particular skill level the more I enjoy them. So when I take an art class I don't actually have an expectation that I'm going to get good at the underlying skill. I just go and enjoy the class itself for what it is. This was especially apparent with acroyoga. I realized I don't actually care at all about getting to the point to be a skilled practitioner who does freestyle with people or whatever it is they do. I just enjoy the guided class time itself. I'll also call out music in particular as a deep skill tree with a social and individual component and a lot of choices of which thing you wind up finding most fun. There's also research indicating that people are pretty bad at predicting what they'll end up enjoying. Inversely, you'll also find that some of the things you've 'wanted to do for years' just sort of fall flat and that you liked the idea more than the reality. Try more things! + +Adventure travel: Once I could travel I pretty quickly started noticing that traveling alone isn't all that much fun. Fortunately many other people find themselves in the same boat and one of the best solutions is to find yourself all in the same boat! What I mean by this is that there are companies that host group travel events. You may immediately think this is a luxury travel thing but there are low cost ones as well which, if anything, is more fun because you meet a broader variety of people and lends much more of an air of adventure than a perfectly air conditioned padded experience. E.g. there are groups that go out for multiday boating/camping treks. You can make great friends on this sort of thing and if you don't like some people, well after a week or two you never have to see them again. + +Becoming an organizer: after I'd done some of the above for a while I started to notice that there are lots of people who want to show up for events and not that many people organizing events. As a person with newly minted lots of free time I could be on the other side of this demand curve. If organizing sounds like no fun, well, no one says you have to do any sort of high commitment organizing. You can post for casual meets of things you're interested in. If no one shows up, just try again with something different. The best things of this form are things you would enjoy doing on your own anyway, so no real loss if a group doesn't coalesce. This is also the fast track to having a large diverse social graph as you not only meet lots of event attenders, but it gets supercharged because you wind up meeting other group organizers who themselves are also super social connectors. + +Somewhat related is volunteering. Every non profit perpetually needs help so it isn't hard to find a place where your efforts will make a difference. This one can be a bit more fraught because you don't want to be a 'fun part' charity tourist who shows up to play with the blind puppies or whatever and not to clean up dog crap and do paperwork. Keep an eye out for stuff that seems meaningful to you. + +Yoga and meditation retreats. Some of these are cheap or even free and they can be life changing. It can take time to find a group whose approach you vibe with, but that can be part of the fun of trying things. You can also just rent a cheap place, live off canned food for a time and self host a retreat. This is especially cheap if you go to vacation heavy places during the off season. + +Standard section about exercise, diet, sleep. Start investing in yourself to multiply your enjoyment of everything else here. A big thing for me was finding cardio I enjoy. Running in the woods is way more fun than running on a treadmill. Some people really get into cycling or swimming. My sister adores surfing, didn't start until she was in her forties, and doesn't try to 'get good' but rather just has fun. + +Speaking of which, make more time for your family and friends. Be the initiator of spending time together. This can feel a bit bad and one sided, but people are busy and in the same boat of wishing that others would reach out to them. This dovetails with some of the other stuff. You can make it easy for people to show up on their own terms if you let people know that you'll be doing X at Y time and others are free to join but the activity is not conditional on their attendance. Takes a lot of pressure off people. + +That's all I can think of right now. Will add more if anything comes up or based on questions etc. Hope this is mildly useful to someone! +I see a lot of us ready to jump into some pretty shady ICOs and underestimating how valuable ETH will potentially become. Unless an ICO is clearly fair and has a lot of upside, we are all much better off with the KISS principle and should hold onto our ETH! +This would stop fraudulent applications and the arduous process for removal of fraudulent applications on ones file. Why is it not taken more seriously, especially given all the data leaks of late? +Does anyone else out there feel like they are living paycheck to paycheck even when they aren’t spending much money on entertainment or ”wants”? I feel like all my money goes to rent,food, and gas which leaves maybe $200-$300 left over each month which is quite pathetic to me but is this the reality we live in nowadays? I put 12% into retirement and rarely spend money outside of the items needed to live but it still seems like it’s never enough…. +Edit: State is RI, 10 year statute. + +My mom received a collection notice from AmSher Collection Services in Alabama. It's dated December 14, 2021. They were looking to collect on a T-Mobile Account from 08/18/2001, $88.11 plus $22.03 in fees - $110.14 total. + +She gave me the dispute letter yesterday, it had a "call or write to us by" date of January 18, 2022 so that we could either dispute all or part of the debt, ask for the name and address of the original creditor, or pay it. It says that if she didn't contact them they assume all the info is correct. + +I am familiar with all the cell phones/plans/companies my family has had (we've had cells since they were in carry bags and cars in the 80s) and between 1996 and now our rep was always Cingular Wireless, AT&T (or other affiliated companies that AT&T bought out). My mom never had a spare work or car phone, only a phone that was on a family plan with my dad or us. + +We've never had a T-Mobile account that I can remember because we've had the same cell phone #s on a combined bill/plan for around 20-25 years now. + +My mom has a very unique name which appears correctly and our home address on this letter is correct but not typed 100% properly. I know it's not a significant amount but I don't want to pay this if we don't owe it and I'm not sure how to handle this because of the missed contact deadline. Also, if it is correct and we do have to pay it, I don't want to pay it and then it never gets "removed from the books". + +My dad passed and I am the head of household now. We rarely get collection letters and those that have arrived are usually just pending stuff say from a car accident that gets transferred to our lawyer, or an internal collections notice from say the city if we never got a piece of mail. Need some guidance please since this is an "outside creditor". +Okay, so I won a large sum of money from a lottery. I don't want to say which because it could give my identity away. It wasn't one of those huge $50 mil ones but it was a million and change. When I found out, it wasn't like in the movies. I didn't jump up and down. I actually felt overwhelming terror and had one of the worst panic attacks of my life. Up until this point, I've been a broke college drop out, too broke and indebted to student loans (to the tune of 55,000 and growing with interest) that I couldn't afford to go back and finish my education. I come from a uber poor, single mom on welfare situation. I have a good 20k in credit card debt, collections, etc. I'm pretty much the worst at handling money having grown up poor. I was never taught anything. I got my first credit card and was like *yippeeee off to the races*. + + +Anyway, my bf and I have always had a deal that if I either of us ever won we'd split it 50/50. And I know reddit may jump all over me and call me stupid but I really believe in keeping your word and I love this man. So I'm holding to that. With the remaining 1/2 mil, I first and foremost want to pay off all my debts, finish my education (and pay living expenses while doing so, so I can just focus), get some much needed dental work, take that trip to Thailand I've been dreaming of for years and help my mom and siblings out with some stuff. I know I should invest in...stuff? But I know nothing about that kind of thing at all. I don't know what a 401K is or mutual funds or whatever. I'm literally throwing out random jargon I've heard of right now. That's why I was so scared about this news. Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted and relieved at a level I think you'd have to be poor your whole life to understand. But I'm terrified because I'm a person who can really fuck this kind of opportunity up. I'm also a bleeding heart which in this context feels dangerous. I'm close with all my extended relatives and extremely close with my immediate family. I know I plan to help mom and the siblings, but I hadn't decided anything about the rest of the family. We're not talking about a large enough amount of money for *everyone* to get a piece and not leave me broke again. I'm being inundated with calls and long Facebook messages from family I was just laughing with and hugging at Christmas. My grandmother even! They're all mad at me. I had said I wasn't sure what if anything I'd be doing for everyone because in the grand scheme it's not *that* much and that I need to see or talk to someone about this before I start handing out cheques all willy-nilly. Am I being cold if I don't give everyone a little something? I thought they'd understand. And they're all pissed off and criticizing me for splitting the pot with my bf. Saying that if I hadn't done that there would be enough for it not to even be a question whether or not I'd be sharing with the people who've been there my whole life. + + + +I didn't think it would ever be possible but I'm almost more stressed out than excited right now. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't want to fuck myself over. I don't know where this money should go. I don't know who I can trust. Some advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. + + +Edit: I'm not in the US so there is no taxes! And my bf and I are common law for the last 4+ years. +Less than 4 days old with 25k holders, 18k TG members and mcap of $70M. Come see what the hype is all about! + +The new dimension where crypto meets football is here with FootballStars brought to you by the famed Marcello Brozovic and Davide. FootballStars aims to connect fans, professional players and clubs alike around the world. Soon, everything football will be available at the palm of your hand. + +The team is hard at work as they plan to partner up with some of the most famed, in which some have already expressed their support (Ivan Perisic and the most recent, ARTURO VIDAL!). I also urge you to read up more in detail about their roadmap on their website but trust me, it doesn’t disappoint. + +Staggering achievements since listing include: + +☑️ Bilaxy (major exchange) listing + +☑️ Cointiger listing + +☑️ BKEK listing + +☑️ CMC untracked listing + +☑️ CG listing + +☑️ Coinhunt registration + +☑️ Major partnerships (e.g. SafeBTC and multiple other football celebrities) + +☑️ UniRocket bot + +The white-paper and audit are also on top of their list of to-do and are currently being worked on. The official CMC listing is pending too. + +Tokenomics (7% slippage): + +⚽️ 1,000,000,000,000 Total Supply + +⚽️ 400,000,000,000 Presale + +⚽️ 350,000,000,000 Liquidity + +⚽️ 150,000,000,000 Marketing + +⚽️ 100,000,000,000 Maintainance/Development + +🌐 Website: https://footballstars.io + +🕊 Twitter: https://twitter.com/footballstarsio + +💬 Telegram: https://t.me/FootballStarsIO + +Ⓜ️ Medium: https://footballstars.medium.com/ +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wedijp/drscomputershare_megathread_082022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Hello! I’m not well versed in anything finances, so I’m trying very hard to learn. + +I (20F) recently got married. Since I was 15, I’ve had a checking & savings account with a relatively small credit union. Coincidently, my husband also had a checking & savings with that bank. + +Now that we’re married, we want a joint bank account. I want to see all of our funds in one place. My credit union doesn’t allow this since we already both have accounts. We are signers on each others’ accounts, but we cannot see all of our money in one location. There is no way to join our accounts. This seems very strange to me, so if it doesn’t make sense I can try to explain better in comments. + +My question: should we close one of our accounts and use the other’s as our joint account? Should we open a completely separate account with a new bank? I want us to have our finances together. +Inherited around $3m. $500K is in an IRA that will need to be withdrawn over the next 10 years. I met with an Ameriprise planner today and set up an account and paid the initial $2,500 fee. No money has been transferred yet and I’m having second thoughts. + +I am in my early 50’s and have $100K in my company 401K. $10K in an HSA. $100K in a Capital One savings account, $15K in my regular savings account. $10K in ibonds. + +I have a mortgage of $240K with 29 years remaining at an interest rate of 2.99%. Home is appraised at $500K. + +No car payments, or other debt. + +My annual salary is around $100K. + +I really want to make the most of this to be able to possibly retire in the next 10 years. + +Any advice on Ameriprise, or other strategies/plans would be greatly appreciated. Feeling very overwhelmed. Do not want to discuss financial matters with anyone that I know IRL. +EPS miss, revenue miss, higher costs expected due to labor and it's down almost $200 after ER. I'm getting tempted to reduce my exposure to AMZN, my biggest holding and over the last year a huge underperformer. It's been great to me but it's been stuck in this range forever, and seems more likely to exit the bottom of the range than top. Also, the company has had 0 good news since Bezos left. Starting to feel like I own Sears in the 50's. +I got into crypto during the last Bull Market in 2017. So most of my time here we've been in a Bear Market. And being in a Bull market for a few months has almost completely wiped the memory that we ever were in a Bear market for me, and also it almost makes it feel like the Bears will never come again, even though they most certainly will. Can anyone relate? +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I don't know where to turn you guys. Throwaway account obviously, but you would probably recognize my name around here. + +I just got hammered on one last trade, and I'm down to just $10k in ETH. I know that sounds like a lot, but you should consider where I've been. + +First of all, I was an original crowdfunder in ETH. I had 2,000 of them. On top of that, I also had 24 btc. Even at these low prices, I would have had $250k or so. + +But I started trading. Nothing crazy like margin trades, but I got greedy. I kept trading and my stack was getting lower and lower. But a year ago I had $250k, which was serious money. I finally cashed out and paid taxes on the whole thing. + +But the thing is, I didn't want to pull money out of our crypto account, so we (my wife and I) paid from our savings. Because of where I live, both state and federal capital gains tax applied. We ended up paying almost $30k. Because the market was "down" at that time, I told her I would pay her back by the end of the year. + +Now I have 1/3rd of that left. I can't even pay back what we paid in taxes. I'm in complete mental anguish and I don't know what to do. Obviously I have to tell her, but I feel like I've let her, myself, and my whole family down. I'm in disbelief thinking I only have 10k left out of what should have been millions. + +I don't know what to do guys. How will this ever get better? I can't even pay back our savings account for all of the money. I can't imagine the disappointment my wife will feel. I was supposed to manage all of this and take care of it. I have a well-paying job, but I still feel like a complete failure. I never thought I would end up here, but look at me now. + +Fuck. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Hello - I am struggling at the moment. I had a heart attack last year (2019) that I believe was brought on at least in part by my job. I am struggling about whether to walk away. I am single, no kids, 52 YO. Net worth approximately $1.9 million excluding my condo. + +My worries are about 1) running out of money, 2) being bored, 3) feeling guilty that I am no longer working when I have a good education so I probably should still be working. + +For those that have RE'd, what gave you the confidence to RE? + +Thanks +[Verification](https://imgur.com/a/tSGMfRs) + +Alright I’m going to need someone to explain just exactly what in the fuck is going on because last I checked SPY was still $300. You can imagine my surprise when today we pulled into the Manhattan Cruise Terminal at 3am and I see we had 2 god damn circuit breakers in one week. + +Before the cruise started, Pence announced all tendies were safe and stonks only go up so I sold all my put positions (now worth upwards of $80k). Fuck me. + +Feel free to ask me questions about NCL and the cruise, what it’s like to denounce homosexuality but still get fucked in the ass, or any other interesting topics. + +Fuck. + +EDIT: We just received clearance from NYC officials to de-board. I’ll believe it when I see it. Will keep you retards updated. + +EDIT2: Just disembarked, hazmat tactical units standing by. Thank god I’m off this god-forsaken ship. + +EDIT3: They used facial recognition at customs instead of passports, long AI. +ok.... So I totally made the wrong decision...... I will be 40 and have no savings. I am new to the country so also no government pension history (only a tiny bit might be transferable). Also, still settling and with a small child so not on track with life and expenses/income in general yet. BUT I understand I need to start investing ASAP. So we are full on saving for a decent emergency fund, a home down payment (rent is crazy in our area but we also are getting priced out of the house market) AND trying to fit in retirement saving. I know about the flowchart and luckily we have no debt but we will be needing a car unfortunately in the next year or so. + +So, what I did in January is I put our down payment we saved up (40k) in a low risk robo advisor WealthSimple Invest portfolio. I told them I need the money in 0-3 years. Now, the bonds are doing terrible so it is down average 5%. Reading up about bonds it looks like this will be a trend for a while... And ironically a high risk portfolio would have been a way better move in January. + +I know I will probably get a lot of negative comments on this, but I would just like advice. Should I wait and leave everything at WealthSimple invest with all the bonds and gold (ZLF and GLDM are down 12% now!), or should I just accept my losses (ouch :( ) and pull everything (or part?) out of WealthSimple Invest and maybe park it with EQbank at 2.3% till we know exactly what we need in the next years. But that means delaying any investing with another year or two and having talked to 4 financial advisors and read many books the message is everywhere to invest ASAP. + +I understand you all have it much more together than me, and would love to hear what you would do if you were in my shoes. thank you. I am honestly so lost. +We have been under an incredible amount of pressure from parents to buy a house. Like it comes up in almost every single conversation we have now. It’s not like we don’t want to buy a house. If anyone had a look at the house prices in Sydney, you will know it’s ridiculously hard. The whole situation is just making us very miserable. How can we deal with this situation? It’s also frustrating that what we’ve saved and gained from investments have not matched the increase in house prices in Sydney. +Are any of you invested in low profit/break even businesses as a side simply because you enjoy them? + +I’m a huge movie buff, specifically foreign/arthouse films. I understand with the rise of streaming, new barriers to entry (like heating and massaging/4Dseats) and being in relatively low population area, I don’t anticipate this venture will launch my net worth to the next level, but due to proximity to multiple universities, and completely non served art house market, running the numbers I’m pretty confident break even is possible, and loss can be sustained for a long time with revenue from personal ventures. Recently an opportunity arrived to take over a community beloved theater, who’s owner no longer spends much time in the state I reside and wants to get out of the headache of restarting after being closed for Covid. Having experience in film licensing, and restaurant operations to handle the complexities of high end concessions, I’m working towards pulling the trigger. + +This will be the first venture I go into where profit is secondary to the sheer amount of joy it would bring me, and was interested in hearing about other FATFire members’ experiences with “passion projects,” where the happiness you get from operating exceeds the potential for growth. +I had to do this cathartic post because it is hilarious how wrong/clueless the mainstream financial analysts continue to be when discussing how investors could benefit as investors from the historic surge in lumber prices. + +**Context for anyone living under a rock the last 6 months** + +Lumber has been surging to all-time high prices recently, with every indication that it will continue to climb for the next few months due to how massive the new home construction demand and the busy season just getting started. The price of dimensional lumber will likely dip at some point but will still stay at 2-3x its normal price into 2022 because of how insane the new housing construction boom. + +For those that have suggested otherwise in recent reddit posts, you’re wrong and this post isn’t about that debate. Go look at the 2021 and 2022 projections for all of the big home builders (KB, TOL, LEN, DHI, etc…). Every single one is projected to have record earnings the next two years from increased home construction even with the surge in lumber prices. + +**The Financial Click-Bait “Best Lumber Stocks”** + +If you’re new to lumber and google lumber stocks to maybe see what options are out there to look into, you no doubt have run into the same laughably annoying phenomenon that I did: the mainstream financial media/internet clickbait sites (like CNBC and Motley Fool) keep on producing the same regurgitated articles titled the “Best ___ Lumber Stocks” or “Best Ways to Play the Lumber Surge” which then offer the same regurgitated hot stock tips: + +1) they recommend stocks that produce exclusively **timber** (like RYN) which get NO BENEFITS from the surge in **lumber** prices *because timber (the logs which lumber is made from) aren’t the commodity whose price is surging 3-fold*; + +2) they recommend stocks that get a large portion of their revenue/enterprise value from things other than lumber (or have such a large stock float) so that the benefits of the lumber surge will be pretty diffuse and not have a proportional impact on their stock price (e.g. WY, a clickbait favorite); or + +3) they pitch stocks like LL, Home Depot and Lowes who have done well riding the home improvement wave, but don’t actually produce their dimensional lumber at all and thus have absolutely nothing to gain from the surge in dimensional lumber prices. + +For those who want to invest in this lumber super cycle, it probably would be a good idea to invest in companies *whose earnings are actually tied to the price of lumber.* Companies like WFG, CFPZF, IFSPF and RFP (This list is not exhaustive; these are just examples). Companies like these that largely base almost all of their income on dimensional lumber, along with wood pulp and paper for some. (Note: wood pulp surging to a new high as well, so these guys coincidentally are enjoying a double whammy this year). And unlike WY, these lumber players don’t have nearly the volume of outstanding shares, so the surge in lumber prices is going to translate in a proportionally larger EPS growth. + +If you look at the stock price histories of these lumber companies and compare it to the historical price of lumber, their prices largely track with the changes in lumber (and to some degree wood pulp pricing). 2013 and 2018 had surges in the price of lumber and these companies’ stock prices correlated with those surges. Why? Because the price of lumber and wood pulp dictate these companies’ earnings. If you look at the timber companies, like WY and RYN, their stock prices don’t track well to lumber prices because the price of timber is separate. In fact, despite the epic lumber surge, some timber producers are still not doing well because there is a big glut of it in some areas of the continent. + +**Let’s Look at the Numbers** + +In the end, it’s the numbers that matter, so let’s look at the price performance of these stocks YTD, the last 6 months and the last year. CNBC and Motley pitched RYN, WY, LL, HD, and LOW as the best stocks to play the lumber surge. Let’s see how they have done the last year during this surge compared to the actual lumber companies: + +**Shill Stocks:** [YTD](https://imgur.com/a/ihngsVA), [6 Months]( https://imgur.com/a/2LlbPN7), and [1 Year](https://imgur.com/a/GMgb6Ta) + +Other than LL, all of them have been doing ok. Some decent growth, all decently beating the SP. But nothing spectacular and certainly nothing showing explosive stock price growth correlating with lumber’s explosive growth. (I’ll address outlier LL later.) + +Now look at the **Lumber Stocks:** [YTD](https://imgur.com/a/CnYBrAb), [6 Months](https://imgur.com/a/qjTCQRQ), and [1 year](https://imgur.com/a/PAXODpp) + +I included WY to prove a point on how badly CNBC and Motley’s favorite “Best” pick has done compared to the actual lumber stocks. If you look at their growth, as a group its substantially larger than WY or RYN, or these home improvement store stocks. + +**Take away from the charts:** + +The lumber stocks as a group have so far *destroyed* the shill stocks and actually show the type of growth you’d expect from a historic commodity surge. Unsurprisingly, these lumber stocks particularly destroyed WY which is the most shilled stock by the financial clickbait media, and is probably why WY then seems to be regurgitated in a lot of the recent reddit posts on Canadian lumber stocks. + +For those correctly pointing out that LL is up 500% in the last year, if you caught that party in Q4, good job. RFP is still beating than LL by over 200%, but still, great job. That being said, LL’s surge isn’t because of lumber prices and any future growth again won’t be from the surge in price in dimensional lumber. And you know that because the price of lumber has surged higher in the last three months, but LL is down ~20% in that same time frame. Frankly, if you bought LL when CNBC told you to in January 2021, you’d be down 20-25%. The point being that what propelled LL was not the surge in lumber and it’s future is not likely tied to any sustained lumber surge. + +**Forward Looking Comments** + +For those cynics who keep saying “Lumber cycle is over. It’s priced in,” you don’t know what you’re talking about and here’s why. These Canadian lumber stocks are all sitting roughly around their mid 2018 highs when Lumber surged to $600 MBF for 3 weeks in May 2018, and averaged about $550 MBF during the forestry’s Q2, and then crashed Q3/Q4 2018. + +For comparison, in 2021, lumber has been trading at over $1000 MBF since February, and the May futures just topped $1050 this week. [Here’s the CME futures yesterday.](https://imgur.com/a/TRWdKvE) January 2022 futures are now closing in on $800 MBF. It seems pretty clear all of these futures are rising and will continue to due so in the near term. 2021 earnings will likely blow 2018’s out of the water. Yet despite the fact that these futures show these companies are about the have some of the best back-to-back quarters in industry history, they are still sitting at their 2018 highs... doesn’t sound priced in to me. + +Case in point, here’s the basic [valuation ratios for the Lumber Stocks](https://imgur.com/a/fiefWln), and here’s the [valuation ratios for the Shill Stocks](https://imgur.com/a/8jd6SsU). Despite the epic run these lumber stocks have had this last year, they are largely *still* relatively undervalued and have drastically better forward PE’s when compared to the shill stocks or other related industrial sector averages. + +**Conclusion** + +I needed to write this cathartic post because I am sick of seeking these financial “professionals” shill the same mediocre/loser stocks as “the best lumber stocks” which have nothing to do with the production of lumber or are literally the worst price performers in the sector. + +I am not telling you what to buy and can’t predict who will do the best this year. Each of the lumber stocks have their advantage and disadvantages depending on investor preferences. And who knows, maybe these shill stocks are on the cusp of some epic 1000% gains. But if you want to find a way to benefit from the lumber surge, then it may be wise to invest in *lumber producers* who actually stand to directly gain from the surge in lumber and still have unrealized value to offer if market conditions stay on their current trajectory. + +If you are unsure if a stock you are looking at is timber or lumber, look at financial statements / website. You will be able to see in a matter of seconds if their earnings come from timber and real estate or wood products/lumber that are actually surging in value. + +Note: I am not a financial adviser. If there is one take away from this post, **DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.** Don’t trust strangers on the internet or TV. Many of them are either lazy morons who keep regurgitating the same brainless clickbait they read somewhere or they have an ulterior motive and are selling you garbage. I'm long RFP but recognize that all of these lumber stocks will probably do well. +I’m looking for an apartment closer to my first job out of college but anything I can find close to the 33% recommendation is of extremely poor quality and in bad neighborhoods. Is it a terrible idea to spend half a monthly income on rent? Luckily I don’t have any student loan payments so I have a little extra cash to work with. Regardless is spending around $800 a month on rent/utilities and having at $800 to live on for a month financially feasible? + +EDIT: I just want to thank y’all for the overwhelming response and input. I really appreciate it. Y’all have all really helped put it in perspective and give me a good look at both sides of the argument. +Hi, (new account for this sub). + +I am really interested in other peoples experience in their pursuit of FatFIRE following cancer or a major illness. + +I am 34M, net worth around $1.2M, spread across properties and investments. Current Job: I.T. Director (I.T. Infrastructure) at a large company earning around $200k per year, not a tech company but a company that is very tech savvy in their business. I am certainly not a FatFIRE but given my current job and investments i think i could be on the way to a low-end FatFIRE in 5-10 years time with continued savings and investments. The plan was to retire early, live on passive income through property rentals and investment returns. + +However, I was recently diagnosed with cancer (i wont go into the specifics, but it is stage 2). Its a battle i am hoping to win, the odds are currently good, but given cancer, it is no means guranteed. + +Since being diagnosed with cancer i feel like my whole outlook has changed, and my previous mindset of continue working 24/7 for another 10 years to be "FatFIRE by 45 and live off passive earnings", has changed to "you should enjoy life now". + +Enjoying life now for me, would mean **stepping down** from my Director position, taking a lower earning (probably about 35% cut) but more enjoyable role, where i get my evenings and weekends back (**Edit:** The company i work for is fantastic, and would very likely support me stepping down into a lower role in the same company). It would probably mean eating into my savings and investments to continue living the life i live now, or scale back certain things in my life, and it would mean i am able to put much less, if any, into growing my existing investments.... And finally if all goes well and i continue to beat cancer for the next 10 yrs+, it would mean working much longer in life. + +The flipside is that Cancer has a high 5 year reoccurance rate and my feeling is that even if i beat it now, it could come back. If it comes back then i want to have absolutely enjoyed to the max the last 1-10 years not continued working flat out for a future that doesnt exist. + +Has anyone else been through a similar experience, did you change your pursuit of FatFire? I am currently going through Chemotherapy so i don't know if my mindset will change completely if i get the all clear. +Gary and the SEC better do something this time around ... + +[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-407a.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-407a.pdf) + +https://preview.redd.it/a0y86e6lf2v91.png?width=1458&format=png&auto=webp&s=dae14c361255dcf5d7e916701b6731e77dec55fd + +https://preview.redd.it/we2zd0tlf2v91.png?width=1660&format=png&auto=webp&s=59defc0af109320adbad14b842212a75e624b686 + +https://preview.redd.it/bir0tydmf2v91.png?width=1778&format=png&auto=webp&s=b93628090610940dd218a2cd49c4985231d0a225 + +From the above link: + +*Conclusion* +*Certain market participants, trading illegally, appear to be making a concerted effort to* +*take down some of the most important financial institutions in the United States. Who would* +*counterfeit shares of these vital U.S. institutions to cause their financial collapse without regard* +*for the U.S. citizens?* +*It is not possible to carry out this massive fraud without the cooperation of large Wall* +*Street firms and regulatory complicity, indifference or lack of competence. Some firms are* +*blatantly selling shares that do not exist.* +*It is impossible to ward off the downward price pressure from counterfeit shares diluting* +*a company‘s value. The entire nation‘s value is diminished when the counterfeiting of securities* +*is rampant.* +*Simply put, this is a defining moment in the history of the financial strength of the United* +*States. Other than home ownership assets, the largest U.S. household assets are tied to the stock* +*market through retirement accounts. If counterfeiting continues, investment and retirement* +*accounts will be backed by nothing but counterfeit shares, which they may already be holding in* +*substantial amounts.* +*To conceal the fraud perpetrated on the retirement accounts is simple, manipulate the* +*markets to crash. The money previously plundered from these accounts remain in the hands of* +*the counterfeiters and the statements sent by the Wall Street firms to retirement investors will* +*reflect a crashed market value of their assets, i.e., you lost your retirement savings.* +*The counterfeiting of U.S. traded securities is nothing less than a fraud of epic* +*proportions. As with other illegal stock market activity, offshore shell companies are a likely* +*depository of the ill-gotten gains.* +*While U.S. citizens would like to trust that government regulators are putting the citizens* +*first and protecting investors, this may not be the case. The ownership and trading irregularities* +*in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac discussed above, seem so obvious, that surely our government* +*would have taken the steps necessary to protect investors in these very important financial* +*institutions from fraud in the market. Unfortunately, the facts do not support that the* +*government did enforce the securities laws against fraud and market manipulation.* +*It is necessary for the United States to do everything within its power to recover the* +*enormous amount of monies that have been plundered from this country and its citizens. Bring* +*the few illegal dealers responsible for counterfeiting stock to justice in order to assure that this* +*United States economic disaster will never repeat itself. There is simply too much at stake to do* +*otherwise.* +ComputerShare is the way. + +Edit: Wow this was swarmed with anti DRS and anti CS comments fast. Must have struck a nerve. + +Yep, I know... you've been inundated with CS postings recently. This may feel similar, but it's very important you understand this, and how it impacts your holdings during MOASS. The screenshot below has a very real and direct impact on your shares should the entire market (including your broker) collapse in a total market meltdown. + +Posting for visibility; credit to u/drnkingaloneshitcomp for finding [this Investopedia page](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/185.asp) giving insights into the liabilities of brokerages and "Street Name" assignment for stocks. + +======= In a Nutshell ======= + +**TL;DR** \- If you own shares at a brokerage then your shares are "Street Name" registered. Regardless of what your brokerage tells you about ownership of these shares, they can (and do) lend your shares out, to make money. When MOASS kicks off, it is possible brokerages will fail, along side hedgies, banks and the DTCC. In the event your brokerage goes under, lent shares can go poof and are insured up to $500K on the total bokerage holdings. DRS shares can't go poof. + +**TA;DR** \- if you paid your broker to buy/keep your banana(s) for you, they likely promised them to others too, and if there is a run on bananas, you will only get an empty peel in return, and not your banana(s) back. If you saved your banana(s) in our name you are protected for the value of each banana. + +======= End of Nutshell; More Details ======= + +If you own shares at a brokerage (Fidelity, Vanguard, eTrade, etc...) then your shares are **Street Name** registered. Regardless of what your brokerage tells you about ownership of these shares, they can (and do) lend your shares out, which shorts borrow to do what they do to the price of GME. The brokerage motivation in doing this is simple; to make money while juggling the shares of all their clients on their books. The big picture thesis of this collective community is that there are many multiples the float of GME out out there. That is to say, for every legitimate share, there are 2, 10, 20, or 100 IOUs floating around out there. Much of this, is likely due to the lending of shares brokerages engage in from street registered shares they hold on behalf of their clients (you). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3z2odei13wo71.png?width=1483&format=png&auto=webp&s=54c4890d7e0da3febb10dfe9278c76ce071f4929 + +[https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/185.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/185.asp) + +FWIW, if you have 1 or more shares of GME and your floor is greater than 500K, then you are what this screenshot is referring to as "high-net-worth individuals and large organization" + +Until I stumbled across this posting from Investopedia, I assumed that my shares (whether legit, synthetic, naked or otherwise) have to be bought back in MOASS. I thought that it didn't matter if I had a real share or a fake one -- that to me there is no difference, because that's the brokerages problem not mine. However, that might not be the case when brokerages fail. In the event brokerage shenanigans that lead to IOUs of shares that are promised to multiple people, it's possible (and most likely) these IOUs just vanish in a brokerage failure, because no one else is liable (not the DTC, not other brokerages) - they were owned by the brokerage on behalf of you, after all, and the now failed brokerage is gone. So who is on the hook for your value, in this case? The SIPC, to the tune of $500,000 in total. And that's not per share... that's per account. This is the risk of allowing someone else to manage your shares, on your behalf. + +Here is another article on the topic: [https://budgeting.thenest.com/lose-shares-broker-goes-bankrupt-23338.html](https://budgeting.thenest.com/lose-shares-broker-goes-bankrupt-23338.html) + +https://preview.redd.it/rwe91a2rfwo71.png?width=1646&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a7ac82701d0a0992f274670c3f85d1c3facdaff + +https://preview.redd.it/qbwx2lx0gwo71.png?width=1562&format=png&auto=webp&s=937cc4fea7a46ad302a38e9c4e9a6f65d3648775 + +# Conclusion + +All this time there has been a concerted effort to sew fear and doubt in transferring to CS, while the biggest liability in a total market meltdown may actually be keeping too large a portion of shares in a brokerage (registered to Cede, not you). If lent shares cause the entire system to collapse, your brokerage may default on your shares, and your ownership in GME can vanish. DRS shares, can't vanish when a brokerage who holds them on your behalf does. + +This is not financial advice. + +I am not telling anyone to do anything with their shares. + +Please do your own due diligence. + +Be kind to one another. + +Ape. Strong. + +Edit: intro + +Edit: For the record, I don't think a Vanguard or Fidelity would go down, they are an example of too big to fail (if there ever was one), each managing close to or over $10T in assets. But it's worth noting what could happen should brokers default. Just because liabilities can be sold off... why in earth would someone else take on the liability of 1Billion fake shares on books, if they were there from lending (brokerage on the hook should those who borrowed go under). + +I just don't want people to have a false hope their "street name" shares would be covered or picked up by someone else, like many of the smaller brokers like to say. In theory, that's a nice sentiment, in reality... who is going to take on the toxic mess of GME fakes that could also lead to their own demise when liquidations suck the entire market dry from infinite potential losses on the short side... + +======= + +Lent shares from brokerages put them on the liability chain after those who borrowed are liquidated... with infinite potential for losses, there is infinite potential for testing the solvency of those in the liability chain. Will a brokerage with $10T in assets under management go under from MOASS, if they are in line for liability to the phantom shares they are on the hook for being a part of creating? That really depends just how high the floor goes and how much money is required to buy back the bad bets. $10T divided by infinite is under 1 share, to sink any brokerage. If the top 100,000 shares sold for $100M, then the liquidations of those on the hook for that infinite loss potential would surpass $10T. + +Is Fidelity or Vanguard going to fail from the size of what's needed to repay during MOASS? That depends how much the long side of MOASS actually needs... + +No I don't think large brokerages will fail, but I do think small ones will, and no one is going to willingly take on that liability to step in front of the infinite loss potential from their bad liabilities (GME shares on books that aren't actually there to return). So how will those people be made whole? It's worth discussing and looking into. The SIPC insurance seems like a conduit that would likely be deployed in that case. +It is from his book For Whom the Bell Tolls: + +"Those were the days they all shared when everything looked lost and each man retained now, better than any citation or decoration, the knowledge of just how he would act when everything looked lost." +First: I am no pro at all. I havent sold any yet myself and I have been riding the pump and now I am riding the dump. So: All gains gone almost. + +I am just interested in getting a debate on why people are selling now to understand more how this market works. We are around 74% down from ATH and to me it would almost feel the same to give my eth away for free (No, I wont) than to sell at these prices. + +So, why are you selling? + + + + +See: +[List of votes](https://www.etherchain.org/coinvote/poll/35/data) +Example: vote 340 is a YES vote from the contract address 0x43ab622752d766d694c005acfb78b1fc60f35b69 +[Which is a locked multisig wallet](https://etherscan.io/address/0x43ab622752d766d694c005acfb78b1fc60f35b69) that contains 21,704 eth. +How is that supposed to be a fair vote? Owners of these accounts have nothing to lose! + +Full 340 vote: +"{\"address\":\"0x43ab622752d766d694c005acfb78b1fc60f35b69\",\"msg\":\"etherchain.org - 35 - Yes - 1524397316\",\"sig\":\"0x58cba625e56f8014f5b0ac25ec36b359ac2326304877b56fa7a3d251c517a97b0de149926376f77ee89e5b880eb027441d5648392de4b7d70312ed9890bc96f81c\",\"version\":\"3\",\"signer\":\"MEW\"}"" + +edit: +The signature is valid, as etherchain requires the contract creator's signature to vote with ethers that belong to a contract (which absurdly assumes that whoever deployed the contract owns its balance! so eg. etherdelta can vote using ethers deposited by its users). +""If you want to sign a message for your contract, use the address that was used to create the contract and enter the contract address in the field below."" +The following signature verifies, but it's actually a vote by the contract: +{ + "address": "0x0019787619C512950E186025c932613872613B04", + "msg": "etherchain.org - 35 - Yes - 1524397316", + "sig": "0x58cba625e56f8014f5b0ac25ec36b359ac2326304877b56fa7a3d251c517a97b0de149926376f77ee89e5b880eb027441d5648392de4b7d70312ed9890bc96f81c", + "version": "3", + "signer": "MEW" +} +I’m too young to remember 2008, but I how did the average persons day-to-day change? Did it change? What would you do differently if something like it happens again? How would you prepare (not really your stock portfolio, but your real life)? + +Edit: just to clarify I’m not trying to fear monger a crash, genuinely want to hear it from the average everyday people how it affected their lives. +Did you notice, that with the immense growth of the sub, the knowledge level sharply declined? + +My theory is that instead of lame FUD spreading oneliners, a lot of sleeper shills are now among us. + +Posting wrong info knowingly, (asking basic questions), downvoting corrections of misinformation and hyping stuff, that is already debunked. + +The new FUD, imo, isnt in your face “SeLL” “sHoRts R cOvErEd”, but rather making subtle statements, that make an informed investor question the integrity of the whole sub. + +EDT: happy some of you agree. Some late examples: upvoting the hell out of the “corrected” exponential floor, downvoting people pointing out russell 2000-1000 adds sell pressure (historically in most cases) and/or that etfs that track russell wont buy shares in AH (would be ludicrous with the spread of ask bid in AH and the amounts those etfs need to trade), but in most cases monday at market, platant goal post moving (t+21 affected by juneteenth lol) + +The last one is a great example. For me, having no noticeable spike on t+21 is not as bad as seeing people try to rationalize the fuck out of why there wasnt.. + +Same with the expo floor. So what it broke? If sum 90% die at a drug trial, u dont go “well if they wouldnt have died, the drug would be 100%effective” + +*Easy to hype up date - suppress the anticipated- and then move goalposts. +You FUD the gullible (nothings happening) and the knowledgeable (Wait, moving the model to fit the chart? Thats delusional, wait a sec... what else is?!)* + +Nice sideeffect for the shills, this kind of FUD is untraceable by Satori. + +Edt2: my impression of this sub was deteriorating fast, everyone who came to my post with their input, really helped not feeling lost here, thanks guys, happy im not alone in feelin this way! Been holdin since December and ofc i will continue, i will however be takin this sub more lightly, and not engage in trying to put things right, cuz apparently, the real ones, you guys, know exactly whats what anyway 😍 + + +💜 +Inspired by another kind stonker, I decided to do what I can. + +If you're looking nervously towards the holidays, please reach out to me. + +I realized I have a lot of comps with Eldorado/Caesars properties and Hard Rock. + +I've already talked to my hosts at those casinos and they're willing to help me spread some Christmas joy. + +I can't cover everyone if there are a lot of you reaching out, but I can cover food for 4-5 family members per person. + +~~I can take care of Christmas dinner/lunch for a total of 5 **3** families from Hard Rock in Lake Tahoe off the menu at Alpine Union, or if only a couple reach out we can get them from Prime.~~ + +I can take care of a total of ~~4~~ **2** from Harvey's or Harrah's Lake Tahoe. + +I can take care of a total of ~~8~~ **2** from Eldorado/Silver legacy. + +I know this is a long shot, since these are smaller areas. + +This doesn't have to be today or tomorrow. + +I can do it until midnight on the 31st. + +If you've got family in need PM me. + +I just will need a first name/last initial to give my host and the number of dinners. + +No pictures, no bullshit, we will keep it anonymous. + +You don't have to tell your family anything outside of you picking up food. + +Edit: Updating remaining meals. I got a few takers. I'll update this again if they don't show to claim them. + +Edit 2: I've only got 3 people reach out about Hard Rock, so we're getting food from Park Prime. I still have a couple left in Reno and Tahoe though, so keep reaching out. If I have any no shows I'll update again. +Hello! +I have received £230 from an account called CountrySouth Nottingham and it was paid by VIS. Does anyone know what that is? I googled it and found nothing. What should I do? + PORTFOLIO! Just released a week ago. 600 holders $2,000,000 Market Cap. Liquidity Locked! Portfolio is the token that will take cryptocurrency to the next level! The tokenomics are genius and are unlike any other cryptocurrency in the market. + +The growth of the token does not simply rely on supply and demand but rather the community’s interest in investing into other assets. With a 10% fee for each transaction, 5 % automatically gets redistributed back to the holders in gains for holding. The other 5% goes to a separate wallet that will get converted into BNB and RE-INVESTED into other assets that will have a promising return, such as BitCoin, Real Estate and stocks, helping to diversify a growing portfolio for the investors. Then the profits of those assets will then periodically get redistributed back to the Liquidity Pool. Portfolio is not a token that gives away money or locks money up in a LP wallet, but rather looks to continue to invest money for long term gains in other lucrative markets. + +Holders get paid back 3X with this token: 5% from each transaction, another 5% when the investment wallet is converted to BNB to purchase investment assets, and then again by adding those profits back into the Liquidity Pool. Continuality adding to the LP this way will create a very stable token. + +The first investments purchased will be Bitcoin and Ethereum. Taking advantage of the bear market to purchase the assets low with holders knowing the values are destined to increase. After investing into other cryptocurrency assets, PORTFOLIO will invest into real estate by working with REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST with the intent to partner with Grant Cardone and Cardone Capital. + +This Token is going to take the world by storm as it is the ONLY token to allow its holders to invest into a crypto that is backed by profitable assets, ran as a business and pays the profits back to the holders! Become a part of an investing community today with Portfolio! The Investors Token. + +🦸‍♂️ First AMA of Many! youtube.com/watch?v=5vxI7yBltds + +🦜Twitter twitter.com/PortfolioToken + +🔥Telegram t.me/PTFLounge + +🌙Discord discord.com/invite/bB2xS9AWZf + +📈Chart - charts.bogged.finance/?token=0x307204863f3bc29D1a874E38aCe62114a8990c4e + +🥞 Pancake swap - exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x307204863f3bc29d1a874e38ace62114a8990c4e +How would the capital gains be calculated on properties that you won but didn't purchase? If you want to could you write these 2 homes off as 'rental properties' if you couldn't rent it out? And with this new 'vacant home tax' coming into effect would that apply to a house outside of Toronto? + +I know this question might seem rather obvious but not being a tax person I'd love to get some feedback on this. By the way if you also purchased a ticket go luck to you! +So over the past I have been buying su/cnq/enb While I will always hold oil companies because it's not going anywhere anytime soon but it has become too large of a position in my portfolio and I need to reduce its position and sell. Other oil guys and gals what does your crystal ball / brain tell you ? Time to sell some ? +Hi all, + +I invested with a DEGIRO account a relative substantial sum in a stock which was trading on the NYSE but eventually got delisted and started trading on the OTC market. + +My shares got frozen unable to sell and take back my money. + +After one month of discussion with them I've been told that my only solution was to transfer the position to a stock broker trading OTC. I then open an account in SwissQuote and start the transfer process, putting aside the dreadful customer service from DEGIRO after weeks of back and forth SwissQuote ( fantastic custom service) informs me that DEGIRO cancelled the transfer due to compliance reason without given further explanations, explanations which I've been neglected also. + +I find myself now without any means to get back my investment, those are my shares, my money but DEGIRO is keeping me from get it back. + +My last resort at this point is to take legal action but I don't know where to begin. + +Any advice would be really helpful. +I need help. I work remotely in Malta as full time and the company I work for deducts my taxes automatically to the Maltese authorities. + +Is there a way for me to go live in another EU state while still working remotely with the same Maltese company and keep paying taxes in Malta? If not, what are my option? are they to either go self employed and pay taxes in the hosting EU country, OR, quit my job and find a new one in the hosting EU country? THANKS IN ADVANCE! +Hello. + +I am using Degiro as my broker and I am from Portugal. + +I would like to invest in an ETF that follows Nasdaq index. My criteria is to be ACC and preferably an Full replication. + +So I identified the two ETFs + +* iShares Nasdaq 100 - IE00B53SZB19 +* Invesco Nasdaq-100 - IE00BYVTMS52. + +Comparing these two they have similiar performances and TER is also very similar. + +Invesco ETF is newer so it has a lower fund size (111m vs 5,055m iShares). + +This Invesco ETF is a EUR hedged and honestly I don't know how this may affect the profitability for me. + +I already have the IWDA etf in EAM stock market. If I would choose the iShares Nasdaq 100 I wouldn't have to pay another connectivity cost - which isn't significantly much. + +&#x200B; + +Take all of this in consideration which ETF you would choose? Or anyother that I missed? + +Thanks +I have started investing into stocks about half a year ago, same amount every month, coming from my salary via Revolut. But buying only 5 stocks or so is not something that I see would be best long term and an ETF has always been a great wish of mine. + +I just recently found this subreddit, but have been reading other simolar subreddit (US-centric) for some time and am really happy that this EU centric subreddit exists. I have opened an account with trade212 as they look trustworthy and offer a good choice of ETFs. I plan on doing monthly investments long term. I am currently investing about 10% of my salary and will try to get up to 20% asap. I am 34 yrs old with a solid carrer. + +My question is what ETF to choose. I would like to invest into only one if possible, have no problems with risk and would like to do it as cost effective as possible. I am tech savvy and very supportive of fin-tech solutions and that’s why I really like Revolut (but would not trust them yet with bigger sums) and Trade 212. + +I come from Slovenia, cap gains tax is 27,5% and falls down to 20% after 5years and then to 15 and so on. + +Based on what I have read here, I’d like to start with Vanguard FTSE All-World EUR (VWCE) or iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD Accumulating (IWDA). I’d also stop investing in individual stocks and gold. What would your kind advice be? +I have started investing into stocks about half a year ago, same amount every month, coming from my salary via Revolut. But buying only 5 stocks or so is not something that I see would be best long term and an ETF has always been a great wish of mine. + +I just recently found this subreddit, but have been reading other simolar subreddit (US-centric) for some time and am really happy that this EU centric subreddit exists. I have opened an account with trade212 as they look trustworthy and offer a good choice of ETFs. I plan on doing monthly investments long term. I am currently investing about 10% of my salary and will try to get up to 20% asap. I am 34 yrs old with a solid carrer. + +My question is what ETF to choose. I would like to invest into only one if possible, have no problems with risk and would like to do it as cost effective as possible. I am tech savvy and very supportive of fin-tech solutions and that’s why I really like Revolut (but would not trust them yet with bigger sums) and Trade 212. + +I come from Slovenia, cap gains tax is 27,5% and falls down to 20% after 5years and then to 15 and so on. + +Based on what I have read here, I’d like to start with Vanguard FTSE All-World EUR (VWCE) or iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD Accumulating (IWDA). I’d also stop investing in individual stocks and gold. What would your kind advice be? +With real estate prices at the top of history, I have been considering what to do with my money. I am planning to come back to my home country in Eastern Europe from UK in 2-3 years. The idea is to get a job there with experience acquired in the UK and then buy myself a flat (mortgaged most likely). + +The reason for this is because mortgage would be cheaper than rent and also because I do not want to not keep investing in other areas. + +The country requires a person to put 15% deposit and targets 20-25 years mortgage repayments. Is there any reason out there to just purchase a flat outright (or put as much money as possible into the purchase)? I did some math and it seems like my money would be better off invested than dumping a large amount or % into a flat. + +Any ideas are welcome. +I would think in the long run it should be the same, in shorter timeframes we should be more focused on Europe? + +How would we do this for index-investments? + + +Would perhaps differences be in other kind of assets? + +Are there specific timeframes +Title says it all. Smart phones and social media have without a doubt changed the world rapidly and has forever changed our lives. However there have been growing pains and some unintended consequences of this technology adoption. Do you foresee any unintended consequences as a result of mass adoption of Crypto/Blockchain technology? Obviously there will be major economic changes ranging from job displacement and inflows/outflows of capital to and from this new technology. But I am really focused on the potential societal effects that it may cause. + +What are your thoughts? + +EDIT: I was really looking for outside of the box thinking. Not the typical scams, losing money, shills, and pump and dumps we all know about. +Thank you guys a ton for everything! I can't keep up with these comments for today. + +Stage 2 hodgkin lymphoma. I just started treatment and an expected to undergo for around 6 months. I'm mentally feeling okay but my parents and siblings are worried about my finances. + +You guys have come through with a ton of advice and private messages that I'm pretty sure will help ease everyone's mind. + +Sincerely! Thank you so much!! +Usually markets "crash" when forced liquidations occurs. -4% in a few hours this morning after a bogus rise yesterday in order to trick dip buyers was the last chance to get out of those assets before the inevitable blood bath. + +I would expect today or in the next few days a big, sudden flush, which will trigger algos for a 8-10% drop in a day and will induce the last panic selling before a stabilization into the incoming, slow, stagflation market. + +Anyways. This is just me, speculating. Another doom post, I know. But I have a feeling I'll the guy who was finally right. + +We do not even need a $GME catalyst, the forced liquidations will start the trend up after the initial expected $GME dip. + +I've got 10k waiting on the sidelines for my last $GME buy. + +Remind me in a week! :) +Here is an email I received from my letting agent today: + +--- + +Subject: Corvid-19 + +Good afternoon, + +We hope you are well. + +Following the latest government announcements in relation to Covid-19, this is an important notice regarding your rental contract. + +We have outlined below some guidance for you to follow which we hope helps bring some clarity to your situation. + +- Rent payments are to be made as normal, on time and in full. + +- We ask you only to report urgent and essential maintenance at this time. + +- All our property inspections are currently on hold until further notice + +- If you have any concerns in relation to your next due rental payment please make us aware via email as soon as possible + +- Any late payment will be treated as normal arrears unless we have discussed in depth with you personally and authorised prior to your rent due date + +- Please only call our office at this time if you have been made redundant or your working hours have been significantly cut due to Covid-19. We will require extensive evidence supporting your case and we will from there endeavour to assist you in every way possible. + +We will be sure to contact you with any further changes and government announcements. + +Please see below link which you might find helpful. + +https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/coronavirus-what-it-means-for-you + +We've located a purchase that seems almost too good to be true - at around 900 000. + +After short discussions we have made an offer at 800 k expecting some sort of counter offer, but received nothing, neither an firm denial nor.. anything really. + +After a moment of pondering, the seller asked if a bank load would be involved for this sum; which we confirmed -bank loans force a longer duration for effectively making the transaction here - and said that we should hear from each other at the beggining of next week, after he attends some other potential buyer /buyers. + +Now I don't know what to take out of this. + +I would've expected a counter offer at around 5% off, or about 850 k, which would be acceptable - but nevertheless, to my surprise he didn't actually even flinch. + +I would like to hear your advice as, I would not like to have this deal stagnate. + +For us it's possible actually to come up with a percentage (around 30% -35% ) in cash, which I think he would appreciate. + +How should I approach him as to not lose the deal? +I know $1000 is not a lot, but after living paycheck to paycheck it is a major improvement for me! + +Edit: Wow! Did not expect this many people to respond, but I've read nearly all of the comments and really appreciate the help you guys have given me. I have decided to open up an Ally Financial Savings account and not "hookers and blow" as one of you so hilariously suggested. (I'll be 2 years in clean in August and this is just one of the many steps I've taken to get my life back on track) +I’m working 7 days a week right now. I’m a full time worker, and I have community service every Saturday and Sunday where I am required to manual labor in the brutal heat. Yesterday my girlfriend and I did our shopping for the week. I was extremely tired from being in the hot sun all day and forgot to put away the chicken thighs. I got everything else put away, but I left out $5 worth of chicken. This morning I just broke down crying when I saw it by the door. Being poor is so hard, and these little expenses are draining me. I don’t have a message of hope. I’m just tired of everything requiring so much work and money. +When I first got into crypto trading and investing back in January, I used RH for its simplicity and Economics (free). It wasn’t until I had several thousand $ worth of crypto in it when I learned of its crummy business practices and the fact I don’t actually own the crypto. The problem I faced was that the only way to get it out was to liquidate it into USD, and transfer it to my bank, and rebuy the crypto on an exchange. I knew this process would take up to 6 business days. I was worried that in that time crypto would spike and I would lose potential gains. But I said screw it and did it anyway. Now I’m reinvested and have my ETH and BTC on Coinbase and I couldn’t be more relieved. +I’ve created a compiled a list of jobsites that have served me in the last 10 years for finding new opportunities in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and remote online. + +**United Kingdom** 🇬🇧 + +* [www.jobserve.com](http://www.jobserve.com/) (best for contracts) +* [www.technojobs.co.uk](http://www.technojobs.co.uk/) +* [www.reed.co.uk](http://www.reed.co.uk/) +* [www.cv-library.co.uk](http://www.cv-library.co.uk/) +* [www.totaljobs.com](http://www.totaljobs.com/) + +I have lived in London for 3 years and can personally vouch for these jobsites. + +**Generic** + +* [www.linkedin.com](http://www.linkedin.com/) (Filter on EMEA/remote, country, position name) +* [www.indeed.com](http://www.indeed.com/) + +**Privileged Jobsites** + +* [www.honeypot.io](https://www.honeypot.io/) +* [www.gun.io](https://www.gun.io/) +* [www.talent.i](http://www.talent.io/)[o](http://www.talent.io/) +* [www.snap.hr](http://www.snap.hr/) + +**Slack** + +* Kubernetes Career Slack channel (#kubernetes-careers) +* AWS Careers Slack channel (#jobs) + +**United States** + +* [www.dice.com](https://www.dice.com/) (Not great for non-US citizens to find work, only to get 100 daily spam messages by Indian recruitment agencies) + +**Remote Work** + +* [www.angel.co/jobs](https://angel.co/jobs) +* [www.reddit.com/r/forhire](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhire) +* [weworkremotely.com](http://weworkremotely.com/) +* Google Search: site reliability engineer site:lever.co (filter by last 1 month)  + +*I will complete this list, but there seem to have around 500 applications per job listed on these remote jobsites, so they are not always the best way to find a new position.* + +**Hacker News** + +* Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (April 2020) [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22749307](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22749307) +* Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (April 2020) [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22749306](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22749306) +* Ask HN: Who is hiring? (April 2020) [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22749308](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22749308) + +*The focus on Hacker News isn’t on making cheap money, but on high-level technologies, so in my experience the quality is extremely high.* + +**The Netherlands** **🇳🇱** **Major jobsites** + +* [www.monsterboard.nl](http://www.monsterboard.nl/) +* [www.nationalevacaturebank.nl](http://www.nationalevacaturebank.nl/)( does anybody even use this?) + +*I’m Dutch! Unfortunately a lot of recruiters don’t seem to have direct contact with the hiring managers and many companies refuse to use recruitment companies. It’s probably because of cultural reasons, but that makes working with recruiters in Holland less useful.* + +**The Netherlands** **🇳🇱** **Smaller freelance jobsites** + +* [www.jellow.nl](https://www.jellow.nl/) (Positive experience) +* [www.it-contracts.nl](https://www.it-contracts.nl/#) +* [www.it-staffing.nl/Projecten.aspx](http://www.it-staffing.nl/Projecten.aspx) +* [www.atseven.nl/opdrachten.aspx](https://www.atseven.nl/opdrachten.aspx) +* [www.4-freelancers.nl](http://www.4-freelancers.nl/) +* [www.itaq.nl/vacante-vacatures.html](http://www.itaq.nl/vacante-vacatures.html) +* [www.wematchit.nl/zoek/vacature](https://www.wematchit.nl/zoek/vacature) +* [www.between.nl/show\_requests.do?searchall=0](https://www.between.nl/show_requests.do?searchall=0) +* [https://my.freelancehouse.nl/opdrachten](https://my.freelancehouse.nl/opdrachten) +* [http://vacatures.yacht.nl](http://vacatures.yacht.nl/) +* [https://select.headfirst.nl/#/opdrachten](https://select.headfirst.nl/#/opdrachten) + +*This is a pretty outdated list. I forgot which of these sites was the best. It seems a lot of people seem completely focused on making money or saving money on the smaller sites.So there isn’t always a great focus on quality over money. The Dutch recruitment market is a bit messy. Often the recruiters don’t have any contacts within the company they are hiring for.* + +Building a solid online reputation with Github or a YouTube channel will also work wonders. + +I've also posted this on my blog at [https://dennisarslan.nl/where-to-find-work-online-in-2020/](https://dennisarslan.nl/where-to-find-work-online-in-2020/), which I'll keep up-to-date for at least the next 12 months. +I do not work in finance and have some pretty basic excel skills. When we got married I decided it would be neat to see just how we were doing every month. So... I've been tracking my net worth for seven years and while monthly gains are often unnoticeable - it is obvious what is happening when I look at the corresponding graph. + +My spreadsheet (linked picture - not actual sheet) shows percentage assets in everything from liquid assets (24%) to my kid's education fund (1.9%). My favorite part is seeing the debt line go down. + +My suggestion to others is - if you are having trouble picturing where you want to be (or where you've been) make a graph. It keeps me on my toes to maintain my investments and shows me how paying off debts really helps the "familial bottom line." Keep chugging along - and invest your money - most of my gains have been in the market. Every little bit helps in the long run! + +I am more than open to suggestions on how to make this better! Enjoy! + +Graph:http://imgur.com/a/rylVT + +Monthly Spreadsheet: http://imgur.com/a/fkwuE + +edit. Since a few have asked - we don't have a budget. We just spend what we have and have our bills/savings taken out automatically. Could we do better? Yes - but I think we've been doing okay as is so I don't have a strong desires to change anything. + +edit 2 - I've been asked by reddit mods not to share my spreadsheet due to security risks, both for myself and reddit. thanks for understanding! +Like a lot of people I probably started on the FIRE path later than I would have liked. Nevertheless, I should be able to reasonably fat-FIRE (depending on your definition of fat) at about 50ish (currently 35). + +Lately I’ve been contemplating an alternative of moving to a different area, with a lower cost of living but also markedly lower earnings potential. It would be a more relaxed way of life, but that step back in earnings would also mean I’d likely end up working longer. + +Curious if other people have made a similar change or if their FIRE priorities have ended up changing as they got older? +I've been very hands off with my investing to date. I know, I'm not proud of it and I'm starting to pay a lot more attention. I'm looking through my RRSP statements and half of the fund are sitting in a 'investment savings account' that pays dick. It's been there 4-5 years. My wife's RSP is the same, so it's not an insignificant number. We've told the advisor several times that we want to get the funds invested, but nothing's happened. I can't think of any reason for having investments in a vehicle that's done nothing. On a scale of 1 to10, how pissed would you be? Any advice would be welcomed. +- 1 cent per share for stocks ($5 min, $10 max) + +- Free buying of ETFs but selling has same pricing as stocks + +- Options trading for $10 + $1/contract + +Is that it? Compared to others I've looked at, like TD, it seems unreasonably cheap. TD has a $25 quarterly fee for (??) but I can't find anything about that for Questrade. + +So if I go with them, am I going to get some significant unexpected fees? + +The fork is happening. Clearly Gavin and others are working on the code. New Geth clients with the fork option will be released. Some users will go one way and some the other. It's that simple, so arguing about it is just wasting your energy. + +What does it mean for us hodlors? Right now I have X ether. After the fork I will have 2X ether, with X on each tine. On one tine the hacker keeps the DAO ether. On the other tine the ether is returned to the DTHers. I'm not happy with either outcome, but that doesn't matter. Some people think that one tine will quickly wither and die because all the hash power will switch away from it. Maybe that will happen, but I don't believe anyone really knows for sure. + +So that's how I see it tonite. A month from now we will have one of either of two realities determined by which tine the miners switch to, which will likely see the ether price spike as the crises will be over. There is some possibility that both tines will survive, giving us 2X ether. If there is a bug in the fork code, it will wreck that tine and the reality where the hacker keeps the DAO ether will win by default. + +That's what is happening, so you might as well just accept it. The only thing you can do to effect the outcome is to mine on the tine you prefer. Two wooks of this fork argument is getting really boring. + + +> As for China’s financial system, [China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman] Guo Shuqing warned that “after the Black Swan of the pandemic, its asset quality will inevitably deteriorate” since current loan classifications haven’t reflected their true quality and banks’ profits on paper are inflated. + +> Combined earnings at China’s more than 1,000 commercial banks slumped the most in at least a decade in the second quarter as bad loans climbed. The government has told lenders to sacrifice $211 billion in profit this year to alleviate the worst economic slump in 40 years. Bad loans hit the highest in more than a decade, growing to 2.7 trillion yuan ($389 billion) at the end of June. + +> Authorities in Beijing have leaned hard on the $41 trillion banking system, led by Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. Lenders have been told to forgo profits by providing cheap funding, deferring payments and increasing unsecured lending to small businesses struggling with the pandemic outbreak + +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-banking-watchdog-warns-fed-052227678.html +Been working for a large company for 6 years, last year they gave me a promotion with a salary of £27k I also get to work full time hours over 4 days. There will be no more progression for me here for the forseeable future. I like the company and only applied for a new role elsewhere because it was more money. + +I have now been offered a role with a much smaller company, in the same sector, with a salary of £32k rising to £35k. The hours are the same but I will have to work 5 shorter days here, there is slightly less of a commute. I doubt there will be any career progression here either and I am worried about being bored in a tiny team. + +I am working towards a professional qualification and have completed all of my exams. I will be able to complete the qualification in either role. + +TLDR: Would you leave a large company that you enjoy working for with a 4 day week to go to a small company, 5 day week for £5k more? + + +My wife and I are both executives at technology companies. Earlier in our life, I was the workaholic and she kept things up around the house. As her career has taken off, I’ve notified things are slipping at home. We forget to get groceries and order takeout, we’ve gained weight because of our bad eating habits, laundry doesn’t get done or dishes pile up and it leads to conflict. + +I’m thinking we need some help. Ideally, this would be someone shopping and prepping meals for us, doing some home cleanup, laundry, and likely coming a few times a week. + +We’re in nyc, but I don’t know if this is an individual we find on Craigslist, several different people, a singular service, or something else. + +But I’m looking for recommendations so I can save my marriage! +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-02-16/qualcomm-rejects-broadcom-s-121-billion-offer-open-to-talks + +> Qualcomm shareholders are scheduled to vote on a slate of Broadcom’s nominees to the board at a meeting on March 6, giving investors the chance to effectively approve the proposal. If elected, the new directors would be able to override the current board’s opposition to the latest offer of $82 a share. + +TLDR: Qualcomm's board said that the risk is too high, especially with anti-trust matters, and also believes that the $82 per share offer is too low. +[https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/21/charles-schwab-in-talks-to-buy-td-ameritrade-a-deal-could-be-announced-as-early-as-today-source-says.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/21/charles-schwab-in-talks-to-buy-td-ameritrade-a-deal-could-be-announced-as-early-as-today-source-says.html) + +This will be a big change in the landscape. Just a few weeks back they announced commission free trades, and now this big merger. +I haven’t been doing any shopping on “wants” and not “needs.” I would go into the mall when it opened thinking which card I would use and walked out without buying stuff. +Because I realized I’m poor and broke af with 20k in debt to pay and that 19k credit limit ain’t gonna pay for it. +Not sure if this is the right place for this. It’s my baby step of being debt free. + +Edit: didn’t realize I used a throwaway. Not that it matters much. + +Edit 2: to add more context, 13k out of 20k is a personal loan debt. There were major life events that I didn’t have enough money to cover. + +But that doesn’t change the fact that I got my spending habit out of control after that. I’ve been pouring all my paychecks plus half my husbands’ into paying credit cards. At least $2k/month. Sometimes more when I have my quarterly bonus. So even though I’m at 7k Cc debt, I’ve also paid off a lot of it already. But I never realized I needed to have the above mentality to get rid of my debts entirely until recently. + +Edit 3: Phew I don't post on reddit a lot but it was sort of an "awakening moment" for me so I decided to share it here because it is embarrassing to tell people you know about your personal finance situation. It's my day off so I've been reading all comments including the ones that were removed because of them talking down or being rude and tbh some were hard to digest but in a way I deserve to hear it. Thank you for all your kind words. I feel very motivated. I accidentally posted on throwaway but my main account had a post asking for help to get rid of debts a while back and I'm on month 3 of working on it. I'll be back in 3 years (or less if economy allows for my company to get more business so I can earn bigger bonus checks) to show off once I pay them all off lol +I've recently been made redundant from my role as a content writer in London on 26.5k. I'd been working for 2 years, and was a community manager for about 16 months before moving on to my content role for about 10 months. I have recently moved back in with my family, who are also in London. I'm 26 fwiw. Normally I don't think I'd be that stressed, but this time it's different. + +&#x200B; + +I am now panicking that the economy is completely fucked, I won't get a job and wages will be driven right down due to the millions of people in my position. I'm convinced I will have to start at 23k again and take an entry level role and not be able to afford to move back out - something which really affects my mental health. (I know 3.5k might not seem like a lot to many of you, but at the low end of the scale of London graduate wages it makes a big difference) I have convinced myself that even though there are some content or copywriting roles out there, they will go to people with more experience than 10 months. Obviously I can't even get a job in a pub or restaurant at the moment. I know I shouldn't compare myself yadda yadda yadda but I was already maybe the lowest earner in my friendship group so this isn't doing wonders for my self esteem. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Just to be clear, I am currently doing applications - I did get to interview and test stage with a job I really wanted, but now I'm not sure if they've ghosted me? Or maybe I'm just being anxious and they'll get back to me. + +&#x200B; + +Am I overreacting? Should I take this as an opportunity to stay at home for a few months and retrain, seeing as in the sort of work I do redundancies are commonplace? If so, in what? At the best of times I'm not exactly an optimist so I'm hoping I'm overreacting - but please do say if you think I'm not. +For the purposes of this discussion, let's assume the American progressive movement continues to gain traction and dominates the American political landscape for the next couple of decades. + +What are the likely risks to wealthier families? What are the likely benefits? + +I am mostly looking to the redditors on this sub for insight, but I'll get the ball rolling with my very rudimentary understanding of progressive policy. + +Potential Risks: + +* lower market returns over the long run, given higher taxation, higher minimum wages, anti-corporate policies + +* higher income taxes and potentially wealth taxes (unlikely but possible). More impactful for those that have not yet reached FIRE as it will slow their progress, but also impactful for those that have already FIREd + +* devaluation of certain asset classes due to regulation (e.g., real estate depreciation as certain property-related tax cuts are removed and pro-tenant rent controls are more widely established) + + +Potential benefits: + +* subsidized health care, which is one of the biggest and most unpredictable expenses for non-working people (without access to employer sponsored health plans) + +* lower cost of private education + +* Universal Basic Income + +* General increase in social safety net, leading to various (small-dollar) benefits + + +I'd like to keep this discussion completely focused on economic impacts on FIRE, and not discuss any other political aspects of American liberal or conservative policy. Thanks! +I mean let me try a quick recap: + +- Shorts short the shit out of GME trying to bankrupt. They come close. + +- RC buys 9M Shares and [saves the company](https://i.imgur.com/zLrq53N.jpg). Price rises. + +- Hedgies refuse to cover.. too expensive. + +- Gamma Squeeze. Price go brr. + +- Robinhood does a reverse brr. + +- [DFV Doubles Down](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lnqgz8/gme_yolo_update_feb_19_2021/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). Ape buy and HODL. + +- Gamma Squeeze. Price go brr. + +- Dirty Naked Shorting, [Darkpooling](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mcfq4e/shitadel_other_hedgies_are_trading_over_525/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). HF Tactics. [GME vs Non Meme Stonk ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mq5598/a_lot_of_requests_to_post_a_comparison_of_level_2/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). + +- Ape HODL. + +- [No Volume](https://imgur.com/a/ic5WQgo) . A MONTH PASSES. + +- Price Dropping Artificially. Apes do an expose. [Citadel Has No Clothes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m4c0p4/citadel_has_no_clothes/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). [House Of Cards](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvk5dv/a_house_of_cards_part_1/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). + +- [DFV Exercises Calls and Doubles Down Again](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/msblc3/gme_yolo_update_apr_16_2021_final_update/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). + +- Ape buy dips and HODL. Buy/Sell Ratio ALL buys. Price still dropping. [Lookie Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvdqw3/gme_buy_order_to_sell_order_ratio_of_465/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). + +- Big Players Moving. ‘Mom and Dad’ (DTC,DTCC,OTC) see how dirty naked shorting is. Is writing new rules to do a protect. [Great Overview. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/msh5mt/a_brief_overview_of_recent_filings_from_the_dtc/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf) + +- GME files 14A reveals true float is HALF of what apes thought in DD. Apes must OWN FLOAT. GME asks apes to reveal their shares. [Post theorizing float even lower.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxqhl5/everyone_freaking_out_about_the_float_being_26m/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf) + +- [We know Shorts must Cover](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw1txe/shorts_must_cover/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). + +- Apes see the squeezeth doth draw closer. + + +It’s coming. We know it. I feel bad for those who don’t see it or refuse to look. I for one am JACKED to the TITS. + +I’ll see you all on the trip to the 🌙. In the meantime let’s just do what apes do best. Buy and HODL. 🦍🚀🚀🚀💎🙌 + +Oh, and be excellent to each other. +Hello everyone, + + +Me and my wife are thinking about having a baby in the near future, but from the looks of it we won't have the money to do so. A bit of background - both me and my wife are 25, working for 2 years after finishing our degrees. I am a software developer and she's a bank assistant manager, both earning around 25-26k a year atm, looking to increase year on year as we are at the start of our careers. We live in a HCOL area (Manchester). +We don't have any family close to us that could help with the childcare so we would be either looking at getting full time childcare or having my wife stay at home with the child. Both of these option seem like a big hit to our finances. We are also saving for a house deposit, saving around 700 a month for that. If all is well, we should be able to get our own place in 1/1.5 years. Obviously having a child before that would mean not being able to save for a deposit anymore (I suppose so anyway) + + +I guess what I'm after is a few answers to some of our questions: + +What benefits can we get if my wife decides to stay at home with the kid? + +What are the usual costs for the first 1-2 years of the childs life? + +Do people recomment staying at home with the child to "enjoy" it or is it better to keep working and go for a full time nursery? + +Is it just us that believe having a child becomes more and more difficult? + +&#x200B; + +Thank you. +Hi, I’m in need of some advice. My wife passed away following a brief illness - I’m late 30’s as was she. + +We have a mortgage that has about £310k remaining and since her death, I have put the house on the market with a guide price of £750k, the main reason is the children and I want a fresh start. + +I have received pension and life insurance payouts that will collectively pay the mortgage off, just. + +My dilemma is as follows…. + +If I pay the mortgage off now, the cost of living will still exceed what I earn on one salary and would prefer to keep the capital back in case my house isn’t sold relatively quickly. Is that a good idea? + +I have not yet told the mortgage lender about my wife’s death - but considering the house is now on the market, would they re-evaluate my affordability and/or require me to pay the mortgage off before it’s sold? +*Directly from STATERA, as you can see they're not done. Seeing the price STA is at now, well it's a no brainer. Just sharing with you all.* + +Dear community as you can see, the STATERA Team along with some supportive members of this project have been working to ensure we deliver what you wanted. We are have done quite a lot in the past few days, and we are still carrying on. + +On behalf of the Project developer and managers, I thank all of you for your support and contributions. + +It has been a pleasure and honor working with you all. + +I would like to special thank some certain individuals whom their names won't be mentioned but some of us know them, they have been working day and night with the team to ensure the success of this project. Words alone can't justify the level of our gratitude. + +For those who are new, please visit our blog on publish0x to read about the project: https://www.publish0x.com/statera-project/statera-an-indexed-deflationary-token-xejldly + +it is worthy of mentioning that among the things we have been able to achieve this week so far includes: + +🔘 Exchange Listing : https://www.saturn.network/exchange/ETH/order-book/STA + +🔘 Listing on DefiPulse Token-list + +🔘 listing on uniswap.vision + +🔘 Creation of our first official video about STATERA PROJECT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeTntWwvPnxhHLyx29QqtA + +🔘 Creation of our first official youtube channels as well as a few other media channels: + +🔘 Creation of STATERA STATS BOT + +Telegram: https://t.me/stateratoken + +Website: stateratoken.com + +Twitter: https://twitter.com/StateraProject + +Medium: https://medium.com/@stateraproject/ + +Publish0x: https://www.publish0x.com/statera-project + +Github: https://github.com/StateraProject + +Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/StateraToken/?utm\_source=amp&utm\_medium=&utm\_content=post\_subreddit + +Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stateratoken/ + +Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeTntWwvPnxhHLyx29QqtA + +Telegram Anns: https://t.me/stateraannouncement + +A lot of things are still be worked on, but due to reasons, we can give any ETA at the moment. We can however inform you that among the things being worked on includes: + +⚪️ Contract Audit + +⚪️ Another possible DEX listing that will support deflationary token. + +Once again, we thank you all for your support and contributions. + +Stay Safe and have Fun! + +©️ STATERA OFFICIAL + A lot of people are moving away from expensive cities such as Los Angeles, NYC and London to cheaper places such as no income tax states and the countryside (high house prices are a huge factor). However, (since buying a house is the biggest purchase that most people make in their lifetime) would you want to minimise that expense by buying a property in country where the prices are super low. For example, in Zaisan (the Beverly Hills of Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia) a 4 bedroom apartment would cost less than $350k ([https://www.mongolia-properties.com/properties/buy/sale-gorgeous-4-bedroom-apartment-sale-golden-buddha](https://www.mongolia-properties.com/properties/buy/sale-gorgeous-4-bedroom-apartment-sale-golden-buddha)). The majority apartments in Ulaanbaatar cost less than $100k (or even $50k!). Those prices would be an absolute bargain in western countries. There are plenty countries where you can get pretty nice properties in overlooked countries such as Vietnam, Laos, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Botswana etc. For instance, if you earn an average western salary and have the ability to work remotely (such as being a YouTuber, Freelance programmer, Twitch streamer, your company allows you to work remotely etc.) then it won't take long to pay off the mortgage for the property (since prices are so low, there may be cases where you can straight up buy the property). If you are interested in investing in stocks for dividends, you don't need as much invested since generally the cost of living is lower and since property prices are much lower, you can invest more money in stocks and other investments therefore generating more passive income. However, I understand that there will be some disadvantages (Infrastructure and Institutions might not be as strong) and it could become a bit problematic if you are raising a family, Education and career for your children opportunities in these countries might not be as strong as those in the west or other developed countries. Also, Internet speeds might not be as fast. But if you are single and just want to chill and achieve FIRE pretty quickly, then buying a more affordable property and immigrating to less developed countries might be a good idea (especially for a financial sense). +I always enjoy boarding a plane and having to walk through the first/business class rows as I mutter "One day..." under my breath and make my way down to Economy to sit with all the other fellow poor people. + +In all seriousness, I like to guess in my mind what all the people I see sitting in those premium classes do for a living and what their financial situations must be like to be able to afford to travel like that. I gave it some in depth thought on my last flight where my flights in economy cost £600 return, and I remember seeing business class seats were about £2700 return, which is nearly 5x more. + +I know some of the people in those premium classes may have got a free upgrade, or upgraded using their loyalty points that they have collected over the years, or even paid for by their company as they are travelling for work but how much do you have to earn per year for you to justify paying £2000 extra for upgraded seats? I know it all depends from person to person but my guess is you're probably making 500K+ a year. + +Also, what's it usually like for those of you that have to frequently travel for work purposes? Do your companies usually just buy you normal economy class seats? Does it depend on your job position as I'd imagine that if you've got a senior role in a big corporation you're most def flying business class for work purposes. +I'm new, I've been doing some research and talking to people who have been investing for some time. I have been looking at National Bank of Canada (NA) as they had nice growth before this shit show. But I have been seeing a lot of posts talking about BNS, CM, BMO, or RBC and no mention of NA. Why? What am I missing? + +Obviously not the smartest to ask randos online; though which canadian banks are of interest to you and why? +With the rise in interest rates, it seems like the housing market is beginning to cool and prices have already dropped a small amount. I know people who work in real estate and they have backed this up. Gas has been going up a lot at a fast rate in the past few months and now seems to have frozen at around $2 a litre for the past couple of weeks where I live in Ontario (Which is still absurd and I hope it goes down eventually if inflation really is stabilizing) Not sure about food or other services though, but the Walmart I mainly shop at doesn’t seem to have changed any major prices in the past couple of months. The last major price increase they had for some of the primary food items was at the beginning of April. + +The official CPI inflation had big jumps in March and April, (5.1 to 5.7 and then 6.7% respectively) likely because of the war, and then seemed to slow down at only 6.8% in May (In the US, it actually dropped from 8.5 to 8.3%) Of course CPI inflation is not entirely accurate and this doesn’t mean the prices of goods will crash in the next few days, but is it possible that the peak of this inflation era has passed? Obviously we need to wait a couple more months to be sure, but what does current data seem to imply? +Fellow retarded guys and gals, I am CONVINCED GME will hit higher highs and the circuit breaker will keep halting the stock’s upward movement next week (this is a good thing people, calm the FUCK down when it happens). I am seriously considering throwing my ROTH into this. We’re talking a LOT of money. I’m not a whale, god no, but I want to yeet this cash and see if it can double or triple in the next week. + +What GME shorters and my actual retard brother and everyone else is failing to understand is, we certified smooth brains on this sub can see GameStop’s FUTURE potential. We already knew GameStop was a “dying company” but fuck, we held the goddamn line and now some of you can afford a full meal at Wendy’s, and not just some fries. GameStop is due for a massive transformation, and we see it. Boomers clearly don’t, the Gay Lemon did not, but we hold and buy SHARES because we understand that this isn’t a bet on the past but faith in the future of the company. + +I have been in this army since the price hit $36.00. Now it’s at $65 or some shit like that, and I KNOW it my heart it has room to 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 to atleast $100 next week. Shit, I feel in my jellies it’ll hit $120-$130 by EOW next week. + +So 💎🤚 bulls, is it time to YEET the Roth IRA all into GME, and if so, when should I buy in to help the cause? I need to see who else is standing and holding, I wanna see REAL AUTISTS rise up and tell me to hold. I believe in it, but do YOU? + +Cheers, and good luck fuckers. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +TLDR - Should I gamble entire Roth IRA for delicious tendies next week? Also, SCREECH RETARDS I wanna hear that you’re still BALLS DEEP in this bad bitch. +Edit #3: u/Donkey-Kongs had a pretty good explanation for why they may be working late that should be taken into account when reading this: "Not to steal the 🍌from anyone’s bunch, as someone familiar with this space, working weekends at midnight in the office, especially in NYC, is unfortunately par for the course for any AMLaw 50 firm, and more so for those with global reach. You could also point to the Perkins law firm which is based in Citadel’s offices in Chicago which has a crypto practice. I would be surprised if they didn’t have attorneys working all nighters on weekends as well. Also, the majority of law firms are allowing people to be in office as covid restrictions have eased. And finally, trust Chambers or Legal500 for rankings. USN is considered, by many, a bit lower tier." + +**Post Starts Here** +So based on the great DD done in here already with all the brokers and banks burning the midnight oil, I figured out what I could find. I stumbled upon www.earthcam.com which contains links to hundreds of live cameras across the world. I checked out there Midtown Manhattan one [(Link)](https://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/midtown/skyline/?cam=midtown4k) and noticed a building next to the Chrysler tower that had it's top floors lit up. So let's dig: + +https://imgur.com/gallery/kq1RfzV + +Just to make sure this wasn't common, I checked the views from 4 and 5 nights ago (see gallery) and you'll notice those floors are completely dark. So there's definitely something weird going on tonight where this building is clearly occupied on the top floors. It's hard to tell which building it is, so I used the daytime feed (also in the gallery) to get a better look at it. + +Using Google Maps satellite view, I figured out it was 450 Lexington Ave [(Link)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/450_Lexington_Avenue) + +Alright. We have the building, so who are the top floor tenants? Initially all my searches for any addresses on the 35-38 floors came up empty. However, when I searched for Suite 3500 (I found through other searching that the official addresses are suites and based on the floor) I came across this lawyer [directory](http://www.law.net/attorney/location/united-states/new-york/new-york-city/page/3308). The lawyers you see here have addresses as Suite 3500 (35th floor), and link to www.dpw.com. On we go! + +So who is dwp.com? None other than DavisPolk & Wardell. Alright so we have the lawyers, working at midnight on a Sunday night, during COVID. Who is this law firm exactly? Does this relate to us at all? + +[I think so](https://www.davispolk.com/news/davis-polk-named-law-firm-year-two-categories-us-news-best-lawyers#:~:text=Davis%20Polk%20has%20been%20named,areas%20in%20this%20year's%20report.) + +This is where it gets crazy. Check out in that link what one of the two categories they were named Law Firm of the Year in: **financial services regulation**. This is the firm that represented the **US Treasury Department** and **Federal Reserve Bank of NY** during the 2008 financial crisis. So maybe they're on the good side? Not so fast. They're also well lauded for their white collar criminal defense practices. + +TL;DR + +Towercam footage shows elite financial services law firm known for their work in financial services regulation is currently working in all three floors of it's Manhattan office at midnight on a Sunday, which is abnormal for them + +Edit: More information on their white collar defense work https://www.davispolk.com/practices/litigation/white-collar-defense-and-investigations + +Edit 2: I originally mistyped the law firm website as www.dwp.com. The correct url is www.dpw.com, and is fixed in the post (this is the URL associated with the lawyers in the lawyer directory) +Seriously, I posted a few months ago talking about the regional branch bank runs and got shit on. But, the problem has only been compounded. Banks in China are now classifying peoples personal savings as "investment products" and halting withdrawals officially. [Tanks](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/video-shows-tanks-protecting-crisis-hit-banks-in-china-internet-says-history-repeats-itself-3175812) have been reportedly sent in to protect crisis ridden banks from protesters storming the banks. We shall see if this spreads to all the mainland. + +I feel like China is the elephant in the room, like the bond market, that everyone pretends they know what's happening and just say its rock solid. Good old SHHina has taken a shlacking the past few months as the facade of the CCP leverage fueled economy is starting to slowdown, especially the retarded property market. History would say that massive upheavals like this usually does not bode well for foreign investment. I wonder what will happen to all the western companies that sacrificed their first borns to gain access to the Chinese market I.E. all of Shenzen, Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, Disney, etc. etc. + +Pulling old reliable, China has turned to Excalibur... Printing more money. It's a bold move cotton, lets see how it pans out. +Its possible that GME could get their first positive earnings in 2 quarters from now with (1) decreasing SG&A like last quarter by closing some european stores that are cash flow negative, (2) by getting priority in consoles inventory from Sony and Microsoft (which already has) and (3) with fully operational NFT marketplace ontop of a start of crypto bullrun + +Icahn said he is targeting a long position but cant disclose in which company until after the earnings report after beeing seen with RC in the photo just weeks before. + +RC has a lot of money from BBBY and AAPL sold position and still a long way to his 20% ceiling in GME + +GME has 100 million available for share buyback + +In 2 quarters retail will lock 32M extra shares minimum to a total of 120M leaving 34M left for RC Icahn and GME buyback. Retail locked 15 million in 2 quarters, 20 million in another and 17 million on this one. So 16 million\*2 isnt far fetched. + +34M shares is just a billion in capital at $30 which is peanuts for those 2 billionaires together with GME 100 million + +Tell me what you think +So I called Etrade to ask about my proxy voting number. This is new to me as I have never voted my shares before. I assumed I would get some email from Etrade regarding this and when I didn't I was scared to stumble upon a fishing scam from all the warnings here. So I called their 1800 number and when I spoke with them they generated my number for me and it only took less than a minute to go vote. That being said, the guy on the phone told me that's all he's done this morning is take calls about gamestop proxy voting of shares. He said he has never seen so much attention to this before like he has with Gamestop. When I asked him about how many shares most of the people he had talked to had, he said he couldn't say, except I had a relatively small position. Considering I am a XXX share holder. I feel as though not enough of the single share holders are voting. Please rest assured your single share or even fractional shares are just as important. Please please do not ignore the voting. Its not a catalyst but it will most definitely play a part and shed light back on the naked shorting. You need to vote people. 💎👐👨‍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Hey all, + +I'm currently crunching some numbers to determine what the cost are for one baby. I've broken it down into two categories. Upfront costs that will occur before or as soon as the baby is born. And the ongoing costs for the first two years of raising a baby, assuming no childcare is needed. + + I'd love to get some input on what everyone thinks of my costs as well as any additional ones you think I've missed, cheers. + +Upfront: +Pram: $500 +Booster seat: $200 +Bedding/cot: $1,000 +Change table : $300 +Baby Monitor: $250 +Breast feeding equip: $300 +Clothes: $400 +High chair: $200 +Kids cuttlery: $300 +Baby nath: $80 +Baby proofing: $50 +TOTAL: $4080 + +On Going Weekly Costs: +Diapers: $30 +Food: $85 +TOTAL: $115 +I joined this subreddit, 3 months ago, depressed because I am an old broke fat guy. I am still an old broke fat guy, in fact, even broker! Nonetheless, this community makes me feel good about being broke. + +I see a dip, and I get exited because I can come in and watch everyone come together and bitch together. We suffer through the dips, applaud when the \[what the fuck is the opposite of dip is\] happens, and live, love and laugh. + +You guys really make losing money fun! Let's hope that none of you drop out so we can keep losing even more together! + +I love you all. +Disclaimer: I'm relatively new to crypto, only getting into it around October/November of 2020. I was too young to get into it in 2009, 2013 or 2017. But ever since I learned about dollar cost averaging, my life has profoundly changed. I had worked different jobs before, sometimes part time, sometimes full time, but last October I started a new job and with the money I earned from that I was able to invest in crypto. + +I realised today that not only has this money that I invested in BTC, ETH and then a few of the more dominant altcoins led to profits from me [albeit as of yet unrealised], but the money that I have dollar cost averaged this entire time, almost six months ago, is money that, prior to getting into cryptocurrency, when I was working other jobs and stuff, I would have simply spent on alcohol or clothes or whatever. For the first time in my life, this is the most money I have ever had to my name. And don't get me wrong, it's not a lot of money by most standards, but it's life changing or me to be able to see that discipline and restraint can lead to a fund that I can fall back on. Not only is crypto an investment for me, but it's also causing me to save money I would otherwise spend, and is making me more financially secure because of it. + +Just wondering if any of you have experienced the same thing? +My mom is 51 years old and has little to no savings. She’s been divorced for over 10 years and got little to nothing from the divorce - neither of them had much money or assets to their names at the time. She lives alone in a pretty expensive part of the country (Sonoma) and earns enough for rent and basic expenses through her part time job but not nearly enough to put money aside for savings and her eventual retirement. She is passionate about yoga and personal wellness so she invests most of her time towards studying those subjects and developing a related business. She’s diligently working towards some day having a private practice where she coaches individuals on these subjects, but I fear (and unfortunately predict) that her plan may never come to fruition. With that in mind, my fear is she’ll continue to age without any growing savings or significant source of income. + +I’m 31 years old and feel very financially stable. I run a successful business that has allowed me to generate a good steady income and set up a retirement plan that (if all continues well) will guarantee a very comfortable future for my wife and I. + +With the holidays approaching I started thinking what a good gift for my mom would be. I wondered if instead of buying her a book or a yoga mat or what have you, I could give her something more valuable, something that would make a significant difference in her life and future. Her financial instability and future uncertainty is something that I know takes a lot out of her and also concerns me on a near daily basis. + +One thought that came to mind is gifting her a retirement plan - setting it up and proposing to contribute to it monthly for the rest of her life (subject to change based on my personal ability to do so). I feel this would be better than giving her cash she would probably spend rather than save or invest. I also feel it wouldn’t strain me much - it would be spread out over time instead of a lump sum, and it would give me peace of mind knowing the money was being set aside for something good (retirement, emergencies) rather than spent on recreation, bad investments, trips, etc. + +Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions? + +I don’t post much here so if someone has any recommendations on another or better place to post this question please let me know! Thank you +No for sale signs since I’ve lived here. There have been a few a block over, but no moving trucks- more importantly, no families. There are signs of life only every few weeks. It looks like maybe how Cape Coral would have looked in 2008, where houses are foreclosed and vacated, but we’re in a housing shortage/ crisis so most homes are occupied making the neighborhood even weirder. Any explanations? +To celebrate /r/bitcoin reaching the huge milestone of 100k subscribers, reddit gold is [now discounted if you pay with bitcoin](https://ssl.reddit.com/gold?goldtype=onetime&months=12). + +We appreciate all the support you have given us. Congrats to the mods and all contributors for cultivating such an impressive community. + +See you at a million. +I've been reading about people creating dividend snowballs. I understand the thought, but not how it works in theory. Has anyone successfully done this or is buying a fund like vig/vym better. +Hey everyone. As the title says, I'd like to share how I, personally, made my way out of poverty. I hope it helps some people here have hope. + +I dropped out of college in my second year due to longstanding medical difficulties. I was unemployed and without an income for several months, and when I was finally able to go job hunting, all I could find was a 20 hour a week, 7.75/hr retail job stocking shelves. I was living on less than $8,000 a year, and despite living in an absolute rathole of an apartment with relatively cheap rent, I had to juggle bills every month just to stay afloat. + +After about a year of constantly dealing with power shut off notices, a crummy job, eating maize porridge for two meals a day, and the simple stress and anger of poverty, I had had enough, and decided I would make one change at a time to better my situation. Here's what I did: + +- Got rid of my car and bought a bike. This was remarkably difficult, as I live in the midwest where winters get cold as shit, and it meant an hour bike ride to and from work, but I saved a lot of money on gas and maintenance. + +- Joined a garden co-op. In exchange for working a certain number of hours a week, I was allowed to take home a *lot* of free vegetables and potatoes. This greatly reduced my already pathetic grocery bill. + +- In addition to the above, I cut out all non-essential grocery items-- no more coffee, cookies, or cheap beer. + +- I started volunteering at church and the local museum to help build my resume. + +When I finally had some money saved up for a deposit for college, I wrote a heartfelt letter to the dean of admissions explaining my situation. I was allowed to re-apply, and in the meantime, I searched for all the scholarships I could possibly find. Thanks to my efforts, I was able to attend my first year back without having to pay a single penny. I kept my 20 hour a week job to save money on the side, and was able to complete my college education. + +I got a job in IT making 45k a year, and thanks to my "poverty-PTSD," I was able to save a lot of money. After a couple of years, I moved to a state with higher IT salaries and make just shy of 60k. + +This was a remarkably difficult time in my life and I understand how crushing poverty is. I know my situation does not apply to everyone in this sub, but I hope it provides some hope to at least some people. + +Thanks for reading. +Hi everyone + + +I think I must be one of the "Average Andy's" mentioned in a post I read recently on this sub, or maybe a "Struggling Steve". I've been reading this sub for a while now, you guys give so much great advice, and I thought now's a good time to post my story. + + +My partner and I were in a heap of debt when we met and then we made it worse. Having reached bottom, we also managed to pull ourselves out of the hole. Perhaps the same reasons that got us into trouble also helped us to support each other back to health. + + +We've been trying to buy a home of our own for a while. But it seems to be an elusive target, and we've been holding off starting a family until after we've bought. We're now starting to think that might be a mistake, even though it's "what you're supposed to do". Not sure who decided that for everyone. + + +We're not big earners, hence the Average Andy or Struggling Steve. Our combined annual salaries are 48k, and it's been erratic during 2020, and further back if I'm honest. But we feel lucky in some ways as I guess 2020's been erratic for a lot of people. We live in the outskirts of North London, so you know the issues with cost. + + +We’d ideally like to buy a 3 bed (flat or house, don't mind at this point), but realise 2 bed is probably more realistic. We've managed to put aside £9k, most of which is in a Lifetime ISA. Still putting aside about £400k each month. But I’m not sure we're ever going to get enough based on what we earn? + + +I hope you don’t mind me rambling on about my own situation. Any advice would be great. +Got this email from Loyal3 today: + + Effective today, Alphabet Inc. will replace Google Inc. as the publicly-traded entity. + +As a result, all shares of Google will automatically convert into the same number of shares of Alphabet Inc., with all of the same rights. Google will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alphabet. The two classes of shares will continue to trade on Nasdaq as GOOGL and GOOG. + +As a shareholder of GOOGL and/or GOOG, your account will be considered in this corporate action. The LOYAL3 website has been updated to reflect the new company name and, in the coming days, you will see adjustments made to your account to reflect this update. While we update the site today (Monday 10/05/2015), your account performance may not be available. +The so-called “boring middle” is the period of financial independence wherein you are over the honeymoon stage of building up initial savings, but have a ways to go before a safe withdrawal rate can support your lifestyle. + +If you are anything like me, your boring middle is probably the longest part of your FI journey and it probably starts relatively soon after you discover FI, but the discovery of FIRE and the concepts therein has changed your behavior to have fun planning, forecasting, and reaching milestones for your finances. + +What I have found helpful is to create fun ‘milestones’ that keep me feeling like I’m making real steps up through the boring middle phase. I thought it would be interesting to provide the list I have, and ask the community here for other boring middle milestones, as an emotional tool to make the boring middle a little less… boring. + +**I’d love to hear what milestones other people have concocted for themselves.** Meaningful to fanciful, and anywhere inbetween, as a way to fill the boring middle with excitement. I’d be happy to follow up with a doc that compiles the responses with an absolute constellation of milestones that folks can cherry pick to give them their next near term goal to achieve. + +Here’s my list: + + +**Yearly Milestones:** +These feel good on a cadence throughout the year, though depending on your strategy they may all hit at once if you are dollar cost averaging your retirement contributions. I specifically contribute to each at different intervals that ‘complete’ them throughout the year so I can look forward to checking things off on a ~quarterly basis. + +* Maxing out your IRA. +* Maxing out your 401k. +* Maxing out a mega backdoor roth (if available to you) +* If your income is high enough, max contribution to social security - and seeing the bump in your paycheck. +* Savings goal for the year achieved +* Maxing out your savings for a dependents higher education + +**Brain hack milestones using investment returns** +These milestones exist to give you nearer term goals you can be proud of and imagine the impact of. These are all about what the 4% (or whatever you choose) safe withdrawal rate now covers in terms of your costs. Some examples include your investments: + +* Covering your gas costs +* Covering your grocery bill +* Covering your utility bills. One at a time, and then another one when they are completely covered. +* Covering your fun/hobby budget +* Covering all your monthly expenses besides rent +* Covering rent/mortgage payment +* Covering your monthly expenses +* Covering dependant expenses + +**FI Journey Milestones** +These are milestones that are more coarse, and help give you big goals you’ll be excited to hit that have a meaningful impact on your financial security/your FI journey. + +* Discover compound interest, and the concept of financial independence +* Ratify a salient plan to get to FI, by modeling your projected savings and determining 3 FI dates by modeling it through the lenses of pessimism, optimism, and rationalism. +* Emergency fund filled! Sigh of relief. +* Zero net worth (debt less than assets) +* Symbolic numerical milestones at 10k, 25k, 50k, and 100k. Thereafter, every 50k in net worth until you feel like only 100k intervals matter. Big milestones therein being 250k, 500k, and 1m. + * I like to treat myself to a fun dinner/purchase on ones that feel meaningful to me whose budget is determined by my expected yearly return divided by 10. So at 10k, buy a 70 dollar fun dinner. At 100k, upgrade your PC to the tune of $700. At 1m, take an amazing dream vacation with a budget of 7k. This isn’t very lean, but it’s a great way of realizing some gains along the way, and generally won't have a substantive impact on your FI date. +* If buying a house, having a mortgage down payment saved. +* If you own property, paying off your house. If you plan on renting in perpetuity, yearly investment income equal to that of your rent. +* Your investments return more than you’re contributing +* Every pay raise. +* CoastFI achieved, you now have the flexibility to take lower paying jobs you enjoy more, and still retire +* LeanFI achieved, you now have the ability to stop working, if you are willing to have a lean budget in perpetuity. +* FI achieved, you can now live a reasonable lifestyle at your current spend rate based of the return on your investments. +Everyone here has probably heard the disclaimer "Past performance does not guarantee future results" more times than they can count. + +Yet, so many people still use or even swear by technical analysis, which is essentially just an interpretation of price movements, and therefore of past performance. Similarly, most financial models are tested using backtesting on a subset of historical price data. + +Clearly, the disclaimer does not match up with real practices. And if those practices were *complete* bogus, no one would be doing them. + +So: How should I view those practices, and how should I view this disclaimer? If past performance *does* indicate future results to some extent, why is not everyone running a strategy à la "Buy when it's 1% down sell when it's 1% up", if it so happens that this strategy works in a backtest? +Hello, my dear Ape friends. + +I'm an europoor who works in international logistics. I'm writing this post to let the world know what I see. Because I'm scared as fuck. + +From what my wrinkles says to me there's coming a huge crash in global economy. I think that the people who works in international logistics has a privileged position in terms to know what is happening around the world. Because when something occurs, does not matter the reason, the first affected sector is the local logistics and inmediately after that the international logistics. + +So, these are my toughts from what I see on my work, as always this is not a financial blah blah. Let's start from a global perspective which starts from China: + +Whe we talk about international logistics we always think in planes and ship transport. Yeah, it's true, but it also exists the railway transport. But you do now what is the same between the railway and sea transport? We do use the same base unit cargo: containers. + +Like lot of you knows there are a lot of types of cargo containers: 20', 40' 40'HC, etc... The containers normally are measured in TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit), so a 20' is a 1 TEU, a 40' is 2 TEU... Easy, right? + +I will do not search for you in google, but you can find easily info for your own reasearch about what I'm explaining here. + +China is THE monster on TEU movement. It almost cuadruplicates the second one country in TEU movement. It's crazy how China is the engine on the world. Anyway, we have a problem. A real huge problem. What happens when the most productive country in the world, used to move, by example, 100 teus a day (fictional data) because they produce goods to fill 101 teus a day (also fictional data) starts to produce goods to fill 10 TEUs and moves 10 TEUs(fictional data too)? It produces a huge (very huge) shortage on TEUS. What we're exactly living now. + +China has allmost all of their production stopped/paused/lowered by several reasons: Lack of raw material, COVID related (Ningbo-Zhoushan, the third port of the country was closed 2 weeks because of a single positive), or even related to local economy. So, all containers that enters China are beeing difficult to be loaded, and then transported by ship to other countries, provoking the shortage of containers. + +And with demand, costs increases: before pandemic a forfait from USA - CHINA was 1.000$ aprox now is 10.000$ even 15.000$ depending on the SSLINE. + +So, we don't have enough containers for the rest of the world... ¿Why do we do not create more? To fabric a container is not easy. Not everone fabrics it because there are a lot of regulations to pass and actually they are very expensive (because demand is very high) and the fullfillment of an order takes between 3-6 months. + +BUT, this is not all fault from China and if you think open minded you will understand why. As on every sector there are interests. And... When your incomes increases a 600% in two years what you should do? Increase your fleet, provide more vessel options and alliviate the shortage of containers creating more routes? Or maintain the same routes, increase forfaits, add surcharges to specific types of containers, stop the fabrication of super vessels (Ever Given kind of with 20.124 TEUs) and profit from the situation? + +I let you to guess what the SSLINEs opted to. + + +What about the old continent? + +* UK: From the reports from my colleagues and friends I think they have one of the most complicated situations in the last 50 years. They have almost no oil, no inland transporters, scarcety on first need products and the immigrations nowadays is nearly null. Also they are starting to show inflation signals. Actually the situation will be very hard to revert: The low imports that enter in the country are very difficult to deliver to store/warehouses/fabrics due to lack of transporters which causes increases on costs. Also, this increase is repercuted on final product price. And the export works in the same way: low inland transport availability = tranport price scalates = final product rises. So think what would happen if by example, a company buys cotton from Egypt to fabric shirts on UK and sell them to USA: Costs increased by Sea transport and inland transport from EGYTP - U.K. port - Fabric. Costs increased by sea transport from Fabric - U.K. port - USA. Do you know who will assume these extra cost? You sure know. + +And take note that, thanks to brexit, they have to do customs clearance with everything was clearance free coming from Europe. Also this increased the costs, and the Eurotunnel (the only road/ train connection between Europe and UK) has been with queues of more than 5 hous due to customs process. Insane. Because this... yes, this also increases the costs. + + +* Spain: I'm a Spaniard. And is a very shit time to live in Spain. I'm seeing final products that increases their costs because of the electricity bill. Because, why not, when almost every company has a worker telecommuting on his house, the bill is up almost 35% in less a year to fuck us even more. There are enterprises who opted to close mid day to avoid huge bills (ARCELORMITTAL)... Do not forget we have a forecast to be on shortage of transporters in 2-3 years. And Our official inflation figures are highly short compared to real world and we're changing the way our government will charge us the tax for our homes to a more expensive one. We're screwed as fuck and we still don't know how much. +I decided to do this for 3 reasons: + +1- Inflation + +2- Make more money to me and my family + +3 - ‘Fight’ against the current economical system + + +6 months ago I bought bitcoin in a exchange and still hodling, where should I buy now? I created an account in blockchain.com , looks safe and trustable, what are your thoughts about this? +What stocks or funds are you loading up on going into 2022? I’m still heavy in tech, but I’m wondering how inflation will impact that sector. We also have supply chain issues, looming crypto regulation, and an increasingly aggressive China. I’ve had some interesting winners so far in 2021, like GNRC, ODFL, and good old VOO. Like many of you, I was clobbered by my early 2021 losses in green energy and have finally clawed my way back into the green. I made some changes around July to load up on AAPL, MSFT, and GOOG. And TSLA is finally making me some money again. Just curious to hear what you all are doing. +This is a free market. These exchanges have been operating in the closest thing we've had to a financial free market in a long time. + +There won't be a bail out for Mt. Gox. It will simply fail as a company. + +Right now, their failure is taking a hit on the overall market. But you know what? Anyone who wasn't a customer of Mt. Gox still has their full amount of bitcoins. Nobody is being robbed to bail out an incompetent company. The only losers here are Mt. Gox and those who voluntarily chose to do business with them. + +This is a free market speed bump. It sucks right now, but because the crappy companies (Gox) *can* go bankrupt while the good companies (Bitstamp, Coinbase, etc.) succeed, the entire Bitcoin ecosystem will grow stronger with time. Regulators think that a market should be patched together with bail outs rather than left alone to adapt and develop. Let's prove them wrong. + +Cheers :) +So tonight while i was training at the gym to get prepared to take a state patrol fitness test, I was reminded of a story my friend had told me about an acquaintance of his not getting into the troopers because of a bad credit score. This got me thinking about my own credit score, as i never use credit cards for anything, as far as I knew I didn't even own a credit card. + +Fast forward to me going home and trying to get my credit score online, finding that i was already registered under my wifes email. I ask her for the password, and she is not very helpful. I figure it out on my own and log in. Lo and behold i am the proud owner of 8 credit cards, all of which are 100% maxed out, and delinquent anywhere from 30-120 days. + +The total comes to 5600 dollars. This is a crushing amount of money in my current situation. I used to work for a metal smelting company that went out of business in my area. However because the layoffs were caused by global economic reasons this allowed me to take advantage of a retraining program. So i am currently in school, and being paid 600 dollars a week while i go. I am going to be attending for the next 8 months, however i was planning on just trying to get on with the state troopers before that and beginning a career there, that hope is pretty much dead, as my credit score is now 430. + +I have been married 10 years, I have 2 children, an I am living with my mother, and my sister, who is very young (12). My mom was going to lose her home, so while i was making alot of money working at the smelting job, since i was renting, it made sense for me to just move in with her, and pay her mortgage for her until she got another job. + +My mom has now been out of work for roughly 3 years, and i am the only person in the family bringing in money (besides 600ish dollars a month from my mom getting child support). All of this pretty much means my income is basically gone. + +I understand the living situation/marriage situation is not ideal obviously. I do not need personal advice (i know you think i do haha), however i could really use some finance advice. + +At the moment the debt seems impossible to overcome, seeing as how over due the debt is and how little money is coming in. I do not have any other family to turn to. I am considering filing bankruptcy, however i thought I'd come post here first. I just found this news out a couple of hours ago. + +If anyone is wondering how something like this could happen without me knowing, the wife took care of all the bills ect, and as far as i could tell everything was getting paid and there was no problems. I was never getting bill collection calls or anything like that. I honestly have no idea where she spent the money, and at the moment it isn't my main concern, I just need this problem solved. Also I do not have a 401k from my previous job anymore either, she spent it as well. + +Lets just assume I am getting a divorce ect. Any advice or questions that could lead to financial advice would be GREATLY appreciated. + + +Thank you very much. + +(Edit)- So i haven't slept yet, but i wanted to reply to a couple of things before I did to give a bit of information that has been asked and not ignore people that have been kind enough to give their advice. + +1- What did she spent the money on? She says she spent the money unwisely on little things over time on little things, a big weakness of hers is fast food. I personally do not eat fast food hardly at all because of my gym oriented lift style (it's my hobby). So eventually through unwise choices she would find herself short on money in situations where the kids might need some new cloths, or some groceries might need to be bought and so she leaned on this extra resource of money. She got scared over time, and kept trying to fix it herself, and was afraid to talk to me about it and kept digging deeper, till eventually i found out via the credit check. + +2- No, I don't actually intend to get a divorce. I posted so to discourage discussion around the future of my relationship and where it was going because it wasn't where i wanted the discussion to go. I was simply trying to deflect the conversation. + +3- My mom has been "looking" for work this entire time. She is a mental health expert and actually has the capability of making alot of money. However because of being an alcoholic, she made some horrible choices and pretty much got herself blackballed from her chosen occupation, which she seems to not be able to come to terms with. She constantly reapplies to the same jobs for the state and such over and over and never gets passed the first interview. I just cannot bring myself to cut her loose, as doing so would cause her to lose her home and my sister to also suffer. + +4- 'I don't want relationship advice but you really need it'. When i was saying i didn't want this advice, it wasnt because i believed no one had anything to offer or that I was closed to hearing what anyone had to say, it was because i was genuinely in a panic about the money situation and really needed THAT information more then anything at the moment as that was my most pressing problem that i felt i needed to solve asap. I did not say it because i didn't value or care what anyone here thought, i appreciate anyone here who took the time and gave enough of a shit at all to try and help. I am sorry if i came off as condescending or ungrateful. + +5- Someone asked if the money i am getting is a loan or something. No, it is something called a TRA, its a retraining program for workers that lost their jobs because of global changes in the economy and such that could not have been avoided by anything our company did really. China made a bunch of really cheap aluminum and Alcoa had no way to compete with it, the price at the LME dropped drastically and so Alcoa shut down nearly every one of their smelters, so our workers got this TRA program. + +Sorry if i missed some pertinent information that some needed to properly help me. I am a bit tired, I am sure i missed something. + + +Thank you everyone for all of the advice, and well wishes and such. Also I'm not afraid of the criticism, I know I am not guiltless in all this through my own ignorance. +Hey all. If this title seems familiar, you may have seen a similar post several days ago about my research with Student Loan Asset Backed Securities, or SLABS. That post got a ton of attention and helped expose my SLABS DD's to a wider audience. The goal of this post is similar, but to increase exposure to my DDs on Auto Loan Asset Backed Securities, or ALABS. This bubble is as if, if not more important than SLABS, but the ALABS DDs haven't reached the same level of exposure on the sub. There is about as much outstanding student loan debt as there is auto loan debt, with approximately $1.6T and $1.3T respectively, so I feel these bubbles should receive similar attention. Also, since both ALABS parts are decently long, I figured a summative TL:DR would aid with understanding. + +You can read Part 1 of my ALABS DDs [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rqle93/the_big_short_again_auto_loans_bubble_edition/), and Part 2 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rqpup4/the_big_short_again_the_auto_loan_asset_backed/). + +The thesis: ALABS are a very similar to the subprime mortgage backed security market that caused the 2008 recession. Basically, ALABS are tranches of auto loans packaged into a security and sold to investors. Investors can reap the benefits of interest rates on these ALABS. Pretty similar to SLABS, just with auto loans. *The same rating agency issues in 2008 and with SLABS that I pointed out are still present here, even including many of the same companies like Moody’s and S&P.* It's just bubbles on top of bubbles with these guys. In fact, I believe this bubble to be even larger than SLABS because you don't have to deal with federal vs. private loans, pre-2010 or post-2010 distinctions, etc. + +ALABS have increased along with the not-coincidental recent meteoric increases in both used and new car prices. We know that everyone is desperate for collateral right now, as shown by the record breaking RRP. This gives me reason to believe that ALABS are being used extensively as collateral. ALABS, like SLABS, are *drastically overvalued*, and are about to come crashing back down to Earth as a result of several factors. However, possibly unlike SLABS, investors will be MAJOR bagholders in the event of a crash, and bagholders are much more widely distributed. So even if these aren't being used as collateral (which is highly, highly unlikely), the ensuing recession after these things shit the bed would still have the same effect, which is margin calls. This is how I believe it ties into GME. Plus, it's just interesting to learn about how fucked our system is. Anyways, here are those factors. Sources can be found in my DDs. This is just a TLDR. + +\-First of all, ALABS are nearly as extensive as student loans. About 85% of Americans own a car, and 66% of car purchases are completed with the help of a loan. This graph should really drive home how much we Americans are taking out auto loans. + +https://wolfstreet.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/US-auto-loan-balance-v-number-2019-01.png + +&#x200B; + +\-Of these loans, a large percent (about 25%) are subprime or deep subprime, aka shitty and shittiest. This is a very large amount of exposure to high risk loans. And it's only increasing. However, the same ratings conflicts of interests exists, as ALABS servicers pay ratings agencies to rate their ALABS, so a large percentage of ALABS are still being rated AA and AAA. Fuck. + +\-Borrowers are paying back their loans much slower due to money troubles with inflation and the pandemic. And since now used cars are what most people are buying, and used cars have insanely high interest rates, the amount to be paid back just keeps snowballing and snowballing. + +\-Loaning companies allow you to roll over any negative equity from previous loans, increasing payments further. Also, loan companies rarely actually check borrowers' income (and why would they? they want your loan money), about 1 in 5 borrowers actually commits fraud and lies about income to be able to buy a car, and loan companies are issuing EXORBITANT loans (so much so that even prime and superprime loaners are having difficulty paying). + +\-Banks, instead of servicing borrowing directly like they do SLABS, make deals with dealerships, who then provide the loans to buyers. So, the *banks' real customers are dealerships*, who they aim to please first and foremost. This leads to elevated interest rates and fees which benefit the dealerships, but very unfavorable conditions for the borrower. + +\-Many smaller subprime auto loan companies are going under. This is a huge warning sign, because these companies have been increasing their exposure, while banks have been decreasing their exposure. So it's actually more important to pay attention to the little guys. + +\-The holders of these ALABS are extensive. They are in pensions, held by normal investors, in ETFs, etc. Lots of exposure, possibly moreso than SLABS. + +**-TLDR for the TLDR: Rolling over negative equity, insanely expensive predatory loans, extensive loaning to subprime and deep subprime customers, lack of due diligence from loaners, fraud from desperate buyers, and dealerships being the middle man for loans instead of a direct bank-consumer link all mean these ALABS are losing value FAST. They're dogshit wrapped in catshit. Defaults are also increasing a fuck ton. And what happens in a default? Yup, they repo your car.** + +***It's an infinite money glitch - issue impossible loans, receive loan payment, borrower still has to default, repo the car, and start all over again with someone else.*** + +Thanks for reading this summary. I hope it encourages you to look further at my DDs. + + One final thing. I am not a financial advisor. Please do not ask me how to make money off this situation. My personal investment strategy has been all GME, and this information does not change that. As always, I believe GME to be the best hedge against a market crash. Thanks again. +If you bought a bunch of say index funds from your bank over the years and feel like liquidating a large portion of them one day does the bank have to buy them all back that day at the going rate? + +Alternatively ETFs. Some thinly traded obscure ETFs can get wider bid/ask spreads (I'm ignoring far out ETFs like 3x leveraged inverse vix, just thinking stock/bond funds). Is there a situation where you could possibly want to sell but can't? Or you take a bath because buyers are limited. Or does the ETF provider have an obligation at some point to buy the shares back and then break them down to their individual stocks to offload them? Same with bond funds. + +I realize both are simply made up of their individual stocks/bonds. But is that the bank/ETF provider's problem to always provide me a market to sell in? I'm no large institutional investor, so I'm not going to be moving markets, I just wonder if an index mutual fund has an advantage in that regard that you're always guaranteed to have a buyer for the underlying value of those stocks without worrying about liquidity. +Hello everyone, + +I have a line of credit at 3.5%, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to take 15k and invest it in the vun etf. Is it a good idea? + +3.5% seems cheap. The plan is to only pay the monthly interest and keep the 15k invested. + +Thanks for the advice 😊. +The man, the legend, the tiger: Joe Exotic is back with $CUB (launched by the same team as $TKING). A Joe Exotic redemption arc. $CUB will be his dedicated crypto for children’s charity. $CUB will focus on bringing children, animals, and the great outdoors together. I don’t know if you guys saw it, but Joe Exotic’s lawyer referenced $TKING’s ticker on Fox Business yesterday. It’s just one of many examples that exemplify the growing media attention around all of the Tiger King’s crypto projects. Moreover, $CUB will certainly get widespread media attention - Joe’s team is drafting press releases at this very moment. + +https://twitter.com/joe\_exotic/status/1405271778046275584 + +But wait... it gets better! $CUB is on the Binance smart chain. And you KNOW it will lock, considering it’s the well-known $TKING team, in addition to support from Joe’s legal representatives. They’re even locking up most of the supply that isn’t listed on Pancakeswap or sold in the presale (on DX in about 48 hours from now). + +DxSale Link: https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=3739&chain=BSC + +DxSale Presale Information: 0.25/1 BnB max, 180BNB soft cap / 220 hardcap + +What happens when you combine a great team, cheap gas, celebrity authorization, media frenzy and a well planned marketing campaign? Pure Magic. I don’t want to go too far out on a limb here or deter ya’ll from DYOR, but phrases like ‘mega-moon’ and ‘giga-pump’ spring readily to mind… + +PLUS, rumor is, $CUB and $TKING will be seeing sponsored advertisements on Dextools (both BSC and ERC-20 versions) for over a week. + +Website: https://www.tiger-king.org/ + +Telegram: https://t.me/theTigerKingOfficial +Mods, this a repost from a year ago. Delete if you do not like it. + +Please cheer up. + +Money comes and goes. Financial losses hurt and I feel that some of you may have lost more than you can afford to lose. It was easy to get caught up in the frenzy. I did too, made some money, then lost money. I feel your pain. + +1. **Please do not consider any harm to yourself.** If you do, please call a help line. I care about many of you and this sub will be a good place again in the near future. +2. Find ways to get your mind off the stock market. Take a walk, watch a movie. +3. Think whether you want to sell. No shame of cutting your losses. Maybe sell some. I bought BB at $20, sold at $14. Sold half of NOK today. Still holding BBBY. Make your own decision. This was year and a half ago. Now, I have other loses. I still own Rivian, PLTR and have taken major hits. +4. **Do not be aggressive trying to win your money back in one or two plays.** Learn more about the market and be patient. Make smart investments in proven companies with promising growth. +5. I keep replaying the time when I thought to sell and was ready to but didn't. It hurts. I didn't sleep well for few nights. But that moment it gone and not need to relieve it and torture myself. +6. I learned a lot from this experience and will be a better investor in the future. + +What helps me cope when I lose money investing: + +1. Many other people lose a lot more money than me, go to jail for bad decisions, etc +2. I was lucky to have money to invest, some don't have money for food +3. It's just money. **You can always make money in the future** +4. **Happiness comes from small things that are not connected to money** +5. I have family and friends that care about me. + +**Please cheer up**. This is a honest supportive message. Please seek professional help if you are depressed. We'll get through this. +I just applied for a mortgage (buying a house for £430 with a 10% deposit) and I went for 2 years fixed instead of 5 years… + +I’m 28 so I feel that this are the last 5 or so years where I can make big changes before settling down to have kids and I wanted to have the flexibility just in case an opportunity comes by. + +Everyone seems to be 100% sure that the rates are going through the roof in the near future, have I fucked up? + +Thanks! +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, I hope you had a [redacted] long weekend! + +It certainly seems that we have hit a nerve, and the powers that oppose this movement are moving against this gathering place. +Many of us have expected this for a very long time. +The reality is that this movement is not dependent on this sub. +We gather here for community, but we already have Diamantenhände. +Though they may succeed in diminishing trust in this sub's content or even getting it shut down, the movement will persist. +None of us are going to treat the shutdown of the sub as anything but proof that we are nearing the MOASS, and HODL even harder. +The lines of communication may be cut, but as individual investors, we each have our plan of how to navigate the times ahead. + +I have said it before, but I will sell my first share when the proceeds will provide comfort for myself and my loved ones forever. +I will sell my second share when it means that I can fund worthy causes throughout my community, making the world a better place. +I will sell my third share when it means I will never have to sell another. + +Today is Tuesday, December 27th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$20.15 / 18,97 €** *(volume: 1547)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $20.09 / 18,92 € *(volume: 1220)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $19.98 / 18,81 € *(volume: 1200)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $19.99 / 18,82 € *(volume: 1190)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $20.07 / 18,89 € *(volume: 1170)* +- ⬜ 95 minutes in: $20.07 / 18,89 € *(volume: 1144)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $20.07 / 18,89 € *(volume: 962)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $20.10 / 18,92 € *(volume: 694)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $20.18 / 18,99 € *(volume: 602)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $20.18 / 18,99 € *(volume: 592)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $20.10 / 18,92 € *(volume: 572)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $20.02 / 18,84 € *(volume: 568)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $20.14 / 18,96 € *(volume: 541)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $20.13 / 18,95 € *(volume: 541)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $20.13 / 18,95 € *(volume: 541)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $20.20 / 19,02 € *(volume: 488)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $20.22 / 19,03 € *(volume: 388)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $20.22 / 19,04 € *(volume: 338)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $20.22 / 19,03 € *(volume: 338)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $20.22 / 19,03 € *(volume: 338)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $20.21 / 19,03 € *(volume: 316)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $20.16 / 18,98 € *(volume: 206)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $20.14 / 18,97 € *(volume: 206)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $20.14 / 18,96 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $20.17 / 18,99 € *(volume: 109)* +- 🟩 US close price: $20.08 / 18,90 € *($20.22 / 19,04 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0622. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +My wife (26F) and I (26M) moved into our current home 4 years ago. The home sits on a 0.3 acre lot. + +Recently, the home next door to us went up for sale, and sits on 0.7 acres, which would bring the total lot size up to 1 acre total. + +The house on the other lot is very small (600sqft) so the total asking price is $50,000. Could work as a rental, but the main draw to the house is the extra land for our dogs and future children. The previous owner was also an avid gardener and left an abundance of fruit trees. + +My wife and I make a combined $130,000/year. We both have 800+ credit scores. Only remaining debt outside of our current mortgage is her student loans at about $19k, but those will be paid off come April after receiving a sizable tax credit and a few other things. + +Our current remaining mortgage is $139,000 @ 2.25% for 10 years on an appraised value of $185,000. + +Should we do it? +I quite often see threads in here asking whether it's cheaper to buy a new car or an old banger so I thought it would be helpful to post my real-life experience. I've had my car for four years and anniversaries seem to be a sensible time to do these round-ups! + +Bit of background - my other half gets a company car but it comes with certain rules and restrictions so we needed a second car for dog transport and hobbies. Otherwise we really don't need two cars (I walk to work) so it has been a bit of a financial drain. + +I use an app called Fuelio to record all my expenditure. I'm sure other apps are probably available but Fuelio works well for me and it's free. + +The car is a 2007 Mercedes C220 CDI estate which had 97,000 miles on the clock when I bought it for £3,300 in 2018. It's now showing 114,000 miles so averaging 4,250 per year. + +It's never actually broken down so I could say it's been great, but every year at the service and MoT some problems arise. In the categories of Servicing and Maintenance I have spent a total of £10,924. Now, I don't think I've been terribly unlucky: there was one major failure (instrument panel totally failed) which cost about £1000 but otherwise it's all service items; stuff like brake discs, drop links, suspension components, bushes, tyres etc. + +The company car is coming up for renewal so our plan is to ask for a car allowance instead so that we can sell the Mercedes and go down to one car. We need an estate and it's got to have a plug on it so I'm keen on the Peugeot 308 SW PHEV - not the cheapest new car around but it has all the features we want. I've built one to my ideal spec on the Peugeot website and whether leasing or PCP the figures are about the same; £4600 deposit then £460 per month over four years. A little higher (£475) if you include the service plan. By comparison the Merc was £3,300 to buy then £228 per month for servicing. + +So yes, it's still cheaper to run an old banger - however the difference is not as great as I would have guessed. The new car will be considerably lighter on fuel and it will be nice just not to worry about servicing and repairs. Having a fixed price every month will probably be less stressful than wondering if I'll be able to afford the MoT repairs this year! + +EDIT TO ADD: + +Following some of the comments, yes I have been unlucky. My main point - which I didn't emphasise enough in the original post - is that it's important to record all of these bills (again a solid recommendation for Fuelio from me). Otherwise you pay a £500 repair bill, then forget about it, then six months later there's another £500 bill and so on. While I agree I've been unlucky, I suspect most people with older cars are spending more on maintenance than they realise - but if you record everything you can make better decisions in future. +So when entire stock market is down, crypto market is halved, dollars are worth less due to inflation, where did the money go? +Is it close to 1:1 sitting in cash? Like, do the losses correlate to cash on the sidelines? +Simplified, if the nasdaq is down by 1 trillion dollars, is there a trillion in cash somewhere that investors have taken out of the market? + +Please, I’ve heard the “if you don’t understand, you shouldn’t be investing” crap. Just trying to wrap my dumb head around what’s going on. +Also, trying to convince myself that the economy isn’t one giant shell game +So I dumped 30% of my portfolio on a put credit spread and yes it went against me. Very embarrassing very humiliating very unthetagang like... and now im at this emotional trading phase where I just want to make my money back, to prevent that I pulled out about 80% of my money from my portfolio. Times like this I feel like im too biased and emotional about the trades I make. I definitely learned my lesson though. +Whatever insults or negative criticism you comment I wont mind because I deserve it. Im going to play the market with little money at the moment till im emotionally recovered from this setback +So I spoke with a financial advisor for the first time a few weeks back, just wanted some advice on outlining my future for investments, savings, and other things that could help me and my future children keep and grow wealth. + +After going through my current finances and investments they suggested a Whole Life Insurance policy. Details: + +Whole Life 20 Pay +Loan interest rate: 4.65 % +Initial death benefit: 79,271 +Monthly premium: 150, or 1800 a year. + +After 20 years, they stated I would no longer pay anything into this account and that it would accumulate on its own. +Based on the illustration they gave me, (it is based on dividends of the year 2022 and could fluctuate is what I’ve figured) by age 65 I would have an end of year benefit for $371,605 and a net cash value of $329,112. (EDITS ARE BELOW I MADE A MISTAKE ON THESE NUMBERS) + +Something seems… off. I’m not well versed in finance, so please correct me if I’m wrong. I looked through these documents they gave me and read all the fine print and I can’t seem to find if there’s some hidden fees I’m missing. + +Am I missing something and are their additional questions I need to be asking? + +Edit: in a matter of 15 minutes after posting I now realize I was totally about to make a horrible decision by doing this. I can put my money elsewhere. Thank you! + +Edit: I made a slight error on one segment, it was not a projected cash value of $329,112 at age 65 as I was looking at the life of policy and not my age. What it would actually be at age 65 is total cash at $105,192 and $188,284 in benefits. My mistake! + +Edit again: Wow thank you everyone, there is a lot of info and replies for me to go through on here and I appreciate that. Did not expect to get so much response, so I apologize if I do not get back to everyone. Much appreciation. +The bottom (so far). Clearly, I fucked up pretty badly. I knew the playbook: don’t sell during a panic. I did the one thing that I was certain I shouldn’t have done. Consequently, I took a few days to take a step back and analyzed why I didn’t follow the 1-step process of not opening your brokerage account. + +Up until March 23rd, I held Vanguard targeted date funds and DCA’d. I wasn’t worried that the world was going to end, and I genuinely believed we’ll be back to full steam in 2-3 years. The reason I sold was because that was the point when I internalized that the fund was a mishmash of everything. Still, I was holding a bunch of companies and sectors that I believe would stagnate/collapse in the next 10-20 years. It just didn’t sit right with me. Regardless of the countless evidence pointing towards indices being the best for investors, I just cannot reconcile with that fact. There will always be a voice in my head telling me to sell. I realized that the only way I could hold through crises is by actively choosing what was going to be in my portfolio. + +Is that a personal failure not following the data? Maybe. Can I beat the indices? Certainly not with day/swing trading. However, over a longer time frame, I think I have a good shot. + +I just wanted to share this with other people. This sub’s version of loss porn if you will. Fuck that was a lot of money. + +PS: one thing I wanted to address on the side. People often talk about how there are these huge teams of analysts from Ivy League schools with PhDs and what not, hence it is impossible to beat them. I disagree with that statement. I went to school with many of them - including the PhD part - and I’ve worked with a few companies who have hired them for their services. They are far, far, far from infallible. +Some good news in the FT (https://www.ft.com/content/f7733e07-aa3e-49ad-a077-5b908e61bccd). + +UK net consumer credit fell by a record £7.4bn in April while monthly mortgage approvals hit a new low as the pandemic lockdown curtailed spending, according to data from the Bank of England. + +The 15,800 mortgage approvals for house purchases in April was about 80 per cent down from February and the lowest level since the BoE began this data series in 1993.  + +“Stronger household balance sheets should mean that consumers are in a good position to start spending again once the lockdowns are lifted,” said Thomas Pugh, UK economist at Capital Economics. However, he added that the pent-up demand was not likely to be released for a while because households remain cautious, limiting the pace of recovery in the short term. + +In contrast to the spending data, households’ deposits increased strongly in April, by £16.2bn, well above the £5bn per month average rise in the previous six months. + +"The lockdown appears to be causing a sharp — partly involuntary — rise in household saving,” said Chris Hare, senior economist at HSBC. + +“There is a decent chance that some of this effect can unwind as the lockdown continues to ease — but lingering economic uncertainty might make this process, which will be a crucial part of the recovery from COVID-19, a slow one.” + +Household budgets have been “turned on their heads” since lockdown was introduced in March 2020, Alistair McQueen, head of savings and retirement at the insurance company Aviva, said. “Many will be pulling back from spending in anticipation of an approaching economic downturn,” he added. + +At the same time, private sector businesses struggling with reduced demand and activity raised £16.3bn from banks and financial markets in April as they needed cash to pay for ongoing expenses. + +This was down from £31.6bn in March, possibly signalling that companies had already borrowed the bulk of what they needed. However, it is well above the £4.9bn monthly average for the previous six months. + +Economists attributed the strong level of business liquidity to the prompt policy response. + +“April’s money and credit figures show that the Treasury’s and the BoE’s policy response to Covid-19 quickly funnelled cash to struggling businesses,” said Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics. “The wall of cash should limit near-term corporate insolvencies.” + +The extra secured business liquidity during the pandemic is in contrast with the recession in 2009, when businesses’ cash holdings declined from the start of the downturn. + +Overall, sterling money holdings by companies and households rose by £37.3bn in April, the second-biggest increase on record after the £67.3bn in March. + +Separate data published by the Treasury on Tuesday showed that lenders have approved over £31.3bn in debt to more than 745,000 businesses through government-backed schemes. This includes £21.3bn through the bounce back loan scheme and £8.9bn from the business interruption loan scheme. + +Also on Tuesday, Nationwide revealed that the average UK house price fell by 1.7 per cent in May, down from a 0.9 per cent rise in the April and the largest monthly drop since February 2009. + +With high uncertainty and some buyers on hold, economists expect the house price slum to continue. +I have read one of his books (Anti-Fragile) and liked the concept in general. But, what do you think about his viewpoints when it comes to finance and investing? + +I don't think I've ever so much as commented on this sub, but I'm a frequent lurker here and on other investing subs. But a phenomenon I've seen growing exponentially in recent months (for obvious reasons) is seeing a solid-looking DD of some stock and when I go into the profile of whoever posted it, it's a 3 month old account that only ever posts DDs of that specific ticker on various investing subreddits. Plus maybe some unrelated posts early on to hit karma requirements. Maybe I'm paranoid but that seems a little suspect to me. I'd expect this to be obvious but I always see comments eating it up and nobody being like hey OP, any reason you've spent the entirety of your time on Reddit shilling this singular stock? + +Anyway, forgive me if I'm stating things everyone knows, but at least check who's writing the DDs (and ideally fact-check the DDs yourself). + +Edit: yes yes, I know, I should have known better than to put a string of capitalized letters that isn't a ticker in my title lmao +I'm trying to learn to code my own bot to automate part of my trading for the last 4 days (take a moment to laugh) and I'm finding it impossibly hard to find one that can calculate a bid entry. + +The problem is that I don't want to just generate a buy or a sell signal. + +I want to calculate an exact entry price. Freqtrade doesn't appear to have this option from what I've found digging through the tutorials. This will severely limit the usefulness of a bot if I'm limited to just market ordering or placing a limit bid (x) positions away from the current bid/ask spread. + +Can anyone point me to a bot that can perform this function? Am I spinning my wheels thinking this is a solution I can find or is this an option reserved for people that have vast amounts of cash to spend getting it developed? + +I'm willing to pay for this to be developed for me but I need to know beforehand that it's going to work before I start going through all the steps of doing it. Basically, a proof of concept for myself prior to purchasing. +Hi, + +I am referring to this paper here: [Equity Factors: To Short Or Not To Short That Is The Question](https://www.cfm.fr/assets/Uploads/Equity-Factors-To-Short-Or-Not-To-Short-That-Is-The-Question.pdf). While the conclusion of the paper is quite easy to understand, the reasoning and the maths is not as easy to understand since I am quite rusty. + +I am guessing this is a branch of Linear Algebra but wanted to make sure before I go about taking a maths course. Last thing I want to do is take a WRONG maths course. +For example, + +\- Selling Bots? Building Other Bots? + +As a software guy I would love to maybe focus on this space as I can't always find market beating algorithms +Good Morning Apes! + +Welcome to my 3rd DD in as many days...If I seem burnt out it's because I am. + +I'm pretty excited today as we have already had a nice gap up in pre-market after EU markets closed yesterday at $230. We may not get that possible morning dip as it looks like we are going back up. It's looking like we are gonna be in for another crazy week. + +If you guys haven't had a chance to [check out my forward looking TA for this week it's here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/npfa6w/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_foward_looking_ta_for/). + +Check out the daily livestream @ [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, **157**, 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172, 174, 176.5, 179, 180.5, 182, 183.5, 184.5, 186, 187.5, 190.5, 192, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 226, 230, 234, 243, 250, 252.5, 260, 275, 300, 302.50, moon base... + +*This Post will read from top to bottom, any images over 20 will be deleted as the day progresses.* + +# After Market + +Closed just shy of 250 as we didn't make that last little jump to put those 2k options ITM but overall a good looking day up 12% is definitely nothing to complain about. I think we are in a a good position to see a morning test of 260. Thank you all again for tuning in. I will see you guys bright and early tomorrow at 9am EDT. + +❤ + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/gggc4nt6np271.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a5d137760961a25dc7299c99d72afa40b4f28b2 + +Edit 7 3:34 + +Slipped down from that 250 resistance looks like we might be closing around 242.5-245 + +https://preview.redd.it/c4ul5xg6ip271.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=82a4e513f7bc859e11f6bff12d173f9765df538a + +Edit 6 2:45 + +Broke it maybe a 260 EOD? Looks strong above that upper trendline. + +https://preview.redd.it/s26zjm7h9p271.png?width=1495&format=png&auto=webp&s=f28618eae804c6ba9c7785894f9034366d7f4aa4 + +Edit 5 2:02 + +Failed the test at 250 let's see if we can bounce back and test again + +https://preview.redd.it/tq6roafo2p271.png?width=1596&format=png&auto=webp&s=b13f7fdaa958fb29b9e3a6c48a573d55a51bd8a7 + +Edit 4 12:22 + +Officially over 242.50 resistance looks like we are gonna at least tickle 250 + +https://preview.redd.it/lwapno83ko271.png?width=1438&format=png&auto=webp&s=c656c56986819aa276889b769293dee1e06917a9 + +Edit 3 10:54 + +Chop above VWAP volume has died off a bit + +https://preview.redd.it/rbmeqdtc4o271.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bc6a357bc8197c0779e61f804576e90fc86ea1e + +Edit 2 10:12 + +Thanks DFV! + +https://preview.redd.it/cuaq00bpwn271.png?width=1418&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3c04324c01dcb5ab04177b09798552e498233bb + +Edit 1 9:45 + +Just cleared one million volume heading back up hopefully we can push through resistance and test that $240 + +https://preview.redd.it/dizqtspvrn271.png?width=1604&format=png&auto=webp&s=44181a4773de1c628497d46abd408036ca523dc9 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +Pre-Edit 2 + +Volume up at 264k already. As always remember to store your tray tables in the upright and locked position... + +Pre-Edit 1 + +I thought we could see an early morning dip but it looks like we bounced off the upper support after yesterday's action over on the EU market so although it's possible to still test that lower support I think we are going to test $240 around market open. + +[If we are looking for a dip it will be on the back of a failure in this upper support line](https://preview.redd.it/bdvqbybfzm271.png?width=1249&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d691a731fe8cb72cf710853da8bfe15ace21066) + +It also looks like we are filling in that downward price action from Friday pretty sure this will continue till open if we open above $240 I expect an immediate test at $250 resistance. + +[Nice fill going on this has got me jackked for the day!](https://preview.redd.it/388gshz08n271.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f68778f98d40e58a12bd1ef42d02951a9d968c9) + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\*No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +August 2020 I started DCAing when btc was around 10k. Minimum wage delivery driver. Put everything onto a hardware wallet. + +January 2021 holdings already were mind blowing when it hit 25-28k. I discovered Celsius during this time. I removed all the money from my hardware wallet onto celsius, took out loans, redeposited the loaned crypto, and took out more loans against the borrowed crypto. + +Kept delivering food, spent every dollar on BTC . Threw it into celsius and kept borrowing against the assets. + +August 2021 Parents kicked me out of house. I had about $50,000 of btc and e. I didn't want to cash out because I thought it was going higher. So I lived in my car and continued delivering food. I didn't eat, and instead spent all money earned on BTC and put into celsius. + +I lived in my car and delivered food for probably 3 months. + +November 2021, I had about $70,000 and a paid off car. + +December 2021, 1 month after the top, I applied and got approved for multiple credit cards. I balance transferred probably $7,000 and bought the top. + +January 2022, I had $6,000 in a Roth IRA. I cashed out of the Roth IRA and used all that money to put into BTC. + +I learned how to use defi, and transfered some money out of celsius onto defi, and thought I was making money. + +June 2022 comes around, Celsius runs with all my money. All I had left was whatever money I transferred to defi. I took that money, paid off whatever I could, and moved back in with my parents. + +June 2022, I had 0 dollars invested. 0 dollars in cash. $5,000 in credit card debt. + +July 2022 I continued delivering food trying to erase the credit card debt. BTC finds new lows, and I had no money to invest. + +September 2022 I find a sales job and use the money to pay off the debt and DCA into BTC. + +December 2022 I get fired from the sales job for not hitting the numbers but I leave debt free and with 1k cash and 1k dollars worth of btc. + +Today, I am back to delivering food living with my parents with no debt, but only 1k cash and 1k dollars of btc to my name. + +It is the bottom, only up from here, and I am scrambling to try and get back to where I once was. I don't know if I'll ever be able to get to the BTC stack I once had. + +&#x200B; + +Lessons learned: + +I will only buy bitcoin from now on in terms of currencies. + +I will only use a hardware wallet from now on. + +I will try to learn to spend money from now on so I don't see $70,000 melt away for nothing. + +I will try to learn to diversify just a tad bit more so that way the pain isn't as bad during bear markets. + +I will try to resist balance transferring my credit cards, but I truly can't promise myself that I won't do this again in the future, because I really might. (I want to do it right now because I'm convinced we are in a macro bottom) + +I will not rub it in people's faces during bull runs and instead try to be generous to other people. During the bull run, I let everyone around me know (friends and family) that I was right the whole time, I outsmarted everyone, I was too good for a regular job everyone that thought they were better than me can never catch up to me, etc etc. Which was a big mistake and now I am the biggest clown during the bear market. + +Now I think being generous to people in your close network will build trust, and their trust is a valuable asset, so it's like diversification in a way. + +I will try not to watch too many crypto Youtubers. I will admit that watching them did make me money, but it also lost me money. I will try to watch only the quality YouTubers, but also not only watch just 1 or else I might fall into an echo chamber. + +I will try not to stare at charts too much anymore. During the bull run, I would refresh prices like i was checking social media. + +I will not talk to any friends or family about bitcoin. + +I will put some money into a Roth IRA but I will not take it out like last time. But I will still invest a majority BTC. + +I will try to find a job so I can buy BTC +Looking at the world people really don't care what goes on in the background. Our phones and trainers are made by exploited child workers. We buy en mass from unethical companies like Nestle, Shell etc. I know exactly how Amazon treats it workers yet I buy things from there every week. + +I hear it echoed on here quite often that x crypto is no good because it's too centralised. The reality is that most consumers don't really know what that means or why it's good or bad. Even if they do most people will still happily choose a cheaper product without caring about that too much. In an ideal world the decentralised cryptos would win but we need to face the fact that in the future some of the most popular cryptocurrencies will likely be centralised. +Looking for feedback on this strategy. + +Currently have May $120 calls and May $100 Puts. + +History tells me earnings are going to be short and sweet and then it dumps. Announcements from GME usually do not coincide with earnings unless this is the time when they finally provide guidance (doubtful but possible). Could we also finally see a profitable earnings? I’m overall bullish on GME, but short term would like to make profit rather than eternal slow bleed. +Hi, I'm 22, I work for Instacart and is my only source of income. It's a great job, I love it but without a car, I am pretty much without funds. My insurance refuses to help pay for damage since I was on the clock, and my job doesn't provide insurance since I am not "W2". So now I'm stuck with the bill which is close to 5k. I don't have the money for that and now I'm worried I'll be homeless if I can't find a job that can support me in an expensive city. + +I have no idea what I'm going to do. I already signed up for jobs, but they're minimum wage and I won't be able to support myself on that alone. + +Edit: I realize that I am missing some of your comments or haven't been notified about them. Sorry if I haven't replied yet but I appreciate the help most of y'all are putting into this thread and am working on replying to all the messages. + Before I get started I just want to say this was requested from someone donating which is why its longer than usual, hopefully you find this useful if youre interested in ORG. Summary at the bottom. + Origin energy as with most energy companies typically tracks the oil price and whether you use Crude oil futures, brent oil futures or even natural gas futures they all track fairly similarly. That is until July of last year, this is where oil took a small break and stagnated for a month before flying up over 30% since then, whereas companies like ORG, WPL and STO have lagged behind. The big question obviously is why? Is there an upside that the market is missing and what to expect? + +**Management** + The first thing I want to look at is management as that’s something I value up there with results as it can help give an understanding of a company even if you can’t explain their operations. Their CEO is Frank Calabria who started in the company as a CFO in 2001, which means you would think as he has the most experience, he should know which direction he wants to turn the company towards. Typically, the board or any major roles have been on for 5-10 years, it’s very rare to see someone on for 20 years which is clearly a good sign if you like the direction its going. In 2009 he became the CEO of Energy markets which was just mid to post GFC which is a perfect time if you consider the changes that would be made and the ability, he had to see how that would affect the company. Essentially, he is highly involved in energy markets and with his long career at ORG on the surface he appears a great CEO that I can’t find any major red flags with. + +The only major issue is since 2018 he has sold $1mill worth of shares, which compared to quite a few companies is not a lot, but it’s certainly not a good thing. However, in hindsight it certainly was a good choice as he sold late 2019 when the company was trading just under $9. In late 2020 he bought back $600k on the market at a value of $5.39 but this was advised by the company, so is worth taking with a grain of salt. Since then, there has been very little buying and selling going on over the past 3 years with directors, the most common is just the exercise of options due to performance bonuses, which is not really a great indicator of anything. + +According to market index their CFO is Lawrie Tremaine, however in their annual report Tremaine is mentioned as a CFO but not given a profile and is just included in management wages, which is just a random side note I thought was interesting. Now the interesting part! What are they all getting paid? Well to start with they have short term incentives (STI) and long-term incentives (LTI). Their STI is 40-50% paid in cash and 50-60% paid in shares with the incentive goals ranging from a financial metric scorecard for 60-65% of the weighting and the other 35-40% weighted for the conduct and behaviour. I don’t see much benefit to having a conduct and behaviour weighting as who is voting on that? Shareholders don’t know and I doubt the lower people get the same vote as the higher ups in management. Their LTI is granted as performance rights (options) and can be deferred for a total of 4 years, the performance targets which must be met are outlined 3 years in advance. Their measure is Return on Capital (ROC) and their total shareholder return. I am a big fan of total shareholder return as it directly impacts investors which is fair but return on capital is a bit rough for management because as mentioned they typically follow the oil price, so their ROC is going to largely depend on oil price no matter how well they manage the cash. + + + +Managments actual pay was quite astonishing to me and I had to go back to the income statement and go to the notes to double check that the numbers were correct. From their last annual report if you got page 157 you will find their CEO got $3.6mill, CFO $2.42mill and the other 3 executives got a combined $4.8mill. Now I know they are a big company but holy shit not a bad amount to be paid when you realise the past few years have been in decline in terms of financials when we look at them. + +**Management outlook and goals YOY** + The next thing I want to discuss is the evolution of management’s strategy and outlook over the past 5 years in which we will go from the 2016-2020 annual reports and compare at the end. + +The first one we will look at is obviously 2016. Now they begin their FY16 directors report by highlighting their EBITDA was slightly lower than the year before but “reflecting a strong operational performance”, this sounds weird but when you consider how bad the year was for them in general this is probably the best thing they had. Their underlying profit was down 41%, debt was down $4billion and the company basically goes over discussing how FY16 was a year in which they tried to transition and focus more on profitability as they had too much debt going on. They mention natural gas did well and that they delivered on their commitments of lowering debt and increase ROC while also trying to take advantage of the energy markets. They include a dividend but don’t offer any franking credits due to the heavy focus on reducing debt. Looking ahead they expect a 45-60% increase in EBTDA and see strong growth post FY17. + +Now to start I think the big takeaway from FY17 was that debt and EBITDA are the 2 main focuses, EBITDA was up 49% and their debt was down $1bill on fy16 which is certainly a great start and highlights management achieved the goals they were going for. Now I haven’t mentioned how much debt they have yet on purpose because I wanted to give some context and let you guess, so have a guess before reading on. Their debt as of this annual report was $8.3bill which is down from 2015 to be fair which was a whopping $12bill. Now this doesn’t include any other liabilities, this is strictly their borrowings aka debt, which holy shit they have come along way with. Once again, the company had 2 key priorities going into FY18 and you might have guessed it, EBITDA and reducing their massive amount of debt. Looking back at them I am surprised they did not go under and got away with this much debt, if we look at today the company is worth $8.5bill which is less than the total debt they owed in 2015…what a weird thing the stock market is. + +As usual let’s begin FY18 by covering the 2 major goals… EBITDA was increased 36% which once again is insane if you look at any comparison, for a company to yoy state the same 2 focuses and constantly have such massive improvements shows how much of an issue it was previously that clearly the market wasn’t too concerned with. Their long-term borrowings decreased to $5.35 billion which is almost $2billion. Now on the surface this sounds great, but their short-term borrowings increased from a miniscule $133mill to $1.08bill which sort of defeats the purpose of lowering the long-term borrowings as long term typically have better rates and allow for renegotiating. Now their outlook for FY19 was pretty simple EBITDA to increase to $3bill which is a small growth of just over 10%. They blame this on accepting the cost of a 3% electricity price hike in NSW and the competition in the retail markets. This is the first year they didn’t mention the debt and making sure they reduce it but is something we will certainly focus on. They mainly go over making sure they increase exploration and a bunch of general stuff that is hard to measure. + +Their EBITDA for FY19 was met with it hitting $3.23bill which was only a rise of 16% and even though it’s not great, it’s not terrible when they explain they had a bunch of headwinds. Now compared to previous years this isn’t great but if they did this YOY then it would quickly add up, but EBITDA is not always a great metric so let’s get to the fun part, debt! As mentioned in fy18 there was no mention of reducing debt and surprise surprise long term det increased up $100mill while short term debt decreased approx. $150mill which still leaves the company with a steaming pile of shit in terms of a balance sheet. Outlook for this year specifically focused on energy markets and having an EBITDA of $1.4bill, however they also have their gas business which I don’t understand why its separate but that’s not included in the outlook. + +FY20 is the most recent one and this time they had all the highlights on their website rather than me reading through their jumbled-up report, which is quite a nice touch as I don’t know of any other companies which do it or lay it out as nice. Their EBITDA for energy markets was down to $1.46bill or down $115mill on fy19, however you want to look at it. Their gas sector EBITDA was also down 8% in which they blame the accounting treatment, which is a unique blame for the year, and you will notice the majority of not all major companies have a pre AASb16 results and post AASB results, not idea why accounting measures got changed but yeah. Their outlook was Energy markets EBITDA to be $1.1-1.3bill with an expected reduction in demand for the upcoming year. Their annual report is expected around the 20th of August 2021, so as usual the focus should be on EBITDA and their debt. + +**Segment Breakdown** + ORG operate in terms of 2 main segments, energy markets and gas markets. Until I read this, I did not understand why they had these separated, but it now makes sense. Energy markets refers to Energy retailing and wholesaling, power generation and LPG operations predominantly in Australia. Also includes Origin's investment in Octopus Energy. No idea who came up with the business Octopus energy but that’s actually hilarious 11/10. Their other segment is the gas segment, which is Origin's investment in APLNG, growth assets business and management of LNG hedging and trading activities. For greater transparency, the investment in APLNG is presented separately from the residual component of the segment in the following disclosures. They also have a third segment in corporate, however these are just varying side hoes if you will which cannot be allocated to either of the other segments. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iedk2g4xty471.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d10d340071ef7c2d00d3196f15d29c3b2356fe4 + +Now not sure how well you can see the above graph but essentially it shows their revenue and EBITDA breakdown of the segments over the past 2 years and its clear the company is weighted more towards the gas market for EBITDA and with the natural gas prices soaring this year that’s certainly not a bad thing. + +**Financial statements-** + Now as mentioned their debt was their biggest issue and their EBITDA was their big focus, so rather than me repeat it all I have stolen some numbers from their reports and put it in a table to highlight key factors such as revenue and dividends. + + + +https://preview.redd.it/p4h6in9yty471.png?width=573&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb03af9c1bc50afbe38568989ad1bb722f127b4e + +As you can see from the above the majority of values in terms of fundamentals are not great. ROE for me at minimum is nice around 10% and the average expectancy for most investors and what we are taught in finance is 12-15%. They operate at almost half of that historically which is not great. Their return on capital ROC % is also incredibly low but as mentioned before they can’t really do much and so you could use this argument to also justify the low ROE. Things you can rely on though are dividends as metric and operating margin because operating margin is something they can control through hedging and likewise for dividends. Now dividends are usually increased/decreased as profits go up or down but as you can see above there was no dividend for 2017 and 2018 which is not a great sign, and it would appear the company is either rebounding or is going to struggle over the short to medium term. I have not discussed their operating cash flow as it was positive for all years but has been in a slow decline yoy and I did not think it would add too much value as once again there’s only so much, they can do as they rely so heavily on oil prices. + +This is a major issue for stocks that are tied to commodities or macro factors out of their control and is a common issue in over a dozen companies on the asx including mining and agriculture stocks (commodities) and even banks (interest rates). So, because of this the best way to use the above numbers is to look at it from a yoy perspective and if there’s growth then its clearly good and vice versa, the issue for ORG is its not growing in a lot of metrics and they are still trying to get back to the 2013/2014 days. + +**Share Price** + The next thing I want to look at is their share price. The chart is graphed over the past 5 years and is compared to the WTI crude oil futures which is simply US oil, but you could use brent or natural gas if you want. Natural gas has run even harder than oil this year but for a longer and more similar comparison I chose oil. As you can see, historically ORG has traded slightly above oil prices and has done quite well, which is similar to the majority of major companies if you want to check. WPL, STO and even WOR all track fairly similarly over the past 5 years but in the past year is where you notice the big difference. Since the Covid crash in March oil futures have rebounded over 50% or to an even higher point than before the march crash if you want to look at it that way. ORG are up 20% since the march lows or down almost 50% from their march peak before the crash which is a tremendous amount and has created a major lag effect. There is 1 main reason for this and its evident because every other large energy company is having the same issue, and its that the markets do not believe the oil prices will stay like this long term and will drop back down quite quickly once covid ends. Now whether this is right or not is another debate, but its clear that until results are out, and these energy companies can show some profits, I don’t think there will be much movement until August. This is also why I bought into WPL, largely because this gap is similar and I think its overdone, but this comes down to macro-economic conditions which is a whole different ball game. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bl2o1jw0uy471.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=062b36dd479aa0df602fe0f164f4ca27b2f552ef + +**Macro-Economic conditions** + Oil is one of the harder things to predict, especially because the companies know how much they are producing and hedge accordingly, as such there is very little room for us retail investors to jump on and find an advantage. This is why you don’t hear very often about oil traders, and if you do, they are either very rich or very stupid, much like forex. So what conditions are affecting oil prices? Well, you have 2 major ones at the moment in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran has sanctions imposed on them by the US and they are threatening that if these sanctions are lifted, they will rocket their oil production to meet the growing demand seeing as other countries wont, and they will continue growing their economy. Saudi Arabia however has taken the opposite approach and said we will not match the oil demanded at the moment as we don’t believe its sustainable and it is essentially a waste of resources and would only impact us in a negative way. Now you also need to look at the political side of this, Saudi Arabia’s economy depends heavily on oil as such driving the price down due to over production would be stupid and they obviously know this why is why before COVID last year they were negotiating with Russia to reduce production. Iran however wants to get their economy going again and if they fill the demand the Saudis are refusing to then their economy will start booming. + + + +**Summary** + Will this be enough to help them continue rebounding and get them back to the dream 2014/2015 levels? Not this year but I certainly don’t see how their results will be poor. As you can tell ORG are more of a natural gas company rather than an oil company, however as the trends are very similar, they can just appear to blend in. But as natural gas has done exceptionally well the past few months they are certainly worth a look into. Now would I buy them> No because I don’t like the history of major debt or commodity stocks in general as there is a limited amount they can do fundamentally as they rely too heavily on the commodity. As earnings play, they are an interesting look, but they have missed earnings more often than not over the past 5 years. If I had to really work out a value for the company, based off the numbers I would be more interested at around $6billion market cap or approx. $4 per share. This is to allow for the balance sheet issues and the external risks that comes with the stock. +Some DD for you to sink your teeth into. The stock is WOA - Wide Open Agriculture, based in WA. I get that agriculture isn’t the sexiest play on the ASX but hear me out my fellow spectrum dwellers. They have 3 key business segments, two of which should see huge growth. + +1. Regenerative food brand ‘Dirty Clean Foods’ - this was their core product line prior to recent developments. Essentially they manufacture basic meat and food products sourced exclusively from suppliers who undertake regenerative farming practices - nice tick of the box for you ethical investors out there. Nothing particularly exciting here, other than the fact that they are expanding distribution of these products to the east coast of Australia (currently these products are only sold in the West Australian market), therefore the potential for sales to increase exists. This product line alone, even factoring in the expansion, is not worthy of investing in this stock, especially by the astronauts reading this, but worth knowing nonetheless. + +2. Oat milk ‘Oat Up’. Here is where the investment thesis starts to heat up. They have recently launched a line of oat milk to compete in the increasingly popular alternative milk market. The current addressable global market was estimated at $3.7 billion in 2019. Oat milk sales worldwide have increased by over 108% in the past year, compared to single digit growth for soy and negative growth for almond milk. In particular it is gaining huge momentum in Asia, which WOA plans to export to. The timeline for expansion of this product line is to distribute to the east coast of Aus and Asian markets by q4 this year. Currently they outsource the manufacturing, however are undertaking a feasibility study for building a manufacturing facility to produce it on their own. + +3. Lupin based protein. This is the big one apes, the rocket fuel, if you will. The popularity of plant based protein is surging, with the market expected to be worth $28 billion by 2025. Look no further than the success of Beyond Meat in the US market. WOA has partnered with CSIRO and Curtin University to develop their own lupin based meat alternative. Current plant based alternatives use soy and other inputs. None use lupin. Lupins are a very cheap and readily available seed that is mostly used for livestock feed (and mostly grown in Australia). They are far cheaper and more protein dense than other alternatives and have chemical structures (I’m no expert here admittedly) that make it more easily integrated into food products for a better tasting meat alternative. The key for WOA is they have executed an exclusive license agreement with Curtin University for the lupin product - i.e. they have a durable moat or ‘competitive advantage’ (dumbed down for you special people) in that the product cannot be replicated. The company has set out clear timelines for the development of the lupin product (and to date management has been very good at communicating and keeping to their timelines). They have completed proof of concept trials and are currently in the middle of commercialization studies. Results of these trials will be announced within the next month or so. Therefore whilst some risk still exists, the major hurdles have been cleared and it is largely derisked at this stage. Also worth noting is the company plans to not only produce their own products in this space, but will look to supply the lupin ‘gel’ to other manufacturers such as Beyond Meat to use in their products, therefore it may not necessarily be in direct competition with the key players in the market but rather will partner with them to create another line of sales. + +In terms of fundamentals, they recently did a cap raise, so they are cashed up for the future (based on current cash burn they are more than fine for the medium term) - the money will be used to continue to lupin development and to build the oat milk manufacturing plant in the future. Revenues have increased year on year (up 257% on last year based on the recent financials - which does not take into account the recent oat milk launch sales and obviously not factoring in the future lupin products which realistically should dwarf their current turnover). + +In terms of share price action, it is currently trading sideways, between 65c - 90c for most of the last 6 months (there was a short term spike well above $1 briefly last year when the market got excited about the lupin developments but my guess is wise traders booked their 300%+ profits therefore the consolidation back down into the current range). I’d say it’s reasonably valued at the moment but future developments not priced in, investors will want to see some actual output before betting the farm. The share registry is very tightly held (less than 100 million SOI which is excellent for a small cap and suggests they have not had to repeatedly issue new shares in order to continually fund their business - for context many of the micro caps you read about in these parts have well over a billion shares issued) and management still holds a significant portion of SOI which is a very positive sign. Not many eyes on this one at the moment and not well known outside of WA so an under appreciate stock in my opinion. If I have one criticism of management it’s that they haven’t done a good job of spreading the word to the broader market and institutional investors in order to generate interest but I have no doubt once people catch on that will take care of itself. + +There are lots of really good announcements that have been released to the market that summarize the above information if you want to better understand this for when you ask your wife’s boyfriend for cash to invest, but hopefully I’ve summarized this well enough to give you some context. + +For me this is a long term hold 2-3 years minimum, if you are more into quick pumps maybe this isn’t the sandpit for you to play in. My two cents. +New real estate investor here renting out a 4 bedroom house to a family. They've been in the house about six months. There have been several repair requests but nothing that was their fault; just working out the kinks on a new rental. So it seems so far like they are good tenants that I would like to keep. Last week the tenant sent my property manager pictures of some termites that appeared in the garage. Fortunately, according to the termite inspector, there is no termite damage to speak of, these termites seem to be new and just appeared due to a recent rainstorm. The termite company will put in the appropriate Termidor canisters in the ground and hopefully that will be the end of that. + +Anyway, in the interests of having a positive relationship with the tenant, should I send a thank you/small gift to thank them for bringing the termites to my attention? I appreciate that they alerted me to the termites (not knowing about them could have been bad) and it seems good to reward helpful actions. Not sure about the protocol here. +I've been wanting to invest in real estate but I definitively don't have the money for a down payment to begin renting out a property yet. What I have is $5,000 right now and was wondering how I can make that money work for me now in real estate? How far can that take me? + +Or should I save up for a rental property instead? My worry is how long that might take. + + +Edit: Thank you guys so much for all the input. So I think at this point $5k is still kind of low to make any meaningful investment in RE that will make an impact in my life. I feel like I should save more while educating myself. + +Do you guys have any suggestions on where I can park that $5k + future savings moving forward until one day (hopefully not too long into the future) I can withdraw the money and use it as a down payment towards property? A savings account perhaps? +I've been using a CPA to file my taxes for me thinking it's easier, what with rentals, depreciation, etc. But does anyone do their own? How tedious is it? Before I got into real estate I did my own on taxACT. +I've been wanting to invest in real estate but I definitively don't have the money for a down payment to begin renting out a property yet. What I have is $5,000 right now and was wondering how I can make that money work for me now in real estate? How far can that take me? + +Or should I save up for a rental property instead? My worry is how long that might take. + + +Edit: Thank you guys so much for all the input. So I think at this point $5k is still kind of low to make any meaningful investment in RE that will make an impact in my life. I feel like I should save more while educating myself. + +Do you guys have any suggestions on where I can park that $5k + future savings moving forward until one day (hopefully not too long into the future) I can withdraw the money and use it as a down payment towards property? A savings account perhaps? +Hey everyone + +So finally I’ve paid up, entered all my debts (£105,000) and paid the fees and completed the application. What’s next? How long does it usually take to get a letter for approval? + +Thanks everyone for reading and have a good week! +J.L. Collins and I were chatting about safe withdrawal rates this morning -- you know, what finance bloggers do in their spare time -- and I decided that somebody (meaning me) ought to write an article that drew on primary source material in order to explain the history (and meaning of) safe withdrawal rates. + +&#x200B; + +I googled and found the original Bengen piece, the Trinity Study (why does the /r/FI FAQ say this is the source of the 4% rule, by the way?), and several more. Then I found this: [https://www.kitces.com/march-2012-issue-of-the-kitces-report-expanding-the-framework-of-safe-withdrawal-rates/](https://www.kitces.com/march-2012-issue-of-the-kitces-report-expanding-the-framework-of-safe-withdrawal-rates/) + +&#x200B; + +It seems that in March 2012, Michael Kitces tackled this very project. And because he's Michael Kitces, he did it much better than I could possibly do it. If you're a money nerd like me and have sometimes wondered about the history and evolution of safe withdrawal rates, you should read this. It's fourteen pages of nerdery. Enjoy! +Canadian here. Thinking about quitting work soon with around 10M. Mid 30s and young kids. I’ve been thinking a lot about relocating to British Columbia, we love it there. Ideally very close to the mountains for skiing. + +I’m worried about community and schooling. It seems like around most mountains, the community is mostly resort staff. And I can’t see any options for private schools but maybe that’s not necessary. + +Are there many wealthy people that do this? How do I get connected to interesting communities like this when relocating? Will we just be isolated and lonely? If so maybe a vacation property makes more sense. +Every login these days seems to require a text of a code to your cellphone. Including those where you change an account password. + +Verizon, and I assume other carriers now allow you to secure your number from being “ported” to another carrier by someone out to steal your identity. + +Check your settings to make sure this feature is activated. It isn’t by default. + +Edit: on iPhone Verizon app ⚙️ > Security + +https://i.imgur.com/C1HgP7c.jpg +By 2013, Slomp had made 380,000 Bitcoin, valued at €3 million (£2.6 million) at the time. According to court documents, he sold about 104 kilograms of MDMA, 566,000 ecstasy pills, four kilograms of cocaine and “substantial quantities” of amphetamine, LSD, weed, ketamine and Xanax on the dark web website "Silk Road". He was sentenced to 40 years in prison, but got a reduction after handing over his Bitcoin stash. People often remind him they could be worth billions now, but he always thought his freedom was more important. “What’s the use of having a few hundred million euros if you’re in prison?” he said. + +BTC current price 39,800 x 380,000 = 15.1 billion + +Couple of questions here... + +What does the US do with that BTC? +And would you sacrifice 30 years for 15 billion? +I have slowly been buying Palantir over the past 6-7 months and have worked my WACC down to a number I'm happy with. The stock is seemingly selling for a steal at $7.35 as of the moment of typing this post. What are your opinions on this stock? Is there something I'm missing or is this a golden opportunity to make a long-term investment with a large upside possibility while the stock is as low as it ever has been? +The SEC has a new Director of Enforcement! 👮‍♀️ + +Her name is Alex Oh (as in ["Uh Oh"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FveF-we6lcE)) and [this is her Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-oh-13697314/). This is from the 69th ^(nice) SEC press release of 2021. + +I find this quote from her very interesting: + +>“I’m excited to join the Division of Enforcement’s team of deeply talented and committed public servants,” said Oh. “The Enforcement Division plays a critical role in protecting investors and maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, essential components of the SEC’s mission. I am committed to working tirelessly to uncover and prosecute violations of the law, **whether by businesses or their leaders**, so that we can keep American capital markets the strongest in the world.” + +Also, from GG himself: + +>“Our capital markets – and the broader economy – thrive when there are clear rules of the road and a cop on the beat to enforce them” +> +>“Alex brings to the role of Director the right combination of values and experience to vigorously root out wrongdoing in our markets. With her work as a prosecutor, pro bono experience, and time in private practice, she has the expertise as a highly respected lawyer to ensure that the SEC protects investors.” + +Source: [https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-69](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-69) + +--- +**EDIT:** Title should say "Enforcement", not "enforcment". I'm dumb. +I've got Cdn bank stocks and decided to buy them instead of the ZEB ETF, based partly on the MER being .60. But I've just read (globe) that they are reducing the MER to .28. + +So is this now worthwhile? Save on fees buying in with QT and would be an easier Drip. I wouldn't bother selling what I have, but is this a decent buy going forward (I like Cdn bank stocks). +looking into buying these two stocks. any thoughts or onions would be appreciated + +I have been investing in ETFs for the last year and have built up a good amount in safe investments but want to branch out a bit and test the waters. I've seen a few posts and stories about these two companies and think they might be good for the long term +Whenever we hear of his story it's usually a lesson about holding, being patient and not selling all your bag at one. + +He's generally painted in a relatively negative light or at least painted as someone who made a terrible decision but the truth is at the time he did what not many other people were doing in using crypto in the real world for a legal purchase. + +I think (like many others I'm sure) that he is a pioneer of crypto and real world usage. + +He should be lauded and rewarded for his initial adoption of crypto, so maybe we can do something for him as a community and let him know how much of a legend he is! +I am not sure if I should already flair this as DD or rather only as "education". Well, it got longer than I intended it to get at first and has multiple sources and images, so DD it is (mods, change it if you disagree). + +I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice, in fact nothing that I write is financial advice, even if I explicitly should state that something is financial advice it is in fact not. + +# Abstract + +(we really should start all DDs with abstracts). The Gamestop short squeeze will likely be more similar to the overstock short squeeze than the VW short squeeze for two reasons: 1. VW was bought up by a single party that then actively took measures to help the short sellers to cover 2. the short interest in VW was more than likely much, much lower than the short interest in GME. In this sense the GME squeeze may be more similar to the overstock squeeze which would imply that everyone that bought before the squeeze and sold after it at literally any time would make a profit. + +# DD + +People often imagine the VW-squeeze if they think about how a typical short squeeze or a Gamestop short squeeze would look like. I.e. they think about something like this: + +[The VW short squeeze](https://preview.redd.it/82m9b430pt081.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dd8537d445e0760ded75fec2d0f4ec40803cac3) + +However, this is a bad example for two major reason: First: The VW squeeze was caused by one player, Prosche, who bought up a large amount of shares. [Then, as the price began to rocket they sold 5% of their holdings again to ease the situation](https://internationalbanker.com/history-of-financial-crises/the-volkswagen-short-squeeze-2008/) and cutting the squeeze short with a huge amount of shares being available again at once (huge especially in relation to the reported short interest of 12.8%). The second important factor is that the short positions in VW were likely much, much smaller than the ones we expect to see in GME. [The official short interest of VW was only reported as 12.8% at the time of the squeeze](https://www.cinemonic.com/the-biggest-short-squeeze-in-history-volkswagen-short-squeeze-of-2008/). Obviously there may also have been hidden short positions in VW, however, we already know that [the official short interest in GME was over 100%](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf) and [that shorts did not nearly buy enough to cover that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qbgp98/i_counted_the_pixels_on_figure_6_on_the_sec/) and may in fact, rather have doubled down and [now be forced to short even more because of continuous bullish retail sentiment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qubsox/drs_in_the_long_run/) (see second half of the linked DD). Furthermore, before the VW short squeeze there was no need for short sellers to go out of their way to hide short positions (as there is now because of apes). + +So let's look at another squeeze instead. A stock that was not bought up in an organized manner by a single party and whose squeeze was then mitigated but instead squeezed more "organic", (i.e. more similar to what we expect of GME): Overstock. (btw. do not search for "overstock short squeeze 2020" with google, use duckduck go instead, otherwise you will get articles referring to a "overstock short squeeze" in 2019, which is not the big one that was induced by issuing a crypto dividend and the one I am talking about here). + +Alternatively, you can view the Overstock-squeeze as a [two-part squeeze](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6si8c/how_overstocks_squeeze_was_a_twopart_squiz_court/), but the more interesting part here is the second and "real / final" part of the squeeze. This is the chart for the overstock short squeeze: [taken from here](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/OSTK/otnWvy88-Overstock-Timeline-of-events-that-lead-to-the-short-squeeze/) + +[The Overstock short squeeze 2020](https://preview.redd.it/0w31u4izst081.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd206ec9a23cfdf34d9647505b32751939547fcc) + +As you can see from this chart, the price did not drop again to the levels before the squeeze. In fact it did never drop down again anything close to that ever and is currently thriving: + +[Ovestock 5 year chart](https://preview.redd.it/tscnv4zltt081.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=04c931ced41c088b0b75b3918bd0cb421e0ddbcd) + +If you would have sold at literally the worst possible time after the start of the squeeze and would have bought on an average price in the year before, you would still be up about 200-500%. I unfortunately did not find a source regarding the exact official short interest in overstock before the squeeze 2020, [only that it was small](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6si8c/how_overstocks_squeeze_was_a_twopart_squiz_court/). (if you are a kind ape, link it and I will add it). However, I also would not expect that the overstock short interest, even if we speak about the actual short interest, not only the reported one, was higher than the short interest in GME. This is mostly because of the very exceptional circumstances that surround GME. + +I.e. GME may likely go up and stay up. As overstock was unexpectedly successful Gamestop with their transformation may be too. Considering inflation and Gamestops long term transformation there may be no need to sell at all. + +tl;dr + +Read the abstract, it is like a tl;dr but fancier and with a fixed position at the start of the text so that you guys always find it. Also: please do not see my title as a challenge. +Thanks for the gold (and other awards) strangers! + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: TIL, NSCC RULE 22/DTC RULE 18 appears to give NSCC/DTC the authority to suspend any of their rules if \*"deemed necessary or expedient"\*. Additionally, NSCC RULE 60/DTC RULE 38 protects the DTCC (of which NSCC and DTC are both subsidiaries) from liability for member losses, when responding to "Market Disruption Event". Although the SEC must be "advised" of actions taken to mitigate a "Market Disruption Event", their permission is not required; pertinent details of the "Market Disruption Event" must be available to members, but are considered confidential and are not available to the public. + +&#x200B; + +\>In other words: DTCC (of which NSCC and DTC are both subsidiaries) can suspend their rules when "deemed necessary or expedient"; suspension of rules can be made without SEC approval or public notification if the suspension is in response to a "market disruption event". + +&#x200B; + +Details of "market disruption events" were made confidential by \[SR-DTC-2021-011\]([https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/dtc/2021/34-93279.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/dtc/2021/34-93279.pdf)), which the SEC approved 8-Oct-2021. + +&#x200B; + +Excerpts below from \[NSCC Rules & Procedures\]([https://www.dtcc.com/\~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/nscc\_rules.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/nscc_rules.pdf)) + +* \*Note: \[parallel DTC rules 18/38\]([https://www.dtcc.com/\~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/dtc\_rules.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/dtc_rules.pdf)) also available\* + +\*\*RULE 22. SUSPENSION OF RULES\*\* \*(see page 100 of linked NSCC Rules and Procedures)\* + +The time fixed by these Rules, the Procedures or any regulations issued by the Corporation for the doing of any act or acts may be extended or the doing of any act or acts required by these Rules, the Procedures or any regulations issued by the Corporation may be waived or any provision of these Rules, the Procedures or any regulations issued by the Corporation may be suspended by the Board of Directors or by the Chairman of the Board, the President, the General Counsel or such other officers of the Corporation having a rank of Managing Director or higher whenever, in its or his judgment, such extension, waiver or suspension is necessary or expedient. + +A written report of any such extension, waiver or suspension (other than an extension of time of less than eight hours), stating the pertinent facts, the identity of the person or persons who authorized such extension, waiver or suspension and the reason such extension, waiver or suspension was deemed necessary or expedient, shall be promptly made and filed with the Corporation’s records and shall be available for inspection by any Member, Mutual Fund/Insurance Services Member, Municipal Comparison Only Member, Insurance Carrier/Retirement Services Member, TPA Member, TPP Member, Investment Manager/Agent Member, Fund Member, Data Services Only Member or AIP Member during regular business hours on Business Days. Any such extension or waiver may continue in effect after the event or events giving rise thereto but shall not continue in effect for more than 60 calendar days after the date thereof unless it shall be approved the Board of Directors within such period of 60 calendar days. + +&#x200B; + +\*\*RULE 60. MARKET DISRUPTION AND FORCE MAJEURE\*\* \*(see page 202 of linked NSCC Rules and Procedures)\* + +* \*note: "Market Disruption" is very broadly defined by NSCC Rule 60/DTC Rule 38, some qualifying events include (but are absolutely not limited to): power outage, wire transfer failure, and trading halt.\* + +SEC. 3. Authority to take Actions Upon the determination that there is a Market Disruption Event, the Corporation shall be entitled, during the pendency of such Market Disruption Event, to: + +* (a) suspend the provision of any or all services of the Corporation; and +* (b) take, or refrain from taking, or require Members and/or Limited Members (whether or not they are affected by the Market Disruption Event) to take or refrain from taking, any and all action which the Corporation considers appropriate to prevent, address, correct, mitigate or alleviate the event and facilitate the continuation of services as may be practicable, and, in that context, issue instructions to Members and/or Limited Members. + +SEC. 5. Certain Miscellaneous Matters + +* (a) Without limiting any other provisions in these Rules & Procedures concerning limitations on liability, none of the Corporation, its directors, officers, employees, agents, or contractors shall be liable to a Member, Limited Member or any other person (including any customer or client thereof) for: + +\* (i) any failure, hindrance, interruption or delay in performance in whole or in part of the obligations of the Corporation under the Rules or Procedures, if that failure, hindrance, interruption or delay arises out of or relates to a Market Disruption Event; or + +\* (ii) any loss, liability, damage, cost or expense arising from or relating in any way to any actions taken, or omitted to be taken, pursuant to this Rule 60. + +* (d) In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Rule 60 and any other Rules or Procedures, the provisions of this Rule 60 shall prevail. +Hi FI community, I wanted to share my story so far since starting my FIRE journey and wanted to hear from you all if you have any advise for me. + +I'm currently in my mid 20's, growing up I worked really hard in middle/high school to get good grades and ended up attending a private university. When I got there I really struggled to keep up with the smart kids around me, it felt as if I was constantly struggling to pass the classes while others just breezed through. I fought through the struggle and mistakes and ended up graduating with a 3.5 GPA with a BA in CS. I'll be honest when I graduated I still did not believe I could code, and this really worried me. The silverlining was that I already had a job lined up making 60k at a tech consulting firm. I have been with them since graduation and now I make 110k. + +It was 1 year after I started working that I learned about FIRE. Fueled up, I immediately began maxing out my Trad 401k, Roth IRA, and HSA accounts. Since then I have continued to save/invest leftover money every month. However when I think about my career it seems now my entire shift has been to work for money. I count down the days until my next paycheck hits my bank account and I can invest it. I also constantly compare myself to other smart people I know on LinkedIn my age who are making more money or are further ahead in their careers. I'll be honest through my current job I feel like I know less than I did when I graduated. I am more confident in my consulting/soft skills but struggle to find another job because of my limited technical skills. With seeing how many people lost their jobs last year I started getting anxiety some days that I'll wake up and would be let go, knowing how hard it would be to find something else. The terrible combination of this jealousy, imposter syndrome, and money motivation factor has basically made my entire day look a little something like this: + +* Wake up at 7AM to shower +* Work from 7:30AM to 5:30PM pretty much non-stop +* Workout from 5:30PM to 6:30/7:00PM +* Cook dinner, sleep, repeat + +I've read about burnout on a few other threads and I do think I fit into the category, but I also don't see how some time off will really help me when I will have to make up all that work afterwards. As mentioned above also, looking for other jobs has been difficult since my work experience has been so soft-skill focused rather than technical, and even the 2 job offers I did get were a 20-25% paycut from what I am currently making. I'm wondering if anyone else here has advice for me or has been in a similar position what they did to help themselves. Thanks for reading the longer post, I love this community and so glad I found it to help begin my FIRE journey. +I have a thermostat where I can finely tune when heating comes on and goes off, which days and temperatures. + +As my house is empty during working hours three days a week, I have the temperature set to 5°C from 8am until 5pm where it changes to 20°C + +I'm a firm believer that paying to heat and empty house is wasteful. My neighbour disagrees however, he believes it cheaper to keep the house at 20°C all day because "it more efficient to maintain a temperature, than to heat up a cold house" + +Has anybody here tried these two methods of heating a home and compare costs to work out which is cheapest? +Today, 11 years ago, on the 12th of December 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto made his last public appearance. + + +The post is actually not more than a changelog for a new Bitcoincore release. + +The actual, not often talked about, last post which is not just a changelog was made on the 11th of December 2010. + + +In that post he says that he would be afraid of the U.S. Government coming after Bitcoin and him because WikiLeaks would have started accepting Bitcoin as donation option. + +Is that just a very weird coincidence that this was his final post? Maybe + + +>It would have been nice to get this attention in any other context.  WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet's nest, and the swarm is headed towards us. +https://www.geekwire.com/2018/check-no-checkout-amazon-go-automated-retail-store-will-finally-open-public-monday/ + +It'll be interesting to see the public feedback on Monday--both from customers and potential investors. + + +https://www.geekwire.com/2018/check-no-checkout-amazon-go-automated-retail-store-will-finally-open-public-monday/ + +It'll be interesting to see the public feedback on Monday--both from customers and potential investors. + + +This is more a question out of general curiosity / frustration, but why in 2019 does it take sometimes 5 days for a payment to show up on my HSBC bank statement when other banks (Starling, Monzo) will have it show up the very second I make the purchase? + +&#x200B; + +I get annoyed at having to constantly figure out the difference between my available balance and my current balance, there must be a way they can address this? +# + +https://preview.redd.it/6adu92jvq7871.jpg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b88e4fdc53311f6341d673e9e48a62f5cd63f00 + +# Dear "THEM" at the top, + +&#x200B; + +I'm a simple Ape. You all most likely went to the best schools and got a job in the world of finance/governance. You likely worked hard and learned the ropes. You have been rewarded with excellent pay and your families have benefited from the system that is currently in place. Some of your colleagues, maybe a member of your DTCC family, maybe it's someone your supposed to catch (SEC), maybe it's a rival, maybe it's someone your supposed to oversee (Politicians) etc.....well some people in YOUR system have been breaking the rules...... + +"Hey, Hey, you think. That's on them......this system has been going like this for a long time without too many problems for us. + +# + +# GUESS FUCKING WHAT........THE POOR'S ARE STARTING TO WAKE UP AND WORD IS SPREADING. + +&#x200B; + +We see your system for the rigged carnival game that the market has become. You all have been allowing OPEN manipulation for years to tilt the game in your favor and more people are learning about it each day. **Everyday that you allow this charade to continue in plain sight, allowing power players in the market to openly manipulate things to get themselves out of trouble, is a day the fire inside every retail trader burns hotter.** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# YOU ALL FUCKED RETAIL BACK JANUARY 28th. YOU OPENLY MANIPULATED THE SYSTEM TO PROTECT YOURSELVES. WE SEE YOU, YOU FUCKING SNAKES. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +The people you fucked over in Jan were Dads, Moms, Brother's, Sister's, Uncles, Aunts, working class/middle class, **people who actually needed that money for bills, unpaid debts, hospital bills, to buy their first homes, to just fucking breathe without the constant fear of crushing money problems and you FUCKING SNAKES DID IT TO PROTECT THE ONES WHO HAD THE MOST**. \*\*(***FUCK YOU AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED.)\*\**** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Seriously, you all fucked over the people who needed help the most. I'm waiting on a fucking 3% raise at my lower middle class job when inflation is running over 5%. So next year I'll be making less money than I am now. You all transferred all this wealth from us working poor to yourselves at the top. You have no idea what is coming. The anger I feel is spreading each day. Apes are starting inform people and soon you are going to have way more than 400k eyes looking at your corrupt system lookin for answers. When your average American learns you snakes have been stealing their retirements to line your pockets, they are going to be sharpening their pitchforks. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Keep allowing the can to get kicked. Keep lying. See what happens. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# SEC, Please don't get off Pornhub to fix this problem. Don't show retail traders that you all are toothless little imps suckling on the tits of greedy money pigs as your real masters. I swore an oath to protect this nation years ago. I'm curious, if you also had to do the same oath, you know, to uphold the rules and laws..... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# You think you are going to get away with this, but I'll dedicate my entire life getting back what you stole from me in Jan. I'll HODL and teach my kids to HODL for generations. FUCK YOU AT THE TOP. I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# MIC DROP AND MIDDLE FINGERS TO YOU!! + +&#x200B; + +LOL: I'm not actually that angry. I'm passionate and sick of the corruption. Some of you know my writing style. I'm that angry Marine. lol. I know they read our stuff, I want them to know that WE FUCKING KNOW! :) +Remember when shills entered for ONE DAY talking about selling at $5k? Yeah we realized real quick what they were up to, and they abandoned that tactic just as fast. Remember, price will do stupid and crazy things before the real MOASS. What we’ve seen the past couple days has been fun, but we’re not done yet. We may still have a long road ahead of us. HODL strong, apes, we should be safe for a moon flight soon. Just don’t give up. Not financial advice. 💎🙌🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Hello, + +Where I live there is a big difference between £500 and £600 on the rental market. £500 gets you a small studio apartment, whereas £600 gets you a nice sized 1 bedroom flat,. + +I only earn £1,700 per month, so is it worth spending an extra £100 for a nicer standard of living in a bigger flat, or is it better for me to save that money and use it elsewhere? + +Thanks for your help. +Gauging what the appetite is for the millennial generation to be investing in Real Estate. Given so many other investment vehicles, is there anybody out in this demographic there that found their FI via Real Estate? + +&#x200B; + +Also emphasis on Canadian market ! + +If so what was your story? How has the process been and lessons learned? + +Thanks! +The volume on Vanguard ETF's for U.S and Europe indexes (VFV, VUN, VEH etc.) seems incredibly low. If I were to start buying in $5k tranches twice a year ($10k / year contributions to the ETF), does it make sense to use these very low volume ETF's, or should I use the U.S counterpart and learn Norberts Gambit? + +I'm worried that 40 years from now if I've spent all that time contributing to VFV and VEH, then I go to sell for the cash once I'm retired, I won't even be able to get out of my positions due to the extremely low volume. + + By then I assume my position would be massive, would I be able to sell it off properly? VEH had a volume of 1,365 today, that just doesn't make sense to me. +I saw a similar post here but it didn’t quite answer my questions. 40F with about $825k in investments ($550k stock, $275 retirement accounts) and $35k in savings. I currently have a very stable and decently paying job and have minimal expenses. + +I worked as a consultant for a tech company for about 3 years and I have 40k in NSOs. They just ended my consulting agreement and I need to exercise my options in the next few months. My exercise price is fractions of a penny per share and the FMV is >$6. So if I don’t sell to cover, I will have to pay about $130k in taxes, which I would cover with a combination of savings and a loan based on my investments. I could likely pay the loan back in 9 months, so interest would not be terribly significant. + +My financial advisor is bullish on me keeping all of the shares based on his review of the public info available on the company and the recognition that it could be a large ROI in comparison to typical investments. The company has been successful but I’m not convinced they would IPO rather than be acquired. + +What should I be considering before deciding on sell to cover vs keeping the shares. I’m pretty new to the fatFIRE world and don’t have any plans to retire soon. I also have shares in my current company (non-public). I get the high-risk, high-reward concept but I don’t feel like I have the right questions to ask. + +Forgive me in advance if I miss any key info - I’m not experienced with options for private companies. And created a new account to post since my regular account would make this identifiable. Thanks! +How is this company going to survive without its own viable self-driving project? + +My understanding of the long-term probability of profitability would eventually be a taxi fleet through self-driving cars but the likelihood that this would lower costs by not employing drivers is now a dream. + +Renting or purchasing self-driving vehicles for use will carry its own cost once self-driving cars become more of a reality and I don't see Uber as a viable company in the medium term. The sustainability of hiring drivers is low given the higher probability of regulatory pressure going forward. California was the first step and even though it failed, regulatory pressure will continue to mount for Uber and Lyft. + +A company that makes no money and hinges on the idea that it will eventually make money once it develops self-driving cars decides to scrap the idea. +Hi all - As some background, I've dipped slightly under the "fat" status due to my employer's stock tanking (along with the market). That's made the future opportunity of staying at the company less enticing - along with me losing some faith in the strategy, lack of growth potential, but more importantly, being overly stressed. So I've contemplated quitting but given I'm not at my fire goal yet, it would be more of a sabbatical. However, I've never taken a break from work previously that wasn't either a short "vacation" (where you don't really escape work, at least mentally) or a transition to another job that was already lined up. I believe in my skill set and that I'll be able to get a job down the road after some re-charge time, but it still makes me apprehensive to leave - especially in the current climate. + +Curious to hear if other folks here have done that and how it impacted their FIRE journey / progress? Was re-charging a good move in hindsight or is it better to just slog through the sh\*t for the paycheck until you hit your fire goal? +I'm sitting on over 1 million amex rewards points, and I have no idea how to spend them. + +I don't care about optimizing my point spend. I'm plenty fat (financially), and I get no personal joy in "beating the system". + +Anyone fatFIRE friends spend such a bounty of amex points on anything awesome? + +Worth noting: I have two little kids, and traveling, particularly across time zones, is just miserable with them, so big trips are off the table for at least a few years. + +Thanks! +Good morning folks! A couple of articles to share today. The first one talks about how you need to be careful when choosing an index fund provider as you could be stuck with a pile of capital gains if they don't have enough incoming money to cash out investors. The tax hit if you were holding in taxable would be obnoxious. + +The second article is about Vanguard's shareholder meeting (did anybody here go?) in Scottsdale yesterday. They have **$4.8 TRILLION** in assets now and are piling up money. I thought the two articles went hand in hand as Vanguard simply pays people redeeming out of their inflow for the most part. + +**The Rot That Lies Beneath Some Index Funds** +Index funds are supposed to meet expectations almost exactly — but once in awhile they can hand investors an unpleasant surprise. + +These mutual funds and exchange-traded funds passively track the performance of a basket of stocks, bonds or other assets. They seek to match the market, not to beat it. After costs and taxes, they should provide returns almost identical to those of the underlying investments they hold. + +Then there is PNC S&P 500 Index Fund. + +Next month, PNC has announced, the fund will pay out $4.19 in capital gains per share. This week, the fund’s per-share value was around $19. So, even if you never sold a share, the fund will pay out nearly 22% of your total investment as a taxable gain. +Unless you own it in a retirement account, you’d owe approximately $325 to $515 in federal tax on a $10,000 holding, depending on your tax bracket. That would put something between 3% and 5% of your investment straight into Uncle Sam’s pocket. (To be fair, you would owe proportionately less in future taxes if you sell down the road.) + +So, even though the PNC index fund has come within a third of a percentage point of matching the S&P 500’s 17.4% return so far this year, its investors will fall badly behind the market after they pay their taxes. + +How can that happen? + +In general, when investors exit a fund, it may cash out of some of its holdings, potentially generating a taxable gain that must be paid out to the remaining shareholders. + +In recent years, at least, more investors have wanted to buy index funds than sell, tending to make such portfolios unusually tax-efficient. Vanguard 500 Index Fund hasn’t paid out a capital gain since December, 1999, according to Morningstar; State Street Institutional S&P 500 Index Fund hasn’t paid one since December, 2000. + +A spokesman for PNC Funds declined to comment. + +However, investors withdrew $63 million from the fund, or 38% of its assets, over the 12 months through Sept. 30, Morningstar estimates. + +The manager of an index fund doesn’t have much flexibility on which shares to sell when investors want their money back, says Mark Wilson, president of Mile Wealth Management in Irvine, Calif., whose website CapGainsValet.com warns about taxable payouts. + +That’s because such a portfolio needs to hold stocks in similar proportions to the index it’s seeking to match. So the manager can’t always sell selected holdings at a loss that would offset gains elsewhere. Instead, he or she has to sell pretty much across the board, which can generate unwanted capital gains. + +Launched in early 2000, the $125 million PNC fund tries to match the market, before expenses. +Its prospectus explains that the fund manager may use futures contracts on the index, or various exchange-traded vehicles, “in addition to, or in place of,” the stocks in the S&P 500. + +Over the past 10 years, the fund has trailed the S&P 500 by 0.29 percentage points, or a bit less than its average expenses over the period. So it has come close — but only before tax. PNC S&P 500 Index Fund’s 7.2% average annual return over the past decade shrivels to 6.2% after tax, estimates Morningstar. + +PNC isn’t the only index fund that doesn’t always behave like its underlying investments. Rydex S&P 500 Fund is a $256 million portfolio that seeks to match the market with swaps, options, futures contracts and other indirect techniques, in addition to the stocks themselves. + +So Rydex S&P 500 turns its portfolio over at an annualized rate of 133%, implying that it holds its average investment for, at most, nine months at a time. Most S&P 500 index funds have turnover rates of 5% or less, equivalent to an average holding period of at least 20 years. + +The Rydex fund costs between 1.6% and 2.3% annually, the most of any S&P 500 index fund, according to Morningstar. But it tends to underperform the market by a margin even slightly wider than its already distended expenses. In 2016, for instance, it lagged the market by nearly 0.4 percentage points more than its expenses. Extra trading costs money. +Ivy McLemore, a spokesman for Guggenheim Investments, which offers the Rydex funds, says the fund is used by — and most suitable for — short-term traders. It “has performed in line with expectations,” given its expenses, he says. +The word “index” is related to the Latin word for forefinger. Index funds are meant to be indicators. If you own one, it should passively track the performance of a broad basket of stocks, bonds or other assets — and its own returns should indicate, almost exactly, how the underlying investments performed. + +If they don’t, something is wrong. + +Source: The Wall Street Journal, http://on.wsj.com/2iLkbBf + +http://jasonzweig.com/the-rot-that-lies-beneath-some-index-funds/ + + +**Vanguard’s 2017 Prediction: A Record $350 Billion In New Cash** + +*Vanguard benefiting from shift away from money managers who specialize in handpicking winners* + +SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.—Vanguard Group quadrupled in size over the last eight years. It is about to get even bigger. + +The money management giant is on pace to collect a record one-year total of about $350 billion in investor cash by the end of 2017, Chief Executive F. William McNabb III said in an interview Wednesday following a shareholder meeting in Scottsdale, Ariz. That estimate hasn’t previously been disclosed. + +“It’s an extraordinary number,” Mr. McNabb said of money flowing into the firm. + +The expected haul, which would exceed Vanguard’s prior record by $27 billion, reinforces an industrywide shift away from money managers who specialize in handpicking winners. + +Vanguard has become one of the main beneficiaries of the growing preference by investors for lower-cost, so-called passive funds, which track the performance of indexes. It pioneered the index fund for retail investors 40 years ago. + +Vanguard’s outsize heft was a topic of discussion at its Scottsdale meeting Wednesday, the first firmwide gathering for shareholders since 2009. One Vanguard Group shareholder marveled at the wave of new investor cash the money manager has attracted in recent years and asked executives if they are taking any precautions to make sure that success doesn’t go to their heads. + +“It is probably the thing we worry most about at Vanguard,” Mr. McNabb told the shareholder. “That success can breed complacency.” + +The last time shareholders came together for a firmwide meeting Vanguard’s assets under management were $1.1 trillion and money going into its passively managed funds accounted for about 78% of total net inflows during 2009. + +Now its assets are $4.8 trillion and passively managed funds accounted for 91% of inflows through the first 10 months of this year. Net flows into Vanguard funds so far this year accounted for about 51% of total net flows into all U.S. mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, according to Morningstar Inc. + +“We’re a very different company than we were 10 years ago,” Mr. McNabb said in the interview. + +Some customers have complained of longer call wait times while Vanguard’s assets ballooned. Mr. McNabb said Wednesday the company has added 1,200 customer service staff members to a 5,000-person team in the last year. The firm’s processing backlog is down and wait times are shorter, according to Mr. McNabb. + +“We just didn’t see the continued cash flow” that Vanguard eventually received, he said. + +Shareholders in most funds approved six management proposals Wednesday, the company said, including the election of trustees and permission to hire or fire internal managers for the majority of the company’s 195 funds. The proxy vote was the largest ever by a mutual-fund firm, Mr. McNabb told shareholders. + +Vanguard reserved a large beige-walled conference room at a Doubletree Resort that was divided by a collapsible wall. The first room had about 300 chairs and a second had additional rows of seating, should more clients than expected attend. It turns out the extra room wasn’t needed, as 205 shareholders showed up. + +Customers made their way gradually to seats and filed one-by-one to microphones on either side of the conference room to ask questions. Executives answered from wooden chairs on a stage with a curtain behind them lighted with red light. + +Retired insurance industry executive Robert Hestekind, 78, arrived from Northeast Mesa, Ariz., to learn more about the proposals for which the money manager sought shareholder approval and get a glimpse of Vanguard’s founder. + +“I was hoping maybe we’d get to see Jack Bogle, ” he said. “He’s as big as Warren Buffett in my estimation.” + +But Mr. Bogle, 88, who founded Vanguard in 1975, wasn’t in attendance at Vanguard’s meeting. Mr. Bogle received an ovation at this year’s Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, where Berkshire Chief Warren Buffett said the Vanguard founder “has probably done more for the American investor than any man in the country.” + +One Vanguard Group shareholder asked executives on stage at the meeting if the company’s mutual structure might change. Mr. McNabb’s reply: “The short answer is no.” + +Mortimer J. “Tim” Buckley, who is set to succeed Mr. McNabb in January, chimed in, too. “I’ll second that,” Mr. Buckley said. + +Mr. McNabb said the structure, in which the firm is owned by its fund shareholders, is “the single biggest source of our distinct advantage.” He credited Mr. Bogle for setting up the company that way. + +Tom Kenney, a retiree who lives near Phoenix and used to work in advertising, came to the meeting to hear Vanguard’s view of financial markets. “It’s been going up and up and up,” Mr. Kenney said of markets, wondering when it might start to go “down, down, down.” + +Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/vanguards-2017-prediction-a-record-350-billion-in-new-cash-1510781259 + +Archive Source: http://archive.is/bH55G +I studied my ass off for this damn test and I was feeling way more confident, but not over confident. Going through it already before I still knew this was a beast of an exam. I actually scored lower too. I got a 70% the first time and 67% the second time. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm at a crossroads right now and highly disappointed with myself. I'm just trying to shrug it off for now and see whether my employer will sponsor me for a third time. I have my fingers crossed. + +DAMN! +I am a college student who is absolutely broke. I applied (and got) a job at the school on the 15th, however the stupid school is SO slow that I have yet to even be scheduled. I have contacted them endless amounts to no avail. I also applied and got a job at UPS last week, and that starts on Wednesday. + +Either way, I have two loan payments due, which total about $124. I can pay it, but I will have legit $4 left. What is the best way to get some money in the next day? Family is out of the question. + +I am stressed beyond belief. I really wish the school could get their crap together so I can finally start working. + +UPDATE: Thank you all for the very helpful replies! I've come to realize that there are TONS of opportunities to make money. Donating plasma and doing gigs from the Nextdoor app or others seems like it may work. I'm also gonna try DoorDash and Uber Eats. Selling stuff, helping people, etc. This is a fantastic community, if you have any more ideas, please share them for others to see as well! +**This is like an adrenaline shot of confirmation bias that every bit of fact finding 🦍’s have conducted these last 6 months are VALID & that MSM is gaslighting us into believing we are just Reddit conspiracy theorists who know nothing.** + +Edit1: We should get Jeff Connaughton or Ted Kaufman on for an AMA. + + +This post details some of the things that were happening behind the scenes during Clinton’s administration & Obama’s administration. These details are from former chief of staff to Ted Kaufman, Jeff Connaughton(JC) in his book The payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins. (Note JC is a Democrat, so that is why he was only part of White House during democratic presidency’s. Also this book was written in 2012, ~10 years ago) + +(Note2 I read on an iPhone so page numbers are different on here than a traditional book when citing) + +JC also served as a special assistant to the counsel of the president during Clinton’s 1st term. In between chief of staff & special assistant he served time as a lobbyist. + +These “findings” will be limited to JC’S experiences. I decided to share because of the timeline of when they occur & I thought they were interesting pieces to our puzzle. + +*This post is lengthy, but should be quite easy to read. Honestly most of the work goes to the author because of how concise & easy to understand the writing is.* + +###Breakpoints +- Wall Streets Influence in Clinton’s administration +- The Blob +- Naked Short Selling & The SEC + + +#Wall Streets Influence + +Bill In Review: Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 + +Excerpt about this bill: + +“A corporate coalition - Wall Street banks and brokers, accountants, insurers, Silicon Valley—wanted the bill, which would make it more difficult to prove securities fraud, passed intact. The bill’s opponents felt it would shield securities fraud by these companies. Particularly troublesome to them were provisions regarding the statements companies make about future performance.” (P171-172) + +**Basically it is now harder to prove securities fraud as well as provides safety to companies for including forward looking statements & prospective information. (Hello Enron) ** + +**JC account with this bill involved counseling Bill Clinton himself. Pushing the president that this bill is not good for the public, to which it seems the president agrees.** + +Here is the part that stands out to me + +“If the president has to think very hard before taking on this kind of fight, I thought to myself, imagine how disproportionately unlikely it is for Washington’s lower castes to dare do the same.”(P178) + +**So even the president of the United States faces severe pressure from Wall Street to bend to their whims. Anyway, JC counsels Clinton, and Clinton is onboard to amend the bill.** + +**The amendment corrects securities fraud protection & removes forward looking statements.(Excerpt below)** + +“I called a staffer in Senator Paul Sarbanes’s office. I briefed him that if Sarbanes would offer an amendment that would preserve the viability of a securities-fraud action against company executives who had “actual knowledge” that, a forward-looking statement was fraudulent, the White House would support it”(P180) + +**Great, so everything is good right? Nope** + +“The vote began, and it looked for a while like we were going to win. Then Dodd started working his fellow senators. It soon became apparent it was going to be a tie. Finally, Dodd voted against the amendment, which failed by one vote.” + +**Yup Dodd, you know the senator behind the Dodd-Frank act? He not only voted with Wall Street, he spearheaded the damn thing. Dodd is a Democrat, who went against a democratic president helping Wall Street & screwing the little guy. Wowzers ** + +**Anyway the amendment gets rejected, original bill gets passed by the senate. ** + +“Some have speculated that Clinton wanted to have it both ways: he vetoed the bill, but also signaled to Dodd that he wouldn’t be overly displeased if two-thirds of Congress voted to override it. I don’t know whether that’s true or false.”(P186) + +**Clinton vetoes. Senates votes 2/3 to override it.** + +**So seems Bill wanted to have his cake & eat it too. Whether this case is true or not, Clinton went on in his second term to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act leaving derivatives transactions unregulated. ** + + + +#The Blob + +“The Blob (it’s really called that) refers to the government entities that regulate the finance industry—like the Banking Committee, Treasury Department, and SEC—and the army of Wall Street representatives and lobbyists that continuously surrounds and permeates them. The Blob moves together. Its members are in constant contact by e-mail and phone. They dine, drink, and take vacations together. Not surprisingly, they frequently intermarry. “Indeed, a good way to maximize your family income in DC is to specialize in financial issues and marry someone in The Blob. Ideally, you and your spouse take turns: One of you works for a bank, insurance company, or lobbying firm while the other works for a government entity that regulates, or enacts legislation for, the financial industry. Every few years, you reverse roles: “Sally Striver, staffer on the Senate Banking Committee,” so might read a typical notice in Roll Call, “today announced her departure to work for the Financial Services Roundtable”; inevitably, she’s replaced with someone from the financial industry because, so runs the justification, the committee needs people familiar with the issues. What you and your spouse do all the time is share information.”(P250) + +**Wow. Idk this was enraging when I read it. The fact that this happens so blatantly that it’s given a nickname because it’s so fucking common & accepted is sickening. Just more evidence of the revolving door between regulators & financial institutions to game the system.** + +This is during JC’s time as chief of staff: + +“Ted and I quickly learned that, when you take on Wall Street in Washington, you take on The Blob. We were fighting deeply entrenched interests and a deeply ingrained institutional culture.” + +**You have to fight through a financial mob so to speak to even begin to create reform. Translated: 🦍 need to stay 💪 to get reform past the blob for financial fairness in the markets.** + + +#Naked Short Selling & The SEC + +**This part is a little bit longer, but I just wasn’t expect this to be in this book nor to this extent.** + +(Senator Johnny Isakson) +“Isakson and Ted shared an interest in financial issues, and both had recently received complaints from constituents about the naked short selling of stocks by hedge funds and about the SEC’s rescission of the uptick rule.” + +“Many ordinary investors, including Kaufman and me, have sold stocks short from time to time. But there’s an important difference. When I sell stock short, my brokerage firm makes me borrow the shares of stock before I do the short sale. This ensures that I can deliver the shares at the required time for settlement of the trade. Banks and brokerage houses make a lot of money charging people to borrow stock for short sales. +The SEC rule, however, doesn’t require that everyone borrow the stock. A short seller only needs to have a “reasonable belief” that he can locate the stock in time to deliver it at settlement, which happens three days later. Selling a stock without intending to locate it in time for settlement is naked short selling. It amounts to selling shares that don’t exist, which increases the supply of a stock in a way that can push its price down. +Since the Depression, the SEC had required short sellers to wait for an uptick in price before selling short. Forcing short sellers to wait for the price to tick up before they sell more shares gives a breather to a stock in rapid decline and helps prevent bear raids, which are essentially attacks on a stock (typically by hedge funds) with the aim of driving down its price to ensure that their short selling is profitable. The uptick rule was in force for nearly seventy years. In 2007, the SEC rescinded it. In Mary Schapiro’s confirmation hearings before the Senate Banking Committee, she was asked repeatedly whether she would restore the uptick rule. Schapiro, who took office as SEC chairman in January 2009, all but promised she would. +Nothing happened.” +(P252-254) + +**I mean wow. Talk about spitting some straight DD. This book was written 2012, and if I just read this correctly it sounds like Congress & White House 100% understand this shit exists & are complicit in naked short selling existing. But wait it keeps going.** + +“The pushback from the Blue Team was followed by pushback from The Blob. I received an e-mail from a lobbyist (and former Dodd staffer) who represented a large hedge fund well known for short selling. She warned me that it would be bad for my career if Ted and I went after short selling. She added that Ted and I looked like deranged conspiracy theorists for seeking to explore whether short selling had played a role in the downfall of firms like Lehman Brothers”(P257) + +**Does that sound familiar ? I guess everyone is a conspiracy theorist around. Ohh & Lehman brothers also failed even with a plan to save them due to short sellers naked short selling them into the grave.** + +**More juice to squeeze.** + +At a senate meeting with the SEC: +“Senate staffers pointed out that the SEC was ignoring the fact that its short-selling manipulation rule was unenforceable. Hedge funds can spread false rumors about a stock and conduct massive short sales without locating the stock, even if they succeed in delivering the shares three days after the rumors. They could beat down a stock’s price repeatedly. The SEC people said little during the discussion. My impression was that they viewed it as another meeting to endure; after feigning to listen, they could simply continue to do things their way.”(P258) + +**Ok, read this next part carefully.** + +“They added that they couldn’t give us any details of the investigation but warned us that it’s almost impossible to prove intent under the current rule (that is, the reasonable-belief standard). Under this rule, anyone accused of naked short selling can simply say: “I reasonably believed I could find the stock in time.” In essence, the SEC lawyers confirmed our view that the rule against naked short selling was unenforceable and that they knew it.”(P259) + + +**How convenient. How oh so convenient. Honestly I do not think we see justice for these crimes. Unless the SEC amends this short selling rule, Kenny Mayo will be walking free. Floor is now $30 million** + +**Ohh but it gets better.** + + +“Most stock trades in the United States are cleared by a Wall Street backroom firm called the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation (DTCC). I suspected that the DTCC had extensive data on short selling. After a series of enquiries, I finally arranged for the DTCC’s general counsel (Larry Thompson) and one of its managing directors (Bill Hodash) to meet with me in Washington. We’d chatted for about fifteen minutes when Larry startled me by saying, “We want to be part of the solution, and we think we have a proposal that will work. “It turns out that months previously the DTCC had gone to the SEC with a proposed solution to naked short selling: The DTCC would create a computer system in which the actual shares of a stock must first be declimated (more simply: flagged or identified) before a broker could sell shares short. A centralized database would prevent the same shares from being used for multiple short sales. The DTCC believed that such a system would effectively stop naked short selling for the shares it cleared, which represented a vast majority of all shares traded in the United States. Larry told us that the SEC had received the DTCC proposal months ago but hadn’t done any follow-up. Instead, the SEC had asked Larry whether he was sure that the DTCC board (which is made up of representatives of Wall Street brokerage firms) supported the proposal.”(P259-261) + + +“Within a month of hearing about the DTCC’s idea, I’d helped Kaufman recruit seven other senators to write to “recruit seven other senators to write to the SEC endorsing the idea as a potential solution to abusive short selling.”(P261) + +“Not long after receiving the letter, the SEC announced it would hold a public roundtable to discuss naked short selling and possible solutions on September 24, 2009. I was convinced we were making progress.”(P261) + +“To its roundtable the SEC had invited nine banking-industry participants, all but one of whom was in favor of maintaining the status quo. During the meeting, the DTCC representative sat mute and didn’t even mention the DTCC’s proposed solution for naked short selling. Afterwards, I went over to Larry and Bill and asked “What happened?” Sheepishly, and to their credit, they admitted, “We got pulled back.” They meant: by their board, by the Wall Street powers-that-be. It was just as the”(P264) + +“There were two reasons why Wall Street didn’t want to adopt it. First, banks make an enormous amount of money lending stock for short sales, and so no big bank wanted to change the status quo. Second, and perhaps more importantly, stocks now traded in microseconds; millions of shares change hands (including in short-selling transactions) in the blink of an eye. High-frequency traders would oppose any solution, like the DTCC’s, that required that shares be located and marked before being sold short. A high-frequency trade has no time to get its ticket stamped before jumping on its high-speed train.”(P266) + +**I know that was a lot here’s a quick breakdown.** + +**DTCC had a solution to fix naked short selling in 2008. They reached out to SEC to propose the changes. DTCC is made up of Wall Street execs. SEC roundtable was setup to fix naked short selling. DTCC sits on their thumbs during the roundtable because their board, Wall Street, has reeled them back in. Naked short selling is highly profitable from fee collection on lent stocks. High frequency traders don’t want to execute orders correctly, just quickly.** + +**But holy fuck. I mean everything is here in this book from ~10 years ago. ** + +Here’s some more tidbits of confirmation bias that 🦍 are not crazy & we are 10000% correct. + +“Altogether, off-market trading—in dark pools or internally at broker-dealers—accounts for nearly one quarter of U.S. stock-trading volume. For retail investor orders, it may be twice that amount.”(P271) + + +**Ohh so almost 50% of retail trades being routed to dark pools. Sound familiar ??** + + +“It would’ve been easy, and quite understandable, for us to be convinced by Wall Street’s unanimous message. But we’d been educating ourselves about these issues and we were convinced that there were, to use Donald Rumsfeld’s locution, too many unknown unknowns for us to stop burrowing for answers and prodding the SEC.”(P274) + +**Sounds like fellow 🦍 to me.** + + +“One HFT strategy is called pinging. It involves attempting to “uncover how much an investor is willing to pay—or sell for—by sending out a stream of probing quotes that are swiftly cancelled until they elicit a response. +The traders then buy or short the targeted stock ahead of the investor, offering it to them a fraction of a second later for a tidy profit. “ +There are also momentum strategies (in which traders take a position in a stock and then use HFT to generate market momentum that would benefit their position) and liquidity-detection strategies (in which traders use HFT to front-run—that is, buy or sell microseconds ahead of—incoming orders from pension and mutual funds). An SEC staffer stated that in some instances these strategies “could be manipulation” and “would concern us.”(P275-276) + +“The Tabb Group estimated in 2009 that HFT generates $8 billion in profits annually. The question is: How much of this profit is from legitimate practices this profit is from legitimate practices that benefits all investors, and how much of it is effectively an illicit toll extorted from average investors without their knowledge?”(P277) + +**TLDR: HFS deploy strategies of market manipulation to screw over average investors. Sound familiar yet?** + + +**I will leave it with one last quote.** + +“Helping other senators understand HFT, flash orders, and dark pools was one challenge. Another was to get them to care. In Washington, if an issue isn’t in the newspapers, no senator is going to care much about it.” + +**I. E. 🦍 need to keep making noise, raising awareness of the manipulative issues that exist, that our votes depend on the correction of our markets & that 🦍’s will not let these issues slide into the darkness. This also shows why every newspaper & news source ice being bought up by financial institutions.** + + + + +#TLDR: Chief Of Staff to a senator confirms every single issue 🦍’s have unraveled in last 6 months, chronicles the pervasive influence Wall Street holds on our government. + +###Our government will not listen UNLESS our independent collective voices are heard. These issues are resolved by 🦍’s. We may be the last hope of reform. +**DoorDash just went public in a crazy overvalued IPO, AirBNB will follow today. Today we get earnings from Lululemon, Adobe, Dave & Busters, Costco & more. Let’s talk about this and everything about the stock market** + +Hey everyone and Good Morning! So, let’s start with the recap of yesterday as we saw the [Nasdaq COMPOSITE](https://ibb.co/bzmy8C4) drop almost 2% and suffering its biggest loss since October after the 4-day win streak, the broad market [SP500](https://ibb.co/Kw3DKxD) also dropped .80% while the [Dow Jones](https://ibb.co/9GvPGh5) did much better, down just .35% for the day. We saw a huge spike in the volatility [index](https://ibb.co/RcShWPM) of over 7% closing at the highest level since the 23rd of November. + +We saw more companies declining [yesterday](https://ibb.co/YkqyTgh) as finally some stocks have started to move below the moving averages on about average volume for the day. + +We saw most of the [sectors](https://ibb.co/Wfn4Trj) in the red yesterday as Tech and Communications suffered the most dropping more than 1% for the day, with small gains being made in just the Industrials, Energy and Materials sectors as Growth companies suffered the most [yesterday](https://ibb.co/5hQKP88), especially the Large-Caps as you can see in this [HEAT MAP](https://ibb.co/V9bfV71), with all the big FAANG names and other big tech companies being deep in the red as Apple, Amazon, and Netflix dropped more than 2% for the day, while FB, Google and Microsoft also lost over 1%, but the big loser yesterday was Tesla losing 7% for the day. + +Today we will get some critical economic [data](https://ibb.co/qnkdTJz), and if this disappoints, we might see another big drop in the stock market, as the jobless claims will start us off in the early morning. + +Alongside this economic data, today the [FDA](https://ibb.co/0906d6L) may approve the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine, that could lead to a vaccine rollout starting next week. This might help the markets have a more positive reaction if the FDA grants the authorization. + +One good thing in my opinion is that the most recent [survey](https://ibb.co/5WPhj8B) from the AAII showed a slight decrease in Bullish and Neutral investors while the Bearish camp gained more than 4% in the last week. + +Investors had gotten very bullish in the last weeks and this usually is a contrarian indicator, so seeing this small drop is a good thing to see, as I want more and more people to start feeling bearish so I can find and buy stocks at more attractive prices than the current ones. So, the more bearish people get, the more I like to get on and buy stocks. But still… there is to much of a concentration in the bull’s camp so we might have to wait a little, for more fear to appear in the stock market. + +Positive indicators also popped up yesterday as Wholesale [invetories](https://ibb.co/WxPPLpS) rose more than expected in October, as this led the Atlanta FED to maintain they’re Q4 GDP [estimates](https://ibb.co/SBZPtZP), while [Goldman](https://ibb.co/sQ42gCg) also thinks the economy will recover faster than expected starting with Q4 and going on next year. + +While on the jobs front, October job opening came in [better](https://ibb.co/4VdrTbQ) than expected at over 6,6M, as the job opening rate stood at 6,7% while the quits rate at just 2,2%. + +So, DoorDash went live [yesterday](https://ibb.co/LJtbPtH) at 182$ which is insane in my opinion, the current price gives the company a [valuation](https://ibb.co/kcBcpYW) of over $70B, more than 4 times what the company raised at the last private fundraising six months ago. This valuation is higher than Chipotle, Yum Brands, Domino’s and many others from the food industry. + +And by the way, don’t forget the stock is [trading](https://ibb.co/CP0Qgbr) at over 30 times sales of this year, which were hugely boosted by the current situation, and that food delivery is really hard for any company, especially one that expects to grow to have a share of more than 50% of the entire world in the sector so that it can justify the current valuation. + +One of the biggest gainers from this is SoftBank as they have a big stake in the company. The shares of SoftBank [skyrocketed](https://ibb.co/GnTSqJf) yesterday to new highs in almost two decades. Like almost every time, the biggest gainers in this IPOs are the banks and not us the retail investors. + +With the other big [IPO](https://ibb.co/Ld0pMdz) yesterday being C3.ai which also opened way above the IPO price, as investors can’t get enough of this stock’s, I don’t think this is a healthy hype for this type of IPOs, investors expect every new company to just skyrocket but, not all of them will, and paying such a high premium is not worth it most time, better wait for a pullback before getting some action on these stocks. + +Today we will see [AirBNB](https://ibb.co/Hxd70Tb) go public, as the valuation for this company also gets higher and higher, as they have started selling shares for 68$ even higher than the latest targeted price between 56-60$. And if DoorDash is any [indication](https://ibb.co/8cb3yTs), I don’t think we will be able to get our hands on this stock below 100$. Way above my 70-80$ max price that I am willing to pay, so I am going to wait this out also until they have a pullback, maybe once the first earnings come out, that will be the case. But if somehow the IPO is under 80$ and especially under 70$ I would be willing to get some action. + +Some other [news](https://ibb.co/H4Pxqmq) from the stock market which pushed companies like Facebook lower came in when almost every US state filed a lawsuit against the company. In the long run, if this happens just like with the Google lawsuit, the sum of the parts of the company is bigger than the company itself, so I don’t really have any worries long-term about Facebook or Google, as they are the 2 of the biggest advertising platforms in the world. + +While [REAL ESTATE](https://ibb.co/0X85Cb4) is starting to make a small comeback in New York, as leases jumped 30% year over year in November to around 4000 new ones, but it will still take a very long time before things go back to where they stood before this year. + +Also, we will have a lot of earnings results today as [Oracle](https://ibb.co/jb5CPPV), Lululemon, Adobe, Dave & Busters, Costco, Broadcom and others report. + +I expect [Lululemon](https://ibb.co/J2MBWD2) to beat the estimates and the stock to regain momentum after it has struggled since the beginning of September. And just like analysts from Raymond James [said](https://ibb.co/gFL3T0s), the only underlying story problem for investors it’s the valuation, but this will soon go away, as people will buy this brand even more once the reopening begins. + +Likewise, [Dave & Buster's](https://ibb.co/L0rY2YS) may have smaller loses than expected last quarter as restaurants weren’t hit so badly like before or like this quarter. + +While [BROADCOM](https://ibb.co/b5kYKLB) stands to benefit a lot from the recent move in semiconductor industry especially for data centers that stands to benefit them a lot. + +[COSTCO](https://ibb.co/D19qrSc) will also report earnings after the close, and is expected to show over 14% growth in eps and revenues since last year, as they are one of the best retailers to own as a shareholder, even if they always trade at a premium. + +Adobe just released earnings while writing this post and here are the excelent results that the company [posted](https://ibb.co/kyzBLjv). Now let's see how the stock reacts, will it go down or up? + +So, guys, don’t forget not to panic sell when you see a big red day in the markets, just look at this Wells Fargo [chart](https://ibb.co/yQwKpt0). + +Investors who added 30% more exposure to equities, and took the money from investment-grade fixed income largely outperform the rest of the investors, while the average investor who does a quarterly rebalancing also did very good and is still up over 10% for the year, while investors who reduced the equity exposure by 50% and put that money into fixed income or kept it in cash are up just 2%. With by far the worst results seen in investors who removed all of the exposure to equities, they are down 6% for the year. + +Just be patient, trust the companies that you like and keep investing every time you can. In the long-run markets will always go UP & UP. + +Thank you everyone for reading! Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion on the stock market! + +Have a great day and see you next time! +We're starting to think about what our living situation might be like in retirement and are leaning towards having two places. A city place and a beach or mountain place might be nice. Having trouble deciding on locations though and hoping for some inspiration. + +If you have two homes and move between them, how does it work for you? + +How far apart are your places? Do you drive between them or have to fly? + +Do you move seasonally or just whenever you feel like it? + +How is upkeep on the home you don't live in for X months out of the year? + +Does each place have a different vibe? How so? + +Do you rent it out when not there? + +Do you enjoy having the change of scenery, or does it start to become an inconvenience? +Bought a home to live in but we're not loving the area so far so we're looking to make some updates and flip. We need to update the electric system for sure. Is finishing the basement worth it? What other improvements have the highest IRR in your experience? +So the scenario is, I placed an offer on a home subject to a 15 day inspection window. I had the inspection done inside the widow and the inspector said “I can’t get into the crawl space, the foundation has shifted and it’s too tight” end of inspection. The seller disclosed there is foundation problems - so this was to be expected and I didn’t immediately respond to the seller asking for repairs to be done as I wasn’t sure what all was needed + +Fast forward a few days I hire a foundation / water mitigation company to come out to quote for repairs (FYI - now we are outside the 15 day inspection window per the contract), they find a guy who can fit in the crawl and he come back up and says “there is lots of black mold and cats living under the crawl. The insulation will need to be ripped out and floor lifted with waterproofing and new insulation installed” + +As stated before, the foundation issue was disclosed, however the mold issue was not - I decide this is too much for me to take on (quote for repairs was 18k and seller was trying to sell “as is”) + +Do I have any right to my $1000 earnest money back? It’s true I decided to walk after the inspection window but the seller never disclosed the mold issue we found...thoughts? +I’ve never seen so many people steadfast in the opinion that once rates start rising next year, that most financial markets are going to tank. The market as a whole appears to be ‘expecting’ it. +For people who were investing from 2001-07, was the public discourse like this back then as well? +Surely the majority can’t be right here? +If this is true, we're all too damn worried about the SWR, and should aim for more time. + +http://www.aei.org/publication/retirees-arent-running-out-of-money-but-why/ +I retired at 37 at the end of last year, setting aside 1 years worth of cash from a secondary stock sale in a money market, which will see us through the year. Nearly all of our wealth is in our brokerage account. + +Next year onward, I'll be entering brokerage account drawdown phase, but I'm not sure how to estimate our tax obligation. We plan to draw 400k per year (inflation adjusted) out of a 20mm account. + +The brokerage account is primarily ETFs with a small portion in municipal and other bond funds. The ETFs will generate about 150k in dividends. The bond funds will generate about 150k of fixed income. We plan to generate the other 100k through sales during periodic rebalancing. + +How do we estimate our effective tax rate entering this new phase of life? + +I'll take the next few months to decide how to allocate 15mm (bringing us to the 20mm mentioned). For others drawing similar amounts primarily from a brokerage account, would you change anything with respect to income generation from a tax efficiency standpoint? + +edit: We live in the US & hope to take long term capital gains as much as possible. +I have $1000 and I am wanting to use the [couch potato strategy](https://canadiancouchpotato.com/model-portfolios/) with TD e-Series funds. The problem is if your account is under $15000 you pay $100 a year. Are there any ways I can invest? +I'm turning 62 this year, and thinking about when to draw SS. Right now, I'm leaning towards drawing it this year. Here's my reasoning: Most of my brothers-in-laws died in their 50's & 60's. Dad only made it to 62, and never got a dime from SS. I just get a nagging feeling that I may not live a long life. Drawing it now would allow me to give more to charity. + +On the other hand, drawing SS at 70 results in a 75% higher benefit compared to drawing at 62. I have assets and really don't need the money now. What do you think? +State turned me down for help, my only asset is my car. I have $500 left in a checking account. I have medical bills, credit card bills, and car insurance that I can't pay. Seriously I have no clue what to do. I've been filling out job applications for months. I'm not qualified to stock cans on shelves apparently. I'm contemplating suicide and that's not a joke. +It's going up 10 times every 8 days or so. And now it's getting a foot hold in all sorts of new huge cities like Chicago. + +How stupid is it for me to sell my entire Roth IRA and put in a limit order for 10% less (s&p index) +I normally don't post, so forgive me for any formatting errors. I felt that this info was surprisingly missing from the sub. + +News sources are trying to pin the price drop on Ascendiant Capital Group's downgrade. Lets put aside the lazy habit of financial journalism to connect a price movement on any random bit of information (with no other supporting evidence beyond that they both happened somewhat close to each other). Who exactly is this analyst? I'm pretty skeptical about analysts to begin with but it's always worth exploring the 'who' behind the words. + +Check out this tweet by The Gamestop ECOSYSTEM (an account you might recognize interacting with DOMO Capital): [https://twitter.com/GMEshortsqueeze/status/1381662476740272131](https://twitter.com/GMEshortsqueeze/status/1381662476740272131) + +Direct link to exhibit A as found in the tweet: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyymhSBWQAI8xCz?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyymhSBWQAI8xCz?format=jpg&name=medium) + +Exhibit B: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eyyhny8WQAMZwLL?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eyyhny8WQAMZwLL?format=jpg&name=large) + +To save everyone a click + +1. An FINRA arbitration panel found their brokers engaged in "acts of fraud and malice" +2. There's complaint of these brokers giving customers bad prices on ETFs and pocketing the difference +3. They've been implicated in false rumour and naked shorting schemes (in the same document where Citadel is being accused of the same) + +While you have to take analysts with a heavy grain of salt, it's almost as if we have an unscrupulous actor with an agenda here. I'll let others draw whatever conclusion they'd like off this info. + + +EDIT: Thanks for the hands touching and eye awards folks! I'd like to direct anyone who wants to read the SEC documents in full to check out [u/LordTaylorian1973](https://www.reddit.com/user/LordTaylorian1973/)'s post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mph769/why\_is\_ascendiant\_downgrading\_of\_gamestop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mph769/why_is_ascendiant_downgrading_of_gamestop/) +A few days ago I [put up a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/gaskdj/the_irish_housing_market_crash_vs_the_potential/) asking for resources about the Irish housing market crash, as I'm doing my own research about housing market crashes (I'm interested in determining the likelihood of a housing market crash in Australia). + +My research brought me to a paper by an Irish economist (Professor Morgan Kelly) who successfully predicted the Irish ☘️ housing market crash, and came across a paper he wrote in 2007 (just prior to the property crash in Ireland), and thought it would be worth sharing. + +**Key research findings:** + +* Typically, real house prices give up 70 per cent of what they gained in a boom during the bust that follows. This is a remarkably robust relationship, holding across very different OECD housing markets over more than 30 years. +* Looking at nearly 40 booms and busts in OECD economies since 1970, it was determined that the size of the initial boom is a strong predictor of the size and duration of the subsequent bust. +* In contrast to stock or currency markets, falls are prolonged, usually lasting 5 to 7 years, with the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Japan all experiencing more than a decade of falls. + +For those interested in reading the paper themselves, here is the link: [https://filebin.ca/5LJpeRNzMwjn](https://filebin.ca/5LJpeRNzMwjn) + +Make of it what you wish, and as always do your own research. + +(**NOTE**: anecdotally I've heard that when he was making this prediction almost all other economists and so called property experts in Ireland were saying why he was wrong and how Ireland is different from other countries) +I am aware of a couple companies that trade under $0.75 that are legitimate companies moving in the right direction, albeit in the lumpy growth phase, but each Q presents predictable, stable, positive news. + +&#x200B; + +I'm just wondering - where is the bottom?! The share price beatdowns seem merciless and unwarranted, but they have to stop eventually, right? (Right!?!) + +I understand market conditions affect share price, I have seen and felt the floor of many stocks, but the pennies just keep going toward ZERO. I accumulate and DCA because I believe in these companies, but this is my first time holding pennies over a year, thinking....they can't get any lower! + +What experience do folks have catching falling knives? +THINK LOGICALLY FOR A MOMENT ABOUT WHY SUDDENLY THERE ARE SO MANY "DON'T DANCE" POSTS ON YOUR SUBREDDIT, THINK FOR A MINUTE, JUST A MOMENT ABOUT WHAT THAT MEANS. + +THE POST ABOUT COINTELPRO GOES DOWN, THE GOOMBLER GETS SUSPENDED, YOU GUYS START BECOMING MORE AGGRESSIVE AND STEP UP YOUR MOVES AGAINST CITADEL. SUDDENLY, A BUNCH OF CONCERNED PEOPLE WANT YOU TO "NOT PLAY THEIR GAME". + +"DON'T DANCE TO THEIR TUNE" "DON'T FIGHT BACK". + +ARE YOU COWARDS? OR ARE YOU MEN? + +The enemy obviously is dancing as hard as they can, time to make this movie "You got served 2: Gamestop Boogaloo." + +They complain because they FEAR you. Dance like your lives depended on it. + +EDIT: [https://i.imgur.com/E1O7mVF.gif](https://i.imgur.com/E1O7mVF.gif) + +EDIT 2: YES, THE CRASH WILL HURT PEOPLE BUT REMEMBER THAT IT'S DIFFERENT THIS TIME. THE MONEY IS GOING INTO OUR POCKETS, NOT THEIRS. WE'RE NOT LIKE THE HEDGIES. WE ARE GOING TO REBUILD. +Putting together an emergency fund (as a homeowner) and have included the following: + +* Mortgage +* Utilities +* Internet +* Food & Drink +* Phone +* Council Tax +* Home Insurance +* Boiler costs +* Home maintenance Fund + +Am I missing anything? +I’ve been reading a lot about this stock and feels it’s undervalued, however I know they are a lot of debt too. I’m debating getting in: it’s had a real rundown and thinking it may have more to fall before it goes back up. Any holders? Thoughts? +hi, i'm opening this discussion in hopes someone more knowledgeable will jump in and share. + +today, the USDCAD broke through 1.27 and down to around 1.267, a drop of almost 1% in the USD relative to the loonie. this is down from the March 2020 high of \~1.46. + +for me, as someone who holds a lot of VFV (canadian traded ETF that tracks the S&P500, unhedged) basically what this means today is that while the s&p gained 0.7% VFV was actually down -0.05%, because the USD dropped relative to the CAD. + +so, it seems when the USDCAD goes down (meaning CAD is gaining relative to USD), if you're holding american equities in CAD your gains will much smaller than if you had exchanged those CAD into USD and bought the american stocks/indices directly. but at the same time, it doesn't really matter because those USD you converted from CAD would be worth less so it amounts to the same thing. + +anyways enough of my rambling...any more seasoned investors who have been through several USD/CAD cycles care to weigh in on how this tumbling USD will affect future outlook? also, is anyone else surprised that CAD is gaining on USD (i thought canada was printing as much if not more than the US...maybe other factors in play like oil going up?) thanks +I'm not sure if this is the proper subreddit for this question but any help is appreciated. I have seen many conflicting statements on how this will go on several forums but nothing concrete. + +I own shares on the TSX/TSE (Toronto stock exchange) of Aphria (its trades on both TSX and NASDAQ). + +As I'm sure many of know they are merging with another company called Tilray (Which only trades on the NASDAQ) + +Page 4 of the link states the terms of this agreement. +https://aphriainc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Aphria-and-Tilray-Investor-Presentation-December-2020-.pdf + +As far as I can tell nowhere in it do they mention what happens to people with TSX shares. Am I wrong to think that is kind of messed up? + +Will my shares be converted to NASDAQ shares at the same conversion rate as everyone else but with the added complication of exchange rates? + +Will the new company that is technically majority Aphria (but changing their name to Tilray) continue to just trade on the TSX but under the new name? + +Is it actually clear what's happening in the document but I am just too stupid to understand? + +Please help... Thanks! +26 year old who just started investing this year. Working full time, approximately 50-60k/year after tax. 0 debt, currently do not have too many expenses. Looking at a long term horizon (>25-30 years). My current plan is to continue pumping $500 biweekly for as long as I can into my TFSA, and $350/month into my RRSP. Whatever is left on my monthly budget I will throw in as well. + +Being relatively young my risk tolerance is high as I won’t be needing this money anytime soon. Currently I’m investing fully into XEQT 100% equities. + +Firstly, I apologize if this is a stupid question! I’ve been learning about dividend investing and have been looking to incorporate it into my portfolio. + +Would it be feasible to pump 90% into XEQT, and have 10% on reliable dividends (eg TD, ENB, CNR)? Would allocating this amount of my portfolio into the dividends be enough to compound effectively over a longer time frame? Or would allocating more to dividends overall make more sense (e.g 80%/20, 70/30 etc) and be more effective? + +In this case, would it make more sense to just put everything into XEQT? Alternatively with my risk tolerance level and age incorporating 5-10% of my portfolio on growth stocks that have a higher risk? + +Again sorry if this isn’t a good question, just been reading about developing a dividend portfolio and wanted to make sure that this allocation would be a feasible strategy in the longterm. Thank you in advance! +Good dividend investment? They own a lot of high quality buildings/buildings with high quality tenants. They have 12 industrial areas leased to Purolator and one to Amazon. One to Pepsi, one Hudson's Bay, and three to Sysco Foods among many others. + +Now the real beauty is their retail portfolio: it is mostly occupied by grocery stores of which are not closing even during the pandemic (if they did the world really would come to an end as we know it). They have lease agreements with 11 Metro locations and 10 Sobeys. + +There are 25 residential multi-units in their portfolio. + +From their dividend payout history, this company has consistently paid out dividends even throughout the 2009 financial crisis. What do you guys think? HR.UN is the ticker. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +I'm as poor as a church mouse so it's daily, dirt-cheap TV dinners for me with zero room for snacks or anything extra. + +I find myself constantly dreaming about just being able to enjoy a stack of pancakes, a tuna sandwitch, potato chips, a burger or a homeade meatloaf dinner. I don't care about lobster, giant steaks or caviar...just very basic, normal food that I can't afford. + +I can't even imagine what it would be like to actually eat out and no, I can't just "get a job", go on food stamps, play the lottery, etc. +As the title says, I fully understand the reasoning behind DRS. It hasn’t clicked for me until now. Why is that? That’s a great question and thanks for asking. I have DRS’d my shares previously just because I wanted to see what the big deal was. I thought to myself “ok fine I’ll just move them and that’s it. It’s no like it’s going to make a difference”. WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!! + +All of a sudden it clicked for me just recently because I’m starting to see a lot of fuckery with brokers desperately wanting to make love to a school boy (Dumb and Dumber reference)….I mean desperately needing shares and are doing whatever they can to get their filthy stinking hands on them. I saw a voicemail post earlier where someone received a voicemail from their broker and wanted to borrow their shares. DING DING DING DING DING 🛎 🛎 🛎 🛎 🛎 . + +Now I said to myself “Holy Shit…these fuckers are really desperate because they can’t find shares”. The reason why I am posting this is because I’m pretty sure there are many people like me out there that didn’t grasp the reasoning behind the DRS concept and why it’s important. There are probably people who haven’t even DRS’d their shares yet. That’s ok because I was like that too up until recently. I chuckle as I write this because the cherry on top of all of this…is the fucking infinity ♾ pool 🏊‍♂️ that gets mentioned….click…click…now THAT makes sense to me. + +“bUt DrS hAsN’t MaDe A dIfFeReNcE…rOcKeT 🚀 hAnDs 🙌…..PeW pEw…” +Yeah that’s cool and all but you have to realize that this wont make a difference overnight. Stop being impatient. The DRS chatter is going on for almost a year now and the message is spreading stronger now than before. Great things take time to build. Based on what’s happening, this is so beautiful to watch it all unfold and we are building a massive DRS skyscraper. You do what you want because it’s your decision. I made my decision and I know I’m making a difference. Small effort, big effort…doesn’t matter because at least you’re making the effort. + +Edit: forgot to include this gem…www.drsgme.org + +Edit: Thank you for the awards. Just trying to help spread the DRS message + +TLDR; yea I’m slow and I finally realized why DRS is important. Don’t think too long about it and just do it. Brokers are getting desperate and are trying to find different ways to get their sweaty palms on YOUR SHARES. Don’t give them that opportunity. INFINITY ♾ POOL 🏊‍♂️!!!! +Hi Guys, + +I've lurked on here for a very long time and done a fair bit of research. My findings are: + +\- People on here do not believe we are at the bottom of the housing price correction by a long measure. + +\- Australia is heading for recession. + +So with that in mind, I'd like some advice on what to do with $60k in savings. Given the second point above, would I be foolish to invest in Australia-focused ETFs or LICs at this time? I have $5k in VGS already, would it be worth putting more in there? My goals are to grow the money as opposed to developing a passive income stream at this time so assume ETFs are the way to go? + +I really hate the fact this money is sitting in my bank account and not being sweated so would really appreciate some advice on an investment strategy for it. + +Also, just as a side question, why do people in here invest in LICs when they are young? Would you not be better off investing 100% in ETFs and growing your capital until you are in a situation where you have enough capital to switch to LICs and earn a steady income from the funds? It seems like if you invest in LICs when you're young you are skimming off the gains you make and not re-investing them (and missing out on compound interest). + +Thanks a lot for any advice you can offer. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: I really shouldn't have mentioned the word property - I don't want advice on buying a house, I want advice on alternative investments like ETFs. +I understand Disney stock value has been stagnant for a few years. I'm predicting a lot of change though. I'm betting they finish acquiring Fox, they get majority ownership of Hulu, and other popular IPs. + +Looking at the streaming potential alone: content is king. If Disney pulls off a streaming service and can offer all of their content on it (House of Mouse stuff, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, ESPN stuff) then they would have the streaming platform with the best content. They could stream new release movies direct to consumer. They could stream Monday Night Football (ESPN holds the right to this broadcast) straight to consumer, no cable required. + +Netflix has a higher market cap than Disney. Disney can do what Netflix is doing now, but better, in probably two years. Once the other major content providers develop their own streaming platforms what's going to be left on Netflix? + +You're telling me the corpse of House of Cards and Stranger Things is going to be a bigger draw than what Disney can offer? No way. I love that Netflix produces their own content but theyre literally 70 years behind Disney on content library. + +Why is the market not reacting to Disneys potential? Do they not think Disney will acquire Hulu? + +I realize the Disney acquisition of FOX is a lot more than Hulu and some IP, but that's literally all I'm focusing on and it should still be more than enough to send Disney's value way way up. + +What gives? What am I not appreciating? +I was just lucky enough to get my first 6 fig job in Tech. It’s been a long road but wanted to share my story and how I got to where I am. Hopefully it can help someone else. + +I am 26 years old and live in a major US city. I dropped out of college during my junior year after one of my parents passed away and left myself with quite a bit of debt. I have a bad relationship with my living parent and have no immediate family in the States. After dropping out (age 20), I got a job at Chipotle where I was a crew member who made $10.25 a hour. I lived in my 1998 altima that I bought in high school for almost 6 months while going to Planet Fitness for showers. I saved up enough money to get a small apartment in a bad part of town for around $650 a month (2 bed split with friend). 35 hours a week at Chipotle left me with almost nothing in my account after paying rent/utilities. I got two free meals at Chipotle so I loaded up on these bowls so food was not a large concern. I got a second job walking dogs that gave me a bit more financial flexibility. + +With the additional dog walking money plus a promotion, I got myself a laptop and started watching free youtube courses (free code camp.org saved my life). I would do this whenever I had free time and eventually after 6 months of working, walking dogs, and studying I felt confident enough to start exploring potential jobs in tech. I had no previous experience in tech as I was a Kinesiology major. I landed my first job as an IT helpdesk guy that paid $15 a hour. I did some embellishing during the interview process about my prior experience but I knew enough at this point to make it appear that I was knowledgeable. Keep in mind that many helpdesk positions don’t require degrees and I lied about having studied computer science when I was in college. I also studied how to interview which is a skill in itself. I applied to 40 or so places, got asked for an interview by 5, and ended up getting 1 offer. + +The job itself was super mundane but it beat working the grill at chipotle. I didn’t actually learn any hard skills at the job but it helped give me something to put on my resume that was tech related. I worked this job for about a year and I started doing some independent learning on networking/cloud related services at the same time. After the year, I felt that I had enough experience to potentially apply for a cloud related job. I failed for 6 months (~100 apps) until I switched up my technique. I started reaching out to people on Linkedin who had jobs I was interested in. I did this with literally 100’s of people and eventually I got proficient enough with the industry jargon that a complete stranger felt confident enough to refer me to a job with their company. With this referral, it got me a foot in the door and I was able to succeed in the interviews. Eventually got a fully remote job offer at a Junior level ($72k) which was life changing in itself. I worked my ass off the two years after I got this job and obtained a couple relevant certs as well. + +Now I have recruiters reaching out to me all the time and I was luckily enough to get an opportunity with a new company that offered $140k with a 10k yearly bonus. The job market is hot in lots of Tech spaces and I was lucky to have been able to succeed. This is not a guide or anything. I just wanted to show that working at a Chipotle making $10 a hour does not mean you are destined for that life. Life can change very quickly.. good luck everyone +First time long time + +I’m curious what people think the minimum required knowledge, understanding, tools, etc one needs to make sound investment decisions for their first or first few investments. + +Being an expert would be great, but setting the bar at reading every book, listening to every podcast, and learning every acronym and tool before making your first purchase would likely lead to inaction. + +So, what do you think are the basic requirements to make a “basic” investment? Define basic as you see fit! +Coincidence? + +Do institutional investors really want to buy in at market value? I don’t think they do, I think it’s likely that the large market drops are deliberate. They don’t want to buy from us at our prices, they want us to buy from them at their prices. + +Bitcoin was very stable over the last few month but suddenly right before ETFs and BAKKT, everything drops. + +It’s only my opinion but a lot of money can enter with ETFs and a drop just doesn’t make sense. Normally we get pumps from news like this and dumps when it’s released. This time I feel like somebody is making sure opposite happens. +Everyone always says that you can't beat the market, so you should DCA (dollar cost average), meaning, you should buy crypto in regular intervals. But no one ever says how often exactly. Once an hour? Once a month? + +I simulated different scenarios. I used Bitcoin for the simulations, a span of 4 years (May 2018 - May 2022) and calculated with buying for $2 an hour. + +#Results +First let's go over the results, so I don't bore you with how I've calculated it. If you're interested in this, see below. + + + +Interval | $ per buy | Total money spent | Current worth | Profit % +---|---|----|----|---- +**Hourly** | $2 | $70'866 | $234'601| **330.96%** +**Twice a day** | $24 | $70'896 | $234'701| **331.05%** +**Daily** | $48 | $70'896 | $234'843| **331.25%** +**Weekly** | $336 | $70'896 | $235'093| **331.60%** +**Every 4 weeks (~monthly)** | $1344 | $71'232| $236'869.98| **332.53%** +**Twice a year** | $8736 | $78'624| $219'799.80| **279.56%** + +So as you can see; the difference between once an hour and once every 4 weeks is surprisingly low. But bump it up to twice a year, and you really begin to miss out on the good days to buy in. + +#How I've done it + +I've downloaded the hourly prices of Bitcoin over the last four years, then put them in Excel. Afterwards I just made some automatic tables with certain formulas to simulate the various buy events. At the end I pulled the data together with other formulas. + +#Conclusion + +Tbh I don't really know what's the conclusion of this. Nobody DCAs twice a year. And as long as you stay within a month, it doesn't really seem to make too much of a difference. + +Something that goes without saying; the past doesn't necessarily predict the future. The next four years can be wildly different than the last four. Maybe I could run the simulations with stock indexes, that could also be interesting... + +I have a lot more data in the Excel sheet. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. +Many people will be burned by the bitcoin cash bubble, soon they will realize Ethereum can get 0.1 Gwei confirmed in less than 10 minutes, can deploy smart contracts, and do a lot more than Bitcoin and bitcoin cash. Bitcoin Cash is a precursor to the flippening, to get Bitcoin users off of the main chain, which will open up a new gateway to Ethereum. + +Bitcoin Cash is making users dump their Bitcoin, and they will all realize Ethereum is the best. This will make it easier for people to sell into ETH. + +Get your moon boots on gentlemen +Everyone always says that you can't beat the market, so you should DCA (dollar cost average), meaning, you should buy crypto in regular intervals. But no one ever says how often exactly. Once an hour? Once a month? + +I simulated different scenarios. I used Bitcoin for the simulations, a span of 4 years (May 2018 - May 2022) and calculated with buying for $2 an hour. + +#Results +First let's go over the results, so I don't bore you with how I've calculated it. If you're interested in this, see below. + + + +Interval | $ per buy | Total money spent | Current worth | Profit % +---|---|----|----|---- +**Hourly** | $2 | $70'866 | $234'601| **330.96%** +**Twice a day** | $24 | $70'896 | $234'701| **331.05%** +**Daily** | $48 | $70'896 | $234'843| **331.25%** +**Weekly** | $336 | $70'896 | $235'093| **331.60%** +**Every 4 weeks (~monthly)** | $1344 | $71'232| $236'869.98| **332.53%** +**Twice a year** | $8736 | $78'624| $219'799.80| **279.56%** + +So as you can see; the difference between once an hour and once every 4 weeks is surprisingly low. But bump it up to twice a year, and you really begin to miss out on the good days to buy in. + +#How I've done it + +I've downloaded the hourly prices of Bitcoin over the last four years, then put them in Excel. Afterwards I just made some automatic tables with certain formulas to simulate the various buy events. At the end I pulled the data together with other formulas. + +#Conclusion + +Tbh I don't really know what's the conclusion of this. Nobody DCAs twice a year. And as long as you stay within a month, it doesn't really seem to make too much of a difference. + +Something that goes without saying; the past doesn't necessarily predict the future. The next four years can be wildly different than the last four. Maybe I could run the simulations with stock indexes, that could also be interesting... + +I have a lot more data in the Excel sheet. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. +Got a a text message from Amazon.com saying my account has been deactivated due to suspicious activity. Click the link below to verify your payment info. +Wouldn’t Amazon send me an email instead of a text if this was true? +There's a lot of questions out there asking if it's OK to take 6 months off, etc, on this sub. I took 4 and a half years off after spending almost 10 years in the military and charted my total after-tax income, total spending, and net worth during that time to give some perspective... + +[The end graph](https://i.imgur.com/qL2srkq.png) + +A few caveats... + +-Didn't really start tracking everything in detail until 2016. Went back and re-created as much of the data prior to 2016 using bank statements and portfolio values. Getting data prior to 2011 was a little trickier and especially prior to 2009 since my bank statements didn't go that far back. Filled out as much as possible and extrapolated, but that's why data prior to 2011 looks a lot more smooth. + +-I did have a windfall traditional IRA that I inherited around 2012 (190K) that bumps my net worth up considerably more, but since I don't touch it and treat it like it isn't there for my day to day spending, I didn't include it in the chart. + +-Yes, it's an ugly excel chart, but the data is the important part... not the visualization. + +-The reasons there's no dip in 2008 is I was on military deployment at the time (Sep 2007 - Dec 2008) and was investing a great portion of my paycheck (the difference between spending and income on the chart becomes more pronounced when the deployment started)... so much so that I was outpacing the losses from the Great Recession. + +-Had another deployment from middle of 2010 to middle of 2011. You can see a big dip in my spending there. + +-Ran some simulations of where my net worth would be if I didn't take the time off. Well, I didn't really go off the deep end on FIRE until after my time off so it's hard to predict my spending habits, but my best estimates put it around $400K. So the time off in the end cost me about $230K in current net worth. With the windfall I have, I would be very close to $700K total net worth and would be looking to leanFIRE in the next few years. +Hi FatFire! After years of using Reddit (this is a throwaway) I feel like I’ve finally found my people! + +I have wanted to post my situation in r/personalfinance forever, but I’ve been afraid it wouldn’t fit. Anyways, I’m very happy to have found you. Now on to my situation: + +I am 28 and married, no kids yet but plan on 2. We currently live in a big city in Colorado but my family lives in a low COL state. My husband and I have $3m net worth, primarily from inheritance. We bought one rental property in cash (in a third state) that has appreciated about $60k in the 2 years we’ve owned it and is worth about $350k now. It generates ~$2.2k in income each month (after all expenses). + +I also have a trust fund that I do not have access to except as needed. It has $4.5m in it, which will go to my kids (compound interest calculators show it will be worth $20m+ when it finally goes to them). This fund pays my taxes, insurance, bought me a car, paid for $200k of my house, will pay for my kids’ health insurance/college/etc. when we eventually have kids. I don’t include this because any requests have to be made through a corporate trustee, and I can’t guarantee my future trustees will be so open to distributions. + +I work as a condo manager for a living and manage a bunch of residential buildings. It’s really soul sucking work, but I make 60k and have unlimited vacation, full autonomy over my schedule, and think of it as training to become a landlord. I also am getting my Master’s (free) in a real estate related field. My husband works in higher education and makes $75k. We max out his 401k, HSA and ROTH, but my job doesn’t offer that so we just max out my ROTH. + +I work in a soul sucking job and people are mean. I love real estate but I’m ready to be a landlord for a living and I don’t want to manage condo associations anymore. Our city is not a good place for landlords right now- properties are overvalued compared to the income they generate. I’m having a hard time giving up the proximity to skiing/hiking/rafting to move back to boring lowCOL city though. This is why I need advice. + +Currently, our tenantative plan is to move after I graduate/after one more snow season. We would first spend ~6 months to a year backpacking in lower cost countries. My whole family is in low COL state, so we would move there after and we would buy property and manage properties full time. We are considering purchasing a ~$300k ski condo here so that we could visit whenever and wouldn’t lose the benefits of living in Colorado. The goal would be for the condo to break even financially. + +Is this a viable plan? Should we stick it out at normal jobs or do we have enough in the bank to do this? How much capital should we put into investment properties and how much should we keep in our diversified/low cost index portfolio? + +Another concern is compound interest we’re currently missing out on. Should I start applying for jobs with 401ks and should we work hard to max two 401ks out until our mid-30s? Will it have that much of an impact? + +None of my siblings work so it’s frustrating being the only one plugging away if it’s not going to have a big impact on my wealth. My background is in business/marketing/real estate so I don’t have the unlimited earning potential of the doctors/lawyers/tech people who frequently post on here. + +I appreciate your advice and thank you for your help! +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xxh13d) 🎃🐦 + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) + +Can the Mods Make an argument with why she’s essential to the sub or remove her. Keeping her without some kind of statement to the sub other then “we voted her in” seems like a majority of the mods could be compromised. + +Most of us like Pink…. + +Anyway REGARDLESS Buy, Hodl, buckleup![ + +Edit 1: I’m not sure if we’ll get an answer from our Mod team. Something I’ve observed is that POWER CORRUPTS. Few get a hold of it and willingly let it go, rather they want more and more. I don’t get a good feeling from the way this has been handled. Pink unanimously getting silenced honestly is a bad look. Other mods are keeping silent in fear of also getting the axe? If all it takes to compromise Red is some nudes then Kenny G is going to have an easy time spreading FUD when he really needs to. I’m for free speech on this sub as long as it’s not spreading FUD which she wasn’t. I personally want to hear what she has to say and if you do as well she can be found running https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/ +I’d like to see trust in the mod team restored and another large migration prevented. We have a lot of good stuff here on R/Superstonks. +I’ve been dealing with a lot of house selling stuff today and haven’t had a chance to respond to everyone. Just got under contract so hopefully will be dumping 30k+ into some more of the one true play. Can’t stop, won’t stop, GameStop. + +Edit 2: is their a downvote tracker I can add to this? I’m surprised at the amount of people on this Sub in favor of a shill Mod. +Hey, greetings from Sofia, Bulgaria! + +I would really like to buy an apartment and I also have some saved money. But I cannot decide if it is worth it. + +Even though the interest is quite low I will need to have a mortgage and another loan for furnishing and misc like the first 10% and notary. + +The prices have been on the rise since forever(except for 1-2 years after the 2008 crisis). Whenever a new apartment, that is worth it, appears on the market it gets sold in days. That is because the situation in the countryside is not ideal and many people come to the big cities, looking for better life. + +I can afford to buy, but it will most likely be in a worse neighbourhood(by worse I mean not so close to the downtown, but that doesn't really matter, because I have a car), or smaller apartment in a good neighbourhood. + +That was just for context. The question is + +TL;DR: Generally, is there a case in your experience, when paying 50-100% more a month for mortgage is better, than renting +I go to a college that requires SIX semesters in order to be eligible to move off campus. The other criteria required would be 1.) Be 23 years of age or older. 2.) In a partnership legally recognized by the state. 3.) Be a veteran of armed forces. 4.) Be the primary household caregiver. 5.) Be a resident of the greater Ashland area. I qualify for NONE of these but can’t afford this college’s dorms (about $3000 per semester for a double room). Like an idiot I already have been approved by a landlord for a much-more affordable apartment. The issue now it that I need to bypass this college’s housing rules. Is there anything I can do? Can they legally charge me even if I’m not registered for any dorms? + +Edit- Wow this got a lot more attention than I I was expecting! Thanks for all the help in the comments. To clarify some things: The Lease Agreement (which has already been submitted to my landlord) is for one full year. From September 1st 2019-August 31st 2020. I have a roommate who is also my boyfriend (win-win!) but I’m not sure now he’d feel about getting married- even temporarily for the sake of having an apartment. I’m also not sure what the repercussions of getting a marriage license would be. + +Edit No. 2- Housing and meal plan are two separate expenses. +As the title says, how did you break into finance? Networking? Brains? Luck? Alma mater? Actually having a finance degree? + +As an recent Economics grad, I'm finding it very tough to get into the field. I had one internship at Morgan Stanley during my Senior year. Other opportunities were limited based in my experience to qualify for other internships. + +I'm leaning toward becoming a Financial Analyst & to help prepare myself, I was thinking of taking excel classes an enrolling in a finance certificate course. My network has been tapped out, many of my parents' friends just tell me to "Never give up, all you have to do is keep applying and talking to people in your network." "You're a smart kid, I know you'll be successful in our world!" + +I've considered getting my MBA, but don't think it is worth it considering my lack of industry experience and the opportunity cost of being out of the workforce I haven't even entered. + +Any advice is highly appreciated. +So I received an email today that says TD’s accounts will be moved to Schwab in 3 months. I was told by their customer support that it’s not certain whether the TD API will still be supported in Schwab: looks like very unlikely as they literally transfer your accounts to Schwab and no longer using TD Infrastructure. + +Anyone has any more info on this? If TD API is no longer supported and Schwab doesn’t have one, I’m forced to move away. + +I like TD’s limited margin for IRA. So have to find one API that supports this. Any tips are appreciated +This is too fun... my guy thinks this bill is going to start taxing BTC over $50 + +My dude, everything was a taxable event before; this bill makes you tax EXEMPT for purchases under $50 with BTC 😂 + +It's a giant catalyst for BTC, if anything. + +Stay informed yall. Don't be like Buttcoin +UPDATE: THank you to everyone for your advice, this got far more attention than I thought so I really do appreciate it. I’m the end I sent the money back and offered to go to the local Barclays branch with her as there isn’t one near her. + +Unbelievably, they refused to give her any money despite having ID and proof of address and the letter they sent confirming there had been fraudulent activity on her card. The reason? Because she didn’t have the Barclays app on her phone, which just seems wild to me. (She doesn’t have a smartphone) + +They confirmed the best course of action was to transfer some money to family or w friend, given in the only person who still speaks to me it was me, but I persuaded her to only withdraw 250 rather than 500 and got the handover recorded on my dashcam, as well as the messages plus the withdrawal receipt. + + so it appears that on this occasion all was legit, and Barclays just have very poor processes for when someone’s cash withdrawal get locked. + +Thanks again everyone. + + +ORIGINAL: + +So for reasons I won’t really get into here, I don’t get along with my mum, we speak a couple times a year and that’s it. She just called me saying she needs a favour and is on her way to my house. + +Apparently last week her card got cloned and although all the money has been returned she doesn’t currently have a card and needs to do some shopping. + +She has asked if she sends me £500 for food, petrol and some other things, can I withdraw it and hand it to her. She acknowledges this is probably too much but she doesn’t want to run out before it’s fixed. + +Now, I don’t really know whether to believe her story or not because she’s normally full of BS. That aside, she’s about to rock up at my house and has already sent me the money. + +Is there any conceivable risk to me that you wonderful people can think of? Any well known scams etc. The money has definitely come from her account although I don’t know the source of it beyond that. + +Thanks in advance all for your help! +I have an interesting question/topic for Theta gang. When do y’all typically roll out an options position that’s gone south? Do you wait till closer to expiry to let as much extrinsic value decay away or do you roll quicker? I typically wait till closer to expiry but I want to know what others do in a similar situation. +Having seen a couple of different posts arguing about the merits of trading seven day versus 45 day theta gang strategies, I wanted to write post and throw in my two cents. + +A couple of caveats. I think we need to distinguish whether we’re doing put spreads or cash secured puts. This makes a lot more different than you might think. If you were doing the standard tasty trade style trading where are you are selling put spreads 45 days out and closing them at 50%, That is a very different strategy than the wheel. + +I also think that there’s not necessarily only one answer. Everybody has their own style and we’re just here to learn. Personally I trade cash secured puts. And I hold them pretty much till expiration. + +I do everything 100% cash secured. I don’t use margin at all. If I have $10,000, I will trade two or maybe three puts at a 50 strike. The reason I am able to do that is I figure the worst case scenario, I can take assignment on three puts and take a little bit of money out of my savings. That’s the largest amount of leverage I’m willing to go. + +Because I am 100% cash secured at all times, I’m not worried about gamma at all. It doesn’t matter to me because I view my cash secured puts is essentially a variation on being long stock. My only concern is maximizing my theta. That’s the one factor that dictates most of my decisions. + +I saw a post recently comparing 45 day expiration versus 7 Day expiration and comparing the gamma on the theta and the merits of closing at 50%. I would argue that it takes more than 50% of the time in a 45 day trade to receive 50% of your theta. This is inherently inefficient. You were going to receive higher theta on the second half of your trade. In essence, if you receive 50 % of your premium in 30 days, and 50 % of your premium in the last 15 days, it makes more sense to hold the short put. The trade-off is higher gamma, but if you’re willing to except assignment I don’t see that as much of a problem. + +Where I draw issue is the comparison of a 7 dayexpiration short put against the 45 day expiration short foot. With a seven day Put, You were going to roll that put forward five times over the span of 45 days. And every time you roll, you’re going to be rolling at a moment of higher theta. Some times when you roll the underlying is going to be very close to the strike, Other times when you roll, the underlying may be OTM or ITM. Theta and The option value are highest ATM. + +This is something that’s difficult to calculate with back testing and I’m not gonna pretend know how to do it. + +When I am rolling my short puts forward, I ask myself one question. What is my theta now and is it higher than my proposed new strike? If the underlying is close to the money, I’m probably going to hold a little bit longer. If the underlying is already out of the money, and rolling puts me at a put that will have a higher theta (Which I calculate as the premium divided by days to expiration), I roll. + +It’s simple enough to figure out. If you’re theta gang, Your goal should be to maximize the daily burn of your short options. That’s where you’re getting paid. And that’s why I trade short-term versus long-term. +Hi Gang, Im waiting to open a brokerage, do not want to start anything untill I am secure in what im doing. (Measure twice, Cut once). + +Ive got about 15K to work with, so will try to have 7-12 CSP going at a time. (Maybe less the first month or two) + +What is the advantage of 2- 4 weeks when selling CSP ? +Wouldnt you gain more doing it every week to collect premiums ? + +Regards. +They will all beat expectations. They will all be down after earnings……………. + +I hate it here……………..I not leaving though, too much fun and money! + +Also random CEO farts on hot mic company up 12 points in pre-market. +This is the practice of being rich or wealthy but not telling anyone about it. + +Most all people here probably won't be "flashy" with their wealth, but have there ever been times where you've mislead people about how wealthy you actually are out of societal pressure or other reasons? +Hi all, + +I have had a rough 12 months, mental health issues and lost my job and my home (all due to family conflict). This is fortunately coming to an end. + +I was previously living with parents and had contributed over £100k to the house but it was not on my name. Parents have agreed to sell the house and give me back my money (via solicitors). + +I also have £150k in my bank account ready to use, but I am currently renting (£800/mo) and currently unemployed. I am looking for a job, but this may take time and I am unsure of when this will happen due to ongoing mental health issues (depression, etc). This is improving daily with the help of gym and eating healthier, but its a slow process for me. + +My question is this. I should have £250k in my account in a few months time but I may still have no income. I have considered buying a house for under £250k, but you don't get much (Midlands area). + +I want to get out of rent ASAP as I'm throwing money down the drain, but no one will lend to me without a job - and I cant seem to get a job, so I am stuck in a viscous cycle. + +My fiancee does work, she earns £20k PA, and should be able to borrow around £100k for a mortgage. I dont know if me being unemployed will affect our chances though. I would also like to be on the mortgage, especially after what happened above. We also have been having issues lately and I am not sure if its the wisest idea to buy a house together, if there is a chance we do not work out. We are both trying to make it work but we also both unhappy with each other due to the mess with family etc. This is another issue entirely, but if i can buy a house on my own, I would probably have less regrets - whether me and her work out or not. + +I have considered buying a small house (like 1/2 bed bungalow) in cash, just to get out of this cycle - but then its a case of putting all my eggs in one basket. Also considered a flat, but I dont like the idea of a lease - If I am spending this much money I want to own the land with no ground fees etc. + +Sorry if I seem delusional, I know its alot of money and it can be life changing for many and I have certainly worked very hard for it, but suffering from depression at the same time makes it difficult to know what to do next. + +What would you suggest? + +Thank you in advance + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: By midlands, i mean Leicestershire, and when I say theres not much for <£250k, i meant 3+ bed semi detached houses with a decent driveway and garden (maybe i am asking for too much). + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 2: I understand theres no rush, my concern is the landlord could decide to sell, kick me out etc at anytime and i would find it very difficult to find another rented property with no income. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 3: Thanks to everyone for helping me understand its not the end of the world, I dont need to buy a house right now. I wont rush, I just wanted advice and all i want right now is stability in my life. I am considering moving abroad, for example Dubai. I'd need to find a job first though - but its a definately something I would love to do - a complete fresh start with lots of Vitamin D! +As Eth was spiking past $350, people were saying they wished they'd gotten in. + +When we have big down days like today, it's your opportunity to get those buys in and accumulate. + +#The Flippening is coming +I’ve noticed a lot, especially since the GameStop drama in January, a lot of people, mostly the newcomers that come to this sub, feel as if they need to tell everybody what a good investment strategy is. Well I’m here to tell you that that is not why this sub exists. + +This sub is for people that can Yolo in FDs on spy cards, this sub is for people that put their entire money enough feeling video game market and getting 200,000% and then somehow still come out losing money. This is not to say that the sub is only for people that lose money but rather this is a gambler sub in that we put a lot of trust and really a lot of retardation into our DD‘s and hope that at least one of them goes to the moon and make us a millionaire. Tomorrow is either a Lambo or a food stamps. + +So while your advice of “Jesus dude you should just buy LEAPs on Apple calls” is appreciate it is not appropriate for the sub. this is not why the sub was created. we are not investment, I cannot stress this enough, this is not a good investments sub. if you’re only investment is for your 401(k) in a company, you should leave like right now. + +You don’t get to have a profile picture of a WallStreetbets logo with diamonds in your hand and then cry every single time on every single post “oh dude you should’ve gotten the leaps call Apple that’s the good strategy” + +We venerate people like keepfuckingvalues that made insane amount of money betting on an insane stock. We’ve venerate people like analfarmer that got insanely lucky and insanely dumb at the same time and made so much money and also lost so much money. We venerate people like controlthenarrative who gave us such an amazing run of his own life. These people, were not venerated because they all lost or had massive gains but because they attributed the essence of this sub in its purest form: a gambler hub. There’s nothing “investment” going on in this sup ,at least not that I know of. + +I’m not gonna soap box about “Le new people ruined old feel” but please understand that people are not buying GameStop or such securities the same way you would buy apple. It is fundamentally different. We should not try to make this sub into another investment. Wallstreet treats markets like casino. And this sub was directly made for retail investors to treat it as a casino as well. +*I made a throwaway account as you can easily identify who I am on my regular. + +Hello everyone, I hope I’m posting to the right place. As stated in the title, I was kicked out and currently homeless. My mom kicked me out because I don’t agree with her political opinions. She’s very conservative, and I told her that even if I don’t agree with her own opinions, I still respect her. Today hit the breaking point where she told me that Covid-19 is fake, and I argued back. She lost it and told me to find somewhere else to live. I called my dad (they’re divorced), but he isn’t letting me stay with him. + +I am really lost, I feel like I’m at the lowest point in my life and I have nowhere to go. I do have a savings account with $1,500 in it, but no credit and she took my car away. I paid for the car completely but it’s in her name and told me that if it goes missing she will report it to the police. I had a friend come pick me up and take me to work. I work as a manager at a pizza chain making $10.50 an hour, but my paychecks are only around $600, which is hard to live off. + +She didn’t give me my birth certificate, or social security card, and told me I need to “get it myself”, which I don’t know how to. Currently I have plans to stay at a friends house, but I don’t want to rely on others constantly. I am thinking of moving into dorms at my university, which I wasn’t planning on it before as I lived 15 minutes away but now I am thinking of just being in debt for the next couple of years if that means I can have a place and food. + +I need advice, and any is appreciated. I’m sorry if my spelling or grammar is terrible, I’m just a wreck right now. + + +*Edit-Hi everyone, I haven’t replied to comments yet, but I plan on it when I have more time. To those who have been inboxing me/plan to and tell me to “suck it up and stop being a brat” for disagreeing with my moms political opinions. There’s been many years of emotional abuse, and this is just unfortunately the breaking point. You have no idea how someone’s life really is, and all I ask for is to please keep hateful comments to yourself. Or those who have told me to live with my dad, he’s going through a very rough patch, and has recently faced homelessness himself. I cant rely on him to care for me when he barely can for himself. Thank you for all the kind and helpful comments. + +*Edit 2- Many people keep asking where I’m from an I was hesitant to state but I live in Cleveland, Ohio. +I'm new to the game so I don't have any solid contacts yet. I understand that lawyers, contractors, junk guys, plumbers, etc could be great for getting leads on properties not to market yet. How would you all incentivize them if you were in my position? A finders fee? What percent? A portion of revenue generated by a rehab or rent? My intentions are to rehab & rent OR to buy in (nearly) rentable condition & find tenants. Looking at 2 to 4 units for now in mid state NY. Thanks in advance! +Im a total newbie and looking into starting the journey in real estate investing. + +my job is fully virtual, so I can move anywhere. I’m currently with my parents and they are moving so I’m thinking this is my chance to move into my own property and put my money towards building equity instead of throwing it away on rent. + +For now, I’m looking at single family homes that I can live in for a few years and then rent out to a tenant. I’m looking at the Atlanta housing market as my top choice so far. I’m not sure if I should put down a small amount like maybe 5% so I can afford more house in better areas and have more money for unexpected costs/repairs or if I should save up more money and go for a cheaper property while not having much money left for those unexpected costs. + +Any advice or direction would be appreciated! +I'm new to the game so I don't have any solid contacts yet. I understand that lawyers, contractors, junk guys, plumbers, etc could be great for getting leads on properties not to market yet. How would you all incentivize them if you were in my position? A finders fee? What percent? A portion of revenue generated by a rehab or rent? My intentions are to rehab & rent OR to buy in (nearly) rentable condition & find tenants. Looking at 2 to 4 units for now in mid state NY. Thanks in advance! +I was looking at some houses for sale and came in contact with someone looking to offload multiple properties. They are all at “zestimete” value or less. + +I don’t have the down payment for all of the properties together. Is it possible to get a HELOC, or a loan for zero down? + +All but one property has tenants, and the last is in process of being renovated. + +Am I crazy to be interested in this deal? I believe if I can’t float the payment I have no problem trying to sell or letting a property go into foreclosure. + +Edit: +Currently the owner is giving his renters the opportunity to purchase. So, if I do look to buy the time frame will be down the road. + +As for taking going into foreclosure, unless the market cools, I don’t think that will be an option. + +When I have a chance to move forward with the deal, I’ll get all the information that I see recommendations for. +https://twitter.com/coffeebreak_YT/status/1496926039313981442 + +Fucks her fans, and then runs off with the money. She even had the audacity to bring current events into this. + +Here's her Twitter, which is as of now deactivated. +https://twitter.com/LanaRhoades + +Shoutout to Coffee if he's reading this for the good work in exposing all the scammers in this space! There's way too many influencers in this space that are jumping into crypto/NFTs and then scamming their fans. Some of them are even bragging about it, it's sick. +*I wrote* [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/b8u9bu/daily_general_discussion_april_3_2019/ek0l5a8/?context=3) *in the Daily this morning, but several folks suggested I post it here on the broader site.* + +What a day yesterday was. It's been a long while since any of us have seen a one day gain like that. I do recommend some emotional restraint (and of course, risk management), hard as it may be, but let us hope that this move marked an official end to the "bear" market. That doesn't mean we can't go down from here back to low 100s, stay here, or go up from here and then range sideways for months. + +I know that some of you might prefer "slow, steady, and sustainable growth" on this cycle for crypto. Sorry, I can pretty much guarantee that's not going to happen. Asset bubbles just don't work that way, and yes, this will bubble just like all of the previous times- since the inception of Bitcoin. We're going to see big one day moves, both up and down. Each time will feel euphoric or gut wrenching. + +[Vitalik briefly discussed asset bubbles towards the beginning of this video.](https://youtu.be/hpSRHa9lKFo?t=80) But basically, the formation of asset bubbles is rooted very deeply in human nature. Yes, it's about greed, and getting in on something that is rocketing up, but it's also about the "micro-incentives" people have to talk to each other about interesting things (both as individuals and the media), thus creating even more hype around it. + +And this is also why I think there's a decent chance we'll see similar levels of potential growth to previous cycles in crypto. For Ethereum, that means we could see anywhere from 2x all time high, to 20x (using Bitcoin in 2017 as a comparator). People thought even $10K BTC was absurd, then their faces melted off when it shot to $20K. Do not underestimate human greed, especially when it creates catchy media headlines and has global access. *You don't have to expect returns that insane, but you would be naive to assume that they are impossible.* Yes, those numbers can be *huge*, but I have little reason to believe that this time will be different. The addressable market of crypto is still massive, and these systems have produced very little so far in terms of real world utility. + +So is *this* going to be the cycle / bubble that will bring real utility to the masses? To be honest, I'd say probably not. I think some use cases which I can't fully predict may catch fire (DeFi, Security Tokens, Gaming ... no idea really). What I do know is we now have enough smart people working on this thing, and building upon each others' efforts permissionlessly that there is potential for some amazing stuff to happen. You can't reliable predict how a platform like this is going to be used- even 1 to 2 years out. + +It also wouldn't surprise me to see this bubble inflate and then pop before Eth 2.0 is even released (although I think we'll see parts of it in the next 2 years, which is close to what I expect this cycle will last for). Some of you may think bubbles are about real world utility. They aren't- they're about the promise of real world utility, and speculation on that promise. And in each bubble, a little more marginal utility is introduced, although it is never as game changing as people expected. + +All of that is to say that this is unlikely to be the last crypto bubble. Some thought 2017 was our "dot com boom and bust." I have read and watched countless recounts and documentaries on the rise and bubble of the internet, and I can assuredly tell you that it was not. And I'm pretty sure this one won't be, either. And I think there's a decent chance that even the bubble after this one will not be "1999 dot com bubble." Maybe the one after that- sometime in the mid-to-late 2020s when this technology is being used at scale for important purposes. + +Anyway, this isn't financial advice. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I have a decent idea of what we might expect over a period of multiple years, which is why I remain a long term investor. +If you had $1M to invest strictly in dividend yielding companies, what would that portfolio look like for you? + +I took a stab at one looking at companies with a market cap >$10B, P/E over 0, and a dividend yield of at least 5%. Here's what I came up with, hitting a ~6.9% dividend yield: + +**Ticker**|**Price**|**Shares**|**Total Value**|**Dividend Yield**|**Annual Income**| +:--|:--|:--|--:|:--|--:| +RDS-A|$71.32|1400|$99,848.00|5.31%|$5,301.93| +T|$32.29|3000|$96,870.00|6.22%|$6,025.31| +HSBC|$47.36|2000|$94,720.00|5.33%|$5,048.58| +PM|$82.43|1100|$90,673.00|5.55%|$5,032.35| +GSK|$41.36|2300|$95,128.00|5.29%|$5,032.27| +VOD|$25.17|4000|$100,680.00|7.10%|$7,148.28| +F|$11.32|8000|$90,560.00|5.36%|$4,854.02| +CTL|$20.06|4900|$98,294.00|10.86%|$10,674.73| +BX|$35.03|2800|$98,084.00|6.21%|$6,091.02| +IEP|$74.00|1300|$96,200.00|9.47%|$9,110.14| +NLY|$10.52|3700|$38,924.00|11.46%|$4,460.69| +**Totals:**|||**$999,981.00**||**$68,779.31**| + + +It's got a little diversity, but could probably use some more. What would you change? +>The thing is, when I got out of college, I had $9,800, but by the end of 1955, I was up to $127,000. I thought, I’ll go back to Omaha, take some college classes, and read a lot—I was going to retire! I figured we could live on $12,000 a year, and off my $127,000 asset base, I could easily make that. I told my wife, “Compound interest guarantees I’m going to get rich.” + +&#x200B; + +Source: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2012/03/26/warren-buffetts-50-billion-decision/#2d04ded040cb](https://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2012/03/26/warren-buffetts-50-billion-decision/#2d04ded040cb) +Dear autist army, + +&#x200B; + +Some of you may have read (or seen because you cannot read) my post yesterday about a Gamma squeeze today. ([1/29/21 - The Great Battle For Valhalla](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l7b6t7/12921_the_battle_for_valhalla_gammainfinity/)) While I believe a Gamma squeeze in fact occurred, it was curtailed and did not catalyze the MOASS (Mother of All Short Squeezes) because brokerages like ROBINHOOD intentionally limited our ability to buy shares/apply pressure to the shorts 🩳AKA 👿Melvin Capital AKA 👿Citadel LLC. + +&#x200B; + +To be clear: + +&#x200B; + +[Melvin Capital 👿](https://preview.redd.it/f3wgl6mswde61.jpg?width=326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa66ee90c72d260693450cd2be6d5bcb022960b) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Us 👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀 --\> What is your profession? DIAMOND HANDING LIKE A WSB RETARD! 🤚🏻💎](https://preview.redd.it/s0kflystwde61.jpg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6863f1f9cba33c8264afd44e912a78ed3e59d06) + +&#x200B; + +**BUT WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN LIEUTENANT** u/Brassmonkeynutzz? + +&#x200B; + +Ok. Let's start with the basics for all of you who are wet behind the ears. What is a Gamma squeeze you ask? A Gamma squeeze occurs when option sellers/market makers buy shares of the underlying stock to hedge their positions/prepare for the possibility that call option buyers decide to exercise their right to buy. This type of hedge is necessary when a significant amount of call option strikes are expiring in the money (last week all available strikes expired in the money on a stock for the first time in financial history and this week a shit load of strikes expired in the money as well). + +&#x200B; + +Wait, you aren't actually reading this are you? If you are, I appreciate you. For those of you who cannot read (all of you), please see the TL;CR at the bottom of this post. (Hint: 🚀) + +&#x200B; + +Anyways, you might be wondering, why would Robinhood risk its reputation and entire business by limiting its customers ability to buy? Simple: "Robinhood’s regulatory filings show the company charges large investment firms called “market makers” (👿CITADEL/MELVIN) fees to access real-time information about which stocks its users are buying and selling, a practice some regulators and industry watchers have seen as a potential conflict of interest." In fact, "Robinhood routes more than half of its customer orders to Citadel, by far its largest market-making partner by volume, Robinhood disclosures show." ([source](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/robinhood-and-citadels-relationship-comes-into-focus-as-washington-vows-to-examine-stock-market-moves/ar-BB1ddG06)) + +&#x200B; + +In other words, Robinhood is more concerned about saving the GAY BEARS 🌈🐻 that they are in bed with (their real customers - 👿CITADEL/MELVIN) than servicing retail investors like us. Ironically, Robinhood is taking from the poor and giving to the rich—it is ass backwards. + +&#x200B; + +Before I go any further, I have to once again congratulate all of the true autists who have diamond handed 🙌🏻💎thus far. Thank you for holding. You are truly retarded and I salute you. And of course, I salute our King, u/DeepFuckingValue🤴, with the utmost respect. We fought valiantly in "The Great Battle for Valhalla" today. And it is very promising that EVEN DESPITE Robinhood limiting our retarded power, we went from closing at 196 yesterday to 328 at close today, and 312 as I write this post. But clearly, this infinity war is far from over. + +&#x200B; + +If you sold like a paper handed pussy 📄🤚🏻🙀, then you are not a true WSB autist soldier. You are not one of us. Go invest in an ETF and leave this sub forever! + +&#x200B; + +**But I am a true autist, what can I do?** + +&#x200B; + +First things first, GTFO of Robinhood immediately if you do not have options expiring within the next week and transfer your portfolio to literally any other brokerage. **(EDIT: Transferring will lock up your shares/portfolio until the transfer is complete, which could take a week or so; so only transfer now if you are ok with that—I am just so disgusted with RH at this point that I almost don't care and will be diamond handing my shares for more than a week most likely anyways).** They are fucking criminals and they are trying to delay/mitigate the MOASS. I am personally transferring to **(EDIT) FIDELITY** unless you tards have a better suggestion. + +&#x200B; + +For those of you who were clenching when we got down to around 126 yesterday and around 250 today. I know you were scared. But the following cannot be overstated: **THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT! FEAR!!!!!** + +&#x200B; + +**JUST FUCKING HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** THEY WANT YOUR FUCKING SHARES SO BAD BECAUSE THERE IS A HUGE SHORTAGE. + +&#x200B; + +**HOLD THE MOTHERFUCKING LINE AND WE RIDE TO VALHALLA!** + +&#x200B; + +[HODOR 🙌🏻💎](https://preview.redd.it/95wf66vlxde61.jpg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b19f0511ed659d3bfbce8c033e0f5b9fe4a988) + +&#x200B; + +Shortage? YES A FUCKING SHORTAGE. Over 100% shares are still shorted. Do not listen to anyone who says Melvin Capital has closed out their short position. That is total bullshit. + +&#x200B; + +But, but, but, WhY iS CNBC AdVeRtIsInG tHaT MeLvIn ClOsEd iTs sHoRt pOsItiOn tHeN 🤪? ([Great post talking about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l8539h/cnbc_now_running_ads_promoting_that_melvin/)) I mean seriously, ask yourselves, why the fuck would CNBC run paid advertisements about the shorts closing their positions? BECAUSE THE BIG BOYS WANT YOU TO THINK THE SQUEEZE IS OVER SO YOU SELL AND GIVE UP. FEAR NOT; THE SQUEEZE HAS NOT SQUOZEN! + +&#x200B; + +**Think about it:** if Melvin closed its short position, it would simply move on to the next trade and never look back. There would not be any reason to ***pay*** to advertise that. + +&#x200B; + +**Summary:** the big dogs want you to think the squeeze is over, and they want you to panic and sell your shares. DO...NOT...DO...IT! Instead, **HOLD! BUY THE DIP! REPEAT!** + +&#x200B; + +**Monday, we ride at dawn!** + +&#x200B; + +Sincerely, Lieutenant u/Brassmonkeynutzz + +&#x200B; + +**TL;CR:** $G.M.E. 💎🙌🏻👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀🚀🚀🚀📈📈📈 + +&#x200B; + +**Gamestonk Position:** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9uv07oqwxde61.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=e07a189b582a95882b12f9eb10f0e1cab8775414 + +&#x200B; +Hi all, + +About a month and a half ago my GF received a letter from a debt collector for a debt they bought from Capital One (see my post history for more info). She has never had an account with Capital One so we believe this to be identity theft issue where her information was used to open false accounts. We called Capital One but they were unable to help so we had to go directly to the debt collector. We sent a letter requesting debt verification and they sent back a letter with information about the debt including the last four of her social security. The thing is, the address on the initial account with Capital One is completely wrong and she has never lived at the address which leads us to believe this is a case of identity theft. + +Given this information, what should our next steps be to dispute and get this debt off her name? The validation of debt doesn't give us any information on how to continue the dispute and the only thing that really matches is her name and last 4 of social. I have included all the documents we have received from the debt collector below for your review if necessary. Should I call the debt collector to straighten this out? + +Also one thing to note, we went to annualcreditreport and found that the inquiry from the debt collection agency shows up on her transunion report. + +[Document 1](https://imgur.com/0Cc2HrO) \- We believe this to be a copy of the initial notification from Capital One that they sold the debt. + +[Document 2](https://imgur.com/Kx48bp1) \- Page 1 of debt validation + +[Document 3](https://imgur.com/wpVOWwi) \- Page 2 of debt validation + +Any help would be much appreciated as I am not too familiar with this process and feel that this is an out of the ordinary debt collections situation because of the identity theft. + +Thanks! + +EDIT: Thank you everyone for the awesome advice! I expected no less from the fine people here on /pf. It looks like the consensus is to file a police report immediately then use it to dispute the debt. I will be going through this with her immediately! Thanks again! +Just came into $200,000 investable money, + +Me and my spouse’s TFSA contribution room - 147,000 +Not interested in RRSP’s at this time just looking to see what some other Canadian investors would do + +I like dividends , I don’t mind paying for mer rates for ETF’s and I’m not apposed to index funds - timeline is about 15 years I have everything else sorted out in terms of finance and just throwing out the question to Reddit to see what others would do + +Thanks again, + +Stay safe +Been seeing a lot of NFT dividend hype pick back up lately and I’m excited to see it. One of, if not, the main reason GameStop is in the position is because of such a fiercely loyal shareholder group. We literally saved the company with RC leading the plan of attack, and to not give us the biggest thank you for doing so, a dividend, would really surprise me. + +All the possibilities floating around are all great: plots of land in the metaverse, some coins per share, royalty ownership of the marketplace, etc. + +Aside from the dividend though, I am just so excited for this marketplace launch, it’s going to be fucking awesome. + +Edit: also worth revisiting RC’s last year 13d filing, tweeted from DFV [“he’ll also take additional actions to protect shareholders if necessary](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1341062386388758529?s=20) +Thanks u/human_ad5404 +It’s too late for many, especially those who haven’t heard about it yet. What about those sitting on the sidelines? Are you paying attention to grab a portion of it while you can? Or waiting for next big crash? + +[Source](https://twitter.com/danheld/status/1388866835899195394?s=21) +I started Day Trading in my retirement account in March 2021. In the last 6 months, my returns are +6.69%, while S&P 500 Index returned 18%. Prior to March 2021, I had AAPL (75%), MSFT(5%), MU(5%), and ORCL + BABA + HPQ + Cash (15%) for the last 5 years without much change at all (buy & hold). My 5 year return & 3 year return are way better than indexes. Since I took over and started Day Trading, the returns tanked. Some people are even saying that I am lucky because I did not lose money like 95% of other Day Traders. I felt so busy in the last 6 months picking stocks, following markets, listening to Bloomberg TV, viewing technical analysis videos on YouTube, sitting in front of the computers from 8am to 4pm and of course day trading, all the while family members are annoyed for not helping with any tasks during the trading hours. + +Is it worth? Please advise and share your experiences. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/v57o3yojv4k71.jpg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f950e37de4b967996b8c73d39ff019273756100 + Heijmans is a Dutch construction and civil engineering company founded in 1923. It has 3 mains company branches: infrastructure(constructing highways), construction and technology(improving sustainability of real estate and renovating royal palaces) and finally real estate(building houses). + +When looking at the numbers of Heijmans it might look like a shell of its former self. The stock price is 13 times lower from its all time high. Revenue although sitting at a nice 1.7 billion is still less than half what it was in 2010. But is this really the case. + +Being mostly focused on construction 2009 and the ensuing years hit Heijmans hard declining profits and increasing debt put Heijmans in a difficult position. So in 2016 they decided to sell of all the international parts of their company and use the proceeds to pay of their debt. Even though the company is not the size it once was it is back to being profitable. Better yet they are making just as must profit with 1.7 billion in revenue as they were in in 2007 with 3.7 billion in revenue. + +But of course where is the value?:) Heijmans has a P/B ratio of 0,82; a P/E of 6.8; a P/FCF of around 5.8 and finally the enterprise value/EBITDA is 2.47. of course it’s not all sunshine and rainbows this is not a Jim Cramer stock pick 😊. The profit margin at 4% is a bit low for my liking but it’s not that surprising for big construction companies like these. If we compare it to it’s competitors like BAMNB it’s no different. + +**Future** + +Heijmans has been under some stress over the last 10 years but they have shown great adaptability. They are focussing on the Dutch market and that’s serving them well. Since leaving other countries and focussing on the Netherlands from 2017 their revenue has increased 17.4% and their profits by 157%. There are no signs of this growth slowing down, even covid didn’t put halt to this. Their Orderportfollio is floating at a healthy 2.2 billion. They have recently acquired Fynniq energy in improving energy infrastructure this shows Heijmans is still looking at the future and at ways to grow. The large housing shortage and high migrant intake also means the demand for houses are high and will stay so for a considerable while. +Hi all, + +I'm a non-professional investor but I really love (trying) to write investment theses to help me better understand the companies I'm investing in. I think I have an issue where I feel like I'm just summarizing their annual reports, which I'm currently trying to work on improving. + +With all this said, I was wondering if you had any tips you'd provide to someone trying to get better and/or if you've read any investment theses that have stood out to you in the past? + + +Thanks! +As the title says, I sometimes look at DCF models on the Gurufocus website for stocks that I think are clearly hyped but need some quick DCF model to confirm my opinion and see if it has a large negative margin of safety. Are there any other better (where dcf values are free to look at) websites then this? + +Again, for stocks with a potential good margin of safety (based on dcf models online), I run my own DCF model in a spreadsheet but it is time-consuming to do for every stock that I come across. +Hey VI team, + +I have been interested in the topic of how to make decisions (including financial decisions) in an uncertain environment. + +I learned that to thrive in an uncertain world, we shouldn’t rely on making predictions; rather we should cultivate anti-fragility. Anti-fragility allows us to benefit from the stressful and unpredictable events life has in store. + +I am sharing what I learned today with you all hoping to get feedback, your perspectives and share what I learned. By the end of this essay, you will understand + +* Why predictions are useless; +* What anti-fragility is; +* Why anti-fragility removes the need to make predictions; and +* Most importantly, principles for becoming anti-fragile so you can benefit from uncertainty. + +Let me know what you think! + +## The Absurdity of Certainty + +>*There are two kinds of forecasters: those who don’t know, and those who don’t know they don’t know. – John Kenneth Galbraith* + +My disregard for predictions is because they are rarely helpful in making important decisions. This is for two reasons: 1) The only predictions that matter are outlier events (often called Black Swan events), and; 2) we don’t have a reliable process for predicting outlier events. + +## Outliers lead to outperformance + +The purpose of predictions is to make decisions about the future that result in outperformance. + +You will be wealthier if you can predict the next stock market crash. You will be safer if you can predict the next natural disaster. You will have the best tee times if you can predict the weather. + +Outperformance requires non-consensus perspectives. It is not useful to predict what we expect to occur. If everyone thinks it will rain tomorrow, the golf course will be empty. If you disagree and are right, you will have the course to yourself. + +Said another way, what we want to predict is outlier events. + +Outlier events are non-consensus because they are random and rare events with profound impacts. Wars, stock market crashes, pandemics, terrorism attacks (e.g., September 11th), natural disasters, and new technological inventions (e.g., the internet and the car) are all examples of rare events with profound impacts. + +## Unreliable models + +The issue is that predicting outlier events is impossible. + +For a prediction to be reliable, there must be a process of converting inputs into outputs. + +However, there isn’t a reliable process for turning all the variables associated with the future into an accurate prediction. + +As an example, let’s look at one of the most common predictions: economic forecasts. + +Think about all the inputs that surround this one prediction: + +* What will the unemployment rate be? +* What will happen to commodity (e.g., oil) prices? +* Will geopolitical tensions lead to trade wars? +* What will the rate of innovation be? +* What will the central banks do? Will interest rates rise, fall, or stay constant? +* What will the rate of population growth be? What about immigration? +* What will the rate of productivity be? +* Which political party will be elected? What policies will they implement? + +The point is that no one can balance all these factors to reach an accurate prediction of an outlier event. Doing so would require: + +* Determining all the questions (inputs) that need to be answered, including inputs we haven’t yet considered (unknown unknowns) +* Coming up with answers to all the questions +* Considering the implications and interactions between all the inputs and how they influence each other +* Weighing the various inputs appropriately +* Synthesizing them into a non-consensus prediction + +I can’t think of a more impossible task. + +## The turkey problem + +Imagine a turkey that is fed every day by a farmer. + +Each passing day will increase the turkey’s confidence in the following statement: “Every day, I will be fed by a friendly farmer.” + +However, on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the turkey’s confidence in that statement will change. + +The turkey problem should clearly highlight the two points below: + +* What matters to the turkey is not predicting another “normal” day but, rather, predicting outlier events (e.g., Thanksgiving). +* Using historical inputs and data to make a prediction doesn’t work for outlier events. They are outlier events because people never thought they could happen. Consider this: **The turkey’s confidence in its well-being was highest the day before Thanksgiving, when the risk was also the highest!** It is catastrophic to rely on the past to predict what the future has in store. + +## Becoming the fire + +>*Wind extinguishes a candle and energizes a fire – Nassim Taleb* + +You might point to rare instances in which people have predicted outlier events as evidence that it can be done. Michael Burry famously predicted the housing bubble in 2008 and a Hollywood movie was made about his prediction. + +We can ignore this argument because it lacks reliability, a trait required for predictions. Michael Burry has made at least 10 other public stock market related predictions, all of them wrong, for a total record of 1/11. Even the smartest folks, like Mr. Burry, are not able to consistently predict outlier events. \[1\] + +Regardless, it doesn’t matter whether you think that predictions are impossible or extremely difficult. There is a better way. + +It is much easier to be anti-fragile than smart enough to predict the future. + +## The triad + +Everything in life is either fragile, robust, or anti-fragile. + +Fragile things break when exposed to stressors. Robust things are resistant and absorb shocks. Anti-fragile things gain from stressors: They thrive and grow when exposed to outlier events. + +Your glass cup falls from a kitchen table and, upon impact with the ground, breaks. Glass is fragile in this context. + +You are Rollerblading in Central Park. Out of nowhere you hit a branch and crash. Your helmet hits the ground, protects your head, and doesn’t break. Your helmet is robust in this context. \[2\] + +Your immune system is exposed to a new virus and, after a three-day battle, wins, becoming stronger in the process. Your immune system is anti-fragile in this context. + +## Testing for positive asymmetry + +What should be clear is a test for anti-fragility. Anything that has a positive asymmetry (more upside than downside from shocks or outlier events) is anti-fragile. + +There are numerous examples of things that are anti-fragile at different scales. + +* Working out makes your body stronger. When exposed to external shock (weightlifting, running, etc.) your body is forced to overcompensate and adapt to meet similar future shocks. +* Wildfires make forests stronger. When a wildfire occurs, it removes the accumulation of combustible material and creates room for new wildlife. \[3\] +* Airlines are anti-fragile at the system level (although fragile at the airplane level). Each airplane crash results in improvement to the overall system (the totality of all airplanes) because of the identification of mistakes and process improvements. + +## Size matters + +Before we run around seeking exposure to external shocks, it is important to realize that size matters. + +The ability of a system, person, or thing to respond with anti-fragile characteristics to a stressor is dependent on the size of the stressor. + +Small is better than large because harm is nonlinear. As the size of the shock increases, harm increases faster. + +There is a difference between jumping 100 feet once and jumping one foot 100 times. One will kill you; the other will make your bones stronger. + +Similarly, there is a difference between exposing your immune system to a small dose of virus (say, via vaccine) and exposing it to a much larger dose. Double the dose results in much more than double the effect. + +It is also important that the impact of the shock or stressor not cause total loss. If you are exposed to a viral dose large enough to kill you, your immune system doesn’t have a chance to get stronger. + +## Anti-fragility > Prediction + +Anti-fragility occurs when systems, or things, have more upside than downside from shocks. When you have anti-fragile characteristics, you don’t need to predict when shocks will occur. You can sleep comfortably knowing that when they do occur, you will benefit. + +## Becoming anti-fragile + +Let us recap what we know: + +* What matters are outlier events +* Predicting outlier events is impossible +* Anti-fragility removes the need for predictions by putting us in a position to benefit from outlier events + +The question, then, is how does one become anti-fragile? + +Anti-fragility can be achieved with different tactics at different scales. + +While I am still learning and updating my thinking, below is a list of some of the principles I have found useful in becoming anti-fragile, along with vignettes to help illustrate the points. + +## Principle #1: Redundancy + +Anti-fragility is achieved through redundancy. Having extra capacity is a way to benefit from shocks. The difficulty is that redundancy seems wasteful if nothing unusual happens. The key is to be disciplined enough to build redundancy when you don’t need it for when you inevitably do. + +*Redundancy and money:* Let me illustrate with a financial example. Having a sizable amount of your wealth in cash (say 10%) will make you anti-fragile. You will miss some short-term gain by not investing this money; however, when shocks or stressors eventually occur, you can be opportunistic, aggressive and have significant upside (e.g., buying assets at a big discount). + +Redundancy removes the need for you to predict which outlier event will cause difficulties. External shocks cause value to flow towards a set of basic items. For example, in all of the following scenarios cash increases in value: war, market crashes, revolution, losing your job, pandemic, natural disaster, getting sick, etc. \[4\] + +*Redundancy and time:* The same idea applies to time. Having the extra capacity to pursue interests, let your mind wander and explore opportunities that arise has more upside than scheduling every second of your time. + +*Redundancy and other systems*: The redundancy principle applies to the system level as well. Hospitals, power grids, supply chains, traffic infrastructure, etc. are all systems that would benefit from having redundancy built in. Airplanes have incredible safety records due to the level of redundancy built in (e.g., they can fly their entire route on one engine and carry at least two hours of extra jet fuel). This principle should be extended to many other aspects of our lives. + +Redundancy is often compared to having insurance. However, this comparison is not quite accurate. Insurance limits your downside but doesn’t provide upside (insurance is robust). Redundancy does. + +## Principle #2: Optionality + +Having options leads to anti-fragility by allowing you to pivot to the most favorable outcome in an uncertain future. + +*New York rent:* I live in New York, where rent is atrociously high. Had I been smarter, I would have moved into a rent-controlled apartment. Doing so would make me anti-fragile through optionality. + +In a rent-controlled apartment, I have the option to stay for as long as I wish, but no obligation to do so. If I want to move, I easily can. Should rents increase dramatically, I am largely protected. However, should rents collapse, I can easily switch apartments and reduce my monthly expense. + +Having this option creates asymmetry. I benefit from lower rents but am not impacted by higher rents. By having options, I don’t need to predict since I am prepared for any outcome in the rental market. + +Options inherently have asymmetrical features. \[5\] + +## Principle #3: Post-traumatic growth + +>*Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. – Victor Frankl* + +Admittedly, this next principle is somewhat trite, but it is perhaps the most important. + +We are all familiar with the concept of post-traumatic stress, but less so with its lesser-known cousin, post-traumatic growth. Post-traumatic growth occurs when negative experiences spur positive change. \[6\] + +It is not the same as being resilient. Resilience is robust—you survive shocks, but they don’t make you better. Post-traumatic growth is anti-fragile—shocks and stressors improve you. + +Life will inevitably throw stressful events at us. How we react to these obstacles is our choice. By choosing to look for the good in the bad and to turn every obstacle into an opportunity, we can build anti-fragility. + +This way we no longer need to predict since we are prepared. + +\------ + +*Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think.* + +*Regards,* + +*Arash Param* + +&#x200B; + +***Notes:*** + +\[1\] It is interesting that sometimes you need to be right only once to make enough money and secure enough fame for the rest of your life. Asymmetrical bets, while unreliable, are worth pursuing. + +\[2\] Yes, I did steal this example from [Big Daddy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2DFN_YH_Eg). + +\[3\] Sometimes, the status quo can actually make anti-fragile things weaker. For example, a lack of stressors or external shocks to muscles causes them to get weaker through atrophy. Another example is forest fires. A lack of forest fires (external shock) weakens forests through the accumulation of combustible materials. This results in forests being more prone to severe fires and higher probability of total loss. + +\[4\] Having extra basic supplies (food, water, toiletries, energy, etc.) would have similar effects as having extra cash in many scenarios as well. + +\[5\] Financial options and contracts have similar characteristics. + +\[6\] Some fantastic articles on post-traumatic growth can be found here: [HBR](https://hbr.org/2020/07/growth-after-trauma), [Scientific American](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/beautiful-minds/post-traumatic-growth-finding-meaning-and-creativity-in-adversity/) + +I would recommend reading the works of Nassim Taleb, John Kenneth Galbraith and Howard Marks if you are interested in learning more. +What’s everyone’s thoughts on the above. The stock market is pretty shaky at the minute. Inflation will no doubt rocket in coming years so cash doesn’t look appealing, however a stock market crash also looks likely. Is it best to sell up a portion of my portfolio and wait for the (hopefully inevitable) market crash. It leave it in and ride the storm +Starbucks stock has been facing challenges, which is reflected by the flagging performance of its stock price this year; underwhelming sales in China, unhappy workers wanting to unionize, inflation, etc. + +Suspending the stock buyback program is clearly an effort to both re-allocate capital elsewhere, as well as improve optics. Will this be enough to spark meaningful growth for the company and its share price? + +Will dividends be cut next? Is Starbucks beginning to sink, or will it pull through? What are your thoughts? +I'm new this year to selecting my own stocks, as are many. Starting in January, I started trying to learn more. Below is list of resources I've used, and a second list of what is coming in the future. I'd like to hear your opinions on what I should add. + +* *The Intelligent Investor*, by Graham. Still have a couple chapters to reread to gain better comprehension. +* Towns' *InvestED* podcast. +* *One up on Wall Street*, by Lynch (audio). +* Reading 10K's and 10Q's. +* Listening to quarterly calls on companies I own. +* *Principles*, by Dalio. +* Letters and essays of Buffett (in process). +* Letters and essays of Munger (in process). +* Some of Munger's and Buffet's interviews and meetings. +* Watching *The Plain Bagel* YouTube channel + +I'd like to read, listen to, study (or am in process): +* Aswath Damodaran's series on valuation. +* *Margin of Safety*, by Klarman. +* *Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics*, by Thaler. + +What *educational* resource did you simply love on investing that I don't have on my list? +Hi @ all, + +I am curious how you guys recognize big goodwill positions and the risk of impairment in your DCF models and company valuations. + +As we all now often times companies are cheap for a reason. One of those reasons are huge Goodwill positions that screw up the balance sheets. This is because of GAAP, annual impairment testing. I worked in an IFRS department and I know companies do everything to avoid write offs (risk of destroying equity position). This is essentially true for deep value plays. + +Is a company with a big Goodwill position a definitive no go for you? Do you apply an extra margin of safety? Of course calculating tangible book value... But what about the probability of write offs due to changed interest environment and high inflation. + +Some honorable mentions: +-Fresenius KgaA +-Bristol Myers Squib + +Thank you for your input! + +Best regards, +Chris +First of all, thanks for all the support in writing this DD, this will be my first so it might not be the most professional. + +# TL;DR: price target of $2.25, $3.6, $4.5, $5 (see valuation) + +Goedecker (GOED) is an e-commerce business that sells appliances and furniture in the US. A reverse merger happened in Q2 2021 which caused massive share dilution and financial misrepresentation. The legacy Goedecker acquired Appliances Connections in a deal valued at 200 million (via share dilution etc). Legacy Goedecker is not a very well managed business, making 56 million revenue in 2018 and 55 million in 2019. Appliances Connections on the other hand is the real deal, making around 300 million revenue in 2020, 540 million revenue in 2021, and currently expected 640 million revenue in 2022. [https://www.appliancesconnection.com](https://www.appliancesconnection.com) + +The best part is that the management team from appliances connection moved to the current Goedecker along with the CEO and others. They have made management changes and hired new talents. More can be viewed in ([https://investor.goedekers.com/overview/default.aspx](https://investor.goedekers.com/overview/default.aspx)) and their presentation ([https://s25.q4cdn.com/225826556/files/doc\_presentations/2022/05/GOED-Q1-2022-Investor-Presentation.pdf](https://s25.q4cdn.com/225826556/files/doc_presentations/2022/05/GOED-Q1-2022-Investor-Presentation.pdf)). Their CEO Albert Fouerti ([https://thecorporatemagazine.com/building-a-brand-albert-fouerti-business-leader/](https://thecorporatemagazine.com/building-a-brand-albert-fouerti-business-leader/)) started Appliances Connection with his brother Elie in 1999 and is now a well established, growing e-commerce furniture and appliances retailer. + +Competitors that has similar business model: Overstock, Wayfair, AJ Madison + +Competitors in appliances and furniture industry: Lowes, Ikea, Home Depot, Best Buy, Sears etc. + +&#x200B; + +# First of all lets check out their financials: + +Goedecker is a misunderstood company, with a market cap of 170 million it is not on most people (and funds) screeners, because of this it is currently severely undervalued, exacerbated by the fall in various stock indices. + +Secondly, the reverse merger happened in Q2 2021 so their combined revenue and earnings are only shown for Q3 2021, Q4 2021, and Q1 2022. This means their FY2021 revenue and earnings and not a clear representation of the business since Q1 and Q2 are 'hidden' in stock screeners. + +[https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=1810140&owner=exclude](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=1810140&owner=exclude) + +According to the 10K, FY2021 revenue is at 362 million (doesn't include Q1 and Q2), likewise net income is at 7.6 million without taking the first half of the year in consideration. Then looking at the pro forma which: + +> +The following unaudited pro forma results presented below (in thousands) include the effects of the AC and AG Acquisitions as if they had been consummated as of January 1, 2020, with adjustments to give effect to pro forma events that are directly attributable to the acquisitions. + +Shows (**proforma**) FY2021 revenue is at 541 million, while net income is at 27.9 million. + +Taking pro forma into account (according to earnings call transcripts and ER [https://roic.ai/transcripts/GOED?y=2022&q=1](https://roic.ai/transcripts/GOED?y=2022&q=1)), we can interpret the revenue and earnings as: + +|in millions|Q1 2020|Q2 2020|Q3 2020|Q4 2020|Q1 2021|Q2 2021|Q3 2021|Q4 2021|Q1 2022| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Revenue|66.8|91.5|102.2|109.7|123.7|140.1|141.9|142.7|152.8| +|Net income|2.6|0.8|(3.2)|(11.4)|15.6|17.3|6.5|(11.5)|5.9| + +* I've calculated the revenue as Q3 revenue = Nine month ended proforma - six month ended proforma etc. +* Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 = 548.4 million which doesn't add up to 541 million, this is likely variances in accounting and if anyone knows why please comment below +* The sum of FY2021 net income extracted from various 10Q pro forma accounts doesn't add up to the 27.9 million stated in the FY2021 10K. This is likely also due to accounting differences, most likely older pro forma did not take into account the loss occurred from Goedecker's side. +* The high Q1 & Q2 2021 net income is likely from tax rebates due to covid and net loss in 2020, although this is unspecified in 10-Q. +* Take the chart above with a grain of salt. However the company confirmed: + * 541 million revenue in FY2021 + * 27.9 million net income in FY2021 + * 370 million revenue in FY2020 + * \-11.2 million net loss in FY2020. (possibly used to tax harvest FY2021 Q1 and Q2 tax rebates, explaining the high numbers) +* Eitherway, take the above information only as a reference as pro forma and reverse mergers are difficult to calculate and often unaudited. +* Below are some footnotes in the FY2021 10-K which I think would help us understand some of the issues above. + +>*Income tax benefit (expense)*. We had an income tax net benefit of $4.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2021, as compared to an income tax expense of $0.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2020. As a result of the Appliances Connection Acquisition, the Company is able utilize previously derived net operating losses, as it is more likely than not that the Company will be profitable. +> +>*Net Income (Loss)*. As a result of the cumulative effect of the factors described above, we had net income of $7.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2021, which included net income of $30.6 million from Appliances Connection for the period from June 2, 2021 to December 31, 2021, as compared to a net loss of $21.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2020, an increase of $29.2 million, or 135.6%. Excluding Appliances Connection, our net loss increased by $1.4 million, or 6.3% for the year ended December 31, 2021. + +# Future Growth: + +On the Q1-2022 Earnings Call, the CEO reiterated their Q4 target that: + +>We forecast high teens to low 20 sales growth for the year compared to 2021 pro forma sales and gross margins and adjusted EBITDA margins relatively flat to our 2021 full year pro forma results, which were 23.3% and 9% respectively. + +With revenue of 152.8 million in Q1 2022, and their expectation of 16-22% revenue growth rate from 541 million (FY2021), we can extrapolate the revenue will likely fall somewhere between 620 to 660 million. + +Analysts (only 2 lol) [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GOED/analysis?p=GOED](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GOED/analysis?p=GOED) expects: + +|in millions|FY2022|FY2023| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Revenue|636 (17.6% growth)|731 (15% growth)| +|EPS est. (avg)|0.21|0.3| + +&#x200B; + +As stated in Q4 and Q1 earnings call, their quarterly fill rate is at 3.5% + +>The definition of fill rate is the percentage of customer orders you're able to meet without running out of stock at any given time. A strong fill rate is at or near 100%, meaning you're able to fulfill all of the wholesale sales you make without stockouts, backorders, or lost sales. + +Albert Fouerti in Q1 2022 Earnings call + +>Unfortunately, I mean, it's almost holding steady to what it was in the past, I would say Q4 of 2021. We're looking anywhere from about 63.5%, 63% of fill rate. We're still struggling with the same struggles that we had in the past. Hopefully, we're looking forward to the next Q2 or Q3 to get some type of relief in the supply chain. + +Albert Fouerti on Q3 2021 Earnings call + +>Our historical highs anywhere from eighty five percent to ninety percent and that's really what we're trying to get to in 2022 + +Increasing fill rate back to even 75% will increase their sales by at least 10% which is a bonus on top of their organic e-commerce appliances/furniture sales growth. + +Albert Fouerti in multiple Earnings calls + +>We continue to believe that we are well on the way to becoming a company with $1 billion in annual sales in the next few years + +# Now the juicy part... Valuation: + +*Currently trading at $1.6 (as of writing)* + +Oustanding shares = 106.4 million + +Warrants (1:1) = 92.5 million (weighted-avg exercise price of $2.3 with contractual life of 4.42yrs) + +* What warrants does is essentially give investors the right to purchase the share at the exercise price, the company will issue these share (dilution), however the company receives the cash which adds to their enterprise value + + +**Assumption 1 (Pessimistic basis):** + +$GOED trading below weighted avg $2.3 so warrant dilution is minimal. Outstanding shares remains at 106.4 million + +Net income is lower than FY2021, from 27 million --> 20 million + +20/106.4 = 0.189 EPS + +Assume expected revenue growth of 15% CAGR, PE of 12: + +**0.189\*12 = $2.27 (42% upside)** + +&#x200B; + +**Assumption 2 (bear case):** + +As supply chain crisis subsides, fill rate will return to 85%, revenue continuing to grow at 15-18%. Profit margins increase to 5-6% as freight cost etc. is reduced, revenue hits CEO's expectation of $1 billion. + +Net income = 1,000,000,000\*5.5% = 55 million + +With their current authorised 25m buyback programme (blackout period ended 2 days ago), possibility reduce share dilution from warrants slightly --> 180 shares outstanding + +EPS = 55/180 = 0.3 + +Analysts also expect 0.3 to 0.38 EPS in 2023, assuming 15 PE + +0.3\*15 = $4.5 (181% upside) + +Analysts have a price target of $5 (low) and $8 (high) + +# Catalyst: + +* Next quarterly report will display the correct TTM info (21Q3, 21Q4, 22Q1, 22Q2) which will help stock screeners. Also gain coverage +* $25 million authorised buyback plan that started 2 days ago due to blackout periods +* Rebranding happening 'in the next few weeks' according to the CEO +* Introduction in the russel 2000 (unlikely but may happen) +* General recovery of S&P + +# Risks: + +* Cost of living crisis, lowering demand for appliances/furnitures and reducing revenue and earnings +* Supply chain shock lasting (or worsening) far beyond 2023 which hurts profit margins +* Recession, interest rate rising, general market downturn +* Proforma results are unaudited and hard to say whether it's correct or not, also since it was a private company, appliances connections doesn't disclose any financial statements prior to 2019. +* Risk of warrant dilution (although cash received will go towards Enterprise Value) +* Catalysts not forming (e.g. not introduced to russel 2000), S&P doesn't recover etc. + +All in all I believe it's a good buy and my highest convictions based on its financials, decent future and large margin of safety. +A Good Value/Reopening Real Estate/Credit Card / E-commerce Investment.... Macy's…? Yes, Macy's. But wait, before you go, just read why I believe this: + + +Macy's took a tumble in the early 2020, like everything else. I started tracking it in the $6 range and even then, it was heavily shorted and aggressively manipulated further down, below $5. Although Macy's was in trouble like all of the other retailers, I believe that it was also a victim of an of unfair analysis. While doing a ton of research of the months and trading Macy's here are some of the findings that may help paint a more complete picture than what is constantly pushed out by the various media outlets.  + + +* Macy's is 1 of top 10 E-commerce retailers in the United States, although that is rarely mentioned. JWN and KSS ARE NOT (I am not saying they are bad retailers, but just highlighting the bias of the news/analysis in the past 12 months). +* Macy's took out a $4 Billion loan in mid 2020 which it did not need, and which it has not used.  +* Macy's Debt level was at $4.98 Billion as of October 2020.  +* Brick and mortar stores and shopping centers are in trouble and have been for years, but Macy's has been spinning off smaller and off-mall type stores.  +* JCP,  Lord & Taylor and other retailer bankruptcies will boost Macy's market share, and this has already been proven.  +* At current price that Macy's is trading at, it values Macy's at about $5 Billion. + * One of my biggest issues with this valuation is the fact that NO ONE EVER brings up or addresses that Macy's OWN some of the most expensive retail real estate. Macy's Real Estate portfolio was last assessed at approximately $20 BILLION. Yes that's about 4 times what the company is being valued at with the current stock price. +* Stores shutting down has been spun as an extreme negative AND it usually is a red flag when it comes to companies like this. HOWEVER, Macy's store closures are AWESOME here is why: + * A couple of years ago when Brick and Mortar companies were taking a hit and started heading down hill, Macy's came up with their POLARIS plan. Part of this plan was to slim down, and get rid of stores that are not performing well. I am not sure in whose opinion "stopping the bleeding" is a negative vs. a key to survival especially if it allows you to raise some money (from the sales of those locations) and reinvest it in other consumer trends to help you stay relevant. Article after article was written over the last 12 months to highlight Macy's closures as if they were happening due to COVID. Don't get me wrong, I am sure COVID sped this plan up, but if you go back to when POLARIS was first discussed, this was the plan WAY before China-trade war, let alone the virus.  +* \~90% of Macy's is owned by Institutions. BLACKROCK recently (last few months) increased their ownership of Macy's from 10% to 15%. +* Additional points to consider: + * Macy's large online presence is only going to get bigger, as they have raised a ton of money to go in this direction + * Will continue to grab market share and fill in the void that was left by JCP's/L&T's bankruptcy + * Many stores can become distribution hubs, something that Amazon is still trying to achieve. No, I am not saying Macy's is better than Amazon, but I am saying that this is a space that Amazon has been trying to push into more.  + * Speaking of Amazon... many people have been shown to stick with brands they like, Amazon has not been able to get all of the Brands from Bloomingdales/Macy's to use Amazon as their distributors. *(the following is my opinion and not a prediction or suggestion that it will happen but: If I were Amazon, I would buy Macy's and it would be the end of the rest of the retailers. $20B of real estate with distribution hubs, established online presence, and a consumer base, combine that with Amazon's shipping practices and you have yourself a win. )* + * To sum it all up, Macy's actions over the last 1-2 years make it very clear where they are headed and how fast they are moving to get there: + * Partnership with DoorDash (they offer same day delivery) + * Investment in KLARNA  + * Macy's Credit Card portfolio was approximately 40% of their income in 2016... THINK ABOUT THAT!  (JWN sold their whole portfolio that same year...) + * Poor performing store closures  + * Spinning off smaller stores + * Large online presence and expansion + +Technical + +* Macy's broke out of a LONG term downtrend. Looks at the Monthly chart going back 5 years. +* Price action from start of 2020 until today is showing a nice CUP & Handle as well +* Macy's hit $21 a 03/15/2020 and has been pushed down to $14.76 yesterday (03/25/2020) just like many other reopening trades, however closed at $16.43 at the end of the day. + +So finally, there has been a bad picture painted of Macy's and the price in KSS and JWN has been run up on mediocre news (although they did have their fair share of beatings).  I am not here to bash any companies but wanted to share my findings and highlight that there are good opportunities out there if you look beyond what the news and media are screaming at you all day. Sometimes a store closure is just not a RED FLAG, but a positive sign of the business evolving.  + + +**My Final thought on this:** + + +MACY's IS ONE OF THE best E-Commerce/Real Estate / Credit Card investments you could make right now.. If you took just the real estate, forget everything else and sold it AND PAID OFF THE DEBT ($4.98 Billion) .. MACY's would be worth 3x as much as what it is trading at now..... + +Opinion based on my analysis of the FACTS and not news articles (as we all know it's easy to get those to say anything (cough cough Motley Fool: $AMC)): MACY's IS UNDERVALUED. +I was down -18.19% with S&P 500 down -19%+ and many total market indices down -21%+. + +Although a one year time frame is nowhere near long enough to evaluate portfolio performance, 2022 was certainly an interesting 12 months. With that being said, how did you all do? I’m sure some of you understand the oil/gas industry a lot better than I do and may have some crazy 2022 gains to share! +Really considering throwing a large portion of my cash I set aside for drops like this into INTC & LMT. Both seem fundamentally undervalued from various perspectives. I am well aware of the usual slander Intel receives, and some is well deserved, however I feel like they could turn it around with certain tweaks. Lockheed also has its’ typical flaws that are pointed out, however in my opinion, the enormous military budget is not going anywhere, and only going to grow with global tensions rising in the foreseeable years. Corrupt politicians and corporations have constantly profited of war in history, so why can’t the typical investor also profit off such a horrible event? I am by no means supporting war, but if we are the ones most affected by them, why shouldn’t we profit as well? + +Obviously more DD is needed, however what is the community’s thoughts on these buying opportunities, and the companies as a whole? +Hey guys, + +I’ve been really interested in value investing for about a year or so and spent quite some time on it. What I’ve been wondering for quite some while now is why the value investing community’s consensus for valuation seems to be on a 10yr DCF analysis with terminal multiple. + +There are enough other valuation models to pick from and also the 10 years seem awkwardly convenient for my. I mean: why is it not 8.763 years? Did somebody backtest this and arrive at the conclusion that 10yr DCF is close enough? + +The strange thing to me is just why 10 years of future discounted cash flows added to discounted terminal multiple will return an approximation that’s good enough for about all value stocks - and each and every value investing channel on YT - the good and the bad ones. It just seems to convenient. Most people will get the math behind DCF and it’s very easy to understand from a conceptual perspective. + +I can’t find any info on that on Google, but maybe some of you guys have an idea. It just seems to me like DCF existed first and then the stock market was created to adhere to these valuations… ;) + +Thanks! +Hello there, + +I have a question about my circle of competence. Currently, I am trying to research a new industry, however, I have a problem finding relevant information about the industry (Cable TV), and the most relevant reports I possibly found are hidden behind the $5000 price tag. Do you have any tips on how to find relevant information like relationships in that industry, workings of that industry, KPIs, Risk, possible future growth, etc.? Thanks. +Hi there! I am new to value investing. So I stumbled across Hornbach. As I analyzed that company I came to the conclusion that the whole market cap is backed with assets. As revenues are growing more or less every year (especially during the pandemic) and a PER of like 6 it must be an amazin stock! Am overlooking something? Does somebody know more about why it is valued so low? +Thanks for helping me out! +Hi @ all, + +I am curious how you guys recognize big goodwill positions and the risk of impairment in your DCF models and company valuations. + +As we all now often times companies are cheap for a reason. One of those reasons are huge Goodwill positions that screw up the balance sheets. This is because of GAAP, annual impairment testing. I worked in an IFRS department and I know companies do everything to avoid write offs (risk of destroying equity position). This is essentially true for deep value plays. + +Is a company with a big Goodwill position a definitive no go for you? Do you apply an extra margin of safety? Of course calculating tangible book value... But what about the probability of write offs due to changed interest environment and high inflation. + +Some honorable mentions: +-Fresenius KgaA +-Bristol Myers Squib + +Thank you for your input! + +Best regards, +Chris +Charlie Munger bought BABA and is continuing buy. Li Lu bought BABA and then sold it all. Li Lu then bought PDD a competitor of BABA. And Warren is not participating at all. + +Why would Charlie and Li Lu, who talk to each other fairly frequently, buy competing companies? And in fact Li Lu bought Charlie's investment, BABA, and then said "nope sell all and buy thier competitor." And Warren who is setting in cash looking for investment opportunities chooses not to participate. + +It makes very little sense. Any help understanding this would be great. +[https://asymmetricskew.substack.com/p/nintendo-switching-the-business-model](https://asymmetricskew.substack.com/p/nintendo-switching-the-business-model) + +Curious to hear people's thoughts on Nintendo and appreciate any feedback on the piece. +Hello fellow investors. + +Don't know if this is interesting for this sub, but I wanted to share some thoughts with you concerning the Bund market. + +I'm trying to hedge a bit my portfolio against an increase in rates. As I'm Europe and most of my value portfolio is European, and to protect it, I prefer to rest on EU market products.